Re: [newbie] Reinstalling Win98

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,Tom Brinkman wrote:
  | On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  |  Yup, when you re-install Win98, it's gonna wipe the MBR, and LILO won't be
  |  there any more. Make sure you have a boot dosk if you keep LILO in the MBR so
  |  you can get back into Linux to fix it.
  |  Ernie
  |  I was gonna stay out of this, but Oh Well.  There's a coupl'a
  | things I just don't understand what the big deal's about.  One, is
  | LU's aversion to re-booting.  The other is Window's users afinity
  | for re-installs.  

Many Linux users choose Linux simply because they do NOT have to re-start the
system each time they make a change in it as seems to be necessary in Win9x.
This is considered an advantage as well as a time saver. As for the Win users
affinity for re-installs, well when something goes wrong - as it all too
frequently seems to do - and the user can not figgure out how to fix it, the
easiest option is a re-do.


  |  I was a W95 beta tester, but they wouldn't accept me for W98.
  | So I downloaded various builds thru 1721 (RC1), mostly from Russian
  | ftp sites.  Now before y'all chastize me for WaReZ, when W98 was
  | released, I bought a legitimate copy, build 1998.  I just managed
  | to have W98 for 8 months before they released it ;-)
  | My point in all this ?  My oldest HDD is my current C:\
  | drive.  It's had several beta builds of W98 on it and now the
  | retail version, all installed over the preceding build.  That HDD's
  | been in two different systems since W98 was first installed about
  | 1/98.  I'm only waiting on a new motherboard to arrive, and then
  | it'll be in the 3rd new system.  I don't plan to re-install either
  | W98 or Linux and I'll bet'cha I don't have any big problems
  | either. Yeah, I know, 'famous last words' :)
  |  pontificate on ;
  |   I approach computer problems in this order, 1) I'm doin 
  | somethin wrong  2) the application is the problem  3)  it's
  | a hardware problem  4) it's an operating system problem.  This
  | order seems to serve me the best.  It appears to me that those
  | that have the most computer problems, attack them in _exactly_
  | the reverse order.
  | -- 
  | ..  Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]  .
  |  On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Seth Gibson wrote:
  || Greetings all!  Im about to wipe my Win32 partition and reinstall 
everything. .
  || .is there anything i should be aware of, ie lilo issues or anything of that
  || nnature?  Thanks all! --
  || Seth Gibson
  || (Under Construction)
  || Aggression Takes Its Toll.

Re: [newbie] Updating Mandrake v6.0 - 6.1 = HOW?

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

The version number is a way of identifying the distribution. For example,
Mandrake 6.0 has an older kernel, and older releases of some if not all the
software included in that distribution, as compared to the Mandrake 6.1 It is
just simpler to use a CD to upgrade the entire distribution in one process. If
your kernel version is 2.2.13-7mdk and there is a name (Helios) on the log in
screen for the text mode, then I'd guess you have the 6.1 version.

Interesting that you didn't have any problems doing the upgrade that way. I've
seen several posts indicating that this may lead to problems.


On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,PC wrote:
  | Installing ALL the updates (available via any one of Mandrake's FTP *mirror*
  | sites) will update my system to Mandrake v6.1??
  | I had read (I cannot recall where, perhaps even on this mailing list,
  | perhaps a WWWeb page about Linux/SoundBlaster) that after upgrading to v6.1,
  | "sndconfig" installed their SoundBlaster 16 AWE32 just fine.  So I installed
  | every update my friend put on my machine, and then "sndconfig" worked! ;-)
  | So now I am left wondering... just how to I determine what constitutes Linux
  | Mandrake v6.1.
  | Take Care

Re: [newbie] What is the closest Linux shell to Unix Ksh?

1999-10-29 Thread Simon Norris

Thanks for the info, I'll give it a go. The only thing I've got to figure
out is where on the hard drive I put the RPM's, as my motherboard IDE
connections don't support CD-ROM, I had to install from hard drive!!

As a thought, I have network visiblity of a win95 machine, that does have
CD-ROM. If I mount the drive on Linux properly, would there be any problems
running rpm through a samba connection?

- Original Message -
From: Steve Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What is the closest Linux shell to Unix Ksh?

Simon Norris wrote:

 I don't remember it on the install, what would be the easiest way of
 it as a post-install task? Is it RPM'ed for example?

 I suppose the obvious thing for me to do would be to simply try and change
 my shell to pdksh, and see if it works?

 Simon Norris wrote:
  I'd like to refresh my Unix scripting knowledge, but I have no access to
  pure Unix boxes now, so I need to practise on my own linux machine.
  shell should I use to get the best response from Korn shell scripts?

 I believe pdksh ships with Mandrake.

Put the CD in the drive,

mount /mnt/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS
rpm -Uvh pdksh*
cd /etc
vi passwd # change the portion that reads
# /bin/bash to /bin/ksh

relogin and you should be in ksh!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

Re: [newbie] Modem Setup, Help!

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

First, you can use modemtool to tell Linux where to find your modem, but you
must know to which COM port the modem is conected (modemtool will show you the
DOS equivalents on the same line with the Linux designations).

If your modem is a PnP device, it may not be using the same resources as it
does in Wondows (although it is possible that it will, you can not coun on it).
From what I have read when setting up my modem, if at all possible, turn off
the PnP feature and manually assign the resources it will use (you can use the
resource information from Win9x for this), You will then need to remove the
modem in Win9x, then use Add New Hardware in Controle panel to install the COM
port, then install the modem again. It's a bit of putzing around, but it made my
modem work better in Win9x, and it was easier to set it up in Linux.

Then you need to set up either ppp in Linuxconfig, or KPPP in the KDE desktop
to connect to your ISP. You will need your username, password, and the ISP's
DNS address(es).



On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,John Aldrich wrote:
  | On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  |  I have a USRobotics pnp ISA int modem.  My objective is to be able to
  dial into an ISP.
  |  Now, I've gone over a pile of word-gravel (a.k.a. HOWTOs) and I don't
  want to know what a modem is or what a com port is or the   |  history
  of so and so...
  |  Where can I go to get the straight answer on how to get my modem to dial
  up my ISP?  How do you get it to recognize the modem?  How 
  |  do you assign the com port to the modem? 
  | should work under Linux. I hate to say this, but we
  | HAVE to know which com port it is set up for in order to
  | get it to work under LInux.
  | John

[newbie] Re: What partitions does linux need?

1999-10-29 Thread Steve Leseman

Thanks. Any idea why Disk Druid would always say the "/" partition is too big?

At 10/28/1999 2:48:00 PM you wrote:
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 What are all the linux partitions I should setup for Mandrake ( min/max size)? 
everytime I 
 setup the partitions, it'll say that one or more of them are "too big", even if 
it's only set to be 
1MB! I 
 can't figure that out. The way I got past it the last time was to add additional 
beyond what 
 I planned to use, and then only these additional, unallocated partitions would be 
"too big"!
 Thanks in advance

MINIMUM, depending on your drive size, you need a "/" and
swap space. Other recommended partitions might be a "/boot"
(for larger hard drives to ensure that the kernel falls
within the first 1024 cylinders) of about 10-15 megs; a
/home directory, a "/" directory and a /usr directory. If
you plan on storing RPMs that you've installed and such,
you might consider a /storage partition.
As for size, a "/home" might be 250-500 megs or more
depending on how many users you plan to support. I'd
suggest something on the order of 50-100 megs per user you
plan to have so people can have utilities and such
installed in their home directory. For /usr I'd suggest at
least 500 megs, if not more like a gig Swap space size
depends on your memory. The more memory, the less swap you
need. I'd say 64-128 megs SWAP wouldn't hurt. 128 or more if
you have less than 128 megs of RAM (basically, double your
RAM up to 64 megs, and then, I wouldn't see any advantage
to MORE than 128 megs unless you're doing something like
serving up web sites, and then what're you doing serving up
web pages with only 128 megs of RAM!? G)

Steve Leseman

[newbie] Disk Druid says / and /boot too big!

1999-10-29 Thread Steve Leseman

Everytime I setup partitions with Disk Druid, it says my "/" partition is too big, no 
what size it is set to, and then it can't be allocated. Same for "/boot". Only way I 
around it is to have both "/" and "/boot" at same time - it only seems to call one of 
them "too big", 
usually it's "/boot". Anyone know what's going on? It always happens, so it must have 
happened to 
someone else. Thanks.

Re: [newbie] Partition setup help

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,Matt Stegman wrote:
  ||  The solution, then is to create the partitions using the DOS fdisk utility,
  ||  including the ones you want for Linux. Then restart the 'puter, and run 
  ||  again, but this time remove the partitions you want for Linux. Install 
  ||  then install Linux, recreating the partitions with disk druid. I think 
this will
  ||  work.
  || The problem with this, is that it makes the Linux
  || partitions visible to Windows, which, I've heard, can cause
  || corruption, as Windows tries to "fix" the "grunged" file
  || system and can't.
  | ... what?  This should definitely not happen!  Windows ignores partition
  | ttypes that aren't FAT or FAT32.  Windows can indeed see the partitions,
  | but fdisk for DOS is so limited that it doesn't display them correctly.
  | If Windows does not recognize the partition type, it ignores the
  | partition. I've never seen Windows try to "fix" a Linux filesystem.  When
  | did this happen to you?
  | You should not create partitions for Linux under Windows.  Well, you can,
  | but you'll have to edit them later.  Windows will automatically set the
  | partition type to FAT.  In order to create an ext2 filesystem on the
  | partition, you first must change the partition type to Linux.  It's better
  | to simply not create partitions from Windows' fdisk unless they are
  | partitions to be used by Windows.
  |  Even if yoy create the partitions in DOS, restart in DOS, remove the partitions
  |  for Linux, restart in DOS, Install Win, restart with Linux installer and create
  |  the partitions again with disk druid, DOS will still see the Linux partitions,
  |  and try to "fix" them? Hmmm... I didn't know that. I never tried it before for
  |  Linux, but it sounded right. I just thought that when the partitions were
  |  removed in DOS, they would just be empty space on the disk, or extended
  |  partition. Then you could do anything you wanted to with the space. Guess
  |  I gave the Redmond boys too much credit this time. Thanks for seting me
  |  straight.
  | You sure are going about this the long way.  Why create partitions when
  | you're going to delete right away?  It's not like you have to fill up
  | the whole disk for DOS or anything.  Just create the partitions you need
  | for DOS in DOS, then format them and install your OS, then install Linux.
  | Disk druid or fdisk will let you create the Linux partitions during the
  | installation.  DOS/Windows should not try to touch your partitions at all.
  | The only problem might be if they have a FAT label in the partition table,
  | but a non-FAT filesystem on them.  That may cause Windows to "fix" the
  | partitions.  But it shouldn't happen, as long as you stick to creating an
  | OS's partitions with the right tool- DOS fdisk for DOS partitions, Linux
  | fdisk (or disk druid) for Linux partitions.
  | -Matt Stegman

Yup, that's correct, but the original poster was trying to set up the
partitions in a particular order on the HD, and I was just trying to help with
this. I dunno if there is a compelling reason to do that on his/her system, but
it was a good mental exercise grin. I just figgured that if you want your DOS
and Linux partitions in a particular order for whatever reason, then the way to
do it is either with something like PartittionMagic, or mak'em all with DOS,
remove the ones where you want the Linux partitions, then create them again with
disk druid.

I told the poster I'm not a tech, but I figgure that if you want to set things
up in some particular order, or configuration, then it's your system, and it's
not my problem to wonder why. If you want to do things in a particular way on
your own system, you should be able to do it, and that's what these help lists
are all about, helping each other work out how to do whatever it is we want to
do, providing we are not hurting anyone else in the process, or that the doing
is not with malice.


Re: [newbie] Why does setup say my partitions are too big?

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,John Aldrich wrote:
  | On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  |  What are all the linux partitions I should setup for Mandrake ( min/max size)? 
Also, everytime I 
  |  setup the partitions, it'll say that one or more of them are "too big", even if 
it's only set to be 1MB! I 
  |  can't figure that out. The way I got past it the last time was to add additional 
partitions beyond what 
  |  I planned to use, and then only these additional, unallocated partitions would 
be "too big"!
  |  Thanks in advance
  | FWIW, my /usr directory is just over a GIG in size.
  | John

Is there any free space on the drive (non partitioned)? If the HD is 100%
partitioned, then this would cause the error.


[newbie] RPM - After Installation, Does RPM Place A Link On KMenu Automatically?

1999-10-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

After you use RPM to install a program, does RPM automatically put a link to that 
application on the KDE menu?  If so, how can you
tell where it put the menu-link?


Re: [newbie] Xwindow

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,ajackman wrote:
  | On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  |  On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Foris Gabor wrote:
  || HI!
  || I just lately installed linux mandrake as my os and today a strange thing 
  || happaned.
  || It loaded up itself, but when it should start the graphics display, it 
  || could not. and the login window did not appear, just a blank scree?
  || What do u think about it?
  || FG
  |  Foris,
  |  Did you get any errors while starting ? When you get to the "blank screen", try
  |  pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 and see if you can get to that console. It will show you
  |  messages from the software that loaded, including the X-server. Perhaps this
  |  information will help debug the problem.
  |  Ernie
  | I did that myself, and I went to another log in prompt.  I put in my user
  | account name and password and it said there was a problem with my window
  | server, but then, I switeched back (presumably ctrl-alt-f1) there was not sort
  | of graphical  interface.

It's CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to the GUI, and CTRL+ALT+F1 to see the messages in
the start screen.


Re: [newbie] Directory Tree Structure

1999-10-29 Thread M Thompson



From: "Lambert, Stephen : CO IR" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie] Directory Tree Structure
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:06:30 -0700

Are there any good web links that explain the Linux Directory Tree
I would like to know the purpose behind all the directories. For exapmle,
what is the difference beween the /BIN directory and the /SBIN directory.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [newbie] Xwindow

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,ajackman wrote:
  | On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  |  On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Foris Gabor wrote:
  || HI!
  || I just lately installed linux mandrake as my os and today a strange thing 
  || happaned.
  || It loaded up itself, but when it should start the graphics display, it 
  || could not. and the login window did not appear, just a blank scree?
  || What do u think about it?
  || FG
  |  Foris,
  |  Did you get any errors while starting ? When you get to the "blank screen", try
  |  pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 and see if you can get to that console. It will show you
  |  messages from the software that loaded, including the X-server. Perhaps this
  |  information will help debug the problem.
  |  Ernie
  | I did that myself, and I went to another log in prompt.  I put in my user
  | account name and password and it said there was a problem with my window
  | server, but then, I switeched back (presumably ctrl-alt-f1) there was not sort
  | of graphical  interface.

Also, you can start in text mode from the lilo prompt with linux 1, then log
in as the root user, and run Xconfigurator. Make sure that you give it the
correct information about your video setup. Xconfigurator should be able to
detect your video stuff, but it could hang when doing the probe (I think I read
that somewhere). If it does, do a CTRL+D to see of you can get out of it. If
not, try CTRL+ALT+F2 to get a new console, log in as root, then do "shutdoun -r
now" - this will reboot the system for you in a safe manner. Then you can do all
the above again, but this time don't do the probe. Give the program the
information about your card and display manually - the program will give you
screens for what it wants, you will need refresh rate - both horizontal and
verticle, resolution, and (I forget) what is needed for your video card. If yoy
have a SVGA card, you may be able to use a generic setting for it, but I am not
sure about that. Maybe X is just not set up right.


Re: [newbie] Repartitioning utility

1999-10-29 Thread Ernest N. Wilcox Jr.

That's interesting. I havn't needed to use their support, but now I hope I never
need it. I hate it when I spend that kind of cash then get left out on my own. I
only paid $70.00 for my copy, but that's a lot for just binary code, even if
it works as well as PM has for me.


On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,Ron Marriage wrote:
  | I purchased Patition Magic, a bit over a monthy ago, and it
  | cost $80 but does have a rebate to bring it to about $65.
  | I installed it to change my windows and linux partitions. 
  | It doesn't recognize the partitions tables that I installed
  | with fips during original mandrake install in version 5.3. 
  | I currently run 6.0
  | Powerquest tech support has been less than helpful.  I get
  | put on hold for 45 to 60 minutes when I call, and after
  | several calls and multiple emails over almost 4 weeks, I'm
  | still no closer to getting partition magic to read the
  | table.  tech support now no longer responds to emails.
  | Ron
  | Brian Whitman wrote:
  |  --- Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  |   For those wanting to repartiton a hard drive.
  |   There is a freeware non-destructive repartitioning
  |   progrm called fips.
  |   It might be in the dosutils directory on your CD. If
  |   not you can get it
  |   at the Mandrake ftp site or
  |   If that won't work, I downloaded all the files and
  |   directories
  |   associated with fips and I can send you a zip file.
  |   Just e-mail me. I
  |   haven't used fips because I have Partition
  |   Commander, but I thought I'd
  |   let you know it's available.
  |   Sam Walker
  |   Partition Magic is a easy and safe way to partition
  |  your drives.  This is what I used and it was no
  |  trouble at all.  The program only cost around $20
  |  bucks and is well worth it!
  |  Brian
  |  =
  |  __
  |  Do You Yahoo!?
  |  Bid and sell for free at
  | -- 
  | Ron Marriage
  | E-Mailmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | Homepage

Re: [newbie] Disk Druid says / and /boot too big!

1999-10-29 Thread Ernie

Is there any unpartitioned space on the HD ?


- Original Message -
From: Steve Leseman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 4:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] Disk Druid says "/" and "/boot" too big!

 Everytime I setup partitions with Disk Druid, it says my "/" partition is
too big, no matter
 what size it is set to, and then it can't be allocated. Same for "/boot".
Only way I know
 around it is to have both "/" and "/boot" at same time - it only seems to
call one of them "too big",
 usually it's "/boot". Anyone know what's going on? It always happens, so
it must have happened to
 someone else. Thanks.

[newbie] RealPlayerG2 - Netscape Plugin? How?

1999-10-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

How do you get RealplayerG2 to act as a Netscape Plugin?


Re: [newbie] Repartitioning utility

1999-10-29 Thread Jackal

Yes fips does do a non-destructive resize.  The interface is a quite like the
fdisk (linux) interface.  Make sure you read the README first or else you
might not know what you need at different stages of the re-partitioning.

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 04:24:00AM +, Ron Marriage wrote:
 I am using Version 4 and it is supposed to do a
 non-destructive partition changes in windows and linux.
 DiskDrake looks nice but does a destructive resize and I
 have my linux tweeked and tuned the way I want it.  While I
 could reinstall, I wanted to avoid that, thus the purchase
 of Partition Magic.
 Sounds like you had the same problem, it doesn't see my
 window partition correctly either.
 What did you do with fips to make it see it.
 Does fips do a non-destructive resize on windows and linux

ICQ No.: 38756924

better !pout !cry
better watchout
lpr why
santa claus  north pole  town

cat /etc/passwd  list
ncheck list
ncheck list
cat list | grep naughty  nogiftlist
cat list | grep nice  giftlist
santa claus  north pole  town

who | grep sleeping
who | grep awake
who | grep bad || good
for (goodness sake) {
be good

Re: [newbie] 128bit Communicator?

1999-10-29 Thread Rick Murphy

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Mark E. Drummond wrote:
 What is the easiest way to bring my mandrake rpm installed version of
 communicator 4.7 up to 128 bits? Fortify rpms? Fortify source?
 Installing the 128 bit verion over the rpm version?
 Gang Warily


I'd go with the fortify.  


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie] [getting OT] Reinstalling Win98

1999-10-29 Thread Jeremy Kersenbrock

Perhaps the "afinity" some current and former Windows users have for
reinstalling is more legitimate than you seem to think.  My example:

A few months ago I built a brand new PC.  All band-name, brand new
components and I proceeded to do a clean install of Win98 (first edition
- build 1998).  Well, Win98 ran for 2 weeks.  Then one morning it gave
me an invalid page fault in explorer.exe while booting up.  After
running scandisk and finding no errors, I had to reinstall because I
repeatedly got the page fault even when attempting to boot into safe
mode.  So, I attempted to reinstall, and the setup process locked my
system up (something that didn't happen the first time). That was it --
I'm done with Windows and have installed Linux Mandrake 6.0 and have run
it flawlessly for 2 and a half months on the same hardware.

(1) It wasn't anything I did wrong -- one day the system ran fine and I
shut it down without problems; the next time I booted it, it choked.
(2) No application to be a problem.  I didn't install anything new, and
had nothing running at startup but the Windows components.
(3) Hardware problem?  Everything was less than 2 weeks old.  (And runs
Linux flawlessly)
(4) A problem with the OS?  I think so!

Jeremy Kersenbrock

Tom Brinkman wrote:
  I was gonna stay out of this, but Oh Well.  There's a coupl'a
 things I just don't understand what the big deal's about.  One, is
 LU's aversion to re-booting.  The other is Window's users afinity
 for re-installs.
  I was a W95 beta tester, but they wouldn't accept me for W98.
 So I downloaded various builds thru 1721 (RC1), mostly from Russian
 ftp sites.  Now before y'all chastize me for WaReZ, when W98 was
 released, I bought a legitimate copy, build 1998.  I just managed
 to have W98 for 8 months before they released it ;-)
 My point in all this ?  My oldest HDD is my current C:\
 drive.  It's had several beta builds of W98 on it and now the
 retail version, all installed over the preceding build.  That HDD's
 been in two different systems since W98 was first installed about
 1/98.  I'm only waiting on a new motherboard to arrive, and then
 it'll be in the 3rd new system.  I don't plan to re-install either
 W98 or Linux and I'll bet'cha I don't have any big problems
 either. Yeah, I know, 'famous last words' :)
  pontificate on ;
   I approach computer problems in this order, 1) I'm doin
 somethin wrong  2) the application is the problem  3)  it's
 a hardware problem  4) it's an operating system problem.  This
 order seems to serve me the best.  It appears to me that those
 that have the most computer problems, attack them in _exactly_
 the reverse order.
 ..  Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]  .

Re: [newbie] RealPlayerG2 - Netscape Plugin? How?

1999-10-29 Thread Rick Murphy

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 How do you get RealplayerG2 to act as a Netscape Plugin?
Here you go.

The only thing I did different was I left the applications info blank,  but
this excellent guide should do the trick for you.


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie] Partition setup help

1999-10-29 Thread Collin J. Davidson

My understanding is that when you create an extended partition that will
contain both Win and Linux logical partitions, you have to make sure the Win
logical partition is first.  I'm not sure why, or what happens if you don't,
but maybe somebody else can shed some light on this.  Am I completely

- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition setup help

 On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  ... what?  This should definitely not happen!  Windows ignores partition
  ttypes that aren't FAT or FAT32.  Windows can indeed see the partitions,
  but fdisk for DOS is so limited that it doesn't display them correctly.
  If Windows does not recognize the partition type, it ignores the
  partition. I've never seen Windows try to "fix" a Linux filesystem.
  did this happen to you?
 Never happened to mejust read some horror stories of
 some people on this or one of the other lists who said it
 happened to them.
  You should not create partitions for Linux
  under Windows.  Well, you can,  but you'll have to edit
  them later.  Windows will automatically set the 
  partition type to FAT.  In order to create an ext2
  filesystem on the  partition, you first must change the
  partition type to Linux.  It's better  to simply not
  create partitions from Windows' fdisk unless they are 
  partitions to be used by Windows.
 AMEN! :-)
  You sure are going about this the long way.
  Why create partitions when  you're going to delete right
  away?  It's not like you have to fill up  the whole disk
  for DOS or anything.  Just create the partitions you
  need  for DOS in DOS, then format them and install your
  OS, then install Linux.  Disk druid or fdisk will let you
  create the Linux partitions during the  installation.
  DOS/Windows should not try to touch your partitions at
  all. The only problem might be if they have a FAT label
  in the partition table,  but a non-FAT filesystem on
  them.  That may cause Windows to "fix" the  partitions.
  But it shouldn't happen, as long as you stick to creating
  an  OS's partitions with the right tool- DOS fdisk for
  DOS partitions, Linux  fdisk (or disk druid) for Linux
 I figure that's probably what happens...people create a
 Linux partition with DOS/Windows FDISK and then just create
 a FAT32 file system in there so it confuses Windows. :-)

[newbie] Aliases and such...

1999-10-29 Thread PC

I cannot believe this wasn't my VERY FIRST question!

I fashion myself the alias/macro/shortcut King.

It didn't take long for me to figure out how to write a simple
alias in Linux (Linux% alias xx=exit) or something similar.
I have X.BAT in my C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND subdirectory... just to
let you know just how lazy I really am. X.BAT consists of a
single command, "@EXIT". ;-) I want the same in Linux for its
konsole windows. I haven't figured out how to SAVE the aliases
once I got them entered correctly on the command-line. I am
willing to actually edit a master aliases file (I'm used to
this from my old days on IRC.) but haven't found where this
is on Linux-Mandrake. Any suggestions are welcome.

Also, on another topic, I have a LogiTech First+ (3-button)
mouse. Linux-Mandrake defaults to installing it as an
"Intellimouse". When I manually change this to "Microsoft",
the middle-button acts like a Virtual Desktop/Application
switcher (brings up the "context"? menu). Is there any way
to get the assignments (configurable using KDE Control
Center, or application menu-Settings-Mouse(?) to work?

And lastly, I believe I saw a 'TAB' somewhere that
allowed me to enter a KEYBOARD? "shortcut" like for
WinDoze "shortcuts" on the desktop  Start Menu.
Anyone have specific details on this for KDE?

Take Care

[newbie] WOW!!!

1999-10-29 Thread jeff

1st of all I would like to thank everyone for all the help they have
given me. I'm now a total Linux convert.
I have been following Linux for about a year, was a bit timid on
installing and trying it out, but now I'm very glad I did.

Well after all the e-mail I have received about what I'm trying to do, I
thought I would go ahead and spell it all out. That way everyone who has
offered help will understand.

This all started out as a simple project here at work. The Boss wanted
to see financial reports on his P.C. So the simplest way I could think
of was to setup a file server and link it to his P.C. and the front
office P.C.. Well as I have gotten into this and he has been reading the
books and print outs, he wants to setup all the P.C. (Total at this time
5) to the network. I find it exciting.

So here is what we have.
1. Front office P.C. for accounting. Quick books Win 98
2. Boss P.C. for inventory. Dos, Win 98
3. My P.C. Cad, Cam, Internet, and some light programming. Dos, Win 98
4. Other front office P.C.  At one time we had two secretary's Win 98
5. CNC Room P.C. Upload and download CNC programs. WFW 3.11

I have several questions on how to proceed.

Would it be better to convert all the systems to Linux?

If it would is there software for Linux like Quick books? Auto cad?

My Boss want to set it up to where he can check the accounting from any
station, look up drawings from and station, plus keep inventory from any
station, and print to any of the printers from any station. Can I do
this or has he read the information wrong?

I know this is allot to ask but I thought it would be best to get it all
up front and see what everyone has to say.

If you want to know what type of business we are go to

This might help all of you understand what we are looking to do and why
we don't know allot about networking.



RE: [newbie] SMP + OT DSL Question

1999-10-29 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

I found it on the linuxmandrake site .

mshirley [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/28/99 12:54:51 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  RE: [newbie] SMP + OT DSL Question

Incedentally, where's this BP6 SMP article that started this thread?
My next computer's gonna be a BP6/300A setup.

-Original Message-
From: Seth Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 1999 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] SMP + OT DSL Question

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 From: Ronald A. Yacketta
 sorry if I sound stupid here, but BP6???

The ABit mobo that supports dual celerons. . .anybody else heard the rumor
that intel is going to start diasbling SMP capability in PPGA Celerons too?
read that somewhere. . .Hopefully AMD wont follow that path with the Athlon
Selects. . .

Now for the OT DSL Question(:  Im getting DSL with a static IP and im
running a
DSL box into a NIC.  So basically do i just need to configure eth0 for
operation and then connect the DSL box to the NIC?  Thanks all!


Seth Gibson (Under Construction)
Aggression Takes Its Toll.

Re: [newbie] Directory Tree Structure

1999-10-29 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

"Lambert, Stephen : CO IR" wrote:

 Are there any good web links that explain the Linux Directory Tree
 I would like to know the purpose behind all the directories. For exapmle,
 what is the difference beween the /BIN directory and the /SBIN directory.

OH, OH, OH, one that I can answer 8-).   I found a good explanation at:


Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

[newbie] VNC - .Xresources

1999-10-29 Thread Raymond A Clark

I have installed VNC on my linux box. The instructions included were clear 
about where the files should go and I followed them to the letter. The 
problem is that when I start the vncserver it dies instantly. It is making 
a call to ~/.Xresources. However I do not have that file in my home 
directory. Is MDK6.1 using something different? I am not sure that this is 
the problem but I suspect that it is sinnce it is looking for this file and 
I do not have it. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Re: [newbie] Aliases and such...

1999-10-29 Thread yacketta

From: Ronald A. Yacketta

depending on your shel (echo $SHELL)
you can setup alias in the appropiate file that is

as to the mouse problem check the archoves for this list I posted three
notes regarding setting up a IntelliMouse (the one with the wheel)
to use the middle button like it does in winblows.

"PC" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/28/99 06:54:39 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Ronald A. Yacketta/958157/EKC)
Subject:  [newbie] Aliases and such...

I cannot believe this wasn't my VERY FIRST question!

I fashion myself the alias/macro/shortcut King.

It didn't take long for me to figure out how to write a simple
alias in Linux (Linux% alias xx=exit) or something similar.
I have X.BAT in my C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND subdirectory... just to
let you know just how lazy I really am. X.BAT consists of a
single command, "@EXIT". ;-) I want the same in Linux for its
konsole windows. I haven't figured out how to SAVE the aliases
once I got them entered correctly on the command-line. I am
willing to actually edit a master aliases file (I'm used to
this from my old days on IRC.) but haven't found where this
is on Linux-Mandrake. Any suggestions are welcome.

Also, on another topic, I have a LogiTech First+ (3-button)
mouse. Linux-Mandrake defaults to installing it as an
"Intellimouse". When I manually change this to "Microsoft",
the middle-button acts like a Virtual Desktop/Application
switcher (brings up the "context"? menu). Is there any way
to get the assignments (configurable using KDE Control
Center, or application menu-Settings-Mouse(?) to work?

And lastly, I believe I saw a 'TAB' somewhere that
allowed me to enter a KEYBOARD? "shortcut" like for
WinDoze "shortcuts" on the desktop  Start Menu.
Anyone have specific details on this for KDE?

Take Care

Re: [newbie] 128bit Communicator?

1999-10-29 Thread Mark E. Drummond

Rick Murphy wrote:

That's not my name, it's a scottish clan motto ... ;-)

 I'd go with the fortify.

I went with the fortify source code and it installed like a charm!
Thanks to everyone.

Gang Warily

Re: [newbie] Aliases and such...

1999-10-29 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, PC wrote:

 I cannot believe this wasn't my VERY FIRST question!
 I fashion myself the alias/macro/shortcut King.
 It didn't take long for me to figure out how to write a simple
 alias in Linux (Linux% alias xx=exit) or something similar.
 I have X.BAT in my C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND subdirectory... just to
 let you know just how lazy I really am. X.BAT consists of a
 single command, "@EXIT". ;-) I want the same in Linux for its
 konsole windows. I haven't figured out how to SAVE the aliases
 once I got them entered correctly on the command-line. I am
 willing to actually edit a master aliases file (I'm used to
 this from my old days on IRC.) but haven't found where this
 is on Linux-Mandrake. Any suggestions are welcome.

User-specific aliases go in ~/.bashrc and system-wide aliases go in
/etc/bashrc. :)


Re: [newbie] Repartitioning utility

1999-10-29 Thread Ron Marriage

Thanks,  I wasn't aware fips could do a non-destructive
I'd used it before to create partitions, but never resizing.
You just saved me a ton of work. 
Appreciate it.


Jackal wrote:
 Yes fips does do a non-destructive resize.  The interface is a quite like the
 fdisk (linux) interface.  Make sure you read the README first or else you
 might not know what you need at different stages of the re-partitioning.
 Hope this helps.


Ron Marriage

Re: [newbie] RealPlayerG2 - Netscape Plugin? How?

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 How do you get RealplayerG2 to act as a Netscape Plugin?
You can't. You can only get Netscape to spawn a RealPlayer
session. I just checked. The "plugin" option for RealPlayer
is grayed out completely on my system. I can't even select
it. The only way to use RealPlayer is to select
"application" and put the path to RealPlayer.

Re: [newbie] Reinstalling Win98

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,Tom Brinkman wrote:
   | On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
   |  Yup, when you re-install Win98, it's gonna wipe the MBR, and LILO won't be
   |  there any more. Make sure you have a boot dosk if you keep LILO in the MBR so
   |  you can get back into Linux to fix it.
   |  Ernie
   |  I was gonna stay out of this, but Oh Well.  There's a coupl'a
   | things I just don't understand what the big deal's about.  One, is
   | LU's aversion to re-booting.  The other is Window's users afinity
   | for re-installs.  
 Many Linux users choose Linux simply because they do NOT have to re-start the
 system each time they make a change in it as seems to be necessary in Win9x.
 This is considered an advantage as well as a time saver. As for the Win users
 affinity for re-installs, well when something goes wrong - as it all too
 frequently seems to do - and the user can not figgure out how to fix it, the
 easiest option is a re-do.
Not to mention Microsoft's answer for everything is
"reinstall." :-)

Re: [newbie] Re: What partitions does linux need?

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Thanks. Any idea why Disk Druid would always say the "/" partition is too big?
Not a clue. :-) I never had a problem. Try using FDISK next
time instead. :-)

Re: [newbie] RealPlayerG2 - Netscape Plugin? How?

1999-10-29 Thread alann

Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 How do you get RealplayerG2 to act as a Netscape Plugin?


Find the realaudio..


make it say ra,ram,rn

Then click application and fill in the field with "realplay %s"

( without the quotes ).


[newbie] CDR4210

1999-10-29 Thread Felipe Almeida

Hi people!

I know that this subject may be already discussed here in the list but
this is my first time here so...

How do I install my Creative CDR4210 cd recording in my Linux? I read
that I have to re-compile my kernel with the SCSI Emulation module
enabled. Is that true? I already did this but it didnĀ“t work. I also
have a HP CD-Writer Plus 7200 and is external (connected through my
parallel port). How can I make it work? Do I have to re-compile my
kernel again? I use Linux Mandrake 6.0 with kernel 2.2.9-27mdk and a
Linux called Conectiva (brasilian) with kernel 2.2.5-23cl.

Thank ya all !!!

Felipe C. Almeida - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Setor de Informacao - Gerencia de Informatica
Embrapa Gado de Leite 
R. Eugenio do Nascimento, 610 - Dom Bosco 
36038-330 - Juiz de Fora - MG - Brasil 
Tel: +55 32 249 4727  Fax: +55 32 249 4701  Embrapasat: 234727

[newbie] Netscape Messenger Fails to Open in Just One of My User Accounts

1999-10-29 Thread Traci Collins

Hi! I just upgraded to Mandrake 6.1 by reformatting everything but
/home and doing a clean install. Then I removed Netscape 4.61 and
installed the glibc version of Netscape 4.7 since Mandrake had not
yet posted 4.7 rpms on the update page.

Everything seems to be working pretty well except in one of my user
accounts. In that account Netscape refuses to open Messenger. I have
chosen to have Messenger open automagically whenever Netscape is
invoked but in that one account it fails to open. If I choose the
Communicator menu and the Messenger option it also fails to open.
There is no error message and it always fails.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a fix for this?

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

No Subject

1999-10-29 Thread Robert Benson


Two questions:

   1. I hear my modem in root, but not in my user account. That is 
when I am dialing in with pkkk.

   2. Netscape works in user mode but not in root?? I have set them 
up the same?? What am I missing here.

 Any help would be appriciated.

Get Your Private, Free Email at

[newbie] Strange Jumping Between Virtual Desktops

1999-10-29 Thread Traci Collins

I find that whenever I choose an option in one of my programs that
involves opening a new window that there is a 1/3 probability that
instead of opening the window I will suddenly jump from virtual
desktop 0 to virtual desktop 4. When I go back to desktop 0 and retry
the operation it usually works. There isn't any error message.

I am using Mandrake 6.1, Gnome and Enlightenment, and I have applied
the 6.1 updates using the KDE upgrade utility from my root account. I
installed Mandrake 6.1 by formatting everything except for my /home
partition and performing a clean installation.

This isn't a big deal but it does happen often enough to be
irritating. Does anyone have a suggestion about how I might be able
to fix this problem?

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

[newbie] Recreating the standard Mandrake Desktop Icons under 6.1, Gnome and Enlightenment

1999-10-29 Thread Traci Collins

Hi! I recently upgraded to 6.1 by reformatting everything except for
my /home partition and doing a clean install. Once that was done I
went ahead and recreated my users. This always destroys the standard
Mandrake icons on each user account's desktop and in the past I have
used the recreate desktop option which was available for gnome by
right mouse clicking on the desktop. The right mouse button menu has
been dramatically changed in 6.1, mostly for the better, but the
recreate desktop option has been removed. I have found an option to
recreate the KDE desktop under the KDE menu but I can't find an
option to recreate the gnome desktop anywhere.

Does anyone know which script recreates the gnome desktop and where I
might find that script? Thanks.

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

Re: [newbie] Repartitioning utility

1999-10-29 Thread Brian Whitman

--- "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's interesting. I havn't needed to use their
 support, but now I hope I never
 need it. I hate it when I spend that kind of cash
 then get left out on my own. I
 only paid $70.00 for my copy, but that's a lot for
 just binary code, even if
 it works as well as PM has for me.
 On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,Ron Marriage wrote:
   | I purchased Patition Magic, a bit over a monthy
 ago, and it
   | cost $80 but does have a rebate to bring it to
 about $65.
   | I installed it to change my windows and linux
   | It doesn't recognize the partitions tables that
 I installed
   | with fips during original mandrake install in
 version 5.3. 
   | I currently run 6.0
   | Powerquest tech support has been less than
 helpful.  I get
   | put on hold for 45 to 60 minutes when I call,
 and after
   | several calls and multiple emails over almost 4
 weeks, I'm
   | still no closer to getting partition magic to
 read the
   | table.  tech support now no longer responds to
   | Ron
   | Brian Whitman wrote:
   |  --- Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   |   For those wanting to repartiton a hard
   |   There is a freeware non-destructive
   |   progrm called fips.
   |   It might be in the dosutils directory on
 your CD. If
   |   not you can get it
   |   at the Mandrake ftp site or
   |   If that won't work, I downloaded all the
 files and
   |   directories
   |   associated with fips and I can send you a
 zip file.
   |   Just e-mail me. I
   |   haven't used fips because I have Partition
   |   Commander, but I thought I'd
   |   let you know it's available.
   |   Sam Walker
   |   Partition Magic is a easy and safe way to
   |  your drives.  This is what I used and it was
   |  trouble at all.  The program only cost around
   |  bucks and is well worth it!
   |  Brian
   |  =
   |  Do You Yahoo!?
   |  Bid and sell for free at
   | -- 
   | Ron Marriage
   | E-Mailmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   | Homepage
 When using PM I find that the easiest thing to do is
right click on the table and select resize-move form
list.  Make the size partiton you want and then right
click it again to create the type of partition you
want fat32 or linux, linux-swap.  You need to do this
for each partition type.  I used PM and had no
problems with it.  Install it into windows first then
install linux into the created partition.  Reboot into
windows install bootmagic and everything should work
fine.  Hope this helps some.  Brian


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Re: [newbie] mkbootdisk kernelversion

1999-10-29 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:

 On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  John  PCfirst off, the ls-120 is definately a bootable drive, both
  with a standard 1.44 meg floppy as well as with the 120 meg ls-120
  floppys.  The command that points the output of mkbootdisk to the ls-120
  mkbootdisk --device /dev/hdc 2.2.9-19mdk
 Really??? Interesting. It's been my understanding that Linux (at
 least) doesn't like booting off an LS-120 since it's not a proper
 Floppy drive.

mkbootdisk may need patching to accept /dec/hdXY, but try 
--device /dev/hdc1 
if i remeber correctly an ls-120 disc needs a partition table, so can be
accessed strictly as /dev/hdc.

  But there's a problem.  The mkbootdisk command doesn't seem to like
  writing to the ls-120 and errors out after a moment.  I've experimented
  with different discs carrying different formats and never could get a
  boot disc created on the ls-120.
 Might be due to the fact that Linux sees it as a small hard drive,
 and that it defaults to /dev/fd0. Probably still trying to write to
 /dev/fd0 despite your stating /dev/hdc.

nope see below it writes where it's told, hence the error about no
partition table.
[ -n "$pause" ]  {
echo "Insert a disk in $device. Any information on the disk will be
echo -n "Press Enter to continue or ^C to abort: "
read aline

[ -n "$verbose" ]  echo -n "Formatting $device... "
mke2fs $device  /dev/null 2/dev/null
[ -n "$verbose" ]  echo "done."


Re: [newbie] RPM - After Installation, Does RPM Place A Link OnKMenu Automatically?

1999-10-29 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Sevatio Octavio wrote:

 After you use RPM to install a program, does RPM automatically put a link to that 
application on the KDE menu?  If so, how can you
 tell where it put the menu-link?
No rpm does not, however most(if not all) kde programs will contain a
.kdelnk, which is what produces the entrys for the kde menu.
to find out where it will be if at all

rpm -ql k_something|grep kdelnk

Gnome programs contain a similar file under a different extension.
it uses .desktop, so to find these

rpm -ql g_something|grep desktop


Re: [newbie] Partition setup help

1999-10-29 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Ernest N. Wilcox Jr. wrote:
 Yup, that's correct, but the original poster was trying to set up the
 partitions in a particular order on the HD, and I was just trying to help with
 this. I dunno if there is a compelling reason to do that on his/her system, but
 it was a good mental exercise grin. I just figgured that if you want your DOS
 and Linux partitions in a particular order for whatever reason, then the way to
 do it is either with something like PartittionMagic, or mak'em all with DOS,
 remove the ones where you want the Linux partitions, then create them again with
 disk druid.

just FYI, but fdisk under linux (you know the button that doesn't say
diskdruid : ) will let you put partitions in any order you want.
 I told the poster I'm not a tech, but I figgure that if you want to set things
 up in some particular order, or configuration, then it's your system, and it's
 not my problem to wonder why. If you want to do things in a particular way on
 your own system, you should be able to do it, and that's what these help lists
 are all about, helping each other work out how to do whatever it is we want to
 do, providing we are not hurting anyone else in the process, or that the doing
 is not with malice.


Re: [newbie] VNC - .Xresources

1999-10-29 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Raymond A Clark wrote:

 I have installed VNC on my linux box. The instructions included were clear 
 about where the files should go and I followed them to the letter. The 
 problem is that when I start the vncserver it dies instantly. It is making 
 a call to ~/.Xresources. However I do not have that file in my home 
 directory. Is MDK6.1 using something different? I am not sure that this is 
 the problem but I suspect that it is sinnce it is looking for this file and 
 I do not have it. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Use the rpm packaged by us, or look at the srpm to see what we had todo to
make it work.. (yes i know i am circumventing trouble shooting) 


Re: [newbie] Strange Jumping Between Virtual Desktops

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I find that whenever I choose an option in one of my programs that
 involves opening a new window that there is a 1/3 probability that
 instead of opening the window I will suddenly jump from virtual
 desktop 0 to virtual desktop 4. When I go back to desktop 0 and retry
 the operation it usually works. There isn't any error message.
Well, I don't know, but it might help if you told us what
program it is. :-)

[newbie] KDE kamil

1999-10-29 Thread Karma Konchog Jungney

How do I adjust the interval between pop-checks.  Right now it is starting a
new pop session when the old one is still running, and the interruption causes
both to fail.


[newbie] Re:

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Two questions:
1. I hear my modem in root, but not in my user account. That is 
 when I am dialing in with pkkk.
2. Netscape works in user mode but not in root?? I have set them 
 up the same?? What am I missing here.
  Any help would be appriciated.
chmod a +w /dev/modem as root from a console prompt should
allow ANYONE to use the modem. I apologize if this isn't
what you were asking.

Check permissions on Netscape. You may be pointing to the
wrong thing in Root.

[newbie] Re: your mail

1999-10-29 Thread Axalon Bloodstone

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Robert Benson wrote:

 Two questions:
1. I hear my modem in root, but not in my user account. That is 
 when I am dialing in with pkkk.

Is that some anti kppp software or a type-o :)

Have you tryed moveing the volume slider under the "modem tab"

You can force the speaker on or off with m1 or m0 in your init string if
needed, but the slider should do the trick.
2. Netscape works in user mode but not in root?? I have set them 
 up the same?? What am I missing here.

Likely the dns settings are not sync'd, replicate the users
~/.kde/share/config/kppp (might be share/apps/kppp/, i'm a kde person
  Any help would be appriciated.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at


[newbie] Netscape - Locking Up and Self-terminating - How to prevent?

1999-10-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

I'm using Netscape 4.61 with Mandrake 6.1.  Netscape either locks up or suddenly 
terminates several times daily.  What's been the
remedy for this situation?


[newbie] Graphical text editors?

1999-10-29 Thread Damien Mc Kenna

I'm looking for a graphical text editor, something that supports syntax
coloring for HTML, and preferably PHP and SQL too.  I'll go with either
a KDE or Gnome app, and no, EMACS variants don't count.  For those of
you familiar with them, I'm looking for something like EditPlus or
NoteTab in Windows or GoldEd on the Amiga.

Damien Mc Kenna   Keene State College, BSc Computer Science Student[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ 17066133

Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?

1999-10-29 Thread Ribbo

On Friday, Oct 29 1999, 12:27, Damien Mc Kenna wrote:
 I'm looking for a graphical text editor, something that supports syntax
 coloring for HTML, and preferably PHP and SQL too.  I'll go with either
 a KDE or Gnome app, and no, EMACS variants don't count.  For those of
 you familiar with them, I'm looking for something like EditPlus or
 NoteTab in Windows or GoldEd on the Amiga.



Re: [newbie] Repartitioning utility

1999-10-29 Thread Ron Marriage

That's not what I want to do.  I already have linux and
windows partitions with running OSes in each.  I need to
resize them, make windows much smaller, linux much bigger.
Partition Magic gives a check failed message and right
clicks or menu options don't work.
Tech support said partition first extended beyond end of
HD.  Changed this but then even partition magic wouldn't
start.  We reset back to original, Changed them again to
eliminate free space at end of HD.  PM still gave a check
failed error but but now said partitions overlapped and
check still failed.

After contacting Powerquest tech support by phone and email,
they had me run several copies of info program and send the
report to them.  After several weeks, I've stopped hearing
from them and they no longer respond to email.  The last
email I got was 10 days ago, saying they got the report and
would look at it and respond the next day.  

It's OK, I was told fips does a non-destructive resize and
I'll use it.
PM will be just another windows program I can delete, grin

Thanks for all the help.
It was much appreciated.

Brian Whitman wrote:

 When using PM I find that the easiest thing to do is
 right click on the table and select resize-move form
 list.  Make the size partiton you want and then right
 click it again to create the type of partition you
 want fat32 or linux, linux-swap.  You need to do this
 for each partition type.  I used PM and had no
 problems with it.  Install it into windows first then
 install linux into the created partition.  Reboot into
 windows install bootmagic and everything should work
 fine.  Hope this helps some.  Brian


Ron Marriage

Re: [newbie] Installation Issue

1999-10-29 Thread Brian K. Garel

Actually thanx anyway...after going over the web site with a fine tooth comb
I came to the realization that 6.1 was the one to go with, So I went out and
bought the thingmore money than brains!  OH well...Thanx for the help
anyway.  (any idea about the d-link card)


- Original Message -
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installation Issue

 On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  I have a 3dfx Voodoo 3 PCI card with 16mg  When checking the web page
  supported hardware this card is listed but it is listed for version 6.1
  has XFree 3.3.5 is the version if XFree that shipped with 6.0 different
  this?  ( I can't run X in 640x480 in 16 color mode!)
 Go upgrade your X-server. The one that came with 6.0 is
 different and doesn't have the built-in support for the
 Voodoo3 cards. You have two options -- go get the custom,
 Voodoo server from the people who make the cards, or just
 go get the latest X rpm from Mandrake out of the 6.1
 directory or out of Cooker.

Re: [newbie] Installation Issue

1999-10-29 Thread Tom Brinkman

 I have a 3dfx Voodoo 3 PCI card with 16mg  When checking the web page for
 supported hardware this card is listed but it is listed for version 6.1 which
 has XFree 3.3.5 is the version if XFree that shipped with 6.0 different than
 this?  ( I can't run X in 640x480 in 16 color mode!)

 Brian Garel

I've had several people tell me that 6.1 and Xfree86 3.3.5
will support the V3, they're prob'ly right.  Yes, Mdk 6.0 came
with XF 3.3.3  

Here's how I did it tho:

  On your 6.0 CD under /apps/3dfx, there's the .rpm's to install
the 3dfx server.  Just 'rpm -Uvh *.rpm', then from a console,
type 'XF86Setup', pick Voodoo 3-2000 (I've got one, but I chose
-3000, hopin it will o/c it to 166mhz :), choose your monitor spec,
and you're all set, type 'startx'  :)  I run mine at 1024x768x24
and the 2d is better than in W98.

If you'd like to visit the web page that | V3 |
Drivers | Linux, will send you to for instructions, it's:

  One last bit of advice, whether you o/c it or not, put a $2
  '486' fan on the V3's heatsink, you'll be glad you did, 3dfx
  should'a.   Good luck
..  Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]  .

Re: [newbie] Graphical text editors?

1999-10-29 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Ribbo:

Try mcedit (in xterm). A beautiful and easy to use text editor. Just
time "mcedit" (without the quotes) at the command line or type mcedit
file-name, e.g.

#mcedit /etc/fstab


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] KDE Problem

1999-10-29 Thread alain ayerra

Hi All:
I just ,make a clear install of LM 6.1 all the installation process
went OK but  once installed i have trubble with Kde.

It hangs very often suddenly I cant open any application on the desktop and I
have to restart the X windows again to make the things start working again, i
think this is a Kde bug?

Its there any parch to these bug?

Finally I have to say that I was using LM 5.3 for about a year and I haven't
got any problem it appeared to be rock solid,I want the same on LM 6.1.

Best regards:

Re: [newbie] Installation Issue

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 Actually thanx anyway...after going over the web site with a fine tooth comb
 I came to the realization that 6.1 was the one to go with, So I went out and
 bought the thingmore money than brains!  OH well...Thanx for the help
 anyway.  (any idea about the d-link card)
Hehe... :-) Umm...I've seen posts in here about a newer version of
the Tulip driver. That might work for you. See if you can find it in
the archives search for Tulip. I've got a Tulip-based card in my
system, but it's a Kingston. It uses the Tulip drivers just fine in
Mandrake 6.0. I haven't yet upgraded to 6.5/6.1 because of some
"issues" I've heard with that version. :-)

Re: [newbie] KDE kamil

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 How do I adjust the interval between pop-checks.  Right now it is starting a
 new pop session when the old one is still running, and the interruption causes
 both to fail.
AFAIK, you can't. That's a good reason to use KBiff, because you CAN
adjust the interval check period in KBiff. :-)

Re: [newbie] Netscape - Locking Up and Self-terminating - How to prevent?

1999-10-29 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I'm using Netscape 4.61 with Mandrake 6.1.  Netscape either locks up or suddenly 
terminates several times daily.  What's been the
 remedy for this situation?
Don't install the tarball version. Use the Mandrake RPM. It uses the
libc5 version of Netscape, because the version of Netscape the
tarball uses is compiled against an older version of glibc which
causes the exact problems you're describing.

Re: [newbie] RealPlayerG2 - Netscape Plugin? How?

1999-10-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

Yes, it also plays video.  Although I'm not sure if it can do any Realpresentations or 
slideshows. is where you can get it. contains clear and 
simple instructions on installing G2.  Thanks
Steve Philp!!!


-Original Message-
From: Traci Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RealPlayerG2 - Netscape Plugin? How?

Will the Linux G2 Alpha play streaming MP3s like the other G2 clients

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

[newbie] Need help setting up/install new Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-29 Thread Tuan Nguyen


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[newbie] RealplayerG2 - Why Does It Stop After A Few Seconds?

1999-10-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

I'm using Mandrake6.1 with the G2realplayer (also with licensed OSS driver).

Here's the problem:
Whenever I use the G2player, it would only play for a few seconds and then it would be 
silent.  At the same time it goes silent, the
timer on G2player goes really slow and erratic.  Not only does the G2player go silent 
but so does all other audio applications like
the MP3 players.  Even "soundoff" and then "soundon" does not remedy the situation.  
The only way so far is to do a reboot.

Has anyone had similar experiences or suggestions?


Re: [newbie] Netscape - Locking Up and Self-terminating - How to prevent?

1999-10-29 Thread Sevatio Octavio

Thanks John...

So when you say "don't install the tarball version", are you referring to the version 
that was installed by Mandrake6.1?  Secondly,
where does one find the Mandrake RPM version?


-Original Message-
From: John Aldrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Netscape - Locking Up and Self-terminating - How to prevent?

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
 I'm using Netscape 4.61 with Mandrake 6.1.  Netscape either locks up or suddenly 
terminates several times daily.  What's been the
 remedy for this situation?

Don't install the tarball version. Use the Mandrake RPM. It uses the
libc5 version of Netscape, because the version of Netscape the
tarball uses is compiled against an older version of glibc which
causes the exact problems you're describing.

[newbie] Need help setting up/install new Mandrake 6.1

1999-10-29 Thread Tuan Nguyen

I got an opportunity to attend the Linux installation workshop at Atlanta Linux Show.
 It was great.  It was so easy to setup the non-commercial Red Hat there.

I bought the cheap CD-Rom of Mandrake 6.1 and try to install it on my home computer.
I partitioned my hard drive with PartitionMagic and setup everything like the
workshop.  However when I tried to install Mandrake I run in some problems.  I was
able select the video driver which is Trident 3DImage 975 with no problem.  However,
when I tried to select my monitor I wasn't able to.  I got CyberVision C70 with
Horizontal scan of 50-70 and my vertical scan of 50-120, capable up to very high
resolution.  I couldn't find my monitor in the listing so I tried to custom setup it.
 The Xconfigurator keep telling me to enter the range but no where to enter.  I tried
so many selection but was not able to setup my monitor.  I can't setup my KDE like
those nice screen shots.  In fact, I was never able to get to the X-window.  Please
help.  Thank you


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[newbie] Kmail doesn't come up

1999-10-29 Thread Richard Salts

I've just installed via workstation method L-M 6.1, tried to get Kmail up
and going but no response.  

Can anybody advise me what to do next?

Thanks for any pointers


No Subject

1999-10-29 Thread alain ayerra

Hi All:
I just ,make a clear install of LM 6.1 all the installation process
went OK but  once installed i have trubble with Kde.

It hangs very often suddenly I cant open any application on the desktop and I
have to restart the X windows again to make the things start working again, i
think this is a Kde bug?

Its there any parch to these bug?

Finally I have to say that I was using LM 5.3 for about a year and I haven't
got any problem it appeared to be rock solid,I want the same on LM 6.1.

Best regards:

Re: [newbie] 128bit Communicator?

1999-10-29 Thread Rick Murphy

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Mark E. Drummond wrote:
 Rick Murphy wrote:
 That's not my name, it's a scottish clan motto ... ;-)
Thought it was a nickname.  By the way fortify now has a linux version for
netscape 4.7 


"I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB

Re: [newbie] Repartitioning utility

1999-10-29 Thread Sam

You might want to try Partition Commander. I've used it on a 10 Gig hard
drive and done almost everything to a partition you acn think of without
losing data.

Sam Walker

Ron Marriage wrote:

 That's not what I want to do.  I already have linux and
 windows partitions with running OSes in each.  I need to
 resize them, make windows much smaller, linux much bigger.
 Partition Magic gives a check failed message and right
 clicks or menu options don't work.
 Tech support said partition first extended beyond end of
 HD.  Changed this but then even partition magic wouldn't
 start.  We reset back to original, Changed them again to
 eliminate free space at end of HD.  PM still gave a check
 failed error but but now said partitions overlapped and
 check still failed.

 After contacting Powerquest tech support by phone and email,
 they had me run several copies of info program and send the
 report to them.  After several weeks, I've stopped hearing
 from them and they no longer respond to email.  The last
 email I got was 10 days ago, saying they got the report and
 would look at it and respond the next day.

 It's OK, I was told fips does a non-destructive resize and
 I'll use it.
 PM will be just another windows program I can delete, grin

 Thanks for all the help.
 It was much appreciated.

 Brian Whitman wrote:

  When using PM I find that the easiest thing to do is
  right click on the table and select resize-move form
  list.  Make the size partiton you want and then right
  click it again to create the type of partition you
  want fat32 or linux, linux-swap.  You need to do this
  for each partition type.  I used PM and had no
  problems with it.  Install it into windows first then
  install linux into the created partition.  Reboot into
  windows install bootmagic and everything should work
  fine.  Hope this helps some.  Brian

 Ron Marriage

Re: [newbie] Strange Jumping Between Virtual Desktops

1999-10-29 Thread Traci Collins

John Aldrich wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  I find that whenever I choose an option in one of my programs that
  involves opening a new window that there is a 1/3 probability that
  instead of opening the window I will suddenly jump from virtual
  desktop 0 to virtual desktop 4. When I go back to desktop 0 and retry
  the operation it usually works. There isn't any error message.
 Well, I don't know, but it might help if you told us what
 program it is. :-)

Actually, any program. It happens from the panel when I select a
launcher to start a program or it happens inside a program like
within Netscape when I want to reply to an e-mail. Any where I make a
choice that launches a window I can get dumped into virtual desktop 4
and if that happens the window will remain unlaunched. It happens
less than half the time but often enough to be irritating.

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

[newbie] Where's the Sound?

1999-10-29 Thread Steve Leseman

What do I need to do to get sound working? 
It gives a sound mixer error, and says to type: "a+rw /dev/mixer " with 
a tiny, tiny x behind and above the last r. It says to do this in root, 
I assume in the console. I tried it in root, except I had no idea how to 
recreate that tiny x. All I get is an error message - command not found, 
or something like that. I have a Sound Blaster card. Thanks.

Re: [newbie] WOW!!!

1999-10-29 Thread Sam

You'd be better off setting up a Linux server to start and switching over to
Star Office- This will get everyone on a office suite that is  a
cross-platform program. This saves you the cost of purchasing NT, Backoffice
and a bunch of other $expensive add-ons to get everything you'd get with
the Deluxe Mandrake Box from MacMillan or the Mandrake power pack. This will
give you interoffice e-mail  allow access to the internet through the server
acting as a firewall. I'd check into putting MySQL or Oracle 8i on the system
for inventory tracking  control. My brother does CNC machining and uses
Mastercam, so I have an idea of what is required there. I doubt if you'll find
a robust CNC package for Linux yet, but I may be wrong. Do you need to set up
your tool paths on your PC? Do you need to check your tool paths before
downloading? How many axes is the machine, 3-1/2 or 4? Do you use parametrics
or solid model design? Do you need photo quality renderings of the designs?
These are the things you'll need to look for.

As far as the issue of viewing drawings goes, most CAD programs will save a
file in postscript format and Linux has several postscript viewers that can be

Linux can handle many of your needs, but because it is really just breaking
into other mainstream areas outside of the server market, some areas need a
lot of development. Industrial applications such as you're doing, PLC's,
process controls, and SCADA systems are some of the areas where very little
development has been done when compared to server and desktop applications.
(This is sad because Linux is much more reliable than NT and from what I've
been told, it's easier to isolate and fix a broken process in Linux too.)

Linux can do a lot, but a great disservice can be done to the perception of
Linux as a stable and powerful OS if it's pushed into use doing things it's
not quite ready for yet. Although as an OS it can readily handle all these
tasks, application development is not there yet.

So to sum it up for your use- Office software, yes. Accounting, maybe. Server.
definitely. Firewall and interoffice communications, go for it. Web Server,
you bet. CAD, CAM,  CNC, be VERY careful and don't push it.

Sam Walker

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

 On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, jeff wrote:

  1st of all I would like to thank everyone for all the help they have
  given me. I'm now a total Linux convert.
  I have been following Linux for about a year, was a bit timid on
  installing and trying it out, but now I'm very glad I did.
  Well after all the e-mail I have received about what I'm trying to do, I
  thought I would go ahead and spell it all out. That way everyone who has
  offered help will understand.
  This all started out as a simple project here at work. The Boss wanted
  to see financial reports on his P.C. So the simplest way I could think
  of was to setup a file server and link it to his P.C. and the front
  office P.C.. Well as I have gotten into this and he has been reading the
  books and print outs, he wants to setup all the P.C. (Total at this time
  5) to the network. I find it exciting.
  So here is what we have.
  1. Front office P.C. for accounting. Quick books Win 98
  2. Boss P.C. for inventory. Dos, Win 98
  3. My P.C. Cad, Cam, Internet, and some light programming. Dos, Win 98
  4. Other front office P.C.  At one time we had two secretary's Win 98
  5. CNC Room P.C. Upload and download CNC programs. WFW 3.11
  I have several questions on how to proceed.
  Would it be better to convert all the systems to Linux?

 If you can find accounting software that the boss likes (check, and linux software to control the CNC (i'm not sure
 where to start looking here, but i have seen some somewhere), yes

  If it would is there software for Linux like Quick books? Auto cad?

 freshmeat will have these, and hopefully some cnc software

  My Boss want to set it up to where he can check the accounting from any
  station, look up drawings from and station, plus keep inventory from any
  station, and print to any of the printers from any station. Can I do
  this or has he read the information wrong?

 Ok unless your inventory is kept in a platform independant format, and you
 find software for all three platforms, I can see problems.

  I know this is allot to ask but I thought it would be best to get it all
  up front and see what everyone has to say.
  If you want to know what type of business we are go to

 Yeah the CNC machine kinda gave it away, unfortunatly i don't quite know
 enough about these to. Does this PC actualy drive the cnc or just feed it
 the programs via a serial or parallel port.

  This might help all of you understand what we are looking to do and why
  we don't know allot about networking.


Re: [newbie] Re: What partitions does linux need?

1999-10-29 Thread Sam

I had this happen, when I tried to make the last partition I created, the same
number as the available space shown in disk druid. I typically had to back it off by
5-10 megs and then click on fill availabe disk space. The partition size created was
always less than what disk druid told me was available but more than what I typed

Maybe this will work for you?

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  Thanks. Any idea why Disk Druid would always say the "/" partition is too big?
 Not a clue. :-) I never had a problem. Try using FDISK next
 time instead. :-)

[newbie] hp 722c in 6.1 and howto start oss at boot time

1999-10-29 Thread Brandon Somogie

NEED HELP! My hp 722c doesn't work at all with any of
the drivers in printtool. I NEED to use my printer
(preferably in color). Help is appreciated.
I'd like to start oss at boot time so I won't have to
log in as root and do a soundon then log out for other
users to have sound. I wouldn't use oss, but I have to
(Vortex card) or buy another card. Help is
appreciated. (I hope this is an appropriate question
for this mailing list, if not tell me where it should

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