[newbie-it] star office 5.2

2000-08-14 Per discussione Davide

Qualcuno ha provato a installare Adabas? 
Io ho installato Star Office 5.2 nella directory /usr/local/star_office52
(ogni utente deve poi installare alcuni file nella sua home
directory). Pensavo di poter fare la stessa cosa con Adabas e l'ho
installato in /usr/local/adabas. Ho anche settato a mano le relative
.bashrc dell'utente che uso.
Quando pero' procedo all'installazione dei file di Star Office necessari
al singolo utente, il programma di installazione mi avverte che non e'
stato possibile trovare i file per l'installazione del database Adabas e
che dovrei avviare il setup di Adabas manualmente dopo aver installato
Star Office.
Cosa significa? Che devo installare Adabas per ogni utente che lo vuole

Scusate se sono stato troppo lungo   :-)


[newbie-it] ferragosto

2000-08-14 Per discussione Davide

Buon ferragosto a tutti quanti!


Re: [newbie-it] ferragosto

2000-08-14 Per discussione Ivano Diodati

- Original Message -
From: "Davide" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 11:21 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] ferragosto

 Buon ferragosto a tutti quanti!


Grazie e ricambio

  Diodati Ivano
Linux user #175879   http://digilander.iol.it/ivanodiodati
Machine #81946Fax: 178 2237062

[newbie-it] (no subject)

2000-08-14 Per discussione peppesan

..DOmanda: dove posso andare a controllare che si è connesso al mio
sistema, attraverso, ftp o telnet..ecc.
dovrebbero esserci dei file log, ma non riesco a trovare quelli che
mi sono connesso al mio computer attraverso telnet, ma non ho trovato
cenni su quesa connessione (avvenut) e su cosa ho fatto all'ìinterno.

grazie di esistere.

[newbie-it] ip

2000-08-14 Per discussione peppesan

come utente, è possibile sapere il mio indirizzo ip della connessione
dve poteri vederlo.

grazie di esistere

Re: [newbie-it] ferragosto

2000-08-14 Per discussione Paolo Schiavo

peppesan wrote:

 Davide wrote:

  Buon ferragosto a tutti quanti!

 Grazie anche a te

 Buon Ferragosto a tutti


Re: [newbie-it] ip

2000-08-14 Per discussione michel

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, peppesan wrote:

 come utente, è possibile sapere il mio indirizzo ip della connessione
 dve poteri vederlo.


Saluti al mondo intero, ed anche a quello parzialmente scremato.
Michel ZioBudda Morelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICQ UIN: 58351764   PR of PhpItalia.com
http://www.ziobudda.net http://faq.ziobudda.net

[newbie-it] Problemone col mouse

2000-08-14 Per discussione cr4608

Descrivo in sintesi il mio problema.
Ho la Com 1 e 2 cioccate sulla scheda madre, per ovviare al problema ho
messo una scheda Pci con le due porte, in Winzozz tutto ok in Linux non so
come fargliele vedere, in installazione (7.1) configuro un mouse seriale
standard sulla Com2 (ttyS1) ma non c'è verso di farlo funzionare. Siccome
sono un newbieissimo, per pietà siate mooolto umani.

Buon ferragosto for everybody!

[newbie-it] Aiuto con connessione LENTA

2000-08-14 Per discussione Samuele Rudelli

Ok, ci riprovo : da totale neofita ho installato la mandrake 7.1 e sembra
funzionare tutto discretamente bene, a parte la connessione internet :
ossia, funziona tutto bene, soltanto che e' _mostruosamente_ lenta. Kppp mi
dice che si connette sui 50k bps, ma in realta' la navigazione procede
veramente lentissima, molto piuì' lenta che col mio vecchio 14.4. Qualcuno
ha dei consigli da darmi ? I driver per il mio modem non esistono per linux,
e' una sottomarca suqallida, e durante l'installazione me l'ha riconosciuto
come un generico 56k.

Grazie a tutti


2000-08-14 Per discussione Mulder

Ciao a tutti ,
ho un piccolo problema con la mia version linux:
sia come root che come utente nella cartella /mnt mi visualizza le cartelle
/cdrom /cdrom2 /floppy come cartelle bloccate naturalmente impedendo qualsiasi

Ho curiosato le impostazioni su /etc/stab e mi riporta per l' hardware citato
queste prime impostazioni:

/mnt/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom  superuser 
/mnt/cdrom2  /mnt/cdrom2 superuser
/mnt/floppy  /mnt/floppy superuser

Di solito il device non dovrebbe essere /dev/scd0 ...?

io ho provato a dare queste modifiche ma ciccia! le periferiche mute!

il problema è che non posso usare nessun supporto nè in lettura ne in scrittura!

Qualcuno mi sa diire come mai?

Ah una curiosità giusto per abbellire il login iniziale: come si fa ad inserire
un'icona per ogni utente ?

Ringraziandovi per la collaborazione

 Vi saluto tutti

[newbie] Samba weirdess

2000-08-14 Per discussione Victor Richardson

I am running Mandrake 7.1 w/ Samba 2.0.6 and have had two annoying, but
weird problems:

1) For each individual user, Samba shows their own home directory and
all others that they have permissions to(as it should). But, inside of
each individual's home directory, it lists all directories in /home
whether they are a share or not. Luckily, access is not granted to those
without permission. But this causes enormous clutter and I only want
users to have knowledge of directories they are cleared to view/write

How can I prevent samba from listing all the directories in /home inside
each users home directory?

2) While playing with permissions and using SWAT I noticed that
/etc/smb.conf was completly blank at one point, but samba still worked.
I rebooted both the Linux/samba server and my Win95 box, and to my
surprise all the shares were still usable including the annoying problem
listed above. /etc/smb.conf was still blank!

I have since recreated the shares with SWAT and everything seems fine,
but was interested how the shares could have continued to work(after
reboots) if smb.conf was blank?

Any help appreciated,


Re: [newbie] *delicate cough*

2000-08-14 Per discussione poogle

Couldn't find the message that you refer to, all I could find was 
this (extract) from the lists page http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/flists.php3
  Support Lists

  These lists can be used for free support: 

The first list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is for 

There is also a list for more experienced users : 


On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 I believe if you go back to the 'newbie archive' from the mandrake home
 page, you'll find a message in this thread that talks about newbies and the
 importance of talking about every aspect of computing and how it compares to
 the Linux- Mandrake model (not quite in those words).  It's not off-topic to
 talk about how other OS's compare because most people are still using
 Windows if not dual booting.
  Aren't we all forgetting a couple of important issues here ?
  1) What is the name of this group ?
  2) Who hosts it ?
  It is my impression that Mandrake provided this platform for Mandrake
  to get and give assistance with problems that they might have, I feel that
  prolonged off-topic threads are an abuse of the service that they provide
 at no
  cost to the user.
  To use the forum to post abuse is IMHO a shameful abuse of a valuable
  E mail addresses are visible in the headers, so can be abusive off-list
 there is
  no need to lower standards by entering into flame wars, it serves no
  purpose and only serves to discredit the group as a whole.

RE: [newbie] *delicate cough*

2000-08-14 Per discussione David Hulme

Good morning

I believe that this email was sent to me in error.
Yes I have just signed up as a "newbie" but no I did not write the article
below to which you are replying.


David Hulme

-Original Message-
Sent: 14 August 2000 10:49
Subject: Re: [newbie] *delicate cough*

Couldn't find the message that you refer to, all I could find was
this (extract) from the lists page
  Support Lists

  These lists can be used for free support:

The first list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is
for beginners.

There is also a list for more experienced

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 I believe if you go back to the 'newbie archive' from the mandrake home
 page, you'll find a message in this thread that talks about newbies and
 importance of talking about every aspect of computing and how it compares
 the Linux- Mandrake model (not quite in those words).  It's not off-topic
 talk about how other OS's compare because most people are still using
 Windows if not dual booting.


  Aren't we all forgetting a couple of important issues here ?
  1) What is the name of this group ?
  2) Who hosts it ?
  It is my impression that Mandrake provided this platform for Mandrake
  to get and give assistance with problems that they might have, I feel
  prolonged off-topic threads are an abuse of the service that they
 at no
  cost to the user.
  To use the forum to post abuse is IMHO a shameful abuse of a valuable
  E mail addresses are visible in the headers, so can be abusive off-list
 there is
  no need to lower standards by entering into flame wars, it serves no
  purpose and only serves to discredit the group as a whole.

Re: [newbie] OT A mag that realy helps newbies

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Hillary

Glad some read my email.

Mark Hillary

I like some ones idea about the off topic thing so that is wht OT is
in the subject bar.

Larry Hignight wrote:

 Mark Hillary wrote:

  For everyone out there, a great mag to get is linuxformat, it has
  articals for newbies and experts alike. So I reommend getting it.
  Go to the web site at www.linuxformat.co.uk
  Mark Hillary

 I like it :)
 Larry Hignight  Descent 3 Beta tester  Caldera Linux
  11:30pm  up 5 days,  7:38,  5 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.14,

RE: [newbie] Novell servers

2000-08-14 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

Check to see if you have it installed...

Type in

# rpm -qa | grep ncpfs -

If you see a result I.E. ncpfs-, etc. You'll be able to mount
the Novell Server AFTER you configure IPX.

This can be done via nwserv.conf and Linuxconf. (enable IPX).

Note: Linuxconf might make using nwserv.conf redundant... but you might want
to go ahead and set up your Linux box as a Novell Server anyway...

Check to see if IPX is running...

# ifconfig

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:5A:04:36:65
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  IPX/Ethernet II addr:00A3:00105A043665
  IPX/Ethernet SNAP addr:0032:00105A043665
  IPX/Ethernet 802.2 addr:003C:00105A043665
  IPX/Ethernet 802.3 addr:00A2:00105A043665
  RX packets:38895840 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:22372695 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:6
  collisions:69827 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe400

Notice the IPX entries...

If you don't see this, try restarting the "Novell" services...

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/mars-nwe restart

And browse your servers...

# slist

Known NetWare File Servers  Network   Node Address
LAN 34AB2A8F  0001


/usr/bin/ncpmount -S SERVERNAME -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD /mnt/nwserver

Will mount the Novell server "under" the directory called /mnt/nwserver
which you have created, previously...


-Original Message-
From: Neal F. Carrier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Novell servers

On 5 Aug 2000, at 4:47, LINUX_0 wrote:

 There is no problem !!!
 Do you know the ncpfs packet ?? ah no, what is it???

 With the ncp file system packet you can mount and umount entire novell
 servers on anywhere of your Linux tree. HOW?
And yu can see the print
 servers, delete print jobs, delete objects of the novell tree, add
 objects, and all you can imagine !!!
 There comes in the Mandrake 7.1 distribution, and also can be found in a
 lot of RPM servers.
 I think ncpfs- is the last version.

Are you saying you have to install this rpm in order to do this?

Re: [[newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported]

2000-08-14 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

Cindy Bartorillo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just took a deep breath and updated my kernel from the 2.2.15-4 that came
 with my brand-new Mandrake 7.1 to the 2.2.16-9 that the Update feature said
 needed. As recommended I downloaded the rpm's myself and installed them by
 hand. Everything seems to have gone OK.
 But when I rebooted, the opening screen says I have 2.2.15-4, and so does
 KDE Control Center, and so does the Netscape site.
 I have the new 2.2.16-9 directory and the links in /boot definitely point to
 new kernel. So why won't anyone acknowledge it?
Did you add the new kernel to /etc/lilo.conf, make it the default, and rerun
/sbin/lilo ?

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
--Tom Waits ~~~

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Re: [[newbie] modem]

2000-08-14 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

"Collin Schroeder" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi my name is collin I am having trouble installing my us robotics 56k 
 internal voince fax modem. when I use hardrake and detect isa devices it 
 says that it detects a modem but under kppp I am unable to dial in. I know 
 the modem uses com2 and irq3 under windows but when I checked the irqs in 
 mandrake irq3 was not being used. this let me know that the modem indeed 
 wasn't installed but hardrake wont install it either.
 I went into setup under modem and made sure that it was set to tts3 (com2) 
 and I did the same thing in linux conf but i am still unable to dial out 
 under mandrake.
 please help
Hi Collin,
Try ttyS1 for the modem.  That is the equivalent of COM2 in windows world.

"Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
than alcohol has taken out of me."
--Winston Churchill

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 

Re: [newbie] modem

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver

Collin Schroeder wrote:
 hi my name is collin I am having trouble installing my us robotics 56k
 internal voince fax modem. when I use hardrake and detect isa devices it
 says that it detects a modem but under kppp I am unable to dial in. I know
 the modem uses com2 and irq3 under windows but when I checked the irqs in
 mandrake irq3 was not being used. this let me know that the modem indeed
 wasn't installed but hardrake wont install it either.
 I went into setup under modem and made sure that it was set to tts3 (com2)
 and I did the same thing in linux conf but i am still unable to dial out
 under mandrake.
 please help
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


COM2 in linux isn't ttyS3, rather it's ttyS1. that could be why you're
not able to find it. you're telling it the wrong port to look at.

you modem should be set to /dev/ttyS1

that should solve your troubles...
**   =/\=   **  =/\=**  =/\=

Re: [newbie] Novell servers

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver

"Jose M. Sanchez" wrote:
 Check to see if you have it installed...
 Type in
 # rpm -qa | grep ncpfs -
 If you see a result I.E. ncpfs-, etc. You'll be able to mount
 the Novell Server AFTER you configure IPX.
 This can be done via nwserv.conf and Linuxconf. (enable IPX).
 Note: Linuxconf might make using nwserv.conf redundant... but you might want
 to go ahead and set up your Linux box as a Novell Server anyway...
 Check to see if IPX is running...
 # ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:5A:04:36:65
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   IPX/Ethernet II addr:00A3:00105A043665
   IPX/Ethernet SNAP addr:0032:00105A043665
   IPX/Ethernet 802.2 addr:003C:00105A043665
   IPX/Ethernet 802.3 addr:00A2:00105A043665
   RX packets:38895840 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:22372695 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:6
   collisions:69827 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:9 Base address:0xe400
 Notice the IPX entries...
 If you don't see this, try restarting the "Novell" services...
 # /etc/rc.d/init.d/mars-nwe restart
 And browse your servers...
 # slist
 Known NetWare File Servers  Network   Node Address
 LAN 34AB2A8F  0001
 /usr/bin/ncpmount -S SERVERNAME -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD /mnt/nwserver
 Will mount the Novell server "under" the directory called /mnt/nwserver
 which you have created, previously...
 -Original Message-
 From: Neal F. Carrier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 6:30 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Novell servers
 On 5 Aug 2000, at 4:47, LINUX_0 wrote:
  There is no problem !!!
  Do you know the ncpfs packet ?? ah no, what is it???
  With the ncp file system packet you can mount and umount entire novell
  servers on anywhere of your Linux tree. HOW?
 And yu can see the print
  servers, delete print jobs, delete objects of the novell tree, add
  objects, and all you can imagine !!!
  There comes in the Mandrake 7.1 distribution, and also can be found in a
  lot of RPM servers.
  I think ncpfs- is the last version.
 Are you saying you have to install this rpm in order to do this?

This is WAY awesome! thank you Jose!!!
**   =/\=   **  =/\=**  =/\=

RE: [newbie] VMWare help needed

2000-08-14 Per discussione Jose M. Sanchez

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 2:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] VMWare help needed

Hello everyone,

I am currently installing Win98 in VMWare. I know, a horrible thought, but
I still need that thing, and VMWare sounds like a good deal.
Just one thing: it is SLOW!!!

Yes it is.


Display handling whines that the DISPLAY is a REMOTE X-server, because the
name is "unix:0.0".


In effect it IS remote. It's "remote" to VMWARE. BTW: "Unix" appears because
you haven't properly "named" your computer and set up a resolver. You might
need to do this...


VMWare is conviced that it is a local server when the name starts with a


Have you tried setting the display name in any of the X startup files? Look
in your home directory... "ls -al"


Does anyone know a fix for this? If it keeps running this slow, I can't
use it.


Don't expect a big improvement. You WILL get significant improvement if you
run Winblows in "full screen" mode under X. I.E. you ONLY see Winblows when
it is running.


Re: [newbie] Updating kernel w/ Mandrake Updater

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Hillary

In Mandrake 7.1 there are i think all of the how-to from the linux-doc site. In there
is one from the kernel, It is very good, read it. All things in Linux need prepeation.
If you don't you mess it all up. (even though that it fun)

Also go to www.linuxnewbie.org  - very good.

Mark Hillary.

"Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root" wrote:

 Mark Hillary wrote:
  Come on updating the kernel is not has hard as everyone makes out. (I find it
  easyier that installing programs). There are several resons to. The kernel that
  comes with mandrake haas about everything turned on, so you can have a faster
  system by compling only what you need to. Also  because every thing is turned on
  all of the moduals take up space. RECOMPLIE to get a faster machine and save
  space. (not to mention the bug fixes, in newer versions)

 Well, it may not be a problem to you, but it is the cause of many
 headaches to me.  The last few times I've tried upgrading from 2.2.14 to
 2.4.0-test5 I've hit the black screen of death straight after the
 "loading" bit.


Re: [newbie] hello

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Hillary

I would recommend getting one of the books for linux programing (trust
me there are loads). Also there sould be some documention in the
/usr/doc folder on you system.

Mark Hillary

P.S make sure you chose the development class of install.

Adam Haley wrote:

 Hey I just joined this group because I just bought my
 first version of linux (mandrake 7.1)..I don't know to
 much about it yet so I don't want to bug you all with
 stupid little questions :)  but I was wondering.. I
 bought this mainly to program in (in C)  can someone
 kinda walk me through how to write,compile, and link
 it?  I know that could end up being a lengthy answer
 but if you can help me I would appreciate it :)
 Adam  "the new linux guy"

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 Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] usb backportpatch

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Hillary

Just check if it is installed by typing man patch. If it si not start up
rpmdrake and search for a package named patch and install it. BTW it is a
console program and not part of the bash shell.

Hope this helps

Mark Hillary

Ed Santiago wrote:

 I have tried to install the backport patch

 when I use the   patch   command in the terminal it says that it is not
 a recognized command. Is thepatchcommand not a command in the
 bash shell?


Re: [newbie] modem

2000-08-14 Per discussione Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Collin Schroeder wrote:
 hi my name is collin I am having trouble installing my us robotics 56k
 internal voince fax modem. when I use hardrake and detect isa devices it
 says that it detects a modem but under kppp I am unable to dial in. I know
 the modem uses com2 and irq3 under windows but when I checked the irqs in
 mandrake irq3 was not being used. this let me know that the modem indeed
 wasn't installed but hardrake wont install it either.
 I went into setup under modem and made sure that it was set to tts3 (com2)
 and I did the same thing in linux conf but i am still unable to dial out
 under mandrake.

When you say you are unable to dial out, what exactly is the problem? 
What error message (if any) do you get?

I have a problem with my PCMCIA modem in that it says the modem is
busy.  However, I can get round this by setting it to irq polling mode. 
If that is your problem, then try using setserial as follows:

setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 0

remember to change the ttyS1 to suit your port...


Re: [newbie] Desktop camera support

2000-08-14 Per discussione John Couturier

I have a Creative Labs WebCam3 USB, that at least works, the pictures are grainy and 
the driver for it needs some work.  The developer of the Linux driver is working very 
hard on it.  I don't know what the status of any other driver is, but I would start by 
looking for a camera that is supported in Linux and make sure it is USB.  You won't 
have any fancy software to automatically upload to a website etc... so you'll have to 
figure that one out on your own.  I would guess, wget or ftp with some sort of script 
or something.
-- Original Message --
From: Mikael Claesson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 21:40:47 -0700 (PDT)

I'd like to attach one of them nifty cameras that
allows people to see eachother over the net. I'd also
like to be able to read the images directly into my
own programs if possible. Any tips?

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Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported

2000-08-14 Per discussione Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:
 I just took a deep breath and updated my kernel from the 2.2.15-4 that came
 with my brand-new Mandrake 7.1 to the 2.2.16-9 that the Update feature said I
 needed. As recommended I downloaded the rpm's myself and installed them by
 hand. Everything seems to have gone OK.
 But when I rebooted, the opening screen says I have 2.2.15-4, and so does the
 KDE Control Center, and so does the Netscape site.
 I have the new 2.2.16-9 directory and the links in /boot definitely point to the
 new kernel. So why won't anyone acknowledge it?

Did you make sure that lilo is aware of the new kernel?  You need to
edit /etc/lilo.conf to point to your new kernel, then re-run lilo to
enable lilo to find the new kernel.


Re: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported

2000-08-14 Per discussione Cindy Bartorillo

My lilo.conf reads:


which is a link to the new kernel. So I figured I shouldn't have to change anything.
Does lilo need to be rerun anyway? I'd really like to understand what goes on here.

Harvey Janson wrote:

 Hi Cindyb,
You downloaded Kernel 2.2.16-9, but did you tell your system this was the
 kernel you wanted used?
  1. Open /etc/lilo.conf with a text editor (ex: pico /etc/lilo.conf).
  2. Tell lilo to make the change by entering /sbin/lilo on the command line.
  3. Reboot.
  Everything should be fine. If not, send another e-mail.


 On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, you wrote:
  I just took a deep breath and updated my kernel from the 2.2.15-4 that came
  with my brand-new Mandrake 7.1 to the 2.2.16-9 that the Update feature said I
  needed. As recommended I downloaded the rpm's myself and installed them by
  hand. Everything seems to have gone OK.
  But when I rebooted, the opening screen says I have 2.2.15-4, and so does the
  KDE Control Center, and so does the Netscape site.
  I have the new 2.2.16-9 directory and the links in /boot definitely point to the
  new kernel. So why won't anyone acknowledge it?

[newbie] XDM and Lestiff WM

2000-08-14 Per discussione Thomas Adam


I have been using Linux Mandrake 7.0 for about 4
months now, and I think its fantastic!! 

I have two questions...

1) I use XDM as my graphical login, and my default
Window Manager is Lestiff WM. My question is is it
possible to tell Lestiff to launch various apps, once
it has started up, and if so, how do I go about this!

2) I have seen Xconsole on other machines. How do I
set this up so that it launches when XDM starts and
that various information is displayed in it??

Thank you for all your help,
Waiting in Anticipation,

Thomas Adam

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported

2000-08-14 Per discussione Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:
 My lilo.conf reads:
 which is a link to the new kernel. So I figured I shouldn't have to change anything.
 Does lilo need to be rerun anyway? I'd really like to understand what goes on here.

Yes, lilo does indeed need to be rerun anyway. 


[Fwd: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] modem]

2000-08-14 Per discussione Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

System Administrator wrote:
 Your message
   Subject: Re: [newbie] modem
   Sent:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 12:42:58 +0100
 did not reach the following recipient(s):
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, 14 Aug 2000 13:16:09 +0100
 The recipient name is not recognized
 The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=
 Subject: Re: [newbie] modem
 Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 12:42:58 +0100
 From: "Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Collin Schroeder wrote:
  hi my name is collin I am having trouble installing my us robotics 56k
  internal voince fax modem. when I use hardrake and detect isa devices it
  says that it detects a modem but under kppp I am unable to dial in. I know
  the modem uses com2 and irq3 under windows but when I checked the irqs in
  mandrake irq3 was not being used. this let me know that the modem indeed
  wasn't installed but hardrake wont install it either.
  I went into setup under modem and made sure that it was set to tts3 (com2)
  and I did the same thing in linux conf but i am still unable to dial out
  under mandrake.
 When you say you are unable to dial out, what exactly is the problem?
 What error message (if any) do you get?
 I have a problem with my PCMCIA modem in that it says the modem is
 busy.  However, I can get round this by setting it to irq polling mode.
 If that is your problem, then try using setserial as follows:
 setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 0
 remember to change the ttyS1 to suit your port...

Re: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported

2000-08-14 Per discussione Cindy Bartorillo

Tom Brinkman wrote:

 On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, you wrote:
  My lilo.conf reads:
  which is a link to the new kernel. So I figured I shouldn't have to change 
  Does lilo need to be rerun anyway? I'd really like to understand what goes on here.

Read this whole page Cindy, it explains it all pretty well.


 The Mandrake kerenel rpms' make the changes to both grub and
 lilo.  Grub will automagically pick up the change on re-boot, but
 you must run '/sbin/lilo' (as root) to make the change to the new
 kernel if you use lilo.  With both it's a good idea to review their
 config files ('lilo.conf', grub's 'menu.lst') before rebooting or
 running  '/sbin/lilo'.  I always make sure my bootdisk is working
 also, in case I need to boot the old kernel.

 ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually, I had a printout of that page in my hand as I did the upgrade, but since I
didn't compile anything and changed absolutely nothing in the lilo.conf file (Part 2 
to rerun if you've changed *anything* in lilo.conf), it didn't seem like I needed to
rerun. I'm learning, though. Slowly. :-)


[newbie] KDE Resolution problem

2000-08-14 Per discussione Pete Clapham

HI, all --

I am having a weird problem with my KDE resolution.  Currently using 7.0 (Air).  I 
changed the resolution from 1024x768 to 
1280x1024, using DrakeConf and did the test to verify that the higher resolution would 
work.  All seemed OK until I tried to relogin 
using the higher resolution.  My monitor proceeded to click away, all black.  Had to 
reboot and come up as Linux 3 and use 
XF86config to reconfigure the X file.  Now what happens is that it comes up in 
640x480.  I can change the resolution by ctrl-alt-+ 
to get to 1280x1024 (the only resolution that gets the whole desktop in), but this is 
a pain.  If I try again using DrakeConf to 
change the resolution to what the KDE thinks it is, I get the same thing.  The error 
message is that it can't start the default font.  
Has anybody else ever seen this?  And what is it that DrakeConf doesn't change when 
going from one resolution to another?


Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115
Voice: [216] 687-4820
Fax: [216] 523-7200

[newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73 Mandrake Updater

2000-08-14 Per discussione Cindy Bartorillo

Netscape 4.73 seems unable to load several java pages that are favorites
around my house, such as a couple of the games at Yahoo. The Mandrake
Update feature gives me a list of all the things it can get for me,
among which is Netscape 4.74, but every time I try to get it I get an
error ('error fetching').

The weird part is that I ftp'ed to half a dozen mirror sites, including
ones listed by the Updater, and can't find any 4.74 at all. All the
Netscapes available for download are 4.73.

Does anyone know if this 4.74 really exists? Is the Mandrake Updater
generally kinda flaky, or is it a local problem?

While I'm at it, does anyone know of a better browser? As someone who's
accustomed to IE, Netscape is a real disappointment.


RE: [newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73 Mandrake Updater

2000-08-14 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO
Title: RE: [newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73  Mandrake Updater

you will find the 4.74 here. I d/l'd it and it has the strong encryption too.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Cindy Bartorillo

Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 4:31 AM
Subject: [newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73  Mandrake Updater

Netscape 4.73 seems unable to load several java pages that are favorites
around my house, such as a couple of the games at Yahoo. The Mandrake
Update feature gives me a list of all the things it can get for me,
among which is Netscape 4.74, but every time I try to get it I get an
error ('error fetching').

The weird part is that I ftp'ed to half a dozen mirror sites, including
ones listed by the Updater, and can't find any 4.74 at all. All the
Netscapes available for download are 4.73.

Does anyone know if this 4.74 really exists? Is the Mandrake Updater
generally kinda flaky, or is it a local problem?

While I'm at it, does anyone know of a better browser? As someone who's
accustomed to IE, Netscape is a real disappointment.


Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-14 Per discussione Eric MC.D

John Eichenberger wrote:
 I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am having a
 fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware configuration
 is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for either
 one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
 something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be configured.
 A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I have
 a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
 S... how do I start over for just those two things?
Have a SB AWE64, works fine. Modem too.
What TYPE of cards you have ?? ISA PNP PCI ??
Eric MC

[newbie] New Video card sugestions

2000-08-14 Per discussione Andrew Brown

At long last i am attempting to use linux as my desktop for just about 
everythin. One off the final parts of this decision was the porting off 
specific games to linux. My question is, through research i have come to the 
conclusion that the best 3d card for me to get fo gaming purposes( quake 3, 
Unreal tournament) for my linux box would be one from 3dfx inc., could 
anyone comment on this/give a personal prespective or give personal 
experience on linux and 3d cards? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank 

Andrew Brown

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: [newbie] *All coughed out*

2000-08-14 Per discussione L. H. LOO

PMJI, I thought you should have a hda5 partition ? But I could be wrong, 
since I am such a "sin kek"  (aka newbie) myself ;-)

At 13-08-2000 10:43 PM, you wrote:
My configuration has three FAT32 partitions on a single 6Gb disk, plus
the suspend partition, plus three Linux partitions!

hda1 - suspend to disk
hda2 - Win98 C: (FAT32)
hda3 - Win98 D: (FAT32)
hda4 - Extended, contains:
hda6 - Win98 E: (FAT32)
hda7 - Linux Swap
hda8 - Linux /boot (ext2)
hda9 - Linux / (ext2)


Re: [newbie] RedAlert

2000-08-14 Per discussione Denis Havlik

:~ATTENTION: RedAlertjust saw this article...please read.
:~involves netscape on linux...security hole.

August 6-th: Article on mandrakeforum 
August 7-th: article on wired
August 13-th: Kompukits alert. 

Wau, I did not know it takes THAT long for sympa to deliver a message ;-

Dr. Denis Havlikhttp://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik
Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Every criticism is welcome if it is constructive... (Laurence)

Re: [newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73 Mandrake Updater

2000-08-14 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:
 Does anyone know if this 4.74 really exists? 

Cindyit's in cooker.  Pick a cooker mirror site from the
Mandrake web site.


Re: [newbie] test

2000-08-14 Per discussione Bill Coombs

you got through fine this time.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kelly, Christopher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "'Newbie'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:52 AM
Subject: [newbie] test

 Test. My posts have not been getting through.

[newbie] Install problems

2000-08-14 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Hi all,

I recently installed MDKLinux 7.1 and when the install got to where it asks
for the "Extensions CD", my cd-rom wouldn't open. So, I skipped it. Is there
a way to install it after the fact? And, has anyone else experienced this

Chris Kelly
Registered Linux user 185775

[newbie] CD Rom problem after new install

2000-08-14 Per discussione Hellmut


I've just done a new install of 7.1 and now my CD Rom is inaccesable. And I found a 
very strange process with ktop, it's called "mount", has the pid "414" changes every 
time I reboot and is owned by: (!) "". I can't kill this process and every time I 
shutdown the system tries to unmount the filesystems again and again and again...

Any suggestions?


(o o)
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   ooO Ooo

[newbie] test

2000-08-14 Per discussione Kelly, Christopher

Test. My posts have not been getting through.


RE: [newbie] New Video card sugestions

2000-08-14 Per discussione webmaster

QIII fps is better for nVidia products.  Tom's hardware just did a nice
write up on comparing the nVidia based chipsets ..  Sadly he didn't go into
great detail on how he reached his high fps scores.   Maximum Linux also did
a write up in their latest magazine issue. They also didn't discuss their
QIII settings. There were probably settings used in the demo (low picture
details, etc) that 'increased' the fps.

Taken from page 77 of the magazine


Voodoo 357.7 fps
Matrox G400 70.6 fps
nVidia  96 fps

The differences are even greater for 1024x768

Voodoo 333.4
Matrox G400 44.7
nVidia Geforce  75.4

Hope this helps

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew Brown
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:45 AM
Subject: [newbie] New Video card sugestions

At long last i am attempting to use linux as my desktop for just about
everythin. One off the final parts of this decision was the porting off
specific games to linux. My question is, through research i have come to the
conclusion that the best 3d card for me to get fo gaming purposes( quake 3,
Unreal tournament) for my linux box would be one from 3dfx inc., could
anyone comment on this/give a personal prespective or give personal
experience on linux and 3d cards? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank

Andrew Brown

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[newbie] Fixed one problem, got the next...

2000-08-14 Per discussione Hellmut


I just fixed the problem with the CD Rom drive (I had to deactivate a daemon), but now 
I've git the next: When kppp has established a connection, I cannot start any 
applications from the bottom bar anymore. It's possible to run a problem through 
pressing ALTF2 and then enter it's name, but not via the menu. Strange, isn't it?


(o o)
|  |
|H E L L M U T |
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| www.fegefeuer-webzine.de |
|  |
  | _ | _ |
   | | | |
   | | | |
   ooO Ooo

Re: [newbie] winblows files

2000-08-14 Per discussione Goldenpi

The hex editing is on io.sys. It changes verious messages, such as the
starting windows 98 message. You can edit some other messages in there,
browse through it.

There is no hex editing needed to change the logo. The logos are stored in
the files c:\logo.sys c:\windows\logos.sys c:\windows\logow.sys and, in
windows 98, c:\windows\logow.w98. You can edit them in paintshop or most
other image editors.

- Original Message -
From: Mike  Tracy Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] winblows files

 I'm curious, how did you do the correct hex editing?  I've changed the
 files without problem, but the one that changes the boot logo has elluded
 me.  Is it a registry hack to change the picture?  Is there a simple way
 do that hex change you speak of?

 Thanks, Mike

  Yes, I am greedy, can send all the three over at my email address please
  TIA, Regards
  At 13-08-2000 01:34 AM, you wrote:
  I have a few files I put together that makes a slight change to
  Anyone want them?
  Change the 'starting windows 98' into 'shatered windows 98'N/A
  Change the shutdown screen to a picture of penquins.(non-atx)128k
  Change the shutdown screen to a picture of penquins.(atx)
  Change the windowz startup logo into a 'no windows' sign
  The first one is a bit of hex editing on io.sys
  The shutdown is there for either machines with an atx psu or for
  atx are those computers that turn themselves off.

Re: [newbie] Install problems

2000-08-14 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

Well, I purchased MDKLinux 7.1 Complete which only include the installation
disk and application.   I had tried installing it on my Old 166 mhz IBM
Aptiva.  When I got to the end and it ask for the application CD.  My CD-Rom
wouldnt open.   and along side with that.   My X-windows would not get
installed.   At first  I thought maybe the disk were damaged because I had
installed 6.1 on it with no problem.   So   I thought well  I'll try it on
my newer computer which is 533 Intel Celeron and surprisingly It installed
everything including the application CD.  and Everything is working
beautifully.   So  my guess is that my old computer is too outdated for the
MDKLinux 7.1.
- Original Message -
From: Kelly, Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 11:14 AM
Subject: [newbie] Install problems

 Hi all,

 I recently installed MDKLinux 7.1 and when the install got to where it
 for the "Extensions CD", my cd-rom wouldn't open. So, I skipped it. Is
 a way to install it after the fact? And, has anyone else experienced this

 Chris Kelly
 Registered Linux user 185775

[newbie] Mail Bounces

2000-08-14 Per discussione Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

I don't know about you guys, but my last few posts have been bouncing...


Re: [newbie] Logitech wheel mouse scrolling

2000-08-14 Per discussione Alan Shoemaker

 hi again
 i start imwheel in Kconsole by "imwheel -k"
 now about the activity manager , it's under tool menu. since i have swedish mandrake 
i may have translated the wrong term in english.

Zeynalh.  Sorry but I'm at a loss, while watching the
ktop display I started imwheel (imwheel -k) from konsole (an
imwheel process was already running and was shut down as the
new process started).  I closed konsole and the new process
continued to run and my scroll wheel continued to work as
before!  by the way I normally start imwheel with a .kdelnk
icon (using the syntax in the execute window of imwheel -k) in
the Autostart folder on my Desktop.


Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-14 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Eric MC.D wrote:

 I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am having a
 fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware configuration
 is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for either
 one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
 something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be configured.
 A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I have
 a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
 S... how do I start over for just those two things?

Open a terminal, and as root run 'sndconfig', that should get your card
going. Worked for me!


Exceptions confirm the rule
and ruin the budget.

http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
Registered  Linux  User   174403
-=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

Re: [newbie] hello

2000-08-14 Per discussione Robin Regennitter

yeah   I'm seeing this
- Original Message - 
From: Elio Liendo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] hello

 --- Thomas Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I appear to be having problems, if any of you are
  seeing this, that belong to the linux-mandrake mailing
  list...please reply. That way, I can send my questiona
  to you :))
  Thomas Adam
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

Re: [newbie] Problems w/Netscape 4.73 Mandrake Updater

2000-08-14 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

Hi Cindy -- When you go into the ftp site looking for updates make sure
that you go to the update folder in Mandrake 7.1 -- you will find the
Netscape 4.74 there (and yes, it does exist grin). I personally use
ftp://ftp.wtfo.com/pub/linux/mandrake -- but that is because I am on the
West Coast.

As far as a better browser in Linux, so far Netscape seems the most stable
to me. Again, personally, I never cared for IE even when I was a windoze
user -- always used Netscape there too.

Good luck,
Registered Linux User #184611

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:

 Netscape 4.73 seems unable to load several java pages that are favorites
 around my house, such as a couple of the games at Yahoo. The Mandrake
 Update feature gives me a list of all the things it can get for me,
 among which is Netscape 4.74, but every time I try to get it I get an
 error ('error fetching').

 The weird part is that I ftp'ed to half a dozen mirror sites, including
 ones listed by the Updater, and can't find any 4.74 at all. All the
 Netscapes available for download are 4.73.

 Does anyone know if this 4.74 really exists? Is the Mandrake Updater
 generally kinda flaky, or is it a local problem?

 While I'm at it, does anyone know of a better browser? As someone who's
 accustomed to IE, Netscape is a real disappointment.


Re: [newbie] Linux friendly ISPs, what are their server specs?

2000-08-14 Per discussione =*=

I don't know if this is the sort of answer you are looking
for, but here goes.

My ISP is io.com.  It runs on Red Hat Linux and uses Apache
for its web hosting.  Of course, many ISP's use some variant
of Unix in the guts of their operations.  The difference
would be that there is at least one tech support person who
can answer questions from people using Linux on the desktop.

My ISP has a telnet option.  For $9.95 or so a month anyone
in the U.S. (or world for that matter) can have a shell
access to io.com's computer.  This assumes you already have
local dial-up connectivity, because dialing directly (via
minicom or seyon for example) would cost big bucks in phone

As part of my package I have the shell option.  I can use
ssh to log into their computer, read mail, surf the web with
lynx, play games, read usenet, and even use IRC -- hey, it's
safer to chat via someone else's computer!

I have even fired up mc during a session or two.  I have not
tried but I suspect many system config files cannot be read
by a logged-in user.  It would be interesting to find out,
but I don't want to do anything to jeopardize my
account. ;-)


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:


What are the tech specs of a Linux friendly ISP?


[newbie] Linux friendly ISPs, what are their server specs?

2000-08-14 Per discussione Hugo GONZALEZ


What are the tech specs of a Linux friendly ISP?


Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-14 Per discussione John Eichenberger

My modem is listed (in Win98 as):
   Class: Modem
   Device: SupraExpress 56i SP V.90 SUP2720
 IRQ: 03
 I/O: 02F8h-02FFh

   Class: Sound, video and game controllers
   Device: Wave Device for Voice Modem
   No resources used.

My sound card is listed as:
   Device: Creative Labs IDE controller-- I wish I knew how to
disable this part of it
 IRQ: 10
 I/O: 0168h-016Fh
 I/O: 036Eh-036Fh

   Class: Sound, video and game controllers
   Device: Creative 3D Stereo Enhancement Technology
 I/O: 0100h-0100h

   Class: Sound, video and game controllers
   Device: Gameport Joystick
 I/O: 0200h-0207h

   Class: Sound, video and game controllers
   Device: Creative Advanced Wave Effects Synthesis for AWE 32
 I/O: 0620h-0623h
 I/O: 0A20h-0A23h
 I/O: 0E20h-0E23h

   Class: Sound, video and game controllers
   Device: Creative Sound Blaster 16 Plug and Play
 IRQ: 05
 I/O: 0220h-022Fh
 I/O: 0330h-0331h
 I/O: 0388h-038Bh
 DMA: 01
 DMA: 05

This system has been problematic with everything I have put into it.  I
don't think the hardware in it is terribly compatible with each other.  But
I haven't quite put my finger on why just yet.  I have a separate IDE
interface from the one on the Sound Blaster card.  I don't even understand
why the audio card has an IDE interface.  I think most every hardware
resource is consumed, and other than the IDE "conflict" I don't see any
conflicts.  The IDE interface on the Sound Blaster is disabled in my Win98
setup which is how I get by with that (I think).

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] New install

 John Eichenberger wrote:
  I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am
having a
  fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware
  is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for
  one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
  something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be
  A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I
  a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
  S... how do I start over for just those two things?
 Have a SB AWE64, works fine. Modem too.
 What TYPE of cards you have ?? ISA PNP PCI ??
 Eric MC

Re: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install (fwd)

2000-08-14 Per discussione Mark Weaver

yeah! that's what I'm talking about. I've been getting these things too
and I've got no idea why.


**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed   | 
** _||_ in the making of this |
**  =\/=  message...| Registered Linux user #182496

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Paul wrote:

 Exceptions confirm the rule
 and ruin the budget.
 http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:12 +0100
 From: System Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install
 Your message
   Subject: Re: [newbie] New install
   Sent:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:47:24 +0100
 did not reach the following recipient(s):
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:04 +0100
 The recipient name is not recognized
   The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=


2000-08-14 Per discussione Andrew Brown

At long last i am attempting to use linux as my desktop for just about
everythin. One off the final parts of this decision was the porting off
specific games to linux. My question is, through research i have come to the

conclusion that the best 3d card for me to get fo gaming purposes( quake 3,
Unreal tournament) for my linux box would be one from 3dfx inc., could
anyone comment on this/give a personal prespective or give personal
experience on linux and 3d cards? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

[Fwd: [newbie] Wrong Kernel Reported]

2000-08-14 Per discussione harvey

I don't think this msg got out, because Netscape crashed as I was
sending it.

Hi Cindy,
 I think things would work well if you added "-2.2.16-9" after "vmlinuz"
(ex: image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-9).
 Although you have 2 kernels on your hard drive, lilo only knows about
the first. The "link" is only to the first kernel. In lilo.conf, you
must configure kernel 2.2.16-9.
 If you wish, you can have both kernels in your lilo.conf file, in case
the new one doesn't work. When you boot up, if you push the tab key at
"boot:" you can choose which kernel your system should use. 
 I would do it this way"

 Under the first image section image=boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-9
 place a copy of the entire first image section, with the following
 This way when you press the tab key, you will have a choice between
"linux", "old", and whatever boot ups you have on your system. You can
have as many kernels listed in your lilo.conf file as you wish, deleting
them when no longer needed.
 When you use /sbin/lilo, you are giving lilo.conf's instructions to
lilo. If you made an error, /sbin/lilo will tell you. Otherwise, you
will get a message like:

Added linux *
Added old
(whatever else is going to be there)
The asterisk (*) means that your new kernel which has the label "linux",
is the default.
 Reboot, and have fun.
  I hope this helps. If you need more info, write again. The wonderful
thing about linux people, is that we happy to help each other.

Cindy Bartorillo wrote:
 My lilo.conf reads:
 which is a link to the new kernel. So I figured I shouldn't have to change anything.
 Does lilo need to be rerun anyway? I'd really like to understand what goes on here.
 Harvey Janson wrote:
  Hi Cindyb,
 You downloaded Kernel 2.2.16-9, but did you tell your system this was the
  kernel you wanted used?
   1. Open /etc/lilo.conf with a text editor (ex: pico /etc/lilo.conf).
   2. Tell lilo to make the change by entering /sbin/lilo on the command line.
   3. Reboot.
   Everything should be fine. If not, send another e-mail.
  On Sun, 13 Aug 2000, you wrote:
   I just took a deep breath and updated my kernel from the 2.2.15-4 that came
   with my brand-new Mandrake 7.1 to the 2.2.16-9 that the Update feature said I
   needed. As recommended I downloaded the rpm's myself and installed them by
   hand. Everything seems to have gone OK.
   But when I rebooted, the opening screen says I have 2.2.15-4, and so does the
   KDE Control Center, and so does the Netscape site.
   I have the new 2.2.16-9 directory and the links in /boot definitely point to the
   new kernel. So why won't anyone acknowledge it?

Re: [newbie] *All coughed out*

2000-08-14 Per discussione Austin L. Denyer (SysAdmin.) as root

You are right - I made a typo for hda4 - that should have read hda5.  It
is hda4 that does not exist on this system.

Thank you for pointing out my error.


"L. H. LOO" wrote:
 PMJI, I thought you should have a hda5 partition ? But I could be wrong,
 since I am such a "sin kek"  (aka newbie) myself ;-)
 At 13-08-2000 10:43 PM, you wrote:
 My configuration has three FAT32 partitions on a single 6Gb disk, plus
 the suspend partition, plus three Linux partitions!
 hda1 - suspend to disk
 hda2 - Win98 C: (FAT32)
 hda3 - Win98 D: (FAT32)
 hda4 - Extended, contains:
 hda6 - Win98 E: (FAT32)
 hda7 - Linux Swap
 hda8 - Linux /boot (ext2)
 hda9 - Linux / (ext2)

Re: [newbie] New install

2000-08-14 Per discussione Anthony

Have you tried using "sndconfig" on your sound card? That card is definitly
supported, and it's odd that it doesn't work. 

 I just installed Linux (well actually I did it twice now) and I am having a
 fundemental problem. I think the problem is that my hardware configuration
 is wrong for both audio and modem.  No specific devices show up for either
 one.  Not anymore anyway.  The second time I installed EVERYTHING I had
 something for both.  But the audio support did not appear to be configured.
 A ton of error messages occurred when I tried to tell the system that I have
 a Sound Blaster Awe 32 card.  And now.. here I am.. no sound.. no modem.
 S... how do I start over for just those two things?
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install (fwd)

2000-08-14 Per discussione Paul


Exceptions confirm the rule
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-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:12 +0100
From: System Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install

Your message

  Subject: Re: [newbie] New install
  Sent:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:47:24 +0100

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[newbie] @$%* windows!

2000-08-14 Per discussione Goldenpi

Haveing just reinstalled linux after scandisk thought lilo was a boot sector
virus and messed up my partition table, I now have to reinstall windows. I
really want to get windows and linux installed but I know installing windows
will overwrite lilo. Before I start, would someone tell me the following:

how to get lilo back on
how to create a boot disk to load linux after lilo goes.
how to back up my partition table to a floppy, if that is possible, in case
it is corrupted again.
Does anyone know the elusive fact of what secters the partition table is
stored in, and where lilo is on the hard drive? I have a program that can
copy sectors to a file so I could backup those essential sectors.

Re: [newbie] winblows files

2000-08-14 Per discussione Goldenpi

Get the hex editor on the file c:\io.sys. I will come up as unreadable
machine code, but If you look further down you will find some text. You can
edit the text safely. Change error messages and startup message(where it
usually says 'starting windows 98' when you boot)
- Original Message -
From: Walter Hanagriff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 3:53 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] winblows files

 "Mike %26 Tracy Holt" wrote:
   I'm curious, how did you do the correct hex editing?  I've changed the
   files without problem, but the one that changes the boot logo has
   me.  Is it a registry hack to change the picture?  Is there a simple
way to
   do that hex change you speak of?

 I may not understand what hex editing has to do with shutdown and start
 up screen changes, but i do know how i change my startup, wait, and
 screens on windows 95/98.
 there are 3 files in windows or windows/system directory(might need to use
 since some OEMs could put these files in different places):
 logo.sys(startup), logow.sys(wait screen), and logos.sys(shutdown screen)
 they are just bitmaps with the .sys eextention, and have to be 320x400 256
 if you dont use a program to switch the screens then back up your
 and replace them with new ones you make or download from net

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Re: [newbie] hello

2000-08-14 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

Thomas Adam wrote:
 I appear to be having problems, if any of you are
 seeing this, that belong to the linux-mandrake mailing
 list...please reply. That way, I can send my questiona
 to you :))
 Thomas Adam
In case you haven't heard, it works. Congratulations. Enjoy.
-- Carroll Grigsby

Re: [newbie] test

2000-08-14 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

"Kelly, Christopher" wrote:
 Test. My posts have not been getting through.
This one did. Feel good and enjoy.
-- Carroll Grigsby

Re: [newbie] Linux friendly ISPs, what are their server specs?

2000-08-14 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
What are the tech specs of a Linux friendly ISP?
I don't know what you are looking for in the
way of specs. Most will be running
Apache on a Linux platform (usually Red
Hat from what I hear). To me, Linux
Friendly means they have a staff that
are knowledgable about Linux and ready
to help get set up. Browse through
http://www.eskimo.com and you will see what
I mean.
Barry :-)

Re: [newbie] Nothing works on mandrake.

2000-08-14 Per discussione Eric MC.D

There is nothing to do with the security level.
That's the normal and GOOD way to login for all security.
Don't login as root if absolutely necessary.
Eric MC

Anthony wrote:
 I'm willing to bet that is because you set your security level too high. If
 you set it at the highest level, then it doesn't allow direct login's to root.
 To change it, run "DrakConf" and hit teh Security button.
  I can't login as root, I need to login as a normal user and then to su(This can 
probably be changed),
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Re: [newbie] Logitech wheel mouse scrolling

2000-08-14 Per discussione timmy1443

I tried using that script but it still doesn't work. any other suggestins anyone? as 
always, any help is greatly appreciated.
Ken Wahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  First I would like to say thank-you to everyone for your help. My wheel mouse is 
now working.
  Now I would like to have imwheel start automatically at startup. following the 
advice in the mail archives I put this script in my autostart folder:
  #! /bin/sh
  /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel -k
  now whenever I start KDE i get an error saying it can not execute the program. The 
only thing I can think of is the fact that I have to be logged in as su in order to 
start imwheel.  
  Again, any help is greatly appreciated.
 I had the same problem as well.  On my 7.0 installation imwheel is
 SUID.  I start it with the following script in ~/Desktop/Autostart
 #! /bin/bash
 xterm -e imwheel -k
 exit 0
 For reasons I haven't figured out yet this works while just putting the
 path to imwheel does not.  My guess is because the program is SUID but
 thats only a guess.
 A previous poster suggested putting an actual copy of the imwheel
 executable in ~/Desktop/Autostart.  I have not tried this.
 The drawback to my method is that you occasionally see a xterm window open
 for a split second when KDE is loading.
 Good luck.
 | Ken Wahl, CCNA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  PGP Key ID:  3CF9AB36 |
 | PGP Public Key:  http://www.ipass.net/~kenwahl/pgpkey.txt |
 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- Powered by Linux Mandrake --=-=-=-=-=-=-#
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The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.
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[newbie] Error In Netscape

2000-08-14 Per discussione fjhduque.teleline.es

I  have a next message in Netscape
Domain Not Bound
In a moment of start but I click in the Home and not problem
Sorry for my poor English

Windoze es un virus con interface de usuario
Linux is a Best S.O.
 LINUX User #179844

[newbie] kppp problem

2000-08-14 Per discussione Wilson

In order to connect with kppp i have to go into linuxconf and connect and
disconnect with the ppp in there then kppp will work fine.  Must be doing
something wrong.  and it doesn't connect in linuxconf i just have to do that
to connect in kppp.  Sounds strange but that's how it works right now.


Re: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install (fwd)

2000-08-14 Per discussione Patti Wavinak

I got one of these at about the same time that you did Paul sigh

Paul wrote:


 Exceptions confirm the rule
 and ruin the budget.

 http://nlpagan.net -  ICQ 147208
 Registered  Linux  User   174403
 -=PINE 4.21+Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:12 +0100
 From: System Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Undeliverable: Re: [newbie] New install

 Your message

   Subject: Re: [newbie] New install
   Sent:Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:47:24 +0100

 did not reach the following recipient(s):

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:46:04 +0100
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 The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=

Re: [newbie] *delicate cough* - some constructive suggestions

2000-08-14 Per discussione L. H. LOO

Yes, that is a good idea. Thank you.

[newbie] Netscape New Kernel Problems

2000-08-14 Per discussione Cindy Bartorillo

Thanks to everyone who helped with my problems.

The new netscape *was* on the mirrors. The trick was to look in
/pub/updates/Mandrake and NOT /pub/Linux/Mandrake/updates. Also, I
finally got it installed, using --nodeps and --force. Neither the
Mandrake rpm program nor the KDE rpm program could install this rpm. Had
to do it by hand.

Unfortunately, the new netscape is much like the old. As a guy two
cubicles down said, "It may not have many features, but at least it's

(While I'm on the subject of not working, just tried to add a program to
my KDE menu and clicked on the Panel/Edit Menus option. Nothing

My new kernel is now recognized. All I had to do was rerun LILO,
although I still don't understand why. Apparently LILO doesn't run at
the time of bootup, because executing vmlinuz would definitely load the
new kernel. Welcome to UNIX. :-) I'm definitely learning.


[newbie] Fw: zip disk drive

2000-08-14 Per discussione Marcia Waller

I had to subscribe again in order to get any of the emails again. Any help
with the zip drive would be great. I have a dual boot system with Windows 95
and Linux Mandrake 7.0. I have 2 hard drives and an Atapi internal IDE zip
drive. It is supermounted but I do not know how to access and use it. Thanks
for your help. The rest of the needed information for this zip should be
below.  Marcia
- Original Message -
From: Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2000 10:12 PM
Subject: zip disk drive

 Dear Anyone, First of all, I have not received any emails from this group
 for 2 days now. Is anyone else having this problem?

 Second of all, I finally have my internal  Atapi Zip drive supermounted in
 Mandrake 7.0 but I cannot access it. I click on the zip icon and I get the
 same error message that I was always getting-can't find dev/hdc4 in
 /etc/fstab. How do I create an icon to work with my supermounted zip
 disk?How do I access my zip with or without an icon?  How do I save files
 and place them into my zip disk? Any assistance will be appreciated. Thank
 you very much. Marcia

 P.S. I am very impressed with how everyone is so helpful here. I have come
 long way in a short time with Linux because of this group. Thank you.