Re: JDBC try/catch Pitfall ***MUST READ***

2002-04-09 Thread Tim Endres

 if(rs != null)
 if(ps != null)
 if(conn != null)
   catch(SQLException sqle)

You do not make it clear, but if either rs.close() or ps.close()
has an exception, then conn.close() will never be called. Could
that be your issue?

In a finally, I usually try/catch each of those closes individually
to avoid just such a problem.


Re: JDBC try/catch Pitfall ***MUST READ***

2002-04-09 Thread Tim Endres

To be honest, having implemented compilers and interpretters, the for
and while loop examples that they provide seem entirely logical. The
cases, in fact, are similar to saying this statement is false, and Java
would have to specify specific behavior for these cases.

I still find it very difficult to believe that the close() method is
not called for no reason other than being in a finally block. However,
I wonder if it might be related to the finalizer thread issue that
is raised on the page you cite.


 This site demonstrates the pitfalls with using returns  finally:
 It seems like this behaviour is not specified by the Java Language 
 Greg Davis wrote:
  This deals with try/catch blocks and finallys. I always believed that no
  matter what a finally block is always called.  While this seems to remain
  true, it does not seem to necessarily properly call the code within the
  block.  In the section below I have some code and explanation of how a
  finally gets called, but does not execute the code within.
  There seems to be an issue with closing a JDBC connection if a method
  returns in the middle of the try/catch block.  It seems to call the finally,
  but does not close the connection.  It does seem to call static methods like
  System.out.println() perfectly fine.  I don't know if it being static has
  anything to do with it.  I haven't researched it too far since it was really
  hard to find.  First off you have to have a Factory like a ConnectionPool
  that spawns out inscances of an object for other classes to use. Then it
  must need to have the user close it's connection at some point so the
  Factory can control resources. The only example I really have on hand is a
  JDBC connection pool in a J2EE app server.  This is where the problem occurd
  for us.  If the methods returns are moved outside the try/catch block, the
  Connection.close() happens properly and the ConnectionPool does not
  I realize the getColumnClose() is the better way to implement the code
  ayway, but I wanted to show everyone this problem in case they accidentally
  do it in their code somewhere.  Any returns in the try or catches seemed to
  make the finally not be properly executed. I seem to remember some wierd
  rule about this at JavaOne last year, but my head is still racing from all
  that information. :-)
  Any comments?
  package test;
  import java.sql.*;
  import javax.sql.DataSource;
  import javax.naming.*;
   * pTitle: TryCatchTest/p
   * pDescription: This is a test application for try/catch problem.  If
   * a Connection Pool in JDBC and you try to return a value within a
   * that is inside a method, the finally of that try/catch is not completely
   * It seems to go through the finally(I.E. Sytem.out.println() works, but
   * Connection.close() is either never called or not executed.  If the
   * is moved to the outside of the catch block, the connection is properly
   * br
   * We found this because a J2EE server which had a connection pool was
   * us we were not closing our connections.  I dn't know if there is some
  rule that
   * when a return has been called only static methods or something like
  that can
   * be called./p
   * pCopyright: Copyright (c) 2002/p
   * pCompany: Western Electronics /p
   * @author a href=mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Greg Davis/a
   * @version 1.0
  public class TryCatchTest
Context jndiContext;
public TryCatchTest()
jndiContext = new InitialContext();
  catch(NamingException ne)
public String getColumnNoClose()
  Connection conn = null;
  PreparedStatement ps = null;
  ResultSet rs = null;
String sql =SELECT table_name FROM sequence;
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
if(rs != null
  //This return causes the ?non-static? code within the finally to not
  to be run.
  return rs.getString(table_name);
//same here, the finally ?non-static? code is not called.
return null;
  catch(NamingException ne)
//same here, the finally ?non-static? code is not called.
return null;
  catch(SQLException sqle)
//The same problem occurs here.  The finally ?non-static? code is not
return null;
//This system out works, but the conn.close() does not.  The only way
//know how to check this is to create a ConnectionPool yourself that
//the connections it spawns out, or user a pre-built one that does the

RE: timed events

2002-03-13 Thread Tim Endres

There are several solutions out there, both commercial and open source.
You might wish to take a look before reinventing.

 Which is not that portable across Application Servers ;)
 Typical issues are JNDI lookup problems up to ClassCastExceptions.
 | -Original Message-
 | [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 | Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 5:21 PM
 | To: Orion-Interest
 | Subject: RE: timed events
 | Hi,
 | I use a java.util.Timer wrapped my Scheduler class to schedule
 | tasks. I bind
 | an instance of this Scheduler to the JNDI from one of my servlet's init()
 | method.
 | It works fine, use -userThreads switch to start orion if you want context
 | lookup from the scheduled threads.
 | HTH,
 | Tibor
 | -Original Message-
 | From: daniele rizzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 | Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 2:25 PM
 | To: Orion-Interest
 | Subject: R: timed events
 | Hi Casper,
 | EJB are not multithreaded but a normal class *is*.
 | Try putting the stuff in a public class TryMe extends Thread{}
 | d.
 | ps. if you need a scheduler the things are tougher.
 | -Messaggio originale-
 | [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Per conto di Casper
 | Højstrup
 | Inviato: mercoledì 13 marzo 2002 10.21
 | A: Orion-Interest
 | Oggetto: timed events
 | This more of a regular EJB question, I suppose.
 | I need to initiate some specific tasks and specific times in my
 | application,
 | since the application server aren't multithreaded(so to speak), and the
 | usage of threads is not recommended, I cannot make a simple
 | timer, that will
 | initiate the appropriate procedures at a given time.
 | How do one solve such problems in an EJB application ?
 | Regards
 | .

Re: Many clicks, many request...

2002-02-20 Thread Tim Endres

This is usually handled by wrapping JavaScripts around the clickable object
to disable it upon the first click, thus eliminating the next 99 clicks.

 If I make 100 clicks fastly from my browser in a servlet, it generates 100
 requests and 100 processes in the server. One only process is very time
 Is there a way to process the fisrt click and avoid the rest 99 clicks.
 Any alternatives?
 Thank you.

Re: question about ip allocation

2002-01-09 Thread Tim Endres

That is not true. Every ethernet interface can listen on its own port 80.
This can even be done with virtual interfaces which share the same
physical network card. Ports are a abstraction implemented at the driver
level and based on header information in each packet.


 Your machine has 2 IP-adresses but only one port 80 !
 No 2 servers can listen on 1 port - no matter how many network cards You
 pull in.
 You have to bind the IPs to different ports.
 I am doing this on Linux but don't know how this is done on Windows.
 Maximilian Eberl
 - developer -
 Ludwigstrasse 2
 D-67346 Speyer / Germany
 tel: +49-6232-2602-02
 fax: +49-6232-2602-05

Re: FW: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues

2001-11-27 Thread Tim Endres

Sounds to me like the lead developer of JBoss is a fifteen year old kid who
is too busy watching MTV to bother with a serious reply to your posting.

 Wow.  I know people have complained about this list being a little slow, but
 if this is what I get from the lead developer of JBoss on how to fix up
 JBoss performance to compare to Orion's, then ... well ... perhaps I should
 be spending more time on this list.  I'm a little disappointed.  I have some
 interest in both JBoss and Orion, and it's frustrating to get this kind of a
 response from a key player in the JBoss community.
   - Geoffrey
 : -Original Message-
 : From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 : Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 2:34 PM
 : Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Redux of Performance Issues
 : look dude,
 : get the integrated jboss-tomcat stack you are running 
 : non-optimized out of
 : stack, period.
 : come back when you have set it up, or don't we don't care,
 : marcf

Re: (my) problem locating a textfile from a Servlet

2001-06-26 Thread Tim Endres

Have you tried a leading slash?

file1 = getServletContext().getResource( /WEB-INF/log4j.xml );

What we do, is get the real path with:

 String realPath = this.getServletContext().getRealPath( /WEB-INF/dir );
 new File( realPath, fileName );

We do this because getResource() is so dependent on ClassLoaders.


 I wanted to port a (running) application from tomcat to orion. It seems
 my coding is not proper/portable.
 In my war-archive included (in WEB-INF subdirectory) are several
 text config files (yes I know JNDI is a better way -but its lowest common
 functionality) - and these files I want to access in my servlet code.
 Following servlet code does not find these files running in orion while 
 working fine with tomcat 3.2. 
 For a beginner: whats the correct way to load such files ?
 package de.adig.vbh.wc.controller;
 public class UIMain extends HttpServlet {
 file1 = getServletContext().getResource(WEB-INF/log4j.xml);
 file2 =
 == both files are null in orion, but found in tomcat.
 files are in dir WEB-INF/ that is in a war-archive that is in an
 they got successfully unpacked by orion and can be seen in orionconsole
 Manfred Regele 
 ADIG Investment GmbH
 22 MethodenTools
 Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2
 85540 Haar
 Tel: 089/46268-308

Re: Security bug with application clients?

2001-06-12 Thread Tim Endres

 I think maybe I didn't make something clear.  I am using a java application 
client, NOT a web client.  As such, I cannot invalidate sessions, make posts, etc.

I will repeat that we have seen that Orion's InitialContext and Principal identity
features do not work. They do not work in servlets, they do not work in client apps.
They do not work for JMS. They do not work, Sam I am. We have given up on using any
container authentication short of guest. This is only for dynamic identities.
It appears that static identity via the '' file works ok.

 Orion seems to be written primarily as a web app server, and I have seen very little 
information on using it as a direct application server (in Orion literature or in the 
Oracle OC4J docs.)  Since very few people are using Orion in this way, I guess I 
should expect to see a few bugs here and there.  (I'm guessing that this is an 
application-client specific issue.)

We use Orion with standalone Java client applications. They work fine.
Except for authentication, which does not work.

Re: Update to 1.5.0 help please ?

2001-05-21 Thread Tim Endres

Did you remove the application deployment directory for your app?
This is the first thing I do when stubs are misbehaving.

 I just updated to 1.5.0 as well, and everytime I start Orion it complains
 about a wrapper that I can't find anymore on my machine
 How do I solve this ?? (I compiled all the source again, and it doesn't give
 me any errors !!).
 BTW: when I start version 1.4.7 again, I don't have any problems ??!!! :(
 The error:
 [orion@ojo Orion]# java -jar orion.jar
 Auto-deploying /home/development/lib/java/jars/csd.jar (New server version
 Found 5 semantic errors compiling
275. catch(java.sql.SQLException e)
 *** Error: This catch block may be unreachable because there is no exception
 whose type is assignable to java/sql/SQLException that can be thrown
 during execution of the body of the try block.

RE: init params

2001-05-12 Thread Tim Endres

 Thanks for the quick posts.
 Stupid me, I thought getInitParameter would always be for init-params.
 I wonder why...
 is not
 getServletContext.getContextParameter(String):String ?

Because getInitParameter() was invented before contexts ever existed.

Re: TO THE DEVELOPERS: socket closed

2001-05-10 Thread Tim Endres

I am not sure, but this may actually be a bug in the JVM.

I say this becuase I documented a Socket bug three years ago that involved
the closing of one side of a Socket connection. For example, in the UNIX
RSH protocol, the Socket used in the protocol appears as stdio. In other
words, stdin, stdout, and stderr (on a second socket).

RSH is designed to run commands, and many UNIX commands use end of file (EOF)
on stdin to signal the completion of processing. For instance, the cat
program reads data from stdin, and writes the data to stdout, until it sees
EOF on stdin.

Thus, the RSH protocol can not run cat unless it can signal EOF on its stdout,
which is the server-side program's (cat in this case) stdin.

HOWEVER, the only way to signal EOF on a socket is to close the socket. Now,
sockets have two sides, and you are able to close one side or the other, while
continuing to use the other side. Thus, in theory, the RSH client program should
be able to close its stdout (cat's stdin) to signal EOF, while continuing to read
its stdin (cat's stdout) to read the output from cat.

ALAS, when the client closes its stdout side of the Socket, the JVM actually
closes BOTH sides of the socket connection, which is a bug. It prevents the client
from reading cat's output!

Supposedly, this bug was fixed in Java 1.3.1, but I have not had time to verify this.
Thus, if you are not using the 1.3.1 JVM, you may want to try it to see if you get
the same behavior.

tim. socket closed
 at Method)
More: Using Win2k, Orion 1.4.5 (1.4.8), RMI clustering turned on.
Explanation: My research points, that Orion is using one and the same port to 
multicast and receive multicasting messages. However, if one tries to close the 
sending socket, the receiving one is also closed (not in all 100% of the cases. 
Approximately that happens every 25%, something to do with the synchroinization I 

Re: .shtml

2001-05-09 Thread Tim Endres

Unless Orion has builtin support for server side includes, you will
probably need to find a servlet that perform this for you, and map
*.shtml to the servlet. I do believe there are open source servlets
out there that will give you server side include support. If you
are only using the include feature, it is easy to write your own.


   please help out...
   how to go abt. executing a .shtml file in orion?
   thanx in advance
 Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Simple Java Doubts

2001-05-08 Thread Tim Endres

I believe that both of these questions are completely off-topic.

 Question 1:
 How does an elementary Singleton pattern based Object behave
 in a multi-threaded environment? What is this phenomenon called? How do you
 make such a Singleton Object thread safe?

There are several excellent articles on the net with respect to this specific
question, as well as how it relates to synchronization of the Singleton's code.
A google search will find these articles for you.

 Question 2:

I also believe, having programmed trading systems for over a decade, that
you will find that there are many existing protocols for accomplishing just
this sort of thing. FIX comes to mind. However, this will depend more on
your environment and clients, than it will on Java technology.

 What are the two methods typically employed to notify remote
 clients distributed over the Internet of events that take place on a
 central server?  Like changes in the price of options, market depth, or an
 execution?  What are the relative advantages/disadvantages of each of
 these strategies?  Specifically, how can they be implemented in Java to
 for firewall tunneling over HTTP?

Re: FW: custom finder in CMPs (SLSB facade)

2001-05-07 Thread Tim Endres

 The thing which puzzles me is why not go to the Entity Bean directly itself? It saves
 both computer and programming resources. In all discussions and readings I have
 found no decent arguments that prevent me from going direct, unless you throw in
 the -valid- information hiding argument.

Because you may be accessing more than one EB via the SLSB, as I explained in
my previous posting. Did you read it? I specifically CC-ed you on that email.

 Now I know that the quality of constructive comments does not necessarily have a
 positive correlation with the price of a suite, but an expensive (and thus highly 
 consultant claimed that using a SLSB facade is better.
 I still can't figure out why (although I do agree that the extra performance 
overhead is little),
 so I'm tending to the position that it's probably bollocks.

Unless you consider network latency. I take it you have not done I lot of
RPC programming in your many years as a developer?

 Stuborn at the risk to get shot ...

Cocking gun... ;)


RE: custom finder in CMPs (SLSB facade)

2001-05-06 Thread Tim Endres

 Now the question:
 How come so many people are keen on introducing SLSBs as a facade in front 
 of Entity Beans to improve the performance? The same code (plus a tid bit 
 extra) needs to be executed, the same pooling behavior is there for the 
 Entity Bean and yes the SLSB introduces little to no overhead, but I still 
 see no gain.
 What benefits am I overlooking?

Then imagine this:

Scenario 1 - No SLSB:

   The logic is implemented in the client program, which resides across
   the network. The client accesses 100 entity beans in performing its
   logic. That means 1000s of network hits to access the beans and invoke
   their methods. Slow network? Really slow client.

Scenario 2 - SLSB:

   The logic is in the Session Bean. The client, which is still across
   the network, makes a single call into the SLSB. The SLSB now accesses
   the same 100 entity beans and still makes 1000s of method calls on
   those beans. HOWEVER, this time, all of that overhead occurs within
   the container, greatly reducing the performance penalty, and allowing
   for some container optimizations. The result is then sent to the client.
   Slow network? Much better performance than Scenario #1.

Make sense now?


Re: Caching XLS style sheets

2001-05-06 Thread Tim Endres

 I asked a question on an MVC application architecture using XLS, and got advice to
 cache XLS / XSLT style sheets, and pre compile them.

Sounds like something I would say...

 Can someone give me some more background on this.

Hope so.


The code we use is totally tied to Xalan, but can easily be generalized
with newer APIs. The following code will compile a stylesheet, and
write the compiled stylesheet (a StylesheetRoot object in our case) to
a file:

   String sysId = file:/path/to/style/sheet/file.xsl;
   FileInputStream styleSheetIn = new FileInputStream( ... );
   ObjectOutputStream serialOut = new ObjectOutputStream( ... );
   XSLTInputSource xSrc = new XSLTInputSource( styleSheetIn );
   xSrc.setSystemId( sysId );
   StylesheetRoot root = processor.processStylesheet( xSrc );
   serialOut.write( root );

The SystemId is necessary so that Xalan can find me xsl:include files.

Our servlet code, in turn, then loads the compiled stylesheet with code
that looks like this:

   XSLTProcessor processor =
 ( org.apache.xalan.xpath.xdom.XercesLiaison );

   ObjectOutputStream serialOut = new ObjectOutputStream( ... );
   StylesheetRoot compiledStyleSheet = serialIn.readObject();

Once the stylesheet is loaded, we can use it in a call to process:

   compiledStyleSheet.process( processor, xmlSource, htmlOut );

 What if the content is dynamic? (2 million items and 100,000  of styles + with any 

I am not sure what this means.

Are you saying that your XSL stylesheets are dynamic?
Or are you describing your XML tree?

When you say 100,000 of styles, what does that mean?


Re: Number of JVMs on Orion..

2001-05-05 Thread Tim Endres

   java -jar orion.jar

 Hi Tim,
 Thanks for your reply. I would like to know how can we
 create JVMs running Orion on one machine?
 --- Tim Endres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Orion does not invoke JVMs. It runs within a JVM.
  Thus, the answer is one.
  Of course, this does not prevent you from starting
  any number of JVMs running Orion.
   Can anyone explain how many number of JVMs can we
   create on Orion? 
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

RE: [EJB] orion-ejb-jar.xml

2001-05-04 Thread Tim Endres

 Hi Steffen,
 I'm new to orion as well. But I discovered, that
 after deployment you find a generated
 orion-ejb-jar.xml in the application-deployments/..
 This can be changed and orion keeps your changes
 after another deployment.
 I would prefer to have the orion-ejb-jar.xml in 
 jar file (like jboss.xml ;). Maybe it's somehow 

Just put it in your deployment. Orion will pickup your
copy, make any changes it needs, and use the result.

Re: Number of JVMs on Orion..

2001-05-04 Thread Tim Endres

Orion does not invoke JVMs. It runs within a JVM.
Thus, the answer is one.

Of course, this does not prevent you from starting
any number of JVMs running Orion.

 Can anyone explain how many number of JVMs can we
 create on Orion? 

Re: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-03 Thread Tim Endres

Sounds to me like you have no META-INF/* for your application at the path
C:/orion/applications/pussycat, which you specified for your app? Where
is your META-INF setup?

 That did bring back the default Orion Web App, and as the default site/app 
 my other app is dead now:
 Error instantiating application at file:/C:/orion/applications/pussycat/:
 Unable to find/read assembly info for C:\orion\applications\pussycat
 Error initializing site Pussycat Web Study: No application named 'pussycat'
 found in the server
 Orion/1.4.5 initialized
 I guess the real trouble is that I'm not sure of the distinct meanings
 web site
 web appliction
 default web site
 default web appliction
 i have not found these defined on the orion site.
 Tim Endres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In my server.xml file, I have the following line:
 global-application name=default path=application.xml / 
  Looks to me like you've replaced the default web-app with your own
  You application should be defined by a separate app line, such as:
 application name=pussycat path=/path/to/app/dir auto-start=true
  Note how the path is a path, not an xml file. It could also be your EAR
  if you have deployed that way.
   I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default
   with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to
   and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.
   now i get this error from orion:
   Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named
   found in the server
   how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app
   and KISS?
   thanks in advance.
   newbie in distress
   relevent config files:
   global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
   !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't
   global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
   web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
   web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
   web-module id=pussycat path=../applications/pussycat /
   web-module id=defaultWebApppath=../applications/default-web-app /
   web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
 default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 
   web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 
   default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
   !-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't
   global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
   !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't
   global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
   web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
   web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /

RE: Interests sake

2001-05-03 Thread Tim Endres

 Does Orion support digital unix ?

I believe the answer to the question:

   Does Orion support XYZ operating system?

Is answered by:

   Yes, if you have an adequate JVM.


Re: broken default web app - not found

2001-05-02 Thread Tim Endres

In my server.xml file, I have the following line:

   global-application name=default path=application.xml / 

Looks to me like you've replaced the default web-app with your own 'pussycat'.
You application should be defined by a separate app line, such as:

   application name=pussycat path=/path/to/app/dir auto-start=true /

Note how the path is a path, not an xml file. It could also be your EAR file
if you have deployed that way.


 I managed to deploy a website/app but in so doing, broke the default website
 with all the nice jsp examples. I would like to use that default app to test
 and learn about jsp and plug modified versions into my app.
 now i get this error from orion:
 Error initializing site Default Orion WebSite: No application named 'default'
 found in the server
 how do i unbreak the default web app and keep it working alongside my app -
 and KISS?
 thanks in advance.
 newbie in distress
 relevent config files:
 global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
 !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 web-module id=pussycat path=../applications/pussycat /
 web-module id=defaultWebApppath=../applications/default-web-app /
 web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Default Orion WebSite
   default-web-app application=default name=defaultWebApp / 
 web-site host=[all] port=80 display-name=Pussycat Web Study 
 default-web-app application=pussycat name=pussycat /
 !-- default-web-app application=pussycat name=defaultWebApp / can't do
 global-application name=pussycat path=application.xml /
 !--  global-application name=default path=application.xml /  can't do
 global-web-app-config path=global-web-application.xml /
 web-site path=./pussycat-web-site.xml /
 web-site path=./default-web-site.xml /
 Get free email and a permanent address at

Re: Backward compatibility

2001-05-02 Thread Tim Endres

You will need to be more specific.

We ran into a problem with XML. We coded to the Xalan 1 API,
making use of a class named 'XPathSupport'. However, this API
has changed in Xalan 2, and Orion 1.4.8 uses Xalan 2. So we
have put off updating to 1.4.8 until we can update our code
to Xalan 2. We have not spent a great deal of time on it, but
it does appear there is no way to work with Xalan 2 as our
code is currently written.


 Orion 1.4.8 not backward compatbile with at least 1.4.7?
 Anyone else experience this problem?
 Adam Cassar
 Technical Development Manager
 Tel: +61 2 9641 8609 | Fax: +61 2 9699 6088
 PO Box 270 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia

Re: IIS, Orion, virtual host

2001-04-27 Thread Tim Endres

 I've done this before, and this does prevent multiple web servers from
 listening on the same port.
 I think that this is definitely a problem. A virtual IP does not have it's 
 own port, but it is sharing the same port with the main ip.
 If a machine has main ip and virtual and, if I set 
 a web server on port 80 on, also the other two ip address will be 
 listening on port 80.

There is no or, unless you have additional interfaces, which
are either virtual interfaces providing additional IPs on a single card, or
multiple cards.

 This, obviously, unless you have 2 different network cards on the system.

Or virtual interfaces running on the same real ether card.


Re: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

2001-04-26 Thread Tim Endres

We do exactly what you propose. A servlet drives lightweight commands. The
commands get XML trees containing the HttpServletRequest information, and
fill in a subtree with the XML results. This tree is fed into XSLT and the
resulting HTML is sent down the wire. I prefer it over JSP by miles. We
precompile the XSL pages, so we get really good performance. And the
separation of content/presentation could not be better.


 We are bout to pick a a framework, and I am looking for are comments or
 recommendation on a frameworks, other than Struts. (Don't want to be
 HTML/JSP centric) Any feedback on your experience with a framework, or
 you know of web sites in production that are using a certain frame work,
 do you know of friend or someone who has used one.
 I would like it to be XML centric, and MVC. For example, the V should
 the XSL to XML, to make it HTML. It should do standard session tracking.
 should do standard data manager, so that Java Beans do the SQL (the M).
 minor plus is form entry management and a bit of image/content
 It should be a single rich framework. Here are a few we are considering:
 and all the ones under Jakarta.
 We need to pick one soon. Any comments and feedback welcome on
 frameworks/class libraries.

RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

2001-04-26 Thread Tim Endres

 It sounds like Tim has a homebrew system for going directly from Logic
 to Presentation.  My team has been thinking of eventually writing a
 wrapper to expose JavaBeans (the model) as a DOM using reflection so you
 could still have a pull-based system rather than having to build the
 full tree ahead of time.  I'm not sure it's ultimately desirable to skip
 the Logic-Content step, although it would improve performance.

Not quite.

We use Logic (Session Beans/Commands) -- Content (XML) -- Presentation (XSL).
We simply apply the XSLT transform ourselves, as opposed to having Orion do
it, so we can precompile and cache appropriately.

I personally think that skipping the Content step is shortsighted. For instance,
our web page designers never need a live system to connect to. We simply provide
them with XML files and they write the XSL against the static XML files. When the
XSL is dropped into the live system, it simply operates on live XML coming from
the Logic layer. I think this abstraction is important.


Re: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

2001-04-26 Thread Tim Endres

We rolled our own servlet for this. I found none of the existing frameworks
to properly address what we needed. It is not a complicated thing to write.
An XML config file specifies the commands that get executed for any given
pathinfo. The command is tied to an XSL stylesheet, which processes the XML
that the command generates.

Precompiled stylesheets are effectively XSL stylesheets that have already
been parsed from the XML text into the DOM Node tree that is used by the
XSLT processor. These compiled stylesheets are then Serialized out, and
then Serialized back in, such that our code can then skip the cost of
parsing the XSL's XML file, in exchange for the cost of serialization.


 that sounds v.interesting.  Forgive my ignorance but what toolkit are you
 using and what do you mean by precompile the XSL pages?
 On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Tim Endres wrote:
  We do exactly what you propose. A servlet drives lightweight commands. The
  commands get XML trees containing the HttpServletRequest information, and
  fill in a subtree with the XML results. This tree is fed into XSLT and the
  resulting HTML is sent down the wire. I prefer it over JSP by miles. We
  precompile the XSL pages, so we get really good performance. And the
  separation of content/presentation could not be better.

RE: work around for rh7.1

2001-04-22 Thread Tim Endres

 This is a fresh install of rh7.1 (not an upgrade), then install jdk1.3.1rc1.
 If you just use the LD workaround, and type
 myjavapath/bin/java -version
 You will get a hang.

I just wanted to be clear. This works fine for me, and is running the entire
Giant Java Tree site, which is a considerable load. I am really curious why.
This is with a fresh RH7.1 install followed by Sun's JDK1.3.1rc1. So we are
seeing different results.


Re: .zip files and solaris

2001-04-21 Thread Tim Endres

jar xvf file.jar

 In development, I work with Orion on both Solaris and
 Windows 2000.  But there must be an easier way of
 dealing with Orion and Jboss zip files.  I use winzip
 to unzip them in Windows, and FTP the unzipped version
 to Solaris.  Is there any third party software to
 unzip a zip file on solaris?  Tar and tar.gz are easy.
  What does everyone use for Orion on solaris?  I
 haven't addressed this question to my Unix
 administration folks yet, and I thought I would try
 here first.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

RE: .zip files and solaris

2001-04-21 Thread Tim Endres

Check your facts.
Under Linux with JDK1.3.1rc1:

time jar tvf
 0 Wed May 12 10:03:52 EDT 1999 exception/
  1956 Tue May 11 12:23:32 EDT 1999 exception/codebase.dat
  5310 Fri May 07 16:11:46 EDT 1999 exception/exception.vjp
  3609 Mon Feb 01 10:22:42 EST 1999 exception/
  2628 Mon Nov 23 13:20:52 EST 1998 exception/
  3458 Tue Apr 06 15:51:56 EDT 1999 exception/
  2583 Sat Jan 30 13:32:36 EST 1999 exception/

So it works for me.

 That'll NEVER work for a zip
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 10:17 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Kemp Randy
 Subject: Re: .zip files and solaris
 jar xvf file.jar
  In development, I work with Orion on both Solaris and
  Windows 2000.  But there must be an easier way of
  dealing with Orion and Jboss zip files.  I use winzip
  to unzip them in Windows, and FTP the unzipped version
  to Solaris.  Is there any third party software to
  unzip a zip file on solaris?  Tar and tar.gz are easy.
   What does everyone use for Orion on solaris?  I
  haven't addressed this question to my Unix
  administration folks yet, and I thought I would try
  here first.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: Application mapping - how do I know it from within the app?

2001-04-17 Thread Tim Endres

getContexstPath(), which is what you want, is a method of HttpServletRequest.

 Nope, when doing just that I get...
 500 Internal Server Error
 Error parsing JSP page /aller/Allas/subscriber.jsp
 Syntax error in source/Allas/ Method getContextPath()
 not found in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext. (JSP page line 8)
   String servletPath = pageContext.getServletContext().getContextPath();
 1 error
 - Original Message -
 From: "Hani Suleiman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:30 PM
 Subject: Re: Application mapping - how do I know it from within the app?
  On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Johan Fredriksson wrote:
   I'm using virtual hosts in my development to make sure that all links
 are correctly set, that is I can access the same app in two ways, either via
   The problem is that I'm not sure how to figure out on a jsp page which
 entry point was used, and this causes problem when I'm trying to map my
 servlet, since relative paths to servlets does not seem to work...
   String parsing of request.getRequestURI() seems like a way to start, but
 I'm not sure what how to write it, since in the future the app might be
 moved again to
   Is there a way to get pageContext return application context?

RE: Is this the Orion Team?

2001-04-17 Thread Tim Endres

 Well I would not know - I have never met him... I wonder what makes you able
 to make that king of comparison...

I believe this was a "joke", which is tied to American TV, specifically
Saturday Night Live and Dana Carvey's Satan skits. If it was not, then
I have the same question as you.


Re: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...

2001-04-13 Thread Tim Endres

Is this what you are looking for?

   RoleManager roleMgr = (RoleManager)
  (new InitialContext()).lookup( "java:comp/RoleManager" );
   roleMgr.login( "user", "pass" );

Unfortunately, I think that can only run in the container. To accomodate
multiple logins under a servlet, we used to use a new InitialContext on
every servlet request and set the appropriate JNDI properties for each
InitialContext construction.


 We have developed a web application with our own user/group schema.
 Creating a UserManager to map our schema seems pretty trivial.  What we are
 NOT clear on is how to tell Orion that a particular user has logged in.
 For example, we start our application with a LOGIN.JSP page, which accepts
 user name/password, and proceeds to find the user in the database.  After
 the user is found/authenticated, we create an HTTP session, and store a
 certain User object in the session to tell us who the user is on the next
 http request.
 How do we introduce J2EE security into this picture.  In other words, how do
 we tell Orion which user is logged on so that it starts using the security
 attributes/group/rights of the deployment descriptors?  Do we need to put a
 special attribute into the HTTPSession so that Orion knows on behalf of what
 user the request is running?

RE: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...

2001-04-13 Thread Tim Endres

Again, I am not sure if your JSP page can even make this call. I have only
ever used it in the container in a session bean. I seem to remember not being
able to lookup the RoleManager from my servlet. I think you would have to have
every SB method call this. Which is why I suggested using the InitialContext
approach, which is portable across servers, and I think it scales better. Alas,
it is pre-empted by a bug in Orion in that servlets don't properly initialize
the credentials on the first (or in my case, all) use.


 Tim, this IS what I am looking for, but does it mean that I need to put this
 into every .JSP page that I have?  Then, somehow (according to J2EE spec)
 Orion will forward this information to all EJB calls and properly make use
 of the deployment descriptor stuff?  So every .JSP page will check the
 session, find the User object which I stored in there, and execute this call
 with the user.login and user.password?
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 3:04 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Alex Paransky
 Subject: Re: How to enable UserManager support for arbitrary user...
 Is this what you are looking for?
RoleManager roleMgr = (RoleManager)
   (new InitialContext()).lookup( "java:comp/RoleManager" );
roleMgr.login( "user", "pass" );
 Unfortunately, I think that can only run in the container. To accomodate
 multiple logins under a servlet, we used to use a new InitialContext on
 every servlet request and set the appropriate JNDI properties for each
 InitialContext construction.
  We have developed a web application with our own user/group schema.
  Creating a UserManager to map our schema seems pretty trivial.  What we
  NOT clear on is how to tell Orion that a particular user has logged in.
  For example, we start our application with a LOGIN.JSP page, which accepts
  user name/password, and proceeds to find the user in the database.  After
  the user is found/authenticated, we create an HTTP session, and store a
  certain User object in the session to tell us who the user is on the next
  http request.
  How do we introduce J2EE security into this picture.  In other words, how
  we tell Orion which user is logged on so that it starts using the security
  attributes/group/rights of the deployment descriptors?  Do we need to put
  special attribute into the HTTPSession so that Orion knows on behalf of
  user the request is running?

Re: Error starting HTTP server

2001-04-10 Thread Tim Endres

Because HTTP attempts to bind to port 80, which is a priveleged port
under UNIX, I believe that you must start orion as the root user.

 On NT Orion is running great but on Solaris JDK1.2.2 when I do java -jar 
 orion.jar I get an error message flagging a problem with HTTP 
 How do I debug/trouble shoot this.
 Are there any debug flags?
 % java -jar orion.jar
 Error starting HTTP-Server: Permission denied
 Orion/1.4.5 initialized
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: AdJuggler on Orion

2001-04-06 Thread Tim Endres

A more common reason for that error is that your database server, or the JDBC
driver, has a timeout built into the connection. For instance, MySQL will timeout
a connection after 8 hours. The MySQL JDBC driver has a option that you can turn
on to "keepalive" the database connection. If it were an incompatibility with
the JVM or servlet engine, seems it would happen constantly, not occasionally.
Connection timeouts, on the other hand, do occur occasionally. I would not be
concerned about the error, since it should not cause corruption, just failed
requests. I would, however, be concerned about technocal support from Thruport.


 I am running AdJuggler Pro ( on Orion and
 have been getting the following error on occassion.  Does the statement from
 Thruport Support sound accurate to you guys and should I be concerned about
 this occasional error?
 -Original Message-
 Entered on 04/06/2001 at 14:25:34 by noc:
 The error is caused by a problem with the socket connections.  They
 are not usually fatal in therms of the application.  More often then
 not it is caused by an incompatibility in either the JVM or the
 servlet engine used.
 -Thruport Support
 I am still receiving these errors on occasion.
 Any indication as to what to look at would be helpful.  Or at least an
 explanation of what this error means.
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 11:55 PM
 Subject: Internal Error In AdJuggler at site: AJ4 Banner Server
 Error from AdJuggler at site: AJ4 Banner Server
 java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in
 socket input stream read
   at com.thruport.adjuggler.b.m.a(

Re: How to specify a servlet as a main page

2001-04-03 Thread Tim Endres

I think you need to map your servlet to the url "/", and handle from there.

 Hi all,
 Until now I have been using a boot.jsp page as the main entry point to my 
 application. But now I have changed it to a servlet.
 On the web.xml I have made a servlet mapping,
 the if I write http://localhost/context/start it goes to this servlet.
 I would like that whenever the user writes http://localhost/context it is 
 redirected to the boot servlet.
 I have tried it by putting a servlet mapping only with /  but it does not work.
 I have tried also with the welcome-file-list
 and it does not work.
 How should I do it?

Re: Case sensitive files names

2001-04-02 Thread Tim Endres

Isn't DOS lovely?

I am not sure if this is an Orion issue, or a file system issue. However,
you really should fix your HTML to match the case.

One way to get around the problem would be to write a simple servlet that
managed "/". This servlet would then look at the URL and determine the
correct filename by matching while ignoring case, and feed the file up
from the servlet. This servlet would be pretty easy to write.

I do not know if Orion has a setting to correct the problem.


 Is there a setting that will allow static HTML pages from another web
 server where character case in file names did not matter to be ported to
 Orion.  Yes, I am a brand new user of Orion and this may be a simple
 question.  In the future we will be using Orion as a full-featured J2EE
 server but until then I need to get  our web site off the other platform.
 Craig J. Gregory
 Director of Data Processing
 Blue Mountain Community College
 2411 NW Carden Av.
 Pendleton, OR 97801
 (541) 278-5825
 Fax (541) 278-5794

Re: JNDI SecurityException

2001-03-27 Thread Tim Endres

 I have no idea. I simply know that someone on the list claimed to have reported this
 bug, and to this day my servlets simply will not properly authenticate. I do not 
 if this is a problem with just servlets, or anything using ApplicationClient{ICF}. 
 servlets are running in Orion. I consider this a very serious bug that has servived
 several releases.
 Serious indeed.  What are you doing for a work-around?  

There is no workaround. If they do not fix this bug, we will need to deploy on another
application server.


RE: Orion + IE + HTTPS = Trouble

2001-03-26 Thread Tim Endres

If your code demonstrates that Orion loses the session (or creates a new one),
each time that the SSL session is re-established, then that would indicate to
me that it is an Orion bug. I assumed that your problem was tied to the Basic
Auth, but you are apparently using a FORM instead, and your processing it just
like ours in that case.

Bugzilla :(


 This is my first HTTPS application, so maybe I'm doing something wrong.  Our
 logon uses a JSP page, and places a UserInfo object in the HttpSession
 (along with other objects we use for workflow tracking).  All subsequent
 access checks for this object before processing, forwarding to the logon
 page if it is not found.  Our problem was that every two minutes the session
 changes (a println() in the servlet now displays a different session id),
 the UserInfo object is not found, so the logon page is displayed again.
 Adding this registry entry solved the problem on all client machines.  How
 should I change this to get around the problem?
 My only reason for suggesting that it may be an Orion problem is just that
 I've never had problems using IE on other company's secure sites, so
 something is being handled differently.  If the problem lies with me, thats
 OK, I just need someone to point me in the right direction so I can fix it.
 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Endres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 2:24 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Orion + IE + HTTPS = Trouble
 The artical you reference on Microsoft's site explicitly states that the
 is in MS's products, which implies it is not an Orion problem. Further, the
 is related to BASIC AUTH dialogs. Thus, the reason I believe you are not
 seeing this
 problem in general with other servers is that nobody uses basic auth. Most
 sites put
 their login pages up as HTML FORM's, not as basic authentication.
  IE 5.0/5.5 running on 95/98/NT keeps losing it's HTTPS session with Orion,
  which is big trouble if you store logon info there.  By default these
  versions of IE renegotiate their SSL connections every two minutes, but
  can be changed by adding a DWORD registry entry.
  Adding this entry, and setting it to 0x7FFF has solved all our issues
  with forcing constant logons when running in secure mode, but is a major
  pain because it has to be done for all clients (except Win2K and WinME
  Since I have never come across this problem when logging on to other HTTPS
  sites on the web, I can't help but wonder if Orion is not handling the
  situation properly (I've tried it on both 1.38 and 1.45).  Does anyone
  have any experience with this problem, or can comment on whether Orion
  should be handling this without modifying every client machine?
  Microsoft reference:

Re: Deployment xml files in ear file? If so, where?

2001-03-26 Thread Tim Endres

Except for orion-ejb-jar.xml, which alone has its own place in app/orion/.

 You can place your orion-*.xml files alongside their *.xml counterparts. 
 (eg, principals.xml and orion-application.xml alongside application.xml). 
 Note though that if the application has already been deployed, then these 
 files won't be copied over the existing ones. They're only used in the case 
 of a 'fresh install'.
 From: "Rian Schmidt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Deployment xml files in ear file?  If so, where?
 Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:47:50 -0800
 Hi all,
 Firstly, we're having great luck with our adventures with Orion.  Most
 everything works as advertised, and the performance is great-- particularly
 the CMP EJB stuff.  Just thought I'd spew a little positivity.
 Is there some way to include the application-deployments XML files with an
 application?  By that I mean, fer instance, we've made all kinds of
 modifications to orion-ejb-jar.xml to deal with our OR relationships, the
 legacy database name mappings, etc.  orion-application.xml has a bunch of
 custom settings too.  Were either of those to get wiped by an overzealous
 Orion, we'd be... sad.  So, we're gonna back them up, but...
 Do we need to manually make those changes after deploying the application 
 another machine?  That seems a little goofy.  I'd hate to have to say to a
 customer "OK, start it up, and then stop it, open this file up and
 everywhere it says requestId, well, change that to request_id, blah blah,
 and then restart it."
 Rian Schmidt

Re: JNDI SecurityException

2001-03-26 Thread Tim Endres

 I tried the ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory (by mistake) when I first set 
this up. 
 I just gave me other problems (I think there was some sort of complaint about a 
 application.xml file).  As far as I know, there should be no reason that I cannot 
use the
 RMIInitialContextFactory for this.  I don't *have* an application on Orion, all I 
 is a single bean.

I believe this complaint is because it is looking for META-INF/application-client.xml
and is not finding it.

 Interesting what you point out about a possible bug.  Why would this affect only 
 though?  Wouldn't this affect *any* remote client?  Or is this a bug that affects 
 running in the Orion servlet container?  I'm running mine under Tomcat.

I have no idea. I simply know that someone on the list claimed to have reported this
bug, and to this day my servlets simply will not properly authenticate. I do not know
if this is a problem with just servlets, or anything using ApplicationClient{ICF}. Our
servlets are running in Orion. I consider this a very serious bug that has servived
several releases.


RE: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge continues.

2001-03-23 Thread Tim Endres

We do not have the problem that you describe.

Why? Because we do not let the container perform the authentication.
We handle authentication *entirely* in our own code, and completely
ignore the J2EE/container authentication. Thus, our servlets always
access the EJB SB's using a single user/password that is assigned to
the servlet. The user/password are not known outside of the company.

As I indicated in my previous posting, we handle everything in the
SB's with our own UserSession entity bean. When a user logs in, they
get a UserSession EB that determines their priveleges. The privelege
is handled entirely within our code. We do not use container privelege
at all except to secure the handful of methods involved in establishing
the UserSession.

This design has eliminated almost every complaint that people have posted
regarding container authentication, priveleges, and sessions. Further, it
allows us to implement "higher level" permission management that can not
be managed by the container (such as, can this user modify a record based
on their relationship to the owner of the record).


 As with anything, the devil is in the details.
 SBs expire in one of a number of ways. The two main ways are: you call
 remove() or they time out. This is well known. So if you have your SB bound
 to an HttpSession, everything works and you get get your SB from the session
 at any time.
 The REAL ISSUE is, however, the security issues with how you clean up that
 SB when the HttpSession expires. This is something it seems no one really
 understands, and it seems to me to be a fairly critical to the proper
 working of J2EE.
 The servlet spec does not say anything about WHO calls
 HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound() when an HttpSession expires.
 Assume (arbitrarly) that it is an "unauthenticated user" (Orion calls this a
 "guest"), then if you call ejb.remove() within valueUnbound(), the EJB will
 be called with the guest user. Well, what if the remove() method is
 protected by security constraints and guest is not allowed? What if you had
 to call other methods to clean up that session?
 Well, someone said "log in with a special user before calling remove()". It
 doesn't work because one tries to JNDI-lookup a RoleManager to log in, Orion
 throws an exception saying "javax.naming.NamingException: Not in an
 application scope". Okay, so just call remove() and do the login in there.
 That DID work, but WHY? I have my remove() method secured so only
 authenticated users can hit it. And what if you had to call OTHER methods in
 addition to remove()?
 From the responses, it seems either that no one has previously recognized
 this as a problem, or that they're ignoring it, or I'm just all wrong.
 So please, am I wrong, or is there an issue here?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Petr Podsednik
 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 12:37 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Removing SBs when expiring HttpSessions ... the challenge
 If It is possible I have a question regarding this problem.
 Until now I was thinking there is no problem regarding HttpSession expiring
 because of garbage collector which knows what remote references became
 invalid. Please tell me, if I am wrong and why. If it is must be handled in
 code what about for example Swing clients machine's crashing?
  When an HttpSession expires, it calls valueUnbound() on all session-bound
  variables that implement the HttpSessionBindingListener interface. So this
  provides a way for expiring HTTP sessions to remove session beans that
  otherwise stay active and eventually consume all resources and cause the
  server to crash.

RE: Orion Memory Configuration

2001-03-22 Thread Tim Endres

I wonder if the exception is misleading in this case. The OutOfMemoryException
is reporting "unable to create new native thread". Could this be a limitation
on the number of threads a process is allowed to invoke? Could it be that the
JVM has a limitation on the number of threads? Or, could it be that there is
a system resource, such as a process id, that the new thread needs but exceeds
a system limit? Also, can you get your code to show what the JVM thinks it has
in terms of free memory, say via Runtime.freeMemory()?

 Uhh .. didn't the original poster say that he's using the memory options
 already? He executed "java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar orion.jar". I have a
 similar problem where I have at least 200MB of memory free still and Orion
 is dying at about 90MB with an OutOfMemoryException.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alex Paransky
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:22 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Orion Memory Configuration
 Use java's runtime memory options to configure (-Xm -Xs).
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of McLellan,
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:23 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Hogan, John
 Subject: Orion Memory Configuration
 Hello all,
   I am having a problem when stress testing Orion.
   I get an out of Memory error from orion.  I am running a sun 420R
 with 2GB RAM with 2 - 500Mhz Processors.  As far as the system is concerned
 there is still 1.7GB RAM available for use when orion dies.  I am simulating
 5000 users hitting the site at once and as soon as about 64MB of ram is used
 I get "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread" I
 have tried starting Orion with the command "java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar
 orion.jar" to try to allocate more memory to java from the machine and I
 still get the same error at the same 64MB memory usage mark.
   Is there a Memory setting in orion that is limiting the orion server
 that I am missing.  If this is a default setting somewhere I hope someone
 else has run into this.  I have looked at the archives and there are a few
 pages of out of memory errors but None where there was still memory
 available on the system.
   I am using the Microsoft Web Application Stress 1.1, the same
 product used by orion to benchmark the server.  I have 5 clients set up to
 distribute the load of user simulation and I am only hitting one jsp page.

Re: Java Mail and javax.activation.DataSource

2001-03-20 Thread Tim Endres

You are missing the JavaBeans Activation Framework classes (also known as Glosgow),
which are in the JAR activation.jar.


 Hello all,
 I'm setting up J2EE program and I'm having trouble getting the Java mail 
 to work.  I am getting a java.lang. NoClassDefFoundError: 
 javax/activation/DataSource error when I call Message msg = new 
 Everything else is set up and my code is nearly identical to the ATM 
 example.  My mailing code is in a stateless session bean.
 Anyone see anything like this before?
 Jonathan Bricker
 Lilly Research Labs
 Java ATG

Re: How to do this servlet-mapping?

2001-03-20 Thread Tim Endres

Why not have your servlet "forward" any request that it does not recognize
to another namespace. In other words, using your example, you would forward
"/app/ball.gif" to "/images/ball.gif", thus eliminating the "/app" mapping.


 I've tried using the servlet-mapping of /app/* and pointing this to the
 servlet. While this makes requests go to the servlet, if, within that
 servlet, I try to get a request dispatcher to /app/ball.gif and forward
 there, I get back into the servlet again , presumably because /app/ball.gif
 maps to the servlet. This, of course, creates an recursive infinite loop and
 soon the server dies.
 One alternative that might work, but seems somehow "wrong" to me is to name
 every action in the web.xml file, e.g. individually map /app/login,
 /app/logout, /app/dothis, /app/dothat, etc. and then have /app/* for all
 other resources. I'd like to avoid this particular solution.
 Any bright ideas?

RE: Class cast exception....

2001-03-19 Thread Tim Endres

Don't you mean to say that the two JSP pages are generating two separate classes
that are each declaring their own Website *inner* class? Your suggested solution
is, of course, correct - use a top-level class.

 It is not going to work.  Both ess.jsp and ess2.jsp are declaring their own
 Website subclass and they can't be cast to each other (They are totally
 different classes).  Use a real java class instead.
 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Meunier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:02 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Class cast exception
 Hi all, i got a class cast exception trying to use an instance of an object
 throught 2 jsp pages or so.
 dumb example:
 public class Website
   private int num;
   private String nom;
   public Website()
 %@ include file="/fct.jsp" %
 %@ page import="java.util.*"%
 Website ess=new Website();
 Vector v=new Vector();
 %@ include file="/fct.jsp" %
 %@ page import="java.util.*"%
 Vector v=(Vector)session.getAttribute("essai");
 Website ess=(Website)v.get(0);
 = i first load ess.jsp and got the following in log:
 =When i load ess2.jsp i got a class cast exception and when i check the
 class name :
 How i can bypass this trouble and why the class name is not Website and
 thats all ?
 Thx in advance for ur help.

RE: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...

2001-03-15 Thread Tim Endres

Does that actually work in the remote EJB model; I mean through the stubs?
If not, the servlets using the sessions could just as easily listen and in
turn inform the SB's.

 Can't you just make the SB a HttpSessionBindingListener and implement
 valueUnbound() ?
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gerald
  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 9:33 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Removal of SBs from expiring HTTP sessions ...
  I posted this msg this morning, but I haven't seen it appear on the list
  yet. I'm reposting in case it was lost ...
  Session beans (SBs) must have their remove() methods called in order to
  "clean up" and return to an app server's object pool. I believe
  one common
  use of SBs is to create them and then bind them to HTTP sessions so that
  they can be reused by clients on subsequent requests.
  There's no standard way to tell when an HTTP session expires.
  How, then, is
  it possible for the remove() method to be called to release a SB?
  Does this
  not cause
  "memory leaks" to occur in two ways: 1) resources created by the
  SB are not
  released, and 2) the SB itself is not recycled?

Re: Can I use InterBase's DataSource instead of Orion's?

2001-03-15 Thread Tim Endres

You should not be instantiating DataSource's directly. You should define
the DataSource in Orion's configuration file, and then access the DataSource
by name via your InitialContext.

 In normal java application, I may use interbase.interclient.DataSource to
 access Interbase:
 interbase.interclient.DataSource ds = new interbase.interclient.DataSource
 ds.setServerName ("");
 ... ...
 thouth, the Orion's DataSource class does not fit my purpose, can/how I replace
 with Interbase's DataSource class?

Re: Is it orion compatible with FORM METHOD = POST ?????

2001-03-14 Thread Tim Endres

FORM POST pages work just fine for us under Orion. However, we are not using
JSP pages, we use our own servlets.

 As the subject explains problem i am facing problem with POST method.
 When i develop jsp with POST method in my local machine its working great
 when i place the same file in the remote webserver which is also a orion
 server its giving me no rosponse it just displaying blank page
 Anybody have any idea about this.

RE: Hypersonic website / docs

2001-03-14 Thread Tim Endres

Not Java. Not Free. Lengthy registration process required to figure this out.
No thanks.

 Also try kdb at .  150kb, all in memory and FAST!!!
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael J.
  Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 10:22 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Hypersonic website / docs
  Hypersonic is dead...see at .
  Instantdb is the only thing close.
  The open-source developers of the Interbase project have revolted
  and taken
  their code with them (hinting at lack of co-operation from Inprise).  They
  can be found at . the project
  nam is now (obviously) Firebird.
  SAPdb is Oracle crap, frozen at v.7, with _lots_ of additional
  libraries and
  no support (and damn few updates).  Find it at .
  For my money, if you cant find a decent db for your project at SourceForge
  or Freshmeat, go with Sybase ASA or IBM UDB and pay for it.  Otherwise,
  write your own.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
   Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 10:55 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Hypersonic website / docs
   I heard that the original author was not longer actively
   developing the product, and someone was temporary taking over the
   administration and maintenance.  Because of the state of
   disruption with hypersonic, I recommend to look at Enhydra's
   InstandDB, if you wish a Java based RDMS, else look at databases
   like Mysql, postgresql, Sap4 (sp?), or Boreland's database.
   -Original Message-
   From: Julian Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 8:38 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Hypersonic website / docs
   What's the correct url for the hypersonic website? I thought
  the official
   one was, which I'm sure worked until a few weeks ago but
   doesn't now - I get a forbidden error when accessing it.
  Interestingly it
   comes back with in the error page, but that site
   doesn't seem to exist in any form...
   What gives? Is anyone on this list anything to do with Hypersonic
   and knows
   what's happening with the site (it's been this way for a few
   days, and I've
   just double-checked that it's not our web proxy)
   Failing any kind of online help, are there docs buried within the Orion
   document tree for Hypersonic? I couldn't see anything at all.
   What I'm actually after is some kind of command-line SQL client - does
   Hypersonic have one? I know it's got that applet for
  administration (does
   that even come as part of the Orion install?) but I don't want to
   fire up a
   browser or mess around with appletviewer unless I have to. I do have a
   homebrew client but it was written against Oracle so I don't know (yet)
   what'll be involved in getting it to work with Hypersonic...

RE: Orion Team Needs New List Software

2001-03-14 Thread Tim Endres

The problem is not the autoresponder. It is the mailing list software that
Orion uses, which appears to be years behind more common mailing list software.

 I suspect that the person the mail is from is not responsible, obviously
 moved on and someone at the company set up the autoresponder. We do that
 here when we have people leave. Be bad business to lose a customer because
 email wasnt replied to wouldnt it?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
 Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 4:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion Team Needs New List Software
 Someone desperately needs to replace the list software currently hosting
 the Orion-Interest mailing list.  This is really getting out of hand.
 It's bad enough that everyone who posts gets messages like this from but now they're echoing to the list as well.

Re: Design Advice (And Orion JNDI syntax) Needed

2001-03-12 Thread Tim Endres

Have you considered placing the string in the database?

 Problem: My application has many text strings (i.e. email messages, email
 recipient addresses, canned messages, etc) that both my servlets and EJBs
 need to access. It needs to be done in a way that these are not hardcoded
 and can be accessed easily from servlets, ejbs, and possibly even standalone
 My Solution: Have a MessageResources object that is created by a startup
 servlet that contains all these strings. You can then use a
 MessageResources.getValue(String) to get the desired string you want.  This
 is all done, the startup servlet runs, reads in the XML file, and creates
 the MessageResources.
 My Problem: I now need a way to pass that MessageResource object into scope
 so it is accessible by Servlets and EJBs (I'll worry about standalone
 applications later).
 However, I somehow need a way for the Stateless session bean to get this
 MessageResource object.  I can't  do StartupServlet.getMR() because the EJBs
 might be remote.
 Is it possible to use JNDI and store an object? IF that is the case, then I
 could do something like this in my stateless session bean:
 public String getMessage(String key) {
   if (messageResources == null) {
  // lookup messageResources with JNDI
 How would I do this in OrionServer? I believe it is app server specific,
 Does anyone have any input? Is it the right way to do it?  This must be a
 common problem (global variables needed). How is everyone else doing this?

Re: SSL Certificates + Security Alert

2001-03-11 Thread Tim Endres

 Q: do i get the dialog window appearing because i'm using a test certificate? i.e. 
will the use of a live certificate mean that i don't get the dialog window appearing?

Yes, *if* the certificate chain of that certificate leads to a root
certificate that is installed in the user's browser.


RE: new error... never seen this.

2001-03-08 Thread Tim Endres

The newline between the "{% and %@ include file" causes a println
to be generated and sends output the to client, which precludes the
jsp:forward from working because forwards only work before you generate
output. I think if you eliminate this newline, the problem will go away.


   %@ page ... %
   if (request.getParameter("checkpage").equals("page2"))
%@ include file="page2.jsp" %
   else ...
   %@ page ... %
   do a database update
   jsp:forward page="page1.jsp"
   jsp:param name="checkpage" value="page2" /

Re: How to set orion to perform a timely task.. (CRON???)

2001-03-06 Thread Tim Endres

One way is to write a simple Java program that uses URLConnection to hit your
JSP page and have CRON drive your simple program.

 Someone suggesting hitting a JSP with a cron...  how can you hit a URL with 
 a CRON or AT command, I didn't think you could do that!  Perhaps I 
 misunderstood the explanation?
 Robert S. Sfeir
 Director of Software Development
 PERCEPTICON corporation
 San Francisco, CA 94123
 w -
 t - (415) 749-2900 x205

RE: classloader does not implement getResourceAsStream ?

2001-03-05 Thread Tim Endres

 This line (about line 881 in my version):
 URL url = this.getClass().getResource(registrations[i+1]);
 Must be replaced by this:
 URL url = getServletContext().getResource(registrations[i+1]);

Gee, that makes it look like a bug in Struts, as opposed to the
reported bug in Orion. I believe that your patch is considered
the "valid" way to get a resource in a J2EE servlet environment,
is it not?


Re: AW: Java ftp

2001-03-02 Thread Tim Endres

There is also a nice FTP package at:


 Multithreaded FTP-Bean (OpenSource IBM). Would not reccommend it in a
 since it seems to be multithreaded.
 Manfred Regele 
 ADIG Investment GmbH
 22 MethodenTools
 Richard-Reitzner-Allee 2
 85540 Haar
 Tel: 089/46268-308
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von:John Miller [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet am:Freitag, 2. März 2001 10:48
  An: Orion-Interest
  Betreff:Java ftp
  Off topic, but does anyone know a way of using Java for FTP'ing?
  BUY YOUR 2001 ISA AT INTERACTIVE INVESTOR'S NEW ISA CENTRE - visit for a choice of 400+ funds, market leading
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  Issued by Interactive Investor Trading Limited, regulated by the SFA.

Re: mail.jar POP3

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres

If you upgrade the mail.jar to JavaMail 1.2, the POP3 provider is included.
Replacing mail.jar is most likely your easiest route. Otherwise, you have
to deal with the javamail.providers file, which will almost certainly require
that you modify mail.jar's version of that file.


 I'm trying to add POP3 functionality to my application on orion.
 Unfortunately, the mail.jar that ships with orion does not include the POP3
 provider.  Does anyone know how I can enable the POP3 provider from Sun
 without replacing, or otherwise having to modify the existing mail.jar?
 Machines should work.  People should think.
-- IBM motto

Re: Connecting to LDAP from Orion

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres

Go to and download the LDAP service provider.
This will give you the JNDI SPI you need to access LDAP. As for docs/tutorials,
I can not help you there.

 Hi all,
 Today I tried to connect to a LDAP server so I tried some things for a
 while, but no luck...
 Has anyone done this before? Do you know of some docs/tuts from which I can
 learn how to do this?

Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres


Are you sure about the InitialContext class being loaded over the network?
I have never heard of that before, and was not aware that JNDI supported
this feature. Can you point to any documentation of the feature?

I have always understood that the JNDI properties pointed to the class to
be used, and that the class had to be accessible via the ClasPath.


 Hi Ernst,
 there is no superclass since InitialContextFactory is an interface which is
 by ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory directly (so every vendor provides
 own InitialContextFactoryClass...)
 It should work like this: when the class is needed it should be loaded by
 the class
 loader over the net (this is a basic principle of JNDI: load the "driver"
 which is
 needed for current application, if not already installed on the client).

 To be more specific with my error: I get an error from the which
 says he(she...?) can't find the specific class (ClassNotFoundException).
 Did I miss some setup somewhere ... ?
 Greetings, Stefan
 - Original Message -
 From: "Ernst de Haan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:54 PM
 Subject: Re: orion.jar needed for JNDI-lookup??
  Hi Stefan,
   we are running a Swing-application accessing via HTTP/RMI
   to an EJB-server. To do the JNDI-lookup class
   is used as describes in the orion-doc.
  Do you *need* to downcast to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory, or
  you perhaps use a superclass (InitialContextFactory) ? If so, then you
  need the JNDI libraries.

Re: Invalid manifest format I/O Exception?

2001-02-28 Thread Tim Endres

Do you add the manifest to the jar file using jar's '-m' option?

 When I try to invoke my application-client through:
 "java -jar application.jar" I get "invalid manifest
 format: I/O Exception?
 I have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, both inside the
 "application.jar" and in the working directory. The
 manifest file is:
 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Created-By: Ant 1.2
 Main-Class: com.cmc.ejb.member.MyClient
 The application runs fine if I extract the jar file,
 I'd appreciate any tips on why this could be
 Satish Gupta
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

RE: simple JSP bug with switch

2001-02-27 Thread Tim Endres

 OK, thanks, I understand that (which is how I fixed the code).
 However, I believe this isn't the proper behaviour for JSP.
 Orion should eat that newline. This is how other JSP engines behave,
 including Sun's reference engine.

Seems that this would depend entirely on the JSP spec. If newlines have
"significance", then Orion is right and the reference implementation is
broken. Unless the spec further stated that newlines between "certain
code segments" would be ignored.

 It shouldn't break the java code by inserting an erroneous println...
 or am I smoking crack?

You may be smoking crack - users are often the last to know.


 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:40 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: simple JSP bug with switch
 Hi Adam,
 I don't think this is a bug, although I agree the messages are 
 confusing.  Set the development="true" flag in the orion-web.xml and you 
 get the reason explained more fully.  Basically what you have written in 
 the broken version produces code like this:
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 case 1:
  // write newline, "One", newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
  // write newline, "Default", newline
  // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 and the compiler complains (correctly) that some of the copde can't be
 Nick Newman
 At 08:11 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
 Forgive me if this is a known bug, but I didn't see it in the FAQ or 
 anywhere on
 I am using Orion 1.4.7 and I have tried having Orion use Jikes 1.12 as 
 well as all three of the 1.30 JDKs
 {Sun,IBM,Blackdown}. This is all running on RedHat 7.0 Linux 2.4.2.
 fixed version (but I shouldn't have to do this...):
 % switch(1) { case 1: %
 % break; default: %
 % break;  } %
 broken version:
 % switch(1) { %
 % case 1: %
 % break; %
 % default: %
 % break; %
 % } %
 Gives the following error (this is the Blackdown error, but they're all 
 500 Internal Server Error
 Error parsing JSP page /jsp/test.jsp
 Syntax error in source
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
  if(__coreOut == out) 
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
  if(__coreOut == out) 
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
  __staticContent, 0, 1, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  if(__coreOut == out) 
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 1, 5);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  __staticContent, 1, 5, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
  if(__coreOut == out) 
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 6, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
  __staticContent, 6, 1, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
  if(__coreOut == out) 
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 7, 9);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
  __staticContent, 7, 9, null);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 9)
  if(__coreOut == out) 
  __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 16, 1);
 /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 9)
  __staticContent, 16, 1, null);
 13 errors

RE: simple JSP bug with switch

2001-02-27 Thread Tim Endres

It appears to me that Sun's RI is recognizing the "obvious" - that statements
can not appear between "switch" and "case", nor between "break" and "case".
Unless the spec specifically addresses this, it seems that Orion is doing the
correct thing, and Sun is providing a nicety that lulls one into writing bad
JSP code.

 Sorry if I didn't quite get your point.
 It's odd though. The spec VERY specifically says that whitespace must be 
 preserved (JSP 1.1 spec, section 2.1.6), so it seems to me that what Orion 
 is doing is correct, even if it seems inconvenient.
 If I write:
 % out.print("one"); %
 % out.print("two"); %
 then my reading of the spec says that I must get the two words printed on 
 different lines (which I believe Orion would do), whereas you seem to be 
 saying that Sun's RI would print "onetwo".  Or is Sun's RI somehow clever 
 enough to know the difference between my sample and yours? That would take 
 some clever examination of what's in the scriptlets, I would think.
 Nick Newman
 At 04:58 PM 2/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
 OK, thanks, I understand that (which is how I fixed the code).
 However, I believe this isn't the proper behaviour for JSP.
 Orion should eat that newline. This is how other JSP engines behave,
 including Sun's reference engine.
 It shouldn't break the java code by inserting an erroneous println...
 or am I smoking crack?
 -Original Message-
 From: Nick Newman 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:40 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: simple JSP bug with switch
 Hi Adam,
 I don't think this is a bug, although I agree the messages are
 confusing.  Set the development="true" flag in the orion-web.xml and you
 get the reason explained more fully.  Basically what you have written in
 the broken version produces code like this:
   // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 case 1:
   // write newline, "One", newline
   // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
   // write newline, "Default", newline
   // write a new line (but can't be reached!)
 and the compiler complains (correctly) that some of the copde can't be 
 Nick Newman
 At 08:11 PM 2/26/01 -0500, you wrote:
  Forgive me if this is a known bug, but I didn't see it in the FAQ or
  anywhere on
  I am using Orion 1.4.7 and I have tried having Orion use Jikes 1.12 as
  well as all three of the 1.30 JDKs
  {Sun,IBM,Blackdown}. This is all running on RedHat 7.0 Linux 2.4.2.
  fixed version (but I shouldn't have to do this...):
  % switch(1) { case 1: %
  % break; default: %
  % break;  } %
  broken version:
  % switch(1) { %
  % case 1: %
  % break; %
  % default: %
  % break; %
  % } %
  Gives the following error (this is the Blackdown error, but they're all
  500 Internal Server Error
  Error parsing JSP page /jsp/test.jsp
  Syntax error in source
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 0, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 3)
   __staticContent, 0, 1, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 1, 5);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
   __staticContent, 1, 5, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 4)
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 6, 1);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 6)
   __staticContent, 6, 1, null);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)
   if(__coreOut == out)
   __coreOut.write(__staticContent, 7, 9);
  /jsp/ 'case', 'default' or '}' expected (JSP page line 7)

Re: Intro to Orion Tutorial

2001-02-26 Thread Tim Endres


Very nice work! You have made a great contribution.


 I don't know about everyone else, but I had a real difficult time getting 
 started with Orion (coming from WebLogic).  It seemed like I was stumped at 
 every turn.  I know there are a few tutorials, but I found them difficult to 
 follow.  Plus, I would rather use standard utilities like Sun's deploytool, 
 rather than something like Ant.
 I really like Orion and I would hate to see people turned off from it just 
 because they can't get it to work right away.  For newbies, it's really more 
 of a problem with the complexity of J2EE than anything Orion-specific, or at 
 least it seems that way to me.  For us WebLogic users, it is because we are 
 used to the very non-standard way WebLogic does things. ;)  That is why I 
 decided to write up my own little Orion tutorial.  For now, it can be found 
 at the following URL:
 I wanted to write a tutorial that even a J2EE newbie could follow.  It shows 
 how to use Sun's deploytool to assemble the application, followed by the 
 ultra-simple instructions for deploying it on Orion.
 I just typed it up now, and tested the code.  But it's definately a little 
 sloppy in some places, and I hope I got all the terminology right.  I was 
 hoping some of you could take a look and comment, and then eventually maybe 
 it could be posted on orionsupport.  I tried to copy their style a bit.  I 
 intend to write a Part 2 to this tutorial, explaining helper classes and how 
 to connect to Oracle...which is another common question here, and one that 
 I've asked about myself!
 Well, what do you think?
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: Win2k Pro. is mess... choosing the right database product

2001-02-23 Thread Tim Endres

MySQL has "support" for transactions. However, I think you have to download
a special build of MySQL, and it is only supported for berkley db tables. This
is a stop gap measure until 4.0, which will have much better tx support.


 You are probably right in your asumptions. Might I ask why you have chosen
 to go for PostgreSQL? To me it seems a bit too uncertain to have two pieces
 of experimental software in one project. Personally I was thinking of
 switching to either MySQL or Interbase once my system goes on-line. I have
 used Interbase quite a lot, just not with EJBs, and it is totally free and
 open source nowadays. I have no experience with MySQL, but as far as I have
 read on this list, quite many people are fond of it, and it seems that the
 use of MySQL is a question of once needs for transactions (which MySQL does
 not support).
 I am wondering if anyone is using the prepackaged Hypersonic database in
 production... It has not given me any trouble during this development
 project... yet... - I would feel MUCH better about using a 10+ years old
 well-tested database like Interbase, and I simply do not know why more
 people are not using it.
 Any comments anyone?
  -Original Message-
 Sent: 23. februar 2001 18:39
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Win2k Pro. is messing up the DB
   Hello Randahl,
   First of all, I appreciate your idea.
   Yes, we came to the near conclusion that it was not orion but it was
   To tell the truth, I believe in orion but not very much so in postgresql.
   As a matter of fact, we are using a CVS version of PostgreSQL because
   the released version of postgresql does not yet support the right join sql
   To make matters worse, the Linux JDBC driver was not working properly on
 the timestamp
   field before I made a modification on the driver. We were totally
 forgetting all about this.
   Our Windows developers have had no problems with ODBC drivers so far, out
 of which
   we can guess it is not the DB itself but it is the Linux JDBC driver.
   What are your thoughts?
   Once again, thank you very much.

 - Original Message -
 From: Randahl Fink Isaksen
 To: Orion-Interest
 Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 1:07 AM
 Subject: RE: Win2k Pro. is messing up the DB
 I know this is a wild guess, but just to make sure, I would of course do
 a disk scan on that machine to make sure it is not a hardware problem -
 these things do happen, I am afraid.
 Another good thing would be to run the application on a _different_
 Win2K Pro. machine to make sure it is not just something which is specific
 to only her single machine.
 BTW, I would doubt PostgreSQL more on Win2K than I would doubt Orion.
 Orion is a java application, which gives it a pretty good chance of running
 in the same way on different platforms. To the best of my knowledge
 PostgreSQL on Win2K is a port of the code from another platform, and from
 reading articles at PostgreSQL's web-site it seems it is not totally stable
 on Win2K. I have seen at least two posts on this list where people
 recommends *not* using PostgreSQL from Win NT based systems - not yet,
 I have used Orion on Win2K with no problems - but then again I do *not*
 use PostgreSQL
 Hope you find a solution
   -Original Message-
   Sent: 23. februar 2001 02:19
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Win2k Pro. is messing up the DB
   I do not really know if this is because she's using Window 2000
   All our employees use Windows 2000 Servers or Linuxes or Solarises
 except for one person.
   The exception is Windows 2000 Professional. The problem occurs only at
 her computer.
   Once she updates a DB record, it messes up another record. This does
   happen all the time, but once in a blue moon. This is why I can't
 catch the problem in my code.
   And I do not think it is my code.  I am using CMPs and orion 1.3.8
 with PostgreSQL.
   I doubted postgresql and orion in the beginning, and now I narrowed it
 down to orion because
   it may be machine specific as I mentioned earlier. Why does a DB
 server have to do with
   a specific machine? Then what? An App. Server which holds a session to
 a machine?
   I am lost. Does anyone have any clue? I really really hope it's my
   I appreciate your attention.


2001-02-23 Thread Tim Endres

Hi Rich,

Could you narrow it down? Specifically which JAR breaks Orion. We have replaced
the xalan.jar and xerces.jar files with version 1.2.2 and Orion is happy. Is it
just the jaxp.jar file that is the issue?

Also, I believe that somewhere in the mailing list archives, you will find posts
related to JAXP, but I do not know if they will address your specific question.


 I have been working on this problem all day. I have posted once before and
 no one responded. I will try again.
 I'm no Java expert and this is just my ignorance, but can anyone tell me if
 I'm correct in my assumptions on this.
 I am trying to develop server side code that runs under Orion that uses the
 JAXP code that Sun has recently released. There are different versions of
 parser.jar, xalan.jar and jaxp.jar distributed with Orion. Older ones. I
 have tried replacing the older ones with the newer ones because my code
 requires the newer ones and I guess that my code will be running in the same
 image as Orion. Orion fails to start due to an exception while trying to
 parse its configuration files. Putting the old .jar files back, it works
 again. So, now it occurs to me that I'm basically stuck running with
 whatever version of support code the tools I'm using are dependent on.
 If I'm right, that means I can't use the latest version of JAXP until Orion
 does? Is that right?


2001-02-23 Thread Tim Endres

 [Loaded java.lang.NoSuchMethodError from C:\Program

Richard, do you have the source code for that line it is croaking on?

RE: Get me off this subscription!!!!

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres


Orion has responded to this request at length.

The response was simple. If you can't remember the email address you
subscribed to the list with, how are they going to figure it out? If
you use the unsubscribe form, and it does not work, then guess what?
You are trying to unsubscribe the wrong address.

This problem is your responsibility, not Orion's (that is my opinion,
not Orion's). This is a general problem with mailing lists.

The only thing that I would recommend to Orion is that some mailing
list software can append the user's email address to the message as
it is sent out. This way, the user can just go to the end of the
message to find the address they need to unsubscribe. This would be
a very nice enhancement.


 Hmmm... has anyone told about the
 unsubscription problem - if not I think it is about time, so if noone
 replies to this e-mail, saying they have already done so, I think I will
 send and e-mail to in hopes the problem will be
 solved. But hey, I am sure somebody from the Orion team will send me a reply
 saying they are already taking care of this problem in concern of the Orion
 Server customers...
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adamson, Scott
 Sent: 22. februar 2001 06:40
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Get me off this subscription
 I just tried the 'unsubscribe' form on the website and it even sent me a
 nice assuring comfirmation that I had been unsubscibed, no good. I guess I
 have to have the mail blocked or set up a new email acct.
 -Original Message-
 From: Allen Fogleson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:32 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Get me off this subscription
 did you try the website, enter your email and press submit? it worked fine
 for me when I switched jobs and had to use a new email.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Steve Johann
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:43 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Get me off this subscription
 I have tried all your recommendations to get off your
 subscription list. Come on guys!
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

Re: http 500 errors

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres

Once you run your app, go to the application-deployments directory and into the
directory for your application. In there you will find a file named 
Add something like this to that file:

  file path="application.log" /

 I keep getting internal server errors (HTTP 500), where do I go to debug
 this? Which log file has this stuff?  I need a stacktrace! It's not popping up on 
the console, and I couldn't find it in any of the obvious .log files.
 Thanks in advance...

RE: FAQ-O-MATIC (was: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!])

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres

 More than anything else, though, I think Orion needs a FAQ-O-MATIC.


Re: Test20Cmp / Jim Archers example

2001-02-22 Thread Tim Endres

I am not certain about Jim's example. However, we use this style of code to
null out "transient" fields that get filled in during the use of an entity
bean. The problem is that these fields are not "cleared" between passivation
and re-activation. Thus, you can have fields with invalid values from a pervious
incantation of the bean. Clearing these fields solves that problem.


 I just read Arhcer's Test20Cmp example (posted on this list earlier on). I
 am unaware of the need for the initToNull() method (see below); does anyone
 know why its there - its is repeated in the later examples aswell.
 Well, I know at least one guy who knows... but if anyone else but Jim
 himself knows, you are of course also very welcome to reply ;-). Thanks.
 public String ejbCreate() {
   trace("ejbCreate() entered");
   setEmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]");
   trace("ejbCreate() exiting");
   // In CMP, should return null.
   return null;
   private void initToNull()
   trace("initToNull() entered");
   trace("initToNull() exiting");

Re: Servlet Method size limit? -- Illegal target of jump or branch

2001-02-19 Thread Tim Endres

This has been discussed before, so there are postings in the archive.

The problem lies in the Class files themselves. Java Class files have
16 bits limitations, as well as others. The primary issue appears to
be the large number of string constants generated by JSP pages. I
believe that workarounds were suggested in the previous postings.


 I get the following error using Orion 1.4.7 w/ JDK 1.3 on Redhat.
 Error creating jsp-page instance: java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
 __jspPage11_register_regstep2_jsp, method: _jspService signature:
 nse;)V) Illegal target of jump or branch
 It is due to a large JSP file (mainly due to a lot of tags, not a lot of
 logic).  If I start eliminating some of the tags (doesn't matter which ones)
 the problem goes away.
 I've tried increasing my JVM heap. No luck.
 Where is this limitation coming from? My JVM? Orion?
 The only way to get around it that works is by writing taglibs to eliminate
 the amount of code in the JSP.  Any other suggestions?

RE: ms access Orion?

2001-02-16 Thread Tim Endres

However, MySQL support has not always been that "first class". I can remember the days 
MySQL support was much like Orion support today - you needed the mailing list!

Lets hope that Orion can make the same transition to providing strong support.


 If you use mysql, I think you need to compile the Berkeley engine first to get 
transaction support.  Please query MySQL on this, if you need to use transactions.  
Their support and documentation is first class (are you taking notes here Orion?  
There is a quiz next week). 
 -Original Message-
 From: faisal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 5:06 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: ms access  Orion?
 Thank to all of u guys
 I have not been using BMP before and when i tried ms access it gave me a  hard time 
though i works sometimes
 Thanks to your advice I am going to try MySQl for the moment
 what a Great e-mailing list
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Pridham 
 To: Orion-Interest mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 7:01 PM
 Subject: RE: ms access  Orion?
 Two other free RDMS's are:
 1.  Interbase (http:// ) - originally 
developed by Borland, now open source.  I am using this product in a commercial 
environment.  It is a bit unstable on Linux, but runs great on Win2000.  This DB has 
a JDBC client.  This is a cross platform DB.
 2.  SAP DB ( ) - open sourced by SAP.  I have not 
worked with this DB yet, but I will soon.  This DB also has a type 4 JDBC driver.  
This is a cross-platform DB.
 Both of these databases "appear" to be industrial strength :)
 -Original Message-
 From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 10:32 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: ms access  Orion?
 Is ms access considered an RDMS and does it have a JDBC driver?  If so, then it 
should be theoretically possible to have it work with Orion.   But why would you want 
to do this?  A better solution would be to work with something like Postgresql ( http://www.postgresql.orgom ) or Mysql ( ), if you don't have a commercial database (like Oracle) 
 -Original Message-
 From: faisal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 9:55 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: ms access  Orion?
 does ms access  work with Orion 

Re: SV: Not authorized to view this page

2001-02-16 Thread Tim Endres

 Orion's performance relative to other J2EE products is debatable, but I
 believe it is at the very top, if not the fastest.  In addition, Orion is
 pure Java, so it is very portable (I actually develop on my Win98 laptop).

I wanted to follow up and expound on this last parenthetical comment.

I can't say enough about being able to run our entire application on a single
Win98 box! It means that we can setup a demo on a portable PC, and have a
marketing person show up at a meeting and run a full demo from that portable.
We do not need an internet connection, nor a $10,000 machine.

Also, this means that developers can take work home with them, and not worry
about their connection to the office. It also means that developers can work
complete independent of each other, without stepping on eachother with every
little change to the deployment.

If Orion were used only for development and demos, and your application was
then deployed on a different app server, I think it is worth the $1500!


Re: Last posting

2001-02-14 Thread Tim Endres


I think your posting was sufficiently complex and general that it was
unlikely to generate a reponse. Speaking for myself, but suspecting
that it applies to other "professionals", I am very busy, and do not
have the time to devote to such a response. Sorry.

However, I believe you would be more likely to get a reply if you try
asking specific questions.


 Hash: SHA1
 Pardon me if I sound a little rude, but since not a single person has
 even acknowledged my last post, do I assume that (a) noone cares or
 (b) noone knows?  I am very keen to get started, and very keen to
 evaluate the various avenues open to us, and I had expected a
 commercial application to have a reasonably professional following. 
 Perhaps I was mistaken and I should look elsewhere?
 Cliff Rowley
 Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use

RE: VARCHAR values are always the length of the field

2001-02-14 Thread Tim Endres

I do not think that JDBC is inherently the issue here. Think about it - if the
JDBC-ODBC bridge is faster than the JDBC driver, how can that be? They are both
based on JDBC, and the bridge has ODBC in the processing as well. Thus, I would
conclude that the Merant JDBC driver is poorly written. In general, performance
is often determined mostly by the database server's connection protocol, not JDBC.

I have confidence in JDBC.


 I don't have faith in the JDBC-ODBC bridge (it IS a piece of crap with lot's
 of bugs etc.). Yet, I was surprised to find that the JDBC-ODBC bridge was
 actually much faster than the Merant pure-java thin driver for SQL Server!!
 (very disappointing as I was expecting the performance to be better!) -this
 was the case with Oracle's JDBC drivers also - except that the difference
 was much less. Didn't give me much confidence about the performance of JDBC
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Victor A.
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 10:53 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: VARCHAR values are always the length of the field
 I have some thoughts... don't be cheap and get rid of that piece of crap
 ODBC-JDBC bridge... buy a real jdbc driver.
 - peace -
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael S. Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 2:34 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: VARCHAR values are always the length of the field
 Here's the problem, when I get a datasource like this:
   // Error trapping removed for clarity.
   Context initCtx = null;
   initCtx = new InitialContext();
   String dsName = "jdbc/MSSQLTimecardDS";
   DataSource ds = initCtx.lookup(dsName);
 and use it to return a ResultSet containing a VARCHAR field, the getString
 method always returns a String containing spaces filling out the String to
 the entire lengthe of the VARCHAR field, i.e. if I have a VARCHAR(50) field
 I get a String 50 characters long regardless of how much text is actually
 stored in the field.
 This does not happen when using a CMP to access the same table and does not
 happen when I create a Connection using a DriverManager instead of a
 I'm using the ODBC-JDBC bridge against SQL Server.  Here's my DataSource
 and my database-schema mappings:
 database-schema name="Microsoft SQL Server" not-null="not null" null=""
 primary-key="primary key"
   type-mapping type="java.lang.String" name="varchar (50)" /
   type-mapping type="float" name="float" /
   type-mapping type="double" name="float" /
   type-mapping type="byte" name="smallint" /
   type-mapping type="char" name="char" /
   type-mapping type="short" name="int" /
   type-mapping type="boolean" name="bit" /
   type-mapping type="long" name="int" /
   type-mapping type="" name="varbinary" /
   type-mapping type="java.sql.Timestamp" name="datetime" /
   disallowed-field name="password" /
   disallowed-field name="username" /
   disallowed-field name="date" /
   disallowed-field name="text" /
 I've tried changing the mapping to String to "varchar" (leaving out size
 parameter), but this didn't help.  Any thoughts?

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

Does Saxon solve this particular issue? If so, how?
Thanks, tim.

 We have observed this behaviour with Xalan (1.2.x family) both in and
 outside of app servers. Xalan uses the "working directory", according to
 Java, as the base URI. Which is of course wrong.
 Dunno about Xalan2. Possibly fixed. In any case I'm planning to switch over
 to Saxon.
 Arved Sandstrom
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dan Cramer
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 4:54 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder
 and not web-app root?
 Check out the XSLT spec at According to
 the spec, in an xsl:include tag, a relative URI as the value for the href
 attribute should be interpreted as starting in the same directory as the
 including stylesheet.
   assume that a stylesheet /www/xsl/A uses the tag: xsl:include href="B",
 then the XSLT engine should include the stylesheet /www/xsl/B.
 If this isn't what you're seeing, then your processor has a bug.
 This might help more than my suggestion before :-)
 Dan Cramer
 Chief Architect
 Dynamic Resolve, LLC
 Internet Solutions Consulting
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Duffey, Kevin
  Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 5:47 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and
  not web-app root?
  When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in
  server root
  dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
  is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this
  manner and
  therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
  the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
  Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?

Re: Garbage collection, out of memory

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

Your GC times are huge because you have provided so much memory. If you
reduce the 500MB to 128MB, you will see more GC's, but they will be much
shorter. This is a well known optimization issue. Too little memory causes
to many GC runs, while too much memory causes GC runs to be too long. You
need to experiment to find the best amount of memory to allocate.


 We are experiencing a garbage collection problem.  We are running Orion
 1.4.7 on a Linux 2.4 box.  We have been trying the Sun 1.2.2, the Sun 1.3
 and the IBM JVM 1.3.  On the Sun 1.3 JVM we have tried normal garbage
 collection and also -Xincgc incremental garbage collection.  We run with
 500 megabytes of heap space available to Java.
 The system uses lots of EJBs (mainly stateless session but also quite a
 few entities and a handful of stateful session beans), and we have JSP
 pages which run in the same JVM.
 The system runs very responsively and well, with up to 90 users
 simultaneously using it, for up to an hour.  Then enormous GCs start
 happening which block all activity for up to 180 seconds at a time!  The
 length and frequency of the freezes vary with the different JVMs but all
 are unusable after say an hour of up time.
 The Sun 1.3 in incremental GC mode is the best, and in fact remains stable
 and usable until it starts doing a few 9 second GCs from time to time
 (comparatively bearable) until we get a "HotSpot internal error" which
 stops all processing.
 We are trying all sorts of different things to stop our users getting
 upset, like reducing the JSP session timeout to a minimum, and are
 currently trying to analyse the code with JProbe to find out how to
 minimise unnecessary object creation or memory leaks (stale references to
 no longer used objects etc).
 As several list members have already said, it also seems that some beans
 are never passivated.
 What can we do to make Orion stop using more and more memory, and not to
 cause such outrageous garbage collection cycles?
 Any comments or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
  Fullsix Technology (Paris)

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder a nd n ot web-app root?

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

If you read the appropriate Xalan source code for xsl:include
you will find that when there is no "base" specified for the XSL
document, it uses the System property "user.dir", which is the
directory in which you started Orion, or in your case C:\orion.

Apparently, from the previous posting, setSystemId() can fix this.

Also, you should probably use "./include/include.xsl", or
"include/include.xsl" for your path, as opposed to the full path
implied by the leading slash.


 Alrighty fellas..I just got the latest 6.2 Saxon, put it in my
 www\WEB-INF\lib dir, and remove xalan.jar from Orion directory. When I do
 the following in XSL:
 xsl:include href="/include/include.xsl"/
 It keeps telling me in the Orion window:
 Error at xsl:include on line 4 of file:/C:/orion/:
   \include\include.xsl (The system cannot find the path specified)
 Exception while trying to transform document. MESSAGE = Failed to compile
 stylesheet. 1 error detected.
 So I ask..why does it say its looking in file:/C:/orion/: ?? I made sure
 there isn't any saxon.jar or xalan.jar in the classpath, and Orion
 automatically picks up anything in the web-inf\lib dir (right?) as part of
 the packages accessible via the web-app classpath. So I am not sure why this
 is still happening. Is there a call I need to make to get the web-app local
 root? Or do I need to provide a hard-coded variable on every xsl page that
 is then used for this purpose?
 -Original Message-
 From: Victor A. Salaman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:48 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Duffey, Kevin
 Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder a
 nd n ot web-app root?
 Saxon 6.2
 -Original Message-
 From: Rodrigo B. de Oliveira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 6:54 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Cc: Duffey, Kevin
 Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder a
 nd n ot web-app root?
 And out of curiosity, which XSLT processor are u using then? 
 -Original Message- 
 From: Victor A. Salaman [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:47 AM 
 To: Orion-Interest 
 Cc: Duffey, Kevin 
 Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder 
 a nd n ot web-app root? 
 Orion should just replace Xalan for Saxon anyways... and use TraX instead of
 a propietary interface to Xalan... Xalan is Apache's excuse for having a 
 XSLT processors, besides being one of the slowest in the crowd... 
 -- Victor 
 -Original Message- 
 From: Tim Endres [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:07 AM 
 To: Orion-Interest 
 Cc: Duffey, Kevin 
 Subject: Re: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder 
 and n ot web-app root? 
 If you read the xalan source, you will see that this is a problem with 
 The method that determines the location of the included file is written to 
 file-system and URL based. If has no concept of calling a method like 
 "getRealPath()" to get a path relative to your webapp. The code is a mess. 
 The xalan folks should rewrite this complicated code to simply call an 
 interface that the programmer provides. Then your interface would be called 
 to locate a file, allowing you to apply the getRealPath() method that you 
 really want it to use. I am not sure if Xalan II addresses this or not. 
 The only way Orion could fix this is to patch the xalan code, which I think 
 would be a very bad idea. 
 The way that we solved the problem was to pre-compile the xsl pages in place
 in our development tree, which presented XSL with a simple file-system to 
 locate included files. We then load the compiled pages for XSLT processing. 
 This also speeded up processing times. 
  When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in server 
  dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
  is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner 
  therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
  the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
  Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not? 

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

 I can't seem to find the email with the setSystemId(). Can you either
 forward it to me, or show me how you did it so I can try it out. Where is
 that set specifically?

Here it is. Not very detailed, but hopefully the clue you need.

  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Krevs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not 
web-app root?
  Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 12:29:21 AM EST
  To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Yes, we had this problem. I think its an XSL thing rather than an Orion
  We are using Xalan and call XsltInputSource.setSystemId() to set the root
  directory for transformations

Re: JDBC/DataSource/JNDI Error

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

You need a proper file on your ClassPath. It will define
the property 'java.naming.factory.initial', as well as others. These are
needed by JNDI to find your InitialContext.


 I have download a couple of MS SQL Server trial JDBC2.0 drivers including
 the free one from
 The data source I am trying to use looks like:
 I have tested out both these JNDI (ejb-location) names in the following
 import java.sql.*;
 import javax.naming.InitialContext;
 import javax.sql.DataSource;
 import java.util.*;
 class TestSQL
  public static void main (String args[])
 // Obtain connection
 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/MYDBDS");
 Connection connection = null;
 // Close connection - important!
   catch(Exception e)
   {  System.out.println("Error: " + e.getMessage() ); }
 Neither one of the JNDI database names ("jdbc/MyDatabase" or "jdbc/MYDBDS")
 work.  Whenever I try to execute the code for the datasource, I get an error
 as follows:
 Error: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as
 an applet parameter, or in an application resource file:
 Can anyone tell me what is going on?What is this problem and what can I
 do to correct the problem?
 Any help would be much appreciated!  Thanks.

RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

I think the problem is that you are opening the connection yourself. I think
if you hand the URL String to the XsltInputSource constructor, and let it
open the connection, then it will properly set the base. As it is, the source
can not see the URL, and thus does not know how to set the base.


 I am using the following code to read in the XSL. Its not the most efficient
 way..but it is how I am doing it. I am now starting to see that this must be
 the problem..although I am not sure why.
   StreamSource xslStream = null;
   StreamSource xmlStream = null;
   String urlPrefix = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() +
 URL url = new URL(urlPrefix + r.getXSL());
 xslStream = new StreamSource(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
   catch(Exception e)
 System.out.println("Exception " + e.getMessage());
   // Transform the xml output using the xsl stylesheet and the XALAN XSLT
   // engine, placing the output stream of the transformation in the
   // HttpServletResponse output stream.
   response.setContentType("text/html"); // always assume HTML output from
 this controller
 URL url = new URL(urlPrefix + r.getName() + "?jsessionid=" +
 xmlStream = new StreamSource(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
 TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
 Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(xslStream);
 transformer.transform(xmlStream, new
 This works as far as getting the first XSL page, but the included XSL page
 in the XSL page is not working very well. It appears I need to somehow pass
 the root path or something? I took most of this code out of an example of
 how to use the TrAX api to transform a document. I figured by using URL's to
 read in the xsl AND jsp (to get XML output), it would allow me to locate XSL
 pages anywhere on the web and still get to them. Does it appear something is
 flawed in this approach (or should I say..if you know of a better way to
 make this work, please elaborate if you can).
  -Original Message-
  From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 1:07 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in 
  /Orion folder
  and not web-app root?
  It was an email from Matt Krevs.
  I threw in:
  File xsl = ...; // the stylesheet as a
  XSLTInputSource stylesheet = new XSLTInputSource( new 
  FileReader( xsl ) );
  stylesheet.setSystemId( "file:" + xsl.getAbsolutePath() );
  This works fine with Xalan 1.2.2.
  Arved Sandstrom
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
  Duffey, Kevin
  Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 4:29 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in 
  /Orion folder
  and not web-app root?
  I can't seem to find the email with the setSystemId(). Can you either
  forward it to me, or show me how you did it so I can try it 
  out. Where is
  that set specifically?
   -Original Message-
   From: Arved Sandstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 12:07 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in 
   /Orion folder
   and not web-app root?
   I haven't looked at Saxon with respect to this particular 
   issue. However, I
   went and looked at my copy of Michael Kay's book a few days 
   ago, and he
   confirms the behaviour described in the spec. If you have 
   used SAXON in any
   other way, and/or followed Mike on the Mulberry XSLT mailing 
   list, you'll
   realize that here's a guy who is so up on XSLT that there is 
   no way that he
   would allow this not to work.
   But, yeah, at the moment I'm guessing. :-) Also, there was 
  the earlier
   suggestion to use setSystemId() on the stylesheet 
   XSLTInputSource; I tried
   that and it worked out fine for fixing this problem (with Xalan).
   Arved Sandstrom
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Endres
   Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 3:02 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in 
   /Orion folder
   and not web-app root?
   Does Saxon solve this particular issue? If so, how?
   Thanks, tim.
We have observed this behaviour with Xalan (1.2.x family) 
   both in and
outside of app servers. Xalan uses the "working directory", 
   according to
Java, as the base URI. Which is of course wrong.
Dunno about Xalan2. Possibly fixed. In any case I'm 

Re: classloader

2001-02-13 Thread Tim Endres

This is not a bug. It is a lack of understanding of ClassLoaders by the poster
you referred to in your search. If you search the Orion mailing list archives,
you will see many postings related to this subject. The problem is that ClassLoader
issues are more complicated in an application server environment, and the old
Class.forName( String name ) technique for loading classes no longer applies.

There was a posting by someone who has written a paper on ClassLoader issues.
That posting is in the archives. I would strongly recommend that you read that
paper, as it will clarify this issue for you.


 I'm trying to use Class.forName in the startup of an application
 running in Orion.
 It simply does not work.
 Here is a piece of the code:
   System.out.println("Class to use for logging " + 
   Class classname = logclass;
   try {
   logclass = Class.forName(classtouse); 
   //logclass = 
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
   System.err.println("Could not find class " + 
   logclass = classname;
   } catch (Exception e) {
   System.err.println("Exception during parsing: " + e);
 And what do we see when we start Orion with this application:
 Class to use for logging org.mmbase.util.logging.log4j.Log4jImpl
 Orion/1.4.5 initialized
 You see, after '1' it simply stops, and we see in the log and when we
 try to see a page:
   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.mmbase.servlet.JamesServlet
 which does not make sense to me, because I'm sure that this class
 _does_ exist, and I dont' get this message if I cut away this specific
 code with 'forName'.
 I've searched with google, and found someone with the same problem,
 which was called a bug in orion by someone else:
 (would that URL be reliable?, well, a few cites from it:
  Turbine class and other are loaded correctly with the servlet class =
  But Class.forName() break this logic as it goes directly to the Global
  system class loader.
 Right. In that case, what should happen is this:
 Class.forName() is called in the scope of orion's custom classloader. The
 systemclassloader is then asked to find the class. When it can't find it,
 then the custom class loader should attempt to find the class. It sounds
 like this part is what isn't happening and is a bug in the orion
  I guess it is possible to hide the problem by modify the server =
  but this is a dirty hack :(
  I am not familiar with Turbine code and I am not sure what is the right
  approach here, or if this is a problem. What do you think?
 Tell the people who make Orion to fix their broken classloader. This is a
 prime example of why people shouldn't write closed source servlet engines.
 Was this a bug indeed? Is it solved? It there a workaround? Does
 anyone understand what I mean?
 Michiel Meeuwissen - NOS internet 
 Mediacentrum kamer 203 - tel. +31 (0)35 6773065

Re: Why xsl:include seems to try to find files in /Orion folder and not web-app root?

2001-02-12 Thread Tim Endres

If you read the xalan source, you will see that this is a problem with xalan.
The method that determines the location of the included file is written to be
file-system and URL based. If has no concept of calling a method like
"getRealPath()" to get a path relative to your webapp. The code is a mess.

The xalan folks should rewrite this complicated code to simply call an
interface that the programmer provides. Then your interface would be called
to locate a file, allowing you to apply the getRealPath() method that you
really want it to use. I am not sure if Xalan II addresses this or not.

The only way Orion could fix this is to patch the xalan code, which I think
would be a very bad idea.

The way that we solved the problem was to pre-compile the xsl pages in place
in our development tree, which presented XSL with a simple file-system to
locate included files. We then load the compiled pages for XSLT processing.
This also speeded up processing times.


 When I use the xsl:include.. directive, it appears to look in server root
 dir, and not the web-app root its deployed in. I am not quite sure if this
 is something to do with Orion, or if all servers operate in this manner and
 therefore its an error of the XSLT technology. Or..perhaps its an error of
 the saxon library I am working with. Just wondering if anyone working with
 Orion and XSL have seen this problem or not?

Re: The best way to get the context path

2001-02-09 Thread Tim Endres

Your context path can change depending on deployment. It is
best to let the HttpServletRequest extract it from the URI.
So the call to request.getContextPath() is your best bet.

 where should I place the image filesPetr Podsednik wrote:
 img src="%=request.getContextPath()%/images/app-logo.gif" .
 - I know that you often need your own context path in order to return a
 correct link to some resource in your web-app, but is there not a better way
 than calling request.getContextPath() ? It seems odd to me to ask for the
 context path on the request object - I am looking for something like
 pageContext.getServletContext().getInitParameter("the application context
 but I have not been able find out how to make this work...
 Any comments / suggestions would be appreciated

Re: Too much caching? - the database has changed

2001-02-06 Thread Tim Endres

You should not be changing the deployment folder files directly, except to check
to see if something works. You should create your own orion-ejb-jar.xml file in
your own EAR (or build directory if you deploy directly). Orion will then pickup
your version of orion-ejb-jar.xml and add anything else that it needs, and place
the result into application-deployments.


 Thanks for the help Tim.
 I am not sure I like this solution. Why do I have to go and change this in 
 the application-deployments folder? The same question applies to the table 
 name for the CMP Beans. How do I choose a table name different than the 
 default one without touvhign the application-deployments folder?
 Wouldn't make more sense if I can change these things in the "ejb-jar.xml" 
 that is part of the EJB package?
 At 08:55 PM 2/5/2001 -0500, Tim Endres wrote:
 Check the docs. There is a flag that you need to set to tell Orion
 that is does not have "exclusive" access to the database, and that
 it needs to recognize when a record is updated by a program other
 than Orion.
 I believe you need to look at the "exclusive-write-access" attribute
 of the entity-deployment element in orion-ejb-jar.xml.
   Two more things.
   1. On the server side I get the following
   ejbCreate( 10, Name 10, Address 10 )
   Entity 10 passivated
at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.ail(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(JAX)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
   ejbPassivate( 10, Name 10, Address 10 )
   There is no record with ID = 10, name = "Name 10" and address = 
  "Address 10".
   2. The exactly same code for EJB, client and the same database work 
  fine on
   I am using Orion 1.4.5.
   I am having a problem.
   I am creating some records using some BMP and CMP EJBs. While Orion is
   still running I am deleting the records using a simple JDBC client.
   When I try to ccreate the same records again I get an exception that says
   javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException: Entity already exists
at com.evermind.server.rmi.a1.invoke(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invoke(JAX)
at __Proxy1.create(Unknown Source)
at SelectTestClient.CreateRecords(
at SelectTestClient.TestOrion(
at SelectTestClient.main(
   How can I make Orion aware that the database has changed?
   Thank you,
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get your free address at
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Re: HTTPS from Orion Java Bean

2001-02-05 Thread Tim Endres

Since I have no code, I can only guess...

Sounds to me like you are getting a different URLConnection subclass in the
two cases. I would try to print out the connection that you are getting to
see what it is. Then you will need to see if you can correct the problem
from there.


 Hello all!
 I've written a bean that calls a credit card processing gateway from a Java
 bean.  It is very simple and executes an https://... request.  Then it reads
 the entire contents of the web page.
 And it works if I run my AuthBean class from the command line.  But when I
 attempt to use AuthBean, calling it from an Orion JSP, I get a runtime
 SSL not implemented.
 So I looked at all I did to enable the j2sdkee1.2.1 to work with SSL and
 tried to somehow apply that to Orion, but I came up blank.
 I read through the SSL help page and it doesn't seem to address the problem
 I'm having.
 Any help would be appreciated!
 -Geoff Marshall, Director of Development
 t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
 54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
 San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

Re: Too much caching? - the database has changed

2001-02-05 Thread Tim Endres

Check the docs. There is a flag that you need to set to tell Orion
that is does not have "exclusive" access to the database, and that
it needs to recognize when a record is updated by a program other
than Orion.

I believe you need to look at the "exclusive-write-access" attribute
of the entity-deployment element in orion-ejb-jar.xml.


 Two more things.
 1. On the server side I get the following
 ejbCreate( 10, Name 10, Address 10 )
 Entity 10 passivated
  at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.ail(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(JAX)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 ejbPassivate( 10, Name 10, Address 10 )
 There is no record with ID = 10, name = "Name 10" and address = "Address 10".
 2. The exactly same code for EJB, client and the same database work fine on 
 I am using Orion 1.4.5.
 I am having a problem.
 I am creating some records using some BMP and CMP EJBs. While Orion is 
 still running I am deleting the records using a simple JDBC client.
 When I try to ccreate the same records again I get an exception that says
 javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException: Entity already exists
  at com.evermind.server.rmi.a1.invoke(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invoke(JAX)
  at __Proxy1.create(Unknown Source)
  at SelectTestClient.CreateRecords(
  at SelectTestClient.TestOrion(
  at SelectTestClient.main(
 How can I make Orion aware that the database has changed?
 Thank you,
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Re: How to specify cache time out period for images !!!!

2001-02-02 Thread Tim Endres

This is a very general HTTP/browser question that you might get a quicker answer
to from a more target newsgroup, such as comp.infosystems.www.browsers, or one
related to HTTP. However, if someone on this list has the answer, I know I sure
would like to hear it. I wonder if have a servlet field the requests for images,
so that it can set the proper header lines, would be enough? I don't know if
browsers honor those headers when they are downloading images.


 We have a J2EE application developed with JSP,EJB and SQL server 2000 with
 Orion Server.We want to cache all our jsp page  for a particular time on a
 caching server.With HTTP Headers this is perfectly working but the  images
 on the page it never Time out. I would like to know if there is a way to set
 cache time out for images in Orion or JSP
 Can any body help.

Re: Servlet loading twice if init() not finished?

2001-02-01 Thread Tim Endres

I believe that is perfectly normal behavior. Init() is called whenever a servlet
instance is created, and they may be created at any time and in any number (unless
you specify a limit in your servlet engine, or you use the single threaded model
for your servlet, which I do not recommend for obvious reasons). This is why your
servlet must be written for a multi-threaded environment.

The only workaround I can think of, if you can not redesign your code, is to use
a Singleton to get the loading done, and make the Singleton synchronized.


 i have a servlet as a front component in my webapp; the servlet has also the
 task of loading objects from a db during his inizialization. Loading the
 objects takes some time  i have encountered a situation wich i didn't
 expected  wich i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong or it is orion.
 The situation is that if orion recive a request wich point to the servlet
 before the servlet has finished the init() method (wich was triggered from a
 previous request) it creates another instance of the servlet.
 I have done a small example so that i can explain me in a more clear way :
 in my web.xml file i have defined   mapped the servlet:
 the code of the servlet is:
 import java.util.*;
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
 throws ServletException, IOException {
 doGet(req, res);
 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
 throws ServletException, IOException {
 public void init() {
 System.out.println("init() " +this);
 try {
 Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000);// this is for simulating
 the time consuming task
 } catch (Exception e) {}
 System.out.println("done! " + this);
 now, if I start the server  i call the servlet 2 times (the second before
 init() finish) i can see 2 servlet instance created (see the output below)
 D:\orionjava -jar d:/orion/orion.jar
 Orion/1.4.5 initialized
 init() TestServlet@704baa
 init() TestServlet@34fad5
 done! TestServlet@704baa
 done! TestServlet@34fad5
 wich is not really what i want( expected). I haven't watched the specs so
 i'm not sure if this is the correct behavior in a situation like that  i
 would like to know what u people think about it.
 If someone has also a workaround it will be very much appreciated.. ;)
 I'm running orion on w2k (i tried 1.4.5  1.4.4, same behaviour for both).
 Ing. Marco Isella, Software Engineer
 TINET SA, Via Violino 1, CH-6928 Manno-Lugano
 tel. +41 91 612 22 22, fax. +41 91 612 22 23

Re: orion and mysql?

2001-01-30 Thread Tim Endres

  I found it very easy...I use: - jdbc driver - connection pooling
 One variable i had was w/javaexchange's DBBroker, set AutoReconnect=true...
 so far so good...been using awhile

Which mysql are you using? Not all versions support transactions.

Re: Orion returns X EJB when you lookup for Y EJB !!!

2001-01-30 Thread Tim Endres

 First, we faced big problem of lookup which everybody is facing.
 We solved that after very long exercise. Now we are facing another bigger problem.

Please elaborate and explain to the list what you did to solve this problem.


Re: application.log file size

2001-01-29 Thread Tim Endres

My thought is that you should rotate that log file the same way that many logfiles
are rotated. Then it will not grow to 2.1GB.

 Hey there,
 Has anyone ever delt with the application.log file size?  We ran into a
 situation where orion died because it could not access the log file.  It's
 size had ballooned to 2.1GB.
 Any thoughts/ideas?
 Thanks in advance,
  * Ken Eisner
  * Developer
  * Bricsnet US, LLC
  * Portsmouth, NH
  * phone: 603-559-2528

Re: Downloading a file via a Servlet

2001-01-29 Thread Tim Endres

 We have a servlet that sends back PDFs that are stored in a database.
 Everything seems to work great but the one oddity/issue that I would like to
 solve if possible is. When someone wants to save the PDF, instead of
 viewing, it wants to save the PDF as the name of the servlet. I understand
 why this is the case, but I wonder if there is anything, perhaps in the
 content header, that I could set the actual name of the file. 
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Most browsers only consider the URL when determining the name to save as.
I do not know of any specific header to modify this. To solve the problem
in previous systems, I designed the servlet to include the "name.pdf" at
the end of the URL, which I used as the servlet's PathInfo. This certainly
solves the problem.


Re: Session timeout

2001-01-25 Thread Tim Endres

Setting the session's timeout to infinite makes sense when you are
managing the timeout within your logic. For instance, our system uses
its own concept of an EJB session, which the servlet "fronts" with its
own HTTPSession. Thus, when the EJB session times out, we would then
invalidate the HTTPSession.


 Nobody's answering my question. Please~~
 Any idea is welcome. Thanks very much.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Seung Ryong Bang" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:03 AM
 Subject: Session timeout
  Hello all,
  I have just put the following line in my web.xml.
  It will not invalidate any session unless the session is forced to be
  invalidated on purpose.
  I do not really know if it's going to be fine that way.
  A session is going to be alive without being invalidated all thru the
  even if the session is not used by anyone anymore. Is that right?
  That being the case, isn't it kinda resource waste? Am I getting something
  I appreciate your help and thoughts in advance.
  PS: The above config. in web.xml sets the servlet session timeout. Right?
  Then what about session bean's
  timeout? Is that the same thing? Or is it somewhere else?

Re: Connection reset by peer: socket write error Can someone help

2001-01-25 Thread Tim Endres

That is exactly correct. Say during a long download, the user hits the "Stop"
button. The browser will close the connection, and the Exception indicated
will be thrown by the underlying stream for the servlet. You will need to
catch these exceptions if they are a problem for the servlet.


 This is not specific to orion. I've seen it with weblogic as well. My theory
 is that the browser (I suspect that it is explorer only) abruptly stops
 reading a http response. The webserver is then left with a socket it can't
 write to any longer.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Puthezhath, Rajeev (TWII Boston)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 4:07 PM
 Subject: Connection reset by peer: socket write error Can someone help
  We are developing a web application with orion as application server and
  server as the database.
  When i do stress test some time at get the following error.Can Some one
  why this is happening
   in Jsp Exception com.evermind.server.http.HttpIOException: Connection
  by peer: sock
  et write error
  com.evermind.server.http.HttpIOException: Connection reset by peer: socket
  write error
  at com.evermind.server.http.ez.write(JAX, Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindJSPWriter.r2(JAX, Compiled
  at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindJSPWriter.flush(JAX, Compiled
  at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindJSPWriter.write(JAX, Compiled
  piled Code)
  at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX, Compiled
  at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.w5(JAX, Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX, Compiled Code)
  at, Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.d1.forward(JAX, Compiled Code)
  at com.evermind.server.http.ed.sp(JAX, Compiled Code)
  at, Compiled Code)
  at, Compiled Code)
  Can some one please help.

Re: AW: Stand-alone-client

2001-01-18 Thread Tim Endres

 ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory is the right factory when using
 application clients (J2EE - application-client.xml). If you want to use a
 pure stand alone Java Application 
 RMIInitialContextFactory should be your choice.

Please elaborate. What is the difference between an "application client" and
a "pure stand alone Java Application"?

Re: Stand-alone-client

2001-01-17 Thread Tim Endres

Try using:

 I'm trying to connect to my EJB's from a stand alone client like this:
 Properties prop = new Properties();
 Context con = new InitialContext(prop);
 boundObject = con.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/XXXHome");
 xxxHome =
 Im getting this error message:
 "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: java:comp/env/ejb/XXHome not
 I know that the EJB's are working cause I'm able to access them from a
 I have refs to the EJB in application-client.xml.
 Any suggestions ?

RE: Dynamic JSP in Orion

2001-01-10 Thread Tim Endres

I want to second this sentiment. We looked at JSP, Cocoon, Struts, and all
of the other so-called "logic/presentation separation schemes". However,
every time I looked at the pages of those schemes I saw code embedded in
there. That did not look like separation to me.

So, we built a simple servlet that invokes lightweight command objects that
talk to session beans for the business logic. The command objects are selected
by the servlet's pathInfo, and they simply build an XML document that represents
the results of the business logic.

The XML is then handed to XSLT along with the XSL page for the command, and
HTML is sent to the client. The commands and pages are all specified by a
simple XML configuration document that the server reads at startup time.

The commands know nothing about the page. The pages know nothing about the
commands. I even have the option of sending the XML and XSL to the client's
browser and offloading the XSLT processing.

Also, I can easily hand a simple example XML document to a webpage designer,
and they can code the XSL without ever having to connect to the live system
to run the logic! This is a hueg win.

So far, this approach has worked well and feels far superior to JSP or its

The most significant downside that I see is that XSLT support is scarce in
webpage development tools such as DreamWeaver and its kind. I expect this
to improve over time, but it is an important consideration. The only other
complaint I have is that XSL is not a pretty language.


 In my opinion the best template solution is one
 based on xsl and xml; with the best separation
 information, display. And is very easy to use if
 you know little xslt;
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert S.
 Sent: mardi 9 janvier 2001 23:46
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Dynamic JSP in Orion
 Hello folks.
 Still on the path of getting to know JSP and Orion, and was wondering how
 (hopefully without using cocoon) can I get to the point of serving dynamic
 JSP files.
 What I'm tying to do is serve up templates which are stored in the DB.  The
 templates contain html which forms the look and feel of a site, and the
 different features available in a certain section of the site.
 These Templates also return the content for the site, the content itself
 may or may not contain more dynamic data.
 Ultimately those templates and content would contain some JSP code or XML
 code which gets changed based on the user, location, template, content, the
 content type etc...
 I'm coming from a Cold Fusion / Tango environment, and I can see that
 things are a little different with JSP, and the rules change
 dramatically.  it's pretty easy to do this stuff in those environments.  It
 doesn't seem as obvious in JSP since the pages are pre compiled and any JSP
 code which might exists in the Templates or content will be ignored.  What
 I need to do is parse that code, or write something which will allow me to
 parse that code.
 I don't mind so much putting in the coding time, but I am concerned about
 maintaining top serving speed, and still allow me the freedom of being as
 dynamic as my clients want to be.
 So with that in mind, I was wondering if Orion had any internal facilities
 to support some kind of dynamic JSP pages.  If not what do you folks
 recommend to use for such applications?
 Thanks much in advance, and sorry if this subject has already come up
 Robert S. Sfeir
 Director of Software Development
 PERCEPTICON corporation
 San Francisco, CA 94123
 w -
 t - (415) 749-2900 x205

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