Re: [opensc-devel] W3C takes on Web+SecurityElements

2012-10-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/10/2012 13:23, Anders Rundgren ha scritto:

 What do you decipher from the following?
That Gemalto is interested in being an early player? :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-30 Thread NdK
Il 29/09/2012 09:01, Frank Cusack ha scritto:

 I knew something that didn't need trusted software (in the PC) should
 exist. And Finally I found it:
 Seems quite near to my idea of a really-smart card: big display to
 show transaction details and button to review/confirm/cancel (and, I
 hope, to insert a gesture that replaces the PIN...).
 Just evolve that a bit and it's perfect :)
 I agree, it's close.  Not that I've contacted them, but I doubt it's an
 actual shipping product.
I've already seen a smartcard that hosts a battery, a display and a
button in a standard ISO form factor (it uses the sc chip to henerate an
OTP every time the key is pressed), so 'technically' we're quite near to
a card that shows anamount to be authorized and a blinding factor for
the PIN (5 digits, to be added one-to one to the actual PIN, so snooping
the keyboard is useless), or even having an integrated pinpad to enter
the PIN w/o relying on an external device.

Too bad that producing such a card would require a big rethinking
(well, not too big, since something already exists along that lines),
and that costs quite a lot... EMV could surely do that, an hobbyist no
(unless his name is Bill Gates).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-27 Thread NdK
Il 23/09/2012 12:04, Andreas Jellinghaus ha scritto:

  In my mind, the SE should take over display and touch controller by
  hardware means, so absolutely no app can snoop user input or fake it.
  Too bad seems nobody really *needs* that level of security...
 The problem with that is that is impossible for a user to distinguish
 between a real PIN dialog and a fake ditto.  The SKS' work-around to
 this particular issue is that there is an OS-based PIN dialog and that
 keys can specify that they only accepts PINs through the system PIN
 (trusted path).
I knew something that didn't need trusted software (in the PC) should
exist. And Finally I found it:
Seems quite near to my idea of a really-smart card: big display to
show transaction details and button to review/confirm/cancel (and, I
hope, to insert a gesture that replaces the PIN...).
Just evolve that a bit and it's perfect :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-25 Thread NdK
Il 25/09/2012 07:58, Andreas Jellinghaus ha scritto:

 EMV for sure: there's an unauthenticated bit that tells the card to
 authenticate the transaction without asking for the PIN...
 Thats ok, it is a valid feature. If people buy something for less than a
 dollar, and the transaction is authenticated with the
 signature of a rsa key in the smart card, and we haven't reached the
 consecutive lower boundary amount yet, then simply
 approving the transaction is perfectly fine - getting a PIN or doing an
 online transaction isn't worth doing for such a small
 amount of money.
IIUC that bit is not authenticated, so a MITM attack can force both the
reader and the card think the other party doesn't support PIN auth,
making the card sign the transaction anyway, regardless the amount
involved. So IMVHO it's quite serious...

 Most vending machines still use modems and dial up for every transaction
 and hang up again later.
The stupid thing is that it seems they do the same for cellular-based
readers too... What a waste!

 Thats why card transactions are so slow. Once the standard is to have a
 permanent internet connection,
that won't change anything: many banks still use *mainframes* ! Some
still backup to (and transfer data with) tape *wheels* ! (when we
dismissed our IBM 9000, I think one of the tape units got sold to the
bank...). As long as it works, they don't change it.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-25 Thread NdK
Il 25/09/2012 11:50, Peter Stuge ha scritto:

 IIUC that bit is not authenticated, so a MITM attack can force both the
 reader and the card think the other party doesn't support PIN auth,
 making the card sign the transaction anyway, regardless the amount
 involved. So IMVHO it's quite serious...
Tks. That's the (or one of) article I remembered but couldn't find...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-24 Thread NdK
Il 22/09/2012 19:37, Anders Rundgren ha scritto:

 In my mind, the SE should take over display and touch controller by
 hardware means, so absolutely no app can snoop user input or fake it.
 Too bad seems nobody really *needs* that level of security...
 The problem with that is that is impossible for a user to distinguish
 between a real PIN dialog and a fake ditto.  The SKS' work-around to
 this particular issue is that there is an OS-based PIN dialog and that
 keys can specify that they only accepts PINs through the system PIN dialog
 (trusted path).
That's quite easy to avoid: once the SE takes over the display, it can
prompt the user with an user-supplied message . Visa is doing something
similar with securecode auth: when you're doing a payment, you get
redirected to their site, where you see a personalized prompt and have
to enter another password. If you don't see your own prompt, you don't
enter the password..

 If the user is presented a spoofed PIN dialog, the attacker may indeed get
 the PIN.  However, the attacker must also take the device as well in order
 to use it which makes the attack much less useful.
The only drawback would be that if the attacker, after stealing the
phone and hacking it to include the right message in the spoofer,
returns it to the legit user, waits for the spoof to intercept the PIN
and then steals it again... Quite unlikely :) and easily detectable: if
your phone disappeared, change the prompt before connecting again to
the payment service: if you still see the old prompt, better to reflash
the phone and change *all* your passwords.

 If the OS is hacked this doesn't help but it seems that this is not
 the biggest problem with mobile devices; it is rather determine what
 an app should be able to do or not.
If SE takes over HW access (this could include accelerometers, since
they could be used to infer where the user is tapping -- paranoid
enoug?), then it can be secure even if the OS got hacked.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-24 Thread NdK
Il 23/09/2012 11:52, Andreas Jellinghaus ha scritto:

 In my mind, the SE should take over display and touch controller by
 hardware means, so absolutely no app can snoop user input or fake it.
 Too bad seems nobody really *needs* that level of security...
 like credsticks from scifi novels decades ago? that owuld be a single use
 appliance, and I think easy to hack, similar how it is trivial to have a
 chip recording keystrokes placed inside a laptop etc. and I guess a multi
 app would be extreme complex and unlikely to be secure either.
Nope. Speaking of SE in smartphones here :)
You don't have much space inside a phone... Hopefully not enough to add
a logger chip. And a phone is really much more tamper evident than a

 hmm, a datasheat I found on smartmx for example does not mention a MMU.
 I guess it is onl a software implementation in the java interpreter, and
 that could be well faulty.
Software-emulated MMU, then. Since it's so simple, it could well be
worth the reduction in gates at the expense of a little longer run time
-- but you are already running java, not optimized asm...
 also how are things managed - how easy is it to setup things wrong?
That should be impossible, if the card only allows fixed-size apps and
went under throrought testing.

 Another question: if the applet manager is secure, then why change
 master keys before giving a card to customers?
 cards go throug a pipeline of ~4 entities and everyone has his own secret
Uhm... Found. If the key was publicly known, a reseller could easily
remove an applet and replace it with another using the same app id and
the final user wouldn't be able to know.
If only the card manager would allow a per-app removal key...

 My new impression is I would only need to use a smart card keycert with
 one site only - my SSO provider. Thus a plugin for that communication
 only would work well with me.
 As long as you can import/export your cert (better if keeping it
 protected by a password) then you can have quite good security using
 openid and an identity provider like startssl that authenticates you
 using that cert.
 certs don't need protection, only keys do. and being able to export a key
 is always a bad idea.
Unless you either can set up a multi-party RSA system or have another
way to recover a damaged key.
If exporting keys is always such a bad idea, then why root-CAs export
theirs? Simply to have a backup and obtain business continuity in case
of HSM failure.

 it is much better to be able to get a new certkey whenever you want on
 demand. e.g. enter your credentials
 (password, pin, tan, fingerprint, retina scan, secret handshake, whatever
 you think is secure) and then get/generate
 a new keypair and CSR and get the signed cert.
Unless you run a CA. :)

 as for openid, I thought there was some discussion about it - v1 too
 complex, not much agreement on v2 or so?
Complex? Seems quite easy...

 Always too many things under NDA or plainly unavailable, too often
 starting from comm specs...
comm=communication , sorry.

 common specs? I rather wonder: everyone invented something on his own, and
 when a standard came around, any change would break compatibility and more
 important require new certification rounds, thus would be expensive, thus
 everyyone preferred to not implement the standard. after all who wants to
 give users the choice to switch vendors? very bad idea, vendor lockin is
I'm still waiting for ACS to tell me something about how can I use my
cryptomate64 token. I could have its reader recognized, but ACOS5
protocol is still unsupported (I found a project, but it seems still in
its early stages...).

 other java cards than JCOP. And JCOP again is a prime example of a NDA
 thing, not a standard, right? or did it improve?
I have some JCOP cards, but just lately I found how to authenticate with
the card manager using Alexander Petric's hints for gpshell.
If I have't to sign NDAs to develop my own applets and load'em on card,
then for me it's open enough.
But I still don't know if I have enough info (for example: how do I
handle RSA crypto? I hope there's a library with public API for that...).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-24 Thread NdK
Il 24/09/2012 21:37, Andreas Jellinghaus ha scritto:

 no, I was refering to all the magic solutions that make things secure
there was a good comic strip I can't find just now...
Hackers view: oh, no, this laptop is protected by 4096-bit RSA... no way
we can recover it even with $100!
Grunt view: this laptop is locked... take this $5 wrench and beat off
the pass from the user.

Too bad it proves right... Here in Italy we've had many episodes of
people kidnapped to make their families let robbers enter well-protected
houses... :(

 Like sms-tan instead of pin+tan, or funny devices reading flickering
 info on some banks online system,
 or smart cards with biometrics on board, or
 $government-identified-super-secure-signing-cards or
 stupid de-mail (email with a postage cost of half an euro) which they
 try to sell in germany, and all this stuff.
Not to speak of italian posta certificata (certified mail, with
provable delivery so that it can have legal value)... :)

 EMV is of course totaly bloated and thus far too complex, and the whole
 idea of visa and mastercard keeping
 paypass and paywave confidential, even partners under NDA only get to
 see their bits, that is real stupid and insecure.
Maybe because they know it's not secure?
EMV for sure: there's an unauthenticated bit that tells the card to
authenticate the transaction without asking for the PIN...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Technical Description - Android Embedded SE

2012-09-22 Thread NdK
Il 22/09/2012 12:41, Andreas Jellinghaus ha scritto:

 In my mind keys could optionally contain application-oriented ACL
 telling which
 applications they trust so that even if you install a bad App, it
 would for
 example not be able to use your bank or eID-key in the background.
In my mind, the SE should take over display and touch controller by
hardware means, so absolutely no app can snoop user input or fake it.
Too bad seems nobody really *needs* that level of security...

 I must admit I don't know how many apps are managed and seperated. given
 the restricted resources a smart card has,
Think about how an MMU works: it keeps a table of pages assigned to an
app, and maps 'em in app's address space. An app have no way to access a
page outside its allowed address space. Nothing secret, here, and
doesn't require great resources.

 I only remember seeing code that would change master keys and put one
 app into a card, thus never bothered how it works in detail or how to
 manage resource, secure apps against each other etc. Also I wonder: does
 the vendor claim to have the security thight enough to prevent a hostile
 app from accessing data of another app? Or is it the usual all is
 secure, but we don't tell how it works,
 how to use it, and make no real guaranties anyway?
Another question: if the applet manager is secure, then why change
master keys before giving a card to customers?

 My new impression is I would only need to use a smart card keycert with
 one site only - my SSO provider. Thus a plugin for that communication
 only would work well with me.
As long as you can import/export your cert (better if keeping it
protected by a password) then you can have quite good security using
openid and an identity provider like startssl that authenticates you
using that cert.

 Not sure what to do about phone theft though - I really fear putting all
 the access credentials into one basket (my phone), plus a lot of
 personal information, so any thief would be able to
 impersonate me and access my mail, documents, banks, and much more.
For this I simply use keepass w/ its db synced over dropbox (and backed
up offline in multiple places). Obviously a thief wouldn't have my
master password, so the access to the db would be useless.

 In summary: my old expectations how to secure communication and use
 smart cards in them have gone many months ago, now I see the world
 very differently. My adventures into smart card business also make me
 wonder if trusting such an industry is a good thing.
Always too many things under NDA or plainly unavailable, too often
starting from comm specs...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Secure Credential Cloning. Was: Intel's Virtual Smart Card

2012-09-05 Thread NdK
Il 05/09/2012 13:29, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 The most advanced i have seen here so far is 2048 :P
I bought (but haven't yet had time to experiment with) Cryptomate64:

See my message dated 2012/05/23.

Doesn't cost too much (less than 50€, and a lot is due to shipment).

I'm even thinking about using a Raspberry PI to handle it and export
functions via Ethernet.
Another possible (and maybe WAY cheaper, in medium volumes) alternative
would be to use a cut down Android phone (take one the cheapest one,
remove or don't install radios, write a custom firmware and bootloader,
and you'll have a cheap token that can handle RSA16384, EC, OTP even
when disconnected from a PC, and pretty much everything you can think of).
Non-stripped old smartphones are already quite cheap, way cheaper than
any other comparable solution. And if you ask a supplier for a lot w/o
radios they should come at bargain price... The SIM slot could easily
host a crypto smartcard to unlock credentials stored in the device (on a
microSD, maybe).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Secure Credential Cloning. Was: Intel's Virtual Smart Card

2012-08-19 Thread NdK
Il 19/08/2012 10:14, Anders Rundgren ha scritto:

 Virtual smart cards have unlimited capacity and doesn't occupy space in
 your pocket either.
Then an USB token paired with some form of unsecure storage and have
RSA capabilities and a button or a small keypad (display w/
touchscreen?) to enter consent/authorization code in a way that can't be
intercepted/forged by software would be even better.

The unsecure storage could be easily encrypted under a private key
that then gets encrypted under any number of token public keys, so no
single point of failure exists and that storage can easily be
shared/copied to any number of tokens. (IIRC, something along this line
should/could be in next OpenPGP token).

This way you would have benefits of both virtual (practically
unlimited number of certs/keys: if you use a 32G uSD as storage you'd
have to spend your life receiving certs before filling it...) and real
smart cards (bring it wherever you like, having full control). If such a
token would be issued by govs (so coming with a universally trusted
cert to certify that extra keys are generated by the token), it would be
the really universal card.

I don't like those vendor lock-ins. Maybe I saw too many burnt mobos,
or just 'cause I prefer AMDs :), or simply it seems another way to
introduce crippled boot feature and have users be happy with that (a
virtual smart card, implemented in SW, requires some form of
certified boot, so it only works with a certified OS), or
reintroduce the dear old TPM (that have been cracked[1], BTW)... On the
other hand, a token/card is platform-agnostic...


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Secure Credential Cloning. Was: Intel's Virtual Smart Card

2012-08-19 Thread NdK
Il 19/08/2012 15:50, Anders Rundgren ha scritto:

 Everything you write is fine and probably correct as well.
 The only fly in the soup is that *it is not happening*.
I think it will be just like the TPM: when enough people will realize
what it is, it won't get accepted by the public.
It's not long since restricted boot 'failed' and memory isn't so short.

 The smart card community has failed creating a cheap a readily
 available token that can be provisioned on-line while for example
 iPhone and Android already ships with built-in enrollment software.
It's still WIP: look at OpenKMS...

 However, there will always be a small market that prefers something
That's for sure :)

 I'm rather talking about the 99.999% that believes cost and availability
 matter.  I also think that the poor GUI support offered by smart cards
 will make these look quite dated compared to virtual smart cards having
 cool logotypes and stuff.
SCs *are really* dated as concept. Old, messy interface, conflicting
high-level standards (so many that everybody uses his own)...
That's why a token or even a small calculator format w/ USB
connectivity (and a standardized 'KISS' interface over the USB bus)
would be better.
Such a device could easily cost less than $100 (you can already find
Android tablets w/ 7 display and cap ts at about $65, with wifi or even
GSM connectivity! -- probably the only really needed piece of software
needed could be a driver to use the SIM reader as a CAD, plus some glue).


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Initial support for SmartCard-HSM

2012-08-06 Thread NdK
Il 06/08/2012 10:15, Andreas Schwier ha scritto:

 the name's just a name ;-)
Probably he (like me) hoped it was something more like (would-be)
MicroCA: a card taking a CSR and outputting a cert if constraints are

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Prompt for SO PIN in Firefox

2012-07-23 Thread NdK
Il 23/07/2012 08:49, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 IIRC, C_Login can accept user type CKU_SO to login as admin, the
 problem might be what you could do as admin. Probably that depends
 on the card.
The problem with FF (and TB) is that it calls C_login only once, then
assumes the login is still valid. Even if card got reset.
Even worse, it asks for *ALL* PINs when the token gets added.
That made me give up having pkcs#11 enabled in FF/TB. IIRC there are a
couple of bug reports in bugzilla, but seems they won't get fixed.
Friendly token (or something similar...) setting helps a bit, but IMO
it remains unsafe to have a token accessed by FF.


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] SO pin in pkcs11-tool?

2012-05-30 Thread NdK
On 30/05/2012 11:42, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:

 PKCS#11 is weak in term of privileges, not always it is possible to
 access the complete feature set via this interface without proprietary
IIRC, that's why profiles are needed when you use the card, not only
when you initialize it, right? But shouldn't a copy of the ACLs be
stored in PKCS15 metadata so it's parseable after init w/o requiring the

And shouldn't SO-PIN be just another PIN (on MyEID card it have id ff,
on others cards it might be different) so that you can specify it in

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CRYPTOMATE64

2012-05-25 Thread NdK
Il 25/05/2012 10:59, Martin Paljak ha scritto:
 On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 2:57 PM, NdK wrote:
 I'm thinking to use one to store our internal root CA's key (4096bit
 RSA). [actually I'm thinking more about a ring of roots, but that's
 another story]
 Care to share the story?
Yup. Sure. A bit OT, but I'll try to keep it terse.

It's just an idea, still have to test it. Might be that it pushes cert
parsing over its limits. I'm assuming the chain checking is stopped as
soon as a trusted cert is found.

It's based on good old FidoNet routing:
- 3 'root' CAs
- Every CA is root for only one of the other two
- the 'root' CAs are equipotent.
- there's no self-signed certificate
- users choose to trust one, two or three of the 'root' CAs (the more
the better and faster verifications).

Say CAs are A, B, C.
A's cert is signed by B, B's cert is signed by C and C's cert is signed
by A.

Worst case: the user chose to only trust B and connects to an intranet
http server. He's presented a cert signed by C.C1s.C1www (C signed C1s'
cert delegating 's'ervers and C1s signed C1www's cert delegating http
servers certs issuance). Then cert chain is checked: site, C1www, C1s, C
and finally A that, being signed by B validates all the chain.
If the user chose to trust A and C too, then last two steps could be
avoided, omitting costly verifications with large keys. This makes the
system quite scalable, with a tradeoff between number of root certs to
store and (computational and network) resources used to verify received

This schema 'requires' (unless you want to change all root-CAs certs
quite often) quite a static root set, so it's not for general use (say
between different CAs). But I think it could well accomodate our needs.

Any evident pitfalls?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ACR122U + MyEID dual interface

2012-05-25 Thread NdK
Il 25/05/2012 11:51, Aventra - Hannu Honkanen ha scritto:

 ACR122U reader gives a different ATR than a contact reader for the same dual
 interface card but otherwise the reader works just like a contact reader
 with PKI cards. If you force usage of the myeid driver, it should work. 
Perfect. I'll *try* not to brick another card, this time. I promise. :)

 There is an API specification for the reader available at ACS's website, ATR
 generation is explained there:
That's the one I used to decode Mifare ATR.

 Maybe we should add this ATR to card-myeid.c. Could someone with access to
 the sources help and modify it like this?
 static const char *myeid_atrs[] = {
For now I'll edit my local copy, so I can use it.
BTW couldn't it be better to keep ATRs in a config file?

 The last ATR is from another version of ACR122U. I think it is possible to
 affect the way the ATR is generated by altering the PICC Operating
 Parameter of the reader. BTW, bytes 4D:79:45:49:44 which are present in all
 of the ATR's are the text MyEID. 
That's what made me think

 Is it possible to make that reader handle multiple cards in parallel
 (both placed on the reader)?
 I don't think it is possible and haven't tried it, but ACS lists Built-in
As usual I like pushing things to their limits... :)

 anti-collision feature (only 1 tag is accessed at any time). as a feature
 of the reader. It probably means that the reader selects one card and
 ignores others in its range. Even if that would be possible by hardware, I
 don't know how you could access multiple cards in the same reader through
The idea would be to use different slots. But there's a problem
(probably): when you send HaltA to a card, login status gets lost, like
it's been extracted (well, the app is yours and probably you could make
it keep the state between HaltA and wakeup, since it's still receiving

PS: any way to define a sign pin (so that it have to be re-entered after
each crypto op -- useful with pinpad readers)?

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] ACR122U + MyEID dual interface

2012-05-24 Thread NdK
Hi all.

Just received $subj and started testing.

Too bad the cards aren't recognized by default:
$ opensc-tool -a -n
Using reader with a card: ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 00 00
Unsupported card

Is it only matter of unknown ATR and I can safely use force myeid? Or
should I add support for 'em digging in the code (for this, help from
Aventra would be really welcome -- big task!).

Is it possible to make that reader handle multiple cards in parallel
(both placed on the reader)?

PS: the card in MyLogin for Windows kit reports an ATR of
3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00 03 06 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 6A
Does someone know something about this card?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ACR122U + MyEID dual interface

2012-05-24 Thread NdK
On 24/05/2012 15:39, Martin Paljak wrote:

 Too bad the cards aren't recognized by default:
 $ opensc-tool -a -n
 Using reader with a card: ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 00 00
 Unsupported card
 I'm not certain about all ACS products, but one of the 122 reader
 marketed as tikitag/touchatag is CCID, but it requires a special APDU
 wrapping to actually talk to the RF interface.  Maybe this reader is
I think this one is well supported: its driver sources have 'rousseau'
in nearly all headers :)
Seems Ludovic got a contract with ACS (I hope for him) in 2009...

If I insert one of the cards in the contact reader, I get the same ATR
as standard MyEID cards:
$ opensc-tool -a -n
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
MyEID cards with PKCS#15 applet

But (obviously) if I place it on NFC reader I can't use it:
$ pkcs15-init -C --pin  --puk 
Using reader with a card: ACS ACR122U PICC Interface 01 00
Couldn't bind to the card: Not supported

Is there any way I could force pkcs15-init in recognizing it as myeid
(like -c myeid for pkcs11-tool)?

BTW for the other ATR
I already found: it's a Mifare One card (just tested with others I had

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ACR122U + MyEID dual interface

2012-05-24 Thread NdK
On 24/05/2012 17:56, NdK wrote:

Found some docs. Actually the reader's docs from ACS, that seems really
well-written (API_ACR122U_v2.01).
 BTW for the other ATR
 I already found: it's a Mifare One card (just tested with others I had
3b  : initial header
8f  : t0
80  : td1
4f  : td2
80  : t1
4f  : Tk: Application identifier presence indicator
0c  : Tk: length
a00306: Tk: registered application provider identifier (RID)
03  : Tk: standard (14443-*3*)
0001: Tk: card 'name' *
6a  : tck (xor from t0 to Tk)

Card name:
0001: Mifare 1K
0002: Mifare 4K
0003: Mifare ultralight
0026: Mifare mini
f004: Topaz and Jewel
f011: FeliCa 212K
f022: FeliCa 424K
ff:   SAK (undefined)

Maybe it's worth updating ATR table.


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ACR122U + MyEID dual interface

2012-05-24 Thread NdK
On 24/05/2012 18:33, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:

 ACS forked my CCID driver. I got no contract with ACS.

 Your ACS ACR122U PICC Interface reader should work with my CCID driver.
Seems so. Might be useful to look at the differences?

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] CRYPTOMATE64

2012-05-23 Thread NdK
Hello all.

Someone already tested that token? It's the only one I could find that
handles RSA4096...

I'm thinking to use one to store our internal root CA's key (4096bit
RSA). [actually I'm thinking more about a ring of roots, but that's
another story]

Intermediate CAs will use other cards/tokens (still undecided between
Aventra's MyEID and Gooze's ePass2003 token), that are way cheaper and
up to the job :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CRYPTOMATE64

2012-05-23 Thread NdK
On 23/05/2012 20:18, Peter Koch wrote:

 Someone already tested that token? It's the only one I could find that
 handles RSA4096...
 So does the OpenPGP card and the CryptoStick (which contains that card)
I evaluated it, but it's *currently* usable only from GPG.
And the info I found said it could handle 3 keys up to 3072bits.
I still have to understand the whole subkeys concept, but haven't yet
actually started digging it.

Maybe, tks to the work of Nguyễn Hồng Quân et al, it'll be the next
token I'll get. Or, more probably, I'll wait the new version. :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CRYPTOMATE64

2012-05-23 Thread NdK
On 23/05/2012 15:12, Joemar Mante wrote:

 I have worked with ACS before handling products related to ACOS5/ACOS5
 64K. Though we have not any test with open-sc using this particular
So the only way is to buy it and try...
Worst case: about 50€ wasted. Best case: a good token.
In the worst case: have ACS been collaborative in the past, supplying
info to add support?

 Are you using it via a PKCS#11 middleware?
I'm going to order it, but I'd prefer to have something usable :)
I'd use it from XCA or openssl.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] BT reader

2012-05-22 Thread NdK
Il 22/05/2012 14:32, Martin Paljak ha scritto:

 Regarding PIN codes, communication is protected with AES, in addition
 to BT pairing.
How does the AES key exchange work? 'cause it's the weak link...
If the attacker can obtain the AES key (for example if it's printed on
the unit and the attacker could see it), then it's the same as cleartext.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] BT reader

2012-05-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/05/2012 14:11, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto: about ~100 EUR including shipping.
 how do you insert the smartcard there?...and how to connect it to the
You don't. It's useful to mount an attack against any BT sc reader (if
sc doesn't support sm, or reader doesn't implement some extra security
over bt).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Biometric integraiton?

2012-04-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/04/2012 11:32, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 and, what if i edit your current config and replace the lib with my
 modified evil lib?
And what if I replace the trusted reader w/ another, hacked?
Not too hard, it seems, since many supermarkets got hacked this way...

The only really trusted method (for the user) would be a card with
integrated display and pinpad and/or fingerprint sensor. Maybe
impractical for a card, quite feasible for a token (there already are
thumb drives with fingerprint reader and matcher that doesn't require SO
support except for mass-storage).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Biometric integraiton?

2012-04-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/04/2012 12:22, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 If you can edit a root file you can do anything much more evil.
 having root acces  having pin = using private key
Just install a keylogger (maybe an HW one on the PS/2 cable? I've seen
one that is quite hard to recognize... or even one INSIDE the
keyboard...) and root (or user w/ physical access to the computer...
that quite easily translates to root anyway) knows your PIN.

Simply put, you can't make it secure, regardless of the effort you place
in it. The best you can obtain is to design it in a way that who have
physical access to it, is the party interested in keeping it secure.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Ownership issue and consequences on OpenSC project

2012-03-23 Thread NdK
On 23/03/2012 19:10, Peter Stuge wrote:

 The problem is not that the code can not be reviewed, but that noone
 is doing review. Anyone can do it.
I'd do reviews, but the last time I tried to really understand OpenSC's
flow, all I got was an headache (a big one...) :(
So it's not a will issue, it's more an understandig issue. At least for
me. And I'd really like to be able to help, but it seems only a handful
of people fully understand code flow...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Managing devices simultaneously

2012-03-21 Thread NdK
Il 21/03/2012 11:27, Szabó Áron ha scritto:

 What is the maximum number (if any exists at this level) of regular smart 
 cards, USB tokens (and keys) that can be used and managed by OpenSC in the 
 same environment (USB controller supports up to 127 devices, up to seven 
 tiers, including the root tier and five non-root hubs)?
IIUC, each PIN uses a slot. So, for example, on a single Aventra card
you could need 14 slots!


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] proving a key is on a smart card

2012-01-19 Thread NdK
Il 19/01/2012 09:16, Peter Stuge ha scritto:
 Christian Hohnstaedt wrote:
 Anything that can be signed by the card can be signed by a software
 key, too.
 Yes of course. But the point is that the card can come with the
 special key pre-installed.
I see at least two ways here:
1) the 'technical' way: have a card that, when issued (= before being
given to the user), already contains a cert for a key generated on-card.
When the user requests a new cert, the old (referencing the same private
key) must be included as a proof (actually, the 'public key' part could
be taken from this cert, simplifying CSR that could even be a simple web
form for the other infos).
2) the 'legal' way (might not be applicable everywhere): when the user
submits a CSR, (s)he must swear that the key have been generated on-card
and is not extractable

It's the usual chicken-and-egg problem. :)

PS: a doubt just popped in my mind: can I store multiple certs for the
same private key? How?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] OpenSSL OpenSC PKCS11 engine integration with 2 smart cards

2012-01-16 Thread NdK
Il 16/01/2012 07:29, Scott Thomas ha scritto:

 I am using Cryptoflex e-gate v4 32k card which contains 8 slots for
 certificates. I have tried slot0-id_45 to slot7-id_45.
 On slot 0 it works fine but from slot 1-7 it gives error of empty slot
 which means that other 7 slots will must work fine
 but if i try slot 8-onwards, it gives error of invalid slot number by
 which it can be assumed that it does not work with 2 cards in this way.
Nope. IIUC, slot means PIN (or authentication method). You log
in to a slot and then can use all the keys in that slot.
So your card could easily have just one slot, containing up to 8 keys
and certs. IIRC Aventra MyEID cards can handle 14(15?) different PINS
(plus SO-PIN), so they could need 15 (or 16?) slots to be fully used.
In pcscd.conf you can define how many slots are available for each
reader and system-wide. IIRC by default you should have 4 slots for each
reader and up to 4 readers.
So, in your case, to use the key w/ ID 45 on the second card you should
use slot5-id_45... unless having keys with the same ID confuses the
system, even if they're in different slots.

$ pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/ -L -T

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] Slowness opening card

2011-12-21 Thread NdK
Hi all.

Being on vacation I could finally resume my experiments.

But I noticed that lastly every command is sluggish.
Running pcscd -f -d I could pin down the slow op to the SCardConnect:

0028 Card ATR: 3B F5 18 00 00 81 31 FE 45 4D 79 45 49 44 9A
0007 winscard.c:328:SCardConnect() powerState: POWER_STATE_INUSE
0006 prothandler.c:128:PHSetProtocol() Attempting PTS to T=1
0036 ifdhandler.c:695:IFDHSetProtocolParameters() protocol T=1,
usb:08e6/3437:libusb-1.0:7:2 (lun: 0)
0009 ifdhandler.c:1863:extra_egt() Extra EGT patch applied
 winscard.c:406:SCardConnect() Active Protocol: T=1
0051 winscard.c:426:SCardConnect() hCard Identity: 12663
0010 winscard_svc.c:443:ContextThread() CONNECT rv=0x0 for client 4
0152 winscard_svc.c:314:ContextThread() Received command: CONTROL
from client 4

It's obviously the line with all those 9.
But that's not fixed. On another run it hung on
60079903 winscard_svc.c:598:ContextThread() TRANSMIT rv=0x0 for client 4
[maybe that could related to having loaded both in FF
and TB, but slowness remains].

$ time pkcs15-tool --list-pins
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
PIN [Security Officer PIN]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : ff
Flags  : [0xB0], initialized, needs-padding, soPin
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 3
Type   : ascii-numeric

PIN [Card Auth]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 01
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 1
Type   : ascii-numeric

PIN [User Auth]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 02
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 2
Type   : ascii-numeric

sys 0m0.004s

And attached is the full output of pcscd for that run:

I'm now using opensc-0.12.1 and lib64pcsclite-1.6.6 (packages from
Mandriva Cooker).
Same card (Aventra MyEID) and same reader (Gemalto GemPC Twin) worked OK
some months ago (with 0.12.0).

Is there something I should check or some more debugging I should enable?


Description: application/bzip
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Slowness opening card

2011-12-21 Thread NdK
On 21/12/2011 19:59, Peter Stuge wrote:
 NdK wrote:
 But I noticed that lastly every command is sluggish.
 Is there something I should check or some more debugging I should enable?
 Probably libusb bug #56 which has been fixed but not available
 everywhere just yet. What distribution do you use?
Mandriva Cooker.

I didn't see the error -121 in dmesg that IIUC should be symptom of
libusb bug 56...

Anyway I tested replacing my libusb and it seems it resolves the issue.

Conclusion: test w/ fixed libusb anyway :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Experiences with Java smartcardio

2011-11-23 Thread NdK
On 23/11/2011 22:44, Douglas E. Engert wrote:

 javax.smartcardio.* = Total crap IMNSHO.
IMVHO: Java and smartcards don't work really well together...

 Does this help:
 The system property may also be set to the 
 filename of an alternate implementation.
I remember seeing more problems than advantages. The bigger one is that
it tries to handle SCs as a Java KeyStore. So no publicly readable
objects. And needs to have ALL the card keys. And quite a granitic
config system. And so on.
I gave up for the moment.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] About OpenSC PKCS#11

2011-11-10 Thread NdK
Il 09/11/2011 18:39, Viktor Tarasov ha scritto:

 I would like to 'touch' the PKCS#11 module of OpenSC and looking for your 
 opinions/suggestions about:
Regarding touches... Is some level of restructuration planned?
I'm thinking about something object-oriented, a-la GTK+ (OO C, not C++).

I'm sure it could attract more developers (at least I'd try again to get
involved) and simplify adding features (as long as the internal API is

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ISO's new Smart Card Middleware: 24727

2011-10-14 Thread NdK
Il 14/10/2011 08:11, Anders Rundgren ha scritto:
 Is this for real?
Seems so.

Maybe could even help opensc: many card drivers could be grouped as one.
The resulting structure could be quite cleaner and understandable even
for who misses a global view (like me...).
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ISO's new Smart Card Middleware: 24727

2011-10-14 Thread NdK
On 14/10/2011 12:34, Tomas Gustavsson wrote:

 There was still mentioning about smart card middleware in the article. I
 didn't quite get it, but anything that still requires installation of
 different middle-wares for different cards does not bring us much closer
 to a token enabled world imho.
Well, as long as you use 24727-compliant cards you can have only one 
middleware installed.

Surely someone will be able to misinterpret specs so that incompatible 
cards will appear... but that's another story.

The (not-so-)bad thing is that it won't map well on pkcs-11, so many 
programs will need a different middleware... I hope that finally Firefox 
will work as expected :)


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] OpenSC in multi-thread

2011-09-10 Thread NdK
On 09/09/2011 21:22, Douglas E. Engert wrote:

 One possible way would be to turn off some drivers
 in the opensc.conf file. Comments and an OpenSC web
 page would say how to turn it back on, and how to request
 that it not be dropped.
The only way that works: break it in a way that requires user intervention.
When in office you don't exactly know who is using some service, disable 
it and listen to complaints :)
If (after some time) nobody complains, then nobody is using it and you 
can remove. Maybe that code could rot for about a year before being removed.

Better if a page with instruction on how to reenable it is created 
FIRST, then the drivers get disabled only when it have been indexed by 
search engines.
Comments in config file should tell packagers *not* to reenable those 
drivers by default... If some1 is still using those drivers, it *must* 
be considered a regression.

Just my .02

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-10 Thread NdK
On 09/08/2011 20:48, Vlastimil Pavicek wrote:
 I haven't read the whole thread, but you might find this library useful (it 
 is easier to use than JNI/JNA):
Found last night. It's used by j4sign[1] that targets multiple 
platforms. By its own it seems it's not enough, but it have to be used 
in parallel with the OCF wrapper (for card detection).

I'll have to dig better...


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/08/2011 09:32, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 Do yo code on assembly for you web pages? PCSC should be used only
 if your smartcard doesnt have a higher level of abstraction possible 
 (like opensc)
I'd even prefer higher APIs, since doing security really well is hard.

 I usually do C, but this time I need a java applet for: 1) a
 web-based password manager I have to write for the office
 If you explain more, i can tell you my opinion about what you could
I need to implement a multiuser web password manager that allows users
to group-share passwords (so Linux sysadmins don't have access to
Windows passwords -- yes, I know AD, it's just an example).
Server NEVER knows plaintext passwords, so even if it gets hacked no
sensitive information is disclosed.
Passwords must not be displayed, just gets copied to the clipboard (so I
can access firewall password even if I'm in a lab with a dozen users
behind my shoulders).

 2) safely and strongly authenticate users to a plain HTTP page
 (very shared-hosting friendly!) -- I already can authenticate users
 w/ a smartcard (on https), but it needs Firefox to load its PKCS11
 that locks the card and no other process can use it.
 must be a problem with your code. Actually, our card is used by 
 firefox+thunder+ie+local apps at the same time.
Known bug in FF, IIUC. When you insert the card (or load opensc-pkcs11)
it C_Login to every slot even if you're not accessing certs. So:
1) it asks for EVERY pin (even signature ones)
2) while opensc-pkcs11 is loaded in FF, thunderbird (nor any other
PKCS11 'client') doesn't see the card
Anyway, auth using 'internal' method is possible only on https sites
(unavailable on shared-hosting plans, and it's now giving me headaches
since I need to use SNI, that's not supported by IE on XP).

 You can observe what others do:
Always useful.
 Spanish tax ministry dont use Applets (use native componentes),
 which doesnt require the user to have java.
But, IIUC, that restricts use to only supported browser/platform -- I
have labs w/ Linux machines, workstations w/ Windows XP (some w/ only
IE, some w/ FF), quite a lot of Macs... The minimum common denominator
can be Java w/ a minimum of must-have native libs (like pcsc-lite and
ccid), even if it could be even better if those aren't needed. 
 Spanish ecofirma (also from gov) uses an applet that downloads a
 jnlp that install everything needed on your computer
This assumes that the user:
- can install sw
- usually uses only one machine

 In our company, we use smartcard for client/user authentication
 using certificates, and also mail signing and document signing. For
 web applications we use a signed applet. This applet is done using
 Oracle/Sun JCE (java 1.6). Seems that SUN = 1.6 jre its the only one
 which had cryptography some time ago. Maybe this has changed and now
 openjdk include it. You should ask on java lists (and update me with
 the news, PLEASE!).
I'm using Sun JVM too, since professor's digital signing applet needs
it, too.

 The applet side is made by another person, but im the developer of
 the pkcs11 library that runs on osx, win and linux. Its not made
 using opensc due its a legacy code that have been re-coded just a few
 months ago, and 'cause our card its not pkcs#15, either really
 criptographic. (at least its PCSC!)
Well, I'm using Aventra cards, so they're both PKCS15 and cryptographic :)
I thougt you can't have legally strong signature unless you're using a
crypto card (at least here in Italy).

 Anyhow, on a recent discussion on mozilla bug 
 (, i was sadly 
 surprised to read things like: If Java is trying to load Firefox's
 NSS libraries, it deserves to not work. Having external apps
 digging through the Mozilla cert store is not recommended or
 supported in any case. This is not something that we intend to
 support or fix. No, writing enterprise apps which poke into the
 Firefox certificate store is not a desired use-case, especially while
 the app is running. I know that JSS is used for server applications
 written in Java. I was not even aware that it's possible to use JSS
 inside browser applets. ... (and many more)
Sometimes I can't understand'em... Like for the support of DNS
extensions (commonly used by voip, jabber, Active Directory...) to tell
on which port is https listening... IIRC it's about 10 years that a
patch is available but never got adopted!
 So, in other words...altough Java has examples, doc and code to 
 explain how to use JSS (Java to NSS) and its working perfectly, this 
 seems to be a bad thing for mozilla's people. I still have to discuss
 at On IE, you should
 code a CSP/CNG to access the smartcard and on Safari, you could use
 opensc or a tokend. Chrome depends on the system.

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/08/2011 11:08, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 As i understand, you want to develop like a wallte, where password
 stored on server (crypted) are copied to clipboard (altough a simply
 CTRL+V will display it), to let the user authenticate in toher
 services. Right?
Yup. Right. Ctrl-V is the smallest problem (a bigger one is KDE's
cache in system tray) and should be solved politically (even KDE's
cache can be cleared inserting enough random strings. But that's
really OT here.

 You need applets cause the access to this wallet is using smartcard?
The wallet must allow for use of a smart card or a simple password
(obviously highly sensitive passwords will have to be restricted to
stronger method). Not really different at the programmatic level, since
I can store anything in the encryptedPrivateKey field: an actual key
or a reference to a token.

 Known bug in FF, IIUC. When you insert the card (or load opensc-pkcs11)
 it C_Login to every slot even if you're not accessing certs. So:
 1) it asks for EVERY pin (even signature ones)
 Whats IIUC means?
If I Understand Correctly.
 With our company card+spanish ID (dnie) on different readers, while
 doing client auth, it ask for 2 pins (one for each slot), to retrieve
 ALL the certs from all the slots/tokens.
That's exactly what I noticed. Seems the key is the friendly flag
that's (IMVHO) badly thought (since I can access both friendly and
unfriendly tokens w/ the same lib).
And (more general question) why a slot identifies a pin? What about
insecure keys and their certs? See below.

 That, let FF to show a windows to select all possible certs.
 Is this the scenario you are pointing? Can you give me the bugzilla number?
 (From my experience, NSS or the part responsible from retrieving the
 certs its not very efficient...for example, it request like 150 times
 for vendor objects on my token, altough the first time i say i have
 no one)
Well, just searching smart card in bugzilla pops up quite a lot of
issues. 460985 e 378476 (always selects the first cert from a card),
453025 (security devices only loaded on application start) and many more...

 I think we should exchange experiences :P
Mine is just: too buggy to be actually used w/ smartcards, useful only
in the simplest scenarios.

 2) while opensc-pkcs11 is loaded in FF, thunderbird (nor any other
 PKCS11 'client') doesn't see the card
 Thats a opensc desired/undesired behaviour.
 If OpenSC did that for any reason, you could ask here (or martin). But
 i can tell you, its not FF the one who locks, cause my smartcard can
 be used and viewed by many at the same time.
 (Thanks god PCSC's BeginTransaction and EndTransaction methods)
I can't retrieve now the bug #, but IIRC it keeps the session to the
token open. Maybe your card allows for more than one channel.

 Anyway, auth using 'internal' method is possible only on https sites
 (unavailable on shared-hosting plans, and it's now giving me headaches
 since I need to use SNI, that's not supported by IE on XP).
 No idea of what internal means, SNI, or what are you taliking about.
Internal is when the https server asks for a client cert. SNI is an
extension to TLS that allows more than one https virtual host on an
IP/port by giving the requested server name at the start of the handshake.

 We have that 3 systems, and support for 3 major browser on each
 Firefox/Chrome/IE/Safari. I thinks thats neough for end users...come
 on, dont make me support lynx please.
No, but writing 9 different apps is not the solution, IMVHO.
 BTW, dont expect a friendly environment using Java on OSX, this guys hate 
I'll have to fight whith it, then :)

 This assumes that the user:
 - can install sw
 Copying files its not always needed, but access to the system its.
 Signed applets will let you access the system, and you could whatever
 you want.
Nope. You can install sw only if the policy allows you to do it. And
often (think about a kiosk) it's forbidden. A signed applet can AT MOST
have the same rights of the user, IIRC (I don't remember a poliy to give
an applet more rights than the ones assigned to the user running it...).

 - usually uses only one machine
 Not just extract and run, even better that installing a
 client software.
Uh, right... jnlp headaches... :) Still needs JVM, pcsc, etc... And it's
anyway better if the downloaded app is signed... So I don't see real
dvantages here.

 If only SunPKCS11 would be more versatile... Maybe the simplest thing is
 to get its source and hack it, so that it:
 - supports plain on-card keypairs
 - only asks PIN when needed
 AFAIK, both can be done.
Not w/ standard SunPKCS11. See below.

 - handles multiple slots
 What you mean with this?
That's something I still couldn't understand well...
Reading PKCS11-v2.30b specs, it seems a slot is just a physical object
where a card can be placed. So a reader should present more than one
slot only if it accepts more than one token:
Cryptoki provides an interface to 

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-03 Thread NdK
Il 03/08/2011 13:35, helpcrypto helpcrypto ha scritto:

 And (more general question) why a slot identifies a pin? What about
 insecure keys and their certs? See below.
 An slot doesnt need to have a PIN, as stated on PKCS#11 standard.
Then why I get *exaxtly* one slot per PIN (and in the slot name there's
the label I associated with the PIN? Maybe it's opensc-specific, but I

 1 - PKCS#11 standard was designed a long time ago, so consider it has
 several lacks, for example concurrent access, multiple pin
 auth/virtual slots...or this strange/complex explanation about
In 2.30 concurrent access is explained quite well. Both multitasking and
multithreading -wise.

 In the smartcard approach you and me are using, this is translated as:
 One slot for each reader
 When the card is inserted in the slot, the token info is retrieved and shown.
Should be this way. Experiments say otherwise.

 What I don't understand is why I get a slot for every PIN on
 my card, plus a PnP (always empty) slot.
 You dont simply get an slot for evrey PIN... (as usual, EXPERTS:
 correct me if im wrong)
I do. And they're named after the labels I gave to my PINs.

 If your smartcard has multiple pin auth system (like many
 applications, each on with a pin), thers should be a way to login on
 each one.
 Consider the following: smartcard with 2 apps, both of them containing
 How you should do to use any of these?
You'd have to select the app before. IIUC you can't switch app while
card is in use (well, you an but it's like disconnecting a card and
inserting a new one, with its own ATR). Discovering which apps are
available on a card is another issue. But if I need PKCS15, i select app
A300 'just to be sure'.

All the rest tends to be too OT here and I'm replying privately.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-03 Thread NdK
On 03/08/2011 16:16, Douglas E. Engert wrote:
 You say you are using FF, so have you looked at JSS?
Nope. Proprietary (available only for FF).
 As I read this, it is a java interface to NSS, and thus avoid the
 sunPKCS11 and its limitations, but still allow the use of OpenSC.
It uses SunPKCS11.

 On Windows, you could also use the Windows CAPI via the SunMSCAPI,
 and OpenSC on Windows can still be used via the OpenSC mindriver.
Still proprietary solutions.
And what about smartphones? Standard Java is more likely to be adapted 
than proprietary interfaces.

 Well, just searching smart card in bugzilla pops up quite a lot of
 issues. 460985 e 378476 (always selects the first cert from a card),
 453025 (security devices only loaded on application start) and many more...

 Here are 3 others: 357025, 613496, 613507, These deal with selecting
 the best slot, supporting CK_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE if needed, and
 cutting down on searching for any object when it should be searching for
 a cert only, which may be your 150 times.
Well... The user should be responsible for selecting the best slot. 
That IMHO shouldn't be a slot in the first place, but just a 
certificate. The browser should only filter certs so that only 
acceptable ones are proposed to the user.
If an object isn't accessible ('cause it's marked private), it should 
user's responsibility to login w/ the correct credentials first.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-03 Thread NdK
On 03/08/2011 19:40, helpcrypto helpcrypto wrote:

 Well... The user should be responsible for selecting the best slot.
 That IMHO shouldn't be a slot in the first place, but just a
 certificate. The browser should only filter certs so that only
 acceptable ones are proposed to the user.
 Thats what actually is done, isnt it? At least, after the pin request,
 a window with certs is shown to select one...
Yes. But in my head it should work the other way around: ask for the PIN 
only if no suitable object is found. If user wants to use a private 
object, he must authenticate first.

 If an object isn't accessible ('cause it's marked private), it should
 user's responsibility to login w/ the correct credentials first.
 The NSS should detect the flag, and if needed, call C_Login or do the
 operations needed. Sometimes the object is not extractable from the
 smartcard, so it depends.
Usually just private (or secret) keys are unextractable.

 Maybe the PIN should be cached cause sometimes card can be reset
 between calls, and that loose the security access.
Unless the object is marked for user consent.

 Thats the reason why spanish ID its requesting the PIN all the time(?)
Probably 'cause it's for signature, so it's marked user-consent 

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-03 Thread NdK
On 03/08/2011 21:25, Martin Paljak wrote:

 And what about smartphones? Standard Java is more likely to be adapted
 than proprietary interfaces.
 I don't believe that current smartphone platform vendors will embrace PKCS#11 
 as we know it on the desktop. At least I hope they will not. It would IMHO be 
 a stupid choice. Java is a platform itself, so JCE/JCA could be the key, if 
 anything. It might not be perfect or even most suitable. I agree with Anders 
 that enrollment with mobile devices (with built-in security tokens) should 
 eventually become as important as using keys. Take Android - it does not make 
 use of standard Java API-s (Swing), yet it is very successful. Being able 
 to run the code does not mean having sensible support for a platform with 
 minimal or no code changes.
Well, I hope that those portability issues are handled by someone else 
:) since I'm too lazy to code the same thing w/ small differences for 
the various platform (or I wouldn't use Java in the first place...).

 When developing a portable application (in Java..) I would not bet much on 
 PKCS#11 or similar. For optimal results assume that PKCS#11 is not available.
I'm planning other possible auth methods, but I'll have to experiment 
what happens if I try to load my applet on a platform where there's no 
SunPKCS11 available.

 My personal suggestion is to omit the proprietary excuse. Whenever running 
 *anything* on Windows (or OS X), you are using a proprietary platform. Either 
 refuse to run on it or try to live with it and make the most out of it by 
 using the services provided by the platform is possible and providing users 
 with as good experience as possible.
I simply don't want to adapt my code too much. I don't mind if the 
platform is proprietary as long as my app works as expected. If I could 
do that with C, I'd do it.

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-02 Thread NdK
Hi all!

Maybe it's nearly OT, but I think it could be useful for other readers.

I've found that a quite recurring problem in accessing tokens from java
is the PKCS11 not found exception.
Disabling hot plug support, as suggested in the past to another user,
didn't work in my case.

The 'workaround' is quite
unsatisfactory (really slows down startup), but I've found that using
SunPKCS11 and a config file containing:
name = smartcard
library = /usr/lib/
(so, specifying the slotListIndex) I can actually avoid that exception.
But every user should determine his own slotListIndex (and, IIUC, it
changes if there are certs under different PINs).

What I still miss:
- why can't I read certs out of the card even if they're publicly readable?
- once I can read a cert, how could I determine which slot I should
authenticate against to use the corresponding private key?
- should I avoid SunPKCS11 and base my program on simple PC/SC?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Java and pkcs11

2011-08-02 Thread NdK
On 02/08/2011 16:22, Felipe Blauth wrote:

 Java Cryptographic is based on JCA/JCE arquitecture. The document at ,
 preety much explains everything you need to know.
I'll have to reread it.

 It says, for example,
 that  only trusted certificates or pairs (key, certificates) are listed
 as aliases from a Java perspective.
Noticed that. So no way to use plain keypairs w/o certs...

 - once I can read a cert, how could I determine which slot I should
 authenticate against to use the corresponding private key?
 The slot is fixed at the properties file. SUNPKCS #11 demands that you
 use diferent properties files for diferent slots.
I'm generating the 'config' file on-the-fly anyway, but I'd need a 
method to know what-is-where.

 - should I avoid SunPKCS11 and base my program on simple PC/SC?
 I would say no. If you can code in C, it is better to use pure C PKCS
 #11 (or some helper like libp11 or pkcs11-helper), since working with
 APDU's is not easy (nor necessary). If you need to stick to Java, maybe
 JNI is the answer.
I usually do C, but this time I need a java applet for:
1) a web-based password manager I have to write for the office
2) safely and strongly authenticate users to a plain HTTP page (very 
shared-hosting friendly!) -- I already can authenticate users w/ a 
smartcard (on https), but it needs Firefox to load its PKCS11 that 
locks the card and no other process can use it.

I don't really like JNI since it usually needs uncommon client-side 
libraries, that's why I thought about pcsc (even if, after all, it's JNI 
anyway), since I already studied it and deps-wise it doesn't need 
anything more than the minimum.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] OpenSC shared mode

2011-05-06 Thread NdK
On 06/05/2011 21:23, Juan Antonio Martinez wrote:

 Sure: there are some cases where these approach fails:
 SSL renegotiation when signing applet is running; two pkcs11
 trying concurrent access to the card... but this is not
 as usual as thought.
IMHO you could avoid troubles using a simple state machine: when the 
server sends a command to the card, it sets a busy flag to prevent 
access from other apps. Once card answers (could take a long time, like 
when generating an RSA key, but since card is actually in use there's 
no way to avoid it) a timer is started. If another command comes in from 
the same client, timer gets reset and cycle starts again. If no command 
is received before timer expires, then card is reset and busy flag is 

This way you can be sure that only an active app keeps control of the 
card. For example, for Firefox it will be like a card removal. It should 
reread it anyway (maybe a cert got added...).
In your example, SSL renegotiation (or signing app) would be delayed the 
time needed to complete the other operation. An hung app could not lock 
the card for others.

The only drawback I see is that no user intervention is possible during 
a command sequence: you can't stop to ask PIN, you have to know that a 
PIN is needed (by parsing PKCS#15 structs or by issuing a crypto op), 
ask for it and restart sending commands from the beginning. Unless 
(maybe) if reader comes with a pinpad and its read PIN is atomic (that 
is: no answer till user enters PIN).

Or maybe I'm completely gone... :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] --insecure ?

2011-04-28 Thread NdK
On 25/04/2011 11:01, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

 For what I've understood, -a N makes $PIN in profile be replaced by
 CHVN, hence IMO --insecure=  $PIN-NONE.
 '-a N' means in fact '-a ID of authentication object .
 The real PIN reference, the one that can be used in the PINs APDU,
 is extracted from AODF record as PinAttributes.pinReference .
 The 'N' in the CHVN syntax is directly pin reference that corresponds to 
 PinAttributes.pinReference .
Too bad it seems not to work this way, and $PIN anlways gets translated
to CHV1 :(
If I do
$ pkcs15-init -G rsa/2048 -a 02 -l test a2
the card still requires verification of CHVN1 to use the card.
PINs are defined as:
PIN [Card auth]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 01
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 1
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :

PIN [User auth]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 02
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 2
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :
so -a 02 should make $PIN get translated to CHV2, not to CHV1 as it
does. Or am I wrong?

 Personally, I'm ready to remove at all 'insecure' option -- never used it.
 All the stuff can be defined in the card profile. But let us wait for the 
 other opinions.
I could finally workaround non-working-as-advertised --insecure by
patching profile and w/o touching code:

 option default {
macros {

 option insecure {
 macros {
 EF template-private-key {
   acl   = $prkacl;

So now I can use
$ pkcs15-init --profile pkcs15+default+insecure -G rsa/2048 --insecure
-l key usable without PIN

It's a bit ugly, but makes the user think twice before generating an
insecure key :)

I still think that --insecure should translate $PIN to NONE, but
that's another story.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] pkcs15-tool --read-public-keys

2011-04-27 Thread NdK
On 27/04/2011 09:15, wrote:

 BTW: I'm not sure of OpenSSH pkcs11 way to retrieve keys: afaik extract
 it from certificates, but not sure if also handles
 keys found in pukdf ¿anyone knows?
In my tests, OpenSSH used public keys from pukdf, not from certs (I 
tested only with keys generated with -G , not with keys in certs).
Then it leaves the card locked, but that's another story.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] --insecure ?

2011-04-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/04/2011 08:41, Martin Paljak ha scritto:

 Personally, I'm ready to remove at all 'insecure' option -- never used it.
 All the stuff can be defined in the card profile. But let us wait for the 
 other opinions.
 I've used it and I find it a generally useful option, for cases where
 the card could get reset yet where the access to the key can be
 controlled with physical means (like a server with a token, where
 you'll just revoke the necessary certificates when the machine should
 be stolen and controlled access to the key is not as necessary). The
That's another interesting use, but on a server you'll usually need
faster tokens (unless it's really low-traffic).
One of the projects on my TODO list (quite a long list :( ) is to
implement a suitable interface (CCID+virtual token? Could be better to
opt for something that doesn't require APDUs...) on an embedded system
w/ USB device interface...

 problem is that it is not equally supported by card drivers and always
 not well supported by applications (which insist on using C_Login
 before any operations, disregarding CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED)
That's an app bug and to be reported as such. Trying to fix it at the
wrong level doesn't do any good. But, for example, ssh doesn't require
it unless the key is protected (but then it leaves the card in unusable
But generating a protected key when --insecure is specified is a bug in
opensc (or in the card driver). IMHO.
Since you used --insecure, can you confirm that its misbehaviour is only
for MyEID cards?

 I don't know quite well the world of 'controlled/trusted environment',
 my interest is rather to administrate the card through the
 'uncontrolled/untrusted' environment.
 That's a good philosophical difference. IMO the default security
 officer profile of OpenSC is not OK for home users either and the
 default could be onepin profile.
Well, I think that at least two PINs are always a good idea: one for
*use* and one for *administration*, so the user is forced to know he's
doing something dangerous. If he doesn't like to remember'em, then he
could simply use the same code for both. But having only one is, IMVHO,
a really bad idea, just like using 'root' for browsing the web.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] usb p11 token

2011-04-26 Thread NdK
Il 26/04/2011 12:41, Anders Rundgren ha scritto:

 I don't know what you had in mind with an USB P11 token
 but in case you would like to participate in an effort
 making sort of a USB P11 token there is already a project
 to dig in to:
Interesting. Didn't know about it. Seems a bit resource-constrained at a
first look, but worth a deeper exam.

 Just drop me a line if you are interested.  I'm particularly
 interested in USB, P11, Mac, Electronics, and Browser competences.
Always interested in all what's security-related.

 An unusual (unique?) aspect of the mentioned project is that
 it is designed to be integrated in browsers.
It aims at client security. My target is server security, so I don't
have to leave .key files around. In case of server compromission, I only
have to reinstall it, w/o having to revoke its certs.
Actually, sort-of TPM module (I could even use TPM, but it's only
available on some motherboards :( and I don't know how fast it can be).

 Although maybe not exactly what you guys are looking for, the
 prime target for the project are people who are NOT interested
 in security or at least know very little about it!  Since they
 represent 99% of all users it looks a bigger market :-)
They're not interested as long as theyr money isn't affected. If their
money gets affected, then they become really interested :)
My project is surely heavily overkill for a client. Just like a simple
smartcard is not enough to handle SSL hanshakes on a (moderately to
heavily) busy https server.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] usb p11 token

2011-04-26 Thread NdK
On 26/04/2011 18:51, Frank Morgner wrote:

 You forgot to mention Virtual Smart Card Architecture
Already seen that, but always wrappers wrapped in other wrappers :(
The architecture can be greatly simplified: no need for APDUs 
encoding/decoding, no need to handle card insertion/extraction, no need 
to know if it's T=0 or T=1 ... Direct leveraging of USB should allow a 
really light interface.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] usb p11 token

2011-04-26 Thread NdK
On 26/04/2011 15:19, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
 Just wanted to note that exposing such device to IP stack makes it a
 target to hack,
That's why I'm quite reluctant to enable Ethernet port on such a dongle.

 packaging is much more difficult.
I don't want to compete with $20k HSM. They use dedicated HW for good 
reasons. I only want something I can plug in my servers at work to be 
sure that no *remote* intruder can compromise my keys and make me revoke 
all certs (can be quite costy!).

 Also, that in crypto caching is not a problem as 99.99% of time
 the content of the crypto device is constant.
Unless you keep some state vars on the device (ugly). But when it 
changes (new key/cert added, PIN changed, etc), that change must be 
propagated atomically to all clients.

 About using USB directly, well, I disagree... I see this much like GPS
 device, with a simple optional multiplexer for applications (local and
When you use libusb, you claim() a device to get exclusive access. Then 
you handle it as you like. Usually a daemon claims the device and 
listens for socket/pipe connections actually multiplexing access and 
abstracting low-level protocol.

 Implementation of hardware independent stream protocol will allow
 using crypto in many scenarios (serial, USB, unix sockets, tcp, ssh)
 with the PKCS#11 forwarding features built-in.
You need something to forward it (unless I missed an SSH option 
forward this serial port), be it serial, USB or socket. And once you 
have a running daemon (pcscd, maybe?) that accepts socket/pipe 
connections from localhost, you're OK.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] usb p11 token

2011-04-26 Thread NdK
On 26/04/2011 19:16, Anders Rundgren wrote:

 As far as I know not a single HSM (even those who cost $20 000)
 out there is able to certify that keys actually were created
 inside of the HSM!!!  A $10-$20 SKS always attests the origin
 of created keys using a built-in device key and certificate.
Then you have to trust that certificate, trust that it's been installed 
securely, trust who issued it... Quite a lot of things you can't 
control, don't you think?
What about a virgin device that the first time you turn it on 
generates a new key and only accepts set params, generate new key, 
get self-signed cert and store this cert until *you* store a cert?
You can do it on an offline PC, booted from a CD. You have full control. 
Fear TEMPEST attacks? Just use a jammer and do some random data transfer 
to other USB devices...

If the device doesn't accept store key command, then all keys it uses 
must have been generated locally :)

 With a planned addition to KeyGen2 you will be able to put
 certificates in devices (servers, routers, etc) using a
 SCEP-like process that (due to the device certificate) can
 be performed [securely] without an enrollment password.
I still miss the sense of SCEP. Must study it... But I fear it just 
shifts security perimeter to another entity.

 SKS is a simple smartcard.  That it looks complex is because
 provisioning is really 10 times as complex as performing an
 RSA Sign.
IIUC, just because you are using the wrong security perimeter at the 
wrong time.
*If* you can *securely* load a single cert on the HSM, then all is easy 
(even easier than RSA, if you want). If you can't, *nothing* can be trusted.
If, at initialization, you store a second certificate for administrator 
(even if I'd prefer weights for a Tree Parity Machine to be used as a 
shared symmetric key generator, to have perfect forward secrecy even in 
case of compromise), you're OK and can administer securely the HSM from 
anywhere. And since you're working inside a trusted perimeter, you don't 
need convoluted protocols that only delegate security to another party.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] OpenDNIe project is now ready for public test

2011-04-25 Thread NdK
On 25/04/2011 14:33, wrote:

   I can figure out at least these different popups:
 7 - You'are about to emit a digital signature. Please confirm operation
And, anyway, you expose yourself to malicious apps that ask for a crypto 
pin and use it to sign a document... As long as we haven't cards with a 
display that can give feedback to the user about the requested op *as 
seen by the card*, we can't do much about that, unless using different 
pins for different ops. But how many users would really remember at 
least two (encode/decode and sign) different PINs? And what about a 
malicious app that says you're about to sign what you actually asked to 
sign and in reality submits a different document to the card?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Small constants fixup

2011-04-24 Thread NdK

On 24/04/2011 13:17, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

The using of SC_PKCS15INIT_MAX_OPTIONS is not appropriate in this context.
SC_PKCS15INIT_MAX_OPTIONS is the number of profile options that can be defined 
as an argument for the pkcs15init operations .

So I can use up to 16 +'option' ? :)

If you want to 'marconize' the raw value, you should introduce a new macro,
something like

Ok. Done that. Attached.
I think that's always better to use symbolic constants instead of 
literal ones.

It's different from SC_MAX_AC_OPS -- maximal number of distinct card operations 
that can be protected by some access condition.
Yup. For these I usually use a typedef enum instead of a series of 
#define so that any constant can be included anywhere in the sequence 
and the limit stays updated automatically.

Another patch for that is attached.

--- src/pkcs15init/pkcs15-lib.c.ori2010-12-22 18:14:39.0 +0100
+++ src/pkcs15init/pkcs15-lib.c2011-04-24 21:04:25.0 +0200
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
+/* Maximal number of access conditions that can be defined for one card 
operation. */
+#define SC_MAX_OP_ACS   16
 /* Handle encoding of PKCS15 on the card */
 typedef int(*pkcs15_encoder)(struct sc_context *,
struct sc_pkcs15_card *, u8 **, size_t *);
@@ -3296,14 +3296,14 @@
for (op = 0; r == 0  op  SC_MAX_AC_OPS; op++) {
-   struct sc_acl_entry acls[16];
+   struct sc_acl_entry acls[SC_MAX_OP_ACS];
const struct sc_acl_entry *acl;
const char  *what;
int added = 0, num, ii;
/* First, get original ACLs */
acl = sc_file_get_acl_entry(file, op);
-   for (num = 0; num  16  acl; num++, acl = acl-next)
+   for (num = 0; num  SC_MAX_OP_ACS  acl; num++, acl = 
acls[num] = *acl;
sc_file_clear_acl_entries(file, op);

--- src/libopensc/types.h.ori   2010-12-22 18:14:47.0 +0100
+++ src/libopensc/types.h   2011-04-24 21:44:31.0 +0200
@@ -86,35 +86,36 @@
 #define SC_AC_NEVER0x
 /* Operations relating to access control */
-#define SC_AC_OP_SELECT0
-#define SC_AC_OP_LOCK  1
-#define SC_AC_OP_DELETE2
-#define SC_AC_OP_CREATE3
-#define SC_AC_OP_CRYPTO7
-#define SC_AC_OP_DELETE_SELF   8
-#define SC_AC_OP_PSO_DECRYPT   9
-#define SC_AC_OP_PSO_ENCRYPT   10
-#define SC_AC_OP_PIN_DEFINE17
-#define SC_AC_OP_PIN_CHANGE18
-#define SC_AC_OP_PIN_RESET 19
-#define SC_AC_OP_ACTIVATE  20
-#define SC_AC_OP_READ  22
-#define SC_AC_OP_UPDATE23
-#define SC_AC_OP_WRITE 24
-#define SC_AC_OP_RESIZE25
-#define SC_AC_OP_GENERATE  26
-/* If you add more OPs here, make sure you increase SC_MAX_AC_OPS*/
-#define SC_MAX_AC_OPS  27
+typedef enum {
+SC_MAX_AC_OPS  /* This *MUST* remain the *last* one */
+} _sc_ac_ops;
 /* the use of SC_AC_OP_ERASE is deprecated, SC_AC_OP_DELETE should be used
  * instead  */
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] --insecure ?

2011-04-24 Thread NdK
On 24/04/2011 14:18, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

 It seems the root of the problem lies in the profile: changing
 CRYPTO=$PIN to CRYPTO=NONE works around it, but it's surely sub-optimal.
What I wanted to say: shouldn't --insecure replace $PIN with NONE ?
For what I've understood, -a N makes $PIN in profile be replaced by 
CHVN, hence IMO --insecure = $PIN-NONE.

If it should work this way, then there's a bug. If it works this way in 
other cards, I'll have to look at card-myeid.c,  else I'll have to look 
at code in profile.c . But I only have MyEID cards...

 Another, maybe related, problem is that, IIUC the profile syntax, only
 one PIN can be specified,
 It's not completely true.
 The ACL profile definition ACL = *=NEVER,READ=$PIN,READ=$SOPIN; will define 
  two linked ACL entries for 'READ' operation.
That's good. This syntax makes me understand some code I couldn't find a 
reason for. But does it mean that BOTH are required ?
But then it should be much more expressive someting like 
READ=($PINCHVn)|SOPIN to mean to read this file you need either SOPIN 
or both PIN and CHVn. But then, apart card-specific support, profile 
parser should be extended.

 After that it's up to card specific part to encode this case into the FCP of 
 file/object to be created.
 The encoding is quite different from one card to another .
That's quite understandable.

 Further arrives the question how to use the combined ACLs (properly parsed by 
 card specific part back into the linked ACL entries.), describe them in 
 PKCS#15, ...
 Actually the common part of pkcs15init or pkcs15 cannot process combined ACLs 
 where there are more then one authentication method of the same type (for ex. 
 two PINs).
Uhm... Can't follow you well, here.
If I use a line like
to make it so that the user identified by $PIN can generate and use a 
key, but to delete/update it an authorization by other users is needed, 
doesn't work?
Or simply that pkcs15-init still can't handel READ=$PIN,READ=$SOPIN?

 - central office handles card initialization (w/ SO-PIN)
 Central office could be presented by the other authentication method: SM or 
 external authentication.
 (xPIN authentication is not quite secure for the administration tasks.)
 Support of these authentication methods is in the road-map of OpenSC.
Read that, but usually a PIN (used inside a controlled environment) can 
be enough. After all, central office should be trusted by default 
since it initializes the card. And unless you use open-source (or 
self-developed) applets, you're already trusting who wrote the applet 
(or he could have inserted a backdoor to bypass any access control using 
a special, undocumented APDU or a special key).

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] --insecure ?

2011-04-22 Thread NdK
Hello all.

Since Toni can't look at this issue soon, I'm trying to fix it myself.
The problem is that, at least with Aventra MyEID, every key gets created 
in a way that requires CHV1 for crypto ops, even if --insecure is specified.

It seems the root of the problem lies in the profile: changing 
CRYPTO=$PIN to CRYPTO=NONE works around it, but it's surely sub-optimal.

Another, maybe related, problem is that, IIUC the profile syntax, only 
one PIN can be specified, so I can't say that (for example):
- central office handles card initialization (w/ SO-PIN)
- a key must be authorized (generated in presence of) a delegated 
technician (CHV1) -- maybe to later issue a certificate that requires 
face-to-face recognition
- doing crypto ops on that key may be protected by a PIN (any CHV, as 
specified by -a N) or left unsecured (--insecure)
- more keys can be generated by the user w/o requiring the technician

While to leave it unprotected I can play with the profile, I don't see 
any way to protect it with a different pin (unless I can specify 
directly CHVn instead of $PIN, and even then I could think some 
scenarios where it would require quite a lot of profiles juggling).

I still find it quite difficult to follow code flow, even if I'm 
beginning to understand it a bit... So any pointer could be helpful.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Automatic read binary in iso driver

2011-04-21 Thread NdK
Il 20/04/2011 22:24, Frank Morgner ha scritto:

 But all other functions of libopensc require the caller to allocate
 enough space.
Vital for maintainable software: who needs memory, allocates (*and
frees*) it. As a sage said a long time ago: or you rewrite your project
this way, or your project will rewrite you :)

 In the third solution the caller still allocates memory. He then
 sequentially calls sc_read_binary with more and more space allocated. He
 stops when the first error is thrown.
What about allocating 'x' (32?) KB then reads the whole file?

 The problem I have is to read a file with an unknown length.
How is that possible? Aren't file sizes fixed at file creation time?
Have I missed something?
IIUC, when you issue a SELECT_FILE, you can see its size, too. I'm confused.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] How to make proper use of sc_card_cache

2011-04-06 Thread NdK
On 05/04/2011 20:58, Frank Morgner wrote:

 My previous remarks in this mail apply to the inner structure of the SM
 module. I consider your layout as the most promising. (Maybe because I
 implemented something similar ;-) ) Beyond that what I have already said
 about where to trigger SM, I have some other questions:
Excuse me if I pop-in, but ... what about ISO/OSI stacking?
I'm not an expert, but for what I understand you're mixing different
IIUC, SM should be an higher layer than APDU. Maybe a virtual
UnsecureMessaging layer, peer of SM, could be useful for abstraction...

Or, maybe, I completely misunderstood the whole thing... :)

Just my .02 .

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-03-08 Thread NdK
Il 23/02/2011 21:19, Martin Paljak ha scritto:

 But when I try to use it, I get:
 $ ssh otheruser@myhost
 Enter PIN for 'MyEID (User Auth)':
 C_Sign failed: 257
 This means: #define CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN(0x101UL)
 Having OpenSC debug.log would be useful - is the right PIN verified before as 
 it should be.

Today I could do some more testing.
I tried nearly step-by-step, adding complexity every time it worked (as
expected or not).

So, clean start (the script I'm using):
pkcs15-init -E
pkcs15-init -C --pin  --puk  --so-pin $SOPIN --so-puk $SOPUK -l
NdK card
pkcs15-init -P -a 1 --pin $PIN1 --puk $PUK1 --so-pin $SOPIN -l Card Auth
#pkcs15-init -P -a 2 --pin $PIN2 --puk $PUK2 --so-pin $SOPIN -l User Auth
pkcs15-init -F
pkcs15-init -G rsa/2048 --insecure --id 1000 -u digitalSignature  -l
SSH:ndk --pin $PIN1

In this scenario ssh works, but *asks for CHV1* ! ???

But if I add another PIN (uncommenting the second -P ), I get again that
not logged in error, even if key is still created with --insecure !

Maybe I'm triggering some untested path?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-03-03 Thread NdK
On 23/02/2011 21:19, Martin Paljak wrote:

 $ ssh otheruser@myhost
 Enter PIN for 'MyEID (User Auth)':
 C_Sign failed: 257
 This means: #define CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN(0x101UL)
 Having OpenSC debug.log would be useful - is the right PIN verified before as 
 it should be.
I tried to simplify: I added an UNPROTECTED (--insecure) key, just to
test. That's the one whose public-key I loaded on server.
The script used to init the card is attached (maybe it could be useful
for others).

The log is available at:

 After that, I often find the card unresponsive after that error:
That's probably related. Before flooding with logs, better to have the
most basic part working :) That might fix this too (as usually happens
when programming in C)...



# Load a certificate on card. $1 is base name (and label)
function loadcert {
echo Loading cert for $1
pkcs15-init -S $1.p12 -f PKCS12 --passphrase $2 -v -a 2 -l $1 --pin 

# Generate a new key for SSL
# - Pin# (0 for no PIN)
# - ID
# - label
function genkey {
echo Generating key '$3' - ID=$2 size=$size
if [ -z '$1' ]; then 
auth=-a $1;
# Maybe only a subset is needed, but for now I'll enable all uses


pkcs15-init -G rsa/$size $auth --id $2 -u $keyuse -l $3 --pin $PIN1
k=`pkcs15-tool --read-ssh-key $2 2/dev/null |tail -1`
echo $k $3

pkcs15-init -E -l NdK card
pkcs15-init -C --pin  --puk  --so-pin $SOPIN --so-puk $SOPUK
pkcs15-init -P -a 1 --pin $PIN1 --puk $PUK1 --so-pin $SOPIN -l Card Auth
pkcs15-init -P -a 2 --pin $PIN2 --puk $PUK2 --so-pin $SOPIN -l User Auth
pkcs15-init -P -a 3 --pin $PIN3 --puk $PUK3 --so-pin $SOPIN -l Root CA
pkcs15-init -P -a 4 --pin $PIN3 --puk $PUK3 --so-pin $SOPIN -l Intermediate CA 
pkcs15-init -P -a 5 --pin $PIN3 --puk $PUK3 --so-pin $SOPIN -l Intermediate CA 
pkcs15-init -F

# First it's better to put SSH keys
genkey 2 1000 ndk
genkey 0 1001 da-tecnici

# Import certs
#loadcert certfile privkeypass

# Generate other keys
#genkey 3 10 Root CA
#genkey 2 20 Intermediate CA 1
#genkey 1 21 Intermediate CA 2

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] Atomic cert import

2011-02-28 Thread NdK
Hi all.

Could it be possible to check the available space on card files before
importing PKCS12 certs? Or at least rollback already done additions.

Now it could easily happen that a cert is only partially stored, since
the private key goes first, then every cert in the chain.
So after an import I could find a partial cert, maybe only the private
key and a first-level cert, w/o the rest of the chain.

Should I file it as an enhancement request in the tracker?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-02-28 Thread NdK
On 23/02/2011 21:19, Martin Paljak wrote:

 Enter PIN for 'MyEID (User Auth)':
 C_Sign failed: 257
 This means: #define CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN(0x101UL)
 Having OpenSC debug.log would be useful - is the right PIN verified before as 
 it should be.
I tried to enable debug.log, but only got an empty file... Is there a
guide somewhere?

So I tested w/ a key created as:
pkcs15-init -G rsa/2048 --insecure --id 1001 -u $keyuse -l da-tecnici
--pin $PIN1

And I still get that NOT_LOGGED_IN ! :(
Since no pin is to be asked, why does it say I'm not logged in?

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-02-25 Thread NdK
Il 23/02/2011 20:04, NdK ha scritto:

Extracted from pcscd log (just masked PIN):
SW: 90 00
winscard_msg_srv.c:317:SHMProcessEventsContext() command TRANSMIT
received by client 11
winscard.c:1651:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=1
APDU: 00 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 5C 29
A6 37 70 CA 00 32 95 C7 64 4D 94 89 CA 5A 9D 46 25 F1 00
(lun: 0)
commands.c:1990:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T1() T=1: 41 and 260 bytes
openct/proto-t1.c:570:t1_build() more bit: 0
sending: 00 40 29 00 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00
04 14 5C 29 A6 37 70 CA 00 32 95 C7 64 4D 94 89 CA 5A 9D 46 25 F1 00 F1
- 00 6F 2D 00 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 00 40 29 00 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30
09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 5C 29 A6 37 70 CA 00 32 95 C7 64 4D
94 89 CA 5A 9D 46 25 F1 00 F1
- 00 80 06 00 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 00 40 02 69 82 A9
received: 00 40 02 69 82 A9
SW: 69 82
winscard_msg_srv.c:317:SHMProcessEventsContext() command TRANSMIT
received by client 11
winscard.c:1651:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=1
APDU: 00 20 00 02 08 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x FF FF
(lun: 0)
commands.c:1990:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T1() T=1: 13 and 258 bytes
openct/proto-t1.c:570:t1_build() more bit: 0
sending: 00 00 0D 00 20 00 02 08 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x FF FF 27
- 00 6F 11 00 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 00 00 0D 00 20 00 02 08 3x 3x 3x
3x 3x 3x FF FF 27
- 00 80 06 00 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 00 00 02 90 00 92
received: 00 00 02 90 00 92
SW: 90 00
winscard_msg_srv.c:317:SHMProcessEventsContext() command TRANSMIT
received by client 11
winscard.c:1651:SCardTransmit() Send Protocol: T=1
APDU: 00 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 5C 29
A6 37 70 CA 00 32 95 C7 64 4D 94 89 CA 5A 9D 46 25 F1 00
(lun: 0)
commands.c:1990:CmdXfrBlockTPDU_T1() T=1: 41 and 260 bytes
openct/proto-t1.c:570:t1_build() more bit: 0
sending: 00 40 29 00 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00
04 14 5C 29 A6 37 70 CA 00 32 95 C7 64 4D 94 89 CA 5A 9D 46 25 F1 00 F1
- 00 6F 2D 00 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 00 40 29 00 2A 9E 9A 23 30 21 30
09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 5C 29 A6 37 70 CA 00 32 95 C7 64 4D
94 89 CA 5A 9D 46 25 F1 00 F1
- 00 80 06 00 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 00 40 02 69 82 A9
received: 00 40 02 69 82 A9
SW: 69 82
winscard_msg_srv.c:317:SHMProcessEventsContext() command END_TRANSACTION
received by client 11
winscard.c:1212:SCardEndTransaction() Status: 0x
winscard_msg_srv.c:306:SHMProcessEventsContext() Client has disappeared: 11
winscard_svc.c:146:ContextThread() Client die: 11

IIUC it tries the sign, it fails because private key needs PIN, sends
PIN (result OK: 90 00), retries the sign and fails again.

BTW it's an awful authentication since the PIN is sent everytime in
cleartext to the card, but that's another story...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-23 Thread NdK
On 19/02/2011 10:52, Martin Paljak wrote:

 Unfortunately engine_pkcs11 (and OpenSSL in general) is not the best 
 interface for smart cards, especially for user interaction purposes. But a 
 patch against engine_pkcs11 might make the prompt a bit easier to understand 
But it's good for scripts :)

I finally could make newest openssl load config file with
pkcs11_section. It just needs to be the only engine, initialized
immediately (only changed init=0 to init=1 to make it work!):
openssl_conf = openssl_init

engines = engine_section

pkcs11 = pkcs11_section

engine_id = pkcs11
dynamic_path = /usr/lib/openssl/engines/
MODULE_PATH = /usr/lib/
init = 1

IIUC openssl's config syntax, the first two non-empty rows could be
removed, since the first just tells it to read the section defined by
the second.

Hope that can help others.

Now I get:
$ openssl req -config openssl.cnf -new -engine pkcs11 -key 3:10 -keyform
engine -extensions CA_ROOT -x509 -out root_ca/ca.pem -text -subj
/ root CA
engine pkcs11 set.
PKCS#11 token PIN:
3075020424:error:8000A101:Vendor defined:PKCS11_rsa_sign:User not logged
3075020424:error:0D0C3006:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_item_sign:EVP

Why User not logged in? PIN is correct and not locked (verified by

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-02-23 Thread NdK

I'm always the one that finds problems :)

Waiting to fix CA issue, I'm trying to use an on-card key to
authenticate a SSH user.

Key is there, and should have all needed flags set (generated w/ -u
sign,decrypt since IIUC ssh requires both):
Private RSA Key [SSH: ndk]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0x2E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap
Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive,
neverExtract, local
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 6
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050154b06
Auth ID: 02
ID : 1000
Public key is loaded in the right authorized_keys, and it have the right
permissions: tested w/ key in id_rsa file, that works).

But when I try to use it, I get:
$ ssh otheruser@myhost
Enter PIN for 'MyEID (User Auth)':
C_Sign failed: 257
ssh_rsa_sign: RSA_sign failed: error:25066067:DSO support
routines:DLFCN_LOAD:could not load the shared library
Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).

Even an strace didn't help locating the lib that can't be loaded.

After that, I often find the card unresponsive after that error:
$ pkcs15-tool -k
Using reader with a card: SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
Failed to connect to card: Unresponsive card (correctly inserted?)
Just issuing multiple times the same command (w/o touching the card or
the reader!) solves the issue.

Any hint?


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-02-23 Thread NdK
On 23/02/2011 16:57, Peter Stuge wrote:

 Even an strace didn't help locating the lib that can't be loaded.
 Was that strace -fF ?
No. I'll try tomorrow to be consistent (on the same machine).

But could reproduce on this one too.
The only failing open is the one related to .
If I:
ln -s /usr/lib64/openssl-1.0.0d/engines/ /usr/lib64/
then the message changes:
$ ssh pvs
Enter PIN for 'MyEID (User Auth)':
C_Sign failed: 257
ssh_rsa_sign: RSA_sign failed: error::lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

And all those zeroes make me think bad things...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] ssh error

2011-02-23 Thread NdK
On 23/02/2011 21:19, Martin Paljak wrote:

 Waiting to fix CA issue, I'm trying to use an on-card key to
 authenticate a SSH user.
 Which issue?
Seemed unrelated, but...

 But when I try to use it, I get:
 $ ssh otheruser@myhost
 Enter PIN for 'MyEID (User Auth)':
 C_Sign failed: 257
 This means: #define CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN(0x101UL)
Uhm... So it *might* be related.
Always user not logged in...

 Having OpenSC debug.log would be useful - is the right PIN verified before as 
 it should be.
I'll post it on my site ASAP. The PIN is right: if I give the wrong one, 
it clearly says so.

 Just issuing multiple times the same command (w/o touching the card or
 the reader!) solves the issue.
 That is interesting. I'm seeing this as well quite a lot with different 
 Estonian eID cards recently. I've not extracted logs from pcscd for this 
 problem but that might be useful.
I tink it's normal if pkcs11 module is loaded in a Mozilla app (that 
pings the card continuously, practically hogging it... but that's IMHO 
a bug in Mozilla code, that should work more cooperatively).
But I unloaded it, so it shouldn't be the root of this isue.
  Does unpower/hard reset of the card work?
If I take the card out and reinsert it, then it's OK the first time.

  If you could produce a pcscd/libccid log with USB level output [1]
  would be very good.
I'll do it and post it w/ the other.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-22 Thread NdK
On 21/02/2011 14:03, Christian Hohnstaedt wrote:

 XCA 0.8.x used the engine_pkcs11.
Ok. In Mandriva I had only 0.8.1 rpm.

 In version 0.9.0, I dropped the need of engine_pkcs11 and use the
 signing routines of the pkcs11 lib directly. Mainly to support multiple
 PKCS11 provider in parallel.
 So maybe XCA 0.9.0 will work for you.
Removed 0.8.1 from RPM and installed newly compiled 0.9.0. But when I
select Token - Manage Security Token - MyEID (Root CA) (argh! still
slots at work! so are they users in PIN=user 1:1 relation? and why
can't I have keys not associated w/ a PIN, for low-security needs?) it says:
The following error occured:
error:25066067:DSO support routines:DLFCN_LOAD:could not load the shared
error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could not load the shared
error:260B6084:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:dso not found

then says The token 'MyEID (Root CA)' did not contain any keys or
certificates, but the keys are there (cut from pkcs15-tool -D):
PIN [Root CA]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 03
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 4
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :

Private RSA Key [Root CA]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive,
neverExtract, local
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 8
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050154b08
Auth ID: 03
ID : 10

Private RSA Key [Intermediate CA 1]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive,
neverExtract, local
ModLength  : 1024
Key ref: 9
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050154b09
Auth ID: 02
ID : 20

Private RSA Key [Intermediate CA 2]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive,
neverExtract, local
ModLength  : 1024
Key ref: 10
Native : yes
Path   : 3f0050154b0a
Auth ID: 01
ID : 20

Public RSA Key [Root CA]
Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0x0]
ModLength  : 2048
Key ref: 0
Native : no
Path   : 3f0050155503
ID : 10

Public RSA Key [Intermediate CA 1]
Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0x0]
ModLength  : 1024
Key ref: 0
Native : no
Path   : 3f0050155504
ID : 20

Public RSA Key [Intermediate CA 2]
Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
Usage  : [0x4], sign
Access Flags   : [0x0]
ModLength  : 1024
Key ref: 0
Native : no
Path   : 3f0050155505
ID : 20
[Note that's the same card I used to test the multiple keys w/ same id
issue: the two intermediate CAs have ID 20]

Doing an strace and grepping for '.so' all I see is:
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 15
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 15
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 15
access(/lib/, R_OK)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
access(/usr/lib/, R_OK) = 0
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY) = 15
open(/etc/, O_RDONLY)  = 19
open(/lib/i686/, O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
open(/usr/lib/sse2/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
open(/usr/lib/, O_RDONLY)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
Can't find any gost package, except perl-Crypt-GOST, that I think it's
not useful.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-22 Thread NdK
On 22/02/2011 13:56, Toni Sjoblom - Aventra wrote:

 The private key files sizes are shown in bits not bytes. A 1K private key
 uses approx. 960 bytes and 2K respectively approx. 1296 bytes. This consists
 of both the private and public parts.
This matches my experimental numbers better :)
28548 (free space before keypair gen) - 24052 (free space after keypair
gen) - 2880 (pukdf) = 1616
It's still 320 extra bytes, but at least it's closer. Bookkeeping?

 The DIR files do not grow when
 creating new files, they are created once during initialization with a size
 that's defined in the driver's profile.
But it seems they get created only when needed: pukdf (EF 4403) was not
present until keypair creation.
So if I only import certificates I won't have pukdf anywhere (room for
an extra cert :) ).

I'll soon post some more tweaking since now I've better data to work on.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-22 Thread NdK
On 22/02/2011 15:41, Toni Sjoblom - Aventra wrote:

 Sorry, the public key size for the 2K was missing from that value. That
 explains the 320 bytes difference.
 Public key file for a 2K bit key is 270 bytes. Also, some space is occupied
 when new files are added as well.

So 32 2048bit keypairs, w/o certs, requires about 55K 
(32*(1296+270+180)), leaving about 5k for bookkeeping, labels, etc.
This could be a maxkeys profile.

A more balanced one could account for 14 private keys, 2 public keys and 
18 certs (enough if all are issued by the same root CA and there aren't 
too many different intermediate CAs):
(14*(1296+90) + 2*(270+90) + 18*(2048+90)) = 58608
14 private keys so that every key can have a different PIN.
But that's a bit more borderline.

When creating more option profiles can I redefine only what's needed 
(inheriting from default the rest) or shoul I redefine all values?

 Keep in mind that if you try to optimize the DIR file (CDF, PuKDF, PrKDF..)
 sizes to the maximum, it means that you have no space left for other data
 objects, e.g. images etc.
Yup. That's the target, for now. :)

 And also the time taken to read the card increases with large DIR files.
This can be bad :(
 This is due to the fact that the files are read in chunks over a somewhat
 old and slow interface that the standard APDU protocol is.
Yup. Chunks =255 bytes, over a slow serial link. :(

 Newer and improved interfaces exist, but are not widely supported/used.
Shouldn't that be something taken care of by the driver?

 My opinion is
 that the profile should be tweaked for each use case, while at the same time
 the default profile should be a reasonable compromise between using the
 maximum space and no space. I agree that currently the MyEID profile has too
 small file. This has historic reasons from a time when the memory size was
 limited on javacards.
Hope to see soon 1M cards w/ displays and keys :)
Jokes apart (well... flexible displays and on-card buttons are already 
available... hint hint... what's missing is the big memory), having 
some specialized example profiles could greatly help who is tweaking a 
card for his specific needs, w/o the need to study in great detail how 
files are used.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-21 Thread NdK
On 19/02/2011 10:52, Martin Paljak wrote:

 XCA worked with OpenSC quite OK IIRC, you might want to try it as well.
Done. All I get from XCA, when loading /usr/lib/ is:
The following error occured:
Successfully loaded PKCS#11 library: /usr/lib/
SUCCESS: 'SO_PATH' : '/usr/lib/engines/'
SUCCESS: 'ID' : 'pkcs11'

error:25066067:DSO support routines:DLFCN_LOAD:could not load the shared
error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could not load the shared
error:260B6084:engine routines:DYNAMIC_LOAD:dso not found

That's the same I get when using openssl directly (quite obvious,
since it seems XCA didn't reinvent the wheel and uses openssl as a backend).

I used a text file and redirection to avoid errors when submitting
commands, but it seems I still miss something.

 Unfortunately engine_pkcs11 (and OpenSSL in general) is not the best
 interface for smart cards, especially for user interaction purposes.
 But a patch against engine_pkcs11 might make the prompt a bit easier
 to understand [1]
Well, I'm not scared of complex interfaces, if they're well
documented. Too bad openssl docs about engine module are missing (or at
least I can't find 'em).
I could more or less understand what-does-what, but it's always
something that could easily be wrong.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-18 Thread NdK
Il 18/02/2011 07:07, Martin Paljak ha scritto:

 Yup. That's why keys are generated on card :)
 Unless the key is exportable 
Always asked why one needs to mark a private key exportable: if you need
it exportable, create it externally and load to card. It's even faster. :)

 If you want to sign certificates with a smart card (run a CA against a 
 PKCS#11 token) then EJBCA is the most feature complete solution I know. But 
 most probably too much hassle for a few certificates for home use.
Well, for now it's personal, but I'm evaluating it for office use too.
We'll need to setup a ZeroShell box to authenticate users, and it
contains a (quite limited, but sufficient if it supported cards) CA.

 *But* if I specify a slot too, it asks me for a PIN. Too bad *none* of 
 the PINs I created works:
 $ openssl req -days 3650 -new -out -config 
 openssl.conf -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -key 1:10 -sha1
 Have you tried some other format? slot_XX:id_XX ? (even though it should be 
 the same). Having OpenSC log with the relevant C_OpenSession() and C_Login 
 lines is useful as well.
Yup. All formats. Same result: slot 0 = no PIN, every other slot asks
'who knows' PIN.

 I obviously tried all the PINs (included SOPIN). The strange thing is 
 that NO PIN is locked after all the tries I did...
 Is any PIN locked or counter decreasing? What is the output of pkcs11-tool 
 --module /path/to/ -L ?

$ pkcs11-tool -L
Available slots:
Slot 0 (0x): Virtual hotplug slot
Slot 1 (0x1): SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
  token label:   MyEID (Card Auth)
  token manuf:   Aventra Ltd.
  token model:   PKCS#15
  token flags:   rng, login required, PIN initialized, token initialized
  serial num  :  7340050446913028
Slot 2 (0x2): SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
  token label:   MyEID (User Auth)
  token manuf:   Aventra Ltd.
  token model:   PKCS#15
  token flags:   rng, login required, PIN initialized, token initialized
  serial num  :  7340050446913028
Slot 3 (0x3): SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
  token label:   MyEID (Root CA)
  token manuf:   Aventra Ltd.
  token model:   PKCS#15
  token flags:   rng, login required, PIN initialized, token initialized
  serial num  :  7340050446913028
Slot 4 (0x4): SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
  token label:   MyEID
  token manuf:   Aventra Ltd.
  token model:   PKCS#15
  token flags:   rng, token initialized
  serial num  :  7340050446913028
Slot 5 (0x5): SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
[other slots all empty]

$ pkcs15-tool --list-pins
Using reader with a card: SCM SCR 335 [CCID Interface] (504012DD) 00 00
PIN [Security Officer PIN]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : ff
Flags  : [0xB0], initialized, needs-padding, soPin
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 3
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :

PIN [Card Auth]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 01
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 1
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :

PIN [User Auth]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 02
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 2
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :

PIN [Root CA]
Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
ID : 03
Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
Pad char   : 0xFF
Reference  : 4
Type   : ascii-numeric
Path   :

Says nowhere that a PIN is locked...
Using opensc-explorer, I could see that now I have a locked PIN (the #2).
But pkcs15-tool -u gives me a strange prompt:
Enter PUK [Security Officer PIN]:
Enter new PIN [Security Officer PIN]:
Enter new PIN again [Security Officer PIN]:

So does it need PUK for CHV2, SOPIN or what else? Luckily this card is
just a test one, but I'd like *not* having to reformat it... 4 tries

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-18 Thread NdK
On 18/02/2011 10:54, NdK wrote:

 *But* if I specify a slot too, it asks me for a PIN. Too bad *none* of 
 the PINs I created works:
 $ openssl req -days 3650 -new -out -config 
 openssl.conf -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -key 1:10 -sha1
Today openssl refusess to load engine from config (auto-upgraded to
openssl-1.0.0a)... Already seen some old topics in list :(
But, at least, using interactive mode seems to work.

 Have you tried some other format? slot_XX:id_XX ? (even though it should be 
 the same). Having OpenSC log with the relevant C_OpenSession() and C_Login 
 lines is useful as well.
 Yup. All formats. Same result: slot 0 = no PIN, every other slot asks
 'who knows' PIN.
Finally found by trial  error (after unlocking the PINs). In my case
slot is 3 and ID is 10.
So is slot the PIN# needed to unlock the key? But in that case, why
isn't it auto-detected?

 Using opensc-explorer, I could see that now I have a locked PIN (the #2).
 But pkcs15-tool -u gives me a strange prompt:
 Enter PUK [Security Officer PIN]:
 Enter new PIN [Security Officer PIN]:
 Enter new PIN again [Security Officer PIN]:
 So does it need PUK for CHV2, SOPIN or what else? Luckily this card is
 just a test one, but I'd like *not* having to reformat it... 4 tries
Now fixed by using opensc-explorer, so I still have a working card.
But can do some more tests if needed.


opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-17 Thread NdK
Hi all.

I'm now looking at another issue.
Having stored enough certs on card, I'm now trying to push it to the 

Seems that openssh can't be told which key to use, but that's not OpenSC 
related (unless someone here knows how to do it). So falling back to 
pam_pkcs11 and CA handling.

I've found a lot of tutorials to use openssl to generate self-signed 
certs (OK for my root CA), but couldn't find one where the signature is 
done by the card. Even on
seems openssl requires read access to the secret key, actually banning 
keys generated on-card:
$ openssl req -config openssl.conf -engine pkcs11 -new -key 10 -keyform 
engine -out req.pem -text -x509 -subj / Root CA
engine pkcs11 set.
Invalid slot number: 0
PKCS11_get_private_key returned NULL
cannot load Private Key from engine
3075466888:error:26096080:engine routines:ENGINE_load_private_key:failed 
loading private key:eng_pkey.c:126:
unable to load Private Key

Any hint on how to instruct openssl to use the card to sign?

And on a related issue (step 2), can the public key be removed after 
loading the cert?


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] CA key on card: how?

2011-02-17 Thread NdK
On 17/02/2011 22:55, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

 no, that wiki page is correct and works for me - done it a hundred times.
 it uses the key on the card, and the card does the signature (you cannot
 read the private key, a smart card won't ever give it to you).
Yup. That's why keys are generated on card :)

 so maybe 10 is the wrong key id or something like that?
I generated it with
$ pkcs15-init -G rsa/2048 -a 3 --id 10 -l Root CA
and pkcs15-tool -k shows, amongt others:
Private RSA Key [Root CA]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 Usage  : [0x4], sign
 Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, 
neverExtract, local
 ModLength  : 2048
 Key ref: 8
 Native : yes
 Path   : 3f0050154b08
 Auth ID: 03
 ID : 10

So it seems correct.

*But* if I specify a slot too, it asks me for a PIN. Too bad *none* of 
the PINs I created works:
$ openssl req -days 3650 -new -out -config 
openssl.conf -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -key 1:10 -sha1
engine pkcs11 set.
PKCS#11 token PIN:
Login failed
PKCS11_get_private_key returned NULL
cannot load Private Key from engine
3074688648:error:800050A4:Vendor defined:PKCS11_login:PIN 
3074688648:error:26096080:engine routines:ENGINE_load_private_key:failed 
loading private key:eng_pkey.c:126:
unable to load Private Key

I obviously tried all the PINs (included SOPIN). The strange thing is 
that NO PIN is locked after all the tries I did...

Any hint about where to bang my head?


opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-16 Thread NdK
On 16/02/2011 21:13, Martin Paljak wrote:

 The same can be done for 768bit key, and, I suppose, for all key sizes from 
 512 to 2048 with the 64 bit step.
 The only questions is: are you sure you want to do this? Small RSA keys are 
 often used in low profile hardware, where the smaller calculation is easier 
 to complete, these days EC would be a better option for resource-constrained 
 I would not date to suggest turning1024 key support off (which is the 
 recommendation by several organizations) but giving a nice fat warning to the 
 user when creating keys (not importing!) below 1024 (or 1024 keys when the 
 card claims support for 2048) bits.
That could be done for every key size less than the maximum handled by 
the card. This way the user is encouraged to use the maximum available 
security, and fall back to less secure keys only if he needs to.

Just my .02 ...

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-16 Thread NdK
On 16/02/2011 21:59, Martin Paljak wrote:

 I would not date to suggest turning1024 key support off (which is the 
 recommendation by several organizations) but giving a nice fat warning to 
 the user when creating keys (not importing!) below 1024 (or 1024 keys when 
 the card claims support for 2048) bits.
 That could be done for every key size less than the maximum handled by
 the card. This way the user is encouraged to use the maximum available
 security, and fall back to less secure keys only if he needs to.

 Nice one! Can you please file it as a wish list ticket with a link to this 
 thread as well, so that it won't slip through the cracks? (added a note about 
 list thread links to ReportingBugs [1] page as well)
Ticket 331 created.

 Thanks for your input, if all of the things won't get fixed for the next 
 release (0.12.1) then surely in one of the succeeding builds. Which could 
 eventually happen as often as on biweekly basis.
Marked for someday.

 If you can, please post about your experiments with MyEID profile tweaks as 
 well, so that the default profile could be improved.
Already did that on my site (but only in Italian, for now... I was 
waiting for something definitive before translating. You can see it at:
(on a single line). The setting I'm now using is the one in the third 

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-15 Thread NdK
Il 15/02/2011 11:17, Toni Sjoblom - Aventra ha scritto:
Woa. *That's* customer support!

 Current MyEID cards are 80K, but some of this space is used by the MyEID
 applet itself.
Ok. I'm starting to understand.

 The file size you see in the 3F00 file is the remaining free space, but due
 to a limitation of java cards in general, as Martin mentioned, 32k is the
 largest number for signed short.
So I misunderstood. I thought a DF had to be big enough to contain all
its sub-DFs and EFs. Good to know I was wrong (I was already thinking
about adding another java app for using the remaining space).

 This only shows that you have at least this amount o space left. To get to
 know how much space you actually have left, you could create a file that is
 32k, and the see how much space is left. Then if you still get the maximum
 (32k), then create another 32k file and then see the results. By
 adding these values together you get the actual space.
Perfect. Too bad I haven't my cards handy atm, but I'll try ASAP.

 But I'm still missing some useful details (like typical keysize, how
 much space does a key need in index files  so on)...
 Looking at that index file might help? Also, every applet will take some
 memory for internal bookkeeping, so it is not simply 1:1.
 A single key (private or public) needs typically 70-90 bytes in the dir file
 (index file). The actual amount depends on the label length.

 One 1024bit RSA key pair takes 512bytes and one 2048bit key pair takes
Ok. So, 'limiting' to 32 keys (due to said limit in pkcs15-tool), I
could have:
 cdf_size = 8640 # 3 * 32 * 90 (an average of 3 keys in every cert)
 prkdf_size = 2880 # 32 * 90
 pukdf_size = 2880 # idem... but why is default smaller than prkdf_size?
Storing only 2048-bit keys for 32 different certificates from different
CAs (so w/ a different intermediate CA in every cert, that gives me the
'3 keys' for cdf_size line) I should end up using about 45k + the certs
... This way I won't be able to add keys or certs only when I reach
limits of pkcs15-tool or capacity, right?
If so, could those values be included as defaults (maybe for a 'max'
profile) in myeid.profile ?

PS: seems MyEID can't generate 1024bit keypairs... Is it right? From
specs I understood it could work from 512 to 2048...

Tks  BYtE!
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-15 Thread NdK
On 15/02/2011 16:47, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

 Ok. So, 'limiting' to 32 keys (due to said limit in pkcs15-tool), I
 could have:
cdf_size = 8640 # 3 * 32 * 90 (an average of 3 keys in every cert)
 You mean 3 certs for each key?
 I think that it's difficult to generalize this relation, the contexts of the 
 card usage are so different.
I think a typical usage is that in every cert there's a root cert 
(whose key is kept offline) that authenticates an intermediate CA cert 
key (often kept online), that authenticates user key. So 3 certs for 
every user key. Obviously there could be CAs that sign user keys 
directly w/ their master key, and others that have more than one 
intermediate CA. And really often a user only relies on a single CA for 
all his/her certs, so needing only one root CA cert and 2-3 intermediate 
certs (so reducing of 60 certs the storage needs).

 Of cause the last word is for Toni, but, imho, the actual default value of 
 'cdf-size' is really too low.
I always listen to more experienced people, then err on my own :)

 As for me it should be around one-two times larger then prkdf-size.
 I do not have justification for this relation, only very vague considerations:
 2-3 certs per key,
Ok. So my value was right: 3 times prkdf-size :)

prkdf_size = 2880 # 32 * 90
pukdf_size = 2880 # idem... but why is default smaller than prkdf_size?
 Generally there is no PubKey object corresponding to the imported keys.
 Imported private key is immediately accompanied with the corresponding 
 or have sufficiently explicit attributes (ID) that allows to link it with the 
 future certificate.
Ah, Ok. I thought a pubkey was stored anyway.

 PS: seems MyEID can't generate1024bit keypairs... Is it right? From
 specs I understood it could work from 512 to 2048...
 It can generate 1024bit keys.
Yup. But I understood that it could generate keys down to 512. Probably 
misunderstood the docs.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Using pkcs15-init to set profile options prkdf-size and pukdf-size

2011-02-15 Thread NdK
On 15/02/2011 17:26, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

 As for me, more appropriate solution is to define in your card profile some 
 section like 'option my_macros { macros { ... }}',
 after (or instead of) the section 'option onepin' (to overwrite the existing 
 macro value),
 and then to use something like:

 # pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 --profile pkcs15+onepin+my_macros

 'Normally' it should work.
But that requires root access. Could it be possible to add scanning to a 
directory behind user's home (~/.opensc/profiles/ could be a good 
candidate) and if a .profile is found, parse it instead of the system 
wide one? Just like many other toold so (openssh pops up in my mind :)).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-15 Thread NdK
On 15/02/2011 19:47, Viktor TARASOV wrote:

 Sorry, this card can generate key 512bit .
 For that the corresponding algorithm should be added to the list of the 
 card's algorithms.

 --- src/libopensc/card-myeid.c  (révision 5194)
 +++ src/libopensc/card-myeid.c  (copie de travail)
 @@ -100,6 +100,7 @@

 +   _sc_card_add_rsa_alg(card, 512, flags, 0);
   _sc_card_add_rsa_alg(card, 1024, flags, 0);
   _sc_card_add_rsa_alg(card, 2048, flags, 0);
If the card could handle it (don't know, and not confident enough to 
recompile opensc), often 768 bits are used for med-low security apps.

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-14 Thread NdK
Il 14/02/2011 07:15, Martin Paljak ha scritto:

 $ pkcs15-init -S startssl.p12 -f PKCS12 -i 45 -a 2 -l StartSSL auth
 Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
 error:23076071:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_parse:mac verify failure
 Is this error normal? Does it happen with OpenSSL command line tools or 
 other software?
 I always get it for PKCS12 certs where the private key is protected by a 
 Also with openssl pkcs12 -info for example?
I'm now on another machine, but it seems for openssl it's OK:
$ openssl pkcs12 -info -in startssl.p12
Enter Import Password:
MAC Iteration 1
MAC verified OK
PKCS7 Data
Shrouded Keybag: pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC, Iteration 1
Bag Attributes
friendlyName: ID di StartCom Free Certificate Member a StartCom Ltd.
localKeyID: 25 83 B6 44 D1 E4 9C D8 5F 97 AE 86 3F CA E0 C4 1D 5D 1A 65
Key Attributes: No Attributes
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase:
[PEM data follows]

Might be something related to iterations?

 ID-s should only be used to bind objects together and have no meaning.
So I understood it correctly the first time. But it was worth a try...

 I found your source as well: pkcs15-init man page, which apparently needs 
Yup. Sometimes it's better *no* docs than *wrong* ones...

 pkcs15-init -E
BTW, even if I add to this line --so-pin $SOPIN, it gets asked
interactively. Another bug?

 OK, we have a bug. Feel free to file it to Trac as well.

 With these values I could iterate 58(!!!) times pkcs15-init -G rsa/1024 
 ... before EF 4404 (??? why? I'm not storing certs yet!) fills up.
 Good question, would nee to try it out.
 But now pkcs15 -D shows me only private and public keys up to the 32nd 
 (limit in the tool?).
 You're seriously pushing the limits here :) Yes, 32 is a hardcoded limit in 
I use Linux *exactly* for that: push the HW to its limits... :)

 640kb ought to be enough for anybody. This needs to be fixed before the 
 Linux of smart cards will take over and OpenSC becomes the minisoft :)
With always bigger cards, limits shouldn't be too tight. Better if there
are no hardcoded limits other than the mandatory ones (dictated by a
spec: you can't have more than 14 PINs = limit to 14.

 If I delete a public key, then I can see the 33rd 
 and so on (one more key for every one I delete). *Can't* delete private 
 keys (always says it can't find that key ID):
 $ pkcs15-init -D privkey --id 6b1414bf460fe3a6711fee7e61c286331f490d1a
 Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
 NOTE: couldn't find privkey 6b1414bf460fe3a6711fee7e61c286331f490d1a to 
 Deleted 0 objects
 Maybe this is a bug?
 If you try to delete both at once (private and public key) will that work?
Nope. It only finds the public one. I usually do:
$ pkcs15-init -D pubkey,privkey -i $ID

 I need to check with a MyEID card before further comments but I think you can 
 easily file the issues you found as bugs. If not technical bug it is a 
 usability bug nevertheless
Ok. Created #327, #328, #329 .

Another thing: seems PIN use is quite fixed by profile. Maybe making
it more flexible could help. Now it asks CHV1 every time I add a key,
even if I'll need CHV2 to access it. Having a simpler way to override
the system-wide profile might improve greatly user experience...

Tks  BYtE!
opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-14 Thread NdK
On 14/02/2011 17:52, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

 I have no clue about myeid, but some other cards are only 32k for example.
 reserving 8192 would be 25% and that is only one directory file...
Well, javacards have a limit of 32k of data, IIUC, so it's more or less 
the maximum for single-app javacards. MyEID have a 3F00 file of 32k, so 
I think that's the real available size for the primary app (please 
correct me if I'm wrong).

But I'm still missing some useful details (like typical keysize, how 
much space does a key need in index files  so on)...

 and a fine tuning for each different card and driver: I don't think anyone
 has the time and manpower for that.
Since I have the card and some time, I volunteer to fine tune it so that 
a card contains the maximum of useful data :)

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-13 Thread NdK
On 13/02/2011 11:07, Tomas Gustavsson wrote:

 Did you try to specify the -i parameter when importing certificates?
 pkcs15-init --store-certificate cert.pem -v -i 45
 where i is the key_id?

 I didn't try with multiple certs actually, but that's how I imported
 certificates assigning them to a key. See

No way. When importing the second it still says file too small:
$ pkcs15-init -S startssl.p12 -f PKCS12 -i 45 -a 2 -l StartSSL auth
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
error:23076071:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_parse:mac verify failure
Please enter passphrase to unlock secret key:
Importing 3 certificates:
   0: /description=319470-SNVg5Hb3589q8dqm/O=Persona Not 
Validated/CN=StartCom Free Certificate 
   1: /C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate 
Signing/CN=StartCom Certification Authority
   2: /C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate 
Signing/CN=StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Client CA
User PIN [Card Auth] required.
Please enter User PIN [Card Auth]:

$ pkcs15-init -S ndk2.p12 -f PKCS12 -i 45 -a 2 -l ndk 2
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
error:23076071:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_parse:mac verify failure
Please enter passphrase to unlock secret key:
Importing 3 certificates:
   0: /description=122698-9FVmbs813O0ow3bM/O=Persona Not 
Validated/CN=StartCom Free Certificate Member/emailAddress=ndk@
   1: /C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate 
Signing/CN=StartCom Certification Authority
   2: /C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate 
Signing/CN=StartCom Class 1 Primary Intermediate Client CA
User PIN [Card Auth] required.
Please enter User PIN [Card Auth]:
Failed to store private key: File too small


IIUC -i can only be 45 (normal) or 46 (non repudiation)... But to be 
sure I tried w/ different IDs, too, but got the same result.

And as you can see, I get asked CHV1 even if I chose -a 2 ...

Really strange thing is that it seems both private keys get stored on 
card and protected by the correct PIN:
$ pkcs15-tool --dump
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
PKCS#15 Card [MyEID]:
 Version: 0
 Serial number  : 7340050446913028
 Manufacturer ID: Aventra Ltd.
 Last update: 20110213120742Z
 Flags  : EID compliant

PIN [Security Officer PIN]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 ID : ff
 Flags  : [0xB0], initialized, needs-padding, soPin
 Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
 Pad char   : 0xFF
 Reference  : 3
 Type   : ascii-numeric
 Path   :

PIN [Card Auth]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 ID : 01
 Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
 Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
 Pad char   : 0xFF
 Reference  : 1
 Type   : ascii-numeric
 Path   :

PIN [User Auth]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 ID : 02
 Flags  : [0x30], initialized, needs-padding
 Length : min_len:4, max_len:8, stored_len:8
 Pad char   : 0xFF
 Reference  : 2
 Type   : ascii-numeric
 Path   :

  Private RSA Key [StartSSL auth]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 Usage  : [0x2E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap
 Access Flags   : [0x0]
 ModLength  : 2048
 Key ref: 1
 Native : yes
 Path   : 3f0050154b01
 Auth ID: 02
 ID : 45

Private RSA Key [ndk@]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 Usage  : [0x2E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap
 Access Flags   : [0x0]
 ModLength  : 2048
 Key ref: 2
 Native : yes
 Path   : 3f0050154b02
 Auth ID: 02
 ID : 45

X.509 Certificate [/description=319470-SNVg5Hb3589q8dqm/O=Persona Not 
Validated/CN=StartCom Free Certificate 
 Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
 Authority  : no
 Path   : 3f0050154301
 ID : 45
 Encoded serial : 02 03 01F7C8

X.509 Certificate [/C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate 
Signing/CN=StartCom Certification Authority]
 Object Flags   : [0x2], modifiable
 Authority  : yes
 Path   : 3f0050154302
 ID : 509b7413aa02db7808cf0c378e61a7ecc4f29745
 Encoded serial : 02 01 01

X.509 Certificate [/C=IL/O=StartCom Ltd./OU=Secure Digital Certificate 

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-13 Thread NdK
On 13/02/2011 14:38, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

 yes, smart cards are quite old technology, files can't grow on demand :(
I knew that.

 sorry, I know ono way to calculate such file sizes. all you can do is try and
Yup. Hard to predict correct size, since certs can be of different size.

 the debug log file should show you what file is toosmall, so you can find out
 what file needs to be initialized bigger.
Using 3 times '-v' made me find that file 4404 is the one too small.
Not knowing exact meaning of options in /usr/share/opensc/myeid.profile, 
section 'option default / macros', I tried setting cdf-size = 4096, 
and now I could reinit the card and store my 4 certs on it!

What's the downside of setting it to bigger size? Maybe even 8192 or so?
Can I override default profiles on a per-user basis in a simple way? I 
already tried copying myeid.profile and using -p, but I had to use 
../../../../path/to/current/dir/myeid (.. to go to root, then full path 
of my modified profile, w/o .profile extension).

opensc-devel mailing list

Re: [opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-13 Thread NdK
On 13/02/2011 21:18, Martin Paljak wrote:

 $ pkcs15-init -S startssl.p12 -f PKCS12 -i 45 -a 2 -l StartSSL auth
 Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
 error:23076071:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_parse:mac verify failure
 Is this error normal? Does it happen with OpenSSL command line tools or other 
I always get it for PKCS12 certs where the private key is protected by a 

 IIUC -i can only be 45 (normal) or 46 (non repudiation)... But to be
 sure I tried w/ different IDs, too, but got the same result.
 The ID has no real meaning AFAIK, I don't know from where the 45 and 46 come 
 from. What is your source?
I read it somewhere while researching, noted it in my mind and forgot 
source :(
   Private RSA Key [StartSSL auth]
  ID : 45

 Private RSA Key [ndk@]
  ID : 45
 The software should not allow you to create two private keys with the same 
 ID. How exactly did you end up with this card, do you have the commands, 
 starting from initialization?
Yup. I init it from a script:
pkcs15-init -E
pkcs15-init -C --pin  --puk  --so-pin $SOPIN --so-puk $SOPUK
pkcs15-init -P -a 1 --pin $PIN1 --puk $PUK1 --so-pin $SOPIN -l Card Auth
pkcs15-init -P -a 2 --pin $PIN2 --puk $PUK2 --so-pin $SOPIN -l User Auth
pkcs15-init -F
pkcs15-init -S startssl.p12 -f PKCS12 -i 45 -a 2 -l StartSSL auth
pkcs15-init -S ndk2.p12 -f PKCS12 -i 45 -a 2 -l ndk 2

Probably it's not checked.

Seems I'm approaching a solution for the original capacity troubles, 
but more troubles emerge.

I modified /usr/share/opensc/myeid.profile so that it now contains these 
# Comments based on
unusedspace-size = 512;
odf-size= 256;  # Object Directory File: pointers to other files
aodf-size   = 384;  # Authentication Object Directory File: points 
to PINs file
cdf-size= 4096; # Certificate Directory File
prkdf-size  = 4950; # Private Keys Directory file
pukdf-size  = 4000; # Public keys Directory file
dodf-size   = 256;  # Data Object Directory file

With these values I could iterate 58(!!!) times pkcs15-init -G rsa/1024 
... before EF 4404 (??? why? I'm not storing certs yet!) fills up.

But now pkcs15 -D shows me only private and public keys up to the 32nd 
(limit in the tool?). If I delete a public key, then I can see the 33rd 
and so on (one more key for every one I delete). *Can't* delete private 
keys (always says it can't find that key ID):
$ pkcs15-tool -k
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
Private RSA Key [Id_32]
 Object Flags   : [0x3], private, modifiable
 Usage  : [0x4], sign
 Access Flags   : [0x1D], sensitive, alwaysSensitive, 
neverExtract, local
 ModLength  : 1024
 Key ref: 32
 Native : yes
 Path   : 3f0050154b20
 ID : 6b1414bf460fe3a6711fee7e61c286331f490d1a

$ pkcs15-init -D privkey --id 6b1414bf460fe3a6711fee7e61c286331f490d1a
Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00
NOTE: couldn't find privkey 6b1414bf460fe3a6711fee7e61c286331f490d1a to 
Deleted 0 objects

Maybe this is a bug?

opensc-devel mailing list

[opensc-devel] Multiple certs on a MyEID card?

2011-02-11 Thread NdK
Hi all.

I'm using a MyEID card (got a pack of 5 to test) on a GemPlus USB-SW 
reader. OpenSC is 0.12, from Mandriva Cooker (2011alpha) packages.
If I init the card and load a single certificate (actually the one I use 
to authenticate on it's OK.
I can even generate a 2048 bit key pair for SSH, and it works OK (but I 
have to specify -u decrypt,sign to meke it work).

Problems start when I tryto load another cert (I have 3 more, for 
different mail addresses; all certs are from StartSSL): it says
Failed to store private key: File too small

I thought there was not enough space in some file and tried to modify 
files sizes in profile (failing everytime... maybe 'cause I don't know 
the meaning of those parameters). Then I tried generating some more 
keys: no problem w/ 4x2048bit+2x1024bit... So I think there's enough 

Then I tried converting certs to PEM format and load'em w/
pkcs15-init -a 2 -S $CERTNAME.pem --cert-label $CERTNAME
pkcs15-init -X $CERTNAME.pem -l $CERTNAME
(tried in reverse order too, and w/ --cert-label when using -X) and all 
certs gets loaded. But seems private keys aren't associated to the 
cert. And Firefox and Thunderbird can't see 'em...

Another strangeness is that when adding keypairs or certificates I'm 
asked to enter CHV1, not SOPIN or the PIN I'm asking to use. For example
pkcs15-init -G rsa/2048 -a 2 -u decrypt,sign -l SSH
asks for CHV1, *not* CHV2 os SOPIN!

Another doubt: what are slots? Seems for pkcs11-tool -L they're the 
PINs, but for text in opensc.conf it seems they're related to the max 
number of storable keys...

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