Re: [newbie-it] Modem interno

2001-12-03 Thread Sandro

Il 18:30, domenica 2 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti, un po' di tempo fa qualcuno ha scritto di aver risolto il 
 problema del modem internosu un laptop della Acer. Ho provato a seguire 
 le istruzioni ma quando lancio lspci, tra i dati che ottengo, non c'e' 
 traccia di alcun modem pci. Come faccio a stabilire che razza di modem 
 ho? Il punto e' che dopo aver fatto partire Linux, red Hat 7.1, da 
 qualche parte lui mi indica la presenza di un modem LtWin ma mi dice che 
 non e' operativo. Deduco quindi che Linux si accorge della sua esistenza 
 ma come faccio a capire di che razza e'? 

devi installare i driver specifici per il tuo modem, li ttrovi sul sito:
seguendo uno dei link ti porta a un server ftp dove trovi i driver per rh.
Attenzione alla versione, che fa riferimento al kernel (es. 2.4.7).
Io ho un Acer (Travelamte 513T) e funziona bene.
Se trovi difficoltà a trovare il driver (è in formato rpm) scrivimi che te lo 
mando in privato.
Se non hai fatto cambiamenti il tuo kernel dovrebbe essere il 2.4.7.
Fammi sapere.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.0
Linux Machine: 103048
Linux User: 203143

[newbie-it] SLMDM-2.04-00_20mdk.src.rpm file

2001-12-03 Thread Massimo

Installando sul mio laptop la release Mandrake 8, mi sono accorto che non
veniva riconosciuto il modem HARM5600 (winmodem).
Dopo qualche ricerca, ho trovato una nota che il file
SLMDM-2.04-00_20mdk.src.rpm, risolve pienamente il problema questo in una
vostra e-mail di assistenza.
Dato che non riesco a trovare questo file, potreste inviarmelo via

Massimo Bertoli
Technical Director

Via Pirandello, 29 29100 Piacenza (PC) Italy
Tel:+39-0523-490770 Fax:+39-0523-480784

[newbie-it] Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp

2001-12-03 Thread Marco

Ciao a tutti,
sapete se il Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp è utilizzabile con linux?




2001-12-03 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- tatiana_morosetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 dunque: nessun  problema a formattare perchè il comp
 e' vuoto e posso 
 pasticciare quanto voglio. io ho provato a fare
 questo: da lin ho 
 creato spazio per win (installando di nuovo la
 mandrake 8.0, che mi da 
 la possbilita' di creare partizioni di tutti i tipi.
 quando devo 
 scegliere il boot per la partizione win, io
 scelgo /dev/windows - is it right?
 poi pero' non ho la piu' pallida idea di COME
 installare win.
 se uso fdisk e provo a creare una sola grande
 partizione dove far 
 andare win (e poi creare da li una part. x lin), win
 a un certo punto 
 dell'installazione salta, e mi dice che devo creare
 una partizione dos. 
 e come???

Si, questa e' una cosa fantastica: l'installer di
Windows NON ti permette di creare partizioni in fase
di installazione, ne' di formattarle, devi averlo
fatto in precedenza...!

...Dunque, puoi procedere in questo modo (che secondo
me e' il modo piu' semplice)... procurati un disco di
avvio per windows (il disco di ripristino e'
l'ideale), avvia il pc con quello, lancia fdisk per
partizionare l'hd e ti crei:

- una partizione primaria per win (supponiamo il 50%
- una partizione estesa (che occupa il rimanente 50%)
- una unita' logica (all'interno della partizione
estesa) per linux, che ospitera' tutti i dati di
sistema (diciamo il 60% della part. estesa totale)
- una seconda unita' logica (all'interno della
partizione estesa) per linux, che ospitera' tutti i
dati dei tuoi utenti (piu' o meno il 39% della part.
estesa totale - regolati con quanto ti serve allocare
anche per la partizione di swap)
- una terza unita' logica (all'interno della
partizione estesa) per linux di swap. Le dimensioni di
questa partizione dovrebbero essere il doppio della
ram di sistema: es. se hai 32mb di ram creati una
partizione di swap di 64mb; se hai 64mb di ram creati
la swap di 128mb ecc... In ogni caso non superare i
128mb perche' non vengono sfruttati... se hai 128mb (o
piu') di ram creati una partizione di 128mb.

La dimensione delle partizioni dipende dalla capacita'
del tuo hd, le dimensioni che ti ho dato io sono
indicative, ma potrebbero andare bene...

Uscendo da fdisk ti dice di riavviare il sistema; fai
come ti dice e dopo il riavvio ti formatti la
partizione per windows (c:) Dopodiche' procedi con
l'installazione di win.

Terminata l'installazione di windows puoi passare ad
installare linux sulle altre partizioni.

Ad un certo punto l'installer di mdk ti chiede di
configurare le partizioni del tuo hd... Le partizioni
le hai gia' create, quindi devi solo dire a linux che
cosa deve farne:

La prima partizione e' quella dove hai installato
windows: non modificare il tipo della partizione,
altrimenti ti perdi i dati che contiene, devi solo
indicare il mount-point (mi sembra che ti proponga
/mnt/windows). In questo modo i tuoi files della
partizione win saranno visibili anche da linux.

La seconda partizione dovra' ospitare i files di
sistema di linux; impostala come tipo linux native
ed il mount point /.

La terza partizione dovra' ospitare i files degli
utenti di linux; impostala come tipo linux native ed
il mount point /home. Questo ti permette di poter
eventualmente reistallare e formattare la partizione
/ senza perderti i dati contenuti in /home.

L'ultima partizione sara' utilizzata come area di swap
da linux; impostala come tipo linux swap.

Prosegui con l'installazione... Arrivata verso la fine
l'installer ti chiede dove installare LILO. LILO e' il
bootloader di linux: in pratica e' un programmino che
si insedia nel Master Boot Record dell'hd e ti
permette di avviare il sistema operativo. La cosa
bella di LILO e' che puoi configurarlo per avviare
anche sistemi operativi diversi da linux. L'installer
di mdk dovrebbe averlo automaticamente configurato per
fare tutto cio', quindi puoi limitarti a dargli Ok.
Nel tuo caso, una volta terminata l'installazione, ad
ogni boot del sistema ti proporra' un menu' per
scegliere se avviare Windows o Linux.

Terminata l'installazione di linux dovrebbe essere
tutto a posto e dovresti trovarti in questa

Win e' installato sulla prima partizione; hai linux
installato sulla 2a (/), 3a (/home) e 4a
(swap)partizione e LILO sull'MBR ti permette di
scegliere che sistema avviare al boot.

Spero di non essere stato troppo confuso! La fase piu'
delicata e' forse la creazione delle partizioni, ma
non ti perdere d'animo e se hai dubbi scrivi!!

Ciao! Steo.

Nokia 5510 insolito ma geniale. 
Vai a  
scoprilo e vincilo. Il concorso termina il 16 dicembre 2001.

Re: R: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e permessi partizioni windows

2001-12-03 Thread Stefano Salari

 funziona, grazie. Come fai a smontare DevFS?

...Cioe', a disabilitarlo all'avvio?

Devi aggiungere la riga devfs=nomount nel lilo.conf
(oppure se usi grub nel suo file di configurazione
...che pero' non so qualse sia ;)).

Ciao! Steo.

Nokia 5510 insolito ma geniale. 
Vai a  
scoprilo e vincilo. Il concorso termina il 16 dicembre 2001.


2001-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie-it] Modem interno

2001-12-03 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, [utf-8] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ciao a tutti, un po' di tempo fa qualcuno ha scritto di aver risolto il 
 problema del modem internosu un laptop della Acer. Ho provato a seguire 
 le istruzioni ma quando lancio lspci, tra i dati che ottengo, non c'e' 
 traccia di alcun modem pci. Come faccio a stabilire che razza di modem 
 ho? Il punto e' che dopo aver fatto partire Linux, red Hat 7.1, da 
 qualche parte lui mi indica la presenza di un modem LtWin ma mi dice che 
 non e' operativo. Deduco quindi che Linux si accorge della sua esistenza 
 ma come faccio a capire di che razza e'? 
io ho un Lucent LTwin che funziona nel mio computer.
L'output del lspci sul mio computer e' il seguente:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge 
(rev 03)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge 
(rev 03)
00:02.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ISA (rev 02)
00:02.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)
00:02.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 01)
00:02.3 Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 03)
00:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557 [Ethernet Pro 100] 
(rev 08)
00:06.1 Serial controller: Lucent Microelectronics LT WinModem
00:08.0 Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1969 Solo-1 
Audiodrive (rev 02)
00:09.0 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. 6832 (rev 34)
00:09.1 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. 6832 (rev 34)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M 
AGP 2x (rev 64)

Al numero 00:06.1 su vede il modem.
A te che cosa dice lspci?

Se hai bisogno di una mano per trovare i drivers ed installarli scrivimi.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e permessi partizioni windows

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 14:04, domenica 2 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:

 funziona, grazie. Come fai a smontare DevFS?


Ciao Matteo,
per disabilitare il devfs è sufficiente inserire la stringa devfs=nomount 
nel file di configurazione del tuo bootloader.


Re: [newbie-it] SLMDM-2.04-00_20mdk.src.rpm file

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 18:58, venerdì 30 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Installando sul mio laptop la release Mandrake 8, mi sono accorto che non
 veniva riconosciuto il modem HARM5600 (winmodem).
 Dopo qualche ricerca, ho trovato una nota che il file
 SLMDM-2.04-00_20mdk.src.rpm, risolve pienamente il problema questo in una
 vostra e-mail di assistenza.
 Dato che non riesco a trovare questo file, potreste inviarmelo via e-mail?

ho fatto una rapida ricerca su Google.
Pare che il web contenga molte copie di questo file.
Giusto per darle un indirizzo:
Buon download!

Daniele Micci

Re: [newbie-it] drivers nVidia

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 20:35, domenica 2 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Scusa ma come hai fatto a risolvere il problema,
 dove hai trovato i drivers? sul sito  quale drivers hai
 scaricato per la Mandrake 8.1?
 Scusami ma sono alle prime armi, e avendo reinstallato il tutto già tre
 volte non vorrei far casini.
 Mi potresti dire il nome esatto del file, ed eventualmente la procedura
 per rimettere tutto a posto.
 Ti dico cosi' perchè ho già provato e dopo il riavvio Linux mi partiva
 in modalità testo.

 Ciao Milko

Ciao Milko,
i driver non li ho ancora installati perchè non sono per il mio computer (io 
ho una scheda Matrox). Il file che ho scaricato è quello precompilato per la 
Mandrake Linux 8.1. Con le indicazioni ricevute, ho ovviamente scaricato il 
file contrassegnato dalla sigla UP. Se hai un sistema multiprocessore 
(cosa, in verità, abbastanza insolita), devi scaricare il file con la sigla 
SMP. Inoltre devi scaricare il file NVIDIA-GLX-etc.etc.. Le istruzioni del 
file README mi sono sembrate abbastanza chiare. Ma non mi sono ancora 
cimentato, quindi non so dirti di più...


Re: R: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e permessi partizioni windows

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 12:09, lunedì 3 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:

  funziona, grazie. Come fai a smontare DevFS?

 ...Cioe', a disabilitarlo all'avvio?

 Devi aggiungere la riga devfs=nomount nel lilo.conf
 (oppure se usi grub nel suo file di configurazione
 ...che pero' non so qualse sia ;)).

Se hai GRUB, il file da modificare è /boot/grub/menu.lst


Re: [newbie-it] Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 09:28, lunedì 3 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutti,
 sapete se il Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp è utilizzabile con linux?

Ciao Marco,
sul sito di Linux Mandrake trovi un archivio dell'hardware. Hai provato a 
guardare se il tuo modem c'è nell'elenco? Inoltre, il consiglio in questi 
casi è sempre quello di scrivere al produttore e chiedere se esistano driver 
per Linux. In genere non se ne ottiene niente, ma è un modo per rendere Linux 
più visibile agli occhi delle aziende. Finchè i problemi ce li risolviamo da 


[newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 audio

2001-12-03 Thread Jacopo Ortis

Ciao, ho un problema con l'audio. quando si carica kde sento la musica di 
sottofondo ma poi non avverto + nessun segnale sonoro e non riesco a sentire 
i cd musicali. Non ho trovato nulla al riguardo. Qualcuno mi sa dare delle 
indicazioni? Con win98 sullo stesso computer funziona tutto. la scheda audio 
è Ensoniq ess1371

Scarica GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer all'indirizzo

Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 audio

2001-12-03 Thread Luigi De Pascale

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Jacopo Ortis wrote:

 Ciao, ho un problema con l'audio. quando si carica kde sento la musica di 
 sottofondo ma poi non avverto + nessun segnale sonoro e non riesco a sentire 
 i cd musicali. Non ho trovato nulla al riguardo. Qualcuno mi sa dare delle 
 indicazioni? Con win98 sullo stesso computer funziona tutto. la scheda audio 
 è Ensoniq ess1371
Potrebbe dipendere dal fatto che tutti i toni sono settati a 0 di default.
Lancia kmix dalla linea di comando, alzali e poi da uno dei menu' scegli 
di settare i nuovi volumi come volumi di default.
Attento a non alzare anche il volume del microfono altrimenti fischia 
tutto. Fammi sapere se funziona.

Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

Re: [newbie-it] Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp

2001-12-03 Thread Marco

Daniele ha scritto:
 sul sito di Linux Mandrake trovi un archivio dell'hardware. Hai provat
o a 
 guardare se il tuo modem c'è nell'elenco? Inoltre, il consiglio in que
 casi è sempre quello di scrivere al produttore e chiedere se esistano 
 per Linux. In genere non se ne ottiene niente, ma è un modo per render
e Linux 
 più visibile agli occhi delle aziende. 

Ciao Daniele,
ho fatto entrambe le cose.
Nulla sul fronte del database Mandrake mentre dalla Ericsson mi hanno 
risposto di chiedere al mio service provider ...
A quel punto ho risposto loro che volendo sapere se esistevano driver 
per linux di un loro prodotto non vedo perché rivolgermi al mio ISP ... 
attendo replica.

Speravo nel frattempo che qualcuno avesse già risolto.



Re: [newbie-it] Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 15:59, lunedì 3 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Ciao Daniele,
 ho fatto entrambe le cose.
 Nulla sul fronte del database Mandrake mentre dalla Ericsson mi hanno 
 risposto di chiedere al mio service provider ...
 A quel punto ho risposto loro che volendo sapere se esistevano driver 
 per linux di un loro prodotto non vedo perché rivolgermi al mio ISP ... 
 attendo replica.
 Speravo nel frattempo che qualcuno avesse già risolto.

Ciao di nuovo,
premesso che non ho l'ADSL e non sono quindi la persona più adatta ad 
aiutarti (e perchè mi rispondi? ti starai chiedendo...), hai provato a dare 
un'occhiata all'ADSL-HowTo? In rete lo trovi a vari indirizzi; una copia è 
su: ...
Prova a dargli un'occhiata; può darsi che il tuo modem non richieda drivers o 
moduli esterni, ma sia sufficiente configurare Linux per usarlo... (o magari 
ho appena sparato la corbelleria della giornata)
Scritto questo, mi fermo e passo la palla ad altri; mi sono già spinto ben 
oltre le mie (inesistenti) conoscenze in materia di ADSL... :-)


Re: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e audio

2001-12-03 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 17:50, domenica 2 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Non riproduce nessun suono, ne di kde, gnome  C.
 tantomeno cd o mp3, completamente muto! Ho controllato
 il bios e PnP OS Installed è disabilitata. La scheda
 la riconosce nel setup di installazione (senza darmi
 modo di verificarla o sostituirla, ma cmq. il driver è
 lo stesso utilizzato dalla mdk 7.2, ora c'è la mdk
 8.1!) e viene riconosciuta anche con harddrake, solo
 che quando provo a cambiare tipo di modulo (sempre
 della serie yamaha) non viene riprodotto il file
 campione, con nessun modello, e sono gli stessi tra la
 7.2 e la 8.1non riesco a capire pecchè non fà!...

... dubbio ...
Hai verificato i livelli audio? Nel menu K - Multimedia - Suono trovi 
l'applicazione Mixer sonoro. Controlla che i livelli del volume non siano a 
zero... Altrimenti, prova ad usare sndconfig dalla console di root.


Re: [newbie-it] Modem ADSL Ericcson HM 120dp

2001-12-03 Thread Marco

Daniele ha scritto:
 premesso che non ho l'ADSL e non sono quindi la persona più adatta ad 
 aiutarti (e perchè mi rispondi? ti starai chiedendo...)

Mai al mondo!
Grazie comunque ;-)



Re: [newbie-it] installazione xine divx 4.02

2001-12-03 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- luigi pinna [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 il ./configure (che da me parte solo se faccio sh
E' strano, la shell dovrebbe eseguirti lo stesso lo
script. Hai provato proprio a lanciare ./configure
(cioe' con il ./ davanti?)

 mette come fine della riga :no mentre nei restanti a
 fine riga compare :yes
Il ./configure ti da a video una serie di messaggi
sulla configurazione che trova sul tuo sistema: se il
pacchetto/la libreria e' installata correttamente ti
dice yes, altrimenti no (che fantasa!! ;)) ...In
alcuni casi determinate librerie sono distribuite con
due pacchetti: la libreria vera e propria che contiene
i files di runtime, e un pacchetto che si chiama
nomedellalibreria-devel, che alcuni programmi
necessitano in fase di compilazione. Magari ti manca
qualcosa del genere.

Puoi verificare l'output video del ./configure per
vedere se ti da qualche segnalazione che ti era
sfuggita. Un altro file che puoi controllare e' anche
config.log che viene creato dal ./configure.

 avverto che la compilazione l'ho provata in cui
 versione pulita della 8.0(cioè appena installata
 formattazione di /) in cui in fase d'installazione
 fatto installare di tutti i pacchetti disponibili.
Mi sembra che per default i pacchetti devel non ti
vengano installati...

Ciao! Steo.

Do You Yahoo!?
Il Nokia Game è on line! Clicca qui per iscriverti e partecipare alla nuova avventura 
multimediale entro il 3 novembre. 
Vai alla pagina del gioco!

Re: [newbie-it] drivers nVidia

2001-12-03 Thread Milko Ferioli

Ciao Daniele, ma il drivers l'hai scaricato dall'elenco che trovi sotto la
voce "ftp"?

Ciao Milko

Daniele Micci wrote:
  Il giorno 20:35, domenica 2 dicembre 2001 hai scritto:
Scusa ma come hai fatto a risolvere il problema,dove hai trovato i drivers? sul sito  quale drivers haiscaricato per la Mandrake 8.1?Scusami ma sono alle prime armi, e avendo reinstallato il tutto gi trevolte non vorrei far casini.Mi potresti dire il nome esatto del file, ed eventualmente la proceduraper rimettere tutto a posto.Ti dico cosi' perch ho gi provato e dopo il riavvio Linux mi partivain modalit testo.Ciao Milko

Ciao Milko,i driver non li ho ancora installati perch non sono per il mio computer (io ho una scheda Matrox). Il file che ho scaricato  quello precompilato per la Mandrake Linux 8.1. Con le indicazioni ricevute, ho ovviamente scaricato il file contrassegnato dalla sigla "UP". Se hai un sistema multiprocessore (cosa, in verit, abbastanza insolita), devi scaricare il file con la sigla "SMP". Inoltre devi scaricare il file NVIDIA-GLX-etc.etc.. Le istruzioni del file README mi sono sembrate abbastanza chiare. Ma non mi sono ancora "cimentato", quindi non so dirti di pi...Daniele

Fwd: Re: [newbie-it]

2001-12-03 Thread Renato

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it]
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 20:14:53 +0100

Il 14:42, domenica 2 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Qualcuno conosce il comando x disinstallare il Lilo??non lo ricordo più

Da linux ci sono i tool appositi, da winzozzo basta dare il comando fdisk
\mbr dal prompt dos.



Re: [newbie-it] mdk8.1 e audio

2001-12-03 Thread Mauro Ongaro

Ciao Ragazzi,
da neofita come voi, per la prima volta e con grande soddisfazione, 
ho scoperto da me, come far funzionare le schede audio che su mdk 8.1 sembra 
abbiano alcuni problemi !!!
Purtroppo sembra un errore ( o piu ) di Mandrakesoft.
Per passare al succo della faccenda, bisogna modificare il nome della 
directory di dispositivo ( device ) e cioé:

da /dev/sound in /dev/audio. TUTTO QUI.

Sicuramente la scheda audio viene rilevata in fase di installazione del SO, 
ma quando si vuole usare il dispositivo, questo non viene trovato perche si 
trova in un percorso diverso, da cio' il non funzionamento del dispositivo.

Spero di essere stato di aiuto ed esatto.

Saluti a tutti da Mauro

  Non riproduce nessun suono, ne di kde, gnome  C.
  tantomeno cd o mp3, completamente muto! Ho controllato
  il bios e PnP OS Installed è disabilitata. La scheda
  la riconosce nel setup di installazione (senza darmi
  modo di verificarla o sostituirla, ma cmq. il driver è
  lo stesso utilizzato dalla mdk 7.2, ora c'è la mdk
  8.1!) e viene riconosciuta anche con harddrake, solo
  che quando provo a cambiare tipo di modulo (sempre
  della serie yamaha) non viene riprodotto il file
  campione, con nessun modello, e sono gli stessi tra la
  7.2 e la 8.1non riesco a capire pecchè non fà!...

 ... dubbio ...
 Hai verificato i livelli audio? Nel menu K - Multimedia - Suono trovi
 l'applicazione Mixer sonoro. Controlla che i livelli del volume non siano
 a zero... Altrimenti, prova ad usare sndconfig dalla console di root.


[newbie-it] programmazione java su linux

2001-12-03 Thread kroton

Salve a tutti, 
 Mi sto cimentanto nella creazione di pagine web ed il liguaggio html direi 
 che è piuttosto accessibile. Ora desidererei alpliare le mie conoscenze in 
 altri linguaggi tra cui: Java e javascript su linux.
 domanda: cosa mi occorre? (in più ripetto alla microsoft). dove trovo 
 il necessario? 
 ogni consiglio o suggerimenti a riguardo sono graditi.
 grazie anticipatamente


2001-12-03 Thread robin

Damian G wrote:

 after you downloaded the .bin files, you have to run them. watch for 
 the file's access permissions. usually you won't be able to run them 
 right away. in KDE, right click on the file and in properties turn 
 execute permission on. 

Don't forget to be root use the /net option as well, if you want more 
than one user to be able to access Star Office.

I'd recommend 6.0 over 5.2, even though it's still beta.  It's a bit 
faster and has KDE/GNOME integration instead of the awful integrated 
desktop that comes with 5.*.  You lose the web browser and email 
client, but they were IMO superfluous anyway.  


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[newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Matt Greer

I think my KDE has a memory leak, although I've not been able to find any 
info on the possibility at When I first turn on the computer, KDE is 
using about 80MB, just now it was using 250MB (ouch!). I got those two 
numbers from gtop. The memory usage builds up slowly over time.

I just shutdown kde and looked at my memory with top, and despite all the kde 
processes being gone the memory usage didn't drop by much at all. At runlevel 
3 with X/kde shutdown, and nothing but top being ran by me directly, I had 
about 70MB free of my 384MB of memory. That just doesn't sound right. I 
thought I left memory fragmenting behind with the Macintosh :)

Now, coming back into kde, kde is using about 150MB. A big improvement over 
250MB, but still more than it seems like it should be using.

I am using kde 2.2.1. I had 2.2.2 briefly installed and noted it did the same 

Searching the net doesn't turn up much. It seems people think Linux handles 
memory ok :)

I think I will start using gnome or iceWM for a while and see if I notice the 
same thing happening.


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[newbie] Modem Conection

2001-12-03 Thread Lúcio Costa de Almeida

Hello folks !!!

Can Anyone help me?

One Friend of my, both a pc:

AMD Athon 1GHz,
256 RAM,
2 HD's 20Gb, (Window$, Linux)
1 DVD (LG),
And the problem --Fax/modem: USR 3cp5610a

I can't do this modem worked in Windows or Linux, I
tryed all COM Ports, in Window$, (COM1 and COM2); and
all Linux ports, too.

No modem detected !!!

Please, Help me !

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e grátis!

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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Ed Tharp

this has been gone into for ever..but what you are veiwing _Might_ have to do 
with the cache use by linux. I don't think it is a memory leak (this ain't 
your win 95 box)

On Monday 03 December 2001 04:08, you wrote:
 I think my KDE has a memory leak, although I've not been able to find any
 info on the possibility at When I first turn on the computer, KDE
 is using about 80MB, just now it was using 250MB (ouch!). I got those two
 numbers from gtop. The memory usage builds up slowly over time.

 I just shutdown kde and looked at my memory with top, and despite all the
 kde processes being gone the memory usage didn't drop by much at all. At
 runlevel 3 with X/kde shutdown, and nothing but top being ran by me
 directly, I had about 70MB free of my 384MB of memory. That just doesn't
 sound right. I thought I left memory fragmenting behind with the Macintosh

 Now, coming back into kde, kde is using about 150MB. A big improvement over
 250MB, but still more than it seems like it should be using.

 I am using kde 2.2.1. I had 2.2.2 briefly installed and noted it did the
 same thing.

 Searching the net doesn't turn up much. It seems people think Linux handles
 memory ok :)

 I think I will start using gnome or iceWM for a while and see if I notice
 the same thing happening.


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[newbie] programming

2001-12-03 Thread VAROL, Volkan
Title: programming


Is there a Linux programming equivalent of this mailing group? i.e. newbie? 

Thanks for any suggestions.
Volkan Varol

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Re: [newbie] can't eject cdrom

2001-12-03 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 03 December 2001 07:43 pm, ethan wrote:
 I tried that and got this :

  umount /mnt/cdrom
 umount: /mnt/cdrom: not mounted
 [root@Echelon ethan]# eject
 eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument
 [root@Echelon ethan]# eject
 eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

Just what the error mesg says, you didn't provide an 'argument' 
(not to be confused with what we do on the list ;)

eject /dev/cdrom

 '/dev/cdrom/' is the missing argument

  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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Re: [newbie] can't eject cdrom

2001-12-03 Thread ethan

nope. tried that as well:

eject cdrom and /dev/cdrom gives:
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

Tom Brinkman wrote:
  On Monday 03 December 2001 07:43 pm, ethan wrote:
I tried that and got this : umount /mnt/cdromumount: /mnt/cdrom: not mounted[root@Echelon ethan]# ejecteject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument[root@Echelon ethan]# ejecteject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

Just what the error mesg says, you didn't provide an 'argument' (not to be confused with what we do on the list ;)eject /dev/cdrom '/dev/cdrom/' is the missing argument
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[newbie] Data Socket problem with proftpd

2001-12-03 Thread Neil R Porter

Hi all

I have proftpd setup at home and here at work i'd like to access it.  At
home I tried it out and it works fine over the home network... using cuteftp
here at work produces the following log... basically it hangs a while on
Connecting data socket... and then says Failed to establish data socket.
What is causing this?

I've changed the actual IPs concerned to IP addresses here... just in
case - am paranoid! :)

Thanks for any help


PS I also use apache to serve pages and that's working np.

STATUS:Connect: Monday 14:07:46 12-03-2001
STATUS:Connecting to IP addresses here
STATUS:Connecting to IP addresses here (ip = IP addresses here)
STATUS:Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
220 ProFTPD 1.2.2 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) [nrpmedia]
STATUS:Connected. Authenticating...
331 Password required for neil.
230 User neil logged in.
STATUS:Login successful
200 Type set to I.
350 Restarting at 100. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
STATUS:This site can resume broken downloads
350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
COMMAND:   pwd
257 /home/neil is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
STATUS:Retrieving directory listing...
227 Entering Passive Mode (IP addresses here).
STATUS:Connecting data socket...
ERROR: Failed to establish data socket

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[newbie] Zoom USB Modem

2001-12-03 Thread Steven Spears

Hello, Gang:

Has anyone gotten a Zoom USB modem to work in Mandrake 8.1? My friend bought 
Mandrake on a whim and is trying to get it setup, but the only modem he has 
is this USB modem. I don't know the model number right off hand, but was 
wondering if anyone had any luck at all with USB modems.



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[newbie] Smart Card Reader and Linux

2001-12-03 Thread Terry Sheltra

Here's an interesting question.  I just received a USB Smart Card
Reader for my credit card in the mail today.  Does anyone know if
these are compatible with Linux, and if so, how to go about using it?
 Would really hate to have to dual-boot into Window$ just to use the
smart card reader.



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[newbie] DVD's, TV-out vid cards and Mandrake 8.1

2001-12-03 Thread Caveman

Hello all,

My roommate and I are trying to put together a multimedia server to
output mp3's and DVD's to our TV/stereo set up. I'm trying to decide on
which video card to use that contains as many options and features as
possible, while at the same time being as low cost as possible. So far
I've settled on two different cards:

nVidia's (any brand will do) TNT2 M64 w/ TV-OUT (RCA style video
connection) or,
ATI's All-In-Wonder 128 Pro 32MB w/ S-VIDEO/Audio-OUT, S-VIDEO/Audio-IN

Has anyone tried either of these cards in Linux to play DVD's through a
TV (one without any S-Video connectors)? I know the ATI board comes
with a connection adapter thing that will convert the S-Video out to an
RCA-out for me, so I'm primarily concerned as to whether Mandrake 8.1
can be used in conjunction with something like XMMS or other DVD
players in Linux to pump the DVD's playing in my computer's DVD-ROM
drive to my TV. I have a SB512 (I think) as the audio card, so sound
shouldn't be a problem at all. I would just rather be using Linux to
run this multimedia server box versus a BSOD-prone Win98 install. ;)

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[newbie] Test Message Please Ignore

2001-12-03 Thread Ivan Offalich

This message is to validate my subscription.
There is nothing more to see.
Please disburse.

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Re: [newbie] apache public_html help needed

2001-12-03 Thread Matt Greer

On Sunday 02 December 2001 09:54 pm, you wrote:
 I know I had set this up right on a different CPU, but I can't figure
 out what I'm doing wrong.  For some reason I can't get my ~dherndon43/

 directory to work.  I'm getting a:
  You don't have permission to access /~dherndon43/test.php on this server.

 Where are the apache permissions placed?

Here;s a snippet from the apache faq, it might help.
Why do I get a Forbidden message whenever I try to access a particular 

This message is generally caused because either

The underlying file system permissions do not allow the User/Group under 
which Apache is running to access the necessary files; or
The Apache configuration has some access restrictions in place which forbid 
access to the files.

You can determine which case applies to your situation by checking the error 

In the case where file system permission are at fault, remember that not only 
must the directory and files in question be readable, but also all parent 
directories must be at least searchable by the web server in order for the 
content to be accessible.
Why do I get a Forbidden/You don't have permission to access / on this 
server message whenever I try to access my server? 

Search your conf/httpd.conf file for this exact string: Files ~. If you 
find it, that's your problem -- that particular Files container is 
malformed. Delete it or replace it with Files ~ ^\.ht and restart your 
server and things should work as expected.

This error appears to be caused by a problem with the version of linuxconf 
distributed with Redhat 6.x. It may reappear if you use linuxconf again.

If you don't find this string, check out the previous question.


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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Matt Greer

On Monday 03 December 2001 03:08 am, you wrote:

 I just shutdown kde and looked at my memory with top, and despite all the
 kde processes being gone the memory usage didn't drop by much at all. At
 runlevel 3 with X/kde shutdown, and nothing but top being ran by me
 directly, I had about 70MB free of my 384MB of memory. That just doesn't
 sound right. I thought I left memory fragmenting behind with the Macintosh

Well I got one answer to this. Linux purposely grabs free memory to use for 
disk write caching and the like. So the fact that my memory is nearly full 
despite most everything being shutdown is not really a concern.

I'm still curious about KDE, though.


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Re: [newbie] Wine under 8.1...Anybody?

2001-12-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 I'm no expert on Wine and wine debugging, but I would suggest you
 download the latest CVS builds from .  These
 will always be the latest version every day.  And they are easy to
 download/install.  I have had them running with no problems (though I
 still can't open all the programs I would necesarily like to).  I have
 ehard of people running starcraft successfully with wine, but have never
 played any games myself.
 Good luck.
 -Paul Rodríguez

Thanks Paul, I'll try that, although TBH, I've got no confidence in it. Like I
mentioned, I installed an older version of wine that I had working fine all
the way up to v8.0 of Mandrake, and it would not work, with the exact same

BTW, yes - Starcraft does work under Wine. I've used it for quite some time
now, until 8.1... ;-(


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[newbie] Where is the kernel configuration?

2001-12-03 Thread Jones, Alan

I am using Mandrake Linux 8.1 Standard edition on my PC. I have only been
using Linux for about two weeks. I want to modify my kernal. According to my
Linux for Dummies book, there is supposed to be a /usr/src/linux
directory, but I don't see it. I appreciate help on this subject because I
want to tweak the kernel for my system. What are the steps to modifying the
kernel in Mandrake 8.1?


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RE: [newbie] Where is the kernel configuration?

2001-12-03 Thread Ingo Bauer

Hi Alan;

Looks like you did not select to install all needed kernel rpm's during
you'r initial install.

You can find them on your install CD's 


-Original Message-
From: Jones, Alan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] Where is the kernel configuration?

I am using Mandrake Linux 8.1 Standard edition on my PC. I have only been
using Linux for about two weeks. I want to modify my kernal. According to my
Linux for Dummies book, there is supposed to be a /usr/src/linux
directory, but I don't see it. I appreciate help on this subject because I
want to tweak the kernel for my system. What are the steps to modifying the
kernel in Mandrake 8.1?


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RE: [newbie] apache public_html help needed

2001-12-03 Thread Dennis Herndon

Outstanding, thanks for the info.  I will try this out when I get home

-Original Message-
From: Michael Viron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 23:18
Subject: Re: [newbie] apache public_html help needed

In order for apache to be able to access the directory, you must have a
minimum of permissions 0711 on all directories above the 'public_html'
directory.  'public_html' must be at least 0755 permission, and all files
underneath need to be at least 644.

(0711 == user read / write / execute, group execute, other execute
0755 == user read / write / execute, group read / execute, other read /
0644 == user read / write, group read, other read).

If you still have problems beyond that, take a look at the error_log file
under /var/log/httpd that apache uses.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 10:54 PM 12/02/2001 -0500, you wrote:
I know I had set this up right on a different CPU, but I can't figure 
out what I'm doing wrong.  For some reason I can't get my ~dherndon43/ 
directory to work.  I'm getting a:

 You don't have permission to access /~dherndon43/test.php on this server.

Where are the apache permissions placed?

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Re: [newbie] KDE Died (The Blue Screen of Death)..... why?

2001-12-03 Thread Miark


Just a guess: before you startx, do a 

  rm -f .DCOPserver*

and then startx. KDE fails to load for me about once a week. This
always fixes the problem for me.


- Original Message - 
From: Robin Regennitter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 11:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] KDE Died (The Blue Screen of Death). why?

 for the 2nd time since I have installed mandrake 8.1, kde fails to 
 loads.  I see the box and it stalls on the mechanical icon and it just 
 wont go to the next icon which is the keyboard and mouse icon.  then it 
 just disappear and the only thing I see is a solid light blue color on 
 the screen.  no taskbar, no icons, nothing works.   sadly  I had to 
 switch to gnome which I really dont like.  The first time, there seems 
 to be no hope on having kde back especially with my user name.  KDE 
 works in root or other username.  Maybe I just have too many things in 
 my home directory that it causes KDE to corrupt only in that directory. 
   I had to create a new username and copy all the stuff I had saved and 
 do more works as I had done with this one.  works fine for the next 
 month or two  then I get this blue screen again.  There a dead serious 
 bug somewhere that causes this.  Has anyone experienced this?  If so do 
 know why it did this and what is the solution to prevent it from 
 happening again?  Any help would be appreciate.

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RE: [newbie] apache public_html help needed

2001-12-03 Thread Dennis Herndon

Yes I did see that item in my httpd.conf file.  I didn't realize it was

Thanks for this info.

Here;s a snippet from the apache faq, it might help.
Why do I get a Forbidden message whenever I try to access a particular 

This message is generally caused because either

The underlying file system permissions do not allow the User/Group under 
which Apache is running to access the necessary files; or
The Apache configuration has some access restrictions in place which forbid

access to the files.

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Re: [newbie] DVD's, TV-out vid cards and Mandrake 8.1

2001-12-03 Thread Caveman

Oh yeah, forgot to include my computer's specs:

standard Gateway motherboard
PII 400MHz Processor
SoundBlaster 512K PCI card
1 AGP slot, several other open PCI slots
2 PCI 10/100 Ethernet cards (both work fine in Linux)
1 ISA generic 56K modem
128M PC100 SDRAM
10GB Maxtor HDD
DVD-ROM drive (I forget the manufacturer)
CD-RW drive (I forget the manufacturer of this one too)
3.5 Floppy

--- Caveman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
 My roommate and I are trying to put together a multimedia server to
 output mp3's and DVD's to our TV/stereo set up. I'm trying to decide
 which video card to use that contains as many options and features as
 possible, while at the same time being as low cost as possible. So
 I've settled on two different cards:
 nVidia's (any brand will do) TNT2 M64 w/ TV-OUT (RCA style video
 connection) or,
 ATI's All-In-Wonder 128 Pro 32MB w/ S-VIDEO/Audio-OUT,
 Has anyone tried either of these cards in Linux to play DVD's through
 TV (one without any S-Video connectors)? I know the ATI board comes
 with a connection adapter thing that will convert the S-Video out to
 RCA-out for me, so I'm primarily concerned as to whether Mandrake 8.1
 can be used in conjunction with something like XMMS or other DVD
 players in Linux to pump the DVD's playing in my computer's DVD-ROM
 drive to my TV. I have a SB512 (I think) as the audio card, so sound
 shouldn't be a problem at all. I would just rather be using Linux to
 run this multimedia server box versus a BSOD-prone Win98 install. ;)
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Re: [newbie] DVD's, TV-out vid cards and Mandrake 8.1

2001-12-03 Thread Mark D'voo

i have a geforce 3, the tvout works great on it and Xv is now supported, so 
you should get a decent frame rate.  If you unplug your monitor and just have 
s-video plugged in, it will automatically boot up to your tv.  I have it 
setup so that when I press ctrl-alt-F8, it displays on the tv (running 
blackbox), and when I press ctrl-alt-F7 (default) it displays back on my 
monitor running gnome.  This can be easily created by adding a new monitor 
section (for your tv) and a new screen section for your tv screen, then 
running the command
startx -- :1 -screen tv_screen



On Monday 03 December 2001 23:24, you wrote:
 Oh yeah, forgot to include my computer's specs:

 standard Gateway motherboard
 PII 400MHz Processor
 SoundBlaster 512K PCI card
 1 AGP slot, several other open PCI slots
 2 PCI 10/100 Ethernet cards (both work fine in Linux)
 1 ISA generic 56K modem
 128M PC100 SDRAM
 10GB Maxtor HDD
 DVD-ROM drive (I forget the manufacturer)
 CD-RW drive (I forget the manufacturer of this one too)
 3.5 Floppy

 --- Caveman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello all,
  My roommate and I are trying to put together a multimedia server to
  output mp3's and DVD's to our TV/stereo set up. I'm trying to decide
  which video card to use that contains as many options and features as
  possible, while at the same time being as low cost as possible. So
  I've settled on two different cards:
  nVidia's (any brand will do) TNT2 M64 w/ TV-OUT (RCA style video
  connection) or,
  ATI's All-In-Wonder 128 Pro 32MB w/ S-VIDEO/Audio-OUT,
  Has anyone tried either of these cards in Linux to play DVD's through
  TV (one without any S-Video connectors)? I know the ATI board comes
  with a connection adapter thing that will convert the S-Video out to
  RCA-out for me, so I'm primarily concerned as to whether Mandrake 8.1
  can be used in conjunction with something like XMMS or other DVD
  players in Linux to pump the DVD's playing in my computer's DVD-ROM
  drive to my TV. I have a SB512 (I think) as the audio card, so sound
  shouldn't be a problem at all. I would just rather be using Linux to
  run this multimedia server box versus a BSOD-prone Win98 install. ;)
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 Do You Yahoo!?
 Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping.

  5:27pm  up  1:49,  2 users,  load average: 1.76, 1.88, 2.28

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[newbie] Top posting poll

2001-12-03 Thread Dan Jacobs

Well, the tide of messages regarding all of your opinions has ended, and I
am happy to report the following, in order, winners:

1.  Top posting ok
2.  Please change subject line when replying and changing main point of
previous message
3.  Please snip replies
4.  Please bottom post to keep better track of replies

I didn't even give the suggestion for numbers 3 and 4, but they were sent
to me, so I included them.  Like I said when I started keeping track, I
didn't do this to try to change the way anyone does anything here, just
thought if we all knew what other wanted to see, we could make this list
even more effective and easier to navigate
Diesel Dan


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Re: [newbie] can't eject cdrom

2001-12-03 Thread Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan wrote:

Hi, Ethan!

I've seen these msg just now! I hope it helps!

I had recently something this! I messed up the symlinks!

Try in this order:

1.type 'eject' as root! if it work, you have permissions problems!
as root, correct them!
If it doesn't work, correct the symlinks but, before... See #2.

*Yes! no arguments!*
(does it open anything? I have one cdrom, one cd-rw and one zipdrive and
mount them all and just type eject!)

2. try: eject /dev/hdX (the 'X'n is the a,b,c or d, depending on your

*If this works, so the problem is really the symlink! You have to
build/rebuild them!

3. To fix *my* own mess, I've included dvfs=nomount into LILO 'append'
label! (I removed that after fixing!)

4. I fixed the symlinks like, ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom (I've looked
into fstab to check which one was correct).

5. Now, I'm happily eject everything!

6. eject has a serious 'bug'! it does NOT work for in-laws ;-) (It would
be great!)


Ricardo Castanho

nope. tried that as well:

eject cdrom and /dev/cdrom gives:
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

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[newbie] kernel updates...

2001-12-03 Thread Eric Caron

Ok, so I did try to update the kernel using mandrake-update.  Everything
went well (or so I thought) until I rebooted my machine.  A lot of things
were missing in the new kernel, such as mounting fat drives and networking.
Is there any way to restore these features?  Do I need to re-install or
venture into the wonderful world of kernel compilation (although that would
be a new domain to explore for me).  Fortunately, I downloaded the source of
the kernel too, so I can recompile if need be.

I'd like to be up to date on this, but I'm very newbie in the area of kernel
modules and kernel compilation.  I checked out, but there are no
informations regarding the actual compiling part, just an archive of

Any help on this topic would be appreciated.


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[newbie] Wine problem resolved (mostly).

2001-12-03 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Okay, grabbing the latest cvs build (stripped) from WineHQ worked. It was odd
though. I removed the Mandrake Wine version, deleted .wine from my /home dir,
and then installed the new Wine. Tried running it on SC, and it said it could
not find the .wine folder. So...I made a .wine directory. Ran Wine again -
said it could not find config. So...I touched a text file called config.
Didn't work either. I wound up uninstalling the new version of Wine (which for
some reason would not creat a .wine setup in /home, and reinstalling the
Mandrake version. Once it installed .wine, I uninstalled it again, and
reinstalled the new Wine. This time, the new Wine found /home/.wine and it
actually ran Starcraft! However, it opens a small 640x480 window on my 1024x
768 desktop...

Anyone know any ideas how to get it to open full-screen? I tried modifying the
/home/.wine/config file but it would not let me...

Thanks to all who helped!

PS Mandrake - fix your Wine RPMS!!! ;-)


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[newbie] console PIM

2001-12-03 Thread bradw

Im looking for a PIM that has the look and feal of pine. You know,
somthing i can run on the console over ssh. Any ideas?

Brad Wyman
bradw at
PGP Fingerprint: 8B1E E12F 3982 0D54 E01C  DFD3 898B 6CA3 ED6F 3E56
Arthur Dent: What's so unpleasant about being drunk?
Ford Prefect: You ask a glass of water.
- Douglas Noel Adams, 1952 - 2001
- DNA, so long and thanks for all the books

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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Ed Tharp wrote:
 this has been gone into for ever..but what you are veiwing _Might_ have to do
 with the cache use by linux. I don't think it is a memory leak (this ain't
 your win 95 box)

I don't think there is anything inherent in Linux which will prevent
memory leaks -- it comes down to care and testing by the programmer. 
AFAIK, memory leaks can be created anywhere C or C++ are used (and
probably many other languages).

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] security: tcpd daemon with /etc/xinetd.d/

2001-12-03 Thread Kathy Montgomery

My installation of xinetd (from the downloadable CD images) came with tcpd
capabilities already compiled in, so that I did not have to add the tcpd
information to my xinetd.conf file.

When I make changes to the host.allow and host.deny files, xinetd restricts
access accordingly, without any reference to tcpd in the configuration file.
Have you tried this?  (I welcome corrections if I'm off base...)

- Kathy

tek1 wrote:

 in my linux: the complete reference book on p.559, it explain that to use
 tcp wrappers (for monitoring connections and controlling access), we need
 to put tcpd in front of the service name in the inetd.conf file.

 however, mandrake uses the xinetd.conf file, which doesn't list the
 services.  instead, it includes the dir /etc/xinetd.d/, which are the
 equivalent of listing the services in xinetd.conf.  but how do we wrap the
 services in /etc/xinetd.d/ in a tcpd wrapper?


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a
sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7

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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Matt Greer

On Monday 03 December 2001 12:17 pm, you wrote:
 Ed Tharp wrote:
  this has been gone into for ever..but what you are veiwing _Might_ have
  to do with the cache use by linux. I don't think it is a memory leak
  (this ain't your win 95 box)

 I don't think there is anything inherent in Linux which will prevent
 memory leaks -- it comes down to care and testing by the programmer.
 AFAIK, memory leaks can be created anywhere C or C++ are used (and
 probably many other languages).

Yup, I just tested that. Linux does not appear to make any attempt to stop 
memory leaks. I wrote a quick program with an infinite loop that dynamically 
allocated some memory. Watching top, its memory usage climbed dramatically.

There's really no way for Linux to know if I really am using that memory or 
not, so I don't see how it could interfere.


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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Richard Wenninger

yes.. but when that process terminates... the memory should be returned to 
the system, right?  in which case... the OS never lost track of it.

On Monday 03 December 2001 12:59 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 03 December 2001 12:17 pm, you wrote:
  Ed Tharp wrote:
   this has been gone into for ever..but what you are veiwing _Might_ have
   to do with the cache use by linux. I don't think it is a memory leak
   (this ain't your win 95 box)
  I don't think there is anything inherent in Linux which will prevent
  memory leaks -- it comes down to care and testing by the programmer.
  AFAIK, memory leaks can be created anywhere C or C++ are used (and
  probably many other languages).

 Yup, I just tested that. Linux does not appear to make any attempt to stop
 memory leaks. I wrote a quick program with an infinite loop that
 dynamically allocated some memory. Watching top, its memory usage climbed

 There's really no way for Linux to know if I really am using that memory or
 not, so I don't see how it could interfere.


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Re: [newbie] security: tcpd daemon with /etc/xinetd.d/

2001-12-03 Thread civileme

On Monday 03 December 2001 09:24 am, Kathy Montgomery wrote:
 My installation of xinetd (from the downloadable CD images) came with tcpd
 capabilities already compiled in, so that I did not have to add the tcpd
 information to my xinetd.conf file.

 When I make changes to the host.allow and host.deny files, xinetd restricts
 access accordingly, without any reference to tcpd in the configuration
 file. Have you tried this?  (I welcome corrections if I'm off base...)

 - Kathy

 tek1 wrote:
  in my linux: the complete reference book on p.559, it explain that to
  use tcp wrappers (for monitoring connections and controlling access), we
  need to put tcpd in front of the service name in the inetd.conf file.
  however, mandrake uses the xinetd.conf file, which doesn't list the
  services.  instead, it includes the dir /etc/xinetd.d/, which are the
  equivalent of listing the services in xinetd.conf.  but how do we wrap
  the services in /etc/xinetd.d/ in a tcpd wrapper?

You are correct.  There is no need for a lot of what used to be recommended.  
 When we still used inetd, the tcp_wrappers were installed and configured by 
default and it was ard to get rid of them even then, but that is no longer 
necessary with xinetd.


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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Richard Wenninger wrote:
 yes.. but when that process terminates... the memory should be returned to
 the system, right?  in which case... the OS never lost track of it.

Maybe there are different levels of memory leak?  In many cases after
you shut down a Windows program which continued to use more and more
memory, the memory is freed for the OS.

Example: (sadly) the recent versions of AbiWord (for Windows) that I've
tested have a memory leak.  If you invoke AbiWord and then open and
close additional windows for documents, more and more memory is used,
but not freed up until you close the last AbiWord window, at which point
all the memory is restored.  (Note: some memory is restored each time
you close a document (window), but more and more is locked up until you
finally close AbiWord completely.

There seem to be other memory leaks that do not restore the lost memory
until a reboot.  Now that I've written this, I suspect that some of the
memory leaks are in the operating system itself and some are in
applications, thus making the difference.

Maybe Linux (currently) has no leaks in the operating system itself. 
(But, I'll bet some of the development versions have had leaks.)

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Booting LM8.1 problems

2001-12-03 Thread Derek Jennings

This is known as an 'X respawning' problem.
It can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common is a misconfigured 
video driver. To get around it get your friend to try doing this:-

Wait for it to pause to catch its breath, and then hit Ctl+Alt+F2 to get you 
to another console window
Log in as username root, and then type 'init 3'  This will stop X trying to 
start again.
You can then run  'XFdrake'  (without the quotes)if it is a video problem.
When you think you have it OK then type 'init 5' to restart X.
I think sometimes mouse driver problems can also cause respawning, in which 
case run 'mousedrake'


On Monday 03 December 2001 20:17, R  C wrote:
 Hi All,

 I was asked to forward an enquiry to the list. It seems
 that LM8.1 has been installed on a 40mb HD, dual-booting
 with win98.

 I'm told that during the boot process, linux goes through
 the initializing process ok but, when the console prompt
 comes up and get's ready to automatically start X, the
 screen flashes several times, with the following message
 eventually displayed:

 INIT: ld X Responding To Fast  Disabled for 5 Minutes

 This computer has a Supermicro P4STA MB, with a 1.7gb P4
 intel, 256mb memory, 800 mhz Rabus Ram

 This is a new installation from store bought CD's (full 7
 cd pack)

 any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Ed Tharp

On Monday 03 December 2001 15:47, you wrote:
  As I understand it a leak is returned to the OS after the program
  finishes. The problem with leaks is they can cause problems while the
  program is running.

 There were problems with different versions of windows, where the memory
 was NOT returned to the OS when the program exited.  Quality OS eh?  What a
yep I remember running a network of win95a computers, we just told everyone 
to turn the box off at night, or reboot every three days, if the system 
does not reboot you.

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[newbie] losing eth0 on reboot

2001-12-03 Thread Grant Fraser

Sorry if this has been flogged to death.
When I reboot the machine eth0 fails to initialize. The cure so far has been 
to go through the mandrake control center network setup and the security and 
firewall setups. The first attempt to run the security and firewall setup 
gives the error message 'see if its installed'.
I dont make any changes, I just click through all of the screens and save. 
Now I can log in, log out, and restart x and the network will work. If I 
reboot the information will still be there, just not useful until it gets 

Any ideas on the cause and cure?

Thanks, Grant

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Re: [newbie] Galeon and Java

2001-12-03 Thread Dave Sherman

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 04:38, Allen Herndz wrote:
 I have a pretty old version of Galeon on my mdk 8.0 (0.10.2), and I just
 wanted to know how to get Java working.
 I have a very slow connection and I can't make the rpms work coz I don't
 have the Mozilla srces.
 Just looking for any quick answers from Galeon lovers.

As far as I know, all you need to do is get Java working for mozilla,
and Galeon will be able to use it too.

There was a thread here just about a week ago, that said how to get Java
working in Mozilla, but I don't remember the steps. I think it had to do
with making a symlink from a working JDK or JVM, to the plugins
directory under the mozilla directory.

linux: because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
([EMAIL PROTECTED] put this on Tshirts in '93)

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[newbie] Test

2001-12-03 Thread Warren Post

Just making sure that my posts are making it. Happy Monday, everyone.


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[newbie] GUI file search -- mini help

2001-12-03 Thread Paul Rodríguez

Kfind isn't bad.

3 methods to use it:

Applications -- File Tools -- Find Files

or Alt+F2 runss a launcher you can type kfind there.

or from the console kfind.  It's not really useful to run a GUI
program from the console for long peiods of time because the console
needs to stay open for the program to stay open (it's a child process of
that console), in other words it takes extra screen space to have two
programs open.  But, for a program like find that you don't need for
very long, it can be convenient. In order to keep using that console
while it is running a GUI program, end the command with  (which means
run this program in the background).  For example kfind or kfind
  Go ahead, give it a try.

To search for a file from the command line in text mode, however you can

find -name [file] or find [dir] -name file

for example:  

find -name downloads 

will search current directory for a file named downloads
(and in Unix, everything is a file, a directory is just a type of file)

find /home/david/downloads/ -name *mp3

will find any mp3 files (or at least files named something.mp3) in

If you were already in /home/david/, you could type:

find downloads/ -name *mp3

to do the same thing, the difference is one uses a relative path and the
other an absolute path (like on web pages).

More info on find and any other console cammands can be found by typing

man find or info find depending on how you prefer the text to be
formatted (your preference).  Exit by typing q.

You can even type man man  :)

Good luck!

-Paul Rodríguez

PS  I sent this to the newbie list as well, in case it helps anybody.

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Re: [newbie] Galeon and Java

2001-12-03 Thread Mark D'voo

to get java working, run mozilla as root (is this safe ?), go to, it will tell you that you need the java plug-in, say ok, when 
it takes you to the new web page, click java for linux, it should download 
and install, restart mozilla, and java should work, java should now also work 
in galeon as regular user


On Tuesday 04 December 2001 05:04, you wrote:
 On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 04:38, Allen Herndz wrote:
  I have a pretty old version of Galeon on my mdk 8.0 (0.10.2), and I just
  wanted to know how to get Java working.
  I have a very slow connection and I can't make the rpms work coz I don't
  have the Mozilla srces.
  Just looking for any quick answers from Galeon lovers.

 As far as I know, all you need to do is get Java working for mozilla,
 and Galeon will be able to use it too.

 There was a thread here just about a week ago, that said how to get Java
 working in Mozilla, but I don't remember the steps. I think it had to do
 with making a symlink from a working JDK or JVM, to the plugins
 directory under the mozilla directory.


 11:25pm  up  1:16,  3 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.16, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] bash script

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz
On 03 Dec 2001 16:47:11 -0500
Paul Rodr$ByH(Buez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lets say I have files in Dir2 which I have symlinks for in Dir1.  
 So the contents of Dir1 include links to all the files in Dir2, plus
 files of its own...
 I want to delete all of those symlinks in Dir1 for Dir2, without
 deleting anything else, or going through them one by one...
 Is there a way I can say something like..
   rm -rf /Dir1/(output of ls Dir2)
 Or, said another way...
   rm -rf /Dir1/(all symlinks to contents of Dir2)
 -Paul Rodr$Bmg(Buez

hi paul,

  im working on the assumption that all links on Dir1 refer to the files in Dir2 and 
is to be deleted without harming the files in Dir2...


  for file_d1 in `ls`
if [ -L $file_d1 ] #test for a link
  rm $file_d1

  if my assumption is wrong then pls reply and ill do what i can to assist.



"Programming, an artform that fights back."


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] Galeon and Java

2001-12-03 Thread Rich

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 12:27, Mark D'voo wrote:
 to get java working, run mozilla as root (is this safe ?), go to, it will tell you that you need the java plug-in, say ok, when 
 it takes you to the new web page, click java for linux, it should download 
 and install, restart mozilla, and java should work, java should now also work 
 in galeon as regular user

Hey thanks!  I was having the same problem and it never occurred to me
to run as root. 

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Re: [newbie] XFree upgrade question

2001-12-03 Thread tek1


i have 2 basic questions abt xfree86:

how can you easily tell what version you are running?

i believe that i'm running 3.3.6 (because it mandrake software manager, 
under installed, i found xfree86-server-common 3.3.6), but i'd like to 
upgrade to 4.1.0.  what is the best way to upgrade?  it looks like 4.1.0 
came with the mandrake installation, as i found xfree86-server 4.1.0 under 
the installable listing.  can i just check this file and the other 
xfree86 files that have 4.1.0 listed next to them and click install?  with 
that automatically uninstall or upgrade the already installed 3.3.6 xfree stuff?

thanks...  :) 

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Re: Re: [newbie] KDE Died (The Blue Screen of Death)..... why? NOWVIRI LERT

2001-12-03 Thread Michael Leone

Content-Type: audio/x-wav;

followed by giberish. I tried to reply but it bounced. I am trying
again by removing the underscore. Could just be a spammer.

It's a Windows virus. The gibberish is the encoded virus executable


Michael J. Leone  Registered Linux user #201348 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 50453890 AIM: MikeLeone

PGP Fingerprint: 0AA8 DC47 CB63 AE3F C739 6BF9 9AB4 1EF6 5AA5 BCDF
PGP public key:

Foreman, roving paving crew, Dept. of Roads, Hades.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] kapm-idled?

2001-12-03 Thread Travis Olds

On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, NDPTAL85 wrote:

 In top what is kapm-idled and why is it taking up all of my CPU time? Is 
 it just marking how much idle CPU time there is?

Not quite its actually the kernels advanced power management process. What
normally happens when your machine is idle, has nothing to do, it will
execute a special no-op instruction which, as the name suggests does
nothing at all except to keep the machine ticking over. Now what the
kapm-idle process does is it runs whenever the machine is idle and
replaces these no-ops with a special instruction to cause the processor to
shutdown some parts to conserve power, and also as a side effect
reduce heat output. Cool huh!

 I'm using Mandrake 8.1 with 2.4.13-12mdk

All recent kernels have this option.

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[newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

hi gang,

  i read a tip in the muo board about loading two desktop/window manager. i know about 
changing consoles so im looking for the direction on how to load an additional window 
manager in another console. simply invoking in another console the startx (actually 
Xtart) produces a lock error since I think the startup default to the :0 console or 
something and the lock file still exists.

  i currently am internet-handicapped so im hoping the speed of this mailing list will 
provide an answer. if its any help, im planning to use blackbox on another console 
since running GNOME while KDE is up is a little bit overkill for my needs (and a waste 
of CPU cycles ;-) .



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] Galeon and Java

2001-12-03 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Monday 03 December 2001 07:55 pm, Rich wrote:
 On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 12:27, Mark D'voo wrote:
  to get java working, run mozilla as root (is this safe ?), go to, it will tell you that you need the java plug-in,
  say ok, when it takes you to the new web page, click java for
  linux, it should download and install, restart mozilla, and java
  should work, java should now also work in galeon as regular user

 Hey thanks!  I was having the same problem and it never occurred to
 me to run as root.

   It's not safe, and you NEVER should connect as root. For much the 
same reasons you should NEVER use Windoze to connect at all. In both 
situations, anybody has root capabilities.  Even worse is the idea of 
d/l'g and installing while connected as root. 
  Tom Brinkman             Galveston Bay, USA

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[newbie] Re: mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 09:05:07 -0500
Anuerin G.  Diaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi gang,
   i read a tip in the muo board about loading two desktop/window manager. i know 
about changing consoles so im looking for the direction on how to load an additional 
window manager in another console. simply invoking in another console the startx 
(actually Xtart) produces a lock error since I think the startup default to the :0 
console or something and the lock file still exists.
   i currently am internet-handicapped so im hoping the speed of this mailing list 
will provide an answer. if its any help, im planning to use blackbox on another 
console since running GNOME while KDE is up is a little bit overkill for my needs 
(and a waste of CPU cycles ;-) .

or XFCE. i forgot to add that. ;-)
im using the j2me wireless toolkit and its unusable in KDE. just additional info.



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Derek Jennings

The simplest way I've found (without having to remember complicated commands)
is to simply hit CTL+Alt+F2 and then log on as root and type gdm  This will 
put you straight into the gnome log on window and from there you can open the 
window manager of your choice.

Its a helluva good demonstration of linux to switch between users/window 
managers with a single key action :-)


On Tuesday 04 December 2001 14:05, you wrote:
 hi gang,

   i read a tip in the muo board about loading two desktop/window manager. i
 know about changing consoles so im looking for the direction on how to load
 an additional window manager in another console. simply invoking in another
 console the startx (actually Xtart) produces a lock error since I think the
 startup default to the :0 console or something and the lock file still

   i currently am internet-handicapped so im hoping the speed of this
 mailing list will provide an answer. if its any help, im planning to use
 blackbox on another console since running GNOME while KDE is up is a little
 bit overkill for my needs (and a waste of CPU cycles ;-) .


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Re: [newbie] can't eject cdrom

2001-12-03 Thread ethan

you know what's strange:

I tried to insert a normal CD into the tray and it mounts. So eject command
is able to eject the cdrom

after that, once I insert the audio cd inside, eject also can eject the cdrom

previously eject cannot eject the audio cdrom. Does anyone have an idea of
what happened ???



Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas wrote:
  -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, ethan wrote:Hi, Ethan!I've seen these msg just now! I hope it helps!I had recently something this! I messed up the symlinks!Try in this order:1.type 'eject' as root! if it work, you have permissions problems!as root, correct them!If it doesn't work, correct the symlinks but, before... See #2.*Yes! no arguments!*(does it open anything? I have one cdrom, one cd-rw and one zipdrive andmount them all and just type "eject"!)2. try: eject /dev/hdX (the 'X'n is the a,b,c or d, depending on yourconfig!*If this works, so the problem is really the symlink! You have tobuild/rebuild them!3. To fix *my* own mess, I've included "dvfs=nomount" into LILO 'append'label! (I removed that after fixing!)4. I fixed the symlinks like, "ln -s /dev/hdb /dev/cdrom" (I've lookedinto fstab to check which
 one was correct).5. Now, I'm happily eject everything!6. eject has a serious 'bug'! it does NOT work for "in-laws" ;-) (It wouldbe great!)HTH,Ricardo Castanho
nope. tried that as well:eject cdrom and /dev/cdrom gives:eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

- -- Whenever possible mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]==Linux user # 102240 = Machine # 96125 = Seti@home user==-BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6iEYEARECAAYFAjwLusAACgkQ9I0k95pf9XvXjgCgg7bhjwZFeZX8VOYVfaKPuMnf28sAoJR06+E0ztEXyPCONwo/IR4sOphe=zkfp-END PGP SIGNATURE-
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Re: [newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:38:43 +
Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The simplest way I've found (without having to remember complicated commands)
 is to simply hit CTL+Alt+F2 and then log on as root and type gdm  This will 
 put you straight into the gnome log on window and from there you can open the 
 window manager of your choice.
 Its a helluva good demonstration of linux to switch between users/window 
 managers with a single key action :-)

thanks for the quick reply but i may have hit a snag...

  following your suggestion, I was presented with a warning that another application 
(xfs?? cant remember) is already occupying display :0 (expected) so I let it try 
another display number. that's when everything went haywire. i think i just witnessed 
the 'respawing too fast problem' since my monitor kept on flickering. i switched to 
another console using ctrl+alt+f6 and tried to logon but the monitor flickers too fast 
for me to be able to press enter for the username. i just powered down and i just 
first witnessed a journalling system in action. ;-)

  so i am looking for another route to the problem of using multiple managers. if i 
remember right, i think somebody mentioned it during the satirical exchange about 
linux and windows in this list (why they hate linux or something). if somebody out 
there is saving those messages, i would be indebted if you could send me a copy of 
that message.



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Mark D'voo

from any command line you can just run:
startx -- :1 or if you want three graphic desktops
startx -- :2 if you want to run gnome
startx /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1 


On Tuesday 04 December 2001 21:22, you wrote:
 On Tue, 4 Dec 2001 01:38:43 +

 Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The simplest way I've found (without having to remember complicated
  commands) is to simply hit CTL+Alt+F2 and then log on as root and type
  gdm  This will put you straight into the gnome log on window and from
  there you can open the window manager of your choice.
  Its a helluva good demonstration of linux to switch between users/window
  managers with a single key action :-)

 thanks for the quick reply but i may have hit a snag...

   following your suggestion, I was presented with a warning that another
 application (xfs?? cant remember) is already occupying display :0
 (expected) so I let it try another display number. that's when everything
 went haywire. i think i just witnessed the 'respawing too fast problem'
 since my monitor kept on flickering. i switched to another console using
 ctrl+alt+f6 and tried to logon but the monitor flickers too fast for me to
 be able to press enter for the username. i just powered down and i just
 first witnessed a journalling system in action. ;-)

   so i am looking for another route to the problem of using multiple
 managers. if i remember right, i think somebody mentioned it during the
 satirical exchange about linux and windows in this list (why they hate
 linux or something). if somebody out there is saving those messages, i
 would be indebted if you could send me a copy of that message.


  8:39pm  up  2:23,  3 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.34, 0.41

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Re: [newbie] Modem Conection

2001-12-03 Thread Brian P.D. Smyth

Lúcio Costa de Almeida wrote:

 Hello folks !!!
 Can Anyone help me?
 One Friend of my, both a pc:
 AMD Athon 1GHz,
 256 RAM,
 2 HD's 20Gb, (Window$, Linux)
 1 DVD (LG),
 1 CDRW (LG)
 And the problem --Fax/modem: USR 3cp5610a
 I can't do this modem worked in Windows or Linux, I
 tryed all COM Ports, in Window$, (COM1 and COM2); and
 all Linux ports, too.
 No modem detected !!!
 Please, Help me !
 Yahoo! GeoCities
 Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCities. É 
fácil e grátis!
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I have the same modem and I use ttyS4 (COM5).


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[newbie] Alternative to QuickTime

2001-12-03 Thread ethan

what's the best alternative to QuickTime ? Ran into a site that requires
QT but problem is that its only available for Windoze and Mac...


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Re: [newbie] Alternative to QuickTime

2001-12-03 Thread mycal62
try this url :

Mike McNeese
Springdale Ar. USA   

If you only see obstacles in your path
You have stopped seeing your goal. 

Registered Linux User # 248955
Since Aug. 1997

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Re: [newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 20:40:15 +0600
Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 from any command line you can just run:
 startx -- :1 or if you want three graphic desktops
 startx -- :2 if you want to run gnome
 startx /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1 

thanks mark but i encountered this while running xfce (it was run using starx and KDE 
is my default desktop manager). this is a little bit long... thanks!

[adiaz@Ronin bin]$ startx -- :1

XFree86 Version 4.1.0 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6510)
Release Date: 2 June 2001
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.8-5mdkenterprise i686 [ELF]
Module Loader present
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.1.log, Time: Tue Dec  4 10:53:49 2001
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) ServerLayout layout1
(**) |--Screen screen1 (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor monitor1
(**) |   |--Device Intel 815
(**) |--Input Device Mouse1
(**) |--Input Device Keyboard1
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) XKB: model: pc105
(**) XKB: layout: us
(**) FontPath set to unix/:-1
(**) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
(==) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
(--) using VT number 8

(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 0.1.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Module scanpci: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 0.1.0
(II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(--) PCI:*(0:2:0) Intel i815 rev 2, Mem @ 0xf800/26, 0xf700/19
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdbe.a
(II) Module dbe: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a
(II) Module glx: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a
(II) Module GLcore: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a
(II) Module dri: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libdrm.a
(II) Module drm: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libextmod.a
(II) Module extmod: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libtype1.a
(II) Module type1: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libfreetype.a
(II) Module freetype: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.1.9
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o
(II) Module i810: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
(II) Module mouse: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) I810: Driver for Intel i810 chipset: i810, i810-dc100, i810e, i815
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset i815 found
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
(II) Module vgahw: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 0.1.0
(**) I810(0): Depth 16, (--) framebuffer bpp 16
(==) I810(0): RGB weight 565
(==) I810(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvbe.a
(II) Module vbe: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libint10.a
(II) Module int10: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) I810(0): initializing int10
(II) I810(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(II) I810(0): VESA BIOS detected
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libddc.a
(II) Module ddc: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) I810(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
(II) I810(0): Manufacturer: PHL  Model: 770c  Serial#: 140626
(II) I810(0): Year: 2000  Week: 11
(II) I810(0): EDID Version: 1.1
(II) I810(0): Analog Display Input,  Input Voltage Level: 0.700/0.700 V
(II) I810(0): Sync:  Separate
(II) I810(0): Max H-Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 31  vert.: 23
(II) I810(0): Gamma: 2.77
(II) I810(0): DPMS capabilities: StandBy 

Re: [newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Mark D'voo

true, it doesn't bother me though, If you are using kde you can press alt-f2 
(run command), and type it in there, then you won't see any of the debug info

On Tuesday 04 December 2001 21:57, you wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 20:40:15 +0600

 Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  from any command line you can just run:
  startx -- :1 or if you want three graphic desktops
  startx -- :2 if you want to run gnome
  startx /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1

 thanks mark but i encountered this while running xfce (it was run using
 starx and KDE is my default desktop manager). this is a little bit long...

 [adiaz@Ronin bin]$ startx -- :1

 XFree86 Version 4.1.0 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6510)
 Release Date: 2 June 2001
 If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
 newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
 reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
 Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.8-5mdkenterprise i686 [ELF]
 Module Loader present
 (==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.1.log, Time: Tue Dec  4 10:53:49 2001
 (==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
  (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
  (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
 (==) ServerLayout layout1
 (**) |--Screen screen1 (0)
 (**) |   |--Monitor monitor1
 (**) |   |--Device Intel 815
 (**) |--Input Device Mouse1
 (**) |--Input Device Keyboard1
 (**) XKB: rules: xfree86
 (**) XKB: model: pc105
 (**) XKB: layout: us
 (**) FontPath set to unix/:-1
 (**) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
 (==) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
 (--) using VT number 8

 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
 (II) Module bitmap: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
 (II) Module pcidata: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 0.1.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
 (II) Module scanpci: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 0.1.0
 (II) Unloading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
 (--) PCI:*(0:2:0) Intel i815 rev 2, Mem @ 0xf800/26, 0xf700/19
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdbe.a
 (II) Module dbe: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a
 (II) Module glx: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a
 (II) Module GLcore: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a
 (II) Module dri: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libdrm.a
 (II) Module drm: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libextmod.a
 (II) Module extmod: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libtype1.a
 (II) Module type1: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libfreetype.a
 (II) Module freetype: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.1.9
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o
 (II) Module i810: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/mouse_drv.o
 (II) Module mouse: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) I810: Driver for Intel i810 chipset: i810, i810-dc100, i810e, i815
 (--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
 (--) Chipset i815 found
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
 (II) Module vgahw: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 0.1.0
 (**) I810(0): Depth 16, (--) framebuffer bpp 16
 (==) I810(0): RGB weight 565
 (==) I810(0): Default visual is TrueColor
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvbe.a
 (II) Module vbe: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libint10.a
 (II) Module int10: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) I810(0): initializing int10
 (II) I810(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
 (II) I810(0): VESA BIOS detected
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libddc.a
 (II) Module ddc: vendor=The XFree86 Project
 compiled for 4.1.0, module version = 1.0.0
 (II) I810(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
 (II) I810(0): Manufacturer: PHL  Model: 770c  Serial#: 

Re: [newbie] memory: leaks and fragmentations

2001-12-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Ed Tharp wrote:
 well now... i guess it depends on your dafinition (spelled the way i wanted)
 of what is a memory leak. i would have bet that was abiword cacheing the
 documentsand I have noticed the same behaivior with Adobe Photoshop. it does
 make re-opening the same file somewhat quicker in my opinion. but I would
 not have called it a leak' as the mem was returned (for the most part, it is
 a winders program)

It's not a cache.  After each of these steps, check the resources
available in the Resource Meter.  Open AbiWord.  Open an existing
document in AbiWord (which creates a new window).  Close that document. 
Open it, close it, open it, close it, ... After each open close cycle
you will notice that fewer and fewer resources are available.  Is
AbiWord caching the same document multiple times?  (If that is the case,
it is just as good as a memory leak.)

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] How to execute .jar files on LM 8.1

2001-12-03 Thread tek1

what exactly are you trying to do?

you usually run .jar, if it has a class in it that defines the main() method, as:

java -jar FILE.jar

At 22:35 01/12/03 -0500, you wrote:
How do run .jar files on Mandrake 8.1? I still have not figured it out.

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you.
Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to be sure.
   -Murphy's Law

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Re: [newbie] How to execute .jar files on LM 8.1

2001-12-03 Thread Jon Doe

On Mon, 03 Dec 2001 22:46:37 +0900
tek1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what exactly are you trying to do?
 you usually run .jar, if it has a class in it that defines the main() method, as:
 java -jar FILE.jar

That is what I am doing, this is what I get and it doesn't have anything to do with 
this particular file, I get this error for any .jar file:

[jon@linuxgeek jon]$ java -jar JAP.jar
Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: JAPView
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(

How do I set the classpath? Or is that even gonna fix it?

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Re: [newbie] mulitple desktop managers

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

it should not but I still dont see where the second manager went (did it come up?). i 
thought the loading failed as is implied by the the 'Fatal Server Error'.


On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 21:02:23 +0600
Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 true, it doesn't bother me though, If you are using kde you can press alt-f2 
 (run command), and type it in there, then you won't see any of the debug info
 On Tuesday 04 December 2001 21:57, you wrote:
  On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 20:40:15 +0600
  Mark D'voo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   from any command line you can just run:
   startx -- :1 or if you want three graphic desktops
   startx -- :2 if you want to run gnome
   startx /usr/bin/gnome-session -- :1
  thanks mark but i encountered this while running xfce (it was run using
  starx and KDE is my default desktop manager). this is a little bit long...
  [adiaz@Ronin bin]$ startx -- :1
  XFree86 Version 4.1.0 / X Window System


  Fatal server error:
  AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
  When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
  the full server output, not just the last messages.
  This can be found in the log file /var/log/XFree86.1.log.
  Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  XIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :1.0
after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] How to execute .jar files on LM 8.1

2001-12-03 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 22:52:03 -0500
Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 03 Dec 2001 22:46:37 +0900
 tek1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  what exactly are you trying to do?
  you usually run .jar, if it has a class in it that defines the main() method, as:
  java -jar FILE.jar
 That is what I am doing, this is what I get and it doesn't have anything to do with 
this particular file, I get this error for any .jar file:
 [jon@linuxgeek jon]$ java -jar JAP.jar
 Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
 Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
 java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: JAPView
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
 at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main(
 How do I set the classpath? Or is that even gonna fix it?

what version of java do you want to use? im using the one from sun and its working 

classpath is defined in the .bashrc (single person) or in the /etc/profile (all 
users). my .bashrc entries look like this:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.3.1/

and ditch the kaffe if you dont need v1.1.x support (i use the blackbox port when i 
want that kind of support).



Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

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Re: [newbie] bash script

2001-12-03 Thread Paul Rodríguez

With some [read LOTS] of help on IRC, I found way to do this:

find dir1/ -lname /dir2 | xargs rm

this find all files in dir1 which link to dir2 (it's important to know
whether you want to find files that link relatively or absolutely), then
pipes this info to xargs and rm.  Try it just up to the pipe to see how
it lists the links.  

For mroe info, check out man find and man xargs

-Paul Rodríguez

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 16:47, Paul Rodríguez wrote:
 Lets say I have files in Dir2 which I have symlinks for in Dir1.  
 So the contents of Dir1 include links to all the files in Dir2, plus
 files of its own...
 I want to delete all of those symlinks in Dir1 for Dir2, without
 deleting anything else, or going through them one by one...
 Is there a way I can say something like..
   rm -rf /Dir1/(output of ls Dir2)
 Or, said another way...
   rm -rf /Dir1/(all symlinks to contents of Dir2)
 -Paul Rodríguez
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Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Alternative to QuickTime

2001-12-03 Thread ethan

from what i can see, it provides only the libraries needed to run quicktime
movies. Are there any executable binaries that can be used as plugins to
Linux Netscape 6.2 ? thanks...

mycal62 wrote:
  try this url :
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[newbie] Internet connection sharing

2001-12-03 Thread Brian Parish

I have just dedicated one of my machines as a Linux server.  Installed
Mandrake 8.1 and chose server partitioning.  Almost everything works great!

That is it does immediately after I set up internet connection sharing, but
after a server reboot I can no longer use the shared connection until I
configure it again.

i.e. I use the wizard in DrakConf.  It tells me that this is already
configured.  I click on the Configure button anyway and it reruns the scripts
and everything works again.

Reboot and it's no go.  It's a dialup connection and it still dials OK - is
then accessable from the server, but not to the client machines.

I'm planning to do the server tutorial stuff and learn what's behind the
wizard, but right now I need a quick fix (don't we all!), or at least a
starting point on where to look for a diagnostic.

As always, any help is much appreciated.


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[newbie] How do I uninstall?

2001-12-03 Thread The Willis Family

Hash: MD5

Hello newbie,

  Is there an easy way to uninstall Linux on a machine?  I have to
  reclaim some space and unfortunately Linux has to go for now.

  Rudy Willis

- --
Best regards,
 The Willis Family  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6


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