Re: [newbie-it] in attesa di stampa-commento decisamente FT

2002-09-20 Thread Chiara Bianchi

Ciao Giorgio!
Con la Mandrake 8.2 finalmente sono riuscita a stampare con la Lezmark Z52 usb (ok, 
come stampante non è un granchè: è un rimasuglio d'ufficio che non ho pagato, perciò 
me la tengo stretta). Il problema è che ha da qualche mese dei problemi al sensore 
della carta, che generalmente risolvo smontandola e rimontandola dopo aver dato una 
pulita (quando ho tempo), altrimenti con shakeramenti e pugni (quando di tempo non ne 
ho e devo stampare a tutti costi). Da due settimane lo shakeramento non ha più 
effetto, ma stamattina magicamente la signorina ha deciso che c'era della carta 
(qualcuno ha mai visto Dark Star di Carpenter?) e sta stampando tutte le date dei 
concorsi di dottorato a Bologna (taaante pagine). Lo avevo messo in stampa appunto due 
settimane fa.
Perciò un saluto alle stampe fantasma di Giorgio e un grazie al consiglio di Fabio, 
utilissimo. Si possono eliminare i processi in coda anche dal control center-printer 
manager-alla voce jobs.
Un consiglio puramente empirico per chi ha problemi come il mio con la Lexmark: quando 
ha ripreso a funzionare, non spegnetela più! Altrimenti si dimentica che la volta 
prima aveva rilevato la carta e si ricomincia da capo.

Ciao dall'empirica Chiara che è molto contenta che la stampante malefica funzioni di 


On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 23:37:27 +0200
Fabio Manunza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alle 20:59, giovedì 19 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
  Ho acceso la stampante con linux in funzione dopo varie settimane e con mia
  grande sorpresa quella s'è messa immediatamente a stampare per conto suo
  roba di cui non ricordavo nemmeno l'esistenza; io sono rimasto a guardare
  come un allocco impagliato. Ho desunto che con linux la roba da stampare
  venga salvata sul disco fisso e rimanga lì fino a che non viene
  effettivamente stampata oppure fino a che non si dà l'ordine di eliminarla.
  E' giusto? Ho trovato nel centro di controllo - gestore stampa un posto
  dove si possono eliminare i documenti in attesa, però mi sembra che anche
  così si ottenga di fermare la stampante solo dopo aver riavviato. C'è un
  sistema più semplice per fermare la baracca?
 Hai provato a dare un'occhiata alla configurazione www di cups?
 Io la trovo molto utile, paragonabile per impostazione al webmin;
 se non la trovi immediatamente da menù, apri konquror, e scegli come indirizzo
 http://localhost:631 .
 -- Fabio Manunza -- 
## n° macchina 140545 ##

via Piemonte 19
41037 Mirandola (MO)
Tel. +39 0535/614355
Mob. +39 338/9464840
Fax  178 226 75 49
Scarica il nuovo Yahoo! Messenger: con webcam, nuove faccine e tante altre novità.

Re: [newbie-it] grub.conf, anyone?

2002-09-20 Thread Marco Baciarello

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 12:21 am, paolo brusasco wrote:

 puoi farlo anche tramite interfaccia grafica.

 sotto 8.2 era così:

Effettivamente è così anche in 9.0, ma con LILO è più immediato quindi 
sono passato a quest'ultimo...

 dicono che nella 9 hanno cambiato il control center...

Soprattutto graficamente... Per quanto riguarda la sezione boot non ci 
sono molte differenze, anzi credo nessuna.

 p.s questa è la lista in italiano.

Eheh ops... Mi sono lievemente confuso...



marco baciarello

[newbie-it] mplayer e dvd

2002-09-20 Thread piero

dopo lunga e penosa malattia sono riuscito a compilare mplayer 0.9 pre 7. 
purtroppo misono accorto solo dopo che i dvd se li va a cercare in /dev/dvd 
anzichè in mnt/cdrom (dove ho il lettore) ho letto che esiste l'opzione da 
linea di comando per spostare la ricerca sul cdrom , ma per esigenze di 
famiglia devo usare il programma con gm player.
Pensandoci forse potrei ingannare con un link, ma data la mia scarsa 
esperienza vorrei un suggerimento prima di andare a fare dei danni

grazie a chiunque abbia una soluzione piero

[newbie-it] R: ext2 - swap

2002-09-20 Thread Sjoker

Salve a tutti,
Ma usando il DiskDrake per creare un'altra partizione che prende lo spazio da
una partizione con Win, mica vengono cancellati tutti i dati su quest'ultima???
E come faccio a vedere se ci sono parti di filesystem??


 rimpicciolisci la partizione fat32
 l'importante è non avere parti di filesystem nello spazio che rendi
 quindi disabilita lo swap prima del riavvio di win$, quindi scandisk
 e defrag e puoi installare mandrake.



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Re: [newbie-it] R: ext2 - swap

2002-09-20 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 14:48, venerdì 20 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
 Ma usando il DiskDrake per creare un'altra partizione che prende lo spazio
 da una partizione con Win, mica vengono cancellati tutti i dati su
 quest'ultima??? E come faccio a vedere se ci sono parti di filesystem??


Lo strumento di defrag serve appunto ad evitare simili pericoli, raggruppando 
all'inizio della partizione tutti i file di win, assolvendo così ad una 
doppia funzione: riordina il tuo HD, permettendoti di avere un accesso ai 
file più veloce e ti permette, appunto, di poter disporre come meglio credi 
della parte di disco non occupata dai file.
Di tutto questo, una volta passato a Linux, potrai fare materiale per il tuo 
cestino: il tasso di frammentazione infatti, per le caratteristiche di 
scrittura su disco proprie di questo sistema, difficilmente può superare il 

-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] R: ext2 - swap

2002-09-20 Thread Daniele Micci

Alle 14:48, venerdì 20 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
 Salve a tutti,
 Ma usando il DiskDrake per creare un'altra partizione che prende lo spazio
 da una partizione con Win, mica vengono cancellati tutti i dati su
 quest'ultima??? E come faccio a vedere se ci sono parti di filesystem??


E' sufficiente che tu esegua - per sicurezza - il defrag (o altra roba 
analoga) su Windows, poi riavvii ed usi il DiskDrake... io ho installato 
finora diverse versioni di Linux, spesso modificando le partizioni esistenti, 
e non mi è mai successo di perdere dati nella partizione di Windows. 
Ovviamente, se hai dati importanti, è sempre consigliabile adottare un 
livello di precauzione in più e fare un bel backup!


Re: [newbie-it] Tema Liquid di Mosfet

2002-09-20 Thread Fabio Z.

From: Milko Ferioli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [newbie-it] Tema Liquid di Mosfet
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 00:09:09 -0400

Ciao sto cercando il tema Liquid di Mosfet ma ho dei preblemi a trovarlo,
qualcuno sa' indicarmi dove reperirlo.

Ciao   Milko

Per trovare i temi per KDE e le istruzioni per installarli, puoi andare al 
sito; lì c'è proprio di tutto e di più.

MSN Hotmail è il provider email più grande al mondo… cosa aspetti a farti un 

Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-20 Thread Arwan

Alle 21:02, martedì 17 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, Giorgio Griffon hai scritto: 

  In seguito al lancio di uno script (NB: il disgraziato che me l'ha
  fornito e' in lista, si cosparga in capo di cenere e venga a me in
  ginocchio! Lui e i suoi esperimenti :-) ) 

 :-) Lo script incriminato serve a montare automaticamente le MIE partizioni
 FAT: senza dover scrivere ogni volta mount questa qui, mount quella lì,
 le monta tutte e buona notte. Naturalmente è predisposto sulla base dei
 nomi che le partizioni hanno nel MIO fstab; io te l'avevo mandato solo
 perché ci guardassi dentro, non per lanciarlo così com'era. 

Permetti... ma dopo anni passati a _non_ lanciare assolutamente gli allegati, 
adesso mi sfogo... ;-)

(btw: ho un file - binario, credo - .exe per Win$ che vorrei vedere... 
dovrebbe essere una delle solita boiate che circolano in rete, ma sono 
curiosa. C'e' un modo per lanciarlo?)

 La sintassi è
 una banalità unica, perché, dopo aver specificato la shell da usare, c'è
 una serie di righe ognuna delle quali riporta pari pari il comando che
 verrebbe dato in un terminale per montare una singola partizione;

visto, visto... tanto banale che nn  ha nemmeno i riferimenti ai CD... ;-) 

 non c'è nessun riferimento a dispositivi
 diversi da hda, per cui non capisco come abbiano fatto ad incasinarsi i CD

Appunto, come dicevo io! E' questo il bello del misfatto!

 e anche se si fossero incasinati il montaggio dovrebbe valere solo
 fino a che non riavvii il computer. Piuttosto, cosa ci fa nel tuo fstab il
 riferimento a hdb per il lettore CD? Lì ci va hdd! 

Nossignore: nei collegamenti quadrupli dei miei dispositivi, il lettore CD e' 
lo slave del disco primario, quindi hdb. Hdd e' lo slave del secondario, che 
nel mio caso corrisponde al vecchio HD da (ecco! Vi vedo che ridete!) 245 Mb.

 Di più non so dire,
 casomai ti mando il mio fstab in separata sede.

Ummm... sabato/domenica ci lavoro su, poi ti dico.

 Il programmino ciao puoi
 farlo andare tranquillamente, è un programma che serve a salutare.

Ho visto. Ottimo, prima o poi m'insegni... :-)


Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-20 Thread Arwan

Alle 19:38, giovedì 19 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, Fabio Manunza hai scritto: 

 Ho dato quella indicazione perchè ho visto che Arwan (da fstab) aveva
 indicato l'emulazione SCSI anche per il lettore CD (questo immagino per
 poter fare copie al volo con applicazioni tipo XCD-Roast);

ecco... proprio cosi'. (anche se sono dieci mesi che non masterizzo piu' da 

 in quanto a
 problemi inerenti all'attivazione suddetta, ti assicuro che sono
 assolutamente infondati: il sistema gestisce l'emulazione senza problemi,
 sia per l'una, che per l'altra periferica..

E prima del lancio dello script andava tutto benone... almeno...


Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-20 Thread Arwan

Alle 18:49, giovedì 19 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, paolo brusasco hai scritto: 

 secondo me in contrasto con quanto scrive fabio manunza (scusa) devi
 avere questa riga scritta in questa maniera con indicato SOLO il
 masterizzatore hdc e non anche il lettore hdb (a meno che il lettore sia
 scasi..) perchè non hai nessun motivo di attivare l'intefaccia ide-scsi
 sul lettore; anzi questo potrebbe giocare scherzi all'interfaccia scsi.
 se vuoi prova (e fai il reboot) (così poi puoi prendertela...)

Ho un lettore CD tradizionale, ma l'emulazione scsi anche per lui non mi 
permette poi, masterizzando di fare i CD al volo? L'avevo messa per quello...


Re: [newbie-it] R: ext2 - swap

2002-09-20 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:48, venerdì 20 settembre 2002, Sjoker ha scritto:

  rimpicciolisci la partizione fat32
  l'importante è non avere parti di filesystem nello spazio che
  rendi disponibile.
  quindi disabilita lo swap prima del riavvio di win$, quindi
  scandisk e defrag e puoi installare mandrake.

 Salve a tutti,
 Ma usando il DiskDrake per creare un'altra partizione che prende lo
 spazio da una partizione con Win, mica vengono cancellati tutti i
 dati su quest'ultima??? E come faccio a vedere se ci sono parti di


appunto, facendo come ti ho sugerito..
1. scandisk controllerà lo stato del tuo disco, risolvendo eventuali puntatori a dati 
scritti in modo ambiguo o sovrapposizioni e cosette varie alle quali fat ci ha abituato
2. la rimozione del file di swap eviterà che ci siano dati inamovibili, anche per 
3. defrag compatterà i dati nella parte iniziale del tuo disco, lasciando pulita 
quella da destinare a linuccio..

..come fare a vedere la 'quantità' di spazio libero?

lo stesso defrag, a spannometro ti permette di vedere se hai o meno superato una 
percentuale di disco, idem tra le proprietà dei dischi puoi vedere lo spazio libero..


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] R: ext2 - swap

2002-09-20 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 16:39, venerdì 20 settembre 2002, Fabio Manunza ha scritto:

 Lo strumento di defrag serve appunto ad evitare simili pericoli,
 raggruppando all'inizio della partizione tutti i file di win,
 assolvendo così ad una doppia funzione: riordina il tuo HD,
 permettendoti di avere un accesso ai file più veloce..

he he..
è improprio..

..diciamo meno lento
visto che la frammentazione rallenta solo...

magari si potesse velocizzarlo l'accesso ai dati su FS fat32..

..inventeresti ext2...



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] HP omnibook xe 4500

2002-09-20 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 00:54, mercoledì 18 settembre 2002, miKe ha scritto:

  Problemi durante l'installazione su un laptop HP omnibook xe

..mi riallaccio: 


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] ancora di driver nvidia

2002-09-20 Thread miKe

Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:04, venerdì 20 settembre 2002, piero ha scritto:

 esclusi) cmq i giochi tipo tux racer non andavano e il driver che
 avevo impostato era NV. Bene per errore sono andato nel mandrake
 control center e ho giocherellato con la sk video e ho impostato
 l'accelerazione strano ma vero tutto ok impostazioni accettate. Non
 solo i giochi funzionano senza problemi e (meraviglia...
 miracolo... boh) il file Xf86config-4 si è duplicato... cioè uno è
 diventato .old che era quello editato da me perfare funzionare X
 quello nuovo (ed utilizzato dal sistema) ha come driver indovinate
 ... NVIDIA che funziona :-)

è la prima cosa che dice di fare nel readme...

sostituire nv con nvidia 
e rimuovere la chiamata (se c'è)
a  librerie che andrebbero in conflitto..

 Al di la della storia qualcuno mi riesce a spiegare perchè senza
 installare nulla adesso ho (credo) l'accelerazione?

lasciando nv continuavi a caricare il modulo nv..

man nv

ti spiega tutto!!

 ciao piero


Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.19  hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] ancora di driver nvidia

2002-09-20 Thread Fabio Manunza

Alle 19:04, venerdì 20 settembre 2002, hai scritto:
 ... Fino ad arrivare dove nessun uomo è mai giunto prima.
 Scusate la citazione molto teatrale ma volevo aggiungere un chicca (?) la
 3d Premesso che ho installato i driver sul pc uguale al mio di un amico,
 voi direte perchè nn sul tuo giusto ! è miracolosamente apparsa
 l'accelezione della skeda!!!
 Se ricordate avevo accennato alla presenza di file tipo driver installati
 dalla distro (strano visto che mdk diceva di averli esclusi) cmq i giochi
 tipo tux racer non andavano e il driver che avevo impostato era NV.
 Bene per errore sono andato nel mandrake control center e ho giocherellato
 con la sk video e ho impostato l'accelerazione strano ma vero tutto ok
 impostazioni accettate. Non solo i giochi funzionano senza problemi e
 (meraviglia... miracolo... boh) il file Xf86config-4 si è duplicato... cioè
 uno è diventato .old che era quello editato da me perfare funzionare X
 quello nuovo (ed utilizzato dal sistema) ha come driver indovinate ...
 NVIDIA che funziona :-)
 Al di la della storia qualcuno mi riesce a spiegare perchè senza installare
 nulla adesso ho (credo) l'accelerazione?

 ciao piero

 ps male che vada se conoscete un buon infoesorcista.. ;-)

A costo di dire una c**ta, mi sembra di ricordare che per rendere attive le 
modifiche nel file X86-Config si debba riavviare il sistema (prendere con 
beneficio del dubbio, mi sa tanto di retaggio win-style..)
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] ancora di driver nvidia

2002-09-20 Thread Ale

Non è che ora il driver in XF86Config-4 è fbdev?

Re: [newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom

2002-09-20 Thread Arwan

Alle 10:56, giovedì 19 settembre 2002, contorcendoti la mente su Re: 
[newbie-it] Gli scherzi dei CDrom, Fabio Manunza hai scritto: 

 No, perchè questo output è in contraddizione con il fstab che hai spedito
 nella tua prima lettera; dato che nella tua successiva hai dichiarato di
 aver modificato di conseguenza fstab, controlla ora che lilo.conf contenga
 il necessario append per l'emulazioe SCSI nella forma
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi quiet
 che dovrebbe rimetterti tutto a posto.

Ho trovato l'inghippo... avevo messo a posto anche il lilo, ma mancava il 
quiet, che non sapevo di dover aggiungere. Resta il mistero del perche' 
prima di lanciare lo script funzionasse...

 P.S. Per sicurezza (a me è successo), controlla anche che le icone sul
 desktop puntino al device giusto...

Non temere: non faccio uso di cotali svincoli (che ho ed erano a posto). 
Avevo riscontrato il problema andando direttamente nelle cartelle incriminate.

Grazie a tutti (Giorgio compreso!)

Arwan nuovamente felice...

Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread Stefano Pogliani

Well, it seems that the i18n CD is not 600 MB, but something like 400MB.

Is this allright ?


John Richard Smith wrote:

 This morning 06.14am BST,  just 124.1 MB into a 694.3 MB download
 the dutch site somehow managed to tell my downloader that this file was
 complete, and ever since has refused to restart.

 Is anyone else having trouble downloading  latest beta versions ?


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-20 Thread robin

Chad wrote:

Here is some code that might help you on your way:

I replaced all the  characters with the [ character so the email would not
be in HTML, just in case.

I tested it with I.E. 5.5 (I'm a little warm from time spent in hell) and it
works.  I.E. does pop up a windows saying something like the page you are
viewing wants to close the browser.  allow this?  yes  no

Good luck.

[titleThis page shuts the M$ IE down[/title
[script language= JavaScript
function ismicrosoft()
{var BrowserTyp;
var Text = Hello!\n\nYou are using the Microsuck InterNet Explorer as
browser. \n+Due to this fact you are NOT welcome on this page. Go and
download some other+navigator.\n Have a nice day;   BrowserTyp =
if (BrowserTyp == Microsoft Internet Explorer)
[body  onload=ismicrosoft();return true
[h1You're lucky. You don't use a Micro$oft IE Browser. May the force be
with you !!! :[/h1
[h2[a HREF=shut_ie_down.htmlBACK[/a[/h2

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Warren Post
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 11:26 PM
To: Newbie list
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

Looks great, Todd. Cracks me up, in fact. A few nitpicking comments:

1. Microsoft never says Internet Explorer. They always say Microsoft
Internet Explorer. Consider doing the same. It will help the public
remember not only that MSIE sucks but also what company is responsible
for this sucky product.

2. Luckily? Perhaps thankfully or happily is the word you want. A
good browser isn't made with luck.

3. Ditto assholes. The webmasters that I know who make MSIE only sites
aren't assholes, they're incompetent.

4. Make sure your code can distinguish between MSIE and a browser
falsely identifying itself as MSIE.

Very important point.  IIRC, Opera masquerades as IE by default.

Great job. Let us know the URL once it's up.


I'm not sure about some of this.  While IE pisses me off, and I even 
tried out a script like this once just for fun, I still think it's a 
principle of web design that anyone should be able to view the site (and 
feel welcome!) no matter what browser they're using.  By all means have 
an unintrusive message advising IE users of the alternatives, just as, 
for example, I have some small print on one of my sites explaining how 
the CSS may not come out right in some non-standards-compliant browsers, 
but you are NOT welcome is a bit strong.  

Sir Robin

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those
 who understand binary and those who don't -

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] OT help writing my deny IE page

2002-09-20 Thread et

 I'm not sure about some of this.  While IE pisses me off, and I even
 tried out a script like this once just for fun, I still think it's a
 principle of web design that anyone should be able to view the site (and
 feel welcome!) no matter what browser they're using.  By all means have
 an unintrusive message advising IE users of the alternatives, just as,
 for example, I have some small print on one of my sites explaining how
 the CSS may not come out right in some non-standards-compliant browsers,
 but you are NOT welcome is a bit strong.

 Sir Robin
I have to agree with Robin, I still feel as though the best viewed with any 
damn Browser other than MSIE, get one here radio button, and maybe sucking 
some other info (like when they installed windows last, or how many cookies 
say doubleclick) and telling them since they use M$IE all sorts of 
information is available to whom ever wants to know personal stuff about 
them, might get as much respect and still seem to be enlightening, 
informing, helpfull and welcoming even those whom continue to suffer in 
ignorance to use M$ products. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread John Richard Smith

Stefano Pogliani wrote:

 Well, it seems that the i18n CD is not 600 MB, but something like 

 Is this allright ?


 John Richard Smith wrote:

 This morning 06.14am BST, @ just 124.1 MB into a 694.3 MB download
 the dutch site somehow managed to tell my downloader that this file was
 complete, and ever since has refused to restart.

 Is anyone else having trouble downloading  latest beta versions ?



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

Not according to the website


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread John Richard Smith

Stefano Pogliani wrote:

 I was looking to a couple of mirrors in france...
 Which mirro are you looking at ?


 John Richard Smith wrote:

 Stefano Pogliani wrote:

 Well, it seems that the i18n CD is not 600 MB, but something like 

 Is this allright ?


 John Richard Smith wrote:

 This morning 06.14am BST, @ just 124.1 MB into a 694.3 MB download
 the dutch site somehow managed to tell my downloader that this file 
 complete, and ever since has refused to restart.

 Is anyone else having trouble downloading latest beta versions ?



 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? Go to

 Not according to the website


I use NT downloader,
In this programme , there is a facility to search for mirrors, well
there are many more than the programme comes up with, but that is 
because I limit
the search to 15, the messup this morning was on one of the two dutch 
sites, currently
I am on a UK site, but quite honestly it doesn't matter all that much. 
If you want a bit
more soffistication in choosing mirror sites , then getright is better, 
because not
only does it provide a list of mirror sites for you but it can be set to 
search the
net over a given period , say for every 4 hours, and then ping each in 
turn, assess
which is the fastest available , and relogs on at that site, this also 
has the advantage
that the preasure on the net is evened out some, which is a very good thing.
Unfortunately NT cannot, as yet do this, so you have to manually ping 
your mirror
list and choose for yourself.


John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] crontab and xmms?

2002-09-20 Thread Patrik Marxer


Just in case there is somebody out there who is also not smart enough to 
understand that cron doesn't get the environment variables from the bash: 
one must set it manually.

So the crontab now works and looks like this:


* * * * * /bin/bash /home/pm/bin/showMe

Thank you Navin,

On Friday 20 September 2002 04:16, Navin Daryanani wrote:
 you need to set the DISPLAY env variable. I had the same problem earlier
 and I used that var and also needed to set HOME (I think).


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[newbie] configuration of Snort IDS

2002-09-20 Thread Vandenbore Sebastiaan

I have snort running on my system, but it logs some stuff that I don't need.
Can I set it up in any way that it doesn't log the connections from my 
computer to the proxies I'm using ( 213.224.83.x ) ?

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[newbie] Default Colors

2002-09-20 Thread Mike Settle

I just installed MD8.2 on one of the machines here - How do I change the
default color scheme (currently very-dark-blue on not-quite-so-dark-blue)
*BEFORE* going into KDE and/or Gnome?


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Re: [newbie] configuration of Snort IDS

2002-09-20 Thread Chris Slater-Walker

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Vandenbore Sebastiaan wrote:

 I have snort running on my system, but it logs some stuff that I don't need.
 Can I set it up in any way that it doesn't log the connections from my
 computer to the proxies I'm using ( 213.224.83.x ) ?

I'm a newcomer to Snort myself, so the following may be partially or
totally incorrect, but you might like to try it:

in the /etc/snort.conf file (check the location of that file!), there
should be an item that looks like:


This Snort variable tells Snort which networks are internal. So, for
example, if you want to tell Snort that all of the 213.224.83.x network is
an internal network, you put this in snort.conf:


You can also include other networks in your definition, e.g.:


Now many of the Snort rules use the $EXTERNAL_NET and $MY_NET variables to
determine whether there is a potential attack, so if Snort knows which
networks are internal then it won't report traffic from those networks as
an attack.

You _might_ also need to change the $EXTERNAL_NET variable to _exclude_
the networks you have defined for $MY_NET, e.g.:


Like I said, this is all I can tell you with my limited experience. If
anyone out there knows better, please let us both know!


Chris Slater-Walker

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[newbie] Intel 845GL graphics and C-Media CMI 9738 sound support in mandrake 9.0

2002-09-20 Thread L.V.Gandhi

I am thinking of a new P IV and suitable  mother board. I want to know whether 
mandrake 9.0 supports out of the box intel 845 GL on board graphics and 
C-Media CMI 9738 onboard sound.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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[newbie] rmpv what is this?

2002-09-20 Thread David Seuferer

 I've noticed that everyso often my hard drive starts to thrash.
When I do a TOP it always shows RMPV running and using roughly
45% of my cpu.  It looks like it is scheduled to run with CRON.  What
is this program?  Mandrake 8.2.

David Seuferer, CNE
Ames Laboratory
Information Systems
fax: (515) 294-5638
phone: (515) 294-6053

It comes in pints!?Pippin

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[newbie] Sorry I mean RPMV!

2002-09-20 Thread David Seuferer

Sorry, I said RMPV but meant RPMV.

David Seuferer, CNE
Ames Laboratory
Information Systems
fax: (515) 294-5638
phone: (515) 294-6053

It comes in pints!?Pippin

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[newbie] HP Office Jet resolution

2002-09-20 Thread Peregrinf

I've got my HP OfficeJet 720 printer working on my WalMart 
Mandrake 8.2 using the CUPS HP DeskJet 550C driver, but it's only 
giving me 300dpi resolution. The printer supports 600dpi and at one 
time I thought I stumbled across a WWW based configuration tool that 
offered that, but now I can't find it again. Does anyone have any 
suggestions as to  how to find it, or some other way to increase the 

Thanks in advance. 

Dennis Fowler

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Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread John Richard Smith

Stefano Pogliani wrote:

 What is NT downloader ?
 I just browsed in the site


Go to,
Type   ntinto the field and download the rpm's

It's linux equivelant of vfat downloader called getright.

nt  is pritty good, except for being less intelligent with the use of 
mirror sites.
Don't ask me why it's called nt , I don't think the programme 
maintainers know.
Anyone for a guess,  how aboutnot today ? or nifty transferer, or 
natty try.


John Richard Smith


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Re: [newbie] Upcoming addition of Linux to XP system

2002-09-20 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Thursday 19 September 2002 10:12 pm, Michael Notforyou wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-09-19 at 20:30, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

  On Thursday 19 September 2002 06:40 pm, Steven Kopischke wrote:
   Steven Kopischke
   Green Bay, WI USA
  Looks good, and sounds like fun. One suggestion though: I've had better
  luck confining Partition Magic to the WIndows stuff only, and using the
  Mandrake tools for Linux. (Although it might have been operator error...

 DO NOT use diskdrake (linux tools) to resize an NTFS partition. YOU
 WILL LOSE ALL YOUR DATA!!! DON'T DO IT! If in doubt, force
 DiskDrake work on THAT ONLY!!!

  -- cmg

Errr, that's what I thought I wrote, albeit in a less emphatic mode. My 
apologies if it wasn't clear. My point was that I had a problem with using PM 
to manipulate Linux partitions in the past. (I can't remember the exact 
details, but it was probably back around 7.1/7.2 days.) I used PM to set up 
vaious Windows and linux partitions, do the formatting, etc. It seemed to 
work for a few days when a massive failure of the linux filesystem occurred. 
I didn't bother to do a root cause analysis, but since then I've confined PM 
usage to Windows partitions only, and DiskDrake to Linux partitions, and life 
has been good.

And, if you stop and think about it, are there really any advantages to using 
PM for Linux? DiskDrake provides far more options, and is probably quicker.

-- cmg

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[newbie] Can I assign IRQ's manually

2002-09-20 Thread J Herzfeld

My system basically works.  I have an Nvidia agp video board and I 
am having  trouble getting  agp graphics without crashing.

If I use the kernel agp module (agpgart), I crash almost immediately
(Which is supposed to happen with the Intel 440LX PCI bus)
If I use the Nvidia AGP, it takes longer but I almost always crash.

Right now I am running without agp, which seems kind of pointless.

I think I might have an IRQ conflict since it looks like both my
video card and a TV tuner card (ATI TV Wonder VE) are using the 
same IRQ.

So, can I assign IRQ's manually? (To at least one of these cards)
How do I do it?

Mandrake 8.2 system.
Dell Pentium II 233, 128 megs memory


John Herzfeld

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Re: [newbie] Intel 845GL graphics and C-Media CMI 9738 sound support in mandrake 9.0

2002-09-20 Thread s

On Thursday 19 September 2002 09:13 pm, L.V.Gandhi wrote:
 I am thinking of a new P IV and suitable  mother board. I want to
 know whether mandrake 9.0 supports out of the box intel 845 GL on
 board graphics and C-Media CMI 9738 onboard sound.

I've been reading about a lot of trouble with those on the cooker list 
and the mdk ngs.  I guess there might be work arounds tho I couldn't 
put my finger on them, but I didn't look too hard as I went athlon my 
last hardware upgrade and only wanted to pass a link on to some 
unfortunate souls on ngs.  Wish I could be more specific, but if you 
search the cooker archives, you might come up with something.  

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Re: [newbie] Sorry I mean RPMV!

2002-09-20 Thread s

On Friday 20 September 2002 08:41 am, David Seuferer wrote:
 Sorry, I said RMPV but meant RPMV.

I just read this on cooker list in reference to similar inquiry you 

I see. That's the security check by msec that's enabled by default in
security level 3. You can customize that or use level 2.  It amounts 
to a rpm -qa.


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Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread Charles A Edwards

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 15:16:22 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What is NT downloader ?
  I just browsed in the site
 Go to,
 Type   ntinto the field and download the rpm's
 It's linux equivelant of vfat downloader called getright.

nt does not exist under that name any longer.
It is now d4x (Downloader for Xwindows).


Call immediately.  Time is running out.  We both need to do something
monstrous before we die.
-- Message from Ralph Steadman to Hunter Thompson
Charles A Edwards

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Re: [newbie] HP Office Jet resolution

2002-09-20 Thread John Richard Smith

Peregrinf wrote:

I've got my HP OfficeJet 720 printer working on my WalMart 
Mandrake 8.2 using the CUPS HP DeskJet 550C driver, but it's only 
giving me 300dpi resolution. The printer supports 600dpi and at one 
time I thought I stumbled across a WWW based configuration tool that 
offered that, but now I can't find it again. Does anyone have any 
suggestions as to  how to find it, or some other way to increase the 

Thanks in advance. 

Dennis Fowler



Does none of the other Officejet calagories work with it,
I see there is an officejet710 for instance.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] nfs permission denied

2002-09-20 Thread Mike Barnard

I have just finished setting up nfs exports to machines on a network (server LM8.1 and clients LM 8.1 and SuSE 7.2). im using NISfor logins into the linux boxes. previously, it exported all home directories well on every login. but after i changed the path of the home directories from /home/std to /home/students, everything went crazy. NIS still logs in well for the SuSE boxes but the are no exports at all, not the home directories or the other shared directories. I always get the message on the client side mount : /home/students failed, reason given by server: Permision denied and so is the case with the other exportson the server, the /var/log/messages gives me this reportrpc.mountd: refused mount request from ( for /home/students (/home/students): no DNS forward lookup!
all my permissions are set up OK, my name server is running well. is there anything im missing out on???On the LM 8.1 client boxes, NIS has totally refused every attempt to make it function. i have set up everything but failed to get the message YP_PROC DOMAIN NOT BOUND and cant log in either.wouldnt mind so pointer to help me out. thanks Mike(please send a reply also to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

___Be Unique! Get your personalized email address at

[newbie] Changing hda

2002-09-20 Thread Fred Fraley

Last time I tried this I managed to lose my /home partition, so I'm going to 
ask for help first, this time :-)  How do I manage this without losing 
I'm going to remove /dev/hda, the original 30 gig HD, from this machine.  I 
am keeping /dev/hdb (60 gig), which will become the only HD on the system for 
the moment.  
At this time the system boots from hda.  hda has everything on it except one 
user's home directory, /home/dad. 
I have plenty of room to play with while switching things.  Usage is:

[root@[EMAIL PROTECTED] ffraley]$ df
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 3.4G  1.4G  1.9G  41% /
/dev/hda6  15G  9.6G  4.4G  69% /home
/dev/hdb1  11G  132M   11G   2% /home/dad
/dev/hda1  11G  8.7G  1.4G  87% /mnt/windows

I am not going to be reinstalling MSwindows on this machine but it does need 
to be on the 30 gig HD and working (a relative term) when things are 
finished.  I will also be dual-booting MDK from the 30 gig after installing 
it on my wife's new machine.
Can someone point me to a cheat sheet for this, or list the steps?  


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Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread John Richard Smith

Charles A Edwards wrote:



Go to,
Type   ntinto the field and download the rpm's

It's linux equivelant of vfat downloader called getright.

nt does not exist under that name any longer.
It is now d4x (Downloader for Xwindows).


That appears to be correct I've just downloaded d4x and compiled the 
mandrake src rpm
and installed it , it looks remarkeably the same and nt though even sits 
on the same /usr/bin/nt



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] [OT]Nondeliverable messages?

2002-09-20 Thread Charlie M.

On Thursday 19 September 2002 6:33 pm, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:

 snip On Thu 2002-09-19 at 14:24:28 -0600, Charlie  M. wrote:

 Just to make that clear, if it was not by now: The reason of such
 bounces is that the configuration of the MDA (the local delivery
 machine) of a subscriber, i.e. the recipient (or its ISP) is broken.

 The trigger for such bounces may have any reason. I have seen full
 mailboxes, deleted accounts, misconfigured firewall, misconfigured DNS
 entries, whatever.

 Normally you do not see such bounces, because the mandrake server is
 the sender (via the mailing list) and as such should receive such
 bounces. Due to some misconfiguration the receiving machine decided to
 bounce to the wrong address, namely the From: instead of Sender:
 and that's why people get these annoying messages. At least, AFAIK. ;)

 Have fun,


Thanks Benjamin! Insatiable curiosity somewhat ameliorated for the present.

The fact that knowledgeable people answer my silly questions/complaints on 
these mailing lists is just another reason I am so devoted to Mandrake. :-)

The addictive nature of v9.0 so far may be another.
Registered user 244963 at
Life -- Love It or Leave It.

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Re: [newbie] [OT]Nondeliverable messages?

2002-09-20 Thread Charlie M.

On Thursday 19 September 2002 7:14 pm, Frans Ketelaars wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 22:53:10 +0100

 John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Charlie M. wrote:
  I'm getting Nondeliverable message notices from:
  every time I send a message to this list. I don't recall ever sending
   anything direct to this person and if they don't choose to read my
   messages that's fine. This seems to say there is no such address
  Am I the only one this is happening to?
  This is all I get back:
  --Transcript of session follows ---
  The system cannot find the path specified.
  plus my messages returned as attachments. Both messages from today were
   posted and I don't have a reply to address specified in this mail
   client so why do I get this direct if the message is undeliverable?
   Shouldn't this be going to sympa?
  I have had this problem for some time, and it has only ever occured
  in regard to newbie listings.Now I subscribe to other lists and messages
  to them do not have this problem, I therefore suspect some of these
  postfix, sendmail, and spam assassins are working overtime.somewhere.
  John Richard Smith

 So, [EMAIL PROTECTED] , do you really exist? (in cyberspace atm I



Maybe not.

It's somehow all my fault. A figment of my imagination. I may not be 
responsible, but it's my fault. Whatever it is.

Just ask my ex. :-)
Registered user 244963 at
No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife in the shoulder blades will seriously
cramp his style.

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Re: [newbie] Upcoming addition of Linux to XP system

2002-09-20 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 20 September 2002 11:10 am, Steven Kopischke wrote:
 Will diskdrake run from the ISO CD(s)?


Yup. It's called up as part of the installation process. Works fine. Just be 
sure to read the fine print. Oh, since it doesn't actually write anything to 
your drives until you explicitly tell it to do so, you can always back out at 
the last moment if you see something that you don't like.
There's a good explanation of partitioning and installation process in 
Chapters 3 and 4 of the Mandrake Installation and User Guide that comes with 
the boxed sets and, IIRC, is also available on-line via a link on the 
Mandrake home page. It's probably for 8.2, but I expect that any changes are 
mostly in the details; the meat of it should be the same. Recommended reading.
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] nfs permission denied

2002-09-20 Thread Ronald J. Hall

On Friday 20 September 2002 10:35 am, you wrote:
 I have just finished setting up nfs exports to machines on a network
 (server LM8.1 and clients LM 8.1 and SuSE 7.2). im using NIS for logins
 into the linux boxes. previously, it exported all home directories well
 on every login. but after i changed the path of the home directories
 from /home/std to /home/students, everything went crazy. NIS still logs
 in well for the SuSE boxes but the are no exports at all, not the home
 directories or the other shared directories. I always get the message on
 the client side

Hi. I use NFS with my 3 Mandrake boxes and it works great. I don't use NIS 
though (have no need to), so I can't help you there, but maybe this website 
can (its helped me tremendously!):

I believe there is a NIS section as well as lots of other great stuff.

Hope this helps!

  Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] configuration of Snort IDS

2002-09-20 Thread David Johnson


Your advice is largely accurate, but an easier way to set the $EXTERNAL_NET 
variable would be to set it equal to !$MY_NET.  Keeps the code a little 

You definately want to set $EXTERNAL_Net to be equal to !$MY_NET to resuce 
false positives internally.

On Friday 20 September 2002 06:01 am, Chris Slater-Walker wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Vandenbore Sebastiaan wrote:
  I have snort running on my system, but it logs some stuff that I don't
  need. Can I set it up in any way that it doesn't log the connections from
  my computer to the proxies I'm using ( 213.224.83.x ) ?

 I'm a newcomer to Snort myself, so the following may be partially or
 totally incorrect, but you might like to try it:

 in the /etc/snort.conf file (check the location of that file!), there
 should be an item that looks like:


 This Snort variable tells Snort which networks are internal. So, for
 example, if you want to tell Snort that all of the 213.224.83.x network is
 an internal network, you put this in snort.conf:


 You can also include other networks in your definition, e.g.:


 Now many of the Snort rules use the $EXTERNAL_NET and $MY_NET variables to
 determine whether there is a potential attack, so if Snort knows which
 networks are internal then it won't report traffic from those networks as
 an attack.

 You _might_ also need to change the $EXTERNAL_NET variable to _exclude_
 the networks you have defined for $MY_NET, e.g.:


 Like I said, this is all I can tell you with my limited experience. If
 anyone out there knows better, please let us both know!


 Chris Slater-Walker

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Re: [newbie] Can I assign IRQ's manually

2002-09-20 Thread magnet

On Friday 20 Sep 2002 3:20 pm, you wrote:
 My system basically works.  I have an Nvidia agp video board and I
 am having  trouble getting  agp graphics without crashing.

 If I use the kernel agp module (agpgart), I crash almost immediately
 (Which is supposed to happen with the Intel 440LX PCI bus)
 If I use the Nvidia AGP, it takes longer but I almost always crash.

 Right now I am running without agp, which seems kind of pointless.

 I think I might have an IRQ conflict since it looks like both my
 video card and a TV tuner card (ATI TV Wonder VE) are using the
 same IRQ.

 So, can I assign IRQ's manually? (To at least one of these cards)
 How do I do it?

 Mandrake 8.2 system.
 Dell Pentium II 233, 128 megs memory


 John Herzfeld

Do you have an entry in your XF86Config-4 allowing the system to choose which 
AGP module it thinks will suit your system or did you specify? On current 
nvidia drivers it defaults to 3 - driver chooses, but maybe changing this 
to 1 or 2 might stablise your system. I had great fun getting this Ti 4400 
card installed and working but it was worth it :)


Registered Linux user 281659
Registered machines 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
Home network: 6 x AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz all running Mandrake and token Windows 
laptop ;-)

My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] Can I assign IRQ's manually

2002-09-20 Thread J Herzfeld

From:   magnet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: [newbie] Can I assign IRQ's manually
Date sent:  Fri, 20 Sep 2002 19:46:58 +0100

In the XF86Config-4 file.
NVAgp set to 1 loads the Nvidia agp driver.
This often crashes but not always.  (Lock up, mouse and kybd  are 

NVAgp set to 3 (default) loads the kernel agp driver if possible then 
tries to load the Nvidia agp driver.
On my system ,3 does load the kernel agp driver, but crashes 
(locks up) within  a few minutes.

Right now I am using the setting NvAgp 0, which disables the 
agpdrivers.  No crashes.

 On Friday 20 Sep 2002 3:20 pm, you wrote:
  My system basically works.  I have an Nvidia agp video board and I
  am having  trouble getting  agp graphics without crashing.
  If I use the kernel agp module (agpgart), I crash almost immediately
  (Which is supposed to happen with the Intel 440LX PCI bus)
  If I use the Nvidia AGP, it takes longer but I almost always crash.
  Right now I am running without agp, which seems kind of pointless.
  I think I might have an IRQ conflict since it looks like both my
  video card and a TV tuner card (ATI TV Wonder VE) are using the
  same IRQ.
  So, can I assign IRQ's manually? (To at least one of these cards)
  How do I do it?
  Mandrake 8.2 system.
  Dell Pentium II 233, 128 megs memory
  John Herzfeld
 Do you have an entry in your XF86Config-4 allowing the system to choose which 
 AGP module it thinks will suit your system or did you specify? On current 
 nvidia drivers it defaults to 3 - driver chooses, but maybe changing this 
 to 1 or 2 might stablise your system. I had great fun getting this Ti 4400 
 card installed and working but it was worth it :)
 Registered Linux user 281659
 Registered machines 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
 Home network: 6 x AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz all running Mandrake and token Windows 
 laptop ;-)
 My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] HP Office Jet resolution

2002-09-20 Thread Peregrinf

On 20 Sep 2002, at 15:33, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Does none of the other Officejet calagories work with it,
 I see there is an officejet710 for instance.

Actually I've found my foomatic database is way out of date. I'm in the 
process of getting the latest version which includes a wider selection 
of drivers. That should solve my problem -- I hope. 

Dennis Fowler

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Re: [newbie] Can I assign IRQ's manually

2002-09-20 Thread et

on the subject of setting your IRQs manually, the best way I know is to 
change the pci slot the card sits in, and avoid the slot next to the agp slot 
since that is for sure shared with the video card. 

On Friday 20 September 2002 03:06 pm, you wrote:
 From: magnet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Send reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  Re: [newbie] Can I assign IRQ's manually
 Date sent:Fri, 20 Sep 2002 19:46:58 +0100

 In the XF86Config-4 file.
 NVAgp set to 1 loads the Nvidia agp driver.
 This often crashes but not always.  (Lock up, mouse and kybd  are

 NVAgp set to 3 (default) loads the kernel agp driver if possible then
 tries to load the Nvidia agp driver.
 On my system ,3 does load the kernel agp driver, but crashes
 (locks up) within  a few minutes.

 Right now I am using the setting NvAgp 0, which disables the
 agpdrivers.  No crashes.

  On Friday 20 Sep 2002 3:20 pm, you wrote:
   My system basically works.  I have an Nvidia agp video board and I
   am having  trouble getting  agp graphics without crashing.
   If I use the kernel agp module (agpgart), I crash almost immediately
   (Which is supposed to happen with the Intel 440LX PCI bus)
   If I use the Nvidia AGP, it takes longer but I almost always crash.
   Right now I am running without agp, which seems kind of pointless.
   I think I might have an IRQ conflict since it looks like both my
   video card and a TV tuner card (ATI TV Wonder VE) are using the
   same IRQ.
   So, can I assign IRQ's manually? (To at least one of these cards)
   How do I do it?
   Mandrake 8.2 system.
   Dell Pentium II 233, 128 megs memory
   John Herzfeld
  Do you have an entry in your XF86Config-4 allowing the system to choose
  which AGP module it thinks will suit your system or did you specify? On
  current nvidia drivers it defaults to 3 - driver chooses, but maybe
  changing this to 1 or 2 might stablise your system. I had great fun
  getting this Ti 4400 card installed and working but it was worth it :)
  Registered Linux user 281659
  Registered machines 163839,163840,163841,163842,163843,163844
  Home network: 6 x AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz all running Mandrake and token
  Windows laptop ;-)
  My home is over-run with penguins that like a warm environment!

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Re: [newbie] Can't ftp to my linux-system - solved

2002-09-20 Thread C. van Roest

After installation and configuration of pure-ftpd the problem is solved...



Op vr 13-09-2002, om 04:30 schreef Mark Weaver:

David Stevenson wrote:
 big snip
First you need to have an ftp server running on your
linux box (you didn't say whether you did or not - so
let's start with the obvious).  If you DO, then you'll
need to post more information on your settings, etc.

 Also check that the /etc/hosts.allow file has the IP address, if you are in
 a secure environment then, ALL:ipddress would be ok. It would  not hurt to
 also put the ip in /etc/hosts.
 (replace ipaddress  with the client ip)

The most likely cause for this connection refused message is;
	1) the ftp server isn't running
	2) the port for the service isn't open
	3) the connection attempt was seen as a hostile connection
	   by portsentry and the ip address of the incoming connection
	   has been blocked.

To correct this do these things in this order:
	1) check the status of the ftp service by issuing this command
	   as root user:
		service ftpservice-name status   [ENTER]
		( in my case, I'm running Pureftpd the command
		  would look like this:
		  service pureftpd status   [ENTER]  )
	 a) if the service is running a pid number will be returned
	 b) if it is not running the service name will be returned
	and it will tell you that the service is stopped
	 c) if the service is stopped you can start it by issuing
		 this command:
			service ftpservice-name start
	2) once you're sure your ftp server is indeed running the next
	   to check is that if port 21 is open. ( at this point I would
	   also mention that if you're running a firewall, AND You
	   should be!!! you will want to be certain that you've opened
	   this port on the firewall). To check to see if your port is
	   open check inside this file:
		you should see a line in the file that appears like
			ftp 21/tcp
	a) if you find the line above appearing as it does in this
	   example then port 21 is open - check with your firewall
		 to further see about this port being open.
	b) if the above line appears like this:
			#ftp 21/tcp
	   then the port is closed and you need to open it by
	   removing the pound # sign from the beginning of the
	   line thus opening the port for connections.
	3) If you've checked with the first two and you're coming up
	   empty then you need to check the /etc/hosts.deny file. By
	   default Mandrake installs portsentry to the system and sets
	   the process to run as -atcp  -audp. That means its checking
	a) in the past I've noticed that Netscape Communicator
		would trip portsentry and the incoming connection
		would appear as a hostile connection attempt in much
		the same way that a port scan appears. It would
		therefore enter the offending connection's IP address
		into the /etc/hosts.deny file and create the appropriate
		iptables rule to block further connection attempts.
	b) cbeck /etc/hosts.deny for the IP address of the machine
		you're trying to connect to the ftp server from.
		if you find it there you can either comment it out
		with a # (pound sign) or you can remove it

let us know how you make out.


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Re: [newbie] Upcoming addition of Linux to XP system

2002-09-20 Thread et

On Friday 20 September 2002 12:22 pm, you wrote:
 On Friday 20 September 2002 11:10 am, Steven Kopischke wrote:
  Will diskdrake run from the ISO CD(s)?
that depends on your daffinnation, 
an ISO is am image of the informaion used to make a CD, As I understand it 
iso is short for International Standards Organazation standard 9660, a 
standard file system used on CDs (you can/will note the fstab file notes an 
ISOnumber for the information about mounting a cdrom), and the ISO image you 
download will not have any programs that can be run or executed. The CD you 
burn from it will have folders and programs that can be run. if you need to 
install diskdrake, it is included in the darkxtool rpms (although there is an 
updated version if you need it) on disk 1 of all my Mandrake versions (kinda 
makes since it would be there, since the installer needs it before it can 
install the software in a linux partition)  

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Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

I suggest to try prozilla. It's a console based (ncurses) downlaod manager 
that searches mirrors, or if you are really feeling like experimenting, try 
ProzGUI (download the static build as it doesn't build on LM 8.2)... it 
uses a FLTK interface, and supports mirror-searching, and downloading from 
threads from separate servers at the same time. Never failed on me.

BTW: prozilla is on your LM 8.2 CD's ;-)


On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, John Richard Smith wrote:

 Stefano Pogliani wrote:
  What is NT downloader ?
  I just browsed in the site
 Go to,
 Type   ntinto the field and download the rpm's
 It's linux equivelant of vfat downloader called getright.
 nt  is pritty good, except for being less intelligent with the use of 
 mirror sites.
 Don't ask me why it's called nt , I don't think the programme 
 maintainers know.
 Anyone for a guess,  how aboutnot today ? or nifty transferer, or 
 natty try.
 John Richard Smith


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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-20 Thread Scott Felton

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:20 pm, you wrote:

mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /windows
 Mandrake puts mount points in /mnt, so it may be /mnt/windows. I use
 /dev/hda is the disk, /dev/hda1 is a partition. you want to mount a
 BTW, it WILL be read-only. Read-write access is experimental, don't use

Thanks for the above Michael. With your advice and adive from many others on 
the list I am able to mount my NTFS partition. I have added it to fstab and 
it works fine. I can only access it when logged in as root though. (I'll 
tackle that next)

Many people suggested a FAT32 common area to read/write files between Linux 
and WindowsXP but I can't do that here. The Windows disk that came with my 
machine will only install using NTFS and it takes the entire 40g hard drive 
for itself with no consideration for what may already be on the disk. I 
haven't found a (free) tool that will let me claim back some of that space to 
use as anything other than NTFS.

I will have the last laugh when I put my final chosen Linux dist on here 
using both 40g disks and use those Windows CDs for coasters! (margarittas 
anyone? :)

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Re: [newbie] Upcoming addition of Linux to XP system - Update

2002-09-20 Thread Steven Kopischke

I loaded Mandrake 8.2 and was going through the networking setup after 
loading the wireless RPM when the workstation started acting goofy. The 
networking setup window did not close upon request and was still showing an 
hour glass 90 minutes after selecting 'Close.' I finally killed the process.

My desktop icons also disappeared during this time and I could not log 
out/shut down. I had to force a hard shut down. Linux wanted to check the 
file system integrity upon boot-up. I thought it was a good idea, too.

However upon boot-up, I am able to log in at a command prompt, but no 
further. The limit of my *nix command knowledge is 'ls -l' from 15 years 
ago when I administered a Xenix system for my employer.

How do I load the graphical interface? Do I need to start over?



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Re: [newbie] Upcoming addition of Linux to XP system - Update #2

2002-09-20 Thread Steven Kopischke

At 16:27 9/20/2002 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
I loaded Mandrake 8.2 and was going through the networking setup after 
loading the wireless RPM when the workstation started acting goofy. The 
networking setup window did not close upon request and was still showing 
an hour glass 90 minutes after selecting 'Close.' I finally killed the process.

My desktop icons also disappeared during this time and I could not log 
out/shut down. I had to force a hard shut down. Linux wanted to check the 
file system integrity upon boot-up. I thought it was a good idea, too.

However upon boot-up, I am able to log in at a command prompt, but no 
further. The limit of my *nix command knowledge is 'ls -l' from 15 years 
ago when I administered a Xenix system for my employer.

How do I load the graphical interface? Do I need to start over?

I shut down and restarted, to make sure I was accurately reporting the 
eventsthen I remembered selecting 'interactive' when Linux was starting 
up. I ignored that option and then asked for the file system integrity check.

I am back in the graphical environment.

Now I just need to get my PCMCIA wireless network card working and I am all 

Back to work...


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Re: [newbie] .MandrakeLinux-9.0rc3-inst-1.i586.iso

2002-09-20 Thread Ralph Slooten

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Ralph Slooten wrote:

Sorry, typo :-(

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Re: [newbie] Mounting my NTFS partition

2002-09-20 Thread Carroll Grigsby

On Friday 20 September 2002 04:32 pm, Scott Felton wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 September 2002 10:20 pm, you wrote:
 mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /windows
  Mandrake puts mount points in /mnt, so it may be /mnt/windows. I use
  /dev/hda is the disk, /dev/hda1 is a partition. you want to mount a
  BTW, it WILL be read-only. Read-write access is experimental, don't use

 Thanks for the above Michael. With your advice and adive from many others
 on the list I am able to mount my NTFS partition. I have added it to fstab
 and it works fine. I can only access it when logged in as root though.
 (I'll tackle that next)

 Many people suggested a FAT32 common area to read/write files between
 Linux and WindowsXP but I can't do that here. The Windows disk that came
 with my machine will only install using NTFS and it takes the entire 40g
 hard drive for itself with no consideration for what may already be on the
 disk. I haven't found a (free) tool that will let me claim back some of
 that space to use as anything other than NTFS.

 I will have the last laugh when I put my final chosen Linux dist on here
 using both 40g disks and use those Windows CDs for coasters! (margarittas
 anyone? :)

I've _heard_ of an alternative to Partition Magic (either freeware or 
relatively inexpensive shareware) that does the same things as PM. I 
_believe_ it's called Ranish Partition Manager. That would be one way of 
setting up a FAT32 common data area. (Weasel words underlined because I've 
never used it.. Hell, I'm not even sure if I've got the name spelled 
correctly.) Be cautious, but it might be worth a Google.
-- cmg

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[newbie] giving up the ship?

2002-09-20 Thread Ibly Piblo

How do you block Nimda attacks from your logs?

Really, now, there must be a way, 
I have tried script after script,
I am still getting attacked by this IP:

Who are these criminals?

They have no right attacking me like this!

I can't whois them or traceroute, or samspade them,
it is not fair.

I guess you just can't run a web server anymore.

Is there one good reason why I should not
give up?

I don't understand honeyport, it is too hard.

Isnt there something easier, a script I can
just download and install?

Surely, by now, someone has invented a more
effective method, surely, I mean, are all the world's
webmasters just going to sit down, and take it
in the back?

Is there a kind soul out there who would like to
offer a script to this list that would retaliate
by remotely shutting down the attacking server?

This has got to stop, I have sat by for too long,
and I don't intend to take this attacking any longer.

I wish to thank all those who offered me the
web pages of honeyport, thank you so much,
but I'm looking for something that is more
assertive, something that will *do* something,
not just e mail the admin only to be ignored,
I'm not playing Mr. Nice any more.

I'm going to aggressively fight back,
if there is a script that I can put in my
/bin directory that will scan my /var/tmp/blocked
file and instead of just ipchain-ing them out,
(INEFFECTIVE!) it will shut them down, 
it is the only way.

Thank you so much to all who help.

Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC  Yahoo!

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Re: [newbie] giving up the ship?

2002-09-20 Thread Todd Slater

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 21:43:48 -0700 (PDT)
Ibly Piblo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do you block Nimda attacks from your logs?
 Really, now, there must be a way, 
 I have tried script after script,
 I am still getting attacked by this IP:

Use iptables.

iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

 Isnt there something easier, a script I can
 just download and install?

I use one that was posted on this list a while ago.
 I'm going to aggressively fight back,
 if there is a script that I can put in my
 /bin directory that will scan my /var/tmp/blocked
 file and instead of just ipchain-ing them out,
 (INEFFECTIVE!) it will shut them down, 
 it is the only way.

I believe Civileme posted a link to a page on PLF that contained such a
script. Check the archives. It is annoying. I've been hit by 81 infected
computers in a little over 2 weeks.

If you drop them, they should not be showing up in your http logs.
iptables gets flushed everytime you restart--could that be it? I run this
if I have to restart:

for idiot in `cat /var/tmp/blocked`
iptables -A INPUT -s $idiot -j DROP


Todd Slater
Not currently listening to tunes
My grandmother wanted me to have an education, so she kept me out of
school. (Margaret Mead)

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Re: [newbie] giving up the ship?

2002-09-20 Thread Jason Guidry

Unless I'm mistaken, what you are suggesting to do is illegal in most
barrios, but if you snoop around in the right places i'm sure you can
find someone to play enabler to your skr1p7 k1dd33 lusts.  don't expect
anyone on this list to give you some magic script that thwarts the bad
guys.  just firewall that crap off and ignore it.

but since they are sending out stuff...

Starting nmap V. 3.00 ( )
 Interesting ports on  (
(The 1591 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port   State   Service
1025/tcp   openNFS-or-IIS  
5000/tcp   openUPnP
6346/tcp   filteredgnutella
6699/tcp   filterednapster 
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see fingerprint: run completed -- 1 IP address (1
host up) scanned in 46 seconds

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 23:43, Ibly Piblo wrote:
 How do you block Nimda attacks from your logs?
 Really, now, there must be a way, 
 I have tried script after script,
 I am still getting attacked by this IP:
 Who are these criminals?
 They have no right attacking me like this!
 I can't whois them or traceroute, or samspade them,
 it is not fair.
 I guess you just can't run a web server anymore.
 Is there one good reason why I should not
 give up?
 I don't understand honeyport, it is too hard.
 Isnt there something easier, a script I can
 just download and install?
 Surely, by now, someone has invented a more
 effective method, surely, I mean, are all the world's
 webmasters just going to sit down, and take it
 in the back?
 Is there a kind soul out there who would like to
 offer a script to this list that would retaliate
 by remotely shutting down the attacking server?
 This has got to stop, I have sat by for too long,
 and I don't intend to take this attacking any longer.
 I wish to thank all those who offered me the
 web pages of honeyport, thank you so much,
 but I'm looking for something that is more
 assertive, something that will *do* something,
 not just e mail the admin only to be ignored,
 I'm not playing Mr. Nice any more.


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