Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Song really long

2013-07-26 Thread Waldo Pepper

Choose a quiet part every hour or so and break it up using something
free like Audacity.
29 hours for a single song is ridiculous.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Music Directory Problems

2013-07-22 Thread Waldo Pepper

JJZolx wrote: 
 I think that should work, but why wouldn't you organize them in the more
 Glen Gould
 ../Glen Gould Plays Bach
 ../Glen Gould Plays More Bach

This works for me using LMS on a Win 8 dedicated music server. Also
worked on the in TOUCH built server but much slower.
\music\artist1\album1 of artist1\associated MP3s
\music\artist1\album2 of artist1\associated MP3s
\music\artist2\album1 of artist 2\ etc etc.

It also makes backing up and copying to an MP3 disk in my car easy.

Very few of my MP3s have ID tags as I started this process back in 1998
converting ripped wavs from my CDs to MP3s on a near manual basis.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox is continually scanning.

2013-07-22 Thread Waldo Pepper

Your not trying to check the drives during scanning are you?
Files like desktop.ini can appear in such directories and possibly
start the rescan process.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Review: AfterMarket Power Supply upgrade - The TeraDak

2013-07-22 Thread Waldo Pepper

It wouldn't pass any electrical safety tests where I work.

Heat shrink isn't there to look pretty. It's there to prevent wiring
springing onto other connections should the solder joints fail (which
they do with age and shock). There isn't any on the earth wire to the

The wiring to the PCB should be further secured with a compound like
RTV3145 sealant (NOT heat gun glue) or Captain tape. Those wires are
tightly packed putting extra stress on the joints.

The jumpers on the PCB are not secured to prevent them falling off.
Again RTV would do the job.

On a closer look, it doesn't appear to have neutral on the mains IEC
connector connected. This will trip any RCD.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fried Touch

2013-07-10 Thread Waldo Pepper

Because it costs money and if you choose to connect a power supply that
it isn't designed for the TOUCH then I am afraid it's your own fault.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clock is losing time on Touch running TinyLMS

2013-07-10 Thread Waldo Pepper

I had this problem to running the LMS. I wrote a simple program to putty
in and correct the time from my laptop which I just double clicked on
daily or when my laptop was on. In the end I used an external PC as a
server running the Logitech Music Server for Win and have never had a
problem since. The TOUCH and all SB radios update to the second together
within half a second of the BBC Radio pips.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] repeat local music service has stopped with new touch

2013-02-22 Thread Waldo Pepper

I used to have this problem on an almost daily basis when using the
internal LMS. I'd come home from an evening out and wanted to relax
listening to music and see the dreaded message, wait for a rescan to the
point I just switched it off and went to bed.

Eventually I took advice from this forum and bought a simple cheap small
footprint PC and installed the PC server s/w from Logitech. It's low
enough power not to cost too much to run 24/7 and I have never had a
problem since.
Nor have I ever had to mess around with the clock since as it also used
to slip using the LMS, and the search speed is far superior.

I know you shouldn't have to do this but I was like you in terms of

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Quiet Touch

2013-02-03 Thread Waldo Pepper

A reboot seemed to do the job. Odd though.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Quiet Touch

2013-02-02 Thread Waldo Pepper

Suddenly my Touch is playing music quiet. I have changed nothing.
I have tried switching inputs on my amp with no improvment.
My amp is working fine as when I change the input to CD it's loud.
I have also tried changing server from my main one to my laptop to no
It's not distorted at all, just quiet.
All settings on the Touch i.e. volume are as were set when I bought it.
Never been an issue before.
Any help appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My favourites

2013-01-19 Thread Waldo Pepper

garym wrote: 
 are you connecting to or LMS running on your own PC or
 If the latter, do you have your credentials entered in
 the LMS  SETTINGS tab

Thanks for your help. That sorted it.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] My favourites

2013-01-18 Thread Waldo Pepper

Can anyone explain why I have many radio stations as favourites on but none on my devices despite logging on?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] In search for a squeezebox touch

2012-12-21 Thread Waldo Pepper

ad6922 wrote: 
 Hi all,
 try to find a squeezebox touch in the Netherlands. But it's sold out
 everywhere and will not become available again.
 Is it the same in other countries?
 Where can I still find a touch.
 All suggestions are welcome.

Well as you can't be arsed to Google it, let me save you the vast effort
of typing Logitech touch into Google.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch considered lower SQ than CD player on a high-end system?

2012-12-19 Thread Waldo Pepper

gln2 wrote: 
 I'm wondering if the Touch's analogue output is generally considered
 inferior to a mid-level CD player WHEN USING a high-end receiver/amp and
 speakers. (I realize a DAC can be a big improvement, but I'm not up to
 that step yet.)  For those who have listening experience using high-end
 equipment did you feel that your CD player outperformed the Touch? (I'd
 prefer no comments from experiences using ~$300 receivers with ~$400
 speakers, please.)
 I had my Touched hooked up to ceiling speakers for the past year, but
 just purchased a pair of high-end stereo speakers (Ascend Tower RAAL). 
 Just hooked up an unmodified Touch to them playing CD ripped FLAC files
 stored on a vortexbox and using the analogue out into a 200 wpc Classe
 amp.  I expected to be blown away, but just find the sound good. Sound
 quality does not seem as good as my previous speakers and CD player,
 which I got rid of a few years ago. This is the first time I've feed the
 Touch into a high-end stereo, and also the first time I've listened to
 these speakers, so I'm not sure why I'm disappointed.  It has also been
 a few years since I've had my prior high-end stereo, so I can't make any
 direct comparisons.  The speakers are very highly regarded, so could it
 be the Touch analogue out?  My CD player doesn't have variable out, so I
 would need to pull my old preamp out of storage in order to do a direct
 comparison with CD's.  So, I thought it would be good to get some

As you get older, so do your ears and the brain's interpretation of
sound. I am convinced my Pink Floyd collection doesn't sound as good on
the same CD player, amp and speakers as it did 10 years ago.
Speaker windings work hardening, amplifier capacitor drying, CD
degradation and worn in electronics.don't even go there with an
explanation. This is no cheap system. LINN throughout. Proven to myself
by listening to the same CDs on a newer system. The clarity just isn't
there anymore.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] LMS stops on its own

2012-12-17 Thread Waldo Pepper

I run the LMS locally on the TOUCH and occassionally get the message on
the screen telling the Logitech Server has stopped running.
If I restart it, everything's fine.
I use fixed IP and it never happens when I am using it, but often during
the day when I am out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My favourites

2012-12-15 Thread Waldo Pepper

toby10 wrote: 
 Guessing your Favorites were stored on LMS on your laptop.  No laptop,
 no LMS, no Favorites on LMS.  :)
 You can save stations to Favorites.  That way, no matter which
 server you are using (laptop LMS, Touch USB, your stations
 will always be accessible. Favorites can be navigated and
 played from LMS and Touch USB without actually switching to
 (unless you want to switch).  
 Touch  Favorites  On

Thanks. I have a bit more info to ponder.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My favourites

2012-12-14 Thread Waldo Pepper

Appologies for vague explanation.
I had switched to running Logitech Media Server on my laptop as that is
where my master collection is stored.
Following on from another thread re- the TOUCH being underpowered, I
found it quite a breeze.
I rarely listen to music without may laptop being on and normally I have
a USB FLASH drive in the back of the TOUCH with a selection due to its

Afterwards I switched libraries on the TOUCH back to the one on the
TOUCH LMS USB and shut down the laptop and then found I could not access
my favourites.
I tried accessing them with my Android tablet running Logitech control
It kept asking me to log in to mysqeezebox which I did. All my
favourites had vanished.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Commands

2012-11-07 Thread Waldo Pepper

Thanks for the reponses. I think I have some reading up to do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] tablet control for ethernet wired SB Touch and attached USB HD music files

2012-11-05 Thread Waldo Pepper

I use the Squeezebox app on my Google Nexus without problems. Controls
two radios and the Touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Commands

2012-11-04 Thread Waldo Pepper

Any idea peeps?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Commands

2012-11-02 Thread Waldo Pepper

Is there a definitive list of Linux commands that are supported on the
Touch following SSHing into it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-29 Thread Waldo Pepper

Thanks to all regarding exhausting explanations.
My SB radios won't connect to the LMS on the TOUCH so I either have to
use it with as a straight forward radio or try and get
it to connect to the USB which neither radio will do. The TOUCH however
streams music from the USB stick without problem. It also can access favourites too.

So any ideas on why the radios won't connect to the TOUCH LMS when it's
clearly up and running. I am damn sure it has worked before.

I will happily settle for using my local USB LMS on the touch and the
six presets for radio as I know how to do that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-29 Thread Waldo Pepper

Mnyb wrote: 
 That said it is pushing it expect the tiny server on the Touch to serve
 a bunch of players ?
 It is buggy and unstable all on it's own, just saying not trying to
 crash the party for you :-/ a real server is just better

Thanks. I just thought as it's only ever streaming music to one at a
time, it would be up to it. I have had it working, but my memory is not
as good as it used to be. Same with the NAS problem I am
having...another story, another group, another grump:)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-26 Thread Waldo Pepper

Thanks for all the replies. Most helpful. I have set up my favourites on and all devices can see them, however for some reason
only the TOUCH can now see My Music (on the USB stick). It does not
appear on the menus of the radios and displays it cannot connect to USB
when I try.
I am sure it's some menu somewhere to use both as the TOUCH does, but
the radios do not appear to.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-26 Thread Waldo Pepper

toby10 wrote: 
 Are we sure the OP is not confusing Favorites with Presets?  Favorites
 are universal to all players on the same server.  Presets are unique to
 the player (and unique again to the server + player).

Thanks. I understand the difference and have set some presets from some
of my favourites.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-26 Thread Waldo Pepper

garym wrote: 
 You probably have the radios now connected to (LMS in the
 cloud) rather than the LMS in the touch. On a radio, select my music and
 it should offer you the choice to switch to LMS on the touch.

Thanks. I don't get the choice. It tries to connect to USB and fails for
some reason. I thought LMS in the cloud didn't exist and was a local
media server on the TOUCH and was for radio as
explained by previous posters.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-26 Thread Waldo Pepper

garym wrote: is in fact LMS in the cloud. I think you're still a
 bit confused by the relationship. I'm travelling with only smart phone
 so can't type much. If no one else chimes in I'll write a clearer
 description tomorrow. 
 ps. Don't feel bad. Lots of others have had same confusion. And this is
 one major reason they moved to UE approach for new stuff.

Really appreciated. Thanks.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] I'm a bit confused.

2012-10-25 Thread Waldo Pepper

I bought a TOUCH and it worked OK once I realised it wasn't simply a
plug and play device. I have complained about this previously...but
I have added two SB radio devices and although they work, I would like a
bit of an explanation from the forum.

My music is on a USB disk plugged into the TOUCH. the TOUCH and radios
can access this without issue.

All are on a fixed IP as a previous post explained to to do this.

I assume (maybe wrongly) that the LMS runs on the TOUCH and the radios
link into this.

What has got to do with this set up?

Last night I lost all my Internet radio stations for no particular
reason and had to re-enter them by hand following a total system reboot.
All OK at the moment.

Is there anyway of setting my favourites (from exclusively radio
stations across the globe) and say doing it on the TOUCH and duplicating
it across all connected devices i.e my two radios without having to do
it on individual radios?

Can I back up my favourite radio settings somewhere and re-install them
following a system reset to the TOUCH and my radios?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to improve Touch sound?

2012-10-20 Thread Waldo Pepper

Dazed and Confused wrote: 
 Thanks for your advice so far.
 I suppose all electronics need a 'burn in' time so I'll leave it playing
 for a while and see if the digital glare diminishes.

Don't be so silly. Burn in is a term used for long term reliability
and failure analysis of components and component equipment. The sound
won't change, just your perception of it.

What is digital glare? Up there with colour and ambience?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Constantly losing TOUCH

2012-10-19 Thread Waldo Pepper

Moving the static IPs up in the hundreds and re-adjusting the DHCP pool
settings to use those below 100 seem to have done the trick. Thanks.
Tip: I didn't find a way of manually changing the IPs on the TOUCH and
radios, so I temporarily disabled DCHP on the router and following a
reset of the devices, they prompt for an IP address. Once set, renabled
DCHP pool and rebooted the whole system including router and hey ho.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Constantly losing TOUCH

2012-10-14 Thread Waldo Pepper

Thanks to all replies. I am reasonable isolated WiFi channel wise so I
am going to move some IPs around as I have static ones in the dynamic

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Constantly losing TOUCH

2012-10-12 Thread Waldo Pepper

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 First I'd like to make it clear in my own mind what your setup looks
 like, it sounds like you have a Touch, running TinyLMS with a USB stick
 containing the music library. The Radios connect to the TinyLMS on the
 Touch via Wifi. Is the Touch the only LMS?

Correct. I only have one LMS, the TOUCH. 

 It sounds like the problem is the Radios not being able to connect to
 the TinyLMS on the Touch, correct? When this happens, can the Touch
 still play music? 
No. The whole system needs rebooting.

 If the Touch can still play music then Tiny LMS is still running, and 
 the problem is most likely a network issue. 

 I can think of two probable causes, one  is  just wifi connectivity 
 issues, but that would tend to not be exactly the  same for the  two
 Radios (unless they are right next to each other).
The radios are on separate floors and the TOUCH is on the ground floor
in another separate room.

 The other is DHCP issues. I've seen this  before, the devices all get
 leases from the DHCP server when they boot and everything  is fine, but
 then some hours later the leases expire and they don't get renewed, thus
 the router won't talk to them. Two common reasons for this are a router
 that has been on for a long time (for some reason some DHCP servers seem
 to get slower and slower the longer the router is on) and interference
 on the wifi link can cause the DHCP server to time out. 

I have never got DHCP to work with my Logitech devices so have been on
fixed IP since day one. I assume the router will not DHCP out IP's
assigned that are fixed. Does this have to be set up manually as I have
never bothered and does it assign from the lowest address upwards? My
laptop/netbook and tablet all work fine with DHCP.

 The first thing to try is to reboot the network: modem, router,
 switches, WAPs etc.  This frequently will fix the problem. If it
 doesn't, try temporarily connecting a Radio to the network with a wire
 and see if the problem persists. 

Next thing to try. Thanks for the prompt reply.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Constantly losing TOUCH

2012-10-11 Thread Waldo Pepper

This appears now to be a nightly problem. I have a TOUCH and two SB
radios. Almost everyday I see the message that there has been a problem
connecting to myname (USB). The only solution is to reboot. The radios
show a red WiFi symbol and also refuse to re-connect.
There appears to be nothing wrong with the WiFi or the Internet
connection. All devices are using the latest firmware.
Changing the music disk from a USB stick to a previously fine drive also
has the same symptoms.
This system has worked without flaw for the last two years and as FAIK,
nothing has changes.
Any suggestions appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Performance expectations with a USB Stick and FLAC

2012-10-08 Thread Waldo Pepper

Kuben72 wrote: 
 The Touch can only use 32 GB sticks.
Mine happily works with a Sandisk 64G stick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Network problem touch with wifi

2012-08-23 Thread Waldo Pepper

merrick wrote: 
 Since I moved my PC to the attic, the Touch can't find my music
 collection on the PC.
 (I dont have a NAS and have WIFI)
 I tried to 'up' the signal by adding a wifi repeater in my home.
 This didnt change a thing for the Touch (my signal was much better, but
 the PC was still not found)
 Now I tried to put powerline adapters in my home network.
 Its setup is like this: 
 Ubee Cable modem -- Cisco linksys E2000 (wifi) router -- TP link
 500mbps powerline adapter 
 The PC in the attic is also linked with a TP link powerline adapter.
 The SB Touch is linked into the the network through the wifi repeater
 whith a UTP cable
 I CAN play internetradio through but cannot acces my
 FLAC's on the PC.
 All advice is very welcome.

I had a similar problem with a WiFi camera mounted high under the eves
of the house.

At height, your device will see far more signals from security cameras,
WiFi nodes and anything that uses that band and there are alot.

Since it's your PC in the attic, download Xirrus WiFi inspector (Google
it) and see what your attic placed PC can see. You may find one channel
is being swamped. You could then simply move channel or if all are busy
you may have to move the PC downstairs somewhere.

Hope this helps.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] coax vs toslink

2012-08-02 Thread Waldo Pepper

lovejoy wrote: 
 Technobable? Maybe to you.. To me, transmission lines studied to MEng
 level. And I ask you.. If it is just 0s and 1s, how do you think are
 they represented down the length of a piece of cable? 

Then you learned alot but understood nothing. They are represented down
a piece of wire as zero volts and probably 5v. It would have to be a
pretty long and noisy wire for there to be any discrepency. At bit rates
encountered in baseband digital audio, characteristic impedance. group
delay, reflections and phase issues don't even come into it over
practical lengths encountered in home audio systems.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] coax vs toslink

2012-08-02 Thread Waldo Pepper

lovejoy wrote: 
  it is an analogue carrier modulating small changes in voltages
 representing binary information),

No it's not. There is not an analogue carrier. There would be no
advantage whatsoever of imposing a digital signal on a carrier on 2 foot
of wire. It's simply ones and noughts represented by a voltage.

Too much reading Hi-Fi magazine articles written by art students.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] coax vs toslink

2012-08-02 Thread Waldo Pepper

Viventis wrote: 
 Wow!  I am so sorry to disagree, but what I have just read sounds like a
 bunch of techno-babble published by the manufacturers of high end cables
 to attempt to justify their exorbitant prices.
 Digital is binary.  Binary is a sequence of 0's and 1's.  If 100
 different cables transmit the exact same sequence of 0's and 1's to your
 DAC, I guarantee that each will sound 100% the same.  There is no such
 thing as a flat 0, a sharp 1, a warm 0 or a harsh 1.  They are nothing
 more than numbers that are decoded by your DAC!
 If a cable is so poorly made that it is incapable of transmitting the
 proper sequence, the result will be different.  But that is the only
 This takes me back to the question of the OP.  If a toslink or spdif
 cable transmits the same sequence of 0's and 1's to the DAC, there will
 be no difference in the output.

Spot on! I have read there are cold and hot zeros though :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Accessing Touch over WiFi

2012-06-24 Thread Waldo Pepper

Sorted and thanks to you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Time

2012-06-22 Thread Waldo Pepper

So how do I get to run in the background?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Accessing Touch over WiFi

2012-06-22 Thread Waldo Pepper


On my old W7 laptop I used to be able to type into the
toolbar on Explorer and see the contents of the drive plugged into the
Touch and use this for adding more music albeit slowly over WiFi.

On my new laptop it switches to Firefox and tries to open a Web server
which I know the Touch doesn't have and FF complains as such.

Anyone any ideas on how to sort this. Nothing has changed on the Touch
settings between my old and new laptop.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Time

2012-06-21 Thread Waldo Pepper

I have only ever used a USB disk plugged in the back so I am assuming
it's using the internal server - or am I wrong. Could it be using the
USB stick in conjunction the and if so how?

I have no idea.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Time

2012-06-19 Thread Waldo Pepper

For the last six months I have used a simple manual script that SSH'd in
to correct the clock drifiting at 30 secs/24 hours on my PC (used

A few weeks back it did not appear to require correcting and using my PC
clock, noticed it appeared to be synched to a time server and being spot
on 24/7 without having to manually run the script.

Last week I returned from work to see the screen showing all the My
Music,Settings type page as if it had rebooted but not resorted to
showing the clock.

Since then I am back to have to set it manually every day just as

I have altered nothing and only use it for playing music a few times a
week. However I rely on the big bright clock daily.

Has anyone any idea what is happening?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Linear Power Supplies

2012-01-22 Thread Waldo Pepper
 goes right through the power transformer and into the mains. Even
 if you have a good regulator which blocks this noise from the circuit
 beeing fed from this supply, the noise still goes out to the mains. 
 My design attempts to alleviate these issues in several ways, first it
 uses Schottky rectifiers, second it uses a choke based asymetrical PI
 filter after the rectifiers. The first cap is much smaller than the
 second cap. The result is a supply which has cunduction over almost the
 entire cycle, thus no large current spikes. Having the small first cap
 allows the large conduction angle, but it also allows the filter to not
 need nearly as much minimum current as a true choke input filter. What
 comes out of the filter is almost pure sine wave which is very easy for
 the regulator to deal with. In a tgraditional linear supply the sawtooth
 output has a lot of high frequencies which are much harder for simple
 regulators do deal with. The third part is a damping network across the
 power transformer which damps the winding resonance so it will not
 resonante from noise coming in from the outside world. 
 The result of all this is a design which has extremely low noise
 injected back into the AC line and very low noise sent to the audio
 circuitry. It's simple, does not contain any custom components, no
 special audiophile parts, is easy for inexperienced DIYers to build.
 Is it the only design possible? of course not. Can a switching supply
 be made which can match this performance, almost certainly. But its not
 going to be nearly as simple, will probably need custom magnetics and
 could very well cost more money to make and will be way out of the
 range of a DIYer to build. 
 I have tested many commercially available switching supplies (certainly
 not all), designed for many different applications, including many that
 come with audio devices including some very expensive pro audio
 equipment and NONE of them bettered the noise levels of this simple
 linear supply. So while it is certainly possible that a switching
 supply good do as well or better, it does not seem that this is common
 in the market place. It is also true that most linear supplies are also
 very bad as well, and many linear supplies are worse than the switching
 supplies that people are replacing. I have NEVER said that a linear
 supply is always better than a switching supply.
 If you would like to test these claims go ahead and build this design
 (its easy and not very expensive) and compare it to any of your
 switching designs, paying attention to what is injected back into the
 AC mains as well as what gets sent to the device, I'd be very
 interested to see how it stacks up with your switching desings. Oh
 yeah, and while you're at it try hooking them up to a Touch and see if
 you hear any differences.  
 Here is the schematic of the design mentioned above:
 John S.


Thankyou for the prompt and in depth analysis of your circuit and your
background. I have looked at the circuit and can find no reason why it
would not work. A simple but highly effective well thought out design.
Linear Tech devices take some real beating for quality comps.

I had made some meaurements on the 'Touch' supply as a 'Buck' convertor
and found emissions to be well below any level that would cause
problems. Maybe because of the low current drawn. Not quite sure I
would want the same design topology for a power amp (which are normally
not switchers).

From my findings, I am still not convinced that a linear PSU can have
so much acoustic effect than a switcherbut that's the nature of
Audiophiles who can hear the difference by changing their mains plug to
one which costs £500 regardless of what crap wiring is hanging behind
the wall.

Best Regards

Waldo Pepper

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Linear Power Supplies

2012-01-17 Thread Waldo Pepper

You seem to have quite a following in your non science of acoustics and
power supply design. Are you even qualified in any of the fields of
electronics you comment on weekly?

I have designed power supplies for the last 25 years for audio and high
end medical equipment and can only describe your postings as pants.

In the EU, power supply designs are very stringent on emmissions, so to
say a linear supply is better is totally non scientifically proven to be
better than switchers in the audio band. Modern switchers when properly
designed are far superior to heat generating linear supplies.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clock running 2 minutes ahead

2012-01-13 Thread Waldo Pepper

Waldo Pepper;683477 Wrote: 
 The clock on my SB Touch can drift upto 5 mins a week. I have forgot
 most of the obscure Linux commands but since I use my PC most nights, I
 SSH in using Putty on Windows and correct the time manually using date
 Lazy, I know.

This has rewoken my old C programming days and I have written a C prog
that can generate a file containing the correct time from my PC (which
is NTP synched and the Touch does not appear to support NTPDate),
converts it to the date format required by Linux and ssh the file
into the Touch to automatically correct the time on the Touch when my
PC boots (which is every day). Not keen to post an .exe because of
peoples worry, but happy to show the source and the batch using Plink. 

The batch is:
plink.exe -ssh -pw password -noagent -m commands.txt root@Touch IP

The source is:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include time.h
#include io.h
FILE *commands;

void main (void)
char tim[9];
char dat[9];   
char output[20];


if ((commands=fopen(commands.txt, w)) == NULL)
printf(\n\rError: Could not open output file);




Run the batch and it automatically takes DOS time, converts it to Linux
Date and SSH's it into your touch. Make it happen when your PC boots and
you're sorted.


PM me if you need help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Clock running 2 minutes ahead

2012-01-12 Thread Waldo Pepper

The clock on my SB Touch can drift upto 5 mins a week. I have forgot
most of the obscure Linux commands but since I use my PC most night, I
SSH in using Putty on windows and correct the time manually using date

Lazy, I know.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Network drive on the Touch

2011-10-07 Thread Waldo Pepper

I have used my Touch since I bought it with a disk drive plugged into
the USB without too many issues.

However I now have a NAS attached to my router with all my music on

How do I get the Touch to look at 192.168.1.xx for its music over


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Wireless vs Ethernet. Any sound quality differences?

2011-03-08 Thread Waldo Pepper

Phil Leigh;616481 Wrote: 
 An SMPS (which is what all switches, routers etc come with) could
 radiate bad RFI... just like the Touch supply...

A SMPS is not going to affect what is going through a network switch.

Apart from (decent) HiFi components, name me one thing that doesn't
have a SMPS of some sort. They are cheap and very efficient compared to
50Hz transformer designs.

Mobile chargers.
DVD players.

Not to mention the rubbish compact flourescent bulbs put out.

They are abundant in everything and moreso due to EEC legistlation on
low power devices. All part of the EEC Low Power Directive.

They are here to stay and of much better performance than 10 years

If you claim to be able to hear a difference then you are barking mad.
Can I interest you in the fluffle gaggled new SMPS with a noise floor
of -70dBV root mean square peak output music power device? With
enhanced Calculus functions

I am in the wrong business

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Newbie with Questions for the Experts

2011-01-15 Thread Waldo Pepper

JohnSwenson;602524 Wrote: 
 There is no cut and dried answer to that question. Its going to depend
 on the DAC and cable used and the rest of your system. 
 The only really good way to find out is to try different combinations.
 A number of people really like optical with a multi-strand glass cable.
 They are a bit more expensive than the regular plastic ones, but in some
 circumstances can sound very good. 
 The hard part is you need to try several different cables (price does
 NOT automatically mean its going to sound best). In my system the best
 coax cable is a cheap little thing that came with my first external DAC
 MANY years ago. It beats out some quite expensive cables. 
 John S.

Really. If you understood basic schoolboy physics then you wouldn't be
posting such diatribe.

Why would coax be any better than fibre over about 2 feet?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] External USB memory - how?

2011-01-15 Thread Waldo Pepper

I use a 64G Sandisk which works fine after I removed the junk on it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] External USB memory - how?

2011-01-13 Thread Waldo Pepper

JohnSwenson;602250 Wrote: 
 The problem is that the Touch is NOT windows based, its linux based. A
 fair number of sticks include windows specific code which gets executed
 when you plug the stick into a windows computer. These will NOT work on
 a Touch.
 The things to look out for are anything which mentions special features
 such as security, passwords etc. This guarantees it uses windows
 specific code to access the stick. Any hint of special features means
 it probably will not work with the Touch.
 A lot of SanDisk sticks have special features. I've had much better
 luck with Kingston sticks. The secret is to go online and look at the
 specific model you are interested in and see if its compatible with
 linux, not just windows. Even though Kingston includes some special
 features with many of their sticks, they have specifically designed
 them so they will still work with linux. I have a several of these
 Kingston drives and they work great with the Touch.
 John S.
 John S.

I agree. Sandisk Flash drive come with allsorts of rubbish on them
(back up stuff), often divided into partitions on the drive which are
generally great for most people.

They do however do a program free on their website that allows you to
do a full format, merge these partitions and get rid of their
proprietry programs. 

I use a Sandisk Flash drive that works just fine with my Touch once you
can see the drive to it's full extent.

Many modern Flash drives only show a very small partition to run their
software to access the full lot and this is what you need to remove.

Hope that helps.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Second SBT sounds different

2010-12-07 Thread Waldo Pepper

JohnSwenson;593221 Wrote: 
 You've got improperly biased output caps in there, I would not be
 surprised if it takes awhile playing music to stabilize those caps. Let
 it run continuously for several days before making any critical
 listening decisions. Its best if its actually feeding the device its
 going to be connected to (that device probably does not have to be
 turned on). 
 John S.

Silly responses like this make me laugh. Go study electronics and come
back with a decent answer and stop proposing guessing to impress those
with less of an idea.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to reboot Touch?

2010-11-12 Thread Waldo Pepper

JJZolx;585058 Wrote: 
 I don't imagine there's any difference.

The difference is that a power off clears its basic memory and starts
again looking for files that already exist using network settings that
already exist.

The cold boot by use of the rear switch clears everthing and things
like your network/wireless settings have to be put in again.

I find this somewhat tiresome but a good start following a software

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-28 Thread Waldo Pepper

What I found through total frustration especially with software upgrades
was to completely reboot the system and re-insert your IP address and
security details as a straight reboot is not enough.
It certainly was the case for the last update.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Wireless vs Ethernet. Any sound quality differences?

2010-09-20 Thread Waldo Pepper

peterw;577073 Wrote: 
 A design flaw (IMO it's a flaw) in the Squeezebox architecture is that
 the buffer is only for the current track. At the start of a new track,
 all the players start refilling their buffers from scratch, so the
 system is more vulnerable to network trouble when a new song starts.

Not convinced about this. Marillion tracks on Misplaced Childhood 1 
2 seem together timewise perfectly on the Touch just as they do on the

Same with Roger Waters stuff.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch Question for Audiophiles

2010-09-13 Thread Waldo Pepper

Just a few observations...

If you have decent kit (Linn, Naim etc) then the power cord will make
no difference whatsoever as the PSU will have a decent design to reject
mains born noise. Linear voltage regulators internal to the amp can
remove noise on the input.

A good switching power supply won't make much difference as such
devices imported into the EU are certified to an extremely high
standard in terms of conducted and radiated emissions. You think
different then you have a dodgy power supply.

Having spent a fortune on a mains cable will convince yourself that it
sounds better. To save face more than anything.

As for mains transformer resonances... You have coils with millihenries
of inductance combined with nanofarads of capacitance. They will have
such a low Q factor, they will not be a problem.

The psycho-acoustics of music is a vast subject. It doesn't take much
change in mood to alter perception. What is constant is the science
which is often misunderstood and misquoted.

As for directional speaker cable...This can be rubbished by school boy

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch firmware update bricked unit?

2010-09-09 Thread Waldo Pepper

I had the same problem with the latest revision (yesterday). It would be
nice if they could get the update to force a reset so I don't have to
spend hours wonder what was going on before having to hard reset and
lose my favourites.

I have two SB radios and the one that was switched on following the
update also lost all the preset stations. The other was fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Any experience with the Best of Two Worlds Solution supply

2010-09-03 Thread Waldo Pepper

The power supply supplied with the SB will have to pass the most
stringent requirements in the world to be sold within the EU.

Unless there is a fault with your PSU, you are being conned. The Hifi
business is full of conns for the terminally stupid who can hear
differences depending on what time it is.

It's down to science and little else. A SMPS does radiate and if your
system picks it up then a simple rewriring can sort it. A linear PSU
can also radiate if badly designed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] I'm beginning to this product is pants

2010-09-03 Thread Waldo Pepper

radioshoes;574026 Wrote: 
 The word think is missing and pants is British slang for rubbish . .

Well done for that outstanding advice. I am British so your point is?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] I'm beginning to this product is pants

2010-08-31 Thread Waldo Pepper

When I first bought this device, it was everything I wanted in a
product. Music  Internet radio at my finger tips.
Recently it refuses to connect to my USB disk and my USB thumbdrive.
Everytime I switch it on it can take upto 10 times to try and
I am a consumer and don't expect to have to reboot time and time again
to listen to the radio in the morning.
I would have recommended this on first light, but I am really glad I
never dismantled my HiFi. It's simply a rubbish product that will be

I have also never have had to browse forums for hours to use my simple
FM radio.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Songs cut short

2010-08-26 Thread Waldo Pepper

My Touch has been working fine since I bought it in July 2010, however
it's recently started jumping onto the next track before the playing
one has finished.

This jump occurs about 2 mins before the end of the current track. It
has previously played these before without flaw and I have not had a
formware upgrade since.

Any help appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Long Interconnect cables

2010-08-04 Thread Waldo Pepper

mooblie;566312 Wrote: 
 Really?  I'd rather use a 20' run of speaker cable than a 20' run of
 unbalanced RCA/phono screened cable anyday.

Well if you make sure your kit doesn't have multiple earths you avoid
ground loops.

As for 20' of speaker cable - depending on the speaker cable you can
run into other kinds of problems involving losing power in your speaker

Just depends how much of a purist you are and how much you are pumping
down the cable to the speakers.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Touch as a server

2010-08-03 Thread Waldo Pepper

I am currently loathed to have a PC running 24/7 (at the moment) to be
used as a server, however...

I am about to purchase a Squeezebox Radio and have a few questions.
I have a Touch and it uses a USB disk with all my music on it. I use it
for streaming Internet radio to my HiFi too.

1) Am I correct in assuming a SB radio can use the Internet to stream
possibly different radio stations to those my Touch maybe using in
another room via my router at the same time?

2) Is there anyway to get the touch to act as a music server for itself
and the SB radio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Long Interconnect cables

2010-08-03 Thread Waldo Pepper

I have used long interconnects over the years for many setups and had no
problems whatsoever.
I do not see any reason whatsoever why the ability of a Touch to drive
a signal down 20ft of cable should be any different to other devices as
long as the cable is screened and of reasonable quality. i.e. Not Bell

Don't bother with any of that oxygen free rubbish as that's just a
sales pitch by those who do not understand.

Long runs of speaker cables are a different matter completely, but is
still very subjective to the listener.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] operating question about power-off

2010-07-15 Thread Waldo Pepper

I have the same problem using a USB thumbdrive. The drive appears to be
alive when powered off.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Stops at end of song

2010-07-15 Thread Waldo Pepper

Try pressing the rewind button bottom right, second up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Tracks Played in Wrong Order

2010-07-11 Thread Waldo Pepper

Most of my mp3s have no ID tags but play in the correct order due to the
numbering method I use.

Not the easiest way if you have a large collection, but if you do it
when you rip and compress then it's not such an issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch in a car

2010-07-07 Thread Waldo Pepper

I have been thinking about this and as long as you use a FLASH drive and
have RCA inputs on your in car system then there is no problem.

You could also update the music collection via wiFi when parked on your


1. A HD drive may smash the heads into the platters going over bumps
unless properly mounted.

2. The device runs off 5V so will have to be regulated down.

3. Check the standby current when off. It could flatten your battery if
not driven. I have not measured it, but 3.6W in standby (posted here
elsewhere) will completely flatten a 50Ah car battery in a week (and
stuff your car battery in the process). It will not fully recover from
a deep discharge. If your music collection is small, then you could
turn off completly as a power on rescan should be quickish.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A couple of newbie questions

2010-07-05 Thread Waldo Pepper

Thanks for that.
Just the job.

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