[newbie-it] Mago Gnomo Nuovo

2001-12-30 Thread Francesco Vinci

Ciao Magi :o),
Ci siete?
Ed io, sono sulla lista giusta?
Io ho installato Mandrake 8.1 e come interfaccia ho scelto Gnome.
La presenza di Gnome nella suddetta distro è come si deve o mi conviene
operare un qualche aggiornamento specifico?

Sto avendo spesso dei problemi o all'avvio, o all'arresto del sistema. Si
blocca e devo resettare o spegnere via pulsante sul computer.

A parte quest'inconveniente, ora vorrei imparare a farci qualcosa.
Per esempio, mi piacerebbe imparare a rimaneggiare i sorgenti di qualche
gioco. Per esempio del gioco NetHack Falcon's Eye, che ho trovato appunto
nella Mandrake 8.1.
Vabbhè, diciamo che mi piacerebbe farlo io un mio gioco, ma credo mi convenga
incominciare studiando e rimaneggiando materiale che c'è già. :o)
Purtroppo sono profano e spaesato e linux mi sembra ancora un labirinto.
Quali sono gli strumenti che devo usare? Dove li trovo?
E sorgenti, annessi e connessi dove stanno?

Assodati questi punti fondamentali, dovrò imparare a leggere e capire il
codice sorgente :o)
Esistono aiuti per questo? Cioè cose tipo un programma che a partire da un
sorgente crea un flow chart?
Se proprio non c'è (nè su linux, nè su qualche OS di ripiego temporaneo),
dovrò farne a meno. Ma mi serviranno in ogni caso un dizionario
enciclopedico ed una grammatica della lingua del sorgente, altrimenti, mi
resta geroglifico :o)
Dizionario e grammatica che devono essere in italiano, altrimenti mi resta
ostrogoto, che conosco quanto il geroglifico :o)

Qualcuno può informarmi in merito?

Grazie e Buon Anno a tutti i Magi ed a tutti gli Gnomi.

Lunga Vita  T'Puffosita' :o)
La T'Puffo-Forza sia con te :o)

Francesco Tiahuanaco Vinci

Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Linux

2001-12-30 Thread Nicola Girardi

Rispondo all'indirizzo della lista e non direttamente pensando che il mio
problema ( e la sua auspicata soluzione) possa interessare anche altri visto
che il modem 3com dual link viene fornito direttamente da Infostrada.
Nel pannello di controllo di Win rilevo due diverse nuove componenti
hardware (oltre una scheda di rete prima non evidenziata):
- Home connect  ADSL modem USB driver
- 3com dual link Mgmt Adapter
Nell'archivio della lista ho nel frattempo rinvenuto una e.mail del 31\10\01
(relativa allo stesso tipo di modem) che rinviava ad un sito :
La pagina inizava con questa indicazione Il modem 3COM ADSL DualLink
presenta sia un'interfaccia USB che una Ethernet
La pagina stessa, ritengo, contiene la soluzione al mio problema ma
formulata in modo per me assolutamente incomprensibile.
Grazie ancora

- Original Message -
From: Marco Summo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2001 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] ADSL e Linux

| Alle 17:08, sabato 29 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
|  Sono piu' che newbie... Ho appena installato Mandrake 8.1 che so
|  (male) solo con KDE. Dopo numerosi tentativi ho installato il tutto
|  riuscire a configurare la connessione via Internet con linea ADSL
|  Il modem e' un 3com Home Connect Dual link modem (modello 0788). Ho
| Non vorrei essere pessimista ma ho paura che il tuo modem non sia ancora
| supportato da linux.
| Riesci a essere piu' preciso sul tipo di modem che hai? (usb o ethernet?)
| un saluto e a presto
| Marco

[newbie-it] Iconcine

2001-12-30 Thread Alberto Zanoni

quando creo un'icona sul desktop, in modo tale che quando ci clicco sopra mi 
parta un'applicazione, ho imparato che devo mettere l'icona che voglio in 
/usr/share/icons (se già non c'è), che viene letta dal tool di creazione. 
Quando il programma è in azione, sulla barra in fondo allo schermo, nella 
sezione relativa alle finestre aperte, compaiono i nomi delle applicazioni 
lanciate, con una piccola icona per ciascuno di essi. Per le applicazioni 
standard ci sono le apposite iconcine, ma per quelle aggiunte da me (ed 
anche per kppp, a dir la verità) compaiono solo punti di domanda. Come faccio 
ad indicare le mini-icone che voglio associare alle applicazioni ? Ho provato 
a mettere in /usr/share/icons/mini una mini-icona con lo stesso nome di 
quella che metto nel link sul desktop, ma non ha funzionato.

Suggerimenti ? Grazie anticipate, a presto.

[newbie-it] Registrazione da dischi in vinile

2001-12-30 Thread Gabriele Gardelli

Quale programma posso usare per registrare su hd da dischi in vinile e poi 

Re: [newbie-it] Materizzatore

2001-12-30 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 10:39, domenica 30 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
   Grazie mille per l'aiuto,

 dunque cdrecord l'ho installato, ma come faccio a dire a Lilo di
 caricare l'emulatore scsi.
 Scusami ma sono un megapivellolinuxquasidipendente.

 Ciao Milko

Da Control Center vai in boot config e fai conto che devi modificare il boot 
loader. Edita l'opzione che si chiama linux e nella sezione append dovresti 
 devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsi
così che verrà caricato all'avvio il modulo che ti serve.
Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.1
KDE 2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

Re: [newbie-it] Registrazione da dischi in vinile

2001-12-30 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati

Alle 18:54, domenica 30 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
 Quale programma posso usare per registrare su hd da dischi in vinile e poi
Nel menu Multimedia non dovresi vederlo ma nel pacchetto multimedia di Gnome 
c'e' il programma grecord.
Prova a lanciarlo da terminale e vedi se fa al tuo caso.
Io l'ho usato per rivercare un vecchio LP su CD creando i file WAV per poi 
masterizzarli con XCDRoast.
Giovanni Mazzamati

Linux Mandrake 8.1
KDE 2.2 user
Registred User #183142

Un giorno le macchine riusciranno a risolvere tutti i problemi,
ma mai nessuna di esse potrà porne uno.

Albert Einstein

[newbie-it] Piccola indagine di mercatato..

2001-12-30 Thread Flavio Bosio

Mi chiedevo..
ci sarebbero degli interessati a partecipare ad un corso on-line per 
amministratori di sistema?

Ancora da definire

Saluti e buon anno

Re: [newbie-it] epson_stylus_c60

2001-12-30 Thread Corrado

Il ven, 2001-12-28 alle 11:40, manolo simoni ha scritto:
 grazie in anticipo
 ho installato una epson stylus c60
 che dovrebbe essere ottimale con la mia mandrake 8.1
 qualcuno mi sa dire quale driver dovrei utilizzare
 sul sito di mandrake non e' indicato
 o perlomeno non l'ho trovato
 quello proposto da hard-drake (non mi pare presente un driver per la 
 stampante in oggetto)
 non mi pare che stampi in maniera ottimale
 particolarmente i colori
 forse devo cambiare qualche impostazione?

Non garantisco nulla perchè con la mia Stylus Photo 810 ho qualche
problema, ma qui http://www.epkowa.co.jp/english/linux_e/pips_e.html
potresti trovare il driver adeguato. Sono closed source, ma è
incoraggiante sapere che ci stanno lavorando... :)


Re: [newbie-it] Materizzatore

2001-12-30 Thread Milko Ferioli

Grazie Mille per l'aiuto,
Funzionatutto perfettamente.

Ciao Milko

Giovanni Mazzamati wrote:
  Alle 10:39, domenica 30 dicembre 2001, hai scritto:
  Grazie mille per l'aiuto,dunque cdrecord l'ho installato, ma come faccio a dire a Lilo dicaricare l'emulatore scsi.Scusami ma sono un megapivellolinuxquasidipendente.Ciao Milko

Da Control Center vai in boot config e fai conto che devi modificare il boot loader. Edita l'opzione che si chiama linux e nella sezione append dovresti avere devfs=mount hdd=ide-scsicos che verr caricato all'avvio il modulo che ti serve.

Re: [newbie-it] Piccola indagine di mercatato..

2001-12-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Mi chiedevo..
 ci sarebbero degli interessati a partecipare ad un corso on-line per 
 amministratori di sistema?
 Ancora da definire
 Saluti e buon anno

Sisi.. io sarei anche interessato.. solo se gratis cmq

Re: [newbie-it] Piccola indagine di mercatato..

2001-12-30 Thread michele

anchio  solo se e gratis :)
saluti e buon anno
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Piccola indagine di mercatato..

  Mi chiedevo..
  ci sarebbero degli interessati a partecipare ad un corso on-line per 
  amministratori di sistema?
  Ancora da definire
  Saluti e buon anno
 Sisi.. io sarei anche interessato.. solo se gratis cmq

Re: [newbie-it] Piccola indagine di mercatato..

2001-12-30 Thread Marco

 anchio  solo se e gratis :)
 saluti e buon anno

anch'io, come sopra ... ;-)

Auguri a tutti!


Re: [newbie] Alias question...

2001-12-30 Thread Tim Holmes

*Slight* correction. :0) 

In bash you need quotes if the alias includes spaces.


alias z=zwrite

That DOES NOT need quotes.

alias mp='mplayer -vo x11'

This alias DOES need quotes.

I know... I'm nit-picking, just giving away free information! :0)

  T. Holmes  |  UNIXTECHS.org  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | On Saturday 29 December 2001 17:06, you wrote:
 |  Hi. I'm trying to get to alias's (pleural sp?) to work and am having
 |  a problem. Here is what I put into /home/darklord/.bashrc:
 |  alias diablo2=winex /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Diablo\ II/Game.exe
 |  alias starcraft=winex /mnt/windows/Program\
 |  Files/Starcraft/starcraft.exe
 |  Bash always complains that it can not find either of the *.exe files.
 |  It doesn't complain about the path to them...
 | In bash you need quotes around the aliased command if it consists of 
 | more than one word.
 | S
 | -- 
 |  Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines 
 | Remove the fruit to obtain reply address:
 | spencer at lasermount satsuma dot uklinux dot net
 | 5:57pm up 35 days, 3:57, 13 users, load average: 0.05, 0.12, 0.20
 | Registered Linux User #232457
 | Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 | Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

  - Uptime ---
  6:06PM  up 66 days,  6:45, 3 users, load averages: 0.02, 0.02, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] linux on a Netvista

2001-12-30 Thread Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

from a cold boot on ur ibm netvista .. press f1

u can also make a boot floppy to access ur lm cd.
under windows theres an .exe that will rawwrite a boot floppy for u.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 4:46 PM
Subject: [newbie] linux on a Netvista

 Hi all,

 I have an IBM Netvista 1 gig Athlon with that dumbass bios that IBM's

 It won't boot from the CD-RW (or at least I can't get it to).

 It fails on cdrom.img and other.img telling me to change disks and

 So I am at a loss as to how to get 8.1 installed on this thing.

 So my Questions are thus:

 1. How do I specify this thing to boot from the CDROM, I can't find the
 entry in Bios.
 2. I saw something in the list recently about  what to do with systems
 use shared memory.. but I can't find it, something like: linux
 memory=(memory - video memory.)
 3. Has anyone else got this working on a Netvista?
 4. Is there a problem getting 8.1 to boot from the CDRW ?? ie do I need to
 add another CDROM to get it to read from it???
 5. This thing has a USB keyboard, is that likely to cause a problem?

 I have the proper MDK8.1 Powerpack disks that have worked fine on other
 PC's... so its not the disks.

 Any tips, help or anything else would be much appreciated.
 If I can't get this thing running 8.1, then I have to load win2000 on it,
 and I don't want to do that..



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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-30 Thread Jamie Fowlie

This appears to be a common problem in 8.1 software manager.
I have used the following solution after wasting 2 days of reinstalling,
searching, reinstalling:

delete all references to the ftp site in:

Software manager should work again.
Reload the list of security sites, and don't choose the offending site (nor
the one I choose :  ftp. club-internet.fr ...)

Good luck

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of mr_tortoise (Nathan
Sent: sábado 29 de diciembre de 2001 18:19
Subject: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

Hello.  The Mandrake Software Manager freezes on startup when it attempts to
refresh the security update source I defined (ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu).  I
have checked the ftp site and can logon anonymously with no problem.  I did
not provide a username and password for the security update source thinking
it would logon anonymously by default.  Is there any way I can delete me
current settings without running the Software Manager?


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Re: [newbie] headers and kernel not matching..

2001-12-30 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 01:46:32 +0800
Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I just looked at the cooker site at:
 and I downloaded the latest kernel (
 then I went to download the headers and they are a completely different
 to be exact.
 Why are they no longer the same?  I heard that the headers were gonna not be
 a seperate RPM, but included elsewhere,
 is this the first step to that?? or am I just looking at the FTP site at the
 wrong time? (ie while its updating?)
 I have just joined the cooker list to see if lurking can help with my cooker

The basic kernel headers are now part of the glibc pkg which for is glibc-2.2.4-18mdk.
If you will notice -18 in glibc matches -18 in  kernel-headers-2.4.16-18mdk.

The headers now will no longer be changed with each new kernel but only 
when it is necessary to update glibc.


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[newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi All People,

When I rebuild  src.rpm  it prompted
Make :  tex : can't find command

What is this command ?


Stephen Liu

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Re: [newbie] Alias question...

2001-12-30 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Spencer Collyer wrote:

 In bash you need quotes around the aliased command if it consists of
 more than one word.

Thank you!


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Re: [newbie] Alias question...

2001-12-30 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 29 December 2001 19:06, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Hi. I'm trying to get to alias's (pleural sp?) to work and am having a
 problem. Here is what I put into /home/darklord/.bashrc:

 alias diablo2=winex /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Diablo\ II/Game.exe
 alias starcraft=winex /mnt/windows/Program\

 PS Program Files and Diablo II have blank spaces in them, so I had to
 use the \ character, right? If I enter either of these commands as is
 from a shell, they execute just fine...

Instead of using the \ escape character, try encasing the whole thing in 
double quotes: 

alias diablo2=winex /mnt/windows/Program Files/Diablo II/Game.exe

Sometimes one method works better than the other, dunno why

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/unisa.ac.za   http://www.geocities.com/clasqm
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx dmnstrtn

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[newbie] Firewall Configuration

2001-12-30 Thread Jamie Fowlie

Don't know if this question is appropriate here, but here goes!

I want to configure the Mandrake Single Network Firewall in my LAN. We have
cable-modem access (cisco router) with a fixed ip address (212.51.61.xxx)

Internet access is acquired with a second ip address on the server/gateway
212.51.61.xxy) connected to the cisco router
We want to run various servers (an IIS/NT4 box and Linux-Mandrake)

We use a LAN config...  etc. connected to a second NIC on the
server and a switcher.

Present setup:

 Internet  ROUTER (212.51.61.xxx) --- NT Server NIC 1
NT Server NIC 
2 ( --- Linux/PCs(10.10.10.n)

(Windows NT is running WINROUTE lite to handle portmapping)


Internet  ROUTER (212.51.61.xxx) --- Linux FIREWALL NIC 1
(212.51.61.xxy)All servers/PCs (10.10.10.n)

Question: Is it absolutely necessary to have two NICs in my firewall box?
One for the outside connection (212. etc) and another to handle the LAN
(192.168. etc)? Or can I manage the entire steup with one NIC?

Thanks, in advance for any advice or direction to some documentation on
configurations for Firewalls

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Re: [newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 30 December 2001 08:26 am, Stephen Liu wrote:
 Hi All People,

 When I rebuild  src.rpm  it prompted
 Make :  tex : can't find command

 What is this command ?

 ~ $ which tex

 ~ $ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/tex

   Note:  the -31.1mdk means this was probly a security update

  Tom Brinkman     Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-30 Thread Dave Sherman

On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 20:32, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
 On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:17:59 +0900
 Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunday, December 30, 2001):
  One of the things that _no_one_ should be concerned about any longer is 
  compatibility with MS Office.
  This is absolutely impossible for me. I exchange so many files
  (spreadsheet, doc and presentation) with so many customers and other
  staff members that unfortunately Office has become the standard by
  which we exchange compatible files. Not being compatible with MS Office -
  at least in my case - is unthinkable.
 I know I'm coming in late on this thread, but Star Office handles this very thing 
beautifully. ALL of it.

I think Civileme's point was that if/when the UCITA law passes in
Washington, USA, then Microsoft (headquartered in Washington) will be
able to make a minor change to their proprietary .doc/.xls/whatever file
formats, and it will be illegal for Sun or anyone else to
reverse-engineer that file format to create a new filter for their
competing office suite. And if anyone DOES reverse-engineer the file
format, then MS can sue them to smithereens, and even try to go for a
prison sentence, since their EULA will carry the force of law.

Civileme's further point, to which Doug balked, was that we should all
be looking to move away from MS' (or anyone else's, for that matter)
proprietary file formats, as a pre-emptive move so that we are not
locked into yet another MS monopoly if/when UCITA passes. In our own
self-interest, we should be changing to open file formats, like xml
(which StarOffice 6.0 uses, by the way).

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good
with ketchup.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Must get my iMac running Linux b4 the New Year!

2001-12-30 Thread David Bovill

Please help...

Can't get openfirmware to boot into Mandrake. Don't know how to tell what
version of OpenFirmWare the iMac is running (did it say 1.0?), or exactly
what to type in and how to shutdown after entering into the openfirmware

Help me start the New Year with Linux?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] OT: OpenBios?

2001-12-30 Thread Jon Doe

I know nothing about BIOS, but my question would be can openBios be installed on any 


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Re: [newbie] OT: OpenBios?

2001-12-30 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 30 December 2001 10:50 am, Jon Doe wrote:
 I know nothing about BIOS, 

   A fairly simple explaination
   (also read the ROM and EEPROM links)

but my question would be can openBios be
 installed on any computer?

   Well, you got me curious since I haven't looked at their page in a 
very long time.http://www.freiburg.linux.de/openbios/   It's 
evident they're still warning that the project is a long way from 
being ready for prime time.  and  A lot of work has to be done on 
the development environment.

   Also, my own take on this is that with rapid changes in 
motherboard hardware and bios requirements for ever changing 
cpu-cache-ram-peripheals, it's gonna be very difficult for them to 
ever get current.  I would think compatibility with other bios' (eg, 
video card) that load during the boot process could also be a major 
obstacle. To me, their reference to using dosemu to flash is less 
than confidence inspiring also.

  Tom Brinkman     Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] bash prompt

2001-12-30 Thread Mark David Hamilton

On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 06:33:33PM -0500, Jon Doe wrote:
 On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 23:24:04 +
 Robin Ballantine [EMAIL PROTECTED] grumbled this:
  This isn't a question or request, just a small offering that someone might 
  find useful. It's a couple of entries for your .bashrc files that will give 
  you coloured prompts that bightens things up a bit and helps to keep track of 
  where you are.
 Awesome, how do I find out what each of these components are and what I can change 
them to? I looked at the bash howto and was lost allmost immediantly.

Oh, oh, I know this one! pick me! I ran across a link to this awhile
ago and have used a cyan colored prompt with the time and working
directory for a few months now. The link to the specific section of
the bash prompt HOW-TO is:


This explains the codes for each color to put in your bashrc. This is
what I use:

PS1=\[\033[0;36m\][\u time: \t \w]\\$\[\033[0m\] 

This gives me a prompt like:

[mark time: 11:12:30 ~] $

I hope this helps.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] CPU Speed Question

2001-12-30 Thread W9CW

Although I am rather new to Linux, I go back to before the CP/M days in 
computing.  However, I have a question pertaining to the CPU requirement for 
Mandrake V8.1 vs other distributions, Specifically SuSE V7.3.

The systems I run here on Linux are based on the old AMD K6-2/300 CPU.  
I've noted that Mandrake V8.1 runs quite a bit slower than SuSE V7.3 on the 
same platforms.  I know Mandrake was optimized for Pentium CPUs, whereas the 
SuSE distribution still specifies a 486DX CPU as its minimum spec processor.

Any comments, and has anyone else seen similar results?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RE: Office Suites

2001-12-30 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On 30 Dec 2001 09:27:29 -0600
Dave Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 20:32, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 09:17:59 +0900
  Doug Lerner [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sunday, December 30, 2001):
   One of the things that _no_one_ should be concerned about any longer is 
   compatibility with MS Office.
   This is absolutely impossible for me. I exchange so many files
   (spreadsheet, doc and presentation) with so many customers and other
   staff members that unfortunately Office has become the standard by
   which we exchange compatible files. Not being compatible with MS Office -
   at least in my case - is unthinkable.
  I know I'm coming in late on this thread, but Star Office handles this very thing 
beautifully. ALL of it.
 I think Civileme's point was that if/when the UCITA law passes in
 Washington, USA, then Microsoft (headquartered in Washington) will be
 able to make a minor change to their proprietary .doc/.xls/whatever file
 formats, and it will be illegal for Sun or anyone else to
 reverse-engineer that file format to create a new filter for their
 competing office suite. And if anyone DOES reverse-engineer the file
 format, then MS can sue them to smithereens, and even try to go for a
 prison sentence, since their EULA will carry the force of law.
 Civileme's further point, to which Doug balked, was that we should all
 be looking to move away from MS' (or anyone else's, for that matter)
 proprietary file formats, as a pre-emptive move so that we are not
 locked into yet another MS monopoly if/when UCITA passes. In our own
 self-interest, we should be changing to open file formats, like xml
 (which StarOffice 6.0 uses, by the way).

I whole-heartedly agree with that. The last thing we need is for MS to bring yet 
another monopoly situation down upon a computing public make us more and more dendant 
upon them for everything. Their craddle-to-grave mentality leaves me with a sour taste 
in my mouth.

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  1:05pm  up 14 days,  4:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.77, 0.81, 0.65

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-30 Thread Grant Fraser

Here is something that I have noticed about software manager. It only works 
until the next reboot. Then you have to remove the old source and pick an new 
one that you have not used before.
Oh, and when it says 'Updating Lists' it doesn't. It only gets that 
information once. When you try to install a package that has been upgraded on 
the server SM can't find it. Say if SM was looking for package1_3_1 and it 
was now package1_3_2 it would just say that the package couldn't be found.
So far I havn't found the Get off your butt and recheck the server you 
stupid piece of crap button. I mean really, I have to wait while it reloads 
the information that it already has and is out of date.

On Sunday 30 December 2001 02:32, you wrote:
 This appears to be a common problem in 8.1 software manager.
 I have used the following solution after wasting 2 days of reinstalling,
 searching, reinstalling:

 delete all references to the ftp site in:

 Software manager should work again.
 Reload the list of security sites, and don't choose the offending site (nor
 the one I choose :  ftp. club-internet.fr ...)

 Good luck

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of mr_tortoise (Nathan
 Sent: sábado 29 de diciembre de 2001 18:19
 Subject: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

 Hello.  The Mandrake Software Manager freezes on startup when it attempts
 to refresh the security update source I defined (ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu). 
 I have checked the ftp site and can logon anonymously with no problem.  I
 did not provide a username and password for the security update source
 thinking it would logon anonymously by default.  Is there any way I can
 delete me current settings without running the Software Manager?


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[newbie] [Newbie] Need to install my USB Printer HP656c

2001-12-30 Thread Tiago Inácio
I'm new at this, but i like very much themandrake 7.1, so i need your help.
Mandrake does not recognize my USB Printer, it is an HP 656c.
I need all the steps and suport you can give to me.

Bye the Way, Good New Year for all off you guys.
Tks.Ass: TiagoYahoo! GeoCities
Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCities. É fácil e grátis!

[newbie] KDE Dialogs Too BIG!

2001-12-30 Thread Wes Gregg

Some of my program boxes in KDE are too big.  For example in KDE ~ LooknFeel 
~ Style, I can only see the top part of the box.  I know I can resize it to 
some extent.  I shrank it from the top down as far as it would let me (a good 
bit) and moved the box back to the top of the screen.  It was still too big 
to see the options at the bottom of the screen or the ok/apply/cancel/help 

Means I can't change anything that I _can_ see, as I can't apply them.

This is at 800*600, my highest resolution.

Wes Gregg
Registered Linux User # 252649

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Re: [newbie] Firewall Configuration

2001-12-30 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 15:59:05 +0100
Jamie Fowlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Don't know if this question is appropriate here, but here goes!
 I want to configure the Mandrake Single Network Firewall in my LAN. We have
 cable-modem access (cisco router) with a fixed ip address (212.51.61.xxx)
 Internet access is acquired with a second ip address on the server/gateway
 212.51.61.xxy) connected to the cisco router
 We want to run various servers (an IIS/NT4 box and Linux-Mandrake)
 We use a LAN config...  etc. connected to a second NIC on the
 server and a switcher.
 Present setup:
  Internet  ROUTER (212.51.61.xxx) --- NT Server NIC 1
   NT Server NIC 
2 ( --- Linux/PCs(10.10.10.n)
 (Windows NT is running WINROUTE lite to handle portmapping)
 Internet  ROUTER (212.51.61.xxx) --- Linux FIREWALL NIC 1
 (212.51.61.xxy)All servers/PCs (10.10.10.n)
 Question: Is it absolutely necessary to have two NICs in my firewall box?
 One for the outside connection (212. etc) and another to handle the LAN
 (192.168. etc)? Or can I manage the entire steup with one NIC?
 Thanks, in advance for any advice or direction to some documentation on
 configurations for Firewalls

while you can run that setup with just one nic in the Mandrake box your performance 
will naturally improve with the second nic. One in and one out.

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  1:05pm  up 14 days,  4:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.77, 0.81, 0.65

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[newbie] MIDI Keyboard

2001-12-30 Thread Bob Bomar

I have a MIDI keyboard that I was playing with awhile back on WIndows.  I was 
looking at plugin it in to Mandrake.  Anybody played with this before?  I am 
also looking for programs for score writing, and music manipulation, like 



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Re: [newbie] bash scripting for beginners

2001-12-30 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 12:26:07 -0900
tester [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Andrei Raevsky wrote:
  I am looking for a good bash scripting tutorial/manual for BEGINNERS 
  who are new Bash, Linux and scripting.  Ideally - a book in PDF format 
  or something in HTML.
  Please let me know if you know were I could find such an item.
  Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
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 I think there is probably an ebook on it in your install or one you can 
 access by update selecting the documentation package.
 I learned from O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell plus sturfdying the 
 initscripts for Mandrake.(no joke).

sturfdying ???

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  1:05pm  up 14 days,  4:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.77, 0.81, 0.65

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Re: [newbie] editing $PATH

2001-12-30 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:31:25 -0600
Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile (or ~/.bash_profile) -- I can't remember which
 one the PATH variable itself is found in.

You could also enter this command in a terminal.




If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  1:05pm  up 14 days,  4:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.77, 0.81, 0.65

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Re: [newbie] editing $PATH

2001-12-30 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 13:45:16 -0500
daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

 On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 19:31:25 -0600
 Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
  Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile (or ~/.bash_profile) -- I can't remember which
  one the PATH variable itself is found in.
 You could also enter this command in a terminal.

you know...now that we're on the subject i'm a little unclear as to just how this 
PATH thing works. for a bit I couldn't remember how I could get to the screen 
exactly what my path was until I typed this in a terminal:

which path

this is what was returned:

[mdw1982@mdw1982 mdw1982]$ which path
which: no path in   

what I don't understand is just how this all works. I've always brought things 
into my path by issuing the statement above since using 

export PATH=$PATH:/some/path/statement

pnly enters the path statement temporarily whereas the former enters the path 

can some shed a little more light on this? this has really got my curiosity peaked.

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
  1:05pm  up 14 days,  4:54,  1 user,  load average: 0.77, 0.81, 0.65

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[newbie] Unable to browse via Netscape

2001-12-30 Thread minhaz_islam

I having problems browsing the Internet using Netscape.
I have Linux Mandrake 7.1 and can connect to my ISP using my external 56k 
Everytime I browse the Internet, I receive a message saying the 
home.netscape.com cannot be found.
I can browse using web IP addresses, such as Yahoo.com ( using 
Netscape, but when I enter www.yahoo.com, I receive the above error message.
I am not sure if I need any details in my file etc\resolv.conf.
Can any one help me with this problem, please ?


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[newbie] Sound, ethernet, and Print problems(Was- No Printing in LM8.1)

2001-12-30 Thread Marcia

Dear All,

I have bought a new HP Deskjet 940c after giving up on my very old Epson 
Stylus Color. I still could not print until I reinstalled. Then printing 
worked until I installed sound. I am using LM8.1.

When I had LM8 my printing, internet, and sound worked right away without my 
intervention. Now with 8.1 I have discovered that I have to configure my 
ethernet (SMC EZcard ) after install to make it work and I have to add sb to 
/etc/modules to get my sound card to work. After that my printing stops 
working. I checked on all ioports and interrupts to see if there is a 
conflict but cannot find the conflict so far. 

I have reinstalled several times the past few days to isolate the problem and 
discovered some interesting things: My sound card and ethernet card both 
insist on using irq 5 and io port 0x220. These settings are supposed to be 
for my soundcard and the ethernet worked through LM 7, 7.2, and 8, with irq 9 
and 0x280 ioport. Now, when I try to set this up I cannot get the ethernet to 
work with those settings or any others that I have tried except for the ones 
reserved for my sound card. In other words I have to make the choice of sound 
or internet. When I finally did get the sound and internet both working a few 
times then the printing stopped working. Does anyone have any ideas or 
suggestions? I have read everything about ethernet and soundcards that I can 
and have configured as much as I can however I cannot get my ethernet on any 
other setting except for the irq 5 and ioport 0x220 which is again supposed 
to be for my sound card. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I would like 
to have the internet, sound , and printing all working as they did in 
previous LM distros. Thanks for the help.



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Re: [newbie] Unable to browse via Netscape

2001-12-30 Thread Paul

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 19:17:48 +, minhaz_islam

Did you add your DNS server IP addresses to /etc/resolv.conf?

 (of course you use the real numbers, not these)

That would help, I think.

I having problems browsing the Internet using Netscape.
I have Linux Mandrake 7.1 and can connect to my ISP using my external 56k 
Everytime I browse the Internet, I receive a message saying the 
home.netscape.com cannot be found.
I can browse using web IP addresses, such as Yahoo.com ( using 
Netscape, but when I enter www.yahoo.com, I receive the above error message.
I am not sure if I need any details in my file etc\resolv.conf.
Can any one help me with this problem, please ?


Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.
-Honore de Balzac

http://nlpagan.net - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.5 claws
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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Re: [newbie] MIDI Keyboard

2001-12-30 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 12:38:36 -0600
Bob Bomar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a MIDI keyboard that I was playing with awhile back on WIndows.  I was 
 looking at plugin it in to Mandrake.  Anybody played with this before?  I am 
 also looking for programs for score writing, and music manipulation, like 

This seems just the link for you: http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/user.php3


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RE: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-30 Thread Franki

yeah, My opinion is pretty similiar..

I was rather fond of Redhats update tool, and mandrake 7.2's, it was faster
and while it had its flaws, was simplier and cleaner and faster then 8.1's
versions. (actually, mandrake should make a webmin module or similiar for
both rpmdrake and MandrakeUpdate, it would make remote updates much better,
it would probably be faster, and it would very likely be easy since the
framework is already there. It would also remove the overhead of all the GUI

I would have prefered that mandrake had kept that as its base and extended
upon it rather then start from scratch as they did.

now we have a whole new prog to debug, and its got its own set of unique

the old KISS standard went out the window with the 8.1 version... its
getting bigger, slower and that in itself is introducing more problems that
its fixing.

All you really need is a patched 7.2 version, and when it gets kernel
anything in it, and the kernel is selected, it pops up a second application
dedicated to just that, installing the kernel.

lets look at an example shall we?  Postfix is as good as any.

Postfix is broken into many parts, all working together. and it is faster,
more secure (each part only has the permissions to do what it needs to and
no more.) its faster because only the bit that needs to be running is
running. as a result it uses less memory and CPU and is faster to boot..

Thats what mandrake need to do, break some of thier bigger apps up into
smaller bits working together...

and for gots sake simplify the method that rpmdrake/MandrakeUpdate
categorises the available packages and sources.

personally I wish the 7.2 version worked on 8.1, I'd be there in a shot.
(even faster if it was the Redhat version.)

Mandrake is great, but its not perfect yet, I'm hoping they don't start
taking a leaf out of Microshafts book.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Grant Fraser
Sent: Saturday, 29 December 2001 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

Here is something that I have noticed about software manager. It only works
until the next reboot. Then you have to remove the old source and pick an
one that you have not used before.
Oh, and when it says 'Updating Lists' it doesn't. It only gets that
information once. When you try to install a package that has been upgraded
the server SM can't find it. Say if SM was looking for package1_3_1 and it
was now package1_3_2 it would just say that the package couldn't be found.
So far I havn't found the Get off your butt and recheck the server you
stupid piece of crap button. I mean really, I have to wait while it reloads
the information that it already has and is out of date.

On Sunday 30 December 2001 02:32, you wrote:
 This appears to be a common problem in 8.1 software manager.
 I have used the following solution after wasting 2 days of reinstalling,
 searching, reinstalling:

 delete all references to the ftp site in:

 Software manager should work again.
 Reload the list of security sites, and don't choose the offending site
 the one I choose :  ftp. club-internet.fr ...)

 Good luck

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of mr_tortoise (Nathan
 Sent: sábado 29 de diciembre de 2001 18:19
 Subject: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

 Hello.  The Mandrake Software Manager freezes on startup when it attempts
 to refresh the security update source I defined (ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu).
 I have checked the ftp site and can logon anonymously with no problem.  I
 did not provide a username and password for the security update source
 thinking it would logon anonymously by default.  Is there any way I can
 delete me current settings without running the Software Manager?


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] info on what is on the drive,

2001-12-30 Thread TimZijlstra


I am using ver 8.1 and have horrible problems to ever find any file on my 
discs. Especially my CD/DVD-Rom seems to just not be there. I am new to Linux 
and , i know, used to Windows. I am wondering if there is a good introduction 
to the way the Linux filesystem (i.e. Konqueror) works for Windows-users? 
Surely there are loads more (newbie) people like me wondering where their 
CD-rom has dissapeared to. 

thanks .i.a,

Tim Zijlstra

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] HELP! WinXP

2001-12-30 Thread Hugo Saro

Guys, i didn't find any other place to post this, so
if anyone can help me here..

My new computer came with Windows XP (Pro) installed.
It was running fine till suddenly, somethings began
not to work. The search (F3) only showed a blank area,
User Accounts under control panel would no longer work
(Blank area again), and even the Check All  Delete
buttons (yahoo) among others won't work anymore. This
is stressing me, obviously. I've mailed microsoft but
they replied with the usual contact computer
manufacturer or check this site, so no much help from

Ultimately, could any one help on how to create a
bootdisk for ntfs ? i'm getting tired of XP anyway so
if i can't fix it..

Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] KDE Dialogs Too BIG!

2001-12-30 Thread Grant Fraser

Two things.
Change your screen resolution up one level with mandrake control center. You 
can test before applying. If your fonts are then too tiny you can make them 
Click the arrow on the bottom left or right of the screen to move the toolbar 
out of your way.

On Sunday 30 December 2001 10:37, you wrote:
   Some of my program boxes in KDE are too big.  For example in KDE ~
 LooknFeel ~ Style, I can only see the top part of the box.  I know I can
 resize it to some extent.  I shrank it from the top down as far as it would
 let me (a good bit) and moved the box back to the top of the screen.  It
 was still too big to see the options at the bottom of the screen or the
 ok/apply/cancel/help checkboxes.

   Means I can't change anything that I _can_ see, as I can't apply them.

   This is at 800*600, my highest resolution.

   Wes Gregg
   Registered Linux User # 252649

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2001-12-30 Thread Roy Barton

remember that XP is a hackers wet dream.. switch to linux and slove your


On Sun, 2001-12-30 at 15:18, Hugo Saro wrote:
 Guys, i didn't find any other place to post this, so
 if anyone can help me here..
 My new computer came with Windows XP (Pro) installed.
 It was running fine till suddenly, somethings began
 not to work. The search (F3) only showed a blank area,
 User Accounts under control panel would no longer work
 (Blank area again), and even the Check All  Delete
 buttons (yahoo) among others won't work anymore. This
 is stressing me, obviously. I've mailed microsoft but
 they replied with the usual contact computer
 manufacturer or check this site, so no much help from
 Ultimately, could any one help on how to create a
 bootdisk for ntfs ? i'm getting tired of XP anyway so
 if i can't fix it..
 Thanks in advance
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 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] info on what is on the drive,

2001-12-30 Thread Derek Jennings

Well first of all there should be an icon on your desktop marked 
'Documentation' click on it and you will see the Mandrake Installation Guide, 
and the Mandrake Reference Manual. This is an excellent place to start 
learning about your new system.

Also take a walk over to Mandrake Campus  you can find it by right clicking 
anywhere in your desktop and Selecting 'BookmarksMandrake SoftMandrake 
Campus'  here you can take an online course in how to use Linux.

There you will learn that in Linux everything is a file. So your CD drive 
itself is a file, and that file has to be 'mounted' before it can be read. To 
'mount' a CD all you have to do is click on the CD icon on your desktop. This 
should have the action of mounting the CD and will open up a konqueror window 
at the cd mount point which should be /mnt/cdrom.

Before the CD can be removed it must be 'unmounted'.  to do this first any 
application using the CD must be terminated (i.e. close your konqueror window 
if it is pointing at the CD drive), and then right click on the CD icon on 
your desktop and select 'unmount' or 'eject'.

If your CD icon does not work then let us know and we will talk you through 
how to make it work.

BTW: Audio CD's do not need to be mounted. They do not contain a file system. 
All you need to play an audio CD is to start the CD player application and 
press the Play button.

As you learn linux you will discover that that are always multiple ways of 
doing the same thing. So for example you can mount/unmount CDs using console 
commands, or by an application calle kwikdisk.


On Sunday 30 December 2001 20:18, you wrote:

 I am using ver 8.1 and have horrible problems to ever find any file on my
 discs. Especially my CD/DVD-Rom seems to just not be there. I am new to
 Linux and , i know, used to Windows. I am wondering if there is a good
 introduction to the way the Linux filesystem (i.e. Konqueror) works for
 Windows-users? Surely there are loads more (newbie) people like me
 wondering where their CD-rom has dissapeared to.

 thanks .i.a,

 Tim Zijlstra

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Re: [newbie] problem with Software Manager

2001-12-30 Thread Darwin Gottfried

On Sunday 30 December 2001 12:34, you wrote:

Must just be me then, I've had no problems with SoftwareManager in 8.1 at 
all.  Yes it refreshes the headers when I choose Reload Lists and Mandrake 
Update works fine as well.  More than I can say about it in 8.0 where I had 
lots of issues.

One thing, that is with all rpm based update/pkg managers I've used so far, 
if your doing several pkg install/updates, you need to (on the command line 
as root) rpm --rebuilddb frequently ( I do it after each pkg or two ).  This 
makes sure that the rpm database has all the current headers of installed 
pkgs up to date.  This is done on a daily cron job as well _I think_.  So 
doing it manualy just keeps you fresh right away.

Just my 2-cents


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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2001-12-30 Thread Darwin Gottfried

On Sunday 30 December 2001 13:18, you wrote:

 Ultimately, could any one help on how to create a
 bootdisk for ntfs ? i'm getting tired of XP anyway so
 if i can't fix it..

Sounds like some internal XP links are messed up somehow...
You could try inserting the XP CD, and choosing boot from CD after restarting 
your system, then choosing Repair option at installation question.  I have 
a machine here dualing Linux and XP.  I've not had any problems yet, coarse, 
I've not used XP much either so...


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[newbie] iMac install blues....

2001-12-30 Thread David Bovill

Where can I find someone who has had experience of installing Mandrake on an
early iMac?

It's still sitting here all installed and ready to boot up, and here I am
seriously considering trying to solve this problem with a paper clip?

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Re: [newbie] CPU Speed Question

2001-12-30 Thread tester


Although I am rather new to Linux, I go back to before the CP/M days in 
computing.  However, I have a question pertaining to the CPU requirement for 
Mandrake V8.1 vs other distributions, Specifically SuSE V7.3.

The systems I run here on Linux are based on the old AMD K6-2/300 CPU.  
I've noted that Mandrake V8.1 runs quite a bit slower than SuSE V7.3 on the 
same platforms.  I know Mandrake was optimized for Pentium CPUs, whereas the 
SuSE distribution still specifies a 486DX CPU as its minimum spec processor.

Any comments, and has anyone else seen similar results?


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It is all a matter of the vm in the kernel.  SuSE has 4 updates a year 
and I think their kernel has significantly later vms than the 8.1.  If 
you use the updated kernel, you may find it improved, but obviously the 
8.2 version will be much better.  I am finding significant improvement 
on K6-2 platforms with kernel 2.4.16.  

If you install 8.1 with kernel22 you should find pervormance quite snappy.


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Re: [newbie] Unable to browse via Netscape

2001-12-30 Thread tester

minhaz_islam wrote:

I having problems browsing the Internet using Netscape.
I have Linux Mandrake 7.1 and can connect to my ISP using my external 56k 
Everytime I browse the Internet, I receive a message saying the 
home.netscape.com cannot be found.
I can browse using web IP addresses, such as Yahoo.com ( using 
Netscape, but when I enter www.yahoo.com, I receive the above error message.
I am not sure if I need any details in my file etc\resolv.conf.
Can any one help me with this problem, please ?


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Well, in kppp you need to specify the IP addresses of your ISP's nameservers

If your address is one that is part of your ISP, the nameserver is


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Re: [newbie] HELP! WinXP

2001-12-30 Thread tester

Hugo Saro wrote:

Guys, i didn't find any other place to post this, so
if anyone can help me here..

My new computer came with Windows XP (Pro) installed.
It was running fine till suddenly, somethings began
not to work. The search (F3) only showed a blank area,
User Accounts under control panel would no longer work
(Blank area again), and even the Check All  Delete
buttons (yahoo) among others won't work anymore. This
is stressing me, obviously. I've mailed microsoft but
they replied with the usual contact computer
manufacturer or check this site, so no much help from

Ultimately, could any one help on how to create a
bootdisk for ntfs ? i'm getting tired of XP anyway so
if i can't fix it..

Thanks in advance

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Well you are not the only XP user to show here.  We had one whose 
Microsoft keyboard and mouse disappeared after an upgrade.. and also 
after a fresh install of XP.

This disappearance suggests a likely hardware problem.  If you can give 
us the make and model of computer, we may be able to get the right 
contact point for you if it is hardware.  Generally any computer 
manufacturer has a vested interest in solving your problem the first 
time you call, because three calls kill all the profit in selling you 
the system.

It is not possible to make a dual-boot linux with windows XP running 
ntfs and having the whole disk to start with.  If you want to try linux 
you will either have to reinstall XP with FAT32 or install it on a 
partition less than the whole disk leaving a space unpartitioned or use 
partition magic or a similar tool to work with the partitions.  One of 
the disadvantages of using free software is that it deals mostly with 
formats that are not secret or priprietary or for which one must sign a 
Non-Disclosure Agreement to obtain information.

With all of that said, yes we are willing to help anyone with any system 
here, but some systems we know more about than others.  The more we know 
about your hardware setup and system, the better positined we will be to 
help you.


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[newbie] RPM or just a script?

2001-12-30 Thread Jon Doe

I am trying to make some sort of package for a friend who is new to linux. Basically I 
want replace the KDE splash screen with different screens. I made a script that will 
move the default png's to a new folder called old. This is as far as I got, I wasn't 
sure how an rpm worked, if it reads a script or what. What would everyone suggest to 
accomplish this? The easiest way for the newbie to get the pics in the right place.


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[newbie] Welcome Picture

2001-12-30 Thread Nelson Bartley


Just a frivulous question, the picture that is shown @ boot time that
has the 50 different ways to say hello, where is it located?

I would like to change this to something different.


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Re: [newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your advice.

Tried at root  /
~ $ which tex
bash : /root is not a directory

also tried at root /
  ~ $ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/tex

bash : /root is not a directory

Where shall I execute those commands.



At 09:05 AM 12/30/2001 -0500, you wrote:
On Sunday 30 December 2001 08:26 am, Stephen Liu wrote:
  Hi All People,
  When I rebuild  src.rpm  it prompted
  Make :  tex : can't find command
  What is this command ?

  ~ $ which tex

  ~ $ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/tex

Note:  the -31.1mdk means this was probly a security update

   Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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[newbie] problem with Software Manager_ Possible Easy Fix

2001-12-30 Thread Eric McRae

I have used the Software manager without problems for quite some time, 
thinking I was lucky to have had none of the problems I've read about.
I had a lockup of SM (while installing some rogue rpm that failed) 
Thereafter, when SM would connect to the ftp update site  it would stall with 
no network traffic indefinitely.

I found in my home directory (root)  a file called .rpmdrakrc  with the 
following text:
# Remove next line to be asked for an update source when running rpmdrake

I did that and voila!  The next time I launched, SM allowed me to set 
the sources again and yes I picked a different ftp site.

Worked for me!
Good luck and have a happy new year!

=  Eric McRae   [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

=  The More I learn The Less I Know!  =

= =

=Registered Linux User #248078=

= =

= Please removenospam.to reply by email =


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[newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Terry C

I've seen several threads concerning people trying to
make USB compact flash/smart media readers work, but
this hasn't been fully resolved in all cases. I have
been reading this thread because I have a USB
microtech compact flash card reader and I have been
having the same problem attempting to mount it as
others have.
Here's the information from Harddrake:

Vendor: eUSB
Model: Compact Flash
Device: /dev/sda
Bus Type: SCSI
Capacity: 1047 MB
Heads: 64
Sectors: 32
Cylinders: 1023

Here's my fstab entry: 

/dev/sda  /media/camera vfat ro,noauto,user  0 0

This is the response I get when attempting to mount
this device:

mount -t vfat /dev/sda /media/camera
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
/dev/sda, or too many mounted file systems

I hope someone can shed some light on why this won't
Thanks for the help.


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Re: [newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread Stephen Liu

Hi Tom,

Further to my late posting
Sorry,  I made a mistake adding '~$' to the command line

Tried at root /
# which tex /usr/bin/tex
/usr/bin/which: no tex in 

what I have been missing ?


At 09:05 AM 12/30/2001 -0500, you wrote:
On Sunday 30 December 2001 08:26 am, Stephen Liu wrote:
  Hi All People,
  When I rebuild  src.rpm  it prompted
  Make :  tex : can't find command
  What is this command ?

  ~ $ which tex

  ~ $ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/tex

Note:  the -31.1mdk means this was probly a security update

   Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread Michael Viron

Install tetex-1.0.7-31.1mdk.i586.rpm from the updates section of the ftp site.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:27 PM 12/31/2001 +0800, you wrote:
Hi Tom,

Further to my late posting
Sorry,  I made a mistake adding '~$' to the command line

Tried at root /
# which tex /usr/bin/tex
/usr/bin/which: no tex in 

what I have been missing ?


At 09:05 AM 12/30/2001 -0500, you wrote:
On Sunday 30 December 2001 08:26 am, Stephen Liu wrote:
  Hi All People,
  When I rebuild  src.rpm  it prompted
  Make :  tex : can't find command
  What is this command ?

  ~ $ which tex

  ~ $ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/tex

Note:  the -31.1mdk means this was probly a security update

   Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Bob Bomar

On Sunday 30 December 2001 22:27, you wrote:
 I've seen several threads concerning people trying to
 make USB compact flash/smart media readers work, but
 this hasn't been fully resolved in all cases. I have
 been reading this thread because I have a USB
 microtech compact flash card reader and I have been
 having the same problem attempting to mount it as
 others have.
 Here's the information from Harddrake:

 Vendor: eUSB
 Model: Compact Flash
 Device: /dev/sda
 Bus Type: SCSI
 Capacity: 1047 MB
 Heads: 64
 Sectors: 32
 Cylinders: 1023

 Here's my fstab entry:

 /dev/sda  /media/camera vfat ro,noauto,user  0 0

 This is the response I get when attempting to mount
 this device:

 mount -t vfat /dev/sda /media/camera
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
 /dev/sda, or too many mounted file systems

 I hope someone can shed some light on why this won't
 Thanks for the help.


Dont mount as /dev/sda, mount as /dev/sda1.  /dev/sda is the, as I see it, 
top of the sda device list, the header, and sda1, sda2, are the devices.

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Re: [newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread s

On Sunday 30 December 2001 10:27 pm, you wrote:

 # which tex /usr/bin/tex
 /usr/bin/which: no tex in

 what I have been missing ?

Installing it?

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Re: [newbie] editing $PATH

2001-12-30 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 18:27:08 -0600
Michael Viron [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

  You could also enter this command in a terminal.
 You can do so, or you can use 'export' in front of it.  The command above
 will work in bash1 / bash2 and zsh, not sure about csh, ksh.
 you know...now that we're on the subject i'm a little unclear as to just
 how this PATH thing works. for a bit I couldn't remember how I could get
 to the screen exactly what my path was until I typed this in a terminal:
  which path
 Nope.  What that is doing is looking for a program called 'path' in your
 $PATH.  In order to see what your $PATH is, type 'echo $PATH' at the
 command line.
 this is what was returned:
  [mdw1982@mdw1982 mdw1982]$ which path
  which: no path in
 this is correct, since the program 'path' does not exist in your $PATH (the
 shell variable).  It's the same as trying to use a program not in your
 path.  For example, if you installed staroffice into /opt/soffice, then
 since '/opt/soffice' isn't in your $PATH, you'd have to specify
 specifically where the file is until you added the command 'export
 PATH=$PATH:/opt/soffice' to your the .bashrc / .profile / .bash_profile file.
 what I don't understand is just how this all works. I've always brought
 things into my path by issuing the statement above since using 
  export PATH=$PATH:/some/path/statement
 pnly enters the path statement temporarily whereas the former enters the
 path permenantly.
 Nope.  Actually, neither adds it 'permanently'.  The only way to do so is
 edit the .profile or .bashrc or .bash_profile file and add it to the
 setting for PATH.
 Michael Viron
 Registered Linux User #81978
 Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
 Web Spinners, University of West Florida

Interesting! very good info. thanks

If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
the first time!

Registered Linux User 182496
Mandrake 8.1
 11:05pm  up 14 days, 14:54,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.14, 0.14

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Re: [newbie] Make : tex Command

2001-12-30 Thread Stephen Liu

Thanks Michael


At 10:41 PM 12/30/2001 -0600, you wrote:
Install tetex-1.0.7-31.1mdk.i586.rpm from the updates section of the ftp site.


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 12:27 PM 12/31/2001 +0800, you wrote:
 Hi Tom,
 Further to my late posting
 Sorry,  I made a mistake adding '~$' to the command line
 Tried at root /
 # which tex /usr/bin/tex
 /usr/bin/which: no tex in
 what I have been missing ?
 At 09:05 AM 12/30/2001 -0500, you wrote:
 On Sunday 30 December 2001 08:26 am, Stephen Liu wrote:
   Hi All People,
   When I rebuild  src.rpm  it prompted
   Make :  tex : can't find command
   What is this command ?
   ~ $ which tex
   ~ $ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/tex
 Note:  the -31.1mdk means this was probly a security update
Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Terry C

 Dont mount as /dev/sda, mount as /dev/sda1. 
 /dev/sda is the, as I see it, 
 top of the sda device list, the header, and sda1,
 sda2, are the devices.

I don't have a /dev/sda1, but just to make sure I
changed fstab to reflect /dev/sda1 and then tried
mounting it:

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/camera 

and received this response:

mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

Thanks for assisting me with this.

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Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Bob Bomar

On Sunday 30 December 2001 23:06, you wrote:
  Dont mount as /dev/sda, mount as /dev/sda1.
  /dev/sda is the, as I see it,
  top of the sda device list, the header, and sda1,
  sda2, are the devices.

 I don't have a /dev/sda1, but just to make sure I
 changed fstab to reflect /dev/sda1 and then tried
 mounting it:

 mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/camera

 and received this response:

 mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

 Thanks for assisting me with this.
try this, MAKDEV /dev/sda1

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[newbie] How to correctly change Lilo Configuration

2001-12-30 Thread Dan Butler

Awhile back a few users where asking about changing their lilo 
configurations and I remember some other users suggesting that they VI their 
lilo config.  This in itself does not work.  I knew that but had to get 
caught up with other things before looking further.  Anyway, to change the 
default OS that lilo boots up in while in a root status in a shell type in 
this line:
lilo -D Windows
this will change lilo from it's default Linux boot up to Windows.  The lower 
case d can be important too, but that's another email.  Happy New Year to all.

Dan B

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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Dan Butler

I'm following this too.  On my system there is no SCSI.  Does this matter?  I 
wonder if this might not be the problem...
Dan B

On Monday 31 December 2001 12:11 am, you wrote:
 On Sunday 30 December 2001 23:06, you wrote:
   Dont mount as /dev/sda, mount as /dev/sda1.
   /dev/sda is the, as I see it,
   top of the sda device list, the header, and sda1,
   sda2, are the devices.
  I don't have a /dev/sda1, but just to make sure I
  changed fstab to reflect /dev/sda1 and then tried
  mounting it:
  mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/camera
  and received this response:
  mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist
  Thanks for assisting me with this.

 try this, MAKDEV /dev/sda1

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[newbie] MIDI Keyboard

2001-12-30 Thread Bob Bomar

has anybody got a MIDI keyborad working on thier system?  If so, can somebody 
point me in the right direction.

Thanks bob

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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Terry C

MAKDEV, or makdev, or mkdev don't seem to be the
correct commands. I just keep getting command not


 try this, MAKDEV /dev/sda1
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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Thread Bob Bomar

On Sunday 30 December 2001 23:38, you wrote:
 MAKDEV, or makdev, or mkdev don't seem to be the
 correct commands. I just keep getting command not


  try this, MAKDEV /dev/sda1
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[newbie] where is source code go after I untar patch.bz2

2001-12-30 Thread eric

Dear mandrake programmes:

  after I tar xfvj  ...patch.bz2, where is the source code go?
eric lin

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