R: [newbie-it] librerie mancanti

2003-05-30 Thread Gianluca

dovrebbe far parte del pacchetto kdelibs.
Prova a reinstallarlo.

Magari prima prova un rpm -V kdelibs dovrebbe verificare l'integrità
del pacchetto installato. Almeno a leggere il man di rpm.

se provo a lanciare rpm mi dà un altro errore di libreria mancante (questa
volta è librpmio-4.0.4-so).
Questo problema mi è già capitato 2 volte, solo con la mdk9.1, e alla fine
ho sempre dovuto reinstallare tutto.
Grazie comunque per il suggerimento.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: OT_Xmms e Mp3

2003-05-30 Thread Germano
il 23:05, venerdì 23 maggio 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] Re: 
OT_Xmms e Mp3
 Ogni tanto mi da questo errore...
   Non ho potuto aprire l'audio:
   Controlla che...
   1. Sia selezionato il Plugin di Output corretto
   2. Nessun altro programma stia bloccando la scheda sonora
   3. La tua scheda sonora sia propriamente configurata.
 Infine lanciando xmms da console non cambia nulla e non voglio cambiare
 distro solo perchè non riesco a far funzionare il lettore mp3.
  vai nel centro di controllo di KDE (suppongo tu usi questo)
  -suono e milti media- sistema sonoro-se è flaggato,deflagga avvia 

  sonoro arts 
   prova cosi.
  probabilmente ti va in conflitto arts con xmms

Grazie Tom! Aveve perfettamente ragione! Server Art in conflitto!!
L'ho tolto ho selezionato il plugin di output OSS e funzica
perfettamente. Assie mille!

Scusate se mi intrometto con un pò di ritardo ma volevo dire che arts non è 
una specie di cancro per i sistemi che usano l'audio ma un sistema molto 
potente di far girare insieme i molti programmi che richiedono la scheda 
audio simultaneamente. Il prezzo da pagare è che non è democratico quindi non 
ti lascia usare direttamente il la scheda.
Basta lanciare i programmi preceduti da soundwrapper e questi si sottomettono 
ad arts senza che l'utente ne abbia a male (anzi...).
Non capisco perchè xmms ti abbia dato questo problema, forse lo hai lanciato 
tu da console?
Mandrake usa soundwrapper per lanciare tutti i programmi che usano la scheda 
in ambiente KDE.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] fetch - fermi tutti! E ora mutt..

2003-05-30 Thread syd
* Luigi Pinna wrote:
 Ragazzi scusate se ve lo chiedo, ma ormai il thread e` diventato 
 E` possibile avere un riassunto sulle manovre da fare per poter 
 configurare il proprio sistema su questa combinazione 
 fetchmail-sendmail e tutto il resto?

Cosa? Stai scherzando vero? Dai.. rileggiti il thread.

Slackware 9.0 * K 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] manutenzione_del_sistema

2003-05-30 Thread Germano
il 21:54, sabato 24 maggio 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] 
Alle 17:33, sabato 24 maggio 2003, piter ha scritto:
 Quindi è sufficiente così? Non devo fare nulla?

si dovrebbe bastare... ti consiglio di tenere d'occhio /tmp in cui si
depositano molti file inutitlizzati. Ogni tot (quando lo spazio occupato
cresce) cancella il contenuto..

Ci sono due programmi che sono sempre presenti in mandrake (almeno fino alla 
9.0) che si occupano di cancellare i files temporanei e di ordinare e 
ripulire i files di log e sonon rispettivamente: tmpwatch e logrotate.

Spero di aver risposto (se le ho capite) alle domande.
Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] fetch - fermi tutti! E ora mutt..

2003-05-30 Thread syd
* Giuseppe Ferruzzi wrote:
 La prossima puntata riguarderà la configurazione di fetchmail
 con i dati del proprio provider, ma delego a syd questa patata bollente
 che è più preparato di me ed è giusto che sia lui a portare  avanti
 questo discorso, se ne ha voglia, non so io a decidere. 
 Al limite come allievo potrò intervenire in alleggerimento con qualche 
 considerazione personale.

No.. e' precisamente il contrario Giuseppe! Se vuoi procedere vai
avanti tranquillamente.
Non capisco pero' l'attegiamento di Luigi. Signor Pinna, il thread te
lo puoi rileggere, puoi iniziare a smanettare e quando non risolvi..
chiedi. Rischiamo di duplicare i thread ragazzi.
Ripeto Giuseppe, se ti va di ripartire fallo pure.

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] uno scherzo da mutt

2003-05-30 Thread syd
* Arwan wrote:

 Ora che sai che non e' lo scambio tra mbox/mdir a creare il problema, hai 
 qualceh idea? Ho aperto con l'editor di testo la mbox sputtanata e quella che 
 ho recuperato; sulla prima parti di testo sono satte tagliate e/o invertite e 
 sparpagiate per il file... CHE SIA UN VIRUS? :-)))

Dall'help di kmail

Posso usare KMail con un altro client di posta, ad es. mutt?

Se usi il formato mbox per le cartelle di posta, non puoi usare altri
client di posta mentre KMail è in funzione. Con mutt ci possono
essere problemi anche se i due programmi non sono contemporaneamente
in esecuzione. In questo caso, raccomandiamo di usare il formato
maildir, che dovrebbe risolvere tutti i problemi.

Quindi: kamail era aperto quando con mutt navigavi nella dir di

Per quanto riguarda la seconda parte della faq.. fregatene! Io nel
periodo di transizione da kmail a mutt navigavo senza problemi nei
file di kmail e i programmi erano entrambi settati per il formato
mbox. Pero' non ho mai usato mutt con kmail aperto!! 

LU 285930 * LM 167646

Re: [newbie-it] problemi audio..

2003-05-30 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Alle 19:40, mercoledì 28 maggio 2003, freefred ha scritto:

 sorry per la domanda banale: hai provato almeno con l'xmms tutti i
 server sonori?
 (arts, oss, esd, quelli che hai insomma)


Ho trovato il problema! 
In pratica io ho 2 schede audio (che saranno motivo di una prossima 
discussione...) perché una è integrata nella motherboard.
All'avvio della macchina mi ricordo di aver letto che c'erano dei 
problemi col modulo della scheda integrata.
Siccome la scheda integrata era settata come /dev/dsp e la sound blaster 
come /dev/dsp1 il kernel mi ha invertito i dispositivi: mettendo xine 
sull'autorilevamento e in xmms indicando direttamente la periferica 
tutto funziona!

- -- 
Non dimentico mai una faccia, ma nel tuo caso faro' un'eccezione.
-- Groucho Marx
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[newbie-it] dvr

2003-05-30 Thread Luigi Pinna
Hash: SHA1

Quesito del giorno:
cercando di usare la scheda tv come videoregistratore ho compilato 
questo programma, ma quando lo avvio mi dice:
Loading required GL library /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1.2
Unsupported pixel format (7)! Please contact the author, in order to 
handle this case.
DVR error : unable to initialize the video for linux interface 

Qualcuno lo usa? Oppure mi sa dire che fare ?
Non ho trovato nulla nella documentazione!
Ciao ciao!
- -- 
Ogni cosa dovrebbe essere costruita top-down, eccetto la prima volta.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [newbie-it] dvd ogle sound alsa

2003-05-30 Thread paolo brusasco
vero, grazie. prima volta che una roba scaricata dalla luna funziona al 
primo colpo!
ho installato libdvdcss2 (credo) e mplayer con dipendenze da plf e va, e 
non si pianta se vai avanti-indietro-pausa-ecc.
però se cambio lingua o sottotitoli in corso di proiezione mi riparte da 
inizio supporto (pazienza ce ne fosse che funzionano al primo colpo).
però per fare il pedante, molti vedo che preferiscono ogle.
in effetti sul mio sistema il servizio alsa risulta fermato secondo 
mandrake control center - services, nè riparte premendo start.
eppure suona tutto, quindi magari il sig. ogle potrebbe contrattare il 
suono con qualche altro signore e magari si può dirglielo, questo era in 
parte il senso del quesito.
temo che quando Emiliano parla di menuconfig si riferisca a 
compilazioni. io non ricompilo per principio. ho comprato 8.1 
powerpack,  9.1 powerpack, pago e pretendo (scherzo). però non è che 
magari le update servono?
grazie a tutti. ciao.

paolo brusasco wrote:

Re: [newbie-it] [Lunghetto]Era schermo centrato ora : Perch X non riesce a partire con i settaggi che gli d?

2003-05-30 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 21:30, mercoled 28 maggio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
[Lunghetto]Era schermo centrato ora : Perch X non riesce a partire 
con i settaggi che gli d?,  stefano   ha scritto:
  e allora mandaci pinco.pallo

 C'era! era il pezzo:
 Using vt 7
 (II) [GLX]: Initializing GLX extension
 xf86KbdEvents Resource temporarily unavailable

 waiting for X server to shut down

nessun errore comunque...
ti spiega la sintassi, parte e ti avvisa solo che non hai le estensioni 

  questi moduli sono stati compilati per Xfree 4.0.2
  quindi con gcc 2.95.3

 Uso gli stessi driver sul PC Grande con la stessa relase (MDK 9.1)
 e non ho problemi!

 una cosa poco pulita, ma se funzia...

   # Sony Vaio C1(X,XS,VE,VN)?
   # 1024x480 @ 85.6 Hz, 48 kHz hsync
   ModeLine 1024x48065.00 1024 1032 1176 1344   480  488 
   494 563 -hsync -vsync
  queste modeline sono per il tuo flat panel?
  mi sembrano strane.. 1024x480  ??

 HELP il mio flaty non  1024 * 480 ma bensi 1024 * 768  proveder a
 commentare la riga (tra l'altro non  neanche unn Sony ma bensi un
 Toshiba sat pro 6100!)

quella riga l'ha aggiunta drakxconf? 
da dove l'ha mai presa??

  hai provato commentandole se l'autoprobe riesce a trovare delle
  frequenze utilizzabili?

 si freeza e non riesco a lanciarlo!

qualcosa che non funzia c'...

rigenerare XF86Config da zero e a mano?
con xf86config passi tu i valori...
tanto ormai conosci il tuo hardware quindi non rischi di friggere il 

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] problemi audio...

2003-05-30 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 18:04, mercoledì 28 maggio 2003,  in merito a [newbie-it] problemi 
audio...,  Luigi Pinna   ha scritto:

 Posso trovare una soluzione o devo reinstallare questi programmi?
 (saranno le famose applicazioni che dopo la ricompilazione del kernel
 vanno ricompilate di cui mi parlava mike?)

no no
intendevo  applicazioni che girano molto molto più vicine al kernel..
pppd,  iptables, pcmcia_cs ..

 Ciao e bello sentire la radio...

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si

2003-05-30 Thread miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 01:49, mercoledì 28 maggio 2003,  in merito a Re: [newbie-it] 
Radeon 7500 + monitor LG 520 Si,  Dan   ha scritto:
 Partendo dal fatto che non possiedo un monitor LCD, mi viene da
 pensare che il programma di configurazione veda solamente l'uscita
 LCD della mia scheda e non quella CRT, alla quale è collegto il

sarebbe molto strano...
il monitor invia un segnale alla scheda video..

se ce l'hai lancia xf86cfg
ti apparirà dove è collegato il monitor..

 monitor ufficialmente supportato, e scegliendo il driver che
 automaticamente mi viene indicato come consigliato in fase di
 installazione, ovvero il RADEON (subito sotto quello chiamato RADEON
 8500). Può essere una spiegazione plausibile?

vedi con lspci il tuo modello di scheda
quindi rigenera a mano XF86Config-4 con xf86config 
e passa tutti i valori che ti chiede 

in alternativa, ma è molto rustico,
X -configure

 Ad ogni modo (e scusate l'ignoranza, ma non ho mai usato un sistema
 UNIX/Linux) come faccio a far partire X in modalità SVGA con comandi
 da console? 

puoi sempre entrare con un editor in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 e sostituire 
alla chiamata al modulo radeon, il modulo vga o vesa o fbdev
il primo permette la massima compatibilità ma funziona solo a 256 colori 
e al massimo a  640*480 (mi pare che riconosca solo 256K di memoria 
video.. non ho installato i man di xfre.. .) 
poi hai vesa, il modulo che ti ho suggerito l'altra volta,
hai risoluzione svga, quindi puoi intanto lanciare X se t servono i tool 
l'ultimo è il framebuffer
un modo un pò particolare, ma compatibile anche con le caffettiere
richiede che la risoluzione sia passata da lilo ...

questa è la mia scheda:

Identifier  Card0
Driver  savage
VendorName  S3
BoardName   Savage/IX-MV
BusID   PCI:1:1:0

il tuo file sarà diverso, 
ma la sezione è questa

Grazie x l'aiuto ragazzi!

- -- 



Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: [newbie-it] fetch+proc+mutt+MTA [era:All'attenzione..]

2003-05-30 Thread syd
* syd wrote:
  Nelle prossime mail.. mutt e un po' di MTA (sendmail+ssmtp)

E dopo mutt facciamo un ultimo passo dando qualche informazione sulla
configurazione di un MTA.
Alcune brevi premesse..
Di Mail Tranfert Agent ce ne sono molti in circolazione, ognuno con i
suoi pregi e difetti e la scelta di questo o quell'altro dipende
naturalmente dalle proprie esigenze e spesso dal fatto che la
distribuzione che si usa ne fornisce uno di _default_. Io che uso
slackware ho trovato naturale _incasinarmi_ la vita con sendmail ma
per un certo periodo ho provicchiato anche la debian e in quel caso
ho spulciato exim. Sono molto diffusi anche postfix e Qmail e
quest'ultimo e' usato da non poche mailing list (newbie cosa usa?
Forse postfix.. bohh..date un'occhiata agli headers).
Tutti questi MTA che ho indicato possono essere considerati MTA
_completi_ distinguendoli da quelli _ridotti_. Qual e' la differenza?
In soldoni possiamo dire che i primi ci permettono di fare della
nostra postazione un vero e proprio server smtp e quindi usandoli non
abbiamo la necessita' di appoggiarci al server smtp del nostro
Quando usiamo kmail et simila e scegliamo nel suo pannello di
configurazione di inviare tramite smtp del provider adottiamo
evidentemente una scelta diversa. Cosa fa kmail in questi casi? Behh,
sempre in soldoni, usera' una sua applicazione interna per delegare 
al server smtp del provider l'invio delle mail. 
Un MTA ridotto fa proprio questo: interroga tramite la solita porta
25 il server smtp dell'isp e gli dice d'inviare le nostre mail.

Uhmmm.. quindi? Diciamocelo chiaramente: l'uso di un MTA completo per
una gestione domestica della posta e' sicuramente una scelta valida
ma sproporzionata rispetto all'esigenze da soddisfare. 
La necessita' di gestire qualcosa di piu' grosso, per esempio 
il traffico di un(a) intranet locale, e avendo quindi l'esigenza di
essere indipendenti rispetto a internet (e di riuiscire
a soddisfare importanti obiettivi di sicurezza) ci spinge invece a
usare un MTA completo.
Ma noi, che siamo smanettoni, in barba a tutto questo papiro di
premessa, ci configuriamo bravi bravi il nostro MTA completo e per
non fare torto a nessuno ci configuriamo anche un MTA ridotto.
Piu' precisamente Sendmail e ssmtp.

-- Sendmail

Abbiamo due possibilita' per configurare sendmail: o  _generiamo_ un
rcfile oppure ne prendiamo uno _vanilla_ e lo adattiamo alle nostre
specifiche. Non e' detto che la prima tecnica sia quella preferibile
dipendendo anche questa volta da quello che vogliamo ottenere. Io non
ho mai seguito la procedura della generzione; molto probabilmente lo
faro' nei prossimi giorni (uhmmm...) per puro spirito di curiosita' e
tra i miei bookmarks ho gia' infilato questo per una lettura di


Niente di esaustivo ma comunque sufficiente per compiere i primi passi.
Parliamo quindi della tecnica del _taroccamento_ del file vanilla che
viene fornito dalla stessa versione di sendmail che installiamo;
generalmente si chiama sendmailcf.example o qualcosa del
genere.. una letturina al readme vi spieghera' come rinominarlo e
dove infilarlo. Ma infiliamolo pure in /etc/mail/ e rinominiamolo
sendmail.cf o sendmail-cf (occhio che il nome da dare dipende dalla
versione di sendmail che si usa.. readme sempre alla mano quindi!)
Io che uso sendmail 8.11.4 (ancora per poco) ho
Non vi allego l'intero file perche' e' gigantesco e incomprensibile..
davvero non avrebbe senso; vi indico invece le modifiche che ho fatto
trasformando quindi una configurazione liscia in una configurazione
adattata alle mie caratterisctiche di invio posta.
Quindi confrontate il file rc che avete sotto mano e ricercate le
stringhe che vi indico

$ cat /etc/mail/sendmail.cf

#il mio indirizzo

#il mio POP3
#   Trusted users   #

#Ho aggiunto l'utente syd tra i trusted users

#   Format of headers   #

#Ho commentato queste voci cosi' da far comparire nel mio Return-Path
#il mio indirizzo (e' necessario poi inviare con l'opzione 
# -f indirizzo

#H?P?Return-Path: $g
#HReceived: $?sfrom $s $.$?_($?s$|from $.$_)
#   $.$?{auth_type}(authenticated$?{auth_ssf} (${auth_ssf}
#   bits)$.)
#   $.by $j ($v/$Z)$?r with $r$. id $i$?{tls_version}
#   (using ${tls_version} with cipher ${cipher} (${cipher_bits}
#   bits) verified ${verify})$.$?u
#   for $u; $|;
#   $.$b


Tutto qui!
Sendamil lo richiamo da dentro mutt (al momento dell'invio)
mediante questo comando 

set sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oem -oi

man sendmail per comprendere il 

Re: [newbie-it] fetch - fermi tutti! E ora mutt.

2003-05-30 Thread Arwan
Alle Thursday 29 May 2003 16:02, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] fetch - fermi 
tutti! E ora mutt. (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), Luigi Pinna ha 

 Il problema che rileggendo il thread non sono riuscito a starvi dietro!
 Anche perché il thread è cambiato diverse volte, quindi chiedevo un
 riassunto completo in modo da poter cercare di mettermi anch'io al

Sono rimasta indietro anch'io, ma ho fatto cosi': man mano che mi arrivavano 
le mail le stampavo (oppure le duplichi su una cartella apposita) con tutti i 
riferimenti per un'eventuale risposta; con calma poi le ho lette, ho fatto le 
mie prove e, ripescate le mail del thread, ho risposto/chiesto. Adesso mi 
sono incartata ancora per mancanza di tempo, dunque non ti preoccupare, se ne 


Re: [newbie-it] uno scherzo da mutt

2003-05-30 Thread Arwan
Alle Thursday 29 May 2003 16:02, a proposito di Re: [newbie-it] uno scherzo da 
mutt (e chissa' a cosa pensava veramente), syd ha scritto: 

 Quindi: kamail era aperto quando con mutt navigavi nella dir di

Da quael che ricordo no, in genere chiudo uno e apro l'altro... no sicuro, ora 
che ci penso, avevo anceh rinominato la cartella di kmail in Mail k

 Per quanto riguarda la seconda parte della faq.. fregatene! Io nel
 periodo di transizione da kmail a mutt navigavo senza problemi nei
 file di kmail e i programmi erano entrambi settati per il formato

Infatti mi sembrava, dai primi test, che non ci fossero problemi... e' stato 
quando ho creato gli alias di mutt partendo dalle mail di Mail k che e' 
andato tutto in malora. E inoltre ho recuperato tutto tranne una mail, su una 
trentina che s'erano sputtanate.


[newbie-it] Re: Rete Linux-Amiga e condivisione della connessione

2003-05-30 Thread Mauro

 Ordunque, ho trovato un ftp server (in verità ce ne sono parecchi),
 quello che ho scaricato si chiama ftp4all.
 Sorry la domanda, ma l'hai installato sull' Amiga?
Sì, certo.

 il server e' in esecuzione?
Bella domanda, come si fa a verificare? (cmq, credo che non fosse in
esecuzione, vedi sotto)

 le directory che cerca esistono?
Ehm oggi ho messo a dura prova la mia repulsione per l'inglese, ho letto
tutta la guida, e ho scoperto che non esiste nessuna delle directories
necessarie. Adesso riprovo.
Abbiate pazienza!

Re: [newbie-it] fetch - fermi tutti! E ora mutt..

2003-05-30 Thread Giuseppe Ferruzzi
* syd wrote: 
 Rischiamo di duplicare i thread ragazzi.

Questo thread è già di per se abbastanza ridondante.
Quindi anch'io sono della tua stessa opinione.

Ciao, Giuseppe.

Red Hat Linux 9 (Shrike)
Kernel 2.4.20

Re: [newbie-it] Re: OT_Xmms e Mp3

2003-05-30 Thread tom
Alle 17:33, giovedì 29 maggio 2003, Germano ha scritto:
 Scusate se mi intrometto con un pò di ritardo ma volevo dire che arts non è
 una specie di cancro per i sistemi che usano l'audio ma un sistema molto
 potente di far girare insieme i molti programmi che richiedono la scheda
 audio simultaneamente. Il prezzo da pagare è che non è democratico quindi
 non ti lascia usare direttamente il la scheda.
 Basta lanciare i programmi preceduti da soundwrapper e questi si
 sottomettono ad arts senza che l'utente ne abbia a male (anzi...).
 Non capisco perchè xmms ti abbia dato questo problema, forse lo hai
 lanciato tu da console?
 Mandrake usa soundwrapper per lanciare tutti i programmi che usano la
 scheda in ambiente KDE.

interesserebbe anche a me venire a capo di questa cosa...
ma ho notato che questo mi sucedeva dalla mdk 8.1 sino alla 9.1
questo mi si verifica anche con la slackware che ,se non sbaglio, non utilizza 
secondo me (da grande profano) arts sene frega totalmente degli altri 
programmi e occupa con processi costantemente la scheda...
unica soluzione che avevo trovato , era appunto quella che ho suggerito...
se sene trova un altra sarei ben lieto di adottarla.

 Ciao, Germano

 Ciao , Tom

 . ~ . 
 / v \ 
   /  /  \  \ 
 /  (  )  \ 
^^   ^^ 
Leggi universali della Societa' Internazionale Tecnici per Tecnici Ingenui: 
10. Parti intercambiabili mai.
Slack 9.0
Linux user Tattari_manna aka plugs
Mauro... un'ammaestratore di liste ... un incubo!

Re: [newbie-it] manutenzione_del_sistema

2003-05-30 Thread piter

-- Messaggio originale --
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] manutenzione_del_sistema
Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 17:38:37 +0200

il 21:54, sabato 24 maggio 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it]

Alle 17:33, sabato 24 maggio 2003, piter ha scritto:
 Quindi è sufficiente così? Non devo fare nulla?

si dovrebbe bastare... ti consiglio di tenere d'occhio /tmp in cui si
depositano molti file inutitlizzati. Ogni tot (quando lo spazio occupato
cresce) cancella il contenuto..

Ci sono due programmi che sono sempre presenti in mandrake (almeno fino

9.0) che si occupano di cancellare i files temporanei e di ordinare e
ripulire i files di log e sonon rispettivamente: tmpwatch e logrotate.

Spero di aver risposto (se le ho capite) alle domande.
Ciao, Germano

tmpwatch e logrotate sono esattamente i programmi che cercavo, tmpwatch
ha il man in Italiano e forse ho capito come funziona, mentre logrotate
che ha il man in Inglese non l'ho capito molto. da shell ho fatto questo:
per tmpwatch;
#tmpwatch -v 48 /tmp
per logrotate;
#logrotate /var/log
è giusto? se sbaglio qualcuno mi dice dove?
grazie a tutti.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: OT_Xmms e Mp3

2003-05-30 Thread Germano
il 00:18, venerdì 30 maggio 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] Re: 
OT_Xmms e Mp3
Alle 17:33, giovedì 29 maggio 2003, Germano ha scritto:
 Scusate se mi intrometto con un pò di ritardo ma volevo dire che arts non
 è una specie di cancro per i sistemi che usano l'audio ma un sistema molto
 potente di far girare insieme i molti programmi che richiedono la scheda
 audio simultaneamente. Il prezzo da pagare è che non è democratico quindi
 non ti lascia usare direttamente il la scheda.
 Basta lanciare i programmi preceduti da soundwrapper e questi si
 sottomettono ad arts senza che l'utente ne abbia a male (anzi...).
 Non capisco perchè xmms ti abbia dato questo problema, forse lo hai
 lanciato tu da console?
 Mandrake usa soundwrapper per lanciare tutti i programmi che usano la
 scheda in ambiente KDE.

interesserebbe anche a me venire a capo di questa cosa...
ma ho notato che questo mi sucedeva dalla mdk 8.1 sino alla 9.1
questo mi si verifica anche con la slackware che ,se non sbaglio, non
 utilizza soundwrapper!
secondo me (da grande profano) arts sene frega totalmente degli altri
programmi e occupa con processi costantemente la scheda...
unica soluzione che avevo trovato , era appunto quella che ho suggerito...
se sene trova un altra sarei ben lieto di adottarla.

 Ciao, Germano

Io uso arts da anni e non mi ha dato mai nessun tipo di problema: ripeto se 
viene lanciato occupa lui la scheda sonora, quindi qualunque programma che la 
voglia utilizzare si deve sottomettere; soundwrapper realizza questo.
Non so cosa faccia slackware ma la cosa migliore da fare è vedere come le 
varie distro lanciano i programmi sonori: ho fatto questo con Mandrake ed è 
facile verificare che i programmi che non sanno come interagire con 
soundwrapper (xmms è uno di questi) vengono lanciati con soundwrapper.
Lo stesso vale per Galeon ma, ad esempio non vale con Xine (basta dirgli che 
deve usare arts come server).
Spero di essere stato chiaro e semmai ci dovessero essere inesattezze sono ben 
accette eventuali correzioni.

Ciao, Germano

Re: [newbie-it] manutenzione_del_sistema

2003-05-30 Thread Germano
il 09:27, venerdì 30 maggio 2003, si è scritto riguardo a Re: [newbie-it] 

tmpwatch e logrotate sono esattamente i programmi che cercavo, tmpwatch
ha il man in Italiano e forse ho capito come funziona, mentre logrotate
che ha il man in Inglese non l'ho capito molto. da shell ho fatto questo:
per tmpwatch;
#tmpwatch -v 48 /tmp
per logrotate;
#logrotate /var/log
è giusto? se sbaglio qualcuno mi dice dove?
grazie a tutti.
Attenzione, di solito i programmi sono già ben configurati ed inseriti 
all'interno della directory /etc/cron.daily (ed eventualmenete altre).
Devi solo controllare che cron sia in funzione, che questi programmi siano 
effettivamente lì dentro e siano eseguibili.
A questo punto vedi di capire come sono configurati ed, eventualmente, te li 
riconfiguri secondo le tue necessità. Se sai come giocare con cron (o secondo 
me è ancora meglio anacron) li fai partire quando vuoi tu e come meglio 
Il consiglio è di non lanciarli a manina soprattutto logrotate perchè i files 
di log dei diversi programmi vogliono (e dovrebbero) essere trattati in 
maniera diversa. Di solito qualche programma si porta già il suo personale 
file di configurazione per logrotate (se non hai grandi necessità di 
ottimizzazione ti dovrebbero perciò bastare); in caso contrario viene 
adottata una politica predefinita da logrotate (ovviamente modificabile).

Spero di essere stato esauriente.

Ciao, Germano

[newbie] Mandrake Control Center 9.1 and URPMIs

2003-05-30 Thread The Other

Hello All,

I've been following the URPMI discussions with a great deal of 
interest, and would like to setup my MDK 9.1 system to take advantage 
of Internet updating.   (Sorry, but coming from Windows and OS/2, 
this is such a strange and wonderful concept.  I still can't get over 
the novelty of it.)

Under Mandrake Control Center is the option to enter the Software 
Sources Manager.

Currently in Software Sources Manager are listed the 7 CDs for my 
PowerPack distribution.  Going into the Configure Sources dialog, I 
assume I'm going to be *Adding* a source.(Or should I first 
remove all references to the CDs and simply use the Internet for my 

Now for the questions:

1)  What type of source should I select?   FTP Server or HTTP Server, 
and what is Security Updates about?  If I'm using the University of 
Wisconsin for a mirror site, would I select FTP Server rather than 
HTTP Server?

2) The Name:  prompt.  What to use for that?  Is there where I'd enter 
the name of the Mirror site? (the URL for the University of 
Wisconsin, perhaps?)

3) The Path:  prompt.  I have no clue about this one.

4) The Relative Path To Synthesis/Hdlist:  prompt.  No clue for this 
one either.

5)  I can see doing steps 1-4 above for the Main Distribution.  Should 
I then Add entries for Contrib, Updates, and External Sources as 
shown on the plf.zarb.org website?

6) Once I have all the materials downloaded from the Internet,  I 
speculate I would weekly go back to the Configure Sources dialog and 
Update the Internet sources I added in the preceding steps.  I would 
then expect to use RpmDrake to install new software and to use 
Mandrake Update to install the updates to existing software on my 

Do I have the procedure and concepts down correctly?

Thanks for the assistance.  One of the main reasons I came to Linux 
was to be able to keep my OS current without spending an arm and a 
leg every 2 years.  I love having *capacity* and *no limits*, even if 
I don't use them.  Charles Moore's FORTH language is good, but being 
able to interact with others is better.  :)

The Other

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake Control Center 9.1 and URPMIs

2003-05-30 Thread Joe Hill
On Thu, 29 May 2003 07:58:01 -0500
The Other [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Thanks for the assistance.  One of the main reasons I came to Linux 
 was to be able to keep my OS current without spending an arm and a 
 leg every 2 years.  I love having *capacity* and *no limits*, even if 
 I don't use them.  Charles Moore's FORTH language is good, but being 
 able to interact with others is better.  :)

there's a way easier way to do this.

go here: http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/index.php

if you are not sure you are clear on what you are doing, read man urpmi
and associated man pages (listed at bottom of man urpmi).

but really, just going to that site will get you all set up!

 Registered Linux user #282046
 See where I sit all day: http://nodex.sytes.net
 09:09:05 up 1 day, 22:31,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.09, 0.08

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Re: [newbie] Help!!!!!

2003-05-30 Thread Marc Oestreicher
  Maybe being around a lot of people involved in computer science 
gives you a different perspective than mine. Most of the people 
that I come into contact with have never heard of unix and if I 
speak of Linux often the first thing I hear is oh is that the same 
company that makes heating and air conditioning equipment ?
   In my experience it is not as complex as telling people it is not 
like unix anymore but explaining the difference between a operating 
system and a program and explaining that not all computers use 
windoze. If I start to talk about a GUI they think I am talking 
about how my hands got the last tine I robbed the bees (GOOEY), 
sticky, covered with honey. LOL
   Wow it's almost like we live in different worlds but I suppose 
that in some regards we do.

On Thursday 29 May 2003 09:01 am, Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
 I my finishing my degree in computer science in the UK and have
 finished writing my dissertation on Intrusion Detection Systems
 which I developed on Linux with open source software. My uni is
 all Mircosoft pruely because it is what the students have learn
 before they have come to uni and by only treaching them about
 Linux and open source will we be about to give people the option
 of using a different O/S. My point is we need to teach people
 about Linux and the fact that it is not like Unix any more and
 has a GUI that this up to Windows and is easyer the windows to

 my 2 cents that all.


 On Thursday 29 May 2003 11:41 am, MARTIN HENDRIK RAD wrote:
  Long ramble:
  The migration from Windows to another operating system can be
  very bewildering for someone who does not have a computer
  background - like myself. My very first experience with a
  computer was the Sinclair ZX80 (or something), which plugged
  into a normal TV set, and the apps were either loaded from a
  cassette, or typed in line by line (in Basic). After that, some
  years passed before I encountered a MSDOS machine, where I
  learned only a handful of commands. The next encounter with
  computers was at work in the early 90's, using a HP mainframe
  with some kind of a text-based operating system (no idea what
  that was, it still does not resemble anything I've seen). That
  was replaced with pc's with Windows 3.1, a heck of an
  improvement. At this time, all I knew was that Win 3.1 was a
  graphical front-end for MSDOS (because you had to log out of
  Win into DOS). By the time we moved to Win 95, I still did not
  know what an operating system was. Even when I heard about
  Linux (in 1998), I did not understand what it was because I did
  not know what an operating system was. My own perseverance to
  try and find out just WHAT Linux was, eventually taught me a
  lot more about computers.
  But I understand that most people who casually use computers
  for email and writing docs, simply don't understand anything
  about operating systems, apps, file systems and the like. If
  presented with something like KDE, they think it's Windows, but
  broken. When you explain its Linux they're looking at, they
  want to know but what does it do?. I had a friend who
  professed to know nothing about computers, so I showed him what
  Linux looked like. And then he said: oh, but it's Unix! and
  he could use it faultlessly in the console-mode. It turns out
  he did a course in Unix an university, but had never worked on
  Windows! And so it goes on. I sometimes think it would be
  impossible to break the stranglehold Microsoft has on the
  desktop market.
  Hendrik Martin
   -Original Message-
   Sent: 28 May 2003 21:10
   Subject:  RE: [newbie] Help!
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe
   Hill Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 1:44 PM
   Just don't use KDE!
   ROFL, just kidding...
   I know you are just kidding about KDE lol but if we want to
   get windows users to try linux, KDE is the closest looking
   thing to use. I do think they
   should have a serial number though..maybe twice as long as a
   winxp one..
 File: message.footer 

Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

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RE: [newbie] No sound

2003-05-30 Thread Adolf, Michael F
Sorry, I have release 9.1. No idea what 'cooker' means.


-Original Message-
From: Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] No sound

Cooker being the key word there...that is NOT a 9.2 release, that is a 
cooker release and cooker questions/problems should go to the cooker list.



Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Wednesday May 28 2003 06:59 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

Adolf, Michael F wrote:

I just installed Mandrake 9.2 from a download.

There's a 9.2?

  has been for quite some time

tom$ cat /etc/mandrake-release
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (Cooker) for i586


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Re: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread Marc Oestreicher
On Thursday 29 May 2003 07:37 am, Technoslick wrote:
 On Thursday 29 May 2003 12:07 am, Miark graced me with:
  I'm very impressed with Novell's response, here. They're
  calling SCO's bluff and holding their feet to the fire to
  either prove their moronic claims or recant!
  High marks for Messman on this one.

 IBM, Novell, now Linus...

 I've never seen a rabid animal before, but if I had, I think it
 would act just like SCO is right now.

 How many different ways can you commit commercial suicide? SCO's
 rewriting the HOW-TO on it.


   Are they committing commercial suicide or is that just the way it 
appears when mocro$oft uses another company as a pawn? It would be 
interisting to hear the conversations going on between closed doors 
the last month but I suppose that we can only guess.

Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

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Re: [newbie] No sound

2003-05-30 Thread Jason

Google is your friend!! =)



Adolf, Michael F wrote:
Sorry, I have release 9.1. No idea what 'cooker' means.


-Original Message-
From: Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] No sound
Cooker being the key word there...that is NOT a 9.2 release, that is a 
cooker release and cooker questions/problems should go to the cooker list.



Tom Brinkman wrote:

On Wednesday May 28 2003 06:59 pm, Robin Turner wrote:

Adolf, Michael F wrote:

I just installed Mandrake 9.2 from a download.

There's a 9.2?

has been for quite some time

tom$ cat /etc/mandrake-release
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (Cooker) for i586

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Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Thursday May 29 2003 03:44 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 OK Tom, so you favour Via and AMD, but if money is not in itself
 a particular problem, though everything has to be reasonably
 equal, and relative, what would be the best combination of mobo
 cpu and video card for good graphics, speed and efficiency of FSB
 etc in Linux,  and why ?


   I _currently_ favor AMD/VIA. It's a moving target. Intel makes 
good cpu's but up till the newest i875 chipset, there's been no 
decent chipsets to run 'em on. Not even VIA's. That could change 
very soon. I go back'n forth between AMD and Intel. I avoid any 
other cpu's.   There's pros and cons to both AMD and Intel cpus.
Intels run cooler, have better thermal protection. AMD's run hot, 
but due to 3 FPU's per cycle, compared to Intel's 2 FPU's per 
cycle, AMD's deliver more performance from lower clock rates. 
They're also cheaper. 

For video, I believe there's only three valid choices, nVidia, 
ATI, and Matrox. Which one you choose, would depend on how you 
intend to use it. All three have good XFree support for 2d, 3d is 
another issue.

As to motherboard, FSB, ram  well I'll just say I've been 
for two years now, usin a KT133a chipset (Soyo board), 1.53 Ghz 
with 135mhz FSB, oc'd 1.4 Athlon (not an XP), and a mix of old 
PC100, and PC133 SDram at 135 mhz, Cas2, 4-bank.  I see nothin 
currently out there that would prompt me to upgrade.

I suppose if I were to recommend somethin to someone comin from 
even older hardware that needed to upgrade now, it would be a 
KT333a or KT400a chipset on a quality board (Asus, Soyo, MSI, 
Gigabyte, Biostar) and a model and revision that's AMD recommended. 
Probly at most a 2600+ /333 Athlon XP (this uses a 166mhz FSB). 
PC2700 cas2 DDR333 SDram (Crucial or Corsair). An AMD approv'd PSU, 
at least 300 watts. Probly a GeF4 nVidia card usin the XFree driver 
if 3d/accel is not needed.

   As you can see none of this is the latest and greatest. Reasons 
would be for better Linux kernel support, and tried and true 
hardware with at least six months track record. Stayin just behind 
the bleeding edge is a lot cheaper. BIOS versions are more likely 
to have been updated and matured. Same for Linux drivers.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[newbie] Free-Form Database -- Still Looking

2003-05-30 Thread Technoslick
I posted a request for opinions, experience and recommendations on 
this a while back. I can't remember where it went, but it seemed that 
I didn't find what I was looking for. So, I wish to ask again for any 
suggestions and advice on a general purpose free-form database that 
doesn't have the learning curve of Perl or SQL. The need if for me to 
maintain an off-line, portable database of bits and pieces of 
whatever I have learned or found. I want it to be something like 
askSam, but it doesn't have to be as powerful. Flat is fine, though I 
would like to be able to create and use hyperlinks within each 
document. I also don't want to make this manual (like using HTML or 
XML locally.) 

Any ideas, suggestions? All welcomed.



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Re: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread Technoslick
On Thursday 29 May 2003 08:27 am, Marc Oestreicher graced me with:
Are they committing commercial suicide or is that just the way
 it appears when mocro$oft uses another company as a pawn? It would
 be interisting to hear the conversations going on between closed
 doors the last month but I suppose that we can only guess.

Hmmmthat does make me wonder now if there's an exchange of monies 
between M$ and SCO, or maybe future promises, that could make SCO 
want to spend all this time and money ruining their reputation beyond 
repair, alienate themselves with every respectable firm in the 
international computing community. 

Oh! I just came up with the wildest scenario! M$ is backing SCO behind 
the scenes with the idea that if they could win some leverage, M$ 
could step in and buy them out, having the beginning of a lucrative 
monopoly on UNIX source code. And if SCO fails to achieve any of 
this, M$ backs away from their dealings leaving SCO to sink beneath 
the angry mobs and go under as a business...still acquiring them for 
even less to create their own UNIX/Linux. We know M$ never creates 
anything, just acquires it.

Jeezzz. If I was dreaming this in my sleep, I would classify it as 
a bona fide nightmare. :-0



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RE: [newbie] Help!!!!!

2003-05-30 Thread walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marc Oestreicher
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:20 AM

   Wow it's almost like we live in different worlds but I suppose 
that in some regards we do.

People that use linux tend not to be of the norm. I have been following
linux since 1999 and have watched redhat and mandrake evolve. I have tried
many different distros. 
When most people get on a computer, they want it to work the first time,
every time. They do not want to have to think about what they are doing. If
it doesn't work, re-boot, that will fix it.  My first taste with computers
was in 1976 when I was 17. I worked in a government computer room,
babysitting a Honeywell 700 mainframe. In 1979, I bought a radio shack
TRS-80 model 1. I actually used a TRS-model 4D until 1993 because it did
everything I needed it to do. I bought a pacard bell computer that had Dos
5.0 in it and windows 3.0 I had a huge hard drive (245 megs). I taught
myself Dos because it wasn't too unlike trs-dos. Most people today have no
idea what it was like a few years ago with computers. Command line stuff is
like a foreign language to them and they don't want to take the time to find
out and that is why windows have the advantage. IMOHO


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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread barting

Outrageaously shameless sick motherf*ckers over there at the european 
union headquarter$$, that's all I can say...
Just makes me more determined every day though.

And i agree: i'm signing every and any petition that goes in the right 
direction - AND boycotting the moneycrazy - AND putting my (very humble) 
savings at Triodos Bank (for all you europeans: the only (?) bank with 
social and ecological standards).

The planet's not dying: some people are killing it, and they have names 
and addresses. And they don't get another cent from me if i can help it.

Bart Van Audenhove
Registered Linux User #314712

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Re: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread John Richard Smith
Marc Oestreicher wrote:

On Thursday 29 May 2003 07:37 am, Technoslick wrote:

On Thursday 29 May 2003 12:07 am, Miark graced me with:

I'm very impressed with Novell's response, here. They're
calling SCO's bluff and holding their feet to the fire to
either prove their moronic claims or recant!
High marks for Messman on this one.


IBM, Novell, now Linus...

I've never seen a rabid animal before, but if I had, I think it
would act just like SCO is right now.
How many different ways can you commit commercial suicide? SCO's
rewriting the HOW-TO on it.

  Are they committing commercial suicide or is that just the way it 
appears when mocro$oft uses another company as a pawn? It would be 
interisting to hear the conversations going on between closed doors 
the last month but I suppose that we can only guess.


There will be a secret agreement in writing before any such enterprize 
that could potentially cripple a company would be entered into, and this 
would encompass advanced payments to fund the suit, and should the 
principle antagonist want out it would mean paying for court defined 
compensation to  hurt parties. No one in the right mind would act alone 
in this fashion against such a behemoth , and what is more you can be 
sure the antagonist is fully aware of the situation. It also is a 
measure of the fear felt by that antaginist that it is willingto go to 
such lengths, but it ought to also ring alarm bells all over the 
government bodies that oversee monoplistic trading environments in 
America.It is against such trade practises that they are set up to deal 
with. This situation rings bells in my mind to the oil major that was 
broken up in the last great depressionary period when the seven sisters 
were created out of the single oil major. It also rings true of the 
breakup of the telephone monopolies.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] problems with BitTorrent

2003-05-30 Thread ThinKer
does anyone know where I can download and install BitTorrent for
Mandrake 9.0? 

I found some RPM's at
but none of them seem to be installing correctly.



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Re: [newbie] Help!!!!!

2003-05-30 Thread Marc Oestreicher

 People that use linux tend not to be of the norm. I have been
 following linux since 1999 and have watched redhat and mandrake
 evolve. I have tried many different distros.
 When most people get on a computer, they want it to work the
 first time, every time. They do not want to have to think about
 what they are doing. If it doesn't work, re-boot, that will fix
 it.  My first taste with computers was in 1976 when I was 17. I
 worked in a government computer room, babysitting a Honeywell 700
 mainframe. In 1979, I bought a radio shack TRS-80 model 1. I
 actually used a TRS-model 4D until 1993 because it did everything
 I needed it to do. I bought a pacard bell computer that had Dos
 5.0 in it and windows 3.0 I had a huge hard drive (245 megs). I
 taught myself Dos because it wasn't too unlike trs-dos. Most
 people today have no idea what it was like a few years ago with
 computers. Command line stuff is like a foreign language to them
 and they don't want to take the time to find out and that is why
 windows have the advantage. IMOHO


Well I can understand how a lot of folks would have that view. 
Not everyone enjoys learning about computers. A lot of people just 
want to use them as a tool or a form of entertainment. 
   After all I would guess that most of the people on this list 
don't want to get a car and then have to learn to be a mechanic, 
they just want to put un gas and drive.  However that does not 
really give windoze much of a advantage. If a person was to get a 
computer with Mandrake Linux preinstalled I would guess that it 
would be as easy to use as a machine with windoze preinstalled and 
maybe easyer, they would not have to add and update virus 
protection software or deal with BSOD.
Composed on a 100% Microsoft and
 Windows free computer with
Mandrake Linux 9.1

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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Joe Hill
On Thu, 29 May 2003 15:58:28 +0200
barting [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Outrageaously shameless sick motherf*ckers over there at the european 
 union headquarter$$, that's all I can say...
 Just makes me more determined every day though.

just to play devil's advocate, is there a single distro or sol'n
provider that could offer the EU an OS capable of using and
interpreting 20 languages?

Personally I think it's a pretty lame exuse about the languages thing,
it wouldn't take much effort to put together, CMIIW.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 See where I sit all day: http://nodex.sytes.net
 10:20:54 up 1 day, 23:43,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread Marc Oestreicher

 IBM, Novell, now Linus...

   I must have missed something here. Has Linus been drug into this 
   I wonder if anyone has thought about sueing Tux?

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Re: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread Technoslick
On Thursday 29 May 2003 09:30 am, Marc Oestreicher graced me with:
  IBM, Novell, now Linus...

I must have missed something here. Has Linus been drug into this
I wonder if anyone has thought about sueing Tux?

Here's the link that Sridhar passed along in an earlier post. Mention 
made of Linus being taken to task. I skimmed it, but I am sure that 
the news must be posted many other paces by now. I had the feeling 
early on that IBM would not be the only one to be harassed. Once you 
start to point a fingerthat finger travels around.


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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Thursday 29 May 2003 03:58 pm, barting wrote:

 Outrageaously shameless sick motherf*ckers over there at the
 european union headquarter$$, that's all I can say...
 Just makes me more determined every day though.

In case you don't know, The EU is nothing but the bureaucrat's, 
lawyer's, desk-weenie's and other *suits*' retaliation against 
us, the Europeans. The worst-case scenario for those types is 
freedom and democracy.

And this *Harald Rømer* seems to be Danish : Everyone knows 
that the Danish Government (who appointed him) is *owned* by 

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
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Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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RE: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marc Oestreicher
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:30 AM

 IBM, Novell, now Linus...

   I must have missed something here. Has Linus been drug into this 
   I wonder if anyone has thought about sueing Tux?

Talked to my lawyer today..Tux is history LOL


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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Thursday 29 May 2003 04:24 pm, Joe Hill wrote:
 On Thu, 29 May 2003 15:58:28 +0200

 barting [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Outrageaously shameless sick motherf*ckers over there at
  the european union headquarter$$, that's all I can say...
  Just makes me more determined every day though.

 just to play devil's advocate, is there a single distro or
 sol'n provider that could offer the EU an OS capable of
 using and interpreting 20 languages?

 Personally I think it's a pretty lame exuse about the
 languages thing, it wouldn't take much effort to put
 together, CMIIW.

It's the worst excuse I've ever seen. Harald Rømer is the 
European Union's answer to the Iraqi Information Minister.

Just point your browser to this page :


scroll down, and you'll see every European language 
represented, not only in aspell, but kde-i18n as well. 
Furthermore, translating into any language is piece of cake.

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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Re: [newbie] OT: Letter from Novell to SCO

2003-05-30 Thread Technoslick
On Thursday 29 May 2003 10:42 am, Technoslick graced me with:
 Here's the link that Sridhar passed along in an earlier post.
 Mention made of Linus being taken to task. I skimmed it, but I am
 sure that the news must be posted many other paces by now. I had
 the feeling early on that IBM would not be the only one to be
 harassed. Once you start to point a fingerthat finger travels

Stubbid me.. :-(




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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Joe Hill
On Thu, 29 May 2003 16:55:43 +0200
Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 scroll down, and you'll see every European language 
 represented, not only in aspell, but kde-i18n as well. 
 Furthermore, translating into any language is piece of cake.

what that means is one of three things:

1. he knows he is lying.

2. he doesn't know, in which case he's incompetent (incontinent?

3. he's in the pocket os MS.

take your pick.

from what you wrote b4, the only logical *choice* is 3.

 Registered Linux user #282046
 See where I sit all day: http://nodex.sytes.net
 10:52:45 up 2 days, 14 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Contrib sources and cooker RPMs

2003-05-30 Thread eric huff
  Sorry, I forgot about your N.Hemisphere vocabulary!
  Whine whine whine.

 well, if you lived so close to g duhbulyuh, you'd be whinging too!

Where *do* you live, Joe?

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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Thursday 29 May 2003 04:55 pm, Joe Hill wrote:
 3. he's in the pocket os MS.

 take your pick.

 from what you wrote b4, the only logical *choice* is 3.

Exactly !

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] AOL ID

2003-05-30 Thread Burrows, Scott

Do you have a AOL IM id?

I have some offline questions for you.


-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:09 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Creating archive

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 18:56, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 May 2003 9:33 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  You know, you can just open a Konqueror window, right-click on the
  directory you want to archive and choose tar from it - it will
  tar/gzip it for you...just FYI.
  Not in mine it would seem ?
 On my right-click menu it offers Bzip2, tar and zip.  Can you define 
 the difference, please, Stephen?

Well, bzip2 is a tight-compression system, zip is, well, zip, and the
tar option actually does a tar/gzip of an archive.

I don't have the bzip2, though...hmmm...now that's got me thinking (like
I can think with a sore throat, 2% of my brain capacity, 70% of my
visual capacity)

Thu May 29 11:05:00 EST 2003
 11:05:00 up 1 day, 13:38,  5 users,  load average: 1.10, 1.23, 0.92
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

She can kill all your files;
She can freeze with a frown.
And a wave of her hand brings the whole system down.
And she works on her code until ten after three.
She lives like a bat but she's always a hacker to me.
-- Apologies to Billy Joel

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Benjamin Jeeves
Think his bank account what up by a few 0 in the last few days.

On Thursday 29 May 2003 2:47 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 On Thursday 29 May 2003 03:58 pm, barting wrote:
  Outrageaously shameless sick motherf*ckers over there at the
  european union headquarter$$, that's all I can say...
  Just makes me more determined every day though.

 In case you don't know, The EU is nothing but the bureaucrat's,
 lawyer's, desk-weenie's and other *suits*' retaliation against
 us, the Europeans. The worst-case scenario for those types is
 freedom and democracy.

 And this *Harald Rømer* seems to be Danish : Everyone knows
 that the Danish Government (who appointed him) is *owned* by

 Kaj Haulrich.

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Fwd: Re: [newbie] KDE doesn't start

2003-05-30 Thread David Bell
At 15:12 +0200 29/5/03, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
On Thursday 29 May 2003 02:23 pm, David Bell wrote:

 The RPMS directory on the install CD had lots of 'gnome'
 related rpms. They all have complex name structures and it's
 not clear which of them is gnome itself and which are
 supporting packages. Presumably there are lots of
 interdependencies. I don't know which one to install.
 In the light of the complex RPM names it seems to me that
 rpm -q would fail unless I knew the exact name of the
 package I'm looking for. So I think the results from running
 rpm -q are inconclusive.
 A search on the hard disk for file names containing 'gnome'
 showed up a whole raft of files which suggests to me that it
 is in fact installed.
 In any case, even if I do manage to install the other
 desktops  - or indeed if they're there already - the
 question remains - how do I pick the one I want from the

Hmm... First things first : Do you have a GUI at all ?

If yes, can you proceed to the graphical login ?
I yes again, don't you have a choice on the pull-down list
other then KDE or *default* ?
If No, I suppose you are all alone in a CLI login. In that
case, running xtart won't help unless it is installed. Then,
install it : find it on your CD , change into that directory,
become root at type : *urpmi xtart* ( it's a very nifty
program, writting by Civileme. It is meant for cases like
yours ).
That done, issue the command : *urpmi gnome2* and let's see
what happens.
Please return to the list and let us know your mileage.

As I'd indicated I didn't have a working  GUI as the default KDE was 
refusing to start up.

I installed Xtart as you suggested and used to to select Gnome (which 
was already installed along with a couple of others) and it starts up 
fine!  So there definitely seem to be some issue affecting the 
default KDE GUI.

Thanks for your help.

The next problem is trying to sort out the screen resolution! - I'll 
post the details to a new thread.


David Bell

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Re: Fwd: Re: [newbie] KDE doesn't start

2003-05-30 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Thursday 29 May 2003 05:28 pm, David Bell wrote:

 Thanks for your help.

You are welcome.

 The next problem is trying to sort out the screen
 resolution! - I'll post the details to a new thread.

Now David, open a console, su into root and type :
*mcc*. This should launch the Mandrake Control Center. Go to 
*hardware* --- Monitor (screen resolution) and make your 
choices. That's all.


Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at http://counter.li.org
Powered by Linux  -  Mandrake 9.1 -   kernel 2.4.21
Brought to you from my 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] No sound

2003-05-30 Thread Rob Lindsay
Anne et al.,

Have been following the thread above and have a personal solution which may or 
may not help.

I decided to remove aumix. I didn't like its default mute. Am using Kmix 
without any problems.

WRT XMMS, it seemed to sort itself out when I configured CD Audio Player 1.2.7 
to point to /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd. I am using my CDRW to play 
music CDs.

I have Id Software .cin player 1.2.7, MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Player 1.2.7, Ogg 
Vorbis Player 1.2.7, Tone Generator 1.2.7 and Wave Player 1.2.7 disabled.


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Re: Re: [newbie] Creating archive

2003-05-30 Thread Jim Dawson
I have a windows version of bzip2.
It is included with unxutils, a collection of native Win32 ports of various GNU 

You can download it at http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/

-Original Message-
From: _nasturtium [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 19:10:42 +1000
Subject: Re: [newbie] Creating archive

On Wed, 28 May 2003 06:56 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 May 2003 9:33 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  You know, you can just open a Konqueror window, right-click on the
  directory you want to archive and choose tar from it - it will
  tar/gzip it for you...just FYI.
  Not in mine it would seem ?

 On my right-click menu it offers Bzip2, tar and zip.  Can you define
 the difference, please, Stephen?


I think I'll usurp his job and add my 2 cents...

Tar simply puts all the files/directories into a single archive. Zip
actually compresses it. Used together you get a .tar.gz, where you get the
benefit of archiving an entire directory tree (if you wish) with compression.

Bzip2 was written by Julian Seward, it's a block sorting compressor, and on
some files you can make them literally 10 times smaller than zips. But not
all Windows computers can read them (WinZip can't).


Please Reply All/cc to avoid mail being lost in filter problems.

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[newbie] Netgear MA 301GR pci wireless configuration/installation trouble

2003-05-30 Thread Marcio Cordero
Hi all,
I've been having trouble installing this card though I have a similar
prism2.5-based card on my laptop working flawlessly.
I rebuild Austin Acton's prism2-utils-0.2.0-1mdk.src.rpm and installed it.
If I do a modprobe prism2_pci, I get:
/lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/ds.o.gz: init_module:
Operation not permitted

What does this pcmcia module have to do with a pci module? Dependencies?
If I check dmesg, I get:
Linux Kernel Card Services Kernel Version:
  options: [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
ds: no socket drivers loaded!
unloading Kernel Card Services

There it is: pcmcia stuff again. I know I could compile linux-wlan-ng from
source and the configure it to not compile the pcmcia drivers but I'd prefer
to have a rpm I can later erase. If there's a simple step I'm missing, please
let me know.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Marcio Cordero

+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging  more  http://www.gmx.net +++
Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage!

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RE: [newbie] AOL ID

2003-05-30 Thread Burrows, Scott
Stephen Kuhn.

-Original Message-
From: Burrows, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:10 AM
Subject: [newbie] AOL ID


Do you have a AOL IM id?

I have some offline questions for you.


-Original Message-
From: Stephen Kuhn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:09 PM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: Re: [newbie] Creating archive

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 18:56, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 28 May 2003 9:33 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  You know, you can just open a Konqueror window, right-click on the
  directory you want to archive and choose tar from it - it will
  tar/gzip it for you...just FYI.
  Not in mine it would seem ?
 On my right-click menu it offers Bzip2, tar and zip.  Can you define 
 the difference, please, Stephen?

Well, bzip2 is a tight-compression system, zip is, well, zip, and the
tar option actually does a tar/gzip of an archive.

I don't have the bzip2, though...hmmm...now that's got me thinking (like
I can think with a sore throat, 2% of my brain capacity, 70% of my
visual capacity)

Thu May 29 11:05:00 EST 2003
 11:05:00 up 1 day, 13:38,  5 users,  load average: 1.10, 1.23, 0.92
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1  RH 7.3  
 Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

She can kill all your files;
She can freeze with a frown.
And a wave of her hand brings the whole system down.
And she works on her code until ten after three.
She lives like a bat but she's always a hacker to me.
-- Apologies to Billy Joel

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Ximian evolution - viewing international characters

2003-05-30 Thread Ezzat El-Barbary

I've just converted my email to Ximian Evolution from MS Outlook and I
have had trouble reading emails that should be readable under
iso-8859-6 (the unicode arabic fontset) and the windows-1256 (windows
arabic fontset).

Currently it seems even if I select one of the languages from the list
evolution gives, I still get the wrong fonts / display. For example,
greek does not display greek characters but some other font instead -
like it is trying to use the wrong font.

I upgraded Evolution to v1.4 and the same thing still happens.
I think this is to do with gnome and its character displaying and/or
fonts, does anyone have any idea what I can try next?
I have installed pretty much everything possible from my linux cd's so I
don't think it is a missing package (I'm using mandrake 9.1)
I have copied over all my truetype fonts from Windows\Fonts directory
and I can see them in the gnome font preferences dialog.

Arabic is displayed correctly in Mozilla, and also in galeon when I
select that encoding. Kmail is able to read the arabic email correctly
(but only in the view, and not in the list of email subject headings.
I have tried selecting UTF8 and several others on the list Evolution gives, 
(in the preferences menu, under mail) however this list is not an exhaustive list of 
fonts on my system, is there a way of updating this?

I think Evolution uses GTk2 but I don't know how to alter the fonts
Gnome uses, as I am a KDE user. I have tried extensive searching on the
net for language, character code, font, and a host of other keywords,
but nothing useful.. Searching Ximians support sources provides no help

So basically the questions I would most appreciate:

- Is there a way to make gnome select the appropriate font

- Is there a way to make Ximian Evolution display international
characters correctly?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated,

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Re: [newbie] No sound

2003-05-30 Thread Anne Wilson
On Thursday 29 May 2003 4:51 pm, Rob Lindsay wrote:
 Anne et al.,

 Have been following the thread above and have a personal solution
 which may or may not help.

 I decided to remove aumix. I didn't like its default mute. Am using
 Kmix without any problems.

 WRT XMMS, it seemed to sort itself out when I configured CD Audio
 Player 1.2.7 to point to /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/cd. I am
 using my CDRW to play music CDs.

 I have Id Software .cin player 1.2.7, MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Player
 1.2.7, Ogg Vorbis Player 1.2.7, Tone Generator 1.2.7 and Wave
 Player 1.2.7 disabled.


OK - maybe it's worth a try, at that.  For my part, I have no problem 
with music - it's the system sounds that have become so quiet that I 
have to use additional 'event' sounds to make sure I hear them.

Before going down this road, would anyone care to enlighten me as to 
why aumix is there?  What does it do that kmix can't?

I have an audigy sound card, running with oss (the recommendation).  
Xine and xmms both have good sound.


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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread Vahur Lokk
Ühel kenal päeval (Thursday 29 May 2003 06:16) kirjutas Harv Nelson:
 Harv mounts the soapbox and clears his throat .

 Here are a couple suggestions you might like to try:

Situation from a real life:
My friend who got Linux infection from me decided to give it a try and went to 
buy a new comp for that. From a company named Microlink (guess who they 
represent here ;-) )
Asks for a comp without an OS.
No we dont sell without an OS!
OK put some Linux on it, I want to give a try.
Eeee OK the box without an OS it will cost you...


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Re: [newbie] OPINION

2003-05-30 Thread mooney
On 29 May 2003 at 15:58, barting wrote:

 Outrageaously shameless sick motherf*ckers over there at the european 
 union headquarter$$, that's all I can say...
 Just makes me more determined every day though.
 And i agree: i'm signing every and any petition that goes in the right 
 direction - AND boycotting the moneycrazy - AND putting my (very humble) 
 savings at Triodos Bank (for all you europeans: the only (?) bank with 
 social and ecological standards).
 The planet's not dying: some people are killing it, and they have names 
 and addresses. And they don't get another cent from me if i can help it.
 Bart Van Audenhove
 Registered Linux User #314712

Thanks for drawing this to my attention. The comment that they wanted 
a safe system that was able to use up to 20 languages demostarted 
the ignorance of the Deputy-General.

I went to the site  followed the links to 'e-vote', went through the 
questionnaire. Right at the end there is a comments section where I 
was able to make a comparison with the Munich situation, complain 
about MY money being wasted, query the organisation that allowed 
informed judgement to be overturned by appointees (rather than 
elected representatives), and ask what other areas that I didn't know 
about were being affected. 

Not much, but maybe?

Paul M.

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[newbie] Greetings to the mandrake community!

2003-05-30 Thread manolis
After more than 10 years as a Windows user, and MFC,VC++,Delphi,pocket pc eVC 
hobbie programmer I want to welcome myshelf to the FREE linux community!
I decided to make a jump to the mandrake linux environment!!!

My first try is Mandrake 9.0. I am pretty happy with its KDE interface and all 
the programs that I can use. I start to explore the potentials of Kdevelop 
with GCC too

I am an over the medium windows user, but some things are too complicated to 
know, because on a windows pc I learned just to NOT care and leave the OS do 
the job. I have many minor problems that took me hours of usage to understand 
on linux but I try to take one step at a time.

I will post many questions on this forum, hoping to give me some help in many 
circumstances that I came to.

A big welcome to me,,,
a newbie user

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[newbie] problem with mounting a FAT32 disk

2003-05-30 Thread manolis
problem #1:

I added a harddisk 40GB formatted with FAT32. I mounted on /mnt/movable just 
Question : How can I make it writeable? The HD mounts itshelf in readonly 
mode, I cannot enable write access with root privilege.


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[newbie] problem with internet networking.

2003-05-30 Thread manolis
problem #2:

When I dialup with kppp I connect fine with my modem. The prolem is that 
sometimes (most of the times after a restart), the name resolving doesn't 
work. I found after many hours of searching that every time after a restart I 
have to go to mandrake control center and DISABLE the ICS on network. After 
that the system works fine with internet.

Any ideas how to prevent this?
(I don't use ICS, I installed a proxy server to add internet in an XP machine 
and works fine).


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[newbie] problem #3 SAMBA occasionally not working.

2003-05-30 Thread manolis
Sometimes (I don't know exactly when), the samba server (maybe after a 
restart) stops working. Even if the service runs fine I cannot browse to the 
SMB workgroup I installed. After some restarts in smb service the network 
comes alive until the next boot.

Any ideas?

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[newbie] problem with SAMBA: XP user cannot have access.

2003-05-30 Thread manolis

to a well working samba system, an XP user that is connected to mandrakePC 
cannot have access to Samba Server in workgroup even he can see the icon in 
workgroup list of WinXP.

Any help?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] problem: XawTV

2003-05-30 Thread manolis

the default icon with command /usr/bin/XawTV -c /dev/v4l/video0
doesn't open anymore the tvcard screen.

I made a new icon with command /usr/bin/XawTV that works fine!!

Why does it happen this problem?


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[newbie] serious problem : LILO

2003-05-30 Thread manolis
After the installation of nvidia driver I cannot enter to KDE with the linux 
or linux-nofb  selection in LILO. The system loads up until text mode 
after that the X server fails with kstart or X.

the only way to come in to graphical desktop KDE is failsafe option , and 
select graphical desktop from the Linuxconf menu.
The weird is that the nvidia driver in this mode works fine!!!
I have hardware opengl support (and logo from nvidia)(played NWN fine!)!.

1. Does the failsafe mode adds system DISfunctionality? (like the safe mode of 
2, How can I solve this problem even if there is no problem with booting with 
that option.

please help,, and thanks in advance.


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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Steve Ballmer: No sleep lost over Linux

2003-05-30 Thread Mark Weaver
Stephen Kuhn wrote:
Kinda old, but I just found this - thought it might be of interest to
some of y'all...actually quite funny when you think about it...
Ballmer is such a bafoon!

The definition of stupid is doing something the same way twice
and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Linux User Since 1996
Powered by Mandrake Linux 9.1
ICQ# 27816299

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Ximian evolution - viewing international characters

2003-05-30 Thread Ez

I've just converted my email to Ximian Evolution from MS Outlook and I
have had trouble reading emails that should be readable under
iso-8859-6 (the unicode arabic fontset) and the windows-1256 (windows
arabic fontset).

Currently it seems even if I select one of the languages from the list
evolution gives, I still get the wrong fonts / display. For example,
greek does not display greek characters but some other font instead -
like it is trying to use the wrong font.

I upgraded Evolution to v1.4 and the same thing still happens.
I think this is to do with gnome and its character displaying and/or
fonts, does anyone have any idea what I can try next?
I have installed pretty much everything possible from my linux cd's so I
don't think it is a missing package (I'm using mandrake 9.1)
I have copied over all my truetype fonts from Windows\Fonts directory
and I can see them in the gnome font preferences dialog.

Arabic is displayed correctly in Mozilla, and also in galeon when I
select that encoding. Kmail is able to read the arabic email correctly
(but only in the view, and not in the list of email subject headings.

I have tried selecting UTF8 and several others on the list Evolution 
gives, (in the preferences menu, under mail) however this list is not 
an exhaustive list of fonts on my system, is there a way of updating this?

I think Evolution uses GTk2 but I don't know how to alter the fonts
Gnome uses, as I am a KDE user. I have tried extensive searching on the
net for language, character code, font, and a host of other keywords,
but nothing useful.. Searching Ximians support sources provides no help

So basically the questions I would most appreciate:

- Is there a way to make gnome select the appropriate font
or language automatically?

- Is there a way to make Ximian Evolution display international
characters correctly?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated,

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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: Steve Ballmer: No sleep lost over Linux

2003-05-30 Thread walt

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Weaver
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:57 PM

Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 Kinda old, but I just found this - thought it might be of interest to
 some of y'all...actually quite funny when you think about it...

Ballmer is such a bafoon!


I liked this part of the article LOL:

Linux itself is a clone of an operating system that is 20-plus years old.
That's what it is. That is what you can get today, a clone of a 20-year-old
system. I'm not saying that it doesn't have some place for some customers,
but that is not an innovative proposition. 

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[newbie] Sylpheed keyboard focus

2003-05-30 Thread RichardA
In KMail, I could use + to go to the next unread message, and Page
Up and Down within it.
In Sylpheed, shift-N goes to the next unread, but Page Down works within
the message list not the message. Is there an easy way to jump to each
unread message, and then page within it using only the keyboard?

Also, how many messages can I keep in a folder before Sylpheed has
problems (I'm at 7500 and counting...)?

Registered Linux user 246658 at

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[newbie] question about network shares.

2003-05-30 Thread manolis
I forgot to ask ,in my previous questions the following:

Let's say that I have a harddisk FAT32 in /mnt/disk1

How can I make it shared in networking? The system says that I can make shares 
only in the /home directory.


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[newbie] URPMI description install

2003-05-30 Thread Michael Lothian
Hi I was wondering if there was a way to make URPMI install RPMs who's 
descrption contains a particular word ie game

I can do it in Sortware Install however it has issues when my ISP 
disconects me every two hours so I prefer using the command line.



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Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 2:40:02 AM, you wrote:

 In konquerer file manager: tools - find file :)



DJ Isn't that just a brute force 'Look at every file' search? It certainly takes 
DJ a long time.

I tried that and it does take a VERY long time if you look for text
inside files. After it finds the files, you seem to have to open each
one, then find the text inside the file. This takes even more time.
I'm spoiled by dtSearch which takes a second or two to visually
display every match in 50,000+ files.

DJ Rikonia is looking for a graphical way of searching the slocate database.

True. Actually, the graphic part that would be nice is to be able to
see each 'chunk' of found text, HTML, etc, as you scroll through the
matches that were found. Scrolling through a couple of hundred matches
this way is quick - opening a couple of hundred items and then finding
the text inside is very slow. This is the most attractive part.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Help!!!!!

2003-05-30 Thread Bryan Tyson
On Thursday 29 May 2003 08:19, Marc Oestreicher wrote:

Wow it's almost like we live in different worlds but I suppose
 that in some regards we do.

Yes, I was talking with two guys yesterday who are pretty computer 
literate. At least they had heard of Linux, but they knew absolutely 
nothing about it. One asked, what company makes that, anyway? and 
neither had heard of Linus Torvalds!

Powered by SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional
KDE 3.0.0 KMail 1.4
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 29 May 2003 01:05 pm, John Drouhard wrote:

 How about an AOpen AK77-8XN? It isn't too expensive, has 8x AGP support
 and the KT400 chipset. I am thinking about pairing it with an Athlon
 2200+ and oc'ing it with Greg's advice. Does this sound good with a
 Radeon 9500 Pro? I do know that the newest drivers are supposed to work
 real good with WineX, which i use. Or does anyone think that DirectX 9.0
 will really matter. Otherwise I'll go with the Nvidia Geforce4 Ti 4400.

I think any KT400 board should do.  If you want to be sure on the video, get 
nVidia.  You never said if you were going to dual-boot windows, but if you're 
not, will dx9 really matter?

If you OC the 2200+ your potentially going to have a problem because if you 
move to 166fsb, you're going to have to drop the multiplier, and to do that 
with the Athlon over 2100+ you have to make a chip mod, a small one, but 
you'd still have to do it.  The other option is to leave the fsb at 133 and 
just increase the multiplier.  Also, don't expect the same kind of 
performance boost with the 2200+ than I got with the 1700+.  a nearly 50% 
overclock like that has pretty much been reserved for the 1700+ because it is 
a very special chip.  Moral of the story, read up and make sure you are 
comfortable with what you are doing because there are no guarantees.  If you 
know what you are doing, it is pretty easy, but if you try to approach it 
without gaining any knowledge, you could very well fry something.

Start here and watch the wrap.



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Re: [newbie] Help!!!!!

2003-05-30 Thread Benjamin Jeeves

That is because we pay and you people in up there have more better usage of 
the money that Brunel uni paid M$. If you put Linux in are IS department 
there would think there have moved. So for the better teachers and PHD 
students do use Linux but that is it.

On Thursday 29 May 2003 10:19 pm, Michael Lothian wrote:
 Blimey what uni do you go to.

 Here at Edinbugh we have Windows for the arts students and Linux for us
 Infomatics students, LOL.

 Any way that my 2 pennies.


 Benjamin Jeeves wrote:
 I my finishing my degree in computer science in the UK and have finished
 writing my dissertation on Intrusion Detection Systems which I developed
  on Linux with open source software. My uni is all Mircosoft pruely
  because it is what the students have learn before they have come to uni
  and by only treaching them about Linux and open source will we be about
  to give people the option of using a different O/S. My point is we need
  to teach people about Linux and the fact that it is not like Unix any
  more and has a GUI that this up to Windows and is easyer the windows to
 my 2 cents that all.

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Re: [newbie] serious problem : LILO

2003-05-30 Thread John Drouhard
On Fri, 30 May 2003 01:06:11 +0300
manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the Nvidia file is: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4363.run
 I also update the line of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file as the installation 
 readme proposes:
 Driver nv  Driver nvidia
 I think you need these parts of XF86Config-4.
 I repeat that the X starts fine with failsafe mode (nvidialogo)  but not 
 with the default linux mode.
 Section Module
 Load dbe # Double-Buffering Extension
 Load v4l # Video for Linux
 Load extmod
 Load type1
 Load freetype
 Load glx # 3D layer
 Section Device
 Identifier device1
 VendorName nVidia Corporation
 BoardName NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)
 Driver nvidia
 Option DPMS
   Option NvAGP 1   #---right here

I do know that if it's an AGP card, you have to add one line to the
file. See above for the modification.


John Drouhard

Thu May 29 18:20:34 UTC 2003
 18:20:34 up  8:58,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.07
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re: [newbie] serious problem : LILO

2003-05-30 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 29 May 2003 06:12 pm, manolis wrote:
   30  2003 01:06, / manolis :
30  2003 00:57, / Greg Meyer :
   On Thursday 29 May 2003 04:51 pm, manolis wrote:
After the installation of nvidia driver I cannot enter to KDE with
the linux or linux-nofb  selection in LILO. The system loads up
until text mode login.
after that the X server fails with kstart or X.
the only way to come in to graphical desktop KDE is failsafe option
, and select graphical desktop from the Linuxconf menu.
The weird is that the nvidia driver in this mode works fine!!!
I have hardware opengl support (and logo from nvidia)(played NWN
1. Does the failsafe mode adds system DISfunctionality? (like the
safe mode of Windows?)
2, How can I solve this problem even if there is no problem with
booting with that option.
   Well, from my experience with this group, you should get answers to
   most of your questions relatively quickly.  This particular problem is
   not a problem with LILO, but with the loading of the nvidia driver. 
   Could you give us some more info about your hardware, like specific
   motherboard and video card, which nVidia RPMS you used and and include
   a copy of your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.
  the Nvidia file is: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-4363.run
The driver I used

 Pentium III 933 Mhz
 ASUS Geforce3 64MB

I have a GeForce3 also.

I am going to have to defer here to someone else, because I have the same 
drivers with the same video card and they work fine for me.  My XF86Config-4 
file agrees with yours too.  Sorry I can't help.  Also try a usenet search 
with google.  Anybody?


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Re: [newbie] serious problem : LILO

2003-05-30 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 29 May 2003 02:22 pm, John Drouhard wrote:
  Section Device
  Identifier device1
  VendorName nVidia Corporation
  BoardName NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)
  Driver nvidia
  Option DPMS

Option NvAGP 1   #---right here


 I do know that if it's an AGP card, you have to add one line to the
 file. See above for the modification.

Yes, I have that too.

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Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread John Drouhard
On Thu, 29 May 2003 19:22:14 -0400
Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think any KT400 board should do.  If you want to be sure on the video, get 
 nVidia.  You never said if you were going to dual-boot windows, but if you're 
 not, will dx9 really matter?

I am dual booting windows, but thats besides the point. I want to have
full compatibility with upcoming games. I will be playing them through
winex, and I'm sure that most upcoming games will use Directx 9.0. Maybe
then I should go for a GeForce FX 5600 Ultra. I didn't particularly want
an FX though

 If you OC the 2200+ your potentially going to have a problem because if you 
 move to 166fsb, you're going to have to drop the multiplier, and to do that 
 with the Athlon over 2100+ you have to make a chip mod, a small one, but 
 you'd still have to do it.  The other option is to leave the fsb at 133 and 
 just increase the multiplier.  Also, don't expect the same kind of 
 performance boost with the 2200+ than I got with the 1700+.  a nearly 50% 
 overclock like that has pretty much been reserved for the 1700+ because it is 
 a very special chip.  Moral of the story, read up and make sure you are 
 comfortable with what you are doing because there are no guarantees.  If you 
 know what you are doing, it is pretty easy, but if you try to approach it 
 without gaining any knowledge, you could very well fry something.

Ok, that puts the 2200+ out of the question. About your 1700+, does it
perform the same as a non oc'd 2400+ would perform? And if not, about
how does it perform in comparison to another Athlon?

 Start here and watch the wrap.

Thanks for the link, they seem to suggest the 1700+ as the most bang for

Thanks for all this helpful info guys. You have really weighed heavily
in my decision for a motherboard / cpu combo. Thanks again!

John Drouhard

Thu May 29 18:36:42 UTC 2003
They told me to install Windows 98 or better, so I installed Linux.
Registered Linux User # 315649
Registered Machine # 201001

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Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 4:00:38 AM, you wrote:

DJ kio_locate - A kio slave plug in for konqueror. There is an RPM in
DJ contrib and in texstar so 'urpmi kio_locate' is all you need to
DJ install it.

I was looking around for this but couldn't find it. I found several
references to 'contrib' files, but almost all 9.0 ones are empty or no
longer there. Did everyone convert to 9.1?

Perhaps you could give me the pointer.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 29 May 2003 02:43 pm, John Drouhard wrote:
 About your 1700+, does it
 perform the same as a non oc'd 2400+ would perform?

Yes, for all intents and purposes, it is a 2400+.

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RE: [newbie] Evolution for 9.1?

2003-05-30 Thread Shaun Grogan
Have you tried using Red Carpet by Ximian.  I'm a big n00b when it comes to
Linux and I've found that Redcarpet seems to solve most depency issues for
me.  Just a thought.  http://www.ximian.org

Shaun W. Grogan

-Original Message-
From: Marco Verheul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: [newbie] Evolution for 9.1?


I just installed 9.1 and i want to set up my system. I was using 
Evolution in 9.0 but I can't seem to find the right version. Does 
anybody has Evolution running in 9.1? When I try to install the beta 
stuff I get all kinds of dependency errors.


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Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 7:25:43 AM, you wrote:

DJ I managed to compile klocate2 for Mandrake 9.1

Would this work for 9.0 also?

I've never tried to compile anything (being a complete newbie). Is
there a 'compiling for dummies' writeup anywhere? If not, perhaps you
could say how to do it for klocate2 - it is often helpful to try a
specific example to learn how to do something.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello Derek,

Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 7:25:43 AM, you wrote:

DJ I managed to compile klocate2 for Mandrake 9.1

Would this work for 9.0 also?

I've never tried to compile anything (being a complete newbie). Is
there a 'compiling for dummies' writeup anywhere? If not, perhaps you
could say how to do it for klocate2 - it is often helpful to try a
specific example to learn how to do something.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread FemmeFatale
At 07:48 PM 5/28/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On Wednesday May 28 2003 06:45 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:


 i have that board.

 has more than I need + an upgrade path.
 FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
I've read that the newest i875 chipset is decent. Please keep
us posted about Linux support.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas
Only trouble I had is having to install my Gigabit drivers from teh 
accompanying CD for the mobo itself.  Has drivers on it.  Strangely I 
cannot find updated/other drivers for this 3com built-in NIC.  Has built-in 
sound too...which I don't use.  Stable even OCed to 2.8ghz.  I'm 
happy...but i'd love to OC it more with more cooling if possible.  Dunno if 
I will.  Shrugs.

If someone finds other drivers let me know though for hte GB NIC. :)
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread FemmeFatale
At 09:44 AM 5/29/2003 +0100, you wrote:

OK Tom, so you favour Via and AMD, but if money is not in itself a 
particular problem, though everything has to be reasonably equal, and 
relative, what would be the best combination of mobo cpu and video card 
for good graphics, speed and efficiency of FSB etc in Linux,  and why ?


John Richard Smith
Asus P4T533-C Mobo or mine the P4C800 DX, 2.5ghz cpu *best bang for buck*, 
plus all this has room to upgrade.  Grafx:  Nvidia or ATI doesn't 
matter.  If you want (like me) bleeding edge cause you game a radeon 9700 
Pro or 9800Pro.  Either will be fine but 3d for Linux gaming won't work 
well yet.  For windows, its fine if you dual boot.  Support for linux with 
these components is very good...all those companies provide linux only 
drivers  some amount of tech support in their forums  such.  I hate AMD 
b/c I don't find their stuff stable  it tends to overheat.  Just my 
opinion mind you.  And i've seen nothing but problems with VIA's last 
chipsets...for the PIII's the ViA's rocked.  For a P4 I won't trust 
them.  Again, IMO.  No humbling though...sorry... i gave it up for Lent. :D

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread FemmeFatale
At 06:43 PM 5/29/2003 +, you wrote:
On Thu, 29 May 2003 19:22:14 -0400
I am dual booting windows, but thats besides the point. I want to have
full compatibility with upcoming games. I will be playing them through
winex, and I'm sure that most upcoming games will use Directx 9.0. Maybe
then I should go for a GeForce FX 5600 Ultra. I didn't particularly want
an FX though


they suck...ATI rules right now...  doesn't take up 2 slots (Yes an FX 
takes the AGP slot + adjoining pci slot cause its cooling solution is so 
large...pfft.. POS).  ATI's 9700  9800's are faster, built better  don't 
take up that much room.  No i'm not a fangirl, i take the best the world in 
video has to offer at the time.  For a while I used nvidia. Now i'll use 
ATI.  Next who knows?
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] IsTwo monitors possible?

2003-05-30 Thread FemmeFatale
At 07:10 PM 5/29/2003 -0300, you wrote:
Is this your site: http://sweet-dreamz.net/crazed/

Don't have one.  sorry.
FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt
Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] motherboard recommendations

2003-05-30 Thread Greg Meyer
On Thursday 29 May 2003 02:43 pm, John Drouhard wrote:
 I am dual booting windows, but thats besides the point. I want to have
 full compatibility with upcoming games. I will be playing them through
 winex, and I'm sure that most upcoming games will use Directx 9.0. Maybe
 then I should go for a GeForce FX 5600 Ultra. I didn't particularly want
 an FX though

The ATI support will probably get better in the future.  Just don't expect not 
to have problems now if you get one.  It may not be until 9.2 that it works 
really well, so kernel/X issues can be worked out and ATI can catch up on the 
binary drivers.

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[newbie] Ok another address change

2003-05-30 Thread KVPSTAFF
Ok people...
this is Kit again of [EMAIL PROTECTED] fame...lol

I'm now connected to DSL under verizon service.

I'm setting up linux mandrake 9.0 right now...
and later 9.1 (after downloading it)

this is the config ihave right this moment:

a windows 2000 pro machine, 
networked with 2 other w2k pro machines,
and a mandrake linux only machine
using a INTEL InBusiness 5 port hub.

every machine sees each other...but only the DSL connection is on
the windows 2k pro setup with verizon DSL.

I'm trying to get linux to now see the windows box...so that i can then
setup the dsl connection to share with the windows boxes...
I would appreciate some help with this...anyone care to lend a hand?

KVP-PC Staff

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Re: [newbie] URPMI description install

2003-05-30 Thread Dennis Myers
On Thursday 29 May 2003 05:34 pm, Michael Lothian wrote:
 Hi I was wondering if there was a way to make URPMI install RPMs who's
 descrption contains a particular word ie game

 I can do it in Sortware Install however it has issues when my ISP
 disconects me every two hours so I prefer using the command line.


Not sure, have never tried it but you might try  urpmi *game* and see what 
happens. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re[2]: [newbie] Support questions

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello Greg,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 5:40:20 PM, you wrote:

GM On Tuesday 27 May 2003 08:16 pm, rikona wrote:

First, I'd like to thank you for the explanation. It was very helpful,
and had places I didn't know about.

GM MandrakeExpert is a site where one can get paid for support, where
GM a MandrakeSoft employee or support representative is assigned to
GM your incident  and hopefully provides a solution.

If I understand the site correctly, this is the place where 'package'
support has migrated. However, there does not seem to be a place to
register a purchased box to get the support. When I try to register, I
get to sign in, but there does not seem to be a way to actually
'register' and thus not pay if you have already bought a box, as I
have. The non-paid requests seem to sit there for a very lgg
time. :-)

GM Any which way you support Mandrake, by buying a box, joining the
GM Club, purchasing incidents or making a donation, it all goes to
GM support an  excellent software product and helps to keep
GM development going.

Agreed - I will probably join the club after my 'box' support expires
(assuming I can even activate this in the first place, and get some

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] URPMI description install

2003-05-30 Thread Cody Harris

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# urpmi *game*
dno package named *game*
PS: the ds are me seeing of the program was responding
At 07:33 PM 5/29/2003 -0500, you wrote:
On Thursday 29 May 2003 05:34 pm,
Michael Lothian wrote:
 Hi I was wondering if there was a way to make URPMI install RPMs
 descrption contains a particular word ie game

 I can do it in Sortware Install however it has issues when my
 disconects me every two hours so I prefer using the command


Not sure, have never tried it but you might try urpmi
*game* and see what 
happens. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842
Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| http://vectec.net
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Re: Re[2]: [newbie] *Fast* file contents search tool?

2003-05-30 Thread Derek Jennings
On Friday 30 May 2003 12:51 am, rikona wrote:
 Hello Derek,
DJ kio_locate - A kio slave plug in for konqueror. There is an RPM in
DJ contrib and in texstar so 'urpmi kio_locate' is all you need to
DJ install it.

I was looking around for this but couldn't find it. I found several
references to 'contrib' files, but almost all 9.0 ones are empty or no
longer there. Did everyone convert to 9.1?

Perhaps you could give me the pointer.

I could not find a contrib source for 9.0 either. They seem to be vanishing 
off the servers. So yes.. most people have converted to 9.1

 Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 7:25:43 AM, you wrote:

 DJ I managed to compile klocate2 for Mandrake 9.1

 Would this work for 9.0 also?

Probably not. Mandrake 9.1 uses a different compiler version to 9.0, and the 
package will have been compiled assuming all the 9.1 KDE libraries are 
present. If you tried installing it in 9.0 you would probably get a lot of 
dependency errors. But by all means try it. The worst that can happen is it 
will refuse to install.

 I've never tried to compile anything (being a complete newbie). Is
 there a 'compiling for dummies' writeup anywhere? If not, perhaps you
 could say how to do it for klocate2 - it is often helpful to try a
 specific example to learn how to do something.

I am sure there are good writeups available. The linux documentation project 
is a good place to start http://www.tldp.org/tldp-redirect.php?url=/
There is also good info in the Mandrake documentation

There are two basic ways to compile an app.
In the first you start off with a 'tarball' (A .tar.gz compressed file) 
containing the source code. You run ./configure to configure it for your 
environment, and then 'make' to compile it, and 'make install' to install it.
That sounds easy, but during the configure stage it will check you have all 
the correct development libraries installed, and it can take some time to 
track them all down. (They will almost always be on your CDs) The other issue 
is that anything installed this way will not show up in the package database 
which can cause confusion when you add/upgrade packages later. 

The second method is to download a .src.rpm of the package you want. A 
.src.rpm contains the source code, and a 'spec' file which tells your 
compiler how to build it. You simply run the command 'rpm --rebuild 
package_name.src.rpm'  and it will compile the package and create a regular 
rpm package compiled for your specific environment.
The bad news is you still need all the correct compilers and development 
libraries installed. The error messages will often refer to missing file 
names. The 'urpmf' command is very useful to find out in which development 
package those files can be found. See 'man urpmf' and 'man rpm'

Its a bit late now, but tomorrow I will put a src.rpm of klocate2 up on my 
server for you to practice with


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Re[3]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello FemmeFatale,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 10:25:02 PM, you wrote:

F See Attachment for explanations.

This might help if I do get a freeze. Nice to know.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re[5]: [newbie] Oops - what happened?

2003-05-30 Thread rikona
Hello bascule,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 11:13:42 PM, you wrote:

b to get the 'process bar' back press alt-f2 and type 'kicker', this
b should bring back the panel at the bottom

That would have helped a lot - thanks.

Thank you,
 rikonamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Greetings to the mandrake community!

2003-05-30 Thread Joe Hill
On Thu, 29 May 2003 23:31:27 +0300
manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I will post many questions on this forum, hoping to give me some help
 in many circumstances that I came to.
 A big welcome to me,,,
 a newbie user

Hail and well met!

Stephen Kuhn will be answering most of your questions, ROFL...tho the
past few days M Brinkman has been writing like a madman...er

 Registered Linux user #282046
 See where I sit all day: http://nodex.sytes.net
 16:32:54 up 2 days,  5:55,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Greetings to the mandrake community!

2003-05-30 Thread Cody Harris

At 04:34 PM 5/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Thu, 29 May 2003 23:31:27
manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 I will post many questions on this forum, hoping to give me some
 in many circumstances that I came to.
 A big welcome to me,,,
 a newbie user
We were all newbies at one point. I have little knowledge, but sometimes
i can get a quicker answer out then the rest (sorry, but it's

Hail and well met!
Stephen Kuhn will be answering most of your questions, ROFL...tho
past few days M Brinkman has been writing like a
What about you?

Registered Linux user #282046
See where I sit all day:
16:32:54 up 2 days, 5:55, 1 user, load average:
0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

-Cody Harris
| Linux Rox My Sox! |
| Check out HCHS! |
| http://vectec.net
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server. |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598 |

| Registered Linux Computer #200951 |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :( |

Re: [newbie] Ok another address change

2003-05-30 Thread Dennis Myers
On Thursday 29 May 2003 07:32 pm, KVPSTAFF wrote:
 Ok people...
 this is Kit again of [EMAIL PROTECTED] fame...lol

 I'm now connected to DSL under verizon service.

 I'm setting up linux mandrake 9.0 right now...
 and later 9.1 (after downloading it)

 this is the config ihave right this moment:

 a windows 2000 pro machine,
 networked with 2 other w2k pro machines,
 and a mandrake linux only machine
 using a INTEL InBusiness 5 port hub.

 every machine sees each other...but only the DSL connection is on
 the windows 2k pro setup with verizon DSL.

 I'm trying to get linux to now see the windows box...so that i can then
 setup the dsl connection to share with the windows boxes...
 I would appreciate some help with this...anyone care to lend a hand?

 KVP-PC Staff
In my humble opinion, you are better off using the linux box as the gateway 
and enabling connection sharing in MCC. It is easier to set up as far as I am 
concerned. But you have the Modem in the windows box so you should be able to 
go to internet connection and inable sharing from there. I would use 
internal static IPs  but that's just me.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Ok another address change

2003-05-30 Thread Brian Parish
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 00:32, KVPSTAFF wrote:
 Ok people...
 this is Kit again of [EMAIL PROTECTED] fame...lol
 I'm now connected to DSL under verizon service.
 I'm setting up linux mandrake 9.0 right now...
 and later 9.1 (after downloading it)
 this is the config ihave right this moment:
 a windows 2000 pro machine, 
 networked with 2 other w2k pro machines,
 and a mandrake linux only machine
 using a INTEL InBusiness 5 port hub.
 every machine sees each other...but only the DSL connection is on
 the windows 2k pro setup with verizon DSL.
 I'm trying to get linux to now see the windows box...so that i can then
 setup the dsl connection to share with the windows boxes...
 I would appreciate some help with this...anyone care to lend a hand?
 KVP-PC Staff
Let's ignore for the moment the fact that it would make more sense for
you to connect the linux machine to the DSL and use it as a gateway and
firewall for the windoze clients.  Maybe that can be version 2.

If DSL is working from W2K, all you need to do is switch on internet
connection sharing there and then set the address of that machine as the
gateway for your linux box.  You can set the gateway address using the
control center, using the internet connection wizard.

You will also need the address(es) of the DNS inserted into a file
called: /etc/resolv.conf

It should look like:

nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

The first address is that of the primary DNS, then the secondary.  You
can have as many of these as your ISP provides.

That's all that's required, but as said above, it would make a lot more
sense to front-end with linux.  Is your DSL modem ethernet connected or
USB?  If it's ethernet, then getting the linux gateway config going is
really easy.  If USB, then the answer is always it depends.

Anyway, make a start and post more questions.  You'll find plenty of
people here who can help you make this work.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Greetings to the mandrake community!

2003-05-30 Thread Brian Parish
On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 20:34, Joe Hill wrote:
 On Thu, 29 May 2003 23:31:27 +0300
 manolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  I will post many questions on this forum, hoping to give me some help
  in many circumstances that I came to.
  A big welcome to me,,,
  a newbie user
 Hail and well met!
 Stephen Kuhn will be answering most of your questions, ROFL...tho the
 past few days M Brinkman has been writing like a madman...er
hey! I got to answer one before Stephen!  Major coup :-)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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