Re: [newbie-it] Modem usb e 7.2

2000-11-27 Thread Andrea Celli

Lele wrote:
 Qualcuno sa dirmi se ci sono speranze di afar funzionare un modem usb
 Elsa con la 7.2 ?.
 Io ho la 7.1 e non c'è verso di farlo andare anche se tastiera e mouse,
 entrambi usb sono riconosciuti senza problemi.
 Vorreiusare Linux per andare in rete senza dover cambiare modem.
 Grazie per eventuali risposte

NOn saprei.
Pero`, tu hai provato a cercare su ?

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2000-11-27 Thread Andrea Celli

 Berto wrote:

 A tutti quelli che vogliono rimuoversi dalla lista
vorrei fare un po' di considerazioni:

1) se per rimuoversi si dovesse scrivere a tutta la lista,
vi immaginereste cosa succederebbe su grosse liste con 
migliaia di aderenti?
Ogni giorno qualcuno vorrebbe iscriversi/rimuoversi
e meta` del traffico sarebbe relativo ai loro messaggi :-((

2) Quando vi siete iscritti, avete ricevuto un messaggio dal
robot che gestisce la lista in cui si spiegava chiaramente
che per rimuoversi ed altre esigenze "amministrative" 
bisogna rivolgersi a lui: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3) imparate l'inglese!
Se aveste scritto la parola giusta ( non "unsubscrive"
ma "unsubbe" ) il vostro messaggio sarebbe stato
automaticamente respinto con una lettera che spiegava
la giusta procedura.
O l'avete ricevuta e cestinata?
Troppa fatica per leggerla?

Saro`  cattivo (oggi ho il mal di denti) pero`
Andreotti diceva che: "A pensar male di qualcuno
si fa peccato, ma spesso ci si indovina" :-)

saluti, Andrea

R: [newbie-it] Modem usb e 7.2

2000-11-27 Thread luca laghi

 Lele wrote:
  Qualcuno sa dirmi se ci sono speranze di afar funzionare un modem usb
  Elsa con la 7.2 ?.
  Io ho la 7.1 e non c'è verso di farlo andare anche se tastiera e mouse,
  entrambi usb sono riconosciuti senza problemi.
  Vorreiusare Linux per andare in rete senza dover cambiare modem.
  Grazie per eventuali risposte

E' possibile che la casa produttrice stia sviluppando il software anche per
linux e che sia disposta a spedirtelo anche se in versione non definitiva
pronta per il commercio. A me è successo così per il mio win modem. La
thundercom mi ha spedito i file in 5 minuti di orologio.

Re: [newbie-it] Modem usb e 7.2

2000-11-27 Thread osva

Qualcuno sa dirmi se ci sono speranze di afar funzionare un modem usb
 Elsa con la 7.2 ?.
 Io ho la 7.1 e non c'è verso di farlo andare anche se tastiera e mouse,
 entrambi usb sono riconosciuti senza problemi.
 Vorreiusare Linux per andare in rete senza dover cambiare modem.
 Grazie per eventuali risposte

ho la mandr 7.1 ed un modem usb e ormai dispero di trovare una soluzione,
anzi, giusto oggi ho consultato il sito web della casa costruttice del mio
usb-modem, la ST Microelectronics (mai sentita prima, tra l'altro...) ed ho
trovato tre la FAQ che nessu modem usb da loro prodotto è supportato da
linux e che non hanno in programma di mettersi a scrivere dei driver...cosa
aggiungere? a questo punto penso che lo cambierò...a meno che non trovi
qualcuno che si è scritto da solo un bel mi sembra veramente
non so se ti sono stato d' vedrei di che marca è il tuo modem e
proverei a consultare il sito web per vedere se trovi delle informazioni
sulla compatibilità con linux...fammi sapere...
ciao, osva

R: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2000-11-27 Thread bube

 O l'avete ricevuta e cestinata?
 Troppa fatica per leggerla?
 Saro`  cattivo (oggi ho il mal di denti) pero`
 Andreotti diceva che: "A pensar male di qualcuno
 si fa peccato, ma spesso ci si indovina" :
se non sbaglio una volta Gesù ha detto ad una folla che voleva lapidare una donna cvhe 
avveva peccato di adulterio che solo chi era senza peccato avrebbe potuto scagliare la 
pietra , ora scusa se te lo dico ma la frase di esempio tratta dall'onorevole 
andreotti mi pare fuori luogo per 2 motivi :
1) anche dopo lunghe indagini , processi e contro processi non si sà ancora se sia 
coinvolto in affari di mafia 
2) è un politico che è abituato a dirti una cosa e mentre te la dice pensarne altre 
mille del tutto opposte 

ti starai chiedendo qual 'è la morale del messaggio ???
te la dico subito : ti sembrerò anche cattivo ma sai ho appena finito l'allenamento e 
oggi abbiamo fatto 20 volte 200m in soglia e ho abbastanza le palle girate, la morale 
è questa:
io sono tra quelli che appena arrivata la lettera di sympa non l'ha letta e l'ho 
cestinata ma dato che non ho rotto le palle a nessuno per sapere come fare a togliersi 
dalla lista!!
vorrei che tu le rompessi a noi con quell'atteggiamento da saputello ( es: imparate 
l'inglese , troppa fatica per leggerla )
perchè se voglio con la lettera di sympa , dopo averla stampata mi ci pulisco pure il 
bon!!! ho finito!!!
spero di essere stato moolto antipatico 
n.b la frase di andreotti forse non lo sai ma ha un seguito che fa cosi:
"A pensar male di qualcuno
si fa peccato, ma spesso ci si indovina"  a volte però ci si indovina di più facendosi 
i cazzi propri!!! :)
ciao ciao!!!

Re: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

2000-11-27 Thread lobaxteen

masiamo fuori, privato per favore, basta,basta e basta
e ci si indovina anche a non rompere il cazzo agli altri con cose inutili
chi ha dato ha dato chi ha sbagliato ha sbagliato ma almeno non rompa i
- Original Message -
From: "bube" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 12:09 AM
Subject: R: [newbie-it] unsubscrive

  O l'avete ricevuta e cestinata?
  Troppa fatica per leggerla?
  Saro`  cattivo (oggi ho il mal di denti) pero`
  Andreotti diceva che: "A pensar male di qualcuno
  si fa peccato, ma spesso ci si indovina" :
 se non sbaglio una volta Gesù ha detto ad una folla che voleva lapidare
una donna cvhe avveva peccato di adulterio che solo chi era senza peccato
avrebbe potuto scagliare la pietra , ora scusa se te lo dico ma la frase di
esempio tratta dall'onorevole andreotti mi pare fuori luogo per 2 motivi :
 1) anche dopo lunghe indagini , processi e contro processi non si sà
ancora se sia coinvolto in affari di mafia
 2) è un politico che è abituato a dirti una cosa e mentre te la dice
pensarne altre mille del tutto opposte

 ti starai chiedendo qual 'è la morale del messaggio ???
 te la dico subito : ti sembrerò anche cattivo ma sai ho appena finito
l'allenamento e oggi abbiamo fatto 20 volte 200m in soglia e ho abbastanza
le palle girate, la morale è questa:
 io sono tra quelli che appena arrivata la lettera di sympa non l'ha letta
e l'ho cestinata ma dato che non ho rotto le palle a nessuno per sapere come
fare a togliersi dalla lista!!
 vorrei che tu le rompessi a noi con quell'atteggiamento da saputello ( es:
imparate l'inglese , troppa fatica per leggerla )
 perchè se voglio con la lettera di sympa , dopo averla stampata mi ci
pulisco pure il culo 
 bon!!! ho finito!!!
 spero di essere stato moolto antipatico
 n.b la frase di andreotti forse non lo sai ma ha un seguito che fa cosi:
 "A pensar male di qualcuno
 si fa peccato, ma spesso ci si indovina"  a volte però ci si indovina di
più facendosi i cazzi propri!!! :)
 ciao ciao!!!

RE: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

2000-11-27 Thread ron peake

I have attempted to install the 7.2 download 2 CD version last weekend and
had similar problems.  Additional comments:
(1) Ditch the Drake partitioner and use the non-free Partition Magic 5.X
program instead. The Drake partitioner will not work properly with Quantum
Fireball drives containing a FAT16/FAT32 partitions and obviously from the
number of complaints on Mandrake lists, there are many other types of drives
it will not work on as well.
(2) KDE 2.0 is prone to crashes and too resource intensive. (Yes, I installed
the final version.)
(3) No matter what type of install is attempted, 7.2 will install non-system
packages which were de-selected and not install other packages which were
(4) KDE2/this-kernel-version causes constant disk activity. (64MB RAM, swap
128MB). CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is totally ineffective to shut down a process
(5) USERDRAKE is clearly broken as are many others.
(6) Many configuration scripts are broken.
(7) The installation process needs very much work.

There are a number of interesting ideas in 7.2 but they are just that: ideas
which have been incompletely implemented.  As an avid Mandrake 7.1 user
I find this to be sad.
Mandrake seems to have lost it's way: The Mandrake-Macmillan monopoly deal,
Macmillan's non-support, Macmillan's different releases of 7.2 (Wallmart
and so on). It is clear that the present Mandrake Management aim Mandrake
at every type of user, anyone who can read their adverts and prod a keyboard,
but who is the Mandrake distribution really suitable for? Mandrake Technical
side clearly have their ideas which seem to conflict with the Mandrake Moneymen

In short: In my opinion, 7.2 is not ready for novice users/Windows users
and possibly too much trouble for even an expert to bother with.
You can do a lot better Mandrake, but do you really want to?

-- Original Message --

Hi all, I am still unable to find the desktop that shows up on the
linux-Mandrake tutorial for KDE. I have only a tool bar at the bottom of
the page and no icons at all. The K button is a penguin with Linux
written in. Is all this normal with the downloaded 7.2 version? I realy
like the look of the desk top in the tutorial.
 Not sure if I have a complete download or if my CDrom is giving up,
cause I had several packages (16 in an attempt at expert/workstation
install) that failed to install. Can't tell if that is the CD or the
CDrom. Any suggestions are welcome. TIA Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

2000-11-27 Thread Robin Regennitter


I just downloaded the more recent update of KDE2 at for
Mandrake7.2.  Some of the features has been upgrade such as when you point
over an icon on the task bar.  the icon enlarged.   It's new to me..   but I
like it.  Also   Kdevelop has been added which was not on before.

- Original Message -
From: "ron peake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:33 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

I have attempted to install the 7.2 download 2 CD version last weekend and
had similar problems.  Additional comments:
(1) Ditch the Drake partitioner and use the non-free Partition Magic 5.X
program instead. The Drake partitioner will not work properly with Quantum
Fireball drives containing a FAT16/FAT32 partitions and obviously from the
number of complaints on Mandrake lists, there are many other types of drives
it will not work on as well.
(2) KDE 2.0 is prone to crashes and too resource intensive. (Yes, I
the final version.)
(3) No matter what type of install is attempted, 7.2 will install non-system
packages which were de-selected and not install other packages which were
(4) KDE2/this-kernel-version causes constant disk activity. (64MB RAM, swap
128MB). CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is totally ineffective to shut down a process
(5) USERDRAKE is clearly broken as are many others.
(6) Many configuration scripts are broken.
(7) The installation process needs very much work.

There are a number of interesting ideas in 7.2 but they are just that: ideas
which have been incompletely implemented.  As an avid Mandrake 7.1 user
I find this to be sad.
Mandrake seems to have lost it's way: The Mandrake-Macmillan monopoly deal,
Macmillan's non-support, Macmillan's different releases of 7.2 (Wallmart
and so on). It is clear that the present Mandrake Management aim Mandrake
at every type of user, anyone who can read their adverts and prod a
but who is the Mandrake distribution really suitable for? Mandrake Technical
side clearly have their ideas which seem to conflict with the Mandrake

In short: In my opinion, 7.2 is not ready for novice users/Windows users
and possibly too much trouble for even an expert to bother with.
You can do a lot better Mandrake, but do you really want to?

-- Original Message --

Hi all, I am still unable to find the desktop that shows up on the
linux-Mandrake tutorial for KDE. I have only a tool bar at the bottom of
the page and no icons at all. The K button is a penguin with Linux
written in. Is all this normal with the downloaded 7.2 version? I realy
like the look of the desk top in the tutorial.
 Not sure if I have a complete download or if my CDrom is giving up,
cause I had several packages (16 in an attempt at expert/workstation
install) that failed to install. Can't tell if that is the CD or the
CDrom. Any suggestions are welcome. TIA Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] Upgrade kernel

2000-11-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

Where did you get the new kernel from, and how did you install it? A Mandrake 
kernel installed as an RPM should have no problems with Supermount. AFAIK, 
only Mandrake has Supermount in their kernels (correct me if I'm wrong). If 
you compiled from sources, or used a non-Mandrake kernel, then there's a 
chance that you don't have Supermount compiled into the kernel. In that case, 
the easiest solution is to upgrade to the latest Mandrake kernel, currently 
2.2.17. Otherwise, you could wait for 2.4 (again, get a Mandrake version), 
which is due in December (provided that Linus meets his own deadline).

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 18:09, Kusumanto Sigit wrote:
 I've just upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 kernel into 2.2.16. After boot up, my
 supermount feature doesn't work. It complains that the kernel doesn't
 support it. What compilling options should I choose to enable this feature?


Sridhar Dhanapalan
"One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

Re: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

2000-11-27 Thread Keldmar

What a load of BS.

i downloaded the two iso cds from the mandrake site and instlaled them on my
system and it works fine. no hiccups and no problems.  everything i wanted
installed and it runs better faster, and picks up more of my hardware then
7.1 ever did.

- Original Message -
From: "ron peake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 6:33 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

I have attempted to install the 7.2 download 2 CD version last weekend and
had similar problems.  Additional comments:
(1) Ditch the Drake partitioner and use the non-free Partition Magic 5.X
program instead. The Drake partitioner will not work properly with Quantum
Fireball drives containing a FAT16/FAT32 partitions and obviously from the
number of complaints on Mandrake lists, there are many other types of drives
it will not work on as well.
(2) KDE 2.0 is prone to crashes and too resource intensive. (Yes, I
the final version.)
(3) No matter what type of install is attempted, 7.2 will install non-system
packages which were de-selected and not install other packages which were
(4) KDE2/this-kernel-version causes constant disk activity. (64MB RAM, swap
128MB). CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is totally ineffective to shut down a process
(5) USERDRAKE is clearly broken as are many others.
(6) Many configuration scripts are broken.
(7) The installation process needs very much work.

There are a number of interesting ideas in 7.2 but they are just that: ideas
which have been incompletely implemented.  As an avid Mandrake 7.1 user
I find this to be sad.
Mandrake seems to have lost it's way: The Mandrake-Macmillan monopoly deal,
Macmillan's non-support, Macmillan's different releases of 7.2 (Wallmart
and so on). It is clear that the present Mandrake Management aim Mandrake
at every type of user, anyone who can read their adverts and prod a
but who is the Mandrake distribution really suitable for? Mandrake Technical
side clearly have their ideas which seem to conflict with the Mandrake

In short: In my opinion, 7.2 is not ready for novice users/Windows users
and possibly too much trouble for even an expert to bother with.
You can do a lot better Mandrake, but do you really want to?

-- Original Message --

Hi all, I am still unable to find the desktop that shows up on the
linux-Mandrake tutorial for KDE. I have only a tool bar at the bottom of
the page and no icons at all. The K button is a penguin with Linux
written in. Is all this normal with the downloaded 7.2 version? I realy
like the look of the desk top in the tutorial.
 Not sure if I have a complete download or if my CDrom is giving up,
cause I had several packages (16 in an attempt at expert/workstation
install) that failed to install. Can't tell if that is the CD or the
CDrom. Any suggestions are welcome. TIA Dennis M.

Re: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

2000-11-27 Thread ron peake

Lucky you.

-- Original Message --

What a load of BS.

i downloaded the two iso cds from the mandrake site and instlaled them
system and it works fine. no hiccups and no problems.  everything i wanted
installed and it runs better faster, and picks up more of my hardware then
7.1 ever did.

- Original Message -
From: "ron peake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 6:33 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] KDE2 in 7.2 download

I have attempted to install the 7.2 download 2 CD version last weekend
had similar problems.  Additional comments:
(1) Ditch the Drake partitioner and use the non-free Partition Magic 5.X
program instead. The Drake partitioner will not work properly with Quantum
Fireball drives containing a FAT16/FAT32 partitions and obviously from
number of complaints on Mandrake lists, there are many other types of drives
it will not work on as well.
(2) KDE 2.0 is prone to crashes and too resource intensive. (Yes, I
the final version.)
(3) No matter what type of install is attempted, 7.2 will install non-system
packages which were de-selected and not install other packages which were
(4) KDE2/this-kernel-version causes constant disk activity. (64MB RAM,
128MB). CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is totally ineffective to shut down a process
(5) USERDRAKE is clearly broken as are many others.
(6) Many configuration scripts are broken.
(7) The installation process needs very much work.

There are a number of interesting ideas in 7.2 but they are just that:
which have been incompletely implemented.  As an avid Mandrake 7.1 user
I find this to be sad.
Mandrake seems to have lost it's way: The Mandrake-Macmillan monopoly deal,
Macmillan's non-support, Macmillan's different releases of 7.2 (Wallmart
and so on). It is clear that the present Mandrake Management aim Mandrake
at every type of user, anyone who can read their adverts and prod a
but who is the Mandrake distribution really suitable for? Mandrake Technical
side clearly have their ideas which seem to conflict with the Mandrake

In short: In my opinion, 7.2 is not ready for novice users/Windows users
and possibly too much trouble for even an expert to bother with.
You can do a lot better Mandrake, but do you really want to?

-- Original Message --

Hi all, I am still unable to find the desktop that shows up on the
linux-Mandrake tutorial for KDE. I have only a tool bar at the bottom
the page and no icons at all. The K button is a penguin with Linux
written in. Is all this normal with the downloaded 7.2 version? I realy
like the look of the desk top in the tutorial.
 Not sure if I have a complete download or if my CDrom is giving up,
cause I had several packages (16 in an attempt at expert/workstation
install) that failed to install. Can't tell if that is the CD or the
CDrom. Any suggestions are welcome. TIA Dennis M.

Re: [newbie]vmware and Xfree86v.4

2000-11-27 Thread civileme

Marcia wrote:
 Dear All, I just found out that vmware does not work with the new
 Xfree86 version 4. I have already paid $99 for it and downloaded it.
 What would be the best thing to do now? I definitely wish to use it.
 Thanks for your help. Marcia

Wait a little longer and get Plex86 for free.  It boots Win95 now.

As for the VMware, return it and make it their problem.  XFree 4.01 has
been out for months and is open source.  VMWare had the responsibility
to make it work since their software is secret and nothing could be done
from the XFree end.


[newbie] Loading ML7.2

2000-11-27 Thread Mr S Ganesan

Dear Sir,
I downloaded the iso files of mandrake-linux7.2 from the ftp
server and have burnt the two cds in the iso format.
Now please tell me how I go about loading the software? It only shows one
file of the iso extension and nothing happens when I double click it.

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

Re: [newbie] HD Partition question

2000-11-27 Thread civileme

 Jacqueline Michell wrote:
 Irsquo;m very sorry if this is a dumb question.  I bought
 Linux-Mandrake 7.2 (powerpack deluxe) and need some advice on
 partitions before I install.  I have no experience with Linux and find
 the installation manual unclear on this point.  I have also searched
 the newbie archives.
 My 15G HD now has two partitions:   7.14G (C:) Windows and Windows
 applications that are already installed--AND--7.13G (E:) reserved for
 Linux--not yet installed.  (I need to be able to dual-boot to either
 Windows or Linux.)
 My questions:
 1. Is there a way to insure that Linux is installed on the E:\drive?
 If so, is this choice made in the Recommended, Customized, or Expert
 class of installation?
 2. Or---do I need to remove the E: partition and let Linux make
 itrsquo;s own partitions?  If so, can one make sure that both OS have
 about equal HD space?
 Any help will be greatly appreciated . . . Jacqueline Michell

Ummm, well, just delete partition E and use customized install.  On the
blank end of the disk click with the mouse pointer and let it set up
root (/ mount point) swap /usr and /home.  If you want to choose sizes,
make root (/) at least 500Mb /usr at least 3 G, and swap about 250 Mb. 
Let /home have the rest.

Windows will NOT see any of those partitions, but you can make the first
partition(drive C: which linux will call /dev/hda1) have a mount point
called /mnt/windows which will give you access from linux to your
windows files.  There is a program available by searching
called explore2fs at this location which will allow windows to see your
linux files, but I do recommend that you not use it to write to the
linux partitions from windows.  Writing in the other direction is much
safer, i. e. let linux read your windows files.


Re: [newbie]vmware and Xfree86v.4

2000-11-27 Thread Ian Land


I'm running VMWare 2.0.3 with Mandrake 7.2 running XFree 4.01 
with no problems, although VMWare do state on their site that they 
don't support it. 


 Marcia wrote:
  Dear All, I just found out that vmware does not work with
  the new
  Xfree86 version 4. I have already paid $99 for it and downloaded it.
  What would be the best thing to do now? I definitely wish to use it.
  Thanks for your help. Marcia
 Wait a little longer and get Plex86 for free.  It boots Win95 now.
 As for the VMware, return it and make it their problem.  XFree 4.01
 has been out for months and is open source.  VMWare had the
 responsibility to make it work since their software is secret and
 nothing could be done from the XFree end.


"I said they were mad; they said I was mad; damn them, 
 they outvoted me"

- Nathaniel Lee

Re: [newbie] Loading ML7.2

2000-11-27 Thread Tryphon Tournesol

It seems to me that you have copied the .iso file from your HD to your CD.
A .iso file is an image of a CD. You must extract the information from that
file to burn the CD.
Your CD Writer's software documentation should explain how to burn a CD from
an iso image.
A - Original Message -
From: "Mr S Ganesan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 11:51 AM
Subject: [newbie] Loading ML7.2

 Dear Sir,
 I downloaded the iso files of mandrake-linux7.2 from the ftp
 server and have burnt the two cds in the iso format.
 Now please tell me how I go about loading the software? It only shows one
 file of the iso extension and nothing happens when I double click it.

 Senior Scientist
 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
 Berasia Road
 Bhopal 462038, INDIA
 Phone: 0755-730986 (O)
 0755-732105 (R)
 Fax: 0755-734016
 Web Address:

[newbie] Mandrake on an old system - Firewall

2000-11-27 Thread Jurian Blok

I got Mandrake 6 from a friend to install it on an old system.  He figured it would 

I'm talking about an :
I486 40DX, upgraded with an Evergreen overdrive to 120MHz, and 32 MB RAM
Hard disk of 500 MB (bios doesn't support any larger drives)
Trident 8900 video card
two NE2000 compatible (by configuration) Network cards
(I can provide more details if needed)

Sadly but true, the damn thing got hanging at a certain point in the boot process.

I want to set up a firewall on it, figuring that Linux provides the necessary power 
and security to the system.  That's why there are 2 net cards in it: when I get 
connected to the Internet by cable, I put this baby between Internet and my home 

I'm new to Linux, allthough I tried several times to make the switch to it (Red Hat 
5).  Lack of time made me quit and get on (DON'T SHOOT) with Windows everything.

I want this thing getting started, so all help is welcome

Jurian Blok
Teutenweg 37
3920 Lommel
Tel/Fax +32-11-55 25 73
GSM +32-477-89 02 07

Re: [newbie] Upgrade kernel

2000-11-27 Thread Cyphfer

Keep in mind that even numbered 2.2.16 kernels are developmental and odd numbered 
kernels are considered stable.  It is quite possible 2.2.16 will not support your 


On Sun, 26 November 2000, Kusumanto Sigit wrote:

 I've just upgrade my Mandrake 7.0 kernel into 2.2.16. After boot up, my
 supermount feature doesn't work. It complains that the kernel doesn't
 support it. What compilling options should I choose to enable this feature?


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[newbie] Webmin.....

2000-11-27 Thread Fred Klaus

I have been using RedHat 6.2 with Webmin for remote control in my home.

I saw the new Mandraake 7.2 system and decided I had to have it.

Everything is working perfect except: browser based utilities likne
linuxconf, SWAT, Telnet, and Webmin. 

To access Webmin, I use http://webmin:1. I never had this problem on
RedHat si I'm assuming my setup is incorrect.

Any thoughts?

Fred Klaus

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] Mandrake on an old system - Firewall

2000-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 27 November 2000 09:59 am, Eugene C. Zesch wrote:

 I've heard rumors of people running mandrake on a 486, but never
 persomally seen it. Mandrake is compiled for a Pentium class
 processor, so the binaries may have instructions a 486 doesnt hve.
 You have several options:
   Compile Mandrake for a 486 or find a 486 version.

Linux-Mandrake 7.0 ISO image for i486 and higher  

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

RE: [newbie] Registered User

2000-11-27 Thread Dickman, Jeff

lol :)



-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Registered User

You send $1 to every person on this list and then we all get together in a
quarum and decide upon what number to issue to you. then you point your
browser at this site:


/ * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
  * in order to get the rats up from below decks
  * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 Dickman, Jeff had this to say!

 How do I become a registered Linux User?

Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread John Rye

 Ironicly they now own a Linux OS.  They bought Corel did they not? :)

It's not that may years ago that they also distributed Xenix - what's
the deal?

Just remember that any flavour of *NIX they distribute will more than
like _NOT_ be open-source.

Nuf o this..

ICQ#: 89345394  Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
(The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972.)

RE: [newbie] Mandrake on an old system - Firewall

2000-11-27 Thread Dickman, Jeff

The 7.2 image has a special install for i486.  I remember reading about it
on the Mandrake website...Sorry-not muc help beyond that...

Linux Registered User # 196176

-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake on an old system - Firewall

On Monday 27 November 2000 09:59 am, Eugene C. Zesch wrote:

 I've heard rumors of people running mandrake on a 486, but never
 persomally seen it. Mandrake is compiled for a Pentium class
 processor, so the binaries may have instructions a 486 doesnt hve.
 You have several options:
   Compile Mandrake for a 486 or find a 486 version.

Linux-Mandrake 7.0 ISO image for i486 and higher  

Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Webmin.....

2000-11-27 Thread civileme

Fred Klaus wrote:
 I have been using RedHat 6.2 with Webmin for remote control in my home.
 I saw the new Mandraake 7.2 system and decided I had to have it.
 Everything is working perfect except: browser based utilities likne
 linuxconf, SWAT, Telnet, and Webmin.
 To access Webmin, I use http://webmin:1. I never had this problem on
 RedHat si I'm assuming my setup is incorrect.
 Any thoughts?
 Fred Klaus
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.


Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread An0nonmous

Well, I far as I know, there is only 1 virus for Linux, which is actually a 
Trojan Horse. Plus, This Trojan Horse only affects the kernels below 2.2.15
As for fiewalls, I don't have a clue, but I would be very surprised if you 
couldn't get one.


Re: [newbie] Modem's busy

2000-11-27 Thread Goldenpi

Mines on com1. There is a very good reason for this.

I got a ready made computer and the manufacturer only put one uart in.
Without more uarts coms 2 thru 4 will not work. The cheap manufacturer left
out the chips for the serial ports.

- Original Message -
From: "KompuKit" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem's busy

 first of allmodems are always commonly hooked up
 on com 2   some times on com3 and 4but hardly never on
 this is the first time...I've ever heard of  a modem hooked
 up as com1
 the mouse is supposed to use com 1...try setting it up on
 com2 and I
 bet it works

 Dennis Myers wrote:
  patrick wrote:
   Tom Brinkman wrote:
On Saturday 25 November 2000 02:30 pm, KompuKit wrote:
 to be safe...just buy a EXTERNAL modem...
 all of them will work.
this is just plain WRONG nonsense
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay
   no , this is not nonsense. external modems work quite well
   with linux.
   i also want to share with everyone a way to make your
   printer work. i am using a panasonice laser jet. there
   is a driver in 7.2 for it. after installing it my printer
   was acting crazy. continually printing pages over and over.
   i uninstalled the driver finally , shut down the computer
   and rebooted. i also turned off the printer. i started
   kde and reinstalled the driver. printer works fine now.
   i just love linux :)
  I agree with the external modems work in linux. I have a Best Data ext
  Modem that worked very well until recently. It still works in windows
  but I keep getting a  "Modem does not respond". I have tried to reset,
  unplug, reconfig, etc. To no avail. The modem is plugged into com1 i.e.
  ttyS0 and works in windows, but no response in 7.2. It does not show up
  in  harddrake either.  Any suggestions out there. Oh, I am on the Linux
  only box right now using a Best Data internal modem which also works
  very well and says Linux compatable on the box. Thanks for any help with
  this puzzle.

  Registered Linux User:167369
 Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lowell, Mass.
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

RE: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread Liaw, Andy

I also read an article that says Corel is thinking about spinning off the
Linux OS.


 From: Kelly, Christopher[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:26 AM
 Subject:  RE: [newbie] gates gets linux
 I read an article that said that they might be using Linux code to fix all
 the bugs that Winblows has...
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:13 AM
 To: patrick
 Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets linux
 Ironicly they now own a Linux OS.  They bought Corel did they not? :)
  u know this is sound rather silly but i have
  thinking this for awhile about microsoft.
  are they using linux code ?
  Love is all u need
 Mike Freeman
 Embrace the Penguin.  Give Bill the cold shoulder! 
 Linux Registered User #190770  (10/02/2000)
 Get your own free email account from

Re: [newbie] partition info destruction

2000-11-27 Thread Goldenpi

That partition is gone. You should never have told it to install there.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: [newbie] partition info destruction

 Ok, this is what happened...

 I was running Windows, and bought Linux-Mandrake 7.2.
 I installed it with the custom option, as i had already installed 7.1 a
 couple of times. when it got to the point to decide how to install it on
 harddrive, i chose the option "install to free space on Windows", which i
 thought would create the necessary partitions, and 'steal' the space from
 windows. Beforehand i had defragmented windows.
 when i clicked into the "install to free space on Windows" option, the
 system froze.(AI could move the mouse, but the system would not respond to
 mouse or the keyboard navigation of the options... I proceeded to press
 the system rebooted, but instead of booting normally it asked for me to
 enter the location of my file, i entred c:\windows\
 to no avail. When i booted with my win 98 boot disc it told me that it had
 not found a valid FAT16 or FAT32 partition on my drive, and that i should
 use fdisk to make one. i used fdisk and it told me that there was the
 partition (i could tell because of the size), but that it was a non-DOS
 partition. I tried using norton disc doctor, but that didn't help because
 could not see a drive to examine...
 I desperately need help, because i've got important stuff on the windows
 I started Lnx-mdk 7.2 setup again, just to see what the partitions looked
 like etc. but the 'only' option of how to install was to use all the space
 (ie. no option to use the space that was not being used by windows - win
 not use all the space on my harddrive; the rest is empty)
 I know this is not exactly a linux question, but my guess is that some of
 you will also know something about windows.

 Thanx a lot...


 Sent through GMX FreeMail -


2000-11-27 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear All, I am trying to get on the internet again with Linux mandrake
7.2. I was on a few days ago until I installed Suse 7 and tried to do
networking there which crashed my Linux mandrake 7.2. I then reinstalled
my 7.2. I have not been able to get my internet going since.

  Everytime I check my eth0 config files I get a device or
resource is busy. Linuxconf does not see my card and cannot load the
module. I know this is because Suse stole the module, address, and or

   I thought the best antidote would be to use fdisk and get rid
of Suse. I did that however the problem has not been resolved. All of my
configuration files are set up (in LM 7.2) just as they were before Suse
ruined it. What is the best remedy here? My goal is to just have Linux
Mandrake 7.2 working great and on the internet again. I do not want Suse

I definitely like Mandrake 7.2 better but wanted to try Suse
because my mp3's would not play correctly in LM7.2 and the Hearts game
shows no faces on the cards.Since my reinstall of LM7.2 my mp3's play
great , but still no faces on Hearts. I can live with that as long as I
get my internet back.

  I do have 2 IDE harddrives. Linux Mandrake 7.2 is on the first
one or hda and Suse was on the second or hdb. Is there something I can do
short of reformatting my drives and reinstalling Linux 7.2? Thanks for
your assistance. 
  Sincerely, Marcia

Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:

Re: [newbie] Http(d)?

2000-11-27 Thread Goldenpi

Move the holder /webpage to /home/httpd/html. All the webpages you serve go
in there. Or you could edit httpd.gonf to set the documentroot=/webpage

- Original Message -
From: "-michael-" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 9:05 PM
Subject: [newbie] Http(d)?

 So I have an html file, say /webpage/index.html, on my 'server'
 ( Now I type Http:// from
 one box and no luck (Error 404) but when I do it from the alleged
"server", I
 get my html file moose n all.

 Am I correct in assuming that there is a problem with the way I set up or
 didn't my httpd file or some other piece of apache arcana (Included with
 7.2)? This is my first time, so be gentle.

 RLU# 175480

[newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread Yayan Irianto

Hi All,
Thanks for your answer regarding my internet connection, and I got the
solution for it.
Frankly I am new with linux but start to interrest it (I hope love it too).
I have some question,
Are there computer viruses in Linux environtment (that always atack windows
Is there a firewall software like Norton Internet Security?
Thanks again.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Connection speed

2000-11-27 Thread Goldenpi

I presume you are talking about internet connection speed.

Under windows you dont need another app. When you connect just look at the
two flashing moniter icon in the taskbar.

Under linux, you will see a kppp minimize after you have connected. Get it
back up.

- Original Message -
From: "Roger Sherman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Linux-Mandrake newbie mailing list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 2:12 AM
Subject: [newbie] Connection speed

 Can anyone tell me how to tell what my connection speed is? I had a nice
 little app called speedgadget in Windows, but there's no way I'm booting
 into hell just for that ;-)




 Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread poogle

For a newbie, I like Guarddog firewall, free and downloadable
it's available for MD 7.0. 7.1  7.2

On Monday 27 November 2000 16:48, you wrote:
 Hi All,
 Thanks for your answer regarding my internet connection, and I got the
 solution for it.
 Frankly I am new with linux but start to interrest it (I hope love it too).
 I have some question,
 Are there computer viruses in Linux environtment (that always atack windows
 Is there a firewall software like Norton Internet Security?
 Thanks again.


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Webmin.....

2000-11-27 Thread Aaron Lynch

Try localhost:1


On 11/27/00 9:51 AM, The Defendant "Fred Klaus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have been using RedHat 6.2 with Webmin for remote control in my home.
 I saw the new Mandraake 7.2 system and decided I had to have it.
 Everything is working perfect except: browser based utilities likne
 linuxconf, SWAT, Telnet, and Webmin.
 To access Webmin, I use http://webmin:1. I never had this problem on
 RedHat si I'm assuming my setup is incorrect.
 Any thoughts?
 Fred Klaus
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Re: [newbie] Registered User

2000-11-27 Thread Tim Holmes

I like this idea... so when's the $$$ going to start
roll'n in ?

* Dickman, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001127 11:26]:
 lol :)
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 6:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Registered User
 You send $1 to every person on this list and then we all get together in a
 quarum and decide upon what number to issue to you. then you point your
 browser at this site:
 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
 On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 Dickman, Jeff had this to say!
  How do I become a registered Linux User?

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

Re: [Re: [newbie] Upgrade kernel]

2000-11-27 Thread Michael Scottaline

Cyphfer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Keep in mind that even numbered 2.2.16 kernels are developmental and odd
numbered kernels are considered stable.  It is quite possible 2.2.16 will not
support your machine.
I believe 2.2.16 IS  a stable kernel.  Actually it's ODD #'d kernels (using
the middle digit) that are developmental and even that are stable.  So 2.3.x
is developmental while 2.2.x is stable.  The lefthand digit is really just a
patch #, I believe.

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
--Tom Waits ~~~

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

RE: [newbie] partition info destruction

2000-11-27 Thread Kelly, Christopher

It sounds like it overrode your winblows partition. Ouch!

-Original Message-
From: Goldenpi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] partition info destruction

That partition is gone. You should never have told it to install there.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: [newbie] partition info destruction

 Ok, this is what happened...

 I was running Windows, and bought Linux-Mandrake 7.2.
 I installed it with the custom option, as i had already installed 7.1 a
 couple of times. when it got to the point to decide how to install it on
 harddrive, i chose the option "install to free space on Windows", which i
 thought would create the necessary partitions, and 'steal' the space from
 windows. Beforehand i had defragmented windows.
 when i clicked into the "install to free space on Windows" option, the
 system froze.(AI could move the mouse, but the system would not respond to
 mouse or the keyboard navigation of the options... I proceeded to press
 the system rebooted, but instead of booting normally it asked for me to
 enter the location of my file, i entred c:\windows\
 to no avail. When i booted with my win 98 boot disc it told me that it had
 not found a valid FAT16 or FAT32 partition on my drive, and that i should
 use fdisk to make one. i used fdisk and it told me that there was the
 partition (i could tell because of the size), but that it was a non-DOS
 partition. I tried using norton disc doctor, but that didn't help because
 could not see a drive to examine...
 I desperately need help, because i've got important stuff on the windows
 I started Lnx-mdk 7.2 setup again, just to see what the partitions looked
 like etc. but the 'only' option of how to install was to use all the space
 (ie. no option to use the space that was not being used by windows - win
 not use all the space on my harddrive; the rest is empty)
 I know this is not exactly a linux question, but my guess is that some of
 you will also know something about windows.

 Thanx a lot...


 Sent through GMX FreeMail -

[newbie] Need xf86config help

2000-11-27 Thread Spoonman

Hi all,
I just upgraded from MK 6.1 to MK 7.2.
I wasn't paying attention during the install/upgrade portion
and did a fresh install, which wasn't so bad except...
I'm running on a laptop.
TOshiba Tecra 730XCDT which I had previously wrestled into 1024x768x16bpp.
Now I can't seem to get the monitor to a higher resolution than
Anyone out there have any advice, or maybe a xf86config I can take a look

+Ferris Saves+

Re: [newbie] linux install ok

2000-11-27 Thread Goldenpi

- Original Message -
From: "Abraham E Mandac Jr" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] linux install ok

 At 08:49 AM 11/25/00 -, you wrote:
 Why did you attach these files?

 God knows. Really, it was an accident. My apologies to everyone on this

 Your com port setup under windows needs changeing. They will work with
 settings but you will not get directcc to work and hyperterminal will
 default to 9600. You can change them from device manager.

 I don't understand, but I'll try and read up on that. Will it affect
 Anyway, many thanks for taking the time to examine my 'attachment'.

Wont effect linux or do much under windows. I just dont like to see a messy
config file.


 - Original Message -
 From: "Abraham E Mandac Jr" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 5:19 AM
 Subject: [newbie] linux install ok
  If anyone still remembers some weeks back, I was the guy with the hard
  buying problem. I'd just like to say thanks to all who helped out. I
  finally got my dual boot system up and running fine.

Re: [newbie] no access to cd

2000-11-27 Thread poogle

On 2nd thoughts, you could just log in as root and copy the icons from 
/home/yourname/desktop into /root/desktop

On Monday 27 November 2000 15:39, you wrote:
 I found the same thing, being basically lazy and as the cdrom automounts
 all I do is click on the home icon and then move to /mnt/cdrom and work
 from there

 On Sunday 26 November 2000 17:02, patrick wrote:
  with my 7.2 mandrake i do not have a cd icon to work with
  as root. of course i cant install from cd as user. what must
  i do. i got a feeling u'r gonna tell me something i dont
  want to hear, but tell me anyway :)

Re: [newbie]

2000-11-27 Thread Philomena

Did SuSE and LM share any partitions ? I have them both booting with no 
problems on one hard drive.

Are you using KDE ? If so, you should check what it says in the hardware 
info section of the Control Center - see if your card is recognized. Or, 
try Harddrake - it should display the card as well.


At 12:20 PM 11/27/2000 -0800, you wrote:
Dear All, I am trying to get on the internet again with Linux mandrake
7.2. I was on a few days ago until I installed Suse 7 and tried to do
networking there which crashed my Linux mandrake 7.2. I then reinstalled
my 7.2. I have not been able to get my internet going since.

   Everytime I check my eth0 config files I get a device or
resource is busy. Linuxconf does not see my card and cannot load the
module. I know this is because Suse stole the module, address, and or

I thought the best antidote would be to use fdisk and get rid
of Suse. I did that however the problem has not been resolved. All of my
configuration files are set up (in LM 7.2) just as they were before Suse
ruined it. What is the best remedy here? My goal is to just have Linux
Mandrake 7.2 working great and on the internet again. I do not want Suse

 I definitely like Mandrake 7.2 better but wanted to try Suse
because my mp3's would not play correctly in LM7.2 and the Hearts game
shows no faces on the cards.Since my reinstall of LM7.2 my mp3's play
great , but still no faces on Hearts. I can live with that as long as I
get my internet back.

   I do have 2 IDE harddrives. Linux Mandrake 7.2 is on the first
one or hda and Suse was on the second or hdb. Is there something I can do
short of reformatting my drives and reinstalling Linux 7.2? Thanks for
your assistance.
   Sincerely, Marcia

Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!
Join Juno today!  For your FREE software, visit:

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread Paul

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I far as I know, there is only 1 virus for Linux, which is actually a
Trojan Horse. Plus, This Trojan Horse only affects the kernels below 2.2.15
As for fiewalls, I don't have a clue, but I would be very surprised if you
couldn't get one.

On you can download PMfirewall. It is a script that helps
you set up ipchains, Linux' own firewall. It is good.
Also get portsentry from there and you're fine.


When I am angry,
the drawer in my closet won't open anymore - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
 Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Pine 4.30

RE: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread Duke Glover

Not sure about Viruses, but if you are interested in Linux Security then
check out



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Yayan Irianto
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 11:48 AM
Subject: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

Hi All,
Thanks for your answer regarding my internet connection, and I got the
solution for it.
Frankly I am new with linux but start to interrest it (I hope love it too).
I have some question,
Are there computer viruses in Linux environtment (that always atack windows
Is there a firewall software like Norton Internet Security?
Thanks again.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [newbie] Connect via netbios?

2000-11-27 Thread Goldenpi

Netbios is S-L-O-W. I know because I regurally run a scan and spy on people
just because I can :)

You can either run an ftp server on the windows box or enable ftp under

Anyway, netbios is how people like me break into computers. Not very secure.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 4:30 AM
Subject: [newbie] Connect via netbios?

 My borther-in-law has a windows computer and he is always wanting help and
 for me to send files over the internet. I know netbios is a big thing with
 windows and I just wondered if this would be a good way for us to connect
 over the internet and if so what do I need on this linux box to connect to
 his windows box?

 The box said Win95 or better so I got Linux.

 Registered Linux user 181996

Re: [newbie] 7.2 installs and stuff

2000-11-27 Thread Joseph

Paul wrote:

 On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, eryl wrote:
 I've installed 7.2 on two different boxes, now (developmental), and both
 installs took 3 HOURS!  These boxes are probably minimum, P200mmx with 64M of
 ram and scsi 9 gig drives with 50x ATAPI cdroms.  Three hours seems out of
 line for an install on a clean, formatted HD--at least to me.  The longest
 7.1 took was 70 minutes, or so--I was using scsi 4X cd's with those, though.
 Would a scsi CD make that much difference?
 Ick... that is long. On my PII/350 64Mb machine it only took 45 minutes..

I've installed LM 7.2 on my PIII/585E BXmainboard a few times average 
install time 20mins for both CDs 880 packages


Re: [newbie] EMU10K1 troubles

2000-11-27 Thread Joseph

John Payne wrote:

 When I run sndconfig as root from a command line, this is what happens:
 First, it tells me about the existing config file being renamed, then detects 
 the sound card as SB LIVE!.  When I tell it to continue, it attempts to play 
 a sample  and this appears:
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/emu10k1.o: init_module
 device or resource busy
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/emu10k1.o failed
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/misc/emu10k1.o: insmod
 sound-slot- 0-0 failed
 then it tries for manual config, and repeats the above upon trying to play a 
 However, I have system sounds (sound is on in startup services).
 I can play MIDI's through the external interface fine, but none of the four 
 internal midi synths work.  KMIX shows a tab for Creative SBLIVE but says 
 "invalid mixer Creative SBLive!".  The midi player shows all internal devices 
 as Emu 10k1 wavetable Emu10k1 port 0(1,2,3,) - ALSA Device, and the external
 midi as External Midi 0 Midi 0-0 - ALSA Device.
 There is no sound from the internal wavetable at all, although the player is 
 "playing" the file.  Any help is greatly appreciated, as I have been trying 
 to get this card to work through numerous Distros of various flovors of Linus 
 for over a year now.  I have tried the OSS drivers, and still no internal 
 wavetable.  Is it possible that the card is not loading a patch set?  If so, 
 wher do I put the SF2 files, and how do I load them at boot?
 Thanks in advance for any help.
 John Payne 

same problem here with an SB live!


RE: [newbie] partition info destruction

2000-11-27 Thread Dickman, Jeff

Get Norton Utilies, it has a partition repair program (on the emergency
disks) - little advanced, but you can change it back to a DOS Part


-Original Message-
From: Kelly, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] partition info destruction

It sounds like it overrode your winblows partition. Ouch!

-Original Message-
From: Goldenpi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] partition info destruction

That partition is gone. You should never have told it to install there.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: [newbie] partition info destruction

 Ok, this is what happened...

 I was running Windows, and bought Linux-Mandrake 7.2.
 I installed it with the custom option, as i had already installed 7.1 a
 couple of times. when it got to the point to decide how to install it on
 harddrive, i chose the option "install to free space on Windows", which i
 thought would create the necessary partitions, and 'steal' the space from
 windows. Beforehand i had defragmented windows.
 when i clicked into the "install to free space on Windows" option, the
 system froze.(AI could move the mouse, but the system would not respond to
 mouse or the keyboard navigation of the options... I proceeded to press
 the system rebooted, but instead of booting normally it asked for me to
 enter the location of my file, i entred c:\windows\
 to no avail. When i booted with my win 98 boot disc it told me that it had
 not found a valid FAT16 or FAT32 partition on my drive, and that i should
 use fdisk to make one. i used fdisk and it told me that there was the
 partition (i could tell because of the size), but that it was a non-DOS
 partition. I tried using norton disc doctor, but that didn't help because
 could not see a drive to examine...
 I desperately need help, because i've got important stuff on the windows
 I started Lnx-mdk 7.2 setup again, just to see what the partitions looked
 like etc. but the 'only' option of how to install was to use all the space
 (ie. no option to use the space that was not being used by windows - win
 not use all the space on my harddrive; the rest is empty)
 I know this is not exactly a linux question, but my guess is that some of
 you will also know something about windows.

 Thanx a lot...


 Sent through GMX FreeMail -

[newbie] ppp and home networking

2000-11-27 Thread David Davis

I've used Mandrake since 7.0. Installing 7.0 and 7.1 on my pc with my
network and a ppp connnection to the internet. Using kppp there was no
with the connection to internet using Man. 7.0/7.1 and my home network.
after installing Mandrake 7.2 the only way I can get connection to the
to work is to disable networking and rebooting. When I connect to the
with networking enabled I can ping the local addr and remote attr but
not the dns
address. I turned this into Mandrake and the response was to add a line
resolv.conf "search mydomain" . The problem is kppp
comments this
line out.  Any help would be appreciated. I am stuck here.

David Davis

Re: [newbie] Mandrake on an old system - Firewall

2000-11-27 Thread Gerald A. Jones

At 11/27/2000 06:53, you wrote:
I got Mandrake 6 from a friend to install it on an old system.  He figured 
it would work.

I'm talking about an :
I486 40DX, upgraded with an Evergreen overdrive to 120MHz, and 32 MB RAM
Hard disk of 500 MB (bios doesn't support any larger drives)
Trident 8900 video card
two NE2000 compatible (by configuration) Network cards
(I can provide more details if needed)

Sadly but true, the damn thing got hanging at a certain point in the boot 

I want to set up a firewall on it, figuring that Linux provides the 
necessary power and security to the system.  That's why there are 2 net 
cards in it: when I get connected to the Internet by cable, I put this 
baby between Internet and my home network.

I'm new to Linux, allthough I tried several times to make the switch to it 
(Red Hat 5).  Lack of time made me quit and get on (DON'T SHOOT) with 
Windows everything.

I want this thing getting started, so all help is welcome

Jurian Blok
Teutenweg 37
3920 Lommel
Tel/Fax +32-11-55 25 73
GSM +32-477-89 02 07


I think the Evergreen upgrade is inserting its BIOS at 15M and this is 
causing the boot hang.  If all you want is a firewall 16MB memory will do 
just fine.  You will not be able to run Gnome or KDE with any speed so you 
will have to do all of your work in command line mode.  Get Mandrake 7.0 
486ISO and ask lots of questions here about setting it up.


Re: [newbie] DOS 6.2 question (HD size?)

2000-11-27 Thread David Raleigh Arnold

Alan Shoemaker wrote:
 Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Okay, with HD prices so low, I bought a 2nd (20 gig)
  Seagate hard drive. I added it to my current system, and
  decided to make a dual-boot system, using my old 10 gig WDC
  as the boot HD, for DOS stuff, and the new 20 gigger for my
  precious Linux stuff. I'm not going to go into a huge
  lengthy narrative here, but it works, except that with DOS
  6.2, I get 2 gigs out of 10 available on my 1st hard drive.
  I know that if I installed Windblows, I'd get the full
  benefit of the drives space, but I refuse to have it on my
  system. Note that I'd also much prefer to have DR-DOS on my
  first drive, if anyone out there has experience with it
  (and pointers for getting/installing it?) I found some
  stuff on Caldera's web site, but its all bigger than the 2
  gigs I've got on my 1st HD. Any idea on how to get the
  other 8 gigs from DOS 6.2, until I can get DR-DOS
  installed? (and does DR-DOS find my full 10 gigs as well?)
  Thanks in advance! ;-)
 Ronaldyour question made me curious.  I have Caldera
 DR-DOS 7.01 on my primary IDE drive, but I'v only partitioned
 the 1st 200mb for it.  It is the home for Partition Magic 6.0
 and BootMagic.  I bought it from CheapBytes (it's in the book
 section) for about $25.
 Anyway, I booted up on DR-DOS and fiddled with the fdisk
 program for a while.  I appears to max out at 8 gig (the 1024
 cylinder limit).  So I suspect that 8 gigs might be your
 limit on that 10 gig drive.  But perhaps, if you were to
 partition it with Linux fdisk, DR-DOS might be able to use
 the space anyway.  Good luck.
drdos 7.03 can be downloaded, and a "tcpip stack" and 32 bit
drivers also, at Consider 
using the extra 2 g's for optimization instead, like mounting it
on /usr/src or /usr/lib or /home/your/download.
Drdos has fdisk /x to put 3 logical partitions on your hd if
you have *lots* of dos files :-)

[newbie] FW: network card configuration problem

2000-11-27 Thread Liaw, Andy

Sorry.  Forgot to mention that I installed Mandrake 7.1.  There is no other
OS on the machine.  The machine is a dual PIII Xeon 833 with 512MB ram and
18GB SCSI hard disk.

 From: Liaw, Andy
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 4:54 PM
 Subject:  network card configuration problem
 Hi all,
 Can anyone help with the following problem with ethernet card?  Much
 thanks in advance.
 Basically, the auto-detect does not recognize the card correctly.  Even
 after setting it to the correct card in DrakConf, at reboot it still
 revert to the wrong card.
 We recently purchased a Compaq SP750 workstation with an "Integrated Intel
 PRO/100+ Management Adapter" with an Intel chip set 82559.
 [DarkConf][Hardware Configuration] setup shows it as 82557 and try to
 map it to "IBM i82557 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter". Here are the things
 that I have tried  some information that hopefully will help:
 1)  Startup Messages:
 Bringing up Interface lo  [OK]
 Bringing up Interface eth0insmod:
 /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/net/eepro100.o : invalid parameter parm_io
 Delaying eth0 initialization  [FAILED]
 Binding to NIS domain [FAILED]
 2)  # ifconfig
 only shows lo 
 3) script written to manually configure the drivers for the network card:
 insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/net/eepro100.o
 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload
 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S17ypbind start
 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S80sendmail start
 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S95innd start
 # /
 bringin up device eth0[OK]
 shutting down device eth0 [OK]
 bringin up device eth0[OK]
 shutting down device lo   [OK]
 bringin up device lo  [OK]
 binding to NIS domain [FAILED]
 Starting Sendmail:
 Starting INND system  [OK]
 4) # ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap: EthernetHwaddr: xx
   inet addr: 54.xx.xx.xx  Bcast: 54.xx.xx.254
  RX packet: 145  .
  TX packet: 0  .
  Interrupt: 18 Base address: 0xb000
 lo  .
 5) # ifup eth0
 SIOADDRT: File Exist
 SIOADDRT: network unreachable
 6) # route add default gw 54.xx.xx.254 dev eth0
 network unreachable
 7) # route
 Destination   Gateway GenMask FlagUse iface  * UH  eth0  * UH  lo
  54.xx.xx.0 *   U

 8) # route add 54.xx.xx.xx gw 54.xx.xx.254 netmask dev eth0 
ERROR:  netmask:  00ff doesn't make sense with host route
 Andy I. Liaw, PhD
 Biometrics Research  Phone: (732) 594-0820
 Merck  Co., Inc.  Fax: (732) 594-1565

[newbie] printing problem after upgrade from 7.0 to 7.1

2000-11-27 Thread Liaw, Andy

Hi all,

I recently upgraded my machine from LM7.0 to LM7.1, and the printer stopped
working.  Would appreciate if anyone can help.

The printer is a Epson Stylus 600.  It is connected to a scanner, which in
turn, is connected to the parallel port.  It was working fine when I had
LM7.0.  It still works fine under Win98SE.  When I try sending jobs with
lpr, it just doesn't do anything.  I tried PrinterDrake, and neither the
ASCII nor PS test page will print.  Oddly, if I cat an ASCII file to
/dev/lp0, it does print.  Can anyone provide some hints?


Re: [newbie] partition info destruction

2000-11-27 Thread Jozef Glonek

I'm not quite sure your win-partition is gone.
If your LM-setup past the point where the boot disk has been made, use this,
else you could retry the Linux-install disk upto the point where you can use
It will probably show your partition as a type '82' (Linux Native).
You can change your partition here to type 'b' or 'c' (FAT32).
After that you should be able to reboot with your Win bootdisk and save your

That partition is gone. You should never have told it to install there.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: [newbie] partition info destruction

 Ok, this is what happened...

 I was running Windows, and bought Linux-Mandrake 7.2.
 I installed it with the custom option, as i had already installed 7.1 a
 couple of times. when it got to the point to decide how to install it on
 harddrive, i chose the option "install to free space on Windows", which i
 thought would create the necessary partitions, and 'steal' the space from
 windows. Beforehand i had defragmented windows.
 when i clicked into the "install to free space on Windows" option, the
 system froze.(AI could move the mouse, but the system would not respond
to the
 mouse or the keyboard navigation of the options... I proceeded to press
 the system rebooted, but instead of booting normally it asked for me to
 enter the location of my file, i entred
c:\windows\ but
 to no avail. When i booted with my win 98 boot disc it told me that it
 not found a valid FAT16 or FAT32 partition on my drive, and that i should
 use fdisk to make one. i used fdisk and it told me that there was the
 partition (i could tell because of the size), but that it was a non-DOS
 partition. I tried using norton disc doctor, but that didn't help because
 could not see a drive to examine...
 I desperately need help, because i've got important stuff on the windows
 I started Lnx-mdk 7.2 setup again, just to see what the partitions looked
 like etc. but the 'only' option of how to install was to use all the
 (ie. no option to use the space that was not being used by windows - win
 not use all the space on my harddrive; the rest is empty)
 I know this is not exactly a linux question, but my guess is that some of
 you will also know something about windows.

 Thanx a lot...


 Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: [newbie] partition info destruction

2000-11-27 Thread Doug McGarrett

All may not be lost.  If you can run a floppy version of Linux, or
an older (manual) install, use Linux's fdisk to set the partition
information for that old DOS partition to be fat32 and "active" or
bootable, or whatever they call it, save what you have done, and
reboot.  You _could_ get lucky.  This should not make things any
worse, anyway.

At 06:27 PM 11/27/2000 +, you wrote:
That partition is gone. You should never have told it to install there.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 6:34 PM
Subject: [newbie] partition info destruction

  Ok, this is what happened...
  I was running Windows, and bought Linux-Mandrake 7.2.
  I installed it with the custom option, as i had already installed 7.1 a
  couple of times. when it got to the point to decide how to install it on
  harddrive, i chose the option "install to free space on Windows", which i
  thought would create the necessary partitions, and 'steal' the space from
  windows. Beforehand i had defragmented windows.
  when i clicked into the "install to free space on Windows" option, the
  system froze.(AI could move the mouse, but the system would not respond to
  mouse or the keyboard navigation of the options... I proceeded to press
  the system rebooted, but instead of booting normally it asked for me to
  enter the location of my file, i entred c:\windows\
  to no avail. When i booted with my win 98 boot disc it told me that it had
  not found a valid FAT16 or FAT32 partition on my drive, and that i should
  use fdisk to make one. i used fdisk and it told me that there was the
  partition (i could tell because of the size), but that it was a non-DOS
  partition. I tried using norton disc doctor, but that didn't help because
  could not see a drive to examine...
  I desperately need help, because i've got important stuff on the windows
  I started Lnx-mdk 7.2 setup again, just to see what the partitions looked
  like etc. but the 'only' option of how to install was to use all the space
  (ie. no option to use the space that was not being used by windows - win
  not use all the space on my harddrive; the rest is empty)
  I know this is not exactly a linux question, but my guess is that some of
  you will also know something about windows.
  Thanx a lot...
  Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 27 November 2000 12:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For a newbie, I like Guarddog firewall, free and downloadable
 it's available for MD 7.0. 7.1  7.2

 It doesn't close/filter ports as well as PMfirewall does.
Looks nice, but it's less effective ipchains config.

  and here's a better check than ShieldsUp!
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] cookies in konqueror

2000-11-27 Thread patrick

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 there's a setting for the browser part of Konqourer that you can enable all
 cookies.  I think it's in the configuration-browser.

theres a also a setting there for turning off the pictures. i have tried
it and the browser flies. there may be a bug in it though. i have
had an occasional lock up when i have used it.  i do think its
an incredible idea. i have in the past went to pages and wanted
to read and not see all the pictures. it can come in handy.

 - Original Message -
 From: "bascule" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 5:10 PM
 Subject: [newbie] cookies in konqueror

  it's me again! has anyone noticed if some sites that recognise cookies


  netscape don't with konqueror?  can cookies be set to only work with


  browsers, i tried to do some online banking but the bank site insisted

 that i

  had cookies disabled even though i haven't

Love is all u need, and a little Linux too
for good measure

[newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

2000-11-27 Thread Mr Monster

Hi all,

Ok Ive just spent the last few nights downloading the disk image for 7.2

But now Im stuck... when I write the image to cd, can i make the cd
bootable, so i can boot straight off the cd??? (I havent got a floppy
drive - its goosed!!!)

Any help here, would be much appreciated, so I can upgrade my Mandrake box

Thanks guys


[newbie] network card configuration problem

2000-11-27 Thread Liaw, Andy

Hi all,

Can anyone help with the following problem with ethernet card?  Much thanks
in advance.

Basically, the auto-detect does not recognize the card correctly.  Even
after setting it to the correct card in DrakConf, at reboot it still revert
to the wrong card.

We recently purchased a Compaq SP750 workstation with an "Integrated Intel
PRO/100+ Management Adapter" with an Intel chip set 82559.
[DarkConf][Hardware Configuration] setup shows it as 82557 and try to
map it to "IBM i82557 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter". Here are the things that
I have tried  some information that hopefully will help:

1)  Startup Messages:

Bringing up Interface lo[OK]
Bringing up Interface eth0insmod:
/lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/net/eepro100.o : invalid parameter parm_io
Delaying eth0 initialization[FAILED]
Binding to NIS domain   [FAILED]

2)  # ifconfig

only shows lo 

3) script written to manually configure the drivers for the network card:
insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/net/eepro100.o
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S17ypbind start
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S80sendmail start
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S95innd start

# /
bringin up device eth0  [OK]
shutting down device eth0   [OK]
bringin up device eth0  [OK]
shutting down device lo [OK]
bringin up device lo[OK]
binding to NIS domain   [FAILED]
Starting Sendmail:  
Starting INND system[OK]

4) # ifconfig

eth0Link encap: EthernetHwaddr: xx
inet addr: 54.xx.xx.xx  Bcast: 54.xx.xx.254
 RX packet: 145  .
 TX packet: 0  .
 Interrupt: 18 Base address: 0xb000
lo  .

5) # ifup eth0
SIOADDRT: File Exist
SIOADDRT: network unreachable

6) # route add default gw 54.xx.xx.254 dev eth0
network unreachable


7) # route

Destination Gateway GenMask FlagUse iface* UH  eth0* UH  lo
 54.xx.xx.0   *   U   eth0
8) # route add 54.xx.xx.xx gw 54.xx.xx.254 netmask dev eth0 
   ERROR:  netmask:  00ff doesn't make sense with host route

Andy I. Liaw, PhD
Biometrics Research  Phone: (732) 594-0820
Merck  Co., Inc.  Fax: (732) 594-1565

RE: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread Doug McGarrett

"The Cube" --Corel's email journal for Linux users-- which came
out just a few days ago says that they are actively working on a
new Linux release.  For what it's worth, that's what it says.

At 11:06 AM 11/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
I also read an article that says Corel is thinking about spinning off the
Linux OS.

/snip off the rest/

RE: [newbie] DOS 6.2 question (HD size?)

2000-11-27 Thread Dickman, Jeff

MS-DOS 6.2 is actually limited to 2GB Partitions.  You can probably get a
driver from WDC to allow access to the other 8GB...(that used to be the way
we did it...)


 Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Okay, with HD prices so low, I bought a 2nd (20 gig)
  Seagate hard drive. I added it to my current system, and
  decided to make a dual-boot system, using my old 10 gig WDC
  as the boot HD, for DOS stuff, and the new 20 gigger for my
  precious Linux stuff. I'm not going to go into a huge
  lengthy narrative here, but it works, except that with DOS
  6.2, I get 2 gigs out of 10 available on my 1st hard drive.
  I know that if I installed Windblows, I'd get the full
  benefit of the drives space, but I refuse to have it on my
  system. Note that I'd also much prefer to have DR-DOS on my
  first drive, if anyone out there has experience with it
  (and pointers for getting/installing it?) I found some
  stuff on Caldera's web site, but its all bigger than the 2
  gigs I've got on my 1st HD. Any idea on how to get the
  other 8 gigs from DOS 6.2, until I can get DR-DOS
  installed? (and does DR-DOS find my full 10 gigs as well?)
  Thanks in advance! ;-)
 Ronaldyour question made me curious.  I have Caldera
 DR-DOS 7.01 on my primary IDE drive, but I'v only partitioned
 the 1st 200mb for it.  It is the home for Partition Magic 6.0
 and BootMagic.  I bought it from CheapBytes (it's in the book
 section) for about $25.
 Anyway, I booted up on DR-DOS and fiddled with the fdisk
 program for a while.  I appears to max out at 8 gig (the 1024
 cylinder limit).  So I suspect that 8 gigs might be your
 limit on that 10 gig drive.  But perhaps, if you were to
 partition it with Linux fdisk, DR-DOS might be able to use
 the space anyway.  Good luck.

Re: [newbie] cookies in konqueror

2000-11-27 Thread patrick

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 it's me again! has anyone noticed if some sites that recognise cookies with
 netscape don't with konqueror?  can cookies be set to only work with
 certain browsers, i tried to do some online banking but the bank site
 insisted that i had cookies disabled even though i haven't


this is what i have discovered. a couple of weeks ago
i browsed to msn to see what gates was up to with
konquer and i got a message that they did not support
my browser. i then went there a few days later and the
page was available to me. this has happened to me several
times in the past. im not sure of other sites

Love is all u need, and a little Linux too
for good measure

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I far as I know, there is only 1 virus for Linux, which is actually a 
 Trojan Horse. Plus, This Trojan Horse only affects the kernels below 2.2.15
 As for fiewalls, I don't have a clue, but I would be very surprised if you 
 couldn't get one.

The best firewall (or, in other words, the one that I use ;-)) is
IPchains. You can use another nice program called PMFirewall to configure



Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread Romanator

 Ironicly they now own a Linux OS.  They bought Corel did they not? :)
  u know this is sound rather silly but i have
  thinking this for awhile about microsoft.
  are they using linux code ?
  Love is all u need
 Mike Freeman
 Embrace the Penguin.  Give Bill the cold shoulder!
 Linux Registered User #190770  (10/02/2000)
 Get your own free email account from

Oh nooo!! Not Bill again.


[newbie] Bye all ... thank you, too.

2000-11-27 Thread Charles

Thanks for the information and help ... bye all !

Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread patrick

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 "The Cube" --Corel's email journal for Linux users-- which came
 out just a few days ago says that they are actively working on a
 new Linux release.  For what it's worth, that's what it says.

 At 11:06 AM 11/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
 I also read an article that says Corel is thinking about spinning off the
 Linux OS.

 /snip off the rest/

try to become gates for a moment. what do u think is his
motivation. to stop wine or corels emulation of windoes

what do u think

Re: [newbie] Webmin.....

2000-11-27 Thread KompuKit

you need to access webmin different with this version of
try it this way:



you must place the "S" in  http

Fred Klaus wrote:
 I have been using RedHat 6.2 with Webmin for remote control in my home.
 I saw the new Mandraake 7.2 system and decided I had to have it.
 Everything is working perfect except: browser based utilities likne
 linuxconf, SWAT, Telnet, and Webmin.
 To access Webmin, I use http://webmin:1. I never had this problem on
 RedHat si I'm assuming my setup is incorrect.
 Any thoughts?
 Fred Klaus
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] re sendmail simple question (I think :)Thanx all!!!

2000-11-27 Thread Phil Connor

On Monday 27 November 2000 09:19 am, you wrote:
 I would like to just take to time to say thanks to all the people who have
 helped me out.  Especially Phil.  Best Regards to everyone and again thanx.

Your Welcome!
Phil Connor
Registered Linux User # 189889

Re: [newbie] Webmin.....

2000-11-27 Thread Eddie Torres

On Monday 27 November 2000 11:51, you wrote:
 I have been using RedHat 6.2 with Webmin for remote control in my

 I saw the new Mandraake 7.2 system and decided I had to have it.

 Everything is working perfect except: browser based utilities likne
 linuxconf, SWAT, Telnet, and Webmin.

 To access Webmin, I use http://webmin:1. I never had this problem
 on RedHat si I'm assuming my setup is incorrect.

 Any thoughts?

 Fred Klaus

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

Try https instead of http

Eddie Torress

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread patrick

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, you wrote:
 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, I far as I know, there is only 1 virus for Linux, which is actually
  a Trojan Horse. Plus, This Trojan Horse only affects the kernels below
  2.2.15 As for fiewalls, I don't have a clue, but I would be very
  surprised if you couldn't get one.

 The best firewall (or, in other words, the one that I use ;-)) is
 IPchains. You can use another nice program called PMFirewall to configure

and i would say the only problem would be installing it. unless
of course u are linux genius :)

Love is all u need, and a little Linux too
for good measure

Re: [newbie] slow internet connection

2000-11-27 Thread patrick

On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, you wrote:

  I have recently got my computer to connect to the internet after a month
 of agrivation trying to get it to work.  Rather annoying when you find
 out all you had to do was change the authorisation protocol.  Anyways
 now that i can connect i am experience slow connections and was
 wondering if anyone new what the problem might be and how to rectify it.
 Any help here would be greatly appreciated


check to see what your kppp speed is set to. if u have a 56k modem
set it to i think its 15500. set it faster than your modem/
Love is all u need, and a little Linux too
for good measure

[newbie] Majordomo install

2000-11-27 Thread KompuKit

I realise that this list is for Mandrake questions...
but has anyone gotten the tarball of Majordomo 1.94.5
to work on either 7.1  or  7.2  ?
I can't get it to work...and I had it working...on 7.02
with a rpm.  Need answer quickly
 Registered Linux User:167369
Kit Goins   ICQ# 7110071
Web Designer
(Server Runs between M - F 6pm-12am, S  S 12pm-12am EST)

Re: [newbie] Upgrade kernel

2000-11-27 Thread L. H. LOO

At 27-11-2000 -0800, you wrote:
Keep in mind that even numbered 2.2.16 kernels are developmental and odd 
numbered kernels are considered stable.  It is quite possible 2.2.16 will 
not support your machine.

In Running Linux, Third Edition, August 1999, Page 9, para 2 : The stable 
kernel release has an even minor number (such as 2.2), while the 
development release has an odd minor number (such as 2.3). 

Re: [newbie] ?!? sndconfig problem

2000-11-27 Thread M. Lecuona

sousa wrote:
 when run sndconfig (as su) somewhere in the middle of the exec. he says:
 "Sound Card Test
 A sound file will be played
 to determine if your sound card
 was correctly configured"
 and then says this:
 "It wasnt possible to play the audio
 An error occoured in the opening of
 what can I do to fix this?
Check and make sure you run as root.  If this is not the problem, check
the permissions and for the presence of the /dev/audio file.

Maureen Lecuona

Re: [newbie] DOS 6.2 question (HD size?)

2000-11-27 Thread Alan Shoemaker

David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
 drdos 7.03 can be downloaded, and a "tcpip stack" and 32
 bit drivers also, at
 Consider using the extra 2 g's for optimization instead,
 like mounting it on /usr/src or /usr/lib or
 Drdos has fdisk /x to put 3 logical partitions on your hd
 if you have *lots* of dos files :-)

Davidthanks, I'll look into that.

[newbie] how do i config. samba?

2000-11-27 Thread Alexandros Batzios

Hi all. I've just installed Mandrake 7.2(KDE). I would like to ask what 
configuration is necessary for samba. 

On my last linux (rh 6.2), nothing special had to be done for samba. Well, on 
mandrake, it doesn't work. 

I have used SWAT to make an smb.conf and set the workgroup and net-bios name. 
I have tried using xSMBrowser(broadcast) and Konqueror but nothing. This is a 
broadcast network btw. I cannot see any windows shares. In fact, when I run 
xSMBrowser from a terminal here's what I get:

spawn nmblookup -d 1 -S -M
querying  on
name_query failed to find name 

and inside the xSMBrowser I get: Unable to find domain master.

Apart from that, when xSMBrowser starts (I'm just mentioning it because it 
gives out more info, I am far more interested in getting SMB to work with 
Konqueror) this is what it outputs:
Reading /etc/smb.conf ...
Done reading (13 lines, Workgroup=UNKNOWN, Wins Server=none).  

Which is strange because in smb.conf I have my workgroup set to my actual 
workgroup, not Unknown.

Apart from that, if I experiment using my computer as a WINS server (or 
master, I don't remember exactly the option if fiddled with) I can see 3 or 4 
machines (not access them) and I CAN access my machine.

Any other configuration I am missing? 

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

P.S: Here is a section of my /etc/smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from localhost.localdomain (
# Date: 2000/11/27 22:40:12
# Global parameters
workgroup = LANCS_STUDENT
netbios name = .STUDENT1606
server string = - linux
security = SHARE
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
local master = No

[newbie] autorun

2000-11-27 Thread Jon Doe

I know this is kinda off topic but its one of the things that is keeping me 
from dumping winblows.
I make alot of autorun cd's for relatives and friends who just can't figure 
it I am sure I can just make an html file in linux and make it 
autorun, but can you install from the cd-rom from an html document?
Please respond offlist.

The box said Win95 or better so I got Linux.

Registered Linux user 181996

[newbie] Looking for stable Kdevelop

2000-11-27 Thread Romanator

Hi everybody,

I have 7.2 installed. I am looking for a stable kdevelop to install. I
think it's 1.1 or 1.2. Does anyone know the exact files need to install
the entire development package. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Registered Linux User #179293

Re: [newbie] Virus on Linux?

2000-11-27 Thread Roger Sherman

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, patrick wrote:

 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, you wrote:
  On Mon, 27 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  The best firewall (or, in other words, the one that I use ;-)) is
  IPchains. You can use another nice program called PMFirewall to configure
 and i would say the only problem would be installing it. unless
 of course u are linux genius :)

LOL...nah, it was easy. Now, granted, I had someone holding my hand
throughout the process (thanks Mark!), but it wasn't hard. 

1. Install IPchains (make sure it's checked in Startup Services)
2. Install PMFirewall
3. open a terminal and, as root, cd to the PMfirewall dir, and type
./installsh (or something like that...youll see the file name if you type
4. go through the PMFirewall walkthrough
5. Now is the part where there's a file name I don't remember - cd to the
file PMFirewall saved to (it allows you to specify that right at the
beginning, and gives you the option of a default, which I used). Once
there, type pmfirewall -restart

and you be done!

Believe me, if I can do it...anyone can!



Registered Linux user #190719

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

2000-11-27 Thread Mr S Ganesan

They say that the iso image on the Mandrake site must be used as a cd
image and then only burnt on the cd. thereafter everything will be
fine. Without a floppy drive, how are u going to put in the bootable
files needed to make the CD bootable?
On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Mr Monster

 Hi all,
 Ok Ive just spent the last few nights downloading the disk image for 7.2
 But now Im stuck... when I write the image to cd, can i make the cd
 bootable, so i can boot straight off the cd??? (I havent got a floppy
 drive - its goosed!!!)
 Any help here, would be much appreciated, so I can upgrade my Mandrake box
 Thanks guys

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

2000-11-27 Thread Keldmar

you don't need a floopy drive
the cd itself will be bootable once you copy the image to a cd.  all the
files are there including the bootable files, that is why it is called an
iso image, everything on the cd is in the image.  All you need to do is burn
the iso to a cd and it will be fine.  It will boot like it is suppose to and
have everything you need on the cd
- Original Message -
From: "Mr S Ganesan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

 They say that the iso image on the Mandrake site must be used as a cd
 image and then only burnt on the cd. thereafter everything will be
 fine. Without a floppy drive, how are u going to put in the bootable
 files needed to make the CD bootable?
 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Mr Monster

  Hi all,
  Ok Ive just spent the last few nights downloading the disk image for 7.2
  But now Im stuck... when I write the image to cd, can i make the cd
  bootable, so i can boot straight off the cd??? (I havent got a floppy
  drive - its goosed!!!)
  Any help here, would be much appreciated, so I can upgrade my Mandrake
  Thanks guys

 Senior Scientist
 Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
 Berasia Road
 Bhopal 462038, INDIA
 Phone: 0755-730986 (O)
 0755-732105 (R)
 Fax: 0755-734016
 Web Address:

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

2000-11-27 Thread S. Stubbs

Ok, if your bios supports it, you can change the drive order
that it boots the OS from. My bios supports it and all you do
is to go into bios and change the  bootorder setting  from something like
this: A:, C:, CDROM to something like this:
CDROM, C:, A:, then save and exit.
Put CD in cdrom drive and boot up and it will boot to your 
cdrom drive, and the linux CD. Once you have installed linux,
you can then later go back into bios and change the boot order
back to the way it was originally.
Good luck.

- Original Message - 
From: Mr Monster 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 4:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

Hi all,

Ok Ive just spent the last few nights downloading the disk image for 7.2

But now Im stuck... when I write the image to cd, can i make the cd
bootable, so i can boot straight off the cd??? (I havent got a floppy
drive - its goosed!!!)

Any help here, would be much appreciated, so I can upgrade my Mandrake box

Thanks guys


Re: [newbie] Looking for stable Kdevelop

2000-11-27 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 27 November 2000 02:39 am, Romanator wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I have 7.2 installed. I am looking for a stable kdevelop to install.
 I think it's 1.1 or 1.2. Does anyone know the exact files need to
 install the entire development package.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Kdevelop is one of the many KDE1 programs that wasn't ready for 
KDE2. There's been several updates to KDE2 culminating in KDE2.1, which 
is now on cooker mirrors. As of 11/20 CVS, Kdevelop (2.0) would either 
crash on start, or if it manged to start was unusable.  
I've been updating KDE2 with successive upgrades, and I'm d/l'g 2.1 
(20001123) at the moment.  I doubt if Kdevelop will yet be stable 
enough for productive use, but the rest of KDE2.1 is a lot slicker and 
quicker.  I'll let you know tomorrow, all the mirrors are very slow ;)
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

[newbie] make mrproper, how do I get back to before?

2000-11-27 Thread Perry Moon

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a bit of help, and please forgive me if this is a dumb
question.  I compiled a Mandrake flavored kernel for a blind
friend of mine in Ohio that contained a patch to enable speech output
from the gitgo to his synth. It was a success. Anyways, during the
process of building this kernel for him one of the steps was to run:

make mrproper

Okay, well now when I went to configure a newer version of
VMware it needs to rebuild some kernel modules and when it goes to look
in the /usr/src/linux/include and below directories. It complains of
missing header files, spacifically version.h . Can anyone please tell
me how to get back to the original Mandrake 7.1 source tree with all the

proper headers etc. in place.

Feeling really stupid,


Re: [newbie]

2000-11-27 Thread Marcia L Waller

Dear Philomena,
 Linux M 7.2 was not sharing a partition with Suse 7. I have my 7.2 on my
first drive which is over 6? gigs and I had Suse on my 2nd drive which is
2.5 gigs. I have deleted Suse with fdisk. I just cannot get onto the
internet so far even with the same settings that got me on before (Linux
7.2). I imagine that Suse and LM 7.2 could coexist very harmoniously
however I must have done something incorrectly. 

Yes, my card is listed and recognized in Harddrake but is not
initialized. What next? Thanks for your help. Marcia

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Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread mdknewbie-g


 Ironicly they now own a Linux OS.  They bought Corel did they not? :)
  u know this is sound rather silly but i have
  thinking this for awhile about microsoft.
  are they using linux code ?
  Love is all u need
 Mike Freeman
 Embrace the Penguin.  Give Bill the cold shoulder!
 Linux Registered User #190770  (10/02/2000)
 Get your own free email account from
they did not buy Corelthey purchased an interest in Corel that consists 
of non voting sharesCorel is still free to fall on its ass all on its 


[newbie] 2nd HDD How to mount?

2000-11-27 Thread michael

When I installed 7.2, I decided not to put a linux partition on my hdb-
big mistake! now I can't get at it in windows and don't know how or if
it can be mounted in Linux. I was trying to just burn the contents and
consign windows to oblivion xcept archivally, but now I'm really stuck.

[newbie] a twist on standard backspace problem

2000-11-27 Thread Mandrake Mania

I read the KDE2 FAQ and followed their suggestion to place
the following lines 

xmodmap -e 'keycode 22 = BackSpace'
xmodmap -e "keysym Delete = BackSpace" 

in my .xinitrc file.

The backspace key works fine when I first log in now
(deletes char to the left of cursor and moves cursor to the
left) but somehow at some later point in the session the
keycode 22 gets mysteriously changed to Delete and then the
Backspace key doesn't work as desired anymore.

Any suggestions on how to determine the application that is
changing keycode 22 from BackSpace to Delete and how to
prevent this behavior in the future?

I'm using XFree4 if that is important.


Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

When you think about it, M$ using Linux code is not such a bad idea after 
all. I'm sure that someone will eventually find out that their "software" (is 
it worthy of such a title?) contains Linux code. It is not uncommon for one 
closed-source company to sue another over code theft, but usually it's 
MicroShaft that's on the offensive. Their "products" will be under heavy 
scrutiny, as anyone who verifies M$'s code theft will most likely be showered 
with fame and fortune. So too will lawyers seeking to prosecute MickeySoft - 
whether they win or lose. M$ is *very rich*, so the damages payout for 
breaching the GPL will be enormous, and they will probably be forced to open 
some or all of their source code in order to comply to the GPL.

Another reason why this could be a blessing in disguise is that from now on 
M$ is in catch-up mode. They managed to crush the competition in the past by 
simply developing faster. If they are using Linux code they must wait for it 
to be developed for Linux and then spend time finding a way to implement it 
into their archaic infrastructure. As can been seen with the Mozilla project, 
it can be far more difficult and time-consuming to modify an existing project 
than to start afresh.

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 01:26, Kelly, Christopher wrote:
 I read an article that said that they might be using Linux code to fix all
 the bugs that Winblows has...

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:13 AM
 To: patrick
 Subject: Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

 Ironicly they now own a Linux OS.  They bought Corel did they not? :)

  u know this is sound rather silly but i have
  thinking this for awhile about microsoft.
  are they using linux code ?
  Love is all u need


 Mike Freeman

Sridhar Dhanapalan
"One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

Re: [newbie] gates gets linux

2000-11-27 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

While MicroShaft *did* buy a reasonably large stake in Corel, these shares 
were non-voting. In other words, M$ cannot influence Corel's decisions 
directly. However, it can act indirectly. For example, it could threaten to 
sell all of its Corel shares at the same time, sending Corel's stock price 
plummeting. This would deter investment in Corel.

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 11:22, patrick wrote:
 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, you wrote:
  "The Cube" --Corel's email journal for Linux users-- which came
  out just a few days ago says that they are actively working on a
  new Linux release.  For what it's worth, that's what it says.
  At 11:06 AM 11/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
  I also read an article that says Corel is thinking about spinning off
   the Linux OS.
  /snip off the rest/

 try to become gates for a moment. what do u think is his
 motivation. to stop wine or corels emulation of windoes

 what do u think

Sridhar Dhanapalan
"One World, One Web, One Programme." - Microsoft Promotional Ad.
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." - Adolf Hitler

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

2000-11-27 Thread Jeff Dickman

If you burn the ISO to the cd, it should be bootable...

The problems will come up if you try and boot an older system.  If you have 
Windows installed, have it reboot to command prompt, the do:

d:  (where d: is you cdrom)

it should do the rest for you...

IMO, floppy dirves cost like $10.00  and are a worthy investment to 


On Monday 27 November 2000 16:18, you wrote:
 Hi Kerrmonster

 There should be a directory /dosutils/Autoboot/ on the CD1. You will find
 info here how to install from HD or CD. This should overcome your
 floppy-drive problem.


 - Original Message -
 From: Mr Monster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:53 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

  Hi all,
  Ok Ive just spent the last few nights downloading the disk image for 7.2
  But now Im stuck... when I write the image to cd, can i make the cd
  bootable, so i can boot straight off the cd??? (I havent got a floppy
  drive - its goosed!!!)
  Any help here, would be much appreciated, so I can upgrade my Mandrake
  Thanks guys

Re: [newbie] Printing problem

2000-11-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

Is your printer correctly connected and turned on, is there any ink in
the cartridge? Can you print under Windows?


Lionel Chan wrote:
 Here's my configuration: -
 LPT0 - HP 6L laser printer
 USB0 - HP deskjet 870Cxi
 I've installed 7.2 5 times.  Other than the very 1st time I couldn't get my
 printers to print.  No matter what I try nothing gets printed.
 I've tried CUPS and lpr to no avail.  Any tips/help is greatly appreciated.
 CHAN Kin Poon

Re: [newbie] Some 7.2 issues with sound, printing and netscape

2000-11-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

Philip Ferguson wrote:
 First of all, my netscape button bar is in black and white, but all other
 colours are working out fine.

Set up 16 or 32 bits per pixel with XFDrake, the problem appears only
with 24 bits per pixel.
 Finally, I have a Cannon Bubblejet 100 (yup ... the really old one) plugged
 into LPT1 (which is lp0 I guess, in Linux).  After setting it up, it asks me
 if I want to do a test page.  I say yes and then it tells me that lp is not
 ready.  Needless to say, nothing comes out.

Try the following possibilities:

1. How did you install the printer? During installation, with
DrakConf/printerdrake, kups, the web interface, or lpadmin? Did the
program which you have used autodetect the printer? Which driver did you
choose. If your printer is not listed under the supported models, try at
first the Canon BJ 200, try also the BJ 10e.

2. When you start kups and choose "Printer" - "Add" and in the wizard
"local printer". Is your parallel port detected? Update cups to
1.1.4-7mdk from

and check again. If you have compiled the kernel by yourself, make sure
that it supports the parallel port. The device file of the parallel port
is /dev/lp0. Try also to print by sending data (text file) directly to

   cat .bashrc  /dev/lp0

do you get any printout? Do the LEDs of your printer blink? Do you get
any error message?


Re: [newbie] Two Questions for thought

2000-11-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

The printer uses the same driver as the DeskJet 550C, start "printtool"
and search for the entry "HP DeskJet 550C/560C/6xxC series". After
selecting that you will have the possibility to set the paper size and
the printing quality. Choose 24 (Floyd Steinberg color) or 32 (Sometimes
better than 24) bits per pixel to gain highest quality.

For the sound card try "sndconfig", it succeeds to configure some sound
cards where "sounddrake" has problems.


Jay wrote:
 Till Kamppeter wrote:
  What version of Linux Mandrake are you using?
  Jay wrote:
   The second one:
   I bought a HP 648C Deskjet printer and I can't get that mofo working as well!
   I already tried the DrakeConf Printer setup to no avail.  What are my options
   to set up my printer.  It is a hassle to type out papers and have to get up
   early and go to class to print them out.  Not to mention the problems that I
   have transferring the StarOffice format to .doc on occasions, i.e. text
   formatting, widows and orphans, etc..
   I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.
   I already know about sndconfig and printtool, but didn't use them yet.  Are
   they more effective than other ways, or are other ways better?
 I am using Mandrake 7.1.
 "May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter,
 fill your heart with gladness, that stays forever after."

[newbie] Host Login

2000-11-27 Thread Wilfred Green

 I successfully installed the 
Linux for Windows 7.1. However, before the installation can be used, it calls 
for a Local Host Login, both name and password. I presume the password is the 
one I used when the installation called for one. However, I don't remember ever 
giving a Local Host name. Without one the program will not let me in. Can you 
help me out here? I would really like to use the system.


Thank you for your help,


  Wilfred Green


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

2000-11-27 Thread Jozef Glonek

Hi Kerrmonster

There should be a directory /dosutils/Autoboot/ on the CD1. You will find
info here how to install from HD or CD. This should overcome your
floppy-drive problem.


- Original Message -
From: Mr Monster [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Disk image

 Hi all,

 Ok Ive just spent the last few nights downloading the disk image for 7.2

 But now Im stuck... when I write the image to cd, can i make the cd
 bootable, so i can boot straight off the cd??? (I havent got a floppy
 drive - its goosed!!!)

 Any help here, would be much appreciated, so I can upgrade my Mandrake box

 Thanks guys



2000-11-27 Thread Bob Thompson

subscribe newbie

Re: [newbie] Two Questions for thought

2000-11-27 Thread Till Kamppeter

What version of Linux Mandrake are you using?


Jay wrote:
 The second one:
 I bought a HP 648C Deskjet printer and I can't get that mofo working as well!
 I already tried the DrakeConf Printer setup to no avail.  What are my options
 to set up my printer.  It is a hassle to type out papers and have to get up
 early and go to class to print them out.  Not to mention the problems that I
 have transferring the StarOffice format to .doc on occasions, i.e. text
 formatting, widows and orphans, etc..
 I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.
 I already know about sndconfig and printtool, but didn't use them yet.  Are
 they more effective than other ways, or are other ways better?