Questions about JNDI Initial context

2001-02-28 Thread Thierry Cools

I already saw a lot of questions/answers about that in the mailing archive 
but none of them really answered the question so 

I'd like to evaluate the web-tier of Orion using an existing EJB 
application running on weblogic 6.0, I already did the same thing with Tomcat 
and in that particular case the only thing I had to do was to add the following 
parameters when I started the Tomcat servlet engine.


and it worked fine.

So my question is, will it work the same way if I add those parameters when 
I'llstart the Orion server ?
I read a lot of stuff about file and I'm still not 
convinced about the utility of this file and also where to place it.

I do not have a lot of time to test that for the moment, but I'm sure I'll 
have to do it in the future so I'd like to get already an answer.

Thanks for your help,
Thierry CoolsSenior Java Developer S1 
Brussels Kleine Kloosterstraat, 23 1932 st. Stevens-Woluwe Belgium 
Tel : +32 2 200 43 82 Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

AW: Accessing Orion as EJB Server

2001-02-28 Thread Tibor Hegyi

I was not clear enough,

I have not got problems with accessing my EJBs from a servlet within the
SAME J2EE application, i.e. when the servlet and EJB is deployed in the same
.EAR file.

I have problems with accessing EJBs remotely from a remote Servlet client!
Please see my first mail below and help me with this!


Tibor Hegyi

webmiles AG
Ridlerstr. 31b
80339 M|nchen
Tel. 089/ 12469-309
Fax 089/ 12469 - 222

-Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von Fyffe Carl
Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Februar 2001 20:59
An: Orion-Interest
Betreff: RE: Accessing Orion as EJB Server


I suggest you check out   They have two orion primers
that are very helpful in understanding the relationships between ejb,
servlets, jsps and how orion implements them.  Specifically for your
question please check out the Orion
Primer(  This will give you an example
of how to do an EJB with a servlet and what is required to make it all work.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tibor Hegyi
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 2:33 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Accessing Orion as EJB Server

Hi Guys,

Well, the topic was touched a couple of times but I could not figure the
answer out from teh archive, so please be patient!

I want to access my EJBs deployed in Orion remotely from a Servlet deployed
in Tomcat. I know that I must set up jndi properties (URL, principal,
password, InitialContextFactory). Two questions I have:

1. What reference should I use in the ctx.lookup method call in the Servlet?
"java:comp/env/ejb/EJBName" or "com.somepackage.EJBRemoteInterface"?

2. What files do I need on the client (servlet) side in order to compile and
run my servlet?
Only the Home and Remote interfaces or some helper classes too? How can I
generate the helper classes with Orion?

Please help with these above!

Best regards and keep on! The list is nice!


SV: Orion taken over

2001-02-28 Thread Magnus Rydin
Title: SV: Orion taken over

The source of all that was a 'quip' (a joke) on Bugzilla, nearly a year ago.
Funny how these things gets a life of their own :)

 -Ursprungligt meddelande-
 Från: Ray Harrison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Skickat: den 27 februari 2001 08:36
 Till: Orion-Interest
 Ämne: Re: Orion taken over
 Where did you hear it?
 --- John Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Have heard that Orion has been bought by someone. Is that 
 true? Is so by
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Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

JNDI Initial context questions

2001-02-28 Thread Thierry Cools

I already saw a lot of questions/answers about that in the 
mailing archive but none of them really answered the question so 

I'd like to evaluate the web-tier of Orion using an existing 
EJB application running on weblogic 6.0, I already did the same thing with 
Tomcat and in that particular case the only thing I had to do was to add the 
following parameters when I started the Tomcat servlet engine.


and it worked fine.

So my question is, will it work the same way if I add those 
parameters when I'llstart the Orion server ?
I read a lot of stuff about file and I'm still 
not convinced about the utility of this file and also where to place 

I do not have a lot of time to test that for the moment, but 
I'm sure I'll have to do it in the future so I'd like to get already an 

Thanks for your help,
Thierry CoolsSenior Java Developer S1 
Brussels Kleine Kloosterstraat, 23 1932 st. Stevens-Woluwe Belgium 
Tel : +32 2 200 43 82 Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Remote JMS access

2001-02-28 Thread Matt Simmerson
Title: Remote JMS access

I have a remote JMS client which publishes to a subscriber. The subscriber is on the same box as orion - no problem. The publisher is remote. Everything in the remote client works if the classpath includes orion.jar. I don't want to copy this around. I have put the jms.jar (sun version) and jndi.jar (orion version) in the classpath but I just get NoClassDefFoundError for javax/jms/JMSException every time.

What have I missed?

My jms.xml and files all point to the correct hosts.

Matt Simmerson
IT Consultant
smart421 - Smart solutions for the 21st century
Wap Site:
Tel: 01473 408720
Fax: 01473 408753
Mob: 07759 258083

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transmission in error, please advise the originator by reply e-mail and
delete it. Thank you.

EJB values into xml attributes (a little off topic, I know)

2001-02-28 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen


I have a question regarding taking properties from an EJB and generating XML
output. To explain, here is an example of my problem:

poem title = "%= myPoem.getTitle()"   %= myPoem.getContents() %

Because title is an XML attribute I think special characters like '' needs
to be escaped with amp; and the like. How does one handle this in a nice


I can think of at least two solutions, but I was hoping someone could
suggest a better one:

1: One could make sure to always store all content in the database as
escaped content. This means that the title of myPoem could be stored as
"Strength amp; Honour" instead of "Strength  Honour".

2: One could require all get/set-methods to transform unescaped content to
escaped content and vise-versa.

3: One could use a utility class with a static method:
poem title = "%= Converter.convert(myPoem.getTitle()) %" .

I know all this could work, but still I think it involves a programming
overhead which I would like to avoid if possible. - Especially because I
have found out I do not need to do any conversion for content which is not
used in an attribute, e.g. myPoem.getContents() works fine no matter what it

RE: Orion as a Win2000 service ?

2001-02-28 Thread Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED], Adam \(E-mail\)

In the archive I've found the following:

From:Larry Velez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Orion as a Win2000 service

I am running Orion as a service using the following RunSvcExe script:

Note that jvmi.exe ( is necessary because
of a bug (or feature) in Win32 Java that does not allow you to log out of
the machine while Orion is running.  This defeats the whole purpose of
running Orion as a service.

# This script runs OrionServer as a service


# set up java run-time stuff

# RunExeSvc variables

debug=false# if true, RunExeSvc will show internal status
home=$ORION_HOME$ # the starting dir of the service

# Running as an http server.

My question is that how can it work? It seems that JVMI does not support
.JAR files(?).
I've created a .Cmd file (not sure about those scripts, but should do the

REM ###
REM # This script runs OrionServer as a service

SET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3

REM # set up java run-time stuff
SET exe=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe

REM # RunExeSvc variables

SET debug=true# if true, RunExeSvc will show internal status
SET home=%ORION_HOME% # the starting dir of the service

REM # Running as an http server.
%exe% -jar orion.jar

But it does not work:

C:\orionREM ###
C:\orionREM # This script runs OrionServer as a service
C:\orionREM #
C:\orionSET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3
C:\orionSET ORION_HOME=c:\orion
C:\orionREM # set up java run-time stuff
C:\orionSET exe=c:\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe
C:\orionREM # RunExeSvc variables
C:\orionSET debug=true# if true, RunExeSvc will show internal
C:\orionSET home=c:\orion # the starting dir of the service
C:\orionREM # Running as an http server.
C:\orionREM cmdline=$exe$ (YOUR ORION COMMAND LINE HERE)
C:\orionc:\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe -jar orion.jar

jvmi.exe 1.1 - (C)2000 by Bill Giel/KCMDG
Java 1.3 VM Invoker (which traps LOGOFF events)

* Evaluation Version - for licensing information *
* contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

Cannot find main class.

Any ideas?
(Maybe the problem is trivial...)

Thank you in advance,

message javax.transaction.RollbackException

2001-02-28 Thread Stanislas Truffaut


How to get the original Exception that have generate a rollback in a
Statefull SessionBean "bean-managed transaction" ?

I've a SessionBean that do:

try {
UserTransaction tx = ...;
... set on an Entity BMP that
generate SQLException in later call
to ejbStore.
} catch (javax.transaction.RollbackException ex) {
  println("RollbackException: " + ex.getMessage());
} .

I can see that next to the transaction commit:
  1. orion call ejbStore()
  2. ejbStore() try to update the data base
= SQLException with message
= throw EJBException that wrap the SQLException...
  3. my SSB catch javax.transaction.RollbackException
  4. BUT this Exception doesn't contain any message !

Is it conforme to the spec?? If yes, how to get a message from the exception
that generate the rollback ???

Thank's for help.

RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Thomas Pridham

switched because:

1. Bluestone's Total-e-Server will cost you over 
$100,000.00. And that is an iteration based license.After so 
many app server iterations (oh yeah, they don't tell you what an iteration 
is...), it's time to buy more iterations (HP now owns this 

2. Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, 
getting Tomcat  Apache working together is sometimes a hair-pulling 

3. All of the horror stories from developers 
claiming that iPlanet is VERY buggy.

4. Because Websphere / Weblogic is too expensive 
for some customers.

5. Because Unify is rumored to be on unstable 
financial ground (even though eWave is only $595/cpu).

6. Because Orion was easy to install, easy to 
deploy, and easy to maintain. Granted that we DO NOT use entity 
beans. We only use stateless session beans. EJB is still too 
immature to be using entity beans, if you don't believe me, look at the majority 
of the posts on this mailing list. They mostly deal with entity bean 

my personal opinionplease be gentle with the entity-flame-emails 


  -Original Message-From: Vaskin Kissoyan 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:05 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: I switch from X to Orion 
  Please fill in the blank as you see 

orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

2001-02-28 Thread Stefan Wendel

Hi everybody,

we are running a Swing-application accessing via 
to an EJB-server. To do the JNDI-lookup class 
is used as describes in the orion-doc.

The problem: this class is located in orion.jar 
(2.sthg MB), which is after my understanding
the main-lib of the whole orion-server. 

1) we don't want to ship this lib to the client 
(system uses Java-Webstart to download
all classes and libraries needed, even if Webstart 
only updates classes which are changing
this is way too much download for "some 
2) how can this conform to the licence-model of 
Orion when you have to ship the
application-server to the client (for each 
client-installation, which in this scenario
comes up to several hundred)

If I should have missed sthg. in the doc, sorry for 
this. If not: how to deal with that
since this a pro/con-decision for our customer 
using Orion.

Thanks  Cheers,

Stefan Wendel, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Good tutorial

2001-02-28 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Time to clarify my remarks.  I agree with all you said, and I met for J2EE deployment 
purposes.  Thanks for pointing out that we have apples and oranges here.  

-Original Message-
From: Ernst de Haan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 6:25 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Good tutorial


While the Sun tools may be easier to use in the general case of deploying a
J2EE application, Ant is a *generic* and extendible build tool, that can be
used to perform from the simplest (copy, move, rename, delete files, compile,
execute) to the most advanced (deploying complete J2EE applications,
performing unit tests, translating source code to formatted HTML, checking
Javadoc comments for completeness, etc.) And all of that in a
platform-independant manner :)

So IMHO comparing deploytool with Ant is a bit odd.


Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:
 This is a nice tutorial at and now that I am used to ant,
 the sun tools are much easier.  And I, for one, and all for making my life

RE: Orion as a Win2000 service ?

2001-02-28 Thread Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED], Adam \(E-mail\)

I have to reply to my own question, since I got a quick response from the
author of JVMI.

The solution is to put orion.jar to classpath and invoke the main class:

c:\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe -cp orion.jar

It's seems to be working.

Sorry if it was obvious,

Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

2001-02-28 Thread Ernst de Haan

Hi Stefan,

 we are running a Swing-application accessing via HTTP/RMI
 to an EJB-server. To do the JNDI-lookup class 
 is used as describes in the orion-doc.

Do you *need* to downcast to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, or can
you perhaps use a superclass (InitialContextFactory) ? If so, then you only
need the JNDI libraries.


Database schema type mappings

2001-02-28 Thread Randahl Fink Isaksen

If you look at the database schema in
"orion/config/database-schemas/hypersonic.xml" it looks as if it is mapping
between the primitive java type "int" and the corresponding database type
type-mapping type="int" name="int" /.

In my EJBs my primary keys and other attributes are of type Integer. Since
there is no mapping for class Integer one could think that Integers would be
mapped to VARBINARY. Luckily my integers are mapped to the database type
"int", but this makes me ask two questions:

1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion - and is this a
standard EJB convention?
2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
instead of Integer?



Re: Classpath

2001-02-28 Thread Luis Javier Beltran
Title: RE: Classpath

Thanks a lot!

Luis Javier

  Hi, It seems to me that if you start 
  orion like "java -jar orion.jar" there is a problem with setting the 
  classpath. I start orion like this : set SERVER_PATH=.;%JDBC_PATH%;%OTHER_PATHS% java -classpath "%SERVER_PATH%" com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer 
  My %SERVER_PATH% has all external jars i use. 
  Bye, Eyal Litman Kamoon software 

Re: EJB values into xml attributes (a little off topic, I know)

2001-02-28 Thread orionEJB

You can use title as element not as attribut in your XML document.
Then you can to use CDATA. Everything inside a CDATA section is ignored
by the parser.
   everything you want..




RFI I have a question regarding taking properties from an EJB and generating XML
RFI output. To explain, here is an example of my problem:

RFI poem title = "%= myPoem.getTitle()"   %= myPoem.getContents() %
RFI /poem

RFI Because title is an XML attribute I think special characters like '' needs
RFI to be escaped with amp; and the like. How does one handle this in a nice
RFI way?

Szukasz wiedzy? 85 tysiecy uaktualnianych ciagle hasel.
Encyklopedia Internautica:

Re: Form based authentication problem

2001-02-28 Thread Jonathan James

FYII came up with something that makes it 
work. I edited the file and added a doPost method that just 
calls the doGet method already implemented.This makes perfect sense except 
that it worked as it was on the Sun Reference Implemetation, JBoss/Tomcat, 
Weblogic5.1, and Weblogic6.0.


  - Original Message - 
  Jonathan James 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:49 
  Subject: Form based authentication 
  I'm trying to get the Java Petstore 1.1.1 (the 
  new one) working with Orion. I've read some previous posts and the docs and 
  everything is working except that on my login.jsp I have to use form 
  action="j_security_check" method=GET instead of form 
  action="j_security_check" method=POST as it is supposed to be. This ends 
  up putting the password in the URL. Why doesn't POST work with with 

RE: Orion as a Win2000 service ?

2001-02-28 Thread Thomas Pridham

In our production environment (win2000), we are using JNT to run Orion as a

Works great.  One bug is when you issue a stop command, the stop dialog
hangs halfway through, but the service is stopped.  Can't beat the price,

-Original Message-
From: Toth [@HOTMAIL], Adam (E-mail) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 8:19 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Orion as a Win2000 service ?

In the archive I've found the following:

From:Larry Velez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Orion as a Win2000 service

I am running Orion as a service using the following RunSvcExe script:

Note that jvmi.exe ( is necessary because
of a bug (or feature) in Win32 Java that does not allow you to log out of
the machine while Orion is running.  This defeats the whole purpose of
running Orion as a service.

# This script runs OrionServer as a service


# set up java run-time stuff

# RunExeSvc variables

debug=false# if true, RunExeSvc will show internal status
home=$ORION_HOME$ # the starting dir of the service

# Running as an http server.

My question is that how can it work? It seems that JVMI does not support
.JAR files(?).
I've created a .Cmd file (not sure about those scripts, but should do the

REM ###
REM # This script runs OrionServer as a service

SET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3

REM # set up java run-time stuff
SET exe=%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe

REM # RunExeSvc variables

SET debug=true# if true, RunExeSvc will show internal status
SET home=%ORION_HOME% # the starting dir of the service

REM # Running as an http server.
%exe% -jar orion.jar

But it does not work:

C:\orionREM ###
C:\orionREM # This script runs OrionServer as a service
C:\orionREM #
C:\orionSET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3
C:\orionSET ORION_HOME=c:\orion
C:\orionREM # set up java run-time stuff
C:\orionSET exe=c:\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe
C:\orionREM # RunExeSvc variables
C:\orionSET debug=true# if true, RunExeSvc will show internal
C:\orionSET home=c:\orion # the starting dir of the service
C:\orionREM # Running as an http server.
C:\orionREM cmdline=$exe$ (YOUR ORION COMMAND LINE HERE)
C:\orionc:\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvmi.exe -jar orion.jar

jvmi.exe 1.1 - (C)2000 by Bill Giel/KCMDG
Java 1.3 VM Invoker (which traps LOGOFF events)

* Evaluation Version - for licensing information *
* contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

Cannot find main class.

Any ideas?
(Maybe the problem is trivial...)

Thank you in advance,

RE: CMP 2.0

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Drury
Title: RE: CMP 2.0

I've been out for a few days, so it this has been answered,
sorry for the repost.

This sounds like you didn't set the transactional behavior
in ejb-jar.xml as required. There is no default behavior
in the spec so it is up to the container to decide what
the default behavior is. I know in Weblogic, transactions
default to supports (I think). In any event, the entities
are not stored in the database unless you mark them
as required. Orion may be doing the same thing.


 -Original Message-
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 5:29 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: CMP 2.0
 Would somebody please confirm that they have been able to use CMP 2.0
 relationships on Orion, that they have seen them get stored 
 in the database
 AND brought back into main memory correctly after a restart 
 of the server.
 When I create a relationship it works fine until I restart - 
 I simply can't
 make Orion restore my relationships from the keys it stores 
 in the database.
 If I try the getX() / method of a cmr property it works - but after a
 restart it returns null.

RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Kemp Randy-W18971

Just a 
comment onTomcat. I agree that Orion is a great product, and Tomcat 
has a funky protocol arrangement with Apache, but that will get better. 
Right now, Tomcat is integrated with Jboss, and there is talk of putting Apache 
into the equation. Openejb is also stated to be integrated with Apache and 
Tomcat. Resin is great for integration with Apache and Resin EJB will 
become part of that equation. If had a wish list, I like to see the 
potential to integrate Orion with Apache (through Orion software). 

  -Original Message-From: Thomas Pridham 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:41 
  AMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: I switch from X to 
  Orion because: 
  switched because:
  1. Bluestone's Total-e-Server will cost you 
  over $100,000.00. And that is an iteration based 
  license.After so many app server iterations (oh yeah, they don't 
  tell you what an iteration is...), it's time to buy more iterations (HP now 
  owns this company).
  2. Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, 
  getting Tomcat  Apache working together is sometimes a hair-pulling 
  3. All of the horror stories from developers 
  claiming that iPlanet is VERY buggy.
  4. Because Websphere / Weblogic is too 
  expensive for some customers.
  5. Because Unify is rumored to be on unstable 
  financial ground (even though eWave is only $595/cpu).
  6. Because Orion was easy to install, easy to 
  deploy, and easy to maintain. Granted that we DO NOT use entity 
  beans. We only use stateless session beans. EJB is still too 
  immature to be using entity beans, if you don't believe me, look at the 
  majority of the posts on this mailing list. They mostly deal with entity 
  bean problems!!
  That's my personal opinionplease be 
  gentle with the entity-flame-emails :)
-Original Message-From: Vaskin Kissoyan 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 
2:05 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: I switch from X to 
Orion because: 
Please fill in the blank as you see 

RE: simple JSP bug with switch

2001-02-28 Thread Margulies, Adam
Title: RE: simple JSP bug with switch

OK, this seems reasonable. My worry was in transitioning from other engines
one of my first experiences was coming up against something simple that
wouldn't compile properly in Orion. My first thought was uh oh, how many
more inconsistencies am I going to run into?. So you can understand my concern.



-Original Message-
From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 8:56 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: simple JSP bug with switch

It appears to me that Sun's RI is recognizing the obvious - that statements
can not appear between switch and case, nor between break and case.
Unless the spec specifically addresses this, it seems that Orion is doing the
correct thing, and Sun is providing a nicety that lulls one into writing bad
JSP code.

 Sorry if I didn't quite get your point.
 It's odd though. The spec VERY specifically says that whitespace must be 
 preserved (JSP 1.1 spec, section 2.1.6), so it seems to me that what Orion 
 is doing is correct, even if it seems inconvenient.
 If I write:
 % out.print(one); %
 % out.print(two); %
 then my reading of the spec says that I must get the two words printed on 
 different lines (which I believe Orion would do), whereas you seem to be 
 saying that Sun's RI would print onetwo. Or is Sun's RI somehow clever 
 enough to know the difference between my sample and yours? That would take 
 some clever examination of what's in the scriptlets, I would think.
 Nick Newman
 At 04:58 PM 2/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
 OK, thanks, I understand that (which is how I fixed the code).
 However, I believe this isn't the proper behaviour for JSP.
 Orion should eat that newline. This is how other JSP engines behave,
 including Sun's reference engine.
 It shouldn't break the java code by inserting an erroneous println...
 or am I smoking crack?
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Newman 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:40 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: simple JSP bug with switch
 Hi Adam,
 I don't think this is a bug, although I agree the messages are
 confusing. Set the development=true flag in the orion-web.xml and you
 get the reason explained more fully. Basically what you have written in
 the broken version produces code like this:
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 case 1:
  // write newline, One, newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
  // write newline, Default, newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 and the compiler complains (correctly) that some of the copde can't be 
 Nick Newman
 At 08:11 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
  Forgive me if this is a known bug, but I didn't see it in the FAQ or
  anywhere on
  I am using Orion 1.4.7 and I have tried having Orion use Jikes 1.12 as
  well as all three of the 1.30 JDKs
  {Sun,IBM,Blackdown}. This is all running on RedHat 7.0 Linux 2.4.2.
  fixed version (but I shouldn't have to do this...):
  % switch(1) { case 1: %
  % break; default: %
  % break; } %
  broken version:
  % switch(1) { %
  % case 1: %
  % break; %
  % default: %
  % break; %
  % } %
  Gives the following error (this is the Blackdown error, but they're all
  500 Internal Server Error
  Error parsing JSP page /jsp/test.jsp
  Syntax error in source
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   __staticContent, 0, 1, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 1, 5);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
   __staticContent, 1, 5, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 6, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
   __staticContent, 6, 1, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 7, 9);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or 

RE: Multiple CPUs

2001-02-28 Thread cybermaster

Is there an Orion option something like the -multiVM startup option in j2ee
RI ?


RE: Form based authentication problem

2001-02-28 Thread cybermaster

Post works
for me in my test code  what error do you get? --peter

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jonathan James
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001
9:50 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Form based authentication

I'm trying to get the Java Petstore 1.1.1
(the new one) working with Orion. I've read some previous posts and the docs
and everything is working except that on my login.jsp I have to use form
action=j_security_check method=GET instead of form
action=j_security_check method=POST as it is supposed to be.
This ends up putting the password in the URL. Why doesn't POST work with with



RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes direc tory .

2001-02-28 Thread Andre Vanha

These should be in the WEB-INF directory.

If you have your application packaged as WAR file it should have a folder
called WEB-INF.  Your web.xml file should be there.

If you're running your code using orion's default web app, you'll find the
file under orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF.

In your web.xml file the ejb references should be defined like so:


With this definition my code would then expect to find the bean under

In you orion-web.xml, which should reside in you application-deployments
directory,  you need to link the bean like this:

ejb-ref-mapping name="ejb/EDMSessionBean" location="TheEDMSessionBean" /

In this case location="TheEDMSessionBean" is the location specified in your

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Prabahkar Subramaniam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:18 AM
To: 'Andre Vanha'
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

Where can I find the web.xml and orion-web.xml files?.


-Original Message-
From: Andre Vanha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:42 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

Did you define the ejb-refs in your web.xml and link them correctly in
It works fine for me.


-Original Message-
From: Prabahkar Subramaniam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:14 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
direc tory .

I tried the following 2 ways and get the same error:

Object hdrObj = cntx.lookup("java:comp/env/B2BOrderHeader");
headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome)
headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome)cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");


javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: B2BOrderHeader not found
at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.hl.f3(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.hl.lookup(JAX)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
at replacement.OrderBeanWrapper.loadOrder(
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xa(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.ef.dn(JAX)

The line 142 is:
 headerHome = (B2BOrderHeaderHome) cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");

Thanks in advance for your help

-Original Message-
From: Rafael Alvarez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: problem in accessing ejb from a bean in web-inf/classes
directory .

Hello Prabahkar,

Monday, February 26, 2001, 7:38:40 PM, you wrote:

Try using
Object hdrObj = cntx.lookup("B2BOrderHeader");

I think I remember vagely a thread in this list about java:comp/,
but that was 3000 messages ago :). Anyway, this works fine for me.

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-02-28 Thread Andre Vanha

The other day, somebody posted a well written document on Java2 class
loaders.  I wish I had the url to the document, but I can't find it.  The
gist of the document was this:  All class loaders within a jvm form a
hierarchy with the boot class loader being at the root.  No matter which
class loader in this hierarchy is utilized, it's job is to always delegate
to it's parent class loader before attempting to load anything on it's own.
In this case I belive orion's application class loaders will still be
children of orion's class loader, so classes defined at the class path level
(using orion.jar's classpath manifest attribute) will be used.   Even if you
create a lib entry to jaxp in server.xml or orion-application.xml the jxap
that ships with orion will be used. 


-Original Message-
From: Conrad Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 4:25 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: JAXP

Have you try to package your version of JAXP files inside your application
archive (ear, war)?  This idea comes from the fact that every class is
identified not only its class name but also which class loader it is loaded
from.  Since Orion supports dynamic loading of application files, it should
be using a custom classloader for every application.  Hence, by theory, you
should be able to use a different JAXP than the one Orion uses.  Of course
it depends on exactly how Orion implements this.  If Orion looks for classes
from the default classloader first, it is still not going to work.  But I
think it does worth a try.

Hope this help


-Original Message-
From: Richard Doust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 4:31 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: JAXP

I have been working on this problem all day. I have posted once before and
no one responded. I will try again.
I'm no Java expert and this is just my ignorance, but can anyone tell me if
I'm correct in my assumptions on this.
I am trying to develop server side code that runs under Orion that uses the
JAXP code that Sun has recently released. There are different versions of
parser.jar, xalan.jar and jaxp.jar distributed with Orion. Older ones. I
have tried replacing the older ones with the newer ones because my code
requires the newer ones and I guess that my code will be running in the same
image as Orion. Orion fails to start due to an exception while trying to
parse its configuration files. Putting the old .jar files back, it works
again. So, now it occurs to me that I'm basically stuck running with
whatever version of support code the tools I'm using are dependent on.
If I'm right, that means I can't use the latest version of JAXP until Orion
does? Is that right?

Re: simple JSP bug with switch

2001-02-28 Thread Margulies, Adam
Title: Re: simple JSP bug with switch

OK, this seems reasonable. My worry was in transitioning from other engines
one of my first experiences was coming up against something simple that
wouldn't compile properly in Orion. My first thought was uh oh, how many
more inconsistencies am I going to run into?. So you can understand my concern.



-Original Message-
From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 8:56 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: simple JSP bug with switch

It appears to me that Sun's RI is recognizing the obvious - that statements
can not appear between switch and case, nor between break and case.
Unless the spec specifically addresses this, it seems that Orion is doing the
correct thing, and Sun is providing a nicety that lulls one into writing bad
JSP code.

 Sorry if I didn't quite get your point.
 It's odd though. The spec VERY specifically says that whitespace must be 
 preserved (JSP 1.1 spec, section 2.1.6), so it seems to me that what Orion 
 is doing is correct, even if it seems inconvenient.
 If I write:
 % out.print(one); %
 % out.print(two); %
 then my reading of the spec says that I must get the two words printed on 
 different lines (which I believe Orion would do), whereas you seem to be 
 saying that Sun's RI would print onetwo. Or is Sun's RI somehow clever 
 enough to know the difference between my sample and yours? That would take 
 some clever examination of what's in the scriptlets, I would think.
 Nick Newman
 At 04:58 PM 2/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
 OK, thanks, I understand that (which is how I fixed the code).
 However, I believe this isn't the proper behaviour for JSP.
 Orion should eat that newline. This is how other JSP engines behave,
 including Sun's reference engine.
 It shouldn't break the java code by inserting an erroneous println...
 or am I smoking crack?
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Newman 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:40 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: simple JSP bug with switch
 Hi Adam,
 I don't think this is a bug, although I agree the messages are
 confusing. Set the development=true flag in the orion-web.xml and you
 get the reason explained more fully. Basically what you have written in
 the broken version produces code like this:
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 case 1:
  // write newline, One, newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
  // write newline, Default, newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 and the compiler complains (correctly) that some of the copde can't be 
 Nick Newman
 At 08:11 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
  Forgive me if this is a known bug, but I didn't see it in the FAQ or
  anywhere on
  I am using Orion 1.4.7 and I have tried having Orion use Jikes 1.12 as
  well as all three of the 1.30 JDKs
  {Sun,IBM,Blackdown}. This is all running on RedHat 7.0 Linux 2.4.2.
  fixed version (but I shouldn't have to do this...):
  % switch(1) { case 1: %
  % break; default: %
  % break; } %
  broken version:
  % switch(1) { %
  % case 1: %
  % break; %
  % default: %
  % break; %
  % } %
  Gives the following error (this is the Blackdown error, but they're all
  500 Internal Server Error
  Error parsing JSP page /jsp/test.jsp
  Syntax error in source
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   __staticContent, 0, 1, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 1, 5);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
   __staticContent, 1, 5, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 6, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
   __staticContent, 6, 1, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 7, 9);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or 

In Orion, are tag handler instances reused or reinstantiated?

2001-02-28 Thread Blacha, Bart

We are trying to figure out if tag handler objects are re-used, or
instantiated-and-destroyed at every request.  This is obviously important
for performance reasons.

There is conflicting information in JSP spec and on JGuru (see references
below).  So maybe it's an implementation-specific issue.   Which brings me
to the question:

What does Orion do with tag handler instances?  Reuse or reinstantiate them?

JSP spec 1.1, paragraph 5.4.7:

At execution time the implementation of a JSP page will use an available Tag
instance with
the appropriate prefix and name that is not being used, initialize it, and
then follow the
protocol described below. Afterwards, it will release the instance and make
it available for
further use. This approach reduces the number of instances that are needed
at a time.

Question  We want to make sure that our JSP development efforts are
thread-safe. Is it possible that two threads will access one instance of a
JSP custom tag handler concurrently?  

No it is not possible. There is a defined lifecycle of a custom tag, and
during this lifecycle, that instance of the tag will only get called once.
Hopefully in newer implementations of JSP engines, the actual tag object
will not get reinstantiated each time (as this negatively affects
performance), but at least during it's use, it will be thread safe. 

Bart Blacha, Software Developer
NetPerceptions Inc.
(512) 349-5622

Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

2001-02-28 Thread Stefan Wendel

Hi Ernst,

there is no superclass since InitialContextFactory is an interface which is
by ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory directly (so every vendor provides
own InitialContextFactoryClass...)

It should work like this: when the class is needed it should be loaded by
the class
loader over the net (this is a basic principle of JNDI: load the "driver"
which is
needed for current application, if not already installed on the client).

To be more specific with my error: I get an error from the which
says he(she...?) can't find the specific class (ClassNotFoundException).

Did I miss some setup somewhere ... ?

Greetings, Stefan

- Original Message -
From: "Ernst de Haan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

 Hi Stefan,

  we are running a Swing-application accessing via HTTP/RMI
  to an EJB-server. To do the JNDI-lookup class
  is used as describes in the orion-doc.

 Do you *need* to downcast to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, or
 you perhaps use a superclass (InitialContextFactory) ? If so, then you
 need the JNDI libraries.


mail.jar POP3

2001-02-28 Thread Andre Vanha

I'm trying to add POP3 functionality to my application on orion.
Unfortunately, the mail.jar that ships with orion does not include the POP3
provider.  Does anyone know how I can enable the POP3 provider from Sun
without replacing, or otherwise having to modify the existing mail.jar?


Machines should work.  People should think.
   -- IBM motto

recreate tables for a cmp

2001-02-28 Thread John Hogan


I have a cmp that has been deployed and has created tables for itself.

Now, I'd like to migrate to a different schema/db.  Changing the 
schema connect string info in data-sources.xml to point at a 
different db, and restarting orion does not by itself trigger 
recreation of the entitybean tables.  Any use of the bean causes the 
following error:

javax.ejb.CreateException: Error creating EntityBean: ORA-00942: 
table or view does not exist

It seems that if you change some of the info in orion-ejb-jar.xml (a 
cmp-field-mapping-name), the tables will be recreated the next time 
orion is started.  I was wondering if anyone knows of a easier way to 
signal orion to recreate db tables for an cmp bean?  TIA.

John Hogan


Get your free E-mail at

RE: Database schema type mappings

2001-02-28 Thread Michael A Third


We use the primitive long for all of our primary keys for a couple of
* primary keys can't be null so there isn't a need for Long (or Integer)
* long's are always 4 bytes no matter what the CPU (32bit vs 64bit), which
is currently not a problem but could be when Itanium platforms come out.
int's depend on the CPU's native integer type which happens to be 32bits on
ix86 architectures.

Michael Third
Chief Software Architect

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randahl Fink
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Database schema type mappings

If you look at the database schema in
"orion/config/database-schemas/hypersonic.xml" it looks as if it is mapping
between the primitive java type "int" and the corresponding database type
type-mapping type="int" name="int" /.

In my EJBs my primary keys and other attributes are of type Integer. Since
there is no mapping for class Integer one could think that Integers would be
mapped to VARBINARY. Luckily my integers are mapped to the database type
"int", but this makes me ask two questions:

1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion - and is this a
standard EJB convention?
2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
instead of Integer?



RE: Servlet Cache - How do I purge it

2001-02-28 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)


kill every file, the orion will recompile



 -Original Message-
 From: Paul G. Markovich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 11:07 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Servlet Cache - How do I purge it
 I am using servlets in the orion default web app.
 My dir:
 Orion/defaul-web-app/Web-inf/classes/(and then my files)
 I have the output of my compiler set to the same directory.
 I start orion like:
 java -jar orion.jar
 and I stop orion with a ctrl C
 I have reloaded my class files and I can't ever get the
 new files to load.
 I am working on NT4, jdk1.3, orion 1.4.5
 Should I start stop differently???
 Is there a physical location and file that I can
 delete that is storing this information???

Re: Classpath

2001-02-28 Thread Christian Sell

 It seems to me that if you start orion like "java -jar orion.jar" there is
 problem with setting the classpath.

the problem is that the Java documentation explicitly says that if the jar
invocation mechanism is used, the classpath is taken from the manifest file
inside the jar, and all other classpath sources are ignored.

Re: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Christian Sell

 2.  Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, getting Tomcat  Apache
 working together is sometimes a hair-pulling experience.

now what exactly was your problem there? I just installed tomcat under
apache on my new Linux box, and had no problems at all - just followed the
instructions. And deploying an app is not more than copying the .war into
the webapps directory...


2001-02-28 Thread Lu, Michael


RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Victor A. Salaman

Tomcat does not support EJB... the original author of the message meant
Tomcat  JBoss... And that integration is pure hell... Of course, you can
download the already integrated version, but you'd be getting an old JBoss
and an old Tomcat...  

The main problem with Tomcat and JBoss is also their virtue. Since
everything is so modular, it also means that there are a lot of components,
some of which have conflicts among eath other Among other things, JBoss
is not compliant to any spec, as simple things like java:/comp/env namespace
are plainly not supported by their jndi impl, cmp (jaws) support is very
poor and does not really scale well to more than a couple kids playing
"deploy" on 3 machines...

JBoss also has many problems deploying j2ee "ear" (Enterprise Archives) ... 

Although Orion is small, it's self-contained and requires very little work
to get everything running.

I respect the authors of JBoss as they have done a great job, but you really
can't compare... it's a orange vs. apples comparison. 

As for Tomcat, it gives a bad name to server-java altogether...
and as for Apache Server, well, what can I say, a simple "java" appserver
such as Orion beats its performance by leaps...

Most of the ASF is trying to stay compatible with dead things (jdk 1.1),
which makes their software suffer a great deal. For example, they dislike
the use of the Collections API, try to solve everyone's problems for
everyone, and in the way bloat their products unnecessarily... And
repeatedly "break" the rules... (How crazy is it creating threads inside the
web container [Cocoon2] when the specs specifically say that it should not
be done) ... 

An example of this is Jakarta-Struts... Sure it's great... but why then did
Rickard Oberg (one of the technical leads in JBoss) create WebWork? ...
Struts is just too damned bloated... same happens with most of Apache's
offerings. It's rather sad, as most of those problems could easily be

Sometimes people on the list say things like "I can't get Cocoon to work
under Orion", "I can't get XXX Apache product to work under Orion"... well
now you know why :) haha ... Most of these problems are classloader issues
which would break anyways, but since Tomcat has an arcane single classloader
architecture, they'd never notice...

-Original Message-
From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:01 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: I switch from X to Orion because: 

 2.  Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, getting Tomcat  Apache
 working together is sometimes a hair-pulling experience.

now what exactly was your problem there? I just installed tomcat under
apache on my new Linux box, and had no problems at all - just followed the
instructions. And deploying an app is not more than copying the .war into
the webapps directory...

Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

2001-02-28 Thread Ernst de Haan


 there is no superclass since InitialContextFactory is an interface which is
 by ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory directly (so every vendor provides
 own InitialContextFactoryClass...)

Can you show that part of your code? Perhaps you can do smthng like this:

   // Perhaps this one is read from a configuration somehow
   String factoryClassName = 

   InitialContextFactory factory;

   try {
  Class c = Class.forName(factoryClassName);
   } catch (Throwable t) {
  System.err.println("Unable to load initial context factory " + factoryClassName 

 It should work like this: when the class is needed it should be loaded by
 the class
 loader over the net (this is a basic principle of JNDI: load the "driver"
 which is
 needed for current application, if not already installed on the client).

Well, perhaps you're referencing the driver from your code, and perhaps you
should try loading the class explicitly with the Class.forName() call?

HTH, just my $ 0.02.


 To be more specific with my error: I get an error from the which
 says he(she...?) can't find the specific class (ClassNotFoundException).
 Did I miss some setup somewhere ... ?
 Greetings, Stefan
 - Original Message -
 From: "Ernst de Haan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:54 PM
 Subject: Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??
  Hi Stefan,
   we are running a Swing-application accessing via HTTP/RMI
   to an EJB-server. To do the JNDI-lookup class
   is used as describes in the orion-doc.
  Do you *need* to downcast to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, or
  you perhaps use a superclass (InitialContextFactory) ? If so, then you
  need the JNDI libraries.

Servlet Filters

2001-02-28 Thread Mike Bosch


We're currently trying to move our web site from running IIS to hopefully
Orion and we've come across something in the servlet container that we're
hoping someone has seen or dealt with themselves before.

We want to use a servlet filter to intercept *all* requests that come into
the web server.  Is this possible?  It seems to work for all files when I
put the URL filter as "/" or "/*".  But we're also looking to be notified
when a directory resource is requested.  An example of this might be a url
that looks like so:  "".  Test is not a
virtual directory nor is it a directory under our site root.  We forward
these directory requests to a JSP that then produces the appropriate output
for this directory on the fly.

Has anyone tried this?  Or is there another way to filter HTTP requests in
the Orion web server?



Connecting to LDAP from Orion

2001-02-28 Thread Franklin Kingma

Hi all,

Today I tried to connect to a LDAP server so I tried some things for a
while, but no luck...
Has anyone done this before? Do you know of some docs/tuts from which I can
learn how to do this?



Orion with tomcat!!!

2001-02-28 Thread JangHo Ki


I know it has been mentioned in serveral times. 
However, I could not make Orion as EJB server work with Apache  Tomcat.
A servlet is placed to access ejb at tomcat's WEB-INF/classes directory, 
along with application-client.xml under META-INF directory. 

The servlet looks as follows:

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

import hello.ejb.Hello;
import hello.ejb.HelloHome;

public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {

   // constructor
   public HelloServlet() {

   // A reference to the remote `Hello' object
   protected Hello _hello;

   // Initializes this servlet
   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("", "admin");
env.put("", "admin");

  // Get the initial JNDI context using our settings
  Context initial;
  try {
 initial = new InitialContext(env);
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to get initial JNDI context: " +

  // Get a reference to the Hello home interface
  HelloHome helloHome;
  try {
Object objref = initial.lookup("ejb/Hello");
helloHome = (HelloHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref,
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to get home interface: " + exception.toString());

  // Get a reference to a Hello instance
  try {
 _hello = helloHome.create();
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to create Hello instance: " + exception.toString());

  // Insanity check: Make sure we have a valid reference
  if (_hello == null) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to create Hello instance, create() returned null");

   // Handles the HTTP GET request
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
   throws ServletException, IOException {

  ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();


  // Get the answer from the bean
  String answer;
  try {
 answer = _hello.sayHello();
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 out.println("HTMLBODY bgcolor=\"#FF\"");
 out.println("Time stamp: " + new Date().toString());
 out.println("BRHello type: " + _hello.getClass().getName());
 out.println("Error calling the Hello bean");

  out.println("HTMLBODY bgcolor=\"#FF\"");
  out.println("Time stamp: " + new Date().toString());
  out.println("BRHello type: " + _hello.getClass().getName());
  out.println("BRAnswer: " + answer);

   // Displays a trace message to System.out
   private void trace(String methodName) {
  System.out.println("() called");


However, when I call this servlet from Apache, it complains as follows:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get initial JNDI context:
javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client
descriptor: Error communicating with server: Lookup error: Connection refused; nested exception is: Connection refused; nested exception is: 
javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
Connection refused; nested exception is: Connection refused
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Throwable.(Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Exception.(Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.ServletException.(Compiled Code)
at HelloServlet.init(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doInit(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.init(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.init(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Compiled Code)

Re: mail.jar POP3

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres

If you upgrade the mail.jar to JavaMail 1.2, the POP3 provider is included.
Replacing mail.jar is most likely your easiest route. Otherwise, you have
to deal with the javamail.providers file, which will almost certainly require
that you modify mail.jar's version of that file.


 I'm trying to add POP3 functionality to my application on orion.
 Unfortunately, the mail.jar that ships with orion does not include the POP3
 provider.  Does anyone know how I can enable the POP3 provider from Sun
 without replacing, or otherwise having to modify the existing mail.jar?
 Machines should work.  People should think.
-- IBM motto

Re: Connecting to LDAP from Orion

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres

Go to and download the LDAP service provider.
This will give you the JNDI SPI you need to access LDAP. As for docs/tutorials,
I can not help you there.

 Hi all,
 Today I tried to connect to a LDAP server so I tried some things for a
 while, but no luck...
 Has anyone done this before? Do you know of some docs/tuts from which I can
 learn how to do this?

login security include file

2001-02-28 Thread Vaskin Kissoyan

I'm trying to do a 
response.sendRedirect() from an include file 
jsp:include and wanted to avoid doing a directive.include (preparser), 

I keep getting "Response has already been 
committed, be sure not to write to the OutputStream or to trigger a commit due 
to any other action before calling this method."

I have been very careful as to put this include at 
the very top of the file, and to specify autoFlush=false and flush=false on the 
include tag.

Again, the intention of this include file would be 
to be place at the top of the jsp file to secure it by redirecting to a login 
page if credentials in a session based UserBean do not allow access to the page 
for some reason.


RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Arved Sandstrom

Just a few comments...not angry comments. :-)

As a committer on an Apache project, let me just say that decisions to
support JDK 1.1, on a per-project basis, are not about supporting "dead
things". We have, in fact, people who _must_ use JDK 1.1 (probably more than
you might think). As another example, we are a J2EE shop; but just recently
we had a (big) requirement to support ISAM data. That's ancient, too, but
I'll bet there's more ISAM data out there than there is relational data.
Would you personally turn up your nose at supporting ISAM? Well, maybe you
would. I dunno.

I haven't used Struts myself, but since you mention it, I'd guess you'd have
to ask Rickard himself why he decided to write his own framework. With all
due respect to him, the primary reason, 9 times out of 10, that people write
their own code is because as an industry we are damned terrible at re-use.
There are a whole bunch of bad reasons why this is so - laziness, arrogance,
reluctance to share the limelight, etc etc. Only rarely do you find that
somebody wrote code because they conducted a thorough search and couldn't
find anything that could even be modified. I'm personally pretty hot about
this topic because there is a huge amount of wasted time due to this.
Frameworks are a particularly bad offender - everybody and his brother wants
to write their own framework.

As far as bloat, well, that's in the eye of the beholder. If a product
provides 100 features, but any given user only needs 25 of them, but nearly
all of the features are useful to someone, it's "bloat" to almost everyone,
but also useful to almost everyone. It's only bad bloat if the extra
features get in your way, though, when you want to use your subset. I
question whether this happens that often. But most of your comments are
pretty general, so who knows exactly what you were talking about.

Are Apache products perfect? No, not by a long shot. Are they as bad as you
make them out to be? No, not by a long shot.

Arved Sandstrom

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Victor A.
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 4:20 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

Tomcat does not support EJB... the original author of the message meant
Tomcat  JBoss... And that integration is pure hell... Of course, you can
download the already integrated version, but you'd be getting an old JBoss
and an old Tomcat...

The main problem with Tomcat and JBoss is also their virtue. Since
everything is so modular, it also means that there are a lot of components,
some of which have conflicts among eath other Among other things, JBoss
is not compliant to any spec, as simple things like java:/comp/env namespace
are plainly not supported by their jndi impl, cmp (jaws) support is very
poor and does not really scale well to more than a couple kids playing
"deploy" on 3 machines...

JBoss also has many problems deploying j2ee "ear" (Enterprise Archives) ...

Although Orion is small, it's self-contained and requires very little work
to get everything running.

I respect the authors of JBoss as they have done a great job, but you really
can't compare... it's a orange vs. apples comparison.

As for Tomcat, it gives a bad name to server-java altogether...
and as for Apache Server, well, what can I say, a simple "java" appserver
such as Orion beats its performance by leaps...

Most of the ASF is trying to stay compatible with dead things (jdk 1.1),
which makes their software suffer a great deal. For example, they dislike
the use of the Collections API, try to solve everyone's problems for
everyone, and in the way bloat their products unnecessarily... And
repeatedly "break" the rules... (How crazy is it creating threads inside the
web container [Cocoon2] when the specs specifically say that it should not
be done) ...

An example of this is Jakarta-Struts... Sure it's great... but why then did
Rickard Oberg (one of the technical leads in JBoss) create WebWork? ...
Struts is just too damned bloated... same happens with most of Apache's
offerings. It's rather sad, as most of those problems could easily be

Sometimes people on the list say things like "I can't get Cocoon to work
under Orion", "I can't get XXX Apache product to work under Orion"... well
now you know why :) haha ... Most of these problems are classloader issues
which would break anyways, but since Tomcat has an arcane single classloader
architecture, they'd never notice...

-Original Message-
From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:01 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: I switch from X to Orion because:

 2.  Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, getting Tomcat  Apache
 working together is sometimes a hair-pulling experience.

now what exactly was your problem there? I just installed tomcat under
apache on my new Linux box, and had no problems at 

Orion with tomcat!!!

2001-02-28 Thread JangHo Ki


I know it has been mentioned in serveral times. 
However, I could not make Orion as EJB server work with Apache  Tomcat.
A servlet is placed to access ejb at tomcat's WEB-INF/classes directory, 
along with application-client.xml under META-INF directory. 

The servlet looks as follows:

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

import hello.ejb.Hello;
import hello.ejb.HelloHome;

public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {

   // constructor
   public HelloServlet() {

   // A reference to the remote `Hello' object
   protected Hello _hello;

   // Initializes this servlet
   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put("", "admin");
env.put("", "admin");

  // Get the initial JNDI context using our settings
  Context initial;
  try {
 initial = new InitialContext(env);
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to get initial JNDI context: " +

  // Get a reference to the Hello home interface
  HelloHome helloHome;
  try {
Object objref = initial.lookup("ejb/Hello");
helloHome = (HelloHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref,
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to get home interface: " + exception.toString());

  // Get a reference to a Hello instance
  try {
 _hello = helloHome.create();
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to create Hello instance: " + exception.toString());

  // Insanity check: Make sure we have a valid reference
  if (_hello == null) {
 throw new ServletException(
"Unable to create Hello instance, create() returned null");

   // Handles the HTTP GET request
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
   throws ServletException, IOException {

  ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();


  // Get the answer from the bean
  String answer;
  try {
 answer = _hello.sayHello();
  catch (Throwable exception) {
 out.println("HTMLBODY bgcolor=\"#FF\"");
 out.println("Time stamp: " + new Date().toString());
 out.println("BRHello type: " + _hello.getClass().getName());
 out.println("Error calling the Hello bean");

  out.println("HTMLBODY bgcolor=\"#FF\"");
  out.println("Time stamp: " + new Date().toString());
  out.println("BRHello type: " + _hello.getClass().getName());
  out.println("BRAnswer: " + answer);

   // Displays a trace message to System.out
   private void trace(String methodName) {
  System.out.println("() called");


However, when I call this servlet from Apache, it complains as follows:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to get initial JNDI context:
javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client
descriptor: Error communicating with server: Lookup error: Connection refused; nested exception is: Connection refused; nested exception is: 
javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
Connection refused; nested exception is: Connection refused
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Throwable.(Compiled Code)
at java.lang.Exception.(Compiled Code)
at javax.servlet.ServletException.(Compiled Code)
at HelloServlet.init(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doInit(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.init(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.init(Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(Compiled Code)

RE: Servlet Filters

2001-02-28 Thread Trond Nilsen

 We want to use a servlet filter to intercept *all* requests that come into
 the web server.  Is this possible?  It seems to work for all files when I
 put the URL filter as "/" or "/*".  But we're also looking to be notified
 when a directory resource is requested.  An example of this might be a url
 that looks like so:  "".  Test is not a
 virtual directory nor is it a directory under our site root.  We forward
 these directory requests to a JSP that then produces the appropriate output
 for this directory on the fly.

 Has anyone tried this?  Or is there another way to filter HTTP requests in
 the Orion web server?

Given that you seem to have worked out how to intercept /*, intercepting
/test/* is a simple extension of that.
Presumably you have something like this in your web.xml


So for /test/* you'd have


The problem is working out which order they're considered. I imagine it's
probably the order they're specified, so you'd want the test one listed first
in your web.xml. I'm assuming that by intercepting all requests you want
everything (except test/*) to go to a particular servlet. If you just mean
intercept and feed back whatever resource they asked for, then all you need is
the second code snippet in your web.xml


Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres


Are you sure about the InitialContext class being loaded over the network?
I have never heard of that before, and was not aware that JNDI supported
this feature. Can you point to any documentation of the feature?

I have always understood that the JNDI properties pointed to the class to
be used, and that the class had to be accessible via the ClasPath.


 Hi Ernst,
 there is no superclass since InitialContextFactory is an interface which is
 by ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory directly (so every vendor provides
 own InitialContextFactoryClass...)
 It should work like this: when the class is needed it should be loaded by
 the class
 loader over the net (this is a basic principle of JNDI: load the "driver"
 which is
 needed for current application, if not already installed on the client).

 To be more specific with my error: I get an error from the which
 says he(she...?) can't find the specific class (ClassNotFoundException).
 Did I miss some setup somewhere ... ?
 Greetings, Stefan
 - Original Message -
 From: "Ernst de Haan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:54 PM
 Subject: Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??
  Hi Stefan,
   we are running a Swing-application accessing via HTTP/RMI
   to an EJB-server. To do the JNDI-lookup class
   is used as describes in the orion-doc.
  Do you *need* to downcast to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, or
  you perhaps use a superclass (InitialContextFactory) ? If so, then you
  need the JNDI libraries.

Re: multiple apps

2001-02-28 Thread Greg Matthews

thanks for the response.

i'm more of a java programmer than a web site 
administrator so i'm a bit in the dark here.

does that mean that i need two network cards in my 
machine if i want to use 2 
appname-web-site.xml files?

you suggest changing the host attribute from [ALL], 
what should i change it to?

the larger picture is that we're trying to find the 
best way to set up orion so we
can run duplicate copies of an application, one for 
each time a person calls us,
gives us their credit card number, and says "i'd 
like to lease your browser based

we want to be able to:
 - run multiple apps per machine, 
 - run an app across multiple 
machine where a customer puts heavy load on the system.


  - Original Message - 
  Michael Bosch 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 5:04 
  Subject: Re: multiple apps
  Having just gone through learning all the 
  configuration details recently the thing that pops out in my mind is whether 
  or not you changed the host attribute in your web-site element of the 
  copy1-web-site.xml and copy2-web-site.xml files so that they're 
  different? It'd make sense that one would run and the other doesn't when 
  they're both activated if this were the case. If they're both set to [ALL] then the first one would probably override 
  the 2nd. 
- Original Message - 
To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:27 
Subject: multiple apps

Dear all,

I'm having some trouble getting multiple copies 
of an app to run where 
i use different appname-web-site.xml 

Idon't have a problem where i configure 
all the information within
server.xml and default-web-site.xml, but i want 
to use different
web-site.xml files so that i can do 

Ido the following:

1. copy/paste the application within 

2. create 2 web-site.xml files


3. put a reference to the web-site files in 

web-site path="./copy1-web-site.xml" 
/web-site path="./copy2-web-site.xml" 
4. put a reference to the 2 applications in 

application name="copy1" 
path="..\applications\copy1"/application name="copy2" 


a)I can run the copy1 app in my browser, 
but not copy2.

b)If i comment out copy1, then for some 
reason i can run copy2.

c)If i uncomment copy1, then copy1 starts 
working, and copy2 is not accessible.

d)I don't get any error messages relating 
to not being able to access copy1 or copy2.

Does anyone know what i might be doing 


Clustering and Multicasting

2001-02-28 Thread Jesse Schoch

I have installed a 3 node orion cluster(2 on windows2k and 1 on linux) and
have it working just dandy, the replication seems to work and so does the
loadbalancer but...

I also have a bsdi box, and recently upgraded to the 4.2 version which has a
JDK and JVM on which orion runs fine, but when I try to put into the cluster
orion will not start and complains that it can't bind to the multicast
address.  any ideas why this is happening?

RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Victor A. Salaman

 -Original Message-
 From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 5:42 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because: 
 Just a few comments...not angry comments. :-)
 As a committer on an Apache project, let me just say that decisions to
 support JDK 1.1, on a per-project basis, are not about 
 supporting "dead
 things". We have, in fact, people who _must_ use JDK 1.1 
 (probably more than
 you might think). As another example, we are a J2EE shop; but 
 just recently
 we had a (big) requirement to support ISAM data. That's 
 ancient, too, but
 I'll bet there's more ISAM data out there than there is 
 relational data.
 Would you personally turn up your nose at supporting ISAM? 
 Well, maybe you
 would. I dunno.

I also use ISAM data, talk to mainframes (MVS, OS/390, VSE) and minis 
but we are not talking about that. We are talking about Apache neglecting
important features in newer versions of the jdk which would work with all
versions of the jdk. for example, instead of producing code with 200
occurences of:

Class clazz=Class.forName("blabla");

these could be replaced with:

Class clazz=ClassUtils.findClass("blabla");

where you could have a "central" ClassUtils with a static method called
findClass which would find the class in the correct classloader
(contextclassloader or primordial, etc)... The only drawback to this
approach is that although the resulting code would work with any jdk, it
would need jdk1.2+ to compile, but of course there are workarounds around
this... So just becuase there are few jdk1.1 users out there, Apache
releases code which will not work in advanced containers and require severe
patching. (e.g. ever tried to use Xalan, BSF or Xerces together in JBoss,
Resin, Orion?)  

 I haven't used Struts myself, but since you mention it, I'd 
 guess you'd have
 to ask Rickard himself why he decided to write his own 
 framework. With all
 due respect to him, the primary reason, 9 times out of 10, 
 that people write
 their own code is because as an industry we are damned 
 terrible at re-use.
 There are a whole bunch of bad reasons why this is so - 
 laziness, arrogance,
 reluctance to share the limelight, etc etc. Only rarely do 
 you find that
 somebody wrote code because they conducted a thorough search 
 and couldn't
 find anything that could even be modified. I'm personally 
 pretty hot about
 this topic because there is a huge amount of wasted time due to this.
 Frameworks are a particularly bad offender - everybody and 
 his brother wants
 to write their own framework.

quoting from Webwork documentation...
"Q: What is the difference between WebWork and Struts? 

A: Struts is probably the technique that was the most similar to WebWork.
The main problem with Struts is its large API. There is quite a bit of API
to learn, and it is closely tied to Servlet API. The Struts API also imposes
quite a few implementation rules with regard to how things are done, leaving
less room for customization. 

(Large API == Bloated?) since both do the same things in concept.

This industry is very pro-reuse, it's only when projects become surreal,
when people start building something else. Let's get real, would you spent
your time building something when there is another product which is
accesible and fits your needs entirely... ? thought not...

The problem here is that you can't serve god and devil at the same time.

 As far as bloat, well, that's in the eye of the beholder. If a product
 provides 100 features, but any given user only needs 25 of 
 them, but nearly
 all of the features are useful to someone, it's "bloat" to 
 almost everyone,
 but also useful to almost everyone. It's only bad bloat if the extra
 features get in your way, though, when you want to use your subset. I
 question whether this happens that often. But most of your 
 comments are
 pretty general, so who knows exactly what you were talking about.

Usually I don't mind about extra features, but take Xerces for example...
it's a 800k jar file compressed, provides for just about every xml parsing
scheme that currently exists, has a built-in serialization API, XML DOM,
HTML DOM, you name it, it's there It is also the most popular xml parser
for java right now... what's the problem? it's also the worst performant out
of the xml parsers for java... So strictly my opinion, why not spend
precious time trying to improve the things which are really important (speed
and basic conformance) instead of trying to build a do-it-all-for-everyone
parser. Then people say, "Why is java slow?"  Is Apache becoming the
Microsoft of the open source arena?

 Are Apache products perfect? No, not by a long shot. Are they 
 as bad as you
 make them out to be? No, not by a long shot.

Perfection cannot be attained, it can be aspired... The problem is that you
can't aspire perfection without criticism. And Apache hates 

RE: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-serv er on another?

2001-02-28 Thread Paul Knepper

What should the path setting look like?

I have an my-app.ear in the applications directory.  In that ear I have a
my-ejb.jar etc...

I tried just using path="my-ejb.jar" it didn't work.

I tried path="my-app/my-ejb.jar" it didn't work.

In my server.xml on the remote machine my ear app is setup as follows:
web-site path="./my-web-site.xml" /
application name="me" path="../applications/my-app.ear" /

so I also tried on the local machine:
path="me/my-ejb.jar" it didn't work either.

In all cases it seems as if orion just hangs during startup.  I never get
the Orion 1.4.5 initialized output message from my console window.

I'm using Win NT and Win 2k, with JDK 1.3.01 and Hotspot Server.

Any ideas?


-Original Message-
From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 10:06 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-serv
er on another?

sorry about being elusive

here's a (kinda) how to:
in $orion\config\rmi.xml

server host="" password="123" port="23791"
username="admin" /

then in orion-application.xml (in $orion\application-deployments\yourear\)

ejb-module path="myEjbs.jar" remote="true" /
that should be it

 -Original Message-
From: Satish Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Martes, 30 de Enero de 2001 14:05
Subject: RE: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-server
on another?

Thanks for your answer. But I'd appreciate it if you could please be a
little more verbose in your reply. A bit of an explanation will help a
newbie like me.


yap, server.xml (add a RMI server ref there)


-Original Message-
From: Globetrot Communications [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Lunes, 29 de Enero de 2001 22:18
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Accessing Orion-EJB-Server on one machine from Orion-web-server
on another?

What is the best way to configure two installations of
Orion, on different machines, so web-server on one can
access the EJB-Server on the other? Can this be done
through only the configuration files?


Re: Connecting to LDAP from Orion

2001-02-28 Thread Jesse Schoch

i've set it up, there are examples at for how to use jndi

make sure you have your dn correct, it will save you lots of time
- Original Message -
From: "Franklin Kingma" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:38 PM
Subject: Connecting to LDAP from Orion

 Hi all,

 Today I tried to connect to a LDAP server so I tried some things for a
 while, but no luck...
 Has anyone done this before? Do you know of some docs/tuts from which I
 learn how to do this?



RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Michael J. Cannon

And let's not forget how J2EE 1.3beta3 is packaged...TomCat 3.2.1!!!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Victor A.
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 2:20 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

 Tomcat does not support EJB... the original author of the message meant
 Tomcat  JBoss... And that integration is pure hell... Of course, you can
 download the already integrated version, but you'd be getting an old JBoss
 and an old Tomcat...

 The main problem with Tomcat and JBoss is also their virtue. Since
 everything is so modular, it also means that there are a lot of
 some of which have conflicts among eath other Among other
 things, JBoss
 is not compliant to any spec, as simple things like
 java:/comp/env namespace
 are plainly not supported by their jndi impl, cmp (jaws) support is very
 poor and does not really scale well to more than a couple kids playing
 "deploy" on 3 machines...

 JBoss also has many problems deploying j2ee "ear" (Enterprise
 Archives) ...

 Although Orion is small, it's self-contained and requires very little work
 to get everything running.

 I respect the authors of JBoss as they have done a great job, but
 you really
 can't compare... it's a orange vs. apples comparison.

 As for Tomcat, it gives a bad name to server-java altogether...
 and as for Apache Server, well, what can I say, a simple "java" appserver
 such as Orion beats its performance by leaps...

 Most of the ASF is trying to stay compatible with dead things (jdk 1.1),
 which makes their software suffer a great deal. For example, they dislike
 the use of the Collections API, try to solve everyone's problems for
 everyone, and in the way bloat their products unnecessarily... And
 repeatedly "break" the rules... (How crazy is it creating threads
 inside the
 web container [Cocoon2] when the specs specifically say that it should not
 be done) ...

 An example of this is Jakarta-Struts... Sure it's great... but
 why then did
 Rickard Oberg (one of the technical leads in JBoss) create WebWork? ...
 Struts is just too damned bloated... same happens with most of Apache's
 offerings. It's rather sad, as most of those problems could easily be

 Sometimes people on the list say things like "I can't get Cocoon to work
 under Orion", "I can't get XXX Apache product to work under Orion"... well
 now you know why :) haha ... Most of these problems are classloader issues
 which would break anyways, but since Tomcat has an arcane single
 architecture, they'd never notice...

 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Sell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:01 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: I switch from X to Orion because:

  2.  Tomcat does not support EJB, even if it did, getting Tomcat  Apache
  working together is sometimes a hair-pulling experience.

 now what exactly was your problem there? I just installed tomcat under
 apache on my new Linux box, and had no problems at all - just followed the
 instructions. And deploying an app is not more than copying the .war into
 the webapps directory...

Invalid manifest format I/O Exception?

2001-02-28 Thread Globetrot Communications

When I try to invoke my application-client through:
"java -jar application.jar" I get "invalid manifest
format: I/O Exception?

I have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, both inside the
"application.jar" and in the working directory. The
manifest file is:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Ant 1.2

Main-Class: com.cmc.ejb.member.MyClient

The application runs fine if I extract the jar file,

I'd appreciate any tips on why this could be


Satish Gupta

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Re: Invalid manifest format I/O Exception?

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres

Do you add the manifest to the jar file using jar's '-m' option?

 When I try to invoke my application-client through:
 "java -jar application.jar" I get "invalid manifest
 format: I/O Exception?
 I have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, both inside the
 "application.jar" and in the working directory. The
 manifest file is:
 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Created-By: Ant 1.2
 Main-Class: com.cmc.ejb.member.MyClient
 The application runs fine if I extract the jar file,
 I'd appreciate any tips on why this could be
 Satish Gupta
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

2001-02-28 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

On another note (am I imagining things?) or isn't JDK2 _REQUIRED_ for J2EE ?

(Apache-folk: note the 2 in J2EE)

That tells me that Tomcat can never effectively be part of a true J2EE

Other than that I agree with all that Victor has said.

Apache products suffer from
- severe bloat,
- old JDKs,
- bad spec conformance,
- appalling speed and
- some sort of strange developer arrogance

Why does everyone on the Apache project seem to think their products are
'the best' and cannot be beaten?! Sadly, 'tis not even close to true.

-mike (who uses Orion, Saxon, Jdom, tags and OpenSymphony - not
one released under the ASL and all rock)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Victor A.
 Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 9:49 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because:

  -Original Message-
  From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 5:42 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because:
  Just a few comments...not angry comments. :-)
  As a committer on an Apache project, let me just say that decisions to
  support JDK 1.1, on a per-project basis, are not about
  supporting "dead
  things". We have, in fact, people who _must_ use JDK 1.1
  (probably more than
  you might think). As another example, we are a J2EE shop; but
  just recently
  we had a (big) requirement to support ISAM data. That's
  ancient, too, but
  I'll bet there's more ISAM data out there than there is
  relational data.
  Would you personally turn up your nose at supporting ISAM?
  Well, maybe you
  would. I dunno.

 I also use ISAM data, talk to mainframes (MVS, OS/390, VSE) and minis 
 but we are not talking about that. We are talking about Apache neglecting
 important features in newer versions of the jdk which would work with all
 versions of the jdk. for example, instead of producing code with 200
 occurences of:

   Class clazz=Class.forName("blabla");

 these could be replaced with:

   Class clazz=ClassUtils.findClass("blabla");

 where you could have a "central" ClassUtils with a static method called
 findClass which would find the class in the correct classloader
 (contextclassloader or primordial, etc)... The only drawback to this
 approach is that although the resulting code would work with any jdk, it
 would need jdk1.2+ to compile, but of course there are workarounds around
 this... So just becuase there are few jdk1.1 users out there, Apache
 releases code which will not work in advanced containers and
 require severe
 patching. (e.g. ever tried to use Xalan, BSF or Xerces together in JBoss,
 Resin, Orion?) 

  I haven't used Struts myself, but since you mention it, I'd
  guess you'd have
  to ask Rickard himself why he decided to write his own
  framework. With all
  due respect to him, the primary reason, 9 times out of 10,
  that people write
  their own code is because as an industry we are damned
  terrible at re-use.
  There are a whole bunch of bad reasons why this is so -
  laziness, arrogance,
  reluctance to share the limelight, etc etc. Only rarely do
  you find that
  somebody wrote code because they conducted a thorough search
  and couldn't
  find anything that could even be modified. I'm personally
  pretty hot about
  this topic because there is a huge amount of wasted time due to this.
  Frameworks are a particularly bad offender - everybody and
  his brother wants
  to write their own framework.

 quoting from Webwork documentation...
 "Q: What is the difference between WebWork and Struts?

 A: Struts is probably the technique that was the most similar to WebWork.
 The main problem with Struts is its large API. There is quite a bit of API
 to learn, and it is closely tied to Servlet API. The Struts API
 also imposes
 quite a few implementation rules with regard to how things are
 done, leaving
 less room for customization.

 (Large API == Bloated?) since both do the same things in concept.

 This industry is very pro-reuse, it's only when projects become surreal,
 when people start building something else. Let's get real, would you spent
 your time building something when there is another product which is
 accesible and fits your needs entirely... ? thought not...

 The problem here is that you can't serve god and devil at the same time.

  As far as bloat, well, that's in the eye of the beholder. If a product
  provides 100 features, but any given user only needs 25 of
  them, but nearly
  all of the features are useful to someone, it's "bloat" to
  almost everyone,
  but also useful to almost everyone. It's only bad bloat if the extra
  features get in your way, though, when you want to use your subset. I
  question whether this happens that often. But most of your
  comments are
  pretty general, so who knows exactly what you were talking about.

 Usually I don't mind about extra features, but take 

Re: mail.jar POP3

2001-02-28 Thread Peter Kua

get the latest mail.jar from sun
The POP3 service provider is now bundled in JavaMail 1.2.
replace the mail.jar in orion with the one you downloaded. i've tried it and
it works!


- Original Message -
From: "Andre Vanha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: mail.jar  POP3

I'm trying to add POP3 functionality to my application on orion.
Unfortunately, the mail.jar that ships with orion does not include the POP3
provider.  Does anyone know how I can enable the POP3 provider from Sun
without replacing, or otherwise having to modify the existing mail.jar?


Machines should work.  People should think.
   -- IBM motto

Re: Orion with tomcat!!!

2001-02-28 Thread Alex 'Kazuma' Garbagnati

I know it has been mentioned in serveral times.
However, I could not make Orion as EJB server work with Apache  Tomcat.
A servlet is placed to access ejb at tomcat's WEB-INF/classes directory,
along with application-client.xml under META-INF directory.

That's strange. I've built two different applications, both using Orion as 
an app server and Tomcat and Resin as servlet containers, both with Apache 
as a web server.
In both application i had no ejb references in the web.xml and i have 
absolutely no application-client.xml.

I've just built war files with the required lib, classes, jsps and 
servlets... few parameters into the web.xml and that's it.

It looks from your stack trace that the problem is that the application 
cannot connect to the application server at all...
I'm afraid that you're using the wrong port this unless you have 
changed the port number in the rmi.xml file from the default (23791) to the 
one you've set in the environment for the intial context (800).

 Best Regards,

Cos'e' il genio. E' fantasia intuizione, colpo d'occhio e velocita' 
d'esecuzione. (Amici Miei)

Alessandro A. 'Kazuma' Garbagnati   ICQ UIN: 1600386
Mountain View, CA, 94043 - USA

Struts (was: I switch from X to Orion because: )

2001-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

This subject is especially timely for me because I just finished
evaluating both WebWork and Struts.  I decided to go with WebWork.  It
wasn't so much that I was drawn to WebWork's technological coolness -
there are some neat ideas there, but I think most could be adapted into
Struts with a little effort.  The problem was that when I looked deeply
into Struts, I didn't like what I saw.

I spent a *lot* of time wavering; on one hand, Struts has a solid user
community and good javadocs, on the other hand, WebWork is simpler and
easier to teach future members of the team.  I kept switching my favor
back and forth when I discovered something new I did or didn't like.
What finally pushed me over the edge was my experience hunting down the
problem preventing Struts from working with Orion out of the box.
Here's the story:

If you've ever tried loading the Struts 1.0 example app, you are
immediately confounded by missing resource errors.  There is a lot of
complaint in the Orion and Struts archives about this, but the closest
anyone has come to nailing it down is this message:

in which the principal author of Struts, Craig, implies that Orion's
classloader has a problem preventing it from working with the standard
JDK ResourceBundle.  I knew there was something wrong with this because
WebWork uses ResourceBundle without issue.

So I looked through Struts' source to see how it might be using
ResourceBundle differently, and what I discovered is that Struts doesn't
use ResourceBundle at all!  In fact, Struts has a whole homebrewed
framework for handling properties which mirrors the ResourceBundle API
but doesn't use any of its classes or interfaces.  There are javadoc
comments to the effect that the Struts code should be faster than
ResourceBundles, but looking at the JDK 1.3 source code, both frameworks
seem to be doing pretty much the same thing.

For those curious, the actual problem with Orion is that Struts uses
ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() to build the Properties object, and (I
checked the decompiled code) the Orion classloader does not implement
getResourceAsStream().  Orion's fault, and logged as bug #340.

But why re-invent the wheel?!?  The JDK provides resource management for
us!  Even if the Struts code was slightly faster (which I doubt), any
performance gain is going to be negligable compared to the amount of
time spent processing taglibs, etc.  I can't believe that whoever wrote
the Struts MessageResources classes ever bothered to run the code
through a profiler to find out where the real bottlenecks are.  All this
extra code and duplicated infrastructure is nothing but an opportunity
for more bugs, IMHO.

At this point I decided to go with WebWork.  It is certainly not without
issues as well, but I'm very happy with the results.  And I am finding
that in a framework this simple, fundamental changes are easy to make.

I could elaborate on the differences between WebWork and Struts if
anyone is really interested.  If you're still writing JSP-centric
applications, you *really* should look into an MVC framework.


-Original Message-
From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 1:42 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: I switch from X to Orion because: 

Just a few comments...not angry comments. :-)

As a committer on an Apache project, let me just say that decisions to
support JDK 1.1, on a per-project basis, are not about supporting "dead
things". We have, in fact, people who _must_ use JDK 1.1 
(probably more than
you might think). As another example, we are a J2EE shop; but 
just recently
we had a (big) requirement to support ISAM data. That's 
ancient, too, but
I'll bet there's more ISAM data out there than there is 
relational data.
Would you personally turn up your nose at supporting ISAM? 
Well, maybe you
would. I dunno.

I haven't used Struts myself, but since you mention it, I'd 
guess you'd have
to ask Rickard himself why he decided to write his own 
framework. With all
due respect to him, the primary reason, 9 times out of 10, 
that people write
their own code is because as an industry we are damned 
terrible at re-use.
There are a whole bunch of bad reasons why this is so - 
laziness, arrogance,
reluctance to share the limelight, etc etc. Only rarely do you 
find that
somebody wrote code because they conducted a thorough search 
and couldn't
find anything that could even be modified. I'm personally 
pretty hot about
this topic because there is a huge amount of wasted time due to this.
Frameworks are a particularly bad offender - everybody and his 
brother wants
to write their own framework.

As far as bloat, well, that's in the eye of the beholder. If a product
provides 100 features, but any given user only needs 25 of 
them, but nearly
all of the features are useful to someone, it's "bloat" to 
almost everyone,
but also useful to almost everyone. It's only bad 

RE: Database schema type mappings

2001-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

You're thinking C++.

In Java:

A long is 8 bytes, always.
An int is 4 bytes, always.

The byte-orders are fixed independent of the hardware, too.

Speaking of byte size, here's something I found amusing (and annoying):

long millisInMonth = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;
Date thirtyDaysAgo = new Date();
thirtyDaysAgo.setTime(thirtyDaysAgo.getTime() - millisInMonth);

This actually produces a date in the FUTURE!

It took me a while to hunt down this bug because it had really wierd
effects on my application.


-Original Message-
From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 11:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings


We use the primitive long for all of our primary keys for a couple of
* primary keys can't be null so there isn't a need for Long 
(or Integer)
* long's are always 4 bytes no matter what the CPU (32bit vs 
64bit), which
is currently not a problem but could be when Itanium platforms 
come out.
int's depend on the CPU's native integer type which happens to 
be 32bits on
ix86 architectures.

Michael Third
Chief Software Architect

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randahl Fink
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Database schema type mappings

If you look at the database schema in
"orion/config/database-schemas/hypersonic.xml" it looks as if 
it is mapping
between the primitive java type "int" and the corresponding 
database type
type-mapping type="int" name="int" /.

In my EJBs my primary keys and other attributes are of type 
Integer. Since
there is no mapping for class Integer one could think that 
Integers would be
mapped to VARBINARY. Luckily my integers are mapped to the 
database type
"int", but this makes me ask two questions:

1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion - 
and is this a
standard EJB convention?
2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
instead of Integer?



RE: CMP 2.0

2001-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I have all my transactional behavior defined as NotSupported and I use
EJB 2.0 container managed relationships without issue.  I don't
currently need transactions for what I'm doing.
Randahl, have you examined the contents of the database tables and the
orion-ejb-jar.xml closely?

-Original Message-
From: Tim Drury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 8:34 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: CMP 2.0

I've been out for a few days, so it this has been answered, 
sorry for the repost. 

This sounds like you didn't set the transactional behavior 
in ejb-jar.xml as "required".  There is no default behavior 
in the spec so it is up to the container to decide what 
the default behavior is.  I know in Weblogic, transactions 
default to "supports" (I think).  In any event, the entities 
are not stored in the database unless you mark them 
as "required".  Orion may be doing the same thing. 


 -Original Message- 
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 5:29 AM 
 To: Orion-Interest 
 Subject: CMP 2.0 
 Would somebody please confirm that they have been able to use CMP 2.0 
 relationships on Orion, that they have seen them get stored 
 in the database 
 AND brought back into main memory correctly after a restart 
 of the server. 
 When I create a relationship it works fine until I restart - 
 I simply can't 
 make Orion restore my relationships from the keys it stores 
 in the database. 
 If I try the getX() / method of a cmr property it works - but after a 
 restart it returns null. 

RE: Database schema type mappings

2001-02-28 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion - 
and is this a
standard EJB convention?

Yes.  All the class representations of the primitive types should work
that way.

2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
instead of Integer?

No.  Primary keys must be Objects.  This makes sense because
EntityContext.getPrimaryKey() returns an Object.


referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

2001-02-28 Thread Gary Shea

I have an ejb application running under orion.  I want to restructure
the code so that some common code is put into a jar.  The problem is
that I can't figure out a way, short of putting the jar in the orion/lib
directory, to make the contents of the jar available to the ejb side of
the application.  The EJB-2.0-pfd spec says:

The ejb-jar file must also contain, either by inclusion or
by reference, the class files for all the classes and interfaces
that each enterprise bean class and the remote and home interfaces
depend on, except J2EE and J2SE classes. (page 486)

Well, what does 'reference' mean?  The only hint I have found is:

An ejb-jar file does not have to physically include the class files
if the classes are defined in another jar file that is named in the
Class-Path attribute in the Manifest file of the referencing ejb-jar
file or in the transitive closure of such Class-Path references.
(page 487)

Well, I'm going to try creating a manifest file with a Class-Path in it,
but since I'm running out of a directory, not an actual ejb-jar file,
I really doubt this is going to work!

Any hints would be greatly appreciated...


RE: referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

2001-02-28 Thread Mike Cannon-Brookes

Running it out of a directory I'm not sure the MANIFEST Class-Path: will

I know if you use a JAR, it will work that way. It's the way the OSCore
library works,


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gary Shea
 Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 4:35 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

 I have an ejb application running under orion.  I want to restructure
 the code so that some common code is put into a jar.  The problem is
 that I can't figure out a way, short of putting the jar in the orion/lib
 directory, to make the contents of the jar available to the ejb side of
 the application.  The EJB-2.0-pfd spec says:

 The ejb-jar file must also contain, either by inclusion or
 by reference, the class files for all the classes and interfaces
 that each enterprise bean class and the remote and home interfaces
 depend on, except J2EE and J2SE classes. (page 486)

 Well, what does 'reference' mean?  The only hint I have found is:

 An ejb-jar file does not have to physically include the class files
 if the classes are defined in another jar file that is named in the
 Class-Path attribute in the Manifest file of the referencing ejb-jar
 file or in the transitive closure of such Class-Path references.
 (page 487)

 Well, I'm going to try creating a manifest file with a Class-Path in it,
 but since I'm running out of a directory, not an actual ejb-jar file,
 I really doubt this is going to work!

 Any hints would be greatly appreciated...
