Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Germano

Io uso Kmail e leggo le tue e-mail perfettamente eppure non mi sembra che la 
mia lingua preferita sia i Tagikistano Arcaico delle Montagne del Nord Est 
(infatti io sono del Sud-Ovest  :-D).

Ciao, Ge

Il 08:43, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, ku68 hai scritto:
 Daniele Micci wrote:
  Il giorno 18:23, mercoledì 27 marzo 2002 hai scritto:


  Ti dirò... avevo sperato che non ci riuscissi, almeno le tue email -
  finchè eri costretto a spedirle con KMail - erano leggibili!
  Ora che sei tornato a Mozilla, c'è il solito fastidioso effetto dovuto al
  fatto che hai probabilmente selezionato il set di caratteri del
  *Tagikistano Arcaico delle Montagne del Nord Est* ... ;)

 Non so il perché.Ricevo e leggo tutto perfettamente.
 La codifica che uso è south european iso -8859-3 se mi dite cosa
 devo cambiare lo faccio più che volentieri.

[newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Cristiano Calvi

Ciao a tutti.
Ho un problema che si era presentato poco tempo fa ma che non sono riuscito
a risolvere: la connessione con ppp mi cade durante la fase iniziale
dell'autenticazione con il server. Forse il problema  risolvibile
impostando tempi di attesa pi lunghi ma sinceramente sono molto inesperto e
non so come fare.

Grazie a tutti, qualsiasi consiglio sar molto gradito


[newbie-it] Scuse, ringraziamenti informazioni

2002-03-28 Thread mailing -

Prima di tutto è giusto chiedere scusa se l'altro giorno mi è
partita una e-mail al gruppo ( mount partizione ntfs) con la
richiesta di conferma lettura...
...umilmente scusa!!! :-)

Poi voglio ringraziare quanti hanno iniziato a dedicarmi un pochino
del loro tempo!

edinfine...alcune richieste...

...come avete capito sono proprio all'inizio di una lunga e faticosa
scoperta: il mondo linux.

Dove voglio arrivare? Beh...nulla di particolaregestire con semplicità
reti locali di medie dimensioni...principalmente server linux e pc client
windows (purtroppo!). Come curiosità, principalmente. Gestire smtp interna,
utenti, sicurezza...stampanti e poco di più!

Non ho fretta e so che sarà lunga!!

Vi chiedo se avete link da consigliare...magari in italiano...che iniziano
a spiegare linux da zero ( da copy e format del dos...per intendersi!) o
filosofieed altro. qualcuno ha voglia, lancio questa piccola sfida!!! :-)))
Cosa potrebbe convincermi a investire tempo in linux?
Cioè, che vantaggi potrebbe portarmi ad avere un server linux, piuttosto che
Non vi chiedo di farmi l'elenco delle cose che in windows non vanno (quelle
più o
meno si conoscono) ma preferirei cosa linux ha di veramente utile!
Non vuole essere assolutamente una provocazione, ma uno stimolo per
convincere altre persone
ad investire lo stesso tempo!

Grazie a tutti


[newbie-it] openoffice e controllo ortografico in italiano

2002-03-28 Thread Biss

Ho trovato in giro Openoffice 641b tradotto in italiano. Speravo che
funzionasse pure il controllo ortografico in italiano ma sono rimasto
deluso. Qualcuno magari conosce qualche trucco per fsrgli andare questa
funzione in italiano?


Re: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-28 Thread Andrea Celli

ku68 wrote:
 fabrizio wrote:

 Ho ritrovato questa mail ed è esattamente quello che mi è capitato.

se cerchi tra gli archivi della ML (stitoMandrake - MailingList)
trovi anche numerose risposte a quesiti simili

 Come posso far riconoscere sia il cd che il master a X-cd-roast o a
 gnome toaster?

basta configurare anche il cdrom in emulazione ide-scsi in lilo.conf
o grub/menu.lst (adatta quello che trovi per il masterizzatore)
al prossimo riavvio punto saranno entrambi /dev/sdcX (X=0,1)
poi in /dev aggiusta i link simbolici per /dev/cdrom ed /dev/cdromrw
e sistema /etc/fstab (come minimo devi aggiungere ro tra le opzioni
del cdrom. altrimenti tutte le volte ti dice che non puo`
scriverci sopra).
Dopo di che il mio xcdroast vede entrambi i dispositivi e,
tranne i CD audio, puo` copiarli al volo.

 ps non ho mai configurato niente a mano quindi nel caso qualche
 istruzione non guasterebbe. :-)

vedi il classico cdwriting-howto.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] openoffice e controllo ortografico in italiano

2002-03-28 Thread ku68

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] openoffice e controllo ortografico in italiano

 Ho trovato in giro Openoffice 641b tradotto in italiano. Speravo che
 funzionasse pure il controllo ortografico in italiano ma sono rimasto
 deluso. Qualcuno magari conosce qualche trucco per fsrgli andare questa
 funzione in italiano?
Ti consiglio d'iscriverti alla Ml
tra gli iscritti c'è G. Turconi colui che materialmente redige il correttore
di openoffice.

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread ENx

Che programma usi per connetterti?
Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazione 
dello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp.
Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia!
Spero di esserti stato almeno un po' d'aiuto
Ciao ENx

Cristiano Calvi wrote:

Ciao a tutti.
Ho un problema che si era presentato poco tempo fa ma che non sono riuscito
a risolvere: la connessione con ppp mi cade durante la fase iniziale
dell'autenticazione con il server. Forse il problema  risolvibile
impostando tempi di attesa pi lunghi ma sinceramente sono molto inesperto e
non so come fare.

Grazie a tutti, qualsiasi consiglio sar molto gradito


[newbie-it] Upgrade da 8.1 a 8.2

2002-03-28 Thread Leonardo Orazi

Utilizzo una distribuzione 8.1 che volevo ora aggiornare con la 8.2. La
mia intenzione è quella di lasciare la configurazione
del sistema il più possibile intonsa.

Qualcuno ha provato ad utilizzare l'opzione di installazione Upgrade
packages only? Problemi riscontrati?



Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Cristiano Calvi

Che programma usi per connetterti?
Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazione
dello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp.
Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia!
Spero di esserti stato almeno un po' d'aiuto

Io uso Gnome come interfaccia. Ho provato sia con la connessione standard di
rete che ti propone durante l'installazione che con GnomePPP ed entrambi mi
danno lo stesso risultato: dopo una trentina di secondi il collegamento
cade, a volte il demone si blocca ancora prima che il modem si stacchi :-(

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Andrea Celli

Cristiano Calvi wrote:
 Che programma usi per connetterti?
 Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazione
 dello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp.
 Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia!
 Spero di esserti stato almeno un po' d'aiuto
 Io uso Gnome come interfaccia. Ho provato sia con la connessione standard di
 rete che ti propone durante l'installazione che con GnomePPP ed entrambi mi
 danno lo stesso risultato: dopo una trentina di secondi il collegamento
 cade, a volte il demone si blocca ancora prima che il modem si stacchi :-(

Prova a lanciare  contemporaneamente, come root, da terminale
 # tail -f /var/log/messages
per vedere cosa sta succedendo.
ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread ENx

Anch' io avevo provato con Gnomoppp e non avevo avuto risultati!!
L'unica soluzione che sono riuscito a usare è stata kppp! ho notato che fa
partire il demone ppp subito dopo essersi connesso e prima di negoziare la
user name e password, mentre tutti gli altri programmi facevano il contrario!
Purtroppo non so darti altre soluzioni!!
Ciao ENx
Cristiano Calvi wrote:

Che programma usi per connetterti?Anch' io ho avuto il tuo problema, e ho scoperto che nella negoziazionedello user name e password con il provider non partiva il demone ppp.Ho risolto il problema usando kppp e tutto funziona a meraviglia!Spero di esserti stato almeno un po' d'aiuto
  Io uso Gnome come interfaccia. Ho provato sia con la connessione standard direte che ti propone durante l'installazione che con GnomePPP ed entrambi midanno lo stesso risultato: dopo una trentina di secondi il collegamentocade, a volte il demone si blocca ancora prima che il modem si stacchi :-(

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread Loredana

Rispondo al messaggio di Mike che è riportato in

Ho seguito le istruzioni che mi hai dato,
ho provato con:

linux root =/dev/hda2
linux root =/dev/hda5
( di default c'è scritto che considera la hda6 )

Parte il Loading linux...,
mi dice ...OK..booting the kernel

E poi si blocca di nuovo sullo stesso messaggio:
Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:06

Non ho speranze?

Attendo fiduciosa,
e già mi chiedo se avete un sistema per evitare che il
Lilo possa scomparire
così all'improvviso(magari scambiato per un virus), se
ci sono precauzioni che si possono prendere.



- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

Hash: SHA1

Il 16:46, martedì 26 marzo 2002, in merito a
[newbie-it]Kernel panic,
Loredana ha scritto:

 Ho provato ad inserire il disco di avvio della
 Mandrake 8.0 ma ad un certo punto compare questo
 Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06

 Che cosa posso fare?

inserisci il disco di boot,
apparirà comunque una chiamata al lilo
premi tab
avrai quindi modo di scrivere dei parametri da passare
al loader

scrivi quindi linux root=/dev/hdax

dove x è il numero della tua partizione
ora, credo sia un 2 o un 5
a seconda che tu abbia una partizione fisica o logica,
puoi comunque procedere per tentativi





Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-03-28 Thread Sebastiano Cordiano

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:58:18 +0100
nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Salve a tutti, sono un felice possessore di SbLive! Ma sotto linux mi
 trovo un pò in imbarazzo quando voglio ascoltare i files midi. Esiste il
 modo di sfruttare le potenzialità della scheda, magari tramite alsa, o
 uno è costretto a software che emulano soltanto i banchi sonori, con
 evidenti scarse prestazioni (ad esempio con il sintetizzatore midi).
 Qualcuno sa come ovviare a questo problema?
 Grazie Nicola

Quello che ti serve sono i soundfonts (io uso il banco da 8 mega che c' e'
sul cd della live) ed il prog per caricarli che trovi nel pacchetto
awesfx, dovrebbe esserci nei cd di mandrake. Poi devi installare i driver
alsa (se non l' hai gia' fatto) ed aggiungere un paio di righe nel
modules.conf per il midi, oltre a quelle necessarie per il driver. Non so
a che punto sei di tutto questo quindi se ti serve tutta la configurazione
fatti sentire che te la incollo, comunque questo argomento e' gia' stato
dibattuto varie volte e dovresti trovare dei riferimenti nell' archivio,
forse il topic era sblive e midi. Ciao



Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread Cristiano Calvi

Prova a lanciare  contemporaneamente, come root, da terminale
 # tail -f /var/log/messages
per vedere cosa sta succedendo.
ciao, Andrea

Proverò senz'altro subito poi provo a riportare qui quello che mi dice il

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread ENx

Credo che al posto di

linux root =/dev/hda5

tu debba scrivere

 linux root =/dev/hda5

senza parentesi angolari()
Ciao ENx

Loredana wrote:

  Rispondo al messaggio di Mike che  riportato inbasso:Ho seguito le istruzioni che mi hai dato,ho provato con:linux root =/dev/hda2linux root =/dev/hda5( di default c' scritto che considera la hda6 )Parte il Loading linux...,mi dice ...OK..booting the kernelE poi si blocca di nuovo sullo stesso messaggio:Kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:06Non ho speranze?Attendo fiduciosa,e gi mi chiedo se avete un sistema per evitare che ilLilo possa scomparirecos all'improvviso(magari scambiato per un virus), seci sono precauzioni che si possono prendere.Grazie,Loredana- Original Message -From: "miKe" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: &
lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:00 PMSubject: Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1Il 16:46, marted 26 marzo 2002, in merito a[newbie-it]Kernel panic,Loredana ha scritto:
Ho provato ad inserire il disco di avvio dellaMandrake 8.0 ma ad un certo punto compare questomessaggio:Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:06Che cosa posso fare?
  inserisci il disco di boot,apparir comunque una chiamata al lilopremi tabavrai quindi modo di scrivere dei parametri da passareal loaderscrivi quindi linux root=/dev/hdaxdove x  il numero della tua partizioneora, credo sia un 2 o un 5a seconda che tu abbia una partizione fisica o logica,puoi comunque procedere per tentativibyemiKe __Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

[newbie-it] lettori mp3

2002-03-28 Thread tom

Salve a tutti.
Qualcuno di voi mi sa consilgire un lettore mp3 diverso da xmms?
a me interesa un lettore che addia una playlis a desktop tipo xmms=winump.


Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

2002-03-28 Thread ENx

Per poter installare e usare kppp non devi installare per forza tutti i 
componenti di kde!! Penso che ti bastano solo le librerie e il core pi 
Ciao ENx
Cristiano Calvi wrote:

Penso che il problema sia proprio quello che hai descritto. Purtroppo io ho
intallato solo Gnome perche' ho poco spazio sull'hd del mio portatile.
Prover anche a vedere se c'e' spazio per kde.

- Original Message -
From: ENx
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Connessione ad internet...

Anch' io avevo provato con Gnomoppp e non avevo avuto risultati!!
L'unica soluzione che sono riuscito a usare  stata kppp! ho notato che fa
partire il demone ppp subito dopo essersi connesso e prima di negoziare la
user name e password, mentre tutti gli altri programmi facevano il
Purtroppo non so darti altre soluzioni!!
Ciao ENx

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread Loredana

Riferito al messaggio di ENx:
Ho provato anche senza parentesi angolari:
linux root =/dev/hda5
Niente da fare ,l'esito è lo stesso
Riferito al messaggio di Leonardo Orazi:
la tua procedura sembra complessa,
aspetto che qualcuno commenti il tuo consiglio (come
mi hai suggerito) e poi,magari chiedendoti qualche
dettaglio in più, proverò ad eseguire quello che mi
hai scritto.
Grazie a tutti
- Original Message - 
From: ENx 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

Credo che al posto di

linux root =/dev/hda5

tu debba scrivere

linux root =/dev/hda5

senza parentesi angolari()
Ciao ENx



Guarda il nuovo video di Anastacia su Yahoo!

Re: [newbie-it] lettori mp3

2002-03-28 Thread Germano

Non ho capito cosa ti serve ma prova con Kmp3.

Ciao, Germano

Il 13:01, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, tom hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti.
 Qualcuno di voi mi sa consilgire un lettore mp3 diverso da xmms?
 a me interesa un lettore che addia una playlis a desktop tipo


 Ciao , Tom

[newbie-it] xmmx

2002-03-28 Thread Taschetta, M. - MXPCP

qualcuna sa spiegarmi come installare xmms?
grazie a chi rispondera'

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Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 08:43, gioved 28 marzo 2002, hai scritto:

 Non so il perch.Ricevo e leggo tutto perfettamente.
 La codifica che uso  south european iso -8859-3 se mi dite cosa
 devo cambiare lo faccio pi che volentieri.

iso -8859-15
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 08:43, gioved 28 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Non so il perch.Ricevo e leggo tutto perfettamente.
 La codifica che uso  south european iso -8859-3 se mi dite cosa
 devo cambiare lo faccio pi che volentieri.

il set giusto  l'ISO-8859-1 oppure -15 (quest'ultimo  quello specifico 
per l'euro).


Re: [newbie-it] Problema invio posta con mozilla

2002-03-28 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:20, giovedì 28 marzo 2002 hai scritto:
 Io uso Kmail e leggo le tue e-mail perfettamente eppure non mi sembra che
 la mia lingua preferita sia i Tagikistano Arcaico delle Montagne del Nord
 Est (infatti io sono del Sud-Ovest  :-D).

 Ciao, Ge

E' proprio per quello: il KMail che viene diffuso tra le montagne del 
Sud-Ovest ha una patch apposta... ;)
A parte gli scherzi, non so perchè accada (forse ho settato male qualche 
voce), ma le email di ku68 mi vengono visualizzate usando un carattere 
fastidioso a leggersi e privo delle lettere accentate. Solo le sue.
Immagino dipenda dal fatto che lui ha indicato un set di caratteri non 


[newbie-it] DivX5: A voi funziona?? A me no. Perchè?

2002-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao a tutti/e,

ho scaricato dal sito il decoder per Linux per poter
vedere i filmati creati in DivX 5. Per installarlo, come da istruzioni,
ho scompresso il file, sono entrato come root, sono andato in shell ed
ho fatto ./
Non  mi è apparso nessun messaggio di errore quindi deduco che sia
stato installato correttamente, così felice apro Xmovie e seleziono un
filmato fatto con DivX 5. A quel punto mi appare un messaggio che dice
che il formato video del file non è supportato. Perchè?

Ciao belli e grazie!!!


Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia:

Il simbolo della rete ha compiuto da poco i 450 anni;
Ordina il tuo portafortuna su!
Clicca qui:  

Re: [newbie-it] xmmx

2002-03-28 Thread paolo brusasco

se hai i dischetti di m8.1 c'e'. puoi installarlo con mandrake control 
center/system/software installation (ci sono molti plugin...)

Taschetta, M. - MXPCP wrote:

 qualcuna sa spiegarmi come installare xmms?
 grazie a chi rispondera'
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R: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-28 Thread Nicola Spreafico

Per far riconoscere il lettore cd a x-cd-roast devi fare in modo che anche
questo device venga emulato scsi, così come succede per il CDR.
Occorre modificare il file /etc/fstab e fare in modo che invece di vedere il
cdrom come hdb (probabilmente!!) lo veda come scd0 o scd1.

/*Nicola Spreafico*/

Da una grande uomo c'è qualcosa da imparare anche quando tace.

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di ku68
Inviato: mercoledì 27 marzo 2002 18.59
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

fabrizio wrote:

 Alle 07:16, mercoledì 27 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:

Doopo alcune esperienze negative con GC Combust uso X-Cd-roast per
masterizzare, ma ho un problema, non riesco in alcun modo, anche come
root a cambiare la configurazione del dispositivo di lettura.
Al momento dell'installazione di Cd-Roast ho (ingenuamente) settato
il masterizzatore (Philips 1610a) sia come dispositivo di lettura sia
di scrittura, ma, volendo effettuare copie al volo di cd, ovviamente
mi trovo impossibilitato a farlo.
Ho cercato di modificare la configurazione  anche come root, ma non
ottengo alcun risultato,cut

Ho ritrovato questa mail ed è esattamente quello che mi è capitato.
Come posso far riconoscere sia il cd che il master a X-cd-roast o a
gnome toaster? Vorrei solo copiare al volo un cd con alcuni mp3.
Sarebbe la mia prima masterizzazione completa in quanto per testare
i prg avevo solo provato con alcuni file di dati da hd a cd.
Grazie in anticipo dei sempre utili consigli

ps non ho mai configurato niente a mano quindi nel caso qualche
istruzione non guasterebbe. :-)

Re: [newbie-it] File Midi

2002-03-28 Thread nicola

Alle 12:39, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, hai scritto:
 On Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:58:18 +0100

 nicola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Salve a tutti, sono un felice possessore di SbLive! Ma sotto linux mi
  trovo un pò in imbarazzo quando voglio ascoltare i files midi. Esiste il
  modo di sfruttare le potenzialità della scheda, magari tramite alsa, o
  uno è costretto a software che emulano soltanto i banchi sonori, con
  evidenti scarse prestazioni (ad esempio con il sintetizzatore midi).
  Qualcuno sa come ovviare a questo problema?
  Grazie Nicola

 Quello che ti serve sono i soundfonts (io uso il banco da 8 mega che c' e'
 sul cd della live) ed il prog per caricarli che trovi nel pacchetto
 awesfx, dovrebbe esserci nei cd di mandrake. Poi devi installare i driver
 alsa (se non l' hai gia' fatto) ed aggiungere un paio di righe nel
 modules.conf per il midi, oltre a quelle necessarie per il driver. Non so
 a che punto sei di tutto questo quindi se ti serve tutta la configurazione
 fatti sentire che te la incollo, comunque questo argomento e' gia' stato
 dibattuto varie volte e dovresti trovare dei riferimenti nell' archivio,
 forse il topic era sblive e midi. Ciao

Bè per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo di Alsa sono un pò imbranato, nel senso che 
ho provato a usare semplicemente modprobe e caricare i driver Alsa, non 
ricordo i nomi, ma avevo spulciato nella directory contenente i driver già 
compilati, e li avevo sostituiti a quelli oss, ma senza successo, nel senso 
che sotto kde, anche impostando arts affinchè usasse alsa non ero riuscito a 
far uscire un suono. Se non ti è troppo disturbo guidarmi in questa 
procedura, te ne sarei grato. Nel frattempo spulcerò nell'archivio in cerca 
di qualcosa.

Grazie Nicola.

Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic

2002-03-28 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 12:26, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it]Kernel panic, Loredana ha 

 Ho seguito le istruzioni che mi hai dato,
 ho provato con:

 linux root =/dev/hda2
 linux root =/dev/hda5
 ( di default c'è scritto che considera la hda6 )

a questo punto servirebbe sapere se tra l'installazione e l'errore hai fatto qualcosa,
tipo usare partition magic, cosa che escludo,  ma che spesso è causa di problemi,
oppure ricompilare il kernel senza includere il supporto al filesystem (altra cosa che 

se hai provato hda2 ed hda5
prova hda6

se non gira

riavvia da cd
al prompt blocca la schermata (credo con [tab], ma non uso mandrake da un pò, chi è 
più fresco di installazione potrà consigliarti meglio)

potrai passare delle opzioni al boot



(probabilmente esisterà un'opzione safe o rescue da passare direttamente con la 
pressione di un tasto funzione F3 F4 ecc. in questo caso ti apparirà tutto sul menù o 
comunque potrai sempre richiamare l'help premendo F1 prima di ogni azione)

l'avvio in modalità rescue consiste in una 'installazione' in un disco virtuale (un 
ramdisk, che risiede interamente in RAM, che non scrive nulla sul tuo hard disk e che 
serve proprio per gestire alcune situazioni particolari)

se tutto dovesse funzionare..
ti apparirà una shell (minimale ma usabile)

ora dovrai impartire alcuni comandi

digita :

#fdisk /dev/hda

ti appare un prompt molto scarno, con l'indicazione di premere m per vedere il menù 
delle opzioni


verrà stampata a video la tua tabella delle partizioni
questo ti consente di capire dove è la tua partizione root
(dovrebbe essere hda6..)

se così fosse,
esci da fdisk premendo il tasto 

ora potrai 'montare' il filesystem 
(cioè agganciare al filesystem virtuale)

#mount /dev/hda6 /mnt

se non ricevi errori avrai in mnt il contenuto del tuo disco
entra in mnt
#cd /mnt
vedi cosa c'è

ora viene il 'difficile'
#vi /etc/fstab

si apre  'vi' un editor di testo potente, molto conosciuto ed apprezzato nel mondo *nix
ma altrettanto complicato da usare per chi non conosce la sintassi da usare ed i 
comandi da impartire

ti appariranno una serie di linee che fanno riferimento al tuo disco ed alle 
partizioni da agganciare al filesystem al momento del boot

a te interessa quella riferita alla partizione root 
che dovrebbe essere simile a:
/dev/hda6 / reiserfs ... 
in cui '/dev/hda6' indica il device fisico

'/ ' il punto di montaggio

'reiserfs' il tipo di filesystem (ma potrebbe essere 'ext2' un altro tipo di FS..)

ora se fdisk ti ha detto che la tua root è in '/dev/hda6'
ed fstab lo punta l'errore non è qui

per uscire da 'vi' premi 
[esc] q! [invio]
(che significa 'esci senza salvare')
e ti ritrovi al prompt

ora digita:
#vi /etc/lilo.conf

si apre il file di configurazione del LILO

a te interessa la linea riferita alla posizione della partizione root
anche in questo caso dovresti trovare '/dev/hda6'

se così non fosse, 
correggi entrando in modalità scrittura (vi non ti permette di scrivere se non lo 
'dici' esplicitamente) premendo [ins]
dunque apporta le modifiche del caso..

ora è importante che il loader possa accedere alla partizione root anche se questa 
inizia oltre il 1024° cilindro
quindi aggiungi la riga:


subito dopo la prima linea della configurazione

e cancella l'eventuale linea con scritto

(o commentala con un #)

ora  esci salvando le modifiche 
digitando :
[esc] wq [invio]

a questo punto dovrai far caricare la nuova configurazione di LILO 

#/sbin/lilo -b /dev/hda

finalmente potrai riavviare, sperando che le modifiche siano state sufficienti...

comunque, per sicurezza,
disabilita l'antivirus
del bios,
che scambia lilo per un virus di boot...
altrimenti rischi che le modifiche non abbiano effetto...

okkio, nella scrittura ho usato alcune convenzioni,

indica il prompt che si presenta all'utente root, non un carattere da digitare

'   ' oppure  
indicano una stringa da digitare o un nome, ma
non vanno digitati

se non dovessero essere queste le cause del kernel panic, ci occorre sapere quali 
modifiche hai fatto al sistema prima dell'errore.. bocca al pinguino..


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Scuse, ringraziamenti informazioni

2002-03-28 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 10:32, giovedì 28 marzo 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Scuse, ringraziamenti  
informazioni, mailing - ha scritto:

 Dove voglio arrivare? Beh...nulla di particolaregestire con
 semplicità reti locali di medie dimensioni...principalmente server
 linux e pc client windows (purtroppo!). Come curiosità, principalmente.
 Gestire smtp interna, utenti, sicurezza...stampanti e poco di più!

non è proprio pochissimo...

 Vi chiedo se avete link da consigliare...magari in italiano...che
 iniziano a spiegare linux da zero ( da copy e format del dos...per
 intendersi!) o anche
 filosofieed altro.

appunti di informatica libera,
ma una qualsiasi ricerca con google ti darà decine di link,

i vari howto sulle reti, smtp server, popserver, dns, netfilter, samba, nfs, dhcp ecc.
(reperibili anche in italiano sul sito ILDP)
la solita ricerca linux+howto+quello_che_ti_serve e vai ..

oppure : 

per cose più toste aspetta di digerire bene queste..
;) qualcuno ha voglia, lancio questa piccola sfida!!! :-)))
 Cosa potrebbe convincermi a investire tempo in linux?

non è il caso di scatenare la solita guerra di religione,
se sei su questa ML sei almeno 'incuriosito'
da GNU/Linux
quindi i risultati che potrai vedere con un pò di applicazioone 
varranno più di qualsiasi consiglio..


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] come faccio a togliermi dalla lista??

2002-03-28 Thread Lino Garbellini

come faccio a togliermi dalla lista??

Re: [newbie-it] come faccio a togliermi dalla lista??

2002-03-28 Thread Brunini Alessandro

Il ven, 2002-03-29 alle 00:08, Lino Garbellini ha scritto:
 come faccio a togliermi dalla lista??

pensa... la risposta è proprio nella mail che hai mandato...

Un saluto.

Re: R: [newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-03-28 Thread ku68

Nicola Spreafico wrote:

 Per far riconoscere il lettore cd a x-cd-roast devi fare in modo che anche
 questo device venga emulato scsi, così come succede per il CDR.
 Occorre modificare il file /etc/fstab e fare in modo che invece di vedere il
 cdrom come hdb (probabilmente!!) lo veda come scd0 o scd1.

In effetti è visto come hdb. Andrea Celli mi ha consigliato di 
configurarlo in lilo.conf. Ma come ci arrivo? Da mandrake control center
il lilo posso solo modificarlo per l'avvio di linux.
Inoltre il masterizzatore da harddrake è visto 2 volte: 1 come dev/hde 
bus type atapi/ide la seconda come dev/scd0 bus type scsi penso che sia 
giusto o no?
Non c'è un sistema facile facile per far sì che il cd rom venga emulato 
scsi? Per esempio da proprietà dispositivo cd rom (tasto dx del mouse 
Grazie in anticipo delle eventuali risposte
Ps si legge bene il messaggio?

Re: [newbie] Package question

2002-03-28 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

Barry Michels wrote:
 ok, I finally got drakupdaterobot installed and setup, but every time I run
 it, it says:
 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Not that I need the seg faults but is this drakupdaterobot available on
Mdk 8.0 as a GUI or is it only available as a cmd line tool?

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] To Femme

2002-03-28 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

FemmeFatale wrote:
 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 from Peanuts.
 - Source: Dilbert
You have just made my week Femme, THANKS
Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)

bascule wrote:
 did you mount the cd on /mnt/cdrom when adding it as a source? and did you
 define it as a 'removable source'?
I seem to not need to mount after I insert a CD as it auto mounts. How
do I mount the CD once I have loaded the CD in the drive via a GUI
please but I'll accept cmd line. I did declare it as a removable source

 i just did this with an old 8.0 cd and the
 8.0 packages are showing up in the 'installable' list,
Lucky you, wanna trade places?

 if you unmount the cd,
 insert another. mount it and add as a source with a differnet name then using
 the same mount point doesn't matter as software manager is aware the source
 is removable media, as for it appears that even though it
 mirrors the RPMS directories for 8.1 and 8.2 it doesn't mirror the rest of
 the distro files,
Which basically means it doesn't hold the RPM's I need for Mdk 8.0?

 try defining an ftp source with the url:
  and the relative position of the hdlsi file as ../base/
I did it with 8.0 substituted for 8.2 in the above whilst I had to su to
use the software manager and was off line and entered everything except
a username and password. I then added it and clicked on reload lists and
the source I had just added wasn't even probed before it filled the
trees so I went back to defining the sources and saw that the entry I
had just added had disappeared.

I think it is time to reinstall personally but I know someone who has
been getting me to change hundreds of files for configuration of this
and that just isn't going to be happy. :( Asides from that I am not able
to do a backup yet as my NIC isn't working. SHIT!! so I end up losing
some very important email from my 'stable system.


 good luck
seems like it missed me on this round

Hylton Conacher on KDE 2.1.1 on kernel 2.4.3-20mdk#1
Registered Linux user # 229959 on Mandrake 8 on an i686 (AMD  1 Ghz K7
Licenced Windows user

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Re: [newbie] Audiogalaxy Satellite

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 28 March 2002 08:22, Graham Watkins wrote:
 Stojs wrote:
  Is the evil Gator installed with the Linux version of the satellite?
  Graham Watkins wrote:
 Just installed the audiogalaxy satellite for Linux.
 (AGSatellite0520-glibc21.tar.gz) All seemed to go well.

 Is that adware/spyware type of thing?

 Don't believe so, though I'm no expert on these things. It works from
 the  command line. A bummer is that you can't tell whether its actually
 doing anything until a file is completely downloaded.

 Only kppp statistics and the appearance of a new file in my music
 directory informed me that data was coming down. I've heard mention of a
 GUI but not been able to find one.

Here it is


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Re: [newbie] To Femme

2002-03-28 Thread FemmeFatale

Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
 FemmeFatale wrote:
  Good Decisions You boss Made:
  We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
  from Peanuts.
  - Source: Dilbert
 You have just made my week Femme, THANKS

Glad you liked it :)

I got it from my local newspaper in the business section. ;p

It was part of a Dilbert list of things with the title: Good Decisions
You boss Made.

So I copied it.  Only sig I've ever owned too ;p

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread FemmeFatale

Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

 I think it is time to reinstall personally but I know someone who has
 been getting me to change hundreds of files for configuration of this
 and that just isn't going to be happy. :( Asides from that I am not able
 to do a backup yet as my NIC isn't working. SHIT!! so I end up losing
 some very important email from my 'stable system.
  good luck
 seems like it missed me on this round

May I suggest getting the drivers  NIC working first ??  Have you tried
on here to ask for help on that problem?  If not why not try now, then
when we get it functioning, backup your data then reinstall. *damn thats
a run-on sentence I swearI gotta stop typing  60wpm*

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] php session problem

2002-03-28 Thread Baris Simsek


i installed Mandrake 8.2 with Apache+mod_php+php+mysql

I can't use session. I developed a program under Slackware 8.0. it is working. But it 
doesnt work under 8.2. I checked and i see that, when a browser connect to page, php 
opens separate sesison for each page. For that it can not follow session.

has anybody see this problem?


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Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

2002-03-28 Thread Rob

Hello Gerald,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I realise it should show the local IP address, but should it be that of
the locally assigned ppp port provided by the ISP's DNS server, or that of
the ethernet card which I can't see relevant to this.

When I ping the external server port, it displays my local ISP assigned IP
address which I assume to be correct. But when I try to ping any external,
valid IP address it displays the addres of my ethernet card.

The resolv.conf file looks like:

domain   # my ISP
nameserver   #kppp temp entry
nameserver   #kppp temp entry

My ISP tells me these are correct.
Also when I connect from my Windoze 2000 machine these addresses are

Does this help ?

All the best.


- Original Message -
From: Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

 On Thursday 28 March 2002 06:40 pm, Robert Milne wrote:
  Dear all,
  I am having a problem resolving web addresses when connected to my ISP
  using kppp. Mandrake dials and connects OK to my ISP via the modem. I
  see the local and remote IP addresses automatically assigned and can
  these OK. There are entries in resolv.conf for the nameservers,
  automatically placed. According to the ISP these addresses are correct.
  However I cannot ping these.
  Interestingly when I ping the local and remote IP's (203... range), ping
  shows my ISP locally assigned IP address as the from, which should be
  correct. But when I try to ping any other external IP's, such as the
  nameserver address, ping shows my from address as being my locally
  (172...) address for my ethernet card.

 Well, it should show the address of your PC initially then from will be
 it was from. No matter who you ping no matter where. i.e.
 [root@gail gerald]# ping  # ping yahoo ==
 PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=246

 [root@gail gerald]# ping jerry  # ping jerry on my local lan ==
 PING jerry.localnet.fsn ( from : 56(84) bytes of
 64 bytes from jerry.localnet.fsn ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=128
 time=1.154 msec

 What does your resolv.conf file look like?

 Gerald Waugh
 New Haven, CT, United States of America
 9:52pm up 6 days, 6:17, 2 users, load average: 1.02, 1.10, 1.10

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[newbie] still troubles with SNF

2002-03-28 Thread maurizio . laudone

Ok guys, maybe I'm thick...but this stuff is giving me a really bad headache
I  can see the internet from the firewall I setup with SNFI can see
the firewall from a computer connected to the Hubbut if I try to use
the dhcp server from the firewall it doesn't get any ip...and if I try to
access the internet fromt he internal LAN...well..nothing happens.
I noticed that when the firewall boots it fails adding local broadcast
host route and when it shuts down it fails closing snort
any idea were am I making some mistake??? PLease help me...
thanks in adwance to everyone

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Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-28 Thread Wayne Petherick

thanks for the reply.  I have gotten it to work, but I
get errors related to not being able to find a
bootable cd-rom or floppy.  Restart and try again.  I
didn't have these probs before and figured it was
something to do with the recompilation.  The devices
are set up and there, they just won't boot.  Without
being able to do this, I can't install an OS.  Got any
other suggestions?



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[newbie] What's different with cron?

2002-03-28 Thread Brian Parish


Some time ago a kind soul sent me a set of backup scripts which do a
wonderful job of automating a weekly full backup and daily incremental
cycle.  They even restore!  Proved that a fews days ago when I had a
disk crash.

These are launched as root of course, so after having run them a number
of times from a console, and checked that everything worked nicely, I
put the command in root's crontab.  I have since found though, that when
run in this way most of the directories specified are not backed up at
all and it seems to vary from day to day.

So something is different between saying:


from a console as root and putting:

00 23 * * * /bin/launch-bkups

in root's crontab.  I've looked in /var/log/cron - logs there don't
report anything abnormal.  syslog shows no errors.  Where else do I
look, or can anyone point out the obvious to me?


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Re: [newbie] LM 8.1 reverting to default mouse settings

2002-03-28 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

On Thursday 28 March 2002 04:12 am, you wrote:
 I've changed my mouse settings in the Mandrake Control Centre, but
 I've selected the wrong mouse, so now I can't use it.

 Does anyone know how to revert to the default mouse from the command
 prompt, or any other way using only the keyboard?


You can go to a command prompt and type mouseconfig. That will bring 
up the mouse configuration screen like the one you saw during setup. If 
you're stuck on your destop and need to get out press 
ctrl-alt-backspace. Then you can run the same config for your mouse.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Thursday, March 28, 2002

You're talking to someone who really 
 understands rock music  --Tipper Gore

Registered Linux user #264482  Powered by Mandrake Linux 8.1  

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Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

2002-03-28 Thread Kenn Yahoo

works for me ... try again ... (and the subject is a hacking of microsoft's
web site) ...

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

El mié, 27-03-2002 a las 17:22, Sujeet Akula escribió:
 vvv click here vvv


Not Found
The requested URL /shownews.cfm was not found on this server.

Apache/1.3.22 Server at Port 80's really amazing! ;oP

looks like it's not there anymore. what did it say? made me curious.


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RE: [newbie] What's different with cron?

2002-03-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check that all calls to programs like 'tar cpio' etc are explicitly called using full 
path from root. I believe that cron does not know about your environment as it does 
when you are in a shell.

If this does not work, post the scripts.


Original Message:
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 29 Mar 2002 00:44:05 +1100
Subject: [newbie] What's different with cron?


Some time ago a kind soul sent me a set of backup scripts which do a
wonderful job of automating a weekly full backup and daily incremental
cycle.  They even restore!  Proved that a fews days ago when I had a
disk crash.

These are launched as root of course, so after having run them a number
of times from a console, and checked that everything worked nicely, I
put the command in root's crontab.  I have since found though, that when
run in this way most of the directories specified are not backed up at
all and it seems to vary from day to day.

So something is different between saying:


from a console as root and putting:

00 23 * * * /bin/launch-bkups

in root's crontab.  I've looked in /var/log/cron - logs there don't
report anything abnormal.  syslog shows no errors.  Where else do I
look, or can anyone point out the obvious to me?


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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[newbie] Forceful umount or PARTED help?

2002-03-28 Thread Zlatko Savic

Hey everyone, I used the 'rescue' option from the Mandrake Install (8.1) CD 
and after it was loaded and all partitions were mounted, I tried to unmount 
my /dev/hda5, which is my root during normal usage. However, the response 
was that the 'device or resource is busy'. I tried
umount -f /dev/hda5 but without any success.
I am trying to unmount all linux partitions on my hd so that I can move 
them from one place (sector) to another (sector) using 'parted' which is 
included in the rescue mode.
Any ideas how to go about this?

Thanks to all helpers out there!
Zlatko Savic

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[newbie] iptables / ipchains / bastille ??!!

2002-03-28 Thread Hanan Shargi

Hi every one,

I spent the past 2 days ( almost ) reading about how to set ip masquerading , 
iptables, ipchains, setting NFS etc. just to be able to put my hands on 
the problem why cant my w2k machine ping the linux machine ( both on a lan 
where linux machine has 2 eth cards, one IP for external network (internet 
with a static IP ) and the other eth for local network with IP )
to  hopefully fix this ping issue, SO  FINALLY I'd be able to  share my files 
between the 2 machines 

needless to say I couldnt come up with the fix :(
Now  I desperatly need some expert here (or non expert ) to answer my 
following question PLEASE :(

During a thorough investigation of the files on my LM 8.1 system which I set 
up as a router to my home lan ( I set up the internet sharing and networking 
stuff ..ect  using Mandrake control center)
I found that there are  the following files on my LM 8.1 sys:


I'll list the relevant contents of this file ( only uncommented lines )

DNS_SERVERS=205.177.x.x 205.177.x.x 

PUBLIC_IFACES=eth+ ppp+ slip+

TCP_AUDIT_SERVICES=telnet ftp imap pop3 finger sunrpc exec login linuxconf 

TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES=22 25 109 110 143 23 53 


ICMP_ALLOWED_TYPES=destination-unreachable echo-reply time-exceeded



ICMP_OUTBOUND_DISABLED_TYPES=destination-unreachable time-exceeded


and this file :
/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall  === which have the following content:

# Automatically added by drakgw
[ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.inet_sharing ]  

# Mandrake-Security : if you remove this comment, remove the next line too.
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter

And another file :

/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.inet_sharing-2.4  which have the following content:
modprobe iptable_nat
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p udp --sport bootpc --dport bootps -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --sport bootpc --dport bootps -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p udp --sport bootps --dport bootpc -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --sport bootps --dport bootpc -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p udp --dport domain -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -p tcp --dport domain -j ACCEPT

I tried applying some changes to the peceeding files, and it resulted in 
either no changes / or breaking the connection sharing ..

If somebody can tell me what exactly shall I change, or even how does this 
connectiong sharing / bastille firewall basically work together to support the 
internet sharing and routing thingas the more I read in the how-tos the 
more lost I feel... as nothing seem to be as they describe in these how-to's.

Any help would be appreciated AS I'm totally lost here.


Hanan AL-Shargi

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[newbie] Curious problem with wu-ftp

2002-03-28 Thread Sullivan, Nick

I have a newbie problem with FTP-ing to my linux box from my Win2K machine.  I'm 
running the simplist of simple networks of just two CPU's networked together with an 
cross-over cable.

The problem is that I can only FTP from Windows to my Linux box when I'm *on-line*.  
Once I get off the internet it says that the computer I'm trying to connect to is not 
on the network...??  

I have to assume there are some problems with my configuration (maybe IP's?) that has 
one or both computers thinking that in order to ftp to my box I have to be on-line.  
Perhaps it's because I'm ftping to it using it's name of 
instead of it's IP address but I think it results in the same conclusion either way!

I can ping, and telnet at *any* time with no problems, internet or no internet...

Thanks in advance for any help!


The wind of pleasure and pain will 
not stir me, for I am silently in 
harmony with the Path.
  - D.T. Suzuki

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Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Thursday 28 March 2002 03:58 am, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

 I think it is time to reinstall personally but I know someone who
 has been getting me to change hundreds of files for configuration
 of this and that just isn't going to be happy. :( Asides from that
 I am not able to do a backup yet as my NIC isn't working. SHIT!! so
 I end up losing some very important email from my 'stable system.

Well, I suspect 'hundreds of [config] files' is possibly an 
exageration ;), but you should be regularly backing up changed config 
files, and all of /home, and anything else you don't want to lose.  
If that's not feasible, you should be at least saving changed 
configs, and your /Mail and bookmarks files folders.  I'm an advocate 
of having a spare partition (/stor/) that I keep config files and a 
copy of /home in. Then I don't bother with havin a separate /home 
partition.  MOF, I do fresh installs to one big 'ol '/' after 
re-formatting it.   

A re-install may not be neccessary tho. Try just putting in the 
1st CD and doin an upgrade.  A lot of times that'll fix things you 
messed up, without rewriting (most all of) your changed configs, or 
your mail and bookmarks, or anything else in /home. If a re-install 
is needed, you can save your /home dir (don't format it), or like in 
my case, I just move back in stuff from my backup /home.  You will 
need to have saved copies of your config files tho. If you don't have 
any other place to put 'em, they'll probly fit on a floppy.
Tom Brinkman   Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] OMG u have to see this!!!

2002-03-28 Thread Damian

El jue, 28-03-2002 a las 11:06, Kenn Yahoo escribió:
 works for me ... try again ... (and the subject is a hacking of microsoft's
 web site) ...

yeah t worked now, looks like they were doing some maintenance

cool, MS got kicked because of a security issue they already had patches
for, 3 days after! it's amazing how dumb this makes them look... ;oP


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Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-28 Thread Damian

El jue, 28-03-2002 a las 10:40, Wayne Petherick escribió:
 thanks for the reply.  I have gotten it to work, but I
 get errors related to not being able to find a
 bootable cd-rom or floppy.  Restart and try again.  I
 didn't have these probs before and figured it was
 something to do with the recompilation.  The devices
 are set up and there, they just won't boot.  Without
 being able to do this, I can't install an OS.  Got any
 other suggestions?

i can think of only one.. go to vmware configuration and make sure
cdrom is pointing to the right device.. i never tried to 
install as a guest OS and always used vmware to boot a real installation
in my second HD... anyway, does vmware even try to read from floppy
or the cdrom before popping the error?


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[newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson

I created a directory '/home/shared' to use for a shared nfs/samba mount
point. (/home is the only partition I have large enough for the shared
area, plus I can back up the shared directory along with home
directories by simply backing up /home.) I changed the group ownership
to 'shared' and assigned the appropriate members to the 'shared' group,
and issued a 'chmod 770 /home/shared' to allow the 'shared' group full
access to the folder.

At first the members of the shared group could access the directory
fine, however after a while the folder was no longer accessible and I
noticed that the permissions had reverted back to '700'. The directory
was accessible again but the permissions reverted back to '700' shortly

What could be causing the permissions to change on their own? I am
running Mandrake 8.2 and I set the security level to 'high' during

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [newbie] OT CHEER UP Femme :)

2002-03-28 Thread Randy Kramer


Thank you very much!  I have created a new page:

(There was a slight delay while I located Belize ;-)

And included a portion of that on the summary page:

I've taken the liberty of replying to the list so that others know this
information has been added.

If anyone else wants to add information about Internet costs in your
country, you can register and then edit TWiki yourself.  (Register at -- you will need
to know your name, your email address, and your home country ;-)

You can also send me information via email, but I make no promises about
how soon or in what form I add it.

Randy Kramer

Jan Wilson wrote:
 You are welcome to add Belize to your collection if you'd like:
 All Internet access is through Belize Telecommunications Ltd., which
 has a monopoly in Belize.  All these prices are in Bz$ (Belize
 dollars), which are theoretically worth US 50 cents (though it is
 almost impossible lately to get US dollars at this exchange rate).
 Also, as with the Netherlands, the exchange rate only tells part of
 the story.  Spending a dollar Belize hurts a good bit WORSE than
 someone in the US spending a US dollar.  Anyway:
 Regular phone:  $20 per month, plus $5 to rent a phone.  Long distance
 rate to the US, $1.50 - $1.75 per minute.  Long distance in Belize,
 15 - 40 cents a minute.  Local calls, 5 - 10 cents a minute.
 Internet access:  $24 a month, plus $6 per hour for the first 12
 hours, $3 per hour thereafter.  Fortunately, the phone call to tie
 into the Internet is toll free.  All access is 33.6 to about 45
 Our phone bill averages about $250 a month for judicious use, so I
 avoid chat, wiki, and web-based anything as much as possible.  Yes, it
 is irritating when someone quotes a long message and says, I don't
 have an answer, or replies to someone's reply to a joke that wasn't
 REALLY very funny in the first place.  And then when 6 people
 complain, and 12 flame their complaints, and ...

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Re: [newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 28 March 2002 17:56, Jim Dawson wrote:
 I created a directory '/home/shared' to use for a shared nfs/samba mount
 point. (/home is the only partition I have large enough for the shared
 area, plus I can back up the shared directory along with home
 directories by simply backing up /home.) I changed the group ownership
 to 'shared' and assigned the appropriate members to the 'shared' group,
 and issued a 'chmod 770 /home/shared' to allow the 'shared' group full
 access to the folder.

 At first the members of the shared group could access the directory
 fine, however after a while the folder was no longer accessible and I
 noticed that the permissions had reverted back to '700'. The directory
 was accessible again but the permissions reverted back to '700' shortly

 What could be causing the permissions to change on their own? I am
 running Mandrake 8.2 and I set the security level to 'high' during

 Thanks in advance.

At a guess I would say msec is doing it


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Re: [newbie] kpackage help needed to solve dependencies

2002-03-28 Thread bascule

On Thursday 28 March 2002 9:58 am, you wrote:
 I seem to not need to mount after I insert a CD as it auto mounts. How
 do I mount the CD once I have loaded the CD in the drive via a GUI
 please but I'll accept cmd line. I did declare it as a removable source
if the cd is  mounted then don't worry about it, standard mount point in 
mandrake is /mnt/cdrom/ navigate there and see if cd contents are listed, if 
not then you could try (as root) #mount -a , which mounts everything listed 
in /etc/fstab, if the cdrom is ide/atapi then #mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdN 
/mnt/cdrom, where N will be one of a,b,c, or d, if the cdrom is scsi then the 
device may be similar to mine which are on /dev/scd0 and /dev/scd1, make sure 
/mnt/cdrom exists first, in kde you should have an icon for your cd drive on 
the desktop and rightclicking should give a 'mount/unmount' option, if not 
right click on any empty space and choose 'new CDrom device', choose the 
correct details on the 'device' tab and them right click that icon;

  i just did this with an old 8.0 cd and the
  8.0 packages are showing up in the 'installable' list,

 Lucky you, wanna trade places?

  the source is removable media, as for it appears that
  even though it mirrors the RPMS directories for 8.1 and 8.2 it doesn't
  mirror the rest of the distro files,

 Which basically means it doesn't hold the RPM's I need for Mdk 8.0?
i'm not sure if it does have 8.0 rpms but if it does it also needs to an or file for that rpm collection

  try defining an ftp source with the url:
   and the relative position of the hdlsi file as ../base/

 I did it with 8.0 substituted for 8.2 in the above whilst I had to su to
 use the software manager and was off line and entered everything except
 a username and password. I then added it and clicked on reload lists and
 the source I had just added wasn't even probed before it filled the
 trees so I went back to defining the sources and saw that the entry I
 had just added had disappeared.
forgive me if i am confused but you mention being offline and adding sources, 
this should work for the cds - not sure why it's not working for you, but you 
need to be online for adding remote sources using software manager since it 
fetches a copy of either or during the add 
source process and if it can't fetch them this will fail,

 I think it is time to reinstall personally but I know someone who has
 been getting me to change hundreds of files for configuration of this
 and that just isn't going to be happy. :( Asides from that I am not able
 to do a backup yet as my NIC isn't working. SHIT!! so I end up losing
 some very important email from my 'stable system.
if you have the 8.0 cds and you installed from them then you should have had 
them automatically set up fro you as sources in software manager, doing an 
upgrade as suggested elsewhere would add them as sources again (this can lead 
duplicate entries i delete any sources listed before upgrading from cds), if 
you installed online then again that install source should have been set up 
for you, i think an upgrade is worth a try before reverting to windows - 
though a backup beforehand wouldn't go amiss!

your very last try might be to remove rpmdrake and urpmi and related 
dependencies plus the /var/lib/urpmi/ and /etc/urpmi directories and then 
upgrade, perhaps these many config changes you mention have broken something?


The wages of sin is death, but so is the salary of virtue, and at least the 
evil get to go home early on Fridays.
(Witches Abroad)

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Re: [newbie] VMWare 3

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson

I answered 'yes' to continue with GCC 2.96 and it seems to have worked
OK. I'm re-installing Win2K in my vmWare session as I type this message.

On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 17:39, Wayne Petherick wrote:
 I just installed 8.2 and went to install VMware 3, but
 it tells me it was not built for this kernel version. 
 It does allow you to try and rewrite the softare for
 vmware, but it then tells me that gcc v. 2.96 is not
 supported by the development team.  Is anyone else out
 there using VMWare 3, and does it work OK?  There are
 some windoze programs that I still need to use, but if
 I cannot get them to run here, it looks like it will
 be back to a windoze install.
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[newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-28 Thread Timothy J. Ryan
I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my Winbook XL and it locks up when I looks for PCMCIA devices. I have heard something about the Kernel not supporting older PCMCIA archetecture, but I'm not sure about that. I have gotten 8.2 istalled using the command "linux pcmcia=0" but then I cant use my pcmcia network card. (bummer).
If anyone has any experience w/ this laptop or if there is a way to reinstall legacy pcmcia support into the newer kernel, let me know. 
TJRDo You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®

Re: [newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-28 Thread Joan Tur

Es Dijous 28 Març 2002 21:14, en Timothy J. Ryan va escriure:
 I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my Winbook XL and it locks
 up when I looks for PCMCIA devices.
That happened to me and I solved it turning off PnP OS in Bios.  Try that...

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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[newbie] Update from 8.0 directly to 8.2

2002-03-28 Thread Marc Audard


I would like to make sure that it is OK to update LM 8.0 (including the
updates for this release) to the latest LM 8.2 without having to upgrade
to 8.1 first.



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[newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Sullivan, Nick

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[newbie] copy all

2002-03-28 Thread Bill Winegarden

A while back someone gave the command for a total, recursive copy of all 
files for a drive to drive exchange. I searched the archive but to no avail. 
I can't remember the subject line so I hope someone will have the info at 

Bill W.

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Re: [newbie] Permissions on directory changing themselves

2002-03-28 Thread civileme

Jim Dawson wrote:

I created a directory '/home/shared' to use for a shared nfs/samba mount
point. (/home is the only partition I have large enough for the shared
area, plus I can back up the shared directory along with home
directories by simply backing up /home.) I changed the group ownership
to 'shared' and assigned the appropriate members to the 'shared' group,
and issued a 'chmod 770 /home/shared' to allow the 'shared' group full
access to the folder.

At first the members of the shared group could access the directory
fine, however after a while the folder was no longer accessible and I
noticed that the permissions had reverted back to '700'. The directory
was accessible again but the permissions reverted back to '700' shortly

What could be causing the permissions to change on their own? I am
running Mandrake 8.2 and I set the security level to 'high' during

Thanks in advance.

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msec is a system that goes around tying up loose ends.  You might want 
to check the cron jobs running msec scripts and see.  Usually under the 
higher security levels it changes permissions on certsain types of files 
that would otherwise be gateways for intrusion.  You may need to 
customize the script a little to avoid what you want to leave open.

Also check root's mail.  YOu should have been notified there as this 
permission was changed.


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Re: [newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread shane

The campaign, called We have the way out, describes Unix as an expensive 
trap. No wonder Unix makes you feel boxed in. It ties you to an inflexible 
system. It requires you to pay for expensive experts. It makes you struggle 
daily with a server environment that's more complex than ever, one ad 

sounds like my experience with microsoft. 

On Friday 29 March 2002 04:48 am, Sullivan, Nick opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

Followers of tao are nonconformists.  The conventional label our behavior 
erratic, antisocial, irresponsible, inexplicable, outrageous, even 
scandalous.  We hear other voices than they do.  -Deng Ming-Dao

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Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread poogle

Probably start another lengthy thread here but I see that Codeweavers now 
have a crossover that allows MS Office (including Outlook partly) to run 
under Linux.
I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not, on the one hand it blows 
away a lot of the arguments against migrating an office environment to Linux 
but on the other hand it could harm the excellent work done by the developers 
of KOffice, Gnumeric, Abiword and similar projects.
Personally I would find it hard to put an Office CD into the tray and install 
it into Mandrake, just doesn't seem right somehow

Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.3.2

  9:46pm  up  2:11,  2 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.20, 0.10

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Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread Derek Jennings

On Thursday 28 March 2002 20:11, you wrote:
 Blood Slap wrote:
  Well, it turns out I shouldn't have created a partition on my new
  drive before using Ghost, so I did all of my crap again, and I now
  have Linux installed. modem doesn't work :(
  I have a Best Data Smart One 56FW-VW ISA Modem,  it's on COM 4, and
  using IRQ 5 in Windows.  Whenever trying to connect it says modem is
  busy.  I've tried configuring by changing the IRQ in isapmp.conf, and
  setting the UARF, with every possible IRQ, but nothing seems to help.
  Does anyone know how I can configure my system to use this modem?

 What about setserial?


A Google search comes up with this
It appears to be a winmodem so a trip over to
might help you.


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Re: [newbie] copy all

2002-03-28 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 28 March 2002 20:16, Bill Winegarden wrote:
   A while back someone gave the command for a total, recursive copy of all
 files for a drive to drive exchange. I searched the archive but to no
 avail. I can't remember the subject line so I hope someone will have the
 info at hand.

I assume cp -R /* /mnt/other_drive won't work because you'd be copying things 
in a recursive loop.  In that case you might want to put everything into a 
massive tarball:

cd /
tar cvf foo.tar * --exclude /mnt/*
cp foo.tar /mnt/other_drive
cd /mnt/other_drive
tar xf foo.tar

Sorry, can't check this, as I only have a few hundred MB left on my hard disk!


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[newbie] [OT] Re: Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Robin Turner

On Thursday 28 March 2002 07:37, shane wrote:
 The campaign, called We have the way out, describes Unix as an expensive
 trap. No wonder Unix makes you feel boxed in. It ties you to an inflexible
 system. It requires you to pay for expensive experts. It makes you struggle
 daily with a server environment that's more complex than ever, one ad

 sounds like my experience with microsoft.

Fortunately I have been spared the MS server experience.  Even networking MS 
PCs has been a giant headache.  Every so often, a PC decides it wants out of 
Network Neighbourhood.  Once I rang our official techie (I'm just the office 
alpha-geek) and asked her about the problem, to get the reply Sorry, I don't 
know much about networking, try the guy who runs our DNS server.  I ring him 
and get the reply Sorry, I don't know anything about Microsoft.


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[newbie] Apache is broken

2002-03-28 Thread Ibly Piblo

Hello fellow newbies.

Can someone help me fix Apache?

It gives errors that say:

 service httpd start
Starting httpd-perl: fopen: No such file or directory
httpd-perl: could not open document config file
Starting httpd: fopen: No such file or directory
httpd: could not open document config file
fopen: No such file or directory
httpd-perl: could not open document config file
fopen: No such file or directory
httpd: could not open document config file
fopen: No such file or directory
httpd-perl: could not open document config file
fopen: No such file or directory
httpd: could not open document config file

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Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread Jose Mirles

poogle wrote:
 Probably start another lengthy thread here but I see that Codeweavers now 
 have a crossover that allows MS Office (including Outlook partly) to run 
 under Linux.
 I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not, on the one hand it blows 
 away a lot of the arguments against migrating an office environment to Linux 
 but on the other hand it could harm the excellent work done by the developers 
 of KOffice, Gnumeric, Abiword and similar projects.
 Personally I would find it hard to put an Office CD into the tray and install 
 it into Mandrake, just doesn't seem right somehow

Somehow, it just doesn't seem necessary either. Star Office 6 and OpenOffice 
are really good. But if you use Access alot, I could see where the it would be 

I am glad CodeWeaver is doing this. Frankly, I could see a company starting 
out with it and then moving to Star Office once the features catch up.

Now if CodeWeavers would form partnerships with software companies like 
Intuit in order to create CodeWeavers Quicken and CodeWeavers TurboTax, I'll 
buy it!

The box said Windows 2000 or higher required, so I used Mandrake Linux...

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Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread Ronald J. Hall

poogle wrote:

 Personally I would find it hard to put an Office CD into the tray and install
 it into Mandrake, just doesn't seem right somehow

I'm with you. I'm glad its there, available for those who need it, but I'll
never use it... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office

2002-03-28 Thread shane

On Friday 29 March 2002 05:56 am, poogle opened a hailing frequency and 

 I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not, on the one hand it
 blows away a lot of the arguments against migrating an office environment
 to Linux but on the other hand it could harm the excellent work done by
 the developers of KOffice, Gnumeric, Abiword and similar projects.
 Personally I would find it hard to put an Office CD into the tray and
 install it into Mandrake, just doesn't seem right somehow

look at it this way, if you really do need MSoffice, it is good, and if you 
don't want to pay for billg's new guest house you can cut your spending by 
several hundred dollars and use star or open or K.

myself, i won't run MSOffice, but i think that my wifes company will be 
glad to hear of this crossover...

god is omnipotent, omnicient, and omnibenevolent-says so right on the 
label.  and if you believe that i have some land for sale, but cash only, 
and in small bills -long

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Re: [newbie] Conection problem

2002-03-28 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:12:31 -0300 (ART)
Lúcio Costa de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I installed MDK8.2 im my Athlon 1GHz, 256Ram, but I
 can`t start my dial-up connection.
 MDK found my USR56K Ext in ttyS1.
 But if I try connect with server I receve this
 No carrier
 I tried all configurations, but I can´t fix it.
 Can anyone help me.

With the KDE application to dial to my ISP I sometimes get this with
show log checked:


After trying again ('cancel' / 'connect') it works most times:
the last line is replaced by something about connection speed/protocol when
I succesfully connect to my ISP. So I think your modem has a problem talking
to your ISP's modem. Kpp - setup - Device - flow control
maybe has something to do with it? Maybe raising the modem volume (normally
muted in a standard KDE install) gives some pointers? Contact your ISP about
modem settings? I don't think this a Linux problem. Btw, could you connect
with the same modem to the same ISP with another Linux or Windows
installation? Good luck!


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Re: [newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Tim Holmes

What I like is SUN's response:

Sun still does not see Microsoft as a real threat in the datacenter
market where reliability, availability, serviceability and security are
key, the company said. As for Unix being 'inflexible,' 'expensive,'
and 'complex,' we feel those are terms much better suited to the closed
and proprietary world of Windows.

I think the French term is Touché.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091


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[newbie] Postfix: Connection refused 8.2

2002-03-28 Thread Miark

I've got the new 8.2 box in as a company server
(mail, web, ssh, ftp). The problem that has that 
has be stumped right now is Postfix. 

I'm trying to download mail from the new sever, but
it appears to be refusing connections. Don't
know why. It can send mail, though. I'm not denying
anything in hosts.deny, and mynetworks is set
correctly, so Postfix itself shouldn't be refusing

Any ideas?


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Re: [newbie] Unisys, Microsoft to launch anti-Unix ads

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson

UNISYS is getting desperate. It seems they aren't selling as many
16/32-way Windows servers as they thought they would. For some reason
companies aren't over-eager to replace their well-established big-iron
UNIX infrastructure that processes millions of dollars in transactions
every day with with a product that hasn't yet been conclusively proven
as being reliable from a company that has little experience at the
'enterprise' level. (e.g. Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter. UNISYS has
lots of experience there, as well as being, oh, how shall we say it...
'An expensive trap that ties you to an inflexible system that requires
you to pay for expensive experts and makes you struggle daily with a
server environment that's more complex than ever.'

Remember, this is the same company that quietly waited years while .GIF
became the predominant graphics format in the web and then all of the
sudden announced that they had a patent on the compression algorithm and
demanded everyone pay royalties.

UNISYS is a dinosaur whose day has long since passed. They have been
unwilling or unable to evolve to meet the needs of the changing business
climate. They will soon be extinct. I expect this 18 month add campaign
to outlive them.

On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 23:37, shane wrote:
 The campaign, called We have the way out, describes Unix as an expensive 
 trap. No wonder Unix makes you feel boxed in. It ties you to an inflexible 
 system. It requires you to pay for expensive experts. It makes you struggle 
 daily with a server environment that's more complex than ever, one ad 
 sounds like my experience with microsoft. 
 On Friday 29 March 2002 04:48 am, Sullivan, Nick opened a hailing frequency 
 and transmitted:
 Followers of tao are nonconformists.  The conventional label our behavior 
 erratic, antisocial, irresponsible, inexplicable, outrageous, even 
 scandalous.  We hear other voices than they do.  -Deng Ming-Dao
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread Blood Slap

Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem.  That's really
disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one.

Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without any
extra heartache?
- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

 On Thursday 28 March 2002 20:11, you wrote:
  Blood Slap wrote:
   Well, it turns out I shouldn't have created a partition on my new
   drive before using Ghost, so I did all of my crap again, and I now
   have Linux installed.
   modem doesn't work :(
   I have a Best Data Smart One 56FW-VW ISA Modem,  it's on COM 4, and
   using IRQ 5 in Windows.  Whenever trying to connect it says modem is
   busy.  I've tried configuring by changing the IRQ in isapmp.conf, and
   setting the UARF, with every possible IRQ, but nothing seems to help.
   Does anyone know how I can configure my system to use this modem?
  What about setserial?

 A Google search comes up with this
 It appears to be a winmodem so a trip over to
 might help you.


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Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread Marc

3/29/02 1:04:18 AM, Blood Slap [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem.  That's really
disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one.

Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without 
extra heartache?
- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work
 modem doesn't work :(
   I have a Best Data Smart One 56FW-VW ISA Modem,  it's on COM 4, 
   using IRQ 5 in Windows.  Whenever trying to connect it says modem is
   busy.  I've tried configuring by changing the IRQ in isapmp.conf, and
   setting the UARF, with every possible IRQ, but nothing seems to help.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

  This sounds a Lot like a problem that I had, now this may sound crazy but unplug 
the modem and see if you still get the modem is busy message.

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Re: [newbie] Conection problem

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 28 March 2002 06:32 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 With the KDE application to dial to my ISP I sometimes get this with
 show log checked:


its timing out.
If you just dial your ISP how long before you get a modem tone?
Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
7:40pm up 7 days, 4:05, 2 users, load average: 1.18, 1.16, 1.29

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Re: [newbie] Apache is broken

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 28 March 2002 05:14 pm, Ibly Piblo wrote:

Obviously it can't find these files

are they there   
ls /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf
ls /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
7:38pm up 7 days, 4:02, 2 users, load average: 1.10, 1.20, 1.33

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Re: [newbie] cgi-bin

2002-03-28 Thread Roger

Assuming your web server is Apache, try to execute 

test-cgi is located in /var/www/cgi-bin.


On Thursday 28 March 2002 12:58 am, you wrote:
 How can you tell if cgi scripts will work on your web server? I'm sure I
 have everything in the correct places but I can't seem to get a message
 board I downloaded to work.

 *   Mithrilhall's  Linux*
 *  Server   *
 *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
 * *

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[newbie] Can't get mandrakeusers

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

Mar 28 19:32:38 fsn2 named[10366]: Lame server on '' (in 
''?): [].53 'NS2.HOST4U.NET'
Mar 28 19:32:38 fsn2 named[10366]: Lame server on '' (in 
''?): [].53 'NS.HOST4U.NET'
Mar 28 19:32:38 fsn2 named[10366]: ns_forw: query( All 
possible A RR's lame

Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
8:40pm up 7 days, 5:05, 2 users, load average: 0.93, 1.08, 1.14

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Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

2002-03-28 Thread civileme

Blood Slap wrote:

Wow, that really sucks, I was sure it was a real modem.  That's really
disappointing, and it means I have to go out and buy a new one.

Should a US Robotics 56KBS 2977 v.90 Hardware PCI modem work without any
extra heartache?
- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] it feels good when things work

On Thursday 28 March 2002 20:11, you wrote:

Blood Slap wrote:

Well, it turns out I shouldn't have created a partition on my new
drive before using Ghost, so I did all of my crap again, and I now
have Linux installed. modem doesn't work :(

I have a Best Data Smart One 56FW-VW ISA Modem,  it's on COM 4, and
using IRQ 5 in Windows.  Whenever trying to connect it says modem is
busy.  I've tried configuring by changing the IRQ in isapmp.conf, and
setting the UARF, with every possible IRQ, but nothing seems to help.

Does anyone know how I can configure my system to use this modem?


What about setserial?


A Google search comes up with this
It appears to be a winmodem so a trip over to
might help you.


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Hmmm, an ISA winmodem is fairly uncommon...
But that appears to be the case here  RC56HCF chipset and NO linux 
drivers, not even proprietary ones.


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[newbie] PHPnuke or Postnuke

2002-03-28 Thread William R. Nash


I was playing with PHPnuke 5.5 today. I like 
the way it works but some of my friends told me to use postnuke that it was 
better then PHPnuke. I was wondering which is better phpnuke 5.5 or 
Postnuke 7.1. 

Bill Nash

[newbie] Inatall phpSysInfo

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

if you are running Apache and PHP
Easy as 1 - 2 - 3
su -
cd /var/www/html
tar -zxvf phpSysInfo-2.0.tar.gz
enter  http://localhost/phpSysInfo-2.0  in yor browsers address bar

look at your system
Prittie cool, many languages selectable in the web page, and several themes.

Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
9:48pm up 7 days, 6:12, 2 users, load average: 1.24, 1.18, 1.16

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Re: [newbie] Help w/ Laptop (winbook xl)

2002-03-28 Thread Timothy J. Ryan

but does your PCMCIA card(s) work???
My only network card is PCMCIA.


--- Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Es Dijous 28 Març 2002 21:14, en Timothy J. Ryan va
  I have tried to install Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 on my
 Winbook XL and it locks
  up when I looks for PCMCIA devices.
 That happened to me and I solved it turning off PnP
 OS in Bios.  Try that...
 Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from
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Yahoo! Greetings - send holiday greetings for Easter, Passover

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Re: [newbie] Specifying SMTP from command line

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Dawson

Could you send me a copy of this or post it to a ftp or web site? I've
been looking (unsuccessfully) for such a utility for quite a while.


On Sat, 2002-03-23 at 16:54, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Friday 22 March 2002 03:32 pm, Miark wrote:
  It's a tad more involved that I had hoped, but if this is the way,
  then it's the way!
 OK, I drummed up a rough 'c' program that might help
 [gerald@gail gerald]$ ./clmail
 only 5 arguments are supported
 useage: smtpserver to from subject message
 Note: Subject and message must be enclosed in 
 Example:  clmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] test this this is a test
 the first arg is the SMTP server, 2nd is TO third is FROM, 4th is SUBJECT, 
 5th is the MSG.
 SUBJECT and MSG must be enclosed int  
 copy the executable clmail to /usr/local/bin or someplace so its in your $PATH
 Gerald Waugh
 New Haven, CT, United States of America
 5:48pm up 2 days, 2:12, 2 users, load average: 0.91, 1.05, 1.07

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[newbie] POP server need telnet daemon?

2002-03-28 Thread Miark

I understand that you can test a mail server
(both POP and SMTP) by using telnet on the
appropriate port. Does that stand to reason
that you need telnetd running in order to make
the mail server work? I'm guessing not, but I'm 
pretty desperate, so I'm grasping at straws 
right about now :-)


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Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR

Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi

I believe this error message is the key. Check the bang line to make
sure it's complete and as it should be. Thats the first place to start.
The next logical place in the script would be the Content-type header
being passed to the browser.


 Here's the error message:

 [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec
 /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi failed
 [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature end
 script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
 Sent: March 28, 2002 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

 What does your log report in the error file as the cause of the


  I changed Apache to run on listen on port 8000 and was wondering if
  would have any connection to my problem of not being  able to run
  perl scripts from my browser? Such as:
  If I run the cgi or perl scripts from shell they work fine but I
  them to work when calling them from my browser.
  *   Mithrilhall  Linux*
  *  Server   *
  *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
  * *
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  Get your free address at


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RE: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread Mithrilhall2000

Here it is:

# -- my first perl script!
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print Hello, world!\n;

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
Sent: March 28, 2002 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

It looks like the script runs fine from the command line,
but isn't browser friendly.  What does your test script 
look like?


Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Here's the error message:
 [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of
 /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi failed
 [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
 script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
 Sent: March 28, 2002 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question
 What does your log report in the error file as the cause of the problem?
  I changed Apache to run on listen on port 8000 and was wondering if
  would have any connection to my problem of not being  able to run cgi
  perl scripts from my browser? Such as:
  If I run the cgi or perl scripts from shell they work fine but I can't
  them to work when calling them from my browser.
  *   Mithrilhall  Linux*
  *  Server   *
  *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
  * *
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  Get your free address at
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Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread Miark

I'd expect it to work, although it doesn't include 
any HTML. Try this for sh*ts and giggles:

use CGI qw(:standard);
print header, start_html, Hello, world!, end_html;


Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

 Here it is:
 # -- my first perl script!
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 print Hello, world!\n;
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
 Sent: March 28, 2002 8:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question
 It looks like the script runs fine from the command line,
 but isn't browser friendly.  What does your test script 
 look like?
 Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:
  Here's the error message:
  [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of
  /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi failed
  [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
  script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
  Sent: March 28, 2002 8:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question
  What does your log report in the error file as the cause of the problem?
   I changed Apache to run on listen on port 8000 and was wondering if
   would have any connection to my problem of not being  able to run cgi
   perl scripts from my browser? Such as:
   If I run the cgi or perl scripts from shell they work fine but I can't
   them to work when calling them from my browser.
   *   Mithrilhall  Linux*
   *  Server   *
   *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
   * *
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get your free address at
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   Go to
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

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[newbie] hosts allow changes

2002-03-28 Thread Miark

Do you have to restart anything after modifying the
hosts.allow and host.deny files?


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Re: [newbie] OT quick note to Brian Lyvim the rest who care

2002-03-28 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

Hmmm...I think I should have thanked Femme here for the title.

Sorry Femme...this is a rogue duplicate thread; threw me off!


On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 15:28, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
 Thank you for the complement.  I've never been one to accept the
 assertion that to be passionate about what you believe in is counter to
 technical assistance.  If it matters enough, you get concerned enough,
 in direct proportion to how much it matters.  Of course it helps to have
 common sense about what matters and what does not.
 I should also add that today's community trends (in our bailiwick
 proper) require an open mind, rather than a closed one, and that many
 people are threatened by changes in the status quo.  Quite often such
 people are unhappy in their private lives and use negativity as a
 symptomatic reliever, rather than finding a real cure.
 On Tue, 2002-03-26 at 11:49, cervix couch wrote:
  From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [newbie] OT quick note to Brian  Lyvim  the rest who care
  Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 14:08:26 -0700
  Yes I've tried to lighten this particular subject with some humour.  And
  I do genuinely care to help.  I have a buoyant personality  I had hoped
  that some would enjoy a little fun as opposed to purely dry QA's.
  I tend to find these types of tech-lists very dry and for the most part 
  purely functional, but your posts are a definite breath of fresh air!
  Maybe some of these jerks need to take remedial courses in how to be human!

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] hosts allow changes

2002-03-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR

nope...not a thing.

 Do you have to restart anything after modifying the
 hosts.allow and host.deny files?


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Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread daRcmaTTeR

try it this way...since you've specified to the browser that you're
sending HTML then you've got to give it what it's waiting for. html

 paste below this line =
# -- my first perl script!
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

print EOF;

headtitleA test script/title/head
font size=+6bHello, world!/b


= end of script 


 Here it is:

 # -- my first perl script!
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 print Hello, world!\n;

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
 Sent: March 28, 2002 8:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

 It looks like the script runs fine from the command line,
 but isn't browser friendly.  What does your test script
 look like?


 Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

  Here's the error message:
  [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory:
exec of
  /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi failed
  [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature
end of
  script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
  Sent: March 28, 2002 8:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question
  What does your log report in the error file as the cause of the
   I changed Apache to run on listen on port 8000 and was wondering
   would have any connection to my problem of not being  able to run
   perl scripts from my browser? Such as:
   If I run the cgi or perl scripts from shell they work fine but I
   them to work when calling them from my browser.
   *   Mithrilhall  Linux*
   *  Server   *
   *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
   * *
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get your free address at

   Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
   Go to
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Re: [newbie] POP server need telnet daemon?

2002-03-28 Thread Randy Kramer

Miark wrote:
 I understand that you can test a mail server
 (both POP and SMTP) by using telnet on the
 appropriate port. Does that stand to reason
 that you need telnetd running in order to make
 the mail server work? I'm guessing not, but I'm
 pretty desperate, so I'm grasping at straws
 right about now :-)

I'm guessing not also, with a 99% certainty.

Don't know if I've written to you before or not (on mail servers) but
I'm working (slowly) on getting one set up and feel that I'm getting
pretty close.  Some of the information is still in my head, but some is
on WikiLearn -- suggest you try looking at these pages:


There are other pages on WikiLearn that you can find by searching for
email or postfix in the topic name of a page on:


The final piece of the puzzle for me (I hope) was how to set up a pop
(and imap) server under xinetd (sp?).   There was a post on newbie or
expert within the last three weeks that seems to give very good clues --
I've saved it somewhere and can send it to you if you think it will

Suggestion: Look at the first two pates I mentioned above, and then give
me some feedback about whether we're on similar wave lengths or not. 
Maybe I can help.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Specifying SMTP from command line

2002-03-28 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Thursday 28 March 2002 10:14 pm, Jim Dawson wrote:
 Could you send me a copy of this or post it to a ftp or web site? I've
 been looking (unsuccessfully) for such a utility for quite a while.

OK , I added some error checking and it should be reasonably foolproof.
I am attaching the files   clmail   and   clmail.c
If someone wants to put these up on a ftp site, OK by me.
I don't know if the list allows attachments so they might not go through.

su -
cp clmail /usr/local/bin/clmail
chmod 711 /usr/local/bin/clmail

entering clmail with no arguements yields:
5 arguments are supported
useage: smtpserver TO FROM subject message

Note: The subject and message must be enclosed in  if they contain 

Gerald Waugh Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
11:49pm up 7 days, 8:14, 2 users, load average: 1.21, 1.06, 1.01

/* ==
 * clmail.c - simple smtp command line email application
 * By Gerald Waugh 
 * March 29, 2002
 * to install:
 * s u -
 * password
 * cp clmail /usr/local/bin/clmail
 * chmod 711 /usr/local/bin/clmail
 * exit
 * entering clmail with no arguements yields:
 * 5 arguments are supported
 * useage: smtpserver TO FROM subject message
 * Note: The subject and message must be enclosed in  if they contain whitespace.
 * === */
#include netdb.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include stdio.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include sys/types.h
#include unistd.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h

void die (char *s)
   printf(Error: %s\n,s);

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
struct sockaddr_in address;
struct in_addr inaddr;
struct hostent * host;
int sock, nBytes;
int buffsize = 1024;
char Buff[buffsize];

strcpy(Buff, );
//== C H E C KA R G S =
if (argc != 6) {
fprintf(stderr, 5 arguments are supported\n\
useage: smtpserver TO FROM \subject\ \message\\n\0);
return 1;

/* If the argument can be converted to an IP, do so. If not, try
   to look it up in DNS. */
if (inet_aton(argv[1], inaddr))
host = gethostbyaddr((char *) inaddr, sizeof(inaddr), AF_INET);
host = gethostbyname(argv[1]);

if (!host) {
/* We can't find an IP number */
herror(error looking up host);
//=== C R E A T E   S O C K E T ===
if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0))  0) {

address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(25);

/* Take the first IP address associated with this hostname */
memcpy(address.sin_addr, host-h_addr_list[0], sizeof(address.sin_addr));

if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) address, sizeof(address)))

//== I N I T   G A T E W A Y =
nBytes = recv(sock, Buff, buffsize, 0);
//if(nBytes  0)
//   printf(%s\n, Buff); 
strcpy(Buff, HELO );
strcat(Buff, argv[1]);
strcat(Buff, \n);
send(sock, Buff, strlen(Buff), 0); // send 'mail from' command
//printf(%s\n, Buff);

nBytes = recv(sock, Buff, buffsize, 0);
if(nBytes  0) {
	if(Buff[0] == '5') {
Buff[nBytes] = '\0'; 
	printf(Error: %s, Buff);
strcpy(Buff, MAIL FROM: );
strcat(Buff, argv[3]);
strcat(Buff, \n);
send(sock, Buff, strlen(Buff), 0); // send 'mail from' command
//printf(%s\n, Buff);

nBytes = recv(sock, Buff, buffsize, 0);
if(nBytes  0) {
   if(Buff[0] == '5') {
Buff[nBytes] = '\0';
	printf(Error: %s, Buff);
strcpy(Buff, RCPT TO: );
strcat(Buff, argv[2]);
strcat(Buff, \n);
send(sock, Buff, strlen(Buff), 0);  // send mail to command
//printf(%s\n, Buff);

nBytes = recv(sock, Buff, buffsize, 0);
if(nBytes  0) {
	if(Buff[0] == '5') {
Buff[nBytes] = '\0';
	printf(Error: %s, Buff);
strcpy(Buff, DATA\n);
send(sock, Buff, strlen(Buff), 0);  // send DATA command
//printf(%s\n, Buff);

nBytes = recv(sock, Buff, buffsize, 0);
if(nBytes  0) {
	if(Buff[0] == '5') {
Buff[nBytes] = 

[newbie] POP server need telnet daemon?

2002-03-28 Thread Miark

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Re: [newbie] copy all

2002-03-28 Thread dfox

 cd /
 tar cvf foo.tar * --exclude /mnt/*
 cp foo.tar /mnt/other_drive
 cd /mnt/other_drive
 tar xf foo.tar
 Sorry, can't check this, as I only have a few hundred MB left on my hard disk!

All the better to use a pipe, then. The above is OK but you have to be
able to store the tarball somewhere. That's OK (and I've done it many
times) when you have relatively small partitions and enough space to store
a few hundred megs in /tmp while you switch everything around. In fact, I
took that approach while I was moving partitions around and formatting 
everything for reiserfs recently.

Usually you'll do something like:

tar -cf /path/to/where --exclude /mnt/* | (cd /mnt; tar -xf -)

That way, everything in the first tar is piped to the subexpression on the 
other side of the pipe. You need the parentheses here because you want the
other process on the other side of the pipe to be in a different 
subdirectory than the process on the left hand side of that pipe. 

And voila :) no intermediate copy lying around.


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RE: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-03-28 Thread Mithrilhall2000

I tried it and it works fine from the shell but not from a browser.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
Sent: March 28, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

try it this way...since you've specified to the browser that you're
sending HTML then you've got to give it what it's waiting for. html

 paste below this line =
# -- my first perl script!
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

print EOF;

headtitleA test script/title/head
font size=+6bHello, world!/b


= end of script 


 Here it is:

 # -- my first perl script!
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
 print Hello, world!\n;

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Miark
 Sent: March 28, 2002 8:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

 It looks like the script runs fine from the command line,
 but isn't browser friendly.  What does your test script
 look like?


 Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke thusly:

  Here's the error message:
  [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory:
exec of
  /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi failed
  [Thu Mar 28 22:09:29 2002] [error] [client] Premature
end of
  script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/test.cgi
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of daRcmaTTeR
  Sent: March 28, 2002 8:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question
  What does your log report in the error file as the cause of the
   I changed Apache to run on listen on port 8000 and was wondering
   would have any connection to my problem of not being  able to run
   perl scripts from my browser? Such as:
   If I run the cgi or perl scripts from shell they work fine but I
   them to work when calling them from my browser.
   *   Mithrilhall  Linux*
   *  Server   *
   *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
   * *
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