Re: CSThe Lethal Science Of Splenda - A PoisonousChlorocarbonat News Breaking Healt

2005-07-27 Thread william meyer

hi ode
make ourselves vacant enough to tolerate living.
how superb a phrase and how accurate. salute.

On Tuesday, July 26, 2005, at 07:05 PM, Ode Coyote wrote:

 When people start to hold other people responsible for our actions and
ignorance, be it via insurance, litigation or demand for legislation, 
kids can no longer make mistakes and the world must become 
the day that people discover that they are no longer 'allowed' to act 

never learn how.

 Silicone choke proof people. How nice. How fail safe interlocked and 

to the rulebook. How dull.
May we all live in perfect safety, ignorance and blamelessness till we 

of absolute boredom..or make ourselves vacant enough to tolerate living.

Enforced Incompetence is on the march.


At 09:42 AM 7/26/2005 -0500, you wrote:

Content-Disposition: inline

From: Ode Coyote wrote:
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 07:24:23

Never mind.
Airhead Chokeproof Barbie is gesturing me over with her inarticulated
elbows sayin' Oh, He's a 'pretty' fart smeller! Pull my string,

Sorry Mike..I guess we all have our rubber axes to grind on our
styrofoam grinders.

Where's my rubber nails?

end of thread?


We  can only follow you so far Ode.

You're on your own now...

(Bon voyage)



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CScycles in history and hemp and the 60's and the coming age

2005-07-19 Thread william meyer
there are many theories of cycles in history. i traded the stock market 
for years

and eventually became a subscriber to
the aging guru of elliotwave interpretations has made a wonderful case 
for the

stock market being a record of cycles in human society.
according to elliotwave theory, we have entered the biggest phase of 
break-up from
the centrist movement (fascism being the ultimate expression of 
consolidation) starting

in the early 80's.
i tell people we are entering a phase that will make the 60's look like 
a house party.
this time will be a block party.  lot's of tumult and social breakdown 
and opportunity for
experiments with alternative ways. central authority and authority in 
itself will be under

constant attack.
well, interesting enuf, hemp is returning to the mainstream in many ways 
the marijuana leaf of the sixties is returning as the hemp leaf of this 
new cycle.
so, marijuana sister plant, is returning in a  broader movement touting 
hemp and it's unique

qualities, as a sign of the changing, but returning cycle.

On Tuesday, July 19, 2005, at 12:43 AM, Ole Alstrup wrote:

Hi Ernie,
Well, so far it didnt change all THAT much. This Vega stuff is really 
fringe, but I sure hope we will see a transition towards such in the 
coming years, as it is solidly based in cutting edge nutritional 
science. Other similar products out there, but Vega is ahead of the 
others so far. We are also beginning to see some of the sports 
companies offering green powders, so who knows what will happen, maybe 
sooner than later? But I think it will take a long time for people to 
realize that whey/grain sugar powders may not be in their best 
interest. Let's see what happens with organic hemp and rice protein 
sources, especially hemp is so exciting, lots of potential there, what 
to speak of the impact on ecology, my God!

- Ole

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Re: CSLymes

2005-05-05 Thread william meyer
 Once one starts really digging more deeply, it can be found that for 
any given diet or treatment of any kind, almost none work for more than 
about half the people who try it.
**in alternative medicine in particular, i always tell people not to get 
discouraged and keep trying

methods that are relatively low cost and have few downsides to them.
takes time and application, but the alternative is western med. and 
their problems.
CS being the only one I actually know of so far. It may not work for 
everyone, but I think it's success rate is much higher than 50%.
**for me and lyme, silver has definitely helped which supprised me 
greatly. lyme disease opened my

eyes to alternatives that i totally dismissed before.
hey, try DMSO for sprains, strains, and soft tissue injury. if i knew 
about this other cheap simple
substance i would have saved myself a lot of agony in the past with 
twisted ankles, jammed fingers,

DMSO also really works helping to deliver CS to infected gums.
H2O2 also can help teeth and gums.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

Yep, to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


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Re: CSNeed advice on eradicating Borrelia Burgdorferi

2005-05-04 Thread william meyer

the basic deal is the silver-puppy works great. do the silver on an 
empty stomach.

twice a day around two ounces is my recommendation.
numbers of rife machines are proven performers for lyme.
some of the ones i know are the doug coil, the b3 with amp, and the 
i have used the emem3d with success. i am not cured, but i hear it may 
take years.

many lymies buy multiple machines in their quest.
these things work!. i promise it.
so does colloidal silver.

On Wednesday, May 4, 2005, at 04:05 PM, wrote:

Hello Group,
I am trying to rid myself of borrelia burgdorferi and would appreciate 
any input on how to accomplish it. Long term antibiotics seemed to have 
had little or no effect. This has really taken a toll on me and in turn 
on my family as well. I have a Silverpuppy generator. Any advice is 


Re: CSImmune system and CS strength

2005-05-01 Thread william meyer

as far as shelf life:
my personal leaning is that fresh made cs  is superior to days old stuff.
so, given my experience with the effectiveness of homemade cs,
i suggest making it at home in small quantities and remaking it
as neccesary.

On Sunday, May 1, 2005, at 07:59 PM, lkfields wrote:

 I have two questions concerning Colloidal Silver.  The first question 
with immunity and CS.  I know from experience and research that heavy 
use of
antibiotics results in a compromised immune system.  The immune system 

to depend heavily on the antibiotics to fight disease and soon the
antibiotics become necessary to fight off even the simplest of germs.  

this happen with CS?  Why or why not?

I have heard comments from several friends about colloidal silver 
having a

shelf life or losing its potency.  A friend that has made CS for years
states that towards the end of his bottle (8 ounces) he can tell the CS 
not as potent anymore, like it has lost its charge.  He notices that it 

not as effective.  A friend that owns an herb shop says the CS is
susceptible to light and must be in a dark glass container and must be
handled carefully.  I have read online that the CS does NOT need to be 
in a
dark or amber colored glass.  My question is.. Does CS have a shelf 
How long is it? What things besides freezing effect CS?  Why would CS 
contaminated and not useful anymore?  If CS kills whatever germs it 

into contact with, how could CS possibly get contaminated by a Q-tip or
cotton ball coming into contact with it?

I have searched online for these answers and I will have to tell you the
information out there is varied and contradictive.  I value the 
opinions and

findings of the many learned people here on list.

Thank you so much in advance for any help you can offer.


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CSsilver and lyme

2005-04-28 Thread william meyer

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients,  Jan, 2005
by Robert W. Bradford,  Henry W. Allen

Lyme disease, potential plague of the 21st century detection
problems resolved by imaging with the Bradford Variable Projection
High Resolution Microscope

Robert W. Bradford

...Bb also has a three-layer cell wall, helping to determine the spiral
shape of the spirochete. This distinctive cell wall resembles those
of Gram-negative bacteria, although Bb does not stain Gram-negative
but is stained by silver stains (containing silver nitrate). This
characteristic may be related to the purported treatment of Lyme
disease by colloidal silver.

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Re: CScs:vitaminC per LEF

2005-04-14 Thread william meyer

it seems from my reading that vitamin c changes it's biological 
properties as you go up towads
20 grams. some claim it becomes a pro-oxidant. this status may give it a 
peculiar ability to kill


On Thursday, April 14, 2005, at 08:30 PM, David S Osborne wrote:

...interesting, about vitamin C
From LEF


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Re: CSMaking H2O2?

2005-04-06 Thread william meyer

hi coyote
that was the most fascinating take on h2o2 i have ever read.
it seems bizarre that h2o2 is actually used with silver in these 
wow, and here we are very aware of the unusual properties of these 

On Wednesday, April 6, 2005, at 10:40 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

   H2O2 is not easy to make.
 My gearhead side wants it to be cheap and easy as an alternative to isn't. [Dangit]
 It's not just a matter of running ozone [from electrical activity such 
as lightning] through water.
 Do lightning storms really make hydrogen peroxide?  ..Maybe a little 
bit, and a lot of ozone.


 I don't think this is 'very' true..maybe a 'little bit' true. [Ode]
Hydrogen peroxide, the partner to ozone, is more properly called oxygen 
water, since it is water with an extra oxygen molecule. Hydrogen 
Peroxide is created in the atmosphere when ultraviolet light strikes 
oxygen in the presence of moisture. Ozone (03) is free oxygen (02) plus 
an extra atom of oxygen. When it comes into contact with water, this 
extra atom of oxygen splits off very easily. Water (H20) combines with 
the extra atom of oxygen and becomes hydrogen peroxide ( H2O2).

hydrogen peroxide equilibrium
... how come when you add ozone to water it doesent make hydrogen 
In 1818, Thénard discovered that it made another hydride, H2O2, 
hydrogen peroxide, which was similar to water but had peculiar 
properties. This article will look at these oxygen compounds, with an 
emphasis on hydrogen peroxide..
This was the source of the power for the fuel pumps of the V-2 rocket 
missile of World War II, whose main fuel was alcohol and liquid oxygen. 
The first catalyst was calcium permanganate, but later silver mesh 
proved superior. The industrial process for making concentrated 
hydrogen peroxide, now widely used, was developed in connection with 
this use...

..other stuff...
Can you make a rocket engine using hydrogen peroxide and silver?
At a drag race, I once saw a rocket car that was supposedly powered by 

hydrogen peroxide on a silver mesh.

Hydrogen peroxide and silver really do react that way. The hydrogen 
peroxide has to be extremely concentrated for it to work -- around 90 
percent, compared to drug store hydrogen peroxide that is sold at a 
concentration of 3 percent. If you have a 90-percent concentration like 
that, hydrogen peroxide makes a great rocket propellant!

Hydrogen peroxide's chemical formula is H2O2. When it comes into 
contact with silver, the silver acts as a catalyst. The reaction frees 
the extra oxygen atom to produce water, and also generates a lot of 
heat. The heat turns the water into steam, which the engine can eject 
at a very high speed through a rocket nozzle.

Used in this way, hydrogen peroxide is a monopropellant. Compared to a 
normal rocket engine that burns two different chemicals (a fuel and an 
oxidizer), a hydrogen-peroxide engine is very cool and relatively safe. 
It is also very easy to throttle.
Whenever you make hydrogen peroxide with conventional methods, you use 
a really complicated process with starting materials that are toxic and 
the process cost is high, he explained. Using a nanocatalyst, you can 
just combine hydrogen and oxygen -- two very clean and simple molecules 
to procure -- to produce hydrogen peroxide, and that's with 90 percent 
selectivity in large-scale tests, much higher than any other catalysts 
used to make hydrogen peroxide.


At 09:18 PM 4/5/2005 -0400, you wrote:

I know that thunderstorms produce H2O2 in the rainwater.  Does anyone 

how to make H2O2?
It has to be electrical.

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Re: CSVitamin C Cholesterol

2005-03-10 Thread william meyer

my 2 cents
i read once of a very well researched study on heart attacks, 
cholesterol, and cholesterol lowering drugs.

seemed those on the drugs had less heart attacks, but died as frequently.
seems the lower cholesterol -or the drugs- made them more angry and 

they died at higher rates than controls of murder, accident, and suicide.
believe it.

On Thursday, March 10, 2005, at 09:18 PM, sol wrote:

Here is an example, sort of. One of my husband's co-workers who thought 
he was in fine shape, felt healthy, was active, etc, had his routine 
physical and was found to have high cholesterol. He was put on a 
cholesterol lowering drug, and has felt horrible ever since, no longer 
very active as he feels ill. When he complained about feeling horrible 
on the drug, he was given an additional drug to counteract the side 
effects of the cholesterol lowering drug. He now feels even worse. If 
he keeps this up, he'll probably die of the efforts to lower his 
cholesterol, after feeling sick for a few years first, of course.


Duncan Crow wrote:

High cholesterol has never been linked to heart disease. The whole 
thing is a sham propagated by Big Industry.

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Re: CSR.I.P. Himagain

2005-03-08 Thread william meyer
the beginning of my understanding of one major aspect of  how people 
react and perceive was understanding

how ronald reagan  was labelled the teflon president.
reagan rolled merrily on his way telling jokes and staying on message.
he did not engage his detractors.

in general:
people will take their cues about you by how you act. i find that people 
from a fear place will act and re-act fearfully and angrily to both 
legitimate threats

and illegitimate ones.
words are rarily a real threat.
certainly nothing on this list

in a dispute those operating from fearful ego's will become engaged as 
their fears

are engaged.
i seperate communication into two parts:
1) the actual information
2)possible bias or ill-will on the part of the other

both of these information sets are informative and neutral.

if someone says things that are charged and irrational all one has to do 
is refute the specifics.

if one acts charged and irrational than...

in society we need to take some injury to stay in society. we build our 
relations by being helpful

and not disruptive. in general this is the proper path.

also remember, things come out in the wash. if one is fearful and angry 
you will find others  who are fearful

and angry.
if one is helpful and aware, one will meet more and more others like 

i find almost all people who have done me wrong eventually show up as 
these type of people and

have relations along these lines.
meanwhile, what i am doing seems to create more and more relations 
relating to my thoughts and

is that good or bad?
depends on what one is doing.

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Re: CSOpen letter to the Silver List

2005-03-06 Thread william meyer

the system -the entire system is broken.
it will not be fixed by normal means as the norm is now...?
all one has to do is look around with open eyes..., very calmly and 

not easy to do.
first ones body and mind need to experience some calm.
that means withdrawal from addictions and distractions and 

On Sunday, March 6, 2005, at 07:51 PM, wrote:

How about you?

 Since you asked, I will tell you; I have been denied non-toxic
treatment of IV vitamin C by the culture of fear that rules the AMA and
FDA. I won't bother everyone with the details; just invite you to find a
mainstream doc who knows of it, or endorses it, and an insurance co.
that will pay for it. The ones who will do it risk their license.
 There is a patent for tetracil; a silver solution that cures aids. Do
you see it on the news?
 There is a silver catheter method that results in hiv, and hcv negative
blood test.
 You have to go to Mexico to get it.
 Look up doctor Burzynski out of Texas, re: Cancer.
 My doctor in Md.was harrassed until he had to move to Wash DC.
 Codex; do I need to say more?
 Sorry that the negatives are getting to you, but I'm glad people are
  We are getting pissed off and more numerous. That makes me happy as
 I am fed up with being managed like a farm animal.

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Re: CSCould CS help avoid a root canal?

2005-03-01 Thread william meyer
add the dmso to the cs mixture and deliver it to your mouth however you 
find effective

and convenient.
for acute cases, soaking a piece of cotton with the two and planting it 
between the cheek

and gun next to tooth is the best way.
for chronic, try brushing with the mixture, rinsing and leaving some 
residue in the mouth.

90% cs, 10% dmso solution. you can vary this as you like.
best is fresh homemade cs.

On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 04:13 PM, wrote:

I was told almost five months ago by my dentist that I need a root 
canal for one of my upper molars because of the infection around (or 
in) the roots of that tooth (as shown by X-ray).  I said No at the 
time, largely because of my concerns about the long-term toxicity of 
root-canaled teeth (according to some dental practitioners).  So, I was 
given a penicillin-like antibiotic which eliminated the pain, but the 
pain has been slowly and gradually returning during the last three 
months.  Given my dislike for antibiotics and my suspicion about the 
dangers of root canals, I'm looking for alternatives.

I assume that CS would kill the noxious bacteria around the roots of my 
infected tooth if there was a way to deliver CS to the site of the 
infection (which undoubtedly likes below and inside gum tissue).  Could 
drinking a certain quantity of CS for a certain period of time be 
helpful?  Gargling with CS or spraying the infected tooth and 
surrounding tissue with CS would seem to be inadequate because it's not 
likely that CS could get into and under the skin at the point of 
infection.  Could I be wrong about that?

Your thoughts about this will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Christy Barton
Columbia, MO

Re: CSvaricose veins question

2005-02-16 Thread william meyer

i had sclerotherapy on some of my varicose veins ten years ago.
so far they have not returned.
varicose veins are veins on the outside of the muscle sheaths.
we also have veins inside these sheaths. these are the veins that do the
main work and they seem to be protected more -or completely- from
becoming variscosities.
varicose veins often  run in families. i have noticed the SAME vein in my
brother and i causing a problem. they look the same. my cousin too.
this is primarily a genetic or constitutional issue.
removing these veins should not cause a recurance.
eating a natural diet lower in saturated fats, exercise, not standing or 
sitting more
than neccesary, having easy bowel movements: these will help lessen the 
load on any potential varicose

veins in the future.
spider veins, broken capilaries, easy bruising, are probably not highly 

to varicose veins. these are mainly a diet and nutrition issue.
bottomline: your friend has a good chance with some care of not having
a return of her problems.

On Wednesday, February 16, 2005, at 10:47 AM, sol wrote:

Just for my own information. Is surgical stripping or laser sealing of 
varicose veins a permanent cure?
I was speaking to a friend who had this surgery done a year ago, and 
she got angry at me because I told her I believed the underlying 
problems that allows the varicosities to happen in the first place is 
still there, and unless addressed other veins in her feet/legs will 
varicose eventually. I mean she was obviously terribly insulted by my 
opinion. She is an extremely active person, walking miles daily, a lot 
of it up and down steepish hills, this isn't new, she has always been 
active and walked like that, even while and before she developed 
terrible varicose veins. She now says the walking is protecting her 
from getting any more, but that doesn't seem likely, if she was also 
walking as and before she got them in the first place?
In the interest of fairness, I thought I'd ask just in case I'm wrong 
and she is right and she is cured.


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Re: CSvaricose veins question, was

2005-02-16 Thread william meyer
on the contrary, removing low functioning veins actually improves 
to the heart. the remaining veins in the muscle sheath easily carry the 

and blood stagnates less in bad veins.
i have varicose veins, i eat an excellent diet, and i am very thin.

It is always best to attack the cause rather than work on the symptoms.
Varicose veins are a symptom of major problems.  When one strips veins 
removes a bit of the circulation back to the heart putting a larger 
load on
the remaining veins...hence an exacerbation of the problem...not a 

She needs to ask the question...why do I have this problem.  Overweight

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Re: CSjoke about right to bear arms

2004-12-05 Thread william meyer

the discussion about arms i recognize being off-topic. 
just so m. devour knows (our list moderator)

one of our comics said:
i went to the canadian border, the guard asked me if i had
any firearms, i said what do you need?

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RE: CSo2 concentrator

2004-12-01 Thread william meyer
they only go up to about 8psi for decent home concentrator.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Holmes
Sent: Dec 1, 2004 10:30 AM
Subject: RE: CSA good nebulizer for CS

O2 concentrator would build up to 20 PSI??

Probably not.  I know little of them.  You would probably need a pump.


-Original Message-
From: fg227 [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSA good nebulizer for CS

I have an O2 concentrator. Are you saying I can run this Harbor Freight
airbrush off of it? I thought it would harm the concentrator's compressor. I
already have the HF airbrush.

 I'm thinking I can do this with a diversion relief valve that I tighten
when I want O2 fed under pressure to the airbrush for a few seconds. A few
seconds strain should not harm the concentrator's compressor???

I have an AirSep concentrator. The lowest flow rate it goes at 1.5 liters
per minute. Otherwise it shuts down.

 configured, when attached to a standard welders O2 regulator or medical
 regulator set to about 20 PSI, to make a finer particle than the best

O2 concentrator would build up to 20 PSI??


- Original Message -
From: Jim Holmes
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: RE: CSA good nebulizer for CS

 Other than having a ferrous top in the glass liquid container, the unit is
 well-made, mostly of brass.  Yes, some of the small parts are a bit less
 than hi-tech, they do the job.  I have used one for years without breaking

 They sell for about 8 Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Devices, but I have
 seen them on sale for about 5.

 No electricity required...

 Can be run on an oxygen generator without having an outside source of
 bottled O2.

 That's why.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Holmes []
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 9:17 PM
 Subject: RE: CSA good nebulizer for CS

 Brooks Bradley's research team at the Harborne Foundation determined with
 clinical experience that CS dispersed in 02, ---a colloid within a
 colloid---was significantly more effective than the CS alone.  DMSO is a
 further improvement, particularly when a lot of fluid or mucus is a

 They also determined that a Harbor Freight Taiwan artist's airbrush could
 configured, when attached to a standard welders O2 regulator or medical
 regulator set to about 20 PSI, to make a finer particle than the best
 medical nebulizers.  Held about 1.5 inches from the hand, no spray is seen
 being emitted from the nozzle, but your hand gets wet.

 There is no intent to blast the aerosol into your system or lungs; it is
 nly a method of making a very fine-particle suspension available for
 inspiration.  Air may be used if it is absolutely clean.

 -Original Message-
 From: fg227 []
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 6:07 PM
 Subject: Re: CSA good nebulizer for CS

  Neither compares to the Brooks-Bradley oxygen nebulizer,

 Why is that? Because the airbrush shoots the CS/DMSO/MSM mist deep into
 lungs? Why is oxygen better than compressed air to use in this airbrush

 but each of these
  nebulizing ideas WORKS, and that is, in the end, what counts!



 - Original Message -
 From: Jason
 Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 10:37 AM
 Subject: Re: CSA good nebulizer for CS

  Hi Christine:
  I'll agree that the Omron CompAir Elite is a good unit.  I have one.
  I would prefer the Omron Ultrasonic, but at the time of my own purchase,
  didn't want to afford to the more expensive unit.
  The ultrasonic unit produces a finer mist, but is roughly $60-100 more
  Neither compares to the Brooks-Bradley oxygen nebulizer, but each of
  nebulizing ideas WORKS, and that is, in the end, what counts!
  Best Regards,
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:24 AM
  Subject: CSA good nebulizer for CS
   Thought I would share this with you all.  I use the OMROM CompAir
   nebulizer with my CS and it works wonderfully.  I've used it on myself
   my birds and have only good things to say about it.  It is very small,
   portable, relatively quiet and easy to use.  It has adapters for the
   and can be used with both AC and DC I think.
   Here's a link to show you what it looks like:
   I did not get mine here.  This site was from a random websearch.  I
   picked with site because it has a decent picture and good explanation
   the nebulizer's features.
   I bought mine brand new on Ebay for $50.00, shipping included.

Re: CSRe:FDA was silver is a legal food additive (used in bakery etc.)

2004-11-23 Thread william meyer

-Original Message-
From: Paul Holloway
Sent: Nov 23, 2004 5:51 AM
Subject: CSRe:FDA was silver is a legal food additive (used in bakery etc.)

This is the mentality of the FDA:
that, my friend,
is the kind of twisted and creative logic that
will get us all to heaven.

Richard Bandler (the Neurolinguistic Programming guy) tried 
marketing a placebo, but predictably the FDA didn't like it. The
following is from his book Time For A Change:

You may have thought a placebo works because the person doesn't
know it's a placebo. It works because of belief. In the USA we do 
an unusual
thing. We test all drugs against placebos. That's what a 
double-blind test
does. So we have more information on placebos than we have on all 
drugs put

Robert Dilts and I had an idea. We decided to put out a product,
tiny empty capsules, called Placebo. No side effects.
Robert was my grad student at the time. He reviewed the research
on standard problems like headaches. We made plans to publish a 
booklet with an index. A person would look up headaches and read, 
When tested
against other drugs, placebos work five out of six times. Then 
it would say,
Take seven when you have a headache. It's a sure thing.

The FDA complained. They told us the effects would wear off.
Placebo would lose its efficacy. We knew that could happen. Some 
people would
not get the beliefs built in tenaciously the first time. We 
revealed our backup plan. NEW! PLACEBO PLUS! TWICE THE INERT 

Of course, drug companies run the FDA. So they wouldn't let us do
it. They couldn't find any danger. The capsules were empty. There 
nothing there. They told us this was illegal and immoral. 
Besides, they said,
it will never work, so we won't let you do it.

We had proved that it would work. We had decades of their
experimental results from them. We also had our own results.
My clients often knew a placebo when they got one. They still do.
I actually give them the ability to believe that it works because 
it is a
placebo. I explain that since they already know it for a placebo, 
it will
work forever. It does.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: CS and lyme disease

2004-09-08 Thread William Meyer

my lyme disease is going ok.
but i have used CS and special prescribed garlic capsules at times to 
fight it.

also a rife machine.
also immunopro rx whey protein.
CS may not work for everyone, but in my case the homemade CS was as 
powerful as oral doxycylene.

in my case the CS was very effective and cheap!
i still have a touch of chronic lyme, but i am hoping soon to 
reinstitute a consistent

program to deal with it.
try avoiding all alcohol and sweeteners. that helps with me.
it is completely worth buying one of the quality CS generators, 
properly making the
stuff with distilled water, and dosing yourself at least once a day on 
an empty stomach.

twice is better, but i got results with once a day.
i was only doing 2 ounces a day. people on our list have done a lot 

but the stuff has worked for a lot of lymies.

On Sep 8, 2004, at 9:41 PM, Teresa Lucher wrote:

I just joined the group last wk, and was thinking I would hear more 
talk on using CS for the lyme disease. 

 Are there any other lymies in the group, if so, please speak up.
Thanks,   Teresa

Nenah Sylver wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Roman
 Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: CSWhy use soap for teeth?


 I haven't had time to keep up with the list lately. I
 searched the list for this topic and was overwhelmed
 with the number of posts about it. Would anybody be
 kind enough to briefly explain to me reasons to use
 soap to brush teeth? What's wrong with using a tooth
 paste (say, a natural one)? There are plenty of tooth
 pastes that don't seem to contain any dangerous chemicals.

 Thank you


See latest issue of Acres USA. A chemist says that the glycerine in 
toothpastes acts as a bonding agent (glue) that keeps bacteria adhered 
to teeth.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor


2004-07-18 Thread William Meyer

there is no doubt in my mind that roasted almonds tremendously
increases the nutritional value of chocolate.
there is a synergy.
properly roasted almonds and high quality chocolate
is a reasonable -and in some circumstances where lots of energy is 

a preferable food.

On Jul 18, 2004, at 1:30 AM, wrote:

Hi Wayne,

I love chocolate but only if it has almonds in it.

Never tried sunflower seeds except some toasted ones once which were 

and didn't try them again.

Peanut butter used to be all I lived on for a couple of years but after
seeing first hand how many chemicals they use to produce peanuts and 

using hydrogenated oils, it killed my love of peanut butter.

I might try your formula to see if I can quit cokes.  It bothers me 
that I have no control over a substance that is so empty of good 


Jean Baugh

 It suddenly dawned on me that this must be the answer and

the reason I can't quit cokes since I have a lot of determination!

   I think there is more too it than that.

   You don't find much information relative to specific
nutrients  changing the taste buds.
At one period in my life, the nutrients I was taking fixed my taste 

where I could not stand the taste of cokes or beer.

I had never been a coke-aholic  nor a beer-a-holic.   Still, suddenly 
could not stand the taste of either.  I went for many years before I 

stand the taste of coke and still have no taste for beer.

So, what did this magic to my taste buds?   This was so long ago, I
honestly don't remember the full program.   I know, we should all keep
notes in case some far out combination kills us, someone else could 

I do remember this much about my program at that time.

Dessicated Liver
Brewers Yeast
Sunflower Seeds.

Of course A, B, C, Ca, Mg, and trace minerals were included.

If you ever read about the alcoholic rats experiments, this would 
make my
story more understandable and logical.   If no one knows about it, or 
has a

copy, I will tell it as I remember it.

I  can't remember what year I became addicted to sunflower seeds. It 

the late 50's or early 60's.

Did you see the article recently about taste bud types?I question
people I barely know about what foods they like.If they do not 

specific foods, they are usually sick.

By eating selected combinations of foods, you can alter and change 

taste buds.

Most of this is my opinion.   Bits and pieces of information keep 

up to substantiate some of my ideas.

Hopefully your craving for cokes has no relation to the sugar and
carbs.   Sometimes we have hidden cravings.

Often I think I have a craving for peanut butter.   Anytime I am 
hungry or
need energy, and cannot think of anything I want to eat,  I 

peanut butter.

It kills a hunger sensation, provides energy, and suddenly I do not 

anything at all to eat.

I think it is a wonderful food in the class with sunflower seeds and 

Eat enough peanut butter, sunflower seeds and almonds and you will 

nothing but

I bet it would even help the craving for Coke.


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 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

CSre: mold

2004-07-18 Thread William Meyer

mold is developing on foods. leave them long enough and almost all 

visible mold.
will soaking in colloidal silver kill the mold?

On Jul 18, 2004, at 10:59 AM, Garnet wrote:

And mold starts to grow at 25%
moisture, various temps, but one colony can become ten million colonies
in 24 hours under the right conditions. I rarely even eat left over
foods due to mold contamination. You may not see it but it is there,
even after just a few hours, think how much is there in a couple days 

sitting in the fridge. Many fruits have mold on them too, especially
dried ones.

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSBaking soda

2004-07-12 Thread William Meyer

wayne fugitt must love this story...
On Jul 12, 2004, at 10:39 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Reminds me of the time my car got stuck in drive.  It would drive in 
neutral, and
in reverse, it would load the engine, but I would go nowhere.  I took 
it to Amco
transmission, and they said it would be $300 or so to fix, no matter 
what the
problem was. So I said I would try to fix it first.  I drove by Amco 
at about 30
miles an hour, and pushed up up into reverse, the back wheels squealed 
for a
second, and it killed the engine.  When I restarted the engine 
everything worked
fine and it never failed until I traded a few years later.  I figured 
it would
cost me no more if it was totally destroyed so I had nothing to lose, 
and as it

turns out, the big jar was all it needed to get unstuck.


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Re: CSHard drive crash and the logic of the times

2004-07-11 Thread William Meyer

i have also gotten things to work by unplugging them for a little while.
not hard drives, but electronics and computers can sometimes be reset by
removing ALL power from their circuit boards. this sometimes entails 

an internal battery.
reminds me of a story: i had inventory to do in my basement as i was 
i had a custom database i had developed on my pretty expensive laptop. 
i thought,
nah, i shouldn't take it into the basement because of evil spirits or 

down there.
but i did it anyway. as i was moving wood chisels to a new container i 
thought i should

sharpen them. i ground them on a wheel and put them away.
my computer was 5 feet away.
10 minutes later it started to act messed up. i called a friend and he 
microscopic metal bits have floated around and been sucked into your 

he fixed it by buying a coupla gallons of denatured alcohol. and 
soaking the whole
thing several times to float out the mettalic bits that were shorting 
the boards.

seems the alcohol didn't damage anything.

On Jul 10, 2004, at 10:44 AM, enjaycee wrote:

hi Wayne
With much frustration that's how I finally fixed my VCR and it has 
to purr for several months now...I immediately thought of going into 

business of repairing them...

This can be a DROP of 4 to 6 feet

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSColloidal silver generator

2004-07-07 Thread William Meyer

the silver puppy also shuts down and is current limited (as the sg6).
it has an overide that allows you to make higher ppm directly.
personally, i like the idea of running a batch with current limited and
than rerunning the same batch 12 hours later which results in
20ppm (i am told).
i have thought i have noticed a stronger, more reactive taste with 
fresh batches.

if i rerun an initial batch this taste is restored (even stronger).
except for skin conditions, my understanding of the posters on this 
list is going

over 5ppm is not neccesarily an advantage.
no one knows, but brooks bradley has stated his investigations show 
5ppm to

be effective and more ppm not neccesarily more effective.
it seems to be all good.
fresh, home made stuff, swished in the mouth for ten seconds or more, 

if you want more just drink more.
the homemade stuff works and the silver puppy -or sg6 if one prefers-
are worth the investment if you want to experiment with silver.
this is the base.
from here we go to different versions and purities of distilled water.
some like to make their own distilled water.
than we go to different methods of silver ingestion: oral, nebulized,
and introduction into the naval cavities by different methods.
also there is ongoing experimentation with the addition of DMSO or
h2o2 after the silver is made.

On Jul 6, 2004, at 6:51 PM, Terry wrote:

I haven't tried the silver puppy, but I have been extremely pleased 
with my Silvergen SG6...particularly how it shuts down current flow 
once the desired concentration is monitoring necessary.

Re: CSColloidal silver generator

2004-07-06 Thread William Meyer
my recomendation is always silver puppy for anything other than 
industrial or

resale type production.
the silver puppy is small, quiet, intuitive, elegant, and makes strong 
stuff well and fast.

i believe it is 99 bucks. look it up on the web thru google.
it comes in a small enough package that shipping should be inexpensive.
On Jul 6, 2004, at 9:47 AM, Nathan Filyk wrote:

I need to get a colloidal silver generator shipped to Korea. Can 
anyone recommend a good company?



 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic 
messages to: OT Archive: List 
maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSLyme Disease cure?

2004-06-28 Thread William Meyer
i still have lyme disease or post lyme syndrome or whatever after 
three years.
i don't have much good to say about lyme. it is similar to HIV in that 
it is chronic

(at this stage) and requires a complete lifestyle to manage.
having it has changed my life, in some ways much for the better.
it is much easier to live for today and much easier to give up 
addictions and

vices that hinder my spiritual developement. i have more courage to make
independant choices and i am constantly aware of my mortality and the
importance of my time left.
i am more resigned -in a good way. i am resigned to making the most of
my life and expressing my love. love continues after we are gone -we 

On Jun 28, 2004, at 12:07 AM, Acmeair wrote:

this url does not work.  18 million peeps
- Original Message -
 From:  T J Garland
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 7:00 PM
Subject: CSLyme Disease cure?

Note the author says that 18,000,000 Americans may have the disease. 
Are there any proven cures on this list using CS?  TJ

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSCat, Cancer and CS

2004-06-26 Thread William Meyer

that! was one of the sweetest stories i have heard in a long time.
regardless of the eventual outcome, that is a story of care and
success between two creatures.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: old shingles etc

2004-06-22 Thread William Meyer

some people have really good constitutions.
some people have sh_t constitutions.
there are many other factors, but one of them is your constitution. 
believe it.

On Jun 22, 2004, at 7:26 AM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Morning John and Stuff,

At 11:34 PM 6/21/04, you wrote:
Stuff is either healthy and faking his other symptoms, or the 
exception to prove the rule.  :-)

   I realize I am out classed by both of you, .. but I have ideas, 
even though I am a youngster.

The term healthy is attention getting.   Most of my friends who have 
made the statement,

I am healthy turn out to be sick, usually very sick.

They have heart attacks, heart disease, bone disease, disappearing 
disk and steel plates in the spine.

I have never made the statement in my lifetime,  I am healthy.
Words are often misleading and used improperly.

Instead of saying, I am healthy,  I would say,  I am not as sick as 
most of my friends.

I have only one friend that is truly healthy.  He is 67.5 years old, 
about 5 feet, 8 inches and weighs 150 pounds.

He has no insurance, never been to a doctor, and never been sick. He 
backpacks 15 miles per day and can stay in the outback on 1 pound of 
food per day.  He will make 5 to 8 day trips with one gallon of water. 
 If he can't find water, he has to cut the trip short.

He drinks water just like he finds it, never uses any chemical agents 
in the water, and says he has never been sick from drinking the water 
he finds.  After he mentioned this, I thought about the fact that I 
did that too when I was young.  I was a swamp rat, spend days in the 
swamp, and drank whatever water I found.

I keep trying to learn from him, but I never see him eat or drink 
anything.  He makes several canoe trips per year, still works a few 
days per week, and stays busier than most teen agers.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CS20 ppm CS

2004-06-14 Thread William Meyer

on the small scale, the silver puppy claims 20ppm with two passes 
separated by

12 hours or so.
the silverpuppy uses thermal stirring.
gee it works great for me.

On Jun 14, 2004, at 5:24 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I have a company that is wanting large quantities of 20 ppm CS.  I 
make 5
ppm normally and have made 10 by making two passes through our 
machine.  But
I don't think I can get 20 that way, the particle size simply gets way 


Anyone have any good methods for making large quantites of 20 ppm CS?  
would like to be able to produce at least 3 or 4 gallons an hour.  

believe would be too slow. HVAC gets it too hot unless using multiple

Bob, you have played with underwater sputtering I think.  How does that
work?  How does the microwave HVDC work?



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CS20 ppm CS

2004-06-14 Thread William Meyer
the silver puppy material states that it makes 10 ppm in it's standard 

it shuts off by measuring electrical conductivity.
if you make a batch and wait overnite, the electrical conductivity 
drops (i guess)
and re-running the 10 ppm batch results in 20 ppm before the unit shuts 
i tried it once and the silver ion taste was noticeably stronger after 
second batch.

people say trem's  sg-7 unit rock for larger batches.
the silver puppy rocks for smaller amounts for sure.
i used to own an sg-6 and never got down with it.
the silver puppy unit resonates with me.
in specific, the sg-6 unit was noisy, confused me with it's sequencing 
of l.e.d.s,
rejected lots of distilled water (walgreen's too), and i found i was 
equivocal about

tasting -or not tasting- the telltale mettalic taste of the silver ions.
the silver puppy has never confused me and i taste the silver readily.

On Jun 14, 2004, at 8:33 PM, Terry wrote:

No doubt a stupid question for those in the know, but as one who has 
been using a Silvergen SG6 for several months to make 5-10ppm EIS, how 
do you do two passes?

-Original Message-
From: William Meyer []
 Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS20 ppm CS

on the small scale, the silver puppy claims 20ppm with two passes 
separated by

12 hours or so.
the silverpuppy uses thermal stirring.
gee it works great for me.

On Jun 14, 2004, at 5:24 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I have a company that is wanting large quantities of 20 ppm CS. I make 
ppm normally and have made 10 by making two passes through our 
machine. But
I don't think I can get 20 that way, the particle size simply gets way 


Anyone have any good methods for making large quantites of 20 ppm CS? I
would like to be able to produce at least 3 or 4 gallons an hour. LVDC 

believe would be too slow. HVAC gets it too hot unless using multiple

Bob, you have played with underwater sputtering I think. How does that
work? How does the microwave HVDC work?



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options. 

--- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

--- Jason Eaton,

As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

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 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSWood Deck and Balcony

2004-06-07 Thread William Meyer
pressure treated wood is pressure treated. perhaps eis would work using 

pressure treating processies to drive it into the heart of the wood.
spraying it on the lumber would afford little protection.
On Jun 7, 2004, at 10:55 AM, bob smith wrote:

   The timing of this inquiry couldn't have been better for me.  I 
just bought pressure treated landscape timbers for a retaining wall 
and to terrace an area for gardening.  After hauling part of the order 
home, I took time to read a brochure on their use. The list of 
handling and use recommendations have raised serious doubts about 
using them. 1. You should not burn the scrap. 2. Wear dust mask, 
goggles,  gloves when working with it. 3.After working with it wash 
exposed area thoroughly. 5. Wash work clothes separately immediately 
after use. 6. Should not be used where it comes into direct or 
INDIRECT contact with drinking water. 7. Do not use under 
circumstances where it may become a compound of food, animal feed, or 
   What effect would spraying untreated  lumber with EIS  have on its 
useful life?
  This issue coming up is an example of what makes this the best all 
around list on the internet.   Bob Smith

- Original Message -
 From: Charles Sutton
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 9:04 PM
Subject: CSWood Deck and Balcony

Somewhere, sometime, following a link, I seem to remember that if you 
tread bare wood with silver, you won't need to have it pressure 
treated.  I have a deck that is just yellow pine and is a very nice 
gray color after about 3 years in the sun.  I like the color, but if I 
use the treatment recommended it turns back to the original gold wood 
color which I don't like.  What method of making silver would be best 
to use for spraying this decking for preserving it with silver?  Any 
suggestions would be appreciated.


 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSRe[2]: CS

2004-05-18 Thread William Meyer
as far as i can tell, the quotes below are laughable if they weren't so 
i have not run into any of the information they speak of and ionic 

seems to work extremely well for me.
finally, the silver puppy is the way to go for smaller amounts of ionic 

i haven't made quarts with it yet. it makes pints flawlessly quickly and
quietly. you really can't beat this unit for light use.
i would never recommend anyone make their own silver unit unless they
were avid hobbyists. the silver puppy does it flawlessly.
On May 18, 2004, at 11:21 AM, wrote:

That is because most products today that claim to be colloidal silver 
are actually not true colloidal suspensions at all; they are only 
ionic solutions. That in itself makes them unstable. The silver 
particles soon settle out. Using a silver product that has settled 
will be ineffective, and worse than that: dangerous having some 
particles of humongous size.

 In contrast, Mild Silver Protein is a true colloidal suspension 
produced using compounding techniques that result in a stable product. 
The atoms stay at uniform size and do not come out of suspension.

 Remember if you are taking a silver product in order to enhance your 
health you do not want ions of silver. You only want atoms of 
silver. Only Atoms of silver are non toxic to the CD4 and CD8 
components of your immune system, which is so important when you take 
the Mild Silver Protein in the more effective high 500 p.p.m. range.

 With any ionic silver in any p.p.m. range- (be it even as low as 3 to 
10 p.p.m.), it is toxic to the CD4 and CD8 components of your immune 
system. Mild Silver Protein was used non-toxically for generations 
before conventional antibiotics, and now ionic silver preparations are 
crowding out Mild Silver Protein from the shelves and ruining the 
reputation of silver and the knowledge of the effective completely 
non-toxic silver.

 This data is for COMPOUNDED SILVER FORMULATIONS ONLY and does not 
refer to unstable electro colloidal making and makers.

  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic 
messages to: OT Archive: List 
maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSMethod of action of colloidal silver?

2004-05-17 Thread William Meyer
i don't know how it works. there are theories and some research in 

but we don't know the chemistry in vivo.
are there long term negative effects? there is no significant data of 

i continue to use it in the very dilute concentrations of the home-made 
ionic style.
it works, but there are certainly questions about how and when to 
deliver it most

generally, the home-made ionic concentrations can be used for:
inhalation with ultrasonic or air brush delivery
misting of the eyes, nose, mouth and hands during periods of greater 
social contact

mouthwash and tooth brushing
topical application specifically  in a ratio of 1-10 dmso to silver
topical application is generally advised that it is advantageous to 
increase the
concentration of silver solution if possible to the highest range of 
ppm available

in your home-made system.

i make clear cs using my system of
home distilled water
and silver puppy generator.

i make small pint batches so far

sometimes when i decant the silver solution to a holding container it 
turns yellow.

this is not a problem for mouthwash or topical use.
internally or with the eyes i prefer the clear stuff. don't have any 
evidence one

way or the other on this.
if my batch discolors due to minute adulterants in my decanted 
containers i can

restore clarity by just a few drops of food grade h202.

On May 17, 2004, at 6:07 PM, James Holmes wrote:

I have read elsewhere that Ag affects prokaryotic cells, but does not 

eukaryotic cells.

Is there a difference in the basic cell walls between the two?

If not, then the effect must be coming from something that happens 

the cell.

I believe also that I have read that silver is capable of entering the
nuclear membrane of eukaryotic cells and attacking pathogens therein.

I don't think anyone knows how it works.


-Original Message-
From: Garnet []
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: CSMethod of action of colloidal silver?

From :
The biological effects of silver are apparently due to reversible 
with  enzymes and other active molecules on the surface of cells. Due 
to its

sulphydryl binding propensity, biologically available silver disrupts
membranes, disables proteins and inhibits enzymes.

This is an interesting statement but there is not documentation so 
take it
at face value. If it were true that it disabled or inhibited 
enyzymes it
would in fact do so to mammalian systems and cause problems. Since it 
is no sign of that happening, I belive this statement to be of limited 

in answering this question. More specificity is needed.

I emailed them for clarification or documentation.


On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 06:17, wrote:

Hello friends,

I am looking for a good resource explaining what colloidal silver does
to kill bacteria.  Does it inhibit protein formation?  Inhibit cell
wall formation?  What is the method of killing action?

Any information or links, please send directly to

Thank you,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSWater Temp

2004-05-10 Thread William Meyer

it also will go golden just from contaminants.
i made clear cs at about 12ppm
i than poured into a storage container and it went golden over
a few days.

On May 9, 2004, at 2:17 PM, James Holmes wrote:

It will go golden beyond a certain concentration, regardless of 
whether the
electrodes have been contaminated.  The contamination increases 

and makes a higher yield; that is what causes the color change.


-Original Message-
From: Garnet []
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: CSWater Temp

No Wayne I do not take Golden Seal.

Initially I was just not as careful of handling the electrodes with my 

or with what was sprayed in the area where it is set up. I know I
contaminated one batch by spraying vinegar water when cleaning the 

in that area.


On Sun, 2004-05-09 at 10:42, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Morning Garnet,

The only time I get golden is if I have contaminated the electrodes
touching them with my hands.

Sounds as if you have done this more than once and confirmed the

Have you by  chance been taking  Golden Seal?

I realize we have oils and amino acids on the hands.   In the 

people have told me this effects our ability to catch fish, possibly
due to
the smell of these acids.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CScs and fillings

2004-05-05 Thread William Meyer
i would agree with this. except for the staining of the teeth, silver 
should help encapsulate

mercury fillings and be an advantage.
i assume if it is coating the filling it is also being picked up by the 
enamel of the teeth.
brushing with h202 afterwords may help with tooth staining but it would 
also probably

remove any mercury on the amalgams.

On May 5, 2004, at 11:03 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

 From some of the reports I have read here, holding CS in the mouth 
results in helping put a layer of silver on the fillings and sealing 
in the mercury.  I have never heard any downside.


 Marie Hofman wrote:

 Is it safe to use CS when you have a lot of mercury in your teeth?


Surf the net and talk on the phone with Xtra JetStream! -- The Silver 
List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To 
post, address your message to: Silver List 
archive: Address 
Off-Topic messages to: OT Archive: List 
maintainer: Mike Devour 

 I¹m living proof that your choice of how to respond to a situation 
constitutes your ultimate power. Each time we squarely face and 
successfully handle a problem, we become aware of even more options.  

 --- Naomi Judd - HAD Hep. C and no longer has it!

 ...Like the martial arts practice of Aikido. Rather than oppose your 
enemy head on; step off center, blend with the attacker's energy, and 
redirect it in such a way as to do no harm. It is the application of 
the principal of loving your enemy...  

 --- Jason Eaton,

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the 
thing you didn't do.

 ---Zachary Scott, 1914-1965, Actor

Re: CSallergic to silver?

2004-04-30 Thread William Meyer

but i will say that i can do wheat grass tho i am a celiac.
different animal.
meaning, maybe this ionic silver will not cause a reaction the same way.

On Apr 29, 2004, at 11:35 PM, nancymike wrote:

Hello all,
    Does anyone know what a person who is highly allergic to silver 
can do to get some CS into his body without terrible reactions?

Thanks, Nancy

Re: CSGerms, plagues and Nostradamus

2004-04-30 Thread William Meyer

ah, but how about a predator bacteria or virus? tricky but can work.
i would love to find one for the lyme bacteria.

On Apr 30, 2004, at 10:30 AM, Garnet wrote:

Yes you are exactly correct JBB Penicillin comes from the Penicillium
mold and it kills bacteria. As well viruses infect bacteria so these
microbes do fight each other.

Wonder if any of them do it with Silver?


On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 01:17, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

Many germs do fight one another;  this is the basis of antibiotics.


On Thursday, Apr 29, 2004, at 12:21 Asia/Tokyo, John Rigby wrote:

Hi folks,
It is extremely hard to put aside on's conditioning. That's why I 

to listen to the very young. 9-13 is a magic time, old enough to
reason well, old enough to be articulate, too young yet to be
blindsided by weight of Authority.
Some odd thoughts of the very young:
1. How come all these different germs don't fight each other?
2. Where do the really bad ones come from, like plagues?
3. Why is it always only 30% of the population ever dies from these
4. Why did Nostradamus' wife and kids die and him not?

Answers next time ?.


John Rigby
FABLOR Internet Marketing Systems
ICQ 3250943
H.O.:  Caloundra, S.E. Queensland, Australia.  GMT +10

You think I'm paranoid? READ THIS:
(it's ok - it's just an autoresponder I think...)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS'Good bugs', 'bad bugs'

2004-04-28 Thread William Meyer

as i recall candida is the pathogenic yeast colony version of an
organism in the gut that is normally present and benign.

On Apr 28, 2004, at 9:24 PM, Garnet wrote:

On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 10:06, Terry Chamberlin wrote:

There are no 'good bugs' and 'bad bugs'. Every
organism (indeed, every natural substance) plays a
part in Nature. Humans like to call fleas and ticks
'bad' because of the inconvenience of them, but,
whenever man successfully kills off most of the 'bad'
bugs, or animals, or plants (what we call 'weeds'),
disaster usually ensues, as Nature tries to balance
out man's meddling.

The colloqialism bad bugs refers to the pathogenic microbes
that indeed are harmful to man.

Candida is a 'good' bug in our colon, but a 'bad' bug
in our blood stream. The same with e-Coli.

Absolutely incorrect!! Candida is not a good bug in the colon.
Where in the world did you ever get this information. It is called
a commensal of man, which is a pathogenic organsim that often
exists in small numbers which are not enough to be harmful,
except when their numbers grow to a significant level.

Candida in the gut has no function other than it is there
as an opprotunist ready to move in to the gut wall if
there is a die off of the beneficial organisms that normally
occupy the gut wall.

The body doesn't strive to keep out bad bugs, it
merely tries to maintain balance. Every one of us has
bugs such as the Polio virus in us, yet we don't have
Polio. If we could successfully rid our body of all
'bad' bugs, we would die.

Again this is absolute hogwash. Where do you come up with
these ideas? In thirty years of alt health care and medical
research I have never heard anyone but you say this???

Nature is about symbiosis,
not antagonism.

There are many antagonists in our bodies. Checks and balances
Glucagon antagonizes insulin for instance. Without this antago-
nistic balance of actions of these two hormones we would die.

Harmony, not exclusion. Our bodies are
not at war with Nature, valiantly trying to protect
against all the hostile forces we are surrounded by
(except what man has created). Primitive peoples have
for centuries hung up meat to 'cure' (in today's
lingo, spoil), which certainly allowed the 'bugs' in
the meat to go bonkers. By today's wisdom, those folks
should have all died.

Not at all. The reason they did not die is that when they
slaughtered and dressed the carcass they knew not to contaminate
the meat with bacteria from the colon, E. coli. Modern
day slaughter methods do not take this kind of care and
allow the contents of the colon to get on the meat.

Louis Pasteur was wrong. The goal is not to keep 'bad
bugs' out, the goal is to be healthy. Dr. Carey Reams
once said, If your chemistry was balanced, and your
body was healthy, you could live in a village where
the people were dropping like flies from the Bubonic
Plague, and it wouldn't touch you.

Again this is absurd. The Bubonic plague killed a majority
of the population of Europe, many healthy well to do people
among them. For instance Michele de Nostradame lost his
wife and child, who enjoyed a healthy life style thanks
to his knowledge of herbs and preventative medicine. It
was not enough to save them. It takes very few plague
organsims because they are extremely virulent.

Achieving and maintaining such a level of health
includes more than merely nutrition or good food, it
includes harmony with the universe in the areas of
spirit and emotions and relationships (hence the value
of such things as EFT). Caroline Myss stated that, if
we were clear on these levels (spirit, emotions,
relationships), we could live on dog food and stay
healthy. (Actually, dog food is sometimes healthier
than much human food!)

Depends on the dog food. Old Roy would likely kill you where
a food like Solid Gold might well be better than most
commercial food.

But the point is that the 'good bug', 'bad bug'
conception of nature/health keeps us constantly at war
with our surroundings.

We live in a polarity universe. Of course there is good
and bad, night and day, light and dark. We are not at war
with our surroundings we are also polarized beings, it is
the progression between the polarities that is repnosible
for all movement. Without what you refer to as a war, there
would be stasis.

 I use CS primarily to
strengthen and bolster my immune system, not to attack
'bad bugs' that are attacking from all sides (inside
and out). When my immune system is at its best, it
keeps my body in balance with all other organisms that
might grow out of proportion within me.

My health rant for the day.



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Re: CSGerms, plagues and Nostradamus

2004-04-28 Thread William Meyer

1. How come all these different germs don't fight each other?

a great tho largely unexplored way to deal with germs is to introduce
an antagonist germ in the body that is less harmful.

2. Where do the really bad ones come from, like plagues?
unfortunately lyme disease -it's virulent modern version- may have come 

from lab 257, smack dab off the coast of lyme , ct.
sars is quite possibly a genetically reengineered version of a weak 

our govt. would be able to trace it's spread and gather information for
biological defense/warfare.

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Re: CSCalling Oz members

2004-04-28 Thread William Meyer
i doubt the people will wake up in time to stop all that's happening 

On Apr 28, 2004, at 11:33 PM, John Rigby wrote:

Hi people,
Two new worries in the New World (Order)
1. In Oz, Oxygen is now officially a dangerous drug - only a Dr can 
prescribe it, apparently.
So, anyone using Ozone Generators in Oz? Appreciate your experiences 
and any sources - particularly in Godzone (Queensland)  Want to use it 
with CS.

2.  Also 35% H202  has vanished here. I *did* buy it locally a few 
years ago, but now it isn't even in the Pharma Wholesale lists..   
Anyone know a source?

Should I persist in looking, or can I use other than Food Grade?

AND lastly, how long should a Silver source last?  Say, 1 oz will make 
500 gals, or what?

I am using  Maple leaf coins and alternating the poles position.


John Rigby
FABLOR Internet Marketing Systems
ICQ 3250943
H.O.:  Caloundra, S.E. Queensland, Australia.  GMT +10

You think I'm paranoid? READ THIS:
(it's ok - it's just an autoresponder I think...)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPraise report

2004-04-23 Thread William Meyer

i believe the diet is the hippocrates diet.
this came from the hippocrates institute in boston originally.
now in florida. this diet uses raw foods, fermented foods, and 
wheatgrass and sprouts.

On Apr 23, 2004, at 6:58 AM, wrote:

Hi T.J.,

 What is the Hippocratic die?  Never heard of it.

 My Mother is following the Budwig protocol but her cancer is spread 
to the bones where the cure rate is a dismal one in 200.

 I'm trying to locate beets, celeraic root and black radishes so she 
can try the Breuss vegetable juice diet for 42 days to starve the 
cancer but not having any luck, not even on the beets.   I have a call 
out to a Thai market this weekend so we might get lucky.

 Thank you,

 Jean Baugh


 From a client with breast cancer. She used the Budwig protocol and 
the Hippocratic die

 Hi T.J., it's been a few months since we last talked. I wanted to 
email you with an update about my breast cancer. I have been carefully 
monitored since the first of Oct. The activity of my cancer was gone 
in mid Dec. I've been tested twice since then. Today I was tested 
again. CANCER FREE!1 I give all the glory to God for 
my healing. I have been fateful to eatting right and doing as guided. 
I'm planning to set up an Amas test very soon. I already know what 
it's going to say, but have to prove it to the medical world. I hope 
this report finds you well. Thank you for your help and encouragement 
in the very beginning.   Nance Brock

 Hope you are having a great day.
 From Frank and Nance

CSRe: goverment and health

2004-04-21 Thread William Meyer

let me mention some specifics.
i cannot legally home test my saliva here in new york for hormone 
i tried sending my samples through a third party (a friend), but i am 
still being

locked out currently. this is against my health and freedom.
a federal agency recently prohibited one of our beef producers from 
for and testing their own cattle for mad cow disease. they are losing 
35 million

dollars in japanese sales because of this.
think about that.
one lady is investigating a cluster of mad-cow like deaths traced to 
a new jersey
racetrack commisary. on her own. i know from getting lyme that the 
and med establishment and insurance companies are suppressing lyme 
here in ny the ama prosecutes doctors who treat lyme with long term 
on my lyme lists we have to refer to the few doctors who have survived 
by the

first initial of their last names. DR. B. for instance.
older americans don't know how bad this has all gotten. they don't 
believe it.
younger americans are clueless. those who have access and inclination 
to spend

time on the net apparently spend all their time on video games.
video games will be the next carrier of youth culture. just as rock 
music was
in my generation -the 60's. it just hasn't gotten very socially and 

aware yet.

On Apr 19, 2004, at 5:56 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

That is great if you can do it. But what if you need an herb that has 
useful to you that can only be grown in the tropics?  Will you move to 
tropics and grow it?  And do you think that anyone will be allowed to 
make their
own if they are in prison for making or using illegal drugs?  I agree 
do what you
want, but at times it becomes too difficult to do so from outside the 

A letter to a congressman is not much of an expense to bear.


Stuff wrote:

At 10:43 AM 4/19/2004 -0400, Marshall wrote:
Although this is political, it is extremely important for those who 

to continue to use CS and other supplements.

I'll continue to treat myself in ways I see fit, with or without 


I make my own CS and if someone doesn't want me to use it they'll have
to pry it from my cold dead hands.

If certain products are removed from the market by people who *think* 

know what's
best for me, I will find another way.

Fighting an 800 lb. gorilla just makes no sense when I'm free to do 
all these

things and I'll not throw money at any group who wants to do it.

And fighting this gorilla will just make it stronger. Been there, 
done that.

Waste of time and energy.

Just do whatever it is you think best, tho.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS

2004-04-19 Thread William Meyer

i understand your reluctance.
i am not allowed to say anything political here.
jesus had to talk in parables because of the threat of death for any who
did not support the roman or pharisee line when he lived.
i don't know if i have this energy anymore.

On Apr 19, 2004, at 5:22 PM, Stuff wrote:

At 10:43 AM 4/19/2004 -0400, Marshall wrote:
Although this is political, it is extremely important for those who 

to continue to use CS and other supplements.

I'll continue to treat myself in ways I see fit, with or without 
*anyone's* approval.

I make my own CS and if someone doesn't want me to use it they'll have
to pry it from my cold dead hands.

If certain products are removed from the market by people who *think* 
they know what's

best for me, I will find another way.

Fighting an 800 lb. gorilla just makes no sense when I'm free to do 
all these

things and I'll not throw money at any group who wants to do it.

And fighting this gorilla will just make it stronger. Been there, done 

Waste of time and energy.

Just do whatever it is you think best, tho.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDengue Fever

2004-04-18 Thread William Meyer

lyme and dengue are different. you can have them both.
i had a friend who worked in the amazon for a spell, returned, and got 

almost immediately on his return to the states.
upon learning he was in the amazon the docs put him in a special room
for possible deadly contagion of stuff like ebola, etc..
during the course of examination they found a tick bite. turned out
he had been bitten immediately upon his return to the states and had
lyme disease.

On Apr 18, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Marie Hofman wrote:

I wish to post this to the silver list,  this is my first post,  I 
hope I do it right!

My husband was diagnosed with MS 9 years ago,  he was once an avid 
sportsperson and travelled the world thirteen times. He is now 
diminished to a bedridden person who gets hoisted from and to a bed 
and bathroom chair.  He is 48. He cannot move, is chronically 
cognitively damaged and is totally incontinent.  He contracted Dengue 
Fever while in Thailand a few years before symptons began.   He didn't 
choose to have a blood transfusion there,  but chose whatever drugs 
they gave him at the time and recovered.  I think the Dengue Fever has 
caused the MS,  even more,  I am wondering whether he has Lyme.  Does 
anybody out there know whether the Mosquito that causes Dengue Fever 
and the Tick that causes Lyme could have the same bacteria?  or even 
whether it was possible to mistake the mosquito bite for a tick bite?  
I have him on a diet by Gerald Green a UK Herbalist,  anti-candida and 
anti-gluten,  al!  so since finding out about CS have started 
administering 20ml 3 times a day (over a week) and am going to slow 
that down each week. Thankx.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDengue Fever

2004-04-18 Thread William Meyer

i have no doubt that lyme is the cause of some MS syndromes.
how would you know?
treat the patient as if they had lyme.
colloidal silver absolutely, dr zhang's garlic capsules.
possibly hyperbaric.
definitely a good rife machine.
lyme loves carbohydrates -especially the simpler ones.
reduce and eliminate sugar and sweeteners.
most of these protocols will help even other conditions and will not 

the body.
what have you to lose?

bee sting therapy has brought relief to quite a few MS patients. it
just so happens that bee venom has been found to strongly inhibit
the lyme bacteria. coincidence?

once you forget the b_s medical doctors you have a chance.
don't expect a majik bullet.
expect constant, long term treatment. expect improvement.
there is every chance you will get it and quite a chance you will
succeed in one of your treatments.

On Apr 18, 2004, at 9:48 AM, Marie Hofman wrote:

Lyme and Dengue may be different,  but are Lyme and MS different?  
That is the big question,  and is CS a major help here?

Many thanks for your comments


From: William Meyer
 Subject: Re: CSDengue Fever
 Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 09:42:55 -0400
 lyme and dengue are different. you can have them both.
 i had a friend who worked in the amazon for a spell, returned, and
 got sick
 almost immediately on his return to the states.
 upon learning he was in the amazon the docs put him in a special
 for possible deadly contagion of stuff like ebola, etc..
 during the course of examination they found a tick bite. turned out
 he had been bitten immediately upon his return to the states and had
 lyme disease.
 On Apr 18, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Marie Hofman wrote:
 I wish to post this to the silver list,  this is my first post,  I
 hope I do it right!
 My husband was diagnosed with MS 9 years ago,  he was once an avid
 sportsperson and travelled the world thirteen times. He is now
 diminished to a bedridden person who gets hoisted from and to a bed
 and bathroom chair.  He is 48. He cannot move, is chronically
 cognitively damaged and is totally incontinent.  He contracted
 Dengue Fever while in Thailand a few years before symptons began.  
 He didn't choose to have a blood transfusion there,  but chose
 whatever drugs they gave him at the time and recovered.  I think
 the Dengue Fever has caused the MS,  even more,  I am wondering
 whether he has Lyme.  Does anybody out there know whether the
 Mosquito that causes Dengue Fever and the Tick that causes Lyme
 could have the same bacteria?  or even whether it was possible to
 mistake the mosquito bite for a tick bite?  I have him on a diet by
 Gerald Green a UK Herbalist,  anti-candida and anti-gluten,  al!  
 so since finding out about CS have started administering 20ml 3
 times a day (over a week) and am going to slow that down each week.
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Re: CSMarshalee's Arthritis

2004-04-18 Thread William Meyer

if you are a celiac like me, you must avoid all wheat rye oats barley.
wheat is added to everything.
soy sauce, fake crab meat, canned soups, some tortilla chips etc etc etc
add to that cross-contamination by cutting boards and grain mills etc
if one is a celiac one should avoid eating out.
have to make your own food.

On Apr 18, 2004, at 10:40 AM, Christine Carleton wrote:


I also know folks who loose the stiffness and pain when they cut dairy  

wheat from their diet and be aware of GM foods.  No microwaved food.

And that is wheat in everything - this  is a big one - because over  
20% of
our food is not labelled with wheat in it - see and  

about wheat for more info.  Also 

Currently Commercialized GM Crops in the U.S. Soy (80%), cotton (70%),
canola (60%), corn (38%), Hawaiian papaya (more than 50%), zucchini and
yellow squash (small amount), and tobacco (Quest® brand).

Other Sources of GMOs -- Dairy products from cows injected with rbGH.  

additives, enzymes, flavorings, and processing agents, including the
sweetener aspartame (NutraSweet®) and rennet used to make hard cheeses.

The good news is they can use dairy occasionally - like once a week as  

condiment - e.g. cream in coffee.


From: Garnet
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 08:06:46 -0500
Subject: Re: CSMarshalee's Arthritis
Resent-Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 06:11:46 -0700

I know of several who can not eat cheese inparticular and dairy in
general with their arthritis flaring. No dairy = no arthritis for  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSGood and bad bugs

2004-04-17 Thread William Meyer

i would be suprised if good bugs were immune to CS.
no, as far as i am aware, CS is a wonderful, effective, cheap,
generally, it seems to be the case that -except fro the intestinal 
we can live without a lot of free swimming bacteria and viruses in our 

CS done properly should not disturb your intestinal flora.

On Apr 17, 2004, at 7:55 PM, Pavel Hochmut wrote:

But I didn´t want to talk about goog or bad bugs, or where they are 
Bloodsteam or any intestine or other tissue, the bugs are everywhere 
BUT so the CS (if applied) also does.
 My interest is to find an answer (very simplified) to: Why some of 
bugs are immune to the CS and some of them are NOT..
Forget good and the bad ones. So only we call them. But I find very 
suspicious, that these that we call good ones are by the merest 
chance immune to the CS.
That´s really upsetting and it sounds to me like brujería i.e. some 
kind of witchcraft in Spanish language.

Pavel H.
 On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 21:22, Terry Chamberlin wrote:
  Of course, the good bugs
  reside mostly in the small intestine

 I believe this is incorrect. You may want to review your sources, 
but if
 memory serves the beneficial bacteria are in the large intestines 

 and if they are in the small intestines it is not the prevalent
 location. Different species live in different areas.

 Also where Candida overgrows is where the beneficial organsims are
 suppose to be.

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Re: CSsilver is reactive metal x good and the bad bugs

2004-04-16 Thread William Meyer

ionic silver in home-made concentrations is extremely dilute.
previous posts have indicated it's excretion is almost entirely in the 

swishing it in the mouth and doing it on an empty stomach in typical
quantities -2 ounces or so- just does not seem to effect the intestinal
flora badly in my case.
i have never noticed the slightest detrimental effect on my lower gut 

but it does help my post-lyme symptoms. noticeably.

that having been said: i believe that some gut supplementation with
homeostatic soil organisms and other good probiotic supplements is
often helpful for anyone who is eating anything like a typical american

gut health is very very important in our health and our immune system.

On Apr 16, 2004, at 1:06 PM, Pavel Hochmut wrote:

But then, if we accept that CS partially passes through the alimentary
tract unchanged and partially is absorbed into the bloodstream etc., 

only thing that interests me now is, why it is said, that CS killes
within few minutes all the unicellar organisms, BUT these profitable to
the human leaves alive. That is to say, that I have found information
that it is not necessary to take care about intestinal microbial flora
to be restored when enjoying the CS. That beats me, how the CS
distinguishes the useful and unuseful bugs or vice-versa: how the
good bugs get their resistivity to the CS and the bad bugs do not ?
Where is the snag ? MORE: after all I read here down (deleted) I 
assume that

CS MUST have another chemical features than metallic silver, otherwise
should react in the blood and cells instantly (e.g. see the sulphur
compounds). To my fingerprints: eggs, no I do not eat so much eggs but 

use garlic almost daily. Maybe the sulphur comes from it into my sweat.
(it is the hydrochloric acid in the stomach content, I apologize for my
former mystification).
Pavel H.

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Re: CSAllergies

2004-04-16 Thread William Meyer
the pulse test was used by j r rodale and written about in the 50's or 

he mentioned that when he ate a meal and took a vitamin supplement
with the meal his pulse did not rise as much.

my experience is that certain food allergies will pre-load your immune 

and intensify your bodies ill effects to air borne allergies.
before i found i was a celiac, i had asthma.
after avoiding wheat entirely my asthma went away.

On Apr 16, 2004, at 11:01 PM, Terry Chamberlin wrote:

I was born with severe allergies. Scratch and sniff
tests showed me to be reactant to 75% of dusts and

I discovered a way to self-test for food allergies,
and when I omitted the offending foods from my diet,
my allergic reactions and sensitivity dropped by 80%.

To self test, here is how I do it (taken from my
article, Nutritional Insights.)

Probably more than half the people in this country
experience food allergies/sensitivities to one degree
or another. Actually, the term, food allergies is a
misnomer, because the body reacts to various food
substances for more reasons than allergic reactions
(hence the word, sensitivities).

When you think of allergies, you generally think of
sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, etc. But allergies
mimic every known disease. The late Dr. Arthur Coca
discovered that when people ate foods to which they
were sensitive/allergic, their pulse increased. So he
began testing people by having them monitor their
pulse when they ate certain foods. One woman who came
to him because of her hay fever symptoms weighed 300
pounds. When she stopped eating the foods the pulse
testing had indicated she was sensitive to, she began
losing weight at an amazing, even alarming, rate. She
hurried back to Dr. Coca and he told her to wait and
see what would happen. When her body reached a healthy
weight level, she stopped losing weight. Dr. Coca
concluded that her body's reaction when she ate foods
to which she was sensitive was to accumulate and
retain them in the form of fat.

Another of Dr. Coca's patients found that their
diabetes symptoms disappeared and they were able to
discontinue taking insulin, and still another patient
found they no longer exhibited symptoms of epilepsy
nor needed any longer to take epilepsy medication.
Obviously, these examples are abnormal; food
sensitivities cannot be held responsible for more than
a small percentage of diabetic or epileptic
conditions, but there are other symptoms associated
with food allergies, such as low energy, which are
more common than normally thought.

In his book, The Pulse Test, Dr. Coca explained
that, when you eat something to which you are
allergic, or even something which your body is
sensitive to and has trouble metabolizing, it will
begin to struggle with that food or substance, and
your pulse will increase.

To use the pulse test to determine which foods you
should avoid, the test should be conducted first thing
in the morning, when you have first arisen, before
eating or drinking anything. The reason for this is
because your body will have had the night to clear
itself out of the last food you ate. You should be
fully awake. First, sit down for a couple minutes, so
that your pulse is a sitting pulse. Then, take your
pulse for a whole minute (rather than 15 seconds and
multiplying by four). Then, eat one food which you are
suspicious of being an allergen. That's one food, such
as a hard-boiled egg, or a glass of milk, or an
orange, etc. Bread is not one food, it contains wheat,
eggs, milk, yeast, etc., so you could not accurately
determine which item you were reacting to.

After eating the one food, take your pulse every 15
minutes three times (say you eat the food at 7:00 A.M.
You would take your pulse at 7:15, 7:30 and 7:45),
always sitting for a minute first so you are always
taking a sitting pulse, and always for a whole minute
for best accuracy (if you are testing a child who will
not hold still long enough, use the 15 seconds
method). Eat nothing during that hour, and if your
pulse quickens to more than 90 beats per minute, your
body is reacting to that food, and you should consider
omitting it from your diet. You should test only one
food each morning for the testing to be the most
accurate, although, if the first food you test has no
effect on your pulse, you might test one more food
that same morning. The reason to be cautious here is
because of allergies/sensitivities that occur when
combining certain foods.

The most common food allergens to consider testing are
chocolate (number one food allergen), peanuts, milk
(test whole milk, 1% or 2% milk and non-fat milk
separately), wheat (test wheat germ or cooked
whole-wheat berries, not wheat bread), citrus fruits,
strawberries, etc. Also, make sure to test the foods
you eat the most frequently and the ones you have
strong or frequent cravings for. Addictive allergies
are very common (having an addiction to the foods
you are the most allergic to).

If you discover 

Re: CSMultiple uses for CS - per Terry Chamberlain

2004-04-10 Thread William Meyer

hi terry
i am sticking to the core protocol:
if the water becomes cloudy, than the ionic silver has combined
with something in the water and there are unknown chemical
in your case, you are creating all kinds of silver compounds by
mixing the ionic silver with other substances.
you seem to be fine with this.
i also do it on an empty stomach and swish it around in my
mouth for a while before ingesting.
i drank it once too soon after eating and my stomach

On Apr 10, 2004, at 2:04 AM, Terry wrote:

How can you tell when a CS batch has gone bad?

-Original Message-
From: William Meyer []
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSMultiple uses for CS - per Terry Chamberlain

for myself, i have had good effects on lyme disease drinking only a few
ounces a
day of 12 ppm CS.

spraying solution on hands, eyes, and nose and mouth is nice when you
are meeting
a lot of people and do not want a cold.

CS batches that go bad are good to use as mouthwash.

terry c's use is very unusual and extraordinary.

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Re: CSArgyria riskTell us what happened.

2004-04-10 Thread William Meyer

and than, of course, adding a little h2o2 will often restore clarity...

On Apr 10, 2004, at 7:33 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

 Not long ago, I decanted one batch of colorless CS into a bottle and  
turned purple in a few hours while the original CS still in the  

container didn't.
 I did the same in another bottle and the CS instantly turned murky  

 There was some sort of residue in both bottles.


At 02:07 AM 4/10/2004 -0600, you wrote:

This is interesting:

 I know from personal experience how easy it is to contaminate a  

Please share your experience with us.


-Original Message-
From: Garnet []
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: CSArgyria risk

I was not speaking of the incidence of Argyria, but rather the chance  
one can produce Silver Salts. I know from personal experience how  
easy it is

to contaminate a batch. From that perspective I know the risks to be
significant by my own mistakes.


On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 12:22, Terry Chamberlin wrote:

Garnet said:
Argyria is real and it is a real risk to those making
their own CS. It is not that hard to produce a Silver Chloride or
Nitrate. Look at the Senator from Montana, he did it in a matter of
years, by not being smart about what he was doing.

I have to emphatically disagree. I would not call one
case of argyria in the last 100 years a real risk.
Stan Jones used tap water (most likely polluted city
water), brewed his batches for one hour until they
looked like coffee, and drank 8 ounces per day for two

I am not saying there has only been one case of
argyria in the last 100 years, I am saying there has
been only one case of argyria from CS *made with
silver and distilled water.*

Every other case of argyria (of which there have not
been many) in the last century have been the result of
large doses of silver compounds, or even silver dust
(such as a silver-smith might be in frequent and
regular contact with). Using distilled or deionised
water and pure silver and electricity of any voltage
less than 120 volts will not 'accidently' make CS that
is dangerous. If you cook it to a coffee-color, maybe
there is a concern. Anyone on this list drinking coffee-colored CS? I
didn't think so.

I drink 16-24 oz/day of crystal-clear CS, have done so
for over four years. I put CS in everything in our
diet I can put it in. Pancake batter in my house is 2
cups of CS with the dry ingredients. Soup is 1 or 2
quarts of CS to cook the vegetables in. Fruit juice
(the frozen kind) is made only with CS. Our drinking
water (distilled water) is 30% CS. Anytime a liquid is
needed in our diet, for drinking or cooking, it's CS.

My children are being raised on CS. CS goes in eyes,
ears, noses, throats and on anything on the outside of
the body it can go on. It treats burns, rashes,
stings, cuts and scrapes. It is one of the first
things we turn to for health or medical issues.

My children are pink and flesh-colored (except where
they are tanned). I have no blue gills (or
fingernails). My oldest daughter drinks copious
amounts of CS (has for the last 4+ years). Her 6-month
old son gets CS each day, as well as what he got
within his mom. He is pink and healthy and energetic.

But no one in my family gets sick. Never. Zip. My kids friends all
share their dieases with each other, passing around whatever they
have. Haven't you heard? There's a bug going around, does not apply
to my family.

What did Stan Jones do to get blue? He drank
OK, don't brew CS-coffee (actually, I make my coffee
each morning with CS only - I'm talking about
coffee-colored CS). I not only don't need to be
careful to avoid what Stan Jones did, I would have to
try to accomplish it.

Colloidal Silver is not something you need to fear, or
even be careful about. Think about it: Apart from Stan
Jones (who obviously didn't have a clue what he was
we are making it. There have been more reports of
overdoses and toxic reactions to virtually every other nutrient our
bodies need than to CS.

When I was a kid, my friends and I used to
deliberately hyperventilate and then hold our breaths
in order to make ourselves faint. Then I saw one of my friends go  

some kind of seizure doing that, and I stopped. So it's possible to
hurt myself with wierd breathing, but I am not careful about
breathing, I just do it. So also I use pure silver and pure water
and I brew it a bit and I drink it without restraint.
Nothing too careful about that.

I don't know of a single other nutrient that is safer
than CS.

My rambling two cents.

Terry Chamberlin


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Re: CSMultiple uses for CS - per Terry Chamberlain

2004-04-09 Thread William Meyer
for myself, i have had good effects on lyme disease drinking only a few 
ounces a

day of 12 ppm CS.

spraying solution on hands, eyes, and nose and mouth is nice when you 
are meeting

a lot of people and do not want a cold.

CS batches that go bad are good to use as mouthwash.

terry c's use is very unusual and extraordinary.

On Apr 10, 2004, at 1:38 AM, Terry wrote:

Terry C., per your post:

I drink 16-24 oz/day of crystal-clear CS, have done so for over four
years. I put CS in everything in our diet I can put it in. Pancake
batter in my house is 2 cups of CS with the dry ingredients. Soup is 1
or 2 quarts of CS to cook the vegetables in. Fruit juice (the frozen
kind) is made only with CS. Our drinking water (distilled water) is 30%
CS. Anytime a liquid is needed in our diet, for drinking or cooking,
it's CS.

Thank you for the suggestions for a variety of ways to incorporate CS 

the daily diet.  However, I have read that CS should be taken on an
empty stomach for it to be effective.  Obviously you feel there is also
value in taking CS even if combined with various foods...could you

Terry Ward

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Re: CSNegative disturbing report on CS

2004-03-31 Thread William Meyer

i found nothing on this page to warrant your characterization.
my use of colloidal silver -in my case about two ounces a day of home 

14ppm- has helped my lyme symptoms.
small doses such as i use orally and using this dilute substance as an 
eye and
nose wash for cold prevention (especially when meeting a lot of people 
and having

closer contact) i do not see as a problem.
it's great stuff and inexpensive. don't need a prescription.
it has helped me with oral hygiene too, even nipping a tooth infection 
in the bud.

On Mar 31, 2004, at 4:52 AM, john rigby wrote:

Hi folks,
There is a quite severe critique and warning against CS on this Site, 
details of which were sent to me by a relative doing a Search after my 
talking very positively about CS  and Dr Jon


By Brewer

I read with interest the letter COLLOIDAL SILVER WORKING ON PSORIASIS 
in  Beyond Weekly No. 123, 
written by Greg and decided to briefly present to you my reading on 
the matter.


Having been personally severely damaged on more than one occasion by 
the Medical Industry, I do take anything published with a grain of 
salt, but would appreciate any commentary pointers about these matters 
- particularly the references to argyra.

( I am trying to build  a Dr Jon type generator and have only been 
awaiting finding a source of  Canadian Maple Leaf   Silver 
Dollars at an affordable price .
 [ Buying them from Canadian/US Dealer Sources is really financially 
insane from Oz and I'm hoping to find someone who will help me out on 
a private level who has a simple Paypal or CC account for me to pay 
them - with a reasonable margin for their effort.]



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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSzapper(lyme)

2004-03-30 Thread William Meyer
i don't believe lyme has to be killed in the cyst form if you keep up a 
that is working on the active form. lyme in the cyst form should not 
cause your
body any problems. when the lyme emerges from the cyst and becomes 

an ongoing treatment will kill these active forms.
it is certainly possible that zapping may force lyme deeper in tissues.
the question is: what does the lyme do in these deeper tissues? the 
consensus seems
to be that the lyme in the deeper tissues is active and causing lots of 

with glands, the brain, etc.!
more than a few chronic cases have had success thru boosting the immune 
ryfe therapy has received lots of testimonials on it's effectiveness 
against lyme

even in deep tissue.
i haven't heard a lot of positive testimony regarding zappers and lyme.

On Mar 30, 2004, at 7:37 AM, Linda Jones wrote:

Is it possible that your friend has Lyme? Zappers are ineffective with 
Lyme because the spirochetes have the ability to move away from areas 
that are penetrated by the zapper. I have Lyme, and used a zapper for 
about a year and a half, and ended up crashing so badly that I've 
never been able to return to my former levels of health. My 
understanding is that the zapper may force Lyme spirochetes to regress 
into areas that the zapper can't reach, such as the brain and spinal 
cord, and hollow organs, creating increased neurological symptoms and 
other symptoms. The zapper isn't powerful enough to kill off Lyme. 
That sounds like a possibility of what might have happened to your 

More powerful devices to kill Lyme seem to be Rife and possibly the 
Mag pulser. But even they have difficulties killing Lyme in all it's 
forms. (Supposedly they don't kill it in it's cyst form)

On the issue of electrical devices causing harm, because the zapper 
runs on direct current, it doesn't fall into the same category as hair 
dryers and high powered power lines. At least all the zappers that 
I've ever used were battery powered.

Linda Jones
- Original Message -
 From: Nancy DeLise
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:59 PM
Subject: CSzapper

I have a friend who tried the zapper quite awhile ago.  She ended up 
in a wheel chair and she cannot use either of her hands.  The hands 
tremors, and she cannot hold a pencil to even write.  Does anyone have 
any idea what happened? Is there anything she can do to reverse these 


Re: CSA Question....OT answer to a reply. Sorry Mike

2004-03-29 Thread William Meyer
no paranoid delusion there. there are a number of theories on why our 
president invaded iraq. none of them have anything to do with fighting 
as far as WMD's, i suggest you look up Scott Ritter. he was a US 
marine and
UNSCOM weapons inspector who resigned in 1998, saying the inspection 
process was
being misused to check on Saddam's defences and that Iraq's WMD's were 

completely destroyed.
if you attack a country based on wilful disinformation and lies, 
killing an estimated
10,000 civilians, that makes you a criminal. each act of agression and 
violence that
individuals or countries get away with in the public sphere opens the 

to further agression and violence by opportunists in the public stage.

On Mar 29, 2004, at 12:07 AM, Hank wrote:

Not a damn thing if you are dead. If you are alive and can think then 
it has a lot to do with CS. It can save us lucky enough to not be in 
the shrubs war. Maybe you could help stop the war for oil. If not then 
CS won't help you and you will die, See you in the camp.

Yours Hank
- Original Message -
 From: David Bearrow
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSA Question

What does this paranoid delusion have to do with silver?

At 08:53 PM 3/28/04, you wrote:

Stop reading for a minute.
Take your hands away from your mouse and keyboard, and think.
See if you can answer yes to this question:

Have you seen a single flag draped coffin in the mainstream media in 

entire war?

I didn't think so.

This proves the media is in collusion with this administration in the
whitewashing of the horror of what they have done, and are still 

The dead and wounded are being completely
hidden from us so that there is no public outcry for it to end.
The profit taking isn't near over.

Re: CSSilver For Infected Tooth

2004-03-26 Thread William Meyer
i have had success with colloidal silver on beginning infection of gum 

bone below a bridge.
i use colloidal silver and a little DMSO as a mouthwash when i am 

i don't use toothpaste.
for infections, it definitely helps to keep some cotton with this 

next to the tooth whenever convenient.
great stuff.
as far as the DMSO, use as much as you can stand in the CS mix without 
disgusting yourself.

that's not a lot!

On Mar 26, 2004, at 3:12 PM, sandee George wrote:

Try colloidal Silver - take a mouth full and hold
it in your mouth for at least two minutes so that the liquid can
penetrate the gums and then swallow
the liquid - this worked for me saved one of my teeth
which had become loose from infection in the jaw
bone which had started to undermine the tooth
from regeneration of the bone - took six months with
the C.S. to become totally workable again - even to
chewing nuts on that side of my mouth so give it
a shot !!!

The one who accomplished it is the one who
failed to realize that he could not do it.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSanimal vs human testing

2004-03-19 Thread William Meyer

well marshall
if you are testing something on an animal for it's own good, that is 

than giving animals cancer because you want to work on cancer in humans.
the increase in our human cancer is mainly do to our present life-style.
i have nothing specific here to reference to back this up.
i believe this based on my past readings and body intuition.

don't do to another what yu would not want done to you.
that is a rule of thumb. most animal testing does not meet that 

i eat meat. i have been a vegan and other things and it did not work. i 

still working on this part of my diet.

tonight i went to an anti-war performance here in ithaca, ny. ithaca 
was  labelled
by a conservative web site as part of the axis of evil here in 

the jist of the performance was that we first label others as not like 
us in order
to discriminate against and justify abuse and killing. most individuals 
would not
subject animals to many of the experiments they now endure, or shoot, 
napalm, etc.

other human beings if they weren't somehow asleep.

saying this -having to argue it- seems stupid to me.

mebbe i have to go back to work on my diet...

On Mar 19, 2004, at 9:29 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I disagree.  For instance, how would one test heart worm medicine or
distemper shots for dogs, humans do not get these ailments according 
to the
experts.  If they did not test them on dogs, many more would die and 

harmed from the ailments then those that were used by testing.


William Meyer wrote:

there is no need to subject animals to things that humans would not

On Mar 18, 2004, at 6:47 PM, DByron wrote:

I strongly disagree.  Human beings create the need for testing--let 

medical/drug testing be done on willing human subjects and stop the
rampant abuse of lab animals.  The results obtained will have greater
correspondance to reality.

Matthew McCann PE wrote:

Hi, Paula,

Your experience with CS/EIS goes to show that
the hypothetical in-vivo experiment should, for reasons
of bio-ethics, be done only on lab animals.
An initial infection would have to be induced if
none already existed.

Best regards,


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2004-03-19 Thread William Meyer
the fda and the goverment outlaw stuff. marijuana for instance and 

i don't smoke marijuana. i do smoke cigarettes which are totally deadly.
and legal.

androstenedione, a steroid precursor commonly known as andro. The 
sales ban will take effect on April 12, 2004, unless pharmaceutical 
companies and manufacturers can prove that it is not a danger to 

On Mar 19, 2004, at 11:43 AM, Stuff wrote:

At 08:25 PM 3/18/2004 -0500, you wrote:

love you tj.
it's true that me not having insurance has helped me find a lot of 
better alternatives.
the problem is the pharma's and their proxies trying to stop us from 
using other


Without the FDA, how would the pharmacies stop you?

Even with the FDA, what's to stop you from using an illegal and 
unapproved substance?


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CSanimal vs human testing

2004-03-18 Thread William Meyer
there is no need to subject animals to things that humans would not 


On Mar 18, 2004, at 6:47 PM, DByron wrote:

I strongly disagree.  Human beings create the need for testing--let all
medical/drug testing be done on willing human subjects and stop the
rampant abuse of lab animals.  The results obtained will have greater
correspondance to reality.

Matthew McCann PE wrote:

Hi, Paula,

Your experience with CS/EIS goes to show that
the hypothetical in-vivo experiment should, for reasons
of bio-ethics, be done only on lab animals.
An initial infection would have to be induced if
none already existed.

Best regards,


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2004-03-18 Thread William Meyer

love you tj.
it's true that me not having insurance has helped me find a lot of 
better alternatives.
the problem is the pharma's and their proxies trying to stop us from 
using other

all natural derivatives and their synthetic counterparts -vitamins, 
hormones, etc..
could be marketed by the pharma's if they took the high road. testing 
and quality and

apple computer embraced digital music and they are leading the way 
towards the new
mode. on my apple ibook with itunes i can download from their store the 
songs i want
and arrange them as i want and burn them to a cd seemlessly with no 

is it worth the price? for those who can afford it yes.
point is apple is providing a modern, improved media where they are 
making it convenient

to access the new media's benefits for access to music.
don't fite progress when it makes sense.

On Mar 18, 2004, at 7:54 PM, TJ Garland wrote:

Let me solve the problem forever- DON'T TAKE ANY DRUGS AT ALL!!!  
NONE-ZERO- ZIP  I once sat down and wasted an hour trying to find a 
drug in the PDA that humans  HAD TO HAVE to live. One that didn't have 
a natural counterpart- that worked better and had no side effects. I 
could not find one. I really hope that the Pharma- Nazis(literally) 
raise their prices 200%. Darwinism will rule the day.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: Jim

Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 17:30:45 -0600

I'm not sure about this but there was something going around a few 
weeks ago about Canada getting drugs from Africa and labeling them so 
as to look like the American made product, a generic equivalent.  
Could Mexico be doing the same thing?  According to American drug 
manufacturers they aren't the same quality.


missett wrote:

My son is an asthmatic who was consuming a $35 inhaler every 6 weeks 
or so.
That's the U.S price, from his local friendly pharmacy.  The exact 
inhaler sold in Tijuana for $4.35 each.  Explain that.  (These 
prices are

about 12 years old, but they illustrate the point.)

- Original Message - From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:52 AM

 What I don't understand is how the same drugs can be bought for a 
less from Canada..then instead of just doing that, the gov't 
decides to
subsidize the local product..that's probably made at the same 
Like, if we can sell it to Canada and buy it back cheaper than we 


it to ourselves...something's amiss. When does adding 16 middlemen 

the price?
..and the Gov't comes up with NAFTA so we can have, uhmm free 
trade, but
doesn't take advantage of it's own setup and gets all whiney when 


 Why does highly processed white bread cost less than unprocessed 

wheat bread?

Stuff just don't add up sometimes.

Warning:  These sleep aid pills may cause drowsiness

At 09:21 PM 3/17/2004 -0500, you wrote:

Hear Ye CS'ers

It'll make you ill, but there's a pretty good summary of the FDA 

the drug co's, the lobbyists and congress hearings etc etc; in the
current issue of the Life Extension Magazine. Immagine there's a 
bunch on

their web-site too.

Anybody see some of the crap presented in the senate hearings and 
was a forum/panel presented on C-span this past week, about the 
campaign's being waged ref drug imports...   just all 

Some good news ref CS.Don't know if it's available on line, 
but try
to get hold of a copy of Popular Mechanics, April 04, page 78, 

Smart Threads.
Don't want to tantalize those who cant get hold of the mag.  There 
two web addresses given:www.marmot.comand   I

havn't looked at either.

the genie out of the bottle???gosh, I hope so!!!


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Re: CSMaking CG repy from Author

2004-03-17 Thread William Meyer

On Mar 17, 2004, at 6:36 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  From what I've gathered on the subject from various searches:

Silver will cross the blood brain barrier. [ Has been found in the  

of autopsied cadavers but not mentioned as a 'cause' of anything]

Silver has an affinity for damaged brain and nerve cells [is used in a
staining process to highlight damaged areas]

..which doesn't mean that the silver 'caused' the damage. It may have,  
fact, repaired or neutralized the damaged areas and any loss of  
function, a

matter of some other cause 'highlighted' by a silver deposit.
 It's a phenomenon that could easily be misinterpreted.

The plaques of Alzheimer's disease are seen here with a silver stain.  

plaques are most numerous in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This
dementia is marked mainly by progressive memory loss.

# Cerebrum, Alzheimer's disease, plaque, microscopic, Bielschowsky  

# Cerebrum, Alzheimer's disease, tangle, microscopic, HE stain
# Cerebrum, Alzheimer's disease, tangle, microscopic, Bielschowsky  


This study combined a 3-dimensional imaging program with a cupric  

stain for neuronal degeneration in order to determine the location and
extent of a focal lesion produced by MK-801 (dizocilpine maleate) 



At 10:35 AM 3/16/2004 -0500, you wrote:
My experiments indicate that a gold silver alloy will form a colloid.  
 I had
some special wire made up to be 50% gold and 50% silver on an atom  

It made colloidal gols/silver quite easily.

However I never used it because I became concerned with what the  
effect may
be on the brain.  It appears that gold crosses the blood brain  
barrier but

silver does not.  There are reports that silver is toxic to neurons,
although some on this group do not agree.  Anyway, I became concerned  
the silver/gold particles may be able to cross the blood brain  
barrier, and
then cause neurological damage to the brain.  On the other hand since  
CG is
usually used for mental reasons, crossing the barrier is essential  
for this
I believe. Thus if the alloy does not cross the barrier, then the  

of CG would be questionable.

It is for these reasons that although I find that making a CS/CG  

easy from an alloy, I hesitate to test it on myself.


Charlie Smith (Volt) wrote:

Hi all,

I've been lurking a while. This is my first attempt at a post, so  

bear with me if I manage to screw something up. I promise to get it
right sooner or later.

Having said that, I've been following the thread on Colloidal Gold  

interest. At first glance, it seems unlikely that Sam has produced a
true colloid, If he has, it is not pure. Some percentage of it is
silver. (Sam, I apologize if this sounds like a criticism. It is not.
Please keep reading). However, let me propose a mechanism by which it
might be working. I will not be able to test this until I can get  
gold wire (however, I have some 4 9's gold coins which I might  

to use).

The process in question starts with ionic silver as a catalyst. The
polarity of the DC is reversed 4 times over the course of 2 hours  

30 minutes).  Is it possible that the ionic silver is plating out,
creating a Silver/Gold alloy, and then when the charge is reversed,  

silver breaks away carrying some gold with it?
I think Sam might be on to something, It wouldn't pay to dismiss it  

lightly. I believe that Gold has been shown to have anti-viral and
anti-inflammatory properties similar to if not stronger than those of

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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #267

2004-03-16 Thread William Meyer

On Mar 16, 2004, at 9:54 PM, James Holmes wrote:

Stephen Barrett is a duck.
I tried to have a net conversation with him. 
Hulda Clark sued his ass big time for slandering and libeling her.
-Original Message-
From: Jodi Waldman Menard []
 Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #267

A while back, when I did a search on Colloidal Silver, Rosemary  
Jacob's site was the first to come up.  I've heard it costs nearly  
$200,000 per year to stay on top of search engines like that.  Now,  
when I do a search on it, this is first in line: 

This is Stephen Barrett's site.  He links to Rosemary Jacob's site  
for further information.  Hmmm.  And, of course he denies it,  
but, I've heard and read that Stephen Barrett has strong FDA and  
pharmaceutical industry ties.  Doesn't that make you wonder??  Could  
the FDA or pharma cartel be manipulating his/her position in our  

 Jodi Waldman Menard wrote on 3/15/2004, 4:49 PM:

Re: CSCS Dose Amount

3/15/2004, 3:32 PM

Marshall Dudley


No she took silver compounds, silver nitrate I believe it was.  CS had  
 to do with it at all, but for some reason she refuses to admit that,  
and is

 going after CS, when it was not even remotely associated with it.

 Marshall wrote:

  Hi Paula,
  I don't remember the whole story but apparently they didn't have  
  colloidal silver back then and she took a huge amount of large  
particles of

  silver for some reason.
  My question is, what benefits has she had to her health?  Any  
colds, any
  infections, any anything?  Every time I see this story, I think,  
the patient
  didn't die so why do they want to stop everyone from ingesting  
  silver just because one person over stocked on salt?  Excuse me,  
silver.  :)

  Jean Baugh

Jodi Waldman Menard
Stoan Enterprises, Inc.
Home Office:  (504) 463-3009
Mobile:  (504) 416-9330 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for  
discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted  
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Re: CSMaking CG repy from Author

2004-03-14 Thread William Meyer
very nice description! i, and trem i am sure, are amazed by the 

our inventors carry out!
On Mar 14, 2004, at 5:25 AM, S Nowell wrote:

Trem I beg to differ
This is how I make it.
I use 250 mil distilled water in a glass beaker, add 2
Canadian silverleafs as my electrodes hanging high in
the glass beaker right below water level, add 27
volt--3 9s batteries, wait 30 minutes. Right after
this I insert my gold electrodes, 22 gauge 99.99 pure,
6 inch each  in spiral ( I wrapped them around a
pencil) 2 inches total length each. Add the 27 volts
and within 5 min I get the ion cloud that grows heavy
as time go on. Every 30 minutes I reverse polarity.
Total time = 2 hours. I stop after 2 hours because the
ion clouds grow smaller and the electrodes start
looking nasty.  This CG-CS remains clear. It tastes a
lot different than CS and I can notice a slight
difference in the way that I think, I’m not saying
that this is good. I understand somewhat of how you
make yours, Try to understand how I have made this
without your means. I put this out their so other
other people may try this without the blunt statement
of (it cant be done) prove me wrong I say and I
suspect you will try like hell to protect some of your
interests? Show yourself by attacking me, somebody
with no gain to make. You however I believe has
something to gain.
 Ode Coyote, if your out their please run these
experiments, I know you have the means.


It will not work.  You need to use high voltage.


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CSCS: MAGLPULSER contact info

2004-03-13 Thread William Meyer

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Re: CSaspirin

2004-03-11 Thread William Meyer
it is true aspirin had been implicated in reye's syndrome. something to 
be aware of in

however, as i have heard stated, aspirin is the most studied drug in 
western pharmacology.
the widespread use of aspirin and the data collected on it make it a 
much more

studied commodity than DMSO.
recent studies have claimed many benefits to aspirin consumption: heart 

and cancer benefits among others.
aspirin is not under patent protection, it's use is incredibly wide 
spread, and

statisticisms find it easy to track consumption thru interviews.
so the data is as good as is practical in this world.

i recommend that toddlers don't have unrestricted access to aspirin or 

or practically anything.

On Mar 11, 2004, at 9:33 AM, Garnet wrote:

Aspirin has actually killed people, can be very toxic if too much is
consumed. DMSO has never killed anyone. Keep the aspirin locked up if
you have toddlers.

It is called the Third Medical Revolution of the 20th Century, first 

antibiotics, second was cortisone.


On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 22:29, William Meyer wrote:
i was just telling someone today about the miracles of home made CS 

internet bought DMSO.
these two substances, properly used, rank with aspirin as wonder 

these lists -judiciously moderated- spell out the different
applications and
once in a while a new application of these substances.
just as war and violence seem to be promoted by the powers that be,
i can honestly say that the advantages of cooperation and integrative
solving and non-violence are suppressed like the power of CS and DMSO.
people live in fear and fear is taught by the bullies.

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Re: CSMicrons, angstroms etc.

2004-03-11 Thread William Meyer

the silverpuppy and the silvergen models produce mostly ionic silver.
most dc (battery) systems produce mostly ionic silver.
you cannot get any smaller than an ion of silver and still be silver as 

as i am aware.
i like the silverpuppy at 99 dollars.

the smaller the particle the better. some mass manufacturers claim that
the smallest non-ionic particles are the best. in other words, they 

and discredit home-made colloidal/ionic silver.

my experience is the ionic stuff (homemade) works. you need good 
distilled water.

i have to admit, one of my frustrations with the silvergen i used to 
own was the

test light tripped on 3/4's of the distilled i bought.
mebbe MOST of the distilled water out there is bad. i even tried 
walgreen's vaunted

distilled. i never bothered to buy a pwt meter to double check readings.
i assumed - from the generators reading- that usable distilled water 
was somewhat rare.

soon after i bought a home distiller for my own water, i sold the 

trem has claimed that even home distilled water is no good!

i use the silverpuppy and the home distiller and i get great silver and 
no hassle.
i am unconcerned how or why.	the silvergen drove me crazy. trem was 
very nice
(manufacturer of silvergen's), but his explanations of led sequences on 
the machine

did not follow my intuitive logic.

the silverpuppy as current is better than the older silvergen sg6.
less hassle, less noise, better silver produced, more efficient, more 
aesthetic in MY experience.
the only way i can check silver content is taste. the sg6 was not 
producing strong
tastes after 8 hours in quarts. the silverpuppy has strong taste after 
one hour in pints.

Don from our list now owns the sg6. he may claim no problems.
in fact, i welcome him to comment. i will send a copy of this email to 

i never reconciled to the sg6.

On Mar 11, 2004, at 8:36 PM, wrote:


 Can anyone explain the difference between the size of the colloidal 
silver particles?  One company will advertise one way and another 
company will advertise another way.  

 Apparently the smaller the silver particles, the more beneficial?

 If this is the case, can anyone say with authority which company 
sells a generator that produces the smallest particles of colloidal 

 Thank you,

 Jean Baugh 

Re: CSSaying Thanks

2004-03-10 Thread William Meyer

i was just telling someone today about the miracles of home made CS and
internet bought DMSO.
these two substances, properly used, rank with aspirin as wonder drugs.
these lists -judiciously moderated- spell out the different 
applications and

once in a while a new application of these substances.
just as war and violence seem to be promoted by the powers that be,
i can honestly say that the advantages of cooperation and integrative 

solving and non-violence are suppressed like the power of CS and DMSO.
people live in fear and fear is taught by the bullies.

that was four lines off topic.

On Mar 10, 2004, at 5:20 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Jodi writes:

Mike - this list is most definitely one of the most valuable things I
have **ever** come across. A very special *** Thank You *** to you for
doing what you do.

I've been doing this for a few years now, and I can *still* get a tear
in my eye from the wonderful sharing of knowledge, experience, success
and encouragement by the members of this community.

You're welcome Jodi, and thank you for being one of us.

To anyone that posts to this list with the intention of sharing
knowledge to help and giving testimonial to what they've 

please know that it does not fall on deaf ears. And I believe
completely what goes around comes around. What you give out, you get
back. Giving out so much help; and goodness will only bring the same
back home. Light and love to all.

Here here!

Many thanks to all of our contributors.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS: unsolicited attachment?

2004-03-04 Thread William Meyer
i have recieved a .exe attachment thru silverlist from the address 

whassa deal?

On Mar 4, 2004, at 12:25 PM, wrote:


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Re: CSClifton Mining Co Stock

2004-03-03 Thread William Meyer
on the contrary, history says we have a high probability of a worse 
bear market
than the depression era. i have tracked the markets for 4 years and 
studied a lot

of market history.
it is only the giant, unprecedented bull market that ended in 2000 that 

you believe stocks always go up. check out japan for the last 17 years.

On Mar 3, 2004, at 5:43 PM, Jan Stoeten wrote:

Investors do NOT lose money. Only speculators do.

All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands


- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: CSClifton Mining Co Stock

That the sale of 3 million gallons of CS would affect the price of a

mining stock shows just how little investors can think for 
themselves.  If

assume that this is 10 PPM CS, then that works out to 384 ounces of 

will sell to make it, and at $6 and ounce that is a grand total gross 

$2400, with a profit of under $1000. Yet the valuation of the stock 


millions of dollars on this news.

No wonder most investors lose money.


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Re: CS5 days for Malaria

2004-02-28 Thread William Meyer

amazing ode!
this report is essentially well made home colloidal silver!
this is big verification of it's effectiveness in a more official  

On Feb 28, 2004, at 7:45 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

Patented -- no other like it -- accept no substitute.

According to independent lab's exactly like what you any  
nearly everyone else makes.


At 05:22 PM 2/27/2004 +0100, you wrote:

Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands

 - Original Message -
 From:, Robert
 To: mailto:''''
 Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 4:03 PM
 Subject: RE: CS5 days for Malaria

 What is ASAP Solution are they talking about CS

 -Original Message-
mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.comsilver-list- [] On  
Behalf Of William Meyer

Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS5 days for Malaria

what is notable here is that no mining company can profit from  

silver. so, this has nothing to do with mining profits. it is a  
different idea.

On Feb 27, 2004, at 8:25 AM, Ross Craig wrote:

Clifton Mining Company - New Human Study Data Released

ALPINE, UT, Feb. 27 /CNW/ - Clifton Mining Company  

American Biotech Labs (a private company in which Clifton, the  

shareholder is releasing new human study data on use of the ASAP  
Solution in

west African hospitals, against a number of human ailments  
including malaria

and a viral infections.

New Human Studies

American Biotech Labs (ABL) has been working in conjunction with  

hospitals in West Africa that have been conducting human studies of  
the ASAP

product as a antibiotic alternative against human ailments like  

fungal infections, ear infections, measles, septic ulcers and a  
number of

serious viral problems. This is the second set of human studies  
released by

the west African hospitals. The new studies found the product  

against all the above ailments. In conjunction with the human  
studies, the

country of Ghana has approved the ASAP supplement product as a  



The past ASAP human malarial studies found the product effective in  

of the cases averaging only five days of treatment to full  
recovery. This new

study has taken the testing to a new level checking the blood of  

deemed fully recovered to see if any signs of the parasites remain  
in the

bloodstream. According to the data in the studies, the patients  

absolutely no malarial protozoans left in the bloodstream. Over 900  

people are estimated to have this disease, many in poor countries.  
Said Keith

Moeller, VP, Evidence is steadily mounting that we may be able to  

millions of people who are suffering from this disease. It is also  
exciting to

see the first human studies in which the product is being used as a  

for people who suffer from serious viral infections. Testing of  
the ASAP

product continues in the African hospitals, as well as in numerous  

facilities worldwide.

-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS5 days for Malaria

2004-02-27 Thread William Meyer
what is notable here is that no mining company can profit from 
silver.  so, this has nothing to do with mining profits. it is a 
different idea.

On Feb 27, 2004, at 8:25 AM, Ross Craig wrote:

Clifton Mining Company - New Human Study Data Released
ALPINE, UT, Feb. 27 /CNW/ - Clifton Mining Company 

American Biotech Labs (a private company in which Clifton, the largest
shareholder is releasing new human study data on use of the ASAP 
Solution in
west African hospitals, against a number of human ailments including 

and a viral infections.

New Human Studies

American Biotech Labs (ABL) has been working in conjunction with 
hospitals in West Africa that have been conducting human studies of 
the ASAP
product as a antibiotic alternative against human ailments like 
fungal infections, ear infections, measles, septic ulcers and a number 
serious viral problems. This is the second set of human studies 
released by

the west African hospitals. The new studies found the product effective
against all the above ailments. In conjunction with the human studies, 
country of Ghana has approved the ASAP supplement product as a 



The past ASAP human malarial studies found the product effective 
in all
of the cases averaging only five days of treatment to full recovery. 
This new
study has taken the testing to a new level checking the blood of 
deemed fully recovered to see if any signs of the parasites remain in 

bloodstream. According to the data in the studies, the patients showed
absolutely no malarial protozoans left in the bloodstream. Over 900 
people are estimated to have this disease, many in poor countries. 
Said Keith

Moeller, VP, Evidence is steadily mounting that we may be able to help
millions of people who are suffering from this disease. It is also 
exciting to
see the first human studies in which the product is being used as a 
for people who suffer from serious viral infections. Testing of the 
product continues in the African hospitals, as well as in numerous 

facilities worldwide.

Re: CSwater distiller cheap (LINK HERE)

2004-02-24 Thread William Meyer
well, i posted and bought it. seems to work fine. i was told on the  
silver list to
not use the simple carbon post distillation filter they provide as it  
leaves particles
in the final product. i bought the distiller to make water for my  
colloidal silver maker.

i got rid of the plastic bottle they provide to cattch the water.
terrible plastic smell. the trick then is use a glass bottle to catch  
the water, but
this is not so easy as the distiller drips the water only inches from  
the base.
anyway, one may have to look around for a special container or rig  
something up.

distiller seems to work fine. i'm happy.
i also again recommend the silverpuppy for those making colloidal  

On Feb 24, 2004, at 10:20 PM, Robb Allen wrote:

Hi.I'm wondering if anyone bought this distiller? you like  
it?.is it good quality?.thanks.Robb

The High Power Magnetic Pulser
- Original Message -
 From: William Meyer
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSwater distiller cheap (LINK HERE)


On Jan 19, 2004, at 10:32 AM, William Meyer wrote:

here is a link to distiller. only 99$ apparently. this is the same one  
i am using and i
have failed to see what it's fault might be. in other words it is  
doing great.
i can say you should consider replacing the plastic bottle with some  
glass set-up.

the process does need to stay sealed for the water to be great for CS.
that mean if you replace plastic bottle you cant just let the  
distiller drip

down to another bottle.

Hi William,

Thanks for your info--Most state that a good distiller costs $400 or
more--Please share your source for $120.
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

i make my own distilled water after numerous bouts with poor store DW.
a nice distiller can be had for $120.

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Re: CSswollen tonsils

2004-02-23 Thread William Meyer

i absolutely cannot recommend standard milk for anyone.
in my case leaving dairy products has been good and supportive of my 

On Feb 23, 2004, at 7:32 AM, TJ Garland wrote:

Get them off milk and milk products immediately!

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: Marcela Weiland
Subject: CSswollen tonsils
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 10:41:03 -0500

What is the best way to help a child with swollen tonsils and 
adrenoids.  How many tsps of CS a day and for how long?  Has anyone 
had any success with this in the past?

Thank you

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Re: CSWater Ozonator info needed

2004-02-17 Thread William Meyer

a quick perusal of the link showed no details of the actual  ozonator.
if you get details it could be examined. i don't believe there
is a free lunch with such a cheap  ozonator. ozone can be produced
with different systems, but they all have strengths and weaknesses.
at this price point i would be very leery of something durable and 

On Feb 17, 2004, at 9:52 PM, SilverTedEBear wrote:

I'm thinking about buying a water ozonator but most of
the ones I've seen are just too expensive for me...
$270 and up... ie: SOTA.  After a little research I
came across this unit for $119:

Does anyone know anything about this unit or have any
experience with it?

Any info on it or other affordable ozonators would be


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Re: CSWater filter?

2004-02-17 Thread William Meyer

that certainly is an aerator, the question is weather there needs to be
additional time after aeration for the oxidation to take place.
neet idea.
On Feb 17, 2004, at 9:32 PM, TJ Garland wrote:

Right. I forgot to mention that I sprayed it into the buckets thru a 
shower head.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: Marshall Dudley
Subject: Re: CSWater filter?
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 11:54:33 -0500

This will work if the iron is in the non-soluble form, but if it is 
in the
soluble form I doubt it will do much.  To make it into the 
non-soluble form it
is necessary to ariate it to provide oxygen, and also add lime or a 
base if it
is acid.  Once this is done the iron will form rust which can easily 
be filtered



TJ Garland wrote:

 Go to a fabric store and buy a couple yards of 50/50 cotton 
polyester quilt
 batting to filter out the iron. I made a filter with 2 5 gallon 
buckets that
 were drilled and used the fabric between them . It removed almost 
all the

 iron. I changed the fabric out  once a month on my well.

 TJ Garland, CMO supplier
there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

 From: Wayne Fugitt
 Subject: Re: CSWater filter?
 Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 20:23:03 -0600
 Evening Marjie,
   thinking of getting me some leeches and let them dine on my 

You could consider making blood donations from time to 
time.  I
 really hate to do it because I have spent so much effort and so 
much money
 over the years trying to make it high quality.   Still, I never 
feel it at

 all when I do it.
 If the problem is iron algae or bacteria you're talking 
thousands for

 complete whole house treatment.
 Some of my neighbors have the problem so bad the water is brown 
 mud..mine isn't that bad but has a distict flavor and stains 

 We has a similar situation at my hunting camp.  A very deep 
well, 8

 inch casing, and a 3 HP pump submerged in the well.
 The filter selected cost about $ 1500.  It does a good job, 
 automatic back flushing, and chemical injectors.The water has 
no smell,

 no brown color and tastes half decent.
I don't drink it but the others do.  I carry my own water 
everywhere I

I was surprised what  a good job it does.  I did not select the 
 nor did I help with the installation due to other obligations at 
the time.

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Re: CSWater filter?

2004-02-16 Thread William Meyer

marshall got this right.
i would guess most iron from a well will Not be filtered by any fiber 

until it is oxidized by an additional mechanism.
TJ has got to present more evidence and description of his whole system.
On Feb 15, 2004, at 11:54 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

This will work if the iron is in the non-soluble form, but if it is in 
soluble form I doubt it will do much.  To make it into the non-soluble 
form it
is necessary to ariate it to provide oxygen, and also add lime or a 
base if it
is acid.  Once this is done the iron will form rust which can easily 
be filtered



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Re: CSoff topic posts

2004-02-13 Thread William Meyer
i have certainly posted off topic and mr devour has very kindly 
directed me

to the off topic list.
i haven't gotten there...
but i promise to meet his guidance in the future.
he has commented that some queries or subjects other than CS can be 

and replied to ONCE on an informative, factual basis.
obviously, the most legitimate posting would be strictly alternative 
health related.

it does seem time that we serve new members of our list by getting back 
to CS.

for those wanting more information, go to the bottom of these emails and
notice the web site;
this will give links to the off topic list and archives.

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Re: CSLyme Photos

2004-02-12 Thread William Meyer
the web site definitely pertains to lyme. the authors however, in their 
attempt to treat lyme
claim that they have removed a lot of worm like parasites. they make a 
loose assertion

that these worm like parasites are somehow connected to lyme.
i must say the salt and vit c regime -the salt dose portion- is indeed 
i find it hard to believe i could tolerate that much salt. 
nevertheless, if the salt didn't
thro your body into shock, it certainly might freak out a lot of free 
ranging parasites.

there are a number of therapies, urine therapy comes to mind, that seem 
to always
remain on the fringe because very, very, few people will ever try them. 
so, claims related to

them remain in a netherworld of confirmation.

On Feb 12, 2004, at 11:00 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I am a little confused by this site.  He seems to refer to the Lyme 
as worms.  Unless I am mistaken, the Lyme bacteria are like 
corkscrews, and are
too small to see with the naked eye.  He talks about worms working 
their way out
through the skin, and the photos on the first page do not look like 

to me.

Is it possible that this fellow did not have lyme at all, but some 
form of

worms?  Am I missing something?


Robb Allen wrote:

I agree that it is probably safe..but I have been unable to keep 
salt down that they recommendit is a huge amount...if it 

work.then I need to find a better way to get that much salt in my
The High Power Magnetic Pulser
- Original Message -
From: Wayne Fugitt
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: CSLyme Photos

bodies by taking 1 gram of salt and 1 gram of vit C at

the same time.12 times a day.and they have
some pretty remarkable pictures on the
website..waiting to hear from you.

I read most of it and looked at the pictures.  Fantastic !

I wish I could get some pictures that good with my microscope.

In addition, I was delighted to find some support for my ideas on
salt.  Even Adelle Davis was in favor of more salt.

She stated that it was a mistake to take glaucoma patients off
salt.  She said that in every case, they improved when salt was 
added back

to the diet.

The Water Cure doctor, Batmanghelidj stated we need 2000 or 2500 
mg of

salt per day.
I weighed out this amount, put it in small vials, and keep salt in my
truck, backpack, and range box.

 I have never been able to ingest as much as he suggested.

 I believe that we have been told many lies about salt by the
mainstream.  I suppose it is too cheap to be considered a medicine.  
Yet I

think it is valuable to some people.

All the crap about salt and blood pressure is a lie !

   I have read that salt can have a bad effect on 50 % of the 
people.  So,

what about the other half? maybe it has a favorable effect on many


   I have experienced that salt will remove pressure in the eyes in


   While I have not had a true headache in years, at rare times, I 
feel a

pressure  in the eyes.
not severe by any means, but it reminds me of the days when I had an
occasional headache.   I sure don't want one of those again.

   I have not researched this a lot, but the salt will relieve the


within 30 to 45 seconds.

   We need to research this more.  I would try the salt and vitamin 
C for

time, but I don't know what I would accomplish, other than prove it 
is not



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Re: CStaking supplements]

2004-02-11 Thread William Meyer
i hate to say it, but you can support organic farming by requesting 
organic produce
at your local supermarket and even more so by looking around your area 
for the closest

small organic grower. ask around alternative health practitioners.
small organic farms are the antithesis of genetically modified seeds 
and mass
fertilizer and pesticide users. i am not saying to get rid of factory 
farms, i am saying
to support more local farming. the smaller the scale, the more 
attractive organic is

to a farmer.

On Feb 11, 2004, at 1:58 PM, Jack Dayton wrote:

Garnet   2/10/04 5:36 PM  Wrote:

To my knowledge organic farmers do not use tons of chemicals and I
prefer to rely on nature's balance.

That's probably right, but where in my previous post
on the subject of soil nutrient depletion did I use the
phrase organic farmers ?

I am aware that some grocery stores offer a limited
selection of organically grown foods -- no doubt ignored
by a great majority of shoppers, so where do they get
their vitamins  minerals,  other than those mandated by our
government --  in woefully inadequate amounts ?


Be Nice

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT to some. Mobil and Exxon Gas

2004-02-10 Thread William Meyer

the original post by cindy is well taken.
as far as good honest men working for the oil companies, that is a 
good thing to
remember.however, most of the armies of the world are populated by such 
good neighbors.
yet they go out and kil and slaughter each other and civilians. 
collateral damage.
good honest men are also paid highly in our society to lie and 

the most obvious of these are ad men, lawyers, and most politicians.
my point is that we may need to take a larger moral scope than just how 

we are as neighbors and how much money we bring home.

On Feb 9, 2004, at 11:32 PM, James Holmes wrote:

Is there some place I can make a donation to help out the abused and 
under compensated international oil companies?

-Original Message-
From:The Hatzfeld's []
Sent:Monday, February 09, 2004 4:39 PM
Subject:Re: CSOT to some. Mobil and Exxon Gas

This old thing has been around for about 2 years.  I think it's too 
simplistic to say since a product you are using costs more than you 
would like you then get others to help boycott it.  I don't know where 
the hatred of oil companies come from.  My dad worked for Mobil for 40 
years and was friends with men from other companies since we lived 
overseas.  They were all good, hard-working and honest men.   

Looking at the process of bringing the gasoline to us starts with the 
oil companies hiring competent and educated professionals like 
geologists and engineers to locate the oil, then building the drills 
and refineries to process it.  Then the oil companies have a variety 
of different countries they have to deal with in order to just do 
business.  Did you know some years ago that many of the countries 
where oil is drilled nationalized and so they were legally able to 
steal ALL of the oil companies equipment?  I'd bet they still have 
occasions where they must deal with corruption.  When the oil is ready 
for shipment, it's brought over in a tanker and distributed to 
eventually be sold at your local gas station.  All things considered, 
we're not paying that much for the gas.  Of course we'd all like to 
pay less for goods  services - just bought my first bottle of CS 
at the health food store costs more (2 oz. for $14) - let's get real 



2004-02-10 Thread William Meyer

i am not only greatful to brooks and marshall, but i also appreciate 
wayne and ode coyote.

and mr harris.
i appreciate many members of this list.
also mr devour.

meanwhile, i will try to stay on topic CS.

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CSok, question on making cs -can you believe it?

2004-02-09 Thread William Meyer

i recently bought a new generator. made some cs that was clear and had 
mettalic taste.


i had a previous batch in a clean jar made by my previous generator. 
this was clear and
i assume it actually was cs. i say this because it was hard for me to 
discern metallic taste.


i emptied this clean jar, sprayed some 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide 
that used tap water
as a dilution solution on the inside, let the jar drain (tho there were 
still some drops clinging

to the inside of the jar),


poured the new cs from my new generator into the jar.
this clear cs immediately turned to yellowish cloudy consistency in 
this jar.

***what happened? is this stuff still good? what was the reaction?

 there is more to making good cs than meets the eye.

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CScolloidal gold and zinc: generator claim

2004-02-08 Thread William Meyer

the link below claims to be able to home brew zinc, copper, and gold  
ionic solutions.

this seems pretty new for a home generator.
i know water oz proprietary process claims to use another process  
rather than

our electrical ionic method to produce their colloidal minerals. 

i admit, there seems to be no information on the process at  the above  
but if anyone wishes to spend  the time i would be happy for an off the  
cuff comment.

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Re: CScolloidal gold and zinc: generator claim

2004-02-08 Thread William Meyer

i have forwarded this message to brent  who makes the generators

On Feb 8, 2004, at 1:28 PM, Frank Key wrote:

Ode Coyote wrote:

 Solution strengths up to 200 PPM can be made or higher. Particle 
size is
limited to .001 micron no matter how strong the solution gets so there 

never a problem with 'current runaway'.

 ## I don't see how one controls the other...small particles means no
current run away?  How?
 Is that particle size theoretical or actual?
  I'd like to see some documentation before I believe that claim.

I will offer to measure the particle size distribution and share the 

with this list if someone will send me a sample of this solution.

frank key

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RE: CSMisc/ephedra

2003-12-31 Thread william meyer

i have to say that the political situation mirrors the disinformation
and harm that is going on in regards to the supplement industry.
the powerful gluing of business/multinational corporations and
politics is no longer stoppable.
if you search out and consider alternate information regarding
other issues besides CS, i believe you will begin to see we -as
citizens- have a problem log years beyond what the conventional
media let's you see.
i am not opening a discussion here, but i feel it is appropriate to
say this here at this time.

Terry-the idiots here in the US decided that ephedra is dangerous 
and has killed 65(?) people the last couple years-- Which I think is 
a damned lie. Just saw Tom Brokejaw announce that it was outlawed 
now. He forgot to mention that ephedrine is the main ingredient in 
Claritin(now otc). The big pharmas are pure evil. I am  ready for 
some serious civil disobedience against this industry. Everyone 
should read Unintended Consequences by John Ross

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

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Re: CSMisc/ephedra

2003-12-31 Thread william meyer

they have -or are trying- to ban andestinione or some spelling
of a precurser to testosterone. the only problem is the bill's wording
would allow banning of many precursers to hormones under certain inter
pretations. this includes dhea for instance.
these guys fight the fda and are a fountain of non-ama information. non-profit.
but, just one teeny teeny example of how our interests here are like
children complaining of having their sand shovels taken away:
our voting system: the first pillar our attempt at democracy, is
under attack using this same technique. many states are instituting electronic
voting, but the voting machines and software are controlled by
so, diebold is a big company making some of these machines. internal
emails in diebold indicated they were hiding -and aware of- major
flaws in their system.
these emails were leaked and posted on the internet. diebold intimidated
isp's into shutting down these web sites. how? by threatening the isp's
with the digital millenium copyright act. this act was supposedly
only to limit piracy of digital software and movies, etc..

I've seen our lovely government try to take away our dietary supplement
rights twice now-one is currently under way and the first got shot down big
time-but this is an outright shame.  If your ever tried this marvelous herb
(you know whether you can take it after the first try), you know how
effective it is for energy and weight loss.  I've taken it on and off for 10
years and sold it for over 15 years!!!
My mom-who also owns a health food store and is 65-took it for years for
energy.  She was taking ephedra at 62 years old with NO reactions! Last year
she discovered it just made her too jittery and so she simply stopped. Gee,
what a novel idea!!!  To stop something that gives you a bad reaction. Herbs
are very powerful so follow the darn directions!!!  Unlike the baseball
player who died from heat exhaustion, not from supplementing with ephedra,
but was taking twice the dose and not drinking enough water and who was also
training in really hot temperatures.
I believe this whole thing came down due to consumer ignorance and the
pharmaceutical co. are in the pockets of the FDA- duh :)
Are they going to take all the OTC products with ephedrine away as well?
It's all derived or synthesized from ephedra.
If you believe this is unfair-write your senators and oppose the bill '722'
The Safe Dietary Supplement Act.  It's just going to get worse because this
is only a form of control and unfortunately this time-they won!

- Original Message -
From: TJ Garland
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:36 PM
Subject: RE: CSMisc/ephedra

 Terry-the idiots here in the US decided that ephedra is dangerous and has
 killed 65(?) people the last couple years-- Which I think is a damned lie.
 Just saw Tom Brokejaw announce that it was outlawed now. He forgot to
 mention that ephedrine is the main ingredient in Claritin(now otc). The


 pharmas are pure evil. I am  ready for some serious civil disobedience
 against this industry. Everyone should read Unintended Consequences by
 John Ross

 TJ Garland, CMO supplier
there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSSilver is Safer

2003-12-19 Thread william meyer

hi all,
silver and grey cars literally can disappear in overcast conditions.
i live in ithaca, ny.. we have less sun than seattle wa..
if your car is grey or silver, than one HAS to run one's lights to alert
other drivers of your presence.


This is contrary to my experience with a silver car (I live in Portland,
OR).  During late fall, winter, and spring (the rainy season) silver is
difficult to see on grey days.  I felt like people were trying to get
me.  Later I purchased a black car and didn't have the problem anymore.

Here, it is my humble observation, that more older folks drive white
cars...don't know why.  I don't have access to stats on
colors/accidents, etc.  I will see if they are available.

Interesting subject.



Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Do they have an explaination? Is the silver easier to see, or people who
 select silver older or better drivers?



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CSwalgreens distilled failed

2003-12-12 Thread william meyer

i bought walgreens distilled water from an ankron ohiq store and
it kept tripping my conductance meter. i bought another batch from
a different company and it was fine. this was recently.

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Re: CSwalgreens distilled failed

2003-12-12 Thread william meyer

was distilled

william meyer   12/12/03 5:53 PM  Wrote:

 i bought walgreens distilled water from an ankron ohiq store and
 it kept tripping my conductance meter.

Interesting  are you sure you got DISTILLED water?
The drinking water label is almost identical.
In the store I buy from the bottles are side
by side on the shelf -- BAD idea.


Be Nice

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Re: CSRe: LYME-it does work

2003-12-11 Thread william meyer

abx (antibiotics) can be succesful against lyme, especially earlier
in it's progress. oral abx's can be mixed, matched and timed to have
greater or lesser effect according to the skill of the prescriber
and the length of infection. IV is similar, but is usually considered
the only resort for cases past a year. really, these treatments are
an art that only dedicated lyme doctors can prescribe and
manipulate succesfully.  really!
on the other hand, straight doxy begun within a few weeks may effect
a cure depending on lot's of factors.
colloidal silver has been helpful at all stages. no studies to bear this
out but lot's of solid anecdote from our list. me being one.
there are many things in the alternative realm regards to lyme
that won't hurt and have a good chance of helping. most of
the treatments actually strengthen the body so that one may
help other conditions as well as lyme.

Thanks William and Marshall.  If I understand correctly,
Doxy is successful if employed soon after being infected, while CS
proved successful LONG after?  Have an acquaintance who's had it
5 years and dismisses trying CS in favor of whatever her doc is
doing for her now, which is completely ineffective.  How much and
for how long did each of you take CS before success, please? 
I'd like to point her to something definitely positive, without

sounding like the proverbial broken record.  (Gave her Marshalee's
success story, too, but it wasn't enough to convince her to try it.)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


RE: CSLYME-it does work

2003-12-11 Thread william meyer

hi JOH
the last tick bite gave me fatigue but no additive lyme symptoms...
i did 14 days under the theory that it was some co-infection.
let's hope i was right...

Hello William,

You may already be aware, but the reproductive cycle of the Lyme organism is
about 35 days.  So it is probably good to continue treatment beyond complete
remission of symptoms. 


-Original Message-
From: william meyer []
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: CSLYME-it does work

i have had lyme success with ionic silver. i was never diagnosed with lyme
because diagnosing lyme is a pitiful joke. i have heard story after story of
deluded souls traipsing from one doctor to another while they ordered test
after test that are known to be unbelievably inconsistent. in many cases
tests that came back positive were then disregarded by the doctors in
question. for you lymies out there: lyme is a CLININCAL diagnosis and there
is no magic bullet. the last time i was bitten by a tick i ordered
antibiotics myself from a PET STORE on the net. no prescription neccesary.
that means i didnt have to pay 150 dollars to convince a doctor- as i did
the first time- to prescribe DOXY. i strongly suggest anyone who is within
five days of a tick bite with symptoms to start on antibiotics immediately.
add silver too. in my case silver helped me in later stages of lyme control
my infection. i still have minor symptoms, but i also am still early in my
chronic lyme treatment protocol. one has to do many things chronically to
treat chronic lyme. one limitation of silver is my belief that i need to do
it on an empty stomach. the doxy i took with or without food and that was a
help and convenience. it is more than possible a proper silver regime will
take care completely of an early lyme or co-infection (bartonella,
erlichiosis, rockky mountanin spotted fever) from a tick bite. it may not
stop the malaria like tick borne organism, babesiosis. neither will DOXY. in
my case i am well versed in common tick borne infections and i assume my
last bite transmitted something other than lyme. whatever it  was, it was
knocked out with doxy. i took 200mg for 14 days. if i had had lyme symptoms
(NEW ONES) i would have continued my treatment longer. i urge anyone that is
bitten by a deer tick to start the most agressive protocol possible if they
begin to develop symptoms of lyme. i actually urge my friends to keep doxy
around because delay is a terrible risk for chronic lyme later. again,
someone who is well skilled with silver would probably have as \strong a
medicine as doxy in silver. my experience is silver is VERY effective
against lyme.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


CSfire ant mound disturbing +possible nontoxic poison

2003-12-10 Thread william meyer

one reason not to disturb mounds is to attempt to limit their infestation,
in other words, disturbing the mounds will spread them around and
make it harder to avoid being bitten. if they have a mound, you can
more easily avoid them. place a flag at each mound.

for house ants, sugar will destroy them. they take it to their nests
and in three generations the colony is sterile from lack of proper

fire ants may not be as rabid for sugar, but it works on house ants.

Someone posted about not disturbing the mounds; I
respectfully disagree despite all the poison and bait
instructions that say not to disturb the mound.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLYME-it does work

2003-12-10 Thread william meyer

i have had lyme success with ionic silver. i was never diagnosed
with lyme because diagnosing lyme is a pitiful joke.
i have heard story after story of deluded souls traipsing from
one doctor to another while they ordered test after test that
are known to be unbelievably inconsistent. in many cases tests that
came back positive were then disregarded by the doctors in question.
for you lymies out there:
lyme is a CLININCAL diagnosis and there is no magic bullet.
the last time i was bitten by a tick i ordered antibiotics myself
from a PET STORE on the net. no prescription neccesary. that means
i didnt have to pay 150 dollars to convince a doctor- as i did the
first time- to prescribe DOXY.
i strongly suggest anyone who is within five days of a tick bite with
symptoms to start on antibiotics immediately. add silver too.
in my case silver helped me in later stages of lyme control my infection.
i still have minor symptoms, but i also am still early in my chronic
lyme treatment protocol. one has to do many things chronically to
treat chronic lyme.
one limitation of silver is my belief that i need to do it on an empty
stomach. the doxy i took with or without food and that was a help
and convenience.
it is more than possible a proper silver regime will take care completely
of an early lyme or co-infection (bartonella, erlichiosis, rockky mountanin
spotted fever) from a tick bite.
it may not stop the malaria like tick borne organism, babesiosis. neither will
in my case i am well versed in common tick borne infections and i assume
my last bite transmitted something other than lyme. whatever it  was, it
was knocked out with doxy. i took 200mg for 14 days. if i had had
lyme symptoms (NEW ONES) i would have continued my treatment longer.
i urge anyone that is bitten by a deer tick to start the most agressive
protocol possible if they begin to develop symptoms of lyme.
i actually urge my friends to keep doxy around because delay is
a terrible risk for chronic lyme later.
again, someone who is well skilled with silver would probably have as
\strong a medicine as doxy in silver.
my experience is silver is VERY effective against lyme.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS newbie questions

2003-11-28 Thread william meyer

hi jr
i have read here that silver can be classified as both a heavy metal
and a noble metal. apparently the noble metals tend to act differently.
silver has a long history of use and very little literature of ill effects,
if any. turning blue is rare and a lot of people on this list have
used silver for long periods with no problem.

Two questions from acquaintences:
1 - Silver is a HEAVY METAL. Excess heavy metal in the body can and   
does lead to various forms of HEAVY METAL poisoning. Why needn't
CS users be concerned? 
2 - What exactly was it in politician Stan Jacob's use of tap   
water---a definite no-no---that caused the skin blueness?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour



2003-11-23 Thread william meyer

hi ode
this disclaimer of yours is just a little too much tho i see your
satire and humor.

the truth is the med/fed/corporation consortium is
way beyond their place in attacking different information.
who told us that only people certified by the ama or whatever
are the only people who can offer information on treating
a condition?
at some point you have to call a spade a spade. i have the right
to think and diseminate information that i believe may be helpful.

i believe that there are issues today that have grown big enough
that we need to seriously consider our place in relation to
those powers that seek to govern us.

i believe men and woman of good will are required to say
no if they clearly see a law as unjust.

that's all i will say on this topic.

 In big bold black letters, taking up the entire top of the page so 
as not to be possibly missed, place a disclaimer such as:

 I am not a doctor and am, therefore, not qualified to give medical advise.
All communication is, therefore, hearsay and opinion from people who 
also may not be qualified.
 I am as entitled to my opinion as anyone else, but it should not be 
taken as anything BUT My opinion along with the added condition 
that I am not qualified to have an opinion that's to be taken the 
least bit seriously.

 You wouldn't take advise from the village idiot, now would you?
 But you just might use something the village idiot said to form 
 I say ONLY what I think and do and repeat what I have HEARD 
that OTHERS [qualified or not] think and do. I am NOT making any 
distiction between them.

 BY NO MEANS should ANYTHING be taken as what YOU should think or do.


Then be careful to use disqualifiers such as I heard or I believe.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSdisclaimer?

2003-11-23 Thread william meyer

hi jason
i just did view your inspiring disclaimer.
I am very very greatful for your tremendous work on the site
and i support you without reservation.

Hi William:

You haven't seen our disclaimer have you?

Best Regards,



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSYahoo group posting our messsages

2003-11-21 Thread william meyer

if you go to the website you will see that almost all of the posts
are from homer simpson with an adress like tofu2u2.
this is a group that exists only in the mind of this individual.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSPh of Distilled water?

2003-10-02 Thread william meyer

hi paula
the chemistry is different. other substances in the apple cider vinegar
and lemon juice are supposed to catalyze an alkaline reaction in the body.

as far as DW -distilled water- it is supposed to become more acid as
it ages. picks up co2 -which is acid- from the air and incorporates it
into the water chemically.

the above are two observations i have read. i am not a chemistry guy.

  Couple questions re acidic DW and CS: I often read that apple 
cider vinegar and acidic juices such as lemon juice, when ingested, 
actually have an alkalinizing effect in the why 
doesn't acidic DW and CS do the same?


- Original Message -
From: mailto:ne...@bestweb.netNenah Sylver
To: ;

Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: CSPh of Distilled water?

I am stating my *own* preference to obtain distilled water
in as pure state as possible, due to the numerous serious problems that arise
when people drink acidic water.

I encourage you or anyone else to read the excerpt on water and 
minerals from my

Rife Handbook. To learn more about pH and the body,


CSbrain tumor and diet soda

2003-09-11 Thread william meyer

how sad
i had a friend who consumed a lot of diet soda's and he died at 52.
strangely (or not!) his father died of a brain tumor at 52.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSlyme success helped by silver

2003-07-22 Thread william meyer

hi all
i am doing well as regards lyme disease over a year after bite.
i feel the 2 ounces a day of ionic silver 5ppm had been a real help.
i tell lymies it works period, and that they should augment their 
oral abx with it.

many new cases of lyme are just undermedicated and rather than fight the docs
on abx, i say hit the lyme with high allicin enteric garlic capsules and
the silver too. a three pronged attack
add perhaps an immune booster like immunocal.

i feel confident that my dosing schedule and low ppm take me out of risk
for the blue stuff. i don't recommend people do 2 ounces forever, but
i am a believer that a tablespoon a day may be a good thing even in health.

any other suggestions for lyme on this list please chime in.
william meyer

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe:raw garlic

2003-07-01 Thread william meyer

hi again
raw garlic or special high allicin capsules have been a mainstay with me for
combatting lymes disease. i've had it over a year.
in order to create the allicin in garlic one must crush the clove 
thoroughly and let

it sit for 5 minutes at least.
this allows a substrate and enzyme to combine in the garlic. apparently garlic
produces this as a defence when an insect bites it's bulb.
garlic, raw onion, or grapes are excellent with cheese to help digest it.
william meyer

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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