RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Byrne, Steven


I guess I have to reiterate what others have said earlier today: how do
you deal with handling or enforcing composition order?  I.e. are you
implicitly assuming/requiring that the various elements in the chain are
orthogonal with respect to changes in the input/output stream or
changes in state that other elements in the chain might have visibility
into?  Or do you assume that the composition order is part of the
interface specification, document accordingly, and hope that your
clients will read and follow the ordering specification?


  Yep this is looking sexy.
 Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  To 
 say nothing of the fact that you can compose your own request 
 processor pipeline to boot.
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Re: [OT] Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Paul Speed
And to add another pedantic log to the fire... :)

Quoted from because it's easier than looking it up in
a real text:
et al

adv 1: used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masc. plural) or `et 
aliae' (fem. plural) or `et alia' (neut. plural) when referring to a 
number of people [syn: et al., and others] 2: used as an abbreviation 
of `et alibi' when referring to other occurrences in a text [syn: et 
al., and elsewhere]

I think the second one fits.  I always fidget about the missing
period personally, but I'm working through those issues. ;)


Micael wrote:
 Sigh!  I cannot stand bad grammar, so once again I must remind my nerd
 friends that et al strictly applies to people, and that an ActionForward,
 while dear to my heart, is just not a person.  LOL!  I hope you take this
 as interesting and new knowledge and not as a pain in the patoosh.  Bye 'd bye!
 At 08:40 PM 8/12/2003 +0100, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
 --- PILGRIM, Peter, FM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
 *think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be an interface
 Why would want the ActionContext to be an interface?
 Well, ServletContext is an interface and it makes sense for this to be an
 interface rather than an unnecessarily limiting base class.
 I presume that there would be default implementation , then.
 What I am getting at here, this default implementation
 could be extended by normal web application developers,
 say to add in security profile information.
 Non-trival web application, say framework developers like myself,
 would write implementation of the interface. In Expresso
 there are two contextes ( ControllerRequest and ControllerResponse)
 abstractions of the web servlet request and servlet response.
 We can write controller that run outside of the web app environment.
 I think this is where you are going with the ActionContext interface.
 If the interface was supposed to be environment free what would
 this interface be?
 Peter Pilgrim
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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread David Graham
  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
  *think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be 
  an interface
 Why would want the ActionContext to be an interface?

Well, ServletContext is an interface and it makes sense for this to be an
interface rather than an unnecessarily limiting base class.


 Peter Pilgrim,
 Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
 Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

 This e-mail is intended only for the addressee named above.
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
David Graham wrote:

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
*think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be 
an interface

Why would want the ActionContext to be an interface?

Well, ServletContext is an interface and it makes sense for this to be an
interface rather than an unnecessarily limiting base class.

I presume that there would be default implementation , then.
What I am getting at here, this default implementation
could be extended by normal web application developers,
say to add in security profile information.
Non-trival web application, say framework developers like myself,
would write implementation of the interface. In Expresso
there are two contextes ( ControllerRequest and ControllerResponse)
abstractions of the web servlet request and servlet response.
We can write controller that run outside of the web app environment.
I think this is where you are going with the ActionContext interface.
If the interface was supposed to be environment free what would
this interface be?
Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
On Line Resume
   \\===  `` ''
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Joe Germuska wrote:

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 15:06:59 -0500
 From: Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 At 12:48 -0700 8/12/03, David Graham wrote:
 The main goal of an ActionContext being passed to Action.execute() methods
 would be to separate Actions from the Servlet API so that you could write
 Actions to respond to Porlets.  It would also serve to stabalize the
 execute() method's interface and allow you to pass in more than the
 current 4 or 5 parameters.

 It seems that another gain of an ActionContext interface would be
 simplifying the steps in RequestProcessor towards an ability to chain
 arbitrary processors.  However, would we need to do anything to
 compensate for losing some of the clarity of definitive signatures?

 My hunch is that you deal with that in the documentation, and leave
 it up to the user to chain things in a sane order, but maybe that's
 too risky?

One of the potential problems in a Context-based environment is knowing
which keys you are using to store and retrieve stuff -- obviously, the
producer and consumer of a piece of data need to agree.  It is also
important that people looking at a Command should be able to determine
what attributes will be used for what by this particular Command.

The convention of exposing the keys that you're using seems quite helpful
in this regard, for at least two reasons:

* It's automatically configurable in case you want to
  reuse the Command implementation in a different way.

* The fact that a fooKey property exists is automatically
  documentation that your Command is going to utilize
  a particular attribute for some purpose.



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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Ted Husted
PILGRIM, Peter, FM wrote:
Would this new ActionForward be created each time like it is now?
ActionForwards (or FowardConfigs) are instantiated when the Struts 
Config is digested and stored in a Map. FindForward then returns the 
instance directly from the Map. So they are already singleton instances 
(or at least shared instances), like ActionMappings.

   public ActionForward findForward(String name) {

ForwardConfig config = findForwardConfig(name);
if (config == null) {
config = getModuleConfig().findForwardConfig(name);
return ((ActionForward) config);

public ForwardConfig findForwardConfig(String name) {

return ((ForwardConfig) forwards.get(name));


protected HashMap forwards = new HashMap();

Or would it become a dynamic singleton? 
The core idea is to expand ForwardConfig so that it can host a type 
(or handler) property, like the ActionMappings. If the type were 
specified, it would point to a View class. The View class would have 
an extension method that would return a String. If the View class were 
specified, the Controller would call that to obtain the path instead. 
So, if specified, the View class gives ForwardConfig another bite at 
the apple before passing back the String to use for the path.

A View class instance would be shared by all the ForwardConfigs, as an 
Action class instance is shared by all the ActionConfigs.

The problem is not necessarily
interacting with the business tier, but making any such interaction
to a minimum. The probably means delegation, or caching, or something
else to add decoration. Ideally the Struts Action such grab all the
business logic for you and then store this information for you. 
Ideally, yes, but then the Action needs to know every presentation 
requirement of the View, which implies it has a deep knowledge of the 
View's implementation. One View may need a select list, another View may 
not, but they may both serve the same Action in different page flows.

Alternatively, the Action needs to serve the highest-common denominator 
of all the decoration required by all the Views.

If we define a Context that can be passed around Struts, and perhaps the 
business layer too, it would be easier for people to implement facades 
and services that Actions and Views can share. (Though, it's not so hard 

 If an action forward requires special business requirements then
 I can see both advantages and disadvantages.

 The advantages is that such a new ActionForward could add
 special attributes to the response that are not concerned
 with the Action logic.

 The disadvantages is that it is open to abuse. Bad programming
 could introduce another layer of dispatching in the ActionForward
 code. You would get mini-MVC nested inside another MVC, which
 looks like Hierarchical MVC
This is why the extension method returns a String and not another 
ActionForward. The intent here is to render the path, not to dispatch to 
another component.

One viewpoint would be that the Action is not (or should not be) 
dispatching to a path. It's dispatching to a logical view. It's already 
the ForwardConfig's job to provide the path. Whether it is a static path 
or a dynamic path doesn't affect the status quo.

And speaking of the status quo, we already have Composite View tools 
like Tiles, which essential create a virtual path, and may have page 
controller actions of their own.

Meanwhile, people are doing things like creating dynamic ActionForwards 
in Actions (mainly to paste on request parameters) simply because they 
have no place else to do it. IMHO, the Action should have as little to 
do with web semantics as possible. An extension point on the 
ForwardConfig gives people a place to dynamically control the path and 
safely add web semantics without polluting the Action.

Also, as it stands, we have the Action rending a dynamic Response, if 
needed. IMHO, this is another place where lack of a View extension point 
pollutes the Action. To work around this, you can create an Action who's 
only job is to create a Response and then chain to it. But a better 
solution would be to have a View class render such a Response and leave 
the Action class out of it.

So, the best practice would be that the Action class should never touch 
the Response or the ActionForward path, that would be up to the View class.


Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  -,
  Struts in Action -,
  JSP Site Design  -

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Robert Leland
Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

In addition, commons-chain provides a couple of layers of Context
implementation (optional, compiled only if you have the corresponding
APIs) for web applications:
Actually optional compiling doesn't work, I believe in commons-chain but 
could be the contrib.
I was 12:30 am for me when the checkin occured and I was just trying to 
get it compiled quickly.


Robert Leland   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Java, J2EE, Struts, Web Application Development
804 N. Kenmore Street   +01-703-525-3580
Arlington VA 22201

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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Byrne, Steven wrote:

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 21:07:42 -0400
 From: Byrne, Steven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)


 I guess I have to reiterate what others have said earlier today: how do
 you deal with handling or enforcing composition order?  I.e. are you
 implicitly assuming/requiring that the various elements in the chain are
 orthogonal with respect to changes in the input/output stream or
 changes in state that other elements in the chain might have visibility
 into?  Or do you assume that the composition order is part of the
 interface specification, document accordingly, and hope that your
 clients will read and follow the ordering specification?

If you're using an externally configured pipeline (as we are discussing
here), you definitely rely on documentation rather than a monolithic
process() method to describe the constraints on ordering.  That is not as
safe (although you can do things like provide optional plug-in points in
between each standard command so that people do not normally need to tweak
the standard pipeline).  However, it also comes with a lot of power:

* You can arbitrarily rearrange commands where the order
  really does not matter -- there are cases like that
  in the standard pipeline today, and people have sometimes
  subclassed RequestProcessor just to change the order
  for their own purposes.

* You can weave together multiple chains (avoiding the
  problems we have today with everybody wanting to subclass
  the one-and-only RequestProcessor).

* You can have custom chains per URL (or pattern) within a module,
  not just custom request processors per module.

* You can omit commands for things that you don't use.  For
  example, if you're not using container managed security,
  the processRoles() method is just a time waster.

* You can create individual Command implementations that are
  fine grained and reusable in different application environments.
  I can imagine a library of such implementations to allow
  composition of pipelines like what Cocoon, or Stxx, or
  StrutsCX do - but allow you to build your commands in Java
  instead of XSLT if you want :-).

* You can create Command implementations that invoke scripts
  in arbitrary languages, so you can incorporate logic written
  in a variety of scripting languages together.

* You can create individual Command implementations that are
  unit testable, since they can clearly document their
  expectations for input state (in the Context) and the
  transformations that they intend to perform on that state.

* You can solve the problems people have with action chaining
  today by firing off your own arbitrary chains of commands,
  instead of just a single Action.

* You can even write a one-step pipeline that invokes a hard
  coded RequestProcessor-like pipeline that imposes the same
  ordering constraints that we have today :-).



   Yep this is looking sexy.
  Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  To
  say nothing of the fact that you can compose your own request
  processor pipeline to boot.
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RE: [OT] Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread PILGRIM, Peter, FM
 -Original Message-
 From: Micael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi, Peter,
 Yah, there are some that don't like free knowledge or 
 listening.  So there 
 was no way to not offend some people.  I appreciate that.  
 Why I don't 
 know, and I don't need to know.  But, I have a watch.  LOL.

It would appear to me that your talent for English grammar
is not being put to good use. Apparently you did waste your
education at college. I dont know if you are idling
away in the Struts developer mailing list or if you are
now the new ``Mark'' out-of-topic, Friday  guy in this list. 
( One of the reason why I did not resubscribe to the
struts-user list after my holiday, I got really tired
of the OT/FRIDAY stuff, but I digress )

We, article writers, might need somebody to correct the
grammar in works. I strongly suggest you get yourself a
copy of open office so that you pass over out review copy.


Seriously I type way to fast for my mind. I hereby solemnly 
promise to take time to ruminate, ponder, and think
imaginatively before I answer another Struts design 
email. Damn, that boy is so fresh.

Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Joe Germuska
At 12:48 -0700 8/12/03, David Graham wrote:
The main goal of an ActionContext being passed to Action.execute() methods
would be to separate Actions from the Servlet API so that you could write
Actions to respond to Porlets.  It would also serve to stabalize the
execute() method's interface and allow you to pass in more than the
current 4 or 5 parameters.
It seems that another gain of an ActionContext interface would be 
simplifying the steps in RequestProcessor towards an ability to chain 
arbitrary processors.  However, would we need to do anything to 
compensate for losing some of the clarity of definitive signatures?

My hunch is that you deal with that in the documentation, and leave 
it up to the user to chain things in a sane order, but maybe that's 
too risky?


Joe Germuska
If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time. 
	--Jaron Lanier

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 15:33:31 -0400
 From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 This threw me at first too. It works if you set the property to a
 nonexistent path.

 There's also a typo in the build file. Under the compile target, the
 lines should be


 Assuming Craig won't mind, I'll post these little fixes. =:0)

+1 on you (or anyone who wants to) fixing this stuff.



 Robert Leland wrote:

  Actually optional compiling doesn't work, I believe in commons-chain but
  could be the contrib.
  I was 12:30 am for me when the checkin occured and I was just trying to
  get it compiled quickly.

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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread PILGRIM, Peter, FM

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
 *think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be 
 an interface


Why would want the ActionContext to be an interface?

Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Mainguy, Mike
Could one instead use a stack for the chain Context and then derive your
current context from the stack depth (or chain length) and/or contents?  
Actually (stream of conciousness beginning), might we even better register a
listener that will automatically execute when a certain Context chain is
created?  For example, when you register a context listener, you say you
want to execute whenever there is a Context chain assembled that has a
certain combination of elements in a certain order.  
Of course, now that I think of it, none of this solves the problem of who
goes first?  
Unless one enforces only one listener per unique combination.  Then, of
course, you would enforce the notion that you can only add a listener to the
end of the chain and never somewhere in the middle.  Perhaps even allowing a
wildcard to say I want to be attached to any chain that begins with
httpservletrequest and let the chain assembler do everything in the proper
order.  (I.E. the aforementioned would always go before something that
wanted httpservletrequest AND httpservletresponse).

Just my $.025 (those half cents add up)

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 11:02 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

At 9:07 PM -0400 8/12/03, Byrne, Steven wrote:
I guess I have to reiterate what others have said earlier today: how do
you deal with handling or enforcing composition order?  I.e. are you
implicitly assuming/requiring that the various elements in the chain are
orthogonal with respect to changes in the input/output stream or
changes in state that other elements in the chain might have visibility
into?  Or do you assume that the composition order is part of the
interface specification, document accordingly, and hope that your
clients will read and follow the ordering specification?

Ted H more or less suggested this, but I think the way to go is to 
give each command an opportunity to validate any contract 
pre-conditions, like expecting certain beans to be defined in the 
context.  You could even just leave this up to the command author to 
do in the main execute method, but it might promote good practice if 
it were explicitly in the API.

Joe Germuska
If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time. 
--Jaron Lanier

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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread PILGRIM, Peter, FM

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 August 2003 14:47
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)
 --- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  David Graham wrote:
   What I think we're seeing here
   is that we've outgrown our ActionForward declarations and 
 need some
   ones.  I'm fine with adding a SuccessAction but would 
 really like to
   us discuss future possibilities in this area.
  This may not be what you meant, but I've been thinking that 
  ActionForward could use a class extension point, same as 
  The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java 
  class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking 
 the path as 
  it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on 
 the class, 
  passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and 
 This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
 passing all these individual pieces.  This would also 
 slightly remove the
 dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
 Portlet API.


Aggregate ActionForm,ActionMapping,HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse
into one object.

This is what I have done for Struts 1.0.2 old project in base action class
and for this new one at Royal Bank of Scotland.

Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Mainguy, Mike wrote:

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 10:05:15 -0400
 From: Mainguy, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 I think that is reasonable, but, if it is too generic, we would end up with
 no value.  I.E. if all we can do it pull generic objects in and out and cast
 them to what they need to be, we end up unifying the interface for a bunch
 of differing technologies, but causing more work when using them by them

 What would be really cool is if a commons/context framework where developed
 that was based on a Base that had prerolled subclasses  that where
 overloaded to return the proper type for what you want (i.e.
 HttpServletRequest, Cookies[], Cookie, Beans, DynaBeans, Maps...)  so if you
 are coding an action class, you can get a cookie out of the context by using
 context.getCookie(foo) instead of the more generic (but flexible)

 I think an underlying interface would be ok, but, it seems a lot of
 functionality for these different contexts would end up being replicated
 anyway and perhaps we could unify it a bit by putting some core
 functionality in the Base Class (i.e. BeanUtils.copyProperties()...)

What you described is pretty much exactly how the Context in commons-chain
is implemented -- but with an extra twist.  In order to keep users of the
Context from always having to cast to some known implementation class, it
supports attribute-property transparency.  In other words, if your Context
implementation class has a foo property that is a String, the following
two calls are identical:

  String foo = ((MyContext) context).getFoo();
  String foo = (String) context.getAttributes().get(foo);

In addition, commons-chain provides a couple of layers of Context
implementation (optional, compiled only if you have the corresponding
APIs) for web applications:

  // The fundamental interface
  package org.apache.commons.chain;
  public interface Context;

  // Convenience base class that does the transparency trick
  package org.apache.commons.chain.impl;
  public class ContextBase implements Context;

  // Abstract base class for web tier Context implementations
  package org.apache.commons.chain.web;
  public abstract class WebContext extends ContextBase;

  // Concrete class for Servlet API
  package org.apache.commons.chain.web.servlet;
  public class ServletWebContext extends WebContext;

  // Concrete class for Portlet API
  package org.apache.commons.chain.web.portlet;
  public class PortletWebContext extends WebContext;

The WebContext class adds things like the applicatonScope property that
returns a Map of the application attributes, whereas ServletWebContext
implements that based on ServletContext, and PortletWebContext implements
that based on PortletContext.  Now, someone who receives a Context can be
as generic or specific as they want, and cast only if they want the type
safe property accessors:

  Map map = (Map) context.getAttributes().get(applicationScope);
  Map map = ((WebContext) context).getAppicationScope();

Note that the latter call works in either a Servlet or a Portlet
environment, because the difference is abstracted away.  (JavaServer Faces
does exactly this sort of thing in ExternalContext :-).

And, all of this is a long-winded way of saying that a Context
implementation without some sort of specific functionality isn't really
needed.  If what you want is a reusable container for named variables,
we've already got a perfectly good API for that purpose, complete with
very powerful abstractions and a variety of implementations:




 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 9:47 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 David Graham wrote:
  No, I was thinking Actions would be passed an ActionContext in their
  execute() method similar to how Servlets know about a ServletContext.  The
  ActionContext would contain the HttpServletRequest, form bean, etc. and
  would serve to keep the API stable while allowing flexibility in what the
  ActionContext actually contained.

 Perhaps it's time for a Commons Context foundation class. Tiles uses a
 Context, Velocity uses a Context, the Commons-Chain sandbox package uses
 a Context, Struts wants to use a Context, and I'm sure that there are

 Ideally, we might want to be able to pass a Context between Struts and
 the business layer as well as other packages like Tiles and Velocity. So
 it might be helpful if they could be implementations of the same
 underlying interface.

 Perhaps we could squeeze it into Resources, since, in practice, messages
 are definitely something you would be attaching to a Context.

 =:0) I just don't want Geir coming along in a few months and pointing
 out how many

Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Ted Husted
David Graham wrote:
No, I was thinking Actions would be passed an ActionContext in their
execute() method similar to how Servlets know about a ServletContext.  The
ActionContext would contain the HttpServletRequest, form bean, etc. and
would serve to keep the API stable while allowing flexibility in what the
ActionContext actually contained.
Perhaps it's time for a Commons Context foundation class. Tiles uses a 
Context, Velocity uses a Context, the Commons-Chain sandbox package uses 
a Context, Struts wants to use a Context, and I'm sure that there are 

Ideally, we might want to be able to pass a Context between Struts and 
the business layer as well as other packages like Tiles and Velocity. So 
it might be helpful if they could be implementations of the same 
underlying interface.

Perhaps we could squeeze it into Resources, since, in practice, messages 
are definitely something you would be attaching to a Context.

=:0) I just don't want Geir coming along in a few months and pointing 
out how many Context implementations we have in Jakarta now =:0)


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Joe Germuska
At 21:36 -0700 8/13/03, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  Ted H more or less suggested this, but I think the way to go is to
  give each command an opportunity to validate any contract
  pre-conditions, like expecting certain beans to be defined in the
 context.  You could even just leave this up to the command author to
 do in the main execute method, but it might promote good practice if
 it were explicitly in the API.
How would you suggest putting something like this into the API?  Adding a
method like verifyPreconditions() seems like it makes things harder
instead of easier -- why not just let the execute() method throw an
IllegalStateException (or something like that) if its preconditions are
not met?
I'm not sure I see why a verify... method makes things harder, 
except that it's an awkward method name.  However, I can't think of 
any that I like much better, which I sometimes take as a sign that an 
idea isn't strong enough.  But sometimes other folks on the list pick 
up on the bud of an idea and take it the next step.

I don't think I feel strongly enough about this to make much of a 
case for it.   IllegalStateException will handle this problem.


Joe Germuska
If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time. 
	--Jaron Lanier

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread David Graham
--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  What I think we're seeing here
  is that we've outgrown our ActionForward declarations and need some
  ones.  I'm fine with adding a SuccessAction but would really like to
  us discuss future possibilities in this area.
 This may not be what you meant, but I've been thinking that 
 ActionForward could use a class extension point, same as ActionMapping.
 The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java 
 class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking the path as 
 it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on the class, 
 passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse.

This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove the
dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
Portlet API.

 The prepare method would return a String that the Controller would use 
 for the path.
 This allows the ActionForward to act as a Page Controller for the path. 
 If the particular page referenced by the path needs any special chrome
 the Page Controller can set that up. Or, if the path needs to be 
 adjusted for Locale or device (PDA, browser, et al), then the Page 
 Controller could adjust the path before returning it.
 If it were a virtual page, like an dynamic image, merge file, or PDF, 
 the Page class could also render the Response, rather than have the 
 Action do it.
 Right now, the Action is doing double duty. It first acts as a 
 Dispatcher that acquires business resources and selects the logical 
 view. But, in real life, many pages often need special runtime resources
 of their own. So, the Action also serves as a Page Controller for the 
 page it selects. Many of us consider that a mixing of concerns, and so 
 we start to use some Actions as Dispatchers and others as Page 
 Controllers. Tiles also fills this gap and is essentially a hybrid of a 
 Compositive View and a Page Controller framework.
 I'm thinking that, architecturally, the ActionForward represents some 
 resource available to the application, of any type, that can be reached 
 by the application's protocol. In an http environment, it's the job of a
 Resource object to provide a URI that the Controller can use the reach 
 the actual resource. (And, in  another environment, perhaps the path 
 would not be a URI.)
 The Action, in its purest form, represents a Dispatcher. It's the job of
 a Dispatcher to select which (logical) Resource will handle the 
 response. When we talk about selecting between success, failure, or 
 glockenspiel, we're talking about dispatching.
 But, in real life, we often can't just dispatch to a page. The page 
 needs certain resources to render, often to fill UI controls like select
 Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the ActionForward, should
 be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page may need. 
 It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path property), and 
 so it's the one that should be privy to these details.
 What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put into
 the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
 some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between choosing the
 Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
 easier for people to Do The Right Thing.

I've had similar composition problems and agree that a separation makes
sense.  Tiles Controllers can be used to setup page data but that doesn't
always work (especially if you're not using Tiles :-) so I end up chaining
actions.  None of the action chaining is due to bus. logic as that's
properly factored into a Service layer; it has to do purely with setting
up page data.

Tiles Controllers are one of the major reasons I use Tiles and I think
it's appropriate to move that concept into the Struts core.


 The gotcha is that, to do its job, the ActionForward type may also 
 need to interact with the business layer. It doesn't seem right that the
 Page Controller should try to branch to another page, like an Action 
 might, if there's an error. But the declarative exception handling might
 be able to step in here.
 Ted Husted,
Junit in Action  -,
Struts in Action -,
JSP Site Design  -
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[OT] Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Micael
Sigh!  I cannot stand bad grammar, so once again I must remind my nerd 
friends that et al strictly applies to people, and that an ActionForward, 
while dear to my heart, is just not a person.  LOL!  I hope you take this 
as interesting and new knowledge and not as a pain in the patoosh.  Bye 'd bye!

At 08:40 PM 8/12/2003 +0100, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
David Graham wrote:

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
*think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be an interface

Why would want the ActionContext to be an interface?
Well, ServletContext is an interface and it makes sense for this to be an
interface rather than an unnecessarily limiting base class.

I presume that there would be default implementation , then.
What I am getting at here, this default implementation
could be extended by normal web application developers,
say to add in security profile information.
Non-trival web application, say framework developers like myself,
would write implementation of the interface. In Expresso
there are two contextes ( ControllerRequest and ControllerResponse)
abstractions of the web servlet request and servlet response.
We can write controller that run outside of the web app environment.
I think this is where you are going with the ActionContext interface.
If the interface was supposed to be environment free what would
this interface be?
Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Mainguy, Mike
This conversation seems to be a by-product of looking at the Action classes
as children of the servlet and consumers of messages instead of stand-alone
One intriguing way of dealing with this (IMHO) would be to consider elements
as being able to Pull the required components out of some other area
(Context?) (much like how the Turbine framework does).  Instead of Chaining
commands or passing a context to every execute(), you would make available a
generic application infrastructure that you could pull your required
components from.  
Really this is probably just a semantic difference as the implementation (in
my mind) would probably be much the same, but, to me when you word it as
something 'Pulling' something out of the Context it makes more sense (errr,
I can visualize it better at least) than trying to guess what should be
'Passed' along.

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:37 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
 One of the potential problems in a Context-based environment is knowing
 which keys you are using to store and retrieve stuff -- obviously, the
 producer and consumer of a piece of data need to agree.  It is also
 important that people looking at a Command should be able to determine
 what attributes will be used for what by this particular Command.
 The convention of exposing the keys that you're using seems quite helpful
 in this regard, for at least two reasons:
 * It's automatically configurable in case you want to
   reuse the Command implementation in a different way.
 * The fact that a fooKey property exists is automatically
   documentation that your Command is going to utilize
   a particular attribute for some purpose.

And a potential problem in any Strategy-based implementation is that you 
don't know which of the parameters are actually used by a particular 
instance. For example, every Action is passed the Response, but very few 
every actually use it.

In a framework like Struts, we can be passing some type of ActionContext 
that would have JavaBean properties corresponding to the 
greatest-denominator signature. So, given the properties, we'd have 
the same level of documentation as we do now.

In implementing a Strategy-based or Context-based business layer 
framework, something I'm starting to look at know is the idea of 
building validation into the Command processing. So just as we can 
validate ActionForms, you might also want to validate a Context for a 
particular Command, using the Command's Catalog name (to use the Chain 
classnames) as the key.

Of course, here, I'm talking about that fabled business layer framework 
that would live below Struts but use the same architectural patterns =:0)


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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Joe Germuska
Just a little me-too here, but I think both Ted and David have good 
points.  Ted's approach to adding a controller to the ActionForward 
is a relatively small change to the infrastructure that can offer a 
lot of gain.   And I've been interested in seeing some kind of 
ActionContext class for quite a while now.


At 6:47 -0700 8/11/03, David Graham wrote:
--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  What I think we're seeing here
  is that we've outgrown our ActionForward declarations and need some
  ones.  I'm fine with adding a SuccessAction but would really like to
  us discuss future possibilities in this area.
 This may not be what you meant, but I've been thinking that
 ActionForward could use a class extension point, same as ActionMapping.
 The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java
 class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking the path as
 it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on the class,
 passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse.
This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove the
dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
Portlet API.
 The prepare method would return a String that the Controller would use
 for the path.
 This allows the ActionForward to act as a Page Controller for the path.
 If the particular page referenced by the path needs any special chrome
 the Page Controller can set that up. Or, if the path needs to be
 adjusted for Locale or device (PDA, browser, et al), then the Page
 Controller could adjust the path before returning it.
 If it were a virtual page, like an dynamic image, merge file, or PDF,
 the Page class could also render the Response, rather than have the
 Action do it.
 Right now, the Action is doing double duty. It first acts as a
 Dispatcher that acquires business resources and selects the logical
 view. But, in real life, many pages often need special runtime resources
 of their own. So, the Action also serves as a Page Controller for the
 page it selects. Many of us consider that a mixing of concerns, and so
 we start to use some Actions as Dispatchers and others as Page
 Controllers. Tiles also fills this gap and is essentially a hybrid of a
 Compositive View and a Page Controller framework.
 I'm thinking that, architecturally, the ActionForward represents some
 resource available to the application, of any type, that can be reached
 by the application's protocol. In an http environment, it's the job of a
 Resource object to provide a URI that the Controller can use the reach
 the actual resource. (And, in  another environment, perhaps the path
 would not be a URI.)
 The Action, in its purest form, represents a Dispatcher. It's the job of

 a Dispatcher to select which (logical) Resource will handle the
 response. When we talk about selecting between success, failure, or
 glockenspiel, we're talking about dispatching.
 But, in real life, we often can't just dispatch to a page. The page
 needs certain resources to render, often to fill UI controls like select

 Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the ActionForward, should

 be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page may need.
 It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path property), and
 so it's the one that should be privy to these details.
 What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put into
 the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
 some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between choosing the
 Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
 easier for people to Do The Right Thing.
I've had similar composition problems and agree that a separation makes
sense.  Tiles Controllers can be used to setup page data but that doesn't
always work (especially if you're not using Tiles :-) so I end up chaining
actions.  None of the action chaining is due to bus. logic as that's
properly factored into a Service layer; it has to do purely with setting
up page data.
Tiles Controllers are one of the major reasons I use Tiles and I think
it's appropriate to move that concept into the Struts core.

 The gotcha is that, to do its job, the ActionForward type may also
 need to interact with the business layer. It doesn't seem right that the
 Page Controller should try to branch to another page, like an Action
 might, if there's an error. But the declarative exception handling might
 be able to step in here.


 Ted Husted,
Junit in Action  -,
Struts in Action -,
JSP Site Design  -

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:

 Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 07:48:57 +0100
 From: Peter A. Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
 So we could have convenience methods such as
 StrutsWebContext  scontext = (StrutsWebContext)context;
 // Where ``StrutsWebContext'' is a type of ``ServletWebContext''
 ActionForm form = scontext.getActionForm();
 ActionMapping mapping = scontext.getActionMapping();
  If we're talking about a Struts2 world (where we're willing to reconsider
  the calling sequence of an Action anyway), wouldn't it be better to make
  StrutsWebContext just extend WebContext instead of ServletWebContext?
  That way we could have transparent support for servlets and portlets.
 So instead you would make convenience method from WebContext instead
 I see the `WebContext.getRequestScope()' returns a mutable map of
 attribute values. In other words they are derived from

 But looking at the current Struts 1.1 library would you for compatibility
 reason also supply the `HttpServletRequest' object to Struts users?

 HttpServletRequest  = StrutsWebContext.getRequest(); // convenience method

 and like wise `HttpServletResponse' object?

In the contrib/struts-chain sources, I actually do that because I was
trying to avoid requiring any changes to the Action signature, so it is
certainly feasible.

You'll also note that I didn't try to create a StrutsWebContext at all --
just used WebContext with conventions on what attribute keys the standard
Struts objects were passed under.

 Another import idea is that, if we wanted, we could also add other other
 convenience methods to the context without breaking the signature.
 My question above.

 And presumably we [as application developer] will be able to subclass
 the ServletWebContext and add application features like Single Sign-On
 / Security / personalisation etcetera. We will be able to configure
 Struts Module to use our custom `Context' instead of the Struts
 default context.
 Yep this is looking sexy.
  Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  To say nothing
  of the fact that you can compose your own request processor pipeline to

 Moving swiftly back to the original design reason. The [old] request processor
 is now effectively a `Chain' isn't it?

 ( ... I will now continue this note at work )

That's what I was trying to do in contrib/struts-chain.  It doesn't
contain all the standard functionality, and hasn't been tested at all, but
it looks like the idea is feasible.


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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Sgarlata Matt wrote:

  In terms of making the infrastructure available to callers, it's pretty
  clear how passing a context object around makes the infrastructure
  available to anyone who needs it.  Are there other options for how you'd
  make the infrastructure available without passing it?  I haven't thought
  of any.

 Sorry if this was already said, but couldn't you use JNDI if you wanted to
 use a pull approach?  I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not, but I
 thought I would throw it out there.

Do you mean the JNDI naming context that the web contgainer provides for
you?  If so, it's got two serious problems:
* It's read-only
* It's application scoped so you wouldn't be able to store any
  per-request or per-session stuff there, without building
  some sort of data structures inside.

Regarding context in general, what you normally want is essentially a
HashMap with typesafe getters and setters for well-known things.  You
don't necessarily need the hierarchy support that something like JNDI
would provide.



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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:

So we could have convenience methods such as

StrutsWebContext  scontext = (StrutsWebContext)context;
// Where ``StrutsWebContext'' is a type of ``ServletWebContext''
ActionForm form = scontext.getActionForm();
ActionMapping mapping = scontext.getActionMapping();

If we're talking about a Struts2 world (where we're willing to reconsider
the calling sequence of an Action anyway), wouldn't it be better to make
StrutsWebContext just extend WebContext instead of ServletWebContext?
That way we could have transparent support for servlets and portlets.
So instead you would make convenience method from WebContext instead
I see the `WebContext.getRequestScope()' returns a mutable map of
attribute values. In other words they are derived from
But looking at the current Struts 1.1 library would you for compatibility
reason also supply the `HttpServletRequest' object to Struts users?
HttpServletRequest  = StrutsWebContext.getRequest(); // convenience method

and like wise `HttpServletResponse' object?

Another import idea is that, if we wanted, we could also add other other
convenience methods to the context without breaking the signature.

My question above.

And presumably we [as application developer] will be able to subclass
the ServletWebContext and add application features like Single Sign-On
/ Security / personalisation etcetera. We will be able to configure
Struts Module to use our custom `Context' instead of the Struts
default context.
Yep this is looking sexy.

Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  To say nothing
of the fact that you can compose your own request processor pipeline to
Moving swiftly back to the original design reason. The [old] request processor
is now effectively a `Chain' isn't it?
( ... I will now continue this note at work )

Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
On Line Resume
   \\===  `` ''
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Sgarlata Matt
Comment at the bottom of this message...
- Original Message - 
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Mainguy, Mike wrote:

  Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 18:03:14 -0400
  From: Mainguy, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)
  This conversation seems to be a by-product of looking at the Action
  as children of the servlet and consumers of messages instead of
  One intriguing way of dealing with this (IMHO) would be to consider
  as being able to Pull the required components out of some other area
  (Context?) (much like how the Turbine framework does).  Instead of
  commands or passing a context to every execute(), you would make
available a
  generic application infrastructure that you could pull your required
  components from.
  Really this is probably just a semantic difference as the implementation
  my mind) would probably be much the same, but, to me when you word it as
  something 'Pulling' something out of the Context it makes more sense
  I can visualize it better at least) than trying to guess what should be
  'Passed' along.

 Doesn't pulling something from some application infrastructure imply
 that somebody else pushed it into that infrastructure?  For example, if
 you expect to find the HttpServletRequest object in there, presumably the
 controller must have seeded that content.  It's also perfectly reasonable
 for one Command in a Chain (in commons-sandbox/chain terms) to push
 something into the Context that another Command executed later will need.

 In terms of making the infrastructure available to callers, it's pretty
 clear how passing a context object around makes the infrastructure
 available to anyone who needs it.  Are there other options for how you'd
 make the infrastructure available without passing it?  I haven't thought
 of any.

Sorry if this was already said, but couldn't you use JNDI if you wanted to
use a pull approach?  I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not, but I
thought I would throw it out there.


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Paananen, Tero
 the patch is here:

This one needs to be in a 1.1 release.


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, Joe Germuska wrote:

 Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 22:01:30 -0500
 From: Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 At 9:07 PM -0400 8/12/03, Byrne, Steven wrote:
 I guess I have to reiterate what others have said earlier today: how do
 you deal with handling or enforcing composition order?  I.e. are you
 implicitly assuming/requiring that the various elements in the chain are
 orthogonal with respect to changes in the input/output stream or
 changes in state that other elements in the chain might have visibility
 into?  Or do you assume that the composition order is part of the
 interface specification, document accordingly, and hope that your
 clients will read and follow the ordering specification?

 Ted H more or less suggested this, but I think the way to go is to
 give each command an opportunity to validate any contract
 pre-conditions, like expecting certain beans to be defined in the
 context.  You could even just leave this up to the command author to
 do in the main execute method, but it might promote good practice if
 it were explicitly in the API.

How would you suggest putting something like this into the API?  Adding a
method like verifyPreconditions() seems like it makes things harder
instead of easier -- why not just let the execute() method throw an
IllegalStateException (or something like that) if its preconditions are
not met?

Such a policy is easily unit testable as well.



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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread David Graham
--- Peter A. Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  --- PILGRIM, Peter, FM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
 *think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be 
 an interface
 Why would want the ActionContext to be an interface?
  Well, ServletContext is an interface and it makes sense for this to be
  interface rather than an unnecessarily limiting base class.
 I presume that there would be default implementation , then.
 What I am getting at here, this default implementation
 could be extended by normal web application developers,
 say to add in security profile information.
 Non-trival web application, say framework developers like myself,
 would write implementation of the interface. In Expresso
 there are two contextes ( ControllerRequest and ControllerResponse)
 abstractions of the web servlet request and servlet response.
 We can write controller that run outside of the web app environment.
 I think this is where you are going with the ActionContext interface.

The main goal of an ActionContext being passed to Action.execute() methods
would be to separate Actions from the Servlet API so that you could write
Actions to respond to Porlets.  It would also serve to stabalize the
execute() method's interface and allow you to pass in more than the
current 4 or 5 parameters.

 If the interface was supposed to be environment free what would
 this interface be?

Not necessarily environment free but more environment neutral.  For
example, I have no interest in using Struts for Swing apps but do for web
apps using Servlet and/or Portlet.


 Peter Pilgrim
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

 Since, I'm lead to understand Craig finds http hard to say when he
 gives talks =:)

Ah, you've heard me trip over that one?  :-).

I actually like web better than http for a different reason -- it
doesn't presume the one true way protocol will be around forever.

While talking about contexts and layers, there's actually room for a
controller layer below the HTTP layer as well, on top of which you can
build the web layer and then the app layer.  The general pattern is also
useful in business logic as well.

That idea, and some of your earlier thoughts, were part of the inspiration
for commons-chain -- which I've been noodling on for about six months but
never had time to get finished and polished enough to post until this last



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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread PILGRIM, Peter, FM
 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java 
 class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking 
 the path as 
 it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on the class, 
 passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and 
 The prepare method would return a String that the Controller 
 would use 
 for the path.
 This allows the ActionForward to act as a Page Controller for 
 the path. 
 If the particular page referenced by the path needs any 
 special chrome 
 the Page Controller can set that up. Or, if the path needs to be 
 adjusted for Locale or device (PDA, browser, et al), then the Page 
 Controller could adjust the path before returning it.
 If it were a virtual page, like an dynamic image, merge file, or PDF, 
 the Page class could also render the Response, rather than have the 
 Action do it.
 Right now, the Action is doing double duty. It first acts as a 
 Dispatcher that acquires business resources and selects the logical 
 view. But, in real life, many pages often need special 
 runtime resources 
 of their own. So, the Action also serves as a Page Controller for the 
 page it selects. Many of us consider that a mixing of 
 concerns, and so 
 we start to use some Actions as Dispatchers and others as Page 
 Controllers. Tiles also fills this gap and is essentially a 
 hybrid of a 
 Compositive View and a Page Controller framework.

If an action forward requires special business requirements then
I can see both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages is that such a new ActionForward could add 
special attributes to the response that are not concerned
with the Action logic.

The disadvantages is that it is open to abuse. Bad programming
could introduce another layer of dispatching in the ActionForward
code. You would get mini-MVC nested inside another MVC, which
looks like Hierarchical MVC

 I'm thinking that, architecturally, the ActionForward represents some 
 resource available to the application, of any type, that can 
 be reached 
 by the application's protocol. In an http environment, it's 
 the job of a 
 Resource object to provide a URI that the Controller can use 
 the reach 
 the actual resource. (And, in  another environment, perhaps the path 
 would not be a URI.)
 The Action, in its purest form, represents a Dispatcher. It's 
 the job of 
 a Dispatcher to select which (logical) Resource will handle the 
 response. When we talk about selecting between success, 
 failure, or 
 glockenspiel, we're talking about dispatching.
 But, in real life, we often can't just dispatch to a page. The page 
 needs certain resources to render, often to fill UI controls 
 like select 
 Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the 
 ActionForward, should 
 be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page 
 may need. 
 It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path 
 property), and 
 so it's the one that should be privy to these details.

If you wanted to develop a skinnable web application for
example personalisation this new ActionForward might be the way 
to go.

 What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put into
 the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
 some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between 
 choosing the
 Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
 easier for people to Do The Right Thing.
 The gotcha is that, to do its job, the ActionForward type may also 
 need to interact with the business layer. It doesn't seem 
 right that the 
 Page Controller should try to branch to another page, like an Action 
 might, if there's an error. But the declarative exception 
 handling might 
 be able to step in here.

Would this new ActionForward be created each time like it is now?
Or would it become a dynamic singleton? The problem is not necessarily
interacting with the business tier, but making any such interaction
to a minimum. The probably means delegation, or caching, or something
else to add decoration. Ideally the Struts Action such grab all the
business logic for you and then store this information for you. 
If you are developing a new Action Forward, may be take advantage
of this fact, and pass the business info to this new object
at construction time.


Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
Ted Husted wrote:
Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
  If the interface was supposed to be environment free what would
  this interface be?
Have a look at the abstract WebContext in the Craig's new Chain of 
Responsibility package.

So, the ActionContext interface *might* start with the WebContext 
members and then add some convenience methods for retrieving the 
ActionMapping and ActionForm.

MyActionForm form = (MyActionForm) context.getActionForm();

The idea being that at runtime Struts could be passing around a 
ServletActionContext or a PortletActionContext, or a generic 
ActionContext (implemented with HashMaps) that you populated yourself as 
part of an automatic test.

So we could have convenience methods such as

StrutsWebContext  scontext = (StrutsWebContext)context;
// Where ``StrutsWebContext'' is a type of ``ServletWebContext''
ActionForm form = scontext.getActionForm();
ActionMapping mapping = scontext.getActionMapping();
Another import idea is that, if we wanted, we could also add other other 
convenience methods to the context without breaking the signature.

And presumably we [as application developer] will be able to subclass
the ServletWebContext and add application features like Single Sign-On
/ Security / personalisation etcetera. We will be able to configure
Struts Module to use our custom `Context' instead of the Struts
default context.
Yep this is looking sexy.

Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Mainguy, Mike
Except JNDI wouldn't necessary give use the ability to have the context be
dynamic (i.e. how do you pull an HttpServletRequest out of a JNDI
context) hmmm, maybe you could do that

-Original Message-
From: Sgarlata Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 7:11 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

Comment at the bottom of this message...
- Original Message - 
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Mainguy, Mike wrote:

  Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 18:03:14 -0400
  From: Mainguy, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)
  This conversation seems to be a by-product of looking at the Action
  as children of the servlet and consumers of messages instead of
  One intriguing way of dealing with this (IMHO) would be to consider
  as being able to Pull the required components out of some other area
  (Context?) (much like how the Turbine framework does).  Instead of
  commands or passing a context to every execute(), you would make
available a
  generic application infrastructure that you could pull your required
  components from.
  Really this is probably just a semantic difference as the implementation
  my mind) would probably be much the same, but, to me when you word it as
  something 'Pulling' something out of the Context it makes more sense
  I can visualize it better at least) than trying to guess what should be
  'Passed' along.

 Doesn't pulling something from some application infrastructure imply
 that somebody else pushed it into that infrastructure?  For example, if
 you expect to find the HttpServletRequest object in there, presumably the
 controller must have seeded that content.  It's also perfectly reasonable
 for one Command in a Chain (in commons-sandbox/chain terms) to push
 something into the Context that another Command executed later will need.

 In terms of making the infrastructure available to callers, it's pretty
 clear how passing a context object around makes the infrastructure
 available to anyone who needs it.  Are there other options for how you'd
 make the infrastructure available without passing it?  I haven't thought
 of any.

Sorry if this was already said, but couldn't you use JNDI if you wanted to
use a pull approach?  I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not, but I
thought I would throw it out there.


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Joe Germuska
At 9:07 PM -0400 8/12/03, Byrne, Steven wrote:
I guess I have to reiterate what others have said earlier today: how do
you deal with handling or enforcing composition order?  I.e. are you
implicitly assuming/requiring that the various elements in the chain are
orthogonal with respect to changes in the input/output stream or
changes in state that other elements in the chain might have visibility
into?  Or do you assume that the composition order is part of the
interface specification, document accordingly, and hope that your
clients will read and follow the ordering specification?
Ted H more or less suggested this, but I think the way to go is to 
give each command an opportunity to validate any contract 
pre-conditions, like expecting certain beans to be defined in the 
context.  You could even just leave this up to the command author to 
do in the main execute method, but it might promote good practice if 
it were explicitly in the API.

Joe Germuska
If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time. 
	--Jaron Lanier

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:

 So we could have convenience methods such as

 StrutsWebContext  scontext = (StrutsWebContext)context;
 // Where ``StrutsWebContext'' is a type of ``ServletWebContext''

 ActionForm form = scontext.getActionForm();
 ActionMapping mapping = scontext.getActionMapping();

If we're talking about a Struts2 world (where we're willing to reconsider
the calling sequence of an Action anyway), wouldn't it be better to make
StrutsWebContext just extend WebContext instead of ServletWebContext?
That way we could have transparent support for servlets and portlets.

  Another import idea is that, if we wanted, we could also add other other
  convenience methods to the context without breaking the signature.

 And presumably we [as application developer] will be able to subclass
 the ServletWebContext and add application features like Single Sign-On
 / Security / personalisation etcetera. We will be able to configure
 Struts Module to use our custom `Context' instead of the Struts
 default context.

 Yep this is looking sexy.

Yep ... lots of interesting room for playing around here.  To say nothing
of the fact that you can compose your own request processor pipeline to


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Re: [OT] Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
Micael wrote:
Sigh!  I cannot stand bad grammar, so once again I must remind my nerd 
friends that et al strictly applies to people, and that an 
  ~~~  ^   ^
ActionForward, while dear to my heart, is just not a person.  LOL!  I 
*  ew%U(R**
hope you take this as interesting and new knowledge and not as a pain in 
the patoosh.  Bye 'd bye!

Time you had a watch
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Re: [OT] Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Micael
Hi, Peter,

Yah, there are some that don't like free knowledge or listening.  So there 
was no way to not offend some people.  I appreciate that.  Why I don't 
know, and I don't need to know.  But, I have a watch.  LOL.


At 12:50 AM 8/13/2003 +0100, Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
Micael wrote:
Sigh!  I cannot stand bad grammar, so once again I must remind my nerd
friends that et al strictly applies to people, and that an
  ~~~  ^   ^
ActionForward, while dear to my heart, is just not a person.  LOL!  I
*  ew%U(R**
hope you take this as interesting and new knowledge and not as a pain in 
the patoosh.  Bye 'd bye!

Time you had a watch
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Ted Husted
Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
One of the potential problems in a Context-based environment is knowing
which keys you are using to store and retrieve stuff -- obviously, the
producer and consumer of a piece of data need to agree.  It is also
important that people looking at a Command should be able to determine
what attributes will be used for what by this particular Command.
The convention of exposing the keys that you're using seems quite helpful
in this regard, for at least two reasons:
* It's automatically configurable in case you want to
  reuse the Command implementation in a different way.
* The fact that a fooKey property exists is automatically
  documentation that your Command is going to utilize
  a particular attribute for some purpose.
And a potential problem in any Strategy-based implementation is that you 
don't know which of the parameters are actually used by a particular 
instance. For example, every Action is passed the Response, but very few 
every actually use it.

In a framework like Struts, we can be passing some type of ActionContext 
that would have JavaBean properties corresponding to the 
greatest-denominator signature. So, given the properties, we'd have 
the same level of documentation as we do now.

In implementing a Strategy-based or Context-based business layer 
framework, something I'm starting to look at know is the idea of 
building validation into the Command processing. So just as we can 
validate ActionForms, you might also want to validate a Context for a 
particular Command, using the Command's Catalog name (to use the Chain 
classnames) as the key.

Of course, here, I'm talking about that fabled business layer framework 
that would live below Struts but use the same architectural patterns =:0)


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Mainguy, Mike wrote:

 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 18:03:14 -0400
 From: Mainguy, Mike [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 This conversation seems to be a by-product of looking at the Action classes
 as children of the servlet and consumers of messages instead of stand-alone
 One intriguing way of dealing with this (IMHO) would be to consider elements
 as being able to Pull the required components out of some other area
 (Context?) (much like how the Turbine framework does).  Instead of Chaining
 commands or passing a context to every execute(), you would make available a
 generic application infrastructure that you could pull your required
 components from.
 Really this is probably just a semantic difference as the implementation (in
 my mind) would probably be much the same, but, to me when you word it as
 something 'Pulling' something out of the Context it makes more sense (errr,
 I can visualize it better at least) than trying to guess what should be
 'Passed' along.

Doesn't pulling something from some application infrastructure imply
that somebody else pushed it into that infrastructure?  For example, if
you expect to find the HttpServletRequest object in there, presumably the
controller must have seeded that content.  It's also perfectly reasonable
for one Command in a Chain (in commons-sandbox/chain terms) to push
something into the Context that another Command executed later will need.

In terms of making the infrastructure available to callers, it's pretty
clear how passing a context object around makes the infrastructure
available to anyone who needs it.  Are there other options for how you'd
make the infrastructure available without passing it?  I haven't thought
of any.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:37 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  One of the potential problems in a Context-based environment is knowing
  which keys you are using to store and retrieve stuff -- obviously, the
  producer and consumer of a piece of data need to agree.  It is also
  important that people looking at a Command should be able to determine
  what attributes will be used for what by this particular Command.
  The convention of exposing the keys that you're using seems quite helpful
  in this regard, for at least two reasons:
  * It's automatically configurable in case you want to
reuse the Command implementation in a different way.
  * The fact that a fooKey property exists is automatically
documentation that your Command is going to utilize
a particular attribute for some purpose.

 And a potential problem in any Strategy-based implementation is that you
 don't know which of the parameters are actually used by a particular
 instance. For example, every Action is passed the Response, but very few
 every actually use it.

 In a framework like Struts, we can be passing some type of ActionContext
 that would have JavaBean properties corresponding to the
 greatest-denominator signature. So, given the properties, we'd have
 the same level of documentation as we do now.

 In implementing a Strategy-based or Context-based business layer
 framework, something I'm starting to look at know is the idea of
 building validation into the Command processing. So just as we can
 validate ActionForms, you might also want to validate a Context for a
 particular Command, using the Command's Catalog name (to use the Chain
 classnames) as the key.

 Of course, here, I'm talking about that fabled business layer framework
 that would live below Struts but use the same architectural patterns =:0)


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Mike Jasnowski wrote:

 Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 09:50:29 -0400
 From: Mike Jasnowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Subject: RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

 This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
 passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove the
 dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
 portlet API.

 As an outside observer I would like to see something like this added. We've
 already added something like you
 describe to our application.

You'll also note that commons-chain (basis for the decomposable request
processor proposal) does exactly this, with the added twist that it lets
you specialize the Context implementation with typesafe property accessors
if you want to, or use generic attributes otherwise.


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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread David Graham
--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a little me-too here, but I think both Ted and David have good 
 points.  Ted's approach to adding a controller to the ActionForward 
 is a relatively small change to the infrastructure that can offer a 
 lot of gain.   And I've been interested in seeing some kind of 
 ActionContext class for quite a while now.

I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
*think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be an interface


 At 6:47 -0700 8/11/03, David Graham wrote:
 --- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   David Graham wrote:
What I think we're seeing here
is that we've outgrown our ActionForward declarations and need
ones.  I'm fine with adding a SuccessAction but would really like
us discuss future possibilities in this area.
   This may not be what you meant, but I've been thinking that
   ActionForward could use a class extension point, same as
   The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java
   class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking the path
   it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on the
   passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and
 This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
 passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove
 dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
 Portlet API.
   The prepare method would return a String that the Controller would
   for the path.
   This allows the ActionForward to act as a Page Controller for the
   If the particular page referenced by the path needs any special
   the Page Controller can set that up. Or, if the path needs to be
   adjusted for Locale or device (PDA, browser, et al), then the Page
   Controller could adjust the path before returning it.
   If it were a virtual page, like an dynamic image, merge file, or
   the Page class could also render the Response, rather than have the
   Action do it.
   Right now, the Action is doing double duty. It first acts as a
   Dispatcher that acquires business resources and selects the logical
   view. But, in real life, many pages often need special runtime
   of their own. So, the Action also serves as a Page Controller for
   page it selects. Many of us consider that a mixing of concerns, and
   we start to use some Actions as Dispatchers and others as Page
   Controllers. Tiles also fills this gap and is essentially a hybrid
 of a
   Compositive View and a Page Controller framework.
   I'm thinking that, architecturally, the ActionForward represents
   resource available to the application, of any type, that can be
   by the application's protocol. In an http environment, it's the job
 of a
   Resource object to provide a URI that the Controller can use the
   the actual resource. (And, in  another environment, perhaps the path
   would not be a URI.)
   The Action, in its purest form, represents a Dispatcher. It's the
 job of
   a Dispatcher to select which (logical) Resource will handle the
   response. When we talk about selecting between success, failure,
   glockenspiel, we're talking about dispatching.
   But, in real life, we often can't just dispatch to a page. The page
   needs certain resources to render, often to fill UI controls like
   Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the ActionForward,
   be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page may
   It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path property),
   so it's the one that should be privy to these details.
   What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put
   the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
   some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between choosing
   Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
   easier for people to Do The Right Thing.
 I've had similar composition problems and agree that a separation makes
 sense.  Tiles Controllers can be used to setup page data but that
 always work (especially if you're not using Tiles :-) so I end up
 actions.  None of the action chaining is due to bus. logic as that's
 properly factored into a Service layer; it has to do purely with
 up page data.
 Tiles Controllers are one of the major reasons I use Tiles and I think
 it's appropriate to move that concept into the Struts core.
   The gotcha is that, to do its job, the ActionForward type may also
   need to interact with the business layer. It doesn't seem right that
   Page Controller should try to branch to another page, like an Action
   might, if there's an error. But the declarative exception handling

Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread David Graham
--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My only concern would be using the term context to imply more than one
 IMHO, there should be a functional non-httpd framework below Struts, 
 that would provide things like a Context Object, which would be a 
 generic version of the HttpRequest. At the Stuts level, you could then 
 have available to you signatures that used a Context or a HttpContext.
 In the future, we should be able to write pure business Actions that 
 don't use http semantics, and only use the http version when we 
 absolutely need to. In practice, most of us rarely use the http services
 of the HttpRequest, and the same Actions could be coded using a generic 
 Context (that might be chained to the HttpRequest, as is done with the 
 Velocity Tools).
 [We started along this way with duel Action classes, but I've never even
 tried to use the non-http one.]
 So, if we're talking about the ActionContext interface being an 
 abstraction of the Action class, I'd like to search for another name. 

No, I was thinking Actions would be passed an ActionContext in their
execute() method similar to how Servlets know about a ServletContext.  The
ActionContext would contain the HttpServletRequest, form bean, etc. and
would serve to keep the API stable while allowing flexibility in what the
ActionContext actually contained.


 suggestion for an Action class interface would be
 Action - HttpDispatcher.
 As for the other core classes, I would suggest
 ActionForward - HttpResource
 ActionMapping - HttpCommand
 or, if you prefer,
 Action - WebDispatcher
 ActionForward - WebResource
 ActionMapping - WebCommand
 Since, I'm lead to understand Craig finds http hard to say when he 
 gives talks =:)
 David Graham wrote:
  --- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just a little me-too here, but I think both Ted and David have good 
 points.  Ted's approach to adding a controller to the ActionForward 
 is a relatively small change to the infrastructure that can offer a 
 lot of gain.   And I've been interested in seeing some kind of 
 ActionContext class for quite a while now.
  I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
  *think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be an
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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-14 Thread Ted Husted
My only concern would be using the term context to imply more than one 

IMHO, there should be a functional non-httpd framework below Struts, 
that would provide things like a Context Object, which would be a 
generic version of the HttpRequest. At the Stuts level, you could then 
have available to you signatures that used a Context or a HttpContext.

In the future, we should be able to write pure business Actions that 
don't use http semantics, and only use the http version when we 
absolutely need to. In practice, most of us rarely use the http services 
of the HttpRequest, and the same Actions could be coded using a generic 
Context (that might be chained to the HttpRequest, as is done with the 
Velocity Tools).

[We started along this way with duel Action classes, but I've never even 
tried to use the non-http one.]

So, if we're talking about the ActionContext interface being an 
abstraction of the Action class, I'd like to search for another name. My 
suggestion for an Action class interface would be

Action - HttpDispatcher.

As for the other core classes, I would suggest

ActionForward - HttpResource

ActionMapping - HttpCommand

or, if you prefer,

Action - WebDispatcher

ActionForward - WebResource

ActionMapping - WebCommand

Since, I'm lead to understand Craig finds http hard to say when he 
gives talks =:)


David Graham wrote:

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a little me-too here, but I think both Ted and David have good 
points.  Ted's approach to adding a controller to the ActionForward 
is a relatively small change to the infrastructure that can offer a 
lot of gain.   And I've been interested in seeing some kind of 
ActionContext class for quite a while now.

I chose my words carefully when I said ActionContext interface.  I
*think* we can all agree that if we added this it should be an interface

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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-12 Thread Leonardo Quijano Vincenzi

Some time ago I submitted a couple of refactorings to the 
DispatchAction/LookupDispatchAction classes. Since there was a recent 
discussion on these actions, I was wondering if that patch was going to 
be submitted for 1.2. Is there anything else I need to do?

the patch is here:


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Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-12 Thread David Graham
--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  No, I was thinking Actions would be passed an ActionContext in their
  execute() method similar to how Servlets know about a ServletContext. 
  ActionContext would contain the HttpServletRequest, form bean, etc.
  would serve to keep the API stable while allowing flexibility in what
  ActionContext actually contained.
 Perhaps it's time for a Commons Context foundation class. Tiles uses a 
 Context, Velocity uses a Context, the Commons-Chain sandbox package uses
 a Context, Struts wants to use a Context, and I'm sure that there are 
 Ideally, we might want to be able to pass a Context between Struts and 
 the business layer as well as other packages like Tiles and Velocity. So
 it might be helpful if they could be implementations of the same 
 underlying interface.
 Perhaps we could squeeze it into Resources, since, in practice, messages
 are definitely something you would be attaching to a Context.
 =:0) I just don't want Geir coming along in a few months and pointing 
 out how many Context implementations we have in Jakarta now =:0)

I'm not sure that Context is a reusable idea.  The ActionContext is likely
to have very different attributes than a VelocityContext (or whatever they
call it).  For example, Servlet has ServletConfig and Portlet has
PortletConfig but that doesn't mean they could both be crammed into
OneBigConfig :-).


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RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-11 Thread Mike Jasnowski
This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove the
dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
portlet API.

As an outside observer I would like to see something like this added. We've
already added something like you
describe to our application.

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:47 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  What I think we're seeing here
  is that we've outgrown our ActionForward declarations and need some
  ones.  I'm fine with adding a SuccessAction but would really like to
  us discuss future possibilities in this area.

 This may not be what you meant, but I've been thinking that
 ActionForward could use a class extension point, same as ActionMapping.

 The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java
 class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking the path as
 it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on the class,
 passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse.

This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove the
dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
Portlet API.

 The prepare method would return a String that the Controller would use
 for the path.

 This allows the ActionForward to act as a Page Controller for the path.
 If the particular page referenced by the path needs any special chrome

 the Page Controller can set that up. Or, if the path needs to be
 adjusted for Locale or device (PDA, browser, et al), then the Page
 Controller could adjust the path before returning it.

 If it were a virtual page, like an dynamic image, merge file, or PDF,
 the Page class could also render the Response, rather than have the
 Action do it.

 Right now, the Action is doing double duty. It first acts as a
 Dispatcher that acquires business resources and selects the logical
 view. But, in real life, many pages often need special runtime resources

 of their own. So, the Action also serves as a Page Controller for the
 page it selects. Many of us consider that a mixing of concerns, and so
 we start to use some Actions as Dispatchers and others as Page
 Controllers. Tiles also fills this gap and is essentially a hybrid of a
 Compositive View and a Page Controller framework.

 I'm thinking that, architecturally, the ActionForward represents some
 resource available to the application, of any type, that can be reached
 by the application's protocol. In an http environment, it's the job of a

 Resource object to provide a URI that the Controller can use the reach
 the actual resource. (And, in  another environment, perhaps the path
 would not be a URI.)

 The Action, in its purest form, represents a Dispatcher. It's the job of

 a Dispatcher to select which (logical) Resource will handle the
 response. When we talk about selecting between success, failure, or
 glockenspiel, we're talking about dispatching.

 But, in real life, we often can't just dispatch to a page. The page
 needs certain resources to render, often to fill UI controls like select


 Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the ActionForward, should

 be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page may need.
 It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path property), and
 so it's the one that should be privy to these details.

 What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put into
 the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
 some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between choosing the
 Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
 easier for people to Do The Right Thing.

I've had similar composition problems and agree that a separation makes
sense.  Tiles Controllers can be used to setup page data but that doesn't
always work (especially if you're not using Tiles :-) so I end up chaining
actions.  None of the action chaining is due to bus. logic as that's
properly factored into a Service layer; it has to do purely with setting
up page data.

Tiles Controllers are one of the major reasons I use Tiles and I think
it's appropriate to move that concept into the Struts core.


 The gotcha is that, to do its job, the ActionForward type may also
 need to interact with the business layer. It doesn't seem right that the

 Page Controller should try to branch to another page, like an Action
 might, if there's an error. But the declarative exception handling might

 be able to step in here.


 Ted Husted,
Junit in Action  -,
Struts in Action -,
JSP Site Design

RE: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

2003-08-11 Thread Mike Jasnowski

 Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the ActionForward, should

 be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page may need.
 It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path property), and
 so it's the one that should be privy to these details.

Not sure if this comment belongs in the context of here, but I'll throw it
out. We use Tiles and Tiles Controllers heavily, and one thing I dislike
about forwarding to a TileDefinition is that I cannot then easily figure out
which Action I'm forwarding to ( The path names a definition which is the
same for each view in my case).

I'm currently appending information via an extension to the ActionForward,
this extra info is then used in my controller to prepare the appropriate
data for that view.  If there was some more transparent way to do this that
would be good.

I currently have one controller per definition, which may encompass several
related views.

 What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put into
 the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
 some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between choosing the
 Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
 easier for people to Do The Right Thing.

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:47 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: ActionForwards, et al (was SuccessAction)

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  What I think we're seeing here
  is that we've outgrown our ActionForward declarations and need some
  ones.  I'm fine with adding a SuccessAction but would really like to
  us discuss future possibilities in this area.

 This may not be what you meant, but I've been thinking that
 ActionForward could use a class extension point, same as ActionMapping.

 The idea would be to give ActionForward a type property for a Java
 class. If the property is specified, instead of just taking the path as
 it stands, the Controller would call a prepare method on the class,
 passing it the ActionForward, ActionForm, HttpRequest, and HttpResponse.

This may be a good time to add an ActionContext interface instead of
passing all these individual pieces.  This would also slightly remove the
dependence on Servlet to allow us more flexibility when we look at the
Portlet API.

 The prepare method would return a String that the Controller would use
 for the path.

 This allows the ActionForward to act as a Page Controller for the path.
 If the particular page referenced by the path needs any special chrome

 the Page Controller can set that up. Or, if the path needs to be
 adjusted for Locale or device (PDA, browser, et al), then the Page
 Controller could adjust the path before returning it.

 If it were a virtual page, like an dynamic image, merge file, or PDF,
 the Page class could also render the Response, rather than have the
 Action do it.

 Right now, the Action is doing double duty. It first acts as a
 Dispatcher that acquires business resources and selects the logical
 view. But, in real life, many pages often need special runtime resources

 of their own. So, the Action also serves as a Page Controller for the
 page it selects. Many of us consider that a mixing of concerns, and so
 we start to use some Actions as Dispatchers and others as Page
 Controllers. Tiles also fills this gap and is essentially a hybrid of a
 Compositive View and a Page Controller framework.

 I'm thinking that, architecturally, the ActionForward represents some
 resource available to the application, of any type, that can be reached
 by the application's protocol. In an http environment, it's the job of a

 Resource object to provide a URI that the Controller can use the reach
 the actual resource. (And, in  another environment, perhaps the path
 would not be a URI.)

 The Action, in its purest form, represents a Dispatcher. It's the job of

 a Dispatcher to select which (logical) Resource will handle the
 response. When we talk about selecting between success, failure, or
 glockenspiel, we're talking about dispatching.

 But, in real life, we often can't just dispatch to a page. The page
 needs certain resources to render, often to fill UI controls like select


 Ideally, I believe another class, specified by the ActionForward, should

 be responsible for setting up any chrome a particular page may need.
 It's the one that knows where the page is (via the path property), and
 so it's the one that should be privy to these details.

 What would start to happen here, I think, is that people will put into
 the new class the code that now encourages them to chain
 some Actions. By providing a separation of concern between choosing the
 Resource and preparing the context for the Resource, it becomes
 easier for people to Do The Right Thing.

I've had similar composition problems and agree that a separation makes
sense.  Tiles Controllers can