Re: CS>Re:Mike-about silver for lyme

2000-03-31 Thread ROGALTMAN

Please explain what a "herx" reaction to CS is.


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Re: CS>Procuring CS from me

2000-04-01 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-03-30 12:36:08 EST, you write:

<< Roger,
 I'd like two liters -- I'm assuming the silver will last a long time, yes?
 My address is:
 190 Kripplebush Road
 Stone Ridge, New York 12484-5806
 Nina >>


The shipping cost to send you 2 liters is $6.52. So the total will come to 

I think I'll pass on your book for now since I don't even understand the 
title. Perhaps you can tell me more about it in future emails.


P.S. The CS will arrive in plastic translucent bottles and has an indefinite 
shelf life.

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Re: CS>Procuring CS from me

2000-04-01 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-03-30 07:32:34 EST, you write:

<< Roger;
 What would a gallon of CS cost me?  I live in Colo. Springs. Would the high
 altitude have effects on the CS.
 Rowdy >>


The cost of shipping 4 liters to you is $9.75. So the total is $49.75.

The 6 ppm CS I will ship is clear and stays that way and has an indefinite 
shelf life.

Roger Altman
RR1 Box 102
Natural Bridge, NY

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Re: CS>HVAC Colloidal Silver

2000-04-03 Thread ROGALTMAN

Playing around with high voltage is VERY dangerous. If you don't have 
specific experience with high voltage I would stay away from making CS that 

Roger Altman

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Re: CS>Absorbtion of CS

2000-04-06 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-06 02:12:33 EDT, you write:

<< Hello Folks,
 Does anyone have any studies on where and at what rate silver is absorbed in 
the human?   Animal studies?
 Particular emphasis: 1.  How much gets to intestine and alters flora?
 2. Can CS cause constipation?
 Any information will be appreciated.
 James Osbourne Holmes >>


I personally produced all the data in my "First of its Kind Colloidal Silver 
Report". I monitored my silver elimination rate AFTER I had ingested 
approximately 2.3 mg of colloidal silver each day for several months. I then 
stopped taking the colloidal silver so that I could monitor how quickly my 
body was able to eliminate retained silver over time. Bill Schenker, MD 
helped me design the data gathering procedures.

The results are divided into two parts. The first part is a preliminary study 
showing the distribution of eliminated silver in hair, nails, perspiration, 
feces and urine. The second part, which represents the bulk of the study, 
concentates on monitoring silver distribution between feces and urine over 
time. These results reveal that there may be two different mechanisms 
controlling silver retention. Each one appears to be influenced by the 
quantity of silver already present in body tissue. I also discovered a simple 
way to increase silver elimination rate by a factor of 3.

This study cost me over $600, so I'm asking $20 to help offset my expenses.

If you want to receive a copy of the report, please send a check, money order 
or cash to:

Dr. Roger Altman
RR1 Box 102
Natural Bridge NY

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Re: CS>Absorbtion of CS

2000-04-06 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-06 08:10:00 EDT, you write:

<< Particular emphasis: 1.  How much gets to intestine and alters
 > flora? 2. Can CS cause constipation?
 Brooks posted something about this. If I recall right stuff was in 
 the bloodstream within minutes. His (canine) subjects had a major but 
 not total loss of intestinal flora if the dose was significant. I 
 hope someone will re-post...
 Roger, when you did your study did you get any indication about 
 *uptake* rates? As in, how quickly it shows up in blood/urine/feces 
 at the onset of administration?
 Be well,
 Mike D. >>


I started my silver material balance after several months of taking over 2.3 
mg CS /day because I wanted to be at "steady state" to have any chance of 
actually getting silver "in" to equal silver "out". 

On the subject of doing CS canine studies. I strongly recommend NOT TRYING CS 
OUT ON ROVER. I used CS on my dog because I suspected he a parasite problem. 
Well, in a very short time he had a CS PROBLEM because he started getting the 
runs and it took months to get him back under control. (He probably was 
responsible for getting HIMSELF back to normal by ingesting his own feces -- 
with all its bacterial goodies -- from time to time). BTW, I'm sure the CS 
was responsible for the diahrea because his feces had absolutely NO SMELL. I 
mean the CS killed about EVERYTHING in his gut. I believe canines are poor CS 
subjects because they have a relatively short intestinal tract, so they are 
particularly vulnerable to having the CS kill the flora through out their 
digestive system.


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Re: CS>Absorbtion of CS

2000-04-06 Thread ROGALTMAN

The reason my study was $600 and not $6000 was based on two factors. First, I 
found a lab that would do my analyses at a reasonable cost. Second, because 
this study was the first of its kind (as far as I know) I didn't think I 
should generate a huge amount of data until my results could be confirmed (or 
challenged) by other researchers.


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CS>Re: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-06 Thread ROGALTMAN
Dear List:

Many, if not most of us are convinced that CS works for a wide range of 
medical problems, but can anyone provide documented successes under 
controlled conditions?

Surely some renegade university professor somewhere has, on occasion, been 
curious enough about CS to have performed controlled experiments to verify, 
or better yet, disprove the efficacy of CS. Evidence, however limited, is 
extremely important to have available if any of us are forced to defend our 
actions if the FDA decides that it may like YOU to be their next fall guy.

Roger Altman

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Re: CS>Re: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN

I wonder how your "read" of FDA action (or inaction) with regard to CS vendor 
claims (or even "non-claims") stacks up against their most recent ruling?


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Re: CS>Re: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
Thaks very much Marshall. I'm sure a combined effort from the "CS list" would 
yield several times more published CS results. Perhaps we could request each 
list subscriber to contribute at least one published positive or negatve 
(which would be at least as interesting) CS report.

Roger Altman 

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Re: CS and Canines

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-07 10:56:21 EDT, you write:

<< Roger,
 Very interesting experience with your dog's reaction to CS.  My experience
 in this regard is exactly the opposite.  I am a breeder of show Maltese and
 one problem we have with these white dogs is facial stain due to tearing,
 which is often the result of a low grade infection in the tear ducts.  I
 have been giving 2cc 2 x daily to my 5 lb show dog for several months and
 have seen no reaction at all, other than a nice  white face.  Just wanted to
 mention this so that other folks who are considering using CS for canine
 problems will not  eliminate its use  out of hand.  There is a man on
 another CS forum who cured parvo virus in his dog after the vet sent him
 home to die.  I have also heard of  rabies being cured with CS.  I would not
 hestitate to use it on dogs with things like gum infection and post surgical
 infection prevention, just about anything that we use for people.  Sure
 makes you wonder why your dog had such a negative reaction,  and if someone
 has any doubts about using it it would'nt hurt to give acidolpholous type
 bacteria along with the CS.  Would hate anyone to risk losing their dog if
 giving CS would  provide a  miracle cure, or even a cosmetic one, as in my
 For healthier dogs,


Very encouraging report on using CS with canines. I believe a "weight of the 
evidence" approach would allow anyone contemplating using CS to clear up a 
pet ailment to guesstimate the likelihood that THEIR pet might have a 
reaction. Since my dog was still a puppy at the time (but weighed many times 
what your dog weighs) may have contributed to his "delicate stomach". 

Hopefully, other list subscribers would add their experiences so that a more 
complete  picture will begin to appear.

Sure hope you're right.


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Re: CS>Re: Documented CS Successes under Controlled Conditions

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-07 12:33:19 EDT, you write:

<< The FDA can reclassify any thing, but this does not mean it cannot be 
 in a court of law. You have the God given right to defend yourself from those
 who try to take your rights away.  You are also given the right of choice.
 Ted >>

When you fill out your 1040 tax return are you not "voluntarily" waiving your 
5th Amendment right not to be a witness against yourself in a possible future 
criminal case (based on what the IRS finds and uses on that very same 1040 
return to build a case against you)?

If you think that courts are going to back you up if and when you decide NOT 
to file your 1040 based on the above argument, there's a little bridge in 
Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Sometimes there's a pretty wide gulf between 
what SHOULD happen in the GOOD OL'  US of A and what actually DOES happen.



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Re: cs strength

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-07 16:47:23 EDT, you write:

<< I don't believe it is possible to have a ph of other than 7 without an 
 attribute is it?
When I went to school electrical neutrality was definitely the in thing. 
Maybe it has now been dropped from the curriculum along with so many other 


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Re: CS and Pneumonia.............

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN

It has been my experience with CS that success depends on getting it to the 
site of the infection. I'm not a medical doctor, others on the "list" may be 
in a much better position to comment intelligently concerning pneumonia, but 
it seems to me that inhaling a mechanically produced mist would get the CS to 
the site of the infection.


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Re: CS>Colour and silver oxide (long) was CS Makers.

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
How much dissolved CO2 would it take to produce a pH in the 4-5 range?

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Re: CS and Pneumonia.............

2000-04-07 Thread ROGALTMAN

A mechanically agitated dispersion is the way to go since vaporization 
through evaporation would leave the CS behind. Also, a higher than normal CS 
concentration might help at this stage. I have 60 ppm on hand that I could 
overnight if you think it would help.


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Re: cs strength

2000-04-08 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-08 10:56:06 EDT, you write:

<< ##  Well, the schools are still teaching people that we live in a
 universe of solid objects when it's pretty much proven that they are only
 'virtually solid in appearance'
  If this were taught from an early age, it might result in more people
 using their minds as hammers to shape the world, or at least positiveley
 empowered personal experential realities, rather than the anvils making up
 our present society of helpless victims.
  KD'C >>


Physical chemistry is but a subset of meta-physics. BUT as a subset it still 
follows natural laws just as Newtonian Physics follows its natural laws which 
are a subset of Relativity.


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Re: CS>long and winding oxides

2000-04-11 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-11 09:07:39 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: Re: CS>long and winding oxides 
 Date:  00-04-11 09:07:39 EDT
 From: (coyote)
  My apologies, I take a deep breath and a start over with more respect.
  What I see is a black coating on one of the rods, sometimes on the glass
 between the rods with a varience of color ranging from black to brown to
 yellowish with the black directly under one rod and the yellowish stuff
 directly below the other but only really visible if the glass is lit from
 the bottom. If I stir it up, the water turns the average color of the
 coating on the glass, usually brownish yellow.
  What I see if I make a batch mof CS that has a color is that the color, be
 it yellowish or brownish or even black will deposit on the glass of the
 container after being left undisturbed for several days or weeks.
  I can post a photo.
  The remaining liquid is clear with a good T.E. and strong metallic flavor
 as before storage, though perhaps not quite as strong.
  If I place h202 onto that color smear, it vanishes.
  I presume silver oxides because silver oxides have a dark color [or so I
 believe from handling dental and photographic waste] and find references to
 various silver oxides being formed under those conditions. I find no
 reference to the range of possible colors.
  I have had experience in  the distant past with electroplating gold, lead,
 copper and zinc and seen what various amperages do to the finish. [rough
 and burnt looking to smooth and shiny] This CS thing is a bit different but
 somewhat related.
  What is it that I am looking at?

Any metal will appear black if its particle size is small enough and probably 
within a range of colors for a variety of particle size distributions. Using 
color for identification purposes is fraught with difficulties UNLESS you 
have confimed the type of substance by other means FIRST and through 
experience with the identical process and materials you generate "mental 

As far as oxidizing silver is concerned, someone who has the data can 
calculate the standard free energy of reaction for,

2Ag + H2O2 > Ag2O + H2O

You will need the standard free energy of formation for H2O2, Ag2O, and H2O 
to do the math. I don't have the data, but my guess is that the reaction 
produces A LOT of negative free energy, i.e., it goes to to the right quite 

Roger Altman 

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Re: CS>fred]Re: CS>long and winding oxides and how to make strong clear LVDC

2000-04-11 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-11 09:07:40 EDT, you write:

<<  I still can't see how a metal that's plus or minus an electron is
 suddenly not a metal. If I shuffle around on a rug and build up a charge, I
 don't suddenly become a different life form. {Though, at that point I do
 tend to repel other similar life forms} >>

I tell you how one little ol' electron can make a big difference.

Sprinkle a little NaCl in a cup of water and stir gently. Then
sprinkle a little Na metal in a cup of water -- please stand back, you won't 
need to stir and please don't taste it after the fire goes out.

Roger Altman

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Re: CS>long and winding oxides

2000-04-12 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-12 07:58:11 EDT, you write:

<< #Thanks, I can buy that.  Just not sure that a particular color always
 means the same thing. Perhaps coal is black because of its particle size
 [molecular crystal size?] and diamonds are clear because that size is
 different?  Or would that be differing crystal configurations and lattice
 structures. You got it! [shapes and fits?] Presuming identical 
chemical/elemental makeup.
  Uh, the difficulty part strikes a bell :-)
  Another question
  If I'm getting many hydrogen bubbles on one side and some, but very few
 oxygen bubbles on the other and that pole turns black, what's going on? The
 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is nowhere near 2 to 1 as would be expected.

Let's see if I can help.

Anode(1): Ag(metal cluster which tends to separate at lattice weak points 
and/or areas of high surface free energy such as edges)  -> Ag(metal 
cluster with positive electrostatic charge)+ n(e-)

Where n = 1 for clusters of tens of thousands of Ag atoms [THUS, THIS 


Anode(2): 2H2O ---> O2(gas) +  4H(pos ion) +  4e- 

Cathode: 4H(pos) + 4 e- > 2H2 (gas)  
Sum of Reactions

Ag + 2H2O --> Ag(colloidal w/ superficial surface charge) + O2(gas) + 2H2(gas)

The amount of H2(gas), and O2(gas) depends on the level of 'overvoltage' 
(beyond the theoretical minimum to produce O2 and H2 in the first place) 
which in turn is a function of the surface overvoltage required (certain 
electrodes are composed of metals and conductive materials that act as 
catalysts primarily because of their huge surface area which will greatly 
reduce overvoltage) AND the thickness of the boundary layer at the surface of 
the electrode (i.e. stirring, for example, will decrease the thickness of the 
boundary layer and thus lower overvoltage). There are other factors which 
could also lower overvoltage which I won't get into here.

Hope this helps,


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Re: CS>fred]Re: CS>long and winding oxides

2000-04-12 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-12 07:58:12 EDT, you write:

<< So what does being plus or minus electrons in another metallic substance,
 say, iron, do in the presence of oxygen?
  Then applying electrical current or heat to the rust without the presence
 of oxygen or in the presence of something that likes oxygen even more than
 the rust does?
  KD'C >>

You've got alot of stuff here KD'C.

First, it's usually not a good idea to think of an ion in a vacuum so to 
speak because within an angstrom or two there is the oppositely charged ion. 
So if if you're talking about Fe+++ (for example), you ALREADY have O-- (or 
some other 'ide') right next to it from the get go.

Second, in order go apply an electric current AND have something happen you 
need some degree of conductivity and Fe2O3, or Fe3O4, or FeO are insulators.  


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Re: CS>Try this

2000-04-12 Thread ROGALTMAN

Let us know how the final ppm was affected as well. You'll have a higher 
current density at the electrode edge to edge distance, BUT the average 
distance for the bulk of your electrodes has increase and thus your ohmic 
voltage drop has increased as well. Generally this increase should produce 
LESS CS, all other things being equal (which is not quite true).


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Re: CS>Question about storage of CS

2000-04-13 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-13 12:26:37 EDT, you write:

<< One more question on storage.  A friend recently bought some CS at the
 health food store and it said on the bottle not to refridgerage.  Why is
If colloidal silver is an effective germacide why would you need to 
refrigerate it?


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Re: CS aggregation

2000-04-15 Thread ROGALTMAN

How much DC voltage did you use to make your CS?


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Re: CS>Hanna meter

2000-04-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-17 07:41:17 EDT, you write:

<< your current is limited to a small enough number, then cleaning
 electrodes should not be necessary, just the occasional stirring, or
 preferably something like Roberts mechanical stirrer.

How small should the current be to minimize cleaning electrodes in a stirred 
and unstirred DC set up.


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Re: CS>Hanna meter

2000-04-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-17 09:04:31 EDT, you write:

<< Roger
 I have good results at a current density of ~0.00175 mA at one
 Ivan >>


0.00175 ma = 1.75 microamps. Is THAT what you mean? Or do you mean 1.75 ma?
I assume this current corresponds to having two silver wires (12-14 ga?) in 
STIRRED DI water that has TDS of less than ~2 ppm?


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Re: CS>Hanna meter

2000-04-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-17 16:49:58 EDT, you write:

<< Yes,1.75 microAmps
 The current density is the max current divided by the electrode wetted
 Ivan. >>


Sorry for my ignorance. Are the units then 1.75 microamps per square 


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Re: CS>Questions about CS

2000-04-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-17 23:45:12 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: CS>Questions about CS
 Date:  00-04-17 23:45:12 EDT
 From: (rob gr)
 I am brand new to this list, but have some questions about CS...
 1)If CS a positively charged or negatively charged ion?
 2)Is CS evenly distributed throughout the body?
 3)How long does CS stay in the body before it is processed and voided.
 4)Does CS exit the body in the same form that it enters...
 5)Why does CS harm bacteria and virus but not harm human cells...
 6)Are there peer reviewed studies that demonstrate the antibiotic effects of 
 I am hearing very good things about Silver and understand that it is working 
 for many, but would like to have technical answers to these questions if 
 they are out there to be had...
 ___ >>

I would like to make you aware that I offer "silver-list" subscribers a high 
quality CS at a special discounted price of $10/liter + shipping (If you're 
interested receiving a supply, please let me know how much you want together 
with your zip code so I can calculate the total price). All I ask is that you 
report back to our discussion group the dose used (quantity and frequency), 
purpose and results observed. In addition, I offer a unique research report 
which should help answer some of your questions.

Roger Altman


I personally produced all the data in my "First of its Kind Colloidal Silver 
Report". I monitored my silver elimination rate AFTER I had ingested 
approximately 2.3 mg of colloidal silver each day for several months. I then 
stopped taking the colloidal silver so that I could monitor how quickly my 
body was able to eliminate retained silver over time. Bill Schenker, MD 
helped me design the data gathering procedures.

The results are divided into two parts. The first part is a preliminary study 
showing the distribution of eliminated silver in hair, nails, perspiration, 
feces and urine. The second part, which represents the bulk of the study, 
concentates on monitoring silver distribution between feces and urine over 
time. These results reveal that there may be two different mechanisms 
controlling silver retention. Each one appears to be influenced by the 
quantity of silver already present in body tissue. I also discovered a simple 
way to change silver elimination rate by a factor of 3. This report sells for 

To receive a copy of the report, and/or colloidal silver please a send check, 
or money order to: Dr. Roger Altman, RR1 Box 102, Natural Bridge, NY 13665

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CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it is Made in

2000-04-24 Thread ROGALTMAN
I have been puzzled by the consistant observation that CS produced by the 
HVAC method has a pH on the order of 3.5 - 4.8. The actual pH found probably 
depends on the ppm of the CS produced, and on the technical details and 
operating parameters of the HVAC process itself. However, these operational 
details are irrelevant to the point at hand.

I have a background in thermodynamics so the idea of "activity" as opposed to 
"concentration" is not foreign to me. You can appreciate the distinction 
somewhat if you recall that ppm is really a measure of overall concentration 
of, say, silver, but the "activity" of the silver at a given ppm will vary 
greatly if we are talking about silver ion, or silver particles of 0.001 
micron, or 0.1 micron in size, or if these particles are charged or uncharged.

The reference electrodes used to measure pH do NOT measure hydrogen ion concen
tration, but actually measure the hydrogen ion activity. In dilute to 
moderately dilute solutions (which represent most of the applications for 
these reference electrodes), activity and concentration are practically 
identical. Now here comes the exciting part. I have prepared HVAC that 
contains about 10 ppm CS and has a pH of 4.8. By any reasonable measure this 
product is a dilute solution. If it were to contain, for example, 10% 
hydrogen peroxide (which has a pH no lower than 5.3), tasting only a fraction 
of a teaspoon would be a VERY unpleasant experience (believe me, I tried it 
with only a 3% solution and it definitely gets your attention). However, my 
HVAC CS product is practically tastless. So I believe it is safe to rule out 
the presence of all but minute quantities of hydrogen peroxide (which, of 
course, would have a negligible effect on pH). Since my HVAC process uses 
high purity silver electrodes and distilled water ONLY, there is virtually NO 
OTHER species which could cause the pH to be so low. Therefore, the only 
reasonable conclusion is the the activity of the hydrogen ion has be altered 
in essentially pure water. In other words, the structure of the water itself 
has been substantially changed. Now let's take a closer look at how this 
could have happened. 

The HVAC process operates in excess of 10,000 volts. The particles produced 
have been found to be at the low end of the micron scale when compared to the 
size of LVDC CS particles. In addition, HVAC CS has been found to be quite 
stable over extended periods of time. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude 
that these particles are not only highly charged, but are able to retain 
their charge indefinitely.
If all of the above observations are accurate, then it appears that when 
these highly charged CS particles break away from the silver electrode, they 
have a very strong polarizing effect on the surrounding water so that normal 
H2O molecules (water is essentially undissociated and therefore in molecular 
form) become more like polarized +HOH- molecules. The OH- side if the 
molecule is attracted to the positively charged aggregated silver particles, 
thus leaving the H+ side "sticking out"  which causes the activity of H+ to 
be greatly enhanced. Incidently, the mechanism of surrounding the CS with 
polarized water molercules goes a long way to explains why HVAC CS is so 
stable over time.

vender I've found on the Internet who sells "Restructed Water" which is 
supposed to have health benefits) because the water itself has been 
restructured. If anyone would like to test this theory by experimenting with 
my HVAC CS please get in touch with me, and I'll send you a 1 oz sample. All 
I ask is that you send along $3 to cover shipping costs.

Dr. Roger Altman
RR1 Box 102
Natural Bridge, NY

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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it is Madein

2000-04-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-25 01:33:15 EDT, you write:

<< Roger as I understand it, the water molecule is naturally polarised
 taking this arrangement  [H+] --- [O(2-)] --- [H+], ie having a
 negatively charged oxygen head and two positively charged hydrogen
 tails (the tails forming a ~105 deg angle).

Good point Ivan. A batter way to have developed my idea would be to have said 
 that in the presence of the charged aggregated CS particles, the 
polarization of the water molecules is enhanced.
 Silver ions become hydrated and form micelles, ie are surrounded by
 water molecules, in this case with their tails pointing out. Is there
 any reason to think that this is not what is happening?
 This happens with LVDC CS also, which, if well made is every bit as
 stable as well made HVAC CS.

I have NO experience with the kind of LVDC CS that remains stable 
indefinitely. As far as silver ions are concerned, I don't believe that 
silver ions are present, and even if they were, they would be associated with 
the NO3- anion (or perhaps you could name another -- as I said repeatedly on 
this forum positive or negative ions DO NOT exist as separate entities, but 
are always CLOSELY associated with ions of the opposite charge to preserve 
local electrical neutrality) which we already know produces an acidic pH 
(salt from a weak base, strong acid rule) ALL BY ITSELF.
 There is probably some other reason causing the low pH reading,
 perhaps ranging from CO2 inclusion to AgOH production, or possibly
 faulty / inappropriate pH measuring equipment.

The pH measurments for my HVAC CS sample were obtained from 3 separate and 
independent sources. In addition, I checked the "silver-list archives" and 
found that the HVAC CS acidic pH phenomenon has been talked about repeatedly. 
As far as CO2 is concerned, there is NO WAY that the presence of carbonic 
acid could account for the low pH. For example, the CO2 typically dissolved 
in rainwater could be said to be in equilibrium with the ~380 ppm of CO2 in 
air. If you calculate the pH from this assumption you would arrive at a pH of 
5.6 - 5.7. Of course, you could ignore the assumption of equilibrium, in 
which case the pH would be even higher. As far as AgOH is concerned, you will 
have to elaborate on this topic. The HVAC CS I produce is crystal clear. 
Where is the insoluble (and as far as I know relatively unstable AgOH) 
 Restructured water, restoring water to its 'crystaline' form can be
 accomplished in many ways, but the health benefits acrue from drinking
 this water rather than tap or 'dead' water.
 Leaving the pH aside, I don't believe you have shown that HVAC CS  and
 the water it is made in, is different structurally from LVDC CS and
 the water it is made in. >>

Ivan: You are correct. I have NOT SHOWN that "HVAC CS  and
 the water it is made in, is different structurally from LVDC CS and
 the water it is made in". I have provided a working hypothesis from which 
creative experiments should either support or negate my hypothesis. So far, 
IMHO anyway, you have done neither.

Roger Altman

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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it is Madein

2000-04-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-25 07:51:31 EDT, you write:

<< Hi Roger  and Ivan,
 My HVAC CS typically has a ph of  3.5 - 4.5  measured with an electronic ph 
 meter or with ph strips.  I don't think that defective measuring equipment 
 is the problem or answer. This is using the "arc" method of producing 
 CS.  I do not know the ph from the submerged electrode method of producing 

Bill: Those who claim that the acidic pH measurements from HVAC CS are 
erroneous should support their claim with EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE. So far 
practically ALL the evidence I've seen supports your and my observations.


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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it isMadein

2000-04-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-25 09:16:19 EDT, you write:

<< Guys,
 I never said the measurements were erroneous, I said that there is
 probably some other reason causing the low pH reading, perhaps ranging
 from CO2 inclusion to AgOH production, or possibly faulty /
 inappropriate pH measuring equipment.
 I mentioned pH test gear as a possible source of error with this quote
 in mind :
 "Chemical reactions between electrolytes and the measured solution
 lead to errors. The resulting precipitates clog the pores of the
 junction and thereby increase the electrical resistance considerably.
 The following ions react with KCI to form compounds of low solubility:
 Hg 2+ , Cu 2+ , Ag + , Pb 2+ , CIO 4"
 I have a glass lab grade pH electrode and am vigilant in keeping the
 junction squeaky clean.
 I accept that pH of HVAC CS is acidic... now why is it so?


I believe I addressed the CO2 issue earlier. As I said before, I don't 
believe that Ag+ is present in unadulterated, electrolytically produced CS, 
and even if it were, why would it clog "the pores of the junction" if a 
Ag/AgCl reference electrode were used. It seems to me that a saturated 
condition ALREADY EXISTS by virtue of the presence of solid AgCl, so 
precipitation specifically at the junction would be unlikely unless LOCAL 
temperature fluctuations caused periodic supersaturation. And even then, the 
supersaturated condition would be transient. Experience with READING a good 
quality pH meter should reveal measurement problems with CS, or anything else 
for that matter. 


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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it isMadein

2000-04-25 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-25 10:16:56 EDT, you write:

<< I disaggree here, it is quite possible to manufacture a silver colloid
 by precipitating the NO3 from a silver nitrate solution, leaving only
 the silver ions in solution. The fact that the water molecules
 surround the charged silver particles creates the local neutrality you
 mention, at the edge of the water layer.>>

Frankly, I'm baffled by this statement. However, since nitrate ions are not 
present in my model of what is occuring, I prefer not to travel down this 

  >> Well, that is getting low and rain water has a deal of other dissolved
 substances also, whereas distilled water has little of these and does
 readily absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. CO2 absorption may be a
 contributing factor, indeed when making pH measurements which are
 lower than expected this is the first place to look.<<

Ivan: I don't think you understood what I was saying. Let me try to make this 
point another way. Bubble air into distilled water and continue to measure 
the pH until the cows come home and tells us what you get.
>> It is perfectly possible to have a colloid of an insoluble substance.
 Silver itself could not be a colloid if it were soluble. AgO and AgOH
 will swap around depending on the pH of the solution and may have a
 very small particle size, besides which most insoluble substances are
 soluble to some degree.<<

Have you identified these species using SEM, TEM or by x-ray diffraction 
methods. If not, where's the evidence for such compounds?
> Yes that's true enough, although I have tried to show that your theory
 of polarised water molecules being the cause of a low pH reading to be

Ivan: I don't believe you have even begun to do that.

> I know that free Ag+ ions exist in my CS because I could not read them
 with my ISE if it were otherwise, and I would be happy to test your CS
 for the same, if you foot the bill for postage to New Zealand
If Ag+ ions exist, what are the counter-balancing anions. Static charge on 
colloidal silver particles is one thing, but separate positive or negative 
ions existing without INTIMATE association with ions of the opposite charge 
is impossible, and to suggest otherwise is incomprehensible to me.

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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it isMadein

2000-04-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-25 23:32:38 EDT, you write:

<< Roger and/or other HV people.
 Could you do me one favor and run an "arcing" HV
 unit with non-contributing electrodes (carbon?) and
 see if you still get low pH? That would help isolate the
 source of the anomaly! I would think the HV arc is
 breaking down the air/water to get the effect and silver
 has nothing to do with it!  >>

Thanks Fred. Good idea. If silver has nothing to do with it then please give 
us a mechanism to explain how a low pH can occur with carbon electrodes.


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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water itisMadein

2000-04-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
Ivan: In a message dated 00-04-25 12:02:03 EDT, you write:

<< A rise in CO2 absorption and hence a lowering in pH, yes?

Well, then measure the pH vs. time and tell us what you get.


What evidence can you provide that 15% silver oxide (hydroxide) is produced 
when CS is prepared from HVAC? And even if your statement were correct the 
dissociation of AgOH would not produce hydronium ions.

<< Sorry to hear that Roger because it is certainly true. If you were to
 place a piece of silver wire in pure water then there will be a
 constant (although very small) dissolusion and reabsorption of silver
 ions to and from the water at the wire surface.>>

Yes, and the reaction would be,

Ag(s) + H2O = AgOH(s) + 1/2H2
AgOH(s) = Ag+ + OH-

When you write a chemical reaction both mass and charge MUST BALANCE. If not 
you have an made an error. It's really that simple. Most chemists would say 
that these reaction doesn't go to the right, but I'll grant you that a 
solubility product can be calculated from the standard free energies of 
formation of reactants and products from reactions (1) & (2), and, therefore, 
the ionic concentration of Ag can be calculated. This value would be 
exceedingly small, but perhaps experimentally quantifiable. A friend of mine 
once boiled a silver round for I don't know how many hours and got about 1 
ppm silver as I recall. In any case, the above chemical reactions clearly 
shows both the thermodynamic principle of conservation of mass and energy 
(that is, all mass and ionic charges are balanced) 


I think you have to be very careful here about the assumption that ALL 
SPECIES within a plasma are ionic. For example, the constituents of solar 
wind which are generated at millions of degrees within the sun are comprised 
of 90%H, 10%He with a SMALL FRACTION of C, O and Fe. So I would be very 
cautious about assuming the the silver electrode forms ionic silver within a 
plasma arc. My guess is that electrons are NOT stripped from the silver 
atoms, but rather excited to higher energy levels, and then give off light 
when these electrons fall back to ground state. For example, METALS are 
"sputtered" as thin layers on substrate; to my knowledge while enough energy 
is absorbed to generate a metal VAPOR PHASE, no metal IONS are produced 
during this process. My guess is that it would take a huge amount of energy 
within a plasma to produce silver ions.

>> Place a piece of aluminium foil in a sample of CS, if the sol
contains Ag ions then they will plate out releasing Al ions into the

What about a statically charged aggregated silver particle (let's call it 
asp) reacting as such,

Ag(asp)+ + Al -> Ag  +  Al+ 

The colloidal silver cluster has now been stripped of its charge and drops 
out of suspension. 

>> When salt (NaCl) is dissolved in water the components separate and are
 solvated, surrounded by water molecules, and move freely having no
 attraction for each other.<<

Are you telling us that the sodium ions can migrate away from the chloride 
NO TRUE!! The sodium ions and chloride ions are HIGHLY attracted to one 

>> Only ions can carry a charge in water. The electrostatic charge of 
particles in water is the loss or gain of electrons just as it is with ions. 
In fact an electrostatically charged particle is an ion.>>

If that were true then colloids of silver would behaves the same as silver 
ions produced from silver salts. Practically everyone on this forum knows 
there is a huge difference in behavior between these two species.

>> An Ion Selective Electrode will measure only the ions it is sensitive to 
and nothing else. H2O2 will react with metallic silver but not ionic silver.>>

 Are you saying that the reaction,

2AgNO3 + H2O2 > Ag2O + 2HNO3

would not go to the right? Why not?

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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water itisMadein

2000-04-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-25 11:21:17 EDT, you write:

<< Hi folks,
 Will someone please draw me a picture of a CS particle and its surrounding
 water with a "static charge" on the CS,?


Perhaps there is someone out there who could explain on an atomic scale what 
happens when, say, wool is rubbed against your clothing and a static charge 
is developed. Where are the electrons deposited or depleted  with regard to 
the orbitals of the woolen fiber? Is there simply a slight surplus or deficit 
in the "electron cloud" of the wool atoms? Unlike most metals, I don't think 
the CO-VALENT BONDS of wool can support an "electron cloud".

Any physicists, or other knowledgeable individual willing to enlighten us?


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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it isMadein

2000-04-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-26 10:09:39 EDT, you write:

<< I would expect a low ph using arcing and carbon electrodes.  Cabon plus 
 gives carbon dioxide, which easily dissolves in water and produces carbonic
 Marshall >>
 Marshall: I wrote the following to Ivan earlier. Perhaps you didn't see it.

The pH measurments for my HVAC CS sample were obtained from 3 separate and 
independent sources. In addition, I checked the "silver-list archives" and 
found that the HVAC CS acidic pH phenomenon has been talked about repeatedly. 
As far as CO2 is concerned, there is NO WAY that the presence of carbonic 
acid could account for the low pH. For example, the CO2 typically dissolved 
in rainwater could be said to be in equilibrium with the ~380 ppm of CO2 in 
air. If you calculate the pH from this assumption you would arrive at a pH of 
5.6 - 5.7. Of course, you could ignore the assumption of equilibrium, in 
which case the pH would be even higher.


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Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it isMadein

2000-04-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-26 10:23:53 EDT, you write:

<< n a message dated 00-04-26 10:09:39 EDT, you write:
 << I would expect a low ph using arcing and carbon electrodes.  Cabon plus 
  gives carbon dioxide, which easily dissolves in water and produces carbonic
  Marshall >>
  Marshall: I wrote the following to Ivan earlier. Perhaps you didn't see it.
 The pH measurments for my HVAC CS sample were obtained from 3 separate and 
 independent sources. In addition, I checked the "silver-list archives" and 
 found that the HVAC CS acidic pH phenomenon has been talked about 
 As far as CO2 is concerned, there is NO WAY that the presence of carbonic 
 acid could account for the low pH. For example, the CO2 typically dissolved 
 in rainwater could be said to be in equilibrium with the ~380 ppm of CO2 in 
 air. If you calculate the pH from this assumption you would arrive at a pH 
 5.6 - 5.7. Of course, you could ignore the assumption of equilibrium, in 
 which case the pH would be even higher.


I should probably add that the use of carbon electrodes will create a much 
higher CO2 partial pressure above the water DURING PROCESSING. However, the 
CO2 will dissipate very quickly, and the ~380 ppm CO2 in the surrounding air 
will govern the FINAL concentration of carbonic acid in the water, i.e., the 
same equilibrium will be attained as in the example above.


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Re: CS>: Re: CS>Producing CS using HVAC Probably Restructures the Water it ...

2000-04-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-04-26 15:06:13 EDT, you write:

<< Roger  said:
 "If that were true then colloids of silver would behaves the same as silver
 ions produced from silver salts. Practically everyone on this forum knows
 there is a huge difference in behavior between these two species."
 I do believe there is no difference in my tummy from free silver ions from
 my Cs or silver ions from silver nitrate (just that the nitrates are yucky).
 Solvating gives free ions, which are passed onto the blood stream! The
 Cs I drink is surely complexed and solvated also in my tummy, before
 being absorbed.
 Fred had asked:
   "Could you do me one favor and run an "arcing" HV
   unit with non-contributing electrodes (carbon?) and
   see if you still get low pH? That would help isolate the
   source of the anomaly! I would think the HV arc is
   breaking down the air/water to get the effect and silver
   has nothing to do with it!"
   Roger said:
 "Thanks Fred. Good idea. If silver has nothing to do with it then please give
 us a mechanism to explain how a low pH can occur with carbon electrodes."
 I am not a chemist, but know from experience, that you can ruin good HV
 insulating oil if there is an ionizing arc in a transformer, by acid build 

Fred: Has this "acid" ever been analyzed?

 Your process is a continuous arc process and thus can keep adding acid
 products to the water. A corona (ionizing) discharge can also do the same,
 but at a slower rate. Did you run a time/pH yet to see where the curve 

Fred: No I didn't. Can someone help us out here. How does the "ionizing 
arc...keep adding acid products to the water"? Practically everyone 
experienced with the arc variety of HVAC CS has noticed this phenomenon, but 
there doesn't appear to be consensus explanation for it.


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Re: CS and HIV

2000-05-03 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-03 10:55:59 EDT, you write:

<< Hey, Listers...
 I have been part of this list for a few months now.  I have HIV, and I 
 turned to CS to see what the effects would be for me.  I went to get my 
 results yesterday from my lab tests after using the CS since January.  I 
 talked to my doctor very briefly about CS.  He's trying to warn me about the 
 long term side effects.  Then again, no one knows the long term effects of 
 the HIV drugs, either.
 Anyway.  My viral load the last time I was tested was at 22,000 copies per 
 CC of blood, and my T-Cell count was at 598.  This time my T-cell count was 
 594 and my viral load was at 16,000 copies per CC of blood.  Not the changes 
 I was expecting, by any means.  It was a good sign that the viral load went 
 down, but it was not as low as I was thinking the CS would get it to.  The 
 questions I am thinking of now...was the CS effective in slowly bringing my 
 load down, or has my body hit a plateau for the time being, and is it 
 successfully holding off the virus right now?  I am not sure what to think 
 or believe.  I am not too concerned about the viral load right now, unless 
 it gets up over 20,000 again.  I should be fine until then because my T-Cell 
 count is high.  The next question isdo I just continue taking the CS, or 
 do I begin taking the medications that will get my viral load down to 
 Kinda crazy.  I am at a loss what to think or do right now.  I am 
 disapointed, but I have to continue the fight.  Let me know what you think.


Please tell us how the CS you're taking now was prepared, how often you take 
it and what the concertration is. Also, how long you've been taking CS in 
general and/or this particular CS prep? Do you have any more (blood?) data 
you can share with us? 


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Re: CS and HIV

2000-05-03 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-03 15:49:43 EDT, you write:

<< What type of Blood Data are you referring to? >>


Simply more data of the type you have already reported.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS and HIV

2000-05-03 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-03 17:26:38 EDT, you write:

<< My first test was done in September.  My viral load was at 4,000 copies 
 T-cells at 480.  My second test was in December and my viral load was at 
 13,000 copies and T-cells at 596.  My third test was in January and my viral 
 was at 22,000 copies and T-cells at 598.  My last test was after using 
 silver. My viral was at 16,000 and T-cells at 594.


Please keep us abreast of your latest viral load and T-cell count. I can do a 
"t-test" (statistical) analysis which would provide some guidance if the 
numbers themselves aren't clear enough to tell us if the CS is helping. It 
would be better if you got an analysis of the ppm CS you're taking. I'm sure 
there are "silver-listers" who could help in this regard. Also try to measure 
how many ounces you take in a day. themselves.


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2000-05-03 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-03 18:42:43 EDT, you write:

<< i've been producing cs with low voltage but am interested in building a 
high voltage generator.  can anyone give me info or point me in the right 
direction to find the info for building a high voltage unit?  any help will 
be greatly appreciated.  thank you in advance! 


Building and operating your own HVAC CS generator could be dangerous. Do you 
have any experience with high voltage (~10,000 volts)?


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Re: CS>Super ionic CS

2000-05-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-16 17:18:40 EDT, you write:

<< When ionic cs
 is made the ph lowered a little which is why one can't use a standard
 TDS unit with it. The time vs ppm chart that came with it is fiirly
 accurate. The ionic cs is much more powerful than the non-ionic. A 10
 ppm cs made with your unit is equivalent in bacteria killing power of
 about 1000 ppm dc or non ionic cs. you can make non ionic cs by putting
 both electrodes in the water >>

I can't speak to using conductivity of other analytical techniques to measure 
the silver concentration, but from my experience it may be possible to make 
three different types of CS because you can alter the HVAC process at least 
three ways.

(1)The first way is to have both electrodes in the water. The production rate 
is very slow.

(2)The second way is to have only one electrode in the water while the second 
electrode is above the water which forms an arc. The production rate is 
probably faster, but I've never actually measured the difference in 
production rate between (1) & (2).

(3)The third way is to use the same set-up as in (2), but by varying the wire 
diameter, selecting the height the electrode is above the surface, and 
carefully manipulating the power supply voltage, you can begin to melt the 
silver and "sputter" it off the electrode surface. The production rate here 
is probably 100 or more times faster than (1) or (2) and you can make any 
concentration you want (into the hundreds of ppm) that is completely stable 
over time. Another bonus is that you don't have to use distilled water if 
you're in the pinch (although I never considered using anything else).

Roger Altman

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Re: CS>Taking CS internally

2000-05-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-16 18:30:30 EDT, you write:

<< s it safe to take two ounces of CS daily for three
 years?  Has anyone on the list taken CS daily for
 two or more years?  Are there any long term
 side-effects from taking CS daily for several years?
 M. Louis

Bruce Marx claims to have been taking several mg/day for several years. Can 
someone provide his URL, I don't have it handy.


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Re: CS>Infantile asthma -- Will CS help?

2000-05-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-18 17:44:10 EDT, you write:

<< My questions:
 1.  Is there any reason to believe that administration of CS drops in my 
 granddaughter's ears would help eradicate recurring ear infections?
 2.  Is it possible that inhalation of a CS solution, administered via a 
 bottle or atomizer, could help deal with the asthma problem?  Though I have 
 studied alternative remedies for most common ailments for almost 40 years 
 now, asthma is a problem which I have never previously examined, as it has 
 never appeared in my family or among my friends before.  I don't know if it 
 is viral or bacterial in origin or if it is some type of allergic reaction 
 environmental agents, for example.
 Do any of you have any ideas about whether CS could be helpful in these 
 circumstances?  Thank you.

I have first hand experience using CS for ear infections. Sometimes CS drops 
in my infected ear did not work because my ear was plugged up with wax. So I 
mixed some ~ 40 ppm CS with ~ 20 mls. of  70% IPA (isopropyl alcohol) and 
applied a heating pad as well. This combination helped dissolve the wax that 
was impeding direct contact with the CS alone. Within 12 hours the pain was 
nearly all gone and within 24 hours I was cured. Perhaps others on the list 
could comment about the suitability of using this sort of treatment for an 

Roger Altman

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CS>Just When We Thought HVAC CS Was DOA, Look What Happened.....

2000-05-26 Thread ROGALTMAN

Wednesday evening I felt myself coming down with a sore throat (I decided a 
year or two ago to stop taking CS prophylactically because it provided poor 
systemic protection, in my case anyway) so I started taking a low dc voltage, 
limiting current (ma <=1.43, and a bubbler was used during production) CS 
(*concentration unknown, but it had a significant Tyndall). However, my 
condition steadily worsened. By Thursday afternoon had consumed more than 10 
oz. of this CS as the infection spread to my lungs and ears. However, I did 
notice some temporary relief (for a few minutes) if I let a mouthful of the 
CS trickle down into my throat from a prone position, but that's very 
difficult to do for more than a few seconds without swallowing. Enter the 
much maligned HVAC CS.

At about 6 pm Thursday evening, I decided to spray ~1 ppm HVAC CS (pH = 4.5, 
no Tyndall -- tastes like water despite the low pH) directly into my throat 
while breathing deeply through my mouth and trying not to swallow. Using a 
spray bottle, (as opposed to the method described above) made it  much easier 
to refrain from swallowing, thus allowing the heavier "atomized" water 
particles to coat the surface of my sore throat. In addition, the smallest of 
the water droplets had a reasonable chance of reaching my lungs (breathing 
deeply helps too) where the infection was much more severe. Within minutes I 
felt better. I continued to follow this procedure later that evening (feeling 
better and worse during the evening), and during the night as well (whenever 
I got up, I added a few drops of the HVAC CS to each ear as well). By 6 am I 
was 90% better, and now as I write this email (7:30 am. I also took another 
"shot" of my HVAC CS about an hour ago for good measure), I feel I'm 
completely normal --  quite dramatic when you consider that I was practically 
climbing the walls for much of yesterday.   
Admittedly, this result is a singIe observation, and may not mean that much 
by itself. However, I recall that the recent BYU "Silver Solution" work 
showed generally that 5 ppm of this (presumably CS) prep was needed to kill 
the various types of bacteria, and 2.5 ppm only inhibited further growth. So 
it is quite surprising that the ~1 ppm HVAC CS did so well "in vivo" while 
the former result was based on "in vitro" measurments.

If anyone is interested in following up on my recent findings please let me 
know and I'll send you a one ounce sample of the same 1 ppm HVAC CS brew that 
I used. BTW, 1 ounce is more than sufficient if it is administered from a 
spray bottle which I HIGHLY recommend  based on the almost miraculous results 
I observed. Please send my $3 to cover shipping it to you, and most 
importantly, please report your observations to "list subscribers".

Dr. Roger Altman

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Re: CS>Just When We Thought HVAC CS Was DOA, Look What Happened.....

2000-05-26 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-26 09:27:16 EDT, you write:

<< You mentioned that CS has "poor systemic" protection:
 Wednesday evening I felt myself coming down with a sore throat (I decided a
 year or two ago to stop taking CS prophylactically because it provided poor
 systemic protection, in my case anyway)
 I am rather new to this list, but am curious what this means. Does this mean 
 CS is not distributed well throughout the body?
 rob in memphis >>


I think the jury in out with regard to CS providing systemic protection. My 
suspicion is that CS DOES provide significant systemic protection, but 
without some sort of statistical study, there is no proof yet. However, my 
point was that since I can treat most illnesses effectively once I catch the 
bug, why bother taking CS daily since long term (10-20 years) ingestion risks 
are still largely unknown.


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Re: CS>Just When We Thought HVAC CS Was DOA, Look What Happened.....

2000-05-27 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-05-27 09:28:22 EDT, you write:

<<   ## The difference you observed is probably from the different 
 application procedures rather than a difference in the CS. Inhaling an 
 atomized spray gets that CS to the most efficient blood interface of the 
 lungs second only to injection. Sinus cavities and nasal passages are 
 highly efficient too...ask any coke head.  It also went directly to the 
 site of the infection, undiluted.
   PPM, when applied to the body has to take dilution in bodily fluids into 
 account. If applied directly, PPM can be initially lower and still deliver 
 sufficient PPM to the site. If simply ingesting CS, it has to go through a 
 lot of different absorption sites to be distributed in the body.  What does 
 stomach acid do to CS? [for instance]  How much CS gets absorbed by the 
 mouth and throat before it reaches the stomach?
 The other day I had a bad sinus headache.  I positioned myself upside down 
 on the couch with my head hanging off the edge and dripped a little CS into 
 my nose. [11PPM by the meter] It filled the sinus cavity all the way up to 
 the eye and actually made my eye burn slightly. I stayed in that position 
 for 6 minutes. 10 minutes laterno sinus headache.

Thanks very enlightening.

I have a post script to my saga. Yesterday after about 6-8 hours I had a 
relapse, but this time my lungs remained clear and there was no sore throat. 
What I had was typical cold symtoms -- runny nose, sinus head ache and from 
the sound of my voice, I could tell my sinuses were NOT in good shape. I 
should have mentioned that yesterday, but I was so delighted with my recovery 
(including my sinuses to some extent), I thought the rest would soon go away. 
Well it didn't and things got progressively worse. I continued with the 
original spray treatment, but this time it was much less effective because, 
presumably, inhaling the spray through my mouth was not helping my sinuses 
very much. Today, however, I'm much improved. Perhaps my own immune defenses 
decided to wake up and help out a little.


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CS>HVAC CS Probably Comes in at least Three Forms.

2000-05-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
There may even be one form out there that actually fits the theory below. One 
thing IS clear: it's a lot easier to produce HVAC than it is to characterize 
the CS produced ESPECIALLY with regard to its germ killing power. 

"Not to pick on you, so please don't take this the wrong way (as I consider
you to be a valuable asset to the list, and the colloidal silver community
in general (some of your research is outstanding! IMHO)), however, I've
never gotten a really good rebuttal for the following...

I quote an old lister who says it best...

"In an AC powered operation as some others are promoting, where the polarity
is constantly switched, other undesirable things may happen; it is known
that in all electro-colloidal silver generating processes, some charge
stripping of silver ions does occur as they come in contact with the
cathode, resulting in their gaining electrons, and the resulting reduction
to atomic silver particles (without the charge that is said to produce the
pathogen disabling effect.) In a DC system, these reduced metallic particles
remain as a grayish 'sludge' buildup on the surface of the cathode, and
eventually are very visible at higher current levels. In a system where the
polarity is switched constantly (as in AC), this sludge is propelled and
dispersed back into the water continuously, as evidenced by the 'clean
electrodes' spoken of."

He then goes on to say...

"Mechanical effects of redispersal of plated out silver "sludge" from the
cathode will occur at higher concentrations and especially at higher
currents, especially if AC is used, resulting in much coarser, uncharged
metallic silver particles than may be desired floating about in your
product. Filtering with good lab quality filter media may be able to remove
some of this "non-ionic" silver; settling of most of the really larger
particle "clumps" might also occur within 72 hours, I'd estimate, if the
particles are not too fine. I guess the question is this; are the positively
charged colloidal silver ions, (as produced in a DC process), what you want
in your product, or do you want non-charged 'non-ionic' metallic silver
particles, as produced in the AC processes? From what I have researched and
what I understand at this time, I'd stay with Dr. Becker's recommendations
myself, and try to produce the positively charged Colloidal Silver Ions with
a DC process."

The old lister that I'm quoting above is none other than Bruce Stenulson and
for those that are interested, he's got a wonderful site up with tons of
colloidal silver info.  His main CS pages are...
The above is a great technical page
The above tells one how to make a CS Generator / Zapper in great detail
The above is some choice discussions from the silver list from a few years
ago, but still applicable

Yours in health,
James Allison"

A couple of weeks ago I described three separate ways to make HVAC CS. Allow 
me to cut and paste it below.

I can't speak to using conductivity of other analytical techniques to measure 
the silver concentration, but from my experience it may be possible to make 
three different types of CS because you can alter the HVAC process at least 
three ways.

(1)The first way is to have both electrodes in the water. The production rate 
is very slow.

(2)The second way is to have only one electrode in the water while the second 
electrode is above the water which forms an arc. The production rate is 
probably faster, but I've never actually measured the difference in 
production rate between (1) & (2).

(3)The third way is to use the same set-up as in (2), but by varying the wire 
diameter, selecting the height the electrode is above the surface, and 
carefully manipulating the power supply voltage and water conductance , you 
can begin to melt the silver and "sputter" it off the electrode surface. The 
production rate here is probably 100 or more times faster than (1) or (2) and 
you can make any concentration you want (into the hundreds of ppm) that is 
completely stable over time. Another bonus is that you don't have to use 
distilled water if you're in the pinch (although I never considered using 
anything else).

Are we to believe that one mechanism to describe particle charge (or lack 
there of) and shape fits all of the above?

Roger Altman 




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Re: CS>Silver Electrodes touching sides/bottom

2000-06-04 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-04 11:58:55 EDT, you write:

<< People,
 No one has yet answered WHY it is necessary to prevent the electrodes from
 touching the sides or the bottom. To reiterate, My electrodes touch the
 sides of the pyrex glass container in which I make my CS, and the silver
 comes out just fine.


The only reason I can think of to avoid having the electrodes touch the sides 
of the container in that you are inadvertantly increasing the current 
density. If the current density gets too high your CS brew will suffer in 
quality. Whether or not CS quality suffers in actuality depends on the setup 
you are using. In your cas there appears to be no problem, but that doesn't 
mean that everyone will be so fortunate.


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CS>"Innoculating" Ourselves with CS

2000-06-04 Thread ROGALTMAN
Silver list:

I'm hoping that list subscribers could give me some feed-back with regard to 
determining the best CS dosage for someone who is already sick and is about 
to begin taking CS.

Most of the time the body's immune system is in a sort of equilibrium with 
various types of pathogens. Since we are constantly bombarded by one type of 
microbe or another, we are never really free of them. Instead, the body has 
to maintain a never-ending defense to keep any of them from multiplying 

When we do get sick, the equilibrium between our immune system and the 
disease-causing pathogen may be only somewhat tipped in favor of the pathogen 
so that it can multiply. Now the question is how much CS should we take to 
fight off the disease?

If we were to take mega-doses of CS these's a reasonable chance that we may 
regain our health as quickly as possible. However, there may be a rational to 
take JUST ENOUGH CS to tip the scales in our favor so that our immune system 
can respond almost naturally. If we were to follow this practice, wouldn't 
the body have a better chance to develop its own antibodies that will provide 
a long term defense against this particular illness? Taking CS in this 
manner, would emulate how innoculations are supposed to work.

Any thoughts?

Roger Altman   

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Re: CS>"Innoculating" Ourselves with CS

2000-06-04 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-04 21:15:45 EDT, you write:

<< Hello Roger,
 As silver disables pathogens rather than destroying them, ie prevents
 their reproduction or ability process energy, the immune system
 (antibodies et al) is still required to latch onto and break the
 pathogenic cells apart and eliminate them.
 As I see it, silver stops or slows the proliferation of infectious
 agents (the cells of which may divide every 20mins) and allows the
 immune system to catch up to and clear the infection in a shorter time
 frame than otherwise would have occurred.
 Far better to be healthy and to have an efficient immune system, than to
 rely on silver to 'protect' you IMO, and only use silver when required.


So based on your reasoning, taking large doses on CS (only at the onset of 
illness) would be a better strategy than just trying to take the minimum 
amount of CS under the same conditions since the body's own immune system is 
needed for the final elimination of these microbes.


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2000-06-04 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-04 21:28:28 EDT, you write:

<< Hi there Bob,


You said,
 "If one strikes an arc in moist air (as found above a body of water),
 ozone and nitric acid are formed."

During sputtering I smell virtually no ozone. I am interested in your idea 
about nitric acid though. I may submit a sample for analysis. But before I 
do, I'd like you to tell me the difference in taste between my HVAC CS with a 
pH of 4 or so, and a sample of laboratory grade nitric acid made to pH ~4. If 
you agree to a taste test, I'll submit my HVAC CS for nitric acid analysis. 

Then you said,

"If you use silver electrodes the silver will be sputtered as silver ions and 
silver oxide."

I'm afraid I'll have to disagree here as well. It can be demonstrated quite 
easily that silver oxide is unstable at sputtering temperatures. As far a 
producing silver ions in the arc goes, I have not run across any evidence 
that an electropotential that is barely high enough to ionize air, is 
anywhere near the electropotential required to ionize silver. If you have 
some data that confirms the production of silver ions at ~10,000 volts please 
pass it along. 

And finally you said,

 "The ozone will most likely become H2O2 where it reacts with water,..."

Oh boy, I know I'm on thin ice now, but I'm not likely to agree with you here 
as well. I sampled a very small amount of 3% H2O2 in my mouth a few weeks 
ago. A very ugly experience. Again, my HVAC CS tastes a lot like water. So 
how much H2O2 could I have made, particularly when I never smelled any ozone 
in the first place?


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Re: CS>"Innoculating" Ourselves with CS

2000-06-05 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-04 23:35:49 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: Re: CS>"Innoculating" Ourselves with CS
 Date:  00-06-04 23:35:49 EDT
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 Well, to be clear Roger, this is my view :
 1.The best protection from pathogens and toxins is a healthy immune
 2. Silver is not an immune system booster but rather an adjunct to it.
 3. Silver works by disabling pathogens so that they may not proliferate,
 thus lessening the work required by the immune system to clear the
 4. The metallothioneins which the body uses to chelate and eliminate
 toxic metals are used to eliminate silver also. If high doses of silver
 are present these proteins may not be able to eliminate toxic metals as
 readily, and if overwhelmed, may result in the deposition of silver in
 the tissue.
 5. I would use silver in fairly large doses at the onset and throughout
 the course of an infection, split into many small doses during the day,
 and discontinue silver use once the infection has passed.
 6. I would use silver as a preventative before eating suspect food,
 close contact with infectious persons etc., and as a disinfective in the
 kitchen (notably inside the refrigerator) and bathroom.
 Ivan. >>


Thanks very much for you insight. I'm particularly interested in item (4) 
which I will repeat, piece by piece, here.

4. "The metallothioneins which the body uses to chelate and eliminate
 toxic metals are used to eliminate silver also."

Can you provide a reference that supports this statement with regard to 
colloidal silver? 

"If high doses of silver are present these proteins may not be able to 
eliminate toxic metals as readily, and if overwhelmed, may result in the 
deposition of silver in
 the tissue."

Proponents of colloidal silver have been telling us that it will not cause 
Argyria at practically any level of concentration/ingestion rate. We have all 
heard of individuals who continue to take massive quantities of it without 
any negative effects. I myself took 2.3 mg per day for several months without 
any noticeable impairment. So in light of these observations could you please 
expand on your statement above?



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2000-06-05 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-05 01:14:27 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: Re: CS> HVAC
 Date:  00-06-05 01:14:27 EDT
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 - Original Message -
 > Ivan:
 > You said,
 >  "If one strikes an arc in moist air (as found above a body of water),
 >  ozone and nitric acid are formed."
 > During sputtering I smell virtually no ozone. I am interested in your
 > about nitric acid though. I may submit a sample for analysis. But
 before I
 > do, I'd like you to tell me the difference in taste between my HVAC CS
 with a
 > pH of 4 or so, and a sample of laboratory grade nitric acid made to pH
 ~4. If
 > you agree to a taste test, I'll submit my HVAC CS for nitric acid
 The fact that you have generated an arc necessarily means that you have
 ionised the air. This can be achieved by as little as 50 V. By ionising
 air you are creating ozone. Whether you can smell it or not is not a
 reliable guage of its production or concentration.
 It is a fact that the biggest problem that faces ozone generators using
 undried atmospheric air is the production of nitric acid.
 I have no desire to experience the taste of dilute nitric acid :-b
 Whether you test for nitric acid is up to you.

 > Then you said,
 > "If you use silver electrodes the silver will be sputtered as silver
 ions and
 > silver oxide."
 > I'm afraid I'll have to disagree here as well. It can be demonstrated
 > easily that silver oxide is unstable at sputtering temperatures. As
 far a
 > producing silver ions in the arc goes, I have not run across any
 > that an electropotential that is barely high enough to ionize air, is
 > anywhere near the electropotential required to ionize silver. If you
 > some data that confirms the production of silver ions at ~10,000 volts
 > pass it along.
 The 1st ionization potential of silver (7.576 eV) is less than that of
 oxygen (13.618 eV).


Yes, silver oxide is unstable at >150 degC, but the silver oxide which
 contacts the water is from then on stable.


Furthermore, "The pH of silver colloids should fall between 6.5 and 8 because 
increasing amounts of silver oxide will appear as the pH of the solution 
falls below 6.5
 and silver oxide is a less effective bactericide than pure silver." (The
 Silver Institute).
 > And finally you said,
 >  "The ozone will most likely become H2O2 where it reacts with
 > Oh boy, I know I'm on thin ice now, but I'm not likely to agree with
 you here
 > as well. I sampled a very small amount of 3% H2O2 in my mouth a few
 > ago. A very ugly experience. Again, my HVAC CS tastes a lot like
 water. So
 > how much H2O2 could I have made, particularly when I never smelled any
 > in the first place?
 I don't know Roger. I answered Bob's question about what might be
 causing such a high conductivity reading with a comparatively low silver
 content. Something is also causing the low pH (assuming he started with
 ~pH7 water), I suggest that H2O2 and nitric acid may be contributing


 BTW, I regularly use 3% H2O2 to clean my teeth ;-)
 > Roger

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Re: CS>"Innoculating" Ourselves with CS

2000-06-05 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-05 09:21:37 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: Re: CS>"Innoculating" Ourselves with CS
 Date:  00-06-05 09:21:37 EDT
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 - Original Message -
 > Ivan:
 > Thanks very much for you insight. I'm particularly interested in item
 > which I will repeat, piece by piece, here.
 > 4. "The metallothioneins which the body uses to chelate and eliminate
 >  toxic metals are used to eliminate silver also."
 > Can you provide a reference that supports this statement with regard
 > colloidal silver?
 > "If high doses of silver are present these proteins may not be able to
 > eliminate toxic metals as readily, and if overwhelmed, may result in
 > deposition of silver in
 >  the tissue."
 > Proponents of colloidal silver have been telling us that it will not
 > Argyria at practically any level of concentration/ingestion rate. We
 have all
 > heard of individuals who continue to take massive quantities of it
 > any negative effects. I myself took 2.3 mg per day for several months
 > any noticeable impairment. So in light of these observations could you
 > expand on your statement above?
 > Thanks,
 > Roger
 Hi Roger,
 I believe the lowest reported dose that induced Argyria was 2g over 9
 months, so taking CS is unlikely to cause this.
 Here are some links to papers discussing the role of metallothioneins :
 Good night,

Ivan: Many thanks: Roger

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2000-06-05 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-05 10:45:06 EDT, you write:

<< That is interesting.  In our HVAC process we are running 100 mA, and this
 produces 5 ppm in 5 gallons an hour.  According to the figure above, we
 should have liberated 400 mg of silver (making 20 ppm of CS), so we are
 getting about 25% efficiency on generating the colloid.


I think if you compare the output of a typical HVAC setup to the type of LVDC 
set up recommended here, you will find a much lower output from HVAC. 
However, if you sputter silver off the electrode the output increases by at 
least two orders of magnitude.

To calculate current density, divide your operating current by the wetted 
surface area of the silver electrodes. I don't think you'll find that the 
current density difference sheds much light on the difference in CS output 
between HVAC and LVDC. It probably has more to do with the high energy 
required to produce the smaller particle size from HVAC.



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2000-06-06 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-05 23:41:46 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: CS>Re:HVAC-LVDC
 Date:  00-06-05 23:41:46 EDT
 From: (Fred)
 Roger, have you found the Holy Grail? Is sputtering 25+ times more effecient
 ("output increases by at least two orders of magnitude") then the relatively
 loss less LVDC process? You and others often refer to "sputtering", the
 definition which I know, (as in vacuum metalization) is the vaporization of a
 metal (atoms, not ions?). Are you not then producing with sputtering a fine
 suspension of silver particles?

Fred:  Yes, you are partially correct. I believe what happens during 
sputtering is that the tip of the electrode becomes superheated well beyond 
the melting point of silver, producing a significant silver vapor pressure 
(At times I can see bubbles immerge from the surface of the molten silver 
sphere at the electrode tip.) Then the fast moving ionized plasma collide 
with the gaseous silver imparting a strong static charge as the silver atoms 
are rapidly quenched into the water bath below so silver oxide is not formed 
since (according to Ivan, and thermodynamics -- two equally reputable 
sources) it is not stable above 150 degrees C.   
 Current density, in a real process,  is rarely the wetted surface area but 
 usually the projected surface area with maybe a 10-20% adder for fringe 

Sounds about right Fred. I seem to have forgotten some of the finer points. 
Well, electrometallurgy was my minor anyway.

As to the smaller particle size with the HVAC process, the LVDC process 
 ions and they seem to come in only one size! What is your reference to HVAC
 making smaller particles?

Well, Bruce Marx and David Ripley both claim to have SEM studies which show 
that their HVAC CS particles are smaller then CONVENTIONALLY produced LVDC 
CS. However, the type of LVDC CS produced by some "silver listers" (< 1 ma 
max, with stirring in ONLY DW) could be quite a bit smaller in particle size 
and distribution, I simply don't know. Secondly, if the mechanism above is 
more or less correct, SPUTTERED HVAC CS should have a very small particle 

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CS>How HVAC Induces a Static Charge (What have I gotten myself into here?)

2000-06-06 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-06 11:37:54 EDT, you write:

<< Can you explain (or cite a reference) how this "imparting a strong
 static charge" is accopmlished?  As far as I know the only charge an
 ion of silver can have is +1.  This is due to the fact that the
 silver atom will give up one electron...and only one electron during
 ionization.  Atoms (by definition) do not have a charge since the
 number of protons and electrons are equal, cancelling each other
 George Martin


I was affraid someone was going to ask that question. So, let me give a try 
(something of) an answer:

The molecules that comprise air can be highly charged when a warm air mass 
flows over a cooler air mass. In fact, the static charge produced from this 
friction can reach such enormous levels that the air can become conductive 
(ionized) when lightening is produced. However, before that point, you could 
say that the air had a tremendous static charge.

So, why is it NOT possible for SOME of the neutral silver gas atoms to be 
relieved of their outer shell electron by friction within the plasma, 
creating SOME individual Ag+ ions in the gas phase, but instantaneously 
forming silver agglomerates in the aqueous phase which (to be explained 
below), in turn, producing statically charged colloidal particles?

Silver is the most conductive of metals, and metals that are highly 
conductive, presumably, would like to share their outer shell electrons by 
forming an electron cloud around associated metal atoms and ions (why not?). 
In so doing, the surface free energy of the particle is reduced (Nature is 
very big on lowering surface free energy. Ever see a cubic water droplet?), 
and the net deficit of outer electrons would then be evenly distributed 
around each particle. Therefore,. practically all silver particles become 
statically charged and there are no individual Ag+ ions in the sol? 

Your turn.


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2000-06-06 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-06 21:23:09 EDT, you write:

<< Marshall, Roger and Listers all,
 I'd like to reply to the last para below:  I don't know of any SEMs that 
will resolve below 20 nm (nanometers); most are not better than 30 to 40 nm.  
The accepted choice (of particle  characterization experts) for particles as 
small as those we are hopefully talking about here is TEM (transmission 
Electron Microscopy).  It's a real pity that it's not possible, because 
Scanning EM gives one a surface map and visual depth and TEM does not.  It 
would be so valuable to viualize the topography of these particles (and, as 
well, the crystalline structures one sees in HVAC products) in almost 3-D.  
The best of TEMs will resolve to approx. one Angstrom (a tenth of a nm).   
Why not ask the gentlemen to share such "studies". 
 Stephen >>

Stephen: My guess is that both vendors were more interested in showing that 
their HVAC CS was smaller than CS generated from any other type of electrode 
process. To that extent they may have succeeded, particulary if the CS they 
were using for comparison had a MUCH larger average particle size.


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #396

2000-06-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 00-06-07 00:49:00 EDT, you write:

<< Well, Roger, we are possibly talking about different "particles" since in 
 the ions are held in water micelle (sp) and tend to cluster in groups of 
 6-8 under
 ideal conditions, although the many SEM's I have seen show some very large
 "clumps".  Another thing of course is that each batch by anyone will likely 
 a broad range of sizes, barring the strictest of controls.
 I have samples coming from a few kind people, so will have something to test
 and try to evaluate, soon. My normal "bitch" is that the process may produce 
 large percentage of non-ionic forms of silver and thus have a very low 
 and "why use 10,000 VAC for a 2 VDC process?"


For (bio-efficacy) test purposes I have been using my 1 ppm HVAC CS for all 
sorts of ailments. So far for ALL of the people in this group, the results 
we're getting are as good as it gets IMHO. If things continue the way they're 
going, I see no reason to EVER go to a higher concentration except under 
emergencies, or to treat Lyme disease and other highly resistant pathogens 
that must be treated systemically. Incidently, the BYU study showed that, in 
general, 5 ppm of "Silver Solution" was needed to kill various forms of 
bacteria (in vitro) and 2.5 ppm only retarded growth (in vitro). Perhaps you 
would be willing to field test your brew at 1 ppm and report your results 

Another reason 10,000 volts looks awfully good to me as opposed to 2 volts is 
that I can make a years supply for my family and friends in a single evening 
(because I've perfected a way of sputtering silver off one of the 
electrodes), and the product is as stable as a rock -- no special container 
or guarding against light, etc.

Finally, I have tried to use the, stirred, current controlled (< 1.4 ma), 
LVDC CS process, but my results, so far, have been no better than what I was 
getting from Bruce Marx's HVDC off-the-shelf unit (180 volts, stainless steel 
container cathode, 0.999 silver strip anode, no stirring, ~15ma start, ~140 
ma finish). The product is OK for a while but after 2-6 weeks the CS drops 
out of suspension as a black powder. So I ask you, with regard to the HVAC CS 
I'm currently using, if my process ain't broke, why should I try to fix it?


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2000-06-07 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/7/00 7:50:41 PM EST, writes:

<< Would love to get a sample to include in my tests, Roger!
 Fred Peschel, 3516 Delilah Drive, Cape Coral, FL 33993

Fred: I'm having my latest batch analyzed this week. If the results are 
acceptable, I will send you a sample. 
 Is your pH also very depressed?

Fred: Usually the pH is 3.5-4.5. Let's see what this recent sample generates. 
Incidentally, I hope to have more to say about what's causing the low pH. A 
little teaser here folks, so stay tuned.

 I would quickly build a unit (if it is valid) but you are the only one with 
a positive
 outlook on the process, other then the carnival hawkers!

Fred: I'm positive because it has worked so well for me and others. I don't 
feel comfortable with the LVDC stuff I've made because the potency is not 
stable over time. I'm also not too sure about particle size reproducibility. 
 Glad to pay the freight! Have any ideas on a fair field test?
Fred: How much do you want? As far as field tests are concerned, here are my 
very unrealistic thoughts (So I like to dream. Shoot me.): How about the both 
of us sending X amount of our brew to a third party volunteer who then 
rebottles and re-labels each to disguise its origin (hopefully he notes down 
which is which), and sends it on to a second third party volunteer who then 
distributes one or the other of these samples (he will also have to re-bottle 
each sample into smaller containers and label each appropriately) to 
volunteers to use the CS as they see fit, recording pertinent ingestion 
amounts, intended use, and results observed over time. Perhaps we could get 
silver listers to kick in a few bucks each to cover shipping and re-bottling 

 I gave free quarts of 5PPM to some Lymers but got very little
 feedback and they all withdrew for personal reasons within
 a few months - most are still on this list and still looking
 for help in one way or another - not an easy GO-NO GO test
 group. Got any slimy stuff I can kill in a test tube?

Fred: Send me any green slimy stuff YOURS won't kill so I can finally justify 
my 10,000 volt gizmo. If my CS won't kill'em, maybe the pH will. 
The LVDC process with gentle fluid circulation should give
super stable product - we have some over a year old and it
is still exactly the same - uneffected by freezing or boiling or
strong UV light for weeks!

Fred: Well, I'm still hopeful I'll catch on one day. Do you use plastic 
bottles or glass bottles to store your brew? Do it matter?


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CS>Homeopathy and HVAC CS

2000-06-08 Thread ROGALTMAN
I'm wondering if I haven't stumbled onto a homeopathic (see portion of 
article cut and pasted below) "boost" for my HVAC CS. In light of the results 
for BYU's in vitro kill titer of ~5 ppm using "Silver Solution" CS, it is 
surprising that the 1 ppm I'm currently using is so effective.

Homeopathy Explained?

"Validation of the dilution process came in a
roundabout way, thanks to research by Shui Yin Lo, a
former visiting associate professor in the chemistry
department at California Institute of Technology. 

Lo was performing experiments on how to improve car
engine efficiency when he made the discovery.

Lo, who now is the director of research and
development at American Technologies Group found that
water molecules, which are random in their normal
state, begin to form a cluster when a substance is
added to water and the water is vigorously shaken –
the exact process homeopaths use to create their

Lo said every substance exerts its own unique
influence on the water, so each cluster shape and
configuration is unique to the substance added. 

With each dilution and shaking, the clusters grow
bigger and stronger. This water, which homeopaths call
"potentized," is considered "structured water,"
because the water molecules have taken on a shape
influenced by the original substance.

The clusters start to assume a form that mimics the
structure of the original substance itself. So even
though the chemical can no longer be detected, its
"image" is there, taken on by the water molecules.

"If these clusters were unique to the original solute,
and the observations are true that they can perpetuate
themselves the more they are diluted or shaken, then
the original material becomes irrelevant," Gray said."

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CS>A Recent Batch of My HVAC CS was analyzed for Nitrate & the Result is . . .

2000-06-12 Thread ROGALTMAN

Recently I made a 5 gallon batch of HVAC CS which analyzed (Kimball Labs, 
Draper Utah), after dilution, to 12.7 PPM. pH was 4.4 - 4.6 and nitrate was 
below the detectable limit of 0.3 PPM.

So the evidence continues to support the notion that the water itself is 
being restructured either indirectly from the high voltage used to produce CS 
(whereby electrostatically charged silver particles accentuate the polarity 
of nearby water molecules which increases the activity of hydronium ions. 
Thus a lower pH is observed WITHOUT generating higher concentrations of 
hydrogen ions), and/or directly from the electromagnetic field induced by the 
high frequency ac current used in the process. If fact, the silver list 
carried a report recently of experiments which verify that ac current can 
produce or accentuate the properties of structured water.


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Re: CS>A Recent Batch of My HVAC CS was analyzed for Nitrate & the Result is ...

2000-06-13 Thread ROGALTMAN

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CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-14 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/14/00 3:20:36 PM EST, writes:

<< Did they test for ions or simply silver in any form Roger?

Fred: Silver in any form.

 Also, should they be testing for nitrite or nitrate? My good book says
 nitrates are mostly from organic decomposition and nitrites
 and mostly from ammonia oxidation with water - seems that
 lightening will produce ammonia (a chemist I am not!).

Fred: I wanted to know if nitric acid was present. It wasn't.
 The first sample I got (from another list member) failed the
 metallic silver test badly - over (50) O2 bubbles/sq. in. in a few
 hours, on a 1/2oz. sample. My interpretation is that there are
 very many tiny metallic particles of silver present! (My H2O2
 test in a plastic baggy!) As mentioned before, silver ions will
 produce NO bubbles at all, even in two days!

Fred: With all do respect for your methodology to distinguish charged from 
uncharged particles, I do not think that silver IONS are present in colloidal 
silver. I believe that metallic silver particles make up the sol. These 
particles are more or less statically charged and have a particular size 
distribution depending on the method and parameters used to produce it. I 
believe my HVAC CS product contains heavily charged minute SILVER particles. 
Otherwise, why is it so stable, and why is it so potent at ~ 1 PPM or less?  
 Further, the ion test seems to have failed - adding an equal
 amount of 15PPM NaCl salt solution caused cloudy ness, as
 expected  but NO crystals as expected (silver chloride is
 insoluble and precipitates out), unless the low pH prevents
 crystallization in some way???
 He used the "arc" type of process. Have more tests to do on it,
 so will report later. Your sample did not arrive yet!

Fred: I don't think I'm going to send you a sample of my HVAC CS until I'm 
convinced that your methodology is accurate AND until you include in your 
analysis a test for bioactivity.

Can you run an "nitrogen free" test  (enclose the reaction chamber in a 
plastic bag filled with O2 or CO2 or at least use a vacuum cleaner to 
evacuate most air from the system/bag), to see if you still get the dip in 
pH? That will show if the arc was producing nitric acid of if your theory of 
structuring has merit! 

Fred: There is no evidence of nitric acid present in my CS. In addition, I 
wonder how many technical papers I can find the demonstrates that HVAC can 
produce structured water?

 I do not believe it is happening to the extent you say, since submerged 
electrodes (AC current - no arc) apparently will not drop the pH, or am I 
mis-informed on that?

Fred: Perhaps you should investigate the relationship between structured 
water and pH. There could be a very complex relationship between the two, 
particularly in the presence of electrostatically charged silver particles.



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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/15/00 11:13:49 PM EST, writes:

<< Not trying to attack you Roger, just looking for some data! I realize you 
 looking for nitric acid, to explain the low pH but I wonder if the 
 reference I have,
 that indicates nitrites (which we all know are killers for humans) are 

Fred: I'll ask the chemist who has my sample about the likelihood that 
nitrites are present and the possibility to analyze for it. Happy?

 Apparently the EPA limit in potable water is 45PPM for nitrates but zero 
 for nitrites.
 I do not think there is any dispute that the HVAC arc process produces 

Fred: Until we see actual data for properly documented process conditions 
this point is very much is dispute.

and sintered elemental silver particles, not the higher bio-available
 silver ions.

Fred: I have yet to see any edidence to support your "higher bio-available 
silver ion" claim. You're simply repeating statements made by you and some 
others on this list. Show me the data to support this claim!

Granted, you may have a silver colloid with charged particles  but an
 electrostatic charge will not have the chemical reactivity of an ionic 

Fred: Again. Show me the data that supports such a statement.
 As for your high "killing" power, silver nitrate has a long and successful 
 history of efficient medical applications, albeit serious side effects like 
 manufactured drugs!

Fred: You're implying that I have made silver nitrate. First, you claim that 
I've made nothing but sintered neutral silver particles which are useless to 
kill germs (and you have never provided any hard data to support this 
contention). Now you're telling us that if I did make silver ions they were 
in the form of silver nitrate which is dangerous to ingest. Well, I'll say it 
again. There is no nitrate in my product, and I have the chemical analysis 
from a reputable lab to back up my claim. Which lab are you using to back up 
your claims?

 It is evidence of the efficiency of silver ions (soluble salts disassociate 
 to ions and anions, cations or whatever). I and others who have serious 
questions about the HVAC process, question what you are serving your friends 
, not how potent  it is! 

Fred: Give me one iote of HARD DATA to back up your so-called concern.
The posts from 'OLE" Bob you may note (it was his sample I have) show that 
 he is the most unbiased here, having expended money to build and experiment 
 HVAC,  as a means to produce a better product and assist others, not to 
 anything! His recent shielded electrode test (like my prior idea of an inert 
 atmosphere) and the submerged electrode test (with their minor pH drops), 
clearly gave evidence that the big pH dip in an open arc is from nitrogen 

Fred: To paraphrase Ivan, smelling and tasting things does not constitute 
HARD EVIDENCE. Suspicion yes, evidence no. What's good for the goose (Ivan 
used this statement to criticise my TENTATIVE conclusion) is also good for 
the gander (i.e., I can certainly use this same criticism with regard to your 

What they are is still up  for grabs, in my mind and I hope yours, since your 
nitrate test was negative!
Biased I, sell what I consider the best LVDC unit (also maybe the most 
 costly) but  spend a great deal of time in research and web design time to 
help others with my medical findings - you have to search on my site to find 
my product! I have also  disclosed to you and the other list members full 
details on exactly how I make my unit. With  over 40 years in the design and 
manufacture of custom HVAC and DC research tools I would  love to utilize 
that experience but for a 2 volt DC process I still wonder what all  the 
hoopla is about HVAC. (Fast yes, known product no!)
Fred: No doubt you have very strong opinions. Please support your opinions 
with HARD DATA..

 I will find out and publish my findings with or without your sample and pay 
 for some lab tests if needed! What if the rapidly growing HVAC industry is 
screwing with our bodies like the drug companies, simply because they will 
not validate what they  are making!

Fred: You sound a little hysterical here. Are you on some sort of campaign to 
rub out HVAC CS in the marketplace for personal reasons?
The alternative health field is an attempt to escape fatal research with 
 untested drugs - if you can not tell me what you made, I don't want it!

Fred: OK. OK. Calm down.
 Your thought that ions of silver do not exist, only elemental silver, is so 
 far from the main stream

Fred: It wasn't so long ago that the "main stream" thought that Newtonian 
physics was exact at any velocity. Today, we know that isn't true. But again, 
I must ask you to provide HARD DATA to support your so-called mainstream view.

eviI wonder what you think about a solute such as silver nitrate. Is there 
disassociation or will the silver just lose its bond, to drop out as 

Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 9:49:04 AM EST, writes:

<< Ivan had suggested using H2O2 to reduce the size of silver "clumps"
 as a purifying effect of poor product and the discussion of silver being
 a catalyst sparked an idea in my mind, as we were at the time looking
 for a simple home test. Give the whole list credit if you wish!
 I later suggested the "baggy" test, after determining it was qualitative,
 not quantitative and easily upset by dirty glassware! I expect the time
 of formation rate and density of bubbles/sq. in. are good indicators of
 particle size! You can note on a dime that it is a very slow process vs.
 the rapidity with silver "sludge" - clearly a surface area dependency!
 Finer particles = faster bubble formation and with more particles there
 will be more bubble sites/sq. in.!
 It is quite clear to me, that if no bubbles are formed with an ionic form of
 Cs (I employ all measures to avoid the formation of crystals) yet they are
 formed with a obviously poor running setup where a dense cloud is
 allowed to form and stringers start (an indication of growth of crystals)
 then it is a valid test to detect elemental silver. I would expect in the
 HVAC arc sintering process that atoms or larger particles are formed
 and thus the high bubble rate I found! 

Fred: If larger silver particles are the cause for the catalytic reduction of 
H2O2 (which, according to you, are prima face evidence of a poor brew), how 
do you explain that HVAC CS remains clear and no CS drops out of suspension 
over extended periods of time (probably never as far as I can tell). From all 
the discussion on the 'list' with regard to CS color and particle size, it 
seems pretty clear that the consensus opinion (Are YOU going to criticize me 
for relying on consensus opinion?) was that a clear sol indicates acceptably 
small silver particles. So you can't have it both ways; which statement is 
wrong and which is correct?

As further verification, of the effect, you can take "ionic" Cs and let it 
evaporate on a glass surface, leaving a brown residue. I believe from 
chemistry that what is left must be of the metallic form, not ionic, a 
deposit of fine crystals. It foams rapidly when
 H2O2 is placed on it, indicating a high surface to mass area!

Fred: Let me see if I've got this straight: You just made up a brew of silver 
IONS from your LVDC process. There are no anions present, mind you, just 
silver cations, but THAT doesn't seem to bother anyone on this list but me. 
Then you evaporate all the water and magically ALL the ionic silver turns 
into metallic silver. Question: Just WHAT exactly provided all the electrons 
to turn ionic silver into metallic silver? Seems to me, such are reaction 
(if, in fact, it DID occur) would produce a helluva lot of heat, or would be 
so rapid as to explode. Any sign of a rise in temperature, or explosion, 

Your turn,


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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 10:23:33 AM EST, writes:

<< This thread seems to be going pretty good, so I thought I would step in 
 my two cents worth as well, but on a different note.
 The fact of the matter is that the FDA can't touch colloidal silver made
 "the old fashioned way" because of the grandfather clauses.  The problem
 with the new and allegedly improved way is that it wasn't in use prior to
 the grandfather clause, and therefore can be attacked by the FEDs.  From
 what I have read in the code, any CS made from HVAC will have to be approved
 as a new drug, along with all the testing.  That's not such a bad thing I
 guess, because it's my FIRM opinion that it's not as good as LVDC, but the
 real problem arises because when (notice that I didn't type if) they decide
 to go after HVAC CS, they are going to put it to the media in such a way
 that it will look as if ALL CS (even LVDC) is bad, needs safety testing,
 could cause argeria, etc.  Speaking from a pure political point of view, I
 can see HVAC methods as being a potentially terrible thing for the CS
 Yours in health,
 James Allison

I hate to burst you bubble James, but I have evidence that the first CS 
product using HVAC occurred in 1898. AND they used SPUTTERING no less. Matter 
of fact that's why I never considering patenting what I (apparently) 
rediscovered only 100 years later.

Nice try,


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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 11:16:09 AM EST, writes:

<< For unsophisticated plodders like me would you please define HVAC and 
LVDC? >>

HVAC means using 10,000-15,000 volts AC to make colloidal silver.
LVDC means using using 30 volts DC or less (don't get picky now) to make 
colloidal silver.

The CONSENSUS that HVAC CS stinks and LVDC CS is the best thing since sliced 
bread. Hey, use WHATEVER works for you and ignore these discussions. They 
never get settled anyway.


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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 11:52:20 AM EST, writes:

<< Hrm, let's see, when did Tesla invent AC?  I am going to have to look
 this one up
 in health,
 James Allison >>


While you're at it, see if you can find DETAILED information of Tesla's 
"wireless power transmitter" which he build in Colorado with financial 
backing from George Westinghouse. Which, BTW also occurred before the turn of 
the century.

After big George saw Tesla's power plant in operation, it's reported that he 
asked rhetorically, "Where do I put the meter?" Funny how difficult it is to 
get construction details so you and I might build one. One thing's for sure: 
with conventional power plants, the meter reader knows exactly where to look.


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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 12:00:57 PM EST, writes:

<< Now, your telling me that somebody, 3 years later, started making CS with
 it?  Pray tell, who was it, and what was their application?
 Yours in health,
 James Allison >>


I said I had evidence, not that I can give you every last detail. Let's see 
what Marshall comes up with before you have me tearing through my all CS 
references to satisfy your curiosity.


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 12:12:23 PM EST, writes:

<< Just tested HVAC CS, lab tested at 40.2 PPM, totally clear for the last 38
 days, one sample in sunlite
 for approximately 12 hours without discoloration, no TE in room light, very
 slight TE in dark room with
 laser at 650 nm,and CS has PH of 4.38.
 Decanted 6 ounces into a lab cleaned bottle certified by Cole-Parmer, placed
 30 drops of 35% H2O2
 into the CS . . . no activity in 2 hours. Currently have sample in lab for
 complete testing and will have
 results 6-21-2000.  Will post the results then
 Bill >>


I have a hunch about testing for structured water. If you have a pH meter, 
this idea should be easy to do. If you were to dilute your HVAC CS 10X AND 
structured water were NOT present then the pH would increase one unit 
(assuming you DW was at pH7 -- if it's a little lower, we can make a 
mathematical adjustment). If structured water WERE present, the pH should 
stay about the same or even decrease. After diluting, try measuring the pH 
after EACH short term vigorous shaking. You might repeat another 10X dilution 
if the initial results look promising.


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 12:38:25 PM EST, writes:

<< wrote:
 > Bill:
 > I have a hunch about testing for structured water. If you have a pH meter,
 > this idea should be easy to do. If you were to dilute your HVAC CS 10X AND
 > structured water were NOT present then the pH would increase one unit
 > (assuming you DW was at pH7 -- if it's a little lower, we can make a
 > mathematical adjustment). If structured water WERE present, the pH should
 > stay about the same or even decrease. After diluting, try measuring the pH
 > after EACH short term vigorous shaking. You might repeat another 10X 
 > if the initial results look promising.
 What about buffering.  If you have CS that is not buffered at all then that 
 work, but if there is any buffering to speak of at all then ph will likely 
 virtually no change with a 10:1 dilution.
 I don't believe that structured water changes the ph, but I can easily check 
 since I have a meter.


Give us one or two examples of possible buffering species that we could 
reasonably expect to be present.


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 1:27:12 PM EST, writes:

<< Any salt will act as a buffer.  Trace salts from one's skin, salts of 
silver if
 any are present.  Any salts that might have arrived in the distilled water 
 likely sodium chloride, calcium chloride and potassium chloride).  Any salts 
 might have come from the leaching of silicon and potassium from the glass.


I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I don't onderstand how NaCl or KCl can act as 
buffers especially if they're in the PPM range. As far as CaCl2 is concerned, 
are we talking about the reaction,

(Ca++) +  2H2O --> Ca(OH)2  + 2H+ ??

If that's the case, then we have to look at the solubility product of Ca(OH)2 
and at the PPM of calcium in the DW in order to determine if CaCl2 can buffer 
the solution. Isn't that right? 


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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 2:08:01 PM EST, writes:

<< Isn't this is more fun then Kim Chi and fish heads?


If it weren't for you guys kicking me in the butt every once it a while, I 
would have begun to have some doubts about my HVAC CS before now. 

So thanks,


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Re: CS>Re:H2O2 test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 2:13:20 PM EST, writes:

<< I said Atoms, which sound pretty small to me! Would a suspension of atoms
  have a long "hang" life? It is accepted by others that silver ions 
 cluster in groups
  of 6 or more and thus your atom would actually be smaller!

Fred: Sorry. You'll have to run this by me again. I can't follow your 
reasoning. And BTW, you said "atoms, or large particles...". So I guess we're 
back to roughly atomic size silver particles again.
 >As further verification, of the effect, you can take "ionic" Cs and let it
 >evaporate on a glass surface, leaving a brown residue. I believe from
 >chemistry that what is left must be of the metallic form, not ionic, a
 >deposit of fine crystals. It foams rapidly when
 >  H2O2 is placed on it, indicating a high surface to mass area!
 >Fred: Let me see if I've got this straight: You just made up a brew of 
 >IONS from your LVDC process. There are no anions present, mind you, just
 >silver cations, but THAT doesn't seem to bother anyone on this list but me.
 >Then you evaporate all the water and magically ALL the ionic silver turns
 >into metallic silver. Question: Just WHAT exactly provided all the electrons
 >to turn ionic silver into metallic silver? Seems to me, such are reaction
 >(if, in fact, it DID occur) would produce a helluva lot of heat, or would be
 >so rapid as to explode. Any sign of a rise in temperature, or explosion,
 >No explosion Roger, I believe God took the free electrons from my highly
 statically charged body and contributed them to the silver ions, as the
 vapor produced by evaporation rose to touch my body, forming a conducting
 path! Try it, you will see it works every time!

Fred: Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? I promise I will never 
ask this question again!
 >Your turn (please no Fred!!),
 >It appears one (or both) of us are out of our sphere of expertise here! Any
 "molecular techie helpers" out there to help Roger know an ions life 

Fred The Ion Man: Thanks for speaking for me. I'm humble enough to admit when 
I've been beaten by razor sharp logic. You win. You win. I give up.


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Re: CS>Re:H2O2 test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 2:23:07 PM EST, writes:

<< isn't silver a mineral? ( I've heard it stated as such on a number of 
 This could be a very dumb question.
 somewhere in Texas >>


The definition of "mineral" appears to be as slippery as the definition of 
"colloid". A "mineral" could mean a metal, or a naturally occurring species 
either combined chemically or elemental. I don't think it's a technical term.


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 3:28:42 PM EST, writes:

<< Ammonia 1N = 11.6
 Ammonia .1N = 11.1
 Ammonia .01N = 10.6
 NaOH 1N = 14
 NaOH .1N = 13
 NaOH .01N = 12
 HCL 1N = .1
 HCL .1N = 1
 HCL .01N = 2
 The ph is a log scale.  In the case of ammonia a 100 to 1 change in 
 gives only a 10% change in the ph.

Marshall: I think this example is misleading because at very high pH ammonium 
hydroxide is only partially dissociated. We are at the other end of the 
spectrum where there is TOTAL dissociation of these species if, in fact they 
are present in any significant concentration (which I seriously doubt). Under 
these conditions, a 10:1 dilution brings the pH ONE UNIT closer to 7 from 
either direction.
 For most purposes pH can be equated to the negative logarithm of the 
hydrogen ion
 From General Chemistry 6th edition:
 "Mixtures of weak acids and their salts or mixtures of weak bases and their 
 are called buffer solutions. They resist a change in hydrogen-ion 
 upon the addition of small amounts of acids or bases.  An example of a buffer
 solution is a mixture of .1M acetic acid and .1M sodium acetate.  The ;pH of 
 solution may be found as follows (I don't now how to key this stuff in :< ).
 This subject is really rather complicated, and I would suggest obtaining a
 college chemistry book and reading the section on pH.  It is beyond my 
ability to
 totally understand it myself, and certainly to try and explain it.
 There is one interesting reference in here that touches on what has been
 discussed before:
 Water in equilibrium with the air contains 4.4X10^-5% by mass of carbon 
 The resulting carbonic acid H2CO3, gives to the solution a hydrogen ion
 concentration about 20 times larger than that of pure water, or 2.0X10^-6 as
 compared with 1.0X10^-7. thus the pH is:
 pH = -log[H+] = -log(1.34X10^-3) = -( log 2.0 + log 10^-3) = -(0.127 - 3.00)

 Thus according to this reference if you let pur water sit in the air, it will
 absorb carbon dioxide and end up with an acid ph of slightly under 3!

Marshall: No way can carbonic acid reduce the pH under 3!. Test the pH of 
soda water which is UNDER CO2 PRESSURE. Want to take bets on the pH you'll 
A pH under 3 probably wont give you stomach pains though because it would 
probably be completely consumed burning up your esophagus.

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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 4:32:58 PM EST, writes:

<< I am not a chemist so I really don't know.  But I would think that the 
authors of
 a chemistry book would know what they are talking about.  See example 4 of 
 attached file.
 Marshall >>


Didn't your mamma tell you not to believe everything you read. If you really 
are interested I'll do the calculations. I thought I'd try to appeal to your 
practical side first. Please say don't bother, I'm getting too old to crank 
out this stuff anymore.


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 4:42:59 PM EST, writes:

<< Opps, you are right.  I see I skipped from example 4 to example 5 in the 
book now
 that I can see it easily on the screen.
 My apologies.

Ah, thank God SOMEONE was convinced of SOMETHING today.

Hallaluya (really corrupted spelling here),


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 4:49:11 PM EST, writes:

<< Interestingly this site lists the pH of soft drinks as being as low as 2!  
But it
 appears that most of it is from phosphoric acid, not CO2.


I've always been convinced that if you drink enough of that shi...stuff it'll 
kill ya.


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Re: CS>H2O2 Test

2000-06-16 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/16/00 4:56:26 PM EST, writes:

<< Marshall & Roger
 The CS is "as made" and has no buffering at all - uses 0 PPM Steam Distilled
 and HVAC with a shielded plasma arc about .4 long

Bill: I'm cool with that. In order to have a buffered solution, the species 
that form either the solid or the undissociated molecule (and, for the sake 
of completeness, the dissociated complex ion) must be present in sufficient 
concentration to conform to the requirements of the respective 'solubility 
product' of the buffer in question. (what did he say?)When it comes to DW, it 
just ain't gonna happen. That;s why we use this stuff in the first place. 

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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 1:42:05 AM EST, writes:

<< Just use CS!  You may need a lot of it so the HV method would be your
 best choice, IMO (I'm still not entirely convinced that it doesn't
 produce byproducts that I'd care to imbibe -- sorry Roger :)

Dean: I'll be happy to send you a sample so you can have it analyzed for 
byproducts. Please contact me off-list for details. You know it's easy (and 
extremely uinfair, I might add) to point the finger with accusations, but can 
anyone produce hard data with regard to HVAC CS containing byproducts? 


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Re: CS>Ag + H2O2

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 2:50:59 AM EST, writes:

<< Hi folks,
 I originally thought that this reaction might be an indication of the
 metallic content (uncharged or slightly charged silver aggregates) of
 colloidal silver. This proved to be so in the tests I performed. Fred
 has attempted to refine the concept by quantifying the gas released, but
 unfortunately there is not a great deal of gas evolution, although there
 seems to be a gas phase which is plain to see.
 The silver - hydrogen peroxide catalytic effect really only occurs with
 high purity H2O2 (> 90%) being pumped through silver mesh.

Ivan: This type of contact is hardly that which is occurring when (I believe 
3%) H2O2 is added to freshly made CS. So how can anyone claim that (3%) 
peroxide can be used to identify metallic silver in CS? Also it's very 
confusing to me how the term catalyzed reaction is being used (probably not 
by you). I thought a catalyst is something that PROMOTES a reaction without 
TAKING PART in that reaction. The reaction below clearly show that silver is 
one of the reactants. On the other hand, is it not possible that silver DOES 
catalyze the reduction of (relatively unstable) H2O2? Your comments please. 
 H2O2 will oxidise metallic silver Ag
 2(Ag)  +  H2O2  +  2H+  + 2e  >  2(Ag+  +  e)  +  2H2O
 E(cell) = 0.977 V
 log K = 33.06168
 K = 1.15e33
 deltaG= -188.53169 kJ/mol
 but will not oxidise the silver ion Ag+ in a neutral or acid solution.
 In a basic solution H2O2 will reduce Ag+ by way of the hydroxyl ion OH-

Ivan: How basic (pH?) does the solution have to be to get this reaction to 
the right?
 H2O2 + 2OH- + 2(Ag+  +  e) >  O2  +  2H2O  +  2e  +  2(Ag)
 E(cell) = 0.945 V
 log K = 31.9788
 K = 9.52e31
 deltaG = -182.35665 kJ/mol

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Re: CS>I have quite a few 9 volt DC power supplies

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 5:49:23 AM EST, writes:

<<  Can some one name a few URLs for the basics in making colloidal silver?
 o I have quite a few 9 volt DC power supplies and plan to use them instead
 of batteries. This is OK...Right???
 o What is a good source of silver besides wire?
 o I have heard that Canadian Maple Leaf silver coins are very pure and good
 to use for an electrode.
 o I have a neon sign transformer, Some people are using HVAC it seems. This
 transformer would fill the bill?
 Dan >>


Unless you have hands on experience with HVAC I would highly recommend using 
the low DC voltage approach. Doing a search here will provide you with more 
than you'll ever need to make a reasonable product.

However, if you do have experience with HVAC, contact me off-list and I'll 
give you some specific info.


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Re: CS>Colloids Ions Bio-availability was Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS we...

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 5:50:58 AM EST, writes:

<< When the particles are sputtered by electric arc, not only are silver
 ions and metallic particles formed, but the atmosphere in which the arc
 is formed may also undergo chemical change, the products of which may go
 into solution or react with the silver particles forming silver
 compounds. (this is not a value judgement).

Ivan: Please provide us with examples of silver compounds which a stable at 
sputtering temperatures.


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Re: CS>Colloids Ions Bio-availability was Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS we...

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 8:02:32 AM EST, writes:

<< Roger,
 I'm not sure there is much stable at the temp of silver vaporisation.
 However there is a point at the arc/plasma water interface where the
 temp is low enough to fix whatever species is found there, 150degC for
 silver oxide.


Yes, but the temperature differential between the arc and the water surface 
is HUGE. Basically, the silver is quenched from high temp. So from my 
experience, practically no oxide will be produced.

 - Original Message -
 To:  >>

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Re: CS>Ag + H2O2

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 7:54:31 AM EST, writes:

<< That is what I am saying Roger, this is not a catalytic reaction, but
 rather a relatively straight forward redox reaction. The catalytic
 reaction, as used in hydrogen peroxide rocket motors, induces a cascade
 reaction in the water producing heat and steam (theories on how this
 happens are not consistent). The silver does wear out in time.
 When I deliberately made a colloid that had a lot of sludge inclusion
 and was a deep gold colour, the introduction of H2O2 caused an immediate
 reaction in the form of many extremely small bubbles (made the sample
 look cloudy) and the colloid became clear. The ionic content was
 significantly higher after this reaction than before, as measured by Ion
 Selective Electrode.
 There was no such reaction with a light golden colloid which I know to
 be composed of a high proportion of ionic clusters (ISE ionic reading =
 AA total silver reading) and the concentration remained the essetially
 the same (slight increase). The plugging of the compounds into a couple
 of reaction predictors (the outputs of these are pasted into my post)
 confirms this evidence. Until the weight of evendence proves otherwise,
 this is my conclusion.

Ivan: I don't inderstand the last two sentenses. Would you please elaborate.

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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 11:42:27 AM EST, writes:

<< Re: your last question Roger.  It is very hard to prove a negative.  I 
have never seen a cite. 
 James Osbourne Holmes

James: Prove a negative? How about a positive: "Has anyone found ANYTHING but 
silver in ANY HVAC CS product? Is that positive enough for you?


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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-17 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 1:37:06 PM EST, writes:

<< Have you checked with your Agricultural agent what the copper
 fungicides are that they recommend? As so far as my mentions of
 nitrate or nitrite, I would ignore that in a field spray application, as
 there are far worse risks with copper fungicides then the trace amount
 you might get from the HVAC process. >>

Fred: You are unbelievable! " ... far worse risks ... then the trace amount 
[of nitrate or nitrite] " You prove the old adage that if you repeat a 
lie often enough people will start to believe it.


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Re: CS>West Nile Flu

2000-06-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 10:53:37 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>West Nile Flu
 Date:  6/17/00 10:53:37 PM EST
 From: (G&B Rogers)
 Hello listers,
 The mosquito borne West Nile virus that causes encephalitis has returned to
 my region of NY, with a few dead crows confirmed having the virus in an
 adjacent county, just 20 miles away. I was just wondering if anyone has
 suggestions for precautionary measures using CS (besides a daily 2oz
 dosage) - would putting drops of CS on mosquito bites work?  I made my own
 concoction of aloe vera gel, CS, dissolved MSM and lavender oil, which I
 keep in the kitchen for burns that works rather nicely, but don't know if
 the CS has remained effective since I don't refrigerate it, and I don't know
 if mixing it with essential oils affects the properties of the colloid.
 Any suggestions or thoughts on natural ways of protecting me and my family
 from this virus, which killed 7 people in NYC last year, would be
 appreciated!  We live on a small lake, and it tends to be mosquito
 metropolitan around here.
 Commit Random Acts of Kindness >>


I'm not qualified to answer your question, but I'm hoping you could provide 
more details with regard to your concoction and which specific regions in New 
York State besides NYC have been exposed.



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Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/17/00 11:27:08 PM EST, writes:

<< Isn't that sort of defined by the MCL you assign as "present", and the 
 concentration  of the substance in terms of its toxicity.

James: I'd appreciate it if you would rephrase the above sentence please so I 
can respond to the best of my ability. But if I understand your meaning, the 
answer is yes. However, if the substance is below detectable limits using 
standard labs protocols, it's very unlikely to be of any practical concern 
don't you think. 
 I think that is an excellent thing to do.
   I plan to do  an 'AA' sweep  of the stuff I am making, but I have got to 
 find a chemist who has had experience with CS.

James: Lyn Kimball (Kimball Labs, Draper Utah) has given me outstanding 
support over the last few years, at unbeatable prices I might add.


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CS>Ivan: I've got one more question

2000-06-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
Ivan: You said in part:

"When I deliberately made a colloid that had a lot of sludge inclusion
 and was a deep gold colour, the introduction of H2O2 caused an immediate
 reaction in the form of many extremely small bubbles (made the sample
 look cloudy) and the colloid became clear. The ionic content was
 significantly higher after this reaction than before, as measured by Ion
 Selective Electrode.
 There was no such reaction with a light golden colloid which I know to
 be composed of a high proportion of ionic clusters (ISE ionic reading =
 AA total silver reading) and the concentration remained the essetially
 the same (slight increase)"

If you found "no such reaction with a light golden colloid which I know to be 
composed of a high proportion of ionic clusters ...", is it reasonable to 
conclude that the permanently clear HVAC CS has smaller particles then that 
of the "light golden colloid" (consensus view: clear sols have smaller 
particles on average than colored sols), BUT if bubbles of escaping oxygen 
are generated (from Fred's H2O2 test) then at least SOME of these particles 
are NOT ionic (using your definition of 'ionic')?  

Thanks for all your effort in trying to clear up our understanding of 
colloids (question: can colloids ever be really clear?)


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Re: CS>Colloids Ions Bio-availability was Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS we...

2000-06-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/18/00 5:43:46 AM EST, writes:

<< > Roger
 I would have thought that there is no sharp delineation in temperature,
 that the boundary between the water and the arc plasma, from a particle
 point of view, is the gradual transition from a high energy maelstrom
 where ions and so forth are continuously buffeted together dissolving
 and forming compounds with what ever else is there, the violence
 gradually lessening until a point is reached where there is not enough
 energy to boil the water let alone break the bonds of compounds formed
 earlier in the transition.
 Now Roger, I don't know whether there are other elements or not entering
 your water, but I do know that when arc dissolusion was DC in times
 past, the major problem of forming high percentages of metal oxide was
 somewhat ameliorated by using an AC arc, which limited the oxide
 formation to about 15%.
 You say that, in your experience practically no oxide will be produced.
 I would be interested to learn what experience that is, and if you have
 tested for the presence of silver oxide.
 Always interested.
 Ivan. >>

Ivan: As a metallurgical engineer, specialized in high temperature smelting 
processes, I have some experience with silver at high temperature. In 
general, silver does not form an oxide easily (sulfides yes, oxides no). 
However, in an effort to leave no stone unturned to evaluate the purity of my 
HVAC CS, I will begin to prepare photomicrographs of evaporated CS and well 
as applying other techniques to see if there is evidence of silver compounds 
or anything else for that matter.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag + H2O2

2000-06-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/18/00 8:47:14 AM EST, writes:

<< The plugging of the compounds into a couple
  of reaction predictors (the outputs of these are pasted into my post)
  confirms this evidence. Until the weight of evendence [should be
 evidence] proves otherwise,
  this is my conclusion.
 >>Ivan: I don't inderstand the last two sentenses. Would you please
 I have a couple of chemical reaction software programs into which I fed
 the reactants H2O2 and Ag etc. and which provide details of the reaction
 and products, if it should occur spontaneously.

Ivan: So, bottom line, you feel that the weight of the evidence indicates 
that H2O2 is a good predictor of the presence of non-ionic silver despite 
that fact that the concentration of H2O2, and the physical form of silver do 
not conform to the conditions required with regard to the silver oxidation 
you referenced yesterday?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>West Nile Flu -region and concoction

2000-06-18 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/18/00 11:18:45 AM EST, writes:

<< Hi Roger and Erwin,
 I'm in the Hudson Valley region of NY, near West Point.  There were
 confirmed crow deaths from West Nile in Rockland County, which is across the
 Hudson river from Westchester; last year there were confirmed animal/bird
 deaths (guess it also affects horses) in Rockland and I believe Dutchess
 Counties (Dutchess is the county north of Westchester and was home to IBM,
 and FDR's estate).  We're in commuter range of NYC.
 As far as the concoction - it is approximately equal parts aloe vera gel to
 CS, with slightly more of the aloe so it wasn't so runny - 3oz of each.  I
 dissolved MSM caps in the CS prior to mixing, then added about 1/2 oz
 lavender oil.  I made this based on a description of a product sold by an
 essential oil vendor; the president of that company supposedly developed
 this spray with aloe and lavender oil, and some kind of special water, and
 then demonstrated the efficacy of the product by searing his arm with a
 soldering iron at a lecture and immediately spraying his product on.  Why
 anyone would go to those lengths is beyond me, but my version which is not
 sprayable and is more like the consistency of a watery jello has worked on
 minor burns, scrapes and is a nice moisturizer.


Thanks very much.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Ion Selective Electrode

2000-06-19 Thread ROGALTMAN
Ivan (or anyone else):

Please explain the workings of the "Ion Selective Electrode".


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Your Last Comments on my HVAC CS were lost

2000-06-19 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 6/19/00 11:32:47 AM EST, writes:

<< Sorry touchy Roger, thought I was being conservative by saying
 "my mentions" and "trace amount" - I am not the only one in the
   world with unanswered questions about the logical possibility
 of nitrogen compounds formed in an air to water HV arc! I even went
 to two of Bruce Marx's sites, THE originator of the HVAC process,
 (he says so) to check his comments, but alas, he has weirder ideas
 then you! Even says LV Cs has a shelf life of only 2 days to 2 weeks -
 you might like him!
 Oh well, guess I asked for a slap! >>


I also want to apologize. I think you caught me at a weak moment. Let's 
maintain a truce about nitrogen compounds (that is, neither of us will 
mention it again until I get back the nitrite analysis you asked for from my 
latest HVAC CS sample. BTW, that sample is from a 6 gallon ~11 PPM CS lot, so 
those results should reflect "my HVAC CS" for some time to come since I see 
no reason (except special cases like Lyme and similar tough bugs) to consume 
anything above 1 PPM of this product.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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