Re: [newbie-it] Compilazione del kernel

2003-08-26 Thread fabio
Alle 15:08, lunedì 25 agosto 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
 Scusate il disturbo,
 E' la prima vola che mi trovo a dover compilare un kernel,
 ho letto  da qualche parte che per compilare i kernel 2.4.xx  si deve
 intervenire su alcuni pacchetti chiave quali gcc, libc s SysVInit e
 modificare alcuni file di sistema.
 E' vero? e se si quali modifiche devo apportare e su quali file?
 Domanda numero due: ho un portatile su cui ho installato linux, non mi
 riconosce la pcmcia e va in kernel panic all avvio, quali moduli del kernel
 devo configurare? Il pc è un compaq presario 907ea, il kernel che ho
 scaricato è il 2.4.21 può andare bene?
Certamente non devi intervenire sui compilatori o altro: la configurazione del 
kernel avviene tramite l'apposito front end che trovi in tre versioni. Un 
articolo base che ti spiga come configurare il kernel la trovi sul sito , nella sezione Linux.

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri e fineriga

2003-08-26 Thread Tommaso
Il lun, 2003-08-25 alle 23:20, Arwan ha scritto:
 Sono alle prese con i miei soliti pastrocchi. Ho un file di testo
 nativo dos 6.2 con una carateristica che dovrei convertire, ma non ci
 riesco. Si tratta di questo: sono un migliaio di righe caratterizzate
 da un = prima dell'ivio a capo, tipo queste:
 ciao gente bella =
 mi aiutate a mettere il txt su una sola riga?
 Devo, appunto, togliere l'= e a capo in modo che il testo, frazionato
 in molte righe, venga a stare su una riga unica. 
 Ho provato con sed ma non so come indicargli il carattere di fine
 riga, tanto piu' che viene da dos e non so se sia neccessario fare
 prima delle altre conversioni. Avevo provato con qualcosa tipo:
 sed s/=\r//g file  newfile
 Come dicevo non riconosce \n (se lascio solo l'uguale tutto funzia a
 meraviglia, ma, come c'era da aspettarsi, elimina gli = dal testo
 senza ricomporre le righe)

ho provato a togliere il carattere di fine riga (\n) con gedit e tutto 
funzionato a meraviglia. Non so se altri editor da linea di comando
siano cos bravi.
Spero di esserti stato utile

[newbie-it] Problemi con eroaster

2003-08-26 Thread Tommaso
Salve a tutti,
ho dei seri problemi con eroaster.
Se lo lancio da root ricevo soltanto qualche warning di programmi non
trovati ma eroaster parte e masterizza in modo adeguato. Se provo a
farlo partire come utente ricevo un avviso che non  possibile trovare
il modulo gtk. Ho anche associato la cartella /usr/lib/eroaster ad un
gruppo per masterizzare al quale appartiene anche l'utente in questione,
ma nessun risultato.
Sapete come aiutarmi?

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri e fineriga

2003-08-26 Thread Arwan
Deve aver avuto molto sonno, perche' il martedì 26 agosto 2003, alle 00:23, Tommaso ha 

 ho provato a togliere il carattere di fine riga (\n) con gedit e tutto è
 funzionato a meraviglia. Non so se altri editor da linea di comando
 siano così bravi.

Ho provato a usare gedit, che non conosco, ma non l'ho installato
(almeno, mi dice command not found, figurarsi poi avere il man...).
Indago e poi provo, cmq mi puoi scrivere il comando preciso?
Da quel che mi dici ho la conferma che \n e' il carattere di fine
riga, con sed la sostituizione non e' avvenuta :-(

 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri e fineriga

2003-08-26 Thread Tommaso
Alle 08:22, martedì 26 agosto 2003, Arwan ha scritto:
 Deve aver avuto molto sonno, perche' il martedì 26 agosto 2003, alle 00:23, 
Tommaso ha scritto:
  ho provato a togliere il carattere di fine riga (\n) con gedit e tutto è
  funzionato a meraviglia. Non so se altri editor da linea di comando
  siano così bravi.

 Ho provato a usare gedit, che non conosco, ma non l'ho installato
 (almeno, mi dice command not found, figurarsi poi avere il man...).
 Indago e poi provo, cmq mi puoi scrivere il comando preciso?
 Da quel che mi dici ho la conferma che \n e' il carattere di fine
 riga, con sed la sostituizione non e' avvenuta :-(


Nella barra delle applicazioni trovi l'icona Sostituisci. Ti si apre una 
finestrella in cui devi dire cosa cercare e con cosa sostituirlo.
Naturalmente gedit gira sotto X11 (è una parte di gnome)...

[newbie-it] configurazione xserver

2003-08-26 Thread ust
ciao a tutti!!
è da giorni che provo ad installare una mdk 9.1, ma il risultato non cambia.
arrivo al test della cnfigurazione dell'interfaccia grafica, e dopo aver 
positivamente nel box lo schermo si tinge di una splendida livrea 
rosa e si pianta tutto.
fino a quel punto l'installazione procede senza problemi.

la sk video è una ASUS AGP V300C 16Mb chipset SIS305, mdk la riconosce 
come SIS300
quindi credo che non sia il problema, il fenicotter . ehm . il 
monitor è un LG SW 700s (1280x768 60Hz), che non trovo in elenco, ho 
provato a inserire i dati manualmente con l'opzione 'personalizzato'
in elenco, ho provato a scieglierne uno tra quelli generici ma niente.

ho saltato il test e l'installazione è finita regolarmente, al primo 
boot parte anche il wizard di conf.
ma finisce sempre alla stesso modo, mi carica solo lo sfondo di KDE e 
poi mi rimane in clessidra
tentando di caricare il resto (la barra appare e scompare un paio di volte).

stessa fine hanno fatto mdk9.0, mdk 8.2, mdk8.0 e RH 7.2, poi sempre con 
la 9.1, ho provato con ad usare xf86config ma mi da sempre errore.

ps: considerate che ne capisco veramente poco!

[newbie-it] firewall e log

2003-08-26 Thread Alberto Panigada
Ho installato guardog per settare il firewall ma ho
alcuni intoppi quando mi collego. Mi sapete dire
dove posso vedere il log delle violazioni ?


Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il filtro 

[newbie-it] pannello kde

2003-08-26 Thread pagis
scusate ma se clicco sul panello di kde e faccio configura panello una volta 
nn c'era la possibilità di scegliere l'immagine di sfondo??...xkè ora è 
scomparsa l'opzione???

[newbie-it] prova_non_aprire

2003-08-26 Thread piter
beh!, visto che hai aperto spiego il problema.
ho risposto a questa mail:
Data:   Sun, 24 Aug 2003 20:43:18 +
Oggetto:RE: [newbie-it] Come si fa x tornare user?

dalla shell davanti al segno # exit (invio)

-- Messaggio originale --
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 19:30:09 +0200
Subject: [newbie-it] Come si fa x tornare user?

Salve a tutti.

Il quesito di oggi è questo:
Per avere i privilegi di root digito da terminale su+password.
Una volta fatto cosa devo digitare per tornare un semplice user?
Evitando così di chiudere ed aprire il terminale?
Grazie a tutti



solo che non l'ho vista in ML,..

Re: [newbie-it] alsa e audio integrato

2003-08-26 Thread Emiliano La Licata
Alle 19:18, lunedì 25 agosto 2003, zang ha scritto:

  se potessi spiegare qual è il problema anche in parole povere, altrimenti
  cominciamo a discutere in termini di shell e non se ne parla più...
  Comunque tieni conto che il kernel della mdk 9.1 ha gravi problemi con
  Alsa, prova a ricompilarlo e ad entrare, se ci riesci, nel menu di

Quale sia il problema non mi è ancora chiaro!

 da kde/sistema/configurazione del kernel linux mi dice: impossibile aprire
 in lettura il file /usr/scr/linux/arch/config.inl ecc..ecc..anche xche' non
 c'e' da nessuna parte(???)

Scusa mi sono espresso male! Non è possibile entrare nel menu di Alsa per 
ricompilarlo, credo ci sai un bug!!
Cambia driver, passa ad OSS e vedi che succede...

Re: [newbie-it] Come si fa x tornare user?

2003-08-26 Thread Antonello
Giaipur wrote:

Salve a tutti.

Il quesito di oggi è questo:
Per avere i privilegi di root digito da terminale su+password.
Una volta fatto cosa devo digitare per tornare un semplice user?
Evitando così di chiudere ed aprire il terminale?
Grazie a tutti


Facile basta dare exit e ritorni su User...

--, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:
Conto Arancio. Zero rischi, zero spese, tanti interessi.
Clicca qui:

Re: [newbie-it] alsa e audio integrato

2003-08-26 Thread zang
Alle 17:57, martedì 26 agosto 2003, Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:
 Alle 19:18, lunedì 25 agosto 2003, zang ha scritto:
   se potessi spiegare qual è il problema anche in parole povere,
   altrimenti cominciamo a discutere in termini di shell e non se ne parla
   più... Comunque tieni conto che il kernel della mdk 9.1 ha gravi
   problemi con Alsa, prova a ricompilarlo e ad entrare, se ci riesci, nel
   menu di ALSA...

 Quale sia il problema non mi è ancora chiaro!

figurati a me

  da kde-sistema-configurazione del kernel linuxmi dice: impossibile
  aprire in lettura il file /usr/scr/linux/arch/config.inl ecc..ecc..anche
  xche' sto file non c'e' da nessuna parte (???)
per spippolare il kernel c'e' qualche gui... la konsole mi intimorisce a un 
livello cosi' delicato...per ora  ;o)

 Scusa mi sono espresso male! Non è possibile entrare nel menu di Alsa per
 ricompilarlo, credo ci sai un bug!!
 Cambia driver, passa ad OSS e vedi che succede...

ci provo...devo disattivare anche arts?

ciao, zang ( musica mi manca...)

[newbie-it] script per shell problematico

2003-08-26 Thread Giorgio Griffon
Ciao a tutti,
ho un problema un po' complicato: devo preparare numerose pagine web e, poiché 
sono simili tra loro, ho deciso di usare il php in modo da ottenere bell'e 
pronto il codice html, al variare di un paio di parametri. Però ho pensato 
che grazie a linux il lavoro può essere ulteriormente automatizzato ed ho 
cercato di scrivere uno script di shell che faccia variare i due parametri, 
richieda la pagina html e ne salvi il codice in un opportuno file in 
un'opportuna cartella. In pratica si tratta di una cosa di questo genere:
dato il codice php, mi connetto al mio server apache attraverso un programma 
come konqueror con: http://localhost/pagina.php?parametro1=xparametro2=y
Allora lo script dovrebbe contenere due cicli uno dentro l'altro per far 
variare i due parametri; il problema è cosa mettere dentro i cicli. Se scrivo 
vi $testo

viene visualizzato correttamente l'html che mi serve; ma se aggiungo una 
redirezione per salvarlo in un file
vi $testo  file.htm
quest'ultimo è pieno di caratteri strani da eliminare, e inoltre l'esecuzione 
si ferma e devo chiudere a mano il vi. Con altri programmi ho ottenuto 
risultati anche peggiori: kwrite ad esempio si apre correttamente ma non 
viene salvato niente nel file.htm. Speravo anche in lynx ma non sono riuscito 
a fargli sputar fuori l'html al posto della pagina. Qualcuno sa darmi un 
suggerimento a questo proposito?

Re: [newbie-it] caratteri e fineriga

2003-08-26 Thread Arwan
Deve aver avuto molto sonno, perche' il martedì 26 agosto 2003, alle 06:30, Tommaso ha 
 Nella barra delle applicazioni trovi l'icona Sostituisci. Ti si apre una 
 finestrella in cui devi dire cosa cercare e con cosa sostituirlo.
 Naturalmente gedit gira sotto X11 (è una parte di gnome)...

Non credo d'averlo installato, dev'essere li' il guaio. Provo, e'
sempre una strada. Ma perche' sed e awk non funziano? E come fare la
stessa cosa con OpenOffice?
 There's so many different worlds
 So many different suns
 And we have just one world
 But we live in different ones.

Re: [newbie-it] emulare stampante lexmark z25

2003-08-26 Thread Giovanni Mazzamati
Il 22:37, lunedì 25 agosto 2003 alle 22:37, lunedì 25 agosto 2003, Mirko su 
Re: [newbie-it] emulare stampante lexmark z25 - ha sfarfugliato:
 intanto grazie infinite
 ho seguito tutto quello che mi hai scritto ma purtroppo la stampante prende
 il foglio e lo restituisce bianco senza scrivere neppure una riga
 puoi dirmi come posso controllare se lpd è attivo?
 e che versione di ghost script ho istallato? va bene da mdk conctrol center
 nel rimuovi applicazioni?
 un saluto


devi avere un servizio printer attivo se invece hai ipp è attivo CUPS.
91 / 224
Ma se mangio come un'uccellino!!! - Si, come un padulo ;-) (Ferdinando vs 

Giovanni Mazzamati
| Linux Slackware 9.0 - KDE 3.1.3 user|
| Registered User #183142 |
| Machine #209448 |
| La conoscenza è nulla senza condivisione. |
| Paolo Caldana aka verbal  |

Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

2003-08-26 Thread Heather/Femme
On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 11:40, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Refresh rates for TFT's are behind the curve unfortunately to some
 degree... so waiting for an 85hz refresh might be a year or so John.
 But worth the wait... :)
 Is that so, then what is your current  TFT ?

IIRC 75hz @ 1024x768 but I could be wrong... haven't gotten it to work
as dual monitor with linux yet so I cannot check right offhand. 


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Re: [newbie] TEST

2003-08-26 Thread John Richard Smith
Two sticky stars and a free beer.


James R. McKenzie wrote:

Did I pass the test?  What doo I get.  I want the gold star.

T H A N K  Y O U

 James R. McKenzie

- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 1:55 PM
Subject: [newbie] TEST

This is a test , having problems posting to list.


John Richard Smith



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] kernel deps

2003-08-26 Thread Anarky
Frans Ketelaars wrote:

says it's a Mandrake Cooker package. You shouldn't try to use cooker
packages in ML9.1 

but only in ... ?? 9.2 ? or where? from my knowledge cooker package 
simply means that if I'm searching for say the newest Gimp, and it's 
normally distributed in tar.gz, I might find a cooker mdk.rpm ... which 
is cool. What don't I know?

. Maybe you can rebuild a source rpm from cooker,
I'm not sure, but running a 2.6.0test kernel in ML9.1 is no reasonable
option IMHO.
Btw, kernel 2.6.0test3 is a kernel from the development branch of
the Linux kernel. It's possible these development kernels break
your system or cause filesystem corruption! 

but I too want a new kernel, like people using other distros brag having 
... one which does fancy stuff ... like giving high priority to user run 
apps like windows has an option of doing ... and which supports 
fmaskdmask for mounts ... and I hear all sorts of nice stuff about 
these blackboxes (to me) that are called kernels ...

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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 01:43, HaywireMac wrote:

 Does anyone out there *personally* own a DVD player that will reliably
 play avi/divx movies on CDROM?


Tue Aug 26 07:50:00 EST 2003
 07:50:00 up 21:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.15, 0.53, 0.76
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

We really don't have any enemies.  It's just that some of our best
friends are trying to kill us.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:57:47 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 26 Aug 2003 08:08:29 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Just ignore'em. They'll eventually go away.
 Just like your teeth?
My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)
 Registered Linux user #282046
 Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better.
   -- Edgar W. Howe

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 08:57, HaywireMac wrote:
 On 26 Aug 2003 08:08:29 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Just ignore'em. They'll eventually go away.
 Just like your teeth?

Hey, I resemble that remark! (Nah, really!)

Tue Aug 26 09:10:00 EST 2003
 09:10:00 up 22:56,  1 user,  load average: 2.03, 2.09, 2.13
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

I saw Lassie.  It took me four shows to figure out why the hairy kid never
spoke. I mean, he could roll over and all that, but did that deserve a series?

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:15:12 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 PITA, I think. Did you click the search button under all those
 checkboxes, or above it? I did with the one on the bottom and got
The only one that comes up for me, when I do as you say, is the Rimax.
Now, some say DVX, but is that the same thing?

Registered Linux user #282046
What makes the universe so hard to comprehend is that there's nothing
to compare it with.

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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On 26 Aug 2003 07:51:17 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:


ah, Stephen, I luv ya so...

do you own one personally? What brand, make, model, serial number,
dimensions, colour, etc.? Does it play those I Love Lucy episodes with
the pr0n?

Lucyyy, you got some @[EMAIL PROTECTED]%$#*'n to dooo!

Registered Linux user #282046
I know not how I came into this, shall I call it a dying life or a
living death?
-- St. Augustine

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[newbie] Another Test

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
The gremlin's got to my E-Mail package

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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread julian
On Monday 25 Aug 2003 3:13 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 Ok, so this is waay offtopic-day for me, but I wonder if I can get
 some feedback on this.

 I got some b-day money, and I want to buy a DVD player, but I want it to
 be able to play almost anything I throw in it, especially divx movies
 that I have on CD. It should also be able to play mp3, but that's
 usually standard.

 Does anyone out there *personally* own a DVD player that will reliably
 play avi/divx movies on CDROM?

 Thanks a bunch!

not personally own, but these always get good reviews (pricey though)

The dp-50 does divx (3.11,4,5), xvid, mp3, ogg, mpeg4, picture cds and can 
even stream the video over the internet via its network interface. Costs 
£222. Drool.

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Re: [newbie] wishing for mandrake 2.6 test3 kernel

2003-08-26 Thread Anarky
Charles A Edwards wrote:

You have added a 'cooker' source but are not running cooker.

what is a 'cooker'? I don't really understand the system. Isn't cooker 
simply the newest stuff?

You are forcing urpmi to validate all the actual and relative provides
for both the pkgs you have installed and that which you wish to install,
not to mention the fact that this rpm was not built to run on any
platform except 9.2

ummm .. really?

You can use 
# urpmi --allow-nodeps --allow-force kernel-2.6.0-0.test3.1mdk
but I would strongly discourage this

The 2.6.0-0.test is not a Newbie friendly kernel.

and I was so excited that Mandrake was finally a distro in which I 
could change my kernel .. I ... who don't know anything about kernels 
... and am not a linux pro ... sounded really cool.
   Besides .. the reason that pushed me was that I heard that if 
installing via this rpm I would just get a safe new lilo option and 
could choose from there ... and thus I would be able to test what I 
heard, that these new kernels are supposed to give more priority to 
certain processes and thus make my linux appear to be running smoother.

If you are determined to try it I would strongly suggest you install
either the 9.2 beta2, or the RC1,
what does RC1 mean? Where can I get these? I've looked on the web .. I 
found aproximative figures .. do you by any chance know an exact date 
when the final 9.2 will come out?

which should be out today and then use
urpmi to install the test kernel or dl the kernel.src.rpm and rebuild it
for your current system.
I've never installed a src.rpm ... is it painfull? what would one have 
to do ?


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RE: [newbie] Hostname

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 03:21, Lanman wrote:
 Hey Guys! Sorry I wasn't paying attention,...Did you two say
 something significant? I was busy doing one of those canuck things!

What- eating a jelly donut?

Tue Aug 26 08:05:00 EST 2003
 08:05:00 up 21:51,  1 user,  load average: 2.14, 1.25, 0.89
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Take your work seriously but never take yourself seriously; and do not
take what happens either to yourself or your work seriously.
-- Booth Tarkington

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread John Richard Smith
HaywireMac wrote:

Ok, so this is waay offtopic-day for me, but I wonder if I can get
some feedback on this.
I got some b-day money, and I want to buy a DVD player, but I want it to
be able to play almost anything I throw in it, especially divx movies
that I have on CD. It should also be able to play mp3, but that's
usually standard.
Does anyone out there *personally* own a DVD player that will reliably
play avi/divx movies on CDROM?
Thanks a bunch!


I hope this comes out , I lifted it from a website.


*DivX compatible DVD player with Ethernet connection
The DP-500 is based on the ground breaking DP-450 with its DivX, XviD, 
Mpeg 4, MP3, Ogg Vorbis reading capabilities. An Ethernet 10/100 port 
has been added to the player along with a Sigma Designs EM8500 
progressive DVD decoder chip which enable any user with a 1MB xDSL 
connection to stream DVD quality movies directly from the Internet. To 
enhance the users experience and to take the best out of this 
connection, the DP-500 ships with the KiSS PC-Link software which makes 
possible to read any of the supported file format straight from your PC 
to your DVD player and your TV via a straight forward and user-friendly 
interface. To change your DP-500 experience from exceptional to 
unforgetable, KiSS introduces Webradio. Accessing will provide you with a number of radio 
stations that can be streamed from the internet to your DVD player and 
your TV. To make this session comfortable and according to your own 
taste, once registered, Webradio will allow you to choose, customize, 
add as many radio station as you wish. The KiSS DP-500 also comes 
complete with the standard CD/MP3, Ogg Vorbis, DivX, XviD, CD-RW and 
DVD-RW playback.

Know more about DivX ?



 Full DVD/MPEG-4/DivX/XviD/CD/MP3/Ogg Vorbis/CD-RW/DVD-RW compatibility
 JPEG Picture CD viewing
 Progressive Scan Video Out
 Time Search
 Playback Control: Play/Pause/Stop/FF/RW/NEXT/PREV
 Repeat Playback
 Slow Motion
 Title/chapter select
 Parental lock, Multi Language, Multi Subtitle, Multi Angle
 Remote Control
 TV Type (PAL and NTSC)
 Configuration Setup Menu
 Aspect Ratio (4:3 Pan and Scan, 4:3 Letter Box and 16:9 Wide)
 S-Video Output
 Composite Video Output
 Component via SCART Output
 RGB via SCART Output
 Dolby Digital, MPEG Audio Decoding
 Dolby Digital/MPEG 5.1 Digital Output
 S/PDIF Outputs
 Analogue stereo
 Ethernet 10/100
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John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 05:22, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Guys, I've gotten like 5 of these in the last 24 hours - maybe the list 
 personell need to be told?

Just ignore'em. They'll eventually go away.

Tue Aug 26 08:05:00 EST 2003
 08:05:00 up 21:51,  1 user,  load average: 2.14, 1.25, 0.89
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Take your work seriously but never take yourself seriously; and do not
take what happens either to yourself or your work seriously.
-- Booth Tarkington

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On 26 Aug 2003 08:08:29 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Just ignore'em. They'll eventually go away.

Just like your teeth?

Registered Linux user #282046
Instead of loving your enemies, treat your friends a little better.
-- Edgar W. Howe

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RE: [newbie] Hostname

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 02:05, Frankie wrote:

 Well what can I say, we Aussies don't have a lot going for us.. and we read
 kinda slow, so maybe that helped me catch the discrepancy.. :-)

I have to state that I don't think Aussies are slow - just observant -
and they take their time doing it right the first time because they
don't want to be bothered having to do it again...

Tue Aug 26 07:50:00 EST 2003
 07:50:00 up 21:36,  1 user,  load average: 0.15, 0.53, 0.76
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

We really don't have any enemies.  It's just that some of our best
friends are trying to kill us.

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Re: [newbie] DrakConnect forgetfull

2003-08-26 Thread Derek Jennings
On Monday 25 Aug 2003 9:14 pm, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Derek Jennings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:17 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] DrakConnect forgetfull
  On Monday 25 Aug 2003 2:43 pm, Sabin, Matthew wrote:
   So I'm happily surfing away and my 'net conenction slows to a crawl.
   Then is stops entirely.


   DrakConnect never seems to save my changes.
   Which RAEDME or fine-manual should I be looking in to find out which
   settings DrakConnect is changing and not saving?  Or more
  to the point
   which files I could edit myself and get this overwith?
  Sounds like Bug 1881  I have reported it every release since 8.1
  After going through the DrakConnect Wizard. Exit the wizard
  with 'Finish'.
  then exit DrakConnect with 'Cancel'. It should be OK then.
  If this helps you go to
  and vote to have it fixed.

 Thanks for the tip Derek, but no-joy.  The system still doesn't remember
 the new card (or the old one) after a power cycle.

 I'm looking for quieter fans/better heat dissipation, but would also like
 the machine to remember it's settings.

 Which files (or which fnie manual) should I bee looking in?


The config file is /etc/sysconfig/netwprk-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
You can edit it directly.

Or your trouble may be the statement in /etc/modules.conf loading the wrong 
driver. You need a line saying
alias eth0 module_name



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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 09:13, HaywireMac wrote:
 On 26 Aug 2003 07:51:17 +1000
 Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 ah, Stephen, I luv ya so...
 do you own one personally? What brand, make, model, serial number,
 dimensions, colour, etc.? Does it play those I Love Lucy episodes with
 the pr0n?

It's a Sansui - does it all. Wasn't cheap, but it's nice.

Tue Aug 26 09:20:00 EST 2003
 09:20:00 up 23:06,  1 user,  load average: 2.42, 2.40, 2.26
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

The Seventh Commandments for Technicians:
Work thou not on energized equipment, for if thou dost, thy fellow
workers will surely buy beers for thy widow and console her in other

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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:36:06 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 VCD is about the quality of VHS.  SVCD is about twice as good, just
 shy of DVD, the frame rate is about the same but vertical resolution
 is 480 instead of 720.  

Well, if I snag that player you pointed out to me off list, you kin
fergit VCD!

Registered Linux user #282046
Beauty is one of the rare things which does not lead to doubt of God.
-- Jean Anouilh

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Re: [newbie] Re: unreal tormanament install saying something about 'sh'

2003-08-26 Thread manolis
in XP the game uses directx 9 technology that gf3 is not capable with :(
well the 20fps was an average I got from 16-17 to 30 fps in almost high detail 
. ( not full though )
As I recall there was some minor improvement with EAX set to off.
If you numbers are correct then I will surelly give it a try!
In linux the opengl rocks!

  25  2003 23:15, / Anarky :
 manolis wrote:
 what is your crummy old machine?
 I am curious ...
 I haven't tried to install it in linux but on XP I got about 20FPS in
 800x600x32 in PIII933Mhz with 640MB and ASUS GF3-64MB

 Wow!!! Linux DOES perform good:
 I've got 550Mhz K7 Athlon, Geforce 256 (gf1) , 256mb ram, and like I
 said, findit it quite surprising I tried several maps and got 45fps on
 average with max settings  1024*768, 32 bit ...  wow .. coool!!
  but I can't believe you get such low framerate with GF3 ... even XP
 can't be killing it that much .. you must have bad drivers.


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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Monday 25 August 2003 02:52 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 02:49:47PM -0400, HaywireMac wrote:
  See, now here's the thing. I sent this hours ago, and I still don't see
  it coming through, but I see your reply...
  This has somehow got to be the fault of Microsoft.

 And I've seen your original post 3 times! I was having the same problem
 last week--I got about 1 or 2 newbie mails/day. Even though I don't use
 M$ @ home, I'm pretty sure it's their fault, too.


Aren't we supposed to blame everything on SCO now?
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] wishing for mandrake 2.6 test3 kernel

2003-08-26 Thread Michael Lothian
If you were wanting to play  arround with kernels try the tmb ones

Just update your kernel-utils and possibelyou init scrips from the 
cooker rpms (from memory that is - on my win doze box atm)

Then get the latest tmb kernel from 
or it may even be on the contribs part of cooker under a slightly 
different name.

Type in lilo (as root) so it updates your lilo stuff so at boot up you 
can select you new kernel.

I've tried both the 2.6 kernel and the tmb kernel. The 2.6 one hardly 
works with any hardware atm as none of the modules are there yet. The 
tmb kernel rocks though. It has DVB support, bluetooth support, decent 
supermount support and lots more.

I like this kernel

Mike ;-)

Anarky wrote:

Charles A Edwards wrote:

You have added a 'cooker' source but are not running cooker.

what is a 'cooker'? I don't really understand the system. Isn't cooker 
simply the newest stuff?

You are forcing urpmi to validate all the actual and relative provides
for both the pkgs you have installed and that which you wish to install,
not to mention the fact that this rpm was not built to run on any
platform except 9.2

ummm .. really?

You can use # urpmi --allow-nodeps --allow-force 
but I would strongly discourage this

The 2.6.0-0.test is not a Newbie friendly kernel.

and I was so excited that Mandrake was finally a distro in which I 
could change my kernel .. I ... who don't know anything about kernels 
... and am not a linux pro ... sounded really cool.
   Besides .. the reason that pushed me was that I heard that if 
installing via this rpm I would just get a safe new lilo option and 
could choose from there ... and thus I would be able to test what I 
heard, that these new kernels are supposed to give more priority to 
certain processes and thus make my linux appear to be running smoother.

If you are determined to try it I would strongly suggest you install
either the 9.2 beta2, or the RC1,
what does RC1 mean? Where can I get these? I've looked on the web .. I 
found aproximative figures .. do you by any chance know an exact date 
when the final 9.2 will come out?

which should be out today and then use
urpmi to install the test kernel or dl the kernel.src.rpm and rebuild it
for your current system.
I've never installed a src.rpm ... is it painfull? what would one have 
to do ?


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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:54:37 +
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 I hope this comes out , I lifted it from a website.
 ---*DivX compatible DVD player with Ethernet connection
 The DP-500 is based on the ground breaking DP-450 with its DivX, XviD,
 Mpeg 4, MP3, Ogg Vorbis reading capabilities. An Ethernet 10/100 port 
 has been added to the player along with a Sigma Designs EM8500 
 progressive DVD decoder chip which enable any user with a 1MB xDSL 
 connection to stream DVD quality movies directly from the Internet. To
 enhance the user_s experience and to take the best out of this 
 connection, the DP-500 ships with the KiSS PC-Link software which
 makes possible to read any of the supported file format straight from
 your PC to your DVD player and your TV via a straight forward and
 user-friendly interface. To change your DP-500 experience from
 exceptional to unforgetable, KiSS introduces Webradio. Accessing will provide you with a number of radio 
 stations that can be streamed from the internet to your DVD player and
 your TV. To make this session comfortable and according to your own 
 taste, once registered, Webradio will allow you to choose, customize, 
 add as many radio station as you wish. The KiSS DP-500 also comes 
 complete with the standard CD/MP3, Ogg Vorbis, DivX, XviD, CD-RW and 
 DVD-RW playback.

Holy crap! Okay, remember, I've only got about 100 to 150 Canadian to
spend. This JVC that Bryan pointed out looks like my best bet, but at
the very least I know there are *lots* of models that will play my
*totally legal and legitimately obtained* DivX vids, which is my main
concern, besides playing regular DVDs of course.

Thanks so much to all for all the help and suggestions, I can't wait to
start watchin' these things on a screen bigger than 19!

Registered Linux user #282046
Death is only a state of mind.

Only it doesn't leave you much time to think about anything else.

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 02:07, Aron Smith wrote:

 My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)

Hell, who needs teeth anyways? You don't need'em to drink beer - that
is, unless it's chunky beer...

Tue Aug 26 09:40:01 EST 2003
 09:40:01 up 23:26,  1 user,  load average: 1.66, 1.89, 2.03
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Festivity Level 1: Your guests are chatting amiably with each
other, admiring your Christmas-tree ornaments, singing carols around
the upright piano, sipping at their drinks and nibbling hors d'oeuvres.

Festivity Level 2: Your guests are talking loudly -- sometimes
to each other, and sometimes to nobody at all, rearranging your
Christmas-tree ornaments, singing I Gotta Be Me around the upright
piano, gulping their drinks and wolfing down hors d'oeuvres.

Festivity Level 3: Your guests are arguing violently with
inanimate objects, singing I can't get no satisfaction, gulping down
other peoples' drinks, wolfing down Christmas tree ornaments and
placing hors d'oeuvres in the upright piano to see what happens when
the little hammers strike.

Festivity Level 4: Your guests, hors d'oeuvres smeared all over
their naked bodies are performing a ritual dance around the burning
Christmas tree.  The piano is missing.

You want to keep your party somewhere around level 3, unless
you rent your home and own Firearms, in which case you can go to level
4.  The best way to get to level 3 is egg-nog.

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Re: [newbie] Problems posting to Newbie List

2003-08-26 Thread ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 14:08, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Started having problems getting through,
 here is the latest return message ,
 There is no such user (newbie).
 isn't something ending .ru a rusian address ?

crap from some ruskie who thinks he wanted to read all this on his
pager, and he did not configure it correctly, and the pager company is
bouncing all the mail around. makes for a good filter tho. 

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[newbie] nvidia chipset in ASUS A7N8X deluxe motherboard- sound nvidia.o

2003-08-26 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I have the above motherboard. mdk stock kernel drivers were working ok. 
However I installed 
obtained from nvidia site.
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: Intel 810 + AC97 Audio, version 0.24, 
15:29:58 Mar 14 2003
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: i810: NVIDIA nForce Audio found at IO 0xd400 
and 0xd000, MEM 0x and 0x00
00, IRQ 5
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: i810_audio: Audio Controller supports 6 
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: i810_audio: Defaulting to base 2 channel 
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: i810_audio: Resetting connection 0
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: ALG32 
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: i810_audio: AC'97 codec 0, new EID value = 
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: i810_audio: AC'97 codec 0, DAC map 
configured, total channels = 6
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc sound: Loading sound module (i810_audio) succeeded
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: Nvidia + AC97 Audio, version 0.24, 12:37:11 
May  6 2003
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc kernel: Nvaudio: in Funcction Nvaudio_init_module
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc modprobe: 
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc modprobe: Hint: insmod errors can be caused by 
incorrect module parameters, includin
g invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc modprobe:   You may find more information in 
syslog or the output from dmesg
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc modprobe: init_module: No such device
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc modprobe: modprobe: insmod 
o failed
Aug 25 06:37:17 lvghomepc modprobe: modprobe: insmod nvaudio failed

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lvgandhi]# cat /etc/modules.conf
alias parport parport_pc
options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=auto dma=auto
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias eth0 3c90x
alias sound-slot-0 i810_audio
probeall usb-interface usb-ohci
alias ieee1394-controller ohci1394

# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
options i2c-corei2c_debug=1
options i2c-algo-bitbit_test=1

alias char-major-81 bttv
options bttvcard=50
options tuner   debug=1 type=5 pal=b

alias /dev/nvidia*   nvidia
alias eth1 nvnet
options nvnet optimization=1 speed=1 duplex=2
alias sound-slot-1 nvaudio
options spdif_status=1

What should be done to avoid this failure.
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Lilo config Lilo boot

2003-08-26 Thread Russ
Hi All,

I am really, really, really sorry about the multiple posts. I didn't
think any of them got through.

My email address was changed some time ago and I just never
re-subscribed (I wasn't doing much on the computer at all). My windows
drive crashed recently so I was setting it up for a linux only box. I
went round and round on this problem but decided to ask for help.

I then re-subscribed to the list with my new address (3 times actually)
but each time it returned my emails with the message that there was no
such subscriber (even though I received 3 welcome messages). So I would
redo it. Within 3 hours I subscribed 3 times and sent 3 separate emails.
Apparently all of them went through yet I was told that all bounced.

Again, I apologize.

BTW thanks for the help, this fixed my problem


On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 20:29, Jason Greenwood wrote:
 Here we go again, since you seem to have missed it:

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[newbie] SpellCheck in OOo 1.0.2

2003-08-26 Thread Bob Read
I am running LM 9,1 with OOo 1.0.2  as well as SO 6.0.
SpellCheck works fine on SO but apparently has no dictionary
on OOo, since it never finds an error.
Is it reasonable to copy the SO dictionary to OOo (or link
to it.) ?   If so, can someone ell me where to find it?
Much thanks,

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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 19:52:34 -0400
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Aren't we supposed to blame everything on SCO now?

SCO, in cahoots with Microsoft, the Rand Corporation, the American
Medical Association, and the Girl Guides as near as I can figure it.

Registered Linux user #282046
A halted retreat
Is nerve-wracking and dangerous.
To retain people as men -- and maidservants
Brings good fortune.

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Re: [newbie] TEST

2003-08-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby
Thank you very much. I'll take the beer, but you can skip the sticky stars.
-- cmg

On Monday 25 August 2003 07:58 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Two sticky stars and a free beer.


 James R. McKenzie wrote:
 Did I pass the test?  What doo I get.  I want the gold star.
  T H A N K  Y O U
   James R. McKenzie

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Re: [newbie] Nvidia 'no screens found' error

2003-08-26 Thread Gareth Qually
Well I sorted it out today, by doing the most simple thing. I 
reinstalled the drivers and it worked. When I was looking at the error 
message I noticed another error mentioning a kernal error, so I thought 
let me re-install the drivers first to see if that will do the job and 
it did. Thanks anyway for your help.


Gareth Qually

Julien Sobrier wrote:

Gareth Qually wrote:

I have just install the Nvidia drivers, whcih I had working on my 
system before I reformatted the hard drive and got a new MB (a MSI). 
I now get a 'Fatal Server: No screens found error'. I also noticed 
further up the page it mentions, that it found screens but did not 
find any suitable settings. Can anyone help? Does this mean I must 
define a monitor for it to work off of?

I am a newby but I worked a lot around the NVidia drivers a fex days 
ago to fix my problen.
Can you send the whole error message from XFree? Send also the result 
of rpm -qa|grep kernel.


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Gareth Qually

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Re: [newbie] Is the Linux for PDA's

2003-08-26 Thread Gareth Qually
thanks for the info guys. I am going with the Treo 180, since it is a 
cell phone aswell as a pda and the palm os seemsto integrate with most 
Os's well. Thanks


Gareth Qually

manolis wrote:


 ??? 13 ??? 2003 05:29, ?/? yankl ??:

On Tuesday 12 August 2003 08:10, Gareth Qually wrote:
Try this site:


excellent thanks.

Quoting Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


Their are a few PDA's out there with Linux on them. The Sharp Zaurus
which has several models in it's range, the Yopy.  AMD has just done a
new processor and dev kit for a Linux PDA. Google around their is loads
of info on the net, including site telling you how to install it on
various Windows PDA's.

-Original Message-
From: Gareth Qually [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 9:11 AM
To: Linux forum
Subject: [newbie] Is the Linux for PDA's
I am looking into getting a PDA, and I wondered if anyone has compiled
a version to run on any of them? If so which ones?
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you
have received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not
use or disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S.
Sykes or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the
recipient(s) to verify the integrity of such emails.
Business Computer Projects Ltd
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Gareth Qually

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Monday 25 August 2003 07:43 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 02:07, Aron Smith wrote:
  My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)

 Hell, who needs teeth anyways? You don't need'em to drink beer - that
 is, unless it's chunky beer...

How do you get the caps off of the bottles?
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
On 26 Aug 2003 09:43:23 +1000
Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 02:07, Aron Smith wrote:
  My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)
 Hell, who needs teeth anyways? You don't need'em to drink beer - that
 is, unless it's chunky beer...
Gee and after I spent all that money on store bought choppers
 Tue Aug 26 09:40:01 EST 2003
  09:40:01 up 23:26,  1 user,  load average: 1.66, 1.89, 2.03
 |____  | illawarra computer services|
 |   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  ||
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
   Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
  * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
   Festivity Level 1: Your guests are chatting amiably with each
 other, admiring your Christmas-tree ornaments, singing carols around
 the upright piano, sipping at their drinks and nibbling hors d'oeuvres.
   Festivity Level 2: Your guests are talking loudly -- sometimes
 to each other, and sometimes to nobody at all, rearranging your
 Christmas-tree ornaments, singing I Gotta Be Me around the upright
 piano, gulping their drinks and wolfing down hors d'oeuvres.
   Festivity Level 3: Your guests are arguing violently with
 inanimate objects, singing I can't get no satisfaction, gulping down
 other peoples' drinks, wolfing down Christmas tree ornaments and
 placing hors d'oeuvres in the upright piano to see what happens when
 the little hammers strike.
   Festivity Level 4: Your guests, hors d'oeuvres smeared all over
 their naked bodies are performing a ritual dance around the burning
 Christmas tree.  The piano is missing.
   You want to keep your party somewhere around level 3, unless
 you rent your home and own Firearms, in which case you can go to level
 4.  The best way to get to level 3 is egg-nog.

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 21:05:39 -0400
Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 25 August 2003 07:43 pm, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 02:07, Aron Smith wrote:
   My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)
  Hell, who needs teeth anyways? You don't need'em to drink beer - that
  is, unless it's chunky beer...
 How do you get the caps off of the bottles?
I use the Pool Cue.
 -- cmg

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Re: [newbie] [OT] DVD Player for *all* formats

2003-08-26 Thread Bob Read

Carroll Grigsby wrote:

Aren't we supposed to blame everything on SCO now?
-- cmg
Isn't that now ==  MicroSCOft ?

(Now no SCOffing at MS.)


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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-26 Thread ed tharp
On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 13:02, Lanman wrote:
 HaywireMac; No knickers to worry about! You might be right about the hijack, under 
 the conditions you specified.
 I didn't see a hijack happening, because my thread was under a different name. Just 
 so you know, I've never even
 seen any list of rules, didn't even know they existed until now. When I signed onto 
 the list (dinaosaurs were just
 fading out of existence back then, LOL!), there weren't any rules mentioned there. 
 Usually, I use the reply function
 in my email client to respond or to post to the list. Since the function is there, I 
 just make use of it. But if I'm changing
 the contents of the subject-line, I interpret that as a new thread. Maybe that's 
 where I'm going wrong?

 Or maybe the server just handles it that way.
Or (yep) BOTH... (go figure)

 Perhaps if someone created a HowTo and made it a bit more obvious than a list of 
 rules that some don't even know about?
 However, if I misspoke, I also apologize. You just caught me by surprise on that 
 one! Have you got a link to these rules?
 On 8/24/2003 at 1:56 PM HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 12:57:18 -0400
 Lanman [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Excuse me? I thought this was a thread about Mandrake 9.2 Beta2? What
  did I hijack? Please define a hijack for me, so I can avoid it.
  Besides, isn't this a List about Mandrake Linux? It has been since I
  joined 4 years ago ! Please explain how I could've hijacked a thread
  when I believe I was the one who posted this in the first place!
 Well, from the way the thread looks here (*possibly* due to threading
 issues with the list, so if that is the case, I most humbly apologize),
 your 9.2 beta post was in reply to Stephen Kuhn, who was replying to
 the thread started by Claire Suttle about her problem with getting good
 9.1 ISOs. In that sense it *appears* you hijacked Claire's thread,
 possibly reducing the likelyihood that she would get more responses.
 I checked the list archive and it shows the same way, so it is
 *defintitely* not a problem on my end.
 Anyway, don't get your knickers in a knot.
 Oh, and BTW, the list rules specifically ask you to limit your line wrap
 to 68-72 characters, IIRC.
 Registered Linux user #282046
 It is so stupid of modern civilisation to have given up believing in the
 devil when he is the only explanation of it.
  -- Ronald Knox, Let Dons Delight
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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Todd Slater
On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 09:07:03AM -0700, Aron Smith wrote:
 On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:57:47 -0400
 HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 26 Aug 2003 08:08:29 +1000
  Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
   Just ignore'em. They'll eventually go away.
  Just like your teeth?
 My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)

Yeah! I had a tooth knocked out on a pool table. Only the guy wasn't a
biker, he was a member of one of the Ohio State championship teams ('67
or '68 I think). I guess you could say football was good for him! (He
used his fist, not a cue.)


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Re: [newbie] 9.2 Beta 2

2003-08-26 Thread Lanman
Wow! Ed! You're obviously a man of few words! That was really deep!
Thanks for the info! ?? LOL!



On 8/25/2003 at 9:25 PM ed tharp wrote:
Maybe that's where I'm going wrong?

 Or maybe the server just handles it that way.
Or (yep) BOTH... (go figure)

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Re: [newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-26 Thread rob
On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 04:47, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-08-25 at 18:28, Mark Annandale wrote:
  On Sunday 24 Aug 2003 10:16 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
   type man fortune for more.
   there are a lot more than just funny ones, that's how I and many others
   generate our sig.
  Please explain how to incorporate fortunes into ones signature.
  Mark A
 You need to concatenate text exported from fortune into a static text
 file to be used by your mailer agent.



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[newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-26 Thread Harv Nelson
Watch an animation of the conversion process of a new Linux user


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[newbie] Canucks Fight Back!

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac

A coalition of Canadian computer professionals dedicated to open-source
software is planning to oppose legal efforts to extract licence fees
from Linux users.

The Canadian Linux Interests Coalition, organized by members of Canada's
network of Linux Users Groups, says it plans to fight the SCO Group,
which holds certain patents on the Unix operating system. The company
claims that the Linux kernel \x{2014} the core of the system \x{2014}
contains programming code that it owns, and seeks to collect royalties
on installations of Linux.

Registered Linux user #282046
That that is is that that is not is not.

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Re: [newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 20:54:44 -0500
Harv Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Watch an animation of the conversion process of a new Linux user
lol which one is  Robin and the other must be Haywire Mac.

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Re: [newbie] Odd email in list

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 21:28:46 -0400
Todd Slater [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 09:07:03AM -0700, Aron Smith wrote:
  On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:57:47 -0400
  HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 26 Aug 2003 08:08:29 +1000
   Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

Just ignore'em. They'll eventually go away.
   Just like your teeth?
  My teeth left a long time ago (Courtsy of a biker with a pool cue)
 Yeah! I had a tooth knocked out on a pool table. Only the guy wasn't a
 biker, he was a member of one of the Ohio State championship teams ('67
 or '68 I think). I guess you could say football was good for him! (He
 used his fist, not a cue.)
Didn't say tooth said teeth 8 of them.(broken jaw too )

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Re: [newbie] Funny responses from linux commands

2003-08-26 Thread David E. Fox
  You need to concatenate text exported from fortune into a static text
  file to be used by your mailer agent.


$ export foo=$fortune}

# puts a 'fortune' into a variable foo. in case we want it later

echo $foo fortune_file

What he meant is that you should take output of 'fortune' and paste it
info a file whose name doesn't change (a static text file). Each time
you send a mail, the agent will refer to this file, and every time you
run the script, you replace the old contents of this fortune file with a
new fortune.

You probably don't need to actually use a shell variable -- that was
only an illustrative point wherein it is shown that it's *possible* to
store the output of a program into a variable. Good luck trying that in
DOS. :)


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Help on postfix

2003-08-26 Thread Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 26 Aug 2003 8:51 am, Kim Brandt wrote:
 Hi everyone

 I got some problems when i tried to install qmail (i already got postfix
 20010228-p103 working well) And the installation didn´t work, so i
 uninstalled qmail.

 I run a webserver on a Mandrake 8.1 machine, and usually get some e-mails
 from the server, but now i don´t.

 I think qmail, either deleted some postfixfiles, or changed them in the
 installing process. So my question is what to do?

 I got backup of /var, /etc, /usr and /home

 But i don´t know wich files that have been overwritten (or deleted)

 Is there any file that tell php wich mailserver is default? Maybe i could
 change in that file?

 Best regards
 Kim Brandt - Sweden

There is a command update-alternatives to do that for you.
I think the syntax is
update-alternatives --config mta 
At the prompt select postfix.




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Re: [newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-26 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Aug 2003 2:54 am, Harv Nelson wrote:
 Watch an animation of the conversion process of a new Linux user


What did you view it with?  I just got a low-res static pic.


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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-26 Thread Michael Adams
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 16:44:44 -0500
Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Cool.  Is there a way to do this to albums also?
  I could put the cassette deck on record and run the RCA plugs from tape
  deck monitor to the line-in on the sound card, just wonder if there is
  a better way...   :)
 You can do it with albums by connecting the output from a turntable to the 
 input on a cassette recorder


Make that the phono input of a stereo capable of handling phono input. Some cassete 
recorders have phono inputs. An auxilliary input won't do.
Also if memory serves there were two types of phono output at one stage (crystal and 
ceramic???) which used different output levels.

Sheesh, i'm just telling everyone how ancient i yam.


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RE: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

2003-08-26 Thread Tony S. Sykes

I am sure Dell sell rebranded monitors anyway (correct me if I am
wrong). So you need to try and find out who the original manufacturer
is. I've got a Hitachi 17 1280x1024 with a 16ms refresh rate. It is a
lot sharper than crt's. Mine cost a little more about £400 but it was
the top of the range in the 16ms bracket (6 months ago). You only need
that fast a response if your gaming (and I do). The faster the response
the less ghosting you get (response is the time it takes for the pixel
to turn off and back on again, the system does not refresh in the same
sense as a crt). There is no flicker on tft's like crt's so don't worry
about that. I think they are a lot better (less power hungry too).



-Original Message-
From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:11 PM
Subject: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

OK, so this is an offer from a UK supplier and I asked them what 
resolution is it capable of. They replied,

Its native resolution is 1280 x 1024. It'll go higher with interpolation
but the image quality suffers. TFTs aren't like CRTs in that respect
because the screen is constructed from a grid of pixels of dimensions
1280 x 1024.

So this means in effect the best resolution is 1280 x 1024, right ?

Well that is what I'm used to, and the price is right, though I would
dearly of liked a 19 for the same money. 

Question ,

How much would you have to pay in the states for a 19 flat screen with
at least 1280 x 1024 resolution and is that the same in reality as a
regular CRT monitor of the same resolution ?

Who has the experience to say ?
because I don't.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread ed tharp
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 00:49, HaywireMac wrote:
 Although I no longer have any Windows partitions or drives, they still
 show up under /mnt.
 I have checked /etc/fstab, and they do not appear.
 Is there somewhere else I need to go to make them stop appearing?

fstab= file system table
mtab= mount table

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RE: [newbie] Americas' Army extraction problem

2003-08-26 Thread Tony S. Sykes
I downloaded it at the weekend and it installed on 9.1 download no
probs. Install as root so all users can use it. I assume you md5'ed it?


-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Americas' Army extraction problem

On Monday 25 August 2003 04:40 pm, Charles A Edwards wrote:

 I have 17 running on 9.2 (cooker)

 I did not have the patience to dl 19 with the crappy free speeds you
 from filefront.

 Did find at at better speeds from another site, will give it a go


The only way I could get it to work was to extract it on the one machine
use NFS to copy it to the others. :-(

It worked though then. :-)


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Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
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Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
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RE: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-26 Thread Tony S. Sykes
Couldn't you legally download the songs (if you can find them) as you
have the original so you have bought it already and save yourself the
problems and hopefully improve the quality of the recording?


-Original Message-
From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 7:21 PM
To: Newbie List
Subject: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

I've got some older cassettes that I'd love to transfer into OGG. Does
know of a good how to that literally walks thru the process step by
(we're talking handholding here!)

I grabbed an old cassette player, plugged a mini-jack to mini-jack cable
the headphone out to line-in on my Soyo Dragon plus MB, but it didn't
too good. Pretty bad actually. I got lots of crackles/snap/pops and the
was very, very, low.

What is aumix supposed to be set to? I'm using gramofile (trying) and it
didn't seem to want to find anything.



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to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001

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RE: [newbie] Hostname

2003-08-26 Thread Frankie

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Kuhn
Sent: Tuesday, 26 August 2003 5:53 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: RE: [newbie] Hostname

On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 02:05, Frankie wrote:

 Well what can I say, we Aussies don't have a lot going for us.. 
and we read
 kinda slow, so maybe that helped me catch the discrepancy.. :-)

I have to state that I don't think Aussies are slow - just observant -
and they take their time doing it right the first time because they
don't want to be bothered having to do it again...


I don't think we are slow either, I was just being modest. :-)

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 20:16, ed tharp wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 00:49, HaywireMac wrote:
  Although I no longer have any Windows partitions or drives, they still
  show up under /mnt.
  I have checked /etc/fstab, and they do not appear.
  Is there somewhere else I need to go to make them stop appearing?
 fstab= file system table
 mtab= mount table

Dang - easier than that - c'mon - this is Haywiremac (alias SchmoFill) -
just do an rm -rf /* and all will be fixed.

Tue Aug 26 21:30:01 EST 2003
 21:30:01 up 1 day, 11:16,  1 user,  load average: 0.85, 0.92, 0.90
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

It is better to wear out than to rust out.

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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-26 Thread The Other


See if you can find a cassette boom box or other cassette player that has
left and right PHONO or RCA outputs.

Then buy the appropriate cable to connect the cassette player to the Line In
of your sound card.  That cable might be a Left and Right RCA (or PHONO) to
1/8 mini Stereo, since most computer sound cards like to use 1/8 mini
Stereo for inputs and outputs.

Work with your software mixer settings to get the signal strength where you
like it without getting distortion (too hot of a signal).

As for Linux software to use for the recording, I can't help you there.  I'm
still Linux-less for now.


 From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

 I've got some older cassettes that I'd love to transfer into OGG. Does
 know of a good how to that literally walks thru the process step by
 (we're talking handholding here!)

 I grabbed an old cassette player, plugged a mini-jack to mini-jack cable
 the headphone out to line-in on my Soyo Dragon plus MB, but it didn't
 too good. Pretty bad actually. I got lots of crackles/snap/pops and the
 was very, very, low.

 What is aumix supposed to be set to? I'm using gramofile (trying) and it
 didn't seem to want to find anything.

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[newbie] Handspring Visor Deluxe

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac

I've found some good info out there for Visor users on Linux, I thought
I would share it with you and ask if anyone else uses this device to
post some lists or forums or links that they have found useful or just
plain kewl.

(this one can be installed with urpmi, and Mandrake 9.1 fully supports
syncing with your Visor thru USB.

Gives you all you need to know to get started.

*very* alpha software that may someday allow users to work with PDB
files on Linux, ie. convert them to useable formats for mail and other.

Info on all PalmOS based PDA's

Cheers all!

Registered Linux user #282046
Reality always seems harsher in the early morning.

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Re: [newbie] HP Inkjets(HELP I AM Increadably stupid SHOOT ME)

2003-08-26 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Monday 25 August 2003 04:05 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
 does any one have any experience getting a HP-1210 multifunction printer to
 work? I have RTFM and RTFHTM and all it has done so far is confuse me
 according to the docs I have managed to configure and install it MCC sees
 it BUT the @#$*%$ thing won't print. (printer was replaced usb cable was
 replaced printer will copy and scan using ximage. Any thoughts?

For the record, I have a HP PSC 950 multifunction and on one of the boxes that 
I had it hooked up to, I was having problems as well.  Not unable to print at 
all but it was spewing out garbage every time I tried to send a job to it.  
After monkeying with the drivers over a two week period, I finally relented 
and hooked it up to a different box altogether to try it out.  It worked like 
a champ straight out of the gate.  The only think that I could figure was 
some sort of incompatibility or issue with the USB ports or channel.  At any 
rate, I had spent so much time on it that it just wasn't worth it to keep 
hacking so I left it on the system that it was working on and set it up as a 
network printer for the rest of the boxes.

If you have another machine, you might try moving it over to there.  Also, one 
more hint, USB printers will not print unless they are on and active when the 
machine is turned on.  If you printer was off when you booted the machine up 
and then you turned it on, it will simply bit bucket all jobs that are sent 
to it.  Make sure to turn the printer on first and then boot the machine up.  
At least, that is what I have to do with my USB printer.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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RE: [newbie] Hostname

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 21:02, Frankie wrote:

 I don't think we are slow either, I was just being modest. :-)

This is the MANDRAKE list - no use in being modest here, mate.

Tue Aug 26 23:15:01 EST 2003
 23:15:01 up 1 day, 13:01,  1 user,  load average: 0.92, 0.89, 0.88
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

No antique is as rare, old, or valuable as it seems-unless your neighbor owns it. 
-- Murphy's First Law of Antiques

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Re: [newbie] TEST

2003-08-26 Thread James R. McKenzie
I don't drink so the the beer is your's man.  Now with so many
linux stickers, where vcan  put those sticky stars.  8-{
- Original Message -
From: Carroll Grigsby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] TEST

 Thank you very much. I'll take the beer, but you can skip the
sticky stars.
 -- cmg

 On Monday 25 August 2003 07:58 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Two sticky stars and a free beer.
  James R. McKenzie wrote:
  Did I pass the test?  What doo I get.  I want the gold star.
   T H A N K  Y O U
James R. McKenzie


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[newbie] parport and devfs

2003-08-26 Thread L.V.Gandhi
I am working with mdk 9.1
I have following lines in respective files.

in /etc/modules.devfs 
# Parallel port printers
alias /dev/printers*lp
alias /dev/lp*  /dev/printers

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# cd /etc/devfs/conf.d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] conf.d]# cat dynamic.conf

REGISTER(usb/lp.*|printers/.*)  EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/lp.script 
add $devpath
UNREGISTER  (usb/lp.*|printers/.*)  EXECUTE /etc/dynamic/scripts/lp.script 
del $devpath

[EMAIL PROTECTED] conf.d]# ls -l /etc/dynamic/scripts/lp.script
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root 1538 Mar  7 20:15 

Still I don't have any parport in lsmod and also no lp or printer device made 
in dev. Any clue to get parport enabled?
203, Soundaryalahari Apartments, Lawsons Bay colony, Visakhapatnam, 530017
MECON, 5th Floor, RTC Complex, Visakhapatnam AP 530020 INDIA

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Re: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen

2003-08-26 Thread John Richard Smith
I see, so in regards to TFT's it's not a case then of a beam of 
electrons scanning the screen top left to botton right so many times a 
second ( CRT of 85Mhz = 85 refershed scans per second) but a question of 
how many times a pixel is electronically swithced on and off 
electronically, that is by a circuit behind that pixel ?

So  a TFT with a refresh rate of 16ms  is being switched on and off, 
16/1000of a second each time. I guess as time goes on that time will 
decrease some as technology improves.

Yes, I think Dell merely badge someone elses make don't they, they buy 
in large orders at a time at best prices and badge them, and sometimes 
they get a bad deal, and sell the shipment off quickly to a retailer for 
a knockdown price. That is why I was suspicious in the first place, and 
came to the list, because I have extremely limited experience with these 
devices. Seems like I will have to keep my old CRT's a while longer yet.


Tony S. Sykes wrote:


I am sure Dell sell rebranded monitors anyway (correct me if I am
wrong). So you need to try and find out who the original manufacturer
is. I've got a Hitachi 17 1280x1024 with a 16ms refresh rate. It is a
lot sharper than crt's. Mine cost a little more about £400 but it was
the top of the range in the 16ms bracket (6 months ago). You only need
that fast a response if your gaming (and I do). The faster the response
the less ghosting you get (response is the time it takes for the pixel
to turn off and back on again, the system does not refresh in the same
sense as a crt). There is no flicker on tft's like crt's so don't worry
about that. I think they are a lot better (less power hungry too).


-Original Message-
From: John Richard Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 5:11 PM
Subject: [newbie] Dell TFT 17Flat Screen
OK, so this is an offer from a UK supplier and I asked them what 
resolution is it capable of. They replied,

Its native resolution is 1280 x 1024. It'll go higher with interpolation
but the image quality suffers. TFTs aren't like CRTs in that respect
because the screen is constructed from a grid of pixels of dimensions
1280 x 1024.
So this means in effect the best resolution is 1280 x 1024, right ?

Well that is what I'm used to, and the price is right, though I would
dearly of liked a 19 for the same money. 

Question ,

How much would you have to pay in the states for a 19 flat screen with
at least 1280 x 1024 resolution and is that the same in reality as a
regular CRT monitor of the same resolution ?
Who has the experience to say ?
because I don't.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Bi-lingual Ms Word docs

2003-08-26 Thread Paul

Open Office, Abiword, etc are able to read/write docs in Ms Word format,
but I have a form issued by the Cyprus Govt online that I need to
complete. It's in both Greek  English, but I can't find a way of
getting both sets of characters displayed.

Any suggestions?


Paul M

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Re: [newbie] HP Inkjets(HELP I AM Increadably stupid SHOOT ME)

2003-08-26 Thread Aron Smith
On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 07:22:02 -0400
Bryan Phinney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 25 August 2003 04:05 pm, Aron Smith wrote:
  does any one have any experience getting a HP-1210 multifunction printer to
  work? I have RTFM and RTFHTM and all it has done so far is confuse me
  according to the docs I have managed to configure and install it MCC sees
  it BUT the @#$*%$ thing won't print. (printer was replaced usb cable was
  replaced printer will copy and scan using ximage. Any thoughts?
 For the record, I have a HP PSC 950 multifunction and on one of the boxes that 
 I had it hooked up to, I was having problems as well.  Not unable to print at 
 all but it was spewing out garbage every time I tried to send a job to it.  
 After monkeying with the drivers over a two week period, I finally relented 
 and hooked it up to a different box altogether to try it out.  It worked like 
 a champ straight out of the gate.  The only think that I could figure was 
 some sort of incompatibility or issue with the USB ports or channel.  At any 
 rate, I had spent so much time on it that it just wasn't worth it to keep 
 hacking so I left it on the system that it was working on and set it up as a 
 network printer for the rest of the boxes.
 If you have another machine, you might try moving it over to there.  Also, one 
 more hint, USB printers will not print unless they are on and active when the 
 machine is turned on.  If you printer was off when you booted the machine up 
 and then you turned it on, it will simply bit bucket all jobs that are sent 
 to it.  Make sure to turn the printer on first and then boot the machine up.  
 At least, that is what I have to do with my USB printer.
 Bryan Phinney
 Software Test Engineer

well I might just have me a $99.00 copier (which ain't all bad) :-)


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Re: [newbie] Really great site for how-to's and a lot more

2003-08-26 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Aug 2003 12:37 pm, HaywireMac wrote:

Now added to


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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-26 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 26 August 2003 06:05 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
 Couldn't you legally download the songs (if you can find them) as you
 have the original so you have bought it already and save yourself the
 problems and hopefully improve the quality of the recording?


Thats the catch Tony. I've tried hard (and even recruited my Kazaa using 
younger brother) to try and find songs by 2 elusive groups:

Warrior - Fighting For The Earth, Defenders Of Creation and others
Da'Nang - demo tape made by a band that never made it. (from here in Eastern 
Kentucky - it rocks though!)

I've been using MLDonkey almost daily to try and find these but no luck - 
so...since its Linux I'm using...we'll do it the old-fashioned nuts and 
bolts way. grin

See ya!


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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 26 August 2003 07:35 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 Dang - easier than that - c'mon - this is Haywiremac (alias SchmoFill) -
 just do an rm -rf /* and all will be fixed.

laughing butt off here!


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Re: [newbie] Handspring Visor Deluxe

2003-08-26 Thread Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 26 Aug 2003 2:11 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 I've found some good info out there for Visor users on Linux, I
 thought I would share it with you and ask if anyone else uses this
 device to post some lists or forums or links that they have found
 useful or just plain kewl.

 (this one can be installed with urpmi, and Mandrake 9.1 fully
 supports syncing with your Visor thru USB.

 Gives you all you need to know to get started.

 *very* alpha software that may someday allow users to work with PDB
 files on Linux, ie. convert them to useable formats for mail and

 Info on all PalmOS based PDA's

 Cheers all!

HM - I'm pushed for time right now.  Could you put all this on the 
MandrakeReferences page, perhaps under ?


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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 10:12:09 -0400
Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 On Tuesday 26 August 2003 07:35 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  Dang - easier than that - c'mon - this is Haywiremac (alias
  SchmoFill) - just do an rm -rf /* and all will be fixed.
 laughing butt off here!

That joke is so old, last time I heard it I fell off my Windows 3.1
box... :-D

Registered Linux user #282046
To lead people, you must follow behind.
-- Lao Tsu

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[newbie] Re: WineX -- Update!

2003-08-26 Thread Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 26 August 2003 12:37 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 19:56:44 +

 Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Thanks a lot, Joe - I really appreciate your effort. Like
  you said, I would consider it a defeat to use Windows. I
  only hope you'll enjoy the research. I too tried to read the
  man pages for wine, but it's way over my head. Win4Lin may
  be an option, but it requires me to have a Windows CD and
  change my kernel, which I don't like.
  Please don't waste a lot of time on this, Joe. After all it
  isn't the end of the world.

 Okay, just in case you have not gone the Windows install
 route, I found something that has a chance of solving your
 dillemma (sp?).

 I snagged a copy of Crossover. So far it runs Office and
 Photoshop, should I test Derive, or is it too late?

Thank you very much, Joe. But I gave up after my daughter told me 
that in order to use her college's web-based filesharing system 
she needed yet another set of windoze apps. So I purchased a new 
HP with Winsux XP on it. Gosh, what a POS ! . She is root all 
the time, need to update Winsucks every day as well as something 
called Norton Firewall. But no chance of seeing what's going on 
underneath the hood. I tried to configure it to her liking, 
making it look familiar to her linux, installed Open Office, 
Mozilla, created 5 backups of the system on CD, defragged the 
whole caboodle twice. Tried to uninstall MS Internet Exploder 
and Outfool Excrete, which I couldn't. The damned thing crashed 
three times during the session. Now it works - to a certain 
extent - but she claims that she feels like a baby, confronted 
with this amateurish OS. She want me to install Linux 
alongside this crap as a dual boot system, but I'm afraid it 
won't survive repartitioning etc And I don't want to spend 
more dough on the box like buying Partition Magic and whatnot to 
make it look like a real PC. Now at least she can use Open 
Office for writing, and Mozilla for browsing and mail.

Good heavens, what an experience (hence the XP brand ?)

Kaj Haulrich.
Registered Linux user  # 214073 at
Powered by Linux - Mandrake 9.1  kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdk
Sent to you from a 100 % Micro$oft-free computer. 

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[newbie] Holy Crap! (SMS Thing)

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac

I just took a look at my filter logs, it is *filled* with these bloody
SMS bounces!

This has got to be stopped, but how?

All those peeps on 14K dialup must be goin' nutty-nut!

Registered Linux user #282046
Ninety percent of everything is crap.
-- Theodore Sturgeon

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[newbie] Really great site for how-to's and a lot more

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac

Registered Linux user #282046
A dream will always triumph over reality, once it is given the chance.
-- Stanislaw Lem

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Re: [newbie] OT hijacked: nmap and port crashing/id'ing Blockedports

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:54:23 -0700
Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 Oh, wait, that's what you said...


Registered Linux user #282046
There are no winners in life, only survivors.

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[newbie] mandrake patents

2003-08-26 Thread Anarky
   I got these links from a friend today:

Online Demonstration Against Software Patents:
Software Patents: who pays and who plays?
   I don't understand much of the legal stuff .. but from the stuff I 
read there everything  everybody might get in trouble ... I mean would 
that mean that say MS could say that Mandrake can't have a 'Control 
Center' because it's based on their 'Control Panel' idea ... or point  
click solutions? I'm scared! I want to get into game making ... and if 
things are this scary than only big companies with big legal support can 
make it.

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Re: [newbie] Holy Crap! (SMS Thing)

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Huff

 I just took a look at my filter logs, it is *filled* with these bloody
 SMS bounces!
 This has got to be stopped, but how?

I have tried in the past to email the address listed in the welcome
message, but get no response.

Does anyone know a valid address to get in contact with a list admin for
the mandrake lists?

Usu there is *someone* you can contact and say  Hey, please unsub this
guy that spams us all day.
 All those peeps on 14K dialup must be goin' nutty-nut!

Doesn't 14k dialup cause nutty-nut-ness anyway?

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Re: [newbie] Transferring songs from cassette

2003-08-26 Thread David E. Fox
 Couldn't you legally download the songs (if you can find them) as you

Yes, but the record executives used to balk at the idea of someone
making recordings of LP for the car player -- they expect you to buy a
separate version. At least it's not as bad as per seat licensing - RIAA
isn't yet demanding a new CD purchase for each and every CD player you
have :(.


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread HaywireMac
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:46:35 -0700
Eric Huff [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 When you say appearing, does that mean you deleted them and they came
 Bill G*tes is getting better at being evil...

OMFG, I am such an idiot. I just deleted them. Didn't come back.

Sorry to have sullied this board with such stupidity, not that it's the
1st time...oh, well, live and burn.

Registered Linux user #282046
Don't make a big deal out of everything; just deal with everything.

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Re: [newbie] Making Linux Converts

2003-08-26 Thread ed tharp
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 04:52, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 Aug 2003 2:54 am, Harv Nelson wrote:
  Watch an animation of the conversion process of a new Linux user
 What did you view it with?  I just got a low-res static pic.
Mozilla 1.4 was just fine to me.
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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 14:49, HaywireMac wrote:
 Although I no longer have any Windows partitions or drives, they still
 show up under /mnt.
 I have checked /etc/fstab, and they do not appear.
 Is there somewhere else I need to go to make them stop appearing?

They're probably just residual directories that you can rm at your

Tue Aug 26 21:05:01 EST 2003
 21:05:01 up 1 day, 10:51,  1 user,  load average: 0.91, 0.88, 0.83
|____  | illawarra computer services|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |  |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn   |
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+  RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

- There's a door
- Where does it go?
- It stays where it is, I think.

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Huff
 On Tuesday 26 August 2003 07:35 am, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  this is Haywiremac (alias SchmoFill)

Man, how many aliases does this guy have?  :)

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Re: [newbie] Really great site for how-to's and a lot more

2003-08-26 Thread Eric Huff
 Now added to

Anne, thank you for being so diligent and adding stuff like this to the


PS i plan to start helping, too, soon..

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Re: [newbie] Holy Crap! (SMS Thing)

2003-08-26 Thread Anarky
Eric Huff wrote:

I just took a look at my filter logs, it is *filled* with these bloody
SMS bounces!
This has got to be stopped, but how?

I have tried in the past to email the address listed in the welcome
message, but get no response.
Does anyone know a valid address to get in contact with a list admin for
the mandrake lists?
Usu there is *someone* you can contact and say  Hey, please unsub this
guy that spams us all day.

All those peeps on 14K dialup must be goin' nutty-nut!

Doesn't 14k dialup cause nutty-nut-ness anyway?

I keep getting them too .. I thought it was from one person .. but I'm 
getting them from several .. is this like a worm thing or what?

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Re: [newbie] wishing for mandrake 2.6 test3 kernel

2003-08-26 Thread Anarky
Michael Lothian wrote:

If you were wanting to play  arround with kernels try the tmb ones
what's 'tmb'

Just update your kernel-utils and possibelyou init scrips from the 
cooker rpms (from memory that is - on my win doze box atm)
could you please give me more detailed instructions or point me to 
somewhere where I could find them?

Then get the latest tmb kernel from 
or it may even be on the contribs part of cooker under a slightly 
different name.

Type in lilo (as root) so it updates your lilo stuff so at boot up you 
can select you new kernel.

I've tried both the 2.6 kernel and the tmb kernel. The 2.6 one hardly 
works with any hardware atm as none of the modules are there yet. The 
tmb kernel rocks though. It has DVB support, bluetooth support, decent 
supermount support and lots more.

I like this kernel

Mike ;-)
   what I'm looking for is that dreamy kernel feature which I hear will 
have that magic property of making Linux react faster (more like 
Windows, in giving higher priority to starting programs  running user 

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Re: [newbie] How to get rid of old Windows Drive Mounts

2003-08-26 Thread Bryan Phinney
On Tuesday 26 August 2003 12:49 am, HaywireMac wrote:
 Although I no longer have any Windows partitions or drives, they still
 show up under /mnt.

 I have checked /etc/fstab, and they do not appear.

 Is there somewhere else I need to go to make them stop appearing?

Just go in as root and delete them.  Once a directory is created for mounting 
a drive, the directory itself stays there until root deletes it.  Even if it 
is no longer used.  win_c, right?  Just delete it.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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[newbie] ati vid card support policy

2003-08-26 Thread Anarky
   any idea if ATI is going to become more like nVidia with their 
support for Linux ?

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RE: [newbie] Americas' Army extraction problem

2003-08-26 Thread Tango Echo
=D =D

Another high quality game available on Linux??

Ron, how did it run on your Linux boxes after you
finally got it installed?

I should try to install it on my MDK 9.1 system. 
Interested in the results if/when I get around to it?

--- Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I downloaded it at the weekend and it installed on
 9.1 download no
 probs. Install as root so all users can use it. I
 assume you md5'ed it?
 -Original Message-
 From: Ronald J. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:24 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Americas' Army extraction
 On Monday 25 August 2003 04:40 pm, Charles A Edwards
  I have 17 running on 9.2 (cooker)
  I did not have the patience to dl 19 with the
 crappy free speeds you
  from filefront.
  Did find at at better speeds from another site,
 will give it a go
 The only way I could get it to work was to extract
 it on the one machine
 use NFS to copy it to the others. :-(
 It worked though then. :-)

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