Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-13 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Hi Bryan,

On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 19:15, Bryan Phinney wrote: 

  Just because a 
 company pursues goals that are not in my best interests and seeks to limit my 
 choices to those that make them money does not make them evil, that is simply 
 reality.  Every human will try to make things work out best for himself, even 
 if that sometimes is at the expense of others.  That is just plain old 
 self-interest and survival instinct.  And, for better or worse, companies are 
 run by ordinary humans.  

That is a very measured attitude; however, most (all?) societies
consider it in the common good to limit how far individuals or groups
can pursue self-interest at the expense of others checks and
balances, etc   What worries me how MS seems able to ignore with
impunity checks that are applied to others.  

 Now, once our basic needs have been met, some of us my pursue our interests 
 with more moderation than others, some may even be altruistic (if only for 
 their own ego purposes) but I would not want to argue that someone wanting to 
 make more money is necessarily evil.

No,I don't know that anyone has said that so far. But the means, and the
end result of allowing them to pursue it unchecked, may be considered
extremely undesirable for society at large.  

 That doesn't mean that I would not resist someone trying to force me to use a 
 product that is not in my best interest, just that I don't take it 

Well,of course that's a personal matter.Some people may have had more
bruising experiences of this than you, perhaps, and might take it


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Re: [newbie] Problems with a web site...

2003-10-12 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 09:40, Aron Smith wrote: 
 Crashed me 
 On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 20:52, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  A friend of mine who uses Mozilla is having trouble with a web site:
  so I told him I'd try it out. Like him, I can access the main page, but 
  clicking something like the DSL link immediately crashes Mozilla and Galeon 
  hard. Konqueror works fine. This is with the stock versions under Mandrake 
  version 9.1 - anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

Odd. Had no trouble under 9.1 with either Galeon (1.3.5) or Dillo in
accessing any of the links on the main page.


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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-12 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Hi Franki and Mac,

On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 11:30, HaywireMac wrote: 
 On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 15:48:23 +0800
 Franki [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  If we all tell ten people, and make them feel as strongly about it as
  we do, they will spread the word also.
 Are you kidding me? I gotta try to control myself to *not* talk about
 this with everyone I meet... ;-)

Do you have a Consumers Association or similar body in the US that could
get fired up about this?

I'm going to try to agitate the UK one.


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Re: [newbie] OT M$ is accepting responsibility?

2003-10-12 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Further to my last post

Do you have a Consumers Association or similar body in the US that
get fired up about this?

I'm going to try to agitate the UK one.


I've written to the Consumers' Association in the UK, Which.
Here's a copy of the letter - we'll see what happens.


[letter follows]

Dear Which Campaigns,

I have been a member of the Consumers' Association for many years and
know how effective your campaigns can be on issues affecting consumers'
rights and welfare. I want to alert you to some extremely dangerous,
far-reaching, extensive, monopolistic developments, already well under
way, that are greatly to the detriment of our interests in many fields
and that desperately need determined opposition from consumer groups
across Europe. 

The software giant, Microsoft, is pursuing a strategy on many fronts
aimed at achieving a total stranglehold over all information traffic,
whether in the home or the office, personal or public, leisure or
business, forcing it out of the privacy of individually-owned PCs onto
the internet in channels meant to be wholly controlled by, and
accessible only by payment to, Microsoft. Microsoft is attempting to
fetter mobile telecommunications and channel television to its home
computer systems as a further part of this strategy. It is promoting
pernicious legislation in the European Parliament intended to outlaw or
prevent third-party alternatives to its software that might now, or in
the future, offer competition.

To the average man in the street this may all seem greatly exaggerated -
something dreamt up by computer nerds. However,it *will* mean something
to the man in the street when a businessman finds Microsoft can cut him
off from access to his business until he pays more, or the home owner
finds he can no longer use his computer and personal data, because
Microsoft has decreed his software obsolete and can force expensive
updates of software and hardware without his consent. The EULA (End User
License Agreement) accompanying every bit of Microsoft software sets out
Microsoft's entitlements explicitly in the small print and will be,
indeed already is,a legal license for extortion without redress from the

There is good documentation validating my assertions in a rather long
article on, particularly the section
titled: Microsoft The Road Ahead. It gives a much better and more
informed account of the situation than I have been able to do. Please
visit this site. As regards the European legislation, I and a number of
others who are greatly concerned have already written to our MEPs about
it, and for your information I attach a copy of the letter sent to my

The only effective defence of the public's interest we can see working
in the long term is to promote Open Source, i.e largely non-proprietary,
software, whose huge number of volunteer supporters and developers
distributed internationally is not readily intimidated, bought out, or
overwhelmed by the financial might wielded by the Microsoft giant.This
is vital, because ultimately any third-party information technology,
software or hardware, that is to survive in competition with the
Microsoft monopolies will depend on having a viable alternative to the
Windows system.
We need to resist the blanket introduction of Microsoft systems into our
public services, especially if accompanied by 'sweeteners' that are
actually ties to long-term commitments.We need to bring pressure on many
institutions, like banks, to stop imposing the Microsoft system as a
condition of e-commerce, for example requiring the browser, Internet
Explorer, when alternative browsers offer equally high levels of
encryption and, particularly, when running on non-Windows systems, are
far less worm- and virus-ridden. 
There are many other situations where consumers need to be vigilant
against some insidious threat or other posed by Microsoft. There is a
group of us, very alive to the situation; and we could alert you at an
early stage when the need arises, if you would like us to do this 

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Re: [newbie] Re:Patenting of Software Code - MEP replies

2003-10-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 18:50, Margot wrote: 
 Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  Apologies to the list for the Sturdy and ukipeast MEP posts - I hope
  there won't be any more!
  I don't know where they got the newbie mailing address from - can't see
  it anywhere on my posts to them.
 Errr... didn't get them here Doug - are you sure they went to the newbie 
 LIST, and didn't just end up in the newbie FOLDER on your own system, 
 maybe following your filter rules?
 Glad to hear you're getting some replies from them though!
Sigh of relief! I thought another six would be appearing :-) But how
they got into the newbie Folder is a mystery.

I could have sworn they were addressed  to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
but in the Trash box they're not. On the other hand my filter rule looks
for newbie in the subject line, but I can't find it in Patenting
Software Code.

It must be those magic mushrooms again!


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Re: [newbie] User Drake

2003-10-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 23:50, John wrote: 
 I tried to add a new user to md 9.1 home computer. I used an upper case 
 letter which md said I couldn't use. When I clicked ok on the notice, 
 user drake locked up. I ending up rebooting. When trying to open user 
 drake up after reboot, I get the message cannot lock user lib, 
 file/etc/ptmp or /etc/gtmp exist. Thanks for any help on this.
just delete /etc/ptmp and etc/gtmp and carry on.
Irritating but of no significance, as far as I know from what people
have reported on the list in the past.


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[newbie] Re:Patenting of Software Code - MEP replies

2003-10-09 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Apologies to the list for the Sturdy and ukipeast MEP posts - I hope
there won't be any more!
I don't know where they got the newbie mailing address from - can't see
it anywhere on my posts to them.


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Re: [newbie] Patenting of Software Code

2003-10-08 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 20:30, Dick Gevers wrote: 
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi Douglas, all,
 It`s not useless to send, `cause the EP vote is just a sort of advice to
 the EU Commission - as I understand it - which has to decide yet how they
 handle the proposed law. So IMO the MEP`s still need reinforcing, if only to
 give them unbiased awareness of what is at stake. 
 Personally I found Anne`s letter so very good that I didn`t change a word;
 just added a few lines of introduction in Dutch.

Good, thanks.
I've written to the 8 MEPs for the Eastern Region UK.
Like you, I found Anne's letter excellent - mine is a straight crib with
a few additions. I hope she doesn't mind [Letter follows]
Maybe we could do with a min-TWiki to hone our arguments for future use!


...I am writing to you as one of your constituents in the Eastern
Region for the European Parliament.

I understand that the McCarthy report on the patentability of
computer-implemented inventions has passed its first reading in
the European Parliament with some limited amendments, and is now
awaiting its second reading.

This legislation causes considerable alarm to me and many other
consumers among the European public, whose interests we look to
Parliament to protect; and I would ask you to consider the following:

Software is written by individuals and groups of individuals. As
authors they normally have and retain copyright (except, I presume,
where they are working for a company who would then own the
copyright).  Existing laws are adequate to protect their copyright.
Patent law was, I understand, intended to protect inventors, requiring
that the object to be patented was an original idea.  It is common
knowledge that 'prior art' generally precludes such a patent being
granted.  It is difficult to see how writing computer code can be
classed as an original idea.  Logically, if software were to be
patentable, then so could a book.

It is a consideration that patents are expensive, create a great deal
of administrative work, and are granted slowly and for a lengthy time
period, while the life cycle of software is short. This can only stifle
creative work. Worse, the legislation broadens the word  invention
to mean far more than the circumscribed definition it carries elsewhere,
giving enormous scope for interfering with the development of software
innovation by competitors. Moreover, the ability of any enterprise to
patent what is merely a method of presentation, a method of training, or
a 'look' of software is certainly not in the interest of the consumer.

The passing of software patent legislation will naturally benefit
big business and penalise the small and medium-size enterprise. The
legislation has introduced imprecise terms that create fertile ground
for legal argument and can only tilt the advantage still further
towards big businesses with large financial resources. Small enterprises
have limited possibilities of surviving in this environment.

Certain large businesses in the field of operating systems desire
to outlaw reverse engineering of their software.  Since most hardware
manufacturers are already tied in to them by agreements, this will
give them an unchallengeable monopoly, because without reverse
engineering it will be impossible for third party software and hardware
drivers to be written if the originators are unwilling to co-operate.
And they are usually not willing. Like many others, I have suffered from
finding that drivers for my hardware were unavailable, since the
manufacturer of the hardware did not choose to co-operate with writers
of my chosen operating system.

It would appear that the proposals for EU legislation would have serious
implications for the General Public License.  It is a matter of grave
concern that individuals would be denied the right to decide the
conditions under which their work is released.  The GPL gives clear
rights and responsibilities to users of the software concerned.  The
original author owns copyright, but this is essentially a model of
co-operative working.  If you are unfamiliar with the GPL, could I
ask you to refer to ?

I ask your help in defending our rights, as citizens of the European
Union, to own our own work without hindrance, and to make our own
decisions about the future of our work.  Please protect us from the
vested interests that seek to take away these rights. Can I please ask
you to subject the legislation to the most critical scrutiny when it
returns for a second reading to Parliament, and to ensure that it has
strong safeguards for our interests, the European public?.

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Re: [newbie] Patenting of Software Code

2003-10-07 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Hi Dick, John, Anne and all,

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 19:30, Dick Gevers wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi John and all others,
 On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:41:52 +, John Richard Smith
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about [newbie] Patenting of
 Software Code:
 I have had a reply from a MEP, as follows,
 Similarly, I had a reply from the assistant to Dutch liberal MEP Mrs. Elly
 Plooij-van Gorsel, reading inter alia (this is a rough translation from
 Start translation
 The European Parliament has voted 24/9 in plenary meeting on the report
 `Patentability of computer implemented inventions`

Unfortunately I was still working on a letter to my MEPs when the vote
was taken. Didn't get off my backside quickly enough, alas. 
Do you think there would be any point in writing to them now? If so, any
ideas as to the best line to take?


P.S. Mine are East of Engalnd

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Re: [newbie] List weirdness

2003-10-06 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 15:30, Richard Urwin wrote: 
 On Friday 03 Oct 2003 12:08 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  Maybe sympa just doesn't like my face/name/colour/font.
 You sure you're using the same email address that you're subscribed under?

Yep! I had a lot of grief over this when I first tried to get on the
newbie list (because my ISP had been taken over by another ISP, which
left me with an address something like [EMAIL PROTECTED], so *that*
particular mistake has been drummed well and truly into my thick head.


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Re: M J Pipkin Re: [newbie] Instant application shut down.

2003-10-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 09:18, M J Pipkin wrote: 
 This is unsolicited spam and an invasion of my privacy.  Please send no further 
 newbie communicationsand remove my name from your list.

Don't know how that happened

Aaaah! Just seen everybody else's posts on the prat.

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Re: [newbie] List weirdness

2003-10-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 23:35, Tom Brinkman wrote: 
 On Thursday October 2 2003 02:01 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:

  I've used it several time, but I send it as SET newbie NOMAIL
no need for capitalization. 'set newbie nomail' (w/o quotes) as 
 the subject to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   will stop mail. I just 
 used it over the last ten days. 'set newbie mail' starts it again 

I've tried capitalisation and no capitalisation before; neither worked.
Maybe sympa just doesn't like my face/name/colour/font.
But I'll keep plugging away, 'cos I'm off abroad again shortly.


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Re: [newbie] Instant application shut down.

2003-10-02 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 14:29, Smith Joe wrote: 
 Hi All,
 I have noticed an oddity.  When I start any of the
 OpenOffice applications as soon as the program is
 loaded it immediately shuts down again.  What am I
 doing wrong?

It may be that the path is wrong - how are you starting the
applications, from the GUI menu or a console?
Star Office did something similar on me if I loaded from the GUI menu,
but ran OK if I called it from the command line.
The reason was that the menu path went something like
/usr/bin/swriter.. (say, for StarOffice Writer), but Star Office was
actually in /home, so needed the path
/home/dougb/staroffice6.0/swriter . 
If you use Menudrake in MCC, you can check the path in Properties of the
particular application and change it as necessary. You'll need to find
out where it actually resides first, of course.


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Re: [newbie] List weirdness

2003-10-02 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 21:49, mooney wrote: 
 I, too, am getting weird responses to mails.
 Finally, I'm off on 2 weeks hols, and I can't seem to unsub from the


Join the club. I've never found the 'set newbie nomail' work either.


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[newbie] FWIW - was: CD-writer fails with CD-R but not CD-RW

2003-09-30 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Hi, list.

FWIW - just in case anybody else has a similar problem:

CD-writer writes under Windows OK
Writes to CD-RW with cdrecord (and GUIs based on cdrecord) but will
*NOT*, absolutely *NOT*, write CD-Rs.

If you have a reasonably modern, i.e. high-speed writer it may
experience problems writing CD-Rs at *LOW* speed and fail with errors:
OPC failed .Sense Code: Power calibration area error
This doesn't happen with CD-RWs.

Change cdrecord speed=2(say) to ...speed=12 (for example) for CD-Rs.

Many thanks to a lot of people, particularly John Richard Smith, who
kept plugging and helped me plug, away at the problem to the end.


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Re: [newbie] clipboard integration with Mozilla

2003-09-26 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 10:00, Lance Cummings wrote: 
 Does this (not) work for anyone else?
 1) Open your mail client (hopefully KMail so we can test this 
 2) Copy the URL for the MS critic article to the clipboard.  
 3) Now open Mozilla and try to paste this clipboard item into the 
 Mozilla address window.

Not sure if you're only interested in one-off opening of e-mail URLs or
in a regular switch to a default browser.
If the latter, maybe there is an equivalent in KDE to the one in Gnome.
My e-mail client (Evolution) defaults to Mozilla, but you can vary this
by editing /home/user-name/.gnome/Gnome and changing the line containing
default-show= . to
default-show=your-preferred-browser-name %s.
'dillo' is very lightweight. I've found it particularly useful for quick
checking of e-mail URLs without all the overhead of the heavy duty
browsers on a dial-up line.


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Re: [newbie] CD-writer fails with CD-R but not CD-RW

2003-09-26 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 11:55, John Richard Smith wrote:


The test files were assembled with mkisofs along the lines you mention.
They write out to the CD-RW OK.

 then write to disc
 tmp]$ cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -eject -ignsize /tmp.iso 
 (where dev=0,0,0  is whatever it should be on your system, ie cdrecord 
 -scanbus, and speed is whatever is appropiate for your device)
I've used your cdrecord command - no joy.It's slightly different from
the one I used (cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -data  /tmp.iso)
There is a slight difference in the output at Sense Code:
here - 
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x00 (write error) Fru 0x0
whereas it was -
Sense Code: 0x73 Qual 0x03 (power calibration area error) Fru 0x0

I wondered whether that might mean cdrecord's power settings for CD-Rs
on the Sony CDwriter were incorrect, whereas they were satisfactory for
writing CD-RWs. What do you think?


cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -eject -ignsize corrimage
Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '0,0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
atapi: 1
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'SONY'
Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX175E2 '
Revision   : 'S002'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R96R
Drive buf size : 1359872 = 1328 KB
FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
Track 01: data 0 MB padsize:  312 KB
Total size:0 MB (00:04.02) = 302 sectors
Lout start:1 MB (00:06/02) = 302 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 4
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  Disk sub type: Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-) (2)
  ATIP start of lead in:  -12508 (97:15/17)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359848 (79:59/73)
Disk type:Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
Manuf. index: 22
Manufacturer: Ritek Co.
Blocks total: 359848 Blocks current: 359848 Blocks remaining: 359546
Forcespeed is OFF.
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real TAO mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write0 seconds. Operation starts.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
BURN-Free is ON.
Turning BURN-Free off
Performing OPC...
Starting new track at sector: 0
Track 01:0 of0 MB written.
Track 01: writing 312 KB of pad data.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 294912/614400 (300 sectors).
cdrecord: Input/output error. flush cache: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x00 (write error) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 5.073s timeout 120s
Trouble flushing the cache
Writing  time:   15.920s
Average write speed   0.8x.
cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: no
CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x0C Qual 0x00 (write error) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 40.434s timeout 480s
cmd finished after 40.434s timeout 480s
Fixating time:   40.438s
cdrecord: fifo had 5 puts and 5 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%

The only difference.

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Re: [newbie] CD-writer fails with CD-R but not CD-RW

2003-09-25 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 00:09, John Richard Smith wrote: 
 Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 18:26, John Richard Smith wrote: 
 Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 Thanks, John. The driver is recognised alright with cdrecord -scanbus
 and I can do a dummy run satisfactorily with a CD-R disk in the drive,
 also cdrecord writes stuff out through the drive quite happily to a
 (Toshiba) CD-RW disk. I forgot to mention that the same CD-R disks can
 be written to (after cdrecord has refused) by the drive in Win'98


 OK, that is good, looks like you have a device.
 The blank discs write satisfactorily in windblows, so they are not 
 really the problem.
 You say it can do a dummy write with the lazer turned off, but not an 
 actual write, odd.
 Is there a size problem ? Maybe too much data to fit on the disc ?
 What are you writing , data or audio ?

Data. Sizewise: recently, only small amounts up to and around 1MB, just
in order to test whether I could get the thing to work at all.


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Re: [newbie] Rant: The man pages

2003-09-24 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 13:18, Anne Wilson wrote:

 OTOH, I had been dutifully opening a console and using su to do 
 maintenance jobs, but closing it to return to user.  It was a year 
 later before anyone actually mentioned that if you type 'exit' you 
 don't need to close it :-)

Or Ctrl-D. Even quicker.
Another Crtl-D closes the terminal if you want to.


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Re: [newbie] CD-writer fails with CD-R but not CD-RW

2003-09-24 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 18:26, John Richard Smith wrote: 
 Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 cdrecord: OPC failed
 I believe it is saying that the drive has failed.
 That could mean anything.
 Maybe the drive isn't set up right for cdrecord to work with it.
 or maybe the driver doesn't work with your make and model.
 First thing I would do is in a terminal,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cdrecord -scanbus, 
 Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg Schilling
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
 0,0,0 0) 'Generic ' 'USB Storage-SMC ' '0090' Removable Disk
 1,0,0   100) 'PIONEER ' 'DVD-ROM DVD-116 ' '1.22' Removable CD-ROM
 1,1,0   101) 'MITSUMI ' 'CR-48X9TE   ' '1.0C' Removable CD-ROM
 To see what you have got in the way of recognised devices.

Thanks, John. The driver is recognised alright with cdrecord -scanbus
and I can do a dummy run satisfactorily with a CD-R disk in the drive,
also cdrecord writes stuff out through the drive quite happily to a
(Toshiba) CD-RW disk. I forgot to mention that the same CD-R disks can
be written to (after cdrecord has refused) by the drive in Win'98


P.S. cdrecord -scanbus output appended:

Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
0,0,0 0) 'SONY' 'CD-RW  CRX175E2 ' 'S002' Removable
0,1,0 1) *

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[newbie] CD-writer fails with CD-R but not CD-RW

2003-09-24 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Can anyone help? I have been struggling with this problem for ages, RTFM
etc. hasn't resolved it for me.

MDK9.1. Using cdrecord on the CLI.
My Sony CD-writer writes happily to a Toshiba CD-RW, multi-session ,etc.
no problem; but I cannot write anything to a CD-R (I've tried Sony
Supremas, Kodak Ultima 80, Packard Bell 1-32x).

The messages I get are all minor variations on the following, and the
commands minor variations on
cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -data image-name (burnfree ON,OFF;
multi, no multi,etc)

What the h**l is going on?


Cdrecord 2.0 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Jörg
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '0,0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.24
Using libscg version 'schily-0.7'
atapi: 1
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'SONY'
Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX175E2 '
Revision   : 'S002'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Supported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R96R
Drive buf size : 1359872 = 1328 KB
FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
Track 01: data 0 MB padsize:  312 KB
Total size:0 MB (00:04.02) = 302 sectors
Lout start:1 MB (00:06/02) = 302 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 4
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  Disk sub type: Medium Type A, low Beta category (A-) (2)
  ATIP start of lead in:  -12508 (97:15/17)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359848 (79:59/73)
Disk type:Short strategy type (Phthalocyanine or similar)
Manuf. index: 22
Manufacturer: Ritek Co.
Blocks total: 359848 Blocks current: 359848 Blocks remaining: 359546
Forcespeed is OFF.
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in real TAO mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write0 seconds. Operation starts.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
BURN-Free is OFF.
Performing OPC...
cdrecord: Input/output error. send opc: scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB:  54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 03 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 73 03 00 00
Sense Key: 0x3 Medium Error, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x73 Qual 0x03 (power calibration area error) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 3.693s timeout 60s
cdrecord: OPC failed.
Writing  time:3.711s
cdrecord: fifo had 5 puts and 0 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.

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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Upgrade from 9.0-9.1

2003-09-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 23:58, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 01:44, David Anderson wrote:

  But what happens to web server pages, samba config, mail config, mySQL
 That stuff SHOULD be upgraded without a hitch (they have for me) - but
 always make a backup of your configuration data and your databases prior
 to doing anything of that sort.
 stephen kuhn - owner

Don't know about a straight *upgrade* 9.0-9.1.

FWIW, however,if you decide instead to go for a clean *installation* of
9.1,then 'tar' /home, save it elsewhere (e.g. on a windows partition)
and you can copy it back to /home after the installation.
You will find that your user settings are restored for any program held
openly as a file in /home, e.g. evolution, but not those in hidden
files, e.g. .galeon,.opera- so you will need to export things like
bookmarks for them to external files before 'tar'ring.


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[newbie] Tangled threads

2003-09-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Hi everybody, 

Can folks please behave a bit better in observing thread rules on the
mailing list?  

It's now getting so that practically every thread is hijacked several
times, and even without changing subject, is often crossed with
something else.
Using threads to follow a topic is getting to be a waste of
timegrumble, grumble (g)

Anne, help, you're good at chivvying people!


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Re: [newbie] Re: Funy business with newbie list

2003-09-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 16:42, rikona wrote: 
 Hello Douglas,
 Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 3:30:47 AM, you wrote:
 DB Can't remember now if the 'subscribe' messages did pay attention
 DB to capitalisation.
 I recently subscribed to the expert list, and 'subscribe' worked.

Re-subscribed using capitalisation.
Eric, thanks for intervening and getting me onto the list - I've
received my first batch of expert posts. Wow!  

Would capitalisation have worked or not?


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[newbie] Win'98 backup to tar

2003-09-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Back in April there was a thread on backing up Win XP by 'tar'ring it.
Stephen advised deleting the swapfile (c:/pagesys).

To do the same for backing up Win '98, what is the name of the Win '98



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[newbie] Re: Funy business with newbie list

2003-09-09 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Many thanks for your continuing help.

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 22:09, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Hi, Douglas.  Just a couple of ideas.
 First, I found from Todd that emails that have certain 'command' words 
 in the subject line tend to be dropped.  For instance, I posted one 
 that started with 'Help me' and it dropped.  At Todd's advice, I 
 changed it to 'Assist me' and it went through.
 I don't know whether the inclusion of list commands in the body would 
 have the same effect, though I think that is much less likely.

Hmmm. Not sure whether I might have fallen foul of that or not.
 When you send the commands, capitalisation is important.  The command 
 words are in captical, such as SET newbie NOMAIL.  It worked for me.  
 Maybe the subscribe one has to be SUBSCRIBE newbie - it would make 

Can't remember now if the 'subscribe' messages did pay attention to
But the problem I had with 'nomail', a good while back, certainly
occurred whether I capitalised or not.

 If none of this helps, you I'll try to get your message to the list, 
 to see if anyone else has any ideas.

I'll keep beavering on and let you know what happens.


P.S. In your earlier post, you suggested contacting Todd Lyons. Can you
let me know his address off-list?

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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-09 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 01:13, Michael Lothian wrote: 
 2) divert newbie posts to a Newbie folder.
 everything else comes into my Inbox, so I don't think I'm missing
 anything relevant. 
 Beats me!
 What rule do you use to do this?

I use Evolution.

Evolution =Tools= Filters =incoming = Filter rules = Add
Rule name pharmacy.  Add criterion.   Execute actions: if any
criteria are met
change Sender to Subject. select contains .type in Viagra 
[for other give-away words, Add criterion, etc]

Then Add action. change Move to folder to Delete. OK

[First create folder Newbie (or whatever) File = New = Folder= type
name =  where? in Local Folders]. Then as above.except that
instead of Viagra, type newbie
Add action Move to folder click here to select a folder browse
to Newbie folder. OK.

There are quite a lot of other possibilities too.

Hope this is what you meant.


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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-08 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 13:52, Anne Wilson wrote:

 I presume that you tried using the link that is in the full headers of 
 list mails?  

 The only other thing I can suggest is that you mail Todd 
 Lyons to see if he can help.

Thanks, Anne. I'll try mailing him


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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-08 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 17:01, Eric Huff wrote: 
  Follow-up -  Still no joy,
 Sorry if you said this already: did you try doing it at the website?
 about half way down the page.

Yes, with no effect.

 Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] the edress you want sub'd?  I have beed
 talking to someone at mdk about list issues, and could pass it to him.
 I'm not sure if he is the official contact, or just helping out, so i
 don't want to post his eddress here.

I'd be very grateful if you would - I'm completely boxed in at the


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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-08 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sun, 2003-09-07 at 19:15, rikona wrote: 
 Hello Douglas,
 I couldn't sign up via the web either - tried the email and it worked.

I've had that happen in the past with the newbie list.But the e-mail
doesn't work either, for the expert list for me.

 What kind of response are you getting? Are you using any email

The e-mail filters I use:
1) delete e-mails with subjects that are explicitly pornographic,
selling pharmaceuticals or from credit companies
2) divert newbie posts to a Newbie folder.
everything else comes into my Inbox, so I don't think I'm missing
anything relevant. 
Beats me!


 It might be that the reply email looks like spam to some
 filters because of the subject line.

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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-07 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 12:59, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 21:42, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 15:49, Anne Wilson wrote: 
   subscribe expert
  Among the various combinations I tried, I think so, but I'll give it
  another go.
  Thanks, Anne

Follow-up -  Still no joy,


 Here are explicit instructions for the Mandrake Mailing Lists:
 stephen kuhn - owner

Thanks, Stephen. At least I got some laughs out of your site - that's
more than anything else I've tried. 


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Re: [newbie] Expert list

2003-09-06 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 15:49, Anne Wilson wrote: 
 On Friday 05 Sep 2003 3:53 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 Did you try an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line 
 just showing
 subscribe expert

Among the various combinations I tried, I think so, but I'll give it
another go.

Thanks, Anne


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Re: [newbie] Resizing linux partitions

2003-09-06 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Thanks all, Anne, Brian and Derek.


On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 21:51, Derek Jennings wrote: 
 On Friday 05 Sep 2003 3:53 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  I recently re-installed 9.1 in order to change from ext3 to ReiserFS and
  took the opportunity to create a separate partition for /var.
  I underestimated the space needed for /var and am now getting warning
  messages on bootup about inadequate free space.
  What to do? Can I resize /var, taking space from /, say? Or have I got
  to re-install all over again?
  TIA for advice.
 If your /var is getting filled up it may be because your logs are not being 
 compressed by the nightly cron job at 4am.
 This in turn is likely because your computer is not switched on at 4am.
 The solution is to install the anacron RPM from your CDs. Any cron jobs not 
 performed the previous night will then be run 15 mins after booting.
 Be prepared for your computer to go crazy the first time anacron runs :-)

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Re: [newbie] Did I lose my NTFS partition?

2003-09-05 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 11:49, Bryan Phinney wrote: 
 On Thursday 04 September 2003 10:34 pm, Mathieu Frenette wrote:
 Please post a copy of your /etc/fstab file.  For the record, I am pretty sure 
 that Mandrake does not mount an ntfs partition using /mnt/windows, more like 
 /mnt/win_c or something like that. 


FWIW ,on my laptop XP programs are NTSF and user data FAT32. MD9.0
mounts the NTFS as /mnt/nt and the FAT32 as /mnt/windows.


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[newbie] Resizing linux partitions

2003-09-05 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

I recently re-installed 9.1 in order to change from ext3 to ReiserFS and
took the opportunity to create a separate partition for /var.
I underestimated the space needed for /var and am now getting warning
messages on bootup about inadequate free space.

What to do? Can I resize /var, taking space from /, say? Or have I got
to re-install all over again?

TIA for advice.


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[newbie] Expert list

2003-09-05 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Is there some secret sign,password or ceremony necessary in order to get
on to the expert mailing list?

I've tried repeatedly to subscribe, both through and
by e-mails to sympa, to ask for help with a problem not solved here.

Never a request for confirmation, nor acknowledgement, nor post

What gives?


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Beware!! - Re: [newbie] Re: Re: My details

2003-09-04 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
details.pif is one of those ** infected attachments.


On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 13:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 See the attached file for details
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Re: OT - [newbie] somebody disliking mandrake - stupid newbie

2003-09-04 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-09-04 at 06:13, Inhabitant of Zion wrote: 


I'm very thick, and I haven't been able to find it in the jargon bible.



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Re: [newbie] FS conversion/Partition resizing

2003-08-15 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 12:15, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 20:53, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 23:22, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
   On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 04:12, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   Partitions can be shrunk. 
   So can heads.
  It was actually the first, rather than the second, I was interested in. 
  But I haven't noticed the linux head-shrinking program in MD9.1 - where
  can I find it? In cooker?
 Joe Hill uses it. Seems to work well enough. We need to ask him what
 commands he issues to resolve the issue.

Naughty, naughty! 


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Re: [newbie] FS conversion/Partition resizing

2003-08-15 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 12:15, ed tharp wrote: 
 On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 06:53, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 23:22, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
   On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 04:12, Tom Brinkman wrote:
   Partitions can be shrunk. 
   So can heads.
  It was actually the first, rather than the second, I was interested in. 
  But I haven't noticed the linux head-shrinking program in MD9.1 - where
  can I find it? In cooker?
 Careful with the answer Stephen,(be sure to include a disclaimer)  IANL,
 but Douglas is. G
 This mail was not created using any Microsoft products, including, but
 not limited to; Fonts, OS, Office Suites, Virus Transport Agents, and
 This mail was intended for the interest of anyone it was intended for.
 if this is not you, then why the heck are you reading this? 
 UNDER PENALTY of LAW!!! Do not remove this tag.
Watch it! I'm taking advice from SCO

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Re: [newbie] Noob help! - can't create a boot floppy in 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 13:14, Anne Wilson wrote: 
 On Wednesday 06 Aug 2003 1:08 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 23:15, Derek Jennings wrote:
 I haven't been following this, so forgive me if this has been covered 
 Has your fstab got 'user' in the floppy line, like this:
 none /mnt/floppy supermount 
 dev=/dev/fd0,fs=auto,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850 0 
 (all on one line, of course
 If not, put the 'user' in (you will have to do this as root (use File 
 Manager Super User Mode), save it, then do 'mount -a' in a root 
 After that you should be able to make your boot floppy with DrakFloppy 
 just as you wanted to.

Thanks again. I'll try that.

later: tried it. Still won't write.


BTW, did you get my e-mail about CanoScanners? Was there anything

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[newbie] FS conversion/Partition resizing

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
MD9.1. Two queries:

Is it possible to convert ext3 to Reiser FS in place? If not and you had
to convert by re-installing the system, would there be any way of
transferring or copying an ext3 /home into the new Reiser system ?

Can you shrink partitions in place? I'm wondering about creating
separate partitions for /boot and /var. Could you give me advice about
appropriate sizes for those mount points?



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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 13:10, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 22:08, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 What about putting this stuff in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local so that when you
 reboot, it fires it up from there?

Thanks. I don't have the faintest idea how to do that (what lines of
script, how to set it up to run, etc.).
Can you help?



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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Study: Linux nears Windows XP usability

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 00:08, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 02:03, Josenildo Marques wrote:

 ee more with the article. One has only to be _open_ to learn
  I am not sure about this, but I think what kind of prevents Linux from growing
  in desktop use is a hardware item: the modem. It's extremely unbelievably
  hard to find modems that are compatible to Linux. I would have 'converted'

 This is a very good point, mate; and in all actuality, I've chucked a
 wobbly before just because I couldn't either get a modem working, or
 couldn't get PPP up and running easily enough; what is needed is
 something NOT like the MCC, but a standalone wizard or some such that
 would not only detect most normal modems, but also the winmodems (or
 rather, have better support for the winmodems - like the HST/HSP - the
 Conexant chipsets) so that first time newbies can literally do a few
 clicks here and there and voila! be on the net - and yeah, I know that


I agree, but I must say I've found configuring printers to print
decently and getting CD-writers to work at all much more of a PITA,
particularly when you compare the ease of doing it in Win$. It was a
major reason driving me to hop from one distro of Linux to another and
will keep me upgrading MD for some time to come, no doubt. Unfortunately
I don't have a Stephen nearby to hold my handWhoops! 


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Re: [newbie] Boob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 23:41, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 00:03, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  However, all these problems may be particular to *MD9.1*, because with
  9.0 I found that the SCSI card could be installed directly (without any
  need for editing files, etc) during the original installation of 9.0, so
  long as that was done in expert mode.
  An absolute bugger! :-
  Off to try Stephen's suggestions.
 Did a clean installation of 9.1 find the card, or was this card added
 AFTER the 9.1 installation?


The card has been sitting in the PC since long before MD9.0 - which took
it on board OK during Expert installation.

9.1 was a clean expert installation, re-formatting all the partitions
except /home. But no sign of the card (and no way of searching for it in
MCC= Hardware, as far as I could see).


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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 15:47, Ronald J. Hall wrote: 
 On Wednesday 06 August 2003 08:08 am, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  I tried editing /etc/modules.conf manually (as also suggested by Dark
  Lord  - many thanks), adding the following lines
 Doug, did you try doing what I suggested in my last reply? Using MCC to find 
 your card and configure the module from there? Just curious as to the result!

Thanks again. I tried editing modules.conf (and also modules) as you
suggested - but no effect.  I wrote back some days ago but haven't seen
it on the mailing list,so don't know what happened to it. Did you send
another e-mail?
I have tried MCC= Hardware= Harddrake, but there's no sign of anything
relating to (genuine) SCSI.


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[newbie] Can't create bootdisk - was Noob help!

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Hi all,

Sorry to keep coming back on this.

I tried drakfloppy --testing on the CLI and got the following message:

Is gtk2-perl missing Gtk2::Text::insert?
Call trace:
Gtk2::_Object::Autoload () called from /usr/sbin/drakfloppy:311
main::build_it() called from /usr/lib/libDrakX/
(eval)() called from /usr/lib/libDrakX/
ugtk2::main() called from /usr/bin/drakfloppy:192

This time something was written to the floppy disk at last - a file
called ldlinux.sys.

Viewed with Kate, this has 
SYSLINUX 1.67 2002-02-03
LDLINUX SYS.. then a lot of binary stuff
¤ Copyright (C) 1994-2001 H. Peter Anvin
boot could not find kernel image
invalid or corrupt kernel image
It appears your computer uses a 286 or lower CPU
You cannot run Linux unless you have a 386 or higher CPU
ipt kernel image.
It appears your computer uses a 286 or lower CPU
You cannot run Linux unless you have a 386 or higher CPU in your
machine. If you get this message in error, hold down the Ctrl key while
booting, and I will take your word for it.
It appears your computer has less than 512K of low (DOS) RAM. Linux
needs at least this amount to boot.If you get this message in error,
hold down the Ctrl key while booting, and I will take your word for it.
Unknown keyword in syslinux.cfg
Missing parameter in syslinux.cfg

Could not find ramdisk image: Not enough memory to load specified kernel

Kernel transfer failure.
Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image

:attempted DOS system call
COMBOOT image too large.
Invalid or corrupt boot sector image.

A20 gate not responding!

Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue
Loading .. aborted

linux auto BOOT_IMAGE=

Needless to say, the CPU and RAM messages are codswallop; but does this
give any indications as to why the wretched system won't create a

All help gratefully welcome!


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Re: [newbie] Ext 3 Filesystem

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 22:40, Dale Starr wrote:

 ### Start Message ###
 Your filesystem appears to be shutdown uncleanly
 Press Y within 4 seconds to force file system integrity check
 #So I press 'y'
 /lost+found not found. CREATED
 /dev/hda5: Optimizind Directories: 16350 48487 63105 79467 94847 111234 
 126216 126813 141986 (continues)
 /dev/hda5: * REBOOT LINUX *
 /dev/hda5: 63815/52416 files (0.3% non contiguous), 158268/504031 blocks
 Failed to check filesystem. Do you want to repair the errors? (Y/N) (beware 
 you can lose data)
 ### END Message ###

I have a PITA intermittent error on bootup which causes the monitor to
go into irrecoverable standby before Xstartup. The only way I can get
out of it is to re-boot, when I get :
Your filesystem appears, etc.
I press Y and usually it goes through checking and putting all the
filesystems to right and then runs normally. (The filesystem is ext3).

I *have* had exactly the same message as you once...

I re-booted straight away and the re-boot went back to the usual Your
filesystem appears but then carried on and corrected whatever
needed correcting and ran normally.

However, what appears to happen is that the journalling system reverts
you to a previous state of the system (??the last one that worked - 
don't know).As far as I can tell there don't seem to be any fragments or
rubbish laying around that need clearing up manually.

Hope this helps.


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Re: [newbie] Boob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 12:59, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Doug, have you tried a google search with something like
 linux name/model of your card problems (or installation)
 Might bring in some info/links/refs.

No. I'll give it a go.


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Re: [newbie] Noob help! - can't create a boot floppy in 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-08-05 at 23:15, Derek Jennings wrote:
 Have you have disabled supermount?

How do I do this?

 If supermount is disabled then your floppy has to be manually mounted and 
 unmounted. If you remove the floppy without unmounting it then the files you 
 write to the floppy will still be in the cache in memory.
 (Linux uses memory cache whenever possible and only writes to the physical 
 media when it is necessary)
 The command 'sync' will cause all files in cache to be written out to the 
 media. A umount command will also cause the cache to be written out.

Haven't tried 'sync' here, but it won't let me 'umount'

 If supermount is enabled the floppy should be written as soon as you issue the 
 copy command.

There doesn't seem to be a 'copy' command in the MCC=Boot= Drakfloppy
procedure, just 'build the disk'. Or am I missing something?


Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 15:40, ed tharp wrote: 

  line in the image section for linux - error message duplicate
  append lines. Re-booted just the same. No sign of SCSI card.
 only one append line per boot stanza but options can be 'stacked'.


How do you do that?



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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-14 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 10:32, Sharrea wrote: 
 I have an Adaptec scsi card for my Microtek E6 scanner which is not 
 presently being used with my current MDK9.0.  It took me _weeks_ to find 
 information on setting it up with Mandrake - MDK 8.1 at the time.  Anyway, 
 here's the website that provided the information:
 At the time I added the following line to /etc/modules.conf:
 options aha152x aha152x=0x140,9

Aha! I wondered how to get the parameters in

 and in /etc/lilo.conf
 with 140 being the base I/O address (140h) and 9 being the IRQ which I 
 set manually in BIOS.
 So perhaps you need to edit your lilo.conf.  HTH.

I'll try that and see how it fares.
Many thanks also for the URL,


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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-11 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 12:00, ed tharp wrote: 
 On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 06:40, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 15:40, ed tharp wrote: 
 here is part of my lilo.conf
 append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
  each stanza starts with image=
 the append lines have options stack by including and separating by a
 single blank space, so if I wanted to include NOAPIC to the smp stanza
 it would look like this before I rerun /sbin/lilo, which I would do
 before I rebooted, but after editing 
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off NOAPIC
 so the only change would have been from this;
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 to this;
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off NOAPIC
 this would not have effected any other choices in my lilo menu, just
 when I start selecting the entry corresponding to the label.
 so for my self, I might even cut and past so I had a lilo that gave me
 the option smp-noapic (bad Idea, don't really try it, SMP, is multi
 procesor and needs apic) by adding a 'stanza' for smp-noapic so that
 lilo.conf looked like this 
 append=quiet devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off NOAPIC
 hope that helps

Thanks. I'll give it a go.


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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-11 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Ed and Ronald,

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 12:00, ed tharp wrote: 
 On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 06:40, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

 single blank space, so if I wanted to include NOAPIC to the smp stanza
 it would look like this before I rerun /sbin/lilo, which I would do
 before I rebooted, but after editing 
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off NOAPIC
 so the only change would have been from this;
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off
 to this;
 append=devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi acpi=off NOAPIC


Thanks for the advice - I googled linux Adaptec/AHA1520, problems and
installation. Problems referred to kernel problems around 1998,
Installation gave essentially the same information as the Mandrake Twiki
SCSI entry, so unfortunately, no further forward.


Thanks for the help.
I added the aha152x bit onto the append in my linux* stanza.
/sbin/lilo accepted it without objecting this time.

But on bootup, no sign of the fscking SCSI card.

Any more suggestions?


BTW, I thought I might take the problem to the expert list as well: I've
tried to subscribe through the support list and the mailing list via
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but have had no acknowledgement whatever. Are
they not accepting new subscribers, or is there some problem?

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RE: [newbie] CF card

2003-08-11 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 06:25, Frankie wrote: 
 Come on stephen, be realistic,,
 Every time you try to mount your wife you end up with a floppy instead...

That was a brilliant set of repartees! :-))
I'm still chuckling


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Re: [newbie] Noob help! - can't create a boot floppy in 9.1

2003-08-08 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 13:21, Derek Jennings wrote: 
 On Wednesday 06 Aug 2003 1:08 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
 Supermount is enabled/disabled in Mandrake Control CentreMount Points.
 I do not recommend disabling supermount because mounting/unmounting becomes a 

 If supermount is enabled then the umount command will not work, but 'sync' 
 will still cause any outstanding data to be written to the floppy.

I see.
Thanks for the advice.later: tried sync. Still doesn't


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Re: [newbie] Noob help 2 - was: SCSI card not recognised by 9.1

2003-08-07 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 00:54, Stephen Kuhn wrote: 
 On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 07:35, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:
  This is a re-post - I hope someone has some ideas.
  In a PCI/ATAPI/IDE/USB system, how do I get a SCSI card recognised at

  I can get the SCSI card recognised *after* the system is up and running
  by using modprobe. Then my SCSI device turns up as Host: scsi1, chan:0;
  id:2; lun:0.
  But I lose the SCSI card when I power down.
  It's very frustrating - any suggestions?
 Have you tried to manually edit the /etc/modules.conf and add the
 necessary modules there? That way it would be perm...and you can try to
 do a depmod -a

I tried editing /etc/modules.conf manually (as also suggested by Dark
Lord  - many thanks), adding the following lines

probeall scsi_hostadapter aha152x
alias scsi1 aha152x

(but without any parameters - I don't know where they would come or
whether it matters. Does it?)

and also /etc/modules
adding another line 

(and also tried variations on this - scsi_hostadapter1, etc.)

then depmod -a.

Didn't do a thing :-((. 

If I put the 
probeall scsi_hostadapter aha152x
alias scsi1 aha152x 
in modules.conf *ahead* of
probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci 

on re-booting I found the ...aha152x.. had been overwritten by

What do you suggest?


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Re: [newbie] Help! - SCSI card not recognised by MD9.1

2003-08-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 23:21, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Did you check to see if everything was inserted into /etc/modules or 
 Did yo do a depmod -a as root after inserting what you needed?
 Just a few thoughts there.
 These lines are in /etc/modules with my Adaptec 2930:
 and this is in /etc/modules.conf:
 probeall scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
 alias scsi0 aic7xxx

Dark Lord - 

Alas! No joy :-((

my modules is the same as yours
mod.conf has the lines:
probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi
probeall usb-interface usb-uhci 


1) after installing SCSI manually,
depmod -a
Re-boot - SCSI card lost
nothing got put into modules or modules.conf

2) I added a line 
probeall scsi_hostadapter aha152x
 alias scsi1 aha152x

(note:scsi1 because my ATAPI-IDE CD-writer is assigned to scsi0)
 to modules.conf

and a second line 
to modules

then, after modprobe to install SCSI
depmod -a
again no joy :-((
SCSI card lost
the mod.conf line  aha152x had been overwritten
probeall scsi_hostadapter usb-storage ide-scsi

3) in mods.conf I changed ...hostadapter usb-... to hostadapter0... 
and hostadapter aha152x... to hostadapter1...
and made appropriate changes in mods.
modprobe to install SCSI
depmod -a
Still no joy :-(((
No SCSI card.
Mods. conf not changed

Where do I go from here?

Any help gratefully received!


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Re: [newbie] Using other CDs

2003-08-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sun, 2003-08-03 at 16:23, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Sunday 03 August 2003 09:38 am, Pierre Dagenais wrote:

 Please re-read Anne's post. You've hijacked a hijacked thread. I'm not 
 familiar with Eudora, but I'll bet it allows you to create a new message with 
 a _new_ subject line that is somewhat more descriptive of your question.
 -- cmg
Or try Evolution


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Re: [newbie]Konqueror Crashes on changing Viewing Mode

2003-08-01 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 23:11, Aron Smith wrote:

  product they put out it is amazing. Hope they will soon be in a position to
  hire again and take some of the load off of those guys.
 *** Hey it's my first linux played around with a few others but.. this one 
 works Got to where I always go buy the commerical distro then give my old one 
 to someone wanting to learn linux.
Ditto - and hope it helps to spread the word. I'm looking forward to 9.2
when it's ready for the likes of the inexperienced like me.


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Re: [newbie] aiuto !!

2003-07-19 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 14:07, JoeHill wrote:
Meglio di tutto, cominciate da principio, accendete la macchina col
disco Mandrake 9.1 'Instal CD1' gia montato. Poi seguite gli istruzioni
dell'installazione Easy Instal - deve andare bene tutto senza
difficolta ed il Windows 98 deve rimanere accessibile come prima.

Una cosa importante! - la divisione del HD (il 'partitioning').
Scegliete keep existing partitions, poi permettete il 'formatting' di
/, di /boot e di /var(se li avete) ma *NON* /home. Cosi dovete poter
rimpiazzare il tutto del Mandrake 8.2, ritenendo solamente i documenti
personali intoccati. Puo darsi che dopo ci siano piccole difficolta,
qualche programma non funzionera perfettamente perche la sua
configurazione sara cambiata, ma queste saranno piccolezze da risolvere
piu tardi.

Il Joe si scusa per le barzellette delle prime risposte,e vi prega di
scrivere ancora nel caso che incontrate nuovi problemi.



 Your best bet is to boot your computer from the Mandrake 9.1 install CD
 and follow the easy install process, really. It's *should* be that
 simple. Mandrake, as you may have discovered when you installed 8.2,
 will not hurt your 98 install, and in fact will coexist quite
 One thing to take into account is the partitioning. At that stage of the
 9.1 install I would suggest choosing keep existing partitions, then
 format *only* the system partition(s), *not* your /home partition, that
 way all your personal documents in your /home will be left untouched.
 There may be some minor issues with config files in your home dir being
 incompatible with newer software, but those issues can be easily dealt
 with and will not hurt your system in any way.
 I hope you did not take our bit of fun as mocking *you*, it was just us
 being goofy, and we really hope you will write back soon if you need any
 more assistance.
 Translate away!

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Re: [newbie] Recommended A4 Scanners for MDK91?

2003-07-19 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 11:25, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Friday 18 Jul 2003 10:50 am, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

  Also Epson Perfection 1240U
 I know I'm nagging, but PLEASE add it to the TWiki page
 It's in everyone's interest to build a good database
Will do.


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Re: [newbie] aiuto !!

2003-07-19 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 14:07, JoeHill wrote:
 On 18 Jul 2003 10:49:30 +0100
 Douglas Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
 I did post a brief outline below, it should at least get him started.

It would have helped if I'd read your reply properly. Covered with
confusion and apologies!!!

Many thanks,

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Re: [newbie] aiuto !!

2003-07-18 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 16:20, JoeHill wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 14:59:27 +0200 (CEST)
 stefano macchiavelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  Help me please!
 I hope you did not take our bit of fun as mocking *you*, it was just us
 being goofy, and we really hope you will write back soon if you need any
 more assistance.

Sorry! didn't mean to criticise, just wanted to provoke a relevant reply
from someone.

Thanks for your reply, but before I try to translate, could you go
through the steps he needs in order to remove 8.2, which he seems to


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Re: [newbie] aiuto !!

2003-07-18 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Ciao Stefano,
Proveremo a trovare qualche aiuto, se continuate a seguire questo filo
del mailing list.
Mi aiuterebbe sapere fino a che punto capite l'inglese - bene ma senza
poter scriverlo, abbastanza bene ma mancando certe parole tecniche, o
quasi niente?


 Hi everybody,
 I'm Stefano and I'm writing from Bologna.
 Some time ago I installed MD 8.2 but right from the beginning I've had
 problems with the floppy and CDROM. Every time I try to access them, up
 pops a panel saying I don't have access. The How-Tos I've consulted say
 that it's a real nuisance [if I understand correctly - DB].
 So I've decided to uninstall 8.2 and try to install 9.1 to see if that
 will change something. I need to know what I should do, step by step, to
 uninstall 8.2.
 I have 2 hard disks on my machine, one with Win 98, the other with

 On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 13:59, stefano macchiavelli wrote:
  Ciao a tutti,
  mi chiamo Stefano e vi srivo da Bologna. Ho installato
  Help me please!
  Stefano Macchiavelli, Bologna
  Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il 
  filtro Anti-spam
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Re: [newbie] Recommended A4 Scanners for MDK91?

2003-07-18 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 21:23, John Richard Smith wrote:
 To that end my epson perfection 2400 phot is excellent.

Also Epson Perfection 1240U


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Re: [newbie] aiuto !!

2003-07-17 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Here's the translation - I'll do my best to translate any *useful*


Hi everybody,
I'm Stefano and I'm writing from Bologna.
Some time ago I installed MD 8.2 but right from the beginning I've had
problems with the floppy and CDROM. Every time I try to access them, up
pops a panel saying I don't have access. The How-Tos I've consulted say
that it's a real nuisance [if I understand correctly - DB].

So I've decided to uninstall 8.2 and try to install 9.1 to see if that
will change something. I need to know what I should do, step by step, to
uninstall 8.2.

I have 2 hard disks on my machine, one with Win 98, the other with

Help me please!


Any non-facetious suggestions?


On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 13:59, stefano macchiavelli wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 mi chiamo Stefano e vi srivo da Bologna. Ho installato


 Help me please!
 Stefano Macchiavelli, Bologna
 Yahoo! Mail: 6MB di spazio gratuito, 30MB per i tuoi allegati, l'antivirus, il 
 filtro Anti-spam
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Re: [newbie] Where's Todd Lyons when I need him? and NEW E-MAILLIST....

2003-07-11 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Thanks for that courteous reply.

It seems to me the mailing list just gets damaged, the way it was hijacked pretty
well completely for a day, for an interminable bad-tempered spat, involving people
who are normally among the most helpful contributors.

I can understand the person who wrote he was unsubscribing; and I think any newly
subscribed newbies coming in search of information and help must have been regretting
they'd had anything to do with Linux Mandrake.

I'd beg guys not to destroy the role of the Newbie Mailing List, which
is one of the most valuable things about Mandrake, and to respect the OT
- take squabbles elsewhere, before they start getting out of hand.

There. That's my 2 pennys/cents/centimes worth :-)


On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 17:56, MWafkowski wrote:
 Doug - I wasn't joking...I was serious about taking this stuff to the OT
 list. One begins to think that the list is made up of all the loudmouths
 (like myself) and then other people chime in and say hello, I belong to
 this list for other reasons and you think, well, time to move it to where
 it belongs 8^)
 Mike Wafkowski
 - Original Message -
 From: Douglas Bainbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Beginners' Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Where's Todd Lyons when I need him?
  Good for you, Carroll!
  re: MRW - I'm with momma :-)
  On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 02:11, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
   I joined this list several years ago because I needed all the help with
   that I could get (still do), and this seemed like the best place to get
 it. I
   was right -- good advice, good people. As an unexpected bonus, I've made
   lot of friends here, too. It's my belief that this list comes as close
   being a genuine community as anything that I've seen on the web.
   I did NOT join this list to read great gobs of illiterate political
 ravings by
   otherwise very intelligent and likeable people who sadly seem to
   lose all self control, indulging in the sort of shouting and name
   that would get any of my grandchildren an old-fashioned ass-chewing
   with a good solid spanking. Look, if I want to read and discuss
   matters, I know lots of places to go for that. If I want to listen to
   kind of prattle that I've had to weigh through today, I can go down to
   local jail and listen to the buffoons in the drunk tank. In short, as
   political analysts/proponents, you guys don't hack it. Cease and desist.
   Why the reference to Todd Lyons? Well, late last year one of these
   broke out on the expert list. It got hot and heavy. Todd stepped in, and
   an off-list mail to all of those who had participated in the discussion
   anyone who continued to post to the thread would be banished. End of
   discussion. FWIW, some of those guys have not been heard from since. On
   good side, the various OT lists were formed in response to that action.
   And please don't tell me about filters -- why the hell should I have to
   that to kill the drivel that other people are posting?
   (Nasty letter to follow.)
   -- cmg
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Re: Bastille firewall [was: Re: [newbie] No connection via Linux]

2003-07-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 04:22, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Wednesday 09 Jul 2003 7:25 pm, Lanman wrote:
  For those needing a work-around for bastille-firewall, I just
  wanted to update you.
 I'm beginning to sound like a stuck record - when you've finished, 
 will you put it on the TWiki, please?

I second that!


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Re: [newbie] Where's Todd Lyons when I need him?

2003-07-10 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

Good for you, Carroll!

re: MRW - I'm with momma :-)


On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 02:11, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 I joined this list several years ago because I needed all the help with Linux 
 that I could get (still do), and this seemed like the best place to get it. I 
 was right -- good advice, good people. As an unexpected bonus, I've made a 
 lot of friends here, too. It's my belief that this list comes as close to 
 being a genuine community as anything that I've seen on the web.
 I did NOT join this list to read great gobs of illiterate political ravings by 
 otherwise very intelligent and likeable people who sadly seem to periodically 
 lose all self control, indulging in the sort of shouting and name calling 
 that would get any of my grandchildren an old-fashioned ass-chewing along 
 with a good solid spanking. Look, if I want to read and discuss political 
 matters, I know lots of places to go for that. If I want to listen to the 
 kind of prattle that I've had to weigh through today, I can go down to the 
 local jail and listen to the buffoons in the drunk tank. In short, as 
 political analysts/proponents, you guys don't hack it. Cease and desist.
 Why the reference to Todd Lyons? Well, late last year one of these episodes 
 broke out on the expert list. It got hot and heavy. Todd stepped in, and sent 
 an off-list mail to all of those who had participated in the discussion that 
 anyone who continued to post to the thread would be banished. End of 
 discussion. FWIW, some of those guys have not been heard from since. On the 
 good side, the various OT lists were formed in response to that action.
 And please don't tell me about filters -- why the hell should I have to do 
 that to kill the drivel that other people are posting?
 (Nasty letter to follow.)
 -- cmg
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Re: Re[2]: [newbie] Printer virus problem

2003-06-28 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
I've had exactly the same problem with just a single Windows PC
connected to 2 printers (both installed on the system) through a data
switch. Print with the data switch switched to the wrong printer,
Cancel the printing  - no effect
Delete the print job at the print manager - no effect.
Power down the PC and re-boot - no effect if the printer was still on.
Shut off the printer AND power down AND wait before re-booting - the
printer re-starts spewing garbage until it's discharged its internal

It would be nice if printers came with a 'Flush printer internal buffer' option.


On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 14:49, rikona wrote:
 Hello Stephen,
 Friday, June 27, 2003, 5:18:45 AM, you wrote:
 I had this problem on a Win-only local net, with an Epson printer. The
 symptoms were a short line on each page, and a huge number of pages.
 The data was transferred to the printer buffer and the only solution
 was to shut off the printer. If it was a large print job, there was
 still garbage remaining on the source computer too, and that had to be
 flushed as well, otherwise it would continue if the printer was

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Re: [newbie] Kernel configuration

2003-06-27 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Please don't hijack threads to post a query - it makes things very
confusing.The threads end up quite useless, as a random collection of messages .


On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 06:44, Noah A Hicks wrote:
 When someone says to use the following parameters to configure a kernel,
 how can this be implemented in makemenuconfig?
 # CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
 Is this done by manually editing the configure script?  Just trying to
 figure out a website with kernel confige info for my hardware.
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Re: [newbie] Latest version of Opera/Mandrake?

2003-06-25 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 05:38, Thomas Williams wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 June 2003 11:59 pm, rikona wrote:
 Yes, actually there's a version 7.11 available at I 
 can't really recommend it. I tried it and it worked great at first and then 
 for some reason it has slowed way down to the point its a pain to use. 

I have it and use it occasionally as an alternative to Galeon, so far
it's good. Just keeping my fingers crossed in view of what you say.


 Tom Williams
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Re: [newbie] Told ya, don't trust IBM

2003-06-24 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 00:14, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
 There! - I knew we'd flush out a real historian eventually.
Thanks for the correction.


 The full quotation is: Wenn ich Kultur höre ... entsichere ich 
 meinen Browning. It comes from Hanns Johst's most famous play, 
 Schlageter (first performed in April 1933, for Hitler's 
 birthday) and occurs in Act 1, Scene 1. The character who says 
 the line is called Thiemann.  
 This is usually translated as Whenever I hear the word 
 culture... I release the safety-catch of my Browning! 
 From the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations entry for Johst, Hanns 
 (1890 - 1978) German playwright.
 Kaj Haulrich (who happens to trust IBM).

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Re: [newbie] Boot error message

2003-06-24 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
Never had much joy with LS120 drives - kept going out of alignment and
then wouldn't read the 120MB disks or write to the floppies - Linux or
Win. Ditched them after the second failure.


On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 18:33, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 23 Jun 2003 6:25 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
  On Monday 23 June 2003 05:15 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
   On Monday 23 Jun 2003 3:40 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
Good news: Floppies are becoming extinct. According to the
current Dell catalog, floppy drives are now extra-cost options!
This may make sense in a corporate environment, but it strikes
me that it is certainly going to complicate trouble shooting a
standalone home PC.
-- cmg
   So a useful tool for your box would be a usb superfloppy.  I
   think they are still available?  Most modern bioses will boot
   from LS120 and zip, I think
  Good point, and something that the laptop folks have learned to do.
  However, I still like the idea of a $10 floppy drive and a small
  stack of disks with various recovery tools on them. Floppies may be
  slow, and their limited capacity is a real pain, but they are
  simple, robust and nearly universal -- at least in the home/SOHO
  desktop realm.
  Ugly scenario: #2 Daughter buys floppy-less Dell. Something goes
  wrong. #2 Daughter calls Daddy for help. Daddy spends a lot of time
  just figuring how to get into the #$*! Dell so Daddy can use
  toolset while assorted grandchildren incessantly repeat that they
  want to help Grampa. Rinse and repeat for #1 Daughter and #1 Son.
  -- cmg
 Know the feeling g  I know they're not fashionable, but I wouldn't 
 be without my LS120.  It reads standard floppies as well as the 120MB 
 disks, so it would still do what you want.  Oops - I sound as though 
 I work for Imation g
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Re: [newbie] Told ya, don't trust IBM

2003-06-23 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Mon, 2003-06-23 at 06:25, Ian Trickett wrote:
 I very much doubt it

  Herman Goering said When I hear the word 'culture', I reach for
  my Browning.
Me, too. Schmeissner ? or would that be an anachronism?


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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-22 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 11:55, RichardA wrote:
 On 21 Jun 2003 10:21:39 +0100, Douglas Bainbridge
  On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 14:13, RichardA wrote:
  Sounds very useful, but I don't see how to do this in 1.3.3. Could you
  give me an idiot's guide?
 It was from the bookmark manager, bookmarks - 'add bookmark to', or
 right-clicking in the bookmarks tree, but I'm still on 1.2.5.
 See my reply to eric- if they really have taken these useful options
 out, it might be worth installing the older one.

Now seen your reply to Eric and his response - it's the same for me. A
shame :(


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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-21 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 14:13, RichardA wrote:
 .. bookmarking in Galeon. You
 can open a folder in tabs, save a bookmark directly into a subfolder,
 order them non-alphabetically, export them in three different formats...

Sounds very useful, but I don't see how to do this in 1.3.3. Could you
give me an idiot's guide?




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Re: [newbie] Told ya, don't trust IBM

2003-06-21 Thread Douglas Bainbridge

On Sat, 2003-06-21 at 02:22, JoeHill wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 21:21:34 -0400
 Thomas Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  but I get concerned that any time the government gets involved
 One of my favourite quotes, I still have no idea where it came from:
 When I hear the word 'government', I reach for my gun.

To be pedantically accurate, the original is When I hear the word
'culture', I reach for my gun. by one of the Nazis.
I think it was the Brownshirt leader, not Goebbels, and he used the
actual name of a German gun - you historians can put me right.

However, Tom's/Joe's quote/misquote is a better version, IMHO


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Re: [newbie] IMAP trouble (Evolution), OT Thunderbird

2003-06-21 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 23:01, Todd Slater wrote:
 It's not quite ready for prime-time for one simple reason: it can't pass
 URL's to a browser, so you can't just click a link in your email and
 have it open in your browser of choice. For me that makes it unusable.

Odd! I use Evo in just that way since Evo 1.2.7. When I migrated to
MD9.1 my browser for Evo 1.3.3 was set by the system to Mozilla rather
than my preferred Galeon. Corrected that using a tip from one of
Stephen's always (well, nearly always!) useful mails.


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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-18 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
FWIW, when you add a bookmark from a Web page in Opera (7.11) the 'Add'
takes you straight to the list of folders where you might want to put
it. (Quite a nice, fast browser, IMHO).


On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 21:09, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
 Charlie wrote:

 A way of adding bookmarks in Mozilla that I have found to be easier is
 -press F9 to open the sidebar
 -select the Bookmarks tab (will then be selected the next time you
 open the sidebar)
 -arrange the bookmarks by alpabetical orer by clicking Name until
 satisfied (this only needs to be done the first time you manage your
 bookmarks in this manner)
 -scroll down to the folder in which you would like to place the
 -drag the icon to the left of the URL in the address bar straight to
 the folder
 -press F9 to close the sidebar (or leave it open)
 It is much easier to access the bookmarks in this way than it to use
 the Bookmarks menu in the main window because of the alphabetical
 sorting.  Scroll down to what you on the folder to open on the bookmark itself to go to the web page.
 I don't know if this works in Galeon.
 Brant Fitzsimmons
 All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed.
 Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being
   -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

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Re: [newbie] Bookmarks in Galeon

2003-06-18 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 19:02, Technoslick wrote:
 On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 13:52, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

  NOTE: In Galeon 1.3.3 they are placed in 'New Bookmarks' instead
 Beg to differ, Doug. I'm running Galeon 1.3.3 and they surely go to the
 unassigned section of the list, under no folders. Have you make an
 adjustment in the settings to cause yours to do this? It's been like
 this for as long as I can remember, as it is in Mozilla, too.


Mystified - I agree,earlier versions of Galeon I've run did exactly as
you say. However, Gal 1.3.3 installed itself when I installed MD 9.1
(standard mode) and without any tweaking on my part puts things in 'New
Bookmarks' - oh well,sorry if I've caused any confusion!


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Re: [newbie] NTFS ?

2003-06-16 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
I'd recommend using Partition Magic to carry out all your manipulations
on XP. Follow the preparatory steps recommended by PM. Then use PM to
shrink the space allocated to XP. If your user data are on a separate
virtual drive, convert that to FAT32. Install MD in the free space and
install lilo as your bootloader.
You can then look at your NTFS partition and write to your FAT32
partition in Linux and dual-boot into Linux or XP.

Good luck!



On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 21:34, Ralph Bagwell wrote:
 My effort to install Mandrake 9.1 on a PC that has Windows XP already
 installed has stopped at the partitioning phase twice . I now recall
 a comment somewhere that Linux doesn't like NTFS systems - Can I
 install on this XP machine that is using NTFS? If not can I use
 Partition Magic and create  a FAT 32 partition and go from there?
 I'm on hold  !!

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Re: [newbie] Linux-friendly ISPs revisited - OT?

2003-04-06 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 19:27, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 05 Apr 2003 5:45 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

 Thank you, Doug.  I shall start screaming at Tiscali.  May I quote your post?

 Sure thing. Sock it to them!


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Re: [newbie] Linux-friendly ISPs revisited - OT?

2003-04-06 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 19:27, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Saturday 05 Apr 2003 5:45 pm, Douglas Bainbridge wrote:

 Thank you, Doug.  I shall start screaming at Tiscali.  May I quote your post?

 Sure thing. Sock it to them!


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Re: [newbie] How to use wine?

2003-04-05 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 12:21, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Friday 04 Apr 2003 11:10 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to use wine to run MS word on MDK linux for my job. Can it be
  possible? If so, after installing wine, how sould I install MS word please?
  Try AOL and get 1045 hours FREE for 45 days!
  Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 for FREE! Download Now!
 You can go here to get advice on using Wine
 But if you want the easiest least pain method of using MSOffice, then spend a 
 bit of money and buy Codeweavers Office. It is a version of Wine optimised 
 for Office applications with a very nice installer, and support if you have 

The version of Wine that comes included with Mdk 9.0 runs only a
crippled version of MS Word - you may not find it adequate. Probably
Codeweavers paid software is much better.


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Re: [newbie] Hard disk repartitioning-II

2003-04-05 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 21:08, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

 setup a special partition for that. You can always backup your /home
 partition to the Windows partition if any trouble comes. 

Excellent idea - I'll try that when I set about installing 9.1 - it
sounds as though quite a lot of people are having grief with it at the


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Re: [newbie] How do you change Regional settings?

2003-04-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
It turned out to be a problem with the Lindrivers for the Winmodem.
There is a Country configuration option for Italy for the driver - which
didn't solve the problem. However, if this fails, the driver FAQs
recommend adding the modem command ATX3 (disabling Wait for dialling
tone before dialling on KPPP is equivalent); and this has worked fine.


On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 11:24, ajx wrote:
  I have a Sony laptop, dual boot XP/Mdk 9.0 - Gnome, winmodem working 
  OK as linmodem in the UK.
  Now I'm in Italy, I have set up an account on KPPP with an Italian 
  ISP (works fine on Win$).
  With KPPP -
 Querying the modem - OK.
 Connect - I hear the dialling tone of the Italian phoneline quite
  clearly, but after an interval KPPP reports NO DIALTONE.
 It may be that you need a new modem, specific to Italy.  Someone who
 came here from S. Africa had the same problem - but it was cured by a
 modem bought in France. 
 Envie de discuter en live avec vos amis ? Télécharger MSN Messenger la 1ère messagerie instantanée de France
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Re: [newbie] How do you change Regional settings?

2003-04-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge
It turned out to be a problem with the Lindrivers for the Winmodem.
There is a Country configuration option for Italy for the driver - which
didn't solve the problem. However, if this fails, the driver FAQs
recommend adding the modem command ATX3 (disabling Wait for dialling
tone before dialling on KPPP is equivalent); and this has worked fine.


On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 11:24, ajx wrote:
  I have a Sony laptop, dual boot XP/Mdk 9.0 - Gnome, winmodem working 
  OK as linmodem in the UK.
  Now I'm in Italy, I have set up an account on KPPP with an Italian 
  ISP (works fine on Win$).
  With KPPP -
 Querying the modem - OK.
 Connect - I hear the dialling tone of the Italian phoneline quite
  clearly, but after an interval KPPP reports NO DIALTONE.
 It may be that you need a new modem, specific to Italy.  Someone who
 came here from S. Africa had the same problem - but it was cured by a
 modem bought in France. 
 Envie de discuter en live avec vos amis ? Télécharger MSN Messenger la 1ère messagerie instantanée de France
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Re: [newbie] Burning a bootable cd

2003-04-03 Thread Douglas Bainbridge


On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 21:54, Peter Watson wrote:

 In XCDRoast 
 1) you first set up a directory, in 'Settings''HD Settings' which will 
 contain your ISO image
 2)click 'create CD', click 'master tracks', select files you want to 
 include in right hand window (File/Directory View) click 'add' and files 
 appear in left hand window (session view)
 3)click 'create session/image' tab, click 'master to image file' (this is 
 in the directory you set up in 1)
 4)click 'write tracks' (at side), click 'write tracks' (at bottom)
 Eh Voila, note you may also need to look through all the myriad of other 
 options along the way to be sure they are ok, eg things like rockridge or 

I've had problems with XCDroast,trying to copy data files. Following all
those steps (disabling all the rockridge, joliet options except the one
recommended for backup CDs) I was able to write out OK only on one
Ever since then, everything goes fine until the actual burning, when it
terminates prematurely, having written for about 0.06s.Doesn't seem to
make any difference whether I try single or multi-session, CD-R or
Any ideas?
(Sorry I can't give the exact error message - I don't have that PC here;
it's about 700 miles away)


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[newbie] Gnome PPP doesn't work

2003-03-17 Thread Douglas B.
Hi all,

Can you help?

Gnome PPP establishes a PPP connection with the ISP but then fails to
log me in and dies with ppd daemon died unexpectedly.

KPPP on the other hand works fine,so where is the problem likely to be?
Maybe I'm making the wrong settings - it's not clear to me how account
options in KPPP translate to Gnome PPP ones. Is there anything else that
might be at fault?

[Sony laptop; dual boot XP/MD9.0; Winmodem works fine,thanks to 
invaluable advice and tips on the mailing list!]



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Re: [newbie] cpuburn and memtest

2003-03-16 Thread Douglas B.
On Sun, 2003-03-16 at 14:14, Benjamin Pflugmann wrote:
  Make sure you,ve got good air circulation, esp. round your vid card
  - they can get real hot too.
 Agreed. A good test (not for the faint-hearted :-) is to run with open
 case and use a hair-dryer or alike (on cool setting - or whatever
 that might be called) in direction of the CPU and see if it makes a
 difference in how long it needs until the CPU locks up.


Actually no need to be too nervous - I've been running my PC without its
back for the last 18 months [but no fan], after it started repeatedly
shutting down or re-booting while running Win$ or during boot-up, all
because of dicey CPU cooling. Now, no problems. 

Good luck!


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RE: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0 Windows XP Co-existing

2003-03-14 Thread Douglas B.
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 03:47, Eileen Lopp wrote:
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marshall Lake
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:06 AM
  Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 9.0  Windows XP Co-existing
  I have version 9.0 of Mandrake.  My hardware is an HP Media
  Center 873n.
  I'm having a problem getting Windows XP and Mandrake 9.0 to
  co-exist.  I
  understand it's better to have Windows already installed when
  you try to
  install Mandrake.  Is this correct?
  During the Mandrake installation process at disk partitioning
  time I have
  three choices (paraphrasing):
  1.  Erase entire disk.
  2.  Use the free space on a Windows partition.
  3.  Custom partitioning.
 The biggest problem here is that you're using an HP-provided disk to
 install XP.  HP ships restore or recovery disks, not install disks
 with their systems.  You aren't actually installing XP with that disk,
 you're copying a drive image, which is why you don't get any options
 when running it.  Contact HP support and demand a real install disk --
 they'll send one if you insist on it.

Failing that,it's probably worth investing in Partition Magic - makes it
simple to resize and shift XP partitions around and convert a data
partition from NTFS to FAT32 so that it's writable from Linux. 
Have the space above the XP partitions Unallocated and install Mandrake
9.0 in the unallocated space. Install LILO boot loader and you should be
able to boot to XP or to Linux OK. 


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Re: [newbie] Can't access my bank account!

2003-03-10 Thread Douglas B.
On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 23:19, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Sunday 09 Mar 2003 8:51 pm, Margot wrote:
  Now that I've got the internet connection working, I'm trying to get
  everything running through the Mandrake machine, aiming to abandon the
  Win98 machine as soon as possible.
Derek wrote:
 Who is your Bank Margot?
 I find First Direct will reject my browser if I enter through their standard 
 login route, but if I enter the url of the login page directly it works 
 perfectly with any linux browser.
 Interestingly the new preview edition of Opera7 for linux actually works 
 perfectly through the standard login route even though Opera7 for Windows 
 does not work


For several UK banks that assure you Explorer is necessary, it seems to be
totally irrelevant once you've got your internet banking account
set up, via the internet with Win IE/by post/by telephone, as long as
whichever browser you decide to settle on can provide a secure
connection (https) and certification. BUT as Derek says: ...enter the url
of the login page directly..I bookmark it to save trouble.
I've switched my internet banking from Explorer/Win'95 to
Win'98/Netscape- Opera to M9.0 Linux /Mozilla- Galeon plus Opera
without needing to give it any further thought. (Barclays, Egg, Newcastle BS)
I'd just install the internet banking using whatever means the bank
offers, even if Win/Explorer;  ignore it; and try out accessing your account
via Linux with your preferred Linux browser anyway. Give it a go!

Good luck!



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Re: [newbie] Installing fonts in Mandrake Control Center (mcc) -TIP

2003-02-13 Thread Douglas B.
Terry, Jerry,

Please, please!


On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 14:00, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 I agree.  That would definitely be a cool idea to have some of the other 
 listers on here post some tips and tricks about Mandrake.  I'd even like 
 to see it become a mailing list all its own.  It would greatly help us 
 newbies, and perhaps even the experts as well.
 Here here!
 Jerry Barton wrote:
 I think it would be cool to see some other tips other listers may have (posted 
under a new topic so that a search in the archive would find it... maybe starting 
with TIP: ) that they've found.  I'm by no means a guru (or even a guru in training 
lol) just a normal person using Linux on my Desktop.  I could sure benefit from it 
(and I'm sure others would too), and if no one has any objections, I'll occasionally 
post little tips I use.  Just seems like a neat idea to share a little help that 
might not have been specifically asked about but is still very useful!  I might even 
use my webserver to set up a site with TIP: topics from the list we could refer 
people too as well.  What do you all think?
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Re: [newbie] Contribs

2003-02-12 Thread Douglas B.
Thanks, Derek.
All OK.


On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 11:27, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 10 Feb 2003 11:19 am, Douglas B. wrote:
  I'm wanting to add the Contribs ftp source mentioned by Angus Auld last
  month via the Software Sources Manager in MD9.0 but am snarled up on how
  to do it.
  Selected FTP server
  Name: I put Contribs
  URL: I put
  Relative path to synthesis/hdlist:
  not at all sure - I tried   ../base/
  (also didn't know whether I was supposed to create a file with this name
  or merely supply a name for the Add procedure to use)
  Left the Login and Password buttons unpressed, but wondered about
  putting Anonymous for the login and  for the password
  OK: produced the message Updating medium, but then unable to update
  What should I be doing?
  Thanks in advance.
 No login is necessary. If you are using the GUI to add the source
 URL is
 Relative path is   ./
 Check out this page for lots of urpmi sources

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Re: [newbie] wine

2003-02-10 Thread Douglas B.
Not sure about your problem, but it might be that you're not providing
the full path of the exe. file. For example, in order to run MS Access I

wine /mnt/windows/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/msaccess.exe
 (Note the quotes!).

The things I've used (Word, Access and Excel) also seem to behave better
if Run in Terminal.(You get a normal sized window, nonetheless)

Hope this is some help.


On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 13:06, Philip wrote:
 I have incountered a problem trying to run wine with my Mandrake 9.0 distro.
 When I try to run a .exe file by sat startup.exe  it 
 attempts to load then I am left with a black screen.  That's it.  I don't 
 seem to get any error messages.
 Has anyone any idea what might be causing this??
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Re: [newbie] Galeon 1.2.7 and Mozilla 1.2.1

2003-02-10 Thread Douglas B.
Maybe I should re-instal Moz 1.2.1 and be done with it - thanks for your
comment, Brian


On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 21:03, Brian Craft wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 06:19, Douglas B. wrote:
  I want to upgrade Galeon to 1.2.7 but find it wants Mozilla 1.2.1.
  I've installed Moz 1.2.1 (and it works fine) but being cautious didn't
  instal it over the top of my existing Moz and put in in another
  However, on trying to instal Galeon 1.2.7 via urpmi I get the message
  requires moz 1.2.1.
  How do I indicate to urpmi where to find the new Moz?
 I just installed Moz 1.2.1 in the default directoryusing rpm -Uvh   
 and everything is fine.Galeon works great.

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Re: [newbie] Galeon 1.2.7 and Mozilla 1.2.1

2003-02-10 Thread Douglas B.

Galeon 1.2.7:


On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 22:17, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 10 Feb 2003 9:03 pm, Brian Craft wrote:
  On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 06:19, Douglas B. wrote:
   I want to upgrade Galeon to 1.2.7 but find it wants Mozilla 1.2.1.
   I've installed Moz 1.2.1 (and it works fine) but being cautious didn't
   instal it over the top of my existing Moz and put in in another
   However, on trying to instal Galeon 1.2.7 via urpmi I get the message
   requires moz 1.2.1.
   How do I indicate to urpmi where to find the new Moz?
  I just installed Moz 1.2.1 in the default directoryusing rpm -Uvh
  and everything is fine.Galeon works great.
 Brian - I missed the earlier part of this thread.  Is the 1.2.1 rpm from moz's 
 website?  Where do you get the 1.2.7 Galeon?  Since I need to do a re-install 
 of both, I might as well go for the newer ones, I think.

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Re: [newbie] Shorthand

2003-02-07 Thread Douglas B.
Charlie, Rob, Kesar, Todd, Tom,

Many thanks for all the help!


On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 17:56, Charlie wrote:
 On Thursday 06 February 2003 10:32 am, Douglas B. wrote:
  Being a newbie AND thick, I get mystified by quite a lot of the
  shorthand used in Newbie e-mails. Is there a glossary somewhere that
  will tell me the meaning of LOL, (laughing out loud) BTW, (see below)FUD 
 (fear uncertainty and doubt, or if it comes out of Microsoft's PR {public 
 rape} advertising empire: freaking useless drivel).. ?
 Here Douglas, have fun!
 Scroll down the list on the left side and click away.
 I like this site better for a lot of reasons. Mostly because you can find so 
 many obscure answers there maybe.,289915,sid9_tax1671,00.html
 Knock yourself out. g That's a grin BTW. (by the way)

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