Re: [newbie-it] problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200

2002-04-19 Per discussione Martina

Il 03:23, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Alle 01:37, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  scusa è mandrake 8.1 ups

 Dunque, CUPS è un sistema di stampa abbastanza avanzato che permette di
 configurare e gestire le stampanti in modo facilitato.
 Prima di tutto devi verificare se quando hai installato MDK questo è stato
 compreso nell'installazione.
 Se utilizzi KDE vai nel menù K, quindi Configurazione e, nel menù che si
 apre vai alla voce Stampa.
 Nell'elenco, tra le altre voci, dovresti avere: Configurazione WWW CUPS
 E' una gestione che funziona tramite web browser.
 Se lo lanci ci sono le opzioni per configurare le stampanti.

Scusa ma con che livello di user bisogna entrare? 
Ho creato un solo account all'inizio io inserisco quello e nn riesco ad 

 Il problema dei cd-audio ancora non sono riuscito a risolverlo, da lo
 stesso problema anche a me. Credo che dipenda dal fatto che il suono
 dovrebbe essere trasmesso, da cd alla scheda, non attraverso il solito
 cavetto ma attraverso un meccanismo software (se mi passi il termine) per
 cui le tracce dovrebbero essere  prima copiate su hd poi suonate dalla
 scheda. Ho scoperto questo perchè, quando avevo la versione 8.0 all'inizio
 ho avuto lo stesso probelma, poi mi hanno spiegato l'arcano e ho risolto
 con l'installazione di un programma alsa player che funzionava con tale
 meccanismo. Con la 8.1, purtroppo la cosa non ha funzionato - sto ancora
 Il problema del'audio, comunque, riguarda solo i cd? I suoni di sistema e
 gli mp3 (ad esempio) si sentono bene?
Per l'audio nn sento nemmeno i wave che in windows sento benissimo

Grazie Ciao

[newbie-it] Installazione pacchetti

2002-04-19 Per discussione Martina

Volevo tentare di installare un pacchetto mediante : gestione pacchetti e 
riporto questo errore.

[root@localhost m***]# ;echo RESULT=$?
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;e'

Premetto che nn so se sia la maniera + giusta per installare il software 
scaricato dalla rete e se avete altri modi per installarlo vi prego di 


Re: [newbie-it] problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200

2002-04-19 Per discussione Sandro

Alle 21:49, venerdì 19 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
 Il 03:23, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
  Alle 01:37, giovedì 18 aprile 2002, hai scritto:
   scusa è mandrake 8.1 ups

 Scusa ma con che livello di user bisogna entrare?
 Ho creato un solo account all'inizio io inserisco quello e nn riesco ad

Devi entrare come root (cioè l'utente amministratore).
Quando hai installato mdk non ti ha chiesto una password per root oltre che 
definirti un utente standard (quello con cui fai il login normalmente) ?

 Per l'audio nn sento nemmeno i wave che in windows sento benissimo

 Grazie Ciao

in questo caso ci sono delle verifiche da fare.

La prima, la più semplice, è quella di verificare se i volumi del mixer non 
sono settati, per caso, a zero. E' successo più di una volta che mdk setti, 
in sede di installazione, i volumi a zero. Per fare questo devi accedere al 
menù K, quindi: Multimedia - Suono - Mixer sonoro. Lanci il programma e 
verifichi i volumi.

La seconda è di modificare il boot loader di linux (qui dipende se utilizzi 
lilo o grub in quanto le impostazioni da modificare vanno impostate in 
modo diverso.

Se usi Grub devi fare così:

Ovviamente devi fare il login come root

- Vai nella cartella /boot/grub/
- Apri il file menu.lst
- Troverai due righe simili a queste:

title linux
kernel (hd1,5)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb6  hdd=ide-scsi devfs=nomount quiet 
nobiospnp vga=788

se hai devfs=mount devi sostituire, come vedi sopra devfs=nomount quiet 
nobiospnp ecc. - cioè deve essere come la riga di esempio sopra facendo 
rimanere inalterata la parte che precede devfs.

Se usi Lilo:

Sempre login come root

- Vai nella cartella /boot/lilo/
- Da qualche parte dovresti trovare un file lilo.conf
- Aprilo e inserisci per il kernel 2.4.8: append=3Dnobiospnp
- Salva il file
- dai il comando lilo -v
- Chiudi e fai ripartire il sistema.

Qui vado a memoria poichè utilizzo grub da molto tempo.
Ciao e fammi sapere.

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini
Mandrake Linux 8.1 on Pentium III 688 Mhz
Linux Machine # 103048
Linux User # 203143

Re: [newbie-it] gopher

2002-04-19 Per discussione LukenShiro

Un bel di', a molte leghe di distanza, il nobile Giovanni detto' al suo 
fido scrivano codesta missiva:
 ho installato mandrake 8.1 e vorrei utilizzare un client gopher , i
 protocolli necessari sembrano esserci ma non riesco ad installare il 
 ne ho scaricati diversi ma nessuno viene compilato correttamente.
 Come posso fare oer usare comunque gopher con linux?

Per esempio potresti scaricare FORG (che e' grafico, ma e' in fase beta)
Non devi compilare niente e ti servono Python e tkinter installati e 
Pwm scaricato.

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-ac3
La netiquette non e' una moquette piu' pulita :)

[newbie-it] Aggiornamento sito

2002-04-19 Per discussione IL Tecnico


Ho provato ad upgradare il mio sito internet giacente sul server tiscali.
Provo a collegarmi all'indirizzo con user e passw corretti,
ma non apre l'index, non segnala errori e rimane in attesa.
Se avete idee fatemi sapere..

Grazie 1000

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con una stampante Epson Stylus photo 1200

2002-04-19 Per discussione Corrado

Il gio, 2002-04-18 alle 01:35, Martina ha scritto:

  Linux riconosce bene la SoundBlaster 128 (la sto utilizzando sulla mia
  macchina). Precisamente te la dovrebbe riconoscere come Esoniq 5880
  AudioPCI, che è il nome del chip della scheda.

A me succede la stessa cosa, solo la mia SB è basata sul chip Ensoniq
1371; ha sempre funzionato correttamente fin da Mandrake 7.0, ma con la
8.1 riesco a sentire l'audio solo rieffettuando l'installazione della
scheda (che peraltro risulta sempre correttamente riconosciuta dal
sistema) dopo ogni reboot... Infatti se tramite il Mandrake control
Center o sndconfig riconfiguro la scheda, selezionando il medsimo
chip, il campione audio viene correttamente eseguito (dopo aver alzato
l'audio! :) e dopo di ciò riesco regolarmente a sentire Sound  Music...


[newbie] fly

2002-04-19 Per discussione Colin Jenkins

Hi all,
I need some help from anyone who has managed to install fly.
tried compiling, but couldn't get it to work...
A search on the Mandrake site gave a link to an rpm (with LM7 I
think) but the page no longer exists.




4:00pm up 14 days, 23:57, 2 users, load average: 2.78, 2.89, 2.85
It figures. If there is Artificial Intelligence,then there's bound to be some 
artificial stupidity.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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Re: [newbie] Switching Desktops

2002-04-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings

I assume you are booting straight into your user or else it would be obvious.
To set it up to choose between KDE and Gnome do this :-

1/ Install the KDE RPMS from Software Manager (obviously)
2/ Open Mandrake Control CentreBootBootConfig
3/ Click 'Yes' to Launch X window at start, Click 'No' to autologin
4/ Click OK and reboot

When the system reboots you will be presented with either the KDE or Gnome 
Login Manager. Either of which allows you to choose what kind of session you 
wish to open. (KDM has a drop down menu, GDM has a 'Session' select button)

The same goes for any of the other Window managers.  It is worth giving them 
a try just for fun.



On Friday 19 April 2002 7:05 am, Charles Muller wrote:
 When I installed LM 8.2, I selected Gnome as my desktop. I would now
 like to give KDE a try. Can someone tell me the best way to go about
 doing this change?


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Re: [newbie] Anybody used Scribus?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Thursday 18 April 2002 23:59, Roland Hughes wrote:
 When I try to do the make it say's there is no such file or
 directory. Below is the output of the ./configure. I am not sure
 as to what the problem is. My astronomy club wants me to do the
 news letter and I thought this would be good.

 checking for a C-Compiler...
 checking for gcc... no
 checking for cc... no
 checking for xlc... no
 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH

These lines seem to indicate your problem - you have no C compiler. 
Install gcc.  Scribus has quite a few dependencies you may need to 
supply, especially if you're not running the latest Mandrake (libpng3 
was the one which screwed me - my system didn't like having libpng2 
and libpng3 installed at the same time, though I can't see why this 
should be a problem).

For the brief period I had Scribus on my machine I found it 
impressive, though still rather alpha-ish.  It has the potential to 
become an Open Source alternative to publishing software like Quark 
or PageMaker, but not just yet, I think.  

What software you use will depend on the kind of layout you want for 
your newletter, and any requirements your printers may have.  KWord 
might even do the job, or LyX, if you want a fairly plain, 
academic-style newsletter (I've known someone even do a fanzine in 
LyX, but that requires a good knowledge of LaTeX, so probably isn't 
worth the effort ).

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-19 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Friday 19 April 2002 08:48, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Estimated number of computer viruses in 1990:


 Estimated minimum number of computer viruses in 2000:


 Total number of reported Linux viruses:


Was that a real virus, or a worm in virus clothing?

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] gaim went silent ?!

2002-04-19 Per discussione Joan Tur

That happens to me sometimes, but I don't know why so I cannot help you there 

Es Divendres 19 Abril 2002 04:57, en Hanan Shargi va escriure:
 Hi All,

 this is not exactly a Mandrake question, but I dont know where to ask it ..
 so bare with me please :)

 all of the sudden my gaim went silent !! no sounds when incoming messages,
 nor outgoing, nor when contacts on my list sign in or out ... donnow why ?!
 the sounds preferences are set to : ESD, I dont know what does that stands
 for but I tried the other options, and non worked also.

 I had set the sounds to play .wav files that I specified in the
 preferences, and they used to work fine. I dont remember doing anything
 that could'v effected this.

 there are other programs that are using the sound system or anything ...

 I also upgraded to gaim 0.56 today ... !

 any clues ?


 Hanan AL-Shargi

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Switching Desktops

2002-04-19 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Friday 19 April 2002 05:28 PM, Derek Jennings wrote:
 I assume you are booting straight into your user or else it would be
 obvious. To set it up to choose between KDE and Gnome do this :-

Thanks Derek.

I have run into one snag. I did change the setting in BootConfig to KDE, but 
if I boot directly into my user, it still goes into Gnome. I can escape the 
problem by not directly booting into the DM and choosing manually, but for 
some reason this setting change is not holding. I suppose I need to open up a 
config file somewhere and edit something. Any further hints?



 1/ Install the KDE RPMS from Software Manager (obviously)
 2/ Open Mandrake Control CentreBootBootConfig
 3/ Click 'Yes' to Launch X window at start, Click 'No' to autologin
 4/ Click OK and reboot

 When the system reboots you will be presented with either the KDE or Gnome
 Login Manager. Either of which allows you to choose what kind of session
 you wish to open. (KDM has a drop down menu, GDM has a 'Session' select

 The same goes for any of the other Window managers.  It is worth giving
 them a try just for fun.



 On Friday 19 April 2002 7:05 am, Charles Muller wrote:
  When I installed LM 8.2, I selected Gnome as my desktop. I would now
  like to give KDE a try. Can someone tell me the best way to go about
  doing this change?

Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

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[newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Roman Korcek

Hi guys,
I see everyone recommend not to save/share documents as .DOC since
it's a closed format.
So my question is, what format should I use?
1. Must be able to at least contain tables and pictures (preferably
embedded) apart from the usual formating.
2. All the major apps (OpenOffice, StarOffice, KOffice, maybe also
AbiWord) must be able to open and save them.


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[newbie] Bad kernel configuration ?

2002-04-19 Per discussione service

I’m sure someone must have seen this, and might know if it’s the
result of a bad kernel installation of 8.2...
I loaded the RPM for a Conexant HSF winmodem - all went ok until
running the configuration.  That was looking for /usr/src/Linux,
which isn’t there.  What is there is /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/... which
contains some empty directories.  It also was looking for an
autoconfig.h file (for Linux), and searching from root I found no files
of that name.
A second install with the modules GCC and + gave me no different
results.  Am I overlooking a module during installation?
Thanks for any assistance.

Data Plus, Inc7501 Park Place Blvd  Houston  77087
Ph (713)641-6158   Fx (713)641-6364

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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-19 Per discussione ed Tharp

On Thursday 18 April 2002 03:47 pm, you wrote:
 Internal modems are not usually winmodems.
maybe not, but HCF, HSP, HFC. are signs it is a winmodem, or at least if not 
a modem (not in MY book it ain't) then a Host Signal Processor. the H 
(meaning host, or the computer MOBO and CPU) means it ain't a hardware modem.
This IS a win modem

 - Original Message -
 From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] modem

  On Thursday 18 April 2002 01:59 pm, Ron Grace wrote:
   my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k data fax pci modem
   if this modem will not work with linux,are there modems that can work


   both linux and window  (the wife still likes windows)  ty Ron
  Well Ron, it seems your modem is internal. That usually means a


  which is nothing but some software emulating the real thing, i.e. an


  From what I've learnt here on the list, setting up those winmodems is a


  in the neck. It's generally wiser to lay down a few bucks for a real


  That way the modem does what it is meant for, thus sparing the CPU.
  I don't recall anyone having problems with an external modem. The setup
  is usually a breeze : just let kppp (the dialer) query for a modem, and
  it'll find it !
  Kaj Haulrich


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  Go to

In the June 15, 2000 issue of the magazine Internet World Alex Lightman 
points out that;
Moore’s Law, which holds that computer chips double in processing power 
every 18 months
and also notes that Ray Kurzweil claims in “Age of Spiritual Machines”
that it’s closer to every 12 months.
Things get scary for some singularity forecasters around 2020,
when computing power equivalent to the human brain is expected to cost about 
and even more frightening with all the brainpower in the U.S. available for 
$1,000 by 2040.
The idea of the singularity as ground zero for human extinction will pose a 
challenge in the very near future

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Friday 19 April 2002 13:54, Roman Korcek wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I see everyone recommend not to save/share documents as .DOC since
 it's a closed format.
 So my question is, what format should I use?
 1. Must be able to at least contain tables and pictures (preferably
 embedded) apart from the usual formating.
 2. All the major apps (OpenOffice, StarOffice, KOffice, maybe also
 AbiWord) must be able to open and save them.


Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Permissions on directory change for no reason

2002-04-19 Per discussione Steven Watt


I'm running Mandrake 8.2 on a desktop Pentium III system.

I've created a /home/music (user root, group root) directory to be
accessible to different users. I set the permissions to 777. Although
everything works fine right after I set the permissions, it eventually
always changes to 711, making it impossible for ordinary users to read
or write the files (although I guess they could execute them...)

Why are the permissions changing on their own? It seems to be only the
/home/music directory that is affected, not the files and folders inside
of it.

Steve Watt

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RE: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Baka Attila Tams


My family used office 97, but now i want them to use Koffice


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roman Korcek
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

Hi guys,
I see everyone recommend not to save/share documents as .DOC since
it's a closed format.
So my question is, what format should I use?
1. Must be able to at least contain tables and pictures (preferably
embedded) apart from the usual formating.
2. All the major apps (OpenOffice, StarOffice, KOffice, maybe also
AbiWord) must be able to open and save them.


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Re: [newbie] Permissions on directory change for no reason

2002-04-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Friday 19 April 2002 2:05 pm, Steven Watt wrote:

 I'm running Mandrake 8.2 on a desktop Pentium III system.

 I've created a /home/music (user root, group root) directory to be
 accessible to different users. I set the permissions to 777. Although
 everything works fine right after I set the permissions, it eventually
 always changes to 711, making it impossible for ordinary users to read
 or write the files (although I guess they could execute them...)

 Why are the permissions changing on their own? It seems to be only the
 /home/music directory that is affected, not the files and folders inside
 of it.

 Steve Watt

Thats the msec process going around checking for security leaks. If you make 
this folder owned by some user/group in which your regular users are members 
then it should be OK.

Read about msec here


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[newbie] M§ still sucks , and even more

2002-04-19 Per discussione - hybrid -

please read that and kick some M§-butts ... give your best to increase
the penguin population !

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
'We do what we can
We give what we have
Our doubt is our passion
And our passion is our task
 The rest is the madness of art.'

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 19:54, Roman Korcek wrote:

 So my question is, what format should I use?

I have been writing all my documents in XML and generating them into
HTML for some time now. There is no word processing software on any
platform that can't do HTML. And style sheets in combination with the
latest standards of HTML (or XHTML) can get you very precise document
formatting that displays identically in all the major browsers. Where
there are graphics involved, I just pack the whole thing up as a ZIP

I have found KWord to be the best at taking Word documents and
converting them into straightforward, W3C compliant HTML.




Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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[newbie] Users and Group theory

2002-04-19 Per discussione Ciprian Trofin

 Confucius Says: Man who pull out too fast leave rubber.

I find quite hard to understand the concept of users and groups,
applied to programs.
Take for instance the Apache Web Server. I found out it is recommended
to CHOWN the program to apache.apache and the same, recursive, to /var/www/...
From this point forward, the things get messy for me.
When a surfer asks Apache for a file, what rights are applied here?
Others or Apache? I thought that the Apache rights apply, because Apache
is handling the files, but apparently I'm wrong. Why ?


 ... si unul de sfarsit:
 Jesus SAVES! passes to Moses, Judas steals and he SCORES

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Re: [newbie] Switching Desktops

2002-04-19 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Friday 19 April 2002 11:21 am, Charles Muller wrote:
 On Friday 19 April 2002 05:28 PM, Derek Jennings wrote:
  I assume you are booting straight into your user or else it would be
  obvious. To set it up to choose between KDE and Gnome do this :-

 Thanks Derek.

 I have run into one snag. I did change the setting in BootConfig to KDE,
 but if I boot directly into my user, it still goes into Gnome. I can escape
 the problem by not directly booting into the DM and choosing manually, but
 for some reason this setting change is not holding. I suppose I need to
 open up a config file somewhere and edit something. Any further hints?

I think thats in .wmrc in your home directory   Just put kde in there and I 
think you'll be OK


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[newbie] .login problems.

2002-04-19 Per discussione drosera


I read somewhere that you can put commands in the .login file in a user home 

When a user logs in those commands will be executed. Whatever I try, when I 
login the .login file isn't processed :-(

HELP ;-)



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[newbie] LinNeighborhood For apple?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Jason Pearce

Hi newbies,
I run MDK8.0 on my laptop ,
I am looking for a app like LinNeighborhood ,Gnomba, Komba,
for a mac network?
is there such an app ,I just want to be able to see the shares on the network 
not share files from my machine ,any clues would be great .

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Randy Kramer

A question and a comment/question:

1. Does .rtf handle graphics?

2. IIRC, HTML does the same thing that, e.g., LaTeX does with respect to
punctuation at the end of a sentence -- it puts one space after it
instead of two.  I find that annoying, and would especially find that
annoying in business correspondence.

If .rtf handles graphics, I would use .rtf.

Randy Kramer

Charles Muller wrote:
 I have been writing all my documents in XML and generating them into
 HTML for some time now. There is no word processing software on any
 platform that can't do HTML. And style sheets in combination with the
 latest standards of HTML (or XHTML) can get you very precise document
 formatting that displays identically in all the major browsers. Where
 there are graphics involved, I just pack the whole thing up as a ZIP
 I have found KWord to be the best at taking Word documents and
 converting them into straightforward, W3C compliant HTML.

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RE: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Baka Attila Tams

I believe rtf does handle graphics

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

A question and a comment/question:

1. Does .rtf handle graphics?

2. IIRC, HTML does the same thing that, e.g., LaTeX does with respect to
punctuation at the end of a sentence -- it puts one space after it
instead of two.  I find that annoying, and would especially find that
annoying in business correspondence.

If .rtf handles graphics, I would use .rtf.

Randy Kramer

Charles Muller wrote:
 I have been writing all my documents in XML and generating them into
 HTML for some time now. There is no word processing software on any
 platform that can't do HTML. And style sheets in combination with the
 latest standards of HTML (or XHTML) can get you very precise document
 formatting that displays identically in all the major browsers. Where
 there are graphics involved, I just pack the whole thing up as a ZIP

 I have found KWord to be the best at taking Word documents and
 converting them into straightforward, W3C compliant HTML.

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[newbie] cdrecord on LM 8.0

2002-04-19 Per discussione Marc Audard


I can't record a CD-R on my laptop. Any idea before I go to Windows
to record the CD? I tried with several speeds. 



PS: please reply to my address too, since I am not registered to the
mailing list.

# cdrecord -v -dummy speed=4 dev=0,0 Mandrake82-cd1-inst.i586.iso
Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
atapi: 1
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info: 'SONY'
Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX700E  '
Revision   : '1.4u'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
Drive buf size : 8377856 = 8181 KB
FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
Track 01: data  650 MB
Total size: 746 MB (73:59.06) = 332930 sectors
Lout start: 747 MB (74:01/05) = 332930 sectors
Current Secsize: 2048
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 6
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  ATIP start of lead in:  -11735 (97:25/40)
  ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
Disk type:Long strategy type (Cyanine, AZO or similar)
Manuf. index: 62
Manufacturer: VIVASTAR AG
Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 26919
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in dummy mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting dummy write in 1 seconds.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
Starting new track at sector: 0
Track 01:  21 of 650 MB written (fifo 100%).cdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: 
scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 2A 43 00 00 1F 00
status: 0x0 (GOOD STATUS)

write track data: error after 22157312 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Writing  time:   29.339s
WARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode.
Fixating time:0.010s
cdrecord: fifo had 413 puts and 350 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 247 times full, min fill was 92%.

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Re: [newbie] cdrecord on LM 8.0

2002-04-19 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

The only problem I see in your log is that you used 'dummy' mode flag. 
That way cdrecord does a 'test' write, without turning the laser on: no 
actual recording takes place.
If you are using a GUI front-end, check that the 'dummy' flag isn't set.


 I can't record a CD-R on my laptop. Any idea before I go to Windows
 to record the CD? I tried with several speeds. 
 PS: please reply to my address too, since I am not registered to the
 mailing list.
 # cdrecord -v -dummy speed=4 dev=0,0 Mandrake82-cd1-inst.i586.iso
 Cdrecord 1.9 (i586-mandrake-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jörg Schilling
 TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
 scsidev: '0,0'
 scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
 Linux sg driver version: 3.1.20
 Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 atapi: 1
 Device type: Removable CD-ROM
 Version: 0
 Response Format: 1
 Vendor_info: 'SONY'
 Identifikation : 'CD-RW  CRX700E  '
 Revision   : '1.4u'
 Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-RW.
 Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
 Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
 Drive buf size : 8377856 = 8181 KB
 FIFO size  : 4194304 = 4096 KB
 Track 01: data  650 MB
 Total size: 746 MB (73:59.06) = 332930 sectors
 Lout start: 747 MB (74:01/05) = 332930 sectors
 Current Secsize: 2048
 ATIP info from disk:
   Indicated writing power: 6
   Is not unrestricted
   Is not erasable
   ATIP start of lead in:  -11735 (97:25/40)
   ATIP start of lead out: 359849 (79:59/74)
 Disk type:Long strategy type (Cyanine, AZO or similar)
 Manuf. index: 62
 Manufacturer: VIVASTAR AG
 Blocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 359849 Blocks remaining: 26919
 Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 4 in dummy mode for single session.
 Last chance to quit, starting dummy write in 1 seconds.
 Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
 Starting new track at sector: 0
 Track 01:  21 of 650 MB written (fifo 100%).cdrecord: Input/output error. write_g1: 
scsi sendcmd: retryable error
 CDB:  2A 00 00 00 2A 43 00 00 1F 00
 status: 0x0 (GOOD STATUS)
 write track data: error after 22157312 bytes
 Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 Writing  time:   29.339s
 WARNING: Some drives don't like fixation in dummy mode.
 Fixating time:0.010s
 cdrecord: fifo had 413 puts and 350 gets.
 cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 247 times full, min fill was 92%.
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Re: [newbie] cdrecord on LM 8.0

2002-04-19 Per discussione Marc Audard


This should be no problem, since I intentionally used the dummy
flag to check whether cdrecord could go through. If it worked out,
I would have removed the --dummy flag. 

But do you mean that by removing this flag cdrecord will not fail?
I do not want to loose a CD.


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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 09:25:46 -0400, Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A question and a comment/question:
 1. Does .rtf handle graphics?

Yes, it does. In fact, Microsoft used it as the standard page format for its
original MSN (which was designed to _replace_ the Internet, not work with it).
It's the closest thing we have to a universal word processing format. Hopefully
that'll change now that we have the XML-based formats. The
AbiWord developers have been discussing adopting the Writer
format as the default for its future versions.

HTML isn't bad, either. The problem is with the interpretation of the standards.
For example, MS products produce horrible HTML.'s HTML output
isn't bad, but it is still not standards compliant (it's no better than
StarOffice 5.2 in that department). I have found Mozilla Composer to be quite a
nifty (albeit simple) word processor. Its code is 100% standards-compliant, too.

Of course, if all you need is something read-only then you can't go past PDF.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.
-- Ken Olson, President, Chairman and Founder of
Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

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Re: [newbie] cdrecord on LM 8.0

2002-04-19 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

No, you should not get an error during dummy write. I did not read 
carefully your message, I saw the first error below, which seemed 
corrected, but not the second one.
There is some other problem, but out of my scope. Sorry!

(but don't give up to widows yet!)


 Track 01:  21 of 650 MB written (fifo 100%).cdrecord: Input/output 
 error. write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
 CDB:  2A 00 00 00 2A 43 00 00 1F 00
 status: 0x0 (GOOD STATUS)
 write track data: error after 22157312 bytes

 This should be no problem, since I intentionally used the dummy
 flag to check whether cdrecord could go through. If it worked out,
 I would have removed the --dummy flag. 
 But do you mean that by removing this flag cdrecord will not fail?
 I do not want to loose a CD.

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Re: [newbie] cdrecord on LM 8.0

2002-04-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Marc Audard wrote:
 This should be no problem, since I intentionally used the dummy
 flag to check whether cdrecord could go through. If it worked out,
 I would have removed the --dummy flag.
 But do you mean that by removing this flag cdrecord will not fail?
 I do not want to loose a CD.

I know this is gonna sound odd, but I have a Plextor CDRW and everytime I pick
dummy or test on recording software, it fails. If I go ahead and just do it, it
works fine... Gnome Toaster specifically does this... I can't say what yours
might do, but you might want to consider this.


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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Friday 19 April 2002 16:25, Randy Kramer wrote:

 2. IIRC, HTML does the same thing that, e.g., LaTeX does with respect to
 punctuation at the end of a sentence -- it puts one space after it
 instead of two.  I find that annoying, and would especially find that
 annoying in business correspondence.

For the last time 

LaTeX does not, repeat, NOT put one space after the end of a sentence.  It 
doesn't put two spaces either.  It works out exactly how much space is 
necessary between words, sentences, clauses, whatever.  This kind of feature 
has been around for ages - it's only dumb wordprocessors that make you type a 
double space at the end of a sentence.

I'd send a LaTeX file with .dvi output to prove it, but I wouldn't want to 
hog bandwidth.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Bad kernel configuration ?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Carlos Arigós

El Jue 18 Abr 2002 21:28, escribió:
 I’m sure someone must have seen this, and might know if it’s the
 result of a bad kernel installation of 8.2...
 I loaded the RPM for a Conexant HSF winmodem - all went ok until
 running the configuration.  That was looking for /usr/src/Linux,
 which isn’t there.  What is there is /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/... which
 contains some empty directories.  It also was looking for an
 autoconfig.h file (for Linux), and searching from root I found no files
 of that name.
 A second install with the modules GCC and + gave me no different
 results.  Am I overlooking a module during installation?
 Thanks for any assistance.

 Data Plus, Inc7501 Park Place Blvd  Houston  77087
 Ph (713)641-6158   Fx (713)641-6364

Install kernel source rpm.

Good Luck

Carlos Arigós
Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Linux MDK 8.2 - Kmail 1.3.2
12:32pm up 11:08, 2 users, load average: 0.19, 0.05, 0.05

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[newbie] Myth II help...

2002-04-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

When Loki Software went under I grabbed several of their game titles. I've just
gotten around to trying to install them and I've ran across a problem with 2 of
them (separate msg thread for other game).

When I run the installer for Myth II: SoulBlighter, it gets about 90% thru the
install, then errors out with a message saying that a file in bin (on the CD)
can't be installed. No further reasons why. Clicking OK on the message box
stops the installation AND deletes what was installed so far. I tried copying
this file over manually, then restarting the install but it does the same
thing.  I went to Loki's site, which now gives a lot of URL's not found when
you go to links from their page. I did a search on Google, found lots of places
but no one has this problem listed. I also searched this list in the archives.

Anyone have Myth II installed an working? Is there a separate patch somewhere I

Thanks all!


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[newbie] Heretic 2 help...

2002-04-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Okay, as per my earlier msg, I'm having a few problems with this Loki game as
well. It does a complete install, says it was successful, but does not copy the
Heretic 2 executeable over from the CD. I cp'ed it by hand, and the game now
runs, using the software renderer, in a window. I tried using the opengl driver
and it errors out. This is what it gives:

Loaded DLL /usr/local/games/heretic2/ as 0x8a27d48
Console initialized.
VID: initial refresh glx
Loading /usr/local/games/heretic2/ 
Loaded DLL /usr/local/games/heretic2/ as 0x8a2ac30
Initializing VID module
ref_gl version: GL 2.0
Glimp_Init(...): +
Failed to load DLL /usr/local/games/heretic2/gl_drivers/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or
VID( failed: can't open OpenGL DLL
VID_InitContext: can't load GL driver

Exiting Heretic II...
Shutting down sound.
Shutting down input handling
Shutting down sound.

There is a in /usr/local/games/heretic2/gl_drivers so I dunno.

I'm using a Nvidia Geforce2 with 64 megs/ram. Other games, such as Quake3, LOD,
Rune, SOF, etc, etc, work just fine.

Anyone else have this problem? Its not critical, I can play it in a window
without too much difficulty, but full-screen with openGL is better. ;-)

Thanks much!


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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-19 Per discussione shane

On Thursday 18 April 2002 22:48, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 The punchline is that Microshaft is responsible for all virus damages.

 OK, now that you are fully prepared, go read this:

interestingly in a recent survey only 12% of passport users trust MS with 
finance info.

but your identity.  they can have that.

good to see the government doesn't have a problem using a company that the 
are in court with, and who lied in that court (later admitted) for 
multi-billion $ projects.

i can't for headlines like identy theft worm uses known IE exploit to steal 
entire life 

Remember, to a tree being useful is a terminal illness.

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Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione shane

On Friday 19 April 2002 09:37, Robin Turner opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 For the last time 

 LaTeX does not, repeat, NOT put one space after the end of a sentence. 
 It doesn't put two spaces either.  It works out exactly how much space is

i have only started using LyX, but already i am impressed, still

do you really thin that will be the last time you ave to say it?  :-)

Microsoft: Having a false sense of security was never so expensive.

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Re: [newbie] ARTS / Audio Codec97 / and VT8233 Audio Chip configuration

2002-04-19 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 23:38:10 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 18 April 2002 20:47, you wrote:

big snip

 I have a MSI K7T266 Pro2 Mobo which has via 8233 AC97 soundchip built into 
 the board.
 Upon install LM8.2 seems to configure an OSS driver which works,but only with 
 one item, namely the CD player. Nothing else seems connected to the system.
 There is no Mandrake sound  for the OS, no Xcdroast , no midi player,
 you name it it doesn't work. It does not seem to be anything to do with 
 So what am I to do, several suggestions later someone said configure the 
 alsa sound driver, instead of the OSS driver,which I think I have achieved.
 Certainly kernel configure and KDE sound believe it is running.
 It makes no difference whether ARTS is enabled or disabled.
 There does not seem to be any sndconfig command line facility.
 The website mentioned previously says add 
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-via8233
 post-install snd-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss to modules.conf,
 but although this does help to bring alsa to live as a driver
 It appears in the boot script now,
 Nothing including the CD player works.
 I don't actually have any sound at all. 
 However I think it should work, something is amiss,
 but I am fast running out of ideas.
 Installing the latest alsa driver was just one idea.
 Reconfigure the modules.conf file to include lines about
 amixer set Master 22 unmute
 amixer set Master Mono 22 unmute
 amixer set Input Gain 22 unmute
 amixer set Aux 22 unmute
 amixer set Line 22 unmute
 amixer set PCM 22 unmute   was another,
 but when I do this I get lots of failed script at boot time,
 with comments about line this and that being unrecognised.
 The only clue I can find is in configure KDE-info-sound,
 two lines, synth dev:not enabled in config
midi dev : not enabled in config
 possibly modules.conf needs additional lines to achieve this ?
 I suspect the alsa sound driver is there and running but no sound
 device is connecting with it. 
 Is it anything to do with AC97 ?
 I don't know ?

Uhm, what modules are loaded (check with '/sbin/lsmod')? And what's in 
/etc/modules.conf? Can you use K - multimedia - sound - Sound Mixer?
Good luck getting this to work!


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[newbie] RE: gaim went silent ?!

2002-04-19 Per discussione Hanan Shargi

Hi again,

I fixed this problem, I thought I'd post the solution so that the person who 
said he/she share the same problem would fix it too and enjoy sounds again :)

go to:
Tools |  preferences | Sounds

then in the  options box |  Sound Method == choose : Command

and when the box below Command becomes activated type the following:

soundwrapper play %s

choose whatever .wav files that you want or just leave the default ones, 
and BINGO your sounds will start playing again :)

Hi All,

this is not exactly a Mandrake question, but I dont know where to ask it .. 
bare with me please :)

all of the sudden my gaim went silent !! no sounds when incoming messages, 
outgoing, nor when contacts on my list sign in or out ... donnow why ?!
the sounds preferences are set to : ESD, I dont know what does that stands 
but I tried the other options, and non worked also.

I had set the sounds to play .wav files that I specified in the preferences,
and they used to work fine. I dont remember doing anything that could'v
effected this.

there are other programs that are using the sound system or anything ...

I also upgraded to gaim 0.56 today ... !

any clues ?


Hanan AL-Shargi

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Robin Turner wrote:
 LaTeX does not, repeat, NOT put one space after the end of a sentence.  It
 doesn't put two spaces either.  It works out exactly how much space is
 necessary between words, sentences, clauses, whatever.  This kind of feature
 has been around for ages - it's only dumb wordprocessors that make you type a
 double space at the end of a sentence.

OK, I stand corrected, I think.  Maybe it's just DocBook, HTML, etc.
that put a single space after a sentence.  (Or maybe the space
calculated by LaTeX is less than I'd like to see.)  I'll check it out
next time I use LyX/KLyX.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Heretic 2 help...

2002-04-19 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Anyone else have this problem? Its not critical, I can play it in a window
 without too much difficulty, but full-screen with openGL is better. ;-)
 Thanks much!

FWIW, Heretic is based on the Q2 engine.  If you can get that game
going, then Heretic should run in a similar fashion.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] gaim went silent ?!

2002-04-19 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Joan Tur wrote:

  there are other programs that are using the sound system or anything ...
  I also upgraded to gaim 0.56 today ... !
  any clues ?
  Hanan AL-Shargi

Are you using the Alsa sound driver?

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] /images/usb.imb - ISO? [solved]

2002-04-19 Per discussione Phil R Lawrence

I had asked:
 I have a Thinkpad X20 with USB CD-ROM and *no* floppy drive.  Mandrake
 8.2 ISO CD 1 boots fine, but doesn't come with drivers for continuing
 with the USB CD-ROM drive.

 On my desktop machine I used the included rawwritewin.exe to create a
 floppy with the usb.img file.  No system files seemed to appear on the
 floppy.  When I attempt to burn a bootable CD it prompts me for a system
 floppy...  I insert this one and it does not recognize it as valid.

 How can I turn this floppy image into an ISO image for my CD?

My Windows CD-Writer was braindead...  probably thought it wasn't a bootable
floppy because it lacked COMMAND.COM...  :-(  Had a friend with linux burn the
floppy img file into a bootable CD.  Installation worked like a charm.

See for instructions on
turning the floppy .img file into an El Torito CD.

Phil R Lawrence

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[newbie] Problem loading X

2002-04-19 Per discussione Michael . Hughes

I just installed Mandrake 8.1 last night, again after deciding that I wanted
to dual boot again.  I have set it up to boot to LILO and from there I can
go into Windows, Linux, Floppy, etc.

When I choose to go into Linux it boots up to the shell prompt.  This is
what I want it to do.  From there I want to be able to type a command to
load X.  I prefer to use Gnome for my window manager.  I tried typing X at
the prompt, while this seems to try to start X it freezes up the system and
I can't get it to respond to anything.  I get a grey screen with an X in the
middle and it tries to load for about 30 sec then it stops, I have let it
sit there like that for 15 min nothing else happens.  I rebooted and tried
to type startx and this didn't do anything.  

On my Redhat machine I have a similar problem when just typing X to load it,
but startx usually works fine.  Can anyone help me load gnome from the shell


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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-19 Per discussione Damian G

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 09:18:11 -0700
shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 18 April 2002 22:48, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing 
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  The punchline is that Microshaft is responsible for all virus damages.
  OK, now that you are fully prepared, go read this:
 interestingly in a recent survey only 12% of passport users trust MS with 
 finance info.
 but your identity.  they can have that.
 good to see the government doesn't have a problem using a company that the 
 are in court with, and who lied in that court (later admitted) for 
 multi-billion $ projects.
 i can't for headlines like identy theft worm uses known IE exploit to steal 
 entire life 

i honestly can't believe it's going that far...

i may have smoked a bit too much grass, but it's not hard anymore to imagine
a country turning into an empire...


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Re: [newbie] Heretic 2 help...

2002-04-19 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

FemmeFatale wrote:

 FWIW, Heretic is based on the Q2 engine.  If you can get that game
 going, then Heretic should run in a similar fashion.

Hmm, never played Q2, Quake3 just seemed so awesome in comparison. Guess I'll
try to find Q2 related problems, then try to match them up with whats happening
to me now...  Thanks for the pointer! ;-)


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[newbie] kmail transports

2002-04-19 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I use a laptop at home and at work with 2 separate mail transport servers. 
Is there a way to set up KMail to easily switch between the two? In the help 
file they mention an Add Transport... button under the identity tab. I can't 
seem to find it? What am I missing here?

Bill W.

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[newbie] Password Patterns

2002-04-19 Per discussione Pauljames Dimitriu

I want to set up my computer to accept passwords in a
certain format.  I know I need to use regular
expressions and this is not a problem, but my question
is, where do I configure this globally?

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Re: [newbie] kmail transports

2002-04-19 Per discussione bascule

click on 'new message', then choose viewmail transport, a 'mail transport' 
field will appear in the message composer under the identity field


On Friday 19 Apr 2002 9:13 pm, you wrote:
   I use a laptop at home and at work with 2 separate mail transport servers.
 Is there a way to set up KMail to easily switch between the two? In the
 help file they mention an Add Transport... button under the identity tab. I
 can't seem to find it? What am I missing here?

 Bill W.

For a very few, the sky's the limit.
And, sometimes, not even that.
(Small Gods)

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Re: [newbie] Heretic 2 help...

2002-04-19 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 11:41, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Okay, as per my earlier msg, I'm having a few problems with this Loki game as
 well. It does a complete install, says it was successful, but does not copy the
 Heretic 2 executeable over from the CD. I cp'ed it by hand, and the game now
 runs, using the software renderer, in a window. I tried using the opengl driver
 and it errors out. This is what it gives:
 Loaded DLL /usr/local/games/heretic2/ as 0x8a27d48
 Console initialized.
 VID: initial refresh glx
 Loading /usr/local/games/heretic2/ 
 Loaded DLL /usr/local/games/heretic2/ as 0x8a2ac30
 Initializing VID module
 ref_gl version: GL 2.0
 Glimp_Init(...): +
 Failed to load DLL /usr/local/games/heretic2/gl_drivers/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or
 VID( failed: can't open OpenGL DLL
 VID_InitContext: can't load GL driver
 Exiting Heretic II...
 Shutting down sound.
 Shutting down input handling
 Shutting down sound.
 There is a in /usr/local/games/heretic2/gl_drivers so I dunno.
 I'm using a Nvidia Geforce2 with 64 megs/ram. Other games, such as Quake3, LOD,
 Rune, SOF, etc, etc, work just fine.
 Anyone else have this problem? Its not critical, I can play it in a window
 without too much difficulty, but full-screen with openGL is better. ;-)
 Thanks much!


I had the exact same problem.  What I had to do was link the opengl
drivers to the new ones in the directory that Heretic2 recognizes as the
opengl directoryafter I applied the latest dynamic style patch. 
There are two patches available for Heretic 2, one is static and the
other is the dynamic version.  The patch you are looking for is

The links in the Heretic2 directory should end up looking like this:

[elx@tamriel gl_drivers]$ pwd
[hdl@tamriel gl_drivers]$ ls -ail
total 2068
4833293 drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Mar 28 22:13 ./
5537804 drwxr-xr-x5 root root 4096 Mar 31 00:09 ../
4833285 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   40 Mar 28 22:13
- ../../../../../usr/lib/*
4833296 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root   179120 Mar  4 10:51*
4833295 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1918508 Mar  4 10:51*
[elx@tamriel gl_drivers]$

Note that I did a relative symlink (instead of absolute) to the Nvidia
opengl driver.  Eh...I just noticed I need to upgrade that, since I have
the new Nvidia drivers, and if I install them this symlink will no
longer function, therefore Heretic2 will bomb.

Now after you get this working you can help me get the sound up and
running.  ;)

I'm still working on that.

HTH !!


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Re: [newbie] System requirements?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-04-15 at 21:54, Belgarius wrote:
I've a relatively simple question, regarding system hardware requirements
 for ML 8.2 and a few things I intend to put it to use for, and thought I
 might save myself a few headaches by asking wiser and more experienced users
 than myself.
 The system I have installed to is a P3/800 based system, 256M SDRAM,
 running a PC100 buss, with a single 20 gig HD, token floppy drive and a CD
 ROM.  What I hope to accomplish is move my services and users from my
 present Windows box, to the Linux box.  I presently have http, with Perl,
 PHP, and MySQL, a FTP server, and a mail server that provide for the overall
 needs of my roughly 25 or so users.  Things are connected by way of a
 bridged ADSL connection, purported to be 768K upstream.  The server load is
 moderate, I'd say, with around 50K average requests, and around 2 gigs of
 bandwidth per day.
The final goal is to meet the above requirements, along with acting as an
 Internet gateway for my present Windows box, and the family system.
 Overall, the main objective is to remove the servers from the Windows
 environment, and rely on Linux to handle those needs, while freeing my
 Windows box for my other pursuits, and providing better service for the
 users.  For some things, Windows does pretty well, running servers isn't one
 of them, unless one is keen on rebooting at least daily.
In the opinion of those more accustomed, is the hardware mentioned up to
 the task?

I notice that no one has answered this yet, and anybody that's dumping
winblows in order to install Mandrake deserves a heaping helping of
attention.  The more subscribers Mandrake can get in the face of the
impending M$ legal threat, the better.  Time to fortify and dig in for
the big one.

The short answer:  You hardware is super heap-um big overkill.

As a matter of fact, you could probably accomplish what you are
attempting to do with a plain Pentium-1 or socket-7 AMD 300-550mhz
system.  IMO, I think you should put the P3 in as a local workstation
somewhere and find you a lesser piece of hardware.  A P3/800 is still a
nice chunk of hardware; seems like it's a little wasted where you are
going to put it.

One of the last contracts I had, I was responsible for constructing and
assembling several rackmounts that were going in for connection to a
dedicated data T1 (no seperate channels), and we had over 100 web sites
we were moving from a previous site.  The old server was a Pentium Pro
200, and when the new machines went into the rack we went all the way
up to P2/300's.  Bear in mind that we had Red Hat loaded on the Pentium
Pro and it had been supporting the whole company previously for two
years before we upgraded.  No bandwidth problems.

In theory, judging from what I've seen, I see no reason why a moderate
email/web load would not work fine from a 486 machine.  A few years
back, I read about some Red Hat admins who were dumping Sendmail
(because of some of the same problems we were seeing, namely hi load
dropouts) in favor of Qmail.  When they did go to qmail, the efficiency
was such that they were able to downgrade from a top level Pentium 2 to
a 486 machine for all their mail.  That was several years ago, but I
don't think efficiency matters have changed that much with regard to
matters such as email and Apache.

  The same system ran my present servers fairly well under Windows,
 but that's about all it was fit for, and the crashes weren't too awfully
 bad.  I want to be able to build this box, install things, and be able to
 rely on it,  not wind up having to upgrade the hardware because it wasn't up
 to the task required.  Perhaps more memory?  Faster buss?  Any suggestions
 would be gratefully received.

BTW, cool name!

You not a fan of the Pawn of Prophecy series by any chance, are you?



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[newbie] 8.2 Install on a mobile 450 PIII

2002-04-19 Per discussione Michael

When I install *.2 on my notebook, it installs as a 113Mhz PIII with like 226 
Bogomips and it is slow!  How do I get to recognize it's a 450 machine?
Michael Lewis
Exasource Inc.
Phone: 970.206.4556

   Linux - The final solution

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Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-19 Per discussione shane

On Friday 19 April 2002 20:33, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 Why use StarOffice (I'm assuming you're reffering to version 5.2) when is so much better? You can find Mandrake RPMs for the
 latest build in the contribs section of any Mandrake

actually you can find open office on the 8.2 CDs

remember the original 'jimminey cricket'???  no?  he got smashed for telling 
the truth, remember that the next time someone says honestly now, tell me 
what you think

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Re: [newbie] Firewall

2002-04-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 04:16:00 +0200, RM.Krijgsman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote: After my problems, getting on the net with my USB modem, I now am
interested in a good firewall... I know I know I should read some howto's or
whatever, the fact is I don't have time for that, I just wan't a good firewall
running, so I can learn at my own speed and when I have the time to read stuff I
 I downloaded a firewall script, specially designed for ADSL users, but that
 doesn't work, it shuts down the whole connection.
 I figured out I can use linuxconf, to configure a firewall, now how do I set
 up a basic firewall?? Or are there any good programs around, scripts,
 whatever. I used Zone Alarm on my windows pc, are there any firewall for linux
 like that?

To be blunt, ZoneAlarm is a piece of junk. There is no way that any application
can make Windows secure. Software (_especially_ an operating system) needs to be
written to be secure from the ground upwards.

 Please help me with this, all the people on IRC don't give straight answers,
 very irritating, I'm a newbie, but hey isn't everybody been one?

Try Bastille. It is designed to 'harden' a system (there is more to security
than just a firewall) and it teaches you along the way. Make sure you have the
following Mandrake packages installed:


Then open a root terminal and type 'InteractiveBastille'.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

And I'm not just saying that. I'm really not a very nice person. I can say I
don't care with a straight face, and really mean it. -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-19 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 21:06:53 -0700, shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 19 April 2002 20:33, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a general hailing 
 frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
  Why use StarOffice (I'm assuming you're reffering to version 5.2) when is so much better? You can find Mandrake RPMs for the
  latest build in the contribs section of any Mandrake
 actually you can find open office on the 8.2 CDs

That's an older build, version 638c. Version 638d is in Contribs. Note that the
package name has been changed to (it was formerly called

Sridhar Dhanapalan

It is easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of computers by the sense
of accomplishment you get from getting them to work at all. -- Douglas Adams

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Michael

I thought double spacing was outdated anyway in modern business
communications. Still personal preferences are what life thrives on.

Just my ha'pennys worth.


Randy Kramer wrote:
 Robin Turner wrote:
  LaTeX does not, repeat, NOT put one space after the end of a sentence.  It
  doesn't put two spaces either.  It works out exactly how much space is
  necessary between words, sentences, clauses, whatever.  This kind of feature
  has been around for ages - it's only dumb wordprocessors that make you type a
  double space at the end of a sentence.
 OK, I stand corrected, I think.  Maybe it's just DocBook, HTML, etc.
 that put a single space after a sentence.  (Or maybe the space
 calculated by LaTeX is less than I'd like to see.)  I'll check it out
 next time I use LyX/KLyX.
 Randy Kramer

The young lady had an unusual list,
Linked in part to a structural weakness.
She set no preconditions.

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Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?

2002-04-19 Per discussione Michael

RTF does handle graphics. But to a certain extent it suffers the same
problems that HTML has. It is presented differently by different programs.
As an example, when my printer was out of action, i sent a RTF file to a
local small print shop in an e-mail. They have handled DOC format for me in
the past. The result was i lost my embedded graphics in the printed version
and had a overly huge space on the page instead... damn.


Baka Attila Tamás wrote:
 I believe rtf does handle graphics
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randy Kramer
 Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 3:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What would be the standard document format?
 A question and a comment/question:
 1. Does .rtf handle graphics?
 2. IIRC, HTML does the same thing that, e.g., LaTeX does with respect to
 punctuation at the end of a sentence -- it puts one space after it
 instead of two.  I find that annoying, and would especially find that
 annoying in business correspondence.
 If .rtf handles graphics, I would use .rtf.
 Randy Kramer
 Charles Muller wrote:
  I have been writing all my documents in XML and generating them into
  HTML for some time now. There is no word processing software on any
  platform that can't do HTML. And style sheets in combination with the
  latest standards of HTML (or XHTML) can get you very precise document
  formatting that displays identically in all the major browsers. Where
  there are graphics involved, I just pack the whole thing up as a ZIP
  I have found KWord to be the best at taking Word documents and
  converting them into straightforward, W3C compliant HTML.
 Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.332 / Virus Database: 186 - Release Date: 2002. 03. 06.
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.332 / Virus Database: 186 - Release Date: 2002. 03. 06.
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The young lady had an unusual list,
Linked in part to a structural weakness.
She set no preconditions.

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Re: [newbie] modem

2002-04-19 Per discussione Michael

And i would add in condtradiction, and in support of Ed, that ninety plus
percent of new desktops sold with modems have a software-modem fitted as
the hardware is cheaper. The term winmodem is synonymous with
software-modem. Thus i would state Yes, nowadays lad, Internal modems ARE
usually winmodems! Plus why not associate lesser quality with that OS ;-)


ed Tharp wrote:
 On Thursday 18 April 2002 03:47 pm, you wrote:
  Internal modems are not usually winmodems.
 maybe not, but HCF, HSP, HFC. are signs it is a winmodem, or at least if not
 a modem (not in MY book it ain't) then a Host Signal Processor. the H
 (meaning host, or the computer MOBO and CPU) means it ain't a hardware modem.
 This IS a win modem
  - Original Message -
  From: Kaj Haulrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:35 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] modem
   On Thursday 18 April 2002 01:59 pm, Ron Grace wrote:
my modem is internal it is a conexant hcf v90 56 k data fax pci modem

The young lady had an unusual list,
Linked in part to a structural weakness.
She set no preconditions.

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Re: [newbie] antivirus

2002-04-19 Per discussione Michael

Damian G wrote:
 On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 09:18:11 -0700
 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thursday 18 April 2002 22:48, Lyvim Xaphir opened a general hailing
  frequency and transmitted to all open stations:
   The punchline is that Microshaft is responsible for all virus damages.
   OK, now that you are fully prepared, go read this:
  interestingly in a recent survey only 12% of passport users trust MS with
  finance info.
  but your identity.  they can have that.
  good to see the government doesn't have a problem using a company that the
  are in court with, and who lied in that court (later admitted) for
  multi-billion $ projects.
  i can't for headlines like identy theft worm uses known IE exploit to steal
  entire life
 i honestly can't believe it's going that far...
 i may have smoked a bit too much grass, but it's not hard anymore to imagine
 a country turning into an empire...

LOL, you can just here the announced introduction at Windsor Castle King
William and Countess Gates of the United Monarchy of America.

Some people have no respect for age unless it's bottled.

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Re: [newbie] installing Star Office

2002-04-19 Per discussione shane

On Friday 19 April 2002 21:31, Sridhar Dhanapalan opened a general hailing 
frequency and transmitted to all open stations:

 That's an older build, version 638c. Version 638d is in Contribs. Note
 that the package name has been changed to (it was
 formerly called openoffice).

we have a new build?   very cool, i will have to go grab it.  thanks.

Microsoft: The company that made email dangerous.

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