Re: CS>Harold MacDonald has passed

2015-03-05 Thread sol

Very sad. I have enjoyed Harold's posts on this list for many, many years.

Deborah Gerard wrote:
Today at 12:39 PM

Hi Deborah
I am sending this email to you today to let you know that Harold 
MacDonald passed away very suddenly on Sunday, March 1/15.  
We are all going to miss him very much.  He was a good Dad, Grandpa 
and Great Grandpa to us all.

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Re: CS>CS Gel

2015-02-24 Thread sol

Ian wrote:

I have a supply of Xanthan Gum and Xylitol and Colloidal Silver.
Does someone have a method for making a nice topical colloidal silver 
gel that will adhere to skin, cuts and scrapes?
Ode Coyote used to sell a gel mix kit. Don't know if he still does you 
could check his website.


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Citric acid toxic? was Re: CS>Dolomite

2015-02-24 Thread sol

Marshall wrote:
Dolomite is calcium magnesium carbonate.  It contains approximately 
the correct ratio of calcium to magnesium that a human body needs.  
Back in the 70's it was touted as being the perfect calcium/magnesium 
supplement, and I took it for years.Sine then though it has been 
determined that it is not well absorbed by the body, and even worse 
may contain a number of toxic elements, primarily heavy metals such as 

I think that is the reason some consider citric acid toxic: said to be 
contaminated with heavy metals.

But so far, I can't determine if that is true or not, just one side 
saying it is good stuff, the other saying it is contaminated and toxic. 
FWIW, those who consider citric acid toxic consider it quite extremely 

I'd like to know, citric acid is such a common ingredient in 
supplements. Calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, and so on.
The same argument is made against ascorbic acid, that it is contaminated 
with heavy metals, and therefore toxic. But then what to take for vit C?


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Re: CS>Salts and silver compounds.

2015-02-22 Thread sol

Jason said ...
"I personally have no interest in silver compounds outside of EIS, but 
if I were going to take mega doses of concentrated silver, it wouldn't 
be unknown compounds with limited effectiveness made from tap water, 
it would most certainly be silver citrate. "

I've been told citrate and citric acid are extremely toxic.

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Re: CS>question for Jason

2015-02-20 Thread sol

Dee wrote:

Why do you have to triple distill sol! We have very hard water here and I just 
distill once.  The water consistently reads '0' on my meter (cheap from Amazon) 
when distilled whereas it read over 300 before distillingDee


I don't have to double or triple distill since I haven't had a 
distiller for years and years now. Might have been air contaminants or 
water contaminants.  Ode and I used to discuss the issue a lot. But used 
to be my DW absolutely had to read 0.3uS  on my Hanna PWT meter or I'd 
get CS that was not clear. I believe your meter must be a TDS, and I 
don't know what your '0' reading equates to on a PWT, but I know the 
range is different. Anyhoo, when my distiller was new, one pass did it, 
but as the still aged, it took two or more passes to get the DW pure 
enough. Funnily enough, I now get clear CS with commercial DW that reads 
up to about 3.0 uS. But in the old days, commercial DW here often read 
7.0 to even 10.0 on my PWT. Made very bad CS.


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Re: CS>question for Jason

2015-02-20 Thread sol
Truthfully, I was a bit shocked at the condition of my brew jar. Silver 
was even plating out on the sides of the jar.
And don't know why I didn't want to "waste silver" by cleaning 
electrodes. I'm 69 and have several sets on hand, more than enough to 
last out my lifetime and then some, LOL.
It is easy to get into a rut when one is disabled, well easy anytime 
probably, but more so when disabled and in pain all the time.
I certainly won't go crazy obsessed over my CS. Did that the first 2-3 
years, and no longer have the energy for it.

Thanks so much,

Jason wrote:

Hi Sol:

Yes, I always clean the container with hydrogen peroxide, then rinse 
with distilled water.

Yes, your EIS will be completely fine.

You don't have to go crazy to get a good end product, especially with 
the Silverpuppy or Silvergen.  :o)


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CS>question for Jason

2015-02-20 Thread sol
I have cleaned my SG-6  brew jar (gallon) and installed brand new 
I don't remember you mentioning if cleaning with peroxide is ok? Well 
rinsed afterward with DW, wiped dry with clean paper towelling.

Electrodes wiped with paper towelling wetted with DW.

The DW reads 1.7 uS on my PWT.  Not 0.3 unfortunately, but the best I 
have at the moment.

I have set the generator to the lowest setting, and plan to check tyndal 
when it shuts off.
From there I will decide whether to stop at that point and check uS or 
raise the setting a bit and check again and so on to see how the tyndal 
changes, and whether I have sparklies at any point.

I don't expect to get  a 10 uS product with no or faint tyndal and no 
sparklies but I should get a much better product, right?

I no longer have a distiller, so 0.3uS distilled water isn't going to be 
available, and to be honest, I don't see me ever getting another 
distiller and double or triple distilling to get the water down to that 
level. Just can't manage it anymore.

what do you think?

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making better CS, was Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread sol

Jason wrote:

Hi Sol:

On 2/17/2015 6:24 AM, sol wrote:

I may have to start cleaning my electrodes, but so far as I'm aware my
CS product works just fine. But I do confess maybe I would not be aware
if it were less effective than it could be. I use my CS a lot for
various purposes, but no longer use it in my body much because I have
"blue moons" and at one point began developing some grey under my eyes
and around my chin. (this was apparently due to spraying CS over a vit C
face product).

You make my point for me.  One "sparklie" in the solution represents 
what should be hundreds to thousands (who knows?) of of properly sized 
silver particles.  If you have hundreds of sparklies in a bad brew, 
you are upping your silver metal burden unnecessarily.  If you take 
silver on a daily basis, this is going to add up.
Well it certainly did add up. That explains a whole lot. I am really 
happy to have this information. Did you know this 10 years ago, or is 
this more recent? Just curious.

I know that people like to believe that particulate silver cannot 
cause argyria, but this is blatantly not true.

I certainly learned that.

I even directly challenged Frank Key on this issue with historic 
records; silver smiths getting argyria from inhalation of silver 
particles, but as usual, he just deflected, and nobody else seemed 
that interested.
I am deeply interested. Should have been paying much more attention to 
your posts, but with my difficulties, needing to minimize my time 
sitting at the computer for the past several years, a lot of information 
I didn't even know I needed slipped by me.

The whole point being that you can brew silver the right way, with the 
right controls, and get a superior product, and this can be done 
without that much extra trouble.

For my brews, I even get upset at the quality of distilled water 
available.  I like my distilled water to be nuetral pH with a 
conductivity measurement of 0.3 uS.
No argument there, I have had to use distilled water of 0.3 uS or less 
since I started making CS. I haven't been testing the distilled water 
for a couple years. Just went with the fact that I get water clear CS.  
But pH has been more difficult. Need to get some test strips for that. And

I measure the water directly from the bottle, I measure it once I put 
it in the brewing vessel, and I measure it afterwards.

I will start doing those tests again.

With EIS, you want LESS silver, and a quality brew, over a MORE silver 
low quality brew.  If you want MORE silver, then it's better to try to 
use a product like silver citrate.

(Except, of course, those experimenting with higher PPM isolated 
silver products for the sake of experimentation).

I do make high PPM silver stronger on the colloidal side for external 
uses for use with clay, for example, by using heated distilled water.

Do you mean his regular U shape electrodes, or something different? (I
may have skipped over some posts about this).

Yes...  Ken's U shape electrodes for the Silver Puppy.

Thanks Jason. This whole thread has rekindled my interest in the details 
of CS making and how (and why_ to get a better CS. It is good to see a 
technical discussion again! Reminds me of the old days.


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Re: CS>Re: Forum

2015-02-17 Thread sol

Lola, if that makes you a fuddy duddy, I'm one too. 69 years old, and 
some of the reasons I don't want to change is that my memory is not what 
it used to be, not that it ever was, and I have physical challenges that 
make it difficult for me to spend much time at the computer, and vision 
problems that make it hard to read the screen at times. I do NOT want to 
spend my limited computer time figuring out different formats, and 
programs that I won't remember the next time I sign on anyway. I still 
use Thunderbird for my email. It works fine with surprisingly 
few glitches considering how old a program it is. I tried newer ones a 
few years ago, but not one single one of them could organize my incoming 
mail directly into folders the way I like, without me having to have a 
huge "everything" folder containing duplicates of all emails. I hated 
them all. Gmail imho is one of the worst. For the groups/lists that do 
not play nice with my ancient Thunderbird, I use hotmail.

I know how to use what I've been using for years without thinking about 
it, so I get a a lot more done in my limited time to sit at the 
computer. This is IMPORTANT to ME. It is a definite quality of life issue.


On Feb 16, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Lola Harris <>> wrote:
As for this site being unappealing in appearance and format?  I like 
it just fine.
It seems I am constantly updating and have ever changing email 
formats  for
instance.  It is exhausting sooo...  I like things that stay the 
same and aren't
constantly being changed, seemingly at times, just to be changing 
or under the
guise of 'improving'.  Does that make me a fuddy-duddy?  Lola  

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Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread sol
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason <>> wrote:

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status
quo means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by
Brooks Bradley.

Stagnation has happened on every single list I've ever been on, 
regardless of the format or list host. I doubt format affects it.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a
trickle of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates
some amazing crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have
gone largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the
importance of cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a
great product.

I may have to start cleaning my electrodes, but so far as I'm aware my 
CS product works just fine. But I do confess maybe I would not be aware 
if it were less effective than it could be. I use my CS a lot for 
various purposes, but no longer use it in my body much because I have 
"blue moons" and at one point began developing some grey under my eyes 
and around my chin. (this was apparently due to spraying CS over a vit C 
face product).

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about
how I personally tested this theory or how they can test to see
the difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they
have no need to clean the electrodes.

I'm one of those. But maybe I should change that idea. However, for use 
to clean a cutting board, wipe a counter, spray on the outside of 
bottles of soda before they go into the fridge, I'm not sure the extra 
trouble is worth it. How to know? and I will ask because I'd like to 
know how you test the difference in quality in vivo?

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode

Do you mean his regular U shape electrodes, or something different? (I 
may have skipped over some posts about this).


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Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters

2015-02-15 Thread sol
Sorry, I never have  used any of the Reckeweg products. I did try a 
couple brands of carnosine (I think it was) eye drops for cataracts, but 
they did not help me. I may not have used them consistently enough though.


PT Ferrance wrote:

Hi Sol,
I finally found a website that has #1-89 but there is nothing for 
catarcts.  Where did you get them?


*From:* sol 
*Sent:* Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:46 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters

Perfectly welcome. If you try one of the Reckeweg products I'd like to
know which one and if it helps or not, thanks,

PT Ferrance wrote:
> Thanks, Sol.
> PT
> ----

> *From:* sol>>
> **
> PT Ferrance wrote:
> > Tara, where do you get Dr. Reikiwigs homeopathics?  I had no hits when
> > I plugged it into two search engines.
> >
> The correct spelling is Reckeweg.

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Re: CS>A forum?

2015-02-14 Thread sol

 I like the list just the way it is. Frankly, I don't want it to change 
at all. AT. ALL.

"Don't. Change. Anything." --Monk

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Re: CS>Re: Help - for the Silverlist.

2015-02-13 Thread sol

Neville wrote:
LOL...Well I'm not sure how many would share THAT view Lena, but it 
was nice of you to say anyway.  It takes all sorts to make a world 
doesn't it, and pretence never was one of my strong points...LOL.

Neville, no matter what your posts are always entertaining!

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Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters

2015-02-12 Thread sol
Perfectly welcome. If you try one of the Reckeweg products I'd like to 
know which one and if it helps or not, thanks,


PT Ferrance wrote:

Thanks, Sol.

*From:* sol 

PT Ferrance wrote:
> Tara, where do you get Dr. Reikiwigs homeopathics?  I had no hits when
> I plugged it into two search engines.
The correct spelling is Reckeweg.

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Re: CS>Re: Help - for the Silverlist.

2015-02-12 Thread sol

Joe Huard wrote:
So is this list public; see

Oh, boy, you are right, I had forgotten the archives are public. Darn 
oldtimer memory!


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Re: CS>Re: Help - for the Silverlist.

2015-02-12 Thread sol

ASL raVen wrote:

I personally prefer the email-mode because it saves me times and there 
are no annoying username and password sign up and then there may be 
distracting advertisements and loud colors, etc. So the email format 
is fine by me. Thank you, Mike, for your service all these years!

I agree, and the few forums I do belong to are public. Anyone can read 
everything I post.


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Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters

2015-02-12 Thread sol

PT Ferrance wrote:
Tara, where do you get Dr. Reikiwigs homeopathics?  I had no hits when 
I plugged it into two search engines.

The correct spelling is Reckeweg.

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Re: CS>Treatment for Eye Floaters

2015-01-15 Thread sol

Jasmine Mykal wrote:

I've had floaters for years. Mine are like rainbow tunnels and mostly 
on the left. Eating fruit resolves them faster so I assume mine stem 
from low blood sugar as RaVen mentioned. I hope they don't become 
unbearable, I haven't found a permanent 'fix' outside of surgery.

I got numerous and annoying floaters in both eyes after having vitreous 
detachments in both eyes some years ago. My eye surgeon told me (and I 
confirmed with online searching) that the surgery for floaters is quite 
risky. I have ruled out that as a possibility for me. I was also told 
that over time the brain learns to "edit out" the floaters, and have 
found that to be mainly true. At first they drove me nearly insane, but 
after the passage of time they are only bothersome when my eyes are very 
tired, or very dry, or sometimes under certain light conditions.
Most of the time I simply do not notice them anymore unless I 
concentrate on them. (I also had cataract surgery a few years ago but 
that was after the vitreous detachments/floaters, for a while I noticed 
the floaters more again, but that also stopped with a little time).


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Re: CS>Re: MSM ( was >MSM rids Parasites)

2014-11-29 Thread sol

John Popelish wrote:

The ability to taste MSM must vary widely, from person to person.  I 
can taste the solid granules on my tongue (bitter taste), but a 
quarter teaspoon in a cup or a half teaspoon in a bottle of wine has 
no taste, as far as I can tell.
A few years ago when the idea of some people being "super tasters" was 
making the rounds, I did the test and supposedly I am a super taster. 
Also some years ago, I knew online people who could put bare steroid 
tablets in their mouth and could eve chew them. Not a good idea at all, 
BTW, but once when caught out without anything to wash my (cut) tablet 
down with, I tried dry swallowing it, and it took well over 4 hours for 
the gawdawful bitter nasty taste to fade. Ever after, I put the cut 
tablet pieces in gelatin capsules, was the only way I could get them 
down without them contacting my tongue, LOL.


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

Lena Guyot wrote:
Sub-lingually, it sees to give my immune system a major boost when I'm 
fighting an infection, and it always amplifies the other protocols I 
do. When I feel relatively fine, I just take a capsule by mouth with 
my other supplements.
As for being a mouth breather, you might find that misting CS up your 
nose/sinuses could perhaps change the underlying problem with that, as 
mouth-breathing is tough on the teeth and not really the way we were 
meant to breathe, especially in winter with dryness, etc.
Thanks, I do mist CS and or dropper it up my sinuses, and have done for 
about 10 years. I do know that mouth breathing is bad, I've just failed 
at every attempt to correct it, and I have tried lots of remedies, even 
taping my mouth shut.


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

Dan Nave wrote:
Why in the world would you want to extend the bitter taste by mixing 
MSM into anything? Â 

Just dump the crystals in your mouth, quick take a mouthful of water, 
swish it around quickly to surround the crystals, and swallow.  Take 
another mouthful of water.  Then go ahead and have your apple sauce, 
coffee, or whatever.  Coffee might be good, after the fact.  It will 
either make it taste less bitter by contrast, or make it more bitter, 
not sure.

Dan, that was exactly my feeling!

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

Dan Nave wrote:
Why in the world would you want to extend the bitter taste by mixing 
MSM into anything? Â 

Just dump the crystals in your mouth, quick take a mouthful of water, 
swish it around quickly to surround the crystals, and swallow.  Take 
another mouthful of water.  Then go ahead and have your apple sauce, 
coffee, or whatever.  Coffee might be good, after the fact.  It will 
either make it taste less bitter by contrast, or make it more bitter, 
not sure.

Dan, that was exactly my feeling!

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

Lena Guyot wrote:
My tongue is the biggest wuss, but I discovered that in this position, 
it really notices nothing. Then one hard swallow at the end, after the 
capsule has dissolved, chased by a gulp of some favorite liquid that 
you have handy, and you've just given your whole body a tremendous 
benefit. L
It is mainly that I am a lifelong mouth breather, I just don't think I 
can hold my tongue in that position for any length of time. I can't even 
do oil pulling for more than about 5 min.
What are the benefits you get from MSM? Are they definitive--i.e. you 
can say that MSM has fixed condition Z or symptom X?


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

Lena Guyot wrote:

Hi Sol,
I agree completely on the bitterness, which is why I wrote this, Nov. 27:

One adjunct that Marc Fett has suggested over at lymestrategies, is to 
take an MSM capsule, open it, drip in some CS to dissolve it, recap, 
pierce the side with a pin and tuck it under your tongue for 15 to 30 
min. By keeping your tongue plastered to the roof of your mouth, your 
taste-buds won't even notice,

 I saw your post, but just don't think I can do it.

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Re: CS>Re: MSM ( was >MSM rids Parasites)

2014-11-29 Thread sol


Hi terry:
   Thanks for the information. I have to try that coffee thing :-) Usually I 
drink a glass of water and then begin the coffee manufacture So far I have 
taken MSM (about a gram 1/4 tsp) crystals engulfed in something or the other 
soft mush.I found the crystal taste not very palatable. Thats why I was looking 
for masking agent. I wonder what it does to the taste of coffee..

For me it ruined the taste of coffee.

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

PT Ferrance wrote:

It may just mean you have good levels without supplementation.
That is an interesting idea. I have always craved onions and ate them 
almost daily. Lately they have been bothering me though.


I tried for at least a couple years to take MSM, but it gives me serious
diarrhea. I could never build up to the doses anecdotally said to be
effective. I still have some, and do use it with CS in eye and nose
drops and have used some topically at times. But I just can't take it
This might be somehow connected to my inablility to take any oral
magnesium without diarrhea. Something amiss in my guts I have never been
able to fix.

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol

Lena Guyot wrote:

Hi Sol,
Who knows? Marc Fett's adjunct of taking it with CS sublingually might 
work for you, as a small dose would circulate through the entire body 
via the blood vessels under the tongue, without so much contact with 
the digestive tract.

Be well,

I never thought of trying it sublingually. But honestly, I can't imagine 
taking something so incredibly bitter that way, LOL. Another thing I've 
run across is the idea of taking a small pinch of flowers of sulfur a 
day for 2-3 days to get rid of endotoxin producing gut bacteria. I'm 
wondering if MSM can do the same thing.


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #281

2014-11-29 Thread sol
I tried for at least a couple years to take MSM, but it gives me serious 
diarrhea. I could never build up to the doses anecdotally said to be 
effective. I still have some, and do use it with CS in eye and nose 
drops and have used some topically at times. But I just can't take it 
This might be somehow connected to my inablility to take any oral 
magnesium without diarrhea. Something amiss in my guts I have never been 
able to fix.


Terry Lee Gonzalez wrote:
Harsha, I take my MSM with my morning coffee because unlike a lot of 
supplements/nutrients it crosses the blood brain barrier and has an 
energizing effect (at about 5g).  In fact, I usually recommend to 
people that they NOT take MSM before they go to bed, because your 
brain will be so active you won't be able to fall asleep.  But back to 
your original question, MSM powder can be taken with either hot or 
cold liquid.  It is not degraded by heat.  So you could take it with 
hot tea, hot coffee or cold orange juice.  It can be added to a 
protein shake, apple sauce, yogurt or even soup!  The options are 
endless. Those of us who are truly hardcore put the powder on our 
tongues and wash it down with water.


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Re: CS>Storage of CS

2014-11-27 Thread sol

Reece Maxey wrote:

Thanks sol. I've seen comments that CS would degrade if exposed to light. I 
will probably keep
It in pantry.

I think CS only changes in light if it is unstable. To me that means CS 
with a LOT of particles or large particles or some contamination or other.
Mainly that problem would be particles agglomerating (think that is the 
right term) to where they are too large to stay suspended and drop  out 
of solution and/or the CS might turn color.  My CS here stays completely 
water clear. No silver dropping out of solution either.


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Re: CS>Storage of CS

2014-11-27 Thread sol
I store my finished CS in the plastic jug distilled water comes in. I do 
leave about 1/4 of each batch in the brew jar to start the next batch. 
The brew jar sits on my kitchen counter. Light has never been a problem.


Reece Maxey wrote:

I hope to begin producing my own CS soon. I would appreciate advice on the 
following as
pertains to storage: container material; exposure to light; ambient temperature 
and anything
else of importance.

A various assortment of AC/DC converters can be found at Thrift stores; some 
might be suit-
able for a CS generator with observing safety in mind. Many computer speaker 
systems have
adapters with 18-20 volt DC output. Would take longer than the 3 nine volt 
battery setup, but
should be successful.

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Re: CS>new member first post ..

2014-11-13 Thread sol
Uncleben! Welcome! Remember you from that other list, I went the 
opposite way, dropping off from the other list(s) and just staying here.

sol wrote:
Haven't figured out just how to post yet (it's probably in the initial 
info sent to me but I'll have
to go back through it). Anyhow, if this gets posted some may remember 
me from one of the 
older colloidal silver forums since I was on there for a good many 
years and have been using
and touting CS for a good fifteen years or so. 

The Silver List has always been considered THE colloidal silver list 
yet this is my first foray
into your territory. I'll try to be a good boy. Going through the 
archives I see some old familiar 
names and hope to see more. I use two CS machines, one from the Ode 
Coyote and one from
Trem Williams, My favorite tho, was one called a Harmony ll which has 
long since quit working. 

I've turned on many to the benefits of CS tho most have backslid for a 
multitude of reasons, the 
main one I suspect is they simply can not fathom that CS can do what 
we know it can.

Anyway, thank you for allowing me to join The Silver List.

Uncleben ..

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Re: CS>ARGENTYN 23 GEL- Info Request

2014-10-28 Thread sol
Just a further personal comment: I will not use anything that I can't 
get a complete ingredient list for, including all active and inactive 
ingredients and excipients. Any mfr that will not supply me with that 
information doesn't get my business. I just can't afford the risk.


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Re: CS>ARGENTYN 23 GEL- Info Request

2014-10-28 Thread sol
I have no experience with any CS gel because I'm allergic to the gelling 
ingredients. Just a thought because I notice most people forget to 
consider adverse reactions to any product might be caused by allergy to 
so-called "inactive" ingredients.


Tre wrote:
Hi. I have recently had bad side effects from using gel silver.  The brand is "ASAP HCP. Health. Max 24. Gel"   I recently burned the inside of my ear canals with the wrong medicine. The drainage is now 7 months ongoing and the skin is toxic from the drainage. I put the gel in my ears to only get much worse and the skin/ear lobes and behind goes into shock   A Naturepath recommends this brand. ARGENTYN 23 GEL.  What's the difference? I'm gun shy here. I ears are a war zone now very messed up. Don't even look like skin at all and feels very painful. I have high pain tolerance. Again what makes this silver work so much better ?  
Thank you all for your responses. 

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2014 #226

2014-10-20 Thread sol

Dee wrote:

It tells you how to unsubscribe at the bottom of each email! Dee
Just a FYI, not everyone sees the unsubscribe instructions that should 
appear in each email. Some email programs strip those off.


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Re: CS>Spanish Flu - Epidemic of 1918

2014-10-16 Thread sol

I've seen this aspirin connection other places as well. Might be a load 
of hooey, but it sounds plausible to me.


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Re: CS>I wish to use EIS for eye.

2014-10-04 Thread sol
That is what I do. Just 3 to 5 drops of DMSO added to a 1 oz dropper 
bottle of CS will do the trick. Can also add a tiny smidge of MSM. My 
eyes are already very dry, so straight CS droppered into the eyes is 
quite uncomfortable immediately. Add a lot of DMSO and/or MSM and it 
gets painful. Adding just a tiny bit does the trick.

Misting eyes from a spray bottle of straight CS is fine for me, maybe 
because it just doesn't get enough into the eyes to cause drying?

Anyhoo, I now also use Similisan Dry Eye Relief eye drops, recommended 
to me by my eye surgeon, because I can't use any of the other commercial 
eye drops. Interesting that the Similisan drops use silver sulfate as 
the preservative.


Dee wrote:

I know people who have used DMSO to counteract this effectdee

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On 4 Oct 2014, at 12:22, Victor Cozzetto <>> wrote:

Hi Dee,

We saturated (somewhat) the distilled water with silver, so it is 
less 'hungry' than straight distilled water. Any water is still not a 
great lubricant or moisturizer, but CS is the lesser of two evils 
when compared to DW.

I'm sure lots of people here can give much better and more accurate 
explanations :-)


On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Dee <>> wrote:

I would have thought this would be drying because of the
distilled water...dee

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Re: CS>New Generator choice of three?

2014-10-02 Thread sol
To add to what Ode said below: seeding a quart batch with about 1/4 to 
1/6 of previously made CS brings the time down to around 3-4 hours.


Ode Coyote wrote:
  Batch time depends on initial water quality and desired 
strength..very pure water takes longer.

Typically a quart batch will take between 7 and 9 hours to reach 15 PPM

Making 4 quarts takes less time than making a gallon. Some of the 
first quart can be used to "seed" the next to reduce over all time 
significantly, eliminating the water quality variable 'ramp up to 
current' period.
Since making very large batches spends a lot more time at the higher 
concentrations, if anything CAN go wrong, the odds increase that it 
will go wrong.
There is no mechanical limit to batch size, but environmental elements 
are better controlled making smaller batches.
You WILL need the magnetic stirrer for anything over a quart. [The 
Thermal Convection stirrer poops out at over 8 inches in vertical 
height.. a quart jar is  about 6 1/2" tall]


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Re: CS>New Generator choice of three?

2014-09-30 Thread sol

I own both the Silverpuppy and a Silvergen SG-6 and am very happy with 

I make quarts with the pup, and gallons with the SG-6.

If you "seed" the next batch by leaving approximately 1/4 of the 
previous batch in the brew jar, processing time is greatly reduced.


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Re: CS>OT - water distillers

2014-08-16 Thread sol

Joe Huard wrote:


LOL, yes that is what I meant.

On 2014-08-16 4:09 PM, sol wrote:

PT Ferrance wrote:
For those of you who use water distillers, how do you clean the dust 
that seems to collect on the cooling tube?  The aperature is too 
narrow for my fingers and a rag.  A brush didn't seem to get the job 


Vacuumed with a vac brush that has longer brush bristles than most. 
But also once in a while took the top apart to get at the tube, and 
baffles (is that what they are called?) and vacuumed it thoroughly.

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Re: CS>OT - water distillers

2014-08-16 Thread sol

PT Ferrance wrote:
For those of you who use water distillers, how do you clean the dust 
that seems to collect on the cooling tube?  The aperature is too 
narrow for my fingers and a rag.  A brush didn't seem to get the job done.

Vacuumed with a vac brush that has longer brush bristles than most. But 
also once in a while took the top apart to get at the tube, and baffles 
(is that what they are called?) and vacuumed it thoroughly.

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Re: CS>Do-It-Yourself Dehydroascorbic Vitamin C

2014-08-13 Thread sol

Ron wrote:
The 'serum' that you put on your face was a mixture of CS & vit C 
which caused the discoloration to be only at applied areas?

Separately applied. I was applying the homemade serum C, then later 
misting my eyes/face with CS.


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Re: CS>Do-It-Yourself Dehydroascorbic Vitamin C

2014-08-13 Thread sol
Don't remember if I was actually drinking any CS at the time, I don't 
think I was, though I may have still been using it as mouthwash. As far 
as I could tell, it was only in the skin layers, it didn't come from 
internally ingested CS, but from the topical application of both CS and 
vit C.


André Juthe wrote:
How much silver ions did you drink meanwhile you were putting the vit 
C on your face? 

2014-08-09 23:54 GMT+02:00 sol <>>:

mgperrault wrote:

  I wonder if there are interactions with CS and AA and DHAA...

I think there may well be. Vit C/ascorbic acid can cause a
photoreactivity type reaction with silver. I forget what this is
About 3 years ago, I began using homemade vit C serum on my face,
and continued to do my almost daily misting of face/eyes when out
in public. I managed to give myself argryia of the face,
particularly under eyes and under around my chin area, you know,
where the wrinkles are that I was trying to get rid of. It wasn't
so bad strangers were staring at me or anything, but my husband
and son really noticed it.

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Re: CS>Do-It-Yourself Dehydroascorbic Vitamin C

2014-08-09 Thread sol

mgperrault wrote:

  I wonder if there are interactions with CS and AA and DHAA...
I think there may well be. Vit C/ascorbic acid can cause a 
photoreactivity type reaction with silver. I forget what this is called.
About 3 years ago, I began using homemade vit C serum on my face, and 
continued to do my almost daily misting of face/eyes when out in public. 
I managed to give myself argryia of the face, particularly under eyes 
and under around my chin area, you know, where the wrinkles are that I 
was trying to get rid of. It wasn't so bad strangers were staring at me 
or anything, but my husband and son really noticed it.


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Re: CS>Do-It-Yourself Dehydroascorbic Vitamin C

2014-08-09 Thread sol

He doesn't look very healthy to me. And his fingernails look awful.

Doug wrote:

Dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA) is a form of vitamin C that is absorbed 
much better than common ascorbic acid (AA). When taken orally, 5 grams 
of DHAA results in peak blood plasma vitamin C levels twice as high as 
AA or liposomal C. DHAA for dietary use can be made by an economical, 
do-it-yourself method right at home. I have published a YouTube video 
that teaches you how to make it. This is a very long video (45 
minutes) that discusses the science behind why DHAA is absorbed so 
much better, shows actual blood absorption data comparing various oral 
forms of vitamin C, and demonstrates in great detail the DIY method 
for making DHAA. People who are interested in achieving high blood 
levels of vitamin C will be very interested. I am going to post a link 
to this video here, but before I do, please be informed of the 
following disclosure and notice:

My name is Doug Kitt, and I am a commercial vendor of vitamin C 
products. I have a commercial interest in the video. The name of my 
company is mentioned several times, and one of my products is briefly 
discussed. You will be asked for a donation at the end of the video. 
Furthermore, data is presented that some people consider critical of 
liposomal C. If any of these things is likely to offend you, please 
don’t click on the link!

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Re: CS>ear infection

2014-08-02 Thread sol
Mike, I read somewhere that mixing DMSO with peroxide converts it into 
MSM. So I don't.


M.G. Devour wrote:

On Sat, 2014-08-02 at 09:03 +0100, Dee wrote:

If you mix DMSO with the silver it should penetrate the ear if you put
it in externallydee

Not to mention the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial
properties of the DMSO itself.

I've never tried mixing dmso with peroxide in the ears. That seems like
it'd be good. Has anyone done that experiment yet?


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Re: CS>ear infection

2014-07-26 Thread sol

evelyn wrote:

I have been trying to cure a sealed ear infection with silver.  It 
worked a lot, so long as my ear was not inflamed.  Now I am active 
and it is always getting inflamed.  The curing stopped.  My question 
is really, how much should I/ can I take? I am taking Source 
Naturals 30ppm. Now I take 1-2tsp/day. Â I am avoiding the sun like 
the plague.

Thank you so much for any advice.
You can use the CS with about 10% DMSO added (9 parts CS, 1 part DMSO) 
as ear drops. My understanding and experience is that CS alone will not 
penetrate the ear tissues, but add DMSO and it will. Nose drops or a 
once or twice sinus rinse might also be helpful for a human. I used 
CS/MSM/DMSO ear drops plus twice a day nebulizing with same for a bunny 
with a lifelong chronic ear/upper respiratory infection, along with 
standard rabbit safe antibiotics. He had to have all of it daily for 
many years, but he did live to be 12.

For us humans here, I tend to use what worked on my animal(s).

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Re: CS>Nebulizers.

2014-07-26 Thread sol

Ron wrote:
I should have said - How long at a single treatment? Like 10 minutes 
or ? Surely there is a limit to a single length of consumption.
With a handheld nebulizer one treatment lasts about 5 to 10 min, 
depending on how much liquid the nebulizer cup holds.

Larger standard nebulizers used with a mask probably can do a longer 
one, but I'm not sure, never  having used one.


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Thunderbird, was Re: CS>Cannabis Oil Without THC or With Doesn't Matter

2014-07-20 Thread sol
I use an older version of Thunderbird and have no problems at all with 
the silverlist or the silverOT list.
I tried newer versions of TB, but absolutely hated them. But then I'm an 
old fogy, heck, I'd still be using Windows 95 if I could, LOL.



2Words wrote:

BTW - does anyone know why I can't view all of the messages in 
Thunderbird's windowpane? Now I have to open each one individually 
because they're detected as *attachments*.

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CS>Never use honey for hummingbirds was, RE: CS in hummingbird nectar?

2014-05-26 Thread sol
I may be being overcautious, but just in case the recent morph of the 
topic into bees and honey might make someone think honey would be good 
for making hummingbird syrup:

*Why You Should NEVER Use Honey:*

A honey water solution served up in hummingbird feeders can quickly 
become /toxic and deadly./ Honey rapidly ferments and also cultures a 
deadly bacterium. Contrary to popular belief, honey is not "more 
natural" than the cane sugar that is sold as white sugar. Honey has 
been chemically altered by honey bees: it is flower nectar and 
whatever ever else the honey bee ingested, digested, and spit back out 
again. Honey is /nothing like/ the sucrose found in flower nectar and 
white sugar.

Again, plain white table sugar dissolved in water in a four-to-one 
solution (see below) is about as close to real flower nectar as you 
can get.


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Re: CS>RE: Bladder infections.

2014-05-26 Thread sol

Ron wrote:

Mahvalus Malcolm,
I didn't really expect to hear from anybody that knew about it first 
Well I won't try it unless my temperature goes up which tells me the 
infection is serious and that the bacteria (which will always be 
present) have reached 'critical mass'. Gotta get away from antibiotics 
My urologist? I asked him by leaving the question with his office. He 
did not even return my call.

In the meantime I'll try steam distilled water.

DMSO infusions have been used medically for interstitial cystitis. 
Can't remember details, but you might want to research it. I myself 
would not hesitate to use a mix of CS and DMSO put directly into my 
bladder.  According to Dr. Stanley Jacobs (its "discoverer") DMSO cannot 
take bacteria into body tissues. They are too large to be transported by 

More info at   and


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Re: CS>CS in hummingbird nectar?

2014-05-25 Thread sol

Douglas Haack wrote:

Easy solution. Clean the feeder thoroughly and regularly!
I second that and would only add to not fill the feeders with more syrup 
than the birds will eat in 2-3 days. Even in cooler weather I don't like 
to let feeders go unchanged (wash out well with every fill) more than 4 
days, maximum.


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Re: CS>Water distilling...

2014-04-20 Thread sol

M.G. Devour wrote:

Sarah: I don't distill my own water, but others here do. They can
recommend brands for a home distiller and Sol, if I remember right, has
thoroughly wrangled the methods down to a science. Chime in folks!

Be well,

Mike D.


Hi Mike,
 Sarah, yes I did distill my own water for about 5 years. I had an 
inexpensive distiller, after I bought it I found out that some of that 
make/model cannot distill water pure enough for CS making. I was lucky. 
If I had to I would probably get another, but after my distiller died I 
checked out commercial distilled water again, and found that the local 
store brand is pure enough, so I didn't get another distiller. 
I don't remember the brand of the distiller, but if you search the list 
archives you should find old posts of mine about it in which I gave details.

HTH a little,

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Re: CS>boron

2014-03-05 Thread sol
But..boron also causes increased estrogen, and at least some 
people (me) have symptoms of excess parathyroid hormone already.
I'm still debating with myself whether a trial is worth the risk of 
increased estrogen and PTHthe list of benefits is intriguing.

But before I try it I'd like to hear from someone who supplements it who 
has low calcium, low D, high estrogen, and to high PTH...


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Re: CS>I vote for email list

2014-02-21 Thread sol

 That is a big relief! I very much prefer email list format. I do 
belong to a few forums, but I really do not like the forum format. It 
seems so much more cumbersome to me, and slow, and I think I miss out on 
a lot of information due to not seeing all posts on many topics in one 
place, if that makes any sense. Makes it much more convenient and faster 
to "dip my toe in" to subject lines I would have thought held no 
interest for me. I even personally prefer an email list to the facebook 
forums as well.


M.G. Devour wrote:

Debbie asks:

Did I miss something? Is there a change being voted on?

No, Debbie, I just stuck my toe in the water to see what people's
thinking is on the utility of the list, other resources, and group
format. No immediate changes being planned, just me wondering.

Be well!

Mike D.


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Re: CS>Radiations Levels Hit an All-Time High Yesterday 140+ Midlands

2014-01-06 Thread sol

Thanks! That actually makes me feel better.

Marshall wrote:
Iodine really only protects you against one isotope, iodine 131 to be 
specific.  It does nothing for the dozens of other isotopes.

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Re: CS>Radiations Levels Hit an All-Time High Yesterday 140+ Midlands

2014-01-06 Thread sol
Interesting. Wondering if zeolite would chelate iodine. As is when I 
accidentally get "iodined" and go into a severe allergic flare.

Do you have a brand to recommend? This might be worth experimenting with.

Bob Banever wrote:

Those are good. One of the best chelators for metals is zeolite. 
Zeolites were fed to people, animals, and even spread on the ground at 
Chernobyl. The positive charge inside it’s cage like structure 
attracts metals including radionuclides into it where they bind to it. 
They are then harmlessly excreted out via the bowels and kidneys.

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Re: CS>Radiations Levels Hit an All-Time High Yesterday 140+ Midlands

2014-01-06 Thread sol
Should have added I'm also extremely allergic to nickel. Zeolite should 
work on that, right?


Bob Banever wrote:

Those are good. One of the best chelators for metals is zeolite. 
Zeolites were fed to people, animals, and even spread on the ground 
at Chernobyl. The positive charge inside it’s cage like structure 
attracts metals including radionuclides into it where they bind to 
it. They are then harmlessly excreted out via the bowels and kidneys.

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Re: CS>Radiations Levels Hit an All-Time High Yesterday 140+ Midlands

2014-01-06 Thread sol

Joe Huard wrote:
A Faraday cage is only good for stopping EMF from getting to you. 
Radiation will have to be stopped using other methods, like Lugol's 

Is there any other substance or mineral that can replace iodine for this 
purpose? Otherwise, as someone who is extremely allergic to iodine in 
all forms, I can just kiss my heinie goodbye?


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #346

2014-01-06 Thread sol

Dan Nave wrote:
Don't take everything so personally Deborah. 

  I took your "fear" statement to refer to the content at the link 
Deborah posted and did not see it as being directed to her.


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Re: CS>Question About Body Vibration

2014-01-02 Thread sol
PT, could you give details of how you used the steel plate? Or tell me 
if you have already posted details here and I'll search the archives.


PT Ferrance wrote:
Yes they are.  I solved this with a couple of pieces of 1/4" steel 
plate.  I could feel the difference.

*From:* Deborah Gerard 

Aren't people supposed to be affected by the smart meter's that are 
being installed on peoples homes?

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Re: CS>OT: Help! need IsoCort!

2013-12-16 Thread sol
I have always used hydrocortisone (generic equivalents of the U.S. brand 
Cortef). Never tried Isocort as the other ingredients were problematic 
for me. With such a small dose as you were using, you might do well with 
topical hydrocortisone cream. I've recently read that absorption of 
topicals is approx, 20 % of a stated dosage, so you'd have to play with 
dosing it. I use HC as either topical cream or as tablets.


Lena Guyot wrote:

Hi Folks,

For several years, I have used Bezwecken's IsoCort to support my 
adrenals that had been pretty much fried by decades of Lyme. I've gone 
from dragging listlessly to feeling energetic and can-do by slowly 
ramping up to 4 pellets a day. The top dose is 8 pellets a day, but 
I've done well on 4. IsoCort has supported my adrenals and in doing 
that, things pointing to thyroid issues have eased. I've been very 
happy with this product.

Hair-on-fire HELP!

It's now not available! Everyone's out of stock! Rumors of recall. 
Dunno what's going on. I have one bottle left, but it won't last 
forever and I'm wondering what else works in a similar fashion for 
some of you out there who may be supporting your poor adrenals.

I'd be so grateful to go into the new year knowing I've got my future 
supplies covered somehow. 
If anyone knows what's going on; if this situation temporary, or, if 
not, what works like Isocort, I'd  really appreciate whatever info you 

Darn! One gets a system that works and then someone 'fixes' it! Hardly 
seems fair. Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #330

2013-12-15 Thread sol
I use Morton's canning and pickling salt, it is not iodized and contains 
no additives.
I also get a kosher salt that is safe for me. All sea salts contain 
iodine in some amount, though often less than iodized commercial refined 

I can't use any sea salt, nor any iodized salt of any kind.

ASL wrote:

Hi Melly,
Does the sea salt that you bought from Bolivia have iodine in it? My 
DC says I cannot eat anything with iodine as it makes me very ill. So 
I need to ingest salt without iodine. 


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Re: CS>RE> Fukushima And Ocean Products

2013-12-14 Thread sol

M.G. Devour wrote:

the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" approach western
governments seem to be taking to the Fukushima crisis. Rather than stop
radiation testing or raise "safe" exposure levels like our government
has done, they just point out the obvious and say, "We won't let you
sell us your contaminated food." Great stuff, huh?

And a good laugh considering the contaminated foodstuffs and other 
products China sells us.

The hypocrisy is hysterically funny.

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Re: CS>OT - Nutri Bullet

2013-11-14 Thread sol
After reading reviews of the nutribullet at Amazon, I just got the 48 oz 
container for my vitamix. Kinda wish I had gotten the 32 oz one instead 


Lena Guyot wrote:
I suspect they sell so many thousands of these that they've figured 
out no questions/receipt replacement is the easiest, cheapest way to 
keep their reputation and fan base happy. I know so many people with 
big Vita-mixes who've switched to the compact Nutribullet, and some 
who have bought second ones to take to work. It's so nice when 
something turns out to be as good as it claims.

Be well,

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Re: CS>silver photod eveloping in or on skin

2013-11-04 Thread sol
I'm not explaining clearly, sorry. The greyness does not move around. I 
thought as skin cells are shed, it would completely go away after a 
while. But its been about 3 years I think, and still there, but it is 
lighter than it was when it first appeared, but not gone.  I would not 
have  ever thought that a topical  photo stain from  the combo of vit C 
and CS would go so deep in the skin it wouldn't be shed as the skin 
cells move up and slough off.


Ode Coyote wrote:

  If the crease stays in the same place and you have used CS on your 
face for several years, why would the stain move around?


At 09:38 AM 11/4/2013 -0700, you wrote:
So why would the stain stay in the same places for several years? I 
thought skin cells turned over faster than that?
The stain if that is what it is, is darker inside the creases, so 
maybe I'm completely wrong? Maybe there is some other cause?


Ode Coyote wrote:
   When silver ions 'dry'  they oxidize into silver oxide which will 
stain the skin.

IT'S A VERY STUBBORN STAIN... like a dyebut
This is not argryia.

 There is LESS light exposure in a crease, but also less scrubby action.


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Re: CS>silver photod eveloping in or on skin

2013-11-04 Thread sol
So why would the stain stay in the same places for several years? I 
thought skin cells turned over faster than that?
The stain if that is what it is, is darker inside the creases, so maybe 
I'm completely wrong? Maybe there is some other cause?


Ode Coyote wrote:
   When silver ions 'dry'  they oxidize into silver oxide which will 
stain the skin.

IT'S A VERY STUBBORN STAIN... like a dyebut
This is not argryia.

 There is LESS light exposure in a crease, but also less scrubby action.


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Re: CS>silver photo developing in or on skin

2013-11-03 Thread sol

sol wrote:
Basic question re silver in the skin  "photo-developing" in light is 
which light wavelength causes the "developing".
Will the wavelengths 590, 660, 880 cause silver on or in the skin to 


Looking through the archives I found this post from Marshall Dudley:
Unless I misunderstand and unless skin has "other substances in the 
which absorb the light, then pass the energy on to the silver to expose 
it." I should be ok using LEDs of 590 to 880.

I guess I can only try and watch for any worsening of the greyed skin.

  Re: CS>Uh Oh...Blue Fingernails

Marshall Dudley 
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 07:17:45 -0800 

For a photon of light to cause any action, it must be absorbed.  Clear CS does
not absorb any light in the visible spectrum at all, so if any change were to be
expected it would HAVE to come from interaction with ultraviolet.  Now if you
have yellow colored CS then the light absorbed is in the violet and ultraviolet
spectrum, so the longest wavelength that could affect it wold be violet.
It is very well known how silver compounds at least react with light.  This is
the basis of almost all photography.  The longer the wavelength of the light, 

larger the particle has to be normally. Thus film use to not be sensitive to red
or infrared light at all.  However more modern films have other substances in 

emulsion which absorb the light, then pass the energy on to the silver to expose
it.  This allows modern fine grained films to be sensitive to all colors, and
even infrared.

Thus it is apparent that for silver activation a resonance is not required, only
a minimum quanta of energy.


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Re: CS>silver photod eveloping in or on skin

2013-11-03 Thread sol

123 456 wrote:

Sol...what was the reason behind using  the  CS and  vit  C  in the
first  place?
Was it rosacea as you mentioned?
Two completely separate things. I spray my eyes with CS to keep from 
catching colds or flu. The only cold I've had in the past 10 + years was 
when I had stopped doing the misting.

The vit C was for purely cosmetic reasons, supposed to help skin be 
smoother, softer, less wrinkles. Vanity! I don't recall if it helped the 
rosacea or not. In fact I don't know that I do have rosacea, I have a 
red rash on my face literally all the time, for umpteen years. It gets 
darker red and bumpy when I'm in an urticaria flare, but never leaves 


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CS>silver photod eveloping in or on skin

2013-11-03 Thread sol
I have some very mild argryia in my face. Under eyes, and in the creases 
beside my mouth and a bit in the crease of chin.
I mist my eyes with CS when I have been out in public. The grey came on 
after I had started using vit C serum and cream on my face (spraying CS 
over top of those wasn't a good idea apparently). Since stopping the C 
products it reduced to nearly undetectable, but has not gone entirely. I 
do not want to make the grey areas darker, obviously.

But, I want to use red and/or yellow LED lights on my face (supposed to 
help rosacea), but am wondering if they will increase the argryia?

Basic question re silver in the skin  "photo-developing" in light is 
which light wavelength causes the "developing".
Will the wavelengths 590, 660, 880 cause silver on or in the skin to 


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Re: CS>soap for brushing teeth

2013-10-16 Thread sol



Dan Nave wrote:

3648 drops of Colloidal Silver per each drop of water.


On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 9:26 PM, RaVen <>> wrote:

How many drops do I give CS to my dog's water bowl? He's a small
dog, about 15 lbs.

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Re: CS>soap for brushing teeth

2013-10-15 Thread sol
I'd give your dogs CS as their drinking water. Straight, not diluted. 
Also you can mix CS into any wet food they eat.


ASL wrote:
I have aching teeth (hyper-sensitive) teeth due to fibromyalgia --- 
mouth sores are usually an allergy to something. If I eat certain 
nuts, I immediately get mouth sores. Baking soda I can only tolerate a 
few times a month  I've been reading up on Neem oil supposedly to 
be a great bacteria fighter for gum diseases. 

I'm curious if anyone uses colloidal silver for dogs with gum disease 
and tartar issues? I don't want to spend $200.00 for vet to deep clean 
if I can prevent it myself. Tips anyone? 

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Re: CS>soap for brushing teeth

2013-10-15 Thread sol
I have had the bad reaction to using baking soda for tooth brushing 
since childhood, and I'm 67. I seriously doubt I've had underlying 
infection for over almost 60 years, LOL.


Scott Adams wrote:

Maybe you have an underlying infection? It could be triggering it and causing 
the eruptions.
-Original Message-----
From: sol []

Scott Adams wrote:

My family has been using pure baking soda for years. Nothing else and
it has given us glowing dental checkups. Cheap, easy, effective.


It gives me mouth sores and aching teeth. I wonder why it works so well for 
many people and causes me such nasty problems?

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Re: CS>soap for brushing teeth

2013-10-15 Thread sol

Scott Adams wrote:

My family has been using pure baking soda for years. Nothing else and 
it has given us glowing dental checkups. Cheap, easy, effective.

It gives me mouth sores and aching teeth. I wonder why it works so well 
for many people and causes me such nasty problems?


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Re: CS>CS for ear infection

2013-10-08 Thread sol

PT Ferrance wrote:
For a swimmer's ear I used 1/2 peroxide and 1/2 alcohol.  It always 
worked well.


Interesting. Never would have thought of combining those two things. 
Going to try it.


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Re: CS>CS for ear infection

2013-10-08 Thread sol

Marshall wrote:

I agree, H2O2 works very well also.


I have just recently been having ear pain and H202 didn't work. It has 
always worked in the past, but not this time. Tried some CS with a bit 
of DMSO and that helped quite a bit. The cause seems to be the several 
hours a day/night that I wear an earbud in that ear. But seems strange 
that would be a problem suddenly as it has been a habit of years to use 
the earbud almost daily. Going to put some more CS/DMSO in the ear 
tonight, and have purchased some actual headphones, too.


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Re: CS>how to change address for list

2013-09-28 Thread sol
I think you subscribe under the new address first, then when you are 
sure you are receiving emails from the list, unsub your previous address.


Paula Perry wrote:

Could someone tell me how to change my address for this list? I need to change 
my email address.

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Re: CS>Effect of the sun on silver water?

2013-09-21 Thread sol
I don't think putting a silver coin in water and putting the jar in the 
sun is going to produce EIS, if that is what you are asking?


On 21/09/2013 2:59 AM, Jodi wrote:
Greetings everyone - I tried posting the other day but I'm not sure 
it made it to you all. I am wondering if anyone here knows what 
effect the sun would have on electrically isolated silver in water, 
or on water with a silver coin in it. Thanks in advance for any of 
your thoughts. Jodi

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Re: CS>RE: Vitamin E

2013-08-29 Thread sol

I'm so glad you posted that. I'm allergic to annatto so will steer clear 
of that product.


melly wrote:

I’ve learned that the annatto derived vitamin E – Tocotrienol by AC Grace

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Re: CS>Inquiry about Archives.

2013-08-17 Thread sol

 My gums were not swollen, just receded.

Dan Nave wrote:
If that's the case, I would think that healing the swollen gums caused 
your eroded root area to be more exposed, causing greater sensitivity.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:17 PM, sol <>> wrote:

Dan Nave wrote:

I hope that no-one is dissuaded from using K2 because of your
No doubt you experienced increased tooth sensitivity, but for
what reason?  I would hesitate to propose a direct cause
and effect relationship between K2 and tooth sensitivity as a
general principle.  I know you have some extreme health
challenges, so there may be something going on because of this.

You could be right, but I wasn't the only person on that
particular list to experience increased tooth sensitivity from vit K.

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Re: CS>Inquiry about Archives.

2013-08-16 Thread sol

Dan Nave wrote:
I hope that no-one is dissuaded from using K2 because of your 

No doubt you experienced increased tooth sensitivity, but for what 
reason?  I would hesitate to propose a direct cause and effect 
relationship between K2 and tooth sensitivity as a general 
principle.  I know you have some extreme health challenges, so there 
may be something going on because of this.

You could be right, but I wasn't the only person on that particular list 
to experience increased tooth sensitivity from vit K.


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Re: CS>Inquiry about Archives.

2013-08-13 Thread sol
Here's a funny thing, K2 was recommended to me for dental and 
periodontal problems, including sensitive teeth due to exposed tooth roots.
I tried it but rather than helping anything it made my tooth sensitivity 
worse.  I only wish it had worked, because if it had, perhaps I could 
have avoided the gum graft surgery I had last week.


Dan Nave wrote:
Of course, EIS with 10% to 20% DMSO swished in the mouth for 15 
minutes every couple of weeks does a lot for periodontal problems, but 
what I have found that seems to work for me is the supplement vitamin 
K2, particularly the MK-7 variety of K2.

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Re: CS>arthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread sol

Monique Sauve wrote:
I hear you sol. Eating autoimmune paleo is so restrictive as it is. I 
find eating this way I don't need to rotate these foods. I wonder 
however if people could add in occasional cheats every 4 days and not 
be as hurt by them?  Never tried so not sure.

Probably some can, I can't. I can cheat maybe once or twice a month if I 
dose up with antihistamines beforehand, and keep antihistamine doses 
higher for a couple days after.  And if I'm already itching or hiving, 
forget it, LOL.


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Re: CS>arthritus

2013-08-12 Thread sol

Monique Sauve wrote:
I can't take fish oil as it gives me hormonal issues - actually 
increased my inflammation in certain areas.

Sticking my oar in againI can't take fish oil due to allergy 
issues, but I have had a big decrease in joint pain from avoiding 
polyunsaturated fatty acids (vegetable oils like soy, canola, corn, and 
so on). I also completely stopped flax oil, and evening primrose oil.
All the PUFA oxidize as soon as they are ingested, even if not oxidized 
before that. Fish oils are the MOST oxidizable of PUFAS, and I have read 
of people saying fish oil helped inflammation at first, but over time 
made it worse.


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Re: CS>arthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread sol

Monique Sauve wrote:
Sounds like a rotation diet. If you only eat the same food every 4 
days there is much less chance of reacting to it.

Quite right, but some of us don't have enough safe foods to do a 4 day 
rotation. Hell, I can't even do a two day rotation. I simply try not to 
eat the same foods two meals in a row, but sometimes, in order to avoid 
histamine build up in leftover meats, I can't even do that. It is a 
frustration for me.


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Re: CS>arthritus -- avoid foods

2013-08-12 Thread sol

Judy Knowlton wrote:

Don't forget to avoid the "nightshades."
Potato, tomato, eggplant, green pepper, paprika  and cheddar cheese!
Judy Down Maine

Why cheddar cheese?

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Re: CS>milk of magnesia

2013-07-26 Thread sol

  My thoughts exactly.  Perhaps they are natural contaminants? Still 
toxic though.


Marshall wrote:

On 7/26/2013 1:10 PM, sol wrote:
Read it more carefully. Sodium hypochlorite? Only one of the 
miscellaneous things it contains that I don't want go ingest.

That is bad enough, but strontium, barium and beryllium?  Why would 
they be in there, they are all toxic.


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Re: CS>milk of magnesia

2013-07-26 Thread sol
It is still going to have the toxic stuff in it though. They do not 
magically disappear? Can you state the chemical reactions which occur to 
transform them into non-toxins?


PT Ferrance wrote:
Then you would be missing an excellent and cheap source of magnesium.  
When combined with the carbonic acid in the club soda it forms a whole 
new substance which is capable of quick delivery of magnesium to the 



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Re: CS>milk of magnesia

2013-07-26 Thread sol

Alan Jones wrote:

OK, I'll bite -- why?  I skimmed the article and nothing jumped out.

Read it more carefully. Sodium hypochlorite? Only one of the 
miscellaneous things it contains that I don't want go ingest.

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CS>milk of magnesia

2013-07-26 Thread sol

Think I personally will give it a miss.

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Re: CS>Inexpensive lasers at Walmart

2013-07-14 Thread sol
Tyndall can be very fine and faint, or very dense and fine, or dense 
with bigger, almost flakes showing in it. Those are the primary 
variations I personally have seen. It can be fun to deliberately make a 
very yellow batch of CS and check the tyndall, and compare it to a batch 
that is water clear.


Gidon Kenar wrote:

That's interesting. Yet, it's only an eye sight estimation that I can use
working with this effect, not some "Hard" measuring, is it?
And also, if I correctly understand, the smaller the silver is, the fainter
the Tynadll effect will be and the better my EIS is. Am I right here?

Gidon Kenar


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Re: CS>Silver Biotics

2013-07-07 Thread sol

Gidon Kenar wrote:

Hi All,
I found this claims for extra efficient EIS due to e special chemical
structure at Silver Biotics here
 What do you think of this? Is it really that better?

No. Another bunch of misleading hype.


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Re: CS>Has anyone treated birds with CS?

2013-07-01 Thread sol

Jennifer wrote:
Sorry forgot paste link so you know the type of ACV to look for. 
Natural food stores and sometimes larger grocery stores will carry 
this brand. You must get real apple cider vinegar with the mother, not 
the other stuff grocery stores sometimes sell...

I have personally found regular pasteurized apple cider vinegar to work 
as well as the claims for Bragg's. I can't use unpasteurized vinegars 
because I react to the yeasts and molds in that constitute the "mother".


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Re: CS>Has anyone treated birds with CS?

2013-06-30 Thread sol

123 456 wrote:

I have a pet chicken who has the sneezes.

Only had birds for the past few years so never encountered any
sickness before this.
Chickita is definitly not a happy little camper.
I can't locate any antibiotics until Tues so I have to make do until then.

Has anyone else ever treated birds before?

I remember reading about a person who used CS in a nebulizer for a 
chicken. Don't remember any details. We add CS in the bird baths 
outdoors all summer long. So I know it is safe to add to bird drinking 
water. I sometimes also use it to wipe down feeder ports and perches.


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Re: CS>Has anyone treated birds with CS?

2013-06-30 Thread sol

123 456 wrote:

I have a pet chicken who has the sneezes.

Only had birds for the past few years so never encountered any
sickness before this.
Chickita is definitly not a happy little camper.
I can't locate any antibiotics until Tues so I have to make do until then.

Has anyone else ever treated birds before?

I remember reading about a person who used CS in a nebulizer for a 
chicken. Don't remember any details. We add CS in the bird baths 
outdoors all summer long. I sometimes also use it to wipe down feeder 
ports and perches.


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Re: CS>My story

2013-06-19 Thread sol

Cyndi wrote:

I took massive doses for 6 months, at least a cup per day and did not 
develop turn blue.
I guess "massive doses" depends on the individual defining "massive". I 
took between a pint and a quart a day for at least 2 years.. Do have 
"blue moons" that have never gone away, and for the past 5 or so years 
have only used CS as needed, though I do use it for mouthwash and spit 
it out.
I have grey circles under my eyes, but I had those when I was 2 years 
old, LOL.


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #170

2013-06-13 Thread sol

 In a way you make my point.everything that is part of the universe 
is "natural" the important part is that "natural" does NOT equate to 


Marshall wrote:
First recent evidence is that petroleum is not from plants and 
animals, but rather methane is outgassed from the center of the earth, 
and some is trapped as natural gas.  Under heat and pressure it over 
long periods of time becomes petroleum.  There is not complete 
agreement, and some geologists do still think it is from plants and 
animals though.

Petroleum is made up of lots of hydrocarbons from very short to very 
long chains and also a number of cyclic compounds.  Some of the 
compounds are very toxic, such as benzene and ether, others are 
completely inert, such as petroleum jelly and mineral oil.


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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #170

2013-06-13 Thread sol

PT Ferrance wrote:

Then why is crude oil considered a carcinogen by some?
There are a lot of natural carcinogens, geez not everything "natural" is 
safe or healthy. Rattlesnake venom is natural, arsenic is natural, 
fluoride is natural, cadmium and uranium are 
natural.aluminum is the third or fourth most common 
element in the earth's crust yet everyone is fanatically terrified of 
it, it is very high is sea salts yet people ingest sea salt as if they 
contain no heavy metals at all, go figure. Why people decide one thing 
is wonderful and something else is dangerous and on what basis has 
always mystified me. I'm sure my own personal decisions are as weird as 

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2013 #170

2013-06-12 Thread sol

PT Ferrance wrote:

petroleum USP is made from petroleum.
Ummm, petroleum is made from plants and animals by the geologic 
processes of the earth, and thus is as natural as any refined vegetable oil.


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Re: CS>Renee~

2013-04-22 Thread sol

Jason Vale wrote:

get her on the apricot seeds

I would be amazed if that wasn't something she had tried.

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Re: CS>Renee~

2013-04-22 Thread sol
If it isn't too upsetting to anyone, I'd like to know what kind of 
cancer she had. I probably knew at one time, but can't remember.


Joe Huard wrote:
I would just like to ask if anyone knows how old Renée was? Was her 
passing a surprise due to being exceptionally young. My mother died at 
61, and I thought that was young, but she had 8 kids.

IMHO, we will all die and we will all come back here again many times.
Renée was on most of the groups that I was on, and we communicated a 
few times. I'll miss her, too.

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