[newbie-it] Mandrake 8

2001-05-29 Thread Marc (aka: Verbal)

Si tratta veramente di un ottimo prodotto...
ma qualcuno mi spiega COME DIAVOLO usare il mio Elsa Microlink ISDN USB ? 
se avvio una connessione kppp, mi chiede solo modem su seriale... esiste un 
/dev/ per questo ta ?

CU S%N!Ciaociao  Byez ! \\marco[www] http://verbal.webjump.com ||| http://surf.to/verbal_666[email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED][icq] 
19758469[icq email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (instant ICQ msg 
via email)[wwp icq] http://wwp.mirabilis.com/19758469[fidonet] 
2:332/801.63[cellulare] 0338-1772706

] do you have an opinion ?] a mind of your own ?] i thought you 
were special.] i thought you should know.] but i've run out of 
patience,] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,] pray the Lord my soul to keep,] if i 
die before i wake,] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

R: [newbie-it] Installazione flash media 5.0

2001-05-29 Thread Verbal

 ma hai scompattato il pacchetto in /ROOT/ ?
.. apri il file tar-gz in archiver (sotto KDE o dove vuoi) e scompatta 
in /ROOT/
poi batti i due CP da terminale o shell... in alternativa basta che ti copi 
tu via file-manager i due file in oggetto sotto la
e poi vedi che funziona..

buon Linux a tutti

CU S%N!Ciaociao  Byez ! \\marco[www] http://verbal.webjump.com ||| http://surf.to/verbal_666[email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED][icq] 
19758469[icq email] [EMAIL PROTECTED] (instant ICQ msg 
via email)[wwp icq] http://wwp.mirabilis.com/19758469[fidonet] 
2:332/801.63[cellulare] 0338-1772706

] do you have an opinion ?] a mind of your own ?] i thought you 
were special.] i thought you should know.] but i've run out of 
patience,] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,] pray the Lord my soul to keep,] if i 
die before i wake,] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

  -Messaggio Originale- 
  Da: Enrico 
  Data invio: lunedì 28 maggio 2001 
  Oggetto: [newbie-it] Installazione flash 
  media 5.0
  Ho installato completamente mandrake linux 8.0 (versione 2 CD) 
  e ho eseguito l'update.Non si attiva il plug-in flash Media 5.0 su 
  alcuni siti; ho eseguito il download e da terminale inserito il comando: 
  $HOME/flash_linux/flashplayer.so /usr/lib/netscape/plugins e mi ha dato 
  l'errore impossibile creare file normale flashplayer.so.Questo sia con 
  browser netscape 4.77.Sarei grato se mi venisse indicato per esteso 
  cosa debbofare per vedere tale plug-in.Enrico 
  Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

Re: R: [newbie-it] Installazione flash media 5.0

2001-05-29 Thread Andrea Celli

Per favore, se proprio vuoi usare outlook express, ti prego di
utilizzare due accorgimenti:

- non usare formati MIMe: molti reader di posta li digeriscono

- sistema il baco della traduzione italiana di outlook, che ha 
sostituito l'header Re: con R:, altrimenti puoi vedere da solo 
cosa succede quando ti si risponde con un mailer standard
Re: R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: R: ...


ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] antivirus

2001-05-29 Thread Enrico Noseda

Mi potreste indicare un antivirus free compatibile con mandrake 8 e di 
facile installazione (sono nuovissimo di linux ma mi sta divertendo).
Enrico N.

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

[newbie-it] Mandrake, Suse e altro

2001-05-29 Thread Wintozsucks

Ho un Mandrake 7.2 Power Pack, 5 cd + manualotto d'istruzioni, di cui
non ho più bisogno, se serve a qualcuno lo vendo a poco prezzo. Ho
anche altro materiale Linux più recente che posso eventualmente
masterizzare per i poveracci, come me, che non possono scaricvarsi
dalla rete 500 o + Mb.

Se siete interesati mandatemi un'email

La parola più importante è senz'altro no.
No all'intolleranza e all'ineguaglianza, soprattutto.
Non dimentico parole altrettanto importanti come amore, onestà,
Ma per prima cosa bisogna sempre dire di no a tutto ciò che lo
(Josè Saramago)

Re: [newbie-it] antivirus

2001-05-29 Thread Andrea Celli

Enrico Noseda wrote:
 Mi potreste indicare un antivirus free compatibile con mandrake 8 e di
 facile installazione (sono nuovissimo di linux ma mi sta divertendo).

Puoi trovare qualcosa sul sito della McAfee, o fare una ricerca
su freshmeat.net. Pero`, si tratta di programmi per ripulire/proteggere
i pc Win presenti nella rete locale, lavorando da macchine sicure.

In Linux c'e` una certa carenza di virus classici, ti bastera` 
adottare delle misure minime di sicurezza. Per esempio,
evitare di navigare in internet come root ed evitare di lanciare
come root dei programmi di cui non sei ragionevolmente sicuro.
Se qualcuno che non conosci ti manda uno script cicciobello,
che contiene l'istruzione rm -rf /*, e tu lo esegui come 
root  :-((

Il vero virus di Linux e` root :-0

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] antivirus

2001-05-29 Thread Mr_Brain

Il 11:09, martedì 29 Maggio 2001, hai scritto:
 Mi potreste indicare un antivirus free compatibile con mandrake 8 e
 di facile installazione

Per l'uso domestico non e` proprio indispensabile... i virus per 
Linux sono pochi (si dovrebbe parlare di worm, ma sempre di programmi 
nocivi si tratta :P ) e per evitarli basta seguire la ``regola 
fondamentale degli allegati'': se non lo conosci, eliminalo - magari 
shreddandolo :PPP

Se ti interessa invece un antivirus per scansionare gli hd di altri 
pc in rete, fai un giro su www.mcafee.com, www.avp.it ... Ma non sono 
free! ;-)

 (sono nuovissimo di linux ma mi sta divertendo). Grazie!

Beh, cio·` significa che alla Mandrake hanno fatto davvero un bel 
lavoro, visto che fino a poco tempo fa il commento di coloro che 
usavano Linux per la prima volta era ``Linux? Ah, si`, l'ho provato, 
era troppo difficile, sono tornato a windows'' :-


[newbie-it] disco di avvio mandrake 7.1

2001-05-29 Thread emi80

Sul mio computer ho sia Windows che Linux Mandrake 7.1.
Siccome devo reinstallare Windows, come faccio a fare un disco di avvio per
Linux dato che quello che avevo fatto durante l'installazione mi si e'


[newbie-it] AUDIO IN MANDRAKE 8

2001-05-29 Thread Francesco Speranza



Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Thread s

On Monday 28 May 2001 10:52 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 28 May 2001 21:54, s wrote:
  U really should use a downloader.  Netscape seems to convert binarys to
  ascii or some sh*t.  Anyway, nt webdownloader is a good one.  Go to
  rpmfind and do a search for nt.  It's an easy rpm install and
  straightforward gui controls. -s

 I went to several websites and the file was there but when I tried to
 download I got a message that the file no longer exists. I then decided to
 try the LimeWireOther.zip however I just do not understand the instructions
 for installing. I have Kaffee installed which I was told would work with
 LimeWire. Can anyone give me step by step instructions for this. I am not
 understanding the classpath at all. I have read all I can about it but just
 do not understand how to figure out what classpath to put in the install
 script. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have LM8 . I have Kaffee
 installed and LimeWireOther.zip downloaded. Thanks, Marcia

It was difficult for me to finally get the exact wording right, then after 
the hour or two long struggle, I still couldn't download because of firewall 
issues (that I sure wish I could get some help on (-:   ).  Anyway, I read 
instructions, faqs, posts, ngs, searched google, and called a witch doctor.  
The one thing that finally helped was from post right here on this mailing 
list.  Do a search for limewire and Geoffrey and follow his instructions.


[newbie] Another Voodoo enigma? 3.3.6 installed.

2001-05-29 Thread s

OK, I'm convinced there is something seriously wrong with the XFree86 
setup/server in 8.0.   Some may recall when I tried to use 8.0 on my spouse's 
amd k6-2 450 last week and couldn't get it to use 4.0.3, so no 3d 
acceleration or aa fonts, etc.   I was lucky enough that it at least 
installed on one of mine with a voodoo3 which uses a pentium, tho the 
acceleration leaves alot to be desired.  So I wondered if the amd use is 

However, an experiment tonight blew that theory out of the water and leads me 
to the problem at hand:

I installed 8.0 on a celeron 433, 128 ram and voodoo3 2000 tonight.  I wasn't 
given a choice of versions concerning XFree86 and it installed 3.3.6.  Why do 
you suppose I can use 4.0.3 on one machine and not another using the same 
exact video card?  Now I didn't try to force it to use 4.0.3 cause I went 
that route with the amd last week and couldn't boot into X.  

so what gives?  I used 4.0.1  2 with 7.2 and had good game play on this very 
same machine.  

Any help for my poor little celeron or amd machines?  (Man I knew I should've 
gotten a TNT!)


[newbie] Unfolding discussion about XAW - Trouble with XAW on Pinnacle Studio PCTV

2001-05-29 Thread Martijn de Keizer


I thought I'd best post this messages and the earlier messages in the bottom
because I migh not be the only one having trouble with XAW and a Pinnacle TV

- Intel on-board chip- set, Unfortunaltely I don't know the exact specs.
- The computer has dual boot Lilo
- The TV and videocrads work OK under win 2000
- I do not get the channel menu (I think, maybe I have missed it), just the
menu with the settings. But when I change channels, they are all unclear.

Any help greatly appreciated,

MArtijn, AMsterdam, The Netherlands

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: maandag 28 mei 2001 23:39
Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] XAW - Trouble with XAW on Pinnacle Studio PCTV

might not help you ...might not even help me... you should make sure the
see this , cause I ain't no mandrke guru... just a guy trying to help out.
that said, there are two (or more ) different versions of xfree86 with
Mdk8.0. version 4.0x, version 3.36, and 3.36 with 3d optimizations. The fact
the Video is intel is good, the fact it is onboard is ok, but what chip set.
I am sorry if you went over this before... does this computer dual boot?
the video card work in windoers? if you have a channel menu does it make any
difference what channel you select? does it list all the channels you get on
your regular tv?

On Monday 28 May 2001 13:49, you wrote:
 Uff. Some good questions:

 1. Video card: Intel on-board.
 2. I do get the channel menu when I left click; it's just that the
 videosignal malfunctions.
 3. I start it from the KDE taskbar, by clicking onm the icon.
 4. i am using the xfree version that came with Linux Mandrax 8.0. Not sure
 what version it is.

 I hop this helps,


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Verzonden: maandag 28 mei 2001 19:10
 Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] XAW - Trouble with XAW on Pinnacle Studio PCTV

 and do you get the channel menu when you left click on the menu? and and
 how are you starting xaw? and what Xfree version are you using? and what
 video card?

 On Monday 28 May 2001 10:58, you wrote:
  I set it to Pal, that's the european standard (except for france). I
  in AMsterdam.
  -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
  Van: etharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Verzonden: maandag 28 mei 2001 16:48
  Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] XAW - Trouble with XAW on Pinnacle Studio PCTV
  did you set it as PAL? not ntsc? or US cable?
  On Monday 28 May 2001 07:55, you wrote:
   I tried, but it didn't help ...
   -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
   Van: Ed Tharp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Verzonden: maandag 28 mei 2001 13:44
   Onderwerp: Re: [newbie] XAW - Trouble with XAW on Pinnacle Studio PCTV
   try changing the channels? arrow up key increase the channels, a left
   click in the frame brings up a menu?
   - Original Message -
   From: Martijn de Keizer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 5:34 AM
   Subject: [newbie] XAW - Trouble with XAW on Pinnacle Studio PCTV
Hi all,
I booted up Linux Mandrake yesterday - it works great! The only
that really doesn't is XAW.
I have a simple cheap Pinnacle Studio TV card installed that works
with WIN 2000. When I start up XAW, it automatically starts
channelsignals. But: it then blurs the signal over my desktop, sound


but video is completely messed up. Nothing is visible.
What's the catch?
Thanks for your help,
A true Newbie,
Martijn de Keizer

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0 installation freezes

2001-05-29 Thread Civileme

On Monday 28 May 2001 12:19, Nathan Owens wrote:
 I'm finally trying to install Linux on my computer, and chose to use
 Mandrake. Once I got the CD's burned from the CD images, I tried
 rebooting. It starts, but then hangs up soon after. I believe it's
 related to my hard drive, but I don't know (system specs at bottom). Here's
 the last part of the output:

 Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
 ide: Assuming 33 MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with ide
 PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
 PIIX4: chipset revision 1
 PIIX4: not 11% native mode: will probe irqs later
   ide1: BM-DMA at 0x1408-0x140f, BIOS settings: hdc: DMA, hdd: pio
 PDC20262: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 70
 PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0e.0
 PDC20262: chipset revision 1
 PDC20262: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 PDC20262: (U)DMA Burst Bit ENABLED Primary PCI Mode Secondary PCI Mode
   ide2: BM-DMA at 0x1080-0x1087, BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf: pio
   ide3: BM-DMA at 0x1088-0x108f, BIOS settings: hdg: pio hdh: pio
 hdc: LG CD-RW CED-8080B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
 ide2 at 0x1420-0x1427, 0x1416 on irq10

 At this point, it freezes. The cursor that's usually there disappears,
 never reappears, and my computer just stares at me.

 To get past the freezing, I tried:
 boot: linux mem=128M ide2=0x1420,0x1427,10. The first I/O Range listed
 in my Windows system configuration is 0x1420-0x1427, the second one is
 0x1414-0x1418, which includes the third number on the last line of the
 output, 0x1416. I have no idea what that third number means in Linux's

 However, then it has reading issues because it can't read the drive.
 Here's what it says now:
 ide2: reset: success
 hde: set_geometry_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
 hde: set_geometry_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
 hde: recal_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
 hde: recal_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
 hde: recal_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
 hde: recal_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
 hde: read_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error}
 hde: read_intr: error=0x04 {DriveStatusError}
 end request: I/O error, dev 22:00 (hde), sector 0
   unable to read partition table
 RAMDISK Compressed image found at block 0

 From there, it goes on and keeps loading. I get to the install screen,
 select the language, say it's a non-SCSI drive, etc. It goes through the
 first part of the installation. The first time it has to read the
 harddrive (right after choosing the SCSI/non-SCSI drive, I believe), it
 freezes and comes back with the error: test_for_bad_drives: can't even
 read (Input/output error)

 I know this is related to my drive again, but I can't figure out how to
 configure it to get it working. If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it.
 If anyone could even  interpret  some of this stuff, such as what all
 these messages mean in my output, I'd greatly appreciate it.

 ide1 looks like it's my Secondary IDE Controller (which my CD-RW is on),
 since the two addresses match what Windows tells me they are.

 What's wierd, though is that the Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI Bus Master that I
 have has the same addresses as the Secondary IDE Controler, except the
 0x1408-0x140f in the first line starting with ide is 0x1400-0x140f (the PCI
 Bus master has the 0x1400-0x140f address instead of 0x1408-0x140f address).
 The PCI Bus Master is listed under Hard Disk Controlers in my System
 properties in Windows. I don't know if this means anything.

 ide2 seems to be my Promise Technology Ultra66 IDE Controller. The I/O
 Ranges for the ide2  IRQ value seem to be right.

 Computer Specs:
 Dell Dimension XPS 800T
 Pentium III 800 MHz
 30 GB Quantum Harddrive
 Promise Technology Ultra66 IDE Controller
SCSI-like controller (other people have used it with Linux)
IRQ: 10
I/O Range: 0x1420-0x1427, 0x1414-0x1417, 0x1418-0x141F, 0x1410-0x1413,
 Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI Bus Master
IRQ: 15
I/O Range: 0x0170-0x0177,0x0376-0x0376, 0x1400-0x140F
 Secondary IDE Controller:
IRQ: 15
I/O Range: 0x0170-0x0177, 0x0376-0x0376, 0x1408-0x140F
 2 Built-in USB ports (1 4-port hub connected and 1 printer)
  USB hub has Mouse, Keyboard, HandSpring Cradle
 NVDIA GeForce 256 AGP Video Card (32MB memory)
 3COM EtherLink 10/100 PCI
IRQ: 11

 If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it. If you need more information, I
 can try and get it. Thanks!

 Nathan Owens
 Georgia Tech, Atlanta

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] suspend to ram

2001-05-29 Thread Civileme

On Monday 28 May 2001 12:09, mp wrote:
 under linux mandrake 8 possible?
 thank you

Ummm  Not sure what you want...

If you put the mount parameter noatime in the file /etc/fstab, then the disks 
will not be spun up to change the data time parameters, and if you set power 
management properly, disks will spin down.  Add to that the lock screen 
feature, and you have a computer in hibernation, waiting for a password, 
except network processes are open.

So how is the suspend to ram feature different than that?  What purpose does 
it accomplish?  Linux people are more used to non-stop computing, so we need 
an explanation.


Re: [newbie] hang on boot right after install

2001-05-29 Thread Civileme

On Monday 28 May 2001 06:55, Adato,Leon,SOLON,ITSS wrote:
 I have tried 4 times to install Mandrake 8, with the same problem each

 The installation runs fine (always recommended, but I've selected a
 variety of options - no networking, minimal apps, etc).

 I've installed on two different machines.

 Each time, after the installation runs (no errors) the machine restarts,
 and I get the following three lines:

 LILO 21.7
 loading linux

 After that the system just sits there. Is there something stupid I'm
 missing? Is there perhaps a problem with the install CD? Is there a way to
 check out a log file?

 Any help is greatly appreciated.

 leon adato

Yes.  Take the CD you used to install and boot from it then hit F1 and type 
rescue without the quotes.  When the system comes up  (I hope you remember 
what partition you assigne to the root (/) filesystem... In this example, 
I'll assume /dev/hda5), put a formatted floppy in your floppy drive and do 
the following:

# mount /dev/hda5 /mnt(remember your / partition is to replace /dev/hda5)
# chroot /mnt
# mount /dev/fd0
# cp /root/dedebug.kog /mnt/floppy
# dmesg  /mnt/floppy/dmesg.log
# sync
# umount /dev/fd0

Take out the floppy  (dos formatted, of course, and put it in a running 
system of linux or ugh that other one and send me dedebug.log and dmesg.log, 
and maybe we can figure out what is happening.  If this does not work, we can 
pretty well confirm that your hardware cannot run with our system.



  There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you.
   - Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )


Re: [newbie] IRQ problem.

2001-05-29 Thread Civileme

On Monday 28 May 2001 08:31, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, if you've been reading my msgs, then you know that I've got an
 Adaptec 2930cu SCSI card and a Plextor CDRW. Its working, but there are
 quirks. I may have found part of the problem, and what I need is help on
 what to do about it. When I go into HardDrake and/or System Info, click on
 properties, I'm being told that there is a conflict, both my SCSI card and
 my motherboards IDE controller, are using IRQ3.

 I went into the SCSI cards configuration (at boottime) but while it shows
 the IRQ its using, there doesn't seem to be a way to change it, or the IDE
 controllers. Anyone have any ideas?

 Thanks in advance!

Well, the IRQs are assigned in groups to certain slots on the motherboard.  
There are also ways in the BIOS of manipulating the IRQs assigned.  So using 
the BIO assignments and switching slots might be what youwant to look at 


Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Thread Jose

I had the same problem when I upgraded  to Mandrake 8. LimeWire would 
not install, no matter what I did, plus Mozilla kept giving me 
segmantation errors.

I got around that by going back to 7.2.  I also had problems with 
Ximian's Gnome.  I'll just keep 7.2 until more patches for 8 come down.


 I went to several websites and the file was there but when I tried to
 download I got a message that the file no longer exists. I then
 decided to try the LimeWireOther.zip however I just do not understand
 the instructions for installing. I have Kaffee installed which I was
 told would work with LimeWire. Can anyone give me step by step
 instructions for this. I am not understanding the classpath at all. I
 have read all I can about it but just do not understand how to figure
 out what classpath to put in the install script. Any help will be
 greatly appreciated. I have LM8 . I have Kaffee installed and
 LimeWireOther.zip downloaded. Thanks, Marcia


Re: [newbie] EMACs: How save after editing a text area?

2001-05-29 Thread Nico Krzebek

(X)Emacs is able to read  write remote files using FTP transparently. The 
only difference is how you enter the your file name. To access a file located 
on another machine (with running FTP server!) 
eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/public_html/index.html
You can even use tab completion! (X)Emacs will ask for your password after 
you pressed enter or used tab completion for the first time. It will be 
stored for the rest of your (X)Emacs session.

I'm not quite sure if you need to load any extra packages for that. The 
XEmacs and GNU-Emacs we have installed here do it all automagically but I've 
heard of a Ange-FTP package for GNU-Emacs. You might need that. You load 
additional packages with M-x load-library Enter and then type ange-ftp 

Two issues I have not been able to resolve yet are: how to chmod remote files 
and how to use sftp instead of ftp...


On Monday 28 May 2001 22:05, you wrote:

 Thanks for the response.

 When twiki.org is back up (on SourceForge), I'll tell you how I've done
 it using vim -- maybe that will give you a clue as to how I might do it
 in EMACs.

 (And, if my library has the book, I'll check that out.)

 Randy Kramer

 Nathan Owens wrote:
  I don't know about emacs itself in terms of editing web pages, but
  when I edit web pages, I usually have to FTP them to the web server.
  In emacs, the save command is C-x C-s, as you said, but I've only
  saved files locally. You may want to check out the O'Reilly book
  _Learning GNU Emacs_. It has a lot of great tips that I've picked up
  through reading it.
  Nathan Owens
  Anybody out there using EMACs to browse the web and edit textareas?
  I'm a very newbie to EMACs, but wanted to try that -- don't know what
  to do to save my edits.  After I edit, I can choose save (I forget --
  was it ctrlx, ctrls?) but that seems to save only as a local
  How do I send the changes back to the web site?
  Nathan Owens
  Georgia Tech, Atlanta
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] make: commnand not found

2001-05-29 Thread Paul Aprendiz

Thanks it WORKS!

From: Kelley Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Paul Aprendiz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] make: commnand not found
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 08:59:53 -0600

Paul Aprendiz wrote:
  I dont have 'make' command installed (Mandrake 8.0)
  Can you tell me how to install it
  (specifically which package I have to install and how)

 From the first installation cdrom:
Mandrake/RPMS/make-3.79.1-5mdk.i586.rpm.  Browse to the directory and
click on it and the package manager will come up with the option to
install it.  If other packages are needed it will tell you. You can find
them also in the RPMS directory on the installation discs.

It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

  thanks for any help
  Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at 

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

[newbie] Mandrake 8 Text Install / Second CD

2001-05-29 Thread Richard Turner

I've been 
installing LM8, and the installation confirms as successful (Ihave to use 
text install). But on boot the system fails due to a series 
of"Permission Denieds" after etc/rc.sysinit.I've tried reinstalling 
a number of times but get the same result. The lasttime I noticed that 
the installation appears to falter at about 87-90% ofthe packages with what 
appears momentarily to be some kind of Perl error,ejects the installation CD 
and then continues as if nothing has happenedsubsequently confirming 
successful install.I don't think the installation has succeeded and 
wondered if anyone had anyideas as to what the mysterious error may be or 
how to work round it?I don't think it's the CDs. They're 
Cheapbytes CDs. Also, I took theopportunity to use them to install on 
a computer with a differentconfiguration and it installed ok. The ok 
install used the Mandrakegraphical installer, ejected the CD (at the same 
place as the problemoccurred in the text install) and prompted for the 
second CD. The textinstaller did not prompt for anything it just 
carried on into post installstuff. Suppose it could be that the text 
installer is corrupted or perhapsbuggy? Anyone else had a problem with 
the text 

Re: [newbie] Fixing Ugly Fonts corrected with Verdana

2001-05-29 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 00:12, Romanator wrote:
 Hi all,

 I fixed my font problem by selecting the KDE Control Center-File
 Manager-Appearance. Change -Courier or A.D. Mono to Verdana ref. Click
 on Apply and exit the Control Center. Restart Netscape, Opera and
 Konqueror look very good. Remember, you should install the Windows fonts
 to access the extra fonts. That's it.

Changing courier to lucidatypewriter wherever it appears in any app, 
environment or  wm's settings also works well and doesn't require me to 
contaminate my computer with Redmondite. g. See MandrakeUser.Org for the 
latest info on this problem.


Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za

This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

Re: [newbie] EMACs: How save after editing a text area?

2001-05-29 Thread Randy Kramer

Nico, Nathan, everyone:

Thanks for your responses!

I realize my question was a little misleading, so I'll try to ask it

If you use Emacs to browse the web, do you ever fill out forms that
have a space for free form comments, sort of what I call web email? 
Those are HTML textareas and whatever you do to save those back to the
web is what I need to do to edit pages on TWiki (TWiki pages consist
of HTML textareas within TWiki HTML templates).

I'm trying to find an example and then try it out.

I found http://www.dlink.com/tech/contact/ -- if you look at the bottom
of the page in an ordinary browser you find Description or Question in
large bold face type, some other text, and then a large box to enter
your comments.  That is a textarea and what I want to be able to fill
out in Xemacs.  Unfortunately, when I loaded the page in Xemacs, I had a
lot of trouble trying to navigate to that box -- I don't think I ever

My original question can then be phrased as, if I do manage to fill in
that box in Xemacs, what do I do afterward to tell Xemacs I'm done, and
it should save (send) the data back to the web?

And, now a new question, how do I navigate to that textarea and open it
for editing in Xemacs?  See
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Support/UsingEmacsToEditTwiki for a
description of how I was able to open a textarea for editing in TWiki,
but I realize this is a little different because TWiki has some CGI and
other magic which occurs before displaying the text box for editing.

PS: If you try to edit the TWiki page cited above, you will not be able
to until some damage that occurred on Friday, May 25, 2001, is fixed. 
(And, then you'd have to register, which is free and easy.)

Randy Kramer

Nico Krzebek wrote:
 (X)Emacs is able to read  write remote files using FTP transparently. The
 only difference is how you enter the your file name. To access a file located
 on another machine (with running FTP server!)
 eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/public_html/index.html
 You can even use tab completion! (X)Emacs will ask for your password after
 you pressed enter or used tab completion for the first time. It will be
 stored for the rest of your (X)Emacs session.
 I'm not quite sure if you need to load any extra packages for that. The
 XEmacs and GNU-Emacs we have installed here do it all automagically but I've
 heard of a Ange-FTP package for GNU-Emacs. You might need that. You load
 additional packages with M-x load-library Enter and then type ange-ftp
 Two issues I have not been able to resolve yet are: how to chmod remote files
 and how to use sftp instead of ftp...
 On Monday 28 May 2001 22:05, you wrote:
  Thanks for the response.
  When twiki.org is back up (on SourceForge), I'll tell you how I've done
  it using vim -- maybe that will give you a clue as to how I might do it
  in EMACs.
  (And, if my library has the book, I'll check that out.)
  Randy Kramer
  Nathan Owens wrote:
   I don't know about emacs itself in terms of editing web pages, but
   when I edit web pages, I usually have to FTP them to the web server.
   In emacs, the save command is C-x C-s, as you said, but I've only
   saved files locally. You may want to check out the O'Reilly book
   _Learning GNU Emacs_. It has a lot of great tips that I've picked up
   through reading it.
   Nathan Owens
   Anybody out there using EMACs to browse the web and edit textareas?
   I'm a very newbie to EMACs, but wanted to try that -- don't know what
   to do to save my edits.  After I edit, I can choose save (I forget --
   was it ctrlx, ctrls?) but that seems to save only as a local
   How do I send the changes back to the web site?
   Nathan Owens
   Georgia Tech, Atlanta
   Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] ESS Solo-1

2001-05-29 Thread Dave Sherman

When I ran into a similar problem with this card in my ThinkPad (no errors 
reported, hardware detected correctly, driver loaded fine), it turned out 
that Aumix had its volume levels set to zero for all items. All I had to 
do was run aumix (as root -- won't work as a user) and turn up the levels 
to 80 (for my system, anyway), then save the settings. Voila!


On Monday 28 May 2001 19:45, thus spake Paul-H. Gagnon:
 Greetings all!

 Anyone using sound module ESS Solo-1 with v8.0?  Control Center
 identifies the module as ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1 Audio drive and
 says it is configured correctly but no sound comes out.  The same module
 works very well with v7.2
 Otherwise, everthing else works great.. so far.

 Paul H

...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Thread Sam

Hi Marcia,
what you need to do is key in the following in a terminal window to 
start the installation:

java -classpath LimeWireOther.zip install  

To launch LimeWire after installation, you might want to create a link 
to the executable script for convenience e.g. in my case a link 
pointing to:


I am using the IBM Java Runtime Edition (JRE), though as I understand 
any JRE, including Kaffe, should work with the other version install 
for LimeWire.

I could no longer run the linux version of the LimeWire installer 
either after stepping up from LM7.2 to 8.0. This problem is documented 
on the LimeWire site, and is not limited to LM 8.0 e.g. it also occurs 
on recent versions of Redhat.

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 11:52, Marcia Waller wrote:
 I went to several websites and the file was there but when I tried to
 download I got a message that the file no longer exists. I then
 decided to try the LimeWireOther.zip however I just do not understand
 the instructions for installing. I have Kaffee installed which I was
 told would work with LimeWire. Can anyone give me step by step
 instructions for this. I am not understanding the classpath at all. I
 have read all I can about it but just do not understand how to figure
 out what classpath to put in the install script. Any help will be
 greatly appreciated. I have LM8 . I have Kaffee installed and
 LimeWireOther.zip downloaded. Thanks, Marcia

Re: [newbie] windows 2000 dual boot

2001-05-29 Thread Terry


I had this same problem the first time I tried to install LM 7.2 on my win 
2000 machine here at work.  It totally wiped out my Windows partition.  The 
only way I was able to get it to work properly was to use Partition Magic to 
resize my windows partition so that it didn't take up the entire drive in 
order for Linux to have some room to work.


On Saturday 26 May 2001 09:59, you wrote:

 i just purchased mandrake 7.2 and wanted to configure my system to dual
 boot between windows 2000 and linux.  when i installed linux, i lost my
 windows (i wasn't able to boot to it) and ended up rebuilding my system.

 i now have windows 2000 (advanced server) on my system and would like to
 get it to dual boot with linux.  the drive is ntfs formatted.  any advice
 would be great.

 thanks in advance,

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] hang on boot right after install

2001-05-29 Thread tazmun

This  may have well been covered before but it is easy to overcomplicate
things sometimes.  I believe in all Linux Systems in your CMOS Setting under
PNP there is a choice on most motherboards for PNP OS installed  Yes or No
Many windows boxes have this checked yesfor linux it must be checked no
to the best of my knowledge.


 On Monday 28 May 2001 06:55, Adato,Leon,SOLON,ITSS wrote:
  I have tried 4 times to install Mandrake 8, with the same problem each
  The installation runs fine (always recommended, but I've selected a
  variety of options - no networking, minimal apps, etc).
  I've installed on two different machines.
  Each time, after the installation runs (no errors) the machine restarts,
  and I get the following three lines:
  LILO 21.7
  loading linux
  After that the system just sits there. Is there something stupid I'm
  missing? Is there perhaps a problem with the install CD? Is there a way
  check out a log file?
  Any help is greatly appreciated.
  leon adato

 Yes.  Take the CD you used to install and boot from it then hit F1 and
 rescue without the quotes.  When the system comes up  (I hope you
 what partition you assigne to the root (/) filesystem... In this example,
 I'll assume /dev/hda5), put a formatted floppy in your floppy drive and do
 the following:

 # mount /dev/hda5 /mnt(remember your / partition is to replace
 # chroot /mnt
 # mount /dev/fd0
 # cp /root/dedebug.kog /mnt/floppy
 # dmesg  /mnt/floppy/dmesg.log
 # sync
 # umount /dev/fd0

 Take out the floppy  (dos formatted, of course, and put it in a running
 system of linux or ugh that other one and send me dedebug.log and
 and maybe we can figure out what is happening.  If this does not work, we
 pretty well confirm that your hardware cannot run with our system.


   There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you.
- Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )

[newbie] email to 2 domain names

2001-05-29 Thread Tom

I have 2 domain names pointing to my IP address.. I was wondering how in
postfix you can set it up so that if I send to either domain, postfix will
deliver it properly.. I have the same username for each domain.

Can anyone help?


Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
1st Class Internet Solutions

RE: [newbie] Running two DNS on network

2001-05-29 Thread Mark Johnson

I've already got permission from the IT group.  I should have mentioned that
originally in my post.  I'm just trying to figure out if it's feasible.

-Original Message-
From: Jeanette Russo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 8:23 PM
To: Mark Johnson; LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [newbie] Running two DNS on network

On Friday 25 May 2001 14:22, Mark Johnson wrote:
 Is it possible to run a local DNS on my linux machine at work in addition
 to the corporate DNS?

 What I think I want to do is setup my own DNS so that I can resolve names
 without having to bother the IT group.

 For example, what I would like to do is on my windows machine setup the
 secondary DNS to be my linux machine so when I try to do something like:

   http://voodoo , or http://foobar, etc...

 it'll hit my linux machine.  I realize that I could easily edit my
 /etc/hosts file on windows, but I'd like to have everyone in my little
 pod be able to do the same thing.

 Do I understand this stuff right?

Yeah you can do  it but the IT people are going to be real pissed when they 
find out

So don't


Re: [newbie] suspend to ram

2001-05-29 Thread James Bond

I am not the original poster of this message, but since I own a laptop this 
is something that I'd like to know how to do as well.  I will describe the 
process in hopes that someone knows how.

Suspend to RAM or Hibernation, is when the computer copies the contents of 
the RAM of the computer and also usually the video ram to a file on the 
harddrive, and then powers down the computer completely.  The next time the 
computer is turned on, the information is transferred back into RAM from the 
hard disk and you are right back at the point where you originally 

There are two basic benefits to hibernation as opposed to shutdown.  The 
first is that hibernation is much faster than shuting down and then 
rebooting.  You can hibernate in about 20 seconds (depending on how much RAM 
the machine has) and resume in another 20 seconds.  To fully shutdown and 
reboot a LM 8.0 machine into KDE takes about 5 min (on my computer).  The 
second thing is that you can leave a text editor window and hibernate.  
Then, when you restart you can immediately start editing the text again 
without having to open any file.  It appears right on the screen.

I hope this has clarified the question.

On Monday 28 May 2001 12:09, mp wrote:
  under linux mandrake 8 possible?
  thank you

Ummm  Not sure what you want...

If you put the mount parameter noatime in the file /etc/fstab, then the 
will not be spun up to change the data time parameters, and if you set 
management properly, disks will spin down.  Add to that the lock screen
feature, and you have a computer in hibernation, waiting for a password,
except network processes are open.

So how is the suspend to ram feature different than that?  What purpose 
it accomplish?  Linux people are more used to non-stop computing, so we 
an explanation.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] Running two DNS on network

2001-05-29 Thread Dave Sherman

What you might want to do is just run a caching dns server, which is 
simple to set up easier to maintain than a normal dns server. Read the 
dns-howto, the instructions are pretty straightforward.


On Tuesday 29 May 2001 08:45, thus spake Mark Johnson:
 I've already got permission from the IT group.  I should have mentioned
 that originally in my post.  I'm just trying to figure out if it's

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeanette Russo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 8:23 PM
 To: Mark Johnson; LinuxNewbie (E-mail)
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Running two DNS on network

 On Friday 25 May 2001 14:22, Mark Johnson wrote:
  Is it possible to run a local DNS on my linux machine at work in
  addition to the corporate DNS?
  What I think I want to do is setup my own DNS so that I can resolve
  names without having to bother the IT group.
  For example, what I would like to do is on my windows machine setup
  the secondary DNS to be my linux machine so when I try to do something
  http://voodoo , or http://foobar, etc...
  it'll hit my linux machine.  I realize that I could easily edit my
  /etc/hosts file on windows, but I'd like to have everyone in my little


  pod be able to do the same thing.
  Do I understand this stuff right?

 Yeah you can do  it but the IT people are going to be real pissed when
 they find out

 So don't


Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

[newbie] Grax

2001-05-29 Thread jgarrido

Gracias de todas formas, con respecto al pais, soy de CHILE

So long and thank for al shoes, jajaja.

Re: [newbie] windows 2000 dual boot

2001-05-29 Thread Randy Kramer


Just to provide a little more information (IIRC):

1. Yes, it's better if there is free space (i.e., not within a Windows
partition) on the disk.  Partition Magic is not the only way to free up
some space.

2. Some of the installation modes (what are they -- beginner(?),
(?), expert) will assume that you want to wipe out windows to
install Linux.  Expert mode (and maybe some others) will let you choose
where to put Linux and avoid wiping out windows.

Hope this helps,
Randy Kramer

Terry wrote:
 I had this same problem the first time I tried to install LM 7.2 on my win
 2000 machine here at work.  It totally wiped out my Windows partition.  The
 only way I was able to get it to work properly was to use Partition Magic to
 resize my windows partition so that it didn't take up the entire drive in
 order for Linux to have some room to work.
 On Saturday 26 May 2001 09:59, you wrote:
  i just purchased mandrake 7.2 and wanted to configure my system to dual
  boot between windows 2000 and linux.  when i installed linux, i lost my
  windows (i wasn't able to boot to it) and ended up rebuilding my system.
  i now have windows 2000 (advanced server) on my system and would like to
  get it to dual boot with linux.  the drive is ntfs formatted.  any advice
  would be great.
  thanks in advance,
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

[newbie] Kmail

2001-05-29 Thread Himebaugh, Jon, CON, OASD(HA)/TMA
Title: Kmail


In the setup of Kmail for receiving email I can choose sendmail or smtp. When I select smtp I find no way to identify my smtp user.

If I cannot setup kmail to identify it self how can I send email?

Jon H

Re: [newbie] windows 2000 dual boot

2001-05-29 Thread Ed Kasky

I have a dual boot system with win2k but use a second hd on which I 
installed Mandrake.  I didn't like the way it handled the windows 
partition.  Once you get it installed you'll need to recompile the kernel 
using xconfig to enable ntfs support so you can see the partition...


At 09:15 AM 5/29/2001 -0400, Terry wrote:

I had this same problem the first time I tried to install LM 7.2 on my win
2000 machine here at work.  It totally wiped out my Windows partition.  The
only way I was able to get it to work properly was to use Partition Magic to
resize my windows partition so that it didn't take up the entire drive in
order for Linux to have some room to work.


On Saturday 26 May 2001 09:59, you wrote:
  i just purchased mandrake 7.2 and wanted to configure my system to dual
  boot between windows 2000 and linux.  when i installed linux, i lost my
  windows (i wasn't able to boot to it) and ended up rebuilding my system.
  i now have windows 2000 (advanced server) on my system and would like to
  get it to dual boot with linux.  the drive is ntfs formatted.  any advice
  would be great.
  thanks in advance,
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Kmail

2001-05-29 Thread Dave Sherman

Perhaps someone will correct me on this, but I believe SMTP-Authentication 
is *not* supported in kmail. Your mail server will need to be set up to 
relay for you -- this is (generally) highly insecure, and makes it easy to 
spam (even with other safeguards in place, such as using a RBL server, or 
only relaying for specific networks), but many ISP's still do it this way.


On Tuesday 29 May 2001 09:22, thus spake Himebaugh, Jon, CON, OASD(HA)/TMA:


 In the setup of Kmail for receiving email I can choose sendmail or smtp.
 When I select smtp I find no way to identify my smtp user.

 If I cannot setup kmail to identify it self how can I send email?

 Jon H

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Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecuna possit.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Re: [newbie] Another Voodoo enigma? 3.3.6 installed.

2001-05-29 Thread Carl Fletcher

 I installed 8.0 on a celeron 433, 128 ram and voodoo3 2000 tonight.  I wasn't
 given a choice of versions concerning XFree86 and it installed 3.3.6.

I have a K6-2 450 with Voodoo 3 2000 that installed fine (although I have had
problems with past Mandrakes).

Xconfigurator -expert

as root. You should get three options at the start: XFree 4.0.3 with 3D hardware
acceleration; XFree 4.0.3; and XFree 3.3.6.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails every time

2001-05-29 Thread Terry

Thanks for the suggestion, however, when I tried to uninstall some packages 
in order to upgrade them (cups, rpmdrake, rpm, rpmtools), a box appeared 
saying that all these other packages would be removed to satisfy 
dependencies.  I clicked on ok, and software manager closed without 
uninstalling anything.  Software Manager used to work just fine with no 
problems the very first time I installed 8.0 on this machine, and has ceased 
to do so since, even when using fdisk to wipe out the linux partiton and 
reinstall from scratch.


On Tuesday 29 May 2001 19:48, you wrote:

 There aren't that many packages out there for update.

 You need to do te following

 Identify the installable packages, using ONLY the update source

 Remove the similar packages from your current system  (one session)

 Now cllick on the new packages and they will be moved in.  There was an
 intermittent segfault while removing and installing packages at the same
 time which the already installed covers.  Software Manager uses rpm -ivh
 or urpmi which will not install over an older version.

 As long as removal and installation are separate steps you will have no


Re: [newbie] Kmail

2001-05-29 Thread s


On Tuesday 29 May 2001 09:22 am, you wrote:

 In the setup of Kmail for receiving email I can choose sendmail or smtp.
 When I select smtp I find no way to identify my smtp user.

 If I cannot setup kmail to identify it self how can I send email?

 Jon H

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie] write and print Greek with LM8?

2001-05-29 Thread Sven Heinicke

emacs and xemacs-mule provide ways to enter greek letters, and you can
save your files in different formats like iso-8859-7, iso-2202-* and
others.  I don't know greek and I have not idea out good the input
methods are.

I don't know about printing.

Emanuil Giuris writes:
  How can I write and print Greek with LM8?
  I got Greek environment in KDE, I can read my Greek texts from the windows
  partition, I have imported win fonts, I have set the kbd to Greek, but I can
  neither write nor print Greek. Please help.
  Emanuil Giuris
  Thessaloniki, Greece

[newbie] Mandrake 8.0 Installation - Monitor Selection for Laptop?

2001-05-29 Thread Sullivan, James

Greetings all -

Hoping that someone can assist a total Linux neophyte with a minor?
install problem. I am trying to install Mandrake 8.0 on a Toshiba Tecra 8000
_laptop_. Using the standard installation with recommended devices
selected install proceeds fine until the monitor selection screen. No matter
what I select at this point in the process the system returns an error
32bpp not supported. It appears that the installation program is only
listing 32bpp drivers... as I have tried many different selections to no
avail (same error) and sometimes this trial and error has caused the
installation to hang.

What adapter should I select - or how can I get the installation to display
16bit drivers for X (as this is what the Toshiba supports... with 24bit
emulation possible)? Everything else in the installation appears to be fine
but I can't get past this monitor selection screen so the install never
finishes properly.. although it will boot to Linux after cancel (but with no
X windows or automatic X windows startup).

Hopefully this will be an easy fix! Thanks in advance for any info.


[newbie] 8.0 is almost Windows-easy (long)

2001-05-29 Thread Walter Luffman

To all those who have been reluctant to try Mandrake 8.0 because of others' 
reported problems: Go for it!

I've been playing around with Linux on my desktop since Red Hat 5.2, and have 
stayed with Mandrake through the past few releases, but I am by no means an 
expert when it comes to *any* operating system.  My computer is a fairly 
ordinary Pentium III machine that has two of the supposed no-nos: a VIA 
chipset and Western Digital drives.  Despite all this, Mandrake 8.0 installed 
as easily as any version of Windows I've ever tried (3.1 through 98SE) and is 
has been almost completely trouble-free after a few weeks of operation as a 
desktop (not server) machine.

Granted, Mandrake 8.0 is not perfect, but it's weaknesses are really my 
fault.  Take USB: My system as a Visioneer scanner, a Hewlett-Packard 8230 CD 
burner and an HP Deskjet 932C printer connected to the USB bus.  Mandrake's 
installer detected the printer as the Deskjet 930C (same printer less some 
home-oriented software) and works beautifully using the 930C drivers; the 
same was true using Mandrake 7.1 and 7.2, but with 8.0 the detection and 
setup are even smoother.  This is a major improvement over Windows 98SE, 
which requires a less-than-intuitive installation procedure and sometimes 
won't work with the 932C at all.  The CD burner was detected but not properly 
installed, something I could probably correct if I'd just sit down and do a 
little reading.  (Version 7.2 knew *something* was there but couldn't 
couldn't identify it, much less install it.)  As for the scanner, I knew 
before I bought it that Visioneer scanners were never intended for use with 
anything except Windows -- and for that matter, getting it to work under 
Win98SE isn't exactly a no-brainer.  I'll probably end up giving the scanner 
to my Windows-using sister and buying one that I know is supported by Linux.

Anti-alias fonts seem to be a non-issue with me.  I checked the use 
antialiased fonts box, increased the default font sizes to 14-point (I have 
a 19-inch monitor, but I also sit several feet away from it), and stayed with 
the default Helvetica and Courier fonts -- everything looks beautiful except 
the End KDE session? dialog box, and that's no big deal.  

Oh, did I mention that I'm using an nVIDIA TNT2 Model 64 video card with the 
default nv driver?  I don't play games a lot, so I don't know just how good 
this setup would be for demanding 3-D graphics, but for my uses it's just 

The biggest problem new Linux users have, IMHO, is laziness when it comes to 
reading documentation.  Granted, longtime computer users don't usually need 
the manuals for initial setup and Windows users quickly become spoiled by 
Microsoft's do-it-all installers; but when it comes to Linux it's always a 
good idea to read at least the first few pages of the installation manual 
before attempting installation.  After it's installed, you will almost 
certainly want to refer to the manual a time or two in order to get 
everything working to your satisfaction.  

No, I don't always follow my own advice when it comes to reading the manuals 
-- but at least I've learned that when something goes wrong, almost always 
it's my own fault for not reading and following the instructions.  Keep those 
manuals handy, read them in the bathroom, read them instead of grabbing the 
TV remote during commercials, do whatever it takes to benefit from the 
knowledge printed on those pages!  (And if you're really a newbie to Linux, 
don't even *think* about trying to install Linux without a good manual.  Buy 
a boxed set now, and leave the downloaded distributions and disc-only 
purchases from Cheap Bytes until you know your way around this Unix-like 
operating system.)

The *second-biggest* problem people have with Linux is trying to run it with 
inadequate hardware.  Yes, it imay be possible to run a minimal Linux system 
on a 386 with 4MB of RAM and a small hard drive -- but to do anything really 
useful you'll want at least a fast 486 with 16MB or more of RAM, and recent 
Mandrake releases are designed for Pentium-and-better processors.  If you 
have enough RAM and hard drive capacity to run Windows 9X, you can install 
Mandrake, but I personally recommend at least 64 MB RAM and at least 2GB of 
available drive capacity; my computer has 128MB and a total (on two hard 
drives) of around 16MB, which is overkill today but may be just right in the 

The hardware category includes peripherals too, of course, and this is where 
newbies and experienced Linux users alike seem to get into a lot of trouble.  
With Linux, the latest and greatest isn't necessarily a good idea but 
checking the Linux Hardware Database definitely is.  Microsoft has the clout 
to essentially force manufacturers to make their devices Windows compatible, 
but Linux doesn't -- not yet, at least.  As a result, many of the Linux 
drivers for peripherals are written by Linux users rather than the hard-parts 

Re: [newbie] stupid yahoo ads, can kmail or linux filter them?

2001-05-29 Thread Jennifer Williams


there is a program called adsubtract, it filters out adverts on various websites 
(yahoo, excite etc).  i don't know if there is linux version of this though.

and i had a question of my own, i was wanting to dual boot linux with winme, but i 
keep getting an error saying it can't write to the drive or some nonsense.


 Chubby Vic [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/28/01 09:52AM 

I realy hate how kmail displays those damn gif ads from hyahoo or somethingm
and I would like to block them from getting into my kmail, every time
I see those stupid idiotic things I want to poop.

Would some kind sould *Please* help a linux brother out?

I tried putting rd.yahoo.com in /etc/hosts.deny
but that did bugger all.

Many thanks if you help.

[newbie] Just wondering a few points!

2001-05-29 Thread Derek Rayne

Hi there,

I am wondering a few things...


Can any of the e-mail programs (like K-Mail, Evolution, etc...) that
are on here be configured to read and send messages via Yahoo e-mail
(the free one)? I don't want to keep on using Netscape to load up the
Yahoo e-mail page to read my e-mail, I want to be able to browse the
web while going back and forth reading my e-mail.  I know I can open up
another window, but that takes up time and puts lag onto Netscape.

SUBJECT #2: Real Player 8

I recently purchased the Desktop Edition of LM 8.0 which only has 3
CD's in it.  I figured I might as well update my real player to version
8 also.  I went on to their website, put in the necessary information
and downloaded the file.  I then I did the RPM package, appropiately,
it asks for CD #4 which wasn't included with my setup because of it
being the Desktop edition.  If I downloaded it, why would it ask for
the CD?  I would understand if when I was installing it, it was on CD
#4,but with the desktop edition it was 3 CD's not 4.  I think it was
the professional edition or something like that had the 4th - 7th CDs
because it came with more.

SUBJECT #3: USB Scanner

I recently did what a lot of people suggesting for my USB scanner.  I
still can't get it to work.  I downloaded the newest version of SANE,
it said it was already installed.  I had this when I booted up the
system:  NOTE, spaces are NOT accurate.

Loading USB interface  [OK]
Mount USB filesystem   [OK]
Starting USB daemon[OK]

So I know it knows about my USB, does that usually goto IRQ 11?  If
that is the case, I think i know the problem, but my soundcard which
does use IRQ 11 works perfectly fine.  Should I put my sound card in
another PCI slot then try this again?

I do appeciate all the help I got in the past and the future...I love
Linux much better than Windows, even though I don't have as much
software as I would like to have.



Richard Wegner - Linux User - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
e-mail address I chose!

I don't do Windows me (Proud Linux User)  ICQ #: 12781393

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

[newbie] Fixed my perl problems, sort of...

2001-05-29 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I have had no end of problems trying to install modules with the standard
mdk perl installs...

I got them to make and install now,, and here is how I did it in case
someone else whats to know..

I downloaded the source for perl 5.6.1 from cpan, then opened it on my
windows box,

I copied the files perl.h and config.h into

just those two files worked for most things,,,  I have since uploaded all
the src from the root directory that opening the tar file created just
in case... I have a big hard disk and it can't hurt can it..

From there, I then sucessfully installed several modules with no hassles at
all. (except the locale error...)

This one however I could use some help on...

I would really love to know what this means, it doesn't seem to effect
anything, but its driving me nuts...

[root@mail Archive-Zip-0.11]# make
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = en_US:en,
LC_ALL = (unset),
LC_TIME = en_US,
LANG = en
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).



Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

 try drakfont, install windows fonts and choose them in your web

I've been following this thread with interest because I am similarly
afflicted.  I don't recall needing to install windows fonts in earlier
versions of Mandrake, nor do I have Windows around to install fonts from, so
I can't take this particular step.  My assumption from this is that there is
a bug in Mandrake 8.0 that they ought to fix with an update somewhere down
the line.  Can anyone confirm or deny my assumption?


Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] EMACs: How save after editing a text area?

2001-05-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

Randy My original question can then be phrased as, if I do manage to
Randy fill in that box in Xemacs, what do I do afterward to tell Xemacs
Randy I'm done, and it should save (send) the data back to the web?

Sounds like you're using w3 inside XEmacs as your web browser.  I haven't
used w3 in ages, so I tried visiting the page you mentioned and saw why
you're having trouble.  Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do
at this point.  It appears that either HTML tables aren't properly supported
or the page in question won't display properly in a browser that doesn't
understand JavaScript.  I suspect you are going to have to use another
browser to view that page.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

[newbie] Supported DSL Modems

2001-05-29 Thread jafisher

I've been searching the web for a PCI DSL modem that I can use (at least be
supported).  Any sugguestions, I cannot find one . . .

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-29 Thread poogle

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 14:09, you wrote:
  try drakfont, install windows fonts and choose them in your web

 I've been following this thread with interest because I am similarly
 afflicted.  I don't recall needing to install windows fonts in earlier
 versions of Mandrake, nor do I have Windows around to install fonts from,
 so I can't take this particular step.  My assumption from this is that
 there is a bug in Mandrake 8.0 that they ought to fix with an update
 somewhere down the line.  Can anyone confirm or deny my assumption?

I have no problems, anti-aliasing took care of file browser fonts. I use the 
fonts that came with MD 8.0, not imported or removed any. The only problem I 
ever had was of my own making - when I installed I selected the wrong 
resolution/colour depth and had terrible Konqueror/Netscape fonts, when I 
corrected this to 1024x768 and maximum colours (64bit IIRC) the problem went 
away (- note these settings are for my monitor/graphics card your's may be 


Re: [newbie] Sound Card Problems in mandrake 8.0

2001-05-29 Thread Kheb

Try this in /etc/modules.conf

# ALSA Portion
alias char-major-116 snd
#options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=1 snd_device_mode=0666
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-es1938
# OSS/Free portion
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
# OSS/Free portion - card #1
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm1-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm1-oss

And use aumix, this work for me, and for total mix but not great sound use this:
esd -t /dev/dsp
xmms, using the esd plugin for output.
licq using esdplay (instead play) for it stuffs

Not a great sound, but is working, Anybody can help me with this?
Hope that help


On Fri, 25 May 2001 21:07:32 , James Bond said:

 I finally got a good install of mandrake (yay!!!).  However, my
  problems have only begun.  Aside from a bunch of small things I'll
  hopefully figure out later, my biggest current problem is the lack of
  sound.  I have installed Linux on a Thinkpad i1400 with an ESS Solo-1 
  Audiodrive card.  If I go to the mandrake control center and click on 
  hardware then soundcards, I see that Mandrake identifies my soundcard as a 
  ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive. This is correct.  Then, when I go to the kde 
  control center, I see under Informationsound, that that the sound driver 
  being used is 3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v0.5.10b emulation code).  Further down, 
  it says Installed drivers: type 10: ALSA emulation.  Then, it says Card 
  config: ---no soundcards--- followed by this stuff
  Audio devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG
  Synth devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG
  If I run sndconfig, It detecs my sound card correctly as a ES1969, but
  then informs me that there is no support for it.  What can I do?  Any
  help is very much appreciated.
  Note: I tried downloaded the latest alsa drivers (0.5.11 and followed
  the directions, but I got compile errors when I typed in make)
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] X shutdown

2001-05-29 Thread Kheb

Forget the Framebuffer =( (or teach me please =), try a minor resolution. I have this 
in lilo.conf:
it's working for me.

This say kudzu about mi Video Card:

class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: Card:ATI Mach64
desc: ATI|3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133
vendorId: 1002
deviceId: 4c42
subVendorId: 0e11
subDeviceId: b11b
pciType: 1

is familiar for you?


On Sat, 26 May 2001 14:04:46 +1000, Navin Daryanani said:

 Hello people
  I have finally managed to install LM8.0 on my laptop and use it with
  Framebuffer mode. But there is one more problem with X. When I exit X I get
  a total blank screen on my laptop. I can see that it does reach the bash
  prompt bec' I can type in shell commands like restarting X or rebooting etc.
  But I do not know how to bring the text console back when I end the X
  I have tried all the shortcuts like Ctrl+F1 etc... Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace
  (incase X is still running), and some more combinations) but nothing works.
  Thanks for your help
   --- Next Part --- 
  !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
  META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  META content=MSHTML 5.00.3103.1000 name=GENERATOR/HEAD
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=359295903-26052001Hello 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=359295903-26052001I have finally 
  managed to install LM8.0 on my laptop and use it with Framebuffer mode. But 
  there is one more problem with X. When I exit X I get a total blank screen on my 
  laptop. I can see that it does reach the bash prompt bec' I can type in shell 
  commands like restarting X or rebooting etc. But I do not know how to bring the 
  text console back when I end the X session. /SPAN/FONT/DIV
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=359295903-26052001I have tried all the 
  shortcuts like Ctrl+F1 etc... Ctrl+Alt+BackSpace (incase X is still running), 
  and some more combinations) but nothing works./SPAN/FONT/DIV
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=359295903-26052001Thanks for your 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 
  DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN 

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: [newbie] Just wondering a few points!

2001-05-29 Thread Jeanette Russo

Why don't you sign up for Yahoo pop service it is free and works good, a
little slow but you can use any mail client that can use POP.  I used
the RP8.bin file.  Follow the directions to install it on the real site.
The RPM one won't work with Mandrake 8 only Redhat
The scanner, I don't have one so not sure about that

Derek Rayne wrote:
 Hi there,
 I am wondering a few things...
 Can any of the e-mail programs (like K-Mail, Evolution, etc...) that
 are on here be configured to read and send messages via Yahoo e-mail
 (the free one)? I don't want to keep on using Netscape to load up the
 Yahoo e-mail page to read my e-mail, I want to be able to browse the
 web while going back and forth reading my e-mail.  I know I can open up
 another window, but that takes up time and puts lag onto Netscape.
 SUBJECT #2: Real Player 8
 I recently purchased the Desktop Edition of LM 8.0 which only has 3
 CD's in it.  I figured I might as well update my real player to version
 8 also.  I went on to their website, put in the necessary information
 and downloaded the file.  I then I did the RPM package, appropiately,
 it asks for CD #4 which wasn't included with my setup because of it
 being the Desktop edition.  If I downloaded it, why would it ask for
 the CD?  I would understand if when I was installing it, it was on CD
 #4,but with the desktop edition it was 3 CD's not 4.  I think it was
 the professional edition or something like that had the 4th - 7th CDs
 because it came with more.
 SUBJECT #3: USB Scanner
 I recently did what a lot of people suggesting for my USB scanner.  I
 still can't get it to work.  I downloaded the newest version of SANE,
 it said it was already installed.  I had this when I booted up the
 system:  NOTE, spaces are NOT accurate.
 Loading USB interface  [OK]
 Mount USB filesystem   [OK]
 Starting USB daemon[OK]
 So I know it knows about my USB, does that usually goto IRQ 11?  If
 that is the case, I think i know the problem, but my soundcard which
 does use IRQ 11 works perfectly fine.  Should I put my sound card in
 another PCI slot then try this again?
 I do appeciate all the help I got in the past and the future...I love
 Linux much better than Windows, even though I don't have as much
 software as I would like to have.
 Richard Wegner - Linux User - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 NOTE: Derek Rayne is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER this is just an
 e-mail address I chose!
 I don't do Windows me (Proud Linux User)  ICQ #: 12781393
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

[newbie] Another 8.0/1.0 question

2001-05-29 Thread Tom

Software packages that work in 8.0, will they also work in Corporate 1.0??

Looking through the screen shots etc. for 8.0, there's Evolution 0.9 and
other packages also, I'd assume.. Will they work with the Corporate version?


Free E-mail Servers with unlimited mailboxes
1st Class Internet Solutions

Re: [newbie] Fixing Ugly Fonts corrected with Verdana ref font in Control Center

2001-05-29 Thread mp

hy everybody!

someone posted to be cautious with the fonts, well, he was RIGHT!!!
my xserver refused to start with couldnt find fixed fonts, but that was
about three restarts after i changed the fonts. i read on mandrakeuser.og
that it is a problem with finding that particular font and to do this and 
that, but  the simplest thing to do when this happens:
start XFdrak, run through it, when its done get  X running: startx,
goto kde control center and reset the font properties, to get the fixed font
back to normal and your xserver will restart again with every reboot..
now my problem is how i change that fixed font and get the xserver 

Am Montag, 28. Mai 2001 18:52 schrieb Romanator:
 Romanator wrote:
  Hi all,
  I fixed my font problem by selecting the KDE Control Center-File
  Manager-Appearance. Change -Courier or A.D. Mono to Verdana ref. Click
  on Apply and exit the Control Center. Restart Netscape, Opera and
  Konqueror look very good. Remember, you should install the Windows fonts
  to access the extra fonts. That's it.
  Registered Linux User #179293
  Freedom Fighter for Penguins Everywhere

 Just a follow up. Konqueror still need a little work. The fonts are a
 little funky but I'm getting there. Netscape and Opera are great.

Re: [newbie] suspend to ram

2001-05-29 Thread mp

thats a good explanation, but one thing is wrong:
the ram is still under electricity, nothing else. no fan, no disks, no video, 
nothing--no noise. when re-powering no boot is necessary and the computer is 
redy in some seconds.

Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 09:49 schrieb James Bond:
 I am not the original poster of this message, but since I own a laptop this
 is something that I'd like to know how to do as well.  I will describe the
 process in hopes that someone knows how.

 Suspend to RAM or Hibernation, is when the computer copies the contents of
 the RAM of the computer and also usually the video ram to a file on the
 harddrive, and then powers down the computer completely.  The next time the
 computer is turned on, the information is transferred back into RAM from
 the hard disk and you are right back at the point where you originally

 There are two basic benefits to hibernation as opposed to shutdown.  The
 first is that hibernation is much faster than shuting down and then
 rebooting.  You can hibernate in about 20 seconds (depending on how much
 RAM the machine has) and resume in another 20 seconds.  To fully shutdown
 and reboot a LM 8.0 machine into KDE takes about 5 min (on my computer). 
 The second thing is that you can leave a text editor window and hibernate.
 Then, when you restart you can immediately start editing the text again
 without having to open any file.  It appears right on the screen.

 I hope this has clarified the question.

 On Monday 28 May 2001 12:09, mp wrote:
   under linux mandrake 8 possible?
   thank you
 Ummm  Not sure what you want...
 If you put the mount parameter noatime in the file /etc/fstab, then the
 will not be spun up to change the data time parameters, and if you set
 management properly, disks will spin down.  Add to that the lock screen
 feature, and you have a computer in hibernation, waiting for a password,
 except network processes are open.
 So how is the suspend to ram feature different than that?  What purpose
 it accomplish?  Linux people are more used to non-stop computing, so we
 an explanation.

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: [newbie] suspend to ram

2001-05-29 Thread James Bond

Actually, that's not true.  You can remove the battery from a laptop and 
unplug it as well and hibernated data will still be there because it is 
stored on the hard drive.  A hibernated computer uses no electricity 
whatsoever.  The time saving comes from the fact that drivers and startup 
programs don't have to be loaded.  They are just read from a file on the 
hard drive straight into ram and the boot  process is therefore skipped.

Subject: Re: [newbie] suspend to ram
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 23:32:24 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from [] by hotmail.com (3.2) with ESMTP id 
MHotMailBCDD606F0073400432208382DD2691690; Tue May 29 14:32:32 2001
Received: from schowidahin.univie.ac.at 
(chello062178208175.1.15.univie.teleweb.at [])by 
unet.univie.ac.at (8.11.2/8.11.2) with SMTP id f4TLWQw79080;Tue, 29 May 
2001 23:32:27 +0200
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue May 29 14:32:34 2001
X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]

thats a good explanation, but one thing is wrong:
the ram is still under electricity, nothing else. no fan, no disks, no 
nothing--no noise. when re-powering no boot is necessary and the computer 
redy in some seconds.

Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 09:49 schrieb James Bond:
  I am not the original poster of this message, but since I own a laptop 
  is something that I'd like to know how to do as well.  I will describe 
  process in hopes that someone knows how.
  Suspend to RAM or Hibernation, is when the computer copies the contents 
  the RAM of the computer and also usually the video ram to a file on the
  harddrive, and then powers down the computer completely.  The next time 
  computer is turned on, the information is transferred back into RAM from
  the hard disk and you are right back at the point where you originally
  There are two basic benefits to hibernation as opposed to shutdown.  The
  first is that hibernation is much faster than shuting down and then
  rebooting.  You can hibernate in about 20 seconds (depending on how much
  RAM the machine has) and resume in another 20 seconds.  To fully 
  and reboot a LM 8.0 machine into KDE takes about 5 min (on my computer).
  The second thing is that you can leave a text editor window and 
  Then, when you restart you can immediately start editing the text again
  without having to open any file.  It appears right on the screen.
  I hope this has clarified the question.
  On Monday 28 May 2001 12:09, mp wrote:
under linux mandrake 8 possible?
thank you
  Ummm  Not sure what you want...
  If you put the mount parameter noatime in the file /etc/fstab, then the
  will not be spun up to change the data time parameters, and if you set
  management properly, disks will spin down.  Add to that the lock 
  feature, and you have a computer in hibernation, waiting for a 
  except network processes are open.
  So how is the suspend to ram feature different than that?  What purpose
  it accomplish?  Linux people are more used to non-stop computing, so we
  an explanation.
  Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

[newbie] fvwm

2001-05-29 Thread hellmut


I have been advised to use fvwm to start 3d games, cause it isn't so
performance eating like KDE. Well... how do I start it?


 (o o)
 |  |
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 |  |
 | www.fegefeuer-webzine.de |
 |  |
   | _ | _ |
| | | |
| | | |
ooO Ooo

Re: [newbie] terrible browser fonts

2001-05-29 Thread mp

ok, i think i got it now!

drakfont, import the windows fonts. 
kde control center-fonts- switch everything to i.e. arial, but not the fixed 
font (dont know how to change this one with x server still starting.
then look and feel-styles - UNCHECK antialias (its fucking ugly).
then in the kde appls change the font to arial for example.
thats it. i think the fixed font has to be changed in the xf86config,but im 
not sure how. gonna ask the experts list.

Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 20:11 schrieb poogle:
 On Tuesday 29 May 2001 14:09, you wrote:
   try drakfont, install windows fonts and choose them in your web
  I've been following this thread with interest because I am similarly
  afflicted.  I don't recall needing to install windows fonts in earlier
  versions of Mandrake, nor do I have Windows around to install fonts from,
  so I can't take this particular step.  My assumption from this is that
  there is a bug in Mandrake 8.0 that they ought to fix with an update
  somewhere down the line.  Can anyone confirm or deny my assumption?

 I have no problems, anti-aliasing took care of file browser fonts. I use
 the fonts that came with MD 8.0, not imported or removed any. The only
 problem I ever had was of my own making - when I installed I selected the
 wrong resolution/colour depth and had terrible Konqueror/Netscape fonts,
 when I corrected this to 1024x768 and maximum colours (64bit IIRC) the
 problem went away (- note these settings are for my monitor/graphics card
 your's may be different)

Re: [newbie] suspend to ram

2001-05-29 Thread mp

ok, i mean suspend to ram under windows 98 i.e. with desktop computers.
with laptops it might be different, as every laptop-manufacturer does its own
solution and suspend was realized long before win could do it. so it is done 
by bios or proprietary programs. but i think that the method of windows like 
suspend to ram would be good for any laptop too.

Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 17:40 schrieb James Bond:
 Actually, that's not true.  You can remove the battery from a laptop and
 unplug it as well and hibernated data will still be there because it is
 stored on the hard drive.  A hibernated computer uses no electricity
 whatsoever.  The time saving comes from the fact that drivers and startup
 programs don't have to be loaded.  They are just read from a file on the
 hard drive straight into ram and the boot  process is therefore skipped.


 Subject: Re: [newbie] suspend to ram
 Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 23:32:24 -0400
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Received: from [] by hotmail.com (3.2) with ESMTP id
 MHotMailBCDD606F0073400432208382DD2691690; Tue May 29 14:32:32 2001
 Received: from schowidahin.univie.ac.at
 (chello062178208175.1.15.univie.teleweb.at [])by
 unet.univie.ac.at (8.11.2/8.11.2) with SMTP id f4TLWQw79080;Tue, 29 May
 2001 23:32:27 +0200

 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue May 29 14:32:34 2001

 X-Mailer: KMail [version 1.2]
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 thats a good explanation, but one thing is wrong:
 the ram is still under electricity, nothing else. no fan, no disks, no
 nothing--no noise. when re-powering no boot is necessary and the computer
 redy in some seconds.
 Am Dienstag, 29. Mai 2001 09:49 schrieb James Bond:
   I am not the original poster of this message, but since I own a laptop
   is something that I'd like to know how to do as well.  I will describe
   process in hopes that someone knows how.
   Suspend to RAM or Hibernation, is when the computer copies the contents
   the RAM of the computer and also usually the video ram to a file on the
   harddrive, and then powers down the computer completely.  The next time
   computer is turned on, the information is transferred back into RAM
   from the hard disk and you are right back at the point where you
   originally hibernated.
   There are two basic benefits to hibernation as opposed to shutdown. 
   The first is that hibernation is much faster than shuting down and then
   rebooting.  You can hibernate in about 20 seconds (depending on how
   much RAM the machine has) and resume in another 20 seconds.  To fully
   and reboot a LM 8.0 machine into KDE takes about 5 min (on my
   computer). The second thing is that you can leave a text editor window
   Then, when you restart you can immediately start editing the text again
   without having to open any file.  It appears right on the screen.
   I hope this has clarified the question.
   On Monday 28 May 2001 12:09, mp wrote:
 under linux mandrake 8 possible?
 thank you
   Ummm  Not sure what you want...
   If you put the mount parameter noatime in the file /etc/fstab, then
the disks
   will not be spun up to change the data time parameters, and if you set
   management properly, disks will spin down.  Add to that the lock
   feature, and you have a computer in hibernation, waiting for a
   except network processes are open.
   So how is the suspend to ram feature different than that?  What
purpose does
   it accomplish?  Linux people are more used to non-stop computing, so
we need
   an explanation.
   Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

Re: Fwd: [newbie]LimeWire

2001-05-29 Thread John Farrell

On Monday 21 May 2001 22:41, Lanman wrote:
 Quick question here,...What is LimeWire ??

LimeWire is a pure Java gnutella client (they call it a servent).
There's more on gnutella here:



Re: [newbie] Windows Font Installer takes a very long time to install fonts in LM8

2001-05-29 Thread Ric Tibbetts

A V Flinsch wrote:

 On Monday 28 May 2001 20:45, Romanator wrote:
Hi all,

I was trying to install the Windows fonts in Mandrake Control Center. I
have been waiting 15 minutes and it is still installing. Is this

 The version of drakfont included with 8.0 takes a very long time to do 
 the install, The version from cooker is faster. 
 kfontinst is faster than drakfont, and has the ability to add/preview and 
 remove fonts
 The fastest way is to do a ttmkfdir  mkfontdir from the commandline and 
 then edit /etc/X11/fs/config

Did they change ttmkfdir? I always used to just run:
ttmkfdir  fonts.dir (from the tt font directory),
Then edit /etc/X11/fs/config to add the new font path.

Admittedly, I haven't done this from MDK 8.0. Is ttmkfdir different now?



[newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread Dave DeGear

  I have a high speed connection and our provider supplies us with a site to 
check our download speed.  The site is speedtest.telus.net but when using 
Netscape 4.77 with the plugin package I still get a java error.  This site 
works fine when I reboot to Windows but I can't get it to work under Mandrake 
8.  Could someone else please try this site and see if it works for you.


[newbie] USB

2001-05-29 Thread Dennis Myers

I don't seem to find a man for the usb stuff. I have checked and the files 
are there and usb is active on my computer but I am not getting a connection 
with the digital camera or scanner.  Well, the scanner because I have'nt 
figured out how to get sane or xscanimage to work.  Anyway, any suggestions 
to a tutorial or how to find the man pages on usb?  I'll be doing a search in 
archives and on the net but thought someone on the list might have found an 
exceptionally good source of info.  TIA
Dennis M. registered Linux user # 180842

Re: [newbie] ESS Solo-1

2001-05-29 Thread Paul-H. Gagnon

Linn Crowser is right!  I found all controls in Sound Mixer set to minimum..
Now enjoying the music.  Thanks Linn!  


At 20:15 28/05/2001 -0500, you wrote:

Paul-H. Gagnon wrote:

 Greetings all!
 Anyone using sound module ESS Solo-1 with v8.0?  Control Center identifies
 the module as ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1 Audio drive and says it is
 configured correctly but no sound comes out.  The same module works very
 well with v7.2
 Otherwise, everthing else works great.. so far.
 Paul H 
I have the same sound card on a Compaq and I had to go to hardDrake and 
run the configuration tool.  There was no sound when the sample played.  
I then went to the Sound Mixer and set the volumes and everthing worked 

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Thread Dan

Can I make a suggestion?  Try Phex.  It was really
easy to use.  All you need is the

There's no real installation.  It run right out of
your home directory.


--- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear All, I printed out and gathered all of my Lime
 Wire info from earlier 
 messages and proceeded to install. I used the
 LimeWire.bin file and when I 
 attempted to install I got an error message: The
 included VM could not be 
 uncompressed. Please try to download the installer
 again and make sure that 
 you download using 'binary' mode. Please do not
 attempt to install this 
 currently downloaded copy. 
 Does anyone know what I can do now? I have
 downloaded the LimewireOther.zip 
 file but I just do not understand the classpath
 instructions. I know that I 
 have Kaffe installed. I have LM8. How would I
 download using 'binary' mode? 
 Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 Marcia Waller

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Re: [newbie] Another Voodoo enigma? 3.3.6 installed.

2001-05-29 Thread Todd Flinders

Or try:

XFDrake -expert

--- Carl Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I installed 8.0 on a celeron 433, 128 ram and
 voodoo3 2000 tonight.  I wasn't
  given a choice of versions concerning XFree86 and
 it installed 3.3.6.
 I have a K6-2 450 with Voodoo 3 2000 that installed
 fine (although I have had
 problems with past Mandrakes).
 Xconfigurator -expert
 as root. You should get three options at the start:
 XFree 4.0.3 with 3D hardware
 acceleration; XFree 4.0.3; and XFree 3.3.6.

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Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread s

it worked in netscape 4.77 for me, but konqueror didn't do much.  However, I 
haven't messed with loading sun's or ibm's java since my last reinstall, so 
konqueror is functioning on whatever gets installed or can find from netscape.

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 05:05 pm, you wrote:
   I have a high speed connection and our provider supplies us with a site
 to check our download speed.  The site is speedtest.telus.net but when
 using Netscape 4.77 with the plugin package I still get a java error.  This
 site works fine when I reboot to Windows but I can't get it to work under
 Mandrake 8.  Could someone else please try this site and see if it works
 for you.


Re: [newbie] Supported DSL Modems

2001-05-29 Thread s

You're probably going to have to go external.  Alcatel Speed Touch Home is a 
nice one.  

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 02:02 pm, you wrote:
 I've been searching the web for a PCI DSL modem that I can use (at least be
 supported).  Any sugguestions, I cannot find one . . .

[newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread Charley Sparks

Same topic.. any one had any luck with the HotJava Browser from Sun? I
belong to some Veteran's chats on Talk City and I have to use Windows if I
want somthing reliable

Thanks Friends

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread Sam

Hello, I've just tried the throughput test at the page and I didn't 
encounter any problems running it using Netscape 4.77 under Mandrake 8. 
You don't need to install the netscape plugins package to get Java 
working in Netscape and neither is installation of a Java Runtime 
necessary - however, you might want to check under Preferences -- 
Advanced that Java is enabled in Netscape.

With a JRE installed, the tests also work under Konqueror and Mozilla 
for me.

On Wednesday 30 May 2001 06:05, Dave DeGear wrote:
   I have a high speed connection and our provider supplies us with a
 site to check our download speed.  The site is speedtest.telus.net
 but when using Netscape 4.77 with the plugin package I still get a
 java error.  This site works fine when I reboot to Windows but I
 can't get it to work under Mandrake 8.  Could someone else please try
 this site and see if it works for you.


Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Thread s

How can one make these two apps work behind the basic tinyfirewall setup in 
8.0?  If I shut down the firewall, I shut down the forwarding also, so that 
won't work.  (On lan.)  

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 05:33 pm, you wrote:
 Can I make a suggestion?  Try Phex.  It was really
 easy to use.  All you need is the

 There's no real installation.  It run right out of
 your home directory.


 --- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear All, I printed out and gathered all of my Lime
  Wire info from earlier
  messages and proceeded to install. I used the
  LimeWire.bin file and when I
  attempted to install I got an error message: The
  included VM could not be
  uncompressed. Please try to download the installer
  again and make sure that
  you download using 'binary' mode. Please do not
  attempt to install this
  currently downloaded copy.
  Does anyone know what I can do now? I have
  downloaded the LimewireOther.zip
  file but I just do not understand the classpath
  instructions. I know that I
  have Kaffe installed. I have LM8. How would I
  download using 'binary' mode?
  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  Marcia Waller

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[newbie] Samba and MS access

2001-05-29 Thread Lpwangmd

Hello all,
Does anybody have experience with file locking under SAMBA with MS access.  I 
would like 2 users to work with an access file.  I've read alot about op 
locks and file locking and seem to get more confused.  I have LM 8.0 with 
Samba 2.07 (yes I know about the security update, I have not had time to 
update the package)


[newbie] linux4windows aka mandrake 7.2 trouble

2001-05-29 Thread Alexei A. Frounze

Hey folks.

1st of all, I want to make it clear, even though I know DOS, windows,
program very well (Pascal, C/C++, ASM, 3d, OS dev), I don't know much about
unix and linux, so please excuse me when I say something silly about *x.

OK, Today I got Linux...
Having never worked with it, I ordered Linux for Windows aka Mandrake 7.2
claiming to be easy to install and harmless to currently installed windows.
Well, the latter is true.
The former, however, is not.
After the installation LILO couldn't properly print russian characters
stupidly assuming the fonts with cyrillic letters are already present in
Update of currently installed linux failed for no reason with some error:
the list is empty, pressing OK doesn't do much and finally returns to the
same error dialog window with the list is empty thing
Then I reinstalled linux with English language and finally got LILO messages
After that neither linux nor failsafe options in LILO didn't bring me up
linux. The computer hangs up completely after the message about amount of
memory allocated for cache/hash/whatever (several lines below things like
kernel version, amount of memory, computer speed and calibration of delay
loop). There is no any response to
keyboard, there is no access to any disks. It definetely hangs up. :(
And I can't do anything about that. The 3-step-like installation, advertised
on the box, is false (well, perhaps it may work on somebody else's computer
but not mine for sure).

I guess now I understand the meaning of the dialog:
- Why writing own OS?
- Don't like windows, failed to install Linux.

Here's description of my computer:
- eMachines 566-i2 eTower, Celeron566, 160MB RAM, 7.5GB HDD, intel 3D AGP
for video/gfx (as far as I remember it's i810 chipset, memory
controller/whatever and vide/gfx curcuitry are both in the single chip).
The complete description of the computer is here:

Is there any posibility to install this damn thing w/o changing the
computer, without changing the OS? I mean, it's very frustrating to pay some
bucks and receive nothing in exchange, so if it's possible I'd like to know
how to fix the problem and use this particular linux on this particular

Alexei A. Frounze
alexfru [AT] chat [DOT] ru

[newbie] 2.4 routing question (easy one)

2001-05-29 Thread Ed Colmar

Hey Friends!

I've gotten my mandrake security firewall all set up, and 
it's working great.  Lan traffic can get out, IP addresses are 
getting translated, and outside queries are dumped.


But now I throw our Web and FTP server into the mix.  It's 
going to live outside the firewall.  Here's a quick glance at my 

T1 Router
x.x.x.33 (subnet
Ethernet hub - ()
|   |
|   |
Mandrake Security Box, eth0 WEB server, eth0
x.x.x.48 (subnet   x.x.x.50
Mandrake Security Box, eth1 (subnet
Office hub

I read a bunch of the how-tos online, and I don't quite have 
a grasp on how to enable this rule.

I know I need to allow connections from eth1 to go to eth0 
but not go through the default route that leads out to the internet

Do I need to set up a iproute2 table?  or can I just create the route?

Thanks for all the help!

you guys rock!


[newbie] Voodoo3 question

2001-05-29 Thread Jerry Mulvaney

In trying to get #D working well, I noticed this in my XFree86 log:

(EE) TDFX(0): DRI requires Voodoo3 or later, disabling DRI.

No generic here, it's a 3DFX Voodoo 3 2000. XFdrake and XConfigurator w/
expert both see it as a voodoo 3 2000. Any ideas?

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread s

I tried it a while back, a year or so, and it wasn't very good then.  If 
memory serves, it was quite unstable - actually almost usable (crashing and 
freezing), and it didn't render html that well either.  Of course it may have 
improved by now.

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 06:15 pm, you wrote:
 Same topic.. any one had any luck with the HotJava Browser from Sun? I
 belong to some Veteran's chats on Talk City and I have to use Windows if I
 want somthing reliable

 Thanks Friends

[newbie] rpmdrake

2001-05-29 Thread JohnB


i just installed mandrake 8.0 and am trying to configure the rpm app to get
the packages from an ftp site.

*   specifically,

*   when i add this site, the dialog just spins and spins saying that
its gonna add it but nothing happends, i tried several other sites as well

*   plus the only way to kill it is to do a ps -e/kill process id.

of Kent

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread Jeanette Russo

No Hot Java is still slow and unstable and Sun is no longer developing
it so it will not be getting better.  

s wrote:
 I tried it a while back, a year or so, and it wasn't very good then.  If
 memory serves, it was quite unstable - actually almost usable (crashing and
 freezing), and it didn't render html that well either.  Of course it may have
 improved by now.
 On Tuesday 29 May 2001 06:15 pm, you wrote:
  Same topic.. any one had any luck with the HotJava Browser from Sun? I
  belong to some Veteran's chats on Talk City and I have to use Windows if I
  want somthing reliable
  Thanks Friends

[newbie] Multiple Processors

2001-05-29 Thread Michael Graveen

I've just installed Mandrake 8.0 but it only found 1 processor. I am 
running dual 700MHz P3 processors on a Tyan Tiger 133 motherboard. How can 
I get Mandrake to recognize both processors?
Thanks in advance,

[newbie] MK 8.0 crashes on reboot.

2001-05-29 Thread Carl Levin

It seems to go well though the install process. 
Then, when I am lulled into a false sense of security it fails to go into KDE - 
as requested in the set up - and seems to start to reboot. It gets to "detecting 
usb ok" and then freezes. I have tried 
a number of ways of installing ie. update, clean install with text, graphic 
install, expert and automated. Any ideas guys? 7.2 works just great. NO 
problems. (Until I try to load 8.0)

[newbie] Multiple Processors

2001-05-29 Thread Michael Graveen

Please ignore my last message it went out by accident.  It has already been 
answered by the list.  Sorry.

I've just installed Mandrake 8.0 but it only found 1 processor. I am 
running dual 700MHz P3 processors on a Tyan Tiger 133 motherboard. How can 
I get Mandrake to recognize both processors?
Thanks in advance,

Re: [newbie] Multiple Processors

2001-05-29 Thread Paul

It was Tue, 29 May 2001 19:52:36 -0500 when Michael Graveen wrote:

There is a kernel with SMP support. You'll need that.

I've just installed Mandrake 8.0 but it only found 1 processor. I am 
running dual 700MHz P3 processors on a Tyan Tiger 133 motherboard. How can 
I get Mandrake to recognize both processors?
Thanks in advance,

Building a better mousetrap merely results in smarter mice.

http://nlpagan.net -  Registered Linux User 174403
   Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread h3rb

Works fine for me.  

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 18:05, Dave DeGear wrote:
   I have a high speed connection and our provider supplies us with a site
 to check our download speed.  The site is speedtest.telus.net but when
 using Netscape 4.77 with the plugin package I still get a java error.  This
 site works fine when I reboot to Windows but I can't get it to work under
 Mandrake 8.  Could someone else please try this site and see if it works
 for you.


Re: [newbie] what is a compressed image?

2001-05-29 Thread David Savolainen


H...  No LM version has paused at that stage longer then half a
minute or so at that stage for me, usually just a few seconds.  I don't
know why it would lock up at that stage.  What is your hardware
configuration?  This may well be beyond my expertise, but hopefully
someone else will spot the problem.


Eric Lauritzen wrote:
  A ramdisk is sort of like a virtual hard drive that the installer
  creates in memory.  It creates this so there is a mountable drive for
  use during the install process.  I believe it boots from this, but I am
  not sure.  Someone more expert would know better then me.  Sometimes it
  takes a few seconds for this stage to finish.  The next step should be
  something like entering second stage install or something like that.
  At times it could appear to lock up at that point.  Are you not waiting
  long enough or is it really locking up?  Windows ME has nothing to do
  with what you are seeing.  Wiping your hard drive will not help!
 Thanks for the reply and the info.  I've already wiped the hard drive - oh
 well, I'm sick of windows too.
 I do wait a long time, but I know it's locked cause the ligts on the
 keyboard all locke up and the system is completely unresponsive.  The
 longest I've waited is maybe 5 minutes - is it possible it would take

Re: [newbie] rpmdrake

2001-05-29 Thread s

How long did you wait?  It takes it a while.

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 07:07 pm, you wrote:

 i just installed mandrake 8.0 and am trying to configure the rpm app to get
 the packages from an ftp site.

 * specifically,

 * when i add this site, the dialog just spins and spins saying that
 its gonna add it but nothing happends, i tried several other sites as well

 * plus the only way to kill it is to do a ps -e/kill process id.

 of Kent

Re: [newbie] Modems?

2001-05-29 Thread s


On Monday 28 May 2001 07:58 pm, you wrote:
 Where can I find information about this?


 On Sat, 26 May 2001 19:13:43 -0500, s said:
  I been using a 3com/USRobotics pci Faxmodem (aka 5610) in several distros
  and versions.  Never a problem  In additon, the isa Diamond SupraExpress
  is also very easy to setup and works flawlessly in various distros and
  versions.  Oh, I have set up the isa Creative Modem Blaster (or rather
  8.0 set it up) and it works fine in Mandrake 8.0 (only distro tried with
   On Saturday 26 May 2001 05:29 pm, you wrote:
Sorry guys for asking so much. I am trying to buy a
new system and want to make sure that it Linux-ok.
Anyone knows a good modem that work fine with Linux?
What is the purpose of life?
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[newbie] Windows 2000 Policy's working with Linux

2001-05-29 Thread gizim69

In my local school we have a windows 2000 network running multi user 
policy's that restrict users to some parts of the system and network. Is there 
away that a user can login with Windows 98se or 2000.
And linux will handle the policy?
linux will restrict the user?
and not use the windows policy?
~ GiZiM ~"Angelis Errare" - "Where Angels Lose Their Way""Due 
to rising energy costs, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off 
until further notice."

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread Dave DeGear

  I wonder what my problem is?  I get the message Reading File then 
Starting Java and then Done except that the file size options don't show 
up on the screen.  I am supposed to be able to select files sizes up to 10meg 
for the test.  Under Netscape Preferences I have selected, Automatically Load 
Images, Enable Java, Enable Javascript.  The option to Enable plugin 
JVM is grayed out so I can't select it.  I also don't have Javascript enabled 
for Mail and News.

Any suggestions? Thanks. ...Dave

On Tue, 29 May 2001 18:09:39 -0500, s wrote:

it worked in netscape 4.77 for me, but konqueror didn't do much.  However, I 

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 05:05 pm, Dave wrote:
   I have a high speed connection and our provider supplies us with a site
 to check our download speed.  The site is speedtest.telus.net but when
 using Netscape 4.77 with the plugin package I still get a java error.  This

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread Dave DeGear

On Wed, 30 May 2001 07:35:40 +0800, Sam wrote:

Hello, I've just tried the throughput test at the page and I didn't 
encounter any problems running it using Netscape 4.77 under Mandrake 8. 

  Well, I wonder what I could be doing wrong?  Do you have Enable 
pluginJVM enabled under the Netscape Preferences -- Advanced?

   Thanks.  ...Dave

[newbie] DCOPserver

2001-05-29 Thread Danny Gordon

I went to log in as root taday and got this error.

There was some error setting up inter-process communications
for KDE.
The message returned by the system was:

Could not read network connection list 

Please check that the DCOPserver program is running.

I am running Mandrake 7.2 with KDE 2.1.1 and can login as a user
no problem.

When i try to login as root i get that error and the system
hangs forcing a reset.
Dan Gordon

Re: [newbie] Java ?

2001-05-29 Thread s

Mine is setup the same way.  I haven't done anything to it, it just worked.  
I don't use netscape too much, so I don't know how to fix yours.  Maybe check 
the helper applications and make sure it's listed.  There's an 'add' if it 

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 09:22 pm, you wrote:
   I wonder what my problem is?  I get the message Reading File then
 Starting Java and then Done except that the file size options don't
 show up on the screen.  I am supposed to be able to select files sizes up
 to 10meg for the test.  Under Netscape Preferences I have selected,
 Automatically Load Images, Enable Java, Enable Javascript.  The
 option to Enable plugin JVM is grayed out so I can't select it.  I also
 don't have Javascript enabled for Mail and News.

 Any suggestions? Thanks. ...Dave

 On Tue, 29 May 2001 18:09:39 -0500, s wrote:
 it worked in netscape 4.77 for me, but konqueror didn't do much.  However,
 On Tuesday 29 May 2001 05:05 pm, Dave wrote:
I have a high speed connection and our provider supplies us with a
  site to check our download speed.  The site is speedtest.telus.net but
  when using Netscape 4.77 with the plugin package I still get a java
  error.  This

[newbie] cdrom

2001-05-29 Thread Rod

how come when i installed the cdrom and i bring up 
diskdrake0.9.3 it shows 2 cdroms one bus type scsi and the other atapi/ide and 
its a atapi.Ive installed two different brands and this still 

Re: [newbie] Just wondering a few points!

2001-05-29 Thread Walter Luffman

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 10:56 am, Derek Rayne wrote:

 Can any of the e-mail programs (like K-Mail, Evolution, etc...) that
 are on here be configured to read and send messages via Yahoo e-mail
 (the free one)? I don't want to keep on using Netscape to load up the
 Yahoo e-mail page to read my e-mail, I want to be able to browse the
 web while going back and forth reading my e-mail.  I know I can open up
 another window, but that takes up time and puts lag onto Netscape.

IIRC Yahoo! mail is a web-based mail application, which means you must use a 
web browser to read your mail.  The sort of e-mail programs you mentioned are 
intended for use with mail that is actually downloaded to your computer; with 
Yahoo! mail everything is actually on Yahoo!'s system and all you get is a 
web page.  (This can actually be an advantage if you want to read your mail 
from a friend's computer; not everyone will have an e-mail client you can 
use, but it seems everyone has at least one web browser.)

 I recently did what a lot of people suggesting for my USB scanner.  I
 still can't get it to work.  I downloaded the newest version of SANE,
 it said it was already installed.  I had this when I booted up the
 system:  NOTE, spaces are NOT accurate.

 Loading USB interface  [OK]
 Mount USB filesystem   [OK]
 Starting USB daemon[OK]

 So I know it knows about my USB, does that usually goto IRQ 11?  If
 that is the case, I think i know the problem, but my soundcard which
 does use IRQ 11 works perfectly fine.  Should I put my sound card in
 another PCI slot then try this again?

I cannot answer your question, but I quoted back the entire section in hopes 
that someone on the list will read it and be able to help.  It might be 
helpful if you mention the make and model of your USB scanner; mine is a 
Visioneer model (bought while I was still using Windows occasionally) and 
AFAIK none of that company's scanners are supported under Linux.

 I do appeciate all the help I got in the past and the future...I love
 Linux much better than Windows, even though I don't have as much
 software as I would like to have.

I still miss a few of my Windows applications, but not enough that i'll 
reinstall Windows and put up with the Blue Screen Of Death; OTOH, I like 
Linux enough that I'm considering abandoning my current scanner and buying 
one that will work under my preferred OS.
Walter Luffman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Medina, TN USA
Supercharged with extra glucose! (Type 2 diabetic 5/99, d/e/m)
Sage, purple 1998 Honda VT1100C Shadow Spirit

Re: [newbie] LimeWire Again

2001-05-29 Thread Marcia Waller

On Tuesday 29 May 2001 18:33, Dan wrote:
 Can I make a suggestion?  Try Phex.  It was really
 easy to use.  All you need is the

 There's no real installation.  It run right out of
 your home directory.


Dear All, Thank you for your suggestions. I installed the jre and phex then 
used the command java -jar phex.jar and got a long error message then it 
aborted. What can I do now. Thanks for your help. Marcia


2001-05-29 Thread Jack Richardson


Re: [newbie] AdvanSys SCSI Adapter ? - OK

2001-05-29 Thread LinuxKH

Hello Civileme !

On Tue, 29 May 2001, Civileme wrote:

 You are not quite out of the woods yet.
 Now to install you need to run the regular install CD boot from it, type F1 
 at the splash screen and then type expert
 On the first screen you will not add any modules from a floppy
 on the second you will tell it to use the advansys adapter.
 Then you should enjoy a graphical install.

You know, when I got that error message in point of install filesystem,
I just switch to tty2 and do 'modprobe advansys', then I go back to the
installation processes with success.

Everything is installed and the machine is up and running now. :-)

Many thanks again.

A real newbie learning to swim in Linux sea
 On Monday 28 May 2001 21:53, you wrote:
  Hello again !
  Thanks a lot Civileme and all.
  Woo-Hoo...it works great !
  Just do: '# modprobe advansys'
  Now, it's time for more advantures on the way to set it up as a multi
  services (Firewall, Apache, Squid, DNS, Samba, NFS,...) server for a LAN
  of 30 PCs.
  So, some more questions would be later...
  A real newbie learning to swim in Linux sea
  On Mon, 28 May 2001, Civileme wrote:
   On Monday 28 May 2001 03:30, you wrote:
   It is not seeing the Advansys SCSI adapter, possibly because the initrd
   is not loading properly.
   This may be an error in media or in the driver itself.
   DO this
   At the splash screen hit F1 and type rescue without the quotes.
   then type
   # modprobe advansys
   If that does not work, then we have a kernel driver problem.
   To alleviate this, we have alternate install images
   Look at the CD with a running system, in the folder /images/alternatives
   and find the file
   copy it to a floppy with
   dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/alternatives/cdrom.img-2.2.19-BADZ5 of=/dev/fd0
   Or under dos, get to the directory and use the program rawrite to move
   that image to a floppy.  A dos window on 95 or 98 will work just as well.
rawrite versions do not appear to work under WindowsME.
   And then use that floppy to begin installation--it should find and load
   the advansys.o module.
   Once the installation is done, the initrd.img should have the advansys
   drive in it, so that booting should not be a problem.

Re: [newbie] Kmail

2001-05-29 Thread Kelley Terry

You're absolutely right.  My isp (Sisna) switched to smtp authentication 
and I looked for alternatives.  I like mozilla best and am using it to 
send this email.  I wrote one of the maintainers of kmail and asked 
about future plans for smtp authentication and he said Maybe it will be 
in KDE 2.2.

Dave Sherman wrote:

 Perhaps someone will correct me on this, but I believe SMTP-Authentication 
 is *not* supported in kmail. Your mail server will need to be set up to 
 relay for you -- this is (generally) highly insecure, and makes it easy to 
 spam (even with other safeguards in place, such as using a RBL server, or 
 only relaying for specific networks), but many ISP's still do it this way.
 On Tuesday 29 May 2001 09:22, thus spake Himebaugh, Jon, CON, OASD(HA)/TMA:

In the setup of Kmail for receiving email I can choose sendmail or smtp.
When I select smtp I find no way to identify my smtp user.

If I cannot setup kmail to identify it self how can I send email?

Jon H

It said uses Windows 95 or better, so I loaded Linux!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

[newbie] ntfs support?

2001-05-29 Thread Adam Willcox

I've heard alot about the ntfs support module being 
really really buggy. One can read horror stories of it completely 
destroying some people's ntfs partition and needing a format. Is ntfs 
support really this buggy? I'm running windows2000 on my first drive and 
mandrake 8.0 on my second drive. Thanks for your input.


Re: [newbie] windows 2000 dual boot

2001-05-29 Thread John W

   i now have windows 2000 (advanced server) on my system and would like
   to get it to dual boot with linux.  the drive is ntfs formatted.  any
   advice would be great.
   thanks in advance,
   Do You Yahoo!?
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 I have dual bolted 2k and Linux with LM7.2 and 8.0. I have always
partitioned my HD with a 3 gig primary and then a logical part. filling the
remaining disk space. Then I assign two logical drives at 3Gig each in the
extended part. I leave the remaining space unassigened (roughly 6 Gigs.)
 I then do an expert install of LM and partition my drive with / , swap and
/home as I am the only user. I have always used LILO and have never had a
conflict with the NTloader. Come to think of it I have never even seen the
NTloader. I have done this even when Linux is already on the Disk and
migrated from 98 to win2k and it still did not overwrite my MBR with the
NTloader. I have found that the most valuble tool I have is foresight when it
comes to a dual boot. I also don't mind completely redoing everything now and
again because I want to change something.

John W


[newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

2001-05-29 Thread Frederic O Kho


Pls. help. I have Mandrake 8 installed and it could not detect my internal modem. The 
modem specs are:

Manufacturer: Cirrus Logic, Inc.
Chipset: CL-MD5620-DT
Memory: 32K DSP RAM
UART: 16550AN

This modem works well in Windows. Any of you have this problem?




Re: [newbie] Need help on PCI Modem installation

2001-05-29 Thread gizim69

This is what you call a WINMODEM they use the OS (This case Windows) to
use the modem.
Linux does not support WINMODEMS Never will
You have to get a HARDWARE Modem or a External Modem.

On Wed, 30 May 2001 14:03:58 +0800 Frederic O Kho
 Pls. help. I have Mandrake 8 installed and it could not detect my 
 internal modem. The modem specs are:
 Manufacturer: Cirrus Logic, Inc.
 Chipset: CL-MD5620-DT
 Memory: 32K DSP RAM
 UART: 16550AN
 This modem works well in Windows. Any of you have this problem?

~ GiZiM ~
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