Re: CS>Re: Fw: OT

2003-08-30 Thread Russ Rosser
SORRY--It turns out that silver-list was among a group of addys that I just
added to my bulk list.  I had previously deleted it (otherwise, there'd be
more frequent political posts from me), but it cropped up again like the
phoenix.  I've now hunted it down & eliminated it again!  Thanks for
pointing it out.  --Russ

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 3:38 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Fw: ### A MUST READ! ###

> Please explain why you feel compelled to put your
> non-CS soap-box here instead of OT.
> jr
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: ### A MUST READ! ###

2003-08-30 Thread Russ Rosser

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum 


  Winking Out - Voices Of Truth Drowning Beneath 
  Tidal Wave Of Trivial Sound Bites 

  By John Kaminski 

  An astronomy report I read recently " from God knows where; I get so many 
e-mails I can't tell one from the other after awhile " said the universe is 
getting darker. Stars are winking out, and not being replaced fast enough by 
new stars being born. The universe getting darker. I guess it's that way here 
on Earth, too. Getting darker by the day. 

  No one of any consequential reputation, at least in big media's bloodshot 
eyes, has leapt to the front of the stage and screamed about what a hoax the 
Iraq war is, what a profound and criminal affront to human decency the United 
States has perpetrated on the world. No one with any real power, at least. 
Meanwhile, the vast majority of the braindead American citizenry cheers on the 
Yankee mayhem as soldiers gun down innocent Iraqi civilians without a second 
thought as the war machine defends the right of megacorporations to plunder the 
world at will. 

  I mean, does anyone remain unclear about how America's reasons for invading 
Iraq were all lies? There were no weapons of mass destruction and Iraq had no 
connection to al-Qaeda (which is a CIA false flag operation to begin with). 
Even Saddam was a former CIA operative who was once in business with the 
current U.S. president's father until the powers that be determined Hussein 
should take the fall so America's criminal corporations could go on a looting 
rampage (and poison everyone with radioactive debris) throughout the Cradle of 
Civilization in order to abet Israel's plan to expand its borders 

  Shouldn't all conscious people be howling in the streets about this? In 
America, the silence is deafening, and way beyond disheartening. It's as if all 
Americans have turned into drugged-out, robotized drones, incapable of 
expressing any desire to know that their country has been hijacked by criminals 
who no longer even try to hide their crimes. They know nobody's listening, and 
damn few even care that the U.S. now ranks with Pol Pot in the category of 
all-time dangerous, unreasonable and pathological social forces which cannot be 
reasoned with by principled individuals. 

  Instead, all the presidential candidates hem and haw and ponder how to 
criticize America's advance into unrestrained violent aggression. They object 
to this evil enterprise on matters of style, but for the substance of the naked 
aggression against the Islamic world, they have no objection. 

  None of them points out how America has broken every law human and holy, 
stolen an entire country, butchered its inhabitants and then made them slaves 
and starved them, if not outright murdered them. Even the United Nations has 
now approved this satanic venture. Which means there's nowhere anywhere in the 
world where anybody can be safe, and truly know that the authorities have not 
been bought off by high-level, deep cover corporate cash. 

  The ayatollah was right, you know. America is the Great Satan (whose twisted 
helpers are cynical evangelical Christians flapping their truthless lips in 
support of their monstrous Zionist masters), and now the whole world knows it, 
even though most people and U.N. delegates keep their mouths shut about it 
because tending their geese and their golden eggs is simply far more important 
to them than things like fairness, justice and human compassion. 

  As a result, America gets to execute about 10,000 Iraqis with high-tech 
weaponry, poison its own soldiers with depleted uranium ammunition, funnel 
billion dollar contracts to its own chosen stooge conglomerates, indefinitely 
postpone free and fair elections for the Iraqi people, and run a new oil 
pipeline from Iraq to Israel ... and nobody of any consequential reputation in 
the world gets up and starts screaming that this is surely a criminally insane 
act that continues to be perpetrated on the decent and innocent people of the 

  America has stolen an entire country right in front of everyone's eyes, and 
no one is saying a thing about it. Doesn't that strike you as odd? No, not that 
America has stolen a whole country; the U.S. has done that plenty of times. But 
that no one is saying anything. That it isn't mentioned on TV (the words 
"depleted uranium" have never once been mentioned on TV; did you know that?). 
That our respected leaders divert our attention with trivial matters and 
completely ignore the critical issues. 

  America has stolen an entire country, and nobody says a word. The U.N. tried 
to throw up some feeble roadblocks prior to America's unwarranted attack on 
Iraq, but now that the diabolical deed is done, the U.N. has approved the 
arrangement. Wasn't that courageous of them? 

  A dangerous brute is shooting up every town on the planet and, by its silent

CS>Re: How much water to drink

2003-08-25 Thread Russ Rosser
 Such is the wholistic health perspective.  
The person whose email I initially forwarded happens to be extremely 
sophisitcated regarding health, so our remarks concerned only the amount of 
pure required for hydration, not therapy for various forms of lifestyle-induced 



From: "Russ Rosser" 
Reply-To: "Russ Rosser" 
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:23:44 -0500
To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:;">
Subject: Re: How much water to drink


I've never been able nor inclined to drink such a daily water quantity as 
is famously generalized, with the exception of occasional water-fasting.  I 
developed a hypothesis about this, which I later heard a Dr. Parris 
more-or-less corroborate at a Preparedness Expo in Altanta:  Dissolved 
substances transmigrate through permeable membranes, such as cell walls, 
according to their comparative concentrations on either side.  Therefore, 
taking an overabundance of water contemporaneously with meals might not only 
hinder the digestion of foods by diluting enzymes in the alimentary tract, but 
also hinder cellular absorption by diluting bloodborne nutrients.  (My 
philosophical studies of the Dialectic help to round out this perspective:  
Paraphrasing Ecclesiastes, 'there's a time to hydrate and a time to refrain 
from hydrating;' universal law consists of obligations & limitations based on 
temporal oscillation between polar opposites.)  IOW, it's fallacious to 
prescribe a gross, quantitative quota about hydration or anything else without 
due consideration of *timing* and *proportionality*.  Answering the question of 
'how much water to drink' begins, therefore, as most intelligent replies: "It 


- Original Message - 
From: "Alan Hulsebus" 
Cc: ; ; ; 
; ; 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:19 AM
Subject: how much water to drink

> Theory doesn't hold water
> Scientific support for `8 x 8' rule lacking
> Bernard Trink
> Much of what we've had drummed into us since childhood is questionable if 
> not untrue, though we are reluctant to give up our beliefs (``Mummy and 
> daddy told me so''). Get ready to be shook up again. It comes from a news 
> release (truncated here) issued by Dartmouth Medical School (DMS). The 
> to drink eight glasses of water a day is questioned.
> Hanover, New Hampshire _ It has become accepted wisdom: ``Drink at least 
> eight glasses of water a day!'' Not necessarily, says a DMS physician 
> Valtin, MD. The universal advice that has made guzzling water a national 
> pastime is more urban myth than medical dogma and appears to lack 
> proof, he found. In an invited review published online by the American 
> Journal of Physiology August 8, Valtin, professor emeritus of physiology 
> Dartmouth Medical School, reports no supporting evidence to back this 
> popular counsel, commonly known as ``8 x 8'' (for eight, eight-ounce 
> glasses).
> Valtin, a kidney specialist and author of two widely used textbooks on 
> kidney and water balance, sought to find the origin of this dictum and to 
> examine the scientific evidence, if any, that might support it. He 
> that we see the exhortation everywhere: from health writers, 
> even physicians. Valtin doubts its validity. Indeed, he finds it, 
> ``difficult to believe that evolution left us with a chronic water 
> that needs to be compensated by forcing a high fluid intake.''
> The 8 x 8 rule is slavishly followed. Everywhere, people carry bottles of 
> water, constantly sipping from them; it is acceptable to drink water 
> anywhere, anytime. A pamphlet distributed at one southern California 
> university even counsels its students to ``carry a water bottle with you. 
> Drink often while sitting in class.''
> How did the obsession start? Is there any scientific evidence that 
> the recommendation? Does the habit promote good health? Might it be 
> Valtin thinks the notion may have started when the Food and Nutrition 
> of the National Research Council recommended approximately ``1 millilitre 
> water for each calorie of food'', which would amount to roughly two to 
> two-and-a-half quarts per day (64 to 80 ounces).
> Although in its next sentence, the Board stated ``most of this quantity 
> contained in prepared foods'', that last sentence may have 

CS>Re: How much water to drink

2003-08-24 Thread Russ Rosser

I've never been able nor inclined to drink such a daily water quantity as is 
famously generalized, with the exception of occasional water-fasting.  I 
developed a hypothesis about this, which I later heard a Dr. Parris 
more-or-less corroborate at a Preparedness Expo in Altanta:  Dissolved 
substances transmigrate through permeable membranes, such as cell walls, 
according to their comparative concentrations on either side.  Therefore, 
taking an overabundance of water contemporaneously with meals might not only 
hinder the digestion of foods by diluting enzymes in the alimentary tract, but 
also hinder cellular absorption by diluting bloodborne nutrients.  (My 
philosophical studies of the Dialectic help to round out this perspective:  
Paraphrasing Ecclesiastes, 'there's a time to hydrate and a time to refrain 
from hydrating;' universal law consists of obligations & limitations based on 
temporal oscillation between polar opposites.)  IOW, it's fallacious to 
prescribe a gross, quantitative quota about hydration or anything else without 
due consideration of *timing* and *proportionality*.  Answering the question of 
'how much water to drink' begins, therefore, as most intelligent replies: "It 


- Original Message - 
From: "Alan Hulsebus" 
Cc: ; ; ; 
; ; 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:19 AM
Subject: how much water to drink

> Theory doesn't hold water
> Scientific support for `8 x 8' rule lacking
> Bernard Trink
> Much of what we've had drummed into us since childhood is questionable if 
> not untrue, though we are reluctant to give up our beliefs (``Mummy and 
> daddy told me so''). Get ready to be shook up again. It comes from a news 
> release (truncated here) issued by Dartmouth Medical School (DMS). The need 
> to drink eight glasses of water a day is questioned.
> Hanover, New Hampshire _ It has become accepted wisdom: ``Drink at least 
> eight glasses of water a day!'' Not necessarily, says a DMS physician Heinz 
> Valtin, MD. The universal advice that has made guzzling water a national 
> pastime is more urban myth than medical dogma and appears to lack scientific 
> proof, he found. In an invited review published online by the American 
> Journal of Physiology August 8, Valtin, professor emeritus of physiology at 
> Dartmouth Medical School, reports no supporting evidence to back this 
> popular counsel, commonly known as ``8 x 8'' (for eight, eight-ounce 
> glasses).
> Valtin, a kidney specialist and author of two widely used textbooks on the 
> kidney and water balance, sought to find the origin of this dictum and to 
> examine the scientific evidence, if any, that might support it. He observes 
> that we see the exhortation everywhere: from health writers, nutritionists, 
> even physicians. Valtin doubts its validity. Indeed, he finds it, 
> ``difficult to believe that evolution left us with a chronic water deficit 
> that needs to be compensated by forcing a high fluid intake.''
> The 8 x 8 rule is slavishly followed. Everywhere, people carry bottles of 
> water, constantly sipping from them; it is acceptable to drink water 
> anywhere, anytime. A pamphlet distributed at one southern California 
> university even counsels its students to ``carry a water bottle with you. 
> Drink often while sitting in class.''
> How did the obsession start? Is there any scientific evidence that supports 
> the recommendation? Does the habit promote good health? Might it be harmful?
> Valtin thinks the notion may have started when the Food and Nutrition Board 
> of the National Research Council recommended approximately ``1 millilitre of 
> water for each calorie of food'', which would amount to roughly two to 
> two-and-a-half quarts per day (64 to 80 ounces).
> Although in its next sentence, the Board stated ``most of this quantity is 
> contained in prepared foods'', that last sentence may have been missed, so 
> that the recommendation was erroneously interpreted as how much water one 
> should drink each day.
> He found no scientific studies in support of 8 x 8. Rather, surveys of fluid 
> intake on healthy adults of both genders, published as peer-reviewed 
> documents, strongly suggest that such large amounts are not needed. His 
> conclusion is supported by published studies showing that caffeinated 
> drinks, such as most coffee, tea and soft drinks, may indeed be counted 
> toward the daily total. He also points to the quantity of published 
> experiments that attest to the capability of the human body for maintaining 
> proper water balance.
> Despite the dearth of compelling evidence, then, What's the harm? ``The fact 
> is that, potentially, there is harm even in water,'' explains Valtin. Even 
> modest increases in fluid intake can result in ``water intoxication'' if 
> one's kidneys are unable to excrete enough water (urine). Such instances are 
> not unheard of, and they have led to mental confusion and even death in

Re: CS>Time for Q & A! -- NOT!

2003-07-08 Thread Russ Rosser

I really don't understand how those OT emails keep going to silver-list..
It happened a few wks ago & I apologized.  Silver-list doesn't appear on my
general e-list; surely Outlook Express doesn't automatically generate addy's
from the contact file?


- Original Message -
From: "M. G. Devour" 
To: "Russ Rosser" ; 
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Time for Q & A! -- NOT!

> Greetings silver listers...
> It's cute and funny as jokes go, but political in nature, thus
> prohibited from the Silver List.
> Russ? I wish you'd carefully check the address list before
> mass-forwarding these things. They ought not to go here. 
> Of course at various times I've also seen this same joke applied to our
> current President, Attorney General, and Secretary of Defense with
> different issues.
> I've appended a suitably sanitized version below.
> > [Generic political operative] goes to a primary school to talk about
> > the world. After [his/her/its] talk, [he/she/it] offers question
> > time. One little boy puts up his hand, and the [generic political
> > operative] asks his name.
> >
> > "Billy"
> >
> > "And what is your question, Billy?"
> >
> > "I have three questions. 1st: Whatever happened to your [generic
> > profligate spending program or unconstitutional curtailment of civil
> > liberties]?
> >
> > "2nd: Why would you run for President after [generic scandalous or
> > treasonous behavior]?
> >
> > "3rd: Whatever happened to the [spoils of scandalous or treasonous
> > behavior]?"
> >
> > Just then the bell rings for recess.  [Generic political operative]
> > informs the Kiddies that they will continue after recess.
> >
> > When they resume  [Generic political operative] says, "Okay where
> > were we?  Oh, that's right, question time.  Who has a question?"
> >
> > A different little boy puts his hand up; [Generic political
> > operative] points him out and asks him what his name is.
> >
> > "Steve"
> >
> > "And what is your question, Steve?"
> >
> > "1st: Whatever happened to your [generic profligate spending
> > program or unconstitutional curtailment of civil liberties]?
> >
> > "2nd: Why would you run for President after [generic scandalous or
> > treasonous behavior]?
> >
> > "3rd: Whatever happened to the [spoils of scandalous or treasonous
> > behavior]?"
> >
> > "4th: Why did the bell ring 20 minutes early?
> >
> > "And 5th: What happened to Billy?"
> There. Hope that's better.
> Be well,
> Mike Devour
> silver list owner
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Body Balance, SeaSilver

2003-07-08 Thread Russ Rosser
Hello, Frank--

Body Balance remains the best, most comprehensive, food-form source o fdietary 
minerals I know of (especially since the FDA quashed its only quasi-competitor, 

BB is a good-tasting liquid made from 9 varieties of sea vegetation, aloe, 
acerola cherry juice & honey.  Most people experience some health enhancement 
within a week (my mom stopped needing an afternoon nap from the *first* day!).  

If this concentrated nutrition produces a "cleansing reaction" (Herxheimer 
effect), which is unlikely, just skip a day and resume at a lower dosage.

The company, Life Force ( has an excellent product 
lineup, including a superlative calcuim supplement called Osteo Pro-Care (which 
has also yielded benefits from *the first day*, like "My knees didn't hurt by 
the end of my shift").  All products are ordered direct at 800-531-4877.  Give 
PIN # 3489101.  For BB, I recommend the monthy auto-shipment, 1/2 gallon the 
1st month, then 1 qt./month thereafter.  

They'll refund (no questions asked) in the rare event that you're unimpressed 
after a month of use.  Let me know of your experience with the products, and 
don't hesitate to contact me with any questions!  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 10:35 PM
  Subject: Body Balance

  Hi Russ,

  I heard you on the John Bryant radio show some months ago and I believe you 
talked about a product called Body Balance.  Can you give me some info as to 
where one can get it and the cost?  I am pretty sure it was you, but if it 
wasn't, I apologize.

  Thanks ,
  Frank Thome 

CS>Time for Q & A!

2003-07-07 Thread Russ Rosser

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 11:53 AM
Subject: Question Time

Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school to talk about the world.
After her talk, she offers question time. 
One little boy puts up his  hand, and the Senator asks his name. "Billy"
"And what is your question, Billy?"
"I have three questions: 
"1st: Whatever happened to your medical health care plan? 
"2nd: Why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office?
"3rd: Whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White 
Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary Clinton informs the Kiddies that 
they will continue after recess.
When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we?  Oh, that's right, question 
time.  Who has a question?"
A different little boy puts his hand up; 
Hillary points him out and asks him what his name is. "Steve"
"And what is your question, Steve?"
"I have five questions:
"1st: Whatever happened to your medical health care plan? 
"2nd: Why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office?
"3rd: Whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White 
"4th: Why did the bell ring 20 minutes early?
"And 5th: What happened to Billy?"

CS>Warning to Americans From Russian Emigre

2003-06-12 Thread Russ Rosser
Original Message  Subject: Warning to Americans From Russian Emigre 
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 09:51:15 GMT 
From: r...@be.alert (Rex) 
Organization: An AXO9000 Certified Remailer 
Back to the Future  -  United States of Socialist Republics

Dear fellow Americans, I came to the United States in the 70s from the very 
possible futureof America - Russia. The longer I live in this country the more 
ominous signs of the Soviet Union I see around me. I feel like I am on the trip 
"Back to the Future" - The United States of Socialist Republics. Most of the 
social and political "experiments", new "trends" and developments that have 
taken place in this country over the past 35 years are not new at all because 
they were first invented and practiced in Russia. Americans should know what 
was invented and implemented by the Soviet communists that is directly relevant 
to America of today and to all of you, White Americans, if you want tosurvive 
as a race:

1. Affirmative Action. Immediately after the criminal coup called theGreat 
October Revolution, the communists came up with a social policy which was 
supposed to help Russian workers, peasants, and ethnic minority groups, who had 
been exploited in the past, to get better opportunities in employment, 
education and housing. Well-educated, highly-qualified people were pushed aside 
by the "new, socialist man".Unqualified, untrainable, semi-literate people 
whose only qualification was their loyalty to the communist ideology, took 
allthe jobs. Grey mediocrity set in permeating the whole society. By the end of 
the 70s, when the Soviet regime had no political will to put away millions of 
people as Stalin did, the country started crumbling.  Explosions at factories, 
power disruptions, water shortages, train collisions and derailments, 
aircrashes, shoddy goods, lack of discipline at work places, rude service 
became everyday reality. It was not American "spies" who were inflicting this 
damage to "the best social system in history."  It was unqualified, indifferent 
people whowere contributing to the demise of the Soviet Union. You could not 
fire, you could not touch affirmative action people because the might of 
government was behind this social engineering. Many things destroyed the USSR 
(thank God!) but Affirmative Action was one of the most damaging forces -- 
martial standards need to be continually_lowered_ to accomodate female 
"equality." (Just as White created standards need to be continually lowered to 
accomodate colored "equality.")  Affirmative Action in America is a serious 
threat to the U.S.national economic and military security for obvious reasons: 
unqualified, indifferent and untrainable people take jobs based solely on their 
race, ethnicity and gender. Affirmative Action is a well-planned government 
hate crime and race war against the white population, it is a government tool 
of dispossession of the whites.

2. Political Correctness. In order to force everyone to toe thegovernment 
political line, the Soviet communists invented "political correctness". They 
came up with a slogan: "Those who disagree with usare against us". Anyone who 
disagreed with political correctness were branded as anti-government, 
separatists, supremacists. An extremely effective tool of political control, 
political correctness resulted in the well-documented Russian Holocaust - over 
60 million people were killed. Political correctness in America is a crime 
against the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Freedom of expression 
and communist political correctness are contradictions in terms, one excludes 
the other. If there is political correctness on every issue then there should 
be people who determine for all Americans what iscorrect and what is not 
acceptable. We must confront these filthy Soviet-type PolitBureau members, 
these Gulag controllers of the Mind, who believe that their political 
correctness should take precedence over the Bill of Rights. We must throw this 
communist garbage out of this country or hang them all the good old American 
way. Political correctness is political violence against our constitutional 
rights to freedom of expression. Freedom of speech is an American absolute for 
all times.

3. Confiscation of all firemarms. The Soviet communists used the forceof the 
army and the KGB to confiscate all firearms. This campaign had been preceeded 
by incessant propaganda in the mass media about the danger of firearms to the 
population and especially to children. Many "feel-good" parents voluntarily 
surrended their guns, the rest of thearms were taken by force. Once the 
population was disarmed, the government was free to do anything it wanted to. 
As a result of enforcing Godless, communist, one-world-government ideology, 
over 60 million Russians and Ukranians were killed.  Handgun Control, Inc. 

Re: CS>cluster headaches

2003-03-26 Thread Russ Rosser
>From Dr. Chet Day: 
[Subscribe to Today's Health Tip with a quick]

  - Original Message - 
  From: Acmeair 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 3:11 PM
  Subject: CS>cluster headaches


  > a friend just started a bout with cluster headaches. 
  he has found that O2 helps more that the AMA stuff. anyone on here with 
  any experience with these things? any good herbal 
  remedies?thanks,jim,  O+, S
  Essentially a migraine headache.
  Take the diet supplement "Metabolife 356"   The headache should be gone 
  in 10 min.   Ron

  i posted this about a year ago, and want to thank those that responded. my 
friend gets a swarm of these about twice a year, ever since in  his twenties. 
last week they started to show up again. i informed him of the effects of 
cayenne pepper, and he agreed to try it. he is no pepper-belly, so he takes one 
after breakfast and one after lunch, so he doesn't taste anything.

  each capsule is 450 mg of 100,000 scovill units. at one onset, the headaches 
went away after only two glasses of ice tea (for the caffeine),  and now he's 
pretty much headache free. he is impressed and will continue taking the cayenne.

  i wonder if homozon would have an effect with the extra 02 ?thanks, 
again. jim

Re: CS>Fluoride in toothpastes and other dental treatments

2003-02-17 Thread Russ Rosser
James--some of my Fl notes:

Anti-Fluoride activism -- DAMS -- Leo Cashman -- 800-311-6265
Dr. Judd (80 years old, with 70% original teeth): 888-628-8783,
651-388-5344, 503-355-8224
His book "Perfect Teeth from Birth to Death" [order at his personal phone #
623-412-3955] lists 84 enzymes destroyed, and 104 diseases caused, BY
Paul Connett article about Fluoride accum. in pineal gland, osteosarcoma,

Varner et al studied rats w/low dose NaFl & AlFl:
Caused brain damage akin to human dimentia...died within year.
1 ppm in water increases alum uptake in brain.
Also increases uptake of lead, etc.
These studies were done with these substances in PURE WATER, unlike the
extra corrosion present in tap water--where lead, etc. is leeched from
plumbing--and cooking, where acid foods might be cooked in alum.

- Original Message -
From: "James-Osborn: Holmes-Junior" 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:46 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Fluoride in toothpastes and other dental treatments

> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Fluoride in toothpastes and other dental treatments
> I'm trying to do some research on the use of fluoride in toothpastes, as
> well
> as the topical fluoride treatments many dentists use.  I'm finding a ton
> info on fluoride in the water supply, but none on these topical
> I'm going to have a discussion with my periodontist on this topic on
> Thursday, and would like to go in well-informed.
> Thanks for any referrals you can give me.
> Linda
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>The Fifth Kingdom

2002-12-22 Thread Russ Rosser

You might want to try d-LENOLATET.  I heard the inventor of this special olive 
leaf extraction process interviewed on the "Technology Hour" radio show Sat. on 
the American Freedom Network. .

Mention the show for a '3 for the price of 2' discount.  It also carries an 
unlimited-time, 100% guarantee ("Send back the empty bottles...")  

The product is supposed to be more stable & long-acting than conventional OLE, 
and work prodigiously against it might combat your fungus.  
Incidentally, he cites the book of Ezekiel regarding olive leaves being eaten 
for "the healing of the nations."

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jason Eaton 
  Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 10:13 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>The Fifth Kingdom

  Speaking of Fungus ( well, sort of ), I'm dealing with a unique situation 
concerning an infection:  five types of lethal military engineered molds...  
the infection has established itself in the lungs, the intestines, and I 
believe the heart.  The official prognosis is terminal.
  So far, the infection has resisted IV ozone, all possible "allopathic" 
treatments, and is resisting IV H2O2.
  I have an idea of how to address the intestinal infection...  Any 
suggestions?  ( I'm currently consulting two MD's, and the individual has hired 
two fantastic alt med MD's -- one from Russia who, I am told, has extensive 
experience along these lines...  apparently, the Russian citizens are no 
strangers to modified molds ).
  Best Regards,
- Original Message - 
From: Brooks Bradley 
Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: CS>The Fifth Kingdom

I felt that some, among the list members, might be 
interested in this---most informative treatise on fungi.  Referring to the 
section on medical considerations might prove informative.  The pictures are 
not for the faint-hearted. 
We are, at present, initiating a special study on 
bioremediation using 
lignin-based materials (sawdust, shredded tree refuse/heavy shrub trash, 
etc. as the substrate for the mycellium), for erosion control and soil 
stabilization.  This investigation looks quite promising from both  
enviornmentally-friendly and cost-effectiveness considerations. 
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley. 

CS>In view of the looming threat...

2002-12-21 Thread Russ Rosser
...of mandatory, universal smallpox innoculations, my letter to Sen. Jeff 
is worth a perusal!
Incidentally, Sen. Sessions sent me a favorable reply in which he acknowledged 
vaccines' links to autism, ADD & other diseases...


Re: CS>purple CS--suggestion

2002-12-16 Thread Russ Rosser
Probably, the difference was in the containers rather than the locations!
In experimenting with various additives (e.g. H2O2) & brew times, I've seen
CS turn every color of the spectrum.  A friend reported that a batch turned
green after transfer into a container of questionable cleanliness.  Whereas
soap leaves a film, I've had excellent results cleaning jars with apple
cider vinegar (it dissolves minerals) & rinsing with DW.


- Original Message -
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>purple CS

> When you see violet, it is absorbing red.  You see the complement of what
is being
> absorbed (I.E. directly across the color wheel). I am surprised you did
not see
> the yellow, orange and so forth though.
> Of course the other possibility, although quite unlikely, is that you go
some of
> the bacteria that convert silver to gold in there.  If so, then save the
> you could turn that into a highly profitable operation.  That this is
possible is
> not accepted by most scientists, although there is good evidence it does
> under certain circumstances.
> Marshall
> Marshall
> Ode Coyote wrote:
> >   Well, it did develop a very strong TE but never went towards red.  The
> > violet just gradually faded away. It never went through a yellow stage
> > before going to violet either. [unless the phases were very brief and I
> > missed both phenomenon]
> > ken
> >
> > At 12:20 PM 12/15/02 -0500, you wrote:
> > >Wow!  Well purple's (actualy violet's) complement is deep red, and red
> > >the largest particles possible that still absorb in the visible
> > So if
> > >the particles continued growing, the absorption would move into the
> > >(wherease normally clear CS is absorbing in the UV), which means the CS
> > >become clear again. But since the particles are very large, and the
> > >goes up with the fourth power of the size, it would have a very strong
> > tyndall,
> > >as long as it did not fall out.
> > >
> > >Marshall
> > >
> > >Ode Coyote wrote:
> > >
> > >>  Once again I made a batch of 24+ PPM CS, split it into two identical
> > >> containers and placed one on the kitchen counter [near a North side
> > >> and the other in the bathroom [in the center of the house].
> > >>  The portion on the counter went purple in 3 days, the portion in the
> > >> bathroom stayed Crystal clear.
> > >>  BUT, now...a week later... the portion on the counter is once again
> > >> without color. The only difference is a very heavy TE. It has been
> > >> up over the past few days.  There is no dropout. Both containers have
> > >> tipped up every day to dispense the CS.
> > >>  Wassup?
> > >>
> > >> ken
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > >>
> > >> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > >>
> > >> To post, address your message to:
> > >>
> > >> Silver-list archive:
> > >>
> > >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> > >

Re: CS>Throat infection...

2002-12-09 Thread Russ Rosser
When possible, it's most effective to bring silver into proximity with the
site of infections (instead of alawys drinking it).  Throat infections are
an opportunity to deploy CS ideally.  Compared to the following method,
"gargling" is inefficient--the bubbling action reduces the contact time with
the throat lining, and the exhalation reduces the session duration, which
wastes CS.

It's better to seal off the vocal folds (so you can't in-/exhale), allow the
liquid to run down until it stops, and simply HOLD it there until you need
another breath.  Mild hyperventilation before-hand will protract this
inerval.  DMSO will help the CS penetrate through muus & superficial


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>SeaSilver & FDA

2002-11-27 Thread Russ Rosser
At the very bottom of this url., which appears to be an official FDA
webpage, it says: "Web page created by god 7/12/02" !!

Note the lower case "g."  WHAT THE *HELL* IS UP ??!?!


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 12:08 AM
Subject: CS>SeaSilver & FDA

> jr
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

2002-11-22 Thread Russ Rosser

Emigration of silver particles from wire works inversely from electron flow; 
the vaccuum tube analogy doesn't explain this type of impetus (I was also 
corrected on this point previously).  As I recall, the mechanism is thus: 
Electrical charge from the wires ionizes particles in the water, and negative 
ions *attract* the positively charged silver to the solution.  Anyway, the 
*positive* wire supplies the particles!


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 12:42 AM
  Subject: CS>RE: Colloidal Gold

  Hi Trem,

  Regarding your below response, gold doesn't tarnish, rust or oxidize very 
well. That's why it's okay after it has been lost at sea and recovered. I think 
it will eventually disintegrate through electrolysis though. Try gold plating 
something like a car bumper.

  Also, I think you might have your polarity back assward. The cathode is the 
emitter and the anode is the collector. Remember vacuum tubes? The electrons 
fly off of the negative charged cathode towards the positive charged anode.

  Hope this helps,

  Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 14:21:16 -0800
  From: "Trem" 
  Subject: Re: CS>CS RE: Colloidal Gold
  Message-ID: <036b01c291ac$6576eb90$30217...@silvergen>
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

  Hi Jannette,

  Vey inteerestinggg.

  I'm at a loss to see how this can work.  A gold electrode just does not
  disintegrate using low voltage DC electrolysis.  At least it never has for
  me.  Gold coins lost at sea for hundreds of years come up looking the same
  as the day they were submerged and they are continually being exposed to

  And of course the silver electrode has to be the CATHODE (negative polarity)
  or it will be the one to deteriorate if you use DC.  The anode is the one
  that releases particles.  Did you mistype the polarity in your post?

  Quite a mystery to me.  Do you know how much current is flowing?

  Sure you're not using their HVAC model?  Apparently it puts out 10,000 VAC
  but no current is mentioned on their website.


Re: CS>RE:"sipping CS all day"

2002-11-12 Thread Russ Rosser
> > > CS seems fine,
> > > BUT please note that it should be taken on an empty stomach unless you
> > > interested in
> > > Killing the intestinal flora and fauna too.

I, too, take measures care to keep CS out of the large intestine.  As a
rule, CS probably diffuses through the small intestine into the bloodsteam
before reaching the colon; however, I've always held a concern that CS taken
with meals might diffuse into food, which could then carry CS to the colon.
Therefore, I would take it away from meals.  Moreover, it has been said that
CS diffuses through stomach lining before reaching the small intestine;
however, Brooks Bradley has stated that DMSO is useful where expeditious CS
penetration through a mucus layer is indicated.  Therefore, where
distribution of CS throughout the bloodstream is desired without direct risk
to symbiotic flora, I first spike it with DMSO, as much as 8 drops/oz.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cs and DMSO Human Usage

2002-11-05 Thread Russ Rosser
Internal DMSO uses are multifarious and documented; e.g., in The Miracle of
MSM-The Natural Solution for Pain, by Stanely Jacob,MD, Ronald Lawrence, MD,
PHD., and Martin Zucker, copyright 1999.

I've seen a doctor's website that mentioned internal DMSO by itself is as an
anti-cancer modality.

On this list, Chuck posted the following:

A wide range of primary pharmacological actions of dimethyl sulfoxide
(DMSO)has been documented in laboratory studies: membrane transport, effects
on connective tissue, anti-inflammation, nerve blockade (analgesia),
bacteriostasis, diuresis, enhancements or reduction of the effectiveness of
other drugs, cholinesterase inhibition, nonspecific enhancement of
resistance to infection, vasodilation,
muscle relaxation, antagonism to platelet aggregation, and influence on
serum cholesterol in emperimental hypercholesterolemia. This substance
induces differntiation and function of leukemic and other malignant cells.
DMSO also has prophylactic radioprotective properties and cryoprotective
actions. It protects against ischemic injury. (1986 Academic Press, Inc.)

The pharmacologic actions of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have stimulated
research. The purpose of this report is to summarize current concepts in

When the theorectical basis of DMSO action is described, we can list
dozens of primary pharmacologic actions. This relatively brief summary will
touch on only a few:

(A) membrane penetration
(B) membrane transport
(C) effects on connective tissue
(D) anti-inflamation
(E) nerve blockade (analgesia)
(F) bacteriostasis
(G) diuresis
(H) enhancement or reduction of effectiveness of other drugs
(I) cholinsterase inhibition
(J) nonspecific enhancement of resistance of infection
(K) vasodilation
(L) muscle relaxation
(M) enhancement of cell differentiation and function
(N) antagonism to platelet aggregation
(O) influence on serum cholesterol in experimental hypercholesterolemia
(P) radio-protective and cryoprotective actions
(Q) protection against ischemic injury

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>looing for Susan

2002-11-01 Thread Russ Rosser
...However, if you meant "lewd," then forget it--I gave that up years ago!


- Original Message -
From: Gaston 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>looing for Susan

> It looks like it could be this one:
> ===
> - Original Message -
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 10:29 PM
> Subject: CS>looing for Susan
> I am trying to reach Susan Garrett.  You had a message awhile ago, and I'd
love to "talk" off line.  Please contact me:
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>looing for Susan

2002-11-01 Thread Russ Rosser
Perhaps I could help?  I've never looed for a girl before, but might like to
try.  Sounds like a new experience, just when I was becoming jaded about the
opposite sex!


- Original Message -
From: Gaston 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>looing for Susan

> It looks like it could be this one:
> ===
> - Original Message -
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 10:29 PM
> Subject: CS>looing for Susan
> I am trying to reach Susan Garrett.  You had a message awhile ago, and I'd
love to "talk" off line.  Please contact me:
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-10-31 Thread Russ Rosser
...I learned about this site from this list, and ordered MSM & inexpensive
Ester-C in the past, but it now seems defunct.  Any more suggestions for
great deals on these & related items?  Tx.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sea Silver radio ad

2002-10-28 Thread Russ Rosser
I first heard of Sea Silver in '96 and they DID claim to add CS, originally!

Isn't 'Body Toddy' a product derived from the ancient shale excavated from
the Clark Mines (in Utah, I believe), IOW, a "colloidal mineral" product?

I'd love to have your opinion of the product I've opted for for several
years now, called Body Balance.  It's rich in natural, peptide-form minerals
because it contains juice from fresh-harvested seaweed (not prehistoric
depositions that were cooked by volcanic discharge).  I was convinced to try
it after seeing actual mineral profiles assayed by Western Labs, performed
on Body Balance and competitors that use Clark shale.  Those faxes are on my
website, (follow the Body Balance hyperlinks).


- Original Message -
From: C Creel 
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Sea Silver radio ad

> < infomercial just to hear what exactly they mean by using "silver" in the
> name.  Seems it refers to 3 types of (unnamed) "sea vegetables that
> contain silver", and apparently no reference to or mention of CS, as I
> had previously assumed that it did contain..  Excellent sounding,
> carefully written promo, ending with..."$40/32 oz. bottle, no shipping
> charge today only, free book(let) included with the first 100 orders".
> The big deal with their product, as I understand it, is that the various
> vitamins/minerals/aloe/etc. are "totally dissolved", as opposed to
> pill-forms, of which they claim the body only snags 10% of, excreting
> the rest, "much to the chagrin of sewage plant operators, who can
> sometimes even read the pills' markings..." (I'm paraphrasing here).>>
>   I was given three bottles of SeaSilver by a distributor (I believe
> he was banking on me liking it and recommending it to patients).
> I've been taking SupraLife Ultra Body Toddy since 1996.
> I stopped taking the SupraLife product and began taking
> SeaSilver.  About 4 weeks into it, I began to feel not as well
> as I'd felt since taking the Toddy.  After 7 weeks, I knew I had
> to try the Toddy again.  In 3 days I was back to feeling normal.
> I took the last bottle of SeaSilver I had and gave it to someone
> who was just beginning the SupraLife product.  I recommended
> he do each for 2 weeks.  After the month, he felt very sure that
> the SupraLife product had supported him better than the SeaSilver.
>  I would never have been able to recommend SeaSilver anyway.
> The company refuses to give quantity of ingredients.
> It claims it can't because it changes.  This should still result in
> ranges they can state.  This kind of avoidance doesn't get any respect
> from me.
> Regards,
> Catherine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Smallpox/Free CD/Sea Salt

2002-10-01 Thread Russ Rosser
Re: CS>e-Mail VirusI've had quite a few inquiries about how a copy of the CD 
full of legitimate news (text & 2 hrs. of video) about about 9-11 and the clear 
pattern of US government sponsored terrorism--including BIO-terrorism--designed 
to incrementally replace our constitutional republic with a military 
dictatorship.  All you need do is send your mailing address or leave it on my 
voicemail at 866-SYSTEM-4.

While I'm off-topic, anyone who's interested in full-spectrum SEA SALT ($7/lb. 
+ shipping from 35904 zip code) should let me know because I'm about to 
replenish my supply from the importer in order to fill orders (I didn't realize 
how depleted my stash was).  

To all who have previously inquired, my apologies for being behind.  ...Very 
busy, and my internet line was down for over a week due to lightning.


Re: CS>Re: Smallpox--'Sorry about that, chief!'

2002-10-01 Thread Russ Rosser
An email draft was sent in quadruplicate due to a glitch.  (I had to
reboot.)  The only one intended was titled "the actual threat."  My
apologies.  Thanks.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Smallpox

2002-09-30 Thread Russ Rosser
 Original Message -
> There are things that worry me much more than smallpox and that would be
> chemical weapons.

Don't be deceived.  Don't miss the point.  It's not just about how sick you
get from smallpox, but from being shot or poisoned by the US military!  It's
about the govt's using smallpox--which they control--as a pretext for
coercively curtailing your most fundamental right of self-determination, by
deploying armed forces to inject your entire family
with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum coumpounds, ethylene glycol, etc. and a
*live virus* grown on lung tissue from aborted fetuses!

AL Sen. Jeff Sessions just wrote me that he's aware of the cogent links
between common childhood vaccines and autism, ADD, and Sudden Infant
Death...but smallpox vaccines have proven the most virulent of all.  Many
doctors have abandoned it after witnessing its obvious lethality.  Yet even
as parents' and dr.'s anti-vaccination groups proliferate, the Bush admin.
is salivating over the prospect of coercively universalizing this genocidal
measure.  Whether you're aware of the
conspiracy or not--its ties with Hitler's poison suppliers, the UN contracts
our presidents have signed mandating 50-90% US population reduction, Bush's
Jan. deadline for FEMA to build "civilian internment camps" outside major
cities, or the real players and agenda behind the current "terrorism" --YOU
SHOULD AT LEAST WANT A CHOICE regarding your family's welfare!

What's a greater worry than smallpox?  How about armed troops confiscating
your personal weapons (upon the MSEHPA's passage in AK, the governor said
that would be immediately enforced when he declares a "health emergency")
and herding you into mandatory innoculation centers?  This is fact--read the
law!  And stop swallowing propaganda about Big
Brother's beneficent motive to make us safe & secure from the evil
towel-heads.  I'll send a free CD, including 2.5 hours mainstream news on
MP3 video, to anyone who can stomach the truth about the takeover of our
erstwhile Republic by G.H.W Bush's CIA on behalf of a filthy-rich cabal of
Satanist, currently unfolding...unless we urgently resist!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Smallpox: the actual threat

2002-09-30 Thread Russ Rosser
 Original Message -
> There are things that worry me much more than smallpox and that would be
> chemical weapons.

Don't be deceived.  Don't miss the point.  It's not just about how sick you
get from smallpox, but from being shot or poisoned by the US military!  It's
about the govt's using smallpox--which they control--as a pretext for
coercively curtailing your most fundamental right of self-determination, by
deploying armed forces to inject your entire family
with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum coumpounds, ethylene glycol, etc. and a
*live virus* grown on lung tissue from aborted fetuses!

AL Sen. Jeff Sessions just wrote me that he's aware of the cogent links
between common childhood vaccines and autism, ADD, and Sudden Infant
Death...but smallpox vaccines have proven the most virulent of all.  Many
doctors have abandoned it after witnessing its obvious lethality.  Yet even
as parents' and dr.'s anti-vaccination groups proliferate, the Bush admin.
is salivating over the prospect of coercively universalizing this genocidal
measure.  Whether you're aware of the
conspiracy or not--its ties with Hitler's poison suppliers, the UN contracts
our presidents have signed mandating 50-90% US population reduction, Bush's
Jan. deadline for FEMA to build "civilian internment camps" outside major
cities, or the real players and agenda behind the current "terrorism" --YOU
SHOULD AT LEAST WANT A CHOICE regarding your family's welfare!

What's a greater worry than smallpox?  How about armed troops confiscating
your personal weapons (upon the MSEHPA's passage in AK, the governor said
that would be immediately enforced when he declares a "health emergency")
and herding you into mandatory innoculation centers?  This is fact--read the
law!  And stop swallowing propaganda about Big
Brother's beneficent motive to make us safe & secure from the evil
towel-heads.  I'll send a free CD, including 2.5 hours mainstream news on
MP3 video, to anyone who can stomach the truth about the takeover of our
erstwhile Republic by G.H.W Bush's CIA on behalf of a filthy-rich cabal of
Satanist, currently unfolding...unless we urgently resist!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Smallpox: the actual threat

2002-09-30 Thread Russ Rosser
 Original Message -
> There are things that worry me much more than smallpox and that would be
> chemical weapons.

Don't be deceived.  Don't miss the point.  It's not just about how sick you
get from smallpox, but from being shot or poisoned by the US military!  It's
about the govt's using smallpox--which they control--as a pretext for
coercively curtailing your most fundamental right of self-determination, by
deploying armed forces to inject your entire family
with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum coumpounds, ethylene glycol, etc. and a
*live virus* grown on lung tissue from aborted fetuses!

AL Sen. Jeff Sessions just wrote me that he's aware of the cogent links
between common childhood vaccines and autism, ADD, and Sudden Infant
Death...but smallpox vaccines have proven the most virulent of all.  Many
doctors have abandoned it after witnessing its obvious lethality.  Yet even
as parents' and dr.'s anti-vaccination groups proliferate, the Bush admin.
is salivating over the prospect of coercively universalizing this genocidal
measure.  Whether you're aware of the
conspiracy or not--its ties with Hitler's poison suppliers, the UN contracts
our presidents have signed mandating 50-90% US population reduction, Bush's
Jan. deadline for FEMA to build "civilian internment camps" outside major
cities, or the real players and agenda behind the current "terrorism" --YOU
SHOULD AT LEAST WANT A CHOICE regarding your family's welfare!

What's a greater worry than smallpox?  How about armed troops confiscating
your personal weapons (upon the MSEHPA's passage in AK, the governor said
that would be immediately enforced when he declares a "health emergency")
and herding you into mandatory innoculation centers?  This is fact--read the
law!  And stop swallowing propaganda about Big
Brother's beneficent motive to make us safe & secure from the evil
towel-heads.  I'll send a free CD, including 2.5 hours mainstream news on
MP3 video, to anyone who can stomach the truth about the takeover of our
erstwhile Republic by G.H.W Bush's CIA on behalf of a filthy-rich cabal of
Satanist, currently unfolding...unless we urgently resist!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Smallpox: the actual threat

2002-09-30 Thread Russ Rosser
 Original Message -
> There are things that worry me much more than smallpox and that would be
> chemical weapons.

Don't be deceived.  Don't miss the point.  It's not just about how sick you
get from smallpox, but from being shot or poisoned by the US military!  It's
about the govt's using smallpox--which they control--as a pretext for
coercively curtailing your most fundamental right of self-determination, by
deploying armed forces to inject your entire family
with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum coumpounds, ethylene glycol, etc. and a
*live virus* grown on lung tissue from aborted fetuses!

AL Sen. Jeff Sessions just wrote me that he's aware of the cogent links
between common childhood vaccines and autism, ADD, and Sudden Infant
Death...but smallpox vaccines have proven the most virulent of all.  Many
doctors have abandoned it after witnessing its obvious lethality.  Yet even
as parents' and dr.'s anti-vaccination groups proliferate, the Bush admin.
is salivating over the prospect of coercively universalizing this genocidal
measure.  Whether you're aware of the
conspiracy or not--its ties with Hitler's poison suppliers, the UN contracts
our presidents have signed mandating 50-90% US population reduction, Bush's
Jan. deadline for FEMA to build "civilian internment camps" outside major
cities, or the real players and agenda behind the current "terrorism" --YOU
SHOULD AT LEAST WANT A CHOICE regarding your family's welfare!

What's a greater worry than smallpox?  How about armed troops confiscating
your personal weapons (upon the MSEHPA's passage in AK, the governor said
that would be immediately enforced when he declares a "health emergency")
and herding you into mandatory innoculation centers?  This is fact--read the
law!  And stop swallowing propaganda about Big
Brother's beneficent motive to make us safe & secure from the evil
towel-heads.  I'll send a free CD, including 2.5 hours mainstream news on
MP3 video, to anyone who can stomach the truth about the takeover of our
erstwhile Republic by G.H.W Bush's CIA on behalf of a filthy-rich cabal of
Satanist, currently unfolding...unless we urgently resist!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FW: Smallpox

2002-09-30 Thread Russ Rosser
 Original Message -
> There are things that worry me much more than smallpox and that would be
> chemical weapons.

Don't be deceived.  Don't miss the point.  It's not about how sick you might
get from smallpox.  It's about the govt's using smallpox--which they
control--as a pretext for coercively curtailing your most fundamental right
of self-determination, by ordering armed forces to inject your entire family
with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum coumpounds, ethylene glycol, etc. and a
*live virus* grown on lung tissue from aborted fetuses!  (See the links on
my website,, by clicking on the phrase "Model States
Emergency Health Powers Act, under the caption "THE URGENCY IS POLITICAL.")

AL Sen. Jeff Sessions just wrote me that he's aware of the cogent links
between common childhood vaccines and autism, ADD, and Sudden Infant
Death...yet smallpox vaccines have proven the most virulent of all.
Meanwhile, the Bush admin. is salivating over the prospect of coercively
universalizing this genocidal measure.  Whether you're aware of the
conspiracy or not--its ties with Hitler's poison suppliers, the multifarious
UN treaties calling for 50-90% US population reduction by 2003, etc.--YOU
SHOULD AT LEAST WANT A CHOICE regarding your family's welfare!

So what is a greater worry than smallpox?  How about armed troops at your
door, sent to confiscate your personal weapons (when the MSEHPA passed in
AK, the governor said that would be immediately enforced upon his declaring
a "health emergency") and herd you into mandatory innoculation centers?
This is fact--read the law!  And stop swallowing propaganda about Big
Brother's beneficent motives to in make us safe & secure from the evil
towel-heads.  I'll send a free CD, including 2.5 hours mainstream news on
MP3 video, to anyone who can stomach the truth about the takeover of our
erstwhile Republic by a filthy-rich cabal of Satanist that's currently
unfolding...unless we urgently resist!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Distilled Water Purity

2002-09-30 Thread Russ Rosser

Pyrex is borsilicate glass; if ions leached into the water, it might
actually be *good* for you!  It is tricky to bend but the art can be


- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Distilled Water Purity

>   I would try a neon sign shop.  They'll probably have both the tubing and
> the expertise.
>  One reason to run the water through a charcoal filter first is to soak up
> any volatiles such as chlorine etc that gas out at or near the
> point of water and will just condense back in.
>  Stainless shouldn't be a problem if you discard the first bit of water.
>  I've even collected some pretty nonconductive water off my tin roof after
> it rained for a while.  It was actually better than Walmart distilled
> water. [except for whatever bird doo doo that might or might not have been
> in it]
>  Ken
> At 08:54 AM 9/19/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >Do you recommend me taking out the metal tubing and
> >putting in the glass tubing, also Where can I find a
> >service that can bend pyrex to a specific shape and
> >dimensions?
> >
> >
> >--- Marshall Dudley  wrote:
> >> Distilled water is extremely corrosive.  I think
> >> stainless steel will
> >> contaminate the water with metallic ions.
> >> Condensation should be done I
> >> believe with pyrex or quartz.  Some plastic tubings
> >> may be ok if they
> >> are fully outguessed.
> >>
> >> Marshall
> >>
> >> "" wrote:
> >>
> >> > sorry I made a mistake in my post,  I am getting
> >> 006
> >> > using the TDS meter from just the distiller
> >> dripping
> >> > in to a glass cup, no filter, no charchol.  The
> >> only
> >> > thing that the steam comes into contact with are
> >> the
> >> > tubes where it is cooled off or condensed back
> >> into
> >> > water. I belive these tubes are made of stainless
> >> > steal but am very unsure about that.. So my
> >> guess
> >> > is that something is being picked up in the
> >> > re-condensing stage.
> >> >
> >> > --- Dean Miller  wrote:
> >> > > On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:34:39 -0700 (PDT),
> >> > > ""
> >> > >  wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > >Hi Went to the store and bought two difrrent
> >> > > distilled
> >> > > >water types, and both read a 001 ppm.  The best
> >> I
> >> > > >could do without my charchol filter was 006
> >> ppm. So
> >> > > I
> >> > > >am still not sure what my distiller is doing?
> >> > >
> >> > > It's working okay -- but your charcoal filter is
> >> > > contaminating the
> >> > > water.  Stop using it!  (Don't filter the CS you
> >> > > make with anything,
> >> > > either as whatever you use as a filter will add
> >> > > contaminants to the
> >> > > CS.)
> >> > >
> >> > > >The
> >> > > >reason I prefer to make it myself is because of
> >> > > what
> >> > > >Hulda has done with the testing of bottled
> >> waters
> >> > > to
> >> > > >contain iso-propyl alcohol in them(cancer
> >> > > compound).
> >> > >
> >> > > Store-bought distilled water doesn't have
> >> isopropyl
> >> > > alcohol (or any
> >> > > other stuff) in it.  Hulda wasn't talking about
> >> > > distilled water when
> >> > > she says "bottled water," she meant "spring
> >> water"
> >> > > and such.
> >> > >
> >> > > >Anyway I am running a new batch and heated the
> >> > > water
> >> > > >up in a microwave to around 100 degrees.
> >> > >
> >> > > No need to heat the water, and some say that a
> >> > > microwave will
> >> > > adversely alter the structure of the water.
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > --
> >> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for
> >> discussion
> >> > > of colloidal silver.
> >> > >
> >> > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > To post, address your message to:
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Silver-list archive:
> >> > >
> >>
> >> > >
> >> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >> 
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > __
> >> > Do you Yahoo!?
> >> > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
> >> >
> >>
> >
> >
> >__
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >Silver-list archive:
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>CS-DMSO Stability?

2002-09-10 Thread Russ Rosser
I've seen DMSO occasion no stability problems whatsoever.  The brand I have
on hand is a 99.9% solution from DMSO Marketing, Inc.
800-367-6935...although I doubt other offerings would produce lesser
results.  Adding it to CS surely yields the most powerful healing tool in
world history.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Sea Salt

2002-09-04 Thread Russ Rosser

Sorry for the delay.  I evidently couldn't spell you email addy correctly
based on its pronunciation over the phone, so I finally thought of looking
it up by name, under the "From" category in Outlook Express.

The moist sea salt crystals come in 2 lb. bags.  It is used in place of
"table" salt in all foods & recipes, ensuring that whenever you consume
sodium chloride, you also receive a minute amount of all the ~96 dietary
minerals as well.  (Interestingly, studies since the 30's have revealed that
the macro-mineral profile of sea salt is virtually identical to that of
human blood plasma.)  Therefore, this is something to do consistently.  I
like to keep it in solution, in a small, travel-size, pop-top dispenser

I believe my website mentions the sea salt on a horizontal line of text
under the SeaMinerals, but it's not hyperlinked.

You can send a check for 2 lb. + shipping based on our zip codes;

My contact info:

Russ Rosser
304 Old Camp Rd.
Gadsden AL 35904

Toll-free: 866-SYSTEM-4-U

G'day!  --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>neutralizing aloe??

2002-09-03 Thread Russ Rosser
A naive question from a bachelor:  Can baking soda fully dissolve, or does it 
always remain gritty?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 7:31 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>neutralizing aloe??

  It varies.  I use a swimming pool ph test kit and add the soda until the ph 
is 7.  I pretty well mix them all at once.  There are some things in aloe vera 
that can have an H or an OH tail, and if you add acid or alkaline will switch 
tails (I may not be describing this quite right, I read a paper on it quite 
some time ago). So what happens is that as you add the soda, the ph increases 
quickly until it reaches 7, then you can add quite a bit more before it starts 
increasing again. Thus you will find that a fairly wide range of soda will give 
the same result in the end of 7. 

  Connie wrote: 

Question from another list, for Marshall: 
What is the ratio of Bicarb to aloe for making a CS gel? 
How far in advance of combining this mixture to the CS 
do you make it? 


Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

2002-08-29 Thread Russ Rosser
> ...the kelp I bought in the health food store
> was not water soluble.

On my website you'll find a LIQUID SEAWEED
JUICE called Body Balance that I, my family and friends have taken daily for
years, along with
dozens of other people have I've referred more recently.  There may be
similar products out there, but I personally know that this yields powerful
results...from the first day, in many cases (like my mom, who immediately
curtailed her afterrnoon naps!).

Seaweed contains most known nutrients (and probably some that haven't yet
been isolated!).  B.B. ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD enough for kids, so you can
easily provide their full-spectrum minerals & food-form vitamins, EFA's,
amino's & enzymes each day.  There's a mineral analysis on the website.
Safe for babies, too.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

2002-08-29 Thread Russ Rosser
KELP -- On my website you'll find a LIQUID SEAWEED
JUICE that I, my family and friends haev taken daily for years, along with
dozens of others I have referred.  There may be similar products ut there,
but out there, but I personally know that know of
- Original Message -
From: Jim Meissner 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

> Dear Brooks:
> You mention three kelp products, Thorvin, Maxicrop, and ??? from a company
> in Waldboro.
> Could you give some more detail about getting kelp.  You had posted
> something about that before, but the kelp I bought in the health food
> was not water soluble.
> You mention "commercially-available" sources.  I have no idea what that
> means.  Who would be selling that, and who would they be selling it to?
> Where would I go to find a supplier?  Is this available on the internet?
> Thank you for all your great information!
> Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
> Check out my Website at
> Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for
> your life and health.
> - Original Message -
> From: Brooks Bradley 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 10:54 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...
> > Dear Mike,
> > Our researches have confirmed (to our
> satisfaction)
> > the most preferable manner in which to obtain the needed trace elements
> > through some form of reliable kelp product.  Additional  NaCl (if
> > can most conveniently be supplied through common table salt.  There are
> > number of acceptable powdered kelp products available.  Tablets are both
> > convenient and inexpensive.however,  the average subject (we found)
> > requires eight to 12 tablets dailyfor minimum proper systemic
> > maintenance.  The minimum we found satisfactory for "non-compromised"
> > (acceptably healthy) adults, was two rounded teaspoons of powdered
> > (granulated) kelp daily.   However, to facilitate ease of ingestion, we
> > found it necesssary for the volunteer to combine each teaspoon of
> granulated
> > kelp with a teaspoon of granulated lecithin and mix as a slurry (using a
> > small amount of water) by agitating in the mount briefly before
> swallowing.
> > The superior emulsifying properties of lecithin  results in a mixture
> > is easily swallowed without inconvenience.except a mild one
> > the drinking of additional water to flush the granulated residue from
> > mouth.  This seems a small price to pay for the splendid
> > health-support results we obtained  suring these experimentations.
> > From among  the commercially-available sources of kelp,
> > found Thorvin to be quite superior..for our purposes.  Maxicrop was,
> > certaily, acceptable;  as was a product we obtained from a company in
> > Waldboro, Mass., USA.
> > As we conduct some agricultural experimentation, one of
> our
> > investigations included investigations into utilizing unprocessed
> > (containing ALL of the elements) sea salt...reduced to various
> > concentrations via solution-as a
> > FERTILILZING agent.  Properly concentrated and applied, it works
> > splendidly.and this without the application of ANY other amendments.
> > I hope these comments are of some value.
> > Sincerely, Brooks
> > p.s.  Unless memory fails me---complete---I posted some more expansive
> > comments on our evalutions of sea salt as
> > a soil amendment, some months ago.  Those interested might refer to the
> list
> > archives.
> >
> > M. G. Devour" wrote:
> >
> > > > Pure sea salt is literally the best mineral/trace element
> > > > supplement you can find.
> > >
> > > I don't disagree with anything you said in your post, Bill, but have a
> > > question...
> > >
> > > What source do you recommend? There are brands of "sea salt", both
> > > iodized and not (Yes, I know, avoid the iodized) that come in paper
> > > cartons just like "table salt." They're quite inexpensive.
> > >
> > > Then there's the Celtic sea salt that comes in plastic bags, still
> > > damp, in several grades of grind, and cost an arm and a leg. I'm
> > > talking 20 USD for a pound or two at the Health Food Store!
> > >
> > > Just curious.
> > >
> > > Mike D.
> > >
> > > (Yes, it's off topic. If there's more than a handful of followup
> > > posts, then we switch to
> > >
> > > [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> > > []
> > > [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > >
> > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > >
> > > Silver-list archi

Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

2002-08-26 Thread Russ Rosser

As I've said for years, I can pass along full-spectrum sea salt various
countries including Peru for $7 / lb. + shipping.  Dissolved in water, it
provides every geological mineral in ionic solution.

(I agree that Celtic salt is a rip-off; and the French coast hosts some of
the heaviest commercial shipping in the world--not the cleanest seawater!)

I've heard of plain salt (rock or granular) being sold as 'sea salt' because
of the lack a precise, legal definition.  Then there are brands like DeSouza
that repeatedly "wash" the product for cosmetic reasons, thus incurring a
loss of certain minerals.

Whole sea salt is gray-green and MOIST; i.e., having a certain portion that
has never been dehydrated, unilke desiccated, free-flowing versions.  It's
clumpy but it crumbles easily.


- Original Message -
> > Pure sea salt is literally the best mineral/trace element nutritional
> > supplement you can find.
> What source do you recommend? There are brands of "sea salt", both
> iodized and not (Yes, I know, avoid the iodized) that come in paper
> cartons just like "table salt." They're quite inexpensive.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Oops, sorry--

2002-08-23 Thread Russ Rosser
...for accidentally posting "Peaceful Bush protest FIRED UPON..." here.  I 
thought I had removed CS from that email list... --Russ

CS>Peaceful Bush protest FIRED UPON---batons, tear gas, rubber bullets

2002-08-23 Thread Russ Rosser
Police opened fire on Bush protestors with rubber bullets...snipers on the 

"Police have opened fire on Bush protestors with rubber
bullets, pepper spray and gas.

"The crowd was standing at the barricades and the police had called a state of
emergency. Pepper spray was used on group early on. Batons were used on some
people. Group included babies in strollers and older people, also people in
wheelchairs. Those that could get out of the way were cut off surronded by 
police. There were snipers on the roofs.

"All protestors were given a phone number to write on their arm by legal group 
that would hook them up with legal services if they are arrested. There are 
also medics interspersed in the crowd.

"The crowd included union people - longshoremen, anti-war people, people who 
see Bush as a corporate lackey who is stealing our retirement." 

"I saw it with my own eyes"
by Randy 8:00pm Thu Aug 22 '02 

"I was between 5th and 6th on the sidewalk. Maybe the ones in front were 
warned to move, but I didn't hear any warning. It had been a peaceful 
protest. Suddenly the police came forward spraying pepper spray. A man 
nearby with an infant in a backpack got hit real good. The baby's face 
was so red I thought it had quit breathing. We pounded on the door at 
Carl's Jr. asking for water, but they had locked up. From the other 
direction came cop cars through the crowd and rubber bullets were fired 
at those closest to the cars. I kept retreating but the cops kept
spraying. Lots of people were sprayed including the camera man from 
Channel 2 KATU. Some of us ended up across the street at Standard 
Insurance and used the fountain and pool." 

Police reaction to Portland protest 
by Lisa Thomas 7:03pm Thu Aug 22 '02 

"This will backfire. Even our most ostrich-like citizens are not going to 
stand for rubber bullets being shot in crowds with babies in strollers. 
This will hopefully wake people up as to what kind of people are running 
our country and how much closer to a police state we are moving."

by On Jacob's Ladder 9:48pm Thu Aug 22 '02 

Thank you Portland for sending the message loud and clear! I thought the 
sheeple of this country too comfortable, too stupid, too crass to really care 
about what is happening here. We can never again ask "How did the German 
people let it happen?" Wake up - if we do not take to the streets we are 
letting it happen here.  Even Gore (ol'"I'll fight for you" Al) ran and hid 
under a rock...Taking it to the streets is the only way - there is no other 
way - hey, Ostrich, do you think writing your Congressperson is the way to do 
it? They are owned by someone else, not by thee and me...The few who are not 
don't last (think Congresswoman Anita McKinney, who called for an investigation 
in to Bush's prior knowledge of 9-11).  Do you think the ballot is the way? 
you forgotten Florida? They will only "count" the votes they want to count. 
The only hope we have is in the streets...In closing, a historical messsage 
for you from Nazi leader Hermann Goering, at the Nuremberg Trials after World 
War II: 
"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is 
the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple 
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist 
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no 
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That 
is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and 
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to 


Activists in Portland protest Bush policies

What's Next...Concentration Camps?  by Anis Shivani

Until a few weeks ago, there was little mention in the media...of words like 
"totalitarianism," "dictatorship," "police state," "martial law," 
"genocide," "concentration camps," etc. So the dirty work of laying the 
foundations of the genocidal state occurred in full sight, with open 


Re: The threat of terrorism from anti-government "Patriots"

Constitutional Rights of "Individual" U.S. Citizens - Ken Murrell
If American Citizens want to remain FREE this "Homeland 
Security" nonsense MUST BE STOPPED immediately!

President Bush's remarks on forest health and preservation
Bush raises record $1 million for Smith, GOP

Re: CS>ANNOUNCEMENT: It should be obvious...

2002-08-23 Thread Russ Rosser

It should be obvious when someone gets off-topic & disruptive.  As soon as
this is recognized, the key is not to exacerbate the clutter adding more

Bill wrote: "the linching [flaming] party was gathering," meaning that an
adverse consensus was building.  Such a consensus could immediately kill
disruptive threads, not by playing 'Arabs & Israelis' and *flaming* them,
but by simply IGNORING them!'s problem was straying from discussing CS.  We can solve the
problem, and avoid becoming part of it, by simply sticking to discussing CS!

Hollering for "MIKE!" invokes the coercive/technological alternative.  The
societal analogue is to call in the gov't to deploy batons, bullets & iron
bars!  Remember Kissinger's quote before the Bildebergers: 'Given the right
emergency, people will BEG for UN troops on the streets.'  As a People, we
had better learn to self-govern, to build consensus and handle situations
communicatively, and FAST, because we're rapidly becoming out-gunned by
eager, militarized SWAT teams...

Peaceful Bush protest FIRED UPON with tear gas, rubber bullets,
batons...snipers on the roofs...
"I was between 5th and 6th on the sidewalk. Maybe the ones in front were
warned to move, but I didn't hear any warning. It had been a peaceful
protest. Suddenly the police came forward spraying pepper spray. A man
nearby with an infant in a backpack got hit real good. The baby's face was
so red I thought it had quit breathing. We pounded on the door at Carl's Jr.
asking for water, but they had locked up. From the other direction came cop
cars through the crowd and rubber bullets were fired at those closest to the
cars. I kept retreating but the cops kept spraying. Lots of people were
sprayed including the camera man from Channel 2 KATU. Some of us ended up
across the street at Standard Insurance and used the fountain and pool."

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ivan (the Terrible)

2002-08-20 Thread Russ Rosser
Dear Ivan (the Terrible)--

Thanks for your reply.

> It is pretty much established that minerals can only enter the body as
> ions. There are three possible pathways. The first is through pores by
> osmotic pressure. The second is by attaching to special molecules and
> being dragged into the cell. The third, by attaching to transporting
> molecules (chelation) allowing passage across the cell membrane.

Could you elaborate a little, esp. to differentiate between molecules of the
"special" and "transport" types?

> dissolve calcium carbonate in
> vinegar or malic acid (apple juice) almost completely.

Any opinion as to which acids are the healthiest choices?

All of this leaves at least one of my initial questions untouched.  Could it
be that certain metabolic sites produce mineral-releasing enzymes on
location, to allow minerals to remain in relatively stable bonds until they
reach the destination needed?  I.e., could minerals ingested in a
pre-ionized solution be inferior in that they react to form myriad compounds
before reaching locations where their ionic form is needed?  Could this be a
drawback of the Sea Mineral product I mentioned (,
whether it's taken with or without supplemental acid (like cider vinegar)?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ivan (the Terrible)

2002-08-20 Thread Russ Rosser
Dear Ivan et al--

Thanks for your reply.

> It is pretty much established that minerals can only enter the body as
> ions. There are three possible pathways. The first is through pores by
> osmotic pressure. The second is by attaching to special molecules and
> being dragged into the cell. The third, by attaching to transporting
> molecules (chelation) allowing passage across the cell membrane.

Could you elaborate a little, esp. to differentiate between molecules of the
"special" and "transport" types?

> dissolve calcium carbonate in
> vinegar or malic acid (apple juice) almost completely.

Any opinion as to which acids are the healthiest choices?

All of this leaves at least one of my initial questions untouched.  Could it
be that certain metabolic sites produce mineral-releasing enzymes on
location, to allow minerals to remain in relatively stable bonds until they
reach the destination needed?  I.e., could minerals ingested in a
pre-ionized solution be inferior in that they react to form myriad compounds
before reaching locations where their ionic form is needed?  Could this be a
drawback of the Sea Mineral product I mentioned (,
whether it's taken with or without supplemental acid (like cider vinegar)?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>brewing ?

2002-08-19 Thread Russ Rosser
Ron, et al--

Since you don't have a TDS meter, and provided that you 've addressed the
issue of water and silver purity, my strong suggestion is that you monitor
the brewing time by TASTING the product at intervals.  I recently ran a
taste survey on this list, and although it sounds only quasi-scientific at
best, the unmistakable conclusion was that as soon as flavor is manifest,
the concentration is above the minimum, effective level.  Stop the brewing
at this time to avoid current overrun, oversize particles and dark color.
The resultant product will reveal whether you need to shave off a few
minutes to obviate eventual yellowing (keeping in mind that the current
increases at an increasing rate, so eliminating only a few latter minutes
can make a big difference), or risk adding a few minutes to attain higher
potency without subsequent coloration.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>in lungs -- My experience

2002-08-18 Thread Russ Rosser
Dear List--

I recently had pleurisy for almost an entire week recently...very
painful/debilitating.  After inhaling nebulized CS until my throat was
windburned and persistently electrifying & magnet-pulsing the site, all of
which succeeded only in keeping the infection from killing me, I finally
decided to make copious amounts of CS and simply DRINK enough to eradicate
the problem.  I spiked it with DMSO (roughly 8 drops/oz.) to help it diffuse
through the linings of the upper alimentary tract as quickly as possible.
In contrast to my previous, protracted suffering, the new approach
dispatched the lung infection in 1.5 days!

- Original Message -
> I seem to remember reading somewhere (I think it was Jason) who had a
> patient nebulise.  It caused ... nicotine be released from the
> lungs. I don't remember any more of the particulars, except the person
> nearly died.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>ALERT!! New GM food studies ALARMING!!

2002-08-18 Thread Russ Rosser

GM = Genetically Modified

News Update From The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

...In July, concerns about the health effects of genetically engineered
foods were raised after a report was issued by the United Kingdom's Food
Standards Agency. That report indicated that the DNA from genetically
engineered soy was found to have transferred to bacteria in the human
gut. The biotech industry had long promised that the genetically
engineered DNA would be broken down during the digestive process and not
transfer to bacteria in the human body.

Research on rats has shown the genetically engineered DNA is also
transferring to their blood cells. This "horizontal gene transfer" is
also likely happening in human blood cells. But no human feeding studies
are being conducted, except for the massive uncontrolled one that is
taking place on American consumers who are eating unlabeled, untested
genetically engineered foods. No one knows what the long term health
effects will be of feeding humans genetically engineered foods.

Now two studies have been released that show genetically engineered
crops may be contributing to the creation of "superweeds." Biotech
industry scientists originally said this would not happen because the
chromosomes are so mismatched. But now they are finding that viable
offspring are being created.

Posted below are two articles. The first article titled "Scientists
shocked at GM gene transfer" is from the British newspaper The Guardian.
The second article is from the Environment News Service and titled
"Engineered Genes Help Wild Weeds Thrive."

Perhaps what is most disturbing about learning that genetically
engineered DNA is transferring in the human body and into weeds in the
fields is that we are just discovering this now. There are currently over
80 million acres of these risky crops growing in the United States.
Shouldn't this research been done before we allowed these genetically
engineered crops to be planted? 

Craig Winters
Executive Director
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

Mission Statement: "To create a national grassroots consumer campaign
for the purpose of lobbying Congress and the President to pass
legislation that will require the labeling of genetically engineered
foods in the United States."

The Campaign
PO Box 55699
Seattle, WA 98155
Tel: 425-771-4049
Fax: 603-825-5841
Web Site: 


Scientists Shocked at GM Gene Transfer 

Paul Brown, environment correspondent
Thursday August 15, 2002
The Guardian 

Weeds have become stronger and fitter by cross-breeding with genetically
modified crops, leading to fears that superweeds which are difficult or
impossible to control may invade farms growing standard crops. 

Two separate teams, one working on sunflowers in the US and the other on
sugar beet in France, have shown weeds and GM food crops readily
swapping genes. 

In the case of wild sunflowers, classed as "weed" varieties in America,
specimens became hardier and produced 50% more seeds if they were
crossed with GM sunflowers which had been programmed to be resistant to
seed-nibbling moth lavae. 

Allison Snow, who headed the team at Ohio State University, confessed in
New Scientist that she was "shocked" by the results. "It does not prove
all GM crops are dangerous," she said. "I just think we need to be
careful because genes can be very valuable for a weed and persist for
ever once they are out there." 

Pioneer Hi-Bred, which developed the GM sunflower, has abandoned the
idea of selling the strain commercially. 

The sugar beet results show that wild and GM varieties swapped genes,
sometimes to the advantage of the wild varieties and the detriment of
the GM plants, which produced lower yields. Writing in the Journal of
Applied Ecology, the University of Lille team said they had
underestimated the likelihood of GM beets swapping genes with the beet
weeds that grow among them. 

The two sets of results add to the fears of environmental groups and
organic farmers that normal crops could be contaminated by GM varieties
- and make weeds impossible to control. This is less of a problem in
countries where crops have been introduced, for instance soya grown the
US, because no native weed varieties exist. But in Europe, particularly
in Britain, where weed species of both beet and oil seed rape exist, the
risk is potentially serious. 

Adrian Bebb, GM campaigner at the environmental group Friends of the
Earth, said GM beet was now being grown at 16 farm-scale trial sites in
England. "Once again scientists are discovering new impacts of GM
crops," he said. "The government always emphasises the importance of a
sound scientific approach to GM crop safety, so they should look at this
research seriously and question whether or not we should be testing GM
crops o

Re: CS>Ivan the Terrible...

2002-08-16 Thread Russ Rosser
Ivan, et al--

I had couldn't find contact info for Dr. Barefoot, so I emailed the
following question to a prof. with PhD's in nutrition science and
- - - - - - - -

I sought you out because of your credentials, in hopes of resolving
conflicting claims among various nutritional companies regarding dietary
minerals.  I appreciate how busy you must be, but my need of objective input
is acute!

A certain Dr. Barefoot claims 'miraculous' cures from a calcium supplement
made from white Okinawan sand, which consists of natually pulverized coral,
which is mostly calcium carbonate.  Any acid should drive CO2 off from
CaCO3, leaving an ionic solution of calcium.  In an interview
(, Dr. Barefoot
seems to mention only two advantages of the liquid "Coral Calcium" product
over the *chalk* found in Tums: (1) it is a solution of Ca++ ions that's
pre-digested (acid-treated, requiring no additional hydrochloric acid from
the stomach), and (2) it contains many other trace minerals left by the
microbial activity of the coral colony in seawater.

In additional , Dave Hinkson also makes some interesting points
( -- click the "Listen" button;
~4 min.) in favor of ionic mineral solutions, e.g., calcium

On the other hand, many manufacturers claim that "chelated"
(protein-enveloped?) minerals, the form assimilated by plants, are the most
"bioavailable."  Some say the body recognizes *calcuim orotate* most readily
as a chelated, or "food-state" form.

So...are minerals in ionic solution best absorbed and utilized by the
various cells?--i.e., isn't the purpose of human digestion to break chemical
bonds into mineral ions, anyway?--or must minerals be combined with protiens
to be usable? Or, are both states, depending on the metabolic process
involved?  Or, is it that minerals are ultimately used in ionic from, but
chelation were required as a delivery vehicle, to allow the mineral ions to
reach the metabolic site without reacting prematurely with other substances?

With respect to broad-spectrum, trace mineral supplements, there seem to be
three basic choices depending on the correct answer:  (1) The most generic
type of mineral pills provides *chemical compounds* like calcium citrate,
chromium picolinate, copper gluconate and ferrous fumerate (even IRON OXIDE
has been marketed as a dietary iron supplement).  (2) On the other hand, if
*ionic solutions* are best, then "Sea Minerals" (
consists of concentrated sea water with 95% of the NaCl removed, an ionic
solution of all the geological minerals (and chloride ions).  (3)
Alternatively, if the "food-state' or "chelated" form is best, then "Body
Balance" ( contains
most of the sea minerals in the naturally occurring form of *seaweed juice*.

Thanks profusely for your time!

--Russ Rosser

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Laura's Story (41 weeks old -- R.I.P.)

2002-08-13 Thread Russ Rosser
Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection 
By Christine Colebeck 

Today is my daughter's sweet 16th birthday but we will not
be celebrating. Instead I will light a candle and when I
blow it out I will make a wish in my daughter's memory. My
wish is for all mother's worldwide, that you will educate
yourselves and that you make informed choices so that you
may prevent unnecessary tragedy and be spared from my pain. 

Laura's Story 

After 41 weeks of pregnancy, on July 27th, 1986, a perfect
and healthy little baby, Laura Marie, made her entrance into
the world... 

Our lives changed completely and now revolved around
stroller walks in the park, visiting friends, changing
diapers, night feedings ...

I took Laura for several baby check-ups at the pediatrician.
She was a kind and gentle older woman. At 3 months old, the
pediatrician was very pleased with Laura's development and
weight gain and vaccinated her with DPT OPV. I didn't even
question her, I knew that all my friend's babies had this
same vaccine and "all good mothers" vaccinated their
children to protect them. I left the pediatrician's office
and walked home. 

Laura was very fussy, which was unusual. She was crying
loudly all the way home in the stroller. When we got home, I
realized she had urinated so heavily she wet everything in
the stroller. Then her cry turned into screaming and she
developed a fever, her leg was very swollen and red, and
felt hot. I called the pediatrician who told me this was
"normal" and to give her Tempra. I gave her baby Tempra and
I felt better, the pediatrician had assured me this was

Laura continued to scream and I could no longer console her.
My every instinct told me this was not normal but I was
young with my first child and trusted the doctor. I could
not hold Laura in my arms because she screamed louder as any
movement of her leg seemed to cause her terrible pain. I put
her in the swing and she cried herself to sleep. I was so
relieved, the Tempra was working and the doctor must have
been right. I began to feel silly for all my worrying. A
short time later, Laura woke up screaming and spent the
evening screaming and sleeping on and off. 

She had no appetite and nothing made her stop crying.
Finally it was bedtime and she cried in her crib, until she
fell asleep. She had never cried herself to sleep before and
I felt very bad for letting her but if I held her, she
screamed louder. My husband came home from work and I told
him about everything that had happened that day. Laura was
sleeping soundly in her crib and we were both relieved that
she seemed to be feeling better and decided not to worry...
I should have worried. 

In the morning I awoke and was startled to realize my
husband had slept in for work. I immediately knew something
was wrong and the worry from the previous night came rushing
back to me. I quickly ran to her crib, with a feeling of
dread. She did not look right. I closed my eyes tight and
opened them again, and considered the possibility that this
was a dream, but when I opened my eyes she looked dead. 

I went into shock and after that, much of this day remains a
blur. I touched her and she was very warm. I screamed for my
husband to call 911. 

I watched as he performed CPR, my body was frozen and I
couldn't move. He tried to revive our child to no avail. He
was shouting for me to open the door for the paramedics, I
was temporarily jolted back to reality and I went and opened
the door. I could now move but couldn't speak. I just stood
there numbly shaking my head, feeling completely helpless as
dozens of paramedics, police and firemen rushed past me into
our home. I didn't cry, and I wanted to scream at them to
leave her alone but I couldn't speak. She was on the floor
and they were shocking her tiny body, in the little bedroom
with the yellow painted walls and clown wallpaper. I stood
there praying in my head that they would just leave her
alone, that they would get out of her bedroom and that I
would wake up from this horrible dream. 

Then I heard someone saying there was a faint pulse and I
suddenly felt hopeful. She was rushed from the house in an
ambulance. It was then that the homicide detectives led us
into another room and the interrogation began. 

They decided that my husband and I needed to be questioned
in separate rooms. I immediately realized they suspected
that we had done this to our child...

...The detectives finally took us
to the hospital and put us in the "bad news room." The
doctor came and insisted we sit down before he spoke to us.
He began telling us that they had tried this and that and
then finally he said the words that would echo in my ears
for a lifetime: 

"She is dead." 

The pediatrician whom I so respected and adored broke down
and cried when I gave her the news on the phone. She went
back and forth defending the vaccine that she was told was
safe, and blaming it for killing my child and those who told
her it was safe. 

She then told me that she also had a

Senate bill S 2053 -- NO!!

2002-08-12 Thread Russ Rosser

[9]  For 2 hours of documented evidence, please see 

Russ Rosser

Oppose Frist Vaccine Bill S 2053.url
Description: Binary data

Re: CS>West Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes....

2002-08-05 Thread Russ Rosser
Eating raw garlic is said to be a natural tick defense.  Of course, there
are benign lotions & sprays in health food stores.


Dr. Mercola calls DEET a "potent neurotoxin." says:

"According to physician, Dr. Marion Moses, 'DEET is very toxic to the brain
and nervous system...(when) applid repeatedly, or in high concentrations.'

"A 1999 EPA publication acknowledges serious effects including rare toxic
encephalopathic reactions following intensely treated skin application in
some children causing behavioral disorder, ataxia, rapid loss of
consciousness, hypotension, seizures, flaccid paralysis areflexia and


According to CDC, *permethrin* "kills ticks on contact." says: "Permethrin is
a moderately to practically non-toxic pesticide in EPA toxicity class II or
III, depending on the formulation. Formulations are placed in class II due
to their potential to cause eye and skin irritation."


More interesting, though, are those like George Gordon
( who claim to be immune from ALL parasites--including
external ones like mosquitoes & ticks--because of their superlative health
resulting from an all-organic diet.  (I have yet to see this...)


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 5:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS>West Nile Virus - Speaking of mosquitoes

> I seem to be a magnet for mosquitoes, spiders, and other little biting
> critters every time we go camping.  Last weekend, I ended up with 6 nasty
> welts, mostly quarter-size, with one about the size of a deck of cards.
> Since my husband and I are planning to retire to a full-time RV life and
> spend a lot of time in the woods, I'm actively seeking solutions to make
> bugs hate me without having to slather myself in DEET every minute of the
> day.
> The only thing off-limits are those noisy bug zappers - banned by most
> campgrounds.  I'm trying to come up with an electronic repellant or a
> supplement or lotion that will repel bugs.  If it works on raccoons, also,
> that would be a plus.  We had an especially brave raccoon couple join us
> our campfire one night - and I mean right at my elbow before I realized
> were there!
> Linda
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS: STD's? Birth control?

2002-08-05 Thread Russ Rosser

While speculating whether CS might be applied against venereal diseases,
three basic questions occurred to me.

I'm confident that with DMSO added, CS could be readily conveyed to an
infected site, not only by enema or douche/catheter, but perhaps by simply
sitting in a pan of it.  (I gave a man a CS footbath and he *tasted* the
DMSO in 9 minutes).  In males, however, I wonder if such an application
might result in a massive sperm die-off (which might be dangerous/toxic) due
to the living nature of those cells...?

So the first question is whether CS is safe around male gonads.  If it
isn't, then the second question pertains to its potential as a *spermicide*.

If the answer isn't obvious from a biochemical perspective, perhaps someone
has a dropper, a microscope and two slides?  If sperm inactivity results,
then it would be helpful to determine the *minimum* CS concentration
necessary (since dilution would occur, for example, with a homemade

Now it may seem somewhat morbid, but a third question follows:  If CS kills
sperm cells, what about a zygote?  Could CS could be used as a "morning
after" treatment, an alternative to RU-486?  Does the respiratory enzyme
activity of a zygote (or a sperm cell) differ fundamentally from that of a
suseptible microbe?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS for mouthwash!

2002-08-05 Thread Russ Rosser

After soaking the teeth & mouth tissues with DMSO/CS, I swallow it, too.

BTW, I infer that DMSO helps to convey ingested CS more directly from the
stomach into the bloodstream.  This may be of interest to those who are
concerned with CS' possibly degrading intestinal flora.


- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CS for mouthwash!

> I swallow it.
> Marshall
> "John A. Stanley" wrote:
> > In article <00c801c23a3b$15c97180$5b309...@rockinchair>,
> > "Russ Rosser"  wrote:
> > >...And add DMSO to carry CS' antimicrobial activity below the
> > >gunmline & to into the tooth roots!!!
> >
> > After swishing the CS/DMSO combo around in your mouth do you then spit
> > it out or swallow it?
> >
> > --
> > John A. Stanley
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A silverlist e-book?

2002-08-05 Thread Russ Rosser
Re: CS>A silverlist e-book?
...Especially the "facts" upon which those "guru's" happen to *agree*!

  - Original Message - 
  To the list 'gurus' 
  Have you thought about collating some of the articles and knowledge thats 
found here and compiling the definative guide for CS use, manufacture theories 
  Maybe you could write a chapter each, for whatever is your field of expertise?
  It would be much easier than trawling through the archives.

CS>7th grader's CRUCIAL health discovery

2002-08-02 Thread Russ Rosser

 As a seventh grade student, Claire Nelson learned that
di(ethylhexyl)adepate  (DEHA), considered a carcinogen, is found in
plastic wrap.  She also learned that the FDA had never studied the
effect of microwave cooking on plastic-wrapped food. Claire began to
wonder; "Can cancer-causing particles seep into food covered 
with household plastic wrap  while it is being microwaved?"

Three years later, with encouragement from her high school science
teacher,  Claire set out to test what the FDA had not. Although she
had an  idea for  studying the effect of microwave radiation on
plastic-wrapped  food, she did not have the equipment. Eventually, Jon
Wilkes at the  National Center for  Toxicological Research in
Jefferson, Arkansas, agreed  to help her. The  research center, which
is affiliated with the FDA, let  her use its  facilities to perform her
experiments, which involved microwaving plastic  wrap in virgin olive oil.

Claire tested four different plastic wraps and  "found not just the
carcinogens but also xenoestrogen was migrating [into  the oil]" 
Xenoestrogens are linked to low sperm counts in men and to 
breast cancer in women.

Throughout her junior and senior years, Claire made a couple of trips
each  week to the research center, which was 25 miles from her home, to
work on  her experiment. An article in Options reported that "her analysis
found  that  DEHA was migrating into the oil at between 200 parts and
500 parts  per  million. The FDA standard is 0.05 parts per billion." Her
summarized results have  been published in science journals.  Claire
Nelson received the  American   Chemical Society's top science prize
for students during her junior  year  and fourth place at the International
Science and Engineering Fair  ( Fort  Worth,  Texas) as a senior.
"Carcinogens-At 10,000,000 Times FDA  Limits"  Options  May 2000.
Published by People Against Cancer, 515-972-

On Channel 2 (Huntsville, AL) this morning they had a Dr. Edward
Fujimoto from Castle Hospital on the program. He is the manager of the
Wellness Program at the hospital. He was talking about dioxins and
how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in
the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain

He  said  that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases
dioxins into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Dioxins
are carcinogens and highly toxic to the cells of our bodies. Instead, he
recommends using  glass, Corning Ware, or ceramic containers for
heating food. You get the same results without the dioxins. So such
things as TV dinners, instant saimin and soups, etc., should be removed
from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you 
don't know what is in the paper.

Just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He said we might
remember when some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the
foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Pass this on to your friends

To add to this: Saran wrap placed over foods as they are nuked, with
the high heat, actually drips poisonous toxins into the food.  Use
paper towel instead.

Re: CS>CS for mouthwash!

2002-08-02 Thread Russ Rosser
...And add DMSO to carry CS' antimicrobial activity below the gunmline & to 
into the tooth roots!!!  I posted this discovery last year, in reference to my 
critical dental infection.  I must report that after the better part of a year, 
CS still keeps it under control.  The proof is that the infection is ever ready 
to recur if I get behind the maintenence schedule, which is 2 mouthfuls/day 
minimum, held as long as possible; reestablishment requires several sessions in 
succession, then returning to the maintenence dose.  (Of course, I should have 
the problems *repaired*...but the ordeal has been a definitive "acid test" of 
CS efficacy!)

(My homemade gen emlpoys 14 ga. rods 1" apart, 40V phone power, constantly 
stirred;  2 hrs. on, then electrodes wiped, then another 1 hr,. 45 min.)

  - Original Message - 
  After brushing you teeth, swizzle the CS around in the mouth generously after 
brushing you teeth.  You will notice that even hours later and even at the end 
of the day you can run your tongue over your teeth and enjoy the absence of 
that scummy build up that occurs on the teeth.


2002-07-31 Thread Russ Rosser (is in european languages)


Do you want to preserve your access to vitamins, minerals,
herbals and other natural products of effective strength? 
The EU and Codex are about to cut you off. 

Their plan is to give nutritionally efficient products over
to the pharmaceutical industry to eliminate competition. 

AGAINST THIS EU DIRECTIVE. (ALSO VISIT The Silent majority and ). 

By Christopher Booker, Sunday Telegraph, 21. July 2002, UK 

Representatives of Britain's 2,000 health shops have been
told in Brussels that there is now no chance of stopping an
EU directive which will close most of them down. 

This is because it is part of an avalanche of EU legislation
which is being "fast-tracked" to give eastern European
countries a chance to comply with it before they join an
enlarged Union. 

There are several odd features about this "Herbal Medicines
Products" directive, for which pharmaceutical companies have
been lobbying behind the scenes for years. 

Although it is a British initiative, championed by our
Medicines Control Agency, it seeks to apply to herbal
remedies the principle of continental law that things can
only be allowed when they are specifically authorised. This
reverses the British tradition that everything is allowed
unless specifically prohibited. 

Under the directive such herbal remedies as Hypericum,
Rhodiola and Echinacea, used by five million people in
Britain for a wide range of conditions, could only be sold
if they had been through the MCA's prohibitively expensive
licensing procedures. 

Thousands of safe herbal products will thus have to be
removed from the market, which is why many health shops will
be forced to close. 

What makes this even odder is that the MCA tried it on
before, when in 1994 it proposed a statutory instrument
which it claimed was necessary to implement a 1965 Brussels
directive, passed three years before Britain's Medicines Act
specifically exempted herbal medicines from licensing

When the European Commission explained that this was not
what the directive intended, the MCA was told, after heated
discussion in Cabinet, to drop its proposal. Now seven years
later, the MCA has got its way, by successfully lobbying for
an EU directive. 

There are no health reasons for banning the 3,000 herbal
preparations currently on sale in Britain. Almost all
adverse reactions linked to herbal remedies (infinitely
fewer than those due to synthetic drugs made by
pharmaceutical firms) are caused by preparations made up by
Chinese practitioners. These are specifically exempted from
the directive. 

Re: CS>More on water

2002-07-24 Thread Russ Rosser
> >This article sort of confirms my unease at using distilled water...
> >

> That's what it's supposed to do, create unease in you.  That way
> you'll forget all about CS, minerals, vitamins, etc. and just go to
> your local HMO or MD when you get sick.

No need for controvery here.  Dr. Mercola historically stands on the
conscientious side of many issues (esp. supplements
and--indirectly--colloidal silver).  DW is certainly not "inferior" to tap
or bottled water in terms of contamination, but it's 'structure' may be
inferior to some.  Dr. Mercola mentions a remedy for that: add beneficial
minerals back and sun it for a day.  To that end, I used to use whole sea
salt ($5/lb @ alone, like another lister mentioned,
but since it's clear that we need minerals and already get enough sodium
chloride, I now add a minute amt. of Sea Minerals (also on my website).
This wonderful product consists of filtered & concentrated seawater with 95%
NaCl removed, leaving a potent source of ionic minerals...similar to the
methodology behind Concentrace, using a full-spectrum mineral source instead
of the Salt Lake, where UV takes its toll and heavier minerals are
undoubtedly washed downward.)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS & CO2 ?!?

2002-07-24 Thread Russ Rosser
What is GOOD about introducing carbonic acid into the CS brewing process?
(I've been using motorized stirring in order to *avoid* this type of
contamination.)  --Russ

- Original Message -

"...Frank Key, the scientist who owns the laboratory...observed, 'You have
stumbled on to a fine way to make CS'...because of the introduction of
carbon dioxide, explaining in chemical terms which were over my head.   The
fish pump is 100% vital to the process."

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Copper and Zinc with SG7?

2002-07-22 Thread Russ Rosser
Is there a way of buying pure zinc?  Sounds like it could be placed in apple 
cider vinegar & drunk.  I suppose the same should work for copper?  I usually 
wash my face with ACV anyway; maybe I'll swish copper wire in it first...

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ode Coyote 
  Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 8:22 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Copper and Zinc with SG7?

  I have been unable to make stronger than 3 PPM [meter reading for ionic 
content...very faint TE] colloidal copper or zinc with a current controlled 
generator. If left for many hours, a precipitate forms on the bottom of the 
  Apparently, the saturation point of copper and zinc in distilled water is 
very low and agglomeration rates very high.
  One of the old timey methods of zinc supplementation is to place galvanized 
nails in an apple overnight then eat the apple.

  At 11:50 AM 7/22/02 +0100, you wrote: 

Dear List
Does anyone there have any experience making copper and zinc supp's with 
Trem's SG7 unit? Or any v. similar constant current gen?
Are there the same arguements about ionic vs. colloidal products?
Rod Stevenson


  -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Filtering thoughts...

2002-07-22 Thread Russ Rosser
It's easy for containers to be contaminated (e.g,. by soap scum) enough to
turn CS green, etc.

I've found that CIDER VINEGAR dissolves all minerals & rinses out completely
w/ distilled water.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Size of cathode

2002-07-14 Thread Russ Rosser

Does your brewing method involve constant agitation (bubbling/stirring)?  If 
not, it might be interesting to observe how it alters your present setup's 
proneness to festoon the cathode, since it's a good feature to incorporate for 
minimizing particle size.  

Also--in case you missed it--the CS archives should contain a spate of posts 
from last year about experiments with the "bagged cathode" method.  I believe 
the innovator claimed it adequately controls said sludge.

  - Original Message - 
  From: John Pannell 
  Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 3:03 PM
  Subject: CS>Size of cathode

  I am trying to refine my CS generator. There is a lot of silver plating out 
as grey sludge on the cathode. I would like to find a way to minimize this.
  I use 3 Maple Leaf coins 3/4 submerged as anodes and a single stainless steel 
cathode approx. 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 1/16" in a 1500 milliliter container with a 
switching power supply starting at 20 volts & I manually lower the voltage to 
maintain about 1.5 to 2 milliamps current. 
  Does the size of the cathode make a difference? I thought that using a 
smaller cathode might leave less surface area for the silver to plate out, but 
would this affect the current?

CS>Particle size vs. color

2002-07-13 Thread Russ Rosser
Hello, list--

A small CS batch turned pale PINK, ostensibly because of container
contamination (perhaps silver agglomerates upon suspended particles, as
raindrops condense upon airborne dust particles).

According to my understanding of the Tyndall effect, I infer that this color
indicates that the diameter these particles of CS (+ impurities) corresponds
to the wavelength of red light, ~700 nm, whereas yellow CS particles would
be around 580 nm and clear CS would be >/= that of color-less UV, below 380


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: Dr. Horowtiz on Smallpox Vaccine...!

2002-06-13 Thread Russ Rosser
Heading for mailings from Jackie
- Original Message - 
ACIP-NVAC Smallpox Working Group
Mailstop E-05
1600 Clifton Rd., N.E.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, GA 30333

RE: Smallpox Vaccination Concerns

Dear ACIP-NVAC and CDC Officials:

I am writing to you to register my strongest opposition to the proposed 
smallpox inoculation program as a Harvard graduate in public health (1982) and 
internationally known authority in biological warfare and emerging disease 

My concerns transcend those legitimate issues raised by widespread opponents to 
smallpox vaccinations, including: 1) substantial risks of common side effects 
from smallpox vaccination to the general public and especially immune 
compromised populations, 2) inadequate smallpox vaccine safety testing record, 
3) inadequate smallpox vaccine efficacy testing, 4) the availability of modern 
therapies to treat life-threatening complications associated with smallpox 
infection, 5) the risk to unvaccinated populations from shedding infectious 
vaccinia virus for up to 21 days post vaccination, 6) lacking sufficient 
cost/benefit studies of the proposed vaccination campaign, and most 
importantly, 7) entirely lacking data from no risk/benefit studies having been 
performed on this proposed policy.

Must I remind CDC and public health officials that the cornerstone of 
legitimate public health policy legislation rest entirely on this later 
premise-that above all, more good should result than harm from the proposed 
vaccination program. To date, however, not one scientific assessment of the 
risk versus the benefit of smallpox vaccination has been conducted. Therefore, 
we simply do not know whether the proposed campaign would help and save more 
people that it might kill or maim. Obviously, this flies in the face of 
rational public health policy, and presents risks possibly more pervasive than 
a threatened or actual terrorist attack.

The recent editorial in The Lancet (Vol. 359, No. 9313; 2002) should also be 
considered in this regard. The editors of this most esteemed scientific journal 
asked, "Just how tainted has medicine become [by pharmaceutical industry 
payoffs]?" They concluded, "Heavily, and damagingly so," urging "doctors who 
support this culture for the best of intentions" to "have the courage to oppose 
practices that bring the whole of medicine into disrepute." This speaks 
directly to your decision-making concerning the proposed smallpox campaign, 
especially reflecting on the following information.

The little known fact is that the primary smallpox vaccine producers, Aventis 
and Baxter corporations, or their parent companies, are highly untrustworthy. 
They have been implicated on more than one occasion in committing genocide. 
Genocide is simply defined as "the mass killing of people for economic, 
political, and/or ideological reasons." Baxter, along with other pharmaceutical 
firms including Bayer, is infamous for having committed genocide against the 
American hemophiliac population through their known sale of HIV-contaminated 
blood products. Both firms settled out of court for what amounted to 
economically motivated genocide. As the attached organizational chart shows 
(Link to: , Baxter 
is a subsidiary of American Home Products (AHP). AHP, like Bayer, Hoechst and 
BASF, is a progeny of I.G. Farben-Germany's leading industrial organization 
that virtually directed the Third Reich and Hitler's economic war engine. After 
World War II, I.G. Farben was primarily broken up into Bayer, Hoechst and BASF 
companies. Aventis is a subsidiary of Hoechst. In summary, both smallpox 
vaccine producers-Aventis and Baxter-share hideous legacies demanding caution, 
if not certain avoidance.

Please, for the sake of millions of people, public health, medical 
respectability, and the future of this great nation, DO NOT SUPPORT ANY POLICY 

Sincerely yours,

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

President and Publisher, Tetrahedron Publishing Group

Cc: Select members of Congress, Internet associates.

CS>A degrading question!

2002-05-31 Thread Russ Rosser
To me, the irksome aspect of brewing CS is the degradation of electrode surface 
area over time.  At my request last year, Walter Cooke graciously developed a 
circuit that cuts off when an adjustable electrolyte conductivity is reached, 
but without means of monitoring wire dia., this still leaves electrode area out 
of the equation.  (I suppose that even "current controlled" units like 
Silvergen merely assume this crucial variable!)  Of course, one could measure 
the dia. with a micrometer and adjust the cutoff V accordingly, but is would 
seem that the ultimate CS gen still remains in the realm of Socratic "forms."

A few mos. ago, I hypothesized that this problem could be solved using flat 
electrodes; their disproportionate side-to-edge ratio migth remain constant as 
the electrode degraded.  However, someone replied that flat bar eventually 
assumes a "V" shape due to an "edge effect."  Therefore, A QUESTION TO ALL YOU 
way to becoming a piece of silver foil?  Thanks.


Re: CS>zapper

2002-05-19 Thread Russ Rosser
TJ Garland  wrote:
> Another way to decrease parasite infection is to condition your system
> having a bowel movement after each meal. This does not give many parasites
> time to seperate from the food and attach themselves to your intestional
> linings. Also, this does not allow the depleted food waste to toxify your
> system. Good health begins and ends at the colon.

Right!  According to each meal's fiber deficiency (eg., meats have NO
fiber), the right combination of soluble/insoluble fiber should be applied
to ensure motility.

Soluble fiber (psyllium husk is the *most* soluble) is "sticky;" it can
absorb putrefactive residues from the colon.  This tends to retard
elimination, so sufficient liquid must be present to avoid blockage!  It can
also absorb nutrients, so supplements should be taken first, and the fiber

Insoluble fiber (wheat bran correlates with reduced incidence of colon
cancer) "tickles" the colon wall, provoking peristalsis and hastening
elimination--IF the colon is clear and not coated with indigested residues.

Colon cleasing requires INsoluble fiber, so purgatives like cascara sagrada
bark and inner leaf aloe are advisable (in addition to sufficient water) to
avoid intestinal blockage.  Unlike chemically rarified laxitives, they don't
promote dependency, and alternating them obviates that risk altogether.

Over a decade ago, my colon absolutely went offline.  After years of
applying these facts, my gastro-colonic reflex is restored to the same
strength as in my ealy twenties:  I must eliminate following every meal!  I


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Re: CS>ABX don't work for bronchitis

2002-05-09 Thread Russ Rosser
My problem was infection in the plural cavity *surrounding* the lungs--not
on them, so I included DMSO.  However, simply embibing the DMSO/CS evidently
worked better than nebuilzing...!?  Given DMSO's penetrating power, one can
visualize what a short trip it is from the stomach to the lungs.

(Re: penetrating power, I recently suggested that a friend soak his toe in
DMSO/CS until he tasted sulphur.  It took about 8 minutes!)


- Original Message -
> For bronchitis and bronchial flu you don't even need the MSM and DMSO; the
> nebulizer works fine.

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CS>Lesson from my recent Pulmonary Infection

2002-05-09 Thread Russ Rosser
> LONDON, May 9
< An antibiotic commonly given for acute bronchitis is no
> better than low-dose vitamin C at treating the coughing attacks, new study
> has found. Millions of people visit doctors every year for acute
> and most receive antibiotics < even though there¹s not much evidence
> antibiotics help, and it seems the condition is most often caused by a
> virus, not bacteria.

I recently woke up with pleruisy.  I wiped it out quickly by persistent
electromagnetic pulsing and inhaling colloidal silver from a medical
nebulizer.  Thinking I should pirmarily rely on exercising my own immnue
system, I curtailed treatment as soon as symptoms abated.  This was a

This time I zapped, pulsed and charged the nebulizer with 80% oxygen until
my larynx was wind-burned, but achieved nothing more than stasis.  My
friends even insisted on taking me to the emergency room, but I left after
inquiring into their *minimum* cost projections.

Then I decided to "flood" with CS.  Two days of simply drinking 1.5 qt. of
CS (spiked with DMSO for diffusion drectly through the stomach), along with
some capsules of Pleurisy Root,  concluded the problem nicely!

LESSONS1:  As in martial arts, don't stop just when you get the upper hand;
continue until the invader is thoroghly routed!

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Re: CS>Fw: SO> Please Help if you can.

2002-05-09 Thread Russ Rosser
What's CMO?  To my knowledge, this term isn't a common acronym.  Tx.  --Russ

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 8:44 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Fw: SO> Please Help if you can.

  I don't know about rheumatoid, but CMO cured me of my arthritis. 

  Bill Missett wrote: 

- Original Message - 
From: Robb Allen
To: silver-off-topic-l...@yahoogroups.comsent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 8:11 
PMSubject: SO> Please Help if you can.
 Many of you know from the silver list that I have rheumatoid arthritis 
{ra}if anyone knows of anything new for me to try I would appreciate hearing 
about it.  I've been much better for several months, but I'm now going though a 
major relapse.  Any info would be much appreciated.thanks..Robb 

   Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 

The silver-off-topic-list is primarily 
for the discussion of topics that 
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on the silver-list. 

Joanne Thomason-owner-moderator 

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Re: CS>bottle for cs

2002-05-09 Thread Russ Rosser
> I would like to know what is good to keep cs in.

Neither pure silver nor distilled water are not photo-sensitive, so clear
glass is fine.  For travleling, I'd recommend plastic water bottles.

> Also, would CS be of any help with stomach ulcers?

It's said that in the 80's, ulcers were conclusively discovered to result
from a bacterial infection (helical plori--sp?), so there's a probability
that CS would work.  Perhaps Jason, Brooks, or others may know from
*clinical* experience?  If there's any issues with getting under the mucus
lining, a few drops of DMSO might resolve it!


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CS>CS taste poll RESULTS

2002-04-28 Thread Russ Rosser
FW: [CSCats-Dogs] VETMED moderatorThanks to some of the most adroit listers for 
the very lucid & meticulous responses.  

The poll parameters were imprecise due to non-standardization of ppm test 
methods and, of course, subjectivity of individuals' palattes.  However, while 
reports ranged from "none" to "a discernable smoothness" to 'vanilla-like' to 
"metallic," at least one conclusion is certain:  Not all high-quality CS has 
flavor, but all that does is within the acceptable ppm range; therefore, ANY 
DETECTABLE TASTE AT ALL indicates a concentration above the minimum required 
for efficacy!  This fact should be of use to the world-wide majority who need 
the benefits of CS yet lack test eqpt. (which can be questionable, anyway).  

Before making a recommendation, I have a QUESTION REGARDING TE:  Given 
inconsistent Tyndall results due flashlight beams of diverse coherancies, and 
even amiguous interpretations of laser pointer results, isn't it possible that 
TE can be present while concentration is below optimal and/or particles are 

If so, then for those who are in doubt as to their LVDC product, I'd recommend 
setting brewing time for the *least* duration required to yield a detectable 
taste (or after-taste, etc.) in order to constrain the ratio of current to 
electrode surface area.  


Re: CS>Dehydrated CS

2002-04-28 Thread Russ Rosser
If anyone's interested, I can sell dehydrated, concentrated CS.  $4 worth
will make at least 6 gallons.  Just add water (and electricity).


> >Chuck
> >I bought some powdered water once
> >... but I didn't know what to add.
> >(Steven Wright)
> Here you go Chuck, and just to keep it on topic, perhaps they'll soon be
> offering CS as well.
> Byron
> --
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Re: CS>Some info please?

2002-04-28 Thread Russ Rosser

I can--indirectly.  As far back as Spinoza, physical vitality has been
associated with phychological well-being, and the lack of it with
depression.  Energy yields optimism.  Systemic infections, including
chronic, sub-clinical ones, can express themselves as fatigue & malaise.
Many people take CS daily, not against specific maladies, but because they
report feeling generally better; I attribute this to CS' eradicating
multifarious, inveterate, persistent, un-diagnosed infections that they
didn't know they had.


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2002-04-28 Thread Russ Rosser
- Original Message -
Subject: GAS PRICES!!
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002

They say we're headed toward $3.00 a gallon by the summer.
Want gasoline prices to come down?  Here's an idea that makes
MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day"
campaign that was going around last April or May!

The oil companies know we can't just stop buying gas; however,
we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force
a price war.  Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON"T
purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now
are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If don't sell any gas, they will be
inclined to reduce their prices.  If they reduce their prices, the other
companies will have to.

In order to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions
of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers--and that's really simple to do:
just forward this to ten people!

I am sending this note to about twenty people.  If each of you send
it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it
to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the
time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will
have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!  If
those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends
each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!  If it
goes one level further, you guessed it. THREE HUNDRED
MILLION PEOPLE!!!  Again, all you have to do is send this
to 10 people.  That's all.

How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to
ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people
could   conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!!  I'll
bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you?
Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to
you, please pass this message on.  PLEASE HOLD OUT UNTIL

"Dont Pray for an easy life, Pray to be Stronger Men" --John f. Kennedy

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>RE: Colloidal Silver - Colloidal Copper

2002-04-26 Thread Russ Rosser
Someone posted that the main contaminents in standard copper wire are silver
& gold.  OTOH, I conversed with a "high purity copper" vendor some time ago,
and the main contaminents he read from his assay were phosphorus, arsenic &
lead.  The post also said standard wire was 'extremely pure;' actually, it's
99%, as I recall.

I & others searched for sources of high purity copper wire on the web, and
found it only as very finely stranded cable, usually for audiophile
loudspeaker connections--nothing like the preferred ~14 ga. solid core form.
I AM an American & I DO believe in God (!?), but I, too, would appreciate
any suggestions for the latter!  (I have also used copper wire for
telecommunications with non-believers.)   :^)


- Original Message -
From: Smith, Michael 


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CS>Fw: We've Always Done it that way

2002-04-23 Thread Russ Rosser

Next time you hear "Because we've always done it that way" - 
consider the following. It's no urban legend - this is absolutely true: 
  In the United States the standard railroad gauge (distance between 
  the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number, 
  so why was that gauge used? Because that's the way they built 
  them in England, and 

  English expatriates built the US Railroads. 

  Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail 
  lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad 
  tramways, and that's the gauge they used. Why did "they" use that 
  gauge then? Because the people who built the tramways used the 
  same jigs and tools that they used for building wagons, which used 
  that wheel spacing. 

  Okay! Why did the wagons have that particular odd wheel spacing? 
  Well, if they tried to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels 
  would break on some of the old, long distance roads in England, 
  because that's the spacing of the wheel ruts. 

  So who built those old rutted roads? Imperial Rome built the first 
  long distance roads in Europe (and England) for their legions. The 
  roads have been used ever since. And the ruts in the roads? 
  Roman war chariots formed the initial ruts, which everyone else 
  had to match for fear of destroying their wagon wheels. 

  Since the chariots were made for Imperial Rome, they were all 
  alike in the matter of wheel spacing. 

  So the United States standard railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches 
  was derived from the original specifications for an Imperial Roman 
  war chariot. 

  So the next time you are handed a specification and wonder what 
  horse's ass came up with it, you may be exactly right, because the 
  Imperial Roman war chariots were made just wide enough to 
  accommodate the back ends of two war horses 

  Now the ironic twist to the story... When you see a Space Shuttle 
  sitting on its launch pad, there are two big booster rockets 
  attached to the sides of SRBs. The SRBs are made by Thiokol at 
  their factory at Utah. The engineers who designed the SRB would 
  have preferred to make them a bit fatter, but the SRBs had to be 
  shipped by train from the factory to the launch site. The  railroad 
  line from the factory happens to run through a tunnel in the 
  mountains. The SRBs had to fit through that tunnel. The tunnel is 
  slightly wider than the railroad track, and the railroad track, as you 
  now know, is about as wide as two horses' behinds. 

  So, a major Space Shuttle design feature of what is arguably the 
  world's most advanced transportation system was determined over 
  two thousand years ago by the width of a horse's ass!

CS>ATTENTION: Dental problems--NO MORE

2002-04-22 Thread Russ Rosser
As some of you know, since early childhood I've been the ultimate poster child 
/ gineau pig for complications of tooth deterioration.  I'm pleased to report a 
verified, DIY solutions: 

Have you ever contemplated the common-sense, *mechanical* effects of amalgam 
fillings?  They put mercury in thermometers because of its prodigious 
coefficient of *thermal expansion*.  As if tooth enamel weren't already brittle 
enough, ice cream with cause amalgam fillings to separate from the tooth, and 
hot coffee will cause them to break teeth outwardly.  These stresses conduce 
cracks & fissures that are virtually inaccessible to anything but 
bacteria--particularly virulent, anaerobic strains!  

I've successfully dispatched deep dental infections with ELECTRICITY, but if 
they become too advanced before intervention, electricity won't conduct through 
the interior of the resultant *abscesses*.  At that point, MAGNETIC PULSING is 
indicated.  I'm working on a *cheap*, high-efficiency pulser for various 
applications; however, in the meantime I can now report that holding A MOUTHFUL 
OF COLLOIDAL SILVER + 1-3 DROPS DMSO excells and obviates all other conceivable 
anti-microbial and anti-*plaque* modalities.  After one week of trying this 
*exclusively* for ~3 minutes, 3 times a day, my worst tooth went from one loose 
& infected to PAIN-FREE and TIGHT IN THE SOCKET!  (Only *plaque destruction* 
could account for the latter effect!)  Moreover, this is the most convenient 
measure imaginable, and longer-lasting in its effectiveness that 
electromagnetics!  THANK YOU, BROOKS BRADLEY for suggesting the combination!  

DMSO (a harmless 'horse linament' from veterinary suppliers) causes the silver 
suspension to penetrate into abscesses, under the gumline, even into 
microtubules of the dentine, where bacteria hide...everywhere!  So much for the 
*biological* factor cause in tooth deterioration...

Regarding the *chemical* factor, Miracle II ( is a 
harmless surfactant based on natural oils, I'm told, rather than carcinogenic 
sulphates; it's an extremely ALKALINE cleanser that has exhibited multifarious 
healing properties.  I'm beginning to experiment with it as a dentrifice to 
maintain high oral pH, preventive bacterial proliferation, and neutralize 
acidic plaque excretions that attach the mineral composition of teeth.


CS>Thanks for tip: EAR DROPS

2002-04-15 Thread Russ Rosser
It seems that the problem with a deep dental infection is that if you don't 
pinpoint the problem to the correct tooth and intercept its development early 
enough, the infection soon abscesses or encysts, whereupon it becomes beyond 
the reach of ELECTRIC CURRENT to sterilize (otherwise, shocking works 
*instantly*).  Too late I discovered the culprit, an UPPER molar.  Someone 
posted the idea of CS in the associated ear.  This is interesting, because the 
pain seemed to emanate from the tooth toward the ear!  I therefore took the 
advice last night, with the addition of A DROP OF DMSO to aid the difusion 
through disparate tissues, with promising results!  By the same principle, I'm 
now holding CS + DMSO in my mouth, which is even closer to the abscess.  As it 
abates, it should again become vulnerable to electro-disinfection.  Anyway, 
thanks to whomever contributed the auricular idea!


CS>3 Questions: Please participate!

2002-04-10 Thread Russ Rosser
> I had a reference...
> that people who experience strong metallic taste do so because of the
> presence of sulphur bearing (producing?) bacteria at the base of the
> tongue and throat.

Let's FIND OUT how how various the effect actually is, please!

This proposed POLL is entirely congruous with the *populist* nature of the
CS movement.  Remember the British "pidgeon fancier" who recently installed
new wires?  SICK BIRDS were his first, unexpected indication that the
potency had changed!  What if that had been a loved one trying to avoid
antibiotics?!  Should people be denied a possible means of estimating PPM
because they lack expensive measuring equipt...and because WE refuse to the
share these three data?  Suppose someone configures a different batch size,
and needs a  ballpark idea of the new run time?  We could VERIFY whether
*taste* is a possible starting point or not!

Why reply with a paragraph of *speculation*, while withholding TWO WORDS & A
DIGIT of *verification*?  Please participate...humor me!

Ivan, et al:

 1) What's your CS' PPM (low-voltage DC only)?
 2) How was it measured?
 3) How would you rank it's flavor intensity from 1 to 5--'Barely
perceptible' to 'Very strong/bitter'?



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CS>Re: CS TASTE POLL -- The 3 Questions

2002-04-09 Thread Russ Rosser

> The use of a conductivity meter can be ambiguous as the introduction
> of air, particularly by stirring or bubbling, can lead to an increase in
> conductivity.

Yes, and it indicates only the ionic content, which may be of little

> Using a laser pointer to indicate the presence of actual
> silver particles is definitive...
> increasingly bright beam is
> observed as the process continues,
> you are making colloidal silver

Yes, TE indicates *if* "you are making colloidal silver," but not
necessarily *when* when to STOP.  As I understand it, learning to
differentiate between the TE effects of particle size and those of particle
quantity is an esoteric attainment, and not a reliable guage of how
effective a batch will be.

> Relying on peoples taste is wildly unrealistic.  Ask any chef.

Maybe, but there would be no chefs if virtually *everyone* could not
distingiush their offereings from those of a short-order cook.  Suppose we
let the empirical results speak to your assertion?  Please respond:

1) What's your CS' PPM?
2) How was it measured?
3) How would you rank it's flavor intensity (1-5)?

Thanks!  --Russ

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CS>Re: CS TASTE POLL, please!

2002-04-09 Thread Russ Rosser


1 - barely perceptible at all
2 - definite, but mostly as an aftertaste
3 - definite, metallic flavor
4 - strong, metallic flavor
5 - very metallic; bitter

What I'm ultimately trying to determine is whether TASTE is actually the
best low-tech indication of CS strength, since other *inexpensive* methods
like laser pointers & cheap conductivity meters can be ambiguous.

I'd like to be able to recommend to novices that CS approximates the optimal
concentration (5-10 ppm) when it has perceptible, but not powerful, metallic
taste.  (The person's taste-sensitivity to CS might even serve an
interactive purpose, indicating the NEEDED concentration; i.e., the "right"
concentration might vary slightly with one's particular condition.)

Frank alludes that sterling silverware is tasteless; thus he implies that
ionic silver generates the CS flavor.  Since ions are an unavoidable
byproduct of the typical LVDC method, its presence in CS will be reliable.
Without a PWT meter, at least, we should be safe in assuming that the ion :
particulate ratio of clear CS is at most 90 : 10, and probably 80 : 20.


> Someone having one of
> those  pure silver Maple leafs might want to report whether licking
> (cleaned of course) tastes metallic or not. One can then draw the
> appropriate conclusions.
> Kevin Nolan

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Re: CS>cs and abcess

2002-04-08 Thread Russ Rosser
Is the abscess associated with an upper or lower tooth?  I'd think CS could
control it only by ionic diffusion through the tissues & membranes; thus,
*proximity* to the afflicted area would surely be key.  I see no reason why
the ears represent a better route to the interior of an abscess, esp. in the
jaw.  Therefore, I'd hold CS in the mouth as long as possible to conduce
diffusion, then swallow it for immune support against the general systemic
insult...and I'd do it continually.

Bobbye, you asked about dental electrification...  If the dental infection
is decidedly abcessed, conductive current between two electrodes would
probably bypass it, leaving the interior germs untouched.  Should CS fail,
this situation is a perfect candidate for ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSING.  (My
otherwise intractable abscess responded to it.)

That said, it is most likely that the infection is not fully
sequestered/encysted, in which case A FAULTLESS PROCEDURE IS to contact the
associated tooth with one electrode, and the nearest lymph node area with
the other.  The intra-mouth electrode should be silver with a small,
saline-moistened sponge.  If straight DC is used, the positive/+ electrode
should be in the mouth.


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CS>Food-Grade H2O3 -- BIG difference!

2002-04-08 Thread Russ Rosser
I have added a little food-grade hydrogen peroxide to CS many times before.
This evening, I wanted to a use 3% peroxide bottle to hold a quart of CS, so
I transferred the HP to another jug, and poured the CS into the bottle
without cleaning/drying it out.  THE CS INSTANTLY TURNED GREY-ORANGE.

I surmise that the silver reacted with certain *stabilizers* in the
miniscule amount of residual HP.  Agreed?

Some HP labels say 'HP 3%, deionized water 97%,' while others--as on this
bottle--say '*inert ingredients* 97%.'


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CS>Colloid vs. ionic TASTE

2002-04-08 Thread Russ Rosser
Does anyone know how particulate size affects the ability to *taste* CS?
Frank?  Tx.


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Re: CS>Priorities

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
I think it's imperative to distinguish between the essential food product
and its processing!  If you buy fats/oils in a form that has stable
shelf-life, it may be damaged.  Concerning this list...

> Foods Associated With Cancer Risk
>   1.. Fat, smoked, and cured meat - Harmful nitrites and nitrates.
>   2.. Butter, cream, high-fat cheeses - Non-essential saturated fat.
>   3.. Margarine and commercial oils - Harmful compounds.
>   4.. Vegetable shortening - Hydrogenated vegetable oils
>   5.. Tropical oils-palm and coconut - Non-essential.

4 & 5 aren't about oils at all--they're about the hydrogenation process,
which turns any oil into a tool of mass population-reduction.  Raw butter &
cream are actually *medicinal,* and raw cheeses are concentrated sources of
thousands of different strains of friendly bacteria.  Only rarified,
industrialized products merit such one-dimensional critique.

> Notice #5; coconut oil is a no-no here, yet Mary Enig et al champions it
> an anti-cancer agent. It is this kind of disagreement among alternative
> health practitioners that leaves one wondering.

Raw coconut oil?  There was a HUGE thread about coconut's anti-microbial
properties some time ago.  The lists harps on "saturated fat."  Cancer was
unknown among Eskimos whie their diet was up to 90% fat, in the form of RAW
whale blubber, etc.  Even the word "eskimo" means 'eats it raw.'


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver for Gums and Teeth

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
Sorry, folks--that was supposed to be addressed privately, not to the List!

- Original Message - 
From: Russ Rosser 
> Greetings, Joyce,
> It's refreshing to see anyone...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs and teeth

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
Hi, Bobbye--

The prevalent, orthodox explanation for poor tooth-gum adhesion is plaque
coating the tooth below the gumline.  Standard procedure is for a surgical
specialist to cut the gum away, scrape the teeth clean and sew the gums

My most confident remark concerns the "Electro-Antiseptic Device" on my
website.  It already eradicates tooth & gun infections almost instantly, but
when I finish prototyping the dental attachment, I'm confident that it will
remove unreachable plaque by polar repulsion, esp. if used in conjuction
with sonic agitation and/or of the following:

Sanguinara (blood) root (probably used as a tea) reputedly destroys plaque,
for which reason Viadent mouthwash was put out of business!  LDM is an
herbal antibiotic also touted as tightening gums; available from the
American Freedom Radio Network 800-205-6245.

Someone once posted here that CS had caused "all the plaque to fall off" his
teeth, and I've recently realized better oral health by holding CS in my
mouth, often & for long periods.

Oh, yes--on my web site there's a link to an Essential Oils article about
eradicating deleterious bacteria from the mouth.  I have no experience with
it, but it looked interesting!


- Original Message -
From: Bobbye Stegen 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>cs and teeth

> Shirley,
> I don't quite understand.  I don't have an abcess.  I have had pirreah
> in the past and get my teeth professionally cleaned every three months.  I
> eat healthy, take many herbs/vitamins, etc.  I have pockets on two teeth
> that even though I use the proxy brush to clean up in the pocket, I can't
> get the pocket to shrink back against the tooth
> Are you saying puting the CS in the ear canal will help these pockets?  I
> have no pain.  I just don't want to have the surgery on these two teeth
> where they cut the gum to get rid of the pockets so plaque won't form in
> them.
> Thanks,
> Bobbye
> - Original Message -
> From: "Shirley Reed" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 12:56 PM
> Subject: CS>cs and teeth
> > Bobbye, this may sound ridiculous but it won't
> > cost you anything to try it and no one need know about
> > it.  If you will put cs in the ear canal and lie down
> > for 15 minutes with it in the ear canal and do this
> > for each ear---then you will get great relief for the
> > tooth abcess.  You may get total relief.  And it is
> > almost instant.  After a few days or weeks, you may
> > need to do this again.  It is not, in my experience, a
> > cure, but is an excellent treatment and palliative.   pj
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Colloidal Silver for Gums and Teeth

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
Greetings, Joyce,

It's refreshing to see anyone--esp. female, if you don't mind my sexist
observation--so aware of the *political* machinations behind the
multifarious pandemics that are now commonplace.  You may have noticed my CS
posts re: the USDA and state-level MSEHPA & "Terrorism" legislation, so I'm
gratified to see another whose perspective encompasses the full extent of a
thorough, holistic diagnosis!  Almost all of my conversations about health,
if allowed to go to their logical conclusion, redound my lecturing on the
genocidal Beast (including the UN/US/FDA/AMA) that has so clearly
infiltrated our midst, and the "love of money" that impels it, and the
spiritual vacuum that commences the cycle.

Anyway...I just wanted to ask how you became so politically conscientious,
and to thank you for helping to raise this awareness among others.


- Original Message -
From: Joyce Inouye 
To: Bobbye Stegen 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver for Gums and Teeth

> I used to have bleeding sensitive gums.  Nutition cured it all.
> (My other email lists some of the things I took to cure myself.)
> Yesterday, I bought Jason's Healthy Mouth (Naturally antiseptic
> mouthwas) with Tea tree oil/clove & Cinnamon tea.  It has 5
> antimicrobial natural extracts from plants, which might help your
> gum problem.  Also buy the toothpaste.
> Go to and type in "Jasonhealthy mouthwash".  Also
> buy the toothpaste.  It has tea tree oil, clove--about 5
> anti-microbial plants.  (Contains no fluoride which califies your
> lower brain.)
> In my opinion, nutrition is the way to heal your gum pocket.
> Buy a good juicer (not the centrifugal type, since vitamins are
> lost with shredding), and a good juicing book, such as "The
> Complete Book of Juicing" by a doctor (I think).
> If you heal with nutrition, you will not only heal your gum
> problems, but also your potential heart, cancer, allergies, and
> all other degenerative diseases.  Congress has a new law coming
> up which puts natural foods under an Independent Review
> Committee, NOT under the FDA.  Please support it, since the FDA
> is controlled by Germany's Codex--murder by denying natural food
> medicines.
> (To review a complete copy of the bill, go to:
> and enter "HR 3811" in the "Search Bill" box.)
> H. R. 3811 SEC. 2. Findings
>  =(o o)=
> ++--V---+++
> >Thanks Tom,
> >
> >Did it help close the pocket?
> >
> >Bobbye
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Tbass" 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 12:19 PM
> >Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver for Gums and Teeth
> >
> >
> >> Hey Bobbye,
> >> I've had a lot of success with this tooth pocket problem
> >> using home-made CS in a water pick device. I did the water
> >> pick regimen each night and noticed a reduction of sensitivity almost
> >> immediately. Hope this helps.
> >> Tom Bassett
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: Bobbye Stegen
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:21 PM
> >> Subject: CS>Colloidal Silver for Gums and Teeth
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm a new member.  I have used vitamins/herbs/homeopathics/etc for most
> >my life in lieu of straight allopathic medicines.
> >> I am 63, in excellent health with no known problems other than problems
> >with my gums and teeth.
> >>
> >> I presently have two molars with pockets that I cannot get to tighten.
> >normally have my teeth cleaned every 3 months and
> >> spend about 20 to 30 min a night cleaning, flossing, etc.
> >>
> >> I heard that CS would help with this problem.  Any insights and methods
> >will be greatly appreciated.
> >>
> >> I have a high grade CS water and started holding that in my mouth today
> >for about 10 min. until I get the straight CS
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Bobbye
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >>
> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >>  -or-
> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> Silver-list archive:
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
Fascinating info, Terry.  Prior to this, the only calcium issue I knew of
which single form was THE most 'bioavailable.'  However you've provoked a
few questions which I hope you won't find too sophomoric:

I had understood (1) that most of the macro-minerals are characteristically
alkaline, e.g., in ionic solutions like "Concentrace" or Seaminerals"
(, and that they must be *taken with* an acid in
order to be metabolized, and that HCl suffices unless one's stomach acidity
is deficient.  Is this incorrect?  Or, do you believe (2) that the mere
*admixture* of proper acidity is not sufficient to achieve the necessary pH
for optimal metabplism, and that a mixture of *chemically bound* calcuim
forms, of complimentary pH, is necessary?

If (1) is correct, then here's a closely related question:  On my website
there's a liquid calcium *orotate* supplement which has prompted dramatic
testimonials among most of the people I know who have tried it (although I
may have to modify my understanding as to *why* this true!).  Would you
attribute its efficiacy to the bioavailability of the orotate form in
remediating actual calcium *deficiency,* or to the mere addition of orotic
acid to the diet, with the attendant effect of neutralizing & activating the
alkaline calcium already replete in Rolaids, Kraft cheese, etc.??

OTOH, if (2) is true, then another question arises:  Your memorandum seems
to attribute bodily pH exclusively to the form in which calcium is taken;
IOW it equates the body's necessary pH with necessary pH of Ca.  However, I
had heard that calcium is needed in no more than a 2:1 ration to magnesium,
if not 1:1.  If so, doesn't that indicate that pH balancing is indicated WRT
other "macro-mineral" forms as well?  Od do you presuppose calcium to
predominate over other mineral requirements, severally, by some overwhelming
margin?  Alternatively, is it possible that the right amount of stomach acid
(or supplemental cider vinegar, etc.) can balance the pH resulting from
taking many minerals together?



- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: CS>Unidentified subject!

> "I was wondering why there is such a difference
> between ones Urine PH, and Ones Saliva PH. Also, which
> one would give a correct indication of the body's
> Alkaline/Acid content.. Thanks, Grant.."
> The following is to address the pH issue, from the
> literature I give to all my clients. It is intended
> here for informational purposes, not as a marketing
> ploy.
> The Calcium Connection
> Determining which calcium your body needs
> Nowadays there is a lot of talk about our need for
> calcium. You will see products from milk to orange
> juice with the words "Calcium Added!" prominently
> displayed on the label. Nearly everyone knows how a
> lack of calcium can contribute to such health issues
> as arthritis and osteoporosis. Nearly everyone also
> knows that calcium levels have decreased significantly
> in our modern food, which is commercially grown in
> mineral-poor soil. To get enough calcium, most people
> recognize the need to take calcium supplements.
> But when you go to the pharmacy or a health food
> store, it can become confusing. You see all kinds of
> calciums. There is calcium carbonate, lactate, citrate
> and gluconate, which are on almost every shelf. Then
> there are the less well-known calciums such as calcium
> phosphate, sulphate, aspartate, orotate, hydroxide,
> plus others with names too difficult to pronounce!
> It makes you wonder: Are some kinds of calcium better
> than others? Does it matter which kind of calcium you
> take? Is it possible to take too much calcium? Can
> calcium hurt you? Do the various kinds of calcium
> affect the body in different ways?
> According to the late Dr. Carey Reams, bio-chemist and
> bio-physicist, our bodies need a balanced variety of
> calciums. He spent over 50 years studying and
> researching the affects of various calciums and other
> minerals on the human body. He found that there are
> essentially three categories of calciums to be
> considered: Alkaline-pH calciums (calcium hydroxide,
> phosphate and carbonate), Acid-pH calciums (calcium
> lactate and sulphate) and neutral-pH calciums (calcium
> citrate, aspartate, gluconate, etc.). "pH", as used
> here, refers to the  acidifying or alkalinizing effect
> upon the body.
> The body needs calcium from each of these groups in
> order to achieve balance for good health. Frequently
> people have an adequate amount of one kind, but a
> deficiency of the other. The presence of both
> acidifying and alkalinizing calciums is important
> because the interaction between the two is how both
> kinds are assimilated. Without enough of one kind,
> there is a poor assimilation of the other.
> Imagine taking a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking
> soda. If you dump them together in a bowl, you will
> see a lot of energy released. B

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
Fascinating info, Terry.  Prior to this, the only calcium issue I knew of
which single form was THE most 'bioavailable.'  However you've provoked a
few questions which I hope you won't find too sophomoric:

I had understood (1) that most of the macro-minerals are characteristically
alkaline, e.g., in ionic solutions like "Concentrace" or Seaminerals"
(, and that they must be *taken with* an acid in
order to be metabolized, and that HCl suffices unless one's stomach acidity
is deficient.  Is this incorrect?  Or, do you believe (2) that the mere
*admixture* of proper acidity is not sufficient to achieve the necessary pH
for optimal metabplism, and that a mixture of *chemically bound* calcuim
forms, of complimentary pH, is necessary?

If (1) is correct, then here's a closely related question:  On my website
there's a liquid calcium *orotate* supplement which has prompted dramatic
testimonials among most of the people I know who have tried it (although I
may have to modify my understanding as to *why* this true!).  Would you
attribute its efficiacy to the bioavailability of the orotate form in
remediating actual calcium *deficiency,* or to the mere addition of orotic
acid to the diet, with the attendant effect of neutralizing & activating the
alkaline calcium already replete in Rolaids, Kraft cheese, etc.??

OTOH, if (2) is true, then another question arises:  Your memorandum seems
to attribute bodily pH exclusively to the form in which calcium is taken;
IOW it equates the body's necessary pH with necessary pH of Ca.  However, I
had heard that calcium is needed in no more than a 2:1 ration to magnesium,
if not 1:1.  If so, doesn't that indicate that pH balancing is indicated WRT
other "macro-mineral" forms as well?  Od do you presuppose calcium to
predominate over other mineral requirements, severally, by some overwhelming
margin?  Alternatively, is it possible that the right amount of stomach acid
(or supplemental cider vinegar, etc.) can balance the pH resulting from
taking many minerals together?



- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: CS>Unidentified subject!

> "I was wondering why there is such a difference
> between ones Urine PH, and Ones Saliva PH. Also, which
> one would give a correct indication of the body's
> Alkaline/Acid content.. Thanks, Grant.."
> The following is to address the pH issue, from the
> literature I give to all my clients. It is intended
> here for informational purposes, not as a marketing
> ploy.
> The Calcium Connection
> Determining which calcium your body needs
> Nowadays there is a lot of talk about our need for
> calcium. You will see products from milk to orange
> juice with the words "Calcium Added!" prominently
> displayed on the label. Nearly everyone knows how a
> lack of calcium can contribute to such health issues
> as arthritis and osteoporosis. Nearly everyone also
> knows that calcium levels have decreased significantly
> in our modern food, which is commercially grown in
> mineral-poor soil. To get enough calcium, most people
> recognize the need to take calcium supplements.
> But when you go to the pharmacy or a health food
> store, it can become confusing. You see all kinds of
> calciums. There is calcium carbonate, lactate, citrate
> and gluconate, which are on almost every shelf. Then
> there are the less well-known calciums such as calcium
> phosphate, sulphate, aspartate, orotate, hydroxide,
> plus others with names too difficult to pronounce!
> It makes you wonder: Are some kinds of calcium better
> than others? Does it matter which kind of calcium you
> take? Is it possible to take too much calcium? Can
> calcium hurt you? Do the various kinds of calcium
> affect the body in different ways?
> According to the late Dr. Carey Reams, bio-chemist and
> bio-physicist, our bodies need a balanced variety of
> calciums. He spent over 50 years studying and
> researching the affects of various calciums and other
> minerals on the human body. He found that there are
> essentially three categories of calciums to be
> considered: Alkaline-pH calciums (calcium hydroxide,
> phosphate and carbonate), Acid-pH calciums (calcium
> lactate and sulphate) and neutral-pH calciums (calcium
> citrate, aspartate, gluconate, etc.). "pH", as used
> here, refers to the  acidifying or alkalinizing effect
> upon the body.
> The body needs calcium from each of these groups in
> order to achieve balance for good health. Frequently
> people have an adequate amount of one kind, but a
> deficiency of the other. The presence of both
> acidifying and alkalinizing calciums is important
> because the interaction between the two is how both
> kinds are assimilated. Without enough of one kind,
> there is a poor assimilation of the other.
> Imagine taking a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking
> soda. If you dump them together in a bowl, you will
> see a lot of energy released. B

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2002-04-07 Thread Russ Rosser
Fascinating info, Terry, and quite logical--everything exists in continuum!
Prior to this, the only calcium issue I knew of was
'bioavailability'/absoption.  This raises a couple of questions:

Your memorandum seems to attribute bodily pH exclusively to the form in
which *calcium* is taken.  By what margin do you presuppose calcium to
predominate over other mineral requirements, severally?  I had heard that
calcium is needed in no more than a 2:1 ration to magnesium, if not
1:1--doesn't this indicate that pH balancing is indicated WRT other
"macro-mineral" forms as well?

There's a liquid calcium *orotate* supplement on my website, which has
prompted dramatic testimonials among most of the people I know who have
tried it (although I may have to modify certain of my inferences as to
*why*!).  To what extent would you attribute this to calcium deficiency as
opposed to excessive alkalinity, perhaps due to the ubiquitous addition of
alkaline calcium to many processed "foods" nowadays?  IOW, is it the calcium
that's producing the benefit, or possibly the mere addition of orotic acid
to the diet, which neutralizes & activates the calcium carbonate they're
already getting from their Rolaids, Kraft cheese, etc.??


- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: CS>Unidentified subject!

> "I was wondering why there is such a difference
> between ones Urine PH, and Ones Saliva PH. Also, which
> one would give a correct indication of the body's
> Alkaline/Acid content.. Thanks, Grant.."
> The following is to address the pH issue, from the
> literature I give to all my clients. It is intended
> here for informational purposes, not as a marketing
> ploy.
> The Calcium Connection
> Determining which calcium your body needs
> Nowadays there is a lot of talk about our need for
> calcium. You will see products from milk to orange
> juice with the words "Calcium Added!" prominently
> displayed on the label. Nearly everyone knows how a
> lack of calcium can contribute to such health issues
> as arthritis and osteoporosis. Nearly everyone also
> knows that calcium levels have decreased significantly
> in our modern food, which is commercially grown in
> mineral-poor soil. To get enough calcium, most people
> recognize the need to take calcium supplements.
> But when you go to the pharmacy or a health food
> store, it can become confusing. You see all kinds of
> calciums. There is calcium carbonate, lactate, citrate
> and gluconate, which are on almost every shelf. Then
> there are the less well-known calciums such as calcium
> phosphate, sulphate, aspartate, orotate, hydroxide,
> plus others with names too difficult to pronounce!
> It makes you wonder: Are some kinds of calcium better
> than others? Does it matter which kind of calcium you
> take? Is it possible to take too much calcium? Can
> calcium hurt you? Do the various kinds of calcium
> affect the body in different ways?
> According to the late Dr. Carey Reams, bio-chemist and
> bio-physicist, our bodies need a balanced variety of
> calciums. He spent over 50 years studying and
> researching the affects of various calciums and other
> minerals on the human body. He found that there are
> essentially three categories of calciums to be
> considered: Alkaline-pH calciums (calcium hydroxide,
> phosphate and carbonate), Acid-pH calciums (calcium
> lactate and sulphate) and neutral-pH calciums (calcium
> citrate, aspartate, gluconate, etc.). "pH", as used
> here, refers to the  acidifying or alkalinizing effect
> upon the body.
> The body needs calcium from each of these groups in
> order to achieve balance for good health. Frequently
> people have an adequate amount of one kind, but a
> deficiency of the other. The presence of both
> acidifying and alkalinizing calciums is important
> because the interaction between the two is how both
> kinds are assimilated. Without enough of one kind,
> there is a poor assimilation of the other.
> Imagine taking a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking
> soda. If you dump them together in a bowl, you will
> see a lot of energy released. But if you were to pour
> together a cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of
> vinegar, there would not be much energy released,
> because of the unbalanced ratio between the soda and
> vinegar.
> A deficiency of alkaline calcium, for instance, will
> express itself as an apparent excess of acidifying
> calcium, resulting in an acid pH (calcium "deposits"
> are nearly always one type of unassimilated calcium
> accumulating somewhere in your body because of a
> deficiency of the other). The alkalinity or acidity of
> your urine or saliva pH is not primarily a reflection
> of the foods you eat. It is an indication of your
> calciums balance. Special pH test paper (carried by
> many Health Food stores or available from Metabolic
> Solutions) determines which kind of calcium your body
> may be deficient in, and indicates whi

Re: CS>Optimum Shape of Silver Cathode/Anode

2002-04-02 Thread Russ Rosser
Good question.  I developed a firm opinion about this, after noticing that
if voltage, water quality, and brewing time are equal, the CS becomes
increasingly weaker--at an increasing rate of increase--as the rods erode.
This is obviously due to round wire'a losing surface area, especially in
advanced stages of erosion.

This is why I recently inquired about Maple Leaf coins & other "silver
rounds" that are . purity:  The obvious answer is to use FLAT
electrodes, where the edge is an insignificant potion of the total area.  As
long as the electrodes are perfectly parallel, nearly equal surface should
be exposed when the electrodes have worn down to FOIL strips as when they
were new and thicker.

Suppliers like should have pure silver in any shape

Of course, the problem can be addressed electronically, too, by running the
batch until a given current is reached.  I have a circuit that does
this--makes batches of a equal concentration regardless of electrode
configuration, batch size (peanut butter jar to swimming pool) or input
voltage (battery, solar panel, phone line, power converter).

I'm not sure, but it seems that the other electronic approach--running at
constant current for a fixed time period--might also benefit from flat
electrodes because if round wire were too narrow, allowing the voltage to go
high enough to reach the set point might exceed the optimal
current-to-surface area ratio required for small particulates.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 3:52 PM
Subject: CS>Optimum Shape of Silver Cathode/Anode

> While silver wire seems to be most commonly used, I notice some use
> sheet silver in square or rectangular patterns.   Any comments on
> optimum silver configurations?  Would using HVAC or LVDC make a
> difference here?
> Thanks,
> jr
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>C/S generators

2002-04-02 Thread Russ Rosser

The disparity might be attributable to rods having different diameters and/or 
lengths.  What was the precise difference in the latter "effect?"

  - Original Message - 
  From: Gary Robertson 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 1:51 PM
  Subject: CS>C/S generators

I am a pigeon fancier in the north east of England I used C/S a couple of 
years ago 'I bought a generator from Dazer u.k I was very pleased with it until 
I got a new silver rod put in by Dazer u.k.After this it did not have the same 
effect is this because they may have used an inferior silver rod or could there 
be another explanation 

Re: CS>brewing with citric acid

2002-04-01 Thread Russ Rosser
How does citric acid compare with BAKING SODA, which is alkaline, but also
recommended for raising conductivity without interaction?  Is citric acid
preferable because it completely digests away?  --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Epidemic of high eocinephil (sp?) blood readings!

2002-04-01 Thread Russ Rosser
I'm told that a high eocinephil (sp?) reading in a standard blood test
indicates allergic response in the patient.  Normal reading is 0; people
with allergies can be around 9; 12 is extreme.

A friend's reading was at 40 for years--doctors were baffled.  Then it
increased to a steady 72, and even major medical institutes couldn't explain
how she survived.  She owes her life to Pregnazone (sp?), a pharmaceutical
anti-inflammatory; she takes it as soon as fatigue symptoms recur, then
discontinues it as soon as possible.

Not only is this condition inexplicable so far, but she has now discovered a
number of identical cases in her area of northern AZ!  These are folks that
were heretofore perfectly healthy, practicing exemplary diets, etc.

She has hypothesized about a geographical anomaly, possibly related to
radiation...but this has evidently propagated relatively suddenly.  Owing to
the unusual nature of the condition, I'm inclined to suspect some novel,
artificial cause.--perhaps a deleterious energy emanation or an exotic
CHEMTRAIL ingredient (spraying is heavy there, even in the largest yet least
populous county in the US, and they're having corresponding water-shortage

(There is reason not to dismiss the possibility of deliberate sabotage, in
view of the obvious EPA/USDA agenda to eradicate family farms:  This area
happens to contain the most fertile land in north America--possibly the
entire world--and is the home of several HUGE, INDEPENDENT farming
operations that ship organic food products all over the globe!)

Any theories about the cause or an experimental treatment?  Tx.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Living Water

2002-04-01 Thread Russ Rosser
I can't discern many technical details from the website, but it's
reminiscent of MIRACLE 2 (, a putatively benign
alternative to sulphate surfactants.  In addition to the liquid cleanser
(which I use as a direct shampoo replacement), there's a NEUTRALIZER that's
said to break down environmental chemical contaminents.  People have take it
internally, with positive testimonials extending to a grab bag of maladies
inculding Gulf War Syndrome, and it reportedly doubles horticultural
productivity when foliar-sprayed (although 4X yield is claimed for "Perfect


- Original Message -
From: Phillip W Markin 
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 1:11 PM
Subject: CS>Living Water

> Dear listers, here is a site that you that you should check out,
>  I am in no way connected. I just discovered it
> and thought that everyone should have a look. This is the most amazing
> thing that I have every come across.  You need to look at it.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Alvin (Magnetic Pulser)

2002-03-30 Thread Russ Rosser

I KNOW that electric currrent dispatches infections readily, and I've never 
understood why anyone besides a brainwashed Marxist or 3rd generation welfare 
recipient would censor facts about a relavant product just because said product 
is for sale.  

A friend has an earache; do you know of contraindications about strong EM 
pulses approximate to the brain?  (I remember that Dr. Beck proscribed using 
the blood pulser on the scalp, where the current path would be even easier to 
control!)  Tx.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Alvin Rose 
  Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 10:49 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Magnetic Pulser

  Hi Solar and Marshall 
  Thanks for the critics..I have been on this list 
  for years and Mike is very reasonable 
  My website is a very informative site for alternative 
  health information especially on Colloidal Silver.. 
  and other protocols... 

  The four 600 microfarad capacitors are not in 
  parallel as you indicated..but in a series ...parallel 
  combination and uses a ballast trigger for scr 
  gating and high power..All capacitors are 
  photoflash units  360 volts each in series of two 
  which are parallelled..this is a 1200 mfd effective 
  capacity with a voltage handling of 720 volts..The coil 
  is 2.5uH and outputs a powerful pulse in a 25 amp 800 
  volt SCR which is reverse current diode protected 
  ..discharge voltage is  349 at the slowest trigger 
  speed so it's very conservatively rated 
  We are testing a new unit which has a Beck 4hz and 100hz 
  blood purifier..with a pyramid and square wave output.. 
  a Clark Type 30 kc zapper...a Constant current Colloidal Silver 
  generator and a high power Magnetic Pulser all built in to one unit 
  It is a complete protocol with the use of H202 

  We have been using PayPal for quite some time 
  and had no problems with them except when we 
  started..they had some growing pains..but not now 
  Feel free to visit the website for Silver and other information 
  on all of the protocols..and I won't be trying to sell 
  you anything 
  Best Regards 
  Alvin Rose.. CTech 

  Solar wrote: 

Hello Alvin, 
Friday, March 29, 2002, 2:26:19 AM, you wrote: 

AR> Hi Listers 
AR> Check out the High Power Magnetic Pulser 
AR> available at 
AR> also lots of info links on alternative health protocols 

Alvin, no offense to you personally, but by posting a link to a 
product YOU sell, you are going to get spanked! I'm sure Mike will 
send you a "nastygram". 

Since you posted this on-list, I feel that it is only fair to critique 
your product. 

1) You don't state if the capacitors are photoflash rated. If they 
aren't, they won't live long. Even if they are rated for photoflash 
use, the quality varies GREATLY by brand. 

2) By increasing the net capacity (4 600 microfarad caps in parallel), 
you are only increasing the pulse duration. The peak magnetic flux 
generated isn't any greater than if you only used 1 600 microfarad 
capacitor. So, this makes the unit no better than any other one out 
there that operates at 325 volts. 

3) You use "PAYPAL". There have been many, many articles written, in 
print and online, about people, vendors included, being ripped off by 

Please note that I DO NOT make or market anything of the sort. I am 
just making observations on your product. 

You clearly violated one of the "carved in stone" rules here. Vendors 
are not permitted to hawk their wares. Expect harsh criticism for 
doing so. 

Best regards, 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. 

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or- 
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. 

To post, address your message to: 
Silver-list archive: 
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>WaterOz minerals

2002-03-30 Thread Russ Rosser
Years ago, a girl at WaterOz divulged that the process involves using a
laser to evaporate pure, solid minerals (which they buy from "Hallmark"?).


- Original Message -
From: Frank Key 
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 11:26 AM
Subject: CS>Ionic minerals

> We have been asked more than once about the ionic minerals sold under the
> of WaterOZ. For those interested in these products, here is what we found.
> We looked at ionic copper, ionic selenium, ionic gold, and ionic silver.
> Except for the silver, these are salt solutions consisting of:
> copper chloride, selenium chloride, and gold chloride. To keep the metal
> cations in solution requires a countering anion, which is chloride.
> Have not concluded the silver investigation yet, but suspect the anion is
> nitrate.
> Using copper as an example: Such a solution could be produced by
> the metal in hydrochloric acid to form the salt solution, then
> the remaining acid to bring the pH back close to neutral. We do not know
> this is how they are actually made, but they could be.
> frank key
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Gardening OUTLAWED? Email the USDA by TOMORROW!!!

2002-03-28 Thread Russ Rosser
From: mike smythe
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 10:32 AM
Subject: Gardening & seeds outlawed

In Florida last year, this was being carried by black helicopters, with
troops landing and destroying home gardens under guise of the "drug war",
and saying there were marijuana plants there!  -- Mike

94020 USA

 USDA Plans Severe Gardening Restrictions

 Direct quotes from USDA Action Plan

"Clean list" - Everything not on government approved list banned.

Penalties - $1000 for home gardeners, up to $250,000 for  nurseries.

Interstate movement of seeds - Prohibited without permit and

Send objections to the USDA

 Write your representative (Sample letter)

 What President Bush says

Your help is needed. The USDA is now accepting public  comments on their
Draft Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program, which includes the "clean
list" or "white  list" proposal. They are now going beyond the clean  list
and are stating that they intend to require permits and  inspections for ALL
seeds and plants moving  interstate ? this will effectively shut down many
popular seed exchanges like the North American Rock  Garden Society exchange
and the Seed Saver's Exchange.

These exchanges have been hailed as important means of  preserving
biodiversity. How many home seed savers will be willing to get appropriate
licenses and inspections  when they cost a minimum of $100 (for a nursery
stock or seed license here in California). Penalties of up to $250,000 are
proposed with a minimum fine of $1000 even for home gardeners. Please link
to this page.

 Contact  and state you are opposed to the "clean
list" and any permit or inspection requirements for interstate movement of
seeds and plants. State that the Draft Action Plan for
 the Noxious Weeds Program is unacceptable must be halted, additional time
for public comment allowed, and no new restrictions on the free flow of any
seeds and plants that are not listed noxious
 weeds be put in place.

 Send 4 copies of your comments to:

 Docket No. 01-034-1
 Regulatory Analysis and Development
 PPD, APHIS Suite 3C03
 4700 River Road, Unit 118
 Riverdale, MD 20737-1238

 This is necessary so that your e-mails will not simply be deleted.

 Last year, the USDA requested comments on its clean list proposal -  they
received an overwhelming response - 8 to 1 against, yet they are ignoring
the clear will of the American people. The government
 tried to impose a clean list policy three times during the 1970s, and had
to back down each time due to negative response from biologists. Apparently,
"no" is not an acceptable response.

 The public comment period ends March 29th, but it is important to keep up
pressure even after this date, particularly by writing your representatives.

 The USDA is clearly out of touch with the American people. They just got
through the huge furor when they tried to impose "Organic Rules" which
allowed irradiation and toxic sewage sludge use. They have also instituted
new phytosanitary certificate requirements which they admit are designed to
prevent you from ordering from overseas. Please object to the new
phytosanitary rules in your letter,

 Write to your representatives and demand that the out-of-control USDA be
reined in.

 These proposals fundamentally change the regulations on the importation and
distribution of plants.
 Currently, you may import, possess and distribute all plants except a few
known harmful species
 that are banned ? a "blacklist" approach in which everything is permitted
except what is prohibited.

The new Clean List (or white list) policy is the opposite.  Everything is
prohibited except what is on a government-approved "clean list" of species
that the USDA permits. This will effectively ban 99% of the species on the
planet. The clean list or white list has been called an internet hoax, and
the agencies involved have actually sent out letters denying they have such
plans.  Go to their website and read for yourself what they say:

 See Weed Action Plan - 4th blue box down on the right. (Note that this
 is a pdf file and takes
 a long time to load - you will see a blank page for a while after
 clicking here)


 Draft Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program

 Page 5:

 Interstate movement:

 "2) Issue regulations that require that any plant, plant product,
 biological control organism, noxious weed, article,
 or means of conveyance imported, entered, to be exported, or moved in
 interstate commerce be
 accompanied by a permit and a certification of inspection and be subject
 to remedial measures necessary to
 prevent the spread of plant pests or noxious weeds."

 NOTE: "Any plant or plant product" will incl

Re: CS>Maple Leaf coins -- $7.78

2002-03-27 Thread Russ Rosser
Maple Leaf coinsMidas Resources (800-686-2237) has the Maple Leaf for $7.78--if 
there are any cheaper, pls. post; otherwise, ask for Dennis & tell him Russ 
sent you!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nicola Kay 
  Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 10:00 PM
  Subject: CS>Maple Leaf coins

  I found some .999 Maple Leaf coins here where I live - they are $30 each.  Is 
that a reasonable price?

CS>What coins are "quad nine" (.9999 fine)?

2002-03-25 Thread Russ Rosser
I've heard that this category includes the Canadian Maple Leaf, The Twin
Towers commemorative & others.  OTOH, Silver Eagles, most "rounds"
(privately minted, 1 oz. commemoratives and 98% of the 1 oz. coins are .999.
Can anyone comment definitively?


- Original Message -
From: Duncan Crow 
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 7:12 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Re: CS>Asthma protocol

> Also, high-dose vitamin D has provided pretty dramatic results in both
> adults and children. Perhaps several casules of cod liver oil daily would
> of value for its inflammation reducing effect. And because asthma is
> aggravated by and perhaps even caused by, free radicals, glutathione in
> form of an inhaler, or as Immunocal/HMS-90 precursor will alleviate it.
> More asthma info on glutathione in prewritten Medline queries under "lung
> diseases" on
> ciao
> Duncan
> - Original Message -
> From: "Solar" 
> To: "Hilary Jacobson" 
> Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 2:02 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Asthma Protocol
> | Hello Hilary,
> |
> | Saturday, March 23, 2002, 3:48:27 PM, you wrote:
> |
> | HJ> Hello, CS-List,
> |
> | HJ>   Should someone here have experience using CS in the treatment of
> asthma, please share that
> | HJ> protocol with us here, or your experience. I know that at least two
> us are anxious to learn more.
> | HJ> I recall Nina Silver writing about inhaling CS and lemon EO.
> Suggestions as to dosage, times per
> | HJ> day, or additional supplements or dietary measures would be just
> marvelous.
> |
> | HJ>   Thanks,
> |
> | HJ>   Hilary
> |
> |
> | A very dear friend of mine has suffered from asthma pretty much her
> | whole life. This is a serious problem, as she works as both an
> | Emergency Medical Technician, and a Certified Flight Instructor. Upon
> | my suggestion, she began nebulizing CS while she was at work (the EMT
> | job), seeing that medical grade O2, nebulizers, etc. were readily
> | available. She went from using her prescription inhalers about 1 to 2
> | times a day, to MAYBE once a month. This was after about 6 to 8
> | treatments, spaced over the course of a couple of weeks. I might add
> | that she was utilizing the Beck protocol around that time as well, for
> | eradication of Lyme disease. So, there are many variables here. Add to
> | that the probability of asthma being caused by more than one thing,
> | and you can see that it may not work in all cases. Your mileage may
> | vary, as they say.
> |
> | I, for one, wouldn't inhale any type of essential oil, directly. After
> | someone posted on-list about the possibility of clove oil removing
> | asbestos from the lungs, it got me thinking. From time to time, I will
> | take a big handful or two of cloves and throw them into a pot of
> | water. I then bring it to a boil, and let it simmer for a few hours,
> | adding water as needed. I do this because I love the way it makes the
> | house smell. But, I did notice that when doing this, it seems to
> | loosen up junk in the lungs. I would think that boiling lemon peels
> | would work to put the essential oils into the air, without being
> | overwhelming.
> |
> | My proverbial 2 cents, of course.
> |
> |
> |
> | --
> | Best regards,
> |  Solar
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Questions on my procedure for making CS

2002-03-24 Thread Russ Rosser

I'll take a swing at your questions point-by-point...and welcome critique from 

1)  The more silver surface submerged, the greater the efficiency. (Make sure 
the coins are on perfectly parallel planes).   If efficiency is desired, I 
perceive some awkwardness in your configuration:  
Your clips are attached to the coins themselves (If I understand correctly), 
yet the clips must remain dry or become involved in the electrolysis 
(dangerous), so part of the silver rounds must peek above the upper plexiglass 
surface.  To immerse as much of the coin as possible, the water must be full up 
to the lid, but without wetting the clips.  The slot in the plexiglass may not 
actually constitute a seal, but if it did, the part of the coin occupying the 
thickness of the lid would still be 'wasted.'  
To resolve this dilemma, I'd completely submerge the coins by dangling them 
from silver wires (or a silver anode wire and a stainless steel cathode wire).  
The alligator clips can then be isolated from the water both by distance 
(lowering the water level) and a better seal (drilling holes to exactly match 
the wire gauges).  This would be easier to construct than cutting slots with a 
Dremmel tool, and many materials would suffice for lid marterial.
This allow the water level to be below the brim of the pot.  Of course, this 
would obviate contact between the plexiglass and the product, but that is of no 
concern, chemically.  The advantage would lie in total colloidalization of the 
. coins, and ease of handling the pot without spilling part of your CS 

2)  Listers have reported that temperatures over 120F are counter-productive.

3)  Is a ScothBrite CLOTH different than the green PAD?  Some polishing cloths 
contain a corrosive acid, and leave an oily residue that coats the metal to 
prevent tarnishing (oxidation)--bad!  However, I see no distict advantage in 
cleaning the electrodes at all during the process (I incorporate constant 
stirring).  IMO, even the abrasive pads only serve to waste silver.  
4)  One controversial point about coffee filters regards white paper's 
contaning dioxins, etc. while brown paper might actually be DYED that way as a 
deceptive marketing practice.  My objection to paper filters is that they are 
uneccesarily slow conpared to a womens' nylon "knee-high" stocking stretched 
over the top of a jar.  Because agglomeration agglomerates, this technique 
seems to expeditiously remove all visible residues.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Carl George 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 12:34 PM
  Subject: CS>Questions on my procedure for making CS

  Hello, listers;

  I would just like to run my procedure for making CS over you, and see if you 
can see anything I am doing wrong.

  I have got a lot of my friends taking CS. I am making it for them, and giving 
it to them. So now, instead of just making it for myself, I am making it for 
myself and about 9 other people. The CS generator I had bought was very good 
when I was just making it for myself, but when I started providing it for my 
friends, I had to come up with another way of making it in volume. This is what 
I came up with:

  I bought a GE 4 quart slow cooker. Using the lid as a template, I cut that 
lid shape out of 1/8’’ plexiglass. In middle of the plexiglass, about 1 1/2’’ 
apart, I cut two holes, large enough for 2 Canadian Maple Leaf Dollars (. 
silver) to go into. I made the holes just large enough so that part of the 
Maple Leaf dollar could stick up, but all of the dollar could not be pulled up 
through it. Then I got a AC-DC converter (from 120 v. ac to 24 volts dc); cut 
the end off of it, and attached two alligator clips to it thence to the coins. 
I also put a bubbler in the side of the lid.

  Every three hours, I try to clean the Maple Leaf dollars. 

  After about 6 hours, I stop the process, and strain the CS through a coffee 
filter ( first, I run a glass full of distilled water through the coffee 

  Normally, I get a reading of about 15 ppm with a Hanna tester, which after 
agglomeration is about 10-12 ppm. It is always clear. 

  Doing it this way, I can make about a gallon of clear, 10-12 ppm CS every 6 

  Specifically, my questions are: 

  (1). Is the plexiglass material sufficient to serve as a lid to the CS ( will 
the CS react with plexiglass? So far as I can tell, it does not, but I want to 
make sure. Once the temperature gets high enough, the plexiglass will warp, but 
what Iam worried about is could the CS react with the plexiglass causing 
compounds that I should not be drinking.)

  (2). Is the temperature too high. When I turn the crock pot on warm, it keeps 
the temperature at about 140 degrees F. Is that too high?

  (3). I clean the silver dollars first with a kleenex , and then brush it with 
a detail brush, and then wipe it with a Scot Brite cloth. The first time, I 
even cleaned the silver dollars by d

Re: CS>100-500 PPM CS and how it's made.

2002-03-22 Thread Russ Rosser also has 500 ppm.  If it can't be made electrically without
agglomeration, perhaps it's distilled down from a reasonablly concentrated


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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