Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax


If what was reported by LeClair actually happened, which is 
substantially in doubt, no independent account has come to light, and 
LeClair's reports are full of unsupported and wild theoretical 
interpretations shallow on actual experimental evidence, this would 
not be LENR at all, but bubble fusion.

Bubble fusion is hot fusion, and would produce the normal hot fusion 
radiation. Indeed, neutron production has been the alleged sign of 
it, in what reports we have.

It should be easy to scale the LeClair effect down in order to 
avoid danger. LeClair reportedly creates bubbles using a laser and 
focuses the collapse energy on a target, so he can readily control 
the number of reaction opportunities. From the Nanospire reports of 
energy release, massive radiation would be expected. If he exposed 
himself and his partner to such radiation, as he claims, it was quite 
foolish. I.e., they were unprepared for success, while trying to 
demonstrate it.

Even less can be concluded from the Nanospire reports than from the 
reports from Rossi and Defkalion. In the latter case, at least, there 
were independent witnesses to alleged power generation, though no 
independent confirmation (i.e., fraud or puffery remain possible). 
And it would be LENR, if real.

At 03:49 PM 5/25/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

At 12:41 PM 5/25/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Alan J Fletcher wrote:
Any other links to labs blowing up and window melting ?
I don't know about windows melting.

There's also :

Re: [Vo]:the desktop supernova - The Mail Archive

Points to :


2/22/12: A new NanoSprire 
release states: 
Nanospire has announced that its investigative study on fusion 
created by cavitation in water has come to an end.

It's good that they have stopped testing for now. During the nuclear 
fusion reaction that occurred when they did their test, Hundreds of 
wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are permanently 
burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

[ All references to that quote come back to this pieeconomics blog ]

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:04 PM 5/25/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

At 01:49 PM 5/25/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

 Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are 
permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

Came from Le Clair himself,  in response to Krivit 

There is an exchange of comments between LeClerc and Krivit at that 
page. Krivit states:

Based on what you described and have shown to me, I believe you have 
accomplished a clear demonstration of low-energy nuclear reactions. 
Your work appears worthy of much credit and support, though your 
claim of fusion at room temperature does not.

That's an unfortunate comment, because if LeClair's reports are 
accurate at all, this would definitely not be LENR. It is not 
room-temperature fusion, and LeClair doesn't claim that it is. The 
effects reported by LeClair are exotic, not resembling reports of 
LENRs, which tend to show very low levels of radiation, if any.

Krivit is promoting, it's clear, Widom-Larsen theory, which has, as 
its principal appeal, that it is allegedly not fusion. It's a 
semantic issue, for if an effect converts deuterium to helium, by 
whatever mechanism and through whatever intemediates, it has 
*accomplished* fusion. LeClair's work would have nothing to do with 
W-L theory, which requires a surface catalyzing slow neutron formation.

It is common to see bubble fusion confused with cold fusion. It would 
be a bit like claiming that tokamak fusion is at room temperature, 
because, after all, the tokamak is at room temperature (or close). 
I've also seen those little neutron generators, that use a 
piezoelectric effect to fuse deuterium, called cold fusion. Not. 
Hot, very hot, but the device is nice and cool.

Bubble collapse is known to generate extremely high temperatures at 
the point of collapse, and the controversy over bubble fusion centers 
on whether or not the temperatures are *high enough* for fusion. 
There is also some controversy over whether or not the reports of 
bubble fusion are fusion as well, with some discussion of the 
possibility of a Zero Point Energy effect.

But nobody with knowledge of the work and the issues is claiming that 
bubble fusion -- or the LeClair effect, in this case -- is LENR, 
except, here, for Krivit. And if it was clear, I wonder what he 
meant by clear.

I'm not sure it matters now, but perhaps someone will ask Krivit.

I did read the Wikipedia article on Bubble fusion. It leads with 
calling bubble fusion a now-discredited nuclear fusion reaction. 
The citation provided says nothing about bubble fusion being now 
discredited. If so, that is merely buzz. Taleyarkhan was stripped 
of his professorship in 2008, over what amount to technical 
administrative violations, having nothing to do with the quality of 
the research, *on the face.* The latest experimental work reported in 
the Wikipedia article was an independent *confirmation*.

My own summary: bubble fusion is unlikely to result in commercial 
power generation, even if it's real, which it might be, and, as a 
result, there is no high motivation to confirm or conclusively reject 
it. It's an old story: a few negative replications means very little, 
because replications can fail for many reasons. What would be 
interesting would be *replication*, i.e., reporting what had been 
reported by, say, Taleyarkhan, followed by a clear *demonstration* 
that this was artifact.

LeClair's work, which allegedly focuses a shock wave, produced by 
bubble collapse, on a target, could be something different. Quite 
some time ago, when LeClair's claims surfaced, I suggested that there 
were vast military implications, that LeClair's work was known to 
people with access to the military, and that it was likely there had 
been a military investigation (such as talking to the EMTs that 
allegedly responded, and the HazMat team that showed up, and a visit 
to LeClair's lab, examining the trees and walls allegedly having 
permanent markings), with the probable result being nothing to 
look at here. If the results had been real, it would have been 
likely that the whole thing would have been declared secret, LeClair 
would have been compensated, etc.

Of course, perhaps, then, LeClair's apparent ravings are part of the 
plan, designed to discredit what might have leaked out there is 
no limit to the stories that can be made up

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:17 PM 5/25/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Le Clair is quoted:

The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie Matter 
wave soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic and followed 
the Jacobi Elliptic functions exactly, mostly in the form of large 
doubly-periodic vortices. Hundreds of wave trains and vortices 
appeared everywhere and are permanently burned into walls, objects 
and trees surrounding the lab.

Good heavens. It is amazing they survived.

Did they take photographs of these things? Did they preserve some of 
the hundreds of samples of damaged wood and other materials from the 
surroundings? If they did not take photos and samples, I doubt this 
account is accurate.

Maybe I should not be so dismissive, since Fleischmann and Pons did 
not take photos or preserve samples from their explosion. It was 
very stupid of them not to. Very unprofessional. I said that to 
Martin, and he ruefully agreed.

Sure. That makes sense. Beaudette reports an independent account of 
the shambles in the lab after that meltdown. One recent account of 
this had it as damaging the concrete floor of their garage, showing 
a kind of standing assumption that cold fusion research takes place 
in garages of wild-eyed high-functioning lunatics.

However, with the LeClair reports, allegedly LeClair and his partner 
almost did not survive, they got very, very sick. But notice: these 
effects, described as wave traiins and vortices showing the intense 
interpretations of what was actually observed -- if anything was 
actually observed -- are also described as permanently burned 
into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

Okay, surely this could be independently verified. Still. Unless, of 
course, you cut the trees down and dispose of them, you raze the 
building or rebuild the walls, etc. Pons and Fleischmann, they just 
cleaned up the lab, replaced the lab table with the hole in it, and 
patched the concrete floor. That patch could probably still be found, 
unless the building has been razed. Perhaps some U of Utah student 
would like to recover a piece of history, that meltdown was very 
important as the first major sign to P and F that they had stumbled 
onto something far bigger than they had expected. Note: they then 
scaled down, for obvious reasons.

When I first encountered the LeClair reports, I thought it was likely 
to be a practical joke, intended to see just how bloody gullible we 
all are. That remains a possibility, though some sort of 
psychopathology is more likely. I'd put reality of the effect way 
down the scale, but, pursuing that, the radiation may have left 
LeClair impaired. I was unable to pursue confirmation myself, 
travelling is currently difficult for me, but there were others who 
indicated they might take it on. I haven't heard of any results.

Apparently Nanospire has recently announced they are ceasing 
research. Why? Not explained. The research would not be particularly 
dangerous, as long as reasonable precautions were followed, mostly by 
starting small. You don't wisely turn this thing on and get enough 
heat to measure, except maybe at the limits of sensitivity, if that, 
or if you are behind adequate shielding. This is hot fusion, very 
dangerous in large scale, but small-scale hot fusion is handled all 
the time by amateurs, with Farnsworth Fusors. If you want to scale up 
to heat generation, then you need to build the device to handle the 
expected radiation. Yet Nanospire was enthusiastically promoting this 
as something useful for home hot water heating a tad premature, eh? 

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:28 PM 5/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who 
remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal 
for bravery.

I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the 
plot to a wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the 
occurrence was not better documented!

Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?

Funny Dave should ask that. It was my first hit when the Nanospire 
story first broke.

But I'd expect, by now, someone would have been observed giggling and 
running away from the window, as with Mr. Mischief in the Mr. series 
of children's books. LeClair is real, has talked with real people 
(such as Krivit and Storms).

And that's about how far it's gone, as to anything verifiable. 

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:42 PM 5/25/2012, Chemical Engineer wrote:

Reads like the catalyst may have been
Lysergic acid diethylamide

It does read that way. LeClair does not report the primary 
observational data, but, rather, his high-level abstract impressions, 
his *interpretations* of the data, and that is precisely what occurs 
in hallucinatory states, generally. It is the interpretation that is 
believed and remembered, and presented as fact, not the sensory information.

I've been there, I know what this is like, at least partially.

(Indeed, the collapse of interpretation with actual sensory 
experience is *normal,* almost all of us do this routinely, unless we 
are trained to do something different. Science, as a method, is 
designed to compensate for this. When it works.)

(With schiziod breaks, the interpretation faculty becomes so active, 
so able to create interpretations, that only the most slender thread 
still connects interpretation with sensory evidence, almost any 
interpretation can be created from nothing or almost nothing.)

But the title of this thread is Zawodny's video. Zawodny is 
apparently doing the kind of thing I've long been suggesting: massive 
parallel experimentation. I mostly thought of parallel identical 
cells, essentially manufactured, but his design of what appears to be 
experiments on a chip could be even more powerful. That all the 
cells are created by the same process is a powerful approach. 
However, he will still need to make and test multiple devices, i.e., 
many of these multi-cell chips.

It's disappointing to see so much enthusiastic this could 
revolutionize energy generation (which has been obvious for more 
than twenty years) with so little detail on what the hell he's actually doing.

The material on W-L theory is practically irrelevant. W-L theory is 
still awaiting some kind of experimental verification; the obvious 
expectations of what would happen with ULM neutron generation don't 
match experimental results, and that's waved away with *another* 
unobserved and unconfirmed phenomenon, 100% absorption of gammas by 
the heavy electron patches that are theorized to allow p-e 
combination to form the neutrons.

The theory raises more questions than it resolves, obvious questions, 
and none of the (again enthusiastic) reports address those questions. 
We'd expect to see, for starters, leftover intermediate products, 
since there is no reason to think that the neutrons would react with 
high preference with the intermediate products, and the original 
(first) reaction rate is very low. Experimentally, the reaction 
series created must complete, but mechanism for that is ignored. 
Further, there must be no leakage of gammas from the expected neutron 
activation of elements present must not only be absorbed by the heavy 
electron patches, there must be no leakage (presumably from the edges).

That gamma shield must be (1) thin, and (2) perfect. Yes, we 
understand why Larsen might not want to talk about it. Commercial 
interest, intellectual property, yatta yatta. But all this means that 
we *cannot* consider W-L theory to be anything like established, 
whereas Zawodny treats it as this amazing idea that finally explains 
cold fusion. Maybe he knows something we don't, that's always possible.

But LENR was clearly established by the mid-1990s, and this does not 
depend on any theory at all, beyond what is most simple: *something* 
is converting deuterium to helium in P-F class experiments, as shown 
by Miles, confirming earlier, sketchier reports, and as confirmed by 
other research groups around the world, with there being extremely 
little contrary evidence. Strictly speaking, that it is deuterium 
being converted is only a reasonable, perhaps default, conjecture, 
reinforced by some work that shows that the ratio of helium to heat 
is close to the deuterium fusion value, and much more work on the 
reaction Q is seriously indicated.

Which, by the way, was the unanimous position of the 2004 U.S. DoE 
review, more research is needed. If we want to talk about 
hallucinations, as a product of projecting personal beliefs back onto 
sensory evidence, the pseudoskeptics who imagine they represent 
science have read the 2004 review as continuing to reject cold 
fusion. Nope. The review, in fact, shows that the issue is very much 
alive, and needs further research, just as was the real conclusion in 
1989. Not convincing is read as Thoroughly rejected, bogus, forget 
about it. Isn't that weird?

But it's how people think when they have become nailed to what they 
believe. These pseudoskeptics, of late, have switched positions with 
the believers, imagining that the balance of publication in 
peer-reviewed journals is purely a result of bias. They don't notice 
that the balance switched drastically, and, in fact, switched long 
ago, sometime around 1991. But with difficulties getting funding, 
and, yes, difficulties getting research published, peer-reviewed 
papers on 

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Axil Axil

A number of experiments that feature violent activity in water share the
same characteristics that LeClair observed in his LENR experiments. I see
the referenced experiment listed above demonstrating the production of
Protonated Water Clusters in the plasma when a laser beam ionizes gold Nano
particles in an aqueous solution of uranium salts. LeClair can also produce
his reaction using a laser beam.

The referenced experiment is less energetic than the LeClair experiment
because no sacrificial attractive material is present.

But in both experiments, collapsing cavatation bubbles are formed and
Protonated Water Clusters are generated which catalyze proton based cold
fusion reactions.

What the other commenter miss in this type of reaction is that cavatation
can provide a continuum of energy levels from weak to extreme. It is
adjustable. LeClair has mentioned that he can adjust the energy level in
his reaction to produce only heat without radiation to a full range of
element transmutation which is accompanied by heavy radiation.

Until the other evaluators of this reaction understand its true dynamics,
they will continual to misunderstand what underlying processes are going on
in the LeClair effect.

To wit, if there is no attractive shock wave produced to provide added
kinetic energy, then transmutation is gentle and well behaved. Yes the
shock wave is optional with the addition of an attractive sacrificial metal
within six bubble diameters of bubble formation. At its root, the LeClair
effect is cold fusion.

Cheers: Axil

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 04:28 PM 5/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:

 The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who
 remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for

 I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot to
 a wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the occurrence was not
 better documented!

 Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?

 Funny Dave should ask that. It was my first hit when the Nanospire story
 first broke.

 But I'd expect, by now, someone would have been observed giggling and
 running away from the window, as with Mr. Mischief in the Mr. series of
 children's books. LeClair is real, has talked with real people (such as
 Krivit and Storms).

 And that's about how far it's gone, as to anything verifiable.

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Axil Axil

Sorry. try this link.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 A number of experiments that feature violent activity in water share the
 same characteristics that LeClair observed in his LENR experiments. I see
 the referenced experiment listed above demonstrating the production of
 Protonated Water Clusters in the plasma when a laser beam ionizes gold Nano
 particles in an aqueous solution of uranium salts. LeClair can also
 produce his reaction using a laser beam.

 The referenced experiment is less energetic than the LeClair experiment
 because no sacrificial attractive material is present.

 But in both experiments, collapsing cavatation bubbles are formed and
 Protonated Water Clusters are generated which catalyze proton based cold
 fusion reactions.

 What the other commenter miss in this type of reaction is that cavatation
 can provide a continuum of energy levels from weak to extreme. It is
 adjustable. LeClair has mentioned that he can adjust the energy level in
 his reaction to produce only heat without radiation to a full range of
 element transmutation which is accompanied by heavy radiation.

 Until the other evaluators of this reaction understand its true dynamics,
 they will continual to misunderstand what underlying processes are going on
 in the LeClair effect.

 To wit, if there is no attractive shock wave produced to provide added
 kinetic energy, then transmutation is gentle and well behaved. Yes the
 shock wave is optional with the addition of an attractive sacrificial metal
 within six bubble diameters of bubble formation. At its root, the LeClair
 effect is cold fusion.

 Cheers: Axil

 On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

 At 04:28 PM 5/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:

 The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who
 remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for

 I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot
 to a wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the occurrence was not
 better documented!

 Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?

 Funny Dave should ask that. It was my first hit when the Nanospire story
 first broke.

 But I'd expect, by now, someone would have been observed giggling and
 running away from the window, as with Mr. Mischief in the Mr. series of
 children's books. LeClair is real, has talked with real people (such as
 Krivit and Storms).

 And that's about how far it's gone, as to anything verifiable.

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:43 PM 5/25/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Axil Axil wrote:

the pictures from LeClair are in the comments section of this blog.

Thanks. Not many photos there. Only one, it seems. I do not know 
what to make of it. Ed Storms is quoted:

I examined the material sent by NanoSpire and saw nothing unusual. I 
have no reason to doubt the experience they claim, but I have no 
reason to believe it either. As for the theory, it makes no sense 
based on my understanding of science.

That is sensible.

LeClair points to a comment previously by Ed Storms:

Hi Mark,

 Just so that we are all clear about how to describe what you saw, 
let me explain some things *** does not understand. Two different 
types of nuclear reactions are now know; that which produces 
energetic radiation (1) and that which does not (2). Hot fusion and 
all nuclear reactions that are initiated by applying significant 
energy fall into the first category. This is the realm of normal 
physics. The one unique aspect of the other branch of nuclear 
physics is the absence of energetic radiation even though 
significant heat energy is generated. This branch includes cold 
fusion, which like hot fusion, results in fusion as well as 
transmutation. You triggered a reaction in the first branch by 
applying high energy. In addition, you triggered many kinds of very 
energetic nuclear reactions, not just fusion. Therefore, your 
reaction is not LENR or cold fusion. Nevertheless, the reaction you 
triggered is novel and unexpected.

There is a rather obvious attempt here to claim contradiction in what 
Storms wrote. In fact, though, the prior comment from Storms was 
merely following a normal courtesy of assuming that what a writer 
claims as to their own experience is true. Storms' focus was on 
distinguishing hot fusion from cold fusion and LENR. What LeClair has 
reported is obviously not LENR.

Sterling Allan, in reporting what LeClair claims, is demonstrating 
phenomenal naivete. He seems to think that an ability to string 
together pseudoscientific word-salad is equivalent to genius. 
Possibly. But LeClair clearly has a whole story he's invented to 
explain his results, including self-accelerated water crystals 
powered by Zero Point Energy, but LeClair has been asked about what 
the experimental basis is for his conclusions about mechanism. He's 
never answered, as far as I've seen. He just repeats his story, his theory.

He made up the theory, that's clear. Brilliant? Well, if it is 
confirmed, we might conclude so. Allan seems to overlook that almost 
none of LeClair's story has been confirmed.

If the LeClair Effect is confirmed, it will still be rather 
apparent that this genius is crazy. Crazy has no clear 
definition, it is a social concept, in fact. LeClair either does not 
know how to communicate with scientists, or he doesn't care to try. 
He does not communicate the observations on which his complex 
theoretical structure is based. What we know from his accounts is 
that he creates a bubble in a specific location with respect to a 
plate with holes in it, so that when the bubble collapses, the shock 
wave -- or other resulting effect -- is focused on a target on the 
other side of the plate. Or maybe he's, in the relevant experiments, 
doing something else. We have seen no sober experimental reports from 
him that give the specific details.

To a non-scientist, LeClair's explanations may be appealing. 
However, this appeal seems to be based on Gee, he sounds like he 
knows what he's talking about, and I don't understand this at all, 
but, wow, this could be really important. Therefore he's a genius.

Maybe he's a genius, it does take a certain kind of mind to be able 
to absorb those concepts (apparently LeClair did not originate the 
concept of ZPE being involved with sonoluminescence) and put them 
together into sentences

But there is no evidence visible, even if we take every report from 
LeClair as representing what actually happened (i.e., what he and 
others would have *seen*), that connects his reports with the 
theories he liberally uses to describe what happened. For example, 
why does he describe a crystal? If you look at his full set of 
claims, those crystals are travelling at close to the velocity of 
light. Okay, how did he observe them? He'd see evidence of impact, 
say. How did he infer crystal from the evidence of impact? How did 
he infer self-acceleration, and the massive violation of conservation 
of momentum? How does he distinguish this from high energy at generation?

LeClair does not know how to communicate to those who might actually 
understand him. He shows a 

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Jojo Jaro
Axil,  In your opinion, is LeClair process the same mechanism as the Mitt Candy 
Hexane/Propane process?

It seems LeClair is more Hot Fusion than LENR, and appears to be totally 
different from Rossi, DGT, both of which seems different from Mitt Candy.

Any ideas/suggestions on what Mitt Candy's catalyst might be.  

Due primarily to your recent comments, I have had a change of heart regarding 
the Hexane/Propane process.  I will be attempting a parallel replication 
attempt of Mitt Candy's process.

Are you of the opinion that all these apparent LENR process are based on the 
acculumation of extreme charges on nanotubules or Rydberg Matter?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Axil Axil 
  Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 1:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube 

  A number of experiments that feature violent activity in water share the same 
characteristics that LeClair observed in his LENR experiments. I see the 
referenced experiment listed above demonstrating the production of Protonated 
Water Clusters in the plasma when a laser beam ionizes gold Nano particles in 
an aqueous solution of uranium salts. LeClair can also produce his reaction 
using a laser beam.

  The referenced experiment is less energetic than the LeClair experiment 
because no sacrificial attractive material is present. 

  But in both experiments, collapsing cavatation bubbles are formed and 
Protonated Water Clusters are generated which catalyze proton based cold fusion 

  What the other commenter miss in this type of reaction is that cavatation can 
provide a continuum of energy levels from weak to extreme. It is adjustable. 
LeClair has mentioned that he can adjust the energy level in his reaction to 
produce only heat without radiation to a full range of element transmutation 
which is accompanied by heavy radiation.

  Until the other evaluators of this reaction understand its true dynamics, 
they will continual to misunderstand what underlying processes are going on in 
the LeClair effect. 

  To wit, if there is no attractive shock wave produced to provide added 
kinetic energy, then transmutation is gentle and well behaved. Yes the shock 
wave is optional with the addition of an attractive sacrificial metal within 
six bubble diameters of bubble formation. At its root, the LeClair effect is 
cold fusion.

  Cheers: Axil

  On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

At 04:28 PM 5/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:

  The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who 
remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for bravery.

  I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot to 
a wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the occurrence was not better 

  Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?

Funny Dave should ask that. It was my first hit when the Nanospire story 
first broke.

But I'd expect, by now, someone would have been observed giggling and 
running away from the window, as with Mr. Mischief in the Mr. series of 
children's books. LeClair is real, has talked with real people (such as Krivit 
and Storms).

And that's about how far it's gone, as to anything verifiable. 

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Axil Axil
As I have posted before, it’s the shape of the crystal(AKA Rydberg matter,
Clusters) that is important, not what the crystal is made of.

In this regard, a nanowire can be made of carbon (Mint Candy – negative
charge concentration), water (LeClair - positive charge concentration), alkali
metals (Rossi, DGT - positive charge concentration), or cracks or voids
(Storms - negative charge concentration).

These crystals serve to concentrate charge of either polarity which lowers
the coulomb barrier.

As I have said before, the LeClair effect cannot be neutron based (aka-hot
fusion) because he is still alive after exposure to his process.

The R process is what LeClair says is going on in his reaction. LeClair has
no clue to what he is talking about.

The *r-process* is a
occurring in core-collapse
supernovae (see also supernova
and in nuclear weapon, which is
responsible for the creation of approximately half of
the neutron atomic
nuclei are heavier
than iron The process entails
a succession of *rapid* neutron
captures the name
*r-process*) on seed nuclei,
typically Ni-56. The other predominant mechanism for the production of
heavy elements is the s-process,
which is nucleosynthesis by means of *slow* neutron captures, primarily
occurring in AGB stars,
and together these two processes account for a majority of galactic
chemical evolution of
elements heavier than iron.

The LeClair process is a proton fusion process just like all the other ones
mentioned above base on charge accumulation.

I have no idea what catalyst mint Candy is using for a catalyst but I hope
he posts his patent when he gets one.

The Rossi catalyst concentrates positive charge by using heat. This is very
hard to control. Direct negative charge accumulation from a spark plug is
very controllable.

Cheers and good luck: Axil

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Jojo Jaro wrote:

 Axil,  In your opinion, is LeClair process the same mechanism as the Mitt
 Candy Hexane/Propane process?

 It seems LeClair is more Hot Fusion than LENR, and appears to be totally
 different from Rossi, DGT, both of which seems different from Mitt Candy.

 Any ideas/suggestions on what Mitt Candy's catalyst might be.

 Due primarily to your recent comments, I have had a change of heart
 regarding the Hexane/Propane process.  I will be attempting a parallel
 replication attempt of Mitt Candy's process.

 Are you of the opinion that all these apparent LENR process are based on
 the acculumation of extreme charges on nanotubules or Rydberg Matter?


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Axil Axil
 *Sent:* Monday, May 28, 2012 1:41 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC
 YouTube video

 A number of experiments that feature violent activity in water share the
 same characteristics that LeClair observed in his LENR experiments. I see
 the referenced experiment listed above demonstrating the production of
 Protonated Water Clusters in the plasma when a laser beam ionizes gold Nano
 particles in an aqueous solution of uranium salts. LeClair can also
 produce his reaction using a laser beam.

 The referenced experiment is less energetic than the LeClair experiment
 because no sacrificial attractive material is present.

 But in both experiments, collapsing cavatation bubbles are formed and
 Protonated Water Clusters are generated which catalyze proton based cold
 fusion reactions.

 What the other commenter miss in this type of reaction is that cavatation
 can provide a continuum of energy levels from weak to extreme. It is
 adjustable. LeClair has mentioned that he can adjust the energy level in
 his reaction to produce only heat without radiation to a full range of
 element transmutation which is accompanied by heavy radiation.

 Until the other evaluators of this reaction understand its true dynamics,
 they will continual to misunderstand what underlying processes are going on
 in the LeClair effect.

 To wit, if there is no attractive shock wave produced to provide added
 kinetic energy, then transmutation is gentle and well behaved. Yes the
 shock wave is optional with the addition of an attractive sacrificial metal

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-27 Thread Alan Fletcher
 From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax
 Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 11:25:34 AM
 But the title of this thread is Zawodny's video. 

It was my fault bringing up Le Clair .. but I was following up on Bushnell's 
quote (linked in the original post) about Labs blown up and windows melted.

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

On the nasa page
 Bushnell said 
 However, several labs have blown up studying LENR and windows
have melted, indicating when the conditions
are right prodigious amounts of energy can be produced and

I can only find
links to  
The light expanded to the solution and at the same instant the cell
shattered by the sharp increase of inner pressure. The explosion blew off
the Plexiglas safety door and spread shards of Pyrex glass and
electrolyte up to 5 ~ 6 m into the surrounding area. 
On several occasions, experimentalists have endured explosions. Pons and
Fleischmann [5] have told that in one case, the palladium melted and fell
down, producing damage on the concrete floor of their garage, Zhang et
al. [6] using a hollow tube palladium cathode observed three explosions
in an open cell. On January 2, 1992, an unfortunate explosion also
occurred at SRI in a closed cell [7,8] that killed a scientist. The
explosion was attributed to an oxygen deuterium violent recombination.
More recently, 13 years later on the same day on January 2, 2005, Mizuno
[9] experienced an explosion in an open cell that wounded him and
deafened him and co-workers for several days.

Any other links to labs blowing up and window
melting ?

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Any other links to labs blowing up and window melting ?

I don't know about windows melting.

I listed 5 incidents in chapter 12 of my book. I have heard there have been
other explosions but I have no specific information on them. I have heard
that cold fusion experiments in China have often exploded. I think they are
doing a lot of glow discharge, similar to the Mizuno's experiment that
exploded. That is a very unstable reaction. The university ordered Mizuno
to stop doing that experiment after the accident. One of the glass shards
went deep into his neck, next to the carotid artery. I probably would have
stopped that myself.

His phenanthrene hydrogenation experiment seems dangerous to me. Several
experts told me that given the temperatures and pressures he uses, his
steel cells are on the verge of exploding. He is not doing that experiment
either these days. The building he is in is not zoned for it. His old
building, which he left upon retirement, was torn down because it was
falling to pieces and also because it was nuclear waste hazard site, after
years of unregulated academic experiments in nuclear engineering, by Mizuno
and many others. There were 10 cm cracks in the walls, and lots of what
looked like abandoned radwaste to me.

These Japanese professors don't have much regard for safety. After I
visited Takahashi, I showed a Japanese physicist friend of mine a video of
the visit made by Russ George. A guy who works in industry, mainly
microelectronics, where safety standards are better than academia. The
video showed all kinds of rubbish lying around the linear accelerator
building, including rusting steel motorbike engines and wheels, which you
find in every building on a Japanese university campus. He paused, and said
thoughtfully well, you have already had children . . .

Here are quotes from chapter 12:

1.  February 1985, Fleischmann and Pons, University of Utah, United
States. One the early cells exploded in the campus laboratory.

2.  September 1989,   T. P. Radhakrishnan *et al.*, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre (BARC), India. The electrolyte temperature “shot up” from
71°C to 80°C and the cell exploded.

3.  April 1991, X. Zhang *et al.*, Institute of Southwest Nuclear
Physics and Chemistry, China.
explosions occurred in cells with palladium tube cathodes. Two of
these explosions destroyed the glass cells, blowing the tops 1 to 2 meters
away. About a half hour after one event, the temperature of the bath
surrounding the cell was found to be elevated 5°C. There was 33 ml of gas
in the cell headspace, roughly 40 times less than it would take to cause
these events.

4.  September 2004, J-P. Biberian, Université d’Aix-Marseille II, France.
A cell with a palladium tube cathode exploded. The cell had no more than
120 ml of gas in the headspace, which does not seem like enough to cause a
chemical explosion of this magnitude.

5.  January 2005. Mizuno *et al.*, Hokkaido University, Japan. In the
first phase of a glow discharge experiment, before the plasma normally
appears, the cell temperature suddenly rose to 80°C and a bright white
flash surrounded the cathode. An instant later the cell was shattered,
blowing off the Pyrex safety door of the cell container. Shards of glass
were driven up to 6 meters away, and one of them injured Mizuno. The
explosion produced roughly 132,000 joules, or 441 times more than the total
input energy. 


T.P., et al.,
*Tritium Generation during Electrolysis Experiment*, in *BARC Studies in
Cold Fusion*, P.K. Iyengar and M. Srinivasan, Editors. 1989, Atomic Energy
Commission: Bombay. p. A 6.

X., et al.
*On the Explosion in a Deuterium/Palladium Electrolytic System*. in *Third
International Conference on Cold Fusion, Frontiers of Cold Fusion*. 1992.
Nagoya Japan: Universal Academy Press, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.

T. and Y. Toriyabe.
*Anomalous energy generation during conventional electrolysis*. in *The
12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science*. 2005.
Yokohama, Japan.

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 12:41 PM 5/25/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Any other links to labs blowing up and window
melting ?

I don't know about windows melting.
There's also : 
Re: [Vo]:the desktop supernova - The Mail Archive
Points to :
2/22/12: A new NanoSprire
release states:
Nanospire has announced that its investigative study on fusion
created by cavitation in water has come to an end. 
It's good that they have stopped testing for now. During the nuclear
fusion reaction that occurred when they did their test, Hundreds of
wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are permanently burned
into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab. 
[ All references to that quote come back to this pieeconomics blog ]

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 01:49 PM 5/25/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
Hundreds of wave
trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are permanently burned into
walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab. 
Came from Le Clair himself, in response to Krivit

I have just spoken with Steven Krivit and I accept his gracious and
sincere apology. He points out that he feels we accomplished LENR, not
“fusion”. That’s fine, it is semantics as far as I’m concerned. I do
stand by my claim of fusion being triggered by the zero point energy
release in the experiment. It was supposed to be a hot water heater
powered by cavitation designed to extract zero point energy, the fusion
release was an unintended byproduct. I claim fusion because I observed
nuclear tracks and mass transmutation of the elements, confirmed by
SEM_EDAX. XPS and LA-ICP-MS (mass spec). We saw the presence of nearly
every element in the periodic table imbedded into a diamond matrix
covering the core of the experiment. The transmuted particles were so
radioactive they cooked the clear plastic dishes they were placed in
after the experiment. This stopped a week after the experiment, a clear
sign of short-lived isotopes, the mass spec anaysis confirmed this. Mass
spec is the gold standard and showed the transmuted particles followed
supernova isotope ratios (All 80 or so ratios were close to one) and none
resembled earthly abundances. All of this is hard to rationally explain
as other than being generated by nuclear fusion. There were other many
other profound effects we observed that were not subtle as well and
equally hard to explain. The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid
de Broglie Matter wave soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic
and followed the Jacobi Elliptic functions exactly, mostly in the form of
large doubly-periodic vortices. Hundreds of wave trains and vortices
appeared everywhere and are permanently burned into walls, objects and
trees surrounding the lab.
Mark LeClair,

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Le Clair is quoted:

 The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie Matter wave
 soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic and followed the Jacobi
 Elliptic functions exactly, mostly in the form of large doubly-periodic
 vortices. Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
 permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

Good heavens. It is amazing they survived.

Did they take photographs of these things? Did they preserve some of the
hundreds of samples of damaged wood and other materials from the
surroundings? If they did not take photos and samples, I doubt this account
is accurate.

Maybe I should not be so dismissive, since Fleischmann and Pons did not
take photos or preserve samples from their explosion. It was very stupid of
them not to. Very unprofessional. I said that to Martin, and he ruefully

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

Krivit elaborates on NASA and Larsen :
NASA and Widom-Larsen Theory: Inside

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread David Roberson

The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who remained in 
the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for bravery.

I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot to a 
wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the occurrence was not better 

Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?


-Original Message-
From: Jed Rothwell
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, May 25, 2012 5:17 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

Le Clair is quoted:


The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie Matter wave soliton 
wave packages that were doubly periodic and followed the Jacobi Elliptic 
functions exactly, mostly in the form of large doubly-periodic vortices. 
Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are permanently 
burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

Good heavens. It is amazing they survived.

Did they take photographs of these things? Did they preserve some of the 
hundreds of samples of damaged wood and other materials from the surroundings? 
If they did not take photos and samples, I doubt this account is accurate.

Maybe I should not be so dismissive, since Fleischmann and Pons did not take 
photos or preserve samples from their explosion. It was very stupid of them not 
to. Very unprofessional. I said that to Martin, and he ruefully agreed.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Axil Axil

the pictures from LeClair are in the comments section of this blog.

Cheers: Axil

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Le Clair is quoted:

 The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie Matter wave
 soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic and followed the Jacobi
 Elliptic functions exactly, mostly in the form of large doubly-periodic
 vortices. Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
 permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

 Good heavens. It is amazing they survived.

 Did they take photographs of these things? Did they preserve some of the
 hundreds of samples of damaged wood and other materials from the
 surroundings? If they did not take photos and samples, I doubt this account
 is accurate.

 Maybe I should not be so dismissive, since Fleischmann and Pons did not
 take photos or preserve samples from their explosion. It was very stupid of
 them not to. Very unprofessional. I said that to Martin, and he ruefully

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Chemical Engineer
Reads like the catalyst may have been
*Lysergic acid diethylamide*
*On Friday, May 25, 2012, David Roberson wrote:

 The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who
 remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for

 I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot to
 a wild science fiction movie.  What a shame that the occurrence was not
 better documented!

 Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?


  -Original Message-
 From: Jed Rothwell javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 To: vortex-l javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 Sent: Fri, May 25, 2012 5:17 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube

 Le Clair is quoted:

 The experiment gave off powerful crested cnoid de Broglie Matter wave
 soliton wave packages that were doubly periodic and followed the Jacobi
 Elliptic functions exactly, mostly in the form of large doubly-periodic
 vortices. Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are
 permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab.

  Good heavens. It is amazing they survived.

  Did they take photographs of these things? Did they preserve some of the
 hundreds of samples of damaged wood and other materials from the
 surroundings? If they did not take photos and samples, I doubt this account
 is accurate.

  Maybe I should not be so dismissive, since Fleischmann and Pons did not
 take photos or preserve samples from their explosion. It was very stupid of
 them not to. Very unprofessional. I said that to Martin, and he ruefully

  - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

 the pictures from LeClair are in the comments section of this blog.

Thanks. Not many photos there. Only one, it seems. I do not know what to
make of it. Ed Storms is quoted:

I examined the material sent by NanoSpire and saw nothing unusual. I have
no reason to doubt the experience they claim, but I have no reason to
believe it either. As for the theory, it makes no sense based on my
understanding of science.

That is sensible.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Axil Axil
LeClair has observed the generation of *Protonated Water Clusters* in the
plasma of the collapsing cavitation bubble. This nanomaterial is a
topologic material that concentrates positive charges; most probably
superconductive and quantum mechanically coherent at the tip of the

It is this charge concentration that reduces or cancels the coulomb barrier.


*The following doctoral thesis characterizes **Protonated Water Clusters.
These clusters are formed around positive ions. *

* *


* *

*Thermal properties of clusters and molecules*

* *

*- Experiments on evaporation, thermionic emission, and radiative cooling*

* *


* *

*Department of Physics*

*University of Gothenburg*

* *

With the strength of the coulomb barrier greatly lowered or completely
down, the energy of the bow shock wave only needs to be equal to or greater
than the endothermic energy levels needed to transmit elements over the
atomic number of iron.

Storms is correct in his observation that the nuclear fusion process is “novel
and unexpected”. The neutron production levels needed to transmute
trans-iron elements is not produced since LeClear is still alive after
exposure to his reaction.

This proton based type of transmutation has been seen in exploding foil
experiments and is a LENR reaction.

There is a good chance that the LeClair effect has been seen before is
these exploding foil experiments conducted in water. The electric spark
would have produced a collapsing cavitation bubble identical to that seen
in the LeClair experiment.

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 5:43 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Axil Axil wrote:

 the pictures from LeClair are in the comments section of this blog.

 Thanks. Not many photos there. Only one, it seems. I do not know what to
 make of it. Ed Storms is quoted:

 I examined the material sent by NanoSpire and saw nothing unusual. I have
 no reason to doubt the experience they claim, but I have no reason to
 believe it either. As for the theory, it makes no sense based on my
 understanding of science.

 That is sensible.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-25 Thread Eric Walker
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

  the pictures from LeClair are in the comments section of this blog.

I know very little about Mark LeClair or NanoSpire.  The main thing I
conclude from the photographs in the comments is that the lab is not clean
and that contamination of any experiments seems likely.


Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-24 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-05-24 12:57, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Here's a related blog post by Dennis Bushnell (Chief Scientist, NASA 
Langley Research Center). I don't know exactly how recent this is, but 
I've never seen it linked before:


Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-24 Thread pagnucco
The Page Info states -
Modified:  Wednesday, May 23, 2012 3:36:53 PM

I am not sure if that means it was uploaded at that time.

 On 2012-05-24 12:57, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
 Hello group,

 Here's a related blog post by Dennis Bushnell (Chief Scientist, NASA
 Langley Research Center). I don't know exactly how recent this is, but
 I've never seen it linked before:


RE: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-24 Thread Finlay MacNab

The device shown in the video is depicted in slides 20,21,22 of Zawodny's pdf 
presentation that NET obtained through the FOI request.
The experiment is significant because it elegantly allows the direct 
observation of cold fusion without complicated calorimetry or controls.  The 
Zawodny slides imply that direct measurements by IR camera have been made of 
terahertz radiation induced cold fusion with insitu control tiles directly 
adjacent to active tiles.  If that is indeed what Zawodny has achieved it is 
a slam-dunk experiment that is extremely difficult to refute.
I wish more details of his observations were available.

 Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 12:57:56 +0200
 Subject: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video
 Hello group,
 This is via ecatnews [1] / NASA Langley RC YouTube Channel [2]
 Joe Zawodny informally speaks again about his group's recent 
 developments on LENR and future applications/implications. Widom-Larsen 
 theory cited, new very small scale test device shown.
 This video appears to have been uploaded yesterday. Enjoy:
 NASA LaRC | Abundant Clean/Green Energy

Re: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video

2012-05-24 Thread Axil Axil
To avoid being laughed at and eventually fired, the people at NASA need a
politically correct theory to legitimate their interest in cold fusion.

High energy and plasma physics and its conceptual spawn, the standard model
all say that the coulomb barrier is inviolate.

So how can NASA embrace the possibility of cold fusion and still be on the
right side of standard science? Well, just place credence and lip service
into a “weak force” based theoretical alternative to cover their interest
and their butt ends in a plausible conceptual framework.

Let us hope that NASA does not become myopic and self-delusional in their
blind adherence to this theory. The best course for them would be to
develop diagnostic tools in an open minded quest to see what is really
happening on the surface of the nickel lattice.

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Akira Shirakawa

 Hello group,

 This is via ecatnews [1] / NASA Langley RC YouTube Channel [2]

 Joe Zawodny informally speaks again about his group's recent developments
 on LENR and future applications/implications. Widom-Larsen theory cited,
 new very small scale test device shown.

 This video appears to have been uploaded yesterday. Enjoy:

 NASA LaRC | Abundant Clean/Green Energy

