Re: Performance issue old server witn mysql 4 vs new server with mysql 5 and old server WINS!

2011-02-16 Thread Henrik Ingo
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 11:40 PM, Andrés Tello wrote:
 I have a test process, which runs in the old server in 35 seconds, the new
 server runs the same process in 110.

 There is a change of version from mysql 4.1.22 to  5.1.22.
 We were stuck at 5.1.22 because higher version give us another issules like
 encoding, case sensitivity...

Hi. For 5.0 or 5.1 you should really use the most recent versions.
5.1.22 is beta software, the first stable (GA) release was 5.1.30.

For best performance, you might be better off going directly to 5.5 series.


+358-40-5697354 skype: henrik.ingo irc: hingo

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Re: Performance issue old server witn mysql 4 vs new server with mysql 5 and old server WINS!

2011-02-16 Thread Andrés Tello
Yup, I'm doing clean tests,lshutdown, and reload mysql each test.
The raid setup is similar, Faster is raid1 with 10k harddisk, slower is raid
10 with 15k.

Metrics show
Old raid
Secuecial writting 1G: 533 mb/s  (using dd if=/dev/zero of=1G bs=1024
Secuencial reading 1G: 500 mb/s

New raid
Writting: 500 mb/s
Reading 800 mb/s


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:33 PM, Singer X.J. Wang w...@singerwang.comwrote:

 Dumb questions

 1) Are you doing clean tests? Shutdown and restart MySQL after each test?
 2) Is the RAID setup similar on the servers? Are you doing something like
 RAID10 on the old and RAID6 on the new?


 On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 16:40, Andrés Tello wrote:

 I have a test process, which runs in the old server in 35 seconds, the
 server runs the same process in 110.

 There is a change of version from mysql 4.1.22 to  5.1.22.
 We were stuck at 5.1.22 because higher version give us another issules
 encoding, case sensitivity...

 I really belive that the issue is regarding the mysql server
 there is extensive information about my setup...

 I have more processors, more memory, more disk speed, but lower results...
 T_T, because the wtf is long forgotten.

 hdparm  -tT /dev/sda
  Timing cached reads:   13392 MB in  2.00 seconds = 6699.90 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  174 MB in  3.02 seconds =  57.64 MB/sec

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:  16631296   16065356 565940  0  83148   13415520
 -/+ buffers/cache:2566688   14064608
 Swap: 16779852128   16779724

 uname -r

 Your MySQL connection id is 21 to server version: 4.1.22-standard-log

 more /proc/cpuinfo  | grep -e processor\|name
 processor   : 0
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz
 processor   : 1
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz
 processor   : 2
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz
 processor   : 3
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz

 grep -v ^# /etc/my.cnf | sed '/^$/d'
 port= 3306
 socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
 port= 3306
 socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
 back_log = 50
 max_connections = 100
 max_connect_errors = 10
 table_cache = 2048
 max_allowed_packet = 256M
 binlog_cache_size = 16M
 max_heap_table_size = 64M
 sort_buffer_size = 16M
 join_buffer_size = 32M
 thread_cache = 8
 thread_concurrency = 8
 query_cache_size = 256M
 query_cache_limit = 32M
 ft_min_word_len = 4
 default_table_type = INNODB
 thread_stack = 192K
 transaction_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ
 tmp_table_size = 256M
 long_query_time = 2
 tmpdir = /tmp
 key_buffer_size = 128M
 read_buffer_size = 64M
 read_rnd_buffer_size = 128M
 bulk_insert_buffer_size = 64M
 myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
 myisam_max_sort_file_size = 10G
 myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size = 10G
 myisam_repair_threads = 1
 innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 16M
 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2G
 innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
 innodb_file_io_threads = 4
 innodb_thread_concurrency = 32
 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
 innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
 innodb_log_file_size = 256M
 innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
 innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90
 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120
 max_allowed_packet = 16M
 key_buffer = 512M
 sort_buffer_size = 512M
 read_buffer = 8M
 write_buffer = 8M
 key_buffer = 512M
 sort_buffer_size = 512M
 read_buffer = 8M
 write_buffer = 8M
 open-files-limit = 10240

 New Server, which happnes to be 2x SLOWER!

 hdparm -tT /dev/sda ; free ; uname -r ; cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e

  Timing cached reads:   5858 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2932.17 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  1304 MB in  3.00 seconds = 434.06 MB/sec

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:  330086242097924   30910700  0  21308  76024
 -/+ buffers/cache:2000592   31008032
 Swap:  8388604  08388604

 uname -r

 processor   : 0
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
 processor   : 1
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
 processor   : 2
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
 processor   : 3
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
 processor   : 4
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
 processor   : 5
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
 processor   : 6
 model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU

Performance issue old server witn mysql 4 vs new server with mysql 5 and old server WINS!

2011-02-13 Thread Andrés Tello
I have a test process, which runs in the old server in 35 seconds, the new
server runs the same process in 110.

There is a change of version from mysql 4.1.22 to  5.1.22.
We were stuck at 5.1.22 because higher version give us another issules like
encoding, case sensitivity...

I really belive that the issue is regarding the mysql server
there is extensive information about my setup...

I have more processors, more memory, more disk speed, but lower results...
T_T, because the wtf is long forgotten.

hdparm  -tT /dev/sda
 Timing cached reads:   13392 MB in  2.00 seconds = 6699.90 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  174 MB in  3.02 seconds =  57.64 MB/sec

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  16631296   16065356 565940  0  83148   13415520
-/+ buffers/cache:2566688   14064608
Swap: 16779852128   16779724

uname -r

Your MySQL connection id is 21 to server version: 4.1.22-standard-log

more /proc/cpuinfo  | grep -e processor\|name
processor   : 0
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz
processor   : 1
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz
processor   : 2
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz
processor   : 3
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU5160  @ 3.00GHz

grep -v ^# /etc/my.cnf | sed '/^$/d'
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
back_log = 50
max_connections = 100
max_connect_errors = 10
table_cache = 2048
max_allowed_packet = 256M
binlog_cache_size = 16M
max_heap_table_size = 64M
sort_buffer_size = 16M
join_buffer_size = 32M
thread_cache = 8
thread_concurrency = 8
query_cache_size = 256M
query_cache_limit = 32M
ft_min_word_len = 4
default_table_type = INNODB
thread_stack = 192K
transaction_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ
tmp_table_size = 256M
long_query_time = 2
tmpdir = /tmp
key_buffer_size = 128M
read_buffer_size = 64M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 128M
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 64M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
myisam_max_sort_file_size = 10G
myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size = 10G
myisam_repair_threads = 1
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 16M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2G
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_file_io_threads = 4
innodb_thread_concurrency = 32
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120
max_allowed_packet = 16M
key_buffer = 512M
sort_buffer_size = 512M
read_buffer = 8M
write_buffer = 8M
key_buffer = 512M
sort_buffer_size = 512M
read_buffer = 8M
write_buffer = 8M
open-files-limit = 10240

New Server, which happnes to be 2x SLOWER!

hdparm -tT /dev/sda ; free ; uname -r ; cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e

 Timing cached reads:   5858 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2932.17 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  1304 MB in  3.00 seconds = 434.06 MB/sec

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  330086242097924   30910700  0  21308  76024
-/+ buffers/cache:2000592   31008032
Swap:  8388604  08388604

uname -r

processor   : 0
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 1
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 2
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 3
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 4
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 5
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 6
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 7
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 8
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 9
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 10
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz
processor   : 11
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E7450  @ 2.40GHz

Server version: 5.1.52-log Source distribution

grep -v ^# /etc/my.cnf | sed '/^$/d'
port  = 3306
socket= /tmp/mysqld.sock
err_log   = /mysql/logs/mysql.err

server_id = 9000
user  = mysql

Mysql 4 and or Partitions.

2010-07-15 Thread Andrés Tello
Ok... I solved my mistery of the slow 22G table rebuild the kernel to
support memory and now things are working.

But still quite slow.

I do sum() operations over the 22G table. I'm using the latest version of
mysql 4... (I WILL migrate soon, I promise), one thing I have notice, is
that operations over that 22G table, seasuring the I/O with iostat never
surpass the 23mb/s for reading... even if I test the IO of the array, it can
easily give me 300mb/s for reads... and like 150 for random reads...

first of all, is there any way to squeeze more speed out from mysql 4?
No... I imagined that...

So, my next step is migate to a newer version of mysql ( YEY ^_^  )... I
have read a few about partitions.

The specific query I'm making is a query which do a sum filtered over a date

What would be the best approach to partition this table?

Can I mix innodb with partioned tables and still have acid compliance?

The split in several partitions creates more lecture threads  or how
parelelization over partitions works?

And last, does mysql 4 support partitions? XD


RE: Mysql 4 and or Partitions.

2010-07-15 Thread Gavin Towey
Use indexes before thinking about partitions.

-Original Message-
From: Andrés Tello []
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:44 AM
To: mysql
Subject: Mysql 4 and or Partitions.

Ok... I solved my mistery of the slow 22G table rebuild the kernel to
support memory and now things are working.

But still quite slow.

I do sum() operations over the 22G table. I'm using the latest version of
mysql 4... (I WILL migrate soon, I promise), one thing I have notice, is
that operations over that 22G table, seasuring the I/O with iostat never
surpass the 23mb/s for reading... even if I test the IO of the array, it can
easily give me 300mb/s for reads... and like 150 for random reads...

first of all, is there any way to squeeze more speed out from mysql 4?
No... I imagined that...

So, my next step is migate to a newer version of mysql ( YEY ^_^  )... I
have read a few about partitions.

The specific query I'm making is a query which do a sum filtered over a date

What would be the best approach to partition this table?

Can I mix innodb with partioned tables and still have acid compliance?

The split in several partitions creates more lecture threads  or how
parelelization over partitions works?

And last, does mysql 4 support partitions? XD


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Mysql 4 to 5

2010-07-11 Thread Grant Peel
Hi all,

I recently migrated a script called perldesk from mysql 4 to mysql 5. 

When I envoke the script from the web, I am now getting an error. I suspect its 
a version syntax thing.

Here is what I see:

Couldn't execute statement: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to 
use near 'call = '1307' ORDER BY id' at line 1; stoppedContent-type: text/html 

  PerlDesk: Script Error 

  Perldesk was unable to launch due to the following errors: 

  1 at include/staff_subs.cgi line 1401. 

line 1401 is the third line below:

$statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
$sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't prepare 
statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
$sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute statement: 
$DBI::errstr; stopped;

Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated,


Re: Mysql 4 to 5

2010-07-11 Thread Michael Dykman
One problem you might be having is the column named 'call'..  It's a
keyword, so perhaps you might get away with backticking it?ie.

Also, you shouldn't need that final semi-colon inside your statement
string..  I have had preparedstatement interfaces give me grief about

As I recall, DBI doesn't attempt to validate the statement until execute time.

 $statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
   $sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't
prepare statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
   $sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute
statement: $DBI::errstr; stopped;

 - md

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Grant Peel wrote:
 Hi all,

 I recently migrated a script called perldesk from mysql 4 to mysql 5.

 When I envoke the script from the web, I am now getting an error. I suspect 
 its a version syntax thing.

 Here is what I see:

 Couldn't execute statement: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
 manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to 
 use near 'call = '1307' ORDER BY id' at line 1; stoppedContent-type: text/html

      PerlDesk: Script Error

      Perldesk was unable to launch due to the following errors:

      1 at include/staff_subs.cgi line 1401.

 line 1401 is the third line below:

        $statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
        $sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't prepare 
 statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
        $sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute statement: 
 $DBI::errstr; stopped;

 Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated,


 - michael dykman

 May the Source be with you.

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Re: Mysql 4 to 5

2010-07-11 Thread Grant Peel
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dykman

To: Grant Peel
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Mysql 4 to 5

One problem you might be having is the column named 'call'..  It's a
keyword, so perhaps you might get away with backticking it?ie.

Also, you shouldn't need that final semi-colon inside your statement
string..  I have had preparedstatement interfaces give me grief about

As I recall, DBI doesn't attempt to validate the statement until execute 

$statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
  $sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't
prepare statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
  $sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute
statement: $DBI::errstr; stopped;

- md

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Grant Peel wrote:

Hi all,

I recently migrated a script called perldesk from mysql 4 to mysql 5.

When I envoke the script from the web, I am now getting an error. I 
suspect its a version syntax thing.

Here is what I see:

Couldn't execute statement: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check 
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near 'call = '1307' ORDER BY id' at line 1; 
stoppedContent-type: text/html

PerlDesk: Script Error

Perldesk was unable to launch due to the following errors:

1 at include/staff_subs.cgi line 1401.

line 1401 is the third line below:

$statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
$sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't prepare 
statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
$sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute statement: 
$DBI::errstr; stopped;

Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated,


- michael dykman

May the Source be with you.

Thanks Mike, I will try that :-)


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Re: Mysql 4 to 5

2010-07-11 Thread Grant Peel
- Original Message - 
From: Grant Peel

To: Michael Dykman
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: Mysql 4 to 5

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dykman

To: Grant Peel
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Mysql 4 to 5

One problem you might be having is the column named 'call'..  It's a
keyword, so perhaps you might get away with backticking it?ie.

Also, you shouldn't need that final semi-colon inside your statement
string..  I have had preparedstatement interfaces give me grief about

As I recall, DBI doesn't attempt to validate the statement until execute 

$statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
  $sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't
prepare statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
  $sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute
statement: $DBI::errstr; stopped;

- md

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Grant Peel wrote:

Hi all,

I recently migrated a script called perldesk from mysql 4 to mysql 5.

When I envoke the script from the web, I am now getting an error. I 
suspect its a version syntax thing.

Here is what I see:

Couldn't execute statement: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check 
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
syntax to use near 'call = '1307' ORDER BY id' at line 1; 
stoppedContent-type: text/html

PerlDesk: Script Error

Perldesk was unable to launch due to the following errors:

1 at include/staff_subs.cgi line 1401.

line 1401 is the third line below:

$statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
$sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't prepare 
statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
$sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute statement: 
$DBI::errstr; stopped;

Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated,


- michael dykman

May the Source be with you.

Thanks Mike, I will try that :-)


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THe backtick worked, thanks for the help!


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Re: Mysql 4 to 5

2010-07-11 Thread Rudy Lippan
Grant Peel wrote:
 Hi all,
 I recently migrated a script called perldesk from mysql 4 to mysql 5. 
 When I envoke the script from the web, I am now getting an error. I suspect 
 its a version syntax thing.
 Here is what I see:
 Couldn't execute statement: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
 manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to 
 use near 'call = '1307' ORDER BY id' at line 1; stoppedContent-type: 
   PerlDesk: Script Error 
   Perldesk was unable to launch due to the following errors: 
   1 at include/staff_subs.cgi line 1401. 
 line 1401 is the third line below:
 $statemente = 'SELECT * FROM notes WHERE call = ? ORDER BY id;';
 $sth = $dbh-prepare($statemente) or die print Couldn't prepare 
 statement:$DBI::errstr; stopped;
 $sth-execute($trackedcall) or die print Couldn't execute statement: 
 $DBI::errstr; stopped;

WTF?  If this sample is indicative of the quality of the rest of
PerlDesk, I'd seriously reconsider allowing it anywhere near my servers
until a full review of the code was performed.

 Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated,

I'd recommend that you either contact the vendor for support or forgo
upgrading mysql.  I assume that the software was tested with mysql 4 so
you probably should continue to use that until you get a version of the
software that supports mysql 5. You might fix this one problem, but who
knows what other incompatibilities are lurking in the code (and will
bite you at the worst possible time)


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Re: Mysql 4 to 5

2010-07-11 Thread Rudy Lippan
Michael Dykman wrote:
 One problem you might be having is the column named 'call'..  It's a
 keyword, so perhaps you might get away with backticking it?ie.
 Also, you shouldn't need that final semi-colon inside your statement
 string..  I have had preparedstatement interfaces give me grief about
 As I recall, DBI doesn't attempt to validate the statement until execute time.

DBI does not get involved with the validation of the statement; it
leaves that to the database driver (DBD).

Not getting any feedback until execute might have been true for earlier
version of DBD::mysql because they did not support server-side prepared
statements (BTA, neither did mysql itself...).  These days you should
get feedback when preparing the statement  (assuming your server
supports it and it is enabled in the driver).


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MySQL 4 Grant command

2008-03-05 Thread Garris, Nicole
OK, what is wrong with the following statement? MySQL 4.1 doesn't like
my syntax ...

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by

Re: MySQL 4 Grant command

2008-03-05 Thread Paul DuBois

At 4:12 PM -0800 3/5/08, Garris, Nicole wrote:

OK, what is wrong with the following statement? MySQL 4.1 doesn't like
my syntax ...

mysql grant all privileges on *.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by

% needs quotes around it.

I recommend always quoting the username and hostname:


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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Re: Stable mysql 4.xx

2007-06-04 Thread Baron Schwartz
I might have misread the original message, but it sounded to me like the person was 
looking for earlier software than available via the official download links.  I 
personally don't have any need for old versions, but I use Giuseppe Maxia's 
mysql_sandbox tool to run many different versions so I can test the tools I write 
(mysqltoolkit, innotop) against them.

Mogens Melander wrote:

I'm haing a hard time figuring out why you want
an old 4.0 server, when newer better versions
are available.

MySQL 4.0.27 can be downloaded from Softpedia:

On Mon, June 4, 2007 00:44, Baron Schwartz wrote:

Only back to 4.1.x -- before that, they say it's no longer supported.  I
couldn't find a way to get it, anyway.

Mogens Melander wrote:

If i'm not mistaken, the mysql site, also has older versions.

On Sun, June 3, 2007 18:31, Baron Schwartz wrote:

Hi, - Darmowe Aukcje Internetowe wrote:


Where I can find the best stable version 4.xx?

Some of the mirrors still have older versions, such as


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This message has been scanned for viruses and
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Baron Schwartz

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Stable mysql 4.xx

2007-06-03 Thread - Darmowe Aukcje Internetowe


Where I can find the best stable version 4.xx?



Łukasz Ciszak


Re: Stable mysql 4.xx

2007-06-03 Thread Baron Schwartz

Hi, - Darmowe Aukcje Internetowe wrote:



Where I can find the best stable version 4.xx?

Some of the mirrors still have older versions, such as


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Re: Stable mysql 4.xx

2007-06-03 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Jun 03), - Darmowe Aukcje Internetowe said:
 Where I can find the best stable version 4.xx?

You should really consider using MySQL 5.0, though.  

Dan Nelson

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Re: Stable mysql 4.xx

2007-06-03 Thread Mogens Melander
I'm haing a hard time figuring out why you want
an old 4.0 server, when newer better versions
are available.

MySQL 4.0.27 can be downloaded from Softpedia:

On Mon, June 4, 2007 00:44, Baron Schwartz wrote:
 Only back to 4.1.x -- before that, they say it's no longer supported.  I
 couldn't find a way to get it, anyway.

 Mogens Melander wrote:
 If i'm not mistaken, the mysql site, also has older versions.

 On Sun, June 3, 2007 18:31, Baron Schwartz wrote:
 Hi, - Darmowe Aukcje Internetowe wrote:

 Where I can find the best stable version 4.xx?
 Some of the mirrors still have older versions, such as


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Mogens Melander
+45 40 85 71 38
+66 870 133 224

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dangerous content by OpenProtect(, and is
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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-30 Thread Scott Tanner
On Fri, 2007-04-27 at 09:19 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So if one is doing a full mysqldump every night, all bin-logs can be 
 deleted after this? 

  On the slave - Yes. In fact I would highly recommend it before
starting the slave processes again. This will reset the bin log's
'position' back to 0, giving you a clear starting point that will
correspond to the backup.  For the master server (if your backing up
from the slave) you'll only want to purge the bin logs back to your
slowest slave.

 If bin-logging is disabled, will master/slave syncing still occur?
No, if you disable the bin-logs, replication wont be happening.


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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-27 Thread dpgirago
So if one is doing a full mysqldump every night, all bin-logs can be 
deleted after this? 

If bin-logging is disabled, will master/slave syncing still occur?


 Issuing a 'reset master' will purge all of the logs as well. I wouldn't
 just rm them, as they are being tracked in the index file. 

 If you aren't running a slave, then these files are only good for data
 recovery purposes. Say a DBA goes crazy and deletes all of the databases
 mid-day (too much stress). You could restore the previous nights backup
 and run these bin logs up to the point of the delete command - a little
 bit of editing would be needed to do this, but you get the idea.

 For this to work smoothly, you need to reset the logs after every
 backup. If your using mysqldump, just add the --delete-master-logs

  If you want to turn the logs off, remove log-bin and log-bin-index
 from the conf file.

 Scott Tanner

On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 09:47 -0700, Scott Haneda wrote:
   In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In 
   long term, write a cron job.
   innotop ( also has a new
   feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which 
   help you figure out which binlogs can be purged s keystroke 
  I don't quite get this, if SHOW SLAVE STATUS shows empty result set, 
and I
  am just running one server, not a master + slave setup at all, its 
  rather simple.
  So, how would I ever know what logs I can safely delete or purge?
  Do I really need to use mysql to purge them or can I just `rm` them?
  I guess I could push this to cron?
  My question is, what are these logs really good for, I assume 
  and from what I read, but how do I know how far back I should keep?
  Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A. 

Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
Running mysql 4, just poked into data and see I have gigs and gigs of log files.

How does one maintain these, can someone point me to relevant data on what
to do about drive space being lost to these?

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Baron Schwartz


Scott Haneda wrote:

Running mysql 4, just poked into data and see I have gigs and gigs of log files.

How does one maintain these, can someone point me to relevant data on what
to do about drive space being lost to these?


See attached message I just sent to another user a bit ago :-)



Brown, Charles wrote:

Hello All. My bin.log directory is getting full with bin.log files. We
are running out of space. What can I do in the short term? Is there a
command that I can issue that will get rid of old bin log files not

In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In the 
long term, write a cron job.

innotop ( also has a new 
feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which will 
help you figure out which binlogs can be purged safely with a single 
keystroke :-)


---End Message---

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In the
 long term, write a cron job.
 innotop ( also has a new
 feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which will
 help you figure out which binlogs can be purged safely with a single
 keystroke :-)

I don't quite get this, if SHOW SLAVE STATUS shows empty result set, and I
am just running one server, not a master + slave setup at all, its really
rather simple.

So, how would I ever know what logs I can safely delete or purge?

Do I really need to use mysql to purge them or can I just `rm` them?

I guess I could push this to cron?

My question is, what are these logs really good for, I assume restoration,
and from what I read, but how do I know how far back I should keep?

Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Baron Schwartz

Hi Scott,

Scott Haneda wrote:

In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In the
long term, write a cron job.

innotop ( also has a new
feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which will
help you figure out which binlogs can be purged safely with a single
keystroke :-)

I don't quite get this, if SHOW SLAVE STATUS shows empty result set, and I
am just running one server, not a master + slave setup at all, its really
rather simple.

So, how would I ever know what logs I can safely delete or purge?

Do I really need to use mysql to purge them or can I just `rm` them?

I guess I could push this to cron?

My question is, what are these logs really good for, I assume restoration,
and from what I read, but how do I know how far back I should keep?


Yes -- sorry for being so  general.  You can use the binlogs for a) 
replication b) replaying changes since your last backup so you get 
point-in-time recovery.  If you have no replication slaves, just delete 
everything older than your latest backup.  You  can just use 'rm'.  If 
you use PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE, it's a bit easier than cron because 
you can do it across all platforms easily.  On UNIX of course, you'd use 
something like

find /var/lib/mysql/data -name *.bin -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \

(My find syntax is guaranteed to be wrong there... don't run that as I 
typed it).

But if you do it via SQL, you don't have to mess with this.


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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Haneda
 Yes -- sorry for being so  general.  You can use the binlogs for a)
 replication b) replaying changes since your last backup so you get
 point-in-time recovery.  If you have no replication slaves, just delete
 everything older than your latest backup.  You  can just use 'rm'.  If
 you use PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE, it's a bit easier than cron because
 you can do it across all platforms easily.  On UNIX of course, you'd use
 something like
 find /var/lib/mysql/data -name *.bin -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \
 (My find syntax is guaranteed to be wrong there... don't run that as I
 typed it).
 But if you do it via SQL, you don't have to mess with this.

So, I take it since I do not have a slave at all, I could safely just
disable this feature altogether?

If I do not need point in time recovery, and the once every 12 hour dump I
do across all databases is ok with me, I suppose I can just disable said
feature?  Heck, some of these boogers are a GB each :-)
Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Tanner
 Issuing a 'reset master' will purge all of the logs as well. I wouldn't
just rm them, as they are being tracked in the index file.  

 If you aren't running a slave, then these files are only good for data
recovery purposes. Say a DBA goes crazy and deletes all of the databases
mid-day (too much stress). You could restore the previous nights backup
and run these bin logs up to the point of the delete command - a little
bit of editing would be needed to do this, but you get the idea.

 For this to work smoothly, you need to reset the logs after every
backup. If your using mysqldump, just add the --delete-master-logs

  If you want to turn the logs off, remove log-bin and log-bin-index
from the conf file.

Scott Tanner

On Thu, 2007-04-26 at 09:47 -0700, Scott Haneda wrote:
  In the short term, see the manual page for PURGE MASTER LOGS.  In the
  long term, write a cron job.
  innotop ( also has a new
  feature, unreleased because I just wrote it a few hours ago, which will
  help you figure out which binlogs can be purged s keystroke 
 I don't quite get this, if SHOW SLAVE STATUS shows empty result set, and I
 am just running one server, not a master + slave setup at all, its really
 rather simple.
 So, how would I ever know what logs I can safely delete or purge?
 Do I really need to use mysql to purge them or can I just `rm` them?
 I guess I could push this to cron?
 My question is, what are these logs really good for, I assume restoration,
 and from what I read, but how do I know how far back I should keep?
 Scott HanedaTel: 415.898.2602 Novato, CA U.S.A.

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Re: Bin logs and mysql 4

2007-04-26 Thread Baron Schwartz

So, I take it since I do not have a slave at all, I could safely just
disable this feature altogether?

If I do not need point in time recovery, and the once every 12 hour dump I
do across all databases is ok with me, I suppose I can just disable said
feature?  Heck, some of these boogers are a GB each :-)

Sounds reasonable to me!

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replacing mysql 4 with versiono 5

2006-11-10 Thread afan
we are in the process of moving from our old hosting company to new one.
and I was thinking that it's the best time to move from mysql 4 to version
5. currently, we use php 4.3.4 / mysql 4.0.18 / apache 2.0

where I can expect problems because of difference in versions?
all queries I use are really simple, standard if I can say so.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: replacing mysql 4 with versiono 5

2006-11-10 Thread Dan Buettner

Afan, the password hashing is different, starting with 4.1.  Also the
JOINs were changed / made to comply with standard in 5.0.



we are in the process of moving from our old hosting company to new one.
and I was thinking that it's the best time to move from mysql 4 to version
5. currently, we use php 4.3.4 / mysql 4.0.18 / apache 2.0

where I can expect problems because of difference in versions?
all queries I use are really simple, standard if I can say so.

Thanks for any help.


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MySQL 4 vs 5 - threading model change?? Config Problem?

2006-08-01 Thread Travis Rabe

When I ran version 4, mysql would start as many mysqld process as it
needed.  This would vary depending upon how busy it was.  As a lay
perosn I will refer to this as the threading model.

I have upgraded to version 5 and notice that no matter what it only
runs 1 mysqld.  Everything seems to work fine, but I want to make sure
that mysqld is taking advantage of my multiple processors.  Has the
htreading model changed and now MYSQL will only run one mysqld OR have
I missed something and need to enable it?

Am I getting the best bang for my buck by haveing just one mysqld running?


Re: datetime issue on MySQL 4.x

2006-07-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

Willy wrote:

I have a MyISAM table:

  `msisdn` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `source` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `operator_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `sms_message` longtext NOT NULL,
  `smsc_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `sms_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
  `dlr_smsc` text NOT NULL,
  `dlr` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `date_time` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00'

I have a case here, on July 7 I imported some data into the table with this 

INSERT INTO dlr (source, msisdn, operator_id, sms_message, smsc_id, sms_id, dlr_smsc, dlr, date_time) 
('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW()),

('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:, 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:Silahkan tawar: XDA ', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW())...

And when I try to fetch the data using PHP with this query:

SELECT operator_id, DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%d-%m-%Y') AS tanggal, COUNT(*) AS 
TOTAL FROM dlr WHERE 1=1 AND dlr = 8 AND MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(NOW()) GROUP 
BY tanggal, operator_id ORDER BY date_time

The weird thing happened. Why does all the rows are shown or treated as July 
7th data? If we see the imported data, there should be June 28, June 
29.until July 7. Please help and many thanks for any reply.



Because you specified only for the month of July.
AND MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(NOW())

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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datetime issue on MySQL 4.x

2006-07-11 Thread Willy
I have a MyISAM table:

  `msisdn` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `source` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `operator_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `sms_message` longtext NOT NULL,
  `smsc_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `sms_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
  `dlr_smsc` text NOT NULL,
  `dlr` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
  `date_time` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00'

I have a case here, on July 7 I imported some data into the table with this 

INSERT INTO dlr (source, msisdn, operator_id, sms_message, smsc_id, sms_id, 
dlr_smsc, dlr, date_time) 
('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW()),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:, 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:Silahkan tawar: XDA ', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW())...

And when I try to fetch the data using PHP with this query:

SELECT operator_id, DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%d-%m-%Y') AS tanggal, COUNT(*) AS 
TOTAL FROM dlr WHERE 1=1 AND dlr = 8 AND MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(NOW()) GROUP 
BY tanggal, operator_id ORDER BY date_time

The weird thing happened. Why does all the rows are shown or treated as July 
7th data? If we see the imported data, there should be June 28, June 
29.until July 7. Please help and many thanks for any reply.



Re: datetime issue on MySQL 4.x (SOLVED)

2006-07-11 Thread Willy
I have solved this problem, thanks.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Willy 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:55 AM
  Subject: datetime issue on MySQL 4.x

  I have a MyISAM table:

  CREATE TABLE `dlr` (
`msisdn` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`source` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`operator_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`sms_message` longtext NOT NULL,
`smsc_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
`sms_id` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
`dlr_smsc` text NOT NULL,
`dlr` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`date_time` datetime NOT NULL default '-00-00 00:00:00'

  I have a case here, on July 7 I imported some data into the table with this 

  INSERT INTO dlr (source, msisdn, operator_id, sms_message, smsc_id, sms_id, 
dlr_smsc, dlr, date_time) 
  ('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW()),
  ('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:, 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:0943381383 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
  ('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1226442088 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:Silahkan tawar: XDA ', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
  ('366508', '1234', 4, 'id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 
done date:0606290317 stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 
'RE:id:1861980498 sub:001 dlvrd:000 submit date:0606280317 done date:0606290317 
stat:EXPIRED err:999 text:', '2', '2006-06-28 03:17:00'),
  ('366508', '1234', 4, '', 'IM33665', MD5(RAND()), 'RE:', '2', NOW())...

  And when I try to fetch the data using PHP with this query:

  SELECT operator_id, DATE_FORMAT(date_time,'%d-%m-%Y') AS tanggal, COUNT(*) AS 
TOTAL FROM dlr WHERE 1=1 AND dlr = 8 AND MONTH(date_time) = MONTH(NOW()) GROUP 
BY tanggal, operator_id ORDER BY date_time

  The weird thing happened. Why does all the rows are shown or treated as July 
7th data? If we see the imported data, there should be June 28, June 
29.until July 7. Please help and many thanks for any reply.



BBEdit tip (was: Differences between MySQL 4 and 5 for scripts)

2006-06-15 Thread Chris Sansom

At 23:00 +0100 14/6/06, Graham Reeds wrote:
1) You may have a bogus hidden character in your SQL file.  If you 
look at it with a text editor (BBEdit, TextWrangler, etc), with the 
show invivisbles feature on, do you see unusual stuff?  Sounds 
strange but I've seen stranger.

Took a brief look over it but didn't see anything that I thought 
looked untoward.  Nor did side by side comparison show up anything.

I know your problem is now solved, but a quick tip for users of 
BBEdit when searching for 'rogue' characters:

Sometimes you can't see them at all in the normal display, but if you 
go to the page preferences menu - the third little square from the 
left inside the message window - and select Show Invisibles, this can 
reveal various oddities. You may find, eg, control characters 
appearing as inverted red ?s, or non-breaking spaces (I /think/ 
that's what they are) appearing as grey bullets where you expect 
normal spaces.

Cheers... Chris
Highway 57 Web Development --

Empty warhead found in White House
   -- Sign carried on New York peace rally, April 2003

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Differences between MySQL 4 and 5 for scripts

2006-06-14 Thread Graham Reeds
I have posted a similar question on the blojsom group but I feel I will 
have better chance of an answer here.

Blojsom 3 was developed using MySQL5 for it's back end.  However the 
host I am with uses 4.0.25 and are unwilling to upgrade - which is fair 

So I decided to see what I can do to make the database creation scripts 
MySQL4 compliant.  The CHARSET was the easy one - just change it to 
CHARACTER SET but the next one was more tricky:

The problem I am having is that version 4 fails giving a syntax error 
for the single quotation marks. It appears the script (which was written 
on a Mac using MySQL dump 10.9 if that is any help) uses ` and not ', 
but doing a general search and replace doesn't fix it.  I've searched 
the online docs regarding quotes but came up short (too many hits with 
too many unrelated items) so if anyone knows the exact url that would be 
helpful too.

Here's a snippet of the code:
  `blog_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`blog_id`)

Thanks, G.

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Re: Differences between MySQL 4 and 5 for scripts

2006-06-14 Thread Dan Buettner
Graham, I seem to recall those single quote marks working without a 
problem on various platforms and versions of MySQL.  Of course they are 
 generally just a nicety and only required if you are using reserved 
words as table/column/key names, so you could just remove them entirely.

Could you post the exact error message you're getting please?

Two thoughts -

1) You may have a bogus hidden character in your SQL file.  If you look 
at it with a text editor (BBEdit, TextWrangler, etc), with the show 
invivisbles feature on, do you see unusual stuff?  Sounds strange but 
I've seen stranger.

2) You could work around this problem a different way ...
  - create a 5.0 database yourself using the standard supplied scripts, 
perhaps on your own workstation

  - dump your new database structure using mysqldump with the flag
which should create a file suitable for piping into a MySQL 4.0 server


Graham Reeds wrote:
I have posted a similar question on the blojsom group but I feel I will 
have better chance of an answer here.

Blojsom 3 was developed using MySQL5 for it's back end.  However the 
host I am with uses 4.0.25 and are unwilling to upgrade - which is fair 

So I decided to see what I can do to make the database creation scripts 
MySQL4 compliant.  The CHARSET was the easy one - just change it to 
CHARACTER SET but the next one was more tricky:

The problem I am having is that version 4 fails giving a syntax error 
for the single quotation marks. It appears the script (which was written 
on a Mac using MySQL dump 10.9 if that is any help) uses ` and not ', 
but doing a general search and replace doesn't fix it.  I've searched 
the online docs regarding quotes but came up short (too many hits with 
too many unrelated items) so if anyone knows the exact url that would be 
helpful too.

Here's a snippet of the code:
  `blog_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`blog_id`)

Thanks, G.

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Re: Differences between MySQL 4 and 5 for scripts

2006-06-14 Thread Michael Stassen

Graham Reeds wrote:
I have posted a similar question on the blojsom group but I feel I will 
have better chance of an answer here.

Blojsom 3 was developed using MySQL5 for it's back end.  However the 
host I am with uses 4.0.25 and are unwilling to upgrade - which is fair 

So I decided to see what I can do to make the database creation scripts 
MySQL4 compliant.  The CHARSET was the easy one - just change it to 
CHARACTER SET but the next one was more tricky:

The problem I am having is that version 4 fails giving a syntax error 
for the single quotation marks. It appears the script (which was written 
on a Mac using MySQL dump 10.9 if that is any help) uses ` and not ', 
but doing a general search and replace doesn't fix it.  I've searched 
the online docs regarding quotes but came up short (too many hits with 
too many unrelated items) so if anyone knows the exact url that would be 
helpful too.

Here's a snippet of the code:
  `blog_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`blog_id`)

Thanks, G.

Single quotes (') are for strings.  Backticks (`) are for identifiers.  To the 
best of my knowledge, this hasn't changed from 4.0 to 5.  Hence, using your 
table definition,

  INSERT INTO `Blog` (`blog_id`) VALUES ('This is a blog id');

would be correctly quoted.

Strictly speaking, you only need to quote identifiers which wouldn't otherwise 
be allowed (reserved words), so none of the backticks are needed in your example 
(or in mine).  See the manual for details:

What leads you to believe your error is related to quoting?  I think it is more 
likely to be something else.  If you post the query that gives the error and 
include the exact error message, I'm sure someone will be able to identify the 


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Re: Differences between MySQL 4 and 5 for scripts

2006-06-14 Thread Graham Reeds

Dan Buettner wrote:
Graham, I seem to recall those single quote marks working without a 
problem on various platforms and versions of MySQL.  Of course they are 
 generally just a nicety and only required if you are using reserved 
words as table/column/key names, so you could just remove them entirely.

Could you post the exact error message you're getting please?

You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ''Blog'' at line 1
when line one is DROP

Two thoughts -

1) You may have a bogus hidden character in your SQL file.  If you look 
at it with a text editor (BBEdit, TextWrangler, etc), with the show 
invivisbles feature on, do you see unusual stuff?  Sounds strange but 
I've seen stranger.

Took a brief look over it but didn't see anything that I thought looked 
untoward.  Nor did side by side comparison show up anything.

2) You could work around this problem a different way ...
  - create a 5.0 database yourself using the standard supplied scripts, 
perhaps on your own workstation

  - dump your new database structure using mysqldump with the flag
which should create a file suitable for piping into a MySQL 4.0 server

That worked.

The gotchas:
* CHARSET wasn't exported as CHARACTER SET - it wasn't exported at all.
* TYPE is now ENGINE (ie TYPE=InnoDB is now ENGINE=InnoDB)
* The tables have gone from having an initial capital letter to all 
lower caps (I thought v5 was all lower caps anyway?)
* Also an error occurred regarding varchar size (it appears v5 can hold 
4096 while v4 max is 255).

Can you load a v5 server with a v4 script?

Thanks for your help!


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Re: Differences between MySQL 4 and 5 for scripts

2006-06-14 Thread Jim Winstead
On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 11:00:36PM +0100, Graham Reeds wrote:
 Dan Buettner wrote:
 Graham, I seem to recall those single quote marks working without a 
 problem on various platforms and versions of MySQL.  Of course they are 
  generally just a nicety and only required if you are using reserved 
 words as table/column/key names, so you could just remove them entirely.
 Could you post the exact error message you're getting please?
 You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
 corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
 near ''Blog'' at line 1
 when line one is DROP

You're not quoting the table name correctly. Identifiers must be quoted
using the backtick (`), if they are quoted at all.

You should be fine with:



 2) You could work around this problem a different way ...
   - create a 5.0 database yourself using the standard supplied scripts, 
 perhaps on your own workstation
   - dump your new database structure using mysqldump with the flag
 which should create a file suitable for piping into a MySQL 4.0 server
 That worked.
 The gotchas:
 * CHARSET wasn't exported as CHARACTER SET - it wasn't exported at all.

Because MySQL 4.0 does not understand character sets at the table level.
(It was a new feature in MySQL 4.1.)

 * TYPE is now ENGINE (ie TYPE=InnoDB is now ENGINE=InnoDB)

ENGINE is supported as of MySQL 4.0.18.

 * The tables have gone from having an initial capital letter to all 
 lower caps (I thought v5 was all lower caps anyway?)

On systems with case-insensitive file systems, MySQL will lowercase
table and database identifiers.

 * Also an error occurred regarding varchar size (it appears v5 can hold 
 4096 while v4 max is 255).

The maximum size of a VARCHAR is 255 bytes in MySQL 4.0, and about 64K
characters in MySQL 4.1 and later.

 Can you load a v5 server with a v4 script?

Yes, you can generally load scripts written for MySQL 4.x into
MySQL 5.x.

You may also want to use the special syntax for specifying
version-specific parts of your query:

Jim Winstead
MySQL Inc.

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MySQL 4 Kernel Panic-ing

2006-06-12 Thread John May
I've got an xserve running 10.3.9 and MySQL 4.0.27-max that is 
restarting itself every 2-3 days.  It appears that it is due to a 
kernel panic, though I don't have direct access to the machine 
(colocated) to verify when it occurs.

There are no crash.logs from MySQL, and watchdog and system.logs show 
nothing.  I have culled the following panic.log - can anyone tell if 
MySQL is the cause of such?

Has anyone seen MySQL 4 crash on an Xserve (G4 specifically)?  I have 
tried two totally different servers, and the problems continue.

- John


Mon Jun 12 06:53:02 2006

Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access 
DAR=0xFF864A5C PC=0x00056218

Latest crash info for cpu 0:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  PC=0x00056218; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0xFF864A5C; 
DSISR=0x4000; LR=0x00053AB4; R1=0x1C17BC70; XCP=0x000C (0x300 
- Data access)

 0x 0x00055DC8 0x0002F750 0x00033710 0x00032028 0x00031FE4
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  previously dumped as Latest state. skipping...
   Exception state (sv=0x0091F280)
  PC=0x; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x; 
DSISR=0x; LR=0x; R1=0x; XCP=0x 

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC

panic(cpu 0): copyin/out has no recovery point
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
 0x00083498 0x0008397C 0x0001EDA4 0x00090C38 0x0009402C
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  PC=0x00056218; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0xFF864A5C; 
DSISR=0x4000; LR=0x00053AB4; R1=0x1C17BC70; XCP=0x000C (0x300 
- Data access)

 0x 0x00055DC8 0x0002F750 0x00033710 0x00032028 0x00031FE4
   Exception state (sv=0x0091F280)
  PC=0x; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x; 
DSISR=0x; LR=0x; R1=0x; XCP=0x 

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC


John May : President
Point In Space Internet Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Professional Lasso / PHP / MySQL / FileMaker Pro Hosting

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: MySQL 4 Kernel Panic-ing

2006-06-12 Thread Gerald L. Clark

John May wrote:
I've got an xserve running 10.3.9 and MySQL 4.0.27-max that is 
restarting itself every 2-3 days.  It appears that it is due to a kernel 
panic, though I don't have direct access to the machine (colocated) to 
verify when it occurs.

There are no crash.logs from MySQL, and watchdog and system.logs show 
nothing.  I have culled the following panic.log - can anyone tell if 
MySQL is the cause of such?

Has anyone seen MySQL 4 crash on an Xserve (G4 specifically)?  I have 
tried two totally different servers, and the problems continue.

- John


Mon Jun 12 06:53:02 2006

Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access 
DAR=0xFF864A5C PC=0x00056218

Latest crash info for cpu 0:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  PC=0x00056218; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0xFF864A5C; DSISR=0x4000; 
LR=0x00053AB4; R1=0x1C17BC70; XCP=0x000C (0x300 - Data access)

 0x 0x00055DC8 0x0002F750 0x00033710 0x00032028 0x00031FE4
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  previously dumped as Latest state. skipping...
   Exception state (sv=0x0091F280)
  PC=0x; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x; DSISR=0x; 
LR=0x; R1=0x; XCP=0x (Unknown)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC

panic(cpu 0): copyin/out has no recovery point
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
 0x00083498 0x0008397C 0x0001EDA4 0x00090C38 0x0009402C
Proceeding back via exception chain:
   Exception state (sv=0x3E6ABC80)
  PC=0x00056218; MSR=0x9030; DAR=0xFF864A5C; DSISR=0x4000; 
LR=0x00053AB4; R1=0x1C17BC70; XCP=0x000C (0x300 - Data access)

 0x 0x00055DC8 0x0002F750 0x00033710 0x00032028 0x00031FE4
   Exception state (sv=0x0091F280)
  PC=0x; MSR=0xD030; DAR=0x; DSISR=0x; 
LR=0x; R1=0x; XCP=0x (Unknown)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0:
Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC

How could a user space program like mysqld possibly cause a kernel panic?
Sounds like bad kernel or bad hardware.

Gerald L. Clark
Supplier Systems Corporation

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Re: MySQL 4 Kernel Panic-ing

2006-06-12 Thread Dan Buettner

Hi John -

Yes, at my former workplace, we had a couple of different instances 
where we experienced severe crashing problems on G4-based machines.

Prior to using a G4 Xserve, we were using a dual-G4 tower as our MySQL 
and Intranet server, and as we ramped up MySQL usage, the hard crashing 
got to where it was nearly every morning.  Finally traced it to our 
backup process, Retrospect, accessing files while MySQL was trying to 
access them.  Specifically excluding MySQL's data directory from your 
backup process is a must.  Excluding temp and log dirs is also probably 
a good idea.  We were already dumping out data out to another directory 
daily, but didn't realize that the simultaneous access would be such a 
problem.  This was with MySQL 3.23 and later 4.0, and OS 10.1 through 
10.2 I think.

When we moved to a G4 Xserve (serving MySQL and our Intranet), we again 
had horrible crashing problems.  Weird, like none I'd ever seen, where 
the OS basically just entered a slow spiral of death that led to it 
either rebooting on its own or us noticing the problem first and 
hard-resetting it.  Apps would stop opening, cli processes would no 
longer run, running apps would slowly stop responding.  Traced it to a 
pair of Kingston RAM modules.  Once those were out, the machine righted 
itself and I believe continues to serve data (though no longer MySQL) to 
this day.  Weird I know but I swear that was it.  This was with MySQL 
4.0 and (I think) OS 10.2 through 10.3.


John May wrote:
I've got an xserve running 10.3.9 and MySQL 4.0.27-max that is 
restarting itself every 2-3 days.  It appears that it is due to a kernel 
panic, though I don't have direct access to the machine (colocated) to 
verify when it occurs.

There are no crash.logs from MySQL, and watchdog and system.logs show 
nothing.  I have culled the following panic.log - can anyone tell if 
MySQL is the cause of such?

Has anyone seen MySQL 4 crash on an Xserve (G4 specifically)?  I have 
tried two totally different servers, and the problems continue.

- John

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Re: MySQL 4 Kernel Panic-ing

2006-06-12 Thread John May

Nope, no backups happening at the time.

Anyone other ideas?

- John

At 11:42 AM -0500 6/12/06, Dan Buettner wrote:

Hi John -

Yes, at my former workplace, we had a couple of different instances 
where we experienced severe crashing problems on G4-based machines.

Prior to using a G4 Xserve, we were using a dual-G4 tower as our 
MySQL and Intranet server, and as we ramped up MySQL usage, the hard 
crashing got to where it was nearly every morning.  Finally traced 
it to our backup process, Retrospect, accessing files while MySQL 
was trying to access them.  Specifically excluding MySQL's data 
directory from your backup process is a must.  Excluding temp and 
log dirs is also probably a good idea.  We were already dumping out 
data out to another directory daily, but didn't realize that the 
simultaneous access would be such a problem.  This was with MySQL 
3.23 and later 4.0, and OS 10.1 through 10.2 I think.

When we moved to a G4 Xserve (serving MySQL and our Intranet), we 
again had horrible crashing problems.  Weird, like none I'd ever 
seen, where the OS basically just entered a slow spiral of death 
that led to it either rebooting on its own or us noticing the 
problem first and hard-resetting it.  Apps would stop opening, cli 
processes would no longer run, running apps would slowly stop 
responding.  Traced it to a pair of Kingston RAM modules.  Once 
those were out, the machine righted itself and I believe continues 
to serve data (though no longer MySQL) to this day.  Weird I know 
but I swear that was it.  This was with MySQL 4.0 and (I think) OS 
10.2 through 10.3.


John May wrote:
I've got an xserve running 10.3.9 and MySQL 4.0.27-max that is 
restarting itself every 2-3 days.  It appears that it is due to a 
kernel panic, though I don't have direct access to the machine 
(colocated) to verify when it occurs.

There are no crash.logs from MySQL, and watchdog and system.logs 
show nothing.  I have culled the following panic.log - can anyone 
tell if MySQL is the cause of such?

Has anyone seen MySQL 4 crash on an Xserve (G4 specifically)?  I 
have tried two totally different servers, and the problems continue.

- John


John May : President
Point In Space Internet Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Professional Lasso / PHP / MySQL / FileMaker Pro Hosting

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mysql 5 vs. mysql 4: str_to_date

2006-04-21 Thread Vincente Aggrippino
The following query runs fine on my test server at home, running MySQL
5.0.15, but on my hosting provider's server, running MySQL 4.0.24, it
gets a syntax error.  Can anyone help me figure out why? ...

insert into product (name, url, cost, purchase_dt)
values('Whatchamacallit', '', 5,
str_to_date('2006-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'))

Here's the error message :
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near '('2006-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'))' at line 2

Thank you,
Vince Aggrippino

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Re: mysql 5 vs. mysql 4: str_to_date

2006-04-21 Thread Barry

Vincente Aggrippino wrote:

The following query runs fine on my test server at home, running MySQL
5.0.15, but on my hosting provider's server, running MySQL 4.0.24, it
gets a syntax error.  Can anyone help me figure out why? ...

insert into product (name, url, cost, purchase_dt)
values('Whatchamacallit', '', 5,
str_to_date('2006-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'))

Here's the error message :
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near '('2006-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'))' at line 2

Thank you,
Vince Aggrippino

He doesn't know str_to_date. That's it.

Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)

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Re: mysql 5 vs. mysql 4: str_to_date

2006-04-21 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Apr 21), Vincente Aggrippino said:
 The following query runs fine on my test server at home, running
 MySQL 5.0.15, but on my hosting provider's server, running MySQL
 4.0.24, it gets a syntax error.  Can anyone help me figure out why?
 insert into product (name, url, cost, purchase_dt)
 values('Whatchamacallit', '', 5,
 str_to_date('2006-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'))
 Here's the error message :
 #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that
 corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
 near '('2006-04-20', '%Y-%m-%d'))' at line 2

From the manual:

 *  STR_TO_DATE(str,format)  

 STR_TO_DATE() is available as of MySQL 4.1.1.

Dan Nelson

MySQL General Mailing List
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symbolic-links mysql 4 error on ubuntu 5.10

2006-03-22 Thread

hi all,
   I read

but on MySQL 4.0.24_Debian-10ubuntu2 server , in my my.conf file:
datadir = /var/lib/mysql

ls show as:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql 67 2006-03-12 22:42 mnogosearch3235 -

after reboot mysql server,i cannot find the DB:mnogosearch3235.

and if i  change mysql my.conf:
datadir = /home/username/mnt/cobd/temp_mysql_datadir/datadir/
then it runs work!

but if chang as this :
-rw-r- 1 mysql mysql 8998 2006-03-21 17:00 url.frm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql 76 2006-03-21 16:41 url.MYD -
-rw-r- 1 mysql mysql 47276032 2006-03-21 17:08 url.MYI

show me following error:
Error: 'DB err: MySQL driver: #1105: File
not found (Errcode: 13)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/var/temp_mysql_datadir$ sudo ls -l
-rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 47498160 2006-03-21 15:18

what`s wrong?anybody can help me?
View this message in context:
Sent from the MySQL - General forum at

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Totally different join-behaviour in mysql 4 and 5?

2006-02-01 Thread Jan Kirchhoff

As I already wrote I try do get a replication running from a mysql-4.1.13 
(32bit) master to a 5.0.18 (64bit) slave. It only runs for a few minutes and 
then a query hangs.
I think I now found out why:
I modified a multi-table-update that hung to a select.  The same query on the absolutely 
identical tables gives totally different explains on both systems:
While my query has a cardinality of 23,124*1=23,124 on mysql4, it has  
6,412*34,341=220,194,492 on mysql5 - and takes forever and makes me think 
everything hangs?!
I verified this with a dump of to tables that I imported on various few 
different systems. I created a new test-database, piped the dump into that and 
ran the following queries.

It looks like the join-behaviour of mysql has totally changed in mysql5!
This seems to affect quite a lot of queries here.
Am I doing really stupid mistakes or did I miss a major chapter in the upgrading to 
mysql5-documentation that I read over and over during the last days?


I put the mysql versions in front of the mysql prompts:

4.1.13-standard mysql show table status;
| Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   | Avg_row_length | 
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | 
Create_time | Update_time | Check_time  | Collation 
| Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
| dlstm_data_d | MyISAM |   9 | Dynamic|  48621 | 49 | 
2428108 |  4294967295 |  1921024 | 0 |   NULL | 
2006-02-01 11:54:57 | 2006-02-01 11:55:08 | 2006-02-01 11:55:09 | 
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
| stm_data_d   | MyISAM |   9 | Dynamic| 480772 |105 |
50816164 |  4294967295 | 57697280 | 0 |   NULL | 
2006-02-01 11:55:09 | 2006-02-01 11:57:00 | 2006-02-01 11:58:58 | 
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

5.0.18-max-log mysql show table status;
| Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   | Avg_row_length | 
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | 
Create_time | Update_time | Check_time  | Collation 
| Checksum | Create_options | Comment |
| dlstm_data_d | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic|  48621 | 49 | 
2384860 | 281474976710655 |  1836032 | 0 |   NULL | 
2006-02-01 11:54:05 | 2006-02-01 11:54:07 | 2006-02-01 11:54:07 | 
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
| stm_data_d   | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic| 480772 |104 |
50192768 | 281474976710655 | 52738048 | 0 |   NULL | 
2006-02-01 11:54:07 | 2006-02-01 11:55:12 | 2006-02-01 11:55:40 | 
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

4.1.13-standard mysql explain select *from dlstm_data_d s, stm_data_d t where s.sym_cd_ is null and s.sys_cdd=t.sys_cdd and s.local=t.local and s.local is not null and s.local!= and s.sys_cdd is not null and s.sys_cdd!= and t.sym_cd is not null; 

| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | 
key_len | ref   | rows  | Extra 

Re: Totally different join-behaviour in mysql 4 and 5?

2006-02-01 Thread SGreen
Jan Kirchhoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 02/01/2006 06:31:20 AM:

 As I already wrote I try do get a replication running from a 
 mysql-4.1.13 (32bit) master to a 5.0.18 (64bit) slave. It only runs 
 for a few minutes and then a query hangs.
 I think I now found out why:
 I modified a multi-table-update that hung to a select.  The same 
 query on the absolutely identical tables gives totally different 
 explains on both systems:
 While my query has a cardinality of 23,124*1=23,124 on mysql4, it 
 has  6,412*34,341=220,194,492 on mysql5 - and takes forever and 
 makes me think everything hangs?!
 I verified this with a dump of to tables that I imported on various 
 few different systems. I created a new test-database, piped the dump
 into that and ran the following queries.
 It looks like the join-behaviour of mysql has totally changed in mysql5!
 This seems to affect quite a lot of queries here.
 Am I doing really stupid mistakes or did I miss a major chapter in 
 the upgrading to mysql5-documentation that I read over and over 
 during the last days?
 I put the mysql versions in front of the mysql prompts:
 4.1.13-standard mysql show table status;
 | Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   | 
 Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | 
 Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time 
 | Check_time  | Collation | Checksum | 
 Create_options | Comment |
 | dlstm_data_d | MyISAM |   9 | Dynamic|  48621 | 
 49 | 2428108 |  4294967295 |  1921024 | 0 | 
 NULL | 2006-02-01 11:54:57 | 2006-02-01 11:55:08 | 2006-02-01 11:55:
 09 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
 | stm_data_d   | MyISAM |   9 | Dynamic| 480772 | 
 105 |50816164 |  4294967295 | 57697280 | 0 | 
 NULL | 2006-02-01 11:55:09 | 2006-02-01 11:57:00 | 2006-02-01 11:58:
 58 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 5.0.18-max-log mysql show table status;
 | Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   | 
 Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | 
 Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time 
 | Check_time  | Collation | Checksum | 
 Create_options | Comment |
 | dlstm_data_d | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic|  48621 | 
 49 | 2384860 | 281474976710655 |  1836032 | 0 | 
 NULL | 2006-02-01 11:54:05 | 2006-02-01 11:54:07 | 2006-02-01 11:54:
 07 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
 | stm_data_d   | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic| 480772 | 
 104 |50192768 | 281474976710655 | 52738048 | 0 | 
 NULL | 2006-02-01 11:54:07 | 2006-02-01 11:55:12 | 2006-02-01 11:55:
 40 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || |
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
 4.1.13-standard mysql explain select *from dlstm_data_d s, 
 stm_data_d t where s.sym_cd_ is null and s.sys_cdd=t.sys_cdd and s.
 local=t.local and s.local is not null and s.local!= and s.sys_cdd 
 is not null and s.sys_cdd!= and t.sym_cd is not null; 
 | id | select_type | table | 

Re: Totally different join-behaviour in mysql 4 and 5?

2006-02-01 Thread Peter Brawley


While my query has a cardinality of 23,124*1=23,124 on mysql4,
it has 

6,412*34,341=220,194,492 on mysql5 - and takes forever and makes 
think everything hangs?!

Yep, MySQL improved the SQL compatibility of its join syntax beginning
with 5.0.12, see and,
esp. comments there on the change in precedence of the comma operator. 



Jan Kirchhoff wrote:

As I already wrote I try do get a replication running from a
mysql-4.1.13 (32bit) master to a 5.0.18 (64bit) slave. It only runs for
a few minutes and then a query hangs.
I think I now found out why:
I modified a multi-table-update that hung to a select.  The same query
on the absolutely identical tables gives totally different "explains"
on both systems:
While my query has a cardinality of 23,124*1=23,124 on mysql4, it has 
6,412*34,341=220,194,492 on mysql5 - and takes forever and makes me
think everything hangs?!
I verified this with a dump of to tables that I imported on various few
different systems. I created a new test-database, piped the dump into
that and ran the following queries.
It looks like the join-behaviour of mysql has totally changed in
This seems to affect quite a lot of queries here.
Am I doing really stupid mistakes or did I miss a major chapter in the
"upgrading to mysql5"-documentation that I read over and over during
the last days?
I put the mysql versions in front of the "mysql" prompts:
4.1.13-standard mysql show table status;
| Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   |
Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length |
Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time
| Check_time  | Collation | Checksum | Create_options |
Comment |
| dlstm_data_d | MyISAM |   9 | Dynamic    |  48621 |
49 | 2428108 |  4294967295 |  1921024 | 0
|   NULL | 2006-02-01 11:54:57 | 2006-02-01 11:55:08 |
2006-02-01 11:55:09 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL |   
| |
| stm_data_d   | MyISAM |   9 | Dynamic    | 480772 |   
105 |    50816164 |  4294967295 | 57697280 | 0
|   NULL | 2006-02-01 11:55:09 | 2006-02-01 11:57:00 |
2006-02-01 11:58:58 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL |   
| |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
5.0.18-max-log mysql show table status;
| Name | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   |
Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length |
Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time
| Check_time  | Collation | Checksum | Create_options |
Comment |
| dlstm_data_d | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic    |  48621 |
49 | 2384860 | 281474976710655 |  1836032 | 0
|   NULL | 2006-02-01 11:54:05 | 2006-02-01 11:54:07 |
2006-02-01 11:54:07 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL |   
| |
| stm_data_d   | MyISAM |  10 | Dynamic    | 480772 |   
104 |    50192768 | 281474976710655 | 52738048 | 0
|   NULL | 2006-02-01 11:54:07 | 2006-02-01 11:55:12 |
2006-02-01 11:55:40 | latin1_swedish_ci | NULL |   
| |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Re: Totally different join-behaviour in mysql 4 and 5?

2006-02-01 Thread Jan Kirchhoff

Comma separated JOINS strikes again!!! 


Here is where you will find this change documented in the manual:
I read that page over and over again... probably too late at night.  
thanks for that info. Thanks to Peter, too.
I made that select out of an multi-table update that hung in the 
processlist. That query came out of a very old script
floating around...  I found a few more and  modified the updates, i 
think I shouldn't have that problem any more.
I think nobody over here ever used comma-joins except for those few 
times. At least I hope so. ;)

but that was only part of my problems, my replication still hangs every 
now and then... I'd be glad if you could have a
look at my other postings 5.0.18-max-log as a slave of a 
4.1.13-standard-log master problem - slave hangs.

Maybe you have any ideas what I could try to get this working...


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About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread HALIL DEMIREZEN

I am trying to run an sql query such as below to list items=x randomly and 
then items != x randomly.. 

mysql (select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand()) union all 
(select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand());

but the result is not as expected. rand() seems not to be working...

What can be the problem? or what can be the difference between my will and 
the exact result of the query?


Halil Demirezen 
System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 
Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42

Re: About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko


ORDER BY for individual SELECT statements within parentheses has an

effect only when combined with LIMIT. Otherwise, the ORDER BY is

optimized away.

Therefore you're getting the same results, because ORDER BY doen't

work for your query.




 I am trying to run an sql query such as below to list items=x randomly and 

 then items != x randomly.. 



 mysql (select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand()) union all 

 (select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand());


 but the result is not as expected. rand() seems not to be working...


 What can be the problem? or what can be the difference between my will and 

 the exact result of the query?






 Halil Demirezen 

 System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 

 Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42




For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread HALIL DEMIREZEN
What if i want to list all the records not limiting them to a constant?

Halil Demirezen 
System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 
Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42

Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
05.12.2005 12:19


Re: About union sql  Mysql 4.x



ORDER BY for individual SELECT statements within parentheses has an

effect only when combined with LIMIT. Otherwise, the ORDER BY is

optimized away.

Therefore you're getting the same results, because ORDER BY doen't

work for your query.




 I am trying to run an sql query such as below to list items=x randomly 

 then items != x randomly.. 



 mysql (select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand()) union all 

 (select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand());


 but the result is not as expected. rand() seems not to be working...


 What can be the problem? or what can be the difference between my will 

 the exact result of the query?






 Halil Demirezen 

 System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 

 Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42




For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread Michael Stassen


 I am trying to run an sql query such as below to list items=x randomly and
 then items != x randomly..

 mysql (select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand()) union all
 (select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand());

 but the result is not as expected. rand() seems not to be working...

 What can be the problem? or what can be the difference between my will and
 the exact result of the query?

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


 ORDER BY for individual SELECT statements within parentheses has an
 effect only when combined with LIMIT. Otherwise, the ORDER BY is
 optimized away.

 Therefore you're getting the same results, because ORDER BY doen't
 work for your query.


What if i want to list all the records not limiting them to a constant?

How about

  SELECT * FROM tablea
  ORDER BY (item != 1), RAND();


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Re: About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread HALIL DEMIREZEN

Thank you and all for effort to help.. I solved the problem by giving high 
limit numbers  such as;

(select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand() limit 0, 1) 
union all
(select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand() limit 0, 

Halil Demirezen 
System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 
Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42

Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
05.12.2005 15:46

Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Re: About union sql  Mysql 4.x

  I am trying to run an sql query such as below to list items=x randomly 
  then items != x randomly..
  mysql (select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand()) union all
  (select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand());
  but the result is not as expected. rand() seems not to be working...
  What can be the problem? or what can be the difference between my will 
  the exact result of the query?

Gleb Paharenko wrote:
  ORDER BY for individual SELECT statements within parentheses has an
  effect only when combined with LIMIT. Otherwise, the ORDER BY is
  optimized away.
  Therefore you're getting the same results, because ORDER BY doen't
  work for your query.

 What if i want to list all the records not limiting them to a constant?

How about

   SELECT * FROM tablea
   ORDER BY (item != 1), RAND();


Re: About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread Gleb Paharenko

If you want all records with item=1 to be at the beginning and

sorted in a random order you can use this query:

select * from tablea order by if(item=1,0,1),  rand();


 What if i want to list all the records not limiting them to a constant?





 Halil Demirezen 

 System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 

 Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42







 Gleb Paharenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 05.12.2005 12:19






 Re: About union sql  Mysql 4.x















 ORDER BY for individual SELECT statements within parentheses has an


 effect only when combined with LIMIT. Otherwise, the ORDER BY is


 optimized away.






 Therefore you're getting the same results, because ORDER BY doen't


 work for your query.















I am trying to run an sql query such as below to list items=x randomly 





then items != x randomly.. 





mysql (select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand()) union all 



(select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand());




but the result is not as expected. rand() seems not to be working...




What can be the problem? or what can be the difference between my will 





the exact result of the query?











Halil Demirezen 



System Support Engineer/ Sistem Destek Muhendisi 



Mobile Tel/Cep Tel: +90(543) 502 04 42












For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Re: About union sql Mysql 4.x

2005-12-05 Thread Michael Stassen



Thank you and all for effort to help.. I solved the problem by giving high 
limit numbers  such as;

(select * from tablea where item=1 order by rand() limit 0, 1) 
union all
(select  * from tablea where item != 1 order by rand() limit 0, 

I think this is not so much a solution as a temporary work-around.  It will stop 
working correctly, without giving any errors, as soon as your table gets to a 
certain size.  Perhaps that will never happen in this particular case, but I 
think this sort of thing is a bad idea, in general.

Your desire is to sort the rows of tablea.  You want all the rows with item = 1 
first, then all the rest.  Within each group (item = 1, item != 1), you want the 
rows in random order.  You should see that this is simply a two step ordering. 
Instead of trying to fake that with unioned queries, you should solve it 
directly in your ORDER BY clause.  Both the query Gleb sent,

  SELECT * FROM tablea ORDER BY IF(item=1,0,1), RAND();

and the one I sent,

 SELECT * FROM tablea ORDER BY (item != 1), RAND();

do just that.  Both will provide the results you asked for, and neither will 
break when the table reaches some particular size.


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Re: Linux Yum DELETED mysql 4! Can I install mysql 5 and be on my way?

2005-11-09 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I do have my data

Check if yum has cleared the data directory, if not, you should be

able to recover the data.

Can I install mysql 5, and it will migrate/work with my existing data?

In my opinion it is a good idea, but be aware of compatibility issues

for your applications which are used working with MySQL 3.xx (it is

shipped by default with Fedora 3). Have a look here before an upgrade:


On FC3, for some silly reason, Yum deleted my mysql 4.1x production


I do have my data. Now that I am in this hole, maybe I should go to

mysql 5.

Can I install mysql 5, and it will migrate/work with my existing data?

Thanks,Nathan Gross wrote:

For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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Linux Yum DELETED mysql 4! Can I install mysql 5 and be on my way?

2005-11-07 Thread Nathan Gross
On FC3, for some silly reason, Yum deleted my mysql 4.1x production server!
I do have my data. Now that I am in this hole, maybe I should go to mysql 5.
Can I install mysql 5, and it will migrate/work with my existing data?


Re: Linux Yum DELETED mysql 4! Can I install mysql 5 and be on my way?

2005-11-07 Thread Peter J Milanese
I think you should go through the change log just incase. Especially if you are 
using one of the api's in your apps (php, etc...). Don't be rash about 
upgrading if it is production.

Sent from my NYPL BlackBerry Handheld.

- Original Message -
From: Nathan Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11/07/2005 03:19 PM
Subject: Linux Yum DELETED mysql 4! Can I install mysql 5 and be on my way?

On FC3, for some silly reason, Yum deleted my mysql 4.1x production server!
I do have my data. Now that I am in this hole, maybe I should go to mysql 5.
Can I install mysql 5, and it will migrate/work with my existing data?


RE: Linux Yum DELETED mysql 4! Can I install mysql 5 and be on my way?

2005-11-07 Thread Richard Dale
MySql v3.23 is part of the Fedore Core 3 distribution.   MySQL v4.1 only
became standard in Fedora Core 4.

I suspect it's one of the non-Fedora repositories you're using.  Check your
logs and also check /etc/yum.repos.d

grep enabled /etc/yum/repos.d/*

Best regards,
Richard Dale.
Norgate Investor Services
- Premium quality Stock, Futures and Foreign Exchange Data for
  markets in Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, UK  USA - 


On FC3, for some silly reason, Yum deleted my mysql 4.1x production server!
I do have my data. Now that I am in this hole, maybe I should go to mysql 5.
Can I install mysql 5, and it will migrate/work with my existing data?


MySQL General Mailing List
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UNIQUE issue at mysql 4.* and mysql 5.*

2005-08-02 Thread Yariv Graf

Hi all
I've created a table in mysql 4.1.12 and 5.0.9-beta-standard as follow

| manager_new | CREATE TABLE `manager_new` (
 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `id_from_hits` bigint(20) default NULL,
 `from_ip` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `pool` char(1) NOT NULL default 'n',
 `to_ip` varchar(15) default '',
 `lstupdate` date default NULL,
 `comment` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `added_by` enum('yariv','eddie','lisman','sweiss','interface') default 

 `black_white` char(1) NOT NULL default 'B',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `from_ip` (`from_ip`,`to_ip`)

The two tables are EMPTY ,where I try this insert in each version I get :

mysql 5

mysql  insert into manager_new 
(id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) values 
(39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '' for key 2

mysql 4

mysql insert into manager_new 
(id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) values 
(39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Is there any change in the way that mysql 5 treats UNIQUE index?
or is it a bug?

Best regards


MySQL General Mailing List
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UNIQUE issue at mysql 4.* and mysql 5.*

2005-08-02 Thread Yariv Graf

Hi all
I've created a table in mysql 4.1.12 and 5.0.9-beta-standard as follow

| manager_new | CREATE TABLE `manager_new` (
 `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `id_from_hits` bigint(20) default NULL,
 `from_ip` varchar(15) default NULL,
 `pool` char(1) NOT NULL default 'n',
 `to_ip` varchar(15) default '',
 `lstupdate` date default NULL,
 `comment` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `added_by` enum('yariv','eddie','lisman','sweiss','interface') default 

 `black_white` char(1) NOT NULL default 'B',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 UNIQUE KEY `from_ip` (`from_ip`,`to_ip`)

The two tables are EMPTY ,where I try this insert in each version I get :

mysql 5

mysql  insert into manager_new 
(id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) values 
(39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '' for key 2

mysql 4

mysql insert into manager_new 
(id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) values 
(39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Is there any change in the way that mysql 5 treats UNIQUE index?
or is it a bug?

Best regards


MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: UNIQUE issue at mysql 4.* and mysql 5.*

2005-08-02 Thread Gleb Paharenko

It works for me on MySQL 5.0.10:

mysql CREATE TABLE `manager_new` (

-  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

-  `id_from_hits` bigint(20) default NULL,

-  `from_ip` varchar(15) default NULL,

-  `pool` char(1) NOT NULL default 'n',

-  `to_ip` varchar(15) default '',

-  `lstupdate` date default NULL,

-  `comment` varchar(50) default NULL,

-  `added_by` enum('yariv','eddie','lisman','sweiss','interface') default 

-  `black_white` char(1) NOT NULL default 'B',

-  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),

-  UNIQUE KEY `from_ip` (`from_ip`,`to_ip`)


Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)

mysql  insert into manager_new (id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) 
values (39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

mysql select version();


| version() |


| 5.0.10-beta-debug-log |


Yariv Graf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all

 I've created a table in mysql 4.1.12 and 5.0.9-beta-standard as follow


 | manager_new | CREATE TABLE `manager_new` (

  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,

  `id_from_hits` bigint(20) default NULL,

  `from_ip` varchar(15) default NULL,

  `pool` char(1) NOT NULL default 'n',

  `to_ip` varchar(15) default '',

  `lstupdate` date default NULL,

  `comment` varchar(50) default NULL,

  `added_by` enum('yariv','eddie','lisman','sweiss','interface') default 


  `black_white` char(1) NOT NULL default 'B',

  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),

  UNIQUE KEY `from_ip` (`from_ip`,`to_ip`)




 The two tables are EMPTY ,where I try this insert in each version I get :


 mysql 5


 mysql  insert into manager_new 

 (id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) values 

 (39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

 ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '' for key 2


 mysql 4


 mysql insert into manager_new 

 (id_from_hits,from_ip,to_ip,lstupdate,comment) values 

 (39,'','',now(),'added automatically');

 Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


 Is there any change in the way that mysql 5 treats UNIQUE index?

 or is it a bug?


 Best regards





For technical support contracts, goto
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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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compat RPM for MySQL 4.x on RHEL3 [PRESS RELEASE]

2005-08-01 Thread Ning Li

PD Inc.
156 Briarvista Way North East
Atlanta, Georgia 30329-3615
+1(443)269-1555  EIN:52-2351863

August 1, 2005


PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release.

Contact:Ning Li [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (443) 921-0381

PD Inc. has open-sourced their compatibility RPM that enables system 
administrators to install MySQL 4.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL3) 
Operating System with minimal impact.

Baltimore -- August 1, 2005 -- PD Inc. today announced the release of 
their MySQL-shared compat RPMs for RHEL3. With these compatibility RPMs a 
system administrator can now upgrade to MySQL 4.x whilst keeping legacy and client libraries as provided 
by the RPMs and maintaining maximum Red Hat support compliance.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Operating System is one of the most 
commonly used open-source operating systems. More than 1/3 of the server 
market uses RHEL, including all Linux servers from IBM, and Dell. There 
are current limitations on RHEL support, limiting system administrators 
from reasonable deviations in application selection on the system. MySQL 
greater than 3.23 is not supported by Red Hat, Inc. on RHEL3. Normally to 
upgrade to MySQL 4.x many other applications on the system need to be 
upgraded and/or recompiled including Apache, PHP, and Perl. In doing so, 
Red Hat, Inc. no longer will support these system modifications.

To solve this problem, PD Inc. has now released two compatibility RPM 
solutions. One for MySQL 4.0 and the other for MySQL 4.1. This open-source 
software allows system administrator to upgrade MySQL 4.x without 
upgrading other applications. With the a compat RPM,  an IT department can 
minimize the non compliant applications installed,  reduce the workload on 
staff,  and ensure a smoother transition. These RPMs can be downloaded 

About Red Hat, Inc.
Red Hat, the world's leading open source and Linux provider, is 
headquartered in Raleigh, NC with satellite offices spanning the globe. 
Red Hat is leading Linux and open source solutions into the mainstream by 
making high quality, low cost technology accessible. Red Hat provides 
operating system software along with middleware, applications and 
management solutions. Red Hat also offers support, training and consulting 
services to its customers worldwide and through top-tier partnerships. Red 
Hat's open source strategy offers customers a long term plan for building 
infrastructures that are based on and leverage open source technologies 
with focus on security and ease of management. Learn more:

About MySQL AB
MySQL AB develops and supports a family of high performance, affordable 
database products -- including MySQL Network, a comprehensive set of 
certified software and premium support services. The company's flagship 
product is MySQL, the world's most popular open source database, with more 
than six million active installations. Many of the world's largest 
organizations, including Yahoo!, Sabre Holdings, The Associated Press, 
Suzuki and NASA are realizing significant cost savings by using MySQL to 
power high-volume Web sites, business-critical enterprise applications and 
packaged software.

About PD Inc.
PD Inc is a business solutions provider. The company provides expert 
solutions for tailored consulting projects on an enterprise-wide scale. PD 
Inc. uses an applied think tank structure to integrate business solutions, 
create a clear  well-defined architecture, and target horizontal markets 
for it's customers. Because each of the company's consultants have strong 
backgrounds in their specific field, PD Inc. is able to focus on vertical 
markets as well. PD Inc provides solutions in general engineering, 
electrical  computer engineering, e-commerce, software development, 
business method analysis, and procurement. It's customer base draws from 
federal and municipal governments, IT firms, biotech corporations, and 
Fortune 500 companies.  For more information see


-   -
- Ning Li   PD Inc. -
- Marketing  Trade Manager 7 West 24th Street #100 -
- +1 (443) 921-0381 Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-   -

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Mysql 4.x Error

2005-06-27 Thread plaza c

Im using : mysqlclient10-3.23.58-6
,mysql-server-4.1.11-2,mysql-4.1.11-2 On fedora 3.
when i run the following command its gives Error:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]$ /etc/init.d/mysqld start
touch: cannot touch `/var/log/mysqld.log': Permission denied
chmod: changing permissions of `/var/log/mysqld.log': Operation not permitted
Initializing MySQL database:  mkdir: cannot create directory
`/var/lib/mysql/mysql': Permission denied
chmod: cannot access `/var/lib/mysql/mysql': No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/mysql/test': Permission denied
chmod: cannot access `/var/lib/mysql/test': No such file or directory
Installing all prepared tables
/usr/libexec/mysqld: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Installation of system tables failed!

Examine the logs in /var/lib/mysql for more information.
You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:
/usr/libexec/mysqld --skip-grant 
You can use the command line tool
/usr/bin/mysql to connect to the mysql
database and look at the grant tables:

shell /usr/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql show tables

Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Using --log
gives you a log in /var/lib/mysql that may be helpful.

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Please consult the MySQL manual section: 'Problems running mysql_install_db',
and the manual section that describes problems on your OS.
Another information source is the MySQL email archive.
Please check all of the above before mailing us!
And if you do mail us, you MUST use the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!

why ? the above  error is comming..?
When i try to remove from my system and install in the system ,the system does not start.As is

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Re: Mysql 4.x Error

2005-06-27 Thread Gleb Paharenko

You have several problems and they're should be resolved step by step.

First fix the problems with permissions. Usually they're solved by

changing the owner of mysql database to mysql user. Check what's wrong

with /var/log/mysqld.log. It might be necessery to create it manually.

Why are you removing I think these libraries could

exists both in the system.

plaza c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 Im using : mysqlclient10-3.23.58-6

 ,mysql-server-4.1.11-2,mysql-4.1.11-2 On fedora 3.

 when i run the following command its gives Error:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]$ /etc/init.d/mysqld start

 touch: cannot touch `/var/log/mysqld.log': Permission denied

 chmod: changing permissions of `/var/log/mysqld.log': Operation not permitt=


 Initializing MySQL database:  mkdir: cannot create directory

 `/var/lib/mysql/mysql': Permission denied

 chmod: cannot access `/var/lib/mysql/mysql': No such file or directory

 mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/mysql/test': Permission denied

 chmod: cannot access `/var/lib/mysql/test': No such file or directory

 Installing all prepared tables

 /usr/libexec/mysqld: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

 Installation of system tables failed!


 Examine the logs in /var/lib/mysql for more information.

 You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:

 /usr/libexec/mysqld --skip-grant 

 You can use the command line tool

 /usr/bin/mysql to connect to the mysql

 database and look at the grant tables:


 shell /usr/bin/mysql -u root mysql

 mysql show tables


 Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Using --log

 gives you a log in /var/lib/mysql that may be helpful.


 The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at

 Please consult the MySQL manual section: 'Problems running mysql_install_db=


 and the manual section that describes problems on your OS.

 Another information source is the MySQL email archive.

 Please check all of the above before mailing us!

 And if you do mail us, you MUST use the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!




 why ? the above  error is comming..?

 When i try to remove from my system and install=20 in the system ,the system does not start.As is



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Install Mysql 4 on Fedora Core 2

2005-06-13 Thread Jerry Swanson
I want to install MySQL 4 on Fedora Core 2.
#1. Do I need to uninstall MySQL 3 from the server first?

#2. Where I can get source for MySQL 4?


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RE: Install Mysql 4 on Fedora Core 2

2005-06-13 Thread Peter Normann
Jerry Swanson wrote:

 #1. Do I need to uninstall MySQL 3 from the server first?

Not really.

 #2. Where I can get source for MySQL 4?

At your local 7/11. They usually store it hidden behind the counter along
with the most popular nuclear launch codes.

If they are out of stock, you might consider browsing mysql's site at Specifically might be interesting.

Peter Normann

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Re: Install Mysql 4 on Fedora Core 2

2005-06-13 Thread Jigal van Hemert
 I want to install MySQL 4 on Fedora Core 2.
 #1. Do I need to uninstall MySQL 3 from the server first?

 #2. Where I can get source for MySQL 4?
Go to the page of the version you like to install.
It's advised to install the appropriate binary package, but if you really
want the sources you can find them near the end of the page.

Regards, Jigal.

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Re: Install Mysql 4 on Fedora Core 2

2005-06-13 Thread Gleb Paharenko

Use the rpm or binary distribution from:

If you install MySQL using rpm with -U command line option, it will

remove the old package. You may meet some problems using PHP or Perl

when you try to connect through they was compiled for 3.xx version.

See notes about them at:

Jerry Swanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to install MySQL 4 on Fedora Core 2.


 #1. Do I need to uninstall MySQL 3 from the server first?


 #2. Where I can get source for MySQL 4?




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MySQL 4 Old Password

2005-06-03 Thread Joey
Is there a way to tell mysql 4 to defaul to the old style passwords instead
of having to run this every time we add a user?

SET PASSWORD FOR  mailto:'user'@'localhost' 'user'@'localhost' =

Applications we develop in php, and phpMyadmin don't seem to work with the
new style password.




Re: MySQL 4 Old Password

2005-06-03 Thread Jeff Smelser
On Friday 03 June 2005 03:36 pm, Joey wrote:

 SET PASSWORD FOR  mailto:'user'@'localhost' 'user'@'localhost' =

Why not recompile php to work with 4.1?



Description: PGP signature

Re: MySQL 4 Old Password

2005-06-03 Thread Michael Stassen

Joey wrote:

Is there a way to tell mysql 4 to defaul to the old style passwords instead
of having to run this every time we add a user?

SET PASSWORD FOR  mailto:'user'@'localhost' 'user'@'localhost' =

Applications we develop in php, and phpMyadmin don't seem to work with the
new style password.


Did you check the manual?


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Re: Fedora Core 2: upgrade mysql 3 to mysql 4

2005-02-28 Thread Gleb Paharenko

 I want to upgrade mysql 3 to mysql 4.

At first, you should read:

Search the MySQL lists archives about possible problems which you can

expect. It is strongly recommended to make a backup.

 How to remove mysql3 and install mysql 4?

It depends on what kind of distribution you have. Probably

rpm -U would help for the rpm distribution.

Jerry Swanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to upgrade mysql 3 to mysql 4.

 Operating System is Fedore Core 2. Is there any package dependency?


 How to remove mysql3 and install mysql 4?


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   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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Fedora Core 2: upgrade mysql 3 to mysql 4

2005-02-27 Thread Jerry Swanson
I want to upgrade mysql 3 to mysql 4.
Operating System is Fedore Core 2. Is there any package dependency?

How to remove mysql3 and install mysql 4?

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Authorizing Problem in MySQL 4 with Mandrake 10

2005-02-23 Thread Prabath Ranasinghe
Hash: SHA1

Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I installed a fresh copy of Mandrake Linux 10.0 with MySQL.
I tried to login to MySQL server ,But it says that authorization is failed.
My hostname is localhost and user is root.I entered the root password.

Here is the log :-

[EMAIL PROTECTED] html]# mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

Please help me to solve this problem.

Best Regards,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Authorizing Problem in MySQL 4 with Mandrake 10

2005-02-23 Thread Bastian Balthazar Bux
Prabath Ranasinghe (by way of Prabath Ranasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
ha scritto:
Hash: SHA1
Hash: SHA1
Hi All,
I installed a fresh copy of Mandrake Linux 10.0 with MySQL.
I tried to login to MySQL server ,But it says that authorization is failed.
My hostname is localhost and user is root.I entered the root password.
Here is the log :-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] html]# mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
Please help me to solve this problem.
Best Regards,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
If you still have NO password trying to use it will give you an error ;)
# mysql -h localhost -u root
Francesco Riosa
No problem is so formidable that you can't walk away from it.
~ Charles M. Schulz
But sometimes run fast is better
~ Francesco R.
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RE: Authorizing Problem in MySQL 4 with Mandrake 10

2005-02-23 Thread mel list_php
Be careful maybe you are mistaking here: the mysql root user as nothing to 
see with the mandrake root user.
For exemple I lauch the mysql server as root from command line whereas I'm 
just a user on my desktop.
So the mandrake root password and the mysql root password are also completly 

maybe this can be helpful:

From: Prabath Ranasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] (by way of Prabath 
Subject: Authorizing Problem in MySQL 4 with Mandrake 10
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 18:46:29 -0500

Hash: SHA1
Hash: SHA1
Hi All,
I installed a fresh copy of Mandrake Linux 10.0 with MySQL.
I tried to login to MySQL server ,But it says that authorization is failed.
My hostname is localhost and user is root.I entered the root password.
Here is the log :-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] html]# mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)
Please help me to solve this problem.
Best Regards,
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
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Re: download mysql 4 in rpm for Redhat 9.0

2005-02-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko


sam wun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I realised that install mysql 4 thru rpm is the best way for a smooth 


 Can anyone please point me to a site where I can download mysql 4 rpm 

 for Redhat9?






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  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
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/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET

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download mysql 4 in rpm for Redhat 9.0

2005-02-18 Thread sam wun
I realised that install mysql 4 thru rpm is the best way for a smooth 
Can anyone please point me to a site where I can download mysql 4 rpm 
for Redhat9?

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Help getting mysqld to read my my.cnf on start from init.d on mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4

2004-12-15 Thread Randy Paries

I am building a new DB box. 
The box is mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4.0.20

All my other boxes are RH9 and mysql 3

The one problem I am having is they appear to do the my.cnf differently

There was no my.cnf in the /etc dir, so I created one from my-huge.cnf and
placed it in the /etc

But the startup does not use it.

So I tried to append the same command to the mysql script that is called
from init.d 
--defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf  and I get the error
041215 10:51:59  mysqld started
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 'defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf'
041215 10:51:59  mysqld ended

That part that confuses me is in the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld
(I put in some debug echos to see where it is exiting)
When I run the startup it print 2

But I am not failure with /usr/bin/my_print_defaults

Thanks for any help!

# Get arguments from the my.cnf file,
# groups [mysqld] [mysql_server] and [mysql.server]
if test -x ./bin/my_print_defaults
echo 1
elif test -x $bindir/my_print_defaults
echo 2
elif test -x $bindir/mysql_print_defaults
echo 3
echo I am here
  # Try to find basedir in /etc/my.cnf
  if test -r $conf
dirs=`sed -e /$subpat/!d -e 's//\1/' $conf`
for d in $dirs
  d=`echo $d | sed -e 's/[  ]//g'`
  if test -x $d/bin/my_print_defaults
  if test -x $d/bin/mysql_print_defaults

  # Hope it's in the PATH ... but I doubt it
  test -z $print_defaults  print_defaults=my_print_defaults

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Re: Help getting mysqld to read my my.cnf on start from init.d on mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4

2004-12-15 Thread Paul DuBois
At 11:02 -0600 12/15/04, Randy Paries wrote:
I am building a new DB box.
The box is mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4.0.20
All my other boxes are RH9 and mysql 3
The one problem I am having is they appear to do the my.cnf differently
There was no my.cnf in the /etc dir, so I created one from my-huge.cnf and
placed it in the /etc
But the startup does not use it.
Run mysqld --help and look at the help message to see what option
files the server thinks it's supposed to read.  One possibility is
that it reads /etc/mysql/my.cnf instead of /etc/my.cnf -- I believe
some vendors hack MySQL to change the location of the global option
So I tried to append the same command to the mysql script that is called
from init.d
--defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf  and I get the error
041215 10:51:59  mysqld started
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 'defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf'
041215 10:51:59  mysqld ended
The probable cause of this is that --defaults-file is not the first
That part that confuses me is in the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld
(I put in some debug echos to see where it is exiting)
When I run the startup it print 2
But I am not failure with /usr/bin/my_print_defaults
Thanks for any help!
# Get arguments from the my.cnf file,
# groups [mysqld] [mysql_server] and [mysql.server]
if test -x ./bin/my_print_defaults
echo 1
elif test -x $bindir/my_print_defaults
echo 2
elif test -x $bindir/mysql_print_defaults
echo 3
echo I am here
  # Try to find basedir in /etc/my.cnf
  if test -r $conf
dirs=`sed -e /$subpat/!d -e 's//\1/' $conf`
for d in $dirs
  d=`echo $d | sed -e 's/[  ]//g'`
  if test -x $d/bin/my_print_defaults
  if test -x $d/bin/mysql_print_defaults
  # Hope it's in the PATH ... but I doubt it
  test -z $print_defaults  print_defaults=my_print_defaults

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Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Help getting mysqld to read my my.cnf on start from init.d on mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4

2004-12-15 Thread Paul DuBois
At 11:23 -0600 12/15/04, Randy Paries wrote:
So I tried
$bindir/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --datadir=$datadir
--defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --pid-file=$pid_file  /dev/null 
I get the error::
041215 11:15:11  mysqld started
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 'defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf'
041215 11:15:11  mysqld ended
mysqld does accept the --defaults-file, but I am trying to get this to run
properly from the init.d startup
It appears that mysqld_safe does not accept --defaults-file
I guess I could hack the mysqld_safe, but I would really like to do it the
correct way...
What did mysqld --help report for the set of option files that mysqld will

-Original Message-
From: Paul DuBois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 11:08 AM
To: Randy Paries; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Help getting mysqld to read my my.cnf on start from init.d on
mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4
At 11:02 -0600 12/15/04, Randy Paries wrote:
I am building a new DB box.
The box is mandrake 10.1 and mysql 4.0.20
All my other boxes are RH9 and mysql 3
The one problem I am having is they appear to do the my.cnf differently
There was no my.cnf in the /etc dir, so I created one from my-huge.cnf
and placed it in the /etc
But the startup does not use it.
Run mysqld --help and look at the help message to see what option files
the server thinks it's supposed to read.  One possibility is that it reads
/etc/mysql/my.cnf instead of /etc/my.cnf -- I believe some vendors hack
MySQL to change the location of the global option file.
So I tried to append the same command to the mysql script that is
called from init.d --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf  and I get the error
041215 10:51:59  mysqld started
/usr/sbin/mysqld: ERROR: unknown variable 'defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf'
041215 10:51:59  mysqld ended
The probable cause of this is that --defaults-file is not the first option.
That part that confuses me is in the script /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld (I
put in some debug echos to see where it is exiting) When I run the
startup it print 2
But I am not failure with /usr/bin/my_print_defaults
Thanks for any help!
# Get arguments from the my.cnf file,
# groups [mysqld] [mysql_server] and [mysql.server] if test -x
./bin/my_print_defaults then
 echo 1
elif test -x $bindir/my_print_defaults
 echo 2
elif test -x $bindir/mysql_print_defaults then
 echo 3
 echo I am here
   # Try to find basedir in /etc/my.cnf
   if test -r $conf
 dirs=`sed -e /$subpat/!d -e 's//\1/' $conf`
 for d in $dirs
   d=`echo $d | sed -e 's/[  ]//g'`
   if test -x $d/bin/my_print_defaults
   if test -x $d/bin/mysql_print_defaults
   # Hope it's in the PATH ... but I doubt it
   test -z $print_defaults  print_defaults=my_print_defaults
Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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File locking mysql 4

2004-06-24 Thread Shelly Zhang
Does mysql 4 require file locking?  I'm not talking about in the
database -- I know how to lock and unlock tables for data consistency.
I'm referring to the filesystem that the data lives on.

For reasons too boring to go in to, I have a mysql server and I'm keeping
the database files (i.e., the var directory) on a filesystem that doesn't
support file locking.  Is this going to pose a problem?

If this is being sent to the wrong mailing list, please point me to the
right one.

Any help will be appreciated!

Shelly Zhang
mysql-zrxve AT mysql-zrxve DOT kicks-ass DOT org
(Yes, that address works.)

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Re: File locking mysql 4

2004-06-24 Thread Eric Bergen
MySQL itself doesn't require file locking. Infact there is an option
to turn it off. --skip-external-locking that disables using the
flock() system call. Just watch out
that you don't accidently start two mysqlds on the same datadir. 


On 24 Jun 2004 13:42:33 -0700, Shelly Zhang
 Does mysql 4 require file locking?  I'm not talking about in the
 database -- I know how to lock and unlock tables for data consistency.
 I'm referring to the filesystem that the data lives on.
 For reasons too boring to go in to, I have a mysql server and I'm keeping
 the database files (i.e., the var directory) on a filesystem that doesn't
 support file locking.  Is this going to pose a problem?
 If this is being sent to the wrong mailing list, please point me to the
 right one.
 Any help will be appreciated!
 Shelly Zhang
 mysql-zrxve AT mysql-zrxve DOT kicks-ass DOT org
 (Yes, that address works.)
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Is there any good soul out there who can help me with mysql 4 .0.17 replication.

2004-06-02 Thread Victor Pendleton

-Original Message-
From: Ravi T
Sent: 6/2/04 11:49 AM
Subject: Is there any good soul out there who can help me with mysql 4.0.17

I am new to mysql and having some trouble with replication.  Simple
stuff like,
1.  How to restart the stopped resplication,
On the slave: 
Fix the error found in the `Last_error` column

2.  How to check if the replication is working,
Both `Slave_IO_Running` and `Slave_SQL_Running` should be `Yes`

3.  How to bring the  slave into master status when master crashes,
The slave needs to be set up to log-bin
The change master on the other slaves to point to this new master

4.  How to restore master and re-enable replication.
Rebuild the tables on the master and sync up the slaves
Thanks and appreciate very much if some one could donate the time and
Ravi T.

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2.4.25/MySql (4/5) gcc 3.2.3

2004-04-03 Thread CC

I'm using a kernel 2.4.25 system (Slackware distro) installed
with gcc 3.2.3.
I've tried both 4.0 and 5.0 source tarballs and when
configured with :
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-mysqld-user=mysql \
and compiled, I always end up with:

gcc -DDEFAULT_BASEDIR=\/usr/local/mysql\ 
-DSHAREDIR=\/usr/local/mysql/share/mysql\ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. 
-I.. -I../include -I.-O3 -DDBUG_OFF   -c `test -f my_semaphore.c || 
echo './'`my_semaphore.c
In file included from ../include/my_semaphore.h:38,
from my_semaphore.c:23:
/usr/include/semaphore.h:34: field `__sem_lock' has incomplete type
make[2]: *** [my_semaphore.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/curinsts/mysql-5.0.0-alpha/mysys'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/curinsts/mysql-5.0.0-alpha'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Now, I've searched with google and came up with a link stating
that gcc 3.2.3  doesn't work with the current kernel 2.4.25.
And it gave me an example sem.c file:
8   8

#include semaphore.h

8   8

and I compiled with :  gcc -c sem.c

It works and creates a sem.o file.

Is there a more complete test file to check whether it is a kernel
issue or a compiler issue?


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Re: building mysql 4 on RH8

2004-03-31 Thread Victor Medina
Marius Stan wrote:
Hello all,

While trying to build MySQL-4.0.18-0.src.rpm downloaded from 
on a RedHat 8 I get these:

In function `skip_zero':

Are you sure you _do_ have ncurses devel packages installed?

Google hints me that the  __ctype_b error should arise only on RH9+ 
because it's glibc doesn't export some stuff anymore, while RH8 should 
be just fine, because:


I always build my packages from source, I used to have mysql 4.1, 4.0.18 
and 5-alpha compiled and running just fine under RH9 (I said used 
cause i have just upgraded from RH9 to SuSE 9) I am pretty sure i still 
have the RH9 packages somewhere. Just let me know if you want my copy. 
=) Again, I never had problems compilling mysql under RH9.

Most of those errors are due to incomplete or not properly configure 
developement-build environments.

Best Regards
 |  _    _|Victor Medina M   |
 |\ \ \| |  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL  |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |/_/_/|_|_| /_/   \_\|Tel: +58-241-8507325 - ext. 325   |
 ||Cel: +58-412-8859934  |
 ||geek by nature - linux by choice  |
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building mysql 4 on RH8

2004-03-30 Thread Marius Stan
Hello all,

While trying to build MySQL-4.0.18-0.src.rpm downloaded from 
on a RedHat 8 I get these:

In function `skip_zero':
lib_termcap.o(.text+0xcc): undefined reference to `__ctype_b'
In function `parse_format':
lib_tparm.o(.text+0x1112): undefined reference to `__ctype_b'
In function `tputs':
lib_tputs.o(.text+0x213): undefined reference to `__ctype_b'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [mysql] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mysql-4.0.18/client'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/mysql-4.0.18'
make: *** [all] Error 2
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.95095 (%build)

Google hints me that the  __ctype_b error should arise only on RH9+ 
because it's glibc doesn't export some stuff anymore, while RH8 should 
be just fine, because:

# rpm -q glibc
Any hints ? Can I find an usable mysql4 src.rpm to compile cleanly on my 
RH8 ?

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Re: Drop and Add Functions in Mysql 4

2004-03-05 Thread Victor Medina
You could try MySQL 5(it is in alpha state), which comes with stored
procedures, mixing stored procedures and prepered statements could be a

About Sybex's book, haven't read it, but Paul's book (Oreilly's) is very
nice. IMHO

Best Regards

On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 23:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there, i happened to be peering into the Sybex book on Mysql4 , it was
 pretty expensive about 100 AUD is it a good one ? Anyway i had reference to
 be able to compile c code into Mysql to add functions into it. Is there
 anyway posible to avodi doing this and add it using queries ? Let me know


 |  _    _|Victor Medina M   |
 |\ \ \| |  _ \ / \   |Linux - Java - MySQL  |
 | \ \ \  _| | |_) / _ \  |Dpto. Sistemas - Ferreteria EPA   |
 | / / / |___|  __/ ___ \ |[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
 |/_/_/|_|_| /_/   \_\|ext. 325 - Tél: +58-241-8507325   |
 ||geek by nature - linux by choice  |

Drop and Add Functions in Mysql 4

2004-03-04 Thread daniel
Hi there, i happened to be peering into the Sybex book on Mysql4 , it was
pretty expensive about 100 AUD is it a good one ? Anyway i had reference to
be able to compile c code into Mysql to add functions into it. Is there
anyway posible to avodi doing this and add it using queries ? Let me know

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Re: bigint support in MySql 4

2004-02-20 Thread Jeff Mathis
sorry, I don't know that one. Never have used any version of mysql lower 
than 4.04. a suggestion might be to call your 4.0 column an unsigned 
bigint, or if possible an unsigned int if the numbers can fit in 32 
bits. unsigned means its always positive.


ps. you may want top reply all so the rest of the group can comment. 
you sent it to me directly.

 Thanks for your quick reply. I had another question. I have some tables
with columns of tyoe bigint running on MySql 3.23. When i copied these
tables on to MySql 4.0 the values of these columns are displayed
negative. When I copy them back the values are correctly displayed. Could
you tell me as to how I can handle this situation ?
 yes it does. we use a bigint(20) for example.


I would like to know whether MySql 4.0 supports bigint. If not what
is the corresponding data type that I ccould use if I am imoprting
tables from MySql 3.2 to MySql 4.0

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
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bigint support in MySql 4

2004-02-18 Thread hegde
 I would like to know whether MySql 4.0 supports bigint. If not what
is the corresponding data type that I ccould use if I am imoprting
tables from MySql 3.2 to MySql 4.0

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Re: bigint support in MySql 4

2004-02-18 Thread Jeff Mathis
yes it does. we use a bigint(20) for example.
 I would like to know whether MySql 4.0 supports bigint. If not what
is the corresponding data type that I ccould use if I am imoprting
tables from MySql 3.2 to MySql 4.0

Jeff Mathis, Ph.D.  505-955-1434
The Prediction Company  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
525 Camino de los Marquez, Ste 6
Santa Fe, NM 87505
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Re: MySQL 4 goes to sleep with table locks?

2004-02-07 Thread Alfredo Cole
El Sáb 07 Feb 2004 02:28, escribió:
 Mr. Alfredo
 Pls, will you give the complete structure as 'create query' of your
 database? that will help us to solve your problem.

This is the structure of the table that holds the sequential numbers for 
various documents that need them:

CREATE TABLE `invcorr` (
  `empresa` tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00',
  `tienda` tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00',
  `ultfac` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultfaccred` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultconsig` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultdev` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultped` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ulting` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultapar` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultcoti` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ulttras` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultreq` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `ultajus` bigint(9) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '0',
  `timestamp` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  `usuario` varchar(20) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`empresa`,`tienda`)

The condensed extract of the C program tha does the locking is as follows:

SQLinst = lock tables invcorr write, invfacturas write;
state = mysql_query(connection, SQLinst);
if(state != 0)
wxMessageBox(mysql_error(mysql), Error:, wxOK | 
wxMessageBox(_(Could not lock table!), _(Error:), wxOK | 
SQLinst = select ultfac from invcorr where empresa='
+ sCodigoEmp
+ ' and tienda='
+ sFacTienda
+ ' order by tienda;
state = mysql_query(connection, SQLinst);
result = mysql_store_result(connection);
if(mysql_num_rows(result) != 0) // Tiene registros
while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL)
// Asigno valores
sFacDocu = row[0] ? row[0] : ;
sFacDocu.Printf(%09.0f, dFacDocu);
SQLinst = update invcorr set ultfac='
+ sFacDocu
+ ' where empresa='
+ sCodigoEmp
+ ' and tienda='
+ sFacTienda + ';
state = mysql_query(connection, SQLinst);
SQLinst = unlock tables;
state = mysql_query(connection, SQLinst);

This final update is what seems to sleep and not react inmediately. The 
application resides in one central server with dual Xeon 2.8 Ghz CPU's and 6 
Gb RAM. All users run the application at the server connecting either via 
ssh, VNC or Linux Terminal Server Project.

During the day, I will get 3 or 4 duplicate numbers per store. Given the fact 
that reporting sales tax received, depends on a correct sequence of invoices, 
my company could get into big trouble if authorities think we are trying to 
avoid sales tax reporting.

Thank you for your help.

Alfredo J. Cole

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MySQL 4 goes to sleep with table locks?

2004-02-06 Thread Alfredo Cole
I am using Mandrake 9.1 and MySQL 4.0.11 from the LM CD's.

In my application, I have a table that stores the sequential numbers of 
invoices prepared by several stores. Every time a salesman prepares an 
invoice for a customer, the system goes to this table, locks it with lock 
tables table write, reads the number of the last invoice made for that 
store, adds one to that number, updates the field, and unlocks the table. In 
theory, I should never get a duplicate invoice, but in practice, I do. So, it 
seems that MySQL maintains, under some special circumstances, the same number 
and does not update it. Maybe there is a parameter in my.cnf I could change 
to make sure all updates are processed inmediately?

Auto increment field would not apply in this case, since there is only one 
record per store that gets updated for every invoice. I would appreciate any 
advise. Thank you.

Alfredo J. Cole

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MySQL 4.x performance tuning

2004-01-05 Thread Reto Baumann
Hi all

I have a MySQL installation running on a Pentium3 based system with 2GB RAM... The 
database primarily uses MyISAM tables with 60% SELECT statements. The database is used 
as a backend for a PHP web application.

Do the following values make any sense?
set-variable= key_buffer=200M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=12
set-variable= net_buffer_length=8K
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=10M
set-variable= join_buffer_size=8M
set-variable= record_buffer=5M
set-variable= long_query_time=4
set-variable= query_cache_limit=2M
set-variable= query_cache_size=50M
set-variable= query_cache_type=2
set-variable= max_connections=200

Is there a way to see if the key buffer size was ever reached? The SHOW STATUS says 
the following about the Keys:
Key blocks used   125400  
Key read requests   3518220013  
Key reads   94807  
Key write requests   17079943  
Key writes   8323850 

It's interesting to see, that SHOW STATUS shows a lot of generated temporary tables:
Created tmp disk tables   28814  
Created tmp tables   716581  
Created tmp files   506757  

Are these values too high?

Thanks a lot for your help

View Users in MySQL 4

2003-12-29 Thread Mario

Got a database  I'd like to know what user/s have
access to this database.

I am able to login to MySQL and can do SHOW DATABASES,
Now, I know there's a user supposedly called kong
using an specific database. How can I tell if that is

I am new to MySQL, being this the 1st time I ever use
SQL commands.


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