Re: [newbie-it] halt con la mdk 8.2

2002-07-13 Per discussione luigi pinna

sono riuscito a risolvere! ho provato ad eliminare qualche servizio che 
magari non usavo e sendmail ha rotto che non voleva farsi togliere. 
risultato: eliminato lui e un altro paio di servizi ho fatto il reboot e...
miracolo! terminava tranquillo le operazioni di chiusura! grazie a tutti per 
i consigli!

Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione Cristiano Calvi

Con Kmail c'e' un apposito programma convertitore che importa le mail
dal formato utilizzato da OE

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

Mi intrometto. Io sotto win usavo Outlook, non express. Se non sbaglio kmail
non ha il filtro per importare mex da Outlook, che usa un altro formato
rispetto al fratellino piccolo.
C'e' una soluzione alternativa?



Re: [newbie-it] Finestre a spasso simili

2002-07-13 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 06:57, sabato 13 luglio 2002, hai scritto:

 E poi (questa e' una cosa che mi fa andare veramente in bestia): la colonna
 di sinistra di konqueror, quella che sfoglia le cartelle, e' sempre troppo
 piccola, e devo ogni volta allargarla. In piu' mi mostra file e cartelle
 come icone (non le sopporto), mentre vorrei, anzi, *voglio* vedere il tutto
 come dettagli. Mi tocca cliccare ogni volta il pulsantino apposito... come
 glielo dico, a kde, che questo non mi va bene, e che deve fare tutto come
 l'ho lasciato l'ultima volta che ho chiuso una finestra di konqueror?

Finestra -- Salva profilo Gestione file
Ovviamente dopo aver fatto le modifiche; se noti, quella parte gestisce 
l'aspetto delle varie finestre che puoi incontrare nel sistema.
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] come difendersi dai barbari

2002-07-13 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 06:42, sabato 13 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 Sabato e domenica... i giorni da dedicare a linux (per mettere a posto
 problemucci vari)

 Orbene: il problema della settimana e': se io volessi condividere il mio PC
 con una seconda persona, che *non deve* usare linux e, soprattutto, *non
 deve* avere alcuna minima possibilita' di mettere le mani sui miei dati,
 tanto meno (soprattutto incidentalemente, visto che e' un principiante
 assoluto) rischiare di cancellarli... che devo fare? Pensavo innanzi tutto
 di spostare tutta la mia roba sulla partizione di linux; in secondo luogo
 di darle l'accesso al solo Win$ (tanto e' li' che deve imparare ad usare il
 PC e guardarsi i suoi CD rom). Ma se per caso facesse un format C o
 qualcosa di simile, un detree, qualsiasi disastro... che rischi corro?
 (Tranquillo Mike: non e' un portatile, non lo puo' surriscaldare tantomeno
 sballonzolarlo acceso qua e la'. e' un big tower da 70 cm). Per ora ho un
 disco fisso unico (il secondo e' talmente piccolo che non fa testo) con tre
 partizoni, quella principale di Win$ (la piu' antica), la ext2 e la swap
 (quelle piu' care :-) ); sarebbe meglio forse che comprassi un secondo
 disco fisso e impedissi l'accesso ai dati via hardware? O non ne vale
 assolutamente la pena, e ci sono altri metodi sicuri?
 E se per caso la suddetta persona si beccasse un virus, su Win$???

Non vedo particolari problemi:
un eventuale format c: formatterebbe soltanto la partizione win (l'unica che 
riesce a vedere), senza intaccare le partizioni Linux.
Piuttosto l'unico rischio potrebbe essere rappresentato dalla cancellazione 
del mbr, con la temporanea impossibilità di accedere al sistema; consiglierei 
la cancellazione di lilo dallo stesso, ed il suo trasferimento su floppy, 
operazione questa che produrrebbe vari vantaggi: ti consentirebbe di 
possedere l'unica chiave di accesso a Linux, ed impedirebbe al barbaro ( o, 
da quanto ho capito, Barbara) in questione di poter persino imaginare 
l'esistenza di un altro sistema operativo oltre a win.
Per quanto riguarda i virus, sebbene non pensi che possano avere effetti 
negativi su Lin (ma in questo caso passo la pala a chi può avere altre 
esperienze al riguardo), il mio consiglio è di armarsi di un potente 
antivirus (ovvio), ed eventualmente, di limitare l'accesso in rete della 
persona attraverso minacce di tipo fisico.
Certo che, comunque, poteva essere un bell'esperimento per saggiare le 
proprie capacità di amministratore di sistema..Proprio sicura di non volerle 
far provare l'ebbrezza di un volo su un pinguino ?
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione Roberto

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

 Hash: SHA1

 Il 19:27, venerdì 12 luglio 2002, caspar in merito a [newbie-it] passaggio
da win a linux ha scritto:
  vorrei togliere definitivamente win, c'e' un modo per portate
  i messaggi di poste OE ad un gestore di posta sotto linux?

 kmail ha una funzione di import da OE

Che versione di windows usi?
Forse ti serve sapere la cartella dove sono contenuti i messaggi di outlook.

[newbie-it] Installazione Netscape 7.0

2002-07-13 Per discussione Santo Patti

Salve alla ML
Ho downlodato dal sito ftp della Netscape la versione 7.0 PR1 del 
browser, non riesco ad installarla perchè mi si chiede di settare il 
proxy io ho messo cosi:

proxy name localhost.localdomain
proxy port 21
  o anche 80,

niente da fare, non ci riesco, mi da un errore multiple crc , 


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Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 o 8.2?

2002-07-13 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Alle 21:38, giovedì 11 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ragazzi ma la mandrake 8.1 non fungeva meglio della 8.2?
 Certo mi pare che la 8.2 abbia un miglior supporto per le periferiche usb
 ma che funzioni generalmente un pò peggio. Cosa ne pensate?

Credo che ogni computer faccia un po' caso a sè. Nel mio caso, mi trovo molto 
meglio con la 8.2 rispetto alla 8.1, a parte alcune sbavature nella 
visualizzazione dei caratteri nei form su Internet... ma è una cosa 
abbastanza innocua...


Re: [newbie-it] Finestre a spasso simili

2002-07-13 Per discussione jv

Hash: SHA1

Alle 06:57, sabato 13 luglio 2002, in merito a [newbie-it] Finestre a spasso 
 simili, arwan ha scritto:

 Ogni volta che riaccendo KDE e lancio konqueror, la finestra mi appare in 
 alto sulla destra (e la vorrei in centro).
 E poi (questa e' una cosa che mi fa andare veramente in bestia): la colonna 
 di sinistra di konqueror, quella che sfoglia le cartelle, e' sempre troppo 
 piccola, e devo ogni volta allargarla. 

imposta tutto come più preferisci e poi salva il profilo della vista con 
salva profilo vista 
presente nel menù finestra di Konq...


- - jv -
 mdk 8.1   GNU/Linux 2.4.18
l.u. # 245448  l.m # 126972

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] Visualizzare mail in HTML con KMail

2002-07-13 Per discussione TheJack

forse se ne e' gia' parlato, ma vorrei chiedervi una cosa, essendo scritto a 
diverse ML ho il problema che, alcune di queste, non mi vengono correttamente 
visualizzare, in particolare parlo di quelle in HTML, come posso fare a 
vederele normalmente con KMail? Oppure non e' possibile?

Vincenzo TheJack Tiziani

Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Cristiano Calvi esclamo':
 Io sotto win usavo Outlook, non express. Se non sbaglio kmail
 non ha il filtro per importare mex da Outlook, che usa un altro formato
 rispetto al fratellino piccolo.
 C'e' una soluzione alternativa?

 Non ho idea che formato usi Outlook normale (mai usato), pero' c'e' la
possibilita' di importare da Mozilla (versione per windows, pero') i
file di posta di Outlook,
 o anche con Netscape (sempre da windows), stando a quanto dice qui
In entrambi i casi poi basterebbe utilizzare i corrispondenti programmi
linux con la posta copiata.
 Ho trovato anche una pagina in danese (ovviamente di preciso non lo
capisco, ma vagamente il senso si puo' cogliere lo stesso) (in
questo caso si potrebbe provare, o almeno cosi' mi pare di capire, a
convertire il formato di O. in OE usando quest'ultimo da winz)

P.S. stando all'howto riportato sopra sembra che qualcuno sia _forse_
riuscito ad importare le mail di O. usando il convertitore di kmail
(Kmailcvt)  per OE: nel caso in cui l'operazione avesse davvero successo
sarebbe buona cosa contattare l'autore dell'howto per farglielo sapere.

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

Re: [newbie-it] Win modem motorola sm56pci (fwd)

2002-07-13 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, tom esclamo':
 [root@XYZ H2O]# depmod -a
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in

Uhmm, non vorrei che sia stato costruito proprio in relazione ad un
particolare kernel 2.4.x, e quindi con un'altro ti crei problemi.
Praticamente fa riferimento a simboli che lui cerca in altri moduli del
kernel o nella parte monolitica di questo ma non li trova, e quindi
pregiudicandone poi il caricamento.

 [root@XYZ H2O]# modprobe sm56
 Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/char/sm56.o
 will taint the kernel: no license

Qui niente di preoccupante, questo e' un messaggio di avvertimento
contrattuale: il produttore del driver non ha stabilito una specifica
licenza d'uso [o, meglio, l'avra' anche stabilita, ma il programmatore
non ha inserito il riferimento a questa nel modulo]

 /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/char/sm56.o: invalid argument
 syntax for country: 'c'

Mi sorge il dubbio che la sintassi del codice Paese dato col comando
sm56setup sia errata (non e' che invece di essere 39, e' 039 o qualcosa
di simile? oppure non debba essere scritta cosi'?) oppure che la riga
dell'alias in /etc/modules.conf sia forse errata o incompleta.

 Che ne dici c'è qualche speranza? o visto che ho il case aperto faccio aprire
 le ali della motorola al modem?

Ehehe, sinceramente se trovi un esterno seriale a prezzo conveniente,
IMHO varrebbe davvero la pena di prenderlo [valuta tu se tutte queste
ore a capire come farlo funzionare, spese per ora senza successo,
valgono il modesto costo d'acquisto di un dispositivo che funzionara' al
volo appena l'avrai collegato e acceso ;-)].

L.U. #210970 L.M. #98222 S.U. #12583 - K 2.4.18-puro [Slackware 8.1]

Re: [newbie-it] connessione [OT] [was: Win modem motorola sm56pci(fwd)]

2002-07-13 Per discussione LukenShiro

In un altro luogo e in un altro tempo, Roberto esclamo':
 Ragazzi ma che provider usate per il collegamento ad Internet?
 Io utilizzo libero e non ho mai avuto problemi di sorta
 (dipenderà poi, da questo?).

 Ho tiscali (ADSL 640), che per quanto faccia abbastanza pieta' come
connessione (velocita' medio-massima intorno a poco meno di una buona
isdn a doppio canale) e come server news, non mi da' di solito problemi
ne' nella corrispondenza personale via mail, ne' con altre ML a cui sono
 Oltretutto ora sembra che arrivi tutto al primo colpo .. mah ..
probabilmente son stati problemi passeggeri (di cui come al solito si
sono guardati bene di avvertire :/ ).
 Mi scuso per l'intervento fuori tema, che senz'altro interessera'
ben poco gli altri appartenenti alla lista.

Re: [newbie-it] Visualizzare mail in HTML con KMail

2002-07-13 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 13:42, sabato 13 luglio 2002, hai scritto:
 forse se ne e' gia' parlato, ma vorrei chiedervi una cosa, essendo scritto
 a diverse ML ho il problema che, alcune di queste, non mi vengono
 correttamente visualizzare, in particolare parlo di quelle in HTML, come
 posso fare a vederele normalmente con KMail? Oppure non e' possibile?

Impostando la cartella per la visualizzazione in html (soluzione comunque 
meno sicura):
Cartella -- Preferisci ecc. ..
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

[newbie-it] Quale modem ADSL?

2002-07-13 Per discussione TheJack

Dovrei mettere a breve la linea ADSL in casa, quale modem dovrei comperare 
per andare tranquillo con la MDK8.2?

Vincenzo TheJack Tiziani

Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 10:56, sabato 13 luglio 2002, Roberto in merito a Re: [newbie-it] passaggio da win 
a linux ha scritto:

   vorrei togliere definitivamente win, c'e' un modo per
   portate i messaggi di poste OE ad un gestore di posta
   sotto linux?
  kmail ha una funzione di import da OE

 Che versione di windows usi?
 Forse ti serve sapere la cartella dove sono contenuti i
 messaggi di outlook. Ciao

posso dirti come faccio io, uso win$2000 e quando viaggio, non posso collegarmi col 
portatile (ESS, winmodem, ancora per poco...)

lancio uno script che mi monta la partizione ntfs e copia la directory 'Posta\ in\ 
arrivo.dbx' nella mia home, quindi ne modifica i permessi.
quindi lancio l'importazione , applico i filtri e rimuovo la .dbx 

con win$ 98/Me e' ancora piu' semplice



Slackware 8.0 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  AMD 
R.U.#219755  R.M.#104037  S.R.U.#705
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] Visualizzare mail in HTML con KMail

2002-07-13 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 13:42, sabato 13 luglio 2002, TheJack in merito a [newbie-it] Visualizzare mail in 
HTML con KMail ha scritto:
 forse se ne e' gia' parlato, ma vorrei chiedervi una cosa,
 essendo scritto a diverse ML ho il problema che, alcune di
 queste, non mi vengono correttamente visualizzare, in
 particolare parlo di quelle in HTML, come posso fare a
 vederele normalmente con KMail? Oppure non e' possibile?

ma, hai impostato la visualizzazione in html e non le vedi bene, o visualizzi in solo 

(comunque, html, per le mail, sarebbe proprio da proscrivere...)




Slackware 8.0 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  AMD 
R.U.#219755  R.M.#104037  S.R.U.#705
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [newbie-it] come difendersi dai barbari

2002-07-13 Per discussione miKe

Hash: SHA1

Il 06:42, sabato 13 luglio 2002, arwan in merito a [newbie-it] come difendersi dai 
barbari ha scritto:

 Ma se per caso facesse un format C o qualcosa di
 simile, un detree, qualsiasi disastro... che rischi corro?

che devi reinstallare win$

 (Tranquillo Mike: non e' un portatile, non lo puo'
 surriscaldare tantomeno sballonzolarlo acceso qua e la'. e' un
 big tower da 70 cm).

io non sarei cosi' tranquillo...
la capacita' di far danno e' qualcosa di asolutamente inimmaginabile nelle persone 
alle quali prestiamo un computer...

 Per ora ho un disco fisso unico (il
 secondo e' talmente piccolo che non fa testo) con tre
 partizoni, quella principale di Win$ (la piu' antica), la ext2
 e la swap (quelle piu' care :-) ); sarebbe meglio forse che
 comprassi un secondo disco fisso e impedissi l'accesso ai dati
 via hardware? 

sicuramente un secondo disco ti mete al riparo da danni hardware,
ma anche un sano cd di backup, ogni tanto..

O non ne vale assolutamente la pena, e ci sono
 altri metodi sicuri?

fai un disco di avvio per linuccio, in caso di reinstallazione di win$, o di fdisk/mbr 
dato per caso.. (?)

 E se per caso la suddetta persona si beccasse un virus, su

rimarrebbe su win$
ma se non dovessi accorgertene, infetterebbe i documenti che potresti trovarti a 
spedire per posta

(ma creare un utente di prova, e farlo smanettare in kde? tanto con supermount e cose 
varie, non avrebbe certo problemi con i suoi cd, a meno che si tratti di programmi da 



Slackware 8.0 GNU/Linux 2.4.18  AMD 
R.U.#219755  R.M.#104037  S.R.U.#705
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie-it] telefono libero

2002-07-13 Per discussione Martina

C'è qualcuno che è riuscito a far funzionare questo programma con linux?
(quello che fornisce la libero per visualizzare le chiamate durante la


Re: [newbie-it] come difendersi dai barbari

2002-07-13 Per discussione mauro

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 15:49:54 +0200, miKe wrote:

fai un disco di avvio per linuccio, in caso di reinstallazione di win$, o di 
fdisk/mbr dato per caso..

c'entra poco con linux ma parecchio con la
sicurezza in genere, rinominate i comandi:  es.   for?

in modo che solo voi possiate attivarli, vi
mette al sicuro anche da possibili attacchi
esterni (pensate se qualcuno riesce ad infilarvi
in autoexec.bat la stringa:  deltree /y c:\*.* )


Re: [newbie-it] modem

2002-07-13 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

   Roberto wrote:

  Esiste un modem raccomandato dalla mandrake
 (ne  dubito ma chiedere non costa nulla) o che comunque secondo voisia
pi   performantesu linux?
  Grazie mille per la vostra  disponibilit
  Come gi ti  stato detto tutti i modem esterni seriali vanno bene, se
vuoi  spendere qualcosina in pi c' l'USR (la mia marca preferita). In
particolare  io possiedo l' USRobotics 56K Message Modem che funziona ottimamente
e immediatamente sia con Mdk, RedHat che SuSE. Un po' come avviene con le
schede video Matrox, ATI e Nvidia o le schede sonore soundblaster Creative.
Queste periferiche di marca blasonata, di riferimento e di grande diffusione
funzionano al meglio con Linux.
 Ciao da Giuseppe.

Re: [newbie-it] come difendersi dai barbari

2002-07-13 Per discussione Giuseppe Ferruzzi

  arwan wrote:

Sabato e domenica... i giorni da dedicare a linux (per mettere a posto 
problemucci vari)

Orbene: il problema della settimana e': se io volessi condividere il mio PC 
con una seconda persona, che *non deve* usare linux e, soprattutto, *non 
deve* avere alcuna minima possibilita' di mettere le mani sui miei dati, 
tanto meno (soprattutto incidentalemente, visto che e' un principiante 
assoluto) rischiare di cancellarli... che devo fare? Pensavo innanzi tutto di 
spostare tutta la mia roba sulla partizione di linux; in secondo luogo di 
darle l'accesso al solo Win$ (tanto e' li' che deve imparare ad usare il PC e 
guardarsi i suoi CD rom). Ma se per caso facesse un format C o qualcosa di 
simile, un detree, qualsiasi disastro... che rischi corro? (Tranquillo Mike: 
non e' un portatile, non lo puo' surriscaldare tantomeno sballonzolarlo 
acceso qua e la'. e' un big tower da 70 cm). Per ora ho un disco fisso unico 
(il secondo e' talmente piccolo che non fa testo) con tre partizoni, quella 
principale di Win$ (la piu' antica), la ext2 e la swap (quelle piu' care :-) 
); sarebbe meglio forse che comprassi un secondo disco fisso e impedissi 
l'accesso ai dati via hardware? O non ne vale assolutamente la pena, e ci 
sono altri metodi sicuri?
E se per caso la suddetta persona si beccasse un virus, su Win$???

Il problema è più complesso di quello che si può immaginare perchè se un 
principiante assoluto  avesse a disposizione i cd d'installazione di 
Linux o di XP scambiandoli per CD musicali o giochi potrebbe distruggere 
tutti i dati presenti sull'harddisk indipendentemente dal loro numero,  
formattando a destra e a sinistra senza nemmeno dover entrare in nessuno 
dei sistemi operativi installati e qui non c'è rimedio ne per Linux ne 
per XP.
Ti conviene allora rendere estraibile un hardisk quello di tua 
pertinenza,  lo sfili e lo metti al sicuro dentro la cassaforte,  quando 
non ci sei.  Se invece hai un minimo di fiducia in lui fai sparire solo 
qualunque CD d'installazione che hai in giro, dischi di ripristino e 
altro e crei un utente limitato da destinare a lui sia in linux che in 
XP anche se in modalità rescue al boot di Linux si ha disposizione 
comandi pericolosi come fdisk ma si potrebbe ovviare a questo mettendo 
una password anche in lilo, così facendo però   gli impedirai di usare 
Linux per cui secondo me è megliore la soluzione dell'harddisk 
estraibile. Sull'harddisk che rimane gli farai trovare Linux e se vorrai 
anche XP a sua completa disposizione, poi quando ritorni se tutto è a 
posto rimetti il tuo harddisk. Il problema rimane di quante volte al 
giorno dovrai effettuare querste operazioni. A proposito hai pensato 
invece di dedicargli  un proprio PC personale ? Lo so che è costoso ma 
almeno non dovrai condividere il tuo computer perchè è come se 
nell'abitazione di una famiglia numerosa ci sia un solo WC...  quando ne 
hai necessità c'è sempre un'altro che ne ha bisogno, ma riesci ad 
aspettare allora non ci  sono problemi :-) .

Ciao da Giuseppe.

RE: [newbie-it] passaggio da win a linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco

 Giusto per curiosita (purtroppo non sono ancora pronto per questo salto):
 funziona anche con Outlook completo (quello fornito con Office)?

Ingnorate pure la domanda, ho visto che e' gia' stata risposta! :-)

Di Fresco Marco

Re: [newbie] How do I set up a DHCP server.

2002-07-13 Per discussione Colin Jenkins

Hello Frank,

Saturday, July 13, 2002, 8:31:53 AM, you wrote:

FM Hi All,

FM Could someone please direct me to a couple of URLs that provide tutorials on
FM how to set up a DHCP server.

this is a copy of my dhcp.conf

just change the ip addresses and domain name to suit your network
...let me know if you need more info, I'm no expert, but dhcp is one
thing i have running right ;)

ddns-update-style none;
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
option domain-name curriculum;
option domain-name-servers;
range dynamic-bootp;
default-lease-time 21600;
max-lease-time 43200;

Best regards,
 Colinmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
4:20pm up 4 days, 6:14, 2 users, load average: 0.24, 0.30, 0.26
To be or not to be is true. Or maybe not.
 ..registered linux user #223862 ..

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RE: [newbie] three questions

2002-07-13 Per discussione Franki

3.) How do I edit Apache so I can run Perl CGI scripts on my box. I am using
the Mandrake default Apache set-up and I cannot seem to get CGI scripts to
work. I have tried using the scripts in the cgi-bin and elsewhere and I keep
getting an error message like the 403 error below.

This problem is due to an ommision in commonhttp.conf regarding the

I can't remember what it was, but I'll look and see if I can find what I

I have a few 8.2 boxes serving perl scripts, so it does work.. just gotta
tell it about the cgi-bin

offhand, make sure you have a Directory entry for the cgi-bin:
Directory /var/www/cgi-bin
 AllowOverride All
 Options ExecCGI

And that your ScriptAliases are setup:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/
ScriptAlias /protected-cgi-bin/ /var/www/protected-cgi-bin/

failing that, try settting it up with webmin.. or wait till someone with a
better memory tells you what they added to get it working.



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[newbie] IceWM problem.

2002-07-13 Per discussione Franki

Hi guys,

I wanted to set an image on the background of of iceWM, but I can't seem to
do it..

I have Icepref working, and go to the background section of it.. but I tried
it as a bmp, a jpg and a pix and none of them work, I get this when icewm

IceWM: Warning: Loading of pixmap /home/franki/Windows_2000.pix failed:
(same message for bmp and jpg)

not sure why.. has anyone been able to do this?

Also, is it impossible to put icons on the desktop of Icewm??  I'd like just
a few of my main apps.. (usually kde things that don't show up in the menu
unless you are in KDE...)

any tips people?



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Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-13 Per discussione D. Olson

On Saturday 13 July 2002 01:34 am, you wrote:
 Has anyone had any probs trying to get an Nvidia card working under Drake

There is a tutorial on that walks you through 
installing the drivers for 3D.

Worked every time for me.

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience


WinXP - the best thing since induced vomitting.

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Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-13 Per discussione Ross Pearson

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, D. Olson wrote:

 On Saturday 13 July 2002 01:34 am, you wrote:
  Has anyone had any probs trying to get an Nvidia card working under Drake
 There is a tutorial on that walks you through 
 installing the drivers for 3D.

The lateset nvidia drivers work fine with Geforce 4 cards. I recently 
upgraded a Geforce 2 to a 4 and literally all that I did was power down, 
switch cards and reboot. No problems. 
Follow D. Olson's tutorial and you should be OK.

Just out of interest, I'd be interested to learn what frame rates other
Geforce 4 users are getting with glxgears. I get ~4300 FPS from a Geforce
4 Ti4400.


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Re: [newbie] three questions

2002-07-13 Per discussione Alastair Scott

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 13 July 2002 2:08 am, Stephen Britton wrote:

 2.) How do I edit the shutdown script so I don't see KillAll
 [failed] on the  Mandrake shutdown screen when I turn the box off. I
 have been running this  Mandrake PC for a month and it has been
 great. I am convinced that if I could edit this command out of the
 shutdown script, it would cure the problem.

Since other people have had a shot at 1 and 3, I'll have a shot at 2 :)

The best solution to this is to do nothing; what any decent OS does when 
it shuts down is to (gracefully) stop all processes. For some reason a 
process is not dying quietly but, as there appears to be no problem 
caused by this, I'd let it be.

(Not gracefully stopping all processes is a bad thing - a process could 
be doing something important, such as writing to the hard disk, when 
suddenly cut off).

- -- 
Alastair Scott (London, United Kingdom)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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2002-07-13 Per discussione Fatma Litimein
Dear Linux users:I have installed linux Mandrake (version7.2), in witch the charged system is hda. This lasted one contains the fllowing partitions:file system: 1k-blocks use% Mounted on /dev/hda6 4870252 36% //dev/hda1 14323968 13% /mnt/windows /proc/bus/usb 1790496 100% /proc/bus/usbwhen I was in linux, I have always this message for the first time of the mount of the system:  kwrited-listing on device /dev/pts/0 Message from syslogd@localhost at Firi juil 12 09:48.47 2002 (date and the time of this message)localhost kernel: CPU0: Mchine check Exception: 00040 bank1: b2000115 general protection fault:.and after 10min , the system boot it, what I want to know, is if this message have a relation with the hardware of my machin or it is related the system or the partition existing here.please any suggestion or help will be very apreciated.yours sincerely:Melle: F. Litimein===Fatma Litimein Computational Materials Science Laboratory,Physics Department, University of Sidi Bel AbbesSidi Bel Abbes, 22000 - AlgeriaTel:+213 48-54-95-46 Fax:+213 48-54-19-28 [EMAIL PROTECTED]===Yahoo! Mail -- Une adresse gratuite et en français !


2002-07-13 Per discussione Fatma Litimein
 subscribe newbie ===Fatma Litimein Computational Materials Science Laboratory,Physics Department, University of Sidi Bel AbbesSidi Bel Abbes, 22000 - AlgeriaTel:+213 48-54-95-46 Fax:+213 48-54-19-28 [EMAIL PROTECTED]===Yahoo! Mail -- Une adresse gratuite et en français !

Re: [newbie] Sound Is Impossible

2002-07-13 Per discussione Anne Wilson

FWIW, I've had no problems with my Audigy since I changed the Sound IO method 
to OSS - it was on auto before and I had a lot of problems


On Friday 12 Jul 2002 10:44 pm, you wrote:
 July 12, 2002 02:55 am, Daryl Johnson wrote:
 large 'random' snips

 As far as I know Daryl, the only drivers that work for any Creative Blaster
 sound card is emu 10k1. It's on the disks for 8.2 (and was on the older
 versions back to 7 something I think). My hardware isn't as new as yours
 but still uses an ABit mb. A BX6 rev2 with one PIII 500 MHz processor.

 ALSA is off on my system and everything works as it should. MP3s and OGG
 files that were originally encoded surround play in surround mode through
 XMMS, the few system notifications that I've left on play when they should.

  My /etc/modules.conf is :
  alias usb-interface usb-uhci
  # ALSA native device support
  alias char-major-116 snd
  options snd snd_major = 116 snd_cards_limit = 1
  alias snd-card-0 snd-card-ens1371

 Mine shows this:

 alias usb-interface usb-uhci
 alias sound-slot-0 emu10k1
 probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias eth0 tulip

 My emu10k1 configuration copied and pasted from /etc/emu10k1.conf:
 ## This file is used to configure emu10k1's emu-script


 # Note, it's safe to say yes to the next option even if you're not going
 # to use it. When this option is enabled, the driver can autodetects AC3
 # data and behaves normally with normal audio.
 # (Saying yes causes some of the soundcard's resources to be used up)

 # Change this to yes to enable the Livedrive midi port and IR remote
 # control.

 # Most Lives have their analog front signals inverted. If you have
 # problems with your setup (low bass), try changing this to 'yes'. (This
 # option has no effect with digital setups)

 #Multichannel playback (for 4 - 6 channel setups)

 # On 5.1 cards in multichannel mode, should the multichannel data be fed
 # to the sub as well?  You probably don't want this if you have a
 # speaker set like the DTT2200 which already feeds all channels to the
 # sub in hardware.

 # By default, the front analog channels have a +12dB boost applied to
 # them by the AC'97 mixer. If you encounter clipping, or find that the
 # volume of the front speakers is too high in a multichannel setup, try
 # changing this to 'no'.

 # Surround

 # Some wavs, or mp3 are surround sound encoded the next two
 # options can be used to decode these in hardware.
 # (select one or the other, not both)

 # passive matrix surround decoder

 # Active matrix surround decoder

 # Extra Inputs

 ## This connector is mounted on the card itself
 ENABLE_CD_Spdif=yes  # Volume control is 'Digital1' in aumix/gmix/kmix

 # The next four inputs are found on Livedrives, some of these may also
 # be inputs on the older add-on daughter cards.

 ENABLE_OPTICAL_SPDIF=no # Volume control is 'Digital2'
 ENABLE_LINE2_MIC2=no# Volume control is 'Line2'
 ENABLE_RCA_SPDIF=no # Volume control is 'Digital3'
 ENABLE_RCA_AUX=no   # Volume control is 'line3'

 As an aside, the only listings that I can find for Creative Blaster 4.1
 Digital at the Creative site are this one:
 and the only driver support is for (no surprise here) Windows. But a
 Blaster should be a Blaster and I'd still try emu10k1.

  My card is a Creative Sound Blaster Live! Value Digital circa 1999. Model
 CT4830. Does yours not show any model number at all?

 I hope this helps you in some small way.

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Re: [newbie] xmms for CD

2002-07-13 Per discussione Anne Wilson

This is long-winded, but it works -

Start XMMS
Right click on it - choose
  Options  Prefs  Audio I/O plugins  Audio CD Reader  Configure  Options 
 Add CD to playlist.

If you haven't got Audio CD Reader you need to

Install the rpm xmms-cdread from the Mandrake discs.
Open xmms and get to the Audio/ I/O plugins tab
You should now have both CD Audio Player and Audio CD Reader.
Disable CD Audio Player
Enable Audio CD Reader.

This cured my problems - apparently it installs a more able player than the 
original one.



On Friday 12 Jul 2002 11:20 pm, you wrote:
 I,ve tryed the same thing I was told to use ART driver
 then told use OSS driver my CD player work,s ,I have
 sound but nothing work,s in Xmms if you get it please let
 me know.

  I tried that, but it didn't work.  At least it didn't list anything or
  appear to recognise the disc.
  On Friday 12 Jul 2002 7:46 pm, you wrote:
   Choose Play location and enter /mnt/cdrom or
   wherever you put your CDs.
   Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:
I want to make xmms mydefault player for CDs as well as mp3s.  How
can I do that?
Failing that, is there an easy way to tell it to play the CD after it
has been playing mp3s?  I've gone twice round the houses trying to do
this. I managed it, but I'm not sure how!
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Re: [newbie] Sound

2002-07-13 Per discussione Anne Wilson

On Saturday 13 Jul 2002 6:02 am, you wrote:
  and onboard video. Everything worked right away including the the network
  card, except for some sound. I can play a music CD with no problem and

 Marcia - hey great that you got a new computer :). It's faster than
 mine :(.

 Anyway, if xmms doesn't work maybe the kde media player, or playing
 a sound file in konqueror itself, might work. I don't remember ever
 having an issue with arts conflicts here - my current sound card is
 a sb live 5.1, and before that I had a Mozart iSA card, which worked
 fairly well most of the time (for a while I used OSS sound drivers).

 I think you have to type 'artswrapper xmms' but not having to need that
 myself, I haven't had to figure that out.


I would try each of the output options.  I have aRts at startup, but found 
OSS ouput worked best with my Audigy


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Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione robin

I think Tom and Adam (the author of the article) come from different 
computing cultures, and I can appreciate both of them.  Tom's culture 
places the onus on the user; Adam's places it on the developer. 
 Personally, I wouldn't want Open Source development to go too far in 
either direction.  Ideally we would have an OS that would be 
comprehensible to a person of average intelligence with no RTFM, but 
would not hinder the advanced user by dumbing things down. This is an 
unattainable ideal, but an approachable one; as we progress towards it, 
we are bound to lurch from one side or another.

Sir Robin

tom brinkman wrote:

On Friday 12 July 2002 12:52 pm, Alastair Scott wrote:


Doubtless this will provoke some discussion!

Unfortunately, there are several things wrong with the article:

The article takes most things from a 'the situation is an OS 
fault, then hardware, then user' approach. Unfortunately most users 
(any OS) do also.

   I've found when situations are approached just the opposite as most 
likely a user, then maybe hardware, and lastly OS deficiency, I tend 
to have better experiences.

   I don't believe Adam feels any differently. I got the distinct 
impression he's just playin the usual journalistic card and 
pretending to be the Devil's advocate.  So.

  1)  is a user problem  too many IE users :o, non standard html, 
and of course,  M$ 
  2)  user problem.  Choosing ext2 in this day and age is.  Not havin 
an UPS (any OS) comes in second.
  3)  user problem.  Old computers printed everything. Save trees, get 
rid of your printer (I don't have one). ... and quit buyin books too.
Better to burn everything from coal to uranium to communicate.
  4)  user problem (any OS). The real problem is when you have a 
problem, you don't know what to ask, or have enough understanding to 
realize when you find the answer. (I fall too often into this group.)
  5)  user problem.  Buy a better cpu/cache/ram, video card, monitor.
The ones you believed the advertising/win-reviews about sort'a suck, 
but you're the one that bought into it. Using only incandescent or 
candle light in the vicinity of your computer screen might help.
  6)  Extreme user problem, obviously he's advocating killing children 
and/or their activities here  ;(
  7}  user problem again, 'cept this time it's me. I haven't a clue as 
to what he's complain'g about.
  8)  OK, we finally got a problem that's not all user. This one is 
win-hardware and OS.  Sound in Linux sort'a kind'a sux, even more 
than the user errors mentioned in #5
  9)  user error, 'cept' not me, I believe he's the one without a 
 10)  user error, hasn't he heard of Crl+Alt+/- (also see #5)

   So, according to his top 10, it works out to roughly 90% user is 
the problem.  'Course if you ask most sysadmins, or support personel, 
they'd probly just say user - user - user (IOW's 100%).  I'll stick 
with user - hardware - OS (any OS)) in that order.  I suppose next 
week he'll publish a 1 Things Wrong with Windows article ??

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We're clouds over the sea, or flecks of matter
in the ocean when the ocean seems lit from within.
I know I'm drunk when I start this ocean talk. - Rumi

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] DVD in 8.2

2002-07-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, civileme wrote:

 Roger Sherman wrote:
 Is Xine the preferred DVD viewing app? I just tried watching a DVD in 8.2 
 for the first time (actually, I've never viewed a DVD in any previous 
 Mandrake, or linux, for that matter...), and watching it in Xine crashed 
 X. Is there an updated Xine that I should be using, or a different 
 Tnaks -- heh...that was supposed to be thanks...but my fingers slipped...
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to
 Are you using a k6 processor?
 mem=nopentium seems to help for those,

XP1800...does the same still apply?

 otherwise it is an issue 
 to _some_ video cards.  Trident POS built-ins, Voodoos, SiSes and 
 NVidias all run well.

ATI 32 meg AIW...DVD is now working under Ogle, now, so I'm assuming the 
vid card isn't the problem. 

 Also, you might need to download a plugin for Xine called d4d.

Yeah, Ogle has rendered that unnecessary...thanks for the help, though!


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RE: [newbie] DVD in 8.2

2002-07-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Klar Brian D Contr MSG/SICN wrote:

 For DVD playback, I prefer Ogle instead of Xine.
 Xine can read a lot of different formats, but Ogle
 for me plays DVD's better. You may want to look at
 Mplayer even, though I find it a real pain.

Ogle worked great! Thanks Brian and Miark!

 Brian D. Klar - CVE
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Sherman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 2:53 PM
 Subject: [newbie] DVD in 8.2
 Is Xine the preferred DVD viewing app? I just tried watching a DVD in 8.2 
 for the first time (actually, I've never viewed a DVD in any previous 
 Mandrake, or linux, for that matter...), and watching it in Xine crashed 
 X. Is there an updated Xine that I should be using, or a different 
 Tnaks -- heh...that was supposed to be thanks...but my fingers slipped...

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Re: [newbie] new install success .... But 2 simple question

2002-07-13 Per discussione Ron Bouwhuis

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -  I have also been trying to use msn messanger
 threw samba sharing to a
couple of windows machines. the chatting works
 fine but if you try to
use voice or video instead of typing it does not
 If you have any ideas or can direct me to where I
 can find out it would be
 greatly appreciated.  

I'll have a go at your second question.  I'm guessing
you are sharing an internet connection through Linux. 
It does this using NAT (network address translation)
and I spent a lot of time trying to get MSN messenger
voice / video to work.  Until I found a site somewhere
that told me MSN voice / video doesn't work through
NAT, period.  So, I gave up.  And tried Yahoo
messenger instead, which (thankfully) does work
through NAT.  Had to convince my friends to switch
too.  And the good news?  Another Microsoft product
bites the dust!!!

Now if the developers at Yahoo would only port voice /
video to Linux I'd be even happier!


Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione iceburgh69

Sad part is, they'll likely be all OS issues. 


week he'll publish a 1 Things Wrong with Windows article ??

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Re: [newbie] [was:] Machine check Exception

2002-07-13 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 12:15:47 +0200 (CEST)
Fatma Litimein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Linux users:
 I have installed linux Mandrake (version7.2), in witch the charged 
 system is hda. This lasted one contains the fllowing partitions:
 file system:   1k-blocksuse%Mounted on 
 /dev/hda6   4870252   36%   /
 /dev/hda1 14323968   13%   /mnt/windows 
 /proc/bus/usb 1790496  100%   /proc/bus/usb
 when I was in linux, I have always this message for the first time of 
 the mount of the system:

 kwrited-listing on device 

 Message from syslogd@localhost at Firi juil 12 09:48.47 2002 (date and 
 the time of this message)
 localhost kernel: CPU0: Mchine check Exception: 00040 
 bank1: b2000115 general protection fault:.

 and after 10min , the system boot it self.
 so, what I want to know, is if this message have a relation with the 
 hardware of my machin or it is related the system or 
 the partition existing here.
 please any suggestion or help will be very apreciated.
 yours sincerely:
 Melle: F. Litimein

See this thread:
(also see some posts earlier in the thread).  HTH,


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[newbie] No Sound. No Drivers. No Luck

2002-07-13 Per discussione golden1uk

well, i decided to go ahead and install Mandrake8.2 ..   on several
computers..  just for the hell of it.  

(what can i say.  its been a slow week)

Anyway.   My main problem is NO SOUND.  
none, what so ever.   Nada.   Zip. 

(that and everything connected to my southbridge... not being recognised) 

the machine is multi-booting win98/XP/Mandrake ..   98 likes my sound card.  
Win XP likes it.however ML8.2 doesnt want to know 

The sound card is a Creative Audigy platinum... (if anyone could give me
ANY help in getting ANY sound out of this, i'd apreciate it. 

The rest of the system is...

AMD athlon 2100XP+ (overclocked to 2100) 
ASUS A7V333 (wiht only a few overclocked features...  mainly to the Core
voltage, and Memory voltage)
512mb of PC2700 Cas2, runnning at 1:1 cas/Ras latency (as oppesed to 4:5)
Asus Geforce 4 4400 (not over clocked..  but only because it wont go more than
2.5% faster)
realtec 8139 10/100 NIC (which didnt work orignially, but i've sorted that out
External 33.6 hard modem ...  
internal K56Flex modem ..   which sadly is a win modem, and the Drivers from
Conexant dont like it... 
Maxtor 7200rpm 8mb cache 120Gig hdd.  (lots of partioning here...) 

Anyone else have problems with similar equipment...

Any ideas at all would be nice.  



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Re: [newbie] No Sound. No Drivers. No Luck

2002-07-13 Per discussione robin


well, i decided to go ahead and install Mandrake8.2 ..  on several
computers..  just for the hell of it.  

(what can i say.  its been a slow week)

Anyway.   My main problem is NO SOUND.  
none, what so ever.   Nada.   Zip. 

Obvious answer, but did you try sndconfig?  Sometimes a card won't be 
properly detected/configured at installation, but running sndconfig 
manually does the trick.

Sir Robin

We're clouds over the sea, or flecks of matter
in the ocean when the ocean seems lit from within.
I know I'm drunk when I start this ocean talk. - Rumi

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] No Sound. No Drivers. No Luck

2002-07-13 Per discussione Roger Sherman

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The sound card is a Creative Audigy platinum... (if anyone could give me
 ANY help in getting ANY sound out of this, i'd apreciate it. 

I don't think there's a driver for that card at this point.

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Re: [newbie] problems with /etc/fstab

2002-07-13 Per discussione Terry Sheltra

Guess it would be somewhat beneficial to include something like that, wouldn't 
it? :-)

Here is my /etc/fstab file (the names have been changed to protect the 
innocent .. g):

- /dev/hda1 / ext3 noatime 1 1
- none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
- none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
- /dev/hda6 /home ext3 noatime 1 2
- /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,exec,codepage=850,ro,noauto 0 0
- /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto 
user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,exec,codepage=850,noauto 0 0
- network:/dir /mnt/mount nfs user,timeo=3,ro,soft,bg,intr 0 0
- network:/dir2 /mnt/mount2 nfs ro,soft,bg,timeo=3,intr 0 0
- /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount 
dev=/dev/sda4,fs=auto,exec,--,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0
- none /proc proc defaults 0 0
- none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
- /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0

The network entries that I added are based on what their webpage says on how 
to mount them.  These are on a UNIX system.  Anything look suspicious?



On Saturday 13 July 2002 06:26, you wrote:

 You didn't display your fstab enties here so unable to judge them.

 One thing you do not mention is having created the relevent directories
 in /mnt for each of the items listed here, and named as such in fstab. I
 take it NFS directories are NTFS partitions.

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Re: [newbie][was:] subscribe

2002-07-13 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 11:46:53 +0200 (CEST)
Fatma Litimein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

subscribe newbie 

See to subscribe, note the 
address and have fun :)


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Re: [newbie] No Sound. No Drivers. No Luck

2002-07-13 Per discussione Nelson Bartley

How Goes?

I can pretty much tell you 8.2 is a waste of time on that type of setup.
I've got a similar setup, except for the MSI equiv components and using
8.2 on them was a disaster in progress.

I'd recommend 2 things in your current position, either a) use the 1
month old Cooker Snapshot CD's b) use the latest cooker.

You could posibily try to upgrade your kernel to the cooker equiv, which
will solve your southbridge issues, and I'm quite sure it also has the
basic audigy driver that creative released (about 2 weeks after 8.2). 

As for everything else, you should be fine reading the Nvidia Driver
tutorials to get 3D running, however there is no way to fix your current
setup w/o upgrading atleast the kernel, or moving to cooker completely.


On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 11:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well, i decided to go ahead and install Mandrake8.2 .. on several
 computers..  just for the hell of it.  
 (what can i say.  its been a slow week)
 Anyway.   My main problem is NO SOUND.  
 none, what so ever.   Nada.   Zip. 
 (that and everything connected to my southbridge... not being recognised) 
 the machine is multi-booting win98/XP/Mandrake ..   98 likes my sound card.  
 Win XP likes it.however ML8.2 doesnt want to know 
 The sound card is a Creative Audigy platinum... (if anyone could give me
 ANY help in getting ANY sound out of this, i'd apreciate it. 
 The rest of the system is...
 AMD athlon 2100XP+ (overclocked to 2100) 
 ASUS A7V333 (wiht only a few overclocked features...  mainly to the Core
 voltage, and Memory voltage)
 512mb of PC2700 Cas2, runnning at 1:1 cas/Ras latency (as oppesed to 4:5)
 Asus Geforce 4 4400 (not over clocked..  but only because it wont go more than
 2.5% faster)
 realtec 8139 10/100 NIC (which didnt work orignially, but i've sorted that out
 External 33.6 hard modem ...  
 internal K56Flex modem ..   which sadly is a win modem, and the Drivers from
 Conexant dont like it... 
 Maxtor 7200rpm 8mb cache 120Gig hdd.  (lots of partioning here...) 
 Anyone else have problems with similar equipment...
 Any ideas at all would be nice.  

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Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-13 Per discussione DreemWizard
In a message dated 7/13/2002 3:03:15 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Saturday 13 July 2002 01:34 am, you wrote:
 Has anyone had any probs trying to get an Nvidia card working under Drake

There is a tutorial on that walks you through 
installing the drivers for 3D.

Worked every time for me.

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience


WinXP - the best thing since induced vomitting.

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OK let me try that out real quick and see how it goes...havent tried to intall the drivers from src.rpm yet ...might work better...thnx..ill let u know how it goes

[newbie] Memtest

2002-07-13 Per discussione poogle

The scenario, my Partner's standalone PC at work regularly crashing in Win 95,
the solution I suggested was that I would install Mandrake, solution accepted 
and project complete.
Day 1 - complete freeze while left unattended, no response to any key or 
mouse, clock showing the wrong time (the time it froze).
Day 2 Having had nagging doubts about their power supply She is set up with my 
Day 3  4 No problems - Power supply then
Day 5 Freeze
Day 6 (today) PC to my workshop (well the spareroom really), run memtest for 9 
cycles and only get one error during run 1 this is :-
FAILURE: 0x != 0x at offset 0x005c5328
All other 8 cycles produced no errors.
The question is does this indicate failed/failing memory ?
I have never used memtest before so am unsure what I should expect (also 
unsure whether 9 cycles was enough or should I have left it running until it 
got bored and quit) 

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Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Alastair Scott wrote:
 iv. 9 is resolved by nedit, which he evidently isn't aware of.

Absolutely, and I'm rather annoyed that he doesn't provide an email
address to allow feedback.  I guess I could search on the web, but why
should I have to.

Randy Kramer

(Guess I'm cranky today. ;-)

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Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer

tom brinkman wrote:
 The article takes most things from a 'the situation is an OS
 fault, then hardware, then user' approach. Unfortunately most users
 (any OS) do also.
I've found when situations are approached just the opposite as most
 likely a user, then maybe hardware, and lastly OS deficiency, I tend
 to have better experiences.

You are right when you view it from an individual basis.  (If you (or I)
want the best results from Linux, we usually need to consider problems
to be our responsibility and look for solutions in areas which we have
control over.)

However, some people have made a fair amount of money by looking from
the other perspective.  (Some guy named Gates comes to mind. ;-)

Disclaimer: I am not a Microsoft fan (I was for awhile, around the time
of Word 1.0 and so forth), nor a fan of Bill Gates' / Microsoft's ethics
or business practices -- I'm just reminding myself that they have been
fairly successful to date.  

I want to see Linux be an effective competitor to Microsoft *on the
desktop*.  To do that, I believe we need more looking at things from the
other perspective, fixing things to make life easy for the user.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] stange install works and then doesn't

2002-07-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Eric Jackson wrote:
 I saw that Suse had an evaluation disk that you can download and try. It
 writes 3 or 4 files to your hard drive but it doesn't do any partioning.
 When I tried that, it was fine. I had a working evaluation setup on my
 computer. Because of that, I bought Suse 8.0. It installed with no problem
 on my desktop. I now have Madrake on my laptop (although it doesn't
 recognise my Intel Wireless II Internet adapter) and Suse on my desktop
 (although I have no CD audio).
 Since I couldn't get one distribution installed, I tried another.

That is very good advice!  (Something I had forgotten.)

When I started in Linux, I bought a few distros (some real shareware
type stuff and Caldera Open Linux 2.2).  Fortunately, I did manage to
install Open Linux 2.2 -- it wasn't too bad, IIRC.

Anyway, a little later I joined a LUG and got a stack of 10 to 15
different distros.  Tried to install them -- if they installed I tried
them out for a few hours.  Eventually decided (at that time) to stick to
Mandrake.  Probably half of those distros didn't install at all on my
particular machine(s), and another 1/4 of those weren't user friendly
enough to bother trying.  The point is there are a lot of alternatives
in the Linux world.

SuSE and Mandrake are, IMHO, two good choices.  There are others,
depending on your knowledge, experience, tolerance for frustration,
etc., like Red Hat, Slackware, Debian, GenToo, etc.  Join a LUG, try a
variety of distros.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-13 Per discussione Miark

 Just out of interest, I'd be interested to learn what frame rates other
 Geforce 4 users are getting with glxgears. I get ~4300 FPS from a Geforce
 4 Ti4400.

2109.000 FPS is what I got on my GeForce 4 MX (Athlon 1.1GHz).


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Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-13 Per discussione Ross Pearson

 Hey Ross,
 Is there anyway that you can just send me ur XF86 config file?
 I mean I dont know if that will really help me out..but I have tried 
 everything and this is very frustrating...I cant get the drivers to work 
 Its weird because it never gave me a choice on what version of XF86 to 
 use...does that matter?? I dont know.. but I read the readme file and did 
 everything it told me to...but still not nvidia splashscreen and no glx at 

Andrew, my XF86Config-4 is appended to this message. 

As far as I understand it X will use version 4 over other versions as long
as there is a XF86Config-4 file (and of course only if 4 is installed).

Another question is; are you using the stock mandrake 8.2 kernel (i.e. 
you've not upgraded it)? 

Also what reasons are you getting for X not starting? Are you getting
something like kernel module not loading (I can't remember the exact
wording). Check out the contents of /var/log/XFree86.O.log and post back
for further help.



# XF86Config-4   30.04.02

Section Files
RgbPath /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
FontPath   unix/:-1

Section ServerFlags

Section InputDevice
Identifier Keyboard
Driver  Keyboard
Option AutoRepeat  250 30
Option XkbRules xfree86
Option XkbModel pc105
Option XkbLayout gb

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse
Driver  mouse
Option ProtocolIMPS/2
Option Device  /dev/psaux
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5
#   Option Emulate3Buttons
#   Option Emulate3Timeout50

Section Module
 Load   dbe
 Load   glx   
 Load   extmod
 Load   type1
 Load   freetype
#Load   v4l

Section Monitor
Identifier Formac 17/850
HorizSync  30-95
VertRefresh 50-150

Section Monitor
Identifier AOC
HorizSync  30-69
VertRefresh 50-120

Section Device
Identifier Generic VGA
Driver vga

Section Device
Identifier  NVIDIA GeForce4
Driver  nvidia
Option  DPMS  on

Section Screen
Identifier screen
Device  NVIDIA GeForce4
Monitor Formac 17/850
#   Option NvAGP 0  # uncomment to disable AGP support 
#   Option NvAGP 1  # uncomment AGP x 1
#   Option NvAGP 2  # uncomment AGP x 2
#   default AGP is 4x

DefaultColorDepth 24

Subsection Display
Depth   8
Modes   1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x400
ViewPort0 0

Subsection Display
Depth   16
Modes   1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0

Subsection Display
Depth   24
#   Modes   1600x1200 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480
Modes   1280x1024 1024x768 800x600 640x480
ViewPort0 0

Section ServerLayout
Identifier layout1
Screen screen
InputDevice Mouse CorePointer
InputDevice Keyboard CoreKeyboard


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Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86

2002-07-13 Per discussione DreemWizard
In a message dated 7/13/2002 4:19:42 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, D. Olson wrote:

 On Saturday 13 July 2002 01:34 am, you wrote:
  Has anyone had any probs trying to get an Nvidia card working under Drake
 There is a tutorial on that walks you through 
 installing the drivers for 3D.

The lateset nvidia drivers work fine with Geforce 4 cards. I recently 
upgraded a Geforce 2 to a 4 and literally all that I did was power down, 
switch cards and reboot. No problems. 
Follow D. Olson's tutorial and you should be OK.

Just out of interest, I'd be interested to learn what frame rates other
Geforce 4 users are getting with glxgears. I get ~4300 FPS from a Geforce
4 Ti4400.


Hey Ross,
Is there anyway that you can just send me ur XF86 config file?
I mean I dont know if that will really help me out..but I have tried everything and this is very frustrating...I cant get the drivers to work right...

Its weird because it never gave me a choice on what version of XF86 to use...does that matter?? I dont know.. but I read the readme file and did everything it told me to...but still not nvidia splashscreen and no glx at all


Re: [newbie] No Sound. No Drivers. No Luck

2002-07-13 Per discussione civileme


well, i decided to go ahead and install Mandrake8.2 ..  on several
computers..  just for the hell of it.  

(what can i say.  its been a slow week)

Anyway.   My main problem is NO SOUND.  
none, what so ever.   Nada.   Zip. 

(that and everything connected to my southbridge... not being recognised) 

the machine is multi-booting win98/XP/Mandrake ..   98 likes my sound card.  
Win XP likes it.however ML8.2 doesnt want to know 

The sound card is a Creative Audigy platinum... (if anyone could give me
ANY help in getting ANY sound out of this, i'd apreciate it. 

The rest of the system is...

AMD athlon 2100XP+ (overclocked to 2100) 
ASUS A7V333 (wiht only a few overclocked features...  mainly to the Core
voltage, and Memory voltage)
512mb of PC2700 Cas2, runnning at 1:1 cas/Ras latency (as oppesed to 4:5)
Asus Geforce 4 4400 (not over clocked..  but only because it wont go more than
2.5% faster)
realtec 8139 10/100 NIC (which didnt work orignially, but i've sorted that out
External 33.6 hard modem ...  
internal K56Flex modem ..   which sadly is a win modem, and the Drivers from
Conexant dont like it... 
Maxtor 7200rpm 8mb cache 120Gig hdd.  (lots of partioning here...) 

Anyone else have problems with similar equipment...

Any ideas at all would be nice.  



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Well, you are lucky to run linux overclocked.  Quite frequently it will 
not overclock because driver timing is already tight on the specs 
instead of loose and sloppy like other OSes.

The Audigy is supported barely by emu10k driver module and mostly in 
non-digital mode.  At the present time it is mainly a Winsound card. 
 This is typical for a lot of new hardware.  The manufacturer issues it 
with windrivers which will work on some versions of windows and _maybe_ 
a binary-only linux driver which will work on _one_ kernel compilation. 
 After a source wrapper is prepared, then it can possibly be compiled 
for other kernels.

Understand that the windows kernel changed between 95 and 98 not by a 
single byte!

Anyway, with a lot of playing around, many people are hearing sound from 
the Audigy.  Study the recent archives of this list and you can find 
examples.  Naturally the next release due out in a couple of months will 
handle the Audigy better.  It was actually released to the market about 
the same time as the 8.2 release.


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Re: [newbie] Sound Is Impossible

2002-07-13 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 09:55:51 +0100
Daryl Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's taken me 4 weeks of fairly constant tinkering, adjustment and 
 experimentation to arrive at the conclusion that it is impossible to 
 configure my sound card - which seems remarkable as in most ways it is 
 getting recognised.
 Forgive the long post but if anyone has anything constructive to add at least 
 all the information should be here  :o)


 Hardware Configuration
 ABIT VP6 mother board

Could you post an URL for this board?

 Twin Pentium III processors 1000 mhz
 512Mb ram
 1 x 40 Gb drives
 1 x HP CdROM RW
 1 x Adaptec SCSI I/F
 1 x Travan SCSI tape
 1 x GE Force 2MX video card
 1 x Creative Blaster 4.1 Digital

You really have just one soundcard and no onboard sound? 
Creative Blaster 4.1 Digital sounds more like a emu10k1 card than an
Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI card as reported by 'lspci -v'.But then you have
the ALSA module snd-card-ens1371 loaded Confusing ('Creative ;) ')
naming by Creative Labs?

 Started with a purchase of Mandrake 8.0 Powerpack because I liked 7.2
 Currently using 8.2 because it came on the cover of Linux Today and I hoped 
 it would self-configure the sound.
 The Bios in the machine has been tried with plug'n play switched on and off.  
 It's currently on
 Output from dmesg shows no recognition of a sound card at all, though there 
 have been times during this saga when I have seen es1371 mentioned.
 My /etc/modules.conf is :
 alias usb-interface usb-uhci
 # ALSA native device support
 alias char-major-116 snd
 options snd snd_major = 116 snd_cards_limit = 1
 alias snd-card-0 snd-card-ens1371
 # OSS/Free setup
 alias char-major-14 soundcore
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
 alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
 alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
 alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
 alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
 probeall scsi_hostadapter advansys
 alias eth0 3c59x
 Output from lsmod is:
 Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
 sr_mod 15192   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 snd-seq-midi3424   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 snd-seq-oss26112   0  (unused)
 snd-seq-midi-event  3504   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss]
 snd-seq43056   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss 
 snd-pcm-oss18848   1
 snd-pcm-plugin 16144   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-mixer-oss   4704   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
 parport_pc 22280   1  (autoclean)
 lp  6624   0  (autoclean)
 parport25440   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]
 snd-card-ens13712208   1
 snd-ens137110624   0  [snd-card-ens1371]
 snd-pcm33824   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-ens1371]
 snd-timer   9568   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
 snd-rawmidi10688   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-ens1371]
 snd-seq-device  4028   0  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss snd-seq 
 snd-ac97-codec 25504   0  [snd-ens1371]
 snd-mixer  25416   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-ens1371 snd-ac97-codec]
 snd35648   1  [snd-seq-midi snd-seq-oss 
 snd-seq-midi-event snd-seq snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss 
 snd-card-ens1371 snd-ens1371 snd-pcm snd-timer snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device 
 snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer]
 soundcore   4452   7  [snd]
 nfsd   70592   8  (autoclean)
 lockd  50080   1  (autoclean) [nfsd]
 sunrpc 67860   1  (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
 af_packet  13896   0  (autoclean)
 ipchains   38440   0
 usb-uhci   22692   0  (unused)
 usbcore62048   1  [usb-uhci]
 3c59x  26536   1  (autoclean)
 st 28052   0  (unused)
 supermount 62308   2  (autoclean)
 ide-scsi8096   0
 rtc 6680   0  (autoclean)
 reiserfs  172032   6
 advansys   86668   0  (unused)
 sd_mod 11512   0  (unused)
 scsi_mod   96060   5  [sr_mod st ide-scsi advansys sd_mod]
 The relevant line from ps reads:
  2737 ?S  0:09 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -d -b 16 -s 1 -m 
 Running drakxservices shows that both Alsa and Sound are started at boot and 
 running.  Checking further I find that in Control Centre my board is 
 recognised as an Ensoniq 5880 Audio PCI using kernel module es1371 (which was 
 why I used this module when setting up modules.conf)  The configuration tool 
 produces nothing however and neither does sndconfig.
 The IRQ is 11 and is shared between advansys, usb and ensoniq
 The ports are cc00-cc3f Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI
 Interestingly the PCI report states:
 00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 02)
 Subsystem: Ensoniq: Unknown device 8001
 Flags: bus master, slow devsel, latency 64, IRQ 11
 I/O ports at cc00 [size=64]

[newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer

I plan to start a new hobby -- whenever I'm at a computer show or
store, I'm going to go around and ask about different products saying --
does that have a driver for Linux.

I'll try not to become too well known, or the vendors will see that one
nut who asks about Linux drivers.  (I'll try to buy something every
once in a while, also.) 

Anybody want to take up the same hobby?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-13 Per discussione Miark

I do that on occasion too. 

I have to move in a couple months and was looking for new
work when I came across a job for a network admin. I'm not
really interesting in the job, but the description mentioned
that it was a Windows network that will soon be upgraded to
Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

I couldn't resist. I wrote the company back and asked why
they were burdening their company with the expense and
licsensing associated with those products when Linux is 

They didn't respond. Not yet anyway :-)


Randy Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 I plan to start a new hobby -- whenever I'm at a computer show or
 store, I'm going to go around and ask about different products saying --
 does that have a driver for Linux.
 I'll try not to become too well known, or the vendors will see that one
 nut who asks about Linux drivers.  (I'll try to buy something every
 once in a while, also.) 
 Anybody want to take up the same hobby?
 Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Memtest

2002-07-13 Per discussione civileme

poogle wrote:

The scenario, my Partner's standalone PC at work regularly crashing in Win 95,
the solution I suggested was that I would install Mandrake, solution accepted 
and project complete.
Day 1 - complete freeze while left unattended, no response to any key or 
mouse, clock showing the wrong time (the time it froze).
Day 2 Having had nagging doubts about their power supply She is set up with my 
Day 3  4 No problems - Power supply then
Day 5 Freeze
Day 6 (today) PC to my workshop (well the spareroom really), run memtest for 9 
cycles and only get one error during run 1 this is :-
FAILURE: 0x != 0x at offset 0x005c5328
All other 8 cycles produced no errors.
The question is does this indicate failed/failing memory ?
I have never used memtest before so am unsure what I should expect (also 
unsure whether 9 cycles was enough or should I have left it running until it 
got bored and quit) 

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One failure is one too many.

REmove the memory, burnish contacts with eraser end of pencil, degrease 
with isopropyl alcohol, clear slots with compressed air can, reinsert. 
 Run memory test again.

Or alternatively, replace memory and run memory test again.  It may be 
the motherboard circuitry.

But a freeze like that, with all the power management stuff turned off, 
is indicative of a hardware problem.  If the BIOS has ACPI and it is 
activated, that may be the cause of a freeze when left unattended for a 

But yes, the extremely low probability failure is unacceptable in 
computing.  If something has a finite chance of failure, no matter how 
small, that allows you to calculate how often to expect it.  There is no 
doubt whatsoever that it will occur.  There is no almost passing a 
memory test.

Windows is beloved of hardware manufacturers for that very reason. 
 Freeze-ups are so common from software causes that hardware flaws are 
masked.  Not so with linux.  A freeze unrecoverable is a rare 
occurrence.  Even frozen boxes seem to be able to switch to console or 
to allow an ssh entry or the emergency alt-sysrq-r alt-sysrq-s 
alt-sysrq-b to go to raw keyboard input, emergency disk sync and reboot 
without a reset switch.

But here is what I have (last reboot was to change hardware)

[tester@v5 tester]$ uptime
 12:16pm  up 16 days, 21:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
[tester@v5 tester]$

[tester@msn75 tester]$ uptime
 12:08pm  up 45 days, 19:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.49, 0.17, 0.06
[tester@msn75 tester]$ 

These are two of my systems, the second an IBM PC300GL P2-300, the other a Duron 900 
on a POJ Matsonic motherboard with the most buggy VIA chipset ever.

The gateway I could post as well, but that was last altered before the release of 8.2 
and is running with the latest updates, so it isn't fair, but its uptime is more than 
180 days, because I last booted it December 24, 2001 (yep on my birthday when I 
changed its physical location and the location of the DSL it was connected to.  I did 
not even boot it when I stopped using DSL and switched to cable modem.  It is another 

Yes, all of these have passed memtest left for 3-4 days running, since they are 
production machines.  The last downtime I had was on the Matsonic Mobo because a 
plastic shaving jammed the CPU cooling fan.  The fan was replaced and we are still 



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Re: [newbie] launching apps from terminal

2002-07-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

On Saturday 13 July 2002 01:51 am, you wrote:

 Not quite true.  The application should launch as a detached process.
 Just tried ogle from gnome-terminal and it stayed put when the xterm
 closed down.  The terminal window will display messages from the
 application while it exists - don't know what happens to them after
 xterm exit though (xsession-errors?).

It must be a difference in terms then, I did the same with e-term and my ogle 
window closed seconds after I closed the e-term that launched it...


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Re: [newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-13 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

On Saturday 13 July 2002 03:57 pm, you wrote:
 I plan to start a new hobby -- whenever I'm at a computer show or
 store, I'm going to go around and ask about different products saying --
 does that have a driver for Linux.

 I'll try not to become too well known, or the vendors will see that one
 nut who asks about Linux drivers.  (I'll try to buy something every
 once in a while, also.)

 Anybody want to take up the same hobby?

 Randy Kramer

Do this all the time every place I go, yes, thats great - but does it work 
under Linux?...   grin


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[newbie] Crashed new system!

2002-07-13 Per discussione Marcia

Dear All,

I decided to try to tweak my video display last night and ended up not being 
able to get back into LM8.2. I tried to work with files through console 
because I was able to at least get to a console but nothing was working. I 
really do not know what video driver I should use for my brand new Athlon 
XP1600+ system with an ELitegroup Ecs Motherboard with onboard video. lan, 
and sound.  It is an Elite ECS Socket A l7vmm motherboard with th VT8375 
Northbridge and VT8233A Southbridge chipset. This system is only a couple of 
days old. LM8.2 installed quite nicely.  I used the recommended install so 
the video was setup automatically and I do not know what driver was chosen. 
It worked right away with everything working immediately except some sound. 
The sound worked automatically and beautifully for CD's but not xmms.  That 
is a minor problem now to be addressed later.

I decided to do a fresh install today thinking that would straighten all out. 
It seemed to go through the install quite nicely but then w;hen I booted up 
it would not boot into Linux but just showed 0404040404004 infinitely running 
across the black screen. When I put in the rescue disk I could get into the 
console and see that all my files were still there and accessible, but I am a 
newbie and did not know how to get Xconfigurator going through text and would 
not known what driver to choose anyway. I printed out some info about my 
system before the crash and for the video it says: VGA compatible controller: 
S3 Inc: Unknown device 8d04(prog-if 00[VGA]) Subsystem:Elitegroup Computer 
systems: Unknown device 0a76 FLags: bus naster, 66Mhz, medium devsel. latency 
32, IRq11, mEMORY AT 3100(32-Bit, non-prefetchable) size =512K
Memory at d800 ( 32- bit, prefetchable) size =128M
Expansion ROM at unassigned disabled size =64k

I have reinstalled twice and the same thing happened. Now I am using 
Partition commander to format my drive for Linux  hoping this will take care 
of the problem.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-13 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Miark wrote:
 I have to move in a couple months and was looking for new
 work when I came across a job for a network admin. I'm not
 really interesting in the job, but the description mentioned
 that it was a Windows network that will soon be upgraded to
 Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
 I couldn't resist. I wrote the company back and asked why
 they were burdening their company with the expense and
 licsensing associated with those products when Linux is
 They didn't respond. Not yet anyway :-)


Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] X Font Server fails

2002-07-13 Per discussione Damian G

On 13 Jul 2002 21:43:57 -0600
Warren Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My X Font Server occasionally goes crazy and X sucks up all available
 CPU cycles forever. The only fix I've found is to reboot, horrors. Upon
 shutdown the first thing I see is that an orderly shutdown of the X Font
 Server fails. This does not appear to be related to any particular
 application or window manager.
 What sorts of things should I be looking at to find and fix the cause?
 df tells me I have plenty of room on /, top says I have lots of swap
 free, and memtest86 can't find anything wrong with my memory.

i've seen this happen once or twice, seems to be a bug so there's no
fix .. but no reboot is really needed, all you have to do is
restart the X server.. ( try ctrl + alt + bkspace ) and everything 
goes back to normal.



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Re: [newbie] Ten Things Wrong with Linux

2002-07-13 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 05:40, Randy Kramer wrote:
 Alastair Scott wrote:
  iv. 9 is resolved by nedit, which he evidently isn't aware of.

 Absolutely, and I'm rather annoyed that he doesn't provide an email
 address to allow feedback.  I guess I could search on the web, but why
 should I have to.

 Randy Kramer

 (Guess I'm cranky today. ;-)

Top left of the page is a Back to my homepage link for you cranky  ;-)

He has a couple of other articles on his site that are worth reading. Mainly 
dealing with how he has converted most of his company (desktops included) to 

So think carefully befor you flame him. We all have some part of our Linux 
programs that we wish was better implemented. This bloke has just got his 
down on paper. I am sure he would love to cross out these pet peeves one by 
one. But i also think once 5 or so were crossed out he would come up with 5 

I also think he would welcome constructive solutions to his peeves (like 
nedit). Just ensure you understand where he is coming from first.


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Re: [newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-13 Per discussione Michael Adams

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 12:34, Rick Henderson wrote:
 On Saturday 13 July 2002 09:08 pm, magnet wrote:
   Do this all the time every place I go, yes, thats great - but does it
   under Linux?...   grin
  If you are ever in West Thurrock, Essex somewhere near the PCWorld store
  [M$World] please take the time to pop in to chat with their upgrade
  assistant and confirm that no... you cant play Linux on an X-Box or PS2,

 on tech tv (screen saver), they just confirmed that someone got linux
 installed and running on an X-box

Can you confirm that with a link?
This is as close as i got:-,24195,3388837,00.html

  altho you can get a high-score on uptime. Trust me, she will ask if the
  game Uptime can run on an X-box or PS2! *sigh*
  All I went in for was to ask if a particular gfx card had linux support
  (I had nothing better to do), and yes, you guessed, no-one in the whole
  store could answer. ;-)
  regards and giggles


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Re: [Fwd: Re: [newbie] NVidia 4 video card and XF86]

2002-07-13 Per discussione DreemWizard

Praise Jesus...there is a God and many helpers out there

Thank you guys sooo much I got Linux working just great with my Video card woo to play some quake 3...laters!!


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Re: [newbie] New Hobby

2002-07-13 Per discussione Miark



Also not that someone will dump $100,000 into the project
each time the porting team completes each of two tasks.

You'd think there are better place to dump $200,000 into
the Linux community. Odd.


Michael Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] saith:

 Can you confirm that with a link?
 This is as close as i got:-,24195,3388837,00.html

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[newbie] perl question

2002-07-13 Per discussione freeman

I have currently just installed the newset version of mandrake on my
machine and I am having so problems getting it to run.  no matter what
I do it tells me 


You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/search.cgi on this server.

am I missing a step I have checked all the rights on the cgi file and even 
chmod a+wrx search.cgi to make sure to no avail.  please let me know

Regards Mike 

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