Re: Nikon is about to announce a new larger lensmount!

2003-06-13 Thread Heiko Hamann
Hi Caveman,

on 12 Jun 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

Bruce R is probably eating his foot now...

LOL. Maybe Nikon's larger mount will be compatible to the Pentax  
645NII...;-) Or even larger - 67?

Cheers, Heiko

Re: Nikon is about to announce a new larger lensmount!

2003-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
LOL. Maybe Nikon's larger mount will be compatible to the Pentax
645NII...;-) Or even larger - 67?
Cool! Canon will be no match to Nikon for any super fast lenses.

Alan Chan
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Re: Nikon is about to announce a new larger lensmount!

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
Who needs them with digital... you just crank up the ISO speed dial

Alan Chan wrote:
LOL. Maybe Nikon's larger mount will be compatible to the Pentax
645NII...;-) Or even larger - 67?

Cool! Canon will be no match to Nikon for any super fast lenses.

Alan Chan
MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Re: Nikon is about to announce a new larger lensmount!

2003-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
Who needs them with digital... you just crank up the ISO speed dial
The faster it was turned, the higher the ISO was.

Alan Chan
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread frank theriault
Hi, Jim,

Roman Holiday was Audrey's first Hollywood movie (I used quotes, because it was
filmed entirely on location in Rome - one of the first movies shot on location).
She had bit parts in a few English pics, but this was her first big role.

She did win the Oscar for it.

Eddie Albert was a scream in Roman Holiday.  He played a freelance photographer.
There's a particularly hilarious scene, with him (while driving) popping his head
out of the sunroof of a little Italian mini-car (a Fiat?), snapping pics of Peck and
Hepburn riding a scooter, with a little 35mm camera - I've never been able to
identify the camera, but I'm guessing an old Voigtlander?

Albert had quite a wonderful film career before his famous TV role, in particular,
playing a psych patient in Captain Newman MD - hey, wasn't that a Peck movie as


Jim Apilado wrote:

 I think Audrey Hepburn made her first movie appearance in this film.  Can't
 recall if got an Academy Award for her performance. A young Eddie Albert was
 in it too.  He didn't gain fame until Green Acres on TV with one of the
 Gabor sisters.

What a senseless waste of human life
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

Re: Super Takumar 85/1,9 vs SMC M100/2,8

2003-06-13 Thread ukasz Kacperczyk
 Think I would choose 85 for slightly shorter working distance, especially

If I had this lens, my choice would be the same, but, as I only have the
100/2.8... :-)


 internetowy magazyn o fotografii

Re: Nikon is about to announce a new larger lensmount!

2003-06-13 Thread dagt
If true, this is strange.  Especially since they've just introduced the DX lens series.

Another solution could be that they intend to maintain two systems.  Based in the 
cheaper APS-size sensors as well as the larger and more expencive full format sensors. 
 Much like Pentax and Contax having both small and medium format systems.


 Fra: Cameron Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 According to reliable sources...
 The surprise is perfect - According to one of the biggest German 
 photo-magazines (Color Foto), Nikon will come out later this year with 
 a newly designed lens mount.
 This new lens mount will be bigger to be able to use also a fullsize 
 chip appropriate. New lenses have to be designed too. They will be 
 obviously bigger and heavier and according to Color Foto also 
 significant more expensive :(
 Reflecting this, Nikon seems to go the same direction as Contax did it 
 already a couple of years ago with its new N-System. Contax announced 
 on the RG webpage the stop of the production of the ND. Although this 
 is nothing special in the life cycle of digital cameras after 12 months 
 on the market, it confused many costumers, since there was no further 
 communication from Contax to them. Contax also refused to give 
 hints/information about new Contax ND-models, but it is obvious, that 
 there will new models in the future.
 Time will tell whether the road of Nikon and Contax will be the right 
 direction, or the efforts of Olympus with its new open 4/3rd system. 
 News will be released from Olympus on June 24th.

Re: Compact Auto/Manual Flash that covers a 24mm Lens?

2003-06-13 Thread Rfsindg
  Does any one know of a smallish flash that will work with a 24mm lens?
  I'm just after something basic with auto and manual.

Slide the wide adapter on the AF200T.  It also works on the AF280T, but you 
said smallish.  I paid $9.00 for one with shipping from the UK to USA on ebay 
last week.
Regards,  Bob S.

Re: Fun Friday: typo awards

2003-06-13 Thread Camdir

 Conjures up images of a buffoonish constable singing Hello, Hello,
 Hello, what's going on here then? in the style of Gilbert  Sullivan or
 Nessun Dorma - in my airport! by some privatised goon. 

I've only met Mike twice but I have a vision of Harry Secombe. 

Breastfed on 'Rommel - Gunner who?' and 'AH my part in his downfall'.

Toodle pip!


Re: Super Takumar 85/1,9 vs SMC M100/2,8

2003-06-13 Thread Petter Jarbo
Yes, with regard to the focal length I agree. 
What I'm curious about is the optical quality. If I understand it correctly the Super 
Takumar does not have SMC. Is that such a drawback that it rules this lens out? And 
besides the lack of SMC what are the optical quality of the lens compared to i.e. the 


- Original Message -
Date: Friday, June 13, 2003 11:04 am
Subject: Re: Super Takumar 85/1,9 vs SMC M100/2,8

 Think I would choose 85 for slightly shorter working distance, 
 Alan Chan
 Which one would you use for wedding photografies?
 Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Toys for grabs

2003-06-13 Thread Camdir
In case you had not noticed, I am selling some shiny Pentax toys on ebay.

Most are lovely, one or two are exceptional, best of all they are all very 

Kind regards


Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread Evan Hanson
Tried posting this last night but I was having email problems, so forgive me
if it shows up twice.

Our International members may not be aware of this, but the American Film
Institute recently voted Gregory Peck's Atticus Finch as the greatest movie
hero of all time.


Re: Pentax dropping M Shift, A 15/3.5, ...

2003-06-13 Thread kwaller
I probably would have bought one (Shift) several years
ago if it had the tilt feature. 

Kenneth Waller

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 06:13:18 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 13/06/03 03:18:01 GMT Daylight
  I have just had this news from a Pentax
 that they have been
  told the Shift and 15/3.5 lenses are dropped,
 perhaps with several
  others of the manual focus lenses. Anyone else
  I am not surprised at all since the demand is close
 zero. However, I 
  regret that I do not have the money to buy the
 before it 
  disappeared.  :-(
 We have supplied precisely one new 28mm F3.5 Shift in
 years. And one 15mm. 
 The 50mm F1.2 A ran out of stock early this year. More
 than likely these 
 lenses had been made many years ago and sat in a
 warehouse for years. Actually, 
 our customer for the 50mm wanted 15 of them - most
 Japanese optics companies 
 will make to order if sufficient orders are present.
 Another 11 was not enough.
 I think I know of a Japanese dealer who has purchased
 few as an 
 'investment'. I shall be visiting them shortly :)
 Kind regards

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

Re: OK Survey time (was:Paradigm change of Pentax...)

2003-06-13 Thread Alin Flaider

  All my lenses are of the compatible variety except one. Yet when
  multiplying the focal lengths with the 1.5 factor I only get two
  usable lenses, so digital looks like a more expensive proposition
  than just body and accessories.
  Add to this the relatively low resolution and loss of aperture ring
  control, and obviously at this stage the *ist d is of little
  interest to me. If I were hard pressed to go digital, I'd see no
  compelling advantage in staying with Pentax.
  That's why I'll stick with slide film for a while and wait for the
  dust to settle. Afterwards I'll have a hard look and by then Pentax
  better be very convincing, that is with full frame and decent lens
  compatibility or, if not the latter, then it better offer IS/USM.

  Servus,   Alin

Rob wrote:

RS OK the D *ist isn't in our hands so we can only speculate based on what's been 
RS reported. So given what is known who of those of us that envisage moving into 
RS digital are likely to purchase a D *ist and why? 

RS Who of us think it's time to move to the dark side and why?

Re: OT wanted to buy - a piece of polarizing gel

2003-06-13 Thread Herb Chong
well, that is where i bought this roll from.

- Original Message - 
From: Lon Williamson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 05:08
Subject: Re: OT wanted to buy - a piece of polarizing gel

 Ann, I seem to recall that Edmund Scientific sells
 sheets of plastic polarizing material for not much
 money.  I'm pretty sure they have a web site.

Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread Yves Caudano
At 07:14 13/6/03 +, you wrote:



I had a look at your Aurora GrandPrix June 06 gallery. My favourite picture is 
DSC_2155.jpg. :-) It was really funny to see this one appear in that long sequence of 
horse jumps (especially since I had not looked at the thumbnail sheet: it was totally 

You seem to take the picture nearly always during the beginning of the jump. Is there 
a photographic/technical reason to avoid the second half of the jump or is it simply a 
matter of personal preferences?

Great pictures!


Yves Caudano, Namur, Belgium

Photography website:

Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread jerome

 I have recently updated and added quite a few equestrian related
 photos to:

 Comments are welcomed,skin is thick these daysg

thick, eh? we'll see g

Overall, nice photos. I tried my hand at equestrian stuff not too long ago; it 
was interesting. It took a few missed shots to get the timing part down, but 
that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (I guess the movement is quite 
predictable, deterministic in fact, and they're not going as fast as I thought 
they would). On about 2 jumps, I also tried to exploit the 2.5 fps rate of the 
MZ-S just outta curiousity, and I gotta say: That approach seems like a waste 
of time and film. It clearly didn't stack up at all (for me) to the one shot 
with good timing approach.

Overall, the hardest part was positioning myself so that my backgrounds were as 
nice as possible, and not particularly cluttered. I'm guessing that's a 
challenge in general if your not an official photog for the event. I got 
lucky since the course I was on was particularly spacious, but judging from the 
photos, it seems like this would be quite difficult at the courses you frequent.

Of them all, I like the Palgrave Schooling Class gallery the most; probably 
due to a bit more variety of shots in that one. Along those lines, IN THEORY 
(i.e., I could be wrong, but...) it seems like it would be a neat thing to 
get more shots of some of the other stuff that happens around the track. When I 
was there, that was some of the stuff that caught my eye the most. Like 
preparation of the horses, etc. I caught a few down-time quiet moments between 
horse and jockey that seemed pretty intimate and added a totally different feel 
to the picture set (which was less than a roll, and honestly not good enough to 
show off anywhere). If I was to shoot it again, I think that may be something 
I'd pay more attention to in order to break the monotony of all the see-the-
horsey-jump photos I got.

As for the website overall, it would help a lot if you added some navigation 
buttons to each of the galleries. Once I click on a gallery and go thru all of 
the photos. There's no easy way to get back to the main page to select another 
gallery. (Aside from re-entering the original URL), my only option is to hit 
the back button a bunch of times, which means that I have to go thru the same 
photos all over again before returning to start.  Get what I mean? You already 
have navigation in most other places, so that's hopefully a pretty trivial (but 
nice) modification.

I guess the other option is to have another window open when a visitor clicks 
on the gallery. But that's way over my head in terms of the how-to's. 

Oh yeah! none of the other (no horsey) gallery links worked for me... but I'm 
guessing you know that already. Hope that was helpful.

How's that skin holding up? :o)

   - jerome

Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread Jim

All great. He was quite good in a western too, 'The Gunfighter' (?)

- Original Message -
From: Ann Sanfedele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

 Jim Apilado wrote:

  I enjoyed his performances in Twelve O'Clock High and Roman Holiday.
  To Kill a Mockingbird is a video used by English lit teachers at the
  school I just retired from.
  Jim A.

Re: My own website (sorry, no *ist content)

2003-06-13 Thread Cotty

Nice one Albano. You are a first class photographer mate!


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Free UK Mac Ads

Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread brooksdj
 At 07:14 13/6/03 +, you wrote:
 I had a look at your Aurora GrandPrix June 06 gallery. My favourite picture is
DSC_2155.jpg. :-) It was really funny to see this one appear in that long sequence of
horse jumps (especially since I had not looked at the thumbnail sheet: it was totally

I did not realize they were doing dog practise stuff until i had to move around the 
lot of small 
dogs  were practising.This is 1 of 2 shots i got.
 You seem to take the picture nearly always during the beginning of the jump. Is 
 there a
photographic/technical reason to avoid the second half of the jump or is it simply a
matter of personal preferences?

This is what Hunter and Jumper riders want to see,the legs just at or over the 
eventers,steepelchase riders look more for the feet landing shots,but there is nothing
close by to go to 
and try it out.
 Great pictures!

Thanks,more to follow.

 Yves Caudano, Namur, Belgium
 Photography website:

Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread brooksdj
Jerome cybered 
 thick, eh? we'll see g
 Overall, nice photos. I tried my hand at equestrian stuff not too long ago; it 
 was interesting. It took a few missed shots to get the timing part down, but 
 that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (I guess the movement is quite 
 predictable, deterministic in fact, and they're not going as fast as I thought 
 they would). On about 2 jumps, I also tried to exploit the 2.5 fps rate of the 
 MZ-S just outta curiousity, and I gotta say: That approach seems like a waste 
 of time and film. It clearly didn't stack up at all (for me) to the one shot 
 with good timing approach.

Thats what i do,one shot and its done.I have found that i can look at a spot,wait for 
horse then i seethe jump movement(hard to describe)then shoot.Only on occasion now 
am i
early or 
late.I'm using a monopod instead of hand holding,and it seems to allow me a tad more 
to make 
my click decision.
 Overall, the hardest part was positioning myself so that my backgrounds were as 
 nice as possible, and not particularly cluttered. I'm guessing that's a 
 challenge in general if your not an official photog for the event. I got 
 lucky since the course I was on was particularly spacious, but judging from the 
 photos, it seems like this would be quite difficult at the courses you frequent.

Yes,correct there.There are a few areas that have nice backgrounds(Palgrave is one)
but even when i'm the official guy i still have problems.Portapotties in behind a 
perfect jump to shoot, wires or poles in bad spots etc etc.
 Of them all, I like the Palgrave Schooling Class gallery the most; probably 
 due to a bit more variety of shots in that one. 

Palgrave is nice,its up on a hill with some trees and some open spots,good for
any type of photos. The main problem is the design of the course.If they have the 
set up,photo friendly, its fine but if they have them jumping with poor backgrounds or 
bad sun angles,you have to accept a slightly less perfect location.

Along those lines, IN THEORY 
 (i.e., I could be wrong, but...) it seems like it would be a neat thing to 
 get more shots of some of the other stuff that happens around the track. When I 
 was there, that was some of the stuff that caught my eye the most. Like 
 preparation of the horses, etc. I caught a few down-time quiet moments between 
 horse and jockey that seemed pretty intimate and added a totally different feel 
 to the picture set (which was less than a roll, and honestly not good enough to 
 show off anywhere). If I was to shoot it again, I think that may be something 
 I'd pay more attention to in order to break the monotony of all the see-the-
 horsey-jump photos I got.

I plan on doing more,but the clients just want to see them jumping. If i get a domain 
name soon,i'll have more space,and can put more of theses up.
 As for the website overall, it would help a lot if you added some navigation 
 buttons to each of the galleries. Once I click on a gallery and go thru all of 
 the photos. There's no easy way to get back to the main page to select another 
 gallery. (Aside from re-entering the original URL), my only option is to hit 
 the back button a bunch of times, which means that I have to go thru the same 
 photos all over again before returning to start.  Get what I mean? You already 
 have navigation in most other places, so that's hopefully a pretty trivial (but 
 nice) modification.

It took me 2 months to get this far.LOL. I see what you mean,i'll try and fix that.
 I guess the other option is to have another window open when a visitor clicks 
 on the gallery. But that's way over my head in terms of the how-to's. 
 Oh yeah! none of the other (no horsey) gallery links worked for me... but I'm 
 guessing you know that already. Hope that was helpful.

Yes,i have yet to upload any pictures just yet.Soon i hope.
 How's that skin holding up? :o)

Fine,thanks for the comments and tips.:-)

- jerome

Re: Fun Friday: typo awards

2003-06-13 Thread mike wilson

  Conjures up images of a buffoonish constable singing Hello, Hello,
  Hello, what's going on here then? in the style of Gilbert  Sullivan or
  Nessun Dorma - in my airport! by some privatised goon. 
 I've only met Mike twice but I have a vision of Harry Secombe.
 Breastfed on 'Rommel - Gunner who?' and 'AH my part in his downfall'.

Flattery will get you anywhere you like 8-)

Just finished (re)reading the complete, boxed set.  A tragi-comedy to
equal any of the classics.

Spike was quite a photographer, on the quiet.  I seem to remember a
series of ads 's [Nikon/Pentax?] where his comparatively new model
had had all of the horrible black paint removed (apparently with a nail
file or such) to show the lovely brass underneath.  Wonder where it is


Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread Tony Cogan
Try 'The Big Country'.  Peck, along with Charlton Heston, Jean Simmons, 
Burl Ives, Chuck Connors and more.  Good stuff.


At 05:59 AM 6/13/2003 -0700, you wrote:

All great. He was quite good in a western too, 'The Gunfighter' (?)

- Original Message -
From: Ann Sanfedele [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on
 Jim Apilado wrote:

  I enjoyed his performances in Twelve O'Clock High and Roman Holiday.
  To Kill a Mockingbird is a video used by English lit teachers at the
  school I just retired from.
  Jim A.

Re: OK Survey time (was:Paradigm change of Pentax...)

2003-06-13 Thread Butch Black
At 04:49 PM 6/9/2003 +1000, Rob Studdert wrote:

OK the D *ist isn't in our hands so we can only speculate based on what's
reported. So given what is known who of those of us that envisage moving
digital are likely to purchase a D *ist and why?

Who of us think it's time to move to the dark side and why?

If, in fact, I can't meter with pre A lenses I will probably pass. I only
own 1 lens that is A or newer and I have also found that finding Pentax AF
primes used is not easy. If I can meter with the older lenses I will
probably buy one. Everything I shoot goes into Photoshop and usually gets
manipulated somehow before reprinting. So a digital camera would save me
time and money. 6 MP is adequate for my needs and I seldom shoot wide angle
so the multiplication factor is not a problem for me.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hess (Demian)

Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread Steve Desjardins
Even though it wasn't his best, I also enjoy his perfomance as Capt.
Ahab in Moby Dick.  AAMOF, his performance is the best part of the

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Sylwester Pietrzyk
my SMC-FA 35/2 has arrived. Nice small piece of glass, with rubber focusing
ring wider than one in FA 50/1.4 or 28/2.8... Now I have to check it in
praktice. I hope I won't regret this buy :-)

Best Regards

Re: new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Thomas Stach

Sylwester Pietrzyk schrieb:
 my SMC-FA 35/2 has arrived. Nice small piece of glass, with rubber focusing
 ring wider than one in FA 50/1.4 or 28/2.8... Now I have to check it in
 praktice. I hope I won't regret this buy :-)

Hi Sylwek,

if you really should regret this - which I doubt - 
ask me first, if you want to sell it.
I've got to large a gap between my 24 and 50mm.


PS: Anyone an MZ-S to sell? ;-)

Re: Fun Friday: typo awards

2003-06-13 Thread Camdir

 Spike was quite a photographer, on the quiet.  I seem to remember a
 series of ads 's [Nikon/Pentax?] where his comparatively new model
 had had all of the horrible black paint removed (apparently with a nail
 file or such) to show the lovely brass underneath.  Wonder where it is

Not in my shop. (Sadly). Now that would be a coup. Or is it a coupe? I do 
have some of Tim Page's gear here though. A 300mm F2.8 (that looks like it went 
to the Vietnam conflict). 

Kind regards


RE: new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Thomas Haller
Hi All,

 ...I hope I won't regret this buy :-)

...ask me first, if you want to sell it...
 Anyone an MZ-S to sell? ;-)

There was a Like New Minus at KEH for about 24 hours, but only US$100 less
than new. I figured it was worth the extra US$100 to get the manuals and

- THaller

Re: Fun Friday: typo awards

2003-06-13 Thread mike wilson

 Not in my shop. (Sadly). Now that would be a coup. Or is it a coupe? I do
 have some of Tim Page's gear here though. A 300mm F2.8 (that looks like it went
 to the Vietnam conflict).

Coup - unless it is big enough to need wheels.  Or full of hens, in
which case it would be a coop.  Sell it to Bob W.  He can use it as a
club the next time some demonstrators try to play the Eton wall game
with his gear.  Or frame it on his living room wall for veneration 8-)

Tim's an interesting guy


Quite OT: Car Rental in UK

2003-06-13 Thread Gianfranco Irlanda
Hello everybody,

In my plans for the near future (next month...) is included a
journey to England and Scotland.
I do already have a plane booked (one of those budget flights
without physical tickets...) but I'm feeling a bit in trouble
wrt renting a car on our arrival (at Stansted).
While browsing among the different rental companies, I came
across Rental UK ( Any experience
anybody? They seem to have the lowest rental rate I could find
(everything else equal).
I have just a strange feeling, mostly because none of their
numbers in the website do match the one shown in the Yellow
Pages (maybe I'm too suspicious?). 
I could wait and hire a car upon our arrival, but I'm always a
bit scared about the possible lack of a affordable category one.



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Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

Re: new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Thomas Stach

Thomas Haller schrieb:
 Hi All,
  ...I hope I won't regret this buy :-)
 ...ask me first, if you want to sell it...
  Anyone an MZ-S to sell? ;-)
 There was a Like New Minus at KEH for about 24 hours, but only US$100 less
 than new. I figured it was worth the extra US$100 to get the manuals and

Yes, BUT:
Plus shipping to Europe, haven't got a Visa/Mastercard
Here in Germany, you almost never need a Mastercard for you ordinary
Only for international transactions...
I don't  know, if it's worth the trouble and fees...


Re: new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Heiko Hamann
Hi Sylwester,

on 13 Jun 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

I hope I won't regret this buy :-)

No, you won't. I love mine...

Cheers, Heiko

Re: new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Lon Williamson
Don't see how you could regret it.
It's a new, _fast_, prime.
Good fer YOU!

See, Pentax, we spend money on occasion for
good SMC glass.

Heiko Hamann wrote:
Hi Sylwester,

on 13 Jun 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

I hope I won't regret this buy :-)

No, you won't. I love mine...

Cheers, Heiko

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8Di

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
Roland Mabo wrote:
So, what is best then...

a) A complete line of new USM and IS lenses and bodies, not compatible 
with previous K-mount. A full electrical mount.
This one is already available. It's called Canon.

b) Some new USM and IS lenses, but with bodies that supports both the 
new lenses and the old ones. An electro-mechanical mount.
It doesn't seem to be the current direction.


Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Roland Mabo
Subject: Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 
f/2.8 Di
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 11:55:34 -0400

a) A complete line of new USM and IS lenses and bodies, not compatible 
with previous K-mount. A full electrical mount.
This one is already available. It's called Canon.
Oh, I thought it was called Sigma.

b) Some new USM and IS lenses, but with bodies that supports both the new 
lenses and the old ones. An electro-mechanical mount.
It doesn't seem to be the current direction.
Of course not. Judging by the latest releases, Pentax will only make entry 
level bodies and entry level zooms with plastic lens mounts. Instead of 
competing with Canon and Nikon, Pentax now see Cosina as the brand to match. 
That's the logical conclusion if we judge Pentax future by the FAJ lenses.

Best wishes
Coola downloads från adidas!

Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread wendy beard
At 10:29 AM 13/06/2003 -0400, Yves wrote:

At 07:14 13/6/03 +, you wrote:


I had a look at your Aurora GrandPrix June 06 gallery. My favourite 
picture is DSC_2155.jpg. :-) It was really funny to see this one appear in 
that long sequence of horse jumps (especially since I had not looked at 
the thumbnail sheet: it was totally unexpected).
I had a smile at that one too. hey - where did he come from !

You seem to take the picture nearly always during the beginning of the 
jump. Is there a photographic/technical reason to avoid the second half of 
the jump or is it simply a matter of personal preferences?
It looks more dynamic. The up half looks better than the down half
Compare this
to this
(that's what I think, anyway!)
Dave, maybe you could make your albums open in a new browser window so that 
the user always have access to your home page. I noticed Welcome to Is this going to be your new website?

Somebody mentioned that it was a bit boring having lots of shots of horses 
going over jumps - well that's what the clients want to see! Perhaps you 
could put together a separate small portfolio of varied horse shots for the 
casual observer and non-client. That would be nice to see.
It''s like my agility shots. Most people go through them - dog jumping, 
dog jumping, dog jumping, dog jumping, dog jumping, dog not 
jumping, dog jumping, dog jumping etc. Whereas I go through Roxy 
doing the gamble, Branson in that marvellous jumpers run, Oh, look 
that's Tanja just before she ran off course because I was there running my 
dog and so were a lot of my friends. The reason for the sameyness of the 
shots is because often there are only one or two good vantage points and 
Dave doesn't want to be running around like a blue a*sed fly trying to get 
different shots for the general public, he wants to concentrate on at least 
one good shot of each rider in the hope that each of those riders will buy 
a print!

Oh yes, on a sort of related note - Dave -  you asked a while back about 
combining photos on one sheet. Like the picture package in photoshop but 
two different photos. Adobe Photoshop album lets you do it. Fully working 
starter edition is downloadable and allows you to add 250 photos to the 
album without having to upgrade.


Ottawa, Canada

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu
Afaik, FA-J means FA-Junior. It's quite strange to name your best lenses
Junior - that's why I really think that FA-J lenses will only be entry
level. ;)
There is still hope...


Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Paul Eriksson
Until now I've only been using polarizers as screw-in filters, warmups and 
nd have been Hitech in cokin holders.  My problem is that my filters are 
taking up too much space in my bag.  Is anyone using stack caps for their 
filters.  My thougth was to get stack caps for only the smallest and largest 
filter sizes and to use stepping rings between filter sizes so that I only 
get one big stack of filters, any cons to this approach?

thanks all
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8Di

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote:
Afaik, FA-J means FA-Junior. 
Read FAJ in reverse. ;-)

Oh, and what the plural could be ? FAJitas ?


Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread jerome

 Somebody mentioned that it was a bit boring having lots 
 of shots of horses going over jumps 

Well maybe not in those words! but yeah, that was me. I'll fess up.

 well that's what the clients want to see! 

Yeah, I realized that after I sent the email. I either re-read his email or 
read a response and realized that his purpose is not to Capture the event, 
but rather to make cash money from the riders seeing *their* photos. With 
that in mind, you're absolutely right, and his photos certainly serve their 
purpose.  Along those lines, I also think that hisi idea of setting up a second 
website and/or gallery is a marvelous idea for people (like me) who you 
accurately described here:

 It''s like my agility shots. Most people go through them - 
 dog jumping, dog jumping, dog jumping, dog jumping, 
 dog jumping, dog not jumping, dog jumping, dog jumping etc. 

LOL... funny... but true. Like you said, the sameyness of the shots also 
stems from my lack of intimacy with the subject. 

 often there are only one or two good 
 vantage points and Dave doesn't want to be running around 
 like a blue a*sed fly 

blue assed fly? h... interesting. I'll have to keep my eye open for that 

Anyhow, I'm glad that at least the rest of my feedback proved helpful for you. 
And thanks, Wendy, for adding perspective.

Re: Quite OT: Car Rental in UK

2003-06-13 Thread Michael A Yehle
On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 08:01:43AM -0700, Gianfranco Irlanda wrote:
 Hello everybody,
 I do already have a plane booked (one of those budget flights
 without physical tickets...) but I'm feeling a bit in trouble
 wrt renting a car on our arrival (at Stansted).
 While browsing among the different rental companies, I came
 across Rental UK ( Any experience
 anybody? They seem to have the lowest rental rate I could find
 (everything else equal).

We've tried a couple of the discount car rental places - easyCar
and EuroCar come to mind - and decided it wasn't worth the problems
so I believe we've switched entirely to Hertz.  This opinion was confirmed
at the end of our trip last month to your fair city...

Most of the problems we've had are the nickle and dime crap the 
discount places charge for.  For example, finding a car wash in
a strange city to avoid a cleaning fee or finding out that the excess
kilometer rate is really expensive.


I like to think of anything stupid I've done as a learning
experience.  It makes me feel less stupid. 
-- P. J. O'Rourke

myehle at wanadoo dot fr

Re: Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Lon Williamson
I've been using 58mm filters for almost all my lenses using
caps on the filters and three sizes of step rings.  Bought
a Hoya adjustable 58mm hood as part of the kit.  Works fine.
About the only ones I take with me are light warming, moose
polarizer, and regular polarizer.  Not that difficult to deal
with the rings, as the shots I want these for usually are not
grab shots.  I recommend this approach.

Paul Eriksson wrote:
Until now I've only been using polarizers as screw-in filters, warmups 
and nd have been Hitech in cokin holders.  My problem is that my filters 
are taking up too much space in my bag.  Is anyone using stack caps for 
their filters.  My thougth was to get stack caps for only the smallest 
and largest filter sizes and to use stepping rings between filter sizes 
so that I only get one big stack of filters, any cons to this approach?

thanks all
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
The caveman in me says that I should rent a Cadillac and go see an old 
BW movie. Should be fun, at least for the retro feeling.

Treena wrote:
Believe it or not, yes - there's one in the next town over from us.

Hmmm... do some of those drive-in cinemas still exist there in yankee-land


FS Friday Auto-bellows/slide copier/bellows takumar 100

2003-06-13 Thread wendy beard
For Sale:
Beautiful condition Asahi Pentax Auto-Bellows / slide copier with 100mm f4 
Bellows takumar lens.
For screwmount. Double cable release, scales and booklet.  $150

Wendy Beard,
Ottawa, Canada

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu
Hahaha! Nice! :)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8

 Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote:
  Afaik, FA-J means FA-Junior.

 Read FAJ in reverse. ;-)

 Oh, and what the plural could be ? FAJitas ?


Re: Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Herb Chong
make sure that all your filter rings are externally readable as to which filter they 
are. B+W filters do not have labels readable from the outside. you must look at them 
from the front to distinguish them. also, it would not hurt to have something 
permanently in your bag to grip and turn the stacked filters. they sometimes are hard 
to take apart. if you want to get fancy, you can get a filter wrench.

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:21
Subject: Filter storage

 Until now I've only been using polarizers as screw-in filters, warmups and 
 nd have been Hitech in cokin holders.  My problem is that my filters are 
 taking up too much space in my bag.  Is anyone using stack caps for their 
 filters.  My thougth was to get stack caps for only the smallest and largest 
 filter sizes and to use stepping rings between filter sizes so that I only 
 get one big stack of filters, any cons to this approach?

RE: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread tom
I read somewhere recently that last year was the first year in a long
time when there were more drive-ins built than torn down.


 -Original Message-
 From: Caveman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:52 PM
 Subject: Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

 The caveman in me says that I should rent a Cadillac and go
 see an old
 BW movie. Should be fun, at least for the retro feeling.

 Treena wrote:
  Believe it or not, yes - there's one in the next town
 over from us.
 Hmmm... do some of those drive-in cinemas still exist
 there in yankee-land

Re: Fun Friday: typo awards

2003-06-13 Thread Keith Whaley

mike wilson wrote:
  Not in my shop. (Sadly). Now that would be a coup. Or is it a coupe? I do
  have some of Tim Page's gear here though. A 300mm F2.8 (that looks like it went
  to the Vietnam conflict).
 Coup - unless it is big enough to need wheels.  Or full of hens, in
 which case it would be a coop.  Sell it to Bob W.  He can use it as a
 club the next time some demonstrators try to play the Eton wall game
 with his gear.  Or frame it on his living room wall for veneration 8-)
 Tim's an interesting guy

Tim? He's an acid-head. And, that's the BEST thing you can say about him...

He ponders, What's wrong with my brain?
Fact is, he has little normal brain left.
He will NEVER have a normal, functioning brain. That's also a fact. interesting guy? If you get your rocks off talking to
malfunctioning aging druggies and such, it may be okay for YOUR tastes,
but they're way, WAY too irrational for my tastes.
They're spaced out even when they're totally off it!  And you think it's 'cute.'
Yuk!  Yet another wasted human being...

keith whaley

Re: new toy

2003-06-13 Thread Paul Eriksson
You won't, it's one sweet lens

From: Sylwester Pietrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: new toy
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 16:32:13 +0200
my SMC-FA 35/2 has arrived. Nice small piece of glass, with rubber focusing
ring wider than one in FA 50/1.4 or 28/2.8... Now I have to check it in
praktice. I hope I won't regret this buy :-)
Best Regards

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Roland Mabo
From: Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 
f/2.8 Di
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 19:14:24 +0200

Afaik, FA-J means FA-Junior. It's quite strange to name your best lenses
Junior - that's why I really think that FA-J lenses will only be entry
level. ;)
True. That's why it surprises me that so many MZ-S users wants them.

Best wishes
Lättare att hitta drömresan med MSN Resor

Re: Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Lon Williamson
I gotta say I've almost never had to use rubber, etc,
to remove aluminum front-lens attachments.  You can almost
find a spot to squeeze a tad to get 'em off.
That being said, I _like_ plastic-mounted
 front lens supplementaries.
They come off easier and are cheaper.  They last well enough.

gfen commented:

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

stuck on step-up/step-down rings).  I had a latex glove in my
camera bag for that.
Sure it was, Glenn... ;)

Well _that_one_ was!  ;-)

	-- Glenn

Re: OT:My site updated too

2003-06-13 Thread brooksdj

 Dave, maybe you could make your albums open in a new browser window so that 
 the user always have access to your home page. I noticed Welcome to Is this going to be your new website?

Eventually it will be Wendy.I'm trying to do this myself and it 's harder than i
As you can see,i do the thumbnails in PS6.I'd have to investigate on the new window 
but i like that one.I know its frustrating to refresh the url all the time.
 Somebody mentioned that it was a bit boring having lots of shots of horses 
 going over jumps - well that's what the clients want to see! Perhaps you 
 could put together a separate small portfolio of varied horse shots for the 
 casual observer and non-client. That would be nice to see.

Actually, the next version of the site has a general equine gallery,which will have
all the candid stuff. For the most part,the riders want to see the jumping pictures
Clients want to see that perticular jumping pose,but changing the angle even 10-15 
can make 
a huge difference in how the jump looks.All depends on the course/sun and 

i think you are aware of with the dogs.
The main motive is not just to make money,as Jerome mentioned,but also to supply the 
photo i can.They may be boring but i want to be the best boring equine photographer on 


 Dave doesn't want to be running around like a blue a*sed fly trying to get 
 different shots for the general public, he wants to concentrate on at least 
 one good shot of each rider in the hope that each of those riders will buy 
 a print!

LOL. I tried that the first year i did this.Almost killed me not to mention the 
missed shots. What i do now is pick a division and stay there until its over,
then move to another one.I switch divisons at each show,so hopefully i get ever rider
once a year.
At least with blue a*sed flys i dont have to worry about WNV. :-)
 Oh yes, on a sort of related note - Dave -  you asked a while back about 
 combining photos on one sheet. Like the picture package in photoshop but 
 two different photos. Adobe Photoshop album lets you do it. Fully working 
 starter edition is downloadable and allows you to add 250 photos to the 
 album without having to upgrade.

Thanks Wendy,I had given up looking. I tried some freebys on a site i think was called
the digital source(??) but they were close but not quite.They had a ton of them but i 
tried a few i 
thought might be valid.

 Ottawa, Canada

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Artur Ledóchowski
- Original Message -
From: Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8

 There is still hope...

Yes, but the quest stands upon the edge of the knife:)

Re: 2 AF500FTZ's

2003-06-13 Thread Christian Skofteland
how much for 1?

Christian Skofteland

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: FS: 2 AF500FTZ's

 Read the subject line. If interested, email me off list.

OT: Texas Leicas - which ?

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman

I got back from processing my first 6x7 chromes (which I took with a 
borrowed camera) and  oh well, now I want *my* 6x7 camera too.

For projection slides I will still use 35mm (much more convenient unless 
I fork out $8000 for a Hasselblad projector), and I intend to use the 
6x7 for getting the really big prints.

Since handheld street photo / hiking / tourist photo is high priority 
too, I decided that I want a rangefinder type (and delegate macro to the 
35mm format).

So here's my question:

Which 6x7 rangefinder camera would you recommend and why ?


Re: OT: Slide projector recommendations

2003-06-13 Thread Rfsindg

An old Bell  Howell slide cube projector or Kodak carosel will be just fine.
The slide cubes are easy to load and sort, carosels are less so.
The big images will amaze you.

The task of viewing more than 100 slides is daunting.
I would get a magnifying loop and a light box for sorting thru them.
The whole kit would be under US$75 new.
Spread the 36 slides out on the light box, 
look at them overall,
check the interesting ones with the magnifying loop,
pick-out the best to display in the projector.

I've been sorting slides like this for a while.
With a box of 36, 12 go into the trash,
12 I hold onto because I'm not ruthless enough in editing,
12 I keep as good, of which only 2 or 3 are REALLY good.

If you've got 10 boxes of slides to sort,
use the light box, not the projector!

Regards,  Bob S.

 I have quite the treasure trove of 35 mm slides I've inherited from
 various family members that I'd like to take a look at. I don't have any
 experience with slides in general and projectors specifically. I'd
 appreciate it if list members would weigh in with what features I should
 look for as well as any brand recommendations for projectors available
 in the U.S.

Re: OT: Slide projector recommendations

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
Since you mentioned 35mm and US, Kodak is *the* obvious choice.

However, if you want to max the quality, you may want to take a look at 
the Leitz Pradovit current series of projectors. Those Leica lenses are 
really good.

A less obvious but good choice would be Kindermann (just avoid the basic 
model with 150W lamp). They also have a modern 6x6 projector in current 

Marc J. Osborne wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have quite the treasure trove of 35 mm slides I've inherited from
various family members that I'd like to take a look at. I don't have any
experience with slides in general and projectors specifically. I'd
appreciate it if list members would weigh in with what features I should
look for as well as any brand recommendations for projectors available
in the U.S. 

Re: OT: Slide projector recommendations

2003-06-13 Thread Ed Matthew

An old Bell  Howell slide cube projector or Kodak carosel will be just 
The slide cubes are easy to load and sort, carosels are less so.
The big images will amaze you.
Based on my experience years ago with two Bell and Howell slide cube 
projectors, I would suggest that they be avoided. Both were purchased new, 
both soon developed tendencies to jam. Garnted different preferences exist, 
but I find the carousels easier to load and easier to correct loading 
errors. Do not make the mistake of dropping two sllides into the same 
carousel slot - the resulting jam is fixable but frustrating. In reference 
to another post, the Leitz Prdovit is probably a better projector/lens, but 
carousel loading is easier.

The task of viewing more than 100 slides is daunting.
I would get a magnifying loop and a light box for sorting thru them.
The whole kit would be under US$75 new.
Spread the 36 slides out on the light box,
look at them overall,
check the interesting ones with the magnifying loop,
pick-out the best to display in the projector.
Emphatically agreed.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread jerome
If there was ever a bad time to offer a website IPO, I guess it would be now. 
I've been waiting in the wings for the perfect time (okay, actually I've been 
too busy to finish it)... but now I've been upstaged by not one, not two, but 
*three* website debuts in the past 24 hours. But, foolishly, I trudge ahead 

ANYHOW... here's my new home, folks:

Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed. 
 - jerome

By the way...
Yes... I know... the squirrel photos aren't up yet... but I guess I figured 
nobody'd miss 'em, so I posted anyway.

Re: Re[2]: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Roland Mabo
Subject: Re: Re[2]: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF
28-75 f/2.8 Di

 The problem is that it's not possible to make everyone happy. Pentax
has to
 make a choice.
 The perfect Pentax, is a SLR that can easily be converted to
 with exchangeable shells (so one can have a metallic silver, metallic
 or plastic body). This innovative SLR-rangefinder should also have
 enlargement, to suit all hands from small to big. Just press a button
 the camera expands to twize it's size. All lenses should be both metal
 plastic at the same time - just replace the shell (like Nokia
 with replacement shells). So you get the feel and weight - you want.

Had I known that this was the level you thought a camera should be at, I
wouldn't have wasted my time answering your postings a few days ago.

William Robb

Re: OT:[fabric] Seamless Paper or Muslin?

2003-06-13 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -

 A side question.What material would be best to help cover a window,or
door frame for that
 matter. I
 have a piece of black foam board cut to fit my bathroom window but it
has a few tiny
 leaks.I want to
 place something over the frame to cut out any stray leaks(also for the
door).We have a
 fabric shop in
 town.Do the home BW printers use felt pieces or is there something
else you like.

I used 1/4 inch plywood in the window frame to block light. OF course, I
had to knock the glass out first.

William Robb

Re: OT:[fabric] Seamless Paper or Muslin?

2003-06-13 Thread Nick Zentena
On June 13, 2003 03:54 pm, William Robb wrote:
 - Original Message -

  A side question.What material would be best to help cover a window,or

 door frame for that

  matter. I
  have a piece of black foam board cut to fit my bathroom window but it

 has a few tiny

  leaks.I want to
  place something over the frame to cut out any stray leaks(also for the

 door).We have a

  fabric shop in
  town.Do the home BW printers use felt pieces or is there something

 else you like.

If looks don't matter cardboard. Just get a piece big enough to cover. Take 
it off when not in use. Easy to replace. If looks matter go and get some 
thick cloth and make what amounts to drapes. Doubled over. 


Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
jerome wrote:

Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed. 
 - jerome
My favs are your people shots, especially these:
also these look nice:
EXCEPT that they have a too strong blue cast. If that's what your 
scanner is doing, don't bother, but if that's how it is on film, I 
suggest the 81 filter series (81B or stronger) or the german KR3  KR6. 
If you're shooting in shade always consider them.


Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Stephen Moore
jerome wrote:

 Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed.
  - jerome

Damn, that's nice stuff!


Re: Texas Leicas - which ?

2003-06-13 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Caveman
Subject: OT: Texas Leicas - which ?

 Which 6x7 rangefinder camera would you recommend and why ?

Mamiya 7. Great lenses, excellent build quality.
That and I have actually used one and enjoyed it.
I am sure the Bronica is a good camera, but I don't know it. My
experience with Bronica lenses was good, though I think they were
actuallty Schneider when I was using Bronica.
If Fuji makes a 6x7 rangefinder, I would certainly consider it as well.
I have always thought the old Plaubels were cool, and they had excellent
Nikkor lenses on them, but I don't think they were as reliable as they
could have been.

William Robb

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Keith Whaley
Absolutely excellent stuff, Jerome!
Thanks for sharing.

keith whaley

jerome wrote:
 If there was ever a bad time to offer a website IPO, I guess it would be now.
 I've been waiting in the wings for the perfect time (okay, actually I've been
 too busy to finish it)... but now I've been upstaged by not one, not two, but
 *three* website debuts in the past 24 hours. But, foolishly, I trudge ahead
 ANYHOW... here's my new home, folks:
 Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed.
  - jerome
 By the way...
 Yes... I know... the squirrel photos aren't up yet... but I guess I figured
 nobody'd miss 'em, so I posted anyway.

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Keith Whaley

Caveman wrote:
 jerome wrote:
  Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed.
   - jerome
 My favs are your people shots, especially these:

I agree!
This little guy looks ready to bop you if you get any closer... g

keith whaley

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Christian Skofteland
nice jerome.

I was impressed with Tiger on the green.  What camera and lens?  Was it
noisy?  did they give you a hard time?

Christian Skofteland

- Original Message -
From: jerome [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Yet ANOTHER website debut

 If there was ever a bad time to offer a website IPO, I guess it would be
 I've been waiting in the wings for the perfect time (okay, actually I've
 too busy to finish it)... but now I've been upstaged by not one, not two,
 *three* website debuts in the past 24 hours. But, foolishly, I trudge

 ANYHOW... here's my new home, folks:

 Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed.
  - jerome

 By the way...
 Yes... I know... the squirrel photos aren't up yet... but I guess I
 nobody'd miss 'em, so I posted anyway.

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Christian Skofteland
One more question regarding this one:

How are the dragons housed in Atlanta?  At the Natl. Zoo they are behind
glass which is exposed to the outdoors; i.e.: fogged, smeared, clouded and
scratched.  I can never get a good shot of them due to the condition of the
glass.  I'd like to know your technique.


Christian Skofteland

- Original Message -
From: jerome [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Yet ANOTHER website debut

 If there was ever a bad time to offer a website IPO, I guess it would be
 I've been waiting in the wings for the perfect time (okay, actually I've
 too busy to finish it)... but now I've been upstaged by not one, not two,
 *three* website debuts in the past 24 hours. But, foolishly, I trudge

 ANYHOW... here's my new home, folks:

 Comments, criticism, and the usual PDML banter are all welcomed.
  - jerome

 By the way...
 Yes... I know... the squirrel photos aren't up yet... but I guess I
 nobody'd miss 'em, so I posted anyway.

OT: My Baby's Home and a Lens Question

2003-06-13 Thread frank theriault
After languishing in the repair shop for two months, because I couldn't
afford the repair, I finally got my Leica CL with Summicron C 40mm home
today.  I am Happy vbg.

Yes, it's the one that I put up for sale last Friday.  Now that I have
it in hand again, I'm reconsidering.  I really can't bear to part with
it, it's such a little jewel of a camera!  OTOH, feel free to make an
offer - were someone to want to give me $500US for it (won't take a
penny less), I might have to think about it...  vbg

So, here's my question:

It was in for servicing due to the meter/shutter speed dial not
working.  Turns out that it was a little rod that got knocked out of
place (not uncommon), and it was not a difficult fix.  However, the
technician that fixed it noticed oil on the aperture blades.  I knew
about that, too, but since it's not an auto-aperture lens, the oil
doesn't affect operation of the aperture, and there is no oil on the
glass.  The tech said that the oil will eventually become gaseous, and
start to coat the inside of the glass.  In fact, he said that he thought
the process had already started, but when I got it back, I looked, and
the glass appears crystal clear.  Certainly can't see it's affect in any
photos.  They're only going to charge $50 Cdn to clean the blades and
glass (basically do a CLA of the lens), so I'm going to get it done
quite soon.  My question is:  Has anyone here heard of this happening
(oil coating the inside of the glass)?  Or does this sound like a way to
push me into some work that isn't as urgent as they make it seem?


Supposed to be a lovely weekend (after rain the last two days), so I
know what I'll be walking around with tomorrow!  vbg


What a senseless waste of human life
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

Re: Pentax dropping M Shift, A 15/3.5, ...

2003-06-13 Thread Arnold Stark
Dropping the 15f3.5 and the 28/f3.5 Shift after 30 years is no bad thing 
(especially if one already has them:-). However, the question is, will 
Pentax eventually present up-to-date successors? Or will there be no 
Shift lens at all, and no lenses shorter than the 17-28 Fish-Eye Zoom 
and the new FA-J 18-35? I can't believe that Pentax will leave its 35mm 
system like that, especially with the 1.5x factor of the digital 
sensors. More extreme wide-angle lenses must eventually be coming. 
hopefully WITH aperture ring, so that they are usable on older cameras, 
too, and in * or Limited quality.


Re: Way OT: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread frank theriault
Can't be too many left of the old ones to tear down, can there?


tom wrote:

 snipThe article mentioned that more were
 built then torn down last year, which hasn't been the case in a while.

 Thomas Van Veen Photography

What a senseless waste of human life
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

Re: Texas Leicas - which ?

2003-06-13 Thread frank theriault
You want a Texas Leica?  Why use a little baby 6x7?

Go for the big guy - Fuji 6x9!  I think it's called the 690?  Jeff here in
Toronto has a Fuji 6x9, and at least one (maybe two?) 6x7's (one's foldable,
but maybe he got rid of that one - you out there Jeff?).

AFAIK, he loves the 6x9!  I've seen it's images, and they are quite amazing,
even in Jeff's hands!  vbg


William Robb wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Caveman
 Subject: OT: Texas Leicas - which ?

  Which 6x7 rangefinder camera would you recommend and why ?

 Mamiya 7. Great lenses, excellent build quality.
 That and I have actually used one and enjoyed it.
 I am sure the Bronica is a good camera, but I don't know it. My
 experience with Bronica lenses was good, though I think they were
 actuallty Schneider when I was using Bronica.
 If Fuji makes a 6x7 rangefinder, I would certainly consider it as well.
 I have always thought the old Plaubels were cool, and they had excellent
 Nikkor lenses on them, but I don't think they were as reliable as they
 could have been.

 William Robb

What a senseless waste of human life
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread jerome

 My favs are your people shots

It's funny. As much as I love animal stuff, I get way more comments on my 
people stuff than anything else. And I tend to do people stuff only when I'm 
tired of the animals... which is rare. Guess I need to venture out more. 
Thanks, by the way. Glad you like 'em.

 EXCEPT that they have a too strong blue cast. 
 If that's what your scanner is doing, don't bother, 
 but if that's how it is on film...

to be honest, I'm not sure which it is... even after looking at the slide 
again! However, now that you point it out, I do see that the scans are a bit 
blue like you said (but that could just be me overcompensating for the love 
affair that Kodak AND the HP S20 Scanner usually have with magenta). Also, when 
I look at the slide, well... it's kodachrome 64... but it doesn't look kodak, 
if you know what I mean. The magenta emphasis I see with my usual film is 
missing, and it kinda does look more blue than the actual scene now that you 
mention it. For me, it's hard to say the whats or whys because this is my 
only roll with that film, as well as my first time shooting on nature trails. 

But thanks for pointing it out! I didn't even realize it (that's what 
feedback's for, eh?). I'll look into it more. Thanks again.

  - jerome

Re: Pentax dropping M Shift, A 15/3.5, ...

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
Arnold Stark wrote:
 Or will there be no
Shift lens at all, and no lenses shorter than the 17-28 Fish-Eye Zoom 
and the new FA-J 18-35?
Very plausible. Anyone serious enough as to consider a shift lens is 
thinking medium format or larger and not 35mm.

 I can't believe that Pentax will leave its 35mm
system like that, 
I definitely can. And BTW. They don't have a system anymore. The 
pieces don't interoperate.


Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread jerome
Stephen  Keith, thanks for the kind words.

Keith wrote:
 I agree! This little guy looks ready to bop 
 you if you get any closer... g

Aren't grab shots the greatest. I couldn't reproduce that scene, let alone 
the kids expression if I tried a thousand times. I've finally realized that so 
much of photography (no matter what kind it is) is getting out there and 
shooting. Eventually... something will happen and/or come together. So now I 
try to get off my arse more often and shoot some. As for the kid bopping me... 
who said he didn't? g  

Re: Pentax dropping M Shift, A 15/3.5, ...

2003-06-13 Thread Paul Eriksson
Dropping the 15f3.5 and the 28/f3.5 Shift after 30 years is no bad thing 
(especially if one already has them:-). However, the question is, will 
Pentax eventually present up-to-date successors? Or will there be no Shift 
lens at all, and no lenses shorter than the 17-28 Fish-Eye Zoom and the new 
FA-J 18-35? I can't believe that Pentax will leave its 35mm system like 
that, especially with the 1.5x factor of the digital sensors. More extreme 
wide-angle lenses must eventually be coming. hopefully WITH aperture 
ring, so that they are usable on older cameras, too, and in * or Limited 


Maybe the rumour about a 16mm prime I heard a a couple of months ago is 

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Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread frank theriault
I love the one of Tiger chatting with his caddy!  (Haven't looked at anything
else yet)  It's a wonderful, relaxed, informal sort of shot (but look at the
intensity in Tiger's eyes - even for a practise round!).

Well done!


Christian Skofteland wrote:

 nice jerome.

 I was impressed with Tiger on the green.  What camera and lens?  Was it
 noisy?  did they give you a hard time?

What a senseless waste of human life
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

Tripod question

2003-06-13 Thread Ramesh Kumar
I am planning replace my existing tripd with corbon
fibre tripod, so was thinking about the ball heads. 
I have few doubts about them.

Are there any advantages in using ballhead instead of
pan-tilt style ones?
Which is more stable?


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Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).

FS: Soft Case FG (SS)

2003-06-13 Thread wendy beard
Unused in box, original Pentax soft case FG-SS, part number 32374
For MZ/ZX series (not MZ-S). Front of case detaches and can be replaced 
with other size fronts. This has the size for a small zoom like 35-80 
(hence the S)
Boz's Site has it listed under MZ-5(n)
$15 inc postage to anywhere.

Wendy Beard,
Ottawa, Canada

Re: Tripod question

2003-06-13 Thread Christian Skofteland
- Original Message -
From: Ramesh Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am planning replace my existing tripd with corbon
 fibre tripod, so was thinking about the ball heads.
 I have few doubts about them.

 Are there any advantages in using ballhead instead of
 pan-tilt style ones?
 Which is more stable?

It's really a matter of preference.  I use a ballhead becasue it is quicker
for me to use in the field.  Many people prefer the pan-tilt because it
gives them the opportunity to change one axis at a time.

Which is more stable?  It's a case of size (and build-quality) matters.  I
use a giant Graf StudioBall which is rock solid for my lenses (300/4 is my
largest lens).  Some ballheads are very cheap and flimsy as are some
pan/tilt heads.

It's really up to your type of photography


Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
jerome wrote:

It's funny. As much as I love animal stuff, I get way more comments on my 
people stuff than anything else. And I tend to do people stuff only when I'm 
tired of the animals... which is rare. Guess I need to venture out more. 
Thanks, by the way. Glad you like 'em.
Maybe that's your strong point and you didn't know ;-) Time for more 
shots, indeed.

EXCEPT that they have a too strong blue cast. 
If that's what your scanner is doing, don't bother, 
but if that's how it is on film...

to be honest, I'm not sure which it is... even after looking at the slide 
He're a quick attempt at it, compare them to see:


Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread jerome
Quoting Christian Skofteland:

 I was impressed with Tiger on the green.  

It's funny... you confused the hell outta me at first. I'm thinkin tiger? what 
tiger? ain't no tiger on my website. There's a lion, but OH!!!  You 
obviously meant the tiger of the wooden persuasion. duh! forgot about him.

 What camera and lens?

I designed the site to be PDML friendly g. If you lay your mouse over 95% of 
the photos, it'll give you camera, lens, flash, and film info. Actually, now 
that I look, those are the ONLY photos on the website (I think) that don't have 
camera body info [leave it to Christian to pick a winner]. My ZX-5n was in 
Colorado that week, and I'm not sure if it was back in time or if I used the ZX-
10. But the lens was the FA 300mm f2.8 with a very bad filter (long story).

 Was it noisy?  did they give you a hard time?

Nope. It was a practice round. AFAIK, EVERYONE is allowed to bring photo 
equipment to the practice rounds. I don't think it's something they publicize, 
but it was the only reason I agreed to volunteer to work the concession stand 
at all. It's funny, because I was the only one fighting to get a time slot on a 
non-tournament day for that reason... they thought I was nuts. While I was 
working, I also scored 2 tickets to come back and watch (not work) the final 
round. But I gave 'em away. (a) tiger was no longer in contention (b) I 
couldn't bring a camera, and (c) for me, golf is better watched on the tube 
anyway. You see wayyy more action.

Glad you like the photos, by the way. 

 One more question regarding this one:
 How are the dragons housed in Atlanta?  At the Natl. 
 Zoo they are behind glass which is exposed to the 
 outdoors; i.e.: fogged, smeared, clouded and scratched.

Don'tcha just hate that?! This one is behind glass, too (phew!)... but I 
suppose the glass is in better condition. It's only 1/2-way exposed to the 
outdoors. The area where the people stand to observe is kinda like an open-air 
shack (hard to explain). The point is, it has a roof, so there's some 
protection from the elements [but not the fingerprints and scratches].

 I can never get a good shot of them due to the condition of the
 glass.  I'd like to know your technique.

Nothing secret. Windex and a paper towel. Actually, I never remember the 
windex, and end up just using my shirt. People'll look at you funny while you 
start cleaning up, but hey! Getting as close to the glass as possible helps 
(which is essential if you use flash), too. My problem with this guy is that he 
is partially lit by flourescent lighting, and partially by ambient. I wanted 
more shots of this guy, so I went back about 3 weeks ago with two rolls: 
EliteChrome 200, and Kodak 160T (tungsten film).

It was my first time using it, but it seems like to use Tungsten film you have 
to have (almost?) ALL tungsten lighting. The presence of ambient lighting left 
me with VERY ugly color casts (entire roll unusable). So then I used the other 
(regular) roll, only using flash for fill... turns out that not enough flash 
nor ambient left me with color cast AGAIN (and another entire roll 
unusable...dammit). So I haven't figured it out yet. The photo in my gallery, 
by the way, is the product of a TON of color correction due to this same issue. 
I'll get it right eventually... or I'll just by an *ist-D and press a button or 
something and call it a day [somewhere, Tom is smiling].

Good luck, Christian. 


Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread jerome
Quoting frank theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I love the one of Tiger chatting with his caddy!  

Thats one of my favs, too. Thanks, Frank.

 It's a wonderful, relaxed, informal sort of shot 
 (but look at the intensity in Tiger's eyes - even for a 
 practise round!).

Yep, that's also what I like about it. It also strikes me as comical because 
Steve seems to be giving advice, and Tiger looks like what the hell are you 
talking about?! I'm the best in the world. Shut up already. HAR!

In all, it was nice to see him smile more and actually enjoy the golf course; a 
side of Eldrick that we don't get to see. But of course once Thursday rolled 

Re: Tripod question

2003-06-13 Thread Brendan
Both are as stable as your tripod, the ball head is
just easier to position in general use, the pan tilt
head is more fersitile overall if speed and eye
polking doesn't bother you. I still havee my tilt head
and for archetectural use it's better due to the
bubble levels but for field use the ball head wins,
add that ball heads support less than a similar tilt
head tho, but 5 lbs is alot of camera and lens, unless
you shoot 4x5 you'll be fine.

 --- Ramesh Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi,
 I am planning replace my existing tripd with corbon
 fibre tripod, so was thinking about the ball heads. 
 I have few doubts about them.
 Are there any advantages in using ballhead instead
 pan-tilt style ones?
 Which is more stable?
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Re: Way OT: Drive Ins-was: Gregory Peck passed on

2003-06-13 Thread frank theriault
All the Drive-ins in one of the towns I grew up in (there were two in and
around Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) were torn down at least 20 years ago.
Too bad, because one of them was a lovely sort of Art Deco design.
Progress, I guess...

OTOH, here in Toronto, there's at least one that's been built in the last
year or two, at The Docks, a waterfront bar/entertainment venue.  Haven't
been there yet (I'd look funny pulling up on my bike), but apparently
it's doing quite well.  I think it's a current fad, but I hope not.


tom wrote:

 I read somewhere recently that last year was the first year in a long
 time when there were more drive-ins built than torn down.

What a senseless waste of human life
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread jerome

 Maybe that's your strong point and you didn't know ;-) 

I've heard those exact words before... but I guess I'm resistant 
(pronounced stubborn). Besides, I don't wanna be no steenkin' Cotty.

 He're a quick attempt at it, compare them to see:

Just peeked at the original, and your version is MUCH closer than mine. 
THanks!!! Looks like it's time for a rescan some time this weekend. If you'd be 
so kind, can you keep that photo up 'til monday. I'll probably reference it 
again. Thanks again.

  - jerome 

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Keith Whaley

jerome wrote:
 Stephen  Keith, thanks for the kind words.
 Keith wrote:
  I agree! This little guy looks ready to bop
  you if you get any closer... g
 Aren't grab shots the greatest. I couldn't reproduce that scene, let alone
 the kids expression if I tried a thousand times. I've finally realized that so
 much of photography (no matter what kind it is) is getting out there and
 shooting. Eventually... something will happen and/or come together. So now I
 try to get off my arse more often and shoot some. As for the kid bopping me...
 who said he didn't? g

Even if it had been me being bopped, it was too precious to NOT get, and
you indeed did capture it at the one precise slice of his serious
expression...  Great!

Or wait a minute, maybe it was his mom that nah, not a chance.  g


Re: Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
Until now I've only been using polarizers as screw-in filters, warmups and 
nd have been Hitech in cokin holders.  My problem is that my filters are 
taking up too much space in my bag.  Is anyone using stack caps for their 
filters.  My thougth was to get stack caps for only the smallest and 
largest filter sizes and to use stepping rings between filter sizes so that 
I only get one big stack of filters, any cons to this approach?
I have been using stack caps for many years. The only real disadvantage is 
you won't be able to use hoods on some lenses. And if you are going to buy 
stack caps, I recommend you buy those were Made in Japan which are perfectly 
flat on the outside. Some Indian made caps have raised edges which might 
damage your other gears.

In Canada, this is a good retailer to buy from.
Alan Chan
Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
Pentax now see Cosina as the brand to match.
This is not a such bad thing if you mean Voigtlander.

Alan Chan
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: Yet ANOTHER website debut

2003-06-13 Thread Caveman
jerome wrote:

Just peeked at the original, and your version is MUCH closer than mine. 
THanks!!! Looks like it's time for a rescan some time this weekend. If you'd be 
so kind, can you keep that photo up 'til monday. I'll probably reference it 
again. Thanks again.
I'll keep it there. I presume that the problem was that in your attempt 
to fight magenta cast you cut too much red. Magenta casts are very 
stubborn, the only way to effectively fight them is to go to the red 
channel curve, add some inflection points and flatten the curve in some 
portions. Very nasty, and to relate it to other thread, I get a very 
unpleasant one on film that ran through airport X-ray.


Re: K-mount again (was Re: More info on Tamron's new AF 28-75 f/2.8 Di

2003-06-13 Thread Alan Chan
Afaik, FA-J means FA-Junior. It's quite strange to name your best lenses
Junior - that's why I really think that FA-J lenses will only be entry
level. ;)
There is still hope...
Was it FA-Joke or FA-Junk? If you are correct, I expect the good one will be 
labelled FA-S (S for senior).  :-)

Alan Chan
MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: Tripod question

2003-06-13 Thread Ramesh Kumar
Moastly, I do outdoor nature photography.
My biggest lens is Tamrom 300mm /2.8. 
At present I use slik 700dxpro with pan-tilt.
Theoritically, moving sems to be easier in case of
ball head. I may stick to SLIK tripods. Max I could
spend on ballhead is 150usd.

Can I mix the brands? (say slik legs  some xyz ball


--- Christian Skofteland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - Original Message -
 From: Ramesh Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I am planning replace my existing tripd with
  fibre tripod, so was thinking about the ball
  I have few doubts about them.
  Are there any advantages in using ballhead instead
  pan-tilt style ones?
  Which is more stable?
 It's really a matter of preference.  I use a
 ballhead becasue it is quicker
 for me to use in the field.  Many people prefer the
 pan-tilt because it
 gives them the opportunity to change one axis at a
 Which is more stable?  It's a case of size (and
 build-quality) matters.  I
 use a giant Graf StudioBall which is rock solid for
 my lenses (300/4 is my
 largest lens).  Some ballheads are very cheap and
 flimsy as are some
 pan/tilt heads.
 It's really up to your type of photography

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RE: My Website

2003-06-13 Thread Bill Sawyer
Thank you, Dave.  I have a pretty wide assortment of Pentax lenses, from the
excellent, but under-used 24 f2 to my longest, a 600 f5.6. Most used for
wildlife is a 300 F* f4.5. For BW, I like my 35mm f2, or 75-150 f4 (M).
It's really a thrill to (finally) put things up for people to see, scary,
too. I'm starting to put things on, too.

Again, thanks for taking the time...

-Original Message-
Sent:   June 13, 2003 2:55 AM
Subject:Re: My Website

 Well, it's not  In fact, 
it's just
MSN.Groups, but I have
 some of my photos up on a website.  Finally.

 Your thoughts, insights, critiques welcome.


 Bill Sawyer
Great work Bill. I really like the BW folder.
In a related question to Herb's,what equipment,lens(es) do you use. Don't
tell me its a
i'd need a 2000 for the 6x7,OuchvbgMy arms.


Show Pics

2003-06-13 Thread tom
Here's a session with one of the models:

Yeah, sorry, it's a guy.The first session I did was with a girl, but
it didn't come out as well:

I think I'll call her and see if she wants to have another go.

Here are the show pics:

There are few fun shots in there, but mostly it's a lot of the same
thing. I did a little bit of exposure correction, but probably could
have done some more. Oh well, that's already 20 hours for free, I
think that's enough...


Re: Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Doug Franklin
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 14:06:52 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Eriksson wrote:
  Is anyone using stack caps for their filters.

 If you're in a hurry, unscrewing the filter you want from the 
 middle of its size-section then unscrewing the step-up ring
 you need is a bother.

Yep.  I tried it and was bothered too much.  Now I just use a little
filter wallet that fits perfectly in one of the vertical pockets on the
front of a Domke F2 case.


RE: Show Pics

2003-06-13 Thread David Chang-Sang
If you don't Tom.. 

I WILL  ;-)


 -Original Message-
 From: tom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 7:50 PM
 To: pdml
 Subject: Show Pics
 I think I'll call her and see if she wants to have another go.

Re: My Baby's Home and a Lens Question

2003-06-13 Thread T Rittenhouse
No, I wasn't thinking that, I was thinking in terms of,  used camera, who
knows what has be done to it.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: My Baby's Home and a Lens Question

 OR, some idiot accually thinking they needed lubing and spraying
 in there.

 U don't mean Frank, do u?  :-)

Re: Filter storage

2003-06-13 Thread Kenneth Waller
Try a wide rubber band in place of a filter wrench..

Kenneth Waller

- Original Message -
From: Herb Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: Filter storage

snip, snip

 it would not hurt to have something permanently in your bag to grip and
turn the stacked filters. they sometimes are hard to take apart. if you want
to get fancy, you can get a filter wrench.


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