Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread keller.schaefer

I feel it would be appropriate if you changed your sig to some short, brilliant,
funny or weird thought, quote or whatever, as others do it. The way it is now,
it is a list of very, very offensive statements - and I think that you are
aware of that. In this sense it is not 'just your sig' but rather provocative
and impolite.
I don't think that a pissing contest can help here, but hopefully reason can. Do
you really *need* this signature line?

Best Regards,


Zitat von Collin R Brendemuehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At 20:57 2004.03.22 -0500, you wrote:
> >Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 01:08:35 +
> >From: Steve Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion
> >Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> >Lasse: Agreed, Collin's political stance appears to be a little
> >right-wing, even by American standards, but if you don't like his posts
> >you can always instruct your client to filter them out. :-)
> >
> >S
> And that was just my sig.
> Not even a discussion point.
> Collin

Re: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Sure ... nothing wrong with that, either.  
mapson wrote:
> >just my half thimble-full ...
> >
> >shel
> I feel what Tanya is going through. I would hate to leave the *istD at home
> knowing I have it.
> BUT maybe it is possible to have 2 bodies. One for digital and a film one.
> Digital for those that want it. And Film to back you up and have this
> security blanket (just in case).
> You will have digi for speed and film for quality. Beest from both worlds! ;-)
> (*)o(*) 
> Robert

Re: Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread dagt
> Fra: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam Hussein, et al.

Saddam Hussein a Marxist?  Wow, you really know a lot about political ideologies.

Everybody else: Sorry!


Re: Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Raimo K
Lasse will get his medication right quite soon.
All the best!
Raimo K


> Lasse & Collin:
> Surely your dispute could be taken off-list?
> Thanks.

Re: PAW3 - ice cream cone

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Great family snap, BOb.  I love looking at friends' family
pics. ;-))  Who cares that much about color or focus
(certainly not Frank!) when you've got great memories.


> Seeing Boris's daughter and the other kids in the PAW made me miss my youngest who 
> is away at her freshman year of college.  I keep passing this picture of her posted 
> on my refrigerator.  We dug it out last year when she needed a shot of her as a 
> young child.  It didn't make the final cut, but I liked it for the personality and 
> attitude she shows.
> Now I wish that the picture was better, and that I had her in focus instead of the 
> ice cream cone, but...
> Like any 18/19 year old girl, my daughter is very conscious of her grooming.  She 
> was mortified to see the dirty hands she was eating with as a 4 1/2 year old.
> It reminded me of that day and how she was a fiesty little girl with two older 
> brothers.  She was playing in the sand box when we all went for ice cream.  She 
> didn't want to have her hands washed, or even cleaned up with a wet-wipe.  So she 
> went as is...
> To those of you with young children, enjoy them, take lots of photos, and keep even 
> the not so good ones.  They will make you smile later.
> Regards,  Bob S.

RE: Fill flash in low light - balanc

2004-03-23 Thread Morgan Cooper
> -Original Message-
> From: M D Giess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I have a question regarding flash I'd like to ask.  I am taking photos of 
>band in quite a small, dark venue and I usually just use a fast lens with 
>speed film without flash.  I'm after a bit more quality (i.e. smaller 
>and slower film) and would like to experiment a bit, but unfortunately I 
>to print a few photos for band members so I can't mess up too badly!
>I have got an MZ-3 with a 400FTZ flash and when I use flash in normal
>situations I simply shoot in aperture priority and let the camera work out 
>shutter and TTL flash, and if I only want a bit of fill flash I take 1 to 
>stops off using the Exposure Compensation dial which doubles as the flash
>compensation dial.

I think there's something you're might be missing here...

I shot a band for the second time under very similar circumstances two weeks 
ago.  It was my first attempt at using a flash at all, and so I found and 
read everything I could about it (which BTW is not a lot).

I think you should really look at and try to figure out the Guide Numbers 
for your flash.  I'm trying to infer information from your post, but it 
sounds like you want a very high level of detail on the film.  I think you 
want a.) everything in focus -and- b.) everything well lit.  If you were 
outside in bright sunlight, this would be no problem.  Just close the 
aperture down for a big depth-of-field, and you can use all that available 
light to create a great high-detail negative.

Unfortunately, those are not the circumstances you are working with.

It took me a while to wrap my brain around how the "throw distance" of my 
flash works.  Basically, as the aperture opens up, you can use your flash to 
expose a greater distance of space.  As your aperture closes down, the total 
distance that you can effectively expose with the flash will decrease.

So basically, you could use a relatively fast shutter speed and a small 
aperture (which would produce big depth of field in normal lighting), but 
you would get a very short "throw distance" from your flash.  Thus, your 
fast shutter, small aperture combination would result in a black background 
because the aperture wasn't open enough for the flash light.

Likewise, you could open the aperture up and get small depth of field, but 
everything illuminated.

I'd be willing to bet there's a way to get what you want, but I'm not sure 
without knowing a.) the distances between you, the subject, and the 
background -and- b.) the length of your lens.

Hope I could help and not exacerbate the problem...


MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page – FREE 

Re: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread mapson

Just my $0.02 (whats that in Aus?, about $0.03?)
todays exchange US --> OZ

USD United States Dollars 1.32776   0.753147

so US 2c = OZ 2.65c



Moving to PZ-1p

2004-03-23 Thread Clive evans
Interestingly I have just been going through the same thought process.
for me to it has also  been whether to  stay with Pentax or go Nikon [for
some reason Canon stuff is not for medon't know why?]
Diiferent reasoning however,I don't think I want to [or can afford] to
replace my entire lens requirement
however is for TTL off camera fill flash with AF and motor wind so I can
work one handed in markets etc. [i shoot mainly travel stock]
In thinking Nikon, however, I had discounted F4 and F5 as being too damn
big a, the F100 however looks just rightand
it's certainly used by a lot of pros in my field [no not everyone has gone
the d word!]
The issue was easily decided for me [isn't that often the case?] by scoring
a PZ-1P with 28-105 powerzoom for GBP 170 on Ebay [something of a deal I
think] so the upshot is that is should work along well alongside my two 
LXen  whilst I dip my toe into this new [to me]technology [not sure if this
zoom will do the trick, is there a 20-35?]
Of course it will also work with my k and m lenses of which I have ten from
17-300 so big bonus!
So far the ony autofocus I have used is mt Ricoh GR-1s compact and Nikon
This of course means that I am in the market for a AF360 flash and off
camera cords if any one has for sale?

Re: Da 14 filter size

2004-03-23 Thread Herb Chong
i believe it says 77mm.
- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Hodgson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 10:01 PM
Subject: Da 14 filter size

> What was the filter size on the new DA 14?  I lost the link to the info.

OT: UseFilm

2004-03-23 Thread Boris Liberman

I've been trying to log in to UseFilm ( and for 
several days in a row something is quite wrong. It looks almost as if 
they've sustained a major failure and are trying to recover.




Re: PAWs Weeks 1-3

2004-03-23 Thread Eactivist
Okay, here are my first three PAWS (I may go up to week 12 like ERN, or just 
week 5).

I haven't scanned for about two months and when I went to scan I found I had 
lost all my software settings. So everything scanned in blue and dark. I have 
made some adjustments, but still not quite there yet, so bear with.

Earlier this month shel and I met for the first time. We went to San 
Francisco to took photographs and attend later that evening a show by my former 
photography teacher (exhibiting along with two artists). I used shel as my front man 
as I tried my hand at "street photography." I figured I might lose some 
self-consciousness shooting with someone else. I did somewhat, but I still only 
shot a few people and only one turned out half way decent.

Later we were turned away at the door of the photography show, supposedly 
because I hadn't RSVPed. Although I had the invitation (addressed to me) with me, 
knew my teacher (of course), and we were both carrying camera bags. 
Evidentially last year a show in that building (ritzy office building with big gold 
door and security guard) was crashed by homeless looking for free food. We 
promised not to eat or drink, but...

obviously it was a bad decision to choose to wear jeans that night. ;-)

So shel and I retreated to comfortable and jean-friendly Berkeley for some 
great Thai food.

Week #1 is dedicated to shel because he suggested that shot (and knew of a 
great Thai restaurant).

Week #2 just struck my fancy.

Week #3 is dedicated to frank, because I was trying to be like him 
(unsuccessfully -- shot in color and later grayscaled).

I don't think any of them are fantastic or my best work or anything, but I 
still welcome any and all reactions/comments.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

Re: Moving to PZ-1p - flash considerations

2004-03-23 Thread John Forbes
I am not sure the AF360FGZ is the best flash for the Z1-P.

The AF400FTZ and AF240FT were both designed to work with the Z1-P (or 
vice-versa), and are much cheaper to buy and to connect.  The 400 is 
roughly the same power as the 360, and will also swivel (if that's 

The 360 offers wireless mode, but it won't work (I think) on the Z1-P, and 
there is no 5p socket, so you would need an extra adapter for the cord.  
The other two flashes both have 5p sockets.

The Z1-P offers flash compensation, so this feature of the 360 is 

The 360 does have a slave trigger, but an external one would cost little 
if you needed one.  I bought a couple recently from Hong Kong.  Cheap, 
good, and came quickly.  Obviously, with any sort of slave you lose TTL.

I don't think contrast control will work on the Z1-P, so many of the extra 
features of the AF360 are either not-workable or not needed, and 
connections are more expensive.

The 400 is quite big.  If you're out and about and just need fill, the 240 
could be just the ticket.  There have been a few on Ebay recently for 
about £20.


On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 04:23:36 -0500, Clive evans 

Interestingly I have just been going through the same thought process.
for me to it has also  been whether to  stay with Pentax or go Nikon [for
some reason Canon stuff is not for medon't know why?]
Diiferent reasoning however,I don't think I want to [or can afford] to
replace my entire lens requirement
however is for TTL off camera fill flash with AF and motor wind so I can
work one handed in markets etc. [i shoot mainly travel stock]
In thinking Nikon, however, I had discounted F4 and F5 as being too damn
big a, the F100 however looks just rightand
it's certainly used by a lot of pros in my field [no not everyone has 
the d word!]
The issue was easily decided for me [isn't that often the case?] by 
a PZ-1P with 28-105 powerzoom for GBP 170 on Ebay [something of a deal I
think] so the upshot is that is should work along well alongside my two
LXen  whilst I dip my toe into this new [to me]technology [not sure if 
zoom will do the trick, is there a 20-35?]
Of course it will also work with my k and m lenses of which I have ten 
17-300 so big bonus!
So far the ony autofocus I have used is mt Ricoh GR-1s compact and Nikon
This of course means that I am in the market for a AF360 flash and off
camera cords if any one has for sale?

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: May PUG

2004-03-23 Thread Jostein
You can find all the agreed themes by using the drop-down list for selecting
gallery in the AutoPug submission form:


Quoting P Kong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> What is the May PUG category?
> Thanks.
> Pat in SF

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Keith Whaley
Thank you, Boris...

We needed a Sargent-at-Arms, before the name calling degenerates into a 
free-for-all, like the Korean or Japanese [what legislative body, 
council, assembly, ?] jumping over desks to get at each other...

Time for cooler heads, gents.


Boris Liberman wrote:


LK> No, I won't, you arrogant little piece of shit!
LK> Not as long as you keep trolling, littering this list and
LK> pissing in decent list member's faces with your moronic American
LK> right wing preachings.

Keep an eye on the Left.
They complain any time we go after any group that hates America.
They were ambivalent about going after Al Queda & going into Afghanistan.
They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam

Collin, Lasse, as a starter of the original thread, I hereby ask you
to come to order.
There is no sense in mutual insults. There is even less sense in
mutual insults in public.
Please, be civilized...

Hope you understand.


RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread M D Giess
Hi all

First off, many thanks to those who offered advice.  Apologies if this reply 
is misplaced, I am subscribed to the digest and it sometimes gets a bit 
confusing as to who replying and whee I should be replying to.

I have one quick question to Tom, who kindly went through quite a bit 
regarding flash:
>> I understand that I can manually set the 
>> camera 2 stops underexposed and set the flash exposure to 2 
>> stops over, 

>Well, you could do that, but your shots would have 2 stops too much flash.

I'm confused as to why I'd be exposing incorrectly on this - if I deliberately 
ask the camera to underexpose ambient by two stops,  and after that simply ask 
the flash to take this setting and add two stops to it (at least that's my 
assumption of what +2 flash comp would do), wouldn't that therefore be the 
correct exposure?  The only way I can see this not being the case is if the 
flash TTL exposure takes absolutely no notice of the camera exposure settings, 
and simply works out what it thinks is best, in which case my two stops flash 
compensation would indeed be two stops overexposure.  If anyone can fill me in 
on this (pun not intended) I'd really be very grateful.

I think, on the balance of it, I may just have to go with ambient light as 
it's patently obvious I don't really understand how flash works, and I'd 
rather have slightly soft, grainy pictures (ISO 3200 film) than shots of 
drummers looking like startled bunnies in car headlights.

After having seen how Frank's shots came out, I'd be more than happy with 
anything looking like those (
folder_id=383331 for those who haven't got the link from the previous 
message).  Unfortunately I have a student lighting engineer who seems to enjoy 
using rear lighting a bit too much for my liking, so there are few (if any) 
kickers lighting the face.  That would be one area where I might just have a 
crack with some standard fill flash - in which case I'll just turn on the 
flash with no compensation and leave it entirely to it's own devices.

Someone suggested a Pz-1 and 500FTZ combo, well I can borrow a Pz-1 but I'm 
stuck with the 400FTZ unfortunately - limited funds mean everything is bought 
used as and where it turns up.  Is it reasonable to suggest that Pentax have 
made this balancing ambient and flash thing unnecessarily difficult to do with 
the MZ series (to recap, I have an MZ-3 and 400FTZ)?

By the way, what's PUG and PAW?

Thanks for all your comments, the battle of the bands is tonight and I've just 
realised I'm down to 2 fast films.  I'll let you know how I get on, and will 
try to get the photos up somewhere.



Re: OT: OT

2004-03-23 Thread Keith Whaley
Hi Tom,

When a topic degenerates into a two or three person shouting match, 
that's when I really appreciate my Netscape 7.1. I can activate my Kill 
Thread icon, and that stops all future posts with that same Subject line.

keith whaley

frank theriault wrote:


It is not!


From: graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: OT
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:23:49 -0500
Not only is it off topic it is the bigest waste of bandwidth on the 
internet. When I had a usenet server of my own I once went in and 
counted. There were about 10x as many complaints about off topic posts 
as there were off topic posts. In fact complaints about off topic used 
about 1/2 the disk space that posts filled. Of course that 
was a long while back, and many have given up complaining over the 
years so it may only be 1/4 (wild guess) of the posts on usenet these 
days. Luckily we do not have it that bad here. Long threads indicate 
that they are interesting to a lot of folks until they deteriate into 
two guys saying, "Is so", "Is not".

RE: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Dave, TV - what is "shutter drag" technique?  Sounds interesting...


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 6:09 PM
Subject: Re:{3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

Would using the Vivitar 285HV in 1/4 or 1/16 power mode(but use the 280T in
the house for
TTL flash
with shutter drag taught to me by Mr.TVV) be better for lighting up a
shadowy face.
Keeping in my mind that i will use Hyper Manual mode for these types of
Again PZ-1 and FA 28-105 PZ lens.

RE: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Thanks Matt and Rob - yep, I had thought about ND filters, and believe that
I may have to add some to my list of purchases in preparation for this

Rob - I will most definitely be doing some practice shoots prior to going
out with this one.  I also have another 4 weddings prior to this fashion
shoot, so will experiment a little with those too.  I really need to do some
more shots of my own kids though, so I may use them for a "dummy" run and
try out the diffusion panels and reflectors etc with them...

Many thanks once again,

-Original Message-
From: Rob Brigham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 10:57 PM
Subject: RE: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

> -Original Message-
> From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> One question though - I am going to have to work with my lens
> stopped down due to the excess light.  Probably in the realm
> of f16.  This totally sucks for portraiture as it increases
> depth of field.  Any suggestions how to fix this?

If you put one (or more like a couple) of Neutral Density filters on the
front then this will cut the light entering the lens and let you open up
the aperture again.  This one is pretty simple to fix really.  Also, if
you are not using flash then you can go much faster shutter speeds which
will allow you to open up too.  As you say, extra focal length can help
too, but if you get the ND's then you wont be hamstrung by having to
position yourself so far away all the time.

> Actually, one more question.  Someone touched on this earlier
> today (sorry guys can't remember who), but didn't really
> ask it exactly as I need to know for myself.  So my question
> is this - how do the exposure compensation buttons on the
> AF360fgz and the *istD differ?  Do they do the same thing or
> do they control different things?  I am confused by how this
> works.  Does exposure compensation reduce the flash output
> (if I have it set on -1.0 for eg), or does it simply increase
> the f-stop/shutter speed to prevent the extra light from
> hitting the sensor?

The way I read it, in any kind of program mode, then the exp comp on the
body adjusts the shutter/aperture combo, whereas the exp comp on the 360
will just adjust the flash output.  IF you are in manual with the 360 on
then I guess both have a cumulative effect on the flash output.

> tan. (who had a pretty good shoot yesterday and has restored
> her confidence
> somewhat)

Glad to see you happier and more confident again.  Are you gonna get
much chance to practice prior to the shoot?  There is so much new stuff
going on here that I would try and do a complete dry run as often as
possible before turning up.

Good luck!

RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread M D Giess
Hi Morgan, many thanks for reply.

> I think there's something you're might be missing here...
> I shot a band for the second time under very similar circumstances two weeks
> ago.  It was my first attempt at using a flash at all, and so I found and 
> read everything I could about it (which BTW is not a lot).
> I think you should really look at and try to figure out the Guide Numbers 
> for your flash.  I'm trying to infer information from your post, but it 
> sounds like you want a very high level of detail on the film.  I think you 
> want a.) everything in focus -and- b.) everything well lit.  If you were 
> outside in bright sunlight, this would be no problem.  Just close the 
> aperture down for a big depth-of-field, and you can use all that available 
> light to create a great high-detail negative.
> Unfortunately, those are not the circumstances you are working with.
> It took me a while to wrap my brain around how the "throw distance" of my 
> flash works.  Basically, as the aperture opens up, you can use your flash to
> expose a greater distance of space.  As your aperture closes down, the total
> distance that you can effectively expose with the flash will decrease.
> So basically, you could use a relatively fast shutter speed and a small 
> aperture (which would produce big depth of field in normal lighting), but 
> you would get a very short "throw distance" from your flash.  Thus, your 
> fast shutter, small aperture combination would result in a black background 
> because the aperture wasn't open enough for the flash light.
> Likewise, you could open the aperture up and get small depth of field, but 
> everything illuminated.
> I'd be willing to bet there's a way to get what you want, but I'm not sure 
> without knowing a.) the distances between you, the subject, and the 
> background -and- b.) the length of your lens.
> Hope I could help and not exacerbate the problem...
> -m

You're partially right in deciphering my question, having reread what I have 
written I didn't perhaps phrase it as well as I could, so I'll try again now.

I really want to do away with flash, and shoot as I would in daylight.  I can 
do this with certain compromises, as in fast film, slow shutter and wide 
aperture.  However, I'd like to improve pretty much all of these but only by 
very slight amounts.  The real problem is shutter speed, as I am getting 
blurred hands etc., and the lighting really is not that great so I am stuck 
with it.  What I want to be able to do is to get as close to being able to 
REQUIRED FOR THE CORRECT EXPOSURE (apologies for caps, I don't know how to 
italicise in this email package!).  All I want the flash to do is to bring the 
exposure up to what it should be, thereby using the absolute bare minimum 
amount of flash for my needs.  I have use full auto flash before and it just 
flooded everything - the flash has a guide of 40, it's quite powerful and the 
stage isn't that big.  I also much prefer the effect of stage lighting, and 
would like to keep some idea of this in the photo.

I hope this clarifies, thanks again for your commnets


p.s. If I reply in this way, does it fit into the thread structure of PDML 

RE: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread brooksdj
You may want to look at the F90X. I bought on last year as a back up AF body for my
D1,just incase it 
went down, i could still shoot film at my horse shows and salvage some sales.
Its a nice camera,AF is fast and the body feels very rugged.
I found a site on the web that had a comparison of the 90X and F4(which i was going to
buy)but the 
features of the 90X looked a lot better than the F4,so i bought it.

Payed around $850 Canadian with battery grip which enables verticasl shooting.   

PS i'll see if i can find the site in my bookmarks

> -Original Message-
Original Message -
> >> AF> From: "Patrick Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
>  Hello all.
>  I've decided that within the next year (specifically,
> >> before September
>  2005) I would like to move up to AF.  This is mainly
> >> because I will be
>  in Australia doing some shoots at the World Solar
> >> Challenge, where MF
>  didn't quite cut it last time I was out.  I'd also like to
> >> move into
>  more sports, where AF would be a huge advantage.
>  My dilemma is this:
>  - should I stay with Pentax, or go with Nikon (I'm leaning
> >> towards a
>  used F4)
>  - If I stay with Pentax, should I go with PZ1P or MZ-S?
> >> AF> (snip)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >

RE: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread brooksdj
Tom V suggested this when i shot my friends wedding last year.
Set the shutter for less than the X sync speed(in this case SP was 125 so i shot in 
and 30th)It 
allows for more ambient light in the picture and you lessen the black 
Worked very well.Only one missed TTL shot during the whole shoot.Mind you this was 
in a hall.

Its just this damn outdoor fill flash thing that i just cannot get my head wrapped 

To me shooting out doors in sun and having a flash go off would make it over exposed. I
have read the 
manuals for the cameras and flash,but to me they are vauge


> Dave, TV - what is "shutter drag" technique?  
Sounds interesting...
> tan.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 6:09 PM
> Subject: Re:{3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash
> O.
> Would using the Vivitar 285HV in 1/4 or 1/16 power mode(but use the 280T in
> the house for
> TTL flash
> with shutter drag taught to me by Mr.TVV) be better for lighting up a
> shadowy face.
> Keeping in my mind that i will use Hyper Manual mode for these types of
> shots.
> Again PZ-1 and FA 28-105 PZ lens.
> Dave

Re: Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread dagt
> Fra: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> DagT:
> Yes, he is a Marxist.  An avid follower of Hitler & Stalin.

Interisting view.  In our part of the world Hitler is put on the extreme right, even 
though he used the term socialist in the name of his national socialist party.  He was 
never a Marxist, he even killed a lot of marxists, and for your information: there are 
lots of differenses between socialists and marxists.

Stalin is more difficult, you may say that Stalin misused an ideology to make a 
totalitarian system, but there are people on this list who knows a lot more about that.

To me is seems that you have the rather simplistic solution to put anything you dont 
like on the other side of the scale, but this is too OT for this list.  So I stop here.


RE: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Oooh, you mean slow sync flash!  I use it alot, and yep, it does work
great - I also find it great because it allows me to hand hold right down to
1/8 if needed due to the flash "freezing" the movement.   BUT I am enjoying
reading along this thread as I too have the same perplexing problems as you
are raising Dave!


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 6:26 PM
Subject: RE: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

Tom V suggested this when i shot my friends wedding last year.
Set the shutter for less than the X sync speed(in this case SP was 125 so i
shot in 60th
and 30th)It
allows for more ambient light in the picture and you lessen the black
Worked very well.Only one missed TTL shot during the whole shoot.Mind you
this was indoors
in a hall.

Its just this damn outdoor fill flash thing that i just cannot get my head
wrapped around.

To me shooting out doors in sun and having a flash go off would make it over
exposed. I
have read the
manuals for the cameras and flash,but to me they are vauge


> Dave, TV - what is "shutter drag" technique?
Sounds interesting...
> tan.
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 6:09 PM
> Subject: Re:{3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash
> O.
> Would using the Vivitar 285HV in 1/4 or 1/16 power mode(but use the 280T
> the house for
> TTL flash
> with shutter drag taught to me by Mr.TVV) be better for lighting up a
> shadowy face.
> Keeping in my mind that i will use Hyper Manual mode for these types of
> shots.
> Again PZ-1 and FA 28-105 PZ lens.
> Dave

Re[2]: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread "Mike Ignatiev"
From: "Rob Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > 
> > One question though - I am going to have to work with my lens 
> > stopped down due to the excess light.  Probably in the realm 
> > of f16.  This totally sucks for portraiture as it increases 
> > depth of field.  Any suggestions how to fix this?
> If you put one (or more like a couple) of Neutral Density filters on the
> front then this will cut the light entering the lens and let you open up
> the aperture again.  This one is pretty simple to fix really.  

won't that screw up the AF?


RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread tom
> -Original Message-
> From: M D Giess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I have one quick question to Tom, who kindly went through 
> quite a bit regarding flash:
> >> I understand that I can manually set the camera 2 stops 
> underexposed 
> >> and set the flash exposure to 2 stops over,
> >Well, you could do that, but your shots would have 2 stops 
> too much flash.
> I'm confused as to why I'd be exposing incorrectly on this - 
> if I deliberately ask the camera to underexpose ambient by 
> two stops,  and after that simply ask the flash to take this 
> setting and add two stops to it (at least that's my 
> assumption of what +2 flash comp would do), wouldn't that 
> therefore be the correct exposure?  The only way I can see 
> this not being the case is if the flash TTL exposure takes 
> absolutely no notice of the camera exposure settings, and 
> simply works out what it thinks is best, in which case my two 
> stops flash compensation would indeed be two stops 
> overexposure.  

The compensation dial always measures compensation from the meter. In other
words, the compensation isn't measured in relation to your settings, it's
set in relation to what the camera sees through the lens.

Basically, shifting to manual mode shifts the compensation calculation from
the ambient meter to the ttl flash meter.

> I think, on the balance of it, I may just have to go with 
> ambient light as it's patently obvious I don't really 
> understand how flash works, and I'd rather have slightly 
> soft, grainy pictures (ISO 3200 film) than shots of drummers 
> looking like startled bunnies in car headlights.

I think that's probably the way to go, but it couldn't hurt to experiment
with flash a bit. Blow a roll or 2 in experimentation just to get a feel for
how it works.


Re[3]: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread "Mike Ignatiev"
was this a discussion from a different list?

speaking of the subj, apparently, the "shallow DOF" term  
doesn't apply only to lenses. 


> > Fra: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > DagT:
> > Yes, he is a Marxist.  An avid follower of Hitler & Stalin.

Re: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Steve Larson
 If fast AF is what you need, the Nikon F100 is faster than the F4 or F5.

Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

- Original Message - 
From: "Patrick Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 6:15 PM
Subject: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon? 

> Hello all.
> I've decided that within the next year (specifically, before September 
> 2005) I would like to move up to AF.  This is mainly because I will be 
> in Australia doing some shoots at the World Solar Challenge, where MF 
> didn't quite cut it last time I was out.  I'd also like to move into 
> more sports, where AF would be a huge advantage.
> My dilemma is this:
> - should I stay with Pentax, or go with Nikon (I'm leaning towards a 
> used F4)
> - If I stay with Pentax, should I go with PZ1P or MZ-S?
> I've read various reports here on the list of Pentax slowly pulling 
> faster pro grade lenses.  This has me concerned, as I will need those 
> lenses later (e.g., 85/1.4 to replace my current MF 85/1.4, 24/2 to 
> replace 24/2.8 I am using now, etc.).
> The PZ1P and F4 go for comparable prices (albeit not comparable 
> condition) on KEH, which I have been using as a quasi-benchmark for my 
> price checks.  No matter where I go, I will end up buying new lenses in 
> AF to replace my current MF lineup.
>  From my research and contemplating the subject, here's what I've come 
> up with:
> Pentax:
> Pro:
> I can use my old MF lenses for now
> Currently lenses are available, and used market is so-so for finding 
> the fast lenses I'll need later
> I am very familiar with the system, and the quality of the lenses; I 
> will not have to change much in terms of darkroom work to compensate 
> for a new lens "type"
> If I find a good deal on an AF lens *NOW*, I can buy it and still use 
> it on my Super Program
> Has 3 of the 4 lenses I desire: 35/2.0, 24/2.0, 85/1.4
> Con:
> Pentax seems to be pulling out, and making pro grade stuff less 
> available
> ZERO rental support; if I need a particular lens in AF, I can't get 
> it anywhere else, to my knowledge in Toronto, Canada
> Pentax lacks a good mid-range telephoto (e.g., 135/2.0), although 
> they do offer the 135/2.8 which is FA, not FA*
> Nikon:
> Pro:
> F4 is a proven workhorse
> Cost is comparable to PZ1P @ ~$500 for used body
> TONNES of rental support
> Has the key lenses I want: 35/2.0, 135/2.0, 24/2.0, 85/1.4
> Con:
> I'll end up starting from scratch in terms of lens lineup
> Looking at side by side prints by myself and a friends F90X a few 
> years ago, the Nikon had more contrast; this means more fiddling in the 
> darkroom to get my procedure's down to the way I want them again.
> My renting is a minor issue at the moment.  No matter who I go with, my 
> first lens will undoubtedly be either the 35/2.0 from Pentax, or the 
> 35/2.0 D from Nikon, and from there work up to a mid-telephoto, wider 
> zoom, then telephoto.  However for sports and the like, I'll need 
> longer and faster lenses, and this is a problem area for Pentax, only 
> in terms of availability.
> Build quality is a VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE.  I'll be dealing with harsh 
> environments: lots of bumping around, lots of jostling; extreme 
> temperatures (-20 when I shoot at home up to 45+ when I shoot in the 
> summer); lots of moisture (think dance clubs with 1000+ people all 
> crammed into a tiny room, and everyone is sweating).  When I came back 
> from the outback last time, I had sand in my socks, which were *in my 
> bag*, so I don't want to risk sand or moisture getting into the bodies. 
>   Lens build is also important.  While I've been extremely happy with my 
> all metal K-mount MF lenses, the newer Pentax lenses look pretty 
> plasticy to me; I'm not sure how they'll hold up.
> I'd like to here comments from anybody out there who has used PZ1P, 
> MZ-S or F4.  I love my Pentax system as it is, and have built up quite 
> a collection of gear (a bunch of lenses, a bellows [ easily one of my 
> favorite toys; I love Macro work ], motor drives, etc.) and it has 
> treated me well.  However for AF everything changes, mainly in terms of 
> availability (Pentax has a small market share) and build quality 
> (everything these days seems to be made of plastic).
> Cheers,
> Patrick

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread William Robb
I see that Kirkland Ramsey is back, manifesting himself as a
Scandinavian twit.

Lasse, if you want to continue this to the childlike extreme that you
seem capable of, may I suggest you enter into an offensive sig file
battle, instead of just spewing your own brand of puss

Here, I even did some homework for you.


William Robb

Re: UseFilm

2004-03-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Boris Liberman"
Subject: OT: UseFilm

> Hi!
> I've been trying to log in to UseFilm ( and for
> several days in a row something is quite wrong. It looks almost as
> they've sustained a major failure and are trying to recover.

" Dear Usefilmers,

We are updating the site. All donors still have their accounts and
they should be active tomorrow. No data has been lost, and more
features are on the way. Thank you for being patient. "

RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread M D Giess
Tom, many thnaks for your reply.

My apologies for labouring the point slightly, but I've another question 
regarding the use of flash.

> The compensation dial always measures compensation from the meter. In other
> words, the compensation isn't measured in relation to your settings, it's
> set in relation to what the camera sees through the lens.
> Basically, shifting to manual mode shifts the compensation calculation from
> the ambient meter to the ttl flash meter.
> > 
If this is the case, then if I manually set the camera to underexpose by two 
stops and just turn the external flash on with no compensation, would this 
balance the ambient and flash light correctly?  In other words, the ttl flash 
side of things would just use the camera meter and decide, for itself, how 
much flash to use for correct exposure, and the fact I'm underexposing would 
just cause the background to be slightly underexposed and the areas reached by 
the flash would be fine?

I'm a bit unsure of what is meant re. shifting to manual (the second paragraph 
I've quoted), does this mean I can only ever use flash compensation in 
manual?  I was under the impression that, even in aperture priority, when 
flash was used the dual purpose exposure dial became flash compensation (and 
actual exposure compensatio is no longer possible).  Just to clarify, I take 
it now from your comments that I can only use flash compensation in manual 
mode, is this correct?

Sorry to lumber you with so many questions, I hope I'm slowly iterating 
towards actually figuring out what the hell is going on with flash


Re: Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl
>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 14:27:31 +0100 
>> Fra: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> DagT: 
>> Yes, he is a Marxist.  An avid follower of Hitler & Stalin. 
>Interisting view.  In our part of the world Hitler is put on the >extreme right, even 
>though he used the term socialist in the name of >his national socialist party.  He 
>was never a Marxist, he even killed
> a lot of marxists, and for your information: there are lots of >differenses between 
> socialists and marxists. 
>Stalin is more difficult, you may say that Stalin misused an ideology >to make a 
>totalitarian system, but there are people on this list who >knows a lot more about 
>To me is seems that you have the rather simplistic solution to put >anything you dont 
>like on the other side of the scale, but this is too >OT for this list.  So I stop 

That S.H. was a follower of Hitler and Stalin is a fact.  It won't take
much research for you to find that information.

It is an unfortunate western idealism that makes Marxism into some warm-fuzzy system 
to meet all needs and make everyone equal.  Or roughly so.
But Marx called for violent revolution and a totalitarian state.
That what Stalin, Lenin, and Mao established.  Hitler created a different form of 
socialism, opposed to the "communism" of the USSR.
He killed Communists as he hated the system established in the USSR.

To say that Hitler was not a Marxist is to not have studied him.
He opposed religion in general, using Christians to oppose Jews
and then secularizing the state, having the later goal of destroying
the church that he (unfortunately) manipulated so well.  He went
so far as to remove SS marriages from being social/church events
to being only civil events.  This redefinition and secularization is
common in all socialist & Marxist system.s

To say that Stalin misused an ideology is only idicative of being too idealistic to 
face the reality of what Marx was asking for -- control.

The association of "far right" (whatever that means) with Nazism is
a thought perpetrated by the Left.  You probably heard it in college.
Most did.  Because the dialectic indoctrination is pervasive.

The simplistic categorization of my statements as merely black & white
(see, we can be on-topic here!) only shows that you've not made
inquiry as to my world view and it's development.  These few statements
are not at all sufficient to lead you to such a conclusion.


Not all Liberals are Leftists. 
But the Left has done an excellent job of mixing up the rhetoric and creating 
confusion on what Liberal 
and Left really mean.  You can see the difference in the behavior.  President Kennedy 
was still 
anti-Communist (not as much as we would have liked yet still he was), 
but count the Marxists that the Clintons supported or put into power. 

-- just me 


Re: Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread ernreed2
I said:
> > Lasse & Collin:
> > Surely your dispute could be taken off-list?
> > Thanks.

Lasse replied:
> No way. This is a list issue, and not a personal dispute.

I disagree, Lasse. Collin has been using that sig line for quite a while. 
Everybody has seen it by now. You're the only one who has chosen to respond by 
attacking him personally. Apparently everyone else who doesn't agree with him 
is content to ignore it. That's usual for sig lines.

A "list issue" response would be something like "I don't think members should 
put political opinions in sig lines. This one offends me, and others may have 
problems with it too."

What you actually did was cuss him out directly and send your personal attack 
to the list. See the difference?

Re: Moving to PZ-1p

2004-03-23 Thread Joe Wilensky
Agreed -- that's my favorite thing about the PZ-1p. Not only can you 
dial in separate flash exposure compensation from the body, but this 
even works with the built-in flash -- perfect for outdoor fill in if 
that's where you find yourself in need of a tiny bit of flash 
illumination to lighten shadows or give a reflection in the eyes. 
While all Pentaxes since the SF1/SFX have had the RTF (except the 
ZX-M, I believe), only the PZ-1p lets you easily dial in flash 
compensation for it and other TTL flashes in all modes (not just in 


On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 04:23:36 -0500, you wrote:

This of course means that I am in the market for a AF360 flash and off
camera cords if any one has for sale?

With the PZ1p I might suggest the AF500FTZ rather than the AF360.
The 500FTZ has swivel, which is nice for bouncing off side walls (or
ceilings when the camera is in vertical orientation), and might be
easier to find second hand.
The PZ1p is really a good camera.  I think you will be pleasantly
surprised, especially with the easy way it allows flash exposure
compensation from the body.
John Mustarde

RE: Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
not trying to offend here,  and I love many of the OT conversations that we
enjoy on list, however, IIRC, one of the most enforced rules is that of "no
religion, no politics and no something else" (can't remember the "something
else" part! lol).  I really don't think that this conversation is doing
anyone any good and it is way past any entertainment value that it may have
once possessed.


-Original Message-
From: Collin Brendemuehl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2004 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: Re: My own DOF confusion

>Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 14:27:31 +0100
>> Fra: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> DagT:
>> Yes, he is a Marxist.  An avid follower of Hitler & Stalin.
>Interisting view.  In our part of the world Hitler is put on the >extreme
right, even though he used the term socialist in the name of >his national
socialist party.  He was never a Marxist, he even killed
> a lot of marxists, and for your information: there are lots of
>differenses between socialists and marxists.
>Stalin is more difficult, you may say that Stalin misused an ideology >to
make a totalitarian system, but there are people on this list who >knows a
lot more about that.
>To me is seems that you have the rather simplistic solution to put
>anything you dont like on the other side of the scale, but this is too >OT
for this list.  So I stop here.

That S.H. was a follower of Hitler and Stalin is a fact.  It won't take
much research for you to find that information.

It is an unfortunate western idealism that makes Marxism into some
warm-fuzzy system to meet all needs and make everyone equal.  Or roughly so.
But Marx called for violent revolution and a totalitarian state.
That what Stalin, Lenin, and Mao established.  Hitler created a different
form of socialism, opposed to the "communism" of the USSR.
He killed Communists as he hated the system established in the USSR.

To say that Hitler was not a Marxist is to not have studied him.
He opposed religion in general, using Christians to oppose Jews
and then secularizing the state, having the later goal of destroying
the church that he (unfortunately) manipulated so well.  He went
so far as to remove SS marriages from being social/church events
to being only civil events.  This redefinition and secularization is
common in all socialist & Marxist system.s

To say that Stalin misused an ideology is only idicative of being too
idealistic to face the reality of what Marx was asking for -- control.

The association of "far right" (whatever that means) with Nazism is
a thought perpetrated by the Left.  You probably heard it in college.
Most did.  Because the dialectic indoctrination is pervasive.

The simplistic categorization of my statements as merely black & white
(see, we can be on-topic here!) only shows that you've not made
inquiry as to my world view and it's development.  These few statements
are not at all sufficient to lead you to such a conclusion.



Not all Liberals are Leftists.
But the Left has done an excellent job of mixing up the rhetoric and
creating confusion on what Liberal
and Left really mean.  You can see the difference in the behavior.
President Kennedy was still
anti-Communist (not as much as we would have liked yet still he was),
but count the Marxists that the Clintons supported or put into power.

-- just me


Re: Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Tanya Mayer Photography"
Subject: RE: Re: My own DOF confusion

> not trying to offend here,  and I love many of the OT conversations
that we
> enjoy on list, however, IIRC, one of the most enforced rules is
that of "no
> religion, no politics and no something else" (can't remember the
> else" part! lol).  I really don't think that this conversation is
> anyone any good and it is way past any entertainment value that it
may have
> once possessed.

It is appropriate though that what has become a political discussion
takes place under the subject of depth of field, which is renowned
for it's shallowness unless carefully controlled.

William Robb

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Lasse Karlsson
I opened a message by Collin.
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: OT: Active image communication

I got this slapped in my face:

"Keep an eye on the Left.
They complain any time we go after any group that hates America.
They were ambivalent about going after Al Queda & going into Afghanistan.
They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam Hussein, et al.
After all, they share a common goal with the former and common world view with the 

I asked him:

"What's this crap doing on the PDML?
You sent it Collin. You explain.

There was no explanation.

I opened another message to take part of a discussion on DOF, and I got this slapped 
in my face by Collin:

"Keep an eye on the Left.
They complain any time we go after any group that hates America.
They were ambivalent about going after Al Queda & going into Afghanistan.
They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam Hussein, et al.
After all, they share a common goal with the former and common world view with the 

In subsequent message Collin suggested:
> You'll get over it.

I responded:
"No, I won't, you arrogant little piece of shit!
Not as long as you keep trolling, littering this list and pissing in decent list 
member's faces with your moronic American right wing preachings."

Now enters William Robb:
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I see that Kirkland Ramsey is back, manifesting himself as a
> Scandinavian twit.
> Lasse, if you want to continue this to the childlike extreme that you
> seem capable of, may I suggest you enter into an offensive sig file
> battle, instead of just spewing your own brand of puss

Who's spewing now?
Being compared to "Kirkland Ramsey", being called a "Scandinavian twit" as well as 
getting my posts characterized as "childlike extreme" and "spewing puss" by you only 
confirms my good case in this matter.
Now you are calling everybody who doesn't want Collin's American political preachings 
on the list to enter a sig. file flame war on U.S. domestic and international politics!
That's not only highly irresponsible, it may also mean a devastating blow to the PDML 
as such.


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread William Robb

- Original Message - 
From: "Lasse Karlsson"
Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion

> Who's spewing now?
> Being compared to "Kirkland Ramsey", being called a "Scandinavian
twit" as well as getting my posts characterized as "childlike
extreme" and "spewing puss" by you only confirms my good case in this
> Now you are calling everybody who doesn't want Collin's American
political preachings on the list to enter a sig. file flame war on
U.S. domestic and international politics!
> That's not only highly irresponsible, it may also mean a
devastating blow to the PDML as such.

Only in your mind, my dear little man, does my reply confirm your
I am just calling it like I see it.
What you are doing by continuing this little diatribe on list may be
far more devastating to the PDML than any sig files may do.

Your best bet is to try to stay on topic, and if you have issue with
an off topic post, or portion thereof, take it up off list with the
person in question.
At the moment, both you and Collin are close to hitting my auto
delete, which is something I don't do lightly.

William Robb

Re: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread Bruce Dayton
Hello Tanya,

#7 - I'm not sure if you are totally understanding the high speed synch
issue.  P-TTL or TTL for that matter don't rely on camera modes
(AV, TV, P, M), they rely on the amount of light coming into the
camera.  So you can set the camera manually if you choose and let the
flash fire away.

Last question - As to the usage between camera and flash (AF360FGZ), set the camera as
if you were NOT using a flash, so if you were shooting manually, set
shutter speed and f stop, or in one of the automatic modes, set either
the shutter speed or f stop.  On the flash, when the lower synch slider is
all the way to the right (HS), you can push the S button and rotate
the dial to set the amount of flash you desire compared to the ambient
light.  So, if you want 1 stop less flash than ambient, set the flash
to -1.  From then on the flash will respond with 1 stop less light
than the ambient reading in the camera.  Basically the flash output is
lowered or raised based on the compensation setting on the flash.



Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 4:36:25 AM, you wrote:

TMP> 7.  Gonna put the wind up CR Kennedy and make sure that I have both my
TMP> AF360fgz AND my FA 28-105mm pz back in time for the shoot. (Spoke to them
TMP> today and
TMP> they said they should be fixed by tomorrow, so I should receive them by
TMP> this coming Monday, all going well!).  I will avoid flash as much as I can,
TMP> but
TMP> if necessary due to shadows and squinting etc, I will try and make use
TMP> of the high speed sync on the AF 360fgz.  BTW, it totally sucks that you can
TMP> only
TMP> use the high speed sync in p-ttl mode.  I would LOVE it to be available
TMP> when shooting manually.

TMP> Actually, one more question.  Someone touched on this earlier today (sorry
TMP> guys can't remember who), but didn't really ask it exactly as I need to
TMP> know for myself.  So my question is this - how do the exposure compensation
TMP> buttons on the AF360fgz and the *istD differ?  Do they do the same thing or
TMP> do they control different things?  I am confused by how this works.  Does
TMP> exposure compensation reduce the flash output (if I have it set on -1.0 for
TMP> eg), or does it simply increase the f-stop/shutter speed to prevent the
TMP> extra light from hitting the sensor?

TMP> tan. (who had a pretty good shoot yesterday and has restored her confidence
TMP> somewhat)

Re: UseFilm

2004-03-23 Thread Boris Liberman

>> I've been trying to log in to UseFilm ( and for
>> several days in a row something is quite wrong. It looks almost as
WR> if
>> they've sustained a major failure and are trying to recover.

WR> " Dear Usefilmers,

WR> We are updating the site. All donors still have their accounts and
WR> they should be active tomorrow. No data has been lost, and more
WR> features are on the way. Thank you for being patient. "

Bill, no pun or offence, but I am reading it as:
Our web site/data base/infrastructure went belly up. On that happy
occasion we decided we might as well upgrade the site. If we manage to
recover our data base/infrastructure/etc, that is.

By the way, few days ago rather different message was displayed...

As I said, I mean no offence to you and to usefilm. I am rather
worried and thought someone else might know more. I remember that one
of usefilm bosses was posting here for some time...

Oh well, time will tell of course...


Re: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread Bruce Dayton

One way to "think" of fill flash is that it is supplemental highlights
much like using a reflector or hair light or something.  It is not the
main light that you would meter for.  So basically, it would help
lighten shadows, put a sparkle in the eyes, etc.  It is not meant to
be a main light.  If using the TTL metering in the camera, and
lowering the flash compensation (several different ways), then the
flash output is going to be lower than the sunlight and you are not
going to get overexposure, just minor fill.

I struggled with the thought process at first myself.  I have found
that by practicing it and shooting over and over observing the
behavior and effects that it makes much more sense now.  Since you
have a digital body, that is the easiest way to learn and observe.
Pick a subject where you have shadows on the face and then start with
no flash, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 compensation and you will see what I
mean.  For positive compensation it works better if you are not
shooting manual mode as you would get overexposure - if in one of the
auto modes (camera) then it would compensate for the higher flash

Best regards,

Monday, March 22, 2004, 4:26:11 PM, you wrote:

bcin> Tom V suggested this when i shot my friends wedding last year.
bcin> Set the shutter for less than the X sync speed(in this
bcin> case SP was 125 so i shot in 60th
bcin> and 30th)It 
bcin> allows for more ambient light in the picture and you
bcin> lessen the black background,exposed
bcin> subject 
bcin> problems.
bcin> Worked very well.Only one missed TTL shot during the
bcin> whole shoot.Mind you this was indoors
bcin> in a hall.

bcin> Its just this damn outdoor fill flash thing that i just
bcin> cannot get my head wrapped around.

bcin> To me shooting out doors in sun and having a flash go off
bcin> would make it over exposed. I
bcin> have read the 
bcin> manuals for the cameras and flash,but to me they are vauge

bcin> Dave  

>> Dave, TV - what is "shutter drag" technique?  
bcin> Sounds interesting...
>> tan.
>> -Original Message-
>> Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2004 6:09 PM
>> Subject: Re:{3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash
>> O.
>> Would using the Vivitar 285HV in 1/4 or 1/16 power mode(but use the 280T in
>> the house for
>> TTL flash
>> with shutter drag taught to me by Mr.TVV) be better for lighting up a
>> shadowy face.
>> Keeping in my mind that i will use Hyper Manual mode for these types of
>> shots.
>> Again PZ-1 and FA 28-105 PZ lens.
>> Dave

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu

Hmm... I think his post are fine; but how can I instruct my mail client to
filter out his signature? 

Alex Sarbu

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Jolly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:08 AM
Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion

> Lasse: Agreed, Collin's political stance appears to be a little
> right-wing, even by American standards, but if you don't like his posts
> you can always instruct your client to filter them out. :-)
> S
> Lasse Karlsson wrote:
> > From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 7:14 PM
> > Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion
> >
> >
> >
> >>Keep an eye on the Left.
> >>They complain any time we go after any group that hates America.
> >>They were ambivalent about going after Al Queda & going into
> >>They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam
Hussein, et al.
> >>After all, they share a common goal with the former and common world
view with the latter.
> >
> >
> > Do you know what they say about you, Collin?
> > They say that you are so full of shit that it's finally overflowed.
> > Is this true?
> >
> > Just curious,
> > Lasse
> >

Martisoare virtuale prin

More on DOF

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl
Actually, DOF is controlled primarily by the aperture opening
IRRESPECTIVE of the focal length.
A 1" diaphram opening on a 50mm lens gives the same
DOF characteristic as a 1" opening on a 300mm lens. 
It's modified by lens design but defined by the opening size.
That's why f1.4 on 50mm is close the same DOF as 2.8 on a 6x7 lens.

It also confuses us when going between formats.



Toward the end of his life, George Truett was asked what he would do differently if he 
had his life to live over again. He said, "I would have spent more time with a few 

quoted from Discipleship Call Perspective


Re: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread Bruce Dayton

forgot to mention that along with the flash itself, the camera's flash setting needs 
to be set to W
HS - wireless and high speed.  This is done by repeatedly pressing the
flash button until the two symbols show up.

Best regards,

Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 7:39:21 AM, you wrote:

BD> Last question - As to the usage between camera and flash (AF360FGZ), set the 
camera as
BD> if you were NOT using a flash, so if you were shooting manually, set
BD> shutter speed and f stop, or in one of the automatic modes, set either
BD> the shutter speed or f stop.  On the flash, when the lower synch slider is
BD> all the way to the right (HS), you can push the S button and rotate
BD> the dial to set the amount of flash you desire compared to the ambient
BD> light.  So, if you want 1 stop less flash than ambient, set the flash
BD> to -1.  From then on the flash will respond with 1 stop less light
BD> than the ambient reading in the camera.  Basically the flash output is
BD> lowered or raised based on the compensation setting on the flash.

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From: "Lasse Karlsson"
> Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion
> > Who's spewing now?
> > Being compared to "Kirkland Ramsey", being called a "Scandinavian
> twit" as well as getting my posts characterized as "childlike
> extreme" and "spewing puss" by you only confirms my good case in this
> matter.
> > Now you are calling everybody who doesn't want Collin's American
> political preachings on the list to enter a sig. file flame war on
> U.S. domestic and international politics!
> > That's not only highly irresponsible, it may also mean a
> devastating blow to the PDML as such.
> Only in your mind, my dear little man

I'm 184 cm:s tall. You may be fatter, but I am still a man.

>does my reply confirm your case.
> I am just calling it like I see it.

As am I right now.

> What you are doing by continuing this little diatribe on list may be
> far more devastating to the PDML than any sig files may do.

Who entered and is now continuing this diatribe, while complaining about others doing 
the same? You are a hypocrite.
> Your best bet is to try to stay on topic, and if you have issue with
> an off topic post, or portion thereof, take it up off list with the
> person in question.

Given your record of on list entering and continuing off topic posts as well as 
demeaning personal attacks, you're a hypocrite and you know it (as does everybody else 
who's been on PDML for a while).
I reserve off list communications for friendly contacts.

> At the moment, both you and Collin are close to hitting my auto
> delete, which is something I don't do lightly.

As if I'd give a rat's ass about who hits your auto delete.
If you want to killfile my posts, please do. I'm perfectly fine with whoever will be 


Sigs (was Re[3]: My own DOF confusion)

2004-03-23 Thread "Mike Ignatiev"
collin, you are a troll and a moron. shut up. 
and i am with lasse -- your sig had no place in pdlm.


-Original Message-
From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Brian Dipert
Collin, considering you don't even know how to correctly SPELL the word
'Buddha', I have some doubts as to your ability to intelligently discuss the
topic. Enjoy the quote below
Brian Dipert
Sacramento, California
Visit me at

Why of course the people don't want war...That is understood. But, after
all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's
always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a
fascist dictatorship, a parliament or a communist dictatorship...the people
can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders...All you have to do is
tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of
patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.
-Hermann Goering, Nazi Reichsmarshal and Luftwaffe chief at Nuremberg
trials, 1945

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread M D Giess
Lasse (and, for that matter, Collin)

Your point(s) is/are made, now can we move on please?

thanks in advance


Quoting Lasse Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > From: "Lasse Karlsson"
> > Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion
> > > Who's spewing now?
> > > Being compared to "Kirkland Ramsey", being called a "Scandinavian
> > twit" as well as getting my posts characterized as "childlike
> > extreme" and "spewing puss" by you only confirms my good case in this
> > matter.
> > > Now you are calling everybody who doesn't want Collin's American
> > political preachings on the list to enter a sig. file flame war on
> > U.S. domestic and international politics!
> > > That's not only highly irresponsible, it may also mean a
> > devastating blow to the PDML as such.
> > 
> > Only in your mind, my dear little man
> I'm 184 cm:s tall. You may be fatter, but I am still a man.
> >does my reply confirm your case.
> > I am just calling it like I see it.
> As am I right now.
> > What you are doing by continuing this little diatribe on list may be
> > far more devastating to the PDML than any sig files may do.
> Who entered and is now continuing this diatribe, while complaining about
> others doing the same? You are a hypocrite.
> > Your best bet is to try to stay on topic, and if you have issue with
> > an off topic post, or portion thereof, take it up off list with the
> > person in question.
> Given your record of on list entering and continuing off topic posts as well
> as demeaning personal attacks, you're a hypocrite and you know it (as does
> everybody else who's been on PDML for a while).
> I reserve off list communications for friendly contacts.
> > At the moment, both you and Collin are close to hitting my auto
> > delete, which is something I don't do lightly.
> As if I'd give a rat's ass about who hits your auto delete.
> If you want to killfile my posts, please do. I'm perfectly fine with whoever
> will be left.
> Lasse

Re: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread brooksdj
> Dave,
> One way to "think" of fill flash is that it is supplemental highlights
> much like using a reflector or hair light or something.  It is not the
> main light that you would meter for.  So basically, it would help
> lighten shadows, put a sparkle in the eyes, etc.  It is not meant to
> be a main light.  If using the TTL metering in the camera, and
> lowering the flash compensation (several different ways), then the
> flash output is going to be lower than the sunlight and you are not
> going to get overexposure, just minor fill.

Ok, i see that now Bruce.However is it best to shoot the outdoor photos with flash on 
TTL and meter in camera for face shadows then.I tend to lean to the HYP M on the PZ-1.I
would hazard 
a ques that one way to lower out put is with a diffuser, omni bounce etc.

So i think what i'm trying to say is:
If i meter ambient light on scene,in Hyp M mode and keep the 280T on TTL BUT use a
diffuser or the 
pocket omni bounce i have, that should lower the out put so the flash will just remove
some shadow on 
the faces.Or meter as above then put flash on one of the Auto green/red modes and 
that would 
be ok to then.?

I think thats the confusing part for me at the moment,what setting on the flash to 
Auto or MS or 
> I struggled with the thought process at first myself.  I have found
> that by practicing it and shooting over and over observing the
> behavior and effects that it makes much more sense now.  Since you
> have a digital body, that is the easiest way to learn and observe.
> Pick a subject where you have shadows on the face and then start with
> no flash, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 compensation and you will see what I
> mean.  For positive compensation it works better if you are not
> shooting manual mode as you would get overexposure - if in one of the
> auto modes (camera) then it would compensate for the higher flash
> output.
I do have the digital body but dont use flash much so its the 285HV for now.Although it
does have vari 
power on it from full to 1/2 to 1/16.
Maybe its best to try that on the D body and see what level gets rid of the shadows and
just use that 
out door and the TTL indoors.My wife will be there for moral and holding support

Thanks and terrible sorry for the rambles and the not getting it quickly parts:-)

> -- 
> Best regards,
> Bruce

RE: muvo 4gb hitachi drive thingy...

2004-03-23 Thread zoomshot

-Original Message-
From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 March 2004 12:47
Subject: muvo 4gb hitachi drive thingy...

does anyone know where i can get my hands on one of these?  I want one

Anywhere in Australia?

Anywhere in the US? Can't see them on B&H's website?

I am trying to organise my $$$ and shopping list for my GFM trip...



This is how you do it


Toward positive resolution

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl

>I opened a message by Collin. 
>Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:28 PM 
>Subject: OT: Active image communication 
>I got this slapped in my face: 
>I asked him: 
>"What's this crap doing on the PDML? 
>You sent it Collin. You explain. 

I didn't see that.  But then, I get the digest 
and only scan it quickly for interesting subject matter.

Again, no explanation of my sigs is necessary.
We don't have to agree, but we should be civil.

For the purpose of maintaining positive relationships on PDML,
a new sig is in place.



Toward the end of his life, George Truett was asked what he would do differently if he 
had his life to live over again. He said, "I would have spent more time with a few 

quoted from Discipleship Call Perspective


PAW: Rainy day

2004-03-23 Thread Boros Attila

It seems that I still have to wait for Spring to come in my town. Last
week I was walking on a narrow alley after the rain just stopped and
thought to take some pics. When I was ready to press the shutter I
heared that a car is approaching and waited for it to come into the
picture. Here is the result:

Cropped and removed the highlights in Photoshop.


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Dag T
I think I prefer reading Marx to define Marxism...


På 23. mar. 2004 kl. 16.07 skrev Collin Brendemuehl:

To say that Hitler was not a Marxist is to not have studied him.
He opposed religion in general, using Christians to oppose Jews
and then secularizing the state, having the later goal of destroying
the church that he (unfortunately) manipulated so well.  He went
so far as to remove SS marriages from being social/church events
to being only civil events.  This redefinition and secularization is
common in all socialist & Marxist system.s

Re: {3} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread Bruce Dayton

There are a few ways to go about this.  First of all, the diffuser on
the flash only softens the light, not weakens it (this is when TTL is
used - the weaker light will be bumped up by the sensor), so that
option is only when the flash itself is on manual.

Since the PZ-1 doesn't have separate flash compensation you can
basically do one of two things.

1) Flash on TTL - camera on hypermanual.  Meter the scene normally and
set the shutter/aperture - now set the camera exposure compensation to
whatever you want (-1 for starters) and take your shot.  Since the
camera is on manual, the scene will be lit properly.  The meter will
read the scene for the TTL flash and since you have compensation on,
will lower the flash output.  The clumsiness to this is if the light
or subjects change often, you have to keep doing it.  One way would be
to remember that you have compensation on (-1, for example) and then
open up a stop after taking your hyper manual reading.

2) Flash on Auto (red or green).  You can either set the camera
aperture to a different reading than the flash recommends
(compensation) or set the recommended aperture and use the ISO setting
as compensation.  You would still meter the camera as if you didn't
have a flash attached - here, AV would be the best choice as you don't
want to change the aperture in relation to the flash's auto metering.

My personal opinion is to use the 1st technique.  It is probably more
flexible and less confusing to think about.  This should work pretty
well with hyper manual.  Just remember how much compensation you have
dialed in and adjust the camera.

One thing to remember is that you can't exceed the flash synch of the
camera for shutter speed.

With the PZ-1p, you just set the flash to TTL and camera has a
separate flash compensation setting-works slick.

With the MZ-S, *ist and *istD coupled with the AF360FGZ you dial
compensation into the flash itself and can set the flash and body for
high speed synch allowing you to use any shutter speed, keeping in
mind that the faster the shutter, the lower the range of the flash.



Monday, March 22, 2004, 7:31:43 PM, you wrote:
bcin> Ok, i see that now Bruce.However is it best to shoot the
bcin> outdoor photos with flash on 
bcin> TTL and meter in camera for face shadows then.I tend to
bcin> lean to the HYP M on the PZ-1.I
bcin> would hazard 
bcin> a ques that one way to lower out put is with a diffuser, omni bounce etc.

bcin> So i think what i'm trying to say is:
bcin> If i meter ambient light on scene,in Hyp M mode and keep the 280T on TTL BUT use 
bcin> diffuser or the 
bcin> pocket omni bounce i have, that should lower the out put
bcin> so the flash will just remove
bcin> some shadow on 
bcin> the faces.Or meter as above then put flash on one of the
bcin> Auto green/red modes and difuse
bcin> that would 
bcin> be ok to then.?

bcin> I think thats the confusing part for me at the
bcin> moment,what setting on the flash to use.TTL
bcin> Auto or MS or 
bcin> M
>> I struggled with the thought process at first myself.  I have found
>> that by practicing it and shooting over and over observing the
>> behavior and effects that it makes much more sense now.  Since you
>> have a digital body, that is the easiest way to learn and observe.
>> Pick a subject where you have shadows on the face and then start with
>> no flash, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 compensation and you will see what I
>> mean.  For positive compensation it works better if you are not
>> shooting manual mode as you would get overexposure - if in one of the
>> auto modes (camera) then it would compensate for the higher flash
>> output.
bcin> I do have the digital body but dont use flash much so its
bcin> the 285HV for now.Although it
bcin> does have vari 
bcin> power on it from full to 1/2 to 1/16.
bcin> Maybe its best to try that on the D body and see what
bcin> level gets rid of the shadows and
bcin> just use that 
bcin> out door and the TTL indoors.My wife will be there for
bcin> moral and holding support

bcin> Thanks and terrible sorry for the rambles and the not getting it quickly parts:-)
bcin> Dave

>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Bruce

Re: Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread John Francis
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:57 AM
> Subject: Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion
> > Lasse & Collin:
> > Surely your dispute could be taken off-list?
> > Thanks.
> No way. This is a list issue, and not a personal dispute.
> Lasse 

Rubbish.   Most of the list is quite capable of ignoring
the matter.  It's just the two of you who are incapable of
doing anything other than conducting a childish squabble,
in public, in a totally inappropriate forum.

You're only arguing because you disagree on a political issue.
It's got nothing to do with photography.  Take it outside.

Re: Toward positive resolution

2004-03-23 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:33 PM
Subject: Toward positive resolution

> For the purpose of maintaining positive relationships on PDML,
> a new sig is in place.

Fine. Thanks.


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread John Francis
> Sven:
> Thank you for a civil response.
> Yes, the sig was provocative.  Hopefully of thoughts and not just emotions.
> But insulting or offensive?  Hardly.

You're wrong.  But to explain how would be inappropriate for the list,
So I'll refrain.  Think about it yourself, and maybe you'll understand.

Re: Re[2]: omg - i have my foot in the door (but now I am scared)...

2004-03-23 Thread John Francis
> From: "Rob Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > > 
> > > One question though - I am going to have to work with my lens 
> > > stopped down due to the excess light.  Probably in the realm 
> > > of f16.  This totally sucks for portraiture as it increases 
> > > depth of field.  Any suggestions how to fix this?
> > 
> > If you put one (or more like a couple) of Neutral Density filters on the
> > front then this will cut the light entering the lens and let you open up
> > the aperture again.  This one is pretty simple to fix really.  
> won't that screw up the AF?

Nope.  The AF can't tell the difference between a lens with an ND
filter being used on a bright day and the same lens without the filter
being used on a dull day.

Re: PAW - Tres Amigos (The Chicklet Bandits)

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff

It's great to know that the photo evoked some good memories
for you.  Here's a slightly different version:

I loved that area, and taking second and third class buses
through Mexico was a wonderful experience.  I really got to
see life as it was, away from tourist towns and "los
gringos."  The people I met were open, friendly, and very
helpful.  There are some wonderful memories that have stayed
with me from that trip, and make the travels seem almost
like yesterday.

Acambaro sounds familiar, and I'll try to dig up some more
information about the routes I took and where I stopped. 
There were so many little places, most with unpaved streets,
kids like these, street vendors and little bodegas, and a
variety of animals wandering about.

A lot of the film from that trip has disappeared, but I do
still have some negatives and will post the photos at some
point.  There are a few general street shots of one town
that remain, and maybe it has enough information to help
determine where I was at the time.


Gonz wrote:
> That is so cool!  I wish you would remember the names of the dusty small
> towns that you came from, my grandparents are from that general area!
> The pic evokes so many memories of going down there to visit relatives.
> Celaya was the "big" town, then closer by was "Salvaterria", and
> "Acambaro".  My grandmother owned a little store very much like the one
> in the picture.  And of course there were always little kids selling
> chicklets, especially near the bus terminal.  The pic is great, I have
> many similar pics of that time/place.  Do you have any others?

Re: PAW - Tres Amigos Redux

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Frank ...

I appreciate the feedback.  Others have commented that they
liked the first version better, as you may have read.  That
the photo can take several different crops is, perhaps, a
good thing.  IAC, I like working on different
interpretations of photos ... there's often something more
or different that can be found, especially after the passage
of some time ... in this case 35+ years 


frank theriault wrote:
> I like it.  Getting rid of the wall or board or whatever on the right is
> good.  The white sign, top right, that's also better off gone.  Those things
> didn't add anything, and were only distractions, really.
> I like burning that cigarette ad bottom left.  It's nice to be there - adds
> a bit of local exotic flavour, but seeing the original, it was a bit bright.
>   I like it there, but not so obvious.
> So, "yes" to the cropping and burning.
> As far as the change in toning, well, I could go either way.  Doesn't make
> much difference to me, one way or 't'other.
> Overall though, the "new" one is an improvement on an already very
> impressive piece of work, IMHO.

FS from ""

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl

"Subject: LN Pentax 645n bodies[2] 220 inserts [2] 75fa lens/55-110 FA zoom lens  
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:09:17 -0500  
From: "Dmanfish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

As new turn key, in case. I shifted from the manual focus to the auto focus
and at the same time went to digital. 1 body has no use, 1 body has 20-25
rolls of 220 through it. Lenses with pristine glass. Have gone digital from
Canon 10d to Mark 2. NO use for film anymore. I also have 2 manual focus
bodies with several manual focus lenses: 45,55,75,150. Please email as I
read my mail much more than I check this newsgroup. Thanks.


Re: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Patrick Pritchard
On Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 12:03  AM, tom wrote:
It's been a few years, but iirc, it was pretty bad. It's nickname was 
"best manual focus camera Nikon ever made."
*WOW*.  Yes, I have received other eMails regarding this off of the 
list, and I hear it repeatedly.  I haven't done much research into 
Nikon's AF yet, basing most of my opinions on the market share, which I 
know is a flawed approach.  >blush<

Technically. Nikon put out a few versions of AF between the F4 and F5.
The only other alternative to F4 is an F100, but that brings me back up 
to MZ-S prices.

RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread tom
> -Original Message-
> From: M D Giess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > 
> > Basically, shifting to manual mode shifts the compensation 
> calculation 
> > from the ambient meter to the ttl flash meter.
> > 
> > > 
> >
> If this is the case, then if I manually set the camera to 
> underexpose by two stops and just turn the external flash on 
> with no compensation, would this balance the ambient and 
> flash light correctly?  

The flash would expose correctly, the ambient would be 2 stops under.

Generally this would mean that your subject would be correctly exposed, your
background would be a bit dark.

> In other words, the ttl flash side of 
> things would just use the camera meter and decide, for 
> itself, how much flash to use for correct exposure, and the 
> fact I'm underexposing would just cause the background to be 
> slightly underexposed and the areas reached by the flash 
> would be fine?

In a nutshell, yes. 

> I'm a bit unsure of what is meant re. shifting to manual (the 
> second paragraph I've quoted), does this mean I can only ever 
> use flash compensation in manual?  

Yes, I believe this camera lacks a separate flash compensation dial.

> I was under the impression 
> that, even in aperture priority, when flash was used the dual 
> purpose exposure dial became flash compensation (and actual 
> exposure compensatio is no longer possible).  

In aperture priority the comp dial affects both ambient and flash.

> Just to 
> clarify, I take it now from your comments that I can only use 
> flash compensation in manual mode, is this correct?


2 things about flash that might help you understand it little better -

- The flash meter is independent and distinct from the ambient (regular)
- TTL flash works (generally) in the following manner - 

1. Shutter opens.
2. Flash and ttl flash meter are turned on simultaneously.
3. When the ttl meter "sees" enough light, it turns off the flash.

None of this has anything to do with shutter speed or aperture.


Re: {3a} Will adjusting the iso on the af280t give me fill flash

2004-03-23 Thread brooksdj
Ok thanks Bruce.Its getting clearer.:-)

I'm going to pick up a roll of slide film this afternoon and try your method plus a few
others and will 

I just picked up a slide roll that i tested a new/used off camera cord and module that 
got through Chris 
Brogden.I did not test for fill,just to see how it was working in normal indoor TTL and
that the cable 
was talking to the camera properly(it is)

One thing i noticed and what prompted the quiry,was a few shots of one of my cats 
lying on
the top of 
the couch which is at the bay window which faces south.The window and subject recieves 
stron "diffused" light from the south,but not strong direct light as if out doors.I 
the cord to off 
camera the flash(in TTL) and using HYPM tooks 5 shots with bounce etc.They all came out
nice with 
the shadow on the side facing me(away from the not bright sun but strong diffuses
exposed and no wash outs. I fiqured slide film would show up any glaring errors

I just was getting confused if this is how to shoot the bright out door shots or to

E6 is available in 3 hours here so i can do some tests and get quick turnaround for the
price of a roll 
and $8.00 developing fees.

Thanks again.

I'll back off now,so you can rest easy.


> Dave,
> There are a few ways to go about this. 


2004-03-23 Thread Boris Liberman

By accident I deleted all messages in my "Photographer A Week" folder.
If any of you have them somewhere in your mail, I would appreciate if
you forwarded them to me off-list.



Re: Toward positive resolution

2004-03-23 Thread Bob W

Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 4:33:31 PM, quod Collin:

> Toward the end of his life, George Truett was asked what he would do differently if 
> he had his life to live over again. He said, "I would have spent more time with a 
> few people." 

I know one like that.

Towards the end of his life the English Poet Laureate John Betjeman
was asked if he had any regrets.

"Yes", he said. "I should like to have had more sex".


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Congratulations, Lasse. You have just become the 4th person in my 18 
> years of fooling around with my computer, and talking to people around 
> the world, to be PLONKed!

Thanks, Keith.
It's an honor. Long overdue.
Wish I had been the first, though.


> You absolutely refuse to be civilized and show gentlemanly qualities and 
> I simply don't want to listen to you anymore.
> 'Bye.
> keith whaley
> * * *
> Lasse Karlsson wrote:
> > From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> >>Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> >>A: A terrorist has guts.
> > 
> > 
> >>I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what it 
> >>deserved as he did about the US after 9/11.
> > 
> > 
> > You scumbag of a liar - you present the list proof of what your saying or 
> > apologize, you little creep!!
> > Do you have the guts for it, slime bag?
> > 
> > Lasse  

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread M D Giess
Lasse, moderate it please.

Not agreeing with someone isn't an excuse for wild insults, and I personally 
don't appreciate receiving such mail.

As others have asked repeatedly, please keep your comments on this matter 
outside of the mailing list.

Thanks in advance


p.s. can the others involved perhaps not respond and let this thread die?

Quoting Lasse Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> > A: A terrorist has guts.
> > I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what
> it 
> > deserved as he did about the US after 9/11.
> You scumbag of a liar - you present the list proof of what your saying or
> apologize, you little creep!!
> Do you have the guts for it, slime bag?
> Lasse  

RE: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Alan Chan
My dilemma is this:
- should I stay with Pentax, or go with Nikon (I'm leaning towards a used 
If I remember correctly, F4 was said to be the greatest manual focus camera 
ever. Yes, you read it correctly, I said manual focus. The first Nikon with 
good AF was F90 if I am not mistaken, and F90X which was a hugely successful 
model, then the F5 & F100. The F801s which I had, had inferior AF to the 
Z-1p, and I would expect the same for previous models. My friend's F90X has 
slightly better AF than my Z-1p, but for some reason it also produces very 
annoying noise during AF.

- If I stay with Pentax, should I go with PZ1P or MZ-S?
The single AF sensor is a serious limiting factor for any moving subjects 

I've read various reports here on the list of Pentax slowly pulling faster 
pro grade lenses.  This has me concerned, as I will need those lenses later 
(e.g., 85/1.4 to replace my current MF 85/1.4, 24/2 to replace 24/2.8 I am 
using now, etc.).
I think nobody really knows here. The way I see it, Pentax is either 
retreating from 135, or on its way to produce USM like lenses. To replace 
FA/FA* lenses with another set of non-USM lenses doesn't make sense.

The PZ1P and F4 go for comparable prices (albeit not comparable condition) 
on KEH, which I have been using as a quasi-benchmark for my price checks.  
No matter where I go, I will end up buying new lenses in AF to replace my 
current MF lineup.
Why bother Pentax or Nikon then? Why not go Canon to enjoy full USM & IS 
capability? You would be fooling yourself to believe Z-1p or MZ-S offer the 
same AF ability as high end Canon. Being able to use IS without tripod is a 
big plus as well.

Alan Chan
Free yourself from those irritating pop-up ads with MSn Premium. Get 2months 

Re: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Alan Chan
Well, if it is no sealed, then no way the MZ-S will be nearly as dust 
resistance as the LX. The dust & water will get inside the MZ-S from the 
dials in no time.

Alan Chan
If your choice is Pentax then the MZ-S might be
better.  It doesn't have gaskets against dust penetration as did the LX 
I think the top level Nikons) but is built to very close tolerances with 
intention of resisting dust and moisture, or so I've read.
MSN Premium with Virus Guard and Firewall* from McAfee® Security : 2 months 

Re: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Alan Chan
Along with that, even though the FA 135/2.8 isn't a * lens, it is built
like a tank much like the * lenses.  It's a very good performer.
The body is built like a tank, but the focusing mecnahism is not. It is 
loose and lacks precision for manual focus. Optically, it is inferior to the 
M135/3.5 near wide open. Still a fine AF lens though.

My personal hunch is that the Nikon or Canon pro grade bodies are
going to be more rugged and better at AF.  Much as I love Pentax, for
what you are describing, it may not be the best choice.
Same way I feel.

Alan Chan
Add photos to your messages with MSN Premium. Get 2 months FREE*

Re: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Alan Chan
This I know.  It isn't an issue of the AF being the top notch, but given 
that F4 was the flagship at one point, and a LOT of people used it, the AF 
can't be *that* bad, all things considered.
Because lots of people were using manual focus with the F4 back then. 

Alan Chan
MSN Premium includes powerful parental controls and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Accident

2004-03-23 Thread Boros Attila
Hello Boris,

Tuesday, March 23, 2004, 9:10:45 PM, you wrote:

BL> Hi!

BL> By accident I deleted all messages in my "Photographer A Week" folder.
BL> If any of you have them somewhere in your mail, I would appreciate if
BL> you forwarded them to me off-list.

Bad news: I can't forward them to you, because I don't keep them.

Good news: You may still have them. Have you looked in the Trash
folder (or Deleted Items or whatever is for your mail client)? If they
are not there, you may try to recover them... It depends on your mail
client how. Usually they keep a folder in a separate file. Try
undeleting that file.

As a last resort you may try the archives:


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
I haven't followed the current dialog of diatribes, but Lasse made it to my
list shortly after 9/11.  Life is too short to waste time on nonsense.

From: "Keith Whaley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Congratulations, Lasse. You have just become the 4th person in my 18 
> years of fooling around with my computer, and talking to people around 
> the world, to be PLONKed!

Re: Moving to AF: PZ1P or MZ-S? Pentax or Nikon?

2004-03-23 Thread Alan Chan
I think that the last Pentax camera body that was really well sealed was 
the LX.  The PZ-1p certainly is not, and I think that the MZ-S is not 
Actually the LX is not only the last sealed camera, but the ONLY one too in 
the entire Pentax history so it is quite unrealistic to expect Pentax will 
do it again.

Alan Chan
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN Premium. Get 2 months FREE*

RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread Kostas Kavoussanakis
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, tom wrote:

> > -Original Message-
> > From: M D Giess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > I'm a bit unsure of what is meant re. shifting to manual (the
> > second paragraph I've quoted), does this mean I can only ever
> > use flash compensation in manual?
> Yes, I believe this camera lacks a separate flash compensation dial.

Yes, it does not have a separate dial. I think no, you can use flash
compensation in other modes; please read on.

> > I was under the impression
> > that, even in aperture priority, when flash was used the dual
> > purpose exposure dial became flash compensation (and actual
> > exposure compensatio is no longer possible).
> In aperture priority the comp dial affects both ambient and flash.

Tom, I set the MZ-5n (same thing as MZ-3 with a slower shutter,
methinks) to Av and lifted the flash. I then played with the exposure
compensation dial and the Aperture-Shutter combination did not move. I
interpret this to mean that exposure compensation in this case (and in
all 4 modes that I tried) affects the flash (except when it thinks the
flash can no longer be limited enough, in which case it closes the

I agree with all the rest.


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: "M D Giess" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Lasse, moderate it please.
> Not agreeing with someone isn't an excuse for wild insults, and I personally 
> don't appreciate receiving such mail.

It's not a matter of disagreement.
The man accuses me publicly for having said that the U.S. got what it deserved after 
That's a lie. All I ask is that he offers proof for what he's saying or apologize. Is 
that too much to ask?
Furthermore he is using this list only to vent personal malice towards another list 
member. Doing it by publicly lying and throwing suspicion on someone else amounts to 
being a scumbag in my book.
Since I also know him from years back, which you maybe don't, I can safely inform you 
that he is also a creep and a slime bag, an opinion that some other list members seem 
to agree on too.
(This is just to put this issue into a PDML-historical perspective for any newbies on 
the list.)

> As others have asked repeatedly, please keep your comments on this matter 
> outside of the mailing list.

As long as other members attacks me personally on the list, I will defend my honor on 
the list the way I see fit.


> Thanks in advance
> Matt
> p.s. can the others involved perhaps not respond and let this thread die?
> Quoting Lasse Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> > > A: A terrorist has guts.
> > 
> > > I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what
> > it 
> > > deserved as he did about the US after 9/11.
> > 
> > You scumbag of a liar - you present the list proof of what your saying or
> > apologize, you little creep!!
> > Do you have the guts for it, slime bag?
> > 
> > Lasse  

Re: Accident

2004-03-23 Thread D. Glenn Arthur Jr.
I think I've got a complete archive of the past few months; if
nobody has beaten me to it, I can sift all the "PAW" messages
into a file and mail it to you.

-- Glenn

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
That's a really cheap shot, and so far beneath you that it
makes me wonder if I've misjudged you all these years.  You
know damned well that Lasse's going to respond in a similar
way, further perpetuating this nonsense.  Shame on you for
pouring gasoline on the flames.


graywolf wrote:
> Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> A: A terrorist has guts.
> The guy almost makes me dislike Swedes. Did you notice that he is a Swede who
> moved to a Finnish island, and then advocates taking it away from Finland and
> making it part of Sweden?
> I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what it
> deserved as he did about the US after 9/11. Not a peep.
> I figure an American stepped on his toes in a crowded elevator once (grin).

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread John Francis
> As long as other members attacks me personally on the list, I will defend my honor 
> on the list the way I see fit.

"He started it" didn't even work in the school playground.
Most people have moved on beyond that point.  Learn from them.

RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread Kostas Kavoussanakis
On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Morgan Cooper wrote:

> Of particular interest/confusion to you will be page 21 (that's page 23 of
> the .pdf).  That table will show you what your flash will illuminate for
> your lens-length/aperture-setting/film-speed combination.  You might find

In the heat of the moment, you may want to trust the TTL-flash
indicator on the viewfinder and the flash.

> Secondly, plan to shoot half the set with a flash, half without.

And possibly use different film. I have read here that people dislike
the Delta 3200 with flash; you will no doubt tell us your opinion :-)

> Third, diffuse that bad-boy.  You can make yourself a pretty good diffuser
> by angling your flash head up, and rubber-banding an index card or piece of
> white foamcore to the back of it.  It looks silly, but you'll be in the dark
> anyway.  I think this will take a stop or two off of what the TTL flash
> metering will guess (so plan accordingly-or maybe don't so you get strong
> stage lighting effect).

I don't think there is a TTL-meter guess. Well it is a guess, but it
reads light off the film while the shot is taken, so if it thinks it
did not get enough light (because the flash ran out, for example), it
will let you know through the indicators. With a powerful flash like
the AF400FTZ or the AF500FTZ (or even better the AF400T), the chance
of this happening are less.


RE: OT: Travel Tips - Japan

2004-03-23 Thread Alan Chan
Filmes in Japan are expensive so you might want to bring more, unless you 
want to try some of the Japanese only films (like Velvia 100, not Velvia 
100F). If you don't speak or write Japanese, bring a calculator just in case 
you want to bargain when buying expensive photographic gears. Few years ago 
I paid 70,000 yen for my FA77 when they had listed 83,000 yen, all thanks to 
the calculator trick. In most cases, you don't have to pay 5% sale tax if 
purchased more than 10,000 yen. Some chain stores offer 10% credit the next 
time you purchase, but you might give up those credit if you want more 
discount on your first purchase. Oh... please try some green tea ice creams 
purchased from convenience stores too. I think it costs 80-100 yen each. I 
just couldn't get enough of it. 

Alan Chan
Hello everybody...
Something I wanted to do for several years now is travelling to Japan...
well finally it comes true... I'm flying in 9 days ^_^
We're staying mainly in Tokyo, but will also make some daytrips (Hakone)
and will spend a few days in Kyoto. When we are lucky we will even see
the hanami (cherry blossoms)
Does anybody have some tips?  on equipment, motives, films, what
gadget to get *g*...
bye Katrin
Add photos to your e-mail with MSN Premium. Get 2 months FREE*

Re: Lasse V. Collin, formerly Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl


I understand that list decorum is something to be attentive to.
Hence this is, in my opinion, a suitable point relating to 
the framework of discussions.

Are my current sig choices unacceptable as well? (see below)
Where does one draw the line?  If it the simple principle
of civility, then how was that broached by the earlier content?

These are openly "evangelical" Christian items.
That basis may offend some.  But they'll get over it.

I'm philosophically opposed to the principles behind 
Hermann Hesse quote yet I don't demean the poster.
I got over it.




"You can impress people at a distance, but you can only impact them up close."

-- Howard Hendricks


Toward the end of his life, George Truett was asked what he would do differently if he 
had his life to live over again. He said, "I would have spent more time with a few 

quoted from Discipleship Call Perspective

>Date: 23 Mar 2004 18:55:36 +0100 
>From: Frits =?ISO-8859-1?Q?W=FCthrich?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I agree with Lasse, this is no place for a text like that, whether it is 
>a sig or not. Continuation of using it doesn't make it OK. 

Re: Sigs (was Re[3]: My own DOF confusion)

2004-03-23 Thread Raimo K
OK, I see your point - but it is highly unnecessary to call somebody "a
piece of shit"  in front of the PDLM whether he has right wing opinions (or
left wing) or not. There is an old fashioned word "proper" but the meaning
escapes me...
All the best!
Raimo K
Personal photography homepage at:

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Ignatiev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:17 PM
Subject: Sigs (was Re[3]: My own DOF confusion)

> collin, you are a troll and a moron. shut up.
> and i am with lasse -- your sig had no place in pdlm.
> mishka
> -Original Message-
> From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <...>

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Raimo K
That does not make him a Marxist - and he is not. I´d say he is a Saddamist.
All the best!
Raimo K
Personal photography homepage at:

- Original Message - 
From: "Collin Brendemuehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion

> From: "keller.schaefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion
> Sven:
> Thank you for a civil response.

> DagT:
> Yes, he is a Marxist.  An avid follower of Hitler & Stalin.


Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Lasse,  I knew you'd respond with some invective and rough
language.  Please, try at least to tone it down.  You can
make the same point - even make it stronger - without
resorting to such language as in this post and in your reply
to another message.

How all this political garbage got strewn all over the list
is beyond me - yeah, I know who said what to whom - but this
sort of thing on a photo list does little to promote the
enjoyment of photography and the use of Pentax gear.

If you and Collin and Graywolf want to make political
statements, make 'em through photographs, not through rants
on the list.  You've got cameras, use 'em instead of this
list to make your feelings and politics known.


Lasse Karlsson wrote:
> From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> > A: A terrorist has guts.
> > I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what it
> > deserved as he did about the US after 9/11.
> You scumbag of a liar - you present the list proof of what your saying or apologize, 
> you little creep!!
> Do you have the guts for it, slime bag?
> Lasse

A simple family snap ...

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff

(JPEG, 200K)

This is just a quick little "family snap" taken at
Thanksgiving dinner a while back.  Just found it today while
going through some CD's, and sent a copy to Alison - it's
her dad - and thought I'd post it here as well.  


Re: Double Exposure:paw

2004-03-23 Thread brooksdj
Hi Boris.
Thanks for the comments.
Actually i did that placement on purpose,just to be a bit different.
Yes the total with 2x converter would be 400mm.Not as large as i hoped but still 


> Hi!
> Dave, what strikes me as particularly pleasing here is that you placed
> the moon in the mid bottom. The cliche/custom/majority has it either
> in top left or on top right corner occupying big portion of the shot.
> You did it rather unusually and it works just fine for me...
> So, total focal length was 400 mm, right? Fascinating...
> Boris

The nickle & diming has begun

2004-03-23 Thread Mark Roberts
(For non-US readers: The term "to nickel and dime" means to extract
money in small increments that eventually add up to a lot.)

I just heard that the new Nikon D-70, which, even though it is a
*budget" DSLR, does cost about a thousand dollars, does NOT include the
Nikon software for reading/converting RAW files. You get a trial version
that's good for 30 days and after that you have to pay for the full

It seems that manufacturer's margins are being driven ever lower and
they're trying to make up for profit lost on the camera body in other
areas. I wonder if this kind of thing will spread?

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

FT lens

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl
Pentax-A 24/2.8 Excellent condition.
Pentax-A 100/2.8 (not the macro version) in similar condition.




"You can impress people at a distance, but you can only impact them up close."

-- Howard Hendricks

Signature lines

2004-03-23 Thread Daniel J. Matyola
IMHO, all signature lines, whether politically inflamatory or just "cutsie,"
are to be avoided on a list such as this as an unnecessary waste of

Re: A simple family snap ...

2004-03-23 Thread Collin Brendemuehl
Now THAT is a picture for preserving.
Natural position, common expression, uncluttered surroundings.
Everything that you want in a memory.


Re: My PAWs Weeks 1-3

2004-03-23 Thread Eactivist
I am reposting this because someone told me it didn't show up on the list. 
Sorry if you get duplicates. 

Okay, here are my first three PAWS (I may go up to week 12 like ERN, or just 
week 5).

I haven't scanned for about two months and when I went to scan I found I had 
lost all my software settings. So everything scanned in blue and dark. I have 
made some adjustments, but still not quite there yet, so bear with.

Earlier this month shel and I met for the first time. We went to San 
Francisco to took photographs and attend later that evening a show by my former 
photography teacher (exhibiting along with two artists). I used shel as my front man 
as I tried my hand at "street photography." I figured I might lose some 
self-consciousness shooting with someone else. I did somewhat, but I still only 
shot a few people and only one turned out half way decent.

Later we were turned away at the door of the photography show, supposedly 
because I hadn't RSVPed. Although I had the invitation (addressed to me) with me, 
knew my teacher (of course), and we were both carrying camera bags. 
Evidentially last year a show in that building (ritzy office building with big gold 
door and security guard) was crashed by homeless looking for free food. We 
promised not to eat or drink, but...

obviously it was a bad decision to choose to wear jeans that night. ;-)

So shel and I retreated to comfortable and jean-friendly Berkeley for some 
great Thai food.

Week #1 is dedicated to shel because he suggested that shot (and knew of a 
great Thai restaurant).

Week #2 just struck my fancy.

Week #3 is dedicated to frank, because I was trying to be like him 
(unsuccessfully -- shot in color and later grayscaled).

I don't think any of them are fantastic or my best work or anything, but I 
still welcome any and all reactions/comments.

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread graywolf
I did not intend to sent that to the list. I need to remember to change the 
recipient before typing, maybe a post-it note on the monitor. I do apologize to 
the list for posting it here.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

That's a really cheap shot, and so far beneath you that it
makes me wonder if I've misjudged you all these years.  You
know damned well that Lasse's going to respond in a similar
way, further perpetuating this nonsense.  Shame on you for
pouring gasoline on the flames.
"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

Re: A simple family snap ...

2004-03-23 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Why, thank you, Collin.

I like it because he's sitting beside a photo of his
daughter and son-in-law, and because the clock behind him
suggests that we'll be eating soon ;-))  I like his
"position" as well.  M  I can almost taste that
great turkey once again ;-))


Collin Brendemuehl wrote:
> Now THAT is a picture for preserving.
> Natural position, common expression, uncluttered surroundings.
> Everything that you want in a memory.
> Collin

Re: The nickle & diming has begun

2004-03-23 Thread brooksdj
Howdy Mark

How about someone (me)buying a +$4000(Canadian $) digital and still gets the 30 day 
FWIW the trial version is playing havic with my P-400 driver,(it keeps telling me 
after i
installed it that 
winozs has found new hardware,even though its been on the computer since Nov.)but i do
like the 
program.However if the problem persists i will look into Bibble or Qimage if and when 
support for D2h Raw files.
I dont like having to reinstall a driver every time i start Nikon Capture 4 .


> (For non-US readers: The term "to nickel and 
dime" means to extract
> money in small increments that eventually add up to a lot.)
> I just heard that the new Nikon D-70, which, even though it is a
> *budget" DSLR, does cost about a thousand dollars, does NOT include the
> Nikon software for reading/converting RAW files. You get a trial version
> that's good for 30 days and after that you have to pay for the full
> version.
> It seems that manufacturer's margins are being driven ever lower and
> they're trying to make up for profit lost on the camera body in other
> areas. I wonder if this kind of thing will spread?
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

Re: A simple family snap ...

2004-03-23 Thread Christian
Nice lighting. (and what Collin said)


- Original Message - 
From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 3:03 PM
Subject: A simple family snap ...

> (JPEG, 200K)
> This is just a quick little "family snap" taken at
> Thanksgiving dinner a while back.  Just found it today while
> going through some CD's, and sent a copy to Alison - it's
> her dad - and thought I'd post it here as well.  
> shel

RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash

2004-03-23 Thread Morgan Cooper
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 19:33:58 + (GMT)
From: Kostas Kavoussanakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Fill flash in low light - balancing natural and flash
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Secondly, plan to shoot half the set with a flash, half without.
And possibly use different film. I have read here that people dislike
the Delta 3200 with flash; you will no doubt tell us your opinion :-)
It suited my needs very well.  I was attempting to shoot some uhh, "gritty" 
photos in low light with the backgrounds dropping off into black.

However, when I was testing the film in better lit conditions, and with a 
flash, I was honestly amazed at the level of gradiation recorded on the 
film.  I was just shooting chairs at various distances away with some 
overhead flourescent light and using my flash at various power settings and 
stepping through the aperture settings.  A lot more detail than I was 
looking for or expected showed up.

But, I also have a (maybe silly) personal preference to use the products of 
smaller companies.  Nanny-nanny-boo-boo Kodak!

> Third, diffuse that bad-boy.  You can make yourself a pretty good 
> by angling your flash head up, and rubber-banding an index card or piece 
> white foamcore to the back of it.  It looks silly, but you'll be in the 
> anyway.  I think this will take a stop or two off of what the TTL flash
> metering will guess (so plan accordingly-or maybe don't so you get 
> stage lighting effect).

I don't think there is a TTL-meter guess. Well it is a guess, but it
reads light off the film while the shot is taken, so if it thinks it
did not get enough light (because the flash ran out, for example), it
will let you know through the indicators. With a powerful flash like
the AF400FTZ or the AF500FTZ (or even better the AF400T), the chance
of this happening are less.
Ah-hah, I was always under the impression that  the TTL metering worked by 
recording the amount of light that the film was receiving and then firing 
the flash at a predetermined level to compensate.  But what you're saying is 
that the flash fires until enough light has been received, and then turns 
the flash off.  Is this correct?  I'd really like to know.  I've been 
shooting a ZX-M with (almost uselessly) a 500-FTZ.  Since my ZX-5n is in the 
mail, I've been really looking forward to actually using the TTL flash 
metering and moving beyond shooting the flash manually


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Re: My own DOF confusion

2004-03-23 Thread Lasse Karlsson
I appreciate your post, Shel.

From: "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Lasse,  I knew you'd respond with some invective and rough
> language.  Please, try at least to tone it down.

I will, when personal attacks on my integrity on the list stop.

(As for the "invectives" - while I realize they are perceived as invectives or insults 
at the receiver's end, I just, as a linguist, want to point out that to me, from the 
sender's point of view, they are merely descriptions, as accurate as possible...) 

>You can
> make the same point - even make it stronger - without
> resorting to such language as in this post and in your reply
> to another message.

I don't know about that, Shel. I really don't think I need to make any stronger points.
I think calling graywolf a "scumbag", "liar", "creep" and a "slime bag" pretty much 
sums it up quite well.
> How all this political garbage got strewn all over the list
> is beyond me

For me it started with post by Collin. Others took it from there.
That's the way it usually starts - someone posting offensive political statements.
Personally I didn't make any political statements. I just tried to get rid of them.

> - yeah, I know who said what to whom - but this
> sort of thing on a photo list does little to promote the
> enjoyment of photography and the use of Pentax gear.
I agree with you completely. That's why I asked Collin for an explanation of why he 
posted political statements to the list in the first place.

> If you and Collin and Graywolf want to make political
> statements

I have no wish to make political statements, and I didn't make any.
On the contrary, I was merely trying to get political statements off the list.
As for Collin's and graywolfs intentions, you'd have to ask them.
I have no issue with Collin's posts anymore, since he already took a decision for the 
purpose of maintaining positive relationships on PDML and for which I respect him.
What has now followed are just all these snakes, whose ugly heads at the smell of dirt 
pop up to get their piece of the dirt throwing action in personal attacks on me.

>make 'em through photographs, not through rants
> on the list.  You've got cameras, use 'em instead of this
> list to make your feelings and politics known.

I have no interest in making my politics known. I just want to make pretty pictures, 
discuss photography and participate in this list without getting subject to any 
political preachings, just as the PDML rules say.

Thanks for your good intentions. I appreciate it and agree with them wholeheartedly.


> Lasse Karlsson wrote:
> > 
> > From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> > > A: A terrorist has guts.
> > 
> > > I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what it
> > > deserved as he did about the US after 9/11.
> > 
> > You scumbag of a liar - you present the list proof of what your saying or 
> > apologize, you little creep!!
> > Do you have the guts for it, slime bag?
> > 
> > Lasse

RE: PAW - Tres Amigos (The Chicklet Bandits)

2004-03-23 Thread Tanya Mayer Photography
Hey Shel - do you ever wonder what the subjects of all of these images from
the 60s and 70s that you've posted are doing now?  Wouldn't it be great to
"reunite" them for an image somehow?


-Original Message-
From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2004 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: PAW - Tres Amigos (The Chicklet Bandits)


It's great to know that the photo evoked some good memories
for you.  Here's a slightly different version:

I loved that area, and taking second and third class buses
through Mexico was a wonderful experience.  I really got to
see life as it was, away from tourist towns and "los
gringos."  The people I met were open, friendly, and very
helpful.  There are some wonderful memories that have stayed
with me from that trip, and make the travels seem almost
like yesterday.

Acambaro sounds familiar, and I'll try to dig up some more
information about the routes I took and where I stopped.
There were so many little places, most with unpaved streets,
kids like these, street vendors and little bodegas, and a
variety of animals wandering about.

A lot of the film from that trip has disappeared, but I do
still have some negatives and will post the photos at some
point.  There are a few general street shots of one town
that remain, and maybe it has enough information to help
determine where I was at the time.


Gonz wrote:
> That is so cool!  I wish you would remember the names of the dusty small
> towns that you came from, my grandparents are from that general area!
> The pic evokes so many memories of going down there to visit relatives.
> Celaya was the "big" town, then closer by was "Salvaterria", and
> "Acambaro".  My grandmother owned a little store very much like the one
> in the picture.  And of course there were always little kids selling
> chicklets, especially near the bus terminal.  The pic is great, I have
> many similar pics of that time/place.  Do you have any others?

RE: PAW: beach log

2004-03-23 Thread Amita Guha
> Amita, may I say that the previous pictures of yours that I 
> commented on, on list or off list were stronger...
> You see, the log is in a sense piece of rubbish on the beach. 
> It shouldn't be there, really. As such it stands out of the 
> crowd of little rocks and other background pieces but this is 
> where it ends.
> The log points somewhere but as eye follows it, it does not 
> find anything of interest...
> It feels like an empty shot of an empty beach. May be you 
> felt a little empty that moment, and this you shown to us. 
> But as I said, I saw much stronger works of yours.
> As usual, it is my honest humble opinion. I don't intend to 
> offend you and to discourage you...
> Hope I've been of use here and hope I did not break any rules 
> of courtesy this time.

Thanks for the comments, Boris.

This shot was the best of a batch that I took of the log. It was indeed
a bleak day; it was very cold and the beach itself was not what we had
expected, I guess. It was at an Audobon center and I guess I thought it
would be more lively or interesting. The tide was out and everything
looked kind of yucky. Maybe this shot reflects that. We were hoping for
another good day of shooting (like the day before) after being mostly
indoors for a couple of months.

Anyway, no offense taken...I post shots here to get honest feedback on
them. :)


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