Re: [newbie-it] Dove ho sbagliato? Non ci riesco

2002-02-19 Thread ku68

Andrea Celli wrote:

ku68 wrote:

Andrea Celli wrote:

Devi stare attento che la directory /usr/bin/office52 abbia i permessi
opportuni ( rx per tutti) e eventualmente cambiarli con
chmod ugo+rx -R /usr/bin/office52 

-R?, o forse e` -r? ... controlla man chmod.

ciao, Andrea

Ho fatto come mi hai detto. Ma:
1)dopo l'installazione di SO viene un msg nella cartella root  stata 
trovata un'installazione di adabas che perci non verr installato 
(installazione che non vedo e che non so come eventualmente eliminare) :-(
2) So  installato nella cartella /usr/bin/staroffice52 ma da utente (ho 
fatto chmod)se lancio il setup viene un msg che staroffice  gi 
installato se lancio staroffice il msg  impossibile trovare 
Nelle istruzioni riporta di fare il setup con l'opzione /net ma da quel 
che ho capito solo se ho un setup.bin (e non  il mio caso). :-(
Che fare?
Ormai  una questione di principio. ;-)

Re: [newbie-it] Antialiasing in Gnome, WindowMaker, XFCE.

2002-02-19 Thread Marco Canapicchi

Giuseppe Giorgi wrote:
  Ciao a tutti,
  qualcuno sa dirmi come posso utilizzare 
l'antialiasing dei fonts in uno
  dei WM in oggetto?
  Premetto che ho una MDK 8.1.

Il supporto per l'antialiasing purtroppo non e'
ancora previsto nativamente da Gnome (si parla
pero' che la 2.0 lo avra') ma tempo fa mi sembra
di aver letto di una patch: cerca con
Se vuoi pero' la mia opinione non credo sia il
caso pasticciare per un cosi' piccolo risultato..
tanto piu' che Gnome 2.0 uscira' entro aprile..


  Grazie a tutti, Beppe.

[newbie-it] Configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-19 Thread sedoglia

Ciao a tutta la ml!
Ieri sera ho fatto un po' di prove col masterizzatore, solo che non sono
riuscito a concludere quasi niente, infatti: kudzu è tra i servizi che partono
all'avvio e rimangono in esecuzione, poi ho anche provato con gtoster a
fare lo scan dei bus solo che anche qui niente.
Non bisogna modificare lilo.conf, fstab, ecc...? Per adesso il masterizzatore
viene riconosciuto da hard drake tra i lettori cd-rom come hdd.
Sapete per caso quali file modificare e come si fa? Vi ringrazio moltissimo!!!


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Re: [newbie-it] Quale modem???

2002-02-19 Thread Renato

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 11:45:18 +0100

 Salve a tutti, mi chiamo Stefano e sono un newbie assoluto con linux,
 ho avuto grossi problemi con l'installazione di una distribuzione
 8.1 ( mb Abit KT-7 raid / AMD Duron 900Mhz / 128 Mb PC133 / Hd IBM 30G
 ora sto familiarizzando con linux. Il primo passo è stata la
 connessione ad
 internet, scartato il moden interno che avevo in precedenza, volevo
 chiedervi un consiglio per un acquisto. Premetto che sono riuscito a
 configurare un modem esterno con porta seriale, avuto in prova da un
 ma preferirei acquistarne uno con interfaccia USB che ne pensate?!
 ha utilizzato queste periferiche??

Puoi verificare i modem usb supportati su

Quì trovi la lista e il tipo di supporto per molte periferiche usb.



[newbie-it] Masterizzare

2002-02-19 Thread Pollo

A proposito della masterizzazione sotto linux ho i seguenti dubbi:
- Como posso segliere tra il modo1 e il modo2?
- Come posso creare un cd-rom lascindolo aperto per eventuali scritture?
- Come si importa una sessione precedente per fare un cd multisessione?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-19 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:48, martedì 19 febbraio 2002 hai scritto:
 Ciao a tutta la ml!
 Ieri sera ho fatto un po' di prove col masterizzatore, solo che non sono
 riuscito a concludere quasi niente, infatti: kudzu è tra i servizi che
 partono all'avvio e rimangono in esecuzione, poi ho anche provato con
 gtoster a fare lo scan dei bus solo che anche qui niente.
 Non bisogna modificare lilo.conf, fstab, ecc...? Per adesso il
 masterizzatore viene riconosciuto da hard drake tra i lettori cd-rom come
 Sapete per caso quali file modificare e come si fa? Vi ringrazio


innanzi tutto ti consiglio di eliminare KUDZU.
Poi, se usi Mandrake 8.1, disabilita DEVFS.
Puoi cercare nell'archivio della mailing list per vedere come si fa ad 
eseguire queste due operazioni.


Re: [newbie-it] installazione e configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-19 Thread Pollo

Il lun, 2002-02-18 alle 12:41, MadMax ha scritto:

 Ciao.Io ho la mdk8.1 e una settimana fa ho montato plextor 24/10/40 EIDE.
 Per la masterizzazione uso gnome toaster da KDE.Se il tuo masterizzatore e 
 visibile una volta avviato la macchina e gia configurato.Lanciando gnome 
 toaster -Edit-Preferences-CDROM And recorder setup e clicca sulla voce in 
 basso a sinistra Scan Bus.Il programma configura il masterizzatore.
 Comunque dovresti vedere il masterizzatore come dev/scd0 o simile e non come 
 hdd hdb.questi sono il disco e le partizioni.
 Spero di esserti d'aiuto. Ciao.MadMax

Scusa se mi intrometto. Quando lanci gnome toaster ti si carica subito? A me impiega pi di un minuto a caricare l'interfaccia grafica dopo che mi avvisa della possibilit di ritardo per la ricerca dei dispositivi. Io uso la versione 1.0beta2. Ne esiste forse una definitiva?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] anti-aliasing

2002-02-19 Thread Rodolfo Colombo

Alle 10:25, lunedì 18 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Il sab, 2002-02-16 alle 12:47, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
  Vai In Drakfont, indi premi l'apposito pulsante (l'ho fatta mooolto più
  semplice di Rodolfo, lo ammetto ;-) ).

 Grazie, ci sono riuscito.
 Ciao, Pollo.

si ma era più didattico farlo con le manine in un terminale
ma va bene pure così
Ciao Rodolfo

Re: [newbie-it] Quale modem???

2002-02-19 Thread Sandro

Alle 11:45, lunedì 18 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti, mi chiamo Stefano e sono un newbie assoluto con linux, non
 ho avuto grossi problemi con l'installazione di una distribuzione Mandrake
 8.1 ( mb Abit KT-7 raid / AMD Duron 900Mhz / 128 Mb PC133 / Hd IBM 30G )ed
 ora sto familiarizzando con linux. Il primo passo è stata la connessione ad
 internet, scartato il moden interno che avevo in precedenza, volevo
 chiedervi un consiglio per un acquisto. Premetto che sono riuscito a
 configurare un modem esterno con porta seriale, avuto in prova da un amico,
 ma preferirei acquistarne uno con interfaccia USB che ne pensate?! qualcuno
 ha utilizzato queste periferiche??


Mah, io, per esperienza, ti consiglio un modem seriale. Non hanno nessun 
problema di configurazione e vengono riconosciuti senza problemi.
Credo che non ci siano difficoltà insormontabili ad utilizzare un usb ma ho 
sentito, a volte (su altre liste di discussione) dei problemi di 
riconoscimento da parte di altri utenti, per gli usb.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.1 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 103048

Re: [newbie-it] KMail

2002-02-19 Thread Sandro

Alle 21:06, lunedì 18 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 no quello non credo sia un è l'indirizzo del
 server di posta :)
 infatti la mia casella è su
 e il server di posta in uscita è

 Ciao , Tom

OK, ricevuto. Scusa la curiosità, ma utilizzi Club Tin?
Perchè io utilizzo (versione precedente - tradizionale) ed il server 
per me è Per questo avevo notato la differenza.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.1 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 103048

Re: [newbie-it] Antialiasing in Gnome, WindowMaker, XFCE.

2002-02-19 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Marco Canapicchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Giuseppe Giorgi wrote:
   Ciao a tutti,
   qualcuno sa dirmi come posso utilizzare 
 l'antialiasing dei fonts in uno
   dei WM in oggetto?
   Premetto che ho una MDK 8.1.
 Il supporto per l'antialiasing purtroppo non e'
 ancora previsto nativamente da Gnome (si parla
 pero' che la 2.0 lo avra') ma tempo fa mi sembra
 di aver letto di una patch: cerca con
 Se vuoi pero' la mia opinione non credo sia il
 caso pasticciare per un cosi' piccolo risultato..
 tanto piu' che Gnome 2.0 uscira' entro aprile..

Non vorrei dire fesserie, ma mi sembra che gnome e kde
lo supportino entrambi, ma non so se sia una patch
della Mandrake 8.1 o se il supporto sia nativo.
Purtroppo non posso controllare ma se ben ricordo
dovrebbe essere possibile abilitarlo dal pannello di
controllo, dopodiche' e' necessario riavviare l'X
server per rendere effettive le modifiche.

Per quanto riguarda gli altri WM non ho idea...

Ciao! Steo.


Dillo con una cartolina!

[newbie-it] Re dove ho sbagliato? Per Andrea Celli

2002-02-19 Thread ku68

Allora forse ho risolto il problema adabas facendo come mi hai 
suggerito   :-)
Quando digito sia da root che da utente 
la risposta  la solita: no such file or directory :-(
Prendo la clava? ;-)

R: [newbie-it] StarOffice 5.2

2002-02-19 Thread luca laghi

Puoi controllare col comando ps -ax se effettivamente StarOffice o qualche
sua parte è ancora attiva. Poi puoi interrompere il processo attivo con kill
+ numero pid.
Quindi riprova la disinstallazione o a farlo ripartire ...

 Ho installato con successo(?) StarOffice 5.2.
 Dopo un paio di giorni ha smesso di funzionare, si blocca in apertura.
 Ho cercato invano di disinstallarlo, compare il messaggio: Dovete
 Soffice prima di procedere con la deinstallazione.
 Come posso fare?

Re: [newbie-it] Configurazione masterizzatore

2002-02-19 Thread Marco

 Ciao a tutta la ml!
 Ieri sera ho fatto un po' di prove col masterizzatore, solo che non so
 riuscito a concludere quasi niente, infatti: kudzu è tra i servizi che
 all'avvio e rimangono in esecuzione, poi ho anche provato con gtoster 
 fare lo scan dei bus solo che anche qui niente.
 Non bisogna modificare lilo.conf, fstab, ecc...? Per adesso il masteri
 viene riconosciuto da hard drake tra i lettori cd-rom come hdd.
 Sapete per caso quali file modificare e come si fa? Vi ringrazio molti

Se te lo vede allora probabilmente è già configurato ... sei sicuro su 
Cmq ... prova a creare una directory cdrom2 in /mnt
cd /mnt
mkdir cdrom2

poi inserisci un cdrom (contenente files, non vuoto) e prova a montarlo 
al volo:
mount /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom2
e guarda cosa ti dice con ls
cd /mnt/cdrom2
ls -al

Se funziona modifica /etc/fstab 



Re: [newbie-it] CD-Rom Multisessione

2002-02-19 Thread Pollo

Il lun, 2002-02-18 alle 15:53, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:
 ..E quale programma usi?
 Da quello che ne sapevo non era ancora supportata questa opzione..

Sono riuscito a creare un cd multisessione con gtoaster. Però non mi
trovo molto bene con gtoaster, preferisco ECliPt Roaster...

Ciao, Pollo.

[newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

2002-02-19 Thread tom

Mi sono accorto che smanettando qua e la con le configurazioni devo aver
combinato qualche casino.
quindi ho deciso di cancellare l'utente attuale!
ora l'unica cosa che mi trattiene dal farlo è che vorrei conservare
tutte le mail di [newbie-it],
dove ho trovato molte spiegazioni e consigli estremamente utili alla
vita dell utente :)

come posso fare?

copiare la cartella MAIL nella home del nuovo utente?
avrebbe qualche senso? o è una ca@@@a mondiale?
se non lo èfacendo cosi il client di posta funzionerebbe
atomaticamente senza disogno di installarlo?...
(questo che ho detto mi suona di cosa molto improbabbile!)
oppure copiando le sole mail e ri inserendole nella corispondente
directori del nuovo utente?
io non ho ancora provato nulla per la paura di continuare a fare danni!!
che mi consigliate di fare?

grazie gia da ora per gli eventuali suggerimenti

non ridete troppo:) per la montagna di ca@@@e che dicosono alla
prima installazione in assoluto di linux!

Ciao , Tom

Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:

Obiettivo Laurea? 
Scopri la formula vincente per la preparazione dei tui esami universitari! 
Per informazioni 
Clicca qui:  

Re: [newbie-it] browsers

2002-02-19 Thread Germano

sul sito della ericsson hai provato con Netscape a cliccare su  Try the 
phone ? Dice che manca il Flash ma non è cosi.

Ciao, Germano

Il 21:50, lunedì 18 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Questa è la mia situazione:
 uso esclusuvamente Konqueror e Netscape 4.78

 Ho caricato i file flash_linuz.tar.gz e j2re-1.4.0-linux.tar.gz

 Per i flash penso che funzionino entrambi ( vedi il
 quadratino in alto a sinistra)

 Per quanto riguarda gli applet java, konqueror non funziona al cento per
 cento ( esempio: non
 riesco a cambiare la selezione da seno a coseno e tangente per il resto
 tutto OK)
 Netscape tutto bene.

 Per quanto riguarda il sito con Netscape 4.78 tutto bene
 con Konqueror il contenuto del rettangolo lo vedo in basso e male.


Re: [newbie-it] Antialiasing in Gnome, WindowMaker, XFCE.

2002-02-19 Thread Giuseppe Giorgi

Grazie Marco,
ti confermo che la 2.0 fornirà il supporto in modo nativo.

Io avevo trovato un pacchetto che permetteva l'uso dell'antialiasing in
(Ora però non ricordo il nome) ma, pur avendolo installato non avevo
nessun risultato.

Per WindowMaker e XFCE? Nulla?

Mmmh... già che ci sono vi pongo altri due quesiti:

1) C'è modo di salvare in modo PERMANENTE i settaggi di xvidtune?

2) WindowMaker 0.80 (Rpm) non visualizza le icone .png pur avendone il
   Ho fatto l'upgrade dalla versione 0.65, dove invece le visualizzava.

Grazie a tutti, Ciao, Beppe.

-Messaggio Originale-
Da: Marco Canapicchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data invio: martedì 19 febbraio 2002 10:15
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] Antialiasing in Gnome, WindowMaker, XFCE.

: Giuseppe Giorgi wrote:
:   Ciao a tutti,
:   qualcuno sa dirmi come posso utilizzare
: l'antialiasing dei fonts in uno
:   dei WM in oggetto?
:   Premetto che ho una MDK 8.1.
: Ciao
: Il supporto per l'antialiasing purtroppo non e'
: ancora previsto nativamente da Gnome (si parla
: pero' che la 2.0 lo avra') ma tempo fa mi sembra
: di aver letto di una patch: cerca con
: Se vuoi pero' la mia opinione non credo sia il
: caso pasticciare per un cosi' piccolo risultato..
: tanto piu' che Gnome 2.0 uscira' entro aprile..
: Ciao
: Marco
:   Grazie a tutti, Beppe.

Re: [newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

2002-02-19 Thread Sandro

Alle 14:55, martedì 19 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

 copiare la cartella MAIL nella home del nuovo utente?
Esatto, se vuoi recuperare tutti i messaggi devi fare così.
Ovviamente dovrai rifare l'account di posta.
Usi kmail o che?

 non ridete troppo:) per la montagna di ca@@@e che dicosono alla
 prima installazione in assoluto di linux!

non ti preoccupare, per un modo o un altro siamo tutti newbie...:-))

 Ciao , Tom

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Linux Mandrake 8.1 on Pentium III 866 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 103048

Re: [newbie-it] come salvare le mail?

2002-02-19 Thread Nicola

Il 14:55, martedì 19 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Mi sono accorto che smanettando qua e la con le configurazioni devo aver
 combinato qualche casino.
 quindi ho deciso di cancellare l'utente attuale!
 ora l'unica cosa che mi trattiene dal farlo è che vorrei conservare
 tutte le mail di [newbie-it],
 dove ho trovato molte spiegazioni e consigli estremamente utili alla
 vita dell utente :)

 come posso fare?

 copiare la cartella MAIL nella home del nuovo utente?
 avrebbe qualche senso? o è una ca@@@a mondiale?
 se non lo èfacendo cosi il client di posta funzionerebbe
 atomaticamente senza disogno di installarlo?...
 (questo che ho detto mi suona di cosa molto improbabbile!)
 oppure copiando le sole mail e ri inserendole nella corispondente
 directori del nuovo utente?
 io non ho ancora provato nulla per la paura di continuare a fare danni!!
 che mi consigliate di fare?

 grazie gia da ora per gli eventuali suggerimenti

 non ridete troppo:) per la montagna di ca@@@e che dicosono alla
 prima installazione in assoluto di linux!

 Ciao , Tom

Scusa, avevo già cominciato a risponderti ma mi sono accorto che non hai 
specificato il programma che usi, anch'io son un newbie, ma ad esempio con 
Kmail non ho avuto difficoltà a salvare la cartella di un utente in un nuovo 
utente, quindi di dico come ho fatto, sperando che si applichi anche al tuo 
caso (per non fare danni e ricsciare di perdere l'archivio ti consiglio di 
crearti un nuovo utente e di copiare solamente la cartella, giusto per 
provare!). Tu lanci kmail da nuovo utente e lasciagli creare i files 
standard, dopo copiaci sopra la cartella che vuoi trasferire, avendo 
l'accortezza di cambiare il proprietario a tutti i files, che deve essere 
l'effettivo utilizzatore. Per esempio questo funziona:

cp -ur /home/utente/Mail /home/utente2/
chown -R utente2:utente2 /home/utente2/Mail/

[newbie-it] Masterizzare

2002-02-19 Thread Lele

possiedo un masterizzatore Philips cdrw 1610a Che ho configurato con 
emulazione scsi e che ho già usato per creare cd audio, ma che mi dà problemi 
con i cd dati.
Ho provato più volte a copiare al volo un cd contenente un'immagine iso 
tramite Gccombust , ma nonostante abbia seguito con attenzione i consigli che 
ho trovato su Linux pratico non ho ottenuto nulla.
L'esecuzione delle procedure sembra perfetta, e anche Gccombust non sewgnala 
errori, ma i cd (più di uno) che ho prodotto risultano illeggibili, sia da 
MDK 8.1 che da win.
Dove può essere l'erore ?
Grazie per le eventuali risposte 

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner USB Agfa e25

2002-02-19 Thread Mario Lodi Rizzini

Pollo ha scritto:
 Prova a controllare se i moduli del kernel per lo scanner sono 
 per far ciò dai il comando lsmod con i privilegi di root. Dovresti
 trovare tra i tanti questi tre moduli: usb-uhci, usbcore, scanner.
 Hai provato a dare il comando scanimage -L ? Non te lo trova lo 
 Hai provato a lanciare xsane o xscanimage?
 Ciao, Pollo.

Ho installato Xsane (mi sono accorto che c'era installato solo sane) e 
ho rifatto l'intera procedura.
Se faccio scanimage -L non mi trova nessun scanner.
Ho fatto anche lsmod. usb-ohci c'e` come pure usbcore; manca pero` 
la voce scanner.
Hai una qualche idea di come poterla aggiungere?

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] Quale modem???

2002-02-19 Thread Arwan

Scrive stefano:

(Monday, February 18, 2002, ore 11:45:18 AM, a proposito di [newbie-it] Quale modem???)

smbi Salve a tutti, mi chiamo Stefano e sono un newbie assoluto con linux, non
smbi ho avuto grossi problemi con l'installazione di una distribuzione Mandrake
smbi 8.1 ( mb Abit KT-7 raid / AMD Duron 900Mhz / 128 Mb PC133 / Hd IBM 30G )ed
smbi ora sto familiarizzando con linux. Il primo passo è stata la connessione ad
smbi internet, scartato il moden interno che avevo in precedenza,

Io sto aspettando che escano i driver per il mio winmodem... per cui,
prima di fare acquisti, ti consiglio di dare un'occhiata alla pagina ... non si sa mai che tu non riesca a far funzionare
il tuo modem interno!


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

[newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-19 Thread Arwan


Sono alle prese con l'installazione di tre programmi (due per gli
audio e uno per le foto) e mi sono incastrata sul piu' bello.
Prendiamone uno per esempio: ho scaricato il file gramofile.tar.gz;
l'ho scompattatto in una cartella. Il readme dice di spostarsi nella
cartella creata scompattando (un questo caso gramofile) e da li'
lanciare make, ho provato ma la bash mi dice che non conosce il
C'e' un file eseguibile chiamato makefile, ho provato a lanciare anche
questo, ma nisba; poi ho fatto un po' di esperimenti scrivendo con
lettere maiuscole... ciccia!
Con gli altri programmi la situazione e' simile, sostituendo il make
con un configure o qualcosa di simile.
Dove sbaglio???


There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.


2002-02-19 Thread g

hello this,

John Richard Smith wrote:

 A few more thoughts,

ok... give me some time to read back thru these 2 and original post.

way things were set up, i want to combine your post to see just where
what is.

it appears, when you did install, you allow lm8.1 to partition drive.

please read back thru your post and verify partitioning. need to
know for sure what hda1, hda2, hda3, hda4 are use for. which physical
is extended?

i started you off close, but not complete. will rewrite instructions

 did an f1 rescue , enter ,
 cd /mnt/etc
 cat /etc/fstab
 /dev/ram3/ext2 defaults 1 1,
 /dev/fd0/mnt/floppy auto defaults, noauto 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults, noauto,ro 0 0
 /dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom auto defaults, noauto 0 09
 writer's note : this should have entries for
 /dev/hda6/ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda1/boot/bootext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Yes/no ?

yes. hda1, /boot and hda6, /root must be in fstab


 cat /etc/mtab

 writers note : This is correct as far as it goes,
 however what about  an entry for
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaultts 0 0
 yes/no ?

no. this is rescue, minimal, and why /dev/ram3. mtab is a list of current
mount, so some how it got / and /boot correct. normally fstab is read.

 also what about Scsi emulation, entries in these files  ?

needed for cdrom

 This suggests to me that Grub enties in fstab and mtab
 are all up the creek ?

 They need to be corrected from the command line, not sure how to do this
 please advise, do I need a text editor ?

no paddle or boat. happens a lot with grub. so, you want to hassle with
grub, or enjoy system with lilo?

please verify above, and i will working up a new rescue boot sequence..

 John (call me this)

i did. g

btw. remove '1' from 'newbie 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

also, is there a reason to leave 'cc:' address in? had trouble sending,
so i left it off this round.


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[newbie] post-nuke

2002-02-19 Thread Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

hi all
i selected post nuke install from the cds and found the directory on my hd
but i dont know how to access it from my browser
and when i click on the html in the file manager it says unable to open the

i d/l the latest post nuke and it says to instal it to my web directory.
where is that exactly and do i put the entire post -nuke directory or the 2
main directories in it to the web directory?

thanks in advance

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RE: [newbie] File Sharing

2002-02-19 Thread Barran, Richard

 Try Edonkey 2000 (
 They have linux , windows and mac clients. Seems to work great, and a
 LOT better than gnutella at that.
 Walter Logeman wrote:
  Are there any good linux file sharing apps?
   qtella - seems ok, very like grokster i used on windows.  But it
   is not as efficient - maybe i need to tweek it somewhere.


On the subject of P2P applications - can someone recommend a good resource
for a Linux newbie on this subject? I'm thinking of something that will
explain in simple words how to set up a firewall that will allow file
sharing, how to set up a file sharing app to automatically run and connect
to the internet at nighttime, etc...

Thanks in advance,


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[newbie] PC doesn't switch off on powerdown

2002-02-19 Thread Barran, Richard

Hello all

This should be a fairly simple one: when I log out from Linux, my PC goes
through the whole shutdown process, displays 'power down' on the screen, and
then waits for me to manually switch the machine off. Is this a Linux
feature or should the PC be able to switch itself off?
By the way, it will happily reboot the machine if I ask it to, and Win98 has
no problems switching off the PC itself.

Any suggestions?



machine runs Win98/Mandrake 8.1
Duron 800Mhz
128MB ram
Gigabyte VIA KT133E motherboard.
hard drive: Western Digital 20GB
graphics card: Nvidia Vanta TNT2
sound: soundblaster PCI128 (detected as Ensoniq 5880)
CD burner: Aopen CRW9624

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[newbie] SRPMs

2002-02-19 Thread Barran, Richard


At the weekend I found and downloaded a group of RPMs for the mplayer
application (from the following address: )

The application itself was packaged as a SRPM: mplayer-0.50-6mdk.src.rpm

I installed all the RPMs without a hitch, but the SRPM is causing me grief.
What basically happens is:

Open console window.
Sign on as root.
Go to download directory and type:

rpm --rebuild mplayer-0.50-6mdk.src.rpm

which just gets me the answer:

mplayer-0.50-6mdk.src.rpm: No such file or directory.

I must be missing something really obvious, but what? Btw, the file IS
there, I can see it from the console, and I tried changing the rights on it
with a 'chmod 777', just in case.



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Re: [newbie] zip

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Monday 18 February 2002 23:06, you wrote:

  How do you windows/zip a file? I can unzip using the unzip command but
  there doesn't seem to be a zip conterpart. I need to zip a file to
  send to a assocaite running windows. Thanks.

 there should be a zip command as well. just try 'zip file_name'

zip and unzip are separate packages. It is possible to have just the one 
and not the other installed. Just get out the cd's and install it.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

...hey, at least a wild goose chase gives you some exercise-Neal Stephenson

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Re: [newbie] Samba: easy setup?

2002-02-19 Thread Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists

also ksamba from
heard of komba too .. cant remember what that does tho
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 6:23 PM
Subject: [newbie] Samba: easy setup?


 What do people do to setup samba?  Here's what i do (using webmin) at both
 linux machines:

 -Create samba user  pass pair
 -Create share (user is allowed to use, share, delete...)
 -restart samba
 -run smbmount //smbserver/smbshare /directory_to_use -o username=UserName
 It asks then for a password.  If everything went well it's connected.

 Is there a way to do that in graphical mode?  Thanks.
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
 Yahoo  AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Where to put skins for xmms ?

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Monday 18 February 2002 17:17, you wrote:

 What directory would i put skins for xmms in ?

Let's see, assuming that your login (username) on your system is 
thepoet58, that would be


Don't bother decompressing them; just dump the zip, wsz, or tgz file in 
there and xmms will see it the next time you select a skin and decompress 
it on the fly (assuming that you have installed unzip, of course)

Also, have a look at this file:


where xxx is your version of xmms

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

...hey, at least a wild goose chase gives you some exercise-Neal Stephenson

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Re: [newbie] Shell script programming

2002-02-19 Thread Walter Logeman


 Thank you all, these sites are really cool !!!

Some more just for the record:

Walter Logeman

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Re: [newbie] Resolution / Desktop

2002-02-19 Thread James Thomas

Where can I find to change the resolution, and the screen area of my 
display?  and can I view my KDE desktop as Web page? if yes, how?

Open a console, type drakconf, enter your root password, click the + icon 
next to Hardware, click Display and set it there.

As to the web page thing, I don't know. :)


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Re: [newbie] PC doesn't switch off on powerdown

2002-02-19 Thread James Thomas

This should be a fairly simple one: when I log out from Linux, my PC goes
through the whole shutdown process, displays 'power down' on the screen, 
then waits for me to manually switch the machine off. Is this a Linux
feature or should the PC be able to switch itself off?
By the way, it will happily reboot the machine if I ask it to, and Win98 
no problems switching off the PC itself.

I haven't tested it recently but I remember typing shutdown -h now (or halt) 
and then having to turn it off manually.


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Re: [newbie] Resolution / Desktop

2002-02-19 Thread Maxx

Run `Xconfigurator` for adjusting your resolution of your display.

Tonton wrote:
 Where can I find to change the resolution, and the screen area of my display?  and 
can I view my KDE desktop as Web page? if yes, how?
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Re: [newbie] Samba: easy setup?

2002-02-19 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 12:08, Mohammed Arafa 2 Mailing Lists 
 also ksamba from
 heard of komba too .. cant remember what that does tho

Komba is a client for browsing Winboxes on the Network 
Neighbourhood.  Basically a graphic version of smbclient.


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: SV: [newbie] Memory

2002-02-19 Thread ed tharp

I STILL think that a service mis-configured is the most likely slowdown. 
whomever is expericencing the slow down should post their dmesg file under 
the subject: slow CPU -dmesg and go from there.

On Friday 15 February 2002 09:09, you wrote:
 Another thing to really consider is the memory and cache support in your
 chipset. When 200 MHz was a speedy computer the i430Vx and i430Tx
 chipsets were common. These chipsets can only cache 64 MB of RAM and an
 increase from that amount will lead to a part of the RAM being uncached.
 Worth thinking of. More memory might even slow the system down. With KDE
 or Gnome and especially when using many applications at the same time
 more memory will, however, be worth it. Uncached memory is extremely
 faster then swap-space.

 I had a 200 MHz K6 and for me an increase from 64 MB to 128 MB (and from
 PC66 to PC100) made a huge increase in performance.

 Good Luck

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  Från: Mario Michael da Costa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Skickat: den 15 februari 2002 05:37
  Ämne: Re: [newbie] Memory
  hmmm, 96 megs is a lot of RAM IMHO, having more RAM won't hurt, but is
  the type of RAM that you want available ? with the 200 mmx systems,
  the SDRAM has to have 60 - 70 ns timing. most modern SDRAMS have 10
  less ns timing. even the smaller SIMMS are hard to find. check and see
  wether the RAM that you want will be supported by your mobo. refer to
  your mobo manual for this.
  besides it is not always true that incrasing your ram will increase
  the speed of your computer, the reverse is also possible. offhand, 128
  MB would be ideal for a 200 mmx system, you have 96 which is good
  switch to windowmaker/fvwm(2)/enlightenment instead of gnome or kde.
  Thank You,
  Roy wrote:
   ram is the biggest bottle neck on a machine.  installing
  ram will help out
   alot by improving most software preformace and reduce the
  read-write caching
   to your hard drive
   - Original Message -
   From: Marcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:26 PM
   Subject: [newbie] Memory
Dear All,
Happy Valentine's Day.
I have a desktop computer that is only 200mhz and has 96
  megs of ram. I
like to upgrade it to have 256 megs of ram but is that
  all for nothing if
do not upgrade the cpu?
Thanks for the help.
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   The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed it on

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[newbie] Mail question

2002-02-19 Thread Robin

Hello all,

I am having a bit of mail problem but don't know where to start. I want
to set up a mail server which supports pop, imap and webmail, and I also
need to collect mail from other mail server.

Here comes the detail. I have 3 machines here, 1 running Win2k, 2
running mdk 8.1. One of the mdk machine is a dedicated server, the other
2 are my workstations. The server will have a sub domain with
so I can host my own mail server. The reason for using imap is simply
that I don't have to download all my mail to all my workstations. To
make the problem even harder, I also have email accounts with my ISP and
Yahoo. I am hoping that it can be setup so the mail server would fetch
my mail from other mail server and put them in the same place with other
mail received by my own mail server.

To sum it up, in case you were confused by the last section, I hope to
setup a mail server, which will host mail for local domain and fetch
mail from other pop3 server and put everything in one place so I can
access all mail from any other workstation using IMAP. Webmail is for
accessing mail from outside network.

I did some search, seems horde could solve some of the problem. I am
also hoping address book would stay on the server so when I move from
machine to machine, I don't have to re enter them.

Any help is greatly appreciated


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Re: [newbie] star office

2002-02-19 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, M. Garcia wrote:
 %_I'm trying to learn to install Star Office under Mandrake 8.1
 I've downloaded the .bin but I am unable to get it to install. It gives me a 
permissions error.
 Running it as root was the same. I came across something called chmod.
 but I'm not sure what it is. 
 Any help will be appreciated. Also, links to basic guides.

try chmod +x setup
I think setup is what you should be executing
What file are you trying to execute?

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Error: Couldn't Open Audio

2002-02-19 Thread Michael Scottaline

On 18 Feb 2002 23:01:46 -0800
Nexist Xenda'ths [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:

I get this error message when I try and run any sound application
(typically XMMS) since rebooting my system.  I was able to use sound
after the install, but after reboot this error appeared.  Please help.

System:  Mandrake 8.1, Ximian Gnome, both updated with Red-Carpet.
Hardware: K6-350, Soundblaster Live!

fuser reports no processes using any of the devices in /dev/audio
permissions for the devices are the nexist:audio (nexist is the local
local user nexist is in the audio group.

I have received this error under other desktops as well (Blackbox,
fluxbox, Windowmaker  KDE).
Give this a try:

In xmmx, go to options-preferences
on first tab click on output plugin and set it to eSound Output Plugin
1.2.6 That should get xmms working



He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that
fool you., he really is an idiot.

-Groucho Marx

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[newbie] KDE

2002-02-19 Thread Pauljames Dimitriu


 How can I tell what version of KDE I'm running?  Thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Directory Sizes

2002-02-19 Thread Alaa The Great

On 18 Feb 2002 04:35:37 -0500
Paul Kraus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to determin the the size of a directory? totaly file
 size? Perferably with command line. Thanks.
du -h

this will show you the size of current directory and all subdirectories, if
you don't want subdirectories use this option

du -h --max-depth=0

see man du for more details (few days ago there were a couple of posts on
how to use du to find directories in a certain size range).


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Re: [newbie] KDE

2002-02-19 Thread Paul Pak

  How can I tell what version of KDE I'm running?  Thanks.

Simply open a KDE Programm like KMail or KWord (KEDIT) and OPen the Menu Help 
KDE and on the top you will see the version

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Re: [newbie] star office

2002-02-19 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 14:32, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, M. Garcia wrote:
  %_I'm trying to learn to install Star Office under Mandrake 8.1
  I've downloaded the .bin but I am unable to get it to install. It
  gives me a permissions error. Running it as root was the same. I
  came across something called chmod. but I'm not sure what it
  Any help will be appreciated. Also, links to basic guides.

 try chmod +x setup

and don't forget that if you have multiple users on the machine, it 
should be

./setup /net

Then do a normal setup for each user.


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] Scanner

2002-02-19 Thread Paul Pak

 Is there any software available in Linux-Mandrake so that I can use my
 Brand: Plustek Scanner (EPP Scanner)

you need the sane packeges:

as root modifiy in file /etc/sane/plustek.dll

device /dev/pt_drv


device /dev/lp0

now try to start xsane as root,.

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Re: [newbie] KDE

2002-02-19 Thread Robin Turner

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 15:10, Pauljames Dimitriu wrote:

  How can I tell what version of KDE I'm running?  Thanks.

In most KDE applications under the Help menu you'll find About KDE, 
which will give you the verison number.


Never mind the quality, feel the bandwidth.

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] KDE

2002-02-19 Thread rsch77

Hmm, I think there are many ways to do it ... you can take a look at
KDE's control center. Access it through the k icon on the bar at the
bottom of screen. If you installed it from rpm, you could also try
typing rpm -qa | grep kde without the quotes in a terminal. You
will get a list of packages, probably related to kde, and they might
have the version number as part of their extensions.
Hope it helps you.


 -- Mensagem original ---

 Cc  :
 Data: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 05:10:43 -0800 (PST)
 Assunto : [newbie] KDE


  How can I tell what version of KDE I'm running?  Thanks.

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Re: [newbie] Error: Couldn't Open Audio

2002-02-19 Thread Nexist Xenda'ths


On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 04:59, Michael Scottaline wrote:
 On 18 Feb 2002 23:01:46 -0800
 Nexist Xenda'ths [EMAIL PROTECTED] scribbled in frustration:
 I get this error message when I try and run any sound application
 (typically XMMS) since rebooting my system.  I was able to use sound
 after the install, but after reboot this error appeared.  Please help.
 System:  Mandrake 8.1, Ximian Gnome, both updated with Red-Carpet.
 Hardware: K6-350, Soundblaster Live!
 fuser reports no processes using any of the devices in /dev/audio
 permissions for the devices are the nexist:audio (nexist is the local
 local user nexist is in the audio group.
 I have received this error under other desktops as well (Blackbox,
 fluxbox, Windowmaker  KDE).
 Give this a try:
 In xmmx, go to options-preferences
 on first tab click on output plugin and set it to eSound Output Plugin
 1.2.6 That should get xmms working

Thank you.  UNfortunately, this gives the same error.


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Re: [newbie] Mail question

2002-02-19 Thread Randy Kramer


I'd like to try to help.  The sketches at may be of some help
to get a general understanding of how email works in, for example, a LAN
-- I'm in the process of setting up (learning how) my own email server
for very similar purposes.  I am in the process of developing more. 
(Those sketches have been vetted by at least one person who has a
better handle on how email works, but there may be some errors or

Part of the key is fetchmail (or getmail) which can be set up to fetch
mail from one or more popservers and bring it to your email server.  You
may need a separate fetchmail task for each pop3 server -- I really
don't know yet.  Also, you can include fetchmail in a cron job to run it
periodically automatically.

My next step is to study up on postfix and then develop a block diagram
for postfix.

If you (or anybody else) has comments on the sketches (or anything else)
feel free to write to me or register and edit the page yourself.  I'd
prefer to edit the drawings myself, for the time being -- I'm trying to
strike a balance between simplicity and totally complete and accurate
detail, and maintain a similar style across all the sketches.  (Someone
has edited the first sketch and made some style changes (font sizes)
inconsistent with the other sketches.)

Randy Kramer

Robin wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am having a bit of mail problem but don't know where to start. I want
 to set up a mail server which supports pop, imap and webmail, and I also
 need to collect mail from other mail server.
 Here comes the detail. I have 3 machines here, 1 running Win2k, 2
 running mdk 8.1. One of the mdk machine is a dedicated server, the other
 2 are my workstations. The server will have a sub domain with
 so I can host my own mail server. The reason for using imap is simply
 that I don't have to download all my mail to all my workstations. To
 make the problem even harder, I also have email accounts with my ISP and
 Yahoo. I am hoping that it can be setup so the mail server would fetch
 my mail from other mail server and put them in the same place with other
 mail received by my own mail server.
 To sum it up, in case you were confused by the last section, I hope to
 setup a mail server, which will host mail for local domain and fetch
 mail from other pop3 server and put everything in one place so I can
 access all mail from any other workstation using IMAP. Webmail is for
 accessing mail from outside network.
 I did some search, seems horde could solve some of the problem. I am
 also hoping address book would stay on the server so when I move from
 machine to machine, I don't have to re enter them.
 Any help is greatly appreciated
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Re: [newbie] Lilo Problem

2002-02-19 Thread Rich

I had already tried the Boot Config and Boot Loader, anything that I do
there is ignored.

I'm not sure that I understand the second part of your answer.  Where
exactly do I put those statements?  In the boot loader?


Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 Rich wrote:
  I just installed a second copy of Mandrake 8.1 on some extra space I had on a
  second hard drive.  The problem is that lilo is now completely ignored on
  boot, the latest install is booted every time, lilo never shows up at all.
  What do I have to modify to get lilo to show up?

 Rich, two suggestions :
 If you run KDE or GNOME, open Control Center, type in your
 root-password, and select Boot. Then, select Boot Config. Now, in
 the upper right corner, click Configure. This opens a dialog-box,
 called Bootloader Main Options. Here, you can select the boot
 device. I guess you can choose whatever here.
 If still in trouble, post two files to the list :
 1. : /etc/lilo.conf
 2. : /etc/fstab
 Then, I'm sure you'll be up and running in no time at all.
 Kaj Haulrich
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2002-02-19 Thread John Richard Smith

Very many thanks for your reply,
(forgive me, I'm confused , your name ? )

Sorry to be a nuisance, 
you see there are two ways to look upon problems,
You can wish they were not there , and do nothing,
or say to yourself, well , this is my chance to learn something.
In this case it's the latter, both for me , and my son inlaw,
who was the cc addition, and  like me is building identical computer,
and therefore has the same problem .

Anyway you asked me:-
Harddrive:  hda1 ,203mb  , linux boot
configuration:  hda3 , 4.8gb   , W2KNTFS
  :  hda5 , 4.8gb   , spare NTFS partition,
  :  hda6 , 4.8gb   , LM8.1 , /root
  :  hda7 , 1.04gb  , Linux swap,
  :  hda9 , 4.8gb, Linux native spare,
  :  hda9 , 4.8gb, NTFS spare
  :  hda10,4.8gb, NTFS spare
  :  hda11,6.7gb, NTFS spare

and so,
hda1 is the boot partition (necessary for multiple 
linux OS additions ,later,will be shared with
further Linux O/s's,as boot partition )

hda6 /root , the main LM8.1 install,

hda7 / swap partition, will be shared with any further Linux O/S's

hda9 /spare partiton for future additional linux O/S's, 
 not needed at this time

The aim is to keep abreast of future Mandrake releases 
and install them alongside one another, overwriting the 
oldest as we go.

many thanks,


--  Forwarded Message  --

Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 04:52:55 +

hello this,

John Richard Smith wrote:
 A few more thoughts,

ok... give me some time to read back thru these 2 and original post.

way things were set up, i want to combine your post to see just where
what is.

it appears, when you did install, you allow lm8.1 to partition drive.

please read back thru your post and verify partitioning. need to
know for sure what hda1, hda2, hda3, hda4 are use for. which physical
is extended?

i started you off close, but not complete. will rewrite instructions

 did an f1 rescue , enter ,
 cd /mnt/etc

 cat /etc/fstab

 /dev/ram3/ext2 defaults 1 1,
 /dev/fd0/mnt/floppy auto defaults, noauto 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults, noauto,ro 0 0
 /dev/cdrom/mnt/cdrom auto defaults, noauto 0 09

 writer's note : this should have entries for
 /dev/hda6/ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda1/boot/bootext2 defaults 1 2
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Yes/no ?

yes. hda1, /boot and hda6, /root must be in fstab


 cat /etc/mtab

 writers note : This is correct as far as it goes,
 however what about  an entry for
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaultts 0 0
 yes/no ?

no. this is rescue, minimal, and why /dev/ram3. mtab is a list of current
mount, so some how it got / and /boot correct. normally fstab is read.

 also what about Scsi emulation, entries in these files  ?

needed for cdrom

 This suggests to me that Grub enties in fstab and mtab
 are all up the creek ?

 They need to be corrected from the command line, not sure how to do this
 please advise, do I need a text editor ?

no paddle or boat. happens a lot with grub. so, you want to hassle with
grub, or enjoy system with lilo?

please verify above, and i will working up a new rescue boot sequence..

 John (call me this)

i did. g

btw. remove '1' from 'newbie 1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

also, is there a reason to leave 'cc:' address in? had trouble sending,
so i left it off this round.


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Strange CPU Load

2002-02-19 Thread JSheble

First of all my linux machine isn't a production machine, in fact it
probably can't even qualify as a development machine either.  It sits idle
for the majority of the time as I tinker with various aspects in an attempt
to learn something about Linux.  I have noticed though after loading a
CPULoad DockApp that my CPU load averages between 50-80%.  Since it's not
supposed to be doing anything, I thought I'd investigate.

After running ps aux, I noticed that PID #4 ([kapm-idled]) was taking up
over 90% of the CPU cycles.  Itried killing it off with kill 4 but it
remains.  Could somebody tell me what this process is, and how I can
successfully kill it, or even if I should kill it.


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RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

2002-02-19 Thread Franki

oh boy are you asking that on this list again...

it gets asked once every day usually, and the answer is probably in the
archives of every linux distro using 2.4 kernels.
(as a result people get annoyed answering it every day over and over...) so
if you get flamed, you;ve been warned :-)
kapm-idled is a kernel process, it isn't using your cpu up. its an idle
process and its job is to make more efficient use of your CPU.

do not sweat it, and don't try to kill it, if you want more info, do a
search for it on the mandrake archives, you'll get more then you can read in
a month.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of JSheble
Sent: Tuesday, 19 February 2002 10:20 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

First of all my linux machine isn't a production machine, in fact it
probably can't even qualify as a development machine either.  It sits idle
for the majority of the time as I tinker with various aspects in an attempt
to learn something about Linux.  I have noticed though after loading a
CPULoad DockApp that my CPU load averages between 50-80%.  Since it's not
supposed to be doing anything, I thought I'd investigate.

After running ps aux, I noticed that PID #4 ([kapm-idled]) was taking up
over 90% of the CPU cycles.  Itried killing it off with kill 4 but it
remains.  Could somebody tell me what this process is, and how I can
successfully kill it, or even if I should kill it.


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RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

2002-02-19 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of JSheble
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:20 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

First of all my linux machine isn't a production machine, in fact it
probably can't even qualify as a development machine either. It sits idle
for the majority of the time as I tinker with various aspects in an attempt
to learn something about Linux. I have noticed though after loading a
CPULoad DockApp that my CPU load averages between 50-80%. Since it's not
supposed to be doing anything, I thought I'd investigate.

After running ps aux, I noticed that PID #4 ([kapm-idled]) was taking up
over 90% of the CPU cycles. Itried killing it off with kill 4 but it
remains. Could somebody tell me what this process is, and how I can
successfully kill it, or even if I should kill it.


Hi, this will serve as the weekly kapm bulletin. kapm is a non process it merely indicates idle cycles of the cpu and is not taking up any process load. Ignore it. The other weekly notice is that: Linux does not like idle ram and will cache into ram and then free up as needed for processes so when a monitor shows ram usage at 90% or above it is not that something is necessarily sucking up the ram it is that linux is being effecient. HTH

[newbie] suck (for INN nothing else)

2002-02-19 Thread yvan_linux


I configured INN and it works. I now need a program to download the news
from my provider to my newsserver. Newsflash doesn't work because my provider
doesn't supprt the 'newsnews' command, the other alternative is suck (as far as
I know).

What concerns me a bit is that on the Mandrake CD there is no RPM for suck. 
Why, is there a better alternative to download news?


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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[newbie] Single Network Firewall 7.2

2002-02-19 Thread Belkie, Dan
Title: RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

Has anyone used 
Single Network Firewall 

I'm looking at a 
firewall system, and was wondering if this product was worth 
Is there other 
solutions anyone would suggest?

Dan Belkie Forzani Group LTD System Architect [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 
403.717.1400 ext 1642 Mobile: 
"Parts that don't exist can't break." 

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[newbie] Have to manually connect to internet

2002-02-19 Thread asmiller

I am running Mandrake 8.1 on a Dell C600 and using it as a mail and 
web server.  Some setting changed recently and when it is rebooted, 
it no longer connects to the internet automatically.  I now have to 
go into the Mandrake Control Center and make it connect manually. 
Can someone tell me where I go to set this so it happens 
automatically?  This is a network OS and I didn't even know it could 
be disconnected.

Appreciate any help.

Andy Miller

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Re: [newbie] PC doesn't switch off on powerdown

2002-02-19 Thread Stewart Taylor

If memory serves you have to have power management fully enabled in the BIOS 
then  it will shut down automaticallu.


On Tuesday 19 February 2002 9:52 am, you wrote:
 Hello all

 This should be a fairly simple one: when I log out from Linux, my PC goes
 through the whole shutdown process, displays 'power down' on the screen,
 and then waits for me to manually switch the machine off. Is this a Linux
 feature or should the PC be able to switch itself off?
 By the way, it will happily reboot the machine if I ask it to, and Win98
 has no problems switching off the PC itself.

 Any suggestions?



 machine runs Win98/Mandrake 8.1
 Duron 800Mhz
 128MB ram
 Gigabyte VIA KT133E motherboard.
 hard drive: Western Digital 20GB
 graphics card: Nvidia Vanta TNT2
 sound: soundblaster PCI128 (detected as Ensoniq 5880)
 CD burner: Aopen CRW9624

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Re: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

2002-02-19 Thread JSheble

Never mind, I found this in regards to the CPU load..

it's expected and natural... sorry to waste the bandwidth...

At 07:20 AM 2/19/2002 -0700, you wrote:
First of all my linux machine isn't a production machine, in fact it
probably can't even qualify as a development machine either.  It sits idle
for the majority of the time as I tinker with various aspects in an attempt
to learn something about Linux.  I have noticed though after loading a
CPULoad DockApp that my CPU load averages between 50-80%.  Since it's not
supposed to be doing anything, I thought I'd investigate.

After running ps aux, I noticed that PID #4 ([kapm-idled]) was taking up
over 90% of the CPU cycles.  Itried killing it off with kill 4 but it
remains.  Could somebody tell me what this process is, and how I can
successfully kill it, or even if I should kill it.


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Re: [newbie] Shell script programming

2002-02-19 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 06:30, Walter Logeman wrote:

  Thank you all, these sites are really cool !!!

 Some more just for the record:

And on behalf of the Royal Society for the Preservation of Bandwidth, I 
suggest you try this command:

 locate rute.pdf

If it's on your system, read it (use the app xpdf). If not, install it 
from the mdk cd's, and then read it.

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

...hey, at least a wild goose chase gives you some exercise-Neal Stephenson

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RE: [newbie] 8.1 installed - networking trouble - similar problem here too

2002-02-19 Thread Todd Zashin

I would like to piggy back on this thread if I may because I am having a
similar problem.  I recently shut down my linux box and used the power cord
for another pc connection as well as the monitor.  When I plugged everything
back into the linux box and rebooted, kudzu appeared telling me something
was wrong with my Network ISA card.  I told it to keep the configuration
because I wanted to do the research behind why all of a sudden is my network
card not getting recognized.  When I do a modprobe ne, I receive the

/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/ne.o.gz: init_module: No such
device or address
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including
invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/ne.o.gz: insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/ne.o.gz failed
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/ne.o.gz: insmod ne failed

What is this?  How do I rectify Linux Mandrake 8.1 not recognizing my NIC.
In the Mandrake Control Center it does not appear nor is it in the HardDrake
utility.  What could be wrong?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ChuckS
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 5:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] 8.1 installed - networking trouble

I've  installed 8.1 and network was working fine out of the box.
After doing MandrakeUpdate(all packages updated except the 3
kernel related)

I lost the network (the 3com ISA 3c509b NIC)

I can ping but not eth0 set IP192.168.42.1
[root@myduckbox net]# ping
connect: Network is unreachable

eth0 doesn't list with ifconfig output but the Network
Configurator GUI / tool displays all correct values?

I get the following error output after running modprobe:

[root@myduckbox net]# modprobe 3c509
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz: invalid
parameter parm_io
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz: insmod
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz failed
/lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz: insmod

What's the next thing to check?

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RE: [newbie] 8.1 installed - networking trouble

2002-02-19 Thread Stefano POGLIANI

Welcome to the club...

It happened to me also, exactly the same... I re-installed


» -Original Message-
» [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ChuckS
» Sent: 03 February 2002 01:48
» Subject: [newbie] 8.1 installed - networking trouble
» I've  installed 8.1 and network was working fine out of the box.
» After doing MandrakeUpdate(all packages updated except the 3
» kernel related)
» I lost the network (the 3com ISA 3c509b NIC)
» I can ping but not eth0 set IP192.168.42.1
» [root@myduckbox net]# ping
» connect: Network is unreachable
» eth0 doesn't list with ifconfig output but the Network
» Configurator GUI / tool displays all correct values?
» I get the following error output after running modprobe:
» [root@myduckbox net]# modprobe 3c509
» /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz: invalid
» parameter parm_io
» /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz: insmod
» /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz failed
» /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net/3c509.o.gz: insmod
» 3c509
» failed
» What's the next thing to check?

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[newbie] Why Kroot error?

2002-02-19 Thread Burrows, Scott

Hi all,

I've an MD8.1 box.  All works well.

I type in startx to bring up KDE.  I am getting a flashing kroot error
message at the bottom
of screen.

When I open the file .xsession-errors in my home dir I see the following:

_KDE_IceTransmkdir:  Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
DCOPServer up and running.
_IceTransmkdir:  Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root

Again, all appears to be working so whats with the error message and how can
I fix it?


Scott Burrows
Office:   407 804-3208
Pager:   407-400-0197

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RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

2002-02-19 Thread Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

apologies to the list I just noticed that I am sending in HTML format again. Had 
to reinstall on a new machine here at work and the default appears to be HTML 
format. I've changed it back to plain text. It's ok to talk to me again. I'm 
suitably contrite. Dennis M.
-Original Message- From: 
Behalf Of JSheble Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:20 
AM To: Mandrake Newbie Subject: 
[newbie] Strange CPU Load 
First of all my linux machine isn't a production machine, in 
fact it probably can't even qualify as a development 
machine either. It sits idle for the majority of 
the time as I tinker with various aspects in an attempt to learn something about Linux. I have noticed though after loading 
a CPULoad DockApp that my CPU load averages between 
50-80%. Since it's not supposed to be doing 
anything, I thought I'd investigate. 
After running ps aux, I noticed that PID #4 ([kapm-idled]) was 
taking up over 90% of the CPU cycles. Itried 
killing it off with kill 4 but it remains. Could 
somebody tell me what this process is, and how I can successfully kill it, or even if I should kill it. 
Hi, this will serve as the weekly kapm bulletin. kapm is a non 
process it merely indicates idle cycles of the cpu and is not taking up any 
process load. Ignore it. The other weekly notice is that: Linux does not like 
idle ram and will cache into ram and then free up as needed for processes so 
when a monitor shows ram usage at 90% or above it is not that something is 
necessarily sucking up the ram it is that linux is being effecient. 

Re: [newbie] Lilo Problem

2002-02-19 Thread Kaj Haulrich

Rich wrote:
 I had already tried the Boot Config and Boot Loader, anything that I do
 there is ignored.
 I'm not sure that I understand the second part of your answer.  Where
 exactly do I put those statements?  In the boot loader?
 Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Rich wrote:
   I just installed a second copy of Mandrake 8.1 on some extra space I had on a
   second hard drive.  The problem is that lilo is now completely ignored on
   boot, the latest install is booted every time, lilo never shows up at all.
   What do I have to modify to get lilo to show up?
  Rich, two suggestions :
  If you run KDE or GNOME, open Control Center, type in your
  root-password, and select Boot. Then, select Boot Config. Now, in
  the upper right corner, click Configure. This opens a dialog-box,
  called Bootloader Main Options. Here, you can select the boot
  device. I guess you can choose whatever here.
  If still in trouble, post two files to the list :
  1. : /etc/lilo.conf
  2. : /etc/fstab
  Then, I'm sure you'll be up and running in no time at all.
  Kaj Haulrich

Rich, what I mean is that in order to help you, simply post a new
message to the list with information on those two files. You can open
them in a text-editor, copy the text and paste it into your mail. That
way, I'm sure we can help you out. Likewise, it would be nice to know
where your hard-disks are located on the IDE-bus, i.e. first/second and
master/slave. For your information, the scheme usually is as follows :

hda = master on first IDE-bus (normally the first harddisk, with
partitions hda1, hda2, hda3 and so on.)
hdb = slave on first IDE-bus  (I guess that's your second harddisk, with
partitions hdb1, hdb2..)
hdc = master on second IDE-bus (normally a CD-drive)
hdd = slave on second IDE-bus  (sometimes a CD-Writer).

If you have the guts to experiment with editing those files, remember to
make a boot-floppy first ! And finally : after editing lilo.conf (as
root), don't forget to run lilo (just type : lilo).

If still in trouble, get back to the list.

Kaj Haulrich

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RE: [newbie] Lilo Problem

2002-02-19 Thread Aron Pilhofer

sounds to me like you installed lilo outside the MBR. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kaj Haulrich
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Lilo Problem

Rich wrote:
 I had already tried the Boot Config and Boot Loader, anything that I do
 there is ignored.
 I'm not sure that I understand the second part of your answer.  Where
 exactly do I put those statements?  In the boot loader?
 Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Rich wrote:
   I just installed a second copy of Mandrake 8.1 on some extra 
space I had on a
   second hard drive.  The problem is that lilo is now 
completely ignored on
   boot, the latest install is booted every time, lilo never 
shows up at all.
   What do I have to modify to get lilo to show up?
  Rich, two suggestions :
  If you run KDE or GNOME, open Control Center, type in your
  root-password, and select Boot. Then, select Boot Config. Now, in
  the upper right corner, click Configure. This opens a dialog-box,
  called Bootloader Main Options. Here, you can select the boot
  device. I guess you can choose whatever here.
  If still in trouble, post two files to the list :
  1. : /etc/lilo.conf
  2. : /etc/fstab
  Then, I'm sure you'll be up and running in no time at all.
  Kaj Haulrich

Rich, what I mean is that in order to help you, simply post a new
message to the list with information on those two files. You can open
them in a text-editor, copy the text and paste it into your mail. That
way, I'm sure we can help you out. Likewise, it would be nice to know
where your hard-disks are located on the IDE-bus, i.e. first/second and
master/slave. For your information, the scheme usually is as follows :

hda = master on first IDE-bus (normally the first harddisk, with
partitions hda1, hda2, hda3 and so on.)
hdb = slave on first IDE-bus  (I guess that's your second harddisk, with
partitions hdb1, hdb2..)
hdc = master on second IDE-bus (normally a CD-drive)
hdd = slave on second IDE-bus  (sometimes a CD-Writer).

If you have the guts to experiment with editing those files, remember to
make a boot-floppy first ! And finally : after editing lilo.conf (as
root), don't forget to run lilo (just type : lilo).

If still in trouble, get back to the list.

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.1 and Lilo vs Win98

2002-02-19 Thread Tony

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002 23:52:25 +, you wrote:

  Theproblem is that booting Windows from the Lilo menu I can no longer
  see the D: drive under Windows.

this also sounds like the old bug regarding the 'relabelling' of the extended 
partition' to a linux extended partition, but from the archives this seem to 
have been fixed beyond lm 7.2, anyway 'fdisk /dev/hda' and 'p' to display the 
parttion types will tell you what partitions you have

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4867 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

Disk /dev/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4867 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   * 1   639   5132736c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hda2   640  1149   4096575   1c  Hidden Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda3  1150  1787   5124735   83  Linux
/dev/hda4  1788  4867  247401005  Extended
/dev/hda5  1788  2425   5124703+  83  Linux
/dev/hda6  2426  3063   5124703+  83  Linux
/dev/hda7  3064  3446   3076416   83  Linux
/dev/hda8  3447  3574   1028128+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda9  3575  4867  10385991   83  Linux

Thank you for the pointer .. from the fdisk output above you can see
/dev/hda2 is set to Hidden Win95 Fat32 rather than Win95 FAT32.  I
think this is the problem but don't know how to edit the partition
type without destroying the partition.  

Can anyone out there point me at the solution?


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Re: [newbie] Single Network Firewall 7.2

2002-02-19 Thread jeroen

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 17:48, you wrote:

i using this firewall, before this one i used smooth firewall, and all i can 
say is get the mandrake firewall, a really good one. look on the ftp server 
of mandrake for the iso version

 Has anyone used Single Network Firewall 7.2?

 I'm looking at a firewall system, and was wondering if this product was
 worth buying?
 Is there other solutions anyone would suggest?


 Dan Belkie
 Forzani Group LTD
 System Architect
 Phone: 403.717.1400 ext 1642
 Mobile: 403.605.6354
 Parts that don't exist can't break.

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Re: [newbie] Telnet and Webmin problems

2002-02-19 Thread Leonard W.Miller

I was able to ssh into the machine from itself. I downloaded PUTTY for my
Win98 machine and was also able to login.  I tried to use HyperTerminal 
to port 22 but it did not work.

Telnet is not listed in the services.  It was earlier, but was gone after I 
rebooted.  It is not listed in /etc/init.d

Everything else appears to be fine.  The switch and hub are ok.

 Brian Parish[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/19/02 8:27:47 PM 
First response is don't use telnet as it compromises your security in a
big way.  Try ssh instead. ssh -l your-user-name ip-address

But that doesn't address your problem.  Have a look in Control Center |
System | Services.  Is telnetd listed there?  Is it listed to start at
boot?  Has the system been rebooted recently?

The fact that it is so slow on webmin may indicate other issues on
course.  Can you run top on the machine to see what is taking the CPU?

Start there and report back.


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Re: [newbie] Telnet and Webmin problems

2002-02-19 Thread Brian Parish

Did you install a firewall recently by any chance?  InteractiveBastille
will give telnet the chop given half a chance.  Maybe others do too.

Anyway, given that putty works from W$, is there a reason to have
telnet?  Better off without it if not.


On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 11:51, Leonard W.Miller wrote:
 I was able to ssh into the machine from itself. I downloaded PUTTY for my
 Win98 machine and was also able to login.  I tried to use HyperTerminal 
 to port 22 but it did not work.
 Telnet is not listed in the services.  It was earlier, but was gone after I 
 rebooted.  It is not listed in /etc/init.d
 Everything else appears to be fine.  The switch and hub are ok.
  Brian Parish[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/19/02 8:27:47 PM 
 First response is don't use telnet as it compromises your security in a
 big way.  Try ssh instead. ssh -l your-user-name ip-address
 But that doesn't address your problem.  Have a look in Control Center |
 System | Services.  Is telnetd listed there?  Is it listed to start at
 boot?  Has the system been rebooted recently?
 The fact that it is so slow on webmin may indicate other issues on
 course.  Can you run top on the machine to see what is taking the CPU?
 Start there and report back.

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Re: [newbie] Telnet and Webmin problems

2002-02-19 Thread Leonard W.Miller

I can use PUTTY without a problem. I actually like it more than 
HyperTerminal.  More screen to work with.

I still need to get the webmin thing figured out though.

I'll work on it later.

 Brian Parish[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/19/02 9:27:19 PM 
Did you install a firewall recently by any chance?  InteractiveBastille
will give telnet the chop given half a chance.  Maybe others do too.

Anyway, given that putty works from W$, is there a reason to have
telnet?  Better off without it if not.


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Re: [newbie] Telnet and Webmin problems

2002-02-19 Thread Leonard W.Miller

Nothing has changed on the network.  The firewall has been up 
for months.  So has the server.  No config changes or anything.
It worked last night, but didn't want to work today.

 Brian Parish[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/19/02 9:27:19 PM 
Did you install a firewall recently by any chance?  InteractiveBastille
will give telnet the chop given half a chance.  Maybe others do too.

Anyway, given that putty works from W$, is there a reason to have
telnet?  Better off without it if not.


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Re: [newbie] wine install on mandrake 8.1

2002-02-19 Thread shane

i have never used wine for anything more than games, but if you tell us 
what programs you have tried and what it says/does when you attempt it, and 
how you attempt it, we could be more useful.  ;-)

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 15:27, you spoke unto me thusly:

 I just mandrake loaded.  Hoping this os will let me do away with window$.

 I know nothing about wine. And I can't seem to get a windows program

 Any suggestions on what to look for and/or to do.

-- a world without walls or fences, we wouldn't need windows or 

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[newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-19 Thread Hanan Shargi


I'm running Mandrake 8.1 on a dell inspiron notebook with a DSL connection ( I 
connect to the building's DSL network through the lan card only -internal IP 
withinn the network )
my problem is that when I resume working after a suspend mode, I cannot 
connect to the internet, I have to reboot the system to be able to connect to 
the internet again, I did some reading and found about the : 
# service network restart 
no luck. Tried it with the: stop and then start option, still no luck I get an 
error saying: cannot bring up eth0, I have to reboot

Any suggestions to get rid of   this problem ?

Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] PC doesn't switch off on powerdown

2002-02-19 Thread avs

Well, I had the similar problems in so many different situations. Sometimes 
windows could and linux could not; linux could and not windows; both could ... 
etc etc etc. In linux I was always able to resolve it but not in windows 
(Excpet for reinstall reinstall reinstall.) It can be so many things but 
here are somethings that you can try:

a) Network mounts that are busy or not unmounting correctly. 
b) trouble mounts in general.
C) heck ,for that matter some automounts can cause problems but I have not 
seen this lately.
d)Certain hung processes. this one is hard to solve sometimes.
c) USB devides acting up. I have had 2 different webcams acting up (either 
itself or the driver not handeling it correctly). 

Quoting Barran, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello all
 This should be a fairly simple one: when I log out from Linux, my PC goes
 through the whole shutdown process, displays 'power down' on the screen,
 then waits for me to manually switch the machine off. Is this a Linux
 feature or should the PC be able to switch itself off?
 By the way, it will happily reboot the machine if I ask it to, and Win98
 no problems switching off the PC itself.
 Any suggestions?
 machine runs Win98/Mandrake 8.1
 Duron 800Mhz
 128MB ram
 Gigabyte VIA KT133E motherboard.
 hard drive: Western Digital 20GB
 graphics card: Nvidia Vanta TNT2
 sound: soundblaster PCI128 (detected as Ensoniq 5880)
 CD burner: Aopen CRW9624
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Re: [newbie] network restart after suspend

2002-02-19 Thread Chris Keelan

Tue, 19 Feb 2002 23:00:20 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Hanan Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:

 I'm running Mandrake 8.1 on a dell inspiron notebook with a DSL connection (
I  connect to the building's DSL network through the lan card only -internal
IP  withinn the network )
 my problem is that when I resume working after a suspend mode, I cannot 
 connect to the internet, I have to reboot the system to be able to connect
to  the internet again, I did some reading and found about the : 
 # service network restart 
 no luck. Tried it with the: stop and then start option, still no luck I get
an  error saying: cannot bring up eth0, I have to reboot
 Any suggestions to get rid of   this problem ?

Do you connect via DHCP or with a static IP? If DHCP, check to see what your
lease time is -- you may have to re-up the dhcp client. If static, you may
have other problems. Can you ping your own interface after coming out of
suspend? Maybe you've got a hardware problem. You might have to try swapping
in another NIC as a test.

- C

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Re: [newbie] par for linux?

2002-02-19 Thread FemmeFatale

RAR format is an archiving format that is very popular in europe  japan.
mostly popular with Warez ppl too b/c its algorithms compress better than .zip

it was invented in Japan IIRC too.

what else do you want to know?  For windows, use winace.  Dunno bout *Nix

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 On Sun, 17 Feb 2002 16:38:46 -0500
 Bill Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly spake these words to ponder:

  On Sunday 17 February 2002 11:21 am, Jon Doe wrote:
   does anyone know where I can find the parchiver utility? I had it before
   but I can't find it now. It rebuilds rar files that are missing.
  Just curious. What are rar files?

 hey yeah! what the heck are they?

 Registered Linux User 182496
   9:05pm  up 2 days, 42 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.83, 0.95, 0.93

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2002-02-19 Thread g

greets john,

please excuse delays, i am in and out a lot, both day and night. so i am
not avoiding you, just that other things do get priority.

John Richard Smith wrote:

 Very many thanks for your reply,
 (forgive me, I'm confused , your name ? )

g = george

 Sorry to be a nuisance,

no one learning is a nuisance.

people who will not read man and manuals can be bothersome.

 or say to yourself, well , this is my chance to learn something.

best bet...

 Anyway you asked me:-

ok. i just wanted to be sure of what to tell you.

i will be sending you info to set up lilo.conf and fstab.

yes, lilo. as i said before, get it working, then you can enjoy
system and even set up grub. tho i really do not know why.

back shortly...


 think green...  save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth,
  save storage.   send email,   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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[newbie] rsync with exceptions

2002-02-19 Thread Franki

Hi everyone,

I have a directory on my linux box in / called /rpm-updates

It has all the updates that came out on servers about 2 or 3 weeks ago.

I want to use rsync to update the directory from the updates site.

but (and here is the killer) I dont' want to have kernels on the list. none
of them.

I plan to find a safe stable 2.4.17 or 18 kernel and use that on all my
systems. (mostly for the VM, have alot of slow hardware running boxes out
also I don't see the point in downloading smp or secure or enterprise
kernels when I won't use them.

is there a way to script rsync to do what I need?

I basically want to make a shell script, probably called updates, that will
rsync out to sunet and get all updates bar those that I list in the script
to be excluded,.,.. like kernel* and iptables*

that sort of thing.

any suggestions or tips gentleman (or ladies.)



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Re: [newbie] VCD/Mpeg Application

2002-02-19 Thread skinky

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 18:06, Allen Hernandez wrote:
 I've tried the xine-ui RPM more than 6 times and it stops at 24K
 sometimes 32 both on Linux and Wndoz using nt, konq, gtm, getright, dap.
 The sources won't compile on my machine coz I haven't made SDL install
 (using several different rpms and orig sources).

 Will try mplayer.

 Thanks for the replies guys.

The Mandrake xine rpm works fine.  Look for it at  I have ths 
one: xine-0.4.3-1mdk.i586.rpm but there is likely a newer version out now.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] Running slow [OT]

2002-02-19 Thread skinky

On Tuesday 19 February 2002 16:54, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 To give fair credit, however, I understand that MS has replaced the
 legendary BSOD (R). It's black now. Yet another market-driven innovation.

Oh good so the acronym BSOD still stands?

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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Re: [newbie] wine install on mandrake 8.1

2002-02-19 Thread skinky

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 12:27, Rick Henderson wrote:
 I just mandrake loaded.  Hoping this os will let me do away with window$.

 I know nothing about wine. And I can't seem to get a windows program

 Any suggestions on what to look for and/or to do.

 Rick Henderson

The wine package that comes with ML8.1 is broken.  Download the latest from and you'll find it'll work instantly.

An example on how to use wine:  I have an windoze accounting program called 
myob.exe so I

$ cd /mnt/windows/myob/
$ wine myobe.exe

Just go into the directory where the win app is located, then issue the 
command wine win app executable.

oxymoron:  Microsoft Works

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[newbie] Mecer Wheelmouse freezes

2002-02-19 Thread Eugene de Beer


I just installed Mandrake 8.0 and when prompted for a mouse type, having a 
PS/2 Mecer Wheelmouse and after I could not find a Mecer choice, I chose 
Generic PS/2 Wheelmouse.  After installation, I was presented with the X 
login screen and found that the mouse pointer would not move and that the 
keyboard was frozen too.  After a reboot, I was prompted for accepting new 
hardware found.  I accepted, I think it actually said that it found a Generic 
PS/2 Mouse, and at the login prompt both the keyboard and mouse worked 
fine. I logged in using KDE.  However, after powering down and up again, 
kudzu reported that a change in hardware was found and reported that the 
previous mouse detected can now not be found. I accepted the change, 
rebooted and found that it now never detects the mouse and always hangs 
at the login prompt.  I rebooted in text console mode, and ran mousedrake.  
I chose Standard PS/2 mouse and rebooted, but still, it hangs.  I then tried 
using an old serial 3 button Mecer mouse, and this works fine.  Which type 
of mouse should I choose for the Mecer Wheelmouse, and how can I fix this 
problem?  BTW, in the XF86Config file, under pointer section, the protocol is 
PS/2. I read somewhere that for an Intellimouse, the protocol should be 
IMPS/2.  Would that be a solution for me?

Many thanks,


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