Re: [newbie-it] problemi con il kernel

2000-09-29 Thread Andrea Celli

Maurizio Conti wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 scusate se mi intrometto,
 ma anche io ho lo stesso problema.
 Cosa significa "nella directory in cui sto non c'e` un
 Cos'รจ un make file??

man make
gv /usr/doc/pmake-2.1.34/tutorial.psc

make e` un programma usatissimo dagli sviluppatori
per costruire e distribuire i pacchetti software.

Supponiamo di avere un pacchettto costituito da
piu` subroutine che devono essere compilate e
lincate in un eseguibile che successivamente deve
essere installato insieme a delle librerie.
Uno degli usi piu` comuni di make e` appunto quello
di compiere tutte queste operazioni seguendo le
istruzioni elencate in un Makefile.
Nei pacchetti distribuiti in sorgente c'e` uno
script "configure" che si incarica appunto di costruire un 
Makefile con le opzioni di compilazione e installazione 
adatte alla macchina utilizzata.
Queste istruzioni possono essere suddivise per obiettivi (target)
da realizzare in successione o indipendentemente.
Prendendo ad esempio i pacchetti di installazione tar.gz

 make realizza il primo obiettivo ed e` di norma
   equivalente a "make nome_programma"

 make install installa il pacchetto 

Siccome il target "install" dipende da "nome_programma",
se lancio direttamente "make install", verra` prima
eseguito "make nome_programma".

Questo meccanismo di dipendenze serve moltissimo in fase di sviluppo, 
perche' make ricompilera` solo le subroutine che sono state
modificate (sorgente + recente del compilato).

L'uso di make e` molto piu` generale e puo` essere
pensato come il prototipo della programmazione ad
oggetti. make e` presente fin dalle primissime versioni
di Unix, decenni prima che si parlasse di programmazione
ad oggetti.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie] partitioning

2000-09-29 Thread Paul

It was Sep 28, 2000, 23:25, when [EMAIL PROTECTED] keyboarded:

are their any partitioning programs available in the distro, i need to 
readjust my partition so i have more room

You can use FIPS, which is a freeware DOS program that comes in the
You can also go to and search for GNUParted (GNU
Partition Editor)


Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
Disobey as often as possible:
for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
-Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

OT: [was RE: [newbie] linux vs. windows. vs. tanks batmobiles ]

2000-09-29 Thread Mark Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Larry Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] The finale of the linux vs. windows. vs. tanks 
batmobiles :)

Look at existing realities rather than speculation.  Microsoft has
that they will likely produce only one more MS-Office upgrade before this
product becomes an Internet-server distributed product.  

Why is this a bad thing (technology-wise), besides the fact that I don't
want to 
rent software and that the internet probably can't handle this type of
thing.  Let's 
say for the sake of argument that Star Office was available for free via an
ASP and 
the user experience would be as if s/he had it installed locally -- would
this still 
be a bad thing. I'm genuinely curious

Bill Gates is a very wise businessman. He knows that to make money you have
create products that people will pay for.  Manufacturing air is not good
business as right now everyone gets it free.  In the next few years this
be the case for desktop software.

Do we hate MS software because of Bill Gates, or because of the techical
of their programmers, or because of it's environment/culture, or all of the

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread Michael

So run your email through a filter before downloading it? Combine that
with serious bitching at your phone company for being overpriced.

clipped to reduce $$$
 No it is not that simple.
 I frequently used to work overseas.  I collected my e-mail using a
 laptop/cellphone, often at 2400bps due to poor international connectivity,
 at International roaming rates ($1.60/minute).  At that rate, a 10k (with
 headers) post would take over 40 seconds to download, costing me personally
 over a buck.
 Multiply that up by the number of off-topic posts in this forum recently,
 and it adds up to a lot of money!
 Maybe I should start invoicing the posters...

[newbie] Backing up all files changed since install

2000-09-29 Thread Matt G. Ellis

Hello Lists!

I'm posting this to both expert and newbie because I'm not sure how much
cross subscription goes on, and I'm not exactly sure what catagory this
message falls into.

I'm going to be installing a Mandrake system soon, and I know you can back
up the file that has the install prefrences, so you can repeat the same
install at a later date.  Since I'm setting up a server, I'm going to be
installing a few RPMs, changing some files, adding some things etc.

Once this is done I would like to backup eveything that has changed or been
added since install (RPM Database, any changed files, new files, etc).  This
way someone could very easly format the HD, reinstall via the saved
settings, the put the changes back onto the system via my selective back up.

Any ideas how to do this?

Matt G. Ellis

Matt G. Ellis
Me spell chucker work grate. Need grandma chicken.

Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread lselinger

*hands you the keys to a nice shiny station wagon* you're right the tanks
are hard to use why bother ..enjoy the car.

Lonny -- driving away in tank


Uh...the free tanks are hard to use.


Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

2000-09-29 Thread Paul

It was Sep 29, 2000, 11:03, when [EMAIL PROTECTED] keyboarded:

While reading a UNIX book I was wondering (chapter mounting), how does a
device (for example a CDROM player or a disk drive) appear in the /dev
directory ? The book told me that when you for example mount a floppy
drive it should look something like this:

mount /dev/floppy2 /medium

But how does the floppy2 gets into the dev directory !?

Thanx in advantage,

Hoi Niels,
groetjes uit Nederland ;)

The installer-program will do it's best to detect all your hardware. For
each part of hardware, and also for the most common devices, an entry in
the /dev directory is made. You can later on, when you know a lot about
linux, create a new device through certain commands (which I can't recall
at the moment since you barely ever need them).


Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
Disobey as often as possible:
for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
-Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Failed installation

2000-09-29 Thread Paul

It was Sep 29, 2000, 14:38, when Grant Walton keyboarded:

As I say,  I only saw the message once, and then briefly - a whole list of
'semi-colons missing from line' then the line numbers of a file which I
must admit I didn't make a note of.  Having tried the installation several
times in different ways,  I have only seen this message once.  Usually the
installation routine just ends with "abnormal termination...signal 11" and
then shuts down.

Hi Grant,
Like Larry said: If you can get some more info on the machine you are
using, we may be able to help you better.
When at work I get a call and someone says "It's me, it doesn't work", you
can't expect that I know who "me" is (4,300 people on the plant) and what
the "it" is that doesn't work (10,000 node network excluding the PC's ;-)

So, if you can replay things and tell us the gory details...


Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
Disobey as often as possible:
for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
-Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

[newbie] Question about 2nd HD/dual booting/NOT Windog...

2000-09-29 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Is it possible to setup up a small 2nd HD running DR-DOS, and that way have
access to older DOS games and still not have a Mickeysoft product on my 'Nix

Thanks in advance! ;-)


Re: OT: [was RE: [newbie] linux vs. windows. vs. tanks batmobiles]

2000-09-29 Thread Michael

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Mark Johnson wrote:

 Look at existing realities rather than speculation.  Microsoft has
 that they will likely produce only one more MS-Office upgrade before this
 product becomes an Internet-server distributed product.  
 Why is this a bad thing (technology-wise), besides the fact that I don't
 want to 
 rent software and that the internet probably can't handle this type of
 thing.  Let's 
 say for the sake of argument that Star Office was available for free via an
 ASP and 
 the user experience would be as if s/he had it installed locally -- would
 this still 
 be a bad thing. I'm genuinely curious

I wouldn't trust such software with my critical business needs any more
than I'd trust commercial software. If I can't see the source and fix it
as needed then I won't trust the software to run on my systems.

 Bill Gates is a very wise businessman.   He knows that to make money you have
 create products that people will pay for.  Manufacturing air is not good
 business as right now everyone gets it free.  In the next few years this
 be the case for desktop software.
 Do we hate MS software because of Bill Gates, or because of the techical
 of their programmers, or because of it's environment/culture, or all of the

I don't think Bill Gates it the kind of person I'd want in my house (and
I'm sure he'd feel the same about me) but I don't know him so I can't
really hate him. He just doesn't matter much to me. For that matter I
don't hate M$ either, I just don't use any of their products on my own
machines. I know Windows and other key M$ products inside out though. You
must understand everything your systems will come in contact to get a
clear picture. I don't like corporations, big business, big government,
etc. Anything that takes my rights and my money away is bad.

[Re: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush ]

2000-09-29 Thread elldee

Original Message:
From: michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush
Date: 09/29/00 16:10:55
So run your email through a filter before downloading it? Combine that
with serious bitching at your phone company for being overpriced.

All this so that people are 'free' to post 200 off-topic messages a
day to the list? So the responsibility falls on the recipient to
control what he gets in his Inbox. What about the responsibility of
posters to stay within the published mandate of the list?

I've spent more time deleting than reading over the last few days.


Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.

2000-09-29 Thread Austin L. Denyer

 So run your email through a filter before downloading it? Combine that
 with serious bitching at your phone company for being overpriced.

For a start, I would have to download at least the headers (which are often
several k) in order to filter.

Secondly, International roaming rates are dictaded by the TelCos that the
call gets routed through.  When I was in Italy for example, the price was
mainly down to the overhead charged to my provider by TIM (the cellular
carrier for that part of Italy).

Thirdly, you are missing the point completely.  Why should hundreds of list
users be inconvenienced for the sake of a handful of inconsiderate
individuals who can't take their off-topic crap to private e-mail?

I signed up to this list for Linux information, and I'm sure that the
majority of the other list members signed up for the same reason.  If a user
sends off-topic information to the list then he is effectively SPAMMING the
list.  To me, spammers remind me of something I occasionally pick up on my
shoe in the gutter - very unpleasant, especially on a hot day...

There are already a couple of list members who are in my killfile for this
kind of behavior.  My fingers are itching to add a few more.

This whole thing reminds me of an occasion when a woman was raped in Central
Park.  The general attitude was not condemnation of the evil bastards that
committed the crime, but rather that it was her own fault for walking
through Central Park on her own.  Attitudes like that disgust me.

Bandwidth is not currently a problem for me personally as I have a permanent
ADSL connection in my home (as long as I'm in Windoze - the ADSL modem is a
USB version that does not work under Linux, so I'm stuck at 56k for the
Penguin).  I'm more concerned about users who may be in the position that I
was a few years ago.  Remember too that many countries do not have free
local calls - they get charged by the minute for their on-line time.

Personally, I don't care if you talk about politics, walking your dog, how
to get a few extra horsepower out of your big-block Chevy, or your favorite
lovemaking position.  Just don't do it on this list.

I have even offered to set up a seperate list for off-topic posts, as soon
as my system is up full-time.  That offer still stands, as soon as I have
the hardware to do it - this machine is being switched between operating
systems too often at the moment.

ObLinux - if anyone knows how to get the above mentioned modem (Efficient
Networks SpeedStream 4060 ADSL, USB interface) to work under Linux, please
let me know...


Re: [newbie] when I'm online no one can ping , telnet , ftp etc. it works only to localhost

2000-09-29 Thread Ilian Zarov

   OK , here is some info from the files :
order hosts,bind
multi on

and nothing in hosts.allow and hosts.deny 

   Ilian Zarov 

  Programmer - A red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with
inanimate objects.

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 Check your hosts.allow file in /etc  I'm pretty sure your just denying
 everyone access  =)   Once you open the file you'll see what I mean.

Re: [newbie] when I'm online no one can ping , telnet , ftp etc. it works only to localhost

2000-09-29 Thread Ilian Zarov

 I think you ned to look into your /etc/resolv.conf filecheck that the
 nameserver setup is correct in the file. It should look something like:
 search #where is your ISP
 nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #nameserver 1
 nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd #nameserver 2

   it's correct

   Ilian Zarov 

  Programmer - A red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with
inanimate objects.

[newbie] Re rights

2000-09-29 Thread freeman

I just wanted to know if there is a way to change a dir and all sub dir to give rights 
to everyone.(I have a public folder in a samba network and the rights are all screwed 

I want to be able to add, remove and modify in this directory tree and have someone 
else be able to see use and modify it afterwords.  

Eg.  i create a directory or file in the public folder that everyone can see and use 
(right now if I do it I get ownership and me only)




Get your own free email account from

Re: [Re: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush ]

2000-09-29 Thread Michael

I have no trouble groking my email and I'm sure I probably receive at
least as much as you do along with all the work I actually have to
do. Besides as I said about 30 messages ago the thread would have died
long ago if people stopped telling others to kill it. If nobody responds
then the thread dies of disinterest. If enough people are interested in a
thread to keep it alive then it is worth having. If it annoys you then
simply ignore it.

I do pity anyone who has to pay for email though. That is just cruel
punishment. I can't imagine being on any mailing lists if I had to pay for
the messages. :)

Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sungod robes
 on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little
pickles at you? -- Real Genius

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Original Message:
 From: michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush
 Date: 09/29/00 16:10:55
 So run your email through a filter before downloading it? Combine that
 with serious bitching at your phone company for being overpriced.
 All this so that people are 'free' to post 200 off-topic messages a
 day to the list? So the responsibility falls on the recipient to
 control what he gets in his Inbox. What about the responsibility of
 posters to stay within the published mandate of the list?
 I've spent more time deleting than reading over the last few days.

[newbie] Cron

2000-09-29 Thread Richard Davies

Hi Larry,

 Let me see if I've got this straight.  Your wanting cron to run a script that will
 log an idle user off the system and return to the gui startup screen.  Right?  I'm
 not sure if cron is the best method though.  How will it determine that the user
 is not active and log them out while their working on something?

Wrong 23:00 is time little girls were in bed. I just want it to chuck her off
the system no matter what she is doing otherwise the little darling will sit up
all night playing games.

Line one locks her password so she can't get back onto the system when she has
been chucked off
Line two should return to the gui startup screen but I don't know how.
Line three enables her password again in the morning

Thanks for your help on this.
Richard Davies wrote:

I have written the following logged in as root crontab -e

59 22 * * * root passwd -l katrina
00 23 * * * root halt
00 8 * * * root passwd -u katrina

The first line works and locks katrina's password

The second line does nothing at all.  What I really want this to do if to drop
back to the login screen but I can't find the command for that. I thought that
halt, shutdown now, shutdown -n, poweroff,  init 0, while being overkill
should do the job. They don't

The third line works.

I have checked this by logging in as user and doing su katrina at 22:59 the
command stops working and at 08:00 starts again.

Any ideas what I have done wrong?

What I want this command to do is throw someone called katrina off the system
at 23:00 irrespective of what they are doing and keep them off the system until
08:00 the next day.

Katrina is a young girl who likes to get up at 02: and play computer games
making herself too tired for school in the morning. At present I just turn the
system off and take the power cord but there has to be an easier answer than



Tollyboy Products International



Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

2000-09-29 Thread Goldenpi

it didn't detect my 2nd floppy drive. I fitted two, just because I had one

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

 It was Sep 29, 2000, 11:03, when [EMAIL PROTECTED] keyboarded:

 While reading a UNIX book I was wondering (chapter mounting), how does a
 device (for example a CDROM player or a disk drive) appear in the /dev
 directory ? The book told me that when you for example mount a floppy
 drive it should look something like this:
 mount /dev/floppy2 /medium
 But how does the floppy2 gets into the dev directory !?
 Thanx in advantage,

 Hoi Niels,
 groetjes uit Nederland ;)

 The installer-program will do it's best to detect all your hardware. For
 each part of hardware, and also for the most common devices, an entry in
 the /dev directory is made. You can later on, when you know a lot about
 linux, create a new device through certain commands (which I can't recall
 at the moment since you barely ever need them).


 Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
 Disobey as often as possible:
 for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
 -Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] Is /home dir compatible...

2000-09-29 Thread Paul

It was Sep 29, 2000, 17:55, when Joan Tur keyboarded:

I wonder if what's in the /home dir is compatible among the different
versions of Linux (Mandrake 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, etc)...

And i'm making that question because i've tryed to install Mandrake
7.2b3 on (maybe that's the problem) 7.1 and it hasn't worked...  8-X

Normally everything in /home is the same, over the releases. Only the
version will differ.


Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
Disobey as often as possible:
for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
-Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread Vic


It died.

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Austin L. Denyer wrote:

 I frequently used to work overseas.  I collected my e-mail using a
 laptop/cellphone, often at 2400bps due to poor international connectivity,
 at International roaming rates ($1.60/minute).  At that rate, a 10k (with
 headers) post would take over 40 seconds to download, costing me personally
 over a buck.
 OK, now under the Rules of the Internet, THIS THREAD MUST DIE!

Re: [newbie] Linux and Windont (was: Installation of Java JDK ...

2000-09-29 Thread GAPrichard

SYMPA doesn't like me.  Again trying to repost this message.  -Gary-
 on 9/27/2000 got SYMPA error back, this seemed to be what was missing from 
on 9/27/2000 got SYMPA error back, this seemed to be what was missing from 
the postings -- resubmitting   sorry if accidental duplication.  -Gary-

-Gary-'s comments interspersed.

In a message dated 9/26/2000 7:57:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
 I really suspect that the future will generate distributions with far fewer
 programs included...and/or more along the lines of KDE2.0 where they include 
 specified KDE-developed suite of apps and that's it. 
Probably so.  -Gary-

I think it has to be better than it is but I'm less sure about it needing to 
"better" than Microsoft.  In fact, I think it's not too far from that already
:-)  What it lacks is hardware manufacturer driver support and that seems to 
changing quickly.  
Linux seems to be one of those things that is hard to get set up, and after 
it is it works much better that Windonts.  First there is the problem of 
everything being different (different commands, names, programs, structures) 
but I see the first issue, that of the difficulty of configuring the 
installation as being the barrier to be broken through.  There may not ever 
be a solution for winmodems and the like.  I see this as an irqsome problem, 
only.  -Gary-

One of the things I've come to realize is that much of the "simple" I see in
Windows is mostly due to my familiarity with it and I think we need ot keep
that in mind when comparing things.  For instance, here we see lots of
discussion of application software installations, setup, and execution. 
Suppose you know nothing of Windows.  
I agree again.  Most people have forgotten how much time and effort and money 
they have spent learning Windonts.  -Gary-

Those niches seem to be becoming larger and larger :-)
... and Linux is the largest growing (selling?) o/s in the server market.  
Growth is good.  I would just like to see growth of more relevance to 
everyone: i.e. the desktop users.  That is beginning to happen.  The 
important thing is that this growth doesn't get stalled out.  I'm sure you've 
read the posts in newbie about it worked in Windont but I can't solve my 
problems in Linux (or it's too difficult) therefore Linux is no good, or 
therefore I'm giving up on Linux.  This is someone who was willing to try 
something new and different, just the people we need to grow, and we lost 
One of the related problems is that help for this person comes down to 
you and me, and I am only able to help a little at this point.  Others help.  
But there is noplace one can go for a difinitive answer.  Therein lies the 
problem for Linux, even though it is almost as true for Windows.  In Windonts 
case the answer is a driver or wipe and reload the o/s (standard operating 
procedure), although with much excuse making and finger pointing along the 
way.  But when people fail with Windows they feel that they have to accept 
the (incompatability, nonfunctionality, or whatever).  But then there's this 
new machine with the new and improved version of Windont..  And people 
really do buy, or occasionally they sell out.  -Gary-

Not in my opinion.  Corel is 1) barking up the wrong Linux tree and 2) trying
to oversimplify the installation which dumbs down Linux and ends up shooting
themselves in the foot as it won't install on many platforms.   I was VERY
disappointed in Corel's distribution because it felt crippled to me.
But -- How is the new exille from Windont going to feel about it?  The 
problem I see here is the clout Corel carries because of "brand recognition" 
phenomenon.  They don't know what Linux is capable of so they won't miss  
First of all it has to work.  The bells and whistles come a bit later.  -Gary-

Cheers --- Larry
I agree with the rest of your posting.  Thanks, you put things well.  -Gary-

RE: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush ]

2000-09-29 Thread Kelly, Christopher

I have to agree with Lance. I was told off by someone the other day because
I told them not post crap to the list and like Lance I spend more time
deleting junk than reading good informational posts. Please for the love of
God, don't post junk here!

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 12:06 PM
Subject: [Re: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush ]

Original Message:
From: michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush
Date: 09/29/00 16:10:55
So run your email through a filter before downloading it? Combine that
with serious bitching at your phone company for being overpriced.

All this so that people are 'free' to post 200 off-topic messages a
day to the list? So the responsibility falls on the recipient to
control what he gets in his Inbox. What about the responsibility of
posters to stay within the published mandate of the list?

I've spent more time deleting than reading over the last few days.


Re: [newbie] Re rights

2000-09-29 Thread Larry Marshall

 I just wanted to know if there is a way to change a dir and all sub dir to give 
rights to everyone.(I have a public folder in a samba network and the rights are all 
screwed up) root just type 

chmod -R 777 /directorypath/name

Cheers --- Larry

Re: OT [newbie] Off-topic posts.

2000-09-29 Thread Austin L. Denyer

 No you don't. Just set your email host up with the filters you want. It's
 not at all hard unless you have a retarded server. *shrugs*

Which is fine if your ISP allows it (I do not have my own permanent mail
server yet).

 It's not just about OT messages. If a list is moderated then fine let it
 be moderated. If not then anything that even vaugely relates should be
 fine. When people start telling others what they can or can't talk about
 then things just go to hell w/ flame wars etc. A new list is great but
 that doesn't mean everyone should stop the current thread. You post
 messages to a list for the benefit of that list seeing and
 responding. Sending to a blank new list is pointless.

Maybe I'm missing the obvious here, but what the fsck is it about US
Politics that "even vaguely relates" to Linux?  Please, humor me, this
bemused Linux user is eager to learn...

I agree that "you post messages to a list for the benefit of that list
seeing and responding".


What makes you think that the Mandrake Linux Newbie list members (many of
whom are from other countries) are even remotely interested in US politics?

If I want Linux information then I sign up to a Linux list.  If I want that
political crap I'll sign up to a US politics list.

(Who is about ready to quit this list until the twits get a clue)

Re: [newbie] Cron

2000-09-29 Thread Paul

It was Sep 29, 2000, 10:20, when Richard Davies keyboarded:

59 22 * * * root passwd -l katrina
00 23 * * * root halt
00 8 * * * root passwd -u katrina

I think you should try and figure out a script to determine the PID of the
Xserver, and let cron do a kill -9 on that. That will kick the login out
of the blue!


Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
Disobey as often as possible:
for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
-Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] Re rights

2000-09-29 Thread Phil Connor

try this

as root or su make a group called "your group name"
create a directory in /home doesn't matter what it is called
chgrp "your group name here" /home/"your directory name here"
chmod 770 /home/"your directory name here"
chmod g+s /home/"your directory name here"

Then go to your smb.conf file and add this example

[workgroup]--- Call this whatever you want

  comment = Public Share Directory
path = /home/"your directory name here"
writeable = yes
valid users = @group--- Your group name here
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770

That should do it. Just assign the users that need access to this directory
to the "group" name you created

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 12:31 PM
Subject: [newbie] Re rights

I just wanted to know if there is a way to change a dir and all sub dir to
give rights to everyone.(I have a public folder in a samba network and the
rights are all screwed up)

I want to be able to add, remove and modify in this directory tree and have
someone else be able to see use and modify it afterwords.

Eg.  i create a directory or file in the public folder that everyone can see
and use (right now if I do it I get ownership and me only)



Get your own free email account from

Re: [newbie] Re rights

2000-09-29 Thread Paul

It was Sep 29, 2000, 12:31, when [EMAIL PROTECTED] keyboarded:

I just wanted to know if there is a way to change a dir and all sub dir
to give rights to everyone.(I have a public folder in a samba network
and the rights are all screwed up)

I want to be able to add, remove and modify in this directory tree and
have someone else be able to see use and modify it afterwords.

Eg.  i create a directory or file in the public folder that everyone can
see and use (right now if I do it I get ownership and me only)

You can either chmod a+rwx all files in the directory, or create a group
that has all rights inside that directory, and chown  .* all files to that


Obeying their rules only encourages them to create new ones.
Disobey as often as possible:
for gain, for sport, for the art of it.
-Ethan Mordden - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] where is the c compiler for mandrake 7.1

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

Did you install the developer install? If you plan on doing any programming, I
highly suggest you do the developer install route during installation. 

 please help me out?
 i could not locate gcc,g++ Gcc/G++ compilers at all
 in /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin.

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Helix Gnome's Evolution

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

Yep, I've tried it. It looks a lot like Outlook, and any outlook lovers will
really like it. I personally like it's multiple identities feature, and it's
got some pretty cool features. It also includes a calender and addressbook. The
bad points? It's still in beta, and extremelly buggy for me. If you click on
the trash icon, the mail part will crash on you. It also sometimes spontanously
deletes email. For those reasons, I don't use it as my main email client, but
more of a "Hey wow look at this" client for the moment. 

To sum it up, it has lots of promise, but if you're not on broadband I wouldn't
suggest downloading it just yet.

 Has anyone tried Evolution as a mail client yet? How is it?

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Linux and Windont (was: Installation of Java JDK ...

2000-09-29 Thread Larry Marshall

  Linux seems to be one of those things that is hard to get set up, and after 
  it is it works much better that Windonts.  First there is the problem of 

Yep...I guess my view is that with another year of the current efforts to
address that installation stuff, this isn't going to be a problem.  

   and Linux is the largest growing (selling?) o/s in the server market.  
  Growth is good.  I would just like to see growth of more relevance to 
  everyone: i.e. the desktop users.  That is beginning to happen.  The 

The server profile, mostly due to Internet press, is probably one of the key
things that will generate interest by desktop types.

  I'm sure you've read the posts in newbie about it worked in Windont but I can't 
solve my problems in Linux (or it's too difficult) therefore Linux is no good, or 
therefore I'm giving up on Linux.  This is someone who was willing to try 
something new and different, just the people we need to grow, and we lost 

While you're right, I wonder if this matters that much.  Linux movement onto
desktops is going to be driven by corporations, not guys playing Quake.  If, in
good conscience, a system guy providing support for a company with a bunch of
desktop machines can propose a less expense, more powerful solution to
computing needs, Linux moves onto desktops hundreds at a time.  Maybe more
important, this trickles from office to home.
  One of the related problems is that help for this person comes down to 
  you and me, and I am only able to help a little at this point.  Others help.  

True, but this is always the problem with minority products.  As more and more
Linux users are generated, there will be more and more help.  People get their
help for Windows from Windows users.   There's just a lot of them :-)

  But there is noplace one can go for a difinitive answer.  Therein lies the 
  problem for Linux, even though it is almost as true for Windows.  

 In Windonts  case the answer is a driver or wipe and reload the o/s (standard 

Was on the phone last night with a friend of mine who's just gotten DSL and
needed help getting it set up on his Windows box.  I don't think it's any
different except for two things.  The first is that the driver availability is
currently much better for Windows than Linux.  Also, there are more people to
turn to for help.  Both of those things will change with time.  In truth, the
Linux support community is pretty darn deep in my opinion.  The web has made
this possible, with all the how-to stuff available, newsgroups like this one,

  But -- How is the new exille from Windont going to feel about it?  The 

I don't know the answer to that except to say that Corel's got problems with
their installation as they've just made it too "simple."  If you've got
anything that's out of the ordinary you lose.  For instance, all distributions
have video conflicts with some systems.  With Corel, however, if your video
isn't setup, you're left with a COMPLETELY non-functional system and there's
nothing included that would direct you to Xconfigurator or anything else.

But other than that, a newbie who doesn't know any better might be very happy
with CorelLinux/WP.  And that's not a bad thing in my view.  In fact that's
exactly what I've advocated in other msgs here.  There needs to be a setup such
that Linux is restricted somewhat to provide a simpler set of challenges for a
new user.  Once they're comfortable working with it with their hands tied, they
could start unstrapping things and unleashing the power.  One of the big
challenges to this is how to word the marketing/manual/installations for such
things as Linux has the ability.

  problem I see here is the clout Corel carries because of "brand recognition" 
  phenomenon.  They don't know what Linux is capable of so they won't miss  

Then again, I'd rather have stock in Red Hat than Corel right now.  Maybe
that's an indication of how things are going.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

If I remember right (which means I could be wrong : ) /dev contains the
files for every possible hardware device you could ever attach to your
system. That's why it's so big (my /dev has 2234 files, "ls /dev | wc -l"). I
remember reading an article on how the 2.2.4 kernel changes that so that the
only devices in /dev are the ones you actually use. 

 The installer-program will do it's best to detect all your hardware. For
 each part of hardware, and also for the most common devices, an entry in
 the /dev directory is made. 

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] where is the login setup?

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

Well I can tell you what you did wrong. At the end of the Helix-Gnome
installation, it asks if you'd like to keep your current login, or set it up to
use Helix-Gnome's login. It defaults to Helix-Gnome's. So I guess you just
missed that step. 

Unfortunatly, I do not know what file decides what gets executed, and I don't
know how to get back to the default Mandrake login. Sorry 

 Hopefully there are still a few Linux experts here in spite of the takeover by
 the political pundits.
 I mentioned that I had installed Helix-Gnome last night.  What I didn't realize
 was that in doing so I changed not only the shell I was using but also the
 entire login sequence.Where is this stuff configured?  I've just spent the
 last too many minutes hunting for it and I can't find it.  Can anyone provide
 me with a pointer?
 Cheers -- Larry
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] Is /home dir compatible...

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

Yes, they are. I've succesfully upgraded to 7.1 from 7.0, and to 7.0 from 6.1
all using the same /home partition. It's the easy way to upgrade since most of
your config files are still intact. And yes, I'm guessing the beta 7.2 is what
caused it not to work. At least I hope that's what it was!

 I wonder if what's in the /home dir is compatible among the different
 versions of Linux (Mandrake 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, etc)...
 And i'm making that question because i've tryed to install Mandrake
 7.2b3 on (maybe that's the problem) 7.1 and it hasn't worked...  8-X
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Re: [newbie] repartitioned but win98 doesn't know it!?

2000-09-29 Thread Adrian Smith

i just did a large HD with win98 / mandrake, and norton disk doctor thinks i have a 
partition problem  tho both OSs work fine, so i believe it just can't recognize 
the linux partition.  if eveything is working fine for you, maybe it's ok???  i'm not 
really sure.  i suppose this doesn't help much -- but maybe you can gather something 
from it.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

 Seth Falcon [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7:27:14 AM 9/29/00 
During install of LM 7.1 I shrunk my single win98 partition, added a
second FAT32 partition and gave the remaining space on my 21GB disk to
linux split up as /, swap, /home.

Both OS's load and appear to work.

From both win98 and linux the size of C:\ or /dev/hda1 a.k.a. /mnt/windows
is reported as 21GB with 15GB free.

I got these values from win98 using properties in explorer and from linux
using "df"

On the other hand, the partitions seem to be there: using fdisk in linux
and in DOS shows that the first partition is 8GB which is what it should

fdisk does report that "Partition 1 does not end on a cylinder boundary:
phys (1019, 219, 31) should be (1019, 254, 63)"

What is going on, why does linux and win98 report the wrong info for C:\
and should I worry that win98 will corrupt my linux partitions?

NOTE: Initially, win98 couldn't see the new FAT32 partition but I
corrected this by changing the system id of the 2nd partition from linux
extended to dos extended as suggested on the Mandrake web site. This
didn't affect how the size of C:\ is reported.


[newbie] OT: why we hate M$

2000-09-29 Thread Adrian Smith

Mark Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked the question:
Do we hate MS software because of Bill Gates, or because of the techical merit 
of their programmers, or because of it's environment/culture, or all of the above.  

me says:
i hate M$ because their software stinks.  i still use Ami Pro 3.0 as a word processer 
even tho it's 10 years old or something because it does things the word2000 still 
doesn't do, does other things better, and has much less of a memory load + runs 
faster.  i use to love M$.  DOS 6 was great, even liked Win3.1..  PowerPoint is 
kinda nice, but otherwise -- I just don't like their software.  I don't like the 
features they leave out, i don't like the slowness, i don't like the stupid wizards 
that force themselves on you.  in MS Works (which i do use quite a bit) it continually 
loses my settings in the "preferences" dialog so i have to go in and change it all 
back to what i want.  this program is on v4.5.  by now they should have it able to 
retain the settings.  this is easy stuff.

if MS did what i want, and did it each time, i'd be happy

also, their advertising is retarded=)

as to Bill himself, yea i talk smack about him, but really.  he is the richest man 
alive.  i'm jealous of course, and not afraid to admit it.  Bill must have something 
going on, else he'd be living in a box behind the 7-11.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

[newbie] log issues - need to fix problems that are arising

2000-09-29 Thread Adam

in my logs I have a few things that I would like to clear up...


#1 :: Sep 29 15:40:00 adrock CROND[1120]: (root) CMD (   /sbin/rmmod

#2 :: Sep 29 11:56:21 adrock gdm[807]: gdm_auth_user_remove: /home/adam
is not owned by uid 0.
Sep 29 11:56:21 adrock gdm[807]: gdm_auth_user_remove: Ignoring
suspiciously looking cookie file
Sep 29 11:56:21 adrock gnome-name-server[946]: input condition is: 0x10,
Sep 29 11:56:24 adrock gdmlogin[1427]: gdm_login_user_alloc: Directory
/root/.gnome does not exist.
Sep 29 11:56:24 adrock gdmlogin[1427]: gdm_login_user_alloc: Directory
/home/adam/.gnome does not exist.

#3 :: Sep 29 15:25:48 adrock modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Sep 29 15:25:49 adrock last message repeated 30 times
Sep 29 15:25:49 adrock modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
Sep 29 15:25:50 adrock last message repeated 8 times

#4 :: Sep 29 15:25:59 adrock pam_console[806]: console :0 is owned by


#1... I just don't know what it's doing, so I'm wondering
#2... /home is root.root and adam/ is adam.adam (what do I have to
change permissions wise?
  why would it remove my .Xauthority file? (gdm)
  input condition? I don't even know what that is
  both .gnome in /home/adam and /root exist, but I still get the
#3... I just purely don't know how to fix it, because I'm quite the
newbie and I'm happy with the way my kernel is right now anyways
#4... and who should the console be owned by? and how would I go about
changing that? or should I?

Registered Linux User #84252

Re: [newbie] Question about 2nd HD/dual booting/NOT Windog...

2000-09-29 Thread Alan Shoemaker

"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
 Is it possible to setup up a small 2nd HD running DR-DOS, and that way have
 access to older DOS games and still not have a Mickeysoft product on my 'Nix

Ronthat's exactly what I have on my system.  I have 3 scsi
drives, but my boot drive is an ide drive with dr-dos in the
active (hda1) partition.  It has both Partition Magic and Boot
Magic on it and Boot Magic is my multi-boot manager.  The rest
of the drive is comprised of linux swap space and linux /boot


Re: [newbie] how to compile a program from source

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

This is one of the most common newbie questions, and one that gave me fits
before I figured out the "secret". 

First off, I suggest rpm's instead of doing it by source. RPM's are just plain
easier. But if  you're stuck on source, or need the source for some reason...

Untar the file. ("tar -xvzf the_program.tar.gz")
Go into the directory that the above command created (usually "cd the_program")
Read the readme file in there. It contains more detailed instructions. However
99% of the programs follow these procedures:
Type "./configure" and wait for it to configure
Type "make" and wait for it to compile
Type "su" to go to root
Type "make install" to install the program
And then your done. 

If you get an error during the ./configure stage, it's probally because you
dont' have the library it needs. You can try searching for it at,
and sometimes that'll solve the problem. The easiest way to not get those kind
of errors is to just install ALL the developmental libraries during
installation. It'll solve so many headaches in the long run. 

 Anybody know where I can find some good documentation on compiling
 different sorts of programs from the source-code.  I wanna try to
 compile and install gaim as my first try.  

Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

[newbie] Error loading Ramdisk

2000-09-29 Thread Garry Black

I havemadrake 6.5 
installed on an AMD K-6 233 with 96M. Its running perfectly, but I want to 
do a reinstall to get more familiar with the process. 

I downloaded the CDROM iso 
images and booted from the install CDROM. Just after the SCSI probe completes, 
Linux begins "Loading second stage ramdisk" and then just as it appears to 
finish, up pop a dialog with "Error Loading Ramdisk" and the system 

I'd like to know 

- why I get this 
- how I could change to 
loading process to disable the ramdisk (or is it essential) 


GGB Enterprises Ltd.
Vancouver Canada

Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

2000-09-29 Thread Mark Weaver

It's a temp file that's written there and evaporates when the device is
unmounted. (umount)


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | ICQ#27816299
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 While reading a UNIX book I was wondering (chapter mounting), how does a device (for
 example a CDROM player or a disk drive) appear in the /dev directory ?
 The book told me that when you for example mount a floppy drive it should look 
 like this:
 mount /dev/floppy2 /medium
 But how does the floppy2 gets into the dev directory !?
 Thanx in advantage,
 (Hoping to install my first Linux machine

Re: [newbie] kmail error message

2000-09-29 Thread Mark Weaver

You might try chmod-ing it to 4755, or you could chown it to $USER.$USER
and then you'd be able to use the binary of Kmail yourself, but of course
non of the other users would be able to use it. That is if there are other
users on your system using Kmail. You might also try re-installing the
Kmail RPM from the installation CD's and see if that corrects the problem.

What ever you decide to do to correct the problem something, or someone
has changed the permissions on the binary file and that's why you can't
use it except as 'root'.


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | ICQ#27816299
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, A.M. (Tony) Finnis wrote:

 I have been running kmail with no problems up till now.
 Today, kmail suddenly terminated and I have been unable to use it as a 'user',
 but is OK when running as 'root'.
 The message I get when attempting to start kmail as a 'user' is :-
 "*** KMail got signal 11"
 Could someone please explain and tell me how to correct.
 Many thanks -
 Tony F

Re: [newbie] Console error's?

2000-09-29 Thread charlsplant

May the Lord Our God bless you Olf.Liungman.
First of all I want to thank you for your grate desire to help me. And
yes I did try that command but it did not work. But last nigh ,the Lord
had mercy on me,by allowing me to see exactly where the problem was ,it
wasn't the commands or what I did ,it was with the cdrom disk that didn't
have the program "linux-acrobat40.And since I purchase before another
version of linux  cd's(Caldera) I tried the 3rd cd that it says that
include acroreader and it worked. Praise the Lord  !,what a relief ! 
After that ,I manege to put the icon for the application on the desktop
but it doesn't execute the program ,do you have any input in that?
And for the rest of the newbies,when you face this type of situations
make sure that the program is really in the cd disk ,that way you don't
have to go trough so much anguish,and headaches.And thinking aloud,I just
wonder if this cd/'s are inspected before they rich the consumers.
Thanks again to all and Blessings.
On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 19:43:05 -0700 "olof.liungman"
 Howdy, Carlos!
 Have you tried to just unzip the tar-file first, using 'gunzip
 filename.tar.gz' or 'gzip -d filename.tar.gz' or something similar 
 still learning the apps in Linux; I'm used to Solaris)? Then you can 
 'tar -xf filename.tar' separately to unpack the archive.
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 7:22 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Console error's?
  Hello! estimados amigos de newbie(dear friends)
  I'm having some problems installing "acroreader405.tar" and this 
 is the
  situation if I go by the book "LM7.0 Getting Started Manual" I'd 
 try :
  tar xvf  linux -ar-405.tar.gz -the answer is :"tar old option "f "
  requires an argument - try :tar --help for more info"
  According to MUO'S how to " Installing Non-RPm programs" the 
 example they
  used is "acrobat reader405" the same that I have. following the 
 steps to
  unpack the archive I wrote:
   tar xzf linux-ar-40.tar.gz " .Console answer.."tar {child}:cannot 
  archive linux' ' ' '  No such file or dir.." tar {child} :error is 
  recoverable :exiting now  "
  and the story goes on.. even if I type " tar vzxf " commands 
  to Flupke) but the results are the same. the cdrom works okay ,but 
  the command line..
  What I have is LM7.0 -Complete" running (along) in 13.6 gig Maxtor
  -CyrixInstead 6x86MX  64RAM .233 Mh. Can you tell  me what is the
  problem? I'm fighting this for 3 months .
  In advance let me thank you for your patient and your kindness.
 NetZero Free Internet Access and Email_
 Download Now
 Request a CDROM  1-800-333-3633

Re: [newbie] repartitioned but win98 doesn't know it!?

2000-09-29 Thread Larry Marshall

  i just did a large HD with win98 / mandrake, and norton disk doctor thinks i have a 
partition problem  tho both OSs work fine, so i believe it just can't recognize 
the linux partition.  if eveything is working fine for you, maybe it's ok???  i'm not 
really sure.  i suppose this doesn't help much -- but maybe you can gather something 
from it.

Unless both operating systems see the disk space in the same ways, you've got a
problem.  Maybe not today but when one of the OSs writes code into an area that
the other operating system thinks belongs to it, you will have a problem,
probably with both operating systems.

Cheers --- Larry

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread Mark Weaver

entertaining, isn't it?


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | ICQ#27816299
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why must people inform others when they do something like this?  *shrug*
 Even the people who dont want to read the off topic stuff (who ARE
 apparently reading it) feel the need to throw in their 2 cents
 Just updated my rules to send these messages where they belong - in the

[newbie] who answers?

2000-09-29 Thread ed

Hey all I was just wondering who answers these questions we all ask because
ive read some I could help answer but NOT sure if I can.
  Can anybody that knows the answer respond. I have a question about security
if I dont use linux for the internet only windows do I still have to disable
my ports in the inetd.conf.file.

Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: [newbie] Just wondering...

2000-09-29 Thread Larry Marshall

 If I remember right (which means I could be wrong : ) /dev contains the
  files for every possible hardware device you could ever attach to your
  system. That's why it's so big (my /dev has 2234 files, "ls /dev | wc -l"). I

"Big" is an wonderful word.  /dev is only a shade over 100k.

  remember reading an article on how the 2.2.4 kernel changes that so that the
  only devices in /dev are the ones you actually use. 

Oh boy...gonna save us a lot of space there :-)

Cheers --- Larry

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-29 Thread Mwinold

In a message dated 29-Sep-00 08:31:50 Central Daylight Time, 

 No it is not that simple.
 I frequently used to work overseas.  I collected my e-mail using a
 laptop/cellphone, often at 2400bps due to poor international connectivity,
 at International roaming rates ($1.60/minute).  At that rate, a 10k (with
 headers) post would take over 40 seconds to download, costing me personally
 over a buck. 
hmm i guess i cheat all i recieve is the subject heading and who its from i 
connect lower then 26kbps and it just takes a split second to delete it, 
however i do have to pay the millitary phone service to use the phone for a 
local call at $.56/a day and each call is $.04 the first minute $.01 each 
aditional minute so to be online every day which i usually do to keep in 
touch with family and friends, i spend over $200 a month for internet access 
plus the isp's fees, add in my other bills and i barely get by on what the 
navy pays me, at the same time i have to worry about supporting my family!

Re: [Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush]

2000-09-29 Thread Michael Scottaline

 It died.

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing
and dreadful idolatry took place there!"
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Modem: AOpen FM56-PLM

2000-09-29 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 I installed this PnP Acer modem but despite reading docs on setserial and
 isapnptools, have not succeeded in getting it recognized. In Win95 it sits
 on Com3, IRQ9
 Has anyone installed this modem successfully on their Mandrake system?
 Any help much appreciated.
 Michael Coady

It's listed as 'controllerless' at   which means it
depends on software, rather than having the proper hardware on the
modem to work.   
Hope you can take it back, it won't work without Windoze. If
you need a PCI internal these are recommended: 

Multitech MT5634ZPX-PCI, Actiontec PCI56012 (IBM 33L4618 or GVC
USR/Texas Instruments Kermit chipset: the 3Com/USR 3CP5610 family,
which includes models 5613, 5609, and OEM models 2976, 2977, and

The 3com/USR 3CP2977 is about $46, Phoebe makes the same modem
(MDVIT56H) for about $37.  Both use the same highly regarded Texas
Instruments chipset.

~~Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Seti@HOME

2000-09-29 Thread Anthony

Heh, cool. I would join, but I'm in my own little group and I can't share
credits back and forth. But I love the idea of SETI, and I"m one of those who
belives that there is extraterrestrial life. The universe is too big for there
not be. So if anyone reading this hasn't downloaded SETI yet, I suggest
you do.


Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.