RE: Bowser back buttons and jsp

2001-02-22 Thread Ray Brown

What is an example of the errors?

I use a nice freebie menu system, written in JavaScript, for
my apps and if the user uses the "Back" button (provided by
the browser) and the page has not fully been written by the
browser, the browser decides not to display the page at all.
If you request to view the source, it's there.  Is this the\
kind of error you mean?  [This occurs under NS4.5 on Apache
or Orion]


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 3:49 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Bowser back buttons and jsp

This question doesn't really apply to the webserver in general.  I have
developed an ecommerce application using java beans and jsp.
Unfortunately, during qa testing, one problem keeps coming up.  If you
click the back button on the browser and ignore the navigation built into
the system, you encounter errors.  I've researched if there was a way to
disable the browser navigation options via javascript or some other way but
I found that this is not really possible.  What I was wondering is how do
other java professionals handle this problem?  Has anyone ever ran into

RE: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

anyone tell me where this syntax from web.xml is defined (could not find it in 
the JSP 1.2 spec - there is no complete documentation on 




[Randahl Fink Isaksen]

-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Conrad 
ChanSent: 22. februar 2001 00:32To: 
Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error Page

  set the return status code backto 200 since I really don't see a reason 
  why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably 
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 
1:20 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error 
be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. You can turn 
them off and try again.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Error 
  I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in 
  order to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
  However, that works fine with Netscape but 
  not with Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
  The following is the error page tag that I 
  I tried to put the whole URL in the location 
  field, but it was of no use.
  Please anyone.. I really 
  appreciate all your clues in advance.

RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a bug?

2001-02-22 Thread Daniel Cardin

I completely understand where you're trying to go. However, keep in mind

Entity beans are not meant to hold business rules. They are an interface
your physical storage. 

We have solved that problem using a facade pattern that basically works
shielding the developper from the actual method being called on the

For example:

Create an Entity bean AccountBean
Create a stateless session bean AccountBusinessRules

Leave the setBalance in the Entity Bean and add a setBalance in the
BusinessRules bean.
Use a reference to the remote interface as the first parameter, like
this :

public class AccountBusinessBean implements SessionBean
public setBalance(AccountBean ref, float balance)
// put the business code here...

// you can also use 
... other business methods, not necessarily tied to remotes

The facade has the following generated code (with checks, try catch
public class Account extends BusinessObject
public setBalance(float balance)
getBusinessBean().setBalance(getRemote(), balance); 
... the other business methods calls 

The client application instantiates the facade object

Account acct = new Account(new Integer(accountNumber)); // for
an existing entity

The client application developper does not know (or need to know?) which
method gets called. It's the 
job of the developper providing the Bean.

So the trick is generating the facade. We use a java doclet that
generates our facade objects by 
combining AccountBean methods with AccountBusinessRules methods. We use
method tags in the Entity 
and Business beans to "inform" the doclet about how to process the
methods in the facade.

This allows an easy switch from a "pure" data set (method only in the
Entity Bean) to a business 
method being called (both in Entity and BusinessRules) without impacting
existing client applications 
in any way.

As a bonus, with stateless session beans, you get pooling of business
methods, which makes more
efficient use of the server's ressources than having the code in
stateful beans or entity beans (BMP).

This works very well for us. If you have better suggestions, let's
discuss them!



-Message d'origine-
De : Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoy : 21 fvrier, 2001 11:46
 : Orion-Interest
Cc : Jens Peter Grosen; Simon Anker Christiansen; Kim Jrgensen
Objet : No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a

I have been reading the CMP 2.0 specification and I think it is simply
great! Still, I am a bit surprised that the bean developer has no
over what happens when a field is set. Imagine an AccountBean, for

public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
//implemented by the persistence manager
public abstract Float getBalance();
//implemented by the persistence manager
public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

What if I wanted to do something useful when the balance was set? Say, I
wanted to add the account  to a list of surveilled accounts if a
balance was set... it seems I cannot do that because the container
implements the setBalance() method for me. And I cannot just declare a
setBalance() method myself because I need the container's implementation
I will not be able to store the balance. H... it seems this is going
leave me with something like

public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
public abstract Float getBalance();
public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

public void
setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
//check if balance is negative and take action

Now I have _no_ guarantee that nobody will accidently call the original
setBalance() method, thereby circumventing my little security system,
was supposed to check for a negative balance. But, hey, I thought, then
will just declare the original setBalance() as protected - unfortunately
that is not allowed by the specification.

I would r e a l l y like to hear from anybody who knows a solution to
Any comments would be most welcomed.


RE: restarting orion

2001-02-22 Thread James Nelson

Take off the :90, it should just be ormi://localhost 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Peltonen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:39 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: restarting orion

When I give the command "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:90 admin
mypassword -restart" I get the error message:

Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading the
header; nested exception is: Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header

Here's some background of my fresh installation:

I've installed Orion 1.4.5 on RedHat Linux 6.2 that has j2sdkee-1_2_1 and
jdk1.2.2 installed on it.

I followed the instructions in Installation Guide and unpacked Orion to
/usr/src/orion as root. 

I ran the command "java -jar orion.jar -install" which asked for an admin
password. I gave it a one.

I started Orion with "java -jar orion.jar".

I tried and I can access the server with my web browser.

What's wrong, why won't my Orion restart? 


Re: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Justen Stepka

No matter what anyone tells you,

System.out.println ("ObjectName:MethodName ():line number");

will work wonders!

Justen Stepka

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Julian Richardson wrote:


 What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
 Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company) are trying
 to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the

   resource usage
   debugging support from the IDE

 - I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
 website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new to the app
 server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
 years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible to use an
 integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)

 Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion are welcome
 too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
 good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags with orion in
 terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't




SV: Bowser back buttons and jsp

2001-02-22 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Bowser back buttons and jsp

Just make sure that your application can handle ppl going forward and backward.
Disble cache:ing if needed and define flowcontrol to manage the flow.
Its pretty basic.

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 21 februari 2001 13:44
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: Re: Bowser back buttons and jsp
 I believe you will need to design your system to accomodate this case.
 There is no workaround that I am aware of, and this is a very common
 user behavior.
  This question doesn't really apply to the webserver in 
 general. I have
  developed an ecommerce application using java beans and jsp.
  Unfortunately, during qa testing, one problem keeps coming 
 up. If you
  click the back button on the browser and ignore the 
 navigation built into
  the system, you encounter errors. I've researched if there 
 was a way to
  disable the browser navigation options via javascript or 
 some other way but
  I found that this is not really possible. What I was 
 wondering is how do
  other java professionals handle this problem? Has anyone 
 ever ran into

SV: EJB 2.0 CMP features of Orion

2001-02-22 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: EJB 2.0 CMP features of Orion

One more thing,
currently, you need to add the object on each end of the bidirectional 1-n relation.

Finders are automatically generated for simple expressions, such as
findByCustomer, findbyId etc
but does not handle
And Im happy that more time is *not* spent on handling findByThisAndThat etc, as atleast I gonna rely on EJB QL as soon as its implemented.


 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 21 februari 2001 13:55
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: RE: EJB 2.0 CMP features of Orion
 Unidirectional 1-1 and 1-n relationships between EJBs work, but
 bidirectional relationships do not. There are easy ways to fake it,
 It's not strictly according to the specification - with 
 Orion, you must
 define the CMR fields as cmp-fields in the entity. pd2 
 and pdf say
 you shouldn't. This may have been a change going from pd1 to 
 pd2; most
 of the CMR (and DO) stuff is based on pd1. I can't fault the 
 Orion team
 for not keeping up with every zigzag (there have been several).
 Another thing I noticed is that (at least in 1.4.5) primitive EJB-QL
 seems to work. When I create a simple findByField method, 
 Orion figures
 out how to create the appropriate finder-method in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 4:48 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB 2.0 CMP features of Orion
 Has anyone tried out OR-mapping of 1-1 relationships and 1-n 
 between two EJBs? I have seen Jim Archer's fine tutorial about 
 EJBs having a
 1-1 or 1-n relationship to a *dependent object*, but is the 
 same thing
 possible between two EJBs?
 I know the web site states that Orion 1.2.9 does NOT support n-m
 relationships, but is 1-1 or 1-n supported in the latest 
 release, and is the
 support for 1-1 and 1-n in accordance with the specification?

SV: Application clients

2001-02-22 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Application clients

Check out the news app in the /demo/ directory for example.

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Alexander Jerusalem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 21 februari 2001 14:11
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: Application clients
 Can anyone tell what I have to do to use EJBs in Orion from 
 an application 
 Alexander Jerusalem

SV: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Rikard Westlund

 In order to get this to work on IE 
the file locationerror_500.jsp/location must be 512b or more in 


  -Ursprungligt meddelande-[Rikard Westlund]If 
  Frn: Conrad Chan 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 22 februari 2001 
  00:32Till: Orion-Interestmne: RE: Error 
  set the return status code backto 200 since I really don't see a reason 
  why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably 
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 
1:20 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error 
be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. You can turn 
them off and try again.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Error 
  I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in 
  order to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
  However, that works fine with Netscape but 
  not with Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
  The following is the error page tag that I 
  I tried to put the whole URL in the location 
  field, but it was of no use.
  Please anyone.. I really 
  appreciate all your clues in advance.

RE: How can I use Application session?

2001-02-22 Thread Angus Mark

you can call getSession(boolean create) where create is false instead 

 -Original Message-
 From: Yves Bossel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 21 February 2001 11:40
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: How can I use Application session?
  I would add:
  * how can I retrieve the session ID while I am inside an EJB 
  method so I 
 (from the docs)
 use from HttpServletRequest the method getSession(), then session.getId()
 Be careful because the spec says that getSession() creates a session if it
 does not exists.
 Yves Bossel - Programmer -

RE: restarting orion

2001-02-22 Thread James Nelson

Take off the port number (:90).  It should just be ormi://localhost.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Peltonen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:39 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: restarting orion

When I give the command "java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:90 admin
mypassword -restart" I get the error message:

Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: Caught EOFException while reading the
header; nested exception is: Caught EOFException while reading
the stream header

Here's some background of my fresh installation:

I've installed Orion 1.4.5 on RedHat Linux 6.2 that has j2sdkee-1_2_1 and
jdk1.2.2 installed on it.

I followed the instructions in Installation Guide and unpacked Orion to
/usr/src/orion as root. 

I ran the command "java -jar orion.jar -install" which asked for an admin
password. I gave it a one.

I started Orion with "java -jar orion.jar".

I tried and I can access the server with my web browser.

What's wrong, why won't my Orion restart? 


Test20Cmp / Jim Archers example

2001-02-22 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

I just read Arhcer's Test20Cmp example (posted on this list earlier on). I
am unaware of the need for the initToNull() method (see below); does anyone
know why its there - its is repeated in the later examples aswell.

Well, I know at least one guy who knows... but if anyone else but Jim
himself knows, you are of course also very welcome to reply ;-). Thanks.


public String ejbCreate() {
trace("ejbCreate() entered");


setEmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

trace("ejbCreate() exiting");

  // In CMP, should return null.
  return null;

private void initToNull()
trace("initToNull() entered");


trace("initToNull() exiting");

RE: EJB 2.0 CMP features of Orion

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

Unidirectional 1-1 and 1-n relationships between EJBs work, but
bidirectional relationships do not.  There are easy ways to fake it,

It's not strictly according to the specification - with Orion, you must
define the CMR fields as cmp-fields in the entity.  pd2 and pdf say
you shouldn't.  This may have been a change going from pd1 to pd2; most
of the CMR (and DO) stuff is based on pd1.  I can't fault the Orion team
for not keeping up with every zigzag (there have been several).

Another thing I noticed is that (at least in 1.4.5) primitive EJB-QL
seems to work.  When I create a simple findByField method, Orion figures
out how to create the appropriate finder-method in orion-ejb-jar.xml.


-Original Message-
From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 4:48 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB 2.0 CMP features of Orion

Has anyone tried out OR-mapping of 1-1 relationships and 1-n 
between two EJBs? I have seen Jim Archer's fine tutorial about 
EJBs having a
1-1 or 1-n relationship to a *dependent object*, but is the same thing
possible between two EJBs?
I know the web site states that Orion 1.2.9 does NOT support n-m
relationships, but is 1-1 or 1-n supported in the latest 
release, and is the
support for 1-1 and 1-n in accordance with the specification?


RE: Application clients

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

There are a number of posts in the archive about how to configure the
initial context (either programmatically or by using a
file).  In addition to that:

Define a META-INF/application-client.xml and package it in the client's
Define the application client in the j2ee application.xml descriptor
with modulejava.
Package the client jar in the ear.
Deploy the ear file.
Run the client from the "applications" directory.  Theoretically the
client has been "deployed", but I don't think Orion does anything to it
other than unpack the ear.

Make sure that orion.jar is in the classpath when executing the client.
This is more challenging that you would think.  The Sun JDK 1.3 "java"
ignores the classpath (even if you specify it on the command line) if
you use the -jar parameter ($@#%!!).  You can either put your app
client jar and orion.jar on the classpath and specify the main class, or
you can put orion.jar in the Class-Path field of the
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF for your application client (but be careful of the

If you're running on Windows, watch out executing the app client from
the orion "applications" directory (or whever you have it deployed to);
subsequent deployments of the ear file will fail with an IO error
because it can't write to the client jar file.  Even if you haven't
changed the client jar file and it shouldn't need to be written.

There are probably other ways of doing this, but this is what seemed
most j2ee-correct to me.  I imagine some app servers do something
special to the client in the process of deploying it, but Orion is not
that sophisticated (yet).


-Original Message-
From: Alexander Jerusalem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:11 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Application clients


Can anyone tell what I have to do to use EJBs in Orion from an 


Alexander Jerusalem

RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Mac Ferguson

I was in contact with Allaire's Kawa support recently and they told me that
Kawa will support running/debugging Orion directly in it's IDE in an
upcoming service pack, how soon it will be released is not certain, so
caveat emptor. I found Kawa to be a pretty good basic IDE (I don't like lots
of frills, I just want codesense and debugging), although in addition to not
yet supporting Orion it was not a simple affair to add .class files to the
CodeSense. If you want a decent step-thru remote debugger, check out
Bugseeker ( it was a bit tricky to get it connected
to my remote JVM, but once I figured it out it was pretty good, it's *very*
affordable, too. I also have recently become aware of JSwat
(, an open-source debugger. I am
currently using the combination of Visual Slickedit for editing, Bugseeker
for debugging and ANT for building, I occasionally fire up Forte (only
because I have 256 MB memory and lots of time!) to do visual Swing stuff.

Hope this helps,
Mac Ferguson

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:18 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Debugging and orion


 What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
 Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company)
 are trying
 to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the

   resource usage
   debugging support from the IDE

 - I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
 website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new
 to the app
 server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
 years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible
 to use an
 integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)

 Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion
 are welcome
 too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
 good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags with orion in
 terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't




JMS samples NPE

2001-02-22 Thread Edoardo Comar

has anyone been able to get the jms samples to work ?

I struggled with the chat application, but always get a NullPointerException
on connection.start()
which is the same bug I got in my own application ... which makes me think I
can't use Orion.

I tried it in 1.3.8, 1.4.0, 1.4.5, 1.4.7 and the NPE is an invariant ...


RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or abug?

2001-02-22 Thread Robert Krueger

At 19:16 21.02.2001 , you wrote:


check EJB-INTEREST archives for discussions on this. I think most pros and 
cons (including my view on things ;-) were in a discussion a few months ago.

at the moment the server hosting the search seems to be down, so I cannot 
give you the exact thread.



This makes we want to ask a question that has nagged me for
a while.  Where do you put data constraints?  In the database?
or in the entity bean?

For example, let's say we have a field called "absoluteTemp"
in Kelvin.  We all know this value can never be negative (in
my universe anyway).  This isn't a business rule, it a law
of nature.  Do you implement it as a database constraint which
will throw a SQLException if violated, or do you check for
in some facade-setter of the entity and throw some other
Exception if violated?  What are the pros and cons of either?


(-) Robert Krger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft fr Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brder-Knau-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: Bowser back buttons and jsp

2001-02-22 Thread Kev Roberts

You can try to get round this on the client side with JavaScript but to do
things robustly you need to handle this server side. 
How do you handle the navigation, validation and processing from your JSP?
Have a look at the State pattern, this works really well for an encapsulated
approach to this, and can easily be extended to cope with both forward and
backward navigation.
If that doesn't make sense then give me a shout,


 -Original Message-
 From: Ray Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 22 February 2001 00:44
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Bowser back buttons and jsp
 What is an example of the errors?
 I use a nice freebie menu system, written in JavaScript, for
 my apps and if the user uses the "Back" button (provided by
 the browser) and the page has not fully been written by the
 browser, the browser decides not to display the page at all.
 If you request to view the source, it's there.  Is this the\
 kind of error you mean?  [This occurs under NS4.5 on Apache
 or Orion]
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 3:49 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Bowser back buttons and jsp
 This question doesn't really apply to the webserver in 
 general.  I have
 developed an ecommerce application using java beans and jsp.
 Unfortunately, during qa testing, one problem keeps coming up.  If you
 click the back button on the browser and ignore the 
 navigation built into
 the system, you encounter errors.  I've researched if there 
 was a way to
 disable the browser navigation options via javascript or some 
 other way but
 I found that this is not really possible.  What I was 
 wondering is how do
 other java professionals handle this problem?  Has anyone 
 ever ran into

Session cookies and https behavior

2001-02-22 Thread Sergio Socarras

  I'm running into some strange behavior with sessions
when running under https. I notice that when I set my
browser to prompt me when a cookie is to be set and
hit my application with regular http, I get a prompt
for the session cookie. If I hit the same page running
a secure connection I'm never prompted. I notice that
under the secure connection some of my URLs get
rewritten. Interesting enough the second page I hit
under the secure connection does not have the session
in the URL and still works, but after the second page
all other pages attach the jsession onto the url. Can
someone please explain what's going on. Does the
setting of the session cookie not work under secure


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starting and stopping orion

2001-02-22 Thread Eduardo Estefano

What happens when you stop orion with a Ctrl-C ? Is this bad? Does it not
release all the resources it's using?

I run my application fine. Then I stop it with Ctrl-C. When I start it again
and try to access an EJB, I get a classnotfound exception (the class is from
the jdbc driver - and its there, so this is another problem).

So I don't know the exact problem, but I assume it is something with the
database connections. I reference one from an ejb, but I do close it in a
finally{} block inside the method that aquires a connection.

The only way to make it work again is to touch the configuration files so
the application is re-deployed. It looks like something is not shutdown

Any ideas?

Eduardo Estefano
Integrated Information Systems


2001-02-22 Thread mai

 X?B?hW?|o?q  XhW??????q?J?"??' m? ???qZ.?(w?t?-
Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit


thanks you for all the mail

RE: Got SecurityException, bu shouldn't it be NamingException?

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

you're right... please report this to bugzilla in


 -Original Message-
 From: Eduardo Estefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Mircoles, 21 de Febrero de 2001 13:57
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Got SecurityException, bu shouldn't it be NamingException?
 I was looking up a bean using:
 And I was getting a security exception: User Admin does not 
 have permissions
 to ContactManager.
 However, there is no ContactManager in the jndi tree. The 
 bean name in the
 tree was ContactManagerHome.
 I changed it and it worked fine.
 The question is: Shouldn't I get a NamingException instead of a
 Eduardo Estefano
 Integrated Information Systems

Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Mohit Palhan

Hi! there,
I am not trying to patronise Orion but hey !! the clustering does work,I
tried it with the news-app it works though I had some problem with the
hsql inregards with connections but yes the clustering works!! along with
the load balancer.As my friend Kevin Duffey gave me direction it worked.
The files you would have to modify are
web-site host="localhost" port="8080" display-name="Default Orion
WebSite" cluster-island="1"> similarly in the other orion also!!
I hope this helps!! though I have not given you all the details please
try it out!! and see otherwise...

I have a problem I just wish to have a say.. HelloWorld deployed in
two orion!! in cluster now I wish to use a client call and see hello world
from both the server
If I give client call the Orion on my c: gives result!! the d:
is up and running!!
Now I shut down the one on C: and again give a client call but it throws
this error
Communication error: Error reading application-client descriptor:
Error looking up EJBHome: Lookup error: Connection
refused: no further information; nested exception is:
Connection refused: no further information
Note:In the config of c: I have rmi.xml file with no port specified!!assuming
orion assigns a default one!!
In my d: orion in the same file I have added a port number!!
It is on the server wherein I have specified the port number that the
client request is never serviced!! the client request is always being serviced
by that orion which has no port number mentioned!!!
If I assign both of them a port number then one the orions start are
discovered by the loadbalancer!! but at the client call I always have exceptions
Communication error: Error reading application-client descriptor: Error
looking up EJBHome: Lookup error: Connection
refused: no further information; nested exception is:
Connection refused: no further information
none of the Orions service my client request
There is a problem in specifying my rmi ports!! or maybe I have configured
Please help!!
Note:When I tried the news-app in a cluster it works very fine!!! atleast
incase I shut down my one server the request is taken care of by the other!!!
but here in this HelloWorld app how do I go about it??
Have a nice day :-)

Dylan Parker wrote:
Hello, all.
My company is about to drop Orion.
The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
Has anyone made this work?
Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
Dylan Parker

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EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Dylan Parker

Hello, all.

My company is about to drop Orion.

The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...

We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.

In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?

How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
Has anyone made this work?
Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?

If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.

Dylan Parker

bug: InitialContext(Map) to different servers failed.

2001-02-22 Thread Thomas Hertz


If I try to connect with 'new InitialContext( Map )' to a server and then try
to connect to a different server (with a different java.naming.provider.url),
the connection is established, but always to the first server I connected to.

I did not found a way to connect to more than one server, even if I use the
InitialContext.close() before trying to make the new connection.

It seems to me that orion caches some Context properties.

The orionconsole is able to handle connection to different servers, so
I think they are using not 'new InitialContext(Map)' ..?

I've posted this to bugzilla.

Is this a known bug? Or is it 'by design'? Is there a different way
to connect to different servers?

Greetings, /Thomas


| /Thomas Hertz   |   [y] hybris GmbH | Software Engineering |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Schwere-Reiter-Strasse 35 | tel +49 89 306697- 0 |
|   | Haus 16, D-80797 Muenchen | fax +49 89 306697-99 |
| pgp fingerprint: D070 5D86 BE2D C3AF E2CC D2D8 C29A 7F68 7407 629E |

Re: How can I use Application session?

2001-02-22 Thread Huibert Aalbers

Hi everyone,

On a related note, I have two questions regarding sessions and Orion:

A) Can I expire a session programmatically?
B) In Orion my sessions do no seem to expire automatically. Does orion expire
sessions only when it needs resources or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Angus Mark wrote:

 you can call getSession(boolean create) where create is false instead

  -Original Message-
  From: Yves Bossel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 21 February 2001 11:40
  To:   Orion-Interest
  Subject:  RE: How can I use Application session?
   I would add:
   * how can I retrieve the session ID while I am inside an EJB
   method so I
  (from the docs)
  use from HttpServletRequest the method getSession(), then session.getId()
  Be careful because the spec says that getSession() creates a session if it
  does not exists.
  Yves Bossel - Programmer -


2001-02-22 Thread colin harris

I'm requesting  help with an orion deployment problem that i have been 
trying to solve for a while.

I have two applications running in orion 1.4.5, (i) Soap which consists 
of a number of servlets and (ii) Serene which has a number of ejbs.
I want the Soap application to be able to lookup ejbs in the Serene 

So i have put an ejb-ref in the web.xml file for the Soap application 



and then an ejb-ref-mapping in the orion-web.xml 

   ejb-ref-mapping name="ejb/ClientInterface" 
location="ormi://waits/serene/serene.ejb.ClientInterface" /


and this is the error i get when trying to do the lookup --

Exception caught: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: 
ormi://waits/serene/serene.ejb.ClientInterface not found

I think the problem is just specifying the right JNDI location to the 
orion ormi server
I have tried many combinations of ormi path but can't find the right one.

any help would be much appreciated.


colin harris..

Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread michael . kaufman

Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check processing in
Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to do ahead of the
standard j_security_check.

On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post the form to our
own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. j_security_check
doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.

Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about how the server
should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so potentially it doesn't
have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked from application
code. But it would be useful to be able to.

I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to j_security_check
instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple and not sure this
would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but can't move to
that yet.

Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on Orion? Or is it
related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to j_security_check
seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use Orion's non-standard
feature of leaving the action unspecified).

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RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Ted Rice


 What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
 Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company)
 are trying
 to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the

   resource usage
   debugging support from the IDE

you can pretty much use anu IDE you wish to employ for debuggin
if you use JDPA. i don't think orion is explicitly supported by
many IDEs, but if you start orion with something of the sort:

java -classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_
socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5000 -jar orion.jar

you can then attatch via any IDE that supports remote debugging.

for example, with JBuilder 4, you can:

1. open the Run-Configurations menu
2. edit a configuration
3. click on the Debug tab
4. clic the enable remote debugging checkbox

then start orion with the command line above, open the
source you wish to debug in JBuilder, and then run the
runtime configuration where you setup remote debugging. set
your breakpoints and debug away.

hope this helps.


Ted Rice
APAMA Ltd, 17 Millers Yard, Mill Lane
Cambridge CB2 1RQ, United Kingdom
Mobile: +44 (0)7899 876489
Phone:  +44 (0)1223 257973 [Histon Office]
Fax:+44 (0)1223 518859

Inactive application-scope bean problem

2001-02-22 Thread Geoff Marshall

Hello all!  I have a simple class that I'm using as a bean.  All it does is
provide a secure and non-secure root url:

package db;

public class AppBean {
private String SecureRootURL, NonSecureRootURL;

public AppBean() {
this.SecureRootURL= "";
this.NonSecureRootURL = "";

public void setSecure(String newURL) { SecureRootURL = newURL; }
public String getSecure() { return SecureRootURL; }

public void setNonSecure(String newURL) { NonSecureRootURL = newURL; }
public String getNonSecure() { return NonSecureRootURL; }

At the top of each JSP page:

jsp:useBean id='ab' scope='application' class='db.AppBean'
// initialize any application stuff


If I don't use the application for some period of time and then try to hit
the index page, I get this error, which only restarting Orion seems to

500 Internal Server Error

java.lang.ClassCastException: db.AppBean
at /Gold/home.jsp._jspService(/Gold/
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xj(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)

... any ideas

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread orion

I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in order 
to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
However, that works fine with Netscape but not with 
Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
The following is the error page tag that I 


I tried to put the whole URL in the location field, 
but it was of no use.
Please anyone.. I really appreciate 
all your clues in advance.


Orcale connection setup

2001-02-22 Thread Eyal Litman (Kamoon IL)
Title: Orcale connection setup


I am a new orion user. How do i set up my orion
database connection (to oracle db) so :
1. I'll have a connection pool.
2. I'll have an EJB-aware and pooled version DataSource.
I got a connection to my DB using com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource
but it seems to me that it's not EJB aware.
Can anyone help me with it ?

Eyal Litman
Kamoon Software 

Re: Inactive application-scope bean problem

2001-02-22 Thread Rafael Alvarez

Hello Geoff,

GM If I don't use the application for some period of time and then try to hit
GM the index page, I get this error, which only restarting Orion seems to
GM fix...

GM 500 Internal Server Error

GM java.lang.ClassCastException: db.AppBean
GM at /Gold/home.jsp._jspService(/Gold/
GM at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
GM at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xj(JAX)
GM at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
GM at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
GM at
GM at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
GM at
GM at

GM ... any ideas

Have you modified the class at some point between each hit? That
errors happen sometimes when the class in disk is different from the
class in memory.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Sending a PDF via a servlet to IE 5

2001-02-22 Thread Van Dooren, Damian

Actually for my current requirement, that is the easiest and cleanest
"hack". It's not pretty but it is the best solution for my requirement.


 -Original Message-
 From: Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 2:22 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Sending a PDF via a servlet to IE 5
 One fix I have found is to construct your url in a way the it end with
 ".pdf" for example
 This is of course clunky and awfully ugly, but it works.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Mike Hoolehan
 Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 1:00 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Sending a PDF via a servlet to IE 5
 my company ran into the same problem constructing pdf 
 files through a
 perl script.  The problem is with IE5, specifically the 
 manner in which it
 attempts to detect the content type of server output.  The 
 content-type mime
 header is unfortunately one of the last things it peeks at.  Check out
 article ref Q262213 on Microsoft's knowledge base.  We've 
 collected a list
 of related (and perhaps more pertinent.. I'm away from my 
 office right now)
 articles.  Email me directly if you want more detail.
 Oh, there's no fix we ever found, by the way.  We could 
 never pinpoint
 any exact version of IE or Windows that caused the problem.  
 Sometime an IE
 upgrade worked, sometimes not.  We were left with "Click here 
 for an html
 version," "Click here to have a pdf copy emailed to you", "Please use
 Netscape", etc.
 If you find a fix, let me know!
 Mike Hoolehan
 Sycamore Associates, Inc.
 On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 02:51:20PM -0500, Van Dooren, Damian wrote:
  Has anyone encountered an issue with sending a PDF back to IE 5?
  Here's my situation. I generate a PDF dynamically then store it in a
  database. I then retrieve the PDF from the DB via a servlet 
 that sets the
  mime-type then outputs to the response stream. This works fine with
  and IE 5.5 but with  IE 5 it displays an (mostly) empty 
 page with a cube
  icon on it (looks like an ActiveX icon). When you click on 
 the icon it
  up a dialog saying "Error Locating Object Handler". If I 
 request a static
  PDF IE 5 display that fine. So I'm assuming I'm not setting 
 something on
  response properly. Any one hae any ideas?
  Damian Van Dooren
  Information Technology
  The Investment Centre
  (519) 672-4389 x718

Re: New Orion Primer (2nd try)

2001-02-22 Thread Mark Meuer

Thank you so much for writing this! I'm quite new to J2EE and this
primer is exactly what I've been looking for. Please know that your
efforts are appreciated.


At 02:59 AM 2/21/01 +0100, you wrote:
The new version of the Orion Primer
is in place again.


The old version is still available here:


Besides adding the source files that were missing, I've made the
changes since the previous version of the new Orion Primer:

 * Rearranged the directory structure a bit, moving all XML
config files
 from src/xml/ to
 * Added a link to the source XML document (tutorial.xml) and
to the
 stylesheet used to convert the document to
 * Made the HTML document HTML 4.01 compliant (was 4.0)
 * Added the targets for creating the src archives to the Ant
build file

Any comments would be appreciated. If I don't get any, then I 
everything works as it should :)


Mark Meuer
Software Engineer
Life Navigator, Inc.

RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

   I would be interested in what steps you took to get Bugseeker connected to your 
remote VM, as would other people on the list.  Are the steps short enough to include 
in an Orion Interest email?

-Original Message-
From: Mac Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Debugging and orion

I was in contact with Allaire's Kawa support recently and they told me that
Kawa will support running/debugging Orion directly in it's IDE in an
upcoming service pack, how soon it will be released is not certain, so
caveat emptor. I found Kawa to be a pretty good basic IDE (I don't like lots
of frills, I just want codesense and debugging), although in addition to not
yet supporting Orion it was not a simple affair to add .class files to the
CodeSense. If you want a decent step-thru remote debugger, check out
Bugseeker ( it was a bit tricky to get it connected
to my remote JVM, but once I figured it out it was pretty good, it's *very*
affordable, too. I also have recently become aware of JSwat
(, an open-source debugger. I am
currently using the combination of Visual Slickedit for editing, Bugseeker
for debugging and ANT for building, I occasionally fire up Forte (only
because I have 256 MB memory and lots of time!) to do visual Swing stuff.

Hope this helps,
Mac Ferguson

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:18 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Debugging and orion


 What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
 Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company)
 are trying
 to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the

   resource usage
   debugging support from the IDE

 - I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
 website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new
 to the app
 server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
 years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible
 to use an
 integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)

 Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion
 are welcome
 too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
 good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags with orion in
 terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't




RE: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

You are right, thanks.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gary Shea
Sent: 22. februar 2001 10:14
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Error Page

Isn't web.xml described in an appendix of the Servlets spec?


Today, Randahl Fink Isaksen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Could anyone tell me where this syntax from web.xml is defined (could not
 find it in the JSP 1.2 spec - there is no complete documentation on




 [Randahl Fink Isaksen]

  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Conrad Chan
 Sent: 22. februar 2001 00:32
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error Page

   Or set the return status code back to 200 since I really don't see a
 reason why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:20 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error Page

 To be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. You
 can turn them off and try again.

   -Original Message-
   Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Error Page

   I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in order to show a warning
 when any kind of error occurs.
   However, that works fine with Netscape but not with Internet
 Does anyone have any idea?
   The following is the error page tag that I put.


   I tried to put the whole URL in the location field, but it was of no
   Please anyone..   I really appreciate all your clues in advance.


RE: starting and stopping orion

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

What JDK are you using?  Try JDK 1.3.

-Original Message-
From: Eduardo Estefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:08 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: starting and stopping orion

What happens when you stop orion with a Ctrl-C ? Is this bad? Does it not
release all the resources it's using?

I run my application fine. Then I stop it with Ctrl-C. When I start it again
and try to access an EJB, I get a classnotfound exception (the class is from
the jdbc driver - and its there, so this is another problem).

So I don't know the exact problem, but I assume it is something with the
database connections. I reference one from an ejb, but I do close it in a
finally{} block inside the method that aquires a connection.

The only way to make it work again is to touch the configuration files so
the application is re-deployed. It looks like something is not shutdown

Any ideas?

Eduardo Estefano
Integrated Information Systems

RE: Third party JDBC error

2001-02-22 Thread Andres Garcia Hourcade
Title: SV: Third party JDBC error


  -Mensaje original-De: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Magnus 
  RydinEnviado el: jueves, 22 de febrero de 2001 5:21Para: 
  Orion-InterestAsunto: SV: Third party JDBC 
  No Simba mailinglist? 
   -Ursprungligt meddelande-  Från: Andres Garcia Hourcade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Skickat: den 20 februari 2001 07:29  Till: Orion-Interest  Ämne: Third 
  party JDBC error  Prioritet: Högthis 
  error is thrown when attempting to make a simple sql "select" in 
   Relativity DBMS through simba JDBC.-  can anyone help me with this error or tell me what i have to read 
  ?  many thanks  

  java.sql.SQLException: [Simba JDBC Client]null  
  simba.jdbc.RPCInterface.SQLConnectMP(   at 
  com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(JAX)   at  
   edConnection(J  AX) 
  com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.getConnection(JAX)   at 
  com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerXADataSource.ep(JAX)   at 
   at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX) 
 The same ejb with mysql 2.22 works fine, attached send some 
   xml files...  Thanks 
  a lot and in advanced-- 
   orion-application deployment-version="1.3.8" 
   b\simbajdbc.ja  r" 
  /  ...  
 --C:\orion\config\data-sources.xml   data-source   
   name="Default data-source" 








  /   data-source   


  xa-location ="jdbc/xa/simbaXA"   
  ejb-location ="jdbc/simba"   
  username ="sistemas" 

  password =""   




  xa-location ="jdbc/xa/mysqlXA"   
  ejb-location ="jdbc/mysql"   
  username ="sist" 

  password =""   


RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Jason Westra


As far as I know, Orion does not support EJB tier clustering (only web
clustering).  Meaning: there is no auto-failover calls to an EJB in another
server in a cluster and there is no state replication for stateful EJBs,
etc.  However, there is no reason why you can't wrap your calls to EJBs to
make calling different servers transparent to client code. In the process, u
can take advantage of some of Orion's features to make this possible.

To be honest with you... I have not tried this, but here it goes!

Clustering EJBs in Orion
1.) Wrap all calls to EJBs in a class that checks for success/failure of the
call and can retry on another server (psuedo code below).

2.) When there is a failure, how do you contact another server?  Answer:
Orion's InitialContextFactory implementations have the ability to add
multiple hosts into the URL. Documentation from the Orion API
RMIInitialContextFactory goes something like this:
"java.naming.provider.url - The target URL, it's format is:
[http:|https:]ormi://hostname/applicationname. Prefixing with http: or
https: enables http(s) tunneling. It is possible to supply multiple hosts
(for failover) by using a comma-seperated list. For instance

I believe this gives you automatic failover for initial context lookups at

psuedo code:

while (numOfTries  3) {

try {
Context ctx = getMyInitialContext();
// ctx  to serverA first time, if serverA is dead, returns context to
serverB, etc.

myEJBHome home = (myEJBHome)ctx.lookup("myEJBHome");
myEJB bean = home.create();
numOfTries = 4; //get out of loop
catch(RemoteException ex) {
// loop back, get an initial context to another server, and try again!

I suggest encapsulating this logic in a Command pattern.

3.) If everything is stateless, you are fine.  If you are using entity
beans, then you'll have to configure some stuff to make sure state is
handled correctly and you are always looking at the freshest data.

For entities, in the orion-ejb-jar.xml descriptor, set your attribute for
"exclusive-write-access=false" to force Orion to go back to the database to
reload the entity bean.  Otherwise, flush the cache as specified in another
thread on this discussion group.  Going back to the DB everytime is how many
J2EE servers handle clustered entitybeans including WebLogic.  So don't feel
this is too much of a hack.

4.) TODO: Figure out a load-balancing scheme.  The InitialContext scheme I
mentioned is really only a failover option.  It always contacts the first
server in the URL, then the next if it fails.

Anybody have time to guinea pig this solution?  Anybody see holes in it?
Open for suggestion.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 11:33 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
Importance: High

Hello, all.

My company is about to drop Orion.

The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...

We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.

In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?

How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
Has anyone made this work?
Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?

If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.

Dylan Parker

RE: Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

This is very simple to do.

Just grab the RoleManager from java:comp/env/RoleManager I think and then
the method if just RoleManager.login(username, password) - see the Orion API
docs for more info.

Alas there is no standard way to do this defined in the spec.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:27 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?

 Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check processing in
 Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to do
 ahead of the
 standard j_security_check.

 On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post the
 form to our
 own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
 j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. j_security_check
 doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.

 Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about how the server
 should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so potentially it doesn't
 have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked from application
 code. But it would be useful to be able to.

 I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to
 instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple and
 not sure this
 would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but
 can't move to
 that yet.

 Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on
 Orion? Or is it
 related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to j_security_check
 seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use Orion's
 feature of leaving the action unspecified).

 The National Insurance 
 Guarantee Corporation PLC

 Reg. Office :
   Crown House
   145 City Road
   EC1V 1LP

 Registered in England  Wales No : 42133
 Legal disclaimer :
 This message is confidential and for use by the addressee only.  If the
 message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return
 the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message
 from your computer.

 NIG does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message
 after it was sent.

RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

The problem is that the Orion team is great at building a product, but need
some lessons on marketing it.  Very few people on the list -- myself
included -- say anything really negative about the product.  But I (and many
others) have strong reservations about the documentation.  Granted, if you
have worked with another EJB server, or have the patience to use a trial and
error approach with the existing documentation, you can get things to work.
But it is not how to really market a product.  Has anyone from Orion ever
looked at the Jboss ( or Jonas (
documentation?  While it does not compare to products like Oracle or Jrun,
it is getting better with each new release.  I am trying to implement some
helpful suggestions to Orion to increase their marketing presence, and give
them some leverage over other commercial class contenders, like Unify Ewave,
and the open source products (Enhydra, Openejb, Jboss, Jonas).  

-Original Message-
From: Ray Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:53 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]


I'm a new user so bear with me...Did you check ?
The last entry was 15 February 2001.  Read the Tuesday 13th Dec
"Into the Future" entry.  It has some other notes and yes, I find it
strange that a company is not responding about an offer of money.
I've thought about going to Sybase for their products.  The
documentation I've seen is strange and does not conform to what
I've become to believe is a normal application server (weird names
for products like "Jaguar CTS" doesn't help either ; at least Oracle has

I have not tried clustering using Orion or any other server.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:33 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
Importance: High

Hello, all.

My company is about to drop Orion.

The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...

We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.

In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?

How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
Has anyone made this work?
Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?

If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.

Dylan Parker

Re: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a bug?

2001-02-22 Thread wim veninga

Hi Randahl,

Why don't you just leave the method setBalance(float b)
out of the remote interface and put
public void setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
in the remote interface. So no other objects can call setBalance but only
setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance).

Greetings Wim Veninga.

- Original Message -
From: "Randahl Fink Isaksen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Jens Peter Grosen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Simon Anker Christiansen"
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:46 PM
Subject: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a bug?

 I have been reading the CMP 2.0 specification and I think it is simply
 great! Still, I am a bit surprised that the bean developer has no control
 over what happens when a field is set. Imagine an AccountBean, for

 public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
 //implemented by the persistence manager
 public abstract Float getBalance();
 //implemented by the persistence manager
 public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

 What if I wanted to do something useful when the balance was set? Say, I
 wanted to add the account  to a list of surveilled accounts if a negative
 balance was set... it seems I cannot do that because the container
 implements the setBalance() method for me. And I cannot just declare a
 setBalance() method myself because I need the container's implementation
 I will not be able to store the balance. H... it seems this is going
 leave me with something like

 public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
 public abstract Float getBalance();
 public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

 public void setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
 //check if balance is negative and take action

 Now I have _no_ guarantee that nobody will accidently call the original
 setBalance() method, thereby circumventing my little security system,
 was supposed to check for a negative balance. But, hey, I thought, then I
 will just declare the original setBalance() as protected - unfortunately
 that is not allowed by the specification.

 I would r e a l l y like to hear from anybody who knows a solution to
 Any comments would be most welcomed.


RE: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Valentijn Scholten

unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  -Original Message-From: Rikard Westlund 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, February 22, 
  2001 09:49To: Orion-InterestSubject: SV: Error 
   In order to get this to work on IE 
  the file locationerror_500.jsp/location must be 512b or more 
  in size
-Ursprungligt meddelande-[Rikard Westlund]If 
Frn: Conrad Chan 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 22 februari 2001 
00:32Till: Orion-Interestmne: RE: Error 
set the return status code backto 200 since I really don't see a 
reason why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 
  1:20 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error 
  To be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. 
  You can turn them off and try again.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 
PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Error 
I placed an error page tag in the web.xml 
in order to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
However, that works fine with Netscape but 
not with Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
The following is the error page tag that I 


I tried to put the whole URL in the 
location field, but it was of no use.
Please anyone.. I really 
appreciate all your clues in advance.


Browser crash under Orion/SSL

2001-02-22 Thread Cornel Masson


Thanks to the mailing list, I seem to have solved the well-known "Orion
times out very quickly under SSL" problem. However, now my browser
hangs/crashes at a specific point in my application. I've tested it on IE
5.00 and IE 5.50 and it happens with both browsers. The problem does NOT
occur under normal HTTP.

Is Orion not a good choice for SSL, or could it be something else?

Cornel Masson

RE: Bowser back buttons and jsp

2001-02-22 Thread Matt MacGillivray1
Title: RE: Bowser back buttons and jsp

I've run into similar problems and decided to deal with it through javascript, hoping the user won't open the page in a new browser window. Although, you can still deal with that problem through javascript.

You get rid of the back button problem by using a javascript link to open the window initially. That way, you can specify whether you want the back button, etc. or not. The following snipit of code will link to your application (or mine) and open a new window, minus the browser functionality.

titleDelfour Corporation/title
script language=JavaScript
!-- hide me
function servletFoundation()
// end hide --
h1Servlet Foundation Link/h1
a href=#  Foundation/abr

Matt MacGillivray
Technical Developer
Delfour Corporation
(905) 415-9779 x2021

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 3:49 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Bowser back buttons and jsp

This question doesn't really apply to the webserver in general. I have
developed an ecommerce application using java beans and jsp.
Unfortunately, during qa testing, one problem keeps coming up. If you
click the back button on the browser and ignore the navigation built into
the system, you encounter errors. I've researched if there was a way to
disable the browser navigation options via javascript or some other way but
I found that this is not really possible. What I was wondering is how do
other java professionals handle this problem? Has anyone ever ran into

DTD versions

2001-02-22 Thread Alexander Jerusalem


does anybody know what DTD version I should reference in my deployment 
descriptors? Those for EJB 1.1 or those for EJB 2.0 or what does that 
decision depend on?


Alexander Jerusalem

RE: Get me off this subscription!!!!

2001-02-22 Thread KirkYarina will not be able to help; it's just another subscribed 
address that happens to keep a public archive.  Take a look at their FAQ at if you're interested in details.  It's 
not connected with Evermind/Ironflare in any way.

If you go back a couple days there was a (rare) post from the Orion team 
about how they're sorting out their mail list unsubscribe; their advice was 
to use their form and ignore the incorrect response page.  If it's not 
working send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and hope somebody'll read 
it.  I suspect they'd be better off if they used different list software; 
this one looks like a homebrew effort.

If they're too busy to accept offers of money they probably don't have time 
to fix the list, though...

Kirk Yarina

At 10:52 AM 2/22/01 +0100, you wrote:
Hmmm... has anyone told about the
unsubscription problem - if not I think it is about time, so if noone
replies to this e-mail, saying they have already done so, I think I will
send and e-mail to in hopes the problem will be
solved. But hey, I am sure somebody from the Orion team will send me a reply
saying they are already taking care of this problem in concern of the Orion
Server customers...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adamson, Scott
Sent: 22. februar 2001 06:40
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Get me off this subscription

I just tried the 'unsubscribe' form on the website and it even sent me a
nice assuring comfirmation that I had been unsubscibed, no good. I guess I
have to have the mail blocked or set up a new email acct.

-Original Message-
From: Allen Fogleson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:32 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Get me off this subscription

did you try the website, enter your email and press submit? it worked fine
for me when I switched jobs and had to use a new email.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Johann
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:43 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Get me off this subscription

I have tried all your recommendations to get off your
subscription list. Come on guys!

Re[2]: How can I use Application session?

2001-02-22 Thread Rafael Alvarez

hi Huibert,

to expire a session use the invalidate() function:

HttpSession s = request.getSession(true);

// To expire it

You can set the session timeout in the  web.xml

Sets the timeout to 15 min.

Hope this help

Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Magnus Stenman

stay tune for a little while longer (if you want to and are able to). There will be a 
clustering-howto released in roughly a week or so (no promises though, just an 
estimate), and yes there's plenty of support (and more to come). The doc will be kind 
of an 'umbrella doc' to the already released http-clustering-howto covering the other 
tiers of an application.

While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas for improved/more 
elaborate documentation (howto's and similar)? Please be as specific as possible (ie 
the opposite of "improved overall documentation" :) and keep in mind that the 
security-primer is already in the pipe. Thanks in advance!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

PS. Not getting a reply when asking where to send money do sound strange indeed. We're 
understaffed relative to the demand so we have a hard time getting back to sales 
queries etc, but actual ordering should not be any problem whatsoever. Can you please 
forward what you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and to me as well and I'll try to see 
what has happened to it. Thanks!

- Original Message - 
From: "Dylan Parker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:33 PM
Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

 Hello, all.
 My company is about to drop Orion.
 The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
 the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
 We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
 In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
 longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
 How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
 Has anyone made this work?
 Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
 If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
 Dylan Parker

RE: How can I use Application session?

2001-02-22 Thread Allen Fogleson

HttpSession ses = request.getSession(true);


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Huibert
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:51 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: How can I use Application session?

Hi everyone,

On a related note, I have two questions regarding sessions and Orion:

A) Can I expire a session programmatically?
B) In Orion my sessions do no seem to expire automatically. Does orion
sessions only when it needs resources or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Angus Mark wrote:

 you can call getSession(boolean create) where create is false instead

  -Original Message-
  From: Yves Bossel [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 21 February 2001 11:40
  To:   Orion-Interest
  Subject:  RE: How can I use Application session?
   I would add:
   * how can I retrieve the session ID while I am inside an EJB
   method so I
  (from the docs)
  use from HttpServletRequest the method getSession(), then
  Be careful because the spec says that getSession() creates a session if
  does not exists.
  Yves Bossel - Programmer -

Re: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Johan Fredriksson

I've gotten the error-page to work quite well, but 
not for the 404 error on a .jsp page...

Everytime when I try to do a garbled http-request I 
end up with an octet-stream/application response.

500 internal server works fine with the 

404 on badly formed urls works, unless it ends with 

What am I missing...?

!--Contains a mapping between an error code or exception 
type to the path of a resource in the web application. 
!-- omitted exception type, cause i dont know what to put for it 
 !--The location of the resource in the 
web application. -- 
!--Contains a mapping between an error code or exception 
type to the path of a resource in the web application. 
!--The HTTP error code, ex: 404. 
 !--A Java exception type. 
 !--The location of the resource in the 
web application. -- /error-page

regards Johan

  - Original Message - 
  Rikard Westlund 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 9:48 
  Subject: SV: Error Page
   In order to get this to work on IE 
  the file locationerror_500.jsp/location must be 512b or more 
  in size
-Ursprungligt meddelande-[Rikard Westlund]If 
Frn: Conrad Chan 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 22 februari 2001 
00:32Till: Orion-Interestmne: RE: Error 
set the return status code backto 200 since I really don't see a 
reason why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 
  1:20 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error 
  To be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. 
  You can turn them off and try again.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 
PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Error 
I placed an error page tag in the web.xml 
in order to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
However, that works fine with Netscape but 
not with Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
The following is the error page tag that I 


I tried to put the whole URL in the 
location field, but it was of no use.
Please anyone.. I really 
appreciate all your clues in advance.


RE: Browser crash under Orion/SSL

2001-02-22 Thread Van Dooren, Damian

It must be something else. We are running an SSL Orion site for the past 6
months, without any browsers crashes, both IE 5 and 5.5.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 9:43 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Browser crash under Orion/SSL
 Thanks to the mailing list, I seem to have solved the 
 well-known "Orion
 times out very quickly under SSL" problem. However, now my browser
 hangs/crashes at a specific point in my application. I've 
 tested it on IE
 5.00 and IE 5.50 and it happens with both browsers. The 
 problem does NOT
 occur under normal HTTP.
 Is Orion not a good choice for SSL, or could it be something else?
 Cornel Masson

RE: Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread Andre Vanha

It might be possible to achieve this without forwarding.   I haven't tried
it, but using Orion's role manager might do the trick.  First you can
retrieve the role manager using RoleManager manager = (RoleManager)new
InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/RoleManager"); The you can call login on
the RoleManager with the appropriate username and password. This may do the
trick.  You can get more info about the user manager in the Orion API docs
or at

Let me know if this works, I'm curious muslef.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 5:27 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?

Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check processing in
Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to do ahead of
standard j_security_check.

On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post the form to our
own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. j_security_check
doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.

Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about how the server
should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so potentially it doesn't
have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked from application
code. But it would be useful to be able to.

I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to
instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple and not sure
would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but can't move to
that yet.

Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on Orion? Or is
related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to j_security_check
seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use Orion's non-standard
feature of leaving the action unspecified).

The National Insurance 
Guarantee Corporation PLC

Reg. Office :
Crown House
145 City Road

Registered in England  Wales No : 42133
Legal disclaimer :
This message is confidential and for use by the addressee only.  If the
message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return
the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message
from your computer.

NIG does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message
after it was sent.

RE: Third party JDBC error

2001-02-22 Thread KirkYarina

 From (searched for 
simba jdbc, clicked on support):

At Simba, our customer service mandate is to provide our customers with the 
support, knowledge, and tools they require to be competitive in the 
Simba now offers free downloads of product updates to customers with 
current support agreements. See the product updates page for more information.
Simba Technical Support can be contacted by telephone, email, fax, or by 
completing an online form. Simba will contact you within one business day.

Telephone Support: 1-604-633-0008, ext. 3
Email Support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax Support: 1-604-633-0004

Kirk Yarina

At 11:11 AM 2/22/01 -0300, you wrote:

-Mensaje original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]En nombre de Magnus Rydin
Enviado el: jueves, 22 de febrero de 2001 5:21
Para: Orion-Interest
Asunto: SV: Third party JDBC error

No Simba mailinglist?

  -Ursprungligt meddelande-
  Frn: Andres Garcia Hourcade 
  Skickat: den 20 februari 2001 07:29
  Till: Orion-Interest
  mne: Third party JDBC error
  Prioritet: Hg
  this error is thrown when attempting to make a simple sql "select" in
  Relativity DBMS through simba JDBC.-
  can anyone help me with this error or tell me what i have to read ?
  many thanks
  java.sql.SQLException: [Simba JDBC Client]null
at simba.jdbc.RPCInterface.SQLConnectMP(
at simba.jdbc.SimbaDriver.connect(
at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.d3(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.getConnection(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerXADataSource.ep(JAX)
at com.evermind.sql.aj.em(JAX)
at hello.ejb.HelloBean.ejbCreate(
at hello.web.HelloServlet.init(
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wo(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.v6(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.vq(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.uh(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX)
  The same ejb with mysql 2.22 works fine, attached send some
  xml files...
  Thanks a lot and in advanced
  -- C:\orion\application-deployments\app-xxx\orion-application.xml
  orion-application deployment-version="1.3.8" autocreate-tables="true"
  r" /
name="Default data-source"
password="" /
location ="jdbc/simbaCore"
pooled-location  ="jdbc/simbaPooled"
xa-location  ="jdbc/xa/simbaXA"
ejb-location ="jdbc/simba"
username ="sistemas"
password =""
location ="jdbc/mysqlCore"
pooled-location  ="jdbc/mysqlPooled"
xa-location  ="jdbc/xa/mysqlXA"
ejb-location ="jdbc/mysql"
username ="sist"
password =""
url  ="jdbc:mysql://"

RE: Get me off this subscription!!!!

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres


Orion has responded to this request at length.

The response was simple. If you can't remember the email address you
subscribed to the list with, how are they going to figure it out? If
you use the unsubscribe form, and it does not work, then guess what?
You are trying to unsubscribe the wrong address.

This problem is your responsibility, not Orion's (that is my opinion,
not Orion's). This is a general problem with mailing lists.

The only thing that I would recommend to Orion is that some mailing
list software can append the user's email address to the message as
it is sent out. This way, the user can just go to the end of the
message to find the address they need to unsubscribe. This would be
a very nice enhancement.


 Hmmm... has anyone told about the
 unsubscription problem - if not I think it is about time, so if noone
 replies to this e-mail, saying they have already done so, I think I will
 send and e-mail to in hopes the problem will be
 solved. But hey, I am sure somebody from the Orion team will send me a reply
 saying they are already taking care of this problem in concern of the Orion
 Server customers...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adamson, Scott
 Sent: 22. februar 2001 06:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Get me off this subscription
 I just tried the 'unsubscribe' form on the website and it even sent me a
 nice assuring comfirmation that I had been unsubscibed, no good. I guess I
 have to have the mail blocked or set up a new email acct.
 -Original Message-
 From: Allen Fogleson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:32 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Get me off this subscription
 did you try the website, enter your email and press submit? it worked fine
 for me when I switched jobs and had to use a new email.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Johann
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:43 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Get me off this subscription
 I have tried all your recommendations to get off your
 subscription list. Come on guys!
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Etienne Bernard

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001, Magnus Stenman wrote:
 While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas for
 improved/more elaborate documentation (howto's and similar)? Please be as
 specific as possible (ie the opposite of "improved overall documentation"
 :) and keep in mind that the security-primer is already in the pipe.

A tuning HOWTO would we great. How to configure orion-ejb-jar.xml to
limit number of in-memory instances of EJBs, how to specify passivation
delay, how to limit EJB pool sizes. A little introduction about orion
handles these pools would be great, too.
Etienne Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grey Interactive France -

Custom UserManager Problem

2001-02-22 Thread Michael A Third

This message is being sent on the behalf of Ernie Phelps at since it keeps 
rejecting his mails:)


I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to work. Here are the steps I 
have taken:

Implemented User (as TMUser)
Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)

Added the following to orion-application.xml:

user-manager class=""/

namespace-resource root=""
security-role-mapping name="lt;jndi-user-rolegt;"
group name="administrators" /
security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
group name="ug_default" /
namespace-resource root=""
security-role-mapping name="lt;jndi-user-rolegt;"
group name="administrators" /
security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
group name="ug_default" /

Added the following to web.xml:





Here is the result:

1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops the basic 
authentication dialog. I enter username and password. TMUserManager.getUser is called. 
TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3 times then fails.

Any idea what I am missing here? I feel I have missed something basic, but can't put
my finger on it. TIA,

- Ernie

Michael A Third
Chief Software Architect

Re: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread orion

Hi Rikard,
Thanks for your attention but...
My error_500.jsp file is larger than 512b in 


  - Original Message - 
  Rikard Westlund 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:48 
  Subject: SV: Error Page
   In order to get this to work on IE 
  the file locationerror_500.jsp/location must be 512b or more 
  in size
-Ursprungligt meddelande-[Rikard Westlund]If 
Frn: Conrad Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: 
den 22 februari 2001 00:32Till: Orion-Interestmne: 
RE: Error Page
set the return status code backto 200 since I really don't see a 
reason why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 
  1:20 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Error 
  To be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. 
  You can turn them off and try again.
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 
PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: Error 
I placed an error page tag in the web.xml 
in order to show a warning when any kind of error occurs.
However, that works fine with Netscape but 
not with Internet Explorer. Does anyone have any idea?
The following is the error page tag that I 


I tried to put the whole URL in the 
location field, but it was of no use.
Please anyone.. I really 
appreciate all your clues in advance.


RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or abug?

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Drury
Title: RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or  abug?

The search engine is back up. Here is the start of the 
thread on database constraints vs. ejb constraints:

There seems to be some smart-ass named Robert Krueger
who thinks he knows all the answers :) :) :)

Thanks Robert!


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:42 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature
 or abug?
 At 19:16 21.02.2001 , you wrote:
 check EJB-INTEREST archives for discussions on this. I think 
 most pros and 
 cons (including my view on things ;-) were in a discussion a 
 few months ago.
 at the moment the server hosting the search seems to be down, 
 so I cannot 
 give you the exact thread.
 This makes we want to ask a question that has nagged me for
 a while. Where do you put data constraints? In the database?
 or in the entity bean?
 For example, let's say we have a field called absoluteTemp
 in Kelvin. We all know this value can never be negative (in
 my universe anyway). This isn't a business rule, it a law
 of nature. Do you implement it as a database constraint which
 will throw a SQLException if violated, or do you check for
 in some facade-setter of the entity and throw some other
 Exception if violated? What are the pros and cons of either?
 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Mac Ferguson

start orion with the following options:

java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,se
rver=y,suspend=y,address=whatever port you're going to use -jar orion.jar

then create a new project in Bugseeker, selected Remote as the project type,
and accepted all other default properties. Then set the Debug|Remote|Attach
to type socket, Hostname=your server ip and Port=the port you specified

I like this setup, particularly for EJBs, but I'll be interested to see if
Kawa will work any better.

Mac Ferguson
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:39 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Debugging and orion

I would be interested in what steps you took to get Bugseeker
 connected to your remote VM, as would other people on the list.
 Are the steps short enough to include in an Orion Interest email?

 -Original Message-
 From: Mac Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 10:59 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Debugging and orion

 I was in contact with Allaire's Kawa support recently and they
 told me that
 Kawa will support running/debugging Orion directly in it's IDE in an
 upcoming service pack, how soon it will be released is not certain, so
 caveat emptor. I found Kawa to be a pretty good basic IDE (I
 don't like lots
 of frills, I just want codesense and debugging), although in
 addition to not
 yet supporting Orion it was not a simple affair to add .class files to the
 CodeSense. If you want a decent step-thru remote debugger, check out
 Bugseeker ( it was a bit tricky to get it connected
 to my remote JVM, but once I figured it out it was pretty good,
 it's *very*
 affordable, too. I also have recently become aware of JSwat
 (, an open-source debugger. I am
 currently using the combination of Visual Slickedit for editing, Bugseeker
 for debugging and ANT for building, I occasionally fire up Forte (only
 because I have 256 MB memory and lots of time!) to do visual Swing stuff.

 Hope this helps,
 Mac Ferguson

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
  Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:18 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Debugging and orion
  What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs
 for use with
  Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company)
  are trying
  to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the
  resource usage
  debugging support from the IDE
  - I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
  website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new
  to the app
  server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
  years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible
  to use an
  integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)
  Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion
  are welcome
  too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
  good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags
 with orion in
  terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't

RE: Customer User Manager problems

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

have you got a login error page? that's why the three times,
also, if a user doesn't belong to a sr_guest group, you won't have access

 -Original Message-
 From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 22 de Febrero de 2001 12:36
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Customer User Manager problems
 I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to 
 work. Here are the
 steps I have taken:
 Implemented User (as TMUser)
 Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
 Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)
 Added the following to orion-application.xml:
   user-manager class=""/
   namespace-resource root=""
   group name="administrators" /
   security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
   group name="ug_default" /
   namespace-resource root=""
   group name="administrators" /
   security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
   group name="ug_default" /
 Added the following to web.xml:
 Here is the result:
 1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
 2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops the basic
 authentication dialog. I enter username and password. 
 is called.
 TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
 3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3 
 times then
 Any idea what I am missing here? I feel I have missed 
 something basic, but
 can't put
 my finger on it. TIA,
 - Ernie

RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or abug?

2001-02-22 Thread Robert Krueger

There seems to be some smart-ass named "Robert Krueger"
who thinks he knows all the answers :) :) :)

I've heard of him. he must be a real pain in the ass ;).



Thanks Robert!


(-) Robert Krger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft fr Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brder-Knau-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: Inactive application-scope bean problem

2001-02-22 Thread Geoff Marshall

I'm working on the package, but not that class.  Is that the problem

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

 From: Rafael Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 09:09:27 -0400
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Inactive application-scope bean problem
 Hello Geoff,
 GM If I don't use the application for some period of time and then try to hit
 GM the index page, I get this error, which only restarting Orion seems to
 GM fix...
 GM 500 Internal Server Error
 GM java.lang.ClassCastException: db.AppBean
 GM at /Gold/home.jsp._jspService(/Gold/
 GM at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
 GM at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xj(JAX)
 GM at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
 GM at com.evermind.server.http.d3.sw(JAX)
 GM at
 GM at com.evermind.server.http.ef.s1(JAX)
 GM at
 GM at
 GM ... any ideas
 Have you modified the class at some point between each hit? That
 errors happen sometimes when the class in disk is different from the
 class in memory.
 Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

please tell me : does JMS work at all ?

2001-02-22 Thread Edoardo Comar

Please, can anyone confirm that (as of 1.4.7) JMS does not work at all ?

See my previous messages for details ... basically a connection.start()
throws an NPE
and a send doesn't work if the connection is not started (contrary to the
spec which requires start() to be called for message delivery).


RE: Customer User Manager problems

2001-02-22 Thread Ernie Phelps


I have tried putting the user into the principals.xml file, although the
eventual goal is to not use this file at all (provide custom groups from the
database via our UserManager). This does not seem to have any effect. I am
not currently using a login error page, but I am not that worried about the
login repetition for failure at the moment.

My main concern is what is failing in the process, since authenticate is
returning true from TMUser. There is presumably other code that I have to
modify to get this to work, any idea's would be appreciated. Thanks.

- Ernie

-Original Message-
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Subject: RE: Customer User Manager problems

have you got a login error page? that's why the three times,
also, if a user doesn't belong to a sr_guest group, you won't have access

 -Original Message-
 From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Subject: Customer User Manager problems

 I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to
 work. Here are the
 steps I have taken:

 Implemented User (as TMUser)
 Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
 Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)

 Added the following to orion-application.xml:

   user-manager class=""/

   namespace-resource root=""
   group name="administrators" /
   security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
   group name="ug_default" /
   namespace-resource root=""
   group name="administrators" /
   security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
   group name="ug_default" /

 Added the following to web.xml:





 Here is the result:

 1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
 2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops the basic
 authentication dialog. I enter username and password.
 is called.
 TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
 3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3
 times then

 Any idea what I am missing here? I feel I have missed
 something basic, but
 can't put
 my finger on it. TIA,

 - Ernie

RE: Customer User Manager problems

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

ok. Some pointers:

1. I have my own imp. of UserManager and it's deliciously good
2. No need for principals.xml at this stage
3. When you add a security constraint, some pages require something 'extra'
to be seen, in the case, this extra is that the user login'd belongs to a
group sr_guest
[Excerpt from your mail]


if the user tries to get some pages (in this case, ALL), then it must belong
to a group sr_guest.
Does the user you login with belong to the group user? (and I don't mean the
DB... if you issue a
does it return true? If not, then something is not quite right).

If I'd was to test this, I would try the following:
create a user; say, 'jlorandi'

then, try some (pseudo) code:

User usr = UserManagerImp.getUser("jlorandi");
Group grp = UserManagerImp.getGroup("sr_guest");


let me see how it comes

 -Original Message-
 From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 22 de Febrero de 2001 15:51
 To: 'Juan Lorandi (Chile)'; 'Orion-Interest'
 Subject: RE: Customer User Manager problems
 I have tried putting the user into the principals.xml file, 
 although the
 eventual goal is to not use this file at all (provide custom 
 groups from the
 database via our UserManager). This does not seem to have any 
 effect. I am
 not currently using a login error page, but I am not that 
 worried about the
 login repetition for failure at the moment.
 My main concern is what is failing in the process, since 
 authenticate is
 returning true from TMUser. There is presumably other code 
 that I have to
 modify to get this to work, any idea's would be appreciated. Thanks.
 - Ernie
 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Subject: RE: Customer User Manager problems
 have you got a login error page? that's why the three times,
 also, if a user doesn't belong to a sr_guest group, you won't 
 have access
  -Original Message-
  From: Ernie Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Subject: Customer User Manager problems
  I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to
  work. Here are the
  steps I have taken:
  Implemented User (as TMUser)
  Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
  Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)
  Added the following to orion-application.xml:
  user-manager class=""/
  namespace-resource root=""
  group name="administrators" /
  security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
  group name="ug_default" /
  namespace-resource root=""
  group name="administrators" /
  security-role-mapping name="sr_guest"
  group name="ug_default" /
  Added the following to web.xml:
  Here is the result:
  1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
  2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops 
 the basic
  authentication dialog. I enter username and password.
  is called.
  TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
  3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3
  times then

Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Christian Sell

 While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas for
improved/more elaborate documentation (howto's and similar)?

UserManager, RoleManager etc.

RE: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Gary Shea

Isn't web.xml described in an appendix of the Servlets spec?


Today, Randahl Fink Isaksen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Could anyone tell me where this syntax from web.xml is defined (could not
 find it in the JSP 1.2 spec - there is no complete documentation on




 [Randahl Fink Isaksen]

  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Conrad Chan
 Sent: 22. februar 2001 00:32
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error Page

   Or set the return status code back to 200 since I really don't see a
 reason why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:20 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error Page

 To be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. You
 can turn them off and try again.

   -Original Message-
   Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Error Page

   I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in order to show a warning
 when any kind of error occurs.
   However, that works fine with Netscape but not with Internet Explorer.
 Does anyone have any idea?
   The following is the error page tag that I put.


   I tried to put the whole URL in the location field, but it was of no
   Please anyone..   I really appreciate all your clues in advance.


RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a bug?

2001-02-22 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

Yep, as I wrote in an earlier post, that was what I chose to do.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of wim veninga
Sent: 22. februar 2001 15:38
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature
or a bug?

Hi Randahl,

Why don't you just leave the method setBalance(float b)
out of the remote interface and put
public void setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
in the remote interface. So no other objects can call setBalance but only
setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance).

Greetings Wim Veninga.

- Original Message -
From: "Randahl Fink Isaksen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Jens Peter Grosen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Simon Anker Christiansen"
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:46 PM
Subject: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or a bug?

 I have been reading the CMP 2.0 specification and I think it is simply
 great! Still, I am a bit surprised that the bean developer has no control
 over what happens when a field is set. Imagine an AccountBean, for

 public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
 //implemented by the persistence manager
 public abstract Float getBalance();
 //implemented by the persistence manager
 public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

 What if I wanted to do something useful when the balance was set? Say, I
 wanted to add the account  to a list of surveilled accounts if a negative
 balance was set... it seems I cannot do that because the container
 implements the setBalance() method for me. And I cannot just declare a
 setBalance() method myself because I need the container's implementation
 I will not be able to store the balance. H... it seems this is going
 leave me with something like

 public abstract class AccountBean extends EntityBean {
 public abstract Float getBalance();
 public abstract void setBalance(Float balance);

 public void setBalanceAndDoWhatHasToBeDoneWhenYouSetBalance(Float balance)
 //check if balance is negative and take action

 Now I have _no_ guarantee that nobody will accidently call the original
 setBalance() method, thereby circumventing my little security system,
 was supposed to check for a negative balance. But, hey, I thought, then I
 will just declare the original setBalance() as protected - unfortunately
 that is not allowed by the specification.

 I would r e a l l y like to hear from anybody who knows a solution to
 Any comments would be most welcomed.


http 500 errors

2001-02-22 Thread Vaskin Kissoyan

I keep getting 
internal server errors (HTTP 500), where do I go to debugthis? Which log 
file has this stuff? I need a stacktrace! It's not popping up on the 
console, and I couldn't find it in any of the obvious .log files.Thanks 
in advance...

RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Thanks, Mac.  I will give it a shot. 

-Original Message-
From: Mac Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:20 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Debugging and orion

start orion with the following options:

java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,se
rver=y,suspend=y,address=whatever port you're going to use -jar orion.jar

then create a new project in Bugseeker, selected Remote as the project type,
and accepted all other default properties. Then set the Debug|Remote|Attach
to type socket, Hostname=your server ip and Port=the port you specified

I like this setup, particularly for EJBs, but I'll be interested to see if
Kawa will work any better.

Mac Ferguson
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:39 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Debugging and orion

I would be interested in what steps you took to get Bugseeker
 connected to your remote VM, as would other people on the list.
 Are the steps short enough to include in an Orion Interest email?

 -Original Message-
 From: Mac Ferguson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 10:59 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Debugging and orion

 I was in contact with Allaire's Kawa support recently and they
 told me that
 Kawa will support running/debugging Orion directly in it's IDE in an
 upcoming service pack, how soon it will be released is not certain, so
 caveat emptor. I found Kawa to be a pretty good basic IDE (I
 don't like lots
 of frills, I just want codesense and debugging), although in
 addition to not
 yet supporting Orion it was not a simple affair to add .class files to the
 CodeSense. If you want a decent step-thru remote debugger, check out
 Bugseeker ( it was a bit tricky to get it connected
 to my remote JVM, but once I figured it out it was pretty good,
 it's *very*
 affordable, too. I also have recently become aware of JSwat
 (, an open-source debugger. I am
 currently using the combination of Visual Slickedit for editing, Bugseeker
 for debugging and ANT for building, I occasionally fire up Forte (only
 because I have 256 MB memory and lots of time!) to do visual Swing stuff.

 Hope this helps,
 Mac Ferguson

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Julian
  Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:18 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Debugging and orion
  What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs
 for use with
  Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company)
  are trying
  to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the
  resource usage
  debugging support from the IDE
  - I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
  website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new
  to the app
  server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
  years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible
  to use an
  integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)
  Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion
  are welcome
  too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
  good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags
 with orion in
  terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't

RE: Customer User Manager problems

2001-02-22 Thread Ernie Phelps


I found the problem thanks to your example. My implementation of
TMUserManager.getGroup was returning null, which always failed even when the
user was found and had a proper password. Fixed this and it works fine now.
Thank you very much for the assistance.

- Ernie

-Original Message-
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


User usr = UserManagerImp.getUser("jlorandi");
Group grp = UserManagerImp.getGroup("sr_guest");


Re: http 500 errors

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres

Once you run your app, go to the application-deployments directory and into the
directory for your application. In there you will find a file named 
Add something like this to that file:

  file path="application.log" /

 I keep getting internal server errors (HTTP 500), where do I go to debug
 this? Which log file has this stuff?  I need a stacktrace! It's not popping up on 
the console, and I couldn't find it in any of the obvious .log files.
 Thanks in advance...

RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Brian Wing Shun Chan

I've worked with all of the other EJB Servers (Enhydra, JBoss, Jonas,
etc). I do find the OrionServer to be far better (nice complex O-R
mapping, web and app server in one, etc).

For documentation, I refer to, which is doing a great

- Brian Chan

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

 The problem is that the Orion team is great at building a product, but need
 some lessons on marketing it.  Very few people on the list -- myself
 included -- say anything really negative about the product.  But I (and many
 others) have strong reservations about the documentation.  Granted, if you
 have worked with another EJB server, or have the patience to use a trial and
 error approach with the existing documentation, you can get things to work.
 But it is not how to really market a product.  Has anyone from Orion ever
 looked at the Jboss ( or Jonas (
 documentation?  While it does not compare to products like Oracle or Jrun,
 it is getting better with each new release.  I am trying to implement some
 helpful suggestions to Orion to increase their marketing presence, and give
 them some leverage over other commercial class contenders, like Unify Ewave,
 and the open source products (Enhydra, Openejb, Jboss, Jonas).

 -Original Message-
 From: Ray Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:53 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]


 I'm a new user so bear with me...Did you check ?
 The last entry was 15 February 2001.  Read the Tuesday 13th Dec
 "Into the Future" entry.  It has some other notes and yes, I find it
 strange that a company is not responding about an offer of money.
 I've thought about going to Sybase for their products.  The
 documentation I've seen is strange and does not conform to what
 I've become to believe is a normal application server (weird names
 for products like "Jaguar CTS" doesn't help either ; at least Oracle has

 I have not tried clustering using Orion or any other server.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:33 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
 Importance: High

 Hello, all.

 My company is about to drop Orion.

 The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
 the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...

 We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.

 In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
 longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?

 How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
 Has anyone made this work?
 Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?

 If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.

 Dylan Parker

RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Couldn't agree with you more.  The product is great (for the price), the user support 
site is doing an excellent job, along with  However, my point about 
marketing still stands, and they need to beef up the documentation to win over more 
converts (which they said today they would attempt to do).  

-Original Message-
From: Brian Wing Shun Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 3:21 PM
To: Kemp Randy-W18971
Cc: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

I've worked with all of the other EJB Servers (Enhydra, JBoss, Jonas,
etc). I do find the OrionServer to be far better (nice complex O-R
mapping, web and app server in one, etc).

For documentation, I refer to, which is doing a great

- Brian Chan

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

 The problem is that the Orion team is great at building a product, but need
 some lessons on marketing it.  Very few people on the list -- myself
 included -- say anything really negative about the product.  But I (and many
 others) have strong reservations about the documentation.  Granted, if you
 have worked with another EJB server, or have the patience to use a trial and
 error approach with the existing documentation, you can get things to work.
 But it is not how to really market a product.  Has anyone from Orion ever
 looked at the Jboss ( or Jonas (
 documentation?  While it does not compare to products like Oracle or Jrun,
 it is getting better with each new release.  I am trying to implement some
 helpful suggestions to Orion to increase their marketing presence, and give
 them some leverage over other commercial class contenders, like Unify Ewave,
 and the open source products (Enhydra, Openejb, Jboss, Jonas).

 -Original Message-
 From: Ray Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:53 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]


 I'm a new user so bear with me...Did you check ?
 The last entry was 15 February 2001.  Read the Tuesday 13th Dec
 "Into the Future" entry.  It has some other notes and yes, I find it
 strange that a company is not responding about an offer of money.
 I've thought about going to Sybase for their products.  The
 documentation I've seen is strange and does not conform to what
 I've become to believe is a normal application server (weird names
 for products like "Jaguar CTS" doesn't help either ; at least Oracle has

 I have not tried clustering using Orion or any other server.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:33 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
 Importance: High

 Hello, all.

 My company is about to drop Orion.

 The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
 the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...

 We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.

 In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
 longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?

 How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
 Has anyone made this work?
 Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?

 If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.

 Dylan Parker

Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Phillip Ross

--- Etienne Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 A tuning HOWTO would we great. How to configure orion-ejb-jar.xml to
 limit number of in-memory instances of EJBs, how to specify passivation
 delay, how to limit EJB pool sizes. A little introduction about orion
 handles these pools would be great, too.

Yes!  I second these suggestions!  Very important for people who are

- Phil

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature or abug?

2001-02-22 Thread Nick Newman

My two cents ...

Putting checks in the EJB's will give you much better information on 
exactly what has gone wrong.  Adding checks in the DB as well can't hurt, 
but without the EJB checks it might be hard to know what action to take in 
the face of a generic SQL error.

Nick Newman

At 01:11 PM 2/22/01 -0500, you wrote:

The search engine is back up.  Here is the start of the
thread on database constraints vs. ejb constraints:

There seems to be some smart-ass named "Robert Krueger"
who thinks he knows all the answers :) :) :)

Thanks Robert!


  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Krueger 
  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:42 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature
  or abug?
  At 19:16 21.02.2001 , you wrote:
  check EJB-INTEREST archives for discussions on this. I think
  most pros and
  cons (including my view on things ;-) were in a discussion a
  few months ago.
  at the moment the server hosting the search seems to be down,
  so I cannot
  give you the exact thread.
  This makes we want to ask a question that has nagged me for
  a while.  Where do you put data constraints?  In the database?
  or in the entity bean?
  For example, let's say we have a field called "absoluteTemp"
  in Kelvin.  We all know this value can never be negative (in
  my universe anyway).  This isn't a business rule, it a law
  of nature.  Do you implement it as a database constraint which
  will throw a SQLException if violated, or do you check for
  in some facade-setter of the entity and throw some other
  Exception if violated?  What are the pros and cons of either?
  (-) Robert Krger
  (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft fr Informationstechnologie mbH
  (-) Brder-Knau-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
  (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: Jikes 1.12 compiled code is bad!

2001-02-22 Thread Fink, Paul

I use jikes 1.12 (8/1/2000) under Linux with JDK 1.3.0

works fine.
 -Original Message-
 From: Adam Cassar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 6:21 PM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  Re: Jikes 1.12 compiled code is bad!
 I am using jikes v1.13 on linux with no problems here
 On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 02:52:14PM -0700, Mike Fontenot wrote:
  I've been developing on Win2K, and deploying on Solaris. Works fine.
  I was using Jikes version 1.07 to compile my classes. Just switched to
  version 1.12 and now orion is breaking during startup. If I compile my
  classes with 1.12 and try to start orion, orion itself dies with an
  message related to ArrayOutOfBounds. It never initializes or loads any
  If I go back and recompile everything with 1.07 again, it works fine.
  Has anyone see this? I've searched the mail archive regarding this error
  I've found somewhat related messages, but no real answers/solutions.
  Thanks in advance,
 Adam Cassar
 Technical Development Manager
 Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
 PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

Documentation wanted - WAS RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

On that note, it's about time I asked again what documentation people do

OrionSupport survives on people's donations of documentation, tips, tricks
and tutorials and we thank them very much for that. People often ask "what
can I write" - well now is your time to tell us.

Email me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and tell us what specific areas that you
would like documentation on, then we'll compile a list and try our hardest
to get it done.

Anyone? Topics? Questions? Areas of confusion?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Wing
 Shun Chan
 Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 8:21 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

 I've worked with all of the other EJB Servers (Enhydra, JBoss, Jonas,
 etc). I do find the OrionServer to be far better (nice complex O-R
 mapping, web and app server in one, etc).

 For documentation, I refer to, which is doing a great

 - Brian Chan

 On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

  The problem is that the Orion team is great at building a
 product, but need
  some lessons on marketing it.  Very few people on the list -- myself
  included -- say anything really negative about the product.
 But I (and many
  others) have strong reservations about the documentation.
 Granted, if you
  have worked with another EJB server, or have the patience to
 use a trial and
  error approach with the existing documentation, you can get
 things to work.
  But it is not how to really market a product.  Has anyone from
 Orion ever
  looked at the Jboss ( or Jonas (
  documentation?  While it does not compare to products like
 Oracle or Jrun,
  it is getting better with each new release.  I am trying to
 implement some
  helpful suggestions to Orion to increase their marketing
 presence, and give
  them some leverage over other commercial class contenders, like
 Unify Ewave,
  and the open source products (Enhydra, Openejb, Jboss, Jonas).
  -Original Message-
  From: Ray Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:53 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
  I'm a new user so bear with me...Did you check ?
  The last entry was 15 February 2001.  Read the Tuesday 13th Dec
  "Into the Future" entry.  It has some other notes and yes, I find it
  strange that a company is not responding about an offer of money.
  I've thought about going to Sybase for their products.  The
  documentation I've seen is strange and does not conform to what
  I've become to believe is a normal application server (weird names
  for products like "Jaguar CTS" doesn't help either ; at least Oracle has
  I have not tried clustering using Orion or any other server.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
  Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:33 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
  Importance: High
  Hello, all.
  My company is about to drop Orion.
  The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
  the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
  We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
  In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
  longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
  How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
  Has anyone made this work?
  Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
  If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
  Dylan Parker

Re: http 500 errors

2001-02-22 Thread Rafael Alvarez

Hello Vaskin,

Thursday, February 22, 2001, 3:39:33 PM, you wrote:

VK I keep getting internal server errors (HTTP 500), where do I go to debug
VK this? Which log file has this stuff?  I need a stacktrace! It's not popping up on 
the console, and I couldn't find it in any of the obvious .log files.

VK Thanks in advance...

Try in
For example:
If orion is installed at /usr/bin/orion and your applications
is named BogusApp, the log is in


There you can find every error thrown by your app.

or you can tweak orion-application.xml in the same dir, under the
log flag to specify some other file, even configure your app to send
you an email in case of exceptions.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: http 500 errors

2001-02-22 Thread Trond Nilsen

You mean you're getting the friendly IE error messages? Orion uses error 500
to indicate a JSP compile error. Sometimes IE chooses to replace the error
with its useless monstrosity. You should be able to disable this by
un-checking 'show friendly error messages' in the Internet Options. If that
doesn't work, debug with another browser.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Vaskin Kissoyan
Sent: 23 February 2001 8:40 a.m.
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: http 500 errors

I keep getting internal server errors (HTTP 500), where do I go to debug
this? Which log file has this stuff?  I need a stacktrace! It's not popping up
on the console, and I couldn't find it in any of the obvious .log files.

Thanks in advance...

RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

In terms of what Orion can and can't do, it is a full service App server, implementing 
all the functionality on their website at  Like all products, 
there are problems being worked on (this is true for the expensive servers as well).  
If you want to know the problems that arise, kept monitoring this mail list and look 
at the archives.  

-Original Message-
From: Julian Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Debugging and orion


What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company) are trying
to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the

resource usage
debugging support from the IDE

- I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new to the app
server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible to use an
integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)

Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion are welcome
too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags with orion in
terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't




RE: Debugging and orion

2001-02-22 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Hi, Julian.  This topic has been discussed so many times, that I have lost count.  
It's best to check the archives for a discussion here, and if you don't know, someone 
can help you.  The tools really range from the free and cheap, to the very expensive, 
depending on what you are looking for and willing to spend.  Some ones I would look 
into are Ant, EJBDoclet (sp? EJB generator), UltraEdit, Forte CE edition, and Kawa, 
for the more economic scale.  I think some folks have good luck with Jbuilder and IBM 
Visual Age.  Can someone point him to the archives for this discussion, rather then 
reinventing the wheel? 

-Original Message-
From: Julian Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 5:18 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Debugging and orion


What tools / IDEs are people out there using to develop EJBs for use with
Orion? At the moment we (as a project team, rather than company) are trying
to standardise on an app server and IDE to use, requirements being the

resource usage
debugging support from the IDE

- I saw that someone mentioned using Kawa with Orion on the orionsupport
website; has this combination been used by many people? (I'm new to the app
server world, although I've been doing server-side Java work for several
years now - I'm not used to environments where it's even possible to use an
integrated debugger, but others on the team say it's necessary :-)

Comments about the speed / flexibility / resource usage of Orion are welcome
too, from the website it looks pretty slick and the documentation looks
good, but time will tell... also if there's any major snags with orion in
terms of things that the current version doesn't do correctly or doesn't




Re: Relationships between components!

2001-02-22 Thread Peter Pontbriand

 Hi everbody!

 I'm trying to create relationships between components, both within the
 jar and outside to another jar.

 In the first alternative, i.e. within the same jar, I succeded in creating
 the relationship, but unfortunately orion maps this to a blob. I have been
 playing around with orion-ejb-jar.xml without any success. Have anyone
 succeded with this?

 In the second alternative, i.e. relationship to an outside jar, it does'nt
 find the class (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError). Does orion support this
 kind of relationships.



Yep, Orion supports this, but you have to make sure you use an
ejb-entity-ref tag within the relationships element for every CMR
component that is not defined in the same ejb-jar.xml as you're defining the
relationships in.

Took me a while to suss that one out myself.

Canlink Interactive Technologies, Inc.

CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

2001-02-22 Thread Michael A Third

I have been trying to get Orion to correctly map a non-dependant
bidirectional 1:N relationship using EJB 2.0.  It tries to generate a
collection mapping that uses a third table to hold the reference.  I was
able to deploy it properly using a unidirectional relationship.

Here is the relevant entries from ejb-jar.xml (edited for brevity):

!-- 1:N (Marketplace Storefront) --








Here is the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml (again, edited):
entity-deployment name="com.trademotion.ejb.base.Marketplace"
cmp-field-mapping name="marketplaceID" persistence-
name="marketplaceID" /
cmp-field-mapping name="storefronts"

name="marketplaceID" persistence-
name="marketplaceID" /
cmp-field-mapping name="value"


The Storefront side of relationship is generated correctly.  From previous
posts, Orion supports what I'm trying to do (btw, I'm using 1.4.7).


Michael A Third

-Original Message-

RE: Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

Yes, this works, and is how I perform user authentication.  It's not app
server portable though.  :-(


-Original Message-
From: Andre Vanha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:52 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?

It might be possible to achieve this without forwarding.   I 
haven't tried
it, but using Orion's role manager might do the trick.  First you can
retrieve the role manager using RoleManager manager = (RoleManager)new
InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/RoleManager"); The you can 
call login on
the RoleManager with the appropriate username and password. 
This may do the
trick.  You can get more info about the user manager in the 
Orion API docs
or at

Let me know if this works, I'm curious muslef.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 5:27 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?

Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check 
processing in
Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to 
do ahead of
standard j_security_check.

On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post 
the form to our
own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. 
doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.

Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about how 
the server
should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so 
potentially it doesn't
have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked from 
code. But it would be useful to be able to.

I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to
instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple 
and not sure
would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but 
can't move to
that yet.

Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on 
Orion? Or is
related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to 
seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use 
Orion's non-standard
feature of leaving the action unspecified).

The National Insurance 
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RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I would like to see the documentation for the orion deployment
descriptors fleshed out.  Right now it's sparse and choppy, with some
sentences just cut off in the middle.  Verbose explanations with
examples would be a major improvement.

More than anything else, though, I think Orion needs a FAQ-O-MATIC.


-Original Message-
From: Magnus Stenman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 7:43 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

stay tune for a little while longer (if you want to and are 
able to). There will be a clustering-howto released in roughly 
a week or so (no promises though, just an estimate), and yes 
there's plenty of support (and more to come). The doc will be 
kind of an 'umbrella doc' to the already released 
http-clustering-howto covering the other tiers of an application.

While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas 
for improved/more elaborate documentation (howto's and 
similar)? Please be as specific as possible (ie the opposite 
of "improved overall documentation" :) and keep in mind that 
the security-primer is already in the pipe. Thanks in advance!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

PS. Not getting a reply when asking where to send money do 
sound strange indeed. We're understaffed relative to the 
demand so we have a hard time getting back to sales queries 
etc, but actual ordering should not be any problem whatsoever. 
Can you please forward what you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and to me as well and I'll try to see what has happened to it. Thanks!

- Original Message - 
From: "Dylan Parker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:33 PM
Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

 Hello, all.
 My company is about to drop Orion.
 The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
 the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
 We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
 In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my 
company a little
 longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
 How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
 Has anyone made this work?
 Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
 If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
 Dylan Parker


2001-02-22 Thread Luis Javier Beltran

Hi all,

I've just started using Orion server My 
question is, how do I create a new application?? What files should I modify, 
what lines should I add, to register it?


Luis Javier

Application clients

2001-02-22 Thread Alexander Jerusalem


Can anyone tell what I have to do to use EJBs in Orion from an application 


Alexander Jerusalem

RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Allen Fogleson

An LDAPUserManager would be very nice, or at least some good docs on that
whole schema so we could implement our own. I'm struggling through that now


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus Stenman
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 10:43 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas for
improved/more elaborate documentation (howto's and similar)? Please be as
specific as possible (ie the opposite of "improved overall documentation" :)
and keep in mind that the security-primer is already in the pipe. Thanks in

RE: FAQ-O-MATIC (was: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!])

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres

 More than anything else, though, I think Orion needs a FAQ-O-MATIC.


RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

2001-02-22 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

Bidirectional relationships do not yet work.

There are two workarounds that have worked for me:

Manually add (and remove!) both sides of the relationship.  So your
Marketplace.addStorefront() method would look like this:

void addStorefront(Storefront front)


etc.  Alternatively you can modify your
Marketplace.getMarketplaceStorefronts() method so that instead of
obtaining the storefronts from the internal collection it runs a
findByMarketplace finder method on the StorefrontHome.  Then you just
need to make sure that the storefronts-marketplace reference is kept


-Original Message-
From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:37 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

I have been trying to get Orion to correctly map a non-dependant
bidirectional 1:N relationship using EJB 2.0.  It tries to generate a
collection mapping that uses a third table to hold the 
reference.  I was
able to deploy it properly using a unidirectional relationship.

Here is the relevant entries from ejb-jar.xml (edited for brevity):

   !-- 1:N (Marketplace Storefront) --



Here is the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml (again, edited):
name="marketplaceID" persistence-
   name="marketplaceID" /
   cmp-field-mapping name="storefronts"
cmp-field-mapping name="marketplaceID" persistence-
name="marketplaceID" /
cmp-field-mapping name="value"

Win2k Pro. is messing up the DB

2001-02-22 Thread orion

I do not really know if this is because she's using 
Window 2000 Professional.
All our employees use Windows 2000 Servers or 
Linuxes or Solarises except for one person.
The exception is Windows 2000 Professional. The 
problem occurs only at her computer.
Once she updates a DB record, it messes up another 
record. This does not
happen all the time, but once in a blue moon. This 
is why I can't catch the problem in my code.
AndI do not think it is my code. I am 
using CMPs and orion 1.3.8 with PostgreSQL.
I doubted postgresql and orion in the beginning, 
and now I narrowed it down to orion because
it may be machine specific as I mentioned earlier. 
Why does a DB server have to do with
a specific machine? Then what? An App. Server which 
holds a session to a machine?
I am lost. Does anyone have any clue? I really 
really hope it's my code.
I appreciate your attention.


Re: Beginner...

2001-02-22 Thread Ray Harrison

Hi Luis -
A good place to start is to look at:

There are some examples there to get you started

--- Luis Javier Beltran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've just started using Orion server My question is, how do I create a new 
 What files should I modify, what lines should I add, to register it?
 Luis Javier

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

RE: please tell me : does JMS work at all ?

2001-02-22 Thread Chia, Pei Yen


  The chat example works. You have to activate the JMS service in
/config/server.xml file (uncomment jms-config path="./jms.xml" / ).

  Don't modify anything from the original jms.xml. Then do the steps as
documented at "jmsdemo-readme.txt". It should be able to work.

  I encountered the same problem at connection.start() when i tried to
topic-connection-factory host=hostaddr
location="jms/theTopicConnectionFactory" port="9127" /
at my jms.xml file.

  I believe the chat example makes reference to the file.

  I hope this helps.

  I'm still trying to figure out why connection.start() fails as i'm trying
to write a MEssageDrivenBean that needs to register the TopicFactory and
Topic for other clients to subscribe to. Still not successful yet. Any
pointers, anybody?

Pei Yen

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Edoardo Comar
Sent: 23 February 2001 02:47
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: please tell me : does JMS work at all ?

Please, can anyone confirm that (as of 1.4.7) JMS does not work at all ?

See my previous messages for details ... basically a connection.start()
throws an NPE
and a send doesn't work if the connection is not started (contrary to the
spec which requires start() to be called for message delivery).


RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

2001-02-22 Thread Mark Bernardinis

I think that we also need an explanation of what goes in the field, not 
what are valid values that it accepts. Some fields I look at in the XML are 
totally a question to me and I don't know why you would put one value in 
when compared to another.

 I would like to see the documentation for the orion deployment
 descriptors fleshed out.  Right now it's sparse and choppy, with some
 sentences just cut off in the middle.  Verbose explanations with
 examples would be a major improvement.
 More than anything else, though, I think Orion needs a FAQ-O-MATIC.
-Original Message-
From: Magnus Stenman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 7:43 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

stay tune for a little while longer (if you want to and are 
able to). There will be a clustering-howto released in roughly 
a week or so (no promises though, just an estimate), and yes 
there's plenty of support (and more to come). The doc will be 
kind of an 'umbrella doc' to the already released 
http-clustering-howto covering the other tiers of an application.

While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas 
for improved/more elaborate documentation (howto's and 
similar)? Please be as specific as possible (ie the opposite 
of "improved overall documentation" :) and keep in mind that 
the security-primer is already in the pipe. Thanks in advance!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

PS. Not getting a reply when asking where to send money do 
sound strange indeed. We're understaffed relative to the 
demand so we have a hard time getting back to sales queries 
etc, but actual ordering should not be any problem whatsoever. 
Can you please forward what you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and to me as well and I'll try to see what has happened to it. Thanks!

- Original Message - 
From: "Dylan Parker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:33 PM
Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]

 Hello, all.
 My company is about to drop Orion.
 The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
 the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
 We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
 In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my 
company a little
 longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
 How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
 Has anyone made this work?
 Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
 If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
 Dylan Parker

Re: Test20Cmp / Jim Archers example

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres

I am not certain about Jim's example. However, we use this style of code to
null out "transient" fields that get filled in during the use of an entity
bean. The problem is that these fields are not "cleared" between passivation
and re-activation. Thus, you can have fields with invalid values from a pervious
incantation of the bean. Clearing these fields solves that problem.


 I just read Arhcer's Test20Cmp example (posted on this list earlier on). I
 am unaware of the need for the initToNull() method (see below); does anyone
 know why its there - its is repeated in the later examples aswell.
 Well, I know at least one guy who knows... but if anyone else but Jim
 himself knows, you are of course also very welcome to reply ;-). Thanks.
 public String ejbCreate() {
   trace("ejbCreate() entered");
   setEmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
   trace("ejbCreate() exiting");
   // In CMP, should return null.
   return null;
   private void initToNull()
   trace("initToNull() entered");
   trace("initToNull() exiting");

RE: Any way to forward to j_security_check?

2001-02-22 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

that's what I've been doing...

whenever there's a sec-constraint, orion forwards to my login page; when I
want login without securing, I simple use the login form(or some other
functionally equal) and then login the user programatically (by changing the
action field of the form)

It works, just like MCB said.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Cannon-Brookes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 22 de Febrero de 2001 11:23
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?
 This is very simple to do.
 Just grab the RoleManager from java:comp/env/RoleManager I 
 think and then
 the method if just RoleManager.login(username, password) - 
 see the Orion API
 docs for more info.
 Alas there is no standard way to do this defined in the spec.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 11:27 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Any way to "forward" to j_security_check?
  Does anyone know a way to "forward" to the j_security_check 
 processing in
  Orion ? We use form-based login but have our own processing to do
  ahead of the
  standard j_security_check.
  On J2EE Reference Implementation (and e.g. Weblogic) we post the
  form to our
  own servlet instead of j_security_check, then forward from this to
  j_security_check. This doesn't seem to work on Orion i.e. 
  doesn't seem to be something one can get a request dispatcher for.
  Of course, the servlet spec doesn't mandate anything about 
 how the server
  should implement the j_security_check mechanism, so 
 potentially it doesn't
  have to have anything that can be referenced and invoked 
 from application
  code. But it would be useful to be able to.
  I've also thought about programmatically simulating a post to
  instead of trying to forward to it, but doesn't look simple and
  not sure this
  would work on Orion either. Might be helped by Servlet 2.3 but
  can't move to
  that yet.
  Am I just missing some trick to this, or is it not possible on
  Orion? Or is it
  related to a bug somewhere ? (n.b. even a normal post to 
  seems to fail, and to get sign-on to work I have to use Orion's
  feature of leaving the action unspecified).
  The National Insurance 
  Guarantee Corporation PLC
  Reg. Office :
  Crown House
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  Registered in England  Wales No : 42133
  Legal disclaimer :
  This message is confidential and for use by the addressee 
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 please return
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  NIG does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message
  after it was sent.

SAPDB experience and Datasource

2001-02-22 Thread Christian Billen

Hello, I'd be interested in hearing the experiences from people who used
SAPDB with Orion CMP in terms of stability and performance on both linux and
Also if you have them available, can you share your database-schema ?



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