Re: kernel upgraded now missing 2nd CPU

2003-10-17 Thread Steve Buehler
Thank You.  That was the problem.  Now I have another problem, but 
I can't fix it from here.  I do have the SMP kernel on the system and 
changed the lilo.conf file.  Then did a 'lilo -v -v' and it didn't show any 
errors, so I rebooted.  Now it won't come back up.  Thank goodness I didn't 
do this on our server full of sites first.  My servers are co-located, so I 
have asked them to look at it from the co-location center and if necessary, 
put it back to the previous 2.4.18-27.7 kernel.   I was hoping to put on 
the newest 2.4.20-20.7 kernel.  Will see what happens.  Thanks for the help.


At 11:18 PM 10/16/2003, Jason Dixon wrote:
On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 00:14, Steve Buehler wrote:
> I have two RedHat 7.3 machines.  I did and 'up2date kernel' a few days ago
> and for some reason, now 'top' and the /var/log/message files only show 
> CPU.  Is there anyway to make it see the 2nd CPU again?

Are you booting the right kernel?  Check 'uname -r' and see if it has
"SMP" in the kernel string.  If not, check your boot manager
(/etc/lilo.conf or /etc/grub.conf) to see if you're booting the
uniprocessor kernel by accident.

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kernel upgraded now missing 2nd CPU

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Buehler
I have two RedHat 7.3 machines.  I did and 'up2date kernel' a few days ago 
and for some reason, now 'top' and the /var/log/message files only show one 
CPU.  Is there anyway to make it see the 2nd CPU again?

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Re: server name

2003-09-12 Thread Steve Buehler
At 12:23 AM 9/13/2003 +1000, Anth Courtney wrote:
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Steve Buehler wrote:

> I hope this isn't the wrong place to ask this.  If it is, please forgive
> me.  I am running RedHat 7.3.
> Some things that are done by root on the system, like emailing shows it as
> coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  "hostname" shows the correct name of the
> host.  How do I get the system setup so that it shows as
You need to set the HOSTNAME= value  in /etc/sysconfig/network
Thanks Anth, but it is already in there.  There must be some other place 
that I am missing.


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server name

2003-09-12 Thread Steve Buehler
I hope this isn't the wrong place to ask this.  If it is, please forgive 
me.  I am running RedHat 7.3.
Some things that are done by root on the system, like emailing shows it as 
coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  "hostname" shows the correct name of the 
host.  How do I get the system setup so that it shows as 

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Re: adding user with chmod 755

2003-09-08 Thread Steve Buehler
Ok.  Finally found it.  I added a line to the end of /etc/login.defs for:
UMASK   022
and that did the trick.
At 12:24 PM 9/8/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> Is there something I am missing here that would allow me to user useradd
> and have it automatically set the new users home directory to 755 so that
> it can be used by the web server without having to go back and chmod the
> directory?  I am using RedHat 9.0 and this would be done from the command
> line, not Gnome.
The command that you're looking for is umask.  Check the man pages, the
command is a bit backwards, from my way of thinking.
You'll probably change the setting in /etc/bashrc.


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Re: adding user with chmod 755

2003-09-08 Thread Steve Buehler
At 12:24 PM 9/8/2003 -0500, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> Is there something I am missing here that would allow me to user useradd
> and have it automatically set the new users home directory to 755 so that
> it can be used by the web server without having to go back and chmod the
> directory?  I am using RedHat 9.0 and this would be done from the command
> line, not Gnome.
The command that you're looking for is umask.  Check the man pages, the
command is a bit backwards, from my way of thinking.
You'll probably change the setting in /etc/bashrc.

Thanks Ben.  Can anybody explain to me where in the /etc/bashrc to put 
it?  man umask doesn't tell me squat about that (or I haven't found that 
yet).  I put it in the /etc/bashrc file.  Also in my /root/.bashrc file, 
logged out, logged in as root, did a 'useradd asdf' and the asdf directory 
was created with permissions of 700.  So apparently, if it is suppose to go 
into /etc/bashrc, it must need to go in at a specific point in there.  I 
now have this at the top of my /etc/bashrc file:

# /etc/bashrc

# System wide functions and aliases
# Environment stuff goes in /etc/profile
# by default, we want this to get set.
# Even for non-interactive, non-login shells.
if [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" -a `id -u` -gt 99 ]; then
umask 022
umask 022
umask 022

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adding user with chmod 755

2003-09-08 Thread Steve Buehler
Is there something I am missing here that would allow me to user useradd 
and have it automatically set the new users home directory to 755 so that 
it can be used by the web server without having to go back and chmod the 
directory?  I am using RedHat 9.0 and this would be done from the command 
line, not Gnome.


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RE: up2date

2003-09-04 Thread Steve Buehler
At 05:33 PM 9/4/2003 -0600, you wrote:
At 15:48 9/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:
If you are trying to get ALL the updates for your system you should use 
the -u along with your -d.
You can use the -u alone without the -d.
True.  But since he was using the -d, I was assuming that he just wanted to 
download the rpms and install them himself.  To do that, I believe that you 
would have to use the -u and the -d otherwise it would automatically install.


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RE: up2date

2003-09-04 Thread Steve Buehler
If you are trying to get ALL the updates for your system you should use the 
-u along with your -d.  -d only downloads what you specifically tell it to 
download.  So unless you aren't telling us what you typed, from what you 
said here, you only typed 'up2date -d httpd'.  If you just want the httpd 
and openssl then type 'up2date -du httpd openssl'.  Also, the -d function 
tells it to just download it and not install it.


At 03:50 PM 9/4/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Hi All,

I just registered for an account at RedHat so I can run up2date on my
Redhat 9.0 machine.
I wanted to see what programs I needed to update first before installing
so I did a:
up2date -l

to get the list of updates available.  I noticed that my system is not up
to date so I downloaded the packages with a:
up2date -d

However, 'up2date -d' only downloaded httpd-2.0.40-21.5.i386.rpm and its
dependencies.  (the httpd that I am running now is httpd-2.0.40-21.3)
When I checked my rpm database, I noticed that the RedHat
Network has newer releases of some of my other programs, but did not get
downloaded.  For example, the newest package for openssl is
openssl-0.9.7a-5.i686, yet my machine is only running openssl-0.9.7a-2.
Can anyone tell me whether the up2date only updates new releases of a
software or new versions of a software, or both?
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Re: up2date SSL error?

2003-09-03 Thread Steve Buehler
If this just started happening since Aug 28th, then it is 
something that RedHat did.  Have you downloaded the new up2date from redhat 
as directed to on your home page?  They made some 
changes to the up2date program and you should have been sent an email by 
them telling you to download the new up2date rpm manually and install 
it.  If you are running Gnome, you will also need to download the 
up2date-gnome rpm too.  Check the directions to find out the exact file 
names and where to get them.
The following is what says:

SSL Connection Errors

On August 28th, the SSL certificates used by up2date, rhn_register, and the 
RHN applet expired. Systems attempting to connect to RHN using an older 
certificate will receive 'certificate verify failed' errors. Please see the 
following instructions to download the latest versions of up2date and 

h.  After being on this list for a long time, I may have finally been 
able to help someone after all of the help that I have received from kind 
list users in the past.

Problem solved?
At 08:08 AM 9/3/2003 -0400, Hugh Taylor wrote:
Johnie Stafford wrote:


We are currently experiencing ssl problems with up2date and the RHN
applet. We are aware of the issue and working to restore service as soon
as possible. The RHN website is currently available, but actions
scheduled for systems will not take effect until service is restored. We
apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 20:05, Leonard Miller wrote:

Not just you.  I'm getting the same thing.  Worked ok with the last
update of iptables and pam_smb, but now it doesn't.
Did you find anything?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/03 20:28 PM >>>

What the?

There was an SSL error: [('SSL routines', 'SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE',

'certificate verify failed')]
A common cause of this error is the system time being incorrect. Verify 
that the time on this system is correct.

Yes, the system time (using 'date' command) shows the time as being 
correct (updated automatically midnight every day).

Side note: I've ignored it till now, but the kernel source won't 
download either over the last 3 times I've run up2date with a signature 
error. No other packages have this problem.

Just me? (That would be typical)


Has this been fixed yet?
I still have the problem, I just want to make sure it isn't a problem with 
my setup.
Any idea when it will be fixed?



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NIC comes up with reboot, but something wrong

2003-09-03 Thread Steve Buehler
I have a strange problem here that I have not seen before.  When I reboot 
my server, my nic card is up and running when I look at an ifconfig.  I can 
ping it from anyplace else and get a response.  But I have to do this after 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown eth0
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup eth0

If I don't do this, then I can't reach any of my ports, 25, 21, 80, 
etc.  I am sure that I can put in another script to run at boot time to 
bring it back down and up again, but I would rather find the problem and 
fix it.  The server is a new development server, so I can reinstall, but if 
it happens again later when I really need it to be up, then I won't have 
the option of reinstalling it.  I have tried turning off the firewall and 
rebooting, but still have the same problem.  So I don't "think" that it has 
anything to do with the firewall.  Has anybody else seen this?  Can anybody 
lead me in the right direction on fixing this problem?  The NIC card is a 
standard 3COM (3c905c).


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Re: New RH9 installation and sendmail

2003-09-02 Thread Steve Buehler
At 11:18 AM 9/2/2003 -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 10:54, Steve Buehler wrote:
> I have the firewall set to allow incoming mail.  I have even tried to turn
> the firewall off and still can't get incoming mail.  I am running a
> business class dsl and have checked with SWBell and they "supposedly" are
> not blocking port 25 to me.  They say that they are NOT blocking anything
> to me.  I have 3 machines that I have setup with RH9 and can't get any of
> them to receive mail.  I have 6 other machines running RH7.x and have no
> problems with them.
Please don't top post your replies.

What did netstat reveal?

netstat showed that it was open for everybody.
tcp0  0*   LISTEN
I found the problem being in the ifcfg-eth0 file though.
About the "top post".  Sorry about that.  Some people want them at the top 
and some want them at the bottom.  MyselfI like them better at the top 
because, when in a conversation, I already know what the rest of the email 
says and I can always scroll down to get a reference.  This way, I can read 
the new stuff without having to open my email window all the way, or take 
the extra step to scroll down.  I will try to remember to "bottom post" 
when replying to you.

Thank you so much for all of your help.

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Re: New RH9 installation and sendmail

2003-09-02 Thread Steve Buehler
I have the firewall set to allow incoming mail.  I have even tried to turn 
the firewall off and still can't get incoming mail.  I am running a 
business class dsl and have checked with SWBell and they "supposedly" are 
not blocking port 25 to me.  They say that they are NOT blocking anything 
to me.  I have 3 machines that I have setup with RH9 and can't get any of 
them to receive mail.  I have 6 other machines running RH7.x and have no 
problems with them.

At 10:39 AM 9/2/2003 -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 10:34, Steve Buehler wrote:
> I have installed RedHat 9 and sendmail will only work for me if the mail
> originates on the local host.  I have edited the /etc/mail/ 
> to read:
> dnl # DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
> Then I ran:
> m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
> My /etc/mail/ file looks like this now.
> # SMTP daemon options
> O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA
> I then typed:
> service sendmail restart
> I have even rebooted the system and I can still not get it to except any
> email from outside.  From another machine off my local network, I type 
> get) the following:
> /etc# telnet 25
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
> Can anybody let me know what I am doing wrong?  It would sure be nice if I
> could get mail to my systems.

A "netstat -vant" should reveal sendmail listening on all interfaces
(  Have you modified your firewall (if one exists) to allow
incoming connections to tcp/25?  I see you're on DSL, but I'm not sure
whether it's commercial or residential.  If residential, are you sure
SWBell isn't filtering out incoming port 25?
Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting
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Re: New RH9 installation and sendmail

2003-09-02 Thread Steve Buehler
Well, I have found what was causing the problems.  I noticed that I could 
not access any of the ports from the outside.  So I looked at the 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file and deleted the following lines:

Not sure which one was the problem and not sure why RedHat9 by default will 
have these problems.  I use Gnome and it not only does these 3 lines, but 
it also puts in BOOTPROTO=none instead of BOOTPROTO=static and I found no 
way to change this in Gnome except to go to the command line and change 
these manually.

At 10:39 AM 9/2/2003 -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
On Tue, 2003-09-02 at 10:34, Steve Buehler wrote:
> I have installed RedHat 9 and sendmail will only work for me if the mail
> originates on the local host.  I have edited the /etc/mail/ 
> to read:
> dnl # DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
> Then I ran:
> m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
> My /etc/mail/ file looks like this now.
> # SMTP daemon options
> O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA
> I then typed:
> service sendmail restart
> I have even rebooted the system and I can still not get it to except any
> email from outside.  From another machine off my local network, I type 
> get) the following:
> /etc# telnet 25
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection timed out
> Can anybody let me know what I am doing wrong?  It would sure be nice if I
> could get mail to my systems.

A "netstat -vant" should reveal sendmail listening on all interfaces
(  Have you modified your firewall (if one exists) to allow
incoming connections to tcp/25?  I see you're on DSL, but I'm not sure
whether it's commercial or residential.  If residential, are you sure
SWBell isn't filtering out incoming port 25?
Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting
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New RH9 installation and sendmail

2003-09-02 Thread Steve Buehler
I have installed RedHat 9 and sendmail will only work for me if the mail 
originates on the local host.  I have edited the /etc/mail/ file 
to read:
dnl # DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

Then I ran:
m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
My /etc/mail/ file looks like this now.
# SMTP daemon options
O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA
I then typed:
service sendmail restart
I have even rebooted the system and I can still not get it to except any 
email from outside.  From another machine off my local network, I type (and 
get) the following:
/etc# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection timed out

Can anybody let me know what I am doing wrong?  It would sure be nice if I 
could get mail to my systems.

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Re: iptables and vnc

2003-08-28 Thread Steve Buehler
Thank You for your prompt reply.  I haven't tried this yet as I have 
finally gotten it to work by tunneling through my SSH program.  That is 
suppose to be much more secure anyway.  I will still try this out sometime 
soon though.  Just because I need to learn how to do IPtables anyway.

At 09:30 PM 8/27/2003 -0400, Sean Estabrooks wrote:
On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 19:17:48 -0500
Steve Buehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am REAL new to iptables.  I installed RedHat 9 with the firewall set on
> "High".  The firewall only allows things like http, ftp, smtp and
> domain.  How can I open up the firewall so that I can open it up for VNC
> connections to the server.  I presume that you use iptables, but I haven't
> been able to get the right setup for it.  Right now my iptables look 
like this:
> ==
> Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere
> Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere
> Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
> target prot opt source   destination
> Chain RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT (2 references)
> target prot opt source   destination
> ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:http
> ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:ftp
> ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:smtp
> ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
> ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
> ACCEPT udp  --  anywhere   udp spt:domain
> ACCEPT udp  --  mydnsservername.comanywhere   udp 
> REJECT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp
> flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
> REJECT udp  --  anywhere anywhere   udp 
> icmp-port-unreachable
> ===
> I have two lan cards in the machine.  eth0 is for the WAN and eth1 is
> trusted in the firewall for the LAN.  So I can use vnce on the LAN, but
> can't connect to it on the external IP on the WAN.  I have done some
> searching and found the following lines to add, but they don't seem to 
> it up for me unless there is something that I have to do after entering
> these at the command line to make them work.
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 5801 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 5901 -j ACCEPT
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 6001 -j ACCEPT

Hi Steve,

Try changing the "-A" to "-I" in each of the above
commands so that these rules fire before the Lokkit
Also,  the --sport looks wrong to me, to my
eye it should be --dport so try that change too
if the above idea alone doesn't work.
Good Luck,
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iptables and vnc

2003-08-28 Thread Steve Buehler
I am REAL new to iptables.  I installed RedHat 9 with the firewall set on 
"High".  The firewall only allows things like http, ftp, smtp and 
domain.  How can I open up the firewall so that I can open it up for VNC 
connections to the server.  I presume that you use iptables, but I haven't 
been able to get the right setup for it.  Right now my iptables look like this:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT  all  --  anywhere anywhere
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination
Chain RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT (2 references)
target prot opt source   destination
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:http 
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:ftp 
ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp dpt:smtp 
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all  --  anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT udp  --  anywhere   udp spt:domain
ACCEPT udp  --  mydnsservername.comanywhere   udp spt:domain
REJECT tcp  --  anywhere anywhere   tcp 
flags:SYN,RST,ACK/SYN reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT udp  --  anywhere anywhere   udp reject-with 

I have two lan cards in the machine.  eth0 is for the WAN and eth1 is 
trusted in the firewall for the LAN.  So I can use vnce on the LAN, but 
can't connect to it on the external IP on the WAN.  I have done some 
searching and found the following lines to add, but they don't seem to open 
it up for me unless there is something that I have to do after entering 
these at the command line to make them work.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 5801 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 5901 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 6001 -j ACCEPT
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: case? switch? I need to write a script and neither of these options work.

2003-06-18 Thread Steve Buehler
I am sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.  I thought I was 
reading from the PHP mailing list, not the redhat list.


At 05:26 PM 6/18/2003 -0400, you wrote:
This does not work!  I get a syntax error

./qadadmin: line 34:  syntax error near unexpected token `$reply'
./qadadmin: line 34:  `switch($reply) {'
At least i am not getting "command does not exist".


David Langschied
Langschied Consulting Services
25644 Mackinac
Roseville, MI 48066
Phone:  (586)777-7542
Cell:  (248)789-8493
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Buehler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: case? switch? I need to write a script and neither of these
options work.
> switch($reply) {
> case "1" :
>  do this
>  exit();
>  break;
> case "2" :
>  do this
>  exit();
>  break;
> case "3" :
>  do this
>  exit();
>  break;
> default :
>  do this
>  exit();
>  break;
> }
> At 04:46 PM 6/18/2003 -0400, dlangschied wrote:
> >Sorry, I did not include the "in" after $reply and the case statement
> >I am still curious about switch.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >
> >David Langschied
> >Langschied Consulting Services
> >25644 Mackinac
> >Roseville, MI 48066
> >
> >Phone:  (586)777-7542
> >Cell:  (248)789-8493
> >e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "dlangschied" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:38 PM
> >Subject: case? switch? I need to write a script and neither of these
> >work.
> >
> >
> > > Hi all!
> > >
> > > I am having a bit of difficulty with writing a script.  I am on Linux
> > > and trying to run a case statement like a would in HP-UX.  This is not
> > > working.  I looked up the man page on case and it indicated that it
> > > being obsoleted.  The man page suggested that I use switch.  When I
> >attempt
> > > to do so, I get a "command not found" error.  I am completely lost on
> > > to do next.
> > >
> > > Here is the gist of my case statement a la HP-UX:
> > >
> > > read reply
> > > case $reply
> > > 1)
> > > Do this
> > > ;;
> > > 2)
> > > Do this
> > > ;;
> > > 3)
> > > Do this
> > > ;;
> > > 'x|X')
> > > Exit
> > > ;;
> > > *)
> > > echo error
> > > ;;
> > > esac
> > >
> > > Please help, I need to be able to read in a value from a menu and run
> > > corresponding script.
> > >
> > >
> > > Sincerely,
> > >
> > > David Langschied
> > > Langschied Consulting Services
> > > 25644 Mackinac
> > > Roseville, MI 48066
> > >
> > > Phone:  (586)777-7542
> > > Cell:  (248)789-8493
> > > e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > redhat-list mailing list
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> > >
> >
> >
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Re: case? switch? I need to write a script and neither of these options work.

2003-06-18 Thread Steve Buehler
switch($reply) {
case "1" :
do this
case "2" :
do this
case "3" :
do this
default :
do this
At 04:46 PM 6/18/2003 -0400, dlangschied wrote:
Sorry, I did not include the "in" after $reply and the case statement works.
I am still curious about switch.

David Langschied
Langschied Consulting Services
25644 Mackinac
Roseville, MI 48066
Phone:  (586)777-7542
Cell:  (248)789-8493
- Original Message -
From: "dlangschied" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:38 PM
Subject: case? switch? I need to write a script and neither of these options
> Hi all!
> I am having a bit of difficulty with writing a script.  I am on Linux 8.0
> and trying to run a case statement like a would in HP-UX.  This is not
> working.  I looked up the man page on case and it indicated that it was
> being obsoleted.  The man page suggested that I use switch.  When I
> to do so, I get a "command not found" error.  I am completely lost on what
> to do next.
> Here is the gist of my case statement a la HP-UX:
> read reply
> case $reply
> 1)
> Do this
> ;;
> 2)
> Do this
> ;;
> 3)
> Do this
> ;;
> 'x|X')
> Exit
> ;;
> *)
> echo error
> ;;
> esac
> Please help, I need to be able to read in a value from a menu and run a
> corresponding script.
> Sincerely,
> David Langschied
> Langschied Consulting Services
> 25644 Mackinac
> Roseville, MI 48066
> Phone:  (586)777-7542
> Cell:  (248)789-8493
> e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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2003-04-01 Thread Steve Buehler
I am running RedHat 7.2 with an Ensim Control panel.  I am getting some 
errors and Ensim says that it is because I have kde installed and that I 
should uninstall it.  I don't ever remember it being installed.  Anyway, 
How can I uninstall it?  I have done an "rpm -qa k*" and don't see it as 
being installed as an rpm.


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Re: backup script

2003-03-28 Thread Steve Buehler
Ok.  I ended up finding the answer right after writing the email.

cd /home/
dirs=`ls -d *`
cd /root
for II in $dirs; do
TAR=`tar -czvf /root/$II.tgz /home/$II`
At 11:05 AM 3/28/2003 -0600, you wrote:
RedHat Linux 7.3
I am trying to create a backup script (/bin/sh type) that would read the 
directories and create a seperate backup file for each directory.  I can 
easily get the directories into a text file with "ls -d *".  How can I run 
through that script one line at a time putting the contents of the line 
into a variable, then do something with it?

foreach line in file{
$variable="line contents"
run some commands that need $variable contents
Thank You in advance for any help.


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backup script

2003-03-28 Thread Steve Buehler
RedHat Linux 7.3
I am trying to create a backup script (/bin/sh type) that would read the 
directories and create a seperate backup file for each directory.  I can 
easily get the directories into a text file with "ls -d *".  How can I run 
through that script one line at a time putting the contents of the line 
into a variable, then do something with it?

foreach line in file{
$variable="line contents"
run some commands that need $variable contents
Thank You in advance for any help.


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redhat linux icmp and a firewall

2003-03-27 Thread Steve Buehler
I am not exactly sure what icmp is.  When I looked at redhats description 
of it, it didn't sound like it would be something that needs to be opened 
up on a firewall, but someone told me that it should and never said 
why.  Can anybody tell me if I should open up icmp on my firewall in front 
of my linux server and if so, why?


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RedHat 9.0

2003-03-25 Thread Steve Buehler
I don't know if I missed it here on the mailing list or not but has anybody 
got a link to a page that tells more about the new RedHat 9.0?  Basically, 
I would like to find out what the main difference is that would make them 
go to a new major release.  All I can find on their web site is "How To Get 
Red Hat Linux 9 Early".  Which doesn't say what is new at all.  Doesn't 
give any information except on how to get it early.


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changing server domain name

2003-03-24 Thread Steve Buehler
I just had a redhat linux 7.3 box setup and they gave it the wrong domain 
name.  Besides the /etc/sysconfig/network file what files do I need to 
change?  Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: up2date and rhn

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Buehler
I want to thank everybody for their help.  My problem was that python-popt 
was not installed, so up2date was not working correctly.  This has now been 

Thank You All

At 05:40 PM 12/14/2002 -0400, you wrote:
You can use command line mode:
up2date --nox --install --update


-- Original Message ---
From: Steve Buehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 15:11:56 -0600
Subject: up2date and rhn

> I want to install several packages using the redhat network but
> don't want to wait for it to do it automatically.  Is there a
> command with up2date or rhn that will tell it to go to rhn and get
> all of the updates and/or new packages that I have checked at
> for that system?  I didn't see an answer for this at
>'s faq area, but that doesn't mean that it isn't there.
> Thanks
> Steve
> --
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> ow3
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Re: up2date and rhn

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Buehler
I think my up2date must be messed up.  I get the following errors when 
running either one of these.
[root]# up2date -nox
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 18, in ?
from up2date_client import clap
  File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 7, in ?
import popt
ImportError: No module named popt

[root]# up2date
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 18, in ?
from up2date_client import clap
  File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 7, in ?
import popt
ImportError: No module named popt

Do I need to reinstall up2date?  The system was just put together Friday, 
everything should be working.supposedly.


At 09:55 PM 12/14/2002 +, you wrote:

"up2date" or "up2date -nox" (if you're not using X)

at the command prompt.

Regards, Mike Klinke

On Saturday 14 December 2002 21:11, Steve Buehler wrote:
> I want to install several packages using the redhat network but don't want
> to wait for it to do it automatically.  Is there a command with up2date or
> rhn that will tell it to go to rhn and get all of the updates and/or new
> packages that I have checked at for that system?  I didn't
> see an answer for this at's faq area, but that doesn't mean
> that it isn't there.
> Thanks
> Steve

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up2date and rhn

2002-12-14 Thread Steve Buehler
I want to install several packages using the redhat network but don't want 
to wait for it to do it automatically.  Is there a command with up2date or 
rhn that will tell it to go to rhn and get all of the updates and/or new 
packages that I have checked at for that system?  I didn't 
see an answer for this at's faq area, but that doesn't mean 
that it isn't there.


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Re: changing IP's

2002-12-11 Thread Steve Buehler
Thank you Randy and Rahul.  I thought there was more than just here that it 
would have to be changed.  This will make it real easy.


At 10:46 AM 12/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Only /etc/sysconfig/network and/or 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* if you are on Ethernet.


On Wednesday, December 11, 2002, at 10:34  AM, Steve Buehler wrote:

I have a RedHat 7.3 server set up just for CVS.  I need to move it to 
another office and will have to change the IP's to do this.  I do NOT 
have any GUI interface installed on this server and was wondering if 
anybody can help me by telling me all of the files that would have to be 
changed with the new IP address.

Thank You

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changing IP's

2002-12-11 Thread Steve Buehler
I have a RedHat 7.3 server set up just for CVS.  I need to move it to 
another office and will have to change the IP's to do this.  I do NOT have 
any GUI interface installed on this server and was wondering if anybody can 
help me by telling me all of the files that would have to be changed with 
the new IP address.

Thank You

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mounting a drive

2002-11-25 Thread Steve Buehler
I had a system go down and we had the drives put into another one of our 
systems.  (I am not the on that did this and can't reach the person who 
did.)  The drives were in a Raid 1 on the old server.  I am not sure how 
they were stuck in on the new server and they were not mounted yet.  Is 
there a command that I can run to find all of the hard drives on my server?


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Re: Weird .forward results (RH7.3)

2002-10-15 Thread Steve Buehler

Where does your /etc/aliases file say root should go too?  If you have it 
setup to go to other than root, than there is your problem.  It will do 
what the aliases file says to do before it tries to go to the root 
account.  There is a possibility that it just won't work with root.not 
sure.  But if you are trying to get all of the mail to go to another email 
address, why don't you just set it up in the /etc/aliases file anyway.


At 05:23 PM 10/15/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm having some odd results with .forward under RH7.3,
>which I only recently caught.
>Basically, everyone EXCEPT root can have a functional .forward.
>Root's .forward DOES NOT WORK.  Period.  It blasts right
>through the .forward and ignores it.  I've tried to set
>.forward to a user on the machine and I've tried setting it
>to an external email address, neither works; it still goes
>to root's mailbox.
>This is VERY odd; I never saw this behavior in any other *nix,
>nor even in other versions of Unix.
>Anyone seen anything like this before?  Anyone have a clue
>what is causing it?  Sendmail is not running, but that shouldn't
>matter at all.  And like I said, all of the OTHER users can
>properly get .forward working.  I want to mail a copy of
>the messages to my primary account so that I can see them without
>having to be logged in as root.
>R/William Ward
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Re: high-end routing

2002-10-13 Thread Steve Buehler

u.  Do you have a URL for that?  The one you gave goes to a law firm 
and I saw nothing on there about this subject.  Unless I just missed 
it.  Using either .com or .net doesn't seem to produce anything on this 
subject either.


At 11:28 PM 10/13/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>If this box is acting only as a router, RedHat 7.3 may not be the best
>answer.  It would be worth checking out the Linux Router Project.  I
>think there web site is  You could probably at
>least check with these guys and see if they know what is going wrong.
>They have created a Linux distro with the single purchase of routing.
>If I remember correctly it loads from a single floppy.  So maybe you
>could run a test without modifying your existing installation.
>Cheers, Sam
>On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 06:36, Matthew Boeckman wrote:
> > I've got a RH7.3 box that I have succesfully setup to route 4 subnets
> > out to our upstream provider. Routing-wise, everything works fine. My
> > problem is that every 5 minutes (almost to the second) the box starts
> > dropping packets like mad, and generally just goes unresponsive. The
> > server itself is not locked up, but pinging either of it's interfaces,
> > or pinging through it fails utterly. Oddly enough, about 1 minute later
> > everything returns to normal. It is important to note that this is a
> > _heavy_ traffic network, passing approximately 20-30Mb/s through those
> > interfaces. There are no IPTables rules in the way (i've removed all and
> > still see the behavior). The box itself should not be a problem, I
> > think: dual P3-700 512MB ram, dual 3Com 100TX FD. I have also confirmed
> > that it is not a problem on our upstream. So I guess my question is: are
> > there kernel tweaks I need to do to better tune this? Is an ARP cache
> > getting updated too frequently? The regularity, and the return to
> > normalcy really make me think it's some setting I just need to tune, but
> > so far I haven't come across anything terribly helpful.
> >
> > Any thought are appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks, Matthew
> > --
> > Matthew Boeckman  (816) 777-2160
> > Manager - Systems Integration Saepio Technologies
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Application Site

2002-10-13 Thread Steve Buehler

Does anybody know of some good sites for applications on a RedHat 
system.  I want to be able to change some of the office systems over from 
Winblows to RedHat workstations.  But I need to be able to find apps to 
replace the ones that we have on Winblows.  PhotoShop, Illustrator, 
Pagemaker, Photoimpact.  Winblows has several places like, 
but I haven't seen any for Linux.  I hope that somebody can give me a few 
places to go.


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Re: Application Site

2002-10-13 Thread Steve Buehler

You're right.  I shouldn't do that.  Sorry about that.  Thank you for the 
response and the sites.


At 02:06 PM 10/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 01:06:51PM -0500, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Does anybody know of some good sites for applications on a RedHat
> > system.  I want to be able to change some of the office systems over from
> > Winblows to RedHat workstations.  But I need to be able to find apps to
> > replace the ones that we have on Winblows.  PhotoShop, Illustrator,
> > Pagemaker, Photoimpact.  Winblows has several places like 
> > but I haven't seen any for Linux.  I hope that somebody can give me a few
> > places to go.
>First of all, it's Windows, not Winblows.  Treat the OS names with
>respect.  I happen to be in a good mood today or I would have junked
>your posting just because of that.  Just because you're on a Red Hat
>list, don't insult the rest.
> httpd://
>These should be enough to get you going.

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Re: high-end routing

2002-10-13 Thread Steve Buehler

Ok.  I found it.  The URL should be


At 07:33 AM 10/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>u.  Do you have a URL for that?  The one you gave goes to a law firm 
>and I saw nothing on there about this subject.  Unless I just missed 
>it.  Using either .com or .net doesn't seem to produce anything on this 
>subject either.
>At 11:28 PM 10/13/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>>If this box is acting only as a router, RedHat 7.3 may not be the best
>>answer.  It would be worth checking out the Linux Router Project.  I
>>think there web site is  You could probably at
>>least check with these guys and see if they know what is going wrong.
>>They have created a Linux distro with the single purchase of routing.
>>If I remember correctly it loads from a single floppy.  So maybe you
>>could run a test without modifying your existing installation.
>>Cheers, Sam
>>On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 06:36, Matthew Boeckman wrote:
>> > I've got a RH7.3 box that I have succesfully setup to route 4 subnets
>> > out to our upstream provider. Routing-wise, everything works fine. My
>> > problem is that every 5 minutes (almost to the second) the box starts
>> > dropping packets like mad, and generally just goes unresponsive. The
>> > server itself is not locked up, but pinging either of it's interfaces,
>> > or pinging through it fails utterly. Oddly enough, about 1 minute later
>> > everything returns to normal. It is important to note that this is a
>> > _heavy_ traffic network, passing approximately 20-30Mb/s through those
>> > interfaces. There are no IPTables rules in the way (i've removed all and
>> > still see the behavior). The box itself should not be a problem, I
>> > think: dual P3-700 512MB ram, dual 3Com 100TX FD. I have also confirmed
>> > that it is not a problem on our upstream. So I guess my question is: are
>> > there kernel tweaks I need to do to better tune this? Is an ARP cache
>> > getting updated too frequently? The regularity, and the return to
>> > normalcy really make me think it's some setting I just need to tune, but
>> > so far I haven't come across anything terribly helpful.
>> >
>> > Any thought are appreciated.
>> >
>> > Thanks, Matthew
>> > --
>> > Matthew Boeckman  (816) 777-2160
>> > Manager - Systems Integration Saepio Technologies
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > redhat-list mailing list
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>> >
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Re: Application Site

2002-10-13 Thread Steve Buehler

h.  I really started something here.  So I guess I might as well say 
something else.
Windows = one s
MS-Windows = two s's (one big S and one small s)
X Window System = two s's (in System) (one big S and one small s)

PS.  I am sorry I ever started this thread (in this way), even if it was an 

At 04:32 PM 10/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Michael Tiernan wrote:
> > And, if you're going to admonish someone, be accurate, it isn't "Windows",
> > it's MS-Windows.  Every computer I have runs windows.  None of them run
> > MS-windows.
>Are you referring to the X Window System? It has only one 's' in its name.
>   man 7x X
>The X Consortium requests that the following names be used
>when referring to this software:
> X Window System
>X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.
> -- Russ Herrold
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Re: high-end routing

2002-10-13 Thread Steve Buehler

Not much on the site I gave you here and most of the links don't work.  Try 
this site instead:


At 08:19 AM 10/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Ok.  I found it.  The URL should be
>At 07:33 AM 10/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>>u.  Do you have a URL for that?  The one you gave goes to a law firm 
>>and I saw nothing on there about this subject.  Unless I just missed 
>>it.  Using either .com or .net doesn't seem to produce anything on this 
>>subject either.
>>At 11:28 PM 10/13/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>>>If this box is acting only as a router, RedHat 7.3 may not be the best
>>>answer.  It would be worth checking out the Linux Router Project.  I
>>>think there web site is  You could probably at
>>>least check with these guys and see if they know what is going wrong.
>>>They have created a Linux distro with the single purchase of routing.
>>>If I remember correctly it loads from a single floppy.  So maybe you
>>>could run a test without modifying your existing installation.
>>>Cheers, Sam
>>>On Thu, 2002-10-10 at 06:36, Matthew Boeckman wrote:
>>> > I've got a RH7.3 box that I have succesfully setup to route 4 subnets
>>> > out to our upstream provider. Routing-wise, everything works fine. My
>>> > problem is that every 5 minutes (almost to the second) the box starts
>>> > dropping packets like mad, and generally just goes unresponsive. The
>>> > server itself is not locked up, but pinging either of it's interfaces,
>>> > or pinging through it fails utterly. Oddly enough, about 1 minute later
>>> > everything returns to normal. It is important to note that this is a
>>> > _heavy_ traffic network, passing approximately 20-30Mb/s through those
>>> > interfaces. There are no IPTables rules in the way (i've removed all and
>>> > still see the behavior). The box itself should not be a problem, I
>>> > think: dual P3-700 512MB ram, dual 3Com 100TX FD. I have also confirmed
>>> > that it is not a problem on our upstream. So I guess my question is: are
>>> > there kernel tweaks I need to do to better tune this? Is an ARP cache
>>> > getting updated too frequently? The regularity, and the return to
>>> > normalcy really make me think it's some setting I just need to tune, but
>>> > so far I haven't come across anything terribly helpful.
>>> >
>>> > Any thought are appreciated.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks, Matthew
>>> > --
>>> > Matthew Boeckman  (816) 777-2160
>>> > Manager - Systems Integration Saepio Technologies
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
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>>> >
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Re: Port 19635

2002-10-11 Thread Steve Buehler

 Actually, yes.  I am running Ensim.  I found this on the Ensim 
forum "AFTER" I posted the message and did some other checking.  Figures, 
over an hour of checking before I even posted to the redhat list and it 
isn't until afterwards that I find out. :(  For other ensim users out 
there.  This is how to shut it off if not needed:

> From Ensim security memo
>WEBppliance 3.x includes a second sshd daemon that runs on port 19635. 
>This SSHD uses a separate config file called /etc/ssh/sshd-rb_config. You 
>should also disable ChallengeResponseAuthentication in this file as well. 
>If you are not using WEBppliance in conjunction with the CBM (Customer 
>Billing Manager) you can disable sshd-rb from running by doing:
>chkconfig --del sshd-rb
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd-rb stop

Thanks to all who responded

At 08:55 AM 10/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Here is a plausible but unlikely answer. Are you running an Ensim
>Physical Server on a box somewhere on your net? Port 19635 is
>the ssh control port for the Ensim server on Solaris systems.
>Otherwise, the easiest way to tell is to su to root and:
>  lsof -p 19635
>This will return one or more process id's.  Then do a
> ps ax|grep 
>for each process ID. That will show what program(s) own(s) the
>ben mohilef
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RE: FW: port 19635

2002-10-11 Thread Steve Buehler

 Thank you for your help.  I am running a redhat 7.2 box with an 
Ensim control panel ( and found out that it was set up for a 
seperate program that interfaces with it.  Their forum says that if you 
don't have the other program, that it was/is fine to shut down the ssh on 
that port.  I have now done that.

Again, Thanks for the help.

At 11:14 AM 10/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Thats not good ..
>You using IPCHAINS or IPTABLES ? if so, set a rule to log activity .
>I would suggest finding out what kind of activity these people are up to
>before knocking them off . Anotherwords get IP addresses , what they are
>doing , etc. Then you have information to see what else they may have done.
>If its a cracked box , chances are they have a way of cracking the box again
> > --
> > From: Steve Buehler[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:05 AM
> > To:   Billy Quinn
> > Subject:  Re: FW: port 19635
> >
> > h.  fuser reports it as an sshd port.  Looks like somebody has a
> > backdoor into the system.  Do you know how to block that port?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Steve
> >
> > At 11:01 AM 10/11/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > >in case your not on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list :>
> > >
> > >
> > > > --
> > > > From: Billy Quinn
> > > > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:00 AM
> > > > To:   '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> > > > Subject:  RE: port 19635
> > > >
> > > > fuser -v -n tcp 19635
> > > >
> > > > is the way I usually find out whats using ports. You can also use
> > netstat.
> > > >
> > > > Billy
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > From: Steve Buehler[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Reply To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 10:53 AM
> > > > To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > Subject:  port 19635
> > > >
> > > > I am hoping that someone can help me out here.  Doing an nmap -p
> > > > '1-65535' servername says that port 19635 is open.
> > > > Port   State   Service
> > > > 19635/tcp  openunknown
> > > >
> > > > How can I find out what is using that port?  It isn't in
> > /etc/services.  I
> > > >
> > > > want to make sure that it isn't a hacker.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > > Steve
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > This message has been scanned for viruses and
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> > > > ow3
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
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> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
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> > >believed to be clean.
> > >ow3
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > This message has been scanned for viruses and
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> > ow3
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port 19635

2002-10-11 Thread Steve Buehler

I am hoping that someone can help me out here.  Doing an nmap -p 
'1-65535' servername says that port 19635 is open.
Port   State   Service
19635/tcp  openunknown

How can I find out what is using that port?  It isn't in /etc/services.  I 
want to make sure that it isn't a hacker.


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hacker files

2002-10-10 Thread Steve Buehler

Can anybody point me to a list or email me a list of the files on a redhat 
system that are the files that hackers would replace if they got 
in.  Basically, I want to be able to restore these files easily if I ever 
need too.  If I have a list of them that I can backup, than it would be 
easier to replace all of them instead of just searching through and trying 
to find out if they were tampered with in the first place.


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Re: cat and grep

2002-09-26 Thread Steve Buehler

Yes, I was trying to avoid the filenames printing out.  Thank You for the 
info.  This is exactly what I needed.  Speed is not to much of a factor for 
what I am doing here though because there are less than 100 .conf 
files.  But it will come in handy in the future.


At 03:16 AM 9/26/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Robert, Doug, Anthonythank you.
> > Why I didn't think of egrep I'll never know.  Not enough sleep and not
> > enough experience I guess.  Here is how I used it that gave me a little
> > better result that I wanted for the output.
> > cat *.conf | egrep "
>my original solution was
>$ egrep "
>it appears that you switched it around to using a pipe just to
>avoid having the filenames printed, yes?  check the man page for
>egrep -- there is a "-h" option that handles this, and if you
>can avoid using a pipe, technically, it's always a faster solution
>(although admittedly it wouldn't be noticeable in practice).
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Re: cat and grep

2002-09-25 Thread Steve Buehler

Robert, Doug, Anthonythank you.
Why I didn't think of egrep I'll never know.  Not enough sleep and not 
enough experience I guess.  Here is how I used it that gave me a little 
better result that I wanted for the output.
cat *.conf | egrep "On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > I am trying to run a cat command (on a RedHat 6.2 box) on some files and
> > can't seem to get it write.  The output that I want is from the apache 
> conf
> > files.  I have a lot of the .conf files, one for each domain.  The lines
> > that I am looking for are " > The closest that I can come to the command would be:
> > cat *.conf | grep " > cat *.conf | grep "ServerName"
> >
> > I would like to combine them so that it will give the the " > and the next line it will give me the "ServerName" that is in each of the
> > .conf files.
> > I thought, by the man page for grep, that I could do something like this:
> > cat *.conf | grep " > But that doesn't work at all.
> >
> > I would appreciate if someone might be able to help me out here.
>$ egrep "VirtualHost|ServerName" *.conf
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cat and grep

2002-09-25 Thread Steve Buehler

I am trying to run a cat command (on a RedHat 6.2 box) on some files and 
can't seem to get it write.  The output that I want is from the apache conf 
files.  I have a lot of the .conf files, one for each domain.  The lines 
that I am looking for are "mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

Re: slapper worm

2002-09-25 Thread Steve Buehler

For those people who like to click on links.  The link should be:

Mark missed one of the forward slashes /


At 01:54 PM 9/25/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>The CERT Advisory (www.cert.orgadvisories/CA-2002-27.html) will give you
>ideas for finding and patching. I discovered the files /tmp/.uubugraq
>and /tmp/.bugtraq on my system. This is a sign of Variant A.

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Re: port list

2002-09-24 Thread Steve Buehler

BTW, those two ports (4156 and 4154) do not show up in the 
/etc/services.  I had already checked there.  Apparantly, those are the 
outbound ports.  Someone else pointed me to use netstat -anp and that gave 
me the process id which I traced down to McAfee's autoupdate program that 
is used in conjunction with our MailScanner program.


At 09:32 PM 9/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Tuesday 24 September 2002 09:00 pm, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Can anybody point me to a list of ports would be used on a linux based
> > system.  I have a weird one showing up on a netstat report:
>The file /etc/services is a good place to start.
> > /etc# netstat -na | grep
> > tcp0  0
> > my_machines_ip_here:4156   ESTABLISHED
> > tcp  128  0
> > my_machines_ip_here:4154   CLOSE
>Looks like an ftp session from your machine to
> > I am trying to find out what they are because I received an report from
> > another server:
> > "Possible slapper worm infected host on your network. My timezone is
> > GMT 0"
> >
> > I have checked my version of openssl and it is 0.9.6-3.  I noticed that
> > the fix for the Linux.Slapper.Worm (according to Redhats site) is to
> > have at least version 0.9.5a-29.  So theoretically, I shouldn't have a
> > problem with that worm.I think.
>Have you checked the contents of /tmp? The worm doesn't do much to hide
>it's presence. If infected, you'll probably find the file bugtrac.c in
>that directory. Note, newer versions of the worm have been found, the
>file names have changed but the evidence still exists in /tmp, I believe.
>- --
>- -Michael
>pgp key:
>Red Hat Linux 7.{2,3} in 8M of RAM:
>- --
>Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
>Comment: For info see
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Re: port list

2002-09-24 Thread Steve Buehler

I ran that and here is what I get:
/tmp# netstat -anp|grep
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
  will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
tcp0  0 
my_machines_ip_here:4156   ESTABLISHED 
tcp  128  0 
my_machines_ip_here:4154   CLOSE   26481/perl 

I presume that the 26481/perl is a perl script with the process Id of 
26481.  I killed that process id and it now does not show up in the 
netstat.  I checked the file and it is the correct file (McAfee's 
autoupdate program that goes with MailScanner).  Apparently it was just 
stuck trying to connect to that server.


At 08:49 PM 9/24/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 20:00, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Can anybody point me to a list of ports would be used on a linux based
> > system.  I have a weird one showing up on a netstat report:
> >
> > /etc# netstat -na | grep
> > tcp0  0
> > my_machines_ip_here:4156   ESTABLISHED
> > tcp  128  0
> > my_machines_ip_here:4154   CLOSE
> >
>given that the remote side is on ports 20 and 21 I would guess that this
>is an ftp transfer
>try netstat -anp  it should list the program name too

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Re: port list

2002-09-24 Thread Steve Buehler

These are the only things in my /tmp directory
drwxrwxrwx2 root root 4096 Aug  5 06:51 .casp3000
drwxrwxrwx2 root root 4096 Aug 10 13:12 .casp3002
drwxrwxrwx2 root root 4096 Aug  5 06:51 .casp5101
drwxrwxrwt2 xfs  xfs  4096 Aug  5 06:51 .font-unix
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 May 16 18:21 
-rw---1 root root   50 Sep 24 20:44 McAfeeBusy.lock
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Apr 12 17:47 k
drwx--2 root root 4096 Sep 24 20:44 ssh-yXo25644

The ssh should of course be me.


At 09:32 PM 9/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Tuesday 24 September 2002 09:00 pm, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Can anybody point me to a list of ports would be used on a linux based
> > system.  I have a weird one showing up on a netstat report:
>The file /etc/services is a good place to start.
> > /etc# netstat -na | grep
> > tcp0  0
> > my_machines_ip_here:4156   ESTABLISHED
> > tcp  128  0
> > my_machines_ip_here:4154   CLOSE
>Looks like an ftp session from your machine to
> > I am trying to find out what they are because I received an report from
> > another server:
> > "Possible slapper worm infected host on your network. My timezone is
> > GMT 0"
> >
> > I have checked my version of openssl and it is 0.9.6-3.  I noticed that
> > the fix for the Linux.Slapper.Worm (according to Redhats site) is to
> > have at least version 0.9.5a-29.  So theoretically, I shouldn't have a
> > problem with that worm.I think.
>Have you checked the contents of /tmp? The worm doesn't do much to hide
>it's presence. If infected, you'll probably find the file bugtrac.c in
>that directory. Note, newer versions of the worm have been found, the
>file names have changed but the evidence still exists in /tmp, I believe.
>- --
>- -Michael

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port list

2002-09-24 Thread Steve Buehler

Can anybody point me to a list of ports would be used on a linux based 
system.  I have a weird one showing up on a netstat report:

/etc# netstat -na | grep
tcp0  0 
my_machines_ip_here:4156   ESTABLISHED
tcp  128  0 
my_machines_ip_here:4154   CLOSE

I am trying to find out what they are because I received an report from 
another server:
"Possible slapper worm infected host on your network. My timezone is GMT 0"

I have checked my version of openssl and it is 0.9.6-3.  I noticed that the 
fix for the Linux.Slapper.Worm (according to Redhats site) is to have at 
least version 0.9.5a-29.  So theoretically, I shouldn't have a problem with 
that worm.I think.

Any info would help.


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Re: New Install Boot Problem

2002-09-20 Thread Steve Buehler

I just reinstalled AGAIN but without the "Grub" and it works ok now with 
LILO.  What is up with Grub that would cause this?  BTW, something that I 
didn't mention before was that the error and lockup that I was getting 
happens AFTER the GRUB screen comes up and I try to start the system.


At 09:23 PM 9/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> Yes, it is 2 SCSI Hard Drives on a Raid 1 system.
>Thanks For your Help
>At 11:16 AM 9/20/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>> > >Mounting root filesystem
>> > >mount: error 6 mounting ext3
>> > >pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed: 2
>> > >Freeing unused kernel memory: 280K freed
>> > >Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
>> > >
>> > >Everything before that seems fine.
>> > >I have installed this twice now with the same results.
>> >
>> >
>> > I've had similar results with an install.
>> >
>> > I'd recommend looking at a hardware problem. Could be RAMM,
>> > motherboard, CD-ROM, etc.
>>Is this a SCSI hard drive it's on? If so I've seen this before, and may be
>>able to help your further.

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Re: New Install Boot Problem

2002-09-20 Thread Steve Buehler

 Yes, it is 2 SCSI Hard Drives on a Raid 1 system.

Thanks For your Help

At 11:16 AM 9/20/2002 +0800, you wrote:
> > >Mounting root filesystem
> > >mount: error 6 mounting ext3
> > >pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed: 2
> > >Freeing unused kernel memory: 280K freed
> > >Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
> > >
> > >Everything before that seems fine.
> > >I have installed this twice now with the same results.
> >
> >
> > I've had similar results with an install.
> >
> > I'd recommend looking at a hardware problem. Could be RAMM,
> > motherboard, CD-ROM, etc.
>Is this a SCSI hard drive it's on? If so I've seen this before, and may be
>able to help your further.

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Re: Cron Job example

2002-09-20 Thread Steve Buehler

You need a - in front of your u
crontab -u ebinc -e


At 08:36 PM 9/20/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi List
>Im trying to set up a cron job the cron exaample is
>0  0  *  *  * /home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/remindme.cgi
>can somone explain, step by step how to enter this and turn it on the user
>name wher I want it to run under is is ebinc I tryed to enter
>crontab u ebinc -e
>but thats not working could somone explain and show what to enter step by
>step from root using ssh
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New Install Boot Problem

2002-09-19 Thread Steve Buehler

I have just installed RedHat 7.3 on a server and get the following error 
during boot and the system just stops there:

Mounting root filesystem
mount: error 6 mounting ext3
pivotroot: pivot_root(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed: 2
Freeing unused kernel memory: 280K freed
Kernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.

Everything before that seems fine.
I have installed this twice now with the same results.  The second time I 
did mostly a default install.  Letting the installation program define 
partitions, etc...  I still picked "Server" for the installation and 
requesting for it to install Gnome, a web server, smtp, pop, ftp, and to 
allow SSH.  I let it do its default of Grub too.
I have never had this problem with 6.2 or 7.1.  I hope that someone else 
knows of this problem and can help me solve it.

Thank You in Advance

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Re: permissions

2002-09-19 Thread Steve Buehler

Thank You for the reply.  It never hurts to keep learning.


At 11:24 AM 9/19/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>the {} is a placeholder for the pathname of each file found
>for some reason, commands need to be ended with an escaped semicolon...
>On Thu, Sep 19, 2002 at 10:10:45AM -0500, Steve Buehler wrote:
>- Ok.  I found another way of doing it.  Since chown does not appear to work
>- the way the "chown --help" says that it will.  I now run this find command:
>- find ./ -user ryukyu -group settlers -exec chown skb.skb {} \;
>- Now, can someone explain to me what the "{} \;" part of the command does/is
>- for?  It won't run without that part and I can't find anyplace that tells
>- me what it is for.
>- Thanks
>- Steve
>- >By the way, I have tried the following command that "chown --help" says to
>- >do but it doesn't seem to do anything:
>- >chown -R --from=ryukyu:settlers skb.skb *
>- >and
>- >chown -R --from=ryukyu.settlers skb.skb *
>- >
>- >Thank You
>- >Steve
>- >
>- >At 09:18 AM 9/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>- > I can't figure something out.  I am trying to come up with a
>- > command line way through programs already on the system (RedHat 7.2) or a
>- > script that will do the following.
>- > Change ownership of all files in a directory that are owned by a
>- > specific user, leaving files that are not owned by that user alone.  It
>- > needs to start in that directory and go through ALL sub directories of
>- > the directory that I am starting in and do the same thing without having
>- > to name all of the subdirectories.
>- > For another script, I would like it to change permissions on all
>- > files that end in a certain extention(s).  It should work in the same way
>- > though.  Meaning that it will go through all sub directories and sub
>- > directories of the sub directories, etc...
>- > Does anybody know how to do that from the command line, or knows
>- > of a script that will do that.  I don't want the scripts to do any more
>- > than just that.  That way, if it is a script, it will be only one file
>- > and kind of smallI hope.
>- >
>- >Thank You
>- >Steve
>- --
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>- ow3
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2002-09-19 Thread Steve Buehler

Ok.  I found another way of doing it.  Since chown does not appear to work 
the way the "chown --help" says that it will.  I now run this find command:
find ./ -user ryukyu -group settlers -exec chown skb.skb {} \;
Now, can someone explain to me what the "{} \;" part of the command does/is 
for?  It won't run without that part and I can't find anyplace that tells 
me what it is for.


>By the way, I have tried the following command that "chown --help" says to 
>do but it doesn't seem to do anything:
>chown -R --from=ryukyu:settlers skb.skb *
>chown -R --from=ryukyu.settlers skb.skb *
>Thank You
>At 09:18 AM 9/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> I can't figure something out.  I am trying to come up with a 
> command line way through programs already on the system (RedHat 7.2) or a 
> script that will do the following.
> Change ownership of all files in a directory that are owned by a 
> specific user, leaving files that are not owned by that user alone.  It 
> needs to start in that directory and go through ALL sub directories of 
> the directory that I am starting in and do the same thing without having 
> to name all of the subdirectories.
> For another script, I would like it to change permissions on all 
> files that end in a certain extention(s).  It should work in the same way 
> though.  Meaning that it will go through all sub directories and sub 
> directories of the sub directories, etc...
> Does anybody know how to do that from the command line, or knows 
> of a script that will do that.  I don't want the scripts to do any more 
> than just that.  That way, if it is a script, it will be only one file 
> and kind of smallI hope.
>Thank You

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Re: permissions

2002-09-19 Thread Steve Buehler

By the way, I have tried the following command that "chown --help" says to 
do but it doesn't seem to do anything:
chown -R --from=ryukyu:settlers skb.skb *
chown -R --from=ryukyu.settlers skb.skb *

Thank You

At 09:18 AM 9/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> I can't figure something out.  I am trying to come up with a 
> command line way through programs already on the system (RedHat 7.2) or a 
> script that will do the following.
> Change ownership of all files in a directory that are owned by a 
> specific user, leaving files that are not owned by that user alone.  It 
> needs to start in that directory and go through ALL sub directories of 
> the directory that I am starting in and do the same thing without having 
> to name all of the subdirectories.
> For another script, I would like it to change permissions on all 
> files that end in a certain extention(s).  It should work in the same way 
> though.  Meaning that it will go through all sub directories and sub 
> directories of the sub directories, etc...
> Does anybody know how to do that from the command line, or knows 
> of a script that will do that.  I don't want the scripts to do any more 
> than just that.  That way, if it is a script, it will be only one file 
> and kind of smallI hope.
>Thank You

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2002-09-19 Thread Steve Buehler

I can't figure something out.  I am trying to come up with a command line 
way through programs already on the system (RedHat 7.2) or a script that 
will do the following.
Change ownership of all files in a directory that are owned by a specific 
user, leaving files that are not owned by that user alone.  It needs to 
start in that directory and go through ALL sub directories of the directory 
that I am starting in and do the same thing without having to name all of 
the subdirectories.
For another script, I would like it to change permissions on all files 
that end in a certain extention(s).  It should work in the same way 
though.  Meaning that it will go through all sub directories and sub 
directories of the sub directories, etc...
Does anybody know how to do that from the command line, or knows of a 
script that will do that.  I don't want the scripts to do any more than 
just that.  That way, if it is a script, it will be only one file and kind 
of smallI hope.

Thank You

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RE: Clustering

2002-07-31 Thread Steve Buehler

The newest RedHat (Intel).  Is that what you mean?


At 11:10 AM 7/31/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>What type of cluster will you be running?
>-Original Message-
>From: Steve Buehler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 12:14 PM
>Subject: Clustering
>Is anybody running Clustering with multiple sites on one server?  If so,
>what are the problems with this?  We are look at clustering servers and
>were told that you run into problems if you are actually running more than
>one site in the cluster even though it CAN be done.
>This message has been scanned for viruses and
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2002-07-31 Thread Steve Buehler

Is anybody running Clustering with multiple sites on one server?  If so, 
what are the problems with this?  We are look at clustering servers and 
were told that you run into problems if you are actually running more than 
one site in the cluster even though it CAN be done.


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RE: top

2002-07-23 Thread Steve Buehler

Thank You

At 02:08 PM 7/24/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>[darryl@antivirus darryl]$ rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/bin/top
> > -Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
> > Behalf Of Steve Buehler
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:33 PM
> > Subject: top
> >
> > It looks like my /usr/bin/top program is either corrupt, or a hacker
> > replaced it.  My server is not local so I can't just put the CD in and
> > it off of there.  Can anybody tell me where I can find the top program
> > RedHat 6.2 so that I can replace it?
> >
> > Thank you
> > Steve
> >
> >
> > --
> > This message has been scanned for viruses and
> > dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> > believed to be clean.
> > ow3
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Redhat-list mailing list
> >
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2002-07-23 Thread Steve Buehler

It looks like my /usr/bin/top program is either corrupt, or a hacker 
replaced it.  My server is not local so I can't just put the CD in and get 
it off of there.  Can anybody tell me where I can find the top program for 
RedHat 6.2 so that I can replace it?

Thank you

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Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cyber Cafe software

2002-06-04 Thread Steve Buehler

 Thanks for the reply.  I put that message up on three list (PHP, 
MySQL, RedHat) and this has been the only reply.  There are a lot of 
software packages that I found searching, but they are all for 
cyber cafe's that have the computers all ready set up for people to log 
into.  I have found none that would allow someone to bring in their own 
laptop and be able to just hook it up and also keep track of the time.  I 
was hoping to find one that would run the server on RedHat/PHP/MySQL and do 
what is needed.
 The customer is not actually going to be running a regular cyber 
cafe.  But for the things that they want to do, it is pretty much the same 
thing.  I guess they have some clients that travel a lot and want to come 
in and use their network when they are in town.  From what I understand, it 
is getting pretty annoying but they don't want to tell the people NO.  I 
don't know all of the details about that, I just know that they want it, so 
I am going to try and get it for them.  I have not tried to connect my 
laptop in an airport yet, but from the way it sounds, that is part of the 
type of setup that we want.
 If I can ever figure out how to do this, I will try to post the 
results to the lists so other people can use it and improve it as they see fit.


At 09:08 PM 6/3/2002 -0500, Bret Hughes wrote:
>On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Does anybody know of any software all ready written or what would have to
> > be done, to allow us to run a cyber cafe style setup.  What we need the
> > software to do is to allow someone to come in and plug in their computer to
> > our network (actually a customers network).  They want the following:
> > 1.  A customer comes in and signs up starting a clock so they could charge
> > the customer for the time.
> > 2.  They want it to work for wired or wireless networks.  So when they sign
> > in, it would either have to set their IP address on their machine
> > automatically, or we would have to give them an IP address to put in to
> > their system.
> > 3.  It would have to send a report once a day to an email address (or
> > multiple email addresses) with the days summary of time used and amount of
> > money made.
> > 4.  A regular customer could come in and use the same login each time so
> > that they could track everything over long periods of time, on a per
> > customer basis.  They might want to give discounts to these people and/or
> > give away free stuff.  Kind of likefor every minute someone has been
> > on, they get one credit point.  Those credit points can be used for
> > purchasing extra time, or other products in the business.  Now, if it is
> > kept in a mysql database, than that would not be hard to pull.
> >
> > I know that there are cyber cafe's out there now, so I am assuming that I
> > should not have to reinvent the wheel for this software.  If not, how would
> > somebody go about setting this up.  Basically, if I could get it set up so
> > that ALL IP addresses on the local network are not allowed in unless they
> > sign in first, than what file would it have to put that IP address in and
> > what would have to be restarted to allow that customer access?  Preferably,
> > I would like the program to work with RedHat Linux, PHP and MySQL.
> >
> > Thanks In Advance
> > Steve Buehler
>Steve I am sitting in a cyber cafe right now in Las Vegas, and no inspite
>of what the reservations people tell you there is no highspeed internet
>connectivity in the Flamingo Hilton.  Pisses me off but I will leave that
>for tomorrow.
>Any way I have used these types of thing occationally while traveling
>probably 3 or four times but have yet to see anyone do this cleverly.  It
>is usually writting your name on a peice of paper with the time and then
>paying as you leave.
>However If I was going to try to do this I would probably start with a
>simple php generated html form that everyone should be able to use and
>have them obtain an address via dhcp but have the firewall setup to block
>all outgoing except for those that have logged in vi the php page.  THe
>phph script would of course have the ipaddress since that is part of the
>http packet and could then build a FW rule that would allow the machine to
>hit the net.
>Then logging off via the same page would then kill the rule and tell them
>how much they owe.  I don't know what happens when the shut down the
>machine without logging off but I am sure some business pratice could be
>put in place mabye a $2 stupid charge.
>If you wanted to get real fancy , I guess the php page could take a credit
>card and bill them automatically after verify

Cyber Cafe software

2002-06-03 Thread Steve Buehler

Does anybody know of any software all ready written or what would have to 
be done, to allow us to run a cyber cafe style setup.  What we need the 
software to do is to allow someone to come in and plug in their computer to 
our network (actually a customers network).  They want the following:
1.  A customer comes in and signs up starting a clock so they could charge 
the customer for the time.
2.  They want it to work for wired or wireless networks.  So when they sign 
in, it would either have to set their IP address on their machine 
automatically, or we would have to give them an IP address to put in to 
their system.
3.  It would have to send a report once a day to an email address (or 
multiple email addresses) with the days summary of time used and amount of 
money made.
4.  A regular customer could come in and use the same login each time so 
that they could track everything over long periods of time, on a per 
customer basis.  They might want to give discounts to these people and/or 
give away free stuff.  Kind of likefor every minute someone has been 
on, they get one credit point.  Those credit points can be used for 
purchasing extra time, or other products in the business.  Now, if it is 
kept in a mysql database, than that would not be hard to pull.

I know that there are cyber cafe's out there now, so I am assuming that I 
should not have to reinvent the wheel for this software.  If not, how would 
somebody go about setting this up.  Basically, if I could get it set up so 
that ALL IP addresses on the local network are not allowed in unless they 
sign in first, than what file would it have to put that IP address in and 
what would have to be restarted to allow that customer access?  Preferably, 
I would like the program to work with RedHat Linux, PHP and MySQL.

Thanks In Advance
Steve Buehler

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Name of 7.3 email list?

2002-05-26 Thread Steve Buehler

Go To:
That has all of the lists listed.


At 06:41 AM 5/26/2002 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>What is the name of the RedHat 7.3 mailing list?
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Intel AnyPoint Wireless Network in Linux?

2002-05-25 Thread Steve Buehler

You might want to go to and look at the specs for the card to see 
if it supports linux and if it does, check to see if you have to download 
drivers and/or what versions of linux all ready support it built in.  You 
will probably get an answer faster that way.


At 09:57 AM 5/25/2002 -0700, The Gyzmo wrote:
>A friend recently gave me two Intel AnyPoint PCMCIA
>cards to toy with and I got the USB based adapter
>also. They work very well in Winbloze and I'd like to
>use the PCMCIA cards for the two laptops in my house
>rather than Ethernet.
>Is the Intel AnyPoint system supported with Linux
>right now? I'd like to have my Linux gateway serve the
>laptops through the wireless USB adapter also and I
>don't want to have a Winbloze box to be the gateway
>for the gateway.
>Whatever the procedure is, I don't mind having to
>recompile the kernel if it doesn't require any
>tweaking. I will be upgrading to Valhalla in the next
>few days.
>Any help is greatly appreciated as Google hasn't
>turned up anything.
>|This message is from Serban Giuroiu, also known online|
>|as  The Gyzmo.|
>|EMAIL: g y z m o b r o @ y a h o o . com  |
>|AIM Screen Name: gyzmobro |
>"Code Smarter, Not Harder" - off the Desaware t-shirt I have
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Re: DNS: Keeping root server list up to date?

2002-05-24 Thread Steve Buehler

Is it ok if dig comes through like this when doing "dig > /var/named/"
My question is the first set of lines don't have it like "360", they 
have it in Days, Hours, Min, sec.

.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.   5d23h35m46s IN NS  K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A
K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 6d23h35m46s IN A

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Re: mailscanner

2002-05-16 Thread Steve Buehler

At 06:12 PM 5/16/2002, you wrote:
>On Thu, 16 May 2002, Steve Buehler wrote:
> > Someone mentioned the MailScanner program here earlier today.  I have
> > downloaded it and get the following error when trying to install it:
> > /usr/local/src# rpm -ivh mailscanner-3.14-1.i386.rpm
> > error: failed dependencies:
> >  wget is needed by mailscanner-3.14-1
> >
> > I hope that somebody can tell me where it is looking at to find wget
> > because wget is installed and I can do:
> > /usr/local/src# where wget
>Was wget installed by rpm (rpm -q wget)?
>If not, the dependency database won't have a record of it, and thus the
>install fails.  You can override this with a force (or is that nodeps?)

No, it wasn't installed with an rpm.  I now ran:
rpm -ivh --nodeps mailscanner-3.14-1.i386.rpm
and it is now working.

Thank you SO MUCH

Redhat-list mailing list


2002-05-16 Thread Steve Buehler

Someone mentioned the MailScanner program here earlier today.  I have 
downloaded it and get the following error when trying to install it:
/usr/local/src# rpm -ivh mailscanner-3.14-1.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
 wget is needed by mailscanner-3.14-1

I hope that somebody can tell me where it is looking at to find wget 
because wget is installed and I can do:
/usr/local/src# where wget

The /usr/sbin/wget and /usr/bin/wget are simlinks to the /usr/local/bin/wget

I have tried emailing the author and looking through the FAQ's, but there 
has been no response from the email (Yet) and I can't find anything on 
their website about it.

Thanks in Advance

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: How can I take action on the hacker if I manager to get his IP address

2002-05-03 Thread Steve Buehler

I downloaded and ran the nmap program on one all of my servers.  Does the 
"shell" really need to be on?  I noticed that only one of my servers has 
that turned on.  The list below is for the server that has the most open 
ports.  The difference between this server and the others are the following 
ports are open here, but not on the others (and I am not sure if they 
should be on or off): finger, sunrpc, login, shell, submission, kdm, 
listen, cvspserver, ppp, nessusd.
21/tcp openftp
22/tcp openssh
25/tcp opensmtp
53/tcp opendomain
79/tcp openfinger
80/tcp openhttp
98/tcp openlinuxconf
1024/tcp   openkdm
1025/tcp   openlisten
2401/tcp   opencvspserver
3000/tcp   openppp
3001/tcp   opennessusd
3306/tcp   openmysql

At 06:26 AM 5/3/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I would use nmap to do a local portscan to see which services are running and
>disable those you do not need.
>On Fri, 3 May 2002 06:50:26 -0700 "Jim Bija" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If he caused 5 thousand dollars or more in damage (which includes any and
> >all things needed to be done to reverse what he did, peoples time etc) and
> >what he did had malicious intent.. call your local F.B.I. they will take
> >care of him.
> >i caught someone on a small ISP and called the feds. i handed this punk over
> >to the FBI on a silver platter. turned out he was part of a HUGE distributed
> >DOS network, one of the places they were attacking was
> > a while i asked, so whats going on with the case
> >and it turned into a
> >"i can no longer comment on the ongoing case, thanks for your help"...
> >Jim.
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Tsing Moh Lim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 2:26 AM
> >Subject: How can I take action on the hacker if I manager to get his IP
> >address
> >
> >
> >> My server was hack and I managed to capture the ip address with date and
> >time
> >> on a remote logging system.
> >>
> >> How can I take action against him or warn him ? ?
> >>
> >> Is there a tool that I could use to check on my server vulnerability.
> >>
> >> Thanks and regards
> >>
> >>
> >> Moke
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Redhat-list mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >Redhat-list mailing list
> >
> >
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RedHat Versions

2002-04-26 Thread Steve Buehler

How can I tell what version I am running on a Redhat server.  I know how to 
get the Kernel version, but don't know how to find out if it is Redhat 6.1, 
6.2, 7.1, etc.

Thanks in advance

Redhat-list mailing list

RedHat Versions

2002-04-25 Thread Steve Buehler

How can I tell what version I am running on a Redhat server.  I know how to 
get the Kernel version, but don't know how to find out if it is Redhat 6.1, 
6.2, 7.1, etc.

Thanks in advance

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