Re: [newbie-it] Icone

2002-06-10 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, luigi esclamo':
 vorrei aggiungere delle icone al mio
 kde  per ritrovarmele poi nel database del menudrake.. come cavolo posso fare
 dal momento che ci sono icone ovunque?
 dove sono quelle la?

Le icone sono in formato .png e .xpm, le puoi ritrovare con un semplice

 e dove ne posso reperire di nuove?

Se intendi di nuove nuove, non so, fai una ricerca in rete.

 Ad esempio ho installato openoffice, ho creato il link ma la sua icona non la
 vedo eppure nella sua cartella ci sono tutte
 Con il comando sfoglia li riesco a dargliele ma non nel menudrake e comunque
 poi mi piacerebbe raccoglierle tutte

Se non ricordo male, menudrake permette di cambiare (mi pare facendo
clic sul disegno dell'icona) l'icona utilizzata da una voce del menu;
dovresti pero' fornirgli il percorso di directory preciso, al posto di
quello predefinito.
Eventualmente, se utilizzi KDE o Gnome, usa l'editor dei menu (che di
sicuro ti permettono questo).
Se vuoi averle tutte insieme potresti copiare quelle nella directory
dove sono conservate quelle tradizionali (a partire credo da
/usr/share/... ecc..)

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

[newbie-it] Stampare con kprinter

2002-06-10 Thread e/io

Ho un problema con kprinter.
Quando stampo con Konqueror un documento preso da una pagina web
il salto pagina non avviene in modo corretto.
Avviene vicinissimo al bordo e molte volte capita che mi taglia la
riga a metà.
Con Galeon che non utilizza kprinter questo non avviene.
Come fare a configurare kprinter in modo corretto?
Oppure capita anche a voi?
Ho la mdk 8.2

Re: [newbie-it] Il demone esound rinnega Gnome.

2002-06-10 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Giuseppe Ferruzzi esclamo':

 Gnome v1.4 non si carica regolarmente a causa di esound :-(  .
 Failed of fix owner of /tmp/.esd
 Esound daemon unable to create unix domain socket: /tmp/.esd/socket
 The socket is not accessible by esd

Uhmm .. io ho /tmp/.esd di mia proprieta' (quindi non di root), e con i
permessi massimi (777), lo stesso vale per il suo contenuto (socket)
Prova a verificare proprietario e permessi, ed eventualmente cambiarli.

 modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0
 modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1

Se non usi una seconda scheda sonora, puoi disattivare le richieste con
un alias sound-slot-1 off in /etc/modules.conf

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

[newbie-it] Configurare un path

2002-06-10 Thread Benedetto Santarella

Come si configura il path sotto linux
  \ | /
(@ @)
Benedetto Santarella

Re: [newbie-it] programmi

2002-06-10 Thread gigi pinna

Alle 22:50, domenica 9 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Il 17:45, domenica 9 giugno 2002, in merito a [newbie-it]

 programmi, gigi pinna ha scritto:
  salve a tutti!
  qualcuno conosce qualche programma per spezzare file.mp3 in
  più parti?

 $split file.mp3

 divide qualsiasi cosa

 poi ricostruisci con
 $cat fileaa fileab fileac . filenn  file.mp3

a me serviva per spezzare un file.mp3 contenente diverse canzoni, ma non conosco
l'esatta dimensione di ogni canzone; altre possibilità?
MMS: prova i nuovi messaggi multimediali!

[newbie-it] problemi modem e connessione

2002-06-10 Thread Junkie

Dopo vari tentativi sono riuscita a far riconoscere il mio modem hsf 
conexant a linux mandrake 8.2 e a connettermi finalmente... 
solo che ho ancora un problema: il 99% circa delle volte la connessione
fallisce e il log di connessione riporta un bellissimo NO DIALTONE 
Allora ho provato a cambiare le impostazioni di chiamata ma il risultato
è sempre lo stesso...l'unica soluzione è tentare varie volte di
connettermi attaccando lo spinotto del modem alla presa del telefono in
un momento x durante l'inizializzazione del modem stesso...e pregare. 
Se qualcuno sapesse aiutarmi a risolvere questo
problemaboh..grazie!! :) 
E scusate la scarsa chiarezza ^^;; 


[newbie-it] macrovision e strani (almeno per me) messaggi di errore

2002-06-10 Thread Beppe

Buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist!!!

risolto il mio problema con g400 e dual head ora una cosa sola mi impedisce di 
vedere i miei divx in tv con linux... il macrovi$ion qualcuno conosce un 
modo per eliminarlo? io avrei trovato un file .pl che promette di spazzarlo 
via dai driver per il dual head della mia scheda ma... oh me povero 
sventurato... quando provo a farlo partire ottengo un risultato del tipo

bash: ./ bad interpreter: Permission denied

qualcuno sa dirmi che fare? aspetto ansiosamente qualsiasi aiuto possibile ^_^
grazie in anticipo

Re: [newbie-it] problemi modem e connessione

2002-06-10 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Junkie esclamo':
 Dopo vari tentativi sono riuscita a far riconoscere il mio modem hsf
 conexant a linux mandrake 8.2 e a connettermi finalmente...
 solo che ho ancora un problema: il 99% circa delle volte la connessione
 fallisce e il log di connessione riporta un bellissimo NO DIALTONE

La soluzione e' un comando 'ATX3' prima del comando di chiamata (ATDT o
ATDP ecc...) [il tono di centrale, tipico degli USA, non e' utilizzato
dagli operatori telefonici in Italia, quindi senza il comando riportato
sopra il tuo modem sta ad aspettare un tono che non arrivera' mai]

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

[newbie-it] aiuto

2002-06-10 Thread simone.agrestini

Ciao ricevo questa email e tante altre da diverse persone, perchè forse mi
sono iscritto a qualche mailing list e non ricordo quale, mi puoi aiutare a
sapere il nome?
Grazie mille.

- Original Message -
From: Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 1:28 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Configurare un path

Come si configura il path sotto linux
 \ | /
(@ @)

Benedetto Santarella


Re: [newbie-it] macrovision e strani (almeno per me) messaggi dierrore

2002-06-10 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Beppe esclamo':
 risolto il mio problema con g400 e dual head ora una cosa sola mi
 impedisce di vedere i miei divx in tv con linux... il macrovi$ion

Non ho idea di che roba sia ..

 io avrei trovato un file .pl che promette di spazzarlo via dai driver
 per il dual head della mia scheda
 bash: ./ bad interpreter: Permission denied

Prima eseguire un programma (oltre a sincerarti del suo contenuto,
ovviamente ;)) verifica sempre che i permessi di esecuzione siano
attivi (chmod +x), nonche' di essere root (se necessario).

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

[newbie-it] NTFS e permessi

2002-06-10 Thread luigi

Ciao a tutti e come di consueto già vi ringrazio
Ho una partizione ntfs regolarmente letta da root ma non da utente, ho fatto 
di tutto per estendere il permesso agli utenti ma niente..
questa è una delle tante prove:
[gigi@localhost gigi]$ su
[root@localhost gigi]# cd /mnt/
[root@localhost mnt]# ls -l
totale 20
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 giu 10 23:33 cdrom/
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 giu 10 23:33 cdrom2/
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 giu 10 23:33 floppy/
dr-x--    1 root     root         4096 mag 30 20:43 win_c/
drwxrwxrwx    6 root     root         8192 gen  1  1970 win_d/
drwxrwxrwx    6 root     root         8192 gen  1  1970 win_e/
[root@localhost mnt]# chmod +s win_c
chmod: ripristino dei permessi di `win_c': Read-only file system
[root@localhost mnt]#
ho provato anche ad assegnare i permessi tramite kde e a copiare il link nel 
desktop dell'utente ma nache così...
ciao gigi

[newbie-it] Download

2002-06-10 Thread luigi

Ciao a tutti e come di consueto già vi ringrazio...
E possibile l'integrazione di un programma di dowload con un browser?
Ossia e possibile che in netscape 6.2.3 mi parta nt quando clicco su un link 
di download?
ho una linea normale e poco tempo e con quel software mi posso fermare e 
ripartire quando mi pare..
Ho provato anche kmago che ha la funzione della finestra di trascinamento ma 
appena parte lo scaricamento si incasina tutto e lo devo uccidere..
perche se io volessi mettere l'indirizzo a mano nella casella URL come cavolo 
faccio a sapere dove cavolo punta quel link..
Grazie gigi

[newbie-it] clone cd

2002-06-10 Thread luigi

1-Qualcuno conosce un programma di masterizzazione che mi faccia la copia 
esatta di un cd audio senza pause?
2-Qualcuno conosce un copiatore tipo clonecd?

Re: [newbie-it] macrovision e strani (almeno per me) messaggi di errore

2002-06-10 Thread Stefano Barberis


perl ./


Il lun, 2002-06-10 alle 22:59, Beppe ha scritto:
 Buon giorno oh gloriosa mailinglist!!!
 risolto il mio problema con g400 e dual head ora una cosa sola mi impedisce di 
 vedere i miei divx in tv con linux... il macrovi$ion qualcuno conosce un 
 modo per eliminarlo? io avrei trovato un file .pl che promette di spazzarlo 
 via dai driver per il dual head della mia scheda ma... oh me povero 
 sventurato... quando provo a farlo partire ottengo un risultato del tipo
 bash: ./ bad interpreter: Permission denied
 qualcuno sa dirmi che fare? aspetto ansiosamente qualsiasi aiuto possibile ^_^
 grazie in anticipo
  Stefano Barberis
  WEB home page:

[newbie-it] NTFS e permessi

2002-06-10 Thread luigi

Ciao a tutti e come di consueto già vi ringrazio
Ho una partizione ntfs regolarmente letta da root ma non da utente, ho fatto 
di tutto per estendere il permesso agli utenti ma niente..
questa è una delle tante prove:
[gigi@localhost gigi]$ su
[root@localhost gigi]# cd /mnt/
[root@localhost mnt]# ls -l
totale 20
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 giu 10 23:33 cdrom/
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 giu 10 23:33 cdrom2/
drwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            0 giu 10 23:33 floppy/
dr-x--    1 root     root         4096 mag 30 20:43 win_c/
drwxrwxrwx    6 root     root         8192 gen  1  1970 win_d/
drwxrwxrwx    6 root     root         8192 gen  1  1970 win_e/
[root@localhost mnt]# chmod +s win_c
chmod: ripristino dei permessi di `win_c': Read-only file system
[root@localhost mnt]#
ho provato anche ad assegnare i permessi tramite kde e a copiare il link nel 
desktop dell'utente ma nache così...
ciao gigi

Re: [newbie-it] aiuto

2002-06-10 Thread LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, simone.agrestini esclamo':
 Ciao ricevo questa email e tante altre da diverse persone, perchè forse mi
 sono iscritto a qualche mailing list e non ricordo quale, mi puoi aiutare a
 sapere il nome?

Qualcosa che ha a che fare con Linux, in particolare la distribuzione
Mandrake, piu' precisamente una lista per novelli utenti. Il nome della
lista (per mandare messaggi di richiesta in tema con l'argomento della
lista medesima e relative eventuali risposte) lo vedi nell'indirizzo del

Casomai non fossi interessato a continuare a ricevere mail da questa
lista e quindi ti volessi disiscrivere:
a) guarda le intestazioni(header) di questo messaggio che iniziano con
b) individua quello che serve per la de-sottoscrizione;
c) manda una mail all'indirizzo medesimo (sympa ecc..), inserendo come
oggetto della mail l'oggetto preciso che trovi li';
d) _NON_ inviare richieste di essere tolto dalla lista ad un indirizzo
diverso da quello di cui al punto c) (e men che meno a quello da cui
ricevi questo messaggio), dato che nessuno ti depennera' MAI
SaluT, Lk

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583
K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc2

[newbie-it] Links 2.0

2002-06-10 Thread Perfect Dark

sto tentando di compilare Links 2.0, il browser testuale nella versione 
grafica. lanciando il comando ./configure --enable-graphics 
--enable-javascript salta fuori:

checking for X... no
checking for pmshell... no
checking for gui/view.h... no
checking for gui/window.h... no
checking for gui/desktop.h... no
checking for gui/bitmap.h... no
checking for util/locker.h... no
checking for util/application.h... no
configure: error: No graphics drivers found.

non capisco perché mi dice checking for Xno visto che ho X11. tra le 
opzioni di configure si puo' specificare gli include e le librerie: devo 
modificare questi? per una MDK8.2 che percorsi sarebbero?


Perfect Dark

Re: [newbie-it] Programma Chat

2002-06-10 Thread luigi

Alle 20:00, domenica 9 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 cerco un programma per chat simile a c6 della tin,
 Quel programma non lo conosco però ho provato il messengers di yahoo e va da 

Re: [newbie-it] Links 2.0

2002-06-10 Thread freefred

On Monday 10 June 2002 18:56, Perfect Dark, talkin' about [newbie-it] 
Links 2.0 wrote:

 checking for util/locker.h... no
 checking for util/application.h... no
 configure: error: No graphics drivers found.

 non capisco perché mi dice checking for Xno visto che ho X11.
 tra le opzioni di configure si puo' specificare gli include e le
 librerie: devo modificare questi? per una MDK8.2 che percorsi

Forse ti basterebbe (se l'hai gia' fatto allora il problema e' un altro)
installare i pacchetti devel dell'xfree.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Download

2002-06-10 Thread freefred

On Monday 10 June 2002 17:51, luigi, talkin' about [newbie-it] Download 
 Ciao a tutti e come di consueto già vi ringrazio...
 E possibile l'integrazione di un programma di dowload con un browser?
 Ossia e possibile che in netscape 6.2.3 mi parta nt quando clicco su
 un link di download?

e' un po' che non lo uso ma non lo faceva l'nt?
aveva comunque il cestino (o qualcosa di simile)
in cui potevi draggare l'url.

 perche se io volessi mettere l'indirizzo a mano nella
 casella URL come cavolo faccio a sapere dove cavolo punta quel link..

sorry qui non capisco cosa intendi.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Icone

2002-06-10 Thread freefred

On Monday 10 June 2002 05:34, LukenShiro, talkin' about Re: [newbie-it] 
Icone wrote:

 Se intendi di nuove nuove, non so, fai una ricerca in rete.

Se cerchi in rete per free icons ne trovi a pacchi in effetti.
Ma se usi il kde, lascia perdere tutto e gettati in


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] aiuto

2002-06-10 Thread simone.agrestini

Ciao ricevo questa email e tante altre da diverse persone, perchè forse mi
sono iscritto a qualche mailing list e non ricordo quale, mi puoi aiutare a
sapere il nome?
Grazie mille.

- Original Message -
From: Benedetto Santarella [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 1:28 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Configurare un path

Come si configura il path sotto linux
 \ | /
(@ @)

Benedetto Santarella


Re: [newbie] cylinders, sectors and heads trouble

2002-06-10 Thread John Richard Smith

On Sunday 09 June 2002 15:33, you wrote:
I have the same MoBo as you but with the raid controller which I 
disable in bios.

I am curious , what is a WD  drive, IDE or Scsi ?, my mobo sees my 
drive correctly, but then the size is never as much as the 
manufacturers  claim . I wonder whether this WD drive of yours needs 
something to enable your OS to recognise it properly.Do mandrake or 
linux have any websites on the subject.

The  extended Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary:
 phys=(1023, 15, 63) should be (1023, 254, 63) happened to 
me when I too used more that one partition tool, and it was one of 
the reasons why I bought partition magic to do all my partitioning 
and I noticed it makes a better job of measuring h s c so that when 
you choose a partition size it goes for the nearest neat ending in h 
s c, but I don't think it has to be PM ,any good partitioning tool 
will do so long as you stick to it. These are only my personal 
impressions and I cannot say other people have confirmed it, but if I 
can avoid it I no longer use the old dos fdisk, it is behind the 
times, especially with the larger modern hard drives.


 On Sunday 09 June 2002 06:55, etharp wrote:
  more info about the new MOBO is in order, in particular the IDE
  controller (is it a HPT win-RAID?)

 No, I stay clear of the raid controllers...
 The MSI k7T266 pro2 comes in different flavours and I chose the one
 which doesn't have any raid controllers.

 On the motherboard, I have:
 Primary master: the wd drive, /dev/hde
 secondary master: a DVD drive, /dev/hdg
 I also have a PCI controller card and on it I have:
 primary master: an old IBM hard drive for backups: /dev/hda
 primary slave: zip drive: /dev/hdb
 secondary master: CD-writer: /dev/hdc-- /dev/scd0

 A correction to the c,h,s count in the bios:
 it is (19158, 16, 255).


  On Saturday 08 June 2002 10:57 pm, Narfi wrote:
   In my previous life, I was young and ignorant and I bought a WD
   drive! ... well, I'm at least not young anymore .-) I installed
   mdk on this second harddrive of mine and the setup was with
   (cylinders, heads, sectors,) = (77545, 16, 63)
   However, after I moved the hard drive to a my new motherboard
   and installed mdk 8.2, fdisk and diskdrake report the geometry
   as (c,h,s) = (4865, 255, 63) and fdisk warns that partitions do
   not end on cylinder boundaries.
   Can I still use diskdrake to create new partitions on this hard
   I tried to put a section into lilo.conf:
   [this is the disk in question. Nevertheless it is on the
   primary ide0 controller:]
   heads = 16
   cylinders = 774545
   But this didn't change the way fdisk and diskdrake saw the
   drive geometry.
   If I go into the bios, the geometry is listed with heads = 16
   and cylinders some value 4 thousand something (sorry, forgot to
   write down!)
   I have lba32 in /etc/lilo.conf and I do not share this hard
   drive with any other OS.
   Does anyone have any suggestions? Resize the partitions to
   conform with heads = 255 using ext2online perhaps???
   mobo: MSI k7t266 pro2
   /dev/hde: WD400BB
   fdisk -l /dev/hde
   Disk /dev/hde: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4865 cylinders
   Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
  Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
   /dev/hde1   * 164511528+  83  Linux
   Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary:
phys=(1014, 15, 63) should be (1014, 254, 63)
   /dev/hde264  3844  30359448   85  Linux
   extended Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary:
phys=(1023, 15, 63) should be (1023, 254, 63)
   /dev/hde56496255496+  82  Linux swap
   /dev/hde696   478   3071848+  83  Linux
   /dev/hde7   478  1116   5119600+  83  Linux
   /dev/hde8  1116  2901  14335744+  83  Linux
   /dev/hde9  2901  3155   2047720+  83  Linux
   /dev/hde10 3155  3206409216+  83  Linux
   /dev/hde11 3206  3844   5119600+  83  Linux

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] can't login as root

2002-06-10 Thread Raffaele Belardi

or even
Direct root Login is disabled for Level 4 and 5


 On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 12:27, et wrote:
On Friday 07 June 2002 06:21 pm, you wrote:

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:46:13 -0700

Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I rarely ask questions for others but this one has me stumped. My
colleague running LM8.2 has a default (for his hardware)
configuration. He created one user. Then, he went to the security
configuration utility and set it to high. Now he can't get in
the gui login as root. His user account still works and he can
'su' in a terminal. This behaviour seems to have started just
after he changed the security setting to high. My research found a
possible solution in the /etc/security/access.conf  with a missing
entry like...
-:ALL EXCEPT list of accounts:LOCAL

Am I on the right track here? Has anyone come across this one before?
Newbie archives don't return anything on this.

Bill W.

My bet is that this is an msec thing. Try another security level.


aboSOluuutly msec,,, man msec (with out the quotes, in a text console)
can be your friend...
 There's also the Reference Manual section 12 which is all about msec. 
 Hardcopy for anyone with a box set, online for everyone else. Look for the 
 documents page at MandrakeSoft. MSec can be customised.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Upgrading LM8.2

2002-06-10 Thread civileme

Marcia wrote:

Dear All,

I have been told that I have maximized my memory with 128 MB of ram since I 
have a Pentium II MMX processor at a littlle over 200 megahertz. I feel like 
I am either ready for a new computer or upgrading. I want to have 512 MB of 
ram. Is there anyway that I can add that to my system now or must I upgrade 
my motherboard and cpu? If I must upgrade I would like to go with the 
Athlon-maybe one of the motherboard cpu combo kits. Which one is a very good 
one that can handle at least 512 MB of ram, and of course work well with 
Linux Mandrake 8.2?

Also, I would like to have USB and a CD burner. I know that I can add a CD 
burner with the system I have. What is a good CD burner with Linux?

I would like USB, too. Do I have to upgrade my motherboard for that or can I 
add that with the system I have?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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The one I can report good luck with is the ASUS A7N266-VM  It shares 
part of main memory for video, but the NForce Drivers work very well 
indeed (off the Mandrake Commercial 8.2 CD) and I have tried everything 
but the digital sound.  It can play DVDs, play music, etc, but the 
network adapter on-board is inaccessible from linux, and I have no idea 
about the DOlby Digital Sound (whether supported or not) because I won't 
spring for speakers.

You can find the ASUS board cheaply at  I think I 
paid less than $90 including shipping.  I equipped it with 512M of DDR 
memory and I still have two open memory slots.  I tossed in a 1G Duron 
processor and put two hdds in there to make 8.2 run from a RAID0 
configuration and most who have seen it claim it outperforms their 
Athlon XP 2200 machines (and it may well do so for disk access).

Balanced against those pluses are some really large minuses.  The driver 
is proprietary and closed source, so this machine has its own DMZ on my 
Local Area network with special firewalling rules to keep it from 
talking to my other machines, and the embedded network card absolutely 
does not work in linux, so I had to drop in a cheap add-in card.

Now the Jetway 830CF available with processor from also works very well indeed and uses the 
slightly less expensive SDRAM rather than DDR.  It has three slots so 
1.5G of main memory is easy to achieve, and at a price of about $126 
with 1G Duron, it is hard to beat.  Special care is required for 
installing sound, but the on-board video is the same as the SiS630 and 
does offer acceleration.  The sound is activated by editing 
/etc/modules.conf post-install

alias sound-slot-0 snd-crd-i8x0_audio
above  pcm-snd-oss

to the single line

alias sound i810_audio


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] xcdroast and burning CD's.

2002-06-10 Thread Alan Shoemaker

darklord wrote:
 Xcdroast finds both, has them in correct positions on the 
 SCSI chain, but will not read any CD in my DVD drive. It 
 always reports that its an empty CDRW.

If you haven't yet upgraded the xcdroast, mkisofs, cdda2wav, 
and cdrecord rpms then do so.  There's one other wrinkle that 
may or may not have an effect on your system.  If the problem 
persists after the upgrade then you'll need to downgrade the 
cdda2wav from the 1.11-0.a21.1.1 version to the 1.10-2 
version (the one on the 8.1 cd's.).  To successfully start 
xcdroast after the cdda2wav downgrade you'll need to start 
xcdroast with the '-n' switch. :)

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[newbie] Mandrake 8.2 +geforce 4

2002-06-10 Thread Richard Gelling


Has anybody Got a Geforce 4 working under 8.2 at 
all?I have tried installing the Nvidia drivers but because I think it is 
insisting on using Xfree 3.? and not 4.2,because it dosen't recognise the 

If somebody has managed to install with a geforce 
4, I would appreciate any advise on how to do it

Thanks a lot

Richard G.

Re: [newbie] Restoring deleted files with MC

2002-06-10 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Sun, 9 Jun 2002 20:35:12 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sunday 09 June 2002 02:10, you wrote:
  On Sat, 8 Jun 2002 10:24:18 +0100
  John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Now that I know where Midnight Commander is, I want to use it to
   restore a deleted file that has not been either written over or
   formatted. Some kind soul suggested MC can do this, but how.
   John Richard Smith
  Use  the Pulldown Menus *its a F# key you hit to get them, then
  there is an Undelete function in there for Ext2 ONLY!
 Ahmm, well yes, I found that,but I cannot get it to restore, even an 
 ext2 file set up and deleted as a test. Any guesses ?
 John Richard Smith
 John Richard Smith

/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/ref.html/ts-deleted-files-recovery.html may help.
It's in the mandrake_doc-en-8.2-1mdk RPM. HTH,


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Re: [newbie] cylinders, sectors and heads trouble: Solved

2002-06-10 Thread John Richard Smith

On Monday 10 June 2002 01:26, you wrote:
 As I said previously, I had problems with my western digital hard
 drive. fdisk complained:
 Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
 Previously, I had tried to put this information in the header of
 lilo.conf: install=/boot/boot.b
 disk=/dev/hda bios=0x81
 disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
sectors = 53
heads = 16
cylinders = 77545
 but that change never seemed to take effect so I deleted those 3
 lines. Now I added a parameter in the append line in
 /etc/lilo.conf: append=hde=77545,16,63
 and I believe this has the effect that I so much desired. At least
 fdisk does not complain any more.
 Who knows why this was needed? Maybe the hardware supplies the
 incorrect values, maybe the bios supplies the incorrect values. Or,
 perhaps, because there is already confusion about the bios code for
 /dev/hda and /dev/hde [see bios=0x81 and bios=0x80 above], the
 numbers for sectors and heads on /dev/hde are the numbers for a
 different drive!


Well I find that interesting, I do not see why Western Digital 
hardrives should work any different from anyone else's hard drives,
as far as size and allocation of h s c is concerned. I have the same 
MoBo as you except I have RAID but I turn it off in Bios, so any 
explanation for this apparent quirk is something I want to know about 
as much as you. Have you ever had trouble getting this WD hard drive 
recognised on any other MoBo.

As far as the other problem goes , the not ending on cylinder 
boundaryis concerned it is almost certainly something to do with 
using mixed partition tools, my experience is that they don't go 
together well. However overall, I think it just means left as it is 
you will have a small pece of hardrive going to waste that's all,
When this started to happen to me I bought Partition Magic and 
started completely again, and touch wood I have not had any problems 
so far. It does not matter if you choose to format with different 
formatting tools so long as all the partitions are created by the one 
partition tool.However PM does a very though job of checking your 
drive for bad sectors,marking them, and formatting, if you choose so 
to do . It is slow, but I fully accept that , why not let it do it's 
job carefully and precisely, you just set up the programme , go away 
for a while and come back an hour or so later and all is done 
beautifully. You can then get on and install operating systems.
John Richard Smith

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[newbie] mounting a cdrom iso in write mode

2002-06-10 Thread Gerald Waugh

I am trying to copy the contents of  960-RAQ4R101BU.iso to a directory
Then I want to add content to the image.

I used mount -w -o loop -t iso9660 960-RAQ4R101BU.iso cdrom

The contents of the iso are available at cdrom/
But I can't write to the directory, 
cp pkg-files/RaQ4/* cdrom/nfsroot-x86/bto-sync/bundles/

I get these kinds of errors
cp: cannot create regular file 
Read-only file system

How can I modify the content of the iso, then run mksiofs to build a new iso?
Gerald Waugh  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 +geforce 4

2002-06-10 Thread et

I use mine with just the framebuffer. not 3d and all...but clear and good.

On Monday 10 June 2002 05:36 am, you wrote:

 Has anybody Got a Geforce 4 working under 8.2 at all?I have tried
 installing the Nvidia drivers but because I think it is insisting on using
 Xfree 3.? and not 4.2,because it dosen't recognise the card.

 If somebody has managed to install with a geforce 4, I would appreciate any
 advise on how to do it

 Thanks a lot

 Richard G.

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[newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1 on 486 with 32Mb RAM

2002-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mandrake 8.1 is supposed to be installable with 32Mb RAM, in text mode.

I have a 486, and upgraded its memory to 32Mb specifically so I could
install Mandrake.  (The computer can't handle more than 32Mb.)

I boot from the floppy and install from the CD-ROM.  It recognizes the
non-standard Sony CD-ROM 31a (thank you, thank you, Mandrake!), but then
it says: not enough RAM for RAMdisk!  (Installation exiting abnormally.)

Can anyone help me do a minimum text install for Mandrake in 32Mb RAM?

I have a 500Mb hard drive (will happily upgrade if need be).

I currently have RedHat Linux 5.1 installed, but I want to be able to use
Mandrake's hardware autodetection.  Specifically, I want it to detect the
Ethernet card; right now my Linux box isn't hooked up to the Internet.

Ka Wai TAM   Shad 86W : EngSci 9T1 : PEng '93 : MEng '94 : MD '98 : CCFP '00
 ~{L7RN0~}  Ni parolu per Esperanto!
 Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] even if this email came from elsewhere.

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[newbie] Lindows (Windows + Linux)

2002-06-10 Thread FARSHAD

i have heard newly has been made a new operating 
system with name
"Lindows" but i don't see thisOS in markets , 
if everybody have more
information about this OS please tell me 

Re: [newbie] mounting a cdrom iso in write mode

2002-06-10 Thread Gerald Waugh

On Monday 10 June 2002 06:52 am, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 I am trying to copy the contents of  960-RAQ4R101BU.iso to a directory
 Then I want to add content to the image.
 I used mount -w -o loop -t iso9660 960-RAQ4R101BU.iso cdrom
 The contents of the iso are available at cdrom/
 But I can't write to the directory,
 cp pkg-files/RaQ4/* cdrom/nfsroot-x86/bto-sync/bundles/
 I get these kinds of errors
 cp: cannot create regular file
 Read-only file system
 How can I modify the content of the iso, then run mksiofs to build a new
 iso? TIA

OK, this seems to work!
su -
mkdir /home/OSRCD
cd /home/OSRCD
mkdir cdrom
mount -o loop downloaded-image.iso cdrom -w
mkdir new-iso
cd cdrom
tar -c * | tar -C /home/OSRCD/new-iso -xf -
umount /home/OSRCD/cdrom
make changes to the iso image
cd /home/OSRCD/new-iso
mkisofs -P NyNmae -b boot/eltorito.img \
-c boot/boot.catalog -R -l -L -o /home/OSRCD/new-iso.iso .

** Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660. Not sure 
why I get this warning**

cd /home/OSRCD
cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=4 new-iso.iso

Gerald Waugh  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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Re: [newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1 on 486 with 32Mb RAM

2002-06-10 Thread Derek Jennings

Mandrake 8.1 is compiled for a Pentium class machine. It aint gonna run on a 


On Monday 10 June 2002 12:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mandrake 8.1 is supposed to be installable with 32Mb RAM, in text mode.

 I have a 486, and upgraded its memory to 32Mb specifically so I could
 install Mandrake.  (The computer can't handle more than 32Mb.)

 I boot from the floppy and install from the CD-ROM.  It recognizes the
 non-standard Sony CD-ROM 31a (thank you, thank you, Mandrake!), but then
 it says: not enough RAM for RAMdisk!  (Installation exiting abnormally.)

 Can anyone help me do a minimum text install for Mandrake in 32Mb RAM?

 I have a 500Mb hard drive (will happily upgrade if need be).

 I currently have RedHat Linux 5.1 installed, but I want to be able to use
 Mandrake's hardware autodetection.  Specifically, I want it to detect the
 Ethernet card; right now my Linux box isn't hooked up to the Internet.

 Ka Wai TAM   Shad 86W : EngSci 9T1 : PEng '93 : MEng '94 : MD '98 : CCFP
 '00 ~{L7RN0~}  Ni parolu per Esperanto!
  Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] even if this email came from elsewhere.

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RE: [newbie] Lindows (Windows + Linux)

2002-06-10 Thread Franki

its not out yet.. 

itsa very dumbed down version of linux that looks/works more like windows 
then ever before..

its a 
good idea, but in doing so, I think they have reduced the security inherent in 
linux as a result.

its also designed to run alot of windows apps as well.

till its been out for awhile, 
see if 
there is a huge swathe of security fixes that get released, 
they have addressed that, it might be worth it.

now, stick to mandrake, you'll be better off...



  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of FARSHADSent: Thursday, 5 December 2002 7:55 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Lindows 
  (Windows + Linux)
  i have heard newly has been made a new operating 
  system with name
  "Lindows" but i don't see thisOS in markets 
  , if everybody have more
  information about this OS please tell me 

Re: [newbie] Lindows (Windows + Linux)

2002-06-10 Thread Mark Shaw

 FARSHAD wrote:

 i have heard newly has been made a new operating system with name
 Lindows but i don't see this OS in markets , if everybody have more
 information about this OS please tell me ..

Google is your friend.

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[newbie] ?

2002-06-10 Thread Jendos

Somebody teach me, please!
I have a very low frame rate in my Mandrake 
7.2,when Itry to playing all 
video files. Configuratinon is: K6-2 450, 128M.
What can I do?

Sorry for my 

Re: [newbie] Lindows (Windows + Linux)

2002-06-10 Thread Todd Slater

On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 03:54:56PM -0800, FARSHAD wrote:
 i have heard newly has been made a new operating system with name
 Lindows but i don't see this OS in markets , if everybody have more
 information about this OS please tell me ..

There is a site called Google, which can be used to search the Web for
all sorts of things. It is located at It is not
the only search tool; you might, for example, try or

Anyway, on these pages you can find a box in which you can type text.
For instance, type lindows and press Enter. A page will be displayed with
links to Web pages related to your search term.

HTH :^)

Give a man a fish . . .

Todd Slater

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Re: [newbie] Mplayer message query

2002-06-10 Thread John Richard Smith

On Saturday 08 June 2002 13:16, you wrote:

 As great it is that people try make RPM's of Mplayer for public
 use, but I still have to see 1 really successful build that works
 on all systems. In my opinion there is none.. Mplayer builds to
 YOUR system.. depending on what software / hardware you have. It's
 not as simple as a simple binary, but a carefully built package
 designed for performance. You see, they could build DeCss supprt
 in, but what point does that have if a user doesn't even have a DVD

 Go tho the Mplayer site, download the tarball (new release today)
 and read the docs, and there should be no problems. Yes it does
 take time at first, I give you that, but at least then you have a
 working MPlayer ;-)


OK so there are no good rpm versions, so I have to compile from tar 
I've just spent 2 hours reading all the bumf on Mplayer website, and 
I must say there is so much of it it is hard to take it all in in one 

It seems to me leaving aside esotyeric things like skins, there is 
only the one file to compile and install.
Does this actually mean it's all there, you know, encription, 
conversion, etc etc, the bits that really do matter and make the 
programme all it is,because it seems a small download for a tar file 
and for there to be everything that  you might conceiveably want.
As I say I'm not particularly interested in sky blue pink graphics 
but I do want all the really important encription conversion 
stuff,(eg. DVD to DivX) and preferably in a gui guise.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] CD Recording with no sound??

2002-06-10 Thread Tom Brinkman

On Sunday 09 June 2002 02:11 pm, Paul wrote:
 I already had 2 instances that I tried to burn an audio CD that
 after burning had everything right, but there was no sound on it.
 CDPlay crashes with an error, the CDplayer in the stereo plays the
 cd but no sound at all.

  Try XMMS and with different sound drivers, OSS, Alsa, Arts, etc.

 MDK 8.2, 1.2Ghz Athlon, 256Mb Ram, 2 x 30Gb ATA100 disks.
 TDK D-view 650Mb CD_R's, Plextor CD Rewriter 40x16x12.
 cdparanoia -vB 1- ~/tmp/name  cdrecord -v speed=1 dev=0,0,0 -pad

Back in April I posted my method for copying audio CD's on the CL
Somewhat different from yours.  Have you upgraded cdrecord, 
mkisofs, cdparanoia, etc.?  The versions 8.2 shipped with were buggy/ 
broken.  Mandrake Update (Software Manager) will get the new ones.
Tom BrinkmanCorpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] xcdroast and burning CD's.

2002-06-10 Thread Daniel Anderson

On Sunday 09 June 2002 10:06 am, you wrote:
 On Saturday 08 June 2002 04:21 pm, you wrote:
 I've had excellent results with xcdroast,last three Mandrake releases.
  No problems at all. Pentium IV 1.5 gigahertz, GA-81DX mobo,Cendyne
  16x10x40x burner.Currently running MDK 8.2. Had a lot of problems before
  I bought this burner. Just my 2 cents worth.

 Hi there, Dan! Well, I had used Xcdroast under 8.1 and was very happy with
 it there, and under 8.2, I used it to burn files to CD's with no probs.
 either. It was just when I went to duplicate a CD that it fell down. I've
 got an Adaptec SCSI card, running a Toshiba DVD and a Plextor CDRW.
 Xcdroast finds both, has them in correct positions on the SCSI chain, but
 will not read any CD in my DVD drive. It always reports that its an empty
 CDRW. Gcombust, under this same setup works fine. I even deleted Xcdroasts
 conf files and started over just in case. Still no go - and this is as
 root, or with the user I had setup... Don't forget, this same exact setup
 worked just fine under 8.1 so I dunno...

 I'm glad its working for you though, I did like it! :-)

   Guess I just got lucky with a hardware combination that the software 
likes.  I previously had an older Mitsumi burner,had a lot of problems with 
it. I like the nice frontend for cdlabelgen that Gcombust has. Haven't used 
it for burning though.


  5:20am  up 5 days, 13:24,  2 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.15, 1.12

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[newbie] How to install MPlayer

2002-06-10 Thread John Richard Smith

First thing ,  the readme said to use gcc3.0.4 compiler so I did
who am I to argue with the developers.

then, I cannot help it being long:-
Unpack and cp to directories :-

  Win32 Cidecs to/usr/lib/win32
iso-8859-1   to  /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/
iso-8859-2   to  /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/
BlueHeartto  /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/
 Cyrusto  /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/
 mentalic to  /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/
 neutron  to  /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skins/
cd directory sources,
root@localhost root]# cd /root/Desktop/MPlayer-0.90pre5
[root@localhost MPlayer-0.90pre5]# ./configure --enable-gui 
--cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.0.4 2/root/Desktop/el1

el1 report no errors.

[root@localhost MPlayer-0.90pre5]#make 2/root/Desktop/el2
el2 reports:
checmake: *** libmp1e: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** drivers/syncfb: No such file or directory.  Stop.
demux_viv.c:310:2: warning: #warning Calculate PTS from picture 
In file included from ../libvo/fastmemcpy.h:4,
 from vd_ijpg.c:16:
../config.h:39:1: warning: HAVE_STDDEF_H redefined
/usr/include/jconfig.h:11:1: warning: this is the location of the 
previous definition
make: *** libmp1e: No such file or directory.  Stop.
make: *** drivers/syncfb: No such file or directory.  Stop.
gcc-3.0.4: pci_names.c: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [depend] Error 1
In file included from vo_jpeg.c:17:
../config.h:39:1: warning: HAVE_STDDEF_H redefined
/usr/include/jconfig.h:11:1: warning: this is the location of the 
previous definition
In file included from widgets.c:23:
gtk/menu.h:13:6: warning: no newline at end of file
In file included from widgets.c:46:
gtk/opts.h:9:6: warning: no newline at end of file
In file included from gtk/menu.c:11:
gtk/menu.h:13:6: warning: no newline at end of file
In file included from gtk/opts.c:12:
gtk/opts.h:9:6: warning: no newline at end of file
mplayer.c: In function `main':
mplayer.c:1305: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer 
without a cast
mplayer.c:1306: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer 
without a cast
mplayer.c:1393: warning: passing arg 2 of `guiGetEvent' makes pointer 
from integer without a cast
motion_est.c: In function `direct_search':
motion_est.c:1439: warning: unused variable `mv_penalty'
i386/mpegvideo_mmx.c: In function `dct_unquantize_mpeg1_mmx':
i386/mpegvideo_mmx.c:198: warning: operation on `nCoeffs' may be 
i386/mpegvideo_mmx.c: In function `dct_unquantize_mpeg2_mmx':
i386/mpegvideo_mmx.c:324: warning: operation on `nCoeffs' may be 
i386/motion_est_mmx.c:29: warning: `bone' defined but not used
aviprint.c: In function `print_wave_header':
aviprint.c:64: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
demux_viv.c:310:2: warning: #warning Calculate PTS from picture 
open.c: In function `dvd_parse_chapter_range':
open.c:463: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer 
target type
ad_a52.c: In function `decode_audio':
ad_a52.c:189: warning: passing arg 2 of pointer to function from 
incompatible pointer type
ad_dk4adpcm.c: In function `decode_audio':
ad_dk4adpcm.c:64: warning: implicit declaration of function 
ad_hwac3.c: In function `decode_audio':
ad_hwac3.c:100: warning: implicit declaration of function `swab'
ad_internal.h:11: warning: `init' declared `static' but never defined
ad_internal.h:12: warning: `preinit' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:13: warning: `uninit' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:14: warning: `control' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:15: warning: `decode_audio' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:11: warning: `init' declared `static' but never defined
ad_internal.h:12: warning: `preinit' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:13: warning: `uninit' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:14: warning: `control' declared `static' but never 
ad_internal.h:15: warning: `decode_audio' declared `static' but never 
vd_huffyuv.c: In function `decode':
vd_huffyuv.c:510: warning: unused variable `a'
vd_mpng.c: In function `decode':
vd_mpng.c:70: warning: unused variable `palette'
In file included from ../libvo/fastmemcpy.h:4,
 from vd_ijpg.c:16:
../config.h:39:1: warning: HAVE_STDDEF_H redefined
/usr/include/jconfig.h:11:1: warning: this is the location of the 
previous definition
vd_ijpg.c: In function `fill_input_buffer':
vd_ijpg.c:67: warning: unused variable `nbytes'
vf.c: In function `vf_get_image':
vf.c:163: warning: implicit declaration of function `memalign'
vf.c:163: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a 
vf_vo.c: In function `draw_slice':
vf_vo.c:94: warning: passing arg 1 of pointer to function from 
incompatible pointer type
vf_pp.c:99: warning: 

Re: [newbie] CD Recording with no sound??

2002-06-10 Thread Paul

In reply to Paul's mail, d.d. Sun, 9 Jun 2002 21:11:05 +0200:

Hi all,
I posted this a while ago, and nobody seems to know what's the matter.

I already had 2 instances that I tried to burn an audio CD that after
burning had everything right, but there was no sound on it.

CDPlay crashes with an error, the CDplayer in the stereo plays the cd but
no sound at all.

Additional info: The output from CDPLay is
[paul@tbird paul]$ cdplay
msf = 0:2:0 54:11:74
CDROMPLAYMSF: Input/output error

MDK 8.2, 1.2Ghz Athlon, 256Mb Ram, 2 x 30Gb ATA100 disks.
TDK D-view 650Mb CD_R's, Plextor CD Rewriter 40x16x12.


cdparanoia -vB 1- ~/tmp/name  cdrecord -v speed=1 dev=0,0,0 -pad

I upgraded CDRecord to:

[paul@tbird tmp]$ cdrecord --version
Cdrecord 1.11a15 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg

And still the same thing happens. I can almost read up on the thread what to
do with badly backed CD's...


This door is baroquen, please wiggle Handel.
(If I wiggle Handel, will it wiggle Bach?) Mandrake 8.2 -   Sylpheed 0.7.7
Help Microsoft combat software piracy: give Linux to a friend today!

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Re: [newbie] cylinders, sectors and heads trouble: Solved

2002-06-10 Thread H. Narfi Stefansson

On Monday 10 June 2002 05:53, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 01:26, you wrote:
  As I said previously, I had problems with my western digital hard
  drive. fdisk complained:
  Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
  Previously, I had tried to put this information in the header of
  lilo.conf: install=/boot/boot.b
  disk=/dev/hda bios=0x81
  disk=/dev/hde bios=0x80
 sectors = 53
 heads = 16
 cylinders = 77545
  but that change never seemed to take effect so I deleted those 3
  lines. Now I added a parameter in the append line in
  /etc/lilo.conf: append=hde=77545,16,63
  and I believe this has the effect that I so much desired. At least
  fdisk does not complain any more.
  Who knows why this was needed? Maybe the hardware supplies the
  incorrect values, maybe the bios supplies the incorrect values. Or,
  perhaps, because there is already confusion about the bios code for
  /dev/hda and /dev/hde [see bios=0x81 and bios=0x80 above], the
  numbers for sectors and heads on /dev/hde are the numbers for a
  different drive!

 Well I find that interesting, I do not see why Western Digital
 hardrives should work any different from anyone else's hard drives,
 as far as size and allocation of h s c is concerned. 
I don't think it does. It's just a piece of junk as we have often 
discussed here on the list, that's all. [See Civileme's posts for that]
 so any 
 explanation for this apparent quirk is something I want to know about 
 as much as you. 
See my explanations above and the large disk howto, e.g. sections 14.1 and 
14.2. file:///usr/share/doc/HOWTO/HTML/en/Large-Disk-HOWTO-14.html
 As far as the other problem goes , the not ending on cylinder
 boundaryis concerned it is almost certainly something to do with
 using mixed partition tools, my experience is that they don't go
There was just the one problem: I created all my partitions on my old 
motherboard with c, s, h = (x, y, z). When I moved it to my new 
motherboard, Mandrake didn't think it was (x, y, z) any more.
Thus, I pretty soon figured out that I just wanted the c, s, h to be read 
again as (x, y, z) and I had to figure out how to change that. 
This doesn't have anything to do with what partitioning tool I've been 
using. All my partitions were consistent with (x, y, z) and before 
creating any new partitions, I had to make sure that the partitioning 
software saw the c, s, h as (x, y, z). This is what the line
in my /etc/lilo.conf does. 
Lessons to be learnt from this: After you have partitioned your hard 
drive, always print out and store the c, h, s of your hard drive that was 
used during the partioning. When you want to partition a second time, make 
sure that the partitioning software is using this same c, h, s so that 
your new partitions become compatible with the old ones. I have not read 
any warnings or indications about disk damage occurring if you do not do 
this and you are only using linux on your harddrive and the hard drive is 
using lba32 and the bios supports lba32. I simply tend to be cautious when 
it comes to my hard drives. 
[As an added note: if you are sharing the drive with windows then it is 
imperative that the c, h, s that is seen from Windows must be compatible 
with the partitioning of the hard drive. Otherwise you risk disk 



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Re: [newbie] Mplayer message query

2002-06-10 Thread Ralph Slooten

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, John Richard Smith wrote:

 On Saturday 08 June 2002 13:16, you wrote:
  As great it is that people try make RPM's of Mplayer for public
  use, but I still have to see 1 really successful build that works
  on all systems. In my opinion there is none.. Mplayer builds to
  YOUR system.. depending on what software / hardware you have. It's
  not as simple as a simple binary, but a carefully built package
  designed for performance. You see, they could build DeCss supprt
  in, but what point does that have if a user doesn't even have a DVD
  Go tho the Mplayer site, download the tarball (new release today)
  and read the docs, and there should be no problems. Yes it does
  take time at first, I give you that, but at least then you have a
  working MPlayer ;-)
 OK so there are no good rpm versions, so I have to compile from tar 
Well, saying that there are no good rpm versions may or may not be true, 
however definitely the best thing to do would be to compile it yourself. 
You see, if I gave you my RPM, you would need:

[axllent@axljab axllent]$ ldd /usr/bin/mplayer = /usr/lib/ (0x40023000) = /lib/ (0x4003d000) = /lib/ (0x4004) = /usr/lib/ (0x40057000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40078000) = /lib/ (0x4007d000) = /lib/ (0x40093000) = /usr/lib/ (0x400a2000) = /usr/lib/ (0x401e5000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4021f000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40222000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40248000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4025) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4025f000) = /lib/ (0x40326000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40349000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4037) = /usr/lib/ (0x40391000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40399000) = /usr/lib/ (0x403e) = /usr/lib/ (0x4045a000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40462000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40469000) = /lib/ (0x4048d000) = /usr/lib/ (0x405c9000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

... just be to able to run, as it's built to suite my system... and 
probrably would conflict with yours.

 I've just spent 2 hours reading all the bumf on Mplayer website, and 
 I must say there is so much of it it is hard to take it all in in one 

I know this problem, but on the other hand, at least it is documented 
fully ;-) From my experience there are always other features that one does 
not come accross until needed, other formats and so on.
 It seems to me leaving aside esotyeric things like skins, there is 
 only the one file to compile and install.
 Does this actually mean it's all there, you know, encription, 
 conversion, etc etc, the bits that really do matter and make the 
 programme all it is,because it seems a small download for a tar file 
 and for there to be everything that  you might conceiveably want.
 As I say I'm not particularly interested in sky blue pink graphics 
 but I do want all the really important encription conversion 
 stuff,(eg. DVD to DivX) and preferably in a gui guise.

If all goes well you need just two packages.. the Win32 files and the 
latest Mplayer. Unpack the win32 files into /usr/lib/win32, and then 
unpack, compile and install Mplayer.

To compile Mplayer to use DVD encryption, you may first need to symlink 
/dev/dvd to your cdrom (actually DVD, but..). This way while compiling 
MPlayer it'll detect /dev/dvd and compile it in. To be able to use the GUI 
you will have to add the --enable-gui flag to the compile part, as well as 
any other added options that are not normally detected in the ./configure. 
To be able to compile in the GUI you will need libgtk+1.2-devel, 
XFree86-devel, and probably a couple more (mplayer ./configure should warn 
you if you are missing something)

I suggest to install those 2 devel files, and configure mplayer with:

./configure --enable-gui

and see what it turns up with. At the end of compiling it will give you a 
list of to be supported formats and options. Reading through the output 
of the above command will tell you exactly what it's doing, and if it found 
anything or not. To see if it's supporting DVD playback, look for the line:

Checking for DVD support (libmpdvdkit) ... yes

Checking for GUI ... yes

If you have these two, then you seem to be 

Re: [newbie] WTF?????

2002-06-10 Thread Anne Wilson

D. Olson wrote:

 On Sunday 09 June 2002 06:07 am, you wrote:
1)  Which account are you connected to - i.e. which is the paid ISP that
you are using at that time?

 Well, in KMail, I set the Indentity field to Sympatico when I want to send 
 onto this list. It USUALLY works.
2)  Is the smtp address for outgoing mail on the same account?

 Umm... I use Sympatico's SMTP server for both POP3 accounts.

Sorry, I can't help, then.  I would try an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if you can get one out from any account at all.  I 
found the reply from Tiscali quite helpful when I had a similar problem.


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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread Anne Wilson

D. Olson wrote:

 I have an SB Live! 5.1, which appears to use the same drivers, and it does 
 the same thing. I get sound in the rear speakers.
 Now, I have a question about it...
 This sound in the rear speakers is only mirrored stereo, right? Or is it true 
 surround sound (4 speaker) that I get? IE: in games and stuff, should I get 4 
 separate channels of audio?

I'm not a gamer, so I can only give a qualified answer.

Under wins the installation offers demos that are trully impressive.  I 
think it is true to say that you really would hear a difference.

I'm not sure about Live! 5.1 using the same drivers, though.  If it does 
you should be OK.  I had a Live! Platinum before, and that was pretty 
good, so either way I would say go ahead.  I had a Soundworks 4 speaker 
set which is not expensive, and liked it, but I have to say that this 
Video Logic set is even better and not much dearer.


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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread Anne Wilson

et wrote:

 I have an audigy too, and for me the rear (just a regular pair of powered 
 computer speakers) work fine, I would check the plug.

Works fine under Wins, so not a hardware problem.  It is a 5.1 setup, so 
the extra speakers are controlled from the sub-w, and I think it is this 
that is the problem.  I guess I now have to decide whether to try to 
install the 'bleeding-edge' drivers, or hang on a bit longer.

Thanks, anyway.


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Re: [newbie] mounting a cdrom iso in write mode

2002-06-10 Thread Damian G

 I get these kinds of errors
 cp: cannot create regular file 
 Read-only file system
 How can I modify the content of the iso, then run mksiofs to build a new iso?

an iso file cannot be written to.

if you have to change it's contents, you have to take all files out of it,
make them look the way you want, and then create the iso again with mkisofs.

read this:
man mkisofs



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Re: [newbie] Lindows (Windows + Linux)

2002-06-10 Thread robin

Derek Jennings wrote:

 Surprisingly enough you can find it at
 Lindows has upset a lot of people in the linux world by
 1/ Charging people for being a beta tester
 2/ Not publishing the source code
 3/ Making all users run as 'root' so defeating a large part of Linux security
 Lindows is just a KDE based Linux distro with Wine used to run certain Windows 
 apps. (Just like codeweavers office), although they hype it up to sound 
 something more.
 If you want an easy to install Linux which makes life easy for Windows fans 
 then Everyone's Linux or Lycoris Linux cheaper, are available, are downloadable  :-)

\begin{bitchiness} I hope the people at ELX put more care into their 
distro than their website.   Lycoris _looks_ nice and professional, but 
unless KOffice has got a lot more user-friendly since I last looked at 
it, I imagine the learning curve for the average Word user would make 
installing Mandrake look like falling off a log.\end{bitchiness}

More seriously, I'm rather suspicious of distros which say you can just 
install everything automatically and not have to worry about how to 
partition your disk etc.  Probably works out of the box 90% of the time, 
and leaves the other 10% with an unusable Linux partition, and maybe a 
fried Windows partition as well.  Maybe I'm suffering from brand 
loyalty, but I doubt if installation of any operating system gets much 
easier than a standard Mdk8.2 (I know it's easier than installing Win98, 
from recent and bitter experience).

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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Re: [newbie] Mplayer message query

2002-06-10 Thread Damian G

 OK I'm about to make my first attemp, a couple of questions though,
 I've got around to unpacking the tar ball and found the Readme which 
 is for once quite comprehensible , and in there it mentions ,
 Step1 : Install FFmpeg libavcodec, I take it libavcodec is already 
 there inside MPlayer-0.90pre5, looks like it to me?

yes, it is.
any official release of MPlayer includes libavcodec. those instructions
only apply if you are downloading a CVS snapshot.

 Step5: unpack and stuff screen display fonts 
 /usr/local/share/mplayer/font, I have file: ISO-8859-1 and 2,
 I don't need to name them ?, just use them ans they come ?

only needed if you use subtitle files with your movies.. 
i never used this feature so far. but i suppose you don't need
to change the names.

 Step6: Install gui skin, 
 Any good skins to recommend ?
 two would be enough for me, there are loads to choose from.
 and stuff in /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin/default/(skin name)

woops, wait. sking go into /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/(skinname)
the 'default' subfolder is used by the 'default' skin only.

well, i use default, proton, and plastic. but remember there's no accounting for 
taste. :o)
( and this means i have:


directories. )

 then alter mplayer.conf (doesn't say where this will be ?) , 
 skin=(skin name)

/home/(your user)/.mplayer/mplayer.conf

or, if you prefer, 


probably the file won't be there at first, since the install
doesn't create it. just make a textfile and put


in it. you may also find you would like to add other parammeters as well, later.


 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Is nVidia mobo chipset supported?

2002-06-10 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 17:27:37 +0200
Joan Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm planning purchasing one of theese mobos,  

1 of What MOBOs ??
You did not list any.


Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another
-- Murphy's Laws on Sex n°58
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread s

On Monday 10 June 2002 03:37 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 11:28 am, Bulloved wrote:

  What Linux email clients do people on the list prefer?

 I like kmail

Yeah, I vote for kmail too, tho after 30 or 40 thousand messages, it starts to 
choke.  :)(had to rename my Mail folder today).  :(


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[newbie] PPP/PPPOE and on-line woes

2002-06-10 Thread vze3fsd3


I hope someone has a solution to what may be a ridiculously simple 

I'm using 8.1 on a Compaq Presario 1250 laptop, and to make efficient use 
of my PCMCIA slot, I bought a combined modem/network PCMCIA card 
(Lynksys). When I installed Linux on the laptop, I initially set the 
system to access the web through ADSL, using the pppoe software. Lately, 
however, I've been traveling and have needed to use the modem on the 
road. When I try to log on using the Gnome ppp program, I get the right 
noises from the modem, I get a connection (as evidenced by the noises and 
the flashing lights on the modem), but my browser acts as though there's 
no connection. I try to ping a site and get nothing. Using Mandrake's 
network configuration utility, the results are worse -- a quick 
connection that gets bumped off almost as soon as it's made, then endless 
automatic repeats trying to reconnect. At least Gnome gets me on once and 
keeps me there until I click on the disconnect button.

Interestingly, on my Gkrellm monitor, the ppp0 window comes up when I'm 
on ADSL but not when I connect with the modem, even though ppp0 shows up 
in the Gnome dialer window. Using the ifconfig command, I find a ppp0 
text block while using ADSL, but not when using the modem. Also, when I 
do a simple route command with ADSL running, I get two ppp0 entries, but 
get none when I'm merely trying to run the modem. 

I suspect the fix is simple, but so far it's eluded me! (I believe both 
services -- ATT-Worldnet and Verizon On-line -- assign DNS numbers on log-in)

Any thoughts?

Best regards,

Pete Spotts

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[newbie] Infrared working under Linux?

2002-06-10 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

Hello to all of you
I've been trying to  install in a Dell Notebook 300MHZ a Canon BJC-85 Printer 
and make it work via the infrared port but with no luck. I finally installed 
it via the USB but I was just wondering if it was possible under Linux to 
have it working with the infrared thing


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Re: [newbie] PPP/PPPOE and on-line woes

2002-06-10 Thread Dimitris Ioannou

  10  2002 23:50, / [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

Try this, it might help
Install linuxconf, and after you install it

go there and make it detect your modem. Save, make the changes linuxconf tells 
you to do  by pressing the button Do itand try to connect again. For me it 
always worked.
Hope it helps


 I hope someone has a solution to what may be a ridiculously simple 
 I'm using 8.1 on a Compaq Presario 1250 laptop, and to make efficient use 
 of my PCMCIA slot, I bought a combined modem/network PCMCIA card 
 (Lynksys). When I installed Linux on the laptop, I initially set the 
 system to access the web through ADSL, using the pppoe software. Lately, 
 however, I've been traveling and have needed to use the modem on the 
 road. When I try to log on using the Gnome ppp program, I get the right 
 noises from the modem, I get a connection (as evidenced by the noises and 
 the flashing lights on the modem), but my browser acts as though there's 
 no connection. I try to ping a site and get nothing. Using Mandrake's 
 network configuration utility, the results are worse -- a quick 
 connection that gets bumped off almost as soon as it's made, then endless 
 automatic repeats trying to reconnect. At least Gnome gets me on once and 
 keeps me there until I click on the disconnect button.
 Interestingly, on my Gkrellm monitor, the ppp0 window comes up when I'm 
 on ADSL but not when I connect with the modem, even though ppp0 shows up 
 in the Gnome dialer window. Using the ifconfig command, I find a ppp0 
 text block while using ADSL, but not when using the modem. Also, when I 
 do a simple route command with ADSL running, I get two ppp0 entries, but 
 get none when I'm merely trying to run the modem. 
 I suspect the fix is simple, but so far it's eluded me! (I believe both 
 services -- ATT-Worldnet and Verizon On-line -- assign DNS numbers on 
 Any thoughts?
 Best regards,
 Pete Spotts

Registered Linux User 271321
This message was sent from a Micro$oft_Free PC.
Help Micro$oft stamp out piracy.Give Linux to a friend today.

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RE: [newbie] (Drivers, open sourced or not.) was :Connexant HSF and HCF modems

2002-06-10 Thread Franki

hi Michael..

The purists need to become realists..

It is NOT Mandrakes lack of support for the hardware that needs to be
addressed, but the hardware manufacturers lack of support for linux. As
use expands hardware supporters will be forced to address this problem.

Companies like conexant and nvidia spend a ton of money devoloping their
drivers.. they are actually half the product they sell, proof is how much
better an nvidia performs when the first out nvidia driver is replaced by an
optimised one, the performance can be increased by 25 percent..

should they give that product source code to open source so ATI can use
any innovations in it to improve their own drivers? (and vice versa) ditto
with connexant and lucent..

now I agree that in a perfect world, it would all be open source, but I also
understand these hardware companies whose only dabbling in software is to
write device drivers wanting to keep this stuff under their hat,, (I also
think that in a perfect world, winmodems wouldn't exist either, but thats an
arguement for another day. :-)

I guess a work around for mandrake would be to offer a 4th CD for download
that contains all the free (but not open source) drivers, and when the
install program asks what cd's you have, and you tick the 4th CD box, it
installs the drivers for you..  that way the purists can have their open
source only distro and the rest of us can have hardware that works to its
full potential. (which they sort of do with the powerpack, but like I said,
they charge for that privledge.. so as far as mandrake are concerned, why
should they give it away with the download edition,, it lessens the value of
the powerpack in their minds.)

I very much doubt nvidia will ever release the full source code of their
latest drivers, the best I think we can hope for is they give use the source
to an old obsolete driver, which is still not optimiom performance...(even
that is abit of a pipe dream)

Another sad fact, is that as CPU's get faster, manufacturers are going to
pass more and more stuff over to the main CPU, so software will become more
important and this issue will reappear again and again.

incidently, I have panel beaten my cars and also rebuilt both engines and
trannies.. so thats not an appropriate analogy for me.. but I understand
your point..

but the simple point of the matter is this..
1. Manufacturers will be more willing to release drivers for linux if they
do not need to release the source of their creation. (and the end point is
that a closed source driver that allows use of certain hardware is better
then no driver at all. Proof of which is the numer of people on this list
using the Nvidia drivers)
2. End users don't care about purity or principles or the concieved risk
that a driver could cause stability issues.. they just want their hardware
to work..
3. As with all things in life, this has to be a compromise.. the hardware
guys, and the open source guys need to work on a compromise license for
drivers.. (like for example the source has been examined by open source guys
that have signed a non disclosure agreement to not release details of the
source they have viewed, they sign off that there is nothing undesired in
the driver that could compromise security/stability/functionality and the
driver is accepted. its the only way really to get companies like cannon,
epson, HP, Lucent, conexant, Nvidia, ATI etc etc to jump wholly on board and
fully release drivers.. the other thing about open source drivers is this..
drivers can give alot of infomation about the hardware they are for.. if you
had the source to the latest nvidia driver, you could work out pretty much
exactly how a geoforce4 does its thing.. now if you think they are going to
make that info freely available, you might as well go and get your head

the only drivers that get released open source by manufacturers are those
that don't give away any info about the hardware, or the hardare is obsolete
as a money maker, or the hardware is generic and there is no benefit in
keeping the technology secret.

The result is that mainboards like Nforce will always be faster on a
winblows machine because of optimised drivers.
and the gap may end up widening, because those companies will advocate the
use of the OS, that doesn't dictate that they release the software part of
their hardware to open scrutiny.

Its sad, but true, before you critisize a company for only releasing binary
drivers, think about it form their point of view, and also, think about the
many companies that don't get involved in linux drivers at all.. and be
thankful that some of them at least had the vision to release ANY linux
drivers at all, closed source or open.



-Original Message-
From: Michael Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, 9 June 2002 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Connexant HSF and HCF modems..LINmodems? ET phones

On Fri, 07 Jun 2002 23:47, 

Re: [newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1 on 486 with 32Mb RAM

2002-06-10 Thread robin

Derek Jennings wrote:

Mandrake 8.1 is compiled for a Pentium class machine. It aint gonna run on a 

There are versions for i386 (and therefore 486's), though I don't know 
if 8.2 is among them.  Certainly earlier releases of Mandrake are 
available.  On this subject, while I appreciate the i586 optimsation, I 
also think it's important to keep supporting i386.  I know that in 
Europe and North America you'd be hard-pressed to find a charity that 
would accept your old 486, but here in the developing world we have the 
weird situation where secretaries who do nothing but write letters in 
Word 2000 which could have just as well been done in Notepad and write 
the occasional e-mail get Pentium IV's, while most State schools, if 
they have computers at all have 486's or worse.  A Turkish LUG recently 
had a campaign in which they'd go out to schools and install Linux on 
whatever aging hardware they found (mainly 386 or 486's running Windows 
3.1).  OK, people who want to do this kind of thing have a lot of 
alternatives, but I still think Mandrake is the best distribution for 
this kind of thing (BrandLoyalty (TM)).

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread Charlie

June 10, 2002 02:31 pm, Femme wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 13:34:27 -0400

 D. Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Monday 10 June 2002 06:43 am, you wrote:
   I'm not sure about Live! 5.1 using the same drivers, though.  If it
   does you should be OK.  I had a Live! Platinum before, and that was
   pretty good, so either way I would say go ahead.  I had a Soundworks
   4 speaker set which is not expensive, and liked it, but I have to
   say that this Video Logic set is even better and not much dearer.
  I have the Cambridge SoundWorks FPS2000 Digital, and I rather like
  However, I am still wondering if the drivers for this card that come
  with Mandrake 8.2 give me 4 separate channels or just 2 with those 2
  mirrored to the rear outputs...

 I'll be totally honest  say I don't know.

 The reason I don't know is b/c I don't have a speaker system to test on.
  My g/f does but its a Hercules Game Theatre XP system, and its running
 on win98.

 So... apples to oranges.

 Have you looked at creatives opensource site yet?  I'll poke around
 there later today if I get the chance  Look b/c you've gotten me
 curious now!

 What I'm *guessing* is that Linux is capable of this sort of 5.1 true
 surround sound...however to say that a driver has been written for it
 I'd be lying through my teeth if i said I knew that with any certainty.

 What I will tell you is that I know Creative has drivers for its
 lowerend Live! audio cards for Linux.  I have such a card, with dying
 speakers I might add, and used one of their drivers.

Under any Linux distribution SB Live! and Audigy use the same emu10k1 
drivers as far as I know. I thought it was a kernel module now but what the 
devil do I know? 

The project was being reworked the last time I checked since; as has been 
said here before, Audigy support falls under the bleeding edge category. 
Checking SourceForge just now I see EMU10K1 listed as Status 5: 
Production/Stable as of May 25. 

Here catch:

As to Surround sound, if it ain't it's a damned good emulation! I have an 
older SB Live! Value Digital (4.1 for certain and the earliest iteration of 
5.1 from Creative Labs) and Altec Lansing speakers and it sure SEEMS like 
full surround! There are songs that are apparently starting in one speaker 
(front left for example) then building to include the rest in discrete 

I could be wrong, but I'm positive it sounds great. :-)
Registered user 244963 at
Jones' Second Law:
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone
to blame it on.

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Re: [newbie] Is nVidia mobo chipset supported?

2002-06-10 Thread Charlie

June 10, 2002 01:19 pm, Joan Tur wrote:
 That has helped.  Thanks ;)
Any time! Just a stab at reciprocating for the Mozilla1 advice that I still 
haven't had a chance to implement. :-)

 Es Dilluns 10 Juny 2002 18:44, en Charlie va escriure:
  June 10, 2002 09:27 am, Joan Tur wrote:
   I'm planning purchasing one of theese mobos, and I'd like to know if it
   is well supported under Linux.
   It's got 10/100, video and audio built in.
   Thanks in advance !!  ;)
  Two years old (almost) but this article from Tom's Hardware may help you
  This one gets specific on the ASUSTek A7N 266 board (SuSE 7.3 but if they
  can do it...:-))
  Finally from the horse's mouth:
  Good luck Joan!
Registered user 244963 at
The computing field is always in need of new cliches.
-- Alan Perlis

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread Miark

 What Linux email clients do people on the list prefer?
 TIA for any assistance anyone can offer.

I tried Sylpheed-Claws (not regular Sylpheed) and Evolution
as an Outlook Express convert. Evolution has the best search
tools, and it has other tools like unto the full Outlook.
But it loads relatively slowly, and I don't need those extra
tools. So I've settled with Sylpheed Claws. It's not
dependent on Gnome or KDE, and it's lightning fast.


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Re: [newbie] Clarification on Pine Install.

2002-06-10 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 10 June 2002 04:05 pm, Bulloved wrote:
 When I mentioned that I thought that Pine was causing problems on my
 computer I failed to mention that I did the install into Windows, not
 Linux. I know this is anything but a Windows forum and I am not asking for
 assistance with Windows. My comments on the possible problems caused by the
 installation of Pine on my machine were in part thinking out loud and in
 part wondering if anybody else had had any similar problems resulting from
 installing pine on whatever OS.

 Thanks for all the feedback. I apologize for not being a little clearer in
 my original post.

 LTR  }}:{(

Surely there has to be a pine list/page/newsgroup. I'm not familiar with 
pine, so I can't give you a link, but given pine's age and widespread usage, 
there has to be one. (It's _neither_ nor -- trust 
me, I know). Remember, Google is your friend!
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Monday 10 June 2002 04:39 pm, s wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 03:37 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
  On Monday 10 June 2002 11:28 am, Bulloved wrote:
   What Linux email clients do people on the list prefer?
  I like kmail

 Yeah, I vote for kmail too, tho after 30 or 40 thousand messages, it starts
 to choke.  :)(had to rename my Mail folder today).  :(


My version has a delete function. Very useful. ;^)
Back to the subject: Yes, kmail is a good application; I've been using it 
since November with no problems (other than the usual operator-error stuff.) 
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] (Drivers, open sourced or not.) was :Connexant HSF and HCF modems

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 06:42 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 02:42 pm, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses,

  The purists need to become realists..

 or just buy hardware from real companies (ie not those that can't play
neck if the US Gov, and Hollywood get there way, Building hardware will be 
the only alternative

  Its sad, but true, before you critisize a company for only releasing
  binary drivers, think about it form their point of view, and also, think
  about the many companies that don't get involved in linux drivers at
  all.. and be thankful that some of them at least had the vision to
  release ANY linux drivers at all, closed source or open.

 i agree, think from their view point.  the average linux user budgets
 things like video cards above things like food.  why market to them?  :P

 still when the revolution ends they will be the ones up against the

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Re: [newbie] (Drivers, open sourced or not.) was :Connexant HSF and HCF modems

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 06:42 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 02:42 pm, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses,

  The purists need to become realists..

 or just buy hardware from real companies (ie not those that can't play
neck if the US Gov, and Hollywood get there way, Building hardware will be 
the only alternative

  Its sad, but true, before you critisize a company for only releasing
  binary drivers, think about it form their point of view, and also, think
  about the many companies that don't get involved in linux drivers at
  all.. and be thankful that some of them at least had the vision to
  release ANY linux drivers at all, closed source or open.

 i agree, think from their view point.  the average linux user budgets
 things like video cards above things like food.  why market to them?  :P

 still when the revolution ends they will be the ones up against the

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Re: [newbie] (Drivers, open sourced or not.) was :Connexant HSF and HCF modems

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 06:42 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 02:42 pm, Franki did speak unto the huddled masses,

  The purists need to become realists..

 or just buy hardware from real companies (ie not those that can't play
neck if the US Gov, and Hollywood get there way, Building hardware will be 
the only alternative

  Its sad, but true, before you critisize a company for only releasing
  binary drivers, think about it form their point of view, and also, think
  about the many companies that don't get involved in linux drivers at
  all.. and be thankful that some of them at least had the vision to
  release ANY linux drivers at all, closed source or open.

 i agree, think from their view point.  the average linux user budgets
 things like video cards above things like food.  why market to them?  :P

 still when the revolution ends they will be the ones up against the

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Re: [newbie] Clarification on Pine Install.

2002-06-10 Thread Michael Adams

On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 11:25, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 04:05 pm, Bulloved wrote:
  When I mentioned that I thought that Pine was causing problems on my
  computer I failed to mention that I did the install into Windows, not
  Linux. I know this is anything but a Windows forum and I am not asking
  for assistance with Windows. My comments on the possible problems caused
  by the installation of Pine on my machine were in part thinking out loud
  and in part wondering if anybody else had had any similar problems
  resulting from installing pine on whatever OS.
  Thanks for all the feedback. I apologize for not being a little clearer
  in my original post.
  LTR  }}:{(

 Surely there has to be a pine list/page/newsgroup. I'm not familiar with
 pine, so I can't give you a link, but given pine's age and widespread
 usage, there has to be one. (It's _neither_ nor
 -- trust me, I know). Remember, Google is your friend!
 -- cmg

I opened software manager, searched pine, highlighted it, clicked the 
details tab. The web page it said was:
Didn't even visit it, i leave that enjoyment for you ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Clarification on Pine Install.

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 07:25 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 04:05 pm, Bulloved wrote:
  When I mentioned that I thought that Pine was causing problems on my
  computer I failed to mention that I did the install into Windows, not
  Linux. I know this is anything but a Windows forum and I am not asking
  for assistance with Windows. My comments on the possible problems caused
  by the installation of Pine on my machine were in part thinking out loud
  and in part wondering if anybody else had had any similar problems
  resulting from installing pine on whatever OS.
  Thanks for all the feedback. I apologize for not being a little clearer
  in my original post.
  LTR  }}:{(

 Surely there has to be a pine list/page/newsgroup. I'm not familiar with
 pine, so I can't give you a link, but given pine's age and widespread
 usage, there has to be one. (It's _neither_ nor
 -- trust me, I know). Remember, Google is your friend!
 -- cmg
try the University of Washington in Seattle

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 01:34 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 06:43 am, you wrote:
  I'm not sure about Live! 5.1 using the same drivers, though.  If it does
  you should be OK.  I had a Live! Platinum before, and that was pretty
  good, so either way I would say go ahead.  I had a Soundworks 4 speaker
  set which is not expensive, and liked it, but I have to say that this
  Video Logic set is even better and not much dearer.

 I have the Cambridge SoundWorks FPS2000 Digital, and I rather like them.

 However, I am still wondering if the drivers for this card that come with
 Mandrake 8.2 give me 4 separate channels or just 2 with those 2 mirrored to
 the rear outputs...
hmmm. my audigy loads an audigy module that shows as audigy in lsmod, and I 
am sitting here, just to check, I put ion  afew MP3s and listened, played the 
same mp3s in winders, and no difference in here the sound comes from that I 
can tell, however my rear speakers don't have a mixer that I can find ( I 
prolly told the mixer to hide it or something and now I have to click around 
to figure out how to get that menu back. 

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[newbie] Missing File During Install

2002-06-10 Thread Chirvan Edross

Hi there,

I am doing a hard drive install and downloaded what I thought were the
required files. Everything went well but during the install  - during the
formating of my partition it told me a file was missing. This is the error
that I received:

An error occured no found

Can anyone tell me in which directory this file can be found. Any help would
be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Chirvan Edross

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 07:52 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 01:34 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 10 June 2002 06:43 am, you wrote:
   I'm not sure about Live! 5.1 using the same drivers, though.  If it
   does you should be OK.  I had a Live! Platinum before, and that was
   pretty good, so either way I would say go ahead.  I had a Soundworks 4
   speaker set which is not expensive, and liked it, but I have to say
   that this Video Logic set is even better and not much dearer.
  I have the Cambridge SoundWorks FPS2000 Digital, and I rather like them.
  However, I am still wondering if the drivers for this card that come with
  Mandrake 8.2 give me 4 separate channels or just 2 with those 2 mirrored
  to the rear outputs...

 hmmm. my audigy loads an audigy module that shows as audigy in lsmod, and I
 am sitting here, just to check, I put ion  afew MP3s and listened, played
 the same mp3s in winders, and no difference in here the sound comes from
 that I can tell, however my rear speakers don't have a mixer that I can
 find ( I prolly told the mixer to hide it or something and now I have to
 click around to figure out how to get that menu back.
I also notice that audigy claims a couple of ohter modules too; 
soundcore   4452   4  [audigy]
ac97_codec  9664   0  [audigy]

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread FemmeFatale

et wrote:
  hmmm. my audigy loads an audigy module that shows as audigy in lsmod, and I
  am sitting here, just to check, I put ion  afew MP3s and listened, played
  the same mp3s in winders, and no difference in here the sound comes from
  that I can tell, however my rear speakers don't have a mixer that I can
  find ( I prolly told the mixer to hide it or something and now I have to
  click around to figure out how to get that menu back.
 I also notice that audigy claims a couple of ohter modules too;
 soundcore   4452   4  [audigy]
 ac97_codec  9664   0  [audigy]

don't have an ac97 soldered to your mobo do you?


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread FemmeFatale

et wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 01:34 pm, you wrote:
  On Monday 10 June 2002 06:43 am, you wrote:
   I'm not sure about Live! 5.1 using the same drivers, though.  If it does
   you should be OK.  I had a Live! Platinum before, and that was pretty
   good, so either way I would say go ahead.  I had a Soundworks 4 speaker
   set which is not expensive, and liked it, but I have to say that this
   Video Logic set is even better and not much dearer.
  I have the Cambridge SoundWorks FPS2000 Digital, and I rather like them.
  However, I am still wondering if the drivers for this card that come with
  Mandrake 8.2 give me 4 separate channels or just 2 with those 2 mirrored to
  the rear outputs...
 hmmm. my audigy loads an audigy module that shows as audigy in lsmod, and I
 am sitting here, just to check, I put ion  afew MP3s and listened, played the
 same mp3s in winders, and no difference in here the sound comes from that I
 can tell, however my rear speakers don't have a mixer that I can find ( I
 prolly told the mixer to hide it or something and now I have to click around
 to figure out how to get that menu back.

the mixer for your back speakers is not a normal thing in the Admix
package I don't believe... I think its part of the Options menu or
something.  Sorry I'm not that helpful.. :\

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread FemmeFatale

Charlie wrote:

  On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 13:34:27 -0400

 Under any Linux distribution SB Live! and Audigy use the same emu10k1
 drivers as far as I know. I thought it was a kernel module now but what the
 devil do I know?
 The project was being reworked the last time I checked since; as has been
 said here before, Audigy support falls under the bleeding edge category.
 Checking SourceForge just now I see EMU10K1 listed as Status 5:
 Production/Stable as of May 25.
 Here catch:
 As to Surround sound, if it ain't it's a damned good emulation! I have an
 older SB Live! Value Digital (4.1 for certain and the earliest iteration of
 5.1 from Creative Labs) and Altec Lansing speakers and it sure SEEMS like
 full surround! There are songs that are apparently starting in one speaker
 (front left for example) then building to include the rest in discrete
 I could be wrong, but I'm positive it sounds great. :-)

Heh good for you.  :)  Wish i had speakers that did that ... ah well.

thx for the linky!  Hadn't gotten around to looking :)


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:28:29 -0400, Bulloved [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all.
 After having made numerous attempts at installing various distros of Linux
 over a period of three years with no success,I was delighted to find that
 the Mandrake 8.2 installer worked without a hitch. I now have Mandrake 8.2
 installed and operational.
 The reason for the quotes around operational is that I have yet to actually
 do anything productive using Linux. In part that is because much of what I
 do with my computer is e-mail and I have yet to find a more than marginally
 useful e-mail client. I've tried K-Mail, Mozilla mail, Opera mail, Pine, and
 found them all to be useless. Pine may have actually been damaging to my
 system. Since installing it on the weekend I can not get Mozilla to work
 under windows and I am unable to use the Calypso program I mentioned. I
 don't know that the installation of Pine had anything to do with these
 troubles but I would like to uninstall it from my system but can't figure
 out how.

I seriously doubt that Pine could have messed up anything in Windows.

 I'm looking for a feature rich email client. One which I like in the windows
 environment is Calypso. The closer I could get to the functionality of
 Calypso the better. Any suggestions?

I haven't used Calypso, so I'm not quite sure what you're after. Have you tried
mutt, Sylpheed, Balsa or Evolution? Evolution would be your best bet if you
really need something feature rich. It's just like Outlook but better.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Gartner recommends that enterprises... immediately investigate alternatives to
[Microsoft] IIS, including moving Web applications to Web server software from
other vendors, such as iPlanet and Apache... [which] have much better security
records than IIS... Gartner remains concerned that viruses and worms will
continue to attack IIS until Microsoft has released a completely rewritten,
thoroughly and publicly tested, new release of IIS.
  -- John Pescatore, Information Security Strategies, Gartner Group, 2001-09-19.

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Re: [newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1 on 486 with 32Mb RAM

2002-06-10 Thread Dion Jensen

Hi Ka Wai TAM   
I think you are out on a challange / maybe getting over your head on
this installation. 

The machine (you have in mind) would not performe very well for MDK
8.x - Why don't you get the MDK 7.x - If you have a reconable or
normal netcard it will be detected. 

Even if you would succeed in installing MDK 8 on this machine, the
performance would not give the user any good impression of the


8.1 is supposed to be installable with 32Mb RAM, in text
 I have a 486, and upgraded its memory to 32Mb specifically so I
 install Mandrake.  (The computer can't handle more than 32Mb.)
 I boot from the floppy and install from the CD-ROM.  It recognizes
 non-standard Sony CD-ROM 31a (thank you, thank you, Mandrake!), but
 it says: not enough RAM for RAMdisk!  (Installation exiting
 Can anyone help me do a minimum text install for Mandrake in 32Mb
 I have a 500Mb hard drive (will happily upgrade if need be).
 I currently have RedHat Linux 5.1 installed, but I want to be able
 to use
 Mandrake's hardware autodetection.  Specifically, I want it to
 detect the
 Ethernet card; right now my Linux box isn't hooked up to the
 Ka Wai TAM   Shad 86W : EngSci 9T1 : PEng '93 : MEng '94 : MD '98 :
 CCFP '00
  ~{L7RN0~}  Ni parolu per Esperanto!
  Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] even if this email came from
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Kind Regards
Dion Jensen

64 Bayshore Road #05-05
469984  Singapore
Ph: +65 9792 5952

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Kickin' Party - Win a 5-star getaway to exotic Bali!

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Re: [newbie] ?

2002-06-10 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Jendos wrote:

 Somebody teach me, please!
 I have a very low frame rate in my Mandrake 7.2, when I try to playing all video 
files. Configuratinon is: K6-2 450, 128M.
 What can I do?
 Sorry for my English!


your english is worries. what kind of video card do you have? 

a.k.a. daRcmaTTeR
If your wife told you NOT to do it there's probably a real good reason!
Penguinized since 1997

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread Michael

On Monday 10 June 2002 05:34 pm, you wrote:

KMail is very functional and easy to use, but I wish it had an option to not 
preview a message until I explicitly tell it too, as I could do with Outlook 
Express.  I understand that I can take off html preview completely but that 
isn't what I want.

 On Monday 10 June 2002 04:39 pm, s wrote:
  On Monday 10 June 2002 03:37 pm, Gerald Waugh wrote:
   On Monday 10 June 2002 11:28 am, Bulloved wrote:
What Linux email clients do people on the list prefer?
   I like kmail
  Yeah, I vote for kmail too, tho after 30 or 40 thousand messages, it
  starts to choke.  :)(had to rename my Mail folder today).  :(

 My version has a delete function. Very useful. ;^)
 Back to the subject: Yes, kmail is a good application; I've been using it
 since November with no problems (other than the usual operator-error
 stuff.) -- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Surround Sound

2002-06-10 Thread et

On Monday 10 June 2002 09:22 pm, you wrote:
 et wrote:

   hmmm. my audigy loads an audigy module that shows as audigy in lsmod,
   and I am sitting here, just to check, I put ion  afew MP3s and
   listened, played the same mp3s in winders, and no difference in here
   the sound comes from that I can tell, however my rear speakers don't
   have a mixer that I can find ( I prolly told the mixer to hide it or
   something and now I have to click around to figure out how to get that
   menu back.
  I also notice that audigy claims a couple of ohter modules too;
  soundcore   4452   4  [audigy]
  ac97_codec  9664   0  [audigy]

 don't have an ac97 soldered to your mobo do you?
yep sure do... shut off in bios but still seen here and there

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Re: [newbie] Infrared working under Linux?

2002-06-10 Thread Simon Matthews

Yes, infrared does work,first make sure you have the irda-utils package
installed and running as a kernal module.

More info can be found by reading the IR HOWTO, or searching


First check that you have 
On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 05:01, Dimitris Ioannou wrote:
 Hello to all of you
 I've been trying to  install in a Dell Notebook 300MHZ a Canon BJC-85 Printer 
 and make it work via the infrared port but with no luck. I finally installed 
 it via the USB but I was just wondering if it was possible under Linux to 
 have it working with the infrared thing
 Registered Linux User 271321
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 Help Micro$oft stamp out piracy.Give Linux to a friend today.

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Re: [newbie] (Drivers, open sourced or not.) was :Connexant HSF and HCF modems

2002-06-10 Thread shane

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 10 June 2002 04:36 pm, et did speak unto the huddled masses, 

   The purists need to become realists..
  or just buy hardware from real companies (ie not those that can't play

 neck if the US Gov, and Hollywood get there way, Building hardware will
 be the only alternative

i guess you thought you owned those DVDs you bought?!?  the nerve of you 
linux freaks

- -- 
Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put 
a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 
End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH, the paint wouldn't even 
have time to dry.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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Re: [newbie] Lindows (Windows + Linux)OT now

2002-06-10 Thread Todd Slater

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:24:24 -0400

 On Monday 10 June 2002 09:00 am, you wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 03:54:56PM -0800, FARSHAD wrote:
   i have heard newly has been made a new operating system with name
   Lindows but i don't see this OS in markets , if everybody have
   more information about this OS please tell me ..
  There is a site called Google, which can be used to search the Web for
  all sorts of things. It is located at It is not
  the only search tool; you might, for example, try or
  Anyway, on these pages you can find a box in which you can type text.
  For instance, type lindows and press Enter. A page will be displayed
  with links to Web pages related to your search term.
  HTH :^)
  Give a man a fish . . .
 now Todd, we promised not to give RTFM and STW as the first answer...we
 want to be thought of as NiCe folks
 don't fish in MY pond buddy... LOL

Can't . . . stop. . . Must . . . teach . . . self-. . .reliance . . . and
. . . personal . . . responsibility . . . ahhh!!

I'm a Virgo, what can I say ;-)

Todd Slater
How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid? It
must be education that does it. (Alexandre Dumas)

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[newbie] cdrom drive problem in 8.1

2002-06-10 Thread Scott

I just installed 8.1 and stuck in a backup cd I had made in 8.0 before I 
installed 8.1.

I clicked on the cd icon and the file manager opened but I got the error 
message unsupported action: list/directory or something like that.
Also when I tried to eject the cd it would not eject and if I clicked on the 
cdrom icon it said it was already mounted or was busy.  I remembered a 
similar problem in 8.0, and the solution was to disable supermount with 
supermount -i disable as root, so I did that, and deleted the icon from the 
desktop and made a new one.  
Still the same problem though.

Any help appreciated.


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[newbie] cdrom problem in 8.1

2002-06-10 Thread Scott

I just installed 8.1 and popped in a back-up cd that I had made before the 
install.  I clicked on the cdrom icon and the file manager opened but there 
was a message that said unsupported action: list/directory or something 
like that, and files were not visible.
Also, when I closed the file manager and clicked on the icon again, it said 
it was already mounted or busy.  Remembering a similar problem in 8.0, I 
disabled supermount with supermount -i disable as root and deleted the icon 
and made another one. 
Same two problems still exist.
Any help appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread D. Olson

On Monday 10 June 2002 04:37 pm, you wrote:
 On Monday 10 June 2002 11:28 am, Bulloved wrote:

  What Linux email clients do people on the list prefer?

 I like kmail

Same here, but my wife uses Evolution.

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread Warren Post

I'm not familiar with Calypso, so I can't compare, but I use Evolution
1.0.2, and it certainly is full featured. It's also a bit buggy, so if
there's a more recent version grab it. Another full featured client is
Aethera, although I haven't tried it.


On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 09:28, Bulloved wrote:

 I'm looking for a feature rich email client. One which I like in the windows
 environment is Calypso. The closer I could get to the functionality of
 Calypso the better. Any suggestions?

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[newbie] searchbot

2002-06-10 Thread drwhat

howdy all...

I am looking for the linux equiv. to the windows program Copernic
its a searchbot, that searches thru google, altavista, yahoo, webcrawler, 
etc.. from one easy to use 'frontend.' ???

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Re: [newbie] (Drivers, open sourced or not.) was :Connexant HSF and HCF modems [OT]

2002-06-10 Thread robin

shane wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Monday 10 June 2002 04:36 pm, et did speak unto the huddled masses, 
The purists need to become realists..

or just buy hardware from real companies (ie not those that can't play

neck if the US Gov, and Hollywood get there way, Building hardware will
be the only alternative

 i guess you thought you owned those DVDs you bought?!?  the nerve of you 
 linux freaks


I'm waiting for the GNC (GNU Nanotechnology Compiler), then we can start 
a Free Hardware Foundation and build our own machines.  ;-)

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-10 Thread robin

Warren Post wrote:

 I'm not familiar with Calypso, so I can't compare, but I use Evolution
 1.0.2, and it certainly is full featured. It's also a bit buggy, 

Well they _did_ say they were trying to write something like Outlook ;-)

Seriously, though, Evolution is impressive.  I'm back with Mozilla for 
reasons I explained earlier, but if you want features, Evolution has 
them in bundles.  I particularly liked the summary page - all my 
favourite /. etc stories at a glance.

Sir Robin

So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies.

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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