Re: [newbie-it] Scanner Epson 1250

2003-02-25 Per discussione Andrea Celli
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 07:12:35 +0100
lele [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sul desktop ho l'icona di xsane, nell'elenco delle periferiche usb ho lo 
 scanner, ma se tento di lanciare xsane mi dice che non ci sono dispositivi 
 disponibili, e anche con iscan, scricato dal sito Epson, ricevo la risposta 
 impossibile inviare comandi allo scanner.
 Qualcuno ha qualche idea ?
 Manca qualcosa?

hai provato a lanciare xsane da terminale come root?

probabilmente, come utente normale non hai accesso al dispositivo.

Se il problema è quello, setta il suid a xsane (chmod u+s xsane)

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda audio

2003-02-25 Per discussione tom
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 07:59, Lele wrote:

 Ho una scheda audio integrata e una soundblaster e vorrei usare solo
 quest'ultima, come posso disabilitare l'altra?

che s.b. è?
da root dai #lspci
e vedi che periferiche pci hai montate su
(se è isa non comparira nell elenco)
una volta scoperto che scheda è possiamo aiutari

 Grazie per le eventuali risposte

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it] Scheda audio

2003-02-25 Per discussione freefred
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 7:59 am, Lele wrote about [newbie-it] Scheda 
 Dopo l'installazione di mdk9 nonriesco a sentire i suoni di sistema nè i
 cd musicali.
 Ho una scheda audio integrata e una soundblaster e vorrei usare solo
 quest'ultima, come posso disabilitare l'altra?

Beh dovresti certamente dare piu' informazioni.
A livello generale comunque, se la scheda integrata non vuoi usarla
la soluzione piu' semplice potrebbe essere quella di disabilitarla
nel bios.

- -- 
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[newbie-it] Non c'e' peggior sordo ... [semi-OT]

2003-02-25 Per discussione CyberPenguin
Scusate la lungaggine,
ma come nota di cronaca ritenevo curioso postarla il ML.
Trattasi delle e-mail intercorse tra lo scrivente e ACER Italia in riferimento
al mio nuovo laptop acquistato (Aspire 1302XV) sul quale ovviamente e'
preinstallto XP e, _altrettanto_ovviamente_, sara' installato GNU/Linux ;-)
CyberPenguin wrote:
  Spett. Acer Italia,
  ho recentemente acquistato presso il megastore MarcoPolo di Forli' il
  notebook in oggetto identificabile dal numero seriale
  S/N: LXA03051542410 100DEF00.
  Su detta macchina sarebbe mia precisa esigenza affiancare al Win XP
  preinstallato e previo partizionamento dell'HD, GNU/Linux.
  Gentilmente sarei a chiederVi se detta modifica del contenuto dell'HD
  incide o meno sulla garanzia di 2 anni prevista per il mio notebook.
  In attesa di un Vs gradito riscontro, colgo l'occasione per inviare i
  migliori saluti.
Acer Italia wrote:
  Gentile Cliente,
  In merito alla sua gentile richiesta, la informiamo che non ci e'
  possibile garantire la compatibilita' dei prodotti Acer con il sistema
  operativo Linux, poiche' non sono stati effettuati test a riguardo,
  pertanto non e' possibile trovare i relativi driver di installazione nei
  nostri siti.
  La informiamo altresi' che, Acer, per i motivi specificati in precedenza,
  non puo' offrire nessun tipo di assistenza (neppure telefonica) per
  problemi hardware o software in pc che hanno installato tale sistema.
CyberPenguin wrote:
  Spett. ACER,
  forse non mi sono spiegato :-(
  Fosse cosi', me ne scuso.
  Ma non ho richiesto se fornite consulenza o drivers di periferca in
  ambito GNU/Linux per il notebook da Voi prodotto e dallo scrivente
  Chiedo semplicemente se l'installazione di un S.O. differente da quello
  preinstallato in origine puo' o meno invalidare la garanzia ufficiale
  ACER di 2 anni su detto prodotto.
  Ovvio che se GNU/Linux non mi supporta qualche periferica interna al
  laptop (testata da Voi in ambiente Win) ne sarei pefettamente
  consapevole e non richiederei assolutamente assistenza presso i Vs call
  Ma se, per esempio, nell'ambito dei 2 anni di garanzia non
  funzionasse piu' il lettore DVD?
  Sarebbe possibile la sostituzione del drive in garanzia?
  Certo di un Vs interessamento, colgo l'occasione per inviare i migliori
Acer Italia wrote:
  Gentile Cliente,
  In merito alla sua gentile richiesta, la informiamo che ogni sistema
  operativo viene installato in una singola macchina dopo essere stato
  debitamente testato, per questo motivo Acer da assistenza esclusivamente al
  sistema operativo che preistalla nelle sue macchine.
  Cio' nonostante, la informiamo che è possibile installare un altro sistema
  operativo  nel suo notebook, acquistandolo a parte,  ricordando che Acer
  non le puo' garantire un corretto funzionamento e che per l'assistenza
  software dovra' rivolgersi direttamente alla Microsoft.
  Per maggiori informazioni le ricordiamo che puo' contattare il call center
  Acer al numero 0931.469411.
CyberPenguin wrote:
  Ringrazio delle info :-)
  Preciso garbatamente che GNU/Linux, essendo FreeSoftware, non appartiene a
  nessuna softwarehouse in particolare. Per l'assistenza software ci si puo'
  rivolgere direttamente alla comunita' degli sviluppatori o alle
  innumerevoli ML e NG presenti on line oltre che ai numerosi LUG (Linux
  Users Group) Italiani.
  Le mie preoccupazioni, solo in parte sanate, erano rivolte all'eventuale
  annullamento della garanzia ACER sull'hardware.

Giovanni ;-)
//\Membro del FoLug -
V_/_Red Hat 8.0 GNU/Linux Powered
There is no system other than GNU. And Linux is one of its kernels.

Re: [newbie-it] Scanner Epson 1250

2003-02-25 Per discussione paolo brusasco
scusa le banalità e/o/a le bestialità, ma
esiste /dev/usb/scanner? (potrebbe essere /dev/usb/scanner0)
ha permessi di lettura e scrittura (rw--- se non rw-rw-)?
qual' e' l'output del comando scanimage -L da utente e da root?
qual' e' l'output del comando sane-find-scanner da utente e da root?
lele ha scritto:
Ho provato a configurare il mio scanner epson 1250 photo come da istruzioni 
sul sito mandrake, cioè inserendo
usb/dev/usb/scanner in /etc/sane.d/epson.conf

Re: [newbie-it] latex e *.jpeg

2003-02-25 Per discussione miKe
Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:15, lunedì 24 febbraio 2003, Enrico Piccinini ha scritto:

 Un saluto a Mike (con il quale ho condiviso i miei dolori della
 rete): ci sono riuscito finalmente a rifar partire la connessione
 dial-up (con mezzi un po' barbari, ho cioè rinstallato tutto perchè
 ormai avevo perso il segno di tutte le modifiche che avevo fatto) e
 nonstante avessi letto tutta la doc (howto) non ci cavavo i piedi.

ciao anche a te!
ora che tutto funzia, salva la configurazione e vedi di capire il
motivo per cui poteva non andare
(io un sospetto e l'ho..;)

 Ora sono anche riuscito a far funzionare l'eth e persino samba!
 Evviva. L'unica cosa che prorpio non vuol sapere di funzionare è la
 stampante condivisa che (nonstante tutti i tentativi di mounting
 manuale) non viene riconosciuta (sarà un problema di driver, visto
 che è una stampante nuova di palla).

condivisa da win$ verso linuccio?

 Grazie a tutti e buona settimana.




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
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Re: [newbie-it] kde3.1

2003-02-25 Per discussione IRON
Alle 10:30, lunedì 17 febbraio 2003, Andrea Celli ha scritto:

 Io ho preso la versione test da MandrakeClub, però dovrebbe essere
 (più) affidabile anche  quella di texstar che, stranamente, manca delle
 traduzioni italiane. Sulle news del club assicuravano che presto sarebbe
 stata disponibile una versione stabile per tutti.

No ragazzi, state alla larga dalla versione textar, l'ho provata e sono 
ritornato alla KDE 3.1rc5 (tanto è quella definitiva)

Marco Faenzi Vallés
ICQ#: 92399781

Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-25 Per discussione Alessandro Piaser
- Original Message -

 Un piccolo consiglio (più che altro per te) :
 Se si scrivono messaggi così lunghi e con domande così diverse tra loro

Vero, ma siccome io chiamerei questo thread storia di un'ordinaria
installazione su un computer datato
penso che spezzettare messaggi per le diverse problematiche rischia di
frammentare il tutto, vieversa in questo modo altri che si trovassero o si
trovernno nella mia situazione avranno un punto di riferimento con diverse
risposte, anche se non tutte.
In passato ho scritto per dei problemi con samba in questa lista, ma
evidentemente erano troppo tecnici, il problema l'ho risolto in una lista
specifica (grazie! Simo Source), come vedi ci sono i pro e i contro.
Terrò sicuramente da conto la tua osservazione per il futuro.
Per concludere un consiglio te lo do io, non quotare l'intero messaggio
quando rispondi, ma solo le parti strettamente necessarie e pertinenti, mi
quotato l'intero messaggio quando hai sintetizzato quello che volevi dire in
poche righe. L'ho imparato ai tempi di Fidonet  C.
Alla prossima.



Re: [newbie-it] Suggerimenti: installazione e pacchetti

2003-02-25 Per discussione Alessandro Piaser

- Original Message -

  Non c'è un'opzione da inserire dando rpm in modo che chieda se
installare o
  meno anche le dipendenze?

 si rpm --nodeps (vedi man rpm) ma poi non è detto che il pacchetto ti
 funzioni, potrebbe mancargli qualche libreria essenziale

Mi spiego meglio. Ho il pacchetto A da installare, ma ha bisogno delle
dipendenze B e C, che a sua volta ha bisogno di C1 e C2.
C'è un opzione che mi permette di installare A+B+C+C1+C2?

Una volta installati i pacchetti, è possibile far verificate le dipendenze
dei pacchetti installati?
Siccome l'opzione --nodeps l'ho usata per disperazione installando mcc,
vorrei controllare che sia tutto a posto.

  pensando di installare come file manager Nautilus, 
 in effetti è un bel mattone.

Ho addocchiato Xfm (the X file manager) o a X Northern Captain o emelFM, ma
fanno anche da browser? mi serve per leggere gli howto in html

 prova a vedere sul sito Mandrake, alla pagina errata, dovrebbe esserci
un bug
 relativo alla costituzuìone del database per urpmi

Trovato. Complimenti, che memoria

  2 il cdrom
 Non ho mai avuto a che fare con cd-rom non atapi.
 Quindi deviseguire quello che ti dicono
 i sacri testi.

Ho provato con i comandi dettati dai testi sacri,
ma quando do il comando
ln -s /dev/sbpcd /dev/cdrom
si freezza il terminale

Dando il comando modprobe sbpcd ho notato con dmesg che va a scansionare 340
come io invece che 230
Se gli specifico l'indirizzo quando lancio modprobe mi da errore e mi dice
che il modulo non accetta opzioni

  Incomincio dal punto più semplice l'audio
 Per questo, prova a vedere il sito delle pnp-utils

Anche se la scheda NON è PnP?

  probeall scsi_hostadapters ide-scsi
  e una cosa simile il lilo.conf in append ...

 a occhio sembra un'emulazione scsi per un dispositivo ide o di altro tipo.
 Non è che il tuo cd venga visto come /dev/scd0 ?

Quello volante forse si anche se è atapi, ma ora che l'ho scollegato il
vigliacco mi carica
lo stesso i moduli anche se ho commentato le righe in modules.conf e rimosso
l'append in lilo.conf

Ottimizzazione del sistema.
Ho letto un howto che ha per argomento installazione e qualche tips su 386 e
fossili simili.
Tra le varie cose consiglia di ridurre il numero di console virtuali da  6 a
4 o meno per liberare memoria modificando inittab, può essere applicabile
anche al mio caso?
Stessa domanda per i desktop virtuali in X nè ho 4 se ne tengo solo uno
(anche perchè gli altri non sono usati) risparmio risorse? e dove effetto la
modifica in questo caso?



[newbie-it] rpmdrake

2003-02-25 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mi sapete dire xké quando lancio rpmdrake-remove per rimuovere i pacchetti installati, 
dopo avermi chiesto se andare avanti o meno, si blocca sulla schermata sto leggendo 
il database dei pacchetti (o qualcosa di simile)?

[newbie-it] problemi di audio

2003-02-25 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
come posso configurare la mia scheda sonora ESS1868 ISA senza usare sndconfig (che si 
blocca dopo aver premuto su ok)? posso farlo tramite isapnp? e se si, come?

[newbie-it] Avvio automatico Seti@Home

2003-02-25 Per discussione Di Fresco Marco
Ciao a tutti,
so che quella che sto per fare e' una delle piu' banali domande che si possa
fare, ma non so come risolvere la questione e non ho idea su dove trovare la
risposta nella documentazione: ho installato [EMAIL PROTECTED] e vorrei farlo
partire all'avvio (di qualsiasi utente), come posso farlo?

Grazie in anticipo.

Di Fresco Marco

R: [newbie-it] latex e *.jpeg

2003-02-25 Per discussione Enrico Piccinini
Ciao Mike,

 condivisa da win$ verso linuccio?

Yes, of course.

La stampante è una Epson Multifunzione CX3200. Ho controllato su (credo sia +/- questo il sito) e mi dice che è una
delle stampanti che meglio funziona sotto linuxHo provato a fargliela
vedere come Epson C62 (come consigliato sul sito stesso) ma niente da fare.
Quando tento di fargli stampare una pagina di prova, si inchioda tutto

Vabbè queste sono finezze, ora posso sempre trasferirmi i file sotto win e
stmaparli dall'altro PC, però se si riuscisse a fare anhe questa cosuccia,
non sarebbe male.

Buona giornata a tutti

P.S: Per inciso il montaggio delle risorse samba da Mandrake Control Center
mi funziona solo a volte, quindi ho per il file system aggiro l'ostacolo
facendolo a mano, per le stampanti non mi sembra così semplice...

-Messaggio originale-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] conto di miKe
Inviato: martedì 25 febbraio 2003 22.14
Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] latex e *.jpeg

Hash: SHA1

Alle 09:15, lunedì 24 febbraio 2003, Enrico Piccinini ha scritto:

 Un saluto a Mike (con il quale ho condiviso i miei dolori della
 rete): ci sono riuscito finalmente a rifar partire la connessione
 dial-up (con mezzi un po' barbari, ho cioè rinstallato tutto perchè
 ormai avevo perso il segno di tutte le modifiche che avevo fatto) e
 nonstante avessi letto tutta la doc (howto) non ci cavavo i piedi.

ciao anche a te!
ora che tutto funzia, salva la configurazione e vedi di capire il
motivo per cui poteva non andare
(io un sospetto e l'ho..;)

 Ora sono anche riuscito a far funzionare l'eth e persino samba!
 Evviva. L'unica cosa che prorpio non vuol sapere di funzionare è la
 stampante condivisa che (nonstante tutti i tentativi di mounting
 manuale) non viene riconosciuta (sarà un problema di driver, visto
 che è una stampante nuova di palla).

condivisa da win$ verso linuccio?

 Grazie a tutti e buona settimana.




- --

Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[newbie] problem with ./configure installation

2003-02-25 Per discussione Kurniawan Mitchell
I am just new person in LInux.I have problem when try to installpackage ib my Linux Mandrake 9.0 O/S.
When I type ./configure (as the instruction said) no respond, it said command is not recognized. 
Is ./configure a script file or a command? If yes where about it located and how to configure it?

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Re: [newbie] problem with ./configure installation

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 8:06 am, Kurniawan Mitchell wrote:
 I am just new person in LInux. I have problem when try to install package
 ib my Linux Mandrake 9.0 O/S.

 When I type ./configure (as the instruction said) no respond, it said
 command is not recognized.

 Is ./configure a script file or a command? If yes where about it located
 and how to configure it?

configure is the name of a script in the directory of the application you are 
trying to install.
If you have downloaded a tarball (.tar.gz file) then uncompress it either by 
clicking on it in konqueror and drag/drop the folder inside to your home 
directory, or else in a terminal enter
tar -xvzf filename
Then 'cd' to the applications directory and then enter

BTW what application are you trying to install? The chances are that there is 
already an RPM package for that application either already on your CDs or 
easily downloadable. For a newbie RPMs are *lots* easier to install than 




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Re: [newbie] Linneighbourhood installation dead end

2003-02-25 Per discussione ivette brusselmans

Do you mean I have to use urpmi Linneighbourhood and everything will be 
installed automatically?
Seems too easy to be true.


Subject: Re: [newbie] Linneighbourhood installation dead end
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:30:47 +0200
ivette brusselmans wrote:
Tried to install Linneighbourhood rpm, but got the message that it needed 
Tried to install Gettext rpm, but got the following message: rpm -U 
--replacepkgs  //home/luc/Downloads/gettext.rpm;echo RESULT=$?
error: failed dependencies: is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61 is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61 is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
Installed GLIBC_2.2 from download CD-rom 3 but what about and and...  ?
They may be in libraries which are part of your Mandrake distro. Use urpmi 
instead of rpm -U, and it will install the required packages for you, if 
they're on your CDs or an FTP source you've enabled.

Sir Robin

The raisins may be the best part of a cake, but that doesn't
mean that a bag of raisins is better than a cake.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
This is a bit arcane, but it might help someone.

I think Anne was asking recently why some cron jobs were not running 
correctly. This info might shed some light.

The directory /etc/cron.daily contains a list of jobs to be run each day.
The default runtime is 4am so unless you leave the computer on 24/7 they will 
only be run if the anacron RPM is installed to schedule the jobs to run when 
the computer is powered on.

If an email address is given in /etc/crontab you will be alerted to any cron 
job that fails. When a job in the cron.daily list fails execution stops and 
any remaining jobs are not run.

I was getting emails daily informing me that the 'makewhatis' job was failing 
due to certain files not existing. Because of this failure later jobs such as 
'mdkupdate' were not running so my automatic system updates were not working.

Makewhatis is an application to make a database of manual pages. It is not 
particularly important so the job could safely be deleted to allow the other 
jobs to run. However I researched a bit deeper and found that the culprit was 

If Postfix is installed, then cron.daily will fail because makewhatis does not 
like the name of 3 postfix files.
 Rename these files, and it all works OK
/usr/share/man/man5/aliases.postfix.5.bz2   to .../aliases.5.bz2
/usr/share/man/man1/mailq.postfix.1.bz2   to .../mailq.1.bz2
/usr/share/man/man1/newaliases.postfix.1.bz2   to .../newaliases.1.bz2

I have checked and 9.1RC1 works OK because symlinks have been put into the 



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Re: [newbie] Linneighbourhood installation dead end

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
Yes. But you have to spell it the American way, and use the correct 



On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 8:40 am, ivette brusselmans wrote:

 Do you mean I have to use urpmi Linneighbourhood and everything will be
 installed automatically?
 Seems too easy to be true.


 From: robin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Subject: Re: [newbie] Linneighbourhood installation dead end
 Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:30:47 +0200
 ivette brusselmans wrote:
 Tried to install Linneighbourhood rpm, but got the message that it needed
 Tried to install Gettext rpm, but got the following message: rpm -U
 --replacepkgs  //home/luc/Downloads/gettext.rpm;echo RESULT=$?
 error: failed dependencies: is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61 is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61 is needed by gettext-0.10.36-61
 Installed GLIBC_2.2 from download CD-rom 3 but what about and and...  ?
 They may be in libraries which are part of your Mandrake distro. Use urpmi
 instead of rpm -U, and it will install the required packages for you, if
 they're on your CDs or an FTP source you've enabled.
 Sir Robin
 The raisins may be the best part of a cake, but that doesn't
 mean that a bag of raisins is better than a cake.
 - Wittgenstein
 Robin Turner
 Bilkent Univeritesi
 Ankara 06533
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to



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2003-02-25 Per discussione Adolfo ortiz
I just joined the February 26 Virtual March on Washington and hope you will too.  
Here's the story:

Win Without War Coalition Organizes Virtual March
Day Of Faxes, Phone Calls, and Emails

Register Now and We'll Send Your Fax on Feb. 26

(If you are already a member of TrueMajority, you can send free faxes
to your Senators by just clicking Reply and then Send. We'll hold
your faxes until Feb. 26. Please forward this message to your
friends, family and colleagues! If this message was forwarded to you
or if you'd like to edit your letter, click this link to send your

The New York Times reported yesterday that global anti-war protests
have put the White House on the defensive. Between the strong case
for tough inspections and the growing domestic and international
opposition to war, the hawks in the Bush Administration are on the
run. We need to keep them there.

We've marched in the streets of New York. We've marched in over 600
cities around the world. Now it's time to bring that noise to
Washington, where the President and Congress can't escape it. On
February 26th, you can join a massive march on Washington without
leaving your living room. To learn about all the ways you can march
go to:

The Virtual March on Washington is a first-of-its-kind group effort
from the Win Without War coalition. Working together, we'll direct a
steady stream of phone calls -- about one per minute, all day -- to
every Senate office in the country, while at the same time delivering
a constant stream of emails and faxes. Think of it like a march --
one by one, we'll be passing through our Senators' offices and the
offices of the White House to let them know how we feel about this

Like a normal march, the success of this campaign depends on how many
people participate. All you need to do is make three phone calls --
it won't take more than 15 minutes of your time. But together with
tens of thousands of others, it'll make a huge impression: on
February 26th, in every Senate office and in the White House, the
phones will be ringing off their hooks. If you can't make calls on
the 26th you can still register today to send free faxes. We'll hold
them for you until the 26th

You can sign up for your time to call or place a free fax right now

Then forward this to everyone you know who might be interested.

Here's what Tom Andrews, a former Member of Congress and the National
Director of the Win Without War Coalition has to say about the
February 26th Virtual March: Believe me, political leaders in
Washington will get the message when their phones and fax machines
light up -- and stay lit up -- from morning until night. They will
know that there are a lot of us, that we care deeply about this
unnecessary march to war, and that we are organized. Our message will
be heard. But, we absolutely need you to make this work.

Last Saturday, millions of us in hundreds of cities around the world
voiced our opposition to a war on Iraq. Please help us bring this
dissent to Washington on February 26th, by taking part in the Virtual


Here's a copy of the letter we'll send to your Senators:

Dear Senator:

I am a constituent of yours and I write today as a participant in Win
Without War's Virtual March. I am one of the majority of Americans
concerned that President Bush's rush to war is dangerous and

Our nation needs to support tough United Nations inspections. Going
to war with Iraq will kill thousands of civilians and soldiers,
create an atmosphere that breeds terrorists, and divert money from
programs that can really create a safer and more just society.

Please do everything you can to support the inspections process and
resist our nation rushing to war.

(We'll add your name and address here)

For more information, and to take action on this issue, please visit:

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[newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Keith Powell
On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:

 Big snip 

   Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
 another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are

 Marc  KM5KW

Add me to the list!

Cheers (or should I say 73)



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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Chris Slater-Walker

Chris M0BOP


On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Keith Powell wrote:

 On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:

  Big snip 

Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
  another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are
  Marc  KM5KW

 Add me to the list!

 Cheers (or should I say 73)



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[newbie] ACL

2003-02-25 Per discussione Kris

I want to use samba 2.2.6  MDK 9.0 with ACL options, does the MDK9.0 kernel
support this solution?
And one more how I can start ACL in Samba Serwer.

Greet Kris

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Re: [newbie] KDEInit error

2003-02-25 Per discussione Sharrea
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:34, Richard Babcock wrote:
 I am getting the error KDEInit could not launch 'kfmclient' when I try to
 access my 'Removable media' shortcut from my KDE 3.1 desktop. I may have
 deleted something to make this happen but quite frankly I don't know what
 it may have been.
 I looked up kfmclient using KPackage and found some database stuff and
 KDesktop stuff I didn't understand.
 Here is the question -- Should I rely on my M$ training and:
 a) Delete and reinstall KDE. The list of dependencies is very
 intimidating and I fear I will do more damage than can be repaired.
 b) Reinstall KDE. Since M$ overwrites and updates things without asking
 permission this works on their systems. Does it work with ML?
 c) Live with it. I can read some of my removable media some of the time
 and other times Konqueror locks up and I must XKill it and restart my
 computer. It's just like the old days with Windows!
 I feel that there must be a Linux way to approach this but I'm concerned
 about doing more damage. I have made the grave error of getting to the
 point where I depend on this computer and I don't want to kill it.
 Any help is appreciated. Any config stuff you need to know please tell me
 how to retrieve it.

Umm... either c) or go back to KDE3??  I don't know about other versions of 
KDE3.1 but this is a known issue with KDE3.1 from texstar which is where I 
got mine from (and same problem).  Haven't had time to sort it out yet, but 
I know that this problem was mentioned in textstar's forums.  There may 
have been a fix posted, but like I said, I haven't had time to look it up.  
It doesn't bother me since I rarely access my cdrom, floppy or zip drives 
via konq anyway.
At least you're not alone...  ;)

Help Microsoft stamp out piracy - give Linux to a friend today
Mandrake Linux 9.0

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Re: [newbie] choosing a HDD

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
Hi g

On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 5:43 am, g wrote:
 Anne Wilson wrote:
  I'm thinking of replacing my current pair of 20 GB HDDs by a pair of 40

 just for a point of understanding on my end,

 what is oem model number of your asus mainboard?


 what are oem model numbers of drives?

Maxtor Fireball HDDMXT040GB54
Diamond Max +8 HDDIDEK2B

   security is more important than speed.

 security as in security of operation and not security as in 'hacked' and

Security in operation, yes.


What *does* that mean? g

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Monday 24 Feb 2003 10:04 pm, Jan Wilson wrote:
 * Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030224 11:19]:
  Though I suppose that if I want to make progressive saves while working
  on a picture, then it would be well worth it, but then make the final
  save in jpg format again?

 Yep, that would be my recommendation.  Quite often I'll do something
 in The GIMP, saving my working copy as an .xcf ... then when I need to
 actually use it, I'll create a .jpg or .png from the .xcf.

I've not come across .xcf.  Is this a non-M$ version of a bitmapfile?

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Postfix for dummies

2003-02-25 Per discussione Brian Parish
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 23:06, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 07:13, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
  On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 14:06, Brian Parish wrote:
   Well - one dummy anyway.
   All I need to do is to set up a server to handle mail on an intranet. 
   No relaying to anywhere and no incoming mail from anywhere else.  I
   would think that this should be easy - it probably is.
   So I installed postfix and imap.  I can check for new mail OK, so pop is
   working, but no matter what I do, sending mail only results in
   connection rejected messages from SMTP.
   I read that mandrake sets up postfix to run chrooted, so I copied the
   /etc/passwd file over to /var/spool/postfix/etc, casue it said I might
   need to.
   I am running with defaults in because that's supposed to work. 
   I have tried setting things according to the local intranet example on - no change.
   Where do I look to try to work out what's going wrong?
  Okfirst, when you're sending an email - in whatever email client
  you're using, did you set it for SMTP or for SENDMAIL? If you are
  sitting  on the local machine when you're sending, you can set the
  outbound as SENDMAIL (in most programs) and then POSTFIX will send it
  out generally without a hitch.
  Now if you're on a machine on your network, and need to send mail out,
  you're going to have to do some configuration to your POSTFIX server in
  order to allow for relaying the mail - but that's not hard either. In th
  POSTFIX configuration, under SMTP Server Options, you can set Allow
  untrusted routing to yes - which should then allow any client on your
  network to pass mail though the SMTP server - and should also work on
  the email client on the local machine.
  Does that help any, or confuse you more?
  Give a holler for more!
 Hmmm.  Tried this with no change, but wouldn't that only apply if I
 wanted the server to route my mail somewhere?  All I want it to do is
 make it available to the clients on the LAN.  I guess I need to provide
 more info here.
 My /etc/postfix/ file has now been configured by the postfix
 wizard.  The lines it defined are:
 readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-1.1.11/README_FILES
 alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
 myhostname =
 myorigin = $mydomain
 masquerade_domains = $mydomain
 virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
 canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
 relayhost =
 To this I added (on Stephen's advice):
 allow_untrusted_routing = yes
 and because it seems appropriate given that I want the mail to stay
 disable_dns_lookups = yes
 I have set up an account in Evolution that sends using smtp to the
 address given to relayhost and also put this into my hosts file so it
 can be found.  Sending appears to work (at least it goes somewhere).
 I have installed the imap rpm and evolution happily checks for mail
 using pop, but none is ever found.
 If I log in to the server directly and just say:
 sendmail brian
 It apparently sends the message, but again, nothing ever arrives.
 Is there a log somewhere that I can check to see what postfix is doing
 with these messages?  Ideas?
 thanks for listening!
Thought I'd close the loop on this one.  Turns out that postfix was
working just fine out of the box, but the way I was addressing the
mail was a problem.  Once I had found /var/log/mail/info, all became
clear.  I had defined the server's IP address in the client's hosts

and was addressing mail:


On the server (so it could find itself):

was in the hosts file.

With this setup, the info log shows me that postfix complains that this
address causes it to loop back on itself.  My solution was to make the
server's hosts file read: server

and address the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This works, but when the mail comes back it's origin is shown as:


so any attempt to reply falls into the original black hole.

I have yet to find time to work on this.  Tried changing the way
addresses are rewritten using the webmin postfix admin stuff, but only
managed to stop it working altogether.


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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-25 Per discussione Michael Adams
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:15, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Monday 24 Feb 2003 10:04 pm, Jan Wilson wrote:
  * Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030224 11:19]:
   Though I suppose that if I want to make progressive saves while working
   on a picture, then it would be well worth it, but then make the final
   save in jpg format again?
  Yep, that would be my recommendation.  Quite often I'll do something
  in The GIMP, saving my working copy as an .xcf ... then when I need to
  actually use it, I'll create a .jpg or .png from the .xcf.

 I've not come across .xcf.  Is this a non-M$ version of a bitmapfile?


GIMPS native format. Similar to .psp (Paint Shop Pro) in that it remembers 


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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 10:31 am, Michael Adams wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 23:15, Anne Wilson wrote:
  On Monday 24 Feb 2003 10:04 pm, Jan Wilson wrote:
   * Anne Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [030224 11:19]:
Though I suppose that if I want to make progressive saves while
working on a picture, then it would be well worth it, but then make
the final save in jpg format again?
   Yep, that would be my recommendation.  Quite often I'll do something
   in The GIMP, saving my working copy as an .xcf ... then when I need to
   actually use it, I'll create a .jpg or .png from the .xcf.
  I've not come across .xcf.  Is this a non-M$ version of a bitmapfile?

 GIMPS native format. Similar to .psp (Paint Shop Pro) in that it remembers

Thank you.  That sounds useful

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-25 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Feb 2003 10:15:33 +:

I've not come across .xcf.  Is this a non-M$ version of a bitmapfile?

XCF is the Gimp's own format. Like the PSD format that is used by Adobe
Photoshop, to preserve all info about layers etc.


I have a theory that it's impossible to prove anything,
but I can't prove it. - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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Re: [newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 9:12 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
 This is a bit arcane, but it might help someone.

 I think Anne was asking recently why some cron jobs were not running
 correctly. This info might shed some light.

Noted and saved for reference.  Thank, Derek

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Postfix for dummies

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 10:26 am, Brian Parish wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 23:06, Brian Parish wrote:
  On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 07:13, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
   On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 14:06, Brian Parish wrote:
Well - one dummy anyway.
All I need to do is to set up a server to handle mail on an intranet.
No relaying to anywhere and no incoming mail from anywhere else.  I
would think that this should be easy - it probably is.
So I installed postfix and imap.  I can check for new mail OK, so pop
is working, but no matter what I do, sending mail only results in
connection rejected messages from SMTP.
I read that mandrake sets up postfix to run chrooted, so I copied the
/etc/passwd file over to /var/spool/postfix/etc, casue it said I
might need to.
I am running with defaults in because that's supposed to
work. I have tried setting things according to the local intranet
example on - no change.
Where do I look to try to work out what's going wrong?
   Okfirst, when you're sending an email - in whatever email client
   you're using, did you set it for SMTP or for SENDMAIL? If you are
   sitting  on the local machine when you're sending, you can set the
   outbound as SENDMAIL (in most programs) and then POSTFIX will send it
   out generally without a hitch.
   Now if you're on a machine on your network, and need to send mail out,
   you're going to have to do some configuration to your POSTFIX server in
   order to allow for relaying the mail - but that's not hard either. In
   th POSTFIX configuration, under SMTP Server Options, you can set Allow
   untrusted routing to yes - which should then allow any client on
   your network to pass mail though the SMTP server - and should also work
   on the email client on the local machine.
   Does that help any, or confuse you more?
   Give a holler for more!
  Hmmm.  Tried this with no change, but wouldn't that only apply if I
  wanted the server to route my mail somewhere?  All I want it to do is
  make it available to the clients on the LAN.  I guess I need to provide
  more info here.
  My /etc/postfix/ file has now been configured by the postfix
  wizard.  The lines it defined are:
  readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-1.1.11/README_FILES
  alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
  myhostname =
  myorigin = $mydomain
  masquerade_domains = $mydomain
  virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
  canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
  relayhost =
  To this I added (on Stephen's advice):
  allow_untrusted_routing = yes
  and because it seems appropriate given that I want the mail to stay
  disable_dns_lookups = yes
  I have set up an account in Evolution that sends using smtp to the
  address given to relayhost and also put this into my hosts file so it
  can be found.  Sending appears to work (at least it goes somewhere).
  I have installed the imap rpm and evolution happily checks for mail
  using pop, but none is ever found.
  If I log in to the server directly and just say:
  sendmail brian
  It apparently sends the message, but again, nothing ever arrives.
  Is there a log somewhere that I can check to see what postfix is doing
  with these messages?  Ideas?
  thanks for listening!

 Thought I'd close the loop on this one.  Turns out that postfix was
 working just fine out of the box, but the way I was addressing the
 mail was a problem.  Once I had found /var/log/mail/info, all became
 clear.  I had defined the server's IP address in the client's hosts

 and was addressing mail:


 On the server (so it could find itself):

 was in the hosts file.

 With this setup, the info log shows me that postfix complains that this
 address causes it to loop back on itself.  My solution was to make the
 server's hosts file read: server

 and address the mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This works, but when the mail comes back it's origin is shown as:


 so any attempt to reply falls into the original black hole.

 I have yet to find time to work on this.  Tried changing the way
 addresses are rewritten using the webmin postfix admin stuff, but only
 managed to stop it working altogether.


The identity attached to a mail is set by the mail client, not by Postfix, so 
you should be able to have the address anything you like (This is how 
spammers set false identities)

Also try setting your hostname to be
I think (but am not sure) the domain name localdomain has special significance 
as a substitute for a proper FQDN



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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Márkus Béla

Hi Guys,

one more.

73/DX de HA5DI, Bla

Chris Slater-Walker wrote:

  Chris M0BOP


On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Keith Powell wrote:

On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:


  Big snip 


Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are

Marc  KM5KW

Add me to the list!

Cheers (or should I say 73)





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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Bill Spatz
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 02:43, Keith Powell wrote:
Add me also,

Bill, N7OKD

 On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
  Big snip 
Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
  another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are
  Marc  KM5KW

 Add me to the list!

 Cheers (or should I say 73)



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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Harv Nelson
Here is Harv, KG9GA, Washburn, Wisconsin, USA.  

Just retired and re-located to this small northern Wisconsin community on the 
shore of Lake Superior ( 25 below 0 this morning ... have I made a mistake? 

Hope to figure out how this Linux stuff works and get my rigs set up to run 
the digital modes like PSK31, etc. sometime before summer is over.  Be lookin 
for lots of help from you guys and gals.

big 73


On Tuesday 25 February 2003 03:43 am, Keith Powell wrote:
 On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
  Big snip 
Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
  another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are
  Marc  KM5KW

 Add me to the list!

 Cheers (or should I say 73)



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[newbie] K-menu settings?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Jerry Barton
KDE 3.1
How do you change the number of entries on the top of the K-menu where it shows the 
most recent programs run?  Mine has about 20 entries and it takes up 2/3 of the screen 
because of it.  In 3.0.5a it only had the last 3 shown.  



Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Ralph Slooten
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:45:55 + (GMT)
Chris Slater-Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris M0BOP
 On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Keith Powell wrote:
  On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
   Big snip 
 Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
   another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams are
   Marc  KM5KW
  Add me to the list!
  Cheers (or should I say 73)

Umm, maybe a dumb question, but what is a ham/s?


Linux is not The Answer. Yes is the answer. Linux is The Question

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Bill Spatz
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 04:42, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:45:55 + (GMT)

 Umm, maybe a dumb question, but what is a ham/s?


Amateur Radio Operator


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[newbie] Keyboard switcher

2003-02-25 Per discussione Robert Golovniov
Hello list,

  It seems I am having problems switching between different keyboard
  layouts in KDE 3.1 under Mandrake 9.1 beta 3. I have chosen the
  Russian layout, selected a shortcut, but it did not work. None of

  Is there a way to enable a tray switcher in KDE 3.1? I know it was
  possible with previous versions, but I cannot find this feature now.

 -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
PGP key: 633F6D07 (1A1C 29F1 2A0C 4C4E 0BDA  C8EE 5A1D 9F03 633F 6D07)
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Embedded%20key
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Body=Attached%20key

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Re: [newbie] K-menu settings?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 11:23 am, Jerry Barton wrote:
 KDE 3.1
 How do you change the number of entries on the top of the K-menu where it
 shows the most recent programs run?  Mine has about 20 entries and it takes
 up 2/3 of the screen because of it.  In 3.0.5a it only had the last 3



K MenuConfigurePanelPreferencesMenus
'Max no of Quick Start Entries'


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Re: [newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 12:19 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 04:12 am, Derek Jennings wrote:
  If Postfix is installed, then cron.daily will fail because makewhatis
  does not like the name of 3 postfix files.
   Rename these files, and it all works OK
  /usr/share/man/man5/aliases.postfix.5.bz2   to .../aliases.5.bz2
  /usr/share/man/man1/mailq.postfix.1.bz2   to .../mailq.1.bz2
  /usr/share/man/man1/newaliases.postfix.1.bz2   to .../newaliases.1.bz2

 Actually, the problem is not with Postfix itself but with the alternatives
 links that are not set up properly.

 If you look in your /etc, you'll notice that aliases is a broken link too. 
 To fix this run update-alternatives on postfix.

 update-alternatives --auto mta

 - --

Excellent. Thanks for that info Greg :)



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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 05:42, Ralph Slooten wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:45:55 + (GMT)

 Chris Slater-Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Chris M0BOP
  On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Keith Powell wrote:
   On Monday 24 Feb 2003 8:16 pm, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
Big snip 
  Also BTW Dan your email address looks like a ham call Great to see
another amature radio fan on the list. I wonder how many more hams
are here.
Marc  KM5KW
   Add me to the list!
   Cheers (or should I say 73)

 Umm, maybe a dumb question, but what is a ham/s?

Ham is sort of a slang term for amateur radio radio operator. The hobby 
dates back to the early 1900s. To sum it up hams speak to each other via 
radio. In the early days it was done with morse code but even then with the 
crude equipment if the time communication over several thousand miles was 
possible in latter years voice communication was possible world wide, Yep 
world wide without wires or satilites. Today it has progressed to the point 
where there ar around 30 satilites carrying ham radio transponders, some of 
us also send video back and forth via the airwaves, there is a thing called 
packet radio that is kind of like the internet but it is all done over the 
airwaves without wires or a ISP, and some of us even bounce signals off of 
the moon. In recent years about half of the space shuttles have carried ham 
radio equipment and had at least 1 ham on board. The mir space station also 
carried hams and ham radio equipment and made thousands of contacts with 
amateur radio operaters around the world.  Hams also gennerally supply 
communications into disaster areas, and allow people in the millitary to sort 
of phone home via Mars ( millitary amateur radio service )
  This is just a VERY BREIF overview. for more detailed information go to   
  Hope this gave you enough information to make some sense of it all.

Powered by Mandrake Linux 9.0 and Kmail.  
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Re: [newbie] choosing a HDD

2003-02-25 Per discussione g
hello anne,

Anne Wilson wrote:
Hi g
not at this time. bwg

 what is oem model number of your asus mainboard?

what are oem model numbers of drives?
Maxtor Fireball HDDMXT040GB54
Diamond Max +8 HDDIDEK2B
ok. need to make a few checks, a couple of emails and 2 sites.

i know several who are using same mainboard and 40g0 drive.
not sure about 80g0 drive.
should be back with another reply late tonight or tomorrow.

Security in operation, yes.
just wanted to be sure. you brits have a diff way of saying
things. :)
What *does* that mean? g
take care. have a good one.

i was once asked, 'good what?'

i replied, 'anything you want a good one of'.

sowikno. w.c. [w.c. is not 'water closet']

peace out.


 think green...
save a tree, save a life, save time, save bandwidth, save storage.
 send email...   text/plain - disable pgp/gpg/geek code attachments
 if you are proud to be an american, then buy made in america.

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Re: [newbie] Telnet

2003-02-25 Per discussione Gil Katz
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:36, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
it seems that i can't start telnet service 
when i do service telnet start i get ok but in mcc the status is stop
hosts.allow and hosts.deney are empty.
 I would:
 1. make sure interface is up (ping
 2. make sure you have the telnet server package installed (Mandrake
 Control Center)
 3. make sure telenet server is up and running (ps -axl)
 4. check /etc/xinetd.conf for any ONLY_FROM lines
 5. check that /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are empty

 The last two are the least probable causes, unless you have messed up
 with the security scripts. What level of security are you running?


  On Monday 24 February 2003 11:33, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
  Didn't work
  any other idea's?
 Assuming that you have the telnet server installed, you need to start it
   (Mandrake Control Center, System tab, Services icon).
 Also, I had a similar problem on the MDK PC I use at home, where I have
 a modem Internet connection. I looks like if you don't connect to
 internet, loopback port is not enabled by default, so you get the error
 below. I had to issue a
 # ifup lo
 as root, then it worked ok.
 when ever i try to connect to telnet port i get
 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
 in /etc/hosts.allow i wrote
 telnet :
 what should i do?
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So long, And thanks for all the fish.

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RE: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-25 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

Sorry, been away for a bit. I wanted to install d4x using urpmi so my
rpmdb is all up to date enabling me to auto update. I don't like using
source just yet as I like urpmi to do everything. I wanted to install
d4x through urpmi to download the rc1 iso images as it is made for this
kind of thing and web browsers download managers are not up to the task
(though it did work on all three admittedly). I hope this time I
explained it a bit better. 


-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

On Friday February 21 2003 02:08 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 Okay lets start again. I download iso's normally with d4x, but I
 did not have it installed in beta 3. I had to use mozilla download
 manager. I was asking about d4x for urpmi as I don't like
 installing programs from source (lazy I know). Sorry for the


   Well, I'm still confused ...or maybe you are? Maybe we both are ;)  
d4x for urpmi just doesn't make sense to me. They are designed for 
two different purposes. The only thing they share is using wget (or 
with urpmi, 'curl' can also be used) to d/l files.

All d4x does is d/l.  urpmi, OTOH, searches sources for updates 
compared to what's on you system already, or new installs by your 
request. Then it d/l's. Then it either upgrades or installs the 
files, after having also grabed any needed dependancies, and/or 
removing any conflicting packages.  None of which is applicable for 
iso images's, except the d/l'ing part. You don't upgrade or install 
image files themselves, you certainly wouldn't 'urpmi filename.iso'.

I don't like installing programs from source confuses me too. I 
can only suspect that maybe you confuse iso images with programs, or 
packages, or source code?  iso's are none of those, they aren't even 
a 'file' in it's commonly used sense. When used to describe distro 
images, they are a raw image that contains files and packages (rpms). 
They're also used, for example, to contain the sound tracks on an 
audio CD, among other uses. For bootable distro iso's, they contain 
an 'El torrito' sector within the image that tells the computer boot 
me when burned to a CD.  Otherwise the image file (iso) on your HDD 
can also be mounted as loop device (**see man mount, THE LOOP DEVICE) 
and the files and packages used from within the image (container), or 
extracted (copied) from it.  Either way you need to d/l it to your 
HDD first. I just happen to like d4x to do this.  I try an avoid 
using browsers as they sometimes (specially Netscape) mangle d/l's.

 BTW, ISO stands for International Organization for Standards  and 
is just one type of image file.  The term is often used incorrectly 
and/or too generally, as I just have ;) 

** I'm sure there's better explainations on websites, than 'man mount' 
for loop devices.  IIRC, it's as simple as 
   'mount -o loop /path/to/filename.iso /mnt/point/'

I'm also positive somebody else can explain all this bett'r than me ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] problem with ./configure installation

2003-02-25 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:06 am, Kurniawan Mitchell 
 I am just new person in LInux. I have problem when try to
 install package ib my Linux Mandrake 9.0 O/S.

 When I type ./configure (as the instruction said) no
 respond, it said command is not recognized.

 Is ./configure a script file or a command? If yes where
 about it located and how to configure it?

Well Kurniawan, here's a very short version :

./configure is part of the ultimate techno-way of installing 
something in linux. It is a file used to configure how a 
compiler/install-script should handle a source for 
installation on a particular machine and/or distribution. 
Usually you have to download a *tarball* - which is a 
collection of files ( historically : Tape ARchive ), 
furthermore compressed into a single file (with an 
extension like .gz or .bz2).

To install, you'll have to de-compress the tarball, find the 
configuration-file and edit it to your liking. (Always read 
the .README-file first !). Then run the compiler (*make*) 
and - finally - install the whole kadoodle with *make 

All this requires that you have installed the *development* 
package*  (it's on your CD-s).

BUT, BUT, BUT : If you are a *rookie* -linuxer, keep away 
from it until you've earned your stripes !

Instead, use the *rpm* - system of installing. Recently, 
Mandrake added a very useful feature to this system : the 
*urpmi* way of installing something. It can be run from the 
command-line as well from a graphical interface. Start with 
the graphical, if you don't know how to define FTP-sources.

This *urpmi* - thing is FAR more efficient and easy then 
anything in the past  (well, maybe apart from Debian's 
apt-get) : it automatically resolves dependencies, promts 
you to insert CD-s and so on. 

Kurniawan, I don't know if you have a graphical interface, 
but if so, click the Mandrake Control Center, issue your 
root-password, go to the software-section, define 
FT-sources and you are in business.


Kaj Haulrich. 

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[newbie] Linuxconf error

2003-02-25 Per discussione cervixcouch
I'm running LM 9.0 and whenever I do something in Linuxconf and go to
effect the changes by clicking Do it, I get the error message below. 
The changes always seem to go through, but I'm wondering why I get this
message and how to stop it.  I've looked at the file in question but I
don't really know how to edit it.

What should I do to stop this error message?:

  Executing some Sysv init scripts
? The following command told me something had to be done
? /etc/rc5.d/S10network probe
  Executing: /etc/rc5.d/S10network Usage: /etc/rc5.d/S10network
* sh: line 1: restart: command not found
* sh: line 1: stop: command not found
* sh: line 1: reload: command not found
* sh: line 1: status}: command not found
* return 127
? The following command told me something had to be done
? /etc/rc5.d/S14nfslock probe
  Executing: /etc/rc5.d/S14nfslock restart
 Stopping NFS lockd:
 Stopping NFS statd: [  OK  ]
 Starting NFS lockd: [  OK  ]
 Starting NFS statd: [  OK  ]
? Service saslauthd is not running
  Executing: /etc/rc5.d/S40saslauthd start
 saslauthd already running
* return 1
? Service httpd is not running
  Executing: /etc/rc5.d/S85httpd start
  Checking kernel configuration

-- - The way an email service should be

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Re: [newbie] Graphics formats

2003-02-25 Per discussione julie
On Monday 24 February 2003, Anne Wilson asked about graphic formats but didn't 
say what the end use of the file was to be.

I have an Olympus digital camera with options of saving in three different jpg 
compressions or tif format. I generally use the best jpg format but sometimes 
use the tif. 

The files are downloaded from the camera and I look at each for quality, 
discarding those which are hopeless grin and just close the ones I wish to 
keep for future use. I don't close these files with the save command for two 
reasons. One, the Olympus files contain meta data (the f/stop, ISO, etc., 
data for each shot) and if saved, the info is lost. The other reason for just 
closing and not saving is that unless I am using the tif format, saving will 
cause the loss of some information. So, I just copy the original camera files 
to a CD for storage. 

When I want to edit or otherwise use the picture, I open a copy of the file 
(from the CD) in the GIMP and do whatever I want without fear of loosing any 
data because I still have the original on CD. How I save the copy, altered in 
the GIMP, depends on final use. 

If I'm just sending it in an e-mail to someone or using it on a web site, I 
use jpg. If I am using it for print publication, I use tif. I save the tif 
files at a resolution suited to the needs of the print publication... 
newsprint needs a much lower resolution than a glossy magazine or high 
quality inkjet photo paper and I base the saved resolution on the paper 
quality. Then I save a copy of the final graphic on yet another CD ... one 
set of CDs for originals with meta data and one set for edited files. Yes, I 
have a lot of CDs, but they are inexpensive.


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Re: [newbie] Telnet

2003-02-25 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi

you should provide more details in your message for us to be helpful! A 
cut and paste of the output of shell commands, in particular, could help 
understand what's going on on your machine.

Does ping work? You should see something like 64 bytes from repeated on the screen until you press CTRL-C.

Understand that telnet is composed by a client (invoked as # telnet) and 
a server (named telnetd, note the final 'd'). Normally the server is 
_not_ installed  by default. On MDK9.0 the server package is named 

To make sure the server is installed, type
# urpmi telnet-server-krb5
You should get a message like everything already installed.
I installed the telnet server on my MDK to check. First of all, it's a 
xinetd service, so it will not normally be shown by ps (I was wrong on 
this regard in my previous message). xinetd is a daemon that monitors 
the incoming calls on all ports and starts the registered services on 

So, try this:
# service xinetd start
Do you get an OK? To double check, type
# ps -ax | grep xinetd
you should see two lines.
Then, go to /etc/xinetd.d and do an ls. Do you see there a file named 
telnet? This is the telnet server configuration file read by xinetd 
daemon when it detects an incoming request on the telnet port. Open it 
with a text editor and check that it contains the line disable = no 
(it means that the telnet server is enabled).

Finally, open /etc/xinetd.conf and check that it _does_not_ contain any 
only_from lines. If it does, delete them.

There's not much more to telnetd configuration.

good luck,


On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:36, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
it seems that i can't start telnet service 
when i do service telnet start i get ok but in mcc the status is stop
hosts.allow and hosts.deney are empty.

I would:
1. make sure interface is up (ping
2. make sure you have the telnet server package installed (Mandrake
Control Center)
3. make sure telenet server is up and running (ps -axl)
4. check /etc/xinetd.conf for any ONLY_FROM lines
5. check that /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are empty
The last two are the least probable causes, unless you have messed up
with the security scripts. What level of security are you running?


On Monday 24 February 2003 11:33, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
Didn't work
any other idea's?

Assuming that you have the telnet server installed, you need to start it
(Mandrake Control Center, System tab, Services icon).
Also, I had a similar problem on the MDK PC I use at home, where I have
a modem Internet connection. I looks like if you don't connect to
internet, loopback port is not enabled by default, so you get the error
below. I had to issue a
# ifup lo

as root, then it worked ok.



when ever i try to connect to telnet port i get
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
in /etc/hosts.allow i wrote
telnet :
what should i do?

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Re: [newbie] choosing a HDD

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 12:40 pm, g wrote:
 what are oem model numbers of drives?
  Maxtor Fireball HDDMXT040GB54
  Diamond Max +8 HDDIDEK2B

 ok. need to make a few checks, a couple of emails and 2 sites.

 i know several who are using same mainboard and 40g0 drive.
 not sure about 80g0 drive.

They're both 40 Gig - just different models.  The Max+8 is faster.
Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] K-menu settings?-fixed

2003-02-25 Per discussione Jerry Barton
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 04:23:30 -0700
Jerry Barton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 KDE 3.1
 How do you change the number of entries on the top of the K-menu where it shows the 
 most recent programs run?  Mine has about 20 entries and it takes up 2/3 of the 
 screen because of it.  In 3.0.5a it only had the last 3 shown.  
 Registered Linux user # 300600
 Registered Linux machine # 185855
Nevermind... I poked around for (well... quite a while) and finally found it in a tab 
under the panels section of kcontrol.  
Seems like an odd place to put it but that's where it is.


Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] What happened to APMI Support?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Monday February 24 2003 03:18 pm, Anthony Abby wrote:
 I loaded up 9.1RC1 over the weekend and noticed that APMI support
 seems to have dissapeared.  I've loaded 9.1RC on my laptop, so now
 when I poweroff my laptop no longer powers off.  I had 2.4.20-2mdk
 loaded under 9.0 previously and APMI worked just fine under that
 Cooker kernel.  Now I just upgraded my kernel to 2.4.21pre4-10mdk
 from the 9.1RC 2.4.21pre4-6mdk kernel.  Still no APMI support. 
 Anyone know where it went?? :)

  Search the cooker mailing list archive.  There's been much 
discussion of acpi and apm on laptops.

  If you're going to run cooker, it would be best to subscribe to and 
read the cooker list. If you're not willing to do that, then you 
should always check the archive for any issues you might have.  If 
you've got a broadband connection, you should really use urpmi to get 
current with cooker, as many problems are fixed with updates, and 
there's been a ton of 'em since RC1.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Another one...

2003-02-25 Per discussione Rob Lindsay
Ref Mouse gestures...

 Do they speed you up in your operations, save steps, or what?



They are great if your want to quickly open a new window or indeed if you want 
to get rid of a window.

To be honest I only use the new window gesture on a regular basis.


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Re: [newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily

2003-02-25 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:12:42 +
Subject: [newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily

 If Postfix is installed, then cron.daily will fail because makewhatis does not 
 like the name of 3 postfix files.
  Rename these files, and it all works OK
 /usr/share/man/man5/aliases.postfix.5.bz2   to .../aliases.5.bz2
 /usr/share/man/man1/mailq.postfix.1.bz2   to .../mailq.1.bz2
 /usr/share/man/man1/newaliases.postfix.1.bz2   to .../newaliases.1.bz2
 I have checked and 9.1RC1 works OK because symlinks have been put into the 

Hi Derek, I'm running 9 with kernel 2.4.19-24, with postfix installed (but not 
running) and I seem to have the sym links that you make mention of. My cron.daily 
seems to be working OK.

In /usr/share/man/man5 I have a symlink called aliases.5.bz2, and in 
/usr/share/man/man1 I have symlinks mailq.1.bz2 and newaliases.1.bz2 
The links point to, respectively:

Could you have missed an update perhaps?



Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
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[newbie] Printer Hell (long post)

2003-02-25 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
Well, folks - I'm having a heckuva day. Last night, I tried to print out a 
simple ASCII text file, created in Kedit, of a short story my 12 yr old had 
written for his Literature class. The teacher wanted it in a 20 pt font size.
I've never tried printing that large before and never imagined all the 
difficulties I would have. I set the font to 20, hit the print icon, got the 
usual ASCII is an unknown format, have to convert message and it began 
printing. In such large letters that only a few words would fit on each line.
So, I saved the file, dragged 'n dropped it onto my printer icon (linked to 
Kprinter). Now, the font size is shrunk to about 12. Go figure. So I assume 
there is some way to do this, just that I can't find it. So I try, in order, 
Webmin, printerdrake, and kups. The printout also had some headers (date, 
page number, etc) so I use lpoptions -r prettyprint to try and remove that.

Finally, now - every file I print causes the printer (Epson C62-USB, less than 
2 months old) to print a solid black page, from top to bottom. After about 4 
sheets like this, I'm convinced. grin I go back to printerdrake, reset 
everything, everything seems to be found. Still doesn't work. Now, I've got a 
red light on my printer. I use Mtink, because I figure after all those solid 
black printouts, and since its the original black ink cart that came with the 
printer, that I'm out. Well, Mtink shows 8 percent. I wasn't sure about what 
minimum it starts giving errors on, so I change it. Except that the red light 
still does not go off (yes, it has paper, and the USB cable is still hooked 
up). I recheck everything. Again. I disconnect the printer from the system, 
try to do a self-check with printout. Won't work. Look for paper jams. Can't 
see any. I go ahead and change the color cartridge, just in case, even though 
Mtink said it was okay. Still no difference, red light stays on.

So I shutdown for the night, gave up. Restarted this morning, green light and 
red light (solid not blinking) both on.

USBview says its there, control centers say its there, tried to print a file, 
got this error message:

A print error occured. Error message received from system:

cupsdoprint -P 'Printer' -J 'exports' -H 'localhost:631' -U 'darklord' -o '
Contrast=1.000 Cyan=1.000 Density=1.000 Magenta=1.000 StpBrightness=1.000
StpGamma=1.600 StpSaturation=1.000 Yellow=1.000 copies=1
'/tmp/kde-darklord/kdeprint_89dtCWl' : execution failed with message:

Go back to Webmin, it says the printer is idle, rejecting jobs.

Anyone have any idea what I did wrong/happened? Better yet, how to fix it? 
Otherwise I guess I'm going to have to check my warranty papers. For the life 
of me, I can't figure out what I did to cause all this.

Thanks, and sorry for the long post...


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Keyboard switcher

2003-02-25 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

Yes there is - use kxkb from the command line and then ctrl-alt-k and it
will switch between the keyboards you have selected in KDE.  I use it for
Russia-English-French without any problems.

Vsego dobrogo!

 Hello list,

   It seems I am having problems switching between different keyboard
 layouts in KDE 3.1 under Mandrake 9.1 beta 3. I have chosen the
   Russian layout, selected a shortcut, but it did not work. None of

   Is there a way to enable a tray switcher in KDE 3.1? I know it was
 possible with previous versions, but I cannot find this feature now.

  -=Robert  Beata Golovniov | Lviv, Ukraine=-
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Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
Mandrake Club Silver Member
Registered Linux user: 226850
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Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-25 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday February 25 2003 08:12 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 Sorry, been away for a bit. I wanted to install d4x using urpmi so
 my rpmdb is all up to date enabling me to auto update. I don't like
 using source just yet as I like urpmi to do everything. I wanted to
 install d4x through urpmi to download the rc1 iso images as it is
 made for this kind of thing and web browsers download managers are
 not up to the task (though it did work on all three admittedly). I
 hope this time I explained it a bit better.



  OK, I think it was me that misunderstood. Mea culpa. If d4x is 
on your CD's, a simple 'urpmi d4x' should install it.  IIRC, I got it 
from contribs (/RPMS2/ on any Mandrake mirror).  But for just one 
package it's hardly worth setting up FTP sources.  Just bring up a 
Mandrake mirror for your current version in a browser (Konqueror does 
a good job) and d/l the d4x-2.4.0-1mdk rpm. Once you've got d4x 
installed and configured, you won't need to d/l with a browser any 
more ;)

  You might as well wait a few days to get 9.1 iso's tho. I 
suspect RC2 will be on the mirrors soon.  People who install from the 
current cooker mirrors are reporting that the installer already says 
it's RC2.  Then if you setup main (/RPMS) and contrib (/RPMS2) ftp 
sources and use 'urpmi.update -a --wget  urpmi --auto-select' to 
periodically get current with cooker, by the end of March, you'll 
have 9.1 final ;)  You'll do well to either subscribe to and read the 
cooker mailing list, or at least check the list archive, while using 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] Hams on the list

2003-02-25 Per discussione A V Flinsch

Not just a ham, but also a ham/linux developer.

Alex / KC2IVL 
ft100 software for Linux
Good judgment comes from experience, 
  and a lot of that comes from bad judgment

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[newbie] help making a CRON job

2003-02-25 Per discussione Kristjan


I thougt that making a crom job would solve my prooblem only question howto make it.

I need to check the permissons of /proc/usb
and if the permissons there are not 777 then the script would change that to 777
and I need it to be run every X minutes.

Any advise would be needed how a newbie can make that.

I need that because of some USB device. reason is that every time the device is pluged 
in or out the permissions get changed also.
I need to have there full permissions to any user.


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Re: [newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily

2003-02-25 Per discussione Derek Jennings
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:56:40 -0300
Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Derek Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:12:42 +
 Subject: [newbie] Postfix screws up cron.daily
  If Postfix is installed, then cron.daily will fail because makewhatis does not 
  like the name of 3 postfix files.
   Rename these files, and it all works OK
  /usr/share/man/man5/aliases.postfix.5.bz2   to .../aliases.5.bz2
  /usr/share/man/man1/mailq.postfix.1.bz2   to .../mailq.1.bz2
  /usr/share/man/man1/newaliases.postfix.1.bz2   to .../newaliases.1.bz2
  I have checked and 9.1RC1 works OK because symlinks have been put into the 
 Hi Derek, I'm running 9 with kernel 2.4.19-24, with postfix installed (but not 
 running) and I seem to have the sym links that you make mention of. My cron.daily 
 seems to be working OK.
 In /usr/share/man/man5 I have a symlink called aliases.5.bz2, and in 
 /usr/share/man/man1 I have symlinks mailq.1.bz2 and newaliases.1.bz2 
 The links point to, respectively:
 Could you have missed an update perhaps?

Greg offered the wisdom that the symlinks do not get created until the command
update-alternatives --auto mta
is executed. I do not know why it did not get run when the RPM was installed, but I 
have two computers with the same issue.

It is interesting though how things inter-relate. My MandrakeOnline was not working 
because of a symlink associated with a mail server :)


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Re: [newbie] help making a CRON job

2003-02-25 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 12:02 pm, Kristjan wrote:

 I thougt that making a crom job would solve my prooblem only question howto
 make it.

 I need to check the permissons of /proc/usb
 and if the permissons there are not 777 then the script would change that
 to 777 and I need it to be run every X minutes.

 Any advise would be needed how a newbie can make that.

 I need that because of some USB device. reason is that every time the
 device is pluged in or out the permissions get changed also. I need to have
 there full permissions to any user.

I believe you can set up a rule in msec to do just that.  There is a msec 
applet in the Mandrake Control Center to let you set up things like that.  I 
have never used it, and I am not in a position to try it right now, but you 
might want to look into that while you are waiting for others to comment.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Printer Hell (long post)

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 4:21 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
 Go back to Webmin, it says the printer is idle, rejecting jobs.

 Anyone have any idea what I did wrong/happened? Better yet, how to fix it?
 Otherwise I guess I'm going to have to check my warranty papers. For the
 life of me, I can't figure out what I did to cause all this.

Can't help with the printing from nfs, but for the 'rejecting jobs' have you 
tried the 'CUPS WWW admin tool'.  I'm pretty sure it can be re-set from 

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 02:50 pm, Terry Sheltra wrote:
 If I recall correctly, you need to purchase the server version of
 Mandrake.  That version will allow memory to be used higher than 1 GB.
 Of course, if I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will be more than happy to set
 me straight. ;-)

You are correct in that you need the kernel that was intended for servers, but 
this kernel is included in 9.0 download edition and teh package name if I 
recall is kernel-enterprise.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Feb 2003 20:19:29 +:

On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 7:50 pm, Paul wrote:
 * When booting, Linux does not see all physically installed memory:
 e.g. you have 196 megs of RAM and linux only 'sees' 64Megs. As root, you
 need to edit /etc/lilo.conf. Add the line
 to the kernel-line.

Paul - I have mem=nopentium in my append line.  Can this take the mem=512M
at the same time?

Hi Anne,

Yes. That would make it

append=mem=512M nopentium

You have to put it all in 1 line, there can only be 1 append line per Lilo

I have a theory that it's impossible to prove anything,
but I can't prove it. - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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RE: [newbie] KDEInit error

2003-02-25 Per discussione Richard Babcock
Interesting because I had no problems accessing these initially. I first
noticed the problem when I could no longer mount a Samba share. If you don't
use Konq, what then, Nautilus?

 On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:34, Richard Babcock wrote:
  I am getting the error KDEInit could not launch 'kfmclient'
 when I try to
  access my 'Removable media' shortcut from my KDE 3.1 desktop. I may have
  deleted something to make this happen but quite frankly I don't
 know what
  it may have been.
  I looked up kfmclient using KPackage and found some database stuff and
  KDesktop stuff I didn't understand.
  Here is the question -- Should I rely on my M$ training and:
  a) Delete and reinstall KDE. The list of dependencies is very
  intimidating and I fear I will do more damage than can be repaired.
  b) Reinstall KDE. Since M$ overwrites and updates things without asking
  permission this works on their systems. Does it work with ML?
  c) Live with it. I can read some of my removable media some of the time
  and other times Konqueror locks up and I must XKill it and restart my
  computer. It's just like the old days with Windows!
  I feel that there must be a Linux way to approach this but I'm concerned
  about doing more damage. I have made the grave error of getting to the
  point where I depend on this computer and I don't want to kill it.
  Any help is appreciated. Any config stuff you need to know
 please tell me
  how to retrieve it.

 Umm... either c) or go back to KDE3??  I don't know about other
 versions of
 KDE3.1 but this is a known issue with KDE3.1 from texstar which
 is where I
 got mine from (and same problem).  Haven't had time to sort it
 out yet, but
 I know that this problem was mentioned in textstar's forums.  There may
 have been a fix posted, but like I said, I haven't had time to
 look it up.
 It doesn't bother me since I rarely access my cdrom, floppy or zip drives
 via konq anyway.
 At least you're not alone...  ;)

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Anne Wilson
On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 9:11 pm, Paul wrote:
 In reply to Anne's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Feb 2003 20:19:29 +:
 On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 7:50 pm, Paul wrote:
  * When booting, Linux does not see all physically installed memory:
  e.g. you have 196 megs of RAM and linux only 'sees' 64Megs. As root, you
  need to edit /etc/lilo.conf. Add the line
  to the kernel-line.
 Paul - I have mem=nopentium in my append line.  Can this take the mem=512M
 at the same time?

 Hi Anne,

 Yes. That would make it

 append=mem=512M nopentium

 You have to put it all in 1 line, there can only be 1 append line per Lilo

Thanks, Paul.  I'll do that.

Registered Linux User No.293302

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Sharrea
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 08:50, Paul wrote:
 In reply to Fred's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:44:17 -0600:
 I have a Mandrake 9.0 system, in the machine I have put three 512Meg
  chips, so it should have 1,536Meg of Ram.  But in the system monitor,
  it only shows 884Meg.  What is up?  When the machine boots, it says it
  has 1572864 memory, so I think the machine sees the memory, but for
  some reason Linux is not seeing it all.  Do I need to change some
  setting on my system?

 Hi Fred,
 Here a tip directly from my Linux page (saves me a lot of typing!)

 * When booting, Linux does not see all physically installed memory:
 e.g. you have 196 megs of RAM and linux only 'sees' 64Megs. As root, you
 need to edit /etc/lilo.conf. Add the line
 to the kernel-line.
 After that run lilo to make the change known to the boot loader (use lilo
 -v to make lilo tell some more about what it does). It still is not
 right? Set the amount of megs down by 1 or 2 in lilo.conf through the
 same procedure. Sometimes that helps. Apparently here are some mainboards
 that gobble up some installed RAM for use with video cards.


 I have a theory that it's impossible to prove anything,
 but I can't prove it. - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

Not only that, but that standard kernel won't recognise more than 1 GB of 
RAM.  You need to install the enterprise kernel.  Its on the first cd: 
kernel-enterprise- but note that there was a 
security update on the kernel packages 05 February 2003 - now using 

A word of warning:  if you have a nvidia graphics card and intend to use the 
nvidia drivers, you _may_ not get them working with the enterprise kernel, 
even though there are nvidia drivers specifically for the enterprise 
kernel.  I have tried nvidia's enterprise, source and tarball drivers, as 
well as Mandrake Club's enterprise drivers and Ranger's drivers all to no 
avail.  And yet a separate installation with the standard kernel works with 
absolutely no probs.  Its difficult to find help with this matter because 
very few people use the enterprise kernel.  I've given up looking for a 

The box said Requires Windows 95 or better so I installed Linux
Mandrake Linux 9.0

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Re: [newbie] Ethernet Interface

2003-02-25 Per discussione Jean-Pierre Real

Thanks a lot for your replies. 

Last weekend I brought home an old pc from work and installed Mandrake
9.0 to test my router/NIC cards and even got hold of an another NIC
(3com 905 tx). On that old PC the installation went perfect and in a
minute I could surf the web through my router. 
Then I went back to my current machine and just used one NIC(3com 905
tx). It didn't work so I looked at the irq (as suggested by Derek and
Anne) in the KDE control centre information. I could not see the NIC
listed there, but the USB was shown on irq11 which was also used by the
I went back to the BIOS and disabled the USB and tried to look for the
PnpAwareOS but could not find anything like this. Disabling the USB
allowed the NIC to be seen in the KDE controlcentre information on irq11
but irq11 was still used by something else, it looks as if irq11 is used
for plenty of stuff. I tried to move the NIC to another PCI slot, it did
made the NIC to have a different irq number but another device still
used the same irq. 
I looked in the bios to see if a could force one specific irq number to
the nic only but it's look like it is not possible with my motherboard. 

I searched the mailing list to see if somebody had any similar trouble
with motherboard ecs k7s6a (chipset SiS 745 with AC 97 audio codec) and
found that you (Derek) had similar troubles with a ecs k7s5a. 
How did you managed to have this issue resolved in the end? What else
could I do to have the NIC having his own irq?

I will really appreciate your experience on that one.


OK...Some random thoughts

You have 2 NICS. Are you sure you are configuring the correct one?
Could eth1 
be the device to use?

Your NIC is on irq5 is anything else using irq5 ? An Interrupt conflict
cause funny things to happen.
(KDE ControlCentreInformationInterrupts will show you)
If there is a conflict, play with your BIOS settings or move the card
to a 
different slot (if it is not built in) Disabling unused devices in the
will also cause Interrupt lines to be be reconfigured. Also set the
parameter PnpAwareOS=No

What do you see if you type
'route' in a root terminal?
Is the default route set up to use that interface?  If not then delete
current default route with 'route del default' and create a new one
with 'route add default dev eth0'



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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday February 25 2003 01:44 pm, Fred Schroeder wrote:
 I have a Mandrake 9.0 system, in the machine I have put three
 512Meg chips, so it should have 1,536Meg of Ram.  But in the system
 monitor, it only shows 884Meg.  What is up?  When the machine
 boots, it says it has 1572864 memory, so I think the machine sees
 the memory, but for some reason Linux is not seeing it all.  Do I
 need to change some setting on my system?

 You need to either, install the 'enterprise' kernel, or compile 
your existing kernel from source and config the 'high memory' option. 
There's good reason why this is not in the 'regular' kernel.  Kernel 
memory management above 1 gig is slower.  If you don't just have to 
have 1.5 gigs of ram (video editing?), you'd be better off leaving 
the regular kernel as is.  Yes, the enterprise kernel will see all 
your ram with no problem, but your system will be slower. Probly be a 
better idea to take one of those 512mb sticks out and sell it ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie]

2003-02-25 Per discussione Dennis Sue
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 04:22 am, Adolfo ortiz wrote:

 It's good you're attempting to do something constructive, and that's all fine 
and well Adolfo.
I just don't think this list is the place for it.
I might be the only one who thinks this, and if so, Well then I guess I'll go 
ahead and start posting some links, and political rants as well.
Ok people, shall we begin this, or end it gracefully ?

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione K. Spress
Tom you make a great point. I run mandrake linux with 256 megs of PC 133 Ram
on an Athlon 1600 XP with no problems.

So Fred sell all your 512 sticks and go get 256 and you will be fine.

Kenneth E. Spress

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- Original Message -
From: Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

 On Tuesday February 25 2003 01:44 pm, Fred Schroeder wrote:
  I have a Mandrake 9.0 system, in the machine I have put three
  512Meg chips, so it should have 1,536Meg of Ram.  But in the system
  monitor, it only shows 884Meg.  What is up?  When the machine
  boots, it says it has 1572864 memory, so I think the machine sees
  the memory, but for some reason Linux is not seeing it all.  Do I
  need to change some setting on my system?

  You need to either, install the 'enterprise' kernel, or compile
 your existing kernel from source and config the 'high memory' option.
 There's good reason why this is not in the 'regular' kernel.  Kernel
 memory management above 1 gig is slower.  If you don't just have to
 have 1.5 gigs of ram (video editing?), you'd be better off leaving
 the regular kernel as is.  Yes, the enterprise kernel will see all
 your ram with no problem, but your system will be slower. Probly be a
 better idea to take one of those 512mb sticks out and sell it ;)
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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 Go to

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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione civileme
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 10:44 am, Fred Schroeder wrote:
 I have a Mandrake 9.0 system, in the machine I have put three 512Meg chips,
 so it should have 1,536Meg of Ram.  But in the system monitor, it only
 shows 884Meg.  What is up?  When the machine boots, it says it has 1572864
 memory, so I think the machine sees the memory, but for some reason Linux
 is not seeing it all.  Do I need to change some setting on my system?


You need to change more than a setting
OPen a terminal
$ su
password: (your rootpassword)
# urpmi kernel-enterprise
# exit

Now boot with kernel-enterprise and you will see the extra memory

The kernel is compiled specifically for a certain memory model (up to 1G) and 
for others you need other compiles.  Kernel-enterprise covers 1G-64G


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Re: [newbie] Memory limit?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Seedkum Aladeem
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 02:07 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Tuesday February 25 2003 01:44 pm, Fred Schroeder wrote:
  I have a Mandrake 9.0 system, in the machine I have put three
  512Meg chips, so it should have 1,536Meg of Ram.  But in the system
  monitor, it only shows 884Meg.  What is up?  When the machine
  boots, it says it has 1572864 memory, so I think the machine sees
  the memory, but for some reason Linux is not seeing it all.  Do I
  need to change some setting on my system?

  You need to either, install the 'enterprise' kernel, or compile
 your existing kernel from source and config the 'high memory' option.
 There's good reason why this is not in the 'regular' kernel.  Kernel
 memory management above 1 gig is slower.  If you don't just have to
 have 1.5 gigs of ram (video editing?), you'd be better off leaving
 the regular kernel as is.  Yes, the enterprise kernel will see all
 your ram with no problem, but your system will be slower. Probly be a
 better idea to take one of those 512mb sticks out and sell it ;)

Pretty soon all the PCs and laptops will need to have more than 1GB of RAM. 
What is happening here is probably an early signal for the kernel developers 
to revamp memory management.


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Re: [newbie]

2003-02-25 Per discussione robin
Dennis  Sue wrote:
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 04:22 am, Adolfo ortiz wrote:

 It's good you're attempting to do something constructive, and that's all fine 
and well Adolfo.
I just don't think this list is the place for it.
The place for it is the Mandrake OT list. Come and join the fun!

Sir Robin

The raisins may be the best part of a cake, but that doesn't
mean that a bag of raisins is better than a cake.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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[newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Jerry Barton
Found this interesting, thought I'd pass it on.  (Is the future really now?)


Registered Linux user # 300600
Registered Linux machine # 185855

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-25 Per discussione A V Flinsch
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 08:14 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
 Found this interesting, thought I'd pass it on.  (Is the future really


Personally, I can't find it interesting, since I don't know where or what 
it is

Alex / KC2IVL 
ft100 software for Linux
Good judgment comes from experience, 
  and a lot of that comes from bad judgment

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[newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione Rodolfo Lima

Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a 
Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of RAM and a 4Gb HD connected to a lanThe problem is 
that the whole installation took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a 
whole was slow, even the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert 
mode). And afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other program 
launch. What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be tweaked in some way? 
Any incompatibilities?

Thanks in advance,
Rodolfo Lima.

Re: [newbie] Printer Hell (long post)

2003-02-25 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 01:04 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 Feb 2003 4:21 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
  Go back to Webmin, it says the printer is idle, rejecting jobs.
  Anyone have any idea what I did wrong/happened? Better yet, how to fix
  it? Otherwise I guess I'm going to have to check my warranty papers. For
  the life of me, I can't figure out what I did to cause all this.

 Can't help with the printing from nfs, but for the 'rejecting jobs' have
 you tried the 'CUPS WWW admin tool'.  I'm pretty sure it can be re-set from


Hey Anne. Thanks for the reply. Yep, I tried that - it reports that the 
printer (and it does report the correct model) is ide - rejecting jobs. I 
can reset it, and nothing changes :-(


 Dark Lord

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione robin
Rodolfo Lima wrote:
Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of 
RAM and a 4Gb HD connected to a lan The problem is that the whole 
installation took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a whole 
was slow, even the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert 
mode). And afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other 
program launch. What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be 
tweaked in some way? Any incompatibilities?
Thanks in advance,
Rodolfo Lima.
You need a lot more RAM or a much lighter window manager (IceWM, Fluxbox 
... take your pick). There is no way you can run KDE 3.0 on 32MB of RAM 
- you need 128MB for even tolerable speeds, and 512MB would be necessary 
to give full performance. As a comparison, 32MB is barely enough to run 
Windows 98, and Mandrake 9.0 is not the equivalent of Win98, it's more 
like XP (except that it doesn't give the world access to your computer, 
and you don't have to sell your soul to install it).

On the bright side, processor speed is not so important in Linux. My 
rather old computer with a Pentium II, 266MHz CPU has been running at 
tolerable speed under Mandrake and KDE since I bumped up the RAM to 128MB.

Sir Robin

The raisins may be the best part of a cake, but that doesn't
mean that a bag of raisins is better than a cake.
- Wittgenstein
Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:04 pm, A V Flinsch wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 08:14 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
  Found this interesting, thought I'd pass it on.  (Is the future really

 Personally, I can't find it interesting, since I don't know where or what
 it is

I think Jerry was referring to this
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:02 pm, Rodolfo Lima wrote:

 What might be happening? 

The computer has insufficient horsepower to do what you are trying to do.  
Although I have dual Pentium Pro 200MHz with 160MB RAM that makes a great 
home server, but a desktop it is not.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 20:28, robin wrote:
 Rodolfo Lima wrote:
  Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of
  RAM and a 4Gb HD connected to a lan The problem is that the whole
  installation took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a whole
  was slow, even the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert
  mode). And afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other
  program launch. What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be
  tweaked in some way? Any incompatibilities?
  Thanks in advance,
  Rodolfo Lima.

 You need a lot more RAM or a much lighter window manager (IceWM, Fluxbox
 ... take your pick). There is no way you can run KDE 3.0 on 32MB of RAM
 - you need 128MB for even tolerable speeds, and 512MB would be necessary).

Large Snip

   I must beg to dissagree because of first hand experance.  Right now I am 
running Mandrake 9.0  on a IBM thinkpad 266 MHZ  and 64 MB of ram and often 
use KDE 3.0 and the speeds are tolorable. Slower than win 98 on the same 
machine but not all that much slower. I tried 9.0 on a Toshiba Tecra laptop 
with a 133 Mhz P1 and 80 mb of ram it was MUCH slower. I would guess about 
20% or less the speed of the 266 mhz thinkpad even though the Toshiba had 
more ram. The installation on the toshiba also took AT LEAST 2 and probably 3 
times longer than on the thinkpad.
  All that I can assume is that there was something going on with the hardware 
on the toshiba useing up lots of memory and or other resorces I never did 
figure out what the problem was the Toshiba was too much of a worn out piece 
of crap to invest much time and effort in But I can say due to some kind of 
hardware difference the IBM with only 64 mb of ram runs at a reasonable speed 
witn ML 9.0 and KDE 3.0 where as the toshiba with 80 MB was all but unuseable 
with LOTS of crashes.
   It sounds to me like Rodolfo may be having a similar problem however I will 
admit that 32 MB of ram is a bare minimum.
  As far as 32 MB being barley enough for Windoze 98 i have seen win 98 
running on 3 machines with only 16 MB of RAM. It is VERY slow but I have seen 
people run for years like that at least for basic simple tasks.
   BTW I did just receive another 128 MB of Ram and will be installing it in 
the IBM in the next day or so. I am thinking about doing some sort if 
benchmark test to see how big a differance 3 times the memory makes



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione civileme
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 05:02 pm, Rodolfo Lima wrote:
 Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of RAM
 and a 4Gb HD connected to a lan The problem is that the whole installation
 took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a whole was slow, even
 the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert mode). And
 afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other program launch.
 What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be tweaked in some way? Any

 Thanks in advance,
 Rodolfo Lima.
That is a very marginal machine for such an advanced OS.  Try using Mandrake 
7.2 for real speed or add memory, lots of it.  You would want at least 128Mb 
for a P200 to put out acceptable speed.


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RE: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione Marlo Montanaro

I would agree with 
the other respondents... you're way underpowered on RAM if you want a useable 
machine, especially with KDE.

I have a Pentium 200 
MMX with 64 MB of RAM. My installation took just about 1 hour- 4 times 
better than yours with only twice the RAM. But I'm not looking for 
performance, either... I was just looking for a machine that would work so I 
could learn Linux and see what's what. The research I did beforehand said 
that Mandrake 9.0 was the only distro that would run in graphics mode with only 
64 MB of RAM- and I'm running Gnome, not KDE.

Red Hat needed 128 
MB in graphics mode.

Not sure how- but 
maybe you could run in text-only mode and bag the graphics? Set up a 
little server (HTTP, FTP, mail, etc.) and use telnet or SSH to get in. A 
Pentium-II or Pentium-III with 128 or 256 MB of RAM should not be THAT expensive 
at this point, and would give you a half way decent workstation... just a 

Regards,Marlo MontanaroCNERegistered 
Linux User 303184"There are 10 kinds of people in the world:Those 
who understand binary, and those who don't."

-Original Message-From: 
Behalf Of Rodolfo LimaSent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 9:03 
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] Mandrake 
so slow in a pentium 200
Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a 
Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of RAM and a 4Gb HD connected to a lanThe problem is 
that the whole installation took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a 
whole was slow, even the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert 
mode). And afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other program 
launch. What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be tweaked in some way? 
Any incompatibilities?

Thanks in advance,
Rodolfo Lima.

[newbie] OT- Mandrake OT list

2003-02-25 Per discussione David McGlone
Hash: SHA1

I noticed a lot of people want to have OT discussions,  so I  created a 
mailing list for off topic discussions for anyone here to join.

if you would like to join here is the URL:

Hope to see everyone soon
- -- 
David M.
Edification Web Solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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RE: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Robert Wideman
 Subject: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

Very similar to capabilities.  There are a few companies
starting to use Linux kernel as its bios now.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Tuesday 25 de February 2003 23:02, Rodolfo Lima wrote:
 Hey all, i'm trying to install Mandrake 9 in a Pentium 200Mhz, 32Mb of RAM
 and a 4Gb HD connected to a lan The problem is that the whole installation
 took 4h to complete. It seemed that everything as a whole was slow, even
 the menu drawing (the installation was in text/expert mode). And
 afterwards, KDE launching speed was unusable, as any other program launch.
 What might be happening? Do the kernel have to be tweaked in some way? Any

 Thanks in advance,
 Rodolfo Lima.

I have installed Mandrake 9 on a Pentium 233 with 32 MB RAM with no 
problems. _BUT_ you'll have to choose light and small software for everything.

-Fluxbox, IceWM, or other lightweight window manager. 
  (Fluxbox loads in less than 3 seconds and works with no problems.)

-Sylpheed for e-mail and news
  (Same. Loads in 2 seconds.)

- Phoenix (or Opera) for the web.
  (About 5 seconds loading time for Opera, which is also more responsive than

- Gaim for IM
  (Same as all. 2 to 3 secs.)

-AbiWord and GNUmeric for text and spreadsheets.
  (about 5 to 10 seconds loading time, pretty responsive.)

-Xmms for audio and MPlayer for video (as usual)
  (these two are just geat. MPlayer's loading time can be
  near-zero in certain circumstances.)

With those, i had a really usable machine 
and it was actually a much better performer than Windows, as it culd have a
lot of webpages open in Opera, Xmms playing some MP3s, Sylpheed
open, and Gaim, all at the same time. On Windows 98, even trying
to give it that much load would bring it to it's knees.

Unfortunately the process which would take up the most RAM
is the one you cannot replace -- the X server. (resident, taking up
12MB constantly)


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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-25 Per discussione A V Flinsch
On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:35 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
 On Tuesday 25 February 2003 09:04 pm, A V Flinsch wrote:
  On Tuesday 25 February 2003 08:14 pm, Jerry Barton wrote:
   Found this interesting, thought I'd pass it on.  (Is the future
   really now?)
  Personally, I can't find it interesting, since I don't know where or
  what it is

 I think Jerry was referring to this

Interesting, but seems to be very little difference from my 
old Commodore 64 and OSI C1 days.

Alex / KC2IVL 
ft100 software for Linux
Good judgment comes from experience, 
  and a lot of that comes from bad judgment

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Re: [newbie] What the sHell is foo ? ;-)

2003-02-25 Per discussione Warren Post
El lun, 24-02-2003 a las 04:59, Josenildo Marques escribió:
 And why is it used so much in examples ?

The story as I've heard it is this: Long ago, coders began to use the
acronym fubar (F*cked Up Beyond All Recognition), which later evolved
into the more phonetic foobar used today. Being a popular term, both
foobar and its shortened form foo have since become common
placeholder terms in examples, to keep examples clearer and less obtuse.

Thus if you were to ask me, say, How can I read a man page?, I might
reply To read man page 'foo', enter 'man foo' at the console. It's
clearer, if less precise, than replying man [options] [section]
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake so slow in a pentium 200

2003-02-25 Per discussione David E. Fox
 I have a Pentium 200 MMX with 64 MB of RAM.  My installation took just about
 1 hour- 4 times better than yours with only twice the RAM.  But I'm not

I used to run a Pentium 100 with (at first) 16 megs of RAM, but that
was back in 1996. Resource demands were less then. As I recall,
Afterstep worked well as a lightweight and usable window
manager. There are other choices as well. After I upgraded, in a
series of steps, to 96 megs, kde was pretty tolerable, but some
applications such as kmail were extremely slow in loading, window
drawing, and so on. 

I also used a P-100 at work at that time (mid 2000) running Windows
98, 64 megs RAM. It was acceptable provided you don't try doing very
much with it. In other words, 64 megs were enough to do email and play 
Solitaire in. But trying Excel and largish spreadsheets - forget it. I
would sit idle at work for nearly 2 hours at a time watching that
thing swap, and oftentime I would haev to leave it up at night to
return in the morning to see it complete. I finally got them to give
me a faster machine, but still it was unusable at times due to the 
excessive HD activity. And unlike Linux, when you swap on Windows, you
can't do anything else.

 Not sure how- but maybe you could run in text-only mode and bag the
 graphics?  Set up a little server (HTTP, FTP, mail, etc.) and use telnet or

A good idea - 32 megs of RAM is more than enough for text/console work
and you can do a lot with that, thanks to virtual consoles and so
forth. If graphics are a needed feature, try a lightweight window
manager, since KDE needs a boatload of RAM to do its thing.


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Re: [newbie]

2003-02-25 Per discussione David E. Fox
 The place for it is the Mandrake OT list. Come and join the fun!

IOW another list for the spammer to spam. Has the poster posted 
here before? It seems like a blind spam at a harvested mailing
list to me.

 Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] ARTICLE: Operating Systems to become obsolete?

2003-02-25 Per discussione Paul
In reply to Greg's mail, d.d. Tue, 25 Feb 2003 21:35:36 -0500:

I think Jerry was referring to this

Interestingly enough, last week I read something on /. about regular
software taking the place of BIOS chips, since BIOS chips were becoming too
limited for what is needed from them.

Talk about opposite worlds...

I have already told you more than I know. - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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Re: [newbie] Opera7

2003-02-25 Per discussione stormjumper
i guess if your machine is overspec'ed and blazing fast,
opera(7) may not offer considerable (performance) advantages
compared to other browsers.

in answer to the qn, for most pp, Opera will probably be faster than Konq.

however, on any botherline machines,
say 500mhz down and 128mb or less,
opera is just about the best browser around.

this is from a feature/performance/conformance standpoint.

the beauty of opera isn't so much in it's features,
but from intuitive and efficient way it allows you to work,
ie, your workflow.

eg. CTRL-N to open a page, type in url, and hit '2' to read prev
with new page loads.

eg2. browse with graphics off, visit
hit g to turn on all graphics. CTRL-SHIFT click on 30 photos,
and all pages browsed from this page loads with graphics.
all others remain as per default (graphics off).

now, if only i can wean myself off Outlook Express for my email.
- Original Message -
From: Paul Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Opera7

 How does O7 compare w/ Konqueror 3.1 for speed, appearance, compliance?
 I preferred O6, and now O7, on W2K to other browsers, but my feeling is
 there isn't any advantage of O6.1 over K3 M9.0.
 On Sunday 23 February 2003 11:46 pm, Derek Jennings wrote:
  The recent discussion encouraged me to give the Opera7Beta a trial under
  Mandrake9.0. It seems to work quite well. There are chunks of
  missing from the Beta, but there are some interesting new features.
  The fonts are beautiful compared to the Opera 6.03 I was using, and if
  hit Shift-F11 you can see Opera's new narrow page formatting. Not of
  use on a desktop, but it is easy to see how useful it would be on a PDA.
  The EMail client is also very interesting.  The automatic grouping of
  from all accounts into folders like 'unread', 'containing images' ,
  contacts' etc is useful, as well as the spam detection which seems to
  (Is it Beynsian I wonder?)
  Static RPM from

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