RE: Backup script creating 2 mails

2002-10-18 Thread Cowles, Steve
> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel Tan [mailto:danieltan@;]
> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:39 PM
> To: Redhat 2
> Subject: Backup script creating 2 mails
> Hi all,
> i have a backup script that will send me an email 
> after backup has finished. But i keep receiving 2 mails
> instead of 1. The additional email contains do
> i prevent that mail from appearing?
> Subject: Cron mail> /root/bakupdaily
> Body: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
> My Backup Script:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo Backup started at `date` > bakupweekly.log
> tar -cvf /dev/st0 /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mqueue /var/www 
> /etc /var/named /home /boot /root >> bakupweekly.log
> echo Backup stopped at `date` >> bakupweekly.log
> mail -s "Backup Weekly Log" "admin@mail" < bakupweekly.log

Based on your post, I think the reason you are receiving two e-mails is --
In your backup script, you are redirecting stdout to the file
bakupweekly.log, but you are NOT redirecting stderr to the same file. So
stderr is being sent to root@mail because its part of the cronjob output,
but stdout is being redirected to your backup file and then mailed to
another account. In other words, your tar syntax is causing tar to output to
both stdout and stderr.

To fix, choose one of the following options:

1) fix your tar syntax so that it does not generate stderr output.

2) Add the MAILTO variable to your backup script and then remove all
redirects along with your 'mail' command. It's no longer needed. Ex:

echo Backup started at `date`

3) Change each line in your shell script that redirects output to include
stderr... EX:
echo Backup started at `date` >bakupweekly.log 2>&1

Steve Cowles

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Re: modem

2002-10-18 Thread Edward Dekkers
> Can anyone help me to install the modem undel Linux, I have a Motorola
softmodem SM56, I got the driver from motorola, but after install it and
doing all the required setups. the system still cannot find the modem?

My STRONGEST suggestion to you is to spend a few dollars, chuck the
softmodem in the bin, and get a nice serial external that simply 'works' out
of the box. It WILL save you a ton of headaches. It's more compatable with
everything, and won't draw CPU power out of your box to drive it. In general
terms I find proper modems are also faster and more reliable.

BUT (and please only do this if your budget is tight), you can go to this

And get some pointers to getting it working. You won't get too many
responses from the list because we've gone through this a thousand times
already, and basically don't REALLY want to deal with those cheap winmodems
any more.

Good luck.

Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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lock user after 3 failed logon attempts

2002-10-18 Thread Freddy Chavez
Hi folks. I want to lock a user account (make it not available to
login) for 30 minutes if there are 3 failed logon attempts (to
prevent brute force attack) via a SSH session. Of course, that
would not apply to root.
Is there any way to do that?


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Re: Kmail and mailing lists

2002-10-18 Thread Michael Fratoni
Hash: SHA1

On Friday 18 October 2002 10:02 am, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> On Friday October 18 2002 01:27 am, Mark wrote:
> > So, I use kmail, and I *don't* care for it's addressbook, and I've
> > just tried Kaddressbook, and it is user-hostile: I can't seem to
> > create a mailing list, and I can't put the display fields in the
> > order I want (and who wants an addressbook that INSISTS on Email1
> > before File-as - alpha order of fields, in other words.
> To make distribution list (that's what it's called, i think) you need
> to have all the addresses in the Addressbook individually, then you
> click File-> Distribution list, and add the addresses to the list,
> which really sucks, I agree.

You can put the display fields in any order you like. Open the address 
book, left click and drag the field heading to where you want it.

> > Nor does Kaddressbook have any help. If I click "create folder", the
> > KMail addressbook, with or without KAB, does not have any explanation
> > of what the fuck "folder contains an address list" check box *MEANS*,
> > or if I can use it for a mailing list, or

I filter each list I am subscribed to in it's own folder. By selecting the 
folder contains a mailing list, I can define the "post" address for each 

As Reuben pointed out, distribution lists work fine, but each address you 
want to add has to exist in the address book first. Annoying I agree, but 
functional enough.

- -- 
- -Michael

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Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 18:44:24 -0400
Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled intuitively:

>On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 04:06:37PM -0600, Joe Giles wrote:
>> Maybe there is a Moderator you can e-mail to help you ?
>> Thoughts???
>He probably has better things to do than babysit people who can't
>follow instructions. 
>> > You cannot unsubscribe from this list. A friend subscribed me back
>> > in 1996, and I have not been able to unsubscribe. Please email me
>> > if you find how to do it.
>Beat me too it :) I am trapped here since '98. But I have been
>rewarded richly as a result :/
"You can checkout any time you'd like,
But you can never leave.."
--Eagles, Hotel California

"Whenever a copyright law is to be made or altered, then the idiots
- Mark Twain's Notebook, 1902-1903

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Re: Load test

2002-10-18 Thread Matthew Saltzman
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Javier Gostling wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 02:30:57PM -0600, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
> >
> > Is there some way to stress load a system see if it will survive?  Last
> > night I posted a kernel oops from a system that crashed and while I realize
> > that I probably won't get much answers here, I would still like to figure out
> > what happened.  And specially since it hasn't happen after that, I need to try
> > and get this thing loaded up to where it might crash again.  Suggestions
> > anyone?
> It all depends on the kind of load you want to impose on the system. If
> you want to stress CPU, you could write a small C program that does some
> heavy numeric computation (such as a Fibonacci sequence) a repeated
> number of times.

Fibonacci sequences won't stress the floating-point unit much.  There are
several standard benchmarks for numerical processing.  Look for SPECINT,
SPECFP, and LINPACK on Google, for example.

Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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Modem recommendation.

2002-10-18 Thread Jim Moberg
Hi.  I am looking for a recommendation on a modem to use with Red Hat 
Linux 7.3.  From what I have seen external modems are the way to go. 
That's fine.  I just don't know what brands tend to work better.  Has 
anyone worked with the ZOOM brand?  If so what has your experience been? 

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RE: 3GB memory limit

2002-10-18 Thread Tom Wike

Actually, in my experience, it is the value of HighTotal in
/proc/meminfo - we have several examples:

(All boxes have 4GB of memory)

IBM x330 running RH7.2 2.4.9-31enterprise  2948012 kB

IBM x330 running RH7.2 2.4.9-31smp0xe  3473328 kB
(custom kernel from Magma)

IBM x335 running RH7.2 2.4.9-31custom  3276780 kB
(custom kernel, had to add Broadcom and LSI MPT SCSI drivers)

Check out this web site:

On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 21:07, Tom Georgoulias wrote:
> Just a sanity check here:
> The maximum amount of memory a process can us on a x86 based CPU running
> Red Hat Linux is 3.5 GB, right?

ITS Design Systems Support  Voice: 214-480-2272
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Re: Kmail and mailing lists

2002-10-18 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Friday October 18 2002 12:53 pm, mark wrote:
> Well, a number of you have responded, and obviously I didn't make my
> problem clear.
> KMail 1.3.1, KDE 2.2-11
> (Yes, as soon as I have spare time, I'm upgrading my kernel, and then
> upgrading KDE...I'm too busy trying to make some money, having been caught
> in the "recession" for well over a year)
> At any rate, I did all the stuff, created the list in Kaddressbook, but:
>if I click to create a new email from KMail, no matter which of the four
> options in "configure KMail"->appearance->addressbook" I use,
> 1) in no case does it display the mailing list name, regardless of
> whether I hit the ellipses (the three periods), or the addressbook on the
> toolbar; only individual names & email addresses are displayed, and
> 2) if, instead, I bring up the KAdressbook GUI, and select the mailing
> list name, which *does* show up here, when I click on "send email", the
> only thing that happens is that it brings the mail client - the base KMail
> window, to the foreground, and does not open up a new
> email-editing/creating window.

I am still not clear what you mean by "mailing list name". Do you mean 
distribution list (in Kmail jargon) where put one alias that actuallly send 
the e-mail to a buch of different addresses? Or do you mean a mailing list 
address such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

As far as I remember, that version of Kmail/KDE/Kaddressbook does not even 
have a distribution list capability.
If you want the later, then it's no different than just putting an entry in 

> Also, I am unable to choose the order of the addressbook listings: for
> example, I cannot say "sort *all* of them in alpha order (bringing up the
> addressbook gui, sometimes seems like random order), to ignore the quotes
> that surround some usernames, or to tell it to ignore case.
> It appears that the last is not a bug, but a wishlist item, and I can live
> with that. However, as I said, neither gui even displays the name of any
> list I have created.
> Finally, why would I want to have to change to another folder, just to send
> out an email to a mailing list? Almost all the time, I am responding to
> something, or sitting there, and having thought or read something, want to
> send out a new email.

You don't have too, if you don't want to. You can always type the address 
manually. I am just saying it's one feature that KMail has, because for me, 
for example, I put all my Redhat-List e-mails to one folder. Now if I am in 
that folder, after reading a whole bunch of emails from the list, and I 
decided I want to send something to the list, when I click New Message, I can 
have the redhat-list address automatically filled out, and the Identity that 
I set for Redhat mailing list automatically used. Since I used different 
identities/email adress for different mailing-list, this is very useful for 
me. In fact, this is the reason I switched back to KMail after having tried 


> Are my complaints clearer?
>   mark

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Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread Robert P. J. Day
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does anyone know how to get off this mailing list.  If you think sending 
> "unsubscribe" works - it hasn't for me.

no, most of don't think that that works.  of couse, following the
link at the bottom of every message labelled "list management
information"  -- most of us think *that* works.


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Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread GJMPort
Does anyone know how to get off this mailing list.  If you think sending "unsubscribe" works - it hasn't for me.

Re: Changes to fstab are revoked

2002-10-18 Thread ABrady
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 19:31:59 +0300
"Ahmad Al-Dosari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Well, every time I edit /etc/fstab using vim then when restarting the
>  system my changes would be revoked. I have noticed also that the
>  changes I do will then be put in a new file which is
>  /etc/fstab.REVOKE
> Thanks,
> Ahmad Al-Dosari
> -Original Message-
> From: Gregory Hosler [mailto:gregory.hosler@;]
> Sent: 18 October, 2002 04:16 AM
> To: Ahmad Al-Dosari
> Subject: RE: Changes to fstab are revoked
> I manually edit my /etc/fstab, and I've *never* have a single one of
> my changes"revoked".
> -G

Turn off kudzu. That's what is changing it every boot.

Conformist revolution.

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Firewalls, recommend Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please recommend a excellent firewall .

On Friday, October 18, 2002, at 03:25 PM, Mitchell Wright wrote:

On 10/18/02 4:31 PM, "Javier Gostling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 09:53:29PM +0200, linux power wrote:

I'am new to tripwire so I dont know exactly how to use
it. I have build the databse with tripwire -m i
and tried the check with tripwire -m c
But when I ran tripwire -m u I got an error message
about a file it couldnt find.
Also I dont know how the intruder detection works.I
even know if tripwire is running or shall be running
like a deamon, or the user must himself run the check
I have not give any email address to be notified cause
I dont use sendmail.

Check the Official Redhat Linuc Configuration Guide. There is an 
chapter dedicated to Tripwire. And it's quite easy to follow.


Also, check out the sourceforge site for tripwire. They have a fairly 
(100page) documentation file. Its located under the files area... This 
sound obvious but there is also a documentation link.

I gave it a read through in full - its worth the time.


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Re: Hardware Detection confusion || DVD not CD drive

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Gaudette
It it suppose to be detected as a cdrom drive Matt.  Do the following:

ln -s /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd

Now try mplayer and I betcha' it'll work ;)  Have fun :)


On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 17:54, MET wrote:
> I'm trying to get mplayer to play my DVD however, it doesn't recognize
> the drive because the system is detected it as a CD drive, thus
> /dev/cdrom not /dev/dvd.  
> Any ideas on how to make Linux notice the difference?
> ~ Matthew
> P.S. Installing the new kernel in a few for those who read my last
> question =)
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;
-Jon "GenKiller" Gaudette
Digital Drip Webmaster (
CNCNZ Co-Webmaster (

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Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger
At 21:53 18.10.2002, linux power said:
>I'am new to tripwire so I dont know exactly how to use
>it. I have build the databse with tripwire -m i
>and tried the check with tripwire -m c
>But when I ran tripwire -m u I got an error message
>about a file it couldnt find.

The file it is looking for is the latest tripwire report file, usually
located in /var/lib/tripwire/report/, named
-mmdd-hhmmss.twr. Just use your tab key to locate
the latest report.

>Also I dont know how the intruder detection works.I
>even know if tripwire is running or shall be running
>like a deamon, or the user must himself run the check

When installing tripwire it usually installs itself as a cron job to be run
round midnight. Check /etc/cron.daily for a file named tripwire-check.

>I have not give any email address to be notified cause
>I dont use sendmail.

If root cannot be mailed to then your first issue after entering the office
and getting yourself some coffee should be to analyze the latest tripwire
report file (location see above):
  twprint -m r -r  |less


   >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)ICQ#   13394035

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Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread Hal Burgiss
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 04:06:37PM -0600, Joe Giles wrote:
> Maybe there is a Moderator you can e-mail to help you ?
> Thoughts???

He probably has better things to do than babysit people who can't
follow instructions. 

> > You cannot unsubscribe from this list. A friend subscribed me back
> > in 1996, and I have not been able to unsubscribe. Please email me
> > if you find how to do it.

Beat me too it :) I am trapped here since '98. But I have been
rewarded richly as a result :/

Hal Burgiss

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RE: redhat 8.0, apache 2 and PHP

2002-10-18 Thread Daevid Vincent
Title: Message

yes. downgrade to the 1.3 version of apache (and 4.1 of PHP too i 
that's what i 
php and apache 2 don't 
jive so well. 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Jason StaudenmayerSent: Friday, October 18, 2002 7:56 
  AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: FW: redhat 
  -Original Message-From: Jason 
  Staudenmayer Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:12 AMTo: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: redhat 8.0
  Has anybody found 
  a fix for Apache and PHP?

Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread Mitchell Wright
On 10/18/02 4:31 PM, "Javier Gostling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 09:53:29PM +0200, linux power wrote:
>> I'am new to tripwire so I dont know exactly how to use
>> it. I have build the databse with tripwire -m i
>> and tried the check with tripwire -m c
>> But when I ran tripwire -m u I got an error message
>> about a file it couldnt find.
>> Also I dont know how the intruder detection works.I
>> even know if tripwire is running or shall be running
>> like a deamon, or the user must himself run the check
>> regulary.
>> I have not give any email address to be notified cause
>> I dont use sendmail.
> Check the Official Redhat Linuc Configuration Guide. There is an entire
> chapter dedicated to Tripwire. And it's quite easy to follow.
> Cheers,

Also, check out the sourceforge site for tripwire. They have a fairly good
(100page) documentation file. Its located under the files area... This may
sound obvious but there is also a documentation link.

I gave it a read through in full - its worth the time.


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Re: Evolution and proxies...

2002-10-18 Thread Sam Ockman
If you mean the Network Proxy under "preferences:///" under Nautilus,
that is turned onand it doesn't work for evolution, unfortunately.

Any other ideas?


On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 09:12:27AM +1000, Sam Currie wrote:
> Did my latest post fix your issues?
> Cheers, Sam
> On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 10:43, Sam Ockman wrote:
> > Nope, didn't work unfortunately. 
> > 
> > Is there anyone on this list who is 
> > a) running Ximian evolution on Red Hat 8.0 (on a fresh install) 
> > b) is behind a http proxy like squid
> > c) has the summary feature properly downloading stuff?
> > 
> > There must be someone.
> > 
> > Or how about someone who has a & b but c doesn't work.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Sam
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 09:19:55AM +1000, Sam Currie wrote:
> > > I don't know about RH 8 but in 7.3 you needed to set the proxy settings
> > > in Galeon.  Maybe give this a shot.
> > > 
> > > Cheers, Sam
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 08:51, Sam Ockman wrote:
> > > > ...anyone figured out how to get evolution to use an http proxy for
> > > > the summary on Red Hat 8?
> > > > 
> > > > All the usual methods seem not to work.
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Sam
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > Sam Ockman, Chairman and CEO
> > > > Tel:  415-358-2600   Fax:  415-896-6742   Toll Free:  888-PENGUIN
> > > > Penguin Computing - The World's Most Reliable Linux Systems
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > redhat-list mailing list
> > > > unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > redhat-list mailing list
> > > unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;
> > >
> > 
> > -- 
> > Sam Ockman, Chairman and CEO
> > Tel:  415-358-2600   Fax:  415-896-6742   Toll Free:  888-PENGUIN
> > Penguin Computing - The World's Most Reliable Linux Systems
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > redhat-list mailing list
> > unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;
> >
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;

Sam Ockman, Chairman and CEO
Tel:  415-358-2600   Fax:  415-896-6742   Toll Free:  888-PENGUIN
Penguin Computing - The World's Most Reliable Linux Systems 

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Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 15:30, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to get off this mailing list.  If you think sending 
> > "unsubscribe" works - it hasn't for me.
> no, most of don't think that that works.  of couse, following the
> link at the bottom of every message labelled "list management
> information"  -- most of us think *that* works.
> rday
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;

Does anyone know if clicking on the mailto link works?  Is that what is
causing so many problems?

Seems WAY easier than doing it online and needing your password.

Maybe I will try it later.


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Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread linux power
I have changed email account and want to stop the
mailings there.
No. I have not give up.
BTW I think I've found a hole in my firewall.
The trafic from port 80 and 21 was directly forwarded
to a client maschine that didnt excist on the local
network. So by using that ip one could get directly in
to the linux server since the trafic from clients  is
a trusted in the firewall.

 --- Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: > On
Fri, 2002-10-18 at 15:57, linux power wrote:
> > Not for me either.
> > 
> Don't bail yet!  I thought you were getting close to
> getting it.
> Bret
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe


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Re: Load test

2002-10-18 Thread Javier Gostling
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 02:30:57PM -0600, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:

> Is there some way to stress load a system see if it will survive?  Last
> night I posted a kernel oops from a system that crashed and while I realize
> that I probably won't get much answers here, I would still like to figure out
> what happened.  And specially since it hasn't happen after that, I need to try
> and get this thing loaded up to where it might crash again.  Suggestions
> anyone?

It all depends on the kind of load you want to impose on the system. If
you want to stress CPU, you could write a small C program that does some
heavy numeric computation (such as a Fibonacci sequence) a repeated
number of times.

The same could be used to stress the process scheduler by running
several instances of the same process.

It's not difficult to write small programs that stress different parts
of a system, and then run an appropiate mix of them to produce different
stress patterns. Examples:

- Network: Run 'while true; do cat /proc/kcore; done | nc  '
on one system and 'nc -l -p ' on another. Though you should note
that this will also have your CPU sky high over a high speed link.

- Disk I/O: 'cat /dev/hda > /dev/null' will do the trick. Or 'bonnie++'
if you also want to write.

- If you need to stress some service on the system, you will have to go
to specialized software. I have found that benchmarking software can
impose quite a load on services, be this web, database, etc.

And so on.

You can then mix this stressers to see how your system behaves under
different load conditions, such as what happens with my web server when
it's under heavy CPU load? what about disk I/O load?

I see some people claiming that this does not reflect a real world
system load, but this is not a real world test either. It's just an easy
way to stress a system and see if this stress has any impact on the
parameters you area really interested.

Finally, vmstat and xosview will give you a live sample of how much load
your system is under.

Javier Gostling
Ingeniero de Sistemas
Virtualia S.A.
Fono: +56 (2) 202-6264 x 130
Fax: +56 (2) 342-8763

Av. Kennedy 5757, of 1502
Las Condes

Description: PGP signature

Re: Get me off this mailing list!

2002-10-18 Thread Saul Arias
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 16:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get off this mailing list.  If you think sending 
> "unsubscribe" works - it hasn't for me.

You cannot unsubscribe from this list. A friend subscribed me back in
1996, and I have not been able to unsubscribe. Please email me if you
find how to do it.


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Hardware Detection confusion || DVD not CD drive

2002-10-18 Thread MET
I'm trying to get mplayer to play my DVD however, it doesn't recognize
the drive because the system is detected it as a CD drive, thus
/dev/cdrom not /dev/dvd.  

Any ideas on how to make Linux notice the difference?

~ Matthew

P.S. Installing the new kernel in a few for those who read my last
question =)

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Re: Security (was: Tripwire)

2002-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry, First time with linux/redhat this week.  Where do I locate the 
log files that you guys have been talking about?


On Friday, October 18, 2002, at 12:25 PM, Andrew MacKenzie wrote:

+++ Thomas Ribbrock [RedHat] [Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:12:33PM +0200]:

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 10:04:46AM +0100, Nick Lindsell wrote:

The Tripwire documentation suggests that the database be
held on a floppy which is then write-protected - should
prevent a blackhat getting to it.

Ok, so lets say I have the original Tripwire DB on a read-only medium
(CD-ROM would work, too, I suppose). But it still only tells me about
problems *after* the damage has been done, right? Tripwire does 
nothing to
*prevent* an attack, or am I missing something here? So, the main 
use would be to serve as a warning system a la "This system probably 
been hacked!", right?
Don't knock it.  *Knowing* whether you may or may not have been hacked 
half the battle.  What good is updating and maintaining security if 
you were
compromised three months ago and didn't know it?  Tripwire and 
your log files are good habits.  Be vigilant.

// Andrew MacKenzie  |
// Sleep: n. slEp
// A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

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Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread linux power
I'am new to tripwire so I dont know exactly how to use
it. I have build the databse with tripwire -m i
and tried the check with tripwire -m c
But when I ran tripwire -m u I got an error message
about a file it couldnt find.
Also I dont know how the intruder detection works.I
even know if tripwire is running or shall be running
like a deamon, or the user must himself run the check
I have not give any email address to be notified cause
I dont use sendmail.

 --- Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev: > On
Fri, 2002-10-18 at 11:26, linux power wrote:
> > 
> > Its easy for a hacker to find out if you have
> tripwire installed and then locate the
> > database file and then delete it.
> Which in and of itself provides one of the main
> functions of the
> service.  Intrusion Dectection.  I have not been
> hacked since I have
> been using tripwire but if it were to tell me that
> sommehitng has been
> changed I think I will be more inclined to use it a
> a signal to rebuild
> the box rather than fix only what it tells me.  It
> is after all a
> tripwire with hopefull noisy cans hanging on it so
> when someone hits it
> I'll know.
> Bret
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe


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Re: New Kernel || Should I update

2002-10-18 Thread Szymon Lukasik
You should :-)!
I suppose you`re in the same situation as me (& other RH8 users). The
newest update contains 3 packages : kernel (for your platform - for me
kernel-athlon) which installs automatically (after rebooting you`ll get
new kernel) and kernel sources&headers which you can use to compile your
own (like you described)...


W liście z pią, 18-10-2002, godz. 19:02, MET pisze: 
> I just ran the Red Hat Update Agent and it informed me that my kernel
> and kernel-source are out of date.  Naturally it says to perform the
> update otherwise they wouldn't have released it, but what do you all
> say?  And, how much work am I going to have to do in order once these
> two RPM's are installed to get them set as the NEW kernel's etc.  I come
> from FreeBSD so I'm used to buildkernel, installkernel and make world.  
> Ideas?
> ~ Matthew
> -- 
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Re: New Kernel || Should I update

2002-10-18 Thread Brian Ashe

On Friday October 18, 2002 01:02, MET wrote:
> I just ran the Red Hat Update Agent and it informed me that my kernel
> and kernel-source are out of date.  Naturally it says to perform the
> update otherwise they wouldn't have released it, but what do you all
> say?  And, how much work am I going to have to do in order once these
> two RPM's are installed to get them set as the NEW kernel's etc.  I come
> from FreeBSD so I'm used to buildkernel, installkernel and make world.

Provided you have version 2.5.4 or newer of up2date (I think that's the 
default of 7.2 and higher) all you need do is let it install the rpms and 
reboot. If you have an older version of up2date, you need to upgrade that 

It automatically updates lilo.conf or grub.conf as well as runs lilo (if 
that's your boot loader, grub needs nothing more then the conf file changed) 
so all you need to do is reboot to load the new kernel.

Brian Ashe CTO
Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: New Kernel || Should I update

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Gaudette
It depends.  Is this a production system?  If so, think twice before
updating the kernel.  Remember the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't
fix it".

Otherwise, if you do plan on upgrading the kernel, make sure you have
the latest up2date (RedHat says that something is wrong with older ones,
I forget what it was offhand though), and then update the kernel.  

>From personal experience, I have never had any problem upgrading a
kernel with up2date, and I have never had to do anything besides running
the "up2date" program, restarting, and continuing with my work.

Good Luck with whatever you choose :)


On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 13:02, MET wrote:
> I just ran the Red Hat Update Agent and it informed me that my kernel
> and kernel-source are out of date.  Naturally it says to perform the
> update otherwise they wouldn't have released it, but what do you all
> say?  And, how much work am I going to have to do in order once these
> two RPM's are installed to get them set as the NEW kernel's etc.  I come
> from FreeBSD so I'm used to buildkernel, installkernel and make world.  
> Ideas?
> ~ Matthew
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@;
-Jon "GenKiller" Gaudette
Digital Drip Webmaster (
CNCNZ Co-Webmaster (

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Re: 3c905b and full duplex

2002-10-18 Thread Mike Burger
I'm pretty sure, actually, that mii-tool will work teh 3c905 
series...won't work with the 3c509 series, unfortunately.

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Samuel Flory wrote:

> Espiritu, Alice M wrote:
> >I have been trying to force 3c905b to full duplex.  (yes I know that
> >autonegotion in recommended but our network people set all the switches to
> >100 full duplex).
> >
> >This is what I tried
> >
> >in my modules.conf I have a line stating
> >
> >  alias eth0 3c90x option full_duplex=1 media_select=5
> >
> >I still get half duplex
> >
> >if have tryed using vortex_diag but it appears that I am not using the
> >correct calls.
> >
> >Does anyone have a suggestion?
> >  
> >
>   If vortex_diag is like the rest of Becker's stuff you really need to 
> look at the source to figure out how it works.  Have you tried mii-tool? 
>  (It should be part of net-tools in 7.2-8.0)  I'm not sure if the 3c905b 
> uses the mii interface, but it couldn't hurt to try.
> [root@sflory linux-2.4.18-14]# mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth0
> [root@sflory linux-2.4.18-14]# mii-tool eth0
> eth0: 100 Mbit, full duplex, link ok

Mike Burger

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Re: Security (was: Tripwire)

2002-10-18 Thread Andrew MacKenzie
+++ Thomas Ribbrock [RedHat] [Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:12:33PM +0200]:
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 10:04:46AM +0100, Nick Lindsell wrote:
> > The Tripwire documentation suggests that the database be
> > held on a floppy which is then write-protected - should
> > prevent a blackhat getting to it.
> Ok, so lets say I have the original Tripwire DB on a read-only medium
> (CD-ROM would work, too, I suppose). But it still only tells me about
> problems *after* the damage has been done, right? Tripwire does nothing to
> *prevent* an attack, or am I missing something here? So, the main (only?)
> use would be to serve as a warning system a la "This system probably has
> been hacked!", right?
Don't knock it.  *Knowing* whether you may or may not have been hacked is
half the battle.  What good is updating and maintaining security if you were
compromised three months ago and didn't know it?  Tripwire and monitoring
your log files are good habits.  Be vigilant.

// Andrew MacKenzie  |
// Sleep: n. slEp
// A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

Description: PGP signature

Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread Martín Marqués
On Vie 18 Oct 2002 16:01, Bret Hughes wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 11:26, linux power wrote:
> > Its easy for a hacker to find out if you have tripwire installed and then
> > locate the database file and then delete it.
> Which in and of itself provides one of the main functions of the
> service.  Intrusion Dectection.  I have not been hacked since I have
> been using tripwire but if it were to tell me that sommehitng has been
> changed I think I will be more inclined to use it a a signal to rebuild
> the box rather than fix only what it tells me.  It is after all a
> tripwire with hopefull noisy cans hanging on it so when someone hits it
> I'll know.

Doesn't fam do the same that tripewire does?

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |   Centro de Telematica
   Universidad Nacional
del Litoral

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Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 11:26, linux power wrote:
> Its easy for a hacker to find out if you have tripwire installed and then locate the
> database file and then delete it.

Which in and of itself provides one of the main functions of the
service.  Intrusion Dectection.  I have not been hacked since I have
been using tripwire but if it were to tell me that sommehitng has been
changed I think I will be more inclined to use it a a signal to rebuild
the box rather than fix only what it tells me.  It is after all a
tripwire with hopefull noisy cans hanging on it so when someone hits it
I'll know.


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Using Xfree86 CVS on RH 8.0

2002-10-18 Thread Joshua P. Metcalf

Has anyone attempted to download the latest Xfree86 system
using the CVS on RH 8.0? And did you get it to install successfully? If so,
would you be willing to assist me in doing the same?


So far I have downloaded and compiled Xfree86 however, I
fear that it’s default install path’s differ from the ones that Red
Hat uses. 


Any advice would be greatly appreciated (I can’t get
my system running without the video drivers that the latest CVS contains).





New Kernel || Should I update

2002-10-18 Thread MET
I just ran the Red Hat Update Agent and it informed me that my kernel
and kernel-source are out of date.  Naturally it says to perform the
update otherwise they wouldn't have released it, but what do you all
say?  And, how much work am I going to have to do in order once these
two RPM's are installed to get them set as the NEW kernel's etc.  I come
from FreeBSD so I'm used to buildkernel, installkernel and make world.  


~ Matthew

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Re: Security (was: Tripwire)

2002-10-18 Thread linux power
Thanks for the info Jason. I've once ran portsentry and ipchains when I was a very
new newbie.Now I'am only newbie. But at that time I'll never understood how it worked.
 Jason Costomiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:12:33PM +0200, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:: Further, I've been thinking about portsentry. What's the use of it?You're not the only one who wonders this.: If you: have a firewall set up that's only allowing access to specifically defined: ports from the outside on which you have services running (no need to have: any other ports open), portsentry would never see a thing, right?True. IMO, portsentry does nothing that a reasonable firewall and NIDS configuration does, except automatically blackhole people. One can achievethat functionality through snort, built with flexresp. So again, nothing that can't be done with a reasonable firewall and NIDS config.: I for example have my firewall set up that way: Everything's blocked except: a few defined ports on which I have services running (e.g. port 80, as I:!
 have a web server running[0]. Connections initiated from the inside are no: problem, as the firewall is stateful (I'm using pf on OpenBSD - can iptables: do this as well? ipchains couldn't, AFAIR), so am I right in assuming that: portsentry wouldn't buy me anything?You're correct, iptables is also stateful. Using portsentry *might* havesome value if you run ipchains and no NIDS, but that's about the only circumstance where I think it's terribly useful. Such programs often hamper administrators. It's awfully easy to shoot yourself in the foot,blocking YOURSELF from accessing your own system.-- Jason Costomiris <>< | Technologist, geek, human.jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org | Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.My account, My opinions.-- redhat-list mailing listunsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe!
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Re: Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Polk
If it's a DAT it's most likely /dev/nst0 and I've used KDat but have found it 


-- Original Message ---
From: Nick Lindsell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 17:09:03 +0100
Subject: Re: Tape Drive

> At 17:37 18/10/2002 +0200, you wrote:
> >Run the 'dmesg' command or watch the /var/log/messages and look for that 
> >entry.
> >
> >You can also try to view the /proc/devices file. (but I'm not sure if a 
> >tape device is listed in that file)
> SCSI devices are listed in /proc/scsi/scsi.
> "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" - the tape device is one of the "Sequential 
> Access"  types.
> >rgrds,
> >
> > Bart
> >
> >IS Department wrote:
> >>I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Dell Poweredge 4200. This machine has a 
> >>SCSI 4mm DAT tape drive. I would like to use KDAT which comes with the 
> >>RedHat distro. Does anybody know how to find the name of the tape drive 
> >>and weather it even exists?
> >>
> >>Thanks
> >
> >
> >--
> >Schelstraete Bart
> >Unix / Netscape Administrator
> >DHL Aviation
> >
> >
> >M.A.D.D.: Midgets Against Desk Drawers.
> >
> >Friday, October 18, 2002
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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--- End of Original Message ---

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Re: why can't I shutdown Linux ?

2002-10-18 Thread achana
I put in a known functional network card, same RTL chip.
Now everything works.
I need only log in once rather than twice.
But shut-down still hangs at "Umounting file system", I wonder whether
this has anything to do with disabling the hda on the ASUS motherboard
because I use SCSI ?
Nothing that happened this morning makes much sense to me.
First, the dead nic did not complain. The last time a nic died on me, it
flooded dmesg.
Second, what has a nic got to do with logging in twice (or once) on
Gnome ?
Although the problem is resolved, I remain dissatisfied because I do not
see the connections between the symptoms and the dead nic and the only
reason I changed the nic is because I cannot reach it.
errare humanum est - and I am very human !
domini absolvi - just not me !

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Re: Kmail and mailing lists

2002-10-18 Thread mark
Well, a number of you have responded, and obviously I didn't make my problem 

KMail 1.3.1, KDE 2.2-11
(Yes, as soon as I have spare time, I'm upgrading my kernel, and then 
upgrading KDE...I'm too busy trying to make some money, having been caught in 
the "recession" for well over a year)

At any rate, I did all the stuff, created the list in Kaddressbook, but:
   if I click to create a new email from KMail, no matter which of the four 
options in "configure KMail"->appearance->addressbook" I use, 
1) in no case does it display the mailing list name, regardless of 
whether I hit the ellipses (the three periods), or the addressbook on the 
toolbar; only individual names & email addresses are displayed, and

2) if, instead, I bring up the KAdressbook GUI, and select the mailing 
list name, which *does* show up here, when I click on "send email", the only 
thing that happens is that it brings the mail client - the base KMail window, 
to the foreground, and does not open up a new email-editing/creating window.

Also, I am unable to choose the order of the addressbook listings: for 
example, I cannot say "sort *all* of them in alpha order (bringing up the 
addressbook gui, sometimes seems like random order), to ignore the quotes 
that surround some usernames, or to tell it to ignore case.

It appears that the last is not a bug, but a wishlist item, and I can live 
with that. However, as I said, neither gui even displays the name of any list 
I have created.

Finally, why would I want to have to change to another folder, just to send 
out an email to a mailing list? Almost all the time, I am responding to 
something, or sitting there, and having thought or read something, want to 
send out a new email.

Are my complaints clearer?

Finally, a perfect understanding:
   George W. Bush is Eddie Haskell

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Re: New NetGear Wireless PCMCIA

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Gaudette
You can't play music?  If you are referring to XMMS and MP3's there is a
fix for that.  It's a simple RPM file located at

I hope that helps in perhaps getting your wireless to work.  It may work
if you upgrade to the 8.0 release and use RedHat's wireless mojo.

Good Luck :)


On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 09:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  said:
> >What version of RedHat are you running?  I heard that 8.0 has superb
> >wireless support.  That's just what I've heard though, I haven't gone
> >wireless yet.
> >-Jon
> >On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 20:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I installed a new NetGear PCMCIA wireless card yesterday, along with a 
> new 
> >> wireless access point. The box said it was compatible with all kinds of 
> >> operating systems, including Linux. 
> I'm running RH 7.3. I "upgraded" to 8.0 for about ten hours and ripped 
> that s***er right out (I have a hard time developing when I can't listen 
> to music...). I got the wireless after I went back to 7.3 so can't respond 
> to 8.0 support.
> -- 
> Randolph "Randy" L. Chrismon
-Jon "GenKiller" Gaudette
Digital Drip Webmaster (
CNCNZ Co-Webmaster (

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Re: Kazaa Lite Fun: was, RE: Tonight I got hacked.

2002-10-18 Thread linux power
Ok. Thanks for your hint.
 Bill Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kazaa and Kazaa Lite both have an option for disabling the downloading of files that "might contain trojans".  The difference is, Kazaa protects you by enabling that option, and Kazaa Lite does not.  So after using Kazaa for a while, I switched to Kazaa Lite - and assumed the same default was used.  It isn't.  My Win2k box was so hosed after running a single VBS file, I had to re-install the OS. Microsoft compounds the problem by hiding known file extensions, so "your.hacked.jpg.vbs" becomes "your.hacked.jpg"  The good news was, I took advantage of the opportunity to make a linux partition on that machine.
- bill

-Original Message-From: linux power [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:29 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: Tonight I got hacked.
It happend when a client machine was connected to KaZaa through the Linux server and stored data on the server. 
 Joe Polk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
You are correct, sort of. While it's true nothing can initiate a connectionfrom the outside, a client on the inside can. It's not what you might think,either. Yes, a trojan could do it, but Internet Explore can as well. So toocan things like Gator and other spyware. Though for the most part you aresecure from root attacks by and large, be aware your clients within your lancan initiate contact with the outside world and these connections can alsoinvite danger.<>-- Original Message ---From: Bill Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 18:11:41 -0400Subject: RE: Tonight I got hacked.> If I have a little $60 Netgear router, and provide no services > through it - do I have to worry about all this stuff? Its my >!
! understanding that no ports are being forwarded, so nothing can get > through. Or am I mistaken?> > - bill> > -Original Message-> From: Todd A. Jacobs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 4:30 PM> To: RedHat List> Subject: Re: Tonight I got hacked.> > On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, linux power wrote:> > > I thought I had a good iptables firewall, but not good enough. Well> > anyway it tooks a couple of months before it happend-> > A firewall is insufficient in and of itself. All a firewall does is > allow or block access to certain ports. It doesn't control what kind > of traffic flows through those sockets: that's up to the application > or its application-layer proxy to sort out.> > If you want your system to be secure, you need to install a firewall > of course, but you also need to disab!
l! e unnecessary services,> tighten access controls, l!
imi! t privelege, monitor log files, and > many other tasks. "Security is a process, not a product."> > I don't think it's been updated for psyche yet, but take a look at > the bastille hardening scripts and see what you can learn. At a > minimum, you should:> > - Only install packages you know you'll need. Avoid "everything plus> the kitchen sink" installs.> - Use ntsysv to remove services you don't use or understand.> - Make heavy use of /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow to restrict> access.> - Disable xinetd unless you *really* need it. If you do, disable > any of its child services that you don't explicitly need. -> Install portsentry. - Configure tripwire and READ the reports. > - Install logsentry and READ the reports.> > Switching to Windows will not solve your problem, since Windows has > even more exploits than Linux and is much harder to !
secur! e and > monitor. And even if you choose to do so, the list of tasks isn't > really all that different: lock it down, and then monitor, monitor, monitor.> > There is no quick fix for security. If you insist on looking for one,> you *will* get hacked again, regardless of the OS you choose to use.> > -- > "The only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is > the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes."> > - Holly, JMC Vessel *Red Dwarf*> > -- > redhat-list mailing list> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe>> > -- > redhat-list mailing list> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe> End of Original Message !
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Re: AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread linux power
Its easy for a hacker to find out if you have tripwire installed and then locate the
database file and then delete it.
 Ernest E Vogelsinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-> Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von Nick Lindsell> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. Oktober 2002 10:05> An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Betreff: Re: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)> > The Tripwire documentation suggests that the database be> held on a floppy which is then write-protected - should> prevent a blackhat getting to it.right, but when you're managing your servers from a remote location that's a bit of a hassle...>O Ernest E. Vogelsinger(\) ICQ# 13394035^ -- redhat-list mailing listunsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe!
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RE: Changes to fstab are revoked

2002-10-18 Thread Ahmad Al-Dosari

 Well, every time I edit /etc/fstab using vim then when restarting the system my 
changes would be revoked. I have noticed also that the changes I do will then be put 
in a new file which is /etc/fstab.REVOKE

Ahmad Al-Dosari

-Original Message-
From: Gregory Hosler [mailto:gregory.hosler@;]
Sent: 18 October, 2002 04:16 AM
To: Ahmad Al-Dosari
Subject: RE: Changes to fstab are revoked

I manually edit my /etc/fstab, and I've *never* have a single one of my changes


On 18-Oct-02 Ahmad Al-Dosari wrote:
> Changes to fstab are revoked
> I'm new to Linux and would appreciate it
> if any one can tell me why would any manual
> change to /etc/fstab are revoked every time I restart my redhat 7.3
> system?
> Regards,
> Ahmad Al-Dosari
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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E-Mail: Gregory Hosler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-Oct-02
Time: 09:15:40

  If each of us have one object, and we exchange them,
 then each of us still has one object.
  If each of us have one idea,   and we exchange them,
 then each of us now has two ideas.


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Re: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Nick Wilson

* and then Matthew Saltzman declared
> While the amnount of activity on the filesystem is an issue, there are
> techniques to recover a lost file from a ext2 file system.  A ggogle

Well, I'm on ext3 but I've just tried The Coroners Toolkit, which whilst
pretty neat, didn't work for me.

I got it to dump all the stuff on /hda3 (can't remeber exactly) into a
file (18G) then Lazurus couldn't open it! Damn!

Oh well, it's just an php file that will take me less time to re-write
than messing with complicated software ;-)

Much thanks to Willem Van der Walt for sending me the toolkit ;-)

Nick Wilson //

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Re: Mplayer playing WAY too fast

2002-10-18 Thread gabriel
just a guess, but try a few different avi files if you can.  maybe the 
framerate is messed on the one file you're looking at?  or maybe there's a 
complete lack of keyframes and it's confusing mplayer?  it's just a guess.

On October 17, 2002 09:18 pm, MET wrote:
> I just installed mplayer as suggested by the site.  I then launched the
> 'gmplayer' command which thus launched the GUI player.  I haven't tested
> a dvd yet, but on the .avi file it was playing at what I would estimate
> as twice the normal speed (as was the sound).  Any ideas?
> ~ Matthew

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Re: Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread C. Linus Hicks
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 11:37, Bart Schelstraete wrote:
> Run the 'dmesg' command or watch the /var/log/messages and look for that 
> entry.
> You can also try to view the /proc/devices file. (but I'm not sure if a 
> tape device is listed in that file)
> rgrds,
> Bart
> IS Department wrote:
> > I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Dell Poweredge 4200. This machine has 
> > a SCSI 4mm DAT tape drive. I would like to use KDAT which comes with 
> > the RedHat distro. Does anybody know how to find the name of the tape 
> > drive and weather it even exists?
> >  
> > Thanks 

You can also cat /proc/scsi/scsi which will show all of your SCSI
devices. Tape drives show up with a type of "Sequential-Access" as you
can see from the example below. If you have only one tape drive on your
system, it will be "st0" as mentioned elsewhere. If you have multiple
drives, they will be enumerated in the order they show up in this pseudo

[linush@lh2 linush]$ cat /proc/scsi/scsi (abbreviated for clarity)
Attached devices: 
Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 06 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP   Model: C5683A   Rev: C104
  Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02


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Re: 3c905b and full duplex

2002-10-18 Thread Samuel Flory
Espiritu, Alice M wrote:

I have been trying to force 3c905b to full duplex.  (yes I know that
autonegotion in recommended but our network people set all the switches to
100 full duplex).

This is what I tried

in my modules.conf I have a line stating

 alias eth0 3c90x option full_duplex=1 media_select=5

I still get half duplex

if have tryed using vortex_diag but it appears that I am not using the
correct calls.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

 If vortex_diag is like the rest of Becker's stuff you really need to 
look at the source to figure out how it works.  Have you tried mii-tool? 
(It should be part of net-tools in 7.2-8.0)  I'm not sure if the 3c905b 
uses the mii interface, but it couldn't hurt to try.

[root@sflory linux-2.4.18-14]# mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth0
[root@sflory linux-2.4.18-14]# mii-tool eth0
eth0: 100 Mbit, full duplex, link ok

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Re: Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread Nick Lindsell
At 17:37 18/10/2002 +0200, you wrote:

Run the 'dmesg' command or watch the /var/log/messages and look for that 

You can also try to view the /proc/devices file. (but I'm not sure if a 
tape device is listed in that file)

SCSI devices are listed in /proc/scsi/scsi.

"cat /proc/scsi/scsi" - the tape device is one of the "Sequential 
Access"  types.



IS Department wrote:

I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Dell Poweredge 4200. This machine has a 
SCSI 4mm DAT tape drive. I would like to use KDAT which comes with the 
RedHat distro. Does anybody know how to find the name of the tape drive 
and weather it even exists?


Schelstraete Bart
Unix / Netscape Administrator
DHL Aviation

M.A.D.D.: Midgets Against Desk Drawers.

Friday, October 18, 2002

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Re: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Matthew Saltzman
On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, Vidiot wrote:

> >* and then Spanke, Alexander declared
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> You can use the midnight commander, it has a function to "undelete"
> >
> >Yes, but I've already deleted it
> >Nick Wilson //
> You can pretty much kiss it goodbye, especially after all this time.  The
> inode, and/or space, has probably already been reused.

While the amnount of activity on the filesystem is an issue, there are
techniques to recover a lost file from a ext2 file system.  A ggogle
search will turn up some HOWTOs using the ext2 file system tools and some
other software.  Ext3 is another issue.  It seems like one oght to be able
to play the journal, then remount the filesystem as ext2.  But I've never
seen any instructions and I could be way off base on that.

Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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Re: Corel Photo PAint 9

2002-10-18 Thread Bart Schelstraete
Javier Solis wrote:

After I run the installation program It says that the program was installed but the there is no Icon or any reference to call the program how can I configure gnome to show the new installed programs?

You can run it with the command 'photopaint'.




Schelstraete Bart
Unix / Netscape Administrator
DHL Aviation

M.A.D.D.: Midgets Against Desk Drawers.

Friday, October 18, 2002

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swat and nic

2002-10-18 Thread Jacobs, James
Title: swat and nic

Installed RedHat 8.0.  My network card continuously deactivates itself.  I have only been able to re-activate it by rebooting.  

    Problem two, I can not get swat working.  I have edited /etc/service and created a swat file under xinetd.d directory, but still no swat.  

James Jacobs

PC Support

Ext. 342

Re: Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread Bart Schelstraete

Run the 'dmesg' command or watch the /var/log/messages and look for
that entry.

You can also try to view the /proc/devices file. (but I'm not sure if a
tape device is listed in that file)



IS Department wrote:

  I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a
Dell Poweredge 4200. This machine has a SCSI 4mm DAT tape drive. I
would like to use KDAT which comes with the RedHat distro. Does
anybody know how to find the name of the tape drive and weather it
even exists?

Schelstraete Bart
Unix / Netscape Administrator
DHL Aviation

M.A.D.D.: Midgets Against Desk Drawers.

Friday, October 18, 2002

XDMCP and NFS problem

2002-10-18 Thread James Smith

I am having trouble with NFS and XDMCP on my system.  I am not sure what is
going on, or even how to troubleshoot it.  Here is what seems to be
happening.  I enabled XDMCP in gdm.conf.  I have exported my home directory
in /etc/exports for NFS.  I restart all services and everything seems to
work fine for a few days.  NFS and remote X sessions all seem to be happy.
Then for what appears to be no reason, NFS and XDMCP both stop working.  I
tried to track the problems down in /var/log/messages, but don't really find
anything useful.  All I find that might be useful is:

Oct 18 11:23:56 localhost rpc.mountd: authenticated mount   request from for /home (/home) is infact my IP address, but I can't access any exported
directorys.  I am using OMNI NFS client on Windows XP, and it is able to
detect the nfs server running on the linux box, and even see the exports,
but just can't mount.  I have tried Labtam NFS client with the same results.
Unfortunately I am unable to get much information about the X session.  I am
using Labtam Remote X session.

I should probably note that I am using Redhat 7.3 on my linux box right now,
but this problem existed in 7.0.  I tried this upgrade to see if it would
fix the problem, but to no avail.  After a few hours of fiddling around,
rebooting etc. both services mysteriously seem to start working again.  How
do I go about tracking down this problem and fixing it?

Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

James Smith
Senior Software Developer
KESM Transaction Solutions

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Re: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Vidiot
>On Friday 18 October 2002 09:52, Vidiot wrote:
>> >* and then Spanke, Alexander declared
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> You can use the midnight commander, it has a function to "undelete"
>> >
>> >Yes, but I've already deleted it
>> >Nick Wilson //
>> You can pretty much kiss it goodbye, especially after all this time.  The
>> inode, and/or space, has probably already been reused.
>> MB
>Now, IIRC, doesnt ext2 have the undelete options whereas ext3 does _not_ ?
>I bring this up only because of several months ago, a friend vaped a folder 
>that was on an ext3 fs.  He couldnt get it back.  Any ideas on this?

News to me, but I'm always surprised as to what has been added to Linux.

e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   It is God's job to forgive bin Laden.
It is our job to set up the meeting.
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Re: X-Windows virtual desktop setup on kiosk

2002-10-18 Thread Matthew Bradford
what will you have running?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:34 AM
Subject: X-Windows virtual desktop setup on kiosk

> Hi everybody,
> We have a non-administerer X-Windows display (no mouse, no keyboard)
> (both Window managers: Gnome or KDE would do fine)
> with a 2x2 virtual desktop due to monitor size (and price ;-)
> restrictions. We would like to get two main functionalities:
> - Automatic virtual desktop change without keyboard entry
> I thought something like the following would do the trick
>  a) "chvt for XWindows" 
>  b) send the Alt+F1 to the XWindows environment from a script
>  c) automatic window iconize & maximize from a script
> - Windows size & position configuration recovery
>   (some thing like a XWindows-for-all --geometry parameter)
>For this bit, the problem is that we have applications other than 
> Netscape/Mozilla running. 
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Manuel 

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Re: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Schotty
On Friday 18 October 2002 09:52, Vidiot wrote:
> >* and then Spanke, Alexander declared
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> You can use the midnight commander, it has a function to "undelete"
> >
> >Yes, but I've already deleted it
> >Nick Wilson //
> You can pretty much kiss it goodbye, especially after all this time.  The
> inode, and/or space, has probably already been reused.
> MB

Now, IIRC, doesnt ext2 have the undelete options whereas ext3 does _not_ ?

I bring this up only because of several months ago, a friend vaped a folder 
that was on an ext3 fs.  He couldnt get it back.  Any ideas on this?


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Re: Kmail and mailing lists

2002-10-18 Thread M.Schild

> To use your address book, click a little button with 3 dots beside the To /
> CC box in the Compose New Mail window.

Thanks fo that tip

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FW: redhat 8.0

2002-10-18 Thread Jason Staudenmayer
Title: Message


-Original Message-From: Jason Staudenmayer 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:12 AMTo: 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: redhat 8.0
Has anybody found a 
fix for Apache and PHP?

OT : problem with kept from session in redhat 7.3

2002-10-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Fri, 2002-10-18 at 02:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> That would be a great help 

here ya go.  Play with the settings in the method calls to
arrange how you want.  This code was written to create windows with no
controls. simply remove the control=no statments to keep the controls. 

this page should load the urls in the first parameter in new widows and
close itself leaving the new windows open. 

 the canvas access required the prefs to allow the security access. 
Probably not a good idea for a browser that will be used to access
untrusted sites.

It has been a couple of years since I researched an wrote this but if
you have any questions you can contact me off list and I will try to



open browser windows 


/* This page is used to open a window with no controls 

If a Javascript exception is generated with access denied exception, 
check the prefs.js file for the user and make sure the following line

user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);


function windowOpener() 

/* open full screen window with no controls
If already exists the open statment will gain a handle into the
existing window
// change the first parameter in the open method to the url
// you want.  this example uses a web url in the big window
// and a file in the current directory in the smaller one
displayWindow ="","bigWindow","titlebar=no,screenX=-1,screenY=-1,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,width=1025,height=701,alwaysRaised=yes";);

bottomWindow ="elevating.html","eleWindow","titlebar=no,screenX=-1,screenY=700,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,width=850,height=68,alwaysRaised=yes");

// Not sure why this has to be there but it will not work
// otherwise  Set to the same url as the other open statment
// that refers to the window with the name bigWindow 
displayWindow ="","bigWindow","titlebar=no,screenX=-1,screenY=-1,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,width=1025,height=701,alwaysRaised=yes";);"CanvasAccess");

This page contains javascript that creates canvas  browser windows 

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Re: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Vidiot
>* and then Spanke, Alexander declared
>> Hi,
>> You can use the midnight commander, it has a function to "undelete"
>Yes, but I've already deleted it
>Nick Wilson //

You can pretty much kiss it goodbye, especially after all this time.  The
inode, and/or space, has probably already been reused.

e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   It is God's job to forgive bin Laden.
It is our job to set up the meeting.
U.S. Marine Corp.
Visit - URL:  (Your link to Star Trek and UPN)

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why can't I shutdown Linux ?

2002-10-18 Thread achana
Hi all.
My Oracle/RH7.1 server has recently developed two unusual quirks.
(1) It cannot shutdown and hangs at "Umounting file systems" with
following error message "shutdown : warning : cannot open
/var/run/" This is a new one for me.
There is no in this directory ?!?
(2) It seems that I have to log on twice at the spalsh screen to log on
(I installed gnome, I shouldn't have on a server) . I think sometime
back, somebody had a similar problem.
(3) And just now, on reboot, it cannot reach the other machines ?!? Hmmm
network problems, but it has been running nicely for weeks without  a
reboot : eth0 up, default route okay, can't ping , womder why.

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Re: Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread Willem van der Walt<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Have you tried /dev/st0
Normally things will work better if you create a link /dev/tape to the 
from the commandline, do mt status after you have done:
ln -s /dev/st0 /dev/tape
If it shows up, you should be ok with most software.

On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, IS Department wrote:

> I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Dell Poweredge 4200. This machine has a SCSI 4mm 
>DAT tape drive. I would like to use KDAT which comes with the RedHat distro. Does 
>anybody know how to find the name of the tape drive and weather it even exists?
> Thanks 

Willem van der Walt
Information Services Directorate
Department of Health
South Africa
tel: 27 12 3120700

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Re: Kmail and mailing lists

2002-10-18 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Friday October 18 2002 01:27 am, Mark wrote:
> So, I use kmail, and I *don't* care for it's addressbook, and I've just
> tried Kaddressbook, and it is user-hostile: I can't seem to create a
> mailing list, and I can't put the display fields in the order I want (and
> who wants an addressbook that INSISTS on Email1 before File-as - alpha
> order of fields, in other words.

To make distribution list (that's what it's called, i think) you need to have 
all the addresses in the Addressbook individually, then you click File-> 
Distribution list, and add the addresses to the list, which really sucks, I 

> And I can't make things go away. Nor can I view a long email address, with
> a leading name. Nor, if I use either Kadressbook, or KAB with the
> Kadressbook gui, can I make the bloody damn thing address an email. I click
> on the name, it brings up the little list box so you can verify that's what
> you want, which is fine...but then I click ok...and it brings up the main
> KMail window.

To use your address book, click a little button with 3 dots beside the To / CC 
box in the Compose New Mail window.

> Nor does Kaddressbook have any help. If I click "create folder", the KMail
> addressbook, with or without KAB, does not have any explanation of what the
> fuck "folder contains an address list" check box *MEANS*, or if I can use
> it for a mailing list, or

I don't know what you mean. Do you mean create a folder in KMail? There is a 
checkbox which if you check, allow you to put a default address to post. So 
if you're in that folder and click the New Message button, the To box 
automatically gets filled in with the that address.

Hope that helps.

> !@#$%^&*@#$%^&*(@#$%^&*(
> Do I have to go down to the system level, and create a system-wide alias?
>   mark

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RE: Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread Ismael Touama

I believe it's /dev/st0 for SCSI Tape.
Look here :

Great doc on entire linux stuff.

-Message d'origine-
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:redhat-list-admin@;]De la
part de IS Department
Envoyé : samedi 19 octobre 2002 03:52
Objet : Tape Drive

I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Dell Poweredge 4200. This machine has a
SCSI 4mm DAT tape drive. I would like to use KDAT which comes with the
RedHat distro. Does anybody know how to find the name of the tape drive and
weather it even exists?


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Re: New NetGear Wireless PCMCIA

2002-10-18 Thread rchrismon


>What version of RedHat are you running?  I
heard that 8.0 has superb
>wireless support.  That's just what I've heard though, I haven't
>wireless yet.


>On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 20:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I installed a new NetGear PCMCIA wireless card yesterday, along
with a new 
>> wireless access point. The box said it was compatible with all
kinds of 
>> operating systems, including Linux. 

I'm running RH 7.3. I "upgraded" to 8.0 for about ten hours and
ripped that s***er right out (I have a hard time developing when I can't
listen to music...). I got the wireless after I went back to 7.3 so can't
respond to 8.0 support.

Randolph "Randy"
L. Chrismon

Tape Drive

2002-10-18 Thread IS Department

I have Redhat 8.0 installed on a Dell Poweredge 
4200. This machine has a SCSI 4mm DAT tape drive. I would like to use KDAT 
which comes with the RedHat distro. Does anybody know how to find the name of 
the tape drive and weather it even exists?

Re: VMWare

2002-10-18 Thread Matthew Saltzman
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Schotty wrote:

> On Thursday 17 October 2002 19:51, Mike Burger wrote:
> > I don't want to sound like I'm not being all honesty, I'm not
> > a VMware user, yet...but have you talked to VMWare support about this,
> > yet?
> Actually no.  I figured since my SuSE 8.1 works fine, and several others I
> have talked to are running into this and they all use RH8 now, its got to be
> a RH8 issue.  Whether its a missing library or whatnot.  I figured the best
> place to ask would be in the RH forums :)

It need not be *explicitly* a RH8 issue.  Many compilers and libraries are
updated in RH8.  If an incompatibility has been introduced with software
built in older environments, then the software provider is on the hook to
get their stuff updated to work in the new environment.

In this case, I believe there is some useful information on the VMware
newsgroups about this issue.

> Thanks though.

Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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Re: 7.3 to 8.0

2002-10-18 Thread Matthew Saltzman
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Tom Wilson wrote:

> On Thursday 10 October 2002 06:50 am, Julian Morcinek's voice rose
> above the ones in my head and declared:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Within the last six weeks, I bought and installed Redhat 7.3. Lo and
> > behold, Redhat have released a major version change to 8.0.
> >
> > 1. They never told me at the time.
> > 2. They haven't offered me a FREE upgrade path
> > 3. This isn't standard or good business practice.
> >
> > If they don't offer me the free upgrade, I want my money back.
> >
> > Am I being unreasonable?
> In short, yes.

Or maybe no.  Did Julian actually ask Red Hat about this?  IIRC, some
older releases did have a six-week-ish free upgrade window.  It's pretty
common practice in the software industry.  And while it is true that you
can always grab the ISOs and do it yourself, it is also true that the
boxed set adds value (docs and service, at least) and that Julian is not
getting the benefit of at least some of that added value if he doesn't get
to use his purchased version for some reasonable amount of time.

Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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Kazaa Lite Fun: was, RE: Tonight I got hacked.

2002-10-18 Thread Bill Holland

and Kazaa Lite both have an option for disabling the downloading of files that 
"might contain trojans".  The difference is, Kazaa protects you by enabling 
that option, and Kazaa Lite does not.  So after using Kazaa for a while, I 
switched to Kazaa Lite - and assumed the same default was used.  It 
isn't.  My Win2k box was so hosed after running a single VBS file, I had to 
re-install the OS. Microsoft compounds the problem by hiding known 
file extensions, so "your.hacked.jpg.vbs" becomes 
"your.hacked.jpg"  The good news was, I took advantage of the 
opportunity to make a linux partition on that machine.

  -Original Message-From: linux power 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 3:29 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: Tonight I got 
  It happend when a client machine was connected to KaZaa through the Linux 
  server and stored data on the server. 
   Joe Polk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
are correct, sort of. While it's true nothing can initiate a 
connectionfrom the outside, a client on the inside can. It's not what 
you might think,either. Yes, a trojan could do it, but Internet Explore 
can as well. So toocan things like Gator and other spyware. Though for 
the most part you aresecure from root attacks by and large, be aware 
your clients within your lancan initiate contact with the outside world 
and these connections can alsoinvite 
danger.<>-- Original Message 
---From: Bill Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
2002 18:11:41 -0400Subject: RE: Tonight I got hacked.> If I 
have a little $60 Netgear router, and provide no services > through 
it - do I have to worry about all this stuff? Its my >! understanding 
that no ports are being forwarded, so nothing can get > through. Or 
am I mistaken?> > - bill> > -Original 
Message-> From: Todd A. Jacobs 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 4:30 
PM> To: RedHat List> Subject: Re: Tonight I got 
hacked.> > On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, linux power wrote:> 
> > I thought I had a good iptables firewall, but not good enough. 
Well> > anyway it tooks a couple of months before it 
happend-> > A firewall is insufficient in and of itself. All a 
firewall does is > allow or block access to certain ports. It doesn't 
control what kind > of traffic flows through those sockets: that's up 
to the application > or its application-layer proxy to sort 
out.> > If you want your system to be secure, you need to 
install a firewall > of course, but you also need to disabl! e 
unnecessary services,> tighten access controls, limi! t privelege, 
monitor log files, and > many other tasks. "Security is a process, 
not a product."> > I don't think it's been updated for psyche 
yet, but take a look at > the bastille hardening scripts and see what 
you can learn. At a > minimum, you should:> > - Only 
install packages you know you'll need. Avoid "everything plus> the 
kitchen sink" installs.> - Use ntsysv to remove services you don't 
use or understand.> - Make heavy use of /etc/hosts.deny and 
/etc/hosts.allow to restrict> access.> - Disable xinetd unless 
you *really* need it. If you do, disable > any of its child services 
that you don't explicitly need. -> Install portsentry. - Configure 
tripwire and READ the reports. > - Install logsentry and READ the 
reports.> > Switching to Windows will not solve your problem, 
since Windows has > even more exploits than Linux and is much harder 
to secur! e and > monitor. And even if you choose to do so, the list 
of tasks isn't > really all that different: lock it down, and then 
monitor, monitor, monitor.> > There is no quick fix for 
security. If you insist on looking for one,> you *will* get hacked 
again, regardless of the OS you choose to use.> > -- > 
"The only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is 
> the friendship I share with my collection of singing 
potatoes."> > - Holly, JMC Vessel *Red Dwarf*> > 
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> redhat-list mailing list> unsubscribe 
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Re: New NetGear Wireless PCMCIA

2002-10-18 Thread Joe Polk
If you're RH8, go into Network settings and you can choose Add to add a 
wireless device. Good luck. There's support for all kinda cards but you'll 
just have to see.  There's alot of wireless support in RH8, but it's still a 
bit behind the curve from what I can tell. I'm not sure if NetGear is in 
there or not but there's a long list.


-- Original Message ---
From: Jonathan Gaudette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 18 Oct 2002 07:27:54 -0400
Subject: Re: New NetGear Wireless PCMCIA

> What version of RedHat are you running?  I heard that 8.0 has superb
> wireless support.  That's just what I've heard though, I haven't gone
> wireless yet.
> -Jon
> On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 20:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I installed a new NetGear PCMCIA wireless card yesterday, along with a 
> > wireless access point. The box said it was compatible with all kinds of 
> > operating systems, including Linux. I opened it up, stuck the card in and 
> > booted Windows. With not too much hassle, I got everything working right. 
> > Then I looked in the documentation for what to do when I boot into Linux. 
> > Not a word about Linux anywhere in the docs., Go to NetGear's web site. 
> > Their answer is that they don't support Linux, ask the Linux vendor. 
> > that beat all? So, now I'm stuck without a clue. How do I get Linux to 
> > recognize the wireless, set up the WEP encryption (128 bit) and be able 
> > network/internet with the wireless card? 
> > 
> > BTW, am I missing something as far as documentation goes? I've lots of 
> > information in man pages, a whole lot more in HTML pages, and none of it 
> > has a decent index/search capability. I'm sorry, but I'll be d***d before 
> > I sit down and plow through a manual page by page just to find one tidbit 
> > of information I happen to need at the moment. Understand me, I'm 
> > struggling mightily to get away from MS. The lack of an effective 
> > documentation search mechanism is very much hindering the effort. Surely 
> > there is an indexed (as in b-trieve) set of documentation that supports 
> > basic word searching. Where is it?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > Randy
> > 
> > Randolph "Randy" L. Chrismon
> -- 
> -Jon "GenKiller" Gaudette
> Digital Drip Webmaster (
> CNCNZ Co-Webmaster (
> -- 
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Re: VMWare

2002-10-18 Thread Ed Wilts
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 08:13:51AM -0400, Jim Simmons wrote:
> Unfortunately, it looks like the kernel RedHat released yesterday for 7.3 has
> the same problem (it causes the same crash when you power off or suspend
> your vmware machine).  It looks like it'll have to be VMware that releases
> an official fix since RedHat backported the patch to 7.3.

Red Hat also backported the kernel to 7.1 and 7.2.  I'm running the
kernel on 7.1 but I don't have VMware anymore.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: VMWare

2002-10-18 Thread Jim Simmons
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:39:25AM -0500, Mike Burger wrote:

> And it's not a bad thought...I was just thinking that the VMWare forums 
> could tell you whetheror not they're even supporting RH8, yet.
> Best of luck.  I'd be interested to hear what you learn, as I'll probably 
> install 8.0 on one of my systems, and then install VMWare, afterward.

It isn't officially supported but there are a couple of ways to work around
the problem.  Go to vmware's newsgroups for the details.

Unfortunately, it looks like the kernel RedHat released yesterday for 7.3 has
the same problem (it causes the same crash when you power off or suspend
your vmware machine).  It looks like it'll have to be VMware that releases
an official fix since RedHat backported the patch to 7.3.

If you're running VMWare Workstation for Linux under 7.3 you may want to
avoid the 2.4.18-17.7.x kernel for now (and RedHat 8.0).


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Re: psyche and speedtouch

2002-10-18 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Hash: SHA1

On 18-Oct-2002/11:53 +0100, Azrael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>thansk for your reply.. however
>Anthony E. Greene wrote:
>> RH7x supports ADSL. I suspect RH8 does too. He should not need roaring
>> penguin's rp-ppoe. Just configure the ethernet card without an IP address
>> and setup a PPP link that uses the ethernet card as the device. 
>When I try and set up ADSL my Speed Touch USB adsl modem is NOT shown as 
>a viable device to use. _That_ is the problem. Doesn't matter how many 
>GUIs or druids I have, ADSL won't work for me if my hardware isn't 

Ahh... a USB device. I didn't catch that the first time.

Okay, a quick google on "speedtouch adsl linux " turned up something
promising. Did you try this:

- -- 
Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Chat: TonyG05  HomePage: 
Linux: the choice of a GNU Generation. 

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene 0x6C94239D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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AW: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)

2002-10-18 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger
> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:redhat-list-admin@;]Im Auftrag von Nick Lindsell
> Gesendet: Freitag, 18. Oktober 2002 10:05
> Betreff: Re: Tripwire (Re: Tonight I got hacked.)
> The Tripwire documentation suggests that the database be
> held on a floppy which is then write-protected - should
> prevent a blackhat getting to it.

right, but when you're managing your servers from a remote location 
that's a bit of a hassle...

   >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)ICQ#   13394035

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Re: wu-ftpd logging questions

2002-10-18 Thread Ed Wilts
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:08:28AM -0400, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 17-Oct-2002/21:08 -0500, Ed Wilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It seems that the logging changed a bit between wu-ftpd 2.6.1 and 2.6.2.
> >Using the same ftpaccess file, my /var/log/messages no longer shows
> >messages like:
> >corpftp ftpd[12203]: FTP LOGIN FROM 150.228.40.. [x.x.x.x], 
> >Instead, I've just got abbreviated messages of the form:
> >PAM_unix[23751]: (ftp) session opened for user custtest
> >
> >How can I get the original logging back?  It's handy to scan the message
> >log and get the username/IP address matching at a glance.
> This might be an xinetd issue. See xinetd.conf(5).

Well, the new wu-ftpd has xinetd as a dependency but I installed it on a
6.2 system that's running inetd.  wu-ftpd 2.6.1 is seriously broken in
some chrooted environments - I did verify that it's fixed in 2.6.2.
Since 2.6.1 on inetd gave me the logging information and 2.6.2 on the
same inetd doesn't, this should mean that it's the application does it

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: What RPM contains rhn_register

2002-10-18 Thread Mike Burger
That would be the rhn_register rpm, actually.

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> I don't seem to have the 'rhn_register' program and don't know which
> .rpm contains it. Anyone know?

Mike Burger

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Re: New NetGear Wireless PCMCIA

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Gaudette
What version of RedHat are you running?  I heard that 8.0 has superb
wireless support.  That's just what I've heard though, I haven't gone
wireless yet.


On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 20:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I installed a new NetGear PCMCIA wireless card yesterday, along with a new 
> wireless access point. The box said it was compatible with all kinds of 
> operating systems, including Linux. I opened it up, stuck the card in and 
> booted Windows. With not too much hassle, I got everything working right. 
> Then I looked in the documentation for what to do when I boot into Linux. 
> Not a word about Linux anywhere in the docs., Go to NetGear's web site. 
> Their answer is that they don't support Linux, ask the Linux vendor. Don't 
> that beat all? So, now I'm stuck without a clue. How do I get Linux to 
> recognize the wireless, set up the WEP encryption (128 bit) and be able to 
> network/internet with the wireless card? 
> BTW, am I missing something as far as documentation goes? I've lots of 
> information in man pages, a whole lot more in HTML pages, and none of it 
> has a decent index/search capability. I'm sorry, but I'll be d***d before 
> I sit down and plow through a manual page by page just to find one tidbit 
> of information I happen to need at the moment. Understand me, I'm 
> struggling mightily to get away from MS. The lack of an effective 
> documentation search mechanism is very much hindering the effort. Surely 
> there is an indexed (as in b-trieve) set of documentation that supports 
> basic word searching. Where is it?
> Thanks.
> Randy
> Randolph "Randy" L. Chrismon
-Jon "GenKiller" Gaudette
Digital Drip Webmaster (
CNCNZ Co-Webmaster (

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Re: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Nick Wilson

* and then Spanke, Alexander declared
> Hi,
> You can use the midnight commander, it has a function to "undelete"

Yes, but I've already deleted it
Nick Wilson //

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Re: Security (was: Tripwire)

2002-10-18 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:12:33PM +0200, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:
: Further, I've been thinking about portsentry. What's the use of it?

You're not the only one who wonders this.

: If you
: have a firewall set up that's only allowing access to specifically defined
: ports from the outside on which you have services running (no need to have
: any other ports open), portsentry would never see a thing, right?

True.  IMO, portsentry does nothing that a reasonable firewall and NIDS 
configuration does, except automatically blackhole people.  One can achieve
that functionality through snort, built with flexresp.  So again, nothing 
that can't be done with a reasonable firewall and NIDS config.

: I for example have my firewall set up that way: Everything's blocked except
: a few defined ports on which I have services running (e.g. port 80, as I
: have a web server running[0]. Connections initiated from the inside are no
: problem, as the firewall is stateful (I'm using pf on OpenBSD - can iptables
: do this as well? ipchains couldn't, AFAIR), so am I right in assuming that
: portsentry wouldn't buy me anything?

You're correct, iptables is also stateful.  Using portsentry *might* have
some value if you run ipchains and no NIDS, but that's about the only 
circumstance where I think it's terribly useful.  Such programs often 
hamper administrators.  It's awfully easy to shoot yourself in the foot,
blocking YOURSELF from accessing your own system.

Jason Costomiris <><   |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  | 
  Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
My account, My opinions.

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Re: psyche and speedtouch

2002-10-18 Thread Azrael
thansk for your reply.. however

Anthony E. Greene wrote:

RH7x supports ADSL. I suspect RH8 does too. He should not need roaring
penguin's rp-ppoe. Just configure the ethernet card without an IP address
and setup a PPP link that uses the ethernet card as the device. 

When I try and set up ADSL my Speed Touch USB adsl modem is NOT shown as 
a viable device to use. _That_ is the problem. Doesn't matter how many 
GUIs or druids I have, ADSL won't work for me if my hardware isn't 

But taking into consideration that the Speed Touch is a known device and 
works for other people, I assume that there are some magic tricks I can 
do to make it recognised in my setup. I just need to know what they are.

Help? :)

There's a
druid for doing this. It takes all of 2 minutes to run.

The instructions are in the "Getting Online" section of the Red Hat
Getting Started Guide. The guide is should come with the CD and is
available in the Support and Docs section of the RH website.



   `0_ O  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)
   (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'
 _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' .'
((i).-''  ((i).'  (((.-'

Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave 
of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it 
would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.


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RE: recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Spanke, Alexander

You can use the midnight commander, it has a function to "undelete"


-Original Message-
From: Nick Wilson [mailto:nick@;] 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 12:41 PM
To: RedHat-List
Subject: recovering deleted file

Hi everyone, 

I just managed to delete a file that I desperately need to regain. The file
is called 'index.old': Is there anyone who could show me how to recover this

Many thanks
Nick Wilson //

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Re: Window Manager Redhat 8

2002-10-18 Thread Jason Costomiris
On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:07:00AM -0400, Aaron Rolett wrote:
: I recently installed a test server running Redhat 8. Switch from Sawfish
: to Metacity was like going backwards, so I installed sawfish and used
: the following command to switch it:
: killall metacity && sawfish &
: My question, where is the windowmanger choice stored in Redhat 8? How
: can I change the windowmanger for the individual user and/or systemwide?

I haven't dug enough through to tell you how to do it system-wide, but
if you use the gconf editing tool, you'll find it and be able to change the
WM to sawfish.

Jason Costomiris <><   |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  | 
  Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
My account, My opinions.

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Running a ScreenSaver as the back ground

2002-10-18 Thread Hughes, Michael
I am using RH8.0 and Gnome.

I would like to run a screen saver as the background

I have tried ScreenSaver name -inroot &

This give me an error and displays proper switches.  

I have tried switches

-window-id #

I have tried different combonations of switches.

I tried using 

$ xsetroot -solid black &
$ xlock -inroot -nolock -mode "nameofscreensaverhere" &  (WITHOUT QUOTES)

This is giving me an error XLOCK is not found bad file name

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Re: Backup

2002-10-18 Thread John the Kiwi
This is the best link on backing up in Linux I've been able to find.
Hope it helps.

John the Kiwi

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 13:45, Cohan, Sean wrote:
> Are there any open source or inexpensive backup/restore utilities for
> Redhat?  We will be using Jboss for our app server on one box and Oracle as
> the DB on another box.  Thanks.
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Firestarter: Linux as a firewall

2002-10-18 Thread Vidiot
>>Does firestarter use IPTables as the underlying software to do its work
>By default, yes.  It stores it's IPTables in it's own directory.

Firestarter is a perfect thing to use to set up your firewall, as it also
turns on masquerading to allow internnal boxes talk to the outside.

That is how I have my two internal boxes (Windblozes) talking to the outside.
Actually, I only have one of them set up to route to the outside.  One
network card talks to my DSL and the other to the internal LAN/switch.

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recovering deleted file

2002-10-18 Thread Nick Wilson
Hi everyone, 

I just managed to delete a file that I desperately need to regain. The
file is called 'index.old': Is there anyone who could show me how to
recover this file?

Many thanks
Nick Wilson //

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Re: VMWare

2002-10-18 Thread Schotty
On Thursday 17 October 2002 19:51, Mike Burger wrote:
> I don't want to sound like I'm not being all honesty, I'm not
> a VMware user, yet...but have you talked to VMWare support about this,
> yet?

Actually no.  I figured since my SuSE 8.1 works fine, and several others I 
have talked to are running into this and they all use RH8 now, its got to be 
a RH8 issue.  Whether its a missing library or whatnot.  I figured the best 
place to ask would be in the RH forums :)

Thanks though.

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Window Manager Redhat 8

2002-10-18 Thread Aaron Rolett
I recently installed a test server running Redhat 8. Switch from Sawfish
to Metacity was like going backwards, so I installed sawfish and used
the following command to switch it:

killall metacity && sawfish &

My question, where is the windowmanger choice stored in Redhat 8? How
can I change the windowmanger for the individual user and/or systemwide?


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Re: separate machines

2002-10-18 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Hash: SHA1

On 17-Oct-2002/15:19 -0600, "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Javier Gostling wrote:
>> NIS is your friend. Install packages ypserv, ypbind and yp-tools and
>> check the documentation.
>All right, that addresses half the issue.  At least, I think so.  How do
>I do the whole NFS part so that the permissions stay the same?



Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Anthony E. Greene  0x6C94239D


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Corel Photo PAint 9

2002-10-18 Thread Javier Solis
After I run the installation program It says that the program was installed but the 
there is no Icon or any reference to call the program how can I configure gnome to 
show the new installed programs?

_  Gratuito, latino y en español.

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Problems configuring SAMBA

2002-10-18 Thread Kathy Vaughan
I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked. I've
done some poking around in various HOW-TOs and archives, but I cannot
find the exact answer to my question.

I am trying to configure SAMBA 2.25 in Webmin 1.020 in RedHat 8.0. Here
is the situation:

- Computer A is a Windows 2000 computer that is trying to connect to
Computer B, which is running RedHat 8.0/SAMBA 2.25. The SAMBA server is
running on Computer B. Computer B has one share, "Drive_F", which is
mapped to the mount point /mnt/Drive_F (which is /dev/hdb7). /dev/hdb7
is mounted and is browseable on Computer B. Both computers belong to the
workgroup named "WORKGROUP". Computer A has "NetBIOS over TCP/IP"

- Computer B has two users defined for SAMBA: user1 (me) and user2 (the
user for Computer A). No other users exist in the SAMBA user list in
Webmin. Computer B has Lokkit running at "Low" security. Authentication
is set to "User Level". Guest access is disabled.

What is happening so far:

- Computer A can see Computer B in Network Neighbourhood; however, if
the user tries to view the shares for Computer B, the following message

"\\ComputerB is not accessible. The network path was not found"

- If Computer A tries to map to \\ComputerB\Drive_F and provide the
SAMBA username and password, the following error occurs:

"The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different
username and password. To connect using a different username and
password, first disconnect any existing mappings to this network share."

Followed by:

"The mapped network drive could not be created because the following
error has occured:
The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials."

Note that the share was not mapped to begin with on Computer A.

I have tried the following:

- Changing the password for user2 so that it matches the user's password
in Windows 2000.
- Mapping the user's Linux username to his Windows username.
- Enabling guest access.
- Setting it so that no password is required for user2.
- Setting user2's account to "Workstation Trust Account".
- Adding user2 and user2's group to "Valid Users" and "Valid Groups",
respectively, for the share "Drive_F".

The SAMBA server was restarted after implementing each of these changes.
In every case the same errors mentioned above occured. Except for the
addition of the user and group to the share, all the changes made above
were discarded after the errors occured.

If Computer B reboots into Windows 2000, both computers can connect to
eachother and browse eachother's shares.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get Computer A to connect
to the share on Computer B. While I have read the man pages for SAMBA
and looked through the troubleshooting sections on their website, I
cannot seem to solve this problem. I am unfortunately very new to Linux,
so I apologize if this is "old hat" to the people on this list.

Thank you in advance for any help the list can provide.

- Kathy Vaughan

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VIA USB and RedHat 8.0

2002-10-18 Thread Steve F.
It seems that a lot of people using VIA USB controllers cannot use HID
devices with the new kernel.

Does anyone have a solution?  My USB mouse and keyboard refuse to work
in 8.0!

I'd rather be flying! :)

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Re: New NetGear Wireless PCMCIA

2002-10-18 Thread Bobby Treaster

Here Randy try this link it might help you out and 
there are plenty of other HOWTO's there as well
Bobby Ray Treaster
 I Don't Suffer From My 
I Enjoy Every Minute Of It. Geek by 
Linux by Choice.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:40 
  Subject: New NetGear Wireless 
  I installed a new NetGear 
  PCMCIA wireless card yesterday, along with a new wireless access point. The 
  box said it was compatible with all kinds of operating systems, including 
  Linux. I opened it up, stuck the card in and booted Windows. With not too much 
  hassle, I got everything working right. Then I looked in the documentation for 
  what to do when I boot into Linux. Not a word about Linux anywhere in the 
  docs., Go to NetGear's web site. Their answer is that they don't support 
  Linux, ask the Linux vendor. Don't that beat all? So, now I'm stuck without a 
  clue. How do I get Linux to recognize the wireless, set up the WEP encryption 
  (128 bit) and be able to network/internet with the wireless card? 
  BTW, am I missing something as far 
  as documentation goes? I've lots of information in man pages, a whole lot more 
  in HTML pages, and none of it has a decent index/search capability. I'm sorry, 
  but I'll be d***d before I sit down and plow through a manual page by page 
  just to find one tidbit of information I happen to need at the moment. 
  Understand me, I'm struggling mightily to get away from MS. The lack of an 
  effective documentation search mechanism is very much hindering the effort. 
  Surely there is an indexed (as in b-trieve) set of documentation that supports 
  basic word searching. Where is it? Thanks. Randy 
  Randolph "Randy" L. Chrismon[EMAIL PROTECTED]

wu-ftpd logging questions

2002-10-18 Thread Ed Wilts
It seems that the logging changed a bit between wu-ftpd 2.6.1 and 2.6.2.
Using the same ftpaccess file, my /var/log/messages no longer shows
messages like:
corpftp ftpd[12203]: FTP LOGIN FROM 150.228.40.. [x.x.x.x], 
Instead, I've just got abbreviated messages of the form:
PAM_unix[23751]: (ftp) session opened for user custtest

How can I get the original logging back?  It's handy to scan the message
log and get the username/IP address matching at a glance.

I also don't get the correspond "FTP session closed".

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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RE: Linux as a firewall

2002-10-18 Thread Anthony Abby
>I'm pretty sure that Linksys and Dlink uses a *nix as their OS anyway.

I'm not sure what the firmware is based on, but I also have a Linksys for the high 
speed cable access based network in my house.  Have a Redhat 7.3 based firewall/router 
for my DSL based network.  

The Linksys type products are very nice (and easy) for simple networks, but you are 
definately limited in what you can do with them.  The key to ensuring someone can't 
hack your Linux based firewall is to ensure you either use one of the multitude of 
diskette based distros, or if you are determined to use a full distro based IPTables 
version, ensure you run NOTHING else on that system.  No other daemons, other than are 
absolutely required to keep the machine running.  That means NO FTP, no WWW, nothing.  
And keep it up2date!


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2002-10-18 Thread Cohan, Sean
Are there any open source or inexpensive backup/restore utilities for
Redhat?  We will be using Jboss for our app server on one box and Oracle as
the DB on another box.  Thanks.

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Re: VMWare

2002-10-18 Thread Mike Burger
I don't want to sound like I'm not being all honesty, I'm not 
a VMware user, yet...but have you talked to VMWare support about this, 

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Andrew Schott wrote:

> Hello!
> I just joined the list, so if this is a repeated problem, I apologize.
> I am having an odd issue with vmware 3.x, where when I use the suspend vm 
> option, or I turn off the vm, I get an rather interesting error.  I did a 
> clean install of RH8 over 7.3.  7.3 ran beatiful without any problems.  I am 
> curious, if there is a workaround or a fix to this interesting issue.
> Andrew Schott
> Interesting error :
> --
> VMware Workstation Unrecoverable error: (VMX)
> Please request support and include the contents of the log file: 'win98.log'.
> --
> And here is my logfile :
> --
> Oct 17 15:40:12: VMX|APM -> suspending
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|Guest: Win32 Toolbox: VMwareService killed, dieing...
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|GuestRpc: Channel 0 reinitialized.
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x26ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x26ef
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|TOOLS setting the tools version to '1025'
> Oct 17 15:42:12: ide0:0|BigCOWDisk: Wrote version 1025
> Oct 17 15:42:12: VMX|TOOLS INSTALL ignoring update request from toolbox 
> because the version installed (1025) is current.
> Oct 17 15:42:13: VMX|Guest: Win32 Toolbox: Version: $Name: build-2230 $
> Oct 17 15:42:13: VMX|TOOLS setting the tools version to '1025'
> Oct 17 15:42:13: ide0:0|BigCOWDisk: Wrote version 1025
> Oct 17 15:42:14: VMX|GuestRpc: Channel 0, registration number 1, guest 
> application toolbox.
> Oct 17 15:42:36: ide0:0|BIGCOWDISK: Updating sequence numbers for 
> /home/aschott/vmware/win98/win98.vmdk to 1
> Oct 17 15:42:36: ide0:0|COWDISK: Started fsync of virtual disk: 
> /home/aschott/vmware/win98/win98.vmdk
> Oct 17 15:42:36: ide0:0|FILEIO: Using sync instead of fsync.
> Oct 17 15:42:36: ide0:0|COWDISK: Completed fsync.
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x2844 MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x2847
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x229c MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x229f
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|Guest: Win32 Toolbox: VMware Service Shutdown.
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|Guest: Win32 Toolbox: VMware Service Stopping.
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|GuestRpc: Channel 0 reinitialized.
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x21ec MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x21ef
> Oct 17 15:42:43: VMX|F(120):451 at 0x17c7:0x5a1a error=0x24fc MOVRS seg=0 
> val=0x24ff
> Oct 17 15:42:44: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0003 cx 0x03e0 es 0x0074 di 0xa5d0
> Oct 17 15:42:44: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 3(3)
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0003 cx 0x173f es 0x0001 di 0x0001
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 3(3)
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0003 cx 0x es 0x3e3e di 0x0001
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 3(3)
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0093 cx 0x es 0x3e3e di 0x0001
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 19(147)
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0093 cx 0x03d5 es 0x3e3e di 0x
> Oct 17 15:42:45: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 19(147)
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|UHCI: HCReset
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0003 cx 0x es 0x3e74 di 0x0001
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 3(3)
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0093 cx 0x es 0x3e74 di 0x0001
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 19(147)
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|VBE call 0x4f02 bx 0x0093 cx 0x03d5 es 0x3e74 di 0x
> Oct 17 15:42:48: VMX|VBE: VGA Mode switch to 19(147)
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|VIDE: (0x1F0) OUTB Cmd 0xE6, ignoring SLEEP on drive 0
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|Disabling fast IRQ handling for VNet
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|OPROM: ignoring unmap of .vbios: already unmapped
> Oct 17 15:42:50: ide1:0|NOT_IMPLEMENTED F(831):654
> Oct 17 15:42:50: ide1:0|AIO: ide1:0, Process 13143 panic.
> Oct 17 15:42:50: ide1:0|AIOSlave: Exit after panic.
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|AIO: NOT_IMPLEMENTED F(831):654
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|Backtrace:
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|Backtrace[0] 0xb5e8 eip 0x80540f5
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|Backtrace[1] 0xb61c eip 0x8050bc2
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|Backtrace[2] 0xb688 eip 0x80ae7c2
> Oct 17 15:42:50: VMX|Backtrace[3] 0xb71c eip 0x80af39e
> Oct 17 15:

Re: Tonight I got hacked.

2002-10-18 Thread juaid
> I use ProFTP and I have had pretty good results.

mee too, I've been using it for more than 2 1/2 years now, and it works
another good one is vsftpd, it's the one Red Hat uses on it's ftp servers..



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Re: Upgrading from RH 7.0 to 8.0

2002-10-18 Thread Bret Hughes
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 09:11, Alfredo Cole wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi:
> I'm planning on upgrading (actually, reinstall) all of our servers 
> from RH 7.0 to 8.0. Are there any problems that I should be aware of 
> in terms of incompatibilities or other issues? Aside from mail, file 
> and print services, we run an accounting system desugned using 
> wxWindows 2.3.2.

my 2 cents is wait.  Keep in mind that I have not installed 8.0 and
probably will not :)  I learned the hard way that the .0 releases
usually have issues that can be a bitch to figure out and from the posts
to this list over the last several weeks it would seem that 8.0 is no

If you want/need to upgrade I sugest at least lurking this and the psyce
list for a wile to get a feel for the issues others are having.

Of course you may have no probelms at all but I belive in not upgrading
servers unless there is a reason.


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Re: Installing SRPMs and compiling programs - netcat

2002-10-18 Thread Mike Burger
My understanding was that in the version of rpm that comes with 8.0, the 
--rebuild option is gone, in favor ofusing teh rpmbuild system.

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Riemer Palstra wrote:

> On 17 Oct 2002, Saul Arias wrote:
> > rpm --rebuild nc-1.10-16.src.rpm
> As he's using Red Hat Linux 8.0, I would recommend
> rpmbuild --rebuild nc-1.10-16.src.rpm instead.

Mike Burger

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