RE: Link Hosting: WebHostingSpace.Net

2005-04-10 Thread Steve Schwarz
I just checked this site and can't find any mention of Cocoon or Java 
Searching for either just returns you to their main page...
Maybe they only support Cocoon through dedicated servers?

Running the latest version of Tomcat and Cocoon

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2005-04-04 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Brittany,
What website are you trying to login to?
I'm guessing you might be accessing a website Powered by Cocoon and the 
developer of that site might not have put in place error handling to direct 
you to them instead of this mailing list. You might look at the site for a 
contact email address for the webmaster.

If I am misunderstanding your post and you are a Cocoon developer please 
post your full stack trace and we can try to help.

I hope this helps.
Best Wishes,

Each time I try to log-in I receive a message an error occured.  I need 
help accessing your website.


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RE: Sorting html tables dynamically

2004-08-04 Thread Steve Schwarz
Yet another client-side approach is to look at Domapi IIRC 
he's implemented a sortable Grid that uses rpc to talk to the server to pull 
data. That way he can support paging and other dynamic activities. I think 
he is using JSON as the wire representation of the data sets.

I have a cocoon portal appliation that displays information in html tables. 
have to provide sorting of columns in this table to users. How can we do
this? Can someone please shed some light on this and send me some code
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Re: ojb + forms = I can't get it to work

2004-07-20 Thread Steve Schwarz
I believe you do have to enhance the new classes. I don't have a dist here. 
But look in the build.xml file in the ojb/samples. I recall it has a line in 
there enhancing the category and department classes.
Hope this helps

I forgot to say that I have not enhanced the new classes. Could this be a 
problem? If yes, how to enhance it then?

- Joose
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[repost] Generating XML from flow for auth-fw

2004-07-20 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi again,
Anyone have any ideas?
I've written some flowscript to perform login validation using OJB and on 
success I end up with a populated bean. I then call sendPage() to a pipeline 
that uses JXPathGenerator along with the bean to create the XML that meets 
the needs of the authentication framework.

My problem is that while the auth-fw invokes my flow appropriately to 
validate the login, my calling sendPage() provides the output XML directly 
to the browser. The auth-fw needs be to return XML directly to it.

I looked in and it's authenticate() method is 
   source = SourceUtil.getSource(authenticationResourceName, 
 parameters, this.resolver);
   doc = SourceUtil.toDOM(source);
on my validation flow pipeline.

Can someone give me an idea how I can either:
- invoke a pipeline from within flow with my bean whose output is returned 
to the flow caller instead of sent to the browser.
- how to directly return XML from within flow (I can have Castor marshal my 
bean if I have to).

The auth-fw flow example just reads the login info from an XML file on disk 
with an appropriate stylesheet to retrieve only the desired login info (or 
none as appropriate); so it doesn't cover this scenario.

Thanks for any pointers,
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Generating XML from flow for auth-fw

2004-07-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
I've written some flowscript to perform login validation using OJB and on 
success I end up with a populated bean. I then call sendPage() to a pipeline 
that uses JXPathGenerator along with the bean to create the XML that meets 
the needs of the authentication framework.

My problem is that while the auth-fw invokes my flow appropriately to 
validate the login, my calling sendPage() provides the output XML directly 
to the browser. The auth-fw needs be to return XML directly to it.

I looked in and it's authenticate() method is 
   source = SourceUtil.getSource(authenticationResourceName, 
 parameters, this.resolver);
   doc = SourceUtil.toDOM(source);
on my validation flow pipeline.

Can someone give me an idea how I can either:
- invoke a pipeline from within flow with my bean whose output is returned 
to the flow caller instead of sent to the browser.
- how to directly return XML from within flow (I can have Castor marshal my 
bean if I have to).

The auth-fw flow example just reads the login info from an XML file on disk 
with an appropriate stylesheet to retrieve only the desired login info (or 
none as appropriate); so it doesn't cover this scenario.

Thanks for any pointers,
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When/where are demo database tables created?

2004-07-09 Thread Steve Schwarz
I was playing around to add a new sample to the ojb samples and can't seem 
to find the script that is run in the build or startup of the standalone 
demo that creates the tables used by this sample...
I'd like to integrate some new tables directly into the existing script(s).

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Programmatically setting fd:output widget values

2004-07-09 Thread Steve Schwarz
I was reading in the WoodyWidgetReference that you can set the value of 
output widgets either by binding or programmatically. I'd like to create a 
widget into which I set user messages from my flowscript but I can't find an 
example of how to do it w/o using a binding.

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RE: how to access authentication context or to set up custom context during logi

2004-07-08 Thread Steve Schwarz
IIUC your solution below will put the user on the page they requested. It 
should only leave you with the do-login url if someone had tried to access a 
link to a protected page and was not yet logged in. Once they login their 
links will be correct for all other protected and non-protected pages and 
they will have the auth information on all pages(?).

What I ended up doing in this scenario was putting the user on their account 
info page and embedding a link in it to the page they originally requested. 
I did this because in my case it is unlikely they will have stored a link to 
a protected page and all the protected pages are explictly available on the 
account info page.
	map:match pattern=dologin
	!-- In case someone re-logs in when already logged in send them to account 
view --
   map:act type=auth-loggedIn
 map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
 map:redirect-to uri=cocoon:/account/view.htm/
		map:act type=auth-login
			map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
			map:parameter name=name value={request-param:name}/
			map:parameter name=password value={request-param:password}/
!-- Take the default account view page and use it to
 put the authentication session into my own session
			 for use in pipelines outside of auth-protected actions.
  			 If we have a redirect then transform it to include
the new page as a link --
			map:generate src=cocoon:/account/view.htm/
map:transform src=style/account/view.xsl
	map:parameter name=redirect value={request-param:resource}/
	map:parameter name=site-root value={global:site-root}/
map:transform type=session/
map:serialize type=html/
		map:redirect-to uri=cocoon:/login/

Another solution in this scenario would be to send out a page with a client 
side redirect to the originally requested page. This page could have the 
usual pithy comment like Successfully logged in you'll be taken to your 
requested page in x seconds.

An action to put the auth info into the session should work too since you 
can see that the actions in this pipeline are invoked and a redirect can 
follow them. I'm not sure if an action already exists for this but you can 
look at the SessionAction.

Lastly, you can take a look at the flow examples in 2.1.5 I'm not sure if 
they handle this any differently.

I'll be interested in your solution.
Hope this helps,
This is weird solution i figured out:
  map:match pattern=do-login
!-- try to login --
map:act type=auth-login
  map:parameter name=handler value=mainhandler/
  map:parameter name=parameter_loginame 
  map:parameter name=parameter_password 
  map:aggregate element=jopa
!-- this xml commands to create and merge contexts --
map:part src=resources/merge-auth-context.xml/
!-- this is original page where login was submitted --
map:part src=cocoon://{request-param:resource}/
  map:transform type=session/
  !-- this XSLT removes html page out of aggregation --
  map:transform src=trans/utils/outofjopa.xslt/
  map:serialize type='html'/
!-- something was wrong, get back to the innocence --
map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/

This works, but looks too ugly.
And the url in browser is left as do-login, because there was no 
It is not valid to do redirect after generate.

Maybe i miss something conceptual here ?
Is original task implementable using standard components ?
If not, could someone hint me what components should i reimplement ?
(actions|session contexts|whatever) ?
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RE: Re[2]: how to access authentication context ?

2004-07-07 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm still away from my code (I can send a sample Thurs PM CDT)
!-- sitemap --
  map:match pattern=do-login
!-- try to login --
map:act type=auth-login
  map:parameter name=handler value=mainhandler/
  map:parameter name=parameter_loginame 
  map:parameter name=parameter_password 
!-- since you have to use a transformer you need to generate a full 
pipeline here w/o a redirect --
src-file-containing-successful-result-and-merge-auth-context.xml /
map:transform type=session/
!-- I can't remember the trick I did to handle the redirect case where you 
are sent to this pipeline
 and you need to redirect to someother protected page  --
  map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/
!-- something was wrong, try it again --
map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/
Hope this helps,
SS I had the same need. I'm not where my source is but if I recall I use 
SS session transformer within the login pipeline to load the 
SS session info into my own session context only on success. Then this 
info is
SS available to all pipelines (either via the session input module or the
SS session transformer) and I use XSL to add the loginname to the XML if 
it is
SS available.
As i suppose, this should be done like this:
!-- merge-auth-context.xml --
  session:createcontext name=test/
  session:setxml context=test path=/
session:getxml context=authentication path=//
!-- /merge-auth-context.xml --

This works fine, but i need to include this code into page that will
be displayed on succesfull login.
And i want this to be original page,
so after login user gets back on page where login form was submitted.
That is:
!-- sitemap --
  map:match pattern=do-login
!-- try to login --
map:act type=auth-login
  map:parameter name=handler value=mainhandler/
  map:parameter name=parameter_loginame 
  map:parameter name=parameter_password 
  map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/
!-- something was wrong, try it again --
map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/
!-- /sitemap --

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RE: how to access authentication context ?

2004-07-06 Thread Steve Schwarz
I had the same need. I'm not where my source is but if I recall I use the 
session transformer within the login pipeline to load the authentication 
session info into my own session context only on success. Then this info is 
available to all pipelines (either via the session input module or the 
session transformer) and I use XSL to add the loginname to the XML if it is 

I don't know the security implications of this approach; in my case there is 
no sensitive info in the auth info. I assume it is the same as using 
sessions in general.

Hope this helps,
I want to implement very simple scheme:
if user is not loged in, every page on site contains login form,
if user is logged in, there is hello, $user message and logout button.
session context authentication is only available if pipeline is
within auth-protect acition, but not in auth-loggedIn action.
How should I pass auth ID to XSLT stylesheet that forms page?
The only way I've found is to manually encode it in URL and using different
map:matches to tell logged access from nonloged.
Is there better way ?
Are there better authentication techniques, other then actions and 
flowscripts ?
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Re: Can't bind query parameters in SQLTransformer??

2004-07-06 Thread Steve Schwarz
I started using SQLTransformer and for a lot of things it works great. It 
doesn't do parameter substitution (AFAIK) so my queries/inserts/updates are 
built dynamically and build the query explicitly. I'm sure there are still a 
lot of Cocoon apps deployed and currently being built using this stable 

Most of my code has been converted to use OJB so my object model is 
independent (mostly) from the database code used to persist the model. Other 
developers are using Hibernate or Castor. Since these are ubiquitous 
techologies at this point you won't see too much discussion about them 
unless someone has problems. Using an ORM (and many would argue together 
with CForms and flow) is the  way to go especially if your object model 
already exists or is expected to be reused in another context.

The beauty of Cocoon is its ability to provide integration with all of these 
persistence mechanisms.

Hope this helps,
Thanks for the tip.  I started with SqlTransformer because I *thought* that 
it was the
new/improved/suggested way of doing things with sql.
I'm starting to get the impression db support is low priority here.  I 
guess that's fine... I
guess I just could've figured it out sooner :)

--- Anderson J. Vitous [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've not done anything using SqlTransformer, but parameter binding can
 be done with ESQL in XSPs, in which your query becomes something like

  select * from foo
  where foo_date lt;

 That being said, I've had trouble doing this with date values but
 instead of looking for a 'proper' solution just did format conversion
 and passed strings...


 On 7/6/2004 1:05 PM, Terry Brick wrote:

  Am I the only one attempting serious database back-end work with 
  --- Terry Brick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looking through the doc and the source code, I don't see that it's 
possible to use standard
 query parameter binding.  I would've expected to be able to do 
something like this...
 select * from foo where foo_date  ?
 param type=date value=${datevar}/
  or something along those lines.
 Is something like this possible?  If not, I would conside the 
SqlTransformer thing not ready
 prime time what would be the suggested approach (besides 
implementing an entirely custom
 approach, which I AM leaning toward at this point)?
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Re: best place to store information : another question

2004-07-05 Thread Steve Schwarz
You could come up with a script that collected input data on the command 
line from the installing client and have it use XSL to update the sitemap 
for the user. I've done that for XML config files on other projects and 
folks seem to like it. They don't have to hunt through the XML and you can 
do any sanity checking you feel is necessary. But maybe that is overkill for 
your needs.

If you don't need the config data to get Cocoon running...then you could 
collect the data via a form on your initial page and have Cocoon to edit 
it's own sitemap using SourceWritingTransformer  :^)

Just an idea,

Thanks, I thought about it.
It would be a solution. My problem is that I don't know if my client would 
be familiar by changing the parameters in the sitemap.

Steve Schwarz wrote:
Hi Lionel
If I understand correctly, I think you can put them in the sitemap 
global-variables section. Then the variable assignments are copied along 
with the sitemap at installation. From the default sitemap:
  | Define global parameters here:
  |   skinmy_skin/skin
  |   ...
  | You can access them by {global:*name*}, e.g. {global:skin}.
  | These values are inherited into sub-sitemaps and can
  | be extended there.

You can then access the global variables via the global input module.
Hope this helps,
Another question :
If I want to set some parameters, is there a place.
These parameter have to be set before the application starts.
by now, I put them into the web.xml but I'm not sure this is for the 
best. I always forget each time I install the application.
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OJB Sample sitemap error(?)

2004-07-03 Thread Steve Schwarz
I just went to use the 2.1.5 OJB sample and it looks like there are three 
paths wrong in the sitemap. At least for my build of the standalone there is 
no samples/forms only samples/blocks/forms

so these:
   catalogue id=other name=OtherMessages 
   catalogue id=forms name=FormsMessages 

should be:
   catalogue id=other name=OtherMessages 
   catalogue id=forms name=FormsMessages 

should be:

If someone could verify if I'm right or wrong I can create a bug report.
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Re: best place to store information : another question

2004-07-02 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Lionel
If I understand correctly, I think you can put them in the sitemap 
global-variables section. Then the variable assignments are copied along 
with the sitemap at installation. From the default sitemap:
  | Define global parameters here:
  |   skinmy_skin/skin
  |   ...
  | You can access them by {global:*name*}, e.g. {global:skin}.
  | These values are inherited into sub-sitemaps and can
  | be extended there.

You can then access the global variables via the global input module.
Hope this helps,
Another question :
If I want to set some parameters, is there a place.
These parameter have to be set before the application starts.
by now, I put them into the web.xml but I'm not sure this is for the best. 
I always forget each time I install the application.
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RE: Iam new , I Want to know Struts or Cocoon more sophisticated ?

2004-06-22 Thread Steve Schwarz
This has been discussed several times on the list. I'd take a look in the 
I know I've also seen discussions of using both depending on a developer's 

turned up a number of articles, Wiki entries, and blogs containing feature 
comparisons, use cases and how tos.

Hope this helps

Dear all ,
i am new user and want to learning struts and cocoon,
but iam confused to choose ?
which is the best , and what is the advantage each other.
thank you
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RE: Howto suppress cinclude namespace

2004-06-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
Take a look at:
I think there was also other discussion about this in the last month or so 
if you search the mail archives(?).

Hope this helps,

How can I make cinclude _not_ to put it's own namespace to the result?
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RE: Does not retrieve ID

2004-06-09 Thread Steve Schwarz
I think I read that the auth-fw session info is only made available from 
within an auth-protected pipeline. Take a look at the section in the auth 
framework docs about accessing session information.

Hope this helps

From: Oro smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Does not retrieve ID
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 13:19:07 +0600 (IST)
Im trying to retrieve the user id from the session and displaying it by 
passing it as a parameter.

However the parameter contains no value and a blank page is displayed.
Can someone tell me where the problem is?
here are the sitemap and xsp codes.
 map:match pattern=test1.wml
 map:generate src=testing1.xsp type=serverpages
 map:parameter name=ups 
map:parameter name=ups1 value=hello/
  map:serialize type=wml /

  String lang=loop;
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RE: Problem: Enabling uploads

2004-04-20 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Tuomo
IIRC the file will only exist for the duration of the pipeline invoked by 
the form action. So you need to process it within that pipeline as cocoon 
deletes it right afterwards.


We're having some serious problems with Cocoon upload mechanism. Nothing
ends up in the upload-dir. The form enctype is set to multipart/form-data,
enable-uploads=true and autosave-uploads=true in web.xml.
What could be the problem?

Running Cocoon 2.1.4 on Tomcat 4.1.24.
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RE: Problem: Enabling uploads

2004-04-20 Thread Steve Schwarz
I believe the behavior changed in 2.1 so that that is no longer true:

But if autosave-uploads=true, the the file should be saved in the
upload-dir permanently, right?

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Steve Schwarz wrote:

 Hi Tuomo
 IIRC the file will only exist for the duration of the pipeline invoked 
 the form action. So you need to process it within that pipeline as 
 deletes it right afterwards.

 We're having some serious problems with Cocoon upload mechanism. 
 ends up in the upload-dir. The form enctype is set to 
 enable-uploads=true and autosave-uploads=true in web.xml.
 What could be the problem?
 Running Cocoon 2.1.4 on Tomcat 4.1.24.
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Including XML into HTML as CDATA

2004-04-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm trying to generate html that displays the content of XML files to the 
user. I found this archive mail:

And I looked at the the snippet sitemap for how Cocoon documentation 
displays xml in its html (it just embeds the ![CDATA[ ... ]] directly in 
the xml file (which I can't do).

But I'm still stumped...

My sitemap declaration:
   map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.html
   	mime-type=text/html name=ACML pool-grow=4 pool-max=32 

My sitemap pattern
 map:match pattern=(courses|view)/(.*).acml$ type=regexp
   map:generate src=web/{1}/{2}/{2}.acml /
   map:serialize type=ACML /
Src file:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
	course id=20040408204930391 version=1.0 units=in width=1200 
	copyright2004 Anonymous Person/copyright

In my browser I get:

	]]course id=20040408204930391 version=1.0 units=in width=1200 

copyright2004 Anonymous Person/copyright

Seems to me the CDATA isn't wrapping the div element correctly...??

Is there some other way to do this?

I tried using a stylesheet to wrap the element but then I get the raw chars 
and not the CDATA behavior.

xsl:template match=/
Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
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RE: Including XML into HTML as CDATA

2004-04-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
Thank you very much that did the trick!
Have a look @ xml2html.xslt (one of the Cocoon system stylesheets).

 I'm trying to generate html that displays the content of XML
 files to the
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RE: (Easy) Passing a Variable From Sitemap to StyleSheet?

2004-04-13 Thread Steve Schwarz
I think you want:
xsl:param name=requestedfile/
cinclude:include src={$requestedfile}/
I highly recommend Michael Kay's XSLT 2nd Edition
Hope this helps
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Re: (Easy) Passing a Variable From Sitemap to StyleSheet?

2004-04-13 Thread Steve Schwarz
You can't do it directly within the document. But maybe you just need to 
think about the problem a little differently. Remember you don't need this 
aggregate document to physically exist. It just needs to be assembled at 
some point in your pipeline.

So I'd use a stylesheet to get what you. Often you can structure your 
stylesheet(s) as a general template into which you pass params to configure 
the included subelements. So you might have a simple document (say a table 
layout template for your page) and use the pipeline to pass the 
configuration information to the stylesheet that modifies your basic 
document. I do this with a single style sheet into which I pass params to 
cinclude the various fixed and variable content of each page's layout.

Ok, I see the source of the problem now.  I am trying to resolve the
value of a variable from within an xml document, not within the
stylesheet.  I'm using the xml document to collect a bunch of xml
documents using cinclude.  That's where I need to have the name of a
file requested in the uri by the user.  So the question becomes how to
pass the name of a file to a cinclude:include directive inside an xml
document, if that makes sense.
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Clarification on DownloadFilesToLocalDisk?

2004-04-06 Thread Steve Schwarz
First of all Lionel Crine thank you for creating this wiki page:
The first approach  using an action and a reader works fine for me.

But I have a question about the second approach. Which serializer should be 
configured to match type=file ? It doesn't seem to be specified by default 
in the 2.1.2 sitemap.

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RE: svg2gif Serializer?

2004-03-27 Thread Steve Schwarz
AFAIK the serialization is implemented through Batik and Batik doesn't 
support SVG to GIF conversion here's a link from their mail archives (if you 
search them you will see many such discussions):

I use svg2png and for IE I use a hack based on this approach to get 


I am looking for a serializer which lets me use transparency. After I found
out that png seems to support transparency, I gave the svg2png serializer a
try. When using Firebird/Firefox everything looks perfect. In the
Internet-Explorer the transparent parts are white. As I don't seem to be
able to use transparency in the Internet-Explorer, I would have to use
another format which supports transparency.
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Jetty/Cocoon Config Question

2004-03-12 Thread Steve Schwarz
I've been using the 2.1 bundled Jetty and would like to change the 
configuration to remove the cocoon from the uri as described here (for 

Can someone give me the clue for how to setup the bundled Jetty in the same 

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Re: Jetty/Cocoon Config Question

2004-03-12 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm sorry I mis-stated my request...
I'd like to move one of my sub sitemaps into the default context.
Can someone give me the clue for how to setup the bundled Jetty in the 
same way?

?  The bundled jetty puts cocoon on the defualt context (i.e., without the 

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[repost] authentication-fw accessing resource for redirect

2004-03-09 Thread Steve Schwarz
Sorry to post again; but I'm stumped on this one...
I've been pouring through the mail archives and can't seem to find what I'm 
doing wrong...

If I am not yet authenticated and I try to access a protected page, I am 
(correctly) redirected to the login page with the uri containing the 
(encoded) resource that I tried to access. How do I redirect back to the 
protected resource I was originally seeking after logging in successfully?

If it matters, I am doing all of this in a sub sitemap.

Here's relevant sitemap entries:
 handler name=uploadHandler
   redirect-to uri=cocoon://agilitycourses/login/
   authentication uri=cocoon:/upload-authuser/
 application loadondemand=true name=courses
this pipeline is called from the login form post action:
map:match pattern=dologin
   map:act type=auth-loggedIn
 map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
 map:redirect-to uri=alreadyLoggedIn/
map:act type=auth-login
map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
map:parameter name=name value={request-param:name}/
map:parameter name=password 
map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
!-- I've tried {request-attr:resource} also w/no success --
map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/
map:redirect-to uri=login/
map:match pattern=protected/*
map:act type=auth-protect
 map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
 map:parameter name=application value=courses/
 map:match pattern=**/upload_acml
   map:generate src=web/content/upload_acml.html /
   map:serialize type=html /
The login html is:
bodyform method=post action=dologin
tabletrtdName: input type=text name=name//td/tr
trtdPassword: input type=password name=password//td/tr
trtdinput type=submit//td/tr/table/form/body
So if it access protected/upload_acml I am sent to:
I just can't seem to access the resource once the form is submitted.
So the redirect goes to  the root of my site submap.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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authentication-fw accessing resource for redirect

2004-03-04 Thread Steve Schwarz
I've been pouring through the mail archives and can't seem to find what I'm 
doing wrong...

If I am not yet authenticated and I try to access a protected page, I am 
(correctly) redirected to the login page with the uri containing the 
(encoded) resource that I tried to access. How do I redirect back to the 
protected resource I was originally seeking after logging in successfully?

If it matters, I am doing all of this in a sub sitemap.

Here's relevant sitemap entries:
 handler name=uploadHandler
   redirect-to uri=cocoon://agilitycourses/login/
   authentication uri=cocoon:/upload-authuser/
 application loadondemand=true name=courses
this pipeline is called from the login form post action:
map:match pattern=dologin
   map:act type=auth-loggedIn
 map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
 map:redirect-to uri=alreadyLoggedIn/
map:act type=auth-login
map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
map:parameter name=name value={request-param:name}/
map:parameter name=password 
map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
!-- I've tried {request-attr:resource} also w/no success --
map:redirect-to uri={request-param:resource}/
map:redirect-to uri=login/
map:match pattern=protected/*
map:act type=auth-protect
 map:parameter name=handler value=uploadHandler/
 map:parameter name=application value=courses/
 map:match pattern=**/upload_acml
   map:generate src=web/content/upload_acml.html /
   map:serialize type=html /
The login html is:
bodyform method=post action=dologin
tabletrtdName: input type=text name=name//td/tr
trtdPassword: input type=password name=password//td/tr
trtdinput type=submit//td/tr/table/form/body
So if it access protected/upload_acml I am sent to:
I just can't seem to access the resource once the form is submitted.
So the redirect goes to  the root of my site submap.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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RE: Validating transformer

2004-02-26 Thread Steve Schwarz
Please search the mail archives, I think a couple months ago someone posted 
source to do what you wish; it might have been an action that would 
pass/fail a document based on a DTD...

In order to improve the quality of my app, I would like to have a 
transformer that:

*   given a DTD, schema or something similar,
*   it could validate the XML data received.
Does anybody know if there is already one?
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Coccon/FOP/SVG/PDF viewBox affecting dsiplayed size

2004-02-23 Thread Steve Schwarz
I've got a weird problem generating pdfs using FOP from xml containing SVG; 
but only when converted through Cocoon (2.1.2). Generation directly with FOP 
is problem free.

For viewBox values larger than 0 0 525 525 (you know this is going to be 
weird already...) the generated image within the PDF is proportionally 

For example this renders as a black square filled in red and is 7 in on each 

fo:block text-align=center
fo:instream-foreign-object text-align=center
svg:svg xmlns:xlink=; height=7in width=7in 
viewBox=0 0 500, 500
svg:rect x=0px y=0px width=500 height=500 

But this renders as a black edged square filled in red and is ~6 in on each 
fo:block text-align=center
fo:instream-foreign-object text-align=center
svg:svg xmlns:xlink=; height=7in width=7in 
viewBox=0 0 600, 600
!-- rect sized to completely fill viewBox --
svg:rect x=0px y=0px width=600 height=600 

Of course the data I'm rendering is in a scale requiring viewBox sizes well 
over 1000 in width/height.

Has anyone got a pointer for me? I took a look at FOPSerializer and it 
doesn't really do anything suspicious...

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RE: SVG broken images.....HELP!!

2004-02-17 Thread Steve Schwarz
Don't you need to specify a viewPort attribute in your outermost svg 
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

xsl:template match=artists-photo1
svg width=300 height=300
xsl:apply-templates /
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Re: SVG broken images.....HELP!!

2004-02-17 Thread Steve Schwarz
Sorry if I lead you astray before...
How's about a divide and conquer strategy? Seems like it isn't clear if the 
SVG being delivered to the svg2png serializer is correct or not.

I think someone else mentioned this already, but the way I debugged a 
similar problem was to:
- install the Adobe plugin for IE on a windows machine.
- change the map:match pattern=frame/*.jpg to use the standard xml 
(or make a new match that does the same thing with pattern=frame/*.xml if 
you think you might need to do this again in the future :^)
- request the page from the browser
then you can either see what is wrong directly in the XML or save the page 
as source and load the page from the filesystem as SVG using the plugin and 
look for the error.

I'd start with a single filled rectangle as my image to further simplify the 

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Re: SVG broken images.....HELP!!

2004-02-17 Thread Steve Schwarz
Well it ain't SVG. If this is what you are giving to the SVG serializer it 
will never work. It has to be an SVG document. Looks like you are giving the 
serializer a whole HTML page that doesn't contain any svg elements at all.

Please take a look at the svg samples that ship with Cocoon to see how they 

Ok guys,
my brains have nearly turned to tapioca over this svg issue!! ;-). I have 
attached the generated xml document, if you could have a look at the doc 
and see what is going on it will be a great help to me.

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RE: Embedded JavaScript file inside dynamic SVG isn't working

2004-02-10 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Guatam,
hi Steve,
 This is the same mail that i sent to your mail box directly.. i am
extremely sorry for that.These mail is to the cocoon users group to
rectify that mistake of mine.
It was my bad that started this; I must have sent directly to you.

and wrt ur mail ,these is what i found:
  I tried accesing the MoveCircle.js file from the client machine using
(url = http://localhost/cocoon/SvgApps/scripts/MoveCircle.js) and it
works fine from there.So i think that sitemap seems to pick it up fine.
 I tried removing the mime-type for .JS files and still got the same
error Message Box which says Microsoft JScript runtime error:Object
expected line:1,column:0
I'm not an SVG/JS expert, so I'd tackle this by trying to remove some
more variables. Since it looks like Cocoon is delivering all the pieces;
double check your paths are generated as you expect. If that is good
I'd modify your example to just run in the browser from the local filesystem
and not send any of it through Cocoon. Forgive me if you've tried this
already; I'd just try to figure out if this a Cocoon problem or an SVG 

  I am not using the .js file from inside the html page which gets
generated but from inside the .svg file...bcos the in the future, i
would like the dynamically generated svg to just work as the main svg
container which internally is built up of other svg image layers using
the svg:image tag so that the final  svg image created  have there own
user event handling based on what layer is currently active.
  Since you said you have been using .JS from the html container
page,have you been able to get hold of the handle to the svg doc
element ?
Take a look at the O'Reilly SVG Essentials by J. David Eisenberg he
has a small section on ecmascript and SVG. There might be other
books that are better...
He does:
script type=text/ecmascript
function ecircle(evt) {
var circle=evt.getTarget();
circle.setAttribute(r, 50);
function scircle(evt){
var circle=evt.getTarget();
circle cx='150 y=175 r=25 fill=red
He states the JS onmouse*() handlers interact with the SVG using the evt SVG 

That is all I know!
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Re: Problems compiling action

2004-01-24 Thread Steve Schwarz
It all depends how many iterations you need to make an action work; how 
complex the action is, how many actions you have. Softlinking is the the 
quick and dirtyapproach and puts your compiled code into the deployed 
cocoon class structure (or even jar file if that is what you want); it's a 
no-brainer from a cocoon build/configuration perspective. This was the 
approach I was using when I only had a couple actions and was trying out 
cocoon. Then choose the option you really need to minimize the work 

Just put your class structure under cocoon/src/java and the build/ant 
scripts will do the right thing when you perform with your argument 
of choice. i.e. compile

i.e. if your class is just put it under the 
cocoon/src/java tree:

or if you have your files in /home/yoshi/java/com/mine/acting
cd  ~/cocoon-2.1/src/java
ln -s ~/java/com .
I'm using Eclipse now and have my project put its compiled classes into the 
WEB-INF/classes tree when it compiles, together with the sunBow extensions 
it makes working with Cocoon a lot easier.

Hope this helps,

Hi steve, in a post you made at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07833.html you 
suggest softlinking an action source under cocoon's and using the cocoon 
build script. Wont this require cocoon to be rebuilt (a somewhat timely 
process). Also how is this done exactly?
Any help you can give me would help and be much appreciated


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Re: Problems compiling action

2004-01-05 Thread Steve Schwarz

4. The error message I am getting is : tcsh: ./ Permission 

what am I doing wrong here?
Isn't this obvious? On any file or directory that is touched you have not 
the permission to touch it, maybe itself. It's not a 
problem with compilation or Cocoon, simply with the file system.

Get a hold of a UNIX shell intro... if you are just learning this won't be 
your last question along this line :^)

The script probably doesn't have execute permission try:
ls -l
probably shows
to fix this give it execute permission:
chmod +x
p.s. you could just softlink your action sources under Cocoon's and use the 
Cocoon build script. Or even better is to use the sunBow plugin for Eclipse 
which does everything for you once you set it up.

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Comments?? [RT] SVGRenderingTransformer?

2003-12-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
Does anyone have any comments on this idea?

I have a problem for which a general solution might be useful to others
and am looking for feedback on my idea.
As much as I'd like to supply SVG directly to the client; few people have
SVG plugins installed. So, like many of you, I've been using svg2png to
generate images. But SVG also provides for interactivity through
To provide some of (scripted) SVG's features I'd like to break up the SVG
image into a number of SVG sub documents, render them each as PNG and then
use html divs to position the subimages at the client in the correct
position relative to the base SVG document origin. (e.g. an office floor
plan where each desk, chair, etc is it's own image extracted from an SVG
document and positioned as they were in the original document).
This idea opens up the ability to use JavaScript for
drag/drop/delete/modify of the presentation layer on JavaScript enabled
browsers. In order to perform the extractions the bounding box would need
to be determined and the transformation to the root coordinate system
calculated. From my cursory investigations the Batik library provides all
of these features(???). This approach would also allow for building image
maps around significant areas of the image using the area's bounding box
dimensions (bbox dimensions can't always be known without rendering;
e.g.complex paths, rendering rectangles around text in arbitrary fonts).
I was thinking of creating an SVGRenderingTransformer that would render
the entire SVG document and then allow extracting subtrees as annotated
standalone SVG documents.
i.e. input pseudo svg doc:
svg viewBox=0 0 1512 1512 height=600 width=600
g transform=translate(0, 1320) scale(1,-1) id=globalTransform
  g id=obstacles
g transform=translate(344,865) rotate(-170,0,0) id=ac.74
  some elements
g transform=translate(1297,956) rotate(-86,0,0) id=ac.75
  some elements
output pseudo doc (assuming  svgX:extract are the extraction elements
and *text* are the values computed by the transformer):
svg viewBox=0 0 1512 1512 height=600 width=600
g transform=translate(0, 1320) scale(1,-1) id=globalTransform
  g id=obstacles
svg viewBox=0 0 *minBoundingWidth* *minBoundingHeight*
width=*minBoundingWidth* height=*minBoundingHeight* x=*xWRTRoot*
y=yWRTRoot id=ac.74
  some elements
svg viewBox=0 0 *minBoundingWidth* *minBoundingHeight*
width=*minBoundingWidth* height=*minBoundingHeight* x=*xWRTRoot*
y=yWRTRoot id=ac.75
  some elements
You could then put XSLT, SourceWriting, and FragmentExtractor Transformers
afterwards in the pipeline to remove, cache, render the individual
elements as PNG/JPG if so desired.
Is a transformer really the right component to implement this 
Of course performance could be an issue for a dynamic data driven
Any Batik power users who know if my speculation on Batik's abilities are
In addition to extract, other options could include: copy w/o extracting,
wrapping a new root.

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!
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RE: OT: How do you use CVS?

2003-12-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm using eclipse and use it to put my whole tree 
under CVS. You can choose to exclude various directories if you don't want 
to include your jars. I created a separate sub project for my Cocoon 
application. If you use the sunbow extensions it hooks in nicely with Cocoon. I think 
there is also an ant task(?) for generating the Eclipse project file that 
makes this trivial.

SmartCVS is also a real nice Java GUI for CVS if you 
don't want an IDE.
I guess my summary would be disk is cheap put it all under CVS :^)

From: Justin Fagnani-Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: OT: How do you use CVS?
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 16:05:32 -0800
I'm just now starting to setup CVS for my Cocoon based projects and I'm 
wondering how other Cocoon users use CVS.

My project directory structure is probably similar to others using Cocoon 
and Ant. It's something like this:

 - build.xml
 - etc
 - - cocoon.xconf (and others)
- lib
- src
- web
- - (various files and directories, some text and some binary)
I'd need to put at least src/ and two dirs under web/ (stylesheets and 
xsp's) into CVS, but I'd actually like to just import the whole project. 
I'm not so sure what to do about the JAR's in lib/ and the graphics under 

What are others doing out there? And are you integrating CVS with Ant?

Thanks a bunch,
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RE: cocoon and svg rasteriser

2003-12-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
Unless I'm missing something, it looks like you've got one too many / in 
your cocoon: statement. How's about:

I am using cocoon 2.0.3. I have a  transform to a xml file which contains a
xlink to an cocoon pipeline for static images but it does not get rendered
into jpeg.
xsl:attribute namespace=;
So I have a pipeline for serving /svgdiagram/something.jpg but the above
doesn't work... am I using cocoon:// correctly here?
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RE: cocoon and svg rasteriser

2003-12-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
Sorry I guess I did misunderstand your request.
A couple ideas:
- recently in the mail lists I seem to recall discussions about using source 
resolver to do this. But I'm not an XSP guy so I don't know how you go about 
accessing the source resolver w/in xsp...
- another post for this type of problem recommended putting your root dir in 
a config file and then using Xinclude to extract the root from the config 
file into the XSL.
- I have used a global site map variable named root and use the 
{global:root} to pass this into my XSLT.

I just wonder if I can resolve/expand this url:


via java in my xsp to the full one...


using come java call by passing in cocoon://svgdiagram/image.jpg as an
Then I will have the full url in my xsl transform. It is because the
rasteriser only works if that link is a full http url!
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[RT] SVGRenderingTransformer?

2003-12-11 Thread Steve Schwarz

I have a problem for which a general solution might be useful to others
and am looking for feedback on my idea.
As much as I'd like to supply SVG directly to the client; few people have
SVG plugins installed. So, like many of you, I've been using svg2png to
generate images. But SVG also provides for interactivity through
To provide some of (scripted) SVG's features I'd like to break up the SVG
image into a number of SVG sub documents, render them each as PNG and then
use html divs to position the subimages at the client in the correct
position relative to the base SVG document origin. (e.g. an office floor
plan where each desk, chair, etc is it's own image extracted from an SVG
document and positioned as they were in the original document).
This idea opens up the ability to use JavaScript for
drag/drop/delete/modify of the presentation layer on JavaScript enabled
browsers. In order to perform the extractions the bounding box would need
to be determined and the transformation to the root coordinate system
calculated. From my cursory investigations the Batik library provides all
of these features(???). This approach would also allow for building image
maps around significant areas of the image using the area's bounding box
dimensions (bbox dimensions can't always be known without rendering;
e.g.complex paths, rendering rectangles around text in arbitrary fonts).
I was thinking of creating an SVGRenderingTransformer that would render
the entire SVG document and then allow extracting subtrees as annotated
standalone SVG documents.
i.e. input pseudo svg doc:
svg viewBox=0 0 1512 1512 height=600 width=600
g transform=translate(0, 1320) scale(1,-1) id=globalTransform
  g id=obstacles
g transform=translate(344,865) rotate(-170,0,0) id=ac.74
  some elements
g transform=translate(1297,956) rotate(-86,0,0) id=ac.75
  some elements
output pseudo doc (assuming  svgX:extract are the extraction elements
and *text* are the values computed by the transformer):
svg viewBox=0 0 1512 1512 height=600 width=600
g transform=translate(0, 1320) scale(1,-1) id=globalTransform
  g id=obstacles
svg viewBox=0 0 *minBoundingWidth* *minBoundingHeight*
width=*minBoundingWidth* height=*minBoundingHeight* x=*xWRTRoot*
y=yWRTRoot id=ac.74
  some elements
svg viewBox=0 0 *minBoundingWidth* *minBoundingHeight*
width=*minBoundingWidth* height=*minBoundingHeight* x=*xWRTRoot*
y=yWRTRoot id=ac.75
  some elements
You could then put XSLT, SourceWriting, and FragmentExtractor Transformers
afterwards in the pipeline to remove, cache, render the individual
elements as PNG/JPG if so desired.
Is a transformer really the right component to implement this functionality?
Of course performance could be an issue for a dynamic data driven
Any Batik power users who know if my speculation on Batik's abilities are
In addition to extract, other options could include: copy w/o extracting,
wrapping a new root.
Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Serializer preserve spaces

2003-12-09 Thread Steve Schwarz
Thank you for spotting my operator error! Moz fooled me when I was viewing 
the styled xml in the browser.
I verified via SourceWritingTransformer serializing to xml that whitespace 
is preserved.

Thanks again,
Steve Schwarz wrote:
How do I configure the XMLSerializer to preserve whitespace?
The XML serializer preserves whitespace it gest from earlier
What kind of tool do you use to view
the result? Try a plain text editor.
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RE: Recommended XML to Java binding framework for Cocoon?

2003-12-08 Thread Steve Schwarz

About 6 months ago I looked at JAXB and Castor. Settled on Castor for the 
following business/tech reasons:
- It wasn't clear what the licensing terms for JAXB as part of Sun's larger 
XML suite would be.
- JAXB either didn't handle polymorphism and/or substitution groups (I don't 
have my notes with me).
- Castor's SourceGenerator did a good job of generating Beans directly from 
the document XSD.
- Castor's generated code can marshal/unmarshal w/o any mapping file. 
Supports validation. Alternately, a mapping file to/from an existing object 
model is also supported.
- Castor supports polymorphic collections.

Castor can also generate a mapping file automatically or, generate an XSD 
from an instance doc. So the helper apps helped me a lot.

My development flow was from a UML design of the XSD to the data model 
(document-centric design) to object/relational model. The SourceGenerator 
allowed me to push out new code whenever the UML design changed. Is the 
generated code exactly how I'd hand code it? No, but I'm thinking it can be 
reverse-engineered back into the modeling tool (Enterprise Architect) and 
ancillary functions re-merged back into the generated code.

A downside of the generated model approach is that if you plan to regenerate 
often, I think you have to design the rest of the system to interact with 
the model through non-invasive methods (not modifying the generated code). I 
ended up using visitors to implement some operations on the data model that 
I might have edited directly into the model's source otherwise. Similarly 
extending the data model classes can only be supported if you go through a 
mapping file and don't use the generated code for marshaling/unmarshaling 
(unless you want to manually modify the generated descriptor classes to 
construct the extended classes in place of the generated classes).

My original plan was to use Castor for both XML binding and O/RM binding but 
OJB was more complete for my needs in comparison to Castor (but that's 
another story).


Anyone have any recommendations as to which XML to Java binding framework
works best under Cocoon?
I have a requirement for one to do with PDF file manipulation, and was
wondering if there were any to stay away from, or any others that might 
better under Cocoon.
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Serializer preserve spaces

2003-12-08 Thread Steve Schwarz
This must be a FAQ but I can't seem to find the answer in the wiki or the 
How do I configure the XMLSerializer to preserve whitespace?

Here's my test case:
Given an XML doc test.xml:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
textSome text withspaces/text
I use an XSLT stylesheet text.xsl:
?xml version=1.0?
xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=;  
xsl:strip-space elements=*/
xsl:preserve-space elements=text/

xsl:template match=text
With this pipeline the extra whitespace is removed:
map:match pattern=text.xml
map:generate src=text.xml/
map:transform src=style/text.xsl/
map:serialize type=xml/
Changing to the TextSerializer preserves the whitespace.
Can  I control this behavior for the XMLSerializer?
Thanks for any help,
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Re: Fw: Uploading files with Cocoon 2.1 (one more)

2003-11-28 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hmmm. I haven't checked the archives to see what I posted. But it is 
possible I cut and pasted with some errorI'm very sorry if that is the 
case! I didn't just attach the action since it wouldn't persist in the mail 
archives that way.

In my code I have:
// Create the upload folder(s) if need be
File folder = new File(uploadFolder);
if (!folder.exists()) {
File destFile =
new File(folder + File.separator + filename);
// code that does the copy
So the creation of the directories is independent from the file copying..

File folder = new File (uploadfolder);
if (!folder.exists()){
//code for uploading and saving a file

That generates the next problem: if you upload a file, a folder is created,
and the file is saved into this folder.
So if you make the change as you indicate I'm sure all is well. (?)
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Re: CInclude XInclude Transformers

2003-11-28 Thread Steve Schwarz
If I understand correctly, it looks like you can just create a pipeline that 
serves your modified config file and then refer to it using the cocoon: 
protocol when you need it.

I do something similar - here is where I generate my config data (from a db 
instead of a file)
	 !-- Pull xml config data from database as XML --
 map:match pattern=^(category|club|difficulty|style|organization)$
   map:generate type=file src=web/content/simple_select.xml /
  !-- Yor transform would go here and you can pass it any params you 
need in the request to
modify your config file --
   map:transform type=xslt src=style/simple_select.xsl
 map:parameter name=table-name value={1} /
   map:transform type=sql
 map:parameter name=use-connection value=agilitycourses /
 map:parameter name=preserve-column-case value=true /
   map:serialize type=xml /

Then I cinclude the output in other pipellines by refering to it via  
cocoon:/category or cocoon:/club

I found an interesting and (to me) unexpected effect when doing this. The 
request to the cocoon protocol is the request as you've processed it thus 
far, so you can use the request to modify the result of the cincluded 
pipeline as you need.

Best Regards,

From: Nacho Jimenez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CInclude  XInclude Transformers
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 22:44:41 +
	Hello all,

	I need to merge several different pipelines into a single one. At first, I 
looked at aggregators as the tool for the job, but I have to decide 
dinamically what to merge from an XML config file, so Aggregators are not 
the answer.

	I can manipulate with XSLT the config file and transform it so that it 
becomes an XML file with xinclude or cinclude tags, but I want to access 
pipelines, not external documents.. Is that posible, or do I have to access 

	Please.. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Re: Docs or examples for modular database actions?

2003-11-28 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Thomas,

I'm building a simple CrUD (Create/Update/Delete) db app, similar to the 
users/groups and users/depts examples, and I'd like to use
- XSP/ESQL for queries (some of which could get quite complex)
- modular DB actions for insert / update / delete.

This is from experimentation and from studying
- Christian Haul's excellent GT 2003 paper:
... you are looking in all the right places

ModularDB actions, however, still have me baffled. Before cluttering up the 
list with boring RTFM questions, I'd like to check which F***ing Manual I 
should be reading :-)
Have you taken a look at:
It is what I used to really figure out how to configure/use the modular db 

Searching the list archives I can find other similar questions with few 
answers, does this mean ModularDB is best left until it is more stable / 
better documented?
ModularDb is quite stable and Christian has been very helpful in answering 
any questions. I can't quite put a finger on what is wrong with the 
current docs. The information is there but the examples are almost too 
involved when you are just starting out. A very simple CRUD example using a 
single table would be very helpful when starting out. I'll see if I can find 
some time to put one together...I had said I'd do this a while back and 
never did though... :^)

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Re: Uploading files with Cocoon 2.1 (one more)

2003-11-24 Thread Steve Schwarz
I think part of the problem is an overloading of the term upload 
I have a problem with the upload directory.

 immediately after your pipeline completes
Cocoon will delete the file from the upload-dir
 if it is  still there.
This iis the directory specified in the web.xml. For consistency let's call 
it the upload-dir.
My action will copy the file from the upload-dir to the specified 
destination directory. Let's call it the destination-dir.
Cocoon definitely deletes the file from the upload-dir once your pipeline 
finishes processing (this has nothing to do with the action).

But you didn't answer my question...Are you configuring your upload-dir to 
the same path as the destination-dir?
Well, this doesn't happen into my application. When the server receives a
file, it processes the file, and generates a result. After it, I need to
delete the file, in order to prepare the sever for other receivements.
Furthermore, I want to delete incoming directory, because the Upload
Action doesn't work if incoming directory already exists.
That is ... incoming directory only accepts one file. If the server wants
to adquire another file, there is a problem, because upload action tries to
create incoming directory again.
This shouldn't be necessary. I have been running this action for months 
copying hundreds of files into the same directory without ever deleting the 
directory. Are you getting some error message pointing to the directory 
creation as the problem? If so what is it?

Didn't you say in a previous email that you are reusing the same file name 
over and over?
Try this same stuff with different filenames and verify that it works 
correctly. Then try it reusing the same file names.

If you still have a problem please post the logfile output for the success 
case and the error case with logging set to DEBUG.

It is very painful trying to debug your problem if you don't supply the log 

Best Regards,
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Re: Uploading files with Cocoon 2.1 (one more)

2003-11-18 Thread Steve Schwarz

Steven Schwarz posted his own upload action, but I can't run it.
What error / failure condition are you getting? Please supply the logfile 
showing the action output.

It contains a request action, that I don't need
It *has* to contain a request...that is where cocoon puts the 
directory/filename of the temporary location where it put the uploaded file. 
The action copies or moves the file from the temporary location to the final 
location you specify.

and I think it is too complex.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :^) It's only ~120 lines long and the 
vast majority of that is debug logging. I put all the logging to make it 
easy to debug when others use it.

This action has to handle three scenarios:
1. The input is a Part
2. The input is a PartOnDisk (the most common case)
3. The input is a PartOnDisk and it is not on the same filesystem as the 

Please run this action along with the pipelines I provided with debug turned 
on and submit the logs.
I can only help if you can provide specific problems.

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Re: Re: file upload - another question

2003-11-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Jan,
Sorry if this is a re-reply, my mailer just hiccuped...
Did you compile this before the code change from the command line as you 
show? I'd recommend using the build script in the cocoon root, it will setup 
everything correctly and copy the output to the correct places.

I get an error message where I don't know what may be wrong:
Mult cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method resolveURI (java.lang.String)
location: interface org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver
Source outSource = resolver.resolveURI(uploadDir + 
1 error
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[OT] Sodipodi SVG flags 1.0

2003-11-15 Thread Steve Schwarz
I just saw this in the SVG mail list and I know there are a lot of SVG users 
in the Cocoon community who might want to use national flags in their web 
apps as buttons and such.
Take Care,

Sodipodi flags 1.0

This is the first release of the Sodipodi flag collection. This
collection currently consist of over 210 different international and
local flags. The flags are donated by their authors into the public
domain.  The flags are in the scalable and free SVG format which today
is supported by most major vector graphics programs. Most flags are done
using the Sodipodi vector drawing application. In others words these are
free flags in a free format made with a free application.
The core collection of flags in this collection are meant to be as
accurate as possible.  If you discover flags in here that have wrong
proportions or wrong colors then please update the flag with the correct
colors or sizes and send it to us with an explanation.
New flags are of course also welcomed, but remember we need a clear
statement from you that you dedicate the flag to the public domain,
preferably using the Creative Commons public domain dedication process
found here:
We do hope that many of you take some time to help us make this an even
more complete collection.
We hope that this collection can be useful to people in many different
settings be that in relation to software, publishing, education and so
The assembly of this huge collection has been made possible thanks to
the hard work of many people. We big thank you goes to all our
contributors listed in the CREDITS file distributed with this package.
We would especially like to thank Tobias Jacobs, Sigge Kotliar, Cezary
Biel, Brett Roper, Daniel McRae and Lauris Kaplinski, whose
contributions count for around half the collection.
You can see all of the currently contributed flags here:
The creation of these flags had not been possible without the hard work
that free software coders have put into great tools like Sodipodi and
librsvg. The projects have helped increase the viability of SVG in free
and open source software a lot.
Both these two tools and the new Inkscape project do need more coders in
order to improve further. For instance you will notice that many of the
SVG flags do not render correctly in Nautilus due to some problems with
librsvg. People interested in working on these and other issues are
highly encouraged to join the project mailing-lists. You find the
projects here:
You can download the package in either tar.gz or zip format from the
sourceforge file area:
Christian Schaller
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Re: File upload

2003-11-13 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Jan
Please search the archives. I know in the last three weeks or so I've posted 
a full action for upload that works for 2.1. Also I believe someone else 
posted an action (or maybe a flow?) that is being considered for inclusion 
into the official distribution.

I would like to get the file upload working with cocoon 2.1, but
unfortunately the examples in wiki don't give enough for such newbie
as me :( In the wikipage about upload with flow written by Geoff
Howard there are two possibilities showed. The first one, with
JavaScript contains the following line:
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Re: Is it possible to upload files with Cocoon 2.1???

2003-11-10 Thread Steve Schwarz
I week or so ago I posted a complete solution that I am using every day. I 
never saw you reply that you had any problems..?? I assumed you had moved on 
with your development.

I have posted some messages in order to learn about uploading files with 
Cocoon 2.1. via an action, but there's no clear solution to this problem.

What do you think about this mistery??? Anybody has achieved it?

Thanks a lot

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Re: Is it possible to upload files with Cocoon 2.1???

2003-11-10 Thread Steve Schwarz
1. I'm pretty sure you need the enctype set on your form:
form method=post enctype=multipart/form-data action=upload
2. Temporarilly replace your sitemap entry to just return a static page:
map:match pattern=upload
map:generate src=upload.html/
map:serialize type=html/
Once you get your upload.html served correctly then put your action back and 
test again; check the logs  to see what shows up from the action. I'd log 
something as the first line in the action to verify that it is getting 

I get next error:

Page not found ... It seems that Cocoon does not recognize the pattern

map:match pattern=upload

There is no file named upload, and Cocoon does not redirect the query to
the action...
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Configurable Transformers?

2003-10-30 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm writing a transformer that I need to make Configurable but as soon as I 
add implements Configurable to my class, compile it, restart Jetty, and 
request a pipeline using the transformer it get:

Lookup of transformer for role 'date' failed

If I remove implements Configurable the lookup succeeds...

Is there something special I need to do?

My sitemap entry:
map:transformer name=date
The class contains:
public class DateTransformer extends AbstractTransformer implements 
Configurable {
public void setup(SourceResolver resolver,Map objectModel,String 
src,Parameters par){...}
public void configure(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException 
public void startElement(String uri, String loc, String raw, Attributes a) 
public void characters(char[] c, int start, int len) throws SAXException 
public void endElement(String uri, String loc, String raw){...}

Any pointers greatly appreciated!
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RE: Passing objects as parameters

2003-10-29 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Ralph
For an example of storing and retrieving objects in the Request take a look 
at AbstractValidatorAction and SimpleFormTransformer.
The action fills a map with the validation information (for both success and 
failure of the action)
and pushes it into the request. The transformer then extracts the map from 
the request and uses it.
They each know of the name of the request attribute through a shared 
constant string...

Request#setAttribute(key,object) and Object Request#getAttribute(key) are 
what you want.

Sorry I don't know how to communicate this info via input modules :^(
I'm not using flowscript, just the sitemap.  Even so, how would the object
be passed to the generator?  The only thing I can think of is that it has 
be store in the request or the temporary context, in which case the input
module would have to return the name the value is stored as. The generator
would then need to know to retrieve it. Quite ugly.

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SQLTransformer support column aliases?

2003-10-29 Thread Steve Schwarz
I have a select query containing joins across tables which have the same 
column names. I'd like to be able to differentiate the similarly named 
columns in the sql:row elements by explicitly naming them.

I've tried changing my query to include aliases for the selected columns but 
the output is always named with the actual table's column name. Is there a 
config for SQLTransformer to use the alias name?

If possible I'd rather not have my stylesheet use XPath to index by position 
in to each sql:row in case column order is changed in the query.

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FYI - Standalone demo and file uploads

2003-10-17 Thread Steve Schwarz
I just ran across this and thought it might help someone else...

If you are using the standalone demo Jetty servlet where it creates its temp 
files (and consequently it's upload directory) on a different file system 
from the cocoon deployment AND your File Upload Action naively uses 
File.renameTo() to copy the file to its final resting place File.renameTo() 
can fail. According to the Java spec this behavior is platform specific; 
this stands to reason since internally the rename probably just updates some 
filesystem pointers within the filesystem table/FAT, which it can't do if 
the file is destined for a different filesystem.

I saw this behavior using the standalone demo on my dev Linux machine since 
Jetty writes to /tmp/Jetty_ etc and my cocoon install is in /home on a 
different filesystem.

Anyway, to make a long story short, if this is an issue for anyone else you 
can change the action to try the rename and then do a copy if the rename 

Best regards,
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java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: in statement [SELECT 1]

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm using cocoon 2.1.1 running the standalone-demo against hsqldb.
I'm using ModularDatabaseActions to access my database.
It looks like the ping to check if the db connection is still up sends an 
invalid select (select 1) which throws an exception in my log files.

Is it possible I have a configuration incorrect? At one point I was 
connecting to MySQL and select 1 is a valid select for MySQL. I've looked 
at my cocoon.xconf and web.xml and don't see my error...
Any ideas where to look?

DEBUG   (2003-10-16) 09:33.09:602   [core.datasources.agilitycourses] 
(/agilitycourses/category-add) PoolThread-4/AbstractJdbcConnection: Pinging 
database after 185263ms of inactivity.
DEBUG   (2003-10-16) 09:33.09:603   [core.datasources.agilitycourses] 
(/agilitycourses/category-add) PoolThread-4/AbstractJdbcConnection: Ping of 
connection failed.
java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token:  in statement [SELECT 1]
   at org.hsqldb.Trace.getError(Unknown Source)
   at org.hsqldb.Result.init(Unknown Source)
   at org.hsqldb.jdbcConnection.executeHSQL(Unknown Source)
   at org.hsqldb.jdbcConnection.execute(Unknown Source)
   at org.hsqldb.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(Unknown Source)
   at org.hsqldb.jdbcStatement.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
   at org.hsqldb.jdbcPreparedStatement.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor20.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   at $Proxy1.isClosed(Unknown Source)

   at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

ModularDb OutputModule Mapping Confusion

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm using ModularDb to check if an entry already exists in the database and 
I'm having trouble mapping the form fields to the mod db key/values. I'm 
using simpleform validation together with the modular db also.

My simplified input form (there are actually a couple on the page - so I 
prefix the input fields):
form name=category method=post action=category-add
input type=text cols=32
input type=hidden
input type=hidden name=category.default/
input type=submit value=Add Category name=add-category/

My first approach in the database.xml file:
!-- used for select checking that name doesn't already exist --
   table name=category alias=category-exists
   key type=string autoincrement=false/
   value name=id type=int/
   value name=default type=string/
This generates this SQL (if the user supplies 'YY' for the 
SELECT, category.default FROM category WHERE 'YY'

Unfortunately HSQLDB doesn't like this I'd like to generate:
SELECT id, default FROM category WHERE name= 'YY'
After studying the sample and the online docs:
!-- used for select checking that name doesn't already exist --
   table name=category alias=category-exists
   key name=name type=string autoincrement=false
 mode name=request-attr type=all
   value name=id type=int
 mode name=request-attr type=all
   value name=default type=string
  mode name=request-attr type=all

But then null is assigned to the name field.
Can someone give me the clue as to how to map the fields correctly?
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Re: Serializing to a request attribute?

2003-10-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm just getting this to work myself... Have you taken a look at the modular 
db samples in 2.1? You'll have to pick your way through the sample; there is 
a lot going on there.

Also this doc shows a one liner about doing what you describe:

  table name=user_groups
key name=uid type=int
   mode name=request type=request
   mode name=attribute type=attrib
key name=gid type=int set=master
   mode name=request type=all
An important thing to know is that the mode name corresponds to the input 
module name in the cocoon.xconf file. So with the latest 2.1 code you'd want 
to substitute mode name=request-attr above. The mode type can be set to 
all to make it work in all cases. What the above does is allow the request 
to contain the attribute user.uid (the modules always return a list - so if 
there is always one field you need index 0) to database field uid in table 

Unfortunately, that's about all I can help with...
Is there any action/module/component that can take a sax stream in a 
and save it in a request attribute as an XML text string?

I think I've figured out how to get modular database actions to workbut
somehow need to take the output of a pipeline and store it in a request
attribute or otherwise make it available to a database insert/add action.
Any hints on how to accomplish this?


Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions
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Re: SVG graphics not working

2003-10-06 Thread Steve Schwarz
Take a look at:
You might also look at the batik install stuff because I think they made 
some changes (due to 1.4?) that made this easier(???)


Yes, for headless operation u need to pass a parameter to jvm. Read JDK 1.4 
docs for details. THis is only necessary on UNIX systems  In older JDKs 
you had to install a headless virtuall framebuffer.

Doug Chestnut wrote:

I ran into this problem on Solaris because I did not have my DISPLAY
environmental variable set when I started tomcat.  I thing that batik
requires an x server because of its use of awt.
- Original Message -
To: Cocoon Users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 9:50 AM
Subject: SVG graphics not working


I'm trying to write an application, that make use of svg graphics.
I'm developing the application on my windows pc and I run it without any
problems (cocoon 2.1.2 under tomcat 4.1.18).
When I want to deploy the application on a Linux server I cannot put it


correctly: I cannot view the images in my browser.
I use the simple serializers svg2pgn or svg2jpeg.
I installed the same distribution (cocoon 2.1.2, built with the same
options), and all seems to work fine... but the svg graphics doesn't! (in


browser (IE) I view the empty box  with the red x inside).
I cannot view even the svg samples (from the hello world! section).
Have you any idea of the reason of this behaviour?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: SQL Transformer sample MySQL

2003-08-16 Thread Steve Schwarz
Hi Jeff
When I first setup this up against MySQL I found that I had to specify my 
hostname in the dburl.
So instead of:

I don't have access to my machine right now, but I think the MySQL logs 
mentioned something when I had this problem.

Don't know if you've tried this already...
Hope this helps
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Re: Please Help: Re: Cocoon 2.1rc2 SVG Error

2003-08-14 Thread Steve Schwarz
I just grabbed the one file. Works perfectly now.
Thank you very, very much for looking into this and resolving it so quickly.
Best Regards,

From: Bruno Dumon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Looking at the code, that's quite logical because the stored document
 locator isn't properly reset between uses. I've fixed that.

 So if you'd like to have this fix, you'll have to grab the latest code
 from CVS. If you don't want to use a complete CVS-version of Cocoon, you
 can grab just the file
 src/blocks/batik/java/org/apache/cocoon/xml/dom/ and put
 that over your local copy.

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Cocoon 2.1rc2 batik 1.5b5 transcoder error

2003-08-14 Thread Steve Schwarz
I switched this week from 2.0.4 to 2.1rc2 and svg2png is now throwing on my 
SVG documents with this error:

DEBUG   (2003-08-11) 23:36.50:858   [sitemap.generator.file] 
(/~sschwarz/assets/images/SwayBridge_93.png) PoolThread-3/FileGenerator: 
file resolved to 
WARN(2003-08-11) 23:36.50:889   [sitemap.serializer.svg2png] 
(/~sschwarz/assets/images/SwayBridge_93.png) PoolThread-3/SVGBuilder: 
setDocumentLocator was not called, URI resolution will not work
DEBUG   (2003-08-11) 23:36.50:899   [sitemap.serializer.svg2png] 
(/~sschwarz/assets/images/SwayBridge_93.png) PoolThread-3/SVGSerializer: Got 
transcoder exception writing image, rethrowing nested exception
org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException: null
Enclosed Exception:
An I/O error occured while processing the URI '#slats' specified on the 
element use
org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder.transcode(Unknown Source)
org.apache.batik.transcoder.image.ImageTranscoder.transcode(Unknown Source)
org.apache.batik.transcoder.XMLAbstractTranscoder.transcode(Unknown Source)

I'm wondering specifically about:
setDocumentLocator was not called, URI resolution will not work which 
might indicate why the only docs that fail are those that contain internal 

?xml version=1.0?
svg width=352px height=352px viewBox=0 0 176 176
 g id=slats
   rect x=0 y=0 width=78 height=20 style=fill:white;/
   line x1=0 y1=10 x2=78 y2=10 
 g id=SwayBridge style=stroke:black; stroke-width:1.5; 
   rect x=0 y=0 width=45 height=20 style=fill:#ffcc33;/
   use xlink:href=#slats transform=translate(45,0)/
   rect x=123 y=0 width=45 height=20 style=fill:#ffcc33;/
g transform=translate(4,78)
g id=rotate transform=rotate(90,84,10)
 use xlink:href=#SwayBridge/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Please Help: Re: Cocoon 2.1rc2 SVG Error

2003-08-14 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm really confused by this problem and would appreciate any opinions!

I've simplified my issue down to Cocoon/Batik throwing an error on specific 
styles of SVG documents if and only if a stylesheet is applied to the 
document. Interestingly, once a single SVG document is processed w/o error 
by SVGSerializer all SVG documents (including ones that failed previously) 
are processed w/o error. I'm guessing SVGBuilder.setDocumentLocator() is 
called in the success case and once it is called the serializer works 
correctly for all SVG documents.

Under 2.04 these documents/stylesheets worked w/o errors.

The type of document is exactly like the sample batikLogo.svg (my example is 
shown below).

My test stylesheet (seems ok to me?? or do I need additional 
processing-instructions/output method??) copy.xsl:
?xml version=1.0?
xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=; 
!-- copy everything to output --
xsl:template match=/
 xsl:copy-of select=./

Test pipelines:
!-- this will fail UNTIL after you request successSVG --
!-- from then on this will succeed --
map:match pattern=failSVG
   map:generate src=test.xml /
   !-- copy input to output --
   map:transform src=copy.xsl/
   map:serialize type=svg2png/
!-- also fails everytime until passSVG is requested --
map:match pattern=failBatik
   map:generate src=batikLogo.svg /
   !-- copy input to output --
   map:transform src=copy.xsl/
   map:serialize type=svg2png/
map:match pattern=passSVG
   map:generate src=test.xml /
   map:serialize type=svg2png/
As I mention below it seems the error provided by SVGBuilder.endDocument():
setDocumentLocator was not called, URI resolution will not work  is the 
likely cause of the problem. I just don't know to resolve it!

Thanks for your help
I switched this week from 2.0.4 to 2.1rc2 and svg2png is now throwing on my 
SVG documents with this error:

DEBUG   (2003-08-11) 23:36.50:858   [sitemap.generator.file] 
(/~sschwarz/assets/images/SwayBridge_93.png) PoolThread-3/FileGenerator: 
file resolved to 
WARN(2003-08-11) 23:36.50:889   [sitemap.serializer.svg2png] 
(/~sschwarz/assets/images/SwayBridge_93.png) PoolThread-3/SVGBuilder: 
setDocumentLocator was not called, URI resolution will not work
DEBUG   (2003-08-11) 23:36.50:899   [sitemap.serializer.svg2png] 
(/~sschwarz/assets/images/SwayBridge_93.png) PoolThread-3/SVGSerializer: 
Got transcoder exception writing image, rethrowing nested exception
org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException: null
Enclosed Exception:
An I/O error occured while processing the URI '#slats' specified on the 
element use
org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder.transcode(Unknown Source)
org.apache.batik.transcoder.image.ImageTranscoder.transcode(Unknown Source)
org.apache.batik.transcoder.XMLAbstractTranscoder.transcode(Unknown Source)

I'm wondering specifically about:
setDocumentLocator was not called, URI resolution will not work which 
might indicate why the only docs that fail are those that contain internal 

i.e. test.xml:
?xml version=1.0?
svg width=352px height=352px viewBox=0 0 176 176
 g id=slats
   rect x=0 y=0 width=78 height=20 style=fill:white;/
   line x1=0 y1=10 x2=78 y2=10 
 g id=SwayBridge style=stroke:black; stroke-width:1.5; 
   rect x=0 y=0 width=45 height=20 style=fill:#ffcc33;/
   use xlink:href=#slats transform=translate(45,0)/
   rect x=123 y=0 width=45 height=20 style=fill:#ffcc33;/
g transform=translate(4,78)
g id=rotate transform=rotate(90,84,10)
 use xlink:href=#SwayBridge/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Basic Modular Database Add Question

2003-08-14 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm just not quite getting how to associate the posted form content to a 
modular database add action. So the action always sees nulls for all form 
fields when I submit.

I've defined the modular action in my sitemap with the name insert
My pipeline:
map:match pattern=*-add
map:act type=insert
  map:parameter name=descriptor value=etc/db_config.xml/
...snipgenerate select using SQLTransformer of full table contents/snip
My form is:
form name=contact method=post enctype=multipart/form-data 
table align=center
trtd title=Mr, Mrs, Miss, MmeHonorific:/tdtdinput type=text 
rows=1 cols=32 name=honorific/td/tr
trtd title=First NameFirst Name*:/tdtdinput type=text rows=1 
cols=32 name=firstName/td/tr
trtd title=NicknameOther Name:/tdtdinput type=text rows=1 
cols=32 name=otherName/td/tr
trtd title=Last NameSurname*:/tdtdinput type=text rows=1 
cols=32 name=surname/td/tr
trtd title=Junior, Senior, II, IIILineage:/tdtdinput type=text 
rows=1 cols=32 name=lineage/td/tr
trtd title=Primary email addressEmail*:/tdtdinput type=text 
rows=1 cols=32 name=email/td/tr
trtd title=Personal websiteWebsite:/tdtdinput type=text 
rows=1 cols=32 name=website/td/tr
trtd colspan=2*Required fields/td/tr
trtd colspan=2 align=center height=40input type=submit 
value=Add Contact tabindex=1 class=input/td/tr

So if I request  http://localhost:8080/cocoon/contact-add I am served the 
page containing the form. I then fill in the form and submit it.

In the sitemap log I get lines like:
DEBUG   (2003-08-08) 13:22.36:950   [sitemap.action.insert] 
(/cocoon/contact-add) Thread-6/DatabaseAction: Trying
to set column contact.firstName from request-param using getAttribute method
DEBUG   (2003-08-08) 13:22.36:950   [sitemap.action.insert] 
(/cocoon/contact-add) Thread-6/DatabaseAction: Setting column 
contact.firstName [0] null

for each entry in the db_config.xml. Seems like the action is correctly 
reading my config file but I'm not configured correctly to get the data out 
of the post.

Obviously I'm missing a key concept...
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Copy javascript maps

2003-08-11 Thread Steve Schwarz
I have two javascript maps:

var map1 = { x : y };
var map2 = { a : b };
I want to copy both maps into one single map. Does anybody have an idea
how I can achieve this?
Object properties in JavaScript can be treated just like arrays:

script type=text/javascript
var map1 = { x : 1 };
var map2 = { a : 2 };
var newMap = new Object();
copyProp(newMap, map1);
copyProp(newMap, map2);
function copyProp(dest,src){
for (var i in src) dest[i] = src[i];
function dumpProp(obj){
var str =;
for (var i in obj)  str += obj[i]+ ;
return str;
Hope this helps
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[Solution] Re: SimpleFormTransformer - invalid XML generated?

2003-08-11 Thread Steve Schwarz
Thank you very much (especially for pushing me into 2.1). It took me a 
while to figure it out but the problem was my form:
form name=contact method=post enctype=multipart/form-data 

If I remove the enctype attribute/value everything works correctly.

This is really a great transformer; it sure doesn't seem to get much press 
but it does exactly what I need.

Best Regards,

From: Christian Haul

On 09.Aug.2003 -- 04:50 PM, Steve Schwarz wrote:
 I'm using SimpleFormTransformer to process the results of
 FormValidatorAction and I am getting invalid xml generated after 
 the transformation. It looks like when error elements are removed from
 within surrounding td elements I end up with an empty element td/
 followed by a closing element /td.

In 2.0.x there are a number of issues with this transformer. I believe
all are solved in 2.1. Please upgrade and report back.
(I believe the fixes are not in 2.0.5)
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Debugging Actions - redirecting stdio/action state

2003-07-29 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm new to writing actions and am having trouble debugging an action I've 

Is there a way for Cocoon's error logger to capture and log error messages 
sent to stderr/stdout by actions within a pipeline? I'm invoking a JavaCC 
generated parser within an action I've written to convert a non-XML data to 
my XML format. The action works correctly the first time but always fails 
the second time on constructing my parser. I'm betting that the parser is 
spewing some error but I can't get at the error message. Can I configure 
Cocoon to help? (Otherwise I'll modifiy the generated code to log to my own 

Is it possible that the parser I'm creating within the action is still in 
existence on the second running of the action?
Is there caching of action instances going on?
I'm calling new to create the Parser instance within the action's act() so I 
assume that I'm getting a new Parser instance each time the action is 

Thanks for your help
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Redirecting uploaded file content into existing pipelines?

2003-07-13 Thread Steve Schwarz
I'm new to Cocoon and have read the two books; and the upload Wiki 
pages...but can't quite get my head around how to solve this problem (I'm 
using Cocoon 2.0 under 4.2 Tomcat)

I'd like to allow users to:
1. Upload an xml file
2. Validate it via XSD
3. Save it into my directory tree
4. process it using a number of transforms
5. serialize the transformed doc to the uploading client
So far I've got my config setup to handle uploads.
I (think I) can write an Action that validates the xml to my XSDschema via 
Xerces and returns an error page if it fails.
I can use the FileUploadAction from Cocoon Developer's Handbook to copy the 
file into my directory tree .
I also have a pipeline defined for generating/transforming/serializing valid 
XML files when they are requested directly by a client from within my 
directory tree.

What I can't figure out is how do I kick off my existing pipeline at the end 
of the two actions? This seems so basic but all the upload stuff I've seen 
doesn't re-SAX-ify the uploaded doc and process it (they all use parameters 
only of the request in the response to the client; not a transformation of 
the content of the actual file itself).

Is there a generator that I can apply right after the copy action that will 
SAX-ify the just copied file so I can use standard pipeline 

Can I do something like use redirect after the actions and give it the 
directory/filename of where I moved the uploaded file in order to have the 
standard pipeline be applied? If someone has a pseudo pipeline for this I'd 
really appreciate it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Steve Schwarz
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