CS>Effects on bone marrow and blood count

2002-05-30 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

A couple of weeks ago in our state newspaper (West Australian, 15th May)
there was an article on do-it-yourself doctoring. In the article was a
quotation, by a consultant oncologist from our major children's hospital,
where she said: "Colloidal silver is known to have serious effects on bone
marrow and blood count...".

I have done brief searches, both on the CS archives and on the net in
general, but apart from silver salts I can't find any reference to these

I have written to the oncologist, requesting research references, but in the
meantime (could be a long time :-) would anyone have information regarding
the presence, or non-presence, of such research. I need to set the record
straight with some of those people I have "turned on" to CS.


Mike Fuller

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CS>Ointment for CS

2002-03-31 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

A while ago I sustained an eye injury with a resulting small corneal ulcer.
I initially tried treating with eye washes and/or drops of CS. While I'm
sure these prevented any infection, they did not relieve the pain and
irritation. I resorted to using the antibiotic ointment, provided by the
emergency department, and it did partially relieve both those symptoms, even
though there was no anaesthetic component. The ointment also stayed in situ
for much, much longer than plain CS drops.

Does anyone have a recipe for making an ointment, suitable for ocular use,
that can be mixed with CS?


Mike Fuller

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Re: CS>Living Water & CS

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Kevin,

Firstly, no I won't summarise the principles, I'm not so clever as to be
able to do justice to it as we don't have the same 'language' to share.
We've been through all this in private communications from 3 or 4 months ago
and I will reiterate what I have said in those postings: You need to at
least read the book before we can commence a reasonable discourse. Without
doing that I will be having to elaborate and educate on every little aspect,
just so we can discuss it. That would be a long hard slog and I don't have
that time to spare. Much better you do some of the work first, don't you
think? It took me several years of study (admittedly intermittant) to get to
my present understanding of water and some of that understanding would be
quite difficult to express in writing, let alone to someone who doesn't
share some of the same concepts.

As an example, imagine trying to discuss the intricacies of Rudolph
Steiner's biodynamic system of agriculture. We know that it works
brilliantly (being Australian, I'm sure you've eaten biodynamic produce,
Kevin) and there are plenty of examples of the transformation in farms, in
particular their soil, that indicates something amazing has occurred. The
preparations that Steiner disclosed are unusual, to say the least (read
'Secrets of the Soil' by, I think, Thompkins and Bird for information about
these). If we were to discuss these without at least attempting to come up
to speed on Steiner's way of thinking, it would probably be rather
unproductive. Same applies to Schauberger and water.

I can't remember if I've said these before but concerning change in water
from using the water unit let me relate a couple of little stories. They may
be anecdotal, but I don't have a problem with that.

At the time I installed my water unit (call it whatever you like) I had been
very ill for a considerable period of time. My energy state was such that a
shower would leave me horizontal for at least a couple of hours and
compromised for much longer. I don't know the exact reason the shower would
do that, whether it was the high level of trihalomethanes or that the water
was 'dead' or some other reason, it didn't matter. After installing the
unit, a shower actually left me feeling better than before - I was energised
rather than enervated. That, to me, was amazing and signalled the start of
an upward climb towards good health. I know this was purely subjective but
when you're that ill and something works that well, who cares. It was the
biggest single step I achieved in that ascent, and I tried a lot of things.

The second story is a little more objective, I suppose, although still only
anecdotal. I had an unglazed, ceramic water container (Stefani) originally
used for filtering of water. We tried, for some time, to use it both as a
filter unit and a simple water container. The porous ceramic allowed partial
evaporation to cool the water somewhat. Unfortunately the container would
repeatedly become contaminated with mould and other 'nasties' and required
regular cleaning with sodium metabisulphite, scrubbing, leaving in the sun
for some time etc. No matter what we attempted, and we tried a lot, the
container, and its contents, would become unusable due to the off taste of
the water. We eventually gave up and used a different method.

After installing the unit in the shower, we needed somewhere to store the
drinking water that we were getting from the shower. For whatever reason,
call it intuition if you like, I decided to fill the ceramic container with
water from the shower. Over the next three days the most putrid gunk
emanated from the outside of the container, not so much in quantity but
certainly in odour. After the three days I washed the container, refilled it
with 'unit' water and we have used it for drinking ever since (several
years). The water remains pure and very, very drinkable. The only
maintenance we do to the container is wash the dust off the outside about
every 2 months. So here we have a ceramic container that could not hold
water, filtered or otherwise, without becoming contaminated in a short time.
Put that same water through a water unit and it not only remains fresh and
pure but cleans the container of previous contamination. And remains that
way for years of use.

This is only two examples of many that I have encountered with the use of
such a unit. Not real scientific but, to me, pretty persuasive. Instead of
confronting these examples with scepticism, because they may have been
outside my immediate frame of understanding, I tried to broaden my
understanding. That process is ongoing. It may be that process will involve
dialogue with people who challenge my views and prompt the need for me to
provide a  clearer explanation. But at present those people will need to do
a little work first.

I don't know of any 'living water' lists, although that sounds like a good
idea, Kevin. There may even be a Schauberger list, discussing all manner of
his many theor

Re: CS>Living Water & CS

2002-02-04 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Kevin et al,

Kevin, its obvious, at least to me, that you haven't read any of the books
relating to Schauberger's work on 'living water'. The best example I know is
'Living Energies' by Callum Coats, which I suggested to you some time
previously. If you had you would realise that your statement about placing
water in a blender to energise it was very opposite-to-correct. I can only
reiterate: read the book, or something similar, to get at least a feel for
the subject.


Mike Fuller

From: "Kevin Nolan" 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:57:37 +1100
Subject: Re: CS>Living Water & CS
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:58:11 -0800

Candice and Catmagnet: The basic idea at http://www.alivewater.net/
<http://www.alivewater.net/pages/toorder.html>  is that water naturally
wants to move in "swirls and curls", and running water through straight
pipes (anf 90 degree bends) 'deadens' it. Instead of purchasing some
expensive pipework that as far as I can see does no more than gently
centrifuges the water, why not just place water in a blender and rev it up
for a minute or two? If ''swirls and curls" really re-energize as claimed,
the blender treatment should be orders of magnitude better and a lot cheaper
to boot. Are there any listers who can verify the claims for
revitalizing/energizing/restructuring from use of magnets or vortexing? I
mean objective, repeatable tests such as reduced surface tension, improved
plant growth or the like. Lots of extravagent claims out there, but how much
is true?
regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CS>TE & laser light pens - more questions!

2002-01-20 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Alison,

Yes, a laser pointer is the same as a laser light pen, at least for the
purposes of viewing TE. Dick Smith Electronics does sell these but their
prices are way too high. Try Jaycar Electronics (Auckland, but they deliver)
on 09 377 6421, or see their Oz web site www.jaycar.com.au


Mike Fuller

> From: aliso...@ihug.co.nz

> Several people/websites have mentioned using laser light pens to
> view the TE.  Is a laser light pen the same as a laser pointer ? I
> can only find laser pointers on a New Zealand electronics website
> (DSE for the kiwis)  I feel that they are but clarification of this would
> be great.

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Re: CS>questions: stir vs. bubble

2002-01-17 Thread Mike Fuller
Thanks for those observations, Connie. I use a bubbler and am very happy
with the stability of my finished product.

I believe Brooks Bradley did some testing with bubblers (and stirrers?) and
found the bubbler was very efficient.


Mike Fuller

> From: Connie 
> I would like to compare my brew with stirring vs. bubbling and please
> comments as too the differences.
> My observed main points
> -bubbled CS consistently more stable after brew sits (ppm's do not fall from
> one day to the next)
> -bubbled CS consistently has less build up on the electrodes, less
> precipitate in the container.
> -bubbled CS consistently able to achieve higher ppm (per Hanna)
> -occassionally will get pale yellow CS with stir, never with bubbled
> -consistently stirred CS will turn ashen with even minimal exposure to
> light, bubbled does not seem to (I have not specifically ''tested'' this.)
> -brew time for higher ppm's consistenly quicker with bubbler. (this case 36
> hours for less than 20ppm stirred vs. 10 hrs. for 26ppm bubbled)

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CS>Magnesium oxide

2002-01-17 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Marshalee, Barnbert, Tracy, James et al,

First Tracy, I suspect Homozon is magnesium oxide, just check the label.

James, I get my mag ox from a laboratory supply company, here in Western
Australia. If you are in the USA you should find it easily enough. I am
aware of two versions, light and not-so-light. The light, which is cheaper,
doesn't release quite as much oxygen but both do a similar cleansing job.
Get USP grade or equivalent.

Maeshalee and Baernbert, it is relatively easy to clean parts of the colon,
it is another matter concerning the caecum (known as the cesspool of the GI
tract) and the small intestine. Consider the lining of the small intestines
as being like a shag-pile carpet. Whenever some substance causes a problem
in this area, such as incomplete digestion due to poor food combining, the
system treats the substance as foreign and produces mucous as a protective
mechanism. This mucous/food remains in the area, ready to be eliminated when
the system gets an opportune moment. Unfortunately, with our poor dietary
habits of constant and excessive eating, and improper food combining, we
simply don't give our system a chance to do this basic clearing. These
insults on the intestinal lining simply pile on top of each other with the
consequence of impacting the 'muck' deeper into the 'carpet'. They harden
over time and prove to be a real barrier to nutrient assimilation.

Magnesium oxide acts a little like the foaming cleansers you spray onto a
carpet, which act by lifting some of the dirt to the surface, making it
easier to remove. It takes some time for the mag ox to gradually break up
your impacted 'muck' which is why there is a lengthy protocol. In addition
it would be beneficial to lessen the burdon on your intestines by practicing
good food combining, eating less, and occasional fasting (know what you're
doing before trying the fasting!). Heaps of water is also essential.

Everyone I know who has completed the mag ox protocol has had good, and
sometimes amazing, results. If you remain unconvinced, but still curious,
look at the Bernard Jensen book, 'Iridology: Vol 2'. The pictures may just
change your mind.


Mike Fuller

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Re: CS>Yeast infections

2002-01-16 Thread Mike Fuller
Yes Damian, magnesium oxide is a very effective, cheap, and safe way of
cleansing the intestines and is my preferred method. FWIW I consider almost
everybody would benefit from an intestinal cleansing. For those who are
interested I will outline its use.

The protocol I, and many others I know, have used involves hitting it hard
initially and then tapering off. I take it twice a day for one week, once a
day for one week, once every second day for a week, and so on until the
maintenance dose of once weekly.

The procedure simply involves stirring a heaped teaspoon of magnesium oxide
in a glass of warm water and drinking, followed by the juice of a lemon in
warm water. Some prefer to stir the mag ox straight into the lemon/water.
Effectiveness may be increased with the addition of an orange juice chaser.
For those who are sensitive to citrus, it is the acid medium that is
required so use a substitute.

You may be surprised at what does emerge when you cleanse adequately. A
sixty year old lady I know couldn't comprehend what the small brightly
coloured bits were that she was passing, so she had them analysed. They
ended up being pieces of crayon that she had chewed as a child.


Mike Fuller

> From: Damian Corrin 
> Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 20:04:55 +1000
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com, 
> Subject: Re: CS>Yeast infections
> Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Resent-Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 02:05:31 -0800
> I've just been looking at magnesium oxide. I will order some tommorow. It
> looks as though a very effective way of cleaning the intestine, before
> repopulating it with good bacteria. Its quite cheap aswell
> Take care
> Damian

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Re: CS>Bill Briggs letter

2002-01-15 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Terry,

Sounds like Bill is up to more of his tricks. As I see it his method of
marketing involves a combination of dazzling his audience with scientific
gobbeldygook and instilling fear of using other products. His book is
disappointing but it is his advertising brochures that are doing the damage
in confusing and scaring off potential CS users. Whilst his product may be
OK, his marketing tactics are deplorable.


Mike Fuller

> From: Terry Chamberlin 

> Listers,
> I ran across this email in my files from a Mr. Bill
> Briggs to a friend of mine. It seems to me that there
> was some discussion on the list about Mr. Briggs'
> ideas.
 Terry comments:
> I'll have to admit, when someone describes a process
> that I consider myself familiar with in terms
> completely out of my frame of reference, I conclude
> that he is either conning me, or is a genius I can't
> keep up with. When he implies that CS must be made
> just right (the way he is making it) or suffer "side
> effects", my conclusion isn't in the genius category.
> Terry Chamberlin
> __
> Web-hosting solutions for home and business! http://website.yahoo.ca
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>FW: CS>cats and food

2002-01-14 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

If you are at all confused about the type of food you should be feeding your
pets, please read the book on Pottenger's cats (unsure of its title but a
net search will get you information).

The results of his lengthy research on raw vs. cooked food, including raw
vs. pasteurized milk, were absolutely obvious, at least to me. If you are
feeding your pet anything but raw food you are contributing to its future
ill health.

Of course this research has implications that concern more than our pets
state of health.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Future trends

2001-12-28 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Lew,

I've got a better insight on your words of wisdom since noticing the date of
your last posting (Thursday, 28 December 2017 13:37)

Thank you for sharing with us present day mortals :-)


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Mike Fuller
I don't know if this was sent properly, so apologies if you get it twice.

Loggers in Europe used to transport their logs to the mills in flumes. Some
of the logs were too heavy (dense?) to float sufficiently well for this
method, but the old-timers would wait for a particular phase of the moon
(can't recall which one at the moment) and the logs would then float high
enough in the water for this to work. (ref: Living Energies by Callum Coats)

Now if the moon phase can influence such an observeable phenomenom as
floatation of logs, I don't think it too much of a stretch to consider its
influence on the formation of colloids, whose stability is dependant on the
ability of the water to support the particles.


Mike Fuller

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Re: CS>Speculation about variables in CS production

2001-12-27 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Lew,

While I can sympathise with most of your post about Psychic Transmutation, I
can't agree with one part:

>  The God-empowered gift of visualization is unique in humans.

You obviously haven't met my dog.

Or my God :-)


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS started too late.

2001-12-27 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Tracy,

Sorry, but I think you have this a little wrong:

> I wouldn't be taking orange juice when you have a cold, as it will increase
> mucus production.  Oranges are extremely mucus forming.

Oranges, like all citrus fruit, are mucolytic, that is they help break up
the mucous (Oz spelling :-)
Foods such as dairy products are mucous forming (mucogenic).

Perhaps you were thinking of the increase in mucous flow when you eat
oranges. This is simply the mucous breaking up and discharging much more
easily, which is exactly what your body needs to do. It is the supression of
mucous discharge that leads to worsening health problems.


Mike Fuller

Hoping everone had a mucous-free Christmas.

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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lunar CS making

2001-12-27 Thread Mike Fuller
Loggers in Europe used to transport their logs to the mills in flumes. Some
of the logs were too heavy (dense?) to float sufficiently well for this
method, but the old-timers would wait for a particular phase of the moon
(can't recall which one at the moment) and the logs would then float high
enough in the water for this to work. (ref: Living Energies by Callum Coats)

Now if the moon phase can influence such an observeable phenomenom as
floatation of logs, I don't think it too much of a stretch to consider its
influence on the formation of colloids, whose stability is dependant on the
ability of the water to support the particles.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs in milk

2001-12-18 Thread Mike Fuller
I don't think you're ever going to find much in the way of probiotics in
commercially available milk.
Whatever goodness was in it, particularly the enzymes, is destroyed by
pasteurization, not to mention the "badness" that results from

Now if I could just learn to drink my tea without milk :-)


Mike Fuller

From: "James Osbourne, Holmes" 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 14:21:41 -0700
Subject: RE: CS>cs in milk
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 13:24:22 -0800

Note also that you are killing the probiotics in the milk along with the
bacteria that cause spoilage.


James-Osbourne: Holmes


-Original Message-
From: Acmeair [mailto:res00...@gte.net]
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2001 1:13 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>cs in milk

on 30 nov. , i opened a quart of milk, with a spoil date of dec 5, and dosed
it with a blub of CS.  i had some of the milk with cereal on dec 12, and it
was still fresh. it turned yesterday. not bad, eh?

Re: CS>Went wrong
·From: Acmeair (view other messages by this author

·Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 17:27:56

whenever i bring milk home, i put a blub of CS in it right after its
opened.it extends the life of the milk to about double before it spoils. i
livealone and i don't throw milk out like i used to. nothing scientific,
justpractical - Original Message -From: "Damian Corrin"
To: Sent: Friday,
November 30, 2001 12:35 PMSubject: CS>Went wrong  > The milk both went of at
the same time and the cs subject appeared to be> worse. The cs i make uses 3
9v with a bubbler for around 3 hours. It is> clear on finish. It tastes very
metalic. The milk was kept at roomtemperature.>> Yes i could leave the
testing up to independent laboratories, but aspeople> are aware every one
has a stake somewhere in the result and figures are> easily changed to suit.
I mean is the glass half empty or full.>> I think what im trying to get at
rather than anything is that all this> information has been written about
how amazing cs is and how many thingsit> can cure and kill, when an even
balance of light hasnt been shone on what> it cant do and what not to expect
from it. That really was the whole point> of the experiment and my
posting.>> When something almost becomes like a religion it maybe necessary
to step> and rethink the whole.>> Anyhow thats my bit> Take care> Damian>

Re: CS>mystery URL

2001-12-13 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Bob,

I hunted around for the article, before I read your post, and found it no
problems. The URL is http://smart-drugs.net/ias-silverJamesSouth.htm, which
is what you had. I guess it had a temporary block for some reason.


Mike Fuller

> From: bober...@postoffice.swbell.net
> Reply-To: bober...@swbell.net
> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:45:16 -0600
> To: silver-list 
> Subject: CS>mystery URL
> Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Resent-Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 07:45:17 -0800
> Hi Ya'all,
> This is the exact URL that is on the heading of the 15 page print
> out.http://smart-drugs.net/ias-silverJamesSouth.htm.
> Somebody on this list published the URL several days ago and I went to
> it and printed the article.
> When I went there today the article is gone The rticles were numbers
> and it was number 15 (I think)
> I also printed the article on SAMe which is very good and it works for
> joint problems where glucosomine and chrondition and MSM did not.
> If on one can find it, I will make copies for anyone, but it will take a
> 9"x 11" envelope with 3 $0.34 stamps.
> "Ole Bob"
> --
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> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>MSM stability

2001-12-10 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

Does anyone know how long MSM remains stable/viable after it is dissolved in
water? ie. how long could I keep it in a liquid state?

Also, whilst I suspect there may be an initial drop in concentration when
first mixed, does a colloidal silver - MSM mixture remain stable and if so,
for how long?


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Acid/alkaline silver generator?

2001-12-05 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

Has anyone combined the acid/alkaline water separating principle (two
electrodes separated by a semi-permeable membrane) with generating colloidal
silver?  That is, use the silver as the electrodes, perhaps with a bubbler
either side of the membrane (maybe a stirrer wouldn't work in this case).

If it worked you could drink the alkaline silver solution/colloid and use
the acid one topically. Perhaps this could also be a separator of ionic and
particulate silver.

There are probably heaps of them but can anyone comment on the technical


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Bill Briggs talk

2001-11-27 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

I attended a talk by Bill Briggs last night to hear what "Australia's
leading authority on colloidal silver" had to say on why his product is far
better than anyone else's. The initial impression was that he is not what
I'd call a good public speaker in that he could not get his ideas across
very well at a lay level. He also couldn't answer adequately any of the
questions concerning obvious inaccuracies in his literature and on the

Concerning his colloidal silver, it was hard getting any real details about
the process (which is probably fair enough on a commercial level) but I did
hear that it involves a 50 volt process and the water is deionised and
degassed and its structural matrix is aligned. When asked about this last
part he said that magnets weren't involved but wouldn't elaborate further.
He did say that a magnetron, using frequencies higher than microwaves, was
used in getting the silver off the electrodes.

The most interesting thing for me was that hydrogen peroxide was involved in
the generating process and this produced silver (ions/particles?) with
oxygen bonding that became nascent oxygen in vivo. the result is that when a
white light is shone through the colloidal silver, it has a blue cast. Has
anyone on the list generated colloidal silver using any amount of hydrogen
peroxide in the water? I have a vague recollection of someone saying it
produced large flakes of silver.

Bill's main thrust was that silver requires oxygen to work in vivo, and most
commercial and home-grown CS robs the body of oxygen whereas his has the
oxygen present. Perhaps someone could comment on this?

We did get his book for free, which I read last night. Again, I was
unimpressed but others may get some value from it. Copies can be obtained
Silver Colloid Australia Distributors
9/131 Bulleen Rd
North Balwyn
Australia 3104

I don't know if they charge for the book, you may be lucky.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Results of ppm calculator lab test

2001-11-21 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

A question for the technical minded. The conclusion that Herx and Bob came
to regarding the size of the cathode had me intrigued, because it would be
good to reduce silver buildup.

> Bob and I believe that the most important factor is the surface area of
> the cathode (size of the anode is not relevant here).  Unfortunately, I
> used rather large cathodes when generating the samples I sent to Bob for
> analysis.  
> Bob and I hypothesize that a cathode with very little surface area will
> not allow significant amounts of Ag to plate,

If I were to reduce the thickness of my cathode substantially, in a constant
current system with air bubbling, would that alter the speed of CS


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Excretion of colloidal silver

2001-11-19 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

Could someone point me in the direction of any research done on the
excretion of colloidal silver, from either humans or animals?

Also, there was some JAMA articles mentioned recently relating to silver
buildup in kidneys, I believe. I would appreciate any details of those, and
if the articles can't be sent then the journal references would be good.

I need to read up on these prior to attending the Bill Briggs talk next


Mike Fuller

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2001-11-18 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

There has been a couple of methods of assisting rehydration mentioned on the
list. Duncan has detailed Microhydrin (which I believe is fairly expensive)
and Brooks has told us MSM helped rehydrate much faster (I wonder if this is
why MSM helps with arthritis pain?).

Has anyone had experience with acid/alkaline water separators? (microwater?)
I have a recollection that the alkaline water is supposed to help rehydrate
because of the altered water structure. Has anyone also got any technical
details on how this achieves its rehydration?


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>William Briggs - help with inaccuracies

2001-11-14 Thread Mike Fuller
 amalgam fillings that include mercury and silver."

"Even most of the genuinely "electro-colloidal" solutions contained about
80% silver salts, and some of these were in such high concentrations, or
using toxic salts such as silver nitrate, that regular taking of them over
years could lead to severe silver toxaemia and perhaps even diagnosed

"The result is that recently there have been a growing number of argyria
cases coming to medical attention; now argyria is once again a recognised
illness in our society."

I didn't think silver was considered a heavy metal, and where are the
"wave" of argyria cases?

On silver nitrate, light and silver solubility:

"A few of selected samples of commercial colloidal silver were very high in
silver nitrate, indicating that to prepare the solution, the silver
electrodes were immersed not into water, but into a nitrate solution."

Silver nitrate is sensitive to the entire visible light spectrum, whereas
colloidal silver is mainly sensitive (that is it loses its positive charge
and precipitates out) to ultra violet light."

Silver colloids are fat soluble, whereas silver compounds and salts are
water soluble. Silver salts such as silver nitrate or silver chloride will
precipitate out in fat cells, and in this way build up in the body."

I'm not sure at all about the above statements.

There are many more statements on the site that I would question, but these
are enough for me now.

I am not sure what the Briggs talk will be about, but I suspect commercial
intent. I believe he is part of a group that intends going to Africa and
injecting 50,000 AIDs sufferers with IV colloidal silver. Although I may
question the transmission method, I do heartily applaud such an undertaking.

I hope I'm wrong about his link to this site, but if not I suspect I may
have to ask a few pointed questions at his talk. If that is the case, it
will probably make both of us quite uncomfortable.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fading Tyndall Effect..

2001-11-10 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Grant,

I'm getting this also. I've only just purchased my PWT meter so I can't give
you any other parameters yet but I'll do a batch soon and check whether the
conductivity changes also.

BTW I'm running a version of Steve Young's circuit: 170v DC, with current
fixed at around 2.5 mA and air bubbler agitation.

What's your system?


Mike Fuller

> From: Grant 
> Question:
> What does it mean when you brew a batch and immediately after the
> brew  has quite pronounced "Tyndall Effect".. After a few days "Tyndall"
> is hardly apparent???..  Brew is crystal clear throughout .. I assume
> this is good?.
> Grant..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ONLY IV Chelation??

2001-11-07 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

As I understand, and accept, one of the main tenets of natural health is
that the true cause of disease is not the invasion of foreign pathogens, per
se, but the creation of an environment that allows those pathogens to
flourish. In most cases those microorganisms that are classed as pathogens
are present prior to the disease occuring. In other words, the "pathogens"
only become so named because their environment changed.

If you were to analyse a representative sample of your lung contents, you
would probably be shocked at the diversity and number of microorganisms
present (but please don't stop breathing because of it :-). Many of those
microorganisms would certainly be classified as "pathogens" in the
circumstance of you being ill from an overabundance of them.

You might also be surprised to learn that the number of "foreign"
microorganisms currently residing in your body surpasses the total number of
your body cells, by a big margin. Now if you're going to live comfortably in
a country where the "foreigners" outnumber the locals, as you view it, you
have to learn the lingo and how best to accomodate all groups. You may
decide to rid yourself of one group, bulldoze the slum and its inhabitants
so to speak, but if the conditions that caused that slum in the first place
remain, then it will re-emerge, possibly in a different place. Far better to
expend the energy to create a better environment, ie. build decent housing.

Forgive my rant, its just that I feel that a major failing of allopathic
medicine, and perhaps other groups in our society, is their inability to
view disease, and other "invasions", as a consequence of their own actions.


Mike Fuller

> From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 
> Reply-To: jbrit...@cc.nakamura-u.ac.jp
> Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 10:22:36 +0900
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>ONLY IV Chelation??
> Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Resent-Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 17:13:32 -0800
> Much of my recent layman's reading of medical articles indicates that
> "hardening of the arteries"  is in many cases due to bacterial infections.
> If
> one can clear the bacteria out of the blood and its pathways,  this process
> should stop. However, given that you are a longtime user of CS,  it may
> indicate that CS is not useful for this purpose.   This would be something
> interesting to explore,  as some of the bacteria have been recently
> identified.Oddly enough,  the pneumoccocus can appear all over the place,
> not only in the lungs. . .

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>DMSO availability

2001-11-04 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

Does anyone know where I can obtain dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in Australia?
My searching is proving very fruitless.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Cathode buildup on new generator

2001-11-01 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

I've finally got my new system running, too early to check results.
It is adapted from the higher voltage, current controlled circuit that Steve
Young kindly posted to the list. He also very generously answered a heap of
my questions along the way, thanks Steve!

My generator uses a full bridge rectified power (initially 170 vdc) with my
first current run set at 3.1 ma. I'm using 3mm square electrodes, 140mm
wetted length and 50mm apart. I'm using an air bubbler, set on medium-low,
for water movement. I'm actually running six circuits, from the same power
source, to six 1 litre jars (I don't know why I'm running six instead of one
larger container :-)

There is a moderate buildup of silver on the cathodes which I'd prefer not
to have. I'll check it out with a reduced current later but I'd like to

Would using a round stainless-steel cathode instead of the square silver one
reduce this buildup?


Mike F.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Missing parts in the archives

2001-10-21 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

In browsing the silver archives, in particular for the information about how
to make an airbrush nebuliser, I find that the attachments to articles are
all missing. This makes it difficult to find instructions, circuit diagrams
etc. and necessitates contacting the people who posted initially.

Any way this can be resolved, Mike?

Also Brooks, could you send me the information about parts and assembly of
the airbrush nebuliser or direct me to where I can find it please?

I am getting the feeling that such a device may be needed here soon.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: conditioned water project

2001-10-16 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Kevin,

Sorry to be so tardy replying to your request but I have a lot happening at
this time.

I use a commercial water "structuring" device, a WTV brand (German I think)
which is very similar to the Grander living water device (and almost as
expensive :-(
I bought it when I was very depleted with chronic fatigue syndrome and,
amongst all the steps I did on my path to wellness, it was the biggest, for
various reasons.

I have the unit attached to my showerhead and, as well as showering, we use
it for ALL our drinking water (cooking etc also).

For making cs I detach the unit and run the dw through it prior to
generation. I was interested to see Marshall restructures afterwards, which
I hadn't thought of. I wouldn't use the WTV unit for this, because its made
of metal, but I might try playing with vortexing the cs past a magnet setup
through some plastic, which I suspect is how Marshall's is set up.

If you want a description of a (rudimentary) method of structuring water
using magnets (there are other ways!) look in the archives. I posted a
method some time ago under a slightly different email name.


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS (Conflicting Statements)

2001-10-12 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi Marshall,

I find it interesting that you structure your liquid AFTER your CS is made.
>(I run our CS through a tube that goes through a structuring magnetic. The tube
>is clear, except where it goes through the magnet, it is black.)
I structure my dw before making the CS, do you also do this?

Considering that the rudimentary way of (re)structuring liquid is to vortex
it past a magnetic field, I wonder what occurs when the vortex is created in
unison with the magnetic field, such as with a magnetic stirrer?


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Magnetic effect?

2001-10-09 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

I'm looking at different ways of stirring (including bubbling) and one way
that can be added to virtually any setup is the magnetic type of stirrer
used in labs. In this the cs jar is placed over a container that has a
rotating magnet (slowed down for cs generation). A small plastic-coated
metal pellet in the jar rotates along with the magnet, thus stirring the

What effect will a magnetic field have on CS generation? Anybody tried this?


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Controlled current or current limiting?

2001-09-23 Thread Mike Fuller
Thanks Steve,

I'll be adding a little CS solution to speed up the initial "ramp-up" of
current and I don't mind the extra time but I would be interested in the
circuit you posted. My search of the archives for it was fruitless.

Mike Fuller

> From: "S & J Young" 

> Mike,
> The LM334 works fine.  The only problem with any of the below devices is
> that they can only withstand about 30 volts maximum.  With really good
> distilled water, it will take a while for the current to ramp up to 1 ma or
> whatever your constant current setup produces.  You need upwards of 150 to
> 200 volts to draw 1 ma with pure steam distilled water.  I recently posted a
> circuit which does that - just a couple more parts added to the LM334 does
> the trick.  Or, just run the 30V DC setup longer to compensate for the
> initial ramp-up of current.
> --Steve

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Controlled current or current limiting?

2001-09-22 Thread Mike Fuller
Hi all,

I'm confused (easily done :-) about the difference between controlled
current and current limiting CS generator circuits. What is the difference?

Also, is there an appreciable difference from using a LM317 as a current
regulator, a pair of transistors (3096's I think) in a circuit given by Ken
(thanks for that mate) or, what I see as the simplest solution, a LM334 with
resistor as the current regulator?

I'm trying to build an effective constant-stirred, current-controlled(?)
generator but will the LM334 be as good as the others?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Milkshake melody

2000-11-15 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi milk lovers,

Just a few more points before this gets too OT.

In reference to the correlation between dairy consumption and
osteoporosis, I'm sure that there are other factors involved, for example
Marshall mentioned cola beverages. However women from Japan, India and
Africa who take no dairy at all have stronger bones than their western
counterparts. (Ref: Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD, Womens Health Letter, Mar.
1994)  Whilst there may be parts of Africa where the ubiquitous Coca Cola
has not reached, I'm sure the Japanese and Indians are no strangers to
carbonated cola beverages.

I don't have actual references regarding dairy causing calcium depletion
but I will quote Dr. Neil Barnard MD, president of the American Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine:
"The animal protein in cow's milk causes calcium wastage and calcium loss
from the bone."

It is actually the phosphorous from the animal protein that pulls the
calcium from the bones, just as it is the phosphoric acid in cola drinks
that does the same.  It is also interesting to note, for the same reason,
that vegetarians have stronger bones than omnivores and carnivores.

Regardless of the causative factor it is obvious from the statistics that,
at best, a high dairy intake does nothing to restore calcium to the bone

Osteoporosis aside, the real problem with milk today is, as ole Bob
mentioned, its homogenization.  Because of the small size of fat particles
in homogenized milk, you absorb more fat from drinking a glass of
homogenized whole milk than from drinking a glass of cream.  However it is
not the fat that is the danger but, as Tracy touched on, the xanthene
oxidase (XO).  This substance, found in cow's milk, is normally too large
to be absorbed through the intestinal membranes.  Homogenization reduces
its particle size, along with the fat, and both are absorbed easily.

Unfortunately XO destroys plasmalogen which makes up one third of the
arterial cell membrane.  As I understand it, the body's defence against
such a dangerous situation is to repair and cover the injured arterial
walls with deposits of plaque.  Without this reapair mechanism, of which
cholesterol is an essential part (that's another story), we would be in
major trouble.  The sad part is that as we continue to ingest and absorb
XO in our milk, the plaque builds up on our arterial walls.  This is
called arteriosclerosis and ultimately leads to heart disease and strokes.
(Ref: Dr. Kurt A. Oster MD. et al, "The XO Factor"  1995)

Prior to homogenization of milk, heart disease was very rare with some
doctors never seeing a case.  Today heart disease is the leading cause (by
some margin) of death in Western countries.  While that link might be a
bit too tenuous for some people, the following figures may be quite
illuminating.  They are quoted from Dr. Stephen Seely in Medical
Hypotheses, 7, 1981, 907.  They are best viewed in a non-proportional

Country Homogenized milkHeart Attack Rates
in grams/day
Finland 30.4Finland had:
Germany 14.1Double the rate of Germany
Yugoslavia   8.1Four times Yugoslavia
Japan2.5Ten times Japan

To a statistical purist, these figures produce a beautiful graph, one that
is hard to refute.

And if that wasn't bad enough, the eating of red meat leads to a 2.5 times
increase in colon cancer risk, but only if you had cow's milk as an

Keep those milkshakes coming.  :-)


Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re:no milk

2000-11-13 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Judith

On 11-Nov-00, Judith Thamm wrote:
> On the subject of NO MILK how do those of you who have gone off cope with:
> 1. Calcium in absorbable form

There is a definite relationship between the amount of milk and dairy
products consumed and the levels of calcium in the body.
Statistically, those nations who have the highest consumption of dairy
products also have the greatest numbers of people with osteoporosis.
Those nations with the lowest consumption of dairy products have the
least number of people with osteoporosis.  
The correlation seems to hold true through a range of nations.  I think
those stats are self explanatory.

A very rich, useable source of calcium is tahini (sesame seed paste).
Dipped with dates - delicious.
Another source is seaweed, so I make sushi occasionally.

The uptake of calcium into your bone matrix is quite a complex function
and requires a few other minerals to be successful.  Supplementation with
just calcium, as an orotate or whatever, without the other elements can
lead to further problems.  For this reason you should try to take it in as
natural a form as possible.  Green leafy vegetables, if grown on well
mineralised soil, fulfill virtually all the requirements for calcium
uptake.  Again, seaweed has got all you need.  If you want to push the
calcium, wheatgrass juice would be an ideal complement, particularly if
grown with a bit of boron in the soil (add the tiniest bit of borax to the
initial watering).


    Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> OT Making your own energised water

2000-11-07 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Bob

On 07-Nov-00, Robert L. Berger wrote:
> Hi MIke;
> Just flushed the toilet this morning and wastched it. Yes it dies go
> counterclockwise an do the sinks in the house. but then maybe there is HEX
> here.

Yes, my sinks run clockwise 'down' here in Oz.  The toilet is just pure

> What is the meaning of the word "Namste."
Dave Jones answered it adequately, although the Australian translation
would be:  The real me says gidday to the real you.

It just means a bit more than the usual
Regards :-)

Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Repercussions of Socialized Medicine

2000-11-07 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Robert

On 07-Nov-00, Robert Bartell wrote:
> Ran across the following and am passing it on for whatever its worth to you.
> It continues to astound me that so many of our politicians still favor the
> socialization of our medical system. Asses! :

As an ex registered nurse who spent most of his time in a public hospital
environment, I find it an interesting proposition that the quality and
extent of medical care, from go to whoa, would depend solely on the
financial status and social position of the recipient and not just on
medical need.  I would imagine it would be very popular, particularly with
the rich and famous.

Sorry, but coming from someone in a country with a long history of
socialized medicine, I just had to have that dig.  I actually think
medicine as we now know it is ultimately doomed to collapse, simply from
the massive growth of chronic illness that conventional medicine is so
ill-equipped to manage.  For this reason I think it imperitive that we
educate ourselves, and those around us, as much and as soon as possible
about the true causes of disease and how to prevent them.  That is why
lists that disseminate information freely, such as this one, are so
important.  Keep that knowledge flowing.


Mike Fuller

Encouraging self-sufficiency in health

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Re: CS>Making your own energised water

2000-11-06 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Ole Bob

On 06-Nov-00, Robert L. Berger wrote:
> Mike;
> Just a note on swizzling the bottle to start a voetex. In the northern
> hemisphere on must swizzle the bottle counter clockwise and in the southern
> hemisphere it must be clockwise.  the roration of the earth demands it.

I'll grant you this one although there are many who debunk this theory.  I
think New Scientist had a piece on it some time back.

> Flush the toilet and watch the water.

I haven't had to take a close interest in the bottom of my toilet bowl for
quite a few years, perhaps the last time I ate Kentucky Fried Chicken :-( 
> I was also wondering if the yoke from an old TV energized with DC would not
> work for the magentic structure?

I wouldn't be using _electro_magnetics near any water I was trying to
'energise' or restructure, but that may be just a personal preference.

Mike Fuller

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CS>Making your own energised water

2000-11-04 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Robert and others also interested in 'energising' water,

Firstly, I recommend a couple of books that will certainly improve your
understanding of water:
Living Energies  by Callum Coats
Sensitive Chaos  by Theodore Schwenk

Second, here is an cheap and easy way of making your own 'energised' water
that you can try at home prior to generating some CS, or even just for
drinking.  The principles involved are vortical movement of the water,
magnetism, and entrainment, which all sounds a bit fancy for what is quite
simple in practice.

Get two drink bottles, 2 litres (1 quart) in size.  Use the type that are
round and smooth from the body to the neck, not ribbed or oddly shaped.
You are after ones that will produce a clean vortex of water.  The
easiest, and safest, would be plastic ones but the pursts may want to use
glass later on.  Clean the bottles thoroughly to remove any traces of
their previous contents.  Using unflavoured mineral or soda water bottles
makes this easier.

Glue the flat tops of their lids together, so that when the bottles are
reattached one will be standing upside down above the other.  Drill a 1 cm
(3/8") hole through the centre of the glued lids.  This seems a reasonable
size although some may wish to play with different diameters.

Glue two, or perhaps four, moderately strong bar magnets about 2 cm (3/4")
below the neck of one of the bottles.  Position them equidistant from each
other (opposite sides for two, compass points for four) and like poles
facing down (and up) the bottle length.  I don't think it matters whether
it is north or south facing down, as long as they are all similar.

The third part is optional but I consider it important.  Obtain some
high-energy water from whatever source you can, which could be from an
alternative energy store or over the internet.  An example, and probably
not the best available, would be Grander Blue water.  You don't need very
much so just buy a small amount.  If you have choices, buy the very best
you can.  If it is true high-energy water, it will keep this energy for a
very long time.

Fill two or more very small glass bottles with the high-energy water.
Make sure the bottles are clean and pure prior to filling.  The idea here
is to attach the bottles to the outside of the lids, so judge how many
you will need to fit.  They cannot be too big or else they would
interfere with screwing the lids back on the bottles.  Tape or glue the
bottles securely.  Ideally you would try to surround the lid with water,
so the engineering types may try a donut-type arrangement.  You can use
copper for the container but don't use any metal that can be magnetised.

To actually 'energise' the water, 3/4 fill the non-magnet bottle with
distilled water (if you're using it for CS) or good quality filtered water
(if its for drinking).  Screw on the double lid and screw the inverted
magnet bottle into the top.  Flip the bottles over and move the base of
the top bottle in a circular motion a few times to initiate a vortex in
the water (a narrow tornado shape).  Its worth the effort just to watch
this a few times - I find it fascinating.

When completely drained, flip the bottles over once more and repeat the
action, this time going from the magnet to the non-magnet bottle.  Voila,
your water has been 'energised'.  Transfer it to another container or
simply cap with a different lid.

If anyone tries this, please let the group know any results.  


Mike Fuller

"/When unseen things become obvious, you can't go backwards into ignorance/"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Water, water everywhere...

2000-10-31 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi water lovers

Thanks for the contributions on structured, energised, kinetic, living
water etc.  Its refreshing to see the tide slowly turning with regards to
acceptance of the true value of water.

Just a small observation for those who take their water seriously; water
has a need to keep moving at all times.  If it is forced to stop, it
stagnates and eventually loses its life force, or whatever name you want
to call it.  If you go to the trouble of revitalising water, using
whatever means you think appropriate, or collecting living water from a
good source, then take a little extra care with its storage.  To keep the
flow happening, I use an unglazed ceramic (terra cotta) container with
curved sides.  The evaporation from the walls cools the outside layer of
water, causing it to sink down the curved sides to the bottom.  The
displaced warmer water is forced up the middle and outwards at the top,
thus creating a toroidal flow.  This should be continuous as long as the
temperature keeps falling.

Some anecdotal evidence of the potency of revitalised water:
The aforementioned ceramic container used to be the bottom half of a water
filter system where you pour water into the top half and it slowly filters
through a carbon (+ something else?) block into the bottom half, ready for
drinking.  At least that was the theory.  The water continually tasted
mouldy and I was always having to clean the containers to minimise this.
I used sodium metabisulphite regularly (at least once a month) and would
leave the container in the hot sun for a couple of days before scrubbing
it.  I even used the container without the filter but that made no
difference.  All efforts failed so I eventually went to a different system
of filtration.

When I first purchased my WTV water unit, placed in the shower, I needed
somewhere to store the drinking water we collected from it.  For some
reason I decided to try the ceramic container so I filled it with the
revitalised water.  Over the next three days there was an absolutely foul
smell emanating from it.  After scrubbing off the putrid ooze that had
appeared on the outside (only) of the container and refilling it with more
revitalised water, the smell slowly dissipated.  A few days later we were
drinking sweet water from our new water storage container.  Since that
time (a few years) all I've had to do is rinse the outside of the
container to remove any dust accumulation.  There has never been any mould
or whatever since changing the water that goes in it.

Some related questions:  A porous ceramic bottle is a great way to carry
water, keeping it cool and fresh.  Would storing CS in one create a
stronger colloid as the water evaporated?  Or would the silver ions
impregnate into the bottle wall, thus creating a bottle that could
sterilise water just by filling it?  Any other thoughts?


    Mike Fuller

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Details... - WTV unit

2000-10-28 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi "Ole Bob"

As I mentioned before, a WTV water unit is similar to the Grander living
water unit, if you're familiar with that one.  They come in different
sizes, depending on what water flow rate is in the system.  The unit I
have I use in the shower although ALL the water we use for drinking,
cooking, pets etc. we get from this source.  In my experience once anyone
has gotten used to drinking water thats been through the WTV they will
not return to 'normal' water willingly, whether that water is filtered or
whatever.  We provide quite a few people with their drinking water.

As for instructions for building one, well I suppose you could write to
the company in Germany but I doubt they will oblige.  Their address is
(I think its an address, my German is almost non-existant):
WTV Wassertechnologie Produktions und Vertriebs - GmbH, A-5400 Hallein

I have seen a dismantled unit and it appears deceptively simple.  The water
enters at one end, it is directed up along several small rifled channels
which induce multiple vortices, passes a fairly strong magnetic field
created by either 2 or 4 (can't remember) magnets, and flows over a
smallish copper or copper alloy container that is filled with 'very high
energy' water.  It then exits via more rifled channels.

With some reasonable equipment you could certainly build an approximation
of one, but I believe there are subtleties that go unrecognised.  I guess
a home-made job might be likened to a CS generator made from 3 batteries
in series; it'll do a reasonable job but there are refinements that will
improve results markedly.

If you want to get a bit deeper into the theory first I would recommend
reading *LIVING ENERGIES* by Callum Coats, published 1996 by Gateway Books.
It chronicles the life and 'discoveries' of Viktor Schauberger whom I
consider to be a genious ahead of his time and in the class of Tesla and
Steiner.  In fact I would recommend this book for all sorts of reasons,
not just the water theory.

Hope you have success if you do build one, they're damn expensive to buy.


Mike Fuller

On 26-Oct-00, Robert L. Berger wrote:
> Mike;
> I have just printed out your message and will digest it later. I an unlearned
> about a WTV water unit. What is it and where do I find instructions on
> building one?
> If it does what you say its worth knowing about.
> Thanks,
> "Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnets

2000-10-27 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Robert

A great source for very cheap superstrong magnets is the old large
harddrives that were in earlier mainframe computers.  If you check out
computer auctions you might pick them up for virtually nothing and some
firms are only too happy to give their old stuff away.  I find the magnets
in these unbelievably strong so they may do the trick.

You could also try your local hospital in case they are throwing away
their second-hand MRI equipment, although that might not happen too
often :-)


Mike Fuller

On 26-Oct-00, Robert Dohr wrote:
> Greetings Seekers;
> I have a request. I remember reading in past posts about some sources for
> superstrong magnets. I now have a requirement for them.

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2000-10-25 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Ole Bob

Ah, details, everybody wants details :-)

Ok, I have a pulsed DC output at 20 - 25 khertz, using a 7555 timer IC and
powered by 3 x 9v batteries in series, regulated to 15 volts.  The
electrodes are 99.98% silver wire, 2mm x 100mm wetted length, and slightly
flattened to provide a bit of an edge.  They are suspended parallel about
30mm apart (I will probably widen this on advice from Ivan).  I built my
unit(s) in a short length (55mm) of 90mm PVC stormwater pipe, capped top
and bottom.  The bottom cap, which has a flange that fits neatly over my
DW container, has 2mm probe sockets into which I push the electrodes.  The
unit has a toggle switch with hi-efficiency LED for power on and a
push-button switch with LED for battery level (craps out under 16v).
All up its a neat-looking unit, with no external wires, that can sit on top
of a full container of DW.

I use steam-distilled water that, prior to using, I pour through a WTV
revitalising unit (almost identical to a Grander living water unit).  This
action makes a VERY noticeable difference to the finished product compared
to making it with unaltered distilled water.  I'll leave off getting into
a full on discussion about revitalised or living water just at the moment,
although I'm sure it will generate some diversity of opinion if it hasn't
already.  I usually heat this water to about 45°-50°C, and occasionally
heat it to about 75°C then allow it to cool to 45° before processing.

I run my unit, doing 500mls at a time, for about 2.5 - 3 hours, stirring
about every 15 minutes (I'm interested in continuous stirring which I'll
probably add some time soon).  I did accidently leave my unit on for 4.5
hours yesterday, and forgot to stir, but apart from some grey sludge under
the cathode and a bit of silver oxide under the anode, the result was clear
after filtering.  Now, 24 hours later, the colloid shows a bare hint of
pale yellow and appears crystal clear in normal light.  I'm certainly no
expert on T.E. but a beam shone through the colloid shows no deviation and
only very slight turbidity (if I'm getting this wrong, let me know please).

At present I have not had the colloid I make tested for ppm (will be doing
so soon) or particle size (will be doing so much later - its expensive).
As for pH, please let me know the significance before I purchase any test
strips or borrow someone's meter.  Apart from intuition, taste test and a
couple of significant in vivo results, the only objective test was done by
a friend.  He had three identical small open containers of milk; one was
left untouched, one had a teaspoon of commercial colloidal silver added,
and the third had a teaspoon of colloidal silver made by my unit added.
The containers were left open, on a windowsill I believe.  After a period
of time (between 1 and 2 weeks, I forget the exact timing) the contents
were checked.  The control was a solid block, the commercial colloid one
was almost as solid, and my one was, well, still milk.  What significance
this has I don't know, apart from making a product that will help keep
milk fresh :-)

Now, I don't know if I'm making "second or third best CS" or not Bob, but
I joined this list partly to improve my knowledge and ultimately my CS.
That's already happening because of you and others on this list who freely
give their time and knowledge, and for that I thank you.  With a little
more time perhaps I can get my CS up to gold-medal position :-)
Considering I knew virtually nothing about electronics a few weeks ago I
feel I'm doing OK so far, but of course there's no room for complacency.

If you decide to make some CS for testing from my configuration, Bob, the
use of the WTV water unit (or a Grander will do) is significant.  If you
do get hold of one a comparison testing would be interesting.  Make sure
the tests are done far enough apart physically to reduce the incidence of
entrainment (ah, there's another word that sets off alarm bells in those
still stuck in the old physics).


Mike Fuller

On 20-Oct-00, Robert L. Berger wrote:
> Mike;
> With all due respects Mike, you have "beggar" the questions. If you don't know
> these things about the CS that you are making then you are probably settling
> for second or third best CS.
> The best is so easy to make.
> "Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>sinus

2000-10-18 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Mary

I don't know if your mercury fillings are a root cause of your sinus
infections but I will say that having only half of them removed is like
having only half an infected toenail removed.

It seems that there is some mechanism that keeps all or most of the
mercury that you have absorbed locked into your cells, until the last of
the amalgams are removed.  I know personally two people who, after a few
sessions of removing/replacing their amalgams, both vomited in the
dentist's chair immediately following the last removal.  I don't know for
sure but my theory is the release of mercury from intercellular to
extracellular status causes the sudden 'toxic' symptoms.

It didn't happen to me when I had mine finally removed but I had been
detoxing in various ways for some time anyway.  I would recommend that you
have yours removed completely.


Mike Fuller

On 16-Oct-00, Mary wrote:
> I have a chronic problem with sinus infections but I only get them in the
> fall/winter months, not the summer. Anyway, I am wondering if these are
> typically bacterial, viral, or fungal and if I should try CS for it. 
> What is causing these? A dietary deficiency? A root canal? Mercury fillings?
> (although I've had half of mine removed)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Technical question, and anti-wrinkle formula

2000-10-18 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller
Hi Ole Bob,

I would have answered your questions but I really have to confess that I
looked at the answers provided by Marshall, so it wouldn't be a fair test,
would it?

What I would say is my definition of a "good colloid" is one that works and
that's also how you test it.  :-)


Mike Fuller

On 16-Oct-00, Robert L. Berger wrote:
> Mike;
> What does the T.E. look like? What is the pH? What is the ppm?
> What is your definition of a "good  colloid" and how do you test it?
> :Ole Bob"

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CS>Technical question, and anti-wrinkle formula

2000-10-15 Thread Carol &amp; Mike Fuller

I'm fairly new to the list but already I can appreciate how good it can
be, thanks to Mike and the other contributors.

I have built, and use, my own generator using pulsed (20 khertz) output
from a regulated 15 volt supply.  I find that it makes a strong, clear
colloid with virtually no 'sludge' on the cathode and only minimal silver
oxide spotting towards the end of generation.  Its certainly a great
improvement over my earlier efforts with 27 volt straight DC.  Although
I'm not really an electronic 'techie' I can also appreciate using a
constant current circuit would also produce a good colloid.

My questions, for the real techies, is could you combine the two circuits,
pulsed output and constant current, and which part would come first?
This may have been discussed before but if anyone has tried this could
they share their results please?

About the wrinkles question, one product that is reputed to help with
that, and scarring and a host of other things, is Schweitzer formula, or
zinc boron salicylate.  Anyone on this list who has been associated with
Body Electronics would know all about Schweitzer.  It really is a wonder
product, one that should be used much more widely but isn't because there
is no scope for big profits (sounds very familiar, doesn't it?).  For
information on how to make Schweitzer formula, and a related copper
salicylate, look at  http://www.mrbean.net.au/~wlast/copper.htm

Just a precautionary note for those who are used to the amounts of
Schweitzer made from the crystals imported from the USA, the recipe
mentioned on the above web site produces quite a strong solution so be
careful when you take your first dose.


Mike Fuller

Carmic - encouraging self-sufficiency in health

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