Re: need a sed expert

2001-11-30 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 09:55 29/11/01 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Got a large text file and I want to output a certain block of lines from
>within that text file that fall between two patterns:
>This is the stuff I want outputed
>$ somecommand -start "" -stop ""
>would output "This is the stuff I want outputed".   I figured some sed guru
>had this thing handy.

try :

cat file | sed -n -e '//,/<\/element7>p'

given an input file of


This is the stuff I want outputed

blah blah

this will output

This is the stuff I want outputed

if you want to remove tag lines then try :

cat file | sed -n -e '//,/<\/element7>p' | grep -E -v

this wil output only

This is the stuff I want outputed


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Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Samba

2001-11-30 Thread Thierry ITTY

>I have configured Samba on RH7.1 using SWAT and got the following error
when I typed "smbstatus" at the prompt
>" Couldn't open status file /var/lock/samba/STATUS..LCK"

i remember i sometimes had this message after a fresh install until at
least one connection occured. so connect at least once from anywhere then
try smbstatus again

>the nmbd daemon could not be started when the server was rebooted.  

check logs...
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Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
Thierry ITTY

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[OT] real time video appl

2001-11-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

Hi group

I want to develop a small application. 
It would run full screen, the screen would be divided in to halves, a fixed
or parametrized string, and a (web)camera output.
Should i develop it natively with X, or use a video/graphical toolkit (and
which ?)
And what if I'd like to have screenshots printed (or at least the camera
window) ?

Any advice appreciated

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Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
    Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2 or 3 tier system

2001-11-16 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 15:12 15/11/01 -0800, vous avez écrit :
>Can someone please explain this to me
>or where i can find some information
>on this.

at the beginning was the 1 tier system : one computer with one or more
ttys. all the processing was done in one machine.

then computers began to communicate and the 2 tier system appeared : one
server or more and one or several clients. some part of the processing was
done by the client and the remainder by the server. an obvious example is
an application running on a pc requesting data from a database server.
user/client applications grew in size and complexity and lead to the
symptom known as "fat client" : in some cases the client machines had to be
bigger than the server one !

then a question raised : why have the clients do almost all the process ?
the 3 tier architecture came : clients doing requests to "intermediate"
servers that do requests to "base" servers. usually :
client/application/database. so the client process kept only
presentation/human interface tasks, while the intermediate servers did the
hard job. that's why you can hear about "thin client" technology.

just one more thing : you can have 2 tiers or even 3 running on the same
machine (example if you have a database server on a machine you generally
have a local client to access it). often the app server and the database
server run on the same machine, until it's overloaded. then the app server
can be moved to a new machine very easily.

there's a lot of possible scenarii. there's a trend now to try and use only
standard clients (typically web browsers) and standard protocols (HTTP,
xDBC, ...).


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Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: linux box as router : performance ?

2001-11-14 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 07:23 13/11/01 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Not sure if i't what you're asking for, but...

Yes, that's exactly waht i'm looking for
i'd just like some feedback about "stronger" configurations, say several
100 Mbps NICs or even Gbps, hundreds of routes or more, simple or complex
filters, aso...

>> just interested in performance data that anyone could have collected when
>> trying to run a linux box with one or several NICs as a router (simple
>> router with static routes, complex with OSPF or BGP, dynamic, policy,
>> filters...), some kind of table(s) showing overall performance (packets/s,
>> bytes/s...) and configuration (cpu, memory, nics...)

>RH 3.2 on a pentium 75: 10Mb coax w/ 3Com etherlink III combo cards...
>   As a workstation - ~7Mbps transfers through a linux router (exact
>same specs as the workstation - used as a dynamic router, but no DNS - this
>was supported by a SUN server) - this had 10Mb ether on each side...
>RH 6.2 on a PII-450:  Same ethernet cards as above, two different
>configurations for the internal network - used to be on thin ether (50 ohm
>coax), recently migrated to CAT-5...  Transfer rates between M$ Win98 & the
>server ~8-9Mbps.  Through the server - running apache, samba, masq'ing
>connections, ipchains firewall, sshd, sendmail, & some other stuff - maxed
>out the throughput of the cable modem (~1.5Mbps down & 256kbps up)...  Load
>meters during biggest loads (starting a game on the server & piping it's
>output through X windows - while doing a large download via ftp/http) showed
>my disk doing some peaky stuff, but the processor kept a load average below
>10%...  When the game quit loading, I could hardly tell a difference between
>a transfer going through or not...
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Si nous avons chacun un objet et que nous les echangeons, 
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

linux box as router : performance ?

2001-11-13 Thread Thierry ITTY


just interested in performance data that anyone could have collected when
trying to run a linux box with one or several NICs as a router (simple
router with static routes, complex with OSPF or BGP, dynamic, policy,
filters...), some kind of table(s) showing overall performance (packets/s,
bytes/s...) and configuration (cpu, memory, nics...)

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Si nous avons chacun un objet et que nous les echangeons, 
   nous avons encore chacun un objet.
Si nous avons chacun une idee et que nous les echangeons,
   nous avons alors chacun deux idees.

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Simple VPN setup

2001-11-12 Thread Thierry ITTY

>   I am thinking about setting up what I would consider a simple VPN.  I have
>two IP'masqed RedHat 7.2 boxes at two locations.  I want to make the
>machines behind them look like they are on the same network.  Is there a
>relatively easy and secure way of doing this?  Seems fairly simple, but most
>documentation that I have come across seems complex.  Any good suggestions?

I'd suggest CIPE

I think people see VPNs as a complex thing because they just don't know the
way it works
in the case of CIPE (others system too, i guess), you just get a new
network interface on each computer, and the two interfaces are in the same
ip subnet. think of it in the same manner as ppp provides a ppp0 interface
and a link over a telephony network, no matter how complex this sub layer
is : cipe provides a cipb0 interface and a link over an ip sub-layer (ther
internet, actually).
a basic configuration would be : 
private network 1 <-> lanbox 1 <-> internet <-> internet <-> internet <->
lanbox 2 <-> private network 2

adding a VPN between lanbox 1 and lanbox 2 just "hides" the internet sub
layer and shrinks the configuration to :
private network 1 <-> lanbox 1 <-> lanbox 2 <-> private network 2

now, suppose your private network 1 has IP subnet #1, private network 2 IP
subnet #2, and the VPN adds an IP subnet #3 between the lanboxes. then the
routing configuration is obvious : set a static route to subnet #2 on
lanbox 1 via lanbox 2's cipb0 ip address (ie lanbox 2's ip address in
subnet #3) and conversely a static route to subnet #1 on lanbox2 via lanbox
1's cipb0 ip address. of course i guess that private network 1 machines
have already a default route that points to lanbox 1 and conversely for
private network 2 machines.

now, you have a total control over routes and you can make private subnets
communicate easily and securely.

of course, lanbox 1 and lanbox 2 can be configured to NAT outgoing packets
which do not concern private to private traffic.

so to make short consider a vpn as a new point-to-point link. isn't it
finally easy ?
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Si nous avons chacun un objet et que nous les echangeons, 
   nous avons encore chacun un objet.
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Apache INDEX.CGI

2001-05-03 Thread Thierry ITTY

so you have a server which root directory is /foo
you have a directory /foo/bar for which you want apache to display the
result of a script as a directory listing
this script is INDEX.CGI and it is in /foo/bar

of course /foo/bar/INDEX.CGI has its execute bit set

you don't have to deal with scriptalias in this cas, because your script
isn't in a special "cgi-bin" directory

instead you have to allow ".CGI" extension files to be executed as such,
the easiest way being to add an "option execcgi" in the ".htaccess" file
within /foo/bar. but don't forget to check apache's config file to mark
.CGI files as cgi executables : by default, only ".cgi" are defined this
way. maybe it would be clever at this time to rename your script
"index.cgi" in all lowercase letters.

from an out-of-thez-box apache install, i'd simply :
- create the "index.cgi" script, lowercase, chmod a+x, in /foo/bar
- create update the ".htaccess" to add "Options ExecCGI" in /foo/bar
- likely update it to add "DirectoryIndex index.cgi"

this ought to be enough

then http://your.server/bar/ should display /foo/bar/index.cgi 's output


A 17:23 03/05/01 +0430, vous avez écrit :
>I did this directive in the location directive . I think we can use location
>instead directory because I point to the correct location with scriptalias
>and alias but I didn't work.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Anthony E . Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:46 AM
>Subject: Re: Apache INDEX.CGI
>> On Thu, 03 May 2001 06:57:53 Alireza Saleh wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Did you also add the cgi directory to your ScriptAlias directive:
>> >>
>> >> ScriptAlias /path/to/cgi
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Tony
>> >
>> >Dear Tony  ,
>> >I did add it but it doesn't work also . emm I add as alias and script
>> >but both didn't worked.
>> >Alireza
>> In the httpd.conf file, add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive for the
>> directory tht contain INDEX.CGI. You should also think about using all
>> lowercase for your filenames if possible (index.cgi not INDEX.CGI).
>> Tony
>> --
>> Anthony E. Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
>> PGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
>> Chat:  AOL/Yahoo: TonyG05ICQ: 91183266
>> Linux. The choice of a GNU Generation. <>
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: shell program

2001-05-03 Thread Thierry ITTY

maybe tar or cpio could do it ?
something like 

on local system :
cd maindir; find ./ -name '*.s3d' -print | cpio -o > archive.file

transfer archive file

on remote system
cd maindir; cpio -id < archive.file 

or even
cd maindir; find ./ -name '*.s3d' -print | cpio -o | remsh remote "(cd
maindir | cpio -id)"


A 02:42 03/05/01 -0700, vous avez écrit :
>I want to write a program and need some help:
>1: The program should search for *.s3d files in parent
>as well as sub directories 
>2: create those directories /sub directories on remote
>system if it doesn't exist
>3: copy all the files to remote system in exact
>direxctories as it is in the client system.
>Please help.
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Extrange Apache log record

2001-04-24 Thread Thierry ITTY

this looks much more like an "sh -c" command called either through a cgi or
worse through an exploit, lacking the argument string (ie : the shell
command), fortunately for you but unfortunately for the caller.

the fact that those error messages reside in the generic "error_log"
instead of in a virtual server log file means that this thing happens
BEFORE the server can check WHICH virtual server to connect. if you can't
relate the beginning of those message with a configuration change, it may
be likely that you're getting strange http requests...

let us know !

>TGF> I'm having a lot of lines like this on /etc/httpd/log/error_log
>TGF> sh: `-c' requires an argument
>TGF> It's very extrange because all the servers running from apache are
>TGF> virtualized and with their specific 'error_log' files...
>TGF> What does this means?
>man httpd for more...
>"-c" is for adding directives after the config file has been read. Basically
>it is a way to add additional directives from the command line when starting
>> It's something dangerous?
>Probably not. At least I don't know a way to exploit this.
>>  How to avoid it?
>How do you start/stop apache? That would be where to look. If you are using
>the init scripts, check in there. If it looks like something from the
>restart during log rotation then check into what is going on there.
>Have fun,
> Brian Ashe CTO
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Dee-Web Software Services, LLC.
>You don't have to swim faster than the shark...
>You just have to swim faster than the people you're with.
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Secondary DNS.

2001-04-05 Thread Thierry ITTY

use "nslookup" or "dig" or "host" to test it by explicitely referring to it
or configure a workstation using it
or check logs to see whether zone transfers occur when needed


A 14:24 05/04/01 +0200, vous avez écrit :
>Hi everyone,
>i have a linux box that was running as a cache-only name server. I changed
>the /etc/named.boot file and set the DNS as secondary DNS for the zone.
>How can I know that it's acting as a secondary DNS now? Is there a way I can
>test this?
>I would greatly appreciate any help asap!
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: multinetting

2001-04-05 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 17:45 05/04/01 -0400, vous avez écrit :
>Is it possible to multinet an IP interface?  What I have done is using
>ifconfig am able to configure eth0 with two separate IP addresses
>( and and am able to ping them from the local
>node however I have not found out how I can save the configuration.  Any
>help is appreciated.

create an alias :
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:0

edit the new file ifcfg-eth0:0 and set parameters as you need
then the next time you start up the network (/etc/rc.d/init.d/network
start) it will bring up both interfaces (or more if you create more aliases)


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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: named process

2001-04-05 Thread Thierry ITTY

I think the problem is not in the "ps" behaviour. i had to solve it too and
the thing is that when ps is piped to another command, it may happen that
its output lines are truncated to 80 columns.
check that by comparing a bare "ps aux" output with a "ps aux | more" output.
the trick is to add "w" option which will "enlarge" piped ps' output lines
: try "ps auxw | more"
there are other options too, playing with environment variables


A 08:20 05/04/01 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Nathalie Boulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>when i execute :
>>ps aux | grep named
>>I do not get any reply except the line for "grep named".
>>when I run "ktop" I can see the named process and its PID.
>>Named is surely running because it is handling "nslookup" queries.
>>Why can't I see the "named" when I execute PS?
>Which release of RedHat are you running?  The 'ps' command behaves a little 
>differently depending on which version you're running.  Older (5.x) 
>releases generally use 'ps -aux', but newer (6.x and 7.x) versions use 
>either '-ef' or '-aux'.  On my 6.2 box:
>[esisler@gromit esisler]$ ps -ef | grep named
>named  436 1  0 Feb11 ?00:22:40 named -u named
>esisler  17810 17298  0 08:14 pts/000:00:00 grep named
>[esisler@gromit esisler]$ ps -aux | grep named
>named  436  0.0  0.8  5932 3172 ?SFeb11  22:40 named -u named
>esisler  17840  0.0  0.1  1212  460 pts/0S08:15   0:00 grep named
>You can also try running nslookup on the box and see if it will resolve 
>anything, assuming the box is configured to look at itself for resolution 
>first.  If not, you'll need to specify the nameserver to use when you start 
>Eric Sisler
>Library Computer Technician
>Westminster Public Library
>Westminster, CO, USA
>Linux - don't fear the Penguin.
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: How to backup a Server

2001-04-03 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 11:15 02/04/01 -0700, vous avez écrit :
>Hi all,
>Now that I have everything that I need on my server, How can I backup my
>server so in case that it crashes I can just restore it  from CD, or a file
>on remote system?

one easy way to handle critical situations could be to 'dd' your disk or
so in case of a crash (hard or soft) it's only a few minutes to recover
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Prompt Menu Utility

2001-04-03 Thread Thierry ITTY

try "dialog"
it's basic but it may be enough for what you need

A 19:35 02/04/01 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Is there a customizable menu program executed at the prompt that
>allows the creation of menus for the user to execute a command with
>the click of a mouse or key?  Hopefully it also keeps tract of time
>while the user is in a program.
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Thierry ITTY

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RE: Centralized X server

2001-03-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 22:03 22/03/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>> 2) We'd like to have some instant messaging system where the root user 
>> can send system messages to all the users via their X session.
>I believe jabber has a method for administrators to broadcast messages.

see "wall" (write all) command

WALL(1)Linux User's ManualWALL(1) 
   wall -- send a message to everybody's terminal.
   wall [ message ]   
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: email attatchment question

2001-03-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

> i have a redhat6.1 box running qmail+vpopmail,it is very quick to
send a small mail without attatchment on windows clients using Outlook
Express,but if i send a mail with a little big attatchment,it will takes a
long time,sometime failed. some other technicians told me it is because of
smtp protocol restricting requirment and modify some key value of
registration table of windows98 or windows2000,it will sovle this
problem,but i don't know which key value,please help me

i have a rh 6.1 qmail 1.3 mail server for over 1,500 boxes and it may
happen that people send attachments up to tens of MB and it's working fine.
formerly we used Eudora, now Notes, on windows 3.11, nt 4.
do you see the same problems with other transfer protocols (ftp ?) : maybe
it's a (general) win tcpip config problem. it may also be a pure network
bottleneck problem. also check that your server is not overloaded or

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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list


2001-03-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

this means that a process lauched by init (in inittab) fails and is respawned
but as the respawn cycle (due to the failure) is very short, init disables it
have a look at inittab and see if something's wrong there
normally only the getty's are respawned


A 12:40 21/03/2001 -0300, vous avez écrit :
>I have a DELL with linux version 2.2.14-5.0 that have RAID5  and in thew
boot time the machine dont UP's. When I exec 
>linux single I receive:
>tryng umount old_root ok
>INIT: canot execute " /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
>INT: entering runlevel 3
>INT ID " 1" respawing too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>INT ID " 2" respawing too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>INT ID " 3" respawing too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>INT ID " 4" respawing too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>INT ID " 5" respawing too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>INT ID " 6" respawing too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>Can you help me?
>Attachment Converted: "d:\app\net\eudora\attach\URGENTHE"
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

ntop won't work

2001-03-21 Thread Thierry ITTY


I have a ibm thinkpad notebook with a 3com pcmcia network card

I have installed RH 7.0 - everything is fine

I also installed ntop (as of rh distro). it does not capture anything,
thought tcpdump or ethereal are fine (meaning libpcap is ok)

so I go ntop- (the former was it needs some more recent
packages which i installed

now it seems able to capture (I see it in ntop.log) but it won't let me
access with my browser (the former allowed me to, but didn't show nothing)

I'd appreciate any help, either to have capture trafic (and thus
display stats) or accept connexions

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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: OT: Configuring Apache

2001-03-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 08:47 20/03/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Can someone please point me to a reliable web resource for compiling
modules for Apache.  Currently, I'm using PHP and MySQL, but I need to add
mod_perl and mod_ssl.  I found a site that offers a step-by-step guide, but
when I run the newly configured system, accessing a .php file results in a
file download screen (and yes, my httpd.conf is correct).

last versions of apache (as of rh 7.0 distro) do not need compilation to
support php, perl, ssl and so on. just install apache then various mod's
and it should work (it does here)

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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RHL-6.2 on and LAN win 98

2001-03-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

>I am working at home with RH-6.2 on single machine.
>At work we have 10 computers and 3 printers connected thru hub all with 
>win98 one of them is like a server & all can be connected and share files 
>,also can use the internet using one internet subscription
>Please excuse me if some of the questions below are silly,I am 7 month old 
>with RH 6.2 but really I love it so much 
>If I install RH6.2 on my machine at work will it detect all the others 
>connected thru the hub?

linux only "speaks" tcp/ip, win$ machine may also "speak" netbeui
depending on the machines' config, the linux box could not see win$ boxes
if they are netbeui only
if win$ boxes have both netbeui and tcp/ip or better tcp/ip only, the linux
box will be able to communicate

>Is there any damages that may happen to the win98 LAN ??

no ;-) linux is not a stealth weapon ;-)

>Is it possible that win98 admistrator here realise that happened in my

quite sure

>Could my machine then be the server and control the other accounts?

linux can be internet proxy server (squid), file/print server (samba),
router (ipchains), and so on
i'm not sure however that "internet connexion sharing" would not need to be

>If I can just convince my manager to remove win98 from the server and let me 
>install RHL 6.2 to show him the real administration and network strength of 
>" Linux "

begin with installing both !

>Thank you all
>Oussama Dbaibo
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>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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command line mail agent

2001-03-20 Thread Thierry ITTY


i want to send mail from an rh linux box, without installing nor
configuring an MTA like sendmail, qmail or postfix.
so i need a tool which i can tell "send this file to this address using
this smtp server" 
the configuration could occur either through a configuration file or by
command line options.
of course i need no gui, just command line

any idea about such a tool ?


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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Samba/Remote printing problem

2001-03-19 Thread Thierry ITTY

use smbclient on you machine to see the shares on the server. this will
show whether the two machines have a good dialog (the "net view
\\server"-like command)

is the lpd dameon up and running on the server (you need this to define a
non-smb remote printer on you laptop). check this : configure and use an
lpr printer from a win$ box onto the server

also try and access a printer share on a win$ box from your laptop. if it
works it will show that it's a server config problem


A 10:21 20/03/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Hi everyone,
>Here's my situation. I run RH 7 on my labtop and we have a
>printserver (another Linux machine ) which controls our
>print jobs for the LAN. Its running Samba since most clients
>are Windows machines.
>Now I ran printtool and configured everything properly.  I
>print an ascii test page and it claims to have printed.
>Then I go to check my lpq:
>[root@matrix thomas]# lpq
>Printer: lp@matrix 
> Queue: 1 printable job
> Server: pid 2760 active
> Unspooler: pid 2761 active
> Status: processing '', size
>627, format 'f', IF filter 'filter' at 10:12:15.229
> Rank   Owner/ID  Class Job
>Files Size Time
>active root@matrix+759  A   759
>/usr/lib/rhs/rhs-print 627 10:12:15
>It just sits there active, but never feeds to the remote
>print queue.  I've tried to configure the printer as a SMB
>printer OR as a remote printer and neither work.  Printer is
>a HP LaserJet6.
>I really don't know what to do.  I've read all the printer
>how-tos and searched through various resources online, all
>to no avail.  Does anyone have any ideas, tips, prayers,
>voodoo magic I can use.
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: setting up samba (+)

2001-03-19 Thread Thierry ITTY

edit smb.conf and check "host allow" or "host deny" where you give or
forbid hosts (by name or address) to access the samba shares


A 09:36 20/03/2001 +0200, vous avez écrit :
>When I try to connect to the samba server via Windows, I get in the
>/var/log/samba/log.smb the following:
>[2001/03/20 09:28:31, 0] lib/access.c:check_access(262)
>  Denied connection from (
>[2001/03/20 09:28:31, 1] smbd/process.c:process_smb(608)
>  Connection denied from
>[2001/03/20 09:28:36, 1] lib/util_sock.c:client_name(997)
>  Gethostbyaddr failed for
>[2001/03/20 09:28:36, 0] lib/access.c:check_access(262)
>  Denied connection from (
>[2001/03/20 09:28:36, 1] smbd/process.c:process_smb(608)
>  Connection denied from
>What might be the problem?
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: named hanging

2001-03-16 Thread Thierry ITTY

i got the same problem with rh 6.1 and bind 8.2.x
i should have had to sniff the network to get sure about, but i thought of
DoS attacks
i moved to rh 7 with bind 9.1 and it works fine now
you'd check your level of bind and known vulnerabilities

A 17:34 16/03/2001 +1000, vous avez écrit :
>I have a RH6.2, standard kernel, running a dial up ppp.  It
>is setup as a caching name server only and configured to
>look at a specific primary & secondary name servers.
>Irregularly, twice this week, sendmail stops sending mail.
>On diagnosis of the problem, even though named is "running"
>it is not working.
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart solves the problem.
>What may cause named to stop working while still running?
>Can I diagnose this problem any further with some other
>Ken Cole
>Satisfaction Software
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Re: Rotating logs

2001-03-15 Thread Thierry ITTY

logrotate does it fine
the package is normally installed (and pre-configured) with every rh


A 11:05 15/03/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Is there a command in that will let me roatate my syslogs on a regular
>Or do I need to create a cron job that will stop syslog, rename my log file,
>and then start syslog back up?
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: ADSL & RH 7

2001-03-13 Thread Thierry ITTY

just check that the modem uses PPPOE protocol and install pppoed rpm (needs
ppp rpm), let installation configure it (adsl-setup script i think) and
you're done (i hope ;-)


A 03:59 13/03/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Hi All:
>Does anyone know where I can get a DSL adapter that would connect to my
>RH network? I've been to several sites, including Pricewatch, but none
>of them says which DSL protocol they use. I've got Ameritech DSL and
>they say they are compatible for Linux but don't support it, so I'm on
>my own.
>I've heard the best one to get is an Alcatel Speed Touch Pro but their
>site doesn't have consumer sales and I haven't found a reseller or even
>a price. I would settle for anything that works and I can afford. 
>Thank you.
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: Ping result?

2001-03-09 Thread Thierry ITTY

>This is a testing RH6.2 machine, all the while it working fine, just today
>all mails stuck and I tried to ping (normally can get respond)
>but failed. Then I tried to ping by ip and the result as shown below, where
>I found that the time taking is increase by 4k +...
>any idea what going on??? I check my nic and netstat -rn, everything are
>have tried to reboot

what about traceroute ?
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: cannot execute an executable file

2001-03-09 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 18:29 08/03/2001 -0800, vous avez écrit :
>OK. First time I have run into this. Take a look at the following, please:
>$ ./xwp
>bash: ./xwp: No such file or directory
>Say what Why can I not all of a sudden execute anything in my
Wordperfect8 directory?

i remember such a problem i had weeks ago
it was actually a problem with a lib
try to investigate this way
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: XDMCP Server Requirements

2001-03-09 Thread Thierry ITTY

>I am wondering if anyone has tried running a server that will provide
>X-Windows via a Windows NT X-Windows client (eg. XWin32 or Excursion) as
>well as samba and basic web access to 100+ client Windows PCs.

you should explain why you want to provide those services through a win nt
box whereas they are linux native

or i misunderstood, and you want to know about a linux box that should
provide X services, samba and routing/web access for a bunch of 100 win nt
boxes ?

in the latter case, the hardawre depends on what level of service you want
to provide. 

if web acces means only routing a reasonnable internet traffic, the
cpu/memory needs are very low (see "linux router projet, a one diskette
only system). at the opposite, if you want a fully featured firewaling
proxying caching server, you need more cpu, a lot of memory, and GB's of disk

i have samba boxes, and my experience is that samba really requires as
little cpu as memory. i'd say that a p200/96 MB could easily handle 100
clients at a time

about X the great question is "what will the users do ?" if you have CAD or
GIS applications i'm quite sure you could not set up a pc server to handle
100 users. if the users just do some vi'ing or xclock'ing then maybe a pc
server may be enough to handle that

so i'd conclude that at least 80% of your hardware is related to the graph
apps that you will provide through X. internet access and file sharing will
be bonuses.
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: promiscuous mode

2001-03-07 Thread Thierry ITTY

some days ago, i asked :

>> I have an ibm thinkpad 390e running both nt and RH 6.1
>> I'm looking for an ethernet network pcmcia card which supports the
>> promiscuous mode, for i want to do network traffic analysis with tcpdump.
>> I'd like your advice on cards you know that are working fine for this
>> bonus for 10/100 cards

i got only one answer, from Bret (thanks Bret)

actually, after an intensive rtfm'ing over the net, i could diagnose that
the problem was certainly a driver problem. so i installed a rh 7.0 over my
rh 6.1. now tcpdump works fine.
btw i installed the very last release of etherreal, a free lan trafic
analyzer. i'ts great !

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Thierry ITTY

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Re: samba & cpu utilisation

2001-03-06 Thread Thierry ITTY

>I have a samba server (HP Netserver 733 MHz, 640 MB memory) running Redhat
>with 2.2.17 enterprise kernel.
>At first I though it was a network problem cause I had only one network card
>on the server but
>after I installed the second card, nothing changed.
>Still cpu jumps to 100% and i have all the users calling me and asking me if
>something is wrong which is very annoying and really pisses me off.
>Can it be the network cards ? (both of them are intel etherexpress 100)
>Will a second CPU solve this?

I think there's a bottleneck somewhere

you should run "top" or any other command to see whether the cpu
consumption is at "user" or "system" level. if it is at user level, maybe
something goes wrong with your version of samba (you didn't say which). 

if it is at the system level, it can be either network or file subsystem.
of course you checked anything in log files ?

in case of a large file transfer (which seems to be the origin of your
problems), is the network throughput normal ? that is, suppose you transfer
a 10 MB file to a 10 Mbps client station, transfer time should range
between 20 seconds (500 KB/sec transfer rate) and 50 (200 KB/sec). try the
same tests with a 100 Mbps client station.

what if you copy large files from one file system to another, locally on
the server, without any network ? does cpu jump high too ?

did you try and change network card ? i know some, even if sold to be 100
mbps, are much... lazzy... than others

at the end, try to tune samba itself : read man pages about TCP socket
options, read/write buffer length and disk/network operations overlap


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Thierry ITTY

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Re: strange behaviour of mount

2001-03-02 Thread Thierry ITTY

no, /etc/fstab is fine too
remember: /dev/sda2 is a full copy of /dev/sda1 (cp -a)
the only thing that changes is /etc/lilo.conf in which i added a second
boot choice (one with root=/dev/sda1 and the second with root=/dev/sda2)

A 15:24 01/03/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>/etc/fstab maybe?
>Thierry ITTY wrote:
>> everything works fine with that, except one thing : when i boot "secours",
>> the system mounts /dev/sda2 as /, i can check it for sure with some
>> differences between the two file systems (especially lilo.conf !), but
>> mount shows /dev/sda1 mounted as /
>> why ?
>> - * - * - * - * - * - * -
>> Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)
>> Thierry ITTY
>Michael Jinks/ ~*~ 
>unconfirmed: the linux penguin;the bsd daemon;the suOS brain slug
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strange behaviour of mount

2001-03-01 Thread Thierry ITTY


I'm setting up a server for which i want a high availability. it's rh 7.0
"out of the box".
basically, it has one partition for /, one for /var, and one for swap
i decided to "duplicate" each partition (/ and /var, not swap) so my
partition table looks like (it's a scsi disk)

sda1 primary 500 MB type 83
sda2 primary 500 MB type 83
sda3 extended 1000 MB
sda5 logical 300 MB type 83
sda6 logical 300 MB type 83
sda7 logical 300 MB type 82

the normal situation is to mount /dev/sda1 as / and /dev/sda5 as /var

i created (mke2fs) filesystems on /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda6
i brought them online (mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2, mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/sda6)
i duplicated the file systems (cp -ax / /mnt/sda2, cp -ax /var /mnt/sd6)

then i changed lilo to add the new system




everything works fine with that, except one thing : when i boot "secours",
the system mounts /dev/sda2 as /, i can check it for sure with some
differences between the two file systems (especially lilo.conf !), but
mount shows /dev/sda1 mounted as /

why ?

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Thierry ITTY

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Re: routing problem

2001-02-27 Thread Thierry ITTY

>Could someone please tell me where to read about arp? I can't find it in
>the kernel docs and I can't find a howto with much about it. man arp is
>mostly about the command, not the protocol.

ARP is defined in rfc826, so have a look at it
but i think you might have to read some other rfc's, as 826 is, i'd say, a
bit short...

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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Bringing bind to higher level

2001-02-26 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 20:14 26/02/2001 +0100, vous avez écrit :
>We have RH 6.0 and bind-8.2-6.
>If  I try to upgrade bind to higher level, should I create again my
>existing zones

i recently upgraded to bind 9.1 
it needs some recent packages
remove the "-u named" option in the startup script as it will only work
with a kernel >= 2.3.99

>or the upgrade accepts defined zones?

i got a very few changes to do in order to keep my files : the only problem
i had was to add a default ttl to all zones. bind 8 complained it was
missing it but still loaded the zone, but bind 9 refused to load it. i did
it by adding a "$TTLvalue" line at the beginning of every zone file
(except hints)

>In the event of problems in upgrading will I be able to return to my old

i think yes, especially if you backup the files (do a "cp -a /var/named

>Where is the old bind.rpm on my system? (Have I to download it again?)

do i "find / -name 'bind*rpm' -print" to find it in case you still have it,
or download it again from if you have it no more


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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: upgrading BIND 8.2.2

2001-02-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

if the daemon is hacked the intruder gets root's rights immediately
other dameons run as root
well, i should say it's a security issue...

A 07:43 21/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>hmm,..well, does it matter if the named daemon runs as root, this a
>serious problem??
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Thierry ITTY
>Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:32 AM
>Subject: Re: upgrading BIND 8.2.2
>just RTFM and you'll see that the -u flag is only available with linux for
>kernels > 2.3.99, so just remove the "-u named" option in the startup
>script and it will work
>please note that the ability to switch to another user (ie named) looks
>interesting for security issues, so maybe we'd have both to consider moving
>to a 2.4 kernel ;-)
>btw note too that named does NOT load domains which have no default TTL, so
>I added a $TTL line at the beginning of every zone definition file (direct
>and reverse) BUT the hints file. it just complains about an invalid ttl
>value but unlike bind 8 which loaded the zone despite this lack, bind 9
>just doesn't load it (a bit silently i think)
>A 21:12 19/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>>Here's the problemi've upgraded bind 8.2.2 p7 to bind 9.01,..i should
>>let you know im running redhat 6.2 with kernel 2.2.17anyway,..first of
>>all it seems to copy the binary to /usr/local/sbin/named,..instead of
>>/usr/sbin/named like with 8.2.2, i copied the new named binary to the
>>/usr/sbin/named and ran /etc/rc.d/init.d/named start and recieved the
>>following error:
>>Shutting down named: [FAILED]
>>Starting named: named: -u not supported on Linux kernels older than
>>2.3.99-pre3 when using threads
>>I have know clue why this doesn't start, does this mean i cant run BIND
>>on Redhat 6.2 using kernel 2.2.17.has anyone else had this problem??
>>how can i fix this, i can start the daemon using "named -u named"
>> An optimist believes we live in the best of all  possible worlds.  A
>>pessimist is sure of it!
>>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>>Version: 6.0.231 / Virus Database: 112 - Release Date: 2/12/2001
>>Redhat-list mailing list
>   - * - * - * - * - * - * -
>Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)
>Thierry ITTY
>Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>Version: 6.0.231 / Virus Database: 112 - Release Date: 2/12/2001
>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>Version: 6.0.231 / Virus Database: 112 - Release Date: 2/12/2001
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Xwindows

2001-02-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

in /etc/inittab you've a line looking like 

change it to 

this gives you a text login screen 
if once logged you want to start X, then just enter the command "startx"


A 23:09 20/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>I just install  Red Hat 6, I would like to know how that I can get
Xwindows to stop loading when the system is reboot were I can have the Text
screen back...
>Attachment Converted: "d:\app\net\eudora\attach\Xwindows"
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: upgrading BIND 8.2.2

2001-02-20 Thread Thierry ITTY

just RTFM and you'll see that the -u flag is only available with linux for
kernels > 2.3.99, so just remove the "-u named" option in the startup
script and it will work

please note that the ability to switch to another user (ie named) looks
interesting for security issues, so maybe we'd have both to consider moving
to a 2.4 kernel ;-)

btw note too that named does NOT load domains which have no default TTL, so
I added a $TTL line at the beginning of every zone definition file (direct
and reverse) BUT the hints file. it just complains about an invalid ttl
value but unlike bind 8 which loaded the zone despite this lack, bind 9
just doesn't load it (a bit silently i think)


A 21:12 19/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Here's the problemi've upgraded bind 8.2.2 p7 to bind 9.01,..i should
>let you know im running redhat 6.2 with kernel 2.2.17anyway,..first of
>all it seems to copy the binary to /usr/local/sbin/named,..instead of
>/usr/sbin/named like with 8.2.2, i copied the new named binary to the
>/usr/sbin/named and ran /etc/rc.d/init.d/named start and recieved the
>following error:
>Shutting down named: [FAILED]
>Starting named: named: -u not supported on Linux kernels older than
>2.3.99-pre3 when using threads
>I have know clue why this doesn't start, does this mean i cant run BIND 9.01
>on Redhat 6.2 using kernel 2.2.17.has anyone else had this problem??
>how can i fix this, i can start the daemon using "named -u named"
> An optimist believes we live in the best of all  possible worlds.  A
>pessimist is sure of it!
>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>Version: 6.0.231 / Virus Database: 112 - Release Date: 2/12/2001
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: PHP rpms not working

2001-02-20 Thread Thierry ITTY

I'm not sure I saw your very first message, but..
i recently installed a rh7 with apache and php (version as of the distrib)
it works fine

apache doesn't need it's httpd.conf file to be changed : there are
conditional modules inclusion and activation dependind on some macro
definitions such as "HAVE_PHP" or don't remember the exact name
these macros are defined in the startup script or in a system config file...
also i remeber that the php v4 packages includes mod_php

so the question is : which versions/levels of rh and apache do you use ?

A 16:43 19/02/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Nothing at all.  Is it ok for me to just install the tar.gz version of it?
>>From: Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: PHP rpms not working
>>Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 16:38:40 -0500 (EST)
>>What do you get if you execute an "rpm -qa | grep php"?
>>On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, K Old wrote:
>> > The i386.rpm.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Kevin
>> >
>> >
>> > >From: Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > >Subject: Re: PHP rpms not working
>> > >Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 14:38:06 -0500 (EST)
>> > >
>> > >Didyou download the src.rpm or the i386.rpm?
>> > >
>> > >On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, K Old wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > Hello all,
>> > > >
>> > > > I asked about installing PHP last week and got responses that I 
>> > >to
>> > > > just download the RPM and install it.  Well, I did and it didn't do 
>> > >thing.
>> > > >   No modifications to httpd.conf and I can't even find mod_php.c or
>> > > > mod_php4.c.
>> > > >
>> > > > I assume that I should just build it manually using the tar.gz file?
>> > > >
>> > > > Just checking to see if there are any reasons why I wouldn't want to 
>> > > > that.
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: how to run script on shutdown

2001-02-20 Thread Thierry ITTY

servers often store their (main) process id in a "pid" file, and create a
(empty) lock file (by just touching it). if the startup script is called
twice, the lock file prevents the server to be lauched twice. when the
shutdown script is called, it removes the lock file, and usually gets the
server's pid from the pid file, then sends that process a kill signal.

in your case i'm not sure this is necessary at all : just do a "killall
-YOURSIGNAL userprocessname" in the shutdown script, and it should be enough.


A 12:57 19/02/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>I have a user process that needs to be shutdown cleanly on a reboot or a
>halt.  I tried simply placing a symlink to my script that will shut it
>down named /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K06killscript but did not work.  It appears
>rc will only call the script if this script exists (it does), or if it
>can find a file in /var/lock/subsys see below from /etc/rc.d/rc:
>   # Check if the subsystem is already up.
>[ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/$subsys ] && \
>[ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/${subsys}.init ] && continue
># Bring the subsystem down.
>if egrep -q "(killproc |action )" $i ; then
>$i stop
>action "Stopping $subsys" $i stop
>The user the process runs under does not have access to write to
>/var/lock/subsys for obvious reasons and does not need to run as root.  
>Is there a mechanism similar to rc.local to run scripts before shutdown
>or do I have to make the thing smart enough to trap the kill signal and
>kill itself?  The problem with that is that it is an X program and xfs
>has long since been killed by the time killall5 is called.
>I hate to modify the basic rc script but will do so if that is the only
>btw what does this do (from the rc script also)
>I am assuming that i is the i in the for loop this statement is in but
>the combination of ${i# etc has me stumped
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

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RE: Am I being hacked ??

2001-02-16 Thread Thierry ITTY is often used by inter router communucations
might be present if you have some OSPF router somewhere


A 08:39 16/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Looks to me like your machine ( is trying to send a multicast
>packet to the 224 network, but your firewall is preventing it...  If you are
>not running something which generates multicst packets, then it's possible
>you've been hacked & the hacker has set up a daemon on your machine...
>> -Original Message-
>> Sent:Friday, February 16, 2001 8:26 AM
>> Subject: Am I being hacked ??
>> Hi,
>>   Am I being Hacked ??  What is wrong with the following log files.
>> >From my ipchains scripts:  I have the following:
>> ipchains -A output -i $external_interface -d $class_d_multicast -j REJECT
>> -l
>> and in the log files: I have the following:
>> Feb 14 15:40:35 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>> Feb 14 15:40:36 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=89
>> L=64 S=0xC0 I=34913 F=0x T=1 (#13)
>> Feb 14 15:40:37 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>> Feb 14 15:40:37 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=89
>> L=68 S=0xC0 I=34928 F=0x T=1 (#13)
>> Feb 14 15:40:38 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>> Feb 14 15:40:38 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=89
>> L=68 S=0xC0 I=18740 F=0x T=1 (#13)
>> Feb 14 15:40:39 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>> Feb 14 15:40:40 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>> Feb 14 15:40:42 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>> Feb 14 15:40:43 dns1 kernel: Packet log: input REJECT eth0 PROTO=17
>> L=48 S=0xC0 I=0 F=0x T=2 (#13) 
>>   .. .
>> . ...
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: help - being hacked, what should I do?

2001-02-16 Thread Thierry ITTY

I think the first thing is "netstat -a" which will tell you which ports are
If you see some you don't expect, trace it with tcpdump
if you don't see any, they may have installed a hacked version of some
common daemon
they may also have changed inetd.conf and redirected some normal app to a
root shell

if you find something interesting with netstat, try netstat -p


A 01:32 16/02/2001 -0800, vous avez écrit :
>Someone hacked into one of my systems and I can see them running 
>stuff.  They seem to have a rootkit installed, because nothing shows up 
>under who or w.  Is there anything I can do to trace them while they are 
>doing this stuff to catch them?
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: rh 7.0 an canon bjc 1000

2001-02-16 Thread Thierry ITTY

>> I'm trying to make a canon bjc 1000 bubble jet printer work on my pc
>> where i just installed a red hat 7

>bjc-600 works good. The bjc-600 UP driver is excellect for color.

ok, thanks, i'll try it

>Make yourself at home. Clean my kitchen.

uhhh. ok, if you pay the round-trip ;-)
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

rh 7.0 an canon bjc 1000

2001-02-15 Thread Thierry ITTY


I'm trying to make a canon bjc 1000 bubble jet printer work on my pc where
i just installed a red hat 7

I can't find a driver. 

I'd appreciate any idea about a new source I should ave missed, a
compatible make/model, or any other trick that could help me...

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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Apache source????

2001-02-13 Thread Thierry ITTY

i'm not sure you need any source. whenever it would be the case, install
the source package corresponding to the binary package you want (packages

if you get a recent version of apache in a binary rpm package form, then
you should be able to install the binary rpm package for php4 (mod_php4) as
well as the perl module

what happens in your case may be that your apache version is a bit old for
did you try installing php3 ?

A 12:01 12/02/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Hello all,
>I am trying to add a couple of packages to my server (PHP4 and mod_perl) and 
>each installation has some interaction with Apache and is asking for my 
>Apache source.  The thing is, Apache came in the server install with RH 6.1 
>Kernel 2.2.12-20, so I'm not sure where the source is?  I understand that 
>when RH installs it, it is via an RPM so, if that is the case and I want to 
>either upgrade Apache or add packages like PHP4 and mod_perl, what should I 
>Any help is appreciated.
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
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Thierry ITTY

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promiscuous mode

2001-02-12 Thread Thierry ITTY


I have an ibm thinkpad 390e running both nt and RH 6.1
I'm looking for an ethernet network pcmcia card which supports the
promiscuous mode, for i want to do network traffic analysis with tcpdump.
I'd like your advice on cards you know that are working fine for this
bonus for 10/100 cards

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Thierry ITTY

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Re: multitrunk network card

2001-02-12 Thread Thierry ITTY

i'm not sure the cards worry about that, but i recently saw a intermediate
driver implementing vlans for linux. you'd have a look at freshmeat's or
sourceforge's sites

try also


A 12:01 10/02/2001 +0200, vous avez écrit :
>I have a baystack 450-24 10/100 switch that supports multitrunking.
>Are there any network cards that support multitrunking and are compatible
>with rh 7.0?
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RH: looking for a pcmcia network card

2001-02-08 Thread Thierry ITTY


I have an ibm thinkpad 390e running both nt and RH 6.1
I'm looking for an ethernet network pcmcia card which supports the
promiscuous mode, for i want to do network traffic analysis with tcpdump.
I'd like your advice on cards you know that are working fine for this
bonus for 10/100 cards

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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Path Question

2001-02-08 Thread Thierry ITTY

su: no
su - : yes

A 23:05 07/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Dear List,
>Question One:
>When you su to root, is your path variable supposed to change to reflect
>this? If it is supposed to change but mine does not, how do I fix this?

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Thierry ITTY

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Re: ftp redirection with xinetd

2001-02-06 Thread Thierry ITTY

i think it's the passive mode problem. try to reconfigure your client (or
the server) to allow/disallow passive mode


A 12:00 06/02/2001 +0200, vous avez écrit :
>  hi all,
>I managed to redirect the www traffic with xinetd from the internet gateway
>to the inner www server
>I cannot do the same for the ftp
>ftp port 21 works just fine
>ftp-data port 20 gets no redirection
>any ideas ?
>Claudiu Balciza
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: Remote Admin tool

2001-02-06 Thread Thierry ITTY

webmin is fine

A 14:25 06/02/2001 +0530, vous avez écrit :
>I need a GUI tool for remotely administering my linux box from another
>Linux box.
>Any pointers/help would be greatly appreciated.
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: Latency

2001-02-01 Thread Thierry ITTY

i don't, thought i had to change things there... 

A 07:13 01/02/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>I believe that's only true if you're running NIS...otherwise,
>/etc/host.conf is the file to look at.
>On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Thierry ITTY wrote:
>> the behaviour of name resolution is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf
>> see man nsswitch.conf for details
>> name resolution specific entry is on the "hosts" line
>> there you can tell the system in which order use information source
>> for example :
>> hosts:   files [SUCCESS=return] dns
>> will make the resolver scan for the hostname in /etc/hosts first, and stop
>> and return if the seek was successful, and if not try with dns (bind) and
>> return whatever the result is (whereever it found it, or not, or if bind
>> was unavailable...)
>> this should work in your situation
>> hth,
>> A 10:25 31/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>> >On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, you wrote:
>> >> Most of the time, when I see telnet/ftp/ssh latency, it's because the
>> >> system can't resolve the address from which I'm connecting.
>> >>
>> >> Check your /etc/resolv.conf file and make sure you have your correct DNS
>> >> servers listed.
>> >>
>> >I'm having  a problem with my RH6.2 box. If I'm trying to ftp into it
from my
>> >Windows box while I"m online (via an ethernet based ISDN router) I
often have
>> >troubles logging in. I've got that machine name and IP address in the
>> >/etc/hosts file, but it seems like it can't resolve the IP of that
>> machine. I'm
>> >*guessing* that it's trying to look it up via the DNS server, but can't
>> and is
>> >failing. How do I tell it to check the local /etc/hosts file FIRST for all
>> >incoming connections?
>> >Thanks...
>> >John
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >___
>> >Redhat-list mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>>  - * - * - * - * - * - * -
>> Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)
>> Thierry ITTY
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: Latency

2001-02-01 Thread Thierry ITTY

the behaviour of name resolution is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf
see man nsswitch.conf for details

name resolution specific entry is on the "hosts" line
there you can tell the system in which order use information source

for example :

hosts:  files [SUCCESS=return] dns 

will make the resolver scan for the hostname in /etc/hosts first, and stop
and return if the seek was successful, and if not try with dns (bind) and
return whatever the result is (whereever it found it, or not, or if bind
was unavailable...)

this should work in your situation


A 10:25 31/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, you wrote:
>> Most of the time, when I see telnet/ftp/ssh latency, it's because the
>> system can't resolve the address from which I'm connecting.
>> Check your /etc/resolv.conf file and make sure you have your correct DNS
>> servers listed.
>I'm having  a problem with my RH6.2 box. If I'm trying to ftp into it from my
>Windows box while I"m online (via an ethernet based ISDN router) I often have
>troubles logging in. I've got that machine name and IP address in the
>/etc/hosts file, but it seems like it can't resolve the IP of that
machine. I'm
>*guessing* that it's trying to look it up via the DNS server, but can't
and is
>failing. How do I tell it to check the local /etc/hosts file FIRST for all
>incoming connections?
>   Thanks...
>   John
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: ADSL and RedHat

2001-01-31 Thread Thierry ITTY

>> >I have a Compaq running Windows ME accessing ADSL with a TI ADSL LAN
>> >adapter over an Ameritech account with Prodigy PPPoE software. If I
>> >installed Red Hat on the same box and added a router would I be able to
>> >access the ADSL account with Red Hat?
>> i guess yes : install roarong penguin's pppoe on your rh box, configure it
>> with adsl-setup then start it with adsl-start. id did it and it runs
just fine
>> btw you don't need a router
>What kind of ADSL LAN adapter are you using? The one I have is internal and
>Windows based, I've heard that those won't work with Linux.

an alcatel external adsl modem on a France Telecom line
i don't know about windows-designed internal adapters, but if it's like
internal winmodems i'm afraid you're about to sweat.

good luck
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: ADSL and RedHat

2001-01-31 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 05:57 31/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>I have a Compaq running Windows ME accessing ADSL with a TI ADSL LAN
>adapter over an Ameritech account with Prodigy PPPoE software. If I
>installed Red Hat on the same box and added a router would I be able to
>access the ADSL account with Red Hat?

i guess yes : install roarong penguin's pppoe on your rh box, configure it
with adsl-setup then start it with adsl-start. id did it and it runs just fine

btw you don't need a router

>Thank you.
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: Server solution for multi-user workstations

2001-01-30 Thread Thierry ITTY

>Currently there's 6 NT4 workstations being serviced by a Netware 5 
>server. Users log into a workstation with their network login, and 
>then they are presented with the computer as they had it setup, along 
>with stating up groupwise  with their particular account 
>details, etc.
>if they then log out of that workstation and move to another one and 
>login there then they again get all their personal customised stuff 
>and email, etc...

this facility is called "roaming profile"

>I want to provide similar service using linux, samba, and.. uhm... 
>well - I'm not sure really. I guess I'd just like to know where I 
>should be looking to provide this sort of functionality... what 
>HOWTOs should I be reading or what web sites should I be looking for!

this is possible

set up your linux box
add samba
configure samba as a Primary Domain Controler and as a File Server
define you 6 users
define a home directory share for each user

when the user logs in the domain, the samba server authenticates him, then
tells him to fetch his profile from the file server part of samba. so users
can log from any workstation and get the same environment

unless you're a newbie even with linux, i think you can find all you need
on samba's servers ( read especially the chapters about nt
and password encryption, user definition, samba acting as a pdc, and you
should get it working.

>also on a side note - what is the best email client I can implement 
>for the PC users - currently they've used outlook and groupwise. I'm 
>going to be providing calendar and contact services using now planner 
>from - unless anyone can suggest 
>better solutions for that too... I'd love a linux based solution that 

i keep found of eudora. you can also try HP's openmail (free for less than
50 users) which i have been well told of.


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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [OT] Checking for the existance of a file in Bash scripts

2001-01-29 Thread Thierry ITTY

you could try some "autoincrement" script 

# handles sub-directories in /backup, name format something like "sub_###"
with ### being a serial number
# get the last one
last=$(ls -1 /backup/sub* | sed -e s/^.*_// | sort -nr | head -n 1)
new=$(($last + 1))
mkdir /backup/sub_$new
cp -a /etc /backup/sub_$new

A 21:38 29/01/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>I just wrote a bash script for making manual backups easier (I do them
manually when I'm about to edit something major) it basically makes a new
directory in /backup/ who's name is equal to today's date, then recursively
copies certain dirs I want backed up.
>The problem is, on some projects I like to do the manual backup each time
I get to a stable point before making the next few edits. What I'm wanting
is for the script to check and see if a directory with today's date already
exists. If it does I want it to append the hour as well as the date. Then
if there's already on with the same hour it should append the minute.
>Another option would be for it to add something like _1 to the end and
increment _1 by one digit each time (_2, _3, _4) but I like the day,
then hour, then minute better. I guess we could add seconds for amusement's
>Anyway, I'm sure I could figure out how to do an if...else loop, I've seen
examples, but in bash I've never seen an example of checking for the
existence of a file or dir. Can anyone show me how to do that?
>Here's what I have:
>#First find out what today is
>#oldformat: today=$(date +%Y_%m_%d)
>#new format:
>today=$(date +%m-%d-%Y)
>echo "Today is" $today
>mkdir /backup/$today && echo "backup dir $today created"
>cp -a /etc /backup/$today && echo "etc copied"
>echo "Done"
>Thanks in advance...
>Jonathan Wilson
>System Administrator
>Cedar Creek Software
>Central Texas IT
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: REPOST: help with redirecting web requests

2001-01-29 Thread Thierry ITTY

>I'm working with my RH 6.2 router/firewall. I run the firewall with ipchains
>and ipfwadm. What I want to do is make any requests for websites from the
>internal machines be redirected through my ISP's content filtering proxy
>server. I've tried some of the web proxy servers out there but they seem to
>only redirect requests directed at an IP the machine happens to be listening
>on. I can do that with my firewall, I want to redirect ALL port 80 traffic
>bound for the outside world through the contentfiltering proxy. Any
>suggestions? Thanks in advance.

what's the problem with asking your internal users to configure their
browsers to use your isp's filtering proxy ? and if they don't listen to
what you ask,, then just add a filter on the firewall allowing TCP port 80
traffic to go only to this isp's ip address and forbid any other target ip ?

so you won't have forced the redirection by changing the packets but
imposed it as the only way out for http

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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Scripting help needed

2001-01-29 Thread Thierry ITTY

ifconfig tells you whether your ppp connection is active or not. then it's
up to you to connect conditionnally

# my app
ifconfig | grep "ppp0" || start_ppp_script
start app X

or something like that

A 14:11 27/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Howdy folks,
>Can someone help to pull the wool out of my eyes?
>I need to do a job called 'X'.
>X needs to run if my dial-up connection is active, but if the dial-up
>is *not* active, it needs to dialup, run then disconnect.
>I cna get the 'not active' part to work, but just can't figure out how
>to detect if ppp0 is up and running.
>Any hints/pointers will be most appreciated.
>Merell L. Matlock, Jr.  Crypto:  Helping to defang Carnivore
>Linux#:  149839 
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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Re: crontab -l

2001-01-26 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 10:57 26/01/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>During an upgrade from RedHat 5.2 to 7.0 I noticed something wrong with
>cron. It doesn't work anymore.
>When I do a crontab -l it tells me
>no crontab for root.
>The cron is still where I left it in /var/spool/cron/root
>Has anyone come accross this problem and can help me fix it?

cron now uses /etc/cronXXX directories for "system" use and much of the
packages stuff related to cron has moved there

what about "crontab -e" then copying your original roo cron file ?


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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Samba: Printer permission error

2001-01-26 Thread Thierry ITTY
rmance related options
>getwd cache = yes
> [public]
> comment = A groups public share
> path = /home/%g
> read only = no
> create mode = 0770
> directory mode = 0770
> [homes]
> comment = Personal file share
> path = /home/%u/share
> read only = no
> create mode = 0700
> directory mode = 0770
> [hp2100tn]
> comment = The glorious HP2100TN
> printer = hp2100tn
> printable = yes
> path = /var/spool/lpd/hp2100tn
> print command = lpr -P hp2100tn -r %s
> printing = BSD
> read only = yes
>  [hp5m]
> comment = An old-e but a good-e
> printer = hp5m
> printable = yes
> path = /var/spool/lpd/hp5m
> print command = lpr -P hp5m -r %s
> printing = BSD
> read only = yes
>  [hp2000c]
> comment = I drink ink all day long, still I thirst
> printer = hp2000c
> printable = yes
> path = /var/spool/lpd/hp2000c
> print command = lpr -P hp2000c -r %s
> printing = BSD
> read only = yes
> [hp1600c]
> comment = Old as the hills, but flatter
> printer = hp1600c
> printable = yes
> path = /var/spool/lpd/hp1600c
> print command = lpr -U root -P hp1600c -r %s
> printing = BSD
> read only = yes
>-Alex Tabony - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>510/849-2911 Voice/TTY
>510/849-2968 Fax
>Not all those who wander are lost. -jrrt
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Network Printer

2001-01-23 Thread Thierry ITTY

we have mainly HP printers, both laser and inkjet

add a jetdirect box/interface (and use it with standard LPR/LPD from almost
any client)

looks like they have a good price/performance/quality ratio

PCL5 is now a de-facto standard

one more advantage is the scalability (from small desktop to large computer
room models)


A 19:10 23/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Hi all,
>I'm contemplating purchasing a new colour network printer for our office.
>Does anyone reading the list have a suggestion as to make/model can be Laser
>or InkJet. Would be used in printing from Linux, Windows 98, NT, 2000 and
>Mac boxes. Thanks for your input.
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Apache VirtualServer Problems

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

for what i know, apache gets virtual server information from http 1.1
header in which it seeks for a name. when it receives ""
it doesn't find it in its list


A 16:38 22/01/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>Hello everybody.
>I just setup a new box for the first time in a while, and ended up
>installing Apache 1.3.14, so I would have the latest verion.  The
>VHosting here is a little different than the 1.2.9 version I'm using on
>my "live" box.  Specifically, the NameVirtualHost directive is new.
>Here is a rough snippet from my .conf:
>   NameVirtualHost
>   ServerName
>   DocumentRoot /home/ikonboard
>   ...
>But if you go type in in your browser, it
>loads up the default server, not the virtual server.
>Any suggestions can be e-mailed to me at my school account:
>Caleb Newville - MPS WebCrew
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Thierry ITTY

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2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

you're right
i checked it all again and what i said is true for _stopped_ jobs

here's the "man bash" part saying it all :

If you attempt to exit bash while jobs are stopped, the shell prints a
message warning you.  You may  then  use the jobs command to inspect their
status.  If you do this, or try to exit again immediately, you are not
warned again, and the stopped jobs are terminated.

A 09:46 22/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Nope.  YOu will get warned for suspended programs (a la hitting CTRL-Z
>while running a program, to suspend it) but background programs will
>continue to run with the "&" directive.
>On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Thierry ITTY wrote:
>> >"sold" wrote:
>> >> How can i run a program from telnet and when i logoff it keeps
>> >> running??
>> >
>> >run it with a trailing "&".
>> >Eg. netscape &
>> for what i know, if you do that, then when you'll exit then system will
>> tell you that you have [background] running jobs, then if you type exit
>> again, the system will unconditionnally kill the background running jobs
>> >>
>> >> How can i see if the program is still runing?
>> >
>> >ps -eaf|grep "program name"
>> >
>> >>
>> >> How can i see what is the program is doing at any time from telnel or
>> >> local?
>> >
>> >ps again shows whether it's running or not.
>> >
>> >Cheers,
>> >Vineeta
>> >
>> >Attachment Converted: "d:\app\net\eudora\attach\ReBACKGR"
>> >
>>  - * - * - * - * - * - * -
>> Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)
>> Thierry ITTY
>> ___
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list


2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

>"sold" wrote:
>> How can i run a program from telnet and when i logoff it keeps
>> running??
>run it with a trailing "&".
>Eg. netscape &

for what i know, if you do that, then when you'll exit then system will
tell you that you have [background] running jobs, then if you type exit
again, the system will unconditionnally kill the background running jobs

>> How can i see if the program is still runing?
>ps -eaf|grep "program name"
>> How can i see what is the program is doing at any time from telnel or
>> local?
>ps again shows whether it's running or not.
>Attachment Converted: "d:\app\net\eudora\attach\ReBACKGR"
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Samba and win 2000 pro

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

actually the most important is to add a "nt" definition for each user (from
win$'s side) to your samba with the "smbpasswd" command : give it the nt
user name and nt password (which may be different from the unix' one)
that's almost all

A 21:32 21/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>Yea, but all I have to do is sort out what they say and what they mean which
>is not always clear... ;)
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of badger
>> Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 8:12 PM
>> Subject: Re: Samba and win 2000 pro
>> Read the documentation (RTFM) that came with samba, everything you need to
>> know is in there.  :-)
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Rodney Fulk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 2:15 PM
>> Subject: RE: Samba and win 2000 pro
>> > Thanks to those who responded.
>> > It appears now after searching M$'s site that there was a
>> > work around for this. It was he fact that NT (And win2000) wants to send
>> > encrypted passwords to the linux box. I set it to plain text passwords.
>> > Once I figure out the passwords I will change that...
>> >
>> >
>> > > -Original Message-
>> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Edward Dekkers
>> > > Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 9:33 PM
>> > > Subject: Re: Samba and win 2000 pro
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > > The problem I am having though is when my win 2000 machine tries to
>> link
>> > > to
>> > > > the linux
>> > > > box this way. The machine is called "Linux" and when I try
>> to connect
>> to
>> > > the
>> > > > Linux box from
>> > > > win 2000 it comes up with the following error window.
>> > > >
>> > > > \\Linux is not accessible.
>> > > > The account is not authorized to log in from this station.
>> > > >
>> > > > Is this a password issue?
>> > >
>> > > Rod, I have no idea whether the following will help you, but
>> to me, your
>> > > smb.conf looks a little...well...short.
>> > > I have the following lines in mine which you make no mention of in
>> yours:
>> > >
>> > > interfaces =
>> > > allow hosts = 192.168.
>> > >
>> > > and in each share section:
>> > >
>> > > allow hosts = 192.168.
>> > >
>> > > Theres also a hell of a lot of other options to set valid users - are
>> you
>> > > sure yours are correct? Try reading up on:
>> > >
>> > > user
>> > > admin users
>> > > write list
>> > > valid users
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Edward Dekkers (Director)
>> > > Triple D Computer Services Pty. Ltd.
>> > > 822 Rowley Road
>> > > Oakford W.A. 6121
>> > > +61 8 9397-1040
>> > > ABN: 33 635 238 024
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > ___
>> > > Redhat-list mailing list
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Redhat-list mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Include files in html pages served by Apache?

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

this works with apache too !
check the documentation to see how to activate Server Side Includes (SSI),
give the html files an .shtml extension, and that's it ! you don't need php
code to do that


A 01:04 20/01/2001 -0600, vous avez écrit :
>When we code asp pages we can use handy little include files that are.
well, include files, by doing something like this:
>(I hope this doesn't cause HTML email problems - I'm never 100% sure this
thang is sending plain text).
>or if you want a full path:
>My boss said with IIS, if you aren't using asp, you just give it an
extension (he thought it is shtml) and IIS automatically forces the server
to parse the file and process the includes.
>I'd be willing to use PHP if I have to, but is there a way to use includes
without using a scripting language?
>Jonathan Wilson
>System Administrator
>Cedar Creek Software
>Central Texas IT
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Groupware anybody?

2001-01-22 Thread Thierry ITTY

here's what Linux Software Encyclopedia
("") tells
about TWIG :

The Web Information Gateway is an intranet/groupware tool and
application framework. It is implemented using PHP
and is intended to become a simple, cross-platform, fast and
browser-independent way to access or share almost any kind
of information. The features currently (7/99) supported by TWIG include: 
email via IMAP; 
a contact manager; 
Usenet newsgroups; 
``to do'' lists; and 
Many more features are planned by the developers, with extensions by
users also fairly easy due to the modular
construction of TWIG. A source code distribution is available under the


try it and let us know !

A 15:10 20/01/2001 +1100, vous avez écrit :
>Twig is a groupware program written in php3
>A web based groupware program
>This means it can run on Linux and can support cross platform clients
>I am sure if you do a search you can find a copy of Twig
>or email me off the mailing list if you want emailed to you.
>On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Michael R. Jinks wrote:
>> Howdy.  A couple of days ago my CEO looked up and said, "Y'know, I kinda
>> miss Outlook."
>> *gulp*
>> I've looked at PHPGroupware; it flat out doesn't work, and the
>> documentation is nonexistent.  Ximian Evolution and the KDE equivalent
>> aren't ready yet.  StarOffice is sort of okay, but their calendar server
>> appears to be orphaned.  Netscape Calendar Servers are in limbo, cost
>> too much, and last I checked didn't work anyhow.  Notes costs too much
>> and isn't much more standards-compliant than Microsoft stuff.
>> So once again I pose the question: Is there, somewhere, a server
>> platform for sharing files and scheduling information, which will run on
>> Linux and support cross-platform clients?
>> -- 
>> Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation
>> "Trouble ensues."
>> ___
>> Redhat-list mailing list
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Groupware anybody?

2001-01-21 Thread Thierry ITTY

Domino server exists for Linux but very strangely i'm note sure the client
exists (though many functions may be reached through a web java-browser
from any platform)

did you check "BHC Intranet" ?

A 16:22 19/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>I believe Lotus Domino might fit the bill.
>Unfortunately there is no Open Source alternative to Exchange and Outlook.
>If there were I believe a lot of small to midsize businesses would move over
>to Linux.

i'm not that sure : small businesses often prefer products for which they
pay and which can be managed by external people which they pay too. 

>Warren Melnick
>Director of Research and Development
>Astata Corporation
>-Original Message-
>From: Michael R. Jinks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:03 PM
>Subject: Groupware anybody?
>Howdy.  A couple of days ago my CEO looked up and said, "Y'know, I kinda
>miss Outlook."
>I've looked at PHPGroupware; it flat out doesn't work, and the
>documentation is nonexistent.  Ximian Evolution and the KDE equivalent
>aren't ready yet.  StarOffice is sort of okay, but their calendar server
>appears to be orphaned.  Netscape Calendar Servers are in limbo, cost
>too much, and last I checked didn't work anyhow.  Notes costs too much
>and isn't much more standards-compliant than Microsoft stuff.
>So once again I pose the question: Is there, somewhere, a server
>platform for sharing files and scheduling information, which will run on
>Linux and support cross-platform clients?
>Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation
>"Trouble ensues."
>Redhat-list mailing list
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-19 Thread Thierry ITTY

>> >  try
>> >$ ps -ef | grep [n]tpd
>> this is funny, but
>> ps -ef | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
>> is much cleaner in my opinion

>Perhaps now so much in this case... but in a general sence something that
>can be done in 1 process is always better than using 2.  Other wise you
>might find your machine dieing the death of a thousand cuts.
>Get a few hundred of these going in some shell script in a cronjob and
>you'll be wondering where all your ram and cycles went.  "There's nothing
>intersting in top..."  Then you'll curse a few times at the admin who had
>the job before you did.
>Sorry.. didn't meant to sound bitter there... ;)

don't worry i dont' mind 

of course if you are writing scripts or programs that are to be heavily
used in a system programming context it's good to keep performance and
resource consumption in head and avoid any wasting. 

but if you are in the context of time-to-time scripts then readability is
important too.

if you are alone progamming your machine, you are supposed to know what you
do, and remember what you wanted to do monthes or years later.

in a professional context, or at least when you are not alone, you are
supposed to write things that others can read, understand, and maintain
too, not depending on you, and even years later. that's why i'd give an
advise to all : unless performance is an issue, better write a readable
code even if there are more steps than necessary, than a quick code that
only a few can read (and of course please add comments !)

the problem when writing things like that (grep [n]tpd) is that unaware
people just copy the commands as-is and do not understand why it has been
written so. then they are even not able to explain to another why they
wrote that, and when updates are necessary, it all breaks down...

have a nice week end !
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Silly grep problem within script

2001-01-19 Thread Thierry ITTY

A 13:03 18/01/2001 -0500, vous avez écrit :
>  try
>   $ ps -ef | grep [n]tpd
>why this works is left as an exercise for the hacker.

when you do a "grep ntpd" you will get a process which will show as "grep
ntpd" in the ps process list
thus when grep actually processes this list it will pick up the line(s)
concerning the ntpd process(es) if any, AND the line concerning the grep
process itself.
if you do a "grep [n]tpd" the grep process will show as "grep [n]tpd"
(because ps displays the arguments as entered) but the grep command will
only pick up lines containing "ntpd" (which is the only possible match for
the regular expression "[n]tpd" hence not picking up it's own line

this is funny, but 

ps -ef | grep ntpd | grep -v grep

is much cleaner in my opinion


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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: samba

2001-01-18 Thread Thierry ITTY

just my 2 cents :

when you start the smb daemon it reads the config file you specify on the
command line (or in the init.d/smb script) or the default one (depending on
compile-time options). when it gets a connection request it forks (or
spawns) a new dameon with the config file specified in the original config
file's config file option line (see what i mean ?) that's why you can
specify samba variables (like %L) which will be expanded at the time of the
child process creation.

in my opinion those config files (smb.conf.FILE and smb.conf.PRINT) have to
be "complete" that is identical but eventually with different share
sections or different parameters (auth lists and so on). anyway the must be
consistent enough to "work" standalone. that is, if you start the smb
daemon with either of those config files, you must have a "print only" or a
"files only" server running fine.

then, when your 2 configurations are well defined and working fine, you can
try to get a mix with a third config file in which you will specify the
alternatives config files with "config file = smb.conf.%L". of course take
care to case sensitivity and other stuff which may cause problems.

doing this that way, and with log files information (use debugging
parameter to help) you should be able to satisfy your wish.

but, i have just a question, what will it give you to have such a dual
configuration ???


A 15:27 18/01/2001 -0700, vous avez écrit :
>We've made  progress!
>Some times you just have to wait for things to propagate in netbios.  If you
>haven't altered any of your shares, they should come up.  You can also try
>rebooting  the workstation.
>Can you send me a copy of your smb.conf?  You can send it offline to
>- Original Message -
>From: Steve Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 3:17 PM
>Subject: Re: samba
>> Hi Kevin
>> So far i have it showing two netbios names.
>> but nothing shows up when you click on the computer.
>> i have smb.conf smb.conf.Print smb.conf.File with
>> netibs aliases = File Print
>> config file = config.smb.%L
>> but for:
>> smb.conf.File
>> only home section
>> and for:
>> smb.conf.Print
>> only printer stuff
>> all have the sambe global section.
>> is that right?
>> I like to you in advance for your patience
>> and help on this.
>> Thank You
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Mes idees n'engagent que moi (vieux proverbe du Net)

Thierry ITTY

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