Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] NVIDIA Quadro 2000 1 Gbyte Graphics Card

2012-01-17 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2012-01-17 at 19:48 +, wrote:
 Has anyone used OI with a NVIDIA Quadro 2000 graphics card?  I'm looking to 
 pick up a couple of workstations for development work and the options for 
 graphics card  are the Quadro 2000 or the Quadro 5000.

I have Quadro 600, wh/I believe is same generation/family/architecture
as the 2000, working under OI.  Initially (about a year ago) there was
some issues of the card being recognized, but this seems to have been
resolved in oi-151a.

hth- Ken

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Solaris 11 source code leaked?

2011-12-20 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-12-20 at 15:13 +0100, Robin Axelsson wrote:
 On 2011-12-20 13:24, Dave Koelmeyer wrote:
  On 12/21/11 12:43 AM, Gabriel de la Cruz wrote:
  The most they can do is politely asking not to use it.
  Am I wrong?
  Yes. This is Oracle we're talking about here. I can't quite believe 
  anyone is even seriously contemplating this.
 Perhaps it is best to wait and see what the people at Oracle will say or 
 do. Maybe the leak came because the Solaris development didn't gain the 
 momentum they desired or expected.
 If that's the case then maybe it might be possible to convince them to 
 collaborate more closely and contribute more to the Illumos/OI project. 
 There's no need to be more hostile than necessary.

Ah, the young and naive.  So cute. Goochi, goochi, goo. Time for
baby's nap...

See Christopher Chan's post when you wake up :-{ 

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] vi backspace remapping weirdness

2011-12-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Fri, 2011-12-09 at 18:01 -0800, Reginald Beardsley wrote:
 Never mind.  I just realized it's the gnome-terminal playing w/ my mind :-(

Gnome likes to do that.  Just wait until you get a load of
Gnome3 :-P

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with high cpu load (oi_151a)

2011-10-20 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 18:44 +0200, Gernot Wolf wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a machine here at my home running OpenIndiana oi_151a, which 
 serves as a NAS on my home network. The original install was OpenSolaris 
 2009.6 which was later upgraded to snv_134b, and recently to oi_151a.
 So far this OSOL (now OI) box has performed excellently, with one major 
 exception: Sometimes, after a reboot, the cpu load was about 50-60%, 
 although the system was doing nothing. Until recently, another reboot 
 solved the issue.
 This does not work any longer. The system has always a cpu load of 
 50-60% when idle (and higher of course when there is actually some work 
 to do).
 I've already googled the symptoms. This didn't turn up very much useful 
 info, and the few things I found didn't apply to my problem. Most 
 noticably was this problem which could be solved by disabling cpupm in 
 /etc/power.conf, but trying that didn't show any effect on my system.
 So I'm finally out of my depth. I have to admit that my knowledge of 
 Unix is superficial at best, so I decided to try looking for help here.
 I've run several diagnostic commands like top, powertop, lockstat etc. 
 and attached the results to this email (I've zipped the results of kstat 
 because they were 1MB).
 One important thing is that when I boot into the oi_151a live dvd 
 instead of booting into the installed system, I also get the high cpu 
 load. I mention this because I have installed several things on my OI 
 box like vsftpd, svn, netstat etc. I first thought that this problem 
 might be caused by some of this extra stuff, but getting the same system 
 when booting the live dvd ruled that out (I think).
 The machine is a custom build medium tower:
 S-775 Intel DG965WHMKR ATX mainbord
 Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 CPU 1.8GHz
 1x IDE DVD recorder
 1x IDE HD 200GB (serves as system drive)
 6x SATA II 1.5TB HD (configured as zfs raidz2 array)
 I have to solve this problem. Although the system runs fine and 
 absolutely serves it's purpose, having the cpu at 50-60% load constantly 
 is a waste of energy and surely a rather unhealthy stress on the hardware.
 Anyone any ideas...?

One.  But I haven't even made cursory scan of your logs. Nor do I know
if it is problem any longer but I used to see similar with bge driver.
Worked great on OS 2009.06 but subsequent stuff horked it up somehow.
My solution was to use the other nvidia based interface.  I think there
is/was a bug file on Illumos Redmine?  Others will surely know more but
quick test you can do is to try a different network driver and see if
the problem goes away.

hth-- Ken

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Problem with high cpu load (oi_151a)

2011-10-20 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 19:34 +0200, Gernot Wolf wrote:
 Wow, that was fast :)

Just caught me with the morning coffee email review.

 However, the NIC integrated on the Intel DG965WHMKR mainbord is an Intel 
 82566DC according to the device driver utility, the reported driver 
 e1000g. Isn't the bge driver for Broadcom NICs?

And like I said, I didn't even scan the logs.  Just quick idea off top
of my head based on similar behavior. Could well be entirely different
underlying cause. Yes, the bge is broadcom but I think there have been
issues with other nics. 

 And what do you mean by the other nvidia based interface? This 
 mainboard has only this one integrated network interface mentioned 
 above, no pieces of nvidia hardware anywhere, as far as I can see...

I didn't mean to imply that I had the same mainboard you reported. I
have a few different nics lying around so for me this was easy test: bge
- high cpu load under 'idle'; nvidia - goes away.

 Nevertheless it could be worth to try a different network driver. 
 However, as I mentioned in my previous post, my know-how concerning unix 
 is very limited. Where can I find an alternative driver for the Intel 
 82566DC interface and how do I install it?

Is this laptop of desktop?  If latter, can you just try a different
card?  If so, OI should automatically detect and load appropriate

 Anyway, thanks for your quick response! :)

Np.  Sorry is wasn't much help.  But I see others are putting you on
diagnostic dtrace track so I'll bow out now. Good luck :)

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-11 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-10-11 at 09:16 +0100, Peter Tribble wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Dan Swartzendruber 
  And this continues to miss the point.
 but honestly, it's beyond frustrating to find out that
  there is no obvious way to do the /etc/rc.local thing I kvetched about
 Which point are you missing? You rc.local thing is trivially easy
 to address, there are well known and obvious ways to do it, and
 several people pointed out how you could do so in a few seconds.
 There are lots of things in OI that need fixing, seeing people making
 up non-existent problems and bikeshedding about forums vs smtp
 and users vs developers and OS choices is so frustrating.

Hello Peter:

I think your accusations of bikeshedding are unfounded and unkind. Many
stayed out of this discussion until noting that a few oi-dev regulars
like Alasdair, jeffpc, drlou, herzen, etc. expressed some interest in
exploring possibility of forums.  Such being the case, it seems more
than appropriate for further discussion to occur on oi-discuss - note
the word following the hyphen there - where a broader cross section of
oi users might have the opportunity to weigh in.

I have been involved in various projects over the years that that
utilized mlm long before forums were an option.  Yet when some, e.g.
FreeBSD, finally acknowledged the changing times the issue was discussed
before anyone ran out and launched  To the best of
my knowledge I have _never_ used these forums, but I don't bitch about
them being available for others. Or that others talked about it at some
length before moving forward with rolling them out.

Yes, the forum issue has come up before in oi, but to my awareness, not
for a little while now, and not ever discussed in any depth.  Yeah, us
old dogs have seen these arguments before and may have  a tendency to
sigh and shake our heads.  But that doesn't make them irrelevant to the
discussion at hand. 

People disagreeing, discussing, etc. on oi-discuss is not a bad thing.
Yes, a couple people got a bit heated and sunk to some mild name
calling, but this was nothing even close to what happens from time to
time on even high profile projects. Those so easily offended need to
grow thicker skin. Maybe never move out from Mommy's house. Or

My $0.02


Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 09:56 +0200, Open Indiana wrote:
 It might be an idea to look at They also struggle with
 documentation, users, updates and helpfiles but manage to get it good pretty

Whoa!  It's been a while since I've been to OpenNMS's site.  Nice
redesign.  Much better than the wiki they used to use. Kind of a bummer
that they went so commercial though on the .com side.  So now we likely
know where the $ and impetus came for the new site. Hope it isn't the
beginning of the end of a truly open OpenNMS.  In my experience,
however, in such cases it isn't too long before 1) you start seeing
major features being withheld from the free version, and/or 2) the
free version becomes the alpha testing branch, and/or 3) refactor
and license change at some major rev level.

That said, OpenNMS isn't doing anything special that any other mature
FOSS project hasn't figured out - it just took them many, many more
years to get there than most so I'm not sure they'd be the best role
model in that department.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 21:21 +0200, Alexander Lesle wrote:
 Hello Любомир Григоров and List,
 On Oktober, 10 2011, 18:59 Любомир Григоров wrote in [1]:
 I'll take a couple of people with a clue over a hundred _looking_ for a
  clue any day.
  It will be just as I said earlier - the userland will consist of the devs
  and a bunch of fanboys, no one will know the OS and will just view it as
  another one. This whole conversation and all the emails in it just proves
  OI is not ready to be a real OS. Maybe in 10 years after it matures I will
  give it another go. Like things stand, it's headed in the OpenBSD path.
 Sad but true.

This is such BULLSHIT!!!  Would OI be as successful as OpenBSD. Or
FreeBSD!!  So you *BSD bashers might just want to back off and scratch
it a bit before making such categorical broad sweeping statements.

THE reason alternatives to Linux have been able to persist is that not
EVERYONE wants Linux.  Indeed, the more advanced/seasoned the person
seems to be the greater the probability that they will value/utilize a
Linux alternative precisely because it is NOT hampered by Linux's

Following/emulating Linux is a mistake.  Sun should have learned that at
least a couple years earlier and they may not have become the financial
disaster that led to the current Oracle mess.

Instead, OI should actively strive to DIFFERENTIATE itself from Linux,
lest it become relegated to yet another fanboy distro of the month.

Those of you who want/need Linux please, by all means, go use Linux!!!
But please, please, please stop lobbying to turn OI into Linux.


Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 17:32 -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
 A couple of thoughts: OSX is a dreadful wrong example.  If you polled 1
 million Mac users and asked them 'what OS runs under the hood?', my guess is
 95% would have no idea what you are talking about.  Secondly, throwing vague
 statements out about the 'shortcomings of linux' is at best non-helpful, and
 at worst discredits you.  I am a Software Engineer, and it irks me to no end
 to have to retain N different tool/command sets in my memory for no good
 reason.  Whether you like it or not, Linux (and to a lesser extent, the
 various BSD dialects) are what most folks know and are comfortable with.
 Presenting them with yet another flavor of Unix, with a command/tool set
 that is too distant is going to result in the person walking away and
 settling for redhat/ubuntu/debian or whatever.  I kind of hinted at this in
 an earlier post - if I didn't have to use OI or some flavor of OS to get ZFS
 for my SAN, I would have gone elsewhere like a shot.  BSD and Linux are
 pretty close when most of the commands are considered - OS is much less so,
 and that is what is going to relegate it to a niche system unless something
 changes.  And no, I'm not an opposing fanboy or basher, just a realist...

But... OI DOES have ZFS.  And Linux effectively does not.  Hence viva
la' difference because had OI copied Linux it would not either.

My comment was not directed at anyone in particular, but more broadly
scoped to include various posts that seem to keep holding up Linux like
it's the holy grail.  I don't need another Linux option.  I do have an
interest/need in something better than Linux, e.g. zfs, dtrace, and
other enterprise grade features that Linux presently lacks.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 17:49 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
 On Oct 10, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
  A couple of thoughts: OSX is a dreadful wrong example.  If you polled 1
  million Mac users and asked them 'what OS runs under the hood?', my guess is
  95% would have no idea what you are talking about.  Secondly, throwing vague
  statements out about the 'shortcomings of linux' is at best non-helpful, and
  at worst discredits you.  I am a Software Engineer, and it irks me to no end
  to have to retain N different tool/command sets in my memory for no good
  reason.  Whether you like it or not, Linux (and to a lesser extent, the
  various BSD dialects) are what most folks know and are comfortable with.
  Presenting them with yet another flavor of Unix, with a command/tool set
  that is too distant is going to result in the person walking away and
  settling for redhat/ubuntu/debian or whatever.  I kind of hinted at this in
  an earlier post - if I didn't have to use OI or some flavor of OS to get ZFS
  for my SAN, I would have gone elsewhere like a shot.  BSD and Linux are
  pretty close when most of the commands are considered - OS is much less so,
  and that is what is going to relegate it to a niche system unless something
  changes.  And no, I'm not an opposing fanboy or basher, just a realist…
 Does it _matter_ if users know what runs under the hood?  OS X is pretty 
 good, but the Solaris kernel is more reliable.  If other things are somewhere 
 near comparable, I might not care if I could spout the lineage of the kernel 
 as long as the OS was reliable and somewhere near competitive on features or 
 whatever.  Any argument like that against Solaris would only hold if one 
 wanted to run it on hardware obtained by dumpster-diving.  On a reasonable 
 subset of modern hardware, it's simply likely to cause less mystery headaches 
 than most alternatives (arguably including Linux).  On a properly configured 
 server or appliance or VM, there's no comparison.  I've seen Solaris and 
 Linux VMs, no hardware issues there, but between OOM killers and other 
 non-deterministic behavior on Linux (like even keeping ntpd alive!), there's 
 no comparison.
 The toolset has been converging, with a number of commands picking up those 
 GNU options that weren't inconsistent with what was already present; and the 
 GNU versions can trivially be made available somewhere other than /usr/bin.  
 All it takes is an account creation tool that makes it easy to set up a new 
 account with the appropriate PATH, and maybe a defaults file for that tool so 
 that a site can make their own choice of what the default should be, leaving 
 individual users the option to differ, if they wish to bear the burden of 
 perhaps less familiarity by the local help desk.  And that could be pushed 
 back one step further, making the setting of those defaults an 
 installation-time option, something perhaps as simple as installing an 
 optional package that provides some additional customization.
 Some of the GNU tools are better (gawk vs nawk is my usual example); some are 
 worse (get Jeorg Schilling to tell you how much worse GNU tar is).  Choosing 
 the GNU tools for familiarity's sake _might_ (although I don't agree) be a 
 valid argument if it had to be either-or.  But it's not hard to make it 
 both-and…probably easier than arguing about it.

Right.  My issue is not with incorporating things from Gnu/Linux based
on technical criteria that have been evaluated and discussed.  Nor anti
Linux. I'm on a Debian workstation now.

My issue is with the we should do this so we can be more like
Linux (and I think by implied flawed extension that this would make OI
attractive to legions of Linux converts) when there's no technically
based reason to do so. This is OI.  Let's be OI and build the best mouse
trap on the planet.  

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 18:53 -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
 And this continues to miss the point.  This is what is so frustrating to me
 (going back years...)  Techies like you guys make a decision based on the
 technical merits, but 95% of the manager/sysadmin types are going to look at
 the learning curve (and don't bother telling me it doesn't exist or is
 trivial - maybe in your book, not in theirs), and ask why on earth do we
 want to do X when our admins will have to learn all kinds of new crap???
 FWIW, if zfsguru was more stable and didn't have a single dev, I would have
 switched to it in a heartbeat.  I know my way around most linuxes (and even
 freebsd) in my sleep, but honestly, it's beyond frustrating to find out that
 there is no obvious way to do the /etc/rc.local thing I kvetched about
 earlier (or an alternative, to put an entry in the crontab with '@reboot',
 oh wait, the opensolaris cron doesn't support that feature...)  And yes, I
 know none of these things are killers in themselves, it's the death of a
 thousand cuts.  Folks, I *want* opensolaris in some flavor to prosper, but
 when I hear evangelists complaining about why should we make this MORE like
 linux, etc...  The answer SO PEOPLE WILL USE IT?!  Sorry, I'm tired and
 out of sorts, and I saw freebsd lose this battle to linux years ago with the
 same short-sighted attitude and now it's happening again with OS (btw, does
 anyone have a comment about nexenta providing debian userland tools like

FreeBSD loosing any battle is debatable.  I do feel compelled to point
out, however, that Linus himself has said that if not for the legal
battle that was waging between att and uc regents at the time, he would
have just used bsd.  Linux later experienced, and survived, some legal
wrangling of its own.

Plenty of people use FreeBSD.  And OpenBSD.  Often w/o knowing as as
they silently pass/filter packets, server up smtp, http, etc. That these
desktop users are not running these platforms on their peecee's does
mean that they don't still use them extensively as they move about the
Internet.  And I guess it is equally frustrating and exasperating that
some continue to just not get this. 

Peace :_)

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 20:26 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
 On Oct 10, 2011, at 6:53 PM, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
  And this continues to miss the point.  This is what is so frustrating to me
  (going back years...)  Techies like you guys make a decision based on the
  technical merits, but 95% of the manager/sysadmin types are going to look at
  the learning curve (and don't bother telling me it doesn't exist or is
  trivial - maybe in your book, not in theirs), and ask why on earth do we
  want to do X when our admins will have to learn all kinds of new crap???
  FWIW, if zfsguru was more stable and didn't have a single dev, I would have
  switched to it in a heartbeat.  I know my way around most linuxes (and even
  freebsd) in my sleep, but honestly, it's beyond frustrating to find out that
  there is no obvious way to do the /etc/rc.local thing I kvetched about
  earlier (or an alternative, to put an entry in the crontab with '@reboot',
  oh wait, the opensolaris cron doesn't support that feature...)  And yes, I
  know none of these things are killers in themselves, it's the death of a
  thousand cuts.  Folks, I *want* opensolaris in some flavor to prosper, but
  when I hear evangelists complaining about why should we make this MORE like
  linux, etc...  The answer SO PEOPLE WILL USE IT?!  Sorry, I'm tired and
  out of sorts, and I saw freebsd lose this battle to linux years ago with the
  same short-sighted attitude and now it's happening again with OS (btw, does
  anyone have a comment about nexenta providing debian userland tools like
 I'm interested in arrangements that allow traditional Solaris and GNU tools 
 to coexist.  I'm not so interested in a pure Linux environment.  I doubt that 
 coexistence is furthered by the choice of apt packaging.
 One could also imagine a Nexenta branded zone under a more conventional 
 Solaris environment.  But that doesn't address the differences between 
 administrative tools.
 I'm not opposed to compromise.  But I have zero use for an environment that 
 is exclusively to the advantage of those familiar with Linux.  I've been 
 using Solaris since 2.3 (late 1993 - 2.x x3 weren't worth using, except for 
 porting or familiarization).  Linux was barely around then, and not 
 significant.  The only reason that it caught on is that it was free (to use 
 or modify, but real support always costs), and a bit more accessible than the 
 BSDs were at the time.
 I have no more wish to conform to what's familiar to you than you do to 
 conform to what's familiar to me.
 Think of ways to provide co-existence or alternatives built on the same core, 
 and I'm fine with that; I've tossed out a few ideas along those lines.  Keep 
 making the case for having it entirely your way, and I'll say that I for one 
 have no use for your case or anything, even millions of new users (yuck, 
 unwashed masses), that comes with your case.
 I've dialed it back a lot in this message.  I don't mind people wanting 
 things their own way, as long as their way doesn't exclude mine.  They do 
 that, and I don't handle it well at all, not with both of us on the same 

This, I think, is pretty well said.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 19:32 -0600, wrote:
  Hi All,
 The demo is still up at If the
 community does not want it, if the decision makers are against it, I can
 just take it down. It took less than 10 minutes to put it up, and will
 probably take less than that to take down.


Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 19:27 -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 10/10/11 07:16 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 19:32 -0600, wrote:
  Hi All,
  The demo is still up at If the
  community does not want it, if the decision makers are against it, I can
  just take it down. It took less than 10 minutes to put it up, and will
  probably take less than that to take down.
 That's not helpful, without giving any reason why.   You're not going to be
 forced to use it, so why deprive others who would of the opportunity to do so?
 If you asked a bunch of non-OpenSolaris/OpenIndiana users on whether the
 OI project should continue, and they all voted -1, would you want people
 to quit working on it?

I am referring to Vanilla forum package. So not to deprive anyone of
anything.  If OI wants to roll out a forum, I would look at other
alternatives, the specifics of wh/I did not want to hijack OP's
solicitation for feedback on vanilla demo to elaborate upon, lest this
deteriorate further.

The way to go about it, imho, is to survey the landscape and generate a
short list.  I don't think Vanilla should be on that list and have
commented as to some of the reasons why elsewhere. But I think that's a
topic for another thread.

Peace :)

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-10 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 23:51 -0400, Alex Viskovatoff wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 23:05 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
  If you think it preferable to compare various options first, there's a
  site  that seems to compare a bunch of
  forum software (including Vanilla).
 That's interesting. If you use the following criteria:
  You want some Forum that is Free and Open Source and with support to
  attach files and which stores data in Postgres and featuring RSS/ATOM.
 you get these twelve candidates:
 I personally feel that the forum should be able to display threads in
 both threaded and flat mode, which eliminates seven, resulting in:

Yes, this is one reason to rule out Vanilla.  But shouldn't we start a
dedicated Forum Package Option thread before we get too into

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-09 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 18:35 -0600, wrote:
  As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
  distributions, as they allow users to have conversations. It would be
  great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
  I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
  an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
  interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
  OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
  mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
  search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
  lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
  way of participating with the forums.
 I didn't call for abandoning the mailing list, rather for setting up
 something that is more community-oriented.

Mailing Lists are inherently community oriented.  That some other
johnny-come-lately technology, e.g. web based forums, has subsequently
gained popularity does not invalidate mailing lists communities.

I haven't looked in recent years, but the last time I did look, port 25,
not port 80, was responsible for the lions share of Internet traffic.
And if modern numbers reverse that, it may be more of an artifact that
web pages are ten to 50 times fatter than they were back in the day when
I had to keep 28k modem (the cat's meow at the time because it had
doubled the previous speed) capabilities in mind. And yes, with
streaming media port 80 may well have supplanted 25 but my point remains

I personally much, much prefer mlm's because its a push, rather than
pull medium.  Once I'm subscribed to a list, everything is there in my
inbox.  The problem might be finding it, but that's another problem.
Modern MLM's, e.g. Mailman, typically sport searchable web archives as
well for those desiring pull medium.

That doesn't mean forums are useless.  I like forums too.  But for
technical discussions I prefer mailing lists.  For example, consider a
newbie querry.  If posted to mlm, the q AND as well as any and all
follow ups are pushed to the entire community at large.  Maybe joe grey
beard expert spots an error in the part of the response that isn't quite
correct, so they post follow up. If web forums, this expert may never
see the question or follow ups unless they take the time to pull from
the web site.  So forums need larger base out of the gate to reach
critical mass compared to mlm.  Bridging the two may sound like a good
solution, but I've _never_ seen such a solution that actually worked
_well_ in practice.  At least for those of us who prefer mlm, as threads
rapidly become horked up top the point were one now _must_ view via
forum interface to be able to follow.

One area where web forums clearly superior to mlm is where you have
want/need to monetize the community via ads and such. 

Now I don't want to scare you off from contributing to OI but I think
much of what you say is predicated upon some erroneous assumptions as
well as your personal preferences, wh/because you can point to some
others who share those preferences becomes a mandate for OI to follow.
This is not necessarily so.  

I also curious if you may have _any_ type of affiliation with Vanilla
because I'm pretty familiar w/a number of forum packages, never heard of
vanilla until recently, and fail to see what, if any, advantage it
offers over various alternatives.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-09 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 02:51 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
 On Oct 8, 2011, at 9:49 PM, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek wrote:
  On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 06:35:57PM -0600, wrote:
  As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
  distributions, as they allow users to have conversations. It would be
  great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
  I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
  an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
  interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
  OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
  mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
  search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
  lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
  way of participating with the forums.
  I didn't call for abandoning the mailing list, rather for setting up
  something that is more community-oriented.
  So, who's gonna make the decision?
  I think that having a bridge between the two would be great.  Either way, we
  could set up some experimental thing and see if it works.
 I must be old-fashioned, but I find an NNTP server easier than forums (and 
 less junk accumulating on my mail server).  Seamonkey has an adequate reader, 
 although I prefer knews.  Those have nice threading, killfiles, etc.  And 
 they're usually _much_ faster and less problems than a web forum.


Sad that newer generation seems to have missed this very useful protocol
- indeed, as some have argued, the original groupware.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-09 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 12:32 -0700, Gregory Youngblood wrote:
 On Oct 9, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 02:51 -0400, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
  On Oct 8, 2011, at 9:49 PM, Josef 'Jeff' Sipek wrote:
  On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 06:35:57PM -0600, wrote:
  As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
  distributions, as they allow users to have conversations. It would be
  great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
  I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
  an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
  interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
  OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
  mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
  search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
  lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
  way of participating with the forums.
  I didn't call for abandoning the mailing list, rather for setting up
  something that is more community-oriented.
  So, who's gonna make the decision?
  I think that having a bridge between the two would be great.  Either way, 
  could set up some experimental thing and see if it works.
  I must be old-fashioned, but I find an NNTP server easier than forums (and 
  less junk accumulating on my mail server).  Seamonkey has an adequate 
  reader, although I prefer knews.  Those have nice threading, killfiles, 
  etc.  And they're usually _much_ faster and less problems than a web forum.
  Sad that newer generation seems to have missed this very useful protocol
  - indeed, as some have argued, the original groupware.
 Yes. as I said in a previous message, it seems the new generation of 
 internet users are really web users. If it's not on the web it's doesn't 
 really count. Sad.

Yet I have NEVER gone to e.g. FreeBSD forums for an answer.  Maybe they
got some good people there.  I don't know.  But I DO know that the lists
are where the true experts hang out.  Now if all you need is someone to
point you to /etc or something ???

The point is that it depends a lot on the particular community. And it's
goals.  OpenBSD, for example, has now desires for world domination and
could care less whether I eat their dog food or not. 

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-09 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 11:43 -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 10/ 9/11 11:37 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  I haven't looked in recent years, but the last time I did look, port 25,
  not port 80, was responsible for the lions share of Internet traffic.
 I don't think that's been true for many years.   Last I heard, YouTube 
 Netflix dominated the bandwidth.

So yeah, Alan, you snipped my after thought were I corrected myself.  So
let's factor out streaming media.  Then, I think, smtp would still be
quite large proportion.

  I personally much, much prefer mlm's because its a push, rather than
  pull medium.  Once I'm subscribed to a list, everything is there in my
  inbox.  The problem might be finding it, but that's another problem.
  Modern MLM's, e.g. Mailman, typically sport searchable web archives as
  well for those desiring pull medium.
 That's why I participate actively in dozens of mailing lists, but don't
 have time to around checking dozens of forum sites.   The only forum-like
 site I really stay involved with is the StackOverflow family, but that's
 mainly via monitoring various tags there via RSS feeds in Thunderbird.

Which is basically to say that great minds think alike At least on
this one ;-P

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-09 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 09:16 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
 On Monday, October 10, 2011 04:56 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 11:43 -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
  On 10/ 9/11 11:37 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  I haven't looked in recent years, but the last time I did look, port 25,
  not port 80, was responsible for the lions share of Internet traffic.
  I don't think that's been true for many years.   Last I heard, YouTube
  Netflix dominated the bandwidth.
  So yeah, Alan, you snipped my after thought were I corrected myself.  So
  let's factor out streaming media.  Then, I think, smtp would still be
  quite large proportion.
 And how much of that bandwidth is spam? That might bring down the 
 numbers for smtp versus http.

Doesn't really matter when you factor in banner ads associated with
http.  The glory days of the internet being populated by academics is

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-09 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 09:52 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
 On Monday, October 10, 2011 09:45 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-10-10 at 09:16 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
  On Monday, October 10, 2011 04:56 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 11:43 -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
  On 10/ 9/11 11:37 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  I haven't looked in recent years, but the last time I did look, port 25,
  not port 80, was responsible for the lions share of Internet traffic.
  I don't think that's been true for many years.   Last I heard, YouTube
  Netflix dominated the bandwidth.
  So yeah, Alan, you snipped my after thought were I corrected myself.  So
  let's factor out streaming media.  Then, I think, smtp would still be
  quite large proportion.
  And how much of that bandwidth is spam? That might bring down the
  numbers for smtp versus http.
  Doesn't really matter when you factor in banner ads associated with
  http.  The glory days of the internet being populated by academics is
 True that. I don't hit forums or even nntp nowadays. If I do go to a 
 forum, it is because it is the only choice available. That push thing 
 about mailing lists is a winner. But it does show a segmentation of the 
 community - end users/system administrators.

I would characterize more as newbie vs. intermediate/seasoned users. The
latter being more likely to be familiar with protocols other than http.
For example, many newbies have yet to figure out that chat is not much
more than glorified irc running on a different port but perfectly
capable of utilizing irc for desktop support questions once they've had
the opportunity to get a clue or two.

For the record, I don't do much nttp these days either - and I am now
curious if that may be because it's more pull like than the push I
get from smtp??? H.

Not to beat a dead horse, as we basically agree on the big push vs. pull

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-08 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 18:12 -0400, Alex Viskovatoff wrote:
 Hi Fini,
 On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 11:56 -0600, wrote:
  There seems to be plenty of resources for devs, but very little for
  end-users, especially those new to the Solaris way of doing stuff.
  There is a general discussion list, but I think it would be better if all
  that discussion takes place in a forum-like setting, instead of via a
  mailing list.
  I can volunteer to help set up and maintain one, and take care of other
  basic web-related chores.
 The idea that OpenIndiana should have a forum has come up before, but
 nothing has happened with that, because no one has stepped forward to
 create one.

I did long ago and also threw out a couple of suggestions but iirc
correctly the consensus was that the mailing lists worked fine and oi's
limited resources would be better utilized elsewhere??  It's been some
time though so maybe I'm having a brain fart.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Help with website

2011-10-08 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 17:34 -0700, Gregory Youngblood wrote:
 On Oct 8, 2011, at 5:15 PM, Jason J. W. Williams wrote:
  As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
  distributions, as they allow users to have conversations. It would be
  great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
  I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
  an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
  interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
  OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
  mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
  search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
  lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
  way of participating with the forums.
 At least initially, having the mailing list bridged with the forums provides 
 best of all possibilities.
 If we see a nice surge in users/traffic, then the volume might tend to cause 
 mailing list traffic to grow too unwieldy, but we can cross that bridge if we 
 ever get to it. And, it would be a great problem to have too. :)
Oh god, please no!  Not another lame forum/mlm cluster fsck

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Java 7

2011-07-31 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Sun, 2011-07-31 at 15:31 -0700, Gary Driggs wrote:
 On Jul 31, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  The problem in this instance is that Sun DID open source many cool things 
  and post Sun take over Oracle has been systematically undoing Sun's open 
  source gifting via a variety of innovative tactics at pretty much every 
  chance they can,
 If I understand things correctly, part of the problem at Sun involved their 
 bizarre sales bonus policy that was based on volume instead of profit.

Not germane to the discussion at hand...

  often in tandem with exorbitant increases in licensing fees.  And for that 
  they have earned much well deserved criticism. 
 Have you ever paid support for AIX or HP/UX and the hardware it runs on? 
 Solaris prices may seem exorbitant by x86 standards but they're still quite 
 competitive with other enterprise big- or bi-endian architectures.

I wouldn't say they're even in the ballpark of being comparable.  Unless
perhaps you're talking IBM mainframe, the details of which I'm
unfamiliar but hear is pretty spendy. A couple enterprises I'm familiar
with saw dramatic price increases across the board.  Coupled with the
release of PostgreSQL 9, they are presently in process of ridding
themselves of _everything_ Oracle.

  Additionally, it would be a far stretch to construe criticism of Oracle 
  corporate policies enacted by upper management to extend to rank and file 
  employees who
 That said, one might suggest that the golden parachuted former Sun 
 Microsystems upper management is responsible for steering the company in to 
 the weeds in the first place. And I didn't see Apple or Google making a bid 
 for Sun (despite several aborted Apple/Sun mergers). So without someone to 
 take them out of their nose dive, Sun assets would have ended up as just 
 another large patent portfolio for sale a la Nortel.

Again, not germane to the discussion at hand.

Some companies are good and have a sense of ethics.  Other companies are
just outright bad, evil, greedy,  unethical sob's.  Sadly, imo, Oracle
falls into this latter category.  That Sun management was ineffective
does in no way excuse this.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Shorter subjects for mailing lists

2011-07-13 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 23:00 -0700, Gregory Youngblood wrote:
 On Jul 11, 2011, at 9:07 PM, Joshua M. Clulow wrote:
  On 2011-07-09 14:20, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
  Most of us use GUI-based email readers that handle80char subjects. Is
  this really an issue?
  Yes, it is really an issue.  Trying to make sense of mailing list
  subjects on my phone, for instance, is a bit tiresome.
 I have my mail app on half my screen and with my current setup the subject I 
 see is Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Shorter su...
 My suggestion is to change the subject prefix in the list software from 
 [OpenIndiana-discuss] to [oi-disc] and that will reclaim a lot of subject 
 line real estate all by itself. 

My suggestion would be to use just oi for the general discussion list
and leave hyphen whatever for more specialized lists, e.g. oi-dev,
oi-bugs, etc.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] About the Gnome slowdowns

2011-06-22 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 19:24 +0530, Sriram Narayanan wrote:
 Hi everyone:
 I've been using openindiana as my primary desktop environment while I
 work on Belenix related development (illumos kernel, rpm, etc).
 I've not felt a single slow down ever in my use of OI. I've used both
 build 147 as well as 148. IPS sucks for me given the low bandwidth and
 the calculations it does each time. But Gnome itself it fine.
 However, I've seen these recent threads (one on branding, and one test
 drive) where Gnome was mentioned as being slow.
 Has anyone else also experienced this ? Are there any known reasons ?

Pretty much everything seems to run slower on Slowaris on the desktop
front.  If in doubt, buy another hd, same as you're using now, and make
a native install Linux poison of choice, e.g. Fedora 15, Debian-6, etc.
(i.e. not virtualized) and the difference is quite noticeable.

Solaris derivatives like OI have their attractions.  But speed isn't one
of them. At least this is my experience, since you asked. Let the flame
fest begin...

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] About the Gnome slowdowns

2011-06-22 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 21:13 +0530, Sriram Narayanan wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:00 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 19:24 +0530, Sriram Narayanan wrote:
  Hi everyone:
  I've been using openindiana as my primary desktop environment while I
  work on Belenix related development (illumos kernel, rpm, etc).
  I've not felt a single slow down ever in my use of OI. I've used both
  build 147 as well as 148. IPS sucks for me given the low bandwidth and
  the calculations it does each time. But Gnome itself it fine.
  However, I've seen these recent threads (one on branding, and one test
  drive) where Gnome was mentioned as being slow.
  Has anyone else also experienced this ? Are there any known reasons ?
  Pretty much everything seems to run slower on Slowaris on the desktop
  front.  If in doubt, buy another hd, same as you're using now, and make
  a native install Linux poison of choice, e.g. Fedora 15, Debian-6, etc.
  (i.e. not virtualized) and the difference is quite noticeable.
 Slowlaris was a term used only for the TCP/IP stack of Solaris 9.
 The entire TCP/IP stack was changed with the FireEngine project which
 improved things a lot. Crossbow built on top of that and brought about
 even further improvements.
 Solaris 10 and above are not slow.
  Solaris derivatives like OI have their attractions.  But speed isn't one
  of them. At least this is my experience, since you asked. Let the flame
  fest begin...
 I have asked if others have seen a slow Gnome desktop with OI, and if
 they know the reasons for this.
 Ken, I use a 4500 rpm disk for belenix and illumos builds, and
 everything works just fine for me. This has been the case since 2006.
 I run a very large setup at work, and I'm soon going to move over all
 our source code systems (git, hg, svn) onto openindiana.
 Here are some numbers that I consistently get every month (I check
 every month) for a specific disk intensive activity:
 5400 rpm disk - Windows XP - 38 minutes
 5400 rpm disk - Windows Server 2008 - 23 minutes
 5400 rpm disk - Windows 7 - 17 minutes
 5400 rpm disk - FC13 - 12 minutes
 7200 rpm disk - Windows 7 - 17 minutes
 7200 rpm disk - OSX - 8 minutes
 4500 rpm disk - openindiana/illumos/build_111a  - 4.5 minutes
 Here's another set of numbers:
 P4 2.2 Ghz with 2.72 TB RAIDZ and 8 GB RAM running Solaris 10 update 8
 used for serving iSCSI content off ZFS filesystems -  I have a
 specific requirement where I've snapshotted a 600 GB ZFS filesystem
 containing 9 VMs, and have then cloned this 20 times. This is for a
 test setup. After the cloning and regular use, I see that an overall
 diskspace of 800 GB has been used.
 I get no noticable performance difference at all. And this is with a
 single Ethernet card.
 These are my numbers.
 Given the above, and my own work with Belenix, as well as zero Gnome
 issues with OI, I've asked if anyone knows more.
 This was not asked to incite a flamefest, and I request that we don't
 walk that path.

Hence my hesitancy to even reply in the first place. Since you mentioned
Gnome specifically, my comments were directed specifically to
desktop/workstation usage.  Perhaps such is not the case with disk I/O
or tcp/ip throughput. But again, such was also not the topic of your

So back to your specific questions: Has anyone else also experienced
this ? Are there any known reasons ?

In _my_ experience Gnome is significantly slower on s10, OS, and OI. I
have not investigated as to why this might be, as it pretty much always
has been my experience, so I've just accepted it as one of the costs
one pays to get the benefits of features such as zfs, crossbow, zones,
etc. If this is not your experience, then that's fine with me. I have
better things to do than argue the matter.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] About the Gnome slowdowns

2011-06-22 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 17:16 +0100, Colin Ellis wrote:
 I run OI 148 + patches on a sony laptop with 4GB of RAM using gnome as a
 desktop.  I can say for me I don't notice any desktop slowness.
 A couple of points:
 -My graphics card is reasonably well supported.


 -My laptop has plenty of ram - often an issue that can cause slowness as OI
 loves to cache disks heavily.


 -the default flash player is broken on 148 and gives issues with full screen

+1  But I'm also seeing this on  Debian Wheezy, so I think maybe Flash
or nvidia driver issue.

 video etc.  Once that was updated I am able to play full screen HD video
 flawlessly.  I also have custom-built blender that I also use without any
 issue and can render images at a similar speed to linux.
 -I updated my bios to allow me full 64 bit access
 Bugs I have found:
 -Gnome occasionally ends up corrupting itself on shutdown - not sure what's
 causing it and its not often enough to spend my time on.  I end up losing


 one of the top applets and have to re-insert it.
 -NWAM keeps losing my wifi connection.  It's a nasty program and needs
 replacing with something that works properly.


 I haven;t found any good reason not to use OI as a desktop (work) machine.
 One thing I would maybe push for is out of the box support for other
 filesystems such as ext2/3/4, vfat, etc

On oi-151, I could not get any of the 4 different sound cards I have on
hand to work, though I seem to recall the onboard nvidia worked with
148.  Too many Gnome glitches on 151 to mention.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 16:53 -0700, Blake wrote:
 Does anyone besides me feel that we need a more unified naming/branding
 approach for the community-driven descendants of OpenSolaris? I feel that
 the there is no obvious connection (for those new to the platform) between
 Illumos/OpenIndiana, which I think is counterproductive given that
 OpenIndiana is sort of the 'Fedora Core' of Illumos.
 Some possible names:
 Illumos Live
 Illumos Core
 Illumos [version_number] - [adjective] [animal]

Illumos is a different project.  Hence all of the above are

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 00:45 -0700, Marion Hakanson wrote: said:
  But all that is neither here nor there.  The point is that your idea
  was/is lame.
 Yeah, but what do you think of my idea?
   And that your mother probably dresses you funny... 
 Not for several decades, she hasn't (:-). said:
  P.S.; In the event it may have been less than obvious... above was intended
  to be taken with a sense of humor ;-P 
 Phew, for a minute there I thought you might not entirely agree with me (:-).
  ...Marion Hakanson wrote:
   I also happen to think illumos is an excellent name.  Use it everywhere.
 OK, I may have exaggerated a bit.  But I do like the name -- I think it's
 a clever play on words, in multiple directions.  And the fact that most of
 my immediate family members are well-versed in the Harry Potter stories
 probably has nothing to do with it.

I think it comes off as a less than successful effort to be witty.  Nor
does it roll off your tongue.  OpenIndiana suffers from this as well,
but hey, at least it leaves us with short and sweet contraction; oi,
which rolls off the tongue quite agreeably, eh?

I also think that it's time to make clean break from Oracle/Solaris
dependencies/associations - particularly since Larry is doing such an
excellent job of alienating SMB's and reasonably large sized enterprises
alike. said:
  I kind of like OpenIndiana, particularly when contracted to
  oi, as compared to Illumos in that at least it conveys that this is
  supposed to be an Open project (although Open has been so misused by
  marketroids trying to cash in on the Open Source phenom that in more
  recent times its use has almost become a red flag, particularly
  following the Orcale OpenSolaris fiasco).  
 I'm enough of an old Unix geek that I dislike the Indiana name's
 association with a project that was an attempt to make Solaris more

I completely agree. Indiana was a marketroid driven effort to make
things more Linux like, err.. I mean Ubuntu like, because all hip
marketroids know that Linux equals Ubuntu.

 I'm also one of those who puts /usr/gnu/bin at the end of the
 PATH at install time (yet note that I do not remove it entirely), just so
 you know which segment of the target audience I'm in.  Of course, my spouse
 is from Indiana, and that relationship is going pretty well, so you never
 can tell
 Never mind my opinion, however.  We all know that I have no future in
 marketing, nor likely in any popular or for-profit enterprise of any kind.
 We now return you to your lameness-free content (:-)

I'm not averse to dropping OpenIndiana in favor of something better.  I
AM against that being any kind of play/dependency on Illumos. I don't
have anything against the Illumos project.  But therein lies the salient
issue - Illumos and OI are two separate projects.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 18:12 +0200, Nikolam wrote:
 As long as Anyone contribute a bit on some real projects and problems
 , there is always room for change in some future or something over
 But currently I would rather shoot myself in the foot then changing
 branding in a moments mostly crucial to the distribution and core OS
 future. (And crucial moments are already all the time from the
 beginning - there is still to come stable OI release that could be
 recommended for production use an from where wider audience could be
 I woud rather like to see X server drivers (intel) movements , Xen
 support resurrected and High Availability put into the move and
 software porting community refreshed with more coherent IPS publishers
 hosted around.
 And newcomer contributors mentoring facilities.
 OI is what you get when you put uname -a and there and is already in a
 number of software and scripts using it to identify platform.
 I think that further changes in branding could be considered when
 development community is at least 10X the present volume. (And there
 IS a space for branched distributions production - a la Ubuntu,etc)
 If we put $5-10 in a Jar or spend hour or two on some distribution's
 coordinated effort,
 - every time we got Eureka idea about branding, then I wouldn't mind
 any great branding ideas.


Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 21:11 -0400, Jake wrote:
 I totally agree. OpenIndiana describes the distro quite well, since it is the 
 opensource bits of the Solaris Indiana release; but the reference is totally 
 lost to anyone not familiar with what OpenSolaris was. 
 I think a Sun reference would be fitting.   

Why?  The Sun has set some time ago.  There's nothing to see here now.
Time to move along, move along.  Perhaps you're thinking that a
reference to Sun obscure enough to avoid a lawsuit would in some way be
attractive to business.  I think the opposite - anyone who's been around
for a while has their Oracle horror story so why would we want to
associate.  And by Oracle, I'm referencing the corporate entity, not
contributing individuals who happen to be employed by same.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 22:46 -0400, Paul Gress wrote:
 On 06/20/11 10:32 PM, Magnus wrote:
  On Jun 20, 2011, at 10:20 PM, Tim Aslat wrote:
  How about FlareOS (offshoot of the Sun) is available. I intentionally didn't capitalize the os. It's 
  less awkward to read and to pronounce.
  There are some tenuous connections between Mithras  Sol, the Sun God, in 
  ancient Roman art. But it's a simple name, and the domain is available. 
  Don't be a b*d and squat on this name if it's not going to be for the 
  productive use of this project. ;)
 Moonshine. It goes along with Celestial objects (Moon), and Shine as in 
 Rays of Sun.  Also programming at night.

Not to mention bootleg liquor!!

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 11:32 -0700, Blake wrote:
 I agree that Sun's engineering legacy is impressive.
 Unfortunately, the words 'Sun' and 'Solaris' are anathema to most young
 startups and newbie engineers.  Rather than forcing a history lesson on
 them, I feel we should look forward when evangelizing the platform.

Amen, brother!!  I about hurled reading Jake's reply. Glad to see that
someone else gets it.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 15:34 -0400, Jamon Camisso wrote:
 On 06/21/2011 03:05 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 11:32 -0700, Blake wrote:
  I agree that Sun's engineering legacy is impressive.
  Unfortunately, the words 'Sun' and 'Solaris' are anathema to most young
  startups and newbie engineers.  Rather than forcing a history lesson on
  them, I feel we should look forward when evangelizing the platform.
  Amen, brother!!  I about hurled reading Jake's reply. Glad to see that
  someone else gets it.
 Like it or not, Jake's reply is just as legitimate as yours. Solaris has
 caché to some, myself included. Me not knowing anything about it beyond
 the fact that it was SunOS before Solaris doesn't change a thing.
 Please don't be so dismissive. People bring different backgrounds and
 expectations to the discussion and it is good to hear all of them.
 I for one disagree with Blake - I am a newbie and am quite attracted to
 the legacy of Solaris by way of Illumos and OpenIndiana.

Awesome!  By all means we should be checking our rear view and ensuring
we honor history rather than  looking forward and making history.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 15:43 -0400, Jamon Camisso wrote:
 On 06/21/2011 03:38 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  Like it or not, Jake's reply is just as legitimate as yours. Solaris has
  caché to some, myself included. Me not knowing anything about it beyond
  the fact that it was SunOS before Solaris doesn't change a thing.
  Please don't be so dismissive. People bring different backgrounds and
  expectations to the discussion and it is good to hear all of them.
  I for one disagree with Blake - I am a newbie and am quite attracted to
  the legacy of Solaris by way of Illumos and OpenIndiana.
  Awesome!  By all means we should be checking our rear view and ensuring
  we honor history rather than  looking forward and making history.
 The two are not mutually exclusive, both are equally important.

Wrong. Looking forward is much more important.  Let Wikipedia
memorialize the past.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-21 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-22 at 07:09 +1000, Matt Connolly wrote:
 On 21/06/2011, at 3:54 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 23:03 -0600, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 19:58 -0700, Marion Hakanson wrote:
  I also happen to think illumos is an excellent name.  Use it everywhere.
  Uh... Excuse me, but what have you been smoking?  Drinking, maybe?
  I think Illumos is a pretty lame name, nothing against the people who
  chose it.  I kind of like OpenIndiana, particularly when contracted to
  oi, as compared to Illumos in that at least it conveys that this is
  supposed to be an Open project (although Open has been so misused by
  marketroids trying to cash in on the Open Source phenom that in more
  recent times its use has almost become a red flag, particularly
  following the Orcale OpenSolaris fiasco).  
  But all that is neither here nor there.  The point is that your idea
  was/is lame.  And that your mother probably dresses you funny...
  P.S.; In the event it may have been less than obvious... above was
  intended to be taken with a sense of humor ;-P
  Regards-- Ken Gunderson
 Odd sense of humour, Ken... :/

Perhaps.  But can we please get back to the bike shed now??

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-20 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 19:58 -0700, Marion Hakanson wrote:
 What's wrong with just illumos?  If you need to distinguish, just use
 illumos, the kernel or illumos, OS/Net vs illumos, the distribution.
 The original OpenSolaris, the distribution was based on OpenSolaris,
 the kernel, and other distributions based on Opensolaris, the kernel
 did exist.
 One can even get more specific about distros, e.g. illumos desktop,
 illumos server, or illumos live usb, if needed.
 Sure, OI-147 and OI-148 did not come from illumos, the kernel, but it
 seems unlikely anyone is going to go back to a base of OpenSolaris, the
 kernel for OpenIndiana, once it's completed the shift to the illumos base.
 Do we really need a different name for the main distribution?  I personally
 find it unnecessary, and it makes explaining to people what the heck OS I'm
 using a lot harder.  I have to give a whole family tree history instead of
 just saying, Illumos is the open source fork of Solaris 11.
 I also happen to think illumos is an excellent name.  Use it everywhere.

Uh... Excuse me, but what have you been smoking?  Drinking, maybe?
I think Illumos is a pretty lame name, nothing against the people who
chose it.  I kind of like OpenIndiana, particularly when contracted to
oi, as compared to Illumos in that at least it conveys that this is
supposed to be an Open project (although Open has been so misused by
marketroids trying to cash in on the Open Source phenom that in more
recent times its use has almost become a red flag, particularly
following the Orcale OpenSolaris fiasco).  

But all that is neither here nor there.  The point is that your idea
was/is lame.  And that your mother probably dresses you funny...

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [illumos-Discuss] branding for illumos/openindiana

2011-06-20 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 23:03 -0600, Ken Gunderson wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 19:58 -0700, Marion Hakanson wrote:
  What's wrong with just illumos?  If you need to distinguish, just use
  illumos, the kernel or illumos, OS/Net vs illumos, the distribution.
  The original OpenSolaris, the distribution was based on OpenSolaris,
  the kernel, and other distributions based on Opensolaris, the kernel
  did exist.
  One can even get more specific about distros, e.g. illumos desktop,
  illumos server, or illumos live usb, if needed.
  Sure, OI-147 and OI-148 did not come from illumos, the kernel, but it
  seems unlikely anyone is going to go back to a base of OpenSolaris, the
  kernel for OpenIndiana, once it's completed the shift to the illumos base.
  Do we really need a different name for the main distribution?  I 
  find it unnecessary, and it makes explaining to people what the heck OS I'm
  using a lot harder.  I have to give a whole family tree history instead of
  just saying, Illumos is the open source fork of Solaris 11.
  I also happen to think illumos is an excellent name.  Use it everywhere.
 Uh... Excuse me, but what have you been smoking?  Drinking, maybe?
 I think Illumos is a pretty lame name, nothing against the people who
 chose it.  I kind of like OpenIndiana, particularly when contracted to
 oi, as compared to Illumos in that at least it conveys that this is
 supposed to be an Open project (although Open has been so misused by
 marketroids trying to cash in on the Open Source phenom that in more
 recent times its use has almost become a red flag, particularly
 following the Orcale OpenSolaris fiasco).  
 But all that is neither here nor there.  The point is that your idea
 was/is lame.  And that your mother probably dresses you funny...

P.S.; In the event it may have been less than obvious... above was
intended to be taken with a sense of humor ;-P

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] User roles and acting as root

2011-06-14 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-06-14 at 11:23 -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 06/14/11 10:05 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
  Thanx for your reply,
  I understand the security issue.
  But, is it so much more secure when you can just sudo commands?
  Where is the difference?
 With sudo, you choose to only run commands that need extra privileges
 with those privileges - most of the commands a normal user runs don't
 need that, so why use it and run the risk of either operator error
 or buggy software doing more damage than normal?

Which is useful in environments where you have jr. sysadmins, backup
operators, etc., i.e. different roles, not all of which you want/trust
to have full root access, so tasks can be limited to only those
necessary to fulfill that role.

On a boxes where I, or one or two others I know and trust, are the only
admin(s), I find sudo a complete pita and never use it.  When I want
root it's because I need to get something done and sudo just gets in my
way and adds unnecessary typing w/o any benefit - if I'm going to make a
typo or brain fart so bad as to blow up the box, sudo is not going to
save me.  Much better to actually have a # in your prompt and adhere to
the old sysadmin adage of sitting on your hands for 5 seconds before
hitting enter...

The point being here, that while sudo does have it's place, it's not the
magic bullet some would have us believe it is.

Regards-- Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] zfs only to version 5 after upgrading to oi-151?

2011-06-08 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-08 at 18:08 +0200, Bruno Damour wrote:
 Of course it's me, but i think it suggests it's on par with sol 11 express 
 which is snv_151a.
 As oi_147/8 was based on snv_147/8
 But as we of course have to get used to oi being a real fork of solaris, why 
 not change the numbering scheme ?
 PS : Please, do not think I'm complaining, I'm not

Iirc, OI version numbering will change with first stable release, wh/I
think will be something like 1.0.x, or 1.0_RELEASE, or maybe that was
RELEASE-1.0. Not 100% sure about the names. This was touched upon during
#oi-meeting yesterday, the specifics of which were left for further
discussion. In any case, similar to FreeBSD with RELEASE, TESTING/DEV,
and EXPERIMENTAL branches. 

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] oracle gives openoffuce to apache

2011-06-02 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 15:51 -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
 Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
  Of course the article is terrible and myopic since it assumes that the 
  center of
  the universe is Linux, which of course is the stupidest thing one can say.

 Unfortunately, in some ways, it is.  Like it or not :(

Unfortunately.  For example, I'd really like to be using OI, OS, or
whatever.  But reality is that Linux meets my needs on the desktop
workstation front _much_ better. So after much patience and testing of
oi-151b I've reluctantly had to admit that I need to go with Debian
until OI has come along a bit further.  Server side 151 release may yet
see some action though.

In any case, w.r.t. going to Apache, might this be thinly veiled
(and now relatively meaningless in real world since giving away
is akin to nothing in light of superior libreoffice) peace offering
following hostilities over other things?

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] NVIDIA driver update

2011-06-02 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-06-01 at 23:56 +0400, Andrey N. Oktyabrski wrote:
 On 01.06.11 23:42, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
  Is it possible to replace the nvidia driver packages 256.44 by the 270.41
  (from the NVIDIA site) in the IPS repository?
  Yes and I am using 270.41.06 but you need to do something like the
  following to install the new driver:
  $ pfexec beadm list
  $ pfexec beadm create oi-nvidia
  $ pfexec beadm mount oi-nvidia /mnt
  $ pfexec pkg -R /mnt uninstall -r driver/graphics/nvidia
  $ pfexec /bin/sh --extract-only
  $ cd NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-270.41.06
  $ pfexec pkgadd -R /mnt -d . NVDAgraphics NVDAgraphicsr
  $ pfexec bootadm update-archive -R /mnt
  $ pfexec beadm unmount -f oi-nvidia
  $ pfexec beadm activate oi-nvidia
  $ pfexec reboot -p
 Thank you, I'll try this.
 Anyway, pkg image-update is much more right way :-)

I brought this up on oi-dev recently and was informed that nvidia
drivers will be updated for 151 release.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] oracle gives openoffuce to apache

2011-06-02 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Thu, 2011-06-02 at 10:42 +0100, Jonathan Adams wrote:
 Apache didn't want OpenOffice originally according to press/blogs of
 people in the know ... probably because Apache got bitten over the
 whole Java thing.
 There was, however, a contract with Sun to keep maintaining and
 improving OpenOffice, which passed to Oracle, and after all the dev
 team left and formed LibreOffice Oracle were left with a project that
 they couldn't afford to keep up to date (as is seen in the lack of
 development in comparison to LibreOffice ... 3.4 due out this week)
 The big thing will be if rather than just giving the code, and control
 of the code to Apache they give the name to Apache too ... this is the
 only bit missing from LibreOffice, and the only bit worth having from
 whats left of the original OpenOffice (yes the plugins on OOo are
 good, but most have been transferred to LibreOffice).
 According to the missive from LibreOffice; Apache are keen to talk to
 the LibreOffice team, although where those talks lead is yet to be
 decided, some people are wondering if Oracle are handing the name to
 Apache so as not to lose face by giving it to LibreOffice directly,
 and are wondering if that is the only reason that Apache changed it's
 mind to take on the project.
 PS. I'm not affiliated, I'm just interested.

Yeah, that's basically what I was getting at w/o going into details. At
this juncture, I'm of the opinion that LibreOffice would be taking a
step backwards if it took on the Openoffice name.  Folks know that
LibreOffice is the path for future.  The LibreOffice name is also, imo,
more enticing to me as end user - especially in this day and age of
fake bake corporate open source projects.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] oracle gives openoffuce to apache

2011-06-02 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Thu, 2011-06-02 at 04:39 -0700, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
  Unfortunately.  For example, I'd really like to be using OI, OS, or
  whatever.  But reality is that Linux meets my needs on the desktop
  workstation front _much_ better. So after much patience and testing of
  oi-151b I've reluctantly had to admit that I need to go with Debian
  until OI has come along a bit further.  Server side 151 release may yet
  see some action though.
 Well in cases like this I suggest people to switch to Windows or MacOS.
 In other words, people demand too much without contributing anything. 
 PS I think Kennedy said something similar but of course in a different

Well, gee, guess I'd better do some self examination

- I first logged into Unix shell account in 80 or 81.
- Been using BSD's (Free and Open) in production since mid to late 90's.
- Seasoned sysadmin, certified on HP-UX.
- Over the years have provided support to a couple open source projects.
- Been Microsoft free on the home front since the new millennium.
- Only use MS in business contexts when forced to do so.
- Kids have been using *nix since preteen years.

Yep.  It's official. I'm too stupid and definitely not l337 enough for
OpenIndiana so I should go use Windows or MacOS and not leech off of OI.
Given this state of affairs, it's probably also amoral for me to remain
subscribed to these lists and waste bandwidth. 

Thanks for helping me work that out cuz I'm surely too challenged
mentally to have worked that out on my own.

Have a nice day.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 17:28 +1000, Scott O'Brien wrote:
 Ok, enough with the troll wars.. Who cares?  It's be nice to not get spammed 
 with a million off-stopic e-mails imo

I find the discussion relevant and appropriate for the list at hand. If
you don't please filter on topic and delete.  Thank you.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 01:11 -0700, Gary Driggs wrote:
 On May 24, 2011, at 12:36 AM, wrote:
  List as many as you can and I'll still be able to prove that most of the
  distros using sudo are derived from Ubuntu is a statement of fact.
 OpenBSD ships with sudo and a root account accessible by anyone in the wheel 
 group. Where does that fit?

As do the other *BSD's.  Ironically enough, Fedora 15 beta has now added
the wheel group requirement and calling it an innovation.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 16:29 +0800, Allan E. Registos wrote:
 How many of those distros that are not based on Ubuntu can you name? 
 Remember that we are talking about using sudo instead of the root account 
 system, not just having sudo installed as an application. 
 List as many as you can and I'll still be able to prove that most of the 
 distros using sudo are derived from Ubuntu is a statement of fact. 
 As per *distro* I mean not derived from Ubuntu *confusion*. It is quite 
 normal that Ubuntu derivatives like Linux Mint will not change the default 
 security of Ubuntu, for improving the usability of Ubuntu is their common 
 goal. And that other *distros* like Redhat derivatives and others are not 
 using sudo the way Ubuntu does. It is not that these distros imitated 
 Ubuntu's sudo, which is quite untrue, they did not change it. I cannot find 
 any reason to call Ubuntu derivatives as *distros* that were using sudo the 
 way Ubuntu does, and then post it here, for it is obvious, those derivatives 
 did not change the default sudo implementation of Ubuntu, so what's the 
 The statement of fact here is that some of us are annoyed of the most popular 
 Linux distro at distrowatch, I don't know why, for despite of its 
 shortcomings, it is useful in the desktop, am not using it on server. So to 
 make OI good on the desktop is for you to start porting those popular 
 applications in Linux rather than whining and FUD'ng against Ubuntu aside 
 from your OI admin tasks. 

The presumption that something is the best based on distrowatch listing
is a fallacy.  Ubuntu has buzz, and it's intended as seamless as
possible transition for Winblows users.  Hence, lot's of said users are
hearing about it and downloading for a test drive.  

I think OI, and indeed, all OS platform should place a higher premium on
values such as reliability, robustness, security, performant, etc.
rather than the number of downloads by relatively low tech users.
Unless your hidden FOSS agenda is to create a revenue stream by
providing support contracts to said lower tech users.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 09:21 +0100, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
 Hi All,
 I too don't appreciate the flamewar on here of Solaris vs Linux, sudo vs 

With all due respect, I think the technical signal is high enough to
qualify as relevant discussion.

 If you don't like sudo, you don't have to use it. It's as simple as that.

Unless it's forced on you a'la Ubuntu.

 But bringing the default in-line with other modern-day Unixes such as MacOS 
 and most of the major Linux distributions seems entirely sane to me. People 
 expect sudo, therefore we will give them sudo. So if you don't like the 
 default, I suggest you investigate distro-constructor.

MacOS had it's heday but that day is past.  Now it's OpenIndiana's turn.
Bringing things into conformance with other modern day *nices IS valid.
Targeting Ubuntu as the role model simply because it's currently in
vogue with relatively low tech Linux newbie type users is what I took
issue with.  Decisions should be founded on technical merit.  Not that
there wasn't some technical merit in adding an authentication component.
 RBAC/pfexec is in no way being deprecated and server administrators will be 
 advised to make use of it for obvious reasons, such as auditing. But it's 
 unreasonable to insist that users bend to fit the OS. You don't win users 
 that way. Like it or not, Solaris is a minority fringe OS these days, and if 
 we don't want to fade into obscurity further, decisions like this have to be 
 made. This is the reality we are living in. Failing to accept the reality is 
 not helpful for anyone.

True.  But I think it's also important to keep in mind _why_ Solaris
declined to fringe status.  Had Sun open sourced it 5 years sooner and
actually gotten the job done in a timely manner their employees may well
still be sporting email addresses...

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 13:33 +0100, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
 On 24 May 2011, at 13:10, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  Especially when that distro is loosing respect from those who actually
  have a clue or two due to continued track record of bugs that result in
  very unreliable platform choice for the server room.
 Inflammatory and arrogant comments like this are not constructive, nor are 
 they welcome.
 We're trying to create a friendly, open and inclusive community here. 
 Attacking other distributions and the users of those distributions has the 
 opposite affect, and will drive people away.
 Please can people be mindful of the language they use on-list and realise 
 that list members are ambassadors for the OS.
 Keep it technical, don't get personal.

I don't want to get into a tit for tat with you here but my remarks were
not intended to come off as arrogant. To clarify, my opinion of Ubuntu
is based on technical merit as result of having used it. Until incessant
bugs drove management to pony up for significantly more costly RHEL.  I
don't think it's appropriate for this list to get into the nitty gritty
technical details.

I also base my opinion on feedback from other Linux users: seasoned
administrators I have had discussion with often express similar
experiences/frustrations regarding Ubuntu.  Those who I talk with who
like it _tend_ to be lower tech and newer to Linux types.  My use of
those who have a clue or two to differentiate these different users
was probably less than optimal, but hopefully doesn't invalidate the
larger point I was trying to make - that copying Ubuntu simply because
it is popular with a certain subset of users should not be considered
best practice. This latter aspect was what prompted my initial comment
on the subject.  And yes, I've already allowed that I agree with the
technical/security side of the decision on this particular issue.

And to end on a positive note, I think Debian is a very nice Linux

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 11:06 -0400, Dave Miner wrote:
 On 05/24/11 08:54 AM, Gary Mills wrote:
  On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 06:26:33AM -0600, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 09:21 +0100, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
  Hi All,
  I too don't appreciate the flamewar on here of Solaris vs Linux,
  sudo vs pfexec.
  With all due respect, I think the technical signal is high enough to
  qualify as relevant discussion.
  My preference would be to:
  1. Make root a role
  2. Retain sudo as an option
  3. Find a secure way to use RBAC for system administration
 Not surprisingly, that's what we are trying to do, the decision that 
 prompted this sub-thread was about moving in that direction and removing 
 a security issue we'd created with the experimentation in OpenSolaris 
 releases.  RBAC. properly configured, is highly secure, but doesn't 
 provide one important thing yet: authentication of the user (using his 
 password) at the keyboard when assuming privileges.  A solution to that 
 will happen and allow us to refine what we're doing with Solaris.

Hi Dave:

Yeah, I get technical part of it.  My comments were meant to be taken in
context of sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek groan to the just like Ubuntu
familiarity goal, wh/upon subsequent review was made by Glenn Faden
rather than yourself.

Thanks for your time.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Failure while upgrading OpenIndiana

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 12:05 -0400, Gary Gendel wrote:
 I tried to upgrade with the following command:
 pkg image-update --accept --be-name snv_151 --require-new-be
 but it got hung.  I tried it several times with the same result:
 mail/thunderbird/plugin/thunderbir...  206/878  2422/15133  112.6/483.4
 Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file 
 data for
 the requested operation.
 Details follow:
 1: Framework error: code: 28 reason: Operation too slow. Less than 1024 
 bytes/sec transfered the last 30 seconds
 2: Framework error: code: 56
 (happened 3 times)

Apparently oi's pkg repo is overloaded, as I'm trying same now and
downloadling at circa mid 90's 14k modem speeds

Yet as I just checked again it's at more reasonable 163 kBps,
interspersed with dips down into the 30's and 40's.

In any event, I have confirmation from Andrzej that Gnome's update gui
is broke and I'll let you know how things go from command line mode.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Failure while upgrading OpenIndiana

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 12:05 -0400, Gary Gendel wrote:
 I tried to upgrade with the following command:
 pkg image-update --accept --be-name snv_151 --require-new-be
 but it got hung.  I tried it several times with the same result:
 mail/thunderbird/plugin/thunderbir...  206/878  2422/15133  112.6/483.4
 Errors were encountered while attempting to retrieve package or file 
 data for
 the requested operation.
 Details follow:
 1: Framework error: code: 28 reason: Operation too slow. Less than 1024 
 bytes/sec transfered the last 30 seconds
 2: Framework error: code: 56
 (happened 3 times)

Fwiw, my update using essentially same command line completed

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-24 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 00:22 +0600, Dmitry G. Kozhinov wrote:
  I think Debian is a very nice Linux distro.
 Many OpenSolaris/OI users share this feeling - this is because 
 OpenSolaris has (kind of) inherited it's look and feel from Debian - 
 thanks to Ian Murdock.
 My personal favorite in Debian is System - Administration - Services. 
 Nice and simple.

My Debian usage far predates that - I think I still have 1.0 CD's around
here somewhere

That said, there's reasons I got away from Linux.  If our objective is
to simply emulate Linux, and I know/hope that it is not, then I have
many mature Linux distros to choose from w/o having to endure the
growing pains of OI.  OI's attraction is that it has the potential to be
far, far more than just another Linux.  Incorporating features from
various Linux distros based on sound technical merit is just dandy.
Emulating e.g. Ubuntu primarily for the sake of lowering the bar to
entry, however, would not lead to a success, merely just another also
ran Linux distro.  Part of my reaction to this is that I've sat in on
meetings where decision makers did precisely this, to the point of going
against sound technical analysis, so mayhaps I'm a bit sensitive when I
read comments which may be even remotely construed as such.

Peace-- ken

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 15:39 -0400, Alex Smith (K4RNT) wrote:
 Another related question - why have we stopped using pfexec and
 started using sudo? I preferred RBAC...

Have we?  I've been testing 148b and just assumed it was a defect.  If
not, I concur with you that RBAC is preferrable to sudo.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 23:29 +0200, Jeppe Toustrup wrote:
 2011/5/23 Ken Gunderson
  On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 15:39 -0400, Alex Smith (K4RNT) wrote:
  Another related question - why have we stopped using pfexec and
  started using sudo? I preferred RBAC...
  Have we?  I've been testing 148b and just assumed it was a defect.  If
  not, I concur with you that RBAC is preferrable to sudo.
 The change was made upstream. See this bug report which discusses the change:

And here I used to think Dave was a smart guy let's bork Solaris's
superior RBAC model so we can make it more like one of the lamest (at
least w.r.t. seasoned users) Linux distros out there.  Damn fine
analysis there;-{

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 17:03 -0700, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
 On 05/23/11 16:54, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Mon, 2011-05-23 at 23:29 +0200, Jeppe Toustrup wrote:
  The change was made upstream. See this bug report which discusses the 
  And here I used to think Dave was a smart guy let's bork Solaris's
  superior RBAC model so we can make it more like one of the lamest (at
  least w.r.t. seasoned users) Linux distros out there.  Damn fine
  analysis there;-{
 The way RBAC was configured by the opensolaris installer was flagrantly
 insecure (automatically granting any process running with the uid of the
 initial user account the ability to exec arbitrary commands as uid 0
 with all privileges)
 The upstream change closes a serious security hole.
   - Bill

Yeah, I read the thread, and that aspect I do agree with.  The part that
irked me was the this makes things more familiar for Ubuntu Linux users

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 10:09 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
 On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 09:51 AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
  On May 23, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
  On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 08:51 AM, Gary wrote:
  I must have missed that part of the thread but sudo predates Linux by at
  least ten years;
  It's the same old Solaris admin versus Linux admin thingy. Any 
  shortcomings/non-existing feature in Solaris are ignored/brushed off and 
  anything remotely 'Linux' related gets put on the grill immediately.
  I can understand wanting to keep the same interfaces but making rabid 
  attacks on stuff that are additional just because they are the current 
  Linux practice is really irrational. Hence stuff like sudo is a Linux 
  Nothing wrong with sudo, or even with having both RBAC and sudo.
  Something wrong with changing Solaris to look more like Linux when
  there's no good reason except familiarity for Linux users, since
  it _breaks_ familiarity for Solaris users.  I don't think it's unreasonable 
  that might upset people, although this case is not a great example of one 
  worth picking a fight over, IMO.
 Even for me. When I installed OI_147, I had to go and add that Primary 
 administrator role (what's that about secure installations?) so that I 
 can use pfexec. But sheesh, going rabid to the point to treating sudo as 
 a GNU / Linux thing?
  OTOH, either finding a better way to use RBAC for this particular purpose, 
  or using sudo instead, is probably an improvement on how RBAC was 
  previously being used for this.
 Using sudo to switch to 'administrative' mode is something that I don't 
 really like. It's an Ubuntu thing. sudo is for scripts and for giving 
 limited access to certain stuff to certain accounts. If I had to become 
 root, I prefer doing 'su -'.
 So please, drop the 'sudo is a Linux thing'. It is not. It is specific 
 to only one particularly popular Linux distro aimed at users and not 
 admins. For the record.

Perchance did you read the thread referenced??

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-23 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 01:21 +, Ben Taylor wrote:
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Christopher Chan wrote:
  On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 08:51 AM, Gary wrote:
  On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  Yeah, I read the thread, and that aspect I do agree with.  The part that
  irked me was the this makes things more familiar for Ubuntu Linux users
  I must have missed that part of the thread but sudo predates Linux by at
  least ten years;
  It's the same old Solaris admin versus Linux admin thingy. Any
  shortcomings/non-existing feature in Solaris are ignored/brushed off and
  anything remotely 'Linux' related gets put on the grill immediately.
  I can understand wanting to keep the same interfaces but making rabid
  attacks on stuff that are additional just because they are the current Linux
  practice is really irrational. Hence stuff like sudo is a Linux thing...
 path of least resistance.  the do it for me attitude, instead of do it
 for myself.
 Are studio compilers free?  Yep.  Do many people use them?  Nope, because
 they are different from gcc, and things gcc/g++ let you get away break with
 the studio compilers because those were written to standards, not the whim
 of a developer.   And fixing said source might mean I have to spend a little
 more time making it Solaris ready, and then I might have to fight with the
 upstream maintainers, oh my.
 I'm not shocked.  In the least.

Interesting that you should bring this up because OI is going precisely
this direction.  See today's Transitioning from Sun Studio to gcc 
clang/llvm thread on oi-dev list.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-18 Thread Ken Gunderson
On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 17:05 +0100, Jonathan Adams wrote:
 pkg set-publisher -P -O

Well I'll be damned.  I missed the -P flag, wh/is apparently essential,
as that command worked.  I don't quite understand why setting as
preferred would make a difference though since this was a fresh oi 148b
install rather than OpenSolaris upgrade.

In any event, thanks for your assistance.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-13 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 21:00 +, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
 Hi Dan,
 Work has been underway for quite some time on our next build, and the release 
 is imminent.
 It is taking longer than anticipated though. Building a brand new community 
 around a codebase as large as OpenSolaris is no easy task, and we're having 
 to work with what Sun/Oracle provided, which is geared around their internal 
 Stay tuned!

Imminent meaning hours, days, weeks ... months...?? Could you provide a
bit more detail?

Also, it would be most excellent if your mua would wrap lines at an
appropriate length.

Thanks bunches :)

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-13 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 21:38 +, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
 Hi Ken,
 This month, unless some major showstopper crops up.
 Regarding my MUA, I'm out and about and sending from my blackberry - no 
 options available to me re line length. Sorry!

Ah!  Thanks bunches.  I was just installing 148b on a test box and if it
was matter of couple days I'd just waited.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-13 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 21:38 +, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
 Hi Ken,
 This month, unless some major showstopper crops up.

P.S. - any info w.r.t. repository package updates, e.g. LibreOffice,
PostgreSQL, etc.  Will such coincide with release or come later?

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Update info?

2011-05-13 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Fri, 2011-05-13 at 16:40 -0700, ken mays wrote:
 Hi Ken,
 OI Release Engineering stated that construction of the consolidation images 
 were underway so expectation is within the upcoming week (or two). Mainly 
 said, TBA - but it was recently reported that there were no major 
 showstoppers as of today. Let them spin their magic wands in the meanwhile!
 As of the other packages, there are some packages targeted after release and 
 some available now. Check with the individual OI maintainers on that.
 Best thing is check oi_148(b)/IPS on any issues and ensure any issues get 
 reported (and mentioned on oi-dev as well).
 ~ Ken Mays

That is great news.  Boy, it's been a long time coming and it will be
good for the project to have an actual release.

Spent a few hours putzing around with 148b today and it seems good.
Other than I still have to run update_drv to get it to see my Quadro

With all the work necessary to get base OS ready for release post Oracle
take over my expectations w.r.t. package updates were none too high.
Still, this is one thing that will make or break OI with folks prompted
to take OI for a test drive post release announcement so I thought there
might have been some efforts going on behind the scenes in this regard.
For example, and I know it's out of the realm of reality, it would be a
big deal pr wise if the release shipped with Gnome 3, because, sadly,
bleeding edge package availability is the yardstick w/wh/many judge.

Thanks for the update.  
Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] sound juicer doesn't propose mp3 as output?

2011-05-09 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Mon, 2011-05-09 at 09:32 +0200, solarg wrote:
 hello all,
 i have oi_148. I want to extract my own personal cds on mp3 player, but 
 sound juicer doesn't propose this format. However, mp3 exists in 
 Preferences-Profiles, with this Gstreamer pipeline:
 audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 
 vbr-quality=6 ! id3v2mux
 but i'm unable to select it.
 Is there something missing?

Yes, the lame encoder package, wh/is not available in openindiana
repositories due to license and patent issues.  Options include 1)
switching to less patent encumbered such as ogg/vobis, 2) hunt down the
lame source bits and compile yourself, 3) there used to be a couple
unofficial repositories located in countries with less anal patent laws
that provided various patent encumbered multimedia related packages, but
that was back in OpenSolaris days and I'm not sure if they're presently
extant, and 4) switch to different platform, e.g. Slackware/Salix that
is less concerned about being sued and bold enough to provides prebuilt

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] sound juicer doesn't propose mp3 as output?

2011-05-09 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Mon, 2011-05-09 at 11:53 +0100, Chris Ridd wrote:
 On 9 May 2011, at 09:43, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  Yes, the lame encoder package, wh/is not available in openindiana
  repositories due to license and patent issues.  Options include 1)
  switching to less patent encumbered such as ogg/vobis, 2) hunt down the
  lame source bits and compile yourself, 3) there used to be a couple
  unofficial repositories located in countries with less anal patent laws
 That would include the master (UK-based!) OpenIndiana repository, wouldn't it?

I'm unsure of UK laws in this regard, but would be interested if someone
more knowledgeable would provide clarification.  I pretty much use Flac
and ogg/vorbis myself but it would be nice to have mp3 encoder, video
codes, etc. available.  I think the free Fluendo mp3 codecs actually
sound a bit better than the gstreamer defaults commonly available and
they also have for fee video codecs but I think their stuff is limited
to decoding.

P.S.; Thank you for not top posting :)  Seems to be an ever increasing
nasty habit these days.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] rsync snapshot backups?

2011-04-30 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 14:40 -0400, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
 Here's a question for y'all.  I have two linux servers I want to back up 
 to my OI NAS/SAN.  What I've been playing with is a simple script that 
 runs on the OI box, and does an ssh to each of the linux servers, with 
 the command being an rsync back to the OI box.  rsyncd on OI is setup to 
 allow connection from each specific IP for the filesystem in question.  
 Each stanza in the rsyncd.conf file has a post command hook that takes a 
 snapshot with the datetime on the end.  I've been googling for how 
 others do this, and have found a number of competing solutions, none of 
 which seem to do all of what I want.  Frex:, which creates 
 rolling backups on daily/weekly/monthly basis with retention times - so 
 far so good, but it doesn't actually do any backing up.  I also found 
 rsbackup (based on freebsd?) which does the backing up, including 
 snapshotting, but doesn't seem to have any kind of snapshot expiration.  
 etc etc etc...  I was even thinking of switching from text-mode OI to 
 the GUI so I can install time slider - that would work if there was some 
 kind of script I could tell it to run before doing the snapshot (and 
 said script would run the rsyncs).  At this point, I feel like I'm 
 standing out in the field trying to figure out which way to go :)  Any 
 thoughts?  Thanks!

Baccula would perhaps be overkill, but get you what you're after in
terms of expirations, pre  post scripts, etc.  A bit more complex to
set up for small onsie and twosie networks but then again once done it's
pretty much autopilot from there on out.

Amaanda could do similar but last time I evaluated open source
enterprise backup solutions Baccula was the clear winner for my needs.
Amanda has since seen some developer love so would be worth taking a
fresh look.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Nvidia GT430

2011-04-12 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 22:30 -0400, Jeff Goldrich wrote:
 This graphics card is 'verified' to work on OI 148 but exactly how remains a
 mystery to me. My GTX 460 installs fine however my Galaxy GT 430 is not
 recognized. If I click on Nvidia x server settings and do a  nvidia-xconfig
 and save the config file, I end up in text mode upon reboot. If I try to
 fool the system and do a fresh install with the GTX 460 and then swap it
 out... I get a blank white screen after password.
 I have tried to install many times with the same result..
 What am I missing?

Not enough information to draw any conclusions but perhaps related to
issues I was having with my Quadro 600.  In the end I did get it
working.  Search archives a couple months back for thread entitled
something like Quadro 600 - No Joy, followed up by a problem solved
subject.  Sorry, I don't have more time at present to get into the
details, but hopefully the thread proves productive.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Pancakes vs. Waffles

2011-04-01 Thread Ken Gunderson
Hello List:

Waffles rule.  Pancakes really, really suck.  So do people who like
pancakes.  Pancakes get really soggy, especially after you pour on the
syrup.  The world would be much better off without pancakes.  Unless
they're sourdough and grilled just right. Or you're camping.  But then
they still take too long to cook and use up a lot of stove fuel.  So
really, the smarter solution is to just drive to town and get waffles
for breakfast.  

Waffles are far superior in that the nook and crannies created by the
waffle pattern result in greater surface to volume ratio.  Combine this
with being cooked in a waffle iron and you get a more crisp exterior
that offers a far superior surface for containing maple syrup.  Not to
mention a much more interesting mouth feel.

Speaking of syrup, real maple syrup is the best.  Fake syrup really,
really sucks.  So do people who manufacture, market, and buy it.  I
mean, it's totally unhealthy with all that high fructose corn syrup. Not
to mention all the oil energy required to grow it. If not for all the
govt. subsidies,  the cost of production would far exceed any
economically viable use of corn for things like high fructose corn
syrup, ethanol to add to gasoline, etc. Indeed, the US Government has
become totally corrupted by BIG Corn. 

It's all part of the big agriculture, big corn conspiracy to rule the
US, if not the entire world. We are therefore socially obligated to
boycott corn.  People who eat corn are fascists. Unless it's corn you
grew in your garden. I like green beans much better anyhow.  And sweet

Speaking of fructose, 5 carbon sugars suck.  People who like 5 carbon
sugars also really suck. 6 carbon glucose is much more elegant.  The
tyranny of symmetry is a good thing.  Embrace it.  

Warm regards--  Ken

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Linux vs. Solaris

2011-03-30 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 11:42 +0800, Allan E. Registos wrote:
 On Wednesday, 30 March, 2011 10:22 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  Who ever said anything about K/Ubuntu, mon?  Imho, Ubuntu is for lamers
  who're not quite bright enough to use a real operating system
 Let us hope that Unity won't get any OI support anytime soon, and most 
 Linux users were lame and were unable to use a real operating system, as 
 per your IMHO, and so ISVs supporting Ubuntu/Red Hat before everything 
 Let us learn to live and work with each other and stop *bashing,* and 
 stop that elitist's mentality. Linux is here to stay, and so BSD, 
 Windows  Solaris derivatives, for it is so inconvenient to read things 
 from BSD/Solaris folks often bashing Linux.
 Yeah, you have ZFS now what? Application support please.
 Kind regards,

Ubuntu != Linux.  Sadly, as some earlier replies might suggest, for many
it seems to.  Hence my tongue in cheek comments.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Linux vs. Solaris

2011-03-29 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 07:51 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
 On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 04:15 AM, Gabriel de la Cruz wrote:
  The Solaris OS was carefully designed as a product, Linux is a
  combination of technollogies carefully developed to interact with
  eachother but created in independent projects. Both of them a very
  well made, but the way how all the parts within Solaris relate to
  eachother is more consistent.
  Solaris and linux are like 2 different languages, both ritch on their
  own way, why shoulnt we write phylosopy in German?
 Er...certainly the core is a carefully designed product but I would not 
 go so far as to claim the whole of Solaris is a carefully designed product.
 Anyway, when will KDE be brought on board instead of that directionless 
 excuse for a desktop environment called GNOME?

Ha!  Why anyone would want, or indeed, could even use that bug ridden
pos they call kde these days is beyond me

fyi- I was a kde1, 2, and to some extent kde3 user before I gave up and
switched to Xfce4.  Changing platform to OS made Gnome one of the pills
I had to swallow.  And a jagged little pill it was, as I formerly
detested it.  After some time using it, however, I began to appreciate
Gnome.  I test drive the latest and not so greatest KDE4 from time to
time on Linux boxes and am amazed at just how badly they missed it

The point being, to each their own.  Gnome works on Solaris.  And pretty
much works on OI.  Better places to invest limited developer engergies
and talent than incorporating KDE, imho.  You got a really, really bad

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Linux vs. Solaris

2011-03-29 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 09:03 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
 On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 08:00 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 07:51 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
  On Wednesday, March 30, 2011 04:15 AM, Gabriel de la Cruz wrote:
  The Solaris OS was carefully designed as a product, Linux is a
  combination of technollogies carefully developed to interact with
  eachother but created in independent projects. Both of them a very
  well made, but the way how all the parts within Solaris relate to
  eachother is more consistent.
  Solaris and linux are like 2 different languages, both ritch on their
  own way, why shoulnt we write phylosopy in German?
  Er...certainly the core is a carefully designed product but I would not
  go so far as to claim the whole of Solaris is a carefully designed product.
  Anyway, when will KDE be brought on board instead of that directionless
  excuse for a desktop environment called GNOME?
  Ha!  Why anyone would want, or indeed, could even use that bug ridden
  pos they call kde these days is beyond me
  fyi- I was a kde1, 2, and to some extent kde3 user before I gave up and
  switched to Xfce4.  Changing platform to OS made Gnome one of the pills
  I had to swallow.  And a jagged little pill it was, as I formerly
  detested it.  After some time using it, however, I began to appreciate
  Gnome.  I test drive the latest and not so greatest KDE4 from time to
  time on Linux boxes and am amazed at just how badly they missed it
 Yes, Kubuntu is a complete disaster. Not the KDE team's fault though I 
 don't think. The Kubuntu devs botched it real bad. On another note, I 
 have heard that users of KDE on OpenSolaris are happy with it?

Who ever said anything about K/Ubuntu, mon?  Imho, Ubuntu is for lamers
who're not quite bright enough to use a real operating system

 I stopped using OpenSolaris as a desktop after I have had enough of GNOME...

My experience is opposite - the more I use Gnome, the greater my
appreciation.  Every once in a while I go retro and take Xfce or LXDE
for a spin, or even more retro and roll by own on top of OpenBOX.  While
each has it's pros and cons, I keep coming back to Gnome because it just
works and I've better things to do with my time than tweak my
workstation desktop ad nauseum.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Solaris Express server name broadcast

2011-03-06 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Sun, 2011-03-06 at 09:58 -0500, weknox wrote:
 Two points I believe are germane:
 1.  This is a tempest in a teapot.  Get outside and plant some flowers.  
 It's Spring, or at least nearly so.
 2.  WTF?  There is no moral obligation to help?  There is *always* a 
 moral obligation to help someone in distress - or one who simply needs 
 help - in a caring community.  If someone is reading and writing on this 
 list then they obviously belong to us, at least at this point in time.  
 Give them a hand.  Granted, there may be some point in time when the 
 users are too numerous here that posts may need to be edited but I don't 
 think that's today - otherwise we wouldn't all be stirring this little 
 teapot so vigorously.  Don't allow your irritation at Oracle (or Sun) 
 from interfering with our new community.

Talk about a tempest in a teapot - and then go on to extend my comment
about moral imperative to act as a support channel for commercial
product to turning a blind eye to someone in distress.  Get some
perspective here. The OP asked a question, to which they did not receive
an adequate answer.  Two posters made a couple gruff remarks about this
not being the most appropriate forum for the query at hand, for which
they apologized.

Later posters then edited my post to omit my actual text and also took
what I did say out of context in an apparently thinly guised effort to
rebuke my supposed villany and make mountains out of mole hills. So I'll
set the record straight and then be done with this drama. I did not say
anything about not being helpful. Pointing someone to the most
appropriate forum/repository of requisite expertise is being helpful,
even if worded a bit caustically or grumpily. Politely pointing - my
actual verbiage - people thusly is being both helpful and friendly. And,
it may well be argued, more effective, especially when the quick answer
was not to be had here.

Peace-- ken

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Quadro 600 No Joy - Solved

2011-02-28 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Mon, 2011-02-28 at 10:59 -0500, Gary Gendel wrote:
 This particular v20z refuses to update to the latest firmware, but bge 
 works properly for OpenSolaris up to and including 134b so it looks to 
 be a change to the bge driver found in Oi 147 or 148.  There is another 
 issue where apcupsd wouldn't run because of some change in libusb as 
 well.  Recompling from source wouldn't fix that problem either.
 Unfortunately, this is my home router, file, web, mail, et. al. server 
 so I can't do extended experimentation and debugging.
 That a second person saw a CPU issue with the bge driver makes me (want) 
 to believe something changed in the driver source to cause this.

Just to add to the data point, this exact same system (sans the Qudaro)
worked for many months with bge as primary NIC under various iterations
of Nevada and OpenSolaris.  So I would concur with Gary that the fault
is something introduced post 134b, but remedied in Illumos based 148a.
The 2865 also has onboard nge, and that works fine, wh/I makes ruling
out something else in the stack a pretty safe bet.

I've been up to my ears with other things, but am curious if anyone has
checked Illumos bug tracker?

Best regards-- Ken

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Quadro 600 No Joy - Solved

2011-02-27 Thread Ken Gunderson
Well, I guess I have this solved. Sort of??  I can now startx with the
nvidia drivers loaded but one of my cores stays pegged at 80%.  At least
on oi-dev148.  Still need to test this fix on 148a.  

I did some searching on the gfx_private error.  Got lots of hits.  One
of which was this OpenSolaris bug report:

This clued me into running scanpci, whereupon I noted, similarly to the
bug reports i915 device driver is bound twice problem, my Quadro is
also bound twice:

pci bus 0x0005 cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x0df8
 nVidia Corporation Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x10de card 0x0835 (nVidia Corporation, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0010  COMMAND 0x0047
  CLASS 0x03 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0xa1
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x00  CACHE 0x08
  BASE0 0xfa00 SIZE 16777216  MEM
  BASE1 0xc800 SIZE 134217728  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  BASE3 0xd600 SIZE 33554432  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  BASE5 0x6c00 SIZE 128  I/O
  BASEROM   0x  addr 0x
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x0b

pci bus 0x0005 cardnum 0x00 function 0x01: vendor 0x10de device 0x0bea
 nVidia Corporation Device unknown
 CardVendor 0x10de card 0x0835 (nVidia Corporation, Card unknown)
  STATUS0x0010  COMMAND 0x0046
  CLASS 0x04 0x03 0x00  REVISION 0xa1
  BIST  0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x00  CACHE 0x08
  BASE0 0xfbffc000 SIZE 16384  MEM
  BASEROM   0x  addr 0x
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x02  INT_LINE 0x05

I tired running update_drv, but didn't have the correct incantation.

It was suggested that my Quadro was not being detected by Xorg.  Yeah,
that much I'd groked.  But why not?  nVidia has subsequently released
newer drivers than those shipped with OI, so I was getting ready to give
them a try, when I spied following in the README:

The X server does not start and shows the error

Cannot open /dev/fb (No such file or directory)

Your graphics card may be newer than the NVIDIA Accelerated Solaris
Graphics Driver Set, meaning that its PCI device ID may not have been
included in the installation scripts and therefore not added to the
file /etc/driver_aliases. To manually register the graphics card,
proceed as follows:

  * Determine the PCI device ID of your graphics card with the

# /usr/X11/bin/scanpci

For example a Quadro FX500 appears as:

pci bus 0x0009 cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x032b
 nVidia Corporation NV34GL [Quadro FX 500/600 PCI]

The PCI vendor ID is '10de', the PCI device ID is '32b'.

  * Become root and register the PCI device ID with the command

# update_drv -a -i 'pci10de,' nvidia

 is the PCI device ID returned by the scanpci command. Drop
any leading zeroes. Note that pci10de, is nested between a
set of single-quote/double-quote double-quote/single-quote. For

# update_drv -a -i 'pci10de,32b' nvidia

  * Reboot with the command

# reboot -- -r

Full text here:

This was just too familiar to the OpenSolaris bug report not to catch my
eye, so this time around I dropped the -v flag from scanpci.  Relevant
output here:

pci bus 0x0005 cardnum 0x00 function 0x00: vendor 0x10de device 0x0df8
 nVidia Corporation Device unknown

pci bus 0x0005 cardnum 0x00 function 0x01: vendor 0x10de device 0x0bea
 nVidia Corporation Device unknown

Followed by;

#update_drv -a -i 'pci10de,df8'

I'd previously been unfamiliar with the -- -r flag, and after reading
man reboot and man boot am still unclear as to just what this does, but
whatever, it seems to have done the trick, as I was presented with gdm
login welcome screen and Xorg.0.log reports that my Quadro is now being

(II) Feb 28 04:18:59 NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU Quadro 600 (GF108GL) at
PCI:5:0:0 (GPU-0)
(--) Feb 28 04:18:59 NVIDIA(0): Memory: 1048576 kBytes
(--) Feb 28 04:18:59 NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS:
(II) Feb 28 04:18:59 NVIDIA(0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
(--) Feb 28 04:18:59 NVIDIA(0): Interlaced video modes are supported on
this GPU

Yeah! :)  

But one of my cores is pegged whilst just idling.  Boo Hiss!! :(

Hmmm... just booted with the vesa drivers and core is still pegged.
Maybe not an nVidia driver issue.  I'll follow up once I get a chance to
test this with 148a.

Perhaps this was obvious to Solaris guru's but I'm not and offer the
above in the hope it saves someone else some time running down similar
issue in the future.

Regards-- Ken

On Sat, 2011-02-26 at 23:45 -0700, Ken Gunderson wrote:
 Greetings All:
 I explored this a bit more.  Got rid of the glx complaints by
 bumping /usr/X11 to top listing

[OpenIndiana-discuss] quadro 600 on oi-dev-148a - no joy :(

2011-02-26 Thread Ken Gunderson
Hello All You Happy People:)

Well, I finally tracked down a #00 Phillips screw driver so I could swap
out the factory low profile mount for a standard height on my new Quadro
600.  Unfortunately, oi loads only with vesa driver. Boo Hiss!!

Booting to console and forcing nvidia drivers in xorg.conf pukes up glx
initialization failures.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the nvidia
drivers, glx extensions, etc., but results were the same with both
simple xorg.conf specifying nvidia driver and Xorg -configure generated
xorg.conf.  See attached log and xorg.conf's.  

nvidia's website and marketing stuff conveniently omits anything about
supported cpu's, but the actual packaging stipulates processor

*Intel Core i5, i7 or Xeon processor or later
* AMD Phenom or Opteron class processor or later

The system is Tyan S2865 based, sporting any Opteron 180,  4GB ECC,

Ideas?  Thanks in advance.

Ken Gunderson
Section Device
Identifier  Card0
Driver  nvidia
Section ServerLayout
Identifier Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section Files
ModulePath   /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64
ModulePath   /usr/X11/lib/modules/
FontPath catalogue:/etc/X11/fontpath.d

Section Module
Load  dri2
Load  dri
Load  ia
Load  dbe
Load  extmod
Load  glx

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Mouse0
Driver  mouse
Option  Protocol auto
Option  Device /dev/mouse
Option  ZAxisMapping 4 5 6 7

Section Monitor
Identifier   Monitor0

Section Device
Identifier  Card0
Driver  nvidia
VendorName  ATI Technologies Inc
BoardName   Rage XL
BusID   PCI:5:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 1
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 4
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 8
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 15
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 16
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] quadro 600 on oi-dev-148a - no joy :(

2011-02-26 Thread Ken Gunderson
Apparently Mailman trimmed xorg.log.  Sending again, sans the

Hello All You Happy People:)

Well, I finally tracked down a #00 Phillips screw driver so I could swap
out the factory low profile mount for a standard height on my new Quadro
600.  Unfortunately, oi loads only with vesa driver. Boo Hiss!!

Booting to console and forcing nvidia drivers in xorg.conf pukes up glx
initialization failures.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the nvidia
drivers, glx extensions, etc., but results were the same with both
simple xorg.conf specifying nvidia driver and Xorg -configure generated
xorg.conf.  See attached log and xorg.conf's.  

nvidia's website and marketing stuff conveniently omits anything about
supported cpu's, but the actual packaging stipulates processor

*Intel Core i5, i7 or Xeon processor or later
* AMD Phenom or Opteron class processor or later

The system is Tyan S2865 based, sporting any Opteron 180,  4GB ECC,

Ideas?  Thanks in advance.

Ken Gunderson
OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] quadro 600 on oi-dev-148a - no joy - Xoeg.log output

2011-02-26 Thread Ken Gunderson
: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(II) Loading sub module wfb
(II) LoadModule: wfb
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/
(II) Module wfb: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(II) Loading sub module ramdac
(II) LoadModule: ramdac
(II) Module ramdac already built-in
(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
(II) NVIDIA(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
Default Screen Section for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
(==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(**) Feb 26 18:02:42 NVIDIA(0): Enabling RENDER acceleration
(EE) Feb 26 18:02:42 NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please 
check in your X
(EE) Feb 26 18:02:42 NVIDIA(0): log file that the GLX module has been 
loaded in your X
(EE) Feb 26 18:02:42 NVIDIA(0): server, and that the module is the NVIDIA 
GLX module.  If
(EE) Feb 26 18:02:42 NVIDIA(0): you continue to encounter problems, Please 
(EE) Feb 26 18:02:42 NVIDIA(0): reinstalling the NVIDIA driver.
(EE) Feb 26 18:02:45 NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!
(II) UnloadModule: nvidia
(II) UnloadModule: wfb
(II) UnloadModule: fb
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

Please consult the OpenIndiana, based on X.Org Foundation  OpenSolaris sources 
 for help. 
Please also check the log file at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for additional 

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Explain the Goal of oi

2011-02-26 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Sat, 2011-02-26 at 19:35 -0600, Harry Putnam wrote:
 I'm getting a little confused about what OI is trying to do exactly.
 I changed to oi with Opensolaris looked untenable due to oracle
 maneuvers, expecting to see a basic continuation of what was happing
 from b 101 up to 134.
 I've been seeing little snippets of subjects and the like that seem to
 indicate that oi is merging with Illumini (no sure what that is called
 by full name).
 If that is the case what, in general,  will that mean?  I noticed my
 subscription to illuminos-discuss has produced 6 msgs since the end of Jan.
 So can someone fill me in, just in general, what the plan is over
 the next yr or so?

OpenSolaris, despite it's name, to the contrary still contained non free
bits that Sun _still_ hadn't gotten around to replacing when Oracle took
over and nuked OpenSolaris.  Illumos is more akin to the Linux kernel -
an open core around which distributions may be constructed.  OI aims
to be one such distribution but hasn't quite gotten there yet because
Illumos hasn't quite gotten there yet...  But they're getting closer.
Hence the discussion.  Recently a developer spun an IllumsOS based
OpenIndiana Live Cd, dubbed oi-dev-148a.  Sans the as it's still Sun
ON based .

Clear as mud?

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Quadro 600 No Joy - Updated

2011-02-26 Thread Ken Gunderson
) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/amd64/
(II) Module IANAME: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension SolarisIA
(II) LoadModule: xtsol
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/amd64/
(II) Module xtsol: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension SUN_TSOL
(II) LoadModule: nvidia
(II) Loading /usr/X11/lib/modules/drivers/amd64/
(II) Module nvidia: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
(II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver  256.44  Thu Jul 29 02:06:07 PDT 2010
(II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 05@00:00:0
(II) Loading sub module fb
(II) LoadModule: fb
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/
(II) Module fb: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(II) Loading sub module wfb
(II) LoadModule: wfb
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/amd64/
(II) Module wfb: vendor=X.Org Foundation
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
(II) Loading sub module ramdac
(II) LoadModule: ramdac
(II) Module ramdac already built-in
(WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support
(II) NVIDIA(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
Default Screen Section for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
(==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(**) Feb 27 06:31:57 NVIDIA(0): Enabling RENDER acceleration
(II) Feb 27 06:31:57 NVIDIA(0): Support for GLX with the Damage and
Composite X extensions is
(II) Feb 27 06:31:57 NVIDIA(0): enabled.
(EE) Feb 27 06:32:01 NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics
(II) UnloadModule: nvidia
(II) UnloadModule: wfb
(II) UnloadModule: fb
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

Please consult the OpenIndiana, based on X.Org Foundation  OpenSolaris
sources support 
 for help. 
Please also check the log file at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for additional

TIA-- Ken

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] OI_148a = 2/23/2011

2011-02-25 Thread Ken Gunderson
I note there was some discussion on oi-dev about pressing this to DVD
for SCALE.  There was also a plan for text installer stable release
for server target sometime in Feb. Given that integration of illumos
kernel seems to be getting favorable reports, is this still the plan or
will the release now be illumos based?

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Multifunction colour laser printer, for OSOL, OI ?

2011-02-17 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Thu, 2011-02-17 at 13:13 -0800, ken mays wrote:
 Check out the Brother MFC-9560CDW. 

Not familiar with this particular model but can attest that Brother in
general provides excellent bang for the buck.  Just stay away from

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Multifunction colour laser printer for OSOL, OI ?

2011-02-15 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Tue, 2011-02-15 at 09:24 +, Guy Woolley wrote:
 Hello all,
   Does anyone have positive experience of a currently 
 available (not legacy) Multifunction colour laser printer (duplex 
 printing,copy, scan, fax) running under recent OpenSolaris or OpenIndiana ?
 I have located 2 possible models:
 Samsung CLX-6220FX

No experience here.

 Manufacturer mentions a Unified driver for Linux
 Brother DCP-9055CDN

Experience with a few Brother models.  Presently an MFC-8860DN and
HL-1650N.  A few others at various client sites that I forget the model
numbers off the top of my head.

In my experience the key, at least w.r.t. the printing side is to get a
Postscript printer.  HP invented their competing printer control
language because they didn't want to have to pay Adobe royalties where
more of the processing is done client side and requires client side
drivers.  With Postscript printers most (all?) processing is done by the
printer engine.  Hence, as long as you have a postscript printer
definition file (ppd) you're good to go.  Otherwise you end up with
reverse engineered foomatic and may end up with a lag between release
and CUPS support. 

 manufacturer mentions CUPS driver download.

Now that CUPS is become defacto *nix standard, it's good to see some
manufacturers supporting it out of the gate.  But I'd still opt for a
Postscript, or Brother's functionally equivalent BR Script printer -
they'll run forever w/o any need for driver updates.  

AFAIK, CUPS is not going to get your scanner or fax working though.  For
scanner you need SANE and I've minimal experience there.  I think HPLIP
gives SANE an interface to HP scanners but haven't a clue as to which
models are currently supported.

 Any other suggestions v. welcome - or even report that the above do NOT 
 work, or that there is no such thing would be very useful.

Were I you, I'd also be looking at Lexmark.

 I've tried but didn't get anywhere.
 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions Advice

2011-02-14 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 16:48 -0800, Edward Martinez wrote:
  Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 11:41:29 +
  Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions  Advice
You just need to look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change vesa to nv 
  - that should do it. My Xorg.conf file reads simply.

 Section ServerLayout
 Identifier Configured
 Screen  0  Screen0 0 0

Perhaps you may have something amiss with the Screen line in your
ServerLayout section.  Don't you need quotes, e.g. shouldn't it read
something more like:

Screen  Screen 1 

Or in your case Screen0??

What happens when you grep /var/log/Xorg.0.log for WW and EE?

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

[OpenIndiana-discuss] Second Look at OI Stable Proposal (was Re: Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch)

2011-02-13 Thread Ken Gunderson
I was just taking a second (well, actually third) look at this and the
more important baby (IMAP) was thrown out with the bath water (MTA

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 11:50 -0700, Ken Gunderson wrote:
 On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 20:36 +, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
  Hi All,

 Despite all it's goodness, one, if not the, primary detractor to Open
 Solaris's uptake was a paucity of 3rd party packages. Postponing until
 IllumOS integraton would allow more time for the repository to be
 updated and fleshed out, thereby creating a better initial impression of
 fresh and up to date Open Solaris based system. If the minimal
 supported server now path is chosen, then I think there really needs to
 be some POP3/IMAP package on the list, because it's not all just about
 web servers.  Cyrus or Dovecot would be good choices.

The proposed minimal set of packages to be supported is very web server
centric.  Email is still a BIG component of the Internet and I believe
that at least one IMAP package should be included in the supported list.
And that package should be either Dovecot (simpler) or Cyrus (bigger
enterprise ready and more RFC conformant).  There are many people
running large Cyrus ZFS installations on Solaris based systems (although
many OpenSolaris may have migrated by now) so I think it might not bee
too difficult if we approached the appropriate Cyrus mailing list with a
request to package for OI.  Probably similarly for Dovecot, as last I
communicated with Timo (admittedly in early Dovecot development) he was
very helpful guy.  My personal preference would be for Cyrus because of
the RFC feature/conformance aspect.

Also, I think SSH needs to be added to the supported list.  I'm sure
this one was merely an oversight.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Second Look at OI Stable Proposal (was Re: Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch)

2011-02-13 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Sun, 2011-02-13 at 19:58 +, Deano wrote:
 Hi Ken,
 Most of us agree that the more packages and more of a cross section the
 stable build has, the better. 
 However the main issue is supporting it, it's not simply packaging, its
 maintaining it to a high enough standard to be considered stable, if
 someone can come forward and not only offer a package but be willing to look
 after it, follow the security alerts, package and patch it, then great.
 For now we have some great people supporting many packages and
 consolidation, but getting more into the stable list requires more people
 interested in helping.

I understand that.  Be that as it may, however, consider the perception
of a potential end user who hears about OI's stable server release and
takes if for a test spin, only to learn that there's not even one
single, solitary supported IMAP package.  Last I looked, email was #1
use of the Internet, followed by WWW.  Granted it's been a couple years
since I last checked, but if email is not #1 I'll wager it's close
behind as #2.

Hence, in m view, that seems like a huge sector to be blowing off.
Especially in light of comparatively rich support on the web framework
front; apache, php, java, tomcat, python, ruby,  perl.  As well as
having other major Internet service bases covered between Bind 
Sendmail, and not one, but two RDBMS systems.  An IMAP option is, ohmo,
is an essential component server side and the lack thereof not only
leaves a huge gaping hole, but also potentially paints a target for
negative evaluations and reviews.

I  don't really speak for the OI dev community so did not feel like it
was my place to solicit help from e.g. Cyrus dev community.  But I
suspect that if someone of a bit higher profile approached them they'd
be receptive.  Problem solved, no? 

I say Cyrus becuase I've used pretty much all of these at one time or
another and in modern times the choice pretty much boils down to Cyrus
or Dovecot.  Dovecot is less feature complete and under more active
development.  Cyrus would therefore likely involve less effort on the
pkg maintenance side.

My $0.02. I'm just trying to help.  

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions Advice

2011-02-10 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 05:55 -0800, ken mays wrote:
 To Ken Gunderson,
 The Quadro 600 works fine.

Thanks, Ken.  How's the noise on that unit in a quiet room/office
environment?  In my experience larger diameter fans running at lower
rpm's are preferable to smaller units spinning fast. nVidia specs as
under 23 db but you can never believe marketing :(  I give much higher
credence to actual end users :)

 If you want a basic low-cost graphics card, you can use the GeForce GT 430 or 
 NVIDIA 9600 GT which is available in most stores today for about $50-$80 USD. 
 I suggest the Nvidia 9600 GT if you're a casual 3D user (i.e. gaming or 
 otherwise), or the GT 430 if you need something more 'low profile'...

I'm personally okay with the under $200 price point

 I'll update the HCL to reflect 'cheaper' cards.

But it's good to have some under $100 cards on the list :)

Thanks to all who replied. I think I'm going to grab a quadro 600,
unless Ken comes back with unfavorable db reports. 

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions Advice

2011-02-10 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 09:00 -0800, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
 On 02/09/11 21:52, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  I need a new graphics card for an older system (PCIE-1.0). I don't game,
  do graphics, rendering, etc. so don't need high end - just a good
  workstation unit that supports OpenGL, good color accuracy, and draws
  square squares :)  Occasional DVD's are probably about the most GPU
  intensive use the system sees. Noisy fans and failed fan bearings are a
  drag, so passive cooling is a plus, but not always a must as long as the
  card doesn't make the box sound like a hovercraft.
 I've been happy with:
 in a system built around a Tyan S2865-family motherboard(which may well 
 qualify as an older system now).  Passive cooling.  Drives two 24 
 LCD's quite happily.
 That model fits in a pcie x16 slot.  i believe there's also a pcie x1 
 slot version if you really don't need performance...

Thanks for the pointer.  The 295 also made my short list and the passive
cooling is a plus.  The Quadro 600 seems like a lot more card for not
very much more money, however, and since Ken reports first hand that the
600 is nice and quiet, seemed like the way to go.  Now that I have first
hand report of the 295, I'll give it a bit more thought and
consideration, as even though the 600 is quiet, the box runs pretty much
24x7 and no moving parts to wear out is a plus.

PCIE2 cards downgrade to PCIE1 (and vice versa), you just loose the
extra bandwidth.  At least that's the theory w.r.t. the spec.  I've yet
to actually try it.

Oh yeah, and an S2865 based system is exactly what it will be calling
home. Only single 24 LCD at present.  

Thanks again to all-- Ken

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] GPU HCL - nVidia Questions Advice

2011-02-10 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 05:55 -0800, ken mays wrote:
 To Ken Gunderson,
 The Quadro 600 works fine.
 If you want a basic low-cost graphics card, you can use the GeForce GT 430 or 
 NVIDIA 9600 GT which is available in most stores today for about $50-$80 USD. 
 I suggest the Nvidia 9600 GT if you're a casual 3D user (i.e. gaming or 
 otherwise), or the GT 430 if you need something more 'low profile'...
 I'll update the HCL to reflect 'cheaper' cards.

Lol, latest update now includes the Quadro 6000 and some other not so
inexpensive models. Hope you're not paying for this stuff out of your
own pocket ;-P

 To Guy, 
 Colin Ellis is reviewing the issues with DRI/DMA support for the Illumos 
 team. A patch fix is available through Oracle's X team for the reported 
 bug/CR 7001754 (not officially committed yet to resolve bug so I'll say 'no' 
 for the record).
 Sidenote: I've tested the Nvidia drivers up to v260.19.36 with OI 148.
 With the default drivers included, you can go as high-end as the Quadro 6000.

Does anyone else think it might be nice to have an additional, separate
list for cards supported by the default drivers?

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] BSD Magazine mentions OpenIndiana

2011-01-26 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Wed, 2011-01-26 at 10:09 +, Jonathan Adams wrote:
 True, but then Sun did mess up by abandoning Solaris x86 (last release
 Solaris 8) just at the time that it (x86) really took off, and in
 realising their mistake started producing Solaris x86 (First release
 late Solaris 9) ...
 It caused us problems and headaches because we ran Oracle on one of
 our servers (although we had some Sparc in house at the time) and
 Oracle said that they were going to stop supporting x86.
 We now have only 1 Sparc box left, about 30 x86 Solaris 10 boxes ...
 and currently 1 OpenIndiana laptop ...

Only 1 *Solaris box left here as well - and that's my workstation daily
driver.  Been meaning to getting around to switching it over to FreeBSD
but time has slipped by.  

I took 148-dev for a short test drive shortly after release and man,
OI is so sluggish as to be pretty much unusable as a desktop and I just
wrote it off as a dev release, still not ready for prime time.  

Subsequently Alasdair posted his stable release proposal, which made me
think I needed to revisit OI and take a closer look.  Then this BSD mag
article comes out.  Interestingly, the article author acknowledges that
it takes forever and a day to boot, but then comments on it performing

I installed in on an exact clone of my workstation (presently
OS-2009.06) and the difference was like night and day.  I didn't have
time to look into it at all but mayhaps some major x server changes?
Graphics card is Radeon RV370, wh/uses radeon driver on the os box, but
Gnome being so slow makes me wonder if maybe OI was defaulting to vga?

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch

2011-01-25 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 21:52 +, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
 Hi Ken,
 On 25 Jan 2011, at 18:50, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 20:36 +, Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
  Hi All,
  I believe now would be a really good time for us to create our first 
  stable branch of OpenIndiana, given the timing of some developments within 
  the project.
  Was a consensus ever reached on this? 
 Yes, we're going ahead! :-) I'm hoping to target 2010.02 but it might slip to 
 2010.03, depending on how much work needs to be done to secure all the 
 packages and commit resources to monitoring security lists. We need more 
 volunteers willing to help adopt packages they'll look after.
 But I think there has been mass misunderstanding on what we are intending to 
 do, so I'll put it in the simplest possible terms.
 The stable branch will consist of us copying oi_148 from /dev into /release, 
 in its entirety, along with a few bug fixes and a bunch of security fixes. 
 We'll only make available the Text Installer ISO. We will then provide 
 security updates for a limited, defined set of software, for a limited period 
 (6 months, or until the next stable release is put out).
 No minimisation, no replacement of MTAs, no changes.
 Minimising the OS, or yanking out the core MTA, would require a huge amount 
 of work and break compatibility in a big way with the upstream Oracle source 
 we're still building. It's not something we're looking to do right now - 
 there are much more important bits of work needing to be done.
 Down the road in the future, replacing Sendmail with Postfix is something we 
 could do. But minimising the OS doesn't make sense. What's the difference 
 between Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop? As far as I'm aware, just the 
 package list. It's the same story with OpenIndiana - if you want to run a 
 server, do your install from the Text Installer ISO or the Automated 
 Installer ISO. You get a stripped down package set suitable for servers.
 We would like the Text Installer to be leaner and lighter, and we can 
 potentially achieve this at a later date by refactoring some of the packages, 
 and this is something we'd like to do.
 But for now, things like internationalisation (g11n), Illumos integration, 
 and providing security patches to a stable oi_148 branch are more important.
 You are right though about needing more software in our repos, and this is 
 something we do intend to do via the OIAC project, please see:
 If you'd like to help out with this, we'd love the support. We can provide 
 permanent build zones, help mentor you (or anybody else looking to help) and 
 explain how to do it. It's great to volunteer, you help others and it looks 
 good on the CV, and you get to meet people and make new friends, learn stuff 
 and gain skills.

Thank you for the clarification.  I'd followed the discussion, but was
unsure as to the final result.

As for packages, yes, this is something I would be willing to help out
on, but I am committed heavily to other projects at present and have
minimal spare time.  Given that, and operating on the premise that some
help is better than no help, I'm willing to do what I can.

The consolidation link above is prompting me for a username/pass to

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch

2011-01-25 Thread Ken Gunderson

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 10:58 -0800, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
 On 01/25/11 10:50 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:
  As for the MTA discussion, Postfix is pretty much a drop in replacement
  for Sendmail, and my vote would be to replace Sendmail entirely. 
 I still don't understand this subthread - if someone wants to start working
 on postfix as a development project for a future release, that makes sense,
 but doing it as a bug fix in a stable branch that's just supposed to be
 providing fixes for the b148 already shipped?   That just seems to violate
 the definition of a stable branch.   At the very least it should go into
 the development branch first to get some testing before you even consider
 backporting it to stable.
 (Not that I get a vote - that's up to the developers who actually do the
  work, not those of us just here to provide color commentary.)

Few are going to use Sendmail for anything other than sending notices to
root.  It would create a better first impression if OI shipped with a
modern MTA such as Postfix or Exim.  Postfix, being a drop in
replacement for Sendmail, would be relatively painless.  There's a
saying that you never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression. Also
that perception is 9/10ths of reality.

Sure, the *BSD ship with Sendmail, but that is mostly for historical
reasons and that nobody wants to get into a holy war as to what a more
modern default should be.  At the time Debian opted for Exim, Sendmail
was one security exploit after another waiting to happen, Postfix was
not yet in existence and Qmail, the other potential contender, had an
unacceptable license.  Several Linux distributions ship with Postfix.
Just because Oracle makes a poor decision and ships Sendmail doesn't
mean OI necessarily has to follow, no?

It's not a big deal to me.  I was expressing agreement with others
who've lobbied for Postfix. 

Ken Gunderson

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list