Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

2012-08-31 Thread Todd Tarno
Sorry, I didn't send out this e-mail.

From: Janice Nichols
To: Todd Tarno;;;;;;;;;
Sent: Fri, August 31, 2012 9:37:25 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

Todd, what do you know about this diet thing?
From: Todd Tarno 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 6:27 AM
To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 

Subject: [TMIC] Unidentified subject!

[TMIC] Beach wheelchair, All-terrain Wheelchair Hippocampe

2012-08-16 Thread Todd Tarno
Beach wheelchair, All-terrain Wheelchair Hippocampe 

Re: [TMIC] Fwd: The Great Swimming/Diving Adventure

2012-08-13 Thread Todd Tarno
Each time ya go into the water, it will get better.  Yes, the leg do float 
very easily. 
Please let us know how much weighs  how well it works for ya. lol  
I like the ideal of using an old wheelchair. I'm looking for a waterproof 
made of PVC pipe. 
I have used a boogie board to catch waves, but it's very hard to get out far 
enough to catch the waves. lol
Keep up the great job  keep us posted on your Great Swimming/Diving Adventures,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX 

From: James Berg
Sent: Sun, August 12, 2012 4:36:47 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Fwd: The Great Swimming/Diving Adventure

Please laugh with me.  See below.

-- Forwarded message --
From: James Berg
Date: Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Subject: The Great Swimming/Diving Adventure
To: Larry Shawhan, Luigi Manera, Peter Berg, Allen Beard, William Berg, rmoore9011, James Berg

Just didn't work.  First of all, my leaden legs that are so heavy are
really large cork floats and didn't need any floatation at all.
Secondly, even without additional flotation, my floaty legs flipped me
over very easily and I found my self on my back with my snorkle in the
water.  I really don't like breathing water.  The life vest helped but
my legs continued to be a problem.  Of course you can't dive with a
vest on.  What really did work well was using an old wheel chair to
access the boat launch ramp.  In and out worked well.

So next time we'll try leg weights, but not too much, I don't want to
drag on the reef and  some type of waist/chest flotation device.

Thanks to my friends and family for the help or I would have drowned.


Fw: [TMIC] wheel Chairs

2012-08-02 Thread Todd Tarno
My parents just got me the EV-rider, Mini Rider-Portable, that can break down 
into 4 parts for easy moving. 
I've only got to use it once so far, but it was a lot of FUN!!!

Todd in CC, TX

- Forwarded Message 
From: Butcher, Bernie (SFS)
To: James Berg;
Sent: Thu, August 2, 2012 6:22:33 AM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] wheel Chairs

Electric or manual?

From:James Berg [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:36 PM
Subject: [TMIC] wheel Chairs
I keep buying wheel chairs that are junk.  Does anyone have a model to 

Fw: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Boy Scouts OT

2012-07-18 Thread Todd Tarno
Chad Griffin’s Message to BSA Featured as AP ‘Quotation of the Day’HRC 
President Chad Griffin has been featured as an Associated Press “Quotation of 
the Day,” in the wake of the Boy Scouts of America’s backward decision to 
uphold their ban on gay scouts and leaders.The BSA decision was announced 
yesterday following a secret two-year policy review by the organization.Read 
and share Chad’s statement below:
--- On Mon, 7/16/12, Dalton Garis wrote:

From: Dalton Garis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Boy Scouts OT
To: bobberino, Cindy McLeroy, Susan Kleinz,
Date: Monday, July 16, 2012, 9:58 PM

I just don't understand all this;
In the old days the press and others knew the weaknesses of President Kennedy, 
for example; but they kept quiet so as not to debase the station of the office 
of President of the United States in the eyes of the world or our own 
citizenry, including those serving in the military and for whom the President 
is their Commander in Chief.  Now, it seems that people will do anything to 
discredit the President, even lie about what actually happened or deliberately 
misrepresent the facts.
Could this be the worst political atmosphere we have had since Andrew Jackson 
was President?
Think about this fact: unity is a spiritual characteristic and begins with 
moral education first, followed by academics.  Without proper moral values 
unity is impossible.  Certainly, there has been no diminution in America's 
potential to out-produce, out-invent, out-feed any other country on earth.  
What is in doubt is if we have the unity of purpose and sense of mutual 
community that got us here in the first place to move ahead with what needs to 
be done.  How much responsibility do Americans feel toward other Americans of 
different leanings, religious persuasions, linguistic backgrounds or national 
Ask the public what they know about the verities of their professed religious 
faith and the answer, in word and deed, is very little.  And whose fault is 
this?  Who has fallen down on the job?
Dalton H. GarisFlushing, QueensNew York, USAMobile: 718-838-0437Landline: 
From:  bobberino
Reply-To:  bobberino
Date:  Monday, 16  January 2012 10:45 PM
To:  Cindy McLeroy, Susan Kleinz,
Subject:  Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Boy Scouts OT
Resent-Date:  Mon, 16 Jul 2012 19:49:34 -0700

I agree with Cindy 110% BobbyJim
  - Original Message - 
  Cindy McLeroy 
  To: Susan Kleinz ; 
  Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Boy Scouts   OT

  I thought you might find the following article from
  It explains the truth
  about the unsigned certificates.  Hope this helps clear this up as the
  Eagle Scout programs are so wonderful and produces such wonderful young
  men.  I hate it when something puts both the President in a bad
  light and brings some attention to the Eagle Scout program that is
- Original Message - 
Susan Kleinz

Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 6:41
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fwd: Boy Scouts

Thank you!  This kind of stuff scares me!

Susan Kleinz
Phx, AZ

On Jul 12, 2012, at 5:45 AM, wrote:

  7/12/2012 12:59:46 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Boy




  since 1912 has been the honorary President 
  the Boy Scouts of America. President
  Obama refused that




[TMIC] SSDI run out in 2016 by 25%

2012-04-27 Thread Todd Tarno
The Social Security Board of Trustees today released its annual report on the 
financial health of the Social Security Trust Funds.  The combined assets of 
the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust 
Funds will be exhausted in 2033, three years sooner than projected last year.  
The DI Trust Fund will be exhausted in 2016, two years earlier than last year’s 
estimate.  The Trustees also project that OASDI program costs will exceed 
non-interest income in 2012 and will remain higher throughout the remainder of 
the 75-year period.
The 2012 Trustees Report will be posted 
at on Monday afternoon.
I heard on the news the other day, that SSDI could run out in the year 2016, 
but that they would only cut 25% of SSDI.This could put some people needing 
Food Stamps  Medicaid.I know that I can't save 25% until 2016, but I'm 
thinking of saving half, 12.5%, so that I'm use to half of the cut and take the 
monthly deposit out each month after the cut in 2012.  This could hold me until 
2020.  Have anyone else heard about this too?
Is there a limit to how much we can have in saving, so that we are not on Food 
Stamps in 2016?
Todd in Corpus Christi, TXTM since April 1, 2002 @ T-4 to T-8


2012-03-06 Thread Todd Tarno
I know that Walmart does have an ankle brace, 
like the very tight-fitting gloves for the hands.
It's black, but I do not think it would look good with any shoes.  I was useing 
it to help with the drop foot, while walking bare footed around the house.  
It does help with supporting the drop foot.
Now I'm using the Walk Aide, so don't it use as much.

--- On Tue, 3/6/12, The Man wrote:

From: The Man
Subject: Re: [TMIC] SPASMS
To: Janice Nichols
Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2012, 9:05 AM

Hi Janice,

Yeah, I can really appreciate it. After I had my initial acute attack of TM - 
it was about 3 years later when I started to get 'hand-cramps', when the 
fleshy-part of the hand between the thumb and fore-finger starts to pull my 
fingers into all sorts of weird shapes! 

I found a pair of very tight-fitting gloves in my local physiotherapy-clinic, 
which were designed for 'carpal-tunnel' sufferers but they do a fantastic job 
to ease the cramping and lately, they have become 2 of my very closest friends.

On 6 March 2012 11:25, Janice Nichols wrote:

Hi Guys,
Would like responses on a problem that only recently – after 5 years of TM  -  
has occurred.
When put my shoes on, my right foot (heel) spasms and makes it harder to 
walk.    Have any of you had
this problem? Really looking forward to summer to wear sandals – don’t 
think there will be a problem then.
Is strange that after all these years that this problem would show up.


Glendon (a.k.a Goat Dodders ) 
...Living with Transverse-Myelitis since 2007,
in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia...
t. @GoatDodders

Re: [TMIC] TM Question

2012-03-06 Thread Todd Tarno
Causes of Transverse Myelopathy and Myelitis
Transverse myelitis may occur in isolation or in the setting of another 
illness. When it occurs without apparent underlying cause, it is referred to as 
idiopathic. Idiopathic transverse myelitis is assumed to be a result of 
abnormal activation of the immune system against the spinal cord.
So we're hit with Transverse Myelitis, 
but we're left with Transverse Myelopathy.
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Mon, 3/5/12, Carol E wrote:

From: Carol E
Subject: [TMIC] TM Question
Date: Monday, March 5, 2012, 11:39 AM

I curious about the proper way to explain our affliction.
Do we currently have TM or we had it when we first became ill?
Is it like Polio?  It came, crippled and you no longer have Polio, but you do 
have the destruction that it left behind.
Thanks for your help in explaining this to me.

Worrying does not empty 
tomorrow of its troubles;
It empties today of its strengths. 


Re: [TMIC] Changing your Notifications

2011-12-06 Thread Todd Tarno
I'm glad I was added to these groups, but within 24 hours, I needed to change 
my Notifications for each group.
When you go to the group's facebook 
On the right side of the group's page, is the Notifications button.You can 
leave the ON checked, click on the settings, then another window will come up  
then you can UNCHECKED the box with your e-mail address.
Good Luck, Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Tue, 12/6/11, Robert Pall wrote:

From: Robert Pall
Subject: [TMIC] Losing my mind!
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 9:24 AM

I really need help. Everyday I end up with 100 emails from people living with 
TM, TM Folks and a little bit of the original TM group.

I do not want to chat about everythingI want to talk about TM and TM only.

I realize I am lucky that I am not totally disabled (I can walk and drive)and I 
understand where some of the TM'rs are in front of their computer all day long. 
I end up deleting almost all of my mail due to the volumethis does not help 
me nor the originators of the emails.

Maybe it is just me ...but wouldn't it be better to have just one TM site as 
well as far less confusing?

I have had TM for more than 14 years and I head up the New Jersey TM support 
group.this original TM site has given me more good advice than I could have 
possibly hoped for.but now when I go on the other sites I no longer know 
the history of the tm patient which does not allow me to answer most of the 
questions put forth.

I am probably just venting I just want to know what others feel and what we 
should if anything do about it!

All the best!


Rob in New Jersey

[TMIC] Judith Hoops

2011-09-03 Thread Todd Tarno
Here is the last link that I have for Jude.

--- On Wed, 8/31/11, john snodgrass wrote:

From: john snodgrass
Subject: Re: [TMIC] gone to facebook
To:, Linda Egli
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011, 6:34 AM

jeepers havent heard from Jude since like back in the winter!


Re: [TMIC] Re: MOM

2011-08-16 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Tracy,
TM is usually is a ONE time hit.
If it's TM again, there is a name for it, but 
sorry I don't remember the name before TM.
When asking questions on the TM list,
Where did her TM hit on her spinal cord?  
The higher it hits ( level C ), the more problems with breathing.
I don't know anything about the CO 2 being high.  Sorry :(
Please share her systems with us, so that we 
may be able to tell if it might be or not TM.
We all will be praying for her at this time,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002 @ T-4 to T-8

--- On Tue, 8/16/11, Tracy Lea Bell wrote:

From: Tracy Lea Bell
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re:
To: Blaine Frye
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 9:42 AM

I have several things to ask and I hope anyone can mom has been in 
the hospital for two weeks and now has been moved to ICU. Every day something 
new pops up.  They have no idea what is wrong now her CO 2 is so high she can 
hardly breath... She has had TM for a year now and they keep saying it's not 
the TM and I just don't know how TM progresses...I don't know how to send this 
to the whole group 

Thank you Tracy 

Fw: [TMIC] Magnets

2011-06-25 Thread Todd Tarno
My Acupuncturist sold me some shoe insole and 
I put them in my leg braces about 7 years ago.  
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 6/25/11, wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] Magnets
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2011, 9:50 AM

It seems people are beginning to understand the magnet benefits. Ok, I'm, still 
dealing them, so, if anybody's interested, lemme know, and I'll get em for you. 
I mentioned this 15 years ago, and nobody got on board, but I'm tellin ya, they 

[TMIC] Got a New Toy The Walk Aide

2011-05-02 Thread Todd Tarno
I got my new toy, the Walk Aide, on April 28 after the 1 year first visit.  It 
was approved after 6 months, but my doctor and the people I was getting the 
unit from was not told, not even ME.  I keep asking for the denied letter, but 
my doctor didn't have that either. lol
It would ONLY be approved for people with Spinal Cord Injury, SCI, not TM.  As 
we all know that TM is a SCI.
They approved the unit, but now don't want approved the electors to run the 
unit  they're only 1/8 of the price of the unit.   I will see what they say at 
my 2 week visit. lol
As I have said before, I don't get what I want, I only get what I NEED.  So, if 
you have tried the unit  it did worked for you, you could try again.   If you 
do get a denied letter, you might want to fight it.
Having FUN with my new TOY, The Walk Aide,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002 @ T4 - T8

Fw: Re: [TMIC] revisiting an old issue

2011-04-26 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Guys, John  James,
I'm so sorry to hear that ya'll having a bad time with the freeze burning legs 
and/or body.
I have never been on Baclofen.
When I was on Neurontin, I was up to 3,600 mg a day and was told that this was 
the highest I could go.
But, I had a friend that did go up to 4,000 mg a day and other narcotic 
medications, so I now know that we can go higher doses.  With a doctor's Rx. lol
I really like Lyrica 300 mg a day and I may need to go higher as I get new 
feeling back into both of my legs.
With Lyrica you do need to watch the marijuana and/or drink hard liquor, it 
will not need as much as you use to do before. lol
I too, think I'm going to look down at my feet  see flames coming off them.  I 
do better when I have my legs up while in a recliner.
Hope everyone is having a better day, today,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002 @ T-4 to T-8

--- On Tue, 4/26/11, James Berg wrote:

From: James Berg
Subject: Re: [TMIC] revisiting an old issue
To: john snodgrass
Cc: transverse myelitis
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 1:28 PM

I am having a bad day--the thrumming is at its worst and the banding has gotten 
wider and tighter--to the point I couldn't eat dinner or breakfast this 
morning.  Baclofen does nothing.  It took four glasses of red wine and two 
alergy pills to get me to sleep.  Being in the chair now is making the banding 
pain worse.
any suggestions?

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 1:11 AM, john snodgrass wrote:

I remember hearing the concern of thrumming in the legs. 

You know,,like the sound that a power transformer makes except it's a feeling,a 
buzzing or even sometimes like energy going up and down your leg or legs.

I gert this a lot and when it is real bad it is from the top of my head to the 
bottom of my feet.

sometimes it even feels like something poking at the bottom of my feet from the 
inside trying to get out.

perhaps i could harness it and drive a car with it!

I am taking the maximum dosage of baclofen and neurontin and was wondering if 
anyone ever ran across something to either slow this part down or even stop it.

sometimes it will last all day and can go from irritating to depressing.

most of the time when this does stop that's when the burning begins.

this on top of the wast banding and pain can drive me to thinking thoughts that 
are not normal for me.

 thoughts like,,perhaps i should find some marijuana and smoke it or perhaps i 
should drink enough to pass out or maybe i should punch someone and they will 
knock me out!

my Doc's know about it but have no answer.

losing insurance on may 5th.

Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2011 #164

2011-04-18 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Kris,
I take 150 mg twice a day.
The only side effect is got to watch the alcohol, one beer is like drinking 2 
beers  hard liquor can make your legs turn into rubber.  lol  
I like it, beacuse you only need to take it twice a day. 

--- On Sat, 4/16/11, Kris Muise wrote:

From: Kris Muise
Subject: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2011 #164
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011, 8:27 AM

Hi, for those of you on Lyrica... what is the dose you take daily?  What sort 
of side effects do you have?

Sent: Fri, April 15, 2011 4:48:47 PM
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2011 #164

Note: Forwarded message is attached.

Fw: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment

2011-04-02 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Sue,
I have been going to a Chiropractor since I was 15 yrs old from falling off a 
slide when I was 5 years old.  I will be 47 this month.
I go once a week, because both of my hip are lock into place.  Since I'm 
already there, he does my neck, upper shoulders, and mid back, because of the 
use of my walker.  
He also has, I call it, the Rack that pull my lower body from my upper body.  I 
up to 85 lbs.  When I come off, my drop foot works better.  He doesn't know 
why.  My believe is that's helping with my hamstring too. lol
It's almost as good as sex. lol
If you go, please let us know if it work for you too,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002  @ T-4 to T-8

--- On Fri, 4/1/11, Cossy Hough wrote:

From: Cossy Hough
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Chiropractic treatment
To: Bob and Sue Mattis
Cc: TMIC list
Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 8:32 PM

I also developed hip pain and rely on a chiropractor to help with that and back 
pain. She talked to my neuro first.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 1, 2011, at 4:35 PM, Bob and Sue Mattis 

Hey group!
I don't usually ask about opinions dealing with myself, but more often about 
concerns of other folks, but this time it's about me. Has anyone in our group 
ever used chiropractic treatment after TM?  I have had TM for 10 years and are 
able to walk either unaided or with a cane or walker depending on the 
circumstances.  Over the last few years, because of my gait issues, and the way 
I waddle, I have developed hip pain on a daily basis.  I have gotten approval 
from my neuro to see a chiropractor but there is still that little nagging 
voice in my head that tells me not to mess with my spine.  I'd appreciate any 
thoughts you have on this.  Thanks folks!

Fw: Re: [TMIC] Burning Legs

2011-03-31 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Tracy,
The burning legs feel like freezing burn and can be ice box cold to the touch.  
My first year, I was sleeping 20 hours a day, so I was able to have a heating 
pad on Low on both of my legs in bed  on the couch.  When I told the 
nurse what I was doing, she told me to only use the low setting, because I 
didn't have any feeling. Geese Thanks.
Also, the leg can feel very tight, like 100 rubber bands X 100 rubber bands.  
As we get more feeling in our legs, this does get better with time.
Also, the more swelling in our legs, the more pain we have.  
So elevating our legs could help.
Acupuncture can help, but it's very costly.  It's the great time to do it, 
since we don't have much feeling in our legs.  I looked like pinhead from the 
horror movies. lol
Wishing your mom less pain today,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002 @ T-4 to T-8

--- On Tue, 3/29/11, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT ?
To: Janice Nichols, wim from holland, TMIC
Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 7:37 PM

Yes I am very very involved. I am the oldest and she is my heart.. She just was 
diagnosed eight months ago. It came on so fast which I understand is how it 
happens. She is 61. She has this burning in her feet that is horrible she says 
it feels like they are burning and she can not get them cool enough. She trys 
to ice them down but that is not working anymore. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Janice Nichols 
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 19:22:34 -0500
To:; wim from;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT ?

Tracy, can you tell me a little about her?    How old is she, how long has she 
had TM, what part of her did it hit, has there been any improvement?   I 
was 60 when TM hit me
and my daughter and husband were invaluable. What is your situation, can 
you spend time with her? How is her attitude?  Sorry for all the 
questions, but it will help us to
help you.
Janice, in Missouri


Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 7:09 PM
To: Janice Nichols ; wim from holland ; TMIC 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT ?
I'm new to this, but have been getting all of the emails for mom 
has TM and it was a very fast thing that I am trying to get a grasp on and 
understand Any advice would be greatly appreciatedTracy bell 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Janice Nichols 
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:59:46 -0500
To: wim from;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT ?

Things have been pretty quiet on the website.    One of these days a subject 
will come up that will start a ruckus.  Also, apparently some
of our members spend more time on Facebook too.    Hope you are doing well.


From: wim from holland 
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 5:17 PM
Subject: [TMIC] OT ?
Did not get any mail the last week. Everybody gardening, or sitting lazy in the 
sun hole day?

Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM

2011-03-18 Thread Todd Tarno


Spinal cord stroke, also called spinal cord infarction, occurs when the major 
arteries to the spinal cord thicken or close. This occurs most frequently from 
a condition called atheromatosis, which is when lipid-containing substance 
builds up in the arteries, according to the National Institute of Neurological 
Disorders and Stroke.

Read more: What Is Spinal Cord Stroke? |

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM
To: Alton Ryder, Todd Tarno
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 11:10 AM

What happens when you have a spinal stroke? Is it different than getting 
struck with TM in the spine?


From: Alton Ryder 
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 3:16 PM
To: Todd Tarno 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM
I believe that a spinal stroke was the source of my problems as well. Dr. Kerr 
The spinal fluid was clear of leukocytes.



On Mar 9, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Todd Tarno wrote:

I might have had a spinal cord stroke

Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM

2011-03-18 Thread Todd Tarno


A spinal cord stroke may produce a number of symptoms including back pain, 
aching leg pain and weakness, paralysis, loss of deep tendon reflexes, loss of 
pain and temperature sensation, and incontinence.

Read more: What Is Spinal Cord Stroke? |

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Todd Tarno wrote:

From: Todd Tarno
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 4:28 PM


Spinal cord stroke, also called spinal cord infarction, occurs when the major 
arteries to the spinal cord thicken or close. This occurs most frequently from 
a condition called atheromatosis, which is when lipid-containing substance 
builds up in the arteries, according to the National Institute of Neurological 
Disorders and Stroke.

Read more: What Is Spinal Cord Stroke? |

--- On Fri, 3/18/11, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM
To: Alton Ryder, Todd Tarno
Date: Friday, March 18, 2011, 11:10 AM

What happens when you have a spinal stroke? Is it different than getting 
struck with TM in the spine?


From: Alton Ryder 
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 3:16 PM
To: Todd Tarno 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM
I believe that a spinal stroke was the source of my problems as well. Dr. Kerr 
The spinal fluid was clear of leukocytes.



On Mar 9, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Todd Tarno wrote:

I might have had a spinal cord stroke

Re: [TMIC] Back problems before TM

2011-03-09 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Dalton,
Yes, I do believe back problems might bring on TM.
I fell off a slide at age 5, started having chest pains, 
3 mild  1 that would make me cry per day from the fall.
Then 6 months before TM, I might have had a spinal cord stroke from boogie 
boarding at the beach.
This why I believe back problems can bring on TM.
This is just ME, lol
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002 @ T-4 to T-8

--- On Wed, 3/9/11, Dalton Garis wrote:

From: Dalton Garis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?
To:, Gary Thomas, 
Janice Nichols,, TMIC
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 11:19 AM


The MRIs didn't find any brain lesions.  Maybe in my case, due to the earlier 
back injuries, I am just super sensitive to any exertion at all as the 
bloodstream to the spinal cord is reduced?


Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760-- 

Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 10:57:41 +
To: Gary Thomas, Dalton Garis, Janice Nichols,, TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?

My husband was originally diagnosed with tm but because he kept getting 
relapses they began looking into other causes of symptoms. It was later 
discovered that he had lyphphoma which caused a leasion (sp) on his spinal 
column which looked like tm. He is the only known person where lymphoma 
penetrated the myelin. After radiation and chemo the leasion is gone but the 
spinal cord damage remains. Dalton recurring incidents are not typical of tm. I 
hope they are checking you for MS or other possibilities regarding your very 
unusual symptoms. 


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Gary Thomas 
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 23:25:14 -0500
To: Dalton; Janice;;
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?

Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly are these attacks you describe?
I don't understand what your neurologist calls cycling as far as worsening of 
TM symptoms.
I have always understood, and have read somewhere, perhaps on this list or the 
TM Journal, that we  have the onset of TM experiences (lesions on the spinal 
cord) which for most of of us is a one-time occurrence with possibly lasting 
symptoms,  AND we have times of exacerbation brought on by physical or mental 
overexertion, maybe an illness such as even a cold and so on (I have worse 
banding from sitting too long or standing too long) which are not caused by 
further damage to the spinal cord but worsening of symptoms at least 
So, again, Dalton, I am confused as to your attacks--could it be another 
lesion, could you be experiencing MS?  I hope not, but just wonder what is 
happening--and forgive me for my curiosity.
Gary in Michigan
 - Original Message - 

From: Dalton Garis 
To: Janice Nichols ; ; TMIC 
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Connected?


Thanks for your support.

I got another attack today.  It started slowly with pain in my feet and hands 
yesterday, which became weaker by the hour.  Then it slowly worked itself up 
the legs and arms today, weakening me as it went.  Then it hit my lower and 
upper back, and I could no longer stand up, and am now unable to walk without 
the aid of crutches, and only for a few yards.

When it got really bad today, I was unable to speak more than a few words 
without causing convulsions in my back and arms.  After a while I could speak 
again.  I had to be careful with the swallowing which was no longer on 
automatic.  Same with urinating.  It took great concentration to sort of 
identify the nerves and wake them up.

There were moments when I could not feel my legs and didn't know if I could 
move them.  Again, it took concentration to wake the nerves up and get the legs 
moving again.  The pain in the legs and arms and back is terrific and nothing 
touches it.

My neurologist has told me that there are, of course, stronger medications 
which can mostly arrest this cycling and give me some peace.  But also, of 
course, they would make me a zombie for most of the day and I would likely 
become unable to work any longer.

I am happy to be able to type again.  It is five minutes before eleven pm and I 
can finally work my hands a little, for typing, making coffee, and getting some 
snacks from the fridge.

Well, I wrote all this because some have been saying that it is vey quiet.  So 
here's a raft of symptoms to look at.  

Thanks so much, friends, for being here.

Dalton Garis

Abu Dhabi, United Arab 

Fw: RE: [TMIC] A Bad Fall

2010-12-31 Thread Todd Tarno
I need to be more careful.
When I was getting of the computer yesterday  headed to the bathroom, I turned 
back around to see the computer was having trouble turning off, that is when 
BACK on the fall again.
I almost made it another year without falls, maybe next year.
Happy New Year everyone,

--- On Fri, 12/31/10, PAMELA S wrote:

Subject: RE: [TMIC] A Bad Fall
To:, TMC Group
Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 1:38 AM

I've fallen down the stairs several times these past few years.  But, I count 
my blessings I'm able to go down the stairs.  My hips are constantly bruised 
where I fall into things, but I am so lucky I am walking there in the first 
place.  My PT gets aggrevated at me for doing too much, and my insurance 
company thinks I should do more.  I'm not to good at decisions, friends.  
Chiropractors have been the ones who have given me the most relief, too.  

Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 11:01:06 -0800
Subject: Fw: RE: [TMIC] A Bad Fall

I too had a bad fall, when I was trying to sit on the floor.
I was trying a new short cut, going from standing with my walker to straight to 
the floor without sitting in a chair first  then going down to the floor.  So 
don't try this at home or anywhere else. lol
I let my chiropractor know that my left shoulder blade was hurting, so he 
followed that point to my spine and snapped back in one of my ribs.  This was a 
week before Christmas, so it did make for a great Christmas gift.
So please be very safe everyone,
Todd in CC,TX

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, wim from holland wrote:

From: wim from holland
Subject: RE: [TMIC]
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 7:31 AM

#yiv1784796783 .yiv1784796783ExternalClass #yiv1784796783ecxyiv70361593 
.yiv1784796783ecxyiv70361593hmmessage P
#yiv1784796783 .yiv1784796783ExternalClass #yiv1784796783ecxyiv70361593 

Normaly I could say, just fine, not better or worse. After all this time it was 
very study. But last summer I overstreched my hamstrings by a fall. A very 
stupid one, sitting on the bed I reached too far for clothes on the floor and 
slide from the bed. I jused after that time my wheelchair all the day, because 
standing and walking with crutches was too painfull. Now after recovering, it 
is hard to get back to what I could do before. I hope in summer when we go to 
Spain I can get it back in the warm sun and dayly in the swimming pool.  

Subject: Re: [TMIC] 
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:31:41 -0600

#yiv1784796783 .yiv1784796783ExternalClass #yiv1784796783ecxyiv70361593 
.yiv1784796783ecxyiv70361593ecxhmmessage P
#yiv1784796783 .yiv1784796783ExternalClass #yiv1784796783ecxyiv70361593 

Wim, it is great hearing from you again!    How are you doing – besides 
learning to be grandparents.


From: wim from holland 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 9:03 AM
Subject: [TMIC] 
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
Happy new year everybody, hopefully this will be the year that makes an end to 
TM, and if not, don't give up hope and keep the head up. Last two years were 
very strange. We become grandparents, but we also became orphans this year. 
Next year our second grand child will be born. 
Wim from Holland. 

Fw: RE: [TMIC] A Bad Fall

2010-12-30 Thread Todd Tarno
I too had a bad fall, when I was trying to sit on the floor.
I was trying a new short cut, going from standing with my walker to straight to 
the floor without sitting in a chair first  then going down to the floor.  So 
don't try this at home or anywhere else. lol
I let my chiropractor know that my left shoulder blade was hurting, so he 
followed that point to my spine and snapped back in one of my ribs.  This was a 
week before Christmas, so it did make for a great Christmas gift.
So please be very safe everyone,
Todd in CC,TX

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, wim from holland wrote:

From: wim from holland
Subject: RE: [TMIC]
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 7:31 AM

Normaly I could say, just fine, not better or worse. After all this time it was 
very study. But last summer I overstreched my hamstrings by a fall. A very 
stupid one, sitting on the bed I reached too far for clothes on the floor and 
slide from the bed. I jused after that time my wheelchair all the day, because 
standing and walking with crutches was too painfull. Now after recovering, it 
is hard to get back to what I could do before. I hope in summer when we go to 
Spain I can get it back in the warm sun and dayly in the swimming pool.  

Subject: Re: [TMIC] 
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:31:41 -0600

#yiv70361593 .yiv70361593ExternalClass .yiv70361593ecxhmmessage P
#yiv70361593 .yiv70361593ExternalClass body.yiv70361593ecxhmmessage

Wim, it is great hearing from you again!    How are you doing – besides 
learning to be grandparents.


From: wim from holland 
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 9:03 AM
Subject: [TMIC] 
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!
Happy new year everybody, hopefully this will be the year that makes an end to 
TM, and if not, don't give up hope and keep the head up. Last two years were 
very strange. We become grandparents, but we also became orphans this year. 
Next year our second grand child will be born. 
Wim from Holland. 

[TMIC] Feedback on this wheelchair

2010-12-10 Thread Todd Tarno
Check out this video  website of an off road wheelchair.
Please give me any feedback about this wheelchair and/or about this company.
Thank you for your time  help,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002 @ T4 to T8

Fw: [TMIC] Fatigue Meds

2010-12-07 Thread Todd Tarno
I had the worst fatigue in the begaining, I was sleeping 20 hours a day ( only 
got up to eat  go to the bathroom) for the first 1 years.  The next year was a 
little better, just sleeping 18 hours a day.  The follow year sleeping 12 hours 
a day.
The only thing I found to help was time, 
I know this is not what anyone want to hear. 
Who takes one day at a time,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 12/7/10, Regina Rummel wrote:

From: Regina Rummel
Subject: [TMIC] Fatigue  Meds
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 10:04 AM

I live exhausted every day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed.
I've tried all the meds my doctors suggested to no use.
Came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to subject myself to side effects 
when pills are useless.
Bottom line, we live with the residuals of TM's attack, and fatigue affects us 
big time.
I just take Neurontin even though I doubt it does me any good.
If I mention it to my neuro, I can guarantee that she will advise me to triple 
the dose or more.
Your many comments prompted me to add mine.  I've accepted fatigue as part of 
my many other symptoms, but only RELUCTANTLY.
Take care.


2010-12-07 Thread Todd Tarno
This is so TRUE, Candy.
I had to prove that I had lost 20% of my accounting job, so I had to show that 
I was on my feet 2 hours a day fileing papers, making copies,  getting up to 
go to the printer.
I got my SSDI, before I got my LTD.  I had asked LTD, 
 If I got my SSDI, don't I automactic get LTD?  
Their answer was  NO 
Keep up the great fight, 
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 12/7/10, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: Fwd: [TMIC] LTD IME - HELP
To: tmic-list
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 9:11 AM

#yiv186232825 p {margin:0;}

#yiv186232825 p {margin:0;}

I have a lawyer.  I have been fighting the LTD insurance company for 31 
months.  They cut me off with just a Nurse examiner determining that I could 
Everyone, except those on life support, could be deemed able to “work”.  On 
discovery health channel, there’s a woman wheelchair bound with only limited 
movement of her arms that has a reality series – she is a quad, paralyzed  
pregnant, gave birth, and then several years later divorced.  The reality show 
is showing her life!  That’s a job – she’s working!  
Allen Rucker is a writer – he’s working.  
Me – I don’t expect any offers for a reality show nor am I a writer.  I’d make 
a great mattress tester or a recliner tester.  I could also test anything that 
would help my hands not to cramp up, or my muscles spasm.  However, I don’t 
know of any of these jobs.
Yes I could answer phones but who would employ someone who needs to rest as 
much as they’d work, who they couldn’t depend on to come in on time or as 
scheduled due to complications of TM or even the TM fatigue, who’d have 
problems with bowel and bladder and who’d cause messes for others to clean up?  
These are just a few problems that would be faced by employing someone with 
moderate TM paralysis.
I plan to ask the Dr. if he would employ someone like me with just the above 
problem and then pay me full pay for half or less than half expected work 
performance.  If he won’t hire me, who would? 
Therefore, a sustainable life paying job is something I can’t work at nor 
maintain on any permanent basis!

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
To:, TMC Group
Sent: Monday, December 6, 2010 11:54:27 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] LTD IME - HELP

The majority of people I've known who see an IME receive a decision that they 
are perfectly capable of working full time unless they are obviously 
incapacitatedd in a wheel chair.  They work for the insurance company.  I'm a 
little cynical on the subject.  Talk to an attorney.  

Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 20:20:14 -0500
Subject: Re: [TMIC] LTD IME - HELP

#yiv186232825 .yiv186232825ExternalClass p

An IME is an Independent Medical Exam carried out by a doctor paid by the 
insurance usually!  Which makes Independent a REAL LAUGH! 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: James Berg
Sent: Friday, December 3, 2010 8:05:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] LTD IME - HELP

I wish I knew what an IME was--surely not MRI?  I really feel for the 
paper'legal problems you are having.  sounds like the Neuro may not be a real 
Neuro at all!  I managed to get thru SSDI and it only took six months.  I know 
I am lucky because others have been fighting for a year or more and still 
waiting. And their condition is the same.  I was prepared to get a lawyer and 
fight but it wasn't necessary.  Wish I could help, we have enough problems 
without rip off insurance co.s and neuros.  Where I live, I can't find a neuro 
who has ever had a TM patient.  Stand Strong.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 7:26 AM, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

After 31 months, I'm finally scheduled for an IME for my LTD on the 16th of 
this month!  

My question is for anyone who has gone through an IME.   What can I expect?  
This NEURO assigned for the IME is board certified BUT he owns his own Neuro 
Center which does nothing but Workers Comp and other insurance Independent 
neuro exams - LOL!  While he attended college in some neuro fields, I can't 
find where he received a degree in neurology!  He did, however, attended 
several months of training for insurance medical examinations and receive 
This is a BIG case with almost $50,000 past due from Insurance and another 
$60,000 to the end of the end of LTD.  
Warning for all you newbies - if you have STD/LTD 

Fw: RE: [TMIC] Peddle Machine

2010-11-16 Thread Todd Tarno
When I was using my stationary bicycle, I was trying to put it on the highest 
strength that I could do for 10 minutes.
I believe the new thing is, that we need to do more revolution at the lowest 
strength.  The more movement the legs get, the better. 
James, I believe you're doing a wonderful workout job.
Keep up the great job without over doing it. lol
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 11/16/10, Patricia Cooley wrote:

From: Patricia Cooley
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Peddle Machine
To: 'Janice Nichols', 'James Berg', 'transverse myelitis'
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 8:39 AM

I am sure not an expert, but after getting TM I went to rehab for several 
months.  The therapists always put me on several different peddle bikes at each 
session.  At the time it seemed like I was on each one for quite  a while.  As 
far as how long and how fast should be checked out with your doc or P.T. person.
Patti - Wisconsin

From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 10:32 PM
To: James Berg; transverse myelitis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Peddle Machine

How about contacting a rehab center?    They may help you, or even your neuro.



From: James Berg 

Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 4:22 PM

To: transverse myelitis 

Subject: [TMIC] Peddle Machine

Has anyone used a peddle machine to work their legs?  I am using one now with 
the idea of keeping my legs from atrophy.  My questions are how long should I 
run my legs at one session and is it adviseable to do more than one session a 
day.  I am currently doing 20 minutes and one session a day at full 
speed--about 1350 revolutions in 20 minutes.  Any thoughts on this? 

Fw: Re: Fwd: [TMIC] stem cell treatment for spinal cord lesions

2010-11-16 Thread Todd Tarno
Every morning waking up  seeing my walker 
to remind me that I still having problems walking. lol ;(

--- On Mon, 11/15/10, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: Re: Fwd: [TMIC] stem cell treatment for spinal cord lesions
Date: Monday, November 15, 2010, 6:44 PM

  I dreamt again last night of walking and doing normal activities. Was hard 
to wake up and find that I can't.

Me, too, most days and most nights.

Fw: [TMIC] oh joy

2010-10-26 Thread Todd Tarno
To John  who ever else is quiting their job,
It's wonderful to have a great boss that tries to understand and let us work as 
long as we can, until we can't work any longer.
Check to see how much COBRA is for you when you leave your job.  ( because ya 
will not have insurance for 2 years )  and anyone going onto SSDI need health 
insurance.  gr.
We know living on SSDI will be hard, but we know you can do it.
Good Luck, Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, john snodgrass wrote:

From: john snodgrass
Subject: [TMIC] oh joy
To: transverse myelitis
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 11:43 AM

what a wonderful day.

went to work(against my better judgment),took one load of coal to the place 
where it is loaded onto a train and had to just stop after that.

superintendant told me to go home and call the social security office.

I asked him why they put up with me missing so much work,he said as long as it 
takes for me to get what i need because i deserved it?

said i was a good guy?


RE: [TMIC] quiet

2010-10-24 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey John,
At least you tried to work as long as you could.
The only reason I quiet working was that they  I didn't want to need to start 
over on my short term disability.  It would have taken longer to get to long 
term disability.
We'll support you in what ever you decide.
Good Luck,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 10/23/10, john snodgrass wrote:

From: john snodgrass
Subject: RE: [TMIC] quiet
To: transverse myelitis
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:51 PM

might check on that.

have to see how much i have to pay out of pocket to see a physisisiatrist.

just saying that makes me dizzy~~~¸åé€

--- On Sat, 10/23/10, Emily wrote:

 From: Emily
 Subject: RE: [TMIC] quiet
 To: 'john snodgrass'
 Date: Saturday, October 23, 2010, 5:02 PM
 Sorry to hear of your
 problems!!  Before you quit...why don't you see a
 physiatrist and see if change in medications could help you
 function better?
 -Original Message-
 From: john snodgrass []
 Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 4:44 PM
 To: transverse myelitis
 Subject: [TMIC] quiet
 sure has been quiet in the group.
  I didn't work yesterday because of this deal and looks
 more and more like
 I'm going to have to quit alltogether.
 shouldnt have worked this long..unsafe!
 sure is disgrunteling!

Re: [TMIC] Dallas Symposium

2010-09-20 Thread Todd Tarno
Looking forward to meeting ya'll in Dallas.
I too, will not be back online until Oct. 8.
Ya'll have a Safe Trip,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Mon, 9/20/10, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Dallas Symposium
To:, Deborah Nord Capen
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010, 8:55 AM

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Looking forward to meeting you Debbie!   
Safe travel,

- Original Message - 
From: Deborah Nord Capen 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:01 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Dallas Symposium

I am leaving for the symposium in Dallas in a few days.  I hope to meet many of 
you there!
Take care,

Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation

2010-09-19 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Janice,
Please tell Eddy, that he's our hero too.
Because we can't imagine not having you on this website.
So he is already use to you moving slowly. LOL
Glad Eddy was able to move you away from harms way.
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sun, 9/19/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation
To: Dalton Garis, Laura Beaudin, Barbara Alma,
Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 11:59 AM

I had something similar happen to me. About 30 years ago, my husband and I 
and another couple were vacationing. The car was doing something that needed
to be checked.    We pulled off the side of the road - wide shoulder - and they 
were checking it out.    I had gotten something out of the trunk and was 
standing just
beside the car when I saw a car coming toward me.    I was clearly in his way 
and was thinking what it was going to look like when he hit me.    I guess I 
just froze.
Anyway, Eddy just grabbed me out of the way. He always was my hero.

From: Dalton Garis 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:10 AM
To: Laura Beaudin ; Barbara Alma ; 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation

I clearly recall when, in 1970;

I was working as a B-lineman in line construction, I fell out of a 95’ 
H-structure from about 30’, first thing in the morning, and the time it took me 
to reach the ground after I cut out from the pole.  I was totally calm and 
relaxed and just waiting to reach the ground.  And when it hit, I just said, 
“Wow!  That was hard!”  Then I couldn’t see my feet because my back was bent 
the wrong way.

So, yes, it’s calm before the storm.


From: Laura Beaudin
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 09:04:08 -0600
To: Barbara Alma,
Subject: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation
Resent-Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:04:29 -0700

When you are actually going through this, your mind is not thinking right. My 
last MS attack left me a C6 quadriplegic...MS this time, not TM. Anyhow, I 
booked transit to take me to the hospital. My reasoning was that I was already 
in a chair, so what's the worse that could happen? (yeah right)...I spent ^ 
weeks in the hospital because of this and am still on full homecare.

Have you ever had an accident where, while it was actually happening, you are 
completely calm? This is almost the same thing. During a trauma, the brain goes 
into a stasis mode--and we don't always make the smartest decisions in the 
Laura  --NOT just another blog!

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 1:49 AM, Barbara Alma wrote:

Does anyone, other than me, find it very scary to think of somebody who finds 
that they no longer have feeling in their legs and feet but decides to drive 
themselves to the emergency hospital??  I myself was paralyzed waist to toes on 
both sides, so it wouldn't have even been possible for me anyway.  However, I 
have read that at least 2 times recently on this site of people driving 
themselves.  I really have a hard time imagining anyone not phoning for 
emergency services.  
My husband wanted to take me to the hospital right away when this happened to 
me.  I stubbornly thought that it would pass, and after about an hour when it 
didn't, he called our son to come home.  They then decided to call the fire 
department for help to get me down the stairs so he could get me to the 
hospital.  We had about 10 stairs then to exit our home.  I wasn't willing to 
risk he or my son falling and then them having problems as well.  After they 
checked out my vitals and assured they were all fine, they assisted in getting 
me down the stairs and into his truck and Pete drove me to the hospital.  This 
way we didn't have to pay for an ambulance since it wasn't necessary, yeah! 
Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Fw: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation

2010-09-19 Thread Todd Tarno
In Missouri, if they hospitalize you, you don't have to pay for the ambulance. 
Every state should have this!!!
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sun, 9/19/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] A very scary observation
To:, Barbara Alma
Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 11:35 AM

Wasn't necessary?!? Yaa. I was upstairs when my legs decided to 
give out and I yelled down to my husband that I think I have a problem.    We 
have 14
stairs, so I butt walked down with Eddy right in front of me and me holding 
onto his jean pockets. Then he half carried me to the car and off we went 
to the ER.
I could not have driven in that condition.    In Missouri, if they hospitalize 
you, you don't have to pay for the ambulance.    

From: Barbara Alma 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 2:49 AM
Subject: [TMIC] A very scary observation

Does anyone, other than me, find it very scary to think of somebody who finds 
that they no longer have feeling in their legs and feet but decides to drive 
themselves to the emergency hospital??  I myself was paralyzed waist to toes on 
both sides, so it wouldn't have even been possible for me anyway.  However, I 
have read that at least 2 times recently on this site of people driving 
themselves.  I really have a hard time imagining anyone not phoning for 
emergency services.  
My husband wanted to take me to the hospital right away when this happened to 
me.  I stubbornly thought that it would pass, and after about an hour when it 
didn't, he called our son to come home.  They then decided to call the fire 
department for help to get me down the stairs so he could get me to the 
hospital.  We had about 10 stairs then to exit our home.  I wasn't willing to 
risk he or my son falling and then them having problems as well.  After they 
checked out my vitals and assured they were all fine, they assisted in getting 
me down the stairs and into his truck and Pete drove me to the hospital.  This 
way we didn't have to pay for an ambulance since it wasn't necessary, yeah! 

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Re: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns

2010-09-19 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Priscilla,
If you're able to submerge your sunburn in a bathtub for 30 minutes,
Put 2 cups of Espon Salt into your warm bath water , 
because the water will get colder after a few minutes.
Too bad this doesn't work on burning feet. lol
Hope you're feeling better very soon,
Todd CC, TX

--- On Sun, 9/19/10, Priscilla Keene wrote:

From: Priscilla Keene
Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns
Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 1:09 AM


Thanks for the suggestion about the support hose.  My right foot and my stomach 
What helps bloating of the stomach?  I have cut my Lyrica down to 2x 
(75mg) from 3x a day, but it hasn't helped the swelling any.  My legs still 
burn a little, but today I got sunburned and they are on fire now!  Lots of 
rest and sleep help me the most.  Guess I'd better go to bed now and see if I 
can go to sleep.
Have a wonderful day!

To: Todd Tarno; TMIC
Sent: Fri, September 17, 2010 3:53:58 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns

I think you are right about that Todd because I can feel the burning subside 
when I put on my support hose. It will also cause my urine bag to fill faster 
as my legs give up the water from being squeezed by the hose. Just something I 
noticed after I started wearing hose a few years agoCody in Austin 
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

From: Todd Tarno 
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:28:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns

I have been told by my doctor that, Our feet burns more when our feet are 
swollen, as the swelling goes down, our feet will not burn as much.  
I have notice that my feet are now only 50% swollen and 
I do believe the burning is 50% less.

--- On Thu, 9/16/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night
To: Janet Dunn, 'Akua',
Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 10:47 PM

I have similar feelings too in my feet.    A couple of weeks ago I spilt some 
juice on my foot and my neice grabbed a cloth and started washing it off.   My 
foot really
started spasming - scared us both. I hate it when I am walking and the 
bottom of my foot will start to spasm - it almost makes you fall.

From: Janet Dunn 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:52 PM
To: 'Akua' ; 
Subject: RE: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night

My feet burn too, in fact, lately I cannot dry the bottoms of them with a towel 
as it causes a very uncomfortable feeling.  I do know that since I have been 
taking 150mg of Lyrica 2x a day, the burning is not so bad.  They are just cold 
all the time.  Even when it is smokin hot outside, the feet, they stay cold!

From: Akua [] 
Sent: September 16, 2010 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night

.  I do feel both of my feet feel like there should be flames coming off my 
feet. lol

Hope this helps,

Todd in CC, TX


my feet BURN too!

Akua in the southenr finger lakes, NY-- 

Fw: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #476

2010-09-18 Thread Todd Tarno
I can sit down and put my feet/legs up. 
Getting your leg  feet up should help, I have even tried getting them elevated 
higher than my heart sometime.

--- On Sat, 9/18/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #476
To: Gerry Surette,
Date: Saturday, September 18, 2010, 9:49 AM

I am fortunate that when that happens, I can sit down and put my feet/legs 
up. About the only time that happens to me is when someone has me out in
my wheelchair for a few hours and my feet are dangling.    That is when I get 
them up on a stool.

From: Gerry Surette 
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 5:29 AM
Subject: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #476

I also experiene burning feet pins and needle. what does one use to bring the 
swelling down  gerry in Montreal

Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 17:24:50 -0700
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2010 #476

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

tmic-digest Digest  Volume 2010 : Issue 476
Today's Topics:
  Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns [ Dalton Garis ]
  Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns [ john snodgrass ]
  Re: [TMIC] Back Pain  [ john snodgrass ]
  Re: [TMIC] Back Pain  [ CANDIS KALLEY cakal...@embarqmail. ]

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 00:02:42 +0400
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns

Feet burning;

Not for me, but they do go numb a lot.  I have to watch when I get up because 
sometimes I can’t feel my feet so must use my eyes for balance.


Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 19:53:58 +
To: Todd Tarno, TMIC
Subject: Re: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns
Resent-Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:53:15 -0700

 I think you are right about that Todd because I can feel the burning subside 
when I put on my support hose. It will also cause my urine bag to fill faster 
as my legs give up the water from being squeezed by the hose. Just something I 
noticed after I started wearing hose a few years agoCody in Austin

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

From: Todd Tarno 
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:28:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fw: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns
I have been told by my doctor that, Our feet burns more when our feet are 
swollen, as the swelling goes down, our feet will not burn as much.  
I have notice that my feet are now only 50% swollen and 
I do believe the burning is 50% less.

--- On Thu, 9/16/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night
To: Janet Dunn, 'Akua',
Date: Thursday, September 16, 2010, 10:47 PM

I have similar feelings too in my feet.    A couple of weeks ago I spilt some 
juice on my foot and my neice grabbed a cloth and started washing it off.   My 
foot really
started spasming - scared us both. I hate it when I am walking and the 
bottom of my foot will start to spasm - it almost makes you fall.

From: Janet Dunn  
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:52 PM
To: 'Akua'  ;  
Subject: RE: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night

My feet burn too, in fact, lately I cannot dry the bottoms of them with a towel 
as it causes a very uncomfortable feeling.  I do know that since I have been 
taking 150mg of Lyrica 2x a day, the burning is not so bad.  They are just cold 
all the time.  Even when it is smokin hot outside, the feet, they stay cold!
From: Akua [] 
Sent: September 16, 2010 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night

.  I do feel both of my feet feel like there should be flames coming off my 
feet. lol
Hope this helps,
Todd in CC, TX

my feet BURN too!
Akua in the southenr finger lakes, NY

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 14:07:39 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Feet Burns

#yiv1458294300 .yiv1458294300ExternalClass DIV

my feet burn and my legs also.
 However my right foot looks swollen, but my left foot and legs do not.

From: Dalton Garis malugss

Fw: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night

2010-09-16 Thread Todd Tarno
neurontin 400 mg 3 times a day
When I was on Neurontin, I was taking 1,200 mg 3 time a day.
You're only taking 1,200 mg a day and I was taking that amount 3 times a day, a 
total of 3,600 mg a day.  I had a problem missing my second dose, but when I 
started to feel pain, I knew that I had missed it.  I know that this is the 
highest a doctor want you to go, but I have seen people on even higher doses.  
These doses can make you a zombie or foggy.
I'm now on Lyrica 150 mg twice a day.  It's a lot easier for my the remember to 
take my medication and I don't feel the foggy and/or a zombie.
I don't take the other medications that you're on.
And I may not have the same pain that you have, mine it most numbness than 
pain.  I do feel both of my feet feel like there should be flames coming off my 
feet. lol
Hope this helps,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 9/15/10, john snodgrass wrote:

From: john snodgrass
Subject: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night
To: Janice Nichols
Cc: transverse myelitis
Date: Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 5:19 PM

My doc at the clinic said that if i took anything stronger that i would not be 
able to keep my CDL,commercial drivers licesne.I can understand that.

 it was a strange thing,tuesday,
 monday i had a great day. a little pressure in my side.

that evening it started hurting. i took my meds right.

 after 9 when it wasnt any better i took more hydrocodone and baclofen. at 12 
when things were really stressed i laid there with my legs burning and calf 
feeling like it was going to bust and feet felt swoolen.i slept on and off for 
couple of hours and i think that the lack of rest added to the stress and added 
to the pain.

you know,,nerve things.

so i didnt dare try and go out and use my legs,probably saved a family of 4 or 

i take ativan .5 mg 2 times a day
neurontin 400 mg 3 times a day
baclofen 20 mg 4 times a day
hydrocodone 5/500 2 or 3 times a day.

i realize that you and those that have been in this thing for a few years have 
delt with different dosses of these things,do you see anything i could do 
differently and be safe on the road?

serroiusly, i am asking.


- Original Message 
From: Janice Nichols
To: john snodgrass; transverse myelitis
Sent: Wed, September 15, 2010 5:56:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] another wonderful night

Tell me/us your meds you take - for pain, spasms, etc.      I hate that you 
would have a day/night like that.    Your doc should be able
to keep you fairly comfortable - not that we don't all have pain, but you 
should be able to take something strong enough that you
do not have entire days/nights with no relief.      Sorry to get on my 
soapbox, but that kind of constant pain needs to be addressed
to your doc - like in his face.
From: john snodgrass
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:36 AM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] another wonderful night

 happened again!

 had a fairly nice day,only a little pressure in my side. thoughtthis is
 great,work all day literally pain free!

 then after work we had a safety meeting. it started!

 legs on fire,banding-pinching pain in side,balls on bottom of right 
 feels like it's going to burst,disoriented!

 went home and it go so bad that i was on my bed literally shouting why why 

 up all night.

 hurting to bad to go to work.

 finally eased up a bit @ 10:00 am.

 back to normal pain.

 if there is such a thing!

 glad your here,

 the only people that know exactly what Im talking about.


Fw: Re: [TMIC] Medications

2010-09-11 Thread Todd Tarno
my employer's disability program 

Roger  John, 
I believe it might be called Long Term Disability.
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 9/10/10, john snodgrass wrote:

From: john snodgrass
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications
To: Roger  Terese Pratt
Cc: transverse myelitis
Date: Friday, September 10, 2010, 5:27 PM

perhaps i should talk to the HR person where I work and see what can be done?

- Original Message 
From: Roger  Terese Pratt
To: john snodgrass
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 10:15:57 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

John,  I am on disability and collect both from my employer's disability 
and from Social Security Disability.  It adds up to about 60% of what I was 
making.  It wouldn't hurt to talk to someone and find out.  I've been on 
disability for about 16 years.  My wife works, which helps alot.

- Roger in Kennewick, WA

- Original Message -
From: john snodgrass
To: Janice Nichols
Cc: transverse myelitis
Sent: Thursday, September 9, 2010 1:40:47 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications

I am going to fight this thing as long as i can without stoping working. 
if i go on disability i will get @ 1400 a month if i am lucky. 
thats opposed to the @3000 i get working. 
still paying for my home. 

From: Janice Nichols 
To: john snodgrass; Janet Dunn 
Cc: transverse myelitis 
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 4:09:59 PM 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications 

I have stopped going to my neuro.   If there is a change, or something I don't 
understand, I will go back. He just did not have anything new for me - 

meds or advice. My meds now come from my family doctor - who was right with 
me all the 9 weeks in the hospital calling in specialists for each problem 

that developed.   Also, my other  meds come from my Pain Management Doc who has 
been very helpful.    At this point, I really don't need a neuro. 

John, why not disability? You are in pain quite a bit.   I don't know how 
old you are, but I could understand doing it. 


From: john snodgrass 
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 2:57 PM 
To: Janet Dunn 
Cc: transverse myelitis 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medications 

it really bothers me to hear of these instances of people not getting to the Dr 
or having to travel vast distances and wait times when I can go to my family Dr 
on a whim and my neurologist works at the same place as my sister-n-law and is 
always asking about me and making sure i have appointments every 3 months. 

however,,going to the Dr doesnt make me any better than i would be if i 
didnt go at all now. 

I just get my scripts on time and they watch for other things i reckon. 
(depression talking) 
as for working,my boss and superintendant allow me to work but keep suggesting 
that i go on disability. 

so does my Dr's. 
one of my Dr's is a senator in this state and told me today that should i ever 
not be able to go on that he would go to bat for me. 

thought that was interesting. 
I still dont understand why a dr is a senator or why is a senator is a Dr. 
His name is Ron D Stollings 
as for hydrocodonei read on one of the med-sites that if you take 2 tylenol 
with the hydrocodone that it will do better than either one of them by 
themselves.So I did,and it does. 

then you have the extended use of acetaminophen effect that might eat your 
or something. 

Pill time,,,bye bye. 

From: Janet Dunn 
To: transverse myelitis 
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 10:59:59 AM 
Subject: [TMIC] Medications 

Hello to all 


I find it very interesting the number of us that are on or have taken 
hydrocodone, especially when it is “said” that opoids do not help with the pain 
of TM 


For me personally, I wouldn’t make it if I didn’t have a member or two of the 
hydrocodone family in my drug repertoire.   I take 20mg  or 40mg of long acting 
 HCL in the morning, depending on the legs, and have perocdan as a filler for 
the day.  I also take Lyrica, Effexor, Wellbutrin and baclofen.    Even today, 
after 2 days of working 8 hours, and moving around and doing housework, I 
I want to lay in bed.  But . . . just like the rest of us . . . duty and life 
are calling. 


I really appreciate the medication information simply because I live so far 
from the nearest neurologist, and the wait time is up to a year, if we can get 
in at all.  Then we must travel either 400 miles out of province, or 850 miles 
to Vancouver.  So the information on here is absolutely priceless.  However, 
cannot have my MasterCard!  ;) 




From: john snodgrass [mailto:] 
Sent: September 8, 2010 2:09 PM 
To: Rev. Craig Crossman 
Cc: transverse myelitis 

Fw: [TMIC] overdoing it

2010-09-04 Thread Todd Tarno
However, I would totally enjoy the strong days if you can afford to take it 
easy afterward. 
The only thing I would add to this, if you know that you're going to have a BIG 
day, try to plan to rest the day before  if you need to, also rest the day 
Take one day at a TIME,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 9/3/10, Barbara Alma wrote:

From: Barbara Alma
Subject: [TMIC] overdoing it
Date: Friday, September 3, 2010, 11:07 PM

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

Don't feel badly about it, it happens to all of us, and we do it over and over 
again.  Sometimes it isn't even what you did today or yesterday, but the total 
of a few days in a row.  Your body just doesn't behave as we want it to ~ not 
your fault or any one of ours, just the way it is.  I cannot tell you how many 
times I've read on here about any one of us writing in how we've done ourselves 
in and had to go to bed for a day or several days to get over it. 
I wish that I could tell you it'll never happen again, but it will.  You will 
eventually get used to it happening and know what to do to make yourself feel 
better.  That's the best advice I can give.  However, I would totally enjoy 
the strong days if you can afford to take it easy afterward.  Life is meant to 
be lived and enjoyed to the best that you can.  Go for it when you can.
Take care and a big hug to you, Barbara A

-Original Message-
From: Dalton Garis
To: Barbara Alma;
Sent: Thu, Sep 2, 2010 11:54 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Must report setback

You’re absolutely right.  

That is exactly what I did, and not for the first time.  I must keep reminding 
myself that current stamina is illusory and an unreliable measure of what 
pertains over a week or longer.  I have to take it easy on strong days.



From: Barbara Alma
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 00:55:27 -0400
To: Dalton Garis,
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Must report setback

Hi Dalton,

I don't know if anyone else has asked this or not, but could you have overdone 
it?  Most of us know that if we push ourselves too much it seems to look like a 
relapse and takes a bit to get over it.  It can take a day to several days till 
we are back to what is the new normal for us.  I've had TM for 11 years (I 
thought it was 12 until I did the math recently) and I continue to overdo it on 
a regular basis.  I've been trying to get some things done around the house and 
have been focused on that, not on myself.  I really did myself in 3 times in 
the past 2 weeks.  The mind/body connection isn't really strong with me lately.
I'm not saying that this is what is happening to you, and of course, keep your 
doctor's appointment.  But, it's definately something to keep in mind.  If not 
for now, but also in the future, our bodies ain't what they use to be!  It's a 
shame, but true! 
Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-Original Message-
From: Dalton Garis
To: Janice Nichols; Jan Hargrove;; TMIC
Sent: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 9:09 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Must report setback

I have an appointment in a few days.  I am better today.  Don’t know what 
happened.  Totally weak.  Got better as the day went by and I had to work 
through it, moving and resting, moving and resting.  Today I am much better.  

Office: +971-02-607-5070/5297
Mobile: +971-50-668-5760-- 

From: Janice Nichols
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 14:22:36 -0500
To: Dalton Garis, Jan Hargrove,, TMIC
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Must report setback

I am really sorry to hear this.    Have you contacted your doctor - if so, what 
does he say about it?    

From: Dalton Garis  
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:13 AM
To: Janice Nichols  ; Jan Hargrove  ; ; TMIC  
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Must report setback


Today awoke extremely weak, and out of breath with the least expenditure of 
effort.  By 10:00 had lost a lot of muscle coordination and all strength.  Just 
went from sitting in one chair to another.  Sweating profusely.  But still no 

Dalton Garis 

Re: [TMIC]

2010-09-03 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Linda,
I also, been deleting them, but wondered what would happen if I spam her e-mail 
address.  I believe it would only spam her e-mail address, but once she got it 
fixed, how would I unspam her e-mail address.
I have tried to e-mail of the problem, but it's still happening.
I may give it another week and then spam her e-mail address.
I was wondering if anyone else had already done this.

--- On Thu, 9/2/10, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC]
To: TMIC, Todd Tarno
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 3:39 PM

I've been getting them also.  I just delete them.  Should I be doing something 

- Original Message - 
From: Todd Tarno 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]

Hey Cheryl,
Someone has heck into your e-mail address  is sending spam e-mail daily.  I 
too, have e-mailed her about this problem  haven't gotten any reply.
Even if we spam her e-mail address, we still might get the e-mails because it 
cc TMIC.
What has other people done with these e-mails?
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Thu, 9/2/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC]
To: Stacy Harim
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 12:42 PM

  I'm sorry Stacy,I sent a reply without a message.
  When I click on this site my web protection shows a warning that it is a 
spyware/malware source.So be careful.

--- On Thu, 9/2/10, Stacy Harim wrote:

From: Stacy Harim
Subject: [TMIC]
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 9:08 AM

#yiv1548841362 #yiv1548841362yiv1100650743 
.yiv1548841362yiv1100650743yiv1929518974hmmessage P {
#yiv1548841362 #yiv1548841362yiv1100650743 
.yiv1548841362yiv1100650743yiv1929518974hmmessage {

Re: [TMIC]

2010-09-02 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Cheryl,
Someone has heck into your e-mail address  is sending spam e-mail daily.  I 
too, have e-mailed her about this problem  haven't gotten any reply.
Even if we spam her e-mail address, we still might get the e-mails because it 
cc TMIC.
What has other people done with these e-mails?
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Thu, 9/2/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC]
To: Stacy Harim
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 12:42 PM

  I'm sorry Stacy,I sent a reply without a message.
  When I click on this site my web protection shows a warning that it is a 
spyware/malware source.So be careful.

--- On Thu, 9/2/10, Stacy Harim wrote:

From: Stacy Harim
Subject: [TMIC]
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 9:08 AM

Fw: [TMIC] Memory Loss

2010-08-30 Thread Todd Tarno
When my partner goes out of the room  I want to ask him a question, I have to 
sign language the first letter of the question until he come back into the 
Now what was I going to ask him, again? 

--- On Sat, 8/28/10, Rev. Craig Crossman wrote:

From: Rev. Craig Crossman
Subject: [TMIC] Memory Loss
Date: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 8:12 PM

Has anyone heard of, or experience with, a loss of short-term memory as either 
a side effect of TM or side effects from the meds we take for some relief?
Rev. Craig Crossman
First Baptist Church
615 W. Webster St.
Colby, KS 67701
W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154

Re: [TMIC] Symposium/Dallas Sept 24-26

2010-08-14 Thread Todd Tarno
I'm and my partner/caregiver will be making the 8 hour drive into Dallas, 
staying with a friend and then on the way back home, my cousin's wedding is the 
following weekend in Austin.
Making it a nice fun trip,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Sat, 8/14/10, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] Symposium/Dallas Sept 24-26
Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010, 3:34 PM

I'm just throwing this out there.  Are any of you planning to go to the 
upcoming Symposium in Dallas?
I had a doctor appt yesterday and took a copy of the agenda to my doc.  He 
actually sat there and read the info, smiled and was very impressed that this 
was being offered and that I plan to attend.  I'm due for my Rituxan infusions 
and he said I could hold off having them, just in case some of the doctors have 
come up with a better/different plan.  I realize how fortunate I am to have a 
doctor who listens and is open to new ideas.
Re: the Symposium - I do know that Louise is coming clear from Australia!  
Looking forward to meeting as many of the TM family as possible.
Linda (Eagle, ID)

Re: [TMIC] Fact Sheet on TM

2010-08-07 Thread Todd Tarno
My medication speadsheet has the following:
Medication, Date Started, Dose, Times of Day w/time of the day M, D,  N 
( Morning, Dinner  Night), Type of Med.
I believe this will cover everthing. lol
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 8/7/10, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fact Sheet on TM
To: tmic-list
Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 10:40 AM

#yiv1840969309 p {margin:0;}

Patti, you may also want to make a sheet on all the meds you are on.  Also, the 
vitamins and supplements that you may be taking.
I keep an Excel spreadsheet so that I can change dosages and add or delete meds 
as needed.  I also list the dates of start/end, plus the Dr. info.
This is much easier as I have found that on every visit, the questionaire asks 
for current meds.  This way, I print the list before the visit and just say 
See attached.  Much Much easier!
Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: Patricia Cooley
To: Rev. Craig Crossman,
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2010 11:22:15 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Fact Sheet on TM


From: Rev. Craig Crossman [] 
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 3:08 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Fact Sheet on TM
Many of you have probably already read this Fact Sheet. I find it helpful to 
give any physician or PA or NP that is my primary care provider since 90% of 
them have no idea what TM is, and it seems many don’t want to take the time to 
find out about it as well. What is even more aggravating is that my new 
neurologist (the only one within three hours travel) has no experience with it 
either. So she’ll get a copy as well.
Rev. Craig Crossman
First Baptist Church
615 W. Webster St.
Colby, KS 67701
W - (785)462-2867/ Cell - (785)443-5154

[TMIC] Re: bowel and bladder problems.

2010-07-27 Thread Todd Tarno
Thanks Gerry,
My urologist also started me on my new medications which is Flomax .4 mg.  I 
have been on it now for 2 weeks and will see him again in 2 more weeks.  I 
haven't seen a improvement yet, but it may be too early.  In my first visit, he 
did check my prostate and it's fine at this time.  He says he has had other TM 
patients and thinks he will be able to help me too.
Hope everyone is having a better day with this,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Gerry Surette wrote:

From: Gerry Surette
Subject: bowel and bladder problems.
Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 5:56 AM

Hi  Todd i just recovered from chronic myleopathy. like trying to pass an 
elephant through my penis. this is a great by product of TM.    I went to a  
urologist and he prescribed. flomax .4mg one a day. since the side effect is 
dizzyness I  take mine at night before i go to bed.  he mentioned that 50-60% 
of male adults over 50 have enlarged prostate .since i have taken this .my 
bowels and bladder have returned to normal hope this helps gerry in Montreal 

RE: [TMIC] Re: bowel and bladder problems.

2010-07-27 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Rob, Thanks for the reply.
OMG, I didn't know it would take that LONG. LOL
Thanks again for the help,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 7/27/10, Robert Pall wrote:

From: Robert Pall
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: bowel and bladder problems.
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 3:10 PM

I am on Flowmax and it can take up to six months until you notice any 
Rob in New Jersey

From: Todd Tarno [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 3:47 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Re: bowel and bladder problems.

Thanks Gerry,
My urologist also started me on my new medications which is Flomax .4 mg.  I 
have been on it now for 2 weeks and will see him again in 2 more weeks.  I 
haven't seen a improvement yet, but it may be too early.  In my first visit, he 
did check my prostate and it's fine at this time.  He says he has had other TM 
patients and thinks he will be able to help me too.
Hope everyone is having a better day with this,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 7/23/10, Gerry Surette wrote:

From: Gerry Surette
Subject: bowel and bladder problems.
Date: Friday, July 23, 2010, 5:56 AM

#yiv793450562 #yiv793450562yiv1141935581 .yiv793450562yiv1141935581hmmessage P {
#yiv793450562 #yiv793450562yiv1141935581 .yiv793450562yiv1141935581hmmessage {

Hi  Todd i just recovered from chronic myleopathy. like trying to pass an 
elephant through my penis. this is a great by product of TM.    I went to a  
urologist and he prescribed. flomax .4mg one a day. since the side effect is 
dizzyness I  take mine at night before i go to bed.  he mentioned that 50-60% 
of male adults over 50 have enlarged prostate .since i have taken this .my 
bowels and bladder have returned to normal hope this helps gerry in Montreal 

[TMIC] Fw: Re: How to Unsubscribe from TMIC-List

2010-07-22 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Melinda,
Yes, this is Transverse Myelitis Internet Club - TMIC.
This is my Transverse Myelitis e-mail address, because you're correct that we 
can get 10 and/or more of e-mail per day.
Here is a wonderful welcome letter that Sandy did:
I always say...when Groucho Marx said, I wouldn't want to be a member of any 
club that would have someone like me for a member. He was talking about us.   
That's the good old TM club! Nobody really wants to join. We don't aspire to 
it.  Not an achievement really. 
But once you are here everybody welcomes you! 
Nobody listens to a bad tap story better than us. No one can relate to the 
cozy comfort of a two hour MRI better than us.  And the waiting for 
confirmation on a diagnosis or drug sampling is not appreciated anywhere in 
cyberspace better than here.  
I know a lot about drugs I have never tried. But when my time comes to try 
them I know a LOT!
Whether its training your bladder, making peace with your bowels, or waltzing 
gracefully through the side effects maze, this group knows how to coach 
and counsel.  
We are open 24 hours and FREE!  
Welcome to you Melinda.
Pretty soon you will be old hat at this an offering advice yourself.   
Take care,
Sandy in Wisconsin
I got TM on April 1, 2002 @ T-4 to T-8.  I have banding at this spot around my 
stomach, it has gotten better over the years.  I still have drop foot, this is 
when the foot drags on the floor, on my bad leg and my good leg is 75% back to 
normal.  I have always walked with a walker in the house and use a wheelchair 
when I go out.  My medications for pain is Lyrica 150 mg twice a day  
Nortripline 25 mg at night.  I'm still trying new medications for bladder  
Because everyone here are different, they will have difference problems and/or 
difference solutions.
Welcome to the TM group and post your question here so we can get to know your 
We're here for you  your daughter,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Thu, 7/22/10, Melinda McClement wrote:

From: Melinda McClement
Subject: Re: How to Unsubscribe from TMIC-List
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Thursday, July 22, 2010, 12:38 AM

Thanks for giving me this information.  Is this a transverse mylitus group?  Do 
you have this awful disease, my 31 year old daughter does and mainly has leg 
pain.  If you have what are your symtoms?  My daughter takes alot of narcotics 
but she also has other problems non related to TM. 

Thanks for sharing if you want.


On Jul 21, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Todd Tarno wrote:

Unsubscribe from TMIC-LIST
To unsubscribe from the list, send email to, with 
the Subject unsubscribe. That's all that's needed. 
To unsubscribe from the digest, send email to, 
with the Subject unsubscribe. That's all that's needed. 
Note: AOL users  some other mailer may require something written in the 
message body before it will send. 

--- On Tue, 7/20/10, Melinda McClement wrote:

From: Melinda McClement
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT - need prayers after seeing video will understand why
To: j ra
Cc:, Transverse Myelytis
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 4:19 PM


So sorry also.  I think I got on this email site by accident.  How do I get my 
name off as response are overloading my email.  Thanks and good luck.  Hope 
someone replys.

On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:40 AM, j ra wrote:

I am so sorrythis is so sad! Your family is in my prayers. Please hang in 
there, remember we are not only joined by this affliction, but also by the love 
and caring we have for eachother. We'll get you through this, please keep us 
updated with all of their needs and how we can help.

Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 03:03:23 -0500
Subject: [TMIC] OT - need prayers after seeing video will understand why

Yesterday my ex wife and daughters duplex went up in flames. It started in 
their neighbors part, unknown origin as of right now as to the cause. Please 
keep them in your prayers, Red Cross has them in a hotel for 5 days and then 
they are on their own. It was a total loss, and that was their car too that was 
melted to nothing. Both are disabled; Sara has auto immune like me, Sally my ex 
wife lost 2/3's of her right lung and both breasts to cancer and they are 
worried it is in her lymph glands. And now this... Life is cruel...

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.

Fw: [TMIC] Iron traped in brain -

2010-07-18 Thread Todd Tarno
Here is a CCSVI of MS page:
Here is news video:

--- On Fri, 7/16/10, kimr1999 wrote:

From: kimr1999
Subject: [TMIC] Iron traped in brain -
Date: Friday, July 16, 2010, 7:52 PM

Have you been following the information about iron buildup in the brain that an 
Italian doctor thinks may be causing MS?  A kink in the jugglar vein may be 
preventing iron from leaving the brain where it builds up and attacks 
the myelin sheathing of the cerebral nerves.  TM is so close to this.  I am 
excited!! A stent is inserted in the vein opening it up and voila!  Look on 
utube for some of the patients before and after. And look under CCSVI on the 
webb.  There is hope!!!

Fw: Re: [TMIC]

2010-07-12 Thread Todd Tarno
The Zanaflex @ 4 mg made me sleep for 17 hours.
Now trying, Methocarbam @ 500 mg at night.
Saw an Urology, will be getting a new medication from the pharmacy, but don't 
know the name yet.  
He does have other patients that have TM.
Will let everyone know what medication that I do good with, once we find out 
what that is. lol
Hope everyone is doing better, today,
Todd in CC, TX 

--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Pieter and Heather wrote:

From: Pieter and Heather
Subject: Re: [TMIC]
To: Rebecca,
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 4:41 PM

#yiv1684573610  {

There is also the medication Zanaflex.  It helps with spasms as well. 
I take the 40 mg of Baclofen a day then I take 4 mg of Zanaflex at bedtime too.
There are others who do take more Zanaflex as well. 
However both the Zanaflex and the Baclofen can affect your liver enzymes so you 
will  need to have them checked regularly as well. 
Heather in Calgary

- Original Message - 
From: Rebecca 
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 2:34 PM
Subject: [TMIC]

Thanks everyone about the baclofen dosage. I use it to stop my spasms in leg 
and back. At one time amputation was discussed. Then a baclofen pump. That was 
shot down because of open bed wounds. So botox and baclofen are going to be 
tried.The dosage will be 10mg 2X a day of baclofen do not know about botox.

Fw: Re: [TMIC] This link was on the Forum for 4-yr old with TM - WoW

2010-07-10 Thread Todd Tarno
Since we don't think that it's the nervous in our bad leg that's bad, it's the 
nervous in our spinal cord that's bad.  So, I believe that butting her own stem 
cells into her spinal cord at the place that the TM hit her spinal cord, would 
work better.
I'm wishing her well, since this has already happen to her.
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 7/10/10, Bernard Pelow wrote:

From: Bernard Pelow
Subject: Re: [TMIC] This link was on the Forum for 4-yr old 
with TM - WoW
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010, 12:45 AM

I am not sure how this will work?  TM does the damage at the cord level, so how 
is transferring nerves from one leg to another going to help?  Any of you got 
an idea as to this, especially medically trained persons I was a paramedic 
training to be an RN, and I cannot see how this is a fix for TM.  The only way 
a nerve transplant would work was if the girl had Gulliame Barre' and the 
myelin from that nerve was destroyed; then replacing it might work.  But for 
TM, I don't see or understand it.  The article said very little as to how the 
doctors came to this conclusion.
Bernie in Texas

On 7/9/2010 11:14 AM, Pieter and Heather wrote: 

On the TM Forum today there was this link. 
It is about a little 4 yr old girl with TM and a first ever surgery to see if 
it can help her walk. WoW.
Heather in Calgary

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Re: [TMIC] Neuro appt. and Medicare question - FYI

2010-06-09 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Candy,
Yes, I did understand that the Medicare handbook didn't really give us a clear 
answer, but it was the only MRI fine on their website.
I too, don't like to be IV dye even once, differently not more than once.  And 
like you said, the time, the money  the health concerns.
It's a great ideal to write a letter to your congressman and I think we ALL 
could do the same, because we don't know when the next time we will need our 
next MRI.  If you want, when you send your letter, could you share your letter 
with us?
We need to help Medicare to stop wasting time  money,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro appt. and Medicare question - FYI
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 10:47 PM

#yiv627354448 p {margin:0;}

Regina, I didn't know about the dye until this morning when the neuro's office 
called and told me because they needed more than 24 hrs to process.  So, I had 
to reschedule the last MRI for a week from tomorrow.  I was so surprised about 
the dye for contrast, I didn't even think to ask about that.
I was surprised about the Medicare rules and plan to write my Congress people 
regarding this rule - especially with something like MRIs of the spine and the 
need for the dye for contrast views.  This to me is a waste of time and money 
NOT to mention the possible health concerns!  Sounds like BIG CORP at work 
again just to gain a good bottom line!  
What bothers me is that the dye has been linked to renal problems.  According 
to an article on the web The most serious of the complications or side effects 
of gadolinium is with the development of Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) or 
Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NFD).  Both of these diseases can be very 
serious and life changing.  Just what I need, another life changing event!

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: Regina Rummel
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 9:30:09 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro appt.  and Medicare question - FYI

Did you mention this to your neuro?  What did he/she say about this?
This is news to me.

--- On Tue, 6/8/10, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neuro appt. and Medicare question - FYI
Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 1:36 PM

#yiv627354448 #yiv10747155 p {margin:0;}

Todd, thank you for the link but I couldn't find the answer.  I just got off 
the phone with my Medicare provider, Amy.  Amy said that IF the first test is 
inconclusive then another test needs to be done.  It maybe that if nothing is 
found on the C section, with the second MRI I could possibly get the T and L 
sections.  I just hate going 3 times because the MRIs are to be done without 
and with dye.  That much dye in so short of a time just doesn't seem as it 
would be good for me. 

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: Todd Tarno
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 3:07:11 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Fw: [TMIC] Neuro appt.  and Medicare question

I haven't hear of this before.
This is from the medicare handbook page 15.
Hope this helps,
Todd in CC, TX
Page 15
Diagnostic Tests, X-rays, and Clinical Laboratory Services 
Medicare Part B covers diagnostic tests like CT scans, MRIs, EKGs, and X-rays 
when your doctor or health care provider orders them as part of treating a 
medical problem. Medicare also covers clinical diagnostic laboratory services 
provided by certifi ed laboratories enrolled in Medicare. Diagnostic tests and 
lab services are done to help your doctor diagnose or rule out a suspected 
illness or condition. Medicare doesn’t cover most routine screening tests, like 
checking your hearing. Medicare covers some preventive tests and screenings to 
help prevent, fi nd, or manage a medical problem. For more information, see 
Preventive Services on page 33. In 2010, YOU pay 20% of the Medicare-approved 
amount for covered diagnostic tests and X-rays done in a doctor’s offi ce or 
independent testing facility. You pay a copayment for diagnostic tests and 
X-rays in the hospital outpatient setting. You pay $0 for Medicare-covered lab 
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:


Fw: [TMIC] new member

2010-06-03 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Kelly,
A lot of the things that are happening to you does sound like TM and the 
doctors don't know how long you had it before YOU find it.  It was you that 
asked for the MRI that found your lesions.  For some of us, it took months to 
get a MRI.  I did highlight your e-mail of things that did sound like TM.
We could had been sick or gotten an injection that may or may not have given us 
TM.  We just don't know.
Try everything  anything that you thing might work for you, some will work  
some will not and everyone is different.  
Glad you found us, but sorry you needed to,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Thu, 6/3/10, Kelly Jean Craig wrote:

From: Kelly Jean Craig
Subject: [TMIC] new member
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 11:58 AM

Hi Everyone,

Well, I was reluctantly admitted to the TM group last week. My name is Kelly 
Jean and I am 28 years old. I am a cancer research scientist, athlete, wife and 
pug lover. 

 I was diagnosed after a strange string of events. I woke up two weeks ago with 
a coughing episode that left me feeling like there was a constrictive band 
around my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack. The ER visit left me 
feeling better after they gave me a Toradol injection in the left cheek . 
However, the next morning my toes felt numb and tingly on the injection side. 
As the day went on I noticed, the numbness and sensitivity was growing. By the 
next day, I couldn't stand to touch myself on the left leg. The worst 
pins/needles sensation you could imagine. Myy husband, splashed water on my leg 
near the garden and I fell down in pain. It was like someone poured liquid 
nitrogen down my body. I received my PhD studying a movement disorder 
(Parkinson disease), so I thought this could be peripheral neuropathy. I just 
knew that the nurse who gave my that Toradol injection damaged by nerves and I 
was having sensory neuron damage...little did I

After 5 doctor visits and everyone saying these sensations would pass, I 
finally convinced another ER doc to give me an MRI. Almost 10 days later, they 
found a T3 lesion on my spinal column and 2 small lesions in my brain. They 
admitted me to the hospital and began my solumedrol treatments 1000mg/day x 5 
days. The solumedrol nearly incapacitated me. I couldn't walk, lift my head, 
speak or chew. I was release from the hospital and I am just now on day 2 of my 
oral taper prednisone doses. I still feel like I am in a fog. My abdomen feels 
like a tons of bricks. After nearly two weeks of bed rest, I am feeling 
crippled physically and emotionally. 

My head aches just after sitting up for a few minutes. Does anyone else have 
this sort of reaction to the steroids? They did a lumbar puncture and we are 
awaiting the CSF lab results to rule out MS. Perhaps, the puncture hasn't fully 
healed yet. The doctors are guessing this was an infectious case of TM. I am 
praying that this is a monophasic event and this suffering will soon be over. 

Does anyone have any suggestions? Massage therapy? Physical therapy? 
Acupuncture? Reflexology? Homeopathic meds? I am desperate to be better. Any 
and all advice is welcomed.

Sorry if this email seems to dance all over the place. Typing and reading this 
email has tuckered me out today. 

Thanks for your support,
Kelly Jean


Fw: Re: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-22 Thread Todd Tarno
Cindy sent this post to me, but I think it was to the group too.

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

From: Cindy McLeroy
Subject: Re: [TMIC] alive
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 11:07 PM

Jeron, I'm not going to comment on your first note, but on this one.  First, 
take a look at the Cody Unser First Step Foundation,  Cody 
has had TM since she was 12 and 5 or so years ago she decided to Scuba dive.  
I've seen her diving several times.  One thing she wants to do is to reach as 
many TM'ers or para's and teach them to scuba dive.  Like you, she loves 
the freedom it gives.  I have many friends that have incorporated sky diving 
into their lives with TM or being a quad or a para (many with broken ankles).  
I have friends that surf, ski, play wheelchair tennis, wheelchair rugby, and 
all other sorts of sports.  Notice I said I have friends...I'm stricky the 
I wish you the best in your quests and good luck.
Cindy McLeroy
 Message - 

From: Todd Tarno 
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 3:06 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive

Hey Jeron,
This is wonderful news.  I'm so glad you had a wonderful time in the drift 
dive.  I have been on a drift in the ocean next to the beach with a friend at 
my side and friend drive a car about a fourth of mile to pick both of us up.  
It was so COOL.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique
Can't wait to hear about this trip.
You show us that we can do more, if we want too. lol
Have a GREAT time  let us know how it went,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, j ra wrote:

From: j ra
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive
To: Transverse Myelytis
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 4:23 PM

#yiv973627060 #yiv1099492574 .hmmessage P {
#yiv973627060 #yiv1099492574 .hmmessage {

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used
 to, so it's better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

RE: [TMIC] alive

2010-05-21 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Jeron,
This is wonderful news.  I'm so glad you had a wonderful time in the drift 
dive.  I have been on a drift in the ocean next to the beach with a friend at 
my side and friend drive a car about a fourth of mile to pick both of us up.  
It was so COOL.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique
Can't wait to hear about this trip.
You show us that we can do more, if we want too. lol
Have a GREAT time  let us know how it went,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, j ra wrote:

From: j ra
Subject: RE: [TMIC] alive
To: Transverse Myelytis
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 4:23 PM

Hey everybody,
When I started this post, I sure as hell wasn't expecting the can of worms that 
I opened up! I got what you all said about me being selfish and trying to go it 
alonepushing my wife away and all that. When I came to the Caribbean it was 
for two reasons. 1. I needed to learn to deal with this thing of ours called 
TM, but away from everyone who knows me. I did this because I wanted to see 
myself in the mirror again and not the person that everyone feels sorry for 
because I have TM. So I moved here for a litttle while just to get some me 
time. I am not pushing my loved ones away, like most of you thought. Truth be 
told, my wife fully understands why I wanted to be alone. 2. I am trying to 
relive my past. I am trying to push myself to do the things I loved to do even 
though I have TM. I know there is no way anyone of my loved ones are approving 
of this and are all worried about me going off into the deep blue sea or 
jumping out of a plane like I used
 to, so it's better if I do it when they can't see me do it and all be worried.
So today was my first dive in years and for the first time since I had TM, I 
forgot all about it. My legs didn't hurt, my back was like brand new and it was 
amazing. Of course I got a little help from a 6 knot current to do most of the 
work under water for me (it's called a drift dive), but it was amazing. I did 
it! Adrenaline pumped through me for 32 amazing minutes and I felt alive again. 
I'm in all craploads of pain right now, but it was so worth it.
Next stop, zip-lining in St. Lucia and Sky diving in Martinique. I know I'm in 
for some serious pain, but I think I'm slowly remembering the good days. My 
goal is to remember those days and replace the bad days. I called my wife and 
told her I loved her and she said she was proud of me for taking the step to 
regaining some control of my life.
So, now.It feels great to be in painthis time it was worth it.
Thanks everyone for all the emails and all the support. I love you guys very 
muchyou are my family!

Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 

Re: [TMIC] just wondering

2010-05-08 Thread Todd Tarno
Here is sexuality for men on the Christopher Reeve's website.

Sexual function is a major concern of men with paralysis. Men wonder if they 
can do it or whether sexual pleasure is a thing of the past. They worry that 
they can no longer father children, that mates will find them unattractive, 
that partners will pack up and leave. It is true that, after disease or injury, 
men often face changes in their relationships and sexual activity. Emotional 
changes occur, of course, and these can affect a person’s sexuality.
It is important to note that  healthy sexuality involves warmth, tenderness, 
and love, not just genital contact. Still, erections and orgasms are the top 
issues after paralysis.
Normally, men have two types of erections. Psychogenic erections result from 
prurient sights or thoughts and depend on the level and extent of paralysis. 
Men with complete parlaysis usually do not have psychogenic erections. A reflex 
erection occurs involuntarily by direct contact with the penis or other 
erogenous zones (ears, nipples, neck). Most paralyzed men are able to have a 
reflex erection unless nerves in the sacral spinal cord (S2-S4) are damaged.
Orgasm after paralysis is possible for some men but it is often not the same as 
it is usually defined. It can become less physical, less focused on the 
genitals and more a state of mind.  It is important to know that loss of 
sensation does not rule out loss of sexuality.
While many men who are paralyzed can still get it up, the erection may not be 
hard enough or last long enough for intercourse. Numerous treatments (pills, 
pellets, shots and implants) are available for treating erectile dysfunction 
(ED). Be sure to see your doctor for accurate information on the various 
The best-known clinical treatment for ED, Viagra (sildenafil), improves the 
quality of erections and sexual activity in many paraplegic men. There is some 
clinical evidence that men with MS benefit from Viagra. Men with blood pressure 
issues (high or low) or vascular disease should avoid this drug. Other newer 
medications that purport to surpass the efficacy of Viagra include Cialis and 
Levitra. They may have beneficial effects for paralyzed men but no clinical 
data is available.
Another erection option involves injecting a drug (papavarine or alprostadil) 
into the shaft of the penis. This produces a hard erection that can last for an 
hour or more. Caution: these drugs can result in priapism, a prolonged erection 
that can damage the penis. Injection erections can also cause bruising, 
scarring or infection and may not be the best option for those with limited 
hand function.
A medicated urethral suppository is another option. A drug pellet (containing 
alprostadil) is placed into the urethra, causing blood vessels to relax and 
fill the penis with blood. This might be an alternative for the 30-40 percent 
of men who fail with Viagra.
Vacuum pumps are a non-invasive, non-drug way to produce an erection. The penis 
is placed in a plastic cylinder; as air is pumped out, blood is drawn into the 
penis. Hardness is maintained by placing an elastic band around the base of the 
penis. This produces a bluish looking erection that may also be cold to the 
touch. Be sure to remove the band after 30 minutes to avoid skin irritation. 
Medicare and insurance companies often pay for these devices (you need a 
prescription though), including a battery-operated model best for those with 
limited hand function.
A penile prosthesis (a semi-rigid or bendable rod or inflatable device) is 
another choice, but because it is permanent and requires surgery, it is carries 
a higher risk for complications than other options. Surgery can cause bleeding, 
infection, or allergic reaction to anesthesia. Following a routine outpatient 
procedure, a four to eight week recovery period is necessary before the implant 
can be used. The device itself, especially the more complex inflatable units, 
can malfunction or become damaged.
Ejaculation and fertility are also major issues facing men with paralysis. Men 
want to know, can I still father children? Ejaculation is not always possible 
but there are ways to retrieve viable sperm. A vibrator is an inexpensive and 
fairly reliable tool to produce an ejaculation at home or in a clinical 
setting. Rectal probe electroejaculation is an option (albeit in a clinic with 
several technicians around) if the vibratory method is not successful. 
Borrowing from animal husbandry, electroejaculation places a probe in the 
rectum; a measured electrical stimulation produces an ejaculation.
Once sperm are collected they can be used in various means of artificial 
insemination, including in vitro techniques and micromanipulation. Sometimes 
the retrieved sperm are healthy but not strong 

Fw: Re: [TMIC] Medication Spreadsheet

2010-04-29 Thread Todd Tarno
I lose my Excel spreadsheet the last time my computer crashed.  Had to redo it 
with Works spreadsheet with Window XP.
Hope this helps,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 4/28/10, Jill Posner wrote:

From: Jill Posner
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Medication Spreadsheet
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 4:12 PM

'Does anyone have a blank Excel spreadsheet to share (just with categories no 
actual information filled in)?  
Being lazy,  Jill 

From: Todd Tarno
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 3:10:04 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Medication Spreadsheet

On my medication spreadsheet right now, I have 4 columns:
Medication, Dose, Time a Day,  Type of Med. ( what's the medication is for ).  
At the bottom of the medication column is the date that it was last updated.
The new question that's being asked now is:
When did you start each medications and/or vitamins?
Where would you think a good place to add a date column 
in front of medication or at the end of Type of Med. ?
Thanks for the in put,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 4/27/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: OT: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
To:, Todd Tarno, TMIC
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 10:22 PM

Okay, guys. We have been doing that for quite a while.    Also, the nurses 
love the fact that we tell them to just keep the copy of meds, etc.
I make a list of any questions I may have, but putting that on the spreadsheet 
too is a good idea.    Thanks

Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 3:06 PM
To: Todd Tarno ; TMIC 
Subject: Re: OT: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)

 spread sheet for ALL my medications  ALL my vitamins 


That is a great idea. My assistant keeps a notebook record of my meds

A spreadsheet is so much better, so before an appointment just print out a copy 
or copies.

Very Cool.

I often will do a HPI  (History of Present Illness)  listing new complaints, 
possible therapies, Etc.  I keep an open MS.Work document on my desktop for 
recording things quickly, then print it out before an appointment.

Thanks for the great idea.


[TMIC] Medication Spreadsheet

2010-04-28 Thread Todd Tarno
On my medication spreadsheet right now, I have 4 columns:
Medication, Dose, Time a Day,  Type of Med. ( what's the medication is for ).  
At the bottom of the medication column is the date that it was last updated.
The new question that's being asked now is:
When did you start each medications and/or vitamins?
Where would you think a good place to add a date column 
in front of medication or at the end of Type of Med. ?
Thanks for the in put,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 4/27/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

From: Janice Nichols
Subject: Re: OT: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
To:, Todd Tarno, TMIC
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 10:22 PM

Okay, guys. We have been doing that for quite a while.    Also, the nurses 
love the fact that we tell them to just keep the copy of meds, etc.
I make a list of any questions I may have, but putting that on the spreadsheet 
too is a good idea.    Thanks

Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 3:06 PM
To: Todd Tarno ; TMIC 
Subject: Re: OT: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)

 spread sheet for ALL my medications  ALL my vitamins 


That is a great idea. My assistant keeps a notebook record of my meds

A spreadsheet is so much better, so before an appointment just print out a copy 
or copies.

Very Cool.

I often will do a HPI  (History of Present Illness)  listing new complaints, 
possible therapies, Etc.  I keep an open MS.Work document on my desktop for 
recording things quickly, then print it out before an appointment.

Thanks for the great idea.


Fw: OT: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)

2010-04-27 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Frank  everyone,
I know that I'm one of the worst spellers, ( glad we have spell check for 
e-mails ) so I had to do a spread sheet for ALL my medications  ALL my 
vitamins on this computer with date of update, twice on one page.  This is so I 
can give one copy to my doctor  have a hard copy in my wallet, that's with me 
at all time in my walker bag.
Hope everyone is having a good day,
Todd in CC, TX  

--- On Mon, 4/26/10, wrote:

Subject: OT: [TMIC] Amytretaline (sp)
To: Laura Beaudin, Regina Rummel
Date: Monday, April 26, 2010, 3:04 PM

Hi Gang ! ,

Has anyone been keeping count of the number of different spelling of that drug, 
you now the one in the subject line??

I count at least half a dozen.

I hate it when you can't even know the spelling of one of your meds.  You need 
to be spending more time reading your medicine bottles.

You think I'm going to bail you out by spelling that mother of a word. H*ll no 
!!  I'm really in a bad mood, because of all my allergies being fired up by 
Spring time.

Love you all


Fw: Re: [TMIC] TMIC Neurontin--does it exhaust you?

2010-04-19 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Jill  everyone,
My doctor told me to switch neurontin to Lyrica cold-turkey, because they where 
in the same family.  I had the worst headache for 5 days and then I was fine.  
So I don't recommend doing like that, but it's faster.
Why I like Lyrica for me, is that I only need to take it twice a day instead of 
3 times a day.  When I was on neurontin in the middle of the day, I would start 
to feel pain and then knew I had forgotten my second dose of neurontin.  The 
neurontin would make me a little foggy and that might have been why I would 
forget the second dose.
I wished we all could do well on Lyrica, 
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 4/17/10, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] TMIC Neurontin--does it exhaust you?
To: Neil McNeil, Janice Nichols,,, Jill 
Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010, 8:54 PM

That much neurontin also exhausted me, but I took fewer naps as time went on.. 
It never eliminated TM pain, however, it helped some. My biggest complaint 
about Neurontin is the time it took to work and how fast it wore off.  My Neuro 
said that was a common complaint  and suggested I try Lyrica.   I researched 
Lyrica for a year before letting my him write a prescription.  My biggest fear 
was his insistence that I could switch from neurontin to Lyrica overnight.   I 
finally made the switch exactly that way - overnight -  with no side effects.  
I didn't swell up like a toad nor did I turn into one.  Lyrica works within 
fifteen minutes of taking the pill and lasts much longer.  I took 75mg every 12 
hours for a year, then upped to 75mg every 8 hours for about 9 months.  I then 
asked for an increase to 100mg every 8 hours and have been on this dosage for 
over a year. 
I understand being afraid of Lyrica, because I was petrified of it myself.  Now 
I have to share the benefits I received.  It works for some, but not for others.

Patti - Michigan 
 Jill Posner wrote: 
 I am new to on 2400mg a day--600 mg 4 times a day.  It leaves me 
 feeling like a zombie and doesn't really eliminate the pain.  Lyrica is in 
 the same family so I didn't think it made sense to wind down and up again. 
 And it seems to have more side effects. I don't care to be as bloated as a 

Are there other options?


[TMIC] Fw: Tell me what annoys you most

2010-04-13 Thread Todd Tarno

--- On Mon, 4/12/10, Rob Gerth, Christopher  Dana Reeve Foundation wrote:

From: Rob Gerth, Christopher  Dana Reeve Foundation
Subject: Tell me what annoys you most
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 3:48 PM

#yiv62995438 a:link {color:#FF;text-decoration:underline;}

Click to view as a web page.

Dear Todd,

I want to know what people do that really ruins your day. If you are using a 
wheelchair, please respond to our online poll.

I think it was the snow being shoveled into handicapped spaces this winter that 
started the discussion in our online community about the Top 10 most annoying 
things people do to people using wheelchairs. But now I want to make the list 

So help us let the world know the Top 10 things people do that drive you and 
others using wheelchairs crazy.

If you are using a wheelchair, take the poll today. Also, if you know someone 
using a chair, forward it to them too.

Sometimes a little education and enlightenment can do a lot to make life a 
little better for everybody.

So tell me what annoys you most right now.

I'll post the final results in the community and I appreciate you sharing your 
time today.

Forward to a friend.


Rob Gerth
Director, Online Communications
Christopher  Dana Reeve Foundation
 Become a fan on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.
 Subscribe to us on YouTube.  Join our Reeve Foundation Community.

To prevent mailbox filters from deleting mailings from Rob Gerth, Christopher  
Dana Reeve Foundation, add to your address 

Remove yourself from this mailing.

Remove yourself from all mailings from Christopher  Dana Reeve Foundation.  

Fw: RE: [TMIC] Walk Aide

2010-04-05 Thread Todd Tarno
While I was doing the testing, it was having trouble knowing when I was turning 
too.  Straight walk did wonderful, but at most corners, it wouldn't turn on and 
I was in a small room.
Using crutches is good for weightbaring, but if you're falling a lot, then you 
might need more PT until your legs get stronger.  It's more for safety than 
Keep up the exercises,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sun, 4/4/10, j ra wrote:

From: j ra
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To:,, Transverse Myelytis
Date: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 6:55 PM

Good night everyone,
I just out of the hospital for the 6th time in the almost 2 years of TM. I used 
the walk aide for some time when I was learning to walk again, but found it 
very difficult too, especially around tight corners. I'm using cruches now, but 
I still drag my right leg along. I have 20% of mobility in it, which for me is 
a God given gift considering all that has been taken away by TM. I find the 
crutches useful, but I still fell I should revert back to the chair because I 
have dizzy spells from time to time and there are only so many places on my 
arms and hips left to bruise when I fall/collapse. Does anyone have any advice 
as to how long I should keep trying the crutches? should I go back on the chair 
or should I just fo physio until I could walk on my own again.

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:41:22 -0700
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide

#yiv1705887983 .ExternalClass DIV


Yeah, I've found after talking with so many people, that the variances in each 
of us with TM is pretty large as far as what works for one and what doesn't..

I'm coming up on two years pretty soon and if the opportunity ever arises again 
I'll definitely give the Walk Aide another shot.  

Who knows how I may respond after two years of walking and using that muscle 
group, however slight it may be.

Quick story reverting back to my PT days...after the Walk Aide experiment, my 
neuro decided that it wouldn't hurt to add electro stim to my PT regimen so for 
15 minutes prior to my PT exercises, my therapist would wire me up to the 
electro stim machine. 
This was on my left lower half of my leg since that is what I am having the 
primary issues with.
The very first time she started turning the machine up and told me to let her 
know when it got uncomfortable...and she kept turning it up..and 
up..and up..and up.and she kept asking me, are you okay...?
I would respond, yeah, I'm fine. I could feel the stim, but it didn't hurt and 
it wasn't making my muscles contract at all...
Anyway, bottom lineshe ended up cranking up the machine all the way up and 
I still had no response from the machine. 
Now, I'm assuming the big electro stim machine has the capability to go higher 
and make a larger contraction than something like the Walk Aideand I was 
still getting nothing from it.

Anyway, I did my electro stim anyway and just tried to make a conscious effort 
to make my muscles respond in conjunction the stim. 

Oh well
Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Todd Tarno
Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 3:42:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide

Hey Kevin,
I'm so sorry that the Walk Aide didn't work for you.  I know that each person 
with TM is different, I too don't understand why you're able move your toes a 
little bit, that's all I'm able to do also, but it didn't work.
Let me tell you a little about my visit.
She, the Dr., didn't even bring in her computer into the room with her, because 
she didn't think she would be able to find a working muscle on a person with TM 
for eight years with a handheld electric unit.  She did see that when I tried 
to move my toes, the muscles below my ankle was moving a little bit and that 
was a good sign.  It showed that the muscle signal was getting to the brain.  
The muscle that's needed, need to be very close to the skin.  My muscle that 
did work ( on my bad right leg ), she said is in a weird place, is on the right 
side back close to the knee. It's two fingers up from one of my moles. lol  I 
would need the next cuff side, next HALF side would be perfect, because the 
unit needs to be in front of my leg, so it knows where my leg is.  
So, if when you try to move your toes and the muscles below the outside ankle 
are moving, that's a good sign.  This isn't an exact science, but I believe 
that as our body heals itself, this unit could work for us.  I don't think this 
unit would had worked a few earlier.  
I hope everyone tries the Walk Aide at least once, but if it doesn't work then 
maybe try again in a couple / few years.
Todd in CC, TX  TM @ T-4 to T-8 on April 1, 2002

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, kevin weilacher wrote:

From: kevin weilacher hwyfli

Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide

2010-04-05 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Kevin,
I'm glad you're using the TENS unit before your PT.  
Yea, I used it on 22 the first two years with little response.
That's why I didn't know if the Walk Aide would work for me, 
but it looks like it's a different muscle group.
I'm also glad that in time, you will try the Walk Aide again.
You're already doing really good walking with your hand crafted cane.
Keep up the great work,

--- On Sun, 4/4/10, kevin weilacher wrote:

From: kevin weilacher
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To: Todd Tarno, TMIC
Date: Sunday, April 4, 2010, 5:41 PM


Yeah, I've found after talking with so many people, that the variances in each 
of us with TM is pretty large as far as what works for one and what doesn't..

I'm coming up on two years pretty soon and if the opportunity ever arises again 
I'll definitely give the Walk Aide another shot.  

Who knows how I may respond after two years of walking and using that muscle 
group, however slight it may be.

Quick story reverting back to my PT days...after the Walk Aide experiment, my 
neuro decided that it wouldn't hurt to add electro stim to my PT regimen so for 
15 minutes prior to my PT exercises, my therapist would wire me up to the 
electro stim machine. 
This was on my left lower half of my leg since that is what I am having the 
primary issues with.
The very first time she started turning the machine up and told me to let her 
know when it got uncomfortable...and she kept turning it up..and 
up..and up..and up.and she kept asking me, are you okay...?
I would respond, yeah, I'm fine. I could feel the stim, but it didn't hurt and 
it wasn't making my muscles contract at all...
Anyway, bottom lineshe ended up cranking up the machine all the way up and 
I still had no response from the machine. 
Now, I'm assuming the big electro stim machine has the capability to go higher 
and make a larger contraction than something like the Walk Aideand I was 
still getting nothing from it.

Anyway, I did my electro stim anyway and just tried to make a conscious effort 
to make my muscles respond in conjunction the stim. 

Oh well
Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Todd Tarno
Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 3:42:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide

Hey Kevin,
I'm so sorry that the Walk Aide didn't work for you.  I know that each person 
with TM is different, I too don't understand why you're able move your toes a 
little bit, that's all I'm able to do also, but it didn't work.
Let me tell you a little about my visit.
She, the Dr., didn't even bring in her computer into the room with her, because 
she didn't think she would be able to find a working muscle on a person with TM 
for eight years with a handheld electric unit.  She did see that when I tried 
to move my toes, the muscles below my ankle was moving a little bit and that 
was a good sign.  It showed that the muscle signal was getting to the brain.  
The muscle that's needed, need to be very close to the skin.  My muscle that 
did work ( on my bad right leg ), she said is in a weird place, is on the right 
side back close to the knee. It's two fingers up from one of my moles. lol  I 
would need the next cuff side, next HALF side would be perfect, because the 
unit needs to be in front of my leg, so it knows where my leg is.  
So, if when you try to move your toes and the muscles below the outside ankle 
are moving, that's a good sign.  This isn't an exact science, but I believe 
that as our body heals itself, this unit could work for us.  I don't think this 
unit would had worked a few earlier.  
I hope everyone tries the Walk Aide at least once, but if it doesn't work then 
maybe try again in a couple / few years.
Todd in CC, TX  TM @ T-4 to T-8 on April 1, 2002

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, kevin weilacher wrote:

From: kevin weilacher
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To: Todd Tarno, TMIC
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010, 3:51 PM

While I was going to outpatient PT, I was notified by my therapist and neuro 
that someone from Walkaide was going to be at the hospital doing demonstrations 
on people with different disabilities (ie:stroke, spinal cord injury, 
neurological etc..) and they requested me to be the one that they tried it one 
with a neurological disability.

I was the third person to be demonstrated on and the woman right before me had, 
had a stroke and she had great success with the walk aide. I was kind of 
excited but wasn't getting my hopes up...

The guy wired me up with the device and started ramping up the electrical 
charge...nothing at a lower settingstill nothing at a little higher 
settingstill nothing higher yet...
He turned the device all the way up and my left foot still did not respond...
Oh well, at least it was a try

Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide

2010-04-04 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Kevin,
I'm so sorry that the Walk Aide didn't work for you.  I know that each person 
with TM is different, I too don't understand why you're able move your toes a 
little bit, that's all I'm able to do also, but it didn't work.
Let me tell you a little about my visit.
She, the Dr., didn't even bring in her computer into the room with her, because 
she didn't think she would be able to find a working muscle on a person with TM 
for eight years with a handheld electric unit.  She did see that when I tried 
to move my toes, the muscles below my ankle was moving a little bit and that 
was a good sign.  It showed that the muscle signal was getting to the brain.  
The muscle that's needed, need to be very close to the skin.  My muscle that 
did work ( on my bad right leg ), she said is in a weird place, is on the right 
side back close to the knee. It's two fingers up from one of my moles. lol  I 
would need the next cuff side, next HALF side would be perfect, because the 
unit needs to be in front of my leg, so it knows where my leg is.  
So, if when you try to move your toes and the muscles below the outside ankle 
are moving, that's a good sign.  This isn't an exact science, but I believe 
that as our body heals itself, this unit could work for us.  I don't think this 
unit would had worked a few earlier.  
I hope everyone tries the Walk Aide at least once, but if it doesn't work then 
maybe try again in a couple / few years.
Todd in CC, TX  TM @ T-4 to T-8 on April 1, 2002

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, kevin weilacher wrote:

From: kevin weilacher
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Walk Aide
To: Todd Tarno, TMIC
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010, 3:51 PM

While I was going to outpatient PT, I was notified by my therapist and neuro 
that someone from Walkaide was going to be at the hospital doing demonstrations 
on people with different disabilities (ie:stroke, spinal cord injury, 
neurological etc..) and they requested me to be the one that they tried it one 
with a neurological disability.

I was the third person to be demonstrated on and the woman right before me had, 
had a stroke and she had great success with the walk aide. I was kind of 
excited but wasn't getting my hopes up...

The guy wired me up with the device and started ramping up the electrical 
charge...nothing at a lower settingstill nothing at a little higher 
settingstill nothing higher yet...
He turned the device all the way up and my left foot still did not respond...
Oh well, at least it was a try. The guy was confused too because he said he had 
never seen anyone that didn't get at least some response from it.
He even went on and hooked it up to a couple more people and it worked for them 
and then he came back to me and hooked it up again...same result, nothing..
My left leg is pretty much dead I guess...

I mean, I can move my toes a very small bit, but that's it. I can't lift my 
foot at all...

Maybe someday, they'll find something that will work on me.

Kevin Weilacher
N.E. Ohio (Canton)

From: Todd Tarno
Sent: Fri, April 2, 2010 2:14:26 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Walk Aide
Two years ago, I got new feeling in my bad leg and one year ago, I was able to 
move my toes on my bad leg for the first time since April 1, 2002.  So 
yesterday I went to a Walk Aide office here in Corpus Christi, TX and it did 
left up my drop foot on my bad leg, but I still will need the walker for 
balance.  I'm just glad to know that I'm a candidate for this unit. To bad that 
Medicare doesn't cover the $4,800 unit.  I know there is a 50/50 chance it will 
work for people with Transverse Myelitis, but I would still try and if it 
doesn't work, might try again, once you have gotten new feeling in your bad leg.

Fw: [TMIC] The Chiro

2010-04-02 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Carol,
It was my Chiro that sent me back to the ER  call my doctor.
My doctors had ran a lot of tests in a 2 1/2 months, but after my chiro call 
him, it was then that they did my first MRI  found the inflammation of TM.
Take care, Todd in CC, TX    TM since April 1, 2002.

--- On Thu, 4/1/10, wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] The Chiro
Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 4:10 PM

Jim actually went to his chiro before he was officially diagnosed. Cliff had 
been our chiropractor for some time. He is a wonderful caring guy and in fact 
gave Jim a walker and sent us to the emergency room. He called several times 
and after Jim was done with his inpatient therapy, he continued to get 
treatments from Cliff when needed. The dragging of his right foot was helped by 
the chiro and any other weird feelings. My vote would be give chiro a try, and 
keep on moving. GOD BLESS all of you, CAROL 

[TMIC] Walk Aide

2010-04-02 Thread Todd Tarno
Two years ago, I got new feeling in my bad leg and one year ago, I was able to 
move my toes on my bad leg for the first time since April 1, 2002.  So 
yesterday I went to a Walk Aide office here in Corpus Christi, TX and it did 
left up my drop foot on my bad leg, but I still will need the walker for 
balance.  I'm just glad to know that I'm a candidate for this unit. To bad that 
Medicare doesn't cover the $4,800 unit.  I know there is a 50/50 chance it will 
work for people with Transverse Myelitis, but I would still try and if it 
doesn't work, might try again, once you have gotten new feeling in your bad leg.

RE: [TMIC] Chiro

2010-04-01 Thread Todd Tarno
I find that the massage therapist 
Hey Janet,
Does health insurance cover massage therapist?
I'm using my Chiro because the way I walk with a walker.
Thanks for the help,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 3/31/10, Janet Dunn wrote:

From: Janet Dunn
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Chiro
To: 'Janice Nichols', 'Transverse Myelytis'
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 10:25 AM

Janice, I am not sure that he helps so much with the disease itself, but if the 
rest of your body is in alignment it helps you move better, properly, and takes 
a lot of pressure and pain away that otherwise would be there.  I actually see 
my chiropractor very rarely, because for me, I find that the massage therapist 
– the kind that work you over – not the “relaxing” massage – actually works 
better for me.  She gets the knots out of my legs and shoulders which then 
helps me walk better, taking strain off the hips and back, meaning less trips 
to the chiro, and more to her!  And now she is moving  L  
I think it is a decision that each makes for themselves – but I use them both, 
as my mobility is key to my mental health.  

From: Janice Nichols [] 
Sent: March 31, 2010 8:17 AM
To: Todd Tarno; Transverse Myelytis
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather

Does a chiropractor really help with this disease?    I thought the pain came 
from just the nerves, not any where else.    Course, I don't know much about 

but this struck me as odd.   If he can help, that is great.



From: Todd Tarno 

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:05 PM

To: Transverse Myelytis 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Weather


My chiropractor can tell when a cold front is coming in, 

because my adjustment is very much hard for him to do.

And that he doesn't need to go to the gym on that day. lol

Todd in CC, TX


Re: [TMIC] Weather

2010-03-30 Thread Todd Tarno
My chiropractor can tell when a cold front is coming in, 
because my adjustment is very much hard for him to do.
And that he doesn't need to go to the gym on that day. lol
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 3/30/10, Robert Pall wrote:

From: Robert Pall
Subject: [TMIC] Weather
To: Transverse Myelytis
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 8:29 AM

We are getting a huge amount of rain in the Tri-State area which started 
yesterday and is expected to end tomorrow. My question is one we have discussed 
numerous times …but if you will indulge me with your responses one more time. 
For me high humidity and rain seem to have a tremendous impact on how I feel. 
The banding in my legs feels twice as bad as normal…as do the numbness and pins 
and needles. Considering we have members in this group spread out throughout 
the country (other countries as well) I am interested in how weather and what 
type of weather (if any) makes TM worse for you.
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] shingles

2010-03-16 Thread Todd Tarno
I'm already taking Valtrex 500mg twice a day for my Herpetic Whitlow on my 
middle finger near the finger nail, very painful.  Maybe this is why I'm not 
having any problems with shingles. lol
Todd in CC, TX  ( where we're getting light rain. ya )

--- On Mon, 3/15/10, lynne myers wrote:

From: lynne myers
Subject: Re: [TMIC] shingles
To: tmic
Date: Monday, March 15, 2010, 6:17 AM

Yes I will probably get them again,  I have a course of Valtrex on hand at all 
times so I can start to treat them as soon as they pop up and don't have to 
wait to get into the doctor first.

--- On Sun, 3/14/10, Janice Nichols wrote:

Fw: Re: [TMIC] Re: Hope

2010-03-14 Thread Todd Tarno
I had really bad headaches 24/7 until I got on neurontin in the begining.  Had 
them again for 5 days when I stopped neurontin 1,800 mg daily ( down from 3,600 
mg ) and started on Lyrica 300 mg daily cold turkey.  My doctor told me I 
wouldn't have any problems.  I wouldn't do it that way again.  I believe I 
could have weenied off of one while starting the new medication, but I still 
don't know how to do that. lol

--- On Sat, 3/13/10, Gary Thomas wrote:

From: Gary Thomas
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Hope
To: Pieter and Heather, jrushton, j ra, tmic
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 9:48 PM

#yiv1120520701 v\3a* {

#yiv1120520701 v\3a* {

I wonder about this also.  What surgery would help?  Does a medical person not 
familiar with TM think it is an ongoing inflammation continuing to do damage?  
Not sure if I have heard of headaches as a result of TM, but spasms, yes, and, 
of course bladder and bowel dysfunction due to TM.  The girl could be helped by 
thereapy but, again, what is the surgery for?

- Original Message - 
From: Pieter and Heather 
To: jrushton ; j ra ; tmic 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Hope

I have a question.  In the write up it says this young girl needs surgery.  I'm 
wondering what type of surgery will help her.  Also this statement doesn't make 
sense to me from the article She said if her daughter’s condition remains 
untreated paralysis could become permanent and in a few cases transverse 
myelitis has been fatal, travelling to the upper body and paralysing the heart, 
lungs and other vital organs.
I am wondering how it can now travel to the upper body and paralyze heart lungs 
etc if the original damage is already done?  
Am I reading this wrong? 
Just wondering is all. 
I'm sorry to hear of any child who has to join the ranks of us with TM.
Heather in Calgary 

- Original Message - 
From: jrushton 
To: j ra ; tmic 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Hope

 Do they have Shriner's or have they called them because they will always help 
when it comes to a child.  Also, St. Judes.  Gosh, it would be wonderful if one 
of them would come thru for her!!  Jeanne in Dayton, WA

---Original Message---

From: j ra
Date: 3/12/2010 3:45:15 PM
To:;;  Transverse Myelytis
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re: Hope
 Hi everyone,
I have to ask a favour. This is a case that I'm personally getting involved 
with and I need some help. It's a pediatric case and I need some advice as to 
the best place for the child to receive care. Please read the article.




Paralysed girl needs $1.9m for surgery
Julien Neaves
Monday, March 8th 2010

SERIOUS CONDITION: Christa Brumant at her home in Tunapuna last week. -Photo: 

ON SEPTEMBER 19 last year then nine-year-old Christa Brumant awoke at about 6 
a.m. with terrible abdominal pains and was taken to hospital. Five hours later 
Christa was paralysed from the waist down. 
’She said ’mummy I can’t walk’,’ her mother, Ramona Eligon, recalled. 
Christa spent 47 days at Mt Hope Paediatric Hospital where doctors diagnosed 
her with a condition called transverse myelitis, a rare neurological disorder 
caused by inflammation of a segment of the spinal cord. 
Her family is attempting to raise $1.9 million for medical treatment and 
rehabilitative therapy at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Kennedy Krieger 
Institute in Maryland, USA for May 4. 
When the Express visited their Tunapuna home last week, Christa, now 10, was 
sitting in the wheelchair that she has been confined to since September. 

She was checking out a Barbie Girls website and later raised her hands in 
triumph that she was a ’VIP’ on the site. She was not in any visible pain 
during the interview. 
Eligon said her daughter has no feeling from the waist down but suffers from 
painful muscle spasms daily, at times so severe that she would stiffen and fall 
off the chair. 
Her other symptoms include daily headaches, back pain so severe that it keeps 
her awake for hours, nausea and acute bladder and bowel dysfunction. Eligon is 
extremely worried that her daughter is unable to defecate for days sometimes, 
which could lead to a build-up of toxins and further complicate her medical 
She said if her daughter’s condition remains untreated paralysis could become 
permanent and in a few cases transverse myelitis has been fatal, travelling to 
the upper body and paralysing the heart, lungs and other vital organs. 
The family has been able to raise $35,000 so far and has applied for the Health 
Ministry medical grant of US$10,000 for children requiring medical treatment 
abroad. The Education Ministry has provided a personal aide 


2010-02-19 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Amanda,
I believe you will need a PT person to set it up for you.  To show you where to 
put the pad on your legs muscle  at what strength, each person is different  
each unit might be too.  The place were you put the pad will not change once 
you find the right placement for your leg muscles. 
I had my set for me and did use it for the first 2 years.  I didn't see any 
improvements at that time and put it away for when I would be able to use it 
again, once I started getting new feeling again.
I did loan it out to a friend without marking all the settings and he set it to 
massage his back for back pain.  Once I was ready to start using it again, I 
read the book  asked my new PT to help re-setup my settings.  No one was able 
to help me, so I give back to my friend that's able to get more use out of it 
than me at this time.
They're wonderful machines, when use correctly,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Amanda Diskey wrote:

From: Amanda Diskey
Subject: [TMIC] TENS/EMS Unit
Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 2:50 PM

I know I don't write in often, but I have a question about using my EMS unit. 
What are the settings supposed to be in order to get a good muscle contraction? 
I don't think I am doing it right! Thanks

Re: [TMIC] Being part of the Group

2010-02-17 Thread Todd Tarno
Here is the link to all the support groups for TM.
At the bottom of the list is United Kingdom.
Hope this helps,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
United Kingdom 

Transverse Myelitis Society
Gayle's Devic's Syndrome and NMO Support Group

--- On Tue, 2/16/10, I Whiddett wrote:

From: I Whiddett
Subject: [TMIC] Being part of the Group
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 2:42 AM

I'd like to say thanks for welcoming me to the group.  Friends and relatives 
are kind and supportive but have no knowledge of the condition and it's hard to 
explain what I am experiencing as I have never known anything like it before.  
Do you have many UK members?
Best wishes

Re: [TMIC] Being part of the Group

2010-02-17 Thread Todd Tarno
Yes it is.

TM Selbsthilfegruppe Deutschland 

--- On Wed, 2/17/10, bobby jim wrote:

From: bobby jim
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Being part of the Group
To: Todd Tarno, I Whiddett
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 5:28 PM

There is also a support group in Germany, fronted by Ursula Mauro.
Is that included.

- Original Message - 
From: Todd Tarno 
To: I Whiddett 
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 15:38
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Being part of the Group

Here is the link to all the support groups for TM.
At the bottom of the list is United Kingdom.
Hope this helps,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
United Kingdom 

Transverse Myelitis Society 
Gayle's Devic's Syndrome and NMO Support Group

--- On Tue, 2/16/10, I Whiddett wrote:

From: I Whiddett
Subject: [TMIC] Being part of the Group
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 2:42 AM

I'd like to say thanks for welcoming me to the group.  Friends and relatives 
are kind and supportive but have no knowledge of the condition and it's hard to 
explain what I am experiencing as I have never known anything like it before.  
Do you have many UK members?
Best wishes

Re: [TMIC] TENS/EMS sale at OT Wholesale

2010-01-30 Thread Todd Tarno

Thanks for the information, Candy.
I have a friend that could use this, 
but I'm unable to find the website.
The webpage cannot be found
The webpage cannot be found
If anyone can tell me, what I'm doing wrong, that would be great.
Thanks for your time  help with this,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 1/27/10, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] TENS/EMS sale at OT Wholesale
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 12:32 PM

Just to let anyone interested - OT Wholesale is having a sale.  I just 
purchased a TENS/EMS unit for 69.99 - no sales tax and not shipping charges.  

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

[TMIC] Fw: Join MPP's online social networking revolution

2010-01-21 Thread Todd Tarno
Here is a good site, if you want to work for your state.
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX  

--- On Fri, 10/19/07, Marijuana Policy Project wrote:

From: Marijuana Policy Project
Subject: Join MPP's online social networking revolution
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Friday, October 19, 2007, 9:31 AM

Marijuana Policy Project Alert
   October 19, 2007 

Join MPP's online social networking revolution  
Dear Todd Tarno:
One of the easiest — and most fun — ways you can promote marijuana policy 
reform is to get active in the world of online social networking.
Not only are the popular social networking sites a great way to show your 
support for MPP, but you can also subscribe to our blogs and receive daily 
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You can get active with MPP on the following sites:

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new/future dues-paying members are willing to donate.
Together, one person at a time, our work is paying off. On behalf of all of us 
at MPP, thank you for standing with us in this fight.

Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

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Fw: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine

2009-12-19 Thread Todd Tarno
Look into Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs
Many of the major drug manufacturers are offering assistance programs for 
people enrolled in Medicare Part D.
You can find out whether a Patient Assistance Program is offered by the 
manufacturers of the drugs you take by visiting our Pharmaceutical Assistance 
Program site. 
This is from .
Hope this help,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 12/18/09, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine
To: tmic-list
Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 10:44 PM

#yiv1955996367 p {margin:0;}

I don't think that they sell duloxetine here in the US.  I found this Canadian 
I can't remember if we can or can not buy prescription drugs from Canada - 
thanks to BIG PHARMA!  If you go this website notice the prices on the generic 
duloxetine and Cymbalta.  Cymbalta for one month is $9 more than I have to pay 
on Medicare Part D!
Also, look at this website -   It 
explains why duloxetine isn't sold here in the US - thanks BIG PHARMA  FDA - 
they do (not) work for the people - only the few!
The doughnut hole is that point in Medicare Part D where drugs are NOT paid 
for, in part, by insurance.  I also thnk that it is being raised from the $2500 
to $3200 threshold for 2010.   

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: Priscilla Keene
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:00:57 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine

I have the same donut and cymbalta problem.  I've never heard of the 
generic--is it available here?
Priscilla (snowed in in TN)

Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 7:35:57 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine

Has anyone used the generic Duloxetine? Canada lists this as a generic and at 
half the price.  Wondering if I should try this during the doughnut hole 
problems - almost $1100 for all meds during this period.

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

Re: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine

2009-12-19 Thread Todd Tarno
Sorry everyone, after looking up Cymbalta, it was not one of the drugs that's 
on this site.
I have heard that some drug company will help once you hit the donut hole.  The 
ones that do help, you can send in the form once you're at $1,000 before you 
get to the donut hole.
Sorry I can't help with Cymbalta,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 12/19/09, Todd Tarno wrote:

From: Todd Tarno
Subject: Fw: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine
Date: Saturday, December 19, 2009, 2:25 PM

Look into Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs
Many of the major drug manufacturers are offering assistance programs for 
people enrolled in Medicare Part D.
You can find out whether a Patient Assistance Program is offered by the 
manufacturers of the drugs you take by visiting our Pharmaceutical Assistance 
Program site. 
This is from .
Hope this help,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 12/18/09, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine
To: tmic-list
Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 10:44 PM

#yiv775078313 #yiv1955996367 p {margin:0;}

I don't think that they sell duloxetine here in the US.  I found this Canadian 
I can't remember if we can or can not buy prescription drugs from Canada - 
thanks to BIG PHARMA!  If you go this website notice the prices on the generic 
duloxetine and Cymbalta.  Cymbalta for one month is $9 more than I have to pay 
on Medicare Part D!
Also, look at this website -   It 
explains why duloxetine isn't sold here in the US - thanks BIG PHARMA  FDA - 
they do (not) work for the people - only the few!
The doughnut hole is that point in Medicare Part D where drugs are NOT paid 
for, in part, by insurance.  I also thnk that it is being raised from the $2500 
to $3200 threshold for 2010.   

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

- Original Message -
From: Priscilla Keene
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:00:57 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine

I have the same donut and cymbalta problem.  I've never heard of the 
generic--is it available here?
Priscilla (snowed in in TN)

Sent: Fri, December 18, 2009 7:35:57 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Cymbalta generic Duloxetine

Has anyone used the generic Duloxetine? Canada lists this as a generic and at 
half the price.  Wondering if I should try this during the doughnut hole 
problems - almost $1100 for all meds during this period.

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

Re: [TMIC] Lynn Rose is in the hospital

2009-12-16 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Bill, Thanks for the update on Lynn.
Please let her know that we'll are praying for a speedy recovery  feeling 
better soon.
This makes for a new meaning of All I want for Christmas is my two front 
teeth. to All I want for Christmas is my stint.
Hope Ya'll have a wonderful Christmas,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Wed, 12/16/09, wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] Lynn Rose is in the hospital
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 12:06 PM

Just a quick note to report that Lynn is in the hospital - she had a heart 
attack on Monday because of blockage in the branch feeding the back of the 
heart.  They did an immediate heart cath and placed a stint. 
Lynn is doing better and is scheduled to be released Thursday.  There was some 
doubt to a Thursday release because of a rise in her temperature yesterday - 
now back to normal.
Thanks in advance for your prayer support  - she loves and appreciates you all.
She should be the next one you hear from, the Good Lord Willing.

Thank You  God Bless ~ Bill

Re: [TMIC] Raffle Winner

2009-12-16 Thread Todd Tarno
I want to Thank Gunny  Kevin for doing this raffle.
I'm very honored to own one of Kevin's crafted cane.
Happy Holiday to everyone,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX
TM since April 1, 2002

--- On Wed, 12/16/09, wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] Raffle Winner
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 8:55 AM

Todd Tarno was the winner of the Cane with the number 980.

Re: [TMIC] medicare and chiros

2009-11-15 Thread Todd Tarno

Chiropractic Services (limited) 

Helps correct a subluxation (when one or more of the bones of your spine move 
out of position) using manipulation of the spine. You pay 20% of the 
Medicare-approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies 
This is from the medicare 2010 booklet on page 27.
My co-pay is $10 per visit, I'm going weekly  it really help a lot.
Hope this helps,  Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sun, 11/15/09, Krissy wrote:

From: Krissy
Subject: [TMIC] medicare and chiros
To: TM List
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 8:36 AM

This is the specialty list I saw: 

Choose one Specialty Type: 

Anesthesiologist Assistant

Audiology *

Nurse - Anesthetist

Nurse - Clinical Specialist

Nurse - Midwife

Nurse - Practitioner

Nutrition Services


Physician Assistant

Psychology - Billing Independently *

Psychology - Clinical

Social Work

Speech Language Pathologist

Therapy - Occupational *

Therapy - Physical *** Note: The majority of healthcare professionals with the 
specialties displayed participate in Medicare. This means they agree to accept 
mandatory assignment in all claims. These healthcare professionals may only 
bill you your share of the costs (deductible and coinsurance amounts). Medicare 
pays them directly. There are some exceptions. They are marked with an * 
above. Please contact these Other Healthcare Professionals to determine whether 
or not they accept assignment.

then I looked just under physiciansrather than speacialtyand there they 
were!! yay!!! I'm definately going back !

We are all in this together, by ourselves.
- Lily Tomlin

~I'm In pretty Good Shape 
For the Shape I am in~

Re: [TMIC] Feet to Hands problems/solutions?

2009-09-30 Thread Todd Tarno
Now when those conditions occurs, if anything on my plate needs cutting I pick 
it up and eat it with my hands.  Sure cuts down on going out to eat in public.

I will go out in public with you anytime.  We can do fried chicken, ribs, corn 
on the cob or even a nice juicy steak.
Get out when you can,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, CANDIS KALLEY wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] Feet to Hands problems/solutions?
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:10 AM

OK, we've explored the different problems of TM with the feet/legs/toes.  Now, 
how many of you have your hands cramp up into weird positions or lock around 
something or lock into a clintch and not be able to get your hands to relax 
into normal positions.

When I'm eating, my hands will clintch around the silverware.  There have been 
times where I'm trying to cut something on my plate and BOTH hands clintch 
around the silverware; the only thing I can do is try to pull the silverware 
pieces out by my mouth then try to unclintch my hands with my mouth, or sit on 
my hands or try yoga breathing techniques to relax.  This seems to happen if 
I'm tired or too hot/cold. Now when those conditions occurs, if anything on my 
plate needs cutting I pick it up and eat it with my hands.  Sure cuts down on 
going out to eat in public.

Has anyone bought the special silverware where the handles are bigger?  Did it 

To me, the pain from hands cramping/spasming is MUCH worse than my feet/toes or 
legs, at least I have my hands to unclutch toes, or grab my feet or leg and 
talk to the offending part  (which seems to help).

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! 
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably . 
And never regret anything that made you smile.

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,

Candy K.

Re: [TMIC] Feet

2009-09-29 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Janice,
Both of my feet turn inward.  My walk is more scissors walk.
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Mon, 9/28/09, Janice wrote:

From: Janice
Subject: [TMIC] Feet
Date: Monday, September 28, 2009, 9:47 PM

Hello All,
I was wondering if any of you had one or both feet that wants to turn out.    
My right foot leans to the right instead
of walking straight.    When I straighten it, it feels like I am walking 
pigeon-toed.    Do any of you have something
like that?
Janice, Missouri

Fw: RE: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?

2009-09-28 Thread Todd Tarno
Just got a new PT and we were talking about my PFO braces.
She said that it would help to have a size bigger, 1/2 to full size bigger, and 
a wide shoe.  With the braces taken up space and with the swelling of our feet, 
this could help ALL of us with comfort of our shoes.
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 9/26/09, Patricia Cooley wrote:

From: Patricia Cooley
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 11:57 AM

Hi Linda:
I talked to my friend that has severe neuropathy in her feet and legs about her 
shoes.  The one place she remembers is .  She dealt with quite 
a few different companies and tried on many, many shoes before she found 
something that fit.  She is a tall gal and her feet are very swollen and needs 
a size 12 extra wide which many places don’t carry.  She will check her paper 
work to see if there were any others and I will let you know.
Patti - Wisconsin

Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:04 PM
To: 'TMIC-LIST'; Patricia Cooley
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?

Oh that sounds great Patti.  You guys are just a wealth of knowledge!  Thank 


Linda - Idaho

- Original Message - 

From: Patricia Cooley 


Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:42 AM

Subject: RE: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?

I have a dear friend that has terrible neuropathy in her feet and lower legs.  
Since her feet tend to swell and she wears a large size she couldn’t find shoes 
that fit.  It goggled “shoe for people with neuropathy and found a number of 
website that do sell shoes for people with problem feet.  Check it out.  She 
even found one has free shipping and if the shoe doesn’t fit you can return and 
they pay the return shipping costs.  I will check with her which site that was 
and let you know.
Patti - Wisconsin

Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:15 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Comfortable Shoes Anyone?

This topic has come up before, but of course I can't remember what I learned at 
the time.


Has anybody found a pair of shoes that are really comfortable?  You know, good 
ones that can actually touch our nerve burning feet without pulling our hair 
out.  I wore my sandals all last winter in the snow.  I just can't stand to 
have shoes touch the tops of my feet.


If you've found good ones, what brand and where do you find them?  


A big thank you to all


Linda - Eagle, ID

Fw: Re: [TMIC] need advice

2009-09-13 Thread Todd Tarno
I heard that there is plum juice in Dr. Pepper.  Does that help?
Be a Pepper, I'm a Pepper, Are you a Pepper too?
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sat, 9/12/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] need advice
To: Linda,
Date: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 4:17 PM

I am scheduled to see our medical doctor next week, but thought maybe someone 
might have some ideas to help me till then.


You missed my E-mail:

Metamucil at least once a day. Follow the direction.

H2O- Water at least a liter (Quart) every day. Coffee  Tea don't count!!

Mineral oil: One Tablespoonful every day, orally!

Prunes one a day or every other day, orally.  There is now a plum drink that 
may work just as well.

I hope that helps


Re: [TMIC] able to move slightly

2009-08-24 Thread Todd Tarno
Jim, this is wonderful news.  I cried when I saw you really move YOUR thumb for 
the first time in over 20 years.  You're getting NEW feeling in your body.
Keep up the wonderful HARD work,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, Jim Lubin wrote:

From: Jim Lubin
Subject: [TMIC] able to move slightly
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 3:26 PM

The past two weeks I started feeling a tingling in my right lower back. When I 
feel this I am able to move my left thumb! It's been 20 yrs, 4 mos since I was 
paralyzed from the neck down due to TM. When I recline the tingling stops and I 
can not move my thumb no matter how much I try to.

To show that I was actually moving and not just having involuntary twitching, I 
had my nurse tell me when to move and I moved it. Here is the video

Jim Lubin 
disAbility Resources:

Re: [TMIC] Re. The banding Belly swell

2009-08-14 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Ken,
Right after TM hit me, my belly swell so big, it looked like I was pregnant 
with twins with no added weight.  It took a few years for the swelling to go 
down and now I have beer belly of true weight of 25 lbs.
My PT thinks my core muscle are still weak.  Once they get stronger and/or lose 
the weight, my belly will go down.
More exercises for me,  
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Kenneth Oliver wrote:

From: Kenneth Oliver
Subject: [TMIC] Re. The banding
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 10:39 PM

Those of you who have questions about the banding of Tm.. I was in the hospital 
for nine weeks during this 
time The band around  my belly felt like a band of steel holding me down. At 
the same my belly went fro 36 to 55
inches even though I lost 30 lbs.  It was 1981 that got this, for several years 
I had a band of pain that got worse
if I tried to lay on my back.  At times my waist could swell up in a matter of 
minutes, this was always when
I had a nervous reaction.  The constant pain lasted for ten years plus.  Even 
now after 29 yrs I still have it once in awhile, and my belly swells up at the 
same time. Many times it may only take an hour after some nervous
reaction,  I have never been able to get any medical relief..

Re: [TMIC] Arthur passed on 3/20/09

2009-08-14 Thread Todd Tarno
Hi Dee, my sympathy goes out to you  your family.
Hope it's OK for me to share this e-mail with the TMIC.
I didn't remember hearing about Arthur's passing, but I don't remember a lot of 
things lately.
Exercises are 10 times harder for people with TM, so it's very hard for us to 
continue doing it without a PT.  Even when you do it at home by yourself 
everyday and see little or no improvements, it's very hard to continue doing it 
at all.
Glad we where able to help you in your time of need.
Our prays are with you  your family,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Delores Storey wrote:

From: Delores Storey
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #796
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 9:16 PM

You were a great help to us. My husband Arthur could really relate to the 
symptoms and concerns of the members of the group. I learned a lot. People took 
the time to communicate personaly. When I was told by a new neuro when we moved 
to a new area that Arthur did not have Transverse Myelitis I knew in my heart 
that he was so wrong in giving him that diagnosis. Arthur was eventually put 
into hospice care at home. He passed away 3/20/09. In the end he could no 
longer ambulate at all. He was always so resistant to physical therapy. He 
would never do it on his own. Thank you all for all you did for us. 

From: Todd Tarno
To: Delores Storey
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:08:04 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #796

To unsubscribe: write to with the SUBJECT 
unsubscribe (without quotes). It doesn't matter what is in the message. It's 
automated. Anything else is ignored.
Sorry to see you go, but we'll be here if you need us again,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 8/12/09, Delores Storey wrote:

From: Delores Storey
Subject: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #796
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 8:36 PM

Please remove from the list. Thank you


Re: [TMIC] question

2009-08-11 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Kevin,
Just think about the extra weight you're caring around when you're 
constipated.  LOL
Also, remember that it's help to drink a lot of water and to be able to do 
standing exercises.  I understand this is harder for most of us, but any 
exercises is better than none.  I have found that any exercises with the legs 
even in a chair and even better if you able to stand up does help with a good 
bowel movement.
May we'll feel better today,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

From: Kevin Wolfthal
Subject: [TMIC] question
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 4:16 PM

Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
worse, such as spasms?


RE: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare

2009-08-10 Thread Todd Tarno
Thanks for the information Lori,
I'm just going by what the reception told me at the MRI place.
They had already had me into a hospital gown  but in my IV and then told me 
that, if I had Medicare, it would be my primary and that I had to have a nurse 
on site for Medicare to pay.  I had to leave the MRI place in my hospital gown 
with my IV still in and go to the hospital to have my MRI there.
This was a nightmare, lol
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Thu, 8/6/09, Lori Biehler wrote:

From: Lori Biehler
Subject: RE: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare
To: 'Todd Tarno',, 'Laurie 
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 2:23 PM

Sorry Todd,
I have been on Medicare for 10 years and it is my secondary. Not sure of your 
circumstance, but it is not ALWAYS primary. I am on SSDI and am not over 65.

From: Todd Tarno [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:12 PM
To:; Laurie Zissimos
Subject: Re: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare

Hi Laurie,

I found out the hard way that Medicare is ALWAYS primary.

I too, tried to keep my COBRA  Medicare, but when I went to get a MRI, they 
told me that Medicare was primary.  When I tried to get back my COBRA payments, 
they wouldn't return the payments and didn't want to pay for my medications for 
that month.  So, I had to tell them either return my COBRA payments or pay for 
my medications, which are over $3,000 a month.  They paid for the medications.  
Thanks goodness.

I don't remember what Part B is.

I do think you will need Part D for medications.  Since you already using Blue 
Cross and you like them.  I would stay with them with Part D.  I would talk to 
Blue Cross to see they can help you find a plan that works for you.

Hope this helps a little,

Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 8/4/09, Laurie Zissimos wrote:

From: Laurie Zissimos
Subject: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare
Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 5:46 PM

see below


-Original Message-
From: Laurie Zissimos
Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 6:31 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] healthcare

Maybe you can help me.  I was diagnosed with TM in Dec 2005 and went on SSDI  a 
year and a half later.  This September I have to enroll in Medicare and I don't 
know whether or not to get Part B/D at this time.  I am on my husband's COBRA 
until January unless I file for an extension which I may do since I have that 
option being disabled.  It's pretty expensive, but Its Blue Cross and they have 
covered almost all of my medical exp since the diagnosis.  Our Blue Cross plan 
is a PPO so we don't need precerts/pre auths.  It makes it much easier seeing 
specialists.  He also has another plan through a part time employer but I don't 
think the benies are that great.  My first question is whether or not I should 
sign up for Part B, Part B Advantaged, or Part B and D.  I am trying not to 
lose the BlueCross, but I also don't know which of the new health coverages 
would be primary, secondary! or other.  Is Medicare always considered primary 
or is it
 secondary??  Laurie


-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 6:14 pm
Subject: [TMIC] healthcare


   I have been on social security disability since 1996,5 months after getting 
tm.I was 49 (now I'm 63).I have a medicare hmo health plan.I have had this 
since cobra ran out.I pay $173 a month.My dr visits are $10,a specialist $20.I 
have a deductable of $100 per day if hospitalized (for the 1st 8 days).It 
also includes the part d to help pay for meds,but I get many of my meds at 
walmart for $10 for a 90 day supply.The others I get for 90 days through 
express scripts.I'm sure that on Jan 1st the cost will go up and the benefits 
will change.

   I pay out of pocket over $4000 a year for insurance and meds.Thank God I had 
long term disability insurance when tm hit me.I get a total of 60% of what I 
was earning in 1995.

  I live in Mass.,where you must have some type of medical insurance,or you pay 
a penalty when you file taxes.My ex husband paid $600 this year for not having 
health insurance last year. I finally got him to get medicare when he turned 65 
in March.Now if I could convince him to insure his house!

   Well,I don't post often,but I'm sure wordy when I do!

   My best wishes to everyone,

 Cheryl in HOT Easthampton,MA.



Re: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare

2009-08-06 Thread Todd Tarno

Hi Laurie,
I found out the hard way that Medicare is ALWAYS primary.
I too, tried to keep my COBRA  Medicare, but when I went to get a MRI, they 
told me that Medicare was primary.  When I tried to get back my COBRA payments, 
they wouldn't return the payments and didn't want to pay for my medications for 
that month.  So, I had to tell them either return my COBRA payments or pay for 
my medications, which are over $3,000 a month.  They paid for the medications.  
Thanks goodness.
I don't remember what Part B is.
I do think you will need Part D for medications.  Since you already using Blue 
Cross and you like them.  I would stay with them with Part D.  I would talk to 
Blue Cross to see they can help you find a plan that works for you.
Hope this helps a little,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 8/4/09, Laurie Zissimos wrote:

From: Laurie Zissimos
Subject: Fwd: [TMIC] healthcare
Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 5:46 PM

see below

-Original Message-
From: Laurie Zissimos
Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 6:31 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] healthcare

Maybe you can help me.  I was diagnosed with TM in Dec 2005 and went on SSDI  a 
year and a half later.  This September I have to enroll in Medicare and I don't 
know whether or not to get Part B/D at this time.  I am on my husband's COBRA 
until January unless I file for an extension which I may do since I have that 
option being disabled.  It's pretty expensive, but Its Blue Cross and they have 
covered almost all of my medical exp since the diagnosis.  Our Blue Cross plan 
is a PPO so we don't need precerts/pre auths.  It makes it much easier seeing 
specialists.  He also has another plan through a part time employer but I don't 
think the benies are that great.  My first question is whether or not I should 
sign up for Part B, Part B Advantaged, or Part B and D.  I am trying not to 
lose the BlueCross, but I also don't know which of the new health coverages 
would be primary, secondary! or other.  Is Medicare always considered primary 
or is it
 secondary??  Laurie

-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 6:14 pm
Subject: [TMIC] healthcare

   I have been on social security disability since 1996,5 months after getting 
tm.I was 49 (now I'm 63).I have a medicare hmo health plan.I have had this 
since cobra ran out.I pay $173 a month.My dr visits are $10,a specialist $20.I 
have a deductable of $100 per day if hospitalized (for the 1st 8 days).It 
also includes the part d to help pay for meds,but I get many of my meds at 
walmart for $10 for a 90 day supply.The others I get for 90 days through 
express scripts.I'm sure that on Jan 1st the cost will go up and the benefits 
will change.
   I pay out of pocket over $4000 a year for insurance and meds.Thank God I had 
long term disability insurance when tm hit me.I get a total of 60% of what I 
was earning in 1995.
  I live in Mass.,where you must have some type of medical insurance,or you pay 
a penalty when you file taxes.My ex husband paid $600 this year for not having 
health insurance last year. I finally got him to get medicare when he turned 65 
in March.Now if I could convince him to insure his house!
   Well,I don't post often,but I'm sure wordy when I do!
   My best wishes to everyone,
 Cheryl in HOT Easthampton,MA.

Re: [TMIC] Fw: hopkins visit

2009-07-22 Thread Todd Tarno
 Is this all standard testing or do I freak out now? 
Please don't freak out, until you get the results back and even then, there are 
people on this list that do live with more than just TM.  They will let you 
know things that have worked for them.  When you find out anything, please let 
us know, so we may help you with that.
Any of the PT is always good.  Once you get a PT, they will start your 
exercising at your level at that time  your exercising will change as your 
level gets better.
BIG Hugs,
Todd in CC,TX

--- On Wed, 7/22/09, Amanda Diskey wrote:

From: Amanda Diskey
Subject: [TMIC] Fw: hopkins visit
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 6:06 AM

- Forwarded Message 
From: Amanda Diskey
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:04:48 AM
Subject: hopkins visit

Hey everyone! I just got back from Hopkins a couple of days ago, and I have a 
couple of questions. First, I have 2 places on my spine C5-T2 and T9-T10 so he 
is testing me for NMO, ADEM and some others too I think, like lupus. What the 
hell is that? I looked it up and still didn't understand.  Is this all standard 
testing or do I freak out now? How long will it take them to find out once I 
get the blood drawn? It has been almost a year now since my attack (August 
11th). Has anyone else seen Dr. Vankatesan? That is who I seen, and I really 
wanted to meet Dr. Kerr, but the only person I got to meet was the lady that 
scanned my eyes! Anyway, he wants me to go to Shepherds and ride the FES Bike, 
has anyone done this and gotten good results? I looked on Shepherds website and 
they have a clinical trial with different robotic and manual locomotor 
training?, over ground gait training?, intense resistance and plyometric 
training?, and development
 sequencing?, and estim are being used to help with recovery, strengthening, 
spasm relief and you have to be at least one year post injury. I believe it is 
called the Beyond Therapy Program. What do you all think about these kinds of 
exercise programs? Has anyone tried anything like this? I am willing to try 
anything! Thanks for listening! Hope everyone is doing well and having a 
wonderful week:)

Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain

2009-07-17 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Randy,
You talked about chest pains.  
You may need to see a chiropractic for a pinched nerve.
When I was 5, I failed from the top of a slide to the ground head first.  It 
wasn't until I was 15 that I was having 3 mild  1 that put me to my knees 
chest pain a day.  All the doctors would say is that I couldn't be a weight 
body builder.  I could had told my parents that for the $500.  At this point I 
was ready to commit suicide.  
My step-father came home one day and said,  We could try a chiropractor.  When 
I did see a chiropractor, he had me stand and bend left and then bend 
right.  Standing behind me and pointing to the front of my body.  He then said, 
You are hurting here  here in all 4 spots.  He was right on all 4 spots.
It did take some time to get fully better, but I did feel better after the 
first visit.
Hope this helped,  Hope you find out what IT is, 
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 7/14/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 4:04 PM

Hi Ella, its interesting that you commented of pain below ribs. For years I 
have had an electric shocking sensation in the front left ribs near sternum and 
towards the bottom. Just before the TM diagnoses in 05 I had been having 
horrific chest pains that would sometimes put me to the floor. A full cardio 
exam consisting of everything from EKG to nuclear dye revealed a perfect heart 
of a four year old and the best heart rythym and blood pressure among my 
contemporaries and even better than the average teen. No cause was discovered 
for the pain but a suggestion of pulled muscles. The pain had been a 
consistent and growing manifestation since age 19. 
After the TM diagnose (the actually language in the lit on my case was 
multiple myelopothy ... with a presentatipn of transverse myelopothy. In O6 
the diagnoses was confirmed transverse myelopthy resulting in bladder 
disfunction ... reduction in motor function ... and sensory anomolies with 
parasenthis (spelling). 
However even my neuro was baffled by the electric pain in my chest but felt it 
was neuropathic in nature. 
Befor 05 the pattern was specific but since 05 the chest pain is irregular in 
location and occassionally but rarely also strikes in my back. I sometimes 
think that I'm having a heart attack and mentally think, this is the big one! 
Elizabeth, I'm coming home!. 
I had a series of chest pains followed by the first facial pains ever  just 
before my last major episodes last fall and started again with them a few weeks 
ago followed soon by a return of the lighting strikes in my soles of my feet 
and down my right leg and the return of face pain. Tegretal and neurotin 
cleared the face pain up in just days but not the low back, leg or chest pains. 
Curiosly, I recently started having the same shock like sensations in my back 
neck. This is a first experience but not that painful just enough to catch me 
off guard. After those little funny jolts my shoulders feel sore and brused 
like as if I've had a intense work out about 3 days ago. I also notice that my 
right arm from shoulder to hand feels heavier and my legs feel weighed down as 
if bags of sand are tied to them. 
Eventhough the chest pain has been among my first and biggest complaints it is 
totally shurged off by all the specialists. As for the other experiences my 
main neuro calls them textbook presentation of classic m.s. and then becomes 
frustrated by the lack of supportive data from all of the test results. So its 
a big mystery to me. 
--Original Message--
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Nerve Pain
Sent: Jul 14, 2009 3:34 PM

Sorry about just getting back to you guys but my pain was from the bottom of my 
ribs down and they were a cortisone shot. 

Summer concert season is here! Find your favorite artists on tour at .

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: [TMIC] pam

2009-07-09 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Dan,
Thanks for sharing about Pam's dates, yes they are odd  even, but even that it 
was the same numbers as 9/9  6/6. lol
Have a wonderful time with the kids, know that Pam will be with all of you 
having FUN too.
The heart earrings on her license plate next to your computer that you will SEE 
every day was a wonderful ideal.  I know Pam would had like it too. lol
Thanks for the wonderful update  don't worry about spelling, 
BIG Hugs, Todd in CC, TX  TIAD - for Pam

--- On Tue, 7/7/09, wrote:

Subject: [TMIC] pam
Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 7:30 PM

SEPT. 9  1951   JUNE 6   2009

Looking for love this summer? Find it now on AOL Personals.


2009-07-02 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Cindy,
This center is WONDERFUL.  
I would go every day or as many as I could handle.  lol
Thank you so much for sharing this site.
Be safe  keep working out,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

From: Cindy McLeroy
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???
To: Todd Tarno
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 3:00 PM

Todd, as you know taking care of our health issues sometimes is really the 
pits.  I am currently using a leg brace that has hinges at the knee so I can 
bend my leg when I am in the wheelchair - which is always!  Only problem is 
...  it's from a break in  2001.  Trying to get hold of the doctor has been 
crazy.  Turns out their phone system was out for 2 days.  Yesterday, I went 
over to the offices, only to find out the doc wasn't in for the day.  Looks 
like it will take till about Oct before I can get out of the brace.  Thank 
goodness it really doesn't change anything too much about my busy life style.
Thanks for asking.
I was reading your note about getting PT.  I live in So. Cal and have a 
Goodwill Fitness Center nearby.  It is completely set up for folks with all 
kinds of disabilities.  Everything is wheelchair accessible.  Para's and quads 
both can use just about everything.  All the trainers are great at evaluating 
each persons needs.  If you are interested in looking at it here is the 
website.  Maybe you can get something going in your area.

- Original Message - 
From: Todd Tarno 
To: Cindy McLeroy 
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???

Apparently I pushed my wheelchair out from under me and slid to the floor with 
my right foot twisted almost the way around.  
That happened to me too.  I have chair with wheels in my bathroom and I too 
reached down to pick something up off the floor and the chair went flying.  I 
was the only one home, my caregiver was in the hospital.  But I need find a way 
to get up and know that I can.
I'm so sorry to hear about your broken leg.
What is the update on your broken leg?
Hope Today is better,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

From: Cindy McLeroy
Subject: [TMIC] Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???
Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 6:09 PM

You'll be sorry you asked, it's kind of a long story.
I had time to kill on Sat before I went to a party, all dressed and ready to 
go.  I notice that the cleaning lady didn't clean as well as I thought around 
the bottom of the toilet so I bent over forward on my wheelchair bracing myself 
with one hand on the toilet. cleaning with the other.  Apparently I pushed my 
wheelchair out from under me and slid to the floor with my right foot twisted 
almost the way around.  When I went to bed that night my leg was doing a snap, 
crackle and pop noise.  Went to the ER the next day and the doctor said, Oh, 
your leg is broken.  Duh.
Anyhow, my frustration is dealing with the ER folks, my doctor and an Ortho.  
Seems all the Ortho's are booked.  I can't wait because I have (lucky for me) 
no sensation and the splint that is on my leg is moving around and I'm sure 
digging.  I want to avoid pressure sores.  Always something interesting with 
TM.  I think this is the fourth or fifth time I have broken one or the other of 
my legs.  Once I simply rolled over in bed and heard the crunch.

- Original Message - 
From: Jan Hargrove 
To: Cindy McLeroy ; Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: WHAT DID YOU DO???

What in the world did you do to break your leg???

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

And Sandy, how do you like the yellow medal plates that are being installed at 
the curb cutouts?  Supposedly they are meant for the blind so that their sticks 
feel the different surface.  I haven't talked to a blind person, a w/c user, or 
a fellow pushing grocery carts that like the danged things.  Caster wheels get 
caught in between the bumps. This change was a lawsuit that back fired.
Version Amphitheater in Irvine  has done an amazing job of raising a portion of 
the seating above the orchestra section so folks in wheelchairs can see the 
stage when the rest of the people below are standing.  Love it there.
One of the ADA limits has to do with cost.  If the modification is too costly 
and the building can show that, then they don't have to modify.  Also, if the 
building is historic, they don't have to modify.  
Cindy (sitting home waiting for an otho doctor to get me in with a very severe 
broken leg...been to emergency already and had a splint)
- Original Message - 

To: ; 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC


2009-06-30 Thread Todd Tarno
To unsubscribe: write to with the SUBJECT 
unsubscribe (without quotes). It doesn't matter what is in the message. It's 
automated. Anything else is ignored.

Sorry to see you go, but we will be here if you need to come back.
Talk to you later,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 6/30/09, Lesser, Stefanie J wrote:

From: Lesser, Stefanie J
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 11:13 AM

From: [] 
Sent:   Tuesday, June 30, 2009 2:24 AM 
Subject:    tmic-digest Digest V2009 #643 
  Message: Untitled Attachment    Message: [TMIC] Fwd: You can help find 
the cure for paralysis    Message: Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!  

Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

2009-06-30 Thread Todd Tarno
Chris will be a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine...
So, does this mean that you have your own private doctor now? LOL
I bet Chris is glad to be done. lol  Congratulation!!!
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Tue, 6/30/09, Trudy Ogilvie wrote:

From: Trudy Ogilvie
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!
To: Robert Pall
Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2009, 2:19 PM

That is the question of the day!!  I just wish somehow we would be able to tell 
when too much is too much..  It's been seven years of stop and go exercise. And 
who can really tell us that answer..   Yes, if my body would give me some 
indication that I should slow it down NO, NO
and we pay for days and then stop exercise. Rob I am 63 years young. I believe 
that exercise is a key to staying healthy... BUT I am s
frustrated. I work out on the machines at the gym then a swim... that was NOT 
good.  So choose my poison... swim or gym???  I've been doing some travelling 
lately and I am home after a week back on Long Island. Took me 7 hours to drive 
up... did I tell you Rob (no offense) but I HATE
the ^^%#**## New Jersey Turnpike  almost as much as I hate the %%$#@ Belt 
Pkwy...  It was a fantastic trip... and of course you have to party at least 
one or two nights. I worked my way from Islip, L.I. then to Mineola, then to 
Forest Hills, then to the BIG APPLE.  Then drove home to Va.
early Sat. morning only to hit horrendous traffic on a bridge just outside the 
Holland Tunnel.  I know this is too much info for everyone but your stuck with 
me and I want to share my blessings and my curses with this group!!  I have 
taken 1 and 1/2 Vicodin every day since I've been home. I'm getting ready for 
my trip next week to Phoenix for my son's graduation. BUT  my husband, my hero, 
will be with me and will take good care of me as will my four adult children. 
And we will be in one place all week. Chris will be a Doctor of Naturopathic 
Medicine... it's been a very long journey for him but he has accomplished his 
dream.  O.K I will put you all out of your misery with this t long 
e-mail.   take care!
Find the thing that stirs your heart
and make room for it.  Joan Chittister

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Robert Pall wrote:

    I refuse to even discuss the petty arguments and disagreements that 
seem to happens several times a year. To discuss them actually provides 
legitimacy to the discussion. Stop being so quick to argue and remember the 
purpose of the list. No one needs to take sides….if what is written does not 
apply or offers words you do not care for…just delete it!
    Do you ever think of how a new visitor to the site reacts to 
bickering….my guess is it turns them off…and that is a tragedy! If one member 
has a problem with what someone else says. why not try to just contact that 
person directly and not to the group as a whole. Remember we are all in this 
together and inevitably when these things occur the next thing that happens is 
we see the word unsubscribe. When one is in 24/7 pain and discomfort it is 
easy to pick a fight or disagreement…anything at all to avoid what is really 
the problem. TM
New topic: Exercise 
    Exercise….when is enough enough? 
    I tend to exercise in spurts….I am either following a regular routine 
or giving into my pain and discomfort and doing nothing at all!  I am not very 
good at knowing when I am overdoing it and therefore make the same mistakes 
over and over. After pretty much doing nothing for the past 6 months I am now 
back to swimming 3-4 times per week and I have never felt worse. My legs feel 
weighed down and I am walking far worse than normal. The level of discomfort 
and Pain are also off my charts. So what do I do….probably stop exercising and 
see if my legs feel better….that being said we have had horribly huimid,wet 
weather in the New York area the entire month of June…so I am not certain if 
the over exercising or the weather is making the TM flare up. Even after 12 
years I have not really learned to listen to my body….part of this is due to 
the fact that I am not in discomfort while exercising….but hours later it is as 
if my body is
 just realizing I over did it and I have to pay the price.
    My main exercise is swimming (and a little treadmill)….for the first 10 
years of TM I had far fewer breaks from the exercise routine …and then all of a 
sudden when I hit 60 I kinda gave up and threw in the towel….I kinda just quit. 
I felt hopeless and helpless…therefore I just started back on my routine…and so 
far the pain far outweighs the gain.
    I will attempt to introduce moderation to my exercise and try to 
remember I am closing in on 62 so I would guess non related TM problems are 
beginning to surface such as arthritis. I still have a lot on my plate…I drive 
80 miles a day to work and sometimes I am just so 

Re: [TMIC] Every now and then!

2009-06-30 Thread Todd Tarno
Hey Rob,
Remember that you're working too.  
Include the time you're at work walking, standing,  etc...  
I do PT twice a week with a trainer at home and now able to stand long enough 
to take the dishes from the sink to fill the dishwasher.  I still can't carry 
dishes into the kitchen, but now at least I can help fill the dishwasher. lol
I have found that sometime I need a new PT for new exercises  and new ideals. 
Keep up the exercises,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Mon, 6/29/09, Robert Pall wrote:

From: Robert Pall
Subject: [TMIC] Every now and then!
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 8:26 AM

    I refuse to even discuss the petty arguments and disagreements that 
seem to happens several times a year. To discuss them actually provides 
legitimacy to the discussion. Stop being so quick to argue and remember the 
purpose of the list. No one needs to take sides….if what is written does not 
apply or offers words you do not care for…just delete it!
    Do you ever think of how a new visitor to the site reacts to 
bickering….my guess is it turns them off…and that is a tragedy! If one member 
has a problem with what someone else says. why not try to just contact that 
person directly and not to the group as a whole. Remember we are all in this 
together and inevitably when these things occur the next thing that happens is 
we see the word unsubscribe. When one is in 24/7 pain and discomfort it is 
easy to pick a fight or disagreement…anything at all to avoid what is really 
the problem. TM
New topic: Exercise 
    Exercise….when is enough enough? 
    I tend to exercise in spurts….I am either following a regular routine 
or giving into my pain and discomfort and doing nothing at all!  I am not very 
good at knowing when I am overdoing it and therefore make the same mistakes 
over and over. After pretty much doing nothing for the past 6 months I am now 
back to swimming 3-4 times per week and I have never felt worse. My legs feel 
weighed down and I am walking far worse than normal. The level of discomfort 
and Pain are also off my charts. So what do I do….probably stop exercising and 
see if my legs feel better….that being said we have had horribly huimid,wet 
weather in the New York area the entire month of June…so I am not certain if 
the over exercising or the weather is making the TM flare up. Even after 12 
years I have not really learned to listen to my body….part of this is due to 
the fact that I am not in discomfort while exercising….but hours later it is as 
if my body is
 just realizing I over did it and I have to pay the price.
    My main exercise is swimming (and a little treadmill)….for the first 10 
years of TM I had far fewer breaks from the exercise routine …and then all of a 
sudden when I hit 60 I kinda gave up and threw in the towel….I kinda just quit. 
I felt hopeless and helpless…therefore I just started back on my routine…and so 
far the pain far outweighs the gain.
    I will attempt to introduce moderation to my exercise and try to 
remember I am closing in on 62 so I would guess non related TM problems are 
beginning to surface such as arthritis. I still have a lot on my plate…I drive 
80 miles a day to work and sometimes I am just so exhausted that the thought of 
a workout is something I cannot handle. That being said I do find that when I 
let myself get out of shape and gain addl. Weight I always feel worse…and I can 
assure you that this is not a vanity issue. 
    I would appreciate hearing from the group as to what exercises works 
for them…how do you know when you are over doing it? I am seeing Dr. Kerr on 
Weds and will pose the question to him…I have a feeling he will stress 
moderation and developing a routine that will keep my muscles from atrophying 
while a t the same time not exhausting me to the point of pain.
    OK…enough for now…let's get back on topic! 
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network

2009-06-28 Thread Todd Tarno
That won't happen again.
We do enjoy reading ALL of your e-mails.
I'm sadden that I'm unable to answer a few of your e-mails because of how TM 
has hit you.  But, you are right that this site doesn't have many quads, like 
you  Jim.  I'm amazed at ALL of your's e-mails.  What it must take just to 
write an e-mails.  Both of you DO write wonderful long e-mails.  I do treasure 
each  everyone of your e-mails. 
I have trouble keeping up with this site, 
more power to you to do more than one sit.
Just know ya'll do have a FAN,
Todd in Corpus Christi, TX

--- On Wed, 6/17/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 12:03 PM

First of all, I never said I PREFER the paraplegic/quadriplegic site. I said I 
IDENTIFY more. I feel as though I offended you by saying this. There are issues 
and concerns of being a quad they are not addressed in the TM site and I would 
imagine it's because most people on this site are not quadriplegics. I go where 
I can find the information that helps me. If I did not want to be on this site, 
I could simply delete it from my contacts. There is nothing holding me back. I 
have asked questions on here regarding autonomic dysflexia, only to have no one 
respond. Because I later found out that it's a medical condition for 
quadriplegics, so I went to the paraplegic/quadriplegic site to get the answers 
I needed. I'm sure Jim uses these sites, HE CREATED THEM! Where is his 
hostility?? He knew that there would be a need for additional information, and 
that's all it is, is additional information.
I have been a member of this site, since I came home from the hospital in 2006, 
but I am always looking for any and all information that could be of help to me 
(as I'm sure all of us would be). There are people that use this site that are 
also members on the Yahoo Transverse Myelitis site. Should they just pick one 
or the other.
I have met many people through this site, one who has become my best friend who 
has TM. I would not trade that for anything, but your e-mail makes me feel as 
though I am unwelcomed or a traitor of sorts. This brings me to tears. As I 
have poured my heart out on this site (reluctant to make my personal problems 
public), but felt comfortable enough to share with others who are, also 
suffering with relationship problems, pain and depression. That won't happen 

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, Jun 17, 2009 4:26 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Transverse Myelitis Network

Then what is holding you back?  Why don't you simply quit this site and use the 
other one that you say you prefer?  What's the big deal?

In a message dated 6/15/2009 2:11:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I am also a member of the paraplegic/quadriplegic website that Jim has started. 
Although I have TM, which left me a quadriplegic, I identify more with the 
members of the paraplegic quadriplegic site then with the members of the TM 
C-4 Quadriplegic, since July 2, 2005
Due to Transverse Myelitis

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Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times

2009-06-27 Thread Todd Tarno
I too am a little chatter box when people ask about TM.
My problem is what to say by age and not knowing how much detail they are 
interested in TM, so they don't get bored. lol
I'll talk your ear off, if you let me, lol
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 6/26/09, wrote:

Subject: Re: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
To: T Kanon, Akua
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 5:03 PM

You know there are some days after working over 8 hours, going to the pool 3 
days a week and swimming 1/2 miles I am DONE also but NEVER, NEVER be that 
rude or cold to anyone!! anytime someone wants to ask about the wheel chair, my 
walker, ect I am nothing short of a chatter box!! lets get the word out! and if 
on this night he had some type of high profile night he shold have been 
an advocate for all of us!
-- Original message from T Kanon 

Last night was the opening of this artist's exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum and 
I attended.  Two people helped him walk down the aisle and onto the stage.  It 
looked as if his hands were affected too.  After the lecture I saw him in his 
wheelchair being taken to a limo.  I went over to him and asked if indeed he 
had TM.  He didn't even look at me and just said I'm done.  A guard said he is 
very tired.  I know he was tired but he was also very rude!!!
Brooklyn NY

--- On Wed, 6/24/09, Akua wrote:

From: Akua
Subject: [TMIC] Artist w TM in New York times
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:42 PM

very interesting article on interesting artist who had...transverse myelitis.  
and was paralyzed.  but no longer is.. regained ability to walk after three 
years in  a wheelchair


Re: [TMIC] Sex

2009-06-23 Thread Todd Tarno
I've even asked him if he wants to try having sex to see if I can feel even a 
little bit 
This is a good point.  Doing sex, you have muscle react in ways that you 
wouldn't think and can send stocking waves down both legs at the same time.  ( 
a good, but weird feeling )  Might even be better than a TENS unit and you get 
to have FUN doing it. lol
May we do something fun today,
Todd in CC, TX  
Who had only a wireless mouse last week  the keyboard that came with it, is 
not working and now have to use the keyboard that came with the computer. 

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, jrushton wrote:

From: jrushton
Subject: Re: [TMIC]
To: Janice, tmic
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 7:05 PM

#yiv1609432802 v\:* {

#yiv1609432802 v\:* {

After having been gone for over a week, I'm trying to 'catch up' on all of my 
e-mails, some happy, some sad, so questionable.  Usually, I just read them 
because I feel I don't have the right words to reply or can't say what I want 
as well as others.
Janice and Jude, this subject of sex is one Jack and I have talked about since 
the beginning.  Being a healthy and active couple before this happened and then 
me coming home from the hospital with no feeling from the chest down (other 
than that dang pain!!) I asked him how we should handle this.  He said if I 
can't feel he wants nothing to do with it. He said he makes love to me just by 
touching me, holding my hand, doing little things like bringing me coffee, even 
vacuuming since it hurts for me to do it.  I have brought it up several times 
in the last four years and he always says the same thing. I've even asked him 
if he wants to try having sex to see if I can feel even a little bit and he 
says, 'no, not even an issue'.  I realize I have to be one of the most blessed 
people in the world by the way he treats me and loves me.  Once in awhile, he 
can be a real shit (sorry if that offends you but I can't think of a better 
suited word! :) and I think
 that is probably just letting off some pent up steam.  
Okay, back to my cornerinteresting being a little mouse reading what 
everyone says and feels.  I cry, laugh, raise my eyebrows, agree, disagree, but 
usually don't say much so you all got an earful today, I would say!!  Hugs for 
you all..Jeanne

---Original Message---

From: Janice
Date: 6/16/2009 10:38:27 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC]
   Jude, how in the world could we hate you for being honest?  Your husband 
loves you very much.  If not, why
   would he come and get you to bring you home?    Why would he have 
contemplated suicide being without you?
   Why would he bother to treat you so well in taking care of you?    There are 
many couples that do not have sex
    and they have a great partnershp and a good marriage.     Also, it is NOT 
your fault you have the catheter in - so don't 
   go there.
   As far as getting in that chair  -  you need to do it.   You still have 
several years left and you need to make the
   most of them.   Imagine what traveling with your husband again would be 
like.   You need to do this.
   You are a great lady and have had a tough time, but from what I have read 
about you, you have always worked
   hard to be as strong as you can.   You can do this.

- Original Message - 
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 2:23 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] 

You know, it's funny (odd), but Dave and I were separated at the time I got hit 
with TM.  I was openly dating and in fact, was visiting a friend in Ohio when 
it happened.
I lived in Ohio for a year before I couldn't stand it any more and begged Dave 
to let me come home. He finally said yes and came to get me and all of our 
furniture and other things.
Over the years I learned how much Dave loved me, although I was certain he did 
not.  I learned how deeply I hurt him.  He told me how he sat for hours out in 
his barn on a tall ladder with a rope around his neck trying to get up the 
nerve to jump.  When I heard this it hurt me to my very could I have 
been so awful, so mean, so cold and uncaring?
Through much counseling I learned how much anger was in me for this man.  How 
much his cold demeanor, never talking to me, perfunctory sex life, 
etc...affected me.  How it built up an anger in me that only hurting him back 
would suffice.  
I know it was wrong.  I love this man more than my life.  Years before we began 
dating I would drive by his house every day and pray to God to allow me to be 
with Dave.  I must have prayed for three or four years before we ran into each 
other in a laundrymat on a Saturday night.  We talked for hours, decided to go 
out and that was that.  We were married a year later.  And in spite of 

RE: [TMIC] Feet

2009-06-12 Thread Todd Tarno
I usually tell people that my feet feel like there is 100 rubber bands times a 
100.  As I continue to do my PT, the rubber bands are popping every day.  lol  
Now it's more like 100 x 50 rubber bands, so maybe half better.
May all of US have LESS pain today,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Fri, 6/12/09, Patricia Cooley wrote:

From: Patricia Cooley
Subject: RE: [TMIC]
To: 'Janice', 'transverse myelitis'
Date: Friday, June 12, 2009, 8:51 AM


From: Janice [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 8:41 PM
To: transverse myelitis
Subject: [TMIC] 

This is Janice,


I have 2 questions:


1. With hot weather coming, do any of you have a problem with all of a sudden 
being really hot?  I know some

of you had a problem with the cold last winter, but does your body change in 
summer and you get hit with being hot instead

of cold?    I really have a problem with heat - especially with humidity.  
I get hot, then weak.   Not good.


2.  Several of you have mentioned the tight band around your body.  I am not 
sure this band is in the same place for

everyone.    Also, has there been any change in the band with those of you who 
have had TM for a long time?  



Re: [TMIC] Relationships

2009-06-12 Thread Todd Tarno
TM has made Billy  mines relationship stronger.
I did ask him when TM hit ( when we knew it was going to be a long road to 
recovery ) and we had only been together for 5 years  he hadn't signed up for 
this,  Do you want to stay together or not ?   He was so bad at me for even 
asking the question in the first place, but I knew then that he was in for the 
long road to recovery too.
I had started a cross stitch of our anniversary date, it was half done when TM 
hit, but that was the first thing I finished in between naps.  lol
Now it's been 7 years with TM  we will have been together these Nov. will be 
12 years.
May all of our relationships are stronger today,
Todd in CC, TX

--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Janice wrote:

From: Janice
Subject: [TMIC]
To: transverse myelitis
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 10:38 PM

It's Janice again. I have something else that I have wondered about and 
have decided to just ask and see what is out there.
Do you feel that having TM has improved or destroyed the love/happiness in your 
marriage/relationship with your partner?

Re: [TMIC] Occupations

2009-06-07 Thread Todd Tarno
Thank you, Janice, for this topic.
I was a accountant clerk.  I had made the third layoffs of my company, leaving 
me to be the last accountant clerk for two companies.  I had two wonderful 
bosses and worked 15 mins from home.  
TM hit me a few weeks before my 38th birthday.
After 3 years with TM and it didn't look like I would be returning back to work 
any time soon.  We had been going to Corpus Christi, Texas once a month to see 
friends and with the gas prices, we decided to retired in CC, TX.
Would like to return to work, but how to  keep up the PT at the same time?
I too, live on Social Security disability and Long Term disability.
Hope everyone is doing what makes them happy right now,
Todd in CC, TX
TM @ T-4 to T-8 on April 1, 2002

--- On Fri, 6/5/09, Janice wrote:

From: Janice
Subject: [TMIC] Occupations
To: transverse myelitis
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 11:22 AM

Hi Guys!
I have been curious about something for a while and since things have kind of 
slowed down, want to ask you all what you did
before TM hit and if you were able to go back to it or if you are doing 
something new.      
 I am including even those who just read these emails and don't usually
respond.   I would like to hear from everybody and would think all of us would 
be interested.   I will start:
I was a school nurse's secretary/assistant in a large high school for 19 
years.   I absolutely loved it - everyday was different, as
you can imagine working with high schoolers!   Our school nurse was gone a lot 
to other schools we were responsible for, so
I was left alone quite a bit and handled many different situations.  I was well 
trained for this and it was great.

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