[newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

2001-11-18 Thread Domenico

Salve a tutti,
ho un problema con mandrake 8.1 e dal momento che non so assolutamente nulla
su questo SO, spero che possiate aiutarmi.

Ho installato Mandrake ma non vedo i miei due CDROM e il floppy disk.
Quando cerco di accedere al floppy l' errore riportato e':

mount : /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device

Il bello e' che non riesco a montare neanche i due CDROM.
Un'altra cosa : come si fa a installare dei pacchetti per Linux ?
Ad esempio ho la KYLIX trial version ma come faccio a installarla ?

Grazie a tutti per l'eventuale aiuto.

P.S. Per LukenShiro : sono riuscito a far funzionare l'accesso a Internet,


When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains,
however improbable, must be the truth. --Sherlock Holmes

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

2001-11-18 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:01, domenica 18 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Ho installato Mandrake ma non vedo i miei due CDROM e il floppy disk.
 Quando cerco di accedere al floppy l' errore riportato e':

 mount : /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device

 Il bello e' che non riesco a montare neanche i due CDROM.

prova a fare due cose:
1-disabilita devfs. Inserisci al boot una stringa devfs=nomount. Se usi 
GRUB, devi editare il file /boot/grub/menu.lst (tutte le stringhe 
devfs=mount che trovi trasformale in devfs=nomount). Se usi LiLo, invece, 
non posso aiutarti: ho sempre usato GRUB e non ho dimestichezza con i file di 
configurazione di LiLo...
2-verifica il tuo file /etc/fstab. Potrebbe contenere degli errori.

 Un'altra cosa : come si fa a installare dei pacchetti per Linux ?
 Ad esempio ho la KYLIX trial version ma come faccio a installarla ?

I programmi per Linux puoi trovarli in due formati:
1-RPM. Sono i più semplici (di solito... ma con vistose eccezioni) da 
installare. Ti basta cliccarci sopra da un gestore grafico, o dare il 
comando: ' rpm -ivh NOMEFILE.rpm ' dalla console di root. (senza gli apici, 
ovviamente..) Verifica, però, di scaricare gli RPM giusti. Quelli generici, 
oppure quelli creati appositamente per Mandrake Linux. Quelli per Red Hat 
dovrebbero funzionare.
2-.TGZ. Sono file compressi che contengono i sorgenti del programma. Devi 
aprire il file ed estrarre il contenuto in una cartella (di solito il 
pacchetto crea automaticamente una cartella nella cartella che gli indichi, e 
ci mette dentro i files). Quindi cerca questi files: README ed INSTALL. 
Dovresti trovarne almeno uno; probabilmente ci saranno tutti e due. Leggili 
con molta attenzione: ti spiegano come procedere per compilare, installare e 
configurare il programma. Di solito (ma vale solo come regola generale!), il 
tutto si riduce a tre comandi:
make install
Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto...


[newbie-it] Problemi scheda grafica ATI

2001-11-18 Thread Fabio Manunza

Salve a tutti.
Ho installato Mandrake 8.1, ma al pari della 8.0, 
riscontro lo stesso problema con la scheda grafica, una ATI Rage 128 Pro, 
montata su slot AGP (Motherboard BN 780 Pro), che HardDrake mi interpreta come 
"generic Rage 128" con local bus PCI.
Il risultato è che, sempre a detta del 
configuratore Mandrake la massima profondità di colore che mi viene concessa è a 
16 bit, quando so che su Winz raggiunge i 32, e se provo ad apportare dei 
cambiamenti, una volta che resetto il computer, o riavvio successivamente, mi 
ritrovo con la configurazione originaria e gli stessi problemi.
Questo quando tra le varie schede disponibili c'è 
anche la mia, che però stranamente non viene presa in considerazione dal 
Il monitor è un LG 775N, che non è contemplato tra 
le opzioni della marca; mi affido perciò ad un "generic SVGA 1280 X 1024 
Dov'è il problema? C'è un sistema per convincere 
Mandrake che la scheda è montata su slot AGP (che per me è l'origine delle 
limitazioni successive)?
Ho visto che questa domanda era già stata posta ma 
nessuno aveva risposto; la ripropongo nel caso sia sfuggita a qualcuno dei 
nostri "spiriti guida".

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

2001-11-18 Thread Domenico

Daniele to ringrazio per l'aiuto, ora funziona ma ho un'altra domanda
i pacchetti da installare come KYLIX.. questo è in formato tar.gz e non so
estarre il file.
Ci ho cliccato sopra1 volta 2 volete ma nulla ...
 Scusa ma proprio non so come estrarlo.

Ti ringrazio ancora una volta,

- Original Message -
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

  Un'altra cosa : come si fa a installare dei pacchetti per Linux ?
  Ad esempio ho la KYLIX trial version ma come faccio a installarla ?

 I programmi per Linux puoi trovarli in due formati:
 1-RPM. Sono i più semplici (di solito... ma con vistose eccezioni) da
 installare. Ti basta cliccarci sopra da un gestore grafico, o dare il
 comando: ' rpm -ivh NOMEFILE.rpm ' dalla console di root. (senza gli
 ovviamente..) Verifica, però, di scaricare gli RPM giusti. Quelli
 oppure quelli creati appositamente per Mandrake Linux. Quelli per Red Hat
 dovrebbero funzionare.
 2-.TGZ. Sono file compressi che contengono i sorgenti del programma. Devi
 aprire il file ed estrarre il contenuto in una cartella (di solito il
 pacchetto crea automaticamente una cartella nella cartella che gli
indichi, e
 ci mette dentro i files). Quindi cerca questi files: README ed INSTALL.
 Dovresti trovarne almeno uno; probabilmente ci saranno tutti e due.
 con molta attenzione: ti spiegano come procedere per compilare, installare
 configurare il programma. Di solito (ma vale solo come regola generale!),
 tutto si riduce a tre comandi:
 make install
 Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto...


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

2001-11-18 Thread antonio . volpi

Il 19:37, domenica 18 novembre 2001, hai scritto:
 - Original Message -
Per istallare kylix non serve la procedura configure-make-make install .
Devi naturalmente decomprimere il tar.gz:

tar xvzf kylix_oe.tar.gz

ora dovresti avere una cartella chiamata appunto kylix_oe, qui si trova lo 
script per istallare il programma, digita:


segui le istruzioni. 
Devi farti mandare da Borland i vari codici di attivazione, comunque, se 
ricordo bene, fa tutto 
il programma di istallazione.

Ciao ciao

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

2001-11-18 Thread Corrado

Il dom, 2001-11-18 alle 19:37, Domenico ha scritto:
 Daniele to ringrazio per l'aiuto, ora funziona ma ho un'altra domanda
 i pacchetti da installare come KYLIX.. questo è in formato tar.gz e non so
 estarre il file.
 Ci ho cliccato sopra1 volta 2 volete ma nulla ...
  Scusa ma proprio non so come estrarlo.

Rubo la risposta a Daniele ^_^, spero non mi tiri peperonate roventi,
eh eh!
Prova, da console tar xvzf nomedelfile; questo decomprime il file e
crea una directory all'interno della directory ove ti trovi; di norma,
dovresti spostarti in questa nuova directory e dare i comandi come
spiegato nella mail precedente (make install devi darlo come root);
approfitto però per notare come a me (e chiedo se sia successo a qualcun
altro) Mandrake non abbia installato nessun programma per la
decompressione di qualsivoglia formato, l'ho quindi dovuto fare in
seguito... se non ti succede nulla, potrebbe essere questo il problema.


Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake 8.1 e periferiche

2001-11-18 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 00:57, lunedì 19 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Rubo la risposta a Daniele ^_^, spero non mi tiri peperonate roventi,
 eh eh!
 Prova, da console tar xvzf nomedelfile; questo decomprime il file e
 crea una directory all'interno della directory ove ti trovi; di norma,
 dovresti spostarti in questa nuova directory e dare i comandi come
 spiegato nella mail precedente (make install devi darlo come root);
 approfitto però per notare come a me (e chiedo se sia successo a qualcun
 altro) Mandrake non abbia installato nessun programma per la
 decompressione di qualsivoglia formato, l'ho quindi dovuto fare in
 seguito... se non ti succede nulla, potrebbe essere questo il problema.


Mi hanno rubato una risposta!!!
Vado subito a preparare una cofana di peperoni...
A parte gli scherzi, grazie per aver risposto al posto mio. Avevo scaricato 
questa email ma non avevo avuto il tempo di rispondere... Avete evitato a 
Domenico un'attesa un po' più lunga!
Per quanto riguarda i programmi di decompressione, a me li ha installati... 
cmq, l'importante è che tu sia riuscito a installarli in seguito.
Alla prossima!


[newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 e floppy

2001-11-18 Thread seygues

Non c'è verso di usare il floppy con mandrake 8.1. Nessun problema con 
mandrake 8.0, ma nell'aggiornamento non funziona. Da terminale quando faccio 
il mount /mnt/floppy mi da' il messaggio errore di input/output. Da Kde mi 
dice che è impossibile aprire ilfile. 
Che dite formatto il tutto?
Dai, datemi lumi o madatemi a quel paese della documentazione.

Re: [newbie] Help

2001-11-18 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello Frank,

Sunday, November 18, 2001, 2:25:33 PM, you wrote:

FM Hi All,

FM Can someone please tell me where I can find my Apache config file and my
FM Samba log files.

/var/log/samba for the log files
not sure where apache config is, I just use webmin

Colin Jenkins
ICQ: 650611   registered linux user 223862
Flappity, floppity, flip, The mouse on the mobius strip; The strip revolved, The mouse 
dissolved In a chronodimensional skip.

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[newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

I need something that would play divx files.  The divx site offers a codec 
for the xmps player, but I think it looks for xmps-0.2..., and mandrake only 
has xmps-0.1.3-6mdk.i586.rpm.  Has anyone been able to get divx to play?  
Please help!


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Re: Re: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended UPS for Linux Mandrake 8.1 server

2001-11-18 Thread Mohammed Arafa

tripp lite 500 internet .. with NO serial connection from/to the pc/ups
and its kinda noisy, so if u like me have ur pc in ur bedroom and the power
cuts out at 2/3 in the am.
on the ohter hand its cool.. coz i got 2pc on it (no hub/switch) and it
gives me about more than 5 minutes .. more than ample time to save and

- Original Message -
From: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [newbie] [ OT ] Recommended UPS for Linux Mandrake 8.1


 i got a ups ... a plain old simple ups with no serial connection to the
 which works fine wiht linux.
 but in webmin ( https://localhost:1 ) there is support for ups and so
 believe that a ups with a serial connection to the pc is supported.
 hoped that helped

 Would you mind to share the brand name and model number of your UPS?  Any
other info?  =)


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Re: [newbie] taskbar empty

2001-11-18 Thread skinky

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 07:51, Bill Winegarden wrote:
|  Hi,
|   While working on my laptop without a mouse, I somehow selected to not
| show running tasks in the taskbar. I now have my mouse backhow do I
| re-configure to show the tasks in the task bar?
|  thanks in advance,
|  Bill W.

Right-click in the taskbar and select Preferences.  In the window that 
pops up, select Taskbar on the far left.  There you can choose your 
settings.  HTH
But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

On Sunday 18 November 2001 04:29 pm, you wrote:
 that's divx.euro.ru, right? Anyway have you tried xine or mplayer? I've had
 some success with both.

 David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Okay, I will try it.  Thanks! :)


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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread Ralph Slooten

Yeah sure :-0 There are many programs that support DivX :-) . Personally I
prefer MPlayer as it supports many other formats too, including mpg, avi,
asf, DivX 3 and 4 ... and so on.

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, mnu wrote:

 I need something that would play divx files.  The divx site offers a codec
 for the xmps player, but I think it looks for xmps-0.2..., and mandrake only
 has xmps-0.1.3-6mdk.i586.rpm.  Has anyone been able to get divx to play?
 Please help!


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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread Mohammed Arafa

there is also one i recently discovered that can use whatever open source
format that is out there (and on ur hd) called gmerlin.sourceforge.net
havent played muhc wiht it as i dont have many movie files or formats
- Original Message -
From: Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] divx

 Yeah sure :-0 There are many programs that support DivX :-) . Personally I
 prefer MPlayer as it supports many other formats too, including mpg, avi,
 asf, DivX 3 and 4 ... and so on.

 On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, mnu wrote:

  I need something that would play divx files.  The divx site offers a
  for the xmps player, but I think it looks for xmps-0.2..., and mandrake
  has xmps-0.1.3-6mdk.i586.rpm.  Has anyone been able to get divx to play?
  Please help!

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[newbie] dos2unix

2001-11-18 Thread Søren Neigaard

Why can't I find the dos2unix in the Mandrake Software Manager? I can
find unix2dos but not dos2unix.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Neigaard
Registered Linux User #239437

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[newbie] installing SDL library tutorials

2001-11-18 Thread Linux Ashton

  I tried installing an SDL library onto my machine and fouled things up 
bigtime.  I followed the steps as outlined at 
http://www.devolution.com/~slouken/SDL/ but I did something wrong and I now 
have corrupted my kernal.  has anyone done up a page showing how to properly 
install SDL libraries to Mandrake 8.1 including what needs to be downloaded 
and the order of extracting the libraries? there is 2 libraries a runtime and 
a developement available for SDL does this order matter??

Linux Ashton

Get your Free email at http://mail.ottawa.com/

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Re: [newbie] Help

2001-11-18 Thread Jan Wilson

* Frank McKenna [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08 06:05]:
 Can someone please tell me where I can find my Apache config file and my
 Samba log files.


Most configuration options will work out of the box if you installed
Apache.  You will have to make changes if you want special directory
actions or restrictions.

Let us know what you want to DO with Apache and we can give you some
tips on setting it up to do that.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'  corozal.com corozal.bz
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'  chetumal.com  linux.bz
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

I tried to install mplayer, but it warns me about using gcc-2.96 (which is 
the gcc version that comes with mandrake 8.1).  Has anyone experienced 
forcing an install anyway? Were there a lot of bugs?

I'm willing to downgrade to 2.95.x if it will help, but I can't seem to find 
it. All the sites just seem to offer the full mandrake 7.2 iso :/


On Sunday 18 November 2001 06:44 pm, you wrote:
 Yeah sure :-0 There are many programs that support DivX :-) . Personally I
 prefer MPlayer as it supports many other formats too, including mpg, avi,
 asf, DivX 3 and 4 ... and so on.

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Re: [newbie] Problem in MKL 8.1

2001-11-18 Thread Ed Tharp

I would proceed to inform the list as to model and cofiguration settings as 
best as possible to assist in troubleshooting the malfunction. I would also 
proceed to inform the list as to the particular timing of the hang and 
length of time the hang occours. Does it happen durring boot? At what Stage 
of boot? what does any error message say, what was happening just before the 
hang Does winders work OK ?

On Friday 16 November 2001 23:28, you wrote:
 DEar Linux friends,
 I am having trouble in loading MKL8.1 on my Adaptec SCSI controller. The
 machine simply hangs!Have any idea how to proceed?

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Re: [newbie] Nice new NEWBIE website for Linux users

2001-11-18 Thread Ed Tharp

On Sunday 18 November 2001 01:50, you wrote:
  Basicly all Linux's will have 99.99% the same commands. Now going to
  something like HP's Unix you will find that the commandline options are
  different sometimes. I use HP Unix at work.

 I'm so sorry :)

really,,, you have all our sympathies, and hope,,, NEXT time it works out 
better,,, espeassly since your bean counter Dept. can now get HP with a rally 
GOOD os loaded (Mandrake now is avail on new HP, or so I read.

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Re: [newbie] installing SDL library tutorials

2001-11-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 18 November 2001 07:13 am, Linux Ashton wrote:
   I tried installing an SDL library onto my machine and fouled
 things up bigtime.  I followed the steps as outlined at

   What steps?  There are rpms for Mandrake 8.1 at that link. Did you 
use those?  It would help if you said what you were installing SDL 
for, ie, the app that needs them?

but I did something wrong
 and I now have corrupted my kernal.  has anyone done up a page
 showing how to properly install SDL libraries to Mandrake 8.1
 including what needs to be downloaded and the order of extracting
 the libraries? there is 2 libraries a runtime and a developement
 available for SDL does this order matter??

 Download nothin, the SDL libs are on your CD's.  Try'n undo 
whatever you've done so far, and then just install the proper 
Mandrake SDL rpms.  If for some reason you believe you just haft'a 
use the rpms at devolution.com, I'd suggest getting the src.rpm's and 
rebuilding them on your system.

 /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS $ ls *SDL*
libSDL_image1.2-1.2.0-2mdk.i586.rpm  libSDL_ttf1.2-1.2.2-3mdk.i586.rpm

 /mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS2 $ ls *SDL*

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] mplayer won't run

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

Hello everyone! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and suggesting 
that I use mplayer to play divx.

My problem now is, when I try to run mplayer to play a divx  (*.avi) file, I 
get the following error:

mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libdivxdecore.so.0: cannot 
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I followed the suggestions in DOCS/CODECS, and did everything step by step 
(even to the point of cp'ing the commands I'm supposed to type).
I'm really stumped now.   

what I did was, dl'd the divx4linux...zip file and extracted it to a special 
directory.  I did a 

cp libdivxdecore.so.0.0.0 /usr/local/lib/

and I did remember to  put usr/local/lib to your /etc/ld.so.conf.

What am I doing wrong?


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[newbie] problem with PERL (saint)

2001-11-18 Thread Paúl Mancheno H.


  I'm trying to install Saint... but I have a problem because I receive a 
message: this package needs /bin/perl... then I check out my /bin/ and I 
didn't see /bin/perl... I look up with my Software Mannager in ML8.1 and 
the package perl is installed... What do I do to resolve this??, do I need a 
symbolic link or something like that??

a lot of thanks
Usuario Registrado
de Linux #232544

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[newbie] All-In-Wonder tv

2001-11-18 Thread Joe Menola

Hi all, I'm wondering if there's any hope getting my ATI AIW 32mb pro tv 
tuner to run under Mandrake 8.1? 
It performs great in video mode, but the tv tuner isn't being detected. Any 



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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 18 November 2001 07:40 am, mnu wrote:
 I tried to install mplayer, but it warns me about using gcc-2.96
 (which is the gcc version that comes with mandrake 8.1).  Has
 anyone experienced forcing an install anyway? Were there a lot of

   The error you're getting is 'cause that src code is checking for 
RedHat's 2.96 and can't tell that Mandrake's 2.96 is a completely 
different animal.   

Mandrake version of mplayer is here
   mplayer-0.50-2mdk  rpm (or src.rpm) 

   or if you do use the src (note from Mandrake rpm)
Note: in order to run out-of-the-box on any pentium-class computer, 
all optimisations have been disabled. To achieve better performances, 
get the source package, remove all '--disable-xxx' lines in the
configuration stage, and rebuild.

 or you can just use the vanilla src code, but use

 ./configure  --disable-gcc-checking

So you've got 3 choices, edit the heck out'a the src code, 
disable gcc checking, or just install the Mandrake rpm. I used the 
Mandrake src.rpm, works great :)

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread Pal Mancheno H.


  Can you tell me how do I make a divx from my DVDs in linux ??, please I 
don't know how do that, and I didn't find information about that

a lot of thanks

El Dom 18 Nov 2001 03:31, escribió:
 I need something that would play divx files.  The divx site offers a codec
 for the xmps player, but I think it looks for xmps-0.2..., and mandrake
 only has xmps-0.1.3-6mdk.i586.rpm.  Has anyone been able to get divx to
 play? Please help!


Usuario Registrado
de Linux #232544

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Re: [newbie] mplayer won't run

2001-11-18 Thread Ethan

sorry for the interruption - but I noticed that the mplayer file has a bz2
extension. How do i uncompress / compile and run it ??

mnu wrote:
  Hello everyone! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and suggesting that I use mplayer to play divx.My problem now is, when I try to run mplayer to play a divx  (*.avi) file, I get the following error:mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libdivxdecore.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory==I followed the suggestions in DOCS/CODECS, and did everything step by step (even to the point of cp'ing the commands I'm supposed to type).I'm really stumped now.   what I did was, dl'd the divx4linux...zip file and extracted it to a special directory.  I did a cp libdivxdecore.so.0.0.0 /usr/local/lib/and I did remember to  put usr/local/lib to your /etc/ld.so.conf.What am I doing wrong?Meg
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] problem with PERL (saint)

2001-11-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 18 November 2001 09:05 am, Paúl Mancheno H. wrote:

   I'm trying to install Saint... but I have a problem because I
 receive a message: this package needs /bin/perl... then I check
 out my /bin/ and I didn't see /bin/perl... I look up with my
 Software Mannager in ML8.1 and the package perl is installed...
 What do I do to resolve this??, do I need a symbolic link or
 something like that??

 a lot of thanks

 $ wprv `which perl`

   It's on your first CD

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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[newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-18 Thread Paúl Mancheno H.

  i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it only 
saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page like in the 
internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror or any app??

Usuario Registrado
de Linux #232544

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[newbie] kernel filesystem modules

2001-11-18 Thread David

 i am using Linux-Mandrake 8.1 with SMP-Kernel 2.4.13-6
After installing QNX 6.1 on another harddrive i would like to mount the qnx 
harddrive under linux.
I see QNX is in the list but it seems the support needs bolted on
How is this done??

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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-18 Thread Derek Jennings

Well Opera will do it
There is a 'Save with images' option

On Sunday 18 November 2001 15:33, Paúl Mancheno H. wrote:
   i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it only
 saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page like in the
 internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror or any app??


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] mplayer won't run

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

On Sunday 18 November 2001 11:03 pm, you wrote:
 sorry for the interruption - but I noticed that the mplayer file has a
 bz2 extension. How do i uncompress / compile and run it ??

You'll need bzip2 program installed.  Use the software packager to make life 
a lot easier.

then bunzip2 filename


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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

On Sunday 18 November 2001 09:44 pm, you wrote:

The error you're getting is 'cause that src code is checking for
 RedHat's 2.96 and can't tell that Mandrake's 2.96 is a completely
 different animal.

 Mandrake version of mplayer is here
mplayer-0.50-2mdk  rpm (or src.rpm)

Hey, this is REALLY a big help!!! Thanks!!! I was tryng to compile it 
manually earlier, and it was giving me a big headache!

Will try this now.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] All-In-Wonder tv

2001-11-18 Thread Qju


On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 08:39:32 -0600
Joe Menola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all, I'm wondering if there's any hope getting my ATI AIW 32mb pro tv 
 tuner to run under Mandrake 8.1? 
 It performs great in video mode, but the tv tuner isn't being detected. Any 
Go to 
get ati.2 binaries from

http://www.linuxvideo.org or
and download 

2001.10.22  22.52 943 798  ATI-4.0.2.i386.tar.gz
2001.10.22  22.38 200 288  ATI-4.0.3.i386.tar.gz
2001.10.22  22.40 173 908  ATI-4.1.0.i386.tar.gz

depend in your XFree version ie. 4.0.2  4.1.0 
ungzip,untar and read instruction.

** instructions for users
   install XFree86 4.1.0
   get ati.2 binaries from http://www.linuxvideo.org/gatos and install them
   Start X from command line
   Wait for the picture to appear and press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
   to exit Xserver. Examine x.log for messages about Xv driver initialization
   and what hardware it detected on your system. 
 xawtv (3.28 or later) - for viewing tv (in case you have tuner on your card)
 Note: you should recompile xawtv, so that Xv library is detected and xawtv
 knows about Xv. 
 ati_xv/mpeg2play  - you can play mpeg2 files with it. No sound.
 the drivers provide hardware YUV-RGB support
 xv_stream - useful if you have webcam. It streams YUV data from /dev/video
  into a window using hardware YUV-RGB conversion. Also useful as a sample
  program on how to use Xv extension

 xine - view DVD (xine.sourceforge.net)

-=-=- Quality for You ! -=-=-

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-18 Thread Dennis Myers

On Sunday 18 November 2001 09:33, you wrote:
   i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it only
 saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page like in the
 internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror or any app??

You can do it with Quanta wich came with the OS in the last 3 
distributions. Just select open withQuanta  and then save as:   
Dennis M.

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] prefxdm just exits

2001-11-18 Thread Cliff Bowman


I'm trying to run the Mandrake Powerpack Edition 8.0 on my laptop, and
I can't seem to get the video configured correctly for X.  The latest
symptom is that prefxdm runs for a while, prints Press return to
continue to stdout, and then exits.

Sharp PC-BJ150M (Japanese domestic model), AMD K6-500,
64 MB RAM.  Trident CyberBlade i7 AGP (8420-74) video card.
Configured for 4MB system memory to be used for video.

What I've done so far:
Installed 8.0, selecting 800x600 generic LCD display and Trident
CyberBlade (generic) as my video options.  Tried all resolutions/
colordepths with no luck (Screen appears scrambled, if at all).

Searched the web and found the same video card was used on the
HP Pavilion N3330 Notebook.  (ref www-gpsg.mit.edu/~simon/HP_N3330.html)
The recommendation there (for Redhat 7.1) was to use XF86_FBDev,
so I installed the rpm and edited my XF86Config file as shown in the
example.  Tried a bunch of different modelines, but nothing seems
to work.

Thanks for reading this far.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated!


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] linux facts for presentation

2001-11-18 Thread Bill Winegarden

I have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (probably StarOffice 
presentation method) on the linux operating system. What I would like from 
the list is some information on linux facts ...more to point, some 
instances of successful implementation in industry and institutions such as 
small to medium community colleges. Cost benefits, installation and training 
issues shouldn't be missed. 

Now that I have my laptop fully functional I will be using Mandrake to 
showcase Mandrake.

If anyone has done a similar presentation and has some tips, I'm all ears.

Please note, I'll be delivering to a group that is referred to as a 
Technology Advisory Committee that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in MS.

Presentation length is approximately 20 minutes.

I have no problem putting together the presentation, I just need the backup 

Thanks for this and all previous that got me this far,

Bill W.

ps...is it true that MS uses linux to run its msn mail server?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] proxy servers..squid vs. apache ?

2001-11-18 Thread lee

I see apache has a proxy module..now an interesting choice here. What does 
the panel at large say about which one is preferable. I won't be serving any 
web pages,just a home network here. Any performance advantages of 1 over the 

Again,thank you all for your time,and of course..hava great week all  :-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

2001-11-18 Thread Neil R Porter

Their's a site dedicated to Business cases using linux on the mandrake
site if that's helpful at all.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bill Winegarden
Sent: 18 November 2001 17:33
Subject: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

I have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (probably
presentation method) on the linux operating system. What I would like
the list is some information on linux facts ...more to point, some 
instances of successful implementation in industry and institutions such
small to medium community colleges. Cost benefits, installation and
issues shouldn't be missed. 

Now that I have my laptop fully functional I will be using Mandrake to 
showcase Mandrake.

If anyone has done a similar presentation and has some tips, I'm all

Please note, I'll be delivering to a group that is referred to as a 
Technology Advisory Committee that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in

Presentation length is approximately 20 minutes.

I have no problem putting together the presentation, I just need the

Thanks for this and all previous that got me this far,

Bill W.

ps...is it true that MS uses linux to run its msn mail server?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] All-In-Wonder tv

2001-11-18 Thread Joe Menola

Hello and thank you for your response. 
The output of x.log has no reference to Xv drivers. Any thoughts?
FWIW, I'm using  XFree86 4.1.0. 


On Sunday 18 November 2001 11:04 am, you wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 08:39:32 -0600

 Joe Menola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all, I'm wondering if there's any hope getting my ATI AIW 32mb pro tv
  tuner to run under Mandrake 8.1?
  It performs great in video mode, but the tv tuner isn't being detected.
  Any suggestions?

 Go to 
 get ati.2 binaries from

 http://www.linuxvideo.org or
 and download

 2001.10.22  22.52 943 798  ATI-4.0.2.i386.tar.gz
 2001.10.22  22.38 200 288  ATI-4.0.3.i386.tar.gz
 2001.10.22  22.40 173 908  ATI-4.1.0.i386.tar.gz

 depend in your XFree version ie. 4.0.2  4.1.0
 ungzip,untar and read instruction.

 ** instructions for users

install XFree86 4.1.0

get ati.2 binaries from http://www.linuxvideo.org/gatos and install them

Start X from command line


Wait for the picture to appear and press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
to exit Xserver. Examine x.log for messages about Xv driver
 initialization and what hardware it detected on your system.


  xawtv (3.28 or later) - for viewing tv (in case you have tuner on your
 card) Note: you should recompile xawtv, so that Xv library is detected and
 xawtv knows about Xv.

  ati_xv/mpeg2play  - you can play mpeg2 files with it. No sound.
  the drivers provide hardware YUV-RGB support

  xv_stream - useful if you have webcam. It streams YUV data from
 /dev/video into a window using hardware YUV-RGB conversion. Also useful as
 a sample program on how to use Xv extension

  xine - view DVD (xine.sourceforge.net)

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread David E. Fox

 So you've got 3 choices, edit the heck out'a the src code, 
 disable gcc checking, or just install the Mandrake rpm. I used the 
 Mandrake src.rpm, works great :)

For what it's worth, I had pretty decent results compiling with the
--disable-gcc-checking switch. Of course, your mileage may vary, and
the developers basically suggest you asked for it if you have 

   Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-18 Thread Tim Holmes

I can't remember, but doesn't the wget command get the HTML and the images?  Or
there's an option to tell it to do so?

I stopped using it since it was so darn slow, but maybe somebody else can answer that

man wget
wget --help


  T. Holmes  |  UNIXTECHS.org  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | Hi...
 |   i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it only 
 | saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page like in the 
 | internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror or any app??
 | thanks
 | -- 
 | Usuario Registrado
 | de Linux #232544
 | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 | Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

  -Uptime ---
  1:59PM  up 25 days,  2:39, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

The mplayer developers are rabid about gcc 2.96 being broken -- it isn't.
Mplayer should work fine if you compile with gcc 2.96.

Mandrake 8.1 comes with gcc 3.01 as well, which can be installed alongside gcc
2.96. If you have any difficulty compiling something with 2.96, try with 3.01.

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 20:40:01 +0800, mnu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried to install mplayer, but it warns me about using gcc-2.96 (which is 
 the gcc version that comes with mandrake 8.1).  Has anyone experienced 
 forcing an install anyway? Were there a lot of bugs?
 I'm willing to downgrade to 2.95.x if it will help, but I can't seem to find 
 it. All the sites just seem to offer the full mandrake 7.2 iso :/
 On Sunday 18 November 2001 06:44 pm, you wrote:
  Yeah sure :-0 There are many programs that support DivX :-) . Personally I
  prefer MPlayer as it supports many other formats too, including mpg, avi,
  asf, DivX 3 and 4 ... and so on.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Failure is not an option.
It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] OT M$ Win and RAM

2001-11-18 Thread skinky

Hello everyone

OT but just thought I'd warn others who are thinking of adding more ram 
(in excess of iGB) and dual-booting Win95 or 98.

Installing more ram, new nvidia graphics card and SB Live! 5.1 in Linux 
was basically trouble-free and certainly didn't break anything or prevent 
booting into linux.

OTH it was a real headache with Win98SE!  It was running slower and when I 
tried to install the drivers for the graphics card and rebooted it hung 
during the boot process.  I tried all sorts of things to no avail, so I 
formatted the hd and reinstalled the OS.  Everything seemed OK so I 
thought this time I'll install the sound card drivers before the graphics 
card - no boot: not enough memory...!  After trying everything I could 
think of, I went through the whole reformat hd, reinstall OS, install 
sound/graphics drivers, no reboot process three more times - by which time 
I was tearing my hair out!  It turns out that thats what Windoze 95  98 
do if you have more than 1GB of ram!  Editing the system.ini file to tell 
Windoze that you only have 768MB ram solves the problem.

Finally got sound and the graphics going in Windoze - phew!  Try to 
install the Adaptec scsi host adaptor drivers for my scanner: There is 
not enough memory...  Jeez!  I thought that was sorted!  After more 
hair-pulling and gnashing of teeth, I read one of the scsi inf files only 
to find that installation is told to fail with that error message after 
the year 2000 (then I realise I haven't installed it at all this year 
because I hadn't been using it)!  Not that I care, I've got it going in 
linux anyway and I only use Windoze for accounting.

Configuring this hardware in linux was a breeze (well... apart from the 
scsi host adaptor - twas a matter of finding the right 
easy-to-understand howto) and the system never stopped working.

And people say it can be difficult to get hardware working in linux

Rant over... thanks for listening and be warned...

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-18 Thread skinky

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 04:33, Paúl Mancheno H. wrote:
|  Hi...
|i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it
| only saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page
| like in the internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror or
| any app??

Galeon has the save with content option also.

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

2001-11-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 09:32:49 -0800, Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (probably StarOffice 
 presentation method) on the linux operating system. What I would like from 
 the list is some information on linux facts ...more to point, some 
 instances of successful implementation in industry and institutions such as 
 small to medium community colleges. Cost benefits, installation and training 
 issues shouldn't be missed. 
 Now that I have my laptop fully functional I will be using Mandrake to 
 showcase Mandrake.
 If anyone has done a similar presentation and has some tips, I'm all ears.
 Please note, I'll be delivering to a group that is referred to as a 
 Technology Advisory Committee that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in MS.
 Presentation length is approximately 20 minutes.
 I have no problem putting together the presentation, I just need the backup 
 Thanks for this and all previous that got me this far,
 Bill W.

One URL: http://www.mandrakebizcases.com/

 ps...is it true that MS uses linux to run its msn mail server?

They use FreeBSD. They tried switching to Windows NT when they bought it, but
they found it couldn't handle the load. Last year they claimed that they had
switched everything to Win2K, but were forced later to publically admit that
they are using BSD.

Some important chunks of Win 2K and XP are simply BSD code, like the TCP/IP
stack. Even then, network performance is bad in Win2K, and worse in WinXP.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

When I see any Web site claim to be only readable using particular hardware or
software, I cringe--they are pining for the bad old days when each piece of
information needed a different program to access it. -- Tim Berners-Lee,
founder of the World Wide Web

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Re: [newbie] how do I save any html page

2001-11-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 10:33:48 -0500, Paúl Mancheno H. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   i want to save a html page, but when I did it with Konqueror... it only 
 saved the text, and i need the images... I mean i need the page like in the 
 internet but off-line... How do I do that with konqueror or any app??

Konqueror can save pages to a WAR file, which is simply a tarball with the
entire page (including graphics) inside. This is good because everything is in
one file, but bad because only Konq can read it without having to manually
unpack it.

Galeon can save pages with their related images in a subdirectory - which I
think is what you want. 0.12.8 was released only today, so now micht be a good
time to try it: http://galeon.sourceforge.net/.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

133+ w1nd0z d00d

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Re: [newbie] proxy servers..squid vs. apache ?

2001-11-18 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 12:57:28 -0500, lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I see apache has a proxy module..now an interesting choice here. What does 
 the panel at large say about which one is preferable. I won't be serving any 
 web pages,just a home network here. Any performance advantages of 1 over the 
 Again,thank you all for your time,and of course..hava great week all  :-)

Apache is primarily a web server; Squid is primarily a proxy app. It sounds like
you need Squid, not Apache.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected
-- The UNIX Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972

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Re: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

2001-11-18 Thread Michael D. Viron

I've implemented linux for a local group called 'Web Spinners' out at the
University of West Florida, initial install was back in 1997, although
we've been slowly 'tweaking' things since then.

Cost was a big issue for this project, since funding was either
non-existant or consisted of less than $1,100 of funding.

1997-1998 - $0 budget
1998-1999 - $330 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees
1999-2000 - $650 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees
2000-2001 - $1065 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees
2001-2002 - $50 budgeted from Activity and Service Fees, $150 alumni donation

Our first linux server was a P75 w/ 32 MB ram and a 540 MB hard drive
(upgraded to 48 MB ram / 3.2 GB hard drive in 1998), next was a P133 w/ 128
MB ram, and 2 hard drives (a 1.2 GB and a 2.0 GB) loaned by a member in mid
1998.  This lasted until mid 1999, at which point we switched over to a
486/100 w/ 128 MB ram, and a 4.0 GB hard drive.

The latest one, we purchased the parts for and built it ourselves (figure
we saved around $200) for around $600 .  The current configuration (a
little different from what we originally built) has cost us around $800 -
$900 (between the original $600 for the original equipment, and around $200
- $300 for upgrades since then).

The main server is a Celeron 400, 256 MB ram, 3 hard drives (1 6.4 GB, 2 20
GB) which is serving as the groups mail server, web server, database
server, samba server (which also handles domain logins--something I just
finished today), and ftp server (I'm sure we're using it for more, but I
can't remember everything off the top of my head)

Total cost of the main server to date has been between $800 and $900 US.

If we had gone with the NT/2k server option, we were looking at anywhere up
to $30,000 US to start (in 1998).  We've initially saved between $10,000
and $29,000 US using linux instead.

Total savings since 1998 have been somewhere around the $70,000 - $80,000
US range.

If you would like more info, please don't hesitate to e-mail me directly.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 09:32 AM 11/18/2001 -0800, you wrote:
   I have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (probably StarOffice 
presentation method) on the linux operating system. What I would like from 
the list is some information on linux facts ...more to point, some 
instances of successful implementation in industry and institutions such as 
small to medium community colleges. Cost benefits, installation and training 
issues shouldn't be missed. 

Now that I have my laptop fully functional I will be using Mandrake to 
showcase Mandrake.

If anyone has done a similar presentation and has some tips, I'm all ears.

Please note, I'll be delivering to a group that is referred to as a 
Technology Advisory Committee that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in MS.

Presentation length is approximately 20 minutes.

I have no problem putting together the presentation, I just need the backup 

Thanks for this and all previous that got me this far,

Bill W.

ps...is it true that MS uses linux to run its msn mail server?

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] problem with PERL (saint)

2001-11-18 Thread DStevenson

  receive a message: this package needs /bin/perl... then I check
  out my /bin/ and I didn't see /bin/perl... I look up with my

Perl is located in /usr/bin, and in MDK8, it is linked to perl5; why is your 
program looking in /bin/perl, you could try to put a symbolic link in as root,

ln -s /usr/bin/perl /bin/perl

If this works though, it might be worth trying to find out what script has 
the incorrect path.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] All-In-Wonder tv

2001-11-18 Thread Rob

On Monday 19 November 2001 06:39 am, you wrote:

there is a driver especially for the ATI AIW cards at 
www.linuxvideo.org/gatos site.  For Mandrake 8.1, just get the latest 
binaries of ati.2 driver for XFree 4.1.0  and install it in the 
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules directory.  Need to reboot before it can take any 
effect.  I use Zapping and it works great. 

 Hi all, I'm wondering if there's any hope getting my ATI AIW 32mb pro tv
 tuner to run under Mandrake 8.1?
 It performs great in video mode, but the tv tuner isn't being detected. Any



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[newbie] Java

2001-11-18 Thread Jason Pearce

 Hi list ,
 I am having some trouble getting java applets
 to work in konqueror.
 I have set the path in .bashrc
 export PATH=$PATH:'/opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin'
 and also set the path in konqueror.
 before i set the path in .bashrc I was getting the
 error unable to find java blahblah
 now I get loading applet in the applet window
but nothing else.
 I am running mandrake 8.0
 on 266 p2 with 320meg Ram.
 any help would be appreciated
 cheers Jason

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ Win and RAM

2001-11-18 Thread Rick [Kitty5]

 Rant over... thanks for listening and be warned...

you would be better using win2000 for dual booting, as it really is a very
different beast compared to the 9x series, and as a result will give you
fewer headaches


Kitty5 WebDesign - http://Kitty5.com
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PGP Public Key

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] volume

2001-11-18 Thread poweredbysun

Hi All,

How can I get a volume icon
for adjusting the loudness of
in the system tray of KDE?
Is there a way to adjust volume?
I don't see anything in the manual.

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Re: [newbie] divx

2001-11-18 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 18 November 2001 01:30 pm, David E. Fox wrote:
  So you've got 3 choices, edit the heck out'a the src code,
  disable gcc checking, or just install the Mandrake rpm. I used
  the Mandrake src.rpm, works great :)

 For what it's worth, I had pretty decent results compiling with the
 --disable-gcc-checking switch. Of course, your mileage may vary,
 and the developers basically suggest you asked for it if you have

   I had mplayer compiled from the tarball, but some files, .avi's in 
particular ran 'fast' and/or had poor picture quality. Some, not all. 
After getting rid of the src version and installing the Mandrake 
developers rpm, al my files run perfectly. As you say tho, YMMV.

   Generally when I can find a Mandrake rpm or src.rpm for an app I 
prefer to use it, rather than vanilla tarballs. It indicates, at 
least to me, that it (the src) has had the attention of the Mandrake 
developers, and installs to LSB standard locations that Mandrakes 
uses. IOW's I only use vanilla src as a last resort ;)
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] volume

2001-11-18 Thread bascule

you need to start kmix, choose settingsconfigure and select 'dock into panel'


On Sunday 18 Nov 2001 9:57 pm, you wrote:
 Hi All,

 How can I get a volume icon
 for adjusting the loudness of
 in the system tray of KDE?
 Is there a way to adjust volume?
 I don't see anything in the manual.

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Re: [newbie] tar command ?

2001-11-18 Thread Pascal Goguey

On Monday 19 November 2001 11:30, you wrote:

 I like to zip all my /var/named files in one zip files.
 I need the command how to tar it.

tar cvf archive.tar /var/named

 Can someone email me the command ?

 Best regards,

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Help: Linux cannot connect mail server via broadband

2001-11-18 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

I tried several days but could not make Linux (RH 7.2) connected to ISP 
mail server to download emails via broadband.  The cable is permanently 
connected to the PC.  Starting Linux, broadband is automatically 
connected.  I can only send emails but can't download emails.

I tried both Kmail and Evolution to connect to ISP mail server with same 
result.  Each time when I clicked CheckMail, following warning pop-up

I said pass your password
And then the server said
-ERR authorization failed

Test on fetchmailconf

Fetchmail Test Result is as follows:

fetchmail: POP3 +OK 11300 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail: POP3 CAPA\r
fetchmail: POP3 -ERR authorization first
fetchmail: authorization first
fetchmail: POP3 USER satimis \ r
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
fetchmail: POP3 PASS * \ r
fetchmail: POP3 -ERR authorization failed
fetchmail: authorization failed
fetchmail: authorization failed on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail: POP3 Quit \ r
fetchmail: Query status = 3 (AUTHFAIL)
fetchmail: Normal termination. Status 0

Test ontelnetcommand

telnet pop.xxx.com   110
Trying xxx.x.xxx.xxx..
Connected topop.xxx.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

Typing  USER satimis
it prompted

and then
Typing PASS  xx
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host

I only use English alphabets and number (0 - 9) in password and am absolute 
sure the USER name and password entered are correct.

With the same USER name and password I can connect the same ISP mail server 
in Eudora and Outlook Express to download emails.

Kindly help !!!

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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Re: [newbie] OT M$ Win and RAM

2001-11-18 Thread skinky

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:37, Rick [Kitty5] wrote:
|   Rant over... thanks for listening and be warned...
|  you would be better using win2000 for dual booting, as it really is a
| very different beast compared to the 9x series, and as a result will
| give you fewer headaches
|  Rick

You're right.  I've never used Win2000 and I guess I won't since I refuse 
to give billy boy another dime because of... ummm... how do I put it 
nicely well because of their business tactics...

Thanks for the suggestion tho ; )

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, 
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] tar command ?

2001-11-18 Thread Dan Butler

Personally, after I have tar'd the files, I prefer 
to compress the tar with the -H option. This gives a 20% better 
compress -H thetarfile.tar
 Dan B

  - Original Message - 
  Anuerin G. Diaz 
  Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 9:33 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] tar command ?
   tar zcvf thetarfile.tgz [insert your 
  /var/named files here] 
  the z in the option means that the files are to be compressed using gzip. 
  you can omit it like 
  tar cvf thetarfile.tar [insert your /var/named files here] 
  and you will have one tar file containing all the specified files but no 
  compression. fyi, the extension is not necessary. its just there as a 
  convention in making humans be able to interpret a files function more easily. 

  SKLIM wrote: 

Hi!I like to zip all my /var/named files in one zip 
files.I need the command how to 
tar it.Can someone email 
me the command ?Best regards,SKLIM
  "Programming, an artform that fights back." 
  = Anuerin G. Diaz Design Engineer 
  Millennium Software, Incorporated 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower ADB 
  Avenue cor. Poveda St. Ortigas Center, Pasig City 
  Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72 Fax# 638-3079 = 

  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 

[newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-18 Thread Valerie Cheng

I'm planning to buy a PDA. I'm wondering which is easier to setup w/ 
linux, Palm OS or Windows CE? Or, is Windows CE even able to be setup 
for syncing? Thanx. 

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Re: [newbie] tar command ?

2001-11-18 Thread SKLIM

Thank .. I have done it again.

Thank for your information ... Thank U Thank 

Best regards,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:47 
  Subject: Re: [newbie] tar command ?
  Personally, after I have tar'd the files, I 
  prefer to compress the tar with the -H option. This gives a 20% better 
  compress -H thetarfile.tar
   Dan B
- Original Message - 
Anuerin G. Diaz 

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 9:33 
Subject: Re: [newbie] tar command 
 tar zcvf thetarfile.tgz [insert your 
/var/named files here] 
the z in the option means that the files are to be compressed using gzip. 
you can omit it like 
tar cvf thetarfile.tar [insert your /var/named files here] 
and you will have one tar file containing all the specified files but no 
compression. fyi, the extension is not necessary. its just there as a 
convention in making humans be able to interpret a files function more 
SKLIM wrote: 

  Hi!I like to zip all my /var/named files in one zip 
  files.I need the command how 
  to tar it.Can someone 
  email me the command ?Best regards,SKLIM
"Programming, an artform that fights back." 
= Anuerin G. Diaz Design Engineer 
Millennium Software, Incorporated 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower ADB 
Avenue cor. Poveda St. Ortigas Center, Pasig City 
Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72 Fax# 638-3079 = 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to 

RE: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-18 Thread William R. Nash

Palm os can be use with linux.  I have a palm V and a hp joranda 450.  So
far i can't find anything that will work with linux on the hp.

Bill Nash.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Valerie Cheng
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 10:01 PM
Subject: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

I'm planning to buy a PDA. I'm wondering which is easier to setup w/
linux, Palm OS or Windows CE? Or, is Windows CE even able to be setup
for syncing? Thanx.

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[newbie] Sharp's Zaurus SL-5000D Linux/Java PDA

2001-11-18 Thread Valerie Cheng

Does anyone know when the consumer version of Sharp's Zaurus SL-5000D 
Linux/Java PDA will come out? Has anyone heard of its latest 
developements? Thanks.

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[newbie] Installation and config of apache + php 4 + mod_ss

2001-11-18 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

I am going to build  apache + php 4 + mod_ss  on Mandrake 8.1 to experience 
their installation and configuration and expecting to receive some advice 
from the list.

I found follwoing components in the CDs.









I suppose all of them being necessary for my application.  If I am wrong 
please correct me, thanks.  Any missing ?

My questions are :

1) I selected standard installation of Mandrake.  I am not quite sure 
whether some of them having been installed.  How to check them ?

2) To install those components which should come first

3) Installation starts from KDE Application -- System -- Package Manager 
or RPM each of them in Console Window.  Which will be more convenient ?

4) To configure those components to make the server works.  Which of them 
should be configured first.

5) Are their configuration guides in the Man file or some other place.

6) What are the difference between openssl-0.9.6b-8.i386.RPM and 

Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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[newbie] Java

2001-11-18 Thread Jason Pearce

hi newbies,

I have taken your advice with some success .
java is now working in netscape but not in konqueror
I also have the flash plugin that works in netscape but the same deal 
will not work in Konqueror.
has anybody got any ideas or had the same trouble ,
I'd love to hear about it
regards Jason Pearce

try adding the below linbe to your .bashrc file:


(in your .bashrc file, you don't need export, nor do you need the single 

At 08:41 01/11/19 +1100, you wrote:
  Hi list ,
  I am having some trouble getting java applets
  to work in konqueror.
  I have set the path in .bashrc
  export PATH=$PATH:'/opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin'
  and also set the path in konqueror.
  before i set the path in .bashrc I was getting the
  error unable to find java blahblah
  now I get loading applet in the applet window
but nothing else.
  I am running mandrake 8.0
  on 266 p2 with 320meg Ram.
  any help would be appreciated
  cheers Jason

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[newbie] wireless card with Dell Latitude

2001-11-18 Thread asmiller

what driver are you using for the linksys 802.11b pcmcia card?  i 
thought that there were no linux drivers for it...?


Check out  http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/ 
Looks like wvlan_cs is the driver being used.

On a separate topic, can someone tell me the commands to mount an NFS 
volume on my LAN on my local machine?

Andy Miller

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RE: [newbie] Help: Linux cannot connect mail server via broadband

2001-11-18 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Gee we've been here before...

Assume that the error messages are all correct. For some reason you keep
avoiding this conclusion.

For some reason the remote server is NOT seeing the password you think
you are sending.

There may be various reasons for this... I.E. Linux sends NL instead of
CR-NL which Winblows sends, etc.

You should experiment with telnet until you get a sucessful acceptance
of your password. Once you've done that, you'll know how to configure
KMAIL and other programs.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Stephen Liu
|Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 9:39 PM
|Subject: [newbie] Help: Linux cannot connect mail server via broadband
|Hi All People,
|I tried several days but could not make Linux (RH 7.2) 
|connected to ISP 
|mail server to download emails via broadband.  The cable is 
|connected to the PC.  Starting Linux, broadband is automatically 
|connected.  I can only send emails but can't download emails.
|I tried both Kmail and Evolution to connect to ISP mail server 
|with same 
|result.  Each time when I clicked CheckMail, following warning pop-up
|I said pass your password
|And then the server said
|-ERR authorization failed
|Test on fetchmailconf
|Fetchmail Test Result is as follows:
|fetchmail: POP3 +OK 11300 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|fetchmail: POP3 CAPA\r
|fetchmail: POP3 -ERR authorization first
|fetchmail: authorization first
|fetchmail: POP3 USER satimis \ r
|fetchmail: POP3 +OK
|fetchmail: POP3 PASS * \ r
|fetchmail: POP3 -ERR authorization failed
|fetchmail: authorization failed
|fetchmail: authorization failed on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|fetchmail: POP3 Quit \ r
|fetchmail: Query status = 3 (AUTHFAIL)
|fetchmail: Normal termination. Status 0
|Test ontelnetcommand
|telnet pop.xxx.com   110
|Trying xxx.x.xxx.xxx..
|Connected topop.xxx.com.
|Escape character is '^]'.
|Typing  USER satimis
|it prompted
|and then
|Typing PASS  xx
|-ERR authorization failed
|Connection closed by foreign host
|I only use English alphabets and number (0 - 9) in password 
|and am absolute 
|sure the USER name and password entered are correct.
|With the same USER name and password I can connect the same 
|ISP mail server 
|in Eudora and Outlook Express to download emails.
|Kindly help !!!
|Thanks in advance.
|Stephen Liu

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Re: [newbie] tar command ?

2001-11-18 Thread skidley

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, SKLIM wrote:


 I like to zip all my /var/named files in one zip files.
 I need the command how to tar it.

 Can someone email me the command ?

 Best regards,

tar czvf file.tar.gz /var/named
Linux User #195191

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Re: [newbie] Installation and config of apache + php 4 + mod_ss

2001-11-18 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 11:52 AM 11/19/2001 +0800, you wrote:
Hi All People,

I am going to build  apache + php 4 + mod_ss  on Mandrake 8.1 to experience 
their installation and configuration and expecting to receive some advice 
from the list.

I found follwoing components in the CDs.









I suppose all of them being necessary for my application.  If I am wrong 
please correct me, thanks.  Any missing ?

My questions are :

1) I selected standard installation of Mandrake.  I am not quite sure 
whether some of them having been installed.  How to check them ?

do an 'rpm -q packagename' from the command line for each package you want
to check on.

2) To install those components which should come first
This depends on what kinds of dependencies each package has.  Basically,
put all the rpms you need in a single directory by themselves and do an
'rpm -ivh *.rpm' from the command line.

3) Installation starts from KDE Application -- System -- Package Manager 
or RPM each of them in Console Window.  Which will be more convenient ?

I've found doing these things from the console window (command line) is
much more informative.

4) To configure those components to make the server works.  Which of them 
should be configured first.
You should not have to configure anything (unless you've got virtualhosts,
aliases, etc that you want to add).  I've got an 8.1 testbox, and the
entire set was ready to go as soon as I booted into it the first time.

5) Are their configuration guides in the Man file or some other place.

The docs can either be found from your local hard drive or from the
following websites:

Apache = http://www.apache.org
OpenSSL = http://www.openssl.org
Mod SSL = http://www.modssl.org
MySQL = http://www.mysql.com
PHP = http://www.php.net

(not sure where the mm, modperl, and imap websites are, use google or try

6) What are the difference between openssl-0.9.6b-8.i386.RPM and 


The openssl certificate management tool and the shared libraries that provide
various encryption and decription algorithms and protocols, including DES,
RSA and SSL. (basically, openssl provides encryption libraries for use with
various other programs--in and of itself, it is not very useful).

Ssh (Secure Shell) a program for logging into a remote machine and for
executing commands in a remote machine.  It is intended to replace
rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between
two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.  X11 connections and
arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.

OpenSSH is OpenBSD's rework of the last free version of SSH, bringing it
up to date in terms of security and features, as well as removing all
patented algorithms to separate libraries (OpenSSL).

This package contains the secure shell daemon. The sshd is the server
part of the secure shell protocol and allows ssh clients to connect to
your host.
By the way, the above descriptions came straight from doing an 'rpm -qi
packagename' from the command line.  If you aren't sure what a particular
package does, that is the best place to start.  You can, of course, also do
'man rpm' if you want more information regarding rpm's command line options.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance.

Stephen Liu

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] proxy servers..squid vs. apache ?

2001-11-18 Thread Ron Bouwhuis

--- Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 12:57:28 -0500, lee
  I see apache has a proxy module..now an
 interesting choice here. What does 
  the panel at large say about which one is
 preferable. I won't be serving any 
  web pages,just a home network here. Any
 performance advantages of 1 over the 
  Again,thank you all for your time,and of
 course..hava great week all  :-)
 Apache is primarily a web server; Squid is primarily
 a proxy app. It sounds like
 you need Squid, not Apache.
 Sridhar Dhanapalan

Lee, if it's consensus you need, I concur with
Sridhar.  Your question becomes interesting if you
want to do both!


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Re: [newbie] mplayer again

2001-11-18 Thread Ralph Slooten

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, mnu wrote:

 Thanks again for the responses regarding mplayer :)
 I finally got mplayer compiled on my machine, using the the mandrake rpm and
 finding all the libggi (etc) dependencies.  However, I still can't get it to
 work...when I run mplayer from a user console, I get this message:

 Reading /home/mnu/.mplayer/codecs.conf: 18 audio  40 video codecs
 font: can't open file: /home/mnu/.mplayer/font/font.desc
 font: can't open file: /etc/mplayer/font/font.desc
 Playing ccs7.avi
 Detected AVI file format!
 MainAVIHeader.dwFlags: (272) HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED
 VIDEO:  [DIV3]  480x352  24bpp  23.98 fps  947.7 kbps (115.7 kbyte/s)
 [V] filefmt:3  fourcc:0x33564944  size:480x352  fps:23.98  ftime:=0.0417
 Detected audio codec: [mp3] drv:1 (MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
 mp3lib: Processor ID: 642
 mp3lib: Using Pentium optimized decore.
 AUDIO: srate=48000  chans=2  bps=2  sfmt=0x10  ratio: 16000-192000
 Detected video codec: [divxds] drv:4 (DivX ;-) (MS MPEG-4 v3))
 Loading DLL: 'divx_c32.ax'
 Using DirectShow codec: divx_c32.ax
 Decoder is capable of YUV output ( flags 0x1 )
 Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
 VO: [xv] 480x352 = 480x352 Packed YUY2
 vo: X11 running at 1152x864 with depth 24 and 32 bits/pixel (:0.0 = local
 Sorry, Xv not supported by this X11 version/driver
  Try with  -vo x11  or  -vo sdl  *
 FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver!

 So may I ask the following questions:
 1)  I created a font.desc file in the required directory...but what do I
 *put* in it?

The fonts are found on the mlayer site itself :-) You do not need to make
any file, the config file comes with the fonts. This is not 100% neccessary
though, however if you want a little info about the file, and to see how
far you are in the film and so, you will need the font pack.

 2)  Do I need new drivers?  Where do I get them?  what if there are no new
 drivers?  I think I'm already running Xfree86 4.1.0-17mdk.  My video card is
 nVdia Corporation TNT2 Vanta [NV6].

Hehe, NVidia has their own drivers for the GeForce cards. I have a GeForce
2 and it runs great with the correct drivers. Please visit
http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=linux to download these drivers. XFree
does manage to use you card, however does not seem to be able to support
any form of fullscreen aps, openGL games and such, so I do not find it
surprising that mplayer bombs out on you :-) Just get the NVidia drivers to
work with your computer first.. then things should be alright.

There is a Mandrake tutorial for installing these drivers here :

 3) what is try -vo?

-vo is specifying your vidio out. I mostly use mplayer -vo sdl -fs ..
here to play films, as it gives me a very smooth full screen. Once you get
your card configured, you can play around to see.

 Actually, I really just need to get this working.   Thanks in advance!

We all did :-})


Good luck


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RE: [newbie] VNC

2001-11-18 Thread Franki

I also am interested in this, we have servers all over the place, and all
different types..

So a central admin platform would be very handy..

my question is this, does vnc send passwords as plain text? if it does, then
I will immediatly distrust it for
use over the internet..

if it uses some encryption, then its fantastic...

wonder if it can be tunneled in SSH compressed...??


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steven Spears
Sent: Sunday, 18 November 2001 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] VNC


VNC is like PCAnywhere, which allows you to remotely administrate a
You can actually see the other computer in a window on your desktop. It's
pretty cool, but slow over the Internet, so it's very benificial for LANs.

I can't say that I've had any luck with VNC and 8.0; I'm currently working
it. I finally achieved success with 8.1, and it works well.

Let me give you a few recources and then I will tell you what I did.

This is the place there it actually comes from and is a big help -

This site was also a help and may help you in the future for other things -

Now on to what I had to do. I will try to do this step by step.

1. Install VNCServer in the Software Manager if you haven't already.
2. Open a konsole and tye this: vncserver
You will be asked for a password and then verify it.
You will then see it creating directories and such.
3. This is where things are different from 8.0. I had to navagate to
/etc/sysconfig in 8.1 and open the vncserver file; it will look something
like this

# The VNCSERVERS variable is a list of display:user pairs.
# Uncomment the line below to start a VNC server on display :1
# as my 'myusername' (adjust this to your own).  You will also
# need to set a VNC password; run 'man vncpasswd' to see how
# to do that.
# DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE if your local area network is
# untrusted!  For a secure way of using VNC, see
# URL:http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/sshvnc.html

VNCSERVERS=1:yourpassword (put the password you chose in place of

Save changes. You will have to be root to do it.

Now, again, if were using 8.1 all you would have to do is go to another
machine that has the viewer, and open the viewer. If you are in Linux, you
will probably have to open it from a command line:  vncviewer. When the
little windows pops up, just type in the IP address of the machine and the
konsole number whish is the 1 you see in the VNCSERVER line. Like this
Little windows pops up -
Then you will be asked for the pass word you entered and off you go!

Now, with 8.0, I'm not sure. I installed the server and then went to the
command line and typed in vncserver and then put in the password. I then go
to my other machine and follow what I did for 8.1. Unfortunetly, It only
gives me a very meek XWindow manager, not KDE which I prefer. I don't see
vncserver file like in 8.1.

I'm still working on what I have to do to get the full desktop, and if I
anything else out, I will forward the information.

Please let me know if this has been any help to you.


On Saturday 17 November 2001 03:33 pm, you wrote:
 Dear Steve,

 I am interested in using VNC. I have LM8 on my desktop and Windows 98/LM8
 dual boot on my laptop. Is this like using IP masquerade or is it very
 different from that?

 Exactly what other information did you research to learn how to set it up?
 What line did you edit and exactly how? I am quite the newbie when it
 to any kind of networking. Thanks alot.



 On Saturday 17 November 2001 14:53, you wrote:
  Actually, I found the site and some others that were helpful and now I
  have it up and running on my local network as well as over the net. It
  works pretty good for what I need it for.
  All I had to do was edit one line and I was up and going. Oh, yeah, had
  to change the router to allow outside entry. Not too difficult.
  Again, thanks.
  On Saturday 17 November 2001 12:33 pm, you wrote:
   try this one:
Has anyone tried running a VNC server with Mandrake 8.1? I've tried
but have had no luck, not that I claim to know what I'm going. But
anyone could point me to a site or where I could find some
information, I would be thankful.
   Ivo :)

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RE: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

2001-11-18 Thread Franki

Dunno if this has been answered yet, but M$ has some freeBSD servers running
behind hotmail.

apparently they tried exchange, but it couldn't handle the load...

freeBSD doesn't use the gpl code, so Microsoft can filtch code from it
whenever they like.. which makes them happy and I believe that they have
filtched code for it in nearly all versions of windows to date..

freeBSD is a cousin to linux, fairly similiar,, and it has far far more in
comon with linux then it does with NT/2000/XP

What sort of facts about linux do you want?? I have some books here that
have sections on its development and history here..



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Winegarden
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2001 1:33 AM
Subject: [newbie] linux facts for presentation

I have the opportunity to deliver a presentation (probably StarOffice
presentation method) on the linux operating system. What I would like from
the list is some information on linux facts ...more to point, some
instances of successful implementation in industry and institutions such as
small to medium community colleges. Cost benefits, installation and training
issues shouldn't be missed.

Now that I have my laptop fully functional I will be using Mandrake to
showcase Mandrake.

If anyone has done a similar presentation and has some tips, I'm all ears.

Please note, I'll be delivering to a group that is referred to as a
Technology Advisory Committee that has been thoroughly indoctrinated in MS.

Presentation length is approximately 20 minutes.

I have no problem putting together the presentation, I just need the backup

Thanks for this and all previous that got me this far,

Bill W.

ps...is it true that MS uses linux to run its msn mail server?

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RE: [newbie] OT M$ Win and RAM

2001-11-18 Thread Franki

Can you set your clock back to 1999 or something and try to install it, ?? i
have used that method in the past..

Win95 and 98 were not designed to scale well with ram... apparently 256mb is
to much for both of them,, at that point, windows wastes resources trying to
manage that much ram, making it slower then a machine with less ram..

2000 and XP do it much better, but neither can compare to linux when it
comes to good memory management,, at least that is my  observation,, I have
a notebook here, it has 288mb of ram, and a 400MB processor,, it runs
win2000SP2 slower then a 233mhz P-MMX with 64mb running 98SE, which is very
annoying, in fact win98 on that same box absolutly flies,, M$'s recent OS's
are a prime example of bloatware to the extreme..

apparently if I put XP on this thing, it will hardly even boot, so I never
well, but this is a good notebook and not that old, I should still be able
to run anything I want, (it was a 6500 dollar notebook a bit over a year


long live Linux, mandrake absolutly flies on this thing, not as fast as my
Athlon1800XP, but quick nevertheless...



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of skinky
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2001 3:42 PM
Subject: [newbie] OT M$ Win and RAM

Hello everyone

OT but just thought I'd warn others who are thinking of adding more ram
(in excess of iGB) and dual-booting Win95 or 98.

Installing more ram, new nvidia graphics card and SB Live! 5.1 in Linux
was basically trouble-free and certainly didn't break anything or prevent
booting into linux.

OTH it was a real headache with Win98SE!  It was running slower and when I
tried to install the drivers for the graphics card and rebooted it hung
during the boot process.  I tried all sorts of things to no avail, so I
formatted the hd and reinstalled the OS.  Everything seemed OK so I
thought this time I'll install the sound card drivers before the graphics
card - no boot: not enough memory...!  After trying everything I could
think of, I went through the whole reformat hd, reinstall OS, install
sound/graphics drivers, no reboot process three more times - by which time
I was tearing my hair out!  It turns out that thats what Windoze 95  98
do if you have more than 1GB of ram!  Editing the system.ini file to tell
Windoze that you only have 768MB ram solves the problem.

Finally got sound and the graphics going in Windoze - phew!  Try to
install the Adaptec scsi host adaptor drivers for my scanner: There is
not enough memory...  Jeez!  I thought that was sorted!  After more
hair-pulling and gnashing of teeth, I read one of the scsi inf files only
to find that installation is told to fail with that error message after
the year 2000 (then I realise I haven't installed it at all this year
because I hadn't been using it)!  Not that I care, I've got it going in
linux anyway and I only use Windoze for accounting.

Configuring this hardware in linux was a breeze (well... apart from the
scsi host adaptor - twas a matter of finding the right
easy-to-understand howto) and the system never stopped working.

And people say it can be difficult to get hardware working in linux

Rant over... thanks for listening and be warned...

But what ... is it good for?
(Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,
commenting on the microchip)

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Re: [newbie] mplayer again

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

On Monday 19 November 2001 06:42 am, you wrote:
 m 3) what is try -vo?

 Type mplayer and it will give list of commands. vo is for video out I
 guess, that is which plugin to use, to display you the video. X11 is
 XShm guess, and sdl is the, sdl :) These are different formats
 (libraries actually) of displaying, lets say. SDL will work if you
 have the libs installed, they are on the mdk cds.

 Try -vo x11  or  -vo sdl means you run mplayer with that switch. Like

 mplayer -vo x11


 mplayer -vo sdl

 Though I guess all you need is the drivers from www.nvidia.com, Xv is
 much better than XShm, and even maybe better than sdl too.

 m Actually, I really just need to get this working.   Thanks in advance!

the command with the switch worked!
I tried to download the drivers from from nvidia, but it wouldn't install 
because it says that I was using a different kernel, specifically:

error: failed dependencies:
kernel = 2.4.3-20mdk is needed by NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-1541.mdk80up

and this is my current version:

Linux version 2.4.8-26mdk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96
2731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)) #1 Sun Sep 23 17:06:39 CEST 2001

It looks like mine is the later version, though.  Which do you use?  Are 
there other drivers somewhere which you used?

Thanks! At least it's working now! 


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Re: [newbie] mplayer again

2001-11-18 Thread mnu

On Monday 19 November 2001 06:38 am, you wrote:
 Try mplayer -vo x11 ccs7.avi.

Hey, this worked !!! Thank you VERY very much :D
It's working now.  I  guess it was that -vo thing that was the biggest 
problem of all.  


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[newbie] Does Mdk 8.1 Use OSS or ALSA for Sound?

2001-11-18 Thread James F. Marshall

I am having trouble getting my sound card (CS4237B + CS9236) to
work.  I cannot tell which sound system Mandrake 8.1 uses.  Is
it OSS or ALSA?  How does one tell?
Jim Marshall

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RE: [newbie] VNC

2001-11-18 Thread tek1

haven't used vnc myself yet, but currently researching it.

hopefully this will answer ur questions:


At 14:10 01/11/19 +0800, you wrote:
I also am interested in this, we have servers all over the place, and all
different types..

So a central admin platform would be very handy..

my question is this, does vnc send passwords as plain text? if it does, then
I will immediatly distrust it for
use over the internet..

if it uses some encryption, then its fantastic...

wonder if it can be tunneled in SSH compressed...??



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RE: [newbie] SSH via iexplorer

2001-11-18 Thread Franki

Thats strange, I have done both without problems,, 

as a rule I tar and compress the files I want prior to downloading 
them via iXplorer anyway,, works fine for 

AS a test, I just logged into one of our 
servers, (running Mdk7.2) and downloaded named.conf,, worked 

as for 
the log files... make sure that the log names are legal in M$ os,, ie no illegal 



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of SKLIMSent: Monday, 19 November 2001 10:28 
  AMTo: Linux NewbieSubject: [newbie] SSH via 
  I have install the ixplorer in my win98 for FTP 
  my Linux server with using SSH.
  I cannot tranfer a files such as named.conf and 
  log files.
  I have copy my log file into /home/admin/data/log 
  and home/admin/data/named.
  When I try to FTP to my win98 only the files 
  named.conf and all the log files did not allow ..?
  I have no idea why ? Other files is OK ..except 
  those files .
  Can someone HELP ...why ?
  Best regards,

RE: [newbie] Does Mdk 8.1 Use OSS or ALSA for Sound?

2001-11-18 Thread Jose M. Sanchez

Eh, both.

Make sure ALL of the alsa related RPM's are installed from the CD's. By
default many RPM's are skipped.

Make sure you have AUXMIX installed (it appears in Multimedia).

Set up your sound from within the MANDRAKE CONTROL panel. Only resort to
sndconfig if you can't get very far.

You might want to search for the info I posted on configuring the SBLIVE


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of James F. Marshall
|Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:47 AM
|To: Mandrake Newbie List
|Subject: [newbie] Does Mdk 8.1 Use OSS or ALSA for Sound?
|I am having trouble getting my sound card (CS4237B + CS9236) 
|to work.  I cannot tell which sound system Mandrake 8.1 uses.  
|Is it OSS or ALSA?  How does one tell?
|Jim Marshall

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[newbie] USB Camera (Sony)

2001-11-18 Thread Jason Pearce

Hi Newbies 
I can't get my usb camera to mount 
when I look in hard drake it tells me that it is /dev/sdb
but when i try to mount it 
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb/ /mnt/camera
it tells me that the special device sdb does not exist?
does any one have any sugestions.
I have the mod-usb-storage so I think I'm pretty close
jason Pearce

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