Re: 78 Days and counting

2003-03-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

(wrt GFM) My plan is to be there and add some color to the canvas.
Perhaps this is the year that PDML sweeps the contest categories...
wudduya say, Bubba?

- ambitious jerome

FS: 4 Sigma Lenses + TC's

2003-02-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

The following lenses will be placed on eBay within the next week unless,
of course, someone here would like to buy them beforehand.

Sigma 105 mm f2.8 EX 1:1 Macro lens -
includes lens shade, and soft lens case

Sigma 24-70 mm f2.8 EX lens -
includes lens shade, and soft lens case

Sigma 70-200 mm f2.8 EX lens -
includes lens shade, and soft lens case

Sigma 50-500 mm f4.5-6.3 lens -
includes lens shade and soft lens case

Sigma 1.4x EX teleconverter

Sigma 2.0x EX teleconverter

For the 70-200 and 24-70, I'll include the CPL and UV filters for my
lovely (and not-so-lovely) PDML members. All of the equipment (except the
50-500) was purchased [not by me] over the summer months of 2002, and the
50-500 was purchased in January, 2003. Everything listed is in Like New
condition. You wont even know that it was preowned... (well besides the
fact that you bought it used). If you purchase and are unsatisfied with
the condition of any of this equipment (you wont be, so this sentence is a
waste of my time, but...) then I will keep your money and kindly ask Doug
Brewer to unsubscribe you from PDML before you post negative feedback to
the list.  Just kidding... making sure you were paying attention. Of
course, I'd refund your money and take my doggone lens back.

As always, contact me off-list if you have questions about / interest in
these items.

Thanks, and enjoy your weekend.

Grandfather Mountain

2003-02-07 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Camper Bill Asked...

 Hey, Jerome, you coming to GFM this spring?

Thanks for asking, I almost forgot about it. It seemed too early to
discuss such things but (wow) I guess this year is progressing rather
quickly...  only about 3 months away, huh?

To answer your question, yes, I plan to be there. I like the entrance fee
of the Camera Clinic *much* better g but hey, what can you do?  The trip
up there last year was a good time (YES, even being *tricked* by Mark
Roberts into climbing the North Carolina equivalent of Mount Everest) and
so I definitely look forward to a repeat performance... This time I'll be
ready! This is all assuming, of course, that Cesar is still willing to
carry my tripod for me everywhere I go vbg.

But seriously, I enjoyed meeting (dorn near!) all the PDMLers that showed
up there last year at the Camera Clinic, and hope to see some new faces
this year as well.

Who else is planning to make it?

 - jerome

Re: Grandfather Mountain

2003-02-07 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 They can't hold it without me.

 at least, that's what I tell myself


[actually, Doug, I think you're right... but still... HAR!]

Need assistance on fair pricing

2003-02-06 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Hello PDMLers... it's been a long while since I've posted, but *yes* I've
been watching and reading over the past few months [and boy has it been

Anyhow! I need some help determing the prices of some equipment that I
plan to (possibly) dump soon. Usually, after doing my homework, I'd just
put the stuff on eBay and take my lumps accordingly. However, since the
money is going towards another specific purchase, the estimates I get will
pretty much determine if I go forth with the sale. In short, I know there
are quite a few of you that keep a close eye on the used market... so if
you could tell me (perhaps off-list is best) if my expectations are
reasonable, optimistic, low, etc., then that would be quite helpful. For
you *advanced* used market scavengers g, info you may have on the
likelihood of an item selling would be incredibly helpful as well.

ALSO! if you see something that you want, then even better! Let me know
(again, off-list preferably). Having someone lined up to buy an item
ofcourse decreases my risk and makes me more likely to go forward with the

Okay, without further ado, here's the list:

ZX-10 body with cap and strap. As my first Pentax, I'd hate to see it go!
But sentiments don't pay the bills, now do they? Excellent condition
(cosmetically and wrt functionality). In particular, the entire outer
shell was replaced (actually free of charge) by Pentax not too long ago,
so she looks beautiful. Plasticky... but beautiful.

All lenses are in excellent condition and include caps and hoods.

Sigma 105mm Macro Lens; also includes case.

SMC PENTAX-M 1:1.7 50mm
[redundant to my FA version so it's gotta go.. and yes, I know...
autofocus is for chumps. But hey... never said I wasn't].

SMC PENTAX-FA* 1:4.5 300mm IF  ED w/ hood and caps

SMC PENTAX-FA 1:4 20-35mm AL w/ hood and caps

SMC PENTAX-FA 1:3.5-4.5 24-90mm IF  AL

Sigma apo macro 70-300mm

AF330FTZ flashes (I have two for sale)
$80 each


Hot Shoe FG

Extension Cord F - 5P

Thanks in advance!


Flash questions

2002-12-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

[disclaimer: these are pretty basic questions, but hey! I never claim to
be more than a beginner... but a professional beginner, ofcourse! g]

It's been said on numerous occasions that the exposure compensation dial
works as flash compensation in M mode. Okay, so if I understand this
correctly, for half intensity, dial in -1 EV of flash compensation; for
one-third fill, -1 1/3 or -1.5 EV; for one quarter, -2 EV. Well, even if
that scale is not quite right, the main point is that for less flash, I'm
supposed to dial negatively correct? Well, if the answer is yes, then
please answer the following:

Consider a conventional fill-flash setting. I first metered the scene on
Program mode. Then I set the same exact settings manually (now in M mode).
Then I flip on the flash unit.  Initially, the compensation bar graph
stays at zero as expected. But as I turn the comp. dial to the negative
side (less flash?) the bar graph goes up (towards the over exposure side).
Is this supposed to happen? Is what I expect to happen (less flash)
actually going to occur even though the indicators seem to say otherwise?

Of course, I could probably answer some of these questions by just
shooting some shots, and taking some notes but I figured there is no need
to waste film when I have such a panel of experts before me [hoping that
flattery will get me everywhere].

Thanks in advance,

ps...  I now see that it pays to take the camera out of the bag sometimes
even when you're not shooting. seems like an obvious thing to do (for
learning purposes), but I unfortunately never bother with such things
until I'm out taking photos, and by then it's too late! hmmm... lesson

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

RE: Flash questions

2002-12-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Thanks, Tom! Very nice explanation. Much appreciated.

  - jerome

On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, tom wrote:

 The camera is still metering for the ambient light. You've set the
 sperture/shutter speed for a correct ambient exposure. If you dial
 in -1, the camera is telling you that the manual settings will give
 you a stop more than the -1 setting on the dial.

 In other words, you've told the camera you want to underexpose by -1,
 and it's telling you you're a stop over -1, which is just what you

 Maybe the confusing part is that you expect the meter bar graph to
 line up at -1. It's not. It's going to line up in the middle, the
 difference being that the middle value is -1.

 Now when you hit the shutter, the flash/camera doesn't care about your
 manual settings, it's going to shut the flash off when it senses it's
 hit -1.

 Therefore the ambient exposure will be correct, the flash will be a
 stop below.

OT: contacting Alexander Krohe

2002-12-07 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes


I've tried to wait patiently for your email address to pop back up so that
I can contact you off-list... but I guess I'm just too anxious. If you'd
be so kind, could you contact me off-list @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... It
pertains to your 200mm SCMA* lens. Thanks in advance.

  - jerome

PS... if anyone else can help put me in contact with Alexander, then that
would be appreciated as well. Thanks again.

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

Best TC for 300mm

2002-12-06 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

After surfing the archives, I found the following inquiry to the list from
about 2 years ago (taken verbatim):

I've lately acquired a 300 mm F2.8 A* big glass and naturally am looking
for ways to burn off the extra F stops.  If I read the materials correctly
300mm is sort of the breaking point between whether you should use an S
or L converter.  Someone know which works best with this lens/focal

Surprisingly, there were only 2 responses...

Part of one response was that... I believe the main advantage of XL
teleconverters is a reduction in light fall-off in the corners compared to
teleconverters without the long snout. The secondary advantage of XL
teleconverters is optimized image quality for their compatible lenses.

Another response mentioned, I'd assume that the 'L' converters would work
slightly better, but I suspect you'd only see the difference under lab

My question is, does anyone care to elaborate / confirm / disagree with
these comments? In particular, with an FA 300mm 1:2.8, would one have the
option of using either the 2x-S or the 2x-L? and if so, is the optical
difference neglible?  In short I'm trying to determine if paying twice as
much for the 2x-L is necessary if the 2x-S is acceptable.

Thanks in advance,

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

WTB: flash accessories

2002-12-06 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

It's time to try my hand at some (insect) macro shots... Hence I'll be

A) Extension Cord F - 5P

B) Hotshoe Adapter FG

If you have these items to offer, then please contact me off-list. Thanks
in advance. Carry on.

   - jerome

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

Re: Best TC for 300mm

2002-12-06 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Thanks, Bruce and Mike.

Mike Wrote:

 The F*300ED(IF) is listed under
 the -S list of lenses WHICH ARE UNSUITABLE.

Not exactly. For the 1.4x-L half of the table, it's listed as vignetting
at picture corners... but it's not listed in the usuable table at all for
the 2x-S half;  hence logic would have it that it is indeed usuable for
this lens... but then again this is a Pentax document (logic.. Pentax...

Anyhow, thanks for the reference. I did not realize that this table /
manual was available.

Lastly, I called Pentax (Colorado) this morning. At first I was a bit
discouraged that the product info rep didn't know what I meant by rear
converter... but once he figured it out, he readily admitted that he
didn't know the answer (which is WA better than just making something
up) and sought help. From his sources (the repair dept., I think) I was
told that the 2x-S is the best match for the FA 300mm f2.8 lens... I hope
they're right since the savings are quite appreciative.

Thanks again,

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

OT: Hey Cotty and Cesar...

2002-10-02 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes


I don't have your email address! I unsubscribed after my last few
messages, and the messages weren't coming thru to the web archives until
now. Hence, I missed you message (and also your email address). I'll be
unsubscribing again once I post this message, so write me off list so that
I can at least have your email address, and I'll get back to ya! I've been
meaning to write you for a while, in fact.


I also missed your message until it was posted today. Thanks for clearing
up my ramblings; definitely no offense taken.  In fact, as soon as I sent
the initial message I realized that I was getting drawn into the very
things I complain about (bickering, etc)... [hey, at least I caught
myself!] so I took my own advice...  I unsubscribed and took some
pictures! [imagine that]. I'll probably just stay off-list for a while and
keep up with the archives when I can.  I find that me being active on the
list usually amounts to more important things not being taken care of in
the 'real world', so it was a good spot check for me.

Anyhow, you are 100% correct about the purpose of this forum being
discussions (of all kinds!) And I didn't mean to discredit it as such.
While I respectfully agree that this is indeed the proper forum for
discussion of Pentax products, past, present AND future... with respect to
one specific product (DSLR), it just seemed as if many users were / are
beginning to sound like that kid in the backseat who won't quit asking
are we there, yet?.. are we there, yet?...  every time we turn a corner.
I mean, before Photokina was even over, you started to hear chants of,
okay.. NEXT MONTH!... And one of the more recent comments sounded
dangerous close to someone saying, They probably already have it... but
didn't feel like showing it... To me, that's just comical! And quite
tiring, to be honest.  But hey, whadaya gonna do? I can only control
myself, right? Hence, the 'unsubscription'.

Thanks again, Cotty, for cleaning up my mess. Catch ya later. Best

 - jerome

OT: (spiked) Monopod feet

2002-09-30 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

It is interesting that this topic was spawned recently, as I have also
been in the midst of this decision. Well, I've finally made my decision
and now have the following question:

Has anyone invested in the spiked foot that can be bought for the Bogen
family of monopods? It sells for about $7 and (at least in theory) sounds
like a good idea...  But I was wondering how it faired in practice.  More
specifically, with a heavy lens in a dirt / grass environment this seems
like it may be a worthwhile investment for added stability.  I went to a
local camera shop today and played with the monopod, head and lens combo
that I intend to use, and the rubber bottom seemed a bit slippery... but
the store unfortunately had no spiked feet for me to bore holes into the
floor with. Go figure!

Thanks in advance,

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

OT: Photojournalism

2002-09-27 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

I started to write an email to the list with two purposes:

a) to convey my happiness about a local cover that I made today, and
b) to share some thoughts that had crossed my mind as a result of what was
essentially my first experience at anything resembling the fabled genre of

But the post got way too long and out-of-hand... and Pentax content was
pretty minimal... so I cut and pasted it to my photo journal on
my website for anyone interested.

PS... my condolences to all who were eagerly anticipating a Pentax DSLR,
or anything new and worthwhile for that matter at Photokina. I know that
has to be a heart-breaker.
  - jerome

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

Re: Points of View

2002-09-27 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 I personally enjoy the different
 points of view on the group even if
 they aren't all pro-Pentax.


I agree, especially with the last part. Specifically, during the Pentax
AutoFocus / Consumer Fast Film thread I was somewhat surprised (and
actually very glad to see) that so many people were willing to just say
Hey, you're right, Pentax AF technology is not exactly cutting edge.
Brand X clearly has an advantage because As everyone's favorite list
member mentioned yesterday (in his own special way), sometimes it seems as
if it's almost taboo to say anything anti-Pentax on the list, even when it
may be helpful to others... and thats not a good environment at all for
learning and exchanging true experiences.

   - jerome

Pentax AutoFocus / Consumer Fast Film

2002-09-25 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Hello all -

I'm going to go out on a limb here and talk about equipment that actually
already exists! And I'm going to stretch even further and talk about
TAKING PICTURES with these cameras (do I have the right discussion
group?! Should I list this as OT?)

Anyhow, I was out shooting with my ZX-10 this past weekend at a Dog
Contest [2002 Skyhoundz Hyperflite Canine Disc World Championship, to be
exact]. This was my first time shooting anything worthy of being called
action. I had heard about it the night before and said, HEY! WHY NOT?
I've only been doing the serious hobby thing for a year now and usually
stick to zoo photos and, in general, animals that don't move a whole lot,
so it was a great challenge.

Anyhow, here's the point... (and I hate to make it now with Bruce lurking
once again... as if he needs fuel for the anti-Pentax fire...)... the AF
on the ZX-10 was atrociously slow.  I mean, it failed just about
everytime.  My main camera is a ZX-5n which is in the shop (ha! more
fuel...) but I suspect from the few experiences that I've had trying to
track things with it that the AF on that model is, granted, better than
the ZX-10 -- but not Tremendously better (?).  So here's are my

a) is this the general concensus with these two cameras, and

b) how do the other Pentax cameras rate wrt AF as I go up the ranks (i.e.,
move up (?) to PZ-1p and the MZ-S)... For example, Is the MZ-S AF simply
better... much better... or does it blow the former two out of the
water [I'd hope for the latter answer to be honest].

OH! BTW, the photos from the weekend can be seen here if you're interested
in such things:

As a side note, this was also my first time using Print film since I've
started photography as a serious hobby [most folks 'work their way up'
to slide film, but I figured Hey, why wait?]... I was in a pinch so I
used all consumer stuff... 800 speed Fuji and Kodak.  I'm generally a
Kodak person, but in this case [high speed consumer film] Fuji TOTALLY
blew the Kodak stuff out of the water wrt grain, detail rendered, and
color rendition [there was a lot of greenery, so advantage Fuji].  Just my
$.02US... overall though, whenever possible, I'll be sticking to my slide
film for sure.

Thanks again,


Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech

Re: Pentax AutoFocus / Consumer Fast Film

2002-09-25 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 I looked at the pics -- great action, and on
 top of that, they seem quite

Thank God for manual focus!

 What did you exactly mean by
 it failed just about everytime?

Hmmm... good question. Well, for one, subjects were moving too fast for me
to focus on them on AF mode. The thing would hunt like mad, even as I
tracked the subject and stayed (pretty much) the same distance away [e.g.,
when the subject was moving from my left-to-right or vice versa, and not
away or towards me].  As a result, I missed plenty of shots since the
shutter wouldn't snap unless there was AF confirmation [does that sound
about right?]... and even when it would... why would I want it to?

In general though, when using my ZX-5n instead, AF in dimly lit places is
all but impossible. The thing will hunt like a caveman. I'm convinced
(from heresy, nonetheless) that AF in such conditions has been
significantly improved with the more recent cameras, but I guess I still
don't know about action, etc.  I don't know a whole lot about predictive
focus (then again, is there much to know?)... but have read that both of
my cameras should be equiped with this feature... On Saturday, however,
the only thing that I was able to predict was that the camera would not
acheive AF lock by itself unless the dog was at a complete stand-still.

As for the shots... I'm glad you enjoyed them. I quickly learned to
anticipate the action and focus on a particular spot (or at least close to
it). It helped tremendously that, as far as focus rings go, the 300mm lens
I was using is hands down the most well-dampened lens that I've personally
used [not a long list]. MF was so smoooth I tell ya, I finally
just said WHO NEEDS AF ANYWAY?! ... but it still would've been nice.

OKAY OKAY... so maybe it wasn't atrocious as I mentioned... but I sure
was dissatisfied. How's that? So... back to my original question...

- jerome

Re: Pentax AutoFocus / Consumer Fast Film

2002-09-25 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 How many rolls did you shot?

6 rolls of 24-exposure. However, not all of it was action (trophy shots,
crowd shots, etc. were included).  As for the action shots (maybe about 4
rolls total) the downfall of most of the shots were the backgrounds. I
didn't have much to work with as each sideline was lined with people and
canopy / tent set-ups. Then there were field goal uprights at each end of
the field. In general, a photographers nightmare as far as smooth
backgrounds go.  I just got as low as possible, shot at f2.8 or f4 and
hoped for the best.

 Btw,i had good experience with Fuji Press 800.
 Grain is not visible in
 10x15 cm prints.

The grainier shots that I posted are also partly due to some pretty
significant cropping on a few of the images, so it's hard to tell from
those. But overall, as I mentioend, the Fuji stuff did pretty good.


300mm f2.8 (FA vs A)

2002-07-18 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

I have questions... but first here are examples of listings for these
lenses (as taken from BH website).

Telephoto SMCP-A* 300mm f/2.8 ED IF Manual Focus Lens
Price: $5,152.50

Telephoto SMCP-FA* 300mm f/2.8 ED IF Autofocus Lens
Price: $4,299.95

My question is, why is there a price difference between these two lenses?
More specifically, why is the FA* version less expensive than the A*?
Personally, I would have expected the reverse.

I've also taken note that the A* version of this lens has always been the
rave on PDML and also on Stan Halpin's site.  Should this also be
interpreted as a 'black eye' against the FA version, or just a shared
preference for manual focus big glass amongst PDMLers?

Since AF is typically not free, I'm guessing that there must be some
_significant_ optical quality differences (about $1000 worth) between the
two lenses [which would actually surprise me quite a bit].  Can anyone
confirm or deny this presumption?

For those with experience with these lenses (preferably first hand, but
second or third hands will do, too).. please enlighten me! Thanks in

This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: Pugs up!!!!

2002-05-31 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Fri, 31 May 2002, Bill D. Casselberry wrote:

 I'm still getting May - even substituting /02jun/index.html


FWIW, I'm getting the same. Guess it's only a matter of time though.
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

WTB: FA 28-105/4-5.6

2002-05-28 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

The older version. With the success of my previous WTB posting, I thought
I'd try here again before committing elsewhere. Thanks in advance,
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

Re: Dumb eBay question

2002-05-27 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Mon, 27 May 2002, William Robb wrote:

 An item I was bidding on ended for somewhat
 more than the article would have cost brand new.
 Is this a common occurence on eBay?

From my experience, I'd say yes. In fact, I've sold stuff for prices
higher than they'd sell for new.  IMO, Its all about the available market
of the individual buyer / bidders.  In determining what's fair pricing
(i.e., what we would pay for something at, say, keh or BH), we're
excluding one obvious fact: Such resources are not known / available to
everyone.  When I see ridiculously high prices for stuff on ebay, I tend
to picture folks in Smalleville, USA, who only have one major Camera shop
in the town; like a Wolf/Ritz outfit who's prices are exhorbitant. Hence,
to them almost any price is a good price.

I was reminded this weekend though that it's not always Smallvillers
when I saw someone drop a brickload of money at Wolf for some very nice
equipment that would've likely been 30% cheaper virtually anywhere else. I
cringed at the sight. But these are the people you could be bidding

A classic example of this (IMO) is when I see rolls of Elite Chrome 100
sell for more than $3 or $4 a roll on ebay. It makes no sense to me since
it sells at BH [much more reliable!] for about $2.80 per 36exp roll
(imported)... but then I learned this weekend (in a pinch) that locally
(From Walgreens to Wolf) the 24exp version sells for $8 to $10 a roll.
Incredible. Needless to say, I made due with what I had.

With all of that said, it's starting to seem like the more knowledgeable
and resourceful a consumer you become, the less incredible various ebay
deals  begin to look.

My $.02

This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List.  To unsubscribe,
go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
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Re: Camera Problems. Please Help!

2002-05-16 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Thanks for all of the suggestions. Here is my reply (or replies) to the
comments thus far. Maybe this will help spark some other ideas. Otherwise,
it sounds like Pentax will be borrowing my equipment for a while (once

You mentioned insufficient current (from rechargeables) as well as trigger
mechanism for the f stop.  Well, I dont use rechargeables (yet!), but
the second part sounds reasonable.  Since the flash apparently IS going
off (I can see it, plus the reflection shows in the animals' eyes),
perhaps the camera is choosing the wrong aperture for some reason (?!). In
which case, not much I can do but send it for repair.

Lawrence, See my inserted comments below:

 Did you get any flash confirmation signal after you took the picture?

Yes, before (to let me know the flash was charged) and after (I actually
saw the flash but) nothing out of the ordinary was displayed. This does
bring up another point (perhaps related). The other day, I was shooting in
Tv mode with flash the other day and noticed something strange. I set the
speed to 1/60 and the lens to A. The camera indicated that the flash was
ready to go, so I fired away. But after each shot, the aperture setting
flashed (5.6) in the viewfinder. To me, that means that the picture was
under or over exposed (likely under since it could have chosen a smaller
aperture setting, but not a larger one)... So I guess I expect those to
come back dark too (???). But why would this happen??? I'm OUTSIDE, and
that much flash should not have been necessary. Moreover, the camera was
content (no flashing signals) before the shot, and also when shooting at
1/100 just a second ago with flash. The flash shouldve been able to make
the adjustment of me going to 1/60, especially since metering without
flash showed about 1/15 or so was sufficient.  Perplexing! (BTW, the
subject was 6 feet away).

 fired, bad batteries, poor contacts...  etc.

You bring up a good point about the contacts.  I'm guessing that since I
get a flash is ready type of signal (plus the camera goes up to the
flash sync speed), the contacts are fine... but maybe there's more to it
(??) Maybe I should figure out how th best clean the flash contacts and
try that before I use my test roll.

 Could you see the flash firing

Yes. Plus, in the examples I posted, the animals eyes are proof that there
was a flash.

 Was the sync speed set correctly when the flash is charged up?

I'm in Aperture Priority mode, so the speed changes automatically (and it
does display 100, the max sync speed, once the flash is charged).

 Have you made sure no exposure compensation has been set?

Yes. Besides, wouldnt this affect all pictures (and not just the ones with

 I found that sometimes body/flash contacts may not be good, and I need
 to remove/insert again to get good contacts (no automatic sync speed
 setting or no flash confirmation signal are the clues).

These clues are never present, so I'm guessing its not the contacts
sigh, but that is a good guess that I didnt even consider.

GrayWolf, you wrote:

 From this I would guess that you are taking pics
 beyond the range of the flash. I do not know
 the guide number for that
 flash, but with the slow zoom
 I would guess that it is only good out to 12-15ft

I checked that after your email. The sleeping hog photo was done from
about 6 or 7 feet away, with both the 80-320mm and the 105mm Sigma Macro
(max aperture = 2.8).  The Gray Wolf photo (no, not you, the one with the
four lit up eyes) was taken from about 8 feet away.  The table in the
manual says that I should have an effective range of 3-18ft (~1-6 meters)
wide open or one stop down, which is where I pretty much stay. Plus...
even if it was, say, 15 feet away, I couldnt imagine the drop-off being
THAT dramatic from in range to out of range given the ambient lighting
wasnt so bad in all of the shots [as Bruce pointed out, in many shots, I
was only using the flash for fill].  But thanks. Based on your email, I
suppose I'll run the test roll after all.

Mark, most of your points were the same as Graywolfs. I will add, however,
that I have indeed taken many shots in Full Program mode as well... same
results unfortunately.

Bruce, your last comment was about the flash settings. There's leading
shutter, trailing shutter, contrast control and spot beam.  I tend to keep
it in the first one... but this still leads me to the next comment...

With all of that said, someone sent me an email off-list suggesting that
the flash and shutter simply may not be in sync. I guess this makes sense
since I DO see the flash go off, and its shown in the eyes of the
animals in the pics... but I havent a clue if its in sync or not (nor can
I distinguish with my eyes if the shutter is open when the flash goes
off... too many fractions of a second).  Perhaps this is the problem (??)

It sounds like its either that or the camera selecting an incorrect
aperture for some reason.  Either way, it appears to be beyond the 

RE: Camera Problems. Please Help!

2002-05-16 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Thu, 16 May 2002, MANGUM,MARK (HP-USA,ex1) wrote:

 How about the operation of the RTF (internal pop-up)
 Do you get the same results? If it's only a 6-7ft
 shot then the RTF should work for a test.

Blasted! I shouldve read this 5 minutes ago... I just finished running my
test roll thru, and never took a shot with the RTF... Great advice.  If my
test roll comes back ugly, I guess I'll try that too. Thanks. On my way to
get it developed,

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RE: Camera Problems. Please Help!

2002-05-16 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Well, the test results are back and not a trace of misbehavior on the part
of either the flash or body; which is almost worse than otherwise
[systematic errors are much easier to identify].  So I havent a clue
still.  I tried to vary things up as much as possible, and even shot in
dim conditions WELL outside of the predescribed range of my flash... but
nothing close to the aforementioned bad results.

Thanks all for your replies nonetheless. At least now I better understand
what it definitely isn't [e.g., based on your emails I understand now that
its not a sync problem], and what it still might be.  Ultimately I think I
will leave it to Pentax to decide (I'm still under warranty). In the
meantime, I'll just have to decide if I send the camera before or after a
wedding I'm going to on June 23. If I send it before, I likely wont get it
back soon enough, and since I'm using 400 speed print film (the camera and
flash are now 1 for 1 on print film), I'm thinking of taking my chances.

Thanks again, you all have been very insightful, as always.
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Re: Camera Problems. Please Help!

2002-05-16 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Try seeing how far out (distance) you can use
 that AF330FTZ flash.
 Try some test shots.

As allused to earlier, I try to stay pretty conscious of the effective
shooting range of my weak flash (usually with 6 to 15 feet, wide open).

 Look for flash confirmation signals in the
 viewfinder or on the flash.

I've got 'em.

 My AF500FTZ with an onboard zoom feature
 doesn't work with the kind of subjects you are
 taking. You look to be
 far away or the animals would be frightened.

Actually, because of the locations, these animals are pretty used to
people.  The hogs were no more than 8 feet away, the duck about the same.
The eagle was a bit further (maybe 15 feet), but there was much more
ambient light available there.  Nonetheless, I understand the basic trend
here of the advice I'm being given and will definitely take it into
consideration.  I will run the test as you and others have suggested, and
see what I come up with.  I have to admit though, given the typical
proximity (usually within 10 to 15 feet), and aperture setting (wide
open or a stop off) I'm skeptical.

I just got off the phone with pentax support, and he seems to think that
my flash is bugging out, perhaps fooling the camera and not really
providing sufficient light.  It's been to repair before, so that wouldnt
be TOO surprising.

 You've got to get a tripod

Got one! A cheap one, but it works :o) which is why (as shown in the
samples) the flash is used often just for fill... and it still messes
things up.

Thanks Bob.
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Re: AA battery types

2002-05-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

you asked: Is it OK to use NMH rechargeables in battery grips?

Taken from a review of the MZ-S at the following site:

...Since the BG-10 is a battery pack, let's talk about the batteries for a
moment. It allows you to use the common AA type of alkaline or NiMH
rechargeable cells instead of the two CR-2 lithium cells in the camera...

Perhaps more importantly, an early morning phone call to Pentax tech
support has confirmed these claims.  In short, I'm excited. Quite possibly
one less recurring expense to deal with.

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OT: AA battery types

2002-05-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

The recent Batter Life Question prompted me to ask the following:

I have a related question... What batteries do you use in your battery
packs? It used to be such an easy choice for me... Energizer or
Duracell... but now there's regular energizer, energizer max, energizer
titanium, energizer e^2 Photo batteries,... etc. sigh The whole thing
has left me befuddled.

I guess ultimately my question is, has anyone found that the price
difference across the different levels of AA bateries within a brand
name (and these price differences are VERY dramatic) are worth the extra
bucks? I'm very tempted to stay with just the cheapest version of each,
but not sure if I'm doing myself a disservice or if it really is just
marketing.  Moreover, my battery life has seemingly varied so much that I
cant get a handle on which is best.

If this was any other list, I'd doubt that anyone would have a definitive
answer.  but this is the PDML... home of the anal retentive (I mean that
in an endearing way) so I'm sure SOMEONE has done a definitive test on
this already... or at least has made a general assessment.  Thanks in
advance for your opinions.
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Re: Battey Life

2002-05-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

From the Energizer Homepage:

Keep batteries at room temperature. Heat can shorten their life and a damp
location like the refrigerator is not recommended. Also, never carry loose
batteries in your pocket or purse - contact with metal items like keys or
coins can short-circuit the battery.
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RE: AA battery types

2002-05-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Mon, 13 May 2002, TM wrote:

 I'm using pretty much only the Energizer high output 1700mAH and
 Ray-O-Vac 1600 mAH NiMH rechargeables...

Smacking self in head I use rechargeables for my cd player and havent a
clue why I never thought to do the same for my camera equipment!!!  One
problem is that after a while, it seems that the life (or rather,
turn-around time) on my rechargeables has diminished significantly; and
was already significantly shorter than nonrechargeables to begin with...
However! My rechargeables are cheap ones. Now that I think about it, i
suppose that such an investment would make plenty of sense. Even if I
bought plenty of rechargers + batteries, its still probably MUCh more
economically efficient over time.

Thanks for this (most obvious!) idea.  Smacking self in head again Much
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RE: AA battery types (carrying case)

2002-05-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Speaking of AAs, what do you all use to carry spare AAs,
 esp. if they're rechargeables and thus out of the box?

If you buy one of the higher end versions of some batteries [energizer
in particular], they tend to come in a plastic shell thats much more
sturdy than the plastic on other battery packages.  Once the cardboard is
stripped down and discarded, this makes for a good recycleable battery
   - jerome
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Re: Myrtle Beach? temp off list

2002-05-04 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 I'm going on vacation with the family for a week so
 I'll be off-list for a week as of tomorrow.
 (would you have noticed?)

Why of course! In fact, this place has seemed quite desolate since your
departure.  The list just isn't the same g.  Anyhow, Hope you had a good
time, Cory, and got plenty of great family pics to add to your collection.
I could use such a trip myself.  BTW, if all goes well, I'll be teaching
part time in your neck of the woods soon (WCTC). Extra income for a
few more Pentax (on topic!) lenses. TTYL,
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Re: Ouch ouch ouch ouch....

2002-04-29 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Or maybe not... looks like (s)he bought a screwmount pentax Just before
the lens. Got a good deal on that one too.

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, James Adams wrote:

 I'd bet the buyer will have it on sale on Ebay in a week or two.
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Re: Guess what I found...

2002-04-27 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Guess he didn't read Pauls (well written) ebay speech sent just minutes
before, huh? Or didnt care to adhere. Such is life I suppose.

 I thought it was pretty interesting too and I hoped no one else would

 On Friday 26 April 2002 10:49 pm, Albert Fekson wrote:
  Seems interesting...Pentax A 100mm Macro
 Kenneth Archer, San Antonio, Texas
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PUG maintainer

2002-04-23 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Who currently has the honors?
Is it Adelheid von Kirschten as the webpage suggests? I'm trying to get a
hold of this person.  I've already tried email.  Guess I'll wait n
see what happens. Thanks for any assitance,
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Re: tokina 80 - 400mm is it any good for wildlife

2002-04-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes


On Sat, 13 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They usually have trouble focusing with their paws and hoofs.
 Bird claws usually do better8-)

 In a message dated 4/13/2002 3:44:25 AM Central Daylight Time,

  tokina 80 - 400mm is it any good for wildlife
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WTB: 28-70 and loupe

2002-04-11 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

#1: 28-70 F4 SMC FA AL
#2: SMC 5.5x Loupe

I've already seen the lens a few places on the used market, but
thought I'd check here before I purchased.  If I can, I may as well put
the money in another PDMLers hands [not that my checkbook knows the
difference, but hey].

Please contact me off-list if you're willing to sell:

Thanks in advance,
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Re: zoom len 28-70

2002-04-11 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

You gotta be kiddin, right?! Is this like a test... to see if we can
remember all that was said during the 8 times in the past 6 weeks that
this subject came up? G

Anyhow, since the archives must be currently inaccessible (?!), here ya
go.  Lucky for you I already did the leg work a few weeks ago.  Hence, for
a change I suppose supreme Laziness (or perhaps unawareness) has been

click here:
and scroll for different alternatives.

Only thing is, I dont think the f2.8 version was covered.

Hope this helps (not just you, but also those who rather not answer
again).   Take care and good luck,
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Re: Slashdotted! Amy Hughes Lego Church

2002-04-11 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Well, Slashdot covered Amy Hughes Lego church

I glanced at the coverage.  Is it just me, or was the comment, a monument
to dead cats, no less quite callous, and almost downright rude [dont
answer  that... I dont mean to steer us off-topic]... Anyhow, Thanks for
pointing that out, Mark.  I quite enjoyed that project of hers and am glad
to see it getting some more attention.

Have a good weekend everyone!
I'm going back into my hole now. Adios.
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Re: retail bummer

2002-04-04 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, CBWaters wrote:

 Burning a hole!!!
 OR my wife might use it to pay BILLS!!!?!?!
 it's gotta go quick!


 Guess I'll have to go back downtown to Wolf :(

Dont do it, man!!! I'll let you borrow some of my stuff before I let
another PDMLer pay 200% Wolf mark-ups.  Better yet, if its burning a hole,
then I'll even charge you a rental fee... just to help you out, ofcourse

But serious, if you want to borrow, I dont have much but I likely wont be
shooting this weekend.  I think you have my 'real' email address.

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech
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Re: FA 28-105 or FA 28-70 ?

2002-03-31 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Sun, 31 Mar 2002, Cyril MARION wrote:

 So my question to the list is how do the 2 zooms compare.
 Is the FA 28-105 really the best complement for a Z1 ?

Although you did manage to put a _slightly_ different twist on it by
adding the Z1 part (smart!), the basic question still has to be amongst
the most frequently asked questions over the past 6 weeks (I recall 3
times... maybe 4). The frequency has inspired me to consider
creating a FAQ page for PDML (we'll see). Anyhow, just wanted to make sure
that you came across the following discussions in the archives:

Discussion of 28-70 (and 24-90)

LOTS of comments on all Pentax lenses:
(scroll down)


Theres more... but I'm tired already. HTH,

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech
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RE: FA 28-105 or FA 28-70 ?

2002-03-31 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 I find it to be a good idea to make a FAQ for the PDML.
 But a lot of work to build it up.

I AGREE! Thats why I said we'll see :o)   I like projects like that so
it would be fun (and informative!) for me, but I have enough (too many)
photography related distractions from my _real_ work as it is, I suppose.

 I think I will go for the FA 28-70 f/4 AL.

Actually, ME TOO! I've been holding out for a 24-90... but am thinking
better of it.  For the purposes I intended for it (mostly for use in
casual settings) I think the extra $230 is money better spent elsewhere.
Not to mention that the extra bucks seem somewhat elusive right now.
Plus, with my 50 and 105mm lenses in the bag, the only time I'd likely use
this lens for important stuff would be at the wide end. With that said,
perhaps the 28-70 + a wide prime [20 or 24mm] combo would be a better
purchase. [still debating that part]. Just thinkin aloud.

Anyhow, Best of luck with your purchase.

Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech
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Re: OT: Matching Colors in HTML

2002-03-30 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

  Is there a way to do it without Photoshop

Yes. For Windows user (not sure if that includes you, Shel) windows Paint
does the exact thing that gabriel discussed in his email, and I'm about
99% sure that windows Paint comes with every Windows package (its under

Click on the eyedropper, click on the desired color, go to Color on the
Menu bar, then click on Edit Colors.   From there, click on define custom
colors.  This last step will give you the RGB value.  I havent used it
myself but I think that Gabriels email also gave a link to a site that
will convert it to HEX for you (if necessary).


Jerome D. Coombs-Reyes
PhD Candidate, ISyE, Georgia Tech
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Re: CRITIC WANTED!!!!!:was what are you shooting this weekend

2002-03-16 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Brendan wrote:

  advise and comments ( be brutal!! please )

...and Brutal he was!
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Re: (OT?) PDMLers in the Atlanta Area

2002-03-15 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Just wanted to say thanks to the Atlanta PDMLers that got back to me on
and off the list.  There seems to be at least 5 of us, including myself.

And a most cynical thanks to everyone else for all of the banter that you
so lovingly supply.  Happy shooting to all.

my fellow alumnus, if you would be so kind to email me again, I'd
appreciate it.  Your email address got lost in my PDML trap, and I'm
unsure as to if my guess of the correct one was correct. Thanks again.
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Re: 28-70 vs 24-90 vs 28-105

2002-03-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Check the archives.  This question (or very similar ones) have been posted
and answered about 3 or 4 times in the past 6 weeks.  There's some good
comparative info already there in the archives.  To help at least just a
little, here's a couple of the links (but there are plenty more)

Good luck,

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Peter Smekal wrote:

 I'm thinking about buying a good and not too expensive normal range zoom
 lense to use on my Z1-p. There is the SMC-FA 28-70 mm/4,0 AL which I have
 seen. It seems to be quite good and not too pricy. There are also two newer
 lenses, both with more tele-range:
 1) SMC-FA 24-90mm f/3.5-4.5 AL [IF] and
 2) SMC-FA 28-105/3,2-4,5 AL [IF]
 At leastv here in Sweden the 24-90 is more expensive than the other two
 lenses. Is it worth the extra money?
 What is your opinion (humble of course) of these lenses? Any
 recommendations? Have you seen any test results for the new lenses?

 Peter Smekal
 Uppsala, Sweden
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Re: (OT?) PDMLers in the Atlanta Area

2002-03-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Thats spelt Canadian
 You silly Ameriquan, you.

HEY! be glad I even mentioned you! grin

Any other typos?
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Re: (OT?) PDMLers in the Atlanta Area

2002-03-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

(after thought...)

 Thats spelt Canadian

And to think.. I spelled Madagascar correctly.
Go figure.
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Re: (OT?) PDMLers in the Atlanta Area

2002-03-14 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Spelt is a grain. There's an
 apostrophe in thats.

(Thinking: how did I miss that obvious setup?!)

Point well made Shel!
Touche my CanadiAn friend!

okay...okay... enough late night shenanigans, and back on topic with my
off-topic inquiry g.
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Re: OT: Question for AOL Users

2002-03-13 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 Shel, I have a backup aol account -
 THere isn't a way to send hotlinks from outside.  Another AOL nasty.
 They just don't allow them in.

Not that I'm a big AOL fan, but I don't think thats true.

Funny this should come up today.  I have an AOL account that I use pretty
much just for ISP purposes (that is, I dont use the email account attached
to it).  However, on the rare occasion that I get emails to my school
account (which I check using Telnet) that have links in them, I forward
it to my AOL  account. Once I check it in AOL, I then have clickable
links.  This hasn't happened in a while, but I just used the feature this
morning, before I check the PDML post. Moreover, the piece of mail that I
forwarded was forwarded to me through a number of previous (non-AOL)

One caveat to add is that I use AOL 5.0, not 7.0.

I know this doesnt help wrt how its done, but just thought I should add
that it Is indeed doable.
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2002-02-01 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Has anyone in the States ordered from If so, i would
like to know how the experience was.  Thanks in advance,
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Re: OT: Canceling my EBay auction (advice sought)

2002-01-29 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

I was in the same situation (to cancel or not to cancel) not too long
ago.  I ended up cancelling.  Because my concious tends to be pathetically
guilty about such things, I had the same dilemma.  I went as far as to
email each person who had bidded individually (pathetic, huh?)... But
anyway...  here's what I learned:

In short, I would suggest a terse explanation.  Unfortunately, it seems
that (though it seems like the right thing to do), the more information
you supply, the more you leave yourself open to criticism and
opinions being voiced.  Besides, the top of your page will say something
like AUCTION HAS ENDED EARLY... the part where you get to add to the
description will be way at the bottom of the page... and I think you'd be
surprised at how many people dont even bother to scroll down once they see
that the auction is dead.

 And will my name forever be mud?

Definitely not.  I think that memories are incredibly short on eBay. What
matters (over time) is the feedback, and like you pointed out:

  people (can't) post feedback unless they're the buyer.

Your post (and hence your conscious) already shows that you are not doing
such a thing maliciously, so in that respect I think you can
personally rest assured.

However, I will advise the following: 
(I guess this is for future reference, since I just reread your post, and
noticed that you already ended the auction)...

Be CERTAIN that you are not underselling yourself.  Sometimes you will be
surprised how much some people (perhaps in very remote, smaller
markets) will be willing to pay for an item when you may deem it
significantly less in value.  Is 4 days early worth the potential of an
extra xx amount of dollars? 

In my case, I was certain that the bids would not go higher than the
price given by the person who wanted me to end the auction. Why? (a) I
checked the history on eBay (completed items) on how much identical items
sold for previously. And (b) the price they gave was a couple of dollars
above the cost of buying it new on a few other websites  (they needed the
item urgently)

Hope this helps.
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Re: OT: Canceling my EBay auction (advice sought)

2002-01-29 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 You and the buyer broke a number of Ebay rules regarding transactions. 

Can you please let me know which rules these are? I'm quite curious since
I've done somthing similar myself.

(10 seconds later...)

...In reviewing this particular case, I see where he 'could' have gone
wrong (broke a number of rules as you put it)... but, still, here's my

This particular person (forgot the name already) sold first, THEN ended
the auction, versus the other way around... But vice versa or versa
vice, these two seem to be only 'technically' different. (ie, the result
is exactly the same). Anyhow, the question is, since eBay specifically
makes a provision for ending your auction early and selling to the current
highest bidder, then if you do so, how is this breaking the rule?

Or perhaps your disgust is in reference to the (seemingly 
trivial) technicality that I sited above (?).  Thanks for clarifying.

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HP Photosmart S20 (buy it?!)

2002-01-29 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

Okay... so I've been paging through the PDML archives for about a week
now, and I think I've read just about every posting I deemed helpful
concerning which scanner to buy (and theres a LOT of them!... thanks for
you past contributions).  For the capability and price range, I've
decided on the Photosmart S20... Atleast for now. 

From reading your opinions over time, the pros for this system and the
praise that it has received (even when you omit all of Pauls
advertisements... I mean... postings... concernings this unit) have
significantly outweighed any cons.

And to top it off, I 've just been offered a deal I (almost) can't refuse
(under 350 for a hopefully used-but-mint unit)...

Hence, this posting is somewhat of a last call...  A plea for any
arguments, comments, opinions, that I should concider with respect to
purchasing this scanner.  Perhaps some of you have had developments
_since_ all of the scanner posts that I've read which have changed your
opinions about this or related products. Any such input would be
appreciated.  Lastly, going thru with this particular deal is not a done
deal at all.  Hence, your comments may be very helpful for future 
considerations as well. Thanks in advance,

ps... I'm primarily looking for a slide scanner... and the added
capability of scanning up to 5x7 prints is definitely a plus.
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Re: OT: Canceling my EBay auction (advice sought)

2002-01-29 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

 By the way, the going rate on my unit is $700 to $850. 
 He paid me $1000.

Great! What portion do we get for consulting fees?
(dont answer that)... Anyhow, I'm glad that it went well for you.

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Re: Keh or Pentax for repair

2002-01-25 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Nitin Garg wrote:

 hmmm... i was thinking of sending it to keh repair center. 
 Would sending to pentax itself be better ? How much more 
 expensive (cheaper?) would that be 


Here's my experience.  Some time ago I completely destroyed the shutter
curtain of one of my ZX bodies.  I'm in Atlanta, so first I took it to
Keh.  Assuming it was only the curtain and related parts (not sure what
means)... they offered to fix it for about $110.  They would also warranty
the repaired part for 3 months (I THINK). 

In the end, I sent it to pentax instead.

Now, pentax generally wont give you an estimate over the phone, but
I told them what I THOUGHT the problem was, and they said about $100.
With shipping, it likely costed me about the same as Keh.  But here's the

1. replaced my entire shutter system (curtains, timing gear, etc) and
bounce prevention assemblies.

2. Aligned and calibrated curtain tensions and exposure to factory

3. assessed that my camera had suffered impact damage (maybe it was the
horse back riding)... and replaced my entire outter casing, which made a
big difference to a scuffed up 3 year old camera.

4. and (most importantly) they gave me an additional one year warranty on
(not just the repaired parts, but) the entire camera [which is their
general policy after repairs].

So I damn near got a brand new camera back.

I also like that you can track your repair status via the internet, and
the people in that dept. on the phone are especially nice and
helpful.  Once the camera arrived there, it took about 10-14 days to get
back to me.  Not bad (in my opinion). If you DO send it to Pentax, my
advice is to call when you think it has gotten there and get the ball
rolling on the repairs.  Once they assess the problem, you can either wait
for a letter in the mail, and mail them back (ie, add about 7-10 days to
the process), or be more proactive and get your gear back quicker.

They also recalibrated everything (metering system...), which Keh will
also do... but my opinion is that I rather have the manufacturer do
this than a 3rd party.

Here's another caveat to the story:
Once I got it back, the built-in-flash didnt work.  Some may say AH
HA! HORRIBLE SERVICE! ... but I just say, hey, stuff happens. So I called,
and explained the problem.  They were quite apologetic and told me that
this of course was covered in the new warranty they had just given
me. Once I returned it, it was given priority status, and the total turn
around time (from when I sent it to when I got it back) was about 7 days
total (they returned it via overnight mail).

If it sounds like I'm pushing pentax service dept, I AM! I think that
people are more inclined to share their bad storys (ie complain) than
their good ones... so I wanted to be sure to get this one in while I

In Short, my suggestion is: SEND IT TO PENTAX INSTEAD. But hey, there are
likely some good Keh stories out there too.

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Re: Which zoom lens for PZ-10 ??

2002-01-16 Thread Jerome Daryl Coombs-Reyes

On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Fred Widall wrote:

 FA Lens Zoom 28-105mm f/3.2-4.5
 FA-Lens Zoom 28-70mm F/4.0 Smcp Ashperic

Hopefully Fred will not mind my weight as I piggy-back on his
question... I have considered the same two lenses, as well as a third
one: the FA 24-90 F/3.5-4.5 AL[IF] .  The prices are quite different;
however I cant decide for the life of me if the lens quality and/or extra
width in the latter lens is worth it. I know the 24mm vs. 28mm is a
personal decision, but perhaps you can help decide the (more
objective) quality concern. I'll likely check out the review in
Shutterbug, as Rob suggested earlier.  However, I'd of course like to hear
from you guys (and gals) also.

ps... Like Fred, I'm also looking (pretty much) exclusively for a zoom to
fill this particular need.  Hence, hopefully we wont get too many well
what you REALLy need is a PRIME! responses... But of course theres always
at least one... So let me get it out the way now:


:O)  thanks in advance.
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