[newbie-it] SANE

2000-11-13 Thread Silvano Pisoni

non riesco a lanciare il daemon SANE che ho installato da rpm (mandrake7.1)
ho seguito le istruzioni in "man saned" ma una volta digitato SANE non trova 
il comando.
se digito scanimage mi dice che non trova i devices per SANE.
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[newbie-it] scanner

2000-11-13 Thread pol.do


chi mi pu dare una mano?
vorrei configurare il mio scanner LG Electronics 
parallelo ma non so da dove cominciare, ho mandato una e-mail alla LG ma non ho 
avuto risposta.
spero tanto che qualcuno mi risolva il problema, 
per cortesia siate chieri perch sono alle prime armi con 
il mio indirizzo : 

[newbie-it] Installazione RPM

2000-11-13 Thread Corrado

Da qualche giorno, quando tento di installare alcuni programmi in
formato RPM, mi appare il seguente messaggio :"only packages with major
numbers = 3 are supported by this version of RPM"; cosa significa
esattamente, e come posso ovviare all'inconveniente? La mia distro è la



Re: [newbie-it] scanner

2000-11-13 Thread Andrea Celli

 "pol.do" wrote:
 chi mi può dare una mano?
 vorrei configurare il mio scanner LG Electronics parallelo ma non so
 da dove cominciare, ho mandato una e-mail alla LG ma non ho avuto
 spero tanto che qualcuno mi risolva il problema, per cortesia siate
 chieri perchè sono alle prime armi con Linux.
 il mio indirizzo è: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Per favore non postare in html !

Per quanto riguarda gli scanner paralleli, pochissimi sono
supportati perche' si basano so protocolli proprietari.

Dai comunque un'occhiata su 
e soprattutto al sito SANE.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione RPM

2000-11-13 Thread Andrea Celli

Corrado wrote:
 Da qualche giorno, quando tento di installare alcuni programmi in
 formato RPM, mi appare il seguente messaggio :"only packages with major
 numbers = 3 are supported by this version of RPM"; cosa significa
 esattamente, e come posso ovviare all'inconveniente? La mia distro è la
Che la RedHat-7.0 ha introdotto la versione 4 di rpm.
La tua Mandrake ha la versione 3 e non riesce a leggere i pacchetti
per la versione 4.

Ti sconsiglio di aggiornare a rpm-4.0 perche' non e` ancora molto
Pare, non ho esperienza diretta, che faccia pasticci nel gestire
il data-base dei pacchetti installati precedentemente con rpm-3.

ciao, andrea

[newbie-it] GRUB

2000-11-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Avendo un hard disk molto capiente ho riservato tre partizioni per
altrettante distribuzioni linux (una “di lavoro”: Mandrake 7.1 e le
altre due per provare altre distribuzioni e fare un po’ di pratica
visto che sono un newbiessimo). Fino ad ora ho sempre installato il
loader (lilo o grub) sulla stessa partizione dove è installata la
distribuzione lasciando poi a BootMagic il compito di bootloader per
lanciare i singoli sistemi operativi.
Dopo questa lunga (scusate!) premessa vengo al dunque: una
distribuzione che ho installato ieri mi ha piazzato grub sul MBR senza
chiedere assolutamente nulla col risultato che adesso è quel loader a
controllare tutto!
Vorrei chiedervi:
1 – Come devo fare per installare grub sulla partizione (hdb9) dove si
trova la relativa distribuzione (conosco un po’ la configurazione di
lilo ma nulla su grub!)?
2 – Come devo fare per cancellare grub dal MBR in modo da ridare il
controllo a BootMagic?  (è corretto fare, da finestra dos:
C:\FDISK  /MBR   ?. . . e da linux? [so che con lilo la procedura
è:lilo –u ].



Re: [newbie-it] Installazione RPM

2000-11-13 Thread freefred

On Monday 13 November 2000 17:31, you wrote:

  Ti sconsiglio di aggiornare a rpm-4.0 perche' non e` ancora molto
  Pare, non ho esperienza diretta, che faccia pasticci nel gestire
  il data-base dei pacchetti installati precedentemente con rpm-3.
  ciao, andrea

 Ci avevo anche provato... :)  Il problema è che non riesco a fare upgrade
 di cui avrei effettivamente bisogno... Quindi, devoproprio"adeguarmi"e
 installarevia tarball???


potrebbe essere un idiozia perche' il problema mi si era presentato 
ma ho poi installato la 7.2.
hai provato pero' ad installare una versione dell'rpm superiore a quella che 
sempre una 3 qualcosa pero', non la 4, che e' per ora da lasciar stare.

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ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers 

Re: [newbie-it] gcc

2000-11-13 Thread Marco

Casa wrote:

 Il sab, 11 nov 2000, hai scritto:
  scusate la domanda, forse idiota, ma GCC è un ANSI C compiler? se no, dove lo 
posso trovare un ANSI C compiler?
  grazie mille, osva

 Io uso regolarmente gcc  per compilare i programmi in ansi c, appunto.

 Ciao, Nicola.

Se, dal prompt della shell, lanci un "man gcc", vedrai che, quando vuoi compilare un 
programma scritto in linguaggio
C, se aggiungi l'opzione "-ansi" (così da scrivere "gcc -ansi -o nome_file_eseguibile 
nome_file_sorgente.c" " invece
di "gcc -o nome_file_eseguibile nome_file_sorgente.c" e basta), la tua compilazione 
supporterà qualsiasi tuo
programma C scritto secondo i dettami dello standard ANSI. :)

Tra l'altro, se vuoi maggiori informazioni sul compilatore libero gcc, oltre a 
trovarle sul tuo disco fisso (magari
nella tua directory /usr/doc, oltre che in altri posti), un'altra fonte di 
informazione, nel caso non la conoscessi
già, è costituita dalla pagina web sita all'indirizzo 
http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc.html :)

Spero di esserti(vi) stato utile. :)

Ciao :)


[newbie-it] Mandrake 7.1 e scheda audio

2000-11-13 Thread s . grande

Ho usato per oltre un mese la 7.1 con una Creative PCI 128, 
senza problemi. Improvvisamente, senza ragioni apparenti non 
essendo stato modificato nulla nel software, la scheda audio non 
funziona piu' (l'unica cosa avvenuta e' stato il cambio di slot della 
scheda, che comunque funziona benissimo con altri due diversi 
SO presenti sul sistema ed assolutamente indipendenti da Linux). 

I messaggi di errore all'avvio dicono all'incirca: init_module: 
Dispositivo o risorsa occupata e fallimenti vari nel modulo 

Tentativi di riconfigurare la scheda (che comunque viene 
riconosciuta) con sndconfig o sounddrake tutti rigorosamente a 
vuoto, sempre gli stessi messaggi di errore. 


[newbie-it] 7.2 con icone di floppy e cd rom mancanti

2000-11-13 Thread Giorgio Lazzari

Ho installato la 7.2 con kde come interfaccia grafica, e le icone del floppy e dei due 
CD-rom che ho non compaiono sul 
desktop. Le relative righe di mount nel fstab ci sono, ma se cerco di 
richiamarle dal desktop mi dicono che non ho il permesso per montare il 
dispositivo. Se entro come root, mi dice la stessa cosa :-( 
Nota te che nel fstab ci sono le due righe dei 2 CDROM: una funziona benissimo, 
l'altra no. Guardando in home/enzo con il konqueror, mi fa vedere due cartelle, 
relative ai 2 CDROM, solo che una ha un lucchetto sopra, sia come user sia come 
root, e non c'e' verso di aprirla. 

potete aiutarmi ?


Giorgio Lazzari

[newbie-it] USB CAM

2000-11-13 Thread Ciro

Ciao a tutti,

non e' la prima volta che scrivo qua e qualcuno mi riconoscera'. per 
quel che puo' importare;-)!

Per correttezza dico che non ho ancora provato il programma di Email 
"PRONTO", non mi sono molto applicato a dire il vero per motivi di tempo, a 
parte tutto Linux funziona bene, anche se non l' ho ancora adottato a tempo 
pieno! (lo confesso).

Per questo vorrei sapere se e' supportata dalla Mandrake 7.0 la SPACECAM 
USB della TRUST e se ci sono programmi per LInux come Netmeeting o Icuui !

Grazie come sempre

CIRO! e il suo modem :)

Re: [newbie-it] 7.2 con icone di floppy e cd rom mancanti

2000-11-13 Thread Casa

Il lun, 13 nov 2000, hai scritto:
 Ho installato la 7.2 con kde come interfaccia grafica, e le icone del floppy e dei 
due CD-rom che ho non compaiono sul 

Non saranno mica le icone il problema ? :-)

Le relative righe di mount nel fstab ci sono, ma se cerco di 
 richiamarle dal desktop mi dicono che non ho il permesso per montare il 
 dispositivo. Se entro come root, mi dice la stessa cosa :-( 
 Nota te che nel fstab ci sono le due righe dei 2 CDROM: una funziona benissimo, 
 l'altra no. Guardando in home/enzo con il konqueror, mi fa vedere due cartelle, 
 relative ai 2 CDROM, solo che una ha un lucchetto sopra, sia come user sia come 
 root, e non c'e' verso di aprirla. 

Tutte ste' robe prova farle da console, e fai il mount a mano. Facci vedere
fstab come e' fatto :) 

Le icone non sono un problema, bisogna vedere se fa il mount:

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

poi vai in /mnt/cdrom e dai ls.

Ciao, Nicola.

[newbie-it] Posta elettronica.

2000-11-13 Thread Alex

Non riesco in alcun modo,per quanto abbia tentato, ad utilizzare ( tranne
con Messenger di Netscape e StarOffice 5.2)
la posta elettronica con Linux.
Kmail si blocca e non va piu' avanti costringendomi al kill; Spruce, un
programma di posta elettronica di cui si parla
sulla rivista LinuxC di questo mese, idem; dov'e' che sbaglio?
Ho controllato ,come posso, le impostazioni e non mi sembra di avere saltato
qualcosa.Un altro essendo in formato rpm, non si installa perche' ci sono
dei problemi di dipendenza.
Qualcuno che ha risolto dei problemi di questo tipo potrebbe aiutarmi?
Un saluto a tutti,
Alessandro 46

[newbie-it] Prelevievo 7.2

2000-11-13 Thread Giuseppe Giudice

allora eccovi la schermata d'errore 
che mi da subito dopo che avvio l'installazione di linux dopo aver premuto il 
tasto enter all'atto della richiesta se installare linux o F1 per le options in 
tutte e due i casi mi da l'errore:
(premetto che con la mandrake 7.1 
questo errore non lo da)

131072 BHASH 65536)
00 DEV 39
IDEO AT 0X1F0-0X1F7, 0X3F6 ON 
IDE1 AT 0X170-0X177, 0X376 ON 




Re: [newbie] Login without window manager choice

2000-11-13 Thread M.J. Constant

Je ne connais pas grand'chose en linux. Cependant, lors de ma premiere
installation de mandrake 7.0, il y a trois jours, j'ai eu le même problem.
J'avais choisi l'option
Si tu as mandrake sur une partition toute seule, tu n'as
qu'à démarer l'ordinateur avec ton cd-rom de mandrake
et chosir l'option "Recommended" ; tu auras la chance
de reformater ta partition de mandrake sans perdre les donnees sur les
autres paritions.
Il y a une section d'aide qui te suit durant l'intallation suis-la aussi et
tout se passeras tres bien.
Bonne chance. fais moi savoir si ça a marché pour toi.
- Original Message -
From: "Francois Bouffard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 11:21 AM
Subject: [newbie] Login without window manager choice

 I just installed Mandrake 7.2 -- it is my 3rd Linux Mandrake installation
 and it's always been OK with the previous two (MDK 6.1 and 7.1). But now,
 after X is launched, instead of having the Linux Mandrake login prompt
 with the cute icons, the shutdown menu and the window manager pull-down
 menu, I get a rather harsh looking login prompt with a black-and-white
 console log in the bottom right. There is no shutdown menu or window
 manager choice, and Gnome is launched whenever I login (I wish it would be

 During the installation, I tried choosing RPMs myself to get the
 installation size down to about 1 GB. I don't think I unchecked anything
 important or related to this, but since it is not a reported bug, this is
 probably the case... Does anyone know if I can correct the situation just
 by installing an eventual missing package? Note that I have tried to
 reinstall Mandrake with no result.

 A last comment that might be useful to anyone trying to help me: to save
 disk space, I unchecked all window managers that aren't KDE. Gnome seems
 to be installed for dependancies reasons... Maybe the Linux Mandrake
 prompt needs multiple window managers to be installed?


 François   Étudiant à la maîtrise en Génie électrique
 Bouffard   Graduate Student in Electrical Engineering

COPL, Université Laval, Québec, QC

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.gel.ulaval.ca/~fbouffar/


RE: [newbie]printing

2000-11-13 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie]printing

Or, when you select the object or file you want, hold down the shift key and then click, you should get a save to box that will start the download to a location like /home/dennis/ filename. That is the quickest way I know of to start a download. You can change the save location also.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dale Kosan
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie]printing

You are using Netscape I bet,right click on the file or link and choose save
as.The other way,as you have found out is not easy to understand.After all
the code is done,go up to file,save as and you are done.Just easier to right

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie]printing

 Dear All, I went to the site to download Cups and I got alot of computer
 language or code printout to my screen instead of an RPM package that I
 expected. I went to a site for Acroread 4.02 rpm and the same thing
 happened. What do I need to do to correct this? Thank you. Marcia

[newbie] VIA Apollo Pro 7.2

2000-11-13 Thread Sean Pritchard

What happened to the VIA Chipset and 7.2?

I have 7.1 Running on my SOYO 6VBA133 M/B with the VIA Apollo Pro
Chipset.  Yet while attempting a fresh install of 7.2 or an upgrade
through FTP install, I can't get past the hard drive  partition setup
portion of the install.  Using the expert mode on one occasion I was at
least able to read the notes on why it wouldn't install.

The installer did not recognize any VIA Chipset, Bridges, Controllers
etc. at all,  it's option was to ingore them.  WHY?  Yet it did
recognize my VIA Rhine NIC for the install.



2000-11-13 Thread Caminos


Re: [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

2000-11-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Jamie Kerwick wrote:
 To quote mandrakeuser.org,
 "In LM 7, run
 as 'root'. For enhanced options, try XFdrake --expert
 If these don't work for you, try XFree's own setup utility

Guys, I don't know what the diff is, but on my setup, (using the 3DFX stuff for
my Voodoo 3000) its:


Note the caps! ;-)


Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Kevin Scott

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Donald Jr Saxton wrote:

 Hello, All.
 Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.
 What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?
Intel 386 , Intel 486 and Intel 586

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Re: [newbie] RPM Problems

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

You are using RPMs that were intended to be used with an older version of RPM
than the one you have. I would  suggest using the --nodeps and --force flags for
the install if a test run of doing the rpm indicates that there are no other
unsatisfied dependencies

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 11:20:08

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] RPM Problems

Hi there,

I am fairly new to Mandrake Linux and rpm's in general. I am experiencing a
peculiar problem when trying to install some rpm's.

I get the following errors (dependency failures) and I am unsure of how I
can solve this problem.

 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1 is needed by ..
 rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1 is needed by 

This has now occurred on a couple of different rpms'

I have mandrake 7.1 installed on a PIII 550 with 128M RAM

Any help on this would be appreciated.

- Shannon
Shannon Doyle

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[newbie] (...) XF86Setup / xf86config problem

2000-11-13 Thread Krulo

I know that XF86Setup is case sensitive but the problem I have is with
xf86config. this one IN NOT case sensitive and the "command not found"
errors he gives me are internal (i think) it's not the same thing has when
you write some shit on the console and he says "command not found" but this
one gives me a list of 5 or 6 lines saying something like this:

Modeselect (...) : command not found
(other things) (...): command not found

how can I restore the original xf86config to at least running him properly?

Re: [newbie] (...) XF86Setup / xf86config problem

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

Heavy. We need more detail. Copy us /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XErrorDB which gives the
details of the errors. You look in /usr/X11R6/bin and there is something like
Xconfigurator or Xfsetup or something along those lines that you can execute
from the command line that will get you sorted without needing to go into X.

The other thing you can do is restore the backup of XF86Config you made before
you knackered it 8)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 11:18:05

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] (...) XF86Setup / xf86config problem

I know that XF86Setup is case sensitive but the problem I have is with
xf86config. this one IN NOT case sensitive and the "command not found"
errors he gives me are internal (i think) it's not the same thing has when
you write some shit on the console and he says "command not found" but this
one gives me a list of 5 or 6 lines saying something like this:

Modeselect (...) : command not found
(other things) (...): command not found

how can I restore the original xf86config to at least running him properly?


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and do not necessarily represent those of the Powergen Group.

Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

[newbie] telnet : connection refused

2000-11-13 Thread Metzger

i have an error in mandrake 7.2

i have an error connection refused by foreign host...

could you help me ?

Re: [newbie] (...) startx / xf86config problem again

2000-11-13 Thread Mark Weaver


Are you attempting to run this command as root (su)? If not, that would be
why you're getting this error.

Try this...

At the LILO prompt type linux 3. That will drop you at a console
login. Login as root and at the command prompt type setuptool. From here
you can configure X-windows far easier.


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

  registered linux user # 182496
=/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 Krulo had this to say!

 When I run startx he loads all those things and then enters and exist right
 away and gives me this msg:
 waiting for X server to shut down
 what can I do? my xf86config doesn't work it says something like this:
 Modeselect: command not found
 (other things...) : command not found
 what can I do to get into xwindows?

Re: [newbie] (...) startx / xf86config problem again

2000-11-13 Thread Mark Weaver

Guys...guys.the correct command is "setuptool". This will bring up the
interface that will allow you to configure not only X-windows, but sound,
mouse, and a few other things that I can't think of at the moment.


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

  registered linux user # 182496
=/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 Paul had this to say!

 On Monday 13 November 2000 00:34, Krulo keyboarded:
 It works on my machine. You may have to look on the cd to install it 
 (although it should be installed always).
 Did you remember to do it as root?
 Xconfigurator??? there is no Xconfigurator... at least "unknown command"
 that now??
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 9:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] (...) startx / xf86config problem again
  On Sunday 12 November 2000 22:00, Krulo keyboarded:
  run XConfigurator (as root), and check that you select a video mode
  that is supported by your card.

[newbie] RE: [Toshiba CDROM XM6102B

2000-11-13 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

I am trying to install Mandrake 7.2 in an old Pentium 200 MMX with a Toshiba
CDROM XM6102B, but the installer doesn't recognized this CDROM model; it
gives me question about if it is an IDE or SCSI CDROM, and doesn't
recognized it as IDE, but it seems that there is not any special module for
this old CDROM.

Could anybody help me?

Thanks so much

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

Re: [newbie] Geoforce 256 + mandrake 7.2

2000-11-13 Thread Jamie Kerwick

I tried following these steps, however, the GLX file doesn't make properly 
because on my system the .../modules/extensions dir doesn't exist, there is 
a file called extensions but no dir, also some of the settings, in 
XF86Config file, that i need to change aren't there in the 1st place. when 
running the nv_check it falls over looking for nv_module.o (something like 
that) which is in the ../modules/extensions dir.
This is driving me mad, because i have tried a couple of things each time i 
have re-install.

Thanks for your time


On Friday 10 November 2000 14:45, Jamie Kerwick wrote:
  I can't seem to configure my geoforce card correctly. The x windows 
  fine, i just can't get the 3d to work. I have an athlon 800 + 128mb ram,
  so should get more than 1 fps on GLTron! Other games seem to run really
  slow too, like tuxkart. I have the mesa drivers installed. I did a
  customised developer install with almost everything there OK.

Mesa doesn't work properly with nVidia chipset's, use nVidia's own GL.

Check out www.realityx.net/nvidia.html for a howto on setting up your
system :)

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
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Re: [newbie] RE: [Toshiba CDROM XM6102B

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

One option is to copy the contents of the CD onto your windows partition and
then boot an install floppy, hit F1 for options and do linux all which will
allow you to choose your installation medium of choice which in your case is a
local FAT (windows) HDD partition

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 13:00:12

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] RE: [Toshiba CDROM XM6102B

I am trying to install Mandrake 7.2 in an old Pentium 200 MMX with a Toshiba
CDROM XM6102B, but the installer doesn't recognized this CDROM model; it
gives me question about if it is an IDE or SCSI CDROM, and doesn't
recognized it as IDE, but it seems that there is not any special module for
this old CDROM.

Could anybody help me?

Thanks so much

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)


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This message and any attachments are confidential and should only be read
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Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

[newbie] /proc/kcore - what is it?

2000-11-13 Thread Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes

Can anyone tell me what the file /proc/kcore is?   Can I delete it?  

Many thanks


[newbie] problem swapping CDs during installation of Mandrake Linux 7.1

2000-11-13 Thread Noam B Shifrin


I was wondering whether anyone could help me with an installation
I have a Pentium machine running at 100mHZ, 32MB RAM, with a brand new
Sony 48X CD-ROM drive.
The installation proceeds smoothly until I try to swap CDs from the
installation CD to the Extensions CD. The Installation and User Guide
assumes that the CD will be automatically ejected in preparation for a
swapping of CDs. This does not occur on my machine.
Secondly even after manually resetting the CD-ROM drive and swapping
the CDs the installation program refuses to recognise that the
Extensions CD is in the CD-ROM drive. What is going on?

At the moment I have a bare bones Linux installation. I would like to
install the rest of the packages from the Extensions and Applications
Cd's. How can I go about that? Any help would be much appreciated.

 Noam  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

2000-11-13 Thread Krulo

well here is my situation:

I'm under a PI 120, 81Mb RAM, Mandrake 7.1

I already made it to setup sound card and ethernet but now the only thing
that I could do before (configuring X) is making me MAD! this is what I get
from some commands in the console:

bash: XConfigurator : command not found

Fatal Server error:
No valid modes found.

/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : modeline : command not found
/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : mode : command not found
/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : endmode : command not found

bash: setuptool : command not found

but my XF86Setup works! but when I try any of the combinations for the modes
I always get a "no valid mode found" running "startx". isn't there any
autoprobe or something like that to detect my card and valid modes 4 it?


[newbie] size of log files

2000-11-13 Thread philomena


I installed PMFirewall recently and have been getting a ton of the same 
message in my syslog and messages files - they are "deny" messages, but of my 
own static IP address, so I must have something set up wrong. 
As a consequence, these files have been getting huge, and have caused me some 
problems when the partition has run out of space. I notice that there is a 
.gz file of each of these files. Is there a system parameter that based on 
the filesize automatically compresses the file ? If so, how do I manipulate 
that so that my system behaves while I track down the firewall problem ?


RE: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

2000-11-13 Thread Lewis Bishop

is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

-Original Message-
From: Krulo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 November 2000 12:43
Subject: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

well here is my situation:

I'm under a PI 120, 81Mb RAM, Mandrake 7.1

I already made it to setup sound card and ethernet but now the only thing
that I could do before (configuring X) is making me MAD! this is what I get
from some commands in the console:

bash: XConfigurator : command not found

Fatal Server error:
No valid modes found.

/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : modeline : command not found
/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : mode : command not found
/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : endmode : command not found

bash: setuptool : command not found

but my XF86Setup works! but when I try any of the combinations for the modes
I always get a "no valid mode found" running "startx". isn't there any
autoprobe or something like that to detect my card and valid modes 4 it?


Re: [newbie] XFree86 4.0

2000-11-13 Thread Douglas

It's my impression also that 4.x.x normally installs. I have seen depending 
on which video card you have for it to install 3.3.6 instead. You can get 
this as an option by doing an Expert install. Now of course, there is a whole 
other range of issues that you will have to deal with yourself, so if your 
not up to this, then I'd suggest to not do the Expert installation. 

Of course, if this is being installed on a test only box, then have at it. If 
the installation goes, bad there is no reason that you can't try and fix the 
installation or totally re-run it to see what effect different options 

On Monday 13 November 2000 04:51 am, you wrote:

 I had installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 recently. And  I surprissed when I saw
 that it installed Xfree86 3.6.6, not 4.0.

 I am very interesting in install Xfree 4.0 because the enhacements that
 it has. I have installed in my computer a TNT2 with 32 MB graphics card.

 Can anyone tell me how can I make to install 4.0 in my computer? Are
 there any distribution that it comes with 4.0?

 Thank you:


Douglas Moreen
phone   406-375-0566
web http://www.allboot.com
814 Priscilla Way
Hamilton, MT 59840

[newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

2000-11-13 Thread Krulo

I dont think so... I tried:

nothing works... anyone got any idead??

- Original Message -
From: "Lewis Bishop" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

 is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

 -Original Message-
 From: Krulo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 November 2000 12:43
 Subject: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

 well here is my situation:

 I'm under a PI 120, 81Mb RAM, Mandrake 7.1

 I already made it to setup sound card and ethernet but now the only thing
 that I could do before (configuring X) is making me MAD! this is what I
 from some commands in the console:

 bash: XConfigurator : command not found

 Fatal Server error:
 No valid modes found.

 /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : modeline : command not found
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : mode : command not found
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : endmode : command not found

 bash: setuptool : command not found

 but my XF86Setup works! but when I try any of the combinations for the
 I always get a "no valid mode found" running "startx". isn't there any
 autoprobe or something like that to detect my card and valid modes 4 it?


RE: [newbie] (...) XF86Setup / xf86config problem

2000-11-13 Thread veloct

You have to run these as root.

--- Original Message ---
"Krulo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 11:18:05 -
I know that XF86Setup is case sensitive but the problem I have
is with
xf86config. this one IN NOT case sensitive and the "command not
errors he gives me are internal (i think) it's not the same thing
has when
you write some shit on the console and he says "command not found"
but this
one gives me a list of 5 or 6 lines saying something like this:

Modeselect (...) : command not found
(other things) (...): command not found

how can I restore the original xf86config to at least running
him properly?

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The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

RE: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

2000-11-13 Thread veloct

1) you MUST be root to run xf86config

2) Do you know anything about your video card and monitor?  Because
you'll need it to setup the proper xserver.

--- Original Message ---
"Krulo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:43:02 -
well here is my situation:

I'm under a PI 120, 81Mb RAM, Mandrake 7.1

I already made it to setup sound card and ethernet but now the
only thing
that I could do before (configuring X) is making me MAD! this
is what I get
from some commands in the console:

bash: XConfigurator : command not found

Fatal Server error:
No valid modes found.

/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : modeline : command not found
/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : mode : command not found
/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : endmode : command not found

bash: setuptool : command not found

but my XF86Setup works! but when I try any of the combinations
for the modes
I always get a "no valid mode found" running "startx". isn't
there any
autoprobe or something like that to detect my card and valid
modes 4 it?


Sent using MailStart.com ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: [newbie] problem swapping CDs during installation of Mandrake Linux 7.1

2000-11-13 Thread Douglas

Well can you type in " mc " from the command line? 

This will start MidnightCommander, which is a nice file-manager/viewer/editor 

There is also a command line in mc that you should be able to type in
rpm -i Uvh somename.rpm. This will get your packages installed, The cdrom is 
on this point of your machine. /mnt/cdrom

look around in there. I'd tell you where the rpm files are but why ruin all 
your fun. You should look around the directory structure of your whole 
machine in addition to the cdrom disks.

On Monday 13 November 2000 05:46 am, you wrote:

 I was wondering whether anyone could help me with an installation
 I have a Pentium machine running at 100mHZ, 32MB RAM, with a brand new
 Sony 48X CD-ROM drive.
 The installation proceeds smoothly until I try to swap CDs from the
 installation CD to the Extensions CD. The Installation and User Guide
 assumes that the CD will be automatically ejected in preparation for a
 swapping of CDs. This does not occur on my machine.
 Secondly even after manually resetting the CD-ROM drive and swapping
 the CDs the installation program refuses to recognise that the
 Extensions CD is in the CD-ROM drive. What is going on?

 At the moment I have a bare bones Linux installation. I would like to
 install the rest of the packages from the Extensions and Applications
 Cd's. How can I go about that? Any help would be much appreciated.

Douglas Moreen
phone   406-375-0566
web http://www.allboot.com
814 Priscilla Way
Hamilton, MT 59840

RE: [newbie] size of log files

2000-11-13 Thread veloct

I'm not in front of my computer at home but if I am not mistaken
you can set a rule to reject traffic from your IP, but I'll have
to look at my firewall at home to see how the syntax will go.

--- Original Message ---
philomena [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 08:26:29 +

I installed PMFirewall recently and have been getting a ton of
the same 
message in my syslog and messages files - they are "deny" messages,
but of my 
own static IP address, so I must have something set up wrong.

As a consequence, these files have been getting huge, and have
caused me some 
problems when the partition has run out of space. I notice that
there is a 
..gz file of each of these files. Is there a system parameter
that based on 
the filesize automatically compresses the file ? If so, how do
I manipulate 
that so that my system behaves while I track down the firewall
problem ?


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The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

some clever grepping for regexps recommended

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 14:08:06

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

I dont think so... I tried:

nothing works... anyone got any idead??

- Original Message -
From: "Lewis Bishop" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

 is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

 -Original Message-
 From: Krulo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 November 2000 12:43
 Subject: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

 well here is my situation:

 I'm under a PI 120, 81Mb RAM, Mandrake 7.1

 I already made it to setup sound card and ethernet but now the only thing
 that I could do before (configuring X) is making me MAD! this is what I
 from some commands in the console:

 bash: XConfigurator : command not found

 Fatal Server error:
 No valid modes found.

 /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : modeline : command not found
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : mode : command not found
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : endmode : command not found

 bash: setuptool : command not found

 but my XF86Setup works! but when I try any of the combinations for the
 I always get a "no valid mode found" running "startx". isn't there any
 autoprobe or something like that to detect my card and valid modes 4 it?



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Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

[newbie] USB

2000-11-13 Thread jeremy

This is my problem... and I need help badly

When I installed 7.2 half way in the installation my USB keyboard
stopped working, but my USB mouse was ok all the way.

When The system rebooted the keyboard worked fine but the mouse was

In the aurora booting section the mouse didn't move, and when I logged
in still no mouse.

At least I have the keyboard... Can anyone help me with this mouse


[newbie] No Midi using Sound Blaster PCI 128 Sound Card

2000-11-13 Thread Lewis, David S


I am running Linux Mandrake 7.2 on a AMD Duron 700, 64meg ram.
The installation went okay except that HardDrake thinks my sound card is a
Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI.
This driver works okay with Waves but not Midi files. I bought the card for
its midi wave table so I'm guttered!
I've tried www.opensound.com with no luck.  I wasn't sure which version to
download as I don't know the kernel type and the one I did download did not
seem to install?

Does anyone know how to fix the midi or where else I can get drivers??


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[newbie] Mandrake v7.2 question?

2000-11-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Can I assume that the Powerpack deluxe version of Mandrake v7.2 is the one most
of us would want to get? (full installs, with the ability to compile our own
software, and KDE v2.0 [not pre]?)

Thanks in advance! ;-)


[newbie] I can't get connected to internet

2000-11-13 Thread Mauricio Castro

I have a pctel modem installed on my computer with mandrake 7.0.
When dialing up the internet number everithing is going fine, but when
it says "starting pppd" it hangs up. I dont know if is the modem or the
drivers, i'm very newbie, like 2 months of xperience.

[newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

2000-11-13 Thread Mauricio Castro

I have a voodoo 5 5500, pentium II 266, 128mb ram, with mandrake 7.0.
When I installed Red Hat 7.0 it automatically detected my voodoo 5 5500
but a friend told me that mandrake 7.0 was better then I installed
mandrake 7.0 but it didn't detect my 3dfx card. What should I do?

Re: [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

2000-11-13 Thread Paul Hefferan

Did you try XF86Configurator?

Re: [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

2000-11-13 Thread An0nonmous

Head on over to http://linux.3dfx.com   You'll find all the drivers you need 
and good install instructions too, which is a bonus!
Good Luck!

"Admiral" Ian Bridgeman

RE: [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

2000-11-13 Thread veloct

For Mandrake 7.0 you'll have to download the drivers for it.
 Mandrake 7.2 has voodoo5 built in support.  

--- Original Message ---
Mauricio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:42:04 -0300
I have a voodoo 5 5500, pentium II 266, 128mb ram, with mandrake
When I installed Red Hat 7.0 it automatically detected my voodoo
5 5500
but a friend told me that mandrake 7.0 was better then I installed
mandrake 7.0 but it didn't detect my 3dfx card. What should I

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The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

2000-11-13 Thread Jamie Kerwick

To quote mandrakeuser.org,
"In LM 7, run


as 'root'. For enhanced options, try XFdrake --expert

If these don't work for you, try XFree's own setup utility



Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:25:14 +

some clever grepping for regexps recommended

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 14:08:06

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] Re: (...) is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?

I dont think so... I tried:

nothing works... anyone got any idead??

- Original Message -
From: "Lewis Bishop" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)

  is it not Xconfigurator (with a small c)?
  -Original Message-
  From: Krulo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 13 November 2000 12:43
  Subject: [newbie] (...) X is getting hard to get!! (setuptool???)
  well here is my situation:
  I'm under a PI 120, 81Mb RAM, Mandrake 7.1
  I already made it to setup sound card and ethernet but now the only 
  that I could do before (configuring X) is making me MAD! this is what I
  from some commands in the console:
  bash: XConfigurator : command not found
  Fatal Server error:
  No valid modes found.
  /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : modeline : command not found
  /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : mode : command not found
  /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config : endmode : command not found
  bash: setuptool : command not found
  but my XF86Setup works! but when I try any of the combinations for the
  I always get a "no valid mode found" running "startx". isn't there any
  autoprobe or something like that to detect my card and valid modes 4 it?


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Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

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Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 

Re: [newbie] I can't get connected to internet

2000-11-13 Thread Steve Maytum

Hello Mauricio , is your modem a winmodem? You say your modem is installed
on your PC. If so it is probably a winmodem and won't work under Linux
usually. If modem is external , it's usually going to work with Linux. Let
me know and I'll try to help if I can. Regards  --

- Original Message -
From: Mauricio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 3:41 PM
Subject: [newbie] I can't get connected to internet

 I have a pctel modem installed on my computer with mandrake 7.0.
 When dialing up the internet number everithing is going fine, but when
 it says "starting pppd" it hangs up. I dont know if is the modem or the
 drivers, i'm very newbie, like 2 months of xperience.

Re: [newbie] I can't get connected to internet

2000-11-13 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Monday 13 November 2000 18:03, you wrote:
 Hello Mauricio , is your modem a winmodem? You say your modem is
 installed on your PC. If so it is probably a winmodem and won't work
 under Linux

The future is here, winmodems under Linux:

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

Re: [newbie] Mandrake v7.2 question?

2000-11-13 Thread civileme

I think you have the essence of the problem well-centered.  In other words, 
good assumption!


On Monday 13 November 2000 15:59, you wrote:
 Can I assume that the Powerpack deluxe version of Mandrake v7.2 is the one
 most of us would want to get? (full installs, with the ability to compile
 our own software, and KDE v2.0 [not pre]?)

 Thanks in advance! ;-)

Re: [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

Arguably in your case Red Hat appears to be "better"...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 15:42:04

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

I have a voodoo 5 5500, pentium II 266, 128mb ram, with mandrake 7.0.
When I installed Red Hat 7.0 it automatically detected my voodoo 5 5500
but a friend told me that mandrake 7.0 was better then I installed
mandrake 7.0 but it didn't detect my 3dfx card. What should I do?


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Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

[newbie] sound problem

2000-11-13 Thread Oder Santos

I have recently installed Mandrake 7.2 in my Toshiba Satellite 315CDS and
all running great except for the soundcard - OPL3-SA2/3/x sound chip. Tried
Harddrake and it cannot even see the card. Tried sndconfig but the same, I
have no sound. Does anyone have any idea. Any help would be really
appreciate. Thanks in advance, Oder.

Re: [newbie] I can't get connected to internet

2000-11-13 Thread civileme

On Monday 13 November 2000 16:41, you wrote:
 I have a pctel modem installed on my computer with mandrake 7.0.
 When dialing up the internet number everithing is going fine, but when
 it says "starting pppd" it hangs up. I dont know if is the modem or the
 drivers, i'm very newbie, like 2 months of xperience.

PCTel supplies its own linux driver.  Someone here hacked on it (the public 
part of it) http://www.mandrakeforum.com/article.php3?sid=2717173418 
gives the announcement.  The actual driver can be found at 


This is an unsupported driver.  PCTel is producing an HSP modem-like device 
that transfers the responsibility for signal processing and every other modem 
thiong to the host processor.  In other words it is a modem only with a pile 
of secret software that gets your computer to do the work that belongs in the 
hardware that is present in a real modem.  

Anyway, installation is fairly simple

1. download the file by shift-clicking on pctel.tgz

2. start up a Konsole and do su - to get into root mode.  Give the password 
and then

# chmod 0777 /home/yourusername/pctel.tgz

3. click on the house on your kde panel and then right-click on pctel.tgz in 
the kfm window; select archiver and extract to /home/yourusername

4. in your Konsole,

# cd /home/yourusername/pctel
# ./install.sh

If you have 7.1 that will do it.  If you have 7.0, load kernel 2.2.15 first 
...  Others on this list can help you do that.

Mandrakesoft Inc   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Paris, France

[newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Donald Jr Saxton

Hello, All.

Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.

What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?

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Re: [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

2000-11-13 Thread civileme

On Monday 13 November 2000 16:42, you wrote:
 I have a voodoo 5 5500, pentium II 266, 128mb ram, with mandrake 7.0.
 When I installed Red Hat 7.0 it automatically detected my voodoo 5 5500
 but a friend told me that mandrake 7.0 was better then I installed
 mandrake 7.0 but it didn't detect my 3dfx card. What should I do?

Red Hat 7.0 is the contemporary of Mandrake 7.2, not 7.0  7.1 detected and 
automatically installed my Voodoo.

Mandrakesoft Inc[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Paris, France

[newbie] free used disk space

2000-11-13 Thread Donald Jr Saxton

How do I determine free  used disk space?

Don a novice Linux, but loving it user
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Paul Hefferan

intel based prossessor, 386, 486, or pentium.

Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

CPUs. A pentium is an i (i.e. Intel) 586. A Pentium II or such is an i686. A
Pentium III or a Duron is (I think) an i 786

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 17:39:44

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] Terminalogy

Hello, All.

Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.

What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?

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Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

Re: [newbie] free used disk space

2000-11-13 Thread Paul . Newman

du and df. They both have good manpages explaining how to use them There are
also GUI versions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 17:41:07

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] free  used disk space

How do I determine free  used disk space?

Don a novice Linux, but loving it user
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

[newbie] Giving users rights to use applications

2000-11-13 Thread Donald Jr Saxton

Hello, All.

I recently installed an application as a root user an it placed icons on the 
desktop. Logging in as another user does not have the icons on the desktop. 
I tried to create icons but was unable to. Was receiving errors. What is it 
that I need to do to give another user access to applications I installed as 
root? Should I install all applications when logged in as root user? How do 
I go about resolving this issue?

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Re: [newbie] free used disk space

2000-11-13 Thread Fabio Tang

Donald Jr Saxton wrote:

 How do I determine free  used disk space?

 Don a novice Linux, but loving it user
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

use the command df (disk-free)

Re: [newbie] free used disk space

2000-11-13 Thread Dale Kosan

Try the command du from a command prompt or use the kde program

Dale Kosan
Tech Support
Chi Corporation
26309 Miles Road #4
Warrensville Heights,Ohio 44128

Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 13 November 2000 11:39 am, Donald Jr Saxton wrote:
 Hello, All.

 Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.

 What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?

   Proccesors, eg, 368DX/40 (old AMD), 486DX2/66 (old Intel), and i586 
is Pentium class, which includes other cpu's besides Intel.  When you 
see RedHat rpm's they usually end with '.i386.rpm'.  This means they're 
optimized/intended to work on 386 systems or better.  Mandrake 
is'.i586', optimized/intended for Pentium class or better systems. 
Mandrake does release an i486 distro. IIRC, the latest is 7.0

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card

2000-11-13 Thread abe

get version 7.2 of mandrake which will automatically detect and
configure your V5.  Mandrake 7.0 will not detect the V5 because it uses
x 3.3.6 and you need x 4.01.


 Arguably in your case Red Hat appears to be "better"...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 15:42:04
 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  [newbie] I cant configure my 3dfx card
 I have a voodoo 5 5500, pentium II 266, 128mb ram, with mandrake 7.0.
 When I installed Red Hat 7.0 it automatically detected my voodoo 5 5500
 but a friend told me that mandrake 7.0 was better then I installed
 mandrake 7.0 but it didn't detect my 3dfx card. What should I do?
 Disclaimer notice:
 This message and any attachments are confidential and should only be read
 by those to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient,
 please contact us, delete the message from your computer and destroy any
 copies. Any distribution or copying without our prior permission is
 Internet communications are not always secure and therefore the Powergen
 Group does not accept legal responsibility for this message. The recipient
 is responsible for verifying its authenticity before acting on the
 contents. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author
 and do not necessarily represent those of the Powergen Group.
 Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL
 Telephone +44 (0) 2476 42 4000
 Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

Re: [newbie] LM7.2/Macmillain -- KDE2-Final?

2000-11-13 Thread Charles A Edwards

The 7.2 Complete Does Not include kde 2.0 final.
You can update it to 2.0 using Mandrake Update, except in 7.2 it is now just


- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 2:26 PM
Subject: [newbie] LM7.2/Macmillain -- KDE2-Final?

 Dear Friends:

 I would like to inquire if the Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Complete ($29.95) sold
 by Macmillain has the real KDE 2.0 FINAL version. I ordered it from
 Macmillain but they don't seem to know which KDE 2.0 is included.

 I wonder if others are in the same boat.

 Thank you so much.

 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 RUS: http://www.websher.net
 SHK: http://www.shakespeareindex.net

Re: [newbie] XScreenSaver

2000-11-13 Thread Paul

On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, patrick wrote:

 I have been trying to get xscreensaver to start when Mandrake 7.2 starts.
 In Mandrake 7.1 Xscreensaver was part of the KDE screen saver, but It is not
 part of the KDE screen saver in Mandrake 7.2.  The screensavers in Mandrake
 7.2 KDE are lame.  How do I get xscreensaver to load as my default screen
 saver?  I have looked at the FAQ for XScreensaver and they don't seam to
 apply to Mandrake 7.2.

are u seious  they took xscreensaver out of their linux. oh oh did mandrake
get some new help as of late.  did mandrake hire some wrong  people.

You could try this: in your ~/.xinitrc put/add this line:

# Launch xscreensaver (if available)
xscreensaver -no-splash -lock-mode 

Works for me (I do not use KDE, but XFCE)


http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake

Re: [newbie] size of log files

2000-11-13 Thread Paul

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, philomena wrote:

I will subscribe to that list, but my question is not really a
PMFirewall question - its about controlling the size of the system log
files - since I saw a syslog.gz , which I know I didn't create, I am
assuming there is some system  utility that compressed the
/var/log/syslog file when it reached some filesize. The same happened
with /var/log/messages - there was a messages.gz, which I didn't create.
Is there a system parameter or service that monitors and controls the
size of specified log files ? If so, I want to set that max file size to
something small, so that my system doesn't go haywire while I am workign
on the firewall issue.

Hi Philomena,

Once a week a cronjob runs, executing the /etc/cron.weekly jobs
In that directory there probably is a job called 'logrotate'. This is what
creates the tar.gz files.


http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake

Re: [newbie] 7.2(initial install) error installing packages:

2000-11-13 Thread Paul

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Mitchell Hagerty wrote:

There was an error installing packages: 
setup-2.1.3-22mkd, filesystem-2.0.5, ld.so, glibc,
termcap, libtermcap, readline, bash.
Go On anyway?
I click on 'Yes' and recieve this.
error opening RPM database: cannot open file /mnt/var/lib/
rpm/nameindex.rpm: Invalid argument...

You may want to try and rebuild the rpm database:

rpm --rebuilddb

and try installing the packages by hand..

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake

RE: [newbie] size of log files

2000-11-13 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] size of log files

This also begs the question, is there a file or files that one should periodically clear out to prevent filling up a disk with garbage? I have found nothing in my reading that says it is necessary, but just maybe I missed it. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of philomena
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] size of log files

Hi Alan,

I will subscribe to that list, but my question is not really a
PMFirewall question - its about controlling the size of the system log
files - since I saw a syslog.gz , which I know I didn't create, I am
assuming there is some system utility that compressed the
/var/log/syslog file when it reached some filesize. The same happened
with /var/log/messages - there was a messages.gz, which I didn't create.
Is there a system parameter or service that monitors and controls the
size of specified log files ? If so, I want to set that max file size to
something small, so that my system doesn't go haywire while I am workign
on the firewall issue.


Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 philomena wrote:
  I installed PMFirewall recently and have been getting a ton
  of the same message in my syslog and messages files - they
  are deny messages, but of my own static IP address, so I
  must have something set up wrong. As a consequence, these
  files have been getting huge, and have caused me some
  problems when the partition has run out of space. I notice
  that there is a ..gz file of each of these files. Is there
  a system parameter that based on the filesize automatically
  compresses the file ? If so, how do I manipulate that so
  that my system behaves while I track down the firewall
  problem ?
 To subscribe to the pmfirewall mailing list send a message to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subscribe pmfirewall in the body
 of the message.

[newbie] re Terminology

2000-11-13 Thread Paul

Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.

What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?

These point to the intel (i) processors:

80 386
80 486
80 586 (pentium)
80 686 (pentium II)


http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake

Re: [newbie] 7.2(initial install) error installing packages:

2000-11-13 Thread Mitchell Hagerty

 There was an error installing packages: 
 setup-2.1.3-22mkd, filesystem-2.0.5, ld.so, glibc,
 termcap, libtermcap, readline, bash.
 Go On anyway?
 I click on 'Yes' and recieve this.
 error opening RPM database: cannot open file /mnt/var/lib/
 rpm/nameindex.rpm: Invalid argument...
 You may want to try and rebuild the rpm database:
 rpm --rebuilddb
 and try installing the packages by hand..

booting from a cd? 
could I have alittle more detail
on how I would go about doing this?
Is there a list of what order I should
install the rpms?


[newbie] rpmdrake

2000-11-13 Thread kernell32

Ok im about to loose my nerves rpmdrake wont accept any media that i tell it 
it worked before but after (dont ask me why ) taking out the default media 
(cdrom ) it tells me that it could not find any package and i should check if 
my network drives are mounted in case i did a network install ...
i tryed to choose from ftp and cdrom in both cases the same thing: "no 
packages detected"
any help wanted!!!

Re: [[newbie] free used disk space]

2000-11-13 Thread Michael Scottaline

"Donald Jr Saxton" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I determine free  used disk space?
 Don a novice Linux, but loving it user
The command df in a terminal will return such info to you for all mounted
drives (including a floppy, if it happens to be mounted at the time of the

"Many loads of beer were brought.  What disorder, whoring, fighting, killing
and dreadful idolatry took place there!"
Baltasar Rusow, Estonia, 16th century

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Re: [newbie] re Terminology

2000-11-13 Thread Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno]

On Monday 13 November 2000 21:50, Paul wrote:
 Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.
 What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?

 These point to the intel (i) processors:

 80 386
 80 486
 80 586 (pentium)
 80 686 (pentium II)

so 786 is pentium III ?

I have never experienced any package meant for 586 og 686 that have 
conflicted with my system (running PIII), so what is the point in giving 
them names then?

\ Christian A Strømmen /
\ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
\ Web: www.realityx.net - Cell: +47 911 43 948 /
   Live your life by your dreams,
 not by the limits of reality...

Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread -michael-

How come the tarball i downloaded from sun this morning with their newest java
in it was an ...i386.tar.gz then? Wouldn't you think they of all co's (except
of course Mandrakesoft) would be up to date on their optimization?
my .02 US

Vic wrote:

 the i386 means optimised for the old 386 intel-based
 cpu, the i486 is optimised for the old 486 cpu
 and the i586 is for the current pentium or AMD K6
 type cpu s  The binary executables have
 instructions contained in the appropriate cpu.

 On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Donald Jr Saxton wrote:
  Hello, All.
  Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.
  What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
  Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

Re: [newbie] re Terminology

2000-11-13 Thread Paul

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Christian A Strømmen [Number1/NumeroUno] wrote:

 80 386
 80 486
 80 586 (pentium)
 80 686 (pentium II)

so 786 is pentium III ?

Don't know, I have never seen that.

I have never experienced any package meant for 586 og 686 that have 
conflicted with my system (running PIII), so what is the point in giving 
them names then?

When you install an i386 package on a Pentium III that won't be a problem,
because the PIII is backwards compatible with the 80386. But people with a
486 processor in their PC won't be able to install a package compiled for
I586. A 486 will not be upwards compatible with a newer processor. That is
why the information on processortype is important.

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake

Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Donald Jr Saxton

Thanks, Paul.

Subject: Re: [newbie] Terminalogy
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:40:41 +

CPUs. A pentium is an i (i.e. Intel) 586. A Pentium II or such is an i686. 
Pentium III or a Duron is (I think) an i 786

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 13/11/2000 17:39:44

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject:  [newbie] Terminalogy

Hello, All.

Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.

What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?

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This message and any attachments are confidential and should only be read
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please contact us, delete the message from your computer and destroy any
copies. Any distribution or copying without our prior permission is

Internet communications are not always secure and therefore the Powergen
Group does not accept legal responsibility for this message. The recipient
is responsible for verifying its authenticity before acting on the
contents. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author
and do not necessarily represent those of the Powergen Group.

Powergen plc. 53 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1SL

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Fax   +44 (0) 2476 42 5432

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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Re: [newbie] Tar Installs

2000-11-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Jeff Malka wrote:
 Is there a way to force it to install in a specific directory.  Like /opt?
  When I do a TAR -zxvf filename then I run ./configure, make and make
  install, I can see on the console screen that there's nothing wrong after
  the install.  My big problem is not knowing where it put the file to
   start the program or what the name would be.  The latest culprit is the
   Firestarter program.  Is there any rhyme or reason to this?
  Usually programs drop themselves in /usr/bin
  You can do   locate program   to find where it is on the disk.
  Often there is a conf.home file in the source files, which tells where the
  program will be put.
  Hope this helps
 Registered Linux User 348854

I d/l'ed the RPM of Firestarter and can't get it to work. I'm currently running
PMFirewall, could that be the problem? It (Firestarter) exits with a seg fault.
At first it complained that I didn't have the correct Gnome libs. I d/l'ed what
I could find, and it satisfied its dependencies and installed but still does
not work right... Any ideas? The screen shots look great. (would like to have a
graphical Firewall - any front end like that for PMFirewall?)


Re: [newbie] Mandrake v7.2 question?

2000-11-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall

civileme wrote:
 I think you have the essence of the problem well-centered.  In other words,
 good assumption!
 On Monday 13 November 2000 15:59, you wrote:
  Can I assume that the Powerpack deluxe version of Mandrake v7.2 is the one
  most of us would want to get? (full installs, with the ability to compile
  our own software, and KDE v2.0 [not pre]?)
  Thanks in advance! ;-)

grin Thats what I was hoping! Gonna order soon now! ;-)


Re: [newbie] mounting windows partions

2000-11-13 Thread Kevin Scott

You could give the group owner and group rights to write and everyone else
just read rights. Then put anyone you want to have the ability to write
into the group

On 13 Nov 2000, Ramandeep wrote:

 i am using mandrake 7.1. by default my win98 c:\ d:\ and
 e:\ drives are mounted in read/wrie mode for root as well
 as users. how to change permissions for a specific user
 i.e. i want to gve write permission to a user and for
 other only read permisions.
 thanx in anticipation
 Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at
 Participate in crazy auctions at http://auctions.rediff.com/auctions/

Re: [newbie]printing

2000-11-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Dale Kosan wrote:
 You are using Netscape I bet,right click on the file or link and choose save
 as.The other way,as you have found out is not easy to understand.After all
 the code is done,go up to file,save as and you are done.Just easier to right

You can also shift left mouse-click as well, and it will blow up a
fileselector box...


[newbie] PMFirewall question...

2000-11-13 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, I'm currently using ipchains/PMFirewall. My question is, since I *think*
I've got everything installed correctly (the script said it installed OK),
should I not be able to see PMFirewall running, using something like ktop or
top, after I've connected to the 'Net? I picked the options where PMF does not
start up at boot, but upon a successfull ppp connection.



Re: [newbie] free used disk space

2000-11-13 Thread Kevin Scott

Try df This will give you the amount of freespace on all your mounted

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Donald Jr Saxton wrote:

 How do I determine free  used disk space?
 Don a novice Linux, but loving it user
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
 Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at 

Re: [newbie] size of log files

2000-11-13 Thread philomena

Hi Paul,

That was it - I did a 'man logrotate' and got tons of info - the files can be 
controled based on timing as well as size - very neat. 
Thanks for the pointer,

On Monday 13 November 2000 08:18 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, philomena wrote:
 I will subscribe to that list, but my question is not really a
 PMFirewall question - its about controlling the size of the system log
 files - since I saw a syslog.gz , which I know I didn't create, I am
 assuming there is some system  utility that compressed the
 /var/log/syslog file when it reached some filesize. The same happened
 with /var/log/messages - there was a messages.gz, which I didn't create.
 Is there a system parameter or service that monitors and controls the
 size of specified log files ? If so, I want to set that max file size to
 something small, so that my system doesn't go haywire while I am workign
 on the firewall issue.

 Hi Philomena,

 Once a week a cronjob runs, executing the /etc/cron.weekly jobs
 In that directory there probably is a job called 'logrotate'. This is what
 creates the tar.gz files.


Re: [newbie]printing

2000-11-13 Thread Kevin Scott

In Netscape press and hold the shift key while you click the url to
download the file.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Marcia wrote:

 Dear All, I went to the site to download Cups and I got alot of computer
 language or code printout to my screen instead of an RPM package that I
 expected. I went to a site for Acroread 4.02 rpm and the same thing
 happened. What do I need to do to correct this? Thank you. Marcia

Re: [newbie] zip drive

2000-11-13 Thread A V Flinsch

On Monday 13 November 2000 16:38, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a dell inspiron 3700 pIII 450mhz, I installed ver 7.2 and everything
 worked fine.  When I installed linux I had my usb iomega zip drive
 installed. During the installation the os found the zip drive, and
 installed the folder in the mount folder.  But when I go to it, it has a
 lock on it.  I went into gtkzip, and it shows the zip drive as having a
 scsi connection.  Even though it found it as a usb drive during install.

 When the computer boots up, it loads the usb stuff fine, with no errors.

 Any help would be appreciated

do the following as root

1) create a symlink between /dev/sda4 and /dev/zip

ln -s /dev/sda4 /dev/zip

2) make a mount directory
mkdir /mnt/zip

3) add the following line to /etc/fstab
/dev/zip/mnt/zipauto  user,noauto,nosuid,nodev 0 0 

4) add the following lines into /etc/modules
# usb stuff

As a user, change create an icon on your desktop for the zip drive
right click on the desktop
select create new - floppy
change the mounted icon  name on the general tab
select device /dev/zip on the device tab
change the unmounted icon on the device tab
click OK

Prior to first use, you may need to modprobe for usbcore, usb-uhci, 
usb-storage as root, if the modules were not loaded at boot time

Re: [newbie] Terminalogy

2000-11-13 Thread Vic

Huh, good question.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, -michael- wrote:
 How come the tarball i downloaded from sun this morning with their newest java
 in it was an ...i386.tar.gz then? Wouldn't you think they of all co's (except
 of course Mandrakesoft) would be up to date on their optimization?
 my .02 US
 Vic wrote:
  the i386 means optimised for the old 386 intel-based
  cpu, the i486 is optimised for the old 486 cpu
  and the i586 is for the current pentium or AMD K6
  type cpu s  The binary executables have
  instructions contained in the appropriate cpu.
  On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Donald Jr Saxton wrote:
   Hello, All.
   Just a quick question...Please don't kill me.
   What does i386, i486, i586 refer to?
   Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
   Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at

[newbie] (...) X reinstall seems to be the only solution...

2000-11-13 Thread Krulo

I dont know what else to do... I already tried XF86Config, XF86Setup,
Xconfigurator... the first gives me internal "command not found" errors,
"/usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config: modeline: command not found"
the other 2 run well but everytime I try to "startx" he starts and exits
imediatly with this message:

waiting for X server to shut down

YES, I RAN THOSE COMMANDS AS ROOT YES! so dont tell me that again...

what now? can I reinstall X? or something like that?

[newbie] Problem with DiskDrake

2000-11-13 Thread Raju Krishnappa

Hello Friends,

Yesterday i was installing Mandrake 7.2 on
AMDk7 - 750MHz,  VIA- Chipset(Soyo Mother board)
128MB, Diamond Viper 200(32MB)AGP and 30GB Hard
I had 4 partitions on this Harddisk, is connected to primary
IDE (master), of the following size

1) Partition 1 = 6000GB
2) Partitoon 2 = 9000GB
3) Partition 3 = 6000GB

I had win98 and 2000 on these partitions.

In the forth partition, i had an suse linux installed(around 8 - 9 gb)
with swap, boot and root partition.

I started Mandrake 7.2 installation from the CD rom
and choose "Select existing partition".  It showed
the existing linux partition(SuSe one).  It asked to
continue with the formating of the Linux Native partition.
and resulted in error saying "unable to format and mount"

Then, i thought of changing the partition size,
i used advanced option,(DiskDrake - disk partitioner and
resizer), this showed the existing partition information on
the disk properly,  and then i created partitions and selected
mount point for the /boot and /(root).
DiskDrake prompted, partition information is going to written
to disk, then i pressed ok.  After that, it pooped a box saying
"Unable to read partition information, continue at your own risk"
then it displayed a blank disk with no partition.  Actually it
screwed up my entire disk partition information by deleting
partition table.

Then i shutdown mandrake installation, and try to boot to win98.
i couldn't able  too, bios din't reconginze booting device,  then i
boot using 98 floppy and did fdisk on the harddisk,
i was really surprised, only two partition were there on the
disk, C: with 1MB and D with 4GB. and my entire hard
disk got wiped out and i couldn't able to recover the data.

Later i thought of partitioning harddisk using DiskDrake and
install mandrake.  I created 3 FAT32 partition
of size 6000Gb, 6000GB,1GB, and in the remaining(8GB)
i created swap, /boot and / linux partition,  at this
time too, i faced few problems with DiskDrake,  it used to
give error message saying "swap space need to be."(specifying exact
error message).  Finally somehow, i could able to format
linux native partition and installation went through properly.
I selected boot loader to reside on MBR.
Then installation displayed "Installation completion" message,
told to reboot the system, by removing the media from the
CDRom.   I did this, but system was unable to boot/find the
linux boot image.

No other way to go, i reinstalled the Linux, during this time also i
need to re-create partitions(i was getting same old error
messages) and however i managed to create boot disk this time
and told to install boot loader in the first sector of boot
partition and rebooted the system.  Same thing, the system
din't recognized the linux loader, however i could
able to boot using boot disk which i had created during

Then i booted to win98, and did fdisk, surprisingly
i could able to see only two partition even though
i had created 3 FAT32 partition with DiskDrake.
Primary partition C: of 6GB(this is correct) and
Only one extended dos partition of 23GB D:
but i had created two extended partition of 6GB and 10 GB.

I need to know, why system is unable to load linux
on startup? what is the problem with linuxloader??
have you guys seen this kind of DiskDrake behavior???
is this DiskDrake is a buggy software???

Can mandrake guys answer my questions??


Re: [newbie] free used disk space

2000-11-13 Thread Mark Weaver


Welcome back to the list! It's great to see you posting once again. It has
been a while. How is everything with you these days?


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

  registered linux user # 182496
=/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 civileme had this to say!

 If you want to determin e free and used disk space
 from a console
 $ df
 From a Graphic User interface
 7.0 and 7.1 use K File System Control  -- very similar to right clicking on a 
 drive and selecting 'Properties' in windows, except you can select any 
 partition from the graphic that comes up.
 7.2, 6.0, and 6.1 use K Disk Free, which shows all the partitions (volumes) 
 graphically with horizontal bar graphs.
 It is a mistake to think of the disk as partially full in the windows9x/ME 
 sense.  There is no free space at the end of the partition.  The filesystems 
 employed are designed to prevent fragmentation of files, so they store 
 information differently (and much more reconstructably).
 On Monday 13 November 2000 18:41, you wrote:
  How do I determine free  used disk space?
  Don a novice Linux, but loving it user
 Mandrakesoft Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Paris, France

Re: [newbie] newbie] A ADSL Question

2000-11-13 Thread Glenn Johnson

Download the package rp-pppoe from Roaring Penguin.com. Follow the installation
instructions contained in the tar package. Piece of cake. Ihave DSLfrom
Verizon also. Works like a charm!
Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux user #175132
Powered by Linux-Mandrake 7.1

[newbie] domain setup

2000-11-13 Thread KompuKit

can someone help me setup my server for my new domain
this is the first time doing this...
I have Mandrake 7.02  with Apache 1.3.9
 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designerhttp://kitdesigns.bizhosting.com
WebServer:  http://kompukit.dyndns.org
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] Problem with DiskDrake

2000-11-13 Thread Ed Tharp

just how big deem hard drives? and where did you get a 6000 gig. drive
anyway, from the starship Enterprise? Kirk will be mad.
- Original Message -
From: "Raju Krishnappa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 5:46 PM
Subject: [newbie] Problem with DiskDrake

 Hello Friends,

 Yesterday i was installing Mandrake 7.2 on
 AMDk7 - 750MHz,  VIA- Chipset(Soyo Mother board)
 128MB, Diamond Viper 200(32MB)AGP and 30GB Hard
 I had 4 partitions on this Harddisk, is connected to primary
 IDE (master), of the following size

 1) Partition 1 = 6000GB
 2) Partitoon 2 = 9000GB
 3) Partition 3 = 6000GB

 I had win98 and 2000 on these partitions.

 In the forth partition, i had an suse linux installed(around 8 - 9 gb)
 with swap, boot and root partition.

 I started Mandrake 7.2 installation from the CD rom
 and choose "Select existing partition".  It showed
 the existing linux partition(SuSe one).  It asked to
 continue with the formating of the Linux Native partition.
 and resulted in error saying "unable to format and mount"

 Then, i thought of changing the partition size,
 i used advanced option,(DiskDrake - disk partitioner and
 resizer), this showed the existing partition information on
 the disk properly,  and then i created partitions and selected
 mount point for the /boot and /(root).
 DiskDrake prompted, partition information is going to written
 to disk, then i pressed ok.  After that, it pooped a box saying
 "Unable to read partition information, continue at your own risk"
 then it displayed a blank disk with no partition.  Actually it
 screwed up my entire disk partition information by deleting
 partition table.

 Then i shutdown mandrake installation, and try to boot to win98.
 i couldn't able  too, bios din't reconginze booting device,  then i
 boot using 98 floppy and did fdisk on the harddisk,
 i was really surprised, only two partition were there on the
 disk, C: with 1MB and D with 4GB. and my entire hard
 disk got wiped out and i couldn't able to recover the data.

 Later i thought of partitioning harddisk using DiskDrake and
 install mandrake.  I created 3 FAT32 partition
 of size 6000Gb, 6000GB,1GB, and in the remaining(8GB)
 i created swap, /boot and / linux partition,  at this
 time too, i faced few problems with DiskDrake,  it used to
 give error message saying "swap space need to be."(specifying exact
 error message).  Finally somehow, i could able to format
 linux native partition and installation went through properly.
 I selected boot loader to reside on MBR.
 Then installation displayed "Installation completion" message,
 told to reboot the system, by removing the media from the
 CDRom.   I did this, but system was unable to boot/find the
 linux boot image.

 No other way to go, i reinstalled the Linux, during this time also i
 need to re-create partitions(i was getting same old error
 messages) and however i managed to create boot disk this time
 and told to install boot loader in the first sector of boot
 partition and rebooted the system.  Same thing, the system
 din't recognized the linux loader, however i could
 able to boot using boot disk which i had created during

 Then i booted to win98, and did fdisk, surprisingly
 i could able to see only two partition even though
 i had created 3 FAT32 partition with DiskDrake.
 Primary partition C: of 6GB(this is correct) and
 Only one extended dos partition of 23GB D:
 but i had created two extended partition of 6GB and 10 GB.

 I need to know, why system is unable to load linux
 on startup? what is the problem with linuxloader??
 have you guys seen this kind of DiskDrake behavior???
 is this DiskDrake is a buggy software???

 Can mandrake guys answer my questions??


RE: [newbie] Tar Installs

2000-11-13 Thread Bill Shirley


tar -zxvf filname -C /directory/where/you/want/it/to/go

P.S. Uppercase C

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of gcobb
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 4:19 PM
Subject: [newbie] Tar Installs

I've got this really basic question that I haven't been able to conquer just

When I do a TAR -zxvf filename then I run ./configure, make and make
install, I can see on the console screen that there's nothing wrong after
the install.  My big problem is not knowing where it put the file to start
the program or what the name would be.  The latest culprit is the
Firestarter program.  Is there any rhyme or reason to this?


Re: [newbie] (...) X reinstall seems to be the only solution...

2000-11-13 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 13 November 2000 04:43 pm, Krulo wrote:
 I dont know what else to do... I already tried XF86Config, XF86Setup,

   try typing 'apropos xf86'   you'll get back a ton of 
commands/statements related to XF86  Prob'ly towards the end of the 
output you'll see :

xf86config   (1x)  - generate an XF86Config file 

   this is the basic text based X tool, and IIRC, configures XF-3.x.x  

 YES, I RAN THOSE COMMANDS AS ROOT YES! so dont tell me that again...

 what now? can I reinstall X? or something like that?

   Well if all else fails, how 'bout putting the install CD in and 
tryin 'upgrade' or 'rescue' (depends on Mandrake version), and when it 
gets to the X setup part, choose a conservative resolution for your 
monitor.  EG, if it's a 17", "monitor that can do 1024x768 at 70hz" or 
for a 15", "...800x600 at 70hz" and a color depth of 16 (65k). Some 
cards aren't supported in XF-4, but are in XF-3, so maybe you need to 
investigate that.  It could also be that your video card works better 
with some kernels and not others, particularly if it's not well 
supported by the manufacturer.

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] LM7.2/Macmillain -- KDE2-Final?

2000-11-13 Thread mdknewbie-g

Charles A Edwards wrote:

 The 7.2 Complete Does Not include kde 2.0 final.
 You can update it to 2.0 using Mandrake Update, except in 7.2 it is now
 just Updates.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Benjamin Sher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 2:26 PM
 Subject: [newbie] LM7.2/Macmillain -- KDE2-Final?
  Dear Friends:
  I would like to inquire if the Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Complete ($29.95) sold
  by Macmillain has the real KDE 2.0 FINAL version. I ordered it from
  Macmillain but they don't seem to know which KDE 2.0 is included.
  I wonder if others are in the same boat.
  Thank you so much.
  Benjamin and Anna Sher
  RUS: http://www.websher.net
  SHK: http://www.shakespeareindex.net
Yup, I found the same info on the LM web site indicating that none of the 
commercial releases have the newer KDE. Frankly, I'll use the freebie 
version until this changes this doesn't seem like the worlds greatest 
marketing idea to meG


Re: [newbie] Problem with DiskDrake

2000-11-13 Thread patrick

Ed Tharp wrote:

 just how big deem hard drives? and where did you get a 6000 gig. drive
 anyway, from the starship Enterprise? Kirk will be mad.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Raju Krishnappa" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 5:46 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Problem with DiskDrake

  Hello Friends,
  Yesterday i was installing Mandrake 7.2 on
  AMDk7 - 750MHz,  VIA- Chipset(Soyo Mother board)
  128MB, Diamond Viper 200(32MB)AGP and 30GB Hard
  I had 4 partitions on this Harddisk, is connected to primary
  IDE (master), of the following size
  1) Partition 1 = 6000GB
  2) Partitoon 2 = 9000GB
  3) Partition 3 = 6000GB
  I had win98 and 2000 on these partitions.
  In the forth partition, i had an suse linux installed(around 8 - 9 gb)
  with swap, boot and root partition.
  I started Mandrake 7.2 installation from the CD rom
  and choose "Select existing partition".  It showed
  the existing linux partition(SuSe one).  It asked to
  continue with the formating of the Linux Native partition.
  and resulted in error saying "unable to format and mount"
  Then, i thought of changing the partition size,
  i used advanced option,(DiskDrake - disk partitioner and
  resizer), this showed the existing partition information on
  the disk properly,  and then i created partitions and selected
  mount point for the /boot and /(root).
  DiskDrake prompted, partition information is going to written
  to disk, then i pressed ok.  After that, it pooped a box saying
  "Unable to read partition information, continue at your own risk"
  then it displayed a blank disk with no partition.  Actually it
  screwed up my entire disk partition information by deleting
  partition table.
  Then i shutdown mandrake installation, and try to boot to win98.
  i couldn't able  too, bios din't reconginze booting device,  then i
  boot using 98 floppy and did fdisk on the harddisk,
  i was really surprised, only two partition were there on the
  disk, C: with 1MB and D with 4GB. and my entire hard
  disk got wiped out and i couldn't able to recover the data.
  Later i thought of partitioning harddisk using DiskDrake and
  install mandrake.  I created 3 FAT32 partition
  of size 6000Gb, 6000GB,1GB, and in the remaining(8GB)
  i created swap, /boot and / linux partition,  at this
  time too, i faced few problems with DiskDrake,  it used to
  give error message saying "swap space need to be."(specifying exact
  error message).  Finally somehow, i could able to format
  linux native partition and installation went through properly.
  I selected boot loader to reside on MBR.
  Then installation displayed "Installation completion" message,
  told to reboot the system, by removing the media from the
  CDRom.   I did this, but system was unable to boot/find the
  linux boot image.
  No other way to go, i reinstalled the Linux, during this time also i
  need to re-create partitions(i was getting same old error
  messages) and however i managed to create boot disk this time
  and told to install boot loader in the first sector of boot
  partition and rebooted the system.  Same thing, the system
  din't recognized the linux loader, however i could
  able to boot using boot disk which i had created during
  Then i booted to win98, and did fdisk, surprisingly
  i could able to see only two partition even though
  i had created 3 FAT32 partition with DiskDrake.
  Primary partition C: of 6GB(this is correct) and
  Only one extended dos partition of 23GB D:
  but i had created two extended partition of 6GB and 10 GB.
  I need to know, why system is unable to load linux
  on startup? what is the problem with linuxloader??
  have you guys seen this kind of DiskDrake behavior???
  is this DiskDrake is a buggy software???
  Can mandrake guys answer my questions??

rolling on the floor :)

this newbie place can be fun at times

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