Re: Big useless TBUDL headers and messages...

2001-01-20 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Lija and other batters

(Sorry Marck to reply to this thread declared closed by you, but I
think it's necessary)

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 12:29:43 +0100, Lija wrote:

BC I suspect Marck will be shooting this horse very soon.

L H, it is very sad to hear something like this in non-political forum
L I thought we Serbs were the worst nation on the Earth, but now... I feel relief.
L Thank you Brian very much. Your primer will be my reminder. Thank you again!

Your comment makes me wonder if you understood what Brain meant with
shooting a horse. As you are pretty new to this list, you may not have
encountered these long threads, where the same arguments return in
circles and then a moderator declares a _thread_ to be a dead horse.
In no case Brian meant that _you_ were a horse!

Have a nice day


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Re: TB hot-keys keyboard problem

2001-01-20 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 11:00:09 +0100, Lija wrote:

L For all of us whose native language is not English, we have to use keyboard
L switching. There is one small problem in this:

L I set Ctrl+Shift for this. When I type in my language and need to type some
L ASCII character like [, ], ;, /, in ALL other programs I can normally access to
L these by additionally pressing Alt key, but Bat! makes problem when I want to type
L Alt+Shift+/ to get question mark - '?'. I simply can not do it, regarding the
L keyb. switch is in use or NOT! When Ctrl+Shift is active - it is worse - I get
L the 'lite' menus (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+/ or Alt+Shift+/ in this case).

L I tried to somehow fix this via 'Define System Hot-Keys', but there are no
L possibilities... Is there any way to kill this remedy of Tanurkov's coding? :)

Unfortunately there is no way. It is promised that the vaporware
version 2 will have customizable key bindings.

Your case seems to be uglier than the ones reported so far. I did
complain in the past, too, but then i don't need to switch keyboards, i
just am not able to use all TB shortcuts but can access all characters
at the same time (Swiss and German keyboards use the right Alt-Key
[alias AltGr] to access characters like @ [ ] €).

Perhaps your usability problems will make Stef and Max think of
adding customizable keys before version 2? Or you could use a third
party tool. There was a thread in TBUDL or TBBETA recently, but can't
recall the names of the tools and which was best suited...



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Re: Importing from Forté Agent

2001-01-15 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Olivier

Sorry for the late answer, I'm quite behind with reading TBUDL...

On Fri, 05 Jan 2001 19:40:52 +0100, Olivier Reubens wrote:

OR There's a perl script that apparently fixes a problem with importing
OR folders from Fort Agent.
OR Alas, I don't have or know perl.

Perl is free; get it from or

OR Can anyone tell me what this per script does so I can write my own
OR program to fix this.

Yes, i'm supposed to be able to tell you (I did write the script), but
i'm not sure if i can do it understandable...

What the script itself tells:
  this script modifies UNIX mailbox files exported from Fort Agent:
  it extracts the time from sent messages and creates a "Date:" header line
  set to this time

More specific: when exporting sent messages from Agent, the created
time is saved where a UNIX mailbox file stores the received time. The
script tries to determine if a message in a UNIX mailbox is a sent
message and then recreates a Date: header line with the same time.

There is some more logic to determine if daylight saving time was
active at the time the message was written, but the logic is not



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Re: TB Bug Report: cutted messages when forwarding/replying

2000-12-09 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 8 Dec 2000 01:58:14 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

a   Has anyone got the same problem?

TF Not any more. I used to have this problem (especially in
TF German-language messages) quite a few versions back.

TF It had been caused by an invisible character (I don't remember the Hex
TF code) causing TB to forget about the rest of the message. This has
TF been fixed, and I have never had the problem again. I am surprised it
TF happens again at your end. :-( Let's see who else experiences this
TF problem.

The problem a few versions back (it was fixed in 1.42 Beta 21) was a
=00 character. IIRC you could see the =00 if you opened the
outbox\message.tbb with a hex viewer.

But if not met this problem since then; but in your case it could be
another character. I see that the message you tried to forward
originated in a AOL mailer and was quote-printable. Can you export the
original message (not you rattempt to forward it) in a MSG file and
view it? Look for =XX character combinations around the line that was



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Re: Hotmail and TB (was: Re: Editing received messages)

2000-11-24 Thread Peter Steiner

Sorry for replying this late, i still have 400 messages to sift

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 17:41:04 -0800, Januk Aggarwal wrote:

JA  - It seems to reject all mail from addresses. I'm not
JA completely sure about this point, but maybe someone else could
JA share their experiences?  Could this be because of my use of
JA forwarding addresses?

It's a default option that any mail from a hotmail sender, but not
coming from a hotmail server, is blocked (spam protection). If
you forward other accounts to GMX, you will get hit by this, but you
can disable it somewhere in the configuration pages...



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The Bat! - bug report : unsupported time zones

2000-11-04 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.48 Beta/1 (but this applies to 1.47 as well)
  Serial Number BB892117
  under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 4
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:
the displayed local time of a message is not always correct. With
'displayed local time' i refer to the time displayed in the
'created' column or the cretaion time message header _and_ in the
%OTime/%ODate macro.

Bug: some common used time zones are not supported or wrong

  Steps to reproduce the bug:
/1/ take a mail with the following Date field:
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 16:43:47 CEST
(yes, it's from a hotmail server...)
/2/ TB! interprets CEST as +0100, while it should be +0200
(for CET, TB! does it right, CET is really +0100)

  Note: while CEST is not really allowed by RFC822 (neither is CET),
  TB! should IMHO treat it right. There has to be some database, as
  TB! knows about CET. Excerpt from RFC822 (why are explicitly only
  north american time zones supported as abbreviations?):

 zone=  "UT"  / "GMT"; Universal Time
 ; North American : UT
 /  "EST" / "EDT";  Eastern:  - 5/ - 4
 /  "CST" / "CDT";  Central:  - 6/ - 5
 /  "MST" / "MDT";  Mountain: - 7/ - 6
 /  "PST" / "PDT";  Pacific:  - 8/ - 7
 /  1ALPHA   ; Military: Z = UT;
 ;  A:-1; (J not used)
 ;  M:-12; N:+1; Y:+12
 / ( ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT ); Local differential
 ;  hours+min. (HHMM)


  Time zone may be indicated in several ways.  "UT" is Univer-
 sal  Time  (formerly called "Greenwich Mean Time"); "GMT" is per-
 mitted as a reference to Universal Time.  The  military  standard
 uses  a  single  character for each zone.  "Z" is Universal Time.
 "A" indicates one hour earlier, and "M" indicates 12  hours  ear-
 lier;  "N"  is  one  hour  later, and "Y" is 12 hours later.  The
 letter "J" is not used.  The other remaining two forms are  taken
     from ANSI standard X3.51-1975.  One allows explicit indication of
 the amount of offset from UT; the other uses  common  3-character
 strings for indicating time zones in North America.  

  Peter Steiner

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The Bat! - bug report : local time and summertime

2000-11-04 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.48 Beta/1 (but this applies to 1.47 as well)
  Serial Number BB892117
  under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 4
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:
the displayed local time of a message is not always correct. With
'displayed local time' i refer to the time displayed in the
'created' column or the cretaion time message header _and_ in the
%OTime/%ODate macro.

Bug: When the local time zone has a period of daylight savings
or summertime, this is ignored when calculating the local time.

  Steps to reproduce the bug:
/1/ if your local time zone has no period of summertime, change
your machine's setting to one that does have, eg Western Europe
(GMT+01, Brussels, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna).
/2/ look at some message written one week ago (western Europe
changed back from summertime last sunday). In the creation
time message header you see eg
Sa, 28 Okt 2000  17:39:19  (Sat, 28 Oct 2000 18:39:19 +0200)
(for easier explanation I picked a message from my own time
zone) This is not what i'd expect because the local time for
this message was then 18:39:19, as the local timezone _was_
+0200 (now it is +0100)
/3/ reply to this message. If you use %ODate/%OTime in your reply
template, you can observe the same error
(okay, there are nice macros to extract the time including
timezone from the Date: header field, but these don't work for
other languages than english...)

  Peter Steiner

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Re: Regular expressions

2000-11-04 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Patrice

On Sat, 04 Nov 2000 12:57:08 +0100, Patrice Neff wrote:

PN How can you insert this =a0 manually in The Bat?

Either by pressing Alt-0160 or by copying it from charmap.exe...

PN And last but not least: Can you tell me where to find more 
PN information about this mime-encoding? Searching for "mime" at rfc-
PN returns 90 matches.




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Re: Regex Problem

2000-11-01 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Dirk

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000 00:31:49 +0100, Dirk Heiser wrote:

DH To Clean up Subjects like this:
DHAntwort: [Palm] Re: [Palm] fwd: [palm] re: new Subject (was: old s)
DH(yes i really received Subjects like this :-) )
DH To this:
DHRe: new Subject

DH I used one of the Regex i found here and tryed to modify it.


DH This all work fine for all cases i tryed, but if i use a Subjekt like

DHFwd: Test

DH I get

DH   Re: : Test
DH  ^^

DH I only have this Problem if the Subjekt contain a "Fwd", all other
DH Prefixes work fine.

DH Is the a Bug in TB! or is there a Problem with my Regex (different
DH default settings)?

I noticed this strange extra colon with Fwd: too, but i didn't
investigate until now...

It's a problem with TB. When the original subject contains "Fwd:",
the colon is not stripped but when the subject contains "Re:", then
the colon is stripped...

All you have to do is insert "(\:\s*)?" just after the RegExp options
and increment the %SubPatt. Below you find an example that seems to
work (but it doesn't do all the fancy things your RE does - it does
not strip the "(was:...)" part of the subject).


BTW: could anybody using S/MIME please tell the exact string inserted
by TB when decrypting? Now the RE just removes the "(PGP Decrypted)"



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Re: Regex Problem

2000-11-01 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000 10:39:30 +0100, I wrote:

PS onelongline
PS %subject="Re: 
PS /onelongline

PS BTW: could anybody using S/MIME please tell the exact string inserted
PS by TB when decrypting? Now the RE just removes the "(PGP Decrypted)"
PS suffix...

Oops, i got the wrong RE, it doesn't remove the Decrypted part. Try
this one:

%subject="Re: %SETPATTREGEXP='(?i)(\:\s*)?(((Re|Aw|Antwort):|\[(Palm



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Re: OT: registering tb!

2000-10-24 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 04:40:54  -0500, A . Curtis Martin wrote:

ACM There'll be an upgrade charge for version 2.

ACM No formal announcements have been made concerning forfeiting upgrade
ACM charges for those who registered within a short time of the official
ACM version 2 release. I assume that this will be done at or near the time
ACM of version 2's release.

IIRC, the Christmas Special offer last year promised a free upgrade to



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Re: TO and FROM Order?

2000-10-12 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Thomas

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 12:53:59 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

PS The other thing: i don't remember the RFC822 requiring an order in the
PS header fields. There is the UNIX mbox format, where messages start
PS with a "From " line, but that is not the "From:" field you can see
PS when composing a new message.

TF Ah - that's what I mean, but I thought "From:" and "From" is the same.
TF Stupid me.

TF (BTW what is the difference?)

"From:" is a RFC822 header (not sure if it is required, but surely
99.99% of all mails do have it; all these RFC822 headers must have a
colon after the name) and is what you see in TB! in any From columns
and fields.

The "From " line (note the space) is not part of RFC822, but is needed
by the UNIX mbox format to separate individual messages from each
other in the mailbox file. To be more specific, the from line has a
more complicated format than just to begin with "From ", it contains
an email address and a time (which is usually interpreted as the
'received' time, while the time from the RFC822 Date: header is the
'created' time).



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Re: TO and FROM Order?

2000-10-11 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello bat people

On Mon, 9 Oct 2000 11:24:02 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

TF On Sun, 8 Oct 2000 14:54:24 -0700GMT (09/10/2000, 05:54 +0800GMT),
TF Michael S. Greenbaum wrote:

MSG Is there a way to change the order of TO and From on a new message?

MSG I would prefer to see the person to whom I am sending the message come
MSG first and my information come second?

TF It's somewhere in the RFC's, I think. A message starts with "From".
TF Nothing any application can do, except hide this fact to the user and
TF just display it backwards. Which would lead to confusion.

I think that Michael talked about the message header display which has
nothing to do with the order the corresponding info is written into
the RFC822 header. This is a GUI thing. TB! is not very flexible when
it comes to rearranging the elements of the user interface. We all
eagerly wait for V2 to see improvements...

The other thing: i don't remember the RFC822 requiring an order in the
header fields. There is the UNIX mbox format, where messages start
with a "From " line, but that is not the "From:" field you can see
when composing a new message.



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Re: custom quotes search criteria

2000-09-29 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Jan

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:42:51 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR   Jan responds: As I mentioned in a prior post, the above
JR   works like a charm  I thank you for it.

Glad to help you!

JR   I'm including another digest sample to illustrate what
JR   I'm now trying to do, alas unsuccessfully.

JR -|| original digest-style msg ||-

JR Message: 1
JRDate: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 22:03:31 -
JRFrom: "Jefferson French" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JR Subject: Trying to register Ecco Toolkit
JR the web and email contact info in the
JR documentation are no longer valid.
JR -|| End digest-style Msg ||-

JR   Jan continues: However I'd also like to be able to pull
JR   out the subject of the above selected msg [Trying to
JR   register Ecco Toolkit] instead of the digest subj line
JR   "[EccoPro] Digest "

JR   I've tried the following expression without success:

JR   %setpattregexp='Subject: ((\d\D\n$%)%regexpQUOTES)

JR   thinking that:

JR   1.%setpattregexp would look for a pattern within the
JR   selected text

%setpattregexp just sets the regexp to be used in the following
%regexpmatch or %regexpblindmatch

JR   2.the pattern would look for "Subject"

Up to here you're almost right (it's 'Subject: ' including the colon
and space)

JR   3.then accept any letter or any digit following
JR   "Subject" ending only at a new line

'\d\D\n$' : accepting _one_ digit followed by _one_ non-digit
character followed by a newline and (the $) another newline or the end
of the string.

After that you look for a percent sign and what currently 'is' in the
%regexpquotes macro.

JR   4. paste it in the reply template.

For that you'd have to use either %regexpmatch or %regexpblindmatch
combined with %subpatt

What you probably want is




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Re: custom quotes search criteria

2000-09-29 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Jan

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 19:46:17 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR I don't think I understand what you are saying below. For example,
JR what are the "RE's" you reference? It looks like you are saying
JR that I can use the %CLIPBOARD to replace the %TEXT expression but
JR as the text is already selected by selecting the text from the
JR digest, this isn't clear to me.

RE is the short abbreviation for regular expression

What i was trying to say is:
/1/ replace '%TEXT' with '%CLIPBOARD' in the REs for the date, the
address and the subject (see my other post for this) and put all three
REs in your reply template.

/2/ be sure you have somewhere in your reply template a %quotes macro

/3/ select the text containing date, senders address and subject and
copy it to the clipboard. As the RE extract from there, these lines
aren't required to stay selected.

/4/ now select the text you wan't to quote in your reply and press F4

/5/ the reply template should now have extracted date, address and subject
from the clipboard and quoted your selected text.

I hope my explanation was understandable. You know, i'm not a writer
and english is not my native language; i'm more used to make computers
understand me than humans ;-))



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Re: custom quotes search criteria

2000-09-28 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Jan

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 17:37:45 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR   Jan responds: Peter, thanks for the suggestion. Here's a
JR   sample  of a Bouvier digest msg (Bouviers are dogs) that
JR   I  clipped.  I  put  your  suggested  string  in a reply
JR   template for this digest. Then I copied ^c this msg from
JR   the  digest including the "from" line, Then I used F4 to
JR   reply  got the following error msg.

JR*** Error: nothing to repeat ***

JRMy goal is to lift "David" or "David Frye" from the msg 
JRpossibly the "Date info" as well to reply to.

JRThanks so much for your thoughts on this.  This process
JRis like panning for gold in the US Northwest in 1935.

JR -|| original digest message ||-
JR Message: 1
JRDate: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 06:49:37 -0400
JRFrom: "David Frye" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JR Subject: Re: Digest Number 752/itching

JR My girls have been having an itching problem for several weeks, usually
JR worst after going outside.  I found a benadryl tablet helps.
JR When the weather cools off my girls should get better.
JR -|| End Digest Msg ||-

It's not necessary to go via the clipboard, just selecting the text
and then pressing F4 should work.

I have put together a regexp for the reply template that extracts the
name of the Sender:

%SETPATTREGEXP='From: (\"?(.+?)\"? *|([-.\w]*)@)'

It handles several forms of addresses:
From: name address@domain
From: "name" address@domain
From: address@domain

in the first two cases it extracts the name, in the last case it
extracts the address. A short explanation:
/1/ the regexp has the form 'From: (aaa|bbb)'
the matching text has to begin with the exact string 'From: ' and
the there are two possibilities (placeholders aaa and bbb)
all that is matched inbetween the parens is put into SUBPATT=1
/2/ placeholder aaa = '\"?(.*?)\"? *'
- \"? a beginning quote is ignored
- (.+?)   ungreedy match up to the ending sequence (SUBPATT=2)
- \"? *  ending sequence: an angle bracket, possibly prefixed by
  a quote and spaces
/3/ placeholder bbb = '([-.\w]*)@'
- ([-.\w]*)  any number of  hyphen, dots, letters, digits and
 underscores (SUBPATT=3)
- @  followed by an @

The desired regexp for the date has been brought up several times in
the last days and weeks, so i just paste it without any explanation
(there is one change though: %REGEXPMATCH="%TEXT" instead of the usual


And i tried the %clipboard, it seems to work. So you could replace in
the RE's for the name and the date %TEXT with %CLIPBOARD, put another
regexp for quoting the text (this one using %TEXT) into you r reply
template. Then you would have to select and copy the From: and Date:
line and then select the part of the text you want to quote and press
F4. Very complicated...

I hope i was not too complicated myself ;-)


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Re: Corrupted mailbox?

2000-09-28 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 20:57:45 +0200, Arno van Stralen wrote:

AvS For a few days by now, TB! refuses to import messages for one of my four
AvS accounts specified. It retrieves all message headers correctly, but
AvS things are starting to get tricky when TB!'s downloading them.

I have encountered a similar problem once. The problem was indeed a
corrupted messages.tbb file. IIRC i created another folder, say 'foo',
closed TB! and moved the inbox-messages.tbb into this folder (with
your favourite file manager or windows explorer). Then i restarted TB!
and was able to move most of the mails from the foo folder back to the



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Re: Regex?

2000-09-28 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:04:38 -0400, Arnie wrote:

A After Peter was kind enough to come up with a regex that's going to
A simplify my life considerably, I decided to finally crack open a
A book previously recommended on this list.  After 20 pages I feel my
A understanding of RE's has increased considerably.  It's a very
A powerful concept.  The book is "Mastering Regular Expressions" by
A Jeffrey Friedl (O'Reilly).  It costs US $34.95 and is turning out to
A be worth twice the price.

A Of course Peter's solutions are free :).

But not as readily available as a book, sometimes I just don't do
'regexp'... ;-)


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Re: Regex?

2000-09-28 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 22:44:51 +0100, Charlie Turner (ceejay) wrote:

A The book is "Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey Friedl
A (O'Reilly). It costs US $34.95 and is turning out to be worth
A twice the price.

CTc My use of regexp has thus far been limited to that used in Gravity. I
CTc believe format does vary depending on the platform being used. Are the
CTc contents of the book relevant to TB's form of regexp, or is it more of
CTc a Perl programers book?

While i don't know this book, i can assure you that TB! regexps are
very close to Perl regexps. The regexp implementation is not from Stef
or Max themselves, but is the third party library PCRE. And PCRE means
Perl Compatible RegExps... The few differences to Perl are documented
in the help file. Unfortunately, with PCRE only matching is possible,
while Perl has the very powerful subsitute operator working with


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Re: custom quotes search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:37:25 +0100, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

JR   As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR   would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR   portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR   generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR   would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

MDP I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
MDP or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

I've never tried, but %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%CLIPBOARD" should apply a
regexp to the clipboard. Or am i mixing up things?



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Re: custom quotes search criteria

2000-09-27 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:45:55 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR   As  for  pulling the name text after "from" in a digest,
JR   would  this  process not become easier within a selected
JR   portion  of text, i.e. text in the clipboard which would
JR   generally  include  only  one  name?  If this is so, how
JR   would I apply a regular expression to selected text?

MDP I  don't  think you can. You can perform a regexp on the quotable text
MDP or the headers or the original text but not the clipboard.

Peter I've never tried, but %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="%CLIPBOARD" should apply a
Peter regexp to the clipboard. Or am i mixing up things?

JR   Jan  responds:  Thanks  for the thought, Peter. H. I
JR   sure  as  heck  don't  know the answer to this but if it
JR   were  to work, might it instead be a search for the text
JR   after the word "From:" in the %QUOTECLIPBOARD text since
JR   I'd be working from a digest of msgs?

I don't know the exact format of a digest, but assuming standard
format (From: username [EMAIL PROTECTED]), my first try would be
(if you wanted the address part):


For the %CLIPBOARD macro to work, you would not only have to select the
text, but also copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl-C). And note that the
part matching the address is simple, it doesn't match addresses
containing digits, dot or other special characters.


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Re: Regex guru advice needed

2000-09-27 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Arnie

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:54:34 -0400, Arnie wrote:

PS (?s)#.*~
PS should do it.

A It does indeed.  Thanks for the solution.  Unfortunately as I earlier
A wrote Januk (elsewhere in this thread), I also need to be able to
A extract the text once found and place it into a reply.  I can do this
A with a single line (using %REGEXPTEXT and RE's), but I'm speculating
A that multiple lines throw a wrench into the works.

Perhaps i didn't understand exactly the problem, but let me try:

Multiple lines work fine in my reply templates, although for more
control over the matched parts of regexps i usually use
all text _excluding_ the beginning '#' and the ending '~' in a reply,
my reply template would contain


If i would have it quoted, it would be


If i misunderstood you, you could provide some more details



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Re: Headers and Replys

2000-09-26 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 10:22:31 -0400, Gary Mort wrote:

KS X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.46d) Personal

GM I like to know what mailler my correspondents use at times.

This is already possible: it's the Header 'Mailer'

KS Organization: Marcab Inc.
GM You spent the time to fill it in, I'd like to see it.

This is already appended to the 'From' header. Compare the RFC headers
of this mail of me with what's displayed in the grey header bar...

GM The  Received  lines  I  only  need to track something down, so a
GM seperate  window(I  prefer  popup,  but  I  beleive the requestor
GM prefers a window pane) would be good.

For this i use the Shift-Ctrl-K toggle (I know it's not really what
you want, and i myself would prefer an easier shortcut, say 'H' as in
Forte Agent)



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Re: Security Vulnerabilities In The Bat???

2000-09-26 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 26 Sep 2000 19:02:10 +0100, Graham wrote:

 Im currently reading Bruce Schneier's new book "Secrets  Lies."  On page
 3, in the listing of "software vulnerabilities reported during March
 2000" is

 "Several vulnerabilities were discovered in the e-mail client The Bat!,
 allowing an attacker to steal files from users' computers."

 It doesn't give any additional information about this, but I would think
 that The Bat! users would want to find out more about this.

G Has anybody heard anything of this?

This was fixed in version 1.41 from 11 March 2000 and is documented in
the readme file:

[-] Fixed potential vulnerability of 'X-BAT-FILES:'.



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Re: RFC gurus? TB trashes attachments

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 13:30:33 +0700, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

SH Hello Oliver Sturm,

 Responding  to  your  article on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at
 19:49:26 GMT +0200 (which was 19/09/2000 0:49 GMT +0700 my Local
 Time) :

OS I just noticed... When I am at GMT +2 and you are at GMT +7, shouldn't
OS your local time be 20/09/2000 0:49? I mean, the 20th of September
OS instead of the 19th.

SH You right, but that's the Regex template do for me :-)

What Regexp are you using? As you can't do anything 'advanced'
as arithmetics with RegExps, you have to reuse existing text. For the
senders time, the Date: field is the right one, but for the receivers local
time we have to rely on TB's calculation (%ODate, %OTime).



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Re: RFC gurus? TB trashes attachments

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Syafril

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 16:33:45 +0700, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

SH Herewith copy of my Quick Template :

SH Responding to your article on %ODATEen at %SUBPATT="3" GMT%SUBPATT="4" (which was 
%ODATESHORT %OTIME GMT +0700 my Local Time) :

Try %SUBPATT="2" instead of the %ODateEn. Unfortunately it is not
possible to have the senders date in 'long' or 'short' form, it is
just as in my reply template: Weekday, DD Mmm ...

BTW: mentioning GMT is IMHO not really correct, as GMT is an
abbreviation for one of the + timezones (is that correct?). If the
sender has his timezone (the SUBPATT 4) not as numbers, but as
abbreviation, that will give something like 'GMT CEST' which is
slightly confusing.

BTW2: has your local timezone the same bias +0700 for the whole year
that you can hardwire it in your template? I guess you live near
enough to the equator that there is no reason for a 'summertime'...



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Re: Company continuity (was: Curious - how did you find TB! ?)

2000-09-21 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Karin

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:14:17 +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:

KS I am still not sure whether I'll migrate to The Bat. Apart
from my complaints about the editor (habit does decrease the
KS intensity of the complaint, I might add), I have one other,
KS rather important worry: continuity.


KS I don't want to find myself in the position of having to
KS migrate from the one e-mail client to the other _again_...

As others pointed out, the probability of TBs death is very small. But
there could be other reasons to change to another mail client: one
with a streamlined GUI _and_ TBs features or one that allows using an
external editor _and_ TBs features or a Linux client with TBs features

New programs emerge when you don't expect them...

When i evaluated a mail client (and then started using TB), one of the
most important features is a working export to a standard format (UNIX
mailbox), so that porting the message base to another client would be
possible. This requirement alone is a big obstacle for, say, OE...


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Re: Times in templates

2000-09-20 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 18:28:55 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

TF Hi Krister,

TF On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 11:32:22 +0200GMT (20/09/2000, 17:32 +0800GMT),
TF Krister Ekstrom wrote:

KE I have noticed that some people on this list in their reply
KE templates write something like "on date time, which is date time
KE where i live you wrote:" how do you accomplish this, ie what
KE macros do you use to get the time difference? Thanks!

 (%ODateShort, %OTime in Taiwan),

TF Don't ask me to explain it to you... I don't udnerstand it myself!
TF Somebody posted in on the list.

When this RegExp first came up, Alexander Kiselev posted the following

Yes, and for those who really care about *how* it works, read
the following, please (hmmm, probably not technically-minded 
people have no need in reading it anyhow... and probably I 
should have posted it to TBBETA instead... but well, I'm too 
tired to think right now good night to all of you!):

Well, here's what my own regexp that's working for me does:


1. (?m-s) is a sequence of "switches". ?m is turning "multiline 
mode" ON (the %HEADERS data is treated as a sequence of 
lines terminated with newline characters (\n)), otherwise it 
would consider the data as one long string; (?-s) instructs TB 
*not* to match newlines when "." wildcard is used (which, in 
turn, stands for "any character"). In our case we want "." to 
stand for "any character but newline", since the Date: field 
always occupies a single line --- it's a foolproof switch here...

2. Date\: means "Date:". We want to match the data that follows 
the Date: string in %HEADERS.

3. \s*? stands for "any number of spaces" after the "Date:" 
string, ungreedily (see help file)

4. (.) --- start capturing the data that we're going to insert 
into TB message.

5. (.*?[\d]{4}) --- captured substring. We want to capture not a 
single string, but to capture a set of strings via 
%PATT="number". This is done exactly this way: TB counts the 
opening brackets, and numbers internally the strings found in 
each pair of them. So the match from this very pair of brackets 
will be number 2... Inside the brackets we have: .*? -- stands 
for any number of any characters ungreedily, [\d]{4} -- stands 
for the sequence of exactly four of any decimal digits. All in all 
in our case it matches the "Sun, 12 Dec 1999" string.

6. \s*? --- again any number of spaces, ungreedily.

7. ([\d]{0,2}\:[\d]{0,2}\:[\d]{0,2}) --- capturing (since in 
brackets) subpattern, which matches "0 to 2 decimal digits, 
followed by a ":" symbol, followed by 0 to 2 decimal digits, 
followed by another ":" symbol, followed again by 0 to 2 
decimal digits". This one in the case of your own message 
matched "23:10:32", of course:-)

8. \s*? again any number of spaces ungreedily.

9. (.*\n) --- capturing subpattern, which matches "any number 
of any characters, but NOT newlines (therefore this is all the 
rest of the string started with Date:) and the newline at the end 
of it." In the case of your message, it matched "+0300\n" (here 
\n is treated exactly as in cookies: forced newline). After you 
modified my initial regexp, it became "+0300", because now 
the newline itself is not matched (since .* matches everything 
up to the end of the line, but NOT newline itself, see the -s 

I believe, it's quite simple indeed:-))



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Re: templates

2000-09-20 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 14:53:18 +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:

KS Let me ask then: how can I set up a template that changes
KS the To: field when replying to TB mail into


KS instead of the standard

KS Subscriber-name [EMAIL PROTECTED]

While not exactly providing what you want (no "TheBat" in front),
there is a way to achieve this without going into templates. There is
a checkbox in Account/Properties/Templates/Reply, "do not use FROM
name for REPLY-TO address". If you check it, the To: field is copied
exactly from the Reply-To: field of the originating message (which is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in this mailing list).

If you generally don't like the behaviour of mixing up From and
Reply-To, you can disable it with this checkbox for ALL your mailing
list folders (and reenable it in specific folders with templates).



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Re: Questions (I'm still too new a user)

2000-09-19 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Karin

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 00:44:58 +0200, Karin Spaink wrote:

 Use Alt-Drag to move a folder to the same level as the folder you drop
 it  on.  Use  Ctrl-Drag  to move a folder to the within the folder you
 drop it on.

KS Works only partially. I am trying to move a top-level
KS mailbox to a place _under_ a folder that contains other
KS mailboxes.

Use Ctrl-Alt-Drag to move into a folder, if i understood you



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Re: Questions (I'm still too new a user)

2000-09-18 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 15:08:29 -0500, A . Curtis Martin wrote:

ACM Otherwise, you'll have to export the message, edit it and then import
ACM it. The received time will be changed to the time of importation but the
ACM headers will not be changed.

In the past, i have several times complained about the received time
problem. Now that it is solved, but has a vivid life as a legend, i
owe to RITlabs to point out that it is really only a legend ;-)

So: since 1.42, export / edit / import works fine and doesn't alter
the received time anymore! But there is one important point: you have
to use UNIX mailbox format, not message files, to keep the received
time info.



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[ attachment has been remove by MDaemon ]

Re: HTML mail

2000-09-15 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 10:46:34 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

SL Friday, September 15, 2000, 4:02:36 AM, Tony wrote:
SL They both have their strengths and weaknesses.

 Any reason why your not using either of them?

SL What makes you think I'm not using one of them?

The mail that Tony replied to was written (according to the X-Mailer
header) with "Mutt/1.2.5i"



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OT: Why not Emacs for mail and news (was Re: OT: Regular Expressions)

2000-09-15 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 10:45:05 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

SL Wednesday, September 13, 2000, 12:35:06 PM, Peter wrote:
 one, i'm just used to it). And yes, i'm eagerly awaiting the
 possibility to use Emacs as an external editor from within TB! ...

SL Never understood the drive to use Emacs as an external editor for another
SL email client when it has gnus.  I'm told gnus is god when it comes to news and
SL email, I am just opposed to reading mail and news with an editor macro.  :)

Yes, that sounds odd... When I wanted to convert from Agent to gnus
perhaps twenty months ago, gnus was not able to do offline news
reading[1] and too difficult for a gnus newbie to set up for multiple
pop3 mailboxes and only partial support for attachments. I then
dropped the idea to move mail and news to Emacs, kept Agent for news
and found TB! for mail. I've not bothered again to try newer versions
of gnus, i like the GUI of TB! (or many parts of it, there is always
room for improvements)

[1] Here in Europe without toll-free local calls offline operation is
still a must for me...



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Re: a regexp question

2000-09-15 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:21:25 -0700, Jason Thompson wrote:

JT You'll see that my signature looks like this:

JT Jason Thompson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
JT PGP Key ID: 0x3084BEC4 [The Bat! v1.46c]

JT As you can see, the TB version has several spaces before it to make it
JT appear "right justified". Since I keep up with the beta versions of
JT TB, the %thebatversion string is frequently changing in length, so
JT every time it changes I have to edit the number of spaces in my
JT signature template.

JT My question is, can TB do this work for me with a regexp?

I have found a way. Perhaps there are other more elegant ideas, but i
could not think of them...

%SETPATTREGEXP=" {5}\[.{13}\]| {4}\[.{14}\]| {3}\[.{15}\]"
   spaces (enough of them!)

The key is that you combine several subpattern in the form
" {5}\[.{13}\]" (without quotes) for every possible length of your
version string. The first number is the number of digits it takes (5
in this example) when the string inside the brackets is 13 characters

Make sure that in the REGEXPMATCH you put enough spaces for the
biggest variant (in my example '5').

My RE above is only a short example and works only for three different
lengths, but you should be able to expand it to any desired length.



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Re: Saving old mail?

2000-09-14 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 06:27:51 -0700, Ming-Li wrote:

 (3) Is it easier to save as a Unix file instead? I'd prefer this
 as I then could strip off extra headers and save a bit of space.

ML If you don't care all the extra information (parked, flagged,
ML colored, replied marks and memo, etc.) which would be lost. Also,
ML when you reimport the unix mailbox file, the "received date" would
ML be changed to the date/time when the import occurs.

While the extra info really is lost (why not put some X-Bat-Flag
header into the messages when exporting?), the received time should be
correct (starting with version 1.42).



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Re: Saving old mail?

2000-09-14 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 16:47:03 -0700, ztrader wrote:

z (5) If I strip out the base64 coded part of attachments in the Unix
z file, but leave the 'boundary' lines to show that there was an
z attachment, will TB get confused by the 'boundary' lines still being
z in there, without the base64 part?

To be sure that TB! doesn't get confused, replace the little header
just after the boundary line with

  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

(or maybe charset=ISO-8859-1 or whatever and ...encoding: 8bit)
After these two lines leave an empty line and then you can put as many
commentary lines ("here was attachment xxx.yyy which i have deleted")
as you wish.



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Re: OT: Regular Expressions

2000-09-13 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Nick

On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 15:48:02 -0500, Nick Danger wrote:

ND  Do you know any other applications, as an example, that you can use
ND regular expressions with?  I've never fell across them before TB! and
ND was wondering if it's just a case of tunnel vision on my part.  Like
ND when I can't find the mustard in the fridge. ;-)

My uses of RE's are mostly with grep (a tool for searching files) or
Perl (powerful text processing language, among other things) and
within Emacs, my favourite text editor (no, i won't say it's the best
one, i'm just used to it). And yes, i'm eagerly awaiting the
possibility to use Emacs as an external editor from within TB! ...



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Re: turkish character

2000-08-31 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 09:01:29 +0300, Yalcin Cekic wrote:

YC I saw the turkish script in Options/Xlat tables.
YC in the "Translation INTO Windows" window
YC and "Translation FROM Windows" window I see the Turkish
YC character, but i dont know how to use XLat tables or activate

Make sure you have created your translation table. As Ming-Li stated,
it is probably enough to select the turkish script, no modification
needed on the translation tabs.

For using it, I know of at least two possibilities:
- in the message editor you can choose one of the installed XLAT
  tables for each new message under "Options/Message encoding" (or
  right-click on the most right field in the status bar)
- in the account properties on the new message template tab you can
  select your default encoding.

HTH, Regards


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Re: Someone spamming us

2000-08-31 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:00:01 +0200, Gerd Ewald wrote:

 MDP I  *have*  received  this spam. Only one copy, and I am active on both
 MDP lists.
 Hmmm... another beta lister that got the spam. The plot thickens. Did
 anyone NOT on the beta list get it?

GE Yep ! I'm only in TBUDL ! The mail adress I use for TBUDL is
GE /only/ used for TB-discussion. I usually publish my first account
GE which is not located at BUT the adress is an
GE additional adress to my PGP-key which is published on several
GE key-servers. Did anyone get the spam who has no PGP-key or whose
GE adress is not linked to a PGP-key ?

I did not get the spam and am subscribed to all three lists (including
tbot). And yes, my address for these three lists is not (yet?) linked
to my PGP key. I don't remember though having seen this spam message
on any other address, but then I don't even look at spam messages


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Re: Problem Importing from Unix Mailbox

2000-08-29 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Keith

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 14:01:33 -0600, Keith Russell wrote:

KR On Monday, August 28, 2000, 11:56:13 AM, Allie wrote:

 It could be that the blank line between the kludges and the message body
 is not there and the message body is assumed to be a part of the

That would have been my mirst thought, too...

KR No, there clearly is a blank line separating the body from the
KR headers

KR I can only assume that there is something nonstandard about the
KR message headers, but what?

So we should have a look at the headers...

KR   However, 3 messages (all from the same sender) have no bodies. The
KR   headers specify:
KR   Content-Type: multipart/mixed
KR   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
KR   There is no boundary specification.

I guess that the missing boundaries are the problem. IIRC the
MIME-RFCs request a boundary. Perhaps this is a bug with Becky?

Try this one: open your UNIX mailbox file in an editor and replace the
Content-Type line with:

  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Try importing again...

If that doesn't help, you could post one of the offending messages
(perhaps better off-list or on TBOT, as attachments are discouraged on
this list).

KR Because I assumed that msg format wasn't standard and wouldn't
KR work well, I hadn't tried this. [...] In looking at the file, I
KR couldn't immediately see a difference from the Unix
KR mailbox-formatted file, but I imported it into TB anyway.

The difference is small. What TB! calls MSG files are plain RFC822
messages (one message per file) while the unix mailbox format prepends
the often mentioned "From " line to each message (and some little
details more) to handle multiple message in one file.



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Re: exporting to unix mailbox

2000-08-26 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:58:57 +0200, Adam Golebiowski wrote:

AG   I tried to export about 3000 mails to unix mailbox. I need it to
AG   make a statistics of a discussion list I own. But my Linux is wiser
AG   than me :) and thinks that this mailbox is one huge mail (about 9
AG   MB). Is this a bug, or maybe something else?

I never had these problems. There were other problems with exports and
imports, but the ones i know of are fixed in the latest stable release
1.45 (and there were some improvements. you can now export with the
Save As dialog). I see you are using 1.44; perhaps you could try
upgrading to 1.45?

Or you could inspect the huge file. Is every message separated from
the next one with an empty line followed by a line starting with



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Re: TheBat and Spam

2000-08-26 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 15:17:53 -0600, Keith Russell wrote:


KR For those who haven't seen the way Pobox handles this, they run a
KR message through their filters, and if it's identified as potential
KR spam, a string such as "[spam score 10.00/10.0-pobox]" or "[spam score
KR 3.04/10.0-pobox]" is prepended to the subject.


KR And for you regular expression gurus out there, what could I use to
KR select, for example, all messages with ratings between 5.01 and 9.99,
KR for example?

I probably don't qualify as guru or something, but as Alexander
Kiselev stopped reading this list, I'm gonna make a try...

A RE to match "[spam score x.xx/10.0-pobox]" with x.xx in the range
5.00..9.99 would be

  \[spam score [5-9]\.\d\d/10\.0-pobox\]

I didn't test this, but give a short explanation: i merely copied the
string, prepended characters with a special meaning with a '\' (in
this case the brackets and the dots) and made up a pattern for x.xx.
"[5-9]" accepts one digit in the range from 5 to 9 (not very hard to
believe) and "\d" accepts any digit.

If you really wanted to match only 5.01..9.99, it would get more
complicated (RegExp have no comparison operators), so you'd have to
combine three patterns: "[5-9]\.\d[1-9]", "[5-9]\.[1-9]\d" and
"[6-9]\.\d\d". That would look like:
"([5-9]\.\d[1-9]|[5-9]\.[1-9]\d|[6-9]\.\d\d)". Pretty complicated to
get rid of the number 5.00...

There might be other alternatives to exclude "5.00", perhaps with
assertions, but for this stuff I'd have to read the help page at lest
three times...



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SOT: IE? (was: Re: Am I missing something?)

2000-08-24 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 00:01:28 +0200, Roel wrote:

R It's not only for IE-users, but for everyone who uses windows 98/98se
R or windows 95 with IE 4+...

R Only the people who have completely removed IE from their systems
R can't use this...

IIRC, a fresh install of NT4 still has only IE2. I once had to install
IE3 (because too many software packages today require that for
'embedded browsing'), but I *won't* install any IE4 or 5 on this
machine - it is much too solid without it (never change a running

Peter (using TB! 1.46 Beta/3 under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 SP4)

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PCRE doc and TB (was: Re: Question regarding case (in)senisitivity in Reg Exp filters)

2000-08-10 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 13:47:29 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

SL Thursday, August 10, 2000, 12:32:00 PM, Peter wrote:
 The PCRE part of the help file is IMHO one of most complete help
 topics, once you've found it. My tip for locating it: open Help, go to
 the find tab and enter "regular". Choose the entry "What are regular
 expressions" and from there on you have all the links.

SLNo, it is not.  It tells you to look at the PCRE docs [...]

Probably nitpicking, but my the_bat.hlp from 2000-05-26 (which ships
with TB 1.45) *includes* most of the PCRE doc and tells:

  "Regular expressions are also described in the Perl documentation
  and in a number of other books, some of which have copious examples.
  Jeffrey Friedl's "Mastering Regular Expressions", published by
  O'Reilly (ISBN 1-56592-257-3), covers them in great detail. The
  description here is intended as reference documentation."

SL [...] which tells you what regular expressions are and how they
SL work.

The PCRE doc part in the_bat.hlp indeed tells (in the help topic
"Regular Expressions Syntax (Basic)"): "A _regular expression_ is
a set of rules that describes a generalised string. [...]" and has
many general examples.

I agree that the PCRE doc included in the_bat.hlp is "intended as
reference" and not as a tutorial...

SL It does not, as of the last time I checked, tell you how they are
SL implemented in TB! or provide examples of how to use them in TB!.
SL Without those all important implementation details knowing regex
SL is useless.

My help file tells some details (the varying PCRE default options) for
the 4 areas where TB! allows RegExps:

- Message Editor
- Message Finder
- Sorting Office / Filters
- Templates

The Templates topic has one example how to use RegExps together with TB

And in the announcement of 1.46b2 Maxim told us which version of PCRE
is used:

MM [*] Regular Expressions engine upgraded to PCRE v3.3

The documentation is (of course) not yet upgraded, but i hope the help
file for 1.46 will include the PCRE 3.3 docs...

SL Remember, XNews, TB!, Python and Exim are all programs I use (some more
SL than others) that use PCRE.  Not a one implements them the same way or in the
SL way, in fact, that Perl does even though they are "Perl Compatible Regular
SL Expressions."

The differences to Perl (w.r.t. Perl 5.005) are clearly stated in the
help topic "Differences from Perl".

SL For me I'd always use the case insensitive flag at the end, eg:
SL /make money fast/i However, I'm not sure if TB! uses the / markers
SL like Perl does and I'm not familiar with PCRE's internal way of
SL doing it, either.

IMHO the / markers in Perl are not part of the RegExp itself, but just
using the usual matching operator notation. My old Camel Book
(Programming Perl 2nd Ed.) lists the following RegExp operators:


The PATTERN is just one part of an operator.
I would like to write /make money/i in TB too, but strictly speaking,
this is not Perl RegExp, but Perl RegExp matching operator (and I
would like to have the Perl subst operator in TB!!!)



BTW: the PCRE library is available at

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Re: From in a message

2000-08-10 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:49:48 -0700, Kenneth Porter wrote:

KP Not sure about the latter. How would you tell the difference between a
KP line that was escaped vs. one that was originally in that form before
KP sending? The MUA could make an educated guess based on context, I
KP suppose, but is there any deterministic way to do it?

The deterministic way for reading a mbox file is (from, btw the only/best
definition of the mbox format I could find. No, it's not an RFC...):

  A reader scans through an mbox file looking for From_ lines.
  Any From_ line marks the beginning of a message.  The reader
  should not attempt to take advantage of the fact that every
  From_ line (past the beginning of the file) is preceded by a
  blank line.

  Once the reader finds a message, it extracts a (possibly
  corrupted) envelope sender and delivery date out of the
  From_ line.  It then reads until the next From_ line or end
  of file, whichever comes first.  It strips off the final
  blank line and deletes the quoting of From_ lines and
  From_ lines and so on.  The result is an RFC 822 message. 

How the quoting of the From_ lines gets into a mbox file is explained
in the same document...



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The Bat! - bug report: Mouse pointer for Copy

2000-07-25 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello The Bat! developers,

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.45
  Serial Number BB892117
  under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 4
  and would like to report a bug

  The bug description:
TB displays a wrong mouse pointer when copying a message to
another folder (Ctrl-Mouse). It should display the same as when
moving, but with a little '+' sign. Now it displays just the
default pointer.

This bug was recently introduced, don't know when exactly, but i
remember TB doing it right.



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Re: How can I make default to don't place 'Re' prefix in replies ?

2000-07-19 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 18:18:18 +0400, Serge S. Yuriev wrote:

 Maybe You also can tell me how can I remove them if they are added by other
 person ?

This what i have as part of my reply templates. It strips all sorts of
Re's and Aw's and adds only a single "Re:". Note that this line is one
long line and best stored as a quick template and then included with
the %qinclude macro in the reply templates.

If you don't want the single Re:, just leave it out...

More Regexp stuff should be in the mail list archives...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
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Re: More newbie Questions

2000-07-18 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 15 Jul 2000 18:12:07 +0100, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

K Ummm...just once thing.  What do you do to restore being shown all the
K messages?

C Simply hit the Esc key. :-)

 Also  the  Ctrl+=  key has the same function. This is crucial when you
 apply  a  filter to a folder view since Esc closes the folder window
 before it removes the filter :-).

Once again a problem with international keyboards (mine is Swiss
german), where the '=' key is not on its 'usual' place (it's Shift-0,
but Shift-Ctrl-0 doesn't work). I tried the key where '=' sits on
english keyboards (two keys right of 0, is that correct?) and
Ctrl-thiskey is 'next-unread' (Ctrl-] or Ctrl-[ on english keyboards)
... :-(

Does anybody know what to press on swiss or german keyboards? And can
somebody explain the algorithm that TB! (Delphi?) uses to
map key combinations to commands?

Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
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Re: Threading (was: Bat wont collect any POP3)

2000-07-03 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sun, 02 Jul 2000 14:14:36 +, Uwe Brockmann wrote:

 Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Is it ZoneAlarm that strips your mail headers?
 Please don't strip the "In-reply-To:" and "References:" headers, as it
 breaks threading: Each of your mails starts a completely new thread.

 Sorry about that.  I use Berkeley mail to write all of my e-mail.
 I have been using it for about 15 years.

Sorry about my wrong guess. I didn't want to tell you to use another
mail client! I don't know ZA and thought that perhaps ZA was able to
strip headers. The obvious thing that you yourself are using another
client was not so obvious to me...

 I have tried to insert the "In-reply-To:" and "References:" headers
 manually in this message.

I think it is too much trouble to insert them manually. Threading is
not THAT important...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: importing from Pocomail / Netscape import wizard

2000-07-03 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000 00:58:23 -0500, sd wrote:

 i can export from Poco to either Netscape or Eudora formats,
 but The Bat! doesn't want to import the files that Poco

Netscape uses UNIX mailbox format, so you should have no problems
importing it using Tools|Import|From UNIX mailboxes.

(Note for Stef: It seems paradox, but to import from Netscape you
should NOT use the import wizard, because the wizard has problems with
the received timestamps. It is perhaps more convenient for importing
folder hierarchies, but otherwise you should import each folder as
UNIX mailboxes...)

 i'm guessing my best bet now is to export to an RFC822 text
 file and then import via the command line...

RFC822 is not exactly UNIX mailbox (it's similar, the most important
difference is the line starting with "From " like Ming-Li explained).
Plain RFC822 is the MSG format - one file per message...

 the Poco mail files are .mbx files; i wouldn't expect it to
 be this difficult to import them...

As Ming-Li already pointed out, try to import the mbx files directly
as UNIX mailboxes, perhaps it works...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Threading (was: Bat wont collect any POP3)

2000-07-02 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sun, 02 Jul 2000 03:26:25 +, Uwe Brockmann wrote:

 Yes, I am using Zone Alarm 2.1.25.

Is it ZoneAlarm that strips your mail headers?
Please don't strip the "In-reply-To:" and "References:" headers, as it
breaks threading: Each of your mails starts a completely new thread.


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"No ei so schlöözige Blotzbänggu am Fläre, u i verminggle der s Bätzi,
dass d Oschterpfööteler ghörsch zawanggle!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Bat wont collect any POP3

2000-07-01 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 11:17:49  -0500, Allie Martin wrote:

 On Sat, 01 Jul 2000 16:07:15 +, Uwe Brockmann wrote:

UB Are you using Windows 2000?  I am using Windows 2000 Professional
UB (U.S. English version).

UB Who are your e-mail providers?  Are you using GMX?

 Are you using a PC firewall?

There seem to be two problems with POP access. The problems with GMX
seem to be unrelated to the ZoneAlarm problems, for I don't have any
firewall installed (don't tell anybody! ;-) and do encounter similar
problems as Uwe. As described in an earlier thread, my problems are
not that big as Uwe's but then I still use NT4 (could that make the


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Bat wont collect any POP3

2000-07-01 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 01 Jul 2000 16:07:15 +, Uwe Brockmann wrote:

 I have a similar problem.  After starting The Bat! I can retrieve e-mail
 only once.  All further attempts to retrieve E-Mail via POP3 in the same
 session fail.  After I restart TB! I can once again retrieve E-Mail, but
 only once.  I use only one account within The Bat!  I recently sent a
 message about this problem to this mailing list.  Several others replied
 that they DO NOT have the same problem.  As far as I could determine the
 problem only occurs when all of the following conditions are met:

 (1) I am using Windows 2000

NT4: I can retrieve but have problems sending

 (2) I am using The Bat!

TB! v1.44 ?

 (3) I am using a POP3 account at


 I am still investigating this problem but have not yet found a solution
 other than frequently exiting and restarting TB!.

Give the latest Beta 1.45/5 a try; I had just sent successful one
message via and will do some more tests; and Mark Aston
has reported better behaviour too.

For discussing the Beta, please join tbbeta


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"No ei so schlöözige Blotzbänggu am Fläre, u i verminggle der s Bätzi,
dass d Oschterpfööteler ghörsch zawanggle!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: cannot access pop server more than once in one session

2000-06-26 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Uwe

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 09:27:26 +, Uwe Brockmann wrote:

 The POP server for my account is  After starting The Bat!
 I can retrieve e-mail from the POP server only once.  All susequent
 attempts to retrieve my e-mail result in a

 FETCH - Could not connect to the server

 error message from The Bat!.  When I quit The Bat! and restart it I can
 once again retrieve my e-mail but only once.

I have a similar problem, but not that bad as yours. I can retrieve my
mail multiple times without problems (even in intervals shorter than
one minute), but i can't SEND mails anymore after i have made a
successful connection to the pop server.

For those who don't know gmx: gmx uses SMTP-after-POP, and I suppose
the problem has to do with the "POP before SMTP" checkbox in the
advanced SMTP options.

 Has anybody found a solution?

It's not necessary to restart TB. I usually just hangup my dialup
connection and redial (using another ISP). After that I have no more
problems sending my mail in the outbox. (And i have disabled "Combined
delivery" for all my GMX accounts).

It's not really a solution, but a better workaround than restarting
TB, closing all open TB windows...

Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Regular Expression

2000-06-13 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Assad

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 10:41:54 +0400, Assad Toorab wrote:

 I just installed The Bat! on my computer and I would like to configure
 it  in such a way that whenever a particular line appears in an email,
 the  bat  will  automatically  strip  it off and replace it by another

 It  seems  that this can be done with regular expression macros but it
 is beyond me to use it to formulate the appropriate expression.

With the current Regexps this can't be done (unfortunately). There
is no replace functionality; a regexp can only return parts of
the already present text.

For more powerful regexps you have to use external programs (e.g.
Perl scripts). You can hook them into TB! using the action tab of
the filter dialog. (I have no experience using external programs)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
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nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Reply counter

2000-06-10 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Marco, Jast and fellow Regexp-Junkies ;-)

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 18:16:34 +0200, Jast wrote:

  Ooh, I see. In this case, it might be practicable to modify an older regex
  constructed for stripping multiple Re:'s and country specific things
  introduced by MS like "AW:" and the likes.

  The original thing is this:


Following the same principle, the magic thing for extracting the
number including the brackets from the %replycounter macro WOULD be:


It returns a blank string for 'Re:' and '[x]' for 'Re[x]:'

I said WOULD because there is a fly swimming in the soup: the macro
doesn't work because of some TB! internals. If you replace
have an appropriate test message, you can see that the macro is

The internal problem is that at the time the regexp is evaluated,
the macro %REPLYCOUNTER contains just a plain 'Re:'; the bracketed
number gets inserted only afterwards, so we got no chance to
retrieve the number with a RegExp.

Perhaps Ritlabs could change this order for 1.45?


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
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nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: modifying original subject

2000-06-10 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 21:15:24 +0200, Jast wrote:

 Morning Windisch Gergely,

 Is  there a way to modify the subject of a received message automatically?
 There is a mailing list that I'm subcribed to and it puts the name of the
 list  to  the subject line. (eg. if the subject was 'how to do it' then it
 changes  to '{the name of the list} how to do it') I'd like to remove this
 name of the list (and of course I'd like to have the original subject).
 Can  I  do  it with The Bat?  (I'm thinkig of a filter that looks for this
 string and if it is present than it deletes it)

  The second time today, the answer would be a regex. ;-)

I think, Windisch Gergely has another problem. The regexp only helps
when replying but i think the question was to strip the list name
before storing it into a folder. This problem can't be solved inside
TB!, but you can call an external program as part of a filter
action, which could do that. Perhaps there are already ready-to-run
programs that accomplish that? I know that some people use this
method to strip the X-Mailer header from their mails...

  Here is a Re: remover by Peter Steiner from a past discussion:

  insert list
  name here

  This will work if {mailinglist} is at the end of the subject and also
  remove redundant Re:'s and AW:'s. Sorry, I can't at this moment modify it
  to catch the list handle anywhere in the subject, due to my current lack
  of understanding. Anybody wanna help?

In the same past discussion, i posted the following to remove
'[Palm]' (obviously from a Palm related mailing list) from the
subject line:

 Note two things:
 - "((Re|Aw|Antwort):|\[Palm\])" instead of "(Re|Aw|Antwort):",
   having one more level of parentheses
 - %SUBPATT=""4"" instead of %SUBPATT=""3"" because of the additional
 You could expand this for more maillists if you replace \[Palm\]
 with \[(Palm|Pilot|whatever)\] and incrementing SUBPATT to 5...

You can replace '\[Palm\]' with '\{maillinglist\}'. The backslashes
are needed in both cases, because brackets and curly braces have
special meanings inside regexps.


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: %Quotestyle question

2000-06-07 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Thomas, Jast and fellow batties!

Sorry for jumping in this late, i'm (still) busy :-(

On Wed, 7 Jun 2000 23:28:40 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

J  So, is this incompatibility of %quotestyle macro with regexes possibly a
J  bug? Looks much like it :-/

 Maybe we are overlooking something?

It's the famous howto-quote-quotes-inside-quotes problem. Try this:


You see, to have a quote inside a quotation, you have to double
them (sometimes resulting in a triple quote!). But wait: remember

[*] It is possible to use apostrophes and double quotes in macro parameters.

from the 1.44 what's new? Now life gets (a little) easier:



Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Options\Language\...?

2000-06-07 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 7 Jun 2000 12:34:24 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

S Sure it isn't. Last time I checked it looked like a Delphi form file
S (.dfm)

 Last time *I* checked (about half a minute ago), it still had the
 extension .lng and was a text file. ;-)

How did you check, Thomas? Mine has plenty of ASCII characters below
32, meaning nonprintable characters. Perhaps your tool just
overlooked these characters, with mainly ordinary printable
characters remaining?

What SyP meant is that the file *looks* like a Delphi Form file, but
has been renamed to .lng. I don't know Delphi, but i guess this is
indicated by the (magic?) starting sequence of FBPRPBP.

Thomas, doesn't your .lng file start with FBPRPBP?


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Quote Characters in Macros

2000-05-22 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Kevin

On Fri, 19 May 2000 12:51:14 -0400, Kevin Coates wrote:

 In some less e-mail friendly mailing lists where the Reply-To field
 contains the original sender's address rather than the mailing list
 address, I'd like to have the address field on replies filled out like


 I'd like to construct something in my reply template to accomplish
 this. I've not been sucessful in adding the leading and trailing quote
 characters surrounding the %OFROMNAME token so that the sender's name
 appears in quotes before their email address (see example above).


 I've tried using ""%TOFROMNAME"" but that doesn't work. Is there a
 character used to allow quote charaters to appear in text strings with

Sorry for replying late, I was (and am) quite busy...

Your guess for quoting was not that bad. To put a quote into a
string you have indeed to double them. Because you need another
quote to begin your string, you should use


Too bad this is nowhere documented (atleast I couldn't find a word
about it when I investigated a similar problem half a year ago)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: 8 Bit vs 7 Bit Encoding?

2000-05-16 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Nick

On Tue, 16 May 2000 09:41:11 -0700, Nick Andriash wrote:

 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 as seen on TB's headers

 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 as seen on the header from Eudora 4.3.2 Beta 6

 Would that difference have anything to do with why TB! reports those PGP
 signatures as "bad"... indicating the message content has been altered?

It could be that one mail server on the way silently converts the
encoding of the sent messages. Look for this entry in the header

X-Mime-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit

or something similar ('sendmail' servers can be configured to do
this). If the original mail had "quoted-printable" encoding then
this auto conversion does change the message and I think that this
SHOULD break a PGP signature.

If you have Eudora installed yourself, you could toy with the
options and find out if it matters to send 8 bit data 'plain' or

BTW: if there IS a mailserver near you which does these conversions,
this could as well be the source of the accented letter problem in
your other post...

(An easy way to find out if mails do reach you untouched: this very
message should have "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" in
its headers. It leaves my machine like that and usually comes back
from tbudl unchanged)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Importing from YARN

2000-05-08 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 8 May 2000 20:55:38 +0200, Thomas Christensen wrote:

 I had to seperate them with a line containig "From - " followed by a
 date, but I could find any info on what kind of date and how it should
 be formattet (and I couldn't find the date in the importet messages)
 so I ended up with a seperation line like this: "From - 10.10.10"

Export some message you already have in TB! and look at the date, it
has the form "Wed Apr 26 17:54:00 2000" and is interpreted by TB!
1.42 as the "received time" (whereas the time from the "Date:" header
is the "creation time").

(Note: TB! 1.41, which you are still using, ignores the date in the
"From " line, this is one of the new features of 1.42)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
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Re: Changing folder in Folder View, etc.

2000-03-30 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:01:40 +0100, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

 I  praise  the  new System-wide hot-key, which has now simplified this
 task. Escape, Ctrl-Shift-Alt-M (Okay - it may be a perverse assignment
 but it won't clash with anything else like that).

Are you a disguised Emacs user (Escape-M-Alt-Ctrl-Shift) ? ;-)) (I
didn't know there were other Emacs users on this list...).

And for those wondering what this system-wide hotkey stuff is all
about: Marck is using 1.42 Beta, discussed in the TBBETA list...


Peter, looking out for the v2 promised external editor integration
Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Message autoview window (was Re: If I was creative there would be a good subject here)

2000-02-04 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 03:34:21 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:

 I'd send in a pic but then some people would have to face up to the fact I
 might be human.  I dunno if they could handle that.  :)

We'll see that you're human, but will we also be able to look at
that SQUID device (or what was it called in that "I'm your priest,
I'm your shrink, I'm your main connection to the switchboard of
souls" movie?) on your head ? ;-))


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Signature Thing Frustration

2000-01-30 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 00:41:05 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 P.S. For all of you struggling with the sig delimiters, proper  improper ones:
 why the hell not write a *simple* regexp instead of relying on TB's built-in sig-
 stripping capabilities? This way one can catch not only the "proper" delimiter: 
 Just a question:-) Anybody needs the working regexp? I'm starting the votes

I don't want to take away Alexanders pleasure making up a *simple*
Regexp, (i know that he can do very complicated ones) but i posted
one that does a similar job some weeks ago in tbbeta. I have used it
since then and it seems to work quite well. Additionally to the
feature list above it does

(iii) strip the PGP signature (which makes the Regexp not that
  simple anymore)

but it does not (i) But this is easy to fix. Just insert |--\n at
the right position ;-))

To not interfere with the vote taking, i don't repost the Regexp
now (anybody can look it up in the tbbeta archive, look for "REGEXP
example"), and i don't tell the exact position of the fix just
now ;-))


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Signature Thing Frustration

2000-01-30 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Alexander and TB! addicts

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 04:04:35 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

^^ Sleepless in St. Petersburg?? ;-)

 Ah, yeah, please excuse me, Peter, but I really have completely forgotten
 about that one of yours;-( You see, I'm not using TB right now (hope the 
 things will change with ver.2 although;-)),

I hope that too. I wouldn't want to loose your postings here :-)

 so why don't you make a repost of the "complicated" thing
 you had posted on TBBETA?

I can think of no good answer... So i do repost:

one long line
%QUOTES="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is)(-BEGIN PGP SIGNED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(- 
/one long line

To use it, replace the macro %QUOTES in your reply templates with
this long line.

 BTW, I think the trick shouldn't be done with *one* regexp, I rather think two 
 or more subsequent calls should be used. This would simplify the maintenance 
 of the whole thing. For example, first strip off the signature, then apply another 
 regexp that would strip away the PGP stuff (the PGP signature itself is likely to 
 be already removed at this point, BTW; hence chances are that only PGP 
 header is left to be trashed)...

I will think about this, but right now i have to leave for work.

 but it does not (i) But this is easy to fix. Just insert |--\n at
 the right position ;-))

 Yup;-) Now tell them all what's right position...

Column 89, see above.

 To not interfere with the vote taking, i don't repost the Regexp
 now (anybody can look it up in the tbbeta archive, look for "REGEXP
 example"), and i don't tell the exact position of the fix just
 now ;-))

 Hey, you're of sadistic disposition then;-)?

For that you will have to ask my friends (do I have any?), but i
think it's more teasing than being sadistic ;-)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Off-line button with bug?

2000-01-25 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 13:48:34 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

J  unless they use the same network settings ... or you can dial in twice g Of
J  course the former doesn't make much sense, and the latter - no idea.

 The latter won't work, "ComPort busy".

Not quite true, but you won't have thought of it: PPTP. I do 'dial'
twice. The first connection is to the internet and the second
connection is a PPTP one to a firewall-protected server. (NT handles
these VPN - virtual private network - ports similar to COM ports,
you can define DUN connections on them)

Note that i didn't even try to set up TB! to do this, i do it
manually; and i don't think TB! (or any other program) should do
more than one simple connection. Complicated cases like mine should
be handled be the OS (or a dedicated utility).


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Web hyperlinks don't work

2000-01-21 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 16:49:19 +0100, Rob wrote:

  Ah yes, a not so quick search of my archives revealed that the file
  in question is the prefs.js file.

 yep ... that one and liprefs.js ; i'd love to have a list of all possible
 entries/values for those files !!

There is (or was) a list somewhere on Netscape's support pages. Try
looking for jsprefs.htm, perhaps on If you
fail to find an actual copy, I have the version from Netscape 4.06
(older than a year) in my archives and could mail it to you off
list (unzipped 370 KB).


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: TB! v 1.39 Installation

2000-01-21 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000 15:10:19 -0600, Douglas Hinds wrote:

 The file - that was downloaded on Jan 19 from
 is evidently not a compressed file and wants to go into a setup
 routine when I click on it. Do I need to go through that?

It is a self-extracting RAR archive. You can open it with e.g.
WinRAR ( without executing it.

There was a discussion on this list or TBBETA some weeks ago on
compressing utilities, mentioning other freeware and shareware tools
capable of reading RAR format, perhaps you find it in the archive...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: SOT AltGr - was Re: TB as a full featured text editor

2000-01-07 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 11:21:14 +0900, Leif Gregory wrote:

 I've never heard of an AltGr key before in my life until about two
 weeks ago when I got my new (English) laptop and low and behold, there
 is an AltGr key on it.

 What is it for? It seems to function just like the ALT key on the left
 of my spacebar.

I wonder if your keyboard driver really supports AltGr. AltGr is
basically a shortcut for Ctrl-Alt and is pretty different from Alt
alone. On my keyboard (Swiss German) all the Alt-Something shortcuts
don't work with AltGr (except Ctrl-AltGr-Del). If AltGr alone
highlights the menu bar it is a plain Alt...

The character for the AltGr level is usually printed in the lower
right corner of a key. A short sketch of the keys '3' and '4' on my
keyboard where AltGr-3 is '#' and AltGr-4 is not defined:

+---+  +---+
|*  |  |ç  |
|3 #|  |4  |
+---+  +---+


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: SOT AltGr - was Re: TB as a full featured text editor

2000-01-07 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 12:04:46 +0100, Carsten Dreesbach wrote:

 I don't even have the Pound symbol on my German keyboard

Strange - I always thought £ was Shift-4 on german keyboards...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Purging folders for old messages problem

2000-01-05 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 04:11:52 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 But this last (or topmost) Received: stamp should be machine-dependant, not
 otherwise. Right now TB does just the same, but putting this info into the folder 
 index file directly. This results in:

 1. If the message is got from the POP or IMAP, all's correct unless the index 
 gets corrupted. Then, on re-indexing, the received date will pretty likely be 
 unset to the current date/time, which could result in erratic behaviour;

I didn't know that this information is stored separately from the
messages itself

 2. If the message is imported somehow, the received stamp in folder index is 
 set to "now", resulting in numerous inconveniences.

unfortunately :-(

 So what I'm suggesting is:

 1. If the message is received trough POP/IMAP, TB should put the Received: 
 header with the *current* time (the time of the receiving);

This would probably be helpful and does no harm

 2. If the message is imported, TB should consult the latest Received: date 
 found in the headers.

But not when importing UNIX mailbox files. TB! should adhere to
standards; and the standard for this kind of format is to put the
received time into to the "From " line (*), as TB! does it already
when exporting. If TB! creates its own standard, it would still fail
to recognise the received time when importing mailbox files from
other programs, eg Netscape or Agent (How does it Pegasus do?)

(*) If I'm wrong here, please tell me. I couldn't find any written


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Inconsistency in folder navigation? Irrelevant? ;]

2000-01-04 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000 16:37:50 +0100, Carsten Dreesbach wrote:

 anybody else see the following behavior as an inconsistency?

 1. Navigate down the folder tree using arrow keys
 2. Come to a folder with sub-folders
 3. Hit right-arrow to open the folder
 4. Go down with down-arrow
 5. Hit left-arrow, go up to parent folder
 6. Continue this way until root (account) level

 So far, so good...

 7. Hit left-arrow at root level, close the sub-tree?

 Strikes me as sort of strange...

Agreed, but the problem is not step 7, but step 5. Every other
Windows application having a tree control (eg explorer) closes a
subtree with the first left-arrow and goes to the parent folder with
the second. For consistency not only within TB!, i'd prefer the same


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Subject line - Auto mode?

2000-01-04 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000 14:48:19 -0800, Januk Aggarwal wrote:

  Now as a follow up question, in my tests I tried adding cookies from
  a text file using


I suppose you meant %SUBJECT="%COOKIE="A:\test.txt""

Try doubling the nested quotes:


I didn't try exactly this but the principle worked when fumbling
with RegExps (see the thread "re's and regexp's" started on Dec. 15)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Using different Incoming and Outgoing.

2000-01-04 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 04 Jan 2000 20:18:55 GMT, Gary Luther wrote:

   SMTP Server:
Perform SMTP Authentication (checked)
Use specific login:
Account: My Opera Account name
Password: My Opera Account password
Use "POP before SMTP" authentication (checked)
(Have tried the above both checked and unchecked)
   Under Account:Properties:Transport:Receive Mail
   Mail Server: My Home ISP mail account  (This works because I
can pick up the mail)

I'm not familiar with Operamail, but if Operamail really needs POP
before SMTP, it will very probably not work. POP before SMTP means
logging into your POP server (which you have set to your home ISP
account) and then the POP server will tell the SMTP server to accept
mails from your IP address for a couple of minutes. For this to
work, both POP and SMTP server should belong to the same
provider/mail service.

And if using POP before SMTP, the SMTP specific logon information is
not required.

I'm afraid i could not really help you solve your problem :-(

Perhaps it would help if you could copy the relevant paragraph from
Operamails setup guide (if there is any) and copy the exact error
message. Are there any numbers (error codes)?

   From my Opera browser I specify and my account
   information and am able to post messages which then get forwarded to
   my home account for easy pickup. (This message is being sent via my

I guess this is a form in your browser yoo are filling and sending?
Or is it really a SMTP connection? (in that case I didn't know Opera
could do that...)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Purging folders for old messages problem

2000-01-04 Thread Peter Steiner

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 02:31:42 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 PS Are we talking about the mailbox file format? From my understanding
 PS the Received time is the time in the first line of each message (the
 PS one starting with "From "). 

 Wrong here:-) For example, here's the headers of this very message I'm 
 replying to:

 Received: by (UUPC/@ v7.02, 26Apr98) with UUCP
   id AA03863; Wed,  5 Jan 2000 00:39:15 +0300 (MSK)
 Received: from ( [] (may be forged))
 by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with ESMTP id CAA24465
 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 4 Jan 2000 02:05:30 GMT
 [more lines snipped]
 See what I mean, yeah?

So you were not talking about the mailbox format...

If I export your message to UNIX mailbox format it looks like:

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Jan 5 01:01:15 2000
Received: by; id AAA31108; Wed, 5 Jan 2000 00:38:14 +0100 (MET)
Received: from ( ...
Received: from by with ...
Received: from AK2570.UUCP (uucp@localhost) by ...
Received: by (UUPC/@ v7.02, 26Apr98) ...
From: "Alexander V. Kiselev" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 02:31:42 +0300

I was referring to this first line which shows my local time when i
got the mail from my POP server (the received time from TB!). There
we have the correct received time (correct unless you prefer the
time when the mail reached your POP mailbox, not when you fetched it

Unfortunately TB! does it right only when exporting... :-(

 What Alex suggests is in my understanding showing the "received" time
 as stamped by the pop server. TB, on the other hand, uses the time
 when it (TB) receives the mail. Thus, it is currently quite consistent
 - if annoying.

 TB *must* put it's *own* Received: field, and that's all. Like:

 Received: by TB 1.38e; Wed,  5 Jan 2000 00:39:15 +0300 (MSK)

 Don't you think this would solve the problem discussed?

It would indeed be a way to save the received time in the headers.
But what if some server had its time set somewhere in the future?
Then TB!, looking for the latest time in the Received: headers,
would find this future time...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Purging folders for old messages problem

2000-01-03 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000 23:21:27 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 The "received" time should apparently be equal to the *latest*
 time stamp found in the Received: headers, IMO. If implemented
 this way, many problems would have gone forever...

Are we talking about the mailbox file format? From my understanding
the Received time is the time in the first line of each message (the
one starting with "From "). But when importing MSG files (one
message = one file) TB! should offer your method as an option
(probably the default instead of using the actual time)


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Purging folders for old messages problem

2000-01-03 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000 18:03:53 +0100, Carsten Dreesbach wrote:

 I think I'll go for the Perl version, thanks! ;] Of course, this means
 I'll  have  to  write the script first, and not being too firm in Perl
 _yet_...  I'll let you know when I'm bald due to tearing out of my own
 hair! *grin*

Marck is right, TB! doesn't look at the received time when importing
(this is a long known bug)

But if you're interested, you could look at my script for importing
Agent Mail folders. It takes the received time (because this is
where Agent puts the creation time of sent messages) and puts it in
the Date: header (the creation time as interpreted by TB!).

Drop me a note and i'll send you the script off list.


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"No ei so schlöözige Blotzbänggu am Fläre, u i verminggle der s Bätzi,
dass d Oschterpfööteler ghörsch zawanggle!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: The Bat! - bug report : macro expansion and CRLF

1999-12-21 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 17:44:22 +0400, Oleg Zalyalov wrote:

 Hello, the Bat! list recipients,

 Saturday, December 18, 1999, Peter Steiner wrote to RIT Research Labs about
 The Bat! - bug report : macro expansion and CRLF:

 It's not a bug.Just write it all in one line.

 %qinclude="a"=== %quotes="foobar"=== 

That doesn't help. I was not concerned about the crlf AFTER the ===,
but that BEFORE. When I write the template in one line (just
copy/paste from your mail), the result is:

===  foobar
===  bogus

which should be on one line, not spread on four lines...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Stripping (Decrypted) from subject when replying

1999-12-20 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 20:57:15 +0200, Max Masyutin wrote:

PS %subject=""%subject="Re: 

   Nice but why not to use lookahead positive assertions?

Well, i've no experience with lookahead and lookbehind assertions,
but you made me look into the help file...

   (?=Re|Aw) instead of (Re|Aw) and so on for Decrypted.
   It will save from using additional %SUBPATT= macro,
   %REGEXPBLINDMATCH= will be replaced to %REGEXPMATCH.

If i understood these assertions correctly, the RE would look
roughly like:


But this gives the following error

*** Error: lookbehind assertion is not fixed length ***

which sounds reasonable, as there can be an unknown number of

Can this really be done with assertions?

Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: re's and regexp's

1999-12-20 Thread Peter Steiner

On Mon, 20 Dec 1999 16:12:55 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

AVK snipped what in Russian we call "îÁ×ÅÌ ÔÅÎØ ÎÁ ÐÌÅÔÅÎØ",
AVK although I have no idea how this might be translated:-(

Thomas That's a real pity as I value your comments and advices - can someone
Thomas help out here and translate this into English, German, Spanish, Thai,
Thomas or even Chinese for me?
t cannot as Alex's Russian in my Bat is replaced with Thai characters
t and that makes it even more unreadable (g) then it probably is in
t Russion.

 Yes, it's in chinese characters on my display. So, please don't
 translate into Thai, as this would probably also result in Chinese
 characters g

Yes, in the preview pane it's displayed in my preferred codepage
too; but when i hit reply, the new message takes the codepage of the
message it's replying to. And when my TB! displays KOI8-R, it
switches to Courier New which shows the Cyrillic characters (as many
other Unicode characters). Do your and tracer's TB! behave
differently? Perhaps it's a difference between Win9x and WinNT (I
see that Thomas uses Win98, I use NT4 SP4) or the bundled fonts.

But then, even if i see the right characters, I have no clue what
they mean ;-))

Actually, Thomas' message claimed to be written in KOI8-R which is why mine
is too...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
(quote deleted because incompatibility with KOI8-R)

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Re: re's and regexp's

1999-12-18 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 18 Dec 1999 14:41:58 +0100, Dirk Heiser wrote:

 I use this (Antwort|Antw|Re|Aw|FW) for searching. But one Problem i

 Some Mailing list have the mailinglistname in the Subject. I give an

 Antwort: Re: [Palm] Antwort: [Palm] Re: [Palm] FlashPro und Palm Update

SOT: which mailing software is not capable to strip these additional
[Palm]? Should be forbidden...

 how can i strip these [Palm]. If i try


 this do not work.

There are two reasons why this doesn't work:
1. [ and ] have a special meaning inside regular expression (see in
   the Help under Regular Expressions Syntax (Basic)). You have to
   write \[ and \]
2. [Palm] is not followed by a colon, therefore you can't put in
   together with Aw: and Re:

Here's the solution


Note two things:
- "((Re|Aw|Antwort):|\[Palm\])" instead of "(Re|Aw|Antwort):",
  having one more level of parentheses
- %SUBPATT=""4"" instead of %SUBPATT=""3"" because of the additional

You could expand this for more maillists if you replace \[Palm\]
with \[(Palm|Pilot|whatever)\] and incrementing SUBPATT to 5...


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
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Re: re's and regexp's

1999-12-18 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 18 Dec 1999 18:26:16 +0100, Dirk Heiser wrote:

 IMHO this example must be in the FAQ.

Wait, wait... FAQ means frequently Answered Questions (though some
people may prefer F. Asked Q.). Now this question has been answered
only once and does therefore not qualify ;-))

 It is very useful to add this in all Answer Templates.

I've just put a modified version in all reply templates myself. See
my other post in this thread...

Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"No ei so schlöözige Blotzbänggu am Fläre, u i verminggle der s Bätzi,
dass d Oschterpfööteler ghörsch zawanggle!" - Franz Hohler

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Stripping (Decrypted) from subject when replying

1999-12-18 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sat, 18 Dec 1999 12:38:23 +0100, I wrote:


Purpose: strip all kinds of Re:'s and Aw:'s from a subject while

I have modified the expression above to additionally strip a
trailing " (Decrypted)" as added by TB! when decrypting PGP



Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
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nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: re's and regexp's

1999-12-17 Thread Peter Steiner

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999 10:16:14 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

 on Thursday, December 16, 1999, 7:44:46 PM GMT+0800, Peter Steiner wrote:

PS The macros for stripping down all Re:'s and Aw:'s look like:

PS %SETPATTREGEXP="(?i)((Re|Aw)\:\s*)*(.*)"

PS The normal way to replace the subject of a message is
PS %SUBJECT=""%SUBJECT="Re: (This was the original subject)"

 Not quite. In Z notation, what you want is:

What's Z notation?

 Subject'= "Re" + Subject\Replyparam

Almost Agreed, it should be "Re: " + Subject\Replyparam

 where Replyparam is "Re", "Aw" or "AW". Note that the original subject
 has to be stripped off the original reply parameter. I trust that your
 RegExp above has this "or" function and gives you the correct result.
 However, Alex said before that RegExp's cannot replace, only find. I
 don't know anything about this.

The stripping works well. A short explanation what the RegExp does,
working from the inside out:


1. "(?i)" RegExp option: work case insensitive (so Aw and AW are
2. "(Re|Aw)" matches Re or Aw.
3. "(Re|Aw)\:\s*" matches Re: or Aw: followed by any number of
   whitespace (spaces, tabs)
   This can be easily expanded, eg "(Re|R|Ref|Aw|Antwort)\:\s*" for
   more languages
4. "((Re|Aw)\:\s*)*" matches any number of repetitions of (3.). If
   we have "AW: Re: Aw: Re: Example Subject" it matches
   "AW: Re: Aw: Re: "
5. "(.*)" matches the rest. In the example above this would be
   "Example Subject"

Re: %SUBPATT="3"

As we are not interested in all matches, but only in the one from
Step 5, we need to tell which part. The 'BLINDMATCH' macro does all
the matching without putting any text out. The %SUBPATT="3" is the
match from inside the third pair of parentheses (not counting the
option setting "(?i)"). This is step 5 from above. Then we have to
add a Re: in front, yielding my

Re: %SUBPATT="3"

PS %SUBJECT=""%SUBJECT="%QINCLUDE="strip-re-intl""

 I think you have one set of quotation marks too many.

Yes. That is exactly my problem.

 Does this work?:

No, it yields a subject "QInclude=" ... :-(


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: re's and regexp's

1999-12-16 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999 03:19:27 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

  I just was wondering if regexps would allow to replace the
  AW:'s and whatnot generated by localized versions of LookOut by a
  Re[x] in a reply? Maybe together with the new recounter macros?

 It's *very* easy indeed to convert AW: to Re:, but I cannot see 
 how is it possible to convert AW: to Re[n]: TB's regexps 
 currently don't allow replacing, only straightforward matching:-(

 But guys, I've already done my share of regexping TB, *you*
 are using it, *i* don't (since i'm still riding the winged horse:-)). 
 Anybody else volunteering? If not, I'll probably invent somethingo
 for you tomorrow evening... It's late night here right now... 

Okay, my try :-)

The macros for stripping down all Re:'s and Aw:'s look like:

Re: %SUBPATT="3"

Lets make a QuickTemplate and name it strip-re-intl; it gives you
(in the message body): "Re: (original subject without re and aw's)"

But this works not for the Subject line, unless somebody can tell
how to nest quotes. The normal way to replace the subject of a
message is

%SUBJECT=""%SUBJECT="Re: (This was the original subject)"

Using recursive QuickTemplates involves the quoted handle of the QT,
and the subject macro quotes its text too. So, assuming the QT
handle strip-re-intl, my first approach was:


but that doesn't work. I tried using ' instead of " and escaping the
quote with a Backslash, a second quote or a percent sign, but
nothing worked :-(

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Solution to %DATE and %TIME macro problem.

1999-12-14 Thread Peter Steiner

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 00:04:06 +0300, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 Maybe, changing the (?m-s)Date\:\s*? in the regexp to
 (?m-s)Date\:\s* (without the "?" sign) will do the trick?

Yes, that works perfectly. Thanks Ali and Alex!

Now (as I'm never content) if this Macro could be named
%DateTimeTZEn, I'm missing the %DateTimeTZ Macro (the same, but the
words not in English, but as defined in the systems country

If I didn't miss something in the help file, the RegExp support is
only for matching, not for substituting. So the next wish (after
Alex' global modifier) is substitution. Then the next workaround
would be to replace the month names with the localized ones...

And there will probably more wishes until we have a TheCamel!
instead of TheBat! ;-) [this is a Perl joke: the cover of
"Programming Perl" shows a Camel and is therefore known as the Camel
Book. And guess which book has a bat on it's cover... sendmail !]


Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Short Menues!

1999-12-01 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Jast

  You probably pressed the "idiot mode" key-combo that toggles certain
  menu options off. It is Ctrl+Shift+Alt+/ (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+# on
  German/Swiss Keyboards)

I have to interfere here on the behalf of all Swiss TheBat! users (are
there really any others on this list?). On Swiss Keyboards it is
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+§ ...

"No ei so schlöözige Blotzbänggu am Fläre, u i verminggle der s Bätzi,
dass d Oschterpfööteler ghörsch zawanggle!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Swiss German keyboard shortcuts (was Re: Idiot Mode)

1999-11-29 Thread Peter Steiner

On Sunday, November 28, 1999, 1:49:02 AM, tracer wrote:

 I thought Swiss keyboards were essentially german keyboards with some
 French characters added in one group.

They have some common differences to the US layout, but the difference
ist rather big. With the 48 'white keys' (letters, numbers and special
characters), there are some 120 different combinations (without Ctrl,
just the printable characters). And of these 120 combo are only
approximately 85 identical (55 letters, 10 numbers and 20 others)

(and of these 85 combos, only about 65 are identical to the US layout)

 As I mentioned earlier, 99% sure is coupled to ASCII character codes
 so if you compare the Englisg/USA code with yours, it should be a
 matter of probably a  simple translation excercise of codes to their
 equivalent stickers on the keys.

What do you mean with ASCII character codes? Pressing the key that
yields the same ASCII code and then apply the modifier keys? That
works only for keys on the same 'layer' (unshifted/shifted). The
often used characters /\[];= all need some modifier key on our
keyboards, so if you have a Shift-/ or Ctrl-[ there is no simple
translation because these Shift or Ctrl are already needed to get the
character itself.

On the other hand, just pressing the same physical key (same keycode)
doesn't work either. Eg. the 'move to next/previous unread' are Ctrl-]
/ Ctrl-[ for the US layout (the last and second last key in the second
row, IIRC). On my keyboard, these are the 'ü' and '¨' keys (the second
is the diaeresis dead key). But the correct combo for these two
commands are the two keys left of backspace, as i recently found out).
The other example, the idiot mode key (US: Shift-Ctrl-Alt-/, / has
keycode 61), the German and Swiss combo are each using a different
key: German is Shift+Ctrl+Alt+#, # has keycode 51 (is that correct?)
Swiss is Shift+Ctrl+Alt+§, § has keycode 49

Now which hidden algorithm ties all this together?


"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Swiss German keyboard shortcuts (was Re: Idiot Mode)

1999-11-26 Thread Peter Steiner

On Friday, November 26, 1999, 3:37:30 PM, Jast wrote:

 If i would only find out the Swiss German combo for "Move to next
 unread", sigh...

  Isn't it right next to "Move to last message"? On German keyboard last
  message is Ctrl+?, next message Ctrl+´ (left of backspace)

Thanks, Jast, I've found it, yes it's just left of backspace (Ctrl-^,
and previous message is Ctrl-', which is two left of backspace).

Now I wonder why the heck TheBat! doesn't show this shortcut on the
navigation and context menus. Could it be because ^ is a 'dead key'
(means you have to press ^ followed by a space to write one; or if you
press ^ and then e, you get ê) on Swiss keyboards?

"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
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Re: Idiot Mode

1999-11-25 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thursday, November 25, 1999, 6:44:11 PM, Jast wrote:

 Morning Thomas Fernandez,

 So Germans have no way of achieving idiot mode?

  The combination on a German keyboard is Shift+Ctrl+Alt+#
  The key-combos for other keyboards should be similar.

Swiss German keyboard: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+§ or Shift-AltGr-§.
Now I'm allowed to be an idiot too ;-)

If i would only find out the Swiss German combo for "Move to next
unread", sigh...

"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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Re: OT: languages and spellings

1999-10-18 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Alexander

On Monday, October 18, 1999, 10:04:50 PM, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 Perhaps we should use the phonetic alphabet of the IPA (international
 phonetic association), Unicode characters 0x0250..0x02af, but then i
 know just know one font, Lucida Sans Unicode, having these, and where
 is a mail client supporting UTF8...?

 And what is that IPA you're talking about?

The IPA seems to be an organisation that has defined a special
alphabet for transcribing the phonetics of words. My English-German
dictionary uses it to explain the pronounciation of the English words.
If you have Windows NT, you can see the glyphs with charmap.exe in any
Unicode font in the subset 'IPA extensions'

"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Re: OT: languages and spellings

1999-10-18 Thread Peter Steiner


On Monday, October 18, 1999, 10:01:11 PM, Alexander V. Kiselev wrote:

 Anybody knows whether this is covered by some RFCs or not?

It's covered in the Unicode Standard (ISO 10646), but to find an
online explanation is somewhat difficult...

 I've got a number of OL-made messages lately, charset was set 
 to UTF-8 there. It was just plain gibberish. I mean, all the higher-
 bit letters were replaced by "?"s... BTW, that was OL'97...

Was it UTF-8 or UTF-7? I vaguely remember having seen OL97 messages
with UTF-7 (where some characters take up 4 bytes, but never use bit

Let's try to explain: Unicode normally uses 2 bytes for each
character; and the first 128 ones are the ascii ones. UTF-8 is a
compression method for saving bandwidth or memory. All plain ASCII
characters are left alone (and use only one byte), the Unicodes
128..2047 use two bytes (but somewhat transformed) and all other
Unicodes use three bytes. Here's a table:

Unicode hexadecimal  Unicode as Bits UTF-8 as Bits
0x..0x007f    0xxx   0xxx
0x0080..0x07ff   0xxx    110x 10xx
0x0800..0x       1110 10xx 10xx

Just fill in the bits at the x positions from one column into the
other column without changing the order. Lets do an example:

The famous seven-german-letters letter ý (schtsch, if i really
recall it correctly) with Unicode 1065 (0x0429) would be transformed
to UTF-8 'ò©' (0xd0a9)

 Sounds like Unicode is the future. Forget about all the other encoding
 systems? Is that what you're saying?
 In that case, I hope TB will support Unicode.

 I am not sure that we need it. What will we gain from this, after
 all? I'll bet, nothing but a heavy mess currently:-(

It will give us the ability to mix characters from all all these
codepages in one message. Now it's not possible to put cyrillic
letters (koi8-r) together with the german umlauts (ISO 8859-1). Look
at my signature in this message (in KOI8-R enconding) and compare it
to the one of my other reply...

ð£ÔÒ [thats about all i know in your language: my name :-( ]
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert nÄbem TobelÃhli
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Re: PGP Check Signature does not work

1999-10-16 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Claudius

 Peter Steiner, you wrote previously about the "check signature"
 "Yes, i had the same problem, but only until i changed to PGP 6.5"
 Does "*automatically verify*" work with your v6.5? Here only the
 manual menu command "verify signature" works, not *auto verify*; I
 didn't quite get which one was meant in the discussion earlier in the thread.

I never tried automatically verify. What i meant was the verification
of signed  encrypted messages during decryption.

Does automatically decrypt work with you?

Regards, Peter
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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Re: Broken Thread (Was: Re: Internal picture viewer)

1999-10-16 Thread Peter Steiner

On Thursday, October 14, 1999, 8:54:50 PM, Keith Russell wrote:

 OTOH, Stan's 'Re[2]' and MaXxX's 'Re[2]' both start new threads in
 Agent. I think The Bat! is the only email client that handles these.
 Are there others?

Now this not anymore related to TheBat, but as many of us still use
Agent (for news): you can change that! In GeneralPrefs/MessageList I
have in ReplyPrefixes

"re re[1] re[2] re[3] re[4] r aw antwort zu ref"

which accepts re[2] and several others, e.g. ones generated from
non-english M$ mail clients.

I wish TheBat had a similar option...


"Du weisch doch, das me n imene Totemügerli
nid darf nei säge!" - Franz Hohler

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Re: Bug with the color chooser

1999-10-05 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Daniel

On Tuesday, October 05, 1999, 3:43:17 PM, Daniel T. Graham wrote:

DTG Where  did  you  get version 1.36? I have version 1.35 and cannot find
DTG 1.36 anywhere.

Please note that 1.36 is still beta. There are no restrictions using
the beta versions, but discussion should take place in TBBETA mailing
list. You can subscribe writing a mail to

(The reason i posted this report in TBUDL, not TBBETA, is because it's
not related to the beta version, the bug was in earlier release
versions as well)

Regards, Peter
"Schtill! Was ziberlet dert näbem Tobelöhli
z grachtige n uuf u aab?" - Franz Hohler

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Bug with the color chooser

1999-10-04 Thread Peter Steiner

Hello Batters

I'm using The Bat! Version 1.36 Beta/9
under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 4

Bug description:
The color chooser (Options/Editor/Display/Colouring/Edit) doesn't
remember the custom colors

I found this bug in 1.35, 1.36b4 and 1.36b9; i didn't check earlier

As an aside to this, it would be nice to have a checkmark in the
Display Preferences "Use default window backgroud color".

Regards, Peter
Peter Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"U dene n ischs i d Chnöde glöötet wie bschüttigs
Chrüzimääl düre Chätschabertrog." - Franz Hohler

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