Re: [newbie] Any KDE applicaiton work like PKZIP for multi-floppy disks zipping

1999-09-27 Thread Richard Adams

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 I would like to backup some *.rpm, but the file size is over 1 floppy capacity.
 Any command line or references would be helpful.

Why not use tar and the -M option -M multi archive.

Regards Richard

RE: [newbie] Signal 11

1999-09-27 Thread Richard Adams

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 This is only my suggestion, as AFAIK there are several possible causes of
 this. I also was running happily for months when all of a sudden it started
 happening - about a year ago now so nothing to do with 6.0/6.1.
 I was running a Cyrix chip which i had setup according to my motherboards
 recommendations. On further inspection the chip had different settings
 printed on the chip itself. I changed the settings on my m/b to those
 printed on the chip.
 The change effectively used a higher multiplier with a slower bus speed -
 hey presto my problems went away and never came back. I think the Cyrix
 chips may already be overclocked, so it pays to set them up slightly on the
 slower side - you REALLY won't notice the difference!

May i say you used the wrong word, you REALLY will notice that sig 11
will dissapier.

I hope i'm not going to start a cyrix users flame session, but if we
look thro'  different list archives 90% of machines which have sig11
probs have cyrix processors.

 Just a suggestion, perhaps worth checking out.

A very good suggestion if i may say so.

Regards Richard

Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

The command you will need is:

tar -xzpvf [filename]

where [filename] is the name of the file you want to extract.

In a consloe screen (or window), run the above command, and it will
extract the file into the current folder. I suggest that you create a
folder under your personal folder ( the one you are in when you log on
as a normal user) using the command:

"mkdir [directory name]",

then move the gzip file to it using the command:

"mv [current path/filename.ext] [destination path/filename.ext]"

where current path/filename.ext is the path to the current location of
the file to be moved, as in /root/downloads/filename.ext,

and destination path/filename.ext is the location to which you wish to
move the file, as in /home/installer/filename.ext. Note: replace the
above paths and filenames with the real ones.

then extract the contents using the tar command discribed at the top.

After you do all this, read the README file or the INSTALL file for
instructions on installing the software you have just extracted, and
follow the provided instructions.

I hope this helps. You can learn about the switches for the tar command
in the man page. Read it using "man tar". You can also read about the mv
command with "man mv". and mkdir with "man mkdir". To learn about the
man command run "man man". There is a wealth of great info in the man
pages. Thaat is where I have found 99% of what I need to know. They are
not easy to understand all the time, but once you get used to them it is
not so bad.


bay56 wrote:
 I would love to try this myself, but I am only a couple of days into linux,
 and I can not find out how to deal with the compression format this driver
 came in. It seems that in it's default form Mandrake has no knowledge of
 what seems to be some kind of gzip/tar combination.
 What do I need to deal with that file as downloaded from creative? it's
 called sblive-0.2b.tar.gz
 I have to use my winbox to grab files at present (while I get Linux pulled
 together enough to do it) I then transfer to LS120 disk - and in the first
 couple of days I have managed to get linux to see this drive and even copy
 the files to the linux partition (where I am keeping these kind of support
 files). I can't be far off the right method, because I have managed
 (somehow) to install star office this way - but this has me a bit stumped. I
 have no clue where to look to find out how to de-compress the file to even
 attempt what you outlined - but want to try it.
 I am using Mandrake 6.0 Venus - and hopefully 6.1 Helios in next few days
 when I can lay hands on it.
 Can you suggest an approach please?
 Or when that server is down go direct to
 - Original Message -
 From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 11:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work
  Try the command "sndconfig" without the quotes from a console window.
  Then follow the on screen instructions. One thing I have noticed on my
  system is that the sound card output volume is very low, and so you must
  listen carefully when the util plays the test sounds. Even if you only
  think you hear something from your speakers, answer yes to the test
  question "Did you hear the Sound?" or something like that. Also, if the
  speakers are amplified, turn up the volume before running sndconfig.
  This may help. You can read up on the util with "man sndconfig". To get
  out of the man util press "q". I hope this helps.
  Thomas  Peter wrote:
   I am a total newbie. I've  had a computer for 1 1/2 years.  I never
   worked with Dos. I got sick of Win 98 always crashing.  I have
   everything running  except my sound card.
   I am running Mandrake 6.0 and my sound card is a Sound Blaster Live. I
   went to their download site and downloaded the driver.  It has two ways
   to execute it, automatic and manuel.  When I try to use its self
   install. I get the error "can only run executibles on local disks only".
   I thought that was what my hard drive was.  I even tried to install it
   the manul way but had no luck at that either.
   Creative is not offering any help for linux at this time. Do you have
   any suggestions.

Re: [Re: [newbie] Upgradeing all packages destroys my system]

1999-09-27 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

I'm still too new at Linux to help with the repair job, but I can
explain why you need to do the installer. When you are running an
installed Linux system, the files you want to replace in a version
upgrade are being used by the system, and cannot be replaced. That is
why you need a boot disk, so the files wil;l not be in use. If you watch
the install screens, you will see one that gives you a choice of
"Install" or "Update". When you get there, choose "Update". (could be
"Upgrade"). This will not wipe out your existing stuff, and will still
replace the existing version with the newer one. Hope all this makes


Tymanthius Rune Speak wrote:
 Ok, but I don't understand why I can't just grab the rpms, and then upgrade
 what I have installed, using kpackage or rpm.  Which is why I didn't read the
 readme or install files - didn't think I had to do an install.  That's what I
 get for thunking . . .
 Anyhow I wrote down the error messages, and did some tracking:
 INIT: version 2.76 booting
 sh: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
 object file: no such file or directory
 INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
 bash: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open
 shared object file: no such file or directory
 INIT cannot execute "/etc/X11/prefdm"
 (it then goes into a respawning loop and eventually quits trying.)
 Now, using a Debian CD I have lying around I went in and mounted /usr/lib and
 I found  I even cp'd it to / hoping that this would put it
 unmistakably in the path.  Guess not.  So which file can I edit to make it
 explicitly point to libreadline?  I THINK (and that hurts!) it will fix my
   Thanks so much for the help!!
 "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To do the upgrade, you will need to download the entire contents of the
 /Mandrake folder. You will need to make a boot disk to run the
 instalation program. From DOS or Windoz, you can do this with the
 boot.img file from the Images folder on the FTP site, and rawrite (not
 sure of the spelling of names) from the DOSUTILS folder. Run rawrite
 while loged into the directory which contains the rawrite utility, and
 folow the on screen prompts. With a floppy in drive A: , rawrite will
 produce a boot disk for Linux. Boot from the boot disk you just made,
 then when the install program runs, select the "update" option, not the
 "install" one. This will update your current instalation, and hopefully
 fix any errors you may now be encountering. Also note that the people at
 Mandrake are kind enough to provide "readme" files. I make it a practice
 to always read these things, as they usually keep me out of trouble, or
 at least reduce the depth of trouble I get myself into. There is a
 Readme file and a INSTALL file. Read 'em both. They may help.
 Good luck,
 Tymanthius Rune Speak wrote:
  Ok, I downloaded all the packages from 6.1.  I then went thru and tried to
  install them all using kpackage.  Some, no matter what I did, would always
  give me unsatisfied depends - even tho I JUST installed those depends!
  So I reboot, thinking that will wake up kpackage - Instead I get "Can't
  something"  It was lookingin X11R6/.../predfm(?).  I know, I know, I
  have the whole error msg.  This happened to me when I tried to use autorpm
  too.  Same msg's.
  I'm using my web based email account from a Windoze machine so I don't have
  access to the errors.  If anyone can tell me:
  A) What went wrong, and
  B) How to prevent it, and
  C) How to reinstall w/o losing anything, I'd Really Really love it!!
  Get free email and a permanent address at
 Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [newbie] Install nightmare

1999-09-27 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

Try restarting, then wait to see if the system starts in X-windows.
Sounds like you are set up for automatic GUI. You will see a console log
in screen, then, after a short pause, X loads, and you should get the
graphical log in screen. Hopefully, the problem is not in the software,
but in your eagerness to use the system. If that isn't it, I don't know
enough to be of help as yet.


Valheru wrote:
 I just installed Linux on my system.  I d/l'ed all the files from the
 Mandrake-Linux FTP site, and set them up in a folder called "Mandrake"
 I didn't notice the "Lnx4win" subfolder until later, so I just ran
 "autoboot.bat" from the "dosutils" folder and went on with the install.
   Minus losing 1 or 2 partions in the process, all went well. But, when
 LILO runs, it delays in two places: Starting system loggers and
 starting sendmail.  After the delays it gets all the way to the Login
 prompt, pauses a few seconds, and in the middle of me typing, the
 screen  starts to scroll down and fills with messages (too fast for me
 to read) and the monitor resets itself, but stays in power-on mode
 (green light), and it's pretty much dead after that.
   Any one have ideas? Sorry to ramble, I'll post hardware list later if
 needed.  Thanks in advance,

[newbie] 6.0 hangs on boot :(

1999-09-27 Thread Mike Armour

Greets all,

my newly installed hangs (completely ctrl-c and the three finger salute
don't work) on "Starting optimisation for hda" and "Starting optimsation on
hdc" upon boot.
a reinstall hasn't done any good and from the boot disk i'm can't figure out
how to pass it -s (or is it -S?) for a single user boot ... any ideas on why
it hangs ??


[newbie] New install on second hd -- advice please.

1999-09-27 Thread DKunz

I am trying to install MDK 6.0 on second hard 
drive. It is a Western Digital 6.4 Gig hd. The first hard drive is a Maxtor 4.2 
Gig. Does part of MDK 6.0 have to be on first drive? I have Partion Magic 4.01 
so moving partions around is easy enough, it also comes with BootMagic. I could 
use BootMagic or LILO as OS loader.
Currently have 1st drive partioned c: and d: with 
Win98. I have second drive as one partion as yet I will make at least these 
partions  / , /home , and /swap. Any others I should make? Which partion set as 
active? Primary or logical?
If there is a How to could someone point me the 

Any advice greatly appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Networking Multi-users

1999-09-27 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:

  OK, onward and upward.  I am about to begin the networking side of my
  linux install and am wondering if I need anything special to manage all
  users / log ins from a single station ( Please tell me I do not need to
  install and create each user on each machine they might be using).  This
  is a network environment for the wife and kiddies and not a dial in (
  home toy only at this point ).  I'd be glad to RTFM if I had any idea
  where to start.
  Joseph Gardner
  Senior Designer / Technical Support
  Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

 NIS howto, and a six pack


I'm a pretty big guy I don't think a six pack would do.  8-)
Got any suggestions for a good howto?



Re: [Re: [Re: [newbie] Upgradeing all packages destroys my system]]

1999-09-27 Thread Tymanthius Rune Speak

That mostly makes sense, but I kinda thought that one of the great things
about Linux was the 'no need to reboot on upgrades' part.  Guess not system
upgrades, just end user software?


"Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm still too new at Linux to help with the repair job, but I can
explain why you need to do the installer. When you are running an
installed Linux system, the files you want to replace in a version
upgrade are being used by the system, and cannot be replaced. That is
why you need a boot disk, so the files wil;l not be in use. If you watch
the install screens, you will see one that gives you a choice of
"Install" or "Update". When you get there, choose "Update". (could be
"Upgrade"). This will not wipe out your existing stuff, and will still
replace the existing version with the newer one. Hope all this makes


Tymanthius Rune Speak wrote:
 Ok, but I don't understand why I can't just grab the rpms, and then upgrade
 what I have installed, using kpackage or rpm.  Which is why I didn't read
 readme or install files - didn't think I had to do an install.  That's what
 get for thunking . . .
 Anyhow I wrote down the error messages, and did some tracking:
 INIT: version 2.76 booting
 sh: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open
 object file: no such file or directory
 INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
 bash: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open
 shared object file: no such file or directory
 INIT cannot execute "/etc/X11/prefdm"
 (it then goes into a respawning loop and eventually quits trying.)
 Now, using a Debian CD I have lying around I went in and mounted /usr/lib
 I found  I even cp'd it to / hoping that this would put
 unmistakably in the path.  Guess not.  So which file can I edit to make it
 explicitly point to libreadline?  I THINK (and that hurts!) it will fix my
   Thanks so much for the help!!
 "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To do the upgrade, you will need to download the entire contents of the
 /Mandrake folder. You will need to make a boot disk to run the
 instalation program. From DOS or Windoz, you can do this with the
 boot.img file from the Images folder on the FTP site, and rawrite (not
 sure of the spelling of names) from the DOSUTILS folder. Run rawrite
 while loged into the directory which contains the rawrite utility, and
 folow the on screen prompts. With a floppy in drive A: , rawrite will
 produce a boot disk for Linux. Boot from the boot disk you just made,
 then when the install program runs, select the "update" option, not the
 "install" one. This will update your current instalation, and hopefully
 fix any errors you may now be encountering. Also note that the people at
 Mandrake are kind enough to provide "readme" files. I make it a practice
 to always read these things, as they usually keep me out of trouble, or
 at least reduce the depth of trouble I get myself into. There is a
 Readme file and a INSTALL file. Read 'em both. They may help.
 Good luck,
 Tymanthius Rune Speak wrote:
  Ok, I downloaded all the packages from 6.1.  I then went thru and tried
  install them all using kpackage.  Some, no matter what I did, would
  give me unsatisfied depends - even tho I JUST installed those depends!
  So I reboot, thinking that will wake up kpackage - Instead I get "Can't
  something"  It was lookingin X11R6/.../predfm(?).  I know, I know, I
  have the whole error msg.  This happened to me when I tried to use
  too.  Same msg's.
  I'm using my web based email account from a Windoze machine so I don't
  access to the errors.  If anyone can tell me:
  A) What went wrong, and
  B) How to prevent it, and
  C) How to reinstall w/o losing anything, I'd Really Really love it!!
  Get free email and a permanent address at
 Get free email and a permanent address at

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [newbie] 6.0 hangs on boot :(

1999-09-27 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Mike Armour wrote:

 Greets all,
 my newly installed hangs (completely ctrl-c and the three finger salute
 don't work) on "Starting optimisation for hda" and "Starting optimsation on
 hdc" upon boot.
 a reinstall hasn't done any good and from the boot disk i'm can't figure out
 how to pass it -s (or is it -S?) for a single user boot ... any ideas on why
 it hangs ??

it's looseing it's interupt they do generaly recover, but use 
'linux single' or if it's really being difficult 
'linux single init=/bin/bash', if you use the latter you'll ave to remount
the driver read/write. Then edit/comment out the hdparm lines in


RE: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread martin

This stuff is in the archives as it's been covered _MANY_ times before, but
i'm feeling generous (if a little lazy) so


Archives Complaint: WAS: Re: [RE: [newbie] Ears don't work]

1999-09-27 Thread Tymanthius Rune Speak

I've tried searching the Archives before, and, well, it ain't to user
friendly.  If what you want isn't in the subject line, you're lost.  Is there
a better method out there?  I dunno myself, never looked.


This stuff is in the archives as it's been covered _MANY_ times before, but
i'm feeling generous (if a little lazy) so


Get free email and a permanent address at

RE: Archives Complaint: WAS: Re: [RE: [newbie] Ears don't work]

1999-09-27 Thread martin


Fair enough - i just looked through the archives myself and have to admit to
the same thing. Couldn't find what i wanted - that said, turned out that
what i wanted was in the newsgroup 'alt.os.linux.mandrake', not the newbie
lists after all !!

The link i gave you should help you setup the SBLive! if you are on Mandrake
6.0 or below.

I'm just about to post another request to the list, and hope to have a
solution for 6.1 up at that link sometime over the next day or so. Bear with
me ;o)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tymanthius Rune
 Sent: 27 September 1999 13:20
 Subject: Archives Complaint: WAS: Re: [RE: [newbie] Ears don't work]

 I've tried searching the Archives before, and, well, it ain't to user
 friendly.  If what you want isn't in the subject line, you're
 lost.  Is there
 a better method out there?  I dunno myself, never looked.


 This stuff is in the archives as it's been covered _MANY_
 times before, but
 i'm feeling generous (if a little lazy) so


Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [newbie] Savage 4 Server

1999-09-27 Thread John Aldrich

On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 Does anyone know if XFree86 3.3.5 (I think that's the most recent version)
 has the appropriate x server for video cards with the Savage 4 chipset?
According to, it would
appear that it does not. On the other hand, there IS a new
"generic" S3 driver. Check out the following link for more

Re: [newbie] DHCP install for Linux-Mandrake and other problems...

1999-09-27 Thread John Aldrich

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 I know it's a known problem, and I've seen it on their website, but how big 
 is the file? If it fits on a diskette, I can download it from Windows then 
 switch HD and install it from the diskette. How simple is it to install 
 something in Linux from a DOS formatted diskette? Not so simple, I tried 
 (I'm a newbie, remember?)
Well, it's about 3 megs for the kernel upgrade, so I'd say
it's not something you can upgrade from a floppy. 

 With my Cable account, I also have 5 hours per
 month of dialup time, which   have already been used, so
 until someone tells me they have a definite fix   for
 Linux-Mandrake DHCP, I'll scrap it and try RedHat one more
 time.But if RedHat tells me that I can't access the
 CD-Rom unless I'm root, I'll   add another HD to my
 Windows system. Sorry guys...  

The solution to the accessing the CDROM only as root is to
go edit your /etc/fstab file and change it to look like
the following:
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660 noauto,user,ro  0 0

The "important" part as far as you're concerned is the
"user" part. That tells Linux to allow anyone to read the

Re: [newbie] StatrOffice 5.1

1999-09-27 Thread Brett Jones

Did you install it with the  /net switch?

Belzebub wrote:
 I downloaded and installed Star Offie 5.1 on my Mandrake 6.0
 distribuition. I made an updated CD just before 6.1 came out, so I have
 a custom CD with all the last updates before 6.1. My kernel is 2.2.13.
 After the installation finished, I am able to run the application as
 root or superuser, but as a regular user. Any suggestions?

Re: [newbie] New install on second hd -- advice please.

1999-09-27 Thread Darcy Emily Baston

I dedicated Mandrake to the second hard disk all to itself, 
and partitioned that same dedicated hard drive into 2 parts, for Linux and swap 
respectively. Use the DiskDruid software that's available during the 
installation and it works perfectly. Well, did for me anyway! LILO puts its info 
in the boot record of your choice (1st or second HD)


  - Original Message - 
  To: newbie 
  Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 7:46 
  Subject: [newbie] New install on second 
  hd -- advice please.
  I am trying to install MDK 6.0 on second hard 
  drive. It is a Western Digital 6.4 Gig hd. The first hard drive is a Maxtor 
  4.2 Gig. Does part of MDK 6.0 have to be on first drive? I have Partion Magic 
  4.01 so moving partions around is easy enough, it also comes with BootMagic. I 
  could use BootMagic or LILO as OS loader.
  Currently have 1st drive partioned c: and d: with 
  Win98. I have second drive as one partion as yet I will make at least these 
  partions / , /home , and /swap. Any others I should make? Which partion set as 
  active? Primary or logical?
  If there is a How to could someone point me the 
  Any advice greatly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] StatrOffice 5.1

1999-09-27 Thread Barry Marler

--On Monday, September 27, 1999, 4:09 PM + Belzebub

 I downloaded and installed Star Offie 5.1 on my Mandrake 6.0
 After the installation finished, I am able to run the application as
 root or superuser, but as a regular user. Any suggestions?

You've checked permissions, right?

Barry Marler
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
University of Georgia
(706)542-0742 (voice)
(706)542-0059 (fax)

[newbie] A recent mail

1999-09-27 Thread martin


If a mail comes through from me with the attachment 'PrettyPark.exe' PLEASE

It is a virus - i really didn't know i had it, and unfortunately the address
of this list is in my name and address book, so it went out.

Hopefully the list server has anti-virus software to detect it, but just in

gives instructions for cleaning it up.

Of course if you're running Linux you should be okay anyway ;-)

Again sorry (in advance),

Re: [newbie] Starting httpd on boot

1999-09-27 Thread mas9483

On 26 Sep, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 26 Sep, John Aldrich wrote:
  On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
  How do I do that?
It's httpd, the one that is built wiht Apache 1.3.9.  I have it
  configured to standalone in ../../apache/conf/httpd.conf right now, but
  I don't know how to start it automatically.
It says in the docs something about rc3.d, but I don't know what file
  to edit inside the directory.
  Hmmgood point. I'd say put the httpd command in
  /etc/rc.d/rc.local and let it go from there. AFAIK, that *should* be
  the equivalent of putting it in MSDOS's "autoexec.bat" where it'll
  start automagically at boot. 
  'Course, this is only a guess, as I'm not running httpd here...
 Actually, I believe the better way to do this would be to put the httpd
 executable in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ (which, I believe, should be the
 default for Mandrake).  Did you not install Mandrake's Apache RPM?
 Try `ls /etc/rc.d/init.d/`  Do you see httpd anywhere in there?  If
 not, copy (or link) httpd to this directory.  That should start it on a
 boot to runlevel 3 or 5.
 the httpd file in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ is a shell script

So it is.  It seems everything in init.d is a shell script.  Sure are a
lot of those around...

So then, since it seems he did not install Mandrake's Apache RPM, I
guess it would be better to put the startup command in rc.local.

-Matt Stegman

Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

Just you so far - and thanks for it! ;-)

 'tar -xvzf fname' The z incorporates an unzip

where tar is a console command (which should already be included in
mandrake?), -xvzf are switches, and fname is my file to decompress?

I'll give it a try, and see if you post any twists to beware of later! ;-)

I may know some about Windoze - and rather more about Amigas, but zero about
linux! ;-)


Or when that server is down go direct to

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 11:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Ears don't work

 I'm doing a bit of catchup on the list right now, so i'm sure someone will
 have already answered, but just in case...

 'tar -xvzf fname' The z incorporates an unzip.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of bay56
  Sent: 26 September 1999 22:23
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work
  I would love to try this myself, but I am only a couple of
  days into linux,
  and I can not find out how to deal with the compression
  format this driver
  came in. It seems that in it's default form Mandrake has no
  knowledge of
  what seems to be some kind of gzip/tar combination.
  What do I need to deal with that file as downloaded from
  creative? it's
  called sblive-0.2b.tar.gz
  I have to use my winbox to grab files at present (while I get
  Linux pulled
  together enough to do it) I then transfer to LS120 disk - and
  in the first
  couple of days I have managed to get linux to see this drive
  and even copy
  the files to the linux partition (where I am keeping these
  kind of support
  files). I can't be far off the right method, because I have managed
  (somehow) to install star office this way - but this has me a
  bit stumped. I
  have no clue where to look to find out how to de-compress the
  file to even
  attempt what you outlined - but want to try it.
  I am using Mandrake 6.0 Venus - and hopefully 6.1 Helios in
  next few days
  when I can lay hands on it.
  Can you suggest an approach please?
  Or when that server is down go direct to

 - Original Message -
 From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 11:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

  Try the command "sndconfig" without the quotes from a console window.
  Then follow the on screen instructions. One thing I have noticed on my
  system is that the sound card output volume is very low, and so you must
  listen carefully when the util plays the test sounds. Even if you only
  think you hear something from your speakers, answer yes to the test
  question "Did you hear the Sound?" or something like that. Also, if the
  speakers are amplified, turn up the volume before running sndconfig.
  This may help. You can read up on the util with "man sndconfig". To get
  out of the man util press "q". I hope this helps.
  Thomas  Peter wrote:
   I am a total newbie. I've  had a computer for 1 1/2 years.  I never
   worked with Dos. I got sick of Win 98 always crashing.  I have
   everything running  except my sound card.
   I am running Mandrake 6.0 and my sound card is a Sound Blaster Live. I
   went to their download site and downloaded the driver.  It has two
   to execute it, automatic and manuel.  When I try to use its self
   install. I get the error "can only run executibles on local disks
   I thought that was what my hard drive was.  I even tried to install it
   the manul way but had no luck at that either.
   Creative is not offering any help for linux at this time. Do you have
   any suggestions.

[newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Eric Solberg

I'm having trouble getting mail working with Mandrake 6.1. I have the 
MX record set up in DNS. If I send mail from the shell I can receive the 
mail either using Pine or using my Windoze email client at work. However, 
I can't seem to send mail from the mail client. When I try this at home 
(with a windows client on the same network as the Linux box) it appears to be 
succesfull, but the mail disappears never to be seen again. What seems odd 
is when I go back into the shell it tells me I have mail but when I go in with 
Pine, none is there. If I try to send mail from my office, setting my 
server as the SMTP host, I get the error message:

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', 
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket 
Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Any idea what I'm doing wronghere? Thanks in advance,

Eric Solberg

Re: [newbie] Starting httpd on boot

1999-09-27 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 26 Sep, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
  On Sun, 26 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 26 Sep, John Aldrich wrote:
   On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
   How do I do that?
   It's httpd, the one that is built wiht Apache 1.3.9.  I have it
   configured to standalone in ../../apache/conf/httpd.conf right now, but
   I don't know how to start it automatically.
   It says in the docs something about rc3.d, but I don't know what file
   to edit inside the directory.
   Hmmgood point. I'd say put the httpd command in
   /etc/rc.d/rc.local and let it go from there. AFAIK, that *should* be
   the equivalent of putting it in MSDOS's "autoexec.bat" where it'll
   start automagically at boot. 
   'Course, this is only a guess, as I'm not running httpd here...
  Actually, I believe the better way to do this would be to put the httpd
  executable in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ (which, I believe, should be the
  default for Mandrake).  Did you not install Mandrake's Apache RPM?
  Try `ls /etc/rc.d/init.d/`  Do you see httpd anywhere in there?  If
  not, copy (or link) httpd to this directory.  That should start it on a
  boot to runlevel 3 or 5.
  the httpd file in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ is a shell script
 So it is.  It seems everything in init.d is a shell script.  Sure are a
 lot of those around...
 So then, since it seems he did not install Mandrake's Apache RPM, I
 guess it would be better to put the startup command in rc.local.
 -Matt Stegman

Mmm, should be a couple flavors of init scripts floating around in the
apache src then. But of course its your machine ;) put it where ever you


Re: [newbie] 6.0 hangs on boot :(

1999-09-27 Thread Bill Crouch

Mike Armour wrote:

 Greets all,

 my newly installed hangs (completely ctrl-c and the three finger salute
 don't work) on "Starting optimisation for hda" and "Starting optimsation on
 hdc" upon boot.
 a reinstall hasn't done any good and from the boot disk i'm can't figure out
 how to pass it -s (or is it -S?) for a single user boot ... any ideas on why
 it hangs ??


Is your computer a non Pentium systemsuch as an old 486?  If so I just
went through this and will be glad to help.


Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 I'm having trouble getting mail working with Mandrake 6.1.  I have the MX record set 
up in DNS.  If I send mail from the shell I can receive the mail either using Pine or 
using my Windoze email client at work.  However, I can't seem to send mail from the 
mail client.  When I try this at home (with a windows client on the same network as 
the Linux box) it appears to be succesfull, but the mail disappears never to be seen 
again.  What seems odd is when I go back into the shell it tells me I have mail but 
when I go in with Pine, none is there.  If I try to send mail from my office, setting 
my server as the SMTP host, I get the error message:
 The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: 
'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, 
Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
 Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?  Thanks in advance,
 Eric Solberg

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way it
will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box as the
relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may need
to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would be
able to tell if you give some more info.


  ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
  (610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Where can I find kdoc

1999-09-27 Thread Eric L. Damron

I installed the K-Development IDE onto my Mandrake distribution of Linux but
it need a few more files/packages to completely setup.  One of them is kdoc.
I have searched the Mandrake site but I don't find it.

Can anyone tell me where I might locate this package.  I also need the



Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Darcy Emily Baston

  The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', 
  Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket 
  Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
  Maybe your server doesn't support SSL email? Mine doesn't so 
  I had to make sure to turn that option off.

Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread Darcy Emily Baston

 I may know some about Windoze - and rather more about Amigas, but zero
 linux! ;-)

Yeah, I'm not so diligent with the command line tar myself either. And I've
got an A1200 not getting as much attention heh. If you got KDE running, it's
got an 'archiver' program that almost works like Dopus Magellan on the
Amiga. A nice mouse driven archiver for tar. It's the only one I use for
Linux compression work.


Re: [newbie] Savage 4 Server

1999-09-27 Thread Rick Murphy

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, John Aldrich wrote:
 On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, you wrote:
  Does anyone know if XFree86 3.3.5 (I think that's the most recent version)
  has the appropriate x server for video cards with the Savage 4 chipset?
 According to, it would
 appear that it does not. On the other hand, there IS a new
 "generic" S3 driver. Check out the following link for more

I believe that creative has linux drivers for their s4,  check some of the
savage internet sites.


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [Re: [newbie] Upgradeing all packages destroys my system]

1999-09-27 Thread Steve Philp

I'm still too new at Linux to help with the repair job, but I can
explain why you need to do the installer. When you are running an
installed Linux system, the files you want to replace in a version
upgrade are being used by the system, and cannot be replaced. That is

Can't say I've ever seen THAT happen.  And I know I've installed new
versions of glibc while running multiple application/daemon/etc.  It may
be true under a Microsoft world, but I don't believe it's true in Linux.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Darcy  Emily Baston wrote:

   The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: 
'', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, 
Error Number: 0x800CCC0E
   Maybe your server doesn't support SSL email? Mine doesn't so I had to make sure to 
turn that option off.

It's a socket error, make sure the mail daemon started and stayed running.
and that you don't have both postfix and sendmail installed. then try to
'telnet 0 25' once that works the other should


Re: [newbie] StatrOffice 5.1

1999-09-27 Thread Belzebub

After doing some research i found out about the /net switch. Thank you all
for your help
Belzebub wrote:

 I downloaded and installed Star Offie 5.1 on my Mandrake 6.0
 distribuition. I made an updated CD just before 6.1 came out, so I have
 a custom CD with all the last updates before 6.1. My kernel is 2.2.13.
 After the installation finished, I am able to run the application as
 root or superuser, but as a regular user. Any suggestions?

Re: [newbie] 6.0 hangs on boot :(

1999-09-27 Thread Belzebub

If you are talking about your newly installed kernel, here is whta I did:

1. Booted Mandrake with a floppy or a rescue disk.
2. Deleted the directory where I had my kernel modules (in my case
3. Go to /usr/src/linux
4. make modules  make modules_install
5. Check your lilo.conf and make sure you are booting your new kernel
6.Reboot and cross your fingers.

Mike Armour wrote:

 Greets all,

 my newly installed hangs (completely ctrl-c and the three finger salute
 don't work) on "Starting optimisation for hda" and "Starting optimsation on
 hdc" upon boot.
 a reinstall hasn't done any good and from the boot disk i'm can't figure out
 how to pass it -s (or is it -S?) for a single user boot ... any ideas on why
 it hangs ??


Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

- Original Message -
From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

 Ianclick on your home directory icon on the deskyop or in the Panel
 area at the bottom of the desktop.  Navigate to where you put the file
 (if you'd downloaded it with Netscape in Linux it would already be in
 the directory where the icon opened the window).  Now right click on the

Many thanks - I suspect this is under KDE (since it looks like something I
don't readily understand - I'm using gnome mostly) I will try this under KDE
though - it's going to come in handy some time or other, and sooner rather
than later I'd guess!


Or when that server is down go direct to

[newbie] display properties

1999-09-27 Thread lalala lalala

 Is there a way to access a line by line shell w/o
starting X windows during  boot? I configured my
monitor (or video card) wrong and I see all funny
pixels and my mouser cursor only. I can't tell where
my terminal spawning icon is...


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread Alan Shoemaker

bay56 wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 1:59 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work
  Ianclick on your home directory icon on the deskyop or in the Panel
  area at the bottom of the desktop.  Navigate to where you put the file
  (if you'd downloaded it with Netscape in Linux it would already be in
  the directory where the icon opened the window).  Now right click on the
 Many thanks - I suspect this is under KDE (since it looks like something I
 don't readily understand - I'm using gnome mostly) I will try this under KDE
 though - it's going to come in handy some time or other, and sooner rather
 than later I'd guess!

Ianwhoops!  Yes, it is referring to KDE.  Sorry, I assumed you were
using the Mandrake/KDE default.  Sorry.


Re: [newbie] Problems with 6.1 install

1999-09-27 Thread Chris Smallhorne

Pedro Timoteo wrote:
 Chris Smallhorne wrote:
  I have recently upgraded to v6.1.  Since that time, I am no longer able
  to run anything when I su from a terminal.  For example, if I try to run
  control-panel, i get the following:
  "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
   Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
 That is supposed to happen. The X session is "yours", not root's, therefore
 when you "su" you don't have the DISPLAY environment variable set. A simple
 "export DISPLAY=0:0" solves it, though.

Next question - where and when do I do this?  Do I ave to do it every
time, or is it a setting I can put into a config file?


Re: [newbie] Large HDD how to partition??

1999-09-27 Thread Brett Jones

Lilo needs to be below the 1024 cyl, but this is not due to lilo, it's due to
the bios. Just make the first partition on the drive /boot, 10-15 megs is

 On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 I'm planning to replace my current 8 gig Windows HD with a 20 or 27 gig drive. I 
know that LILO has a problem with drives that have more than 1023 cylinders. How 
should I partition this drive so that I can still use LILO? I will install Linux to 
the 8 gig drive all by it's lonesome.
 "If Budweiser can have a frog to sell beer, why ask about the penguin?" --Linus 
Brett Jones

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Eric Solberg

Thanks so much for the helpful info - it is not being run in daemon mode.  I
remember seeing the config file where this is set and can change that.

If I'm sending mail from work, but setting up my mail client to use my
server (which is at home), do I need to add my company's domain in
relay-domains?  I'm using this as a stand-alone pop/smtp server without any
relay or smarter host.

Eric Solberg

 I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way
 will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box
as the
 relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may
 to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would
 able to tell if you give some more info.

   ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
   (610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Eric Solberg

Hmmm, I just looked at /etc/sysconfig/sendmail and it has the entry

However, when I execute /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail status it says:

sendmail doesn't daemonize with postfix

Do I just need to disable postfix?  (I hope I can figure out how to do
that!)  What do I gain/lose by this?

Thanks again

 I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way
 will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box
as the
 relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may
 to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would
 able to tell if you give some more info.

   ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
   (610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

- Original Message -
From: Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

 I hope this helps. You can learn about the switches for the tar command
 in the man page. Read it using "man tar". You can also read about the mv
 command with "man mv". and mkdir with "man mkdir". To learn about the
 man command run "man man". There is a wealth of great info in the man
 pages. Thaat is where I have found 99% of what I need to know. They are
 not easy to understand all the time, but once you get used to them it is
 not so bad.

Thanks, I have since discovered that my system may have another problem -
this tar command (generically) appears to do nothing, there is a long wait
while nothing actually happens!  On the plus side it does not actually crash
;-) and ctrl C gets me the cursor back.

I noticed that the system has also now generated a core file, and I get the
impression that this is not such good news! For now I have simply deleted
it - because I have no idea how to use it usefully, and suspect that a
reinstall is on the cards quite soon. It has not always done this, so I am
fairly hopeful I can install it without the tendency to eject the warp core!
Deleteing at least allows me to see how often it does this. - so far just

I have noticed also that when I issue "shutdown -h now" that it claims the
sytem is halted - but after a brief pause it then says it can't acknowledge
a page request of some kind, and after much meaningless (to me at least)
output finishes off suggesting there's a segmentation error. Now this as far
as I know it has always done, but I have not seen the core dump go into
action before.

Since it's already claimed that system has been halted, does the seg error
actually matter anymore? After all it shows up after everyone else has gone
home for the day! (ie after halted)


Or when that server is down go direct to

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Eric Solberg

I'm hoping this isn't the problem since I don't see that configurable 
anywhere in my mail client (outlook express).

Eric Solberg

  - Original Message - 
   Emily Baston 
  Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 2:07 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] Email Setup
The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', 
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, 
Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Maybe your server doesn't support SSL email? Mine doesn't 
so I had to make sure to turn that option off.


Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

1999-09-27 Thread Thomas Peter

I agree with you. Im Just starting and realy dont want to have to deal with a
sound card. I want to learn How To use it first. i have installed my 6.0 10
times following all the diffrent instructions.  Can someone please tell us what
card will work on install with little setup needed.  I want to learn how to
install and uninstall software get my cdwriter working. But till I get sound I
don't know if it is working right.

bay56 wrote:

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 12:13 AM
 Subject: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

  PS: I really think that if Creative refuse to release details of the card
  for programmers to support, the least they could do is have the courtesy
  keep up with the two most popular distros in the world.

 Yeah, agreed - anyone know of a soundcard which does fall into either
 category (released info or supported properly) - if Creative are not
 supporting me with this I plan to dump them in the same manner. I'd prefer a
 PCI card.

 I know I can read all the databases on this in the world, but they said the
 SiS 6326 video card was supported, and those of us with one of them know
 that's just plain wrong for a lot of cases. So if you have working sound in
 Mandrake 6  6.1 using a PCI card, what make and model of card are you


 Or when that server is down go direct to

Re: [newbie] display properties

1999-09-27 Thread Jim Howarth

  Is there a way to access a line by line shell w/o
 starting X windows during  boot? I configured my
 monitor (or video card) wrong and I see all funny
 pixels and my mouser cursor only. I can't tell where
 my terminal spawning icon is...

Hit ctrl-alt-f1(2,3,4,5,6) to get to a terminal screen.  From there kill X
and then rerun setup to get your term set right. Then run startx to test
it out.  If it fails, then redo above until it does.. :)

Jim Howarth - Resident Geek

"For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever" - Tennyson

[newbie] undefined reference to xmalloc, xfree

1999-09-27 Thread Eric L. Damron

I'm trying to compile and everything needed to get K-Develop IDE fully
functional.  This is very difficult for me because it requires so many
packages (Not all of which are RPMs).

I believe that I'm making good progress but when I try to compile glimpse I
get the error message:

Undefined reference to xmalloc
Undefined reference to xfree

Am I missing some libraries or what?


[newbie] Procmail Woes

1999-09-27 Thread Jim Howarth

I am presently attempting to setup procmail and its not sending my
messages to the appropriate place...I have followed the instructions
in the FAQ by the letter and yet it isn't processing the mail properly.
I'm pretty sure that the problem is in the .forward file.  Attached are
both my .forward file and .procmailrc file.

Any help would be appreciated!


"|exec /usr/bin/procmail"



 rc.testing -

* ^Subject:.*test

Jim Howarth - Resident Geek

"For men may come and men may go, but I go on forever" - Tennyson

Re: [newbie] Email Setup

1999-09-27 Thread Gavin Grabias

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 Thanks so much for the helpful info - it is not being run in daemon mode.  I
 remember seeing the config file where this is set and can change that.
 If I'm sending mail from work, but setting up my mail client to use my
 server (which is at home), do I need to add my company's domain in

Only if you have smtp set to your machine.  If its set to your works smtp
server you don't need to worry about setting up relays.

 relay-domains?  I'm using this as a stand-alone pop/smtp server without any
 relay or smarter host.
 Eric Solberg
  I would make sure sendmail is running is daemon mode.  Thats the only way
  will accept connections on port 25.  Also are you trying to use your box
 as the
  relay or another mail server.  If you are trying to use your box you may
  to allow the other domain to relay.  Again these are only things I would
  able to tell if you give some more info.
ENTER.NET - "The Road to the Internet Starts Here!" (tm)
(610) 437-2221 * * email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] KDE Libraries... Where?

1999-09-27 Thread Eric L. Damron

Can someone tell me where Mandrake 6.0 puts the 
KDE libraries? The K-Develop IDE is asking for them but I can't seem to 
find them anywhere!


Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

1999-09-27 Thread Jeanette Russo

I use SB 16 ISA cards they seem to set up in seconds on Redhat or Mandrake

- Original Message -
From: Thomas  Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

 I agree with you. Im Just starting and realy dont want to have to deal
with a
 sound card. I want to learn How To use it first. i have installed my 6.0
 times following all the diffrent instructions.  Can someone please tell us
 card will work on install with little setup needed.  I want to learn how
 install and uninstall software get my cdwriter working. But till I get
sound I
 don't know if it is working right.

 bay56 wrote:

  - Original Message -
  Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 12:13 AM
  Subject: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1
   PS: I really think that if Creative refuse to release details of the
   for programmers to support, the least they could do is have the
   keep up with the two most popular distros in the world.
  Yeah, agreed - anyone know of a soundcard which does fall into either
  category (released info or supported properly) - if Creative are not
  supporting me with this I plan to dump them in the same manner. I'd
prefer a
  PCI card.
  I know I can read all the databases on this in the world, but they said
  SiS 6326 video card was supported, and those of us with one of them know
  that's just plain wrong for a lot of cases. So if you have working sound
  Mandrake 6  6.1 using a PCI card, what make and model of card are you
  Or when that server is down go direct to

RE: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

1999-09-27 Thread Aaron deRozario

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas  Peter [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 8:15 AM
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1
 I agree with you. Im Just starting and realy dont want to have to deal
 with a
 sound card. I want to learn How To use it first. i have installed my 6.0
 times following all the diffrent instructions.  Can someone please tell us
 card will work on install with little setup needed.  I want to learn how
 install and uninstall software get my cdwriter working. But till I get
 sound I
 don't know if it is working right.
If having a PCI card is not a necessity then I reckon you should go for a
SoundBlaster AWE 64.  Cheap as chips, well proven record.  I've used mine
with RH 5.2 and Mandrake 6.0.  The most I ever needed to do to get it
running is to run sndconfig twice.  I don't know if all the bells and
whistles of SB Live work under Linux.  IF they don't I wouldn't imagine
there to be a huge performance difference between the flashy PCI cards and
the AWE 64.  Of course I might be wrong on the last bit (anyone know any

I can't remember if sound is configured during installation.  If it isn't
just run setup from the console, or an xterm window, and choose sound.  IF
you don't have a good old fashioned ISA sound card, what are you going to do
with those three empty, never going to be used for anything else, ISA slots?


Re: [newbie] Kernel recompile

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

- Original Message -
From: Bernhard Rosenkraenzer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Kernel recompile

 On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I would like to recompile my kernel so as to allow support for the
  under 6.1 (apparently this is possible),

 This doesn't have anything to do with recompiling the kernel.

You'll no doubt be thrilled to hear that some kind soul out there on the web
is telling us newbies a different version of events - I've read it too -
recently, damned if I can remember where now though!


Or when that server is down go direct to

[newbie] CDWR and Zip

1999-09-27 Thread Thomas Peter

Ok I give . I am tryiong to find my CDw and IM Zip. I can see on boot up
that they are being loaded.  I even find them listed under block
devices. But I cannot find the command string to access them. I want to
set up a link to mount them on my desk top as I have for my 3.5 and

I have plenty of documentation on making the links for the floppy and Cd
but nothing on how to locate the extras. My regular CD is as slave to my
HD on my Primary IDE ATAPI  slot of my Mother Board. My CDWR and Zip are
master and slave in said order on my Secondary IDE ATAPI slot.

Please give  me some feed back on how to locate them.
Thanks Thomas

Re: [newbie] Large HDD how to partition??

1999-09-27 Thread Paul Benjamin

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:07:30 -0500, "Michael Seltenright"

I'm planning to replace my current 8 gig Windows HD with a 20 or 27 gig drive. I 
know that LILO has a problem with drives that have more than 1023 cylinders. How 
should I partition this drive so that I can still use LILO? I will install Linux to 
the 8 gig drive all by it's lonesome.

If Windows is all by it lonesome on the 27G drive and Linux is on the
8G you don't have any problems.  LILO only has a problem if the Linux
/boot partition is beyond the 8G mark on it's physical hard drive.  It
shouldn't have any problem with the Windows drive.  

If you don't use a boot manger put LILO on the hda (Windows C:) drive.
If you are going to use a third party boot manager or boot off a
floppy put LILO in the Linux partition.

If you are going to mix Windows and another OS on the 27G drive be
sure to install Windows first.  After all Windows thinks it is the
center of the universe and will screw up any other OS on the drive if
you give it half a chance.


Re: [newbie] display properties

1999-09-27 Thread lalala lalala

Should "kill X" work under the terminal?
HOw do I enter setup? DO I need the installation
bootup disk?


--- Jim Howarth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Is there a way to access a line by line shell w/o
  starting X windows during  boot? I configured my
  monitor (or video card) wrong and I see all funny
  pixels and my mouser cursor only. I can't tell
  my terminal spawning icon is...
 Hit ctrl-alt-f1(2,3,4,5,6) to get to a terminal
 screen.  From there kill X
 and then rerun setup to get your term set right.
 Then run startx to test
 it out.  If it fails, then redo above until it
 does.. :)

 Jim Howarth - Resident Geek
 "For men may come and men may go, but I go on
 forever" - Tennyson

Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] KDE Libraries... Where?

1999-09-27 Thread Paul Benjamin

I was told that the Qt Lib is in the /usr/lib and the headers are in
the /usr/include/qt.  This will cause all kinds of headaches for KDE
development since it is not the standard place that Qt and SuSE
expects.  I haven't even written hello world yet in Linux but I have
compiled a few source tar balls for KDE apps.  It is a pain for that.


On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:54:24 -0700, "Eric L. Damron"

Can someone tell me where Mandrake 6.0 puts the KDE libraries?  The K-Develop IDE is 
asking for them but I can't seem to find them anywhere!


[newbie] what are these daemons?

1999-09-27 Thread pete moss

i just got mandrake 6.1 installed and running great.  i am trying to
customize my system performance a bit.  i have been removing unnecessary
system daemons from the startup.

i cant find docs on these:

can anyone shed any light on whether these are ok to disable and what
their function is?


[newbie] gnome terminal lockup!

1999-09-27 Thread pete moss

i just got 6.1 installed and it runs great.  one small problem though. 
i run gnome and whenever i start the terminal, my whole computer locks
up.  i have to hit the reset button to get out of it.  any tips on how
to take care of situations like this?  shure would be nice to use a
terminal in gnome.


Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

- Original Message -
From: Alan Shoemaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

 Ianwhoops!  Yes, it is referring to KDE.  Sorry, I assumed you were
 using the Mandrake/KDE default.  Sorry.

Thank god I guessed right - it took a lot to come up with even one guess!

Mind you I am no further forward with the actual file content thanks to
Creative - see sblive posts elsewhere! ;-)

Thanks for the tip!


Or when that server is down go direct to

Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

- Original Message -
From: Darcy  Emily Baston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Ears don't work

  I may know some about Windoze - and rather more about Amigas, but zero
  linux! ;-)

 Yeah, I'm not so diligent with the command line tar myself either.

Not exactly fun is it! ;-)

 And I've got an A1200 not getting as much attention heh.

Hmmm. I have a plan for mine - it's going onto the serial as another
terminal! Loads of linux bsd stuff for amigas - I am SO glad I kept her when
nearly everyone I know sold theirs - I got my A1200 towered too - this is
going to be just fine in this happy set of circumstances! Not sure about X
client yet, but that might be do-able too! We shall see...

 If you got KDE running, it's
 got an 'archiver' program that almost works like Dopus Magellan on the
 Amiga. A nice mouse driven archiver for tar. It's the only one I use for
 Linux compression work.

 Yup, found it now - I wish I'd known it had to be KDE in the first place!


Or when that server is down go direct to

Re: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

- Original Message -
From: Aaron deRozario [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 3:12 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] SBLive under 6.1

 If you don't have a good old fashioned ISA sound card, what are you going
to do
 with those three empty, never going to be used for anything else, ISA

Well sorry to be a pooper, but I only got two, and one of them is a shared -
the other is filled with Yamaha SW60XG Midi board. If I didn't own that, I
would have gone for 6 PCI Mobo in the first place, instead of this rather
tragic 1-5-2 compromise.

I may yet fill isa 2 with modem card, since there does not appear to be
anyway to get my V90 flashed USR courier VEverything to use V90 under linux
(unless you know different, in which case I'd appreciate some idiot proof
info!) I figure if it's going to be only 33.6 then it may as well be inside
the box and out of my way! ;-)


Or when that server is down go direct to

Re: [newbie] StatrOffice 5.1

1999-09-27 Thread bay56

Just for future reference on yet another install - what's that all about,
and where does one get the choice?


Or when that server is down go direct to

- Original Message -
From: Brett Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] StatrOffice 5.1

 Did you install it with the  /net switch?

 Belzebub wrote:
  I downloaded and installed Star Offie 5.1 on my Mandrake 6.0
  distribuition. I made an updated CD just before 6.1 came out, so I have
  a custom CD with all the last updates before 6.1. My kernel is 2.2.13.
  After the installation finished, I am able to run the application as
  root or superuser, but as a regular user. Any suggestions?

Re: [newbie] 6.0 hangs on boot :(

1999-09-27 Thread Mike Armour

 On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Mike Armour wrote:
 Greets all,
 my newly installed hangs (completely ctrl-c and the three finger salute
 don't work) on "Starting optimisation for hda" and "Starting optimsation on
 hdc" upon boot.
 a reinstall hasn't done any good and from the boot disk i'm can't figure out
 how to pass it -s (or is it -S?) for a single user boot ... any ideas on why
 it hangs ??


 it's looseing it's interupt they do generaly recover, but use
 'linux single' or if it's really being difficult
 'linux single init=/bin/bash', if you use the latter you'll ave to remount
 the driver read/write. Then edit/comment out the hdparm lines in


yup , that fixed it thanks (i actually figured it out a few hours after i
posted the msg... you can't ctrl-c the hdparm bit but you can dump out at
rebuilding rpm database). My HD's are a few years old (3 or so) and that was
a bit much for them and hanging the system (after 5 hours or so a ctrl -c
still wasn't possible)

[newbie] loading imwheel at x startup?

1999-09-27 Thread pete moss

what do i need to do to get imwheel to startup whenever i startx?  


[newbie] seeing above the screen?

1999-09-27 Thread pete moss

i used to run slackware and there was a method of viewing previous text
on one of the consoles.  it was something like shift+pageup or
ctrl+pageup.  i cant find a method that works in mandrake.  anyone know
how to do this?


Re: [newbie] KDE Libraries... Where?

1999-09-27 Thread Richard Adams

On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, you wrote:
 I was told that the Qt Lib is in the /usr/lib and the headers are in
 the /usr/include/qt.  This will cause all kinds of headaches for KDE
 development since it is not the standard place that Qt and SuSE
 expects.  I haven't even written hello world yet in Linux but I have
 compiled a few source tar balls for KDE apps.  It is a pain for that.

Under normal curcumstancies its not so important as to where the libs
are situated, its a question of the system knowing where they are,
there are several ways of doing this,. For example in the systems
/etc/profile or bash_profile depending on what distro is in use you
can define lib paths in those files, another way would be to change
paths in the Makefiles for programs needing those libs, putting the
directory path in /etc/ and rerunning ldconfig, there are
many ways.

Its not what you do but HOW you do it.

Realy the best way is to read the documentation in the to be made
program first and understanding what the program expects to find and
where it wants to look. You may have noticed that many programs say
"ajust the Makefile accordingly" to point it to the correct lib paths.

 On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:54:24 -0700, "Eric L. Damron"
 Can someone tell me where Mandrake 6.0 puts the KDE libraries?  The K-Develop IDE 
is asking for them but I can't seem to find them anywhere!
Regards Richard