Re: need help with struts error

2003-03-04 Thread Chetan Sahasrabudhe
you might have xalan in ur class path, now struts uses only jaxp remove
xalan and start it might work
- Original Message -
From: Matthew Van Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 1:39 PM
Subject: need help with struts error

 I get the following error whenever I deploy an .ear file, but if I just
 stop and start JBoss the file is picked up and deploys fine.
 If I then touch the file, I get the error again. What gives?
 The best I can find with google is that it may have something to do
 with the DTD going missing, or another parser being there, but neither
 of those seems to be the case.

 17:02:59,730 ERROR [ActionServlet] Parsing error processing resource
 path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
 java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking
 org/apache/commons/digester/ObjectCreationFactory class
  at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  at org.jboss.util.jmx.MBeanProxy.invoke(
  at $Proxy4.deploy(Unknown Source)
 17:03:00,005 INFO  [Engine] StandardWrapper[/atjweb:action]: Marking
 servlet action as unavailable
 17:03:00,039 ERROR [Engine] StandardContext[/atjweb]: Servlet /atjweb
 threw load() exception
 javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Parsing error processing resource
 path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
  at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(

Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread Karl
There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing:

Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms (user_add.jsp):

!-- tr
thContract User/th
html:checkbox property=contractUser/
/tr --

If this is present, struts fails with the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property contractUser 
of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not occur 
if I remove the code entirely.

The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter) method for 
contractUser in

/* Contract User */
private boolean contractUser = false;
public boolean getContractUser() {
return this.contractUser;
public void setContractUser(boolean contractUser) {
this.contractUser = contractUser;

I have the following in my struts config:

form-bean name=userForm
   type=com.somewhere.aproject.UserForm /
action path=/screen_user_add

I know the configuration is right since the rest of the fields work fine.  
Should I be using type String instead of boolean for contractUser?

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Re: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread Nicolas De Loof

 Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms (user_add.jsp):

 !-- tr
 thContract User/th
 html:checkbox property=contractUser/
 /tr --

 If this is present, struts fails with the following error:

 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property
 of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

 This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not
 if I remove the code entirely.

As !-- -- is HTML comment, it will not change the way jour JSP compiler
handles custom tags.

 The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter) method
 contractUser in

Yout html:checkbox is looking for a getter method for property
contractUser (String getContractUser()) of the current formBean defined by a
parent html:form.

How are you using html:fom tag in your JSP ? Is the declared action path
associated with the correct ActionFormBean in struts-config ?


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Re: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread Karl
Oh almost forgot: it's struts 1.0.2 running under Tomcat 4.1
(B2003 3$B7n(B 4 $B2PMKF|(B 17:51$B!"(BKarl $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing:
(B Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms (user_add.jsp):
(B !-- tr
(B thContract User/th
(B td
(B html:checkbox property="contractUser"/
(B /td
(B /tr --
(B If this is present, struts fails with the following error:
(B org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property
(B contractUser of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
(B This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not
(B occur if I remove the code entirely.
(B The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter) method
(B for contractUser in
(B /* Contract User */
(B private boolean contractUser = false;
(B public boolean getContractUser() {
(B return this.contractUser;
(B }
(B public void setContractUser(boolean contractUser) {
(B this.contractUser = contractUser;
(B }
(B I have the following in my struts config:
(B struts-config
(B form-beans
(B ...
(B form-bean name="userForm"
(Btype="com.somewhere.aproject.UserForm" /
(B ...
(B /form-beans
(B action-mappings
(B ...
(B action path="/screen_user_add"
(B  forward="/user_add.jsp"
(B name="userForm"
(B validate="false"/
(B ...
(B /action-mappings
(B /struts-config
(B I know the configuration is right since the rest of the fields work fine.
(B Should I be using type String instead of boolean for contractUser?
(B -
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Re: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread Thomas CORNET
At 09:51 04/03/2003, you wrote:
There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing:

Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms (user_add.jsp):

!-- tr
thContract User/th
html:checkbox property=contractUser/
/tr --
If this is present, struts fails with the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property contractUser
of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not occur
if I remove the code entirely.
Struts doesn't care of HTML comments, all the JSP source is processed to 
produce HTML content, and that's the navigator which is checking HTML 
comments to display contents or not.

The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter) method 
contractUser in

/* Contract User */
private boolean contractUser = false;
public boolean getContractUser() {
return this.contractUser;
public void setContractUser(boolean contractUser) {
this.contractUser = contractUser;
I have the following in my struts config:

form-bean name=userForm
   type=com.somewhere.aproject.UserForm /
action path=/screen_user_add
I know the configuration is right since the rest of the fields work fine.
Should I be using type String instead of boolean for contractUser?
I've read somewhere that all forms fields should be declared as String in 
the Form classes... It is recommended to make the conversions in your 
actions classes.

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Re: Modules

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush
Thomas CORNET wrote:

At 03:18 03/03/2003, you wrote:

You're going through a JSP to invoke an action?  Is the action in a 
different module?  Be aware that only by going through the controller 
do you enable non-default modules.  If you don't explicitly go though 
the servlet (and going through a JSP does not go through the servlet) 
then Struts hasn't the opportunity to change to your module (read:  
none of your modules information [ mappings, forms, etc ] are 
available) and you'll only be able to acheive success if what you 
wished to reach was located in the default module.

Clear as mud? 
hmmm yes. but when i go to a JSP directly within the site, without 
passing by the controller, this means that I can't render html:form 
elements because it doesn't know about the modules ?

The basics of what you're doing appear correct to me.  I'm not sure I 
understand where the breakdown is or why - I would assume it's 
developer (the developer being you - not us) error.  I know a lot of 
folks have had problems getting their heads around modules - don't 
know what could be done to help that.  Do you have any questions 
whos' ansers might help you?  Perhaps if you posted or attached your 
config?  I've been out of the loop for a bit, so it could just be 
brain-rot, but I don't see a definite cause for your problem.  Seeing 
your config(s) and knowing precisely how you're invoking things would 
help us assist you better. 
I know that's my fault. 99% percent of people achieved to use modules, 
so I know something is missing...

Here is in attachment, the jsp source, the action and form classes, 
and the struts config of the module. Just wanted to say all is working 
well when module's config content is place in the default module's 
Most everything knows how to get at the configuration for the default 
module.  You see, most configuration data is available in two places: 
1) application scope under a combination of whatever the key is that 
identifies that given piece of data -- plus a module identifier.  2) in 
request scope [if you go through the controller] under the key 
identifying that piece of data, but without the module identifier.

Some things will go on to app scope and pull things from there.  The 
data you're working with if you don't go through the controller to get 
at things (ie.  you don't go through an action to get at your JSP pages) 
will be the data for the main (default) module.  Only by going through 
the controller (ie. invoking pages through actions) will the controller 
have the opportunity to determine which module is being invoked and 
place the data relevant to that module in the request.  That's why 
things work as expected if you put your configuration into the default 
config file.

Still clear as mud?

RULE:  Always go through the controller.  (always use an action to get 
at a JSP)  This is a really strong recommendation for folks not using 
modules, but it really becomes an absolute must when you are using 
modules.  Sorry, but there's no way go get around it without rewriting 
Struts to be a filter instead of a servlet (... which might possibly 
happen in Struts 2.x.x - we've speculated on this point)

You can let yourself get carried away with it like a lot of folks do and 
hide your JSPs off under WEB-INF, if you like (TONS of folks do this, 
and I've taken to it as well).  This will make it impossible to access a 
resource unless you go through an action.  This both ensures that the 
user can't inadvertantly access the page directly, and ensures you write 
an action to reach it.  It's really a handy trick on a lot of levels.

Users can bookmark actions just like they can pages.  They're just 
storing the URL.  Yes, you'll have to have request parameters cluttering 
your URL, but it can be done.  They can handle it (or, I should say, the 
browser can) just fine.  I can't count the times I've saved queries on -- same principle.

I haven't examined your files yet.  Sorry, but I really don't have time 
right now :-(  What I would do if I were you is to make everything go 
through an action and see if you're still having problems.  If you're 
always going through the controller, everything should always be A-OK. 
If you do continue to have problems once you've fixed your application 
to act as I have stated, please do let us know.

Here's another perspective:  If you don't go through the controller, how 
is the page supposed to know which module you're invoking it from?  I 
guess you could hard-code it -- and you could actually get at your 
configuration data (study source code and user guide) if you knew which 
module you were in.  Unfortunately, without hard-coding it or going 
through the controller, there's no way a page has a clue which module 
it's a part of.  That information is something that is perculiar only to 
your Struts configuartion - and the controller is the only one capable 
of changing which module you're in.  Is it becoming any 

Re: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush

The beauty of Tiles is that you can nest the templates really easily. 
Have you been fooling with Tiles long?  You might consider looking over 
the tiles-documentation.war file.  There are some fine examples of usage 
there.  The thing you need to wrap your head around is that the body 
could be a page - but could just as easily be another template!  Be 
careful to keep track of which templates are intended to be fragments 
though (ie. which ones contain htmlbody.../body/html tags), as 
you could wind up with some unexpected output.

Just cram your nose into the examples inside of the 
tiles-documenation.war file and all should become clear ... after a 
requisite amount of tinkering and puttering (and grumbling, perhaps!). 
Playing with technology such as this is seldom not instructive.

James Prance wrote:

In a classic template, the header, footer and menu could be common across
your application.
However the body would likely change depending on the business process.
Is there a way to alter the 'body' value dynamically? I'm a bit confused by
this at the moment and my current understanding is that you need a new
'layout' for each differing 'body' page..
is this correct or am i totally arse about face?


Eddie Bush

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Re: OnLoad

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush
JavaScript is on the client.  Your request-scoped variables are on the 
server.  I don't see how you'd manage this unless you somehow wrote the 
variables values into your JavaScript somehow.  Essentially, you'd have 
to generate your script on-the-fly.

Ray Madigan wrote:

I am working in a jsp and I have found the item im looking for.

I write out an img that represents the current selected item.
Now I want to inform another frame that something occured.  There
is no onload javascript handler for the img tag like there is
in it's html equilivant?  The arguments for the javascript need
to be able to look at request scope variables?  Anyone know how
to accomplish this?
Eddie Bush

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Re: Modules

2003-03-04 Thread Thomas CORNET

Most everything knows how to get at the configuration for the default 
module.  You see, most configuration data is available in two places: 1) 
application scope under a combination of whatever the key is that 
identifies that given piece of data -- plus a module identifier.  2) in 
request scope [if you go through the controller] under the key identifying 
that piece of data, but without the module identifier.

Some things will go on to app scope and pull things from there.  The data 
you're working with if you don't go through the controller to get at 
things (ie.  you don't go through an action to get at your JSP pages) will 
be the data for the main (default) module.  Only by going through the 
controller (ie. invoking pages through actions) will the controller have 
the opportunity to determine which module is being invoked and place the 
data relevant to that module in the request.  That's why things work as 
expected if you put your configuration into the default config file.

Still clear as mud?

RULE:  Always go through the controller.  (always use an action to get at 
a JSP)  This is a really strong recommendation for folks not using 
modules, but it really becomes an absolute must when you are using 
modules.  Sorry, but there's no way go get around it without rewriting 
Struts to be a filter instead of a servlet (... which might possibly 
happen in Struts 2.x.x - we've speculated on this point)

You can let yourself get carried away with it like a lot of folks do and 
hide your JSPs off under WEB-INF, if you like (TONS of folks do this, and 
I've taken to it as well).  This will make it impossible to access a 
resource unless you go through an action.  This both ensures that the user 
can't inadvertantly access the page directly, and ensures you write an 
action to reach it.  It's really a handy trick on a lot of levels.

Users can bookmark actions just like they can pages.  They're just storing 
the URL.  Yes, you'll have to have request parameters cluttering your URL, 
but it can be done.  They can handle it (or, I should say, the browser 
can) just fine.  I can't count the times I've saved queries on -- same principle.

I haven't examined your files yet.  Sorry, but I really don't have time 
right now :-(  What I would do if I were you is to make everything go 
through an action and see if you're still having problems.  If you're 
always going through the controller, everything should always be A-OK. If 
you do continue to have problems once you've fixed your application to act 
as I have stated, please do let us know.

Here's another perspective:  If you don't go through the controller, how 
is the page supposed to know which module you're invoking it from?  I 
guess you could hard-code it -- and you could actually get at your 
configuration data (study source code and user guide) if you knew which 
module you were in.  Unfortunately, without hard-coding it or going 
through the controller, there's no way a page has a clue which module it's 
a part of.  That information is something that is perculiar only to your 
Struts configuartion - and the controller is the only one capable of 
changing which module you're in.  Is it becoming any clearer why this is a 

If we ever do swap over to having the controller be a filter instead of a 
servlet, we'll be able to tell very easily if a JSP lives in a certain 
module and will be able to go directly to pages if we so choose.  Until 
then, you've simply got to get over whatever reasons you have for not 
prefacing all pages with an action and ... like Nike would say ... Just 
Do It!



Eddie Bush
Many thanks for the explainations. Things like this are not present on 
tutorials on Net. It must be time for me to buy a big book about Struts ;)

I see the need to place the JSP under WEB-INF directory, but is it 
possible, according recommandations, to let a minimum of JSP out of the 
WEB-INF directory for the front pages of a webapp ?

However, I'm going to follow your recommandations to make those modules 
work. Don't waste time on it, I'll bother you only if it's still not working :)


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Re: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread Boris Folgmann
David Graham wrote:

 It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
 unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for each language with
 hardcoded text.

I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to be changed
every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so something like a
preprocessor would be great.


Dipl.-Inf. Boris Folgmann   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Folgmann IT-Consulting

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Re: Anyone using JBoss with custom validator rules?

2003-03-04 Thread Eric Jain
 Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

What's the structure of your .war?

Two possible solutions:

A) Put the commons (or even all Struts related) libraries in your

B) Nest your .war inside a .sar that contains all libraries at the top

Eric Jain

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RE: [OT]: What is vim?

2003-03-04 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
  actually the vimulator on jEdit is buggy. 
 No, sorry for the confusion. I'm not using the vim emulator on jEdit,
 I'm using the standard vim on Linux (and then also jEdit on 
 Linux when I
 have to get stuff done quickly and don't have the time to learn vim:)

Easy yank for Vim v0.99b1:

use v for visual selection.
then y for yanking, d for deleting, Esc for cancelling.

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RE: OnLoad

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Madigan
I generate the arguments to the scripts on the server. when the jsp is
being executed and passed to the client.  What i don't know how to do is
to figure out when to make the call.  The img tag doesn't call the onload
when it is loaded.  I think i am just going to inline the script call.  I
was hoping for a little more formality - since regular html will call

-Original Message-
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:46 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: OnLoad

JavaScript is on the client.  Your request-scoped variables are on the
server.  I don't see how you'd manage this unless you somehow wrote the
variables values into your JavaScript somehow.  Essentially, you'd have
to generate your script on-the-fly.

Ray Madigan wrote:

I am working in a jsp and I have found the item im looking for.

I write out an img that represents the current selected item.
Now I want to inform another frame that something occured.  There
is no onload javascript handler for the img tag like there is
in it's html equilivant?  The arguments for the javascript need
to be able to look at request scope variables?  Anyone know how
to accomplish this?


Eddie Bush

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RE: need help with struts error

2003-03-04 Thread Brian Topping
It's because Struts and JBoss don't play well together.  They will for a
while... until you really don't expect it, and you will spend a couple of
days flossing the plaque from your configuration while trying to get it
working again.  Struts and JBoss are two of the dozen or so must haves...
so they ought to be pretty robust together if you ask me.

If I had the knowledge to fix this problem, I would take a crack at it.  GAWD
I WOULD LOVE TO FIX THIS!!!  I think the only way it will get fixed is if
Scott and Craig were locked in a conference room until the problem was
solved.  There might be people that can fix it besides these two, but the
solution undoubtedly is steeped in both architecture and politics, and these
two are the only two that I can think of that have the noodle to make it
happen and the power of one to lay down the new unified law of the

Struts depends on a lot of libraries and is quite precise about it's
specification of a class loader.  I don't understand it all, but I gather
that this precision makes it more portable in general.  But I wonder whether
Struts would work better under JBoss if it were more sloppy (using
class.forName() instead of ClassLoader.loadClass() for instance...)  JBoss,
for all it's glory, tries to make all class loaders in a VM look like the
same one, but they show their colors under very specific circumstances.  

Okay, I'm frustrated because I've burned up the last 24 hours on this.  I
guess I'm doing better than last time where it took something like a week to
muddle through the problem.  So I'll quit bitching now and tell you what I
know.  Maybe it will help, hopefully others can add more.  My issue has to do
with getting a class in WEB-INF/classes to be found by the validator in a
call to getMethod

I presume you are running on JBoss because you are using EJBs.  It's easy for
your classes and libraries to get co-mingled between the ejb.jar and web.war
as a part of your build.  Don't allow that.  Go through and purge from each
what is not necessary in the other.  For instance, get all your entity
classes out of the web.war... strictly interfaces only over there.  Same is
true for your web classes.  They don't belong in the ejb container, get them
out of there.  Make absolutely sure that all the libraries that you are using
are of the same version.  A good way to find them is to do a file system
search in both JBoss' temp directory and the Catalina temp directory to see
if the jars are exactly the same version.  If they are not necessary on one
or the other side, remove them as appropriate.  

JBoss tries to be smart with sharing your jars within a VM, but JBoss seems
all to happy to let an app be very specific about where a jar comes from, and
when it does, it seems to cut off all the other linkages to the other
libraries in the transitive closure of the load chain.  Again, I don't
understand it all, and generally call in a witch doctor with a rooster and
two chickens for a sacrifice over the keyboard.  After praising Chairman Bill
and Lou Cipher as soulmates and a dab of sacred balm on the forehead, things
start to work again, but only if the moon is just right.  It's all about this
scientific, so have fun.

I bet you can solve the problem with these tricks.  When trying to reproduce
a problem though, always blow away your temp directories with each iteration
or you are asking for enhanced humiliation and pain.  I know that is
precisely what you don't want to do, but because it works when you do that
and does not when you don't that the problem is in the load order of the
libraries being different from load-to-load and two libraries are in the path
that are different versions.  They won't even look like they are relevant,
but clean them up anyway, they could be on the transitive closure of the
runtime link.



-Original Message-
From: Matthew Van Horn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:09 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: need help with struts error

I get the following error whenever I deploy an .ear file, but if I just  
stop and start JBoss the file is picked up and deploys fine.
If I then touch the file, I get the error again. What gives?
The best I can find with google is that it may have something to do  
with the DTD going missing, or another parser being there, but neither  
of those seems to be the case.

17:02:59,730 ERROR [ActionServlet] Parsing error processing resource  
path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking  
org/apache/commons/digester/ObjectCreationFactory class

Re: OnLoad

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush
I'd think it would ... but inlining it should solve things.

Ray Madigan wrote:

I generate the arguments to the scripts on the server. when the jsp is
being executed and passed to the client.  What i don't know how to do is
to figure out when to make the call.  The img tag doesn't call the onload
when it is loaded.  I think i am just going to inline the script call.  I
was hoping for a little more formality - since regular html will call
Eddie Bush

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Re: Modules

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush
Many thanks for the explainations. Things like this are not present on 
tutorials on Net. It must be time for me to buy a big book about 
Struts ;) 

Actually ... I know for a fact that information is present in the users 
guide.  I put it there :-)  At least, I felt I made it that clear. 
Maybe I should revise what's there?

I see the need to place the JSP under WEB-INF directory, but is it 
possible, according recommandations, to let a minimum of JSP out of 
the WEB-INF directory for the front pages of a webapp ? 
You never really *have* to expose even a single JSP.  Just stuff them 
off under WEB-INF (say WEB-INF/jsp or some such) and then forward to 
them through your actions.  You can reach anything under WEB-INF by 
forwarding to it.  There was a day when this wasn't as clearly-stated in 
the spec as it is now, and not all containers supported it.  I believe 
those days are past.  Certainly, Tomcat (and many others) support it -- 
it is spec-compliant behavior.

However, I'm going to follow your recommandations to make those 
modules work. Don't waste time on it, I'll bother you only if it's 
still not working :) 
Ok.  I'm going to grab some shut-eye then.  The morning seems to have 
snuck up on me :-( again ...


Eddie Bush

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Re: displaying \n in html?

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush
That depends on him having a certain JDK.  Was that introduced in 1.3 or 
1.4?  I think it was introduced in 1.4.  I know I cut some code for 
someone that didn't have as modern of a system as myself and I wound up 
going back and doing free work to fix it, so it hasn't been around 
forever :-(

... but, yes, that's how I'd go about it as well.

There is also, I believe, a string taglib in the jakarta taglibs project 
-- they've discussed how to implement this as well.  I *believe* they 
have configured something in that taglib to perform this exact function.

Personally, I use pre ... /pre - works like a champ.  I suppose 
that's not always suitable though.  In cases where it's not, the string 
taglib should fit the bill.

Aside:  Laziness can occasionally be seen in ignorance.  Sometimes 
people just don't know where to look and wind up coming off as lazy. 
You should always think to examine every possible alternative you have 
- at every level.  You'd be surprised the problems you can solve when 
you become adventuresome enough to do so.

David Graham wrote:

i'd love to see one-liner that converts char to string.
return newlineString.replaceAll(\n, br/);


Eddie Bush

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Re: displaying \n in html?

2003-03-04 Thread Eddie Bush
Oh :-) and ... my preivous post might also explain why you've had so 
many questions go unanswered.  You see, people here expect you to do 
your homework.  Then, most folks go for the interesting or 
mission-critical problems.  You see, none of us are getting paid to 
solve your problems, and we have our own problems to solve too!

... not trying to come off as an ass, but you can call me anything you 
like ;-) (except late for dinner!  I won't tolerate that!)

Eddie Bush wrote:

That depends on him having a certain JDK.  Was that introduced in 1.3 
or 1.4?  I think it was introduced in 1.4.  I know I cut some code for 
someone that didn't have as modern of a system as myself and I wound 
up going back and doing free work to fix it, so it hasn't been around 
forever :-(

... but, yes, that's how I'd go about it as well.

There is also, I believe, a string taglib in the jakarta taglibs 
project -- they've discussed how to implement this as well.  I 
*believe* they have configured something in that taglib to perform 
this exact function.

Personally, I use pre ... /pre - works like a champ.  I suppose 
that's not always suitable though.  In cases where it's not, the 
string taglib should fit the bill.

Aside:  Laziness can occasionally be seen in ignorance.  Sometimes 
people just don't know where to look and wind up coming off as lazy. 
You should always think to examine every possible alternative you have 
- at every level.  You'd be surprised the problems you can solve when 
you become adventuresome enough to do so.

David Graham wrote:

i'd love to see one-liner that converts char to string.
return newlineString.replaceAll(\n, br/);


Eddie Bush

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Re: Unable to access title attribute in Tiles under layout (1.1-rc1)

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 Once again ;-) :
The attributes of a tile are only accessible from this tile, not from 
its sub- tiles or its parent. Attributes of a tile are like parameters 
of a method: they are only visible in this method.

 It is why you can't access the title attribute owned by the layout 
from the header tile.
 To access it, you need to pass it explicitly to the tile:
tiles:insert attribute=header 
 tiles:put name=title beanName=title beanScope=tiles /


Steve Stair wrote:

Inside  /layouts/layout.jsp page, I have the following:

  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
  titletiles:getAsString name=title//title
Which works fine, the page title as defined in the tiles defintion file
is displayed in the browser's title bar
However, when I attempt to use that same title in /tiles/header.jsp

  %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %
   h1tiles:getAsString name=title//h1
I get the following error message:

  [ServletException in:/tiles/header.jsp] Error - tag.getAsString :
attribute 'title' not found in context. Check tag syntax' 

I haven't been able to find an example that does this.
So far I've only found an example that statically includes the header
which somewhat defeats the purpose of using Tiles.
My definition looks like this

 definition path=/layouts/layout.jsp
   put name=title value=${title} /
   put name=header value=/tiles/header.jsp /
   put name=nav value=/tiles/nav.jsp /
   put name=messages value=/tiles/messages.jsp /
   put name=content value=${content} /
   put name=footer value=/tiles/footer.jsp /
Steve Stair
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Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with 
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
 The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is 
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert, 
iterate, ...).
 Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp 
file ?


Roland Berger wrote:

Hi Cedric

Sorry, but I can not find the problem even with the examples. I belive I do
it the same way as it is done there.
May be you can have a look at the code below:

*** tiles-defs.xml snippets ***

   definition name=.detailLayout
   definition extends=.detailLayout
   put name=body
   put name=bodyHead
 involved jsp page snippets 

File: detailLayout.jsp
   tiles:insert  attribute=body /
File: memberDetail.jsp
   tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead flush=false/
If I don't set flush to false I get:
Can't insert page '/WEB-INF/pages/memberDetailShowHead.jsp' : Illegal to
flush within a custom tag Illegal to flush within a
custom tag at
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent.flush( at
va:817) at
Again, the page memberDetailShowHead.jsp is put at the beginning of
memberDetail.jsp and not where the tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead
flush=false/ tag is.
Thank you very much

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 3. März 2003 18:08
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: Tiles Body question

 The examples in struts-documentation use a master layout
(classicLayout.jsp), and the body is often made of tiles inserted with
another layout (like columnsLayout, vboxLayout, tabsLayout...). You can
easily define your own layout with an insert. It is also possible to
insert the definition corresponding to a page inside a nested bodies
(see the tabs in the example directory).
 Maybe I have miss something in what you are trying to do ...


Roland Berger wrote:


Yes, that's exactly what I also want to do. But it seems that I missed the
big picture. When I set flush=true I get a Illegal to flush error. If I
set flush=false the tile I want to insert into the body template is
inserted at the top of the page and not where the insert tag is. Can you
give a small example with tiles-defs.xml and the JSP Part?
( see also thread:  'tiles insert in sub layout' )

Thanks a lot.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Samstag, 22. Februar 2003 14:13
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: Tiles Body question

You can have a body acting as a body template which in turn insert
other bodies ...

James Prance wrote:


In a classic template, the header, footer and menu could be common across
your application.
However the body would likely change depending on the business process.
Is there a way to alter the 'body' value dynamically? I'm a bit confused


this at the moment and my current understanding is that you need a new
'layout' for each differing 'body' page..
is this correct or am i totally arse about face?


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Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

BaTien Duong wrote:

Thanks Cedric. You save us a day! 3 more items to be sure:

1) Assuming we have *myAttribute* from *myBean* in user session
myBean.getLevel2().getMyAttribute(). To use myAttribute as a JSP Java
variable, we need:
	//set an attribute for tile insert
	tiles:insert attribute=myAttribute /
	  tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean
	beanScope=session beanProperty=level2.myAttribute /

 This declare a tile attribute initialized from your bean. This 
attribute can be used in the inserted tile only, not in the current page

//declare a Java variable for JSP usage
tiles:useAttribute name=myAttribute scope=request /
 This can be done in the inserted tile only. It declare a java variable 
and a bean in the request scope. A java variable is only visible 
inside the jsp page where it is declared. The bean is visible in its scope.

// myAttribute is now available for all sub tiles in the jsp
%= myAttribute ... %
 NO ! The java variable is not visible in sub tiles because they are 
other jsps. But the bean stored in the request scope is visible. so, you 
can retrieve it from the scope:
bean:define .../

2) Assuming now level2 is a HashMap and myAttributeName is the key
corresponding to myAttribute value: myAttribute = (HashMap
the beanProperty can be set: beanProperty=level2.myAttributeName
 I don't remember the exact syntax for accessing hashmap. It is the 
same syntax used in Struts tags.

3) Assuming as in (2) but myAttribute is now a property of level2Obj, which
is the value of myAttributeName key: myAttribute = ( Level2Obj (HashMap
myBean.getLevel2()).get(myAttributeName).getMyAttribute(), the
beanProperty can be set:
 It should work. In fact Tiles use the BeanUtils library. So, if this 
library support it, Tiles support it also.



-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 9:35 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes


BaTien Duong wrote:


Hello Cedric and the group:

Issue: need to retrieve properties of *myBean* in user session scope as
values for tiles attributes in request scope.

 You can't set the scope of a tiles attribute: a tiles attribute is
defined with put nested in an insert. A tile attribute is always in
the tiles scope (the tiles context). However, you can import
(importAttribute) a tile attribute in any jsp scope, or use
it (useAttribute) as java variable.
 So, I don't clearly see what you are trying to do ;-).

Solution from a scratch of my head:
jsp:useBean id=myBean scope=session /
tiles:useAttribute id=myAttribute name=myAttribute scope=request
className=java.lang.String /
tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean beanProperty=myAttribute

 This code is not valid because the put tag should be nested inside
an insert tag.

1) The bean and attribute are in different scopes. Can one set tile
attributes from session scope?

 You can set an attribute from a bean stored in any scope:
tiles:insert ...
 tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean beanScope=session /
 This declare and set an attribute for the tile to be inserted. The
attribute is called myAttribute, its value is taken from the bean
myBean which is in the session scope.

2) Is there a faster way to assign an attribute at the time of
initialization in useAttribute tag so we do not need jsp:useBean and
tiles:put tags?

 useAttribute .../ tag is used to declare a java variable inside the
jsp page. This variable is initialized from an attribute of the current
tiles. This attribute has been passed to the current tiles. A side
effect of this tag is to declare also a bean in one of the jsp scope.

3) Assuming myAttribute is a nested level of myBean ( i.e.
getMyBean().getMyLevel2().getMyAttribute() ), is there an EL way similar to

 Remind that you can use the dot separator in the bean property name:



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Problems with ValidatorForm: validate is being called when it shouldn't be...

2003-03-04 Thread Ruud Steeghs
There's a strange situation regarding to the

I want to display an empty Form (e.g. for a new
functionality), but all validation rules have already
I don't think this was the case using a regular
ActionForm, however with ValidatorForm all fields are
being validated before they are being displayed!

Anyone any idea how to solve this problem?


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RE: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread Jaye Bass
Actually, you can use html comments to remove tags you just have to
embed them in the tag...thusly:

!--bean:write name=foobar property=nothing--

That will be ignored by the container, browser and everything else.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 3:04 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

At 09:51 04/03/2003, you wrote:
There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing:

Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms

 !-- tr
 thContract User/th
 html:checkbox property=contractUser/
 /tr --

If this is present, struts fails with the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property
of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not
if I remove the code entirely.

Struts doesn't care of HTML comments, all the JSP source is processed to

produce HTML content, and that's the navigator which is checking HTML 
comments to display contents or not.

The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter)
contractUser in

 /* Contract User */
 private boolean contractUser = false;
 public boolean getContractUser() {
 return this.contractUser;
 public void setContractUser(boolean contractUser) {
 this.contractUser = contractUser;

I have the following in my struts config:

 form-bean name=userForm
type=com.somewhere.aproject.UserForm /
 action path=/screen_user_add

I know the configuration is right since the rest of the fields work
Should I be using type String instead of boolean for contractUser?

I've read somewhere that all forms fields should be declared as String
the Form classes... It is recommended to make the conversions in your 
actions classes.

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RE: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
 Actually, you can use html comments to remove tags you just have to
 embed them in the tag...thusly:
 !--bean:write name=foobar property=nothing--
 That will be ignored by the container, browser and everything else.

Or you can use JSP comments:
bean:write name=foobar property=nothing 

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RE: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

2003-03-04 Thread du Plessis, Corneil C
They will be ignored but the will still be visible in the HTML received by
the browser, it is therefore much better to use JSP comments %--  --%

-Original Message-
From: Jaye Bass [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 March, 2003 13:24
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

Actually, you can use html comments to remove tags you just have to
embed them in the tag...thusly:

!--bean:write name=foobar property=nothing--

That will be ignored by the container, browser and everything else.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas CORNET [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 3:04 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts not parsing HTML correctly?

At 09:51 04/03/2003, you wrote:
There are actually 2 problems I'm experiencing:

Firstly, I have the following snippet in one of my forms

 !-- tr
 thContract User/th
 html:checkbox property=contractUser/
 /tr --

If this is present, struts fails with the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property
of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

This happens whether that section is commented out or not, but does not
if I remove the code entirely.

Struts doesn't care of HTML comments, all the JSP source is processed to

produce HTML content, and that's the navigator which is checking HTML 
comments to display contents or not.

The second problem is that I actually DO have a getter (and setter)
contractUser in

 /* Contract User */
 private boolean contractUser = false;
 public boolean getContractUser() {
 return this.contractUser;
 public void setContractUser(boolean contractUser) {
 this.contractUser = contractUser;

I have the following in my struts config:

 form-bean name=userForm
type=com.somewhere.aproject.UserForm /
 action path=/screen_user_add

I know the configuration is right since the rest of the fields work
Should I be using type String instead of boolean for contractUser?

I've read somewhere that all forms fields should be declared as String
the Form classes... It is recommended to make the conversions in your 
actions classes.

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Re: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread Roeland Lengers
You could switch to tiles. Depending on a users' locale it could
automagically use a different jsp. This way you limit the lookup of
messages considerably, only once (per tile) you need to determine which
tile to load in.
If you break down your site-pages in smaller chunks you can tile-fy
each page and you will not have a need for pre-processing. When you
already make allowances for the fact that your design might change,
switching to tiles is not such a bad option.

Hope this is useful,

Roeland Lengers

Boris Folgmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 David Graham wrote:
  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for each
language with
  hardcoded text.
 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to be
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so something
like a
 preprocessor would be great.
 Dipl.-Inf. Boris Folgmann   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Folgmann IT-Consulting

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[HK] List backed parameter validation

2003-03-04 Thread harish krishnaswamy

Is it possible to add a validation rule (required for
ex.) to all list backed parameters in a
dynamic form? If yes, how is it defined in 
validation.xml / validation-rules.xml?

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Tiles problems (Building complex pages)

2003-03-04 Thread Fabio Mancinelli
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

Sorry for this lengthy mail but I am getting crazy!
I am working with Struts and Tiles and I am developing a small site to 
test (and stress this technology)

I reused some layouts taken from the tiles documentation. The standard 
page layout with the classical header, body, footer attributes and, in 
particular I took the vboxLayout:

  Iterator i = list.iterator();
  while(i.hasNext()) {
String name = (String);
 tiles:insert name=%= name % flush=true/

What I want is a page with the standard layout whose body is a vboxLayout 
with some tiles.

To do this I have to write the following files:

Where main is a page which uses the standard layout, mainBody is a simple 
.jsp with only a 

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
t1, t2 are .jsp tiles.

Now my questions are: 

1) The mainBody contains a list of tiles some of which might be text-only.
I would like to do something like this:
tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp/
tiles:add type=stringThis is an embedded text only tile/tiles:add
In this way I would get rid of all the .jsp which contains only text/html 
and are peculiar to a single page. But this doesn't work.

2) Another problem is when a tile, let's say t1.jsp, needs some attributes 
to be passed in order to be instantiated. Let's suppose that the tile t1 
needs a title. How do I pass that attribute in the previous example?

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp
  tiles:put name=title value=Yupi/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
Doesn't work. 

I tried to write a local definition before actually inserting the tile:

tiles:definition id=instantiatedT1 page=t1.jsp
tiles:put name=title value=Yupi/

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=instantiatedT1/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
But this doesn't work too. I tried also to specify different scopes for 
the definition (even the application one!) and different types for the 
tiles:add tag (namely type=definition and also 
The only way I've found to make this work is to put the definition inside 
the tiles-config.xml, but this would be equivalent in having a separate t1.jsp 
with no parameters.

I suppose the problem is in the vboxLayout but I cannot figure out how to 
write a layout which supports what I said in 1).
The problem in 2) still has no solution (to me).

A presto,

- -- 
- -
 Fabio Mancinelli, PhD student EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dipartimento di Informatica WWW :
 Universita' dell'Aquila
- -

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RE: [OT] Text editor usage (was RE: [OT]: What is vim?)

2003-03-04 Thread Sundar Narasimhan
:). In any case, OTI is an ex-Smalltalk IDE shop, so I presume there's
a strong NIH syndrome there similar to most other IDE's I've run
across --

Then why is there an Emacs keybinding preference setting but none for vi?

Huh? I can't quite understand what you are asking David. If you are
asking why emacs instead of vi -- I can only offer that perhaps
Emacs users asked them for it repeatedly (OTI used to build VisualAge
suite of products before being acquired by IBM, and perhaps found the
emacs demands harder to ignore :). 

If you are asking why emacs at all? given what I said about their
NIH syndrome, I have to point out that the emacs key-binding support
in Eclipse is much like the key-binding support within Visual Studio
or .Net IDEs.. they are very poor implementations, and I'd rather not
have them at all. It is a great mistake to think that just by simply
rebinding keys you can get emacs-like behavior.. if you've used things
like the keyboard macros, key-rebinding support, regexp search, file
commands etc. etc., you will see that deeper integration can provide
a lot more benefits. I think an open plugin-based IDE like Eclipse
can do much, much more.. by actually embedding Emacs within the IDE as
a true component plugin, much like it allows the embedding of multiple
HTML/JSP editors, viewers or VCM tools etc.

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Form Beans: Design Question

2003-03-04 Thread Curley, John

Please excuse the simple question (I am new to Struts):

When is it appropriate to use form beans for an action?

The reason why I ask is because you can obtain information from a request
via the information sent by the HTTP/Post/Get.  If I have a bunch of widgets
in a form I can just obtain the info in the action this way:


I have a fairly good understanding of how form beans work, but I'm just
wondering in what type(s) of situation(s) these would be applied.

Thanks for your help.

John Curley

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RE: Form Beans: Design Question

2003-03-04 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
 Please excuse the simple question (I am new to Struts):
 When is it appropriate to use form beans for an action?
 The reason why I ask is because you can obtain information 
 from a request
 via the information sent by the HTTP/Post/Get.  If I have a 
 bunch of widgets
 in a form I can just obtain the info in the action this way:
 I have a fairly good understanding of how form beans work, 
 but I'm just
 wondering in what type(s) of situation(s) these would be applied.
 Thanks for your help.

The form bean is simply the OO view of what the user has typed in his 
HTML form.
One of the benefits of this object is that you can validate() it.
And reset() it to default values.

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RE: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes

2003-03-04 Thread BaTien Duong
Great. Thanks again. Nothing can replace words from the mouth of a real

-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 3:46 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Setting tiles attributes from a bean in different scopes

BaTien Duong wrote:

Thanks Cedric. You save us a day! 3 more items to be sure:

1) Assuming we have *myAttribute* from *myBean* in user session
myBean.getLevel2().getMyAttribute(). To use myAttribute as a JSP Java
variable, we need:
   //set an attribute for tile insert
   tiles:insert attribute=myAttribute /
 tiles:put name=myAttribute beanName=myBean
   beanScope=session beanProperty=level2.myAttribute /

  This declare a tile attribute initialized from your bean. This
attribute can be used in the inserted tile only, not in the current page

   //declare a Java variable for JSP usage
   tiles:useAttribute name=myAttribute scope=request /

  This can be done in the inserted tile only. It declare a java variable
and a bean in the request scope. A java variable is only visible
inside the jsp page where it is declared. The bean is visible in its scope.

   // myAttribute is now available for all sub tiles in the jsp
   %= myAttribute ... %

  NO ! The java variable is not visible in sub tiles because they are
other jsps. But the bean stored in the request scope is visible. so, you
can retrieve it from the scope:
bean:define .../

2) Assuming now level2 is a HashMap and myAttributeName is the key
corresponding to myAttribute value: myAttribute = (HashMap
the beanProperty can be set: beanProperty=level2.myAttributeName

  I don't remember the exact syntax for accessing hashmap. It is the
same syntax used in Struts tags.

3) Assuming as in (2) but myAttribute is now a property of level2Obj, which
is the value of myAttributeName key: myAttribute = ( Level2Obj (HashMap
myBean.getLevel2()).get(myAttributeName).getMyAttribute(), the
beanProperty can be set:

  It should work. In fact Tiles use the BeanUtils library. So, if this
library support it, Tiles support it also.


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2003-03-04 Thread Mark Lowe

Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties i 
wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map and 
exstracting the names with the keySet() method



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Re: Form Beans: Design Question

2003-03-04 Thread Nicolas De Loof
Your right, formbean just get request parameter for you. But they
are doing this too:

- allow syntax validation, programatically or by rules (via
- allow dotted and indexed syntax (like  property1.property2[3]),
and so a realy objet-oriented formbean design
- can be dynabeans (so you don't need to create javabeans)


 Please excuse the simple question (I am new to Struts):

 When is it appropriate to use form beans for an action?

 The reason why I ask is because you can obtain information from a
 via the information sent by the HTTP/Post/Get.  If I have a bunch of
 in a form I can just obtain the info in the action this way:


 I have a fairly good understanding of how form beans work, but I'm
 wondering in what type(s) of situation(s) these would be applied.

 Thanks for your help.

 John Curley

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2003-03-04 Thread Veaceslav Chicu

I have an action that in case of success redirect to my.jsp

in requestURI return URI
in my.jsp requestURI return my.jsp URI

is there a possibility to retrieve URI from my.jsp page

struts 1.1b2

thank you for answers,

Transaction Tokens

2003-03-04 Thread Alban Soupper
Hi all,

I really did not found any answer to this simple question:

How do we use the transaction token mechanism?
How to avoid the double submit problem ?


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RE: Transaction Tokens

2003-03-04 Thread apachep2
Search list archive. Answers are there. I remember I even posted my code

-Original Message-
From: Alban Soupper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: March 4, 2003 9:25 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail)
Subject: Transaction Tokens

Hi all,

I really did not found any answer to this simple question:

How do we use the transaction token mechanism?
How to avoid the double submit problem ?


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Re: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread David Graham
I think you'll find that using the messaging tags with be acceptable 
performance and easier to maintain.


From: Boris Folgmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How fast is bean:message?
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 10:33:30 +0100
David Graham wrote:

 It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
 unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for each language 
 hardcoded text.

I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to be changed
every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so something like a
preprocessor would be great.
Dipl.-Inf. Boris Folgmann   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Folgmann IT-Consulting
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Re: Transaction Tokens

2003-03-04 Thread David Graham
The struts-example webapp uses tokens and the Action class' javadoc is 


From: Alban Soupper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Transaction Tokens
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 15:24:32 +0100
Hi all,

I really did not found any answer to this simple question:

How do we use the transaction token mechanism?
How to avoid the double submit problem ?
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BEA's Java Page Flow

2003-03-04 Thread Sher_A
Anyone care to comment on the Java Page Flow thing that BEA is selling?
It's a collection of tags and some IDE wrapped around Struts to make life
even easier for web app developers.

More proof that Struts in right on the mark?

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Transaction Tokens

The struts-example webapp uses tokens and the Action class' javadoc is 


From: Alban Soupper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Transaction Tokens
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 15:24:32 +0100

Hi all,

I really did not found any answer to this simple question:

How do we use the transaction token mechanism?
How to avoid the double submit problem ?


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Re: Anyone using JBoss with custom validator rules?

2003-03-04 Thread Chris Trawick
What version of JBoss are you using?

I have successfully gotten custom validators to work without a hitch on
JBoss 3.0.x (all versions beta through latest).  All validator classes and
jars are contained in the war like this:



- Original Message -
From: Brian Topping [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 5:31 PM
Subject: Anyone using JBoss with custom validator rules?

Hi all,

I have Validator operational with two-password validation along the lines of
what is in the developer guide.  I've found that the custom validator
function can be found when the setup is running under standalone Tomcat
4.0.x, but not when that tomcat is running under JBoss, I get the attached
NoClassDefFoundError exception.  I've traced the cause of the exception down
to Line 367 of v1.11:

 Method m = c.getMethod(va.getMethod(), paramClass);

The class that getMethod is operating on was loaded via
getClassLoader().loadClass() a dozen or so lines earlier. I presume the
problem then is not related to the class itself, but the method signature

I've checked a hundred times that the classpath is clean of everything but
the code in the nightly build.  There are no additional or incorrect
validator jars anywhere else on the classpath during compile or deployment,
which is what I am implying from the exception I am getting below.  I've
checked that the correct validator jar is in the JBoss deployment, inside
WAR file along with the rest of the correctly operating Struts jars.

It looks like an incompatibility at best from where I am right now...  Any
ideas appreciated.


at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
at java.lang.Class.privateGetPublicMethods(
at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(
at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
... 42 more

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Re: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread Chris Trawick
Great!  Let us know when you've got it done.


- Original Message -
From: Boris Folgmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 4:33 AM
Subject: Re: How fast is bean:message?

 David Graham wrote:

  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for each language
  hardcoded text.

 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to be changed
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so something like a
 preprocessor would be great.


 Dipl.-Inf. Boris Folgmann   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Folgmann IT-Consulting

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Re: Form Beans: Design Question

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Reumann
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 08:51:39 -0500 
Curley, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reason why I ask is because you can obtain information from a
 request via the information sent by the HTTP/Post/Get.  If I have a
 bunch of widgets in a form I can just obtain the info in the action
 this way:

Another reason that I didn't see mentioned is: often times you usually
need to the information from a form into the business layer. You don't
really want to pass the servlet stuff (request,etc) over into the other
layer so usually you transfer the request information into a business
object (often called a Data Transfer Object or Value Object). Using
BeanUtils makes it very easy to copy all of your form bean parameters in
one fell swoop into this business object:

BeanUtils.copyProperties( businessObject, formBean );

So having all of your request information in a formBean is usually very
convenient and it makes it very easy to hand off the information to the
business logic of your application.

Rick Reumann

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Re: DynaBeans

2003-03-04 Thread Jose Gonzalez Gomez
   This is a wild guess, but... are you using getProperty() instead of 
get( property ) ?

Mark Lowe wrote:


Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties i 
wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map and 
exstracting the names with the keySet() method



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Re: DynaBeans

2003-03-04 Thread Mark Lowe
Has nobody anything to say on this problem?


DynaBean myBean = 
DynaBean newBean = mybasicdynaclass.newInstance();
Map myMap = myBean.descibe();

Object[] keys = mymap.keySet().toArray();

for(int = i;i  keys.length;i++) {
String key = keys[i].toString();
	newBean.set(key,SOME VALUE);


now i'm getting a NoSuchMethodException when i the keys i'm extracting 
are fine.

when i'm setting values i'm getting Illegalinputexception or such

I'm getting my original dynaBeans from ResultSetDynaClass.. which could 
be a potental issue but the same happens when i  copy the properties to 
a xerox bean exactly like the docs example...

It could also be My BasicDynaBean constructer

many thanks


Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:02 Europe/Rome, Mark Lowe ha scritto:


Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties i 
wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map and 
exstracting the names with the keySet() method



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Re: DynaBeans

2003-03-04 Thread Mark Lowe
no sorry.. gosh that would be simple... :)

Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:50 Europe/Rome, Jose Gonzalez Gomez ha 

   This is a wild guess, but... are you using getProperty() instead of 
get( property ) ?

Mark Lowe wrote:


Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties 
i wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map 
and exstracting the names with the keySet() method



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Re: DynaBeans

2003-03-04 Thread Mark Lowe
In fact over the last 3 days i've tried using



etc, etc... anything that looks vaguely possible i've tried I know 
that commons.beanutils is kinda green so i've been expecting problems..

mutabledynaclass would theoretically work as well but i'd prefer to do 
things this way until the mutabledynaclass spec has solidifed...

cheers mark

Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:54 Europe/Rome, Mark Lowe ha scritto:

no sorry.. gosh that would be simple... :)

Martedì, 4 mar 2003, alle 15:50 Europe/Rome, Jose Gonzalez Gomez ha 

   This is a wild guess, but... are you using getProperty() instead 
of get( property ) ?

Mark Lowe wrote:


Sorry another dynabeans question

I'm getting NoSuchMethodException when i can see that the properties 
i wish to access are available (using the describes to produce a map 
and exstracting the names with the keySet() method



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RE: [OT] Text editor usage (was RE: [OT]: What is vim?)

2003-03-04 Thread James Higginbotham
 I think an open 
 plugin-based IDE like Eclipse can do much, much more.. by 
 actually embedding Emacs within the IDE as a true component 
 plugin, much like it allows the embedding of multiple 
 HTML/JSP editors, viewers or VCM tools etc.

Amen! I'm torn between the two and having the power of the Emacs
editor inside of Eclipse would be my dream!

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RE: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread James Childers

The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are on the order of 
100 times slower than those that do not. I did some tests on this a while back and 
found that the MessageFormat class is the bottleneck. I wrote some unit tests against 
MessageTag that tracked the time to perform the parsing. Taking the String Humpty 
Dumpty sat on a wall as the first test case and {0} sat on the wall as the second 
(and passing it the appropriate parameter) gave the following results:

50 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds.  // Humpty Dumpty sat 
on a wall
5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds.// {0} sat on 
a wall

YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just incredile.

-= J

 David Graham wrote:
  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for 
 each language with
  hardcoded text.
 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to 
 be changed
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so 
 something like a
 preprocessor would be great.

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RE: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread Brian Lee
MessageFormat has always been very slow. I wonder how much faster this would 
be going through a better templating system like Velocity.

I'm a little swamped right now or I would be posting the difference in this 


From: James Childers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: How fast is bean:message?
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 09:17:57 -0600
The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are on 
the order of 100 times slower than those that do not. I did some tests on 
this a while back and found that the MessageFormat class is the bottleneck. 
I wrote some unit tests against MessageTag that tracked the time to perform 
the parsing. Taking the String Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall as the first 
test case and {0} sat on the wall as the second (and passing it the 
appropriate parameter) gave the following results:

50 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds.		// Humpty Dumpty 
sat on a wall
5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds.			// {0} sat on a 

YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just 

-= J

 David Graham wrote:

  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for
 each language with
  hardcoded text.

 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to
 be changed
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so
 something like a
 preprocessor would be great.


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RE: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread David Graham
That's not all that surprising because the java.text.* classes have always 
been rather slow.  I think they create a lot of objects while processing 
text which slows them down.  I've found that I don't use paramterized 
messages very often anyway.


The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are on 
the order of 100 times slower than those that do not. I did some tests on 
this a while back and found that the MessageFormat class is the bottleneck. 
I wrote some unit tests against MessageTag that tracked the time to perform 
the parsing. Taking the String Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall as the first 
test case and {0} sat on the wall as the second (and passing it the 
appropriate parameter) gave the following results:

50 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds.		// Humpty Dumpty 
sat on a wall
5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds.			// {0} sat on a 

YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just 

-= J

 David Graham wrote:

  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for
 each language with
  hardcoded text.

 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to
 be changed
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so
 something like a
 preprocessor would be great.


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RE: [OT] Text editor usage (was RE: [OT]: What is vim?)

2003-03-04 Thread David Graham
I don't use it but eclipse does have an emacs keybindings preference.


From: James Higginbotham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: RE: [OT] Text editor usage (was RE: [OT]: What is vim?)
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 09:15:35 -0600

 I think an open
 plugin-based IDE like Eclipse can do much, much more.. by
 actually embedding Emacs within the IDE as a true component
 plugin, much like it allows the embedding of multiple
 HTML/JSP editors, viewers or VCM tools etc.
Amen! I'm torn between the two and having the power of the Emacs
editor inside of Eclipse would be my dream!
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Proper way to Link

2003-03-04 Thread Chen, Gin
Hi all,
   I have two action classes that used to handle separate forms that I want
to merge into one.
Rather than delete one of the action classes I will just have the mappings
for it go from the previous file to it.
   So I have dummy handlers in the first file that does a return new
ActionForward(/; to get to the second action.
Just out of curiousity. Is this the proper way to link actions? Is there a
better way? I'm sure alot of people do this just to break up larger actions
to make it more managable but I can't find any references for this on the
Struts site and via Google (Linking Struts Actions)

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Re: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Do we have an idea if same is true of the JSTL FMT tag?
(bean tags are now redundant to JSTL).

David Graham wrote:
That's not all that surprising because the java.text.* classes have 
always been rather slow.  I think they create a lot of objects while 
processing text which slows them down.  I've found that I don't use 
paramterized messages very often anyway.


The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are 
on the order of 100 times slower than those that do not. I did some 
tests on this a while back and found that the MessageFormat class is 
the bottleneck. I wrote some unit tests against MessageTag that 
tracked the time to perform the parsing. Taking the String Humpty 
Dumpty sat on a wall as the first test case and {0} sat on the wall 
as the second (and passing it the appropriate parameter) gave the 
following results:

50 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds.// 
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds.// 
{0} sat on a wall

YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just 

-= J

 David Graham wrote:

  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for
 each language with
  hardcoded text.

 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to
 be changed
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so
 something like a
 preprocessor would be great.


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Re: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread David Graham
It's up to the JSTL implementations to decide how to implement the message 
tag.  My guess is that they will use the MessageFormat class.
You could always look at the jakarta taglibs implementation to see how they 
do it.


From: Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How fast is bean:message?
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 10:39:06 -0500
Do we have an idea if same is true of the JSTL FMT tag?
(bean tags are now redundant to JSTL).

David Graham wrote:
That's not all that surprising because the java.text.* classes have always 
been rather slow.  I think they create a lot of objects while processing 
text which slows them down.  I've found that I don't use paramterized 
messages very often anyway.


The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are on 
the order of 100 times slower than those that do not. I did some tests on 
this a while back and found that the MessageFormat class is the 
bottleneck. I wrote some unit tests against MessageTag that tracked the 
time to perform the parsing. Taking the String Humpty Dumpty sat on a 
wall as the first test case and {0} sat on the wall as the second (and 
passing it the appropriate parameter) gave the following results:

50 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds.// Humpty 
Dumpty sat on a wall
5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds.// {0} 
sat on a wall

YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just 

-= J

 David Graham wrote:

  It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
  unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for
 each language with
  hardcoded text.

 I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to
 be changed
 every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so
 something like a
 preprocessor would be great.


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AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Roland Berger
Yes, the Tag's surrounding tiles:insert are:

nested:form  ...
  nested:nest ...
nested:nest  ...
  table ...
tr ...
  td ...
tiles:insert ...

Do you know a work around?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 11:33
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

  The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
  The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert,
iterate, ...).
  Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp
file ?


Roland Berger wrote:

Hi Cedric

Sorry, but I can not find the problem even with the examples. I belive I do
it the same way as it is done there.

May be you can have a look at the code below:

*** tiles-defs.xml snippets ***

definition name=.detailLayout

definition extends=.detailLayout
put name=body

put name=bodyHead

 involved jsp page snippets 

File: detailLayout.jsp
tiles:insert  attribute=body /

File: memberDetail.jsp
tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead flush=false/

If I don't set flush to false I get:

Can't insert page '/WEB-INF/pages/memberDetailShowHead.jsp' : Illegal to
flush within a custom tag Illegal to flush within a
custom tag at
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent.flush( at
va:817) at

Again, the page memberDetailShowHead.jsp is put at the beginning of
memberDetail.jsp and not where the tiles:insert  attribute=bodyHead
flush=false/ tag is.

Thank you very much

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 3. März 2003 18:08
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: Tiles Body question

  The examples in struts-documentation use a master layout
(classicLayout.jsp), and the body is often made of tiles inserted with
another layout (like columnsLayout, vboxLayout, tabsLayout...). You can
easily define your own layout with an insert. It is also possible to
insert the definition corresponding to a page inside a nested bodies
(see the tabs in the example directory).

  Maybe I have miss something in what you are trying to do ...


Roland Berger wrote:

Yes, that's exactly what I also want to do. But it seems that I missed the
big picture. When I set flush=true I get a Illegal to flush error. If I
set flush=false the tile I want to insert into the body template is
inserted at the top of the page and not where the insert tag is. Can you
give a small example with tiles-defs.xml and the JSP Part?

( see also thread:  'tiles insert in sub layout' )

Thanks a lot.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Samstag, 22. Februar 2003 14:13
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: Tiles Body question

 You can have a body acting as a body template which in turn insert
other bodies ...


James Prance wrote:

In a classic template, the header, footer and menu could be common across
your application.
However the body would likely change depending on the business process.

Is there a way to alter the 'body' value dynamically? I'm a bit confused


this at the moment and my current understanding is that you need a new
'layout' for each differing 'body' page..

is this correct or am i totally arse about face?


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RE: How fast is bean:message?

2003-03-04 Thread Jerome Jacobsen
Yes, Jakarta's JSTL implementation makes use of MessageFormat for both the
EL and RT tag flavors.
See org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.fmt.MessageSupport.

 -Original Message-
 From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:39 AM
 Subject: Re: How fast is bean:message?

 Do we have an idea if same is true of the JSTL FMT tag?
 (bean tags are now redundant to JSTL).


 David Graham wrote:
  That's not all that surprising because the java.text.* classes have
  always been rather slow.  I think they create a lot of objects while
  processing text which slows them down.  I've found that I don't use
  paramterized messages very often anyway.
  The only caveat I would give is that messages that have parameters are
  on the order of 100 times slower than those that do not. I did some
  tests on this a while back and found that the MessageFormat class is
  the bottleneck. I wrote some unit tests against MessageTag that
  tracked the time to perform the parsing. Taking the String Humpty
  Dumpty sat on a wall as the first test case and {0} sat on the wall
  as the second (and passing it the appropriate parameter) gave the
  following results:
  50 unparameterized requests took 296 milliseconds.//
  Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
  5000 parameterized requests took 10607 milliseconds.//
  {0} sat on a wall
  YMMV, but if so let's try and find out why. The disparity here is just
  -= J
   David Graham wrote:
It's as fast as it takes to lookup a key in a hashmap.  If that's
unacceptable then you should write a different jsp for
   each language with
hardcoded text.
   I'm searching a more automated solution. If the design has to
   be changed
   every translated JSP should be changed automatically, so
   something like a
   preprocessor would be great.
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How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

2003-03-04 Thread Renato Romano
Hi all.

I'm trying to model a set of Anagraphics objects; each object extends
a base abstract class, and only adds getter and setter method specific
to it; all these object behave the same way, in the sense that all I
have to do on them is reading, listing, updating, inserting. I can
already persist those object in and independent way, so Action Objects
are written assuming to use the base class, and don't have to know what
the exact runtime class is; what I would like to do now is:

1) write action-mappings in struts-config in a similar independent way;
this seems difficult to me because in the mapping I have to specify the
name of the ActionForm bean to use, and therefore it's class!
I tried do subclass ActionServlet, and determine the class of the Bean
to use using a runtime request parameter, if present, instead of using
information from the mapping; this works, but not all work is done by
ActionServlet !! For example the html:form tag uses its action
attribute to look up the bean name (and type) to use, so I get stuck
again, because it tries to instantiate an abstract class; even if this
class was not abstract i get a wrong object !!. Should I extend this tag
? And what else ? Is there a better way ?

2) write jsp pages in a similar independent way. This seems more
difficult and maybe not so useful, also considering that rendering
appropriate input forms, or listing tables using generic jsp pages would
not lead to frendly interfaces, I think!!

Suggestions are welcome.


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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Re: AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

Roland Berger wrote:

Yes, the Tag's surrounding tiles:insert are:

nested:form  ...
 nested:nest ...
   nested:nest  ...
 table ...
   tr ...
 td ...
   tiles:insert ...
Do you know a work around?

 No workaround apart not using nested:nest .

 The problem is not from Tiles, but from the jsp spec: it is not 
allowed to flush inside a BodyTag.
 Also, your webserver seem to deal badly with inclusion because when 
you set flush=false, the tiles should normally appear at its right 
place, not at the top of page. What webserver do you use ?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 11:33
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

 The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
 The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert,
iterate, ...).
 Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp
file ?



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Re: How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

2003-03-04 Thread Mark
Not to mention the validator and everything uses BeanUtils and PropertyUtils from 
commons... What remains to be seen is if these will introspect the base (abstract) 
class or the proper (bean) class, but either way i fear they will miss out on the 
underlying fields.  i havent personnally tested this, but perhaps the introspection is 
smart enough to get the properties from extended classes.

You've also touched on some things I've experienced, i.e. tight configuration between 
tiers in the Struts-MVC implementation.  I've been looking for a more loose way too.



On 03/04/2003 at 5:00 PM Renato Romano wrote:

Hi all.

I'm trying to model a set of Anagraphics objects; each object extends
a base abstract class, and only adds getter and setter method specific
to it; all these object behave the same way, in the sense that all I
have to do on them is reading, listing, updating, inserting. I can
already persist those object in and independent way, so Action Objects
are written assuming to use the base class, and don't have to know what
the exact runtime class is; what I would like to do now is:

1) write action-mappings in struts-config in a similar independent way;
this seems difficult to me because in the mapping I have to specify the
name of the ActionForm bean to use, and therefore it's class!
I tried do subclass ActionServlet, and determine the class of the Bean
to use using a runtime request parameter, if present, instead of using
information from the mapping; this works, but not all work is done by
ActionServlet !! For example the html:form tag uses its action
attribute to look up the bean name (and type) to use, so I get stuck
again, because it tries to instantiate an abstract class; even if this
class was not abstract i get a wrong object !!. Should I extend this tag
? And what else ? Is there a better way ?

2) write jsp pages in a similar independent way. This seems more
difficult and maybe not so useful, also considering that rendering
appropriate input forms, or listing tables using generic jsp pages would
not lead to frendly interfaces, I think!!

Suggestions are welcome.


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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[HK] List backed parameter validation

2003-03-04 Thread harish krishnaswamy

Is it possible to add a validation rule (required
for ex.) to all list backed parameters in a
dynamic form? If yes, how is it defined in 
validation.xml / validation-rules.xml?

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struts validation question

2003-03-04 Thread Ashish Kulkarni
I have 3 questiona about handling validation in struts
1.1b3, using dyna form and using validation.xml

Q1, Suppose i have to validate date for 3 different
format depending upon a value set in sessio, so if the
value of fomrat is '1' date format is  dd/MM/yy, if
'2' date format is MM/dd/yy and  '3' date format is
Also how to use mask for field entry

Q2, Validating numeric field, for '.' and ',' for
decimal values, like in US . is used for decimal
while  in france , is used for decimal value is
double. so how do i validate depending upon local, or
using a value set in session, like if the valus is '1'
then the valid decimal is . and if the vaus is 2
the valid decimal is ,

Q3, Is there a way to validate number of digits before
decimal and after decimal, 
like valid value is 123.23 but not 12.323

Any code or defination in validation.xml will really
Do i have to write custom validtor for above
requirements or is there a way to do it in struts


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AW: AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Roland Berger
Tomcat 4.1.18

Can I teach it to deal right with inclusion?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 16:59
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

Roland Berger wrote:

Yes, the Tag's surrounding tiles:insert are:

nested:form  ...
  nested:nest ...
nested:nest  ...
  table ...
tr ...
  td ...
tiles:insert ...

Do you know a work around?

  No workaround apart not using nested:nest .

  The problem is not from Tiles, but from the jsp spec: it is not
allowed to flush inside a BodyTag.
  Also, your webserver seem to deal badly with inclusion because when
you set flush=false, the tiles should normally appear at its right
place, not at the top of page. What webserver do you use ?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 11:33
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

  The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
  The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert,
iterate, ...).
  Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp
file ?


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Synch Token and DispatchActions

2003-03-04 Thread Dave Patton
I am attempting to use the synchronizer token in a DispatchAction.  I
have two methods view() and update().  When the user first enters the
page they will be calling view()  Once the response page has loaded and
they submit the form in the page it will call update().  I cant seem to
get the token working right.  It is always invalid?  Basically I have
the following:

External action calls

public ActionForward view(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
... Some code ...

...Some other code ...


Response sends MyPage.jsp with a form in it and the input type=hidden
name=token  piece in the jsp.  I enter data in the form and hit
submit which calls

public ActionForward update(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
... Some code ...
if (!isTokenValid(request))

System.out.println(TOKEN INVALID!);
ActionForward forwardTo = view(mapping, form, request,
return forwardTo;
System.out.println(TOKEN IS VALID.  CONTINUING!);

...Some other code ...

What I want is to keep a user from updating the form again by hitting
the refresh button. But it is ok to resubmit the form with new data
(that validation will be handled client side).

What am I missing??

Dave Patton

RE: How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

2003-03-04 Thread Renato Romano
I'm not sure I understood your answer. To get closer to the problem: in
the action mapping for the path, say, listAnag(.do), I have to specify
the name attribute, which determines the class of objects I have to
retrieve and then list in the result page. Suppose I have a BaseAnagForm
class (which extends ActionForm) and then CatAnag and DogAnag, both
extending BaseAnag. What i'd like to do is determine wheter to list Cats
or Dogs, using some other parameter, because I don't want to determine
this at deploy time. A solution of course would be to define several
mappings in struts-config, like:

  forward name=success path=/showCatsAnag.jsp/
  forward name=failure path=/failure.jsp/
  forward name=success path=/showDogsAnag.jsp/
  forward name=failure path=/failure.jsp/

Where dogs is a Bean of class DogsAnag and cats is a bean of class
CatsAnag. What I would like to do is configure a UNIQUE action element,
because I have lots of those objects, and the things I have to do on
them (list, save, retrieve) are substantially the same...


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

-Original Message-
From: Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: martedì 4 marzo 2003 17.03
Subject: Re: How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

Not to mention the validator and everything uses BeanUtils and
PropertyUtils from commons... What remains to be seen is if these will
introspect the base (abstract) class or the proper (bean) class, but
either way i fear they will miss out on the underlying fields.  i havent
personnally tested this, but perhaps the introspection is smart enough
to get the properties from extended classes.

You've also touched on some things I've experienced, i.e. tight
configuration between tiers in the Struts-MVC implementation.  I've been
looking for a more loose way too.



On 03/04/2003 at 5:00 PM Renato Romano wrote:

Hi all.

I'm trying to model a set of Anagraphics objects; each object extends

a base abstract class, and only adds getter and setter method specific 
to it; all these object behave the same way, in the sense that all I 
have to do on them is reading, listing, updating, inserting. I can 
already persist those object in and independent way, so Action Objects 
are written assuming to use the base class, and don't have to know what

the exact runtime class is; what I would like to do now is:

1) write action-mappings in struts-config in a similar independent way;

this seems difficult to me because in the mapping I have to specify the

name of the ActionForm bean to use, and therefore it's class! I tried

do subclass ActionServlet, and determine the class of the Bean to use 
using a runtime request parameter, if present, instead of using 
information from the mapping; this works, but not all work is done by 
ActionServlet !! For example the html:form tag uses its action 
attribute to look up the bean name (and type) to use, so I get stuck 
again, because it tries to instantiate an abstract class; even if this 
class was not abstract i get a wrong object !!. Should I extend this 
tag ? And what else ? Is there a better way ?

2) write jsp pages in a similar independent way. This seems more 
difficult and maybe not so useful, also considering that rendering 
appropriate input forms, or listing tables using generic jsp pages 
would not lead to frendly interfaces, I think!!

Suggestions are welcome.


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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AW: AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

2003-03-04 Thread Roland Berger
Hi Cedric

Thanks a lot for your help. I could rearange and rename the tags like

html:form  ...
   tiles:insert ...
 nested:nest ...
 nested:nest  ...
   table ...
tr ...
  td ...

Now it works.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 16:59
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

Roland Berger wrote:

Yes, the Tag's surrounding tiles:insert are:

nested:form  ...
  nested:nest ...
nested:nest  ...
  table ...
tr ...
  td ...
tiles:insert ...

Do you know a work around?

  No workaround apart not using nested:nest .

  The problem is not from Tiles, but from the jsp spec: it is not
allowed to flush inside a BodyTag.
  Also, your webserver seem to deal badly with inclusion because when
you set flush=false, the tiles should normally appear at its right
place, not at the top of page. What webserver do you use ?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 4. März 2003 11:33
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Tiles Body question

  The configuration you propose should work. All example ship with
struts are based on this kind of nesting (portal, tabs, menu, ...).
  The reported exception usually appear when an insert ... is
performed inside a tag implementing the BodyTag interface (like insert,
iterate, ...).
  Is there a tag surrounding tiles:insert ... in your memberDetail.jsp
file ?


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RE: Synch Token and DispatchActions

2003-03-04 Thread Trieu, Danny
On your update(...) method you shouldn't call saveToken before you validate
your token.  What this does is update the current session with a new token,
so the token you submitted with your from will not match the new one in the


-Original Message-
From: Dave Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 8:38 AM
Subject: Synch Token and DispatchActions

I am attempting to use the synchronizer token in a DispatchAction.  I have
two methods view() and update().  When the user first enters the page they
will be calling view()  Once the response page has loaded and they submit
the form in the page it will call update().  I cant seem to get the token
working right.  It is always invalid?  Basically I have the following:

External action calls

public ActionForward view(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response) { ... Some
code ... saveToken(request);

...Some other code ...


Response sends MyPage.jsp with a form in it and the input type=hidden
name=token  piece in the jsp.  I enter data in the form and hit submit
which calls

public ActionForward update(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response) { ... Some
code ...
if (!isTokenValid(request))

System.out.println(TOKEN INVALID!);
ActionForward forwardTo = view(mapping, form, request,
return forwardTo;
System.out.println(TOKEN IS VALID.  CONTINUING!);

...Some other code ...

What I want is to keep a user from updating the form again by hitting the
refresh button. But it is ok to resubmit the form with new data (that
validation will be handled client side).

What am I missing??

Dave Patton

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ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay
I have a web page (the parent) that opens a child
window using javascript. The parent window sets a
field on the child window. The child window needs to
use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB query
and display information on itself.

The problem is that, even though the parent
successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
access to it in my ActionForm or in the request

Is there a way to make that happen?

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2003-03-04 Thread Ray Madigan
I moved my ExceptionHandler from a global-exception to an exception
in the action section.  I no longer get the exception detail in the
Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY location.  Am I doing something wrong and it should
be there, or has it moved, or do i need to define a Handler and override
where the exception is put?

Ray Madigan

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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread James Mitchell
Please label JavaScript topics as [OT].

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought
which they avoid.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data
 I have a web page (the parent) that opens a child
 window using javascript. The parent window sets a
 field on the child window. The child window needs to
 use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB query
 and display information on itself.
 The problem is that, even though the parent
 successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
 access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
 Is there a way to make that happen?
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RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay
I don't believe this is off topic. This question
regards how to get Struts to populate a form field
that was set using Javascript.

--- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Please label JavaScript topics as [OT].
 James Mitchell
 Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
 People demand freedom of speech to make up for the
 freedom of thought
 which they avoid.
 - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
  -Original Message-
  From: Art Vandalay
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
  To: Struts Mailing List
  Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
 Set Data
  I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
  window using javascript. The parent window sets a
  field on the child window. The child window needs
  use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
  and display information on itself.
  The problem is that, even though the parent
  successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
  access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
  Is there a way to make that happen?
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RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Miller, Jason
Are you saying that you open the window, then set a field value in that
child window to something from the parent, and you want to use that value to
do something on the server?  why not pass the value as a querystring

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data
 I have a web page (the parent) that opens a child
 window using javascript. The parent window sets a
 field on the child window. The child window needs to
 use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB query
 and display information on itself.
 The problem is that, even though the parent
 successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
 access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
 Is there a way to make that happen?
 Do you Yahoo!?
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RE: How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Madigan
I do something very similar to this. But Im not sure exactly what you
are trying to do.  If your base class is abstract and defines a general
interface that the extending classes implement, like
public Collection list ( );

and the classes that extend your base class implement this interface,
all the action class has to do is call list on the object it holds
and doesn't need to know if it is cats or dogs?

Im not sure if this helps.

-Original Message-
From: Renato Romano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 8:46 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

I'm not sure I understood your answer. To get closer to the problem: in
the action mapping for the path, say, listAnag(.do), I have to specify
the name attribute, which determines the class of objects I have to
retrieve and then list in the result page. Suppose I have a BaseAnagForm
class (which extends ActionForm) and then CatAnag and DogAnag, both
extending BaseAnag. What i'd like to do is determine wheter to list Cats
or Dogs, using some other parameter, because I don't want to determine
this at deploy time. A solution of course would be to define several
mappings in struts-config, like:

  forward name=success path=/showCatsAnag.jsp/
  forward name=failure path=/failure.jsp/
  forward name=success path=/showDogsAnag.jsp/
  forward name=failure path=/failure.jsp/

Where dogs is a Bean of class DogsAnag and cats is a bean of class
CatsAnag. What I would like to do is configure a UNIQUE action element,
because I have lots of those objects, and the things I have to do on
them (list, save, retrieve) are substantially the same...


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

-Original Message-
From: Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: martedì 4 marzo 2003 17.03
Subject: Re: How to reuse mappings and jsp pages

Not to mention the validator and everything uses BeanUtils and
PropertyUtils from commons... What remains to be seen is if these will
introspect the base (abstract) class or the proper (bean) class, but
either way i fear they will miss out on the underlying fields.  i havent
personnally tested this, but perhaps the introspection is smart enough
to get the properties from extended classes.

You've also touched on some things I've experienced, i.e. tight
configuration between tiers in the Struts-MVC implementation.  I've been
looking for a more loose way too.



On 03/04/2003 at 5:00 PM Renato Romano wrote:

Hi all.

I'm trying to model a set of Anagraphics objects; each object extends

a base abstract class, and only adds getter and setter method specific
to it; all these object behave the same way, in the sense that all I
have to do on them is reading, listing, updating, inserting. I can
already persist those object in and independent way, so Action Objects
are written assuming to use the base class, and don't have to know what

the exact runtime class is; what I would like to do now is:

1) write action-mappings in struts-config in a similar independent way;

this seems difficult to me because in the mapping I have to specify the

name of the ActionForm bean to use, and therefore it's class! I tried

do subclass ActionServlet, and determine the class of the Bean to use
using a runtime request parameter, if present, instead of using
information from the mapping; this works, but not all work is done by
ActionServlet !! For example the html:form tag uses its action
attribute to look up the bean name (and type) to use, so I get stuck
again, because it tries to instantiate an abstract class; even if this
class was not abstract i get a wrong object !!. Should I extend this
tag ? And what else ? Is there a better way ?

2) write jsp pages in a similar independent way. This seems more
difficult and maybe not so useful, also considering that rendering
appropriate input forms, or listing tables using generic jsp pages
would not lead to frendly interfaces, I think!!

Suggestions are welcome.


Renato Romano
Sistemi e Telematica S.p.A.
Calata Grazie - Vial Al Molo Giano
16127 - GENOVA

Tel.:   010 2712603

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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
  I have a web page (the parent) that opens a child
  window using javascript. The parent window sets a
  field on the child window. The child window needs to
  use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB query
  and display information on itself.
  The problem is that, even though the parent
  successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
  access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
  Is there a way to make that happen?

Your parent JSP has a form with one field. 
When you submit this form, the child *action* gets it, makes
the connection, formats results and returns the forward that will display

The details (the parent form is hidden and completely managed via
the child JSP appears in a new window) is pure Javascript tricks.

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privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not copy,
distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you have
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RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay
Yes, a query parameter is an option. The reason I
don't want to use query parameters is we have a
standard to avoid using them if at all possible as
they expose data to the user. This particular piece of
data in question doesn't present a security risk by
being exposed, but exposing it does go against our
standards so I'd like to find another way to pass it.

--- Miller, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Are you saying that you open the window, then set a
 field value in that
 child window to something from the parent, and you
 want to use that value to
 do something on the server?  why not pass the value
 as a querystring
  -Original Message-
  From: Art Vandalay
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
  To: Struts Mailing List
  Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
 Set Data
  I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
  window using javascript. The parent window sets a
  field on the child window. The child window needs
  use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
  and display information on itself.
  The problem is that, even though the parent
  successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
  access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
  Is there a way to make that happen?
  Do you Yahoo!?
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Madigan

if you are usine javascript you can do something like the following.

in the parent create a hidden field

html:hidden name=foo/

when the user submits the form have the onclick javacsript function
run that sets the document.forms[0].foo.value = xxx;

where xxx is the path to the value in the child window.

-Original Message-
From: ROSSEL Olivier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:11 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
Set Data

  I have a web page (the parent) that opens a child
  window using javascript. The parent window sets a
  field on the child window. The child window needs to
  use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB query
  and display information on itself.
  The problem is that, even though the parent
  successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
  access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
  Is there a way to make that happen?

Your parent JSP has a form with one field. 
When you submit this form, the child *action* gets it, makes
the connection, formats results and returns the forward that will display

The details (the parent form is hidden and completely managed via
the child JSP appears in a new window) is pure Javascript tricks.

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Nested problem not finding the id

I'm currently using a nested:form part inside a nested:iterate loop
to display a number of different items along with a corresponding 
edit and delete button for each item.  The problem I have is that
I can't refer to the id of the item using:

nested:hidden property=addressId/

Could somebody tell me why it's looking for the addressId in my
initial person form instead of the nested Address object which
is contained with an arraylist in person, i.e.

Arraylist addressList

where addressList is of type person.

I get the following error message.

ServletException in:/person/addperson.jsp] 
No getter method for property addressId of bean Personform

This is the following code segment, note that the nested:write
tag locates the address object correctly but the nested:hidden
tag within the nested:form tag does not.  Do I need to use
nested:root or something?

nested:iterate property=addressList scope=session

  td class=listtextnested:write property=addressId//td   
td class=listtextnested:write property=addressText//td   
nested:form action=/addperson scope=session
nested:hidden property=addressId/
  nested:submit property=action
 bean:message key=button.edit/ 


   nested:form action=/addperson scope=session

 nested:hidden property=addressId /
   nested:submit onclick=return 
confirm('Confirm Delete?'); property=action


Many thanks in advance,


 Jonathan Holloway,   
 Dept. Of Computer Science,   
 Aberystwyth University, 
 West Wales,  
 SY23 3DV.
 07968 902140 

RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay
I think you've misunderstood...

The child is not an action, it is a page. A page that
is opened using Javascript. In this case, the parent
window is never submitted.

From what I can tell about Struts (I'm pretty new to
it) is that the only way to get data onto a form is
via the submission of a form. That's a problem as I
want to pass info between these 2 windows without
using query parameters if at all possible (see my post
from about 2 seconds ago as to why).

--- ROSSEL Olivier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
   window using javascript. The parent window sets
   field on the child window. The child window
 needs to
   use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
   and display information on itself.
   The problem is that, even though the parent
   successfully sets the data on the child, I have
   access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
   Is there a way to make that happen?
 Your parent JSP has a form with one field. 
 When you submit this form, the child *action* gets
 it, makes
 the connection, formats results and returns the
 forward that will display
 The details (the parent form is hidden and
 completely managed via
 the child JSP appears in a new window) is pure
 Javascript tricks.
 This e-mail is intended only for the above
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Madigan
I don't think this is just a javascript question - more like
how does one use javascript and struts together to create a
dynamic application.

-Original Message-
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:03 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
Set Data

Please label JavaScript topics as [OT].

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought
which they avoid.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data
 I have a web page (the parent) that opens a child
 window using javascript. The parent window sets a
 field on the child window. The child window needs to
 use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB query
 and display information on itself.
 The problem is that, even though the parent
 successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
 access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
 Is there a way to make that happen?
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RE: [OT]JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Miller, Jason
Is it necessary that the child window displays a location bar?  Seems to me
that if you are opening the window using javascript, you can certainly turn
off the various features you won't need anyway.  The way you describe this
it sounds like a dialog box, so it seems to me the simplest response is the
best - querystring it man.   you know you want to.

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:14 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data
 Yes, a query parameter is an option. The reason I
 don't want to use query parameters is we have a
 standard to avoid using them if at all possible as
 they expose data to the user. This particular piece of
 data in question doesn't present a security risk by
 being exposed, but exposing it does go against our
 standards so I'd like to find another way to pass it.
 --- Miller, Jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Are you saying that you open the window, then set a
  field value in that
  child window to something from the parent, and you
  want to use that value to
  do something on the server?  why not pass the value
  as a querystring
   -Original Message-
   From: Art Vandalay
   Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
   To: Struts Mailing List
   Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
  Set Data
   I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
   window using javascript. The parent window sets a
   field on the child window. The child window needs
   use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
   and display information on itself.
   The problem is that, even though the parent
   successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
   access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
   Is there a way to make that happen?
   Do you Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more
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 Do you Yahoo!?
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread James Mitchell
Actually, this has nothing to do with Struts.

If your script is not setting fields (on parent, top, child, whatever)
correctly, then you cannot assume that it is a problem with Struts.

Struts picks up when the request comes in, anything before that is
outside the scope.  

On the other hand however, there are a lot of people on this list with
JavaScript knowledge, but there are many more who would prefer that we
use [OT] to designate that this discussion is not related.

If you find that you are constantly dealing with JavaScript, perhaps
(assuming you are on windoze) you can download and use the
ScriptDebugger for IE.  It lets you step through JavaScript with or
without frames.

Good Luck!

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought
which they avoid.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:06 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data
 I don't believe this is off topic. This question
 regards how to get Struts to populate a form field
 that was set using Javascript.
 --- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Please label JavaScript topics as [OT].
  James Mitchell
  Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
  People demand freedom of speech to make up for the
  freedom of thought
  which they avoid.
  - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
   -Original Message-
   From: Art Vandalay
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
   To: Struts Mailing List
   Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
  Set Data
   I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
   window using javascript. The parent window sets a
   field on the child window. The child window needs
   use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
   and display information on itself.
   The problem is that, even though the parent
   successfully sets the data on the child, I have no
   access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
   Is there a way to make that happen?
   Do you Yahoo!?
   Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay

I am doing that part. The problem is that I want that
value to be available to the child's Action class **
as the child window is opening **. I am expecting it
to be on the form, but the value in the form is null
even though the value is successfully set on the

How can I get Struts to set the value of this field on
the form?

There has to be a way because I've noticed in Struts
that if you have a field defined on your JSP with no
corresponding get/set methods on the Form, an
exception is thrown when the window is opening. So
Struts has to be doing some sort of validation between
the JSP's form and the form class at window open time,
but it doesn't seem to be setting the data. 

--- Ray Madigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you are usine javascript you can do something
 like the following.
 in the parent create a hidden field
 html:hidden name=foo/
 when the user submits the form have the onclick
 javacsript function
 run that sets the document.forms[0].foo.value = xxx;
 where xxx is the path to the value in the child
 -Original Message-
 From: ROSSEL Olivier
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:11 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not
 Contain Dynamically
 Set Data
   I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
   window using javascript. The parent window sets
   field on the child window. The child window
 needs to
   use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
   and display information on itself.
   The problem is that, even though the parent
   successfully sets the data on the child, I have
   access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
   Is there a way to make that happen?
 Your parent JSP has a form with one field. 
 When you submit this form, the child *action* gets
 it, makes
 the connection, formats results and returns the
 forward that will display
 The details (the parent form is hidden and
 completely managed via
 the child JSP appears in a new window) is pure
 Javascript tricks.
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
 I think you've misunderstood...
 The child is not an action, it is a page. A page that
 is opened using Javascript. In this case, the parent
 window is never submitted.
 From what I can tell about Struts (I'm pretty new to
 it) is that the only way to get data onto a form is
 via the submission of a form. That's a problem as I
 want to pass info between these 2 windows without
 using query parameters if at all possible (see my post
 from about 2 seconds ago as to why).

The point is to pass this info to server side at one 
moment or the other.
Struts is designed with *actions* to retrieve/format data,
and JSP just to display them.

It seems that you want your child window to make
things an action is supposed to do.

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privileged information. If you are not the addressee you must not copy,
distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it. If you have
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RE: [OT] Clearing up a misconception - was ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Miller, Jason
 Yes, a query parameter is an option. The reason I
 don't want to use query parameters is we have a
 standard to avoid using them if at all possible as
 they expose data to the user. This particular piece of
 data in question doesn't present a security risk by
 being exposed, but exposing it does go against our
 standards so I'd like to find another way to pass it.

I would just like to point out to anyone reading this list that the
technique mentioned above, Security Through Obscurity, is totally invalid.
Do not believe that simply because you are not explicitly displaying
information in a browser to a user directly that you have done something
that mitigates any security risks.  A knowledgeable, lucky, or well-read
user can find out anything the client is doing.

I would just like to see people understand that whether you post or get, the
information you submit is easily viewable by your users.  I had to spend two
hours explaining to one of my companies developers that just because he
posted the user login instead of getting it, he was not providing adequate
protection for the password.

That is all.

RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay
Mr. Police Man,

If you read the question you'll see that my script
*IS* setting field correctly ( I made that very clear
in my original post). My question is how do I get
those values set in an ActionForm when when the page
is being displayed (not at submit time).

--- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, this has nothing to do with Struts.
 If your script is not setting fields (on parent,
 top, child, whatever)
 correctly, then you cannot assume that it is a
 problem with Struts.
 Struts picks up when the request comes in, anything
 before that is
 outside the scope.  
 On the other hand however, there are a lot of people
 on this list with
 JavaScript knowledge, but there are many more who
 would prefer that we
 use [OT] to designate that this discussion is not
 If you find that you are constantly dealing with
 JavaScript, perhaps
 (assuming you are on windoze) you can download and
 use the
 ScriptDebugger for IE.  It lets you step through
 JavaScript with or
 without frames.
 Good Luck!
 James Mitchell
 Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
 People demand freedom of speech to make up for the
 freedom of thought
 which they avoid.
 - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
  -Original Message-
  From: Art Vandalay
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:06 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain
 Dynamically Set Data
  I don't believe this is off topic. This question
  regards how to get Struts to populate a form field
  that was set using Javascript.
  --- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Please label JavaScript topics as [OT].
   James Mitchell
   Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
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-Original Message-
From: Art Vandalay
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
To: Struts Mailing List
Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain
   Set Data

I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
window using javascript. The parent window
 sets a
field on the child window. The child window
use that data, as it is opening, to perform a
and display information on itself.

The problem is that, even though the parent
successfully sets the data on the child, I
 have no
access to it in my ActionForm or in the

Is there a way to make that happen?

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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay

Thanks. As mentioned, I am new to Struts but have used
other Java MVC frameworks that allow me to do what I
am trying to do with Struts (e.g. Barracuda). If
Struts does not permit it, then I'll find another way
to do it (query parameter being the best approach I

--- ROSSEL Olivier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think you've misunderstood...
  The child is not an action, it is a page. A page
  is opened using Javascript. In this case, the
  window is never submitted.
  From what I can tell about Struts (I'm pretty new
  it) is that the only way to get data onto a form
  via the submission of a form. That's a problem
 as I
  want to pass info between these 2 windows without
  using query parameters if at all possible (see my
  from about 2 seconds ago as to why).
 The point is to pass this info to server side at one
 moment or the other.
 Struts is designed with *actions* to retrieve/format
 and JSP just to display them.
 It seems that you want your child window to make
 things an action is supposed to do.
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Ray Madigan
Does the child window create the correct html:form action=xxx

-Original Message-
From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:23 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically
Set Data


I am doing that part. The problem is that I want that
value to be available to the child's Action class **
as the child window is opening **. I am expecting it
to be on the form, but the value in the form is null
even though the value is successfully set on the

How can I get Struts to set the value of this field on
the form?

There has to be a way because I've noticed in Struts
that if you have a field defined on your JSP with no
corresponding get/set methods on the Form, an
exception is thrown when the window is opening. So
Struts has to be doing some sort of validation between
the JSP's form and the form class at window open time,
but it doesn't seem to be setting the data. 

--- Ray Madigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you are usine javascript you can do something
 like the following.
 in the parent create a hidden field
 html:hidden name=foo/
 when the user submits the form have the onclick
 javacsript function
 run that sets the document.forms[0].foo.value = xxx;
 where xxx is the path to the value in the child
 -Original Message-
 From: ROSSEL Olivier
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:11 AM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not
 Contain Dynamically
 Set Data
   I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
   window using javascript. The parent window sets
   field on the child window. The child window
 needs to
   use that data, as it is opening, to perform a DB
   and display information on itself.
   The problem is that, even though the parent
   successfully sets the data on the child, I have
   access to it in my ActionForm or in the request
   Is there a way to make that happen?
 Your parent JSP has a form with one field. 
 When you submit this form, the child *action* gets
 it, makes
 the connection, formats results and returns the
 forward that will display
 The details (the parent form is hidden and
 completely managed via
 the child JSP appears in a new window) is pure
 Javascript tricks.
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RE: deploy with ant, best practices

2003-03-04 Thread Dave Patton

There is a setting in the server.xml file for this.  In the Host
element add liveDeploy=true  This should, and I repeat should solve
the problem.

Dave Patton 

 Jaye Bass wrote:
  My ant targets build directly into my webapp directories...the root 
  location is set in an env variable. This really seems to work for us 
  on a variety of systems (linux, windows, and occasionally macs) from 
  development to ultimate deployment and maintenance.
  -Original Message-
  From: Dan Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 1:30 AM
  Subject: deploy with ant, best practices
  I have been studying ant very thoroughly over the past two days, and I 
  completely understand the file from top to bottom, including how to 
  reload the application using the reload tag imported from 
  org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask.  However, I am stuck on an issue.
  Assuming that I follow the techniques from the book Struts Kick Start, 
  I create a development tree such as
  then the actual target tree (under tomcat/webapps) is the typical
  Okay, now stay with me here.  Assume that I currently have the 
  application running under tomcat.  If I build the .war file from the 
  build/ directory and place it into ${app.home}/deploy, then copy it to 
  ${}.war under tomcat/webapps, it isn't going to automatically 
  expand over the current running tree.  It just sits there until I kick 
  tomcat (restart it) after deleting the running application directory.
  So what I did instead was I made the build/ directory the actual 
  running application directory so it just copied over the live files 
  directly as they were updated by javac.  Then a simple reload would 
  cause the application to start using the updated files.
  The question on the table is as follows.  How do you get tomcat to 
  expand an updated .war file over a currently running application 
  before you reload it?  It seems wrong to have the live application 
  the target of my build process.
  The goal here is to update the running application without having to 
  restart tomcat and without having to use the running application as 
  the target of the build process.  I want to be able to copy the 
  updated .war file into the tomcat/webapps folder and have it expand it 
  over the running application files.  Is this unreasonable to expect 
  this?  How does everyone else do it.  Surely you are not restarting 
  tomcat all day.
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Re: Tiles problems (Building complex pages)

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin

 It looks like your unlucky using Tiles ;-).

Fabio Mancinelli wrote:

Hash: SHA1
Hi all,

Sorry for this lengthy mail but I am getting crazy!
I am working with Struts and Tiles and I am developing a small site to 
test (and stress this technology)

I reused some layouts taken from the tiles documentation. The standard 
page layout with the classical header, body, footer attributes and, in 
particular I took the vboxLayout:

 Iterator i = list.iterator();
 while(i.hasNext()) {
   String name = (String);
tiles:insert name=%= name % flush=true/
What I want is a page with the standard layout whose body is a vboxLayout 
with some tiles.

To do this I have to write the following files:
 If you use the tiles-config.xml, you can replace this page by a Struts 
action forwarding to a definition.


 As it use the vboxLayout.jsp, you can alsoreplace this page by a 

 These are your bodies, you need them ;-)

Where main is a page which uses the standard layout, mainBody is a simple 
.jsp with only a 

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
t1, t2 are .jsp tiles.
Now my questions are: 

1) The mainBody contains a list of tiles some of which might be text-only.
I would like to do something like this:
tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp/
tiles:add type=stringThis is an embedded text only tile/tiles:add
In this way I would get rid of all the .jsp which contains only text/html 
and are peculiar to a single page. But this doesn't work.

 This is useful only if the body contains small text, and preferably 
without tags.
 Specifying type=String should work.

2) Another problem is when a tile, let's say t1.jsp, needs some attributes 
to be passed in order to be instantiated. Let's suppose that the tile t1 
needs a title. How do I pass that attribute in the previous example?

 You can define another definition declaring your attributes. Then, you 
specify the definition instead of the jsp url:
definition name=t1 page=/t1.jsp 
 put name=title value=Yupi/

definition name=body page=/layouts/vboxLayout.jsp 
 putList name=list 
   add value=t1/
   add value=/t1.jsp/
tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=t1.jsp
 tiles:put name=title value=Yupi/
tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
Doesn't work. 

I tried to write a local definition before actually inserting the tile:

tiles:definition id=instantiatedT1 page=t1.jsp
tiles:put name=title value=Yupi/
 This define a definition defined in a jsp scope.

tiles:insert page=vboxLayout.jsp
tiles:putList name=list
tiles:add value=instantiatedT1/
 You need to do somethink like:

tiles:add beanName=instantiatedT1/

But I am not sure that the vboxLayout support a definition bean as list 
element. Definitions are more useful when defined in the tiles factory 
from a tiles-config.xml file.

tiles:add value=t2.jsp/
But this doesn't work too. I tried also to specify different scopes for 
the definition (even the application one!) and different types for the 
tiles:add tag (namely type=definition and also 
The only way I've found to make this work is to put the definition inside 
the tiles-config.xml, but this would be equivalent in having a separate t1.jsp 
with no parameters.

I suppose the problem is in the vboxLayout but I cannot figure out how to 
write a layout which supports what I said in 1).
The problem in 2) still has no solution (to me).

 I suggest that you use the tiles-config.xml file. It will help reduce 
the number of pages. I also suggest to have one jsp per tiles, and to 
not write big pieces of body inside a put tag.
 Also, don't forget that you can write your own layout doing the exact 
behavior that you are looking for.


A presto,
- -- 
- -
Fabio Mancinelli, PhD student EMail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipartimento di Informatica WWW :
Universita' dell'Aquila
- -

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Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g. org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude

2003-03-04 Thread Cedric Dumoulin
 I suppose that your exception is thrown by a tiles:insert ... tag in 
a jsp.
 This exception is thrown by the tiles framework, which know nothing 
about the struts exception mechanism, so it can't be used. The exception 
is then propagated by the tag handler and reach the jsp page (the tile 
jsp). If there is an exception handler associated to the jsp, it is 
called, if there is no handler, the exception is propagated to parent 
page inserting this one. If the parent page have inserted the child page 
with an insert ..., then the insert catch the exception and show it. 
Normally, the jsp exception handling should work, but it appear that it 
is not always the case.

 A workaround is to put a big try/catch in the jsp throwing the 
exception ;-(. This will be improved in future versions.


Jörg Maurer wrote:

Hi struts people!

I have really defined everywhere i think i can put an exception handler
for servlet exception : 
1.) in my base layout.jsp an %@
2.) in struts config a global exception handler
3.) in web.xml

Still ServletException slip through my guards. Last know point as stack
trace shows below is
org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude(TilesUtilSt , which throws ServletException but is never
catchable to me. The point is not the FileNotFound, which is pretty
clear to me, but why such exception doesn´t hit any of my error handler.
Any hints appreciated!

2003-03-04 12:36:06 ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: /pages/wf_category/pager_region.jsp
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Basic Tiles question

2003-03-04 Thread Steve Stair
How do I get the contents of a variable which is clearly available
inside the layout file
to be available inside a tile?

In my layout file, I can have something like tiles:getAsString
name=title/ which works just fine.

If I put the same tag in a tile, I get this error message:

  [ServletException in:/tiles/test.jsp] Error - tag.getAsString :
attribute 'title' not found in context. Check tag syntax'

Steve Stair

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Validating 2 radios together.

2003-03-04 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
I have two series of radio buttons in my page.
Let's say:
radioButton1 has 3 possibilites
radioButton2 has 4 possibilites.

I want to validate my form because 
radioButton1=3 and radioButton2=4
is not allowed.

What's the best practice?

Using requiredif, so I validate radioButton2
only if radioButton1=3 ?
Or is there a better way?

BTW, is requiredif available in Struts 1.1b2 ?

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Re: displaying \n in html?

2003-03-04 Thread dario

David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i'd love to see one-liner that converts char to string.

 return newlineString.replaceAll(\n, br/);

which is not very backward compatible, i am still at 1.3

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Re: displaying \n in html?

2003-03-04 Thread David Graham
Then use the jakarta lang package to acheive the same result in one line of 


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: displaying \n in html?
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 19:13:11 +0100
David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i'd love to see one-liner that converts char to string.

 return newlineString.replaceAll(\n, br/);

which is not very backward compatible, i am still at 1.3

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Re: Unable to access title attribute in Tiles under layout(1.1-rc1)

2003-03-04 Thread Steve Stair
 Once again ;-) :
 The attributes of a tile are only accessible from this tile, not from
its sub- tiles or its parent.
 Attributes of a tile are like parameters of a method: they are only
visible in this method.
 It is why you can't access the title attribute owned by the layout
from the header tile.
 To access it, you need to pass it explicitly to the tile:
 tiles:insert attribute=header 
 tiles:put name=title beanName=title beanScope=tile /

Thanks, got that working (once i changed scope to tile :)

After getting it working, I went back over the documentation in Struts
in Action,
as well as your Tiles Advanced Features document, and still can't
find this
behavior explained anywhere.

Steve Stair

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RE: Accepting arrays as values in mapped-backed ActionForms

2003-03-04 Thread John Devine
Hello Struts community!

No one's picked up on this thread and I just wonder whether it's a
stupid or unclear question or whether it's just not of interest. 

If the question's been answered before, could someone let me know and
I'll go back to searching lists. I didn't find any answers earlier.

Basically what I'm trying to is set up a form that will contain a Map of
String arrays. At this point, when Struts populates the Map, it assumes
the map elements will be plain strings. Does anyone know of a way to
tell it that the members of the map should be populated as arrays
(because multiple request parameters will have the same name).

Thanks in advance for any response,

John Devine

-Original Message-
From: John Devine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: Accepting arrays as values in mapped-backed ActionForms

Does anyone know how to specify that the value of the HashMap in a
mapped-backed ActionForm should be an array of Strings rather than just
a single String?

I'm having a problem in trying to set up a page of several rows of
indexed multi-boxes:

I have a regular action form that includes:

   public Map existingGroups = new HashMap();

   public Map getExistingGroups(){
  return existingGroups;

   public void setExistingGroups(Map map){
  this.existingGroups = map;

On my JSP, I include several different rows of multiboxes, and I want
the user to be able to choose different groups for each object:

List storyList = searchBean.getList();
int counter = 1; 
for (Iterator i = storyList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); counter++ ) { 
   Story story = (Story); 
   pageContext.setAttribute(story, story); 
   pageContext.setAttribute(counter, new Integer(counter)); 

   bean:write name=story property=title /
logic:iterate id=group name=submitToGroupForm
property=availableGroups type=com.rd.Group 
   html:multibox property='%=existingGroups(+story.getId()+)%'  
bean:write name=group property=id /
bean:write name=group property=name /

% } %

(Oh, and I use the scriptlet iteration because there's a tile being
called within that loop that I edited out for readability.)

What happens is that value of existingGroups(primaryKey1) is a String
instead of an array of Strings. So that if I try to cast it to String[],
I get a ClassCastException.

Is this a limitation of using maps in forms, or is there a way to return
arrays of strings as entries of the Map on your ActionForm?



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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread Art Vandalay
Sorry for the late reply... I got called into a

Yes, it does.

--- Ray Madigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does the child window create the correct html:form
 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:23 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not
 Contain Dynamically
 Set Data
 I am doing that part. The problem is that I want
 value to be available to the child's Action class **
 as the child window is opening **. I am expecting it
 to be on the form, but the value in the form is null
 even though the value is successfully set on the
 How can I get Struts to set the value of this field
 the form?
 There has to be a way because I've noticed in Struts
 that if you have a field defined on your JSP with no
 corresponding get/set methods on the Form, an
 exception is thrown when the window is opening. So
 Struts has to be doing some sort of validation
 the JSP's form and the form class at window open
 but it doesn't seem to be setting the data. 
 --- Ray Madigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if you are usine javascript you can do something
  like the following.
  in the parent create a hidden field
  html:hidden name=foo/
  when the user submits the form have the onclick
  javacsript function
  run that sets the document.forms[0].foo.value =
  where xxx is the path to the value in the child
  -Original Message-
  From: ROSSEL Olivier
  Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 9:11 AM
  To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
  Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not
  Contain Dynamically
  Set Data
I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
window using javascript. The parent window
field on the child window. The child window
  needs to
use that data, as it is opening, to perform a
and display information on itself.

The problem is that, even though the parent
successfully sets the data on the child, I
access to it in my ActionForm or in the

Is there a way to make that happen?
  Your parent JSP has a form with one field. 
  When you submit this form, the child *action* gets
  it, makes
  the connection, formats results and returns the
  forward that will display
  The details (the parent form is hidden and
  completely managed via
  the child JSP appears in a new window) is pure
  Javascript tricks.
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RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain Dynamically Set Data

2003-03-04 Thread James Mitchell
LOLwhatever dude.  It takes a real loser to got from 'discussion' to
'personal attack'.

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought
which they avoid.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:30 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: [OT] JavaScript: ActionForm Does Not Contain 
 Dynamically Set Data
 Mr. Police Man,
 If you read the question you'll see that my script
 *IS* setting field correctly ( I made that very clear
 in my original post). My question is how do I get
 those values set in an ActionForm when when the page
 is being displayed (not at submit time).
 --- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Actually, this has nothing to do with Struts.
  If your script is not setting fields (on parent,
  top, child, whatever)
  correctly, then you cannot assume that it is a
  problem with Struts.
  Struts picks up when the request comes in, anything
  before that is
  outside the scope.  
  On the other hand however, there are a lot of people
  on this list with
  JavaScript knowledge, but there are many more who
  would prefer that we
  use [OT] to designate that this discussion is not
  If you find that you are constantly dealing with
  JavaScript, perhaps
  (assuming you are on windoze) you can download and
  use the
  ScriptDebugger for IE.  It lets you step through
  JavaScript with or
  without frames.
  Good Luck!
  James Mitchell
  Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
  People demand freedom of speech to make up for the
  freedom of thought
  which they avoid.
  - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
   -Original Message-
   From: Art Vandalay
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:06 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: ActionForm Does Not Contain
  Dynamically Set Data
   I don't believe this is off topic. This question
   regards how to get Struts to populate a form field
   that was set using Javascript.
   --- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Please label JavaScript topics as [OT].

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

People demand freedom of speech to make up for
freedom of thought
which they avoid.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

 -Original Message-
 From: Art Vandalay
 Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 11:59 AM
 To: Struts Mailing List
 Subject: ActionForm Does Not Contain
Set Data
 I have a web page (the parent) that opens a
 window using javascript. The parent window
  sets a
 field on the child window. The child window
 use that data, as it is opening, to perform a
 and display information on itself.
 The problem is that, even though the parent
 successfully sets the data on the child, I
  have no
 access to it in my ActionForm or in the
 Is there a way to make that happen?

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RE: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g. org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesUtilStrutsModulesImpl.doInclude

2003-03-04 Thread Jörg Maurer
exactly as you said, insert is used. despite the big try-catch block
approach, its unclear to me why error-page in web.xml doesn#t get a try.

Additionally i searched for similar behaviour and all i found was
page 52 of the JSP 1.2 spec : 
Note: if autoFlush=true then if the contents of the initial Jsp-
Writer has been flushed to the ServletResponse output stream
then any subsequent attempt to dispatch an uncaught
exception from the offending page to an errorPage may fail.
When an error page is also indicated in the web.xml
descriptor, the JSP error page applies first, then the web.xml

You as a more experienced one than myself, does it make some sense to
the issue?

-Original Message-
From: Cedric Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Dienstag, 04. März 2003 18:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: how to catch exception using tiles thrown by e.g.

  I suppose that your exception is thrown by a tiles:insert ... tag in

a jsp.
  This exception is thrown by the tiles framework, which know nothing 
about the struts exception mechanism, so it can't be used. The exception

is then propagated by the tag handler and reach the jsp page (the tile 
jsp). If there is an exception handler associated to the jsp, it is 
called, if there is no handler, the exception is propagated to parent 
page inserting this one. If the parent page have inserted the child page

with an insert ..., then the insert catch the exception and show it.

Normally, the jsp exception handling should work, but it appear that it 
is not always the case.

  A workaround is to put a big try/catch in the jsp throwing the 
exception ;-(. This will be improved in future versions.


Jörg Maurer wrote:

Hi struts people!

I have really defined everywhere i think i can put an exception handler
for servlet exception : 
1.) in my base layout.jsp an %@
2.) in struts config a global exception handler
3.) in web.xml

Still ServletException slip through my guards. Last know point as stack
trace shows below is
t , which throws ServletException but is never
catchable to me. The point is not the FileNotFound, which is pretty
clear to me, but why such exception doesn´t hit any of my error

Any hints appreciated!

2003-03-04 12:36:06 ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for
servlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: /pages/wf_category/pager_region.jsp
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

select multiple=true and setting properties

2003-03-04 Thread Raible, Matt
I have an ActionForm with the following:

ArrayList msoIds;

public ArrayList getMsoIds() {
return msoIds;

public void setMsoIds(ArrayList msoIds) {
this.msoIds = msoIds;

Now I have a JSP that displays a select with the ability to select

html:select multiple=true property=msoIds 
styleId=msoIds size=10
html:options collection=userMsoList property=value 

However, as you probably know, I get an exception when Struts does
BeanUtils.copyProperties - can't convert String to ArrayList.

I tried adding indexed setters for the multiple select:

public String getMsoIds(int index) {
return (String) msoIds.get(index);

public void setMsoIds(int index, String msoId) {
msoIds.set(index, msoId);

but this results in the following error:

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Property 'msoIds' has no setter

I saw stuff in the mailing list about naming the indexed properties
different, and I tried this (also renaming the select), but then my page
stops loading when it hits the new name (allowedMSOs).  Using tiles hides
all the errors :(.  

Any ideas are appreciated.


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