[osint] Welcome to ShariaAmerica

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf




By Debra Rae
June 3, 2011

Acts 17 Apologetics has posted a provocative U-Tube video in which David
Wood welcomes listeners to what he dubs SHARIAmerica.[1]
http://www.newswithviews.com/Rae/debra194.htm#_ftn1  In it, Wood offers
compelling reason why our government's official position regarding the
Holy Qur'an exemplifies religious duplicity. The postmodern term for
double standard is political correctness. It entails unfair application
of a principle, rule, or expectation to different groups-only one of which
is condemned for the slightest offense. The other is treated far more

One would expect that, if a double standard were applied in the land of the
free, it would favor Bible principles. Indeed, in 1892 the U.S. Supreme
Court established that our laws and our institutions must necessarily be
based upon the teachings of the Redeemer of Mankind. It is impossible that
it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent, our
civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian. 

Even so, freedom of religion allows free exercise of the Christian faith
while, at the same time, it gives place to those of differing persuasions.
In his 1791 autobiography, Benjamin Franklin did not disapprove of a
Pennsylvania meeting place designed to accommodate preachers of all
religions. Even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to
preach Mohammedanism to us, Franklin added, he would find a pulpit at his
service.[2] http://www.newswithviews.com/Rae/debra194.htm#_ftn2 

Put another way: Tolerant 'R US, and stats prove it. While the population
of the United States exceeds 300 million, only three percent are Muslim; all
the same, in addition to Islamic day- and weekend- schools, there are some
two thousand mosques scattered across our nation.[3]

At taxpayer expense, the University of Michigan, Dearborn and the
Indianapolis International Airport even provide footbaths for ritualistic
Muslim washing! While Christian students are denied a moment of silent
prayer in state schools and athletic fields, Muslim counterparts at Carver
Elementary School, San Diego are granted fifteen-minute prayer breaks each
afternoon. Double standard? You bet.[4]

Will the Real Voice of Tolerance Please Stand Up?

No compulsion in religion is a Quranic principle; nonetheless, a
co-founder and Board Chair of the Council on American Islamic Relations,
Omar Ahma, believes that the Qur'an-not the U.S. Constitution-should be the
highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.

Of the seventy percent of the world's population who live in countries that
restrict religious liberty, most are Muslim-majority countries (plus China
and North Korea).[5] http://www.newswithviews.com/Rae/debra194.htm#_ftn5
In publicly praising Islam for its proud tradition of tolerance, President
Obama seemingly ignores the plight of Christians who pay a tragically high
price for professing their Christian faith in those nations.

Just ask former Muslim terrorist-turned-Christian, Walid Shoebat. He and his
ilk are by no means alone in risking life and limb to proclaim the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. Focused on reaching Muslims for Christ, a notable
Arab-American evangelist, Father Zakaria Botros, daily faces threat of
assassination. The same holds true for the Son of Hamas author Mosab Yousef.
In chronicling his conversion to Christ, Yousef has, in effect, declared
war on Islam; and some Muslim fundamentalists, also in the U.S., believe
that he must be killed for it.[6]

According to the Center for International Policy (CIP), Brigette Gabriel
has made a post-9/11 career out of roundly denouncing Islam, decrying
'political correctness,' and promoting the concept of an existential clash
of cultures. The CIP also states that, Her pro-Israel, anti-Islam spiel,
coupled with her compelling personal history, has made her a popular
speaker, writer, and general 'expert.' She appears sometimes as a
commentator on television news and radio programs, often speaking out for
the rights of Muslim women.[7]

For sharing her compelling personal history, Gabriel faces threat of
reprisal. Hence, when speaking at the Universities of Memphis and North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and elsewhere, she requires police protection-and
not because of some phantom fear. Iranian Gilda Ghanipour knows all about
it. Following her conversion to Christianity, Ghanipour sought asylum and
later won amnesty in America; but before she received the good news, she
went missing.[8] http://www.newswithviews.com/Rae/debra194.htm#_ftn8 

While Islamists pronounce death sentences on Muslims who convert to
Christianity, American converts to Islam 


2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf




By Dr. Laurie Roth
June 3, 2011

For the last few years I have heard the building and wrenching rebuke of
America and Israel's future. More and more leaders and politicians have
become part of the traitorous and evil scheme to punish America and steal
from America's wealth and traditions. President Obama and his goons have
spent us into stimulus oblivion, denied us energy independence, forced
unconstitutional and rationed health care on the people and apologized
around the world for us. 

At the same time America reels from Obama's endless attacks, Israel also
finds herself in 'Frankenstein's' laboratory. Body and land parts are flying
while the international pressure and threats build to a bloody crescendo
from Obama and the UN. 'Don't build in your own settlements' 'Go back to the
1967 borders' 'give away more land to the Palestinians, including chunks of
Jerusalem.' Thank God Netanyahu said NO, to 1967 borders, YES, to building
where they want to in their country and NO, to giving away Jerusalem.

In just a few months the UN plans to take an unprecedented vote against
Israel. They plan to vote Palestine into existence as a state even though
terrorist group Hamas with a vivid history of murdering Jews from 1987 on
has now joined another terrorist group Fatah. They have no intention of
changing their Government charter to include Israel as having the right to
be a state next to them. Instead, Hamas, backed and funded by Ahmadinejad
and Iran, has long declared their plans and goals to destroy Israel, while
screaming 'victim' and 'marter' from the roof tops. Only recently,
Ahmadinejad said publicly that the Iranian people demand complete
elimination of Israel. To ad to the glowing inspiration, Ahmadinejad's
spiritual mentor and cleric said it is ok to kill Israeli children. It is
the Muslim's duty to participate in suicide bombings. Let us stand and sing
hymn number 399 as we contemplate the Religion of peace and the children's
bodies flying by.

There is international, globalist and Islamic pressure that wants and plans
to control the world. As long as America is powerful and free, and Israel
survives and thrives, this cannot happen. The US and her constitution
believe that freedom is the gift of God, not man. Belief in God of the Holy
Bible, our entrepreneurial spirit, capitalism and exceptionalism have grown
this country in just a few hundred years to be the leader of the free world
and envy of the world. Dictatorships, many of these Islamic Dictatorships,
hate America and only put up with her because of her strength, oil and
products we buy from them. Our elections and freedom to choose our leaders
will always be a huge threat to Islam and controlling tyrants around the
world. Israel represents the same threat and even more to the Middle East.
They are not only a democracy surrounded by Islamic dictatorships who call
out to their people to kill the Jews, but they have kicked Islam's butt
since 1948 by winning war after war put onto them by Islam.

Let's look at growing attitudes 

I have talked with too many the last few years who have resigned, who
believe America is done, under judgment and on her way out. We deserve to
die and be punished, God is 'getting us' now. Occupying Israel also
deserves to be punished and pulled back even more because of her radical
cruelty toward the suffering Palestinians. Evil Jews!

What is the truth

America and Israel are under serious attacks, but neither will die or be
destroyed. God is getting America's attention and allowed us to pick an evil
leader who has hurt us, but, this has awakened the distracted, sleeping
giant. 100 million Tea party people later, folks are waking up to the
critical, constitutional priorities and freedom again. We know that Obama
and progressive Democrats are wrong for America and must go. 

Americans resent and refuse being forced to buy anything, let alone a hybrid
health insurance that rations care. America isn't just believing the well
placed and chronic, teleprompter lies anymore. More and more people get it.
Obama is ruining the country and stealing from our future. That is not the
change many signed up for. There will be change all right. IT IS COMING FROM
THE AMERICA PEOPLE IN 2012. America will recover, boot Obama out and put a
patriot in the White House this time. We refuse to let go of our legacy,
freedom and achievements. Israel will also survive, thrive and continue to
achieve as the Muslim and UN inspired world rallies against her. Freedom
will stand. The US and Israel will stand. Radical Islam and those who teach,
preach, promote and fund Jihad, suicide bombings and sharia law will lose
and be destroyed. Any questions?


We all must do our small part in getting back our country and freedoms.
Therefore I have started just this week 'The Roth Revolution' to draw
patriots together in a 

[osint] al-Qaeda in Sinai

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Al-Qaeda in Sinai

Posted By P. David Hornik On June 3, 2011 

It started early this week when a senior Egyptian security official told
http://www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=222820  the Egyptian-based
Al-Hayyat TV channel that over 400 Al-Qaeda members had made their way into
the Sinai Peninsula. They were said to be composed of Palestinians,
Bedouins, and foreign Arabs, and Egyptian security forces were said to be
pursuing them since they were planning to carry out terror attacks in

The official told Al-Hayyat that they had already carried out attacks
against [Egyptian] security forces in the Sinai city of El Arish.

The report seemed to gain credence on Monday when Israeli prime minister
Binyamin Netanyahu told
rol-of-growing-terror-groups-in-sinai-1.364949  the Knesset's Foreign
Affairs and Defense Committee that Egypt is having a hard time realizing
its sovereignty in Sinai. International terror organizations are stirring in
Sinai and their presence is increasing due to Sinai's connection to Gaza.

Although Netanyahu left it vague, that due to can work both ways:
terrorists in Sinai, particularly if intent on attacking Israel, can make
their way into Gaza, and terrorists in Gaza-especially now that Egypt has
opened the Rafah crossing
-crossing/ -can make their way into Sinai.

Although it may have gotten a significant boost this week, the problem of
Al-Qaeda and other global jihadist forces in Sinai is not new. Last February
5, a gas pipeline to Israel and Jordan was blown up
ael-and-jordan-after-pipeline-explosion-1.341368  in northern Sinai, and it
was blown up http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=218033  again
on April 27. The attacks are attributed to local Bedouins, global jihadists,
or a collaboration between the two. 

Last August, five rockets were fired
100803  from Sinai at the Israeli resort town of Eilat; one, the only one
to cause damage, instead hit the adjacent Jordanian town of Aqaba, killing
one and wounding five. Global jihadists were believed to be behind it.
Another rocket, also probably fired from Sinai, had hit Aqaba in April
without causing casualties.

Severe bombing attacks have also struck Egyptian targets in Sinai: in 2006,
one in Dahab that killed at least 23; in 2005, one in Sharm el-Sheikh that
killed 88; and a double bombing at the Taba and Ras al-Shitan resorts in
2004 that took at least 34 lives.

The mounting terror threat from Sinai puts Israel in a difficult dilemma.
Under the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, Israel withdrew from Sinai
while Egypt agreed to leave it demilitarized, deploying only police and
border guards there. But after the first gas-pipeline bombing last February
5, Israel-for the first time since the peace treaty's signing-allowed Egypt
to move military forces into the peninsula.

Though the two Egyptian battalions were supposed to put a lid on the growing
anarchy, just days later, Israel turned down
http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=207115  an Egyptian request
to deploy additional forces, fearing a complete breakdown of the peace
treaty with Cairo.

Upholding the peace treaty, then, means a growing presence for Al-Qaeda and
other global terror in Sinai, without adequate Egyptian-or any other-forces
to counter it. Derogating from the treaty means allowing Egypt-in the
post-Mubarak era that has seen rising extremism
tml  there-back into the peninsula, which borders Gaza to the north and
Israel itself to the south, and from which Egypt attacked Israel in 1948 and

Above all, the situation underlines the fragility of the peace-process
paradigm, which has become axiomatic in international diplomacy and assumes
that Israel can gain peace in return for territorial concessions.

As long as the Mubarak government-which, while violating almost all the
other terms of the peace treaty, never militarily attacked Israel-ruled
Egypt, it could be claimed that the paradigm was at least succeeding in the
Egyptian case. Today, with Sinai becoming a terror haven that threatens both
Egypt and Israel, and with Israel rightly judging that letting Egyptian
forces enter it is even more dangerous, the days-1967 to 1979-when Israeli
forces controlled Sinai can only be regarded with nostalgia.


Article printed from FrontPage Magazine: http://frontpagemag.com

URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/06/03/al-qaeda-in-sinai/


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[osint] Is America's love affair with kids waning?

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
About time.


Dogs are much better.




Is America's love affair with kids waning?

By Haya El Nasser and Paul Overberg, USA TODAY

Updated 10h 50m ago | 

-suburbs_n.htm?csp=Dailybriefing#uslPageReturn   |  javascript:;  

Share http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250 

Reprints  javaScript:RightslinkPopUp()  Permissions

LEVITTOWN, Pa. - In 1960, the year Helen Cini gave birth to one of her five
children, 15 other kids were born on her block here in this quintessential
postwar American suburb.

-EP59QB1-x-large.jpg Helen Cini points out a photo of her son and
neighborhood children that was taken in the driveway of their first
Levittown, Pa., home. This once-classic suburb near Philadelphia was
designed for families with kids.

By Eileen Blass, USA TODAY

Helen Cini points out a photo of her son and neighborhood children that was
taken in the driveway of their first Levittown, Pa., home. This once-classic
suburb near Philadelphia was designed for families with kids.


By Eileen Blass, USA TODAY

Helen Cini points out a photo of her son and neighborhood children that was
taken in the driveway of their first Levittown, Pa., home. This once-classic
suburb near Philadelphia was designed for families with kids.

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social challenges.

The local obstetrician was so busy he often slept in his car.

Kathy Bachman felt like an oddity when her family moved to Cherry Lane in
the Crabtree section of Levittown when she was 5. She was an only child, and
everybody had five or six kids in every house.

Fast-forward to 2011.

. STORY: Household size is growing

. INTERACTIVE: Census numbers in your state, town

Bachman, now 64, still lives in her childhood home. She brought up her kids
there, but they're grown and gone. The house next door is vacant. Few
driveways are cluttered with scooters and tricycles.

Out of 75 houses on the street, I'd say maybe 15 might have kids, Bachman

Fewer kids


-suburbs_n.htm?csp=Dailybriefing Source: Analysis of Census Bureau data by
Paul Overburg, USA TODAY. Map by Julie Snider, USA TODAY

-suburbs_n.htm?csp=Dailybriefing Change in the number of children under 18.


Fewer kids


Source: Analysis of Census Bureau data by Paul Overburg, USA TODAY

Map by Julie Snider, USA TODAY

Children, the mainstay of suburbia and residential neighborhoods across the
nation for more than a half-century, are fewer and increasingly sparse in
many places.

The share of the population under age 18 dropped in 95% of U.S. counties
since 2000, according to a USA TODAY analysis of the 2010 Census.

The number of households that have children under age 18 has stayed at 38
million since 2000, despite a 9.7% growth in the U.S. population. As a
result, the share of households with children dropped from 36% in 2000 to


By Eileen Blass, USA TODAY

Helen Cini has lived in four different sections of Levittown, Pa., and has
resided in her current Levittown home for 35 years.

[osint] Showdown Over Libya

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
O's Constitutional education is sadly lacking.no wonder he doesn't want to
show his law school transcripts and credentials.he probably flunked.



Showdown Over Libya

Posted By Rick Moran On June 3, 2011 

In a toughly worded resolution
html  which the House will vote on Friday, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is
demanding that President Obama either seek congressional authorization to
continue US involvement in the NATO-led Libyan operation or determine the
best way to withdraw from the conflict. The resolution states that Obama
failed to give Congress a compelling rationale for going to war and
demanded he do so in writing in 14 days. The measure also calls for a ban on
US ground forces in Libya except in cases where an American service member
was in imminent danger.

The speaker is challenging Obama to comply with the War Powers Act, which
requires the president to get congressional authorization 60 days following
the commitment of troops to a military action. The authorization deadline
passed last month. In addition to demanding a rationale for going to war,
Boehner's resolution supplies a list of 21 questions
-drafting-resolution-on-libya  on Libya where the House is seeking
clarification on the war, including its goals and objectives, costs and
justification for not seeking congressional authorization.

Boehner's measure was one of three resolutions introduced in the House - all
expressing various degrees of opposition to the president's actions in
taking the US to war without consulting congress. Representative Michael
l-disapproving-libya-mission-gains-steam  introduced a non-binding
resolution that garnered considerable support, expressing disapproval of the
Libyan adventure. And far-left Congressman Dennis Kucinich
_870105.html 's resolution calling for an immediate withdrawal of US forces
was pulled from the floor at the last moment on Wednesday night because,
according to Kucinich, there was a chance it might have passed. In fact,
Boehner admitted as much when he told reporters
_870105.html , I think we decided that the House wasn't ready to decide
the question.

Passage of the resolution would have hugely embarrassed the president
internationally, and may have had untoward consequences with our NATO
allies. That's the opinion
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110602/ap_on_re_us/us_congress_libya of
Defense Secretary Robert Gates who said through a spokesman that he
believes that for the United States, once committed to a NATO operation, to
unilaterally abandon that mission would have enormous and dangerous
long-term consequences.

Boehner echoed those concerns in the Thursday meeting with GOP members,
saying, according to ABC News,
down-the-war-powers-act-gauntlet-on-libya-.html  The Kucinich measure will
express our constituents' angst, but it will also have long-term
consequences I believe are unacceptable. The speaker explained that NATO
nations had stood fast with us in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to abandon them
in Libya would mean that the US would have turned our backs against our
NATO partners who have stuck by us for the last 10 years.

Several members
1.html  expressed the view that Boehner's presentation on why voting for
the Kucinich resolution would have harmed American interests convinced most
of the caucus to vote for the speaker's alternative. Armed Services
Committee Chairman Rep. Howard Buck McKeon (R-CA) said after the meeting
that He (Boehner) believes we shouldn't try to make political points on
foreign policy.

Boehner felt it necessary to give his caucus an alternative to the
resolution being offered by Kucinich
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56106.html which directs the
president to remove the United States armed forces from Libya by not later
than the date that is 15 days after the date of the adoption of the
measure. Kucinich's resolution would have eventually been voted on anyway
because of its privileged status, so Boehner will bring it to the floor on
Friday along with the GOP alternative.

Before all this legislative maneuvering on Thursday, White House Press
Secretary Jay Carney tried to put the best face
ouse-pushes-back-on-efforts-to-end-libya-intervention on a very touchy
situation for the 

[osint] The Shifting Battlefront

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
No, Pakistan is a foe.it is Muslim.  Islam and Muslims are 100% opposed to
everything Western civilization.any civilization.stands for.




The Shifting Battlefront

Posted By Alan W. Dowd On June 3, 2011 

A month after the lightning strike on al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, a
number of broader lessons are coming into focus.

1. Pakistan is neither friend nor foe. Since 9/11, there has been a debate
in Washington over the dysfunctional Pakistani government, with one side
arguing that Islamabad is doing its best to rein in its unwieldy
intelligence service and military, and the other arguing that the Pakistani
government is complicit in what its intelligence operatives do-and what its
military won't do.

That debate was settled by SEAL Team 6, which did not find bin Laden hiding
in some remote cave on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. In fact, he was in a
mansion just yards away from the Pakistani military academy. It's simply
impossible to believe that Pakistani military and intelligence personnel in
the area-or government officials in nearby Islamabad-were unaware that the
most wanted man on earth was living next door.

Sadly, this wasn't the first time Pakistan has let its American allies down
since 9/11. For example, a shadowy wing of the Pakistani intelligence
service has coordinated Taliban operations against the NATO-led
stabilization force in southern Afghanistan for years. Pakistani soldiers
have surrendered from time to time rather than fight the Taliban and al
Qaeda. Likewise, the Pakistani government has ceded vast stretches of the
country's laughably misnamed Federally Administered Tribal Areas to enemy
forces. And Pakistani troops have fired on NATO helicopters operating along
the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier.

At some point, winning the broader war will demand tough decisions in
Islamabad-and perhaps recognition in Washington that Pakistan is part of the
problem rather than part of the solution.

2. Afghanistan is no longer the central front of this war. Reasonable people
can disagree about the need to continue the nation-building effort in
Afghanistan. On one side, there is growing sentiment in Congress to declare
victory and bring the troops home. With more than 1,580 American troops
killed, $444 billion spent and nearly a decade of commitment fighting the
Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, America has already made an enormous
sacrifice and built many of the institutions necessary to enable Afghanistan
to resist the impulses to jihadism.

On the other side, there are the ghosts of 1988, when the Red Army was
defeated in Afghanistan and America stopped caring about this broken
land-until September 11, 2001.

Whether we declare victory now or stay on until 2014, it does seem the
battlefront is shifting:

. Osama bin laden, after all, was in Pakistan and had been there for years;
the jihadists are striking at the Pakistani government at will and control
parts of the country.

. Yemen's branch of al Qaeda is increasingly the epicenter of al Qaeda
activity. Rep. Jane Harman, an expert on intelligence issues, warns, We're
much more likely to be attacked in the U.S. by someone inspired by, or
trained by, people in Yemen than anything that comes out of Afghanistan. In
fact, the past 30 months have seen a series of Yemen-linked terror attacks
and near misses.

. Likewise, lawless Somalia provides an ideal environment for al Qaeda and
its kindred movements. U.S. forces have struck terror targets in Somalia
repeatedly since 9/11, including special ops assaults in 2009, missile
strikes in 2008, airstrikes and Naval attacks in 2007, and backing
Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia in 2006.

. Finally, we should keep an eye on Saudi Arabia. Even though the U.S.
withdrew virtually all its forces from the kingdom in 2003, the U.S. is
helping build, equip and train a 35,000-man security force to protect Saudi
oil facilities, the largest of which was targeted in a failed al Qaeda
attack in 2006. If the jihadists hit the Saudi oil fields, we will long for
the days of $4-per-gallon gas.

3. Winning will take time. We know that bin Laden is dead. But bin
Ladenism is not. Those inspired by bin Laden and his al Qaeda network, as
the 9/11 Commission warned in 2004, will menace Americans and American
interests long after Osama bin Laden and his cohorts are killed or

The hunt for bin Laden is instructive in this regard. It began long before
9/11. In fact, it was in 1996 that the CIA created a special unit devoted
solely to tracking the terror mastermind. Two years later, after the twin
embassy bombings in East Africa, the United States officially announced its
war on bin Laden and his terror network. Noting that bin Laden had publicly
vowed to wage a terrorist war against America, President Clinton launched
scores of cruise missiles at bin Laden's bases in Afghanistan and at
facilities with purported links to al Qaeda in Sudan. Our battle against
terrorism, Clinton predicted, will be a long, ongoing 

[osint] Britain Bans Michael Savage - But Welcomes Castroite Butchers

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Britain Bans Michael Savage - But Welcomes Castroite Butchers

Posted By Humberto Fontova On June 3, 2011 

After two years of legal wrangling, radio-host Michael Savage is still
banned from setting foot in Britain. The original ban handed down in May
2009 was explained by former Labor Home Secretary Jacqui Smith: Coming to
the U.K. is a privilege, she said,

[A]nd I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our
standards and values and who foster extremist views as I want them to know
that they are not welcome here. Mr. Savage engages in unacceptable behavior
by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred.

The current Conservative British administration of David Cameron holds
fast to the ban. Your client has not provided any evidence to show that he
did not commit the unacceptable behaviour that caused the decision to
exclude him, recently wrote British government spokesman Michael Atkins to
Michael Savage's attorney.

Instead of the false contrition, groveling, and confessions that Stalin, Mao
and Che Guevara demanded from the subjects they accused of thought crimes
(before murdering them), Michael Savage had sought to repudiate his listing
alongside terrorists and Nazis by resorting to the tenets of Western
jurisprudence and presenting evidence to the contrary.

His bad some might quip regarding the strategy. In today's Britain, what's
left of the Magna Carta only works in favor of actual Islamic terrorists.

One month after insulting and banning Michael Savage in 2009, Britain opened
her arms to Che Guevara's daughter, Aleida. The occasion was a celebration
in London titled Cuba50, billed as the biggest European celebration in the
50th anniversary year of the Cuban Revolution. In London's expansive
Barbican Centre, Britain threw the continent's biggest party commemorating
fifty years of Castro's Stalinist regime, which jailed political prisoners
at a higher rate than Stalin's, murdered political prisoners at a higher
rate than pre-war Hitler's, and came closest of any regime to plunging the
world into nuclear war. Che's daughter was there to promote, in her own
words: my father's ideals, his concerns, and his ambitions. I believe that
my father is a banner to the world.

Fine. Let's have a look at Aleida's father's ambitions, mindful that what
got Michael Savage banned from Britain was his purported fostering of
extremist views and his hate speech. 

Hatred is the central element of our struggle! raved Ernesto
http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/35155/ Che Guevara
in his 1966 Message to the Tricontinental Conference in Havana:

Hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural
limitations, making him a violent and cold-blooded killing machine.We reject
any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers
of blood must flow. These hyenas [Americans] are fit only for extermination.
We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! The victory of
Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!

No rational person would require much elasticity of definition to classify
Aleida's father's speech as hateful. And Aleida Guevara, in an interview
with the Guardian during the visit, boasted that the purpose of her visit
was to foster her father's views.  I want to be like Che and fight until
final victory, then you feel elated. It is preferable to sink in the sea
than to betray the glory that once lived.

The British government gives no indication that in the process of promoting
her father's ideals Aleida Guevara presented the slightest offense to
Britain's standards and values.

Adding insult to injury a few weeks back, Britain hosted one of Castro's
premier butchers, Victor Dreke. One of Che Guevara's 'pillars' is in London
for the 50th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs, headlined the UK
istory-man-still-talks-of-revolution-2269020.html 's Independent. His
belief in the socialist system remains resolute; his disdain for the US
unchanged; his pride for what he, Che, the Castro brothers and the
revolution achieved intact.

The prideful achievements of Castro, Che and Dreke include jailing
political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin during the Great Terror and
murdering more Cubans than Hitler murdered Germans during the Night of Long
Knives. Many more Cubans died while trying to escape these achievements
than Germans died escaping East Germany. The achievement of this wholesale
butchery was to plunge a nation with a higher per capita income and a  lower
infant mortality than half of Europe and deluged with immigrants into one
that repels Haitians. Alas, in the process, the Castro brothers did
achieve the power of Stalin and Mao.

Unmentioned by his British hosts is that their recent guest of honor, Che
Guevara henchman Victor Dreke, had a very bloody hand in one of the major
anti-insurgency wars of our hemisphere. Don't look 

[osint] Mr. President, There Can Be No 'Two-State Solution'

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Mr. President, There Can Be No ‘Two-State Solution’

Posted By Louis René Beres On June 3, 2011 

Mr. President, the “two-state” approach to peace between Israel and
“Palestine,” strongly reaffirmed in your recent meetings with Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accepts the position of an Israeli
“occupation.” Yet, even the most cursory look at pertinent world history
would reveal several compelling reasons to reject any such position.
Organized Arab terrorism against Israel began on the very first hour of
Israel’s independence, in May 1948. Indeed, virulent anti-Jewish terrorism
in the British Mandate period had even taken place many years before
Israel’s statehood.

What about the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)?  It was founded in
1964, three years before Israel came to control the West Bank
(Judea/Samaria) and Gaza. Mr. President, what was the PLO planning to
“liberate” between 1964 and 1967? The answer, of course, must be all of
Israel within the “green” armistice lines” of 1949. These are precisely the
1967-borders that you have recently identified as the appropriate starting
point for current peace negotiations.

What should we now know about the PLO? Significantly, it was declared a
“terrorist organization” in a number of U.S. federal court decisions,
including Tel-Oren v. Libyan Arab Republic (1984).

More than five years ago, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, seeking peace with
the always-recalcitrant Palestinians, forcibly expelled over 10,000 Jews
from Gaza and northern Samaria. Immediately, these areas were transformed by
Hamas from productive growing and living areas to terrorist rocket launching
sites. Today, in obvious synergy with a new regime in Cairo – a military
governing council soon to be intimate with powerful elements of the Muslim
Brotherhood – Egypt’s newly reopened Rafah border is creating an
unobstructed terrorist path directly into Israel.

Mr. President, why aren’t the Palestinians reasonably expected to cease
deliberate and random violence against Israeli civilians before being
admitted into the community of nations?  Isn’t it already clear that they
seek something other than an “end to occupation.” Isn’t it already very
likely that both Fatah and Hamas still regard all of Israel as “occupied”
territory. After all, their official maps, long familiar in Washington,
still include all of Israel as part of “Palestine.”

Mr. President, without an alleged “occupation,” there could remain no
possible legal or moral justification for Palestinian policies of relentless

Nonetheless, the fact that “occupation” is a contrived legal fiction has had
little or no impact upon your own administration’s position on Palestinian

Nor, somehow, has it occurred to your administration that both Hamas and
Fatah still find their common ideological mentors in Hitler and Goebbels,
two figures for whom the prospective rulers of a nascent “Palestine” are
ardent objects of unhidden admiration.

Mr. President, at its core, your policy toward Israel and “Palestine”
reveals certain incremental bewitchments of language. Over the years, Arab
patience in building an expanding Palestinian state upon mountains of
Israeli corpses has been achieved systematically by linguistic victories.
However untrue, the ritualistic canard of an Israeli “occupation” has been
repeated so often that it is now generally taken as irrefutable fact.

Mr. President, why is it simply disregarded that Israeli “occupation”
followed the multistate Arab aggression of 1967. Egypt, Syria and Jordan
(now in the throes of a so-called “Arab Spring”) have never even denied this
aggression. And who bothers to recall that these very same Arab states were
also the principal aggressors in the explicitly genocidal Arab attacks that
began on May 15, 1948, literally moments after the new Jewish State’s
UN-backed declaration of independent statehood. 

Mr. President, please recall that a sovereign state of Palestine did not
exist before 1967, or before 1948.  Nor did UN Security Council Resolution
242 ever promise a state of Palestine. A state of Palestine has never
existed. Never.

Even as a non-state legal entity, “Palestine” ceased to exist in 1948, when
Great Britain relinquished its League of Nations mandate.  During the
1948-49 Israeli War of Independence, West Bank and Gaza came under
incontestably illegal control of Jordan and Egypt respectively. These Arab
conquests did not put an end to an already-existing state or to an ongoing
trust territory.  What these aggressions did accomplish was the intentional
prevention of any Arab state of Palestine.

From the Biblical Period (ca. 1350 BCE to 586 BCE) to the British Mandate
(1918 – 1948), the land named vengefully by the Romans after the ancient
Philistines was controlled only by non-Palestinian elements.  A continuous
chain of Jewish possession of the land was legally recognized after World
War I. At the San Remo Peace Conference in April 1920, a binding treaty was

[osint] Soldier doing 15 years for shooting terrorist in self-defens

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Soldier doing 15 years for shooting terrorist in self-defense
Posted by Jack Minor • 
May 12, 2011 •

Prosecution withheld key evidence, judge says, So what

by Jack Minor


While the nation rejoices at the death of Osama bin Ladin, a soldier who killed 
a terrorist that attempted to grab his weapon continues to serve out a 15- year 

 His mother, Assistant District Attorney Vicki Behenna, told the Gazette 
details of the case which are also available on a website supporting her son.

 LT Michael Behenna was deployed to Iraq in September 2007. His platoon was 
attacked in April of the following year by Al Qaeda operatives, resulting in 
the death of six people.

 The following month Ali Mansur, a known terrorist, was detained and held for 
his role in the April attack. The Army, without explanation, released Mansur 
and ordered Michael to return him to his home.

 Prior to his release, the terrorist lunged at Michael attempting to get his 
gun. Michael defended himself by firing two shots at Mansur, killing him. After 
learning of the incident, the Army charged Michael with premeditated murder.

 During the trial, the prosecution argued that Mansur was killed execution 
style as he sat on a rock. On February 25, their expert witness, Dr. Herbert 
MacDonnell, stated the evidence indicated that Mansur was actually standing and 
reaching for Behenna's gun when he was shot. MacDonnell has over 50 years of 
experience in forensic science. He is the director of the Laboratory for 
Forensic Science in Corning, N.Y. and participated in investigations of the Dr. 
Martin Luther King Jr. and Sen. Robert Kennedy assassinations. He also 
testified in the O.J. Simpson murder case.

 The following day, Behenna told the jury that, while interrogating Mansur, he 
turned back to talk to the interpreter. At that time Mansur, who was only three 
to four feet away, lunged for Michael's gun. Michael  then moved to the left 
and fired two shots. This explanation was identical to what MacDonnell had told 
prosecutors the evening before.

 During a brief recess, MacDonnell met with the prosecutors and said the 
evidence indicated that, Michael must be telling the truth and in the 
interest of justice they should put him on the stand.

 The prosecution team reportedly looked at MacDonnell coldly and told him his 
services were no longer needed and he would be flown home that night. As he 
left the courtroom he told the defense counsel, Jack Zimmerman, that he would 
be a great witness for Michael. He stated he could not elaborate as he was 
still an expert witness for the government, but told them to ask the 

 The following day, based on MacDonnell's comments, Zimmerman asked the 
prosecutors if they had any exculpatory evidence that should be provided to 
them. The prosecution denied having any such evidence.

 During the closing arguments prosecutor Jason Elbert argued it was 
impossible that Mansur was reaching for Michael's gun, despite what his 
expert witness had told him.

 As a result of the withheld testimony, Michael was convicted of unpremeditated 
murder. Following the conviction, but prior to the sentencing, Dr. MacDonnell 
submitted an email to the prosecution expressing his concern over not being 
able to testify.

 He said, As I demonstrated to you and to the other two prosecutors, Dr. Berg, 
Sgt. McCaulley and Sgt. Rogers, from the evidence I feel that Ali Mansur had to 
have been shot in his chest when he was standing. As he dropped straight down 
he was shot again at the very instant that his head passed in front of the 

 MacDonnell continued, Admittedly, this would be an amazing coincidence, 
however, it fits the facts and … I cannot think of a more logical explanation. 
This scenario is consistent with the two shots being close together, consistent 
with their horizontal trajectory, consistent with the bloodstains on the floor, 
and consistent with the condition of the 9 mm flattened out bullet which was 
tumbling… When I heard Lt. Michael Behenna testify [Thursday] as to the 
circumstances of how the two shots were fired, I could not believe how close it 
was to the scenario I had described to you on Wednesday. I am sure that had I 
testified I would have wanted to give my reenactment so the jury could have had 
the option of considering how well the defendant's story fit the physical 

Following receipt of the email, one of the prosecutors revealed its contents to 
the court. Despite this revelation, the judge subsequently refused defense 
requests for a mistrial. Behenna was sentenced to 15 years in prison. In 
December Michael's family appeared before the Army Clemency Board.

 During the appearance, the family stated Michael's sentence was 50 percent 
higher than the highest sentence given to any soldier convicted of 
unpremeditated murder in a combat zone. The board was also presented with 
letters from the Governor 

[osint] FW: Muslim traitors are the reason conservatives are pushing for stepped up enforcement of treason laws

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/ Bare Naked Islam

It isn't Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you.

·  http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/about/ About

 Are the TSA gropers also looters?


CANADA: Muslim traitors are the reason conservatives are pushing for stepped up 
enforcement of treason laws

Posted: June 2, 2011 | Author:  
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam | 
Filed under:  http://en.wordpress.com/tag/enemywithin-foreign/ 
EnemyWithin-foreign |  

No surprise, liberals are strongly opposed to stripping Muslims of their 
Canadian citizenship, no matter what they do against their country.

Brian Lilley on bringing back treason



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[osint] Mercenaries joining both sides in Libya conflict

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Mercenaries joining both sides in Libya conflict
Thu Jun 2, 2011 10:12pm GMT
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* Gaddafi using more private contractors than rebels
* Westerners turning up near front lines
* U.S. secret operations still very low key

By Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON, June 2 (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and rebel
groups seeking to depose him are both hiring private military contractors to
bolster their fighting forces, according to U.S. and Western security

They said small numbers of private contractors were turning up on the ground
in Libya working with rebels fighting Gaddafi's forces.

The officials, who insisted on anonymity to discuss sensitive matters, said
that -- to their knowledge -- none of the foreigners working with the rebels
was American or being paid with U.S. government funds.

While the use of mercenaries by Gaddafi's opponents appears to be new, the
beleaguered Libyan leader has long used foreign freelancers, mostly from
sub-Saharan Africa. Gaddafi's mercenaries outnumber the rebels', U.S.
officials said, and he is relying on them to reinforce what is left of his
regular military, significantly weakened by an increasingly aggressive NATO
military campaign.

Contractors working with the Benghazi-based rebels may have come from or
been recruited through private military companies in countries such as
France and Britain, which are playing the most active front-line roles in
the NATO campaign.

Last month, four French nationals who had been working in Libya for private
security firm Secopex were freed after apparently being held in Benghazi for
several days by rebel forces. A fifth member of the group, former
paratrooper Pierre Marziali, was killed at the time of their capture.

While there were allegations that Secopex was working for Gaddafi's
government, the company issued a statement saying that to the contrary, it
was in contact with rebels. Secopex said its personnel had been offering
bodyguard services to businessmen and were trying to establish a corridor
for safe passage between Benghazi and Cairo.

A representative of the Harbour Group, a Washington public relations firm
that represents the rebels' National Transitional Council, said he had no
information about private contractors working with Gaddafi's opponents.


A classified covert action finding signed by U.S. President Barack Obama
earlier this year authorized the CIA to plan and conduct a wide spectrum of
operations in support of Gaddafi's opponents. But so far, even on an
undercover basis, U.S. government operations against Gaddafi have been
limited, officials said.

They said CIA operatives have been on the ground in Libya collecting
intelligence and providing some advice to rebels as well as helping them to

Like the Obama Administration, Britain's coalition government says it has
drawn the line at financing mercenary operations against Gaddafi.

A representative for the British Embassy in Washington told Reuters: There
are no UK combat forces in Libya. Other than security for (British)
personnel in Benghazi, (the British government) is not funding any private
security or military company to work in Libya.

Earlier this week, Britain's Guardian newspaper reported that former
soldiers from an elite British commando unit, the Special Air Service, and
other private contractors from Western countries were on the ground in the
Libyan city of Misrata.

The Guardian said contractors were helping NATO identify possible targets in
the heavily contested city and passing this information, as well as
information about the movements of Gaddafi's forces, to a NATO command
center in Naples, Italy. The newspaper reported that a group of six armed
Westerners had been filmed by the Al Jazeera TV network talking to rebels in
Misrata; the men fled after realizing they were being filmed.

U.S. officials have said the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which
oppose Gaddafi, are willing to back his opponents with money and weapons.

One U.S. official said there are indications that Qatar may be paying
outsiders to help the Libyan rebels. Qatar's embassy in Washington did not
respond to a request for comment.

One of the officials played up the involvement of mercenaries with Gaddafi's
forces, saying: Foreign mercenaries who are participating in the Libyan
conflict are fighting with Gaddafi's forces. That's an arrangement that
Gaddafi's had planned for years ago.

The official played down the involvement of mercenaries with Gaddafi's
opponents, saying, So far, we haven't seen discernible foreign mercenary
support on the rebel side. (Editing by Warren Strobel and Mohammad Zargham)

C Thomson Reuters 2011 All rights reserved

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[osint] When we invade your country, we ask you nicely to convert to Islam

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


we-ask-you-nicely-to-convert-to-islam/ When we invade your country, we ask
you nicely to convert to Islam 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| June 2, 2011 at 7:48 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=173710 Religion of Hate | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-uOc http://wp.me/peHnV-uOc 

If you refuse to convert, we don't kill you, we ask you to pay the jizya
(tax) and then we protect you. If you refuse to convert and refuse to pay
the jizya, then we kill you. It's all good. H/T MEMRITVVideos

we-ask-you-nicely-to-convert-to-islam/ Read more of this post

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[osint] Klavan's One-State Solution: Give the Middle East to the Jews (Video)

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


ve-the-middle-east-to-the-jews-video/ Klavan's One-State Solution: Give the
Middle East to the Jews (Video) 

 http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/author/scottystarnes/ Scotty Starnes |
June 2, 2011 at 7:40 PM | Tags:
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=1967-borders 1967 borders,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=israel Israel,
http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/?tag=jews Jews,
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[osint] Further Details in the Kentucy Terrorist Investigation

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Further Details in the Suspected Terrorist Investigation

It's the first news of it's kind here in Bowling Green Kentucky: two

suspected terrorists living in the community allegedly plotting to harm 

Suspected Terrorist: FBI Talk about Investigation


It's the first news of it's kind here in Bowling Green Kentucky: two

suspected terrorists living in the community allegedly plotting to harm U.S.

troops in Iraq.


It may have been shocking to hear the news, but for the Feds, they had been

keeping a watch on the men for quite sometime.


The FBI conducted an extensive investigation over the course of 20 months.


Now, Alwan's and Hammadi's checkered pasts are coming out, and the suspects

were allegedly revealing their backgrounds in their own words.


Beginning in 2010, one year after the initial investigation, an under cover

agent, or as the FBI says confidential human source (CHS) , had

conversations with Alwan, and then later Hammadi.


Both allegedly said they had been insurgents in Iraq and had even been

arrested by Iraqi authorities in the past.


Kentucky FBI Spokesman Special Agent David Beyer tells WBKO that during

their investigation they uncovered a finger pring of Alwan's on an

unexploded IED.


Special Agent Beyer says once the two were in the U.S. they allegedly

expressed interests in sending money and weapons to Iraq to the CHS.


Special Agent Beyer assures that the weapons these men were supposedly

trying to transport were inoperable and never made it to the intended

destination because it was all a part of the under cover operation.


He says, There was no real danger in regards to the weapons being



According to Special Agent Beyer the FBI is still investigating whether

there are more people suspected of terrorism in Kentucky.


Bowling Green City Commissioner and Former Police Chief Bill Waltrip says he

commends the FBI and local law enforcement for working together to make an



Waltrip says, As a community Bowling Green should remain vigilant. Any acts

of terrorism or criminal activity should be reported to the law enforcement,

so they can work and do their jobs.


Waltrip, along with Special Agent Beyer, adds that these two men should be

seen as individuals who are suspected of a crime and not a specific group.


If you would like more information on this investigation you can visit the

Louisville FBI web page at the link listed below.



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[osint] Obama Losing the American Jews

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


s/ Obama Losing the American Jews 

 http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/author/doctorbulldog/ doctorbulldog |
2 June, 2011 at 8:47 pm | Categories:
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=5183334 Obama Sucks,
http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/?cat=398 politics | URL:
http://wp.me/p1NPg-79I http://wp.me/p1NPg-79I 

Quite an interesting, well thought-out editorial from the Jewish World View
that doesn't bode well for Our Dark Overlord:

For the First Time in My Adult Life . . .
By Arnold Ahlert -
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0611/ahlert.php3?printer_friendly Jewish
World View

First, a disclaimer: this is not an op-ed column in the traditional sense.
Call it more of a feeling. With a nod to Michelle Obama, for the first time
in my adult life, I'm beginning to believe that government is my enemy. Not
a nuisance, nor a necessary evil, but a conglomeration of self-absorbed,
self-interested people working directly against the interests of the
American public. People who, if Americans ever got the courage to openly
rebel, would instinctively seal off Washington, D.C., rather than seriously
address the source of the peoples' discontent.

Americans are being subjected to the most lawless president and
administration in the history of the nation. Can't a get law through
Congress? Screw Congress, the president will issue an executive decree and
have it carried out by an agency, cabinet official or an unelected czar.
He'll have his tax-cheat Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, take to the
airwaves and literally blackmail the entire nation, telling Americans that
if this gangster government can't raise the debt ceiling without any
pre-conditions, they'll trash the entire economy as payback. Why? So all of
this administration's crony-capitalist Wall Street and banker buddies can
keep making money hand over fist, without having to share it with Main
Street America. So they can continue being immunized from the consequences
of their momentously greedy and stupid behavior, the single worst example of
which was bringing the entire world's economy to its knees based on a
single, ridiculous premise:

Real estate only moves up, not down.

As for QE2, which is now coming to an end, even as QE3is being contemplated,
how many Americans really know what quantitative easing really is? Here's
what it really is: America is printing money to buy its own debt. This keeps
interest rates low, as anyone else we would borrow money from would want
reasonable assurance, aka interest, that the most profligate nation in the
history of the world won't leave them hanging. Low interest rates - as in
zero, currently - allow the banks to borrow money for nothing, and
artificially props up the stock market.

What does it do for small businesses who still can't borrow, and ordinary
Americans who want to save money, but can't get more than two percent
interest in anything other than the stock market? Not a damn thing good. But
as many Americans are discovering, trashing the dollar is causing energy
prices to skyrocket, just like this president and his administration wants
them to, so he can wean us off fossil fuels. Yet it's also causing food
prices to skyrocket.

Are we being weaning off of eating too?

Pick an arena, any arena, and eventually the administration's corruptive
nature rears its head. Health care? The administration picks waiver
winners and non-waiver losers. The Justice Department? U.S. Attorney
General Eric My People Holder will investigate - or not investigate -
whomever he wants, irrespective of impartiality. National defense? The
administration will bleed American soldiers dry, making them fight endless
and politically correct wars with one hand tied behind their backs,
attempting to win the hearts and minds of people who couldn't care less.

Foreign policy? Obama will spend hundreds of millions of dollars community
organizing a Libyan opposition we know nothing about, even as he thumbs his
nose at the War Powers Act of 1973 requiring Congressional approval for
military operations which exceed 60 days. And he and his Democratic cohorts
will sell Israel down the river, even as clueless DNC head, Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz demands that Republicans pledge to refrain from bringing
it up during the 2012 election campaign.

A sidebar: Debbie topped herself yesterday, saying Republicans believe
illegal immigration should be a crime. Does a movie entitled Debbie Does
Demagoguery have a nice ring to it?

This administration deliberately plays Americans off one another for the
purpose of creating resentment and envy. The moochers and the slackers are
told nothing is their own fault, that they shouldn't have to pay a nickel
for America's upkeep, and that the only thing keeping them down is the
free-market capitalist system. The genuine wealth creators (not the crony
capitalists) are told they're not 

[osint] FW: Are the Supremes getting ready to act against the usurper?

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf



According to sources who watch the inner workings of the federal government,
a smackdown of Barack Obama by the U.S. Supreme Court may be inevitable
al-showdown-t.html .

Ever since Obama assumed the office of President, critics have hammered him
on a number of Constitutional issues.

Critics have complained that much, if not all of Obama's major initiatives
run headlong into Constitutional roadblocks on the power of the federal

Obama certainly did not help himself in the eyes of the Court when he used
the venue of the State of the Union address early in the year to publicly
flog the Court over its ruling that the First Amendment grants the right to
various organizations to run political ads during the time of an election.

The tongue-lashing clearly did not sit well with the Court, as demonstrated
by Justice Sam Alito, who publicly shook his head and stated under his
breath, 'That's not true
ent-in-yawnworthy-obama-sotu-speech/ ,'when Obama told a flat-out lie
concerning the Court's ruling. 

As it has turned out, this was a watershed moment in the relationship
between the executive and the judicial branches of the federal government.
Obama publicly declared war on the court
161583 , even as he blatantly continued to propose legislation that flies
in the face of every known Constitutional principle upon which this nation
has stood for over 200 years. Obama has even identified Chief Justice John
Roberts as his number one enemy, that is, apart from Fox News and Rush
Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and so on. And it is no accident that the one
swing-vote on the court, Justice Anthony Kennedy, stated recently that he
has no intention of retiring until 'Obama is gone.'

Apparently, the Court has had enough.

The Roberts Court has signaled, in a very subtle manner, of course, that it
intends to address the issues about which Obama critics have been screaming
to high heaven. A ruling against Obama on any one of these important issues
could potentially cripple the Administration. Such a thing would be long

First, there is ObamaCare, which violates the Constitutional principle
barring the federal government from forcing citizens to purchase something.
And no, this is not the same thing as states requiring drivers to purchase
car insurance, as some of the intellectually-impaired claim. 

The Constitution limits FEDERAL government, not state governments, from such
things, and further, not everyone has to drive, and thus, a citizen could
opt not to purchase car insurance by simply deciding not to drive a vehicle.

In the ObamaCare world, however, no citizen can 'opt out.'

Second, sources state that the Roberts court has quietly accepted
information concerning discrepancies in Obama's history that raise serious
questions about his eligibility for the office of President. 

The charge goes far beyond the birth certificate issue. This information
involves possible fraudulent use of a Social Security number in Connecticut,
while Obama was a high school student in Hawaii. 

And that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Third, several cases involving possible criminal activity, conflicts of
interest, and pay-for-play cronyism could potentially land many
Administration officials, if not Obama himself, in hot water with the Court.

Frankly, in the years this writer has observed politics, nothing comes close
to comparing with the rampant corruption of this Administration, not even
during the Nixon years. 

Nixon and the Watergate conspirators look like choirboys compared to the
jokers that populate this Administration.

In addition, the Court will eventually be forced to rule on the dreadful
decision of the Obama DOJ suing the state of Arizona. 

That, too, could send the Obama doctrine of open borders to an early grave,
given that the Administration refuses to enforce federal law on illegal

And finally, the biggie that could potentially send the entire house of
cards tumbling in a free-fall is the latest revelation concerning the
Obama-Holder Department of Justice and its refusal to pursue the New Black
Panther Party. 

The group was caught on tape committing felonies by attempting to intimidate
Caucasian voters into staying away from the polls.

A whistle-blower who resigned from the DOJ is now charging Holder with the
deliberate refusal to pursue cases against Blacks, 

[osint] FW: Words of wisdom - 20 ZEN TEACHINGS

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Words of wisdom - 20 ZEN TEACHINGS

1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I
may not follow. Do not walk beside me for the path is narrow. In fact, just
piss off and leave me alone. 

2. Sex is like air. It's not that important unless you aren't getting any. 

3. No one is listening until you fart. 

4. Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else. 

5. Never test the depth of the water with both feet. 

6. If you think nobody cares whether you're alive or dead, try missing a
couple of mortgage payments. 
7. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That
way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. 

8. If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. 

9. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and
he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. 

10. If you lend someone £20 and never see that person again, it was probably
well worth it. 

11. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. 

12. Some days you are the dog, some days you are the tree. 

13. Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time. 

14. Good judgment comes from bad experience...and most of that comes from
bad judgment. 

15. A closed mouth gathers no foot. 

16. There are two excellent theories for arguing with women. Neither one

17. Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving. 

18. Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. 

19. We are born naked, wet and hungry, and get slapped on our ass... Then
things just keep getting worse. 

20. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on
the same night. 


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[osint] Jordan receives $400 million grant from Saudi Arabia

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Jordan receives $400 million grant from Saudi Arabia
ewsID=33637CatID=13 site_id=1NewsID=33637CatID=13

Amman, June 2(Petra) -- Finance Minister Mohammad Abu Hammour announced that

Jordan received a cash payment of 400 million dollars as a grant from Saudi 

He said in a statement that His Majesty King Abdullah's efforts and contacts

with Arab and world nations had paid off as those countries came to 
understand the Kingdom's economic difficulties and offer it various forms of


The Minister thanked Riyadh for its ongoing support of Jordan in various 
spheres, emphasising the close and brotherly ties between the two Kingdoms.

Abu Hammour said the grant is particularly needed for implementing capital 
projects on the state budget and would reflect on the level and quality of 
services and ease some of the budgetary strains.

The sum is part of grants projected by the 2011 budget.

//Petra// SD
2/6/2011 - 08:24:23 PM 

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[osint] Will Iran's Mullahs Use the Bomb?

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf



June 3, 2011

Will Iran's Mullahs Use the Bomb?

Amil Imani



There is so much smoke around the Iranian Mullahs' bomb that makes Tehran's
smog feel like a fresh ocean breeze, by comparison. Here is a partial list
of views about the Mullahs, their capabilities and intentions about the bomb


The Mullahs:

* Will never dare to use the bomb, even if they had it. To do so would be
* Are years away from anything resembling a credible bomb, in any
* They lack the technological skills needed to make a workable bomb. 
* Don't have the means of hitting Israel with the bomb, their professed
favorite target. 
* Want the bomb for defensive purposes only. 
* Would never hand the bomb over to proxy terrorists. 
* Are using this whole bomb thing as a ploy to rally the populace and
* Are visionary patriots planning for a future when the oil dries up. 
* Are environmentalists aiming to curb global warming caused by the use of
fossil fuel. 
* Are striving to join the nuclear club for its prestige.


And on, and on, and on, goes the litany. I believe, based on facts rather
than wishful thinking, that every one of the above assertions, as well as
all other similar dismissive arguments are both false and fraught with
danger, because all the above arguments are confounded by various amounts of

Psychological denial is a common quirk of the human mind. People use denial
to distort, even refute reality, when accepting it is too threatening to
them. Alcoholics are habitual users of denial, a major tranquilizer of the
mind. The alcoholic will adamantly deny having any problem with alcohol and
continues to drink, even in the face of irrefutable contrary evidence.
Denial is resorted to by both individuals and groups, and can be just as
deadly for both. 

Perhaps the most compelling dismissive argument is that the Mullahs would
never dare to use the bomb, since it would be suicidal to do so. 


This argument is just as flawed as the rest. The mutual deterrence
argument may work in state-to-state confrontations. It apparently has worked
in the past and the hope is that it will work in the future. However, the
mutual deterrence argument fails when a non-state entity is the adversary.
The Mullahs don't have to lob a bomb at Israel or at anyone else to inflict
huge harm. They can pursue their cause of death and destruction by simply
providing their killers with dirty bombs in a suitcase. Given the Mullahs'
fanaticism and Machiavellian nature, they would come up with a myriad of
clever schemes to achieve their objectives. 

Consider dirty bombs. They are easy to make, are portable, can kill as well
as make a city uninhabitable, without leaving a finger print. The Mullahs
can go to work then turn innocently to the international community for
help-to find a group of rogue radicals, so they claim, who had penetrated
their facilities and have made off with a loot of radioactive stuff. 

It is not as if events like this have never happened in the past. Deadly
stolen radioactive materials have found their way to the black market on a
number of occasions. The world would respond in panic, yet with its usual
arthritic sluggishness searching for the miscreants. Given how clumsy and
disorganized the world's intelligence community is, the prospect of acting
expeditiously, much less apprehending the thieves is not very encouraging.
This is particularly the case when the Mullahs themselves would have a short
leash on the thieves, to hide them and deploy them only with the greatest
of care. 

Iran's ruling Mullahs are clustered around major factions such as the
conservatives, the moderates, and the so-called reformists. Yet, the
differences among these factions are tactical rather than strategic. One and
all share the same overarching goal of defeating the Crusader-Zionists by
any and all methods possible; bringing about the end of the world
Armageddon; and, thereby creating the requisite conditions for the
appearance of the Hidden Imam, the Mahdi, to assume his rule of the world. 

Therefore, it is Carteresque (foolish risk-taking a la Jimmy Carter's
throwing the nation's lot with the Mullahs during the 1979 Iranian
Revolution) to overlook the fact that it is Islam, irrespective of any and
all considerations, that poses a deadly threat to the world. Choosing one
faction over another is no choice at all. 

What is the likelihood that the ruling Mullahs will actually use the bomb?
If they remain in power long enough to have it, they are very likely to use
it, in one form or another. At the very least, they use the bomb for
blackmail and intimidation in the region. Not even the all-out nuclear

[osint] Ireland's tax laws and financial regs now sharia compliant

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


 Ireland's tax laws and financial regs now sharia compliant 

 http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/ creeping | June 3, 2011 
at 8:35 AM | Tags:  http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=creeping-sharia 
Creeping Sharia,  http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?tag=finance finance,  
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http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/?cat=10735225 Stealth Jihad | URL:  
http://wp.me/pbU4v-8Jy http://wp.me/pbU4v-8Jy 

Islam means submission, and Ireland is submitting it's people as fast as it 
can. First it was Islamic blasphemy laws in Ireland, now sharia compliant tax 
laws and financial regulations. And that seems to be just the beginning. But 
it's the end of Ireland as we know it. via Ireland aims to be home of [...]

Ireland’s tax laws and financial regs now sharia 

Posted on June 3, 2011 by creeping 

Islam means submission, and Ireland is submitting it’s people as fast as it 
can. First it was Islamic  
 blasphemy laws in Ireland, now sharia compliant tax laws and financial 
regulations. And that seems to be just the beginning. But it’s the end of 
Ireland as we know it. via Ireland aims to be home of Islamic finance in Europe 
| Business | The Guardian 
http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/jun/02/ireland-islamic-finance .

Ireland has launched a bid to become the home of Islamic finance in Europe as 
it seeks to rebuild its once dominant financial services sector.

The taoiseach, Enda Kenny, who was swept to power on a wave of public anger at 
the taxpayers’ €70bn (£62bn) bailout of failed banks, told the Irish Funds 
Industry Association (IFIA) that he was doing everything he could to “ensure” 
Dublin became “a centre of excellence for Islamic finances”.

Irish tax laws and financial regulations are now sharia-compliant, he said, and 
the government had recently signed double-taxation agreements with Saudi 
Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

“There is first-mover advantage. If they [Islamic institutions] feel 
comfortable in a particular jurisdiction and you develop a cluster, more will 
follow,” said Ken Owens, chairman of the IFIA. He said there was currently “a 
scramble” for Islamic business internationally and Ireland is just behind the 
UK in terms of adjusting its laws to be sharia-compliant.

Sharia law prohibits the payment of interest on loans or overdrafts, or the 
receipt of interest, and also prevents investment in certain categories 
including defence, adult entertainment and gambling.

“Their investment universe is quite limited. Islamic funds want to own the ship 
or the building, not a share in it. They want to own things outright because 
they can’t pay interest. They want commmodities, infrastructure, manufacturing, 
property,” said Owens.

On the mortgage market, institutions buy the house or the commercial real 
estate; the buyer then pays rent instead of interest.

Owens said Irish and UK financial institutions, which were devastated by the 
financial crisis, saw opportunities worth billions in Islamic finance, either 
seeking to get a toehold in Islamic countries or attract Islamic institutions 
to Dublin.

Legitimizing and financing the jihad. Sharia 4 Ireland must be ecstatic.

Can’t say we didn’t warn ya:

*   Sharia and Jihad, Creeping in 
*   Ireland: Islamists ‘Sharia law’ website a big 

[osint] Obama, Osama and a Love Struck Media

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Obama, Osama and a Love Struck Media 

Thursday, 02 June 2011 18:52 Roger Aronoff 

3236f1bd5ec4166cbf854e2d404/tmpl,component/ E-mail
al/obama-osama-and-a-love-struck-media/print.html Print

The great achievement of the Barack Obama presidency occurred on May 1st,
2011, when a team of Navy SEALs took out the most wanted man in America,
Osama bin Laden. It happened on Obama's watch, and the mission succeeded,
but how it was handled, and mishandled, by Obama and his team in the
aftermath raises many disturbing questions. There is no question that
America's elite military forces performed brilliantly in pulling off this
mission, and we salute them. Count me among those who are glad that he was
killed, and not captured for trial and detention.

obama-osamaWhile bin Laden is well known for his role in the 9/11 attacks on
the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.,
some may not remember that, as former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy
pointed out, he had been under indictment by the Justice Department for 13
years when he finally met his demise yesterday. A federal grand jury in
Manhattan had charged him with terrorism conspiracy in June 1998, after he
had, yet again, declared war on the United States. He'd already been doing
that for years. It was only a few weeks later, on Aug. 7, 1998, that his
al-Qaeda cells in eastern Africa bombed the American embassies in Nairobi
and Dar es Salaam-the first 224 of what became the thousands of innocents
the master terrorist would murder in the ensuing decade-plus. 

But from the outset, when the public was notified around 10 p.m. ET on
Sunday, May 1, that the President would soon be coming out with a big
announcement, the public relations aspect of the operation was handled so
badly as to confirm the views held by a large segment of the population:
President Obama is either incompetent and surrounded by incompetents, or he
is manipulative, deceitful and usually calculating the potential political
windfall he can garner from a situation. As tens of thousands of Americans
poured out into the streets within the first hours and day following the
dramatic Sunday night announcement of the death of bin Laden, the
administration was spinning stories and timelines that were inconsistent,
false, and contradictory. They brushed this off as fog of war mistakes
that always happen in the aftermath of intense military operations, that in
no way detract from the act itself. 

But others saw it as a pattern of self-serving deceit that has been the
hallmark of the Obama administration, such as how he has described his
relationships with people like unrepentant terrorist and co-founder of the
Weather Underground, William Ayers, and the anti-Semitic and anti-American
preacher, Reverend Jeremiah Wright; or his gross exaggerations or lies on
legislation and budgetary matters, such as the notion that ObamaCare will
reduce the national deficit and lower health care costs. 

The early reports on the night of Sunday, May 1st were that Osama bin Laden
had been killed in Pakistan about a week earlier and it had taken that much
time to confirm the DNA as bin Laden's. Obama ended that story quickly in
his address to the nation that night, when he said that the operation had
just taken place that afternoon, which was the early morning hours of Monday
in Pakistan, where the mission took place. Subsequent reporting said that
the DNA was tested and confirmed to be that of Osama bin Laden, and he was
buried at sea shortly thereafter. 

Victor Davis Hanson, the noted historian and journalist wrote a piece for
National Review Online called The First-Person Presidency, in which he
carefully parsed President Obama's speech from that night announcing the
killing of bin Laden. He pulled out the parts in which Obama kept referring
to himself: Tonight, I can report..And so shortly after taking office, I
directed Leon Panetta.I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden.I met
repeatedly with my national security team.I determined that we had enough
intelligence to take action.Today, at my direction.I've made clear.Over the
years, I've repeatedly made clear.Tonight, I called President Zardari . . .
And my team has also spoken.These efforts weigh on me every time I, as
Commander-in-Chief.Finally, let me say to the families.I know that it has,
at times, frayed. 

You see, it was all about Obama. He's the one running for 

[osint] Forget Weinergate: Obama is Impeachable Over Libya

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Forget Weinergate:  Obama is Impeachable Over Libya 

Thursday, 02 June 2011 18:26 Cliff Kincaid 

eef25222e77cbc1ed36851d4740/tmpl,component/ E-mail
al/forget-weinergate-obama-is-impeachable-over-libya/print.html Print

If you want an indication of why Republicans may lose to Obama in 2012, look
at the pass they are giving him over his illegal war in Libya. Nothing is
more important than committing a nation to war. The military intervention
could be the basis of impeachment charges. But Republican leaders in the
House-and Republican Senator John McCain in the Senate-don't want to hold
Obama accountable.

We have pointed out
llegal-war/  that the war is illegal and that the media-and now the House
Republican leaders-have failed to acknowledge the facts..

On the other hand, there is growing media fascination with Weinergate, in
which the Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner has obviously stonewalled about the
origin and distribution of a lewd photo sent to a coed..

In contrast to the Weiner affair, the facts about Obama's violations of the
law and the Constitution are clear..

If Weiner should be held accountable for an embarrassing sexual matter,
which may or may not result in his resignation, why not enforce the law and
the Constitution when the president goes to war?.

Columnist Ann Coulter jokes that the Weiner case should go to small claims
court. Obama's war in Libya is a matter of the highest constitutional
importance and not a joking matter..

House leaders could bring impeachment charges. Instead, they want to avoid
doing their duty.

The Wall Street Journal reports
tml  that House Republican leaders on Wednesday abruptly canceled a vote
on a resolution forcing U.S. withdrawal from Libya amid signs that it would
pass. House GOP leaders fend off vote on Libya resolution, the Washington
Post proclaims..

U.S. House leaders pulled a bill calling for the U.S. military to withdraw
from Libya after a group of liberals and conservatives said they back the
measure, UPI noted..

In the Senate, McCain, who has turned into an advocate for Al-Jazeera, has
been an enthusiastic supporter of the war, conducted with the approval of
the Arab League and the United Nations but not Congress. Al-Jazeera,
committed to the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, openly
backs the pro-democracy fighters in Libya, playing down their links to
al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups..

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, once a prime sponsor of anti-American
terrorism, gave up his terrorist aims and nuclear program after the U.S.
invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein in 2003. Gaddafi thought he might be
the next target. Little did he know that he would be targeted by a liberal
U.S. President enforcing a novel U.N. concept known as the responsibility
to protect..

The evidence is overwhelming, even though most of the media will not cover
it, that Obama's war in Libya is illegal and unconstitutional. Columnist
George Will got most of it right in a recent column, Is Obama Above the
L5zyCH_story.html  The war is a violation of the War Powers Act, which
says the president can go to war on his own only if there is an imminent
threat to the U.S. and there is a 60-day deadline for the withdrawal of

Obama has violated both provisions of the law. There was no direct or
immediate threat to the U.S. from Libya and Obama has ignored the 60-day
deadline for approval from the Congress..

George Will notes that McCain has said that no president has ever
recognized the constitutionality of the War Powers Act, and neither do I. So
I don't feel bound by any deadline..

Will commented, Oh? No law is actually a law if presidents and senators do
not 'recognize' it? Now, there is an interesting alternative to judicial
review, and an indicator of how executive aggrandizement and legislative
dereliction of duty degrade the rule of law..

Rather than hold Obama accountable, the Journal says that Republican
leaders are working to come up with alternatives that are less far-reaching
than the Kucinich provision to allow lawmakers to vent their displeasure..

The Kucinich provision, named for Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), 

[osint] Implications of an American Muslim Suicide Attacker in Somalia

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf








Implications of an American Suicide Attacker in Somalia 

STRATFOR   June 2, 2011 | 1959 GMT 

 Implications of an American Suicide Attacker in Somalia


African Union peacekeepers in southern Mogadishu on May 27

Somali militant group al Shabaab claimed June 2 on its website that the
suicide bomber who killed three soldiers in a May 30 attack on an African
Union peacekeeping base in Mogadishu was a 25-year-old Somali-American from
Minnesota who moved to Somalia two years ago. The man, Abdullalli Ahmed, was
quoted as saying the attack was in retaliation for how Christians have
treated Muslim countries.

If al Shabaab's claim is true, this would be the third confirmed suicide
attack carried out by a Somali-American in Somalia. The first was a
Minneapolis man named Shirwa Ahmed, who blew himself up in October 2008 in
Somaliland. The second was an unnamed 19-year-old from Seattle who was part
of a suicide attack in Mogadishu in September 2009. The fact that Abdullalli
Ahmed and Shirwa Ahmed were from Minnesota is notable; STRATFOR research
indicates that a few dozen Somali-Americans who studied at the Abubakar
As-Saddique Islamic Center in Minneapolis have been radicalized and moved to

U.S. authorities are concerned that al Qaeda franchises, of which Al Shabaab
is one, are using Somalia as a safe haven to plan and carry out attacks
against U.S. interests. However, it is notable that these three suspected
bombers were directed or chose to fight in Somalia rather than trying to
carry out attacks against the United States. In the near term, this means
the threat posed by the influx into Somalia of radicalized Somali-Americans
is localized in Somalia. However, it is possible those who survive could
attempt to re-enter the United States using their U.S. passports, bringing
their training and combat experience with them.





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[osint] House Fails to Abolish TSA, Only Cuts Budget

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


House votes to cut TSA's budget by $270 million


By Joe Davidson
http://www.washingtonpost.com/joe-davidson/2011/03/02/ABXUQ7M_page.html ,
Published: June 2 | Updated: Friday, June 3, 12:29 AM

The Republican-controlled House approved legislation Thursday that would cut
funding for transportation security officers, the men and women on the front
line of aviation safety.

The 219 to 204 vote approved cutting the Transportation Security
Administration's budget by $270 million, according to Democrats and union

At a time when intelligence tells us that terrorists remain interested in
attacking transportation, this amendment would cut TSA's screening workforce
by more than 10 percent, about 5,000 people, said Kristin Lee, an agency

In a letter to House members before the vote on Rep. John L. Mica's (R-Fla.)
amendment, Colleen M. Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees
Union, said the budget cut would damage the traveling safety of the public
and hurt Transportation Security Officers' ability to do their jobs.

Even as TSOs are in the midst of voting for a union to represent them, the
House also voted 218 to 205 to prevent TSA from collective bargaining with
its workers.

Both measures were contained in a $42.3 billion homeland security budget
bill for fiscal year 2012, which the House passed 231 to 188.

Union leaders hope that the Senate, which labor-friendly Democrats control,
will reject the two amendments.

In February, TSA Administrator John Pistole said he would allow
argaining.shtm  strictly limited collective bargaining for about 44,000
officers, who screen passengers and baggage at the nation's airports.

Rep. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.),
ollective-bargaining  who offered the labor amendment, said:
Collective-bargaining agreements would hamper the critical nature of TSA
agents' national security responsibilities. TSA agents are no different than
FBI, CIA and Secret Service agents; we do not negotiate
collective-bargaining agreements with security personnel, and TSA clearly
falls within that category.

Negotiating collective-bargaining agreements, however, would clearly place
TSA in the category of other federal security agencies, as three House
Democrats said in urging colleagues to vote against the Rokita amendment.

In fact, other officers at the Department of Homeland Security, including
those at Customs and Border Protection and the Federal Protective Service,
already have collective-bargaining rights, which have had no negative impact
on job performance or security, Reps. Bennie G. Thompson (Miss.), Nita
Lowey (N.Y.) and Sheila Jackson Lee (Tex.) wrote in a letter.

TSA officers have until June 21 to cast a vote for either NTEU or the
American Federation of Government Employees http://www.afge.org . An
earlier vote ended with neither labor organization getting a majority of the
votes cast.

In a letter to House members, Beth Moten, AFGE's legislative director, said
the Rokita amendment would have a profound and detrimental impact on the
work lives of TSOs.

When Pistole decided, after several months of study, to allow collective
bargaining, he said, Morale and employee engagement cannot be separated
from achieving superior security.

He barred bargaining over security policies, compensation, discipline
standards, proficiency testing and job qualifications. Bargaining would be
allowed over shift bids, transfers and awards.

We will not negotiate over security, Pistole said


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[osint] Yemen President Wounded in Terror Rocket Attack

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Yemen president wounded as tribal fighters hit palace with rockets in
escalation of battle

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By Associated Press, Updated: Friday, June 3, 10:02 AM

SANAA, Yemen - Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh was wounded when
opposition tribesmen determined to topple him hammered his palace with
rockets Friday in a major escalation of nearly two weeks of fighting with
government forces. At least four guards were killed and seven top officials
were also wounded, an official said.

The official said Saleh suffered light injuries to the neck and was treated
in the palace. Yemeni state TV quickly aired a statement that Saleh was in
good health, denying a claim on an opposition TV station that the president
was killed in the strike.

Middle East and North Africa in turmoil

It was the first time that tribal fighters have directly targeted Saleh's
palace in the fighting that has rocked the capital since May 23. The rocket
strike came after government forces launched an intense artillery barrage at
the homes of two tribal leaders and a top military general who also joined
the opposition. The houses were flattened, witnesses said.

The fighting pits Saleh's troops against tribesmen loyal to Sheik Sadeq
al-Ahmar, head of the Hashid, Yemen's most powerful tribal confederation.
Al-Ahmar supports the hundreds of thousands of protesters who have been
pressing for Saleh's ouster since February, but his tribal fighters stayed
on the sidelines until Saleh's troops last week moved against al-Ahmar's
residence in Sanaa.

The rockets Friday hit the presidential compound as officials were praying
at a mosque inside, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity
because of the sensitivity of the situation. Four guards were killed and
seven other officials wounded, he said.

Among those wounded were the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, the
parliament speaker and the governor of Sanaa, the official said. The most
serious injuries were to Sanaa's governor Nooman Dweid, and Deputy Prime
Minister Rashad al-Alimi, who is also the president's top security adviser
and who remained unconscious from his wounds, the official said.

Saleh, in power for 33 years, has stuck out for months against the wave of
peaceful protests that spread across Yemen since February. Tens of thousands
of demonstrators continue to mass daily in a central square of Sanaa, as
well as in other cities. Thursday night, government forces opened fire on
protesters in Sanaa, wounding three, and troops also fired on protesters in
the city of Taiz, south of the capital, on Friday.

But the fighting in Sanaa has turned the conflict into an all-out battle for
power between two families, the al-Ahmar and Saleh's. The president has for
years planted his close relatives in command of security forces and in top
government positions. In days of fighting, tribesmen have overrun more than
a dozen ministries and government buildings, and government artillery has
pounded Sanaa's Hassaba district where Sadeq al-Ahmar's residence is

On Friday, troops expanded their shelling to the southern side of the
capital, pounding the homes of two of al-Ahmar's brothers, Hameed and
Himyar. They also targeted the home of Gen. Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, the
commander of the powerful 1st Armored Division who has also joined the
opposition but has so far stayed out of the battle. He is not related to
Sadeq al-Ahmar. The houses were destroyed, witnesses said.

Troops attacked and burned the headquarters of a private TV station owned by
one of the 10 al-Ahmar brothers. A building housing an airline office also
was set alight.

Despite the gunfire and shelling, protesters swarmed into a Sanaa main
street for Friday prayers and funeral processions. The cleric delivering the
prayer sermon said Saleh was trying to turn the popular uprising into a
personal conflict.

The president wants to overturn this revolution and show the world that it
is a conflict between al-Ahmar and Saleh, Imam Taha al-Mutawakil told 

[osint] Ann Barndhart On RomneyCare It's 'Demonspawn' Obamacare and more...

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Ann Barndhart On RomneyCare  It's 'Demonspawn' Obamacare

Written on June 3, 2011 by DiamondTiger
http://logisticsmonster.com/author/admin/  in Politics



e-its-demonspawn-obamacare/?utm_source=button 2
0Obamacare ReTweet

(Editor's Note: I'm sure most of my readers have seen the very sarcastic
grinning moo in the sidebar which I put up when the drive-by media started
anointing elitist Mitt Romney as the republican nominee. Ann Barnhardt goes
over the top with this monologue about why Romney is just another globalist
puppet. Enjoy!!)


Many of you have seen Ann Barnhardt's coming out video verbally filleting
Lindsey Graham http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qeyrp-V3JvcNR=1  for being
the pathetic piece of sh** globalist RINO he is, but she definitely takes it
a step farther with this nuclear repertoire of Mitt Romney's all-together
pathetic record as a Republican and conservative who lacks the most
important characteristic of being an American; integrity.  She also has a
message for you!!

In regards to the mandate in Obamacare and Romneycare:

I will not be taxed on my existence, I will not comply with any requirement
to purchase a good or service as a condition of waking up breathing in my
own country, and if you think for a second, that I'm going to lay down and
be dehumanized by you or Obama or any other Marxist candyass, you got
another thing coming Cha Cha. And, in fact, let me just break down for you
what the reality of the situation would be if you were to be elected
president and maintain your support of the mandate. You Mitt, would have to
put me in prison, just the same way that Obama would have to put me in
prison because I will never, ever, ever, pay a tax on my existence.

On Mitt being promised the presidency by the RNC in 2008:

The Office of the Presidency is not a trophy to be handed around amongst a
cadre of corrupt elitist pricks like you.

(H/T RS for the vid)

Does Your Brain Hurt Yet? Related Articles

*   AYFKM?: Romney Not Focused On The Federal Reserve
*   AYFKM?: My Choices Are Mitt Romney Or Donald Trump?
*   Romney: Attempting To Pander To The Moos


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[osint] FW: Documents show FCC colluded with left-wing groups on net neutrality

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with outside group

. TAGS: 

. Conn Carroll http://washingtonexaminer.com/topics/conn-carroll 

. FCC http://washingtonexaminer.com/taxonomy/term/7223 

. Freedom of Speech

. internet http://washingtonexaminer.com/taxonomy/term/4351 

. net neutrality http://washingtonexaminer.com/taxonomy/term/9766 

. President Obama http://washingtonexaminer.com/taxonomy/term/2282

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By: Conn Carroll http://washingtonexaminer.com/people/conn-carroll
06/02/11 11:05 PM 
Senior Editorial Writer Follow Him @conncarroll

 http://washingtonexaminer.com/files/blog_images/98040711(1)_0.jpg SPAN
spanFederal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps testifies before the
House Energy and Commerce Committee's Communications, Technology, and the
Internet Subcommittee hearing March 25, 2010 in Washington, DC. (Photo by
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)  

Federal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps testifies before the House
Energy and Commerce Committee's Communications, Technology, and the Internet
Subcommittee hearing March 25, 2010 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Chip
Somodevilla/Getty Images) 

Documents made public yesterday by Judicial Watch describe extensive
collusion by Federal Communications Commission officials with a left-wing
advocacy group in a campaign to expand government regulation of the

The documents, obtained by Judicial Watch http://www.judicialwatch.org/
in a December 2010 Freedom of Information Act request, were created after
Democrat appointees solidified their 3-2 control of the agency in March

Judicial Watch is a conservative nonprofit that specializes in using the
FOIA and other avenues to expose corruption in government.

The coordination between FCC officials and Free Press, the advocacy group,
supported a proposal for the agency to regulate access to the Internet as if
it were a public utility, in the interest of ensuring Net Neutrality.

Proponents said doing so would assure equal access for all Internet users by
barring companies from offering preferred rates for higher delivery speeds.
Other users, especially in communities with limited Internet access, would
be forced to accept poorer service.

But critics said the proposal would actually give the FCC a tool to regulate
content, and they argued that the FCC has no authority over the medium in
the first place. It would be akin to forcing FedEx and UPS to treat all
packages the same way the U.S. Postal Service does.

Free Press is the most vocal of a number of far-left and liberal advocacy
groups that for nearly a decade have pushed numerous proposals for vastly
increasing government regulation of the Internet.

The evidence of coordination between FCC Democrats and Free Press uncovered
by Judicial Watch includes:

*   Emails between former Free Press president John Silver and
Democratic FCC Commissioner Michael Copps from October 2010, coordinating
how we'd like to proceed during these next three months on NN [net
*Documents summarizing a phone call between Silver and Copps in
which, before an FCC vote on the proposal in November 2010, Silver
emphasized that a strong net neutrality rule is critical to preserving the
Internet as a vibrant forum for speech, commerce, innovation and cultural
*Correspondence between FCC Special Counsel David Tannenbaum and
Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott coordinating speakers for a
taxpayer-funded series of FCC internet workshops that were intended to
generate public support for the proposal.

Free Press was co-founded by Monthly Review editor Robert McChesney and the
Nation contributor John Nichols. The Monthly Review is an independent
Marxist journal, while the Nation has long described itself as the
flagship of the left. Free Press is partially funded by George Soros' Open
Society Institute.

In April 2010, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled
that the FCC did not have the legal authority to regulate the Internet.
Despite this ruling, in December the FCC voted 3-2, along party lines, to
begin the Net Neutrality regulation process anyway.

As an independent agency, the FCC is required to regulate impartially.
Internal FCC rules require all employees to disclose all communication made
by interested parties and directed to the merits or outcome of a
proceeding unless they fit a narrow set of exceptions (e.g., the
communication directly relates to an emergency in 

[osint] Islamo-Nazis vs Pax Europa in Stuttgart, Germany

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Islamo-Nazis vs Pax Europa in Stuttgart, Germany

by sheikyermami on June 3, 2011

Freedom of Speech Means You Put Your Life at Risk:

The sheik is in Germany, Stuttgart, Germany,  with Robert Spencer and the
good people of Pax Europa who organized a public speaking event yesterday.

There was heavy police presence, police were out in the hundreds, (500 is
probably a good estimate)  in heavy riot gear,  and they made it clear they
were really not interested to take sides or to protect us. One of them
suggested we should call it off.  A few of the Islamic thugs came
dangerously close and a few of them were taken away in handcuffs long before
we could even reach the stage. A skinny German chick kept screaming 'racist,
racist' at me, and when I told her  that Islam is not a race she said there
are no races anyway- ('es gibt keine Rassen') So I said 'if there are no
races then how can there be racism?' Logical thinking is not one of the
strengths of these tools. We were bombarded with eggs, coke bottles filled
with all kinds of nasty stuff, and my  good suit is no longer. good. Here
are the first pic's:


Here's Robert Spencer's account:

Confrontation in Germany


Spencer versus the Leftist/Islamic alliance, Stuttgart, Germany, June 2

Thursday afternoon I spoke in Stuttgart, Germany at the invitation of the
human rights group Pax Europa. The event was well advertised
hes-wochenende-in-germany.html , and so the thuggish Leftist/Islamic
supremacist alliance mobilized and was out in full force.

About 1000 Antifa protesters showed up, banging drums, holding signs with
the usual accusations of racism and Islamophobia, blowing whistles, and
menacing people who came out for the Pax Europa event. There were also about
500 German police on hand in riot gear. The Pax Europa organizers told me,
This is all for you - because they had publicized that I would be there.
One young man came up to me as I was standing right in front of a line of
German police and said, You're lucky there are so many police here today.

Pax Europa had planned a full program featuring Middle Eastern Christian
musicians, a Coptic Christian activist, and others, so as to highlight the
hollowness of the Islamic supremacist narrative of Muslim victimhood and
anti-jihadist racism. But the police ordered the Pax Europa organizers to
drastically reduce the scope of their event. Everyone was restricted to ten
minutes only. Several participants opted not to appear, in light of the
manifest danger. Antifa people were attacking supporters of Pax Europa. I
saw several individuals being chased by rabid Leftist gangs. At least one
man went to the hospital.

The police used loudspeakers to call on Antifa twice to disperse, as Pax
Europa had lawfully reserved the space for their event. The Antifa people
responded only by moving forward, chanting slogans, banging their drums, and
holding aloft the usual Leftist kitsch - Che Guevara, the hammer and sickle,
the Palestinian flag, signs denouncing Islamophobia, etc. The police moved
them back a bit but did not ask them again to disperse, and allowed the Pax
Europa event to begin.

It was an incredible din. We had loudspeakers that appeared to be able to
reach the considerable crowd behind the protesters, but the Antifa thugs did
all they could to drown us out: the drums got louder, the vuvuzelas came
out, they were blowing whistles, and of course they were screaming and

They started throwing things: bottles, eggs, excrement and more. One bottle

[osint] FBI Director: al-Qaeda Terrorists in US Not Previously Considered a Threat

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


May 31, 2011 

2 Iraqis in Kentucky charged with terrorism

A 23- and 32-year-old living in Kentucky indicted for aiding al Qaeda in
Iraq; Neither plotted domestic terrorism

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*   Waad Ramadan Alawan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi. Two Iraqis living
in Kentucky have been charged with building roadside bombs when they lived
in Iraq that targeted U.S. soldiers and with trying to provide weapons to
al-Qaida fighters in Iraq once they got to the United States.

Waad Ramadan Alawan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi. Two Iraqis living in
Kentucky have been charged with building roadside bombs when they lived in
Iraq that targeted U.S. soldiers and with trying to provide weapons to
al-Qaida fighters in Iraq once they got to the United States.  

*   Stories 
*   Witness: Terrorists had Pakistan ISI handlers
*   A prayer for Osama bin Laden?


LOUISVILLE, Kentucky - Two Iraqis living in Kentucky have been arrested on
charges that they tried to send sniper rifles, stinger missiles and money to
Al Qaeda operatives in their home country, according to court documents
unsealed Tuesday.

Thirty-year-old Alwan and 23-year-old Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, who both have
lived in Bowling Green since 2009, were charged in a 23-count indictment
returned by a federal grand jury Thursday. Neither is charged with plotting
attacks within the United States, and authorities say their weapons and
money didn't make it to Iraq because of a tightly controlled undercover

Alwan is charged with conspiracy to kill a United States national,
conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide
material support to terrorists. Hammadi is charged with attempting to
provide material support to terrorists and knowingly transferring,
possession or exporting a device designed or intended to launch or guide a
rocket or missile.

The FBI said Alwan told an informant that he took part in insurgent attacks
on U.S. troops and had f-ked up Hummers and targeted Bradley fighting

The indictment and criminal complaints were unsealed Tuesday after the pair
made their initial appearances in federal court in Louisville. Both men
entered pleas of not guilty and were remanded to federal custody.

Hammadi's court-appointed attorney, James Earhart of Louisville, said he
doesn't know much about the case or his client beyond what is in the
criminal complaint.

I haven't had a chance to sit down and talk with him yet, Earhart told The
Associated Press on Tuesday afternoon.

Federal Public Defender Scott Wendelsdorf, who represents Alwan, declined

The FBI said in criminal complaints that the probe started in September
2009, with a confidential source eventually meeting with Alwan in August
2010 and Hammadi in January.

FBI Director Robert Mueller said in February that his agency was taking a
fresh look at Iraqi nationals in the U.S. who had ties to al Qaeda's
offshoot in Iraq. The group had not previously been considered a threat in
the U.S.

Asked about the case, Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said Tuesday:
These are the only two persons that have been charged in this case. The
investigation is continuing. If any of our investigations or intelligence
suggests others pose a threat, we will actively pursue those investigative

According to the criminal complaints, Alwan told the informant he was
involved in insurgent attacks from 2003 until 2006, including using
improvised explosive devices and sniper rifles to target U.S. troops. Alwan
is accused of drawing diagrams of four types of IEDs for the informant.

The FBI said it identified fingerprints belonging to Alwan on a component of
an unexploded IED that was recovered by U.S. forces in Iraq.

The criminal complaints say that in January, Alwan recruited Hammadi to
assist him, describing the younger Iraqi to the informant as a relative of
his whose work as an insurgent in Iraq was well known. Later that month,
Alwan and Hammadi allegedly delivered money to a tractor-trailer, believing
the money would ultimately be shipped to al-Qaeda in Iraq.

In February, authorities say the two men helped in the delivery of
additional weapons, including sniper rifles and inert C4 plastic explosives,
to a tractor-trailer believing that these items would be shipped to al-Qaeda
in Iraq.

A month later, Alwan 

[osint] Obama, Holder Pursuit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio Continues

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


 Obama, Holder pursuit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio continues, say supporters

. By Jim Kouri http://www.examiner.com/user/2426356 , Law
Enforcement Examiner

. June 3rd, 2011 7:56 am ET 

The U.S. Attorney General and officials with the Justice Department
yesterday boasted that it had entered in to a court-enforceable agreement
with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) and Maricopa County Sheriff
Joe Arpaio resolving a longstanding dispute over access to information
related to the department's Title VI investigation of the sheriff's office.


The settlement comes after MCSO allowed officials from the Justice
Department to conduct more than 220 interviews and review hundreds of
thousands of pages of documents.   Prior to the litigation, MCSO refused to
cooperate in full with the investigation.

Many within the law enforcement community believed the entire legal action
against MCSO and its leader was retaliation for disregarding the Obama
administration's leniency towards criminal aliens and continuing its
enforcement of statutes regarding illegal aliens arrested in the sheriff's

On September 2, 2010, the department filed a lawsuit to gain access to
MCSO's documents and facilities, as part of the department's investigation
of alleged discrimination in MCSO's police practices and jail operations.
Since March 2009, the department attempted to secure voluntary compliance
with the department's investigation and did not receive full compliance
until the lawsuit was filed. 

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and others in Arizona saw Attorney General Eric Holder's
politically-motivated investigation as nothing more than bureaucrats
attempting to bully a law enforcement chief. 

MCSO cooperated with the investigation by permitting the department to
interview Sheriff Arpaio, command staff, deputies, detention officers and
first line supervisors, as well as jail inmates.   MCSO has also allowed
tours of its facilities and has responded to each of the department's
original document requests.   Under the terms of the agreement, MCSO will
continue to provide the department with access to sources of information
that the department determines are pertinent to its Title VI investigation.

After numerous requests for access to information, the department was
forced to resort to litigation to compel the sheriff's office to provide us
with full access to facilities, staff and documents, as required by federal
law, said Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights

Perez gained national attention when it was discovered he played a role in
dismissing a federal investigation of the New Black Panther Party and it's
alleged involvement in racially-motivated voter intimidation.

This is a positive development after delay upon delay by the Sheriff's
Office, said Dennis Burke, U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona. We
are working aggressively to review the facts and complete this

Sheriff Arpaio, his legal team and the Maricopa County Attorney at that time
all believed the Justice Department's case was a fishing expedition to
intimidate the MCSO and get the Arizona law enforcement community to back
down from enforcing the state's controversial immigration law.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in
federally assisted programs on the ground of race, color or national origin.
Recipients of federal funds, such as MCSO, are obligated to provide the
department with access to information and facilities pertinent to an
investigation under Title VI.

Continue reading on Examiner.com


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[osint] When will Obama Crack?

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

The coming months of political life are not going to be pleasant for Obama.
Possessed by a self-perceived palatine mindset, that in his mind places him
above criticism, how long before he cracks in public? Can America risk a man
with a documented track record of lying and misrepresenting truth as a basic
way of life, who is becoming increasingly more contumelious? 






[][] http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=288657#ixzz1Jxz2lPuD
When will Obama crack in public?
Posted: April 19, 2011
by Mychal Massie

At a time when many Americans can barely afford Burger King and a movie,
Obama boasts of spending a billion dollars on his re-election campaign.
Questioned at a recent appearance about the spiraling fuel costs, Obama
said, Get used to it - and with an insouciant grin and chortle, he told
another person at the event, who complained about the effect high fuel
prices were having on his family, to get a more fuel-efficient car. 

The Obamas behave as if they were sharecroppers living in a trailer and hit
the Powerball, but instead of getting new tires for their trailer and a new
pickup truck, they moved to Washington. And instead of making possum pie,
with goats and chickens in the front yard, they're spending and living large
at taxpayer expense - opulent vacations, gala balls, resplendent dinners and
exclusive command performances at the White House, grand date nights, golf,
basketball, more golf, exclusive resorts and still more golf. 

Expensive, ill-fitting and ill-chosen wigs and fashions hardly befit the
first lady of the United States. The Obamas have behaved in every way but
presidential - which is why it's so offensive when we hear Obama say, in
order to restore fiscal responsibility, we all need to share in the
sacrifice - but we don't have to sacrifice the America we believe in. 

The American people have been sacrificing; it is he and his family who are
behaving as if they've never had two nickels to rub together - and now,
having hit the mother lode, they're going to spend away their feelings of
inadequacy at the taxpayers' expense. 

Obama continues to exhibit behavior that, at best, can be described as
mobocratic and, at worst, reveals a deeply damaged individual. In a February
2010 column, I asked,
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=123809 Is Obama
unraveling? I wrote that it was beginning to appear the growing mistrust of
him and contempt for his policies was beginning to have a destabilizing
effect on him. 

At that time, I wrote that not having things go one's way can be a bitter
pill, but reasonable people don't behave as he was behaving. He had insulted
Republicans at their luncheon, where he had been an invited guest. I had
speculated that was, in part, what had led him to falsely accuse Supreme
Court justices before Congress, the nation and the world, during the 2010
State of the Union address. 

It appeared, at that time, as if he were fraying around the emotional
edges. That behavior has not abated - it has become more pronounced. While
addressing the nation, after being forced to explain the validity of his
unilateral aggression with Libya, America witnessed a petulant individual
scowling and scolding the public for daring to insist he explain his

But during an afternoon speech to address the budget/debt, he took his
scornful, unstable despotic behavior to depths that should give the nation
cause for concern. Displaying a dark psychopathy more representative of an
episode of The Tudors television series, he invited Rep. Paul Ryan,
R-Wis., to sit in the front row during his speech and then proceeded to
berate both Ryan and Ryan's budget-cutting plan. Even liberal Democrats were
put off by the act. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough questioned the sanity of Obama's

Today, criticism is coming from all sides. A senior Democrat lawmaker said,
I have been very disappointed in [Obama], to the point where I'm
embarrassed that I endorsed him. It's so bad that some of us are thinking,
is there some way we can replace him? How do you get rid of this guy?
(Democrats' Disgust with Obama, The Daily Beast, April 15, 2011) 

Steve McCann wrote: Obama's speech was chock full of lies, deceit and crass
fear-mongering. It must be said that [he] is the most dishonest, deceitful
and mendacious person in a position of power I have ever witnessed (The
Mendacity of Barack Obama, AmericanThinker.com
http://americanthinker.com/ , April 15, 2011). 

McCann continued: [His] performance was the culmination of four years of
outright lies and narcissism that have been largely ignored by the media,
including some in the conservative press and political class who are loath
to call [him] what he is in the bluntest of terms: a liar and a fraud. That
he relies on his skin color to intimidate, either outright or by insinuation
[against] those who oppose his radical agenda only 

[osint] US State Department Blocking USG Auditors from Billion Dollar Iraq Police Training Program

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


State blocks auditor from Iraq police training

Billions of dollars spent on program

By Eli Lake http://www.washingtontimes.com/staff/eli-lake_/ 


The Washington Times

9:01 p.m., Thursday, June 2, 2011

The State Department is blocking inspectors from the U.S. government's
independent auditor for Iraqi reconstruction from conducting an assessment
of the department's multibillion-dollar effort to train Iraq's police.

Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction,
discussed the standoff with the State Department in an interview this week.

We have a long history of auditing the police training in Iraq, Mr. Bowen
said. It is simply a misapprehension to conclude that our jurisdiction only
applies to bricks-and-mortar reconstruction. To the contrary, Congress has
charged us with overseeing the expenditure of funds in Iraq.

Mr. Bowen said he will continue to make the case to his colleagues at the
State Department that his inspectors have jurisdiction to perform their

We are going to try and engage with the State Department and make the case
why our statute and past practice demonstrably supports our jurisdiction
over the police-development program, he said. I hope they will see the
correctness of our position and allow this audit to go forward. If they
don't agree, then I think the Hill might intervene further.

Although all U.S. troops are scheduled to exit by the end of this year, the
Obama administration is planning for a substantial long-term U.S. presence
in Iraq. U.S. diplomats, troops and contractors will continue to train
Iraq's police, army, air force and intelligence services well past the end
of the U.S. military mission.

A key difference will be that these programs will be under the control of
the State Department and not a U.S. military commander. The transition from
the military to the State Department is scheduled for Oct. 1.

Police training is a major part of the State Department's new portfolio. The
administration requested $1 billion for the 2012 fiscal year for police
training alone and another $1 billion for military aid to Iraq. It also is
seeking more than $300 million for economic-support funds.

Since 2003, Congress has appropriated $61.45 billion for reconstruction
activities in Iraq, according to Mr. Bowen's office.

On Wednesday, the State Department's coordinator for Iraq transition,
Patricia Haslach, told Congress that Mr. Bowen's office, also known by the
acronym SIGIR, had almost no jurisdiction over State Department spending in
Iraq beyond Oct. 1.

We do not read the responsibilities assigned to SIGIR, in its founding
statute, as extending to the State Department's operation in support of our
diplomatic platform in Iraq, she said.

Those audit responsibilities fall, we feel, within the purview of other
oversight and audit entities, such as the [Government Accountability
Office], the survey and investigation staff of the House Appropriations
Committee, the Department of State Office of Inspector General, and the
Commission on Wartime Contracting, she added.

Ms. Haslach said the department regards SIGIR jurisdiction as limited to
reconstruction activities, as opposed to technical assistance and
capacity-building that the State Department will run after the military
mission in Iraq ends.

Rep. Steve Chabot, Ohio Republican and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs
Middle East and South Asia subcommittee, said in his exchange with the
ambassador that it is inappropriate for the department to try to block
SIGIR's access to information on how preparations to carry out a prospective
appropriation of more than $1 billion are proceeding.

Police training is a contentious subject for Congress. U.S. military leaders
have long acknowledged that Iraq's national and local police forces are
often more corrupt and less capable than the Iraqi military.

The U.S. government has spent $7.3 billion for training Iraqi police since
2003, according to the SIGIR report from October, the most recent available.
The report stated that 400,000 Iraqis received training and are on the
force, but the capabilities of these forces are unknown because no
assessments of total force capabilities were made.

Specifically, the State Department's International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs (INL) bureau has come under fire from SIGIR for its
management of the contract with a company called DynCorp to train police in
Iraq, Afghanistan and Jordan.

A 2010 SIGIR audit of the State Department's oversight of the DynCorp
contract concluded that INL lacks sufficient resources and controls to
adequately manage the task orders with DynCorp. As a result, over $2.5
billion in U.S. funds are vulnerable to waste and fraud.

The State Department in 2003 was given initial responsibility for training
Iraqi police. By 2004, however, police training was folded into the U.S.

[osint] Terrorist Flotilla Organizers Vow to Defy International Pressure

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 3, 2011

Flotilla Organizers Vow to Defy International Pressure

 http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/authors/id.1/author_detail.asp Steve

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Turkish organizers of a flotilla aimed at breaking Israel's embargo on Gaza
vow to carry on despite growing international pressure to back off.


lla United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon last week called on all governments
concerned to use their influence to discourage such flotilla, which carry
the potential to escalate into violent conflict. On Wednesday, U.S. State
Department Spokesman Mark C. Toner
http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2011/06/164801.htm#ISRAEL said during a
White House press briefing, We have made clear through the past year that
groups and individuals who seek to break Israel's maritime blockade of Gaza
are taking irresponsible and provocative actions


 http://www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=219975 France and
9P_g?docId=CNG.92e49cb93f1c7fc4348116d5ec926d79.d1 Canada have warned their
citizens against participating. Last year's flotilla
ended violently as passengers on the ship Mavi Marmara attacked Israeli
commandos with clubs, knives and other weapons. The soldiers opened fire in
self defense, killing nine people.


errorist-attack IHH, the
 Hamas-tied Turkish organization behind last year's confrontation, is
pressing forward despite the warnings.
 Freedom Flotilla II is expected to sail toward Gaza in late June
working with 22 other international organizations to send 15 ships across
the Mediterranean. Approximately 1,500 people from more than 100 countries
are expected to participate.


Israel imposed a sea blockade on Gaza in 2007 to prevent Hamas from
receiving materials that can be used in terrorist attacks. But Egypt opened
its Rafah crossing with Gaza last weekend, freeing the flow of goods into
the Palestinian territory and rendering the need for a flotilla bearing aid


A U.S. State Department official
l-not-be-helpful told a Senate subcommittee hearing last month that We've
been very clear with them [the Turkish government] that a new flotilla will
in no way be helpful. In mid-May, a bipartisan group of 36 members of
Congress wrote a
la_560921.html letter to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
expressing serious concern over reports of the next flotilla, and
requesting that the Prime Minister help discourage these efforts and work
with the Israeli government in a productive way as it continues to allow
legitimate aid, but not weapons, to enter Gaza.


Those calls were dismissed.


We are not supposed to give an answer because Turkey is not the recipient
of this letter, a Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman
t-new-flotilla-8216provocation8217-2011-05-12 said, adding that the
flotilla is a civil-society initiative with participation from across the
world, and not an issue of the Turkish government. Turkish Foreign Minister
Ahmet Davutoglu
nings-davutoglu-says.html stated on
otilla_20110521140854 numerous occasions that the government cannot and
will not control the actions of the Turkish NGO. The expectation of Turkey
to do something Western countries can't do is a reflection of the opinion
that Turkey limits democratic freedom. We will take the necessary measures
we had taken last year, but the main source of the issue is Israel's
blockade, Davutoglu
w-gaza-flotilla.html said in May on a Turkish news channel.


IHH head
9.pdf Bulent Yildirim, who

[osint] The Real Egyptian Revolution

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 3, 2011 / 1 Sivan, 5771 

The real Egyptian revolution 

By Caroline B. Glick 


What the West's intoxication with the myth of the Arab spring has already


http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | The coverage of recent events in Egypt is
further proof that Western elites cannot see the forest for the trees. Over
the past week, leading newspapers have devoted relatively in-depth coverage
to the Egyptian military authorities' repressive actions in subduing
protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo, particularly during their large
protest last Friday. 

That is, they have provided in-depth coverage of one spent force repressing
another spent force. Neither the military nor the protesters are calling the
shots anymore in Egypt, if they ever were. That is the job of the Muslim

The proximate cause of last Friday's mass demonstration was what the
so-called Twitter and Facebook revolutionaries consider the military's
slowness to respond to their demand for ousted President Hosni Mubarak's
head on a platter. The military responded by announcing that Mubarak and his
sons will go on trial for capital crimes on August 3. 

Beyond bloodlust, the supposedly liberal, young sweethearts of the Western
media are demanding a cancellation of the results of the referendum held in
March on the sequencing of elections and constitutional reform. Voting in
that referendum was widely assessed as the freest vote in Egyptian history.
Seventy-seven percent of the public voted to hold parliamentary and
presidential elections in September and to appoint members of a
constitutional assembly from among the elected members of the next
parliament to prepare Egypt's new constitution. 

The protesters rightly assert that the early elections will pave the way for
the Muslim Brotherhood's takeover of Egypt since the Brotherhood is the only
well-organized political force in Egypt. But then, the liberals said they
wanted popular rule. 

The Facebook protesters demanded Mubarak's immediate removal from power in
January. They would not negotiate Mubarak's offer to use the remainder of
his final term to shepherd Egypt towards a quasi-democratic process that
might have prevented the Brotherhood from taking over. 

In their fantasy world - which they inhabit with Western intellectuals - the
fates of nations are determined by the number of likes on your facebook
page. And so, when they had the power to avert the democratic Islamist
takeover of their country in January, they squandered it. 

Now, when it is too late, they are trying to win through rioting what they
failed to win at the ballot box, thus discrediting their protestations of
liberal values. Their new idea was spelled out last week at an EU-sponsored
conference in Cairo. According to the Egyptian media, they hope to convince
the military they protest against to stack the deck for the constitutional
assembly in a way that prevents the Brotherhood from controlling the
proceedings. As Hishan El-Bastawisy, a former appellate judge and
presidential hopeful explained, What we can push for now is that the
Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has to put some guarantees of choosing
the constituent assembly in the sense that it does not reflect the
parliamentary majority. 

So much for Egypt's liberal democrats. 

As for the military, its actions to date make clear that its commanders do
not see themselves as guardians of secular rule in Egypt. Instead, they see
themselves as engines for a transition from Mubarak's authoritarian
secularism to the Brotherhood's populist Islamism. 

Since forcing Mubarak to resign, the military junta has embraced Hamas, the
Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. They engineered the
Palestinian unity government which will pave the way for Hamas's victory in
the Palestinian Authority's legislative and presidential elections scheduled
for the fall. 

Then there is the Sinai. Since the revolution, the military has allowed the
Sinai to become a major base not only for Hamas but for the global jihad. As
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned on Monday, Egyptian authorities are
not asserting their sovereignty in the Sinai and jihadists from Hamas, al
Qaida and other groups are inundating the peninsula. 

Last week's move to open Egypt's border with Gaza at the Rafah passage is
further proof that the military has made its peace with the Islamic takeover
of Egypt. While the likes of the New York Times make light of the
significance of the move by pointing to the restrictions that Egypt has
placed on Palestinian travel, the fact is that the Egyptians just accepted
Hamas's sovereignty over an international border. 

Many in the West argue that given Egypt's increasingly dire economic
situation, there is no way the military will turn its back on the US and
Europe. By all accounts, Egypt is facing economic collapse. By summer's end
it will be unable to feed its population due to grain shortages. 

[osint] Life in the Land of Make-believe

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 3, 2011 / 1 Sivan, 5771 

Life in the land of make-believe 

By Wesley Pruden 


http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | These are hard times for grown-ups in
America. Since almost nobody wants to grow up, it's hard for grown-ups to
find a grown-up candidate for political office. The prospective candidates
are on the road determined to entertain America to death. 

All a politician, a pundit or a preacher needs to qualify for leadership
is a toothy grin, a lame joke, a guitar or, if you're a congressman, a
digital camera to take photographs of what you imagine you do best. It's
important to keep your constituents informed about what's going on in your

Sarah Palin, the only one of the usual suspects with star power, is having a
high old time with her bus tour of America, or at least a national tour of
a couple of the states crucial to the pursuit of the presidency. She's still
a little rusty on history and current events, but the moose-killer from
Alaska is the prettiest candidate, though we're not supposed to notice such
things any more. 

Not so long ago, a slot on a cable channel was thought to be an audition for
running for president, though that may be changing. Running for president
now is an audition for a slot on a cable channel. If you already have such a
slot, running for president can goose declining ratings. 

Mrs. Palin won't tell the reporters following her magical mystery tour where
she's going, if in fact she knows. She insists that just because she's a
tourist followed by a throng of campaign correspondents doesn't mean she's
running, though she did think to wear a Cross pendant around her neck for a
biker rally in Washington, exchanged for a Star of David pendant by the time
she got to Gotham. Running or not, the spectacle of 15 cars, SUVs, trucks
and trailers following close behind her bus makes for good film at 11. She
gets the thrill of sticking it to her media tormentors and her fans get to
watch her enjoying the thrill of sticking it to her tormentors. One network
reporter complains that Mrs. Palin endangers the lives of others on the
highway by making the press follow dumbly behind, not knowing where they're
going, either. This concern isn't likely to impress anyone, since a wreck on
the highway is just the kind of pictures television lusts for, particularly
if two or three of the cars explode to scatter hair, teeth and limbs all
over the highway. 

So who can blame Mike Huckabee for thinking that maybe he came in out of the
rain too soon? A Baptist preacher needs a little funk, too. Mike is careful
to keep his guitar tuned, occasionally stepping up to a mike to knock out
the music for the kind of lyrics he once scorned as not fit for his
congregation. But that was then, and this now, and Mike told bystanders back
home in Little Rock this week that just because he said he wasn't running
doesn't necessarily make it so. 

Everything is still open, he said. I haven't closed doors. And this:
It's not going to be an easy path for whoever the Republican is. Whoever it
is, is going to come out of a bloody primary broke and battered. 

This ought to be good news for President Obama, except that grown-ups have
pretty much given up on him. The hopey-changy man was supposed to have the
economy humming by now, and only Pollyanna with a microscope can find
evidence of that. The Wall Street Journal reports that prices of houses, a
reliable indicator of the health of the economy, fell an astonishing 4.2
percent in the first quarter of this year. The average value of a house is
now 33 percent below the peak in 2006, a bigger drop than any recorded in
the (gulp) Great Depression. Rasmussen, one of the most reliable pollsters,
finds that Mr. Obama, though the pundits invariably call him a likely
winner, polls two points behind the generic Republican nominee. Rasmussen
says 66 percent of likely voters, including 41 percent of likely Democratic
voters, say the country is heading down the wrong track. The wrong track
rarely leads to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

The country speeds on, like a mighty passenger train hurtling down the
tracks toward a missing bridge across the river. But why worry? The great
entertainers are in charge.


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] Weiner and the Law's Peril

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 3, 2011 1 Sivan, 5771 

Weiner and the Law's Peril 

By Roger Simon 


If you smell something burning, it is Anthony Weiner's future going up in

Weiner is a brash and bright Democratic congressman who represents parts of
Brooklyn and Queens. Up until recently, he was considered a leading
contender to become New York City's next mayor, a race for which he has
already bankrolled $3.9 million. 

He can save his money. 

A few days ago, a close-up picture of a man in his underpants was sent from
Weiner's Twitter account to a 21-year-old college student in Washington
state. She says she does not know Weiner. Weiner says he does not know her
and did not send the picture. He says his Twitter account was hacked by a

It is no crime to send a lewd picture to an adult, and Weiner is under no
known investigation by any law enforcement agency or the House Ethics

But he is in deep, deep trouble. 

It is not enough for a politician to be innocent, he also must appear to be
innocent. In fact, it is often better to appear to be innocent than actually
be innocent. 

In all his TV appearances so far, Anthony Weiner has looked about as
innocent to me as O.J. No, strike that, some people think O.J. really is
innocent. Nobody could possibly watch Anthony Weiner and think he is. 

He couldn't look more guilty if he ran down Pennsylvania Avenue at high noon
wearing nothing but a pair of bulging gray underpants. 

Some quick asides: It is my intention to avoid all double or even single
entendres in this column. They are juvenile and tiresome, two things I
occasionally steer clear of. Second, the lewdness of the photograph in
question is subject to debate. If you have ever watched an Olympic swimming
event or seen a man on a public beach in a Speedo, you have seen more
lewdness. Third, the degree of lewdness doesn't really matter. If a
congressman takes a picture of himself in his underwear and sends it to a
college kid, that congressman has some serious issues. 

Now back to Weiner, who has publicly said the same things over and over: He
is innocent of sending the picture, he can't say with certitude that the
picture is not of him, he does not wish to speak to federal law enforcement
officials about it, and he is hiring a private firm to investigate the

Alarm bells began clanging in my head. 

O.J. Simpson said in 1995 he was going to hire a private firm to find out
who really killed Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. We are still awaiting
the report. 

After being accused by 15 women of having molested them over the years,
Arnold Schwarzenegger said in 2003 he was going to hire a private firm to
investigate their claims and clear the air. We are still awaiting the

And now Anthony Weiner says he is going to hire a private firm to find out
how his Twitter account was hacked, even though Weiner could easily go to
the U.S. Capitol Police or the FBI and ask them to do it. 

Asked repeatedly why he refuses to do so, Weiner replies the whole matter is
a prank and not a federal case. 

The sound you continue to hear is the clanging of bells. 

It is no crime to lie to the press. If caught, all you face is a few
disgruntled reporters, and most reporters are always disgruntled. 

It is no crime to lie to the public. If caught, all you face are a few
shrugs, and maybe (though maybe not) defeat in the next election. 

It is no crime to lie to your wife. If caught, all you face is shame and
maybe (though maybe not) divorce. 

But if you lie to federal agents, even if you are not under oath, you could
face three to five at Allentown. 

The relevant law is Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, which states
in part that whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the
executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United
States, knowingly and willfully - (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by
any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially
false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes
or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any
materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be
fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years ... . 

And that is why it could be perilous for Weiner to sit down and make any
statements whatsoever to any federal agents. Sending a picture of himself in
his underwear to an adult is no crime. Lying about it to federal
investigators is. 

Which could be why he prefers to hire a private firm rather than letting the
U.S. Capitol Police or FBI agents do their job. 

Will this story go away, replaced by more important stories about Medicare,
the federal debt limit and bloodshed in the Mideast? 

A story about sex and a politician? Just go away while there are still
questions to be asked and stories to be 

[osint] The Frenchman Has No Clothes

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 3, 2011 1 Sivan, 5771 

The Frenchman Has No Clothes 

By Suzanne Fields 


The war between the sexes is never-ending, but the battleground is dotted
with the white flags of uneasy truces. 

Men and women have embraced such a truce when discussing what Dominique
Strauss-Kahn is said to have committed in a Manhattan hotel suite. Not only
are both men and women arguing on the same side, but so are liberals and
conservatives, prudes and libertines, Francophiles and Francophobes. He has
ruined whatever remained of the reputation of the French lover. 

DSK is no Charles Boyer inviting a mademoiselle to come with me to zee
Casbah (though M. Boyer is more seductive in parody than in reality for
actually saying that). Long gone is the charming Maurice Chevalier, the
suave Yves Montand, the sexy Jean Paul Belmondo. Gerard Depardieu never did
fit the profile. La vie is no longer en rose. 

The problem for DSK is that in the popular public domain, as opposed to a
court of law, he shames the most flagrant womanizer, makes the flirtatious
Gallic Romeo a figure of suspicion and invites sneers of contempt toward one
of Gay (in the old sense of the word) Paree's most cherished beau ideal,
that Frenchmen are the greatest lovers in the universe. 

He even brings a foul-smelling men's cologne to those sophisticated French
marriages that tolerate anything goes as long as the marriage is
preserved. No longer can anyone say that the French don't care what you do
as long as you pronounce it correctly. Au revoir to all that. 

Literally and figuratively, the Frenchman has no clothes. If half the
gossipy stories are true, this particular Frenchman has set a new example,
an anti-romantic stereotype of gaucherie. He was powerful enough to almost
run for president despite his trouble reading a woman's signal of an
interest in woo, boorish in his invitations and out of control in his

The New York Post reports that moments before New York detectives boarded
his Air France flight, he acknowledged a stewardess in business class by
drawing attention to her bottom. What a nice ass! he said. Quel beau
cull! Yuk. 

Even New Yorker magazine, skilled in stylish sexual subtleties and innuendo,
observes how far DSK went over the top: According to the stories, he
grabbed women in elevators, he cornered them in gardens, and if they
resisted he liked to pursue with phone calls and text messages. No doubt he
won a few conquests that way, but as Pascal Bruner, the philosopher, put it
at a table in Cafe de Flore, that famous rendezvous for artists and poets
known for their libidinous adventures, He wasn't a womanizer - he was

Of course the French were offended when he was photographed in handcuffs,
but some women observed with a certain glee that the pictures of him
unshaven and unwashed made him look like a dirty old man in a raincoat, a
warning to arrogant men who think they're God's gift to women and can
operate without boundaries. The hard-nosed feminists who've been mocked for
years for exaggerating male boorishness in the office and on the street can
claim a certain vindication. Great crimes from little cads grow. 

DSK hasn't been a good Socialist, either. Hypocrisy is often a sin that
passes invisible until the moment it's exposed, sometimes greater than
life-size, though this time it was darkly visible for anyone who looked. A
prospective Socialist president need not live modestly, but renting a house
for $50,000 a month is pushing it when he is awaiting trial for abusing a
poor cleaning lady, a single mother from Africa struggling to raise a child.
Only a month ago, he was satirized in Paris for capitalist displays of
extravagance when he was photographed getting out of an expensive Porsche. 

A poll taken in France immediately after his arrest showed that 60 percent
thought he was set up, victim of a political conspiracy. Some still
believe that, but they're a diminishing band as press leaks describe the
woman as a credible witness. More than a few of his friends should suffer
feelings of guilt that they didn't try to help him with his woman problem.

Morality and democracy are both levelers, writes Harvard professor Harvey
Mansfield in The Weekly Standard magazine, defending old-fashioned truths
that raise the low-born and abase the high-roller. They encourage each
other, and they take satisfaction in each other. 

Marianne is the national emblem of France, commemorating liberty and reason
as civic virtues of the Republic. Those virtues prevail here, too. 


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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] HEY AMIR - Answer the Damn Question! - (A United West Video) (Please Forward)

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf












≈ ≈ ≈





In early May 2011, Tom Trento took The United West Strike Team to California 
to confront and expose the Muslim Student Union during their Hate-the-Jew week 
they call...Israel Apartheid Week.


Over the next few weeks we will release some extremely powerful videos that 
establish the connection between the Muslim Student Union the radical left, the 
Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration.


This video features, Amir Mertaban at UC Irvine, a star of the Muslim 
Brotherhood who is extremely popular on campuses around the United States. He 
is a glib, smart and entertaining speaker who can lead college Muslims and 
Leftists down whatever path he wants them to travel.


After his presentation, which was powerful but completely flawed, one of The 
United West Strike Team members, J. Mark Campbell, asked a very simple 


Watch one of the Brotherhood's best - squirming, slithering and sliding around 
as he gets caught by his own slickness!


In the weeks ahead we will be producing an hour-long Documentary on our 
findings in California and the deeply entrenched role that the Muslim 
Brotherhood plays in education, politics, law enforcement and entertainment.


In fact, our investigative work (captured completely on tape) will show you our 
confrontation with  University of California/San Diego (UCSD) officials working 
on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood trying to THROW OUR TEAM off the campus 
where Muslims said...we were not allowed!






STAY TUNED FOR THAT VIDEO...It was a showdown you will not believe!


≈ ≈ ≈










 http://t.ymlp146.net/ebehavawbwaiaubadauumwu/click.php PLEASE FORWARD THIS 



JUNE 3, 2011










THE UNITED WEST, 2200 4th Avenue N #3, Lake Worth FL 33461,  
http://t.ymlp146.net/ebewafawbwaiaubalauumwu/click.php www.TheUnitedWest.org


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 http://ymlp146.net/m/ Powered by YMLP 


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[osint] Our salutary debt-ceiling scare

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 3, 2011 / 1 Sivan, 5771 

Our salutary debt-ceiling scare 

By Charles Krauthammer 


As the sun rises in the east, the debt ceiling will be raised. Getting there, 
however, will be harrowing. Which is a good thing.

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner warns that failure to raise the limit would be 
disastrous. In that he is correct. But he is disingenuous when he suggests that 
we must raise the ceiling by Aug. 2 or the sky falls 

There is no drop-dead date. There is no overnight default. Debt service amounts 
to about 6 percent of the federal budget and only about 10 percent of federal 
revenue. This means that for every $1 of interest payments, there is roughly $9 
of revenue the government spends elsewhere.

Move money around — and you’ve covered the debt service. Cover the debt service 
— and there is no default. What scares Geithner is not that we won’t be able to 
pay our creditors but that his Treasury won’t be able to continue spending the 
obscene amounts of money (about $120 billion a month) it doesn’t have and will 
(temporarily) be unable to borrow.

Good. The government will (temporarily) be forced to establish priorities. A 
salutary exercise.

Equally salutary is the air of crisis that will be generated by the fear of 
default. We shall have a preview of what happens when we hit the real debt 
ceiling several years from now, i.e., face real default. That’s our current 
fiscal trajectory. Under President Obama’s budgets, debt service, now $214 
billion a year, climbs to $931 billion in a decade.

The current debt-ceiling showdown 
 , therefore, is an instructive dry run of an actual Greek-like default, which 
awaits if we don’t solve our debt problem.

With one difference, of course. During today’s debt-ceiling fight, if the 
markets start to get jittery, interest rates on U.S. debt spike and the economy 
begins to teeter, the whole exercise can be called off with a push of a button 
— an act of Congress hiking the debt ceiling. When the real crisis comes, 
however, there is no button. There is no flight-simulator reset. We default, 
and the economy really does crash.

Which is why the current debt-ceiling showdown is to be welcomed. It creates 
leverage to force fiscal sanity.

But it can be a dangerous game. Republican demands must therefore be 
well-crafted. Fortunately, they are. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is 
pushing for budget cuts in the next two years 
 . The effect would be real and multiplicative — when you cut the baseline 
budget, the savings get repeated year after year.

Spending caps are more problematic. They have a baleful history. Experience 
shows that Congress can padlock the refrigerator door, but as long as Congress 
can still access the key, the gorging never stops.

I would suggest, therefore, enacting spending caps that could be overturned in 
future years only by
supermajority — say, two-thirds of both houses. Now, of course, a future 
Congress could undo this whole scheme by repealing the caps through legislation 
that would require only a simple majority in both houses. But as long as 
Republicans maintain control of the House, they could block this maneuver. The 
caps would be essentially unrepealable.

In this spending-cut tug of war, it is of paramount importance to frame your 
demands in a way that the public sees as reasonable. The side that can command 
public opinion will prevail — the other side will ultimately cave for fear of 
being blamed for whatever dislocation occurs. Republicans should not be asking 
for, say, repeal of Obamacare as the quid pro quo for raising the debt limit. 
These are bridges much too far for these negotiations.

Which is why House Speaker John Boehner’s offer of a dollar-for-dollar deal — 
raise the debt ceiling to match corresponding spending cuts — is a thing of 
beauty. It is eminently logical and easy to understand. In a country with a 47 
percent to 19 percent plurality opposed to raising the debt ceiling, the 
Boehner offer is difficult for the president to refuse.

After all, it invites Obama to choose how much to cut. For example, $500 
billion buys him a $500 billion debt-limit hike — and only a short-term 
extension. Not wanting to go through this process again, Obama would like a $2 
trillion debt-limit hike to get him past Election Day 2012. For that, he’ll 
have to come up with $2 trillion in spending cuts.

It may be blackmail. But it is progress.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[osint] Radical Marxist Anti-First Amendment Group Consulted With FCC To Push Obama's Internet Takeover

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
IL_CAMPAIGN utm_medium=emailutm_campaign=440759683c-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN


June 2, 2011

tml Radical Anti-First Amendment Group Consulted With FCC To Push Obama's
Internet Takeover 

Judicial Watch has obtained documents that show that Free Press, a
progressive group funded by George Soros and other leftist benefactors was
colluding with the FCC to push through its plan for the government control
of the internet known also known as net neutrality.


In December 2010, the FCC voted 3-2 to pass its net neutrality program,
despite the fact just seven months earlier a federal appeals court ruled
005BD63F/$file/08-1291-1238302.pdf  that the FCC had exceeded its authority
in seeking to regulate the Internet and enforce net neutrality rules. 

For those of you who are not familiar with Free Press it is a group
dedicated to the exact opposite of its name.  The group not only sees access
to all media (including high speed internet) as a civil right, it also
believes the the Government should have control of the message to
guarantee that all sides are fairly represented. Of course its their
definition of all sides, fairly represented and its all whether the
people want it or not.

This is no hyperbole.  For example one of the groups founders Robert
McChesney is the former editor and current board member of the Marxist
magazine Monthly Review, which has a fifty-year history of supporting
Communist movements and regimes.

McChesney strongly believes in government control of the medium and the

In a 2000 article -- titled Journalism, Democracy, and Class Struggle
http://www.monthlyreview.org/1100rwm.htm   in  Review, McChesney laid out
his goal of using media as a tool for socialist change

Our job is to make media reform part of our broader struggle for democracy,
social justice, and, dare we say it, socialism 

In 2009, McChesney said http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,590506,00.html
the following about capitalism and the media: 

*   Any serious effort to reform the media system would have to
necessarily be part of a revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist
system itself. 
*   There is no real answer but to remove brick by brick the capitalist
system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles. 
*   We need to do whatever we can to limit capitalist propaganda,
regulate it, minimalize it, and perhaps even eliminate it.  


The advocacy arm of the the group, the Free Press Action Fund
http://www.stopbigmedia.com/  lobbies in Washington against media
corporations. According to Free Press' website, the U.S. media landscape is
dominated by massive corporations that, through a history of mergers and
acquisitions, have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and
read, ignore the needs of the local communities, and suppress racial, gender
and political diversity.

Free Press seems like the perfect group to work with the Obama
administration against the needs and freedoms of the American people. And
that's just what they did.

Via a FOIA request, Judicial Watch uncovered internal correspondence showing
unusual coordination by some officials at the FCC and Free Press in pushing
the net neutrality agenda in the run up to the controversial FCC vote in

*   On November 1, Jenn Ettinger, who acts as the media coordinator
for Free Press's Save the Internet project, wrote an email to Margaret
McCarthy in FCC Commissioner Copps's office: I wanted to gauge your
interest in doing an oped [net neutrality] by Commissioner Copps for the
Albuquerque Journal, Ettinger wrote. She even offered to write the piece
herself. I'm happy to help draft, or place if need be. 

*   On November 2, 2010, Free Press Associate Outreach Director Misty
Perez Truedson sent an email to John Giusti, Chief of Staff to Commissioner
Copps asking if Copps would write an op-ed for the Albuquerque Journal in
advance of a November 16 hearing on Internet access: Would Commissioner
Copps be interested in drafting an Op-ed in advance of the hearing? It's a
great way to get the word out and to spark conversations in advance of the
event, Truedson wrote. We're working on the op ed, 

*   Giusti wrote back on November 9.  we're 

[osint] Obama's Mid-East Advisor Fareed Zakaria to America: You're Not so Great

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Fareed Zakaria to America: You
not-so-great/ 're Not so Great

Posted by Curtis Kalin http://bigjournalism.com/author/ckalin  Jun 3rd
2011 at 6:34 am in CNN http://bigjournalism.com/category/cnn/ , History
http://bigjournalism.com/category/history/  | Comments (23)

CNN's Fareed Zakaria was on Charlie Rose recently and made the claim that
America has become antiquated and the system our founding documents
created is dysfunctional.

Zakaria begins by adopting the epic straw man of an arrogant American who
thinks America is 100% perfect. Using the pronoun we think repeatedly he

Whenever we have a problem, we tend to think that our Constitution is the
best ever created in the history of the world. The people who wrote the
Constitution were demi-gods, it never needs to be changed. Our political
system is the best in the world. The truth is we have a pretty complicated,
antiquated system that's grown pretty dysfunctional.

Wow, when you put it like that Mr. Zakaria, it's a wonder we even made it
out of the 19th century. Let's go point by point.

First, the reason Americans revere the Constitution was that it, along with
the Declaration of Independence, represented the first time people threw off
the chains of a tyrannical government and truly put power in the hands of
ordinary people. It was an intellectual revolution more than a physical one.
From 1776 and 1789 on, numerous countries have taken our system and used it
as a template for change in their countries. We have good reason to be

Next, no one believes that the founding fathers were demi-gods. They were
extremely smart men who charted a new and different course of human history.
They framed the intellectual revolution. No one asserts they're godly, but
again, we have good reason to be proud and honor those men.

Third, no one says the Constitution should never be changed. The writers
of the Constitution knew that the document would have to be changed from
time to time. That's why they had an amendment procedure, and indeed passed
a slew of them themselves. Civics 101, Mr. Zakaria.

Finally, Zakaria frames America's rise to world dominance as circumstantial:
We are a successful parochial country. We're a large country with two vast
oceans, two weak neighbors, with a history of success. Those are bad
conditions from which to learn.

Zakaria frames America as unspectacular, unexceptional whose rise was purely
coincidental or by luck. However, what he fails to answer in this laundry
list of what American's think is the why? Why are we a nation with a
history of success? Why are we so rich? Why are we so large? The reason we
are these things is that when you unleash the human spirit in a free nation,
you allow humanity to grow and progress. Read The 5000 Year Leap and you'll
see why human advancement has grown at an exponential rate in the last 200
plus years.

I, for one, am of the opinion that America is indeed that great.


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[osint] Afghan War News - June 3, 2011

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 03, 2011

War in Afghanistan News 3 June 2011

pup Afghan mapWar in Afghanistan News reports provided by ISAF Joint
Command. Operations are reported in the following provinces:  Balkh,
Kandahar, Khost, Logar, Ghazni, Nuristan. 

A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured an al Qaida
facilitator during an overnight security operation in Nahr-e Shahi district,
Balkh province, yesterday.

The facilitator was a Pakistan-based attack planner and a close associate of
senior al Qaida insurgents. He is a former associate of Osama Bin Laden and
it's suspected he was with Bin Laden in Afghanistan in 2001. 

The Afghan-led security force identified the facilitator's location early
Wednesday morning, and tracked him to an associated compound in Nahr-e
Shahi. The security force moved quickly to isolate the compound, and an
Afghan member of the force called for the facilitator and all other
personnel to exit the buildings peacefully. All occupants complied, allowing
the security force to ensure the safety of the women and children.

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News

The security force searched the area and conducted on-scene questioning with
residents, resulting in the facilitator identifying himself to the force.
Once identified, the force took him into custody along with two of his

The facilitator is one of several senior al Qaida and Taliban insurgents
captured in the province since February of this year. Additionally, more
than 35 individuals associated with al Qaida and Taliban activity have been
detained in the province during the same time frame.

No civilians were harmed during the operation.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout


A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained numerous suspected
insurgents during a security search for a Taliban leader in Mazar-e Sharif
city, Balkh province, yesterday. The targeted leader plans, coordinates and
conducts explosive device and suicide vest attacks against Afghan government
officials and Afghan National Security Forces.

Intelligence tips led the Afghan-led security force to a compound in the
district associated with the leader. After securing and clearing the area,
the force identified numerous individuals with suspected ties to the
insurgent leader. All men were taken into custody for further questioning
and possible detention. No civilians were harmed during the operation.

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News


A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader and
one of his associates during a security operation in Panjwa'i district,
Kandahar province, yesterday. The targeted leader was a Taliban commander
who directed approximately 45 fighters and was responsible for attacks
against Afghan and coalition security forces in Zharay and Panjwa'i

Following extensive intelligence tips, the Afghan-led force located the
leader at his compound in the district. After isolating the area, an Afghan
member of the force called for all occupants to exit peacefully. Once the
women and children were secured, the force commenced their search of the
compound. The leader was identified during initial questioning and
apprehended. Also through initial questioning, the security force was able
to identify and detain one of his associates.

An ISAF patrol discovered during a security operation, a drug cache in
Panjwa'i district, Kandahar province yesterday. The cache consisted of 99
pounds (45 kilograms) of marijuana. The cache was destroyed by security

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News


In Khost province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a
Haqqani network facilitator and two of his associates during a security
operation in Sabari district, yesterday. The facilitator is responsible for
homemade bomb movements targeting Afghan and coalition forces.

The Afghan-led force commenced a search of the facilitator's suspected
compound in the district, after several reports indicated Haqqani activity
in the area. Upon locating the compound, the force called for all occupants
to exit peacefully. The security force then searched the compound, where
they discovered and confiscated an AK-47 rifle with ammunition and a chest

Following the search, an Afghan member of the security force interviewed
residents regarding Haqqani activity in the area. During the interviews, the
facilitator identified himself to the force, resulting in his detention.
Additionally, the force was able to identify two other 

[osint] 9 Killed in Iraqi Bombings

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


June 03, 2011

Iraq Bombings Kill Nine

VOA News June 2, 2011

pup Ramadi

A series of explosions has rocked the western city of Ramadi and left at
least nine people dead, according to Iraqi government officials.

Investigators say more than a dozen people were wounded. At least two of
Thursday's blasts occurred in a market that is near government offices.



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[osint] Obama Flouts the War Powers Resolution

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Obama Flouts the War Powers Resolution
by  http://www.fff.org/aboutUs/bios/sxr.asp Sheldon Richman, June 3, 2011

NATO announced that the Libyan intervention will be extended for another
three months. So what President Obama said would be a matter of days, not
weeks, will in fact last many months. It's safe to assume that Western
powers will be meddling there a year from now. 

One thing we know for sure, however, is that the U.S. intervention is doubly
illegal. Obama had no legal authority to enter the war, and given that he
entered it anyway, the 1973 War Powers Resolution required that on May 20 -
60 days after the intervention began - Obama either procure authorization
from Congress or cease all operations. 

He asked for a resolution, but Congress has not complied. In fact a
bipartisan move is afoot to demand withdrawal from Libya. The Republican
leadership blocked that resolution from a vote. So Obama is prosecuting a
war without congressional approval beyond the 60-day limit. That's illegal. 

The founders of this country were concerned about warmaking. Thus, the
Constitution gives only the Congress the power to declare and appropriate
money for war. But since 1942 no president has asked Congress for a
declaration of war. (Blank-check authorizations don't count.) The War
Powers Resolution was a half-hearted attempt to restore some measure of
congressional authority over warmaking. But no president has accepted it,
and members of Congress generally have been scared to resist a president. 

So presidents have repeatedly gotten away with lawlessness. As Glenn
Greenwald notes, that does not make new violations lawful. 

Under the War Powers Resolution a president can commit troops to combat on
his own say-so only in a national emergency created by attack upon the
United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces. Thus
the Libyan intervention is illegal. 

What does the administration say? [The] President had the constitutional
authority to direct the use of force in Libya because he could reasonably
determine that such use of force was in the national interest, a Justice
Department Office of Legal Counsel memorandum states. 

In other words, if a president judges a military operation in the national
interest, he may on his own commit forces. 

The only problem is that the War Powers Resolution forbids that. 

What about the 60-day rule? According to the New York Times, Administration
officials offered no theory for why continuing the air war in Libya in the
absence of Congressional authorization and beyond the deadline would be

The closest we got to a justification came from Jay Carney, the press
secretary, who said that the commentary about the Resolution could fill
this room, and none of it would be conclusive. Even if that were true, the
interests of the American people demand a presumption in favor of dispersed,
rathen than concentrated, power. 

The Times quoted the Harvard Law professor Jack Goldsmith, who ran the
Office of Legal Counsel in 2003 and 2004, on the unprecedented nature of
Obama's action: There may be facts of which we are unaware, but this
appears to be the first time that any president has violated the War Powers
Resolution's requirement either to terminate the use of armed forces within
60 days after the initiation of hostilities or get Congress's support. 

Some of the president's allies argue that that the Resolution doesn't apply
because deadly drone attacks (which have killed noncombatants) and the U.S.
supporting role for NATO don't constitute warfare! But Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton recently said, Even today, the United States continues to
fly 25 percent of all sorties. We continue to provide the majority of
intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets. 

That looks like war. 

Some may wonder why Obama didn't ask Congress for authorization, since he
could surely have gotten it. Greenwald knows why: The Obama White House is
simply choosing not to seek it because Obama officials want to bolster the
unrestrained power of the imperial presidency entrenched by [the Bush

It would behoove Obama to heed his own the words, spoken when he ran for
president: No more ignoring the law when it's inconvenient. That is not who
we are We will again set an example for the world that the law is not
subject to the whims of stubborn rulers. 

We're waiting, Mr. President. 

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[osint] Cyber Attack on U.S. Electric Grid 'Gravest Short Term Threat' to National Security, Lawmakers Say

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf



Cyber Attack on U.S. Electric Grid 'Gravest Short Term Threat' to National
Security, Lawmakers Say

May 31, 2011 5:05 PM

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[osint] Where Are the Founding Fathers of the 'Arab Spring?

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

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MEMRI Daily: June 3, 2011


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The following are reports published today from MEMRI's Special Dispatch
Series and the MEMRI TV Project about a Saudi journalist critizing the Arab
uprisings as not being truly democratic and a Syrian liberal comparing
Bashar Al-Assad to the Godfather.

Special Dispatch No. 3887-Saudi Arabia/Democratization and Reform in the
Arab and Muslim World 

Prominent Saudi Journalist: Where Are the Founding Fathers of the 'Arab

In a May 19, 2011 op-ed in the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, titled Where
Are the Founding Fathers of the 'Arab Spring?' Adel Al-Toraifi explains
that despite the much-acclaimed Arab Spring, there is no genuine change
in the ideas or characters of the region. He adds, The 'Arab Spring' has
no founding fathers - because [it] is not based on progressive, enlightened
thought, and concludes by quoting Thomas Jefferson.  According to the
paper, Al-Toraifi is editor-in-chief of the Arab magazine Al-Majalla.  

To read the full report, visit
http://memri.convio.net/site/R?i=kViat9V7X0iXQw9RhoQyjQ.. . 


Special Dispatch 3888-Syria

Syrian Liberal Intellectual Muhyi Al-Din Al-Ladhaqani Compares Al-Assad to
'the Godfather' and States: We Are Facing a Vague 'Democracy,' Adopted by
All Those Who Do Not Believe in Democracy

Following are excerpts from an interview with Syrian liberal intellectual
Muhyi Al-Din Al-Ladhaqiya, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on May 19, 2011. 

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit

 2948.jpg http://memri.convio.net/images/content/pagebuilder/2948.jpg  

Muhyi Al-Din Al-Ladhaqiya: I don't know why, but the Al-Assad family
reminds me of the story of 'The Godfather.' Al-Assad Sr. groomed his eldest
son [Bassel] to be his heir, but the eldest son was killed in an accident.
So the second son - just like in the case of the godfather, the Mafia leader
- inherited the leadership of the family and of the Mafia. The same thing
happened in the Al-Assad family... 

To read the full report, visit


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remember the environment before printing.


For assistance, please contact MEMRI at me...@memri.org.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent,
non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle
East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background
information, are available on request.

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proper attribution.

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[osint] Americans killed bin Laden with 'pork'-coated bullets to prevent him getting to paradise

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Excellent idea, even if not true.





Americans killed bin Laden with 'pork'-coated bullets to prevent him getting

to paradise

Publication time: Today at 16:37 Emirate time



A detachment of the so-called US Navy Seals used bullets soaked in pork

fat to kill Sheikh Osama bin Laden. The Daily Mail wrote about this

referring to the website of Silver Bullet Gun Oil, which manufactures armory



According to the manufacturer of armory lubricants, such bullets prevent

Mujahideen getting to Allah's pastures of Heaven.


Armory lubrication, brought by the US Marines, contains 13 per cent USDA

liquefied pig fat.


The website of Silver Bullet Gun Oil belongs to a man calling himself The

Midnight Rider and the Warrior of YAHWEH (the Hebrew name for God).


According to him, he is a former Marine scout sniper. Pictures of the

production line, which produces and packages armory grease posted on the

website. Masked men wearing regulation Marine camouflage uniform, that is

officially off-limits for civilians, are engage in packaging.


If you believe the information on the website, the pork gun oil is has

been producing since June 2004. Since then, thousands of bottles of oil

were distributed to all troops of the US armed forces. The cost of

anti-Islamic oil is 8.95 dollars for a bottle of 4 ounces (118

milliliters). A pork fat used in the production of Silver Bullet Gun Oil

produced in accordance with the standards of the USDA.


It is to be recalled that earlier, the Zionist regime was actively terrified

Palestinian Mujahideen that it will wrap the bodies of martyrs in pig skins,

and thus, they say, the martyrs cannot get to Heaven.


Zionists still occasionally use this nonsense in their propaganda.


Regarding to the history of pig gun grease, then it once again reinforces

the belief of Muslims that the United States and its allies in the Western

alliance and the international Zionist-Christian groups, are waging a

religious war against Islam and the current so-called war on terror pursue

no other objectives.


We would like to recall thereupon a story of rifles of Western armies, which

had coded signs of crusaders.


Department of Monitoring

Kavkaz Center





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[osint] Dumb Brit marries Muslim man of her dreams. Now he threatens to slit her throat like a goat.

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


-of-her-dreams-now-he-threatens-to-slit-her-throat-like-a-goat/ Dumb Brit
marries Muslim man of her dreams. Now he threatens to slit her throat like a

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| June 3, 2011 at 12:40 PM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=4957245 Islamic Britain | URL:
http://wp.me/peHnV-uQ3 http://wp.me/peHnV-uQ3 

Any non-Muslim woman who marries a Muslim deserves what she gets. Their
relationship began in the most romantic of ways - at a sun-drenched holiday
resort in a foreign land. But Sarah Ben Miled's surprising love story is now
the stuff of nightmares.  She is hiding out alone in a safe-house, terrified
that the man [...]

-of-her-dreams-now-he-threatens-to-slit-her-throat-like-a-goat/ Read more
of this post

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[osint] Today Is Be Kind to Kapos Day

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

There is always a steady trickle of Jews offering their coreligionists 
reassurance that “it’s only a shower. Go ahead, it’ll do you good.” But today 
brings a virtual bumper crop. 


In the lead off spot is pathetic  
http://www.adl.org/media_watch/tv/20110602-Pat+Robertson+.htm Abe Foxman, the 
Democrat’s shill who again attacks one of Israel’s (and the Jews’) great 
friends, Pat Robertson, for being wary of Islam’s motives.


Next up,  
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/05/30/the_virtues_of_folding Aaron 
David Miller, a chronic peace processor who has made a good buck explaining why 
the “peace process” he endorses has never worked out.


And last but not least, here’s  
 Rahm Emanuel, doing what he does best: apologizing for Obama and trying to 
keep that Chicago Jewish money flowing into BHO’s coffers.


NB: Please, no emails from incredulous gentiles wondering why Jews can so 
easily sell out their own people. The answer lies in our exodus from Egypt and 
the “mixed multitudes” who tagged along for the ride.



Dan Friedman

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[osint] The Iconoclast: The Incredulity of Abe Foxman and the ADL's support for Islamic Antisemitism by Jerry Gordon]

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
The Iconoclast 

Friday, 3 June 2011

The Incredulity of Abe Foxman and the ADL’s support for Islamic Antisemitism


by Jerry Gordon



Abe Foxman of ADL

A tip of the chapeau to Ruth S.King of the Ruthfullyyours blog 
http://www.ruthfullyours.com/ .

On May 31st, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) aired a chilling  
http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/DHU199v1_WS report  by Dale 
Hurd,  its chief European correspondent about the spate of European mega 
-mosque construction projects. The report focused on the giant mosque in Rome, 
the Turkish Government underwriting of a mega-mosque challenging the spires of 
the famed Gothic Cologne Cathedral in Germany.  The report also addressed 
similar Mosque efforts in London and Copenhagen. The latter is being built with 
funding from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Witness the comments from   
 Lars Hedegaard, Danish free speech 'hero,' about the Copenhagen mosque 
constituting ‘barracks’  to spread Islamic indoctrination  and terrorism. 

Watch the CBN segment,  
http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/DHU199v1_WS here.


Pat Robertson’s following comments to this CBN European mega-mosque  segment 
about the dangers lurking behind the European mega-mosque construction campaign 
seemed  appropriate, especially for those who  have learned about the 
imperatives for Mosque construction inherent in Islamic Shariah doctrine.  
Those imperatives are patently evident in our interview 
http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/793  with Sam Solomon on 
Mosques and our  
 review of his book, Al Yahud , about implacable Muslim Jew Hatred at the core 
of Islam. That Islamic Jew Hatred  is very much on display via MEMRI videos of 
rallies in Egypt and other hot  spots in the so-called Arab Spring.


But all this lost on the incredible Abe Foxman of ADL.  Foxman and his 
‘diversity-minded’ minions at the ADL, a supposed bulwark against anti-Semitism 
in America, dashed off a letter 
http://www.adl.org/media_watch/tv/20110602-Pat+Robertson+.htm  on June 2nd  
to Pat Robertson of the 700 Club taking him to task for being  against mosque 
construction, against Muslims generally  and creating the impression that Islam 
is equivalent  to doctrinal  equivalent of Hiterlism.

Note what Foxman  wrote to Robertson:


We were deeply disturbed by your remarks on the May 31 edition of The 700 
Clubconcerning Muslims in Europe and America following a segment on the growing 
construction of mosques on the European Continent.  You asked the question, why 
is it bigoted if one speaks out against an institution that is intent on 
dominating us and imposing Sharia law and making us all part of a universal 
Caliphate?  That is the goal of some of these people.  Why is that bigoted?  
Why is it bigoted to resist Adolf Hitler and the Nazisand to say that we don't 
want to live under Nazi Germany?


Your statements here were troubling on several levels.  For one, the suggestion 
that Muslims who, as you put it, come into Europeand build their mosques and 
come into America and set up their schools and madrassas are doing so in an 
effort to exercise domination over the world is a false notion based on 
hateful stereotypes of Islam.  While you did qualify your statement with some 
of these people, you then pre-empted it with a series of generalizations.  In 
fact, many if not most Muslims in Europe and in America immigrated to find a 
better life for themselves and to freely practice their faith.  Sure, there is 
a minority of Muslims with extreme views. But the overwhelming majority of 
Muslims rejects these views and wants little more than the ability to practice 
their faith openly and freely and to be accepted as contributing members of 
society.  It is wrong to paint all Muslims with such a broad brush, or to 
portray all Muslims as extremists as you have done here.


Second, the notion that Islam is something that needs to be opposed in the same 
manner as people resisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is outrageous and 
offensive.  Nazism was a racist and genocidal political movement unlike any 
other in history, responsible for the massacre of six million Jews and millions 
of others in the Holocaust.  One simply cannot and should not lump Muslims into 
the same category as Hitler.


So in response to your question about why is it bigoted for people to oppose 
Muslims, to me the answer is clear:  It is bigoted when one assumes the worst 
about an entire faith based on the beliefs of a few; it is bigoted to paint all 
Muslims (or for that matter, Christians or Jews) with the broadest of brushes 
when in fact 

[osint] AFGHANISTAN: After You've Gone

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

AFGHANISTAN: After You've Gone

Stratefy 3/6/11

Despite a sharp increase in suicide bomb casualties in the last week, 
NATO combat deaths are still less (217) than the first five months last 
year (220). NATO forces continue to do great damage to Taliban and drug 
gang base areas. This doesn't get much media attention, but the troops 
on the ground know they are costing the drug gangs a lot of money, and 
weakening Taliban capabilities to terrorize and recruit. The enemy still 
can't face NATO forces in combat without getting slaughtered. So, as in 
so many past conflicts, the enemy continues to seek other ways to 
survive. Playing the media and using terror have had more success, but 
not enough to stop the NATO/Afghan offensive operations. Some of the 
media manipulations are clever. In the south, where ammonium nitrate 
fertilizer (which can be used to make bombs) is banned, some media was 
convinced (or coerced) to believe that this ban was the cause of 
declining crop yields (to the exclusion of so many other factors that 
hurt yields). Other types of (non-explosive) fertilizer are available, 
and this is ignored in these stories, which have achieved some traction.

The drug gangs and Taliban only represent about 20 percent of the 
population (those who directly benefit from the drug trade and those 
committed to the Taliban goal of regaining national power), but are 
encouraged by increased talk in NATO countries about withdrawing 
military forces. This would make the drug gangs and their Taliban allies 
more powerful, because of the drug gang cash and Taliban skill at using 
terror. It would also take a lot of pressure off Islamic terrorist 
groups. Most Afghans (especially the non-Pushtun majority in the north) 
oppose these three groups. Even most of the Pushtuns (40 percent of 
Afghans) oppose the drugs and religious terrorism, but without the 
foreign troops, the most likely result is a destructive civil war, and 
growing demands (and possibly action) from Iran, Russia and Pakistan for 
something to be done. These three nations are most hurt by the Afghan 
drugs (especially the cheaper opium, the more expensive heroin is for 
the more affluent West and oil-rich Arabs.) An invasion and partition of 
Afghanistan (by Iran, Pakistan and, from the north, Russian backed 
Tajikistan) would not be out of the question, since this sort of thing 
has happened before. In the past, Indian empires have controlled 
Afghanistan as far west as Kandahar, and Iranian empires have held 
territory as far east as Kabul. Same pattern in the north.

Another major casualty of NATO withdrawal would be many educational and 
economic development programs. The Taliban are hostile to education, 
especially for girls, while the drug gangs (full of, well, gangsters) 
would have an easier time criminalizing more of the economy. That sort 
of thing cripples the economy.

The Taliban and drug gangs are basically Pushtun organizations, and the 
suicide bombing attacks against government officials tend to target 
non-Pushtun officials. In Afghanistan, the Pushtuns are seen as the 
major troublemakers, with the drugs and terrorism the most obvious 
examples of this. Outside of Pushtun areas (where Pushtuns are easily 
spotted), other Islamic terror groups (that recruit among non-Pushtuns) 
are crucial in keeping the terror going, especially in the north. 
Despite that, there is much less violence in non-Pushtun areas.

The most carefully planned and heavily funded terror attacks are suicide 
bombings directed at senior government officials (especially those in 
the military, police and intelligence). A lot of these operations are 
carried out by the Haqqani Network in Pakistan (where this Afghan led 
group has been hiding since the 1980s fight with the Russians.) Most of 
the terror violence is directed at much less well protected targets 
(tribal and village leaders, staff and students at schools for girls).

One area where NATO sees a lot of progress is the training of Afghan 
security forces. These soldiers and police have become markedly more 
professional and effective in the last few years. But corruption is 
still a big problem, as it is everywhere else in Afghanistan. Once NATO 
forces left, these more effective Afghan troops would be more subject to 
getting hired by drug gangs and warlords, thus increasing the combat 
capabilities of these groups. But if the central government received 
enough Western aid money, the drug gangs (whose activities are about a 
third of GDP) would not be able to just buy the country. There would be 
a constant bidding war and decades of violence (see what has happened in 
Colombia and the Golden Triangle of Burma). .

May 31, 2011: President Karzai wants to impose even stricter ROE (Rules 
Of Engagement), to eliminate civilian deaths. This is a response to a 
recent bombing that killed 14 women and children. The Taliban and drug 
gangs have invested a lot in the local media, to make each 

[osint] China's Gmail Hack Targeted White House

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Gmail Hack Targeted White House



*   JUNE 3, 2011

Gmail Hack Targeted White House 


People who work at the White House were among those targeted by the
China-based hackers who broke into Google
http://online.wsj.com/public/quotes/main.html?type=djnsymbol=GOOG  Inc.'s
Gmail accounts, according to one U.S. official.

The hackers likely were hoping the officials were conducting administration
business on their private emails, according to lawmakers and security

People who work at the White House were among those targeted by the
China-based hackers who broke into Google's Gmail accounts. Devlin Barrett
explains on digits.

The government has acknowledged senior administration officials were
targeted in the phishing'' attacks on hundreds of users of the email
service. White House officials declined to discuss who was targeted.

The Obama administration reiterated Thursday that no official messages were
compromised. But lawmakers and outside computer-security experts said recent
White House history suggests administration officials sometimes use personal
email to talk business, despite rules against doing so.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security
are working with Google to investigate. These allegations are very
serious, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday. 

U.S. officials briefed on the incident said the Obama administration isn't
going to raise the matter directly with the Chinese government until the
facts become more clear. Law enforcement needs to dig into this over the
very short term so we have all the facts and procedures set out-then
diplomacy, a U.S. official said. 

White House officials in both the current and previous administrations have
been accused of using personal emails to conduct business. No matter which
party is in power, critics have argued, officials use personal accounts as a
way to avoid having those messages turned over to congressional
investigators, released under the Freedom of Information Act or retained for
historic archives.

If all White House officials were following rules prohibiting the use of
personal email for official business, there would simply be no sensitive
information to find, said Rep. Darrell Issa, Republican chairman of the
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and a frequent thorn in the
Obama administration's side. Unfortunately, we know that not everyone at
the White House follows those rules and that creates an unnecessary risk.

Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics
in Washington, a watchdog group, said the hacking suggests China believes
government officials are using their personal accounts for official
business, because I doubt they were looking for their weekend plans or a
babysitter's schedule. Presumably, the Chinese wouldn't have done this if
they weren't getting something.''

The Chinese government has denied any involvement in hacking of U.S.
officials' emails.

Google disclosed the hacking attempts on Wednesday, saying senior U.S.
officials, Chinese activists and others were targeted in an attack that
tricked users into sharing their Gmail passwords with bad actors'' based in
China, apparently with the goal of reading the victims' email.

Stewart Baker, a former homeland security official in the Bush
administration, said he suspects the ultimate goal of the hacking may have
been to use the email accounts as a stepping stone to penetrate the
officials' home computers.

If you can compromise that machine, you may well be able to access the
communications they are having with the office,'' said Mr. Baker.

Marcus Asner, a former cybersecurity prosecutor in New York now at the firm
of Arnold  Porter, said it is increasingly difficult for investigators to
trace international hacking attacks to specific perpetrators.

It used to be we'd send the FBI agents to find the 16-year-old boy in a
basement responsible, but now you have national-security and State
Department issues,'' he said. Now, you're pitting countries against

U.S. officials have increasingly had their work and personal email accounts
targeted by these types of booby-trapped email schemes in the past year or
so, officials said.

Government computer-security experts have tried to educate senior officials
who would most likely be targeted by these attacks. For example, they've
warned officials to be suspicious of emails that appear to be work-related
but are sent to their personal email accounts. Employees are also told not
to conduct official business on their personal email accounts.

The federal government fended off another targeted phishing attack in April,

[osint] Iran’s Pan-Islamic Vision

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Friday, June 03, 2011

Iran’s Pan-Islamic Vision - Analysis

Written by: MEI http://www.eurasiareview.com/author/mei/

June 3, 2011

 http://addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250 Bookmark and Share

By Alex Vatanka

At a time of unprecedented popular unrest in Arab states of the Middle East,
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated in a February 21, 2011
speech that two simple remedies are required to solve the problems that
afflict the contemporary Islamic World. According to Khamenei, “unity among
Muslim [states]” and “the weakening of America” are the two necessary
steps that all Muslims must take to secure a “bright” future for the umma
or the worldwide Muslim Nation.

 http://www.eurasiareview.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Iran.jpg Iran


Indeed, Iranian officials routinely claim that the “unification of the
ranks of Muslims against the enemies of Islam…has been one of the most
important goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran.” In recent years, however,
the Islamic Republic’s efforts to extend its message of Islamic solidarity
have increased markedly. In 2008 - a year that was officially declared the
“Year of Islamic Unity” in Iran - the organizers of the annual Islamic
unity conference in Tehran published a charter and a set of guiding
principles that outline the spirit of Islamic cooperation to which Tehran
aspires. The document goes into specific detail about ways bring an end to
sectarian divisions in the Muslim nation. For example, it urges Muslims from
different sects to avoid “name-calling and declaring each other as
unbelievers” and further adds that “ascribing innovation to other Muslims
must be avoided.”

For all its sloganeering about vahdat, or pan-Islamic unity, much of the
drive behind Tehran’s pan-Islamic outreach is first and foremost political,
and it is undertaken with a view toward enhancing Iran’s geopolitical
position. This occurs in the context of the Iranian regime’s ambitions to
become the leader of the Islamic World, a goal hindered by the Persian and
Shia characteristics of the Islamic Republic.

In the Iranian understanding of the realities of the Middle East and the
Islamic World, no state is more determined to undermine Tehran’s goals and
delegitimize its Islamist credentials than Saudi Arabia. Countering the
House of Saud and the legitimacy the religious Wahhabi establishment gives
to the monarchy’s rule have become top priorities for Iranian foreign

Claims that Wahhabism is a foreign-made conspiracy against the Muslim Nation
are not limited to fringe elements among the Iranian Shia clergy. Senior
Shia figures regularly and strongly condemn all things Wahhabi and depict
the sect as “contemptible” and deliberately “planted” in the midst of
the umma by the West to create a rift among Muslims. At their core, such
denunciations by Iranian clergy are in fact a reaction to the anti-Shia
positions of the Wahhabi establishment, which has included the issuing of
anti-Shia fatwas or insulting Shia clergy such as Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah
Ali Sistani. But Iranian anti-Wahhabism also clearly reflects the rivalries
between Tehran and Riyadh as they seek to advance their competing interests
among various Muslim populations in the Middle East and beyond.

Indeed, Iran’s anti-Wahabbism stems as much from the diametrical positions
that Tehran and Riyadh hold regarding most regional political competitions,
such as their support for opposing parties (e.g., Hamas versus Fatah or
Hezbollah versus the “March 14″ movement in Lebanon), as from its stated
ideal of Islamic unity. But the gap between the Shia hierocracy and the
Wahhabi leadership is also due to fundamental differences of a religious
nature between Shiism and Wahhabi teachings. As a consequence, Iranian
officials have focused their efforts to present Wahhabism as an aberration
to the rest of the Sunni world and to maintain that genuine reconciliation
with Sunnis is both desired and possible.

There can be little doubt that these Iranian efforts to present Shiism in a
favorable light to Sunnis are spurred on by the important linkages and
alliances that Tehran has formed with Islamist movements that are rooted in
Sunnism such as Palestinian Hamas, elements of the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood, and Turkey’s ruling AKP. Since the beginning of 2011, Tehran’
s outreach has also been driven by the popular unrest that has swept through
the Arab world on an unprecedented scale. Tehran views this unrest as an
opportunity to work through its Sunni allies to further extend its influence
among Sunni Arabs.

In propagating its message of Islamic unity and anti-Western struggle, Iran
has consistently sought to avoid issuing any statements that might be
interpreted as sectarian, as this could be counterproductive to its larger
agenda. However, this policy position has been severely tested since
mid-March 2011, when the ruling Sunni Khalifa government of 

[osint] al-Qaeda in Sinai

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
Al-Qaeda in Sinai


Posted By P. David Hornik On June 3, 2011 @ 12:50 am In Daily

Mailer,FrontPage | No Comments


It started early this week when a senior Egyptian security official told

the Egyptian-based Al-Hayyat TV channel that over 400 Al-Qaeda members had

made their way into the Sinai Peninsula. They were said to be composed of

Palestinians, Bedouins, and foreign Arabs, and Egyptian security forces were

said to be pursuing them since they were planning to carry out terror

attacks in Egypt.


The official told Al-Hayyat that they had already carried out attacks

against [Egyptian] security forces in the Sinai city of El Arish.


The report seemed to gain credence on Monday when Israeli prime minister

Binyamin Netanyahu told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee

that Egypt is having a hard time realizing its sovereignty in Sinai.

International terror organizations are stirring in Sinai and their presence

is increasing due to Sinai's connection to Gaza.


Although Netanyahu left it vague, that due to can work both ways:

terrorists in Sinai, particularly if intent on attacking Israel, can make

their way into Gaza, and terrorists in Gaza-especially now that Egypt has

opened the Rafah crossing-can make their way into Sinai.


Although it may have gotten a significant boost this week, the problem of

Al-Qaeda and other global jihadist forces in Sinai is not new. Last February

5, a gas pipeline to Israel and Jordan was blown up in northern Sinai, and

it was blown up again on April 27. The attacks are attributed to local

Bedouins, global jihadists, or a collaboration between the two.


Last August, five rockets were fired from Sinai at the Israeli resort town

of Eilat; one, the only one to cause damage, instead hit the adjacent

Jordanian town of Aqaba, killing one and wounding five. Global jihadists

were believed to be behind it. Another rocket, also probably fired from

Sinai, had hit Aqaba in April without causing casualties.


Severe bombing attacks have also struck Egyptian targets in Sinai: in 2006,

one in Dahab that killed at least 23; in 2005, one in Sharm el-Sheikh that

killed 88; and a double bombing at the Taba and Ras al-Shitan resorts in

2004 that took at least 34 lives.


The mounting terror threat from Sinai puts Israel in a difficult dilemma.

Under the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, Israel withdrew from Sinai

while Egypt agreed to leave it demilitarized, deploying only police and

border guards there. But after the first gas-pipeline bombing last February

5, Israel-for the first time since the peace treaty's signing-allowed Egypt

to move military forces into the peninsula.


Though the two Egyptian battalions were supposed to put a lid on the growing

anarchy, just days later, Israel turned down an Egyptian request to deploy

additional forces, fearing a complete breakdown of the peace treaty with



Upholding the peace treaty, then, means a growing presence for Al-Qaeda and

other global terror in Sinai, without adequate Egyptian-or any other-forces

to counter it. Derogating from the treaty means allowing Egypt-in the

post-Mubarak era that has seen rising extremism there-back into the

peninsula, which borders Gaza to the north and Israel itself to the south,

and from which Egypt attacked Israel in 1948 and 1967.


Above all, the situation underlines the fragility of the peace-process

paradigm, which has become axiomatic in international diplomacy and assumes

that Israel can gain peace in return for territorial concessions.


As long as the Mubarak government-which, while violating almost all the

other terms of the peace treaty, never militarily attacked Israel-ruled

Egypt, it could be claimed that the paradigm was at least succeeding in the

Egyptian case. Today, with Sinai becoming a terror haven that threatens both

Egypt and Israel, and with Israel rightly judging that letting Egyptian

forces enter it is even more dangerous, the days-1967 to 1979-when Israeli

forces controlled Sinai can only be regarded with nostalgia.


URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/06/03/al-qaeda-in-sinai/ 






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[osint] BYE BYE BELGIUM: 45% of elementary school students are Muslims

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


tary-school-students-are-muslims/ BYE BYE BELGIUM: 45% of elementary school
students are Muslims 

 http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/author/barenakedislam/ barenakedislam
| June 3, 2011 at 3:38 AM | Categories:
http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/?cat=6479022 Islamization of the West
| URL:  http://wp.me/peHnV-uPC http://wp.me/peHnV-uPC 

Just 18 months ago in October 2009, it was 40%. Previous Story:
bad-news-for-belgium-40-of-students-are-muslims Islam in Europe - Almost
half of the students in the Antwerp municipal elementary school system are
Muslim, an increase of 12% compared with the 2007-2008 school-year. The
figures are based on how many students ask to take Islam classes. The data
was provided by request of [...]

Islam in Europe
tml  - Almost half of the students in the Antwerp municipal elementary
school system are Muslim, an increase of 12%
tml  compared with the 2007-2008 school-year. The figures are based on how
many students ask to take Islam classes. The data was provided by request of
Vlaams Belang from the Antwerp alderman of education, Robert Voorhamme

Parents in Antwerp can choose which class their children go to: Catholicism,
Protestantism, Orthodox, Anglicanism, Judaism, Islam or secular ethics. Of
the 10,743 elementary school students, 4,890 (45.5%) took Islam class this
year. Alderman Voorhamme says that the figures mirror the evolution of the
composition of the population.



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[osint] The Iconoclast: The Incredulity of Abe Foxman and the ADL's support for Islamic Antisemitism

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
The Iconoclast 

Friday, 3 June 2011

The Incredulity of Abe Foxman and the ADL’s support for Islamic Antisemitism


by Jerry Gordon



Abe Foxman of ADL

A tip of the chapeau to Ruth S.King of the Ruthfullyyours blog 
http://www.ruthfullyours.com/ .

On May 31st, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) aired a chilling  
http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/DHU199v1_WS report  by Dale 
Hurd,  its chief European correspondent about the spate of European mega 
-mosque construction projects. The report focused on the giant mosque in Rome, 
the Turkish Government underwriting of a mega-mosque challenging the spires of 
the famed Gothic Cologne Cathedral in Germany.  The report also addressed 
similar Mosque efforts in London and Copenhagen. The latter is being built with 
funding from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Witness the comments from   
 Lars Hedegaard, Danish free speech 'hero,' about the Copenhagen mosque 
constituting ‘barracks’  to spread Islamic indoctrination  and terrorism. 

Watch the CBN segment,  
http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/mp4/DHU199v1_WS here.


Pat Robertson’s following comments to this CBN European mega-mosque  segment 
about the dangers lurking behind the European mega-mosque construction campaign 
seemed  appropriate, especially for those who  have learned about the 
imperatives for Mosque construction inherent in Islamic Shariah doctrine.  
Those imperatives are patently evident in our interview 
http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/793  with Sam Solomon on 
Mosques and our  
 review of his book, Al Yahud , about implacable Muslim Jew Hatred at the core 
of Islam. That Islamic Jew Hatred  is very much on display via MEMRI videos of 
rallies in Egypt and other hot  spots in the so-called Arab Spring.


But all this lost on the incredible Abe Foxman of ADL.  Foxman and his 
‘diversity-minded’ minions at the ADL, a supposed bulwark against anti-Semitism 
in America, dashed off a letter 
http://www.adl.org/media_watch/tv/20110602-Pat+Robertson+.htm  on June 2nd  
to Pat Robertson of the 700 Club taking him to task for being  against mosque 
construction, against Muslims generally  and creating the impression that Islam 
is equivalent  to doctrinal  equivalent of Hiterlism.

Note what Foxman  wrote to Robertson:


We were deeply disturbed by your remarks on the May 31 edition of The 700 
Clubconcerning Muslims in Europe and America following a segment on the growing 
construction of mosques on the European Continent.  You asked the question, why 
is it bigoted if one speaks out against an institution that is intent on 
dominating us and imposing Sharia law and making us all part of a universal 
Caliphate?  That is the goal of some of these people.  Why is that bigoted?  
Why is it bigoted to resist Adolf Hitler and the Nazisand to say that we don't 
want to live under Nazi Germany?


Your statements here were troubling on several levels.  For one, the suggestion 
that Muslims who, as you put it, come into Europeand build their mosques and 
come into America and set up their schools and madrassas are doing so in an 
effort to exercise domination over the world is a false notion based on 
hateful stereotypes of Islam.  While you did qualify your statement with some 
of these people, you then pre-empted it with a series of generalizations.  In 
fact, many if not most Muslims in Europe and in America immigrated to find a 
better life for themselves and to freely practice their faith.  Sure, there is 
a minority of Muslims with extreme views. But the overwhelming majority of 
Muslims rejects these views and wants little more than the ability to practice 
their faith openly and freely and to be accepted as contributing members of 
society.  It is wrong to paint all Muslims with such a broad brush, or to 
portray all Muslims as extremists as you have done here.


Second, the notion that Islam is something that needs to be opposed in the same 
manner as people resisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is outrageous and 
offensive.  Nazism was a racist and genocidal political movement unlike any 
other in history, responsible for the massacre of six million Jews and millions 
of others in the Holocaust.  One simply cannot and should not lump Muslims into 
the same category as Hitler.


So in response to your question about why is it bigoted for people to oppose 
Muslims, to me the answer is clear:  It is bigoted when one assumes the worst 
about an entire faith based on the beliefs of a few; it is bigoted to paint all 
Muslims (or for that matter, Christians or Jews) with the broadest of brushes 
when in fact 

[osint] Obama's ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon All Obama's appointments and all the legislation he has signed will be null and void

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


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All Obama's appointments and all the legislation he has signed will be null
and void

Obama's ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon

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 By Lawrence Sellin  Friday, June 3, 2011

imageIt is becoming increasingly likely that Barack Hussein Obama will be
forced to resign the Presidency before the 2012 election.

Vice President Biden will also be obliged to resign, as will Supreme Court
Justices Sotomayor and Kagan.

All Obama's appointments and all the legislation he has signed will be null
and void.

The crisis we now face is not a failure of the American experiment, but, as
citizens, we have, for far too long, been silent and inattentive.

Most of the guilt lies with a permanent political class and a grossly
dysfunctional press corps, who, for reasons of complicity, negligence,
avarice or cowardice, have contributed to the greatest fraud in the history
of the United States.

The permanent political class and the main stream media (MSM) have become a
corrupt, incompetent, profligate, selfish and undemocratic American

Even if one considers the Obama Administration as legitimate, which it is
certainly not, the results have been a disaster.

Obama and his cheerleaders in the MSM have brought our country weakness,
indecision, mediocrity and ineptitude, drifting from crisis to crisis,
bankrupting our country, while eroding our national will and confidence.

We must again embrace the spirit of the American Revolution and reject the
notion that a small permanent political class in a capital insulated from
common sense can dictate to us their own tyrannical and flawed vision of
life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The permanent political class uses its powers and taxpayer money to
perpetuate itself. Contrary to their view, ours is a nation with a
government, not the reverse. The political aristocracy presumes powers and
extends itself privileges not granted it by the people and, at the same
time, refuses any form of accountability.

The American people have not lost confidence in themselves. They have lost
confidence in their government.

As Ronald Reagan once stated:

I believe this nation hungers for a spiritual revival; hungers to once
again see honor placed above political expediency; to see government once
again the protector of our liberties, not the distributor of gifts and

We now have far too many rogue, self-serving politicians dispersed
throughout the highest levels of the federal government trying to maintain a
corrupt status quo.

It will now be the duty of ordinary Americans to remove that dishonest
aristocracy, salvage our republic, take back our government and re-shape our
own destiny.

We must return to the letter and spirit of the 10th article of the Bill of
Rights, which asserts that the federal government should execute only those
functions explicitly defined in the Constitution.

Our bloated federal bureaucracy has assumed power it was never intended to
have and has exercised those powers inefficiently, ineffectively and

The fall of Barack Obama will expose the endemic corruption within our
political system. Many in our political leadership will be charged with
felonies. Some will go to prison.

It will be a national trauma equivalent to the Civil War.

It will, however, also provide an opportunity for an American Renaissance.

In the darkest days of the American Revolution, when General George
Washington's men were freezing and starving at Valley Forge, Thomas Paine
said: We have it in our power to begin the world over again.

We still have that power. We have the strength to renew the American dream,
if we stand together.



[osint] DHS and State Not Reporting on Terror Efforts to Congress

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
This video of a recent Congressional hearing is disturbingit's about 10
min. if 

 you can find time to watch it.


 In sum, a GAO rep is explaining that the Dept. of State has failed to 

 comply with laws obligating it to report to Congress on the status of 

 both WMD and terror safehavens in its annual Country Reports series.


 Seems to me this is especially significant w/respect to Iran on both 

 counts. DoS simply left out this required reporting. No reason given 

 for failing to comply with the law on this. None.


 Why does this administration (like others before it) go to such 

 extents to protect that regime ??!!


Congress is no longer needed. You have to view the video on this 





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[osint] Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


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The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the Middle East

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

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 By Dr. Walid Phares  Friday, June 3, 2011

In my most recent book, The Coming Revolution: Struggle for Freedom in the
Middle East (completed July 4, 2010), I argue that civil societies in the
Greater Middle East and Arab world had reached a critical stage in their
repudiation of all authoritarian forms of government: regime, theocracy,
military and ultra-nationalist.

The projections therein were based on a thorough study of antecedent Cedars
and Green Revolutions in Lebanon (2005) and Iran (2009) respectively, both
with limpid narratives, particularly online, and both auguring a
continuation of bottom-up, regime-crumbling uprisings in the region.

Even before the region's revolutionary meltdowns began, our findings were
accompanied by a sober warning - a grueling contest would ensue between the
dispersed and disorganized proponents of liberal democratic reform and the
Islamists, led by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Indeed, as soon as the uprisings erupted on the streets of Tunis and Cairo,
the Islamist political machine went into high gear. With Al-Jazeera's
influential backing and the support of Qatar's diplomatic duo and Turkey's
Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (AKP) (English: Justice and Development Party),
the region's mostly-Sunni Islamist movements gradually rose from the bottom
and seized the initiative.

The tactics used by the Islamists

The first of three tactics the Islamists have pursued in their
protest-infiltration strategy was avoidance of any statement or action that
might associate the demonstrations with long-term Muslim Brotherhood goals.
Members were put on notice - no mention of Shariah or the caliphate.

The second was to focus on the affected regimes, not on the West. U.S.,
European and even Israeli flag burning were forbidden. The third tactic
involved invoking Shabab al Thawra (English: youth of revolution), a
rubric the Islamists used repeatedly to camouflage their predatory
intentions with the uprisings' secular, liberal democratic lexical

While masses, and particularly real revolutionary youth, were exploding
against dictators from Egypt to Libya and Yemen to Syria, Islamist networks
were systematically climbing the ladder of each national revolt.

Like the anti-Tsar Bolsheviks of the October Revolution and the anti-Shah
Khomeinists of the Iranian Revolution, the Muslim Brotherhood are hampered
in their own milieu by citizens' knowing them well enough to see through
their maneuvers.

In the West, on the other hand, the Ikhwan are supported by a vast army of
apologist elites who obfuscate their mission by referring to them as
revivalists, a misnomer that has been spoon-fed to the public and
policymakers for years.

As evidence that this propaganda still achieves its intended effect, a
high-ranking U.S. official recently referred to the Ikhwan as a loose
network of secular groups. Thus the Ikhwan, far better organized and funded
than their authentic counterparts in the region and buttressed by an
illusory international reputation, are riding the turbid wave and
controlling the dynamics of the so-called Arab Spring created for them by
the region's true secular reformers.

While chaos reigns among Muslim Brotherhood-infiltrated pro-democracy forces
in Egypt, Ikhwan in the Land of the Pharaohs are preparing for parliamentary
and possible presidential elections. They are launching a political party, a
media campaign, and preparing for a political offensive that will run into
the millions.

The Muslim Brotherhood has also been coaching Egypt's armed forces on
regional diplomacy. This has resulted in the opening of Gaza's 

[osint] Mexico Seizes 154 Rifles, Shotguns from Buried Drug Cartel Cache

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Some, no doubt, obtained from the BATF Midnight Rifle and Other Weapons
Supply Store in Arizona.



Mexico seizes 154 rifles, shotguns from buried drug cartel cache

By Associated Press, Updated: Friday, June 3, 1:31 PM

MEXICO CITY - Mexican soldiers found a large buried cache of weapons
apparently stockpiled by a drug cartel, including 154 rifles and shotguns
and more than 92,000 rounds of ammunition, the Defense Department said

The cache included four mortar shells, two rocket-propelled grenades, dozens
of assault rifles, sniper rifles and two bows.

( Alexandre Meneghini / Associated Press ) - Soldiers review a weapons cache
that includes 154 rifles and shotguns and over 92,000 rounds of ammunition
during a media presentation, in Mexico City, Friday June 3, 2011. Army Gen.
Edgar Luis Villegas said Friday the weapons were found in a subterranean
stockpile at a ranch near the northern city of Monclova this week.
Authorities believe the weapons belonged to the Zetas drug cartel.

It was found in an underground chamber at a ranch near the industrial city
of Monclova in the northern state of Coahuila earlier this week and included
more than 4,600 rifle magazines, said Army Gen. Edgar Luis Villegas. He did
not specify what day.

Villegas said the weapons apparently belonged to the Zetas cartel, which has
been fighting the Sinaloa cartel and other drug gangs for control of the
border state.

The seizure suggests that, despite efforts to crack down on weapons
trafficking in Mexico, drug cartels are still able to obtain enough weapons
to keep stockpiles in reserve.

It was not the first such mass seizure in recent months. In May, soldiers
seized 83 assault rifles and shotguns, five grenade launchers and more than
18,000 rounds of ammunition as well as hand grenades and 18 pistols
following a confrontation with a 17-vehicle convoy of suspected cartel
gunmen in the northern border state of Tamaulipas.

In December, soldiers in the northern state of Durango seized a cache of 84
rifles and 46 pistols, including one assault rifle with gold-colored inlays
and another that had a grenade-launcher attachment.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.





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[osint] Two Interesting Accounts on the OBL Raid

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Raiders, White House knew secret bin Laden raid was a one-shot deal 

AP Intelligence Writer 

Those who planned the secret mission to get Osama bin Laden in Pakistan knew it 
was a one-shot deal, and it nearly went terribly wrong.

The U.S. deliberately hid the operation from Pakistan, and predicted that 
national outrage over the breach of Pakistani sovereignty would make it 
impossible to try again if the raid on bin Laden's suspected redoubt came up 

Once the raiders reached their target, things started to go awry almost 
immediately, officials briefed on the operation said.

Adding exclusive new details to the account of the assault on bin Laden's 
hideout, officials described just how the SEAL raiders loudly ditched a 
foundering helicopter right outside bin Laden's door, ruining the plan for a 
surprise assault. That forced them to abandon plans to run a squeeze play on 
bin Laden — simultaneously entering the house stealthily from the roof and the 
ground floor.

Instead, they busted into the ground floor and began a floor-by-floor storming 
of the house, working up to the top level where they had assumed bin Laden — if 
he was in the house — would be.

They were right.

The raiders came face-to-face with bin Laden in a hallway outside his bedroom, 
and three of the Americans stormed in after him, U.S. officials briefed on the 
operation told The Associated Press. The officials spoke on condition of 
anonymity to describe a classified operation.

U.S. officials believe Pakistani intelligence continues to support militants 
who attack U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and actively undermine U.S. intelligence 
operations to go after al-Qaida inside Pakistan. The level of distrust is such 
that keeping Pakistan in the dark was a major factor in planning the raid, and 
led to using the high-tech but sometimes unpredictable helicopter technology 
that nearly unhinged the mission.

Pakistan's government has since condemned the action, and threatened to open 
fire if U.S. forces enter again.

On Monday, the two partners attempted to patch up relations, agreeing to pursue 
high-value targets jointly.

The decision to launch on that particular moonless night in May came largely 
because too many American officials had been briefed on the plan. U.S. 
officials feared if it leaked to the press, bin Laden would disappear for 
another decade.

U.S. special operations forces have made approximately four forays into 
Pakistani territory since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, though this one, some 90 
miles inside Pakistan, was unlike any other, the officials say.

The job was given to a SEAL Team 6 unit, just back from Afghanistan, one 
official said. This elite branch of SEALs had been hunting bin Laden in eastern 
Afghanistan since 2001.

Five aircraft flew from Jalalabad, Afghanistan, with three school-bus-size 
Chinook helicopters landing in a deserted area roughly two-thirds of the way to 
bin Laden's compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad, two of the officials 

Aboard two Black Hawk helicopters were 23 SEALs, an interpreter and a tracking 
dog named Cairo. Nineteen SEALs would enter the compound, and three of them 
would find bin Laden, one official said, providing the exact numbers for the 
first time.

Aboard the Chinooks were two dozen more SEALs, as backup.

The Black Hawks were specially engineered to muffle the tail rotor and engine 
sound, two officials said. The added weight of the stealth technology meant 
cargo was calculated to the ounce, with weather factored in. The night of the 
mission, it was hotter than expected.

The Black Hawks were to drop the SEALs and depart in less than two minutes, in 
hopes locals would assume they were Pakistani aircraft visiting the nearby 
military academy.

One Black Hawk was to hover above the compound, with SEALs sliding down ropes 
into the open courtyard.

The second was to hover above the roof to drop SEALs there, then land more 
SEALs outside — plus an interpreter and the dog, who would track anyone who 
tried to escape and to alert SEALs to any approaching Pakistani security forces.

If troops appeared, the plan was to hunker down in the compound, avoiding armed 
confrontation with the Pakistanis while officials in Washington negotiated 
their passage out.

The two SEAL teams inside would work toward each other, in a simultaneous 
attack from above and below, their weapons silenced, guaranteeing surprise, one 
of the officials said. They would have stormed the building in a matter of 
minutes, as they'd done time and again in two training models of the compound.

The plan unraveled as the first helicopter tried to hover over the compound. 
The Black Hawk skittered around uncontrollably in the heat-thinned air, forcing 
the pilot to land. As he did, the tail and rotor got caught on one of the 
compound's 12-foot walls. The pilot quickly buried the aircraft's nose in the 
dirt to keep it from tipping over, 

[osint] New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf
New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People




June 3, 2011 

In a new video message released on the internet Friday, American-born
 al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn calls on Muslims living in America to carry
out deadly one-man terrorist acts using fully automatic weapons purchased at
gun shows, and to target major institutions and public figures. 

What are you waiting for? asks Gadahn in English, and then adds that
jihadis shouldn't worry about getting caught, since so many have been
released. Over these past few years, I've seen the release of many, many
Mujahideen whom I had never even dreamed would regain their freedom. 

The two-part, two hour video appeared on jihadi websites Friday with images
of jihadi leaders as well as snapshots of alleged
lusive/story?id=9436297 underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and
accused Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hasan. Both Hasan and Abdulmutallab
are charged with carrying out attacks inside the U.S. 

Called Do Not Rely on Others, Take the Task Upon Yourself and produced by
al Qaeda's media arm, as Sahab, the tape mixes Gadahn's new message with
clips from old videos of
d=13571480 Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al Qaeda leaders
praising one-man attacks. They call on jihadis in the West to carry out lone
wolf operations. 

Gadahn sounds the same theme in his message, a series of soundbites
interspersed throughout the video and accompanied by images of U.S.
airliners, bombmaking and the logos of U.S. companies. Muslims in the West
have to remember that they are perfectly placed to play an important and
decisive part in the Jihad against the Zionists and crusaders, and to do
major damage to the enemies of 


He urges Muslims to pursue attacks with whatever is available. Let's take
America as an example. America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable
firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and
come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check,
and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are
you waiting for? 

Gadahn suggests targeting major institutions -- after a clip showing the
logos of such firms as Exxon, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America -- and
influential public figures. Getting to these criminals isn't as hard as
you might think, says Gadahn. I mean we've seen how a woman knocked the
Pope to the floor during Christmas mass, and how Italian leader Berlusconi's
face was smashed during a public appearance. So it's just a matter of
entrusting the matter to Allah and choosing the right place, the right time,
and the right method. 

He claims that many Western born or raised jihadis, the brothers who came
from abroad are now thinking about returning to their Crusader countries
to discharge their duty of jihad. He also says not to worry about
imprisonment, since so many have been jihadis have been set free. If it's
Allah's will that you be captured, then it's not the end the world, and it
doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to spend the rest of your life in
prison. Many mujahideen who were locked up are now back home with their
families, or back on the frontlines, fighting the enemies. 


Gadahn, a 32-year-old California native, was born Adam Pearlman, the
grandson of a Jewish urologist. His parents changed their name to Gadahn
after becoming fundamentalist Christians. After converting to Islam, Gadahn
moved to Pakistan in 1998 and then became a senior commander in al Qaeda. 

Gadahn has appeared in numerous al Qaeda videos over the past seven years.
In 2005, after terror attacks in Madrid and London, he said, Yesterday,
London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, God willing. He is
currently considered al Qaeda's leading media strategist, and has been on
the FBI's Most Wanted list for nearly 10 years. He has been reported dead or
captured several times, only to reemerge alive. 


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[osint] Vatican Calls for Independent Palestinian State Soon

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

Wonder if they the Catholics would allow some small protestant group to build a 
little Charismatic Evangelical Baptist Chapel on a tiny little corner parcel of 
Vatican land? 






Vatican calls for independent Palestinian state 'soon'


Pope Benedict XVI meets PA President Abbas at Vatican, says its urgent that 
Palestinian state, Israel live in security, at peace with neighbors.



The Vatican on Friday called urgently for a just and lasting peace between 
peace between Israel and the Palestinians, which it said can be brought about 
through and independent Palestinian state.

Soon, the State of Israel and the Palestinian state must live in security, at 
peace with their neighbors and within internationally recognized borders, the 
Vatican said in a statement issued following a meeting between Palestinian 
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican.

The Holy See added that any solution to the conflict must be capable of 
ensuring respect for the rights of all, calling the current situation 

Abbas, who was in Italy, exchanged gifts with the Pope, with whom he also 
discussed the situation of Christians in the Palestinian territories as well as 
the Middle East.

Late last year, the Vatican blamed the flight of Christians from the Middle 
East on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying that the exodus could be 
devastating for the birthplace of Christianity.

Some bishops who took place in a special meeting blamed fanatical Islam for the 
trend but others accused Israel of discriminating against Arab Christians.

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[osint] Suspect in Custody in 2003 Murder of Border Patrol Agent in Mexico

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

 Jose Arturo Arreola-Lopez is suspected in the 2003 murder of an off-duty
Border Patrol agent. He is now in custody on warrant violation charges in
Cochise County, Ariz.

Cochise County Sheriff's Office 

Jose Arturo Arreola-Lopez is suspected in the 2003 murder of an off-duty
Border Patrol agent. He is now in custody on warrant violation charges in
Cochise County, Ariz. 

Read more:


A suspect in the 2003 murder of an off-duty Border Patrol agent traveling in
Mexico is now in custody in an Arizona jail, Cochise County Sheriff Larry
Dever told FoxNews.com. 

The suspect, Jose Arturo Arreola-Lopez, 26, was booked Wednesday in Cochise
County on an outstanding probation violation warrant. U.S. and Mexican law
enforcement are currently negotiating his extradition to Mexico, where
sources say he will face charges in connection to the killing of U.S. agent
Jorge Luis Salomon. 

The murder occurred in Mexico. We are working diligently with Mexican
authorities to assure that they get their crack at him if they have a
prosecutable case, Dever told FoxNews.com. It was an exceptionally brutal
beating of a U.S. law enforcement officer, so our federal partners on the
U.S. side are deeply engaged, as well. 

On Feb. 24, 2003, Arreola-Lopez was found guilty of marijuana possession in
Cochise County court, sentenced to time served and probation and released
into the custody of Border Patrol on an immigration detainer, Dever said. 

He went back to Mexico but he violated our probation here because he didn't
check back in with the court, so a felony warrant was issued for his
arrest, Dever said. Four days after he got back to Mexico, (Salomon) was

Border Patrol did not immediately return FoxNews.com's request for comment. 

An attorney for Arreola-Lopez could not be reached. 

Salomon, 23, was visiting relatives in Mexico in February 2003 when he met
four local men and went out drinking with them. When the men discovered that
Salomon was a Border Patrol agent, they reportedly attacked him, beating him
to death before stealing his vehicle and a gold necklace he was wearing. 

Francisco Javier Rosas Molina, an 18-year-old Mexican national was arrested
in connection to the murder, and Mexican authorities informed U.S. law
enforcement that the three other suspects were likely headed north in an
attempt to evade capture for their role in Salomon's murder.  

During the Mexican government investigation, it was determined that
Arreola-Lopez was one of the three outstanding suspects in the murder case
and a warrant was issued in Mexico for his arrest. 

On April 20, 2011, during a routine warrant check by Cochise County Adult
Probation, county officials discovered that Arreola-Lopez was in custody in
St. Paul, Minn., on a separate local charge under a slightly different
spelling of his name, Dever said. Cochise County took custody of him on

Read more:



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[osint] Fox News turned on Palin

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf

June 2, 2011

Fox News turned on Palin


To be fair, a number of people who read this story on C4P came to the
defense of FOX in part. They cited Hannity and Greta, Judge Jeanine and
Judge Neapolitano as still favourably inclined. On the other hand Smith and
others have now taken to calling her Contributor Palin rather than Gov
Palin. You decide. Ted Belman

with-her-enemies/?utm_source=twitterfeedutm_medium=twitter With Friends
Like Fox News Palin Is Better Off With Her Enemies
by: Sheya

Recently we had a series of discussions with someone familiar with the
inside dealings of Fox News regarding the way Fox News treats Governor
Palin. While I don't condone using anonymous sources (I usually make fun of
those citing anonymous sources) unfortunately we can't not reveal the
source. So we have therefore gathered the evidence that will back up
everything we were told and it's up to the reader to come to his or her own
conclusion. Whichever way you look at it, the evidence is astonishing on how
Fox News is out to sabotage Governor Palin.

When Roger Ailes hired Governor Palin, he thought he was hiring a puppet. He
thought that he would groom her, train her, educate her and prop her up to
become his candidate for president and that he would be able to pull her
strings. Sort of being to Sarah Palin what George Soros is to Barack Obama.

It didn't take him long to find out that Governor Palin comes with no
strings attached. No one tells her what to do, no one dictates to her, and
no one controls her. Unlike the current occupant of the Oval Office,
Governor Palin has a mind of her own.

In March 2010, when Governor Palin did Real American Stories, Fox News
botched it up by using an
-agree-to-be-part-of-sarah-palins-new-show-on-fox-news.html interview with
LL Cool J without asking him. They eventually took it out but it became an
international controversy which took away from the effect of the show and
hurt the Governor. Governor Palin didn't take it sitting down and she
confronted Fox about the debacle. Ailes didn't take it lightly.

When Bill O'Reilly kept
-we%E2%80%99ll-deal-with-the-rest-later/ interrupting her
ffets-her-in-testy-exchanges/ interviews and finally Governor Palin
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/50701.html confronted
heir-transcripts.html him on
.html television, Bill's ego was hurt and he didn't like it. Governor Palin
warned O'Reilly to behave or else.

In an article in the New York Mag Gabriel Sherman
http://nymag.com/news/media/roger-ailes-fox-news-2011-5/index1.html writes
about Roger Ailes:

He thinks things are going in a bad direction, another Republican close to
Ailes told me. Roger is worried about the future of the country. He thinks
the election of Obama is a disaster. He thinks Palin is an idiot. He thinks
she's stupid. He helped boost her up. People like Sarah Palin haven't
elevated the conservative movement.

Fox of course stonewalled and came out and sort of denied it. The truth is
that both are right. Ailes does not think Governor Palin is an idiot, far
from it. He thinks Palin is shrewd. Though, as Sherman points out that
Fox's PR department is notoriously strict when it comes to internal leaks,
Fox deliberately had that leaked in an attempt to kick Governor Palin in the
shins. Ailes does believe that he helped boost her up and that she owes him
her fame. He also believes that Palin is hurting the Fox brand.

It has been  http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2011/03/palin_ailes_tk.html
reported that before Governor Palin made the video in response to being
accused of murder, she called Roger Ailes and asked for his advice. Governor
Palin called a number of people and the advice was split; some told her to
ignore it, others advised her that it would do her good to respond. Everyone
she spoke to was well aware that she was simply reaching out to hear
opinions and their advice was non-committal. Roger Ailes advised her to lie
low, there's no need to inject yourself into the story

After examining her options, Governor Palin decided to do the video. Ailes
was disappointed that she didn't take his advice. But why?

In an  http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2654804/posts interview
with Russell Simmons that was posted on the website,
ussell-simmons-both-sides-are-wrong/ globalgrind.com, Ailes said 

[osint] Iran Tests Nuclear Missile Warhead Design

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Iran Tests Nuclear Missile Warhead Design

Thursday, 02 Jun 2011 05:00 PM

By Ken Timmerman

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Iran has built and tested all the elements of a nuclear weapon design
similar to the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945, and is actively
working to fit it onto a ballistic missile capable of reaching Israel,
nuclear experts told Newsmax this week.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna first revealed that
Iran had been working on the tried and true nuclear weapons design three
years ago. But only last week did the U.N. agency spell out the details of
Iran's nuclear weapons-related work.

Amano, Iran, nuclear, missile, test

Yukiya Amano (AP photo)

The tests the IAEA says Iran has carried out seem logically to be part of a
weaponization process, said Dr. James McNally, a former U.S. nuclear
weapons lab researcher. The Iranians appear to be scoping out what needs to
be done to get to their goal.

In a technically-worded section of his May 24 report to the U.N. Security
Council, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said the Agency remains
concerned about . . . activities related to the development of a nuclear
payload for a missile.

The IAEA said the weapon design uses hemispheres of highly-enriched uranium,
a design consistent with an implosion device. The agency also has
information showing that Iran had conducted design work and modeling
studies involving the removal of the conventional high explosive payload
from the warhead of the Shahab-3 missile and replacing it with a spherical
nuclear payload.

I don't see that as part of a peaceful nuclear program, McNally told
Newsmax in an interview.

Iran has displayed its Shahab-3 missiles in public parades draped in
English-language banners that read, Israel Must be Wiped Off the Map. It
developed the missile in the mid-1990s with help from Russia and North
Korea, and conducted its first successful test flight in July 1998. 

Iran claims it has built several hundred of the missiles, which can reach
targets up to 1,200 miles, depending on the version.

The report listed six additional technologies it claims Iran has tested that
are specifically related to a nuclear implosion device. These include an
exotic uranium-deuterium neutron initiator that China gave Pakistan to use
as a nuclear spark plug nearly 30 years ago and that Pakistan has now
transferred to Iran.

Taken together, the new information from the IAEA shows that Iran has
carried out a cold test of its nuclear weapons design, former CIA nuclear
weapons analyst Dr. Peter Pry told Newsmax.

These are all the components required to do not only a cold test but to
actually build a screw-ready nuclear weapon short of having the fuel, Pry
said. If you master the explosive lenses and the neutron generator, then
really all you need is the fuel and the ability to shape the fuel into

Iran has been able to shape uranium into hemispheres for several years,
according to earlier IAEA reports. In its latest report, the IAEA said that
Iran has conducted full scale experiments of the complex high-explosive
detonation component of the bomb, work which may have benefited form the
assistance of foreign expertise.

As for nuclear fuel, the latest IAEA report 

[osint] Missionaries of Jihad

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Missionaries of jihad

By Christopher Anzalone, June 3, 2011
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/images/091022_meta_block.gifFriday, June 3,
2011 - 2:31 PM http://www.foreignpolicy.com/images/091022_meta_block.gif


In the aftermath of the U.S. military's killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin
Laden last month,
mastermind_some_travel_required analysts and presumably Al-Qaeda Central
(AQC) are heavily engaged in discussions about possible successors to the
Saudi militant as the new public face of the transnational jihadi trend,
with sources reporting recently that Egyptian Saif al-Adel had
el-al-qaeda-libyan-islamic-fighting-group?_s=PM:WORLD been named the
group's interim leader. Yet the intense focus on who will be the new bin
Laden glosses over the important fact that al-Qaeda has over the past
several years developed a charismatic and influential cadre of
scholar-ideologues who play a major role in legitimating the group's
campaign of violence and calling on Muslims to join or support it, a role
made more important by the confusion that has resulted in jihadi circles
from bin Laden's death. 

In an attempt to overcome the deficit of religious legitimacy in the senior
levels of al-Qaeda and other militant groups, these organizations rely
heavily on this cadre of ideologues, figures who possess some scholarly
credentials (though the exact nature of these credentials is often left
ambiguous). They combine some intellectual bona fides with personal charisma
and rhetorical flare and serve as a kind of missionary vanguard for AQC
and its sister groups. Chief among this group are AQC's mufti (chief
religious jurist), Abu Yahya al-Libi, the Kuwaiti preacher Khalid bin ‘Abd
al-Rahman al-Husaynan, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-affiliated (AQAP)
American militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, and Libyan ‘Atiyyatullah al-Libi,
who some counter-terrorism officials have
e-micro-manager described as AQC's operations chief. 

Abu Yahya is among the most prominent of these scholar-ideologues. He is a
veteran of the anti-Qadhafi Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a prolific
writer, gifted rhetorician, and charismatic orator. Following his July 2005
escape from the U.S. prison at Bagram, he was quickly put at the forefront
of AQC's media campaign. He has authored numerous juridical treatises and
books on a wide variety of theological and political topics, such as
martyrdom and the use of violence, and has contributed numerous video-taped
sermons, lectures, and messages ranging from eulogies to comprehensive
jihadi excoriations of enemies like the Saudi ruling family and Muslim and
Arab allies of the United States.  

His rhetorical flare and gifts as an orator are most clearly displayed when
he appears on film.  His voice rises and falls, depending on the emphasis he
wishes to place on certain key sections of his message, a skill clearly
demonstrated in videos of his annual sermons for the Muslim religious
holidays of ‘Eid al-Fitr and ‘Eid al-Adha. Abu Yahya's ability to connect to
the jihadi base, particularly online, has made him one of the most popular
leaders in the group, as evidenced by the buzz on militant Internet forums
when rumors of death in a drone strike
.html surfaced in December 2009.  

AQC has never fully elaborated on Abu Yahya's specific scholarly
credentials, beyond saying that he
pursued religious studies for an undetermined number of years with
traditional Muslim scholars in Mauritania. His real talent and strategic
value to AQC, however, do not rest solely on his claims to scholarly
credentials, but rather on how he combines an aura of scholarly legitimacy
with charisma and rhetorical flourish. He strategically and selectively
deploys citations from key texts from within the Islamic scholarly
tradition, as well as key legal writings of famous Sunni Muslim theologians
and jurists, all while
http://fora.tv/2010/01/11/Making_the_Next_Bin_Laden presenting himself as
a humble in-the-trenches type of jihadi leader, unlike, for example, the
abrasive and elitist Ayman al-Zawahiri.  

Abu Yahya has in particular played a key role in justifying violence against
the Pakistani state. In April 2009, the Al-Fajr (The Dawn) Media Center, a
shadowy jihadi media outlet that distributes media material produced by AQC
and its three official regional affiliates in Yemen, North Africa, and Iraq,
published a  

[osint] Suicide Bombers Hit Mosque, Hospital

2011-06-03 Thread Beowulf


Suicide bombers in Iraq hit mosque, then hospital

By REBECCA SANTANA and QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Rebecca Santana
And Qassim Abdul-zahra, Associated Press - Fri Jun 3, 4:08 pm ET

BAGHDAD - A suicide bomber attacked a mosque filled with Iraqi politicians
and policemen Friday and another blew himself up inside the hospital where
the wounded were taken, killing a total of 21 people in Saddam Hussein's

The twin attacks - as well as the fact that the bombers were able to
infiltrate areas that were supposed to be secure - left people in Tikrit
feeling under siege.

It was the third major attack in Tikrit this year, reflecting the
difficulties Iraqi security forces face in protecting their own people from
Sunni insurgents still intent on undermining the country's post-Saddam
leaders, many of whom are Shiite. Such violence is all the more troubling
because of the approaching year-end deadline for American forces to leave.

The first bomber struck during midday Muslim prayers, blowing himself up
inside a Sunni mosque packed with local officials and killing 16 people,
including a police commander and a judge, officials said.

The mosque was inside a government-controlled compound where many officials
live, and most in attendance were security or government employees.

Victims were taken to the main hospital in Tikrit, said the province's top
medical official, Dr. Raeid Ibrahim. He said 54 people were wounded.

Hours later, another suicide bomber walked into the hospital and blew
himself up near the emergency room, where family members had gathered, said
Mohammad al-Asi, the media adviser for the Salahuddin provincial governor.

Five people were killed and 16 were injured, said an official at the
hospital and a security official in Tikrit. They spoke on condition of
anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for either attack. Sunni
insurgents often target fellow Sunnis who work with the government because
they perceive them as collaborators with Iraq's Shiite-dominated leadership.
Many of the Sunni extremists view Shiites as infidels and non-Muslims.
Iraq's majority Shiites were persecuted under Saddam's Sunni-led regime.

Tikrit, 80 miles (130 kilometers) north of Baghdad, was Saddam's hometown,
and many of his relatives and supporters still live there. It is the capital
of the Sunni-dominated Salahuddin province, and the city sheltered some of
al-Qaida's most fervent supporters after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion ousted

Two other deadly attacks hit the city earlier this year. In March, gunmen
strapped with explosives stormed the provincial council building and held
off Iraqi forces for five hours before blowing themselves up; 56 people were
killed, including 15 who were shot execution-style in the head.

On Jan. 18, a suicide bomber killed 52 people among a crowd of police
recruits in Tikrit. The bomber had joined hundreds of people waiting outside
a police station to submit applications for 2,000 newly created jobs.

Even before Friday's attacks, the violence in Tikrit had local officials
deeply worried. They said they have been taking steps to protect themselves,
often changing vehicles and the time and location of meetings at the last
minute in order to foil attacks.

But for an insurgent intent on killing as many people as possible, Fridays
provide easy targets because that is when Muslims gather in mosques at
midday for the week's main prayer service.

We couldn't change the prayer time, said Ahmed al-Ikraim, the deputy
governor for Salahuddin province.

Among the dead were a police commander, a judge and the husband of a
provincial council member.

Attacks inside hospitals have been rare in Iraq, but insurgents trying to
maximize damage often carry out secondary attacks targeting rescuers and
security forces responding to the scene of earlier bombings.

We evacuated visitors from the hospital, said Amar Yousef, the head of the
Salahuddin provincial council. The Iraqi army is deployed in the streets. 

He said officials were worried that there was another explosive vest
somewhere in the hospital but a search of the building did not find
anything. A curfew was in effect across the city. 

Violence has decreased dramatically across Iraq since the heyday of the
insurgency, but it has not been wiped out entirely. American forces are
scheduled to leave Iraq by the end of this year under an agreement signed in

As the deadline approaches, many Iraqis and lawmakers are questioning
whether the country is ready. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has said he
will meet with Iraqi political blocs to discuss whether American forces
should stay longer, but so far there has been no request on the Iraqi
government's part. 

A parliament member from Salahuddin province, Quotayba al-Jabouri, said the
attack on the mosque in the government compound shows that 

[osint] Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
This is interesting..


Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone

by TheTotalCollapse.com on May 31, 2011

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Hello there Facebook friend! If you like this article, please help spread
the word by
sharing this post with your friends.

A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Federal Security
Service (FSB http://www.fsb.ru/ ) says that former International Monetary
Fund (IMF http://www.imf.org/external/index.htm ) ChiefDominique
Strauss-Kahn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominique_Strauss-Kahn  [photo
with Putin top left] was charged and jailed in the US for sex crimes
on May 14th after his discovery that all of the gold held in the United
States Bullion Depository
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Bullion_Depository  located at
Fort Knox [photo 2nd left] was 'missing and/or unaccounted' for.

According to this FSB secret report, Strauss-Kahn had become increasingly
concerned earlier this month after the United States began stalling its
pledged delivery to the IMF of 191.3 tons of gold
http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/faq/goldfaqs.htm  agreed to under the
Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by the Executive Board
in April 1978 that were to be sold to fund what are called Special Drawing
Rights (SDRs http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/sdr.htm ) as an
alternative to what are called reserve currencies.

This FSB report further states that upon Strauss-Kahn raising his concerns
with American government officials close to President Obama he was
'contacted'by 'rogue elements' within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA
https://www.cia.gov/ ) who provided him 'firm evidence' that all of the
gold reported to be held by the US 'was gone'.

Upon Strauss-Kahn receiving the CIA evidence, this report continues, he made
immediate arrangements to leave the US for Paris, but when contacted by
agents working for France's General Directorate for External Security (DGSE
http://www.defense.gouv.fr/dgse ) that American authorities were seeking
his capture he fled to New York City's JFK airport following these agents
directive not to take his cell-phone because US police could track his exact

Once Strauss-Kahn was safely boarded on an Air France flight to Paris,
however, this FSB report says he made a 'fatal mistake' by calling the hotel
from a phone on the plane and asking them to forwarded the cell-phone he had
been told to leave behind to his French residence, after which US agents
were able to track and apprehend him.

Within the past fortnight, this report continues, Strauss-Kahn reached out
to his close friend and top Egyptian banker Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar to
retrieve from the US the evidence given to him by the CIA. Omar, however,
and exactly like Strauss-Kahn before him, was charged yesterday
http://www.cnbc.com/id/43221009  by the US with a sex crime against a
luxury hotel maid, a charge the FSB labels as 'beyond belief' due to Omar
being 74-years-old and a devout Muslim.

In an astounding move puzzling many in Moscow, Putin after reading this
secret FSB report today ordered posted to the Kremlin's official website a
defense of Strauss-Khan becoming the first world leader to state that the
former IMF chief was a victim of a US conspiracy
ique-Strauss-Khan-victim-conspiracy-force-out.html?ito=feeds-newsxml .
Putin further stated,
ique-Strauss-Khan-victim-conspiracy-force-out.html?ito=feeds-newsxml It's
hard for me to evaluate the hidden political motives but I cannot believe
that it looks the way it was initially introduced. It doesn't sit right in
my head. 

Interesting to note about all of these events is that one of the United
States top Congressman, and 2012 Presidential candidate, Ron Paul [photo
bottom left]has long stated his belief that the US government has lied about
its gold reserves held at Fort Knox.  So concerned had Congressman Paul

[osint] WHO: E. coli Outbreak Caused by New Strain

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
This is worth keeping an eye on.


WHO: E. coli Outbreak Caused by New Strain

Published June 02, 2011

| Associated Press

London -  The World Health Organization said Thursday that the E. coli
bacteria responsible for a deadly outbreak that has left 18 dead and
sickened hundreds in Europe is a new strain that has never been seen before.

Preliminary genetic sequencing suggests the strain is a mutant form of two
different E. coli bacteria, with lethal genes that could explain why the
Europe-wide outbreak appears to be so massive and dangerous, the agency

Hilde Kruse, a food safety expert at the WHO told The Associated Press that
this is a unique strain that has never been isolated from patients before.

She added that the new strain has various characteristics that make it more
virulent and toxin-producing.

So far, the mutant E. coli strain has sickened more than 1,500 people,
including 470 who have developed a rare kidney failure complication, and
killed 18, including one overnight in Germany, the country hit hardest by
the outbreak. Researchers have been unable to pinpoint the cause of the
illness, which has hit at least nine European countries, and prompted Russia
on Thursday to extend a ban on vegetables to the entire European Union.

Related Slideshow


Tips to Avoid Food-Borne Illness

Summer is prime time for food-borne illness, so Dr. Cynara Coomer offers
some quick tips on how to avoid it

Kruse said it's not uncommon for bacteria to continually evolve and swap
genes. There's a lot of mobility in the microbial world, she said. Kruse
said it was difficult to explain where the new strain came from but said
strains of bacteria from both humans and animals easily trade genes, similar
to how animal viruses like Ebola sometimes jump into humans.

One should think of an animal source, Kruse said. Many animals are hosts
of various types of toxin-producing E. coli.

Kruse said the new bacteria strain had traits that made it more dangerous
than other types of E. coli, which might explain why the outbreak is mainly
striking adults, and women in particular.

Normally, severe E. coli cases are seen in children and the elderly.

But she cautioned that since people with milder cases probably aren't
seeking medical help, officials don't know just how big the outbreak is.
It's hard to say how virulent (this new E. coli strain) is because we just
don't know the real number of people affected.

Nearly all the sick people either live in Germany or recently traveled
there. Two people who were sickened are now in the United States, and both
had recently traveled to Hamburg, Germany, where many of the infections
occurred. British officials announced four new cases, including three
Britons who recently visited Germany and a German person on holiday in

German officials have warned people not to eat lettuce, tomatoes and

Fearful of the outbreak spreading into Russia, the country on Thursday
extended its ban on vegetable imports to all of the EU. Russia had banned
fresh imports from Spain and Germany on Monday.

The United Arab Emirates issued a temporary ban on cucumbers from Spain,
Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. State news agency WAM said the Gulf
nation's Minister of Environment and Water issued the order Wednesday based
on information from international food safety agencies and news reports.

Lyubov Voropayeva, spokeswoman for the Russian Agency for the Supervision of
Consumer Rights, told the AP the Russian ban has been imposed immediately
and indefinitely.

The agency's chief Gennady Onishchenko told Russian news agencies that this
unpopular measure would be in place until European officials inform Moscow
of the cause of the disease and how it is being spread.

How many more lives of European citizens does it take for European
officials to tackle this problem? he told the state-owned RIA Novosti news

No fatalities or infections have yet been reported in Russia.

The European Union argued the Russian ban was disproportionate. Frederic
Vincent, a spokesman for the EU's Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner
John Dalli, said Thursday that the European Commission would write to the
Russian Agency for the Supervision of Consumer Rights to demand further
clarification of the ban.

Meanwhile, Spain's prime minister slammed the European Commission and
Germany for singling out the country's produce as a possible source of a
deadly bacterial outbreak in Europe, and said the government would demand
explanations and reparations.

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told Spanish National Radio that the German
federal government was ultimately responsible for the allegations, adding
that Spain would seek conclusive explanations and sufficient reparations.

The outbreak is already considered 

[osint] Stop It Already -- He's Not So Smart

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

Articles: Stop It Already -- He's Not So Smart




Stop It Already -- He's Not So Smart

Dov Fischer, AT.com


As part of the mainstream media's ongoing effort to sway and distort
American thinking, liberal analysts for decades continually have conveyed
the impression that ideological liberals are just-plain-smarter than mortal
humans while conservatives -- even the good ones like the RINOs -- just are
not all that smart, and in fact are stupid.   Thus, Ronald Reagan was a
moron, an actor who shared a bed with a monkey in Bedtime for Bonzo.
George H.W. Bush, despite having achieved extraordinary results during
Operation Desert Storm, was no intellectual match for the Clintonites who
derisively mocked: It's the economy, stupid.


You could not call Richard Nixon stupid, so he instead was tricky.  (By
contrast, the mainstream media did not label Bill Clinton as tricky even
when he tried evading questions based on what is, is.)  The media depicted
President Gerald Ford, a graduate of the University of Michigan and a star
athlete, as a bumbling oaf.  George W. Bush was another dope -- he could not
even pronounce nuclear the way they do on the East Coast.


By contrast, John F. Kennedy was a Harvard scholar, surrounded by the best
and the brightest.  Jimmy Carter was the hardest working of Presidents,
whose brilliance enabled him to grasp every detail of governance.  Bill
Clinton, a Yale Law School graduate, also had been a Rhodes Scholar, again
one of our most brilliant Presidents, albeit disbarred ultimately from
practicing law before the Supreme Court.  And Barack Obama -- well, a
graduate of Columbia University's undergraduate school, of Harvard Law
School, editor-in-chief (president) of the Harvard Law Review, a professor
of constitutional law at University of Chicago Law School.  A genius, with
brains to spare.


Even the losers get treated according to the media script.  Barry Goldwater
was a crazy man, set on launching a nuclear holocaust.  Michael Dukakis and
John Kerry, on the other hand, were brilliant and brillianter.  Al Gore was
brilliantest.  Meanwhile, Bob Dole tripped off a stage, evoking the Gerald
Ford myth.  And John McCain?  Poor guy can't count the number of houses he
owns, while his pig-with-lipstick running mate cannot name a newspaper or a
Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade.  As if, for example, Sarah Palin,
Governor of Alaska, governed the state with nothing to do but watch the Real
Housewives of MSNBC, never reading a newspaper, never hearing of a Supreme
Court case.


So it is time to say it: Stop it already.  We know that Barack Obama has
unique gifts that elude many of us.  For example, he manifestly avoids
holding banister rails when he descends steps at airports because, unlike
Republicans Gerald Ford and Bob Dole, he never slips.  We are very
impressed, those of us who keep our hands near the banister just in case.
We know that he is professorial, says uh when thinking, drinks beer with
professors.  We are very impressed.  


We would be more impressed if our transparent President would allow us to
see his transcript from Columbia University and share with us how he managed
to finance his education there.  Or if he would allow us to read his senior
thesis.  Or allow us to see his transcript from Harvard Law School.  Yes, we
know he rose to be the president of Law Review, but there is a question that
nags on that one, too:


I was Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review and later had the honor of
clerking for the Hon. Danny Julian Boggs of the United States Court of
Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, one of the nation's most brilliant jurists,
who later rose to become Chief Judge of the Sixth Circuit.  To be selected
as Chief Articles Editor, I had to research and write the Law Review Comment
of a lifetime.  In time, it was published and deemed good enough that I was
named law review chief articles editor.  In the years that followed, that
Law Review Comment has been cited by federal courts in at least seven
published judicial opinions, and in several other unpublished opinions.  It
has been cited and quoted often in other people's legal scholarship.


And that is how it works.  To be a law review editor-in-chief, a Chief
Articles Editor, a Chief Comments Editor of a law review, it is a sine qua
non that you publish something fabulous, a real scholarly piece of work.
Many dozens of America's finest law students do exactly that every year.
Those articles later become part of a vast searchable electronic library of
legal scholarship.  


The thing is, I cannot find Barack Obama's great piece of work, the
scholarship one would presume he researched, drafted, crafted, and honed,
that earned him the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.  The name Obama
is the kind of search term that should do 

[osint] Dear Canadian Prime Minister Harper

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

The Jerusalem Post and The Huffington Post


By David Harris 


May 30, 2011


Dear Canadian Prime Minister Harper 


When it comes to the Middle East, too often there’s been an inability to
distinguish between the despot and the democrat, the arsonist and the
firefighter, among those who should know better. 


Too often the politics of principle have yielded to expediency, and truth
has been thrown to the wind. 


And too often moral courage has been trumped by moral ambiguity at best,
cowardice at worst. 


Of moral courage, Mark Twain wrote 110 years ago in reply to an inquiring
newspaper editor: 


My Dear Sir, But you are proceeding upon the superstition that Moral Courage
and a Hankering to Learn the Truth are ingredients in the human being’s
makeup. Your premises being wild and foolish, you naturally and properly get
wild and foolish results. If you will now reform, and in future proceed upon
the sane and unchallengeable hypothesis that those two ingredients are on
vacation in our race, and have been from the start, you will be able to
account for some things which puzzle you now. 


Since becoming Canada’s prime minister in 2006, when it comes to the Middle
East, you’ve brought “Moral courage and a hankering to learn the truth” to
your administration. 


That same year, when Israel responded to the killing and kidnapping of its
soldiers on the Lebanese border by targeting Hezbollah, you spoke up for
Israel’s right to defend itself, citing Hezbollah as responsible for the
violence and asserting that the terrorist group sought Israel’s destruction.


When, later that year, the 53 French-speaking countries known as the
Francophonie met, Canada vetoed language to condemn Israeli violence against
civilians in Lebanon because it failed to mention Israeli civilians targeted
by Hezbollah. You stated: “The Francophonie cannot recognize victims
according to their nationality. Recognize the victims of Lebanon and the
victims of Israel.” 


In 2008, during a radio interview on the eve of Israel’s 60th anniversary,
you spoke with characteristic clarity: 


What I see happening in some circles is an anti-Israel sentiment, really
just a thinly disguised veil for good old-fashioned anti-Semitism, which I
think is completely unacceptable. We learned in the Second World War that
those who would hate and destroy the Jewish people would ultimately hate and
destroy the rest of us as well, and the same holds today. 


When, a few months later, terrorists attacked a Jewish center in Mumbai, you
described the murder of six people, including the rabbi and his pregnant
wife, as “affronts to the values that unite all civilized people.” When a
new rabbi was quickly installed, you declared that the Jewish people will
“never bow to violence and hatred.” 


In January 2009, when the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council called on
Israel to stop its military operation in Gaza, Canada alone voted against.
(Note: The United States was not on the Council at the time.) Your
representative explained: “It was regretful that the current draft
resolution did not condemn the rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.” 


That spring, when the UN planned to convene the Durban II conference in
Geneva, a follow-up to the anti-Israel hatefest of 2001, you were the first
to declare that Canada would not attend. And now, as Durban III approaches
this September, you have again taken the same position. 


When, in the fall of 2009, the UN General Assembly endorsed the infamous
Goldstone Report, Canada was one of only 18 countries that voted against,
while 114 were in favor and 44, including, notably, France and the United
Kingdom, abstained. 


The next year, when Canada lost a bid for a rotating seat on the UN Security
Council, you attributed the result to Ottawa’s pro-Israel stance. You
declared that, if this were the price to pay for supporting a friend, you
were willing to pay it. As a Winnipeg newspaper editorialized, “We don’t
have a seat because we didn’t dance to the UN’s hypocritical tunes.” 


When, the next month, parliamentarians came to Ottawa for an international
conference to combat anti-Semitism, you gave a stirring address. Here’s an
excerpt that particularly struck me: 


When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under
attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I
believe we are morally obligated to take a stance I have the bruises to
show for it, that whether it is at the UN or any other international forum,
the easiest thing to do is simply to just get along and go along with this
anti-Israel rhetoric, to pretend it is just about being even-handed, and to
excuse oneself with the label of “honest broker” There are, after all, a
lot more votes – a lot more – in being anti-Israel than in taking a stand.
But, as long as I am prime minister, whether it is at the UN or the
Francophonie or anywhere else, Canada will take that stand, 

[osint] Obama Administration Backs Away From Wilderness Plan

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

Obama Administration Backs Away From Wilderness Plan

Published June 01, 2011 | FoxNews.com

The Obama administration is dropping a controversial plan to restore
eligibility for federal wilderness protection to millions of acres of
undeveloped land in the West after the GOP-led House put up a strong fight.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a memo Wednesday that his agency will
not designate any of those public lands as wild lands. Instead Salazar
said officials will work with members of Congress to develop recommendations
for managing millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West. A copy of
the memo was obtained by The Associated Press.

Salazar's decision reverses an order issued in December to reverse a
Bush-era policy that opened some Western lands to commercial development.

A budget deal approved by Congress prevented the Interior Department from
spending money to implement the wilderness policy. GOP lawmakers complained
that the plan would circumvent Congress' authority and could be used to
declare a vast swath of public land off-limits to oil-and-gas drilling.

Republican governors in Utah, Alaska and Wyoming, filed suit to block the
plan, saying it would hurt their state's economies by taking federal lands
off the table for mineral production and other uses.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, hailed Salazar's reversal of what he called a
misguided policy that would have harmed Utah's economy.

Since the majority of land in Utah is owned by the federal government, it
is critically important to strike a balance between the needs of our local
communities and the protection of public lands that truly do have wilderness
characteristics rather than pandering to environmental extremists, Hatch
said. Today's announcement is a positive step toward restoring that

Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Colo., a member of the House Natural Resources
Committee, also cheered the announcement, calling it a positive.

I'm glad to see the administration move in the right direction on this, he
said. We all share the common bond of loving our public lands, and ensuring
access to them is important. We will continue to be vigilant and make sure
that future designations of public lands are made by consensus, not by
executive fiat.

William Meadows, president of The Wilderness Society, said he was deeply
disappointed at the decision, which he said ignores the Bureau of Land
Management's obligation to protect wilderness values.

Without strong and decisive action from the Department of Interior,
wilderness will not be given the protection it is due, putting millions of
acres of public lands at risk, Meadows said.

Bob Abbey, director of the land management bureau, said the December
directive would not have required protection for any particular areas.
Designation as wild land could only be made after public comments and review
and would not necessarily prohibit motor vehicle use or the staking of new
mining claims, Abbey said.

The measure blocking implementation of the wild lands policy was included in
a budget bill for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


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[osint] Maps Can Save Your Life

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


Maps Can Save Your Life, by S.B.

By James Wesley, Rawles http://www.survivalblog.com  on May 29, 2011 7:25

How often have you heard yourself or others along with you on a road trip
mutter four letter words when your GPS
http://www.survivalblog.com/glossary.html#GPS  unit directs you to a road
that isn’t there?  Or worse yet, you end up on a trail in the wilderness
that your brand new hand held GPS unit does not have on it?  The next
question that comes to mind is, where am I and how do I get to where I need
to go?  In the best of circumstances there are detour signs and friendly
road side workers that can direct you back to a known route.  However, if
you are stuck relying on yourself and those around you, knowing some basic
land navigation and orienteering skills can be of the utmost importance.
There are several important reasons to take maps along with you even when in
familiar territory, and they can be a versatile tool or a life saver in a
sticky situation.  Maps can indicate your position in relationship to the
territory and offer a source of information for routes to a planned
destination, as well as give you an indication of significant features along
the way.  Knowing which maps to have, what tools to have with them, and how
to employ them could mean the difference between your head stone being in
the place of your choosing or being in the hands of Mother Nature and her
husband Mr. Murphy.

The most basic terrain maps, such as those found in road maps (Rand McNally
is a common one) are generalized and tend to show terrain on a higher scale,
meaning the “zoom” is way out.  This means that although you see a larger
area, the map will not give much detail about any specific point or
location.  While these are great for interstate and highway navigation, they
often will leave out valuable information for someone traveling on foot or
by less-traveled routes and local roads.  They will also rarely give a grid
of latitude and longitude by which to find your location given GPS readouts
or by less technical means.  More detail can be found in state or local
atlases and gazetteers such as those published by DeLorme, which will have a
basic area map split into a grid, and detailed maps for each grid.  These
books are inexpensive and offer a far greater detail (larger scale) for any
area the atlas covers.  (Note: small scale means that the ratio of the
distance on the map to the true distance on the ground is small, e.g. that
the denominator is very large.  The commonest example of a small scale map
is a world globe which it has a diameter of one foot has a denominator of
about 5280x4000 or 22,000,000. ) They will have latitude and longitude
markers, rural or seasonal roads, and may have some major hiking trails
listed, such as the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail.  However,
smaller waterways, gradual elevation changes, and lesser known terrain
features will be omitted from the map, possibly frustrating the traveler
looking for a water source or place of refuge.  Perhaps the most detailed
(excluding the awesomely powerful and all seeing-eye of Google Satellite
Maps) will be those from the United States Geological Survey.  These maps
can provide  scales of up to 1:24,000 which will show all local terrain
features, to include known springs, mines, caves, and several other markers
that would often go unnoticed to the average traveler.  They will also
indicate changes in elevation with contour lines, showing how a hill or
valley is shaped and how steep or gradual the terrain is.  While it is
nearly impossible without modern technology to carry any number of these
maps, and would probably not be advisable unless one had a need for extra
rough toilet paper, having one for the planned travel areas or habitation
location is a resource without rival.  

Table of map scales with pros and cons for each type:




Small (1:250,000)

-Shows large area
-Helpful for longer distance estimation
-Shows full extent of large terrain features (mountain ranges, rivers,
Usually has latitude and longitude grid

-Shows only major land marks
-Little to no specific detail


-Potentially shows entire area of operations/travel
-Has most major terrain features marked
-Will show primary routes (interstates and highways)
- Usually has latitude and longitude grid
longitude grid
-May have northing and easting grids
-Usually has township and range grids 

-No specific terrain details beyond well known or major features
-Difficult to use for foot travel
-May not have alternative routes or local roads


-Has most specific area detail
-Will show most terrain features including seasonal ones
-Will show private roads and utility corridors
-Good for both foot and motorized travel
-Will have local declination listed
- Usually has latitude and longitude grid
-May have 

[osint] Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


- The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report - http://globalmbreport.org -

RECOMMENDED READING: Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza

Posted By GlobalMB On January 23, 2011 @ 11:15 am In Recommended Reading |
No Comments  

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs JCPA has published a new report
titled Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza Flotilla by
analyst Steven Merley. The report
http://www.jcpa.org/text/Turkey_Muslim_Brotherhood.pdf  [1] abstract

There is strong evidence for Turkish governmental involvement in the Gaza
flotilla incident, with Turkish government support channeled through the
Turkish Muslim Brotherhood network. Since 2006, Turkey has become a new
center for the Global Muslim Brotherhood. The IHH was not acting alone but
rather was an integral part of a Turkish Muslim Brotherhood network.

With respect to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, report's second conclusion

The Gaza flotilla incident brought into sharp focus an even more significant
long- term development: the growing relationship between the Erdogan
government and the Global Muslim Brotherhood, which has given rise to some
of the most notorious Islamist terrorist groups - from al-Qaeda to Hamas.
Since 2006, Turkey has become a new center for the Global Muslim
Brotherhood, while the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip acted as the main axis
for this activity

Read the rest here http://www.jcpa.org/text/Turkey_Muslim_Brotherhood.pdf

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Related posts:

1. Turkish Government Report Omits Its Role In Gaza Flotilla
http://globalmbreport.org/?p=4012  [12]

2. 2nd Gaza Flotilla Scheduled For May http://globalmbreport.org/?p=3754

3. IHH Spokesman Says 2nd Gaza Flotilla To Reach Gaza By End Of May
http://globalmbreport.org/?p=3983  [14]

4. RECOMMENDED READING:  http://globalmbreport.org/?p=4140 Turkey's New
'Old Kemalists [15]

5. Hamas Prime Minister Praises Role Of Turkey In Gaza Flotillas
http://globalmbreport.org/?p=4518  [16]


Article printed from The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report:

URL to article: http://globalmbreport.org/?p=3737

URLs in this post:

[1] report: http://www.jcpa.org/text/Turkey_Muslim_Brotherhood.pdf

[2] Image:
Fp%3D3737partner=sociable partner=sociable

[3] Image:

[4] Image: http://sphinn.com/index.php?c=post

[5] Image:

[6] Image:

[osint] Hamas Prime Minister Praises Role Of Turkey In Gaza Flotillas

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


- The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report - http://globalmbreport.org -

Hamas Prime Minister Praises Role Of Turkey In Gaza Flotillas

Posted By GlobalMB On June 1, 2011 @ 4:00 pm In Daily | No Comments  

A Union of Good website is reporting that Hamas Prime MInister Ismail Haniyah 
has acknowledged Tukey’s “key role in the organisation and participation in the 
Gaza flotilla movement.  There remarks were made during a ceremony which 
unveiled a new monument to those who died in the first flotilla. According to 
the report http://humanityvoice.net/news_details.php?id=6712  [1]:

The Palestinian prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyah, has unveiled a memorial 
at Gaza City’s Port to the victims of Freedom Flotilla 1. The monument is 
inscribed with the names of the nine Turkish activists who were killed aboard 
Freedom Flotilla 1′s lead ship, the Mavi Marmara, in May 2010. During the 
accompanying ceremony, the flags of all the states which took part in the 
Flotilla were flown with the Turkish flag taking pride of place as a tribute to 
the lead role the country has taken in efforts to break the siege on Gaza. 
During his address, the prime minister highlighted Turkey’s key role in the 
organisation and participation in the previous and upcoming Flotillas as well 
as the significant support and solidarity they have shown with the Palestinian 
people in their various efforts to break the siege on Gaza. Mr Haniyah voiced 
disapproval of calls made by the Secretary General of the United Nations to 
prevent the second fleet from setting off for Gaza. He said that they had 
rather expected that Mr Ban Ki-moon would express condemnation of the blockade 
on Gaza and refer the leaders of the occupation to the International Court of 
Justice for their crimes. Mr Haniyah stressed that the Palestinian state could 
not come about through US favor asserting that it would only be established 
through the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, who had made sacrifice and 
given their blood, and with the support of the Arab and Islamic nation.

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) has recently published an almost 
hundred page report titled “Turkey, the Global Muslim Brotherhood, and the Gaza 
Flotilla” which provides extensive background on the years leading up to the 
1st Gaza Flotilla. The JCPA report 
http://www.jcpa.org/text/Turkey_Muslim_Brotherhood.pdf  [2] abstract states:

There is strong evidence for Turkish governmental involvement in the Gaza 
flotilla incident, with Turkish government support channeled through the 
Turkish Muslim Brotherhood network. Since 2006, Turkey has become a new center 
for the Global Muslim Brotherhood. The IHH was not acting alone but rather was 
an integral part of a Turkish Muslim Brotherhood network.

With respect to the Global Muslim Brotherhood, report’s second conclusion 

The Gaza flotilla incident brought into sharp focus an even more significant 
long- term development: the growing relationship between the Erdogan government 
and the Global Muslim Brotherhood, which has given rise to some of the most 
notorious Islamist terrorist groups – from al-Qaeda to Hamas. Since 2006, 
Turkey has become a new center for the Global Muslim Brotherhood, while the 
Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip acted as the main axis for this activity.

A post http://globalmbreport.com/?p=4514  [3] from yesterday discussed the 
imminent launch of the second Gaza flotilla scheduled for June 20.

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[osint] DOJ Pressured City of Dayton to Lower Testing Standards for Police Recruits to Accommodate Minority Candidates

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

Published on Judicial Watch (http://www.judicialwatch.org)


DOJ Pressured City of Dayton to Lower Testing Standards for Police Recruits
to Accommodate Minority Candidates

By clee

Created 1 Jun 2011 - 12:42pm


DOJ's Rejection of Exam Based on Passing Rates by Race is Illegal and
Unconstitutional Judicial Watch Files FOIA Lawsuit for Additional Records


Washington, DC

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes
government corruption, announced today that it has uncovered hundreds of
documents from the City of Dayton, Ohio, showing that Department of Justice
(DOJ) officials pressured the Dayton Police Department to lower testing
standards because not enough African American candidates passed the written
exam. On May 25, Judicial Watch also filed a lawsuit against the DOJ to
obtain additional records related to the Dayton program after the DOJ failed
to respond to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
(Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 11-971)). 

The documents obtained by Judicial Watch include the City of Dayton's
standards and test materials for police and firefighter candidates produced
by Fire  Police Selection, Inc., a company with a 15-year track record of
designing and validating tests used to recruit police officers and
firefighters. The documents also include correspondence between the City of
Dayton and the DOJ as DOJ officials conducted their analysis of the Dayton
recruitment and testing program. (A Consent Decree was signed by both
parties to resolve a discrimination lawsuit filed by the DOJ against the
City of Dayton.) 

The City of Dayton submitted ahead of time its recruitment and testing plans
in detail (including its written examination), per the request of the DOJ.
Dayton also took steps to focus its recruitment strategy on
n.pdf#page=53 minority - African-Americans, Hispanic, Asian, Females and
other underrepresented minority groups. [1] These plans apparently did not
elicit any significant objection from the DOJ until after the tests had been
administered and scores were calculated. 

According to an internal assessment by Fire  Police Selection, Inc.,
n.pdf#page=335 An exhaustive item-level analysis was conducted on the data
from the administration and our statisticians did not identify any
significantly problematic items that negatively affected the reliability of
the test. [2] But after reviewing the test results, the DOJ registered its

In a letter dated February 7, 2011, DOJ Senior Attorney Barbara Thawley
informed the City of Dayton that the DOJ rejected the written portion of the
Dayton examination:
n.pdf#page=356 The United States has determined that the City's proposed
use of the written examination.violates.the Civil Rights Act of 1964.because
it has a statistically significant disparate impact upon African American
candidates. [3] The letter closed by threatening court action. A subsequent
letter on February 17, 2011, suggests the written exam be used as a
n.pdf#page=357 pass/fail screening device, which the DOJ described as a
compromise. [4] 

The DOJ also objected to the use of a written test in general for
firefighter applicants.
n.pdf#page=27 With regard to the writing portion for firefighter, it seems
unusual to me. I have never seen a fire department give a writing test to
entry level firefighter applicants. From what I know about the job, it seems
very unlikely that an entry-level firefighter would have to do much
writing, [5] wrote Ms. Thawley.
n.pdf#page=30 All of our firefighters are either EMT or paramedics and do
a lot of report writing, [6] responded Giselle S. Johnson, Secretary and
Chief Examiner, Civil Service Board. 

On February 18, 2011, Fire  Police Selection, Inc. CEO Dan Biddle issued a
sharp rebuttal: 

.we are appalled to learn that the DOJ has branded our tests as invalid,
despite having been appraised openly in advance of our validation steps,
methods, and resulting data, and despite having never raised a single
concern over the process during the entire seven-month-period prior to the
exam administration. [Page 372]
n.pdf#page=372  [7]

.Only at this point, two months after the exams were given, has the DOJ made
any assertion about the unfairness or impropriety of the selection exam,
much less that the tests are not valid. This complete reversal and flip-flop
of judgment contradicts DOJ's position prior to 

[osint] Geert Wilders recruits international network

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


Published on Radio Netherlands Worldwide ( http://www.rnw.nl



Geert Wilders recruits international network

By Klaas den Tek

Created 10 September 2010 15:42

 image/jpeg icon
.png teaser-wildersconnecties[1].jpg

Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders’ international network is
expanding. His New York protest speech against an Islamic cultural centre
near Ground Zero this weekend is mainly targetted at his sympathisers. He
needs foreign support and cash to finance his fight against Islam. He is
also having to pay for lawyers to defend him against charges for inciting
hatred in the Netherlands.

Mr Wilders will be preaching to the converted in New York. He will address
neo-conservative Americans who condemn Islam as a threat to both Israel and
the West. Sympathisers who financially support his cause.

In recent months, he has been busy trying to substantially expand this
network of sympathisers. His International Freedom Alliance (IFA) is billed
as “fighting for freedom and against Islam”. So who has already jumped on
the Wilders bandwagon.

The American connection
One sure ally will definitely be in New York: Pamela Geller. The political
activist lashes out at Islam on her blog. She has gained national fame
through her campaign against the Islamic centre planned near Ground Zero.
She is a vociferous champion of Mr Wilders, whom she invited specially to
attend the New York rally.

Theologian Robert Spencer set up the Stop Islamisation organisation with Ms
Geller. He is a regular guest on the conservative TV station FoxNews. He has
influence over Mr Wilders who tried to call him as a witness in his
incitement to hatred trial. The application was turned down by the Dutch

The wealthy, conservative David Horowitz describes Mr Wilders as an
important player in the fight against Islam. Influential figures from the
right, including the controversial Dutch politician, have spoken at his
David Horowitz Freedom Centre. Mr Horowitz raises millions of dollars for
his anti-Islam campaign.

The Israeli connection
Geert Wilders has close links with hardliners in Israel. He worked in a
kibbutz in the West Bank when he was in secondary school. He views Israel as
“a buffer holding back the jihad”.

Arieh Eldad is one of Mr Wilders most important supporters. The former
general leads the small extreme-right Hatikva party. Both men see the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict as part of the fight against Islam. Mr Wilders
says he’s “proud” to count himself the Israeli politician’s friend.

Current Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman is also among Mr Wilders’
friends. His outspoken comments include suggesting a nuclear bomb should be
dropped on Gaza.

Both Israeli figures share a number of views. They oppose an independent
Palestinian state and push the danger presented by Islam. Their political
parties are supported by Jewish settlers.

The European connection
Mr Wilders has also not been idling in Europe. He shares an aversion to the
European Union and a fear of Islam with his allies. However, he has nothing
in common with anti-Semitic extreme-right parties. Belgium’s Philip Dewinter
and his Flemish nationalist (Vlaams Belang) party are not part of Mr
Wilders’ network. But who are?

He gets on well with Pia Kjaersgaard of the Danish Peoples’ Party. They
share similar positions: against the spread of Islam, for tough immigration
and integration policies and against Turkish membership of the European

He has contacts with the right-wing anti-European United Kingdom
Independence Party (UKIP). In February 2009, UKIP’s Lord Pearson invited Mr
Wilders to show his anti-Islam film Fitna in the House of Lords.

German politician René Stadkewitz is also an ally of Mr Wilders. This led to
him being expelled from the CDU party. He is setting up his own anti-Islam
party which is sure to form close links with its Dutch equivalent.


Source URL:


[i1] Geert Wilders builds an international network --
[i2]  http://www.rnw.nl/english http://www.rnw.nl/english




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[osint] I Read Your Book

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


I Read Your Book

Posted on May 31, 2011
http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/i-read-your-book/  by
burkasrugly http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/author/burkasrugly/  


Fellow Infidels,

Constantine points out the value of knowing the enemy.


There is a great scene in the movie Patton where George Patton wins his
first victory over the German General Rommel. Patton states, Rommel, you
magnificent bas#!@*, I read your book. In war you must spend tremendous
effort and time knowing your enemy. The more you know your enemy the easier
it is to defeat him. Intelligence is the key to winning wars with minimal
losses to your side.


Fortunately, Mohammed has left us a complete library of books detailing
tactics, strategies and practices of radical Islamic armies. Jihad is well
documented if we would only take the time to understand. Dr. Bill Warner has
done the Resistance movement a great service in elucidating his concept of
the Trilogy. The Islamic Trilogy consists of the Koran, the Sira (the life
of Mohammed) and the Hadiths (the practices of Mohammed). Taken together
these three documents comprise the foundation of Islam.


The Koran is the so-called record of Allah's revelation to Mohammed. The
Sira documents the life of the prophet Mohammed. The Hadiths record the
proper actions of all good Muslims from which shoe to put on first to what
size rock to stone an adulteress. Throughout the Trilogy Mohammed is
portrayed as the perfect man to be emulated in all his actions. Thus, if
Mohammed marries a six-year-old girl it is proper and desirable for Muslim
men to copy his actions. If Mohammed sanctions the beheading of Jews, then
every other Muslim needs to follow his action without question. If Mohammed
enslaves captive women to provide sex, so should every other Muslim.


Often I am taken to task by well-meaning liberals who think I am being too
hard on Mohammed and his present day followers. My standard question is,
Have you read the Koran? Never have I had the first Pollyannish liberal to
say, Yes, I have read it from cover to cover. What makes them experts on
Islam when they have never cracked open the Koran ? Once in a blue moon my
challenge will serve as a catalyst to have a multiculturalist actually read
the holy book of Islam. The reaction is always the same. They are aghast
with the savagery, brutality and horror contained in the book that makes
Mein Kampf look tame by comparison.


Our task is educational in nature. We must strip away the facade and expose
Islam for what it is. It is a political system masquerading as a religion.
Islam is a fascist supremacist theopolitical system which governs every area
of life. At least 80% of Islam is concerned with the treatment of infidels
or Kafirs.


Yes, indeed, Mohammed you despicable bastard, I have read your book. I am
armed with knowledge.

In hoc signo;



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[osint] Back To The Future

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


 http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/back-to-the-future/ Back
To The Future

Posted on
http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/back-to-the-future/ May 31,
2011 by  http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/author/burkasrugly/

 Fellow Infidels,

Constantine has some great ideas on how America can get off of foreign oil.

When Constantine was a young man in 1973, the original Arab oil boycott was
imposed on Americans by OPEC. The Yom Kippur War was a sneak attack upon
Israel by the Egyptians and other Arab countries.  By attacking on Yom
Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays, the Arabs hoped to gain a surprise
advantage.  Predictably, Israel decimated the armies of Syria, Egypt, Jordan
and Iran in short order.

The Arabs decided to play the oil card and cut off delivery of petroleum to
the United States.  Immediately, gas prices skyrocketed from roughly 30
cents per gallon to 80 cents per gallon (Ah, the good ole days!).

In the intervening 38 years every American president (Democrat and
Republican) has vowed to do something, anything, to lower oil prices.  Then
we imported about 30 percent of our oil needs; today after much jawboning we
import 70 percent.

Clearly, the talking (endless governmental committee meetings) has
accomplished nothing except to raise the price of gasoline and make us even
more dependent on the Middle East (the home of the greatest concentration of
deadly religious fanatics on the planet).

With gasoline approaching $4 per gallon and predicted by summer to hit $5 a
gallon, we need to develop a strategy.  We need to make oil obsolete.  The
technology exists today to do just that.  We need to develop flex-fuel autos
that are also plug-in electric hybrids. This would allow every consumer to
choose the cheapest of three fuels.  They could decide which fuel is
cheapest; electricity, gasoline or alcohol.

Most plug-in hybrids can drive at least 30 miles on a charge.  The average
American commutes 22 miles a day to work.  So immediately we can reduce our
gasoline usage by 80 percent a week.  The plug-in can also be charged during
the night time hours when electrical rates are low.

What happens on the family vacation when you need to drive 300 miles in one
day?  When the hybrid battery gets low, the engine seamlessly switches to a
liquid fuel, which could be gasoline, ethanol or methanol.

Ethanol in particular has gotten a bum rap.  Eco-Liberals complain about how
production of ethanol deprives people of food, especially corn.  Ethanol
production is rapidly reaching the place where it can be distilled from
waste agricultural products.

Let's, however, consider methanol, which can be produced from coal.  The
United States is literally the Saudi Arabia of coal.  We have at least a 500
year supply of coal in the ground that can be easily recovered.

A bonus to alcohol as a fuel is that it does not explode in a crash, but
simply burns.  Also, one other benefit is in the area of emissions.  While
using gasoline as fuel produces carbon dioxide, ethanol as a fuel produces
water vapor.  Thus, the greenhouse effect of CO2  is greatly reduced.  And
needed water vapor is returned to the atmosphere.

The cost of making every new car a flex-fuel vehicle is only about $150
maximum.  The plastic fuel lines simply need to be replaced by stainless
steel lines to offset the corrosive effect of alcohol.  This can be easily
incorporated into every new car at the factory.  We now have the ability to
make oil obsolete using technology that is over 60 years old.

Let us see who the winners will be in this flex-fuel hybrid era.  First of
all, entire new technologies will cause a surge of job creation in America.
Also, farm prices will stabilize as we use even more crops and crop residue
in the production of ethanol.  The coal industry will experience explosive
growth domestically as we ramp up to produce methanol.  And finally, every
American motorist will suddenly have four fuel choices.  There will be
gasoline, electricity, methanol and ethanol.  The consumer has the choice of
buying the cheapest fuel to power his vehicle. It will literally be, indeed,
back to the future in terms of fuel prices.

Oh, I failed to mention there will be one loser economically.  In fact,
there will be a big loser.  The madmen of the Middle East will quickly find
no one needs their oil anymore.  The price will plummet.  The insane imams
of Islam will find the funds for jihad and terrorism drying up.  We can stop
the utter insanity of financing both sides of the War on Terror.

Mr. Saudi, how about a spot of oil in your morning tea?

Make your next car a flex-fuel vehicle and strike a real blow for liberty.

In hoc signo,



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[osint] A Theology Of War

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
 http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/a-theology-of-war/ A
Theology Of War

Posted on
http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/a-theology-of-war/ May 27,
2011 by  http://actjonesboroar.wordpress.com/author/burkasrugly/


Fellow Infidels,

Constantine has done it again..here is his latest:

The illustrious Robert Spencer  has said Islam is the only world religion
that has a formulated theory of war. (It is also the only world religion
that does not have some
form of the Golden Rule.) Jihad is the concrete expression of Islamic
warfare. Jihad is the main instrument used to silence the critics of Islam.
The ultimate goal of Jihad is to institute full-fledged Sharia.

For a  moment let's see how Jihad is waged. People of the Book (Jews and
Christians) have three choices when the Islamic horde over runs their
homeland. First, they can leave Judaism or Christianity and convert to
Islam. Islam does not care whether the conversion is voluntary or forced.
The all important fact is that new Muslims are added to the total and these
same converts are subtracted from Judaism or Christianity.

Secondly, those not wishing  to convert can pay the Jizya (a type of Islamic
protection racket) tax. For this costly privilege they are allowed to
survive at the hands of  their Muslim masters. In return they become dhimmis
and accept a greatly restricted ability to practice their own religion.
Furthermore, the dhimmi contract can be revoked by the Muslim masters at any
time for any reason. When dhimmitude is revoked Jihad immediately becomes
effective again.

But there is yet a third grisly option. Those brave souls who do not convert
nor are willing to become dhimmis paying the protective Jizya poll tax are
to be killed. In short, they
are hunted down and killed in a most painful way. Often they are
decapitated, crucified, slowly strangled by Islamic hanging, or stoned. All
of these forms of punishment are instituted in Sharia law and are legal
punishment sanctioned by Islamic states. (a.k.a thugdoms).

Hindus and Buddhists have only two options. Convert or die. India has
suffered more deaths from Jihad than any other nation. An estimated 80
million (80,000,000) innocent
human beings; men, women, children and babies; have died at the hands of
Islamic monsters in the last 600 years. This has been the greatest war crime
in human history.
Worldwide over 270 million (270,000,000) people have perished at the blood
soaked hands of these bastards since the time of Mohammed. Countless
millions have been stolen from their native lands and sold into perpetual
slavery and suffering by these brutes who call themselves sons of Allah.

This theology of war originated in the very life and practice of Mohammed.
Mohammed was a mass murder. He killed numerous individuals in his life time
and ordered the deaths of thousands more. Mohammed was also a rapist and a
pedophile. He married a six
year old girl, but had the decency to wait until she was nine years old
before consummating the marriage. He sanctioned slavery. He bought and sold
numerous slaves in his life time. He also stole the possessions of those
killed in Jihad. Mohammed kept 20% of the spoils for himself and his
countless minions divided up the remainder.
(Hey, it's good to be the Prophet ! Remember the 4 wife rule. Allah allowed
Mohammed his on personal exemption. He alone could have all the wives and
sex slaves his wicked little evil heart desired.)

Unless we wake up in the West we will experience first hand the Islamic
theology of war.




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[osint] Shariah: Threat To America

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
Four Ways to Order
hreat-to-america/ Shariah: Threat To America

Posted on May 22, 2011
hreat-to-america/  by burkasrugly


Rate This 


Fellow Infidels,

Constantine has information about a very important book - that you can
obtain for free!

Frank Gaffney and his illustrious company of writers have produced the
definitive work on Shariah and its insidious threat to the American legal
system and to the larger society. Published in 2010 by the Center for
Security Policy, Gaffney and associates are so eager to get the word out on
the Western culture destroying Shariah that they are literally giving the
book away. It can be downloaded in PDF form. Simply go to the website:
www.shariahthethreat.org http://www.shariahthethreat.org/  and follow
instructions to download the 270 page book. It is absolutely free. You
simply supply the paper and ink.

A second option is to download the short course. Once again, go to:
www.shariahthethreat.org http://www.shariahthethreat.org/ . However this
time, go to the Short Course and click on the title. You will be taken to an
abbreviated version of Shariah the Threat and the History of the Muslim
Brotherhood. You still get all 17 Chapters, but in a shortened form. This
form is also totally free of charge.

You can also purchase the book on www.amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/
for $14.00 a copy. The book does qualify for free shipping if combined with
other orders that total $25.00.

The fourth method is to download the book to your Kindle, iPhone, iPad or
electronic reader. Again, simply go to the Kindle section of www.amazon.com
http://www.amazon.com/ . Download the book for $2.99 and you will be
reading it one minute later.

I urge every member of Act for American to obtain a copy of this seminal
work and then read it, re-read it and read it again. To neglect Shariah:
Threat to America is the height of folly. To have this tremendous knowledge
at our finger tips is the first step to winning the war.

In hoc signo;



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[osint] E. Coli Outbreak Linked to Aggressive New Strain

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

06/02/2011 04:17 PM

Mutant Bacteria

E. Coli Outbreak Linked to Aggressive New Strain

As the E. coli outbreak continues to ravage Germany and other parts of Europe, 
the World Health Organization said Thursday that the aggressive intestinal 
bacteria is a new strain never seen before. Meanwhile fears of the illness 
prompted Russia to ban imports of vegetables from the EU. 

Researchers are still desperately searching for the origin of the E. coli 
bacteria that has left 18 dead and infected hundreds of others in Germany and 
Europe. The number of cases within Germany continues to rise, with up to 2,000 
reported cases of infection, several hundred more than at the beginning of the 
week. Following the death of another victim in Hamburg overnight, the World 
Health Organization announced that preliminary genetic sequencing had revealed 
the deadly strain is likely a mutant form of two separate E. coli bacteria that 
is new to scientists.

The unique strain has never been isolated from patients before and has 
various characteristics that make it more virulent and toxin-producing, WHO 
food safety expert Hilde Kruse told news agency AP. 

The mutant bacteria was identified through cooperation between scientists at 
the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and the Beijing Genomic 
Institute. This strain is only a very distant relative of conventional EHEC 
bacteria, said UKE bacteriologist Holger Rohde.

The newly discovered enterohemorrhagic strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli 
(EHEC) causes watery or bloody diarrhea. In severe cases, EHEC also attacks the 
blood, kidneys and brain, causing a life-threatening complication known as 
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). Thousands of people in nine European countries 
have been infected by the bacteria, with nearly 500 developing the HUS 

Outbreak Epicenter Germany 

Germany has suffered the greatest loss of life in the outbreak, with the latest 
death of an elderly woman at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf 
(UKE) overnight bringing the death toll up to at least 17 in the country. Most 
of the victims have been women. A number of cases outside Germany have 
reportedly arisen in people who recently travelled there, officials said.

The swiftly spreading outbreak is baffling even the most experienced of 
doctors. We are observing an unexpeced course of illness that has been unknown 
to us until now, said Hendrik Lehnert, director of the clinic at Lübeck's 
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein. 

But hope may lie in an antibody being tested at several clinics, the results of 
which will be presented on Friday. Doctors are only cautiously optimistic, 
though. It has some effect, but it's no wonder drug, said Hermann Haller, the 
director of Hannover Medical School's Clinic for Nephrology.

Spanish Cucumbers No Longer Suspected 

In the meantime experts have ruled out their initial suspicion 
http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,765114,00.html  that 
Spanish cucumbers were the source of the E. coli bacteria, though they still 
believe vegetables are the likely culprit. It turns out that after more 
thorough examination, the four cucumbers tested in Hamburg and linked to Spain 
last week did not carry the same strain isolated in patients, the Federal 
Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) reported. 

The source of the ongoing infections has not yet been determined, said BfR 
President Andreas Hensel. Furthermore, it has to be clarified at what point in 
the food chain the contamination with germs occurred.

The EU commission has since removed its warning against Spanish cucumbers, but 
Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told a national radio station that 
his country would seek reparations from European authorities to cover farmers' 
losses. Germany's Consumer Ministry defended the preventative measures. Hamburg 
authorities acted in accordance with regulations, spokesman Holger Eichele said 
in Berlin.

Russia Bans EU Vegetables 

The outbreak also prompted Russia on Thursday to ban the import of vegetables 
from the entire European Union, a move the commission health spokesman Frederic 
Vincent called disproportionate. 

The commission will write a letter to Russian authorities demanding an 
explanation, he said, adding that fresh fruit and vegetable exports to Russia 
amount to between €3 billion and €4 billion ($4.3 billion and $5.8 billion) per 
year, primarily in apples. 

Despite the EU's criticism, Germany's disease control authority, the Robert 
Koch Institute, maintained its warning against eating raw tomatoes, cucumbers 
and lettuce until the source of the bacteria could be found. Experts remain 
uncertain whether it arises during transport, loading, or packaging the 

However, experts said it was unlikely the bacteria's source would be located 
quickly, if at all. In the majority of outbreaks the agent is never isolated, 
said Andreas Hensel of the Federal 

[osint] Seductive Beliefs: Part II By Thomas Sowell

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

JUNE 2, 2011

all.com/Heritage-UnderstandingAmerica/ Click here to find out more!

Seductive Beliefs: Part II

By Thomas Sowell







The only thing surprising about Barack Obama's latest blow against Israel is
that there are people who are surprised. As for a Palestinian homeland, that
was never a big issue when the Arabs controlled that land, up to 1967.

Obama's declaration that Israel must give up the land it acquired, after
neighboring countries threatened its survival in 1967, is completely
consistent with both his ideology of many years and his previous actions as
President of the United States.

Whether as a radical student, a community organizer or a far left
politician, Barack Obama's ideology has been based on a vision of the Haves
versus the Have Nots. However complex the ramifications of this ideology,
and however clever the means by which Obama has camouflaged it, that is what
it has amounted to.

No wonder he was moved to tears when the Reverend Jeremiah Wright summarized
that ideology in a thundering phrase-- white folks' greed runs a world in

Israel is one of the Haves. Its neighbors remain among the Have Nots,
despite their oil. No wonder that Barack Obama has bent over backward, in
addition to bowing low forward, to support the side that his ideology

Whether at home or abroad, Obama's ideology is an ideology of envy,
resentment and payback.

Israel is not simply to have its interests sacrificed and its security
undermined. It is to be brought down a peg and-- to the extent politically
possible-- insulted. Obama has already done all these things. His latest
pronouncement is just more of the same.

One of the first acts of Barack Obama as president was to send money to the
Palestinians, money that can be used to buy rockets to fire into Israel,
irrespective of the rationale for the money.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A photograph that should tell
us a lot about Barack Obama shows him on the phone, talking with Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Obama was seated, leaning back in his chair, with his feet up on the desk,
and the soles of his feet pointed directly at the camera. In the Middle
East, showing the soles of your feet is an insult, as Obama undoubtedly

This photograph was no accident. Photographers cannot roam around White
House, willy-nilly, taking snapshots of the President of the United States
as he talks to leaders of foreign nations.

It was a photograph with a message. No one would have known who was on the
other end of the line, unless Obama wanted them to know -- and wanted to
demonstrate his disdain.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's visits to the White House have been unlike
previous Israeli leaders' visits to the White House, and certainly unlike
the pomp and circumstance accompanying other nations' leaders' visits to the
White House over the years.

After one of his meetings with Netanyahu, Barack Obama simply told the prime
minister that he was going upstairs to have dinner. You wouldn't say that to
an ordinary neighbor visiting in your home, without inviting him to join

Obama knew that. Netanyahu knew that. It was a calculated insult. And the
American public would have heard about it, if so much of the media didn't
have such a hear-no-evil, see-no-evil and speak-no-evil attitude in its
coverage of Barack Obama.

Visits to the White House by prime ministers of Britain-- our oldest and
staunchest ally-- have likewise been downplayed and Obama's visit to the
Queen of England was likewise conducted without the respect normally shown
to a monarch. One of Obama's first acts upon reaching the White House was to
return to the British embassy a bust of Winston Churchill, the most eminent
statesman in Britain's history.

All of this is consistent with Obama's general approach to foreign policy--
selling out our allies to curry favor with our adversaries. He flew to
Moscow, shortly after taking office, to renege on the American commitment to
put a missile shield in Eastern Europe, in hopes of getting a deal with the

Obama is politically savvy enough to know how to get his point across
without blowing his cover.

The fate of the United States of America may depend on how savvy we the
people are in seeing what he is doing-- and how soon, before the situation
becomes irretrievable.

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of The
Housing Boom and Bust
st/564418.html . 
TOWNHALL DAILY: Sign up today http://www.townhall.com/Secure/Signup.aspx
and receive Thomas Sowell and Townhall.com's daily lineup delivered each
morning to your inbox. 
CCreators Syndicate

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[osint] While North Korea and Iran collaborate, China covers up

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

 http://dailycaller.com/ The Daily Caller

ina-covers-up/print/#Print PRINT PAGE

While North Korea and Iran collaborate, China covers up

By  http://dailycaller.com/author/carafanograham/ James Carafano  Owen
Graham   10:38 AM 05/23/2011


A new UN report documents that Iran is working with North Korea in
developing ballistic missile technology. Specifically, the report finds that
the two nations are transferring prohibited ballistic missile-related
items via air shipments, in direct violation of UN sanctions.

Want to read more about it? Sorry, you can't.
http://www.globalsecuritynewswire.org/gsn/nw_20110218_2575.php China is
blocking release of the report.

China has a history of bottling up inconvenient reports, and it's little
wonder they worked to squash this one. According to leaked passages, the
illicit transfers involved trans-shipment through a neighboring third
country. Several UN diplomats said that this country was China.

Earlier this year, China blocked publication of another damning UN report
which said the North almost certainly has more undisclosed
enrichment-related facilities. It went on to voice concerns that North Korea
might transfer fissile materials or the means of producing them to foreign
countries - such as Iran.

Iranian delegations have visited North Korea in the past to observe missile
tests and exchange technology. This newest UN report, buried by China,
affirms U.S. concerns about Chinese willingness to look the other way when
it comes to North Korean nuclear activities. Diplomatic cables published
through WikiLeaks show that the U.S. has repeatedly importuned Beijing to
bar North Korean shipments through China, yet China has taken no action.

North Korea and Iran have a long history of military, economic and
intelligence cooperation. Their collaboration on missile technology goes
back to the Iran-Iraq war. In fact, Tehran's ballistic missile inventory,
the largest in the Middle East, is largely based on North Korean missile

In testimony earlier this year, James Clapper, director of national
intelligence, highlighted North Korea's ballistic missile proliferation
activities regarding Iran and hinted that this cooperation is bearing
dangerous fruit. Tehran continues to expand the scale, reach and
sophistication of its ballistic missile forces, many of which are inherently
capable of carrying a nuclear payload, Clapper said.

Iran is investing heavily in ballistic missile, nuclear, and space programs
- all run by the military. Unfortunately, it is making impressive strides on
all fronts. Tehran's new two-stage solid-propellant missile may soon be able
to reach Eastern Europe and U.S./NATO bases, enabling it to hold governments
hostage simply by threatening to launch its missiles.

North Korea also has an extensive ballistic missile force and is making
steady progress in increasing range, payload and accuracy. Lt. Gen. Ronald
Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified earlier this
year that North Korea may now have several plutonium-based nuclear warheads
that it can deliver by ballistic missiles and aircraft as well as
unconventional means.

Burgess' remarks were surprising because most experts feel North Korea has
not yet mastered the technology needed to make nuclear warheads small enough
to mount on a missile. There is even debate as to whether Pyongyang has
weaponized its fissile material. DNI head James Clapper, testifying
concurrently with Burgess, stated only that although we judge North Korea
has tested two nuclear devices, we do not know whether the North has
produced nuclear weapons, but we assess it has the capability to do so.

Last week, Raymond Colston, the new national intelligence manager for Korea
at the National Intelligence Director's Office, reiterated a point made
earlier this year by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. North Korea, Colston
said, is certainly building missiles that eventually will be capable of
targeting the U.S., and these missiles will be capable of having nuclear

While the extent of cooperation on nuclear weapons technology is murky,
North Korea has already threatened to transfer nuclear weapons. Michael
Green, former senior director for Asia at the National Security Council,
says that, during nuclear talks in March 2003, the head of the North Korean
delegation confirmed that Pyongyang had a nuclear deterrent and threatened
to expand, demonstrate, and transfer the deterrent unless the United
States ended its hostile policy.

The bottom line is that neither U.S. engagement nor UN sanctions have
deterred Iran and North Korea from pressing forward on the ballistic missile
and nuclear front. The U.S. intelligence community has long warned of the
ballistic missile threat from these two nations. Amidst this ever-growing
threat, President Obama's approach to missile defense is misguided.

After the large-scale 

[osint] Middle East and Terrorism Why Palestinians Want YouTube to Remove This

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

 http://israelagainstterror.blogspot.com/ Middle East and Terrorism

The Middle East and Terrorism Blog was created in order to supply
information about the implication of Arab countries and Iran in terrorism
all over the world. Most of the articles in the blog are the result of
objective scientific research or articles written by senior journalists.
Most of these articles seldomly appear in the press.


Why Palestinians Want YouTube to Remove This



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[osint] Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh running for President of Egypt

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh running for President of Egypt


1600/Sheikh%2BHazem%2BAbu%2BIsmail%2Bof%2BEgypt.jpg Remember how the Muslim
Brotherhood wasn't going to run a candidate for President of Egypt? Of
course, they're running a http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/455693
candidate for President of Egypt.

Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Hazem Abu Ismail announced his intention to run in
Egypt's upcoming presidential elections.

He said that if elected he would implement Islamic sharia law and cancel the
peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

Ismail was the Brotherhood's candidate in 2005 parliamentary elections for
Dokki in Giza.

The group announced earlier that it would not take part in the presidential
elections and confirmed that it would compete for only half the seats in
Parliament. But Ismail is the second Brotherhood member to have announced
his intention to run for president in defiance of the group's leadership.
The other Brotherhood candidate is Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh, a
liberal-minded Islamist.

Abu Ismail said Saturday during a speech in a Dokki mosque that he will
sweep the elections. Since he is an ordinary man, he said, the masses will
support him.


Concerning the peace treaty with Israel, he said, The Camp David peace
treaty is insulting to the Egyptian people, so it must be canceled, and I
will do my best to convince people to cancel it.

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[osint] Egypt Rushes Toward Sharia and War

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


Egypt Rushes Toward Sharia and War

by  http://www.humanevents.com/search.php?author_name=Robert+Spencer
Robert Spencer
http://www.humanevents.com/search.php?author_name=Robert+Spencer  (more by
this author)

Posted 05/31/2011 ET




How hopelessly at odds with America's best interests is Barack Obama? Less
than two weeks ago he declared his support for political and economic
reform in the Middle East, warmly endorsing the Arab Spring uprisings
there. Then Sunday, Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Hazem Abu Ismail announced his
candidacy for the presidency of Egypt, promising to transform Egypt into an
Islamic state and go to war with Israel. Reform that would indeed be, but
not the kind any American president should be applauding.


Maybe Obama is still listening to his ruinously incompetent Director of
National Intelligence, James Clapper, who at the height of the Egyptian
uprising characterized the Muslim Brotherhood as largely secular. Secular
they're not, but they're certainly influential, and Obama knows it: he
specifically requested that Muslim Brotherhood representatives attend his
speech in Cairo in June 2009. Speaking in a mosque on Saturday, Abu Ismail
said that he was confident of victory -- precisely because, unlike the other
candidates, he presented a clear call to institute Islamic law in Egypt.
Mohamed ElBaradei, Amr Moussa, and Hamdeen Sabahi, the liberal candidates,
will be unable to present a clear vision. 


Abu Ismail was sure all Egyptians would love his pro-Sharia platform: If I
could apply sharia in Egypt, all people, including non-Muslims, would
applaud me four years later. He dismissed all who opposed him as perverts
and libertines: We seek to apply Islamic law, but those who don't want it
prefer cabarets, alcohol, dancers and prostitution, as the implementation of
Islamic law will prohibit women to appear naked in movies and on beaches.


He also promised to go to war with Israel: The Camp David peace treaty is
insulting to the Egyptian people, so it must be canceled, and I will do my
best to convince people to cancel it. Abu Ismail made this pledge as Egypt
reopened the Rafah crossing -- the only official point of entry into Gaza
other than from inside Israel. Egypt had closed it in 2007 after Hamas took
power in Gaza, as part of its uneasy observance of the Camp David Accords,
since the Rafah crossing had been an easy route into Israel for jihadis and
their weapons suppliers. 


But now it appears that peace with Israel is no longer such a high priority.
And it is no wonder that Abu Ismail thinks ripping up the Camp David accords
is a winning issue. Last week the Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood leader Rachid
Ghannouchi predicted that the Arab Spring would lead to the destruction of
Israel. Clearly he knows the direction of events in Egypt: man-on-the-street
interviews conducted during the Egyptian uprisings found ordinary Egyptians
explaining that they hated Mubarak was that he maintained peace with Israel.
He is supporting Israel. Israel is our enemy, protestors explained. If
people are free in Egypt...they gonna destroy Israel. Many demonstrators
carried posters of Mubarak with a Star of David drawn on his forehead. 


In January, Mohamed Ghanem, another Muslim Brotherhood leader, said in an
interview on Iran's Al-Alam television station that Egypt should prepare to
go to war with Israel. That same month, Iran's Press TV interviewed an
Egyptian international lawyer Marwan al-Ashaal, who explained the popular
discontent with Mubarak as a direct consequence of his keeping the peace
with Israel: The American-Egyptian relationships were based on Israeli
security and I think Mubarak has been very dedicated to Israeli security
more even than to his own people's security or the national interests.
Al-Ashaal claimed that we see the deals with Israel that provoked people
and took them to the edge. He declared that Egypt is never going to be a
friend of Israel.


Whether or not Abu Ismail is elected President of Egypt, the opening of the
Rafah crossing indicates that Egypt has decided to adopt a belligerent
stance toward Israel, and more is certain to come as Egypt marches toward
Sharia. Obama in his recent Mideast policy speech proclaimed his ardent
support for free speech, the freedom of peaceful assembly, the freedom of
religion, equality for men and women under the rule of law. There is,
however, no indication that the revolutions in the Middle East will lead to
regimes that will have any interest in protecting any of those rights. Hazem
Abu Ismail's presidential campaign in Egypt is just the latest indication
that when it comes to analyzing the Arab Spring, the Obama Administration
is engaged yet again in fantasy-based policymaking.


Mr. Spencer is director of  http://www.jihadwatch.org/ Jihad Watch and
author of
131 The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and 

[osint] Facebook Fascists Shut down Dissenters

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 pageId=305521


Facebook fascists shut down dissenters 
by Pamela Geller


Posted: May 31, 2011
11:33 pm Eastern

C 2011  

There is a deeply disturbing development going on now at
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 Facebook: Its
management is dismantling groups, eliminating their memberships with an
upgrade that is only available to some groups. And there is every
indication Facebook is using political criteria to determine which groups
get the  http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 upgrade
and targeting conservative groups for elimination. 

In mid-May, my group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) had this warning
plastered across the top of our Facebook group page, which we use to keep in
touch with our members, notifying them of rallies, events,
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 conference, and
various other initiatives: 

This group is scheduled to be archived 

Over the next few months, Facebook will be archiving all groups created
using the old groups format. Moving forward, you can create groups using the
new groups format http://www.facebook.com/groups , which makes it easy to
share with the important groups in your life.

Understand that some groups are given the option (a link) to upgrade. If
your group page has this link, you can upgrade and keep all your members. 

But what happens when a Facebook group doesn't get offered the upgrade
option and instead gets archived? You lose your members, that's what. The
Facebook notice explained that when your old group gets archived, it will
be converted to the new groups format. Almost everything from your old group
will be available in the archived group, with a few exceptions. Casually
tossed in among those few exceptions was the members of your old group. 

Don't miss Pamela Geller's timely and urgent battle cry:
nistrations-War-on-America-Hardcover The Post-American Presidency: The
Obama Administration's War on America 

That means that with this upgrade, Facebook can wipe out
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 networks some
people have been painstakingly building for years and make them have to
start from scratch. 

Our SIOA group has well over 15,000 members - but they will not be migrated
to the new group. 

So who gets the upgrade option and why? Who decides? Here is a short list of
some of the groups not given the option; therefore, they will lose all their
members: Americans Calling for Impeachment of Obama; International Burn a
Quran Day; Rally Point For Victims of FB-Jihad; Anti-CAIR; CAIR Observatory;
World Wide Elimination Of Sharia Law; and The Order of The Burning Quran. 

Meanwhile, groups that are not to be archived and will keep their membership
include Americans Against Islamophobia; Islam . religion of peace; the
Cordoba Initiative (that is, the group planning to build an Islamic
supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero); and LoonWatch. 

Neil Munro over at the Daily Caller
-bias/  has picked up on the
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 story and done
some digging. He points out that the Coalition to Save Marriage in New York,
which tried to stop a gay-marriage initiative in New York's State Assembly,
didn't get the upgrade, but the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence,
which has fewer members than the Save Marriage group, got the upgrade with
no problem. Jason McGuire of the Coalition to Save Marriage in New York
commented: Nobody else that I know got one. You do have to wonder if
Facebook is leaning towards liberal positions, instead of being on open

 http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 Andrew Noyes, the
company's manager for public policy communications, claimed that groups that
were less active didn't get the upgrade, but he was lying. SIOA was a large
and active group. So why didn't we get the upgrade? 

Munro offers a clue as to why: Facebook's employees donated heavily to the
Obama campaign in 2008, just as did the employees of Google and
http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.viewpageId=305521 Microsoft.
Facebook founder Chris Hughes worked as head of the online-organizing
campaign for the Obama campaign, while company chief Mark Zuckerberg has
declared himself to be an Obama supporter. Munro reported that Noyes also
admitted that he had worked informally with gay activists to knock down
Facebook pages they disliked. 

Ah, yes. Clearly this is a politically motivated move, as we move into the
presidential election year, to dismantle the apparatus of groups that rely
on grass-roots efforts to combat the massive left-wing machinery Barack
Obama and Co. used so effectively in 2008 to mobilize his constituency. 

This censorship is outrageous. And 

[osint] While IAEA Dithered, Israel Destroyed Syrian Nuke Facility

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
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While IAEA Dithered, Israel Destroyed Syrian Nuke Facility

by IPT News  .  Jun 1, 2011 at 7:30 pm


Already under fire for murderous assaults
_869314.html  against his own people, Syrian President Bashar Assad and his
regime may face censure by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for
illicit nuclear activities.

In a May 24 report
to the agency's board of governors, IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano
referred to a building destroyed by the Israeli Air Force
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/14/washington/14weapons.html  in a Sept. 6,
2007 raid. Amano said the IAEA concludes that the destroyed building was
very likely a nuclear reactor and should have been declared by Syria.

Amano's finding puts Syria in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty http://www.un.org/en/conf/npt/2005/npt-conf2005-misc1.pdf . As
asignatory http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/Syria/Nuclear/index.html
to the NPT, Syria is barred from developing atomic weapons.

Like its longtime ally Iran, Syria could soon find itself in the dock for
flouting the NPT. Next week, the IAEA board of governors may formally
declare Syria in noncompliance with the treaty, putting the question before
the United Nations Security Council and potentially resulting in sanctions.

The IAEA's record in dealing with the subject is decidedly mixed. Bennett
Ramberg, a Bush Administration State Department official, writes
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/01/opinion/01iht-edramberg01.html  that
IAEA inspectors did fine work in eventually thwarting a large-scale cover up
by Damascus.

But for close to a decade, the IAEA was asleep at the switch. First, the
agency failed to detect construction of a Syrian plant designed and
engineered by North Korea. Even today, the IAEA doesn't know whether Syria
has a secret reprocessing facility to extract plutonium for weapons or if it
intended to export the spent fuel to North Korea for reprocessing.

The IAEA was slow to investigate evidence of Syrian cheating. For months,
IAEA Director-General Mohammed El-Baradei ignored media reports that Syria
built the reactor and claimed that governments failed to provide the IAEA
with information. By the time the agency began its investigation in
mid-2008, Syria had demolished the remnants of the plant, carted away the
debris and built a new non-nuclear structure to conceal evidence of the
old, Ramberg writes.

El-Baradei also blasted Israel for destroying the Syrian site
2AW20090618  before notifying the IAEA. But in reality, the agency's
reputation for timidity prompted Israel's attack. After years of watching
the IAEA fret with Iran, Israel had no confidence the agency would
forcefully deal with Syria.

Had Israel not acted, the Syrian regime brutalizing its people today
umanity  might have atomic weapons in its arsenal.

Read more about Syria's nuclear efforts here
-special-inspection-in-syria/14 .

Related Topics: IPT News


Read more at:

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Want to discuss this topic?  Head on over to our discussion list, 
Brooks Isoldi, editor


  Post message: osint@yahoogroups.com

[osint] HAMAS-Gaza's missile stock passes 10,000 - and going up

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf

Hamas-Gaza's missile stock passes 10,000 - and going up 
DEBKAfile Special Report May 31, 2011, 9:54 AM (GMT+02:00)


A 120mm mortar shell smuggled into Gaza


According to updates reaching DEBKAfile's military sources, the number of
missiles Hamas has managed to stockpile in Gaza passed the 10,000 mark in
early May - despite Israel's partial blockade of the Gaza Strip. It is
growing at the rate of some 30 new projectiles of many types smuggled in
every two weeks. On April 9, the Palestinian fundamentalists shot 133
rockets at seven Israeli cities before Israel granted a ceasefire in lieu of
an operation for smashing this arsenal.

Firing at the rate of 150 missiles a day, Hamas is currently capable of
keeping southern Israel under constant attack for 66 days running.

When Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the Knesset Foreign
Affairs and Security Committee May 30 about the Palestinian Hamas's
expanding control of Egyptian Sinai, he omitted to mention the arms
smuggling tunnels which openly flout Israel's blockade. The interaction
between the Gaza Strip and Sinai and the effect it has of undermining
Egypt's sovereign control of the strategic peninsula, which he also
mentioned, is an old story going back years.


What has changed since Hosni Mubarak's ouster in February is that the Muslim
Brotherhood and its offshoot Hamas have both gained traction in Egypt


But Israel and its military continue to hold back from stemming the arms
flow, now including anti-tank and anti-air missiles, into the Gaza Strip,
just as they never interfered with Hizballah's acquisition of thousands of
advanced rockets from Iran and Syria.

Before the current ceasefire, Hamas demonstrated in a single day, Saturday,
April 9, that its improved missiles could hit the fringes of Kiryat Gat 21
kilometers from Gaza and Rishon Lezion, double that distance.
The country, all parts of which are covered by the two Hamas-Hizballah
missile arsenals, was not informed by the prime minister, Defense Minister
Ehud Barak or Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz about the deal which
induced Hamas to hold its fire for now.


While Hamas was presented simply as scared off by the threat of a major IDF
operation, DEBKAfile's intelligence sources disclose that it was the
consequence of a quiet deal offered Jerusalem by Egypt's military rulers at
a time that scores of rockets were raining down.

Those rulers asked the Netanyahu government if they could assure Hamas there
would be no big Israeli operation as a means of persuading them to accept a
ceasefire: A four-point plan for the Gaza Strip's immediate future was
attached to the  Egyptian proposition:

1. Egypt would broker a reconciliation pact between the warring Palestinian
factions, Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah and the extremist Hamas. And indeed this pact
was signed a month later on May 4;

2.  Egypt would gradually relieve Israel of responsibility for keeping the
enclave supplied with fuel, foodstuffs, medicines and other essentials. This
contradicts the official claim that the opening of the Rafah crossing from
Gaza to Sinai Saturday, May 28, is to be restricted to persons not goods.

3.  Egypt will maintain a large intelligence center inside the Strip. This
means Cairo is going back to controlling security in and for the Gaza Strip,
a function which lapsed under Hosni Mubarak. Hamas will therefore profit
twice: once from an Egyptian-guaranteed Israeli pledge to refrain from
attacking the Gaza Strip plus an Egyptian military shield for the territory.
4.  Cairo will tell Hamas that its handling of intra-Palestinian affairs is
contingent on two Hamas commitments: a total stoppage of missile fire on
Israel and the restart of negotiations for the release of Gilead Shalit, the
Israeli soldier it has held captive for five years.

The Netanyahu government was assured that the ceasefire would go into effect
the instant this deal was accepted. The prime minister decided to accept the
Egyptian package, thereby initiating a period of calm for the eight-day
Passover festival and his four-day trip to Washington - even though Hamas
had never directly undertaken any commitment toward Israel and Cairo alone
was party to the truce.
The upshot of this deal is that, after firing an anti-tank missile April 7
at an Israeli school bus - and so causing the death of a 16-year old Israeli
boy - and terrorizing a million civilians in their homes week after week,
Hamas comes out clean as a whistle and safe from Israeli retribution. It can
also keep on smuggling arms to the Gaza Strip through its Sinai tunnels
because the military rulers in Cairo avoided any commitment to combat this
illegal flow.

All in all, Hamas' prospects in Egypt are bright. The Muslim Brotherhood has
every chance of rising to power in the parliamentary and presidential
elections taking place in three months. Israel has no guarantee 

[osint] Somali Muslim Suicide Bomber from Minneapolis

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


From: Patrick S. Poole [mailto:pspo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 3:58 AM
To: Bruce Tefft
Subject: Somali suicide bomber was from Minneapolis




Somali suicide bomber was from Minneapolis

Abdirahman Warsame at Terror Free Somalia
http://terrorfreesomalia.blogspot.com/  informed us late last night that
messages appearing on known al-Shabaab websites indicate that a suicide
bomber who carried out on attack on AMISOM forces in Mogadishu on Monday was
a Somali-American from the Minneapolis area. A twenty-two minute audio was
posted on the Somali Memo website
yedhageysocatid=34:warar (article and audio have since disappeared) that
included a segment of an English-speaking Somali speaker - apparently the
suicide bomber - who encourages Muslims in the West to die for their

Another article on Somali Memo
ka-fuliyay-saldhigga-amisom-ee-muqdishocatid=34:warar  identifies the
speaker as Asadullahi Axmed al-Imriiki (the American), a 25-year
old-from Minneapolis. The news is quickly being picked up by other Somali
online forums http://www.somalinet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18t=277390

The issue of radicalization and terror recruitment among Somali-American
youths is an issue I've covered here at Pajamas Media since 2007 (long
before it became fashionable for the establishment media). In November 2007,
I wrote about a terror fundraiser
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/homeland_security_snoozes_whil/  and deputy
of designated terrorist Sheikh Aweys, Zakaria Haji Abdi (who is now part of
the Somali TFG government), who was scheduled to speak at several events in
Minnesota and Virginia. Our pleas to Homeland Security officials to deny
entry to the fundraiser fell on deaf ears and the event took place as

At the time I noted that during the Minneapolis event Abdi instructed the
attendees http://www.somalitalk.com/usd/index.html  how to send money
through hawala networks without raising suspicions of authorities. Law
enforcement authorities now concede
that the November 2007 meeting I reported on was the tipping point for
radicalization in the Minneapolis Somali community.

The first group of Somali Americans to leave for jihad back in Somalia left
shortly after the Minneapolis event. They were followed by a larger group of
nearly two dozen http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/12/us/12somalis.html
young Somali men in November 2008. But in October 2008, just prior to the
departure of the larger group, one Minneapolis man, Shirwa Ahmed, conducted
a suicide bombing attack
_bomber/  in northern Somalia - the first known case of an American suicide
bomber. Several members of the November 2008 group have been confirmed
killed fighting with al-Shabaab.

Then in September 2009, Seattle resident Omar Mohamud
http://www.komonews.com/news/61452172.html  carried out another suicide
attack targeting African Union troops. Two stolen UN vehicles were used in
that attack, which killed twenty-one people. As the Associated Press noted,
Abdirahman Warsame was the first to note Mohamud
e-bombers.html 's identity.

And just last September, I reported here at Pajamas Media
d-in-somalia/  that a top al-Shabaab commander killed in fighting Somali
TFG troops in Mogadishu was Columbus, Ohio resident Dahir Gurey. Again, it
was Abdirahman Warsame who first reported
alia.html  Gurey's U.S. origins. Now we have reliable, but so far
unconfirmed, reports of another Somali-American suicide bomber from

The problem of radicalization and jihadization of young American Muslim men,
particularly in the Somali community, is now evident to everybody. The
much-maligned radicalization hearings held by the House Homeland Security
Committee in March included the uncle of one of the young men from
Minneapolis who had been killed in Somalia.  Let's also not forget that last
November, Portland college student Mohamed Osman Mohamud was caught in a FBI
bombing.html  attempting to blow up a VBIED at the Portland Christmas Tree
lighting ceremony. The problem is clearly not diminishing but increasing.
Yet as I 

[osint] Terrorist Cross Border, Attack Pakistan

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


Cross-border militant attack into Pakistan leaves 63 dead in daylong
fighting, police say

By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, June 2, 5:23 AM

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Fighting between militants who crossed into Pakistan
from Afghanistan and attacked a Pakistani checkpoint killed 25 troops, three
civilians and 35 insurgents, police said Thursday, in some of the deadliest
clashes in recent months.

The fighting, which began Wednesday and continued into Thursday, came as a
top Pakistani general said the military plans to stage an operation against
militants in a tribal region that juts deep inside Afghanistan, but denied
media reports of an upcoming offensive in North Waziristan, the tribal area
where the U.S. has been pushing for action.

Pakistan's northwest border with Afghanistan has for years been a stomping
ground for Islamist extremists, some of whom focus on attacks against
Western forces across the border, some who attack the Pakistani state and
others who plot terrorism against the West.

Pakistan has taken action against militants in the northwest, but they have
proved to be resilient.

The clashes erupted Wednesday in Shaltalo town in Upper Dir district. Upper
Dir lies just outside the tribal belt, but it too has witnessed al-Qaida and
Taliban militant activity and been the focus of military offensives.

Police said some 200 militants crossed over into Pakistan from Afghanistan,
and went after a checkpoint manned by police and paramilitary troops.

Regional police chief Ghulam Mohammed said 25 security troops and three
civilians died, while 35 militants were killed. He said many of the
attackers had fled back to Afghanistan as the fighting wound down on

Mohammed said the situation was now under control, and funerals were being

On Wednesday, army Lt. Gen. Asif Yasin Malik, who oversees military
operations in the tribal areas and other parts of the northwest, said the
Kurram tribal area would be the next target of an offensive after local
leaders there requested it.

Malik said operations would be launched there with the government's backing,
but declined to give any more operational details.

Kurram has seen sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni Muslims for
years, but is also home to militants with other aims. According to some
accounts, the Haqqani network, a faction of the Afghan Taliban, was shifting
fighters there from North Waziristan tribal region.

The Haqqani network is considered one of the biggest threats to U.S. forces
in Afghanistan, partly because its fighters can retreat across the border to
North Waziristan, where they have bases and have been left alone by the
Pakistani army.

The U.S. has pushed the Pakistani military go after the Haqqanis and other
factions in North Waziristan. The pressure has increased since the American
raid that killed Osama bin Laden in a garrison city in Pakistan's northwest
and deeply embarrassed the army.

But officials here have resisted, saying their troops are stretched on other
fronts, and that their priority is eliminating insurgents who attack
Pakistan, which the Haqqanis have not done.

Malik said Wednesday that that position has not changed, and dismissed
recent media hype about an imminent offensive in North Waziristan.

There is no change in North Waziristan in past months and weeks, Malik
said. We will undertake an operation when we want to, when it's in the
national interest.


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[osint] Afghan War News - June 2, 2011

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


June 02, 2011

War in Afghanistan News 2 June 2011

pup 2AfghanMapWar in Afghanistan News reports provided by ISAF Joint
Command. Operations are reported in the following provinces:  Helmand,
Kandahar, Khost, Paktika.

A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained more than 10
suspected insurgents during an overnight security operation targeting a
Taliban leader in Nahr-e Saraj district, Helmand province, yesterday. 

The leader has participated in direct and explosive device attacks against
Afghan security forces. Additionally, he facilitates lethal aid for Taliban
fighters in the district.

Following intelligence tips, the Afghan-led force searched two compounds in
the district looking for Taliban activity. Afghan members of the force
interviewed several individuals about the leader's location. Based on the
information provided, the force was able to detain more than 10 individuals
with suspected ties to Taliban activities in the area. 

Additionally, the force was able to complete the search without the use of
force and protected the women and children. 

Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout


Several suspected insurgents were killed by coalition forces after they were
observed drying homemade explosive chemicals and filling containers with the
materials in Spin Boldak district, Kandahar province, yesterday. 

After gaining positive identification of the insurgent activity, coalition
air assets fired upon the insurgents, resulting in several insurgents being


A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Haqqani network
leader during a security operation in Khost district, Khost province,
yesterday. The leader coordinated homemade bomb emplacements and direct
attacks targeting the Afghan National Army. He also acquired weapons for
fellow insurgents who were preparing for attacks in the district. 

The Afghan-led security force tracked the leader to a compound in the
district. Once they were sure of his location, the force commenced the
security operation to capture him. As they arrived at the targeted compound,
an Afghan member of the force called out to the residents in the compound,
asking them to exit the buildings peacefully. 

The force secured the safety of the civilians and searched the compound. The
force was able to identify the insurgent leader during initial questioning
and he was taken into custody and transported with the security force. The
search concluded with no shots fired and no civilians harmed. 

In Paktika province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force detained
one suspected insurgent during a clearance operation in Bermal district,
yesterday. The Afghan-led security force conducted the clearance operation
in order to disrupt Taliban and Haqqani network activity in the district.
This area is known for fighter facilitation and insurgent training. 

The force searched the targeted village looking for insurgent activity. They
cleared several buildings and conducted interviews with residents. They were
able to detain one individual with suspected ties to insurgent activity.
They also confiscated several small-arms weapons while searching the area.
No shots were fired and no civilians were harmed during the operation.


Tailor the way you get your War in Afghanistan News

One Marine has remained steadfast in his support of his wounded brothers in
Read how and Where it all began: A Senior Marine NCO that Refused Orders
l-began-a-senior-marine-nco-that-refused-orders.html  War On Terror News is
supporting MGySgt White and his fundraising efforts
http://www.active.com/donate/SFFCOMMATHL2011/JonPegWhite  for the Injured
Marine Semper Fi Fund.


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[osint] HAMAS and Fatah: Different Tactics, Same Jihad

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
Hamas and Fatah: Different Tactics, Same Jihad

Posted By Robert Spencer On June 2, 2011 @ 12:20 am In Daily
Mailer,FrontPage | 1 Comment

George Wallace famously said long ago that there wasn’t a dime’s worth of
difference between the Republican and Democratic parties, and that is even
more true of Fatah and Hamas. Now that Hamas and Fatah have signed a
reconciliation agreement, the entire State Department strategy for dealing
with the Palestinians is in ruins – not that anyone has noticed.

For years, the Bush administration and then the Obama administration have
worked from the premise that Fatah and its Palestinian Authority governments
were the “moderates” that merited backing against the “extremists” of Hamas.
It was a myopic, simplistic and naïve analysis from the beginning, and now
it has been definitively exposed as such.

In reality, both groups share the same Islamic outlook towards Israel that
makes peaceful coexistence with the Jewish State impossible. Both believe
that no state ruled by non-Muslims on what they consider Muslim land has any
legitimacy; there are no theological differences between them, but only
relatively minor differences of strategy and of strictness in their
observance of Islamic law that mainly arise from Fatah’s origins in
Sixties-era socialism as opposed to Hamas’s birth as an explicitly Islamic
movement. Fatah is also more inclined to be patient, while Hamas tends to be
significantly less so. Fatah is willing to make deals with the Infidels as
stepping stones to greater progress toward the ultimate goal; Hamas tends to
see such deals as trimming, and prefers not to compromise even temporarily.

Thus the Hamas Charter, which was promulgated in 1988, quotes Hassan
al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying that “Israel will exist
and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it
obliterated others before it.” The PLO’s Palestine National Charter is
twenty years older. It doesn’t mention Islam at all, but it nonetheless
enunciates the same goal in different language: “The liberation of
Palestine, from an Arab viewpoint, is a national (qawmi) duty and it
attempts to repel the Zionist and imperialist aggression against the Arab
homeland, and aims at the elimination of Zionism in Palestine.” This
language was never revised even after the PLO recognized Israel in 1993.

The PLO Charter’s talk of “imperialist aggression” is redolent of the
socialist milieu in which the PLO/Fatah was born. Over the years, however,
this gave way to a steadily more Islamic perspective. Yasir Arafat began his
career railing about imperialism and ended it calling for jihad. This
trajectory reflected the resurgence of Islam as a political force; Saddam
Hussein and other Arab leaders followed the same course over the same
decades. Thus, while Hamas, which is an acronym for the Islamic Resistance
Movement, was founded in the 1980s by Muslims who believed that the PLO was
giving short shrift to the Islamic aspect of the Arab war against Israel,
over the years, the distinctions between the two groups have become
increasingly blurred. 

For example, according to Palestinian Media Watch
http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157doc_id=3809 , last November the
official Palestinian Authority television network broadcast a song by a
jihadist singer named Amar Hasan, including these lyrics that deftly blend
the old Arab nationalism of the PLO with the new and prevailing jihadist

My brother! The oppressors [Israelis] have gone too far.
Therefore Jihad is a right, and self-sacrifice is a right.
Shall we let them steal the Arab nature -
the patriarchal glory and rule?
And only through the sound of the sword
They respond, with voice or echo.
Draw from the sheath your sword;
And let it not return.
My brother, my brother, Oh proud Arab
Today is our moment, not tomorrow.
My brother, the time of our nation’s sunrise has arrived,
[the time] for you to repel those who are misled
And bring renaissance to Islam.

This was by no means an isolated incident. In June 2010, the host of a
children’s show on government-sanctioned Palestinian Authority television
interviewed the four-year old son of a jihadist who was being held in an
Israeli prison. The host asked the child
http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157doc_id=2482 : “The Jews are our
enemies, right?” The boy agreed, of course.

In another notorious program,
http://palwatch.org/main.aspx?fi=157doc_id=1662  a mother cast the death
of her son who had been killed in an Israeli defense action in terms of
Islamic jihad theology: “We had always hoped for his [my son's] Martyrdom
(Shahada), knowing he wanted to die as a Martyr (Shahid). Every time he went
out, we would say to him, ‘May Allah be with you.’ We knew that he wanted to
die as a Martyr. Praise to Allah, he sought Martyrdom, and he achieved it.
My message to every mother is to 

[osint] The Factory of Selective Moral Outrage

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


June 2, 2011 29 Iyar, 5771 

The Factory of Selective Moral Outrage 

By Victor Davis Hanson 

Democrats in Congress recently went all out to try to pass the Dream Act, an
amnesty for illegal-alien students willing to enroll -- and stay -- in
college. Most who opposed it were derided as heartless at best, racist at
worse. An insolvent California -- still struggling with its $15 billion
budget shortfall -- is trying to advance its own version of the bill that
would contravene federal immigration law and cost millions of dollars.

At about the same time, the state has announced plans to release about
40,000 prison inmates due to a shortage of funds needed to address
overcrowding. Highly taxed Californians can borrow money to send illegal
aliens to school, but not to keep felons in prison.

Americans still seethe about the Wall Street meltdown of 2008. But the
fat-cat bankers, in fact, were players in a far larger fraud made possible
by liberal executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Bill Clinton's
appointees and insider friends like Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Jamie
Gorelick, and Robert Rubin made millions while agencies and banks they
oversaw lost billions.

It was just disclosed that Rep. Barney Frank helped land a job at Fannie Mae
for his then-live-in boyfriend Herb Moses -- despite at the time sitting on
a House oversight committee that monitored the federally regulated agency.
Fannie Mae went belly up. Moses made a lot of money. And Frank kept assuring
the public in hearings that the nearly insolvent agency was in no financial

When news surfaced about Frank's conflict of interest, he scoffed, There is
no rule against it at all, and predicted the story would die. He was right,
it will. But substitute scary names like Dick Cheney or Halliburton and it
would not have.

Last week, President Obama quietly signed a renewal of the once-hated
Patriot Act -- rather nonchalantly from the United Kingdom via mechanical
autopen. There was no media outrage, there were no hyperbolic campus
protests, no juvenile outbursts from a Hollywood celebrity about shredding
the Constitution. Most even forgot that senatorial candidate Barack Obama
had once promised to help repeal the Patriot Act.

But then such moral outrage belongs to the now fossilized age of George W.
Bush's presidency, when the exalted goal of stopping a conservative Texan
justified any means of opposition necessary. We may continue almost all of
his antiterrorism protocols, but they can no longer earn elite outrage.

The same holds true of the ongoing efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq that
somehow reverted to back-page news. Moveon.org could care less about the new
involvement in Libya, and the media now could care less about Moveon.org --
in the same manner that Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore are now no more than
extinct dinosaurs of a forgotten Jurassic age. After all, Iraq magically
went from the worst mistake in U.S. foreign policy history to one of the
Obama administration's greatest achievements.

Social Security and Medicare are nearing implosion. The aging baby boomers
are about ready to retire in mass. They have no reputation for either stoic
acceptance or self-sacrifice. The people are overtaxed, and the government
is running a $1.6 trillion annual deficit. So either the retirement age must
be upped, benefits cut, high payroll taxes further increased, or portions of
the entitlements privatized to spur competition and efficiency.

And the progressive response to proposed remedies? Instead of a detailed
plan of salvation, we see ads portraying a Rep. Paul Ryan look-alike, who is
not just throwing an elderly woman out of her wheelchair, but sending her
over a cliff as well.

There is a vast machinery of selective liberal outrage, fueled and
lubricated by the media, universities and celebrity entertainment. When the
redistributive welfare state starts to run out of money, the gears and
pulleys are flipped on and shrill charges of greed, cruelty, nativism and
racism spew out of the production line. The machine sputters and shuts down
when an aggrieved liberal suddenly either must make cuts or adapt the very
policies that he used to damn.

Understand the mechanics of selective outrage, and our upside-down politics
become comprehensible: A state suing to enforce immigration law is
tantamount to a racist intrusion on federal jurisdiction, but a state openly
flouting federal statutes for the Dream Act is acting in enlightened
humanitarian fashion.

Greedy Wall Street insiders at the center of the 2008 meltdown could not
possibly include progressive bureaucrats and their liberal enablers in
Congress, who are interested in people first, profits last. Everything in
2006 that we were told was near fascistic about national security suddenly
evolved into what is wonderful and necessary.

Heck, General Betray-Us is now Obama's pick to run the CIA!


[Non-text portions of this message 

[osint] Cooler heads contend with climate

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf
Writing in the journal First Things
 , the distinguished Princeton physicist William Happer
http://www.princeton.edu/physics/people/faculty/william-happer  makes a
compelling case that rising carbon-dioxide levels are neither unprecedented
nor anything to fear.

Carbon is the stuff of life, he points out. Our bodies are made of
carbon. Yes, atmospheric CO2 is higher today than it was before the
industrial age -- 390 parts per million now vs. 270 ppm then -- but there
was a time when CO2 levels were several thousand ppm, much higher than now.
And life flourished abundantly. Indeed, greenhouse operators artificially
boost CO2 concentrations in order to grow better flowers and fruit.






June 2, 2011 / 29 Iyar, 5771 

Cooler heads contend with climate panic 

By Jeff Jacoby 


THE MAY 21 APOCALYPSE foretold by the fundamentalist minister Harold Camping
may not have materialized
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/05/23/national/main20065398.shtml ,
but end-of-the-world doomsaying goes on as usual among the global warmists.

Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink, a story in The
ower  was breathlessly headlined over the weekend. It reported --
hyperventilated might be a better verb -- that greenhouse gas emissions
increased in 2010 to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of
holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach. The Guardian
attributed word of this shock rise to the International Energy Agency,
whose chief economist is very worried because this is the worst news on
emissions and the climate outlook is getting bleaker. It cites another
expert's dire warning that if carbon dioxide isn't drastically reduced,
global warming will disrupt the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of
millions of people across the planet, leading to widespread mass migration
and conflict.

All that is nothing, however, to the climate fearmongering in Newsweek,
which insists the global-warming Rapture is already underway
http://www.newsweek.com/2011/05/29/are-you-ready-for-more.html .

Worldwide, the litany of weather's extremes has reached biblical
proportions, Newsweek intones, pointing to tornadoes in the US, floods in
Australia and Pakistan, and drought in China. From these and other
extreme-weather events, one lesson is sinking in with terrifying certainty.
The stable climate of the last 12,000 years is gone. This is what comes of
burning fossil fuels for energy, which has increased atmospheric CO2 levels
by 40 percent above what they were before the Industrial Revolution. You
haven't seen anything yet, Newsweek preaches. Batten down the hatches.

By now, of course, few things are more familiar than predictions of the
environmental catastrophe to which the use of carbon-based energy has
supposedly condemned us. In 1992 Al Gore claimed http://bit.ly/kN8UwY
that evidence of an ecological Kristallnacht is as clear as the sound of
glass shattering in Berlin; nearly 20 years later he is still warning
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/28/opinion/28gore.html  of an unimaginable
calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human
civilization as we know it. Like Camping, Gore and other climate alarmists
keep forecasting a Day of Doom that never arrives. And like Camping -- who
now says the world will end on Oct. 21
-- they continue to be sure that disaster is just around the corner.

But hyperbolic climate rhetoric doesn't scare as many people as it used to.
Gallup reported in March that of nine leading environmental issues, global
warming is the one Americans worry about least
ng-least.aspx . In Britain too, as The New York Times noted last spring
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/25/science/earth/25climate.html , fear of
climate change has receded, as more and more people conclude that the
dangers have been over-hyped.

Take the recent increase in global CO2 emissions. Is the Guardian's panicked
anxiety -- Climate on the brink! -- really a sensible response? Writing in
the journal First Things
 , the distinguished Princeton physicist William Happer
http://www.princeton.edu/physics/people/faculty/william-happer  makes a
compelling case that rising carbon-dioxide levels are neither unprecedented
nor anything to fear.

Carbon is the stuff of life, he points out. Our bodies are made of
carbon. Yes, atmospheric CO2 is higher today than it was before the
industrial age -- 390 parts per million now vs. 270 ppm then -- but there
was a time when CO2 levels were several thousand ppm, much higher than now.
And life 

[osint] What 'Arab Spring'?

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


June 2, 2011 / 29 Iyar, 5771 

What 'Arab Spring'? 

By Cal Thomas 


The upheaval in Yemen and the possibility that al-Qaida might take over,
turning that country into a stronger terrorist base than it already is,
should give pause to American and European policy in the Arab world.

At its recently concluded G-8 meeting of industrial economies in Deauville,
France, Western governments pledged $40 billion to newly democratic
nations in North Africa and the Middle East. One might as well throw money
at Chicago and hope for electoral reform so the dead are no longer allowed
to vote on Election Day.

In spring, one usually cultivates a lawn so that new vegetation can take
root and grow. In the Arab world where this money is targeted the only roots
you'll find are the roots of oppression and terrorism. If Western nations
think what is happening in Tunisia and Egypt will lead to real democracy
where competing political parties, ideologies and faiths have a fair and
equal opportunity of being debated they are seriously deluded. The money
would have a better chance of financing a winning streak in a Las Vegas

If these countries were seriously pursuing democracy and needed only money
to complete their transformation, there is plenty of money in the region
that could be used to help them. According to the U.S. Department of Energy,
OPEC income is expected to rise this year above the $200 billion increase of
2010. That would be around $833 billion, the Energy Information
Administration forecasts. That's money the United States and the rest of the
G-8 have paid oil-producing nations at prices ranging from $4 to $7 a
gallon, depending on the country.

If money alone could foster democracy in North Africa and the Middle East,
there are plenty of Arab countries with loads of it -- chiefly Saudi Arabia.
Yet the Saudis have shown very little interest in an Arab spring,
preferring to remain instead in the doldrums of an Arab winter.

Democracy doesn't spring up of its own accord. It must have a base from
which it can blossom. That was a point made by Timur Kuran, a professor of
economics and political science at Duke University, in a recent op-ed column
for The New York Times entitled The Weak Foundations of Arab Democracy.
Kuran wrote, Democracy requires checks and balances, and it is largely
through civil society that citizens protect their rights as individuals,
force policymakers to accommodate their interests, and limit abuses of state
authority. Civil society also promotes a culture of bargaining and gives
future leaders the skills to articulate ideas, form coalitions and govern.

None of this exists in any of the nations to which the G-8 has pledged its
support. In Egypt, supposedly the most progressive of the Arab states,
fundamentalist Muslims still persecute Coptic Christians. The radical Muslim
Brotherhood, which at the start of the revolution claimed no interest in
political power, is now active in its pursuit of victory in the upcoming
election and hints that it might revoke Egypt's peace treaty with Israel.

The problems in North Africa and the Middle East can't be solved by money.
What's needed is a change in outlook. Radical Islam forces women into
second-class status; it is rooted, not in optimism, but in pessimism.
Radical Islamists appear to serve an angry G0d who commands them to kill
those who do not believe as they do, but this belief will do little to lift
the Arab world out of the religious and political deep freeze that holds it
back from true progress.

In C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Narnia has been
transformed by a white witch into a land where it is always winter, but
never Christmas. That pretty much describes the lands of North Africa and
the Middle East where the white witch is radical Islam and spring will
never arrive as long as it holds sway over the minds and hearts of the



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[osint] Giving your online identity to Obama

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


Grassroots MATCH Campaign

Giving your online identity to Obama

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 - Judi McLeod  Thursday, June 2, 2011 

imageObama for America Campaign Manager Jim Messina's matched by a real
person big grassroots MATCH rally cry went over America like the proverbial
lead balloon yesterday.

It must have because here
http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/37154  is President Barack
Obama himself taking over the lead in the Grassroots MATCH Campaign today.

Someone is about to tap you on the shoulder, Obama writes on an email,
subject line of which Someone you don't know was sent out into cyberspace

Being about to be tapped on the shoulder by someone you don't know is
likely the most truthful thing Obama has ever said.

Someone is about to tap you on the shoulder.

It's someone who's already made a donation to the 2012 campaign-and who's
willing to give again if you'll step up and take ownership of it, too.

They've made a promise to match your first donation to this campaign, so if
you decide to give $5 now, you'll double your impact, Obama wrote on his
email to the masses.

And for 'po' folk who think it's tacky being tapped on the shoulder by the
same someone who promised new kitchens and full gas tanks from the Obama
stash, is the arrogant explanation that We didn't get this far by doing
things the usual way.

The Pocket Messiah sure got that one right.

Our campaign doesn't take money from Washington lobbyists or
special-interest PACs, Obama claims.

We're not just gathering donations here.  We're gathering people.

In an identity-theft world where some will have to wait for the IRS to sort
out whether they or the identity thieves should get this year's income tax
returns, Messina who introduced the Grassroots MATCH yesterday came along to
open up the ripoff field. 

Your gift will be matched by a real person.  You'll be able to see their
name and town, and even exchange a message with them. (Italics CFP's).
Right now there are thousands of folks waiting to match whatever amount you
decide to give.

$5 is a small price to pay for the invasion of privacy.

Giving your all-including your online identity-is what the Obama campaign
wants for you.

What's your measly identity when you can raise one billion dollars?

You don't need your identity.  After all, Obama didn't need his. 


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[osint] Socialism's Army of Occupation

2011-06-02 Thread Beowulf


The Public Sector has become an army of occupation

Socialism's Army of Occupation

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 - Daniel Greenfield  Thursday, June 2, 2011 

imageThe most pervasive myth of the welfare state is the altruism of the
public sector. In this mythology, the private sector is run by a bunch of
greedy businessmen who get rich by making money off people's misery. While
the public sector is run by altruists who want nothing except to help those
left behind by the private sector. Capitalists meet the Anti-Capitalists. 

But actually it's the public sector that does a much better job of making
money off people's misery. Some parts of the private sector do deliberately
seek out ways to feed off poverty and keep their victims poor, most notably
in the lending and financial services industry, but for the most part the
private sector makes money off willing customers. 

How do you sell products and services to people who can't afford them?
Unless you trap them into a cycle of obligation, you can't. And such cycles
are finite. Eventually the people you're feeding off have nothing more to
give you. That's not an ideal business model for corporations who generally
look for ways to build life-long relationships. To make money selling
products and services, you need repeat customers who can afford what you're

For the private sector to succeed, it needs a prosperous customer base. The
public sector doesn't. It just needs a collective 'Them' to pay the bills.
The public sector makes its money from failure. Human suffering creates more
demand for its services. The more people are out of work, can't pay their
bills and need help-the more the public sector grows.

The PayDay loan industry and Fannie Mae both preyed on minorities and the
poor. But the latter's business model was completely unsustainable and its
greed was completely irresponsible. Yet all this was concealed under the
veneer of altruism.

The public sector altruism myth is just that, a myth

The public sector altruism myth is just that, a myth. It's a destructive
myth because of the basic conflict between its inner and outer goals.

The outer goal of a car company might be to sell more cars. Its inner goal
is to sell enough cars that it can hire more workers and its executives can
go to the Bahamas next month. There's no major conflict between these two
goals. Not unless everyone there decides to make bad cars and misrepresent
them, and then use the money to expand the assembly line and go to the
Bahamas anyway. There are businesses that work that way, but they don't have
much of a future. Sell people bad cars and you'll lose customers. And then
the only way you can stay in business is if the public sector begins
subsidizing your company. A bad company is either a rolling scam that
depends on luring in gullible new customers or a public sector charity case.

The outer goal of a welfare program might be to help its clients. But its
inner goal is to get more funding so as to add jobs and so whoever is at the
top can go to the Bahamas next month for a conference on global poverty. If
a client stops needing its services, then the program loses funding. The
welfare state needs more 'clients' signing up for more services so that they
can get more funding. The best clients are the neediest. A client who is
upwardly mobile is a bad risk, because losing their name on the rolls means
a net loss for the program which endangers its funding. People in a state of
failure make the best clients. Welfare programs maintain outer goals of
helping their clients be more independent, these conflict with their inner
goals, which is to maintain their client lists. 

The myth of public sector altruism rarely takes stock of the conflict
between inner and outer goals. Even when teachers' and nurses' unions hold
angry protests over benefits during an economic depression, this conflict
rarely gets addressed. The myth that they are public servants who want
nothing more than what's best for their charges lives on. But like everyone
else they are human beings. Their interests are their own. Some are
idealistic enough to make sacrifices or to want what is best for the people
under their care, even when it's to their own detriment. But this is not the
case for the majority in any field. Moments of heroism aside.

The public sector's inner goal is to bring 

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