Re: [newbie-it] I: Urgesi moduli

2001-01-19 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Germano wrote:
 A chiunque abbia una mandrake 7.1 con kernel 2.2.15:
  Sareste cos gentili da inviarmi 3 moduli contenuti nella
  directory /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/misc, ve ne sarei immensamente grato (i
  miei li ho erroneamente sovrascritti con 3 pi vecchi per installare un
  modem asuscom isdn pci).
  I moduli incriminati sono: -1)   isdn.o
- 2) dss1_divert.o
-3) hisax.o
  Grazie a chiunque voglia perdere tempo a fare ci!

dovresti poterli estrarre dal pacchetto rpm del kernel.

Prima controlla che siano effettivamente li con
  rpm -qlp kernelrpm | grep hisax.o
e poi li estrai usando "mc".

Un metodo di estrazione piu` da "duri e puri" e`:

rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -i
--no-preserve-owner nome.file.da.estrarre

tutto su un'unica riga.

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] controller scsi

2001-01-19 Per discussione Giuliano Zorzi

salve a tutti !
ho un piccolo quesito per voi... ho appena 
comprato una controller raid ide (promise fast track 100) che ha i drivers per 
redhat 6.2/7 e solo in una immagine del floppy da fornire durante 
l'installazione. questo floppy funziona anche per mandrake ? se la risposta è 
negativa, come faccio a crearmi un floppy per mandrake ? posso anche installare 
redhat per estrarre i files necessari (ma al massimo per un'ora, altrimenti il 
pc si "ammala"...



[newbie-it] masterizzatore cd-w54e

2001-01-19 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Qualcuno sa,se il masterizzatore TEAC CD-W54E (ide)è supportato dai
vari programmi di masterizzazione linux? Ciao e grazie.

[newbie-it] intruders

2001-01-19 Per discussione ioadamo

ciao a tutti 
Sarei interessato a un software che mi monitorizzi i miei accessi a internet, 
facile da usare e che mi avverta in qualche modo, e in tempo reale, se io 
sono vittima di intrusioni mentre sono collegato a internet, inoltre quale 
client di posta  posso usare per comunicare con mail criptate?
Grazie a tutti quelli che mi risponderanno

Re: [newbie-it] upgrade mdk7.1 to 7.2

2001-01-19 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il 09:46, venerd 19 gennaio 2001, scrivesti:
 Salve a tutti.
 Per upgradare da mdk7.1 a 7.2  consigliabile aggiornare
 oppure "pulire" tutto e ricaricare da capo? (premetto che non ho dati
 importanti da salvare).Se la soluzione  la seconda qual' il metodo
 pi semplice? Ciao e grazie.

Ciao, premesso che sono un novellino (uso Linux s e no da un mese), credo ti 
convenga installare la 7.2 da zero. Ho letto in rete di diverse persone che 
hanno incontrato problemi eseguando l' "upgrade" dalla 7.1 alla 7.2. Io ho la 
7.2;  la mia prima distribuzione Linux e quindi l'ho installata da zero. 
Funziona egregiamente.
Riguardo il metodo pi semplice, credo tu possa procedere direttamente come 
per una ipotetica reinstallazione: durante la fase di installazione, ad un 
certo punto ti viene chiesto dove installare Linux (con opzioni di cancellare 
tutto l'hard disk, rimuovere l'eventualmente presente Windows o partizionare 
il disco); se il disco contiene gi partizione Ext2 e di swap, ti viene 
chiesto se vuoi formattarle. Rispondi "s" e installi sulle macerie...
Spero di esserti stato utile!


[newbie-it] RAM e partizione di SWAP

2001-01-19 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Ciao a tutti, utilizzo una distribuzione Linux Mandrake 7.2 su un PC con 128 
MB di memoria. Ho intenzione di raddoppiare la RAM. Devo aumentare anche le 
dimensioni della partizione di swap? Fino a quali dimensioni?
Grazie a chi vorr rispondermi...


[newbie-it] Suoni in Gnome

2001-01-19 Per discussione Corrado

Ho gi avuto a che fare col seguente problema, ma credo dipendesse da
Enlightenment, ora uso Sawfish: sono passato alla 7.2, prima col cd
allegato a Dev, e nessun problema; visto che i pacchetti contenuti in
quello distribuito con LinuxC erano un po' pi aggiornati, ho deciso di
fare un piccolo update; purtroppo, per, ora non sento pi alcun suono
come utente, come root tutto okay; ho agito sul Control Center ma senza
esito... Cosa devo modificare? Grazie.


Re: [newbie-it] RAM e partizione di SWAP

2001-01-19 Per discussione Daniele \Keyser Soze\ Surano

No non devi raddoppiare niente.
Se aumenti la ram la partizione di swap servir meno volte,
quindi la potresti diminuire,ma non ti conviene lascia tutto come sta (a
meno che non ti serve spazio)

- Original Message -
From: "Daniele Micci" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 8:43 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] RAM e partizione di SWAP

 Ciao a tutti, utilizzo una distribuzione Linux Mandrake 7.2 su un PC con
 MB di memoria. Ho intenzione di raddoppiare la RAM. Devo aumentare anche
 dimensioni della partizione di swap? Fino a quali dimensioni?
 Grazie a chi vorr rispondermi...


Ri:Re: [newbie-it] I: Urgesi moduli

2001-01-19 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Germano wrote:
  A chiunque abbia una mandrake 7.1 con kernel 2.2.15:
   Sareste così gentili da inviarmi 3 moduli contenuti nella
   directory /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdk/misc, ve ne sarei immensamentegrato (i

 dovresti poterli estrarre dal pacchetto rpm del kernel.

 Prima controlla che siano effettivamente li con
   rpm -qlp kernelrpm | grep hisax.o
 e poi li estrai usando "mc".

 Un metodo di estrazione piu` da "duri e puri" e`:

 rpm2cpio file.rpm | cpio -i
 --no-preserve-owner nome.file.da.estrarre

 tutto su un'unica riga.

 ciao, Andrea

Sicuramente sono nel CD e avrei potuto installarli da DrakConf ma secondo lui erano 
già installati (ma non originali)
Grazie quindi per questa serie di comandi che mi eviteranno prossimamente di rompere 
le scatole a qualcun' altro.
Ciao Germano

Re: [newbie-it] upgrade mdk7.1 to 7.2

2001-01-19 Per discussione Stefano Pessini

Io avevo la 7.1, ho fatto l'upgrade ed  riuscito, ma ci ha impiegato 4 o 5
ore (su pentium 166 mmx), poi per motivi miei ho rifatto l'installazione da
zero, e ci ha impiegato molto meno, (1 oretta...)
Questa  l'unica differenza che ho notato...

bye, Ste.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: [newbie-it] upgrade mdk7.1 to 7.2

Salve a tutti.
Per upgradare da mdk7.1 a 7.2  consigliabile aggiornare
oppure "pulire" tutto e ricaricare da capo? (premetto che non ho dati
importanti da salvare).Se la soluzione  la seconda qual' il metodo
pi semplice? Ciao e grazie.

Re: [newbie-it] Suoni in Gnome

2001-01-19 Per discussione Skywalker

At 21.05 19/01/01 +0100, you wrote:
Ho gi avuto a che fare col seguente problema, ma credo dipendesse da
Enlightenment, ora uso Sawfish: sono passato alla 7.2, prima col cd
allegato a Dev, e nessun problema; visto che i pacchetti contenuti in
quello distribuito con LinuxC erano un po' pi aggiornati, ho deciso di
fare un piccolo update; purtroppo, per, ora non sento pi alcun suono
come utente, come root tutto okay; ho agito sul Control Center ma senza
esito... Cosa devo modificare? Grazie.


Ciao corrado allora...
vediamo io ho risolto cos a patto  naturalmente che i moduli che 
gestiscono la scheda audio siano caricati e questo lo vedi dai log:
da root devi rendere accesibili  i device audio,mixer, e dsp dopo di 
che  alza i volumi del mixer al massimo!

Se i moduli non sono presenti  ti devi ricompilare il kernel o li inserisci 
al solito modo con me ha funzionato:
 modprobe sound
 insmode uart401
 insmode sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1

Ci sono anche alcuni configuratori tipo sndconfig di red hat non ricordo s 
sulla mandrake c'.

un'ultima cosa, sulla sound blaster normalmente bisogna configurare il 
modulo per ensonic ES1370 oppure ES1371 .

Ciao spero di esserti stato di aiuto


[newbie-it] Settaggio monitor

2001-01-19 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

ho come monitor un Philips 105 brillance ma non riesco a centrare
perfettamente lo schermo in quanto questo e' spostato leggermente a destra
nascondendo la barra di scorrimento costringendomi ogni volta a spostare le
finestre verso sinistra . Ho provato a selezionare con drakconfig altri
monitor ma il risultato  lo stesso . . Se seleziono il mio modello di
schermo,  il video si deforma ancora di piu'.La scheda grafica  una  NVIDIA
TNT2 64.
Ho notato che per pochi secondi prima che venga effettuato il test video lo
schermo risulta perfettamente normale  quindi ci deve essere una
soluzione o un settagg io standard che mi consenta di vedere bene . Vi prego
di aiutarmi .. ho iniziato ha usare Linux solo da poche settimane.

SV: [newbie] HDParm and DMA

2001-01-19 Per discussione Blomquist, Niklas

 How do you know that the speed is increased?  I have been 
 having problems where

I have test it with hdparm -tT /deb/hda

 when I use the -d1 option by itself, the next disk access 
 locks things up.  I

I have test the -X69 and -X68 as well, but the big performens increasing is
with -d1. From around 9 to 35Mb/s. So it would be nice to get it to work.

Is there anyone that has got the -d to work.


 get around this by explicitly setting the x-fer rate (-X66 
 for Ultra33, -X68
 for Ultra66, and -X69 for Ultra100.)
 "Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
  Dear everyone!
  Is there anyone who has problem with using UDAM?
  When I turn on the UDMA the speed is increasing a lot, but 
 I can't start any
  program. The Icons on the destop is removed when I click on 
 the and the
  panel is gone when I click on that one...
  Any suggestions?

RE: [newbie] Tecra8100 + Mandrake 7.2

2001-01-19 Per discussione James Hallam

ok thanks for that

i will try 7.1 instead

-Original Message-
From: Charles A. Punch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2001 11:01
Subject: Re: [newbie] Tecra8100 + Mandrake 7.2

James Hallam wrote:

 hi again,

 has anyone had any experience of installing drak7.2 on a Toshiba Tecra

 i can install 7.2 but cannot get X up and running.

 thanks in advance

I have a Satellite Pro 465 CDX, which I have used some Tecra settings, which
worked for me, when there were none for a 465 CDX. I can't even find 465 CDX
on Toshiba's website, but that's beside the point. I assume that they are
somewhat similar. I  am still a newbie at this, but this may help you. I
been running LM 7.1 for a while with no problems. I ran 6.5 before that. 6.5
was allright, but since I have a Win modem, I couldn't connect. 7.1 reads my
Win modem without a hitch (I am writing this from  my 465 CDX running LM
I didn't do anything special, I just set  up a DNS with ELN/ and it worked
from the get go. 7.2 however, would not read it. It seems that some people
like 7.2 better, but I went back to 7.1, for more than one reason. The Modem
was just one of them. I had problems  with 7.2 on both my 465 CDX and on my
Gateway desktop, so I'm not sure if it is system specific or if it is
something I am doing wrong. Neither one of my boxes are even close to what
could be considered Linux compatible hardware, so it's amazing that  it will
run at all on them. Even if it is something I am doing wrong, 7.1 is a safer
option. 7.2 is pretty, but I want something fuctional. It's a shame though,
that K Office thingie loooks sweet.  I read somewhere on this list, that
slackware is a better alternative for notebooks. I might check that out
No matter how much trouble it is, it's got to be less than Windows.



Re: [newbie] No hard disk

2001-01-19 Per discussione Mr S Ganesan

The problem of not sensing the hard disk as aslo faced by me while
installing LMK7.2 and i had to completely forget that disk. I downloaded
the iso file from Israel mirror site and burnt my CD.Some of the users
have said that it is advisable to burn the CD at 4x instead of 6x or 8x as
this causes some problem with some of the HP cd burners!
I lost one hard disk of Quantum while loading the Linux MK 7.2. But with
the slow burnt CD and a new Seagate HD there was no problem and my win98
pertition and Linux partitions work very well and i am enjoying bothe the
OS with prefect ease!!

Senior Scientist
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Berasia Road
Bhopal 462038, INDIA
Phone:  0755-730986 (O)
0755-732105 (R)
Web Address:

Re: [newbie] I want MicroEMACS

2001-01-19 Per discussione civileme

On Thursday 18 January 2001 21:35, you wrote:
 Hi all,

 I've been using MicroEMACS to do all my text editing in both
 Windows and Linux for many years, and I expect I will for
 the rest of my natural life (barring the advent of
 thought-recognition technology).

 It doesn't come as part of the Mandrake distro, but I'd be a
 happy man if it did. How do I go about requesting its
 inclusion in the next distro?


Two things: 1. Check that it is free software  (The four tests at
2.  Submit a story about it to outlining 


Re: [newbie] logrotate process does not stop

2001-01-19 Per discussione Renato Tognaccini

Paul wrote:
> Hi, I have the following problem on my Mandrake
7.1 kernel 2.2.15:
> the process logrotate that reorganizes the system messages directory
> /var/log
> and which is daily launched by cron does not stop anymore. So each
day a
> logrotate
> starts , after 3 days on my computer 3 logroate process are running
> overload the
> system. I tried to shutdown the system but the problem appeared again.
Download the updates to logrotate and syslogd (almost correct).
Those fix the problem. You can find them on and also on
the FTP sites for
Thank you for your help.
However I updated logrotate and syslogd,
but the problem is still present. I also removed all *.tgz files in
/var/log, but no news.
Can you help me?

Renato Tognaccini,
Dipartimento di Progettazione Aeronautica,
Universita` di Napoli Federico II,
Piazzale V. Tecchio 80,
80125 Napoli, ITALIA.

tel.: +39-0817682179
fax: +39-0817682187

Re: [newbie]Linux careers

2001-01-19 Per discussione civileme

On Thursday 18 January 2001 17:03, you wrote:
 Dear Anyone, Are there any Linux career possibilities? Is there a place
 to research this on the internet? Thank you, Marcia

select Computers,Software

type in linux

and hit the search bar

There are more than 1000 entries which is the maximum monster will show

Those are OPEN job advertisements.


Re: [newbie] remove

2001-01-19 Per discussione David Boles

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 23:03:59 -0800, Beckycould said:

You have to remove yourself from the list at the same place that you
subscribed to the list.

Go to :

Look for SUPPORT LISTS, enter your email address, select UN subscribe,
click on SUBMIT.  


David Boles

Re: [newbie] No hard disk

2001-01-19 Per discussione civileme

On Thursday 18 January 2001 19:36, you wrote:
 you've got an A7v?  Promise 100 controller?  the mandrake 7.2 installer
 down't recognize that controller correctly at boot time.  You have to
 pass the loader a command to get it to work.  I can't remember the hack
 though ;-(  Try looking at for it.  You
 could also search the archives for this list.


Sheesh if it is an A7V it should be 

linux ide2=0x9000 0x8802

I'm embarrassed I didn't recognize it earlier


 Micha POZARZYCKI wrote:
  Hi everybody!
  I've got a problem with Mandrake 7.2 installation. All goes well
  until the programme asks me for existing SCSII driver. Recording
  to the manual of my motherbard (ASUS VIA 761 Chipset) there is a
  driver Promise. There is no such a driver in the list I have to
  choose from. Anyway I try to say
  no SCSII device and then the programme say there is no valid
  device where the file system can be placed, check for hardware
  error. My hard disk is
  Seagate Barracuda IDE 30,8GB, so I assume that thye error is not
  with possible SCSII device error that I probably do. An
  additional information is that my BIOS doesn't detect hard disk,
  the field Primery Master say None when booting. Also in the Bios
  Setup when I choose autodetect Primery Master the Bios doesn't
  recognize any data (like PIO level or UDMA level). When I set
  Secondary Master autodetect it chooses CD-recorder and gets the
  information on PIO or UDMA.
  Sorry if I haven't included enough information - I'm not to good
  at it. I am very determined to install Linux on my desktop, but
  can't deal with that stuff. If it helps the windows 98 goes
  almost well and it recognizes all my three partitions of the
  drive, which have been made by firm I bought the computer from
  (thay used Partition Magic or some stuff that sounds similiar,
  made three partitions 10GB each, and the partitions are in the
  format compatibile with DOS or smth.)
  Appreciate any comment

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 7.2 Downloadable Version...

2001-01-19 Per discussione civileme

On Friday 19 January 2001 04:02, you wrote:
 hey all,
 Is the kde 2.0 that comes with the downloadable version of mandrake a
 beta version? I can't seem to find the theme manager in it. Thanks. Chris

No it isn't beta.  And yes it has no theme manager--look for it in KDE2.1.


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Re: SV: [newbie] HDParm and DMA

2001-01-19 Per discussione civileme

On Friday 19 January 2001 09:43, you wrote:
  How do you know that the speed is increased?  I have been
  having problems where

 I have test it with hdparm -tT /deb/hda

  when I use the -d1 option by itself, the next disk access
  locks things up.  I

 I have test the -X69 and -X68 as well, but the big performens increasing is
 with -d1. From around 9 to 35Mb/s. So it would be nice to get it to work.

 Is there anyone that has got the -d to work.


  get around this by explicitly setting the x-fer rate (-X66
  for Ultra33, -X68
  for Ultra66, and -X69 for Ultra100.)
  "Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
   Dear everyone!
   Is there anyone who has problem with using UDAM?
   When I turn on the UDMA the speed is increasing a lot, but
  I can't start any
   program. The Icons on the destop is removed when I click on
  the and the
   panel is gone when I click on that one...
   Any suggestions?
Please post the output of



Re: [newbie] Halt Command

2001-01-19 Per discussione Tim Holmes

Keep in mind, --help is your friend!  Your lover!  A very close 
distant cousin! lol

[root@yoda /root]# shutdown --help
shutdown: invalid option -- -
Usage:shutdown [-akrhfnc] [-t secs] time [warning message]
  -a:  use /etc/shutdown.allow
  -k:  don't really shutdown, only warn.
  -r:  reboot after shutdown.
  -h:  halt after shutdown.
  -f:  do a 'fast' reboot (skip fsck).
  -F:  Force fsck on reboot.
  -n:  do not go through "init" but go down real fast.
  -c:  cancel a running shutdown.
  -t secs: delay between warning and kill signal.
  ** the "time" argument is mandatory! (try "now") **

Personally I like to put nice "greeting messages" with the warning 
message option like "GET THE HELL OFF MY MACHINE" but that's up to
you! :0)

A "man shutdown" will also provide some very good help.  Actually
reading the whole thing answers a lot of questions!

Good luck!
T. Holmes
"GUI BAD Console GD!!"

* L. H. LOO [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010117 06:19]:
 At 16-01-2001 +1300, you wrote:
 Running LM 7.2. The system reboots ok but when I issue the 'halt'
 command it hangs up and errors/segmentation faults appear.
 What is causing this?
 IIRC, the command is  : shutdown -h  now for immediate shutdown.


2001-01-19 Per discussione Jon Doe

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
 Hello list.
 we;ll the subject line says it all, how do I get RID
 of these BIG UGLY STUPID DOTTY FONTS that just
 barged in and took up residence on my Mandrake 7.2 ?
 I really hate 'ledfixed" how do I remove this awful font 
 from my system permanently?
 Please help soon, I can't make good use of my
 mandrake with the apps going way off the screen
 and making themselves generally un-manageable.

They didn't just take up residence, you probably changed your time from 24 hour
to 12 hour right? 
I am not using 7.2 now but when I did, all I needed to do was change charset
back to "unknown" and it would go back to normal. Thats the charset in the
adjust time thing on the task bar

Re: [newbie] Partitions and drive letters

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dave Burrows

Thanks for the response, Fred; 

I'm glad to hear that Windows won't see those Linux partitions.  From the
Linux-Mandrake web site tutorial on partitioning, I read that there's a
partitioning option called "Use free space on the Windows Partition" and

"Before resizing a hard drive which
alreadycontains Windows, it is strongly
recommended  that you run ScanDisk and Disk
Defragmenter   from within Windows on the
drive. And as always, back-up
data you cannot afford to lose before
partitioning drives."

While it does warn that loss is possible, it doesn't iterate that it's
inevitable.  Of course, I shall backup that data.  There is also an
animated illustration of the partitioning in a graphical image that can be
seen here:
 "This animations shows
how to quickly and
easily partition a
drive thatalready

Is it certain that Windows will be wiped out of it's share of my old
partition?  I have used Partition Magic but don't remember that I had to
re-install anything then, either, as you imply.

Any other feedback shall be warmly received,


Fred Schroeder wrote:
 Windows won't see any of the Linux partions.
 You do know however, that unless you are using Partition Magic or something
 like that, .. and maybe even then, you will lose all of the data on the disk
 when you repartion.  So make certain you have back-ups.
  I have a single drive partitioned into 4 with my current OS (Win98se)
  residing in C:\.  Among the options in the install is one to take over
  of C:\ for Linux.  If I do this, what will happen to the assigned drive
  letters of D:\, E:\ and F:\, CD-ROM and CD-RW; will it reassign them with
  new drive letters?
Dave Burrows
741 Cleveland Road
Washington, PA  15301  

Re: [newbie] KDE2 PROBLEM

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Tina is related to the Oracle database server on your system.


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
 I checked and all of my window managers are still there, so  my mileage
 did vary. Still no explanation for the
 extra user Tina who seems to be associated with the time management or
 something like that.

 Dennis Myers wrote:
  I've not noticed that I lost all the other window managers, I'll have to
  check that, but I do have a user
  named Tina on the login gui.  So does anyone know what that is all
  about, and is it safe to delete Tina as a
  user?  Probably need to report to Mandrake and, it is a bug
  accountable to one or the other. Could
  look on the KDE web site to see if the things already been reported. It
  still shows up in the KDE2.1beta as welll
  as the so called stabel KDE2.0.
  -michael- wrote:
  On Thursday 18 January 2001 07:02, regarding [newbie] KDE2 PROBLEM,
  you said:
   Hello,installed the KDE2 rpms and all went well.I did a "rpm -Uvf
  *.rpm --test" and it came back with no failed dependencies.I then
  installed from
  text console outside of x.I then did a "rpm --rebuilddb" followed by
  "update-menus -v" Once I went to log in I found a whole bunch of system
  users,no biggie,but I now only have KDE, default, and failsafe, all
  window managers are gone. I have seen that this seems to be common,
  have a fix for the bug? Should I report it and to who? Thanks for your
  Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="Attachment: 1"
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  I have the same problem; all my users except me, root and user2 are
  penguins with program names...when I boot to KDE I get icewm, when I
  do default it is enlightenment and I assume that failsafe is a command
  line. I can only get this when i type init 5 instead of startx(which
  produces enlightenment).
  I miss my old KDE!

Re: [newbie] Dial up modem question...

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Always go back to the basics. Make sure that You used periods (dots), not 
commas for your DNS numbers. If you've got large fingers, you can easily 
mistake the 2 keys (I know I have!). Also, sometimes you just have to 
re-enter the DNS numbers. Can you ping the DNS numbers of your ISP?? While 
you're connected to the Internet, go to a console,  and enter the folowing;


Where the "X"'s represent the DNS numbers of your ISP. If you don't get a 
proper reply, could be their DNS server is down. Lastly, empty your Browsers 
cache memory. Then retry while still connected.

Dan LaBine

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
 My dial up connects and I can load web pages if I type in the I.P.  BUT I
 DO have my DNS servers in the settings.  They are correct too.  What's the
 deal?  It seems to transmit and receive about once a second a tiny bit of
 data.  I can't figure this out from any tutorials.  They all say to enter
 in your DNS servers and I did that...

 Any ideas?

 White Bear Lake, MN

[newbie] Faxing.

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Can someone give me a hand setting up my fax software? Hylafax and Mgetty are 
both fully installed on a stand-alone PC running a fresh install of LM7.2 . 
HardDrake and Setserial have both recognized and returned valid responses 
from my GVC 56k modem. How does one go about faxing? in Windows, faxing is 
activated by "Printing" to a fax driver. How's it work in Linux? Any help 
would be apprreciated.

Thanks in advance,...

Dan LaBine

Re: [newbie] Fixed !! BIG UGLY DOTTY FONTS

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

I went into the /usr/share dirs and totally
deleted the led-fixed font file, and
it never came back since hehehehe.

On Friday 19 January 2001 14:55, you wrote:
 I had that happen too...

 It was nasty!

 I did nothing to provoke it and all of a sudden i've got these fonts that
 are huge and dotted...

 I logged in as root and created a new user and deleted the messed up one.

 Good luck!

 White Bear Lake, MN

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 4:40 PM

  Hello list.
  we;ll the subject line says it all, how do I get RID
  of these BIG UGLY STUPID DOTTY FONTS that just
  barged in and took up residence on my Mandrake 7.2 ?
  Please help soon, I can't make good use of my
  mandrake with the apps going way off the screen
  and making themselves generally un-manageable.

Re: [newbie] Partitions and drive letters

2001-01-19 Per discussione Fred Schroeder

No, I am not saying that a reinstall is certain, just wanted you to be
prepared if it does turn out that way.
Best of luck!

- Original Message -
From: "Dave Burrows" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Partitions and drive letters

 Thanks for the response, Fred;

 I'm glad to hear that Windows won't see those Linux partitions.  From the
 Linux-Mandrake web site tutorial on partitioning, I read that there's a
 partitioning option called "Use free space on the Windows Partition" and

 "Before resizing a hard drive which
 alreadycontains Windows, it is
 recommended  that you run ScanDisk and
 Defragmenter   from within Windows on the
 drive. And as always, back-up
 data you cannot afford to lose before
 partitioning drives."

 While it does warn that loss is possible, it doesn't iterate that it's
 inevitable.  Of course, I shall backup that data.  There is also an
 animated illustration of the partitioning in a graphical image that can be
 seen here:

  "This animations shows
 how to quickly and
 easily partition a
 drive thatalready

 Is it certain that Windows will be wiped out of it's share of my old
 partition?  I have used Partition Magic but don't remember that I had to
 re-install anything then, either, as you imply.

 Any other feedback shall be warmly received,


 Fred Schroeder wrote:
  Windows won't see any of the Linux partions.
  You do know however, that unless you are using Partition Magic or
  like that, .. and maybe even then, you will lose all of the data on the
  when you repartion.  So make certain you have back-ups.
   I have a single drive partitioned into 4 with my current OS (Win98se)
   residing in C:\.  Among the options in the install is one to take over
   of C:\ for Linux.  If I do this, what will happen to the assigned
   letters of D:\, E:\ and F:\, CD-ROM and CD-RW; will it reassign them
   new drive letters?
 Dave Burrows
 741 Cleveland Road
 Washington, PA  15301


2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

I did not see any such way to switch from
24 hr to 12, tho I did it anyway, but how I do
not know, I just went in and totally deleted the
led-fixed font file totally.

On Friday 19 January 2001 16:39, you wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
  Hello list.
  we;ll the subject line says it all, how do I get RID
  of these BIG UGLY STUPID DOTTY FONTS that just
  barged in and took up residence on my Mandrake 7.2 ?
  I really hate 'ledfixed" how do I remove this awful font
  from my system permanently?
  Please help soon, I can't make good use of my
  mandrake with the apps going way off the screen
  and making themselves generally un-manageable.

 They didn't just take up residence, you probably changed your time from 24
 hour to 12 hour right?
 I am not using 7.2 now but when I did, all I needed to do was change
 charset back to "unknown" and it would go back to normal. Thats the charset
 in the adjust time thing on the task bar

RE: [newbie] local lan problem

2001-01-19 Per discussione Fireman71

ok, here is ifconfig output
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:6B:90:A5
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:8 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xfce0

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

and here is route -n

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 lo UG0  00 eth0

and finally the resolv.conf file


If anyone sees anything wrong with these let me know i really need to get
this problem fixed.

Thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

At 02:04 18.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
Post the output of:

route -n
cat /etc/resolv.conf


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

I am using static ip addys on the local network, ppp connection to the isp
is dynamic. linux machine is and the windows machines have and .0.3. netmask on all machine is

I do not have any other network cards in the machine, 56k modem that is
external off of ttyS0. PPP works fine btw. Just the local net isnt doing

I setup the local network during installation of LM7.1 as i have seen
several people post that it is usually better to do it then and my own
personal experience has been that its also easier to do it then as well. I
did not setup internet connection during installation though, again in
accordance with advice that has been posted here in the past.

hostnames are all as follows and seem to be setup correctly: - windows - - linux - - windows -

Many thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Istvan Bereti
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:46 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem


Definitely your netcard is not properly configured on Linux.
Are you using DHCP or fixed IP-s?
Do you have an other netcard in your linx box?
Check hostname and IP addresses.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

No, i cannot ping from either of the win 98 machines to the linux box, nor
from linux to the windows machines but i can ping from one windows machine
to another one fine.

Ian K. Harrell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Istvan Bereti
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 3:11 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem


Can you ping from the win98 the network card of the Linux? ping ipaddr.
And also vica - versa...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] local lan problem

Trying to setup a linux machine as a firewall and web server on a lan for a
friend of mine. He also wants the linux machine to handle IP masqing.
Installed LM7.1 on a HP Vectra series 5 machine that he had purchased off
the internet to use specifically for Linux. We then put a realtek 8029 PCI
network card in, installed LM7.1 and all appeared to be good in the world,

Trying to access anything on the local net is impossible. 100% packet loss,
etc, etc. Currently on the lan there are two other machines both running
windows 98 and then the LM7.1 machine. Both of the windows machines can see
and talk to each other fine but they cant see the linux box.

I double and triple checked all the system settings and everything seemed
be fine. Drakconf detected the network card, linuxconf showed that all the
values i had entered for IP Addy, netmask, etc were fine.

Thinking this might have been caused by a bad cable we tried three other

Re: [newbie] Partitions and drive letters

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dan LaBine

Dave! If you install Linux on C:\ and Windows 98 is on it, you'll lose 
Windows98 ! If Linux re-writes your MBR (Master Boot record), there's an 
excellent chance you'll lose the partition info for all the other partitions. 
I think you need to exercise caution here. Are you trying to wipe out Windows 
in the process?? make sure you back up everything on ALL partitions!

dan laBine

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
 I have a single drive partitioned into 4 with my current OS (Win98se)
 residing in C:\.  Among the options in the install is one to take over part
 of C:\ for Linux.  If I do this, what will happen to the assigned drive
 letters of D:\, E:\ and F:\, CD-ROM and CD-RW; will it reassign them with
 new drive letters?

RE: [newbie] local unix-win microlan

2001-01-19 Per discussione Quaylar

At 11:20 19.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:

Now that you have the BNC port working, could you go thru my original
debugging message again, and once again post the results.

I curious as to why you are manually doing things like setting up routes and

Normally this should all be handled by Linuxconf as part of Mandrake
configuration tools.

Normally Linuxconf does a pretty good job at doing all of this, and getting
things right.

Let me know.

hi jose,

just 1h ago i (again) just played around with the win box trying to ping 
the unix machine.i issued a few broadcast pings which didnt seem to 
work, and then (once again) tried to ping the linux machine 
directly.and to my surprise *BOOM*..i got a response from the unix i was jumping up and down in front of my computer *g*.i 
cant tell why it works clue..but it does...;)
and that is what matters..

yes u are right what the routing table is concerned, but from what i had 
read in the various howtos i assumed that i had to set the routes myself, 
not noticing that mandrake was doing this for me when activating the eth0 
so right now i commented my routing commands out of the rc.local and let 
mandrake do the routing..and it (seems) to workat least at the 
moment ;)

so many thanks to you for helping me out, and making things clearer for me...;)



RE: [newbie] local lan problem

2001-01-19 Per discussione Bill Shirley

As far as I can see, everything looks ok.  Of course, that's what you said but it 
doesn't hurt to see the output.

When you said "On the hub side the light never did come on
showing that there was a connection." this could indicate that you may have a dead 
port on the hub or be plugging it into the uplink port.  If you are using the uplink 
port you need a cross-over cable.  Have you tried plugging the LM box into one of the 
working ports Windows is using?  When you ping, do the hub lights blink?

I wish I could be of more help,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

ok, here is ifconfig output
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:6B:90:A5
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:8 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xfce0

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

and here is route -n

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 lo UG0  00 eth0

and finally the resolv.conf file


If anyone sees anything wrong with these let me know i really need to get
this problem fixed.

Thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

At 02:04 18.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
Post the output of:

route -n
cat /etc/resolv.conf


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

I am using static ip addys on the local network, ppp connection to the isp
is dynamic. linux machine is and the windows machines have and .0.3. netmask on all machine is

I do not have any other network cards in the machine, 56k modem that is
external off of ttyS0. PPP works fine btw. Just the local net isnt doing

I setup the local network during installation of LM7.1 as i have seen
several people post that it is usually better to do it then and my own
personal experience has been that its also easier to do it then as well. I
did not setup internet connection during installation though, again in
accordance with advice that has been posted here in the past.

hostnames are all as follows and seem to be setup correctly: - windows - - linux - - windows -

Many thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Istvan Bereti
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:46 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem


Definitely your netcard is not properly configured on Linux.
Are you using DHCP or fixed IP-s?
Do you have an other netcard in your linx box?
Check hostname and IP addresses.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

No, i cannot ping from either of the win 98 machines to the linux box, nor
from linux to the windows machines but i can ping from one windows machine
to another one fine.

Ian K. Harrell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Istvan Bereti
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 3:11 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem


Can you ping from the win98 the network card of the Linux? ping ipaddr.
And also vica - versa...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] local lan problem

Trying to setup a linux machine as a firewall and web server on a lan for a
friend of mine. He also wants the linux machine to handle IP masqing.
Installed LM7.1 on a HP Vectra series 5 machine that he 

Re: [newbie] Mandrake / Redhat

2001-01-19 Per discussione abe

mandrake installs better on more systems and the community is nicer and
more fun to be a part of ;-)


Dan Belkie wrote:
 In a debate over Flavors of Linux, How different would you say Mandrake is
 from Redhat?
 Dan Belkie
 ***We are now giving away free .com domains names!***

Re: [newbie] Upgrade to XFree4.02

2001-01-19 Per discussione abe

your good but you also need freetype2.  You may already have it since I
think it is a dependency for rebuilding the src.rpm anyway.


Chris Hall wrote:
 H... I can't really help you now because I've never installed using
 RPM's. :( I've always used the tar files. I'm sure someone else can tho.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Francois Massonneau" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 4:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Upgrade to XFree4.02
  Thank you Chris,
  Your advice is to download .tgz files, but I have already downloaded
  the XFree4.02 rpm source file. I've just finished to rebuild the
  files from the source file,  and now I have the following files built :
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  1274861 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root 10686424 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  1101761 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root   622913 Jan 18 22:02
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  1675192 Jan 18 22:02
  -rw-r--r--1 root root   385112 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  1967017 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  9273769 Jan 18 22:02
  -rw-r--r--1 root root   622058 Jan 18 22:02
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  2128405 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  6343726 Jan 18 22:02
  -rw-r--r--1 root root  1756340 Jan 18 22:01
  -rw-r--r--1 root root   422201 Jan 18 22:02
  Is it enuf ??
  With my XFree3.3.6 install, I saw that I have the following files
  not created for Xfree4.02 :
  Do I have to find them for this upgrade ?
  Do I need anything else ?
  Thank you. Francois
  On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
   You need to go download the binaries for your system from
   Here is a list of the minimum files you need:
   Just put them in the same directory and type "sh". It will
   you a couple of questions. I said no to the first question and left the
   answers as default to the rest. Fairly easy to do. Good luck and I hope
   - Original Message -
   From: "Francois Massonneau" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 1:10 PM
   Subject: [newbie] Upgrade to XFree4.02
I'm running Mandrake 7.1 with XFree3.3.6 I guess (that's the one that
comes with Mdke7.1)
I would like to upgrade XFree4.02, so I downloaded a file named
To rebuild it, I've got to upgrade 4 files (freetype... and VGlide
). While I'm writting this message, I'm rebuilding this XFree
source rpm file.
Now the questions :
- Do I need something else ?
- How do I do to install this new XFree. ?
- Do I have to uninstall XFree3.3.6 then install 4.02 ?
All your help will be very appreciated, because I 'm really afraid
about that upgrade.
Thank you. Francois

Re: [newbie] Two little problems

2001-01-19 Per discussione Michael Scottaline

 Question 2. My computer came with a winmodem installed but I have an
 external USR modem that I connected to one of the ports on the back (COMM1).
 The problem is that ML7.2 does not know there is a modem connected (checked
 Hardrake and there is nothing  there, no modem is seen). How do I make sure
 the ML knows  there is a modem attached?

Are you trying to connect using kppp?  If so, in setup set the device as ttyS0 
(corresponds to Windows Com1).  
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
-Benjamin Frankilin

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at


2001-01-19 Per discussione abe

if you are dual booting try using DrakFont to get some true type fonts
from windows.  Heck, try pointing Drakfont at a windows CD if you don't
dual boot.  It might work I haven't tried that yet


Vic wrote:
 Hello list.
 we;ll the subject line says it all, how do I get RID
 of these BIG UGLY STUPID DOTTY FONTS that just
 barged in and took up residence on my Mandrake 7.2 ?
 Please help soon, I can't make good use of my
 mandrake with the apps going way off the screen
 and making themselves generally un-manageable.

Re: [newbie] Two little problems

2001-01-19 Per discussione Matt Schroeder

I had a problem using the CUPS printer setup.  It worked for the test but
after that it never would work.  Try plain LP0.

I also have an external modem on Com1 and used KPPP to get it going.  Open
it and I think under modem you pick /dev/ttyS0 for COM1

Then query it and it should identify itself to the dialup program.

This is all new to me but it worked...

Good luck,

White Bear Lake, MN

- Original Message -
From: "jf arocha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Mandrake-newbie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: [newbie] Two little problems

 This is my first post to this list. Sorry if my questions have been asked

 I have ML7.2 installed on my machine (generic, Duron 650, dual boot),
 everything is nicely intalled, except for two "little" problems: can't
 and can't connect.

 Question 1. Has someone had any luck with Epson 777 printer (USB, using
 driver for the Epson 760)? The first time I installed the printer it
 fine, it asked me print the test page and everything went perfect, but it
 has stopped printing. The printer itself is OK since I use it with

 Question 2. My computer came with a winmodem installed but I have an
 external USR modem that I connected to one of the ports on the back
 The problem is that ML7.2 does not know there is a modem connected
 Hardrake and there is nothing  there, no modem is seen). How do I make
 the ML knows  there is a modem attached?

 I appreciate any ideas of what may be wrong or where to check for answers.


 jf arocha

Re: [newbie] Partitions and drive letters

2001-01-19 Per discussione Donald Hinds

Mandrake 7.2 handles this very well. I have a WinME 20G HD and partitioned 5G
for Linux with 7.2 partition manager.


Dave! If you install Linux on C:\ and Windows 98 is on it, you'll lose 
Windows98 ! If Linux re-writes your MBR (Master Boot record), there's an 
excellent chance you'll lose the partition info for all the other partitions.

I think you need to exercise caution here. Are you trying to wipe out Windows

in the process?? make sure you back up everything on ALL partitions!

dan laBine

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
 I have a single drive partitioned into 4 with my current OS (Win98se)
 residing in C:\.  Among the options in the install is one to take over part

 of C:\ for Linux.  If I do this, what will happen to the assigned drive
 letters of D:\, E:\ and F:\, CD-ROM and CD-RW; will it reassign them with

 new drive letters?

[newbie] Ftp file location problem

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

As the sub line says...

Well before I upgraded to 7.2, my files for
ftp were located in /home/ftp but now they
are in /var/ftp and I do not want to put them
there because the root partition does not
have enough space.

Is there a way to make ftp see another place
such as /home/ftp ?

Thank you


Re: [newbie] Two little problems

2001-01-19 Per discussione jf arocha

Thanks to Matt and Mike. I will try to do what you both suggested.


 From: "Matt Schroeder" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 14:20:10 -0600
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Two little problems
 I had a problem using the CUPS printer setup.  It worked for the test but
 after that it never would work.  Try plain LP0.
 I also have an external modem on Com1 and used KPPP to get it going.  Open
 it and I think under modem you pick /dev/ttyS0 for COM1
 Then query it and it should identify itself to the dialup program.
 This is all new to me but it worked...
 Good luck,

 Question 2. My computer came with a winmodem installed but I have an
 external USR modem that I connected to one of the ports on the back (COMM1).
 The problem is that ML7.2 does not know there is a modem connected (checked
 Hardrake and there is nothing  there, no modem is seen). How do I make sure
 the ML knows  there is a modem attached?
 Are you trying to connect using kppp?  If so, in setup set the device as ttyS0
 (corresponds to Windows Com1).

Re: [newbie] Can't change from 12 to 24 hr time

2001-01-19 Per discussione s

Here ya go.


On Friday 19 January 2001 08:31 pm, you wrote:
 I do not see where to click on
 the clock or otherwise.


[newbie] Unable to see cdrom

2001-01-19 Per discussione Mike Baker

I installed version 7.2 from cdrom. 
It is an ide reader only. 
includes the line:- 
/mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
I am trying to use the install cd because it is requested by DrakConf
when I am trying to install an extra ethernet card, however it fails to
find the cdrom. 
If I type:- 
I get:- 
/mnt/cdrom: Input/output error 
If I try to access /Root/mnt/cdrom from Konqueror I get:- 
unable to
You do not have access rights to this location.
I would be very grateful if anyone can help me.

Mike Baker aka [RaG]Pixie[MwG]
Frag Fest LAN Parties

RE: [newbie] Two little problems

2001-01-19 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

If you are using a PS/2 mouse it is auto set to use Comm1 so you must set
your modem to use Comm2 which is ttyS1.
Use Windows to verify that the port to which you have physically connected
your modem is in fact Comm2.

   Charles  (-:

Forever never goes beyond tomorrow.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael
 Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 2:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Two little problems

  Question 2. My computer came with a winmodem installed but I have an
  external USR modem that I connected to one of the ports on
 the back (COMM1).
  The problem is that ML7.2 does not know there is a modem
 connected (checked
  Hardrake and there is nothing  there, no modem is seen).
 How do I make sure
  the ML knows  there is a modem attached?
 Are you trying to connect using kppp?  If so, in setup set
 the device as ttyS0 (corresponds to Windows Com1).
 "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
 -Benjamin Frankilin

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

[newbie] Can't change from 12 to 24 hr time

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

I do not see where to click on
the clock or otherwise.


[newbie] This is a really good question for Linux. hardware recommendation

2001-01-19 Per discussione Homer Shimpsian

Can we discuss a good integrated motherboard solution for Linux?

Preferably not Pentium III, something that has video, ps/2, USB and works
well under Linux.

Modem, SCSI, and RAID hardware are nice to haves.

Primarily server use.

40GB SCSI drive = $900, IDE only 125.   Inexpensive RAID arrays and
clustered servers are now cheap to implement.

[newbie] demon PPPD

2001-01-19 Per discussione Emiliano Ogando

Ive a PIII 550, 64 mb ram, Modem US robotics ext. and Mandrake 7.2

The problem is that I cant connect to inet because when I use KPPP,
its display a message error that say: "demon PPPD is no installed"

What is the problem???

Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

2001-01-19 Per discussione David Thompson

See comments embedded...

- Original Message -
From: "Sridhar Dhanapalan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux


 While I believe that Linux can be an excellent alternative to M$ Windos, I
 must admit that my greatest fear is that it will be "dumbed down" to cater
 for ordinary users. This fear, while not totally baseless, is unlikely to
 eventuate. There will always be serious computer users, who don't want a
 "dumb" OS. There are, and always will be, apps to cater for these people,
 especially since these are the people who code most Linux apps anyway. KDE
 too "dumb" for you? Use WindowMaker, or BlackBox, or XFce... Think the
 default Linux kernel is too bloated? Recompile it and include only what
 need. Linux is the most scalable OS ever to exist, and this scalability is
 increasing with time. Linux can be whatever you make it to be. Want it to
 run a Windos competitor? With GNOME and KDE it already is. Want it to work
 the enterprise level? Kernel 2.4 supports the high-end processors like the
 Itanium in multiprocessor configurations and up to 64GB of RAM. Want it to
 run a PDA? Compile a tiny kernel and run something like QT-embedded or
 GTK-embedded. And the most important point is that Linux excels in all
 scenarios. See my point?

I guess I am the "dumb Windoze user" many of you refer to, because I am
having one H*** of a time getting Linux to communicate with my Windows
boxes.  I have tried 5 total re-installs, sometimes I'm able to ping the
linux box from my Win2K box, then after tweaking using linuxcfg, it doesn't
After 12 years in the industry as a Cobol programmer, and working with
DOS and Windows from it's first release, I thought I had a little more
knowledge the the average person.  I maintain that Windows runs the first
time and any slightly trained monkey can use it from then on.  I value linux
as a suberb server, and I'm going to continue in my attempts to get my home
network up and running with linux, as opposed to using the Windows standard
peer-to-peer networking, but as far as networking - this is not for the
By the way, I am defending, nor blasting either product (Win  Linux).
I feel they both have their place.

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-19 Per discussione Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 21:18:33 -0600, Olly wrote:

   Are you familiar with socket problems...what would normally be
a logical approach for repair of sticky sockets? or trouble shooting ?

   The man fetchmail says  "treat it as an unrecoverable error"
wellI must do some recovery...somehow...
Fri, 19 Jan 2001  15:38:29

I got it Mark...heeheee
 I am happy to report
that the problem is cured and I can download mailand it

Here is the fix:

from a FaQ written by Eric S. Raymond, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R7. Fetchmail randomly dies with socket errors.

Check the MTU value in your PPP interface reported by /sbin/ifconfig.
If it's over 600, 
change it in your PPP options file. (/etc/ppp/options on my box). Here
are option values 
that work:

  mtu 552
  mru 552

I added the above options to my /etc /ppp/options file and it
works nicely
I do not profess to even a slight  knowledge of the intricate
relationship between ppp and the various mailprogram protocalsBut
it seems to me that a mtu value in the ppp interface is in fact a ppp
related problem.

At any rate, the problem is cured and I am getting mail...hopefully
this may help someone else, for this is not an easy problem for a
beginner to research..I could not determine if the difficulty
originated with worldnet server., my programs ,,or a combination of
the two?
But now it is over...until the next problem 8-)

Thank you for your help and patience.

Olly P

RE: [newbie] clarification This is a really good question for Linux. hardware recommendation

2001-01-19 Per discussione Homer Shimpsian

We're looking for something cheap and integrated, so that the video, modem ,
LAN, sound are all supported by Linux, preferably without any additional
drivers.  Anyone ever have such an experience?

Can we discuss a good integrated motherboard solution for Linux?

Preferably not Pentium III, something that has video, ps/2, USB and works
well under Linux.

Modem, SCSI, and RAID hardware are nice to haves.

Primarily server use.

40GB SCSI drive = $900, IDE only 125.   Inexpensive RAID arrays and
clustered servers are now cheap to implement.

Re: [newbie] demon PPPD

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dan LaBine

The problem is that you don't have pppd installed. Either re-install it using 
kpackage (from a console - logged in as root), or re-install your Linux, or 
perform an update. Use the workstation/custom install, and select "individual 
Package Selection. Go thru each section, and pick everything you want 
including pppd which is in the "Communications" section in Mandrake 7.2.



On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:
 I´ve a PIII 550, 64 mb ram, Modem US robotics ext. and Mandrake 7.2

 The problem is that I can´t connect to inet because when I use KPPP,
 it´s display a message error that say: "demon PPPD is no installed"

 What is the problem???

Re: [newbie] demon PPPD

2001-01-19 Per discussione Buzz and Nan

I had the same problem, It then popped up configure modem dialog box and
then prompted for the Installation CD nr 1.

so maybe try to reconfigure the modem and should ask for the installation

I hope this helps.

sorry couldn't be more specific, working in Windows ME, till I can get my
modem working.

- Original Message -
From: "Emiliano Ogando" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 5:56 AM
Subject: [newbie] demon PPPD

 Ive a PIII 550, 64 mb ram, Modem US robotics ext. and Mandrake 7.2

 The problem is that I cant connect to inet because when I use KPPP,
 its display a message error that say: "demon PPPD is no installed"

 What is the problem???

Re: [newbie] This is a really good question for Linux. hardware recommendation

2001-01-19 Per discussione Tom Brinkman

On Friday 19 January 2001 03:19 pm, Homer Shimpsian wrote:
 Can we discuss a good integrated motherboard solution for Linux?

 Preferably not Pentium III, something that has video, ps/2, USB and
 works well under Linux.

 Modem, SCSI, and RAID hardware are nice to haves.

  Only decent RAID is SCSI hardware, both the drives and the
 controller. Not worth the bang for the buck on a home desktop system.
 Better solution is high rpm (= 7200) and large buffer (= 2mb) IDE,
 no RAID.

   There are no decent motherboards with integrated hardware...PERIOD.
Onboard hardware/chipsets are by definition inferior, limited, and
prone to lack of proper drivers. Most all cause a degradation, similar
to AGP and software RAID kludges, by draining cpu/cache/ram resources.
Unfortunately due to Uncle Billy's M$ arm twistin, many of the newest,
formerly excellent motherboards, have at least integrated sound, no ISA
slots, useless CRN slots, and the ability to disable APIC, AGPx?, USB,
and ATA 66 or /100, which are all mostly M$ inspired and backed hype,
has been removed from bios.  Fortunately, some very talented high level
programmers have made bios hacks availble on the Net to undo M$'s BS,
and restore these options.

  "not Pentium III" implies  than.  P4's aren't, so that leaves
Athlons/Tbirds as the currently favored cpu's.  Of the socket A boards
currently available, the best now appear to be the Epox 8kta3 and Abit
kt7a (in Abit's case, mostly 'cause they shun integrated crap).

   USB, never was any good.  Remember the famous news conference,
televised live, when Billy's newfangled type serial bus ... ended
abruptly with a BSOD? Besides, it's already obsolete. USB2 (more M$ BS)
and Firewire are the currently touted, unproven replacements.
Tom Brinkman   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Galveston Bay

Re: [newbie] Download to CD?

2001-01-19 Per discussione Anthony

You just need to download the two .iso files. Pick an ftp mirror: and download the two 7.2 iso files. 
Then burn those files onto 2 CD's, and you'll have your distrobution. You 
technically don't need teh second iso file, since it just includes extra 
programs, but it's nice to have. And yes, it takes about 1 GB of HD space to 
download both iso files.

 I aim to write the downloadable files to CD.  How should the files be
 distributed between the 2 (if even both CDs of data are included in the
 downloadable files)?  Anyone work this way to install 7.2?  I read in one
 place and here that only 1 CD is necessary to install the most important
 files.  I read in the tutorial that space is frequently a limiting factor
 in determining which components to install.  I read on the web pages that
 the parts required for the download (Mandrake tree and Images tree) consume
 1 Gig of HD space.. 2 CDs.  Any feedback?  Finally, any other parts of the
 downloadable files "must have"?

Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.

[newbie] about dcopserver

2001-01-19 Per discussione eFRaSiYaB

i have win98 on my machine and install mandrake 7.2 newly. i tries to 
configure my internet connection. in win98 i reach internet through my 
university proxy server. in windows environment, i configure it by 
microsoft proxy client program.
in mandrake, i tries to do it but when i restart my machine i get this message:
' there was soma error setting up inter process communicatino for KDE. The 
message returned by the system  was;
Could not read network connection list.
please check that the "dcopserver" program is running.'

then i cant log in the system.
how can i configure it correctly?

[newbie]] Linux Careers

2001-01-19 Per discussione Sven Heinicke


The other replies look good too, but in my current job I only ever see
Linux boxes and get to play around with the latest kernels and all
kinds of opens source stuff.  I found it from:

And if you are geeky enough, and thinking about working in the 609
area code, maybe we will be working together soon.  :)


[newbie] Setting up your 24 hour clock schedule in MDK7.2 KDE and Gnome

2001-01-19 Per discussione Romanator

Hi all,

I finally figured it. After logging in as 'root', click on Konsole.
Type in: date --set="Jan 19 19:05:00" (or whatever your date setting
should be).
Press the enter key

You might have to do this a couple of times. Reboot your computer. When
you start up your Linux box, select Date/Time Format and change it to
reflect the 12 hour schedule. This should fix the date time format.

I started up Linux this morning and it is was back to normal.
Registered Linux User #179293

[newbie] ssh/vnc not working, this is getting silly

2001-01-19 Per discussione Ben Edwards

After failing to get ssh working I then tried to set vnc working.  I used 
to use redhat and this worked easily.  Before I ditch Mandrake and go back 
to redhat (which I don't want to do as I have installed oracle on it and 
like Mandrake) has anyone got any ideas.  Maybe someone could tell me how 
to get telnet working.

* Ben Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED]+44 (0)7970 269 522 *
* Campaign Against proper English, Dyslexia division *
* Homepage *
* i-Contact Progressive Video *
* Smashing the Corporate image *
* Bristol's radical news *
* Open Directory Project *

[newbie] Anyone know about burning a CD-RW ?

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic


Specifically, does anyone know how to
make other cd roms read the cd rw you just burnt?

I clicked on fixate to make it fixate the cd after the
burn, this works on cd-r but not cd-rw, I can read
the cd-rw in the burner, but not in the cdrom like
I can the cd-r.

Weird and I don't get it.

Re: [newbie] demon PPPD

2001-01-19 Per discussione AL

Verify if ppp is installed by opening a terminal box as root and type:
"rpm -q ppp" (without the quotes).

If ppp is installed, "ppp-2.4.0-3" will appear or "ppp not installed" if


Emiliano Ogando wrote:
 Ive a PIII 550, 64 mb ram, Modem US robotics ext. and Mandrake 7.2
 The problem is that I cant connect to inet because when I use KPPP,
 its display a message error that say: "demon PPPD is no installed"
 What is the problem???

[newbie] drakxtools

2001-01-19 Per discussione mike keener

hello america::
when attempting to download and install drakxtools 1.1.5-33 from any
mirror site i get a "no signature"..
has anyone else had the same problem with this RPM

   mike keener-wb6iik

[newbie] XFce

2001-01-19 Per discussione John W

 I just wanted to say after reading the thread about KDE and Gnome and seeing 
opinions regarding XFce I decided to try it and I really like it.
You have the option to even run the Gnome panel in XFce. Give it a shot it's 
quite nice.
I haven't found any gnome or KDE programs that I am not able to run as of yet.
John W

RE: [newbie] local lan problem

2001-01-19 Per discussione Fireman71

When pinging from one windows machine to another the lights on the hub do

Also, I am not using the uplink port on the hub for the linux machine it is
being left open for possible future expansion if we can get this problem
figured out.

And yes, i have tried a port on the hub that i know is working under
windows. In fact i tried every port on the hub with no success. I even went
and unplugged the cable from one of the windows machines immediately after i
used it to ping to ensure that the network was working and then plugged it
into the linux machine and still got nothing.

I also tried networking only two of the machins together with a cross-patch
cable and linux still cannot ping out to the windows system and windows
still cant reach the linux box.

I also did a bit of further experimentation and reformatted the harddrive on
the linux machine, setup two partitions, one for swap with 100meg and the
rest in root and went through and reconfigured everything from scratch.
Still getting the same problem. BTW, i did a development/expert installation
and setup lan network during the installation and PPP for the isp after the
instal. Network card and all were identified fine and setup went smoothly.

Could this be something on the windows machines that is preventing them from
seeing and communicating with the linux box? Dunno how this could be though
since they are both running win98se and a tcp/ip network which works fine
from windows machine to windows machine.

I appreciate all the assistance by the way folks, its nice to know that
there are people out there who are willing to help when these problems crop

Still banging my head,
Ian K. Harrell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Shirley
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 1:44 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

As far as I can see, everything looks ok.  Of course, that's what you said
but it doesn't hurt to see the output.

When you said "On the hub side the light never did come on
showing that there was a connection." this could indicate that you may have
a dead port on the hub or be plugging it into the uplink port.  If you are
using the uplink port you need a cross-over cable.  Have you tried plugging
the LM box into one of the working ports Windows is using?  When you ping,
do the hub lights blink?

I wish I could be of more help,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

ok, here is ifconfig output
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:21:6B:90:A5
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:8 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xfce0

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

and here is route -n

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 lo UG0  00 eth0

and finally the resolv.conf file


If anyone sees anything wrong with these let me know i really need to get
this problem fixed.

Thanks in advance,
Ian K. Harrell

At 02:04 18.01.2001 -0500, you wrote:
Post the output of:

route -n
cat /etc/resolv.conf


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fireman71
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] local lan problem

I am using static ip addys on the local network, ppp connection to the isp
is dynamic. linux machine is and the windows machines have and .0.3. netmask on all machine is

I do not have any other network cards in the machine, 56k modem that is
external off of ttyS0. PPP works fine btw. Just the local net isnt doing

I setup the local network during installation of LM7.1 as i have seen
several people post that it is usually better to do it then and my own
personal experience has been that its also easier to do it then as well. I
did not setup internet 

[newbie] Telnet Get up Service?

2001-01-19 Per discussione aicardo gil

I can't to get up de Telnet services, anybody know how
to get up this service. Which files or which
parameters i must to modify.


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[newbie] all about su

2001-01-19 Per discussione John Agapito

This is not about girl trouble. 

For some reason, I find today I cannot use su to access root only progs,
etc, such as Drakconf. In the console, if I type su, I get

error in loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

From what I can see just nosing around, this lib file is a symbolic link
to, both in /usr/lib. Both files are actually
there, so why the message?

If I open, I find simply:


Anyone seen this before? I've been careful to only add new libs, etc
that come down the mandrake update pipe. The only thing that sticks in
my mind that I updated recently was glibc. Could this be it?

I'm running 7.2, using Gnome. Thanks folks,



Re: [newbie] Anyone know about burning a CD-RW ?

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Saturday 20 January 2001 01:32 am, you wrote:

 Specifically, does anyone know how to
 make other cd roms read the cd rw you just burnt?

 I clicked on fixate to make it fixate the cd after the
 burn, this works on cd-r but not cd-rw, I can read
 the cd-rw in the burner, but not in the cdrom like
 I can the cd-r.

 Weird and I don't get it.
Hi, the problem may be that you have an older cdrom that can not read a cdrw 
disc.  The cdrw disks have a material that goes thru a phase change when the 
laser writes to it.  Kinda like ice just evaporates without melting?  Sorta 
like that if you are not familiar with phase change. If you are, sorry not 
being insulting or superior. Anyway when the laser writes the material 
sandwiched in the plastic changes properties and stays that way until the 
laser goes over it again at a different intensity to change it back and 
effectively erase the data.  So, the reflective properties of the cdrw 
material are not the same as those of the plain old cdrom and thus some of 
the older or cheaper cdroms are not sensitive enough to read a cdrw. Did I 
put any punctuation in that paragraph?  That is the most likely reason that 
your cdrom won't read your cdrw discs.  There will be a test later.
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Telnet Get up Service?

2001-01-19 Per discussione KompuKit

there's a separate rpm for the telnet server...
it should be next to the telnet rpm...
I think it's called :

you must install that...also

aicardo gil wrote:
 I can't to get up de Telnet services, anybody know how
 to get up this service. Which files or which
 parameters i must to modify.
 Do You Yahoo!?
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 Registered Linux User:167369
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Re: [newbie] Can't change from 12 to 24 hr time

2001-01-19 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Friday 19 January 2001 08:31 pm, you wrote:
 I do not see where to click on
 the clock or otherwise.

Vic, just position your mouse over the clock and right click on it. A popup 
should appear.  Hey, have you got the time?
  Dennis M.
  Registered Linux user #180842

Re: [newbie] Anyone know about burning a CD-RW ?

2001-01-19 Per discussione A V Flinsch

On Friday 19 January 2001 20:32, you wrote:

 Specifically, does anyone know how to
 make other cd roms read the cd rw you just burnt?

 I clicked on fixate to make it fixate the cd after the
 burn, this works on cd-r but not cd-rw, I can read
 the cd-rw in the burner, but not in the cdrom like
 I can the cd-r.

 Weird and I don't get it.

Some cdrom drives just do not like to read cdrw's, That's just the way it 

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Re: [newbie] Anyone know about burning a CD-RW ?

2001-01-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

CD-RW discs are made differently from CD-R and pressed discs. They need a 
different laser frequency in order to be read. As a consequence, most CD-ROM 
drives are incapable of reading CD-RW discs. My CD-ROM manual claims that my 
drive is capable of reading CD-RW discs, but I have had no success in my 
attempts at doing this.

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 12:32, Vic wrote:

 Specifically, does anyone know how to
 make other cd roms read the cd rw you just burnt?

 I clicked on fixate to make it fixate the cd after the
 burn, this works on cd-r but not cd-rw, I can read
 the cd-rw in the burner, but not in the cdrom like
 I can the cd-r.

 Weird and I don't get it.

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] drakxtools

2001-01-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Can someone please tell me why everyone assumes everyone else on this list is 
American? Not even Mandrakesoft is American, in fact it's French!

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 12:08, mike keener wrote:
 hello america::
 when attempting to download and install drakxtools 1.1.5-33 from any
 mirror site i get a "no signature"..
 has anyone else had the same problem with this RPM

mike keener-wb6iik

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] all about su

2001-01-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Did you upgrade glibc via Cooker (the "Development" option in Mandrake 
Update)? The Cooker glibc (version 2.2.x) is incompatible with earlier 
versions, including that of 7.2 (version 2.1.3). Your solutions are to either 
fully upgrade to Cooker (not recommended) or to downgrade glibc to the 
version used in 7.2.

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 13:38, John Agapito wrote:
 This is not about girl trouble.

 For some reason, I find today I cannot use su to access root only progs,
 etc, such as Drakconf. In the console, if I type su, I get

   error in loading shared libraries:
   cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

 From what I can see just nosing around, this lib file is a symbolic link
 to, both in /usr/lib. Both files are actually
 there, so why the message?

 If I open, I find simply:


 Anyone seen this before? I've been careful to only add new libs, etc
 that come down the mandrake update pipe. The only thing that sticks in
 my mind that I updated recently was glibc. Could this be it?

 I'm running 7.2, using Gnome. Thanks folks,



Sridhar Dhanapalan.
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

Re: [newbie] demon PPPD

2001-01-19 Per discussione Surya

I had the same problem. In my case when I installed mandrake, i chose to
skip configuring internet connection.

Later when I used draknet to setup my internet connection, it installed
the pppd from disk1 of the distro (if you bot the distro like me). After
that I was able to connect, well this mail is proof that I was able to.

Hope this helps.

AL wrote:
 Verify if ppp is installed by opening a terminal box as root and type:
 "rpm -q ppp" (without the quotes).
 If ppp is installed, "ppp-2.4.0-3" will appear or "ppp not installed" if
 Emiliano Ogando wrote:
  Ive a PIII 550, 64 mb ram, Modem US robotics ext. and Mandrake 7.2
  The problem is that I cant connect to inet because when I use KPPP,
  its display a message error that say: "demon PPPD is no installed"
  What is the problem???

Re: [newbie] Two little problems

2001-01-19 Per discussione L. H. LOO

At 19-01-2001 -0500, you wrote:
Question 2. My computer came with a winmodem installed but I have an
external USR modem that I connected to one of the ports on the back (COMM1).
The problem is that ML7.2 does not know there is a modem connected (checked
Hardrake and there is nothing  there, no modem is seen). How do I make sure
the ML knows  there is a modem attached?

Suggest take out the winmodem,  in Windows configure the external USR on 
COM1 (not COMM1); reboot into your Linux, link /dev/modem to /dev/ttyS0 - 
that is Big S and zero. If you have kppp in your Linux Box, use it to 
connect to your ISP. HTH, if you need further info mail me off the list.

Re: [newbie] XFce

2001-01-19 Per discussione Chris

I like XFce a lot also... I just installed it from the rpm package and I
think it's going to be my window manager of choice... speaking of
choice, it's so nice to have an OS that lets you pick between 3 or 4
window managers (actually, more than that!!) instead of saddling you
with just one (*cough, cough*) that you can't customize very much.


John W wrote:
  I just wanted to say after reading the thread about KDE and Gnome and seeing
 opinions regarding XFce I decided to try it and I really like it.
 You have the option to even run the Gnome panel in XFce. Give it a shot it's
 quite nice.
 I haven't found any gnome or KDE programs that I am not able to run as of yet.
 John W

Re: [newbie] drakxtools

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

I don't know, I'm actually BritishAmerican,
so one would have to address it as 
'Hello fellow BritishAmericans' but
then to accomodate everyone on the
list that would be a very lohhhng list
of countries and nationalities, I just
say hello list or something, even though
it is in France, I kind of thought it
to be an international list.

I saw the Spanish, French, Italian
and English lists though.

Beats me.

On Friday 19 January 2001 08:54 pm, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Can someone please tell me why everyone assumes everyone else on this list
 is American? Not even Mandrakesoft is American, in fact it's French!

 On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 12:08, mike keener wrote:
  hello america::
  when attempting to download and install drakxtools 1.1.5-33 from any
  mirror site i get a "no signature"..
  has anyone else had the same problem with this RPM
 mike keener-wb6iik

Re: [newbie] Anyone know about burning a CD-RW ?

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

Ok thankx, now I got it, my cdrom is
in fact very old, its from 1997 so yeah
it will definitely not read a cd rw like
the new Plextor does today, thankx
for the info to all who responed.



On Friday 19 January 2001 08:54 pm, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Friday 19 January 2001 20:32, you wrote:
  Specifically, does anyone know how to
  make other cd roms read the cd rw you just burnt?
  I clicked on fixate to make it fixate the cd after the
  burn, this works on cd-r but not cd-rw, I can read
  the cd-rw in the burner, but not in the cdrom like
  I can the cd-r.
  Weird and I don't get it.

 Some cdrom drives just do not like to read cdrw's, That's just the way it

Re: [newbie] Can't change from 12 to 24 hr time

2001-01-19 Per discussione Vic

Thank you thank you thank you!!



On Friday 19 January 2001 09:07 am, you wrote:
 Here ya go.


 On Friday 19 January 2001 08:31 pm, you wrote:
  I do not see where to click on
  the clock or otherwise.