Re: [newbie-it] Programma Chat

2002-06-12 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Non ho fatto un controllo approfondito ma mi sebra sia eccezzionale 
ccmsn che server per far girare messanger sotto linux (alla faccia di 

Hola, Mercury!

[newbie-it] Adsl

2002-06-12 Per discussione Alessandro

Ragazzi ho installato la Mandrake
8.2 e ne sono felicissimo;mi ha riconosciuto lo
scanner,il masterizzatore gia pronto all'uso,e ,udite udite,i dvd funzionano
benissimo senza nessun intervento da parte mia(beh..non credo che avrei
saputo cosa fare tra l'altro) e adesso veniamo al dunque.L'unico problema  il
modem adsl Alcatel Speed Touch usb Manta.Ho lottato per quasi un mese con
la Telecom(ho l'Alice flat) per farmelo dare perch mi avevano assegnato - a
dispetto della mia precisa richiesta - un Ericsson sempre usb-non funzionante
con linux-il suddetto Alcatel viene tra l'altro correttamente riconosciuto da
Mandrake ma non so perch quando vado a configurare l'adsl,usando l'apposita
utility,il sistema dopo un p mi dice che la connessione  fallita e mi invita a
ritentare da control center...
Mandrake  davvero ottima
per me ma per continuare ho bisogno del vostro
aiuto;se vi scocciate a ripetere delle cose trite magari indicatemi dove posso
reperire le informazioni che mi servono.

RE: [newbie-it] Adsl

2002-06-12 Per discussione fabrizio . torrisi

Anche se il control manager ti dice che non è connesso tu hai provato
ad aprire una pagina internet lo stesso ???
(scusa la rima)
A me è successo con la linea Isdn che avevo prima...
Adesso anche io ho una linea Alice con un modem Alcatel ADSL Ethernet..
Se hai ancora problemi fammi sapere...

-- Messaggio originale --
From: Alessandro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 10:03:56 +0200
Subject: [newbie-it] Adsl

Ragazzi ho installato la Mandrake 8.2 e ne sono felicissimo;mi ha riconosciuto
scanner,il masterizzatore gia pronto all'uso,e ,udite udite,i dvd funzionano
benissimo senza nessun intervento da parte mia(beh..non credo che avrei
saputo cosa fare tra l'altro) e adesso veniamo al dunque.L'unico problema
è il
modem adsl Alcatel Speed Touch usb Manta.Ho lottato per quasi un mese con
la Telecom(ho l'Alice flat) per farmelo dare perchè mi avevano assegnato
- a
dispetto della mia precisa richiesta - un Ericsson sempre usb-non funzionante
con linux-il suddetto Alcatel viene tra l'altro correttamente riconosciuto
Mandrake ma non so perchè quando vado a configurare l'adsl,usando l'apposita
utility,il sistema dopo un pò mi dice che la connessione è fallita e mi
ritentare da control center...
Mandrake è davvero ottima per me ma per continuare ho bisogno del vostro
aiuto;se vi scocciate a ripetere delle cose trite magari indicatemi dove
reperire le informazioni che mi servono.

Re: [newbie-it] ancora su emacs...

2002-06-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Emiliano La Licata esclamo':
 quando lancio emacs parte la versione 20.7 con il caratteristico stile con
 lo sfondo verde per intenderci, quando lancio emacs 20.7 parte la
 versione in questione con uno stile diverso, sfondo biancastro carattere nero.

Sei sicuro che uno non sia emacs (quello verdino) e l'altro xemacs (la
versione per X a sfondo bianco)?
Se non mi sbaglio al momento 'emacs' e' un link simbolico a xemacs, se
vuoi avviare quello testuale (un qualcosa di simile a emacs-x.x.x-nox)
devi andarlo a cercare.

 Sarebbe possibile fare in modo che quando lancio emacs parta la versione
 21.7 con il caratteristico stile in verde?

Cambia il link di cui sopra.

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc3
Aderisci alla campagna: lasciamo perdere il DEVFS e pensiamo ad altro.
Per la serie come complicare cose che funzionano senza apportare benefici
evidenti per la stragrande maggioranza degli utenti

[newbie-it] Librerie QT

2002-06-12 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Avendo scaricato con pazienza la versione 3.0.1 di KDE vorrei 
installarla, ma sul sito di Kde viene indicata la necessità della 
presenza della versione 3.0.2 delle librerie QT
Ho provato a cercare informazioni sulla versione installata sul mio pc, 
ma non ho trovato nulla.
Dove posso cercare questa informazione, prima di incasinare tutto 
tentando di installare una cosa che non può funzionare ?
(Se qualcuno ha installato KDE3 con un'altra versione dell QT fatemelo 
sapere, così evito di scaricare un pacco notevole di MB)

[newbie-it] Licq

2002-06-12 Per discussione Antonio Roversi

Salve a tutti.  C'è per caso qualcuno che ha installato un Licq funzionante ? 
Sia con Mandrake 8.0 che 8.2 (installati su tre pc diversi) non c'è verso di 
farlo andare. Riesco solo a lanciarlo e andare in linea, ma poi la cosa 
finisce lì. Ho guardato la configurazione di ICQ sotto windows e ho visto che 
dava: host: login.icq. com porta 5190, per cui ho provaro a cambiare di 
conseguenza la configurazione di Licq, ma niente da fare: una serie di 
messaggi incomprensibili da cui ho solo capito che non riusciva a fare la 
Grazie per ogni suggerimento

Re: [newbie-it] [iso-8859-1] Librerie QT (fwd)

2002-06-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 16:31:43 +0200 (CEST)
From: LukenShiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] [iso-8859-1] Librerie QT

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, [EMAIL PROTECTED] esclamo':
 sul sito di Kde viene indicata la necessità della
 presenza della versione 3.0.2 delle librerie QT
 Ho provato a cercare informazioni sulla versione installata sul mio pc,
 ma non ho trovato nulla.

rpm -qa | grep -i libqt

 (Se qualcuno ha installato KDE3 con un'altra versione dell QT fatemelo
 sapere, così evito di scaricare un pacco notevole di MB)

Presente :) .. e' meglio installare la versione 3.0.4

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc3
Aderisci alla campagna: lasciamo perdere il DEVFS e pensiamo ad altro.
Per la serie come complicare cose che funzionano senza apportare benefici
evidenti per la stragrande maggioranza degli utenti


2002-06-12 Per discussione Ruben Patanè

  Salve a tutti,
  ho visto che nella redhat 7.3 appena inserisci un CD, esso parte da 
  solo. Come si chiama questa funzione o come si attiva con la MDK 
  Grazie a tutti e buona serata.


___ IncrediMail - il mondo della posta elettronica si 
è finalmente evoluto - Clicca 

[newbie-it] Raid IDE Adaptec 1200A

2002-06-12 Per discussione Fabio

Inizio il 
messaggio chiedendovi, se possibile, di rispondere anche solo per darmi la 
vostra opinione.Ho appena montato un controller IDE Raid Adaptec 1200A, il 
problema grosso è che, una volta costruito il raid 1, linux continua a vedere 2 
HD separati e non 1 solo in mirroring, ho provato ad installare i driver ataraid 
ma non è cambiato nulla :-( non so più che fare.Ho cercato con google ma non 
ho trovato nulla.Mi fa rabbia aver speso soldi per un "finto" controller 
raid! Infatti mi sembra che non faccia altro che creare una specie di raid 
software.Che dite, c'è modo di farlo funzionare con una Mandrake 8.2 (sul 
sito risultava come hardware conosciuto)?Vi ringrazio in anticipo per 
qualsiasi aiuto o suggerimento.

Re: [newbie-it] Programma Chat

2002-06-12 Per discussione luigi

Alle 19:48, martedì 11 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
 Ho scaricato il messengers di yahoo, ma come si usa???
 dove faccio la ricerca delle persone che sono in chat

Da li trovi il messengers e poi c'e la lista degli amici che 
aggiungerai man mano che conosci persone o che puoi inserire a mano se 
conosci il loro nickname preciso
Dimenticavo: inutile dire che devono essere di yahoo

 Alle 23:52, lunedì 10 giugno 2002, lei ha scritto:
  Alle 20:00, domenica 9 giugno 2002, hai scritto:
   cerco un programma per chat simile a c6 della tin,
   Quel programma non lo conosco però ho provato il messengers di yahoo e
  va da dio..

[newbie-it] Ancora NTFS

2002-06-12 Per discussione luigi

Ciao a tutti ragazzi lo so che sono un rompi ma testardo Vi ringrazio 
tutti delle vostre risposte! ma non ci sono riuscito..
questo e il mio fstab:

/dev/hda2 / ext2 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
dev=/dev/hdb,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount 
dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount 
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=msdos,--,iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hde1 /mnt/win_c ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
/dev/hde5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
/dev/hde6 /mnt/win_e vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda1 swap swap defaults 0 0

Ho provato a cambiare umask=0 anche=222 anche=555 ecc...

da shell:
[root@localhost gigi]# mount -t ntfs umask=222 /dev/hde1
mount: il device speciale umask=222 non esiste
[root@localhost gigi]#

[gigi@localhost gigi]$ su
[root@localhost gigi]# mount -t ntfs umask=222/dev/hde1
Usage: mount -V : print version
   mount -h : print this help
   mount: list mounted filesystems
   mount -l : idem, including volume labels
So far the informational part. Next the mounting.
The command is `mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'.
Details found in /etc/fstab may be omitted.
   mount -a [-t|-O] ... : mount all stuff from /etc/fstab
   mount device : mount device at the known place
   mount directory  : mount known device here
   mount -t type dev dir: ordinary mount command
Note that one does not really mount a device, one mounts
a filesystem (of the given type) found on the device.
One can also mount an already visible directory tree elsewhere:
   mount --bind olddir newdir
A device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom,
or by label, using  -L label  or by uuid, using  -U uuid .
Other options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p num].
For many more details, say  man 8 mount .
[root@localhost gigi]#

Ho dato un occhiata anche ai vari man.. boo e anche a mtab..
Ho deciso mi comprerò un bel libro per placare la mia ignoranza
Ciao a tutti GIGI

Re: [newbie-it] Ancora NTFS

2002-06-12 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, luigi esclamo':
 /dev/hde1 /mnt/win_c ntfs iocharset=iso8859-15 0 0
 /dev/hde5 /mnt/win_d vfat iocharset=iso8859-15,umask=0,codepage=850 0 0

Vedi dove sta umask nella riga per la vfat? basta fare lo stesso per
quella di ntfs.

 [root@localhost gigi]# mount -t ntfs umask=222 /dev/hde1
 mount: il device speciale umask=222 non esiste

Urgh, si', perche' scritto cosi' il sistema interpreta umask=222 come
dispositivo (e /dev/hde1 come partizione di montaggio :P)

 Other options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p num].

Per usarlo con mount dovresti usare '-o' prima delle opzioni di
montaggio (umask ecc... e' considerata appunto un'opzione).

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro * Slackware 8.1-rc3
Aderisci alla campagna: lasciamo perdere il DEVFS e pensiamo ad altro.
Per la serie come complicare cose che funzionano senza apportare benefici
evidenti per la stragrande maggioranza degli utenti

[newbie-it] Kde Fonts Xfree - Trovato il problema

2002-06-12 Per discussione jv

Hash: SHA1

Ciao a tutti!
Ho scoperto il motivo percui avevo problemi con i fonts di kde..
Il problema è il file kdeglobals.
Ho provato a rinominare la directory .kde e lui, puntualmente, ne ha ricreata 
a questo punto ho potuto cercare le differenze tra le due cartelle..
cerca cerca, ho trovato la magagna..
orà però c'è un problema..

dopo aver sostituito il file, ho iniziato a reimpostare la configurazione..
finchè, ad un certo punto sono spariti tutti i miei fonts.. un'altra volta..

il problema comunque è circoscritto..
ora mi chiedo il perchè ciò accada...

una domanda adesso:
è possibile sapere in qualche modo qual'è l'ultima cosa che ha scritto su un 
mi spiego meglio.. io ho notato che il file kdeglobals è stato modificato ad 
una tot ora.. c'è un modo per sapere, a quell'ora, chi ha effettuato la 

'notte a tutti e grazie!


- -- 
- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] compaq presario 724EA-725EA

2002-06-12 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ciao c'e' qualcuno che ha testato linux mandrake su compaq presario 724EA o 725 EA, se 
si' quali problemi ci sono stati e come sono stati risolti, grazie

[newbie-it] SW libero al

2002-06-12 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Software Libero al 2002
- ---

E` tempo di! A meno di un mese dall'evento ecco alcune
informazioni per chi è interessato sia all'evento di Padova sia al
Software Libero. Intanto l'URL dell'evento, ove e` possibile trovare
tutte le informazioni del caso:

L'organizzazione mette a disposizione due differenti spazi: il primo e`
l'isola Debian (chiamata cosi` per il fatto che serviva un 'prodotto'
attorno a cui raccogliere gli appassionati e Debian e` il primo che ci
sia venuto in mente)ed il secondo e` lo stand Software Libero.

L'isola Debian si trova all'interno dell'Arena ed e` accessibile solo
dalle persone iscritte con status Arena (30 euro) o Full (75 euro, 3
pasti al giorno per 3 giorni e pavimento per dormire). L'isola
Debian e` il punto di raduno degli appassionati di questa distribuzione
(ma anche del software libero piu` in generale) all'interno dell'Area e
sara` segnalata da un totem alto 4m!

Lo stand software libero è uno spazio al di fuori dell'arena destinato a
contenitore di tutte le associazioni (Debian, ILS, ASSOLI, FSFE, LUG,
FSUG e chi piu` ne ha piu` ne metta) che si dedicano alla diffusione
dello stesso.

Questa mail vuole essere un'invito a tutti a partecipare ed alle varie
associazioni a contattare i responsabili[1] per coordinare la presenza
nello stand. Inoltre, date un'occhiata alle centinaia di seminari in
programma e se vi sembra che manchi qualcosa, comunicatecelo,
preferibilmente assieme al nome di una persona in grado e disponibile a
tenere il seminario! 

Per maggiori informazioni scrivete a [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ML
dell'organizzazione) oppure direttamente a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -- 

Slackware 8 GNU/Linux 2.4.18 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 - S.R.U.#705 - R.M.#110932
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-12 Per discussione et

or, you can just set a filter to /dev/null for any mail with html or a 
href? yes, no, nes pa?

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 06:26 am, you wrote:
 Linux Maniac wrote:
  Maybe there should be an other email format, let's call it nextmail.
  It would be xml based and would NOT be compatible with the current
  email system, even the adress would be different like
  newbie* You'd have a choice to use wichever you like...
  hmmm  Even I don't like my own idea :-)

 I do!  Then email systems should be setup to route all that new mail
 (and any current HTML) mail, only to people that indicate their
 willingness/desire to accept it.   (That would include spam.)  It
 doesn't solve all the bandwidth problems, but it would solve
 individual's personal download problems.

 And, if spammers wanted to reach people who have specified their
 preference not to receive HTML / XML mail, they'd have to send plain
 text.  If they did that, we'd still have spam, but initially not as
 much, and at least not using as much bandwidth.

 If I ran an ISP I'd seriously think about doing that -- filter the mail
 on HTML, and send HTML only to customers who wanted it.

 Aside: (And not picking on Linux Maniac in particular) Why don't more
 people edit emails they are responding to?  Keeping the entire thread of
 an email on each post has got to be as big a waste of bandwidth as
 HTML.  And not only of electronic bandwidth, but also of reader's
 mental bandwidth (and mine is getting smaller all the time ;-)

 Randy Kramer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: Well OT: Re: [newbie] Hahaha, did you see?

2002-06-12 Per discussione et

On Thursday 11 June 2009 09:23 pm, you wrote:
 Qupte from the linked article:
   Just as the AdTI showed that people who've actually worked with

 MCSE's have a higher opinion of them than people who haven't

 What?  There are actually people out there who have a high opinion of
 MSCEs? ;-)

 Sir Robin
no, no, that's highER, as in relative, as in I used to consider him as low as 
whale dung (bottom of the ocean) but now i know he is only as dumb as dirt. 
See, bottom of ocean=low, dirt=high-ER_   

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] MS Access replacement (need to use MDB files)

2002-06-12 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 13:50, Joshua James wrote:
 Please don't attack me (linux users do this) about using MS Access as a
 simple database program.

 We use MDB files to hold simple information, and it is very easy to do

 I would like to be able to (at least) read, maybe use MDB files from my
 linux workstation.

 I'm using Mandrake v8.2 and trying very hard to get rid of Win2k as a
 dual-boot. This is one of the few things holding me up.


You could give Crossover Office a try. It allows you you run Windows Office 
Suite under Linux. MS Access is not officially a supported application right 
now, but it does work to an extent, and will surely be added to the list 
before long.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] CUPS and HP 2100 over JetDirect

2002-06-12 Per discussione Joshua James

I installed CUPS from my Mandrake v8.2 discs. When I try to install my
HP 2100 and print a test page the yellow light on the printer comes on,
goes off, and nothing prints.

I attempted to install directly to the JetDirect by IP address and
selected the HP 2100 from the pull-down lists for drivers.

Any ideas or resources for installing printers would be greatly
appreciated. I would rather print through our Win2k print server but
I'll take anything I can get.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] evolution and the sync hole

2002-06-12 Per discussione Brian Parish

Does anyone understand what is going on with evolution as shipped with
8.2 and synchronization?  It seems that the only options for pilot
settings now are to sync with gnomecard and gnomecal, which are
apparently separate apps to the contact list and calendar within

So am I missing something here?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-12 Per discussione John Richard Smith

On Tuesday 11 June 2002 22:57, you wrote:
Well, all this seems to be  telling me that I cannot expect or hope 
to ever get a good quality emailer from Mandrake.

Plain text means lack of scope, one uniform font, one uniform font 
size , no resizing of sections of text, no bold type, no font colour 
changes, no undertining, no italic(though I do not like italic), no 
bullet lists, no number lists, no decreasing indents, a pity really.

As I say, if that is what you want, ok, thats fine by me, but it's 
not what I want, and nor do I believe the world out there.

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] CUPS and HP 2100 over JetDirect

2002-06-12 Per discussione Cory

Please post any other info you find on this topic because I hit a similar
problem and we have 6 of these printers in production. I can get it to work
if I point each individual printer to the IP without cups, but the cups does
seem to act a little funny.

Cory Grey
Coastal Pacific Xpress
(604) 575-0983

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5:55 AM
Subject: [newbie] CUPS and HP 2100 over JetDirect

I installed CUPS from my Mandrake v8.2 discs. When I try to install my
HP 2100 and print a test page the yellow light on the printer comes on,
goes off, and nothing prints.

I attempted to install directly to the JetDirect by IP address and
selected the HP 2100 from the pull-down lists for drivers.

Any ideas or resources for installing printers would be greatly
appreciated. I would rather print through our Win2k print server but
I'll take anything I can get.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

RE: [newbie] CUPS and HP 2100 over JetDirect

2002-06-12 Per discussione Joshua James

I have since been able to make it work better. I have tried both samba
and lpd as well. I am not using the lpd and set the printer to
http://x.x.x.x/printername and it printed to the Win2k server. I also
had to change the print drive to HP LaserJet series or something simpler
than the 2100 series.

On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 11:33, Cory wrote:
 Please post any other info you find on this topic because I hit a similar
 problem and we have 6 of these printers in production. I can get it to work
 if I point each individual printer to the IP without cups, but the cups does
 seem to act a little funny.
 Cory Grey
 Coastal Pacific Xpress
 (604) 575-0983
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5:55 AM
 Subject: [newbie] CUPS and HP 2100 over JetDirect
 I installed CUPS from my Mandrake v8.2 discs. When I try to install my
 HP 2100 and print a test page the yellow light on the printer comes on,
 goes off, and nothing prints.
 I attempted to install directly to the JetDirect by IP address and
 selected the HP 2100 from the pull-down lists for drivers.
 Any ideas or resources for installing printers would be greatly
 appreciated. I would rather print through our Win2k print server but
 I'll take anything I can get.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-12 Per discussione Randy Kramer

dfox wrote:
 You might be able to add more RAM. It depends on your motherboard, and you
 should consult the manufacturer's manual to be sure. There can be problems
 mixing different types and speeds of RAM, and it might be an either/or
 situation with respect to simms vs. dimms in that particular motherboard.

What he said!

And, if you don't have the manual for the motherboard anymore, try to
give us a model number.  (I'm not sure that 200 megahertz genuine Intel
motherboard pins it down -- does the 200 mhz refer to the max.
processor speed of to the memory bus speed -- if the latter, it's a
fairly recent motherboard and I'd expect to be able to put a lot of
memory (more than 128 MB) in the dimm slots.  But just for perspective,
the motherboard I've used as a standard for several years (I've started
replacing them recently) can use simms and dimms in certain specific
combinations (I don't know what that does to the overall memory bus
speed -- someone told me all the memory would run at the speed of the
slowest simms), but the maximum size dimm (in each of two slots) is 64
MB.  So I run these motherboards (in Linux) with 128 MB.

Like I said, check your manual, and if you don't have your manual,
search the Intel site for more info, or publish the model number here,
so maybe somebody with the same motherboard can help you.

Randy Kramer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to

[newbie] building an RPM

2002-06-12 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

Does anyone know why this doesn't work
It builds chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm and chkrootkit-0.35-1.src.rpm
But when I run rpm -ivh chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm. I can't find any thing 
that it did, it acts like it works?

#file chkrootkit.spec
Summary: chkrootkit-0.35
Name: chkrootkit
Version: 0.35
Release: 1
Source0: %{name}.tar.gz
License: GPL
Group: Development/Tools

%setup -q
make sense
if [ -d /home/tools ]; then
  if [ -d /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35 ]; then
cp * /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;
mkdir /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35;
cp * /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;
  mkdir /home/tools;
  mkdir /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;
  cp * /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;

Gerald Waugh  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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[newbie] Epson Stylus C40

2002-06-12 Per discussione Joan Tur


I'm wondering if this printer is supported by linux.  I cannot find it at -it is not mentioned-  8-?

   Joan Tur. Eivissa-Balears
   AOL quini2k  ICQ 11407395
 Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-12 Per discussione Randy Kramer

et wrote:
 MOST times you can _not_ mix, in fact I do not ever remember a MOBo where you
 can mix 128 pin and 72 pin.

Just for the record, my old standard motherboard does allow this, with
some limitations.  It has 4 simm slots and 2 dimm slots, you cannot use
both slot 1s.  In other words, you can use all 4 simm slots and only
the 2nd dimm slot, or you can use both dimm slots, but only the 3rd and
4th simm slots.  (And, in addition, as I think I mentioned in an earlier
post, the dimm slots are limited to 64 MB. each.)  (Hmm, now that I
think about it, I might have one machine running with both types of
RAM.  I'll have to do some looking around.  If so, I left it that way,
so I must have thought it was an improvement.  If I can confirm that,
I'll write again.)

And, I've been told (but don't know for a fact), that if you do use both
types of slot, all the memory runs at the speed of the slowest type.

I've seen the motherboard with a couple of different brand names, I
usually refer to it as a TX-Pro II, oftentimes with a manual that simply
says Mainboard.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-12 Per discussione Marcia

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 12:26 pm, you wrote:
 dfox wrote:
  You might be able to add more RAM. It depends on your motherboard, and
  you should consult the manufacturer's manual to be sure. There can be
  problems mixing different types and speeds of RAM, and it might be an
  either/or situation with respect to simms vs. dimms in that particular

 What he said!

 And, if you don't have the manual for the motherboard anymore, try to
 give us a model number.  (I'm not sure that 200 megahertz genuine Intel
 motherboard pins it down -- does the 200 mhz refer to the max.
 processor speed of to the memory bus speed -- if the latter, it's a
 fairly recent motherboard and I'd expect to be able to put a lot of
 memory (more than 128 MB) in the dimm slots.  But just for perspective,
 the motherboard I've used as a standard for several years (I've started
 replacing them recently) can use simms and dimms in certain specific
 combinations (I don't know what that does to the overall memory bus
 speed -- someone told me all the memory would run at the speed of the
 slowest simms), but the maximum size dimm (in each of two slots) is 64
 MB.  So I run these motherboards (in Linux) with 128 MB.

 Like I said, check your manual, and if you don't have your manual,
 search the Intel site for more info, or publish the model number here,
 so maybe somebody with the same motherboard can help you.

 Randy Kramer

Dear All,

Thank you for your thoughts. I never did have a manual for it, wish I did. Is 
the model number only on the board? I guess the best way to get all of the 
info is to open up the machine again.  I will do that, if needed, but is 
there another way? 

I copied my info below from the system info for the processor:

processor  0
vendor_id  GenuineIntel
cpu family  5
model name   Pentium MMX
cpu MHz   200.459
hlt_bug  no
coma_bug  no
fpu_exception yes
cpuid level 1
flags fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 mmx
bogomips   399.76

I knew that you are not supposed to mix different kinds of memory so my plan 
was to take out the simms and put in two 256 megs of sdram dimm ram into the  
dimm 168 pin slots. I thought that might work for getting my much desired 512 
megs of ram. Will this make a big difference for my speed given the processor 
info above?

 Thanks for the great thoughts and 


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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-12 Per discussione tom Brinkman

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 11:26 am, Randy Kramer wrote:
 And, if you don't have the manual for the motherboard anymore, try
 to give us a model number.  (I'm not sure that 200 megahertz
 genuine Intel motherboard pins it down -- does the 200 mhz refer
 to the max. processor speed of to the memory bus speed -- if the
 latter, it's a fairly recent motherboard and I'd expect to be able
 to put a lot of memory (more than 128 MB) in the dimm slots.

   Marcia said 'genuineintel', but that really says very little. Intel 
makes several versions of all their models. Keepin it simple, that 
boils down to 'retail', 'OEM', and 'OEM ONLY' versions. The latter 
being spec boards like found in Dells and other ready mades.  These 
boards are stripped to the bones (by spec), Intel doesn't support 
'em, and they usually have a spec version Phoenix bios.  I suspect 
it's an OEM ONLY spec since many of those boards only support 128 
ram, usually 2 - 64mb sticks max.

Intel retail boards, specially their high end server stuff is 
renowned for stabillity, but come in last place for performance and 
compatibiltiy with anything non-Intel. They hardly own up to their  
spec board versions, mostly I believe tryin to hide they even make 
the stuff. Bios string will probly be more helpful than FCC # in 
identifying the board.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] building an RPM

2002-06-12 Per discussione D. Olson

Umm... If it acts like it works then it works...

It would have installed checkinstall.

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 12:38 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone know why this doesn't work
 It builds chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm and chkrootkit-0.35-1.src.rpm
 But when I run rpm -ivh chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm. I can't find any thing
 that it did, it acts like it works?

 #file chkrootkit.spec
 Summary: chkrootkit-0.35
 Name: chkrootkit
 Version: 0.35
 Release: 1
 Source0: %{name}.tar.gz
 License: GPL
 Group: Development/Tools

 %setup -q
 make sense
 if [ -d /home/tools ]; then
   if [ -d /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35 ]; then
 cp * /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;
 mkdir /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35;
 cp * /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;
   mkdir /home/tools;
   mkdir /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;
   cp * /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35/;

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Re: Well OT: Re: [newbie] Hahaha, did you see?

2002-06-12 Per discussione civileme

shane wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 11 June 2009 06:23 pm, robin did speak unto the huddled masses, 

MCSE's have a higher opinion of them than people who haven't

What?  There are actually people out there who have a high opinion of
MSCEs? ;-)

hey i have an mcse, took me a good 15 minutes of study too!

- -- 
Hold (ESC)(CTRL)(ALT)(TAB)(SHIFT)(ENTER)  click here #

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606


Believe it or not, there is a boot camp available for your MCSE.  I 
know several people who were sent there (to Redmond WA) from an 
organization in Northwest Alaska.  They stayed in a swank hotel, ate 
their meals with the instructors, were given the exam twice daily, and 
were coached on the answers they got wrong, all for the economical sum 
of $1195 (US) daily.  The average stay was 19 days with one of the group 
of 4 staying 31 days.  

When they left they could not install Windows 2K

When they returned they could (barely) install Windows 2K.  It took them 
three weeks to figure out an authentication problem plaguing their 
network for email.  (No one could get email; everyone was asked for an 
additional password which no one knew.)

But they are *ALL* MCSEs...

What I do not know is whether M$ sponsors or is in fact associated at 
all with the boot camp.


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Re: [newbie] Installing Mandrake 8.1 on 486 with 32Mb RAM

2002-06-12 Per discussione civileme

shane wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 11 June 2002 06:42 am, Brian Parish did speak unto the huddled 
masses, saying:

Sorry, 8.x is not going to run on a 486 no matter how much RAM you have
- it's compiled for Pentium.  Maybe try 7.2?

7.2 is pent as well if i recall.  there is a thread a while ago about a 486 
version hosted by civilme if you want to look for it.

- -- 
No one is free when others are oppressed.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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7.0 had a version compiled for 486...

5.3 was optimized for pentium but still 486 compatible, and it is 
available at though the max speed from there is rather low.


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Re: Well OT: Re: [newbie] Hahaha, did you see?

2002-06-12 Per discussione Joshua James

Where are all these companies paying big bucks for MCSE certification? I
can't find them and I could install Win2k before I started studying.

I gave up and now I'm learning linux.

On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 15:31, civileme wrote:
 shane wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Thursday 11 June 2009 06:23 pm, robin did speak unto the huddled masses, 
 MCSE's have a higher opinion of them than people who haven't
 What?  There are actually people out there who have a high opinion of
 MSCEs? ;-)
 hey i have an mcse, took me a good 15 minutes of study too!
 - -- 
 Hold (ESC)(CTRL)(ALT)(TAB)(SHIFT)(ENTER)  click here #
 Profile at:
 Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
 Mandrake Users Club Member
 Registered linux user #101606
 Believe it or not, there is a boot camp available for your MCSE.  I 
 know several people who were sent there (to Redmond WA) from an 
 organization in Northwest Alaska.  They stayed in a swank hotel, ate 
 their meals with the instructors, were given the exam twice daily, and 
 were coached on the answers they got wrong, all for the economical sum 
 of $1195 (US) daily.  The average stay was 19 days with one of the group 
 of 4 staying 31 days.  
 When they left they could not install Windows 2K
 When they returned they could (barely) install Windows 2K.  It took them 
 three weeks to figure out an authentication problem plaguing their 
 network for email.  (No one could get email; everyone was asked for an 
 additional password which no one knew.)
 But they are *ALL* MCSEs...
 What I do not know is whether M$ sponsors or is in fact associated at 
 all with the boot camp.

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to

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Re: [newbie] building an RPM

2002-06-12 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 03:05 pm, D. Olson wrote:
 Umm... If it acts like it works then it works...

 It would have installed checkinstall.

Actually this is what it does.

[root@gail gerald]# rpm -ivh chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm
Preparing...### [100%]

so maybe all it does is prop??

Gerald Waugh  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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Re: [newbie] building an RPM

2002-06-12 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 03:05 pm, D. Olson wrote:
 Umm... If it acts like it works then it works...

 It would have installed checkinstall.

looks like this when I build it. See anything WRONG?

[root SPECS]# rpm -ba chkrootkit.spec
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.66281
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ rm -rf chkrootkit-0.35
+ /bin/gzip -dc /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/chkrootkit.tar.gz
+ tar -xf -
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ cd chkrootkit-0.35
++ /usr/bin/id -u
+ [ 0 = 0 ]
+ /bin/chown -Rhf root .
++ /usr/bin/id -u
+ [ 0 = 0 ]
+ /bin/chgrp -Rhf root .
+ /bin/chmod -Rf a+rX,g-w,o-w .
+ exit 0
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.66281
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ cd chkrootkit-0.35
+ make sense
gcc -DHAVE_LASTLOG_H   -o chklastlog chklastlog.c
gcc -DHAVE_LASTLOG_H   -o chkwtmp chkwtmp.c
gcc -DHAVE_LASTLOG_H-o ifpromisc ifpromisc.c
gcc  -o chkproc chkproc.c
gcc  -o check_wtmpx check_wtmpx.c
gcc -static  -o strings strings.c
+ exit 0
Executing(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.81269
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ cd chkrootkit-0.35
+ [ -d /home/tools ]
+ [ -d /home/tools/chkrootkit-0.35 ]
+ cp COPYRIGHT Makefile README README.chklastlog README.chkwtmp check_wtmpx 
check_wtmpx.c chklastlog chklastlog.c chkproc chkproc.c chkrootkit 
chkrootkit.lsm chkwtmp chkwtmp.c ifpromisc ifpromisc.c strings strings.c 
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip
+ /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-comment-note
Processing files: chkrootkit-0.35-1
Finding  Provides: (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-provides)...
Finding  Requires: (using /usr/lib/rpm/find-requires)...
Requires: /bin/sh
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/chkrootkit-0.35-1.src.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm

Gerald Waugh  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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[newbie] shareing

2002-06-12 Per discussione jbarron201

I,m still haveing trouble 
connecting to network I have got a message about some manual fixing my need to 
be done about the firewall.I can control the firewall on the Win2k system but 
the Mandrake is set for standard .Could this be the 

Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-12 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Marcia wrote:
 Dear All,
 I mentioned lately that I have upgraded with simms EDO 72 pin memory to 128
 megs of ram. To my surprise when I opened my box I found 2 empty dimm 168 pin
 slots. Does this mean that I could upgrade to 512 megs of ram using the 168
 pin dimm sdram memory modules? I certainly would prefer that to a new
 computer or upgrading the motherboard/cpu. I have a 200 megahertz genuine
 Intel motherboard and Pentium II MMX processor. Also, I am using LM 8.2.
 Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Simms  Dimms don't mix.  You have to use one or the other.  so populate
your Dimms slots, but remove the SIMMS in place already.  Or vice versa.

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] Upgrading memory

2002-06-12 Per discussione FemmeFatale

Marcia wrote:
 On Wednesday 12 June 2002 12:26 pm, you wrote:

 I knew that you are not supposed to mix different kinds of memory so my plan
 was to take out the simms and put in two 256 megs of sdram dimm ram into the
 dimm 168 pin slots. I thought that might work for getting my much desired 512
 megs of ram. Will this make a big difference for my speed given the processor
 info above?
  Thanks for the great thoughts and

I'll be honest  say that *as a guess* one of two things will happen
with your desired 512 mb's of ram:

a) the comp will puke  refuse to boot. 


b) the comp will boot fine, and you'll be happy.  

General  Vague I know but i've had some experience with 200mz
Pentiums.  I've found in general that is the case.  In one case I had ot
remove one of the simms (or was it a dimm?) because I knew that although
the memory was good, the BIOS wouldn't go higher than 256Mb of Ram.  NO
matter what I did, it just threw up  gave plaintive little beeps :(


Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] building an RPM

2002-06-12 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 04:10 pm, Dennis Myers wrote:

 not a thing wrong there Gerald, but now you need to go to
 /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/  as root and at the prompt type urpmi
 chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm  It should then install the rpm or tell you if
 there are unsatisfied dependencies. HTH

OK, it works. I built the rpm on a redhat 6.2 server
it works there
I was only trying to test it on my LM 8,1 system

Gerald Waugh  SOHO Networks  Web Site Hosting
Front Street Networks LLC voice +1 203 785 0699 * fax +1 203 785 1787
229 Front Street, Ste. #C, New Haven CT 06513-3203 

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[newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-12 Per discussione Langsley T Russell

Much to my surprise I managed to download and install the Evolution
e-mail client. It does seem to have much of what I'm looking for in an
e-mail client. Although a few things are annoying like putting a line
through a deleted or moved e-mail rather than deleting it from the

Currently I'm trying to create signature files but when I enter a name
and choose edit the program either won't let me make changes or won't
save them, saying permission denied. If I can edit the domain and server
info why not a signature file? Do I need to include a path preceding the
name of the file?

Thanks for any insight anyone can provide. If this is too OT for the
list, feel free to email me privately.

Langsley T Russell
Bulloved Bulldogs

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Re: [newbie] shareing

2002-06-12 Per discussione Miark


 I,m still haveing trouble connecting to network I have got a
 message about some manual fixing my need to be done about the
 firewall.I can control the firewall on the Win2k system but
 the Mandrake is set for standard .Could this be the problem?

Dude, you need to _thoroughly_describe_ what the problem is
before we can offer solutions. How many computers do you
have? Are the computers networked? Which computer is the
cable modem connected to? What are you running for connection
sharing? Where are you getting messages from? What firewall
are you using?


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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-12 Per discussione Vincent Colombo

I'm assuming Evolution is looking at the permissions on the signature
file itself (or the directory it's in?). I don't think it's Evolution
itself that is telling you you don't have permissions. Check the file
permissions. Perhaps you moved or created the file as root?

As far as putting a line through deleted messages... This is a simple
security feature to allow you to recover messages you didn't mean to
delete. It puts a line through until you expunge the folder (CTRL-E).
That way, if you realize you didn't want to trash a message, you just
undelete it. If you don't like this behavior you could always just
create a folder called Trash and move messages you want to get rid of
there. You'll still have to go to that folder and do a select all then
delete them but at least they'll be out of the main folders. Also, if
you go to Tools - Mail Settings - Other (tab) you'll see a check box
for Empty Trash Folders on Exit. If you choose this messages with a line
through them will be deleted automatically at exit.

Hope this helps.


On Wed, 2002-06-12 at 15:15, Langsley T Russell wrote:
 Much to my surprise I managed to download and install the Evolution
 e-mail client. It does seem to have much of what I'm looking for in an
 e-mail client. Although a few things are annoying like putting a line
 through a deleted or moved e-mail rather than deleting it from the
 Currently I'm trying to create signature files but when I enter a name
 and choose edit the program either won't let me make changes or won't
 save them, saying permission denied. If I can edit the domain and server
 info why not a signature file? Do I need to include a path preceding the
 name of the file?
 Thanks for any insight anyone can provide. If this is too OT for the
 list, feel free to email me privately.
 Langsley T Russell
 Bulloved Bulldogs

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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] building an RPM

2002-06-12 Per discussione D. Olson

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 03:51 pm, you wrote:
 On Wednesday 12 June 2002 03:05 pm, D. Olson wrote:
  Umm... If it acts like it works then it works...
  It would have installed checkinstall.

 Actually this is what it does.

 [root@gail gerald]# rpm -ivh chkrootkit-0.35-1.i386.rpm

 so maybe all it does is prop??

It doesn't go back to the prompt after installing it??

No errors?

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Re: Well OT: Re: [newbie] Hahaha, did you see?

2002-06-12 Per discussione robin

et wrote:

On Thursday 11 June 2009 09:23 pm, you wrote:

Qupte from the linked article:
  Just as the AdTI showed that people who've actually worked with

MCSE's have a higher opinion of them than people who haven't

What?  There are actually people out there who have a high opinion of
MSCEs? ;-)

Sir Robin

no, no, that's highER, as in relative, as in I used to consider him as low as 
whale dung (bottom of the ocean) but now i know he is only as dumb as dirt. 
See, bottom of ocean=low, dirt=high-ER_   

Well, since we're Well OT here:

How many MCSE's does it take to change a light bulb?
Two - one to change the lightbulb, and one to upgrade the rest of the 
house to make it compatible with the new lightbulb.

How many NT sysadmins does it take to change a lightbulb?
Same as the MCSE's, but they have to shut down the power to the whole 
neighbourhood while they do it.

Sorry, couldn't resist that.

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-12 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 08:54 am, John Richard Smith did speak unto the 
huddled masses, saying:

 On Tuesday 11 June 2002 22:57, you wrote:
 Well, all this seems to be  telling me that I cannot expect or hope
 to ever get a good quality emailer from Mandrake.

if good to you means sending html, unless netscape still does, your out of 

do you want to be hated on email lists?  all the html senders are, linux 
list and non alike.

i still don't understand why good to you means too big, bandwidth hogging, 
silly features and increased spam joined with poor security, but hey to 
each their own.

- -- 
Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed up 
by four thousand Nimda servers infected with IIS.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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[newbie] Corrupt rpm database?

2002-06-12 Per discussione robin

Whenever I rpm or urpmi something, I get the following message:

rpmdb: read: 0x4014b274, 4096: Input/output error
rpmdb: Hash bucket 428 maps to non-hash page 518
error: db3 error(-30985) from db-verify: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database 
verification failed

I assume my database is corrupt, but how do I fix it (I tried rpm 
--rebuilddb to no avail)?

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Mplayer message query

2002-06-12 Per discussione Tim Holmes

You didn't actually need to upgrade gcc.  If you check the configure
options, you'll find the option to --disable-gcc-checking.

Mandrake was very nice to patch their built version of gcc for us.
They've been doing this since 8.0.  The configure script doesn't check
for problems with it, it just checks the version number.  I've been
compiling MPlayer for some time, and each time I've used
--disable-gcc-checking and I've had no problems, bug related that is,
with it since.

With the new versions, make sure you copy the
MPlayer-0.90pre5/etc/codec.conf and MPlayer-0.90pre5/etc/input.conf to
~/.mplayer.  There have been some changes made to it regularly.

 T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
| Thanks for the quick instructions!  Worked first try (although I had to
| upgrade gcc from 2.96 to 3.0.4).

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Re: [newbie] loki went bust???

2002-06-12 Per discussione robin

D. Olson wrote:

So... Companies are starting to support us. Now we need to support them.

Now, I totally DISAGREE with the whole Linux users are stingy bastards 
point you and that software developer make.

Well, I didn't say that _all_ Linux users were stingy, but that is the 
reputation we have, and I think there is something in it.  Actually, 
where I live it doesn't really apply, because pirated software is the 
rule - when I point out to people that, for example, you can get 
OpenOffice (Win or Lin) with a $3 computer magazine, they say But 
that's the same as I'd pay for MS Office.

I bought approximately 90 to 100 games during 2001, and if there were Linux 
games in that great a number, I would be buying them in quantities like that 

I wish I had your salary. 100 games at $50 a piece is $5000.  That would 
be a third of my net income.

Anyhow, I would GRATEFULLY pay $50 for games that run on Linux.

Actually, I nearly did it once on principle, but then Loki went bust 
(and it's a serious principle here - $50 is ten bottles of raki).

I think that this is a wussy approach and is a programmer's only way out now 
- before it was that Linux wasn't a major player, now it's that we're all too 
cheap... I can't believe that you would stand for that kind of trash 

Well, the programmer involved was working for a university with a tight 
budget (the program was Hot Potatoes, BTW).  They were happy to support 
Windows development because it would reach a lot of people, and Mac 
development because that it what they used most, but the attitude was, 
If Linux users want it, they can pay us to develop it - but they 
won't.  The actual program was free (as in beer, but not as in speech).

I wrote BioWare and told them that if they DON'T put the Linux version onto 
shelves that I won't be buying it. They assured me that it would be... And in 
the same box as the Windows AND MAC versions!


I am paying $80 for this game as soon as it comes out. Thanks for recognising 
us, BioWare!!! I love you!

Good on you!

Sir Robin

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RE: Well OT: Re: [newbie] Hahaha, did you see?

2002-06-12 Per discussione Cory

I have worked with MCSE's on and off for about 5 years now, and why is it
that me, being a 23 year old has far greater knowledge with regards to
computers, network administration, implementation concepts, etc. etc. than
ANYONE I have ever worked with who holds the MCSE title? 
I worked with this one guy, who was getting paid just over 2x the salary
that I was making who had no idea of what an IRQ is, why they are needed,
why most devices needed their own. He had spent nearly a week at a client's
site, billing that client for his time there, just to get a 3rd network card
installed onto an NT4.0 box, until that Friday, I visit the site to see if
he needed a hand. I offer my help, and his response was what do you know?
Youre just a kid. I neglected to answer that, and proceeded to change the
conflicting IRQ to one that was available. 3 minutes is what it took for me
to solve a problem that a guy with a $15000 education couldn't do in a
week. The bill worked out to a little over $3000 to the client for a dumb
kid to configure a NIC in 3 minutes... is this the kind of service that's
good for business?
His entire lifestyle (wage, ie new car, decent house etc.) was based upon a
title, not the product of his efforts. I'm sorry to all you out there that
ARE MCSE's... I'm sorry that you had to spend so much money to be mocked by
someone like me who can literally run circles around your knowledge of
computers (There ARE some who actually do know a lot about computers, but I
can guarantee that the knowledge you possess did not come from any of
Microsoft's training regimes). What do you do when windows doesn't start? Is
re-install the only solution there is? I ask those of you who ARE MCSE's
this: In a production environment, is it acceptable for a reboot to be
required on your server when you install an upgrade (aka. Service pack),
change an ip, or create/delete partitions on drives? Is uptime #1 on your
priority list? Is money for licensing costs an endless resource? What about
Security/privacy, would you like your server formatted one night because the
manufacturer of your product didn't worry about getting it right the first
time, and just said let's release it, and we can fix it later with 54
hotfixes and service packs? Do you like the fact that any sort of
Customization to the operating system itself will either get you sued or
imprisioned? Have you ever wondered WHY Microsoft OS'es have such a bad
reputation? If you ever actually use another OS, you will see what it is
that creates this opinion. Try it! And you wont even have to pay anything to
do so...
The problem here is that you have become cattle... follow what everyone else
wants, don't think for yourself, don't ask yourself what you will really
achieve, or how you will really benefit the company you work for. I have
been hired as part of the IT staff, and none of us have had ANY official
Microsoft training of any kind. In the interview I was asked what my
training level was. My response was None, officially, then he asked if I
would like to get my MCSE in the future, and I said a lot of what's in this
post. Now I'm here.

Cory Grey
Coastal Pacific Xpress
(604) 575-0983

-Original Message-
From: robin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:23 PM
Subject: Well OT: Re: [newbie] Hahaha, did you see?

Qupte from the linked article:

  Just as the AdTI showed that people who've actually worked with
MCSE's have a higher opinion of them than people who haven't

What?  There are actually people out there who have a high opinion of
MSCEs? ;-)

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-12 Per discussione robin

Langsley T Russell wrote:

Much to my surprise I managed to download and install the Evolution
e-mail client. It does seem to have much of what I'm looking for in an
e-mail client. Although a few things are annoying like putting a line
through a deleted or moved e-mail rather than deleting it from the

IIRC, Ctrl-Y will apply filters, which includes sending deleted messages 
to trash (of course you need to block the directory first)

Currently I'm trying to create signature files but when I enter a name
and choose edit the program either won't let me make changes or won't
save them, saying permission denied. If I can edit the domain and server
info why not a signature file? Do I need to include a path preceding the
name of the file?

Easiest way is to edit the actual file in your favourite text editor.

Thanks for any insight anyone can provide. If this is too OT for the
list, feel free to email me privately.

OT ... have you seen the OT messages we get on this list?

Sir Robin

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[newbie] Intalling GKT2 - Please help

2002-06-12 Per discussione Manuel Soto

I have at least 2 weeks installing gkt2 in my mandrake 8.1 and now 8.2
(I broke the 8.1 trying to install gtk), In the latest attempt I install

rpm -i gtk2-2.0.2-4.i386.rpm glib2-2.0.1-2.i386.rpm
pango-1.0.1-2.i386.rpm atk-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm libpng-1.0.8-2mdk.i586.rpm

which satisfies all requirements from gtk2 but when running eclipse I
get the following error

 /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.s: shared object not open

Any body may advice me how to install gtk2 and where locate rpms that
are tested in 8.2

Manuel Soto

I hope you understand my English

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Re: [newbie] Corrupt rpm database?

2002-06-12 Per discussione D. Olson

On Friday 12 June 2009 09:36 pm, you wrote:
 Whenever I rpm or urpmi something, I get the following message:

 rpmdb: read: 0x4014b274, 4096: Input/output error
 rpmdb: Hash bucket 428 maps to non-hash page 518
 error: db3 error(-30985) from db-verify: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database
 verification failed

 I assume my database is corrupt, but how do I fix it (I tried rpm
 --rebuilddb to no avail)?

 Sir Robin

I thought it was rebuilddb or something... You gotta do it as root I think... 
I don't recall... Sorry.

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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-12 Per discussione Vincent Colombo

On Fri, 2009-06-12 at 21:03, robin wrote:
 IIRC, Ctrl-Y will apply filters, which includes sending deleted messages 
 to trash (of course you need to block the directory first)

Hmm. Ya know, I never even noticed the trash bin in Evolution.


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Re: [newbie] Corrupt rpm database?

2002-06-12 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 07:26 pm, you wrote:
 On Friday 12 June 2009 09:36 pm, you wrote:
  Whenever I rpm or urpmi something, I get the following message:
  rpmdb: read: 0x4014b274, 4096: Input/output error
  rpmdb: Hash bucket 428 maps to non-hash page 518
  error: db3 error(-30985) from db-verify: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database
  verification failed
  I assume my database is corrupt, but how do I fix it (I tried rpm
  --rebuilddb to no avail)?
  Sir Robin

 I thought it was rebuilddb or something... You gotta do it as root I
 think... I don't recall... Sorry.

He has it right, rpm --rebuilddb  and yes you do need to do it as single 
user probably for best effect. I just do a ctl-alt-F6 and run it with a su 
login. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] shareing

2002-06-12 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 05:30 pm, you wrote:
 I,m still haveing trouble connecting to network I have got a message about
 some manual fixing my need to be done about the firewall.I can control the
 firewall on the Win2k system but the Mandrake is set for standard .Could
 this be the problem?

Not sure what you are asking: are you using Bastille or SNF on a standalone 
computer for a firewall?  Standard setting should not prevent Internet 
connection.  If you are using the default tinyfirewall from install then it 
is best to go to a console and su  root passwd at the prompt  cd to /sbin 
and then type in InteractiveBastille without the quotes and with the 
capitalizations.  It will start a GUI with fair explanation of what is being 
done as you configure the firewall. HTH
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Intro and E-Mail client??

2002-06-12 Per discussione Carroll Grigsby

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 07:12 pm, Charlie wrote:
 June 12, 2002 04:26 pm, shane wrote:
  if good to you means sending html, unless netscape still does, your out
  of luck.
  do you want to be hated on email lists?  all the html senders are, linux
  list and non alike.
  i still don't understand why good to you means too big, bandwidth
  hogging, silly features and increased spam joined with poor security, but
  hey to each their own.

 While 99.99% of the e-mail that I send is plain text; I still do
 occasionally send an HTML message. Most of the time it's for such stupid
 things as birthday cards, or other special event greeting that I've
 constructed for a friend; but I always send them a plain text warning first
 to expect html in the next message, and I won't send it if they ask me not

 I do it mostly 'cause I hate generic greetings from card sites that exist
 only to mine e-mail addresses and spam the unholy hell out of everyone that
 ever got such a card. I'd rather send an html message once a year to
 someone than send them a greeting from sites like that. If someone requests
 'don't send me any html' I'll usually park the card on web space that I
 have rights to and send them a link. Only happened once.

 BTW; you can send all of the HTML from Mozilla (Mail) Messenger that you
 like. You can even pre-set the format for anyone in the address book that
 prefers anything other than plain text.

 Duckin' outta the line of fire now.

You're cool. There's a huge difference between sending someone a personalized 
HTML birthday greeting, and posting in HTML to a widely-read mailing list. Of 
course, if you had cared enough to send the very best, you would have sent a 
-- cmg

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Re: [newbie] shareing

2002-06-12 Per discussione jbarron201

I have two system,s(1) running Windows2000 (2) running Mandrake 8.2. on ATT
cable thur ethernet cards.First I tryed connecting just the Mandrake system
useing a 3com 905 wanting to use the linux as the server,couldn,t get it
connected but could the Win2K so switch the around putting the extra nic in
the Win2k useing a crossover cable it finally connected.I ran it like that
for over a week but after have to shutdown for any reason it took forever to
reconnect and this time I,ve haven,t been able to the Win system shows sent
but status does show recieveing
- Original Message -
From: Dennis Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] shareing

 On Wednesday 12 June 2002 05:30 pm, you wrote:
  I,m still haveing trouble connecting to network I have got a message
  some manual fixing my need to be done about the firewall.I can control
  firewall on the Win2k system but the Mandrake is set for standard .Could
  this be the problem?

 Not sure what you are asking: are you using Bastille or SNF on a
 computer for a firewall?  Standard setting should not prevent Internet
 connection.  If you are using the default tinyfirewall from install then
 is best to go to a console and su  root passwd at the prompt  cd to
 and then type in InteractiveBastille without the quotes and with the
 capitalizations.  It will start a GUI with fair explanation of what is
 done as you configure the firewall. HTH
 Dennis M. linux user #180842

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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Re: [newbie] Help with Evolution

2002-06-12 Per discussione rfriedman

As far as the line through deleted messages is concerned...

while looking at your mailbox, go to the top menubar and click on View. Then click on: 
Hide Deleted

Once you've done this, deleted messages will get a line through them and then 
disappear from your
mailbox and go to your trash folder.


Langley T Russell wrote

 Much to my surprise I managed to download and install the Evolution
 e-mail client. It does seem to have much of what I'm looking for in an
 e-mail client. Although a few things are annoying like putting a line
 through a deleted or moved e-mail rather than deleting it from the

 Currently I'm trying to create signature files but when I enter a name
 and choose edit the program either won't let me make changes or won't
 save them, saying permission denied. If I can edit the domain and server
 info why not a signature file? Do I need to include a path preceding the
 name of the file?

 Thanks for any insight anyone can provide. If this is too OT for the
 list, feel free to email me privately.

Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at

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[newbie] blackbox configuration

2002-06-12 Per discussione Michael

I've recently gotten to really enjoy using blackbox as a KDE/Gnome substitute 
for it's speed,  but was wondering if further customization/configuration 
could be done, such as mouse speed, key bindings?

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[newbie] webmin cookies

2002-06-12 Per discussione Bill Winegarden

I am trying to get webmin up and running. When I go to I get 
the webmin login screen. However, when I try to login as root I get the 
message ...
Your browser does not support cookies, which are required for this web 
server to work in session authentication mode...
I checked the 'persistent data' in Galeon and it shows 'accept all cookies'.
I have tried it with Apache running and with Apache stopped.

What am I missing here?

Bill W.

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[newbie] Good for you, was:Re: Well OT:

2002-06-12 Per discussione shane

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 03:33 pm, Cory did speak unto the huddled masses, 

 I'm sorry to all you out there
 that ARE MCSE's... I'm sorry that you had to spend so much money to be
 mocked by someone like me who can literally run circles around your
 knowledge of computers (There ARE some who actually do know a lot about
 computers, but I can guarantee that the knowledge you possess did not
 come from any of Microsoft's training regimes).

i didn't pay for mine, and it only cost $100 and i am sorry i have it too.  
it taught me nothing, and i learn more every day i browse this mailing 

 What do you do when
 windows doesn't start? Is re-install the only solution there is?

from most of the MCSEs yes.  i have found that in reality it is more like 
10% of the time you have to.  10% is far too high, but blame the software 
company, not the messenger.  ;)

i hope you know that people who learn what they are doing are valued more by 
everyone, so keep it up.  it is just harder to get hired that way.  but 
then it is harder to get fired, and easier to get raises, so you figure it 

- -- 
Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft®, recently referred to Linux as a cancer. 
Unsuprisingly, this is incorrect - Linux was released on August 25th, 1991, 
and is therefore a virgo.

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