Re: [newbie-it] modem interno

2002-05-10 Thread sandro

Alle 23:19, giovedì 9 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 - C'e' una altissima probabilita' tendente al 99% che sia un winmodem
 non supportato; sarebbe comunque interessante sapere che chipset monta;
 - cerca su, e con google se c'e' qualche riferimento in giro per
 il tuo modem (non farti illusioni, AFAIK non c'e' molta speranza ..);
 - l'irq 17 non esiste :) presumo che sia un refuso.

hmmm, non saprei. Ho lo stesso problema e con un modem Lucent (non AMR) che 
era ampiamente suportato e funzionante sulla rh 7.2 (portatile Acer) previa 
installazione del driver. Ho scaricato il relativo driver per mdk8.2, l'ho 
installato ma riscontro gli stessi problemi. Settandolo (come da default) 
come /dev/modem mi dice che non riesce a rilevare il modem, se cambio in 
ttys2 dice inizializzazione modem e rimane fermo li e non si connette.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] Installazione mdk 8.2

2002-05-10 Thread ku68

- Original Message -
From: freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Installazione mdk 8.2
 ormai dovresti credo aver risolto.
Sì, l'ho installato cancellando la mdk 8.1 -perdendo tutti i dati per non
aver fatto backup - ma ho preferito
avere un amico esperto al mio fianco... :-)
La prima installazione si era bloccata dopo aver chiesto il 3 cd. Poi una
volta rifatta
e formattando le partizioni preesistenti è andato tutto a buon fine. anche
lilo mi permette sempre l'avvio a win
Ho solo dato un'occhiata veloce ma - sigh - il problema dello scanner
collegato allo hub
non si è risolto. Continua a non vedere sto cazz' di hub. Mah!!
 solo una cosa quindi: e' normale il tempo dell'aggiornamento.
 anzi, a seconda del pc, puo' essere anche piu' lungo.
 L'aggiornamento e' una cosa che richiede molto tempo
 (immagino prima controlli tutti i pacchetti che hai e le dipendenze ecc.)
Me ne sono accorto. ;-)

Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Trasferire file

2002-05-10 Thread Germano

Scusate se inoltro nuovamente il messaggio ma viste le numerose e-mail che 
sono arrivate successivamente pensa sia il caso di rimandarla.

Scusate se aggiungo anche un altra cosa:
Se una cosa si può fare con Linux perchè consigliare di farla con un 
programmino per Win--ws?
Scusate ma questa è una mailing-list di Linux.

--  Messaggio inoltrato  --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Trasferire file
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 11:18:12 +0200

Dipende da che errore ti dà.
Può darsi che la directory non sia montata (controlla leggendo il contenuto
di /etc/mtab: se è presente vuol dire che è montata).
Può darsi che se provi come utente normale non te lo faccia fare mentre da
root sì: vuol dire che in /etc/fstab nella riga corrispondente non c'è
l'opzione 'user' (in realtà quella opzione decide chi è che può montare
quella directory).
Oppure, più semplicemente, non hai i permessi in scrittura per quella 

Ciao, Ge

Il 08:29, giovedì 09 Maggio 2002, ku68 hai scritto:
 Ciao, ho questo problema. Vorrei trasferire alcuni file scaricati via
 mail da linux a win.
 Ho provato a trasferirli nella dir /mnt/win_c/windows/desktop/nome del
 file ma mi segnala che è impossibile.
 Eppure mi è stato detto che si può anche senza montare samba o altro.
 Dov'è che sbaglio?
 Grazie in anticipo dell'eventuale risposta


Fwd: Re: [newbie-it] Mozilla, netscape, konqueror .....e java

2002-05-10 Thread Daniele Micci

Per errore questa risposta era andata all'indirizzo privato di Max.
La riposto qui in ML...


--  Messaggio inoltrato  --

Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Mozilla, netscape, konqueror .e java
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 10:39:50 +0200
From: Daniele Micci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Alle 09:53, venerdì 10 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 prima di tutto un grazie a tutti per l'interessamento.
 Il link che non riesco a percorrere è quello delle gare in corso: mi
 ritorna sempre all' home page, con win$ invece vengono visualizzati altri
 due link sulla destra e posso entrare nelle sezioni gare di appalto.
 Non vengono generati messaggi di errore e java (ibm jre 2.13) è installato
 come pure l' ssl layer (jsse1.0.2).
 Grazie ancora

per vedere il problema con i miei occhi, sono andato anche io sul sito
dell'ANAS. Credo che tutto dipenda dall'errore che compare nella parte bassa
dello schermo:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status
value, if available. No work was done.

/_gghi_report/, line 41

Confermo che cliccare sui link produce solo un refresh della home page.
Temo a questo punto che ci sia del codice ASP nella home page che viene
eseguito solo in presenza di alcuni browser... quali saranno mai? :-|
Direi che l'idea di scrivere in blocco (cioè tutti noi) un'email ai gestori
del sito potrebbe essere una via. Almeno gli si rompe un po' le scatole!



[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


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è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


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è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


Re: [newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread Pollo

Il ven, 2002-05-10 alle 13:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
 Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo 
in facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale 
permette di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di 
dichiarare un errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, 
anche quando questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' 
Clone vedeva i cd danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in 
modo corretto basta rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
 Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.
 Ciao Nicola.
 P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non 
li ho riscontrati (E vai!!)
 Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
 è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
 di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
 una casella di posta free visita il
 Ti aspettiamo!

Anche io ho avuto gli stessi problemi...
Il lettore cd continua a scattare e non c'è verso di leggerlo. A me
succede con il terzo cd. Qualcuno sa se è possibile avere un cambio di
cd la LinuxC?
Ciao, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Mozilla, netscape, konqueror .....e java

2002-05-10 Thread max

Il 16:36, giovedì 9 maggio 2002, hai scritto:
 On Thu, 9 May 2002, max wrote:
  ho provato con tutti i brwoser in oggetto ma proprio non riesco ad aprire
  questo sito: (niente paura è l'ANAS).
  Ci sono dei link a gare e lavori in corso ma...niente da fare.
  Possibile che un ente pubblico offre servizi importanti come gare
  d'appalto solo a chi ha i prodotti M$? O forse sono io che ho pasticciato
  con i plugin? Ogni delucidazione sarà olremodo gradita.

 Il problema e' che finche' molti siti che ci circondano sono stesi da
 uemasterrr preparati coi punti delle patatine, incapaci e
 trogloditi ... e dire che 'pare' che siano pure pagati :-/
 A me appare anche un errore microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
 Il perche' non funzionano i link e' presto detto, hai guardato nella
 barra di stato a cosa corrisponde ognuno di quei link? te lo dico io; e;
 cioe' niente di nuovo!
 C'e' un escamotage cmq: fai clic su percorribilita' e poi scegli i link
 sulla sinistra.

Grazie per l'escamotage...problema risolto!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


[newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread

Salve a tutti, invio questa mail, perche' mi e' successa una cosa strana. I CD della 
mdk8.2 allegati a Linuxc mi davano dei problemi durante l'installazione, il lettore 
continuava a rippare senza procedere, non completava il secon stage, etc. Ho saputo in 
facolta' di non essere l'unico con questo problema, ma visto che sono riuscito a 
risolverlo, posto il procedimento da me seguito, magari puo' essere utile a qualcuno. 
Quello che ho fatto e' stato creare delle copie dei CD tramite NERO, il quale permette 
di specificare il numero di tentativi di lettura da eseguire prima di dichiarare un 
errore, e inoltre consente un certo recovery dei settori danneggiai, anche quando 
questi siano su dischi masterizzati in modo 1. Ho usato nero perche' Clone vedeva i cd 
danneggiati, e non riusciava a correggerli. Se la copia riesce in modo corretto basta 
rimasterizzare i cd e i problemi sono risolti.
Spero di non essere troppo OT e di non aver scassato le b---e a nessuno.

Ciao Nicola.

P.s. I problemi nelle ricompilazione dei moduli che avevo trovato nella 8.1 qui non li 
ho riscontrati (E vai!!)


Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail interfree. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


Re: [newbie-it] CD Allegati a LinuxC difettosi

2002-05-10 Thread Brunini Alessandro

 Ho visto evolution è molto ben fatto. Chi lo usa sa dirmi se gestisce +

Sì gestisce + account, ma non lo uso perchè ogni volta che gli chiedo di 
stampare non lo fa e a volte crasha... :((

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] nicoladeglinnocenti

2002-05-10 Thread lux12

la persona in oggetto ha innestato qualche loop strano?
Continuo a ricevere la stessa email!

Ciao, lux


Fai i tuoi acquisti su

Re: [newbie-it] configurazione hardware (scusate per la lunghezza)

2002-05-10 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 12:16, lunedì 6 maggio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] configurazione hardware 
(scusate per la lunghezza), carmine de pasquale ha scritto:

 se può servire allego pnpdump

  (NAME TAG2117/46803539[0]{LECTRON Winet ISDNExpress PnP})

  2) scheda audio ectiva ev 1935 machone pci. non so come farla

 Multimedia audio controller: OPTi Inc. EV1935 ECTIVA MachOne
 PCI Audio (rev 16).

   Bus  0, device  12, function  0:
 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. ViRGE/DX or /GX (rev 1).
   IRQ 10.

   Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Trio 64 3D (rev 1).

  5) non riesco ad avviare il serverx contemporaneamente con 2
  schede video (agp e pci), anche se xf86cfg si avvia con
  entrambe, le configura, ma quando parte il serverx mi dà
  errore, riprova e parte con una sola scheda.

* # Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about
 the format of # this file.

 Section Files

 RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb

 # Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated
 together) # By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font
 server independent of # the X server to render fonts.

 FontPath   unix/:-1


* # Server flags section.

 Section ServerFlags

 # Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a
 signal is # received.  This may leave the console in an unusable
 state, but may # provide a better stack trace in the core dump to
 aid in debugging #NoTrapSignals

 # Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltBS server abort
 sequence # This allows clients to receive this key event.

 # Uncomment this to disable the CrtlAltKP_+/KP_- mode
 switching # sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key
 events. #DontZoom

 # This  allows  the  server  to start up even if the
 # mouse device can't be opened/initialised.


* # Input devices

* # Keyboard section

 Section InputDevice

 Identifier Keyboard1
 Driver  Keyboard
 Option AutoRepeat  250 30

 Option XkbRules xfree86
 Option XkbModel pc105
 Option XkbLayout it


* # Pointer section

 Section InputDevice

 Identifier  Mouse1
 Driver  mouse
 Option ProtocolIMPS/2
 Option Device  /dev/mouse
 Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

 # ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

 #Option ChordMiddle


 Section Module

 # This loads the DBE extension module.
 Load dbe

 # This loads the Video for Linux module.

 # This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
 # initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.

 SubSection extmod
  #Option omit xfree86-dga

 # This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules

 Load type1
 Load freetype

* # Monitor section

 # Any number of monitor sections may be present

 Section Monitor
 Identifier Generic|Multi-frequenza che raggiunge 1280x1024 a
 60 Hz VendorName Unknown
 ModelName  Unknown

 # HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
 # HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or
 a # comma separated list of ranges of values.
 HorizSync  31.5-64.3

 # VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
 # VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values,
 or a # comma separated list of ranges of values.
 VertRefresh 50-90

 # This is a set of extended mode timings typically used for
 laptop, # TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
 # These are available along with standard mode timings.

 # Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
 # 1024x480  85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
 ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488  494
  563 -hsync -vsync

 # 768x576  79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
 ModeLine 768x576 

Re: [newbie-it] 8.2 - KMail

2002-05-10 Thread Guido Milanese

Mi rispondo da solo per completare i dati. allora, il problema non è solo con kmail ma 
anche con netscape e con evolution. Spediscono, ma NON ricevono la posta. 

qualche idea, per favore?
grazie, g.

Guido Milanese   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua -
Salita del Passero 11, I-16126 Genova GE, Italy

Re: [newbie-it] 8.2 - KMail (fwd)

2002-05-10 Thread LukenShiro

Ri-invio il messaggio che sembre non essere arrivato:

L'host che ti appare nell'account pop3 dovrebbe contenere il nome del
server di posta in arrivo (nel tuo caso direi lo stesso del server
smtp), altrimenti non si connette a nulla :)

Re: [newbie-it] alcuni piccoli problemi

2002-05-10 Thread skyheart

Il Fri, 10 May 2002 00:00:17 +0200 (CEST)
LukenShiro ha scritto:

 On Thu, 9 May 2002, skyheart wrote:
  sulla mia mandrake 8.2
  - gnome non mantiene le impostazioni relative allo sfondo del dektop
  dopo l'uscita o il riavvio.
 Non saorei, la butto la': controlla che la directory $HOME/.gnome e i
 file in essa contenuto siano leggibili e scrivibili dall'utente [con ls
 -l] e di proprieta' dello stesso.

Ora provo poi ti dico...

  -xwc non parte e devo killare ogni volta il processo (usando top + kill)
 Prova ad eseguirlo da un terminale di testo, magari ti dice qualcosa di

A vevo già provato ma nn dice proprio nulla ...bè strano ma vero ora nn lo fa 
 LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-6mdk
 Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
 Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] Trasferire file

2002-05-10 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 21:59, giovedì 9 maggio 2002, in merito a Re: [newbie-it] Trasferire file, nicola 
ha scritto:

  Ciao, ho questo problema. Vorrei trasferire alcuni file
  scaricati via mail da linux a win.
  Ho provato a trasferirli nella dir
  /mnt/win_c/windows/desktop/nome del file ma mi segnala che è

 che solo il superutente possa farci casini. Per poter copiare da
 utente dovresti modificare il file /etc/fstab, ma personalmente
 te lo sconsiglio, in quanto potresti involontariamente fare

io invece ti consiglio di capire come funzioni fstab ;-)
e quindi di decidere se sia meglio una finestra sulla quale clikkare che ti costringa 
ad entrare come root per qualsiasi cosa
o piuttosto, pensare  a cosa fare prima di farlo..
ok mandrake semplifica le cose,
ma sempre GNU/Linux è..

quindi metti noauto,users,showexec in fstab nella linea relativa al punto di montaggio 
della partizione vfat 
monterai TU, quando vuoi, la partizione, e potrai copiarci tutto,
(sempre sapendo quello che fai e perchè)


Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] alcuni piccoli problemi

2002-05-10 Thread skyheart

Il Fri, 10 May 2002 00:00:17 +0200 (CEST)
LukenShiro ha scritto:

 On Thu, 9 May 2002, skyheart wrote:
  sulla mia mandrake 8.2
  - gnome non mantiene le impostazioni relative allo sfondo del dektop
  dopo l'uscita o il riavvio.
 Non saorei, la butto la': controlla che la directory $HOME/.gnome e i
 file in essa contenuto siano leggibili e scrivibili dall'utente [con ls
 -l] e di proprieta' dello stesso.

Ok, controllato, i permessi sono a posto. Copio qua sotto il file 
/home/nomeutente/.gnome/Background magari  qualcuno ci vede qualcosa di strano.


Grazie e ciao

Linux user 
cognitive dissident

[newbie-it] ancora icq

2002-05-10 Thread skyheart

dalle mail precedenti è emerso che Licq dà un po di problemi per un cambiamento fatto 
dalla mirabilis, ho provato quindi a usare gnomeicu perchè qualcuno aveva detto che 
funzionava meglio, ma nulla inserendo il mio vecchio numero di icq mi ha 
autenticato 1 volta su 3 e quando ho tentato di aggingere un amico alla lista è andato 
in crash 2 volte su 2 (ho usato la versione che sta sul cd dell 8.2).

Se così stanno le cose qualcuno mi dà un consiglio: quale client usare? Sul cd della 
8.2 ce ne sono un po'che si dichiarano universali... quali sono le vostre esperienze?
Grazie a tutti.

Linux user 
cognitive dissident

[newbie-it] ICQ

2002-05-10 Thread Beppe

Buona sera oh gloriosa mailinglist ^_^
il tedioso problema ICQ purtroppo al momento credo sia risolvibile solo in 2 
modi :'''(
il primo è licq 1.1 con tutti i suoi incolmabili limiti (dopo lo scempio made 
in mirabilis non si può creare nuovi account, autorizzare le persone ad 
aggiungerci alla loro contact list e tutto il resto... ma almeno funziona)
il secondo dovrebbe essere vicq ma non ne ho mai trovato l'rpm e comunque è 
un programma che funziona in modalità testo (io sono agli inizi con linux e 
ho ancora il terrore di ciò che non è grafico)
per il resto da quando è stato cambiato il protocollo tutti i programmi che 
non si sono ancora adattati sono inservibili.

per quanto riguarda cambiare l'account confermo che è necessario usare il 
comando licq -b una_directory solo quando si possiede già un account icq 
perchè la registrazione con licq non funge... bisogna quindi prendersi la 
briga di fare prima un salto sul sito di icq da cui mi pare proprio che ci si 
possa registrare

ciao ciao ^_^

Re: [newbie-it] ancora icq

2002-05-10 Thread LukenShiro

On Sat, 11 May 2002, skyheart wrote:
 Se così stanno le cose qualcuno mi dà un consiglio: quale client
 usare? Sul cd della 8.2 ce ne sono un po'che si dichiarano
 universali... quali sono le vostre esperienze?

Io ho sempre usato licq e lo sto usando ancora adesso :) (non pero' la
versione ufficiale in dotazione alla distribuzione), una modificata in
proprio da uno sviluppatore della Cooker. Direi che funziona piuttosto
bene e riconosce il protocollo V8 (l'ultima vaccata appunto della
consociata di AOL, mirabilis non ha piu' il controllo di icq ora),
eliminando i problemi di messaggi a vuoto e i doppioni eterni. Non e'
supportata in alcun modo e considerata ancora da testare: consiglio di
prendere i pacchetti contrassegnati dal numero 1.1.0-... e piu' recenti.

LU #210970 LM #98222 - MDK8.2 elaborata / 2.4.18-ac3
Ricorda: i motori di ricerca ti vogliono bene, non abbandonarli!!
Netiquette al contrario (volutamente ironica):

Re: [newbie-it] modem interno x sandro

2002-05-10 Thread sandro

Alle 08:53, venerdì 10 maggio 2002, hai scritto:

 Credo sia un problema con il DEVFS.
 Se cerchi il readme dei driver del lucent per la versione 8.1 troverai le
 istruzioni per sistemarlo.
 Fammi sapere se era questo

Grazie, ci sto provando ma non va. Dato che l'ho fatto con un po' di fretta 
dopo ci riprovo seguendo le istruzioni passo-passo.
Ciao e grazie

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - A.I.P. n. 2075 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie] Problems Installing commercial ver. 8.2

2002-05-10 Thread John McQuillen

On Fri, 2002-05-10 at 16:00, Greg Pettiford wrote:

 So I check all of them, click Install, and get the following error message
 depslist.ordered mismatch against hdlist files
 It then kicks me back to formatting and choosing a mount point.
 I have a felling that it may be a bad cd from the retail package, but am
 unable to get back to the store yet to exchange it and see.
 Any thoughts people?

I have had similar problems whilst upgrading in the past if I didn't
format the /var partition. If you are formatting the /var partition then
I'm afraid that I'm stumped!



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Re: [newbie] Problems Installing commercial ver. 8.2

2002-05-10 Thread Brian Parish

See the errata.  You are installing on a K6 or Pentium 1 and need a
patch.  It's easy - just download the patch to a dos floppy, press F1
and type patch at the start of the install.


On Fri, 2002-05-10 at 16:00, Greg Pettiford wrote:
 Hi Folks, I'm having a problem installing 8.2, right out of the box with the
 first CD.
 I was running 8.0 on a pc, dual boot with WinMe, and was going to install
 I get thru to where I choose the packages to install, and the graphics only
 show a partial list of packages, like it doesn't want to show the entire
 graphic, just the check points for KDE, Workstation and choose individual
 So I check all of them, click Install, and get the following error message
 depslist.ordered mismatch against hdlist files
 It then kicks me back to formatting and choosing a mount point.
 I have a felling that it may be a bad cd from the retail package, but am
 unable to get back to the store yet to exchange it and see.
 Any thoughts people?
 Thanks... Greg
 And the sky was full of stars; each one an exploding ship, one of ours...
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] getting a pop server going

2002-05-10 Thread Miark

It should start by itself when xinetd starts as the default configuration
is for pop3d to run. You'll find the configuration file here:


You may also have to set hosts.allow to enable remote connections.


Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 I need to set up a simple mail system using fetchmail, procmail and
 pop.  Fetchmail is fetching happily. I've installed imap.  I can see pop
 on my list of services under Control Center, but it's an xinetd
 service.  Where do I go to configure and start it?  I'll keep reading,
 but if anyone can give me a quick boot in the right direction...

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Re: [newbie] Quake3 in Linux - hot damn!

2002-05-10 Thread Miark


1) Download
2) As root, run the file as follows: sh
3) Insert your Winblows Quake 3 CD, and go to the baseq3 directory.
4) Copy the pak0.pk3 file to your hard drive as follows:
   cp pak0.pk3 to /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3
5) Run the game by typing the following in a terminal: quake3


Xaero [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
 I'd be interested in just knowing how to install Quake3 under Mandrake
 8.2. What do I need to download? Do I need the Quake for Linux CD or is
 my Quake for that other OS CD good enough? Maybe someone could point me
 in the direction of a web site detailing Quake3 / Linux installs?

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Re: [newbie] RPM's missing of Powerpacks?

2002-05-10 Thread Miark

Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 Agreed Charles!  Let's put the are they really there or not? question
 to bed.  If ls -R cd-mnt-point | grep package-name  can't see them,
 they are not there.  The question now is: What does Mandrake do about


Some of the RPM packages use capital letters, so a bare grep command may
not find them if you search for lowercase letters. Cover both bases by,
instead, doing a case insensitive search: grep -i package


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Re: [newbie] Qn: Software Manager: replacing the Mandrake CD sources

2002-05-10 Thread Stormjumper

thanks to Dimitris Loannou and Brandon Vanderg,
and an un-named person who emailed me directly,
i managed to do what i set out to do.

for the benefit of anyone other newbie w/o a cdrom drive,
the key bit of info is to point the mirror to the directory containing
the Mandrake RPMS,
and set the relative path to hdlist correctly,
in this case  ../base/hdlist
(i think the .cz part of can be omitted)

once again, thank you everyone.
- Original Message -
From: Stormjumper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 3:35 PM
Subject: [newbie] Qn: Software Manager: replacing the Mandrake CD


 i installed Mandrake 8.2 Download Edition on an old system
 using the 3 downloaded cdroms, then subsequently
 remove the cd-rom drive.

 is there any way i can configure the Software Manager
 to point to sources on the web for packages in the cds?

 right now, i've added a few (valid?) sources,
 but they can only give me security upgrades and
 bug fixes.

 if i try to install any packages that exist(ed) on the
 install cd(s), i'm prompted for the mandrake cds.


 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] installing a tar.gz

2002-05-10 Thread Jay

To install a tarball you must first decompress it.

tar -zxvf file.tar.gz

f=filename (I think)

tar archives the files.
gz compress's them

this will create a directory with the files in it, cd into that directory
and there will most likely be a INSTALL or README file, that'll tell you
how to install it. Mandrake installs with glibc so the /w glibc package
should work. If not, then download the static which should work by itself.

Stojs said:
 Now is about time I learn how to install a tar ball.

 Could someone please give me detailed step by step instructions on how
 to install a tar ball. I need to know not only the steps I have to
 perform, but also why to take each step and what packages I need
 installed before starting. I use mandrake 8.2 download edition.

 I would very much appreciate instructions on how to install the
 audiogalaxy satellite and why I should choose the version w/ glibc or

 The program can be found at:

 I guess understanding the tars is a big step in my pinguinitiation (can
 anyone actually pronounce that word?).

 Big thanks in advance,

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it. -
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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RE: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

2002-05-10 Thread Barran, Richard

 I am sure I am not alone in thinking that these current higher 
 powered processor fans are becoming very noisy.
 I came across Zalman's CNP S6000-CU Cooler on the web, which is 
 claimed to be both very efficient and much quieter.  Anyone got any 
 experiences of it to relate to us.
 Perhaps some of you out there have some better models to suggest to 
 John Richard Smith

It's a small world!
I too get annoyed about the noise levels from my PC, but couldn't find much
about quiet processor fans when I recently replaced mine.
Lo and behold, TheRegister (that website again!) has got an item about a new
fan-less NEC PC, with a link to a company that supplies gizmos to quieten
your current machine. Guess what: the website address is...
Obvious or what?


PS If you find a quiet fan, could you let me know about it? Cheers.

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[newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread John Richard Smith

This is my fstab for LM8.2:-

/dev/hda7 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9 /mnt/ext2-vol6 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
/dev/hda1 /mnt/W2000 ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda10 /mnt/ntfs-vol7 ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda11 /mnt/ntfs-vol8 ntfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hda12 /mnt/ntfs-vol9 ntfs defaults 0 0
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc/mnt/cdrom  iso9660 
ro,iocharset=iso8859-15,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/scd0   /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660 
ro,iocharset=iso8859-15,nosuid,noauto,exec,user,nodev   0 0
/dev/fd0/mnt/floppy vfat 
0 0
0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda8 swap swap defaults 0 0

I recently added the second line to mount at run time a spare ext2 
partition which I wanted to use as a store for  downloads. It is 
fine, and indeed I am able to write to this spare partition.

The only problem is that the run time script saysmount local files 
system, mount fs type defaults not supported  which seems to me that 
it does not like my defaults 1 1 , I first chose 0 0 ,with the same 
result , Can anyone suggest a setting that would be agreeable to 
the boot script, or what am I doing wrong here. Note the spare 
partition is just that , no OS.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

2002-05-10 Thread Dave Russell

Barran, Richard wrote:
I am sure I am not alone in thinking that these current higher 
powered processor fans are becoming very noisy.

I came across Zalman's CNP S6000-CU Cooler on the web, which is 
claimed to be both very efficient and much quieter.  Anyone got any 
experiences of it to relate to us.
 It's a small world!
 I too get annoyed about the noise levels from my PC, but couldn't find much
 about quiet processor fans when I recently replaced mine.
 Lo and behold, TheRegister (that website again!) has got an item about a new
 fan-less NEC PC, with a link to a company that supplies gizmos to quieten
 your current machine. Guess what: the website address is...

Right I've got experience with that particular Zalman cooler, I didn't 
it from quietpc because it seemed somewhat expensive from there (I'm in 
the UK)

It's used on my Audio/Video PC which sits in my front room... hence the 
need for something that was quiet.

It's cooling a Celeron 900 and is completely silent at its slowest fan 
speed. It's not the highest performing cooler available, but it is one 
of the quietest.

Now all I need is something to quieten the faint whirring noise from the 
harddrive... no spare 5 1/4 bay to put a drive muffler type enclosure 
in the tiny case that I'm using unfortunately.


Dave Russell

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Re: [newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread John McQuillen

 The only problem is that the run time script saysmount local files 
 system, mount fs type defaults not supported  which seems to me that 
 it does not like my defaults 1 1 , I first chose 0 0 ,with the same 
 result , Can anyone suggest a setting that would be agreeable to 
 the boot script, or what am I doing wrong here. Note the spare 
 partition is just that , no OS.

Compare the following two lines (tabbed for effect):

/dev/hda7   /   ext2defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9   /mnt/ext2-vol6  defaults 1 1

notice something missing?



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Re: [newbie] Possible stupid question/scsi emulation for parallel port scanner!

2002-05-10 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

Ha,ha,ha!! Thanks a lot Brian for your time to reply
On my way to the shops. I won't regret it. As you
said, and you 're very right in this {everytime I look
at my two sons I realize it even more},life is short
and scanners are cheap.

Thanks a lot anyway


 --- Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
 I tried to get a parallel scsi emulated piece of HP
 junk going and found
 that it was theoretically possible.  A web page
 accessed thru the SANE
 site indicated that all I needed to do was become a
 linux scanner
 interface design engineer.  I figured I would have
 it going within three
 or four years and lost interest at that point.
 My advice - life is short - scanners are cheap.
 That said, I now have a nice new USB scanner.  Works
 great - as long as
 I boot W$ to use it ;-)  Message - read the
 compatibility list before
 going to the computer shop  - but you knew that!
 P.S. Not a stupid question!  There are none and this
 was less so than
 many - most of them mine.
 On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 16:51, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:
  Dear list
  I know this might be a stupid question but I have
  ask it since this list is my last resort and I'm
  step before going and buying a new scanner/Linux
  compatible. Is it possible to achieve a scsi
  for parallel port scanner (bloody#$^! ACER340P)[a
  company that thinks of Linux as a Virus] in order
  make it work with reported drivers as snapscan
  310s or Vuego 310s-as read in the Sane web page,
  being detected by sane-scsi-scanner?
  and please do not shoot the piano-player
  Dimitris Ioannou

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[newbie] WG: some stupid cvs stuff

2002-05-10 Thread - hybrid -
Title: Nachricht

i've got a problem , 
i downloaded a cvs-snapshot from sourceforge . coz i got somekind of cvs probs 
[usually it works]

now after untaring 
that tarball i've got 350 mb full of sourcecode i want to compile , but there's 
a problem :

on every single file 
there is now the extension ',v' ... so if i want to compile the files can't see 
the others ...
how can i get rid of 
these ,v ... there are tousands of files ... so how can i get rid of them in the 
whole cvs dir with subdirs etc ... 

i tried rename ,v 
[what do i have to place here that there is nothing after?] 

but it would take me 
hours to go from dir to dir and rename them ...

is there another way 
? maybe during the untaring ?


RE: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

2002-05-10 Thread Steve Borrett

Hi Richard,

It's a small world!
I too get annoyed about the noise levels from my PC, but couldn't find much
about quiet processor fans when I recently replaced mine.
Lo and behold, TheRegister (that website again!) has got an item about a new
fan-less NEC PC, with a link to a company that supplies gizmos to quieten
your current machine. Guess what: the website address is...
Obvious or what?


PS If you find a quiet fan, could you let me know about it? Cheers.

Well, despite my previous bad pun, for which I have absolutely no remorse :-),
I would still recommend the ThermalTake fans and the Volcano7/7+ for an 
balance between cooling performance and noise.
The fans being sold on the site are clocking in at about 22.5 
dB, the
Volcano fans start at about 27dB. Since they have variable speeds based on
CPU temp they do get noisier if higher cooling levels are required but in my
experience they spend most of their time at the slower fan speeds.
Personally I am willing to put up with a slightly higher noise level if it 
means better cooling,
particularly considering my passion for overclocking everything in sight :-)
(Damn that toaster is FAST now!!)

You can enhance the easy of cooling here through various methods, including 
a copper shim between the proc and heatsink to increase the efficiency of 
heat dissipation.

I would also tend to recommend a smart case fan that will again alter revs 
based on the
ambient temp in the case. ThemarlTake does these as well.

You may have gathered I am a bit of a fan of TT, this is because since 
using their kit I can
actually put the case/cover on my PC without the temperature going through 
the roof!
Believe me, when you overclock everything, that really is some feat!!

Ideally of course I would tend to recommend the liquid cooling systems 
which effectively
refridgerate your PC, often using a cooling pad mounted in the top of the 
case, since
hot air rises :-) This means you only require a heatsink on the proc. This 
does have some
associated noise, but very little.
The MAJOR drawback of this type of cooling is cost, but if you really want 
to lose the sound
of whirring fans totally and have a good few hundred £'s to spare...


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Re: [newbie] Quake 3 stuff added....

2002-05-10 Thread darklord

On Thursday 09 May 2002 01:12 pm, you wrote:

 It ran just fine for me with the no sound option.  And I'd *love* to
 install the ALSA drivers but they're such a pain every time I try.  I
 can never seem to get it working :-\

Well, ALSA is installed by default, right? I mean, its already installed on a 
stock 8.2 setup?


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Re: [newbie] Quake 3 stuff added....

2002-05-10 Thread darklord

On Thursday 09 May 2002 01:10 pm, you wrote:

 I suspect my mail about this must have gotten lost:

I think we crossed somewhere, I did get another message from you about 
this. Thanks again though! ;-)

 I spoke to a CS friend of mine and he told me exactly how to do this.

 Make a script (I named mine, but it doesn't really matter) and
 put in it the following:

 killall artsd

 Now, rather than type quake3, open the script to play and all will be
 fine!  What I did after that to make it even easier is I created an icon
 on my desktop which linked to /usr/local/games/quake3/ (which is,
 obviously, where I placed my script)  So, now all I have to do is click
 on the icon and all works perfectly :)  Hope I helped!


Here, on my setup, this does kill artsd, and start Quake 3however, it 
still exits out with a signal 11...killing the KDE server makes no diff. ;-(


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AW: [newbie] Quake 3 stuff added....

2002-05-10 Thread - hybrid -

another question : how do i install mods in linux for q3 ???

... XP , while X stands for cra 

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Im Auftrag von darklord
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Mai 2002 14:23
Betreff: Re: [newbie] Quake 3 stuff added

On Thursday 09 May 2002 01:12 pm, you wrote:

 It ran just fine for me with the no sound option.  And I'd *love* to 
 install the ALSA drivers but they're such a pain every time I try.  I 
 can never seem to get it working :-\

Well, ALSA is installed by default, right? I mean, its already installed
on a 
stock 8.2 setup?


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-10 Thread darklord

On Friday 10 May 2002 12:20 am, you wrote:

 T'was indeed a humorous jab, but then my sense of humor may be a little
 different ;-)

Thought so! ;-)

 And I'm sure you are indeed a nice guy - but then - you have a gun, so
 I'd just better say that eh? :-)))

 ;-)   (just for the record though - I've never had to use a gun to   

 Don't shoot anyone I wouldn't!

Bet thats a short list!  lol


Hehehehehe, did I mention that my .signature file used to read:

Have gun, will travel




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Re: [newbie] another 2 distro boot (Help please Civileme!)

2002-05-10 Thread John Richard Smith

  Well, there has to be an initrd.image file somewhere ,it has to
  be found and put into the active /boot directory, because it you
  don't have one then it's a reinstall job .
  Grub is only another form of Lilo , it's where the boot script
  goes if you are using grub. I'm a bit rust with grub , haven't
  used it for a while, I stick to lilo these days, though there is
  nothing wrong with using grub as such , it hasn't been around so
  long as lilo and therefore has a reputation with some that it
  isn't as good as lilo. but I don't really know that . Each Linux
  OS has to have it's own kernel version and initrd.image file and
  they all go in the active /boot directory.
  You have LM 7.1 and LM8.2 , now I know that 7.1 does not have a
  very sofisticated lilo install programme and that is why it has
  to be installed first, on the otherhand LM8.2 can do it all where
  getting the lilo stanzas right is concerned. Can you get to
  desktop anywhere at the moment. Can you read all the the
  directories of both OS's from any Desktop . Surely if you
  installed 8.2 last you are on desktop in 8.2 at least. It's just
  a matter of getting into 7.1 and copying the intird.image file
  and kernel across to 8.2's /boot directory, and then writing your
  lilo/grub stanza to boot 7.1, and judging from your example ,this
  ought to do it. I guess your not getting into 7.1's OS at this
  time,  and this is why your not finding the 7.1's initrd.image
  file , and kernel yes ?

 That's a good explanation.

 I am in 8.2 no problem. I have hdb5 (7.1) mountimg as /home/old,
 again no problem. No initrd to be found in /home/old/boot/, there
 is the problem that i started this thread with. Bascule seemed to
 be implying that it was unnesecary.

 snip lilo.conf

OK,  So you are  on Desktop in 8.2 , and you say you have a
/home/old/boot, This is not clear to me.

If you have the 7.1 OS mounted there has to be an entry in the 
/etc/fstab file of  LM8.2 to get it mounted. This file is read at 
boot time and provided the stanza to mount it is correct you will 
have a mounted 7.1 OS to go rummage around. I suspect that you don't 
have a mounted 7.1 OS in LM8.2. though I may be wrong.
To get a mounted 7.1 partition in LM8.2 you have to do two things,
1) create a new directory in /mnt directory of LM8.2 this can be 
called anything , say call it LM7.1
2) add a line to /etc/fstab in LM8.2, mine looks like this:-
/dev/hda9 /mnt/ext2-vol6 defaults 1 1
yours might look something like 
/dev/hdb5 /mnt/ext2-LM7.1
Play around with it a bit , maybe I got the definitions a little 
wrong somewhere , there are examples in fstab to help you go by.

Then hopefully you have your 7.1 OS mounted in LM8.2, 
then go rummage around and find the kernel and initrd.image files for 
7.1 and copy them across to the /boot directory of LM8.1,
The go to /ect/lilo.conf in LM8.2 and add the the stanzas to boot it.

This is basically the Silveleme method, maybe not the exact way he 
does it but it follows his principle. The only problem is that the 
newbie has to have all this extra knowledge to do it, whereas the 
DrakeX method of creating /boot  /root/  /swap partition method 
everything is automated, all you the user have to do is make sure you 
get your lilo/grub stanzas correct as you install it. But lets see 
whether we can get Silveleme's method to work for you now that you 
have got this far.
If you have any trouble with the abovementioned, maybe we could see 
what your LM8.2 fstab file looks like.
John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread David

On Friday 10 May 2002 08:18 pm, John wrote:
 This is my fstab for LM8.2:-

 /dev/hda7 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda9 /mnt/ext2-vol6 defaults 1 1
 I recently added the second line to mount at run time a spare ext2
 partition which I wanted to use as a store for  downloads. It is
 fine, and indeed I am able to write to this spare partition.

 The only problem is that the run time script saysmount local files
 system, mount fs type defaults not supported  which seems to me that
 it does not like my defaults 1 1 , I first chose 0 0 ,with the same
 result , Can anyone suggest a setting that would be agreeable to
 the boot script, or what am I doing wrong here. Note the spare
 partition is just that , no OS.


you haven't entered the filesystem type after the mount point.  just add ext2 
tween vol6 and defaults as you have above it for mounting root.


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Re: [newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread John Richard Smith

On Friday 10 May 2002 12:07, you wrote:
  The only problem is that the run time script saysmount local
  files system, mount fs type defaults not supported  which seems
  to me that it does not like my defaults 1 1 , I first chose 0 0
  ,with the same result , Can anyone suggest a setting that would
  be agreeable to the boot script, or what am I doing wrong here.
  Note the spare partition is just that , no OS.

 Compare the following two lines (tabbed for effect):

 /dev/hda7 /   ext2defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda9 /mnt/ext2-vol6  defaults 1 1

 notice something missing?


  Hmmm, so there is. 

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] IRQ

2002-05-10 Thread Robin Turner

I suspect the freeze problem I mentioned earlier is to do with IRQ conflicts, 
but how do I change IRQs?  I've looked up every configuration tool I can find 
(Control Centre, linuxconf, webmin) and couldn't find anything that allows me 
to assign IRQs, or indeed do much at all to my hardware profile.

Sir Robin 

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Re: [newbie] IRQ

2002-05-10 Thread Roman Korcek

Hi Robin,

 I suspect the freeze problem I mentioned earlier is to do with IRQ conflicts, 
 but how do I change IRQs?  I've looked up every configuration tool I can find 
 (Control Centre, linuxconf, webmin) and couldn't find anything that allows me 
 to assign IRQs, or indeed do much at all to my hardware profile.

When using Linux IRQ assigning is handled by the BIOS, so your only
chance would be to try and reserve IRQs there (e.g. for Legacy ISA
devices) which then frees up and the IRQs rearrange.
Another option might be to physically reseat the cards in the slots,
however I am not sure if it has any effect when BIOS is handling the

Good luck

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Re: [newbie] installing a tar.gz

2002-05-10 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Friday 10 May 2002 04:28 am, Stojs wrote:
 Now is about time I learn how to install a tar ball.

 Could someone please give me detailed step by step instructions on
 how to install a tar ball. I need to know not only the steps I have
 to perform, but also why to take each step and what packages I need
 installed before starting. I use mandrake 8.2 download edition.

   Should answer all your questions:

  FWIW, usin KDE, I just r-click on tarballs and choose 'Archiver' 
from the drop down menu, click on 'Action' and then 'Extract. Lot 
easier than 'tar x?f' from the CL.  Konqueror will also open 
tarballs, just l-click on 'em.  I also suggest you use a standard 
directory for upacking tarballs to.  I use  /home/tom/src/.  Most 
tarballs when extracted will then create their own dir under /src.  
You can see what this dir is gonna be when you start Archiver.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread John Richard Smith

On Friday 10 May 2002 12:07, you wrote:
  The only problem is that the run time script saysmount local
  files system, mount fs type defaults not supported  which seems
  to me that it does not like my defaults 1 1 , I first chose 0 0
  ,with the same result , Can anyone suggest a setting that would
  be agreeable to the boot script, or what am I doing wrong here.
  Note the spare partition is just that , no OS.

 Compare the following two lines (tabbed for effect):

 /dev/hda7 /   ext2defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda9 /mnt/ext2-vol6  defaults 1 1

 notice something missing?


  Hmmm, so there is. 


Actually No, 
The implication is that I missed mnt/  off,
but actually hda7 is the boot OS ,not the spare exts partition (hda9)
which I want to mount in order to gain access to it.

ext2-vol6 is a directory in /mnt and the access point to the partion
John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] softhome is off?

2002-05-10 Thread shane

On Thursday 09 May 2002 23:43, Damian G opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 is anyone able to connect to softhome's POP? as far as my machine can
 tell, it's dead!

 plz respond offline, as i suscribed to the lists with a softhome account
 and i am currently unable to retrieve the list messages.

my wife has an account there, just got mail from it.  looks fine from here.

It is increasingly obvious that our techknowledgy is outpacing our 
humanity. -Einstein

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Re: [newbie] Problems Installing commercial ver. 8.2

2002-05-10 Thread Greg Pettiford

Yeah, I've got a K6 chip, I will download the patch and give it a try,
thanks... greg

And the sky was full of stars; each one an exploding ship, one of ours...

- Original Message -
From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problems Installing commercial ver. 8.2

 See the errata.  You are installing on a K6 or Pentium 1 and need a
 patch.  It's easy - just download the patch to a dos floppy, press F1
 and type patch at the start of the install.


 On Fri, 2002-05-10 at 16:00, Greg Pettiford wrote:
  Hi Folks, I'm having a problem installing 8.2, right out of the box with
  first CD.
  I was running 8.0 on a pc, dual boot with WinMe, and was going to
  I get thru to where I choose the packages to install, and the graphics
  show a partial list of packages, like it doesn't want to show the entire
  graphic, just the check points for KDE, Workstation and choose
  So I check all of them, click Install, and get the following error
  depslist.ordered mismatch against hdlist files
  It then kicks me back to formatting and choosing a mount point.
  I have a felling that it may be a bad cd from the retail package, but am
  unable to get back to the store yet to exchange it and see.
  Any thoughts people?
  Thanks... Greg

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Re: [newbie] file.PUB in LM8.1 ??

2002-05-10 Thread Josef Lowder

I don't know how to open a .pub file, but if you are mainly interested in 
the text contents and not all the glamorous formatting, you might try 
opening a shell, su to root, and then using a command-line the command: 
strings filename | less ENTER 
to see if you can either find out what kind of pub (publication) it is 
and to read and/or capture the text out of the file by piping the contents 
to a text file.  

On Thursday 09 May 2002 18:21, you wrote:
 Does anyone  know how to open/read  a file with
 a  .pub extension while using LM8.1 ??
 I just received this file and need to work on it.
 but  can't open it.

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Re: [newbie] IRQ

2002-05-10 Thread robin

On 10 May 2002 16:42 EEST you wrote:

 Hi Robin,
  I suspect the freeze problem I mentioned earlier is to do with IRQ conflicts, 
  but how do I change IRQs?  I've looked up every configuration tool I can find 
  (Control Centre, linuxconf, webmin) and couldn't find anything that allows me 
  to assign IRQs, or indeed do much at all to my hardware profile.
 When using Linux IRQ assigning is handled by the BIOS, so your only
 chance would be to try and reserve IRQs there (e.g. for Legacy ISA
 devices) which then frees up and the IRQs rearrange.
 Another option might be to physically reseat the cards in the slots,
 however I am not sure if it has any effect when BIOS is handling the

Hmm, this probably isn't my problem, then, since this hardware worked fine on 8.0, 
so the IRQs should be the same in 8.2.  I'm surprised this hasn't come up in the 
errata, since 
I don't think there's anything weird about my hardware.  In case it rings any bells, 
here's the full spec 

Pentium II-MX 350 MHz
128 MB RAM
Creative CDROM CD4020E
GeForce 2 MX/400
Intel 82371AB/EB PCI bus master
Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ASI bridge
Intel 82443BX processor to AGP controller
Intel 82443BX processor to PCI bridge
Cirrus Logic internal modem (not detected because)
Inca external modem
CE motherboard
Creative AWE64 soundcard
Creative Wavetable (configuration later removed with kudzu)

BTW, these freezes only seem to be happening when I'm online.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Macintosh Networking (was vNC)

2002-05-10 Thread RichardA

Dave - but it's not cheap.


Terry Smith, Friday 10 May 2002 04:07:
  I believe there
 is also a commercial program (name?) which emulates MS networking.

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[newbie] OT: What can I use to open a Corel Draw Vector drawing file

2002-05-10 Thread Michael . Hughes

I have a couple of files that are .cdr Corel Draw Vector drawing files and I
do not have Corel Draw.  Is there a program that will open these files for
editing???  I don't want to have to purchase Corel Draw to open these files.

Thanks Mike

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[newbie] q3 warning and question

2002-05-10 Thread shane

ok, so after all the quake 3 talk i decide i should at least run the demo, 

first the warning, i don't know if this applies to to all versions or just 
the linux only demo, but if your xfree config doesn't have the resolution 
you are playing in, your art playing.  it is unbelievably slow.  since the 
demo defaults to 640x480 and my lowest resolution is 800, the default is so 
slow i can barely move the curser.  at 1024 (my usual operating resolution) 
it is rocket fast.  very odd.

second, the question for those playing already, is the screen brightness 
adjustable in the full version?  in the demo it is not, or at least doesn't 
seem to be.  i found a slider, can't select it.  on my 6 year old monitor 
that needs to be replaced soon i feel like i am wearing sunglasses on a 
moonlit night..

or, anyone with a screen that goes to higher res than 1024 they aren't 
using?  :-D

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[newbie] Nautilus

2002-05-10 Thread Brian Koppe

Having a small problem here

After removing the old KDE3 and installing the Texstar CVS RPMs I guess 
I forgot to install some package having to do with nautilus.  I HAVE 
Nautilus but it has no text and a few other problems.  Anyone got any 
ideas?  Thanks!


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[newbie] Simple line in recording

2002-05-10 Thread Roger Sherman

What would be the simplest way to do a recording using the line in on my 
soundcard? I'm using 8.2 with a SBLive 5.1 Platinum (with Live!Drive, but 
I don't feel like tackling that today). Is there software (a simple wav 
editor would be great) that comes installed by default on the 8.2 download 
discs? If not, what would be a good one to go get?





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[newbie] AbiWord 1.0.1

2002-05-10 Thread Brian Koppe

Hey folks, me again. :-[

I'm having two problems with AbiWord 1.0.1 - the first has to do with 
fonts.  When I start it up, I get this message:

AbiWord was not able to add its fonts to the X font path.  This does not 
mean that there is anything wrong with your system, but you will need to 
modify your font path manually.  Please see Unix Font Path Problems in 
the FAQ section of the AbiWord help file for more detailed information, 
including instructions on how to turn this warning off.

Now, I looked for above said section and could not find it :(  I looked 
every else where it said stuff about fonts and could not find anything 
referring to my problem and how to fix it :(  After I hit OK in the 
warning box, AbiWord opens and *seems* to be working fine, but I must 
admit all I've used it for so far is to type this is a test in a 
couple different fonts and print it off.  Anyone able to help???

On a much lighter and simpler note, the window size that it opens to is 
a bit annoying.  The width is just too small to show the full toolbar on 
top and it cuts off some of the right side of the page.  I know the size 
window it opens is in a config file somewhere so I was hoping one of you 
could point me in its direction.  Thanks


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[newbie] ssh problem?

2002-05-10 Thread Schwenk, Jeanie

I'm trying to get CVS to work from my linux box across to the server which
is running hpux and I get this error.  I thought my problem was that ssh was
not installed on the hp machine.  It now is installed but I still get the
following error.  

ssh:  connect to address a.b.c.d port 22:  Connection refused

I tried watching the packets in ethereal but it didn't give me any info that
helped.  Is something not running?  Have I configured something wrong?  How
can I determine if the problem is my box or the other box?



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[newbie] Lost Rat

2002-05-10 Thread Mark Annandale

Hi Guys

Just installed 8.2 onto my new PC and if I log out of KDE
the mouse stops working, forcing a reboot. The rat was detected as an ordinary
PS2 type, which it is, and I have enabled IRQ12 in the bios for sole use by a
ps2 rat.

I am using an ASUS AN7266-E motherboard with an Athlon XP1900+ CPU, should these be the cause.

Thanks and regards

Mark A

Re: [newbie] q3 warning and question

2002-05-10 Thread Miark

shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 ok, so after all the quake 3 talk i decide i should at least run the demo, 

Um... why? That download is _much_ larger that the one to just install the
regular game. Or do you not have Q3 yet? (Shame on you if you don't ;-)
 ...the default is so slow i can barely move the curser.  at 1024 (my usual 
 operating resolution) it is rocket fast.  very odd.

Good problem to have, I suppose.
 second, the question for those playing already, is the screen brightness 
 adjustable in the full version?  

Yes, absolutely.

 or, anyone with a screen that goes to higher res than 1024 they aren't 
 using?  :-D

Just gave away my last one :-(


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Re: [newbie] IRQ

2002-05-10 Thread robin

On 10 May 2002 18:42 EEST you wrote:

 This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
 On 10 May 2002 16:42 EEST you wrote:
  Hi Robin,
   I suspect the freeze problem I mentioned earlier is to do with IRQ conflicts, 
   but how do I change IRQs?  I've looked up every configuration tool I can find 
   (Control Centre, linuxconf, webmin) and couldn't find anything that allows me 
   to assign IRQs, or indeed do much at all to my hardware profile.
  When using Linux IRQ assigning is handled by the BIOS, so your only
  chance would be to try and reserve IRQs there (e.g. for Legacy ISA
  devices) which then frees up and the IRQs rearrange.
  Another option might be to physically reseat the cards in the slots,
  however I am not sure if it has any effect when BIOS is handling the
 Hmm, this probably isn't my problem, then, since this hardware worked fine on 8.0, 
 so the IRQs should be the same in 8.2.  I'm surprised this hasn't come up in the 
errata, since 
 I don't think there's anything weird about my hardware.  In case it rings any bells, 
here's the full spec 
 Pentium II-MX 350 MHz
 128 MB RAM
 Creative CDROM CD4020E
 GeForce 2 MX/400
 Intel 82371AB/EB PCI bus master
 Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to ASI bridge
 Intel 82443BX processor to AGP controller
 Intel 82443BX processor to PCI bridge
 Cirrus Logic internal modem (not detected because)
 Inca external modem
 CE motherboard
 Creative AWE64 soundcard
 Creative Wavetable (configuration later removed with kudzu)
 BTW, these freezes only seem to be happening when I'm online.

One install later (tried seeing if pulling out my USB leads and not 
configuring the soundcard would do the trick) I'm still getting exactly the same 
Looks like it's time to go back to 8.0 for a while.


Sir Robin the Vanquished

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Re: [newbie] q3 warning and question

2002-05-10 Thread shane

On Friday 10 May 2002 11:01, Miark opened a general hailing frequency and 
transmitted to all open stations:

 Um... why? That download is _much_ larger that the one to just install
 the regular game. Or do you not have Q3 yet? (Shame on you if you don't

yeah, shame on me, i have 2 but not 3. slacker.  ;P

  or, anyone with a screen that goes to higher res than 1024 they aren't
  using?  :-D

 Just gave away my last one :-(

typical.  :-D

Microsoft: The company that made web browsing dangerous.

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[newbie] why fsck is not automatic ?

2002-05-10 Thread Pupeno

Hash: SHA1

Why when I have a system crash, a partition not umounted, the fsck is not 
automatic and I have to press Y to make it happen ?
How can I configure the old way, automatic fsck when filesystem not umounted ?
And BTW how can I schedule an fsck to the next reboot ?
Thank you.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] q3 warning and question

2002-05-10 Thread Brian Koppe

ok, so after all the quake 3 talk i decide i should at least run the demo, 

Um... why? That download is _much_ larger that the one to just install the
regular game. Or do you not have Q3 yet? (Shame on you if you don't ;-)

Yeah, in case you didn't know, you can get the Linux Q3A for about $10 - 
that's what I bought it for from Best Buy at least - aluminum case and 
all :-D


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Re: [newbie] q3 warning and question

2002-05-10 Thread shane

On Friday 10 May 2002 12:48, Brian Koppe opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

 Um... why? That download is _much_ larger that the one to just install
  the regular game. Or do you not have Q3 yet? (Shame on you if you don't

 Yeah, in case you didn't know, you can get the Linux Q3A for about $10 -
 that's what I bought it for from Best Buy at least - aluminum case and
 all :-D

when you suck like i do $10 is a lot to get fragged for a few hours a 
week..  ;)

Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] Simple line in recording

2002-05-10 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Fri, 10 May 2002 13:13:30 -0400 (EDT)
Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What would be the simplest way to do a recording using the line in on my 
 soundcard? I'm using 8.2 with a SBLive 5.1 Platinum (with Live!Drive, but 
 I don't feel like tackling that today). Is there software (a simple wav 
 editor would be great) that comes installed by default on the 8.2 download 
 discs? If not, what would be a good one to go get?

After some experimenting just now with ML8.2 to get recording working
I found the sox-12.17.1-3mdk RPM (it's on the download edition) can do
this (among many other things), see 'man rec'. Don't forget to adjust
mixer settings ;)

I'm sure there are GUI solutions but I don't know one now :(

The audacity-0.98-6mdk RPM (also on the download edition) looks like a nice
.wav editor. HTH and have fun,


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Re: [newbie] why fsck is not automatic ?

2002-05-10 Thread robin

On 10 May 2002 21:58 EEST you wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Why when I have a system crash, a partition not umounted, the fsck is not 
 automatic and I have to press Y to make it happen ?
 How can I configure the old way, automatic fsck when filesystem not umounted ?
 And BTW how can I schedule an fsck to the next reboot ?

If you have ext3 or Reiser, fsck is not normally necessary, so it doesn't run by 
I pressed Y a few times out of curiosity (I'm getting a lot of practice it dirty 
reboots at 
the moment!) and it only did a few piddly things, unlike the swathe of stuff it went 
when I had ext2.
Not sure how you can make it run, though there's bound to be something in the startup 
you can hack as a last resort.

Another thing I noticed is that on bootup, kudzu works the same way, but you don't see 
it in 
graphic bootup, you need to run linux no-fb.

Sir Robin

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[newbie] Chkrootkit shows nothing?

2002-05-10 Thread Daniel Stiefel

A few days ago, I got some KWrited docs popping up on my Mandrake 8.1
desktop (Security warning: World Writeable files found followed by a long
list of files located on both hardrives).  I am a linux newbie and assumed
the popups were the product of some kind of monitoring utility that I had
inadvertently installed.

Although I have a simple workstation setup (except for the extra partitions
and triple boot aspect to it) and installed 8.1 with medium security, I went
back into the control panel and re-set it to medium security and the Kwrited
popups stopped appearing.

From the lists of files displayed, I assumed my machine had been compromised
and that I would have to partition, reformat, reload the win98, mandrake 8.1
and Redhat 5.1 partition in order to make things right.  I downloaded
chkrootkit and ran it while booted to the main HD/ Mandrake 8.1 just to see
what was up.  Surprisingly it showed nothing.  I'm not sure why that is.  I
am not familiar with chkrootkit and may have failed to run it so that it
searched all of the drives.

Can anyone tell me how to run it to seach RH 5.1 or the win98SE partition?
Can that be done from 8.1 on the other drive as I attempted? Does it check
comprehensively or does it only check the drive/OS that it is booted to?

Secondly, is it possible that, despite the KWrited popops that occured on 2
different occasions, my machine is unnaffected?


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Re: [newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread Alan Shoemaker

John Richard Smith wrote:
 On Friday 10 May 2002 12:07, you wrote:
   The only problem is that the run time script saysmount
   local files system, mount fs type defaults not
   supported  which seems to me that it does not like my
   defaults 1 1 , I first chose 0 0 ,with the same result
   , Can anyone suggest a setting that would be agreeable
   to the boot script, or what am I doing wrong here. Note
   the spare partition is just that , no OS.
  Compare the following two lines (tabbed for effect):
  /dev/hda7   /   ext2defaults 1 1
  /dev/hda9   /mnt/ext2-vol6  defaults 1 1
  notice something missing?

   Hmmm, so there is.


 Actually No,
 The implication is that I missed mnt/  off,
 but actually hda7 is the boot OS ,not the spare exts
 partition (hda9) which I want to mount in order to gain
 access to it.

 ext2-vol6 is a directory in /mnt and the access point to
 the partion hda9.

Johnyou missed John's point.  Try the edited entry below.

/dev/hda7   /   ext2defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9   /mnt/ext2-vol6  ext2defaults 1 1
Alan :)

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Re: [newbie] Simple line in recording

2002-05-10 Thread Roger Sherman

On Fri, 10 May 2002, Frans Ketelaars wrote:

 On Fri, 10 May 2002 13:13:30 -0400 (EDT)
 Roger Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What would be the simplest way to do a recording using the line in on my 
  soundcard? I'm using 8.2 with a SBLive 5.1 Platinum (with Live!Drive, but 
  I don't feel like tackling that today). Is there software (a simple wav 
  editor would be great) that comes installed by default on the 8.2 download 
  discs? If not, what would be a good one to go get?
 After some experimenting just now with ML8.2 to get recording working
 I found the sox-12.17.1-3mdk RPM (it's on the download edition) can do
 this (among many other things), see 'man rec'. Don't forget to adjust
 mixer settings ;)

OK, that seems as though it'll work...the man page is not providing a 
whole lot of help, though. I tried just rec track1.wav, with a minidisc 
playing on the line in (set at about mid-level on kmix), but when I played 
it back, I just heard static...I looked the man page up and down, but 
really I wasn't sure what I was looking at...perhaps I wasn't giving 
enough information? Maybe I had to specify something that I 
wasn't...anyone know enough about this program to point me in the right 

 I'm sure there are GUI solutions but I don't know one now :(

That's fine...I'm pretty happy on the command line :-)

 The audacity-0.98-6mdk RPM (also on the download edition) looks like a nice
 .wav editor. HTH and have fun,

Thanks, man!




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Re: [newbie] Application launches from command line but not from menu - SOLVED

2002-05-10 Thread Todd Slater

On Thu, 9 May 2002 22:38:44 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 06 May 2002 09:22 pm, you wrote:
  That fixed it; thanks!
 Ok, I give up where is the menu properties you are talking about,
 located? I would like to fix this problem also, but can't find a menu
 properties.  TIA

This is aka MenuDrake.
In KDE 2, K, Configure Panel, Menu Editor. Then locate Image Magick (mine
is under Multimedia--Graphics).

Todd Slater
5:39pm up 1 day, 9:49, 3 users, load average: 0.73, 0.45, 0.18
The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately...
education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a
serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence
in Grosvenor Square. (Oscar Wilde)

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[newbie] Memory Usage - Caching

2002-05-10 Thread Kirtis B

I've noticed that a lot of my 64mb of memory shows up as cached when i do 
cat /proc/meminfo (i included the output) and i've been wondering if it's 
normal for linux to use up so much memory.  Since i have a limited supply i'd 
like to have as much free as possible.  So my questions are: is it nessecary 
to have linux cache so much memory and if not then how do i change it to a 
more suitable setting?

Where'd you get your CPU, a box of Crackerjacks!?
 -Wierd Al

total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  63741952 61923328  1818624   204800  1462272 39419904
Swap: 254943232 34906112 220037120
MemTotal:62248 kB
MemFree:  1776 kB
MemShared: 200 kB
Buffers:  1428 kB
Cached:  23236 kB
SwapCached:  15260 kB
Active:  36516 kB
Inact_dirty:  2968 kB
Inact_clean:   640 kB
Inact_target:  832 kB
HighTotal:   0 kB
HighFree:0 kB
LowTotal:62248 kB
LowFree:  1776 kB
SwapTotal:  248968 kB
SwapFree:   214880 kB
NrSwapPages: 53720 pages

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Re: [newbie] Quake3 in Linux - hot damn!

2002-05-10 Thread FemmeFatale

Miark wrote:
 1) Download
 2) As root, run the file as follows: sh
 3) Insert your Winblows Quake 3 CD, and go to the baseq3 directory.
 4) Copy the pak0.pk3 file to your hard drive as follows:
cp pak0.pk3 to /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3
 5) Run the game by typing the following in a terminal: quake3
 Xaero [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
  I'd be interested in just knowing how to install Quake3 under Mandrake
  8.2. What do I need to download? Do I need the Quake for Linux CD or is
  my Quake for that other OS CD good enough? Maybe someone could point me
  in the direction of a web site detailing Quake3 / Linux installs?

*smiles*  Thx Miark, fast learner aren't you? :)

And fwiw, i made a shortcut on the desktop to Q3 for myself.


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Mounting spare Ext2 Partition

2002-05-10 Thread John McQuillen

On Sat, 2002-05-11 at 01:32, John Richard Smith wrote:

  Compare the following two lines (tabbed for effect):
  /dev/hda7   /   ext2defaults 1 1
  /dev/hda9   /mnt/ext2-vol6  defaults 1 1
  notice something missing?
   Hmmm, so there is. 
 Actually No, 
 The implication is that I missed mnt/  off,
 but actually hda7 is the boot OS ,not the spare exts partition (hda9)
 which I want to mount in order to gain access to it.
 ext2-vol6 is a directory in /mnt and the access point to the partion

Look again,
In the first entry you have specified, correctly, the device, the
mountpoint and the filesystem type.
In the second entry you have specified the device and the mountpoint,
but no filesystem type!
That's why the system complains of unknown filesystem type 'defaults'.



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Re: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

2002-05-10 Thread FemmeFatale

Barran, Richard wrote:
  I am sure I am not alone in thinking that these current higher
  powered processor fans are becoming very noisy.
  I came across Zalman's CNP S6000-CU Cooler on the web, which is
  claimed to be both very efficient and much quieter.  Anyone got any
  experiences of it to relate to us.
  Perhaps some of you out there have some better models to suggest to
  John Richard Smith
 It's a small world!
 I too get annoyed about the noise levels from my PC, but couldn't find much
 about quiet processor fans when I recently replaced mine.
 Lo and behold, TheRegister (that website again!) has got an item about a new
 fan-less NEC PC, with a link to a company that supplies gizmos to quieten
 your current machine. Guess what: the website address is...
 Obvious or what?
 PS If you find a quiet fan, could you let me know about it? Cheers.

FWIW i know ppl have taken the stuff you line cars with *some sort of
foam rubber*  sealed the inside of their cases with that to reduce
noise quite a bit.

You may want to look into it?


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Noisy Processor Fans

2002-05-10 Thread Lee

I nailed my linux box to the desk because I thought it was going to take off. 
 Two power supply fans, three case fans, a CPU fan, and one other little 
booger doing something in there.  I thought that was normal.


On Friday 10 May 2002 06:49 am, Dave Russell wrote:
 Barran, Richard wrote:
 I am sure I am not alone in thinking that these current higher
 powered processor fans are becoming very noisy.
 I came across Zalman's CNP S6000-CU Cooler on the web, which is
 claimed to be both very efficient and much quieter.  Anyone got any
 experiences of it to relate to us.
  It's a small world!
  I too get annoyed about the noise levels from my PC, but couldn't find
  much about quiet processor fans when I recently replaced mine.
  Lo and behold, TheRegister (that website again!) has got an item about a
  new fan-less NEC PC, with a link to a company that supplies gizmos to
  quieten your current machine. Guess what: the website address is...

 Right I've got experience with that particular Zalman cooler, I didn't
 it from quietpc because it seemed somewhat expensive from there (I'm in
 the UK)

 It's used on my Audio/Video PC which sits in my front room... hence the
 need for something that was quiet.

 It's cooling a Celeron 900 and is completely silent at its slowest fan
 speed. It's not the highest performing cooler available, but it is one
 of the quietest.

 Now all I need is something to quieten the faint whirring noise from the
 harddrive... no spare 5 1/4 bay to put a drive muffler type enclosure
 in the tiny case that I'm using unfortunately.

Registered Linux abuser #223705

The best indication that there is intelligent life elsewhere is that they 
haven't contacted us.

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Re: [newbie] Quake3 in Linux - hot damn!

2002-05-10 Thread Joan Tur

I'm downloading the file now.  Thanks  ;)

Es Divendres 10 Maig 2002 01:53, en FemmeFatale va escriure:
 Joan Tur wrote:
  Es Dijous 09 Maig 2002 07:41, en Miark va escriure:
   If any of you play Quake 3 in Windows, but not Linux, you
   GOTTA try it. I get virtually the same frame rate in
   1280x1024 in Linux as I get playing 800x600 in Windows,
   and maps load at least twice as fast, maybe even three
   times as fast. This is awesome.
  What do I have to do to have Q3 working under Linux??  8-?

 runs fine... i used the .sh file from id's ftp site:

 Enter these commands in a Term window as yourself *not root*:

 d/l point release *you want the file ending in .sh*
 type su in terminal
 then 'sh'
 put in your quake3 cd
 then in the terminal switch to cdrom mount point
 then type 'cd baseq3'
 then type 'cp pak0.pk3 to /usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3'
 wait... then enjoy :)

 works fine with the current Nvidia drivers I use.

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-10 Thread shane

On Friday 10 May 2002 17:05, Derek Byram opened a general hailing frequency 
and transmitted to all open stations:

  i won't argue the dumb part, but i will point out that in his book
  billyg says that the next big advancement in computers will come when
  we find a fast easy way to factor prime numbers.
  ...left as an exercise for the reader.

 seems to me this has become a flamethrower war :) ?

well mostly, but the flames in the post are from linux towards bill gates, 

how many here on this list want to defend bill?  don't all speak up at once!  

you can have peace or freedom, but never count on both at once -heinlein

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] i586 v i686

2002-05-10 Thread Seedkum Aladeem

On Thursday 09 May 2002 09:31 pm, you wrote:
 i586 will work on machines with a Pentium class processor or newer. That
 is, anything newer than a 486. i686 will work on machines with a Celeron,
 Pentium II, or newer. Thus my AMD K6 box can use RPMs for either i586 or
 i686, but my AMD K5 box can only use RPMs for i586.

I propose that Mandrake writes a program, if such thing does not already 
exist, to test the CPU and tell the user which rpm to use, i486, i586, i686 
or god knows what is next. 

I propose that this program also be part of the os installation hardware 
detection. The CPU is just a peripheral that requires its own driver, after 


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Re: [newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove ?

2002-05-10 Thread Derek Byram

On Saturday 11 May 2002 03:28, you wrote:
 On Friday 10 May 2002 17:05, Derek Byram opened a general hailing frequency

 and transmitted to all open stations:
   i won't argue the dumb part, but i will point out that in his book
   billyg says that the next big advancement in computers will come when
   we find a fast easy way to factor prime numbers.
   ...left as an exercise for the reader.
  seems to me this has become a flamethrower war :) ?

 well mostly, but the flames in the post are from linux towards bill gates,

 how many here on this list want to defend bill?  don't all speak up at
 once! ;)

i can't defend billy boy, his software went downhill after 3.11 *G*


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[newbie] Any ideas? - 8.2 w/ Celeron GA-6VX7-4X Motherboard

2002-05-10 Thread Barry Michels

I just got this machine as a cheap system to learn Linux on, but it won't
install correctly.  As soon as it gets to the boot floppy creation step, I
click 'No' and it freezes immediately.  That's in Expert mode.  In regular
mode, it gets all the way to the X video mode selection and freezes at a
black screen, apparently after trying a video mode.

Here's my hardware:
Gigabyte motherboard: GA-6VX7-4X
256MB ram
Celeron 800 CPU
27.3GB IBM drive
S3 Virge/VX PCI video card (the computer won't even boot with my AGP
Microsoft Natural Pro
USB Intellimouse Explorer


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[newbie] semi OT redhat battles the evil empire?

2002-05-10 Thread shane

ok, saw an article on this, was shocked, forgot about it.  went to the store 
tonight.  saw it again.  now i am just confused.

redhat is currently offering a rebate if you are changing over from another 
OS.  cool you say more reason to leave windows!  if only

redhats rebate goes to users of mandrake and suse.

i have often said that there are a few beginer or desktop only distros 
like redmond but only 2 complete distros, mandrake and suse.  does this 
mean redhat agrees?

Chaos! Panic! Disaster! (My work here is done)

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Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] another 2 distro boot (DONE)

2002-05-10 Thread Michael Adams

On Saturday 11 May 2002 12:22 am, you wrote:

   Well, there has to be an initrd.image file somewhere ,it has to
   be found and put into the active /boot directory, because it you
   don't have one then it's a reinstall job .
   Grub is only another form of Lilo , it's where the boot script
   goes if you are using grub. I'm a bit rust with grub , haven't
   used it for a while, I stick to lilo these days, though there is
   nothing wrong with using grub as such , it hasn't been around so
   long as lilo and therefore has a reputation with some that it
   isn't as good as lilo. but I don't really know that . Each Linux
   OS has to have it's own kernel version and initrd.image file and
   they all go in the active /boot directory.
   You have LM 7.1 and LM8.2 , now I know that 7.1 does not have a
   very sofisticated lilo install programme and that is why it has
   to be installed first, on the otherhand LM8.2 can do it all where
   getting the lilo stanzas right is concerned. Can you get to
   desktop anywhere at the moment. Can you read all the the
   directories of both OS's from any Desktop . Surely if you
   installed 8.2 last you are on desktop in 8.2 at least. It's just
   a matter of getting into 7.1 and copying the intird.image file
   and kernel across to 8.2's /boot directory, and then writing your
   lilo/grub stanza to boot 7.1, and judging from your example ,this
   ought to do it. I guess your not getting into 7.1's OS at this
   time,  and this is why your not finding the 7.1's initrd.image
   file , and kernel yes ?
  That's a good explanation.
  I am in 8.2 no problem. I have hdb5 (7.1) mountimg as /home/old,
  again no problem. No initrd to be found in /home/old/boot/, there
  is the problem that i started this thread with. Bascule seemed to
  be implying that it was unnesecary.
  snip lilo.conf

 OK,  So you are  on Desktop in 8.2 , and you say you have a
 /home/old/boot, This is not clear to me.

Yes i had Mandrake 8.2 booting okay under LILO.

I had Mandrake 7.1 mounting automatically on boot as /home/old.
I had edited fstab to include it. No initrd file to be found in amongst my 
7.1 files anywhere. I had done file searches from within konq on initrd* 
searching through the /home/old directory structure (recursive searching and 
case insensitive searching were both selected).

In 8.2, they are both (vmlinuz and initrd) in /boot, thus i would have 
expected to find it in /home/old/boot but initrd was not there.

 If you have the 7.1 OS mounted there has to be an entry in the
 /etc/fstab file of  LM8.2 to get it mounted. This file is read at
 boot time and provided the stanza to mount it is correct you will
 have a mounted 7.1 OS to go rummage around. I suspect that you don't
 have a mounted 7.1 OS in LM8.2. though I may be wrong.


I had created other issues while doing package updates. So i decided to 
reload 8.2. As i had tarballs of both /home and /root of 7.1, i also decided 
to repartition and reload it back on to the old 4Gig drive. Loaded it with 
all docs this time and LILO instead of grub. I had a working stanza for 
lilo.conf then to import into 8.2. The vga=788 line was causing more greif, 
it turned out to be unsupported under 7.1. 

Reinstalled 8.2 (treating package updates gingerly this time, one at a time 
and not trying to update ghostscript as it locked up X). With all the docs 
loaded on 7.1 i got konq to do another search for initrd*. Found a kernal 
doc that was very informative. As Bascule said in the first place initrd 
is/was entirely optional and it seems under 7.1 it was left to the user to 
implement if they chose. It is a ram disk image that has various commands 
preloaded into it that are used during the boot cycle, then dumped - that is 
if i read it correctly.

Anyway copied my vmlinuz-blah-blah across. Installed 7.1' lilo stanza in 8.2 
lilo.conf. Typed lilo as su and it is away. Still could not completely 
recover netscape mail even after installing the /home tarball, but that is 
another issue... i know what to do next with that.

I am a happy chappy and i can go back to my security updates et al now 
knowing that i have learned something.

Thanks Bascule, and thanks for trying John.


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Re: [newbie] why fsck is not automatic ?

2002-05-10 Thread Michael Adams

On Saturday 11 May 2002 05:48 am, Pupeno wrote:
 Why when I have a system crash, a partition not umounted, the fsck is not
 automatic and I have to press Y to make it happen ?
 How can I configure the old way, automatic fsck when filesystem not
 umounted ? And BTW how can I schedule an fsck to the next reboot ?
 Thank you.

Sounds like you need to read up on the Magic SysRq key. Synchronising your 
disks helps. BTW often nothing apears to be happening till 3/4 of the way 
through the sequence.

Remembering the Sequence Entirely Is Useful Buddy


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Re: [newbie] semi OT redhat battles the evil empire?

2002-05-10 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

  11  2002 07:31, / shane :
firts of all hello

Can you please post more details about it? Never heard about something like 
it. You mean a Linux Distro stands against others? I've thought that 
recently RedHat changed perspective and aimed mostly at server market.



 ok, saw an article on this, was shocked, forgot about it.  went to the
 store tonight.  saw it again.  now i am just confused.

 redhat is currently offering a rebate if you are changing over from
 another OS.  cool you say more reason to leave windows!  if only

 redhats rebate goes to users of mandrake and suse.

 i have often said that there are a few beginer or desktop only
 distros like redmond but only 2 complete distros, mandrake and suse. 
 does this mean redhat agrees?

Registered Linux User 271321
This message was sent from
a Microsoft_Free PC.

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Re: [newbie] semi OT redhat battles the evil empire?

2002-05-10 Thread Damian G

On Fri, 10 May 2002 21:31:58 -0700
shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ok, saw an article on this, was shocked, forgot about it.  went to the store 
 tonight.  saw it again.  now i am just confused.
 redhat is currently offering a rebate if you are changing over from another 
 OS.  cool you say more reason to leave windows!  if only
 redhats rebate goes to users of mandrake and suse.
 i have often said that there are a few beginer or desktop only distros 
 like redmond but only 2 complete distros, mandrake and suse.  does this 
 mean redhat agrees?

hmm.. actually i woudn't worry about that.. they will find out this atrategy will
not make a lot of ppl change from suse/mdk to redhat. 

   Linux users tend to be very satisfied with their choices, simply beacuse we CAN 
   choose, and try a lot of things. a rebate is not enough to change a mandrake/suse
   user's mind, unless he/she had a very bad experience with it.
   Now, for Windoze users... that's another deal. in their case it might work.

we all know RH is a more traditional company, so to speak.. so it's not very 
surprising that they start using a more agressive  advertising strategy...

. and on the other hand, it does hurt a little..


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