Re: [newbie-it] tasti tastiera

2002-04-30 Per discussione gigi pinna

 ??? c'e' qualcosa che non va ...
 la tastiera italiana dovrebbe riuscire benissimo a visualizzare sia
 l'apostrofo ('), che e' quello sotto il punto interrogativo, sia
 l'accento (`) che si ottiene con AltGr e l'apostrofo. Qual e' il
 problema? Casomai hai provato a incollarlo dalla mappa caratteri?

così ha funzionato grazie a tutti!
E-mail senza paura dei virus: view it easy con

Re: [newbie-it] DVD con Xine

2002-04-30 Per discussione Ivo Spadone

Finalmente un link interessante e funzionante per xine! 


Il mar, 2002-04-30 alle 08:52, Stefano Salari ha scritto:
  On Sunday 28 April 2002 19:32, you wrote:
   Chi riesce a vedere i DVD con questo programma? A
  me sembrano mancare dei
   Ciao Ivo
   Perché proprio Xine??? Prova Mplayer (vai su e cerca
   mplayer) ... va compilato ma a lavoro fatto non
  è affatto male!!!
  Io ho provato entrambi, e sono riuscito a leggere
  solamente i film-dvd non 
  encripted... qualcuno c'e' riuscito ? 
   Se vai su
 trovi Xine con i plugin per i dvd encripted e per il
 supporto dei menu. Li trovi sia in formato rpm che in
   Per il momento l'ultima versione che trovi e' la
 0.9.8. Da pochi giorni e' uscito Xine 0.9.9 e credo
 che tra poco arrivera' anche li' completo di tutti i
 plugin del caso.
 Ciao! Steo.
 Con Yahoo! vinci viaggi per i Mondiali FIFA 2002

[newbie-it] Limeware

2002-04-30 Per discussione Mino

Cari amici,

installato MDK8.2(downlodata)
come faccio ad attivare java, javascript, flash etc.
, inoltre quando tento di installare LIMEWARE, gnutella,
ed altri software simili non riesco mi dicono sche
non ce la virtual machine
o cose simili.

Le mie domande sono 2 :

Come Attivare nel Browser Netscape o konqueror java, javascript, flash, per una navigazione tranquilla (se ci
sono rpm)?

I Passi x installare
LIMEWARE oppure se qualcuno ci e riuscito
qualche altro programma simile, meglio se in formato rpm
x MDK8.2.

Grazie in anticipo a

Mino (Lecce)

[newbie-it] presentazione e adsl

2002-04-30 Per discussione Valerio Pianella

Salve a tutti.
Mi chiamo Valerio, mi sono appena iscritto alla mailing list newbie. Questa
una brevissima ;P presentazione:
24 anni, di Roma, studio psicologia alla Sapienza e lavoro nel campo della
Comunicazione Pubblica.
Magari non si dovrebbe subito rompere le scatole, ma essendo una mailing
list per *novizi* credo sia lecito :)
Ho un problema.

Ho downloadato e installato i tre cd di Mandrake 8.2 in attesa che sia
disponibile l'edizione PowerPack.
Il mio problema riguarda essenzialmente la configurazione della connessione
ad internet.
Ho una connessione di tipo adsl con un model alcatel speedtouch USB.

In installazione niente da fare. Ho provato a configurarlo in seguito:

scaricato dal sito dell'alcatel due pacchetti di *driver* (credo)


e poi?
qualcuno riesce ad instradarmi?
Grazie in anticipo, a presto.


Re: [newbie-it] presentazione e adsl

2002-04-30 Per discussione ENx

qui di seguito ti riporto le istruzioni che ho seguito io. Hanno funzionato
Puoi direttamente passare al punto 3.
Ciao ENx

2. Requisiti

  I drivers Opensource
  Il micronode di
  Un kernel con il
supporto USB (meglio se 2.4 ma  il supporto  abilitato anche per i 2.2)

Drivers Opensource
 Potete scaricare gli ultimi drivers da questo sito 

Micronode di Alcatel
 Questo file  distribuito nei drivers ufficiali Alcatel. 
 Potretetrovarli a questo indirizzo

 Attenzione: scaricali soltanto! 
 non   installarli.
 C' anche la possibilit di utilizzare   i drivers
di windows (quello che ci serve  il file  c:\windows\system\alcaudsl.sys
 Se non sai compilare un kernel non preoccuparti: le distribuzioni 
   ora contengono un kernel gi compilato per il supporto usb. Purtroppo 
   per se si decide di usare questo non sar possibile applicare una
patch che corregge un bug che si mostra a volte quando si decide di   far
 ripartire il collegamento ad internet.
 Una nota sul kernel di linux
 Questi drivers Opensource funzionano molto bene con
i kernel 2.4.  Ma  possibile farli funzionare anche con i 2.2 (dalla release
18 in avanti) siccome usano lo stesso codice dei 2.4.
 Concludendo,  meglio compilare
il kernel  da soli.

  NB: non usare il kernel 2.4.5 perch c' un bug  nel supporto

 La versione minima richiesta  la 2.3.11 (meglio se la  2.4)
. Comunque i kernel 2.4 sono compatibili soltanto con il pppd 2.4.
  potrete ottenere la versione con il comando
  # pppd --version


3. Configurazione/Installazione
Configurazione del kernel
 A seconda del controller USB che usi dovrai scegliere tra 
due  moduli UHCI oppure OHCI
 per saperlo lancia il comando
  # lspci -v | grep 

 Dovresti ottenere qualcosa di simile a
 :  CMDtechnologies Inc|USB0670B
  usb-uhci  : USB Controller:
Intel Corporation 82371AB PIIX4 USB (rev 01) (prog-if00  [UHCI])
Opzioni per permettere il supporto USB
 * Support
 * Preliminary USB device filesystem (CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS)
 * UHCI (Intel PIIX4, VIA, ...) support (CONFIG_USB_UHCI) 
--- Se il tuo   controller supporta UHCI
 * UHCI Alternate Driver (JE) support (CONFIG_USB_UHCI_ALT) 
 ---  Se il tuo controller supporta
alt UHCI
 * OHCI (Compaq, iMacs, OPTi, SiS, ALi, ...) support 
  (CONFIG_USB_OHCI)  --- Se il tuo controller supporta OHCI
Supporto PPP
 Nella scheda  Network device support ---
  seleziona le seguenti opzioni
   PPP(point-to-point protocol) support (CONFIG_PPP)
 * PPP support for sync tty ports (CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY) 
 * PPP Deflate compression
Supporto HDLC
 Per evitare il bug devi applicare questa patch. I comandi 
opportuni   sono i seguenti
 NB: i kernel = 2.4.18 contengono gi la patch.
 # cd  /usr/src/linux
#  patch -p1 --dry-run 
/locazione/pacchetto/n_hdlc.c.diff (l'opzione
--dry-run controlla la presenza di eventuali errori  prima di   applicare
 la patch ) 
 Se non ottieni alcun messaggio di errore
  # patch -p1   

 Ora puoi continuare con la configurazione del kernel 
 nella scheda  Character  devices ---
  [*]   Non-standardserial port
 * HDLC line discipline support
 [*]Unix98 PTY support 
Installazione dei drivers
 Decomprimi i drivers
 # tar 
 ora procediamo con la compilazione
 # ./configure 
 e se tutto  andato liscio possiamo installarli
 # make 
 I binari verranno copiati in /usr/local/bin
Configurazione del pppd
 Se non hai gi la periferica ppp nella directory /dev
 # cd 
 # ls *ppp*
 creala con il comando
   ppp   (per alcune distribuzioni  necessario
invece  fare  makedev ppp)
 Ora devi configurare 

Re: [newbie-it] presentazione e adsl

2002-04-30 Per discussione Marco Forti

Ciao Valerio,
per il manta (alcatel speedtouch home usb) guarda qui:

Se hai problemi contattami


Re: [newbie-it] Limeware

2002-04-30 Per discussione tom

Alle 11:21, martedì 30 aprile 2002, Mino ha scritto:

 -Come Attivare nel Browser Netscape o konqueror java,

è una curiositac'è Netscape o Mozzilla?
io qui non ho Netscape (MDK8.2 Download)
per flash ti basta scaricare il plugin della macromedia,leggi le istruzioni
non è difficile da installare.
Per quanto riguarda i javase avessi Netscape (mi pare strano) ti 
basterebbe fare un aggiornamento.In caso contrario la questione 
interesserebbe pure a me.

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Limeware

2002-04-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

Alle 12:13, martedì 30 aprile 2002, Voi tom avete scritto:
 Per quanto riguarda i javase avessi Netscape (mi pare strano) ti 
 basterebbe fare un aggiornamento.In caso contrario la questione 
 interesserebbe pure a me.

Per java, dato che 'kaffe' purtroppo non e' adatto per la maggior parte 
delle richieste, prova a scaricare la versione piu' recente di e poi leggi attentamente le istruzioni allegate (cmq 
per konqueror basta indicare quell'eseguibile java, con il relativo 
percorso, al posto di quello di default)

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-preemptible
Netiquette ... questa sconosciuta:
Motore di ricerca: se lo conosci non lo eviti ...

Re: [newbie-it] Creare Cd audio da mp3

2002-04-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

Alle 18:30, lunedì 29 aprile 2002, Voi Marco Forti avete scritto:
 mi sapete indicare un programma per creare cd audio partendo da files

Dai un'occhiata qui:

L.U. #210970 - L.M. #98222 * MDK 8.3-cooker - 2.4.18-preemptible
Netiquette ... questa sconosciuta:
Motore di ricerca: se lo conosci non lo eviti ...

Re: [newbie-it] Limewire

2002-04-30 Per discussione Germano

Mi associo alla tua richiesta fornendo anche l'errore che mi viene restituito 
(ho scaricato le versione targizzata).

dopo aver dato nella shell 



Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/JDialog
at RunLime.displayError(
at RunLime.showInternalError(
at RunLime.main(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main(
at kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main( line 11:  1365 Abortitojava -jar RunLime.jar

ho smanettato un pò con il CLASSPATH ma non è cambiato nulla.
Premetto che installati ci sono: 

kaffe 1.0.6
jre 1.3.1_01


Ciao, Ge

P.S: Scusate se mi sono permesso di correggere l' Oggetto.

Il 11:21, martedì 30 aprile 2002, Mino hai scritto:
 Cari amici,
 ho installato MDK8.2(downlodata) come faccio ad attivare java,
 javascript, flash etc. , inoltre quando tento di installare LIMEWARE,
 gnutella, ed altri software simili non riesco mi dicono sche non c’e’ la
 virtual machine o cose simili.
 Le mie domande sono 2 :
 -Come Attivare nel Browser Netscape o konqueror java,
 javascript, flash, per una navigazione tranquilla (se ci sono rpm)?
 -I Passi x installare LIMEWARE oppure se qualcuno ci e’ riuscito
 qualche altro programma simile, meglio se in formato rpm x MDK8.2.
 Grazie in anticipo a tutti.
 Mino (Lecce)

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Allegato: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

[newbie-it] Perplessità...

2002-04-30 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

Visto che Alessendro Brunini ha preso il discorso sul pacchetto Mandrake, 
vorrei dire pure la mia su questo.
Il mio punto di vista a differenza di Alessandro è di un un utente inesperto.
Ho installato la mdk 8.1 Power Pack, mi sono subito tuffato su kde 2.2.1 ed 
in particolare su Staroffice 5.2 poiché uso il computer per lo più per 
scrivere testi, non funziona! ed essendo utente inesperto non posso mettere 
mani alla console e produrre quelli che chiamate smanettamenti, chiedo 
all'assistenza ma non da alcuna risposta.
Va beh c'è la suite Koffice 1.1, carina, un po' sempliciotta ma perché fare 
gli snob!!?? Scrivo il mio primo testo e vorrei stamparlo magari in formato 
Pdf!  Impossibile stampare pèrché c'è un bug mostruoso!! Aggiorno il tutto 
a Koffice 1.1.1 e la stampa funziona solo per il formato orizzontale!! Non 
posso mica stampare sempre in orizzontale!! Va beh! il prossimo passo è 
aggiornare kde a 2.2.2 e Koffice 1.1.1 per il suddetto, anche perché kde 
2.2.1 possiede delle fastidiose imperfezioni per esempio nell'apertura 
delle finestre. Non l'ho ancora fatto e vi saprò dire per inciso, per 
scrivere velocemente mi rimane il simpatico abiword.

Nell'installazione stardard per office non vengono scaricati programmi come 
lyx e klyx, programmi che ritengo fondamentali per office! lyx è forse il 
migliore programma per uno che vuole scrivere!!

Nell'installazione stardard non viene installato window maker che ritengo 
essere un ottimo ambiente grafico per chi ama le cose spartane ma efficaci.

Pur avendo riconosciuto la scheda audio, la qualità del suono non è 
minimamente paragonabile a quella che si produce sotto windows.

Non ci sono programmi per leggere dvd, o se ci sono non sono stati 
installati in maniera standard !!

Il centro assistenza è piuttosto approssimativo e si occupa solo di alcune 

Due manuali sono troppo pochi vista la vastità degli argomenti che linux 

Questo pacchetto in definitiva sembra voglia dissuadere un utente inesperto 
ad imparare un po' di linux !!

Per quel che mi riguarda, le cose che mi spingono a continuare ad imparare 
ad utilizzare linux sono tutti elementi che conoscete bene:
odio lo strapotere imposto, globalizzante e mercenario di microsoft.
  Mi piace la filosofia linux, collaborazione e trasparenza

E però Mandrake deve fare uno sforzo per venire un po' incontro ai 
principianti, fornendo prodotti sicuri e più documentazione, facile ed 
efficace !! :))

Alla prossima



2002-04-30 Per discussione Zerbini Paolo


[newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] Perplessità...

2002-04-30 Per discussione ku68

- Original Message -
From: Emiliano La Licata [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: [newbie-it] Perplessità...

Visto che Alessendro Brunini ha preso il discorso sul pacchetto Mandrake,
vorrei dire pure la mia su questo.
Il mio punto di vista a differenza di Alessandro è di un un utente
Ho installato la mdk 8.1 Power Pack, mi sono subito tuffato su kde 2.2.1 ed
in particolare su Staroffice 5.2 poiché uso il computer per lo più per
scrivere testi, non funziona!
Cos'è che non funziona? Io l'ho installato sia sotto win che linux (dopo
molte peripezie)e
funziona tutto.

Nell'installazione stardard per office non vengono scaricati programmi come
lyx e klyx, programmi che ritengo fondamentali per office! lyx è forse il
migliore programma per uno che vuole scrivere!!
Questo me l'ha detto anche un amico che lo sta utilizzando per fare la tesi.

Nell'installazione stardard non viene installato window maker che ritengo
essere un ottimo ambiente grafico per chi ama le cose spartane ma efficaci.
A me l'ha installata

Pur avendo riconosciuto la scheda audio, la qualità del suono non è
minimamente paragonabile a quella che si produce sotto windows.
Mi pare uguale
E però Mandrake deve fare uno sforzo per venire un po' incontro ai
principianti, fornendo prodotti sicuri e più documentazione, facile ed
efficace !! :))
Qui sono d'accordo

A proposito vi segnalo che nella rivista c'è in allegato la
seconda puntata del videocorso per linux
non mi sembra male.

Re: [newbie-it] Re: [newbie-it] Perplessità...

2002-04-30 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Precisiamo una cosa:
le mie perplessità sono dovute al fatto che per installare il sistema ci ho 
messo 25 minuti (5CD), e per configurarlo dopo a mano un paio di ore :((

A me la cosa non tange più di tanto, so dove andare a parare. Ma dove va a 
finire la facilità con cui un utente alle prime armi dovrebbe avere a che 

Ripeto: i link nella barra dei menù per StarOffice 6.0 non funzionavano.
E questa non mi pare una bella cosa, pur nella sua piccolezza.

Per il resto sia chiaro: io non ho neanche un sistema windows in casa, perchè 
con Mandrake mi trovo benissimo, e il salto in avanti che è stato fatto con 
WineX è veramente notevole (mi riferisco ai videogiochi).

Quello che non capisco sono alcune politiche un po' controverse:

1) Voui StarOffice 6.0? Dal sito mandrake lo puoi fare a 120 Dollari... Però 
se ti compri il Power Pack (che io ho pagato 69,95 Euro) ce l'hai lo 
stesso... Forse la sottoscrizione al Mandrake Club standard andava bene lo 

2) Perchè nei cd Download Edition ci sono Grip e le skin di xmms, mentre nei 
CD della Power Pack no? Non credo che il target di mandrake sia quello di 
Debian o Slackware... Allora includeteli o siate un po' coerenti con i vostri 

3) Si vedrà, ora devo uscire :))

Un saluto a tutti ;)

Re: [newbie-it] Netscape 6.22 (funziona su mandrake 8.0?)

2002-04-30 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 02:03 am, you wrote:

 Vi prego aiutatemi, o quanto meno ditemi quale è il miglior browser per
 mandrake 8.0!

il meglio (grafici) a mio avviso sono mozilla (gli ultimi)
e opera 6.
Se scarichi Opera ti consiglio la beta1, visto che ho
problemi ad installare la beta2 e ho una mdk 8.2.
Sinceramente, anche se e' un modo forse un po'
differente di fare browsing, niente e' piu' veloce di Opera.
Anche gli ultimi Galeon vanno piuttosto bene
(direi tu debba avere pero' installato Mozilla)
anche se per me ancora gli manca qualcosa.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] perplessità...

2002-04-30 Per discussione freefred

On Monday 29 April 2002 10:22 pm, you wrote:

 La delusione: non ne funziona uno... ho dovuto risettare il menù a mano.

eh eh la mandrake e' in fondo famosa anche per questo

 Piccole novità crescono: nei 7 cd mancano 3 software importanti (secondo
 me) per il multimedia (che pesca nella solita utenza): Grip, Freeamp (che
 ha un'ottima gestione dei files multimediali), e le skin di XMMS...

questo e' davvero assurdo.
ma che c'e' allora in 7 cd?

 Le skin, poi, se non siete root, col cavolo le installate.
 E il solito utente alle prime armi lo sa fare?

in che senso?
non ti basta copiarle nella /.xmms/Skins
della tua home?


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Limewire

2002-04-30 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 06:42 am, you wrote: line 11:  1365 Abortitojava -jar RunLime.jar

 ho smanettato un pò con il CLASSPATH ma non è cambiato nulla.
 Premetto che installati ci sono:

 kaffe 1.0.6
 jre 1.3.1_01


io ho il jre1.3.1_02 e funziona ma probabilmente
va bene anche il tuo.
Il problema dovrebbe essere che quando lanci java
la mdk in verita' ti lancia kaffe.
io ho risolto (da root) editando il file
(niente di che, metti il java del jre al posto del kaffe)
che e' in realta' uno script che in origine chiama appunto kaffe.

legandomi alle altre mails, la 8.2 ha mozilla e non piu' netscape.


Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it] Limewire

2002-04-30 Per discussione Germano

Sei stato grande, nella mia infinita sonnolenza non ci avevo pensato che 
avendone due di java lui scegliesse il più vecchio.

Grazie 0.52 Euro ( :-) scusate la battuta deficiente)

Ciao, Ge

Il 22:20, martedì 30 aprile 2002, freefred hai scritto:
 On Tuesday 30 April 2002 06:42 am, you wrote: line 11:  1365 Abortitojava -jar RunLime.jar
  ho smanettato un pò con il CLASSPATH ma non è cambiato nulla.
  Premetto che installati ci sono:
  kaffe 1.0.6
  jre 1.3.1_01

 io ho il jre1.3.1_02 e funziona ma probabilmente
 va bene anche il tuo.
 Il problema dovrebbe essere che quando lanci java
 la mdk in verita' ti lancia kaffe.
 io ho risolto (da root) editando il file
 (niente di che, metti il java del jre al posto del kaffe)
 che e' in realta' uno script che in origine chiama appunto kaffe.

 legandomi alle altre mails, la 8.2 ha mozilla e non piu' netscape.


Re: [newbie-it] dissertazione filosofica [MORTALMENTE LUNGO :P][was: Perplessit...]

2002-04-30 Per discussione LukenShiro

Alle 14:31, martedì 30 aprile 2002, Voi Emiliano La Licata avete 
Non faccio il quoting di principio, dato che elenco questioni di 
principio. Premetto senza alcuna polemica che concordo sul giudizio 
parzialmente negativo, anche se per ragioni opposte alle tue (anche se 
ci sono affezionato ormai, per me sta diventando troppo invasiva, e mi 
incominca a stare un po' stretta).
E' opportuno cmq sviscerare il problema tuo e di Alessandro (non faccio 
questioni personali):
1) i sistemi winz hanno la brutta abitudine di lanciare un messaggio 
preoccupante all'utenza dei consumatori, consistente nel dire che basta 
accendere il computer e anche la bisnonna rintronata e il neonato con 
ciucciotto in bocca potra' riuscire a fare chissacosa senza 
2) l'essere umano medio, se puo' evitare di sbattersi e fare qualcosa 
in piu' del normale (come leggere, cercare, documentarsi, perdere tempo 
a capire come funziona e cosa non funziona), prende al volo 
l'occasione, a maggior ragione se c'e' un sistema che continua a 
martellare con penso a tutto io e faccio tutto io, tu dormi pure. 
(glisso sul fatto che l'effetto del martellamento e' solo un'illusione 
e quasi mai le cose vanno alla perfezione ;);
3) le distribuzioni Mandrake tendenzialmente sono rivolte ad una fascia 
di utenza in partenza piuttosto inesperta del mondo *nix e piuttosto 
abituata ai sistemi winfindus, sono piu' che altro intese come ponte di 
transizione anche se qualcuno ci resta per anni :);
4) per essere di gradimento di un medio utente winz una distribuzione 
linux deve essere estremamente facile e immediatamente utilizzabile 
senza configurazioni astruse o preparazioni strane, graficamente 
accattivante, produttivamente efficace (cioe' deve essere in grado di 
fare _tutto_ quello che svolgeva con il precedente sistema) ... e 
diciamo anche stabile ;-); 
5) la facilita' e immediatezza _non_ e' proprio una caratteristica che 
si addice ai sistemi *nix: un minimo di preparazione e' sempre 
necessaria, unix non e' piu' quell'antico sistema oscuro testuale per 
iniziati, ma certo le bacchette magiche non ci sono ancora: chi non 
vuole prendersi la briga di interessarsi a capire il sistema che sta 
usando e vuole la pappa pronta non otterra' _mai_ niente di proficuo 
qui [discorso brutalmente efficace: linux _non_ e' un windows piu' 
stabile, quindi l'utente passivo windows non puo' permettersi di 
diventare un utente linux passivo, o cambia mentalita' o e' meglio che 
resti di la'].
6) In ogni caso escono sistemi edulcorati con vari tools grafici 
avanzati e i programmi di autoconfigurazione che fanno un quasi ottimo 
lavoro ma non sempre ci riescono, anche per la incredibile varieta' di 
hardware in circolazione. A cio' si aggiunga che una buona parte di 
produttori e' windows-centrica e non si pone lontanamente il problema 
dell'esistenza di altri s.o. (linucs? si mangia?); un'altra che cmq 
vada non vuole rendere pubbliche le specifiche dei suoi prodotti e le 
tiene gelosamente segrete (vuoi rubare i miei segreti industriali .. 
eh ladro?); un'altra crede che linux sia un gioco per bambini teppisti 
da non prendere molto sul serio ed evita di perdere preziosi soldoni in 
investimenti (per lei) certamente buttati (lainacs, ah si' e' quello 
degli acher vero? va be' ma saranno poi tre gatti, diamogli la 
pleistescion almeno giocano con qualcos'altro); un'altra ancora pensa 
perlopiu' al suo hardware avendo in mente quasi solo i clienti windows 
e fornendo driver [senza assistenza ne' supporto] ai linuxiani solo 
come dono grazioso o cmq in seconda battuta perche' tanto sono clienti 
non molto economicamente importanti e un po' 'figli della serva' (e 
quindi non vale la pena di fornir loro tutte le funzionalita' di cui i 
windowsiani possono godere). Sembra quindi che a vario modo tutte 
queste imprese non tengano conto della potenza di mercato dei linuxiani 
(e a ragione se ne sbattono, tanto vendono lo stesso, no? :-//). 
7) Sul graficamente accattivante non ho molto da dire, visto che oramai 
direi che sia un risultato pienamente raggiunto.
8) Sul produttivamente efficiente, c'e' un grosso problema che 
coinvolge la generalita' degli utenti linux: ho notato che l'utenza e' 
molto piu' tollerante verso i buchi/bachi/voragini di un windows pagato 
(rassegnazione?), che non verso un errorino di programmazione di un 
pacchetto linux gratuito e libero, allo stesso modo del fatto che se 
c'e' un baco nel software subito ci si incazza perche' e' un programma 
che non funziona, se pero' questo e' nell'hardware puo' capitare.
9) le specifiche dei formati di programma c.d. standard 'de facto' (o 
presunti tali) vengono spesso mantenuti segreti e proprietari, e quindi 
rilancio quanto detto al punto 6: lo spazio di manovra per gli 
sviluppatori autonomi non rimane molto elevato. Tra un po' grazie alle 
puttanate dei brevetti e marchi made in USA neanche l'inspirazione 
dell'aria sara' piu' libera e di pubblico dominio.

Re: [newbie-it] Perplessità...

2002-04-30 Per discussione jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 14:31, martedì 30 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Perplessità..., 
Emiliano La Licata ha scritto:

 Il mio punto di vista a differenza di Alessandro è di un un utente
 inesperto. Ho installato la mdk 8.1 Power Pack, mi sono subito tuffato su
 kde 2.2.1 ed in particolare su Staroffice 5.2 poiché uso il computer per lo
 più per scrivere testi, non funziona!
che cosa significa non funziona?
che errori ti da?
se sei più preciso magari ti si può aiutare..

 Va beh c'è la suite Koffice 1.1, carina, un po' sempliciotta ma perché fare
 gli snob!!?? Scrivo il mio primo testo e vorrei stamparlo magari in formato
 Pdf!  Impossibile stampare pèrché c'è un bug mostruoso!! Aggiorno il tutto
 a Koffice 1.1.1 e la stampa funziona solo per il formato orizzontale!!
che cosa usi per stampare?
io uso CUPS... ti assicuro che all'inizio ci ho litigato tantissimo (vero 
miKe?) ma adesso non perde un colpo...
tranne quando finisce l'inchiostro.. :)

 Non posso mica stampare sempre in orizzontale!! Va beh! il prossimo passo è
 aggiornare kde a 2.2.2 e Koffice 1.1.1 per il suddetto, anche perché kde
 2.2.1 possiede delle fastidiose imperfezioni per esempio nell'apertura
 delle finestre.
io sto usando kde 2.2.1 sulla tua stessa distribuzione...
ma non ho errori...
che cosa succede di preciso?

 Non l'ho ancora fatto e vi saprò dire per inciso, per
 scrivere velocemente mi rimane il simpatico abiword.

come alternatina c'è anche openoffice...
che io sinceramente preferisco a staroffice... (IMHO)

 Nell'installazione stardard non viene installato window maker che ritengo
 essere un ottimo ambiente grafico per chi ama le cose spartane ma efficaci.

credo che con l'installazione standard si punti al target più ampio 
non tutti usano wm... sicuramente molti meno di quanti usano kde...

 Non ci sono programmi per leggere dvd, o se ci sono non sono stati
 installati in maniera standard !!

be', ma nell'installazione puoi decidere quali pacchetti installare e non 
hai la possibilità di scegliere e pensare...

 Il centro assistenza è piuttosto approssimativo e si occupa solo di alcune

dipende che cosa intendi tu per alcune cose..

 Due manuali sono troppo pochi vista la vastità degli argomenti che linux

Ci sono gli Appunti di Informatica Libera... 
un po' lungo il download, ma poi ci sono davvero molte nozioni interessanti..
soprattutto nell'ultima release in cui è stata aggiunta anche tutta una 
sezione Linux Domande e Risposte

 Questo pacchetto in definitiva sembra voglia dissuadere un utente inesperto
 ad imparare un po' di linux !!

guarda che non dipende dal pacchetto...
dipende dall'utente...
il bello della mandrake (IMVHO) è che se vuoi approfondire puoi farlo, 
mentre se non hai tempo (o voglia) ti trovi il tuo bel rpm pronto da 
installare senza troppi casini...


- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Limeware

2002-04-30 Per discussione jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 11:21, martedì 30 aprile 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Limeware, Mino ha 

 Cari amici,

 ho installato MDK8.2(downlodata) come faccio ad attivare java, 
scarichi la versione jre1.3.1 li trovi anche un file INSTALL che ti dice 
tutto per filo e per segno.

 javascript, flash etc.
per flash devi scaricarti i plugin dal sito della macromedia e poi 
aggiungerla o linkarla nella directory /plugin del tuo browser.
se usi konk devi aver installato il pacchetto kdebindings che ti permette di 
abilitare globalmente le plugin di netscape. devi quindi aggiungere la plugin 
per flash nell'apposita dir di netscape.
per vedere se è attiva, apri netscape (ammesso che tu lo abbia) e nella barra 
degli indirizzi scrivi  about:plugins

 inoltre quando tento di installare LIMEWARE,


- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] Perplessità...

2002-04-30 Per discussione Emiliano La Licata

Prima di attirarmi le ire di tutta la lista, vorrei precisare alcune cose 
che dalla mia e-mail non sono venute fuori:

1) Continuerò ad utilizzare mdk e linux per i motivi che ho spiegato. Non 
mi arrendo così facilmente.
2) Concordo con l'idea che windows vuole lobotomizzare i suoi utenti. Più 
studipi diventano meglio è per loro! è una strategia di mercato!
3) Concordo con l'idea più volte espressa che la pappa bella e pronta non 
si trova e forse non si dovrebbe trovare quando si parla di linux.
4) Mi piace moltissimo l'idea che l' utente linux deve partecipare, 
pensare e quasi costruire il suo sistema, e per questo deve dormire su un 
letto duro; ma un letto duro va bene, un letto di chiodi no!! Non tutti 
hanno ambizioni da fachiro!!

In definitiva con la mia e-mail volevo solo difendere le esigenze e i 
bisogni di persone che scontente per vari motivi da windows, vogliono per 
altrettanti vari motivi cercare valide alternative senza per questo 
dovere diventare dei programmatori linux. Altrimenti c'è il rischio di 
creare una elite di linuxiani che si autoglorificano e/o si glorificano a 
vicenda per la loro estrema bravura.
Il pluralismo vuole dire per me anche democratizzazione delle risorse.
Se un utente assai esperto deve impiegare due ore per sistemarsi 
decentemente un pacchetto linux, vuol dire che qualche problema di 
diffusione c'è. E figuratevi quanti mesi deve impiegarne uno inesperto.
Non è il mio caso, ma in questo modo si possono scoraggiare gli utenti più 
indecisi o pigri...  e poi se lo sono i programmatori pigri, come dice 
LukenShiro, perché non lo dovrebbero essere gli utenti ??
Pe il resto concordo pienamene con l'ultima e-mail di Alessandro Brunini, 
specialmente quando si augura di vedere la sua mdk funzionare alla 
perfezione!!! :)

Va beh, non vi secco ulteriormente...
Magari poi vi racconto di StarOffice, forse jv o ku68 o altri sanno 
risolvere il tutto...
Un saluto

[newbie-it] HCF driver: come cavolo funziano???

2002-04-30 Per discussione Arwan

Ciao a tutti!

Ho appena installato i driver per il mio modem interno (dall'etichetta sul
processore ho dedotto essere un HCF), l'istallazione va a buon fine e
termina con un puoi accedere al modem in /dev/ttyHCF0. Ma in /dev
non c'e' tale periferica. Che passaggio ho saltato? Mi sembrava d'aver
seguito le istruzioni alla lettera...
Quando tento di avviare la connessione, ovviamnte, Linux non trova il
modem (e non mi stupisco!)
Tra le faq c'e' scritto che i modem con PCI ID is 127a:1025 sono hsf e
non hcf. Il mio e' un 127a. Forse che io abbia sbagliato driver? Ma
avevo controllato l'etichetta sul processore...

A presto,
 Arwan  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PS: scusa Fabio se ti ritroverai la mail doppia... mi sembravi ben
organizzato in fatto di winmodem, e cosi' mi son detta meglio una in
piu' che una in meno...

[newbie-it] come posso disattivarmi dalla newsletter?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Laura ^.*

non riesco a disattivarmi perchè?? mi arriva una 
mail in cui mi dice la forse devo ignorare???

non ricordo più i dati per farlo dal sito 
stessoqualcuno mi può aiutare??

Re: [newbie-it] come posso disattivarmi dalla newsletter?

2002-04-30 Per discussione freefred

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 03:35 pm, you wrote:
 non riesco a disattivarmi perchè?? mi arriva una mail in cui mi dice la forse devo ignorare???

 non ricordo più i dati per farlo dal sito stessoqualcuno mi può

qui puoi farlo via web.
se non ricordo male poi devi comunque confermare
la disiscrizione facendo un reply alla mail che ti arriva.

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Re: [newbie-it] come posso disattivarmi dalla newsletter?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Laura ^.*

ma l'ho fatto il reply alla mail che mi continuo a
ricevere :-/

- Original Message -
From: freefred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] come posso disattivarmi dalla newsletter?

 On Tuesday 30 April 2002 03:35 pm, you wrote:
  non riesco a disattivarmi perchè?? mi arriva una mail in cui mi dice la forse devo ignorare???
  non ricordo più i dati per farlo dal sito stessoqualcuno mi può

 qui puoi farlo via web.
 se non ricordo male poi devi comunque confermare
 la disiscrizione facendo un reply alla mail che ti arriva.

 Devil Inside Experiment - C'era un bambino che odiava la polizia
 Davide Banda Partial Arts [2000] -
 ICQ uin 5887365 - PGP key available on keyservers

Re: [newbie-it]

2002-04-30 Per discussione Francesco Biacca


Re: [newbie-it] presentazione e adsl

2002-04-30 Per discussione Valerio Pianella

 qui di seguito ti riporto le istruzioni
 che ho seguito io.

 Ciao Valerio,
 per il manta (alcatel speedtouch home
 usb) guarda qui:

Grazie mille :
Sono riuscito grazie ai vostri *tutorial* a configurare il modem.

Un'altra domanda.
Ora devo impostare la connessione da terminale ad ogni sessione oppure posso
rendere questa *routine* automatica?


Re: [newbie] Printing Problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione Dimitris Ioannou

 --- Roland Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
My printer , a Canon S450, suddenly is printing
 everything twice as
 large as it should be. This includes fonts and
 graphics. I am using the
 cups system and have tried replacing the driver,
 from's cups-o-matic system.
 Anyone come across this before? I am using M8.2, 512
 meg of ram and have
 lots of disk space.
 The directions said to install Windows 98/2000 or
So I installed Linux!
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Hello Roland

I once, long time ago faced the same problem with my
old HP695C DeskJet printer but in LM 8.1 not in 8.2
that I'm running right now. I did the following: from
the Mandrake Control Center I removed completely the
printer, went to SysVInit from the root account GUI
and restarted CUPS server. I went on to the Mandrake
Control Center and reinstalled the Printer choosing
another driver than the recommended one. Everything
worked fine. And everytime I faced problems I was
shutting down and restarting the CUPS server.
Sometimes when this didn't work and my printer was
still printing crap, I rebooted.

Hope this helps temporarily


Dimitris Ioannou

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Re: [newbie] Need help with inittab

2002-04-30 Per discussione Paul

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 01:08:51 -0700 Eric wrote:

I changed a line in this and now I can't boot up. Is there any way back
in so I can change it back?

Boot from the installation CD, hit F1 for more options and type rescue
at the prompt (without the quotes)

That gets you into your system.

If a black cat crosses your path...
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Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.5

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[newbie] Toshiba 1005-s157 problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione Vijay Ramachandran


I recently installed Mandrake 8.2 on a Toshib 1005-s157 laptop. Everything
seemed to go fine during hte install, but afterwards, a few things dont work:

1. Sound. Does not work, and I cannot look at the hardware in the control
center (see below :-)) The sound was shown currently during install time as
on-board integrated AC-97.

2. Viewing the hardware list from the control center. When I try to do this,
the screen suddenly goes dark, with a single blinking white cursor on the top
left of the screen. I can alt+F1 for a new console, and login, and a ps shows
that all the processes including X are running. When I configured X, it showed
the Intel 830MG video card twice, and asked if both heads must be configured at
the same time (to which I answered yes, not knowing what it meant).

3. usb mouse. I connected my ps/2 keyboard and mouse to a belkin ps/2 - usb
adapter, and the keyboard works, but the mouse does not. There is a message
about blacklisted uhci module message in /var/log/messages. Same problem with
looking at the attached hardware.

I did partition the disk to dual boot into Windows XP and Linux, but that
doesn't seem to be the issue.

Any idea what's wrong?

many thanks,

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Re: [newbie] Where has hdparm gone in 8.2?

2002-04-30 Per discussione s

On Monday 29 April 2002 10:43 pm, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 13:02, s wrote:

  well, try this:

 Thanks and yes, that link certainly works, but the question still
 remains:  If the 8.2 download edition includes RPMS3, where is it in the
 powerpack - and what else am I missing?


well, got me there as I don't have the powerpak, yet I read someone tell 
someone else that the supplimentary apps cd is the same as the 3rd downloaded 
cd.  For what that's worth...

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Re: [newbie] OT, new Office suite

2002-04-30 Per discussione Robin Turner

  |If you read the website, this App is apparently quite heavily
  | based on OpenOffice code.  It also has some SO code in it IIRC.
  | So, in a sense yes it going to remain free.  From what I've
  | read on their site, it sounds extremely promising as far as
  | word processors  such go.
  |I'm going to try it sometime I think.  I'm curious.

Let us know what you think.  Having finally got OO 641d working in 
Turkish, I'm reluctant to try another flavour, and the screenshots 
looks identical to OO (except for the SOT splashscreen, of course).

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] OT, new Office suite

2002-04-30 Per discussione Robin Turner

I was curious as to why a Linux distro should give itself a word 
meaning drunkard and found the following on the website:

Changing the name back to good old SOT Linux is now possible,
as Sweden is no longer our primary market focus.  Several
years ago we were obliged to change the name from SOT Linux,
because the word sot  means disease or soot in Swedish,
neither of which were considered desirable by our marketing

Finns - I love them!

Sir Robin

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[newbie] urpmi problem.

2002-04-30 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem


When I use urpmi I keep getting the message that some media files do not 
exist. In an attempt to eliminate those messages, I used  rpmi.removemedia 
trying to remove the problem media, I got the same messages urpmi gives. I 
show these error messages below. Further down I show the files that actually 
exist in the direcotry /var/lib/urpmi/. 

Can somebody show me how to remove these annoying message that come from 



[root@grumpy rpmdir]#
[root@grumpy rpmdir]# urpmi.removemedia disc\ 1\ Download\ Edition\ 
Installation\ CD\ \(x86\)\ \(cdrom1\)
unable to take medium disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD (x86) 
(cdrom1) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 1 Download 
Edition Installation CD (x86) (cdrom1)] exists
unable to take medium disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD (x86) (disk1) 
into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 1 Download Edition 
Installation CD (x86) (disk1)] exists
unable to take medium disc 2 Download Edition Second Installation CD (x86) 
(cdrom2) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 2 Download 
Edition Second Installation CD (x86) (cdrom2)] exists
unable to take medium disc 2 Download Edition Second Installation CD (x86) 
(disk2) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 2 Download 
Edition Second Installation CD (x86) (disk2)] exists
unable to take medium disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) 
(cdrom3) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 3 Download 
Edition Contributions CD (x86) (cdrom3)] exists
unable to take medium disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) 
(cdrom4) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 3 Download 
Edition Contributions CD (x86) (cdrom4)] exists
unable to take medium disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) 
(disk3) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 3 Download 
Edition Contributions CD (x86) (disk3)] exists
unable to take medium disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) 
(disk4) into account as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.disc 3 Download 
Edition Contributions CD (x86) (disk4)] exists
unable to take medium Updates for Mandrake Linux 8.2 (ftp1u) into account 
as no list file [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Updates for Mandrake Linux 8.2 (ftp1u)] 
trying to select inexistent medium disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD 
(x86) (cdrom1)
read synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/]
[root@grumpy rpmdir]#
[root@grumpy rpmdir]#
[root@grumpy rpmdir]# ls /var/lib/urpmi/
hdlist.disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD (x86) (cdrom1).cz
hdlist.disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD (x86) (disk1).cz
hdlist.disc 2 Download Edition Second Installation CD (x86) (cdrom2).cz
hdlist.disc 2 Download Edition Second Installation CD (x86) (disk2).cz
hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (cdrom3).cz
hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (cdrom4).cz
hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (disk3).cz
hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (disk4).cz
hdlist.Updates for Mandrake Linux 8.2 (ftp1u).cz
synthesis.hdlist.disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD (x86) (cdrom1).cz
synthesis.hdlist.disc 1 Download Edition Installation CD (x86) (disk1).cz
synthesis.hdlist.disc 2 Download Edition Second Installation CD (x86) 
synthesis.hdlist.disc 2 Download Edition Second Installation CD (x86) 
synthesis.hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (cdrom3).cz
synthesis.hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (cdrom4).cz
synthesis.hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (disk3).cz
synthesis.hdlist.disc 3 Download Edition Contributions CD (x86) (disk4).cz
8 substitutions on 8 lines

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione 4444 4444

Sorry Mate!

Both PC and Laptop are using Internal CD-ROM Drives, I try to boot from 
flopppy with cd inside Nope! Secondly, From CD-ROM directly! Nope!

I switch back to my old Mandrake 8.0 ((( No Problemo )))

I really appreciate your help ! :-)


From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 14:52:51 -0600

  I wonder if anybody encounter no source disk when installing Mandrake 
  I tried to boot from CD-ROM when it keep ask me for source file, it 
  they can't read the file from the CD? I tried both on my laptop and PC, 
  are the same faith. Is there any workaround for this nuisance??? BTW, I 
  change the CD for the second time and still the same
  Many thanks

Make a bootdisk in windows first with the CD in the drive.  Can windows
read the CD's?  If so, use the disk to boot off of, then see if it
recognizes the CDRom.

Is this CDrom internal/external/usb/scsi?  MORE

Sorry but too many lately just don't provide enough info to go on ;)


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] kdm and gdm

2002-04-30 Per discussione Tan Siong Hua

 have chosen not to start X automatically and not logging in anybody
automatically during startup in mandrake 8.2, but now I want kdm/gdm to
appear whenever I enter 'startx' instead of starting up KDE, how to do this?

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Re: [newbie] urpmi problem.

2002-04-30 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

Try manually editing /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg.

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 00:58:46 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 When I use urpmi I keep getting the message that some media files do not 
 exist. In an attempt to eliminate those messages, I used  rpmi.removemedia 
 trying to remove the problem media, I got the same messages urpmi gives. I 
 show these error messages below. Further down I show the files that actually 
 exist in the direcotry /var/lib/urpmi/. 
 Can somebody show me how to remove these annoying message that come from 

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Attachements [sic] are evil.
   -- Linus Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Konqueror Thumbnail View of PNG Images?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Alastair Scott

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 12:11 am, Sevatio wrote:

 KDE v2.2.2

 I'm hoping to get thumbnail views of PNG images in Konqueror (KDE
 v2.2.2).  Does KDE v3.0 offer this feature?

It does (plus a whole lot of other formats).

Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Sat, 29 Apr 2000 11:30:42 -0700, Bill Winegarden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I always use  Just type in the url and it does
 kind of magic that returns not only server type but in many cases the uptime 
 for that server.
 It is a site that keeps track of the usage of various servers across the 
 internet and is generally considered on of the most reliable.

In actual practice, it doesn't work too well. Netcraft can identify the server
which is connects to, but not any other servers on the domain. Current examples
of this include Hotmail and Both are Microsoft sites (the
latter is a joint venture with Unisys), and both are reported by Netcraft to be
running on Windows 2000 (probably because the frontend server is Windows). On
closer inspection, however, the domains bear all the hallmarks of a BSD server
running Apache (the latter also using MySQL) at the backend.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to lead
all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that
it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first
place. -- Douglas Adams

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Re: [newbie] bookmarks file from netscape to konqueror

2002-04-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

The solution is quite simple really

In home directory  select View and tick `show hidden files'.
Then create a fake directory called .netscape(don't forget the dot)
This is necessary because LM8.2 is not shipped with any netscape 
browser and therefore the install programme will not have created one.
Then transfer your usual netscape bookmark file over to this 
directory but edit the file ending to something like bookmarks.html.

Alternatively go to konqueror  - bookmarks - edit bookmarks, and you 
will find that because you have created a fake .netscape directory in 
the right place the `import Netscape Bookmarks' is no longer grayed 
over.Procede as normal.


On Tuesday 30 April 2002 00:26, you wrote:
 I am using Mandrake 8.2's Konqueror and want to port my bookmarks
 from Netscape.  I currently have all my bookmarks in Netscape on my
 windows machine.   Now that I've got my linux machine, I would like
 to port those bookmarks over.

 Here's what I did

   Edit Bookmarks...   This brings up a popup

   Import Netscape Bookmarks
   Import Mozilla Bookmarks
   Export to Netscape Bookmarks
   Export to Mozilla Bookmarks

 Ack!!  Import Netscape Bookmarks is greyed out.  The other three
 options are NOT greyed.  The one I need is the only one greyed out.

 Why is it greyed out?  Anybody else had this problem?  And how did
 you fix it?  Workarounds?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] kdm and gdm

2002-04-30 Per discussione Brian Parish

Use Xtart instead of startx.  Then you can choose your desktop - a
different one for each day of the week maybe?


On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 18:14, Tan Siong Hua wrote:
  have chosen not to start X automatically and not logging in anybody
 automatically during startup in mandrake 8.2, but now I want kdm/gdm to
 appear whenever I enter 'startx' instead of starting up KDE, how to do this?
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[newbie] Checkinstall / RPM Files / files

2002-04-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

This is all new to me so please bear with me.

First , downloaded and installed ,
and  RPM package manager reports:-
so check install successfully installed. I think.

Second, downloaded and extracted from tar balls:-
compiled with ./configure, make, and checkinstall,
compiled with ./configure, make, and checkinstall,

and RPM package manager reports:-
xine-xv v0.9.8-4mdk
Not sure which package is the main programme,but generally
seems to be all there.

However, unless I got the wrong end of the stick ,I thought
I was supposed to also find the RPM build from tar balls  packages 
themselves in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586, but if so something else has 
happened, because they ain't there.
During the checkinstall process there was something about 
./doc-pac needed shall it create one, I said yes,presumeably,
some document directory,but otherwise I cannot see that I created
any RPM package files from tar balls . However, have I misunderstood 
the nature of the checkinstall programme.  Can someone enlighten me


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione hanuch

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 04:04 pm, you wrote:
Just a thought. Have you trired booting from the second CD? 
hth Hanuch

 Sorry Mate!

 Both PC and Laptop are using Internal CD-ROM Drives, I try to boot from
 flopppy with cd inside Nope! Secondly, From CD-ROM directly! Nope!

 I switch back to my old Mandrake 8.0 ((( No Problemo )))

 I really appreciate your help ! :-)


 From: FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems
 Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 14:52:51 -0600
   I wonder if anybody encounter no source disk when installing Mandrake
   I tried to boot from CD-ROM when it keep ask me for source file, it
   they can't read the file from the CD? I tried both on my laptop and PC,
   are the same faith. Is there any workaround for this nuisance??? BTW, I
   change the CD for the second time and still the same
   Many thanks
 Make a bootdisk in windows first with the CD in the drive.  Can windows
 read the CD's?  If so, use the disk to boot off of, then see if it
 recognizes the CDRom.
 Is this CDrom internal/external/usb/scsi?  MORE
 Sorry but too many lately just don't provide enough info to go on ;)
 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.
 - Source: Dilbert
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Re: [newbie] Missing Printer Icon

2002-04-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Many thanks for that info.

However,there is still one problem though, WHERE DO YOU CONFIGURE

I used to do it from qtcups , but not this time ?



On Monday 29 April 2002 23:13, you wrote:
 On Monday 29 April 2002 11:01 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Hello list !
  In MDK 8.1 I had a printer-icon on my desktop. Very handy for
  changing various setting i.e. resolution (cups) , paper-format
  Now, in MDK 8.2 I can't figure out how to get it back.
  Printerdrake tells me the printer actually is there, and from
  within it I can manage settings, but it's a little tedious to log
  in as root every time I want to do a change.
  Of course there is a way to get it back onto my desktop, but how
  Kaj Haulrich

 Just right click on the desktop and 'create newLink to
 application' and link it to either kups or qtcups in the command
 line of the 'execute' Tab. Pick an icon and you are done.

 Alternatively just open KDE Control CentreSystemPrint Manager
 (Which is also kups)


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Install CDRW on M 8.1 ?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Michael

Jesper Nyholm Jensen wrote:
 I have a similar problem. I added an extra hd on my machine and therefore
 changede the primary/secondary, master/slave settings for my dvd/cdrom
 and cdrw. Now, when I  run 'cdrecord -scanbus' it finds my dvd/cdrom and
 no cdrw?!?
   The line 'devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi quiet' is already in my lilo.conf.
 Jesper Nyholm Jensen



Inside the box are at least two ATA (once called IDE) data cables. A
combination of the master-slave or single relationship, and the cable used
determines the drive letter following hd. The table Charles gave, i expand
on here.

| Single/Master/Slave |  Cable  | hdX |
| Single  | Primary | hda |
| Master  | Primary | hda |
| Slave   | Primary | hdb |
| Single  |Secondary| hdc |
| Master  |Secondary| hdc |
| Slave   |Secondary| hdd |

Therefore in Linux the designating letter is set by the hardware location.

So if, when you installed your second drive you changed your CD-RW to a
slave you will have to change the appropriate reference letter for it. As
advised by others, you do this both in lilo.conf and /etc/fstab files.

Hope that helps.

You will live a long, healthy, happy life and make bags of money.

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Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2

2002-04-30 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

On 30 Apr 2002, Brian Parish wrote:

 No, but looking through it, all it does is exactly what I was doing
 anyway - it just includes the download, rpm install and adds the two
 required strings into the XF86 config file.
 Thanks anyway.  Much appreciated.

Hi there Brian,

I have had My GeForce 2 for about a year and a half now, and have always 
basically used the same config file from the first run. At least I mean the 
same additions to the XF86Config-4 file. The one thing that does strike me 
is that there seem to be several ways to do this, and the way I do it is 
not the way it's described on the Mandrake site, but a way I once read a 
year and a half on some other Linux site.

At the moment I'm running L-M 8.2 (Download edition), and have:


.. installed. Both were for download at the NVidia site. I have attached mt 
XF85Config-4 file (BZipped) to this e-mail. You will of cource have to 
check is the monitor settings, mouse and Keyboard correspond to your own 
settings before using it, however I cannot see how it would not work.

Give it a shot and keep us updated ;-)



Description: Binary data

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[newbie] Radeon 8500

2002-04-30 Per discussione Philip Crowe

Hello All,

I have been on the list a short time and find it excellent for problem
solving and picking up tips.

My question is regarding the ATI Radeon 8500 and Mandrake. What is the best
driver set available for this card?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione Michael

Just a thought. A common mistake that catches a lot of people out, is that
they burn the ISO image from the web site as a file. Most burner programs
have an option to burn the ISO which contains the files.

If you suspect you have done this, your OS will see one large file called
ISOX rather than all the files that the cd contains.


hanuch wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 April 2002 04:04 pm, you wrote:
 Just a thought. Have you trired booting from the second CD?
 hth Hanuch
  Sorry Mate!
  Both PC and Laptop are using Internal CD-ROM Drives, I try to boot from
  flopppy with cd inside Nope! Secondly, From CD-ROM directly! Nope!
  I switch back to my old Mandrake 8.0 ((( No Problemo )))
  I really appreciate your help ! :-)

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
-- Indira Gandhi

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Re: [newbie] Music from the window

2002-04-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 Getting to the files is more tricky. You'll have to mouunt the partition
 first, and/or edit your /etc/fstab file so that it automounts it on
 startup. First, where is this partition? It may just be easy to
 create a directory called /mp3 (as root) and mount the disk/partition
 into /mpt. That way you can just go to /mp3 with konqueror.

 ntfs should be readable - I haven't any experience with it though.


For a newbie the easiest way to set up mounts for a new partition is with 
Mandrake Control CentreMount PointsHard Drives  Just click on a partition 
and define its mount point. Afterwards the partition will be auto mounted at 


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Re: [newbie] Toshiba 1005-s157 problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 7:54 am, Vijay Ramachandran wrote:

 I recently installed Mandrake 8.2 on a Toshib 1005-s157 laptop. Everything
 seemed to go fine during hte install, but afterwards, a few things dont

 1. Sound. Does not work, and I cannot look at the hardware in the control
 center (see below :-)) The sound was shown currently during install time as
 on-board integrated AC-97.

Install the sndconfig RPM and run it in a root terminal. You may need to play 
with the parameters until you find a combination that works. If still no good 
look out for IRQ conflicts. KDE Control CentreInformationInterrupts is a 
good place to look. Playing with your BIOS may help you resolve a conflict.

 2. Viewing the hardware list from the control center. When I try to do
 this, the screen suddenly goes dark, with a single blinking white cursor on
 the top left of the screen. I can alt+F1 for a new console, and login, and
 a ps shows that all the processes including X are running. When I
 configured X, it showed the Intel 830MG video card twice, and asked if both
 heads must be configured at the same time (to which I answered yes, not
 knowing what it meant).

I suggest from a root console running XFdrake and this time not selecting 
dual head.

 3. usb mouse. I connected my ps/2 keyboard and mouse to a belkin ps/2 -
 usb adapter, and the keyboard works, but the mouse does not. There is a
 message about blacklisted uhci module message in /var/log/messages. Same
 problem with looking at the attached hardware.




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Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2

2002-04-30 Per discussione hanuch

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 01:10 pm, you wrote:
Brian I had the same problem and after a lot of heartache I remembered to run 
DrakX. Stupidly I had forgotten the simplest rult.


 Did you compile the drivers or download the binaries?  Try compiling if you
 downloaded the binaries.

 Ian McLeod
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 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Parish [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, 30 April 2002 2:26 PM
 To: newbie
 Subject: Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2

 On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 14:42, FemmeFatale wrote:
  Brian Parish wrote:
   I need to get some real work done on this system, so unless someone has
   a REAL bright idea, I'll just leave the gaming in the Windows domain,
   sigh regretfully, and be resigned to the fact that M$ is going to keep
   it's market share as long as this sort of crap comes standard with my
   otherwise much-preferred OS.  and yeah, I know it's probably some
   weirdness associated with my generic Geforce 2 MMX 400 DDR card, but
   guess what - that's what's out there.  And of course with W$ it works
   just fine.
   Thanks for the help Femme.
  Sorry luv, I will look around a bit more for you.  But as of yet, i'm
  out of ideas  programs.
  I take it the little script didn't help?

 No, but looking through it, all it does is exactly what I was doing
 anyway - it just includes the download, rpm install and adds the two
 required strings into the XF86 config file.

 Thanks anyway.  Much appreciated.


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Re: [newbie] Missing Printer Icon

2002-04-30 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 12:13 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 On Monday 29 April 2002 11:01 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
  Hello list !
  In MDK 8.1 I had a printer-icon on my desktop. Very handy for changing
  various setting i.e. resolution (cups) , paper-format etc..
  Now, in MDK 8.2 I can't figure out how to get it back. Printerdrake tells
  me the printer actually is there, and from within it I can manage
  settings, but it's a little tedious to log in as root every time I want
  to do a change.
  Of course there is a way to get it back onto my desktop, but how ?
  Kaj Haulrich

 Just right click on the desktop and 'create newLink to application'
 and link it to either kups or qtcups in the command line of the 'execute'
 Tab. Pick an icon and you are done.

 Alternatively just open KDE Control CentreSystemPrint Manager (Which is
 also kups)


Thanks a lot, Derek ! - You see : I actually know how to create icons on the 
desktop, but the problem was to find the correct application. Maybe my memory 
(the one in front of the screen) is like a swiss cheese, 'cause I tried 
things like lpd, lp, cups etc.. And you know what ?  : I thought I'd have to 
type the full path to the executable. To find it, I (as usual in 8.1) tried 
to run locate. Surprisingly it wasn't there.  Neither was slocate, so I 
found my 8.1 cd's and installed slocate. Works fine. 

BTW, how does one find things in 8.2 without it ?

Luckily, before I went through all the hazzles of finding a 
printer-executable, your mail arrives.

Thanks again !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: [newbie] can't update from local directory

2002-04-30 Per discussione bascule

gavin, try this - as root -, 
#urpmi.addmedia --update localupdates file://home/gavin/updates

note: 'localupdates' is just a name i made up, you can use whatever you like 
as the name for this source, watch the console for error messages, this 
should then allow you to use mu to update from this source


On Saturday 27 Apr 2002 4:06 pm, you wrote:

 setting are as follows:
 location : Gavin2.localdomain
 export:  /home/gavin/updates
 system checks but no updates are found!
 goto folder, all updates are there.. how come there not being seen?

 Gavin (Japan)

Ah,  said Arthur, this is obviously some strange usage 
of the word safe that I wasn't previously aware of. 

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Re: [newbie] Printing to windows domain printer using Samba and CUPS

2002-04-30 Per discussione K Montgomery


I'm not sure this will help, but I HAD the same problems in 8.1 that you
seem to be having.  I somehow conquered them when I installed 8.2, but I
doubt the upgrade helped.  I must have finally done something right. I
even have the printer test page upon my wall as a trophy. ;)  Here are
some things I would look for:

Are you sending your username/password to print on the network?  I
stumbled here.  In my /etc/cups/printers.conf I have a line for my Win2K
network printer that looks like:

DeviceURI smb://username:password@servername/printername

I specified my credentials when I added the printer using the CUPS web
admin interface.

Is your /etc/samba/smb.conf OK?  Here are some settings I have in mine
that might be important:

workgroup=my logon domain
encrypt passwords=yes
wins server= IP address 1 IP address 2

Make sure your firewall, if present, is not interfering.  And lastly,
look for entries in your various /var/log files for any clues.

- Kathy

On Sun, 2002-04-28 at 23:53, Terry wrote:
 I'm still having trouble with this .. can anyone offer any suggestions?
 Anyone experiencing problems printing to a networked printer in a
 windows 2000 domain using LM 8.2 and its version of Samba and CUPS?
 I am able to print using LM 8.1 and its version of Samba and CUPS, but
 in LM 8.2, I use KUPS to add the windows shared printer, but when I try
 to print something, it hangs in the local queue, never goes to the print
 server, and doesn't make it to the printer.  This is the one thing that
 is keeping me from using this laptop at work on a full-time basis, so
 and ideas would be most appreciated!

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[newbie] OT:Linux on top

2002-04-30 Per discussione poogle

Just bought a LG DVD ROM and was very pleased to see that at the top of the 
compatible operating systems list in big letters was LINUX, OK so they were 
in alphabetical order but it was nice to see it prominently placed on the 
front of the box. 
Poogle. Derby,England  Linux MDK 8.2 with
kernel 2.4.18-6 mdk using Kmail 1.3.2

  2:33pm  up 25 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.09

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Re: [newbie] Need help with inittab

2002-04-30 Per discussione Barry Premeaux

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 01:08 am, you wrote:
 I changed a line in this and now I can't boot up. Is there any way back
 in so I can change it back?

  Mithrilhall's Linux Server
   AMD-K2 350MHz

 This email has been scanned with Norton AntiVirus

Boot from CD1

Do 'F1'

Type 'rescue' at the prompt.

Type 'chroot /mnt' (this will give you access to your files).

You can then use the vi editor to restore the line in your inittab file.


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Re: [newbie] OT:Linux on top

2002-04-30 Per discussione Mark D'voo

all the nvidia geforce's say the support linux on the box too

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 08:37 am, poogle wrote:
 Just bought a LG DVD ROM and was very pleased to see that at the top of the
 compatible operating systems list in big letters was LINUX, OK so they were
 in alphabetical order but it was nice to see it prominently placed on the
 front of the box.

  9:35am  up 1 day,  9:25,  4 users,  load average: 1.33, 0.67, 0.40

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[newbie] Internet Sharing in MDK 8.1

2002-04-30 Per discussione Tomek Nowinski

Hi everybody,

I just wanted to ask what do I need to do to share my internet conection.

I have PC with MDK 8.1 (instalation with firewall and router) and 2 NIC's. I
want to share my internet conection from this machine to my laptop (runs

I have already configured on PC Internet sharing, I have cross-over
cable, etc., etc., everything looks OK. WinXP gets correct IP and
configuration (with automatic detection), etc but there is no internet
navigation... there is no ping to my PC.. etc.

What should I do??? Thanks for help.

See you,


Encyklopedia multimedialna w prezencie!

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Re: [newbie] Internet Sharing in MDK 8.1

2002-04-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 3:43 pm, Tomek Nowinski wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I just wanted to ask what do I need to do to share my internet conection.

 I have PC with MDK 8.1 (instalation with firewall and router) and 2 NIC's.
 I want to share my internet conection from this machine to my laptop (runs

 I have already configured on PC Internet sharing, I have cross-over
 cable, etc., etc., everything looks OK. WinXP gets correct IP and
 configuration (with automatic detection), etc but there is no internet
 navigation... there is no ping to my PC.. etc.

 What should I do??? Thanks for help.

 See you,


Have you declared your Linux machine to be a gateway to the Windows PC?

Also have you declared the Ethernet between the two computers to be a 
'trusted interface' to the firewall?  If your firewall is running on that 
interface ping is not going to work. In 8.1 it can be kind of hard to tell if 
the firewall is working or not. Check out



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[newbie] OT test, please ignore

2002-04-30 Per discussione Roman Korcek

#include subject.h


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[newbie] To list admin (Denis Havlik?)

2002-04-30 Per discussione Roman Korcek

I lost my old email address an thus can't unsub. (because it
needs a confirmation which I can't confirm since the request is sent
to my old address). The old address was [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Could you
please unsub. me?
Or if I am asking at the wrong place, could someone point me please in
the right direction?


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[newbie] someone knows about a similar Xconfigurator in Mandrake?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

Please different to Xf86cfg



Terry Smith wrote:


 Sorry to hear about your troubles. I had some 'shutdown' problems with
 my new box also. Turned out to be a bad mobo (which has been replaced -
 no problems since).

 One way of debugging these things is to 'simplify'. Disconnect all your
 peripherals - removable drives, keyboard, floppy, mouse, etc. -
 everything except the monitor and the boot drive. Does it boot and run?
 (Obviously you won't be able to do anything). Yes, start adding
 components and rebooting.

 No. Swap drives. Try again.

 No. Swap power supplies. Try again.

 Well I think you get the drift. Try to isolate the component that's
 causing the problem.

 Good luck.

 Terry Smith
 Cape Cod, USA

 On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 08:28, Roger Sherman wrote:
  Sorry to address this to the list, but I'm at my wits end, and it's either
  this, or find a service center or something to fix this problem for me,
  and after building this PC, I really don't have the money.
  I built a PC about two 1/2 months ago (my first attempt at building a PC),
  and I'm having a booting problem, and a problem with it freezing up, and
  I'm hoping someone could help point me in the right direction,
  troubleshooting wise.
  First of all, the system configuration:
  Abit KG-7 motherboard
  AMD 1800XP
  512 Meg DDR RAM
  ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 32mg vid card
  SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 Platinum w/Live Drive
  60 gig Maxtor HD
  generic DVD/CDROM from my old PC, a Compaq presario (which is happily
  gurgling along as a dedicated FTP server now)
  Now, it's got a boot problem that is baffling to me - to turn this PC on,
  I have to press the start button, at which point it sounds like it's
  starting up, the HD and all the fans start spinning, but I don't get the
  beep that I get with a successful boot, and there's no video output. So, I
  then have to turn the PC off, unplug it, and plug it back in - at which
  point it will usually start up again.
  Now, I do mean it will start up again just from plugging it in - I don't
  have to press the start button. But, sometimes I'll plug it in, and it
  wont start, at which point I'll have to unplug it, then press start, and
  it seems to discharge a little power. Then I plug it in again, and it will
  start. Then I get the beep that it's booting correctly, and I get video
  output and away we go.
  Now, I'd live with this problem, if it weren't for the system freezes. The
  first time I turn the PC on each day, there is always a complete freeze of
  the system - and I totally can't get it unfrozen, either by
  Control-Alt-Backspace, or Alt-SysRq-r. My only recourse is to press and
  hold the start button til it shuts down (with this box, you have to hold
  the start button in for 5 seconds to shut it down, for some reason). Using
  the reset button doesn't seem to work.
  This system freeze can happen anywhere, too. Sometimes it'll happen when
  Mandrake is actually starting up, once it even happened at a command line
  login (it's set up to start at runlevel 3), but usually it happens about 2
  - 3 minutes after the system is up and running...usually after I've
  started X, and am checking my email.
  And I can't let it run all day - the PC actually works great once it gets
  past the booting and system freeze problems (usually the system freeze
  problem happens one or two times, and then the PC will run properly), but
  if I get up and walk away for several hours, then come back, of course the
  monitor will have gone into power save mode, and I jiggle the mouse to
  wake it up, but at that point for some reason the PC will have stopped
  giving video output, and I have to start the whole process over again.
  My ideal situation would be to just leave this PC running 24/7, but that
  makes it impossible, obviously.
  Now, I've tried several things to fix the problem - a friend told me the
  symptoms are indicative of a hardware incompatability, so I changed the
  HD, the CD-ROM (which is why I have the DVD player in there - I originally
  had a Plextor CD-RW), the power supply, and I took out the SoundBlaster
  and nic card (a linksys nic), although I put those two back in, since it
  didn't seem to make a difference. I also tried disconnecting the floppy
  Before I replaced the HD and CD-RW, they effectively stopped working with
  this PC, and I'm worried what's currently in there will stop working as
  well, as every time I make a change, things seem to get a little better,
  but never really work right, and then things degenerate. I don't have
  anything else I can swap into this box, so if it continues to degenerate
  with the current config, I'll have to stop using it until I can afford to
  take it to a PC doctor.
  Again, sorry for the OT post, but any help anyone can offer would be
  hugely appreciated.
  registered linux user #190719
  ICQ #56469198

Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

try new mozilla engine, it´s experimental, but may be can help you

Dr. Gz

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:

  daRcmaTTeR wrote:
   On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:
   How do you determine what server a particular website is using?
   i'm curious as to why you would want to know this.
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  Good question.  I was trying to figure out why all my Mozillas crash on
  this site:
  To my surprise, they are using a  Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Red-Hat-Secure/3.1
  server.  There's something about that java menu on the left side that's
  causing mozilla (win32  linux) to crash.

 I really doubt that has anything to do with your Mozilla crashing. I
 rather think it might have something to do with whats actually on the
 pages. very likely some java script that old mozi is choking on. I've seen
 it do that before. sometimes it's not very pretty. puts me in mind of my
 cat tossing a fur ball.

 If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
 the first time!

 Registered Linux User 182496
   6:05pm  up 1 day, 36 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] Missing Printer Icon

2002-04-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 12:08, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 April 2002 10:54 am, you wrote:
  Many thanks for that info.
  However,there is still one problem though, WHERE DO YOU CONFIGURE
  I used to do it from qtcups , but not this time ?

 On my system both Kups and qtcups allow me to change margins
 (qtcupspropertiesAdvanced), those parameters are defined by the
 print driver you have selected. Are you using the same driver as


  On Monday 29 April 2002 23:13, you wrote:
   On Monday 29 April 2002 11:01 pm, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
Hello list !
In MDK 8.1 I had a printer-icon on my desktop. Very handy for
changing various setting i.e. resolution (cups) ,
paper-format etc..
Now, in MDK 8.2 I can't figure out how to get it back.
Printerdrake tells me the printer actually is there, and from
within it I can manage settings, but it's a little tedious to
log in as root every time I want to do a change.
Of course there is a way to get it back onto my desktop, but
how ?
Kaj Haulrich
   Just right click on the desktop and 'create newLink to
   application' and link it to either kups or qtcups in the
   command line of the 'execute' Tab. Pick an icon and you are
   Alternatively just open KDE Control CentreSystemPrint Manager
   (Which is also kups)
Thanks, Derek,

Yes , I have a Z53 usb printer , but whereas before when you clicked 
on the printer Icon in LM8.1 you were really connecting via
an executeable, of: qtcups %f  , to qtcups ,  there was a  - 
properties - text - page margins GUI interface to reset your page 
margins,  Now alas , this facility does not seem to exist. in LM8.2. 
The same executeable merely gives you  - General  , and , Advance.

Then again if I go KDE Control Center - System - Print Manager - 
Configure - Configure Z53 , all I have is the usual resolution stuff,
nothing about page print margins.

Also, if I go Mandrake Control Center - Hardware - Printer - 
I have all the three drivers available for this make of printer to
play with , plus ,  add printer, refresh , cups server, 
expert mode, and quit , but nothing about setting printer page 

Trouble is , I don't know how I am to set the page margins anymore.

Seems to me we've got a cut down version of qtcups, I'm sure we are 
meant to have printer page margins, it usually comes under the tab 
Text, but somehow, unless it has been moved someplace else, it does
not seem to exist, anyone else got printer page margins in qtcups ?



John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

There are a lot of tolls for hacking, but this list is not one of these:)

Also, i think taht is very usefull to know about these question to decide what
navigator to use in some sites. May be not all designers think in compability.

In addition, this type of questions can be more smart than only ¿how i

Finally, some hackers are better teachers than sysadmins like me. From all we
must learn.

Hackers. please don´t go ;-)

Only enemies make you better :-)

Dr. Gz

Gerald Waugh wrote:

 On Monday 29 April 2002 04:18 pm, daRcmaTTeR wrote:
  On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:
   How do you determine what server a particular website is using?
  i'm curious as to why you would want to know this.

 Me too, some versions of Apache are susceptable to http exploits,
 Do we have a potential hacker here? ;-)

 Lots of sites hide their webserver id
 they might say something like Apache and thats it.

 Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
 Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
 229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven, CT, United States of America
 7:46pm up 39 days, 3:13, 3 users, load average: 0.92, 1.01, 1.11

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Re: [newbie] Need help with inittab

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

may if you must try to recover from one backup file, please rename your old
inittab files, eveven worst but an idea, you can use another inittab files and
cfombine with your old corrupted files. Be carefully, not all services will be
running corectly but this is an start point.

Dr. gz

Eric Estes -=RCN Mail=- wrote:

 I changed a line in this and now I can't boot up. Is there any way back
 in so I can change it back?

  Mithrilhall's Linux Server
   AMD-K2 350MHz

 This email has been scanned with Norton AntiVirus

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[newbie] A new topic Backup strategies

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

I was reading all these days about problems that can be eay solutioned if we have
some good backup strategies, why we don´t write some tips and tools about this

Dr Gz.

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Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

Use mo new mozilla engine it works in netscape 4.79 6.22 6.2 windows and linux

Diego García wrote:

 try new mozilla engine, it´s experimental, but may be can help you

 Dr. Gz

 daRcmaTTeR wrote:

  On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:
   daRcmaTTeR wrote:
On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:
How do you determine what server a particular website is using?
i'm curious as to why you would want to know this.

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   Good question.  I was trying to figure out why all my Mozillas crash on
   this site:
   To my surprise, they are using a  Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Red-Hat-Secure/3.1
   server.  There's something about that java menu on the left side that's
   causing mozilla (win32  linux) to crash.
  I really doubt that has anything to do with your Mozilla crashing. I
  rather think it might have something to do with whats actually on the
  pages. very likely some java script that old mozi is choking on. I've seen
  it do that before. sometimes it's not very pretty. puts me in mind of my
  cat tossing a fur ball.
  If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
  the first time!
  Registered Linux User 182496
6:05pm  up 1 day, 36 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

Use mo new mozilla engine it works in netscape 4.79 6.22 6.2 windows and linux

Diego García wrote:

 try new mozilla engine, it´s experimental, but may be can help you

 Dr. Gz

 daRcmaTTeR wrote:

  On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:
   daRcmaTTeR wrote:
On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Sevatio wrote:
How do you determine what server a particular website is using?
i'm curious as to why you would want to know this.

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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   Good question.  I was trying to figure out why all my Mozillas crash on
   this site:
   To my surprise, they are using a  Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Red-Hat-Secure/3.1
   server.  There's something about that java menu on the left side that's
   causing mozilla (win32  linux) to crash.
  I really doubt that has anything to do with your Mozilla crashing. I
  rather think it might have something to do with whats actually on the
  pages. very likely some java script that old mozi is choking on. I've seen
  it do that before. sometimes it's not very pretty. puts me in mind of my
  cat tossing a fur ball.
  If at first you don't succeed do what your wife told you to do
  the first time!
  Registered Linux User 182496
6:05pm  up 1 day, 36 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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  Go to

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Re: [newbie] Checkinstall / RPM Files / files

2002-04-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 12:16, you wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 April 2002 11:01 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  This is all new to me so please bear with me.
  First , downloaded and installed ,
  and  RPM package manager reports:-
  so check install successfully installed. I think.
  Second, downloaded and extracted from tar balls:-
  compiled with ./configure, make, and checkinstall,
  compiled with ./configure, make, and checkinstall,
  and RPM package manager reports:-
  xine-xv v0.9.8-4mdk
  Not sure which package is the main programme,but generally
  seems to be all there.
  However, unless I got the wrong end of the stick ,I thought
  I was supposed to also find the RPM build from tar balls 
  packages themselves in /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/i586, but if so
  something else has happened, because they ain't there.
  During the checkinstall process there was something about
  ./doc-pac needed shall it create one, I said yes,presumeably,
  some document directory,but otherwise I cannot see that I created
  any RPM package files from tar balls . However, have I
  misunderstood the nature of the checkinstall programme.  Can
  someone enlighten me please.

 I don not know if everyone has this problem, but I found the
 version of checkinstall provided on the 8.2 Cd did not work. It
 would exit with an error. However the  RPM checkinstall-1.5.1-1
 available from the checkinstall site works
 perfectly for me.

Thanks Derek,
I think your suggestion works better,the build seems less full of 
no's, one question though, 

Can you use checkinstall to build an RPM
file from tar.gz files,so that it does not  actually install the 
package as created at the time of RPM creation.
Is that possible ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] urpmi problem.

2002-04-30 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 01:44 am, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
 Try manually editing /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg.

 On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 00:58:46 -0700, Seedkum Aladeem

  When I use urpmi I keep getting the message that some media files do not
  exist. In an attempt to eliminate those messages, I used 
  rpmi.removemedia trying to remove the problem media, I got the same
  messages urpmi gives. I show these error messages below. Further down I
  show the files that actually exist in the direcotry /var/lib/urpmi/.
  Can somebody show me how to remove these annoying message that come from

Hi Sridhar,

This is all there is in that file (I see nothing that looks related to the 
extraneous messages):

ger2  {
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  list: list.ger2

update_source  {
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  list: list.update_source

rmpdir file://mnt/fat_32/rpmdir {
  list: list.rmpdir

us1  {
  with_hdlist: ../base/
  list: list.us1

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Re: [newbie] gvim/vimx misbehaving (set guifont)

2002-04-30 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


You could also set the gui font in some other file. I do it in 


* Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020416 15:57]:
 yes, it was being overridden by the system. I became root and struck 
 that from the init script. seems like a poor system default if I can't 
 set a font in .vimrc.
 Moshe Kaminsky wrote:
 Did you go through all of the initialization scripts, to see if it's
 not overridden there? (To see what these scripts are do 
  :help startup
 inside vim)
 * Stewart Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020408 21:46]:
 I've just upgraded from RH 7.2 to Mandrake 8.2 and gvim/vimx is now 
 ignoring the set guifont directive in my .vimrc file. What's extremely 
 odd about this is that after vim is launched, I can manually issue the 
 command and it sets the font appropriately (yes, I've tried many many 
 different fonts). Something else seems to be taking precedent, but I 
 don't know where.

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[newbie] Cashing up DVD files on the hard drive

2002-04-30 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Can anyone tell me whether there is a programme that can cashe up DVD 
files onto the harddrive,in a similar way to which cdparanoia cashes 
up audio files onto the hard drive ?

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-04-30 Per discussione Jim Dawson

I just upgraded my computer from 256MB to 512MB. Is there anything I need to do to 
optimize the computer for the additional memory?  My swap partition is currently 256MB.

Thanks in advance.

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[newbie] insmod for permanent module

2002-04-30 Per discussione Malcolm Candlish


In the new Mandrake 8.2, I have used insmod -f to successfully attach a pci scsi 
module for a dmx3191d driver, although I do get a warning message that this will taint 
the kernel.

All goes well until I re-boot and then the module is missing and I have to insmod 
again. I have tried insmod -e  but with no greater success. How do I permanently 
maintain the module? 

This is for a Trust 19200 scanner with PCI SCSI card driven under Red Hat by driver 
dmx3191d on a celeron 500 with 96 meg ram.

Thank you for reading this message.

Malcolm Candlish.

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Re: [newbie] Checkinstall / RPM Files / files

2002-04-30 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 Can you use checkinstall to build an RPM
 file from tar.gz files,so that it does not  actually install the
 package as created at the time of RPM creation.
 Is that possible ?



Not as far as I know, but checkinstall is nothing more than a bash script. 
You can always go in and edit it and suppress the bit when it copies files.

I think I remember a mention on the list of another app which just makes RPMs.
Does anyone remember it?


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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-04-30 Per discussione Charlie

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 11:05 am, Jim Dawson sent the following:
 I just upgraded my computer from 256MB to 512MB. Is there anything I need
 to do to optimize the computer for the additional memory?  My swap
 partition is currently 256MB.

 Thanks in advance.
Yeah Jim. Enjoy the lower noise levels of a hard drive that won't read nearly 
as often. 

When I went to 512 MB (I was also installing MDK 8.1 at the same time) the 
swap file was 400 MB but it was hardly used at all unless I was running a few 
more than the usual XMMS, K-Mail, Mozilla, and whatever desktop toys happened 
to be running. When I upgraded to 8.2 I didn't touch the swap. It's still 
at 400 MB, but there's a full 1 GB (4x256 MB PC 133) of SDRAM for it to play 
with. No worries at all.

Have fun!
Charlie in Edmonton, AB, Canada
Mandrake 8.2
user 244963 at:
11:26am up 22:26, 2 users, load average: 0.09, 0.07, 0.06

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Re: [newbie] can't update from local directory

2002-04-30 Per discussione Gavin

My friend, 

I followed your lead and this is what came back

[root@Gavin2 gavin]# urpmi.addmedia --update Gavin2.localdomain 
usage: urpmi.addmedia name url
where url is one of
   ftp://login:passwordhost/path with relative filename of 
   ftp://host/path with relative filename of hdlist
   http://host/path with relative filename of hdlist
Got me on this one..holla back when ya get a chance


On Tuesday 30 April 2002 22:26, you wrote:
 gavin, try this - as root -,
 #urpmi.addmedia --update localupdates file://home/gavin/updates

 note: 'localupdates' is just a name i made up, you can use whatever you
 like as the name for this source, watch the console for error messages,
 this should then allow you to use mu to update from this source


 On Saturday 27 Apr 2002 4:06 pm, you wrote:
  setting are as follows:
  location : Gavin2.localdomain
  export:  /home/gavin/updates
  system checks but no updates are found!
  goto folder, all updates are there.. how come there not being seen?
  Gavin (Japan)

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Re: [newbie] A new topic Backup strategies

2002-04-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Diego [iso-8859-1] García wrote:

 I was reading all these days about problems that can be eay solutioned if we have
 some good backup strategies, why we don´t write some tips and tools about this

 Dr Gz.


I believe for the most part most of us have either written our own
scripts to handle backup needs or are using script that others have coded
for that purpose. was there something specific that you were curious

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Adding to .zip file (w. volumes)

2002-04-30 Per discussione Joan Tur

Es Dilluns 29 Abril 2002 23:01, en FemmeFatale va escriure:
 Joan Tur wrote:
  I need a graphic program (a newbier-than-me friend needs it) able to
  create compressed files  volumes (for instance 1,4Mb files, able to fit
  in a floppy).  I could show this friend of me to use rar but he's new to
  computers and wants a graphical app.
  I've tryed ark v.2.1.9 with no luck... any idea?  8-?
 If hes on windows use winzip or Winrar or winAce.
 If he's on linux doesn't Gzip have a GUI frontend?
gnochive makes the work (using rar)... and of course I don't want this guy to 
use windows' programs but linux ones  ;)

Joan Tur. Ibiza - Spain
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Diego [iso-8859-1] García wrote:

 There are a lot of tolls for hacking, but this list is not one of these:)

 Also, i think taht is very usefull to know about these question to decide what
 navigator to use in some sites. May be not all designers think in compability.

 In addition, this type of questions can be more smart than only ¿how i

 Finally, some hackers are better teachers than sysadmins like me. From all we
 must learn.

 Hackers. please don´t go ;-)

 Only enemies make you better :-)

 Dr. Gz

umwhat in the world are you talking about? the original thrust of this
thread was addressing how some sites are drafted in apps that don't adhere
to WC3 html standards and because of that cause rendering problems for
people because the html they're coded in isn't up to standard. Netscape,
Konqueror, Opera, and Mozilla all conform to the established WC3
standards. At present there is only one browser that does not. IE.
Of course neither does FrontPage Xpress, or M$ Publishers or any of that
ilk. I guess they figure since they own the world they don't have to
conform, but rather dictate to all just how they're going to re-program
the web. Kinda like defining the web on their own terms.

please don't misunderstand. I'm not bashing MS. I think their web
authoring tools SUCK because as a programmer I see that the don't follow
accepted standards and after having to edit sites and clean up after
people that have coded entire sites using their html bastardizations it's
become somewhat of a pet peeve for me.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] To list admin (Denis Havlik?)

2002-04-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Roman Korcek wrote:

 I lost my old email address an thus can't unsub. (because it
 needs a confirmation which I can't confirm since the request is sent
 to my old address). The old address was [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Could you
 please unsub. me?
 Or if I am asking at the wrong place, could someone point me please in
 the right direction?



there is no confirmation request needed or asked for when unsubing from
the newbie or the expert list.
Registered Linux User 182496

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[OT] winex [was: Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2]

2002-04-30 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Monday 29 April 2002 15:27, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

 Brian, sorry to hear you're having problems, and I'm equally sorry that it
 condemns you to Windoze only gaming... (having so much fun with Winex 2.0
 here its probably illegal!)

I'm jealous!  I've compiled and installed winex a couple of times and found 
that not only does it not run most things properly or at all (I'm talking 
about Notepad here, not just super-accelerated first-person shooters), it 
also makes X freeze periodically. I assume the fault lies in my 
configuration, but winex configuration files seem even more of a headache 
than plain wine.

Still, I suppose it makes me more productive - less temptation to slack off 
and play a game if I have to go to the trouble of rebooting!

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] OT:Linux on top

2002-04-30 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 16:37, poogle wrote:
 Just bought a LG DVD ROM and was very pleased to see that at the top of the
 compatible operating systems list in big letters was LINUX, OK so they were
 in alphabetical order but it was nice to see it prominently placed on the
 front of the box.

AFAIK LG was one of the first hardware companies to advertise their Linux 
compatibility on the box.  Bless 'em.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-04-30 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Jim Dawson wrote:
 I just upgraded my computer from 256MB to 512MB. Is there anything I need to do to 
optimize the computer for the additional memory?  My swap partition is currently 

Well, since some computers require that the amount of memory be
specified during installation / startup of Linux, I imagine some
computers will require that line be changed to specify the new amount of
memory, but I really don't know, and I don't know whether some computer
that didn't require it at the initial installation might require it

Try: less /proc/meminfo and confirm that it shows something around 512
kb of memory.  If it doesn't get back to the list -- maybe someone else
can tell you how to fix it.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Radeon 8500

2002-04-30 Per discussione Philip Crowe

Thanks for the reply, I'll check it out.

- Original Message -
From: Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Radeon 8500

 On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 22:03:40 +0100, Philip Crowe
  Hello All,
  I have been on the list a short time and find it excellent for problem
  solving and picking up tips.
  My question is regarding the ATI Radeon 8500 and Mandrake. What is the
  driver set available for this card?

 You can find enhanced XFree86 drivers at

 Sridhar Dhanapalan

   I don't use a marketing eye, I simply don't care.
 There are others who do, I'll let them worry about it.
 -- Linus Torvalds

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[newbie] The Register: Preinstalled Windows Illegal to Remove?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Sevatio

Check out this article.

Linux Today:

Complete story:

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Re: [newbie] How To Determine Webserver?

2002-04-30 Per discussione Diego García

I agree with you, i also think ...their web authoring tools SUCK , i think that
linux is higuer availibity than MSucks Windows and has higher compability too. But,
and this a big but, ¿Wich porcentage of surfers use IE?. Ok my writing topic was
about that this list is not about hacking and hacking tools, evenmore, hackers are
first linux followers, i fight with them but that doesn´t mean that i don´t admire

Like i admire all the people that write in this list, may be is here where Microsoft
Monopoly end begins.

Sorry, maybe i must write less.

P.D. I love new mozilla engine, are you testing now? Some freezes are dissapear in
my navigation on the web

daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 umwhat in the world are you talking about? the original thrust of this
 thread was addressing how some sites are drafted in apps that don't adhere
 to WC3 html standards and because of that cause rendering problems for
 people because the html they're coded in isn't up to standard. Netscape,
 Konqueror, Opera, and Mozilla all conform to the established WC3
 standards. At present there is only one browser that does not. IE.
 Of course neither does FrontPage Xpress, or M$ Publishers or any of that
 ilk. I guess they figure since they own the world they don't have to
 conform, but rather dictate to all just how they're going to re-program
 the web. Kinda like defining the web on their own terms.

 please don't misunderstand. I'm not bashing MS. I think their web
 authoring tools SUCK because as a programmer I see that the don't follow
 accepted standards and after having to edit sites and clean up after
 people that have coded entire sites using their html bastardizations it's
 become somewhat of a pet peeve for me.

 Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Re: KDE 3.0 - question on installation

2002-04-30 Per discussione Joseph Braddock

You haven't installed KDE3 yet!  The urpmi.addmedia simply adds the directory to the 
list of sources used by urpmi and the Mandrake Software Manger (such as Mandrake CD1, 
CD2, etc).  To actually install KDE3, go back to the directory where you have the 
files (/home/MyName/kde3 in your posting).  Once there, root, do a urpmi *  and that 
will install it.


On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 01:34:25 -0700
Eric Estes -=RCN Mail=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You rule! That worked perfect to get Gnome and the other window makers
 One problem though. I added KDE twice to the list hoping one would be
 for KDE 2.2.2 and the other for 3.0 but when I try to log in with either
 I get old KDE 2.2.2
 Did I install KDE 3.0 incorrectly?
 I followed instructions that were posted in a message to someone else
 hoping it would work for me. This is what I did to install it:
 cd /home/MyName/kde3
 urpmi.addmedia kde3 file:///home/MyName/kde3
 I'm currently using Mandrake 8.2 if that matters.
 Thanks again for all the help you guys/girls have been offering. It's
 greatly appreciated.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Joseph Braddock
 Sent: April 28, 2002 8:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: KDE 3.0 - question on installation
 Assuming you are using KDM login shell, login with the default session.
 Hopefully, that will open up either KDE or Gnome.  Next go to the K or
 foot menu and go to Configuration.  Go to KDE, then System, the Login
 Manager.  There should be a tab called Sessions.  At the bottom, there
 should be a section called Session Types.  Manually add Gnome and KDE
 back to the list.  Capitalization is important so it must be exactly
 Gnome and KDE (without the quotes of course).
 On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 03:44:52 -0700
 Eric Estes -=RCN Mail=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Question regarding install of KDE 3.0 on Mandrake 8.2
  I followed your instructions of:
  cd /home/MyName/kde3
  urpmi.addmedia kde3 file:///home/MyName/kde3
  And I logout and when I get to the login screen I only have 2 options 
  in my Session Type drop down box. The first option is default and 
  the second option is failsafe. I should have Gnome in here as well 
  as the other window makers since I have them installed.
  Another question while I'm at it. When I start up Mandrake 8.2 it 
  never asks me what user I want to login and automatically logs me in. 
  I would rather be prompted as to which user I want to login with. I 
  used to know how to do this but I don't remember.
  Thanks for your time,
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Alastair Scott
  Sent: April 26, 2002 2:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE 3
  On Friday 26 April 2002 7:10 pm, you wrote:
   While we are on the topic, I also installed KDE3, and it rocks. 
   Played around with some of the icon settings and it looks great 
   (Screen shot ). Definitely making the 
   switch (at least until Gnome 2 comes out).
  It's strangely similar to my desktop :)
  (the font is Frutiger Linotype; you get it installed with Microsoft
   One thing tho, everytime I login, the KDE startup wizard loads up 
   and asks me a bunch of questions, how can I disable this. I tried 
   through the wizard but it still loads up everytime I start KDE3. 
   (THis is not the mandrake first time startup wizard).
  This is a 'known bug' and the fix is near the bottom of this excellent
  guide to KDE3 quirks:
  Create or edit the file '~/.kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerrc'. Put
  this line into it:
  Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)

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Re: [newbie] A new topic Backup strategies

2002-04-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Diego [iso-8859-1] García wrote:

 ok, i use Tivoli for my backups, and i write all  backup strategies for my NOC, but
 here we have some troubles like some messages susch as:

 8.2 migration
 I lost some files...
 Inittab problems...

 Maybe... In this NEWBIe list we can collaborate to write some whitepapers for 
 newbies, because some newbies don´t have any experience with cpio, amanda, ktape or 
 tar or any other tool, whwn i begin to be a linusero linux folloer i must to read
 many howto´s but this is not enough.

 Knowledge base must be a target in a newbie list, i think, not only a just FAQ list.

 That is my idea.

 First backup , why? how? when?
 later another topics , like CDRW, migration or tunning, ALL FOR NEWBIES.

 THXfor your response



there really isn't a great need for any more papers to be written since
a HUGE number of them already exist. Not to mention the incredible brain
trust that is on this list and the expert list. to write more papers would
be a futile waste of good time that could be spent having fun with our
PC's coding something cool.

One of the best places to search for things that are hard to find is
Google. If you can't find it there it just doesn't exist.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione heatheri

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 08:04:03 +

 Sorry Mate!
 Both PC and Laptop are using Internal CD-ROM Drives, I try to boot from 
 flopppy with cd inside Nope! Secondly, From CD-ROM directly! Nope!
 I switch back to my old Mandrake 8.0 ((( No Problemo )))
 I really appreciate your help ! :-)

Well I wasn't able to help  Beyond that... I'm outta ideas.  Check *I hope thats the addy*?


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.2 install problems

2002-04-30 Per discussione Ron Bouwhuis


Did you burn M8.2 on CD-RWs?  I had a problem on an
old Tosh laptop where it wouldn't read CD-RWs - had to
reburn onto CD-Rs.  I think Windows could read the
CD-RWs (I used it to create the boot floppy), but not
the LM install software - very odd.

Second thought: did you do an md5sum check on the ISO
images before burning?


---   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry Mate!
 Both PC and Laptop are using Internal CD-ROM Drives,
 I try to boot from 
 flopppy with cd inside Nope! Secondly, From CD-ROM
 directly! Nope!
 I switch back to my old Mandrake 8.0 ((( No Problemo
 I really appreciate your help ! :-)

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-04-30 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Charlie wrote:

 On Tuesday 30 April 2002 11:05 am, Jim Dawson sent the following:
  I just upgraded my computer from 256MB to 512MB. Is there anything I need
  to do to optimize the computer for the additional memory?  My swap
  partition is currently 256MB.
  Thanks in advance.
 Yeah Jim. Enjoy the lower noise levels of a hard drive that won't read nearly
 as often.

 When I went to 512 MB (I was also installing MDK 8.1 at the same time) the
 swap file was 400 MB but it was hardly used at all unless I was running a few
 more than the usual XMMS, K-Mail, Mozilla, and whatever desktop toys happened
 to be running. When I upgraded to 8.2 I didn't touch the swap. It's still
 at 400 MB, but there's a full 1 GB (4x256 MB PC 133) of SDRAM for it to play
 with. No worries at all.

 Have fun!

damn! now _THAT_ is some RAM stuffed in that box.

Registered Linux User 182496

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Re: [newbie] A new topic Backup strategies

2002-04-30 Per discussione David

daRcmaTTeR said onto me:  
 |One of the best places to search for things that are hard to find is
 |Google. If you can't find it there it just doesn't exist.
 |Registered Linux User 182496

Not to mention Google has a dedicated Linux _channel_ for lack of a better word at

David L. Steiner   Registered Linux User   #262493
Mandrake  8.2  Enlightenment  0.16.5   Sylpheed  0.7.4claws
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Homepage:

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[newbie] How to eliminate the Kmail sprinkler head graphic (and) where is Bcc:

2002-04-30 Per discussione Josef Lowder

How can one eliminate the big Kmail sprinkler head graphic with the big 
white K superimposed on it in every email message displayed by Kmail? 

Also, how can one revised the message header arrangement?  

And is there a Bcc option available with Kmail? 

Josef Lowder
Mesa, Arizona 

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Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2

2002-04-30 Per discussione heatheri

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002 12:27:15 +0200 (CEST)
Ralph Slooten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 30 Apr 2002, Brian Parish wrote:
 Hi there Brian,
 I have had My GeForce 2 for about a year and a half now, and have always 
 basically used the same config file from the first run. At least I mean the 
 same additions to the XF86Config-4 file. The one thing that does strike me 
 is that there seem to be several ways to do this, and the way I do it is 
 not the way it's described on the Mandrake site, but a way I once read a 
 year and a half on some other Linux site.
 At the moment I'm running L-M 8.2 (Download edition), and have:
 .. installed. Both were for download at the NVidia site. I have attached mt 
 XF85Config-4 file (BZipped) to this e-mail. You will of cource have to 
 check is the monitor settings, mouse and Keyboard correspond to your own 
 settings before using it, however I cannot see how it would not work.
 Give it a shot and keep us updated ;-)

As a sort of aside, I've checked  re-checked the Display properties *in E  KDE* and 
always it lists on INFO the driver being nv.  Now i changed this manually.  Also I 
Unchecked the Energy savings *Having it on messes with my resolution  botches it :(*. 

Why does it list the driver incorrectly  ISn't it reading XFConfig86-4?  Why did I 
have to turn OFF Energy saver manually in that file too

Its really starting to piss me off that I had to edit this crap manually  still shows 
up incorrectly.


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Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2

2002-04-30 Per discussione Ralph Slooten

Save it to disk, open a console and type:

bunzip2 XF96Config-4.bz2


On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Femme wrote:

 On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 08:34:12 -0400
 Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi. Sorry to butt in, but I was looking at your config file. If he
  uses it, and it does work, can I add a suggestion? If you're going to
  be gaming, then I'd add a few more resolutions to it, specifically
  640x480 in 16 bit...
  Just a thought! ;-)

 I can't seem to view that cfg with Sylpheed.  Can someone point me to
 how to do so? Please?  I know its an attachment But i'm stumped on how
 to do so :(


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Re: [newbie] OT?, Bastille a sheepish grin

2002-04-30 Per discussione Brian Parish

On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 14:51, Femme wrote:
 On 01 May 2002 14:24:21 +1000
 Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now the next thing you need to do to make the experience really
  complete, is to use it to lock up your system so tight that you can't
  get into it at all.  Easily done on a server that has no
  keyboard/monitor associated with it.  i.e. the only way in is the
  network.  Just run InteractiveBastille, forget to include eth0 in your
  trusted interfaces, lock down all ports and bingo!
  Now you may think this sounds like personal experience, but of course
  I would never do such a thing. ;-)
 *Hugs brian tightly* Ty I didn't know that... Im looking at some
 docs for how it works before I do something really stupid.  IE what you
 managed ;p
 Btw Just how do I undo that if you I *do* manage to fubar the
 system like that besides an reinstall ? 
 TIA Love, the warning will be well heeded.
Well it's no problem if you have direct access to the console.  Just
login there, edit the /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg file.  Find
trusted interfaces and add eth0 there.  Then as root:

service bastille-firewall restart

My problem was that this machine sits in a closet, with no screen,
keyboard, or mouse attached.  Not a major problem, but a little
embarrassing when your network configuration work results in having to
pull out the machine and set it up on a bench to fix it.  It was very
secure though!

Remember, the InteractiveBastille does lots more than just setting your
iptables rules.  Some of the stuff about limiting access to the console,
password protecting the lilo prompt etc., could really lock you out. 
But you would have to go against the defaults for that.  You can safely
assume that I don't understand so I'll accept the default won't break
your system.

One last word on that though, there is a question on limiting use of
system resources to combat denial of service attacks.  Answering yes to
that one caused problems su'ing to root or something IIRC.  The setting
it made needed a couple of extra zeros.  You may like to check the
archives on that one, or can anyone who knows comment?  May not be an
issue with the version that ships with 8.2  I said no, so I can't

Have fun

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Re: [newbie] X and nVidia under 8.2

2002-04-30 Per discussione Brian Parish

It works fine with W$ - both 98 and XP.  I have to have them there as I
support customers who use them, but apart from that, those partions
remain pretty dusty!  I am not suggesting that the card is faulty, just
that nVidia may not have put quite as much time into trying their
drivers with the zillions of combinations of hardware that are using
their chipsets on linux as they did under windoze.  I suspect that a
large amount of code in the W$ drivers consists of work-arounds for
various OS botches.  Maybe this makes the doze versions a little more
tolerant of some slight strangeness in my card.

Anyway, I'll try another one and report back.

thanks again

P.S.  Don't worry - I won't charge extra for the burn-in ;)

On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 14:55, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 It may not be the card itself, but a conflict with your hardware. But yes, 
 I would not rule out totally that the card may be fautly. Have you ever 
 tried this configuration with Winblows? If so, did it work there? Please, 
 you do not have to install it just to test ;-)
 Otherwise, it seems easy for you to get your hands on other cards, just 
 remind me not to buy any computers from a place where a Brian works ;-)
 On 1 May 2002, Brian Parish wrote:
  OK Ralph,
  Gave that a try.  Looked thru your file and it was similar enough to
  mine to be able to use it without change.  Saved my XF86config-4 and
  replaced it with yours.  Installed the downloaded rpms.  Same result -
  long delay after startx, then nVidia splash, then KDE.  Ran evolution,
  clicked on a message (it displayed) clicked on the trash to delete it,
  hung.  Can't stop X, can't switch to a console, can't ping the machine,
  frozen solid.
  I am willing to wager a small amount (very small) that if I pulled the
  graphics card and put in another nvidia based card, it would be likely
  to work.  In fact, next time I build a machine for a customer, their new
  card may just get a brief burn-in period doing just that.  I'll let you
  know the result, but that could be a while (building machines is only a
  small part of my business).
  Thanks anyway - it was a good thing to try.

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