Re: [newbie-it] Vedere documenti Word2000 con Linux

2001-03-08 Thread Alessandro \Sgama\ Amadori

At 11.59 07/03/2001 +, you wrote:

  Ho dei documenti fatti con word2000, che programma devo usare per 
 poterli vedere (e stampare)?
  Grazie a tutti
Alessandro Amadori

  Perch non usare il pi semplice e veloce AbiWord?
non sar il potente StarOffice per il suo lavorino lo fa bene. Che
Computer hai? Io ho un pentium 150MHz e se faccio partire StarOffice
passano letteralmente ore prima di poterlo utilizzare.
AbiWord funziona perfettamente anche con gli .rtf.
ciao a tutti fabio

Anche coi .doc fatti con word2000?
Per la cronaca ho un p2-350@392 con 256 MB di ram.


   Alessandro Amadori
   Real Life and IRC nick: Sgama
   Mu* and PBIRC nick: Luxor
   IHGGER #78

Re: [newbie-it] corsi

2001-03-08 Thread Andrea Celli

Mario Vittorio Guenzi wrote:
 Qualcuno sa' per cortesia indicarmi se e dove si tengono dei corsi di
 Linux per semiprincipianti?

Nelle grandi citta` ce ne sono senz'altro.
Pero` credo tu debba essere piu` preciso:
ti serve a Vipiteno, Canicatti` o ... in un punto intermedio?

ciao, andrea

Re: R: [newbie-it] Sono nei guai ...

2001-03-08 Thread Maurilio Pannella

grazie lo stesso a tutti ma avevo urgenza di riprendere a lavorare e

...ho salvato qualcosa dalla modalita' testo e ho formattato tutto !?!?!
SCusatemi se mi sono arreso presto ma ..

Grazie a tutti

[newbie-it] crisi con monitor Hitachi

2001-03-08 Thread Alx

Sono per la prima volta alle prese con Linux. 
(Iper-absolute beginner).
Ho installato Mdk 7.2.
Cercando di settare il mio monitor Hitachi CM640ET 
(17") ulilizzando le finestre della interfaccia grafica sono riuscito ad errare 
il settaggio ed ora quando si avvia la parte grafica il monitor mi notifica 
"FREQ. SCAN NON VALIDA" e rimane nero.
Non sono riuscito a trovare manuali che 
spiegasserocome risettare il monitor partendo dal # (anche 
considerando che non saprei che scrivere una volta al #). Sempre che sia esatto 
partire a resettarlo dal #.

Ringrazio per l'aiuto ad un impedito assoluto 

Accetto volentieri anche indicazioni relative a 
manuali on line che possono aiutarmi ad uscire dalla mia ignoranza (ignoranza 
nel senso che ignoro).


[newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-08 Thread Corrado

Ciao! Ho speso poche lire per un "mouse d'emergenza", partendo gi dal
presupposto che avrei perso poco in caso di problemi... ^__^
Infatti Ecco cosa mi  successo: il mouse  un PS/2 con rotellina
inserito tramite adattatore su porta seriale, la marca xconosciuta (il
dispositivo si chiama "Netsurfer"); semplicemente non da segni di
Ho "operato" il mio tre tasti malconcio, ora il paziente sta meglio;
comunque, se riuscissi a usare il nuovo mouse, non me ne avrei a male...

B, quello vecchio, magari si...


[newbie-it] Hd IBM DTLA-307030 UDMA 100

2001-03-08 Thread McK

Ciao a tutti.
Nonostante la mia buona volont, continuo ad avere problemi di hardware con
il risultato di posticipare sempre dipi il mio ingresso in linux.
Grazie ad una vostra puntuale risposta, infatti, ho scoperto che potrei
avere grandissimi problemi con il mio HD (IBM DTLA-307030) che  un UDMA 100
e, a tal proposito mi  stato suggerito di visitare in sito da me prontamente visitato.
Risultato? Ho trovato si il modo per far riconoscere a Mandrake il mio HD
(alla pagina ma non ci ho
capito niente!!!
In particolare non capisco cosa intenda per "I/O addresses" perch sulla mia
schermeta "propriet" io ho cinque intervalli di valori e non solo cinque
singoli valori.
Viene poi proposto di modificare due di questi valori ma, non solo non so
quale valore dell'intervallo modificare, ho paura che modificandoli Windows
mi si impalli (insomma: non ci capisco niente ed ho paura di fare pi danni
che altro).
Scusate la mia ignoranza e grazie gia da ora.


[newbie-it] Hd UDMA 100

2001-03-08 Thread McK

Ciao a tutti.Nonostante la mia buona volontà, 
continuo ad avere problemi di hardware conil risultato di posticipare sempre 
dipiù il mio ingresso in linux.Grazie ad una vostra puntuale risposta, 
infatti, ho scoperto che potreiavere grandissimi problemi con il mio HD (IBM 
DTLA-307030) che è un UDMA 100e, a tal proposito mi è stato suggerito di 
visitare in da me prontamente 
visitato.Risultato? Ho trovato si il modo per far riconoscere a Mandrake il 
mio HD(alla pagina 
ma non ci hocapito niente!!!In particolare non capisco cosa intenda 
per "I/O addresses" perchè sulla miaschermeta "proprietà" io ho cinque 
intervalli di valori e non solo cinquesingoli valori.Viene poi proposto 
di modificare due di questi valori ma, non solo non soquale valore 
dell'intervallo modificare, ho paura che modificandoli Windowsmi si impalli 
(insomma: non ci capisco niente ed ho paura di fare più danniche 
altro).Scusate la mia ignoranza e grazie gia da 

P.S. Se questa è la seconda volta che vi mando la 
stessa mail perdonatemi, ho fatto un gran casino.

[newbie-it] configurazione monitor

2001-03-08 Thread Alx

Sono per la prima volta alle prese con Linux. 
(Iper-absolute beginner).
Ho installato Mdk 7.2.
Cercando di settare il mio monitor Hitachi CM640ET 
(17") ulilizzando le finestre della interfaccia grafica sono riuscito ad errare 
il settaggio ed ora quando si avvia la parte grafica il monitor mi notifica 
"FREQ. SCAN NON VALIDA" e rimane nero.
Non sono riuscito a trovare manuali che 
spiegasserocome risettare il monitor partendo dal # (anche 
considerando che non saprei che scrivere una volta al #). Sempre che sia esatto 
partire a resettarlo dal #.

Ringrazio per l'aiuto ad un impedito assoluto 

Accetto volentieri anche indicazioni relative a 
manuali on line che possono aiutarmi ad uscire dalla mia ignoranza (ignoranza 
nel senso che ignoro).


Re: [newbie-it] come iniziare a conoscere linux??

2001-03-08 Thread Massimo

Al sito della MAndrake trovi 2 manuali.pdx (a sx in basso non ricordo) ma
leggere  sempre una grandissima
palla era meglio quando cerano le sessioni guidate su win 3.11 vi ricordate?
bei tempi
Grandissima crisi e nebbia anche qui!
Where do you wanna go?
Mooolto pi in l

Re:[newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-08 Thread matteo

Se vuoi dare un aiuto alla ricerca,
visita il mio sito

Original message from: Corrado
Ciao! Ho speso poche lire per un "mouse d'emergenza", partendo gi dal
presupposto che avrei perso poco in caso di problemi... ^__^
Infatti Ecco cosa mi  successo: il mouse  un PS/2 con rotellina
inserito tramite adattatore su porta seriale, la marca xconosciuta (il
dispositivo si chiama "Netsurfer"); semplicemente non da segni di

Potrebbe dipendere dal mouse: se supporta il bus seriale dovrebbe funzionare con 
ogni adattatore: prova a cercare se sulla confezione c' qualcosa del tipo
Dual bus; 
PS/2-Serial mouse; 


Re: [newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-08 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 23:44, mercoled 07 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Ciao! Ho speso poche lire per un "mouse d'emergenza", partendo gi dal
 presupposto che avrei perso poco in caso di problemi... ^__^
 Infatti Ecco cosa mi  successo: il mouse  un PS/2 con rotellina
 inserito tramite adattatore su porta seriale, la marca xconosciuta (il
 dispositivo si chiama "Netsurfer"); semplicemente non da segni di
 Ho "operato" il mio tre tasti malconcio, ora il paziente sta meglio;
 comunque, se riuscissi a usare il nuovo mouse, non me ne avrei a male...

 B, quello vecchio, magari si...


... ho perso il senso della domanda ... (?!)

Re: [newbie-it] crisi con monitor Hitachi

2001-03-08 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 19:22, mercoled 07 marzo 2001, scrivesti:

  Sono per la prima volta alle prese con Linux. (Iper-absolute beginner).
 Ho installato Mdk 7.2.
 Cercando di settare il mio monitor Hitachi CM640ET (17") ulilizzando le
 finestre della interfaccia grafica sono riuscito ad errare il settaggio ed
 ora quando si avvia la parte grafica il monitor mi notifica "FREQ. SCAN NON
 VALIDA"  e rimane nero. Non sono riuscito a trovare manuali che spiegassero
 come risettare il monitor partendo dal #  (anche considerando che non
 saprei che scrivere una volta al #). Sempre che sia esatto partire a
 resettarlo dal #.

 Ringrazio per l'aiuto ad un impedito assoluto (io).

 Accetto volentieri anche indicazioni relative a manuali on line che possono
 aiutarmi ad uscire dalla mia ignoranza (ignoranza nel senso che ignoro).


Beh, da quel che dici Linux lo hai appena installato. E allora la cosa pi 
veloce  semplicemente di ripetere l'installazione. In capo a 30 minuti avrai 
un sistema funzionante. Sempre che non sbagli di nuovo le impostazioni... ;-)


PS: ci sono altri sensi della parola "ignoranza"?

Re: [newbie-it] Hd UDMA 100

2001-03-08 Thread Massimo

Hard disk IBM DTLA-307030 30.7GB E-ide, 8.5ms 
tempo di accesso, 2MB cache, 7200RPM, U-DMA/100Io ho montato MD 7.2 su questo hard disk e gira che è una meraviglia 
 , sei sicuro di non avere cambiato i Jumper dell'HD come primario se 
lo metti primario o secondario se lo metti 2dario?
Sappi cmq che migrare a linux non è una cosa 
immediata fa conto che devi imparare un altro SO che se pur molto piu 
stabile e un SO prova a pensare quanto ci hai messo a imparare WIN e poi 
moltiplica x2 
Non ti scoraggiare è!!

Where do you wanna go? 
Mooolto piu in la

Re: R: [newbie-it] permessi?

2001-03-08 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 11:59, gioved 08 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
 Io avevo lo stesso problema tuo.

 Lo risolto eliminando da tutti i device l'opzione del
 supermount.Pare che non sia ancora molto stabile.

 Ciao Beppe

Il problema incontrato da "Bosva" non c'entra nulla con una "instabilit" del 
supermount (che, tra l'altro, io utilizzo con gran risparmio di tempo - 
niente mount/unmount dei dispositivi - e senza che si sia mai verificato 
alcun problema...). Ha centrato, credo, il problema Andrea nella sua 
risposta. Quel messaggio sui "permessi insufficienti" per accedere al CD sta 
solo a significare che non  possibile accedere a quel CD. Questo  dovuto al 
fatto, come ha giustamente sottolineato lo stesso Andrea, che i CD audio non 
sono "formattati" ma contengono tracce audio. Non  possibile (per ora?) 
accedervi come avviene in Windows (che, per, si limita poi a farvi vedere 
l'elenco delle tracce...), ma devono essere suonati col solito CD Player del 
KDE. Per fare una prova, basta provare ad accedere al lettore CD vuoto. 
L'errore  lo stesso...
Ciao  buon Linux!


Re: [newbie-it] Vedere documenti Word2000 con Linux

2001-03-08 Thread Daniele Micci

Il 01:14, gioved 08 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
   Perch non usare il pi semplice e veloce AbiWord?
 AbiWord funziona perfettamente anche con gli .rtf.
 ciao a tutti fabio

 Anche coi .doc fatti con word2000?
 Per la cronaca ho un p2-350@392 con 256 MB di ram.


AbiWord  un word processor molto carino, estremamente leggero e funzionale. 
Ho letto alcuni articoli in rete e sulle riviste che farebbero ben sperare 
per lo sviluppo futuro. Le versioni che ho visto io, per, hanno filtri 
da/verso file .doc decisamente carenti. Spesso non riescono ad importare 
correttamente nemmeno file Word piuttosto semplici. Quindi se ti serve per 
lavoro, ripeto il consiglio: usa StarOffice. Io ho un Athlon 900, ma credo 
che con il tuo processore non dovresti comunque avere grossi problemi di 
caricamento. Prova direttamente tutti e due i programmi, cos ti fai 


Re: [newbie-it] problemi con cd rom

2001-03-08 Thread Antonio Bonifati

On Monday 26 February 2001 15:29, you wrote:
ciao Lorenzo,
scusa per l'extra ritardo nella risposta. Per evitare
i comandi mount/umount devi installare un demone automounter,
non si può fare con opzioni di /etc/fstab.
Ti consiglio autofs che è il più leggero e il più semplice da usare.
Lo installi insieme ai pacchetti dipendenti facendo da root:

# rpm -ivh autofs-4.0.0-0.4mdk.i586.rpm openldap-1.2.9-7mdk.i586.rpm

e si avvia come servizio al prossimo riavvio del sistema se non viene
attivato subito, altrimenti per attivarlo senza riavviare basta fare (da 

/etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs start

quindi metti un CD nel lettore e vai su /misc/cd per vederne il contenuto 
senza dover usare mount. Puoi configurare tutti i device che vuoi per
il mounting automatico tramite /etc/auto.master e i file supplementari tipo 
auto.misc. Qui trovi un tutorial veloce su autofs:

-- Antonio (

 Salve a tutti,

 mi sapreste dare le due righe del file fstab che fanno funzionare i cd rom
 esattamente come in windows.
 Io ho provato ma non ci riesco, devo sempre fare tutto a mano, montare e
 smontare... che palle!

 Ho un cdrom scsi Ultraplex40x e un masterizzatore eide Plextor 12x10x32x.

 grazie a chiunque vorrà aiutarmi!

 ho una mandrake 7.2 con kernel 2.4



Re: [newbie-it] permessi?

2001-03-08 Thread bosva

Andrea Celli wrote:

 I cd musicali non sono formattati, hanno semplicemente delle "tracce"
 contenenti le informazioni che un lettore di CD puo` usare per
 riprodurre la musica. Quindi non vanno montati. Vanno semplicemente
 suonati con uno dei tool che trovi nel menu di kde alla voce
 Assicurati piuttosto che la sceda audio sia configurata.
 Di solito basta lanciare "sndconfig" da console.
 ciao, andrea effetti mi sento un poco idiota a non averci pensato prima...ho
provato con grip e con cdplayer...e funziona tutto a meraviglia...
grazie mille per l'aiuto!
salutatemi a bilgheiz

Re: [newbie-it] Mouse inerte...

2001-03-08 Thread Corrado

Daniele Micci wrote:

 Il 23:44, mercoled 07 marzo 2001, scrivesti:
  Ciao! Ho speso poche lire per un "mouse d'emergenza", partendo gi dal
  presupposto che avrei perso poco in caso di problemi... ^__^
  Infatti Ecco cosa mi  successo: il mouse  un PS/2 con rotellina
  inserito tramite adattatore su porta seriale, la marca xconosciuta (il
  dispositivo si chiama "Netsurfer"); semplicemente non da segni di
  Ho "operato" il mio tre tasti malconcio, ora il paziente sta meglio;
  comunque, se riuscissi a usare il nuovo mouse, non me ne avrei a male...
  B, quello vecchio, magari si...

 ... ho perso il senso della domanda ... (?!)

Qualche suggerimento su come far funzionare il nuovo mouse?  ^__^


[newbie-it] installazioni software

2001-03-08 Thread Manuel Muttin

Ciao a tutti. Scusate l'abissale ignoranza... ma ho appena installato Mdk 
7.2. Tutto benissimo, vado in internet... riconosciuto tutto l'hardware 
egregiamente ecc. ecc Solo una cosa... come si installano i programmi 
che si trovano ad esempio sulle riviste? E poi come si installa l'OSS 
(trovato su una rivista) (ho una SB Live e la vorrei sfruttare al meglio)?

Re: [newbie] Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1?

2001-03-08 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Wednesday 07 March 2001 05:28, you wrote:

 I just installed 7.2 on a 300PII with 64M Ram and a 256M Swap
 Partition.  KDE is running extremely slow, many times slower
 than 7.1. It's almost to the point I'm considering re-installing
 7.1.  Does anyone know why this is?  Did I do something wrong on
 the install?


KDE 2 is burning your ram. 64 m is rather meager, so kde is 
propably using your swap most of the time. Either stick in more 
ram (it'l fly 128M) or use a sleeker windowmanager like icewm.
Semper avanti,sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
   |  _

Re: [newbie] Re: Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1

2001-03-08 Thread abramo

take a very close look at the programs that are running automatically at boot time.  
That could be the source of your problems.


  Original Message ---
 From: Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 15:29:08 -0700
 I ran " $ free"  and saw that I was heavily into my swap, to the tune of 
 around 227 M.  I switched to Gnome and everything is running much 
 faster.  I've been monitoring my memory / swap usage, and the most swap 
 I've used in Gnome is about 40M running Moz 0.8.  That program eats up 
 buffer / cache too.
 The thing that's really weird, is a buddy of mine is using 7.2 and KDE 
 on a 200 PI with 64M and his system runs fine.  I think somehow I must 
 have sprung a memory leak or something.  Oh well, I'm actually starting 
 to like Gnome a lot.  It's much more stable than it was a couple of 
 years ago.
 Glen Leinweber wrote:
  This is a guess... I wonder if 64MEG is close to the
  limit for 7.2? Perhaps 7.1 fits KDE and one or two apps
  fits into 64M without going to swap. Once you get into swap,
  things really slow down.
  I've often heard that more RAM often solves speed

[newbie] Minicom as root/user -- Solution!

2001-03-08 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Pat:

Just found the solution in one of my old messages:

As user (or root) do the following:

chmod 4755 /usr/bin/minicom

That should do it.

Assuming that minicom is at /usr/bin/minicom.

All my best.


[newbie] New monitor setup on Linux

2001-03-08 Thread Jeff Malka

My old monitor just died.  I bought a new one which I am using from NT.

I remember reading scare stories about burning out you monitor if you use
the wrong monitor settings from within Linux.  I am therefore not booting
into Linux until I find out what I am supposed to do to set the monitor
display settings correctly.

Could someone tell me the exact steps to go through?

I am running Mandrake 7.1 and KDE


Registered Linux user  183185

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-08 Thread KompuKit

I'm with you...Robin !!!
this is really ridiculous...

as for the rest of you...that (it appears) do NOT believe in, nor
understand God's word...when you stand in front of Jesus...on Judgement
and have to give an account of the things said and done in this body of
and have no allthen you can look this
and say then: GOD HAVE MERCY...on our stupidity and injustice
done unto the eyes of our misunderstanding of YOUR WORD (the

Robin Regennitter wrote:
 I cant believe that some people make the big deal out this. I think it's
 rather absurd.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Daryl Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:42 AM
 Subject: RE: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
  Heyy cool!  :o)
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julio Gutierrez
   Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
   Ok my apologies to all the girls age of 16 subscribed to this
   list, also to
   all females subscribed to it, and to all the parents of 16 yr old
   girls who 
   SORRY again!!!

Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

Re: [newbie] Where to find gdb?

2001-03-08 Thread s

On Wednesday 07 March 2001 12:01 am, you wrote:
 I have Linux-Mandrake 7.2 and can't find gdb(debugger)
 on any of my installation disks. Where can I find it?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

[newbie] ncftp installing

2001-03-08 Thread Ben Keed

how do i install ncftp off the mandrake 7.2 cd?

Re: [newbie] 8.0 and just!burn

2001-03-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 07 March 2001 05:50 am, Jim Lyons wrote:

 I've just been through all this with .ISO files and it's a minefield.
 First, ther'e the catch 22 that much of the info I found was for Linux
 but I needed to burn the images in Windows (obviously, if I'm to get
 Linux going in the first place).  Eventually after several days on the
 web I found FireBurner (just do a search) which is a very compact, stand
 alone, time limited program which took an .ISO file and turned it into a
 bootable CD.

Prices start at $3000.00. License fee includes:

* One year free source code updates. (Includes new features when added 
to FireBurner!)
* E-mail technical support

 .  that's from their webpage.

  Maybe I've been missin somethin but I've got tons of Free/free 
software for burnin, includin ISO's /Audio / data / anything  on either OS, 
Windoze or Linux.  I've not spent a penny much less $29.99 or $3000.

  Since this is a Linux list, I'll recommend the best one (IMO) for exact 
copies, makin bootable CD's from ISO's, etc   it's Free/free,  I like the tarball on this 
  [course it never hurts to have the best CD writer either Plextor]
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] I have a strange system!

2001-03-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 07:19 pm, Anthony wrote:
 Does anyone know what these issues are? I'm having problems getting my
 2.4.x kernels to boot, and I'm running ReiserFS, so perhaps I'm just
 encountering some bug.

  3. Kernel 2.4 is also quite new and it has some known issues with

The only 2.4.x - ReiserFS issues I know of were _very_ rare problems on 
obscure hardware where in some situations -0- bits were written.  Fixed in 
2.4.2 kernels, and wasn't a problem for 99.99% users anyway.

   I've found it's better to leave ReiserFS as a module (M), rather than 
build it in (Y) during config.  You must also enable the very first config 
option, Code Maturity Level Options | (Y) - Prompt for . drivers.
You must also 'mkinitrd'.   See compile instructions at 
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] Modutils

2001-03-08 Thread Buzz and Nan


Does anyone know where I download the 

I downloaded all but this rpm. Kernel 2.4.2-7mdk 
loaded with --nodeps.

did lilo -v all seems to be 

Any assistance as always is greatly 


Re: [newbie] Need to compile a 2.2.18 kernal - jrt

2001-03-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 05 March 2001 04:16 pm, John Turnbull wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
  vanilla source from is not the best way to compile a
  Mandrake kernel.  I have no idea about your ntp-pps requirement, but
  Mandrake source for 2.2.18 kernels is available on any cooker mirror.
 look for 'kernel22-2.2.18*' files.

 Thank you, I had grabbed something called kernel22-2.2.18-14mdk.src.rpm,
 but when I installed it with kpackage, the little slider bar did its
 thing, but it did not transfer me to the installed packages window, nor
 did it generate the files under /usr/src/linux-2.2.18. . .

 Clearly, I do not have the right thing, or I have installed it

 You and me both ;   The few times I've d/l'd kernelsrc.rpms I've 
had 'unexpected' results. 'Course I've never used kpackage to install a 
src.rpm either (I use  'rpm --rebuild').  So now I only d/l the 
kernel-source/header/docs  rpms and 'rpm -Uvh' them (or use kpackage).  
This will install the source and headers properly in /usr/src/linux-2.2.18, 
and set the link /usr/src/linux@ to point to it.  All you need to do then 
is cd to /usr/src/linux and start your 'make xconfig'   

Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

[newbie] microsoft Quake

2001-03-08 Thread Ed Tharp


In a warning to the US Government, Microsoft demonstrated
their power by launching a major earthquake in Seattle.

Bill Gates issued a statement from the Microsoft "Campus".
"The time for talk is over.  We will not be broken apart.  We 
have demonstrated our power.  We will not hesitate to use it 
again.  Heed our warning.  We have spoken."

President George W. Bush responded from the White House,
"Gosh.  I don't know about this.  Ask Dick."

Computer experts dismiss Microsoft's warning.  "Naw, it
was just a demo.  Microsoft does these great demos, but
until they get to about release 3.0 the programs won't work.
They'll just keep crashing.  I mean, you might be able to 
break a few windows, but to take on Washington you'll need
to be able to drop the Lincoln Memorial all the way to the
molten center of the earth."

Re: [newbie] Need to compile a 2.2.18 kernal - jrt

2001-03-08 Thread John Turnbull

Gerry wrote:
 Seems you need to make a symlink to the 2.2.18-dir..
 cd to the parent dir of "linux-2.2.18", and type:
 ln -s linux-2.2.18 linux
 That will create a symlink named linux that point to linux-2.2.18.
 (btw, did you copy the source to /usr/src/linux-2.2.18 ? the path
 /usr/src/linux might be hardcoded into the source..)

Thank you Garry: You are right there is no file /usr/src/linuxat all,
let alone a link to the 2.2.18 sources. The interesting thing is that on
the Mandrake home page there is a link to, where
they advise, in, to break
that link:

 1. Delete the symlink '/usr/src/linux'. Otherwise the sources will be
unpacked into the Mandrake kernel sources directory!

But never instruct the user to recreate it after they install the new
sources. I must write to them.

Thank you again. I could not see the answer.  John T

[newbie] X windows crashed

2001-03-08 Thread Paul Pavlicko

Hi all,
 I have Mandrake 7.2 installed. As of this morning my Xwindows fails to
start with the following error.

_FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

any clues to what might be causing this and how to fix it??


RE: [newbie] 8.0 and just!burn

2001-03-08 Thread Roger Sherman, did this finally post? I thought I'd addressed it wrong - I
wrote it like three or four days ago.

Anywho, could you describe that process a bit more?

On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Evan Flynn wrote:

 i don't have a cdr but you could just make a boot floppy out of the cdrom
 image in the /images dir, just use rawrite

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roger Sherman
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 12:45 PM
 Subject: [newbie] 8.0 and just!burn

 I downloaded the 8.0 isos last night, and want to burn them to disc, but
 I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I have to do it from the Windont
 side of my PC, as my CD-RW won't work under 7.2. The CD burning software I
 have in Windows is a bundle called just!burn, in which I'd use just!data
 to burn them. Now, I mentioned to a friend that I understood I couldn't
 just burn it straight to disc; that there was some settings that had to
 be taken care of, but having never done this before, I didn't know what
 they were. He told me just to make sure I set it so the CD would be
 bootable. Well, I looked all about in just!data, and couldn't find any
 setting to make it bootable. I'm assuming, BTW, that he didn't mean to set
 my BIOS so that I could boot from my CDR (I already can do that). So is
 anyone familiar with this software, and if so, what do I have to do? My
 coaster count is at one so far...


 Registered Linux user #19071


Registered Linux user #19071

Re: [newbie] 7.1 to 7.2 dilemma

2001-03-08 Thread eryl

NO,NO,NO, don't upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2--do a fresh install.  If you use
Gnome, like I do, I don't think I'd bother just now.  KDE2.x is pretty,
but I still like Gnome, and IMO, Gnome is more stable.  If I were you
I'd just wait for the stable version of mdk 8.0 and get the 2.4 kernel. 
I say this after installing 7.2 on all but one of machines.  That one
runs NT server, and I'm waiting for 8.0 and plan on running Reiserfs on


Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I've been very happy with my Mandrake 7.1 with Heix Gnome. I was considering to move 
to 7.2, but I really don't want to do a complete reinstall. I guess 7.2 offers an 
upgrade option. If so,
 1)Is this upgrade reliable enonough to consider it as an option to a full install?
 2)Is it worth the migration from 7.1 to 7.2?
 Thanks in advance!!

[newbie] Linux PDA: would you use one?

2001-03-08 Thread Mark Johnson

Just curious, if it was affordable would y'all go for a linux PDA over a
palm or ce PDA?  I wonder if running linux on PDA would make it a lot more
customizable and more extensible than the other PDA OSs on the market?

I've been looking for a PDA that was more than just a glorified organizer.
I don't care about storing 5 years worth of appointments or 100,000 email
addresses.  I want a PDA to be general purpose computing device.  I want my
PDA to be a thin client to my linux server so I can turn the coffee maker on
and pull up my MP3 playlist from my couch.

Re: [newbie] Silly question here...

2001-03-08 Thread Kelley Terry

Shane Roppel wrote:
 I'm not big on the whole military time thing here... could someone tell me
 how to change the time format kde2 to 12 rather than 24?

control panelPersonalizationCountryLanguageLocale: 
Country:United States of America
Language:English US

[newbie] Startup services, which are necessary?

2001-03-08 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Hi, I'm in the 
process of trying to secure my system. I have pmfirewall set up and 
working well, but there are a lot of holes still. One of the things that I 
am trying to do is minimize unnecessary startup services, both for speed and 
security. I've shut a bunch down, mostly servers that I'm not running, but 
there are a few that I'm not sure about.


Do I need these to 
run a home workstation, (connected to the internet, but not wanting to run any 
servers or anything like that at this time)?


Re: WAAAYYY OT! (Was: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta)

2001-03-08 Thread KompuKit

Oh Lord...forgive those...who have EYES,but can NOT see...
and ears, but can not hear

Dave Sherman wrote:
 1. Actually, humans were the LAST species to be created, on the sixth
 2. Nowhere does it say the earth is flat. It also doesn't say the earth
 is round. The Bible is not a science textbook.
 3. I wouldn't know about your "lots of other nonsense", since I have
 not really noticed it.
 4. Yes, pedophilia is sick, regardless of your religion (or lack
 Apologies to all for continuing this OT thread...
 P.S.: I'll bet Hitler was a pedophiliac. And I sincerely hope we all
 know what happens when Hitler is brought into a thread...
 On Tuesday 06 March 2001 21:36, Gerry wrote:
  Well, that holy book of yours also say that humans were the first
  species that were created, that earth is flat, and lots of other
  nonsense. In any event, if those things even happened, it was
  thousands of years ago. I mean, they punished people by hanging them
  at crosses back then..
  Anyway, saying things like that have nothing to do with religion.
  It's just sick.
 Registered Linux User #197840
 "Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

Registered Linux User: 167369
= =
Personal WebServer:
(Personal Server runs: M-F= 7pm-12am  S+S=12pm-12am)

RE: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-08 Thread Quaylar

At 18:10 06.03.2001 -0600, you wrote:
Mine did the same thing after some idle time, a friend told me that if I set
my email to check every 10 minutes or so, it would keep the connection alive
and stay connected. I tried it and it works, give it a try.

so u think its an idle timeout ?.but wouldnt it then always disconnect 
after the same amount of time ?.
ok...maybe somthing on my network is causing traffic in unregular 
intervals.that my explain it...
but if theres an idle timeout value .it must be able to set it...dont u 
think so ?

Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

[newbie] masq and napster

2001-03-08 Thread Quaylar

hi all !

i have set up a linux adsl router and i have enabled masq and ipchains on it.

so far i can do everything from my windows box behind it (mail/irc/web/ and 
so on) except napster.

i read the napster+masq howto and i read various deja topics about this issue.
this is what i did to get it working :

1) i opened my firewall to all connections coming from port  or port 
8875 (the napster servers)
2) i did a portfw for ports 6699 and 6700 to my local win box.
3) forwarding is enabled (of course, otherwise i wouldnt be able to use all 
the other services)

napster still remains at "geting info" state and never begins downloading.
i use napster 2.0 beta6

has anybody ideas about this ?

and one furhter question :

i just got a 512/64 adsl line, and i am using it over the linux router.
now when i am accessing websites, speed is REALLY slow, i think my earlier 
isdn line was faster than this.
(i am heavily disappointed)

i tuned the win settings with the tune program from speedcorp which made it 
a little faster, but it still sucks !
on the other hand i can get (at really good times, from servers in my 
country) max. 50 kB/s download rate.

can anybody give an advice on how to "tune" the linux router or the win box ?



Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

[newbie] Grub timeout!!!

2001-03-08 Thread Thomas Webster

resending as the first time it seemed to dissapear into a black hole!

I run a dual boot win98 Mandrake 7.2 system.

I used to run a Randish Boot manager on my MBR to boot between different

I installed Mandrake 7.2 putting GRUB on my root partition.  However once I
realised that now my root mandrake partition was now /hda6 and hence not
bootable by Randish boot manager so I decided to install GRUB onto my MBR.
Which I did succesfully but now it just spits me straight into windoze (the
default) without any delay so I can't select a difference choice.  I have
changed /boot/grub/menu.lst and added 'timeout 10' to it (it wasn't there
originally)first below 'default 0' and then moved it to the top to no avail.

I have also tried to install LILO but it comes up with the error partition
not found and dies.. so I had to reinstall GRUB again.


-Tom Webster

[newbie] Re: Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1

2001-03-08 Thread Michael

I ran " $ free"  and saw that I was heavily into my swap, to the tune of 
around 227 M.  I switched to Gnome and everything is running much 
faster.  I've been monitoring my memory / swap usage, and the most swap 
I've used in Gnome is about 40M running Moz 0.8.  That program eats up 
buffer / cache too.

The thing that's really weird, is a buddy of mine is using 7.2 and KDE 
on a 200 PI with 64M and his system runs fine.  I think somehow I must 
have sprung a memory leak or something.  Oh well, I'm actually starting 
to like Gnome a lot.  It's much more stable than it was a couple of 
years ago.



Glen Leinweber wrote:

   This is a guess... I wonder if 64MEG is close to the
 limit for 7.2? Perhaps 7.1 fits KDE and one or two apps
 fits into 64M without going to swap. Once you get into swap,
 things really slow down.
   I've often heard that more RAM often solves speed

Re: [newbie] remote access

2001-03-08 Thread Quaylar

At 03:43 07.03.2001 -0500, you wrote:
My linux box has a 24/7 cable modem connection.

If I put a modem on my linux box, would it be possible to dial in to it from
a remote site, say with my laptop from work, and get onto the internet?


i am sure that that is possible but wouldnt u then be forced to pay the 
phone bill from your works laptop to your computer ?..wouldnt u ?..

wouldnt it be cheaper to connect from your works laptop directly to the 
internet ?...(internet account of your company ?)


Re: [newbie] Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1?

2001-03-08 Thread Ed Tharp

have you tried to do with out such a large swap?
- Original Message - 
From: "Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 11:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1?

 I just installed 7.2 on a 300PII with 64M Ram and a 256M Swap
 Partition.  KDE is running extremely slow, many times slower than 7.1.
 It's almost to the point I'm considering re-installing 7.1.  Does anyone
 know why this is?  Did I do something wrong on the install?

Re: [newbie] setuid root?

2001-03-08 Thread Dave Sherman

Normally I DO RTFM, but in this case, I did not know WITFM (Where In The 
F***ing Manual) to find what I was looking for. I am familiar with the 
chmod command, but I did not know it was applicable in this situation, so 
it did not occur to me to 'man chmod'. Nevertheless, thanks for the info.


At 11:06 AM 03/05/2001 -0800, you wrote:
Not meaning to be a wise@#$, but RTFM, dude.

Anyway, here's how you do it.

1.  In a terminal window as root, cd to the directory where smbmount and
smbumount are (in Mdk it's /usr/bin)

2.  # ls -l smbmnt (you should see  -rwxr-xr-x)

3.  #  chmod +s smbmnt (this will change the perms to -rwsr-sr-x)

4.  Repeat step 3 with smbumount and smbmount

This should fix it so that the tool can be executed by the user.

It may be necessary (but probably will not be) to change the mountpoint
perms /home/yourname/mnt to those of root in order to mount the share
(I've never had to do this).

Dave Sherman wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am trying to use LinNeighborhood for network share access on my LAN.
  Unfortunately, I keep receiving the error message:
  smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (501,501)
  I have heard about setting a program to run as root, but unfortunately
  I do not know the command. Can anyone help?
  Registered Linux User #197840
  "Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

Dave Sherman
SoftServ Business Systems, Inc."Quid quid latine dictum sit,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  altum viditur."
(763) 569-9839

Re: [newbie] Forgot to ask...

2001-03-08 Thread Thomas Adam


lauch "lothar", or if you have Linux-Mandrake 7.1 or
better, load "DrakConf" select Hardware, and you can
easily configure your soundcard to work...


Thomas Adam

--- Derek Rayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi
 I forgot to ask this the last time I was posting a
 1) How do I make my ALS200 sound card work with
 Linux in the KDE
 REASON: I want to play .wav's, my CD's, and hear any
 other sounds that
 are there.

 Richard Wegner - Linux Newbie -
 NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is
 just an
 e-mail address I chose!

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Thomas Adam
Linux Co-ordinator for The Purbeck School

e-mail (school): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
e-mail (yahoo) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] kde2.1 help

2001-03-08 Thread Dale Kosan

Sorry if this has been answered before, I am trying to install the new kde2.1 
final on my Mandrake 7.2 box.I downloaded all the rpms and did a rpm -Uvh 
*.rpm --test, this is the result:

[dale@gandalf test]$ rpm -Uvh *.rpm --test
file /usr/bin/kwebdesktop from install of kdebase-2.1-2mdk conflicts with 
file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/share/apps/kdesktop/programs/kwebdesktop.desktop from install of 
kdebase-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/bin/kjezz from install of kdegames-2.1-2mdk conflicts with file 
from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/share/apps/kjezz/kjezzui.rc from install of kdegames-2.1-2mdk 
conflicts with file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/share/apps/kjezz/pics/tiles.png from install of kdegames-2.1-2mdk 
conflicts with file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/bin/kpaint from install of kdegraphics-2.1-1mdk conflicts with file 
from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/share/apps/kpaint/kpaint.rc from install of kdegraphics-2.1-1mdk 
conflicts with file from package kdeaddutils-2.0-3mdk
file /usr/bin/moc from install of libqt2-devel-2.2.4-3mdk conflicts with file 
from package qt-devel-1.44-28mdk
file /usr/lib/ from install of libqt2-devel-2.2.4-3mdk conflicts with 
file from package qt-devel-1.44-28mdk

Any ideas on how I should continue? Thanks for your time.

[newbie] OFF TOPIC - about the ridiculous 8.0 beta response

2001-03-08 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

In this day of political correctness we always have to be wary of what and 
how we say it.  I, for one, am NOT politically correct.  I refuse to be 
offended by what anybody says on a mailing list and my suggestion is, if you 
are offended by a comment (or my signature line...remember that one) just 
ignore the comment or delete the offending message.  Stop flooding the inbox 
with ridiculous replies about how you feel about it, for it is redundant and 
uncalled for.  
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

RE: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-08 Thread Bob

I don't know if it is an idle timeout or not, some ISP's from what I
understand are setup to timeout connections if they are idle for a period of
time. That's what was going on with my connection. Since then, I changed the
company I was using for my ADSL/ISP and have had no problems with timeouts.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Quaylar
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

At 18:10 06.03.2001 -0600, you wrote:
Mine did the same thing after some idle time, a friend told me that if I
my email to check every 10 minutes or so, it would keep the connection
and stay connected. I tried it and it works, give it a try.

so u think its an idle timeout ?.but wouldnt it then always disconnect
after the same amount of time ?.
ok...maybe somthing on my network is causing traffic in unregular
intervals.that my explain it...
but if theres an idle timeout value .it must be able to set it...dont u
think so ?

Icq# 30932448
! Knowledge is power 
For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP

[newbie] foolish question

2001-03-08 Thread Emilio Correa

Hi, I lost the task bar in KDE, How can I restore it?

Ing. Qco. Emilio Correa
Invap S.E.
02944 422121 int. 2473
fax: 02944 423489
(8400) San Carlos de Bariloche

Re: [newbie] Silly question here...

2001-03-08 Thread Chantha

Yeah.  Please tell me too.  I'm kind of annoyed by the
military time on KDE.  And why is it that Gnome has
the non-military time?  Beats me!

--- Shane Roppel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not big on the whole military time thing here...
 could someone tell me 
 how to change the time format kde2 to 12 rather than

 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Chantha K.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] change animated .gif to open source format?

2001-03-08 Thread Jon Doe

Is there any way to change an animated .gif to an open source format picture?

I won't send it to the list but I have an anti-MS "Final Solution 2000" 
picture that is pretty funny. Anyone who wants it should email me OFFLIST and 
I will send it to ya.

[newbie] printing and login

2001-03-08 Thread Santiago Canez


I am having some problems getting my Canon BJC-2010 printer to work
under Mandrake 7.1. I have tried configuring it using DrakConf and also
using printtool but everytime I try to print something using lpr,
nothing happens. And when I check the queue with lpq, I see that it is
empty. It seems to me that either the print request never gets queued or

it gets removed from the queue right away without printing. Any
suggestions? I have gotten my printer to work under 7.2 using CUPS, so
maybe that would work. If I can't get it to print how it is, how would I

go about installing CUPS and all the drivers?

One more question that I am sure has been asked before. How can we get
rid of that penguin that comes up on the textual login?


Re: [newbie] minicom as root

2001-03-08 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Pat:

I am really sorry that I don't have the answer to the "can't create lock
file" issue. However, using Minicom as root is not better and no worse
than using your modem as root, i.e. it leaves you wide open to security
breaches. If you have sensitive data or don't want others snooping on
you or having access to your system (which they could screw up without
your knowing it), then please don't use Minicom. I would suggest sending
out another message or two on the lists in the hope that someone will
solve this last remaining issue for you.


RE: [newbie] adsl and connection loss

2001-03-08 Thread Quaylar

At 05:44 08.03.2001 -0600, you wrote:
I don't know if it is an idle timeout or not, some ISP's from what I
understand are setup to timeout connections if they are idle for a period of
time. That's what was going on with my connection. Since then, I changed the
company I was using for my ADSL/ISP and have had no problems with timeouts.

i know for sure that its not the isp, because they say they dont have an 
idle timeout..


[newbie] Grub timeout!!!!

2001-03-08 Thread Thomas Webster

resending as the first time mail seemed to dissapear into a black hole!

I run a dual boot win98 Mandrake 7.2 system.

I used to run a Randish Boot manager on my MBR to boot between different

I installed Mandrake 7.2 putting GRUB on my root partition.  However once I
realised that now my root mandrake partition was now /hda6 and hence not
bootable by Randish boot manager so I decided to install GRUB onto my MBR.
Which I did succesfully but now it just spits me straight into windoze (the
default) without any delay so I can't select a difference choice.  I have
changed /boot/grub/menu.lst and added 'timeout 10' to it (it wasn't there
originally)first below 'default 0' and then moved it to the top to no avail.

I have also tried to install LILO but it comes up with the error partition
not found and dies.. so I had to reinstall GRUB again.


-Tom Webster

Re: [newbie] Why is 7.2 so much slower than 7.1?

2001-03-08 Thread Dave Sherman

I had a similar problem, and it turned out that I had chosen a 
sub-optimal monitor type during X setup. Once I changed the monitor 
type, the whole system sped up a lot.


On Tuesday 06 March 2001 22:28, Michael wrote:

 I just installed 7.2 on a 300PII with 64M Ram and a 256M Swap
 Partition.  KDE is running extremely slow, many times slower than
 7.1. It's almost to the point I'm considering re-installing 7.1. 
 Does anyone know why this is?  Did I do something wrong on the



Registered Linux User #197840

"Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."

Re: [newbie] aktion -- media player not working

2001-03-08 Thread Benjamin Sher


I remember this error precisely. Just IGNORE it. Yes, ignore it and go
ahead and open a file in Aktion. It will work, never mind the error
message. Believe me. Play with it and you'll see.


Re: [newbie] Cable modem and dhcpcd help

2001-03-08 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

This appears to be a problem (feature?) with @Home. The trick is to 
set cron to renew your connection at regular intervals, like every 
five minutes. Kcron is a good tool to do this (as root, of course). 
Simply make an entry using your dhcp initialisation line (e.g. 
"/sbin/dhcpcd -d -n -h COxxx-A eth0") and fill in the rest.

On Wed,  7 Mar 2001 04:50, darrell wrote:
 Hi All!

 Okay, first of all, things are looking pretty good. I have my
 rogers@home Terayon cable modem working with dhcp, and I have
 ipchains masquerading my 3 windows boxes. The one remaining problem
 has to do, apparently, with dhcpcd. After a few hours, the
 connection gets dropped. I assume this happens when the lease
 expires. Problem is, dhcpcd doesn't reconnect me, and the only way I
 can seem to get reconnected is to unplug the cablemodem and reboot.
 Surely there is a way to stay connected. Any help on this would be
 greatly appreciated.


Sridhar Dhanapalan.
"There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
-- Jeremy S. Anderson

[newbie] How to find help about C functions

2001-03-08 Thread Branislav Karic

I would like to learn more about some C/C++ functions,
for example: strrchr(). How can I find descriptions of


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Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-08 Thread Anthony Daniell

If you all stop replying to this it will die do not answer this one it will
bite you

Just visiting this planet,
Please sign the Linux Driver petition
If man evolved from monkeys and apes,
why do we still have monkeys and apes?
Anthony Daniell
- Original Message -
From: "Ryan Le Gros" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta


 sorry had to :P


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:29 AM
 Subject: BANGGRe: [newbie] 8.0 Beta


 --its dead!

 On Monday 05 March 2001 06:34 am,  Mark Weaver wrote:
  Come on! - DIE THREAD DIE!! -

[newbie] Firewall

2001-03-08 Thread Branislav Karic

   First I want to thanks Mark Johnson and Glen
Leinweber for help about C functions.

   I have a question about firewalls. I have read the
Firewall-HOWTO but I didn't quite understand can I
make my computer at home to be a firewall and to work
on it at the same time? Do I have to have two
computers, one to be a firewall and the other to work
on it?

   Is there any program like ZoneAlarm for Windows?


Do You Yahoo!?
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[newbie] What's up with the list?

2001-03-08 Thread Chantha

Why does it take so long for our emails to go through?

Chantha K.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

[newbie] Made LILO mistake -- Please Help

2001-03-08 Thread Jack Gillis

I just made a mistake in installing. I forgot to tell the installer to put LILO in 
hda7, my boot, partition.  It went into the MBR and that messed up my IBM Boot 
Manager.  I got that 
straightened out with fdisk /newmbr but now I need to get LILO onto hda7 so Linux will 

I've seen the answer to this several times but, I am ashamed to say that I 
never paid any attention to it because of confidence I would never make that mistake.  
Well here I am 
looking for the answer.

Will some kind person please tell me how to do this?  (Chatisements 
humbly accepted.)

Thank you.

[newbie] Newest Gnapster has BIG BUG in it

2001-03-08 Thread Vic

Hello sorry about OT,
but there is no gnapster lsit,
but  i know some of you do gnapster.

The latest release has a bug, it wont even compile.

I would do the rpm instead, or wait for the stable

[root@kittypuss gnapster-1.4.2]# make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2'
Making all in macros
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/macros'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/macros'
Making all in po
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/po'
file=./`echo fi | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
   rm -f $file  PATH=../src:$PATH /usr/bin/msgfmt -o $file fi.po
file=./`echo nl | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
   rm -f $file  PATH=../src:$PATH /usr/bin/msgfmt -o $file nl.po
file=./`echo uk | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \
   rm -f $file  PATH=../src:$PATH /usr/bin/msgfmt -o $file uk.po
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/po'
Making all in intl
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/intl'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/intl'
Making all in src
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/src'
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link gcc  -g -Wall -Wunused   -o gnapster  
callbacks.o gnapster.o napster.o network.o ui.o upload.o md5.o commands.o 
regexp.o queue.o
download.o servers.o resume.o chan.o debug.o xtext.o text.o utils.o themes.o 
fuckgnome.o connect.o -rdynamic -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -rdynamic 
-lgnorba -lORBitCosNaming -lORBit -lIIOP -lORBitutil -lgnomeui -lart_lgpl 
-lgdk_imlib -lSM -lICE -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lgnome 
-lgnomesupport -lesd -laudiofile -lm -ldb1 -lglib -ldl  -L/usr/lib 
-lgdk_pixbuf -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic -lgmodule 
-lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
gcc -g -Wall -Wunused -o gnapster callbacks.o gnapster.o napster.o network.o 
ui.o upload.o md5.o commands.o regexp.o queue.o download.o servers.o resume.o 
chan.o debug.o xtext.o text.o utils.o themes.o fuckgnome.o connect.o 
-rdynamic -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -rdynamic -lgnorba -lORBitCosNaming 
-lORBit -lIIOP -lORBitutil -lgnomeui -lart_lgpl -lgdk_imlib -lSM -lICE -lgtk 
-lgdk -lgmodule -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lgnome -lgnomesupport -lesd -laudiofile 
-lm -ldb1 -lglib -ldl -L/usr/lib -lgdk_pixbuf -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
-lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb1
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [gnapster] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/gnapster-1.4.2'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
[root@kittypuss gnapster-1.4.2]

Re: [newbie] OFF TOPIC - about the ridiculous 8.0 beta response

2001-03-08 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 07 March 2001 01:10 pm, Jay needs a Guinness wrote:
 In this day of political correctness we always have to be wary of what
 and how we say it.  I, for one, am NOT politically correct.  I refuse to
 be offended by what anybody says on a mailing list and my suggestion is,
 if you are offended by a comment (or my signature line...remember that
 one) just ignore the comment or delete the offending message.  Stop
 flooding the inbox with ridiculous replies about how you feel about it,
 for it is redundant and uncalled for.

Amen!  The best thing to do on any public mailing lists is ignore off 
handed remarks, sarcasm, insults, rants, etc. as much as possible.  It's 
even more ridiculous to keep responding to out of control threads with
'stop this thread' posts.

The best way to get any obnoxious member to settle down is to ignore 
them.  Often they get the message and become valuable members.
Dale Earnhardt,  the greatest stock car driver ever, 
 he's won his 8th and  His Greatest Championship
  Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Firewall

2001-03-08 Thread Dennis Myers

On Thursday 08 March 2001 12:23, you wrote:
First I want to thanks Mark Johnson and Glen
 Leinweber for help about C functions.

I have a question about firewalls. I have read the
 Firewall-HOWTO but I didn't quite understand can I
 make my computer at home to be a firewall and to work
 on it at the same time? Do I have to have two
 computers, one to be a firewall and the other to work
 on it?

Is there any program like ZoneAlarm for Windows?


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
Hi, yes there is a good one to start with called pmfirewall, you will have to 
do a search on pmfirewall to get the download site cause I can't remember it. 
It works very well for starters and yes you can continue to use your computer 
for other normal things and don't need two computers.  Have fun with it ,
Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] New monitor setup on Linux

2001-03-08 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Jeff Malka wrote:
 My old monitor just died.  I bought a new one which I am
 using from NT.

 I remember reading scare stories about burning out you
 monitor if you use the wrong monitor settings from within
 Linux.  I am therefore not booting into Linux until I find
 out what I am supposed to do to set the monitor display
 settings correctly.

 Could someone tell me the exact steps to go through?

 I am running Mandrake 7.1 and KDE


 Registered Linux user  183185

Jeffboot up in level 3 and run either Xconfigurator or 

RE: [newbie] Can't resize certain windows

2001-03-08 Thread Franki

Something I have found that seems to work, is using the generic laptop
screen for the res you want..

can't hurt to try. it worked for me when every other option failed.

Frank Hauptle
/ /  _
---/ /  (_)__  __   __
--/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
-//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Gshop  Network Payment Solutions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Owens, Blaine C
Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2001 9:12 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Can't resize certain windows

Thanks Gerry, the ALT key trick works fine. I've tried numerous combinations
to try to get 1024x768 but all result in either a flickering display or
dashed lines accross the screen. I'm content with the 800x600 now.

-Original Message-
From: Gerry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't resize certain windows

If you hold down the ALT key you can drag the window around no matter where
in the window the cursor is (assuming you use kde).

Btw, if your monitor/gfx-card is able to show higher resolutions than
you probably got some settings wrong somewhere.. Try running mandrake's
x-setup again and select "show all modes" (on my pc it only showed up to
1024x768, but 1280x1024 worked fine), or run xf86config and enter the
resolutions manually.

tirsdag 06 mars 2001, 16:07, you wrote:
 I've just about got all the kinks worked out of my new 7.2 install. It
 looks like I'm stuck with a resolution of 800x600 max. One nuisance
 is that some of the windows are larger than my monitor, DrakRPM for
 example, and I can't resize the window to fit my screen. I can get around
 the problem in most cases using other methods to do the task but I was
 wondering if anyone had any suggestions to offer. Thanks.

 Blaine Owens
 Eastman Chemical Company
 Phone - (423)-229-3579
 Cell Phone - (423)-817-0704
 Fax - (423)-229-1188

Re: WAAAYYY OT! (Was: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta)

2001-03-08 Thread Gerry

Sorry if i annoy you people, but i had to reply to this.. Anyway, this is my 
LAST post to this thread no matter what. Case closed.

 Dave Sherman wrote:
  1. Actually, humans were the LAST species to be created, on the sixth

Ok, i'm not really an expert on this, sorry then..

  2. Nowhere does it say the earth is flat. It also doesn't say the earth
  is round. The Bible is not a science textbook.

Actually it does say so. I would have given you the exact location, but i 
don't remember.. Anyway, i read it myself (someone showed it to me), so i 
know it's there. It doesn't say so in a scientific manner, though. It just 
shows that the people living in those days believed the earth was flat. My 
point was that what people believed to be right 2000 years ago doesn't need 
to be so today.

  3. I wouldn't know about your "lots of other nonsense", since I have
  not really noticed it.

Sorry if i was a bit harsh.. I respect other people's beliefs. I just meant 
that meanings on right and wrong was different back then (see above).

KompuKit wrote:
 Oh Lord...forgive those...who have EYES,but can NOT see...
 and ears, but can not hear

Ditto ;)


[newbie] and WP8

2001-03-08 Thread John Batt

when I try to install WP8 on my system it says it can't find .  
Where can I find this file and will it hurt to install it on my Mandrake 7.2 
John Batt, OSL
ICQ# 103056686
Windows 95: A 32 bit extension and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch 
to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, 
written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition! -- 

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-08 Thread Rob Regennitter

On Thursday 08 March 2001 07:23 am, you wrote:


 Please keep the religious masturbation of the list serve. I realize that
 you feel superior in your religious standing, but what you don't realize is
 that none of us care. If you feel the need to preach please join a
 Christian discussion group. Or better yet why don't you go find some
 16-year-old unwed mother to call a sinner, or wait I know why don't go to
 the terminal ward in your local hospital, and inform the patients there
 that if they had lived a life with out sin they would have been much
 healthier. Bottom line is this Kompukit, your statements here are almost
 more inappropriate than that of Julio. At least in his case it was a
 comment made without thought, but you are using this form and members an
 opportunity to spout your religious propaganda. I think that your messages
 are far more reprehensible than Julio's, so please stop.

 - Original Message -
 From: KompuKit
 Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 5:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

 I'm with you...Robin !!!
 this is really ridiculous...

 as for the rest of you...that (it appears) do NOT believe in, nor
 understand God's word...when you stand in front of Jesus...on Judgement
 and have to give an account of the things said and done in this body of
 and have no allthen you can look this
 and say then: GOD HAVE MERCY...on our stupidity and injustice
 done unto the eyes of our misunderstanding of YOUR WORD (the

 Robin Regennitter wrote:
  I cant believe that some people make the big deal out this. I think it's
  rather absurd.
  - Original Message -
  From: "Daryl Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 9:42 AM
  Subject: RE: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
   Heyy cool!  :o)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julio Gutierrez
Subject: Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta
Ok my apologies to all the girls age of 16 subscribed to this
list, also to
all females subscribed to it, and to all the parents of 16 yr old
girls who 
SORRY again!!!

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Re: [newbie] Silly question here...

2001-03-08 Thread Rob Regennitter

On Thursday 08 March 2001 07:39 am, you wrote:

you can left click on the time and chose date  time format.  then click on 
Country-america, north-united state of america(us) and that will change to 
12 from 24.

 On Tue, 06 Mar 2001, Shane Roppel wrote:
  I'm not big on the whole military time thing here... could someone tell
  me how to change the time format kde2 to 12 rather than 24?
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

 Sure, as root or su, type timetool at a prompt. The timetool app will
 appear. Check if the "24 Hour Time" checkbox is checked. If so, uncheck it
 and select the "Set System Clock" followed by "Exit Time Machine". That
 should do it.

[newbie] My evaluation of New Traktopel Beta Mandrake 8

2001-03-08 Thread Vic

Hello list.

Upon installing the new Beta Mandrake Traktopel 8
release on a system using an AMD K6-400 cpu,
192Mb system ram, S3 Virge video card, 10Gb Quantum harddrive UDMA 33,
with VIA chipset, AWE64 Soundblaster ISA card, a zip250
using the zip zoom card (aic7xxx), an old unix BTC cdrom,
and lastly a Plextor 8/4/32A Cd recorder.

I found the installation went ok in expert mode, one little hang up on 
setting up networking, it would not let you click on yes or no,
BUT, you could bypass this by going on to the next step,
then when it cama back, you could just click on uhh, skip or 
something like that, and do it later after installation finished.

I really liked the option when you booted into expert mode,
it would let you select another cdrom device to go to,
which I did, my faster Plextor drive, altho I had to boot
with the slower drive, but I could just switch drives when
it asked me that.

I had to downgrade sendmail, and tweak apache, 
and kde2's user agent with Konqueror's user agent
is still broken broken broken busted broken busted busted
broken...BUT other than that, it still was a *very* useable
system and I think I might keep it for awhile until the
stable release comes up.

Good job Mandrake.
Pretty dang good for a beta,
if the beta was that decent, the
stable release ought to kick butt.

[newbie] What am I missing??

2001-03-08 Thread Aaron Benedict

I had to re install my system from the LM 7.2 complete box. I was trying to 
reinstall my Aureal sound card with the new drivers from sourceforge and I am 
getting the following error message.

root@localhost aureal]# make install
cc -D__KERNEL__  -DMODULE -DAU8830 -mpentium  -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall 
-pipe -I/usr/src/linux/include   -c -o au_audio.o au_audio.c
make: cc: Command not found
make: *** [au_audio.o] Error 127  

I have a feeling that I some packages didn't install. What packages am I 
missing to install the drivers?


Re: [newbie] HP CD Writer 9500

2001-03-08 Thread KompuKit

I have the HP 9150i cd-writer...
had the same problem til I re-installed again, mandrake 7.2.

now it works fine...but there's a bug fix once you re-install
that needs fixingit's located here:

just re-install linux...but do NOT format your /home partition
and upon reboot,after reinstall...the drive will be emulated...and seen.

"Wehling, Rich" wrote:
 I have a 9500 cd writer and would like to try burning cd's with Linux but
 haven't a clue how to get started .
 I have installed the cd rom burner into the system that is running Linux
 Mandrake 7.2 and have plenty of blank cd's .  I tried the CDROAST
 program but it looks at the folder I have selected and scans the files then
 gives an error "broken pipe" I don't rmr the exact error but I was dinking
 around with the settings of the program and came across a section that looks
 like it needs a lund number and address for the cdrom burner   I am
 guessing that the burner is too new to be seen by the software as a burner
 but it reads cd's fine ..  in the app hard drake it sees the burner as
 well as its information ...   is there a place that might have a driver
 file (not sure what its called in Linux) or do I just need to find the
 id/lund/???   information ( of witch I do not know how to do ) .  I
 tried the cdrecord command with the -scanbus delimiter from the terminal but
 it did not find a drive .   do I have the cd installed correctly? I
 removed the old cd that was in the system so as to just have the cd rom
 burner any help in this would be greatly appreciated ..

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